#system log
cobalt-goat · 15 days
Be kind to the therians in your life who don't have the physical ability to quad
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brbuttons · 7 days
the Kensingtons: don't listen to copyrighted music on stream; it mutes the VODs.
the Sinclairs, both separately listening to oldies and getting half their VODs muted: oh I love this song!!
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cookiecannibal · 11 months
you may call it gender but i call it the overwhelming urge to look like a graskip character
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aroacebunny · 3 months
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happy talking heads keemit friday
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majinbangus · 2 months
Always obsessed with how Farah lunges at him and how Price was READY to hold her back
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mecachrome · 3 months
oscar is a pedant who spent 10 minutes trying to teach fred how to say the word waffles and he's chronically online enough to have seen a majority of f1 memes and remember all the times his facial expressions have been turned into memes and the ethos of his character is generally that he's unerringly independent and self-assured and doesn't believe in idolatry, but he'll also patiently indulge lando when he takes an eternity to construct one single barely-comprehensible sentence, drop everything at a moment's notice to do anything lando asks him to do, continue staring at him like he's hung the moon despite the fact that he could avoid the Heart Eyes Piastri characterization by simply Not doing that, expend an unnatural amount of energy on validating all of lando's quiz answers and changing his own opinion whenever possible to match his, and last but not least say things like "where's lando? my teammate's abandoned me" "i guess kind of lando in some ways" and "i don't want to keep saying lando but he's the one i know the best, soo.... lando." and things of that nature
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the-bagelbitch · 6 months
in light of recent events, here’s something we may often forget:
You can be a queer person and ALSO BE A PIECE OF SHIT.
Queerness (and/or any other minority status for that matter) does not exempt you from contracting Being a Shitty Person Disease. There are so many good queer people out there and you should support them instead of shitwads like James Somerton.
That is all :)
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mxi-88 · 1 year
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gave into my cringe urges this week
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aliteratepenguin · 4 months
"I was as indifferent to human gender as it was possible to be without being unconscious" mb is such a mood
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enjolrasapproves · 4 months
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this is what you see seconds before alice tells you a pun
[click for quality]
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waterme-stories · 3 months
Wild to me that there are ship wars for Interview With The Vampire when, as a teen, The Vampire Chronicles were some of my first exposure to non-monogany.
Obviously it wasn't perfect. I mean, Lestat/Louis/Claudia is a textbook example of "relationship broken, add more people (oh no now it's even more broken)," and "not every Vee should become a Triad." If you've ever experienced the drama of an incestuous non-mono community where everyone's dated everyone... those books all get a little too real. There's backstabbing, jealousy, domestic abuse, and more murder than I personally prefer in my own polyamory 😅
But there's also "we belong to each other, why would anything we do with other people affect that?" There's "let's find out what it looks like to be with someone for the rest of my life (or theirs)." The idea that relationships have value even if they don't last forever. That romantic relationships aren't inherently more important than platonic ones. The idea that you can hold multiple people in your heart at the same time, that there's room for everyone. That the relationship escalator (dating > marriage > kids > death) isn't the only (or best) way to have significant, committed relationships.
They introduced the concept of comet relationships to my baby brain more than a decade before I would learn the actual term--those people you don't see for months or years but as soon as you see them it's like no time has passed (a personal favorite for my ADHD ass).
Like, when I say those books changed my brain chemistry, I mean that my silly little self-insert Mary Sue OCs went from "marry my fictional crush and be with them forever" to "what if they only saw each other once or twice a year but it was still incredible" and "what if she was married but also had a vampire lover and everyone was chill about it (and also she was a rock star)" and "what if they all lived in one big house together" and/or "what if lived by herself and found that fulfilling" and "what if men and women and ???" That shit was formative. Some of those little daydream OCs live in my brain to this day.
Idk man. I don't have much patience for ship wars anyway (and I'm scratching my head about people getting upset about canon relationships being, you know, canon). But with TVA especially, my brain simply cannot comprehend it in a monogamous framework.
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cobalt-goat · 1 year
This morning's thought:
Which flavor of Doctor Robotnik/Eggman am I?
Oh hell let's put it to a poll
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brbuttons · 3 days
So let's begin.
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anti-endo-haven · 2 days
Making a silly term that 🌌🌲 made me think of while having a conversation.
Accemeleon / Accenmeleon (can’t pick between a term name, taken from accent and chameleon):
A headmate who holds an accent from an area they’ve grown up in or moved to as a means of blending in. This can be to help the body pass without worry or simply because the headmate(s) have picked up on the accent or dialect.
I can’t make flags but have a term?
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the more i think about it the more i'm convinced jeong jeong would've fit in perfectly in natla. all the adults do in that show is tell aang to stop being a reckless kid and do his duty to the world (even though we're never shown any instances of him goofing off) and jeong jeong's whole thing of yelling at aang about discipline would fit right in with that. like they made a show where adults lecture a twelve-year-old and removed an adult whose entire episode is him lecturing a twelve-year-old
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c6jpg · 22 days
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mixed feelings because on one hand damn the mad lads did it on the other hand this is barely gonna do shit in the grand scheme of things with how slowly resin regenerates
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