navybrat817 · 5 months
Do you think Bucky would be possessive if you aren't his girl?
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Nonnie, I think you forgot a word at the end of your question.
You aren't his girl yet.
But imagine Bucky is sitting at a table and a few agents are sitting there as well. He tries to block out the chatter, until one of them mentions your name. Followed by his.
"Barnes, you hitting that?"
Which would have him seeing red. Because he wants to fuck you, yes. He also wants to give you the care you deserve. He wants you to be his completely.
"If you're asking if she's my girl," he says as calmly as he can manage, "No."
"So, I have a chance," the agent smirks.
That look is quickly wiped away when Bucky takes a knife out of what appears to be thin air and drives it through the table as the chatter ceases. The blade is right between the agent's fingers. Miraculously, he didn't get cut.
The former Asset is that good.
"You didn't let me finish. She's not my girl yet. So, no, you don't have a chance."
But the question is, did you happen to walk in and witness the event or did word get around?
Love and thanks! ❤️
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l3viat8an · 5 months
Do you ever think about demons being a little confused about what gifts humans do and don’t like during ‘courting / courtship’ say MC LOVES getting jewelry (fairly standard counting gift across worlds) but when one of the demons gifts them a beautiful set of REAL still a little bloody eyeballs they scream and that’s just so confusing for the poor demons. 
CW: Gore mentioned (cuz like bloody eyeballs)
Especially Asmo and Mammon- but I’m gonna focus on Asmo for this <3
He always wants you to have the best of the best!!! He’s always gifting you the best jewelry, lovely new outfits, anything he thinks you’ll like he gives you in the hopes that you’ll understand just how much he cares for you. How often he’s thinking about you and what you like.
So when he overheard you telling another demon in class that his eyes are ‘such a beautiful color!’ well…..it’s only natural that he gets them for you!!!
Surely you’ll love them!!! Asmo takes extra care to clean the blood off the eyeballs, before he puts them in a adorable little pink gift box and leaves it on your bed, right where he always leaves your little gifts <3
You’ll love it!!! He can’t wait to hear you gushing about your new gift later!!! What he doesn’t expect is to hear you screaming, calling for whichever demon is closest to get them out of your room- why????
He put so much care into getting them for you!! he runs to your room and sees Beel taking the box away from you, telling you not to worry about it, he’ll take it away and Asmo wants to cry- what did he do wrong??? they really were beautiful eyes- you should love them!!!
Beautiful jewelry and clothes are fine but an even more thoughtful and important gift, he had to rip out himself isn’t??? It doesn’t make sense!!!
Why do humans have to be so damned confusing???
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beforeimdeceased · 2 months
i love ur fics sm!! its my bday today and i was wondering if u could do a drabble on fem reader riding ellies strap. i can just imagine ellie getting absolutely pussy drunk on the sight alone.
happy birthday beautiful angel!
you’re so right about her getting pussy drunk. she’d be in a daze, fucking drooling all over herself watching the way it slides in and out of your cunt, the slick coating on the strap plus the way you clench on it would drive her up a wall. hands gripping onto your waist, guiding your hips up and down and back and forth. letting out a low “atta girl.” that sounds like she choked back a moan to get it out.
and there’d definitely be moments where she bucks up into you just to hear you moan and watch your body fall into hers. hands gripping onto her shoulders for some sort of balance. barely being able to catch your breath because you feel so fucking good. and she lovesssss making you feel so fucking good. eyes low while she bites her lip.
“you look so pretty on top babe. why don’t you be a good girl and make a beautiful mess for me to clean up?”
all while her hand slips down to spread your slick all over your clit, rubbing teasing circles. pushing you closer to the edge.
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littlelioncub43 · 1 year
Eddie Munson is always in the mood for nasty, slutty hickies. Doesn't care where you are. If your neck looks especially delicious, he's going for it, and he expects you to return the favor.
You're damn right, he is
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With all that free relaestate 🤤
He makes time to give you hickies, weekly. As long as you're down and ok with it, the man is mouthing at your jaw nearly daily, it doesnt matter what you're doing. You could be washing your dishes, folding your laundry, or anything and he'll sneak up behind you, trap you in one of those intoxicatingly sweet back hugs and let his lips work their magic along your skin.
"Eddie, baby, what are you doing?"
"M'writing my name in hickies," he chuckles, "now, hush, I need to concentrate."
He has also totally cum in his pants from you giving him hickies. It was just a culmination of everything that was just too much, too perfect for him to take. You were in his lap, front seat of the van, going at him like a fucking feral animal and he was enjoying every second of it. He could feel you rutting into him, your hands caressing his jaw to hold his head to the side for you to kiss and suck and bite— he felt so exposed and vulnerable while also feeling unbelievably desired and consumed.
One well timed kiss/bite/suck combo to the special spot on his already marked up neck sent him to the Afterlife.
"JESUS CHRIST!" He arched his back, moaned like a wanton whore and then proceeded to cum in his pants. The way you cooed at him and cradled him to you did not help him at all, if anything it made him cum even harder.
But man, the look on Wayne's face when he sees the disheveled mess that is his nephew when Eddie comes home— priceless.
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wmnylander · 3 months
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Blueprint S9 E6: Papi
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rottenraccoons · 6 months
i think the boys chests would be very nice to sleep on. just being able to hear their heartbeat and relax with them might fix something in me
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lovecolibri · 2 months
Your tags about not settling for less than buddie and how fans of others couples are not expected to ABSOLUTE CHEF KISS. I’m NOT okay with anything else and I never will be, I will die on this hill idc lmao
Thank you! The tags in question
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I always thought it was such a refreshing thing with this show that when stuff came up like Hen cheating and Karen needing some time, or Bobby and Athena fighting, or Maddie leaving, the show didn't try to wedge in another love interest. ESPECIALLY with Maddie and Chim because in any other show, either she would have met someone in Boston who "helped her heal" and then she would "realize" she still loved Chim and break it off, or he would have spiraled after she left and met some hot single mom at like, a baby and me class or something and they would "bond" over being left. But the show didn't do that, because it was about the love story and getting the couple back together. And while it was certainly dramatic, it wasn't over the top everyone sleeping around dramatic.
So sorry for pointing out that the show has 3 established couples that have been around in some capacity from the start or in s2 forward, but Buck and Eddie get trapped with horrible LI drama all the time while THEIR actual relationship mirrors the other three couples. Like, no I'm not gonna settle for less.
ALSO!!! If, as everyone claims, they're fine with Buddie being besties if they get a "fully fleshed out" partner for either one of them, that means a) less screentime for the other main characters, and b) less screentime for BUDDIE. Remember s5 when KR had Buck sequestered in that tomb of a loft with Tay Kay and he wasn't ever allowed to talk to Eddie about how he was feeling? Yeah.
They are never going to be able to build up credible LIs for either of them without taking the majority of those deep, meaningful "I know you better than anyone else" scenes from Buddie and giving them to the LIs. Otherwise they're just going to be blury background partners and for one, we all deserve to watch an epic love story and for two, those characters DESERVE to have an epic love story.
Sorry I don't want to pretend it would be worth it to see it happen with anyone else, especially when they are already perfect for each other 🤷🏻‍♀️
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foreverdolly · 3 months
psychoticness aside, feyd is so cute in savage bonds pt3 hdhhshdhj protective feyd >>>>
does he have a strong moral compass? no… not at all. does he find murder wrong?…. also no.
but if there’s one thing he does know it’s that: hurt wife = protect until everyone around her is dead.
i’m so glad you guys are liking protective feyd because there’s going to be a lot of this trope in the fic. your man is constantly out for blood.
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blighted-lights · 1 month
bless you for that cyclonus and whirl art, i rarely see art of just the two of them 🥺 its so wonderful, i love their expressions!
awhhh thank you nonnie, that means so much 🥺!!! thank you for spending the time to send this to me <33
im a BIG cywhirl fan, and i'll likely be making much more art of them in the future!! along with some possible fic hehe. until then, have another sketch of them, just for you!
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darkestspring · 11 months
Will you please do a part 2 of jace kidnapping reader and making her his wife!
Love your writing! 💕
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PART I || PART II (you are here!)
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Jace was fully aware that was he was doing would start a war, that it was wrong, to anyone who had a single braincell but he didn't care. He didn't care about the arguments his mother made, about the arguments his grandmother made, both in Princess [NAME]'s behalf. He had been in love with her since he could remember.
"Why should I restrain myself? He argued in return. "I have adored her since I was a child. She is the only one I want to marry and yet, I have been denied of what I wished the most? Targaryen's take what they want, so I did just that."
Daemon hid his smile behind his hand as he soothed his wife. "The boy is right, Targaryen's take what they want."
Rhaenyra was at a loss of words for what to say to both her son and her husband and she dismissed Jace as she felt her own headache coming on. She needed to settle this situation as soon as possible with Alicent.
When Jace entered the chambers that his beloved princess was temporarily staying in, she didn't turn to even look at him, her gaze firmly on the castle she had always been in that stood in the distance.
Her mind was still struggling to grasp the situation at hand.
'Not a prisoner.' Jace's voice in her mind contained so much adoration that it made her sick. 'My wife.'
That was worse. If she was a prisoner it would have been better but his wife? The wife of the boy who had followed her around incessantly and bullied her beloved brother? she would rather cut out her own heart.
"my love." Jace breathed out, walking closer to her only to stop when she turned to glare at him.
"You may hold me hostage, you may forcefully believe me your wife, but do not call em your love, you know nothing of love." She hissed, raising from her place.
"I do, you have always awoken such feelings in me."
she wanted to laugh until she cried and she felt nothing but numbness as she let him hold her hands, letting his thumb run over her knuckles with such tenderness.
"You- You cannot keep me here. My brothers won't stand for this. Nor will my mother, the queen!" She ripped her hands out of his. She desperately wanted to understand what he was thinking. Why would he do this? Why now? Why....?
No matter how much she thought about it, she still couldn't understand him.
"I know, but none of that will matter anymore when we get married. We will be bound by fate, as we have been since we first met." His voice was so soft, so fond.
"It's not fate, it's your own doing." her voice was weakened, like she was fighting off his words to reassure herself.
"Whether it was fate or my own doing matters not, sweet girl." His thumb ran across her cheek. "I will be your husband and there's nothing your brothers or your mother can do about it. Targaryen's take what they want, regardless of the costs, and I will."
Her fate had been sealed on that sunny day when they had first met and nothing could undo it, after all there's nothing more dangerous than a Targaryen in love.
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navybrat817 · 1 month
I know most people picture Winter Soldier as someone who doesn't talk much, but what if he did talk a lot?
What if his mission wasn't just to kill Steve and Co., but tear apart any reinforcements from the inside, nonnie?
TW: Choking, verbal abuse, angst
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You claw at the metal hand tightening around your throat as he leans in, his cold eyes watching as you try to breathe. You put up a good fight. At least, you thought you did.
"Look at you? Can't get yourself free. Pathetic."
Tears sting your eyes as your back arches, but he keeps you down. You're not sure if the tears are from his words or the lack of oxygen. "Pl-"
"Not good enough. Strong enough. You're not one of them. You never were."
Sure, you weren't a super soldier like Steve or a badass like Natasha, but you still... You were still...
"They'll replace you tomorrow. They won't avenge you," he continues, his voice oddly serene as you try in vain to breathe. No, they were your team. They care about you. "You'll be lucky if they shed a tear before they move forward."
Your eyes flutter. Your chest aches. Is this the end? It can't be.
"They didn't save me. They won't save you. You're nothing to them. You're. Not. Worth. It."
A tear slides from the corner of your eye.
"They won't miss you."
Your grip on his wrist starts to go lax.
He leans in close enough that his breath touches your lips, like he's feeding you air. "They won't even remember your name."
Something inside you cracks when you look into the abyss of his eyes, your body going limp under his. He's right. They don't save you. You can't save yourself.
That's when he lets go.
Your inhale is loud, painful. You hold your throat as you cough, but he doesn't let you roll away. No, he won't let you get away so easily.
He tilts his head as your vision goes back to normal, your heart thudding when he presses a hand against your chest. "It isn't time for you to die," he says, wiping away a stray tear. "It's time for you to join me."
"Let's burn the world," he whispers. Together."
He stands and offers you his hand.
Will you take it?
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So...yeah. That happened.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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Hi! Do you have any good abo ot8 skz fic recommendations? Thank you!
I have quite a few great skz!abo recs, but not a whole lot of ot8.
Here's a few I absolutely loved though and reread often!
And they called it puppy love by kyunteez
Throw me to the wolves by sunstorms
Skz omegaverse by 8bitskeleton
Terms and Conditions Apply by hwangism
Hoodie Season, Adopt don't shop by catsonthewindowsill
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moonkhao · 9 months
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I must do something. What are you doing? Warn him. To stop this behavior. Ever since he's with Ray, he's been drinking every day. He skips classes. He doesn't take my calls. He doesn't listen to my freakin' warning. A good boy has turned into a shitty one. But you can't do that. Why can't I? I'm his friend. You are but you don't own his life.
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littlelioncub43 · 1 year
i'm so glad tech tuesdays are back!
thought: what if you caught kurt kunkle sneakily livestreaming sex with you, and you decided to let the viewers choose if he gets to cum or not?
Ooooh hohohohohohohohoooo 😈 yes
He's so gross. Let's fuck him.
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He really thought he could get away with it. Like, honest to God. He didn't think you'd notice his laptop webcam light on, especially with the screen brightness all the way down. The moment you did a double take at the oddly angled laptop, Kurt knew he was fucked. And he meant literally fucked.
You stopped your bouncing the moment you saw the little green light, your head cocking to the side as you stare at the completely dark screen. Kurt is still under you, gasping and trembling (he was trembling the whole time but now you can tell it's for a whole new reason).
"W-wait—" he stutters and tries to sit up.
"Shut up," you spit and force him back down with a firm hand on his throat. He whimpers when his back hits the mattress, his cock throbbing from how tight your grip is on his neck.
You pay him no mind as you lean over and turn up the brightness. Lo and behold, it's streaming. Countless messages flooding the chat as you realize how long it's been streaming. Nearly 2 fucking hours.
"I'm didn't-I'm sorry," he whines, sounding close to tears. Again, you ignore him, instead opting to read a few messages to yourself. Your silence scares the shit out of Kurt but he couldn't help the way his cock seems to get even harder in his fear. He tries to speak again, but you tighten your grip on his throat, his breath now a gentle wheeze.
"I said shut up, Kurt," you look down at him now, anger pouring out of your eyes, noticing how Kurt tries to rut up into you on instinct. You glare down at him for a moment, thinking about what to do with him while you watch his face turn a soft shade of pink. With a smirk, you start grinding in slow circles on his cock, drawing a thin whine from the boy underneath you.
"You were being such a good boy, Kurt," you tsk at him with a disappointed frown, "I was going to let you cum inside me," he whines brokenly at that, his face crumpling, "but now I don't know if you deserve to cum at all."
"M'sorry! I-I — please! I'm so sor-sorry! Please!" He cries, his eyes watering even more.
"Do you think begging will help you?" You coo mockingly, bringing your lips to brush against his cheek, giving the sweaty skin soft kisses. "Poor, dumb, baby," you whisper before forcing him to look at you, letting him fill his lungs with air again, "it's not up to me whether you cum or not."
You force his face to the side to watch the chat, a constant stream of messages flood the screen.
Don't let him cum!
He doesn't deserve it!
Make him cry 😏
Edge him, it'll be soo hot!
Fuck him faster
You see his brown eyes get even bigger when he reads some of the chats. Kurt was already desperate for his release, he needed to finish or he might actually die. The tears that built up in his eyes finally spilled over with a soft sob.
"Oh n-no! Please! I wan-need it! Need to cu-cum, please!" He cries, his hands clawing at your hips that keep their tortuous pace, trying to speed you up. You giggle and turn him back to face you, your hips now bouncing quickly, blubbering apologies and whore-ish moans pouring from his open mouth.
"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
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total-dxmure · 4 months
ngl im lowkey excited for cult ellie there’s nothing that i love more than unhinged characters like yes please baby kill all those people in my honor while you sing my name like a prayer 🧎‍♀️🤰
i’m super super excited to post! my plan is to have “marley and me” chipped down to the final few chapters before i finally post the first chapter of “sanguinarian”. i don’t want to have too many series going at the same time. i excel when it comes to dark romance or anything relatively “gore-esque” or spooky, so i’m super excited for you all to read it!
and yes! you get itttttt. morally grey characters have always been and always will be my kryptonite. there’s just something super sexy about a woman that isn’t afraid to kill, maim, or ruin others in your honor. plus ellie is going to be super possessive and territorial in this fic, and it’s great.
one bed trope, ellie has never been shown kindness in her entire life- girl is as tight as a rubber band and ready to snap. the sexual tension (and she doesn’t even quite understand what that really means) is going to be out the roof.
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marvelsswansong · 7 months
"how about the entirety of panem" GIRL IM ON MY KNEES🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
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this is lowkey the coriolanus I was channeling for the ending of the fic, ngl
sksksks so glad you loved loveisck, posessive Snow as much as me nonnie. safe to say this means y'all would like more of him in future fics??? writing more as we speakkkkk 😖❣️✨
-> read "melting snow" here
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