#tav in childhood
keldae · 9 months
Work-In-Progress Wednesday Sunday
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Tagged by @starknstarwars -- thank you, lovely! Have an upcoming snippet from Deviali's misadventures as a little urchin in Baldur's Gate, about twenty years before the game starts... (tw for violence)
From her new vantage point atop an overhanging roof, Devi took aim with another egg, lifted from a rotten basket, and threw again. This one hit the enforcer in the eye; he yelled in disgusted pain, dropping the child to claw at his face.
Fortunately, the tiefling mother recognized a good opportunity when she saw one. Snatching her child's hand, she fled down the alley, both children following her as fast as their little legs would take them. Devi grinned, then threw another egg for good measure, this one landing on the enforcer’s face.
Unfortunately, the enforcer saw her a second before rotten goo splattered across his bearded face. Devi winced when she saw the malice in his eyes. Time to go while she could; she raced off over the rooftops, sandal-clad feet carrying her swiftly over the roof tiles.
Once, she dared to look back, and yelped when she realized the enforcer had climbed the wall to the rooftops and was now chasing her. Quite aware that her little dagger wouldn't do much good against a big, armoured human with clear intentions of murdering her, she fled, her earlier glee replaced with alarm. If she could make it to another area of the city, near the temples, she could try to seek refuge with the priests of some deity. The clerics were normally welcoming of little girls who were fleeing for their lives from hulking, murderous thugs.
She slid down a drain pipe and emerged from the alley into another crowded thoroughfare. A coin purse carelessly hanging on someone's belt made her eye it longingly – but she was still being chased. No time to steal from another oblivious shopper. If she cut through another alley, and made it to the drain connecting it to the city sewers, she could make it to the temples and claim refuge for at least a little bit –
She shrieked as a big hand grabbed her ponytail and dragged her into another alley. “Think that was funny, did you?” snarled the enforcer, reeking of rotten egg and radiating rage. “I'm gonna leave you in pieces all over Baldur's Gate. Worthless little brat that you are!”
Tagging... whoever would like to be tagged!
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
Please please tell me that Tara just loves baby dekarios
oh she’s invested from day ZERO
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top 10 pictures taken right before a specimen jar ‘accidentally’ falls off a shelf ^^^
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predninja · 16 days
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The important stuff to worry about as a kid comparing biological differences xD
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herukas · 9 months
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A moment of silence for the poor unfortunate cook's soul.
castle picture comes from here
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messiahzzz · 6 months
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elfcollector · 6 months
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What do you want to do, Shadowheart? I want to see my parents. And I don't care what happens to this one. She's been in my head long enough already. Do what you like. I know you'll choose well.
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molinaesque · 11 months
On the topic of Raphael and him "being bad in bed".
Okay I'm only ever going to talk about this at length once and then never again. I've been avoiding talking about it until now because bringing it up always just seems to keep this topic in circles and it becomes an endless pit of nothing.
First of all, I know most of the time (like maybe 70% of the time) it's for the lolz. I get it. Hell, Raphael fans will be the FIRST to quip about this.
For those taking it seriously one way or another... It becomes such old hat VERY fast.
Those who use it as a jab towards Raphael havers are... Kinda dumb. Because it's like... Okay, and? You act as if somehow negates the entirety of his character somehow just because "HAR HAR HANDSOME DEVIL MAN IS BAD AT SEX" and it's so... vapid and boring? Also it seems a lot of people keep thinking "bad at sex" = JUST that he finishes too fast and nothing else but they seem to forget that the player character came up with that insult on the spot (rather than seeing it as a commentary about his pure selfishness and where it stems from). Haarlep is also a bias source. There's a semblance of resentment from them AND they're a damn incubus. EVERYONE'S terrible in bed in comparison (have you seen Tav? Little shit just lays there like a sack of potatoes during the Haarlep scene). This isn't me saying "Oh it means Raphael is terrific in bed because Haarlep's word cannot be trusted". HELL, no. Quite the opposite, actually. I'm saying "okay... What can I glean from that set of information?"
I feel like this goes for Raphael havers too who have this conversation. I feel like many tend to fall into this trap of odd desparity when they realise that "oh no our magnificent hot man is bad at sex" and somehow treat it as if it's forever a caveat and somehow negates the ENTIRETY of Raphael as a complex character. My first reaction when I got this information during House of Hope was laughing and then going "mmm that's so interesting and adds such a great layer to this already amazing character. Where else can I take this to". In fact, House of Hope as a quest does SO much in adding all these tidbits that make Raphael not just another boring, all knowing, god like, ineffible character. It made me love and appreciate his character even MORE. instead of going in circles and lamenting in how this is somehow "the worst thing ever", I think it's way more fun to explore it and delve into where the root of his narcissism and self esteem issues come from. The dichotomy and complexes of his character. There's SO much to talk about there and yet we're still just stuck on "haha devil man is a bottom and bad in bed" (which is another ridiculous thing btw because people seem to misconstrue bottoms as JUST being submissive. Y'all need to be more open minded 😂).
Apologies if this came off as ranty/condescending maybe. But it's coming from someone who's just minding her own business but have to see a variation of that line CONSTANTLY in the notes/tags on my art/gif posts and as I said... It gets so old REALLY fast. Like please be more imaginative than this, I beg of you. 😭
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rielzero · 22 days
Now that's a setting. Imagine, Locke and Astarion karting, a bit like Mario Kart, and Astarion is mad at him for being better at it
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I haven't played any Mario Games since ... 2018..? Or 2016? Not sure.
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averydavery · 2 months
Gale x Nokori (Tav) Kid AU Fic is up!!
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Read here, art is included!!!
EDIT: I’m writing chapter two rn so bookmark this story!
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southern-stark · 3 months
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Childhood Friends
“Be my mirror. What do you see?”
“I see the one who taught me how to dance, the one who used to steal peaches with me in The Wide, the one who used to take me to the most outlandish fishing spots, the one who was there for me when my mother disappeared…
I see my best friend. I see Wyll Ravenguard. I see the Blade of Frontiers.”
I’ve been playing a TON of BG3 lately (about 956 hours so far lmao) and I came up with a little headcanon between my first Tav, named Asha, and Wyll.
My headcanon being that her and Wyll were childhood friends back in Baldurs Gate.
[Artwork done by the incredible @iamclarex2art]
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thehightiefling · 5 months
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keldae · 9 months
The markets of Baldur's Gate were never silent – even in the dead of night, there were guards moving through the lanes, or people up to no good, or late-night patrons of the taverns. During the day, it was frequently pandemonium, between hawkers and buskers and mercenaries filling the streets. In the chaos, it was easy for a little half-Elf girl with auburn hair and blue eyes to slip between a couple of human mercenaries without being caught by her long ponytail. One of the mercs didn't even flinch when his coin purse was neatly sliced into, and his money was caught by deft fingers.
But Deviali knew from past experience that it would not do her well to linger. Any second, the mercenary would reach for his coins to pay for the meat pies he was in line to get, and realize that he'd been robbed blind. Best to be far away by then. She made her way around a statue of some god or another, and once in the shadows, looked down at her prize. Seven gold pieces, and a couple of silvers, plus a handful of coppers – this would do well. Maybe this would even earn her an approving nod from her father, who hadn't so much as smiled since Mama had left. Jehn at least would be impressed with this little prize.
“Hey!” bellowed a male voice. The human had realized the crime he'd been a victim of. Time for Devi to sneak away in the crowds. Shoving her stolen coin in a pouch under her tunic, she made her way out into the crowds, keen eyes darting around, looking for another easily-grabbed purse or another valuable item. The little dagger up her sleeve felt reassuring, reminding her that she wasn't a helpless eight-year-old, should any of her targets retaliate.
A scuffle in an alley got her attention. Curiosity and caution warred for a moment in her mind before her insatiable curiosity won out. She trotted into the alley to see a ragged-looking tiefling woman, trying to shelter two tiny children behind her, as another human loomed over them. “You didn't make your protection payments, bitch,” he growled. “Pay up.”
“I can't! I have no money! My children and I haven't eaten today!” The tiefling sniffled. “Please, have mercy –”
“The boss’ mercy is at an end. He wants his money, now!” The enforcer sneered. “Course, I could take you to him myself…”
“He'll kill me! I-I-I'll get the money to you, I just need more time–”
“You've had plenty of time. Maybe selling one of those whelps will settle your debt.” The enforcer reached out and snatched one of the tiefling children by their shirt. “Consider the kid a partial payment on what you owe.”
“No!” wailed the mother, as her child screamed in terror. “Please, not my children! Take me, but leave them alone!”
“No, I think I'll take the kid,” the enforcer chuckled. “What are you gonna do about it?” A second later, he swore as a rotten egg pelted the back of his head. “Who the hells–?!”
From her new vantage point atop an overhanging roof, Devi took aim with another egg, lifted from a rotten basket, and threw again. This one hit the enforcer in the eye; he yelled in disgusted pain, dropping the child to claw at his face.
Fortunately, the tiefling mother recognized a good opportunity when she saw one. Snatching her child's hand, she fled down the alley, both children following her as fast as their little legs would take them. Devi grinned, then threw another egg for good measure, this one landing on the enforcer’s face.
Unfortunately, the enforcer saw her a second before rotten goo splattered across his bearded face. Devi winced when she saw the malice in his eyes. Time to go while she could; she raced off over the rooftops, sandal-clad feet carrying her swiftly over the roof tiles.
Once, she dared to look back, and yelped when she realized the enforcer had climbed the wall to the rooftops and was now chasing her. Quite aware that her little dagger wouldn't do much good against a big, armoured human with clear intentions of murdering her, she fled, her earlier glee replaced with alarm. If she could make it to another area of the city, near the temples, she could try to seek refuge with the priests of some deity. The clerics were normally welcoming of little girls who were fleeing for their lives from hulking, murderous thugs.
She slid down a drain pipe and emerged from the alley into another crowded thoroughfare. A coin purse carelessly hanging on someone's belt made her eye it longingly – but she was still being chased. No time to steal from another oblivious shopper. If she cut through another alley, and made it to the drain connecting it to the city sewers, she could make it to the temples and claim refuge for at least a little bit –
She shrieked as a big hand grabbed her ponytail and dragged her into another alley. “Think that was funny, did you?” snarled the enforcer, reeking of rotten egg and radiating rage. “I'm gonna leave you in pieces all over Baldur's Gate. Worthless little brat that you are!”
Devi slipped her dagger out of her sleeve and swiped at the wrist holding her, and a second later, saw stars as she was backhanded. Her nose already felt hot and swollen, and she could feel blood pouring from it.
“You got balls, girlie, trying that stunt!” The enforcer pulled out a club from where it had been stowed on his back. “When I'm done with you there won't–”
There was a grunt, and the hand gripping Devi's hair suddenly let go. She whipped around to see her attacker fall to his knees, eyes wide and hands pressed to an already-bloody section of his leather jerkin. Another hand grabbed Devi's arm and jerked her away from the thug, and her older brother's voice gave a sharp command. “Run.”
Devi took one look at Jehn, wielding his dagger like he was going to stab the enforcer again, and obediently took off in a run. He would make sure that the enforcer couldn't come after her… but Jehn had some strange ideas about what was appropriate for a little girl to see, and a man dying wasn't on that list. And she knew better than to argue with him.
Father had not been pleased with Devi’s spoils today, or with the blood staining her face and her shirt. She sniffed as she scrubbed at the ruined shirt, her nose still hurting from the earlier smack. Her father had gruffly declared it to be not broken before throwing her to the front steps to try and fail to clean her tunic. No point wasting money on new clothes that she would just outgrow, after all.
A body dropped to the step beside Devi; she flinched before seeing Jehn's blue eyes looking at her. “Thanks,” she mumbled, looking back at the stupid shirt.
“Any reason you decided to take on a thug like that?” Jehn asked. “I nearly caught shit from the city guard, and they barely believed I was saving you when I knifed him.”
Devi shrugged. “He was stealing a woman's kid an’ roughing her up. ‘Course I got involved. He just… ran faster ‘n I thought.”
“You and your sense of heroism. I'm shocked the old man ain't beat it out of you yet.” Jehn sighed. “You just gotta try an’ help everyone, don't you?”
“Mama would,” Devi quietly said, looking down at the shirt. “She said ‘s the right thing to do.”
“Your mother who left you behind?” Jehn asked.
Devi scowled up at her half-brother. “I bet she's doin’ good things that Father don't like! Savin’ people an’... an’... stuff.”
“She coulda saved us,” Jehn muttered. “Dev, next time you see a thug from one of the crime lords in Baldur's Gate roughin’ someone up, just… don't get involved, yeah? I ain't always gonna be there to save your ass. And we both know Father won't give a damn.”
Angrily, Devi swiped a hand over her eyes and blood-crusted nose. “I can take care of myself,” she mumbled. “Just got unlucky today.”
“Like you got unlucky last tenday and I had to come spring you from the city guard?”
Devi scowled. “I had that sorted out.”
“Didn't look like it.” Sixteen-year-olds were so annoying, and Jehn was among the worst. “Picking the lock on the Grand Duke's carriage like that and gettin’ in shit for it…” Jehn sighed. “One a’ these days, you're gonna get really unlucky and get killed by the guard, or kidnapped by clerics, or become some wizard's live experiment. If that one wizard you tried stealing from a while back finds you, I bet he'll turn you into a sheep for real.”
“... Wizards can't turn people into sheep,” Devi argued.
“I've seen one do it,” Jehn confirmed, nodding. “Some old geezer caught a pickpocket an’ turned him into a sheep, just like that.”
Devi shifted uncomfortably on the step. “... Bein’ a sheep can't be worse than here,” she finally said.
“Sure it can. Some tiefling can get hungry an’ eat you as a sheep,” Jehn pointed out. “An’ then I won't have my favourite baby sister anymore. What ‘m I gonna do then?”
“Father'll be happy anyway, if some wizard kidnaps me an’ turns me into a sheep,” Devi quietly said. “Or the priests take me, or the city guard, or…”
“Yeah, but Father don't like nobody. An' I'll be upset anyway.” Jehn leaned over and ruffled Devi's tangled hair. “Just… be careful, yeah? I don't want you to get hurt or killed or somethin’.”
Devi shrugged noncommittally. “I'll be careful, but I ain't about to stop shit. Ain't nobody helping anyone else, ‘cept you an’ me.”
“You can't change all of Baldur's Gate, or Faerûn, Devi. Even with how big a heart you got.” Jehn smiled affectionately. “But I love that you wanna try. But promise, no throwin’ eggs at bigger, meaner thugs again, yeah?”
“Fine,” Devi sighed. She looked back over at her brother. “Can ya teach me how t’ use the bigger knives like you? Case I gotta stab someone for real?”
Jehn made a face and muttered something about “gonna go to hell for this”, then nodded. “Sure. Better ‘n you tryin’ ta use that little letter opener you call a knife. I'll give you some pointers tomorrow.” The sound of a door slamming in the house made them both flinch. “Meantime, you stay out here an’ don't go finding trouble. I'll go see what Father's so angry about now.”
Devi already knew that answer – Father's latest heist had run into a complication with his lockpick expert ending up in the city stocks. But she let Jehn go inside, and went back to her futile scrubbing at the ruined shirt. No matter what her half-brother said, she felt the compulsive need to help people. She couldn't have let harm come to that poor woman and her children.
Maybe, if she was good enough, the gods would smile on her and give her a way out of this life in the slums, or at least make it a little easier to bear.
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
Does Kit like the family pets?? Are him and bastard cat partners in crime?? WAS DORIAN'S BEAR NICE AND GENTLE WITH HIM WHEN HE WAS A BABY I NEED TO KNOW
the bear is gentle, the cat is. patient
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jibberjibbsart · 1 year
Wait I want to rewrite Sage’s backstory already.
It all starts with Sage’s mother Ana Tavreen.
The Tavreens were struggling nobles from the city of Waterdeep and were deeply indebted to the Graye family. To free themselves of their debt, the Tavreens promised their eldest daughter to the Graye’s eldest son, Octavian. Ana wanted to refuse the marriage, she wanted to marry for love, but she also wanted to help her family. She agreed and entered the loveless marriage.
Years go by and Ana is unable to conceive an heir. It is no secret that Octavian has taken many lovers during their marriage and she fears he is seeking an heir elsewhere. Conveniently she meets him.
He says the right things, it’s as if she has known him for years. She falls in love quickly. He tells her he can solve her problems, he can give her everything she desires. She agrees, and signs her soul away.
She becomes pregnant, and her mysterious suitor disappears. She tells Octavian they will finally have an heir, she saved her family.
Until the baby is born with blue skin, horns, a tail, and obsidian eyes. A tiefling.
The man Ana laid with was a Cambion, a half devil half mortal being. Normally they can’t reproduce with humans, but a human with tiefling ancestry can potentially produce a child. Ana’s family has infernal blood. Octavian was furious, but they had no other option. Clearly something was incompatible with them and they couldn’t have a child.
Using his connections, Octavian had a wizard create a glamour charmed amulet to disguise Sage. While they wore the amulet they would appear human. Because of the risks of the glamour fading and others discovering Sage’s true identity, they restricted Sage’s access to the rest of the world. They were to be homeschooled by a private tutor, they weren’t permitted to have friends, and they were only allowed brief appearances at parties. Octavian made excuses saying Sage was sickly and needed bed rest.
Sage’s mother loved them. She told them stories of faraway places and daring adventurers. Ana longed for Sage to live a normal life.
When Sage was 13, Ana gave birth to a baby girl named Juniper. She was human. Octavian called her perfect.
Sage snuck out of the house while everyone was celebrating the birth of Juniper. Sage ran until they reached the pier. Tears poured down their face and they couldn’t stop from crying out. Their mother would be busy with the baby now. Their father never looked at them. They would be alone. They looked at the glamour charm around their neck and almost ripped it off, but their hand stilled. They couldn’t risk exposing themself and ruining their family’s reputation. They turned around and planned to return before anyone noticed they were missing until a voice called out. A boy, a few years older than Sage, asked if they were okay. In his hands was a small ball of light, he was a magic user. Sage quickly stuffed their glamour charm in their shirt as they walked over to him. The light reflected in his soft brown eyes, Sage blushed. He asked if they knew any magic, and if they wanted to learn.
Months turned into years and Sage continued to sneak out to meet the boy by the docks. It turned out that Sage was quite proficient at channeling the weave. Sage still hadn’t revealed their true identity to their friend, but they wanted to. They had developed feelings for him and they wanted to be honest with him.
One night he told Sage he had something to tell them. He was leaving Waterdeep and going to a school to deepen his understanding of magic. He took Sage’s hand and told them to join him. Sage had told him how strict their parents were, but he insisted they would understand. Before Sage left to go home, the boy kissed their cheek and wished them good luck. Sage decided to tell him their secret tomorrow. Tomorrow would be different.
Sage’s father was furious. He couldn’t believe Sage would risk their family’s reputation for learning silly parlor tricks. He locked them in their room and forbade them from using any more magic. He especially didn’t want them sneaking out anymore so he assigned a butler to watch over their door.
Once the seasons changed, Sage knew their friend had left Waterdeep long ago. They never got to say goodbye. They never told him their true identity.
On Juniper’s 5th birthday they had a big celebration. It was a stormy night and Sage was permitted to mingle (it would’ve been odd not to have the eldest Graye child celebrate their younger sibling’s fifth birthday after all). Sage was glued to the walls the entire evening, only their mother gave them any company.
It was towards the end of the night when guests were thanking Ana and Octavian for the invitation when Sage overheard it. A woman around their mother’s age talking to their father. She mentioned her son, and his name was all too familiar. It was their friend from the docks. This was his mother! Sage perked up and approached the woman, Sage’s father was furious they interrupted the conversation. Sage asked her how their friend was doing and his mother realized who they were.
“It was a shame that you weren’t able to attend with him, he didn’t say why but he seemed real torn up about it.”
Something in Sage snapped, their heart hurt. They couldn’t stop themselves from crying. Their father grabbed their arm and demanded they pull themself together but Sage couldn’t hear him. Energy crackled around them, it was as if the weave itself was reacting to Sage’s emotions. They tore their arm away from their father and a jolt of electricity burst from them. Sage’s amulet shattered from the sudden release of energy and the glamour faded, their form shimmered and their horns and tail materialized. Soft gasps were heard around the parlor as Octavian held his arm, smoking from the lightning. He demanded they leave, and Sage’s mother begged them to stay. Sage ran off into the stormy night, away from Waterdeep, never to return.
Years later after being kidnapped by mind flayers and infected with a tadpole, Sage pulls a quick witted wizard out of a magical stone. A wizard that hails from Waterdeep, and has suspiciously familiar brown eyes.
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randomfanner · 9 months
It was all the young boy wanted. Just quiet. Not the shrill screech of his mother demanding he stop idling with his ‘toys’, not the pounding of hammer on leather as he fitted another nail in place, and not the sound of his father’s drunken insults towards anyone who was unfortunate to be in eyes view.
All Enver wanted was quiet.
And for once, he had found it. Pressed against a wall in the very back of Bloomburg Park with mud he had just weighed through drenching his pants and shoe. A corner away from everyone else. 
Enver pulled out his current project, a broken pocket watch he had found on the ground and his ‘tools’, pieces of copper wire he had managed to outfit into a semi-working screwdriver and wrench along with a rubber ball he had cut a small hole into. It wasn’t perfect but last time he stole his father’s tools to work on his projects…
Well he wasn’t stupid enough to make the same mistake twice. 
 Letting out a sigh from his nose, Enver squeezed the ball and put it on the back of the casing, popping it open to take a look at the damaged insides. Enver took his ‘screwdriver’ and began to pop out the different gears, remembering in which order they had gone in.
Enver’s eyes flicked away from his project and as soon as he saw the face, he frowned. Across the shallow pool of water stood a blonde girl who looked to be equivalent to his age- her ears were slightly pointed and she wore a beaming smile. She pulled up her skirt and began to wade through the dirty water.
“Go away!” Enver said.
“Huh? But why?” she asked as she made her way to the otherside, standing in front of him. 
“I want to be alone,” Enver said, his eyes narrowing at her.  “Now go away!”
The blonde girl tilted her head as she looked at him. “Why do you want to be alone?” she asked. She sat down next to him, completely ignoring him as she put a wicker basket in her lap. 
“I don’t want to answer you dumb questions! That is why!” he said.  “And I was here first, so go away!” 
“....” the girl sat in silence for a moment, her body shrinking back a little bit. “I brought food if you let me stay.”
Enver opened his mouth to make another demand for her to go away but his eyes flickered to the basket. “.... Fine, but it better be good food or else I will shove you into the water.”
“Yay!” she cheered as she flipped the basket open and pulled out a cloth. She uncovered it to reveal a sandwich cut into neat triangles and offered it to him.
Enver balanced the pocket watch and his tools on his leg before he took a half, taking a bite out of it.
“... It is good enough for you to stay,” he said as he began to devour the half of the sandwich he had been given. 
“Good, my uncle made it for me,” she said as she picked up the other half of the sandwich. “I am Anya, what is your name?” she asked before she began to enjoy her own sandwich.
He forced himself to choke down the bite of sandwich he had been eating. “Enver,” he answered. 
“It is nice to meet you,”  Anya said. “What are you working on?”
“None of your business,” Enver answered as he took another bite. 
Anya hummed as she shifted through the basket and pulled out another cloth and uncovered it to reveal a bunch of apple slices. “Can I bribe you with an apple slice?” she asked. 
Enver stared at the fruit before he snatched a slice. “I am working on repairing a pocket watch,”  he answered. Anya smiled as she placed the apple slices on the ground between them, making sure the clothes kept them securly off of the ground.
“Oohhh! Can I watch you?”
“Can you be quiet?”
“I can try to be!” she said, grabbing an apple for herself well her sandwich was in the other hand.. 
Enver glanced at her as she happily munched. “Fine. So much as a peep when I start working and I will shove you into the water.”
“Alright, I will be quiet when you start working!” gods she was loud and her voice was grating. Not the quiet he had wanted and alone time he wanted but she was giving him food. 
Once their shared meal was finished, Enver picked back up his pocket watch and continued to disassemble it, taking a look at each part as he did so.
Anya sat besides him, her head  just a hair’s breadth from his shoulder as she watched.  Dark eyes glared at her for a moment before focusing back on the project at hand.
She was doing a better job than he was expecting of actually staying quiet. Even if she was closer than he would have liked her to be, she was easier to ignore than his mother and father constantly breathing down his neck around the house. 
Time passed, the sky began to change and the sun ventured across the sky.
“Oh goodness,” Anya stood up in a hurry as she glanced up at the sky for the time. The temptation to shove her in the water suddenly bubbled up when she spoke, but he shoved it down. She scooped up the empty basket and threw the pieces of fabric inside. “My break ended a little while ago! I have to go,” she said as she began to venture across the water. She got across the bank before she turned around. “Can I see you again?” 
“Will you bring more food?”
“Sure! If you want me too!” she said as she waved. “Goodbye Enver! I cannot wait to see you again!” 
Enver barely even sent her a wave as she ran off.
Finally, He could actually enjoy his alone time. 
She wasn’t horrible.
He guessed. 
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bardspeak · 5 months
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Me and my besties @the-funkiest-penguin 's bg3 ocs.. The tiefling is my dark urge Kaivir and the human is her paladin Liv ❤️❤️
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