#tagging just in case I dont want this post to stress anyone out
zeloinator · 7 months
My old dog Tibby isnt doing so good the past couple days, he’s at the vet now but I’m so worried he’s going to be have be put down (hes at the vet now) so I wanted to share some of the pictures I have of him here, he’s the happiest old man you’ve ever seen~
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(The brown lab is Boo his little brother)
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potatomountain · 1 month
Important for Case: It's You readers and if you're on the taglist
Reposting this and pinning it to my page (goes for all fics tbh) IMPORTANT UPDATE: I will cap at 100 names for the taglist and will start deleting names i cannot tag. I may start checking interaction, and might delete names if there is no interaction from anyone on the taglist (likes, reblogs, comments) I work hard on this fic and i like to see it appreciated but over 50k words so far and hours of my free time getting so little appreciation? I would rather do so for those that do appreciate my work thank you <3 For those that do interact, that reblog, and especially those that geek out of this fic, I appreciate you more than you know <3 This fice is now as much for you as it is for me. I don't even care if its just a reblog or a comment that says "I like this" because that alone means the world to me. I don't HAVE to post. I don't have to work hard on this. I don't have to give up my free time and stress over updating but I do because of those that DO appreciate it. So if you're going to ask to be on the taglist, interact pls. I don't have to tag you when i post. i dont have to go out of my way to make sure you can find this. Especially if you dont want to reblog or comment or take the two seconds to let me know you like my work.
Sincerely, Doom (potatomountain)
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voidzphere · 23 days
🧡🧡🧡Hello!!!! i was a big fan of yours for a while now! Over time Ive grown to be concerned by the amount of stories i hear from…No pressure to read or respond, but i did want to open a door to hear from you about this as i’m concerned. I’ve been told i should be careful about interacting with you (i already have been interacting for a while now) but i’m honoring that concern until i (maybe-?) get an answer or just, confirmation that it’s safe
(Again no pressure!!)
A lot of circles talking about how much harassment they’ve (or people they know or witnessed) received from either you or your friends…
Especially in regards to hit lists that floated in the past? Talk of doxxing? Rumors being spread? Gossiping to people? Callouts on people who don’t associate with the things they are being called out on?
I hope it’s not true i would like to think you’re as chill and easygoing as you portray most times. A lot of people including myself look up to you this kind of…sucks to hear /gen/not accusatory /is there a tag for that lol🧡
I’ve interacted with you freely until recently and now i’m hearing stories that are indicative of you being unsafe and i hope that’s untrue
I’m genuinely so appalled by a lot of these stories and it confuses me because these are people i love and trust a lot and several separate people have had the exact same stories to tell
(These are people who are also disgusted by problematic content on a personal level, in case that’s relevant, i am very careful to not interact with dangerous people or toxicity)🧡🧡🧡🧡(ig either way allegations of doxxing and harassment would be bad but it’s especially heartbreaking to hear from people who’ve done nothing wrong)
I haven’t seen those posts myself but have grown to be concerned. The people who have talked to me about these things are really down to earth people kind people and i couldn’t imagine them being accused of things or threatened?
I could understand if they were creeps but…I wouldn’t expect to hear that from them.
Was wondering if you could offer some insight on this. If not that’s alright as it’s your life and this is an anon ask🧡🧡
I’m just growing to be increasingly concerned and kind of appalled by how much stress and upset is surrounding your user name behind the scenes, Id like to think it’s a misunderstanding or something!
Either way, take care of yourself and have a nice day or night voidz!! ^_^🧡 /all love
-greenery anon
first off dont call me "voidz" thatz not my name
second, itz really funny to me how these said people are sayin that im spreadin rumorz n shit when they are also question mark ? if theyre talkin shit abt me that countz as gossipping and spreadin rumorz
the "hit list" thing is ancient as fuck and i havent even thought about it since then. either way, it wasnt even me who did any of that. there are multiple postz explaining that, if you bothered looking ‼️‼️
and like ive said a million timez before, i am strictly anti-harassment and will never tolerate any of that. if anyone doez i suggest they leave my page.
if i see one more person bring up any of this shit on my page im literally blocking you like im not kidding
srry if i sound passive aggressive or upset thatz cuz this was such a long time ago n im so sick of hearin this !!
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pisboy · 11 months
as a fellow alopecia haver would you mind if i asked a few questions about how you cope with it? like, do you wear hats or wigs or do clever hairstyles to hide it or do you just let it show? ive tried pills and scalp shots and nothing is reversing mine. im only 26 and i feel like this is the worst thing to ever happen to me and i dont know what to do about it. nobody even thinks balding women exist. nobody considers how it is to actually be one. im so scared no one will ever like me or find me cute again. i used to think i was so cute. this sucks so bad.
For me the back of my head around the nape and up to nearly the top of my scalp has never grown hair, not even when I was born. My father also has alopecia areata and he has a few golfball-to-coin sized patches he loses and regrows at a random basis. So I've had my entire life to contend with hair loss and family that was familiar with it, so I sympathize so incredibly hard to women who develop it later in life. It is probably mortifying.
So yeah, shots and pills and balms and oils and etc have never worked for me. I also lose hair at random basis around the rest of my scalp, mainly around the margins of my crown (losing my bangs) and the sides of the back where I already do not grow hair. I also lose half my left eyebrow on a regular basis. If you go far back enough in my #me tag I've posted what it looks like. I also preface some of my advice might not be helpful if you have afro-textured hair, but I will recommend someone who will be extremely helpful in that respect.
Also I hope you don't mind me doing a shotgun blast of advice but maybe my experience will help someone
Things that worked for me:
I've always been flipping my part as my hair cycles in a growth/loss state for my bangs. Low pony tails tend to hold better than high ones in what is essentially a clever combover. Uhhh and always keep a hair tie around in case there is wind lol I always get self conscious when there's a breeze.
This is kind of vague and probably shitty advice but I've noticed over the years I lose hair when I am stressed, so I've had to make the call (in addition to other factors) to quit jobs that really strain me and I've noticed improvement in hair growth. So depending on your circumstances I say make some effort to reduce your other stress factors while you go through figuring it out. This shit is literally traumatizing.
This thing here is basically a pepper shaker for keratin bits that can color-fill in patches of missing (or really tiny short baby) hair. I can only speak as a brunette but it works pretty damn good as some camouflage for your skin poking out where you can't cover it. Do note it kind of has an ashy texture so it's something to wash out at night like makeup. Scalp makeup lol.
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Hats are good. I wore trucker hats for most of my teen years, but I don't wear them much anymore, especially being out of the stress of school. However - a piece of advice from a mentor of mine, Jamie Elmore, is to call hats, bands, scarves, wigs, anything under an umbrella term "accessory." It's kind of corny but sometimes conceptualizing these things that way helps coping with the impulse of a world that demands you hide your hair loss and another where you can freely express yourself without fear of judgement. Anyway, I recommend looking her up, she has a magazine and works hard for the alopecia community, particularly for black alopecians.
Oh yeah if you can find those hippy chick silk hair bands that have the elastic around the back, I love those. Regular bandanas are also good.
Uhhh shorter hair also tends to weigh and pull less, which I think everyone has varying sensitivity to, but to anyone considering a bob, why not might help lol. I also lose my hair in the largest amounts in the shower, so like, if you develop a weird complex about showering I know allllllll about it.
I have tried partial wigs, which are custom cut out and adhered to your head, and it's nice if you want to do hairstyles you otherwise could not, but it's high maintenance, very itchy, and gets gummy after about a week.
But yeah it's been a very slow and steady process to get used to going out in public without putting effort in camouflaging my alopecia, and that mostly has to do with tuning people out. The existential stuff gets personal so I save those conversations for a 1-to-1. *Holds you by the shoulder* we are all coping out here.
I look at that sword of Damocles hanging over my head and if my scalp gets wiped out beyond all sidepart repair, I'll go full wig-wearing. I once had a hair stylist who was giddy at the idea of shaving my head when I explained it to her, which was comforting in a silly way.
Anyway, it's been years since I've dipped my toes into the greater Alopecia Community, the ones with all the acronyms, but there are NAAF chapter groups that you can meet and hopefully find people to connect with. I think you need to join an email group though. Anyway. For the longest time the only people I knew with it was just my dad and a cousin who had it for 1 year and never again and seeing a group of people with patchy/full baldness in person for the first time made me cry.
To end on a good note, there have been trials for JAK inhibitors (a treatment for many autoimmune disorders) having really breakthrough success rates at hair regrowth, but I haven't looked into it lately. Seems very promising. A lot better than cortisone shots in the scalp I figure, maybe worth the pain lmao
EDIT: i misremembered it being lupus medication, but it was actually Janus kinase inhibitor trials with success.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
heyyyy im making a pinned post as that is a feature and seems good to keep info all in one place esp for ppl on mobile
❤️im brave!! or rua works if u want to but brave is by far the most popular name i go by. he/him pronouns
❤️art commissions/art trades are NOT on the table rn sadly. i used to offer commissions and did art trades with friends but for the most part im really busy with work/health conditions. if i have a bit of free time i may change this or make a few exceptions on a case by case basis depending on my schedule. for the most part tho i just want my art to be a stress relief activity
❤️art requests i do take from time to time now, but there is no guaranty i will take it. please do not spam requests hoping i’ll do it and please do not get mad if i don’t do it. they’re requests for a reason. if i am particularly inspired i’ll be happy to get around to it if life lets me
❤️technically multifandom blog i would say, mostly i have been focused on the elder scrolls series lately. you will probably see me rb stuff from like, a bunch of series. if this changes i’ll prob edit this post LMAO (i do not control the special interest)
❤️not just an art blog but also personal. my art can be found in my #my art tag. wips can sometimes be found scattered on my twitter if they arent on here. and writing that i publish can be found on my ao3 (though i have like a million wips that dont get published and be warned much of my ao3 is rated E and not for everyone)
❤️ been doing a lot of oc posting so i can do a run down of them currently for anyone that wants to follow along/know the lore:
/// OCS ///
(under cut)
🌟 Eyja: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. past life incarnation was konahrik, alduin’s head priest, murdered by miraak. uses a bow and magic primarily. story can be found here
🌟 Senna: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. proud two handed weapon user and leader of the companions. fought and lost to the world eater who took her back to his den and make her his partner. proof prophecy can be a complicated thing. story can be found here.
🌟 Baldur: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, he/him. grew up on the streets stealing to survive, and certified trans of gender. fought and lost to the world eater who decided to force baldur to be his champion. helps him take over skyrim. story not yet published but will prob contain a lot of mentions of transphobia as a cw :(
🌟 Ansa: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. orphaned at a young age, and just a weird, feral child. learned to steal, and ended up joining the thieves guild. killed mercer and turned the guild over to karliah and is helping rebuild it when she finds a weird rock that turns out to be a dragon egg. story not yet published
🌟 Ahkrinaak: general elder scrolls oc, he/him/any pronouns. he is based off me as a sort of self insert/persona character purely for comedy, not a serious au. dragon/god who was corrupted in the war with lorkhan/shor and became more so an agent of lorkhan. he spends most of his time pretending to be a mortal and causing problems. he’s just sillay. looks like a falmer/snow elf and nord hybrid making pretty much everyone just in general uncomfortable. dragons dont have gender he just likes tits. divorced with alduin
🌟 Lyre: not a skyrim oc (yet) but my beloved dnd character i have made a million aus for, including one that has turned into a full on novel lmao. will update everyone when i start uploading the novel (its not gonna be too serious just a fun lil webnovel that is pg rate) and you can see me post illustrations for. depending on the AU uses either he/him or she/her. i just think theyre neat
🌟 Anthial: nerevarine bosmer, tired, angry, nb spellsword. he/them pronouns. just wants to cover their entire body until you cant tell what gender they are. vivec never got them the drink he owed them. was convinced as nerevar that voryn never liked them back all that much. had an open marriage with almalexia. this incarnation was emotionless and lacked a moral compass due to the betrayal in their past life.
🌟 Steren: nerevarine, technically. not actually the reincarnation of nerevar, but the reincarnation of nerevar’s son. nerevar never reincarnated bc he was too busy haunting his descendants, too upset to move on. steren has a couple of aus but mostly its him with vivienne the dragonborn who belongs to @mulberrycafe. calls voryn “ata” and nerevar “dad” because he technically grew up in cyrodiil but remembers his first lifetime in bits and pieces where voryn raised him for the first few years.
feel free to send asks abt my ocs i love answering them
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
i don't wanna try to like. idk, minimize the struggles of people with queerer genders than mine but like as a trans lesbian who follows a lot of men dni blogs. idk... if i say "men don't interact" i almost only ever mean like, genderstable cis binary men. like. it's not about wanting people to fit into very specific boxes it's a frustration with non queer people fetishizing lesbians, stealing content from us, repackaging our content for straight consumption. and i am plural in a single gender system so i both understand the system struggles and can't quite relate but. is it really that hard not to interact with a blog. i feel like there's an assumption that everyone's personal online space should be open to everyone and some people just don't want that. like there's other blogs. at the same time i feel like this is probably unconvincing. like if someone put "people who are cis straight men at all time dont interact" it wouldn't really fix the problem from the perspective of people who have an issue.
i guess it's just not about singling out a single gender and deciding anyone even slightly involved in that gender is evil, but about the recognition that there are people out there that have privilege over us, and have proven themselves incapable of not committing violence when we let them anywhere near us.
women dni doesn't make sense to me unless it's literally gay men trying to ward off fujoshis tho.
i get what u are saying! i think everyone is free to determine what the DNI is on their blog, and i think it's fine if u have personal reasons for wanting to do so. it's just good to keep in mind that it's the internet so a lot of ppl won't see that DNI, even if you include it in the body of a post, because a lot of ppl don't know what that means, even now, and if you don't include it in the body of a post, it can be deleted from tags, and most ppl don't check the OP of every single post they RB
moreso what i have an issue with is like. making ppl feel like they are not welcome in a space they rightfully belong in due to their identity as though it's the obvious answer. again, everyone is allowed to establish boundaries, and i don't think it's an issue to want to try to weed out folks that could potentially harm you, you can just end up shooting someone you like in the foot without realizing it. it's a hard balance to achieve unless u wanna have friends that are all within the same identity range in which case that's fine literally anyone is free to determine their boundaries on their blog
what i'm trying to stress is making sure ppl are expressing their boundaries in a clear and safe manner that doesn't make ppl feel like their identity is somehow a problem for every single person who shares the same identity cuz that's not the case! but again like. i'm literally not gunna tell someone else how 2 run their blog, like. i just block ppl that seem unnecessarily hostile, or if i think me identifying partially as a man and woman is gonna be a problem or what have u. i utilize the block button a lot, its honestly the only thing that makes this website navigable LOL
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evilspiritweek · 6 months
Hi! First of all, wanted to say that you are wonderful for still doing some little fun stuff for RC9GN fandom! I can't say how much I appreciate seeing the activity in the tag from you! Thank you.
Now, the reason I'm sending an ask, is I have a few suggestions/ideas that I wondered you might be interested to hear? If not, feel free to ignore this! ;D its totally cool.
You mentioned in the DTIYS post that you might be getting busy since the break is ending, and it got me thinking, maybe DTIYS could be extended for other artists? Like, if you are busy that week, or do not have an idea for DTIYS (or just dont feel like it, we all have those days lol), you can do a sort of 'feature artist for the week' to do a DTIYS drawing? I understand there might be a contacting/scheduling problem with that idea, but you can always just make a post/notice and see if anyone wanted to do this/next week DTIYS.
If you are worried about the complexity of the featured art, you can also make a list of requirement for DTIYS (like, only a single character, no/little background, props, themed and etc), so it would be relatively similar for everyone?
It also will give you an opportunity to participate in DTIYS too rather than just make it, if you wanted to! I kinda feel bad that you seem to do all the work, even if I know that you are doing it from love to this fandom haha.
Another idea I wanted to offer/discuss is the polls! I actually thought poll/episode bracket idea was a fun one, but i know its not the most favorite one. However, maybe it could be sorta implemented in DTIYS? Maybe a poll for a character/theme/episode-related idea for DTIYS people would want to see next week? It doesn't have to be constant polls every week, maybe just occasional if you do not feel particularly inspired that week, it could give you an idea?
I know that you started these new smaller events, because they were less stressful and urgent than prompt week/month, but still fun enough to engage with! If these ideas seems like too much worry/work, I totally get it.
Anyway, I wish you a good day! Thanks for reading.
(also ur art is ridiculously adorable ok bye)
Sorry for the delayed response!! You wrote a lot of good points and I wanted to make sure I addressed them all <3
The post was getting a bit long, so it's under cut. TL;DR I think I'm going to treat this year as a test run and then create a more formal one for next year! That will involve a Google Forum probably(?), but do note that one of the questions will be on a specific date. One problem I've found with events is the time they take place. Not planning on moving Ninjavember's month, but that for example is sandwiched between October/Inktober and December/Holidays/Finals, so it can get busy. Considering this is a new event, I want to give people in the fandom currently the freedom to kinda pick and choose when this might be done.
I think extending the DTIYS event idea to other artists is a great idea! I know that I started this rather suddenly without warning, so people weren't given a sooner notice, but if I do this again, I can perhaps create a forum for people to submit things to or have people submit things here. Nothing super formal (because organizing that might get messy), but that way it can feel a bit more like a community event :D
For this event, I'm kinda sort of just drawing by the week, so if anyone wants to submit stuff now, that's totally fine too! Worst case is we have more than 5 by the end of April, and that's definitely not a bad thing lol
As for complexity of DTIYS prompts, I wanted to keep it varied for fun, but I also think focusing on simple doodles is fine. At least then, it gives people more of chance to focus on their style first rather than figuring out how to draw a car or something (bane of my existence)
I also like your idea for polls, and perhaps if we do a more formal one for this next year, we can implement that.
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tadpolesonalgae · 10 months
ive seeing these anons giving advice and im glad we're all wondering why you aren't more well known. ive been reading acotar but it took me a while to find your blog and i really was surprised i hadn't found it sooner because you're a great writer and you also write a lot, so you should be on searches and stuff a lot. i thought it was because you wrote a lot of dark fics at first and that's not for everyone but you also write a lot of others so im not sure how you don't get way more notes on your fics. i think what the other anon said about interacting with other writers and im not familiar with the examples they gave tbh but yeah there's a few blogs that interact with each other a lot so you know they're friends (azsazz and acourtofthristandmen and more) but if you don't know them or you're not really good at/ want to you don't have to try to interact with them, i think you should bet on interacting with your audience more because that's what keeps people coming back. dont be afraid to post stuff on here either, this is your blog so you can post, especially asks because we do love seeing our asks answered and if people don't see their asks answered they might not keep sending them bc they're basically being ignored.
I mean, is there some setting I might need to switch on or off? It took me months to figure out how to link posts and even longer to discover the whole ‘read more’ thing so I wonder if there’s just a really obvious button that’s labelled “share work” or something and i’ve just entirely missed it 😭
‘so im not sure how you don't get way more notes on your fics.’
Thank you so much??? That’s such??? A lovely thing to say???
Honestly I’m very happy with how things are at the moment, like having people write in if they enjoy a fic, offering ideas, giving advice—I’d much rather keep things as they are than maybe having more notes on a fic but less people knowing this blog well enough to want to send in requests or talk?
I hope that doesn’t sound ungrateful or anything, it’s just that I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining I might not be getting enough because I genuinely I love how things are at the moment 🧡💛
‘ i think you should bet on interacting with your audience more because that's what keeps people coming back.’
Okay okay!! So!! I don’t know if this is a common thing other blogs do, but there are people I see interacting and I was thinking it would be fun to include you too? I know some people might find that stressful though and I don’t want to scare anyone off, but I thought it might be fun to tag some of you guys in those tag games? Solely because before I started writing, people who wrote fanfics seemed so far off in the distance and that is genuinely not the case, so I thought it might help people feel more comfortable in this space?
That is just an idea though, and I don’t even do tag games that often, so it wouldn’t be a regular occurrence or anything! :)
‘especially asks because we do love seeing our asks answered and if people don't see their asks answered they might not keep sending them bc they're basically being ignored.’
I’d like to clarify it’s not only not spamming things that makes me nervous to respond, but also because I don’t always know how much free time I’ll have in a day, so I often only have mornings to get to talk to people? I really hope no one feels ignored—generally if I haven’t answered something it’ll be because I simply didn’t get to find the time that day to get around to it? But I completely get that it can be discouraging to manage to send an ask in then it doesn’t get answered :/
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spamtonology · 2 years
Hii ive been lately thinking alot about spamton and how he views any romantic relationships, and dont get me wrong, i do myself like few spamton ships alot, but i think that spamton probably never had an actual experience with any romantic feelings in canon, or will in near future
Back in his addison and big shot days, he probably was too busy calculating, selling, and speaking to his phone friend to actually ever consider liking anyone, like yeah probably few Swatchlings made him go like 😮😮😮😮😮 and he was flirting with ladies (or maybe Even queen) on any types of parties, but in reality i dont think he ever truly thought about anyone in romantic way, yes he did think about being in relationship, but never got Close enough with anyone to actually concider it, because he had other goals to do first
And i dont think current spamton is any better, hes wayyyy too mentally unstable to be in a relationship, the only thing he really cares about at the moment is NEO, and hes way too much detached from reality, he would either have very bad sudden episode and run away from his "loved one" or use them to get to neo. Like i get all the "take spamton home take care of him" fics are made mainly for fluff, but spamton isnt really in his right mind after his downfall, and honestly that would certainly lead to very unhealthy relationship, where one is using another for his own needs and other one is treating him like a child/pet not knowing how to handle him
(But well, theres also post canon possibilities, but we have no idea how story can go and can only form headcanons for that, but if you'd like i would be very happy to write my own interpretation later ^__^)
I would love to hear others take on this idea too because When i first thought about it i was like omg thats actually not a bad idea. And wanted to share it but i was kinda shy lol
I don't know what you're trying to ask? If you have a blog of your own you could post this in the tag, don't worry about being shy, I understand. You wanted my opinion on the idea so I will discuss it.
Just a disclaimer, a lot of this is going to be headcanon on what I believe his life was like in the stages prior to canon. You are free to disagree with my headcanon as it's not correct, only my interpretation.
I think as an Addison he was relatively isolated and lonely (despite being with the other Addisons often...you can be in a friend group and still feel left out, I've been there), and often hammed up his own personality and ego to try to get attention and to stand out. He did develop a sort of insecurity complex as a result. He might have shown some interest/attraction to potential customers, but it never went anywhere beyond that, and his fellow Addisons would always catch their attention before he could anyway.
As a Big Shot, he's incredibly busy and overworked and stressed despite his otherwise luxurious new life, but masked it with unhealthy coping mechanisms, which didn't work well for him at all. He could seem outwardly charismatic and talkative to outsiders, but on the inside he would be struggling severely with himself, just a constant downward spiral until he finally snapped. In terms of relationships, he probably sought after people he thought he could trust his secrets with, namely Swatch if the Q&A is anything to go by. Queen's close proximity and party-going nature probably helped a lot with Spamton's forming of relationships even if it was probably confined to the mansion...Spamton to me feels like the type of guy who wanted to impress Queen as much as possible and show how truly good he is at his job, only later developing feelings for her and doubling down on that. Swatch is a special case, but I think his relationship with Swatchlings was more of mild intimidation that he tried to play off as disinterest/seeing the Swatchlings as, well, underlings.
I do not think it's fair to say he is too "mentally unstable" to be in a relationship...That almost feels insulting to him. I think I remember having a similar opinion before rescinding it because I realized it could be ableist. I think he is not completely detached from reality as this was the case with Jevil, rather I believe he is all too aware of the reality he is in and denies it vehemently so it may come off as being detached from reality in that context.
You are right that Spamton’s current character could lead to a tumultous and unhealthy relationship, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I really do not like the implication you made that it would be like trying to take care of a child or pet, but maybe I am misinterpreting your words. Many fanfictions do portray that sort of relationship which I detest and try to avoid at all costs. “Taking care of” Spamton is like taking care of an adult man with a history of severe mental illness. There are no fluffy cats or chubby babies here. That doesn’t mean fluff isn’t allowed, however. I absolutely love fluff with Spamton, and seriously mentally ill people do deserve respect and love like any other person. It’s just very important for me to make the distinction between this and taking care of a child or pet as it comes off as infantilizing and dehumanizing mental illness.
(Addendum that he is also a fictional character in a fantasy series and you can technically do whatever you want, but to many fans he hits close to home as well, and many mentally ill fans who relate to him probably wouldn’t want to be treated like a child or a pet either. When you are saying he is too mentally unstable to be loved, or that he must be taken care of like a child or pet, it might come off to other people that this is how you feel about mentally ill people, regardless of your intent.)
I apologize if I sound sour tonight, and may have misunderstood anything you said, please do clarify. I would like to hear your post-canon interpretations anyhow, even if I might disagree with them (and we can agree to a civil discussion, yes?)
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parkjiminxfloorpt2 · 2 years
get to know me 💫- thank you my bestie @bts-ify C for tagging me!! it really has been very long since i last played a tag game, ily!!
name: jans sign: Cancer (idk all that rising sun and moon things, im bad at zodiacs lmao) time: 7:28 PM IST birthday: July 10 fav band/artist: BTS, Conan Gray, and so many more lol last movie: this is embarrassing but, baby's day out last show- the kdrama called coffee prince, its one of my favs now!! when i created this blog- my first one was in the june of 2021, but this one was i guess november of last year :/ what i post- NOTHING. im not talented enough to create gifs, nor am i creative enough to write, so i do what i can, reblog <3 other blogs- none do i get asks- i used to..omg i remember my sexy whore anon..we used to talk almost every day!! i miss them so much, but rn, i get no asks hehe :) followers- all of them are my moots, my gorgeous pretty moots &lt;33 avg hours of sleep: 7-9 hours Dream job: okay please dont mind it if i get a little passionate here, BUT I LOVE THEATRE!! i love acting and performing on the stage. ive been into it since i was like 8 or smthg lol, uk its just smthg about drama that makes me feel alive.. so an actor it would be dream trip: i really wanna visit Paris atleast once <3 fav songs: counting stars, numb, astronomy, just one day, case 143 and soooo many more lol last song: (C WHAT A COINCIDENCE, MINES FROM INDIGO TOO!) still life, god im obsessed with that song currently reading- a jimin ff called silk sheets, its so well written <33 currently watching- the office :) when was the last time you cried?- hmm i guess last week..do you have kids- nah bro do you use sarcasm: a lot actually, so much to the point even if im saying something with no sarcasm, people think im just kidding, its annoying lol whats the first thing you notice about people: a tricky question, cuz theres a lot i notice..but maybe the way they communicate whats your eye color- black hehe scary movies or happy endings- id legit choose horror on any day. but got a soft spot for happy endings <3 special talents- idk really i guess i can make people comfortable around me.. what are your hobbies- baking!! tho im not good enough to do it by myself :/ where were you born- india do you have any pets- i really wanna adopt that stray ginger cat i see every morning in my apartment..ill just bring her home one day 🤭 what sports do you play- i TRY playing basketball, but i suck so bad fav subject in school- english. one of the easiest subjects 😚
honestly, this was stress-relieving!! really enjoyed writing it, thank you once again, C my beloved <333
tagging anyone who wants to do this!!
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viipertoxin · 30 days
intro post!!!
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ㅤ🦷ㅤㅤ⏵ welcome to my blog !! ㅤㅤㅤmastiffㅤ⋆ㅤ7teenㅤ⋆ㅤhe it lycan this is my main blog! ill post about whatever i want here.
ㅤㅤ/ got loads of therapy, and it turns out i’m still a bitch. \
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ㅤ📌ㅤㅤ⏵ abt me !!
ㅤㅤㅤ⇨ ㅤㅤ⋮ names ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ㅤlukas, luke, mastiff, or any kin-related names + nicknames.
ㅤㅤㅤ⇨ ㅤㅤ⋮ pronouns ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ he/him, it/its, lycan/lycans, mutt/mutts, fang/fangs, hy/hym, and any moon related emoji pronouns.
ㅤㅤㅤ⇨ ㅤㅤ⋮ gender ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ transmasc, demiagender, and lots of xenos.
ㅤㅤㅤ⇨ ㅤㅤ⋮ sexuality ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ gay, polyamorous (taken, not looking),
ㅤㅤㅤ⇨ ㅤㅤ⋮ interests ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ㅤtaxidermy, vulture culture, digital art, writing, wolrdbuidling, canine poetry, dark aesthetics, dogs + canids in general, blood aesthetics (no real gore), goth, grunge, and alt. fashion, monitor lizards, sharks, snakes, beetles, supernatural creatures & fantasy settings/theming, infodumping (if u let me :3)
btw i might edit this a lot over time,,, sry if its different each time u visit :>
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ㅤ📌ㅤㅤ⏵ speaking of a dni...
ㅤㅤㅤ⇨ ㅤㅤ⋮ basic stuff ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ㅤendos/non-traumagenics, proshitters + any other problematic shipping stuff, anti-therian/otherkin, racists + xenophobes, homophobes/transphobes + any exclusionists (terfs, transmeds, etc.), transids, rcta
ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ㅤanti neopronouns/xenogenders, r/fakedisordercringe mfs (that entire subreddit is full of misinfo and is built on poorly-disguised albeism, dont even get me started) + and anyone that thinks children/teens cant possibly have a debilitating mental disorder and/or physical disability solely bc they arent adults.
ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ㅤif u support certain therian creators such as Therian Territory, PDTherian, LycanTheory, and anyone associated with these people.
ㅤㅤㅤ⇨ ㅤㅤ⋮ personal specifications ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ㅤtcc + sh/ed blogs. nothing against yall (mostly) those corners really do just trigger ocd & stress symptoms for me. this also includes if u use REAL gore for ur profile aesthetics. idc about blood but anything else expect to get blocked on sight.
ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ㅤand anyone who associates with anyone that fits my dni/basic dni criteria in general. [ with certain subjects, there is a level of guilt by association if you choose to associate with bad people on purpose. only exception is manipulation/abuse cases obv. ]
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ㅤ📌ㅤㅤ⏵ before you interact...
ㅤㅤㅤ⇨ ㅤㅤ⋮ important ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ VERY anti-endo. free palestine + i stand with ukraine. passionate about my interests, kins, and theriotypes. WILL infodump if you let me. adhd, ocd, and pretty bad social anxiety - im trying my best but pls be patient (handle with care :,3). blunt/sarcastic way of speaking both in text and irl, will supplement with tone indicators only if asked.
ㅤㅤㅤ⇨ ㅤㅤ⋮ extra ㅤ♯ㅤㅤ≻ i block VERY freely on this site. if i see you are following certain accounts (especially those paraphilia [specifcally zoo] positivity accounts) i will block you for my own safety & mental health. i block for a reason, please do not evade just to ask why. pls just guess and call it a day.
thanks in advance :,3
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ㅤ📌ㅤㅤ⏵ my links <3
https://listography.com/satyrwulves <- kinlist https://toyhou.se/viipertoxin <- view my ocs (must be logged in sorry </3) https://viipertoxin.carrd.co <- cleaner about me n shit https://rentry.co/caninekennel <- idk i just made it cuz everyone else was. it leads nowhere u havent already visited (i dont have a lot of accounts lol).
#.caninekennel <- for my posts. will create other tags eventually but this is mine for now :3c
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cardboardclownery · 2 years
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Woaaaaaaah we got a special one today folks-
My dear buddy chum pal broski bestie asked me to teach it how i do my collage-y lookin art, and i figured i might as well make it available to anyone else who wants to know B]
Quick disclaimer: im not the best at explaining stuff, and also am not a professional or anything!! Listen to me or dont, these are all merely what i do when i make this kind of stuff-
Oh, and ill post the full spread im making here separately for anyone whos interested in that rather than this guide thingy :P
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Since i usually like making more cohesive spreads with a certain theme or subject, i like doodling potential drawings i could use in the spread before starting!! This is very much optional, but helps a bit in case youre worried about having no ideas when you go straight into drawing. You can even plan out where youre gonna put different drawings on the page if ya want!! :]
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After that, i rummage through my Trash Box for trash that matches my vision for the spread,, if ya catch my drift B]
For this one, since im making matching spreads for disposable girl and irreverent girl (weevildoing swag yknow yknow), i picked out some hot topic tags and stuff, a few tags from clothes that looked fitting, and a pretty bit of a pokemon tcg deck box i saved!! I mostly just went off of vibes and colors this time, but you can go off of whatever feels right when youre picking collage stuff -v-
Oh, and if you plan on trying out a lot of collage stuff, COLLECT SO MUCH TRASH. Find a bag, a box, anything to hold some fun looking wrappers and junk you could use. Be sure to clean anything used to hold food though, ants dont make good collage bits,, usually,,,
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Now, the natural next step: gluing that junk on!! Generally its good to have some sort of pattern for how you glue your base collage bits down, like sticking to certain parts of the paper, or making a shape, using a color sequence,, though just slapping stuff on until it works for you also goes pretty well in the end if youre into spontaneity! Just trust the process and go with the flow and all that-
Oh yeah, and collage includes more than junk yknow!! You can use different kinds of paper, stationary like sticky notes and stuff, anything to add some variety in texture BP
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Now for the fun bit!! Well, i find all the steps pretty fun, but the drawing part is probably the most fun for you lovely readers ;]
Not much to say here, just do whatever youd do with a typical drawing/page! I recommend trying to fill most/all of the spaces you left blank (if any) when gluing stuff down. Working around all the collage may serve as a challenge, but its not tooooo annoying once youve gotten a feel for it. You can also add some more collage here if you want -v-
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Finally, the second best part (in my humble opinion): the stickers!! I usually do this last, but the order probably doesnt matter? Just kinda,, put stickers on wherever!! Try layering them, or covering doodles with them, or making new pictures with them, go CRAZY WITH STICKERS!! You can also use some paint pens or gel pens to add a little pizazz,,
Once youve bedazzled to your heart’s content, you can add any other details and finishing touches you deem necessary, and v o i l a, youve got a collage!!
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Dont worry too much about things looking “right”! Ive found that art is a ton more fun when im not stressing out over how clean my work looks, its all about having fun and expressing yourself!! If something looks a bit wonky, or you think you glued something in a weird spot but cant change it, keep rollin with it! With collage in this style, mistakes are kinda part of the experience, so dont worry yourself too much if things dont go as planned
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Hope this was atleast somewhat handy!! Lemme know if you want another tutorial like this or something idk-
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cruelsister-moved · 3 years
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that seems like ur business honestly and also u somehow did like a full circle away from the point
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snowthedemonfox · 3 years
imagine having a pinned post /j but anyway heres my pinned post
hi!! my names snow, i mainly go by she/her but the occasional they/them is fine. just dont overdo it lol. im an adult and i make terrible life choices!!!! i love talking to people but im terrible at starting conversations so... yeah. i love getting asks though!!! they make my brain make the happy chemical !!kofi link!! (i dont do requests due to stress so kofi is just for if anyone wants to help support me <3 no pressure!!)
i also got a strawpage feel free to send me silly drawings i will put them up on the fridge
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^^^ thats me!!
◈if you just want my carrd, here you go: snowthedemonfox.carrd.co ◈here for my art? id suggest heading over to @demonfox-art if thats the case ◈i also do commissions! status and prices can be found HERE ◈NOTE: you might be here because you think ive blocked you. i tend to block for a variety of reasons, but im more than happy to unblock because tbfh i tend to forget why i blocked someone in the first place. so if you wanna chat about that, my dms are open. also mobile tumblr sucks and sometimes i accidentally hit the block button while im half asleep
◈im more than happy to tag posts if needed, but please keep in mind that i am still a person and i have issues with remembering stuff, so i may forget to tag stuff. ◈due to this, please do not expect me to constantly tag posts everytime. ill do my best, but again, i forget easily and may not do it for every post.
◈kindly asking that if you have a problem or issue regarding me that you want to discuss, please message me. dont send me asks or tag me in posts, it really makes me freak out even if its over something small like a misunderstanding! ◈uhh what else do i put here.... i used to use google+, i have a fursuit, i sometimes write stuff, i have a shit ton of ocs, uh..... ◈oh. and im autistic!! but normally people tell me its kinda obvious soooo
◈if you're looking for my art tag, here you go: #snowgems art ◈oc tag is #snowgem ocs ◈fanart tag is #for me
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clonehub · 3 years
I can't really understand how hard it must be for you to receive so much hate but I hope it helps if I tell you that you are making a difference. I have seen people change the way they draw and write clones and other characters because of your posts. And if nothing else you made my experience with this fandom better. Though you i found people that made content that i could enjoy and quite some time ago when i was new on here you answered my ask that helped me figure out how to block people and filter out clonecest content. So i just wanted to say thank you for everything.
ahh thanks anon this is really helping me to feel better, and I'm glad I could help!
for anyone who's curious: just put in the filtered tags the tag you dont want to see--in this case, clonecest or whatever else you want--and if you scroll through a blog those posts will be blocked out so you dont have to decipher if they're a shipper of that thing or not
i also use this for posts with triggering content, like rapte tw, csa tw, etc. tbh im about to do it racism tw. it makes for scrolling a bit less stressful, and you have much more contrl over what you see
you can also block URLs and I know that on dekstop at least, you can filter by key phrases
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missjaystone · 4 years
What’s up, Doc?
This is my submission for darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ ‘Watching-Stalker AU Challenge’ (And yes, after asking initially from an entirely new account before posting on a secondary blog, I’m too embarrassed to tag Roo again.)
Prompt 11: Everyone knows about celebrity stalkers, but what happens when a celebrity is the stalker? Kinks: Forced Pregnancy/Breeding, A/B/O
Word Count: 3000
Relationship: Dark!Steve x Fem!Reader x Dark!Bucky Trigger Warnings: nonconsensual/dubious consent, forced pregnancy/breeding, A/B/O dynamics, abuse of power(?). PLEASE DONT READ IF THESE OFFEND YOU (PS Everyone: I’m sorry to redirect everyone to another blog but I’m too nervous about having 'missjaywrites’ as only a secondary blog. The first blog post on miss_jay_stone with stay but that blog is officially abandoned. Henceforth everything will be posted here.)
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Being a doctor meant stressful moments, being a military doctor meant stressful days, weeks, months, or years. However, being a doctor specifically for the Avengers was an entirely new level of pressure. Being the person to patch up or perform surgery on literal superheroes made you miss working in the middle of warzones. You knew one wrong move could quickly spiral into a major issue, but you knew this when you took the job.
The choice itself wasn’t easy, there were more than enough reasons for you to respectfully decline, reasons like; despite being as accomplished as you were, you were still fairly young, the pressure was enough to age someone half a century, there were about a dozen security measures in place to make sure you said nothing to anyone, numerous contracts and NDAs to sign, and possibly the biggest reason to say ‘no’ was what you really were. An omega. You could very well be arrested because of how many official government forms you’d falsified and signed stating you were a Beta. You did what you had to do to accomplish your goals and it landed you in the medbay of the Avengers compound, often in close contact with the numerous Alphas on the team.
In your opinion, you were pretty physically average and never thought of yourself as someone that turned heads. That was more than fine by you, the less attention you had on you the better. Recently, though, you felt something subtle change, you always felt like somebody was looking at you, even if nobody else was around. The constant feeling and incessant nagging in the back of your mind sent a chill up your spine daily. There were some days where you found yourself feeling something like an internal tug towards whatever alpha was close by and now more often than not, the closest alpha was one of the two blue-eyes super soldiers. If you had listened to the alarm bells in your head, you would have left your job the moment you felt something strange.
You would’ve moved to Calgary or Portland or Dallas, but you brushed it off as silliness and an overactive imagination. And because of that, here you were, stuck in a web of your own design, your protruding stomach a reminder of the mistakes that led to this situation. Of course, you’d love them when they arrived but that wouldn’t lessen the naivete you felt for falling into their game. Their words forever holding your heart and soul firmly in a vice grip. “C’mon, doll, you can be our good little ‘mega and get everything you could ever want” “We can keep your secrets safe, we’ll make sure nothing bad can ever happen to you.” The words seem to play on repeat in your mind. You can pinpoint the exact moment a small mistake led to where you were now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 Months Prior~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Wow, where are you going all dolled up like that?” Your colleague and friend Alex asked as you stepped out of the storage room with a bundle of clothes in your hand. He paused typing his report to watch you gather your things. “I’m going to a 50s themed party with a guy I’ve been seeing and he’ll be here to get me soon,” you answered, motioning to the very-50s inspired outfit you wore. “Lucky you, kid, knock him dead but use protection,” he called with a chuckle as you left towards the elevator. You rolled your eyes at his comment but got a chuckle out of it yourself. He loved acting like he had 25 years on you instead of 10. The entire elevator ride down you were checking to make sure everything was perfect and not a hair was out of place.
You didn’t even look up when you stepped out of the elevator into the lobby. You did however look up, when you collided with a firm body. Your apologies were stopped by two things; the feel of cold metal on your back thru the thin fabric of your top and the strong scent, familiar scent of cedar & sandalwood and sage & pine. “I’m so sorry about that Captain Rogers, Sargent Barnes; that was totally my fault for not looking and I’m incredibly sorry to have almost steamrolled you,” you rambled awkwardly as you hurriedly tried to step back and put space between you and them. It took several long moments before Bucky removed his hand from your back, putting both in his pockets.
“Don’t worry about it, accidents happen,” Steve said with a smile that just didn’t seem quite right. There was an uncomfortable couple of seconds where you felt their eyes raking over you and you would’ve sworn their pupils dilated. “You know, it’s funny, you look like you’re straight out of a magazine from the 40s,” Steve said with a chuckle to break the silence. “Thank you, sir, I have a date at a themed party and this is the theme,” you sheepishly replied. The blond cleared his throat to cover what almost sounded like a growl at the name ‘sir’ and his features momentarily hardened when you mentioned it was a date. His smile was quick to return “well we don’t want to hold you up, enjoy your weekend, Doc and we’ll see you around.” You politely thanked him and returned the pleasantry before stepping passed them to leave. If only you had looked back, you would’ve seen them begin an intense, hushed conversation before they disappeared into the elevator.
That little conversation seemed to be when all of this started, but it was only little things that never drew much thought. At least, it started small; things on your desk would be moved, lights would be left on when you showed up the next day, your door would be unlocked, just little things that you couldn’t definitively say you did or didn’t do and the feeling of surveillance being minute and random. Then it got bigger; clothes you’d left at the office would disappear like jackets you kept in case you got cold or a spare change of clothes if what you wore got messed up, and papers you were sure you’d put away would be scattered on your desk but the feeling of being watched was more often, and one or both of them often came around for seemingly any reason. Like when Sam came in to get stitches after a mission, Bucky stood to the side almost brooding when you only mildly acknowledged him to tend to his friend.
Then alarms started to go off in your head but you ignored it. They were celebrities, they were superheroes. There’s no way on Earth they’d give you more than a second though. Your internal alarms kept going off; you never felt alone anymore, even in your own home. Your cozy little home that you’d fallen in love with always felt like somebody else was there or had been there. You often felt like your skin was burning, especially when they were around which was now multiple times a day, you always seemed to run into them. Bucky was normally quiet when you crossed paths, always asking if you felt okay and commenting on your flushed and flustered appearance, taking two steps forward for every step you took away from him. Steve seemed to be more physical whenever you two met around the building, he’d pull you into a friendly hug before you could object and make conversation with you, often brushing hands with you or setting his hand on the small of your back.
It went on like that for two months and you’d never been more thankful for fall to turn to winter, the cold breeze helping to sate your increasingly uncomfortable temperature. You thought everything had passed when you started to feel more normal and they stopped coming around you as often.
One night you decided to stay late to get some reports finished, submitted, and filed properly. It was perfectly fine for a while but then you felt yourself heating up again. Even after removing your scrubs and changing into some clothes you stored here, you were still burning. Soon you were fidgeting in your seat, trying to find some way to quell whatever what happening with you. You ended up nearly running to the bathroom to splash cool water on your face and get something to drink but you should have just gone home.
When you took two steps back into your lab, you were immediately pulling back against someone’s broad chest with superhuman strength. On instant contact, a familiar and unnerving scent surrounded you; cedar and sandalwood. It was Bucky hold your back flush against his chest. Panic set in seconds later when you felt him pressed into your lower back, the size alone was enough to take you out of your paralyzingly-afraid state. But it wasn’t like that helped any; you were an average human and he was a Super Soldier, it took no effort to keep you in his grasp. All he had to do to keep you in line was move one hand around your throat and growl quietly in your ear.
“Easy, doll, if you move too much he may have to hurt you and that's the last thing we want,” a calm voice said, the tone almost soothing. Steve stepped into sight from where he’d been looking at some things on your shelf. “I know you’re probably a little confused but we’ve been keeping an eye out for you. Keeping creeps away at bars, making sure your train ride home goes without incident, taking care of the men you go on dates with. You’ve quite the active social life doll,” his voice was tender as he approached you, gently stroking your cheek.  By now your eyes were wide with bewilderment as your brain attempted to process this situation. “We want you to be our good little Omega, start a family with you, and give you everything you could ever want or need,” Steve continued when your attempt to speak came out in a whimper.
Just as you went to correct him, Steve stopped you, cupping your cheek “please don’t lie to me, doll, we can’t create a future built on lies. We always thought you were a cute little Beta but after running into you that day, we both got a nice strong whiff of your cleverly hidden Omega scent, made us both incredibly hard, especially in that outfit that looked like it was from our time. That little incident made us see you for what you are; a good little ‘mega perfectly tailored for us, made to be our girl and have our pups. Unfortunately, we had to wait sometime to wean you off of those nasty chemical suppressants but now that you’re on the verge of your first heat, your body is more ready than it ever will be to take us,” Steve explained in that eerily calm voice, the intimacy of the town and him gently stroking your cheek was easily beginning to jumble your mind as it told you to do what you’d been fighting for years, what you hoped to always avoid.
“Steve,” Bucky grumbled, finally speaking up when his friend paused, he’d started steadily grinding his hips against yours for friction. “I-I can’t, I d-don’t want this,” you stammered out, nearly biting your lip off to keep yourself from whimpering or moaning as you felt Bucky’s hard-on against you, so close to where you needed but didn’t want it to be. “Well, that’s why we’re giving you a choice, princess. We don’t want anything bad to happen to you and if you’re our girl we can make sure nothing bad ever happens to you. You’ll be the safest person on the planet. Alternatively, people will find out about your status and well, perjury, falsifying federal documents, and falsifying medical documents are serious. You’d lose your medical license permanently and it’ll be at least a decade in prison but that’s not what we want,” Steve reassured before planting a small but quick kiss on your lips and smiling.
“C'mon doll, you can be our good little 'mega and never have to do anything ever again, you’ll never have to worry about money, job security, gross bar creeps, medical issues. We just wanna take care of our girl,” Bucky whispered in your ear, his tone too gentle for the situation. When you began to object again, a strong cramp in your abdomen had you nearly double over with a pained moan. You’d have been on the floor if Bucky wasn’t holding you and Steve wasn’t in front of you. “We can make all of this pain go away right now, just say you’ll be our best girl,” Steve coerced as he moved a few strands of hair out of your face. You knew you couldn’t open your mouth without moaning in pain or screaming so you furiously shook your head. Steve continuing to stroke your cheek, though small, was enough to distract you from noticing Bucky untying and pushing your shorts down.
As much as you hated yourself for it, you moaned out in surprise when you felt Bucky’s cool metal fingers rubbing your clit slowly. The man let out a groan and pulled his hand back, smirking as it glistened in the dimmed lights of the lab “fuck, Stevie, she’s so wet for us.” The words renewed your sense of panic and you began struggling hard. That seemed to be all it took for Steve to let go of his restraint. He lunged forward and captured your lips in a harsh, hungry, and dominating kiss. The blond wasted no time ripping your shirt and bra away, sending buttons flying to the floor. He didn’t break away from the bruising kiss as he began to fondle your breasts, paying extra attention to the nipples. In your state of unwanted pleasure, you didn’t notice Bucky quickly unzipping his pants and pushing them and his boxers down enough to free his aching member.
An entirely new sense of panic filled you when you felt his head nudging at your entrance; you would not make it through this in one piece, they were going to split you in half. When Steve’s lips finally left yours, he haphazardly pulled his member out and pulled you down until your face was level with his cock. When you didn’t do anything, he seemed to signal to Bucky who then buried himself into the hilt and moaned out happily, his breathing hitching as he mumbled “fuck, so tight, feels s'good.” Just as anticipated, you opened your mouth in a silent scream of pain and forced ecstasy, he gladly took the opportunity to thrust into your mouth, making you gag when his tip hit the back of your throat.
It took them no time at all to set a bruising rhythm, their moans and groans combined with your muffled cries of pleasure and fear filled the moan. You hated the way you felt your body betray you, how your core ached from Bucky to go faster, how your mind was quickly falling into the role of a submissive little Omega that you’d avoided all your life. Pretty soon you were beginning to move with them, the logical part of your brain being overshadowed by the need to please the two Alphas violating you.
“That’s it doll, that’s our good little Omega, such a good girl cooperating with her Alphas,” Steve cooed soft praises as he proudly watched the last of your resolve vanish. He took one of your hands and wrapped it around the part of his cock that wasn’t in your mouth, helping you build up a good stroking motion before letting go. He held your hair in a makeshift ponytail and tugged whenever he felt you run your tongue along the veins. Bucky on the other hand had a vice-like grip on your hips as his thrusts gradually became erratic. He reached underneath you and started rubbing your clit quickly, this time with his flesh hand. “C'mon doll, cum for your Alphas, you’re gonna feel so good being our Omega,” he muttered into your ear, nipping at your earlobe.
You couldn’t stop yourself. Between his words and the way he rubbed your clit and Steve’s praises and encouragements, you didn’t stand a chance against doing what he asked. You came with a muffled scream as your searing orgasm raced through every one of your veins, leaving you in a seemingly endless state of white-hot euphoria. You could barely acknowledge the feeling of Bucky erupting inside of you, filling you with his seed. His thrusts slowly becoming more languid.
“C'mon, hurry up,” you heard Bucky say, even though it sounded muffled and far away to you. You admittedly whined at the loss of his member even though he still held you up. You coughed when Steve removed himself, finally taking in deep breaths of air. They switched places quickly, Steve emitting a groan as he entered you more gently than Bucky did. This time, you didn’t hesitate before taking Bucky’s cock into your mouth, just following the part of your brain that said to submit to them, that they alone could bring you this much pleasure and everything they promised. Steve gave a few thrusts before he pulled your hips flush against his and spilled himself with a content moan.
You all but collapsed to the floor when they were done, them being the only reason you didn’t. Bucky scooped you up bridal style after Steve wrapped his jacket around your used, naked form. You were only semi-conscious as they carried you out of the lab, barely awake enough to mumble out “where are we going?” “We’re going to our room, little 'mega, and we’re gonna keep doing this every night until we see you round with our pups and we’re gonna make sure you’re treated like a princess, our princess,” Steve said, using his soothing tone from earlier. Barely clinging to consciousness, you merely nodded. The last thing you remember before passing out into sweet, sweet dreamland was you saying “alphas know best.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Current~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You looked down at your stomach before looking back at the sonogram in your hands; clear as day, you could see two 8-month-old babies. You’d stopped fighting when the pregnancy tests turned positive, they were very clear that no matter where you went, they’d find you and bring you home. They kept their promise about giving you everything you could ever need or want and protecting you. They kept their promise to keep you safe and always be there for you. You resigned from your position and didn’t renew your rental agreement, officially moving in with them in a bigger room. Once you safely passed the second trimester, they claimed you as theirs and let you claim them as yours. You’re not sure if you’ll ever forgive how this started but it wasn’t so bad.
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