#team canada really showing up today hot damn
the-physicality · 2 months
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no, you don't understand !!!!!!!!
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hockeyboysimagines · 3 months
F*ck me like I’m famous
Chapter 4
Warnings: Sex, implied sex, talks of sex, alcohol, language.
Hello friends! Here is chapter 4. Sorry for the delay. As I said in the chapter I just posted for Sway I’ve had a ton going on. Hope this is worth the wait!
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“Hey Josie.” Vince called from his living room “Are you ready? We have to leave like…10 minutes ago.”
“Yeah I’m coming!” She called.
“You did that last night already!”
“Vince!” She yelled from the bathroom.
He giggled and stuffed his feet into shoes, grabbing his keys from the table next to the door. He was having the time of his life.
She had made good on the phone sex and dirty texting multiple times over last night, until the early hours, which was part of why they were running late today. He also might have caused a distraction in the shower, but that was a minor detail.
He had some autograph signing thing that would kickstart the celebrations for the week, and he was planning to meet up with friends for drinks later on. He was so excited to show her off to everyone, if they ever got there.
He heard her shuffling and then coming down the steps and turned the corner.
He paused and smiled “Damn.” He said giving her an appreciative once over “You look hot.”
“Really?!” She asked brightly, glancing down at her dress “It’s not too dressy or boring?”
It was pale green, falling mid thigh, with a floral pattern on it, paired with black wedges. Her long hair was loose and wavy, and he almost considered taking her right back upstairs. But then he remembered this week was not only about him, but the community as well.
“Not at all. Oof. You’re in for it later.”
She blushed and waved him off, taking his extended hand and they made their way to the car. The sun was shining down on them, a beautiful perfect day to start a beautiful perfect week.
“Where are we going exactly?” She asked from the passenger seat, turning to put her purse in the back. He smiled a little at how comfortable and natural she looked in his passenger seat before he answered.
“I have an autograph signing.” He said, turning the key in the ignition and backing out of his driveway.
“Ooooooh. An autograph signing? Fancy.” She said side eyeing him “How many body parts do you think you’ll sign?”
He rolled his eyes and nudged his chin at her “I can think of one I’d like to sign later.”
“No I don’t think so. The pen is way too big.”
He burst out laughing and shook his head “Okay you win. So how was your first official day in Canada?”
“It was good. I spent most of it with this hot guy.”
“And how was your first official night in Canada?”
He gasped and reached over grabbing her thigh and squeezing it. She screamed and slapped his arm “I’m kidding! I’m kidding sheesh.”
“Okay so let’s try that again.”
“My first official night in Canada was amazing.”
“Better. Just means I’m gonna have to one up myself tonight.”
She chuckled and watched the Canadian countryside zoom past outside. She was having so much fun and it hadn’t even been 24 hours yet. Being here, although in a country she’d never been to with people she didn’t know, felt so normal, like she’d been here before. She wasn’t nervous, or awkward or anything like that. She felt at peace.
It was so nice.
“So when does the cup actually get here?”
“Friday. That’s when the fun begins.” He waggled his eyebrows “And there’s a ton happening that day. Are you excited?”
“Me? Are you excited? It’s your big day.”
Josie didn’t know Vince when he won the cup. She hadn’t seen the game, watched the moment, or even knew anything about how he and the team had gotten to that point. But what she did know was that if anyone deserved this week, it was him.
“Of course im excited, but i want you to be having fun too.”
“I’m just happy to be here and watch you do your thing.” She said, smiling widely and reaching forward to squeeze his hand.
Josie spent most of the signing hanging out behind him with his mom. She’d been friendly the day before, but she could tell her guard had been up and with good reason. Vince was a highly successful professional athlete, who had a lot at stake in life. She didn’t blame his mom for being wary at first.
But now she had truly warmed up and they were talking and laughing like old friends.
“What are you telling her back there, because whatever it is you can be sure it’s a lie.” He called over his shoulder.
“Most of it sounds pretty on brand.” Josie said smiling at him “So I’m inclined to believe her.”
He made a face and turned back around, but the thought of her being close with his mom brought a small smile to his face that stayed there the rest of the afternoon.
As the line wound down, and the last few pictures had been taken Vince turned to her and waved her forward. When she reached him he gestured to a lady he’d been talking with.
“Josie, this is my mom’s friend, Sheri.”
Josie reached forward to shake her extended hand “Hello. Nice to meet you.”
“And this is your-?” Sheri asked, looked at Vince expectantly as she let go of Josie’s hand.
“This is my girlfriend.” He said simply with a smile, hand on the small of her back as he gave her a gentle push forward so she could shake the woman hand.
The word made Josie want to jump for joy, scream, ugly cry and kiss his socks right off but then she remembered they were in public so she just smiled, feeling a redness come to her cheeks. They chatted with for a minute when Vince’s mom called her name and Sheri walked away.
Josie turned slowly to look at him “Girlfriend?” She asked quietly.
“Is that okay? I didn’t really know what else to call this.” He gave a small laugh.
“I mean-yeah. It’s okay.”
“I really wanna kiss you, but we’ve already been on the cover of one newspaper.”
She giggled and smiled at him “You can make it up to me later.” She waggled her eyebrows and he gave her waist a small squeeze.
“So you’re here with Vince?”
Josie turned to find a dark haired girl standing next to her and frowned a little, leaning away from her.
The day had gone great. Better than great. She’d had so much fun watching him do his thing and interact with members of his community. She’d also really enjoyed being introduced as his girlfriend.
They’d met up with a few friends of his that she hadn’t met yet for drinks at what Vince called “The best bar in Lindsey” and it was still great.
“Uh, yeah?” She looked across the bar at Vince, but he was absorbed in a conversation and didn’t seem to notice. She looked back at the girl who was staring at her, one hand braced on the bar top.
“You must be his new fling of the week.” She said off handedly, glancing at her and then over her shoulder where he was standing.
Josie felt a twinge of annoyance. She wasn’t a confrontational person, and the last thing she wanted to do was cause a scene in front of his friends in a country she was visiting, but she wanted nothing more than to back hand her. The smug smile on her face had sparked an irrational rage that Josie wasn’t sure she’d even had in her before today.
“What are you talking about?” The question came out more rude than she’d anticipated but it didn’t seem to phase whatever her name was.
“This week it’s you, last week it was someone else, and next week it’ll be- hi Vince.”
Josie looked behind her to find Vince was there, frowning at the girl she was about to beat up.
“I was just talking to your new girlfriend of the week here and I-“
“Yeah well stop talking to her.” He turned Josie abruptly, and steered her across the room and out the front door of the bar.
She waited until they were some feet away until she said very quietly “Who was that?”
“Just a girl I know is all.”
She stopped walking, which caused him to stop and she crossed her arms, head turned to the side “Wanna try that again? But with an actual answer this time.”
He sighed “I hung out with her one time at a party last summer. Nothing happened, she wanted more and I just didn’t see her that way and she’s been dragging my name through the mud since then. She does this every time she sees me out with anyone.”
“I see. She said there was another me last week? Is that true?”
Vince’s mouth fell open and he looked back at the bar in outrage before he turned back to her “She said that? Josie I swear, I haven’t been with anyone else since I met you. I can’t believe-“
“If you have been it’s okay. I wasn’t your girlfriend so I can’t really get mad.”
It was true. She hadn’t been his girlfriend last week so he was able to do whatever he wanted. But it didn’t mean it would hurt any less if he had.
“I swear to you. I am not talking or hooking up with anyone else. And fuck her for saying that to you.” He gripped her hand “You believe me right?”
She stared at him for a few minutes. She did, she didn’t think he’d fly her out here if he was hooking up with girls at home, but her guard with him was up a little for the first time. It had definitely brought down her mood, and made her feel a little bit weird about the whole thing.
“I-I believe you. But why would she say that?”
“You don’t believe me I can see it all over your face. She’s jealous obviously.”
“Jealous of who? Me?”
He rolled his eyes “Of COURSE she’s jealous of you. Your beautiful and smart, and your here with me and she isn’t.”
She shrugged and looked at his hand, which was still holding hers. He gave it a squeeze.
“I promise you. There’s no one else.”
Josie pursed her lips and looked at him “Okay. I believe you.”
He glanced over her head and then around the street. It was empty and then he smiled.
“Come on.”
“Where are we going?” She asked as he tugged her along by the hand.
“You’ll see.”
Before she even knew what was going on they were tangled up in the driver seat, attached at the lips.
“Oh my god this is so risky.” Josie breathed out as Vince stuffed his hands underneath her shirt, hands sending goosebumps across her skin.
The car was cold, but they had fogged the windows up in less than two minutes. Their make out in the bar had now spilled into the front seat of the car.
“Shhh it’s fine just kiss me.” He said quietly, pulling her down to his level and pushing his tongue in her mouth. He had a hand on either side of her hips, fingers brushing her bare legs until he had her skirt pushed completely up.
He reached down, fumbling around on the side of the seat looking for the lever to move the seat back, and finally found it, yanking on it a little too hard because it sent both of them flying backwards with a squeal, followed by laughter.
“Jesus Christ.” He mumbled against her neck pulling on it again and lurching them forward. Josie was crying with laughter until he gave a large push and they flew forward, Vince’s elbow hitting the steering wheel, horn blaring.
They both jumped expecting it to stop but it didn’t.
“What the fuck?!” He looked around her, smacking the horn several times, the loud sound cutting through the night. Josie felt her face burn for the amount of embarrassment she was about to feel when someone came over to investigate why the horn in the car was sticking, and found them both in the drivers seat, half dressed.
He finally punched it and it stopped, and he glanced up at her before resting his forehead against her chest.
“This just isn��t meant to be.” He picked up his phone and checked the time “But I can have us home in 10 minutes.”
The rest of the week in Lindsay passed by slow enough to enjoy it, but too fast for it to be over. Every morning she woke up she got a little more sad. She was having so much fun and by Thursday evening she only had 3 days left and it had begun to weigh on her. She never wanted this trip to end, and as it inched closer to Sunday she was reminded that she would be going home alone.
“What’s wrong?” Vince asked as she plugged in her phone and laid next to him.
She glanced up “What? Oh nothing.”
She rolled her eyes and sighed “Nothings wrong. Just bummed that I have to go back to St.Louis soon is all.”
“Yeah.” He nodded and sighed “Me too. But let’s just enjoy our last three days together, and then we’ll go from there.”
She frowned “What’s that mean?”
He pursed his lips and turned on his side to face her “Well. I was going to suggest maybe we take a trip, a vacation if you wanna call it that, before camp starts in September. If you can get off of work and everything.”
“A trip? Where?”
“To a place where all you have to wear is a bikini.”
“What?” He said innocently, letting one hand trail up her bare leg “Can’t a guy have dirty thoughts about his girl in a bathing suit.”
A slow smile spread across her face until it was so wide her face might crack “What did you call me?”
“My girl.”
She wanted to kick her feet and squeal “I like that. Being your girl.” She ran her fingers through his hair, nails scratching his scalp. He leaned up to move his lips across her jaw until he reached her mouth, hand traveling up her thigh to the band of her underwear on her inner leg.
He was slotted between her legs, pelvis grinding up against hers as he kissed her slowly. He floated a hand up her shirt, resting it on her waist.
Before she knew it her shirt was gone and he was unhooking her bra big hands roaming everywhere. Every nerve ending in her body was a live wire, as his lips left hers and moved down her jaw towards her neck. She tugged at his shirt, prompting him to reach behind his head and pull it off in one quick movement.
She marveled at him as he hovered above her. Everything about Vince was thick, broad and muscled. Her hands roamed from his lower back up to his chest, scratching her fingernails across his skin. His mouth crushed hers, hurriedly kicking his boxers down his legs and tossing them aside.
She was shaking underneath him, cheeks red, goosebumps across her skin as she took a page breath in, the bones of her ribcage rippling underneath her skin. He stopped for a minute to really look at her.
“Goddamn your beautiful.” He whispered, eyes never leaving hers. Her blush deepened but she just pulled him back down by the chain to kiss him. Slower this time, her fingers moving down his back, nails scratching his skin, causing him to shiver. He sat back, hooking a finger on either side of her underwear and pulled them down her legs, leaning back over her and pushed a finger inside her causing her to gasp.
“That’s the prettiest noise I’ve ever heard.” He pushed another finger inside, moving them in and out, hooking them ever so slightly as he kissed her. She gripped the sheets, balling her hands into fists.
His lips brushed over her neck, eyes flicking up to meet hers as he pulled his fingers out, moving up her body and bracing himself between her legs.
“Tell me what you want.” She reached down, guiding him towards her. His head tipped down, stray hair falling into his eyes. She pushed it out of the way and bucked her hips up to meet his. She closed her eyes dreamily as he slowly pushed inside her, body arching up to meet his. He was so big, so broad as he moved above her, finding her mouth and kissing her slowly, methodically.
Vince splayed a hand across her ribcage and pulled her right leg up over his hip, lifting her clear off the bed. She let out a moan as he pushed deeper than before, hitting a new spot that had never been hit before.
“Vince I-“
He let out a breath, abdominal muscles tightening as he pushed faster, leaning down to kiss her desperately as he did. Her heart felt like it was about to explode out of her chest as a crippling, toe curling orgasm made its way through her body, sending shockwaves from her head to her feet, her entire body flooding with heat. She felt like she couldn’t breath as Vince gave his last few pushes with a groan and leaned down, head resting in her neck. His breath tickled her skin and she could feel his heart beating through his skin. He pulled out and laid next to her, chest rising and falling as he tried to slow his breathing, and he turned to smile at her.
“Your amazing and I-“ He stopped and cleared his throat “And your amazing.”
He’d almost said something crazy, but she thankfully hadn’t seemed to notice as she began to rummage around for her shirt and slipped it over her head before collapsing next to him. She rolled on to her side, eyes closing sleepily and hooked one of her legs with his, and promptly fell asleep.
The cup arrived early the next day, and Vince had jumped out of bed like the house was on fire. He was showered, dressed and putting on his shoes by the time she had come out of the bathroom to get dressed.
“How fancy is this anyways?” She asked rummaging through her suitcase “Like should I wear a dress or pants or-?”
“Whatever you wear will be hot, but I like that one.” He was pointing at a yellow dress she had hung over the back of a chair in the corner of his room. She’d bought it and never worn it, tags still hung from the arm of it. She smiled.
There was already an entourage outside when they left the house, many friends and family had gathered in his driveway to watch the cup be handed to him. Even though Josie had no idea what was going on she was still excited to watch him pick up the cup. She googled it the night before and apparently within the hockey community it was a huge deal, so because it was big to Vince, it was to her. He gave her hand a squeeze before he released it and made his way over to the keeper of the cup to shake their hands. His mom spotted her and made her way over.
“You look nice.” She said commenting on her dress.
Josie looked down “Thanks. Vince picked it.”
“Well he did a great job. It’s so special you’re here with him for this, it’s his greatest achievement.”
“I didn’t know him then, but if it’s important to him it’s important to me.”
She smiled at her and gave a small laugh “You are important to him. I hope you know that. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.”
Josie smiled and looked back at Vince as he picked up the cup and lifted it over his head and cheers erupted around him.
It was going to be a great day.
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district2001 · 4 years
Another Canadian
Seventeen AU: 14th member
ERA: Clap
Jangmi ft. Dino x The Boyz (Kevin) 
Recap: Jangmi and Chan meet Kevin (The Boyz) after Music Bank
Words: 1.3k
AN: Requests are OPEN: Please please please send me what you want to see from Jangmi. I’m also open to feedback :)
Jangmi’s Masterlist
Yes. I actually googled and found out when SVT x The Boyz could have had interactions, And coincidentally SVT were performing on The Boyz debut music show performance. So this occurred on the 12th of December 2017 (we love research).
The Boyz comeback was todday and I absolutely love the song. And the dance. And the visuals (what else did we expect from them).
Also also: Did you guys like the little feature of another Canadian at the very end/ I think it’s time you meet all of Jangmi’s friends, and get to know her social circle out of SVT.
Send me requests for scenarios w. your ults (even if they aren’t in SVT) and I’ll write a lil something something Xx
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“Chan-nah!” Jangmi whined. “Why do I need to come with you to the vending machine?”
Dino laughed, while dragging his twin-maknae down the Music Bank Corridor. “Because, last time Vernon left by himself to get food, we nearly left him for soundcheck.”
“That’s because Vernon’s stupid.” Jangmi stopped as Dino kept pulling a push door. “And clearly you’ve been spending too much time with him.”
Chan squeezed her hand tightly, causing her to yell in pain and shimmy her hand out of his grip.
They were currently on their last day of promotions for Clap, and Jangmi wouldn’t be lying if she said she was a little relieved that it was over. She was missing having sugar-filled cereal every morning, and not going to bed starving. Luckily, her members still snuck her snacks over promotions. And hopefully Chan would aswell right now.
Jangmi turned around to face Chan, as she used her back to push through the door. “Do you think there’ll be Chilli flavoured Chi-“
Her question was abruptly cut off, as she collided into someone. The impact wasn’t that strong thankfully, so she regained her balance quite quickly.
“Crap!” The person she bumped into muttered under their breath.
She quickly turned around to face them, hoping that it was a hoobae or someone she knew (preferably Monsta X considering they were performing aswell). She’d be absolutely mortified bumping into her sunbaenim.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry” Jangmi cried out in English, finally taking in the persons appearance. He looked slightly older than her, or maybe the same age-she couldn’t tell.
She then realised that she hadn’t even apologised in the correct language. “Neomu mianhabnida.” She corrected herself, whilst bowing.
She heard Chan sniffle in his laughter. She mentally cursed him, as well as reminding herself to eat the majority of his chips.
“I’m sorry.” The boy replied, also whilst bowing.
Only then then did she notice that his white shirt was slightly damp in the middle, and that there was a small puddle of brown liquid near his shoes.
“Did I do that? I’m truely sorry, I’m such a klutz. Hopefully you don’t have anywhere to be after this.” She started rambling, as she took some tissues out of her demin jacket pocket, and started furiously wiping the floor.
The boy then crouched beside her, grabbing some of the unused tissues for her hand and started helping her clean up the mess, as well as dabbing some of the hot chocolate from his shirt.
Jangmi decided this was probably the best opportunity to find out who the boy was. He was clearly an idol, considering he was dressed nicely, and had some makeup on his face. She was fairly certain he wasn’t a sunbaenim, but she wanted to make sure.
“Anneyonghaeyo, Seventeen maknae Jangmi imnida” She introduced herself, swiping away the last bit of chocolate evidence.
The boy gave a mini bow to her, or as well as one could bow whilst squatting. “I’m Kevin. Nice to meet you”
“Ohhh! Kevin. You are a foreigner?” Jangmi was curious. She needed some Australian friends badly.
“Yes. I’m from Canada.” Jangmi mentally sighed in disappointment.
“Why is everyone from Canada.” She playfully groaned in English, as she stood up and patted her skirt down. “Well in that case, You can call me Rydel if you want. It’s nice to meet you.” She held out her hand.
Kevin shook her hand.
“Wait, like the highschool in Grease?” He asked as he grabbed the chocolate soaked tissues from her left hand.
Jangmi protested. “I’ve got that, don’t worry.”
“No. it’s ok. It was my drink anyway.”
“Yea, but I was the one not looking where I was going.” She laughed. “I’m a bit clumsy.”
“Aren’t we all?” Kevin threw the tissues into the nearest bin, before walking back to Jangmi.
“Are you a soloist?” She was curious about him.
“No no. I could never. I’m part of The Boyz.” He smiled widely. “We actually debuted today.”
“Congratulations,” Jangmi exclaimed, slightly louder than she anticipated.
“Jangmi-yah. Be quiet.” Jangmi then realised that Dino was still with them.
Kevin and Dino both bowed politely towards each other.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Dino.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m The Boyz’s main vocalist Kevin.”
Jangmi fake frowned, teasing her hoobae. “How come I didn’t get a proper greeting from you.”
“Sorry. I’m sort of new at this.” Kevin sheepishly replied in Korean.
“It’s ok. Everyone’s new at this at one point. Ask him about all the stupid things I’ve done.” She gestured at her twin-maknae
A silence followed. Jangmi looked over to see if Dino would contribute to the conversation, but he was too busy looking at something on his phone.
“What company are you under?”
“Wait, is that the one with Haknyeon, from Produce?” Dino asked, looking up from his phone.
Kevin nodded. “He’s actually in our group.”
“JR mentioned that he was one of the nicest contestants.” Jangmi added.
“Really?” Kevin asked. “That’s good to hear.”
“I think I read an article about your group.” Dino continued. “You have lots of members like us, yeah?”
Kevin nodded, taking a sip of his hot chocolate, or whatever was left of it. “Not as many as you though. We have 12.”
Jangmi was going to give some advice on being in a large group, when she was pulled away from their conversation, quite literally, by one of her managers.
“We’ve been looking everywhere for you two.” The manager pointed the twin-maknaes.
“Oops” Jangmi suppressed a grin.
“The vans loaded. It’s time to go.”
Dino whined. “We haven’t even got our snacks yet.”
“Once you are back at Pledis, you can have some-” Their manager stopped mid-sentence and frowned. “What do you mean by ‘we’?”
Jangmi’s eyes widened. “He was referring to getting snacks with Kevin.” She stuttered, as she quickly slung her hands over Kevin’s shoulders, and brought him closer to her, ignoring his shocked expression.
“Kevin, meet our manager. Our manager, meet Kevin from The Boyz.” She introduced.
They both bowed towards each other.
Their manager grabbed Chan’s hoodie and motioned for Jangmi to come closer to her. “You can get some snacks next time, we’re running late for their next schedule.”
She turned to her heel, and walked out the door, dragging Chan with her. “Jangmi, hurry up!” The manager called out as she exited the room.
Kevin cleared his throat, and only then did Jangmi realise her hands were still wrapped over his shoulders.
“Sorry about that.” She hastily removed her hands. “I’m on a strict chicken breast and salad diet, and if I get caught breaking it, I have to run 5km every morning for a week.” Jangmi switched the conversation to English.
Kevin chuckled. “That’s alright.” He too then began speaking in English. “5km though, damn. That’s brutal.”
“You have no idea.” Jangmi rolled her eyes.
“I better head off before they leave me.” She continued. “Congratulations on your debut once again though. Seriously well done! Keep up the hard work.”
Kevin nodded his head in acknowledgement. “Thanks. It means a lot coming from you.”
“I highly doubt that. But I’ll take the compliment.” Jangmi smiled.
“Nah nah. For real. I think you guys have cemented yourselves in the KPOP scene.”
“And I’m sure you guys will aswell.”
“You haven’t even heard our music.” Kevin sarcastically replied, whilst holding the door open for her.
“I’ll download it right now and listen to it on the drive back.” Jangmi immediately took out her phone and began searching up the group.
“You don’t have to do it.” Kevin protested, probably feeling bad that he was forcing her to listen to their music.
Jangmi sushed him and continued typing until she was interrupted by her Jun calling her phone. She pressed the “Can I call you back later?” button, before shoving it back in her phone.
“Duty calls.” She smiled. “If we ever see each other again, don’t be afraid to come and say hi.”
“Will do.” Kevin nodded, before pointing behind him. “I should probably head back aswell. They’re all probably wondering where I am.”
“Can’t loose a member on debut day.” Jangmi chuckled, while waving goodbye.
“Thanks for the advice and being so friendly.” Kevin bowed, and turned around, presumably heading back to his dressing room
“I don’t think I gave you any, but I’ll take it.” Jangmi yelled over her shoulder, as she turned the corridor.
She took out her phone and ignored all of Jun’s messages about all the other van’s leaving, and the performance team still waiting for her.
Jangmi found one of her best friends messages, which were obviously at the top of her texts.
‘Yo Mark’
‘I think I found you another Canadian.’
‘Now find me an Australian’
‘I’m outnumbered’
Previous: Seventeen Right Here
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bowensbyrams · 4 years
the canada dream {02}
n/a: hey, guys! Here’s part 2 of TCD, as promised. I’m sorry it took me so long to update, my classes are back and last week was kinda hard, but here we go! Please let me know what you think <3 
Pairing: Pierre-Luc Dubois x reader
Warnings: a little bit of angst at the beginning, mentions of abusive/toxic relationship
Word counting: 2,1k
Ps: part 1 can be found here: https://royaltyofhockeylosers.tumblr.com/post/627737248109133824/the-canada-dream-01 
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I realize there's something wrong the moment I find myself opening the door to my old apartment in Boston. As far as I remember, I moved to Montreal and am living with my best friend Anna... Or was it just a dream? I wouldn't be surprised, I've been dreaming on moving to Canada for a while now. I enter the living room and drop my bag on the couch, heading to my room but a noise stops me. No, not a noise. A moan. A woman's moan. I live with my boyfriend, Thomas, and as far as I know, we don't share the apartment with another girl. My heart fasten with every step I take until I'm facing the white door that leads to my room. Our room. "Faster, Tommy" I hear the girl say and my boyfriend groans, making my skin shiver "Yes just like that" "God you're so hot, baby" Thomas' voice is like a fist to my stomach and the tears start rolling down my face. Not again, please. I open the door and the scene in front of me breaks my heart into a million pieces. My boyfriend is buried into a blonde's pussy and keeps thrusting in and out of her as he sees me. "Hello, princess. Do you want to join us?" his smile is almost wicked and I can't move, I can't breath as I watch him fucking her the way he used to make love to me. The tears never stop coming down and my sobbing seems to make him want to go deeper and faster until the girl screams his name.
~~ I sit on my bed, tears running on my cheeks and my heart racing like a horse. My entire body hurts as I'm forced to remember every single scene from that damn day, unable to erase the overwhelming feeling for good. My phone pings and I reach out to check it. When my eyes catch the clock and I realize it's almost 1 p.m, my heart skips a beat. I've never woken up this late, but I guess the adventures from last night and the anxiety of moving to another country to restart my life got the best of me. Unlocking the screen, I check the message app before anything else. There are 2 texts from Tyler and 6 from Logan, so I decide to open the latter thread. L: Hey Y/N, it's Logan L: I'm sorry for last night, I hope Anna is okay L: Tyler said he invited you two to the barbecue, cool! L: Here's the address and don't worry about anything, just bring whatever you guys wanna drink L: We reeeeeally want you to come, Luc is excited to meet you two I smile at the last text which is formed by at least 10 different types of emojis. I reply saying I need to ask Anna if she wants to come and lock the screen again, leaving my bed and going to Anna's room. My best friend is sleeping like a baby, so I decide to go make something for us to eat. When I'm almost done with the spaghetti, Anna appears in the kitchen with a pout on the lips and her brows furrowed. "Good morning, sunshine" I sing and my friend groans, sitting on one of the benches by the marble island in the middle of the kitchen. “I’m not feeling sunshiny today. I feel like I’ve been ran over by a truck. Multiple times” “That’s called tequila hungover and I’m not saying I told you so...” “Nah shut up” she shushes me waiving her hand “Can you get me a pill that’ll make this go away?” Anna points at her own head and I hold back a laugh, opening one of the cabinets where she showed me the medicines were. Handing her an Aspirin and a cup of water, I go back to the stove and turn it down, taking the pan to the island. Anna takes the pill and sighs, looking at the food. "Is this a dream?" my best friend asks when I put a plate in front of her and lets out a small moan when she takes the first bite "Honestly, if I had known you could cook like this, I would've invited you to move in with me way earlier" "Oh, don't get to used to it. My cooking knowledge is resumed to spaghetti, lasagna and burgers" "Who said we need more than that to survive?" Anna looks at me with an offended look making me laugh. We're half way through our meal until I decided to tell her about the barbecue. "So Logan and the other boys are hosting a barbecue today and they want us to come. It'll be just us, them, Tyler's girlfriend and that other guy they were telling us about yesterday. You in?" "As long as Logan keeps his alcohol to himself, I see no problem" she replies and I can't hold back my laugh. "Hey you're the one who suggested you guys should see who could get more shots in less time" "I never thought he'd say yes! That guy is crazy!" she snaps back and I laugh even harder. "Okay so we're going?" "Yeah, I guess so..." "Cool, I'll let him know then" * "What's up?" Anna asks as we're getting ready to leave. She's in my room, laying down on my bed as I finish putting some make up on. I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt with a jeans skirt and snickers since the weather gods decided to send a chill night to break the living hell temperatures of the day. Me and An spent the entire day laying on the floor and drinking an absurd amount of water while watching the latest episodes from The 100. "What?" I ask and look at her through the mirror. "You have a worried look on your face. What's wrong?" "Nothing... I just have a weird feeling that I should know something but I don't" I reply and focus on applying my mascara. "You're weird, Y/N. Are all americans like this?" "Hey!" I throw a pillow at her, making her laugh. As I finish everything and grab the beer packs we're taking, we're all settle to go. On our way to go, I open my Instagram and start scrolling through my feed - which is the most diverse thing in the world. It’s the perfect balance of hockey, singers, food, friends and family. I look at some of the posts before heading to the Story part. I slide through a couple until one catches my attention. It’s the same bar I was yesterday and I can see Anna in her white and red dress in the corner. I check the user and my heart skips a beat when I realize who it is. Pierre-Luc Dubois, one of the few hockey players I follow on Instagram. He plays centre for the Columbus Blue Jackets, my ex's home team, and my heart aches a little when a memory gets me. "Hey, I just saw you follow PLD on Instagram" Thomas' voice reaches me before he appears on our room. "Yeah, I've been following him for a while now, Tom" I say and go back folding the clean clothes. "Why?" he asks, making me look at him a little confused. "Why what?" "Why are you following him?" "Why not? He's a hockey player and I like him. What's wrong?" "Oh you like him? What, do you think he's gonna fuck you if you ever meet?" his aggressive tone makes me blush and my heart fasten. "Why are you saying this? I'll never meet him, Thomas, he's like super famous and lives in Ohio" "Exactly, so stop following him. I don't approve it and I don't like the fact that you're following these hockey guys. They're all assholes" my boyfriend says before storming out of our apartment, leaving me to try and understand what the hell just happened. I never stopped following Pierre's profile, but that was never needed since I caught Thomas in bed with another girl just two weeks after his little scene. That was three months ago and now I was living in Montreal with my best friend, trying to rebuild my life after what he did to me. I look at Pierre's story again and can't help the weird feeling that takes over my body. I knew he was French-Canadian, but I definitely did not know he lived in Montreal during the off season. I guess I never took the time to check on any player's personal lives. I mean, expect for Mitch Marner's but that's just because I really wish we were best friends but anyways. "Hey, you're on Pierre-Luc Dubois' Insta Story" I says and Anna almost throws the car out of the road. "I'M WHAT?!" Definitely should've waited until we got to the house. "Yeah, he was at the same bar as we yesterday and posted a photo of the dance floor. You appeared in the corner" "Wait... You're telling me that that fucking greek god was at the same bar as we and none of us saw it? Are you kidding me?" she says and the annoyance in her voice makes me laugh. "Yep, that's what I'm saying. What are the odds?" "I mean, they're high since his parents live here, but still.. We weren't even at the best bar of the city" "Maybe he is low key and was trying to avoid the crowds" "Yeah, probably" she agrees and changes focus. I observe the streets, filled with big houses with even bigger yards. "I guess Pierre is not the only rich who prefers underground bars..." I comment and Anna snorts, looking at the mansions. “Should’ve guessed he had money when you told me the neighborhood we were heading to, but damn” Anna says and all I can do is nod in agreement.
I was worried we would be late, but when we get to the house, Tyler and his girlfriend, Kate, are the only ones waiting for us. "Hey, guys" Ty greets us and takes the beer packs from me "Logan went to buy more beer, Jesse backed down and Luc is late as always" he leads the path to the backyard and I have to keep myself from dropping my jaw. The house is huge but the backyard is unbelievable. There's a deck where the grill is, a pool with a pool house and a soccer court. "This is my girlfriend Kate. Kate, these are the girls we told you about, Anna and Y/N" "Hi!" the curly haired and green eyed girl says and we down by her side. A couple of minutes go by and we're all getting along pretty well until Anna looks at her phone and sees that it's dying. "I think i have a charger in the car, I'll be right back" She leaves and only two minutes later my phone pings. A: don't freak out and act normal but i just bumped into logan outside Y/N: so what? A: pierre is with him My eyes go wild and before I can process what I just read, Logan's voice reaches me. “Look who I just found outside!” I look up asking God for Anna to be messing with me, but she's not. Pierre-Luc fucking Dubois is standing between Logan and my best friend, how's acting like there's nothing wrong. I try my best to do the same and I guess it worked since no one is looking at me with funny looks. "Luc, this is Y/N and Y/N, this is Luc" Tyler introduces us and Pierre shakes my hand with a small smile. "Cool, now you two know each other. Can we eat? I'm starving!" Logan says heading to the grill. “We’ve known each other for less than a day and I’ve already noticed that’s a constant mood of yours” Anna snaps back following him with Pierre right after her, leaving me, Kate and Tyler behind. "You look like you just saw a ghost" Tyler says getting my attention. "I'm just thinking why none of you bothered to tell me that your friend looked like that" I snap back, making Kate laugh. I decide not to mention the fact that I'm a hockey fan and know the NHL player that has just walked past us. "Nah, the minute he opens his mouth you'll see he's a dork" Kate says and heads to the area where the rest is. I follow her with Tyler right by my side and asking God to help me out here.
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headachebrain · 4 years
I watched the first two episodes of the new Saved by the Bell – and that’s enough
The 2020 Saved by the Bell reboot was made for me – an older millennial that grew up on the original Saved by the Bell and would enjoy every second of the nostalgia. I’ve been describing myself as a Saved by the Bell-ologist. I know everything there is to know about the original show and all of the spinoffs and reboots that have aired over the years. Let’s look at how many reboots there have been:
Saved by the Bell started as ‘Good Morning, Miss Bliss’ in 1989, so basically the Saved by the Bell we know today is a reboot in itself
Saved by the Bell: The New Class ran from 1993 – 2000 with a rotating cast that included Mr. Belding and Screech being a bumbling comedic duo
Saved by the Bell: The College Years ran from 93-94 following Zach, Screech Kelly and Slater in college. All I remember about this spin-off is that Slater realized he was Mexican.
The movies: Hawaiian Style (where the gang has to save Kelly’s grandfather’s resort) and of course Wedding in Las Vegas where Kelly and Zack get married. I remember I cried.
So I was excited to watch the 2020 version – I’ve been watching Saved by the Bell reboots since I was eight years old. From the trailer of the 2020 version, the original cast – Zack, Kelly, Jessi and Slater (Screech is in jail and it looks like Lisa shows up later in the season) return to Bayside and work with 2020 teens.
The reboot is airing in the U.S. on the Peacock streaming service but here in Canada the episodes come out weekly so I’ve only see the first two episodes.
And I think I’m good.
I loved the pilot. It was excellent – smart, funny, full of callback’s from the original show, the original cast looking plastic and beautiful. I’m not sure if a 15 year old who has never seen the original would get it. But anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself. 
Daisy and Aisha are cool, smart brown girls from a low income high school who have to go to Bayside because Governor Zack Morris cut the education budget. Zack and Kelly’s son goes to Bayside, Slater is the gym teacher and Jessi is the guidance counsellor, her son also goes to Bayside. They’ve also perfectly recreated the main Bayside hallway, the Max and Mr. Belding’s office. We follow Daisy and Aisha as they enter this new world of rich kids, overbearing white parents while trying to fit in – a perfect fish out of water story. It also made me realize how white the original Saved by the Bell was. While I was watching I kept thinking, this is what it would have been like if I went to Bayside as a teen. I totally wouldn’t fit in. As a little kid watching the show, of course I connected with Lisa. She was so pretty, she was rich, she had the best outfits and knew all the hot gossip – I wanted to be her. I never thought about the fact that she was the only Black girl in school and never had any boyfriends (I can only remember two times they brought a Black boy on the show for Lisa to date, one super smart guy who wanted to change her and another guy who ended up being in grade nine. They lasted one episode each). Aisha and Daisy do not belong at Bayside but they try their damn hardest to fit in. To me this is where the show shines. If it was just about Daisy and Aisha navigating through Bayside and the adventures they get in to, I’d be in to it. But they’re just part of a huge cast of characters I found I did not care about.
The entire time I watched the pilot, I kept wondering “who is the Zack?” At first I thought it was Zack’s son, Mac Morris (ha. ha) but then Daisy is the one who looks at the camera and does the “time outs.” It was funny at first but eventually it became a device for her to talk to the camera, which was not what it was used for in the original show. In the original show Zack used it to get out of situations or try to wrap his mind about what’s going on. He also didn’t use it very often. In the first two episodes I saw, she used it like four times.
But I’m being picky.
I really enjoyed the pilot, even the High School Musical part with Devonte, a Black kid from the poor school who everyone thinks wants to play football but actually ends up auditioning for the school musical. I could buy that Daisy’s mom makes her use Zack’s huge, 90’s cell phone. It was 45 minutes of fun nostalgia.
But episode two I checked out.
I don’t care about Jessi’s son. I don’t care about Zack’s son. I don’t care about Slater’s difficulties coaching the football team. It made me think that maybe this premise would be good as a movie or a sketch but anything longer was too much. It got stale.
But I’m going to keep watching. Maybe my opinion will change. Since I’m in Canada, I can only watch the episodes two at a time anyway. 
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sincerelyreidburke · 3 years
How your Kiersey friends survive the end of fall semester: by making campus festive!
Day 4 of the 25 Days of Kiersey is upon us! I’m doing a text post today. In normal college times, the stretch between Thanksgiving break and the end of fall semester finals is an extremely festive time of year. Or at least it is on my college’s campus, and I’m projecting that festivity onto Kiersey.
What you’ll find under the cut: the ways in which all the “main” characters of the Kiersey-verse celebrate that festive few weeks on campus.
Ask for anything you’d like to see this month in the way of Kiersey-verse festivities!
The 25 Days of Kiersey AO3 work
Nando: He occupies the Beech Street kitchen like it’s a damn military outpost (but not nearly as strict), and whips out every holiday recipe from home that he can manage. This means baking— Christmas conchas and marranitos especially— but not only baking. There’s a lot of, like, soup and stew going on. Red pozole, and chicken pozole verde...... (I am hungry typing this up) and also, this host of cooking wouldn’t be complete without Nando’s papa’s hot chocolate recipe. He makes it many times for his teammates and Quinn. Because Nando has such a thing about feeding the people he loves and cares about, he wants to make sure all his friends from Kiersey experience the true wonder of a Hernandez family Christmas.
Remy: Remy is a huge fan of pond hockey, so he goes out to skate any chance he gets on the one pond on campus. He can and will do this by himself, but he invites friends along too. You’re lying to yourself if you don’t think Remy “raging Canadian” Tremblay isn’t 100% in his element out on a frozen pond in skates, a winter hat, gloves, his Olympic Team Canada windbreaker, and track pants. So, yes, he does take himself out on skating dates. He works on his shot, his speed, and stick handling. But like I said, he’s not always alone. One time, he invites the team out for a game of shinny and it starts snowing, so it devolves into a KMH snowball fight. Another time, he invites Kai and gets ready to laugh at xir the whole time because Kai makes it out like xe can’t skate, and then Kai invites him to race, and it turns out Kai is a former figure skater and xe’s extremely fast. Remy is shook.
Ben: (Sigh) Although this is extremely characteristic of Ben Shaley, I do not approve of his life choices. Ben has a personal holiday tradition called the 12 Days of Lay. It’s exactly what it sounds like, but I’ll explain it to you anyway. In the 12 days leading up to the end of the semester, Ben tries to hook up every single day. He does this by showing up at random parties. Yes, I hate him. Yes, he makes terrible decisions. Yes, he’s a thot. Thanks for your time.
Quinn: First of all, he knits like a crazy person. Sophomore year, he makes matching blue and gold pom-pom hats for the entire hockey team (this requires some pre-planning, but he does it nonetheless), and he gives them to the boys right before their last game of the semester. He knits other things, too, in various holiday themes. He and Nando try to watch as many Christmas movies as they can in the short window of time post-Thanksgiving and pre-winter break, because Quinn never watched holiday movies growing up, and Nando gives him his first education in them, and then it becomes a tradition for them.
Cole: True story: every year, the drama club hosts a little holiday talent show, and every year without fail, Cole goes up and sings the Adam Sandler Hanukkah song. Yes, he plays his own guitar. Yes, he wears the ugly Hanukkah sweater that Quinn made for him. He might even wear his kippah? I’m not sure, but either way, he gets a real kick out of himself. I would also say “Cole teaches his Christmas-celebrating friends Hanukkah traditions,” but Cole barely has friends, so, uh. I mean, he could teach them to Reid? Except one of Reid’s roommates/“boys” from his graduating year is also Jewish, and Reid probably already knows. Come to think of it, Cole probably hangs out with Jake. But anyway.
Reid: He has a pair of Christmas socks for each separate day. You think I exaggerate, but I assure you, I do not. And as we saw yesterday, Reid is a big fan of Christmas decorations. He puts a [plastic] tree up in his campus residence, Duffy Hall apartment 3, which we saw a brief glimpse into during yesterday’s installment of the 25 Days. Duff 3 goes hard at the holidays, and it probably includes some good parties.
Bri: In collaboration with her fellow Art Students, she participates in a big fundraiser where they sell art designed to be holiday gifts. They do this on campus, but probably also out in the actual community of Kiersey, which is a (fictional) medium-sized town. Bri makes a lot of vases, dishware, and other ceramic stuff, plus stuff in the glass studio. The students donate some of the proceeds to charity, and use some to help fund their department. Also, Christmas leggings are to Bri what socks are to her boyfriend.
Jhiron: I know we don’t really see Jhiron all that much, but I want to include him on this list because he’s one of the few members of the Kiersey cast who actively celebrates an “uncommon” or at least uncommercialized winter holiday, which is Kwanzaa. He’s Muslim, but Kwanzaa is cultural rather than religious, so he celebrates it both at home and a little on campus. It doesn’t actually start until after Christmas, but he’s really active in the Kiersey Black Student Union (his girlfriend, Jazzy, is the president of it their senior year), and they have this really nice African holiday festival in collaboration with the campus multicultural center. It involves food, traditions, et cetera, and takes place right before everybody leaves.
Maggie: Maggie is the online shopping queen. She capitalizes on Cyber Monday deals, and times all her shopping so that gifts for friends will come in before they all leave for break. She’s extremely thoughtful and also extremely stylish, and there’s glitter on the wrapping for pretty much every present she hands out. She’s not a “DIY gift” kind of person— but she will gift you something that corresponds to your exact aesthetic, every time. She has an eye for stuff like that. She likes doing Yankee swaps and stuff for similar reasons.
Kai: I actually don’t know that Kai is big on celebrating any one winter holiday, but I don’t think that that means xe is against festivities, and I know for a fact that xe would decorate xir lizard’s tank. With, like, little lights around the sides. And Leonardo (the lizard in question) gets some kind of festive hat. He only keeps it on for about two seconds, but it’s long enough for Kai to get his picture and set it as xir profile picture on everything for the duration of the holiday season. Also, skating with Remy, as I mentioned earlier.
Claire: She does campus-wide caroling with the Kiersey acapella group, which is a real student organization that exists, despite my lack of mentioning it to this point. I think there’s probably some crossover with theatre kids, as in, a handful of them are in it, and Claire sticks out as someone who definitely would do it. Anyway. They go caroling from dorm to dorm during finals. Claire brings cookies for her acapella friends. They all wear Santa hats. It’s great fun.
Ellie: Because she is, at heart, a very outdoorsy person, Ellie helps decorate the exterior of campus. Like, hanging lights on trees and stuff? She also encourages her friends to participate in various outdoorsy activities such as building a snowman, which lives outside her apartment for a few days until some drunk football players knock it down, and then Ellie gets super pissed and re-makes the snowman passive-aggressively, and basically just keeps this up until the end of the semester. A hopeless romantic at heart, Ellie daydreams about having a girlfriend who will make snow angels, go on skating dates, and watch festive movies with her. When she actually does get a girlfriend, she does all these things with her accordingly.
Teegs: He throws the most raging, wild holiday parties you ever did see. Anyone who gets within a 10-foot radius of the house on Beech Street from after Thanksgiving until the end of the semester risks getting covered in fake snow confetti, being forced to play some kind of Christmas drinking game, and, of course, having their eardrums blown out by Teegs’ Christmas music. He has sunglasses with fun rims, like this..........
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italianfish · 4 years
Here’s some things that I’ve overheard recently
- Michael Jackson part 1, before he came around
- That’s a sexy gauge
- We have cones in our eyes??? *Turns to friend* Show me your eyes.
- What’s ROYGBIV? Is that a person?
- I put the jewish inside of him
- The air in my house is polluted with sleeping pills
- One day someone will react to my gay jokes
- One day someone brought a tub of ice cream out of their backpack in the middle of class
- Hey Francis (Talking to a blow up alien)
- Why do you like assholes
- Aladdin doesn’t have nipples
- Support your own god damn neck!
- I saw my friend in the bathroom and he gave me orange juice
- Yes, indeed my good sir
- Sharing your wealth is the way to become poor
- I’m sorry I don’t have calcium in my body
- Why the pancreas?!
- I watched this show and these characters exploded and it was my favorite show
- Someone is going to lose a pancreas
- A: Don’t lose your pancreas B: I’ll try to hold onto it
- She knew how to multiply! And I was like “You’re only three!”
- Come on Moser, hitting the nut won’t do anything
- I work with a prostitute
- I love crunchy pancakes
- You are a big neon doof
- Look I can spit, I’m cool now
- ‘Ay! Trout!
- In her free time she did her taxes
- Hey! You like Raisin Bran?
- If you get a rooster you’ll be hungry, unless you eat him
- It smells like Hawaii
- If A claims he’s a god and Jesus says he’s the son of god... Does that mean Jesus is A’s son?
- We managed to convince our sub that this was a film and lit class so we watched infinity war all period
- A- So let’s keep the duck B- It’s a vulture...
- Did you just call me fuzzy?
- I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on
- He looks like a punk rock jazz drummer
- A- British! British! B- I HAVE A NAME!
- Stop putting your dog in the oven!
- Did you expect it to be that good of a cactus?
- I relate to Squidward so much
- He was like the dad that left to get cigarettes and never came back
- We’re literally following Marty Mcfly
- My elbows are funky fresh
- A- You shank em’ B- No! That is the exact opposite of a solution!
- Unicorns caused global warming
- A- No balls in class! B- But we’re in health
- The crazy chellos are back
- See! I do have friends!
- It’s a train, a train of love
- A- Why do they keep getting rid of the babies? B- I don’t know, abortion
- You have to earn the bucket hat
- My friend brought in 7 bucket hats
- Hide the forks!
- The turtles tried to cross the road once
- I’m scared of turtles
- So does everyone just carry a sword around in their back pocket?
- When you’re fishing, anyone in a bucket hat has authority
- She has cheese on her hook!
- Are your knee pits moist?
- Why are you molesting me with water
- I was born vaccinated
- I was born to be a little spoon
- Why do I look like a hispanic man
- Can I tickle your knee pits?
- You’re going to get eaten by the ocean
- A- You’re a hot mess B- Hey! At least I’m hot!
- They’ve developed a handshake! Isn’t this a problem?!
- We’re in the OG thirteen colonies
- A- I’m not used to seeing those big grassy structures B- You mean trees?!
- My name is bagged milk
- You only drink bagged milk once, in Canada
- It’s not expensive, you’re just poor
- I forgot I’m a lady
- That’s you after I poop
- I want to be Brazilian
- I figured out what the voice was! They’re playing Bingo
- A- Do “coo coo” B- CAW
- It’s probably in a nice aisle, aisle 9
- So inside the bag there are 3 more bags full of milk
- Mom we got the bagged milk
- He told me I looked like Nicholas Cage
- Her bio says inhale the kale
- I feel like an easy bake oven
- The bags just like, left
- But what about the unicorns
- Look at that potato! That looks free!
- Everyone! Find a piece of metal and lick it
- I’m the toilet man
- Go fetch me grapes
- All girls want to molest this
- He ate a whole pancake out of an Applebee’s dumpster
- Why did he eat turf
- I’m on a mission to find dairy products
- I was going to go to school and pretend to be a witch
- Remember when you put the lotion in my mouth and I drank it?
- We’re playing quarter baseball
- Pretend you’re sleeping
- The ultimate frisbee association
- My mom picked me up from school so I could go to ultimate frisbee practice
- They got a $2000 grant for a barely existing ultimate frisbee team
- She’s ultra mom
- The dodgeball guy called my friend a walrus
- We did a dramatic reading of an adult novel
- He was buying materials to make a whip
- Grate her down like a piece of cheese
- We sat in a circle and named our most Jewish quality
- 4 is the cosmic number
- I hate being a fertile woman
- Excuse me I’m Jewish
- Surprise disco duet
- I shook like 7 tents
- She’s the strings teacher, we keep her in the basement
- Whenever we finished a test and we said “I’m done” he would say “I’m done! You’re finished!” his last name was Done
- I thought the fire hydrant was a turkey
- I asked him if his password was like an anniversary or something and he said “It’s the date of my grandparents death”
- He gives us weekly quantum physics lectures
- Bruh! That looks like a lunchbox!
- No offense but this guy would make out with a floorboard
- You seem like the kind of person to kiss a floorboard
- You sound exactly like my pediatrician
- Lots of poop, no sock
- She’s not doing her work, she’s looking at Peppa pig
- Yo neighbor, I need some sugar
- White moms are really easy to scare
- Even though it’s part of Asia, ITS NOT
- Why was there a hanging waffle?!
- I got complimented on my croissant
- You can sell your liver
- Bernie Sanders reminds me of a muppet
- What are you going to do? Hunt squirrels?
- *A bunch of AP students shouting “Linguini”*
- I got bitten by an iguana in Aruba
- We got an actor to join the hammock group chat
- Say goodbye to your ovaries
- I’m half a butt cheek away from death
- Are you one of those people who puts ice cream and pop tarts in a blender
- Yo! You got any shoes I can eat???
- That’s how you segregate your trail mix???
- He has a six pack of ribs
- I’m so done with books about African children
- Do homies kiss
- I’m here for the num nums
- Don’t touch my pizza you savage!!!
- What are you for Halloween? Jewish?
- Do ducks have tails
- He was the one that broke the constitution
- Oh god now there’s Hitler on my paper
- God given right of ruling... Manifest destiny in China
- Do you shampoo your eyebrows
- This isn’t Bayblade!
- Bob Ross wasn’t an artist, he was an art therapist
- If anyone on the team is a jellyfish, it’s definitely Brandon
- It’s your fault that I’m not going to college!
- I’m having spinach for dinner! I’m so excited!
- I locked him in his toolbox
- Let’s rent a midget for a day and we can throw him against a wall
- I know how to utilize money, but do I know how to utilize it well, that’s another question
- Man, that place needs a Chick-fil-a, and I’m going to make it
- We should have the purge in school one day
- If you’re weird enough, people won’t want to rape you
- Flex seal it with tape
- Oh yeah, I got vinegar all over my sweatshirt
- Don’t say “Have a good day”, because I’m not having a good day
- Well maybe someday you’ll have cancer
- What’s up guys, I’m from Richie’s pizza, and today I’ll be showing you my body count
- An obo sounds like a clarinet with Down syndrome
- I’m the jolly black giant
- You pissed off a priest
- If we get a lot of money, I can take her boyfriend to prom
- Ted Bundy would share a lot of ideas with you
- They’re doing a milk experiment... But with marinara
- A- That’s not a color! B- But it’s on a crayon!
- Hey what’s up cheese goblin
- I’m letting my toes breathe
- I’m just saying, tinfoil doesn’t taste that bad
- When I was away were you in my house? Because it’s happened before
- How do you say I have scoliosis in Italian?
- I’m gonna give give birth to a duck, right here, right now
- Are you comparing a 3D printed violin to genocide
- Brother from another mother, TELL ME ABOUT THAT
- I’m a vulture, just vulturing
- I’m going on a field trip to the sewage treatment plant on my birthday
- You’re making my vagina angry
- Competitive Just Dance team
- Oh no there’s spaghetti falling out of my pockets!
- (Yoda impression) Take anger out on minorities I must
- I can turn off the lights and you’d still be white
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Elastic Heart: Epilogue (Branjie) - Mia Ugly
A/N: I have no words but thank you. 
They go to New York for the finale. 
Brock loves this city. It’s full of shiny, awful memories that makes him feel young and stupid again.  He likes it even better with Jose at his side, swaggering along in his neck scarf looking kissable as hell.
If they had more time, Brock would take Jose to his old neighbourhood, see if that amazing vintage store was still open down the street from his apartment. Show him the dance studio where he spent his youth instead of going out to clubs and hooking up and sleeping in.
Next time, Brock tells himself, and the thought makes something warm pulse beneath his ribs.
“Girl, stop it.”
“Stop what?” They’re on the train to the club, both of them weighted down with suitcases and duffle bags.
“Looking at me like - don’t front, you know what your face is doing!”
“No. Show me.”
“Nah! So you can laugh at me? No ma’am.”
They have only spent one night apart for the past week.  Jose has followed Brock to gigs, to clubs, to hotel rooms. He hasn’t met the cats yet, but he will.  Someday (and that word is so heartbreakingly sweet that it almost makes Brock slide onto the floor of the subway.  Which he doesn’t because that would be revolting but - almost.)
He knows it won’t last, of course.  This time together, this closeness. After the finale there are shows that Jose can’t get out of, but then they’ll be at Drag Con together, and then they’ll be touring.  Brock can see the future, or the next few months anyway, and he sees Jose standing beside him.  He sees Vanessa with gold glitter all the way from her throat to her naval, because she’s got no judges to placate anymore. He sees them having drinks in bars in France, Australia, Canada (Brock’s going to get her poutine and she’s going to lose her damn mind.)
After that - they’ll figure it out.  It’s too hard to think about how they’ll make this work once they’re both on the road, doing their own thing in different parts of the world, only connected by lines on a map.  Brock’s never done the long-distance relationship thing before.  
He’s never done the relationship thing before, period.
“You good, boo?” Jose’s looking at him, warmth and worry in his eyes.
Brock pushes his insecurities somewhere else. Enjoy this while it lasts (he tell himself that he doesn’t hear a clock ticking softly in the background, counting down the time until it all falls the fuck apart -)
“So good.” (Don’t go there, not now.)
They kiss then, because it’s New York fucking City, and Brock isn’t willing to hide this feeling in the shadows.  Even if he wanted to, he doesn’t think it would work; when he looks at Jose, he shines too brightly. “Nervous about tonight?”
“Ha, no way. I ain’t goin’ in with no expectations whatsoever. It’s just another night.”
“Whatever you say.” Brock is less anxious about the winner, more anxious about watching the episode, looking at his shell-shocked face in the audience.  Everything was so fresh and impossible then, he felt like he was just going through the motions of a living human being. Step. Step. Breathe. Blink. 
From the nervous way Jose’s chewing on his lip, Brock knows that he’s thinking about it too.
There wasn’t even a definite Top Two after the finale. Ru did a weird lip-sync round robin and filmed four crowning ceremonies, so no one is clear on who the winner is going to be. Brock doesn’t know how he feels about seeing Yvie and Silky and everyone tonight - he’s maybe the most anxious about A’Keria because of that disgustingly vulnerable conversation they had after the reunion - but he’d rather be with Jose than anywhere else in the world. So what if his friends are a bit - extroverted for Brock at times? It’s worth it just to hold his hand.  
Brock rolls his eyes at himself; who knew he would be so soft and pathetic in love? (It was obvious to anyone that halfway knew him, clear to everyone but himself.)
When they get to Lips, Brock sits in the dressing room and watches Jose turn into Vanessa. It’s a process he’s seen hundreds of times before, but it’s - kind of sexy? When it’s Jose? (God, he is never going to tell anyone that, he’s going to take this feeling to the grave.)  The focus Jose has when he’s painting, staring in the mirror as intently as any other artist, it makes Brock feel a bit light-headed.  He watches in silence as Jose blocks out his eyebrows, paints them on, blends his contour, lines his lips. 
“Girl, stop it,” Jose says, concentration breaking. “You keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna have to lock this door.”
Heat rushes to Brock’s face, his chest, his stomach. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Jose smiles wide into the mirror, and Brock’s hands clench into fists because how does anyone feel this happy without their heart giving out?
That’s about when Silky kicks the door in (“Y’all order some strippers?!”), A’Keria following close behind. It’s too loud to say a word for the next half-hour or so over the shrieking and laughter of the three of them, so Brock moves to the other side of the room, watches from the sidelines. No one acts surprised to see him, no one pays him any attention whatsoever (aside from one flat and assessing stare from Silky that lasts a little too long). Brock checks his phone, responds to some messages, shoots hot quiet looks over at Jose every time the other man glances at him. 
Yvie shows up late, halfway made up.  She’s quiet as she slinks into the room and winces a bit when she sees Silky but is polite enough.  She unpacks her kit next to Brock, slightly apart from the gorgeous chaos of the Dream Girls.
Brock finds himself feeling genuinely happy to see her, the weirdest thing that’s happened to him today.
“How’ve you been?” he asks, and Yvie rolls her eyes at him.
“You really care, or you just want a lead in so you can tell me what you’re doing here?” Yvie glances over her shoulder at the sound of Vanjie’s laughter. “Like it isn’t obvious.”
“You’re obvious,” Brock retorts, feeling altogether too content to make much sense.
“Oh my god,” Yvie groans, “I thought it was bad before.  But you’re going to be unbearable now, aren’t you? Like full-on puppies on a honeymoon bullshit. I might be sick.”
“Don’t be jealous, girl. Love is a beautiful thing.” Brock goes in for a fake hug and Yvie smacks his hands away. “A beautiful, natural -”
“Gross, get off.  I’m not Vanjie.”
“Someone say my name?” Jose has disappeared, and Vanessa has taken his place (dressed in gold sequins, red glossed lips and huge feathery lashes.) “Brooke, you watch those hands, baby.”
“Yes, papi,” Brock gives her a wink while beside him Yvie mimes throwing up.
The smile Vanjie gives him in return is slow to spread, and sexy as hell.  That girl puts her whole heart into her smile, and it makes Brock ache.  It makes Brock forget that there’s anyone else in the world, or the city, or the dressing room.
“What you gonna do while we watch the show, Miss Brooke Lynn?” Silky notices the direction of Vanjie’s stare. “We already gonna have four bitches in the green room. That’s too many bitches!”
The four finalists are hosting a Q&A after the winner is revealed but they’ll be watching the show backstage, with a single camera to capture the winner’s reaction. 
“Nah, she coming in with us,” Vanjie says, “Can’t make it through all your bullshit without my jush.”
A’Keria smiles brightly into the mirrors and she smacks Silky’s arm before the other queen can open up her mouth to respond.
“Leave ‘em alone.  Just because your ass ain’t got a man right now -”
“I ain’t got a man, no.  They’re lining up, honey. All ‘round the block for a piece of this.”
“What about you, Miss Yvie?” A’Keria calls across the room.
Yvie flinches.  Then disturbingly enough, she blushes. Brock doesn’t think he’s ever seen her blush before. It makes her look a lot younger (she is young, though. With all her sharp edges, it can be easy to forget that.)
“What about what,” she mumbles.
“You got someone lining up for you?”
“No.” Yvie’s eyes flash angrily to Brock as if daring him to contradict her.
“What’s your judy Scarlet up to these days?” A’Keria continues, painfully nonchalant.
“I don’t know,” Yvie says flatly, face going so red her skin is almost purple. 
Both A’Keria and Silky stare at her for a beat - before their mouths open in matching screams. 
“She bangin’ Scarlet!” Silky shouts, “Yass girl, get that D.”
“Aw, they’re comin’ for your merch money, Branjie!” A’Keria spanks Silky’s ass. “And this bitch owes me twenty dollars now, bet she thought I’d forget.”
“Shut up.” Yvie’s voice is hard, but there’s a pleased little curve to her lips.  “You don’t even - whatever.”
It’s basically adorable, and Brock wants to say so (before Yvie’s deadly look makes him re-think mentioning anything ever again.)
They’re led to the green room by a tattooed server who could be in the Pit Crew.  He takes a drink order before he leaves, and A’Keria watches him go with raised eyebrows. The room itself is tiny, with one couch that all four finalists will definitely not fit on, and the production team runs off to find more chairs. Brock hangs back, off in a corner while the Dream Girls hassle each other on the couch and Yvie floats nervously around the room. He’s not in drag tonight, and the cameras won’t be on him. He was fully prepared to wait out by the bar, but if Vanessa wants him then he’s here. Simple as that (plus the the thought of watching the episode without her is a little terrifying. He wants to see her face through all of it, remind himself that no matter what came before, this is where they are now.)
“Girl, something is stabbing at me.  Can you see what’s up with this zipper?” Yvie comes over to him, holding up her bizarre seaweed wig, and Brock tries to help.  He’s half-listening to her, and half-listening to the conversation between Vanjie and Silky that has suddenly gotten much more intense. Vanjie’s voice is basically inaudible, but Silky has no inside voice and absolutely no chill, so all Brock can make out is one side of it.
“Naw, you had that when we sent your sad ass to Boston! What you still doing with it? Thought you was going to –”
Again Vanjie says something, and Brock briefly glances at her over Yvie’s shoulder.
“You’re triflin,’ ho. I’m gonna do it for you, you so scared.” Silky raises her voice even more. “Brock, hey Miss Brooke Lynn –”
“Stop it,” Vanessa says sharply. “Serious, Silk.”
“What’s up?” Brock abandons Yvie (after she waves him away, clearly aware that he’s distracted.) 
“Miss Thing over here needs to step her pussy up,” Silky says, and Vanjie glares at her.
“Silk, shut the fuck up.”
“I’m looking out for your best interests, ho.” Silky grins.  “Miss Brooke Lynn -”
Vanjie stops her by getting off the couch and dragging Brock out of the green room. Silky starts clapping in the background, but Vanjie closes the door behind them, pulling Brock down the hallway.  A couple servers and P.A.s are moving quickly around them, setting up for the show, and Vanjie backs Brock up against the wall, standing close and speaking so soft that Brock has to lean into her.
“I ain’t never gonna forgive that bitch.”
“Listen, whatever Silk’s trying to make you do - you don’t have to -”
“No,” Vanessa cuts him off. “No, she’s right.  I - listen. You gotta tell me if this is stupid, I can’t tell sometimes. Around you.”  She fiddles with that silver ring on her thumb. It stands out when she’s wearing it (mostly because she always seems to be touching it, constantly checking to make sure it hasn’t slipped off.)
“I know that we ain’t really talked about what’s going to happen when we’re on the road. We ain’t really talked about any of it. Like if you’re at a club and there’s all this trade around and you’re thinking -”
“Wait - are you asking if we’re exclusive? Vanessa -”
“I ain’t asking. I’m telling you that - I am.” She twists that silver ring. “That’s how it is for me. So. Whatever you wanna do, we can figure it out, but I ain’t - like that. Shit, I gotta stop talking.” 
Brock’s knees are getting weak.  And the night has barely started - never a good sign.
“I’m not like that either.” He reaches out, puts his hand on her waist. “You don’t have to worry about that, okay? That’s not me.”
“Yeah, you say that but -” Vanessa twists that silver ring again. “This belonged to my abuelo. Did I already tell you that?”
Vanessa doesn’t talk about her family much (besides her mom) and Brock didn’t expect her to be carrying around heirlooms.
“He was nice. To me. Not everyone was, you know? And I thought – you gotta promise not to laugh at me.”
“I promise.”
“Such a fucking liar.” Despite the harshness of her words, Vanessa grins, shyly. “You know how you got trouble sometimes, talking ‘bout your shit. Or like asking me how I’m feeling, what I’m feeling ‘bout you.”
“I thought, like – maybe if I gave you this you wouldn’t have to ask. Even if we were in other countries and whatever. You’d just - know.”
With trembling hands, Vanessa takes the ring off her thumb, holds it out to Brock.
Brock doesn’t know what to say.
“I ain’t proposing, you don’t got to look so scared. I just –“ Vanessa swallows and looks away, blinking furiously. “Just - this is how I feel.”
Brock just stares at the ring in Vanjie’s palm. He’s forgotten how to make his hands work. Forgotten how to reach out, how to move at all.
“You - want a ring or some shit?” Vanjie asks, voice breaking.
Brock’s clumsy with feeling, so much he almost drops the ring as he takes it from Vanessa, fingers dragging gently over her skin  It’s a thick silver ring with old-fashioned, leafy scrollwork around the edges. It’s heavy.  Brock didn’t expect that. 
“I’m going to start crying,” he stammers, getting ahead of the disaster while he can.
“Don’t you fucking dare or I’ll start, and this paint is flawless now.” 
Vanessa’s hands are smaller than his, and the ring only fits on Brock’s ring finger.  He puts it on his right hand because - he can’t even go there right now. 
“Looks good on you,” Vanjie says and then starts shaking. “You know I love you, right? You gotta know that, I’m all fucked up about it and -”
“Come here,” Brock manages, pulling her against him. Their heartbeats kick at each other, and Brock thinks of home, all the places that have been home and will be home, and how none of them mean more right now than this perfumed man wrapped in his arms.
After Vanjie stops shaking so much, and Brock’s eyes aren’t filled with mortifying tears, they kiss lightly - those backstage lounge kisses where neither of them could move for messing up the other’s lipstick, but they still couldn’t keep their hands off each other.
“Oooof,” Vanjie breathes out. “Okay. Silk is going to destroy me if I go back in there lookin’ all wrecked.“
“You’re gorgeous.” Brock presses a final kiss to her cheekbone, and then one more to her eyebrow and then - “Shit, sorry.  You’ve got - to go back.” Sometimes when he looks at her, when she’s this close to him, he forgets all of that.
“We could just take off,” Vanessa says with some serious consideration. “Get our shit, hit the road.”
“Your girls would hunt you down.”
“True that.” Vanjie sighs.  She reaches out, laces their fingers together. The metal ring is already warm between their palms.
Brock smiles down at their hands, and then smiles at Vanjie, his whole heart in his throat and glowing like an ember.
“Come on, baby. Let’s go find out who wins.”
“I already know.” Vanjie holds his gaze, eyes shining and red lips pressed together. “It don’t matter.”
And for once in Brock’s life - it really doesn’t. 
(Once upon a time, there was a boy who wanted to be a dancer.  
He started young and taught himself, no studios for him. He worked hard, tirelessly, and ended up on stages around the country.  He met people who took care of him, had his heart broken, had his dreams ground down into ashes. He built walls made of glitter and gold brick, and he put them up around himself (but never beneath his skin, never around his heart. His heart was soft, a velvety peach, and however he tried to keep it hidden, people always seemed to find it.  Sink their teeth in.)
He bruised too easily, but he was going places, anyone who met him knew as much.  Everyone who met him saw something that even he didn’t see in himself. 
He worked. He danced. He reached for success and had it smacked out of his grasp, fell to his knees and skinned them, thought it was over.
But it was not over. 
It was just starting.
“Never fear.  The Queen of the North is here.”
The boy (grown up now, with a different name) heard that voice, and looked up across the werkroom to see a woman dressed in red and black and gold.  
We match, was Vanjie’s first thought. 
Her second thought was stranger.  It almost felt like her ankle rolling underneath her, an old dance injury, even though her stiletto heels were planted firmly on the ground.
Glitter and brick was shifting around her, cracks spreading through her armour, and her third thought was: ‘I’m in so much damn trouble.’
It started here, but it won’t end here.  (The thing about peaches is that there are stones inside them tough enough to break your teeth. It takes strength beyond measure to be soft. Say it. Say it again.)
Vanessa lifted her eyes to the Queen of the North, felt the phantom pain of inevitable injury rushing toward her.
And she smiled.)
* * *
Sometimes love doesn’t stay, but motherfuck, when it does
it is worth every person that ever told you that you were not enough.
- “I Break Like a Fever,” Desireé Dallagiacomo c
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Hopefully you guys liked the original Death Road To Canada fic! Not to be that person and all, but uh... I made more.
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Now, you should TOTALLY read this because the amount of time that went into this is absolutely absurd. I’d also like to personally thank Mod Nagito for being my second set of eyes and making sure that everything was actually comprehensible.
Now, with a nice word count of 5055, I give you...
DANGANPOCALYPSE: Death Road To Canada, Day 2
“... up! God, you sleep like a damn rock.”
“.. Nnnmrrph.”
“If you don’t wake up, you’re gonna get left behind again, you know,” a voice said matter of factly.
Kazuichi lifted his head from the pillow he had been provided, running a finger through his knotted hair. He admittedly should have been putting more effort into taking care of it, but the task had been proven to be a bit difficult without an actual hairbrush. He rubbed his eyes open, slouching over as he attempted to recall everything from the day before.
The thought of the bathroom, and the horde surrounding his stall came flushing back, along with the girl with purple hair and a laugh that would make any man feel a chill crawl up his spine. The obnoxious, grape-haired boy who managed to slip past the field of view of the zombies was sitting in front of him, tying his bandana around his neck. The thwick of a thread somewhere being pulled on his clothing made him grumble in frustration, and Kazuichi watched Kokichi lift his arms and look around intently. Eventually he gave up, and tossed the mechanic his beanie with a brand new patch of two diamonds, one with a face and another an E inside of a larger C. He looked up at Kokichi, who was already fixing to leave the building.
“Anyone who travels with me for more than a day gets that emblem. Consider yourself part of D.I.C.E.” He announced, walking into the bright light.
“H-hold on, I don’t even know what that is!!” Kazuichi called out, gaining no response. He looked back down at the patch, putting his fingers on the threads. It was still warm, and he figured that it was an iron-on. He made a mental note to ask someone to secure it much better. He wasn’t quite sure what D.I.C.E. was, but he felt he owed the leader something for his generosity.
He grabbed a box of ammunition and a pistol that had been left by a previous camper, putting them in one of his many pockets. When he walked outside, he lifted his hand in an attempt to avoid the harsh morning sun. The rest of the camp was waking up with them, along with Toko and the redhead from before, Himiko. Out of curiosity, he looked at Toko and Himiko’s clothes closer. Sure enough, there was a brand new emblem attached to the sailor-style collar of her school uniform, and Himiko’s hat brandished the same thing.
“Re-remind me why you modified my clothes?!” Fukawa questioned, practically foaming at the mouth. Kokichi shrugged, smirking.
“Look, if I’m gonna have more people traveling with me, we’re gonna travel in style. Since I don’t have bandanas… why not the organization patch? I see no problem with it, considering I put it in pretty hard to notice places, anyways.” Kokichi looked to his right, flourishing his hand. Toko looked over to Himiko, enraged.
“Nyeh, this isn’t anything new, honestly. You get used to it, so you should let him have this.” Himiko dismissively replied, straightening her hat out.
“Besides, it’s nice to have a bit of flair…” Kazuichi tried to speak up, coughing out the last syllable. He rubbed his neck as he winced in pain, regretting talking at all. Instead, he pointed to the car and nodded his head towards it.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be getting in the car soon, but give me a moment, since I have an announcement!” He yelled far louder than he should have. Tired eyes were cast in their direction, still trying to rub the sleep from them. “Starting today, we’re gonna have the cutest witch in the world come with us! I’m a little shocked that you would leave poor, poor Tenko, but what can you do?” Kokichi chirped, wrapping his arms around Himiko. She quickly grabbed her hat so it wouldn’t come off completely, and crouched out of his embrace. He whined in protest, then sighed.
“Yeah, yeah. Can we save the dramatics for when we need them?” Toko asked, hurriedly pacing towards the car. Everyone followed in suite, Kokichi finally unlocking the doors. As the group piled in, he turned around, pausing a beat longer than he should have, making Toko think that he was leaving something here. She decided it wasn’t her business, and grabbed her notebook she had obtained from the camp. Fumbling in the glove compartment, she finally found a cheap pen. Uncapping it, she quickly went into writing.
Himiko took a moment to look at her new team before rubbing her eyes once more, yawning. “If it makes no difference to you, I’m going to take some time to charge my mana.” She laid her head on top of Kazuichi, who had been looking out the window again up until then.
“I-I--why bother?” He said, watching her hat already toppling off of her hair. She was already clocked out before he could have a say, leaving him to sigh. At least she was light, he thought.
With that, Kokichi turned on the car and left with a serious look on his face. He grabbed at the emblem he had sewn on his sleeve long ago, thinking about all of his organization, wondering how they would be faring in the apocalyptic world they were in. Regardless, he couldn’t be as upfront about it as he would’ve preferred, but seeing one of them look so defeated in front of the campfire hurt him more than he could’ve imagined.
He recalled the night before when everyone else turned in, leaving the two of them out by the fire. It flickered on their faces, and their voices remained hushed.
“So, this is where you’ve been.” Kokichi murmured, adding more fodder to the fire. The man looked up, running fingers through his curly hair.
“Yeah, it certainly beats where some of the others ended up. I’d rather be helping people like you out. I can worry about pranks in the future, y’know?” He asked carefully, his eyes never leaving the ashen logs.
“I suppose I get it,” Kokichi admitted. He looked around, tugging at his curled up hair. “You know I’ve never been the type to let other people on to how I do my work.”
The beat of silence minus the crickets and croaking of frogs made Kokichi feel uneasy. He hadn’t rested like this in awhile, since he never could stay as calm as he played himself to be.
“That’s fine and all. Just… remember that talking to the rest of the people you travel with isn’t going to hurt you. Communication is your tool, not your downfall.” The man with the afro got up, wiping off his clothes. Before he could leave, Kokichi grabbed onto his pants leg. He turned around, looking at the leader’s face with confusion. Kokichi fished in his back pocket and eventually placed a DICE emblem in the man’s hands.
“You’re always a part of the team, you know. That’s no lie,” He said. Kokichi proceeded to let go, watching the man walk into one of the small buildings. He couldn’t tell if he had made the right decision showing how much he cared at that moment.
It didn’t matter, considering he had already been driving the car for thirty minutes aimlessly, somehow keeping everyone safe. Looking in the rear view mirror revealed the mechanic gently patting Himiko’s hair unknowingly while he looked out the window, muttering something about not drinking enough Blue Ram. Toko was still vigorously writing something down. He couldn’t look into it much, but deciphered it was some fictitious story.
It isn’t long before they reach a completely barricaded road, and Kokichi is forced to hit the brakes several yards earlier. The halting of movement caused Himiko to stir, reaching aimlessly to grab her witch’s hat. The silhouettes of 8 figures stood atop the wall, holding what looked like guns. They were clad in various clothes, one with a poncho that billowed in the wind. l. Kokichi sighed, looking back and forth in an attempt to find some other road to take. Kazuichi gasped as he looked out the window to see a man with a scar over his left eye approaching from what appeared to be a gate. The bandages on his arm, the all too familiar scarf that hung around him, the coat that fluttered with a slight breeze-- he knew the person all too well. He quickly rolled down the window.
“What gives, man?! Had you waited for me and that white-haired freak, we wouldn’t have gotten separated!” He groaned, earning Kokichi’s attention.
“What, you know this Hot Topic peruser?” Kokichi gasped, shaking Toko’s arm like an excited fangirl. “What, is he the lead singer of one of your angsty bands, Toki?” Toko growled as she ripped her arm out of Kokichi’s grasp, who pouted.
“You should excuse yourself, impudent cur. I have more dignity than your own disastrous dynasty struck you with in your infantile stages,” the man grumbled as he reached the car, a chubby hamster peeking out of his scarf with beady eyes.
“Oooh, those are some fancy words! It’s cute how you think that you’re so above us all, really,” Kokichi said, prodding at the man further. Kazuichi looked between the two of them, worried.
“Look, man, he’s just really annoying. When you travel with him, he’s maybe a little less annoying, you know.” Kazuichi laughed nervously, watching the man squint his eyes.
“That may be so, but what makes you think I would let you traverse our barrier? What if one of you are of the afflicted??” He questioned, his words laced with fierce paranoia. Kazuichi looked at the rest of the passengers giving him expectant eyes, then turned back to the man, and opened the car door. He stepped out and met eyes with the visibly tired man. Kazuichi could see it on his face that this man was a far cry from what he was. His eyes seemed more sunken, and it looked as if he wasn’t eating as much anymore.
“Gundham, I know that you can’t stand being this worried, but you’re gonna have to let Sonia go. She wouldn’t have wanted you to hold people back, you know?” Kazuichi softened his gaze as he watched Gundham visibly tensen. Kokichi looked like he was going to butt in before Himiko covered his mouth with a tiny hand, clearly invested in the miniature soap opera unfolding in front of them.
“I… if only I had reached her side sooner, maybe I could’ve defended her with my dying breath as I had promised,” He sniffled, and Kazuichi quickly shushed him, grabbing a hand that was about to reach up to his face to stop the tears. “My oath, my pact to her, my promise…”
“I… Miss Sonia may not have liked me much, but I can tell you that she wouldn’t wish anyone to be harsh on themselves, especially not you.” Kazuichi grasped something out of his left breast pocket, gently laying it in Gundham’s open hand. There laid a limp, black bow with small gemstones attached to it. The man looked at the mechanic with teary eyes as he held the bow as if it were more fragile than a glass figurine. Before Kazuichi could say more, Gundham turned and walked back to the barricade, motioning Kokichi to pull up with the hand holding the memento of what everyone else assumed was a fallen friend. Kazuichi nodded and sat back into the car, securing the door. As they rolled closer, Kokichi noticed that what he thought were people standing atop the wall were actually dressed up mannequins, pipes and things jammed into their hands to look like weapons.
Before Gundham completely opened the makeshift checkpoint to let them through, he looked through the rear passenger side window at Kazuichi with longing eyes. Kazuichi reciprocated, knowing that if it weren’t for already having a pretty sound group, they would go off on their own to make it for Sonia’s sake. Gundham nodded one last time at Kazuichi, then rounded the front of the car to unlatch the gate.  Stepping out of the way, he looked to Kokichi and stretched his arm to the road ahead, letting them through. On the other side of the barrier a bridge met with the road, handing over a river that had been following the road for miles.
As the barrier seemed to be out of the distance, he could almost make out Gundham’s silhouette looking into the water off of the bridge. His heart stopped at the thought of what could possibly be going through his head before Himiko’s growling stomach ripped his attention away.
Gundham was better than that now, right?
“Nyehhh, where’s the food?” She whined, looking in the pockets of the seats in front of her. She must have moved around the seat behind Toko too much, considering how quickly she slammed her pen down to give an icy glare at the mage.
“May-Maybe someone can give me some peace and quiet so I can write! If I give you this nature bar crap, will that please you?” She leaned over and grabbed a green granola bar off the dashboard that she could tell was going to flake all over the place, waving it in the air condescendingly. Himiko attempted to grab at it, but Kokichi hit an unexpected bump that caused her to fall forward. Unable to catch herself, she fell head first into  the armrest of the front seat. While trying to help her back up onto the seat, Kazuichi saw  little blood trickling down her forehead, making him panic.
“Gah, you should be more careful, you know!!” He reached into his right shirt pocket and retrieved a bandaid with pokémon on it. He caught a look from Himiko as she checked it out in one of the side mirrors. He shrugged, looking away.
“Get what you can get.” Kazuichi mumbled, looking back out to the passing scenery while Himiko rubbed her forehead, making tiny grunts of pain. Toko dropped the granola bar in Himiko’s lap before resting her head on her seat, cursing the car for not being more comfortable.
Before Kokichi could make a stab at either of them, he noticed a completely impossible road ahead, littered with multiple trees that had been deliberately cut down. Thinking quickly, he swerved onto a smaller, bumpier road that made everyone bounce constantly. Kazuichi threw his head out the window, attempting not to be sick in the process while Himiko panicked that the granola bar would fall out of her hands. Kokichi gritted his teeth, just moving forward. Eventually, the road evened out. The group let out a collective sigh just as Kokichi stopped the vehicle in front of a remote cabin. He turned off the car before rolling out, checking the area for zombies. The area didn’t have many from what he could tell, making him motion everyone to get out of the car as he brought out his knitting needle.
“Have you really been surviving the apocalypse with Tsumugi’s needles?” Himiko said as she pulled out an umbrella that had certainly seen better days. Her feet dangled for a moment before she finally touched the ground and stretched. Kokichi shrugged, too focused on finding the quickest entrance to the place that wouldn’t attract much attention from the horde that was bound to notice them. They approached the cabin, ready to bust in and see what awaited them.
Breaking in caused a small group of zombies to turn their heads slowly at the noise of the door swinging and hitting the wall. Kokichi was already weaving between the group quicker than they could comprehend before heading to the fridge. He was already scooping as much food as he could into a bag while the rest of the group made quick work of the undead. He waved as he showed the inside of his bag already packed with food which was met with excitement from Kazuichi and Himiko. Toko was already checking all the drawers in the house, finding more bullets than necessary for what they had, but decided to pocket them anyways.
Breaking into the bedroom showed a little pink purse sitting on the bed along with a little baseball with someone’s signature on it. Toko blinked a few times as she grabbed the ball with tension. She recognized the handwriting and decided to slowly pocket it in the purse and move on, slinging it on her left shoulder. Kokichi was on the ground checking underneath the bed with wide eyes. He could see a big box on the ground, practically begging to be grabbed. He tried his hand at lifting the bed frame with no luck, and sat on the ground panting for a moment.
“A… a little help here?” He asked, attempting to life the bed off the ground. Kazuichi came to his side, picking up the hint and lifting the other piece of the bed frame. Beneath it sat a large medical kit along with some more emergency rations. The mechanic picked up the kit while Himiko grabbed at the food. Before they could exit, a group of zombies swarmed the door, rushing in. Before Himiko could run off, A zombie grabbed her by the arm. She struggled violently to get out of its grasp, shrieking when the arm went limp and pulled away from the zombie. Kazuichi had pulled out his wrench, swinging it down with all his might. The zombie faltered for a moment before moving it’s attention to him.
He swung for the head this time, screaming and instantly regretting it due to the coughing fit it brought with it. Missing his mark proved to have its consequences, as another pair of rotting hands made it onto his waist, drool falling onto him. He found himself unable to get away as he gasped for air desperately. Toko managed to plant a pair of scissors into its partially opened head, grunting as she pushed it further in before kicking it down to the ground. The mechanic was visibly struggling to get air in, his breaths laborious. The rest of the horde went in for an attempt to finish him off. Quickly thinking, Himiko pierced through the abdomens of two of them with her umbrella before opening it up and twisting it around. Kokichi went in front, helping her twirl, and throwing the less lively zombies into the others. The leader went to the mechanic’s side, lifting him up and leaning the poor guy onto him.
“Check the bathroom, Toki! I gotta get him back to the car,” Kokichi called.
“D-do I really have to go alone?” She whined, her fingers curling as though she was about to strangle someone. Kokichi quickly pushed Himiko towards her, knowing she would catch her balance.
“Fine, then take the little witch! That way, we have noooo problems.” Before either could protest, Kokichi had opened the door with his foot and was leading Kazuichi outside. The two girls looked at each other, trying to get a read on each other.
“... No worries, I’m handy with my steel-enforced umbrella,” Himiko reassured, shrugging. Toko couldn’t look at the umbrella for long before grimacing and shutting her eyes tight. They moved towards the bathroom, Himiko staying at the very front of the room in case more zombies trudged in there. Toko went to a cabinet in the back, finding a large rifle filled with ammunition. Her eyes lit up as she slung it around her and grabbed some amenities from it.
“This wasn’t a total waste of our time, let’s get a move on,” Toko demanded. Himiko nodded, moving ahead of her. Toko lost track of her in the ever growing group of moaning zombies. Faking a limp like Kokichi had done before, she traipsed through the horde and found herself outside of the cabin. She whipped her head back and forth until she found Kokichi leading the mechanic into one of the back seats, murmuring something to him to calm him down. Himiko was running over to them and swinging her umbrella to give them some extra time. Toko burrowed into the passenger seat, already turning the key for extra airflow to get Kazuichi more comfortable.
Kokich was about to get into the driver’s seat before being pulled out by a marred hand. He yelped, getting Toko to grab his hand as he was being pulled between the two forces. Himiko found her way into the other back seat and pulled as well, finally releasing him from the grasp. However, he pulled his leg back, wincing.
“Something tells me that’s, uh, gonna-gonna bruise,” He spat out in between breaths to calm himself down. Himiko hummed nervously in the back, trembling a bit. Kazuichi’s breathing stabilized as they drove, leading him to a peaceful slumber.
The drive was peaceful for awhile, and everyone besides Kokichi got to rest. Toko was initially reluctant to close her eyes for long, but eventually got over it. Himiko had curled back up into Kazuichi’s lap, lightly snoring. Kazuichi faded in and out of consciousness, occasionally opening his eyes to catch the blur of landscape passing by. The leader looked at his little ragtag bunch, smiling a bit knowing that they had escaped yet another tough situation.
Kokichi hitting the brakes woke everyone up, filling the car with moans of displeasure.
“It isn’t my fault that I need to rest too, y’know,” Kokichi grinned, opening the car door and planting his feet firmly in an attempt to hide the fact the his leg felt horrible. Everyone else stumbled out of the car doors, looking at where they stopped. It was a mechanics shop, with one garage door open. Kazuichi gasped with excitement, running inside and laughing with excitement. Toko took a moment to think about how fortified this place would be for a night, realizing Kokichi intended for the group to stay there.
“I guess I’ve stayed in odder places,” she admitted to herself. She followed Kazuichi’s lead, dragging herself through the items in the garage. She was more interested in the giant van in another part of it, opening it up. Inside was a mattress that was surprisingly cleaner than she could’ve asked for along with a few blankets.
“Hey, if people want to squeeze in, I think I found a safe place for us to actually sleep,” Toko called out, getting Himiko and Kokichi to come over. Inspecting it, Kokichi leaped onto it with a content sigh.
“Holy crap, good find, Toki!” He exclaimed, curling up. She didn’t have the energy to be frustrated and simply walked away. Himiko found a fridge of sodas and cracked one open, pleased at the fizzle that came with it. She took a sip as she watched Kazuichi file through all different shock absorbers, all while checking out the car they had been driving the entire time. He grabbed the keys from Kokichi with little protest, bringing the car closer to the repair shop. Toko watched him with curious eyes, eventually coming out.
“What are you… doing?” She asked, biting her nails. He looked at her, smiling.
“Oh, am I that interesting? No worries, I’m just testing the shock absorbers on this to decide on if I should add newer ones.” He wiped his hands, about to get up before stopping and pointing at her. “Actually, since I have you here, can I get you to do me a favor? I just need a bit more weight more than my own to check something.” He motioned her closer with a gesture, and she complied.
“Can you push down as hard as you can right here?” He asked, gently grabbing her hand to move it onto the area. She pushed down the urge to take her hands away as he let go and pushed the area next to her small hands.
“Okay, on the count of three, take all your weight off super fast, got it?”
“G-got it.”
When he yelled three, she took her hands off and moved away as if the car was going to explode. The car bounced a bit, returning back to its original resting position. Kazuichi nodded, making a mental note.
“So… why are you wasting my time with this?” Toko asked, trying to feign frustration. Kazuichi whipped around, looking at her with fierce eyes.
“Hey, it isn’t a waste of time to make sure this car doesn’t take a shit out on the road, you know! The roads aren’t always kind to cars, especially when they’re as messed up as they are these days,” He explained, closing his eyes. “All I’m doing is making sure we can take on uneven terrain a bit better.” Toko watched the poor mechanic move to the other side of the car, repeating the same process. She put her hands next to his after some hesitation, looking up at him. She could tell he was trying to force himself not to smile at the help. They repeated the process over again two more times.
“Alright, we’re looking good on all but the front two. The left is what’s really concerning me, but I have to change both at the same time.”
“Okay, but… why, exactly?” She questioned, opening the car door to grab the notepad she had been so invested in along with a pen.
“Well, it isn’t always the case, but adding only one new bad boy can mess with the handling of the car entirely, since they aren’t balanced out. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?” Kazuichi turned to see her vigorously scribbling something down. He continued explaining to her as he walked back and forth, happy for the attention.
Meanwhile, Himiko climbed into the van with Kokichi, who had been tending to various scratches he’d accumulated from slipping between zombies and other miscellaneous events. She sat propped up against one of the walls and looked over at him. He never took his eyes off his nicks and bloody scratches.
“Hey, even I can get hurt, you know. It’s nothing to gawk at,” He said, suddenly breaking the silence. She looked down at her torn tights, nodding.
“I would be a little surprised if you weren’t. No one’s invincible, and you don’t have Gonta to protect you right now.” She took off her shoes while she spoke and put them up in the passenger seat before returning to where she sat.
“Nishishi, I suppose you’d say something like that,” He laughed, letting his legs unfold again. He looked at the metal ceiling, humming. He finally looked over at Himiko with a smile.
“Say, how do you think Tenko’s doing? You didn’t leave her completely alone, right?” He asked. Himiko shook her head as she thought about the last time she saw Tenko with her determined smile.
“No, I left her in good company- Kaito and a girl with short black hair who refused to give us her name were traveling with us.”
“Then why’d you leave them behind?” Kokichi’s face sterned, making Himiko feel like she should feel more guilty.
“Since Tenko and Kaito were more determined to get people up to the trader camp safe, they didn’t want to progress much. Not only that, but they were running low on food. I just decided to leave so they could ration it all a little easier.” Her shoulders relaxed as she explained, glad that someone would listen to her. She wasn’t ready for Kokichi to be mere inches away from her face, his eyes still serious.
“Do me a favor and… don’t leave, okay?” He asked of her, grabbing her hands. Kokichi had been known for his lies in the past, but he couldn’t lie about the shakiness of his palms as he took her hands in his. “I… someone at the trading camp that I have a bit of respect for told me I should be a little more open about how I feel, so I figured I’d give it a try.”
Himiko gulped as he didn’t move away. She knew that it wasn’t like Kokichi to be so completely open, making her wonder if his intentions were as pure as he had started making them out to be. “... Nyeh?”
He slowly backed off of her, an empty smile finding its way onto his face as he looked into his lap. “I don’t blame you for not believing me immediately, you know. I’m a liar, I know. But maybe you can suspend your disbelief for a moment.” His eyes glistened in the light coming from the windshield in the front. Before he could get another word in, he could hear Toko and Kazuichi coming inside, pulling the car into a different garage lane and closing the large doors. Kokichi peeked out the back of the van to see the mechanic put his hand out for a high five. Toko looked at him for a moment before sighing and gently meeting his hand with hers.
“Wooooow, you actually touched another human being! I’m impressed, really.” Kokichi snickered, making Toko point at him and scream.
“Hey, you’re one to talk! Remind me of a time you’ve gone out of your way to tou-touch anyone!” Her anger dissipated as she realized her own words, her eyes widening. “Touching… anyone…” Her eyes closed as she salivated and wrapped her arms around herself and moved back and forth. Kazuichi watched her for a moment before slowly backing away. He could hear her muttering something about her master, making him feel absurdly uncomfortable. He joined the two in the van, throwing off his beanie and his shoes. He stretched out, and Toko followed in suite with some food rations a different group must have left behind. Tossing the beef jerky bag between everyone along with an almost full thing of pringles and some instant ramen she was luckily able to microwave in a room she could only assume was for breaks.
They spent the night rustling around and talking about other people they’d left behind. Kokichi remained silent the entire time, just focusing on his food and turning over so he could rest. Eventually, everyone followed his lead, calming down. And with that, everyone dozed off into yet another peaceful sleep they’d earned.
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andrewuttaro · 6 years
New Look Sabres: GM 13 - OTT - Pommer 1000
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This game was Jason Pominville’s 1000th game in the NHL. It was pure happenstance that it occurred in Ottawa who just so happen to be the recipients of what is, by his own admission, Pominville’s favorite goal. It was the 2006 Stanley Cup Playoffs and the Buffalo Sabres, reborn after the lockout by way of a bevy of great players, matched up against the heavily favored Ottawa Senators in the second round. In the same Canadian Tire Centre the two teams faced off in tonight, (then called the Coral Centre) in a tight game five overtime Jason Pominville streaked in along the boards and scored the series-clinching goal. Pommer was 23 then. That Sabres team eliminated the Senators before losing in the Eastern Conference Final to the Carolina Hurricanes. The following year, after the Sabres put together their best season in franchise history (Yes, the 1975 team went the Final after another 113 point season but let’s not pretend the year doesn’t matter here) and won the President’s Trophy they made it all the way to an Eastern Conference Final matchup against a reinforced Sens team that, coupled with a few other variables, beat the Sabres in the same number of games they were beaten in the playoffs prior. This is all to say that not only was this a significant game because of Jason Pominville or even where the Sabres are in the standings at the moment, this is a significant game because it’s the Ottawa Senators and fuck the Sens! Yea, the Sens went onto lose in that Stanley Cup Final to the Anaheim Ducks but the damage was done and although it wasn’t the end of that Sabres golden age it was the last time Buffalo looked poised to win a championship.
This kind of history is what makes up real rivalries. This is arguably the only rivalry in recent history that means anything to Sabres fans. I for one always get into these Sens matchups, perhaps more than I get into the Leafs matchups. So without further ado, I give you the Burn Book, why to hate division rival Ottawa Senators: 2007 and its fights, the way it ended and the aftermath: that is the reason to hate the Ottawa Senators. You guys are the Buffalo of Canada in so many ways but that just means one of us needs to do it better. Beating you is routine and expected. Those third jerseys with the O gives anyone who can see color a migraine, I can’t imagine wearing it. Going into the shite management you have now seems like overkill but I think I speak for many hockey fans when I say I hope you get a new arena if it means staying in Ottawa. All kind feelings aside: Buffalo doesn’t import Canadian tires, you are actually the city that eats Toronto’s trash and nowadays your serving up your trash team roasted over a hot tire fire that is only getting stronger. Oh, you got Thachuk on your team now? I can’t wait to see how he ends his ELC asking for a fair amount of money and gets shipped out of town. Fuck the Sens! Now, onto the matchup tonight.
Having watched the game… or even read the boxscore you can tell all this talk was for nothing. Almost seven minutes into this game Ryan Dzingel cut through the Sabres defense like hot butter and threaded one past Carter Hutton. There were a few token chances for the Sabres in the opening frame but they played sloppy and got penalized twice to the Senators once. Dzingel scored on that powerplay, the Sabres didn’t on either of theirs. Defenseman on the Senators are producing better than any other D-Core in the league right now which, barring their four game losing streak going into this game, maybe why the Sens are starting hot: secondary scoring. Remember three games ago when we were talking about our defenseman doing that? Ok, so a one goal deficit going into the second isn’t all that bad. One minute into the second Dylan DeMelo, part of your return for Erik Karlsson… sigh… scored a wild bouncer that went off the bar then bounced off Hutton’s back and in. OH GOD, THE SABS ARE BACK! You know I was so frustrated at this point I had to hold back swearing at the TV. Not only were the Sabres getting buzzed like a cloud of bees was attacking them but every bounce that could have gone wrong went wrong. Then Kyle Okposo got penalized for DELAY OF GAME (puck over the glass) and I said you know: FUCK IT. My wife wanted to watch Coco (2017) today on the Day of the Dead so I said why not! Turns out that was a fantastic choice: not only because Coco is watershed film for both representation in children’s cinema and a tour de force in the animation department enough to win an Oscar, but BECAUSE THE SABRES WERE GIVING US NOTHING!
Colin White scored after I left to put the Sens up 3-0 through forty minutes. It was only 59 seconds into the final frame however when the man of the hour Jason Pominville sauced in a Jack Eichel shot to get Buffalo on the board. I respect the hell out of Pommer but I was deep in Coco at this point. The Land of the Dead is really an animation marvel: even for Pixar. Well three or so minutes later Jeff Skinner similarly guided in a shot from the line by Ristolainen and the Sabres were within one. Again, I was deep into unraveling the complicated family drama of Coco at this point, getting into third act but I won’t spoil any of it for you. I will spoil this game if it hasn’t already been for you: the Sabres didn’t complete the comeback. With twenty seconds left in regulation Bobby Ryan sunk an empty netter to wrap this game at 4-2 Ottawa. I talked a lot of trash to start this game because I sincerely hate the Ottawa Senators but damn, the way Sens fans honored Pominville, the guy who ruined their 2006, that’s pretty awesome.
You would hope the Sabs had moved into the Land of the Dead. Unfortunately the one bad period against Columbus and the bad 30 minutes in the Calgary game were omens that on the third game the Sabs would return and consume a whole game! All awesome Pixar imagery aside, the Senators rocked the Sabres harder than Pommer’s 2001 Draft haircut. Look it up, he looks like he was a dancer for the Backstreet Boys. Rasmus Dahlin looked good in this game but Marco Scandella fucked him up at every turn. Rasmus Ristolainen didn’t do Buffalo any favors in their own zone. Even Jake McCabe, the man driving the defense this season, looked poor, at one point just about taking his own goaltender out of a play. Since the d-men didn’t go through where was the secondary scoring to come? Insert It’s Nothing gif here. No secondary scoring and the sad part is that supposedly that’s what Jason Botterill (one of Pominville’s teammates in Rochester back in the day) got with all his offseason moves! I don’t even know what to do with these Sabs after this game: this club was 8-1-3 in their last twelve games against the Sens; that last regulation loss was the last matchup they had in the garbage pile that was last season! I just don’t know what to say outside of congratulations Pominville about this game… I guess… I recommend Coco; it’s a fantastic movie pretty much all the way around.
The show goes on for a Saturday matinee back in Buffalo against the Sens. I’ll be seeing a movie with family but lord knows if I come out of that theater and the Sabres don’t have a W there will be hell to pay. I shouldn’t have to repeat the absolute necessity of winning these next four games before the schedule gets harder. I hope this helped you cope. Writing these isn’t always fun, especially when the Sabs show up, but if Coco taught me anything it’s all about not being forgotten. Don’t forget about New Look Sabres! Share it, comment and hit that little heart for remembrance. Congratulations Jason, you’re the only player on this team who knows what golden age Sabres hockey looks like: hopefully we all see some more of that soon.  
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Fun fact: Jason Pominville has worn the most different Sabres uniforms in his career. On top of the current ones and the old red butter knives in the post image here, he wore all of the goat-heads, Buffaslug, 40th anniversary, retro jersey and Winter Classic jersey last season. I’m sure I missed a few but this is already my longest P.S. yet.  
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blschaos3000-blog · 5 years
Its 2:37 am dark
  Welcome to another “8 Questions with…….”
I’m have been waiting for this chance to sit and talk with film director Lisa Ovies once again. It has been over two years since we last chatted and it has taken that long for her new film “Puppet Killer” to finally hit the festival arena where it has racked up several wins. Lisa is currently working on a distributing deal that see Simon meet his adoring fans at long last.   Lisa is one of my favorite people,she is one of the kindest and most generous persons I have met and her desire to help young actors through her teaching studio Rogue Studios to be respected and admired,several of her young students have started landing parts in various movies and TV shows,she is such a positive force in so many people’s lives.   Her sense of adventure and fun also stand out as she tackled one of the difficult challenges any performer can face,much less a film director and that was doing a stand-up comedy set. For someone who has never tried going onstage before,it still wasn’t surprising to hear that she did a bang up job. She is a lady of many talents.   The cheetah (who says Lisa is his spirit animal) and I are excited to be able to watch and review “Puppet Killer” and am so relieved for Lisa and her team that the journey is just about over,I can see why directors treat their film projects so passionately….but for now,while we a chance……let’s go ask one of my favorite directors,the amazing Lisa Ovies,another 8 Questions……..
    Its pretty awesome to chat with you again,Lisa. Last time we chatted you were taking your new film “Puppet Killer” to post. What is the current status of Simon today?
 Thank you! It is always great to chat with you.
We are done and released into the world and we could not be happier! We started our festival run mid September where we took home Runner Up Best Feature at Mid West Monster Fest and it has been a surreal ride ever since. By the end of this month (October)  we will have played on 5 continents and we have already won 16 awards and are nominated for another 10. My mind is truly blown as you know how hard I worked to finish this film properly and honestly some people pushed me to finish quicker and with less quality. All this recognition helps me remember the fight and patience was more than worth it and my post team DESTROYED. I am so in love with the finished product and have loved sharing it with audiences and horror fans alike. I would not have this film without my amazing team and they have my heart for life. 
Can you walk us through what a “pre-production” and a “post-production” is?
 Pre production is a lot of paperwork and laying the ground work. Location and tech scouting,our practical FX builds and designs, finalizing the script, casting, working out the budget, building sets and props, sorting wardrobe.. all the pieces that go into creating what we end up filming. Our pre production also including puppet training and camera tests with the puppet to try to make our on screen kills as practical as possible. 
Post is more paperwork (AHH!) and then our editing, our VFX, color correction, our sound design and music (Sound designer Robert Phaneuf and composer Stephen Gallagher did an AMAZING job) clearances, title builds ect. In our case, because we had unexpected costs that ate up our post budget, so we took the time to raise enough money to finish properly. We used a fantastic finishing House ‘Finale Post’ and although it was painful to take so long to get it out, it was more than worth the wait. 
How is Rogue Studios doing? Have any of your acting school students landed any major roles or awards yet? What do you like about teaching the most?
 Rogues Studios is doing fantastic and I love coming home and working with my students. I love watching them grow and their hard work paying off! They are leads in movies now or reoccurring on tv shows that would have only been a dream to them a few years ago. A few to mention are Childs Play, Riverdale, Nancy Drew. But really, they are almost constantly booking so it is hard to keep our website updated and I could not be more proud.
What I like most about teaching is the personal connection. I love each and every one of my students and have close relationships with my parents. Many of my students call me their second mom (Momma Shark) and being a part of their growth, their passion, and being a human they trust and can come to when they need an ear, that means more than I could ever put into words. 
 I saw that you recently did some stand-up comedy? You are a naturally funny person,did stand-up come easy for you? Did you enjoy your experience before a live audience?
 Well, thank you for calling me funny! I think I am more sarcastic than funny and I can say it did not come easy for me. I have been a professional improv performer and instructor for 8 years and I would say the disciplines were very different for me. I have always wanted to try stand up but was terrified of it. I don’t think people give stand ups enough credit, the skill to entertain strangers with non stop dialogue all alone on stage, a true gift. 
One of my students Ragini actually signed me up for class because she knew I would never go on my own. My goal was to get through class and do the one stand up show at the end of the program. I was terrified, and I don’t often get scared, so I knew it was something I should lean into for my won growth but damn, truly nervous. At the student show, I was approached to do a show at Yuk Yuk’s, Canada’s most prominent comedy club and I guess it has been following me ever since. Just last week I was offered another paid gig to do a set. I keep saying it is my last show but evidently I have no idea what I am talking about lol
In your opinion,why do comedians adjust to doing drama so much better then dramatic actors doing comedy?
That is a hard answer for me as every actor is different and I think some have done both successfully but my instinct would be that comedic timing is intuitive, it is hard to teach. Some people just have the gift and that is a skill that can then be transitioned into drama, a form of acting that is most times, more available with the proper training. 
One of your students is at an audition and another actor,who is also trying for the same role,asks for your student for help……what are you telling your student and why?
 That is actually a great question and a scenario I have not brought up specifically with them so I think I will. I do however, teach them to hold each other up and to celebrate each others wins. They often go up against each other and truly celebrate when any of them book. I think in this circumstance they would lean into the opportunity to help the other actor and leave proud of themselves for doing so. 
  (Lisa telling Pennywise she already has a spirit animal)
  Outside of acting,teaching and directing….what makes you happy?
  First and foremost that will always be my dogs, my family and my friends. They are all amazing in their own way and bring me so much love and joy. I have had a hard few years and I was humbled by the support I received from them all. 
Beyond the human connection, I love hot yoga, snowboarding and travel. I have been lucky to do a fair amount of all of those the last few years and plan to continue.
8You recently went on a crazy international trip with “Puppet Killer”. How did this come about and where did you go during your trip?
   Yes! And it has only just begun!. Last Christmas I went away with friends to Australia, Indonesia, Thailand and Hong Kong and that was the start of this amazing journey. One of the gf’s I went with is now a member of the Puppet Killer team and in Hong Kong we secured our final investment to finish the film. Those investors flew me out to Seoul Korea the end of September for our Asian premier, I was home two days and then left to LA for the Anaheim film festival where we took home two trophies, one for best ensemble cast and a special award for the amazing Jett Kylne for best young actor. The following week the team packed up and went to HEX in Calgary, a fantastic three day horror convention and film festival. We won best horror film, best soundtrack and when we returned home, found out we had won fan favorite which means the world to us all. As I write this I am preparing to head to Nightmares Film Festival in Ohio while my team mans our Vancouver premiere. Believe it or not we play 9 film festival next weekend! 
After that I have LA, Toronto and NY on the schedule. Not sure yet what 2020 has in store for the Puppet Killer team but I can’t wait to find out!
What is next for you filmwise? Do you have anything in the works you can share with us?
 I am still working with the team and my agent to get ‘Beverly Hills Lizard People’ off the ground. We are nearly funded but have the last chunk to go. This is a dream project with an amazing script, it’s a creature feature with practical effects slated to be designed by ADI if we can finalize our funding. I have also been approached to direct three other features that I hope we get to work on once we slow down the festival run with PK. 
What have been the five biggest life events for you in the past two years?
 What a great question!
1: I started to travel with friends. I did a trip to Thailand in March 2018 with my producing partner and best friend Katie Stuart for almost a month, and then solo traveled to Bangkok and had a surprise run in with another dear friend Heather Dorff when I landed to do a solo trip of Tokyo. 
Then I did the above mentioned trip Dec 2018- Jan 2019 with a few different groups of friends, and did Christmas in a villa in Bali with Heather Dorff and Jaala Wanless.
Experiencing the world with my friends has been inspiring to say the least.
2: I lost my dog Tinkerbell, who was my fur baby for 15 years. That broke my heart. I adopted Gizmo three months after losing Tinkerbell and he has truly filled in my family again.
3. I tried stand up and didn’t die! That was a huge bucket list moment I was too scared to even say out loud let alone pursue. I will always be grateful to Ragini for believing in me and also for pushing me when I needed it most. 
4. I learned to ask for help. I had one of the hardest years this year (although social media probably fails to project that so remember that when you judge yourself and your struggles in relation to others) My family, my friends, my team on Puppet Killer, they really rallied to keep me strong and to keep me going. That truly changed my life
5. WE FINISHED PUPPET KILLER! I have been working on this film for 4 years, and to finally share it in theaters with audiences brings tears to my eyes. It is a goal I have worked towards nearly my whole life. 
The cheetah and I are BACK in Vancouver to see you doing something great but we are once AGAIN a day early and you’re stuck playing tour guide,what are we doing?
Hmmm, well right now it is pissing rain and I am hiding in a cafe doing work. If it was now, we would probably do indoor things like underground bowling, a comedy show, Maybe drive to Whistler and hope it is snowing there instead of raining!
I like to thank Lisa for her time and also congratulate her and her team for all the accolades that “Puppet Killer” has been racking up.  I do believe Simon is going to really become a big hit.
You can follow Lisa’s career by going to her IMDb page.
You can read our first interview with Lisa by going here.
You can also see whom we have chatted with by going here.
Thank you all for your support and please feel free to leave a comment or two below.
8 More Questions with…………film director/Rogue Studios owner Lisa Ovies Its 2:37 am dark Welcome to another "8 Questions with......." I'm have been waiting for this chance to sit and talk with film director Lisa Ovies once again.
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idolizerp · 5 years
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STAGENAME: N/A CURRENT AGE: 24 DEBUT AGE: 22 TRAINEE SINCE AGE: 15 COMPANY: Midas ETC: this member has begun to branch into acting.
some who know her might call her brand of confidence something like arrogance, self-righteousness, an undeserved pompous air that’s damn near suffocating in its blatancy, but she calls it self-awareness, she calls it knowing her own worth whilst being surrounded by the kind of people who bow and exalt in the presence of their higher ups, after years of being who the people around her wanted, needed her to be. nobody ever got what they wanted, what they deserved, by waiting on the sidelines for something beautiful to happen - the truly accomplished were the kind of people who took, take; the kind who suck opportunities dry and refuse “no” as an answer; the kind who don’t bother asking for what they want. (take, take, take)  it’s never a question, it’s a request.
she spends her first year as an idol getting called “fat and useless” by bitter weirdos on the internet.
what’s her purpose? she’s no vocalist, her limbs are long and awkward and her lack of rhythm hardly does her dancing any favors, she’s not even the prettiest member in mayday’s lineup - so, the public asks, where does she fit in? what she lacks in indisputable talent in singing or dancing, she makes up for presence and it’s that alone that gets her chosen for mayday’s final lineup.
when they first arrive on the scene, the higher ups take advantage of the fact that she’s still developing, with niche interests and philosophies, lost and unassuming, and they frame her as the quirky one - just a little different, a little off-kilter and peculiar. mayday’s bright little weirdo! isn’t she so admirable for making it this far in spite of it all? it’s ambition and drive and flexibility, she reminds herself, that’s gotten her where she is today, that’s keeping her there and making her something that midas wants to hold onto. it’s her talent for performing, her desire to improve that makes it easy for her to stay.
stars are born.
if there’s one thing she’s got in spades, it’s a personality, she knows who to be and when to be it and it works in her favor, nowhere more than on television. it starts out as stints on variety shows for personal promo, where there’s room for a sharp-tongue and good timing, and evolves. the acting lessons that midas executives shove her into feel like something flat out of nowhere but she shows potential. they find her niche and pounce when she sheds her baby fat and blossoms. pretty enough, sexy enough, slim enough, finally, to send to castings, for the netizens to look at her with something other than vague acknowledgement in the shadow of the members who can do it all.
her role is bold, a horror-based webdrama, but it’s enough for them to take her seriously. she’s an actress. she earns her keep.
they take risks with her as things progress and their concept develops, take advantage of her new healthy body - cropping her tops and keeping her bottoms fitted and short when it makes sense, and implying in no shortage of words that her body, hard-earned and shapely, is a talking point and that her presence (”her work ethic!” they shout from the rooftops) is just the cherry on top. she’s the white hot shot of sex appeal that a group as tame as mayday needs all while still maintaining the cute image the team portrays, the member you can fantasize about without feeling too dirty about it afterwards. it cuts deep when haeun thinks back on the harsh words she’d heard as a trainee, encouraging her to diet harder, to shed an extra 3 kilograms before she could debut, laced with the threat that she’s replaceable. why, now, is her body something to cash in on when they’d spent so much of her trainee days shaming her for the width of her hips and the thickness of her legs?
she’s fit and desirable without being too complicated. men eat it for breakfast and it gets her noticed for all the wrong reasons. she flushes red with embarrassment the first time she stumbles across one of those gross sexy idol subreddits and sees a gif of her skirt flying up with wind at a festival as a thumbnail. she cries when her manager tells her that these things happen.
the industry makes her wicked.
she’s a company’s wet dream but she spends her days hidden away when she can, just to breathe and wonder what she’d done to deserve the kind of pressure that comes with notoriety. ever so eager to please, desperate, she hopes she doesn’t disappoint them. that fear, of being less than great, makes her break her own back, working herself into a sweat in all the time she has away from her group members, behind the scenes. sometimes she envies them, wishes she had the luxury of a fresher faced simplicity. when it really hits her, she works even harder, holes herself away in the studio, late into the night, and practices their routines, the lines of working scripts that come her way, strains her voice until she gets it. she has to get it. it’s all she’s got.
haeun, honestly, doesn’t know where she’d be right now if it weren’t for midas seeing something in her and taking her in like a fallen baby bird from a nest too far up, with wings that weren’t quite ready to fly the way they wanted to, the way they twitched and fluttered to. she feels like she owes them for their hospitality, their willingness to teach her the things she hadn’t had the chance to learn back home. thank you isn’t ever enough, is it? not for something as big and life-changing as this opportunity, so she takes whatever they throw at her in stride. if they want her to play the role of the giggling goofball with the curves and the reverse charms, she can do it, if they want sex and charisma and easy-to-consume dancing and singing and mediocre rapping, she’ll reach into the very depths of herself to make it happen even if it feels like stepping out of her own skin.
it gets better, easier, as the years pass, for her to compartmentalize and own her persona. the masses don’t want complexity, they want easy to swallow, pretty faces in pretty outfits with relatable personalities. she gives them a version of herself that isn’t altogether real and finds her peace behind closed doors, through skin-on-skin and chilled bottles of soju. she feels through shock horror and scary movies to remind herself that she can.
it’s better, she always reminds herself, than wallowing in her past failures and taking a flight back home to face her family’s disappointment should mayday be another flash in the pan of success and recognition. it’s hardly practical, she thinks sometimes, to build a career off of something so utterly insincere but, then, she doesn’t think practicality ever suited her much anyway.
tw mentions of alcoholism
her mother is a zainichi korean living in japan and pursuing a career in music, she wants to be a singer; her father, a hockey player who’d grown up overseas in canada. there’s no reason they should ever cross paths but: they do, and they have haeun after a brief, passionate tryst that turns into a twelve year marriage that ends when her father is caught cheating with one of the only friends her mother had made after following him to toronto. it ends with a clap and a bang, and she packs up and takes haeun with her.
her mother never fails to mention that haeun being born on valentine’s day is the cruelest irony in their love story. haeun hates birthdays.
growing up, she only ever knows change, the sole regularity in her life being new environments and homes and apartments across the expense of the small island she’d been planted in. her solace is her home-learned knowledge of japanese and her ability to adjust. she’s a chameleon in the face of adversity; she sets out to become the person she needs to be to survive and it works. it’s fake, but it never matters when it’s never a matter of if they’ll leave again but when. when: she’s fifteen years old and her mother wants to touch base with her roots, her background as a blood-born korean raised in japan is just another barrier for her to overcome in her journey to find herself or succeed, or - something. haeun never really knows what her goal is, she works odd jobs in lounges and clubs and brings home enough to keep the lights on but she never sees her mother sing unless it’s late at night over a glass of wine out of many - enough to empty half the bottle before she passes out at the dinner table.
she always wakes up to her making bacon and eggs, fish in the oven and rice in the steamer with tomoko aran playing loudly from the stereo they’d gotten secondhand. her mother always tells her that she could’ve been just like tomoko if the timing had been right. “yes, mother,” she says. haeun knows better than to question her and eats her food, watches saturday morning anime on mute while her mother has a breakdown on the phone. she tries to be empathetic but it’s moments like that where she finds herself missing her dad. she feels weak knowing that there’s not much she can do about it or the way her mother feels.
in any case, south korea is another new beginning that haeun’s become accustomed to and she spends the week before their flight over watching kdramas with subtitles on. she’s studying - the language or the mannerisms, she’s not as certain of, but she takes it in nonetheless. it’s her only hint at figuring out who she has to be to make it this time, who she needs to be to survive.
the one thing haeun and her mother have in common is performing, so it only makes sense that she follow in her mother’s footsteps once they’ve settled in.
it begins as forced mother-daughter entries into talent shows across seoul until they go their separate ways and enter as solo acts, her mother singing ballads and songs by powerful soloists while haeun leans into the softness of her voice. it becomes a competition, one that reaches a head when they both decide to take their talents to an agency.
it’s only kind of awkward when haeun’s the only one who makes it.
she’s surprised that her mother even signs the forms to set her up as a trainee but doesn’t address the elephant, neither of them do - how she’d failed again at achieving her dream, how she’s not the young girl she’d been before, how haeun’s now got the world laid at her feet standing where she’d always pictured herself.
her mother takes her out for ice cream after all is said and done. “it’s probably the last time you’ll be able to have some for a while, hm?” she says, smiles and sticks her plastic spoon into a cup of half-melted vanilla. it doesn’t reach her eyes.
it’s not until she gets scouted for mayday that haeun starts to get the feeling that her mother has begun to resent her. by then, six years have passed with little to say for it, never enough for her to serve as an actual threat to her mother’s ego. not that she ever really could’ve been, she’s a decent singer, sure, but there’s stronger singers in any subway, stronger dancers, rappers. haeun gets by on charisma. and her mother, she keeps trying to make her dream happen, too, while haeun trains to be a better version of herself. she auditions for 99, msg, even koala.t and a handful of nugu companies in a moment of sincere desperation, weakness when haeun turns eighteen and moves out on her own. she doesn’t realize how bad it’s gotten until haeun comes over, a woman with the world at her feet, to tell her the news and her mother throws a lamp at her head.
the breakdown she has is terrifying. haeun doesn’t recognize her anymore.
it’s sad, she thinks, because she doesn’t want this the same way she does. she hasn’t worked her whole life to be a singer the way she has, hasn’t spent every hour of her life wanting something with every fiber of her being the way she does. haeun wants it - of course, she does, more than anything at this point in her life. but mayday is a means to an end, a stepping stone on a pathway to wealth and notoriety, the leading way to becoming a household name. it’s not the air she breathes. she’s a performer, trained in the art of channeling and projecting her emotions and yet. she feels guilty, holds her mother while she cries herself to sleep and takes the key to the liquor cabinet with her when she has to go, the sun peaking over the horizon and through the always-drawn curtains of her apartment. it’s the first time she feels her heart ache this way but she manages to shove the feeling down just in time for mayday’s debut showcase.
(she calls her everyday, just in case. promises to bring her on stage to sing with her one day. eventually, her mother stops answering and, wow, haeun thinks. this is what it feels like to be alone.)
the rise of mayday is a slow but steady ride; it burns with the same intensity as a flame. it begins as a flicker on the end of a match and sets ablaze all of its surrounding and engulfs the five of them with it. it’s not enough until they win. haeun thinks it’s pride she feels when she sees her face fill up the screen during comebacks, when she smiles and winks during music show performances and harvests cheers during group promotions. this isn’t a group, she decides after a year. it’s a collective of individuals with a drive to succeed. it gives her something to look forward to, a needle to prick her finger on in the haystack of opportunity. she feels greedy, wants it all for herself and more.
she thinks that maybe she gets it from her father, this lack of loyalty and allegiance. she thinks maybe she’s still a little bitter that he’d left her and her mother to rot, bitter that her mother had abandoned her to navigate the world all on her own under the touch-and-go care of industry executives, but then she hears fans chanting her name and she doesn’t much care.
you sacrifice the best parts of yourself for success around here. she learns it the hard way during the lull before they regroup and comeback with glass shoes. she feels pathetic, weighed down by the sinking feeling of never truly being enough. it gets dark and desperate and she can see it in the way management gets frustrated backstage. she feels it, the feeling of failure and it claws at her, tears away at her self-esteem when she watches her members excel. she’s just like her mother. she drinks, she wallows.
she looks in the mirror and watches her innocence wither day-by-day.
her image suffers during interviews that year, her growth buried under a minor attitude scandal. her new source of solace becomes senior idols, friends who know better. she learns. she adjusts. she misses her parents and resents herself for being weak and feeling too much. it feels good when they get their first win, with what is love? and the smile that stretches across her face when they hold their first trophy feels genuine.
she only feels slightly vindicated when her acting career takes off, when she starts picking up roles with names attached to them rather than monikers and wordless appearances.
their songs are still cheap and generic, cute and upbeat to the point where she yearns for something different, but it sells and it’s made apparent by the responses of their fans. they like it, like her and the persona she adopts to suit the concept, the one they built for her. she let’s them remember her as the girl she was at debut, diligent and quirky, if not a little uncouth. she’s changed. it’s what she’s good at. she learns to bite her tongue against slick digs at her company, avoid being too vocal about her opinions, keep her hands to herself lest there be any cause for controversy - she toes the line of being too much and not enough and gets called alluring. she wonders if even the people who criticize her know what they want from her.
in any case, it seems to be working in some ways more than others. midas media is a hellscape of strict management and the stifling of its idols, but she makes it her duty to ensure her group’s success in one way or another - maybe that’s part of why she lets the media have at her. what she lacks in tact, she makes up for in talent and when they criticize her dancing, she works even harder, passive aggressively posts videos of her progress on her instagram. there’s no such thing as bad press, right? she stays on the fingertips of online pseudo-journalists when they want clicks. it’s good.
regardless of her agenda, midas dangles the promise of success in acting over her head as a means to keep her in line. it’s hard not to bite the hand that feeds her, better to be predator than prey, but the new year feels like an opportunity for her to be something more.
haeun wills it to last, even if they test her patience daily. she won’t be weak again. she’ll be better.
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gossipnetwork-blog · 6 years
25 TV Events to Get Excited About in 2018
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/25-tv-events-to-get-excited-about-in-2018/
25 TV Events to Get Excited About in 2018
New year, new TV to look forward to.
Now that it’s finally 2018, it’s time to cut your losses with the fall shows you’ve already grown tired and make some room on your DVRs for everything the new year has to offer because there’s a lot to get excited about.
Kicking things off on New Year’s Day with the return of Arie Luyendyk Jr. as ABC’s latest Bachleor, we’ve narrowed down the 25 TV events worth getting excited about over the next 12 months from a surprisingly deep pool of worthy candidates. Seriously, there’s a lot of promising stuff coming our way. Read on and start programming your DVR!
ABC/Craig Sjodin
Bachelor‘s Big Winter
Kudos to the Bachelor franchise for trying something new in 2018. First, they went back a few years to the pre-Instagram days to find their newest leading man, Arie Luyendyk Jr., and we’re also being treated to what appears to be an international hot tub party known as Winter Games. It all sounds like exactly the fresh Bachelor air we need, and we can’t wait to see how it all goes down, starting January 1.
Freeform Gets Grown-ish
It’s time for Zoey Johnson to fly the coop and strike out on her own…-ish. In this Freeform spinoff of Black-ish, debuting January 3, Yara Shahidi takes center stage as the eldest Johnson child embarks on her freshman year at California University with a diverse group of friends helping her navigate her first taste of adult life. Look out for guest appearances from parents Dre and Bow as Anthony Anderson and Tracee Ellis Ross are set to make occasional guest appearances in the comedy, which hails from the mothership’s creator Kenya Barris. 
Star Trek: Discovery‘s Return
The spore drive is done for and the U.S.S. Discovery is…missing. The finale ended with Lorca (Jason Isaacs) and his team including Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) evading death and destruction at the hands of the Klingons, only to find themselves some place very unfamiliar. Could our heroes be in the Mirror Universe? Whatever happens, beam us up for more adventures on January 7.
Tyra Returns on Top
Sorry Rita Ora, but Tyra Banks is reclaiming her America’s Next Top Model throne. Banks is returning on January 9 to host the revived series on VH1 after only serving as executive producer on Cycle 23. This year, expect new terms from Tyra and new competitors: there’s no longer an age limit.
Showtime’s Trip to The Chi
If creator Lena Waithe‘s Emmy-winning episode of Master of None, “Thanksgiving,” is any indication, her new Showtime drama is, hands down, one of 2018’s can’t-miss debuts. The Chi, premiering January 7, is billed as a timely coming-of-age story that will explore the humanity behind the headlines sensationalizing the South Side of Chicago. Expect this to be an early Emmys frontrunner.
The CW
A New Superhero
Luke Cage may have come before him, but Black Lightning feels like the first superhero series to finally truly speak to the Black Lives Matter movement. The CW’s latest DC Comics adaptation, starring Cress Williams as the titular hero and premiering Jan. 16, feels timely in a way that few of the network’s other comic book offerings have. If nothing else, it’s just refreshing to have a CW superhero who feels like a damn adult.
American Crime Story Goes Glam
People v. O.J. was great, but The Assassination of Gianni Versace brings a new level of glamour and intrigue to one of last year’s most talked about new series with one of the biggest crimes fashion has ever suffered. Darren Criss plays the serial killer we never before knew we needed him to play, and Penélope Cruz is straight-up iconic as Donatella Versace. We are so there come January 17.  
Mama Ru Gathers More All-Stars
While some of the queens returning for another chance at the crown barely fit in the label of “star,” let alone “All-Star”—Aja, anyone?—our excitement at finally having RuPaul and her glorious queens back is off the charts. RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars 3 returns to its new network (VH1) on January 25 to see who will join the ranks of legendary All-Stars and All-Stars 2 winners Chad Michaels and Alaska, respectively. Who are we rooting for? We’ll never tell. (OK, we’ll tell. That crown belongs to Trixie Mattel. Don’t @ us.)
Mindy Tucker/HBO
2 Dope Queens Come to HBO
What’s better than listening to your favorite podcast? Watching it come to life in a series of HBO specials, that’s what! Jessica Williams and Phoebe Robinson bring their acclaimed podcast 2 Dope Queens to the cable network beginning February 2 for four hour-long specials taped before a live audience, tackling topics like “Black Nerds aka Blerds” and “Hot Peen” alongside guests including Jon Stewart and Tituss Burgess. 
Netflix Explores Altered Carbon
Netflix is going big with this original series, an adaptation the classic cyberpunk noir novel by Richard K. Morgan. Set more than 300 years in a future where society has been transformed by new technology, consciousness can be digitized, human bodies are interchangeable, and death is no longer permanent, the sci-fi series stars Joel Kinnaman as Takeshi Kovacs, the lone surviving soldier in a group of elite interstellar warriors who were defeated in an uprising against the new world order. Altered Carbon, dropping on the streaming site on February 2, looks expensive and confusing as hell. Count us in.
Big Brother Turns Celebrity
Already a staple in the U.K., Celebrity Big Brother is finally making its way across the pond for a special edition on CBS beginning February 7. Which of our D-list celebs will sign up to duke it out in the Big Brother house with Julie Chen narrating their every move? We haven’t the slightest idea and we can’t wait to find out.
UnREAL Flips the Script
Did you know that it’s been nearly 18 months since UnREAL signed off for season two? After that creative debacle, you may have pushed the provocative Lifetime series, a fictional account of the inner-workings of a Bachelor-esque reality series, out of your mind. But queens Constance Zimmer and Shiri Appleby deserve better, and it looks like the time off may have helped deliver a third series worthy of their estimable talents. After tackling their first African-American suitor in S2, they’re going the Bachelorette route this time around with Masters of Sex alum Caitlin FitzGerald assuming the role of Everlasting’s (the show within the show) new feminist “suitress.” Could Quinn and Rachel have finally met their match? Tune in on February 26 to find out. 
Good Girls Go Bad
What do you get when you take a Parks and Recreation fave (Retta), a Parenthood breakout (Mae Whitman), and a Mad Men diva (Christina Hendricks), cast them as three suburban moms tired of their lives, and have them rob a local supermarket. Why, the recipe for our most anticipated show of 2018, that’s what. Is it February 26 yet?
A Queer Comeback
All things just keep getting better thanks to Netflix’s upcoming revival of the seminal reality series Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Does the new Fab Five (from left to right, Bobby Berk, Karamo Brown, Antoni Porowski, Jonathan Van Ness and Tan France) have what it takes to make us forget about Carson Kressley, Ted Allen and the rest of the OGs? Come February, we’ll find out.
Round Two of The Good Fight
It’s been a long few months without Diane Lockhart (Christine Baranski) dropping an eff-bomb on our screens. The first season The Good Fight was politically charged and intriguing and the real world hasn’t gotten any less crazy, so Robert and Michelle King have a lot of fodder for new episodes, beginning March 4. Plus Audra McDonald will be a series regular this year, so our hopes of a musical episode just got all the more higher.
American Idol Returns From the Dead
Did we really want a revival of American Idol so soon after its 2016 (supposed) series finale? Not even slightly. Are we planning to tune in on March 11 to see if Katy Perry was really worth her rumored $25 million salary? You betcha. 
A New TV Musical Rises
Glee meets Friday Night Lights this spring on NBC, with Moana (Auli’i Cravalho), Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) and Rosie Perez (Rosie Perez) in the starring roles of this Jason Katims-produced high school drama set (where else) in a working class town. This one could either be one of the year’s biggest successes or biggest flame-outs. Tune in on March 13 and judge for yourself.
Roseanne‘s Return
Revival fatigue is very real, but we for sure will not be able to look away from the return of Roseanne Barr‘s iconic comedy Roseanne, premiering March 27, for two big reasons: 1. Curiosity about how the show explains away the series finale that had Roseanne Conner revealing Dan (John Goodman) was dead and she made the entire series up as a writer and 2. Laurie Metcalf. Metcalf is one of the best actors working today. Any chance to get weekly doses of her we will take.
Handmaid’s Trip to the Colonies
Where do you go after being the most-buzzed about new series and winning a slew of awards? That’s what we want to know, The Handmaid’s Tale! Season two, debuting sometime in April, is already well underway and details are being kept under wraps. We do know there will be more Alexis Bledel—sorry, that’s Emmy winner Alexis Bledel to you—and previously unseen parts of Gilead. “What I can tell you, and I’m not joking one bit, is it’s knocking me out where this story is going,” Ann Dowd told E! News. “I literally read the scripts and I think, ‘Oh my god.’ The ideas are genius and so unpredictable and harrowing,” she said. “Plus you see the worlds that you weren’t exposed to before: the Colonies, what that whole world is; those who make it to Canada, what happens there; the pregnancy, how that is coming along. It’s a phenomenally well-written show.”
RHONY‘s Extra Dose of Real-World Drama
Arguably the best Real Housewives series on Bravo (go ahead and try to say another is better), Real Housewives of New York City is set to return with last year’s top-tier cast and you know there’s going to be laughs—and drama. Luann de Lesseps was arrested just before Christmas and charged with battery of an officer, disorderly intoxication, resisting arrested with violence and crimes against another person. She’s now in a treatment center. Bravo’s cameras are just itching to start recording and we cannot wait to see what they capture.
John P. Johnson/HBO
A Return Trip to Westworld
Season one felt like nothing more than a prelude, an introductory course to this world where nothing is as it seems and everyone watching wised up to the twists down the road much sooner than anyone writing expected. But now that the robots have taken over, making the demented amusement park at the center of this HBO sci-fi/western pastiche a true free-for-all, we can’t wait to see what happens next when Westworld finally returns this spring.But it better involve Maeve (Thandie Newton) kicking some ass.
Atlanta, at Long Last
One of 2016’s most surreal and delightful new shows, Atlanta feels like it’s been gone forever. Apparently creator and star Donald Glover was too busy being very famous and employable to give us more in 2017, so we’ll take whatever he can give us in 2018. 
Robin Wright’s House of Cards Reign
Robin Wright has always been the best thing about House of Cards and now she gets to truly own the show for its sixth and final season. After allegations of sexual misconduct by Kevin Spacey came to light, the status of the Netflix series was in question. After deliberation, Netflix and Media Rights Capital said the show must go on¬—without Spacey. Wright’s Claire Underwood ended season five in power, now we get to see her wield it triumphantly.
The CW
Sabrina Gets Spooky
Inspired by the success of Riverdale‘s dark take on Archie Comics, WB and Netflix are teaming up to create the show of our teenage dreams. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (you know, the teenage witch) is already our favorite thing to binge and we know absolutely nothing about it yet. Even if we only get a cast in 2018, we are here for it. 
Feud Goes Royal
After Feud‘s spot-on casting for Bette and Joan, we can’t wait to see who Ryan Murphy lands in the lead roles for the anthology’s upcoming second installment, Charles and Diana. We have our thoughts on who will fill the royal shoes of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, among others, but we’re sure that Murphy will still manage to surprise us. 
Which TV event are you most excited about for 2018? Sound off in the comments below!
(E!, Bravo and NBC are all part of the NBCUniversal family.)
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