#team harmony fanfiction
hinar3dx · 9 months
He wasn’t sure when it started. Perhaps it was when they sparred for the very first time under the supervision of Itachi, when his leg grew numb from a barely noticeable touch from her. Maybe it was the way he watched as she held her tears back underneath her wrapped eyes after learning of her mother’s death. Maybe it was the way she had been able to listen to him no matter what he spoke of, and the way she could sit in silence with his older brother. Maybe it was just the aura she gave off. Maybe it was just because she was Hinata Hyuuga and he was in love with her.
Team Harmony, ch 39 [Sasuke Uchiha observing Hinata Hyuga]
Ffnet: Read ch 39 here
Ao3: here or
Wattpad: here
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izumeno · 11 months
After the finale of a popular reality TV-show, protests from human right groups erupted across the country. They claim that reality tv-shows have violated human rights and provoked apathy towards human suffering. Many producers have reacted with controversy against these statements
Prime Minister Kogame refusesd to give any commentary on the protests.
“I have been very busy with the food shortage in rural areas recently. But those proceedings will come to an end soon. When everybody is properly fed, I will involve myself in topics of secondary importance like game shows”.
We will keep you updated.
4 days left
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calxprince · 3 months
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. . . a kabru x gender neutral reader story
# Chapter 1 ; 5 Years is Barely Enough Time for Someone to Move On, Right?
# genre : multiple parts. breakup angst. reader can't move on for the life of them.
# warnings : hurt no comfort in the first chapter
# spoiler warnings : none
# notes : purely an intro to the story. reader yammering about their life after the breakup. author is tired of the lack of kabru fanfiction and is tired of depending on cai
click here for the masterlist
1080 words
. . . in which relationships are prohibited within the party.
What a stupid rule. Or at least, you used to think it was. Until you fell in love, then fell out of it after.
Okay, you didn't actually fall out of it. But you did end up breaking up.
But hey, 5 years isn't that long right? It's not too late to start moving on?
Fuck. You really wished you followed that rule. All you can do now is regret all of your actions 5 years ago, when you were dating him.
You only started to understand why it was a rule, a golden standard across all parties.
It is fairly understandable that to have good chemistry with your party, you need to have close bonds with each of your members. You need to establish a strong relationship with your peers, to use all of your different abilities in perfect harmony.
However, indulging yourself in the greed of breaking through the barrier or being— just friends is a high risk. It could either make or break your party's chemistry. With intertwined heartstrings, that push and pull is always guaranteed to break those ties.
You groan at your stupidity, as you struggle to keep yourself afloat as a solo adventurer. Gold became scarce as you could barely afford your necessities, while the dungeon became harder and harder to explore— making treasures difficult to score. Lower levels were always a no-go, as you risk dying and being victim to a resurrection scam— draining you of all of your (miniscule) savings.
You used to be a party leader, determined to lead your beloved team to victory. However, strangers turn into friends— friends into close friends, and suddenly... Lovers. Life back then was simple, laughing at the stupidity of the rule ' no dating within the party! '. I mean, what's so wrong about being happy?
Your power, and his expertise with the blade— back to back, you two were unstoppable.
But could it have lasted forever? You ask yourself over and over— to the point of days becoming weeks, becoming months.
It's all become a blur.
Wake up. Enter the Dungeon. Explore the Dungeon. Go Home. Sleep. Repeat.
It's been 5 years since you broke up with Kabru. Actually— 5 years since you've seen his face. However, it doesn't change a thing. You have had his face memorized in the back of your mind since the day you both met; each angle and curvature of his jaw, the exact hue and saturation of his eyes, each curl in the sea of his dark hair.
You could never forget the way his eyes would soften as he looked at you, his lips curling into a gentle smile. He made you feel warm, like— a bowl of hot soup that your mom made you on a rainy day kind of warm. The way he never fails to be impressed by you, no matter how many times he'd seen your magic.
Sometimes, he'd try to get a little scratch during battle just so he could get healed by you again.
So what if the other members were fatally bleeding and were on the verge of death? He has a 'potentially life-threatening paper cut' and is in need of assistance.
Does it hurt more to remember, than to forget?
... You're not sure.
Remembering only brings fear—the fear of being forever perceived as the person you used to be, and will never be remembered as the person you are now. Change is inevitable, but you never really know if it it changes for the better or the worse.
You've been avoiding ever exploring more than half of the village ever since that day.
He's made his imprint in your mind, where that one bakeshop was not just any normal bakeshop— it was the one he'd eagerly line up at each morning, just so he could bring you your favorite treat.
God, you can't even stand the smell of it in the air anymore.
You couldn't get yourself to go to that one tavern, since it wasn't just any normal tavern anymore— it was his favorite tavern. The one tavern that he introduced you to, where they sold the best quality of your favorite drink.
He had hunted down every saloon and tavern in the village, just to pin one down because he knew you would love it.
And he loved it because you loved it.
It was also the place where you got absolutely wasted. Where you accidentally gave him the sloppiest, most passionate liquor-flavored kiss ever.
Where you couldn't stop the drunken slur of words that poured out of your mouth like a waterfall of alcohol, accidentally telling him you loved him.
It's a never-ending spiral of having to give up your favorite things, mostly because the reason why they were your favorite— was because of him. Because he had taken the time to get to know you, and noted down every single thing about you in every nook and cranny of his mind— your favorite scent, the shampoo you use, the distinct hop in your step.
That man knew you inside and out as if he had just completely dissected you in his mind. His beautiful mind. The mind that knew the second your mood shifted, the one that always takes note of your subtle hints.
And without him, everything seemed tasteless. Like your favorite freshly baked bread in the morning— it suddenly felt like eating clay that you had just dug up from the side of a creek. Like a bland porridge that was bordering a lukewarm temperature.
You sit there, pondering what could've been.
What would life be like if he never left?
Would he still be lying beneath your covers, his face buried in the crook of your neck while whispering promises?
Would he be sitting on your couch, folding your shared laundry— while you cook yourselves a shared dinner?
Would he be begging you to use your magic on him again? Would you be there healing his wounds after a long day, while he begs for another kiss?
Would he be there to kiss your lips again— holding you like a glass rose that could shatter beneath his fingertips?
You still love him.
You can't deny it.
However, 5 years is enough for him to hire a new mage.
5 years would've been enough for him to move on to bigger things— bigger ambitions.
bigger dreams than the ones he had with you.
You needed longer than 5 years. Maybe one day you'd be able to meet him eye to eye, without the dread and the fear.
But today was not that day.
But today was the day god decided to test you. (as if he hasn't put you through enough, dragging you from hell and back.)
He decided to test your patience, your resilience, and all of the above.
I mean, who else wouldn't freak out after seeing your ex and your ex-party members lying dead on the ground?
... Especially when they're all weirdly lined up on the concrete floor of the dungeon.
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wenclairfamily · 6 months
Wednesday and Enid's Children: Harmony and Ana Addams in "Dreams Come True"
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A Fanfiction Tale by Yours Truly, with Art by: @annietheartsyartist
Story Summary: Wednesday and Enid's twin daughters: Harmony and Ana have always grown up in a home full of love, affection... and torture rooms and deadly animals. However they've always depended on their two mothers to guide them on their path. But while on a class field trip, both teenage girls finally begin to forge a new path for themselves on their own. For Harmony, she begins to contemplate whether or not she and her girlfriend: Megan are ready to take their romantic relationship to the next level. For Ana... she adopts a cat, and begins a career as a bounty hunter. Pretty much the same thing though, right? ;)
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"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." It is a quote by Edgar Allen Poe shared to me by my mother, which I never forgot. My name is Harmony Addams, and all my life I was raised to be the best at everything I did. My mother: Wednesday Addams most notably always pushed me to be more and more self-sufficient, to be as intelligent as possible, and to never show weakness. While there have been moments in my life where I felt like giving up, I always kept going thanks to the ultimate light in my life - my girlfriend Megan. She's been my long time best friend, my other half, and my everything. Wanting to be her girlfriend was the easiest decision of my life. However... deciding if we were ready to become something much more... that was much more difficult; due to my perception of if I was ready: feeling as visible as a dream within a dream. However... one night... my dreams finally came true, and my perceptions: one with reality. But I'm getting ahead of myself. This tale of love and passion actually begins the last way you'd ever expect...
A giant minitoar like monster that was wearing a large black coat: roared loudly as it walked towards a populated city. Then suddenly from the ground - a giant robot raven, spider, and piranha emerged. The three animal robots then transformed and combined into a giant human shaped robot. In the cockpit of the giant robot was Harmony Addams, along with her sister: Ana, and her girlfriend: Megan. Harmony grinned as she said, "All right Gothic Ranger Megazord. Attack!" The giant robot then began to brawl against the giant minitoar . After many blows were exchanged, the monster pushed the giant robot down to the ground. Then Ana said, "Aw man. We need the Gothic Sword now!" Then the giant robot pulled out a sword and swung it at the minitour monster. The sword then tore away the monster's black coat... revealing it was wearing brown lingerie. A wide eyed and surprised Megan then said, "The monster is wearing lingerie!?" The monster then had an embarrassed look on its' face and tried to turn away. Then a determined Harmony yelled, "Quick! While it's experiencing body shame; attack with full power!"
Then the giant robot had it's sword get powered up... and then it swung it hard at the minitoar monster; causing it to explode. The monster was instantly destroyed, while it's lingerie exploded into many scraps as well. An impressed looking Ana said, "Wow. Exploding lingerie. Didn't think I'd see that this morning." A smiling Harmony then said, "Great work team!" Then Harmony, Ana, and Megan climbed out of their giant robot. From nearby, Enid ran over to three girls and said, "Wow! You girls saved the city! That was amazing! But... where in the world did you all find the materials to build a giant robot?" Then Harmony and Megan glanced at each other for a second, and then both looked at Enid as they casually said, "Found it."
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Several days later: Harmony, Ana, Megan, and many other Nevermore Academy students were sitting on a bus that was traveling down a long road. As Enid sat near the front of the bus, she smiled while saying, "Okay guys. We should be arriving at our destination soon." A smiling Ana then said, "Oh yeah. Spending the weekend at a five star mountain lodge! I so totally deserve this." Then Megan casually said, "Yeah. I mean after we saved the city from that monster, it was totally nice of the mayor to give our entire class an all-expense paid vacation." Then Ana leaned back in her seat and put on a pair of sunglasses as she casually said, "No. I mean I totally deserve this for just existing. I should be receiving this kind of treatment all of the time because I'm awesome!" Then Harmony raised an eyebrow as she said, "You do realize that me and Megan did all the work putting those robots together, right? You only got up from your chair when it was time to finally use them." Then as Ana continued to lean back, she said, "Hey. I was supervising." Then Harmony squinted her eyes as she said, "You were watching Tik Tok videos the entire time we built that thing." Then Ana in a mater of fact tone said, "Yeah. I was supervising while I was watching Tik Tok videos. Multi-tasking is hard."
Then a Latina teenager who was sitting nearby said, "Well Harmony, you and Megan are the real power team in our book. You both are heroes, you get the best grades of anyone in school, and you were both voted Queen and Queen of the school dance. How do you both do it?" Then Megan smiled as she held Harmony's hand while saying, "Well Emmy... we always lift each other up and support one another. That's part of it anyway. I mean... we've been best friends, and sort of a couple since we were six years old. We've always had each other's back." Then another girl on the bus with dark hair immediately said, "Awww! That's so cute! You too have been together like your whole lives. So, are the two coolest girls in school gonna one day be the coolest brides after they graduate from school?" Suddenly many other teenagers on the bus began to look interested, while Harmony and Megan suddenly began to look nervous. Harmony then cautiously said, "Well Sophia... the future isn't written yet... so lets just wait and see."
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As many teenagers from Nevermore Academy walked into a large mountain lodge building, Enid walked behind them as she loudly said, "Okay everyone. You got an hour to get situated in your rooms before we go on our nature hike. And remember - just because you all each get a room to yourselves, don't use that an excuse to be doing any drugs or alcohol. Miss Wednesday might not be here with us on this trip, but I still have the heightened smell of someone with werewolf DNA, so don't try anything!" Nearby, Harmony was carrying several bags alongside Megan. The two then walked into a bedroom together as Megan said, "Well, here's the room I'm staying in. Thanks for helping me carry all my stuff in Harmony."
Harmony smiled as she said, "No problem. What's with all the stuff you got in these bags though?" An excited Megan then said, "Oh. Mountains are the best place to set up special antennas to try to intercept radio stations from far away. It's something I used to do with my dad a lot when I was little. I know most radio stations are online now; but it's the challenge of intercepting them that's fun. I was planning to mess around with this stuff after the party tonight." Harmony sat down with Megan on her bed as she said, "That sounds cool. I should join you for that after the party is over." Then Megan gently touched Harmony's hand as she slowly said, "Well... if you want... you could spend the whole night with me... and maybe we could have a lot more fun than just listening to the radio." Harmony suddenly looked nervous as she said, "I... um..."
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Then suddenly Ana walked into the room wearing thin armor around most of her body (along with pink and blue highlights on her neck length dark hair) as she said, "What's up peoples. Just a warning. Don't talk to the junior lifeguard working at the indoor pool. I tried chatting with him just now while trying to gather intel on the local mafia gangs, but I think he somehow thought I was flirting with him, and tried to ask me to spend the night with him in his bedroom. I mean… yuck! I'm never having sex till I'm married. Don't need all that drama right now at this stage of my life." A confused Megan then said, "Um… okay. But… why are you wearing armor all over your body?" Then Ana looked at herself for a moment, and then looked at Harmony and Megan as she casually said, "Why not?"
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Later that day, Enid was leading the Nevermore Academy students through the woods as she said, "Okay everyone. The lake should be right up ahead." Soon the group saw a large lake near a waterfall surrounded by many trees. With a big smile, Enid said, "Okay. Make sure you can always see at least two other people from the group wherever you are. Aside from that, spread out and have some fun." Then Ana stood in front of the group (still wearing her armor) as she said, "And if anyone is missing something, or needs to enact retribution against someone who wronged them... just talk to me." A confused looking Enid then said, "Ana, what are you doing?" Then Ana casually said, "Oh, I'm a bounty hunter now. I'm testing it out as a career path. It seems like a cool type of self-employment I could really get into."
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A short time later, many of the Nevermore Academy students were hanging out near the lake and swimming in it. Enid sat under a tree nearby watching the students as she smiled. From nearby, Harmony walked over and sat next to Enid. Harmony made a little sigh, as a concerned Enid said, "What's wrong Harmony? Why aren't you hanging out with Megan?" A slightly worried Harmony then said, "Well... it's because... I'm a little nervous about talking to her. You see... she brought up something with me earlier, and... I'm not sure how to respond." Enid made a little smile as she said, "Well... you and Megan have been close for years now. It can't be that difficult to talk about." Harmony looked down, and then said, "She... she wants us to have sex... and I'm not sure what to say to her." Enid looked surprised for a moment, but then calmly said, "Well... how do you feel?" Harmony then began to fiddle with her fingers as she kept her eyes focused on the ground while saying, "I really love Megan mom. Like... I really, really, really love her. But... the biggest thing I'm worried about is... what if we break up one day? I know it would really hurt inside if it happened... but I think it would hurt a lot more if we broke up after having a sexual relationship. But me and her have known each other a long time... but people do change when they become adults, and... Uuugh! I don't know what to do or even think!"
Enid then looked right at Harmony as she made a little smile while saying, "Well first Harmony... thank you for coming to me with this. I am so proud of you for turning to anyone for help at trying to figure this out, and I am so honored you chose me to be the one you talked to. Now with that being said... don't feel wrong for having conflicted thoughts. Choosing to have sex with anyone is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. It does have a huge impact on your feelings and emotions, and you do need to consider the consequences to your actions and if the timing is right." Harmony then sighed and said, "So... am I about to hear the part now where you tell me I should wait to have sex until I get married?" Enid looked down, sighed, and then said, "I should tell you that, and I'd prefer if you did wait... but if you didn't... know that I would never look down upon you... considering I lost my virginity when I was even younger than you.
Harmony began to have her fingers make lines in the dirt near her feet, while she said, "So... when do you now think is the right time to have sex or get married? Is it when I graduate from high school? Graduate from college? When I get a steady job? When I become a manager of a company? When I become very wealthy?" Then Enid with a look of certainty in her face said, "Harmony... if you're asking me: when is the perfect time in your life to take your relationship to the next level... that day is never going to come. Times will never be 100 percent perfect for you." Then Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "But... you and mother taught me to always aim to succeed, to never fail, to always be exceptional, to be perfect..." Then Enid interrupted Harmony as she said, "Yes, we always wanted you to aim to succeed and be your best... but no one is perfect." Harmony began to look a bit more nervous as she said, "But... I can't mess things up with Megan. I can't. I mean... we're both the top two students on the Honor Roll, the Queen and Queen of the Raven Dace... we're practically role models to our peers. I feel like if I make any mistake now... especially a mistake in my relationship with my Megan... I'll be ruining my entire reputation, my entire legacy, my entire life, and even hurt others around me."
Enid looked away for a moment... but then looked at Harmony once again while saying, "When your mother and I taught you and your sister how to face adversity while growing up, we weren't just teaching you both how to navigate through problems the world would throw at you... we were also teaching you both how to navigate through problems you would inevitably unintentionally throw at yourselves. Harmony... you're going to make mistakes sometimes... and that's okay. It's all about what you do after those mistakes that matters most. You know... your mother and I didn't let the shame of our past dictate our identities, or our love lives. I mean your mother wasn't able to tell that the first teenage boy she ever kissed was a murderous Hyde... until five seconds after... but still, she didn't let the shame of opening up her heart to the wrong person destroy herself or her self-respect she had. As for me... I was left behind by the first person I first had sex with... but I didn't let that experience destroy my ability to be open to finding someone else. The point I'm trying to make is... you may make a mistake in who you choose to be in a romantic relationship with, you may make a mistake in who you choose to marry, and you may make a mistake in who you choose to have sex with... but you have to be okay with the fact that you might mess up, and try to have a plan for what's going to happen if things do get messed up."
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Harmony sighed again, as she closed her eyes briefly and then said, "So... what do you think I should do?" Enid looked down as she said, "Well... unlike Wednesday and Tyler, or me and my first lover... you and Megan have been together a long time. That means something. But it's up to you two together to decide how slow or fast you take things." Then a worried Harmony said, "What if we take things too fast?" With a calm loving voice, Enid then said, "Then you accept the consequences to whatever you did, and do your best with whatever the situation is. And if that causes some people to look down upon you... that'll be sad... but know that me, your mother, and the rest of our family will continue to support you no matter what." Then Harmony said, "And... what happens if we take things too slow? Is there a point where me and Megan wait too long?"|
Enid looked hesitant for a moment, and then said, "Harmony... a part of me wants to keep you my pure innocent little girl forever. However... you're growing up and changing... and I know you're going to start exploring your feelings, and I know you're going to find a way to explore your sexuality whether I like it or not. Again, a part of me does really want you to delay considering taking your relationship with Megan to the next level for a very long time. However... there's something important I've never told you before, that I've always been uncertain of telling you... but I think you should know." A curious looking Harmony looked right at Enid as she said, "What is it?"
Enid kept her face turned slightly away from Harmony as she said, "Well... shortly before you and your sister were conceived... your mother and I had our first dealings with visitors from another part of the multiverse. Two girls one day appeared through a dimensional rift and literally fell into our lives. One of those two visitors was a girl who was supposed to be a potential daughter I could've had in another universe. She actually looked a lot like you (and also a little bit like your sister too), but there were still some differences. However, the other girl we met... looked just like Megan. She had a different name... but the thing is: that alternate universe daughter I met... the girl who looked a lot like you... she told me that she was in love with her best friend; essentially: Megan's doppelganger... but for her it was too late. She thought she had more time... but in the end, she didn't. Look... I'm not telling you to move fast. I want you to slow down when it comes to how your relationship progresses... but... if you had met that sort of doppelganger of yours, and asked her for advice... I know she would tell that while you shouldn't take things too fast... you shouldn't waste time either... because you never know when you might lose someone."
Harmony took a long deep breath, and then said, "Okay. Thanks mom." Enid nodded her head, and then said, "Any time. But please... be as responsible and safe as possible with any choice you make... and speaking of which... when we get back to the building, I have a bunch of items to give you just in case. I've got water based lubricants, dental dams, lots of sanitary wipes, and birth control pills to give you." A confused Harmony then said, "Wait. Megan is a girl. How is she going to get me pregnant?" Enid rolled her eyes and said, "Hey. I thought the same thing with your mother. And then she surprised me with a rare magical plant she ingested that apparently changed all the rules of human biology without telling me. Trust me. You're gonna wanna play it as safe as possible."
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That evening: Harmony was walking down a hallway in the mountain lodge while wearing a long sleeveless black dress, and had her blonde hair in braids. Suddenly though, Harmony saw Ana (still wearing her armor) carrying a small kitten with brown and white fur down the hallway. Harmony stopped, and looked confused as she said, "Ana... what is that?" Ana then casually said, "Oh. It's a small abandoned kitten I found in the woods while I was trying to do my first bounty hunter job. I waited around trying to see if the kitten had a mother or owner, but no one came. So I've decided to adopt this little guy and name him: Stormageddon the Conqueror. He'll be my apprentice and join me on all of my bounty hunter missions from now on; because if there's anything that binge watching The Mandalorian has taught me: it's that bounty hunters make the perfect care givers. So anyway, I know there's going to be a little dance going on in the party room tonight; but I'm about to head out to... Wait a minute! Hold on Harmony. Your bedroom is on the other side of the building, and you're not walking towards the party room. What are you doing over here?" Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "Well..."
Ana then giggled as she said, "Oh, I see. You're heading to Megan's room for a fun sleepover." Harmony sighed, and then in a worried voice said, "Look. I don't need you making fun of me. I know you said that it's better if I wait until marriage to..." Then Ana interrupted Harmony and said, "Whoa! I didn't say you should wait till marriage. I said that I should. That's because I'm not sharing my body with anyone until they sign a legal document binding themselves to me; with an addendum that states if they ever cheat on me, or break up with me, or even flirt with someone else online: I get everything. It's part of my master plan to get rich. A lot of guys may be after just one thing, but I'll take advantage of their hormones to get everything. However you don't need that kind of system in place with Megan. You two are perfect for each other. Now if you excuse me; I have to give Stormageddon the Conqueror a bath, before we go on our first secret mission." Ana then walked away with her kitten, while Harmony made a little smile... and then walked over to Megan's bedroom.
Harmony stood wearing her dress as she knocked on the door to Megan's bedroom. Megan then answered the door and immediately paused as she looked at Harmony, just as Harmony paused to look at Megan. Megan's dark hair was currently in it's naturally curly state, and she was wearing red lipstick on her lips, and was also wearing a long sleeveless red dress. Megan then finally broke her pause as she said, "Oh. Hey Harmony." Harmony looked a bit nervous as she said, "Hey Megan. Um... I was hoping to see you at the party, but when you weren't there; I decided to come here and talk to you. Can I come in?" Megan nodded her head, and then Harmony stepped into the bedroom.
As Megan closed the door behind her, Harmony said, "So... I see you got dressed up still." Megan looked nervous as she said, "Yeah. I was intending to go to the party. But... after getting all my make up on... I started to feel nervous about going." Harmony sighed, and then said, "Look Megan. I just want you to know that..." Then Megan interrupted Harmony as she said, "No. Let me speak first. Harmony... I'm sorry that I tried to make you feel pressured to do something with me that you're not ready to. It's just... you mean everything to me. I mean, ever since I gave you that Valentine's Day card in kindergarten and you kissed me on the cheek... I knew you were the one. And as I've gotten older... you're still the only one for me. My feelings for you are just so strong that I just want to give everything I am to you."
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Harmony smiled as she took Megan's hand and looked into her eyes as she said, "Megan... if I've seemed nervous about us taking our relationship to the next level... it's only due to how much I love you. I don't want to make any mistake that could hurt our relationship, and I especially don't want to unintentionally do anything that hurts you. However... I believe that if we make a mistake... we'll find a way to fix things up, or simply grow from what happens together... because our love is strong... which is why... I'm ready to make love with you Megan... right here... and right now." With a look of pure joy on her face: Megan said, "You mean it?" Harmony then took out from her pocket: a corsage with white flowers, and red and pink ribbons. Harmony then attached the corsage to Megan's right wrist, and then nodded her head as she said, "I do."
Harmony and Megan then embraced one another and kissed as they immediately wrapped their arms around one another. As they kissed though, both teenage girls slowly began to move their hands down the other's body... and then up the other's dress. The two both stopped their kiss to look at the other in the eyes. Megan smiled and nodded her head. Harmony smiled and nodded back. Then... Harmony pulled off her black dress, as Megan took off her long red dress. Both teenage girls were now standing in just their underwear while smiling. The two then put their hands behind the backs, as they began to remove their undergarments. The breathing of the young women began to get faster and deeper in anticipation for what was about to happen. Then... both Harmony and Megan were completely naked before one another.
Harmony suddenly began to look a bit nervous as she said, "Do I look nice?" Megan made a big smile as she said, "Harmony... you are nothing short of perfectly beautiful. Now hold on. Let me put this beautiful corsage on a shelf, so it doesn't get damaged." Megan took off her corsage, and then crawled onto the bed and placed her corsage on a shelf over the bed. As Megan reached up: she kept her left knee on the bed, while putting her right foot on the bed three feet ahead of it. As this occurred, Harmony giggled a bit. Megan turned her head slightly to the right (to look at Harmony) as she smiled while saying, "What?" Harmony sighed as she said, "It's just... right now... you look nothing short of perfectly beautiful as well." Megan made a happy smile as she looked at Harmony.
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Harmony then eventually got onto the bed, and used some wipes she had to clean her lower regions briefly, while Megan watched. Harmony then put one closed fist below her chin, and made a sexy smile; causing Megan's heart rate to increase.  Soon Megan sat on the bed, and then Harmony sat right in front of her. The two just gazed upon the other's nude beauty for a moment... and then wrapped their arms around each other. Then in a private moment only the two young women would ever remember... they began to make love. Within moments, two teenage girls lost their virginity to one another as they began explore and pleasure one another in the deepest and most powerful way possible. What was once two souls, then became one that night.
Then once the night of passion concluded: Megan laid on top of Harmony, with Harmony's arms holding Megan close. As the two began to look at one another, suddenly both Harmony and Megan realized that tears were beginning to escape from their eyes. Megan giggled a bit as she said, "Oh great. Now I'm crying." Then a smiling Harmony said, "Well if you're crying, I'm just gonna cry more." The two teenage girls then simply laid together as they hugged one another very tightly; their chins resting on the others' shoulder. Tears continued to come from their eyes, as Megan said, "You make me so happy Harmony. I love you so much!" Harmony squeezed Megan tight, as she said, "I love you so much too. This is like a dream come true." Harmony then moved her head back a bit to look right at Megan in the eyes as she said, "Soul mates. That's you and me. We're soul mates forever. I love you Megan." A happy and content Megan then said, "I love you too Harmony. Now and forever." Then both teenage girls laid on their sides as they continued to hug one another... and eventually the two lovers fell asleep in the others' arms.
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The next morning, in her room: Enid was getting the last of her clothing on as she was talking on the phone with Wednesday. As Enid held the phone close to her, she heard Wednesday say, "I assume the students have been giving you no trouble on the weekend trip." Enid smiled as she said, "No. They've actually all been great." Then Enid heard Wednesday say, "Excellent. Then my threats I made upon them worked." Then as Enid put her socks and shoes on, she said, "So... how was Melissa's funeral yesterday?" Enid then heard Wednesday slowly say, "The event caused... emotions... to be felt. However for the most part, it was as pleasing as any other funeral. So... have our children been well?" Enid suddenly began to sound a bit nervous as she said, "Oh. Well... Ana is fine. And Harmony is... um... um..." A concerned sounding Wednesday then said, "Enid... what are you not telling me?" Enid sighed, and then said, "It's probably nothing. We'll talk about it when we get home tonight. Anyway, have fun checking in on Wenclair Fashion today. Tell all our old workers that I miss them, will you?" Then Wednesday in a cold voice say, "I won't." Then Wednesday hung up the phone.
Enid then stepped out into the hallway of the lodge she was staying at as she softly said to herself, "Okay Enid. Just calm down. Yes, Harmony had a long talk with you about potentially having sex with her girlfriend yesterday. And then you noticed Harmony leaving the party early last night. But that doesn't mean anything concrete. Despite letting her know that it was her choice, you emphasized several times how important it is to wait. Plus, she still seemed confused and uncertain last time you saw her. I'm sure when I see her this morning, she'll still be her sweet innocent confused little self that definitely did not..."
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Then suddenly Enid's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of old rock music being played on a nearby speaker. Then suddenly Harmony slid into the hallway (with her back to Enid) while wearing just a pink button down shirt, white booty shirts, and socks. Then suddenly Harmony turned around (but didn't notice Enid) and held her phone close to her face (like it was a microphone), and then began to dance around with a giant smile on her face while singing, "Just take those old records off the shelf. I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself. Today's music ain't got the same soul. I like that old time rock and roll." Then Harmony began playing air guitar while she jumped up on a couch in the hallway, as she continued to excitedly sing, "Don't try to take me to a disco. You'll never even get me out on the floor. In ten minutes I'll be late for the door. I like that old time rock and roll." Then Harmony fell down on the couch on her back while shaking her legs as she gleefully sang, "Still like that old time rock and roll. That kind of music just soothes the soul. I reminisce about the days of old; with that old time rock and roll."
As all of this occurred, Enid stood with complete shock and horror on her face. Then after a long moment of her body being frozen, Enid finally opened her mouth and said, "Oh God. You actually did it." Harmony suddenly noticed Enid, and then turned off her music and stood up as she said, "Oh. Mom. Um..." Enid stepped forward as she said, "You don't need to tell me Harmony. I know exactly what the happy morning after your first time face looks like." Harmony with a slightly cautious voice said, "Well..." Enid then interrupted Harmony as she said, "You know what... it was your body, and your choice. You're a responsible mature woman, and I trust you. Just... be safe. Anyway, I need to check on the other students now." Enid then walked away, as Harmony looked a bit nervous.
Suddenly Ana popped out from around a corner as she said, "Dude. You got off easy." Harmony jumped up for a second as she said, "Ah! Ana! Where did you come from?" Ana smirked as she said, "Just happened to be close to turning the corner right when that conversation started. Me and Stormageddon the Conqueror just got back from our mission. Check out his new look!" Then Ana held up her kitten, and showed that it was now wearing a small brown vest and a brown top hat with old style goggles on it. A confused looking Harmony then said, "You turned your new pet into a Steam Punk Kitten?" Then Ana casually said, "How else is he supposed to dress? Anyway, you should enjoy the fact that mom acted so chill about your sleepover with Megan. You're gonna have a real peaceful day... until we get home, and mother finds out you totally banged the first weekend she wasn't around."
Harmony suddenly looked nervous as she said, "Oh no. You don't think... I mean... mom was okay with it. So shouldn't mother be chill about it too?" Ana giggled as she said, "Since when is mother chill about anything!? Anyway, I'm gonna go see mom for a minute and say I'm sick." A confused looking Harmony then said, "Are you sick?" Then Ana (in a matter of fact tone) said, "Nah. I'm just gonna fake it so I can skip the activities she has planned for the class today. Once you all are gone, I am heading over to the nearby city with Stormageddon the Conqueror for our next secret mission." A still confused Harmony then said, "But... how are you gonna fake being sick to mom?" Ana smirked as she said, "Easy. You show off clammy hands. It's very non-specific and an easy symptom to pull off. You fake a stomach cramp; and when you're bent over: moaning and wailing - you lick your palms. It's a little childish and stupid... but then so is any form of high school. I know it seems wrong... but I have to go do my thing Harmony, and just have a day off. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it." Then Ana walked away, as Harmony just looked confused.
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Wednesday walked into an office where a young man in a t-shirt was sitting. Wednesday looked down at the man, and in a cold voice said, "Hello Mike." The young man: Mike, quickly stood up and said, "Hey Wednesday! Good to have you back!" Mike held out his arms, but Wednesday stepped back while showing great discomfort in her face. Wednesday then went back to having no expression on her face, as she said, "You will address me as Mrs Addams. I may have left my day to day managerial duties when my wife and I departed to begin work at Nevermore Academy. However I am still a majority share holder in this company; so you will address me with the respect that position dictates." Mike nodded his head as he said, "Yeah. Sure. But anyway, I heard you wanna take a tour and check out how the place has been since you left. So follow me, and I'll give you the grand tour."
Mike then led Wednesday into an office space where many workers (in very casual attire) were sitting in front of their computers; while several dogs sat near them. Wednesday then looked very concerned as she said, "Why are there pets with foul odors in this work space?" Mike had a big smile as he said, "Oh. Those aren't pets. They're emotional support animals. They help all our workers feel more at peace while working." Wednesday looked horrified as she said, "Workers aren't supposed to be focused on being at peace while working. They should be be working while working. If the common person feels stressed and undervalued; they can sort out their problems on their own time. In fact... why are so many seats here missing? Where are the other staff?" Then a casual sounding Mike said, "Oh. Well for many of the office staff, we let them work from home now. It lets them work more comfortably and be closer to their families." Then Wednesday with a confused face said, "So in order to improve productivity... you allow workers to be in an environment where they can more easily lounge about without any supervisors around to ensure they're being as efficient as possible... while also putting your workers as close as possible to their family members: the one set of individuals in the world that could be most distracting to them?"
Then a slightly nervous Mike said, "Well... how about we check out the new break room we have. It makes lunch time and coming to work so much more fun for our employees now." Then Mike led Wednesday into a break room, and inside Wednesday saw employees playing at multiple old style arcade game machines that were set up, along with a Ping Pong table and Air Hockey table. Wednesday began to looked mortified as she said, "You've turned this workplace into a play place!?" Mike then casually said, "Just the break room. It creates a fun environment for people to blow off steam, and it builds comradery amongst the staff. We also started a new inner-office social media platform where staff can give uplifting shout-outs to their co-workers, and also share their favorite hobbies with one another." Then Wednesday looked at Mike with anger in her eyes as she said, "Let me get this straight. Employees of the company are encouraged to play games and post on social media while on the clock; all the while they have peers not even present that get to claim they're working all day without any real supervision. How is that beneficial to the growth and efficiency of this company!?"
Mike began to back up looking nervous as he said, "But... we're just creating a positive work environment where people can be themselves." Then Wednesday stepped towards Mike with fury in her eyes as she said, "Yes, I am aware there is this modern belief that everything will be better in the world if we all just: be ourselves. However the problem with the modern workplace environment isn't that people aren't be themselves... rather, it's that they are being themselves. People are selfish, moronic, single minded, and can't stay on task when given the freedom to do things their way. They need the cold, organized, and unrelenting structure of a rigid workplace that forces them to live up to standards higher than their own. So as the majority shareholder of this company: I demand you remove the games, animals, and social media platform from this company at once; and then force everyone to come back to working in the office 40 hours a week. And if you refuse or attempt to have my shares in the company bought out - there is a clause in my contract that allows me to pull my name and endorsements from all advertisements related to any products sold from this business."
A concerned looking Mike then said, "But Mrs Addams...due to the success of your books and the TV series it spawned: that would destroy our business. Please... we've built a work environment that people enjoy now." Then Wednesday looked at Mike with disgust as she said, "People aren't meant to enjoy being at work. They're supposed to be miserable at work. So miserable that they lose any will power to find any other meaning in their pathetic lives beyond working at their jobs, and thus they'll work as hard as possible to get their work done on time so that they don't have to work late at the job they despise. But then due to their misery destroying their self-esteem: they'll lose all will power to do anything enjoyable over the weekend - and thus will be stuck in the cycle of wanting to come back to work, because this is the only pathetic existence they know. That is how you run an efficient workplace. Do I make myself clear!?"
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Near a large waterfall and lake, many teenagers from Nevermore Academy were playing in the water. As one teenage girl stood near the top of the waterfall, Enid called out and said, "Hey Emmy! I said no jumping from up there! The water down below isn't that deep and you could get hurt!" As the girl carefully walked away, Megan slowly walked over to a cooler that was near Enid. Enid then turned to get a drink from the cooler at the same time as Megan. Enid and Megan then both paused for a moment as they glanced at one another... and then Enid slowly said, "Oh, hey Megan." Megan looked a bit nervous as she said, "Hi Ms Enid. Um... I'm just getting a drink." Megan then grabbed a drink from the cooler, and began to walk away: when suddenly Enid said, "Megan, wait. I... I don't want things to be awkward between us." Megan then turned to look at Enid as she slowly said, "Well... I don't want that either."
Then Enid sighed and said, "Look. I know that for you and Harmony - your childhood was long ago. However to me... you were both were just little girls yesterday. As much as you both truly have matured so much... this advancement in your relationship sort of feels sudden to me. However... I know I need to accept you both are becoming real women now. It's just gonna take a little time. Do you understand?" Megan nodded her head and said, "Yeah." Enid smiled, as she said, "Good. But with all that being said... I'm proud that neither of you two has ever lied to me about what you both do together... and thank you choosing to love my daughter completely and unconditionally. She deserves the best... so never stop aiming to be that for her." Megan made a little smile as she said, "I will Ms Enid... and thank you."
Megan then walked over with two drinks in her hands and headed to the other side of the lake where Harmony was sitting. As Megan sat down next to her, Harmony said, "Was my mom being awkward with you?" Megan smiled as she said, "No. She's just a parent trying to be helpful... and honestly... that's more than most people have." Harmony then held Ana's hand, and the two girls kissed one another briefly. As the two looked at the lake, Harmony said, "This has become the most perfect weekend ever." Megan smiled as she said, "Yeah. This lake especially is so peaceful and nice. Too bad Ana is missing out on this. What do you think she's doing right now?" Then Harmony casually said, "Probably just wandering around town with her cat. Since she doesn't want mom to know that she left her room though, I'm sure she's laying low and not doing some big crazy stunt that could get her lots of attention."
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In the middle of a giant parade that had ten thousand people standing around watching: on top of a large float in the middle of the parade was Ana holding a microphone, as she danced around while singing, "Well shake it up baby now!" Then Ana's kitten jumped up next to her and sang, "Meow, meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana happily sang, "Twist and shout!" Then the kitten happily sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana continued to dance to her enthusiastic crowd as she sang, "Come on, come on, come, come on, baby, now!" Then Ana's kitten jumped on Ana's shoulder and loudly sang into the microphone: "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana grinned as she said, "Come on and work it on out!" Then Ana's kitten jumped up and down as it sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana moved around the float and danced some more as she sang, "Well, work it on out!" Then the kitten continued to sing, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana waved her arms around as she sang, "You know you look so good!" Then the kitten swayed it's head back and forth as it sang, "Meow, meow, meow" Then Ana swayed her head back and forth as she sang, "You know you got me goin' now." Then the kitten cutely sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana grinned as she said, "Just like I knew you would." Then Ana and her kitten continued to dance around the float, as the ten thousand people watching began to dance with them and cheered loudly.
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In her large room at Nevermore Academy, Enid had a large table set up in the middle of the room with five chairs. As Enid was setting up food at the table, Wednesday walked in. With a big smile, Enid said, "Howdy roomie!" Enid then ran over to Wednesday and instantly kissed her. After a moment of kissing, Wednesday broke her kiss to look at Enid with a straight face as she said, "Enid... being without your presence for 53 hours and 17 minutes straight was like torture... and I'm not referring to the good kind." Enid grinned as she said, "I missed you too." Wednesday and Enid kissed again, as they wrapped their arms tight around each other. However as they did, Wednesday started to pull Enid's shirt off. However, Enid stopped Wednesday and said, "Um... maybe we should stop. The girls said they'd be here right around now, and I don't want to make anything more awkward with them." Wednesday suddenly looked concerned as she said, "More awkward? Enid... what are you not sharing with me!?"
Suddenly, Harmony and Megan walked into the room looking exhausted but happy as Harmony said, "Sorry if we came in a little late. We were a little... uh... busy." Suddenly Wednesday's eyes widened as she looked very carefully at Harmony and Megan. As Wednesday kept her eyes wide, she starred directly and intently at Harmony and Megan while saying, "Flushed faces, larger than normal smiles upon entering, untidy hair, increased sweat that is visible on your skin and yet not your wrinkled clothes..." Then an astonished Enid said, "Really!? Again!?" Then Wednesday looked at Enid with confused wide eyes as she said, "Again!?" Then Enid sighed and said, "Well... Harmony did come and talk to me for advice before it happened. I know you said you always wanted to be part of that conversation if it ever came up, but you were busy with the funeral, so I didn't call you." Harmony now began to look very nervous as she said, "Mother... are you mad at us?" Wednesday then marched over to Harmony and Megan, and glared at them both.
Then as Wednesday kept her piercing eyes focused on the two girls she said, "Did you treat the other well? Did you treat the other like they were the most important individual in your life, and afterwards: found yourself unable to even imagine yourself with another individual for the rest of your life?" Harmony nodded her head as she said "Yeah." Megan nodded her head too and said, "Yes Mrs Addams." Then Wednesday suddenly showed a calmer demeanor as she said, "Very well then. Lets prepare to have dinner then."Then suddenly Ana walked into the room with her kitten on her shoulder as she casually said, "What's up peoples!? Oh hey Harmony. You and Megan weren't killed by mother. Good for you two." Then a concerned looking Enid said, "Okay Ana. Why weren't you on the bus ride home? How did you get back to the Academy? And what have you been doing all day!?" Then Ana casually said, "Stuff. By the way. This kitten on my shoulder is Stormageddon the Conqueror. He's a member of the family now. We're gonna go wash our hands before we eat." Then Ana walked over to the nearby bathroom with her kitten, as a confused looking Enid said, "You know what... everything else is changing around here already... so I'm not gonna question anything anymore." Then as everyone began to sit at the dinner table together, Megan said, "So Mrs Addams, I saw some people roasting marshmallows around a large bonfire outside. The other students said you were the one that set up the bon fire. Where did you get all that wood?" Then Wednesday with a straight face said, "From the broken remains of ping pong and air hockey tables, along with several arcade cabinets... and many absurd dreams."
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Later that evening as the sun set: Wednesday and Enid stood outside their room at Nevermore Academy on the balcony that looked down at the school. As Enid leaned her hands on the balcony railing she said, "You know Wednesday... I'm pretty surprised at how chill you acted when you realized Harmony and Megan are now having sex." Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "Well if I remained too predictable, then you would all become complacent." Then as Enid looked out at the sky she said, "It's just... you always attempt to prepare for the worst, assume the most negative things in other people, and see so much darkness when you think about the future. In fact the only time you didn't assume anything was going to go wrong in your future was when our kids were going to be born, and when you married me; but that was probably just because you had visions of the future that showed you..." Then suddenly Enid stopped and gasped loudly. Then Enid with excitement, turned her head to look at Wednesday as she said, "You had a vision about Harmony and Megan's future, didn't you!?" Then Wednesday crossed her arms, and kept a straight face as she said, "I believed we both agreed long ago that it would not be best if I reveal any more details of our family's nearly certain destiny." Then Enid tried to calm down as she said, "Okay, okay. You're right. You're probably right."
The two remained silent for a moment... but then Wednesday turned her head to look at the sky as she said, "Try to hold back your tears at their wedding though, as you're going to greatly embarrass yourself. Also: if you offer to babysit our grandchildren any time Harmony and Megan ask, they will take total advantage of you." Then Enid suddenly started to shake and squeal in excitement while saying, "Eeeee! I'm gonna be a grandma! YAY!" Then suddenly, Ana stuck her head out from the nearby window and said, "Hey mom, mother. Me and Stormageddon the Conquer are looking for some peanut butter, a blow torch, and some active plutonium. Know where we can find any of that stuff?" A confused looking Enid then said, "No... and why do you need those things?" Then Ana casually said, "Reasons." Then Ana walked away, as a concerned looking Enid turned towards Wednesday as she said, "Have you had any visions about Ana's future?" Then with a disturbed look, Wednesday said, "Oh... you don't want to know."
-Download Link to Read All my Past Wenclair Stories in One PDF
-https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14168842/1/The-Passion-of-a-Moment-Enid-and-Wednesday-s-Family-and-Legacy (Web Link for M-rated version of my stories)
-https://archiveofourown.org/works/43420609 (alternate Web Link for M-rated version of my stories)
-https://www.wattpad.com/user/WenclairFamily (Web link for T-rated version of my stories)
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penacony hsr headcanons + theories
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okay I have to get these headcanons out because I can't write fanfictions fast enough to express them.
talking about: gallagher, sunday, robin, aventurine
spoilers under the cut!
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I feel like Mikhail made Gallagher from a statue of a dog so that he could be the guardian of the dreamscape. like, a watchdog. That's why his form reverts to that statuette that overlooks the graves of the trailblazers. ALSO I JUST LOOKED IT UP AND GALLAGHER'S NAME MEANS "FOREIGN HELP" ??? I know the HSR team puts extra care into the names of their characters -- so it could mean like, help from a foreign place PHYSICALLY (fictionology?) or METAPHORICALLY (gallagher being someone who seems like a bad person at first)!!
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It took me way too long to realize that Sunday's named Sunday because that's the day of the week where people go to church. ALSO. Consider the fact that Halovian males have smaller wings than Halovian females. Consider the fact that the metaphor that was constantly repeated in Penacony was that of a bird that failed to fly. Now, Sunday might look like he's trying to help people by controlling them -- but actually I think he's just trying to save his own skin. He doesn't think that he can fly, he's so scared of being weak and crashing to the floor like the bird they tried to save -- so he tries to make up for it by enacting the events in Penacony. It's why Robin hugs him when he falls from the high platform, because she's telling him that if he falls he won't be alone. There's nothing to fear.
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Speaking of Robin and how she contrasts to Sunday's fears, she herself is a lot stronger than he is. She doesn't give into her fears, and constantly has a more optimistic approach -- which might give him the idea that she's naive and weak, but he'd be wrong -- even when she gets shot while trying to raise morale. She literally gets shot in the neck and basically loses her ability to sing (if not for the power of the Harmony) but she pushes on anyway. Because she knows that if you fall, you can get up again.
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Aventurine, Aventurine, Aventurine. Where do we start with you, pretty boy? Reading up on Avgins, they're stereotyped to be sly tricksters who manipulate others to get what they want. Obviously this is probably extremely untrue, and not the case. But I think our dear Kakavasha plays into it on purpose. I can almost hear it in his voice: "If they think I'm a cunning trickster, then I'll be what they want me to be." Thus why he acts extremely untrustworthy from the very beginning. I also love the idea that he tends to show off a lot of money -- he dresses in expensive clothes and wears an excess of jewelry and cologne -- to make up for how cheap he was when he was sold off as a slave. This man has a lot of insecurities he's hiding from the world and I loooove picking at them.
anyway that's all I got in me. stay tuned for upcoming hsr fanfiction!
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hms-harmony-discord · 2 years
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Final results of the HMS Harmony Advent Fest are in! As 2022 comes to a close for the HHr community, so too does our last event of they year. From the 24 Advent prompts we've amassed a total of 299 drabbles and 8 artworks.
Please do take some time to check out the entries in the AO3 Collection and give the participants below some love!
24 Days of Christmas – The Harmony Collection by IckleRonnikens
Summary: The 2022 HMS Harmony Advent Fest: a Christmas-themed event from the 1st to the 24th of December, when a new prompt will be announced on the HMS Harmony Discord every day, and a short drabble centred around the prompt will be written. Rating: G
[Late] 24 Drabbles of Harmony by matzeztam
Summary: 24 Prompts. 24 Drabbles. 1 bad fanfiction writer. Rating: M
Adventus Nativitatis by TheOxen
Summary: A collection of drabbles for the 2022 HMS Harmony Advent Fest. Rating: M
The Best Gift by raydarkwolf
Summary: Hermione has an announcement to make and it turns out to be the best gift Harry has ever received. Rating: G Type: Drabble+Artwork
Brian's 2022 HMS Harmony Advent Collection by BrianKilroy
Summary: Celebrating the holiday with the HMS Harmony discord with 24 unique prompts for each day leading up to Christmas! God help me! Rating: T Type: Series
Christmas at Grimmauld Place by viscountess_black
Summary: After the attack to Mr. Weasley, the twins are eager to turn the gloomy vibe into a warm and joyful Christmas.  Rating: G
Christmas Cuddles by Loquatorious
Summary: Based on the HMS Harmony Advent Calendar Prompt 12: Christmas Cuddling. We got a wholesome version and a more steamy version so mature eyes only, please. Merry Christmas, you filthy animals! Rating: M Type: Artwork
A Christmas Eve Tradition by unbadger
Summary: Many years later, Harry and Hermione visit James and Lily Potter’s grave on Christmas Eve once again. But this time they have a new member of the family to introduce… Rating: G Type: Artwork
Christmas in Harmony by KielWhitehead24
Summary: Written for the Discord HMS Harmony Advent Fest. Rating: Not rated. Type: Series.
Decking The Halls With Tales of Harmony by Aeyliana
Summary: An Advent Anthology of drabbles, short stories and vignettes for the 2022 HMS Harmony Advent Fest. 24 days, 24 prompts and (hopefully) 24 stories. Rating: M
Dobby's gift by viscountess_black
Summary: When one receives a gift it’s really the intention that matters, right? Or, Dobby knits a pair of sweaters for Harry and Hermione. Rating: G
Enchanted Christmas: An Advent Collection by Myst867
Summary: Six years after the events in Pregnancy By Possession, Hermione is pregnant again, James is six years old, and Harry is having the time of his life. Rating: G
Falling All the Way by OfLegosAndDragons
Summary: When Hermione drags Harry out to go ice skating, Harry is more than willing to try it if it will make her happy. Besides, he was the youngest seeker on a Hogwarts Quidditch Team in a century, how hard could sliding along some ice be when he clearly had a perfect sense of balance from chasing down the golden snitch while dodging bludgers? (News flash: Harry is in for a surprise, but Hermione is there to make it all better.) Rating: G
Feels like home by occulted
Summary: Every year after 1997, Harry and Hermione visit the graveyard where his parents lay at rest. This year though, it's a bit different. Rating: G
First Christmas by disenchantedwing
Summary: HHR's first Christmas as a family. Rating: G Type: Artwork.
First of many by viscountess_black
Summary: In the last stages of her study session, before heading for the Hogwarts Christmas Banquet, Hermione notices an odd sight at the Great Lake and decides to investigate. Rating: G
A fortuitous call by viscountess_black
Summary: Harry offers a Christmas Eve dinner, Teddy is bored and Hermione comes to the rescue. Rating: G
happy holidays by chobaniyogurtt
Summary: because i like this style of writing more, these pieces will attempt to reflect a more angsty tone. a good portion of them will be about harry and hermione trying to celebrate post war or during the war. i think as much as i love fluff, this will be a different type of holiday collection for you to enjoy. if that's your cup of tea, you've come to the right place! Rating: Not rated.
Harmony Advent Drabbles 2022 by RJGriot7
Summary: A collection of drabbles inspired by HMS Harmony’s 2022 Advent Prompts. I hope to finish as many as I can, as muse and life permits! Hope everyone enjoys. Rating: G Type: Series.
Harmony Advent Fest Short Stories and Drabbles by HarmoniousEclipse
Summary: All of my submissions to the HMS Harmony Discord's Advent Fest. Rating: T
A Harmony Story by BananaCarrotFive
Summary: A fun Harmony story that will (hopefully) follow the Advent-fest prompts from the HMS Harmony Discord server! Rating: T
Harmony Winter by harmonious (accidentally_hi)
Summary: Series of Drabbles after Harry defeated Voldemort, life soon returns to normal, or as close as it can get. Harry and Hermione, along with others, go back to Hogwarts to finish their 7th year, and find more than they were searching for. Rating: T
HMS Harmony Advent Fest by mxclarke
Summary: Written for the HMS Harmony Advent Fest. Rating: G Type: Series.
homeward by dragonmarked
Summary: Homeward: leading towards home. Rating: T
Honour Harmony in Their Hearts and Try to Keep it All The Year by CrediblyDisavowed
Summary: Written for the 2022 HMS Harmony Advent Fest - 24 days of advent. 24 prompts. 24 drabbles! With such seasonal favourites as: Tinsel Kiss, Angry Car Trip, Danger Footsie, Die Hard AU and more! Buy now with your credit card and get a 25th 24 word drabble free in the chapter titles! Rating: E
like music, like magic (somehow it just happens) by bellairestrella
Summary: In honor of the 2022 HMS Harmony Advent Fest. 24 days, 24 prompts. Possibly 24 drabbles? Rating: M
The List by occulted
Summary: Naughty or Nice. Rating: M
LordCroussette's 2022 HMS Harmony Advent Fest Stories by LordCroussette
Summary: A compilation of short stories written for the 2022 HMS Harmony Advent Fest. One prompt every day! I'll try to make each little story fit in its own little timeline, however unrelated they might end up being. Rating: G
Love, Joy, Peace, and Harmony by Rouch
Summary: A collection of drabbles set within my Divergence universe for the 2022 Harmony Advent Fest. Rating: M
The Mystery of the House-Elves' Enslavement by LordCroussette
Summary: Hermione makes an amazing discovery while in the library. Someone might have the key to freeing the house-elves from their enslavement! Harry and Hermione make a visit to Santa Claus' famous North Pole village to learn more about the truth behind the enslavement of the elves. Rating: G
Pre-Christmas Cuddles by ap_aelfwine
Summary: In an alternate version of Third Year where Sirius Black was exonerated in October, Hermione is about to get on the Express and head home for the Christmas holidays when her parents' last-minute change of plans leaves her stuck at Hogwarts. Fortunately, her best friend is there to keep her company. Rating: T
Ribbons and Wrappings by OfLegosAndDragons
Summary: During one of their semi-regular brunches, Ginny suggests to Hermione a sure way to get Harry’s attention. However, the idea requires a lot of skin and not a lot of modesty, and the brightest witch of her age does not resort to low-key seducing her best friend to show him that she is interested in him romantically speaking. Hermione finds herself buying ribbons on Christmas Eve anyway. Rating: T
The Snow House by ap_aelfwine
Summary: On a snowy Saturday in Second Year, Harry and Hermione go for a walk, and Hermione notices the perfect place to try a new spell. Rating: T
Syzygy's Festive Harmony Drabbles by Syzygy_Spirit
Summary: My entries for this year's HMS Harmony Advent Fest. I probably won't manage to write a drabble for all 24 prompts, but we'll see. There won't be any hardcore smut or violence in here, but other than the expected ubiquity of Christmas cheer I'm aiming for a range of styles and topics. Enjoy! Rating: T
A tale of toxicity by occulted
Summary: Is the tale of "if you kiss underneath the mistletoe, you fall in love" true? Harry and Hermione find out. Rating: E
Tis the Most Wonderful Time for a Fight by HarmoniousEclipse
Summary: Harry wants Hermione to fight him on Christmas Eve. And it's their first Christmas as a couple. Rating: G
The Trials and Tribulations of Animagi in Training: Christmas Edition by ap_aelfwine
Summary: Under the guidance of Professor McGonagall, Harry and Hermione are training as Animagi, and have successfully transformed themselves for the first time. As it turns out, a common issue at this particualar stage of the process is the retention of some aspect of one's animal features after returning to human form. Rating: T
A Very Harmony Christmas by Stargon
Summary: A Christmas-themed story collection in the lives of Harry and Hermione. Every day, starting from the 1st of December, a new prompt will be given in the HMS Harmony Discord channel. Here are my drabbles centered around the given prompts. 24 days until Christmas, 24 prompts. Rating: G
A special shoutout to the users Ayeliana, CrediblyDisavowwed, IckleRonnikens, Stargon, Bellairestella, Rouch, harmonious, and Syzygy_Spirit for managing to get all 24/24 prompts.
We wish everyone has a great New Years and look forward to seeing you all with more events to come in 2023!
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indigovigilance · 10 months
I was just reading through some of your meta, and was thinking about your one about Maggie being possessed by an angel. I was wondering if the fact that Nina is played by Nina Sosanya, who also played Sister Mary in season one, might be connected. I'm a bit late to the Good Omens series, has that ever been addressed? Seems odd to recast an actress as a different character in the same show, especially a show so detail orientated. Seeing as Maggie and Nina are mirrors for Aziraphale and Crowley, I'm idly wondering if they being secretly an angel, and former demon worshiper would simply would be to add an extra dimension, or if there is something more sneaky afoot. Like spies for each side watching the shop or some such.
Oh, my dear friend, it goes much deeper than that! Do not be bashful about arriving late to the game: I also did not watch S2 until about a month after it dropped, and didn't arrive on Tumblr until a month after that (literally made an account for the first time to join this fandom). The fact that I'm getting these asks at all is evidence enough that anyone can catch up. So here we go!
read on Ao3
(forgive the quality of some of these screengrabs, I'm having internet issues and Amazon is taking it out on the quality of my video)
Nina is played by Nina Sosanya, who in season 1 played Sister Mary Loquacious (I still love that name):
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...and Maggie is played by Maggie Service, who in season 1 played a satanic nun as well, Sister Teresa Garrulous (inspired):
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But the recycling of the first season's cast doesn't end there!
Shax is played by none other than the illustrious Miranda Richardson, returning after her delightful season 1 portrayal of Madame Tracy:
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Reece Shearsmith plays Shakespeare in Season 1 and Furfur in Season 2:
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Reece Shearsmith, Mark Gatiss who plays Mr. Harmony, and Steve Pemberton who plays Mr. Glozier, the [zombie] Nazis in both seasons,
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worked together on the award-winning show League of Gentlemen. An article about it even appears on David Tennant's website (which I just found today, doing research for this response!). It's a fun little read, I recommend it for anyone who's interested in "the making of" type stuff.
Gatiss was also involved in Doctor Who, which is of course was (per my humble opinion) the crowning glory of David Tennant's career until he stepped into the snakeskin boots. The article indicates that all these actors have prior relationships with David Tennant and Michael Sheen and were very pleased to be cast for this show.
But notably, only Nina and Maggie are named after their actors. Given that they also play out a whole slew of fanfiction tropes (I don't think this connection has ever been written out in meta format but it is alluded to in various YouTube clipshows) it seems to be a Doylian *Clue* that something is a little bit wrong about these characters and their alleged romance.
Other than that, I think the fact that cast is being reused only tells us two things: First, these are wonderful actors and why go looking for new talent when you already have the best? Second, they love this work and they love working together on it, and the actors wanted to return just as much as Neil wanted them to continue bringing his vision to life.
I'm glad you enjoyed Maggie is Possessed, one of my very first metas! I can see that you are going in order along my meta index. If you would like to keep reading on this topic, others have contributed their thoughts on the subject, and I've linked some choice readings below:
Can't You Hear Them? by @vidavalor The Grand Unified Theory by @noneorother which addresses the slew of purportedly human characters that have oddly angelic/demonic traits What's Up with Maggie? - a chain started by @iammyownproblematicfave that I and others have contributed to
I hope that this line of inquiry gets more attention in the future. If you haven't already, the docs below are great resources to bookmark as they are constantly being updated by teams of dedicated clue-searchers:
Good Omens Crackpotting Theory Tracker Hunting for Clues
I love getting asks like this, thanks for giving me something to do while I wait for my laundry to finish. I'm so so happy that more people are arriving in this cuddly communal crucible of creativity, it's been a great community for me and I hope you join us on this whirlwind adventure of piecing together the million-piece jigsaw puzzle that Neil left for us to play with as we await Season 3!
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thewatcher727 · 2 months
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast Again - Chapter 17: Metal Madness
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast again is a thrilling continuation of the beloved anime, promising action-packed escapades and heartwarming moments as our heroes embark on their next chapter! Available for Reading on AO3 & FF!
FanFiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14344080/17/Sonic-X-Gotta-Go-Fast-Again
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54991219/chapters/146853664
The workshop thrummed with a lively blend of excitement and trepidation as Sonic and his unlikely entourage returned, their presence igniting a sense of eager anticipation in the air.
As Sonic presented the seventh Chaos Emerald, a collective sigh of relief rippled through the group. The Chaotix, an unexpected addition to the team, stood somewhat awkwardly to the side.
However, the joy of reuniting the Chaos Emeralds was tempered by the somber news of Metal Sonic's rampage through Harmony Hill. As Sonic recounted the destruction, the mood in the workshop shifted.
Despite the gravity of the situation, an undercurrent of excitement ran through the group. The knowledge that they now possessed all seven Chaos Emeralds, the key to finally defeating Metal Sonic, brought a renewed sense of hope.
As the afternoon wore on and strategies were discussed in hushed, urgent tones, Sonic found himself seeking solitude. He slipped away from the group, scaling the workshop with practiced ease until he reached the roof. The corrugated metal was warm beneath him, still holding the heat of the day as he settled into a lounging position.
From his perch, Sonic had an unobstructed view of the sky above. A gentle breeze ruffled his quills, carrying with it the scent of distant pine forests and the promise of adventure.
Yet, as Sonic gazed up at the endless expanse of blue, his thoughts were far from peaceful. The events at Harmony Hill played on repeat in his mind, a haunting reminder of how close he had come to losing control. The memory of that dark power coursing through him, the raw energy that had both exhilarated and terrified him, lingered like a shadow at the edge of his consciousness.
His gloved hands clenched involuntarily as he recalled the moment he had almost given in to that darker side of himself. It was a part of him he had hoped to never see again, a manifestation of anger and pain that threatened to overshadow everything he stood for. The fact that Metal Sonic had been able to provoke such a reaction troubled him deeply.
His mind was a battlefield of its own as he wrestled with his inner demons. The upcoming battle with Metal Sonic loomed large in his mind, not just as a physical challenge, but as a test of his very identity. Could he defeat his robotic doppelgänger without succumbing to the darkness within?
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sunnydaleherald · 7 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, March 9th (Part Two)
[Fandom Discussions]
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One of the only times in the show that [Cordelia] gets to exercise any kind of autonomy over her own body by all-seeing-ifer
My boyfriend about Mr. Trick by biblicalhorror
one of the weirdest moments for me is when Buffy and Willow raid the Watcher Diaries in Halloween by lilatara
Angel: "You have to do it. I have no breath"... by theredpharaoah
[Drusilla, Xander fics, buffyverse vision mindscape] by angelthemanspanker
The scene where Wesley and Illyria have despicable evil gross sex is nauseating but its still probably the best scene in Angel season 6 by angelthemanspanker
Darla in BTVS is hilariously Palpatine-coded by angelthemanspanker
The way some people characterise Buffy in fics by angelthemanspanker
I am rewatching Faith's S3 arc in Buffy and just... Losing my mind over how juicy the writing and character dynamics are by it-hurts-because-it-mattered
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Was Angel have the Black Thorn killed justified? by The Whirlwind
Spike and the first by The Whirlwind
Cookies continued by PuckRobin
Did vampires originally have souls? by PuckRobin
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Why I think Not Fade Away Is the best way to end the show by Ahmedgorshybluth
Only just noticed this after years and years [in She] by Extra-Aside-6419
My favorite villain for international womenӳ day? by Irislovesneko
Is it possible Riley was angry with Buffy for not loving him? by milkmamasilk
Oh Most Deliciously Villainous and Delightfully Heinous One.. by Revolutionary_Key325
The Moment You Really GET Giles by Revolutionary_Key325
If Tara had Cassie's role in Conversations with Dead People would you think it was too cruel? by Capital-Shake-313
I got so ticked after learning that they considered having Eric Balfour come back for "Conversations with Dead People" after deciding against it by b3_k1nd_rw1nd
There's no debate, Harmony IS the best dressed Cordette! by swiss9342
Does anyone own Buffy on VCD by WarrenJVR
What do you think, knowing what we know by now about Joss Whedon by SorceryStorm
Buffy-verse moments that have you feeling like this? [Ew] by PristineSituation498
The Problem with the Key and Superstar by SnooDucks4544
final thoughts on series after I finished it by b3_k1nd_rw1nd
What if Ben was the god and Glory was the human vessel by 1KyloRen
Photographic memory by DonutDaniel
Buffy Episodes Ranked From Best to Worst by GroundhogRevolution
Did anyone else notice that the hellbeast in the episode "The Prom" (Season 3 episode 20) was the same makeup job they did for the hellbeast for Pylea in the Angel series? by RavenNight789
If you had to watch one BTVS episode for the rest of your life which one would you choose? by Wilting888h
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6: Life is Hell by Andrew Heard
Podcast: Episode 113: Myth of Fanfiction by Myth Taken: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
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Banding Together (Obey Me!) fanfiction part 1
summary: Lord Diavolo calls the brothers to defend the Devildom. But MC has other ideas and calls up the rest of the friends to help.
characters: basically all of them. It's going to be a full baseball team dynamic.
content: battle, fighting, blood, injury, violence, danger, this is an actual fight to the death type scenario so be advised this isn't fluffy
Links for part 2 and part 3 and part 4 are here
inspiration is taken from: @obae-me so I am tagging their thread here
picture is Common Treasures by Catlaxy
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The moment all the brother's phone's rang in unison, my anxiety spiked. So I felt the tension hang in the air as everyone at the dinner table went still. But before any one of the demons I call family could move, I gave a soft command to trigger our pacts with all I might muster. "Do not move." The power snapped over all seven of the brothers for them to freeze in their seats. Which had all of them go as wide eyed as possible as I took out my D.D.D. Using it to do a conference call with Diavolo, Solomon, Simeon, Luke, and Mephistoles. Placing it on speaker so the room might be heard as everyone picked up. Diavolo sounded very stressed as he spoke to me. "Marzena? Why are you-" I cut him off with my iced tones and pointed words. "The brothers are not moving out of their seats for whatever danger is on it's way until I get a full run down of the situation. Solomon. Simeon. I expect for you to agree that something is looming and to grab whoever we need for a life or death fight. Luke. Get in touch with Michael to let him know the situation and to do what is needed."
Everyone one the phone went so quiet I could hear the fact everyone was holding their breath. So my huff was very loud in my own ears. "Anything that is a threat to any individual is a threat to us all. The Heavenly Father gave His beloved angels of protection the calling to defend. Can we really just ignore that any danger to anyone isn't worth rallying all the troops to give the aide needed? Lord Diavolo. You want the three worlds to live in harmony. That means when one of us jumps into a fight, the rest of us jump right in as well."
The first to speak after my declaration was Solomon. His words holding so much love and pride they were melted. "Marzena. Oh my precious apprentice. You do us all proud with your convictions. Bold of you to stand full firm against whatever your instincts warned you about. No wonder I love you so. She's right, Lord Diavolo and we all know it. So before you or Barbatos start yelling at her, know that I believe the same. So instead of arguing the point, let us come together."
Simeon gave that joyful sigh he tended to do to speak next. "Agreed. I will ask for any angels that are excellent in healing to rally at the portal to the Devildom as soon as we get word from the Celestial Realm. We had a feeling something was looming here. So just tell us what to expect." Luke sounded frightened but he huffed into his phone to get that stubborn determination. "Right! We can't just let the demons do all the fighting if something bad is going to happen! We're just as capable of helping where it counts! So don't tell us it isn't our problem! I want to help and protect my friends here too!" I gave a sigh of air to then will the command to ease so the brothers might move in their seats. But their feet stayed glued to the floor as Mammon gasped and cursed openly in his chair. "Shit! That hurt, Marzena! You are such a stubborn human! Makes me so mad sometimes I want to toss you into a sleeping bag and sit on you!"
Lucifer was seething in his chair as much as Satan was to look murderous as his gaze kept itself directed right at me. But I just looked to Beelzebub as he groaned to rub the kinks out of his neck. Beel giving his deep rumbles as he flexed his arms next. "Marzena is right. Hence why I'm not mad she leashed us to sit and not move. Lord Diavolo. I know you may want to keep the others from what you believe the Devildom should handle. But it's better for all of us to stand together when something bad happens. It's what you've asked of us for school events and holidays and other weird things. So this isn't really any different and we need our friends and family to help."
Belphegor gave a nod to tilt his head so his neck would pop. While Barbatos gave a heavy sigh over the phone to click his tongue. "How utterly vexing. Here we were worrying over the Ancient Beast of Carnage waking up centuries early. But I genuinely feel that we have an even strong force of will to tackle. One that I would rather aide instead. Wouldn't you agree, Young Master?" Diavolo gave a huff of pure frustration. "What a fine time to prove me both right and wrong. I was being short sighted when I called just the brothers for this. Yet I could not bring myself to endanger any more than I already was doing. Marzena. You are indeed correct. How am I to bring true equality to the three realms if I keep letting Devildom problems of this nature stay Devildom problems. There is wisdom in asking for aide from our friends and allies. I am grateful to you for calling me on my rash decision, Marzena."
Mephistoles gave a hard growl before he piped into the debate. His words silken and strong as he spoke. "The audacity of a mere human will not be brushed aside so easily! But I am too concerned with ensuring Lord Diavolo's will be done to fret over that right now! Where shall we stand against the Creature of Carnage and where shall we prepare blockades?" My gaze went to Leviathan for me to reach over and take his hand in mine. Making him squeak before he squeezed my hand tight. His words shaking as he spoke. "I can rally Lotan to push the creature away from the main city if we get Cerberus and a few other powerhouse battering rams to move it. That way we might keep it away from the citizens and ensure we have an option of drowning it."
Asmodeus gave a hum of pure molten intensity to look quite deadly at his internal thoughts. "Ah. The Admiral is thinking of a permanent solution to this creature we have to contain. I like it. May mean more risk. But a half measure really isn't one we should take for something that wants to slaughter people. So I would agree that trying to drown the threat is a good idea." Luke gave a squeak of pure terror as Raphael picked up Luke's phone to speak directly. "This is going to be a full scale operation. I have Michael on my phone right now. Apparently, there's a similar threat sweeping over the Celestial Realm this very instant and looks to be heading directly for the portal to the Devildom. But Michael is sending as many healing items of magic or medicine we might spare directly to the Devildom. He was actually going to call Simeon when he realized the line was busy. So we are all hands on deck regardless."
My chair gave a shriek when I stood up to ask, "Raph? Whatever witches or sorcerers the human world has in the ways of medical aide or combat better be on full alert by the time we hang up. No chances this isn't a coordinated strike against all three realms. I don't care about the formalities. Solomon. Whoever has it in them to be of help, you make the call and tell them what is going down." Solomon gave a confirmation as Lucifer finally spoke up. His rage tempered as he openly declared, "We are going to battle against something that would ruin us all and leave nothing behind. Death is going to be very keen at taking whoever steps foot onto the field. Before any of our friends make that choice, know full well it may be your last." Before he could speak further, I cut in. "My family is of all three realms and I would not wish to grieve for them. That's my translation of whatever the Avatar of Pride was going to say instead." Satan gave a chuckle of pure enjoyment as Lucifer glared dagger at me. But there was warmth in that gaze as I finally let go of the command for everyone to get up out of their seats. My words full and strong, "Let's do this thing. Luke. You stay glued to Lord Diavolo at all times. Simeon. Help Solomon grab whatever magic tools and equipment you can think will help. Raph. I place my trust in your judgement to fill in where it is needed. Love always and be safe, everyone."
The beach held storm clouds as various demons and vampires ran here and back to help with coordinating the counter assault on the Ancient Beast of Carnage. With Luke all but sticking to Diavolo wherever he was to look absolutely petrified over the situation. Yet Diavolo would place a hand in Luke's to give it a squeeze as he stood with his war council. While Satan all but had me caged to his side to keep me from running off anywhere. But I was far too focused on directing traffic with the help of many to ensure we kept tabs on where the Beast was heading and steering towards the sea. Leviathan was already in the water to gather his navy as well as Lotan. Lucifer had already brought Cerberus out of the crypt and was directing where it would be best to put up magic barriers and protective wards around our chosen battlefield. Asmodeus was flying supplies here and back to help with spreading out the magic tools and weapons to each volunteer and capable warrior. Since Mammon, Beelzebub, and Raphael were heading up the aerial maneuvers against the Beast. Several old structures had already gotten demolished with no injuries reported. But that wouldn't be for much longer.
I was currently helping with mixing elixers next to Solomon when Satan spoke up and asked me a pointed question. "Marzena? How did you know something bad was coming? You were on edge for the past several days, as well. Did you know on some level this was going to happen?" I gave the mixture I had finished stirring a light tap against the bottom of the beaker before setting it down. My words heavy and sad. "Human instinct is a powerful thing, love. I cannot count how many times I ignored my instincts to have full on Hell whip all of my ass and everything else. So when my entire being gets that sensation of major bad incoming, I listen to it and make preparations." Satan accepted my answer to then reach out and pull me into a hug. Making me squeak as he sighed against my ear. "You are using your fear as added adrenaline to keep active. But for just a moment, let me hold you. This is a fight to the death we're facing..."
My eyes burned as I finally let myself ramp down to then give Satan a bear hug. My breaths coming in soft pants as I pressed myself as close to Satan as physically possible. "Don't. Even. Think it. You are not going to die on me today. I refuse to accept that for any reason. You dare die on me and I will drag your soul back from eternity kicking and shrieking. You hear me, love? Nobody in this family gets to die today without me rewriting existence to keep them alive." Satan actually chuckled to place a kiss to my forehead. His eyes leaking a few tears even as my vision was so blurred I wasn't really able to see. "Oh Marzena. My wonderful and headstrong Marzena. I love you so much. Especially when you decide to be bold and determined against what is seen as impossible. You have such complete faith in what you set your mind to. I would believe that is why you always make such faith into reality. That is your true power, Marzena."
Satan tilted my face up for him to meet my gaze. His smile so full of love as he leaned in to give me a kiss on the corner of my mouth. So I squeezed my eyes shut and gave him a kiss back. My words soft and sad. "The Father up above made us to do the impossible, love. At least that is my belief. So we will do whatever we must to keep everyone alive and safe. Now then. Help me with making sure I didn't pull a Solomon on these elixers." Satan burst out laughing at my comment to hug me tight. Which helped the overall mood on the beach.
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summerqueen66 · 7 months
"MLP" + "Grim Adventures"
Imagine a world where the cheerful realm of Equestria collides with the dark comedic underworld of Endsville. On one side, we have "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," a series celebrated for its positive messages and vibrant characters. It revolves around the adventures of Twilight Sparkle and her friends in their quest to spread friendship and harmony. On the opposite spectrum stands "The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy," known for its dark humor and the unlikely friendship between two kids and the Grim Reaper. These shows have distinct tones and styles, yet they share themes of friendship and the unexpected.
Fans of both series know the former for its colorful animation and the latter for its edgy jokes. "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" has garnered a diverse audience, appealing to children and adults alike. "The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy," while also attracting kids, has a cult following among older viewers who appreciate its unique take on supernatural elements. Despite their differences, both shows have left a lasting impact on their fans, inspiring creativity and dedication within their communities.
The idea of these two universes coming together might seem far-fetched, but it's not unheard of for such creative crossovers to happen, especially in fanfiction. This collaboration could take many forms: a special episode, a comic book, or an animated short. It would be an opportunity for fans to see their favorite characters interact in ways they never thought possible. Such a crossover would allow for an exchange of the core values from each show while exploring new storytelling possibilities that arise from the blending of two very different worlds.
Think of Twilight Sparkle using her magic to solve a bizarre problem in Endsville, or Billy and Mandy engaging in some mischief in Ponyville. The potential storylines are endless. A narrative could involve a magical mishap that brings the characters together or a shared villain that requires them to team up. The contrast in character dynamics and settings would provide fertile ground for rich, interesting narratives that explore the strengths and weaknesses of each cast.
When considering the individual journeys, one can envision character growth in new and challenging environments. For instance, what lessons could the ponies learn about friendship in the face of the macabre and often cynical world of Billy & Mandy? Conversely, how might Billy and Mandy's experiences with the Grim Reaper prepare them for the fantastical trials in Equestria? These scenarios not only entertain but also offer a platform for deeper messages about understanding and acceptance.
So, here's the link for a new fanfiction-ist. https://www.fimfiction.net/user/702661/KittycatIsland92
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hinar3dx · 1 month
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Team Harmony hit a milestone when I was away on vacation!! 1k kudos!! This is so exciting 🥹 we’re so happy
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edictsheet · 11 months
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Like i mentioned earlier, i'll likely share my writing on my Twitter/X account from Medium because i enjoy it. Additionally, i delve into alternative universe fanfiction stories and various books, but sadly i haven't read one. When it comes to films, i’m fond of a few genres: thrillers, science fiction, and action. I also appreciate exquisite art, such as beautiful paintings, poetry, cute things like pets, or any objects within them, a coffee and matcha things enjoyer too.
I tend to express my enthusiasm loudly when it comes to ENHYPEN, &TEAM, SEVENTEEN, well.. mostly HYBE’s artists. An admirer of musical tales woven by some artists across different genres, from Gracie Abrams, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, NIKI, Halsey, Sabrina Carpenter, James Arthur, Why Don't We, and Chase Atlantic to more niche artists like Life of Hojj, slchld, keshi, as well as indulging in Indonesian 'galau' songs and indie artists. I'm open to harmonious connections and eagerly seeking more melodic tales to paint the canvas of my soul.
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
"Dual Dimensions: Shadows of Unity"
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Summary: In this crossover fanfiction, the worlds of Kuroko no Basket, My Hero Academia, Haikyuu, and Bungo Stray Dogs collide in an extraordinary way. As supernatural phenomena cause a rift between dimensions, our beloved characters find themselves endowed with new abilities. Follow their journey as they embrace their newfound powers and face exciting challenges on and off the court!
Chapter 1: "Clash of Prodigies" - Kuroko no Basket characters start exhibiting Quirks from My Hero Academia, while Haikyuu characters awaken Abilities from Bungo Stray Dogs. - Kuroko gains the "Shadow Manipulation" Quirk, which allows him to control shadows and make them tangible. - Hinata acquires the "Black Cat" Ability, granting him enhanced reflexes and agility. - As the characters adjust to their new powers, they must decide how to use them during their upcoming basketball and volleyball matches.
Chapter 2: "A Game-Changing Match" - Kuroko's "Shadow Manipulation" proves advantageous during a basketball game against a rival school. - Meanwhile, Hinata's newfound "Black Cat" Ability shocks opponents as he performs spectacular feats on the volleyball court. - The Haikyuu characters also discover that some of their opponents possess Abilities based on literature, adding an extra layer of strategy to their matches. - Back in Bungo Stray Dogs' world, the Bungo Stray Dogs characters find themselves without Abilities, prompting them to embark on a journey to regain their powers.
Chapter 3: "Quirks & Abilities Unite" - The worlds continue to intertwine as Kuroko's team encounters a group of villains with Quirks seeking to exploit their basketball prowess. - Hinata and his Haikyuu teammates, on the other hand, utilize their Abilities to uncover the mysteries behind the Bungo Stray Dogs characters losing their powers. - They form an alliance, combining the strengths of their supernatural abilities, as they work together to protect their worlds from the villains and restore the abilities of the Bungo Stray Dogs characters.
Chapter 4: "The Ultimate Showdown" - The climactic basketball and volleyball tournaments begin, pitting our heroes against rival teams with Quirks, Abilities, and literary-based powers. - Explosive matches showcase the strategies, teamwork, and sheer power of each character. - Ultimately, they find that the key to victory lies not only in their special abilities but also in their unwavering spirits and friendship.
Chapter 5: "Crossing Dimensions" - As the adventures conclude, an unexpected plot twist leads the characters to uncover a way to bring balance back to their worlds. - Sacrifices are made, hearts are tested, and lessons are learned as they face one last battle against a menacing force determined to tear their worlds apart. - Will they succeed in restoring the balance and returning home to their own dimensions?
Chapter 6: "The Unveiling of the Mastermind"
After a long and arduous journey, our intertwined group of characters finally reaches the heart of the dimensional rift. As they stand before the gateway between their worlds, a figure steps out from the shadows—a mysterious mastermind orchestrating this chaos.
Introducing themselves as the "Inquisitor," the mastermind reveals their plan: to create a universe where Quirks, Abilities, and literary-based powers reign supreme, absorbing all dimensions into a single, all-powerful reality. The Inquisitor believes this fusion is the key to unlocking all of humanity's potential.
Our heroes, hesitant at first, soon realize the negative consequences of this merger. They uncover the Inquisitor's twisted ideology, realizing the beauty of their own unique worlds lies within their individuality. Resolute in protecting their cherished homes, the characters band together, their powers merging in harmony.
Chapter 7: "A Clash of Powers"
The battle against the Inquisitor commences, showcasing the true potential of their combined Quirks, Abilities, and literary-based powers. The basketball court becomes a battleground, and the volleyball court transforms into a cataclysmic arena.
Kuroko, with his "Shadow Manipulation" Quirk, dances effortlessly through the shadows, rendering the Inquisitor's attacks futile. Hinata, fueled by his "Black Cat" Ability, jumps, spikes, and soars across the court, dazzling the enemy with his enhanced agility and reflexes.
Behind them, the Haikyuu teammates fully embrace their newfound Abilities from Bungo Stray Dogs. Nishinoya, empowered by Dazai's "No Longer Human" Ability, gains heightened intuition, predicting the Inquisitor's every move. Tsukishima, bestowed with Akutagawa's "Rashomon" Ability, creates impenetrable barriers, shielding the team from harm.
Together, as their powers seamlessly intertwine like a symphony, they strike back, defending the sanctity of their worlds with unwavering resolve and teamwork.
Chapter 8: "The Power Within"
Through sheer determination, the united team begins to gain the upper hand against the Inquisitor. However, the villain refuses to back down and unleashes their ultimate Quirk, Ability, and literary-based powers. The battle reaches its crescendo, shaking the very foundations of reality.
In their darkest moment, the characters tap into a shared wellspring of strength—the power within. They draw strength from the bond they've formed, realizing that it's not just their abilities that make them strong, but their hearts and the friendships they've cultivated.
Chapter 9: "A New Dawn"
With one final surge of power, the united team overwhelms the Inquisitor, banishing them from their worlds. As the dust settles, they stand victorious, their merged powers returning to their rightful owners.
Grateful for their experience, the characters bid each other farewell. The dimensional rift seals, returning each group to their respective universes, forever changed by their encounter.
Reflecting on their journey, the characters now possess a greater appreciation for their own unique abilities. They understand the strength that lies in the simplicity of basketball, volleyball, and their individual talents.
With a renewed passion for their sports, they continue to foster friendships, break barriers, and inspire others around them. And though they may no longer possess abilities from other dimensions, the memory of their extraordinary adventure remains, serving as a reminder of the limitless potential within each of them.
The story concludes with our heroes, both on and off the court, striving to be the best versions of themselves, leaving a lasting impression on every fan who follows their extraordinary journey.
Chapter 10: "A Sacrifice for Unity"
As the dimensional rift closes, an unexpected twist occurs. The Inquisitor, determined to achieve their vision of a unified world, reveals a last-ditch plan: to sacrifice themselves as a catalyst to merge all dimensions permanently.
With a selfless act, the Inquisitor unleashes an immense surge of power, causing a cataclysmic explosion that threatens to engulf everything. Our heroes, filled with a combination of fear and determination, spring into action.
Kuroko, fueled by his determination to protect his friends, uses his Shadow Manipulation Quirk to shield everyone from the blast. With unwavering resolve, he channels his powers to absorb the energy, sacrificing himself in the process.
The entire scene is a symphony of emotions—a bittersweet blend of triumph and loss. The Inquisitor, defeated but mourned, finally grasps the true value of individuality as they fade away.
In the aftermath, the basketball and volleyball worlds mourn the loss of Kuroko, their friend and comrade. They reflect on how he brought them together, teaching them the importance of teamwork and friendship.
With Kuroko's legacy in their hearts, the characters continue their journey, honoring his sacrifice. They grow stronger individually, but also cherish the irreplaceable bonds forged through their shared experiences.
The story ends on a poignant note, reminding readers that even in the face of tragedy, unity and determination can lead to profound growth and lasting change. Kuroko's memory lives on, forever inspiring those he touched to reach for greatness and embrace their own unique abilities.
And so, the tale of intertwined worlds, fused powers, and unlikely friendships finds its conclusion, leaving readers with a delicate blend of hope and melancholy.
Note: Remember, this is a fictional story, and the characters are the creation of their respective authors. Enjoy the creative fusion of these fantastic anime worlds!
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Le Joyau le plus precieux
A Lucky Luke Modern!AU fanfiction
Chapter II - The Black Rabbit
It was not difficult for Jack to find good elements for the special team, just as William identified through his research the most likely target for the next theft: in those days in Versailles a special exhibition was to be held on a treasure, long considered lost, fished up from the bottom of the sea off the coast of Portugal. Having established that it was a treasure transported from a French galleon, it had been brought back and restored: gold and silver, plates, cups and jewellery of beautiful workmanship made available to the public after months, together with the reconstructed ship, in the halls of the former royal palace. Surely such a golden opportunity could not have gone unnoticed by Lucky Luke. They were finally going to get him! But Joe's confidence wavered when he inspected Averell's dog team: not only had he managed to procure just a single dog, but the stupidest one had ever seen! -Why did you get Rantanplan?!?- The brown mutt with the big nose felt himself being called in, and began to wag his tail at Joe. -The other dogs are busy with anti-drug operations. Only he was left; but don't worry, he obeys me! We're in perfect harmony, aren't we Rantanplan?- smiled Averell, stroking the dog on the head. -Of course, between an imbecile and an idiot it can only be true love...- muttered the elder through clenched teeth, -Okay, never mind. People, may I have your attention? Good. Thanks to William, we have been informed that there will be a masquerade reception on the first evening of the exhibition. We have arranged with members of Palace of Versailles security to work together to capture Lucky Luke. We will be mixed in with the crowd in costume, so we will hire custom-made clothes for the occasion. The dog must also be dressed up. In the tactical room you will find a dossier with all the details of the operation and a map of the palace and gardens, which you will have to study ad nauseam. Meeting in an hour, dismissed. See you shortly.- As they walked away, two officers started talking to each other. -Is it true what they say about Detective Dalton.- -What is it? - -That he makes up for his short stature with authority.-
Four days of frantic preparations animated the department: in order for the operation, dubbed 'Masquerade', to be a success, Joe had imposed special drills in courses designed according to the structure of the building. Although, to be honest, these training sessions took place in the gymnasium that had been adapted for the purpose, but with a little imagination it could work. For the costumes they had turned to a tailor who would sew them to measure and modify them so that bulletproof vests could be worn underneath. One could never know. Pierre went and knocked on the door of Joe's office a few hours before the start of the operation: -Sir? May I come in?- -Sure, come on in!- The archivist froze on the threshold: the detective, standing on a stool, was in the company of the tailor who was putting the finishing touches to the costume. A typical eighteenth-century suit, with knee-length trousers and a jacket with marsine, it had finally been decorated on the latter with gold threads at the edges and buttons of the same colour. -What do you think?- -Very elegant, sir...- Gerard blushed violently. -What's going on, then?- -The... The... Team... Waiting... In the tactical room...- -Tell them I'm coming. Are you alright?- Without answering, the colleague ran away with his head down. -What's wrong with the boy?- the tailor asked. Joe merely shrugged, slipping the mask on to match the suit: -It's loose.-
The former royal residence, already magnificent during the day, had taken on a kind of fairy-tale aura by the evening of the first day of the exhibition. The fountains in the gardens had been switched on for the occasion, so an initial welcome was provided by the water games in the large basins; the gurgling of the water mingled with the excited chatter of the guests dressed in theme, however, with masks of all kinds on their faces: cats and other animals, harlequins, Venetian masks, half-face or full-face, of many different colours. The large square leading to the main entrance was packed to capacity; the façade of the building was illuminated by multi-coloured spotlights that accentuated the unreal effect. The interior had been slightly adapted to accommodate the exhibition, but the baroque style compensated for the far too modern display cases containing the treasures. Amidst the cheerful guests, the Dalton brothers and the special team hovered as planned. Rantanplan, who had been decked out for the occasion with a big pink bow instead of a collar and held on a leash by Averell, was excited, but didn't understand a thing: "How beautiful! I've never seen people dressed as chandeliers; I wonder if they have light bulbs underneath!" He pulled, eager to go and investigate, but was held back by Averell: -Be good, we must keep watch!- Through the earphones, Joe made contact with the brothers: -The first floor is under the control of the A team, we have to move here and report any suspicious behaviour.- He adjusted his mask and continued to wander through the crowd. Fine classical music hovered without overpowering the voices, being almost annoying to the detective's ears.
Suddenly Joe had the impression that he was being watched. Unfortunately, being so short, he couldn't see much beyond the ladies' wide skirts, so he had to make his way around before he spotted a tall, dark figure moving a little too quickly in the opposite direction to the crowd. -Hey, you!- Dalton ran after what he identified as a man dressed in black. He pursued him, unconcerned that he was getting too far away from his brothers, but he had a strange feeling about him and felt he had to trust it.
He stopped in the splendid Gallery of Mirrors, which was strangely empty. For the uninitiated, this area of the palace owes its name to the spectacular play of mirrors and windows that seem to multiply in the reflections of the former in an incredible optical illusion. It was in front of one of these windows that the stranger, who had arrived there before Joe, very nonchalantly turned in the detective's direction and smiled at him: -Yes? Do you need anything, sir?- Dalton, catching his breath, paused to look at the other: he wore a white wig under a tricorn hat, and a half-face mask in the shape of a rabbit, black. Otherwise he seemed to have copied the detective's costume. He was tall and slender, and had an aura of mystery around him. -Sir, may I help you?- the stranger asked again, courteously. Joe found that he had been staring at him, and caught by a moment of embarrassment, he mumbled: -Oh, no, er... I'm sorry, I mistook you for someone else...- He tried to leave, but was held back by a gentle tap on his left shoulder: 
-Wait a minute! It's nice to have a chat with someone at a party, especially if you are lucky enough to meet the famous Joe Dalton.- The stranger had a low, pleasant voice, but the detective was not distracted, instead he became suspicious: -Do you know me?- -It's hard not to notice you. Your war against Lucky Luke has made the rounds of the newspapers; I confess that I follow your investigations with great interest.- The tone was that of a gentleman. A charming gentleman. Joe swallowed, still alert: -Sure... Yes, it's clear. I admit I'm pleased.- -I gather you expects to see that scoundrel here. Afraid he's going to steal the treasure? Because let's face it, the necklaces of the ladies present here tonight are beautiful, but costume jewellery.- -You have an eye for this kind of things?- -I know, let's say.- -Anyway, I can't say anything, it's confidential information.- He turned to the man, who gave him an enigmatic smile: -Denial is a form of confirmation, don't you know?- Dalton blushed a little. His attraction to both the female and male gender was no mystery to anyone, but it had never occurred to him to be confronted with such a bewitching individual with words alone! Without losing his expression, the man looked out of the window again: -It would be a shame, however, for the bustle of a theft to disturb such an atmosphere: it is such a beautiful night, and Versailles seems to shine with its own light. The real crime attributable to Lucky Luke might be to spoil this moment. Come and see, detective.- As if hypnotised, Joe joined him. Below, the gardens could be seen. -This place was a marvel in its day and still is today, don't you think?- -Yes, I do.- Trying to shake off his daze, Dalton said: -Although I'm no expert on monuments and works of art. Are you?- -I am a passionate reader, I know enough about art to understand it, and in a certain way...- The stranger looked at Joe: -I can see poetry wherever I go.- Shaking himself, he looked at a pocket watch that he pulled out of his jacket: -I'm afraid I'm late for an appointment. I must defect like the well-known White Rabbit, Detective Dalton.- The way he pronounced his name made Joe blush once more: -Ah, well, here, don't let me keep you; anyway, I have to get back to work, too.- Taking off his hat, the man made a bow worthy of a true eighteenth-century squire: -It only remains for us to take our leave here, Detective. I wish you well in catching your thief.- Shouts from the gardens brought Dalton's feet back down to earth: looking downstairs, he saw a cat, chased by Rantanplan, being chased by a woman being chased by Averell. -I'm sorry, I have to...- When he turned around, the stranger had disappeared. -...run away?- Forgetting the emotional turmoil that had triggered that encounter, Joe ran back to his brothers, and together they went to Averell's rescue.
Hours passed, but Lucky Luke did not show up. The evening passed without any reports or incidents after Rantanplan’s run, and Joe began to believe, or almost believe, that he had been wrong. But his instinct told him not to give up. -Joe, I'm sleepy...- complained Averell as he approached him, -The guests are leaving; let's go home.- -You guys go if you want, I'll stay here.- -Are you sure?- -He will come. He must, I feel it in my bones. Even if I have to be locked up in here all night, I will wait for him.- Not wanting to argue further, the brothers left him alone, and so did the special team. Slowly the building emptied, and Dalton and the night watchman remained, an old man in a blue uniform with a curved back and a full white beard. -You're a rock, Detective!-The latter croaked in Joe's direction, moving with a shaky step, -Are you so sure you want to stay?- -Absolutely. I will patrol these corridors to the bitter end.- -Or until you meet the queen.- -The Queen?- The old man grinned: -Do you not know the legend of the ghost of Marie Antoinette roaming the grounds of the Petit Trianon here at Versailles?- -I don't believe in ghosts.- -That's bad. She is not a lady of many words, perhaps because they cut off her head, but I assure you I have seen her with my own eyes, a soul in pain guilty of indifference to the French people.- -If you are trying to frighten me, you have the wrong man.- -Whatever. I have warned you. Night night...- With a shuffling step, the watchman snickered and left Joe alone for good. The lights went out shortly after.
In the darkness of the room, Dalton tried to reassure himself by gripping the butt of the gun with his hand. No, he did not believe in ghosts, but now that the light from outside gave the ancient place a ghostly air, his senses were on high alert. "Come on, no kidding... Even if they exists, spirits don't have bodies! They are harmless." Wandering through the corridors, with only the sound of his own footsteps echoing in that grand and majestic place, he returned at some point to the Mirror Gallery. 
So did the memory of the charming stranger, who seemed to have stepped out of an old novel. Joe didn't know why, but he compared him to a kind of Casanova, so good with words.... "I'm an idiot!" He slapped himself to come to his senses; at that moment he heard a suspicious sound: shattered glass. And it was coming from the treasure room!
Running as fast as he could, Dalton rushed to the site. All he saw was a broken display case and a necklace on the floor, as well as some empty supports in the case. Gripping his weapon and holding it forward, the detective entered the labyrinth of the exhibition, the yellowish light of the display cases as his only source of light. He inspected every nook and cranny of the room, but there was no one there but him. "But... where has he gone?" A low, mournful howl reached him from behind, making the hair stand up on the back of his neck. Turning sharply, he found himself hit by something white and icy, which enveloped him, knocking him to the ground. There was panic: was it Marie Antoinette?!? He cried out: -You shall not have me, damned ghost!- When he came to his senses and felt what had come over him, he realised it was only a sheet soaked in cold water. He heard another broken glass.
Drenched from head to toe, cursing whoever had organised such a prank, Joe freed himself from the cloth and almost ran out of breath: in front of him, intent on filling a bag with the jewellery on display, was a tall, thin man dressed completely in black and wearing a balaclava, equipped with a multi-pocket belt. This one froze upon being discovered, and stared at Joe.
-Lucky Luke!!!- 
On hearing his name, the thief sprang away, and Dalton began to chase him all over the palace. He avoided firing, even warning shots, because he didn't want to break some precious object that not even in fifty years he could repay.
The chase lasted a long time, but in the end Joe forced the thief to take refuge in the royal chapel. -Hands up!- ordered the detective, pointing the gun. Lucky Luke did not obey, merely turning and looking at him. -I have you in my sights, you cannot escape me this time!- With inhuman speed, the thief fired a shot that disarmed the other.
-Detective Dalton. You still haven't learned?-
That voice... Lucky Luke had never said a word, but to Joe that tone sounded familiar: -What?- -I'm glad you trusted your instincts, though I was hoping to put you on the right track.- -What the hell are you talking about?- With a low, derisory laugh, Lucky Luke set the bag down and put his hand on his hip: -I would never have allowed myself to spoil everyone's party.- It was the second cold shower for Joe: -You were that man... that sort of poet...!- -Not only that. I made sure to follow you even after our brief chat, you know?- -How? I didn't see you among the guests.- -What kind of unsuspected character can you most easily meet in a place like this?- Thinking about it for a moment, Dalton blinked: -The guardian...- Lucky retrieved his bag, took out a bracelet and put it in a belt pocket: -We must say goodbye again, I think.- -First tell me something: how come you decided to talk to me? At the party, here...- -I've been wanting to for a while, actually, but it's hard to have a word with someone when you've got fifty agents pointing their rifles at you...- He walked over, placing the bag of valuables in Joe's hands: -I got what I wanted. I wasn't as accurate as usual and I made a mess, do you mind holding these trinkets?- Wordlessly, the detective stared at the criminal, feeling again that sense of fascination that had struck him hours before. -Furthermore...- Lucky Luke leaned slightly towards the other: -I purposely revealed my use of disguises.- -To make me paranoid? To make me not trust anyone?- His hand trembled. -No.- Practically whispering in the ear of a now red-faced and unnerved Joe Dalton, he continued: -Because I want to show you my trust, Detective.- -Trust?- -There's a reason why I steal. Would you like to find out what is it?- That tone of voice would make a cobra's blood boil. -I'll show up.- Backing away a few steps, Lucky threw a smoke grenade on the ground, which triggered a coughing fit in Joe and forced him to close his eyes. When he could open them again, the thief had disappeared. He dropped the bag and went in search of his gun. What the hell had happened? Had he been hypnotised? Had he been dreaming? With a thousand thoughts swirling around in his head, and his heart that wouldn't stop hammering in his chest, he went and sat down in the first row of seats and tried to pull himself together, taking stock of the situation.
First: he was going to kick his brothers for leaving him there alone.
Second: he was going to see a good psychoanalyst, because he must have been completely brainwashed to have been bewitched like that by the man he was supposed to have arrested!!!
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pros-r · 3 years
On the Edge of Great
Author’s note: This is Part One of a two, maybe-three-shot, short and sweet JATP fic. It’s cross-posted on AO3.
A year after Julie and the Phantoms’ performance at The Orpheum, Julie is a successful singer-songwriter recognized worldwide for her accomplishments. Alex and Reggie have already crossed over. Only Luke remains as her backup band.
While she’s touched by his dedication, she’s torn knowing that he’s only stuck on earth because of her.
Before their performance at the Grammys, Julie and Luke reminisce over their memories and make amends with ghosts of concerts past.
Image credit: Netflix/Pinterest
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“Never been this way before
You and I,
Used to walk under the city lights,
Together and apart
Talking about nothing
It was everything to me.”
Aiden’s solo wailed over Julie’s vocals like a Metro bus plowing through an oily puddle on Sepulveda Boulevard. She winced and sighed, playing on.
The guitarist strummed through a crunchy G chord progression. He swayed in place, lank hair flipping back and forth.
“Seriously, dude?” Luke blurted.
He yanked the cord out of the amp. Aiden’s guitar went hoarse.
The living guitarist frowned.
“Shit,” he muttered, casting around. “Must’ve tripped over the cord.”
Julie shot Luke a sharp glance. He spread his hands, bewildered and grinning, mouthing, “So clumsy.”
“It’s okay,” she insisted as Aiden plugged his Stratocaster back in. “Let’s do it again. From the top.”
Aiden peered over her head at the sheet music propped on top of the piano.
“Hey. I think you’re coming in about a quarter-beat early,” he murmured. His shoulder grazed hers as he squinted at the time signature. “Make sure you’re counting the whole way through.”
Julie’s cheeks burned.
“Yeah. I am,” she grumbled.
“She’s on beat. You’re coming in too late, jackass,” Luke huffed. He tugged his beanie down over his burning ears and slung the PRS to one side. He snatched a music stand and mimed bringing it down on Aiden’s greasy head.
“Don’t,” Julie snapped.
The living guy jumped. Luke rolled his eyes and dropped the metal stand.
Julie coughed and shifted on the piano bench.
“I mean, don’t forget to count, too,” she finished lamely.
“No worries. I won’t,” Aiden murmured. “So. You wanna go again?”
Luke circled behind the guitarist, silently echoing his words while pulling exaggerated faces.
“Actually, I want to practice by myself for a while,” Julie blurted. “You should go home. Get some rest before tomorrow.”
Aiden cocked his head to the side, hesitating. “You sure?”
“Yeah. I’m gonna work on the new bridge for a while,” she replied. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, twitching between chords as she avoided his curious gaze.
Aiden shrugged the black guitar over his head and locked it away in its plastic coffin. Before he left the studio he squeezed Julie’s shoulder.
“Don’t stay up too late, okay?” he murmured.
She nodded without looking up.
As soon as the studio door clicked shut behind him, she slammed the piano keys. The sloppy chords rang out against the insulated walls. She slumped over the keyboard.
“Why are you still here, Luke?” Julie groaned.
To be continued.
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