#team destruction
generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
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These three are inextricably linked in my mind and this is my attempt to sort out how.
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derangedaenerys · 2 months
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LISAN AL GAIB. the mother and the son
a false prophet, an ilegitim heir and a false firstborn.
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ranchdressing3 · 10 months
this is actually hilarious
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 71
Klarion is delighted, excited, impatient, and so very happy. He’s found a friend, not the justice league baby-crew who don’t know how to make friends properly or the order-magician who doesn’t play right, but another realm-being his age! They’re even around the same death-date, his is just a couple years earlier! But to beings who aren’t adults until they’re well into the hundreds that’s practically nothing!
His new friend even has a familiar too- even if he has to explain what a familiar is- and, and even shares his two other friends with him! 
He’s been in this world for what feels like so long trying to make friends and he’s made three in just a month! And they even know how to properly play and wrestle without targeting Teekl like a certain order lord who he doesn’t like. 
Oh! Hey it’s the justice league kiddy-crew! Were they feeling neglected or something?
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rexonalapis · 1 month
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Blade is truly one of the girlies.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 3 months
Alberu: They ask how I control Cale and his group
Alberu: I don't control them whatsoever
Alberu: Today 4'o clock in the morning Cale barged into my room through a portal, said that Choi Han, Raon and Rosalyn destroyed a few mountains, took my cookie jar and left. Today morning I got a report stating that the royal palace of the country that was planning on having a war with Roan got destroyed in a landslide.
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 month
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I don’t know why this is such a difficult concept for the fandom to grasp.
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Down the rabbit hole (dp x dc)
"Shit, shit, shit," Danny mumbled to himself as he frantically looked around to see if anybody had noticed the glowing green portal that had opened up underneath the giant overpass.
As he desperately tried to pull the dimensional hole closed, he couldn't help but curse his lack of sleep. If he hadn't gone to sleep so late because of the Doom event that was taking place on his server, he would've woken up in time for him to get to the airport to take his flight connection back to Amity.
Instead, he had woken up so late, his only chance of getting there on time was flying himself as Phantom. Apparently, a lack of sleep meant his control on his powers got a little wonky and he'd ended up face planting right into the overpass and through some sort of unlucky coincidence, as he instinctively grappled to catch himself from falling, he'd inadvertently clawed a rift right through to the ghost zone. Truly, this was the worst timing to discover what would otherwise be a very cool new power.
Danny grabbed at his hair desperately, as he walked to and fro, while still floating a few centimetres off the floor. On one hand, leaving an open portal to the ghost zone would be terribly irresponsible. On the other, he knew from experience these types of portals never lasted long by themselves, at most a quarter of an hour. But that was a quarter of an hour he did not have.
What to do, what to do? If he missed his plane, Jazz was going to kill him. Danny bit at his lips as he looked around to the deserted area. The chance of somebody finding the portal in the next ten minutes were astronomically low. Maybe if he put up a sign or something...
Looking around, Danny spotted an old piece of cardboard, just large enough to cover the portal. With a last look around, Danny got a sharpie from his bag.
Stephanie was about to turn in for the night. She grappled towards the Dini bridge, where she'd gone a few times to catch the first rays of light touching on the city. It usually made for a nice ending to some of her long nights, and Stephanie was due for a nice pick-me-up.
As she got there, she noticed a new feature that hadn't been there before. About five meters off the ground, there was a piece of cardboard, nailed to the bridge with what looked like a metal ruler. Stephanie squinted. In black sharpie, in an uneven calligraphy was written the following: "DANGER! PORTAL TO ANOTHER DIMENSION. DO NOT REMOVE"
Curiosity piqued, she shot a line up at the railing of the bridge, before starting to reel herself in until she was hanging in front of the cardboard. Attaching the line to her belt to free her hands, Stephanie grabbed the bottom of the cardboard and lifted it up. Her eyes widened as she came face-to-face with a whirling green portal.
"Ok," she whispered to herself a little bit uncertainly. "Guess the sign wasn't lying."
She was about to flip the cardboard back down and call Oracle for some backup, when the foothold she was using to push herself off the wall shifted and Stephanie felt herself swing right into the green gaping maw. With a cut-off scream she fell right into it, though luckily her grapple line was still tense and solidly anchored to the bridge's railing.
If Stephanie had been a bit luckier, this would have been an easy fix, as she would have swung right back out thanks to her momentum and the anchor up above.
Unfortunately, at this precise moment, the portal ran out of time, and closed just behind Stephanie, leaving behind a few strands of blonde hair, a cut grapple line and a hanging piece of cardboard behind with its ominous message on it.
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Aegon II Targaryen - The Last Dragonlord
Mother / Maia Baia, House of the Dragon, Fire & Blood / George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Sword / George R.R. Martin, Bhagavad Gita / Vyasa, Sister Sable / T. Mountebank
The Coronation of Aegon II by Basitien Lecouffe DeHarme The Depiction of A Pheonix by Friedrich Justin Bertuch Ouroboros by zarathus Battle of Rook's Rest by iasve Baela Targaryen and Moondancer by Dough Wheatley
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pharawee · 4 months
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you keep on trying but I see cold, cold blood
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leomssis · 7 months
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on the haunting of fc barcelona
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Amy, Silver, and Omega are unified by their passion and dedication to what they believe in. They each feel their emotions so strongly, and when they have their minds set on a goal, they're damn near impossible to stop on a level that no other character really is.
Look, don't get me wrong, Sonic's a pretty determined guy himself. But he's able to be flexible about it, adapting what his goal is to suit the circumstances (not to mention his tendency to let himself be pointed in a direction by someone else; he's often times given mission objectives by Tails or another friendly ally in the later games, even to the extent of taking directions from the final boss of Sonic Frontiers by accident!) He changes plan and direction early and often, and while he's incredibly consistent about his core values, his methods of abiding by them are as free-spirited as he is.
Contrast that with Team Destruction over here and the difference couldn't be more obvious. Amy, Silver, and Omega will stop at close to nothing to achieve their goals once they set their minds to it. Is there a wall in the way? Who cares, blow up the wall! Kill the Iblis Trigger? Yeah, there's no other choice! Choose between Sonic and the world? Screw everything, choose Sonic! While they aren't incapable of changing their minds, that fiery passion in their chests won't let them back down easily. Silver's probably the least difficult to persuade, as his own anxiety feeds into some self-doubt about his actions. Omega, meanwhile, is the most, often requiring physical intervention before you can talk him around to reconsidering things. Amy's in that sweet spot in the middle, where she's more self-assured than Silver, but isn't totally inconsiderate of the emotions and opinions of those around her like Omega.
If there's something you need done no matter the cost, it's these three you call. They're the hammer and the entire world is their nail; you know they're going to keep swinging until the job is done.
. . . If your mission aligns with their values. If it doesn't, watch out!
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tetheredbysin · 7 days
"kevin magnussen has to show he's worthy of the haas seat"
you got so close, but no. actually haas have to show that they are worthy of kevin magnussen :)
i swear to god haas you need to stop fucking up like this
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quantumleper · 6 months
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Goku achieves Ultra Instinct | Dragon Ball Super | Universal Survival Saga
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(Rocket Gang: The Origin of Love and Youth/Training Daze)
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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"I'm making me my own hero!"
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