#taldorei reborn campaign
lycaboros · 1 year
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I couldn't resist doing this one with the character's from my Wife's campaign. My character is Quill.
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Something a little bit different today, but the topic of Matt Mercer's success with homebrew comes up quite frequently with me and my duo, so I figured I'd go through all of his stuff and see what's better than what
This tierlist contains only the Blood Hunter base class (and CR subclasses), TCS:R subclasses, and the Gunslinger; anything else is too old to be fairly considered imo
If anyone wants clarification on any of my picks, let me know! And of course, it goes without saying, but this is NOT an attack on Matt or his integrity as a homebrewer; I love him, I wish him all the best, etc etc
Opinions expressed are obviously my own
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autumn-lavelle · 2 years
once upon a..dream
the way Ada Leonard A.k.a Leona de Rolo met her lover, a ranger who had gotten trapped in the fey wild. His name is Kuruk, and the two met in their dreams before meeting each other in person.
He's a human beastmaster/ranger...who had gone into the forest to search for a unique animal companion and fell through a door to the fairy court. It was wild. Everything was intense in this plane. His emotions, his gift to hear the sounds of the wild and creatures around him. He lovee the feeling he got from this realm, forgetting even his troubled life behind him. Kuruk wandered this realm, wanting to take in the wildlife and inhabitants. One night when he fell asleep he dreamt of a woman with short, and wild curly hair. Crystal blue eyes and glasses. She looked surprised to see him, and tried walking towards him but the dream ended. His heart yearned...
He found himself entering Shinaelestra, the ranger city and it was the best thing that happened to him. Because there, he dreamt of her again only this time he could hear her voice, and see her slightly pointed ears. This became a routine for them both, and everytime he dreamed the two of them would talk. They chatted for what seemed like hours, and now he wanted to see her in person. While there Kuruk had befriended a few fey and citizens of the city. These people became his new family...he learned much, and now he doubted he would ever leave.
As time passed a new inhabitant came. A woman, with a gun strapped to her hip and gun powder smudged across her nose and glasses covering blue eyes. Their gazes met and the dreams from before all came back. His heart skipped a beat. But he couldn't be sure...was this his lioness?
Kuruk spent his time prowling the howling forest, and doing missions for the fey court of the week. Ada tagged along, wanting to find a crossroads back to the Plane. They spoke for long hours, and bickered about little things. He noticed little things, like when she was nervous she would rub her nose, or tug her short curls.
Ada, on her end saw his passion for animals, and his wild and care free personality. She had never liked the bow when her mother taught her, she could never grasp it, but when he taught her...well he was a good teacher. She found herself falling for him, and remembering kisses from their dreams of each other. With emotions heightened in this realm it was fairly easy for them both to...enter a passionate embrace after one particularly successful mission. And many more after that time.
They were also kinda stupid and forgot to use protection in the moment, and so Ada found herself pregnant. She was both ecstatic and also terrified. How could she do her personal quest now? Could she leave to find her brother? Her twin? Also she should probably tell her babies father her real name...
During the months she revealed everything about herself to him. Telling her her real name, Leona Pike de Rolo and she originally came to this realm on accident. She'd been looking for any fey or Archfey here who could give her information on her twin brother Wolfe, and she had to find him. To apologize to him and bring him home. Kuruk had no idea how to process all that, but the name de Rolo sounded awfully familiar. He remembered a famous family in Sunstone but he had never seen them before, and fell into the wild before he could ever make it to that city.
Seeing how this was important to her, and he loved her enough to agree to help her go and find her brother. She didn't ask to make him come along, but Leona wanted him to so much...
After she had the baby, a little boy they named Sim'cha, the two acted like a family and honestly it was nice. Though when Simmy was old enough, a year old, the trio set off looking for the crossroads to the Plane. They traveled to the Sablecast grounds, finding a portal to the Material Plane. As Leona was about to leave, she hesitated, holding her son close a moment...Kuruk decided that she was worth leaving this realm and the family stepped through the portal.
Unfortunately time had passed in the Material Plane...much for then she expected. She entered the feywild at age nineteen, and was physically twenty now...but apparently four years had passed in the Material Plane. And on top of that the portal separated Kuruk, Sim and Leona from each other. And she found that her memories of the other plane was hazy. Barely able to remember Kuruk, and her babies faces. All she could remember was his voice...and her babies laugh.
Kuruk had held on to their son, and they got transported to the place he had entered the Feywild. He still remembers his lover, and his helps him do that. But he noticed that his own body had...aged...now he was in his late forties. How long had he been there?
He entered at eighteen...and been there three years. Now nearly 30 years had passed in this Plane. AND his lover was missing...would she want him now?
They are separated right now. Leona with her memories fuzzy, and Kuruk remembers but suffered from his body aging up to the proper age. Hes a single dad, living in a log cabin and taking missions to pay for things. He hopes... his lioness will come back.
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garr9988 · 2 years
Doesn't anyone think its weird that as popular as Critical Role is (videos on the channel consistently get over a million views, and not to mention how much was raised for the animated series Kickstarter, and how quickly), videos about its products made by anyone but Critical Role themselves barely get any attention?
I want to see in-depth reviews and explorations of the campaign setting books, and actual play games set in Exandria using those books, but they're all barely scraping a thousand views each, if that. And there are barely any videos of actual play games set in the Critical Role universe in the first place!
What's the deal? You'd think there would be more content, and that that content would get more attention! Do people not care about it for some reason? Is it actually bad?
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royal-skies · 4 months
my computer sucks so bad but i kinda want to try my hand at running a dnd game. i've never even played online before or even ran a game before but i just wanna play dnd
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Hi I read your tags what character do you think it'd be fun for Travis to play if Chet dies in his sleep?? I kinda want Hardcore Caster Travis because Travis as a player with an abundance of spell slots is a delicious idea but idrk!
also throwing in this which I got in the interim!
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[id: anonymous ask reading
I have a question/wondering about if (when if statistics have any thing to say about it) Chet dies what class you think Travis will play? Or your thoughts on type of character you would like to see?
(I myself kinda hope he goes for another high int character - maybe a gunslinger would be interesting to continue to balance out the martial classes with spell casters?
But I do think it would be interesting to add another cleric to the party as well. Maybe cleric of the Moon Domain from Taldorei reborn?)]
Ok so Travis is, as I've discussed, on the (noncomprehensive) Emily, Aabria, Lou list of "I trust you implicitly with whatever character you make and even if I'm not initially won over I believe in you." With that said: I agree he should stick to high intelligence in terms of party composition. I also, anon #2, have really liked the idea of cleric. I know a two-cleric party is a lot to DM for but also I think Matt enjoys being able to really throw something big at the party, and while there are two full healers, Fearne is often better used in high damage and FCG's subclass does still make it difficult, plus were Chet to die that would be the loss of one of your three tanks. However, I think moon domain is a little too on the nose for this campaign. I actually would love to see a high-intelligence knowledge cleric: this would grant expertise in some of those key intelligence checks, and while it's far off, the level 17 ability is not unlike grim psychometry, which has already been an absolute delight to watch. I happen to think the read thoughts ability is obviously redundant in this part...but it also is, to be fair, fucking funny to have. Erathis or Corellon for the deity perhaps? I also happen to love twilight cleric just conceptually and for being incredibly powerful, AND for fixing the whole "no darkvision in the party" problem.
Other options: Eldritch knight, though that might be a little similar to Fjord in some of the flavors; or a wizard who is not too much of a glass cannon. Travis is on the short list of people for whom bladesinger would not make me roll my eyes because I think he could actually manage it (as Emily did so well in ACOFAF). I also would love to see another ranger on CR; the class has come a long way since Vex dealt with the unfortunate limitations of Beastmaster, I feel like a Horizon Walker would be attuned to the Moon Bullshit in a way that is different than anyone else in the party, and like...dump charisma and be smart to address the INT needs, and have twin scimitars like Drizzt except with less goofy names to address the Travis Needs Melee To Live (and He's Valid) needs. Really what I think is important is smart, not too glass cannon, low charisma for comedic purposes, and also I think playing someone younger and more obviously shippable even by cowardly people would create chaos in the party and the fandom in ways I would find highly amusing.
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that-cartoony-villain · 11 months
the CR cast not knowing their fantasy children's ages are the funniest shit ever
but i have to say this otherwise i might explode because it's my biggest pet peeve, which is people not knowing how to portray certain ages, and i dont mean the cast specifically, im talking about fiction in general
like, i love baby gwen so much, she is my dear child BUT the taldorei reborn de rolo picture was taken in like 832 PD or something, so at the current time of BH campaign (843 PD), Gwendolyn would actually be around 12yo....
anyway i still love it when they dont know the ages cause we get funny shit like Luc being in his teenage years, around 13 to 23 yo
this is all to say, if you're gonna write children in your stories, pls try to at least research their evolution, a 5yo won't be talking wike a wittle baby, they have very developed brains and copy adults so they will be little pricks and wont shut up about things they like!
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coffeesforcatchers · 11 months
though i swear to god the taldorei reborn book said gwen was eight like ten years before campaign three so she should be late teens? but i still adore her
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All right, this is gonna be a long one... 1, 5, 10, 14, 15, 20, 25, 30, 32, and 37 for the CR questions.
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Legit the first words out of my mouth were "oh Jesus!"
Here we go! CR time bay-beee! I've only been in the fandom for about a year and a half but I'm raring to go!
1- Character you don’t particularly like, but will defend vehemently when people dislike them for the wrong reasons.
Starting things off with a bang (hehe), I'm gonna go with Scanlan. A lot of people overlook him as the archetypal horny bard, which is the point of the character. His growth is subtle and doesn't really become extremely noticeable until he leaves in "A Bard's Lament." He's saved Vox Machina's butt on countless occasions and yet the team still kinda pushes him aside. They touched on this a little bit too in the first season of TLOVM with this little teases of foreshadowing and shots of him looking disappointed and I thought that was really cool. Also the clutch counterspell at 8th Lvl against Vecna is just *chef's kiss*
5- Meta you would write if you did not fear people would be SUPER weird about it. This is also an invitation to write that meta and block the haters.
I feel like a bunch of meta I've thought about has already been talked about. I've seen a bunch of phenomenal posts by many Critters on this site, including @captainofthetidesbreath and it's very intriguing and sometimes refreshing to get different perspectives on things that happen. One of my favorites I've read was a breakdown on the infamous Trent dinner scene in C2 which IMO is VERY reminiscent of the dinner sequence in Curse of Strahd. Matt defintely takes elements from well known DnD campaigns and salt bae sprinkles them into Exandria.
10- Favorite and least favorite Matt Mercer Original Subclass.
Super easy. Favorite is the Blighted Druid from Taldorei Reborn mainly because of its AoE in higher levels and addition to AC. Least favorite is the Blood Magic Wizard because as a piddly widdle wizard, your hit die is A D6. And you want your wizard to WILLINGLY cause damage to themselves?!? Hard pass.
14- Describe the art you would most like to create or commission if talent/money were no object.
God, there's so many things I wanna create. Right now I'm working on the Callowmoore supercut (which sits right now at about 35 min) and a few attempts at animatics here and there. The main two animatics I wanna try my hand at are Fearne and Ashton's fireside chat in C3 and Capeleb in C2.
Cosplay is also a thing I wanna get more into. I did a few CR casual cosplays this year (Imogen and Vax) for a ren faire and GenCon and I was so surprised by everyone's compliments on them.
15- Favorite one-on-one conversation (can be between two PCs, or a PC and NPC).
Oh God. So far Fjord and Essek's conversation after Molly's failed return made me bawl like a baby and so did Orym telling Will he couldn't stay in C3. Also for the Mighty Nein Reunited, Essek stopping by. 10/10 will die happily.
20. What non-D&D TTRPG would you most like to see Critical Role run a one shot in?
Arkham Horror would be pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie. Or Dresden Files. Or Balikbayan: Returning Home
25. What class do you most want to see Matt play if he is in a future EXU campaign as a new (not Dariax) PC?
Matt sure does love his spellcasters so let's mix it up. I wanna see him as an absolute madman of a paladin.
30. What is your favorite theory or headcanon that has absolutely no bearing on the plot and isn’t important at all, but which is completely compliant with canon?
I still think Caleb and Essek would have tried to go back for that freaking necrotic gem that Caleb almost got nuked trying to get. That whole scenario is freaking hilarious.
32. If the CR main cast were to play the original 7 tombtakers per The Nine Eyes of Lucien (Brevyn, Cree, Jurrell, Lucien, Otis, Tyffial, and Zoren) in a one shot, who should play whom? Assume Matt DMs, but you do not need to have Taliesin play Lucien.
Oh absolutely Matt plays Lucien. I would have Ashley be Brevyn (because it only makes sense given the connection), Zoren be Liam, Sam be Otis (because karma is a god), Cree be Laura actually, Travis be Jurrell, and Marisha be Tyffial. Have Taliesin switch out with Matt sometimes when Matt comes in as Vess DeRogna. Double DM!
37. You have to take a 16 hour road trip with one NPC from each campaign (all at once, ie, three other people). The NPCs cannot shorten the road trip in any way and the road trip must be via driving but you can do it in two 8 hour days and share a motel room if you’d like. Who do you pick?
Oh geez. Probably Gilmore and Essek and Weva and I'll explain. Essek would be the person I would talk to for small talk and get along with (and talk about how exhausting it is to just be) and Gilmore to absolutely come in and be like "I got the music!" and slams on the soundtrack from Priscilla Queen of the Desert. Weva would also be the one who tells really extravagant stories because she has to be some sort of death cleric who has stories from being a magical mortician.
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marvel-leviathan · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
lmfao it’s 3 AM and there’s still an hour left on this campaign. 
will i be calling out of work tomorrow, since i start at 11? possibly.
am i a clown for critical role? definitely. 
4 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Here’s some rain + thunder from today’s earlier storm ☔️
5 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
I love Aona with my whole heart omfg
I love reformed assassins being thrown into slice of life moments and not knowing what the fuck to do with themselves
5 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Free Taldorei Reborn PDF’s!
If anyone would like a free PDF version of Taldorei Reborn, please let me know! I just bought it and have 2 downloads left, which I won’t be needing. 
8 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Watching shows like Bridgerton makes it extremely clear that I’m definitely ace/aro, because wtf are up with these people 😅
I get it’s a romantic show, but Jesus Christ
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floweroflaurelin · 3 years
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Painted this in the background while watching tonight’s Critical Role! My bff @therogueamongus gifted me a copy of Tal’Dorei Reborn for my birthday and I was so enchanted by little Gwendolyn de Rolo I just had to paint her and Papa Percy 🥺
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lycaboros · 1 year
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My character in my Wife's campaign is in a romance with another character. This is their first kiss. Yes, one of them was actually upside down. The elf is Silvyr, and my character is the upright one. His name is Quill.
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squillflower-art · 3 years
Quick doodle of the De Rolo daughters cause have u seen them?!! 💜🌟❤️✨💙🥺
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Their official names left to right are:
Vesper Elaina
Gwendolyn Zhara Melanie
Leona Pike
I.... can't... 💗
(this artstyle isn't here to stay it's just what I can comfortably do on my phone while commuting 😅)
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tshortik · 3 years
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The Ashari (Firetamer, Skydancer, Waverider and Stoneguard) I got to paint for the Tal'Dorei Reborn campaign setting by Darrington Press!
AD: Hannah Rose, James J. Haeck
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callowyn · 2 years
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and this is all we get. two paragraphs in a book 300 pages long. no mention of avalir or cathmoira, no mention that these islands were once a continent, not even a mention that this harsh landscape was another consequence of the calamity. the name domunas has been forgotten, as has toramunda. the people who now occupy its place are right back to chasing endless wealth and seeking power from unsettling dreams.
but there are people, here. and maybe, at the very bottom of the ocean, there’s still a fragment of the ones who made that possible.
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freezingfogsblog · 3 years
okay but Vax and Kiki being the only 2 who look exactly the same HURTS man it is PAIN
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