#team harvey's
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I know some of yall are jealous
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pandadrake · 6 months
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Hroo hrah
I think its funny that the Scarecrow keeps showing up in Batman villain team-ups because I honestly think he causes more problems than he solves for everyone involved.
Couldn't figure out which versions of these characters to use so I just mashed stuff together.
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wil4x · 1 month
Gotham's Three Caballeros
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Two Face wanted the team name to be: Four Caballeros. But Penguin and Riddler thought the three sounded better
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lovinpelova · 3 months
something new | c. harvey
summary; caroline was never one for relationships - so what was different about you?
🎵 ivy - taylor swift
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getting into field hockey was unexpected from your parents, they had no interest in the sport and if being honest would say they preferred football, but field hockey was still a popular sport in the uk and they decided to stick with it either way. you'd made your way through many teams and were sometimes playing against women older than you by miles, gaining the attention of universities from all over the country and world. wisconsin offered you a division-one scholarship with free tuition and residency on their campus as long as you kept your grades up and remained playing for their field hockey team - the offer was too good to turn down.
you'd made your mark as a badger within moments of playing your first game, spotting an open teammate and bagging an assist after a couple minutes of playing. ever since you'd been averaging two assists a game and the odd goal whenever you felt like it, field hockey was truly your life and you wouldn't have it any other way, so why deny the opportunity to watch it on ice? it was the same principle, just with blades and far more protective gear.
your teammates had ensured you got seats behind the penalty box, claiming they were the best view and it was funny to see how enraged players got when shoved in for two minutes. wisconsin were currently playing colgate and winning 2-1, the frustrations of the game clearly getting to them as a defender decided to trip up a colgate attacker, the penalty immediately being given as power play began and number 4 made her way over to the box. she took her helmet off and sat down in frustration, the last name 'harvey' catching your eye before one of your teammates banged on the glass to wave and watch her greet them in return, her eyes lingering on you as you smiled politely and she returned it.
"who is she?"
"keep it in your pants, y/n."
your roommate (katie) rolled her eyes playfully at your suggestive tone.
"caroline harvey, she won women's worlds with the usa last year."
"think i might've just found my new favourite player."
the door was opened and caroline skated out energetically, helping wisconsin bag a third goal as they secured their dominance over colgate. your cheering calmed down after a couple moments, excitement flooding your veins once you spotted the american looking your way.
"wanna meet her?"
your head whipped towards katie so fast she could've sworn you got whiplash, the brunette laughing at your expression whilst you stared unamused. you hit her arm playfully before focusing on the game again, feeling katie pat your thigh gently to reassure you that you would in fact be meeting caroline after the game.
"how do you know her?"
"we went to the same highschool. i think she'd like you by the way."
"i'm going to ignore that last part."
the game had eventually finished in a 3-0 victory for wisconsin and you'd practically been dragged to the parking lot, katie making senseless conversation about plays of the game whilst you stood by a car you didn't recognise, obviously belonging to caroline. you indulged the conversation as katie began leaning against the driver's door momentarily, soon after getting scared off when she heard a voice yelling after her.
"i hope you haven't been leaning on that for long!"
"can't make any promises!"
you stepped out of the way to watch the brunette hug owner of said vehicle and voice, immediately recognising the hockey player when she hung her head on your roommates shoulder. her eyebrows raised in excitement and smile widened, eyes lighting up like a kid in a sweet shop as she let go of katie and opened her arms to greet you with a bear hug. you reciprocated without any difficulty, taking note of how she tightly wrapped her arms around your waist and lifted you off the ground for a moment, arms pulling you close to her by keeping their grip around her neck.
"could hear you cheering from the other end of the rink! you're definitely my number one fan."
the hockey player said, grinning widely as she let go of you.
"that's an understatement- ow!"
"i'm y/n."
you quickly cut katie off by punching her arm, introducing yourself to caroline with a small smile.
"caroline- most people call me kk though."
your roommate slung an arm over your shoulders as she pulled you closer, facing caroline as she watched her speak further.
"a couple of the girls are coming back to my dorm to hang out, you two in?"
you tightly shut your eyes and pursed your lips into a thin line, head hanging low as katie groaned in annoyance with you.
"we'd love to but this one has a game tomorrow and she can't be out too late."
"really? what sport d'you play?"
"field hockey."
you spoke proudly, ignoring the knowing looks katie was serving your way as she watched sparks fly between you and caroline.
"oh i love field hockey- it's just a much safer version of ice hockey."
she joked as all three of you laughed for a moment, the blonde continuing her small talk soon after.
"who are you guys playing then?"
"we're actually going against colgate too, just a regular season game like yours."
katie nudged you with her hip gently and watched you turn your head in confusion, gesturing to caroline with her eyes and giving up when you didn't get the hint. she watched as caroline shamelessly stared with hopeful eyes - clearly wanting an excuse to see you again. the brunette knew how clueless you could be when it came to taking hints, so she decided to step in for you and receive your thanks later on.
"game kicks off at two, you'll be there right?"
the all-american smiled widely at katies invite, looking to see if you had any visible discomfort at the idea on your face and thankfully finding no indications.
"i'll be there."
sprinting up the middle, you called for the ball with your arm in the air and a yell of your teammates name. the shooting circle was a foot away from your planted body as you watched her cross in the ball on the ground, taking a step back to quickly readjust and move out when the ball hit your stick. you looked around for any open teammates and were met with no luck, opting to instead check how many defenders were in your way and were blessed with the sight of none.
the game was tied 2-2 in the sixty-ninth minute, a couple seconds to go on the clock from what you saw in the corner of your eye when you scanned your surroundings.
"fuck it."
you mumbled to yourself, pulling back the stick and hitting the ball as hard as you possibly could, all heads turning to watch the ball fly through the air and into the colgate net. you dropped your stick and threw your arms in the air, quickly being hugged and cheered at by teammates as they patted your back and screamed in joy with faces that resembled those of feral animals due to how relieved they were with the last minute victory.
celebrations were soon cut short and play was resumed for a couple moments, colgate quickly pushing up but getting nowhere as the whistle went to indicate wisconsin had won. you shook the hands of your opponents and complimented their games, no hard feelings being thrown your way as they congratulated you on the game-winning goal being scored in such a beautiful fashion. you weren't able to talk with your teammates for long due to a recognisable voice screaming your name, eyes scanning the crowd to see katie running towards you with your name and number on her back alongside your number painted on her cheeks.
"game winning goal! holy shit!"
you smiled widely at your roommates supportive attitude and hugged her tightly, the brunette taking her chance to whisper in your ear.
"look who's here."
she gestured behind herself whilst pulling away, watching caroline walk over with you. she was wearing the same jersey as katie and had face paint on her cheeks as well, a proud smile across her features to match your own once you realised she'd gone out of her way to get your jersey last minute - and had definitely asked katie to paint her cheeks with your number as well.
"how on earth did you get my jersey so fast?"
"i have my ways."
the all-american shrugged as you walked towards her, arms wide for a hug.
"you played so well today! can't believe i've never watched one of your games before."
you squealed lightly as she picked you up, clearly showing extra affection for the goal you scored at her first time watching a field hockey game.
"i'd never watched an ice hockey game before yesterday, so i think we're even."
you laughed together for a moment as she placed you on the ground, your eyes scanning her features to see how good of a job katie had done at painting your number on her cheeks.
"say, you really suit my last name and number."
"oh do i? well next time you come to one of my games i wanna see you in my last name and number as well. it's only fair."
"okay, enough flirting! i feel too single for this."
you turned to katie with a fake pout on your lips, cooing in her direction with caroline joining in as you stepped towards her with open arms.
"aww, katie feeling a bit lonely?"
you hugged her momentarily before she pinched your hip playfully, snorting as you pulled away with a loud yell and hiding behind caroline to make sure you didn't run after her.
"you're lucky i have to go get my stuff."
you pointed your finger at her with a stern expression to imitate a mother telling off her child, watching her stick out her tongue before her eyes lit up and she stood up straight.
"oh, kk this is the perfect chance to tell y/n about that thing!"
"what thing?"
you asked, confused as caroline turned to katie and began mumbling angrily. seeming to hesitate as you watched them argue for a moment, the brunette pushed her in your direction and quickly hurried away before she could return to her side.
"everything okay?"
"yeah! yeah, just uh..."
the blonde fell into a moment of silence as she stumbled over her words, following you to the changing rooms and waiting outside for you to return with your belongings. she gently smiled at you and stood up from leaning against the wall, taking your hockey stick without letting you protest so she didn't feel bad for watching you carry everything.
"can i- uh, how did you get here?"
"one of my teammates gave me a lift, why?"
"can i take you somewhere?"
you watched as she held the door open for you, thanking her quietly and turning to hold it open for her as she returned the gratitude.
"of course. where you thinking of?"
"you'll see."
she replied slyly, opening the back door of her car to place your hockey stick in and leaving it open for you to put your sweaty gear in as well. thank god you brought a warm change of clothes, 'cus caroline took you to the ice hockey rink a couple minutes away from your facilities.
"what are we doing here?"
you asked as caroline got out the car, yourself following to see her open the boot and pull out two pairs of skates.
"i asked katie for your shoe size."
she quickly cleared up, watching your smile grow as you moved closer to look at the pair of hockey skates she'd gotten you.
"did you buy these?"
"it's better if you don't know where i got them from."
she replied as you took them out of her hands, closing the boot and locking her car before you began to speak again.
"hey caroline?"
she turned to you, waiting patiently.
"last one there's a rotten egg!"
"oh you're so on!"
you began racing to the front of the building with laughter coming from you both, hockey skates in hand as you mentally thanked caroline for placing skate guards over them in precaution. the blonde quickly caught up and watched you squeal as you heard her right behind you, getting to the front doors at the same time with heavy pants escaping your lips and wide grins across your features.
"we'll call it a tie."
she commented to your agreement, opening the front door and letting you in first again. she guided you throughout the cold rink, ignoring the knowing look you gave her when you passed the spare skate room and spotted a missing pair, the shoe size written above the empty space matching your own. she sat you down on the substitute bench and took her spot beside you, putting her skates on effortlessly and noticing you were struggling to tie them properly after never having worn them before.
she kneeled down below you and started tying them for you wordlessly, ignoring the way you stared at her concentration face in awe of how neatly she tied your laces. the defender got up after checking they would stay tight and held her hands for you to take, gripping to help you stand up and carefully leading you towards the entrance whilst stepping on the ice backwards, hands still holding yours.
"i'm gonna fall-"
"no you're not i've got you- here, c'mere."
her hands held your waist tightly as she pulled you closer, making sure your eyes stayed glued to hers. she slowly began skating backwards around the rink to get you used to the feeling of moving on the ice, eventually moving to be by your side holding your hand so she could teach you.
"don't walk, push your feet out and forwards and let yourself move so you can get used to going slow at first- like this."
she began skating forwards slowly with your fingers lacing together so you had an extra sense of stability, watching your feet as you copied her and smiling proudly once you started moving on your own.
"there you go! you're doing it!"
"only 'cus i've got a good teacher."
you complimented as your feet stopped moving, waiting to stop gliding and laughing as you just kept going. caroline laughed heartily and pulled on your arm so you spun around gently, your body moving into hers and one hand landing on her chest to steady yourself whilst hers moved to your waist.
her thumb rubbed over your knuckles gently as she smiled down at you, eyes flickering to your lips. your breath got caught in your throat and she licked her lips, chest heaving lightly under your hand at the small amount of effort she'd used to skate around with you - and from the fact that she was seconds away from kissing you.
"um, do they leave your jerseys in the changing rooms?"
caroline tore her gaze away from your lips and guided it back up to your eyes, taking a moment to process your question before nodding her head.
"uh, yeah- why?"
"come on."
you tugged her towards the exit whilst skating confidently with her hand in your own, the defender proud with how much you'd improved in such a short amount of time. you both sat down and took off your skates, putting on your shoes before she guided you towards the changing rooms with both of you carrying your skates in hand. she held the door open for you once more as you smiled in gratitude, turning to hold it for her before looking around at the fairly large room.
you looked around for carolines cubby and quickly spotted the jersey hanging up alongside a new pair of skates, some protective gear and colourful sticks beside it. she watched you walk towards the cubby and take her jersey off the hanger, slipping it on easily due to how oversized it was. the sight of you in her jersey made her mind spin for a moment, realising you must have felt the same way when you saw her in your own alongside your number painted on her face; it was still across her cheeks and splayed along her back proudly.
the defender shamelessly stared at you for a moment before moving closer, holding out her hand above your hip to ask for permission and was happy to see you nod in approval.
"you look... really good."
she spoke breathlessly, your hands coming to trace the paint on her face gently as you smiled in return.
"you think so?"
caroline nodded her head with her lips parted, tongue coming out to wet them for a moment before she diverted her gaze to your mouth once again. your hands travelled along the back of her neck to tangle in her baby hairs for a moment, tugging ever so slightly to urge her forwards as you wet your own lips in anticipation. luckily, caroline was good at reading body language and signs of approval, so she wasted no time in pressing her lips against yours.
she kissed you ever so gently for a couple moments, letting it stay soft before pulling away and smiling with you. your hand pulled her neck once more to guide her in for another kiss and she happily obliged, hands gripping your waist to pull you tightly against her own body as one of yours moved down to her shoulder, fingers digging in to keep your balance.
your lips caressed each other in a soft unison, moving into a slow and passionate kiss as you both panted lightly into each others mouths before breaking away.
"i've been wanting to do that since i saw you in the penalty box."
"well you didn't have to wait very long for it, did you?"
caroline shook her head with a soft laugh to match your own, kissing you a couple more times before pulling away completely and guiding you out of the changing rooms.
"come on, i'll drive you home."
"you kissed her?!"
laila squealed as she shook caroline's shoulders dramatically, gaining the attention of their teammates that were over in their shared dorm for quality time. the blondes cheeks grew red as she became more proud of herself by the minute - she had kissed a pretty girl after meeting her not even twenty-four hours prior!
"what? caroline kissed who?!"
"what's going on?"
"who's the girlfriend?!"
questions were thrown her way from every direction as she calmed them down with a soft laugh, blushing profusely at the teasing she was already subject to.
"guys calm down! it was just a kiss, no big deal."
the athletes shared a knowing look that didn't go unnoticed by caroline, a heavy sigh leaving her mouth as she gestured for them to speak with her hands.
"what? what is it?"
"it's just..."
laila began, looking to her sister for help with a pleading glance. the older stepped in for her sibling and took the reigns, leaning forward with elbows on her knees to fix her posture.
"you tend to kinda mess girls about sometimes?"
the all-american furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, scanning the room to find any signs of disagreement and being met with none, not even from lacey. said woman nodded her head once their eyes met, lips in a thin line to represent an awkward smile before she continued for the sisters.
"you don't do it on purpose though! you just get a bit scared, i think."
"i don't get scared. you guys just make it difficult for me to enjoy my relationships when you tease me about them."
"hey don't pin this on us!"
laila retaliated, her sister quickly placing a hand on her shoulder to calm her down and prevent her from moving into a defensive stance.
"caroline, everyone gets teased by their friends when they're in a relationship. you can't use that as an excuse to just never get a girlfriend and mess about the rest of your life."
"i don't need an excuse for anything. there is nothing between me and y/n, it was just a kiss. i saw her after the game the other day and thought she was pretty, so i kissed her. that's it- end of discussion."
caroline stood up and made her way into her room, shutting the door behind her to leave an awkward silence with the girls whilst her words echoed in their heads. they would eventually talk sense into her- but for now, she needed to cool down, it wasn't ideal for her to be in a headspace like that when they had a game tomorrow.
said match-up came faster than expected and woke you up bright & early, shaking katie awake to force her into coming with you after painting your cheeks with the number four and wearing matching 'harvey' jerseys. the girls were playing against ohio state in a regular season game, a tough competitor that always made it to the ncaa championship final with the badgers. you took your seats behind the penalty box with katie practically shaking in excitement, finding a new love for ice hockey once she found out you'd kissed caroline the other day.
"do you think they're gonna win?"
"of course! they've won the last two times against ohio- this is like a training session to them."
your players skated out to start warming up as everyone was welcoming them with cheers, moving over to your side of the rink and looking at the crowd.
"there's your girl!"
the brunette pointed out caroline, your eyes darting towards her as you waved before she turned around, being met with an emotionless gaze thrown your way and no move to wave back. katie looked between the two of you in confusion as your face fell, thinking maybe she just couldn't see you properly through her cage and the people surrounding you that wore matching colours.
three periods later, wisconsin had won the game with a 4-2 lead and left a very unhappy ohio state behind in their tracks. katie dragged you down to stand behind the glass so you could greet caroline properly and congratulate her on the victory, but she looked right at you and skated inside to the locker rooms.
you thought maybe you'd upset her somehow and started racking your brain for all possibilities but found none, so you waited outside by the familiar car with katie stood beside yours to give you privacy. caroline made her way over after ten minutes of waiting patiently, not returning the small smile you sent her way and reassuring your thoughts of upsetting her as she finally arrived in front of you.
"i don't understand why you're acting like this. did i do something?"
"i don't know what you're talking about."
she responded flatly, opening the car to place her equipment in the back whilst refusing to look in your direction. she shut the door and moved past you, opening the driver side door before you grabbed it and slammed it shut so she couldn't avoid you any longer, eyes darting to yours in shock.
"what the fuck kk?! you kiss me and then just act like i don't exist, is that what you do to all your girlfriends?!"
"that kiss meant nothing y/n! you should've got that when i didn't ask for your number after i dropped you off."
your body moved back in offence as you scoffed at her, eyebrows furrowing in anger at the venomous tone she was using with you.
"i don't like you, okay? what else do i have to do to get that into your thick fucking skull?! i kissed you for the fun of it- 'cus i knew you'd kiss me back and i was feeling lonely!"
the blondes head whipped to the side as you slapped her with no regrets, hand coming up to her cheek as she rubbed the skin that was already turning red and you moved closer.
"fuck you, caroline."
you spoke roughly whilst shoving her shoulders so she hit the door and walked away, getting into your car as katie shook her head disapprovingly in carolines direction whilst getting in the passenger seat. the defender looked at her shoes in shame and confusion, feeling her face grow hotter by the second as she stayed put leaning against the car from your push until lacey and laila made their way over to her with disappointed expressions.
she looked up at them with her hands by her side awkwardly, opening her mouth to speak before the pair cut her off.
"as much as we love you kk, you deserved that."
"i'll see you at home, yeah?"
laila spoke after agreeing with her teammate, caroline dropping her head in shame once more as they patted her on the shoulder to offer comfort.
"what is this, an intervention?"
"yes, now sit down."
caroline dumped her gear on the floor as she made her way towards laila in the living room, sighing heavily. she slumped down in the chair with her head in her hands, trying to ignore the stinging pain you'd left behind on her cheek.
"i don't think i've ever been more disappointed in anyone in my life."
"i'm not doing this."
she stood up and was quickly pushed back down into her seat by a pair of hands on her shoulders, a figure walking around to her side with an ice pack in hand as she shoved it against the athletes face roughly, caroline immediately recognising the woman she went to school with.
"i think you're gonna wanna stay here for it."
laila commented, watching the all-american slowly take the ice pack as she stared at katie in terror. the brunette sat down across from her next to laila, keeping her gaze on carolines.
"what you did to my girl was fucked up, you're lucky i'm not slapping you too right now."
caroline looked down at her feet in shame, laila diverting her gaze towards katie as she saw her fingers click for her attention.
"nuh-uh, don't play that pouty shit with me! look me in the eyes when i'm fucking speaking to you!"
their eyes met again, katie leaning forwards with her elbows on her knees as caroline stayed silent.
"why the fuck you would mess around with her head like that, i have no clue. but i know for sure you were not like that in highschool- so what makes y/n so different, huh?"
laila watched with an entertained expression, she was definitely going to do more interrogation with katie in the future. the blonde across from them took in a heavy breath and sat up carefully, readjusting the ice pack on her face.
"i've never liked someone so much in such a short amount of time before."
katies eyebrows relaxed and her expression softened, shoulders dropping as she sat up in realisation that she might have been a bit too tough on caroline.
"the girls started teasing me and it made me realise i'm scared of having feelings for her. the last time i liked someone she got attacked on social media and just couldn't understand that i have to put hockey before her always, i don't wanna subject y/n to that- it wouldn't be fair on her."
"no, what's not fair is you saying you kissed her for fun and she doesn't mean anything to you."
laila interrupted sternly, her best friends eyes snapping up to hers before they moved back to katie, realising she had filled her in on everything she didn't already know.
"but you can't be scared of liking someone because of things you can't control. that's just not how it works, kk."
katie let laila take the reigns for now, enjoying the unplanned good cop bad cop routine they had going on.
"i fucked up."
caroline admitted to herself, holding her head in her hands and sighing heavily. katie looked to laila with a stern expression, caving at the pleading look she gave her and sighing softly.
"i can help you make it up to her."
the defender snapped her head up to katie with a hopeful expression growing on her face.
"but! you have to wait a couple days. if she sees you tomorrow she'll beat the living shit out of you- and that's not an exaggeration."
"yeah, i'll do anything- whatever you need!"
"calm down cowboy. i need to go, sort your shit out and come to the ice rink in two days time at midday."
the brunette stood up and made her way out of their dorm, caroline looking back at laila.
"you're stupid man. c'mon, i got some aloe vera for that."
"where exactly are you taking me?"
"i told you, it's a surprise! you're gonna love it, trust me- but you do have to put this blindfold on."
"uh. the fuck?"
katie gave you puppy eyes for a moment as you got into her car, watching you cave and put on the blindfold after shutting the door and putting on your seatbelt. she was talkative the whole ride, letting you know about all the campus drama and recent improvements in her love life before braking roughly to watch you fly forwards and get tugged back by the seatbelt.
"you mother-"
"you should've seen yourself!"
the brunette was in hysterics as you unbuckled your seat belt, feeling around for the door handle and opening it before stepping out carefully, katie following behind and locking her car. she held your hand and dragged you towards the surprise without listening to your protests of how fast she was walking, opening a door and guiding you through it first.
"okay, you can take it off now!"
she spoke, watching you take off the blindfold in amusement as she saw how your face fell.
you were cut off by the door slamming shut in your face and remaining shut when you tried to open it again, sighing in defeat and turning to the ice rink behind you.
"hello? anyone in here?"
you started walking along the rink and stopped in your tracks when you saw caroline stood in front of you, hands behind her back with a sheepish smile on her face. turning around and heading the other way, caroline ran after you.
"wait- no! please just-"
she made her way in front of you and stopped you from moving any further with her body, a pleading gaze boring into your own.
"please, just... hear me out."
your eyebrow raised and you crossed your arms in a defensive stance still not convinced.
"please y/n."
you must admit, hearing her almost whine your name made you cave immediately, so you gestured for her to continue by groaning heavily and nodding your head.
"i didn't mean what i said- i don't mean what i said! i was just getting teased by my teammates for liking a girl and it reminded me of my last relationship-"
"you're apologising to me by talking about your last girlfriend? not going well so far, harvey."
"let me finish, please."
caroline pleaded with you once more, still panting a bit from the small run she'd had to come after you.
"she got attacked on social media- like so badly, people were sending her death threats and acting insane. some even came to our campus! she had to move universities because of me. i don't wanna put you through that."
her head hung in shame as she grew quieter the more she went on, still not fully convincing you.
"and, what, you think that gives you the right to speak to me the way you did the other day?"
"no. not at all. i wasn't thinking straight. look, y/n,"
the blonde sighed as she took a tentative step closer to you, happy to see you didn't move backwards.
"i'm sorry. i acted like a complete dick towards you and there's nothing i can do to unsay what i said, but i like you. a lot- i've never liked someone so much after knowing them for such a short amount of time."
you stared at her emotionlessly for a moment, contemplating if you should give her a second chance or not.
"can you please forgive me?"
caroline broke out the puppy eyes whilst quietly pleading for your forgiveness, watching you unfold your arms as you groaned heavily before pulling her into a passionate kiss with your hands around her neck. the defender kissed back immediately, unaware of how much she'd missed the feeling of her lips against yours.
she placed her hands on your hips and pulled your body into hers, craving the feeling of your hips against her own as your hand tugged at her hair to pull her away. she whined quietly with a pout and chased after your lips, happy to recieve a few more pecks from you before your arms enveloped her in a hug.
"you're lucky you're so cute or i would've beat the living shit out of you."
"trust me, i know."
she mumbled into your shoulder, watching you pull away in confusion and shaking her head to dismiss your questioning glance. you laughed at her for a moment before pulling her into another soft kiss, hand caressing her cheek as you assured her you'd fully accepted her apology and bore no hard feelings. although, you did have a guilt-trip to help you win all future arguments, so that was a bonus.
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zzoupz · 1 year
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my three girlfriends. and yes, they smoke weed
challenge link
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venompinks · 2 months
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unikhroma · 7 months
hi i slept through the utdr newsletter drop but i'm awake now and i looked at the video and tobert has now driven me nmore insane
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my interpretation of this is that
1) he was promised perfection and definitely didn't get it, look at how glitchy he is now not to mention the whole puppet thing
2) i guess seeing errors/glitches makes him think of things that he's afraid of. wonder what those are
though "suspicious waves" is very, well, suspicious. is it the way that the fountain flows in waves? weird telephone signals? weird television signals? it's hard to determine
(i feel like showing spamton's regular sprite at the end was there to imply that this message has to do with him for real instead of the spamton value network spamtons)
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also tried to determine the very last line on this warning message but i couldn't decipher it. here are some screenshots if you want to chew on it yourself. the sentence structures seem to be "_____ ____ __ ____!!! ___ ______ __!!!"
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marvey-sideblog · 4 months
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imsoooodrunk · 8 months
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All the doctors I loved
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deluzionalfantisea · 11 months
if youre taking requests/art ideas I give you: stardew X tf2 crossover
your wish is my command anon
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Snipey didn’t feel like socializing
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the crowd dead silent 
✨ Marie Philip Poulin ✨
the crowd
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trustymikh · 8 months
Thank u for helping me run down the Harvey TwoBats and Harvey/Falcone rabbit hole I live here now and love every second
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kafakhfjdah well I'm glad!! Bruharvey is a special batman ship to me, something about it...
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toten-kunst · 15 days
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medic x harvey sketch dump… I LIED I DID HAVE A BACKLOG PREPARED YOU FOOLS
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The Batboys on a Gotham version of Celebrity Family Feud. Is this anything?
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tyresdeg · 5 months
“she must’ve woken up and chose violence.”
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targaryenluvs · 8 months
thinking about bau!reader who dated spence, but they had a falling out or she got held hostage and it kinda caused a riff since spence became extra protective and she hated being treated as if she’d break. so she leaves, she also is a lawyer, ends up at pearson in nyc and is now dating harvey specter. they run into eachother in nyc, maybe she’s helping on a case.
hehehe i might just slip and write it
(harvey specter from suits)
update an hour later: i wrote it… it’s out!
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