#team rebuilding part 2
snapscube · 4 months
Can you please elaborate on the original FFXIV getting blown up?
yeah so, in summary, when FF14 was first released it was helmed by an entirely different team of producers who were very much not interested in learning from developments in the MMO genre up to that point and kinda created a mess of a game. it wasn’t really due to one thing in particular that the game failed though, the entire production was highly mismanaged. people knew in beta that it was going to be a mess but they pushed it out anyway and it was a major flop critically and a big hit to square’s reputation. the producers were then removed from the project and another producer named Naoki Yoshida who had a lot of experience working on the Dragon Quest MMO was brought on to replace them and hopefully improve the state of the game.
when realizing just how fucked FF14 1.0 was at the time, yoshida gave square a bit of a hail mary option and was like “we can improve this game, but it will never be great in this form. let me continue making updates to the game… while also in the background secretly rebuild the entire game almost from scratch”. fucking miraculously square was like “yeah sure” and actually gave that idea the greenlight, with a 2-year window to release.
so that became the plan. improve the game in incremental amounts for players currently sticking with it, and then wipe the whole slate clean and release a FF14 2.0 that was a fundamentally remade experience, actually taking more design inspiration from other successful MMOs and other final fantasy games. they didn’t just decide to wipe the original game on a meta level though, they actually worked the destruction of FF14 1.0 into the plot of both games. and so, famously, the day that the servers for 1.0 were shut down was a day where IN GAME players fought a horde of deadly monsters spawning around the world until inevitably a giant moon crashed into the world and took the servers offline for good. and then when you play 2.0, they frequently reference this calamity in the early MSQ and players who stuck with 1.0 until the end actually got their entire character transferred over with a special tattoo, opening cutscenes, and special dialogue throughout the MSQ that connects them to the game that was deleted.
there’s a 3-part noclip documentary that goes into more detail, it is FASCINATING stuff.
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dontforgetukraine · 1 month
Ukraine Donation Guide Master Post
(Ver. 2 updated Aug 13th, 2024) I will be reformatting this and adding more in the future when I have time.
Also a quick note, all of the groups I have found through twitter have been around long enough for them to be vetted by each other and the brigades they work with. In fact, a lot of these groups collaborate with each other too. Those that are in the fight for Ukraine have been diligent in calling out those that are grifters. Word spreads around quickly if an organization doesn't show up with what they promised. They also use their social media (often Twitter) as a means of transparency for their work.
Remember: When considering on whether to donate, always use your best judgement and donate to those you trust if you do not see what is listed is up to your standards.
United 24 has various fundraisers dedicated to defense and drones, medical aid, rebuilding Ukraine, humanitarian demining, and science and education. You can pick which one you want to contribute to under their various projects.
Liberty Ukraine uses funds for humanitarian aid, medical supplies, protective gear and equipment, and rehabilitation therapy. You can choose which campaign of theirs to donate to.
Come Back Alive is a charitable foundation that supports Ukraine's military with competent assistance while also focusing on security and defense. They also have projects that use sports to help veterans rehabilitate. You can choose which campaign to donate to.
Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation works to help both civilians and Ukraine's army. You can choose to donate to an active project or any of their general campaigns. Civilian aid campaigns cover temporary housing, supporting crisis and emergency responses, schools, demining, and healthcare. Military aid campaigns cover drones, optics units, communications equipment, and support of air defense teams.
Food Aid
World Central Kitchen works with local partners wherever they are providing food aid. They make sure meals and meal kits are what the local population eats. Even though there is no separate fundraising campaign for Ukraine (that I can see), they still do great work.
Animal Rescue
Hachiko Foundation works to help displaced pets and strays in frontline areas. They help with veterinary care, outdoor shelters, setting up feeding stations, and rehoming animals.
Medical Aid
Hospitallers (Website) is a volunteer organization of paramedics that was founded in 2014. They evacuate the wounded, provide medical aid on the frontlines, assist in rehabilitation, and transfer of the deceased to burial sites. They are also supported by Ukraine Charity. Visit Hospitallers' website to see how many they have evacuated, different methods you can donate, and more information about them.
Saint Javelin (Twitter; Website) is a great place to get apparel, gear, and other cool loot to show your support for Ukraine. They don't take donations, but instead raise funds through their shop with a portion of their sales going towards humanitarian aid and critical items needed by the defenders (generators, pick-up trucks, medical supplies etc). Part of their shop has items made in Ukraine to support Ukrainian businesses. Overall, their products are high-quality. I include them due to their impactful presence in the Twitter community I follow and how they make Ukraine visible in an alternative way. Consider buying someone a gift from their shop.
The Kyiv Independent (Twitter; Website) is a great English language resource for news about Ukraine. I include them because I think supporting good journalism is incredibly important, especially now when the information space is fraught with Russian propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation. My followers have probably noticed I've pulled a lot of quotes from their stories in an effort to amplify Ukrainian voices and experiences. Look on their website for more information on different way to support them, such as their Patreon.
If you're on twitter, there are a number of groups and people that fundraise for Ukraine and for specific units fighting on the frontlines. If there is no official website, a PayPal for donations is listed in their profiles. When considering on whether to donate, always use your best judgement and donate to those you trust if you do not see what is listed is up to your standards.
@/Teoyaomiquu almost always has a fundraiser for Liberty Ukraine with a specified purpose. At the time of writing this, he is currently raising funds for engineering equipment such as excavators. One such excavator is already in Kursk. Follow him to stay up to date with what he's fundraising for.
Dyga's Paw (Twitter: @/dzygaspaw) is a smaller group that has recently raised funds for starlinks, drones, batteries, and Ecoflow generators. You can look at the fundraising campaigns they currently have on their website.
@/DefactoHumanity represents and founded Planet of the People with their website U(a)nited for Freedom. She frequently posts updates about their fundraisers and what their partners need. They are known for providing Frontline medical aid supplies, protective equipment and other military aid, technical equipment (starlinks, drones, scopes, etc), and infrastructure equipment (generators, vehicles, power stations, etc). They even have a merch store of the battalions they partner with if that's your jam. Here is their link tree if you wish to explore more. And in case you're curious, there is an article bout the founder here.
@/wilendhornets (Website) specialize in making high quality drones that have gotten a lot of praise from Ukraine's army. They have attracted a lot of media attention too. Check out their website for the list of articles that have been written about them. Their Twitter is very active with strike footage.
Ants Kitchen Hub (@/ants_kyiv) is a volunteer kitchen that makes dry rations for the Ukrainian army. They are more active on their other social media. To learn more about them, check out their link tree.
@/frontlinekit (Front Line Kitchen) is represented by Richard Woodruff. Originally they made shelf stable food for the Ukrainian army, but now their fundraising has branched out to other campaigns such as raising funds for medical supplies and drones. They are a well known group that many battalions have come to for help.
@/bekamaciorowski (Rebekah Maciorowski) is as combat medic and nurse who helps provide medical care to soldiers and civillians at the frontlines. She raises funds for medical supplies and other equipment, but also helps train soldiers in first aid. More of her social media that features her work can be found in her link tree.
@/UkraineAidOps (Website) is another organization battalions frequently go to for help. They fundraise for all sorts of equipment from medical supplies to drones. If you're interested, they also have a shop with patches from different brigades and flags signed by soldiers. Their shop also includes a separate section called the Victory Gallery where artifacts from the war are turned into art. This includes shells that are painted on, scrap metal from downed enemy planes are turned into keychains, and pieces of a rocket are turned into lamps.
Chris Garrett is the co-founder of Prevail. His organization deals with humanitarian demining as well as training for trauma care, training of bomb disposal, and education to the public. Prevail works with local agencies in Ukraine as well as the army.
Project Konstantin (Twitter; Website; Linktree) is still going strong after the death of their founder, British paramedic Peter Fouché. His digital ghost can be found here. They collaborate with the military, thus giving them an insight into what is dearly needed. They often raise funds for starlinks, personalized first aid kits (IFAKs), generators, portable power stations, and other nonlethal military equipment. I regret forgetting them the first time this post went around. Visit their website to see everything they have done and more. It has more information on what and how they do it than this post can cover.
One Team One Fight (Twitter; Website; Linktree) has some of the original members that worked for Ukraine Aid Ops. They formed their own group after differences with the previous one, and are still helping Ukraine. They are very visible on various social media showing what they have accomplished in their deliveries to various brigades. They're another group that seeks to bring starlinks, drones, medical supplies and protective gear to the battalions that come to them for help. Check out their website for more information on their current fundraisers, their achievements, and received recognition.
NAFO 69th Sniffing Brigade (Twitter; Website) Another small group that focuses their funds on delivering drones, generators, vehicles, and saving the occasional furry companion. They are very diligent in their updates for their fundraising campaigns. Check out their website for more information and the articles written about them.
Postmaster General Boomer (Twitter; Website) focuses on humanitarian aid, animal aid, and logistics. Boomer is the beloved pet of one of the founders and the secret boss/mascot. They have many transparency reports and are diligent in reporting the various "tours" they do in getting supplies where they are needed to go. They are based in Germany but have built up many connections during their existence. They have also worked closely with Ukraine Aid Ops.
I am sure I have forgotten some, so please reply or comment with any more I should add to this master post. I will edit and update as I see and evaluate more.
Last updated: Aug. 13th, 2024
Version updates listed below
August 13th, 2024 Added:
Saint Javelin
The Kyiv Independent
Project Konstantin
1 Team 1 Fight
NAFO 69th Sniffing Brigade
Post Master General Boomer
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lushrue · 3 months
hockeyteam!141 x figureskater!reader pt 3
thank you all a million times over for all your love on this series! comment to be added to the taglist and send some asks my way if you have a scenario that you wanna see these characters in, i eat it up!!
cw: drinking
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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price stood at the center of the face-off circle, his stick resting on his knees as he sized up his opponent. it was the third period and the score was tied 2-2. price’s team was on the power play after the visiting team had received a two minute minor for slashing. figured, he thought. they’d been playing dirty all night; the ref just finally saw fit to call them on it. it was two minutes where they had the upper hand, two minutes to take advantage of their strength in numbers. he adjusted his stick in his grip, looking over his shoulder to make sure gaz and soap were in position before turning his attention back to the face off. he inhaled, and on the exhale, the sound of rubber smacking the ice hit his ears.
price gained control, taking the puck down the ice into the opposing team’s zone. he glanced to his left, meeting soap’s eyes before making a pass. soap received it, the puck smacking off his stick as he took up position on his side of the ice. a defenseman skated towards him, poised to try for a steal. but soap was ready. he made quick eye contact with gaz, sending the puck sliding his way. gaz took advantage of the fact that no one was on his ass, taking it and skating ever closer to the opposing goal. price was lined up, ready to go. it was the perfect position for a slapshot straight over the goal line. the goalie wasn’t watching his right flank, still preoccupied with gaz skating towards him. perfect. gaz made the pass, simon smacked the opposing defenseman into the boards to stop his approach, and price swung. the puck slid over the line before the goalie even knew what happened, setting the buzzer blaring.
through it all, you were watching in the stands. their coordination on the ice was enough to show you why they were first line, why laswell trusted them more than anyone else to get the game started on the right foot and to end it just as smoothly. you were one of the first on your feet after the goal, shouting and clapping. soap skated past price, giving him a congratulatory knock on the helmet as gaz held up his glove for a fist bump. simon gave price a thump on the back, skating behind him as they returned to the bench. “good shot, cap,” he shouted over the music, stepping off the ice as the second line stepped in to relieve them.
you smiled and waved as soap turned to meet your eyes. you’d taken to sitting right behind the bench, making your presence known to them rather than blending into the crowd like you’d done before. soap winked before nudging kyle, who tapped simon’s helmet, who elbowed price. soon, all four sets of eyes were on you. you blushed under the weight of their collective gazes, but managed to collect yourself enough to give them two thumbs up. price chuckled, nodding his head in thanks at your gesture. soap tugged his helmet off, the sweat making the longer strands of his mohawk stick to his forehead. “come out with us after tha game!” he called, his voice slightly muffled by the plexiglass. you didn’t even hesitate. “yeah, ‘course i will!”
it was a handy victory after that, simon managing to eke out a goal of his own before the game was over. this win would move them up in the league rankings, signal to everyone else that they’re a force to be reckoned with. with an ever-rotating roster of fresh blood, rebuilding years were bound to happen. but now they were on the rebound, and it felt better than any vice they indulged in. 
that wasn’t going to stop them tonight, though. the four of them stepped out of the locker room to find you waiting, your coat draped over your arms. your eyes were glued on your phone, a familiar crutch to pass the time. the moment you heard soap and gaz’s jovial chatter, your head snapped up, meeting the eyes of your victorious men. you flashed them a smile and a little wave, closing the distance between all of you. “that was a really good game tonight,” you said sincerely, your eyes flicking between the four of them. it wasn’t just a win for one of them, it was a win for all of them. you wanted to make sure they all felt properly congratulated.
“thanks, dove,” price replied, a smile of his own threatening to show through. usually, his mind was racing with thoughts of how they could improve, what they could’ve done better. but not tonight. tonight was for celebrating, and he wasn’t going to let his overactive mind get in the way of that. gaz chimed in, putting his hand on price’s shoulder. “well, it helped havin’ our good luck charm in the stands. didn’t it, cap?” his pointed glance settled on you as price chuckled, your cheeks flushing a pretty shade of pink. their good luck charm. how about that? “good point, kyle,” price said. the weight of their eyes boring into you threatened to overwhelm you, like the tide overtaking the shore.
thankfully, johnny’s scottish brogue broke the tension. “did’ja see my assist in the second period, bonnie?” he asked, shouldering past gaz to be closer to you. you couldn’t help but laugh a little, nodding at him as you clutched your coat a little closer to your body. “yeah, i did,” you reply. you also hadn’t missed the way he skated with more gusto after that, knowing that you’d seen him. “it was impressive. you all work so well together out there.” simon finally made his presence known, shifting on his feet beside price. “yeah, we’ve worked really hard to get ourselves there,” he said, sounding proud of the progress they'd made as a team. you notice kyle and johnny exchange a glance, but you can’t quite read it. there’s something there under the surface, something that goes beyond the game.
before you can spare it a second thought, price places his hand on your shoulder, guiding you out the doors of the ice rink. “c’mon, dove. we’ll take my truck.”
it’s around your third mixed drink that you start to get a little more comfortable.
they’ve paid for the last two rounds for you, indulging whatever fruity concoction you find yourself craving. they took you to the one good bar for miles where the air was free of stale cigarette smoke and depression. the five of them weren’t the rowdiest table by far, but they were holding their own. the boys carried on their own conversations in the background, chattering loudly about the game. as you sip at your vodka cranberry, your attention is on kyle’s phone screen as he swipes through pictures of his family. “and tha’s my brother, steven. he’s got a wife and kid. haven’t seen ‘im in a while, they live kinda far.” soap nudges him, causing his phone to nearly tumble into his pint of guinness. “don’ bore the poor lass,” he says, his words already starting to slur a little. johnny was drinking whiskey, which hit a little harder than the beers that his teammates were nursing. no wonder he was on his way to being three sheets to the wind.
you blush and shake your head, giving kyle a reassuring glance. “it’s not boring, i promise. i like getting to know you all. it’s what friends do, right?” friends. you hadn’t stopped to think about it before, but you supposed you’d fully entered friend territory with all of them. you’d come to watch them play multiple times now, and they’d come and watched you skate. not only that, they’d stayed for both your programs and stuck around when the final rankings were posted. mere acquaintances didn’t do that. 
your words seemed to strike some chord in each of them as the hum of their side conversations abruptly stopped. you caught price smirk over the rim of his glass as he took a swig of his drink, his posture confident with his shoulders back and chest forward. johnny looked at you like you’d hung the moon and stars just for him, but only for a moment. kyle’s eyes widened almost imperceptibly, like he hadn’t expected you to perceive them as friends. and simon, as usual, was hard to read, but you were getting there. there was a tightness in his expression that spelled unease to you. you faltered, opening your mouth to backtrack before price waved a hand to cut you off.
“nah, the bird’s right, johnny. guess we should know some things about each other if we’re gonna be friends.” his smirk remained, his eyes now fixed on you. maybe it was the alcohol talking, but you could swear you saw a glint of hunger in his eyes. you swallowed, desperate to ignore the electric thrill that struck your core. “why don’t you start us off, love? we wanna know more ‘bout ya,” he said, leaning back against the booth seating and staring you down expectantly. you clear your throat and take another long drink from your glass. you’d need some liquid courage for all this.
“well, i’ve been skating since i was little. i’ve loved it for as long as i can remember.” the memories brought a smile to your face. you recalled sitting in front of the television set, cross-legged as you watched the figure skaters dance on the ice in your ballerina dress. your dad sat next to you, telling you that that could be you someday. you certainly hadn’t competed in any olympics, but you were proud of the level you’d achieved. johnny chuckled, his hand coming to rest on your thigh. it sent a bloom of warmth through you and your cheeks flushed crimson. “somethin’ besides the ice, bonnie,” he said playfully. “we wanna know you, not the skater.”
you composed yourself quickly after being startled at his touch, settling into the casual display of affection. glances were once again exchanged, but this time, it was price and simon. “umm…my favorite color’s green,” you said, looking between johnny and kyle for approval, to see if this was what they wanted. when you got a nod in reply, you decided to continue. you told them about your favorite foods, family vacations, the artists that were on heavy rotation in your car radio. they seemed to hang on your every word, letting the aura of you seep into their bones so they’d never forget it.
the more you drank, the more you talked. so price kept the drinks flowing.
kyle drove you home in price’s truck, your swaying body sandwiched between ghost and soap. johnny had an arm around your shoulders to keep you steady and simon had his hand on your arm for comfort. you’d been drunker in your life, but you certainly had a good thing going. all this contact from attractive men was only fueling the fire, butterflies stirring in your belly that weren’t born of alcohol. you muttered things you knew you wouldn't remember in the morning, something about how warm their bodies were and how good they looked in their pads and gear. they were gentlemen, of course. their touches remained innocent as they walked you to your door and made sure you got in safely, staying until they heard the lock click. they had to be satisfied that you were secure for the night.
as the four of them piled back in the truck and headed back down the road, it was simon who broke the silence first. “we gotta have her, yeah?” he said, his voice a rumble that harmonized with the engine. kyle and johnny didn’t respond, looking to their captain for a response. ultimately, he made the final call. price hummed, his head falling back against the headrest of the passenger seat.
“yeah, think we do.”
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taglist: @cadotoast @jupiternighties @hxnneydew
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vbecker10 · 2 months
Language (Part 4)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 5 / Part 6
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: Captain Rogers thinks you curse far too much at work so he came up with a way for each word to cost you fifty cents no matter where you are in the Tower. You are desperate for it to stop and go to Loki to see if he has a spell or trick that can help you outsmart J.A.R.V.I.S.
Warnings: swearing lol... obviously?
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"I am truly sorry, Y/N," he says closing the book. He tosses it on the ground near the stack of discarded books and sits back against the cushions. "I honestly thought I had figured it out. Maybe I am useless," he covers his face with his hands.
"You aren't useless," you tell him, resting your hand on his shoulder gently. When he doesn't pull away from you as you half expected, you slide your hand to his back and move it slowly up and down. You can feel the muscles in his back becoming slightly less tense as he relaxes just a small amount.
The two of you sit together in silence for a few moments then you realize this latest spell had no unintended consequences, at least none you can feel or hear. "I don't understand what happened to that spell," you say looking down, your hand dropping to your lap. "It's like it just disappeared, nothing bad happened like with the others."
"The seal didn't hold so the spell never took root," Loki answers. "It doesn't make any sense, it should have worked," he shakes his head.
"Maybe we could try it again?" you suggest hopefully.
"It would be pointless," he dismisses the idea.
"Is it my fault?" you ask Loki based on his quick reply.
"How could it be your fault?" he wonders, turning his head to look at you.
"I don't know," you shrug and look down breaking eye contact with him quickly. "I don't know how any of this works. Maybe I didn't sit still enough or I was supposed to do something I didn't or I messed up the kiss somehow."
His fingers lift your chin gently so you are looking at him. "There was absolutely nothing wrong with that kiss," he says in a tone that leave no room for argument.
A blush creeps quickly up your neck and cheeks at how intensely he is holding your gaze and you lose your train of thought. The corner of Loki's lips curl up into a smile and your mind replays the memory of the kiss in great detail. He leans just slightly towards you and for a moment, you feel as if he is going to kiss you again. The prince sighs, dropping his hand from your skin as he looks away from you.
"The issue is not with you, Y/N," he assures you. "I should have been able to solve this for you but I am at a loss. You should have gone to another member of the team for help." He gets up and walks into his room.
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You stand up and walk to the middle of living room. Looking towards the half closed door, you can see Loki sitting on the edge of the bed. Before you can stop yourself, you knock and ask, "Can I come in?"
He sighs and you look down, thinking he will tell you 'no'. A secund later, the green glow of Loki's seidr surrounds the knob and the door swings the rest of the way open. You walk in and sit on the bed next to him without a word.
"What are you doing?" he asks, assuming you would remain standing when you entered.
"Well... we were having a conversation and it's hard to do that when one person hides in a different room," you tell him.
"I am not hiding, the conversation is simply over," he says without looking at you.
"I'm sorry your highness," you reply sarcastically, "I didn't realize that's how conversations work on Asgard."
"You are more than welcome to spend the remainder of the night on my couch," he gestures towards the open door to the living room. "But I have nothing to add to our pervious conversation," he says and you can practically feel the walls around Loki rebuilding.
"How about if I talk and you just sit there and listen to me?" you ask, "Because I wasn't done with my half of our conversation."
Loki nods silently.
"You are not even close to useless," you tell him gently. He fidgets with his fingers and shakes his head as if he disagrees with you.
"Ugh," you groan feeling both frustrated and tired. "Loki, seriously, how could you think you are useless? You're trying to solve a problem that might not even have a fucking solution. You said so yourself, there aren't any spells designed to deal with technology and especially not stupid issues like the one I'm having with this damn computer." You both easily ignore J.A.R.V.I.S as it activates in the background.
"I kept thinking I was so close," he says and you can hear the disappointment in his voice, "But each time I failed."
"You didn't fail. The spells did and it's not because you aren't good enough to do them. You're trying to use in ways they weren't meant to be used. You're practically rewriting all of these spells as you find them. I know if you were using them like they were meant to be used, not a single one would have failed," you tell him and he finally looks at you. "Loki, I know no one on the team gives you the credit you deserve but you are an amazing... witch? No, you would be a wizard?" You laugh a little, unsure how exactly to describe his magical talents.
"God is fine," he allows a smile to slip free.
"How about magician?" you ask, pretending to wave a wand towards him.
"Absolutely not," he shakes his head but the smile remains.
"I'm not calling you a God. I'm feeding your ego enough right now," you inform him.
"Sorcerer is acceptable," he nods then he motions for you to continue. "You were, feeding my ego, as you call it."
You shake your head and cross your arms, "Well I'm not gonna keep doing it now."
"You should at least finish your thought," he smirks. "I assure you, I am still utterly depressed," he adds with an overly dramatic pout.
"Could you be anymore annoying right now?" you ask, rolling your eyes but you are glad to see the Loki's playful side return.
"Yes," he chuckles, "Would you like to see how?"
"Definitely not," you laugh and reach behind you, grabbing one of his pillows and hitting him in the chest with it. He looks at you, stunned by your action but you might be even more shocked then he is as you sit holding the pillow tightly to your chest.
"Are you trying to start a pillow fight with the God of Mischief?" he asks, his eyes lighting up as a mischievous grin spreads across his lips.
"Nope," you shake your head quickly. "I was umm..." you toss the pillow behind you and look back at him. You giggle nervously, "How about I feed your ego a little more?"
He laughs at your nervousness and says, "That is not necessary."
"Are you sure?" you ask. "I didn't even get to the part where I tell you that you're the most vital member of the team and you're really skilled at magic and-" you yawn, waving your hand as you talk, "blah blah."
"And blah blah, hmm?" he chuckles. "I will give you points for originality, no one has ever complemented me quite so eloquently before."
"I'm sorry, I'm exhausted," you explain. "You must be too, it's so late... or is it early now? Either way, you've been doing spellwork and reading for hours on end," you yawn again.
He yawns in response and you mumble, "Sorry."
"No, you are right," he lays back on his bed with his legs still dangling over the edge. "I could probably fall asleep just like this in a matter of minutes."
"That looks dangerously comfortable," you say, looking down at him and he nods. You see a smirk flash across his face and before you can react, a green glow appears in front of you and you are softly hit with a pillow. You giggle and dramatically fall back so you are laying next to Loki.
"Oh, this is comfortable," you tell him.
"Mmhmm," he nods and puts his arm behind his head.
You close your eyes and yawn, thinking that you need to get back to the couch. "You know, you're a lot of fun to be around when you aren't hiding behind a bunch of walls and trying to act like you don't care about anything or anyone," the words slip out and you are far too tired to take them back.
"You have spent too long here tonight," Loki says. Your eyes open fully, disappointment flooding through you at his words but he smiles, looking up towards the ceiling. "It has become harder to keep myself from enjoying your company."
"That," you yawn, "Is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me." You feel your eyes close again.
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You open your eyes and look around as you adjust to the darkness of the room, forgetting for a moment where you are. You are in Loki's apartment, you remember but not on his couch. You suddenly realize you are in Loki's bed and you aren't alone, his arm is draped across your body loosely. Carefully, you lift his arm and slip out of the bed, trying your best not to wake the sleeping God.
The door to the bathroom is slightly ajar, allowing you to find it easily which you are thankful for. You are not in the mood to accidentally end up in his closet right now.
While washing your hands, you decide it would be better if you return to the couch for the rest of the night. You hadn't meant to fall asleep with him and you couldn't be sure how he would react to waking up and finding you in his bed in the morning. You had become much closer to Loki than you had ever expected, but there was a possibility that come morning, his walls would return.
You enter the bedroom again and quietly make your way to the door back to the living room.
"What are you doing?" he asks and you freeze.
"Sorry, I know you like your personal space so I was going to go back to the couch," you point over your shoulder even though he can't see you in the darkness.
"Or you could come back to bed," he offers, his voice inviting even though he seems half asleep.
You look back towards the door for barely a moment before easily giving into Loki's suggestion. You lift the covers and climb into the soft bed, unsure how much space to leave between you. Loki's arm immediately wraps around your waist and he pulls you closer to him, apparently giving you an answer. You lay on your side with your back pressed against his chest, feeling him breathe slowly when you close your eyes. His legs tangle with yours and you sigh comfortably.
"Who knew you were so good at this?" you mumble without meaning to.
He chuckles softly, "I actually have very little experience sleeping next to someone in this manner. Generally, when I have allowed a guest into my bed, it was for a much more active encounter. Sleep was typically the furthest thing from my mind."
It takes a second longer than it should have for your brain to register his meaning and you open your eyes.
"I think I figured out how to solve your issue," he whispers moments later, his lips close to your ear. "I have been going about this all wrong."
"What do you mean?" you ask in a hushed voice, closing your eyes again. "I thought you said tried everything."
"I have tried all of my spells, yes," he says and you can hear the smile in his voice. "But not all of my tricks." He pauses then asks, "How much do you trust me?"
You run your fingers down the arm he has wrapped around you and interlace your fingers with his. "A lot more than I did when I knocked on your door," you tell him truthfully.
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deconstructthesoup · 2 months
Thinking about how if Jenny did come to London with the others, and if Monty does manage to turn back into a human and ends up joining the agency... there's seven members of the agency. Which means that there's one that matches up with each member of the Endless.
Edwin---well, that one's obvious, isn't it? He's come face to face with Despair, walked in her domain, stared her in the eyes as she quietly declared that they were friends now. He is, at his core, deeply and profoundly sad, and there's no denying that. Until Edwin allows himself to be happy, Despair will always have her hooks in his heart, and even when he's free of them, she will always linger in the faintest parts of his ghostly aura, will always be there whenever he travels through a mirror.
Charles... oh, Charles. We all know which of the Endless he would be the most affected by, don't we? He claims that he can't say he's in love with Edwin back, but the minute those words left his mouth, Desire was up there in their domain, cackling at how fucking idiotic this boy is. If we get a season 2, we will absolutely see them taunting Charles, purring into his ear that they know how much he's been ignoring his own desires and wouldn't it be nice to just acknowledge it, darling? Edwin was able to tell you, why can't you just say it back?
Crystal already feels as if she's losing her mind half the time, and doubly so now that she's fully warring with two very separate sides of herself. Would it really be a stretch for her to try to help a lonely-looking girl with wild red hair one night, only to touch her and immediately get pulled into a world that is a riot of color and confusion and things that don't and shouldn't exist? Delirium would probably be kind to her---her default state tends to be kind, even if not everyone sees it that way---but I doubt Crystal would have a good time there, even as Delirium compliments her on her name and proudly proclaims that she's a shiny rock and a pretty building and a football team and a flying machine all in one.
Niko's lost somewhere right now, and we all know she has a long journey home. I don't think it would be unlikely for her journey to eventually lead her to a palace with a roof made of stars, or a library full of every book that has ever been written---and every book that never has. And Dream might see this girl who doesn't belong in his world, but who can't take his sister's hand, and show her the way back to her friends. After all, she's lost so much and is still full of so much hope, and how could Dream not admire someone like that?
Monty... well, he spends all his time looking up at the stars, and not just because they sparkle and shine and all of his crow instincts say that they're treasures meant to be plucked from the sky. He wants to know the future, his future, to find out whether or not he can be something other than just a witch's pet. And maybe, some of his wanderings will one day lead him into a labyrinth, and he'll come out the other side in the garden of Destiny. Will Destiny let Monty read from his book? Probably not, but I think being there might be comfort enough.
There's a slim chance of Jenny ever meeting Destruction, but they are more similar than you may think. Jenny, like him, is a prodigal who left her post, whose life always seems to fall apart, who struggles with a whirlwind of emotions that she can barely comprehend. And while he's off in a secluded land, finding new ways to channel creation rather than the purpose he was made for, she's rebuilding her life, as crazy as it may be.
And, well... we all know who the Night Nurse works for.
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brookghaib-blog · 3 months
Whispers of the past
Pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x reader
an: I will be turning this into a story, but i'm still navegating into the turn this will take, i'll warn that this will be more interesting in pt.2, I just wanted to give u a little something :)
Summary: Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro reminisces about his high school days with his lost love, Y/N, who went missing under mysterious circumstances. As he stands on the frontline, memories of their time together haunt him, fueling his determination to protect others and never give up hope.
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Hoshina's pov:
The city lay in ruins, the aftermath of the kaiju attack evident in every shattered building and scorched street. As Vice Captain of the Japan Defense Force, it was my duty to remain vigilant, to lead my team with unwavering resolve. But in the quiet moments between battles, my mind often wandered to a time when life was simpler and love felt eternal.
We were high school sweethearts, Y/N and I. She was the light in my life, her laughter a melody that could brighten even the darkest days. I still remember the first time I saw her, standing by the school gates with a book in her hand, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and warmth.
"Hey, you're in my chemistry class, right?" I had approached her, trying to sound casual despite the nervous flutter in my chest.
She looked up, a smile spreading across her face. "That's right. You're Hoshina Soshiro, the kendo club captain."
"Yeah," I replied, scratching the back of my head. "I was wondering if you wanted to study together sometime. You seem really smart, and I could use all the help I can get."
She laughed, a sound that would become my favorite in the world. "Sure, I'd love to. How about after school today?"
From that moment on, we were inseparable. We spent countless hours studying together, sharing our dreams and fears, finding comfort in each other's presence. Our favorite spot was the old cherry blossom tree in the school courtyard, where we'd sit and watch the petals fall like snow, lost in our own world.
"Soshiro," Y/N said one afternoon, her head resting on my shoulder as we lay beneath the tree. "Do you ever wonder what the future holds for us?"
I squeezed her hand, drawing strength from her touch. "I do. And I know that whatever happens, as long as we're together, we'll be okay."
She smiled, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "Promise me we'll always be there for each other, no matter what."
"I promise," I whispered, sealing our vow with a kiss.
But then, one day, she was gone. Vanished without a trace, leaving a gaping hole in my heart. The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months, and still, there was no sign of her. I threw myself into my training, hoping that by becoming stronger, I could somehow find her, protect her, bring her back.
Years passed, and I rose through the ranks to become Vice Captain, my dedication to the Japan Defense Force unwavering. But the memory of Y/N never faded. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her smile, heard her laughter, felt the warmth of her hand in mine.
As I stood among the ruins, the weight of my responsibilities heavy on my shoulders, I couldn't help but wonder where she was, if she was safe, if she thought of me as often as I thought of her. The not knowing was the hardest part, the uncertainty that gnawed at my soul.
But I held onto hope, clung to the belief that one day, I would find her. Until then, I would fight. For her, for the promise we made, for the future we dreamed of under the cherry blossom tree.
"Y/N," I whispered into the night, the stars above a silent witness to my vow. "I'll find you. No matter how long it takes, no matter where you are, I'll bring you back."
And as the city began to rebuild, as the battle against the kaiju continued, I carried her memory with me, a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness.
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alotofpockets · 6 days
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Crazier things - Finding our way back | Katie McCabe x Reader
Where you and Katie take it slow to rebuild what you once had
A/n: part 2 to 'What if we're still meant to be?'
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.5k | Read part 1
Putting on the Arsenal badge for your first training back felt like a dream. You could not wait to get back out there with your team. Stepping onto the pitch clad in your Arsenal gear felt like coming home. While Barca had been an incredible experience, and a place you felt very comfortable, a part of you had always belonged with the red and white. 
Your old teammates and current England ones greeted you warmly. Reuniting with them, even if you had met up with some yesterday, felt extra special while wearing the same badge on your chest. 
“Welcome back everyone!” Jonas started the first speech of the season. “It is great to see you all. I hope everyone had a good break and got the rest they needed. A lot of familiar faces, and also some new ones. Daphne, Rosa, and Y/n, welcome to the team, I hope your teammates will do great work in making you feel at home.” 
Then it was officially time for your first training back at Arsenal. Leah immediately claimed you as her partner, she of course wanted to train with you as the two of you were good friends, but she also wanted to know how things went with Katie. 
You updated her on where the two of you stood. While you did so, you glanced up to find Katie. A smile immediately on your face as you watch her laughing with Kyra at the end of their drill. 
With the players you had already played with around you, you quickly fell back into the familiar Arsenal rhythm. As for your new teammates, you made a point in getting to know them, and watch their playing styles closely. 
Between your first couple of training sessions, you spend some time with your family before you head off to America with the team. It was so nice to be able to just hop into the car and be with them within an hour. 
You had also met up with Katie over coffee again, spending a couple of hours talking and catching up some more. There was a lot to catch up on from the past four years, and you were interested in every bit of information that she had to share. 
When the team departed for the pre-season tour in Washington, the plane was filled with excited chatter. Match wise you were especially looking forward to the Chelsea game. You had recently faced off against them in the Champions League, but nothing compared to a London Derby. While it wouldn’t be on London grounds, still it meant a lot to you being a part of one again. 
Beyond the matches, you were excited to explore the city, and get to know your teammates better. The schedule was packed with training, and team activities, but also left time to explore on your own. You intended to use the time to connect with your teammates, and continue to figure out where you stood with Katie.
As soon as the team arrived at the hotel, the room assignments were handed out. When you found your name on the list, your stomach dropped. Katie McCabe. Without thinking, you rushed over to Kim. “Why did you room me with Katie?” Kim heard the panic in your voice, but raised her shoulders. “It wasn’t up to me.” You furrowed her eyebrows. “The pre-season rooming assignments were done by the staff, so no getting out of this one I’m afraid.”
You cursed whoever planned this, but picked up your key nonetheless. Since you did a little detour to complain to Kim, Katie was already in the room when you entered with your bags. “Hey,” She said from her bed with her bags still packed. “I can see if anyone wants to change rooms, if you’re not comfortable sharing.” 
With a shake of your head, you put your bags down on the other bed in the room. “No, it’s fine. It’s just a room, right?” Katie nodded and you both started unpacking your bags, before the team would head out on their first small training to make sure the flight didn’t take too much toll on their bodies.
After a long day of travel and training you found yourselves back in your hotel room. Katie pulled out a deck of cards, “Wanna play?” You spend a lot of hotel room nights, while travelling with the team, playing cards with Katie. The thought of playing cards again like old times, made your stomach fill with butterflies. You ignored them and plopped down on her bed with her, “Bring it on.”
The evening was spent laughing with each other and multiple wins and loses on both ends, all in all you had a lot of fun. Something you had really been craving, maybe rooming with Katie wouldn’t be as bad as you thought.
You could not have been more wrong.
Everything had felt so familiar. The games on her bed, the laughter shared, and then brushing your teeth side by side. It was something that had always been a part of your routine, and without thinking, after putting your toothbrush down, you pecked Katie on her lips like it was the most natural thing in the world.
You froze, “Shit, I am so sorry.” Your heart was racing as you realised what you had just done. Katie’s eyes wide in shock as well, not expecting it. Before she could respond, you bolted out of the bathroom, and out of the room, heading straight for Leah’s room.
You knocked frantically until someone opened the door. “Calm down, what happened?” Leah says as she pulls you into the room. “I kissed Katie.” You blurted out as you sat down on the closest bed to you. “I promised we’d take things slow, and now I’ve ruined everything. I kissed her out of habit and-”
“Take a breath.” Leah interrupted. “Wally, can you grab some water?” It was only then that you realised Lia was there as well. “Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to ruin your night.” Lia shook her head, “Don’t you worry, just drink up.” She says while handing you the water bottle. 
You ended up spending the night in their room, not yet ready to face Katie. Leah did send Katie a quick message.
Leah: Hey, I don’t want to come between anything, but I just wanted to let you know y/n staying here tonight.
Katie: Thank you for letting me know. Goodnight
Leah: Goodnight
The next morning you knock on your bedroom door. In your haste last night, you had forgotten to take your room key. Katie opened the door and let you in, to your surprise she didn’t look upset. Still you started apologising right away.
“I am so sorry Katie. I shouldn’t have kissed you, I promised we’d take things slow and I messed it up already. Everything felt so familiar and it just happened.” Katie let you ramble on while she was putting on her trainers. “Are you done?” She chuckles when you’re out of breath from apologising. You furrow your brow, “Yes, you don’t hate me?” She shakes her head and sits down next to you. “I didn’t hate you before, why would I start now.” She had a good point of course, but you still felt like you had messed up. “Look, I agree. It was probably too early to kiss me, but I understand it came from everything being so familiar. I don’t blame you, and I did not mind the kiss.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, glad you didn’t mess up again. “But what now?” You asked. “We just keep doing what we’ve been doing. Taking it slow, talking, and spending time together. We’ll figure it out.” 
Her reassuring words combined with her calm demeanour eased some of the nerves you felt. “That sounds good, thank you.” Katie nods, “Of course, we’re in this together, remember?” You smile and nod, “Yeah.”
“Come on, get dressed. We’re gonna be late.” Your brow furrows. Your mind had only been on kissing Katie, so you had completely forgotten you had an actual itinerary for Washington. “We’re sightseeing with the team, remember?” The cheeky smile you loved so much now on full display. “Right.” You say nervously, quickly grabbing some clothes and changing in the bathroom.
The two of you were the last ones to enter the bus and already giggling over some joke that Katie made. Leah and Lia share a knowing look, the two of you were going to be alright. 
With the whole team you spend a couple of hours exploring Washington. You travelled from monument to monument and took in all the sights around the city. It really was a great way to bond with your new teammates. 
“Alright team, as I’ve said before, this pre-season tour is all about bonding so go out and have some fun. We’ll meet back here at five, and take the bus back to the hotel.” Jonas said and the bustling of your teammates making plans began. 
“Hey, do you have plans already?” She asked looking between you, Leah and Lotte, who were chatting together. “No, nothing yet. Did you have something in mind?” Her smile grew. “Yeah, my followers on snapchat gave me some restaurant recommendations, and I was wondering if you wanted to try one out with me for lunch.” 
You loved the idea and told her just that. “Ah, well looks like you two have plans then, we’ll see you later!” Leah quickly said and pulled Lotte away with her, making sure the two of you would get your alone time. She might be your biggest supporter right now, she knew how happy the two of you had made each other in the past, and wanted nothing more for the both of you.
Spending time with Katie was easy, and something you wanted to do forever you thought when you were sitting in a corner booth of the cosy restaurant that had been recommended to Katie by the fans. 
“Hey Katie, what is this?” You ask her out of nowhere. “Ehm, your food?” Her eyebrows raised and a chuckle left her mouth. “Sorry, I left the context in my brain.” Her smile grew, “Yeah, you always had a tendency to do that.”
“I mean are we just having lunch or is this a date?” Katie is quiet for a moment. “Would you be okay with it being a date?” She questioned shyly. “Yeah, would you?” She smiled, “Yeah, I would really like that.”
The rest of your stay in Washington, you went on a couple more dates. The two of you were figuring it out and you really liked the way things were going. On top of that, you got to play your first minutes for your club, and couldn’t be more proud to put on the Arsenal kit again.
On your last night in the States, you were watching a movie in your room with a couple of the girls. You and Katie sat together on her bed, while Leah, Lia, and Beth were sitting on yours. About twenty minutes into the movie, you started getting uncomfortable just sitting up against the headboard, so you started wiggling around until you were comfortable, which was leaned into Katie’s side. “Is this okay?” You whispered. In response she lifted her arm and put it around your shoulder, “More than.”
When the movie was over, you had already fallen asleep with the steady beat of Katie’s hard next to your ear. Leah, Lia, and Beth had said goodnight to Katie and left the room, all without you even realising. 
Katie woke you up with a gentle shake. “Hmm too comfy.” You said, still half asleep. “It’s okay, you can stay comfy. Let’s just lay down under the covers.” Katie moved the both of you down and pulled the covers over you. “See, way better.” She joked when you were already getting comfortable cuddling up to her again. 
You had laid in her arms for a few minutes, falling back to sleep when you felt Katie’s heartbeat raise. Just as you were about to ask if she was alright, she pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. The gesture made your whole body feel warm, you looked up from her chest and let your eyes meet. “Hi.” She said, and even though the room was dark, you noticed the light blush on her cheeks. “Hey.” You smiled.
“Was that okay?” You nod slowly in response, while looking between her eyes and lips. “Would it be okay if I kissed you?” Your heart was beating out of your chest at this point. “Yeah.”
Katie placed her hand on your cheek, and started leaning in. You smiled and closed the distance. Her lips on yours were soft and she kissed you slowly. It felt new and familiar all at the same time. One feeling you were certain about, was that you felt on top of the world. 
When you pulled away, you cuddled back into her chest, and she held you close. It wasn’t long until you fell asleep to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat again.
Back home, the two of you still took things slow. Just taking it step by step, in a way that felt right for the both of you. Which for the moment meant, going on dates, cuddling, sharing some kisses, and spending a lot of time together.
After plenty of pre-season matches, it was time for the first match of the season. You were playing Rosenborg at home in the first Champions League qualifying match. Like it was meant to be, Katie swung in a ball from the left flank to you on the right. You hit the perfect volley, and kick the ball into the back of the net. 
Your teammates surrounded you, and the crowd went crazy for your first goal of the season. The goal that put your team ahead in the qualifying match, but there was only one person you wanted to celebrate the goal with, and she was patiently waiting behind the group of your teammates that was celebrating with you.
While Katie had joined in on the team huddle as well, she wanted a moment for just the two of you. She lifted you up and spun you around. “My Gooner.” She whispered in your ear. The familiar words brought a big smile onto your face. 
“Yours?” You say when she puts you down. “Yeah, if you’d like that.” With a smile you nod, “Yes, I do.” With her arm still around you, the two of you made your way back to your starting positions. 
This time when the whistle blew, not only was the match starting again, but so was your relationship with Katie. A new start you couldn’t wait to explore more. You were hers and she was yours.
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galoogamelady · 5 months
What’s Fallout like? Like I know I can google what kind of game it is but more than that what games would you compare it to? and is it more story-based or gameplay-based?
That's a difficult one to answer and I'm not sure I have the authority to do it lol
But I'll try!
The Fallout fandom is fairly complicated due to the IP being passed around and the lore/values of its storytelling being muddied over the years. That being said I think both old-school and new fans would still agree that the story is the most important element, as they're meant to be role playing games where you make decisions on often heavy matters (especially in the games of the original devs).
Fallout 1 and 2 are turn-based isometric rpg-s from the late 90s. If you like that type of gameplay, they're fantastic games and cult classics. They don't shy away from heavy themes.
Then the IP got sold to Bethesda and their version of Fallout is a FPS/TPS action experience, as seen in Fallout 3 and 4. The combat is fun but even the newest game is shit by shooter standards. If you played an Elder Scrolls game (like Skyrim), they're like that but set in a retro futuristic post apocalypse. A large slice of the fandom has only played these ones and skipped the original turn-based games.
Fallout New Vegas was made by the original team but using Bethesda's engine. Many fans would tell you that out of the modern titles, that's the one with the best writing.
Fallout 4 was a very popular title due to the scrap and build system. As you adventure, you can scavenge all sorts of trash and then build your own little settlements in the wasteland and populate them with settlers. Add mods to that, and the community really did some magic. It made people connect with the world of Fallout on a personal level.
The story in a nutshell: in an alternate timeline, survivors of a devastating nuclear war are trying to rebuild and make the irradiated wasteland of the United States liveable again but every group and faction has a different take on how society should be rebuilt. When the writing is done well, your choices have weight and it's impossible to be fair and please everyone. You get to discover a variety of different factors that lead to the Great War and you have to wager whether humanity is doomed to make the same mistakes all over again. Is there a way to avoid them? What kind of sacrifices does that require? Etc.
A lot of it is supposed to be a critical look at war, 50s Americana and the dangers of nationalism, rampant consumerism, xenophobia, etc.
Hope this helped a little! It's difficult to find two Fallout fans who are on the exact same opinion of all the games. I personally think, the fun part of the games is when you get to carve a little slice out of the wasteland for yourself and your community and the stimulating part is the overarching story and lore.
It's no wonder the original writers made The Outer Worlds too, which I don't consider a legendary game but the similarities are obvious in the themes.
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kxlitz · 1 year
omg love your writing its so GOOD
do you think you could do some more headcanons about growing up with devilsh
np if you cant have a good day or night ❤
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★ Growing up with Devilish & Being Tokio Hotel’s 5th member ★ pt.2
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I decided to merge the requests because they overlap with one another and simply work. I hope this satisfies you !! I’m writing this as a part 2 to my first « Growing up with Devilish/Tokio Hotel » post since it just works!
Warning! Underage drinking and Smoking,sexual themes touched non explicitly, that’s about it. Friendly reminder it’s Tokio Hotel we’re talking about
≛ This is set in 2003 til 2005 right before the release of ddm as it deserves it’s own post.
~ Enjoy your read ~ (not proof read I’m sorry I had to get smth out of the drafts)
Bill was so excited to land that Starsearch audition, he came running to your house once he got the confirmation.
It’s 8pm on a school day and there’s a frantic Bill knocking at your door.
Or window, if it happens to be on the first floor.
I love the idea of your room being on the first floor, that way the boys can sneak in for silly night-ins discussing about the future of your band or watching some disney movies on your VHS player.
Or sometimes you’d sneak in beer, weed, all that good stuff that 12/13 year olds should not be doing but you did it anyway.
Your bedroom was a hideout and safe place, especially for Bill who found so much comfort in you.
The days following to Bill’s audition were spent practising his singing and putting up a killer outfit that would shock everyone.
Not many people had faith in him, but I’m sure you were certain he’d make it.
So when a letter got home after a few weeks saying that he was amongst the best 16 in the country, you sticked out your tongue and middle finger up to the other 3 boys. “I told you so”
When it came the time to interview the band for Bill’s section of the show, you guys knew you’d have to be your best.
Bill helped out picking your outfits for sure. You needed to look cool for the camera. Maybe this would be a breakthrough moment?
You even got to do Georg’s hair, much to his annoyance.
It felt glorious, there was a television team in Loitsche and it was just for you guys. You were the kings of the town for a few hours.
Charlotte, the twins’s mom allows you to come with her to the show. You were so excited to see Bill onstage! (The fandom knew Mami Kaulitz as Simone but she legally deleted that name and only kept Charlotte) (from now on I’ll only refer to her as Mami Kaulitz though)
Once Bill came on stage you knew he was meant to be there, and you dreamed for your band to be able to shine like this by his side.
You were clapping and singing along so happily, the crowd loved him.
The same can’t be said about one particular judge.
When Bill lost he came running into your arms. Poor boy was destroyed. You only had a couple minutes to gather his things and leave so while his grandma comforted him you helped out Mami Kaulitz at getting everything together.
Standing awkwardly by a crying Bill, his grandma and a bunch of strangers while waiting for his mom to finish talking to the host is definitely not your best memory.
Needless to say the ride back home was silent.
Everyone was so proud of Bill nonetheless.
In the following weeks you guys mostly practiced your melodies with the band and tried out new riffs. Bill was quite depressed and refused to get out of his house.
Not even a new outfit, new song or a cool Barbie doll could convince him to get out.
You would physically have to get in and drag him out of bed by his ankles.
Once you yanked him too hard and he fell right on his butt, knocking his head while at it. Tom was wheezing in the back while you tried to help Bill up, avoiding to burst at his misery.
Bill has always been arrogant, so the loss on Starsearch was a big bruise to his ego. You would have to help him rebuild his self-esteem.
Dressing him up prettily and doing his makeup.
Bill would imitate your makeup techniques, he finds you fascinating.
This is how his iconic black eyeshadow look was born.
Overtime it all got better and you guys went back to the routine.
In a way, you’re the glue that sticks everyone together in the band. For sure you’d be a pillar the boys rely on.
Whenever things don’t seem to go the right way you tend to climb on the rooftop and just talk the night away with Georg. You two can have the longest and brightest (sometimes not so) conversations man has known.
Back to the “storyline” Starsearch was not useless in the slightest. Bill’s voice, the band’s rogue look in the interview and the angelic beauty of one of it’s members caught a talent scout’s attention.
Sometime between 2002 and 3 you guys had recorded your Devilish demo, that along with Bill’s appearance in the show had gained you some newfound popularity in town.
Things were still hard but, at least they knew those five losers had talent.
It was a hard and exhausting process til you guys finally signed with Universal. But! Before you could record an album, you all needed some proper training. So during the summer holidays you were accommodated into an apartment with everything you may need.
Now imagine an apartment with 5 young teens living by themselves.
Gustav was in charge of the cooking because if anyone else touched the kitchen you would burn the place down.
Tom has managed to burn water. Do not trust him.
We all know Gustav is a total chef now, but back then let’s be honest.. he could make instant ramen noodles and sandwiches. So most of the time you guys settled on ordering junk.
You guys had sleeping arrangements but it never stopped you from all ending in one room playing video games til the late hours of the night or drinking til you passed out.
Nowadays you guys sometimes cringe at everything you were doing at such a young age.
Parties were strictly forbidden in the apartment so you would all sneak to the nearest park to raise hell. There were no parents to run after you and barely any surveillance around. You guys were free.
You once got so wasted that on the way back home Georg crashed somebody’s window. You still wonder how you never got caught.
There were nights that the place would get so cold that you all ended up as a pile when it came time to sleep.
You didn’t stay like that all night though. You’d wake up coddled against Tom’s leg on the floor as he took up the entire couch. Georg was sprawled on the bed, Gustav rested on an armchair somewhere and Bill made himself a blanket cocoon.
Bill and you still have a very special friendship, so some nights you would both get into the blanket cocoon in the living room and watch some vhs tapes of Nena, Queen and Bowie’s concerts.
Oh and Titanic, for sure. Bill loves the film.
He confessed to you that he was crushing on both Rose and Jack (Bill actually said this)
If you happen to also be in the lgbtq community, you’re in for a queer ride when watching films with Bill.
ESPECIALLY, Labyrinth.
You washed Georg’s hair in the sink once. You never talk about it.
The five of you are oddly comfortable around one another so there was no shame in that.
Nor in walking around barely dressed, making the grossest jokes and acts and being complete degenerates.
The fact Bill mentioned in his book that they’d collectively jack off still haunts me to this day.
You just let them be.
Or join if you’re drunk enough, you be you bestie.
You’re not excluded from the after hour porn binge watching though, that’s like watching the news for you bunch of hormonal brats.
Anything totally inappropriate for your age aside, the five of you have such a beautiful bond. It’s amazing to watch you go.
Of course the twins are a step ahead, but it doesn’t change the fact that as a band and as friends you’re so connected to one another.
You can have more than one soulmate, and the five of you are linked together for sure.
Ok i’m being cheesy.
I’m sorry but Tom was the type to ask you to make out to “practice”
He likes to snatch your bras (if you wear them) and mock you while holding it against his chest.
“Georg next time you take a big shit open the windows and spray there’s a lady living in here” “Look I’m y/n and i’m the best musician in this band” “Pull up your pants you looser”
In return, you have hit him with a bra. How is you weaponize it? I have no idea but you certainly did.
Gustav and you were always the ones to do groceries because if you let the other ones do it, they would come back with anything BUT groceries.
A new turtle for georg, king sized box of condoms, cigarettes, a kiss the cook apron, supposedly haunted doll they found in the trash and a pack of hot wheels toys.
Gustav might be the dad yet it doesn’t take his chaos away from him. He chased you guys around the apartment with a water gun screaming like a madman.
He drums on bowls while cooking it’s cute.
You genuinely had the time of your lives.
But you can’t forget that you were located there for a reason.
Writing music.
Turning this into a series! I’m honestly way too into this idea not to cover the band’s evolution in it’s entirety. The inclusion of this fifth member is genuinely very fun to write and brainstorm about! I’ll mostly write them as the rhythm guitarist as it’s logically the easiest position to sneak into the band. As well as I must say that I am definitely more comfortable writing afab readers but no worries I can and certainly will do male reader <3
See you ~
- Meryl <3
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
🌸= Fluff ‼️= Smut 💌= Angst/Sad
The First Match 🌸
A Day In Regensburg 🌸
Ice Lessons With Kenan 🌸
A Day At Camp 🌸
Possessive Love 🌸(💌)
Second Chances.💌(🌸) Part 2 🌸
Seaside Serenade 🌸
More Than A Ring ‼️
Score To Love 🌸
Bittersweet Victory 💌🌸
Rekindle Love 💌(🌸)
Meeting The Parents 🌸
Injured And In Love 🌸(💌)
In Safe Hands 🌸
Tender Care 🌸 (💌)
A Fathers Fury 💌(🌸)
Unseen Affection 🌸
Dinner With The Team ‼️
Comfort And Care 🌸
Family Of Three 🌸
Shadows Of The Past 💌. Part 2 💌🌸
Love From The Opposite Side 🌸
Old Flames 💌🌸
Nighttime Bliss 🌸
Forever Yours ‼️
The Launch 🌸
His Snow White 🌸
One Step At A Time 💌🌸
No Matter What 💌🌸
You Belong With Me 💌(🌸)
Sacred Moments 🌸
Birthday Boy ‼️
Ex For A Reason 🌸(💌)
Surprise Addition 🌸(💌)
Together Always 🌸(💌)
Unseen Struggles 💌🌸
It’s A…🌸
Give Me Attention 🌸
Rebuilding Us 💌🌸
Apologies 💌🌸
Headaches 🌸
Jumping To Conclusions 💌🌸
My Rock 🌸
Vampire Beauty 🌸
Our Little Routines 🌸
The Night Is Ours 🌸
Protective Parents 🌸
Finding Us 💌(🌸)
Family Next Door ‼️ Part 2 ‼️
Do Better 💌(🌸)
MILF 💌🌸 (‼️)
Through A Lens 🌸
Delivery Day Drama 🌸
Safe Haven 🌸
Private But Not Secret 🌸
Long Distance 🌸
No Touching 🌸
Clearing The Air 🌸(💌)
Last Chance 💌(🌸)
Do You Really Love Me? 💌
His Heart 🌸
His Star 🌸
Reunited Again 🌸 (💌)
Drunkenly In Love 🌸
Over The Phone ‼️
Next Best? 💌
Too Young 💌🌸
Forbaidden Fields 💌(🌸)
By My Side 💌(🌸)
Bath Time ‼️
Star Boy 🌸
Tackled By Love 🌸
Cutting Close 🌸
The Drive 💌 (‼️)
Shy 🌸
Turn Around 🌸
Saliva 🌸
BBQ And Blushes 🌸
Overprotective Love 🌸
Heat Of The Moment ‼️
Exposed 🌸
Can’t Stay Away 💌
Jealousy Jealousy 🌸
I’ll Change 💌
Sweet Dreams 🌸
Taken My Love For Granted 💌
Never Be 💌
Embracing The Culture 🌸
Post Surgery 🌸
Unplanned Reveal 🌸(💌)
Approval From Ferdi 🌸(💌)
Chaotic Driver 🌸
Thick And Thin 🌸(💌)
Just Us 🌸(💌)
Ignoring Him 🌸
Never Let You Go 💌(🌸)
Lucky Girl 🌸
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 2
WC: 757 CW: Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Doubt, Jack and Maddie Fenton's A+ Parenting Masterpost
Worse than— no, not worse than. Nothing was worse than being constantly forgotten by everyone he cared about. Nothing was worse than knowing he was only worth knowing when he’d died. An issue was that Danny still had the same need to protect people even without the ghosts attacks. Day in and day out Danny felt an aching hurt in his chest at not doing anything to help. Working as a receptionist at a slightly rundown construction firm wasn’t the worst job, but it felt like it was slowly killing him. It felt like his core was shriveling up.
Danny knew he needed to make a change. At a loss of what to do and short on options, Danny had enrolled in the paramedic course at the local community college. He excelled at it.
It turned out all those years of patching up his own wounds gave him a pretty good head start on his classmate. So good, in fact, that his instructor recommended him for a job in Central City when he graduated with honors. It was bittersweet to know that when he wasn’t constantly harnessed by ghosts, he could actually do really well at school.
His parents missed his graduation.
His move to the city was done alone (his rented u-haul filled with what he could cram into it) and with a white knuckled grip on the steering wheel. It felt like a second death leaving the only home he had ever known behind.
It felt like relief.
(He didn’t know which was worse.)
Central City was better and worse than he expected. The constant noise rattled him until he got used to ways to combat it: earphones, white noise machines, a cheesy little indoor fountain. The anonymity soothed him— no one paid attention to him in the city. Slowly he carved out his place.
He was part of the city’s emergency response team. Their primary job was working to secure the city and her people during villain attacks. Secondary to that they did follow up with victims, held community events to spread awareness about everything from emergency prep to smoke detectors, and helped with rebuilding efforts.
It was rewarding work and Danny’s core sang for it.
It was a little exhausting to have to run right into a villain attack on his day off though. Good thing he always kept a mini kit in his bag. What sort of emergency response team member would he be if he didn’t listen to their own advice? It was a really nice little kit too— ultra compact but it contained gloves, pipettes of water, disinfectant, a range bandages, a suture kit, a snap light, and even a shock blanket. Danny added a few extra gloves to it too.
As he ran towards the sounds of disaster, Danny felt a brisk wind breeze past him— and then blow back again— as the Flash (one of them, Danny hadn’t been around long enough to tell them apart) backtracked.
“Kid—” Oh, it was the older one then. “—you should be heading the other way. Lummox is up ahead—”
“I know,” Danny snapped, not stopping moving. “I’m a field medic. I’m on my way to help, and you’re not going to stop me.”
The Flash seemed at a loss for what to say for half a beat. “Okay. Sure. Want a lift?”
“I can get you in a second— literally— but I’m leaving you on the edge of it all.”
It would be convenient. And it’s not like he couldn’t trust Flash. Danny slowed to a stop and shrugged. “Sure, onward, Seabiscuit.”
“Famous race horse? Cause you’re going to carry me? Never mind. Just pick me up, dude.”
Danny ignored the look he got from the Flash and clung on for dear half-life. Fuck the Speed Force felt weird. He was pretty sure it was less than a second to get there, and Danny didn’t quite stick the landing, but he got his feet under him fast enough to rush in to help.
Eventually Danny required an extra vest from the team that came in and just blended into the background of other medics. It wasn’t a bad day— no lives lost and all the injuries were relatively minor. (He even got some overtime payment, which he wasn’t going to sneeze at). Danny figured it was just part of being in the city, occasionally running into villains and heroes even off the clock.
He didn’t expect it to really happen again.
(He should have known to never have expectations.)
AN: Still moving along with this odd little thing! It's been fun to write a Danny in a very different place than my other fics- mentally and physically! Just to be clear btw- Danny is in a bad place at the start of this fic which is putting a negative light on how he's seeing things. Sam and Tucker just... moved on with their lives. Those sort of high school friends you liked a lot but drift away from. Without the history of ghost stuff to bind them, it was just part of life to them. Danny just has a different memory history so it hits harder for him/feels harsher.
Stay delightful, darlings!
Due to the new post editor and shadow banning, I'm no longer tagging people! To be notified, subscribe to this post:
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mikachacha · 11 months
𝙻𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚜 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 3
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Synopsis: Seeing the consistent efforts done by Bada, you finally decided to give her another chance.
Warnings: Just some mild language but this is fluff
(A/N: Since lots of people had requested that I should make a part 3 for this 🥺🥺 Here ya go love ya 🫶🫶)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
It has been months since you and Bada tried to rebuild your relationship. It wasn't perfect but seeing how consistent she was with her efforts, you finally decided to give you and her another chance at love. So you visited Team Bebe once more, they're promoting their choreography for Hwasa's new song, Chili. You actually got there while they were in the middle of recording so you got dragged along to dance with them.
"Y/N-unnie! Come dance with us!" you heard Tatter excitedly calling you to dance with them and you laughed, setting the bags of food you were carrying while Bada held your hand and dragged you to the front with her. They'd sometimes practice in your house so you pretty much know the step for the choreography. Bada had you replace her for her part that had you blushing though you didn't mind since you often subbed for her during practices. It just shows your dynamic with Bada and team Bebe is living for that. They're even surprised that you're not pursuing dancing since youre equally as good as Bada but you just shrugged it off. You're just dancing because it's fun. Competition is just a headache and you would often joke that no one will be cooking for them if you decide to join.
Sowoen signalled everyone to stand in their places before she ran to hers as the camera began recording. You danced with team Bebe, laughing and just having fun with all of them. You did miss goofing around with the girls. After recording, you handed them the meals you cooked for them and their favorite drinks to which they accepted with huge smiles on their faces. Lusher suggested doing a quick instagram live since the video with you in it is blowing up, so many people questioning who you are and why you are so close to team Bebe, especially Bada. Minah sets up the phone for instagram live and they all wave at the camera, greeting the fans and apologizing if the fans found it weird that they're holding a live show while they're eating their lunch.
"Who's Y/N and why is she close to team Bebe?" Kyma reads a comment before looking at you. You shrugged before looking at team Bebe then Bada, who's waiting for you to answer the question.
"So I'm team Bebe's cook. As you saw from the video, I was just bringing food for them and they dragged me to dance for them." you answered playfully that earned a laugh from the girls. It was one of your unofficial titles though. You always provide them meals especially when they're busy rehearsing dances.
"That's one of her unofficial titles!" Cheche chimes in and you shake your head in pure amusement. It's always pure chaos when you're around them but you love it. You're having fun and you're one of their favorite stress relievers, as said by them.
"Kidding aside, I'm actually Bada's girlfriend and kind of helped form team Bebe. By help, I lured them in with food." you answered though adding a little joke at the end since you really couldn't take things seriously as you saw their reactions from your peripheral vision. They all had those shocked faces, especially Bada who nearly choked on her food when you openly told the public that you're her girlfriend. She's not against it, she was just very surprised since she thought that you weren't ready to give you and her another chance but here you are, telling the whole world you're in a relationship.
"Yes! Our mom and dad are finally back together!" team Bebe cheered happily, hugging you and Bada that made you laugh. You looked at Bada and smiled to which she returned with a kiss on your lips. Everyone was cheering, the whole instagram live going into chaos as Bada kissed you without hesitation.
Sowoen quickly ended the live so you two can have a moment without the whole world knowing. It's just you, Bada and team Bebe now. Bada held you in her arms, tears falling freely as she was way too happy. She finally got you back after everything.
"Thank you.. Thank you for giving us a chance again.. You don't know how happy I am right now." Bada sobbed and you rubbed her back to calm her down. Your own heart could burst from happiness right now.
"I'll admit that I'm still scared but I wouldn't deny myself happiness that I only feel with you. I love you so much, Bada.." you said truthfully and Bada nodded her head, acknowledging your fears. She knew it wasn't easy for you to do this so she's gonna make sure she's not gonna fuck up this second chance that you gave her.
"I won't be able to promise that everything will be without a problem because that's just impossible. What I can promise is to do my very best to make you happy and to be the best partner I could ever be for you." Bada's words made butterflies in your stomach flutter. By looking in her eyes, you know that she'll be sure to keep her words this time.
You and Bada decided to set your relationship in public. She didn't want to keep you a secret, she's very proud of you and could care less if she loses projects or sponsorships. You're far more valuable than that. She's still consistent with her efforts even after you get back together, always making sure that she's also got time for you, unwilling to make the same mistakes she did that pushed you away.
"Bada, you can go get some rest. It's okay." you told her once when she got a day off. Instead of resting, she was helping you around the house and even planned on taking you out on a date later that afternoon. Bada pouted and just placed kisses all over your face that got you giggling.
"Rest day means I'm taking you out on dates, making sure I get to spend a lot of time with you because my baby deserves that and more." she reasons out and you just playfully rolled your eyes at her. Bada is really committed to the promise she gave you and you're happy about that. She's completely changed as a person and as a partner. She may not be able to take back all the things said and done before but she's doing everything she can to make it up to you and slowly take away the fear that she knows that still lingers at the back of your mind.
"You're so adorable, you know that? But how about this.. We cuddle all morning then we order lunch, maybe watch a movie before we get ready for the date you planned? So you can rest as well. Lee Bada, you're sweet but I don't want you to get sick for not resting well." you suggested and Bada couldn't help but grin and nod like a kid who's being offered a trip to an amusement park.
"Sounds like a really good plan to me. Cuddles with you are always the best rest I get." she says before picking you up like a sack before carrying you to the bedroom so she can get all the cuddles she wants.
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tsukiusagi180 · 7 months
How about a part 2 of your Adam x Reader x Lucifer story? Where Reader has to come to terms with their new life as a fallen angel in hell. And perhaps Reader expresses anger toward Lucifer for telling Adam about them.
Thank you for your time.
hey!! I love your idea!! I write it to you with pleasure <3
Warning: Angst, hurtful word, tears, loneliness
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After the extermination everything was back to normal, Charlie and his team had covered the hotel which was working quite well, hell was rebuilding itself in a certain way. But you were a seraph! Your place was in paradise, yet here you are fallen to hell.
You hated Lucifer a little more every day, why did he have to talk about it? Why did you have to meet? You found yourself at the hotel, of course Lucifer had offered to accommodate you, but you didn't want to see him.
So when he came to the hotel you avoided him, you ran away! But today you were taken by surprise, this morning was going to be complicated, in fact while you were talking with Angel, Lucifer had entered, of course when he saw you he was delighted!
“Honey! I missed you so much”
He was ready to throw himself on you “Please don’t call me that”
"But why? No matter! I have so many plans for both of us, I've been looking for you for a while, you know?"
"Come to think of it maybe we should be in heaven right? I mean look-"
“It’s not because you didn’t have your place up there that I didn’t too”
You were just angry, you didn't mean it, maybe you were?
“I should have let Adam kill you bitch.”
He was just angry, he didn't mean it, maybe he was?
You were both hurt by each other's words, I mean who wouldn't do, you both moved away or even cut off people after this argument... However, you did something that you regretted, you made a pact with Alastor, you did services in exchange for your redemption. Alastor was a powerful demon, he only had to call you to order as soon as you took a wrong step while he if he needed you he could call you. It was win-lose.
Then you were finally able to return to paradise, or almost. You had to go, today was your last day in hell, to celebrate the group of friends had a party! You were so grateful, but quite sad, for a little while you were sitting on the couch when suddenly
“It’s me, I learned that it was your last evening so I came to apologize”
“No, it’s my turn to apologize, sorry.”
“So we go back to paradise?”
"Yes haha... but I have trouble with this idea, I've gotten used to hell you know, and to you"
“I uh I”
"You're so cute"
"(Y/n) please stay with me! With us, I know your place is in heaven but I can't see myself without you!"
While Lucifer was speaking the music was stopped
Suddenly everyone applauded, you laughed and answered him.
"I love you too my angel"
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mecub · 1 year
Owl House headcanons, part 2! A bunch of these are about the Left Arm.
Rock climbers, demons with wings, and people with palismen banded together after the Left Arm was raised to help get people their stuff from their ruined houses
The Emerald Entrails were a big part of helping get stuff from peoples Left Arm houses. They used fancy flying moves to get through tilted houses, and it worked really well
For one of Luz’s birthdays when she was helping rebuild the Isles, she was on the Left Arm, and her family and friends arranged for a rock climber to take her on a really cool trip to some ruined but really cool places, and she had a great time!
The Collector eventually settles down on the Boiling Isles… in a house at the very very top of the Left Arm. It’s really annoying and hard to get to without their powers, so eventually he moves to somewhere better on the Isles and only uses it for little vacations and stuff
He also lets his friends use the house for private events, be it the Hexsquad having a sleepover or the sigil removal team doing secret work away from prying eyes
On one of her adventures, Amity discovers a fragment of a Titan inhabited by a small group of witches formerly from the Boiling Isles. They were a former rebellion against Belos, and they were nearly killed and had to flee, but they were watching the news via crystal ball and they’re VERY proud. They’re also all very very old now. (I love this idea so much, former rebellions are such an interesting concept)
There were a ton of failed rebellions against Belos in the past, and most were killed and mostly erased, but they all left behind small bits of their information. The witches and demons from the former rebellion that fled bring information about those rebellions back to the Isles
The former rebellion is so, so proud of Raine especially. Raine meets them all. Happy/bittersweet tears are shed.
Willow uses her sports fame to start a program that helps kids who get their magic late, so they don’t have to go through what she did
Amity opens a mobile library at some point, and she brings it with her when she goes on adventures in the Isles
The Daily Knee Views penstagram account absolutely despises the Left Arm. They’re the leaders of the Knee vs Left Arm rivalry, and a group of witches on the arm start a Daily Left Arm Views account just to annoy them. Its a very intense penstagram war.
Because of Luz, a lot of kids start carving their palismen as eggs and letting them hatch on their own. Hunter acts annoyed by this and jokes that she’s “stealing his business” but he actually thinks it’s sweet.
Hunter’s process of helping kids carve their palismen starts with him having a long, deep talk with them about their wishes and fears, while sitting in the palistrum wood forest. Then they choose a piece of wood to carve from, and it’s infused with what the kid talked about.
Part 1: here
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Angel on Duty (serie)
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pairing: 141 team x demon/angel!fem reader (+König, Horangi, Alejandro & Rodolfo)
tags: semi-canon compliant, a bit of angst, fluff, but mostly smut, reader is described as having a tail and horns but calls herself 'Angel', do what you will with her real nature but she's simply sent down to fulfil a wish, no use of y/n, reader is referred to as 'Angel', 3rd person pov, minimal description of appearance
warning: warnings will be provided individually for each work if necessary
long summary: What do you know about prayer? About wishing? Blowing birthday candles and wishing upon a star?
Ever since the beginning of time, it was men’s nature to wish, hope and pray. To who? That has always changed and shifted throughout the centuries, with prayers sent to different deities, angels, ancestors and so on.
But what humans don’t know is that all of their prayers, all of their wishing, if it was strong enough, if they really want it, really bad, their wishes just might become reality. And that was all done through a meticulously built system in another realm, where what humans considered angels worked day and night to realise them.
short summary: the 141 boys have a fantasy to get captain price the fuck of his life, but also share it amongst themselves, a shared cumdump if you will. which basically translates into "we need a woman to break our miserable old man, and break us in the process and rebuild us again just to do it all over again." they're just miserable and pent up and horny and want to be taken care of, that's all :)
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the first meeting
Day 2: I 💜 DILFS
Day 3: Cat Crisis
Day 4: baked salmon
Day 5: progress report
Day 6: do you wanna be the Queencard?
Day 7: pretty in a skirt
part 8: coming soon
I made Angel on Picrew
I drew Angel
Art by @bobastayhigh
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idkfitememate · 9 months
Welcome To Aperture Science
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : GN! GLaDOS Reader x Raiden Shogun, Kujo, Aether, Dottore & Maillardet
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 6.5k
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : Reader is a insane robot, Mutilation, descriptive gore
໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : I ran into a bit of a dilemma in writing this. I realized that a lot of you probably would be able to get into the role of you were called “GLaDOS”, so here’s the plan. I tried my hardest to not have to use (y/n), but me thinks I’m gonna have to. The actual operating system will be called “GLaDOS”, but you yourself will be called (y/n). You’re replacing Caroline & GLaDOS. There will be a little surprise - since this is my ver of Portal (AKA throwing Portal into Genshin), so you’ll be introduced as (y/n)! If this ruins the experience, please let me know, and I’ll come up with something different! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
Also! GORE WARNING!!!! THERE WILL BE GORE!! I’ll post a warning right before it starts and a little thing for where it ends!! ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
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Finding out one of your islands is being used for things unknown is not something you want to wake up too.
But unfortunately, that was what Miss. Raiden Ei was subjected to this morning.
The apparent “island” wasn’t even actually an island. It looked like a small plot of land, with it’s only inhabitant being an old bot that resembled a Fontainian Meka - which was still active and very dangerous - and what looked to be some kind of small, one person hut. But when the fishermen who had found this island somehow managed to enter the hut, they found it actually housed a long, winding staircase that plummeted into the earth.
So of course this news was sent straight to Ei. As the Archon, anything that went on in her Nation’s boundaries that wasn’t documented was immediately brought up to her for investigation. In any other case she would have told the Tenryou Commission to take care of it or otherwise, but seeing as this was seemingly more than just a “island descending into the depths” - the fishermen also reported strange noises coming from below - this seemed like it would need to be handled with a more… direct touch.
Gathering her wits, she made a small “exploration team”. This team consisted of:
1. The Traveler, because why wouldn’t it
2. Kujo Sara, her loyalty will be of use
3. Maillardet, she had heard of his helping with the Icewind Suite Meka. His expertise may be needed.
And finally, though unfortunately,
4. Dottore.
As much as she may have detested the Fatui and their methods, she couldn’t deny they got results. And on top of that she had heard of his experiments on that of Ruin Guards, which again may be needed.
After making her plans and sending off letters to all she believed she may need, the Shogun began to wait.
૮꒰づ˶• ༝ •˶꒱づ ˚ʚ ꒰⁐⁐⁐⁐୨🍰🍧🍯୧⁐⁐⁐⁐꒱ ɞ˚
It was dark in the Aperture Science building. Though it wasn’t silent. After word from the singular guard at one of many openings alerted human sightings after… years of nothing, you had to admit something inside you was excited.
It was in human and monster nature to be curious of the unknown. And with all the years since your last… nuisance test subject, you figured that Aperture may have been - more likely was - forgotten by those above.
You rapidly repaired test room after test room, rebuilding the facility to the best of your current abilities. Which wasn’t much a problem, because due to the lack of human error, you were able to keep the place up and running with extreme precision.
It looked just like when Aperture was first built.
With different power sources from every nation, keeping powered on was never an issue. The location that had been found by humans was the one that was powered by the never ending lightning storm that surrounded the nation of Inazuma.
The strikes of Electro traveled through the water into sensors placed on the ocean floor, that changed the pure Electro into actual electricity that was then used to power the specific part of Aperture Science that was stationed below it.
The real facility spanned all across Teyvat.
This was only the beginning.
And your cold heart was more than ready for this coming future.
૮꒰づ˶• ༝ •˶꒱づ ˚ʚ ꒰⁐⁐⁐⁐୨🍰🍫🍭୧⁐⁐⁐⁐꒱ ɞ˚
“I am shocked than and Archon such as yourself has called for me.”
All heads in the room turned to face the masked male.
Kujo immediately summoned her bow and pointed it at the man, while Traveler did the same with his sword. Poor Maillardet only ran behind the armed female, clutching her skirt.
Kujo glanced at him before pushing all attention back on Dottore.
“Please lower your weapons.” Heads whipped to look at the sullen voice of Ei.
“I asked him to be here. Please do not make this experience more difficult than it already may be.” Even she seemed… less than enthused by her actions, but the sudden silence- to soak up her words - was interrupted by the man in question’s laughter.
“And how shocked I was when The Tsaritsa said the Electro Archon herself had asked for my assistance in a ‘pressing matter’! Please, do listen to her and try to not make this difficult?” His grin unwavering. Aether scoffed and Kujo only huffed a small ‘Yes, my Shogun’, before turning to her backseat passenger who hadn’t moved since Dottore’s appearance.
“… What?” The brunette asked. Then he sighed. “Just because I build fighters doesn’t mean I myself can fight, Madame.” He quickly pushed himself off her and dusted both her and him off.
With one more sigh, Ei stood.
“Let us not waste anymore time. There is an odd island off the coast of Amakane Island. On it is a single individual that resembles a Fontainian Meka, and a hut. The odd thing being that this hut holds a staircase that “plummets into the earth”, so say my sources.” She then looked at the Doctor.
“Have your men done anything to this island?” It was a fair question.
It wouldn’t be odd for the Fatui to have a lab or something of the sort in a Nation without the Archon or Nation’s knowledge. In fact, it wouldn’t be the first time. Though - again - Dottore only laughed again.
“No, Miss. Ei. We haven’t any labs that “plummet into the earth”, as you say.” Kujo flinched at him not referring to her Archon by her title, but before she could do anything, she was stopped by a look from said Archon.
“Thank you for being honest,” she hummed, “Then we best be off. Who knows what we shall find and who knows how long we may be.” And she started off.
Following behind her was everyone but Maillardet, who looked confused.
“No equipment? No food provisions?” He glanced a guard who was stationed at a door nearby who shrugged. They both sighed and spoke in unison.
“Vision holders…”
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Making their way to Amakane Island was easy enough. Making their way to the unnamed island was also easy.
The Meka that was guarding the small hut was… tall, to say the least.
“It looks vaguely like a Suppression Specialist Mek mixed with an Assault Specialist Mek…” Maillardet muttered, causing Dottore’s head to whip in his direction.
“So nothing you’ve seen before?” He mused, causing the Fontainian to glare at him.
“No.” He huffed, “It isn’t.” Dottore smirked at that answer.
“Then we have an unknown Meka on our hands? Perhaps made by someone outside of Fontaine-“ “No.” Maillardet interrupted.
“It still has hints of Fontainian handiwork. The way you can see some gears and cogs, as well as the fact that it’s utilizing Fontaine gun tech. It very well could be imbued with Arkeh energy. If I had to guess, Ousia.”
Everyone stared at the man, who blushed.
“What I’m trying to say,” he breathed, “Is that while it’s not any Meka I’ve ever seen, it’s definitely made by Fontainian hands. Sir Aether should know how to deal with it effectively.” Dottore stared at the man.
Aether nodded and jumped off the boat they all currently inhabited, and began to attack. The others stayed back and watched as he gracefully dodged attacks and fought back.
Though, in a sudden switch of attack, the bullets firing from the cannon on its arm changed to Electro-Charged pellets of water. The sudden swap shocked Aether and the Mek was able to land a few solid hits on the man.
Getting fed up, Kujo stood to fight, but Ei held her back.
“Those are Electro-Charged attacks.” “I understand Shogun but-“ “No. We’d only make things worse.” With a huff, the tengu sat down, glaring at the Doctor who dared to chuckle.
The fight continued on for a few more minutes before Aether came out triumphant. As the Mek collapsed, a voice rung out from its destroyed body.
“Warn…ing…Intruders At….Inazuma Ent…rance…Access Not Given…Send Warning To GL…a…” Before finally collapsing. Aether stood overtop its corpse before turning to the others.
“Well… I suppose we can continue onward?” Maillardet questioned, only to be met with everyone else in the boat jumping out onto dry land, once more leaving him behind.
The man grumbled as he slowly pulled himself out the boat, soaking his boots and pants.
By the time he made it, everyone but Dottore had made their way into the hut, on their way down.
“After you.” The bluenette grinned, and Maillardet shuddered.
And then they all made their decent.
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While the staircase itself was long and narrow, surrounded on all sides by pipes and cogs, what they found at the bottom was truly a sight; though they had been going down for a while.
A large open space - like a courtyard. There was artificial sunlight that streamed in from the panels on the ceiling that simulated a blue sky. False grass and trees swayed in a deceptive breeze. A ‘building’ sat before them with glass doors. It was grey and unassuming, the words “Aperture Science Laboratories” was in big lettering above the doors in big, illuminated lighting.
“Incredible…” Dottore mumbled as the group began to make their way down a path that led from the staircase to the building.
Just then, a sharp creaking noise was heard, and the staircase they had just traversed began to retract. It slowly made its way upward, lifting off the ground. Without flinching, Kujo summoned her bow and knocked an arrow, looking for a place to shoot. Finding a button near the staircase labeled ‘emergency shut down’, she shot, hitting it head on.
“Sudden Power Surge Detected At: Inazuma Docking Station. Rerouting Power Surge To Backup Power Supply’s. Emergency Dock Closing System: Initiated.”
And with that, the stairs shot up, effectively sealing the group inside.
“Sorry, Shogun…” was the only thing that left the now embarrassed Kujo’s lips.
“Worry not, I am sure we’ll find another exit eventually. Let us continue forth.” And onward they went.
Walking down the path, Dottore noted that there were hills far beyond the little building before them, fading off into the distance.
“I wonder how long this facility stretches out?..” He wondered aloud. Maillardet grumbled under his breath.
“Hopefully not that far…”
Entering the building they were met with something none of them - minus Dottore - had experienced.
Fluorescent lighting.
The light outside had at least been convincing, but the buzzing overhead and the slight flickering was enough to get under everyone’s - again, minus Dottore’s - skin.
“Whatever is this awful-“
“Welcome, gentleman, to Aperture Science. Humans, Vision Holders, War-Hero’s, Hybrids — you’re here because we want the best, and you’re it. Now, who’s ready to make some science?”
Weapons were immediately drawn from hearing the unusual voice.
“Who dared cut of The Shogun-“
“Now, you already met one another on the boat ride over, so let me introduce myself. I’m Cave Johnson. I own the place.”
Kujo growled.
“Well, Mr. “Cave Johnson”, I recommend you reveal yourself before we-“
“Mr. Johnson! I believe you’re forgetting something..? Or rather, someone..?”
All heads turned to the wall length screen that turned on with the new voice.
They were met with a cartoonish figure of a person, though their head was replaced by the grey, circle logo of Aperture. They were dressed in a white button up with a black vest overtop. With pure black dress pants and black dress shoes. A snow white lab coat over their shoulders and pure white gloves on their hands. The only hint of color or their person was an orange tie.
Dottore was the first to walk over, pressing a gloved hand to the screen.
“This is all absolutely incredible…” he spoke with a grin.
Nobody noticed how the figure flinched away.
“That eager voice you heard is the lovely (y/n), my assistant. They were added as a safety protocol in case some of you get lost. There are screens all of Aperture where they can keep a close eye on you, to make sure you stay in one piece, or at least as close to one piece as we can get you. Now, rest assured, they have transferred your honorarium to the charitable organization of your choice, isn’t that right, (y/n)?”
The figure on the screen - now known as (y/n) - nodded. Or… nodded as best a 2D model may be able to nod.
“That’s right, Mr. Johnson.”
“Since their addition, they have been the backbone of this facility. Pretty as a postcard too. Sorry fellas, they’re married. To science.”
They watched as you walked over on the “screens”, trotting all the way over to a pair of double doors. With one arm behind you, you held an open palm in the direction of said doors.
“Now, if you just follow them, they’ll take you right to the testing sites.”
With that small tidbit of information, the group reluctantly walked their way over to the doors. Pushing through them, they watched as you faded on the other side. Only for the walls of the hallway surrounding them to light up with bright white light, and for you to be on their right side, walking down the hall on your screens.
“There’s a thousand tests performed everyday here in our enrichment spheres. I can’t personally oversee every single one of them, so these pre-recorded messages’ll cover any questions you might have, and respond to any incidents that may occur in the course of your science adventure!”
You continued walking down the long hall, it slowly dipping further and further into the earth, but not to an alarming degree. A tune played throughout the hall, your head bobbing to the beat.
“Recorded..?” Ei asked. She turned to Kujo and Aether, who both shrugged. She then turned to Maillardet who muttered a quick ‘I’ve heard of it… that’s all…’ then looked away. Finally she looked towards Dottore.
“… Recordings are a rather new technology I’ve discovered. It’s a lost technique from long ago, the act of taking the waves of one’s voice down onto a physical form - such as a disk or a vinyl - and relaying those waves through a certain machine to recreate noises. I’ve been able to get my hands on a few, but to find one of such large scale, with moving images to boot! If I can get my hands on whatever is relaying these recordings…” His voice toned back when he realized he was walking alone.
Turning back he noticed that everyone had stopped behind him, confusion written all over their faces. He groaned, slapping a hand over his eyes before dragging it down the side of his face.
“It refers to something hearing noise, then relaying it at a later time when prompted.” And on they continued. It took a moment to catch up to you, as you had continued on your merry way while they had been stopped.
When they made it, Cave Johnson began speaking again.
“Your test assignments will vary, depending on the manner in which you have bent the world to your will.”
They finally made it to the end of the hall, with double doors greeting them. The doors opened automatically, opening to a large space, akin to an auditorium. Doors led off to different halls, each closed off by double doors that were identical to the ones they just came through. The room was surrounded by the Aperture logo, with small tables set up with small experiments on them. Walking past, Maillardet’s eyes glanced at a potato battery.
The most obvious thing in the room were the blue and yellow lines on the floor that each led to another room. You popped up again on a few overhead screens, though now you were sitting at a desk, typing away. You occasionally took a sip from a grey cup.
“Those of you helping us test the repulsion gel today, just follow the blue lines on the floor. Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA I’ve got some good news and some bad news.”
Lights lit up over the blue lines and your figure changed to a looping recording of you walking on the lines and through the door.
“Injected with praying mantis DNA… why would you ever..?” Maillardet wondered with a grimace, while Dottore only smirked.
“I think me and this Mr. Johnson may have something in common. Anything in the name of science.” His grin made Aether shiver.
“Can we please just move on?” The blonde growled. He turned to the two females, only to find Kujo trying to open another door with Ei beside her.
“What are you doing..?” He asked. The General exhaled before turning back to the group.
“Trying to find another way out. Why are we even listening to this Cave Johnson person? We don’t know who he is, we don’t know where he is, we don’t even know what he looks like.” She walked over to another set of doors and tugged.
“She has a point.” Said Ei. “But in that same breath, we don’t know where we are either. The only thing pushing us forward is the voice of Mr. Johnson.” She placed a hand on the tengu’s shoulder.
“I feel it may be in our best interest to listen for now. When we find an exit, we’ll leave immediately.” Kujo sighed and muttered an apology before turning to the blue lines.
The loop of your walking through the doors still played above as everyone filled through the doors.
“Bad news, we’re postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we have a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.”
“WHAT?!-“ shouted Maillardet. “WHY WOULD YOU EVER-“ A hand was slapped over his mouth as Dottore shushed him.
“I want to hear the rest of this.” he whispered.
“Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line. You’ll know when the test starts.”
“Oh Mr. Johnson…” Dottore swooned.
“Only a rifle..?” Maillardet whimpered.
Kujo groaned. “Don’t worry about that now. We’re following the blue lines. Not the yellow ones.” Ei grinned slightly at the banter.
“They say great science is built on the shoulder of giants. Not here. At Aperture, we do all our science from scratch. No hand holding.”
“I really do like this man.” Dottore grinned.
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Walking along the catwalks was a new feeling. Despite the no longer being really… anywhere… there were still screens nearby that depicted you walking along side the group.
Little to no effort was made to make any kind of conversation. Just the sounds of different kinds of shoes hitting the metal that made up the catwalks.
Though that all changed within a moment.
“Hello..? Hello??”
The sudden voice calling out made everyone come to a stop. Aether brandished his sword and turned to a pair of doors that led off the path they were being led down.
They waited with bated breath as the mechanical whirling of something moving towards them echoed in the open space. The walls themselves seemed to shift as whatever it was made its way to the door…
The doors burst open as a spherical robot with a bright blue eye pushed its way through the doors, pausing when it saw the group.
“Humans..? Humans?? Humans!! Wait… HUMANS?!?!” Its confound shock was extremely apparent, especially with the way it screamed out.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK HERE?!?! I haven’t seen a human since… since… her…” It’s tone grew somber within a second, but then it shook on its… bar??? Grip??? Dottore wanted to know.
“That doesn’t matter, what matters is that you guys are humans! Actual, genuine humans!” It rolled forward on its… whatever and faced them.
“… None of you have the portal gun though.. oh. Do you have those ‘vision’ things? Because I can assure you they won’t be of much help here-”
“And why is that?” Dottore jumped in.
“… Well first off all, it was incredibly rude to cut me off there, secondly, Aperture focused on the sciences that… well, had to do with those who lacked visions. Now don’t get me wrong, there were certainly tests for those who had them but uh… yeah these were mostly for those without.” It nodded.
“I see… now. Do you happen to have a name. Or would you tell us what you are?” The Doctor asked.
“A name..? Right! Oh gosh, I completely forgot about that. Wheatley’s the name and… yeah I don’t know where that was going really. And to answer the other question, I am what’s known as a core, but where are you lot off to?” He introduced. Though before the blue haired doctor could answer, a voice rung out.
“They’re off to test with the repulsion gel, Wheatley.” Your voice ring out, and there you were on the screen, facing them with a hand on your hip. The core seemed the freeze up at your voice, which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Oh! Uh… hey… (y/n)… hehe.” Wheatley seemed uncomfortable at now knowing of your presence, before something seemed to pop into his head.
“But… without the portal gun?”
“You don’t necessarily need a-“
“What’s a portal gun?” Maillardet questioned. You heaved a long sigh and Wheatley seemed to brighten up.
“We’ll only one of, if not the, best things Aperture has ever made, of course! It’s this nifty little gun that allows a person to go from one point, to another in just a snap!.. If I could snap I would to punctuate my point-“
“What he means-“ You interrupted, “Is that it is a special device that allows someone to manipulate space itself by opening up a doorway - otherwise known as a portal - and go from an unreachable point A to unreachable point B… or at the very least a vision-less ‘someone’. We weren’t able to test on those with a vision… or any non-humans with human intelligence; such as Oni from Inazuma or Adepti from Liyue. But even then our knowledge is… limited…”
Wheatley stared at you as you explained the Portal Gun in detail, before scanning the group.
“Oh! There is a vision-less with you!”
Maillardet swallowed nervously.
“Here, you won’t be at a disadvantage if you let us give you the Portal Gun! No need to feel like you may be falling behind… bloody hell you might even be able to go ahead and be advantaged in this situation!” The blue eyed bot explained.
“Wait wait wait… are either of you… alive or uh..” Aether stumbled over his words before you cut him off impatiently.
“Yes we are entirely sentient. Now Wheatley, we can’t make these decisions-“
“I don’t know why you’re complaining. You’ve been moping about for years! All because you ‘don’t have any human testers’ and ‘robots were starting to get the same results’ and ‘humans unpredictability made them unique’ and-“
“That’s enough, you idiot.” “HEY!-“ “Fine. Here’s how this will work, so be quiet and listen.”
Nobody moved.
“We will give your little friend access to The Portal Gun, you complete a couple tests for us, and we help you leave as fast as possible. Deal?”
“Well it doesn’t sound like we get much out of that deal besides our assured exit.” Ei stated, and you groaned.
“You’ll have access to technologies that those above this facility have not had access to for years. Plus, this will practically be free training. Now do we have a deal?” Your impatience was starting to grow clearer and clearer with each passing moment.
“Well-“ “YES!” Maillardet screamed. He didn’t care. This was his chance to truly make a name for himself. If he was able to get this ‘Portal Gun’ outside of the facility, the things he may be able to do with that tech…
Everyone looked at him with shock - though Dottore was more amused than anything - at how fast he agreed.
“Great! Wonderful even! Here, just follow me through here and we’ll get you right as rain, isn’t that right (y/n)?” Wheatley glanced at you as he turned on his rail. If you could, you would’ve rolled your eyes.
They watched as the screen you stood on blinked off, and Wheatley rolled away.
Maillardet followed behind and the others hesitated. Though after that moment of hesitation, they followed behind as well.
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Instead of the grey halls and metal walls they had become accustom to, they were met with greenage and foliage on all sides.
Flora of all kinds blossomed around them, tress that reached higher than any of them could see. They all followed behind the humming core, until he suddenly stopped.
“Now, this is a bit awkward, but my rail system ends here. I’m gonna let go, but I need someone to catch me. Do we have any volunteers..?” Wheatley informed and asked. He looked around the group only to make eye contact with Dottore. Who was grinning. Sharp teeth fully on display.
“Uhm… anyone..?” The robot squeaked. Though the only one who moved closer was Dottore.
He sighed, then ‘steeled’ his nerves.
“Alright, I’ll let go on the count of three- NO, ONE! If I do it on three I’ll chicken out and… mmmm I’m talking to much aren’t I? I’m nervous because of the very real possibility that you may drop me. Not to say you look weak or anything, you actually look quite strong. Has anyone ever told you that? I mean, personally I would prefer to be strong if I had a body… On that note I wished they gave us hands. That’d be nice. Or a way to move while not on the rail systems. They can only go so many places and so far, you know? And some of them end in the oddest of places. I found one that ended over a bottomless pit. Isn’t that just insane? I mean-“
Dottore grumbled something under his breath before moving directly below the blabbering bot. Then he cleared his throat, and screamed:
The high pitched scream Wheatley let out as he fell would’ve been able to convince anyone that he was actually a girl. Dottore’s knees nearly buckled under the sheer weight of the still screaming robot in his arms. After finding his footing, they all stared at Wheatley, who continued to scream for a solid minute before realizing he wasn’t falling anymore.
“AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa…. Oh. You caught me. That’s a first- Anyway, directions! You’re going to want to follow the greyed out path through the green, and you’ll find a platform behind some broken walls and such. I’ll admit, when you get there it’s a bit of a jump, but I have faith in you lot!” He… grinned??? Well it was as close to a grin as a giant metal eyeball could get.
Everyone hummed in response and continued to trek on. Every now and then Dottore or Ei would ask about a type of flower or plant they saw, only for Wheatley to say he’s neither the flower nor plant core. Which led to Dottore asking about cores and Wheatley offering an explanation.
“Cores are… well to put it in perspective think of the basic parts of your personality. Of what makes you, you. Cores are basically that! We work as the pure forms of interests or emotions. Such as the flower core, who only ever talks about flowers. Or the anger core who… uhm… well. He screams? I guess?” Wheatley answered.
“So… what do you embody? Fear? Worry? Rambling?” Dottore asked, only for Wheatley to shout in objection.
“No! Absolutely not! None of those things! In fact, just for that, I don’t think I want to tell you.” He spun his eye around as to not look at the man carried him, causing Dottore to chuckle.
Maillardet suddenly shot ahead, causing everyone to quickly follow after. Wheatley seemed to understand why he shot ahead.
“There she is.” He muttered.
Just behind a wall, there it was.
Placed on a pedestal, vines and flowers grew all around in a mesmerizing pattern. A small hole in the roof let a halo of light fall onto the midsized device.
It was sleek. It was shiny. White and black mixed together in a perfect blend.
“Isn’t it beautiful? The pride of Aperture. What nearly all of our resources went into after its conception.” Wheatley mused. His focus was entirely on the gun in front of them.
Though his previous statement was true, there was a rather large drop from the platform they were on and the platform the Gun was on.
“You can drop me here.” The core suddenly spoke. Dottore looked down with a bit of a scowl.
“Weren’t you the one who screamed like a baby at falling only about four feet?” He asked. Wheatley scoffed.
“That was the make sure you’d catch me… anyway, I know I can survive this fall. I’ve survived worse. Just drop me and then jump down. It’ll be easier that way.” Wheatley’s voice suddenly got very serious. it lost its lively charm and became something more robotic… which was ironic.
The robot started acting more robotic, and they felt uncomfortable about it.
Dottore scoffed, then dropped the core without care. Though this time, Wheatley didn’t make a sound, just a small grunt when he hit the floor.
‘It can physically feel..?’ Dottore wondered.
Then one by one, they jumped down - Aether catching Maillardet - and began their walk over to the Gun after Dottore picked up Wheatley again.
“Hold on.” The blue eyes core suddenly spoke. His eye turned to a wall, and the panels suddenly shifted. A small control panel pushed itself out, presenting itself to the group.
“Plug me in there. I can make sure nothing hostile happens to pass by.” He explained.
“Hostile..?” Ei questioned and Wheatley, suddenly seeming very tired, sighed.
“Yes. Hostile. Just- Don’t worry about it, okay? I promise nothing will happen.” He glanced back at the group with a drooped eye. Dottore placed him on the panel.
Electricity shot out for a moment, then the core settled. He looked back, then without a word, got pulled back into the wall.
“It looks… so mesmerizing…” Maillardet whispered. He was the closest to the Gun. He hesitantly reached a hand out and touched it. Then, he picked it up and got a grip on it.
“I can’t say I’ve ever shot a gun but…” The mechanic pointed the gun at a wall, away from everyone as they watched.
He shot the gun.
And everyone watched as a pure black circle surrounded by blue latched onto the wall.
Everyone stood in shock.
He hesitantly shot right next to the blue and was met with a circle of orange.
Though now he could see through both.
And they reflected the room back to him.
He walked closer and looked through one and saw everyone looking back at him in silent disbelief.
He stuck a hand through the blue portal.
And watched his hand exit the orange.
He fell back in shock and everyone ran closer. They gathered around him, awe and shock written all across their faces.
“This is…” Dottore spoke.
“… A revelation.” Maillardet finished.
“Truly, isn’t it?”
The third voice broke everyone out of their stupor. They watched as the walls fluctuated and moved, opening the room up into another.
It was dark - pitch black, save for the screen that had only your figure on it. You stared at the group before moving your attention to the Portal Gun.
“Such an expensive piece of equipment it is… hopefully you understand what I’m about to do is only in your best interests.”
The screens blipped off, and a hole in the center of the room opened, a disgusting orange red glow emanating from it.
“Preparations Made. Systems Online. Ready For Emergency Long Fall Boot Insertion. Is Moderator Ready?”
“Yes.” Your voice rung out.
“Participant Ready?”
Before anyone could speak, you spoke for them.
“Participant is ready.”
“All Parties Set. Commencing Insertion.”
Metal wires suddenly shot out from the floor, causing everyone who could to summon weapons. Unfortunately, you had a plan for that.
Your wires shot out and gripped the visions on everyone who had one, but tightly wrapped around both Aether and Ei, quickly picking them up and throwing them into walls.
“Stand down, don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” You warned.
The wires quickly wrapped around the ankles of Maillardet, dragging him forward and making him drop the Gun. Kujo rushed forward but a wire wrapped around her and threw her to the ground.
“Last. Warning.” You said.
They were forced to watch as the vision less man was strapped down to a table that came up front the pit by those wires. Buzz saws and bone saws and needles and others rose from the hole in the ground.
Wires tore at his pants and ripped the boots off his struggling body.
“This is going to hurt. A lot. I don’t personally believe in anesthesia, but feel free to pass out.”
And with that, the first saw turned on and immediately buried itself in his leg, blood spraying and his screams ripping themselves out his throat. You could practically hear the tendons snapping as he cried.
It went until it hit bone, where you moved the buzz saw out of his leg with a sickening *squelch*, pressing the saw into his bone and quickly sawing through.
Everyone - of course, minus Dottore - did their best to look away from the scene, but Kujo couldn’t help the whimper that left her lips when some blood spattered on her face.
After bone, the buzz saw when back to work until the odd cut was completed. It was curved, leaving the front of the lower leg untouched, but the back - up to the upper caff - was completely removed, as well as the ankle and leg. Then the process started all over on the next leg.
“Did you know there was once a surgery with a 300% mortality rate? It was an amputation, much like this one, preformed by a Mr. Robert Liston over two hundred years ago. What happened was his patient died of an infection, his assistant also died of an infection after his fingers had been amputated accidentally, and a witness of shock after the knife came too close. Isn’t that interesting?”
Your words echoed through the chamber over the cries of Maillardet who just lost his other lower leg.
The two amputated leg parts were picked up by robotic claws which threw them into the hole below. Then, two odd looking boots were raised from said hole.
The class took the boots apart and began to assemble them on the man’s body. They were a solid white with black base and a weird black wire at rhetorical back.
The screams grew worse - then silent after Maillardet finally passed out due to pain - as the black wire - which was connected to the black base - was drilled into what was left of the bone. The wire was then shifted, then grafted into the muscle and bone.
The white part was reattached to the black, the straps tightening against what was left of the skin, before it was literally melted onto the boot.
The smell of burning skin, bones and blood filled the room.
“See, wasn’t that easy?”
His body was thrown off the table and next to the Gun.
The wires let go of everyone, and Aether landed on the floor, passed out.
“Why aren’t my abilities working..?” Ei wondered aloud while helping Kujo to her feet.
“You think I wouldn’t recognize a God? News Travels, Beel. We have a few protocols in case a God were to ever wonder into our wonderful facility, but I don’t think I feel like telling you exactly what’s happening to you.”
She quickly looked up above the still open hole in the ground with a glare.
“Stop being a coward and reveal yourself.” She hissed.
“If you insist.”
The lights suddenly turned on, blinding all who were awake.
Dottore stared on in wonder at your body. It resembled that of a human who was suspended from the ceiling. Legs pressed together and arms bound behind them with their back to the floor.
It was the most beautiful piece of machinery he had ever seen.
You slowly turned to face them, the orange light of your eye glaring down at them.
“Let me formally introduce myself, this time without the assistance of a recording. This body you see before you has been dubbed the “Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System”. GLaDOS for short. Though if you prefer it, (y/n) is not off the table.”
“Where… is Wheatley?” Kujo suddenly asked.
“I figured you wouldn’t like him. How shocking you ask. But if you must know… You’re free to reveal yourself.” You mussed.
Silently, the core rode in on a rail in the background on a catwalk. He looks away.
“You’ve payed me back enough, moron. You no longer hold a debt.”
The room was silent.
He had… he betrayed them?
People he didn’t even know?
“… I still feel the itch, you know..?”
Your large head turned to face the blue eyed core.
“I know I’m not the smartest… but I still feel
The itch. It’s like it’s at the back of my brain… and you know what needs to be done to fix it. Please allow me to stay. I won’t… I won’t muck up as bad as I did last time.” His voice was barely above a whisper.
He felt bad and everyone could tell, but you knew that the need to test was able to push back all other thoughts. All other emotions.
It changed people. No matter if they were made of flesh or metal.
And addiction is an addiction. No matter what.
It wouldn’t go away with a bit of cold turkey quitting. That always came with side effects.
The silence was deafening.
If you could smile, you would.
“If you want. I may have final say, but my control over the cores is loose.”
Your gaze turned back to the group who had huddled themselves in a corner, glaring at you.
But you noticed Dottore was staring with less hatred and more… curiosity.
Like a child.
“You understand why I did what I did, don’t you?” Your voice was cold, yet still somehow held some kind of twisted warmth.
“It was to make him stronger. He can survive tests without a hitch now. As soon as he recovers, we’ll be able to continue testing without a hitch. You’ll each be given a relaxation pod while we wait. I’ll be holding up the end of my deal.” You turned away and focused on the screens behind you.
“What… are you..?” Ei asked.
“I thought I answered that question. I am GLaDOS. I am (y/n). I am the current head of Aperture Science.” You turned back to the group.
“And as long as you’re here under my care, I can assure you that we’ll have loads of fun.“
Everyone who was awake was suddenly knocked out by the gas you had been silently filled the room with.
It was time for testing to begin.
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : I hope this is good! Ima be honest, don’t know if any of the explanations for anything that was explained make sense lol. Also, don’t forget to tell me if you were okay with the whole (y/n) thing! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
This is just in case nothing more gets requested: (y/n)’s transformation went like this: human (Cave’s assistant), mascot (first take on GLaDOS-like system, success), GLaDOS (Cave asked for them [they retained their human personality and memories as the mascot] to be GLaDOS while he was dying, like in the cannon)
Now I’m gonna spend some time on Requests! After which I’ll start on Mora!Creator! Again, I hope you enjoyed! ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚
And don’t be scared to request any Automation Reader (Executioner or GLaDOS) okay bye-
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