#tearing my hair out and yelling and pooping
uniformbravo · 2 years
all these mfers selling manga on ebay who take pics of literally every angle of the book EXCEPT the back!!!!!! why!!!!!!! im gonna fucking get u!!!!!!!
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a headcanon where genshin bois broke up with you but saw you years later with thier child at 3 yeares old? Scara, xiao, zhongli and tighnari
Oh, you have an evil soul, I know that for sure. You want suffering, oh you drink my tears as coffee, I like you. I'll have fun with this one a bit. Also, sorry for the spelling errors, I try to fix them when I see them, however, I tend to type wayyy to fast. Or messy.
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Scaramouche: ══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
You guys broke up because at some point in the relationship, it was getting too overwhelming, and toxic.
Scaramouche outbursts or his snide remarks became a ticking time bomb for you.
It was hard for you to feel loved at this point, and apparently it was hard for him to show it because he wanted to be stubborn.
The breaking point was where you came to him, head to head, this was going to determine your break up with him.
"Say something nice about me, say you love me, say anything, please do anything." You were pleading. You didn't want to leave but, it was starting to get to you.
His response? "What is wrong with you? Are you some kind of child?"
That was it, you broke up with him. This made his jaw drop, of course he protested, he grabbed you a lot, yelled at you. But you finally got free and left him, you went into hiding because he wasn't going to give up.
Along the way, you found out that you were pregnant, with twin boys, with his kids. In your head, you are like "How???" since he is a puppet.
Years later, your two little boys are grown and they are playful happy innocent toddlers. They were holding your hands and laughing. They both had Scaramouche face, but a happy and child like face.
You were happy, until you backed up a tiny bit and bumped into someone. You turned and saw it was Scaramouche.
You immediately panicked and picked up both of your boys and held your weapon to his face.
"W-What is this...? Who are they??" He was angry already and confused. He didn't understand why there are two little him. Was he being replaced, by better versions of himself. He grabbed her shoulder and shook her and yelled at him.
"They're your sons!" You yelled and cried, You pushed him and took her books and ran away.
He was left behind stunned, after a few minutes, he clenched his hands into fist. If you want him to be apart of the twin's life, you need to be patient. He will take a while to come around, and he will be difficult about it.
However, when he does, he becomes the most protective father, he would shield them from the past he had. He would never abandon him, he would teach them his bad attitude as way for them to stand up for themselves.
He won't admit it, but he grew fond of his boys because he felt they were children, just as him, and they understood him despite not realizing it.
As for you though, he still has issues getting along with you and would pick fights with you. He is sometimes loving but you are a little drained.
Xiao ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──── ⋅✩
You guys broke up peacefully, you both agreed it was for the best, he can't provide for your mortal needs and you have nothing to offer a troubled Adepti
You two parted always peacefully.
A few months later, your belly was getting swollen, but you had no idea why, after all, there is no way you could give birth to a half adeptus and half mortal right?
Well surprising motha fucka, nature is fucked up.
You were surprised and stressed, you don't know how to take care of a baby who is half Yaksha. How do you handle Karmic Debt?
Like does he poop spirits or dreams?
Once you gave birth, you realized the little girl had his dad's Yaksha marks on her arm and his diamond on her forehead. She had his green hair.
Overtime, you ended up figuring it out, thanks to taking care of Xiao time to time, you are aware of the child's needs more than enough.
You are dealing with a teleporting Child who can throw a tantrum to the size of a stadium but you have your ways.
Years ahead, you were feeding your little girl food ordered from Wanshu inn. You wanted her to enjoy the best of the best.
What you didn't know is that Xiao was watching, he was horrified, one for that he isn't the only Yaksha anymore and moreso, that this little girl looked like him, had his demon slayer markings.
You let your little girl use the bathroom, as you waited outside for her, guarding the door to prevent anyone from entering. You wanted her to be more independent in public places, this was one way.
This was Xiao chance to catch you alone, he appeared in front of you, he was very close to you, and you jolted and got scared.
"Who....Who is that little girl?" He looked into your eyes, scared but wanted to know more.
You stuttered a bit. "U-Um..."
He comes closer to you where your chest his touching his chest. "Tell me now." He asked sternly. He was upset of course, because why did she never tell him? They never had much fights but he at least deserved to know.
You felt a hug on your leg and crying. "M-Mama!" It was your little girl. You immediately picked her up and began to comfort her. "Shh, it's okay, mommy is okay."
Xiao immediately backed away, guilt was heavy on his chest, he never meant to scare....her.
You sighed and showed her to him. "Little one, do you know who is this?"
Your little girl will mostly by shy and scared of him, and Xiao will immediately show sadness to this, however, with your encouragement, she would try her best to look at Xiao. "This is your father, sweeite."
Your little girl touches Xiao's face and Xiao blushes and smiles, as he can't help it when it comes to little hands on his face.
He was hesitant at first but, he gently put his hands up and looked at you for consent.
You nodded and smiled, he passed your little girl over to him, where your little girl became his too. Your little girl naturally snuggled into his neck, sucking her thumb as Xiao shushes and coo's her gently.
As soon as Xiao held this little girl, he immediately sworn to protect her with his life, and held her protectively. He looked at you and placed his arm around your back and pulled you in for a group hug.
He asked if he could talk to you on what he can do to fix the relationship with you, and what can he do more as a father. He immediately fell in love with you little girl and even if you don't get back together, he would often visit, with presents, he would take her with him when you need breaks. He is a good dad, with co parenting or not.
Zhongli ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
You guys broke up because you just happened to not feel connected anymore. You guys just fell out.
You guys lived in differently eras and world and its hard to connect with him on some things.
You guys never really had a fight, but you used to talk everyday and now, you guys barely talk at all, touch each other or even just, try.
Zhongli brought this to your attention, and he isn’t a time waster, so and he doesn’t want to waste your time, so you guys broke up and moved on.
Until few months later, you found you that you were pregnant, you were in between telling him or not, but you realize that he is on vacation...he wants a break, so you kept this to yourself.
You raised his son by yourself, he looked exactly like you, but his powers are no doubt Zhongli's, and his dragon habits and nature as well.
You were eating out with your wonderful son, he was running around and saying hello to everyone until he ran into Zhongli. He bummed into Zhongli and fell back.
Zhongli looked down and offered a hand and kind smile. "Are you okay, little friend?" The little boy smiles cheerfully and took his hand and got up.
Once you came and bend your knees to check for wounds and see if he is okay, Zhongli was surprised and would greet you. You would greet him back and you would smile at him, while picking your son up.
However, once Zhongli saw the little boy do his dragon habits such as teething, or biting your shirt, he recognized it immediately.
At first he won't say anything and would act like nothing happen, he actually wait for you to reveal it.
However, once you didn't and you were gonna leave him, he immediately grabbed your shoulder, and will call you out. "This child...he is mine kin isn't he? Why weren't you willing to reveal this to me?"
Zhongli wants to be in this kid's life, he wants to pass down his knowledge and memories to him, he wants to teach him everything, this was new to him but he wants to be responsible.
Despite how harsh it is, a child between two lovers is a contract where they both need to parent, and he is happy to do it. He would really want to show his son the world and his victories.
Tighnari ── •✧• ──── •✧• ──── •✧• ──── •✧• ──
There would be two reason why you and Tighnari break up, one would be because he was too busy to even be in your life, and second would be that his scolding makes it hard for you to connect with him, as he was too nitpicky at the smallest things. This can be at small things such as how you handle things like chores, to bigger things like how you store items to quest to other things.
Things ended sadly, not miserable but, just it was sad and heartbreaking. It was hard to move on, the relationship you guys had was different but special.
You found out you were pregnant at a doctor check up one day, also because Sumeru had free healthcare so why not go to doctors as a hobby :)
You were freaking out, how do you take care of a fennec fox hybrid? What do they even eat? Should you only feed them veggies? Or feed them meat as well?
A lot of things were running in your head.
Years later, you got accustomed to your little girl, you groomed her tail and ears, and fed her what she liked.
You often go on walks in Sumeru forest, you wanted her to be in touch with her fox side. You want her to be free.
You patted her head, as you held her hand and walk, you stopped by a beautiful waterfall and watched. Your little girl was playing in the water.
Tighnari was behind you, stunned, he was processing, he already put two and two together, since he is a smartass from the smartass skool.
You turned around and jolted. "O-Oh, y-you are here..." You were startled.
It took him a few minutes to look at you and back at the little girl. His ears flopped a bit as she slowly pointed at the little girl speechless.
You sigh and nodded, knowing you can't outsmart him or lie to him.
You went to take your little girl's hand and brought her to him.
Tighnari kneeled down and took a good look at her, despite never meeting her, he knew, this little girl was his.
He would questioned and ask if you were a single mother and if you are seeing anyone, and would ask if maybe he can try being in her life, however he is just as busy, but he thought maybe take her on walks with him.
You were fine with it either way, you desire nothing from him though, if he wanted to be in your daughter's life, that's fine, but you want nothing to do with him.
He noticed this and felt conflicted.
Overtime, he would try and get you to trust him again, spend time with you and her as a family, but you would refuse and keep your distance.
Tighnari would be frustrated and sad over it, you can tell that his tail was losing hair, he understands why you refuse to take him back but Fennec Foxes mate for life.
It's in his nature, he wants to be dedicated to you, and he is becoming stressed from the rejection from you.
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sunshineting · 1 year
Just a lil drabble 😚
Fluff w mention of sex
Imagine you and Gojo have a baby 😭
-Y’all’s daughter is the cutest little thing; inheriting your brown skin tone with his white hair and blue eyes.
-When Koyo was an infant, you would constantly wake up to her just staring at you with those big blue eyes. It was a bit jarring at first, you had to get used to it just like you did with Gojo. The creepiest, though, was once when you checked the baby monitor in the middle of the night and she was staring directly into the camera.
-Gojo loves that Koyo inherited your curls, they’re one of his favorite things about you. He tries his hardest to do styles on her, but they never turn out quite right. Plenty of times when he’d tried to do something as simple as pigtails they ended up crooked. He leaves most of the styles to you, letting you do all types of braids and twists on your baby.
-Potty training is hell; your daughter HATES pooping on the potty.
“Koyo, do you need to potty?” You ask. It’s been about two hours since she last went, and you’re trying to keep up a schedule. She shakes her head and continues playing with her blocks. Just to be sure, you walk over to her to check her pull-up. You smell it before you see it. Koyo catches onto you, so she starts running away.
“Satoru, come get your child!” You yell. And just like that, your husband appears with Koyo upside down in his hand. She’s just giggling like it’s the funniest thing in the world.
-Gojo spoils his baby. Oh, she’s spoiled rotten, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Daddy, I want this!” Your three year old points at an expensive toy kitchen set.
“How do you ask nicely, Koyo?” Satoru asks.
“May I have this toy please?”
“I say yes, but we gotta ask the boss. Well, mama, whaddya think?” He picks Koyo up in his arms and holds her at his level. The two of them stare at you expectantly, waiting on your response.
“Alright, alright. What color do you want?” You give in. Your daughter squeals and laughs with delight.
-When y’all sign her up for daycare, Gojo is more upset than you are. And that’s saying a lot. On her first day, you have tears brimming in your eyes. It hurts seeing your baby walk away happily into her new class.
“What if she needs me? What if something happens? She can’t go to school yet, she’s just a baby!” Gojo laments in the car. Your three year old is very smart and mature for her age, so realistically you don’t have much to worry about. Unfortunately, though, she has two very dramatic parents who love her dearly.
“Let’s go back and get her. We can go get her and she can start over tomorrow. I’ll be ready then,” he begs.
-To be honest, Gojo kinda eats as a dad. He’s super fun, but he can get serious. He’s so go-with-the-flow that anytime a hiccup happens in your meticulous plans, he calms you into believing everything will be ok. Eventually though, he wants another kid. Koyo is four already and he misses having a little baby.
“Cmonnnn let’s have one more. Koyo needs someone to play with and I miss the baby stage. Plus, you look so sexy pregnant. I love seeing you round with my babies. You know I love breeding your tight little cunt,” the last of his words are nothing more than a whisper in your ear. You end up folding for him that same night.
-Satoru definitely makes Megumi watch the kids when y’all need a night out. Megumi doesn’t mind too much because both kids are well behaved. All three of his students love your kids; Yuuji likes playing a little rough with your son, Kawa, and Nobara loves dressing Koyo up
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 4 months
Shenanigans at the pride parade
This oneshot I wrote for today is based on a little comic that I drew a year ago. Those of you who remember the comic might be familiar of the events in this story.
Read on ao3 or under the cut.
“Do we have everything with us?” Francesca asked.
“We got everything in my bag!” Violetta assured her. “Except for a change of clothes, cause it wouldn’t fit.”
“Aw, but if we don’t pack extra clothes it might be this specific time that we’re gonna need it.”
“Ok, but… it’s just a 10 minute walk, isn’t it? Worst case scenario, we have to go home and change.”
“True…” Francesca then turned to the kids. “Are you ready to go?”
“Weady, mama!” Carolina exclaimed. “Wook, I wew a wainbow!”
The three year old happily showed her little crooked rainbow she drew with markers on her arm. 
“That is very nice, dear.”
“Do we need a stroller?” Violetta asked.
“Hmm… it takes up a lot of space,” Francesca said.
“It does. Wait, I got a better idea!”
She picked up their son Oliver, who recently had turned 1, and put him on her shoulders. Oliver giggled at being so high up. 
“I wanna be up too, mami!” Carolina exclaimed.
“I can put you on my shoulders!” Francesca said, picking her up. 
“Now we’re just waiting for the four year old,” Violetta said.
“I’m almost five!” Elina shouted, running up to them. 
“Yes, you’re a big girl. We’re going now.”
“And I’m saying this now to you, girls,” Francesca said. “There’s gonna be a lot of people there, so I want you to stay close to us, ok?” She looked especially at her oldest daughter.
“Pwomise!” Carolina exclaimed.
“I promise,” Elina said, “But aren’t you gonna say that to Oliver, too?”
“Oliver is just a baby, and I will hold him all the time,” Violetta explained. “He can’t escape even if he wants to!”
“We need to go, chop chop!” Ludmila said, clapping her hands. 
“We want our child back, Cami!” Naty called.
Camila came out, smiling. “I have a surprise!”
She moved aside, to show Ludmila and Naty’s daughter Stella toddle up in a rainbow dress and flowers in her hair. Along with Stella was Camila’s kid Kim, who wore rainbow overalls, but also had flowers in their hair.
“I’m dying!” Ludmila exclaimed, almost forming tears. “Naty, get the camera!”
“Mama, what’s a pride parade anyway?” Kim asked.
“It’s a parade where we walk around with rainbows. We’re showing that people, and families can look different and that we have a right to exist!”
“Yes, did you know, a lot of years ago, two moms were not allowed?” Naty asked. “We’re celebrating that we can now, and showing people that it’s okay!”
“I weaw a wainbow!” Stella exclaimed, jumping.
“Yes, you’re so cute, darling.”
Maxi and Andres were nervous. This was the first time they were gonna go out on an event with their twins.
Their twin boys, Tommy and Daniel, were just six months old and their dads had dressed them up for the occasion. They had now put them in baby carriers as they finished their own outfits.
“Is this rainbow tie too much?” Andres asked. 
“Of course not! You look so classy!”
“I hope the boys won’t think I’m embarrassing…”
Maxi chuckled. “Andres… if they still poop their pants on the regular without a care, they don’t have the ability to feel embarrassment for you over anything.”
“You’re right. Also, speaking of that, I think I forgot the diaper bag!”
“Andres, we’re home, and I’m holding it. It’s gonna be fine.”
“They’re gonna be the fanciest babies there!”
“She’s gonna be the fanciest baby there!” Yam exclaimed, holding up Charlie. She had sewn a special suit for her. 
“I don’t know if she’s much of a baby now when she’s 2,” Jim said. 
“Both she and Lola are babies!”
“I’m not a baby!” Lola yelled. “I’m four!” To prove her point, she held up four fingers. 
“By the way, Loli, I need to write on your arm,” Jim said, grabbing a marker.
“Are you gonna write something fun?”
“I’m gonna write our phone number.”
“In case you disappear from us. There’s a big crowd.”
“If you get away from us, please find an adult,” Yam chimed in, “Preferably someone with kids. They can see the number on your arm, and call us.”
As Violetta and Francesca arrived with their kids, they tried to immediately find their friends.
“Cami said she’d be here somewhere…” Francesca said, checking her phone.
“Mami, I don’t want you holding my hand,” Elina said.
“I have to hold your hand so that you don’t disappear,” Violetta said.
“But I won’t! Mamiiiiiiii!”
“Wait a little bit, Elina. We need to find Camila first.”
“Girls!” someone exclaimed. Francesca and Violetta looked up. Camila was waving from afar. 
They went up to her. 
“Hi!” Violetta said, “Oh, you look great!”
“And me?” Kim asked, holding their mom’s hand.
“Yes, you look really good too!”
“Does your mom force you to hold her hand, too?” Elina asked Kim.
“I want to hold mama’s hand!” Kim answered with a grin. 
“Look at Oliver!” Camila said, “Oh, he’s so cute!” She tickled his chin. “Are you cute? Are you up on your mommy’s shoulders?”
Oliver giggled and cooed at her. 
“Hey, if anyone’s kid is the cutest, it’s ours!” Ludmila yelled, announcing her presence by saying that.
Everyone turned to her and Naty. Ludmila was proudly holding up three year old Stella. 
“Aww, look at her dress!” Francesca said.
“I made it,” Camila said with a wink.
“I WEW A WAINBOW ON MY AWM!” Carolina screamed, proudly holding up her arm.
“Yes, she drew a rainbow on her arm,” Francesca translated, if anyone couldn’t hear the toddler-speak. 
“That’s a nice rainbow!” Naty said, “You’re an artist, Carolina!”
“Hello!” Maxi called. Him and Andres walked up to them, their twins in baby carriers. 
“OH MY GOD!” Camila gasped. “Noo! Ok, you two won the baby pride outfits!”
“No, I won!” Kim pouted, stomping their foot on the ground.
“You’re not a baby, dear.”
“They look so peaceful in their baby carriers!” Violetta said. 
In the middle of the adults talking, Elina took this as an opportunity to let go of her mother’s hand. She then slowly walked backwards, hoping no one would see her.
“Woah, so many people here!” Lola exclaimed excitedly.
“That’s why you need to be close to us at all times,” Jim reminded her. 
“Tell Charlie that!”
Yam, who was carrying Charlie, put her down on the ground. Immediately, Charlie started whimpering and put her hands up, wanting to be held again. Yam picked her up again. “See, I don’t think we need to worry about your sister.”
“I wanna walk around!” Lola pouted.
“We are,” Jim assured her. “Just hold my hand, and we’re gonna go around.”
“I don’t wanna hold your hand!”
“Okay… but stand next to me.”
They walked around for a bit, looking at the other people there. There was a lot of cheering, a lot of rainbows and a lot of fun outfits. Lola was mesmerized by all of the outfits she saw people wear.
“Mama, can you make me that? And that too?”
“Of course, dear.”
Lola jumped up and down in excitement.
“She’s gonna fall asleep on the way home from all the energy she released today,” Jim told Yam discreetly. Yam nodded. 
“Hey, is that Luna?” Yam asked, pointing at someone further away.
“I think it is!”
As her moms were busy looking for their friend, Lola saw this as a perfect opportunity to run off.
“Wait, no…” Jim said. “That’s not Luna. But it really did look like her from behind!”
“It really did!”
“Now…” Jim looked around. “Lola?”
Yam turned to her. “Jimena, where’s our child?”
“She was… right here!”
They looked at each other worryingly.
Lola felt like she was as fast as Rainbow Dash - she had been seeing an old show called Friendship is Magic and there was a pegasus there named Rainbow Dash. Maybe if she ran fast enough she’d become her.
But she didn’t feel like a pony. She felt like a lion. A lion running fast.
Suddenly, and without warning, she crashed into someone. Another girl, around her age.
The two looked at each other for a moment. Lola was lying on top of her. They catched their breaths for a moment, before Lola came back to reality.
“I’m a lion!” she roared.
“Oh!” the girl replied. “I’m a cheetah!”
The two stood up and started to make animal sounds at each other. 
“I’m gonna get you!” Lola growled, while grinning.
“No, because I’m a cheetah and so I’m really fast!” 
“Rawr! We’ll see about that!”
Lola was about to jump on her, when someone grabbed her by her armpits.
“No running away!” Jim scolded her. “I’m gonna carry you for the rest of the day if you keep this up!”
At the same time, the other girl’s mother grabbed her hand.
“I told you to hold my hand!” Violetta muttered. 
“But-” the girl said.
“No buts, Elina. You’re coming with me.”
Elina. What a nice name, thought Lola.
Jim carried Lola away, as Violetta dragged away Elina.
But the two girls, like Kovu and Kiara in The Lion King 2, looked at each other as their parents got them further away from each other. Only that, instead of scaredly saying “goodbye”, they just smirked and stuck their tongue out at each other.
Lola hoped she’d meet Elina again.
Elina hoped the same. 
Their separate mothers considered putting leashes on them.
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One Piece Treasures: Father! Roronoa Zoro Headcanons
For my little sister! I spent hours working on this! Please enjoy! Dokusha aka Y/N is called Shimotsuki here! The name is referencing Shimotsuki Kuina, the friend that basically shaped Zoro
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Just a single set of unfortunate circumstances landed you, a abanonded helpless nameless eight-year-old, in the custody of the one and only Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro
Do you think Zoro is a bad parent? Hope not, because he isn’t. With the way he treats Luffy, he is, without a doubt, a very dedicated and accomodating figure
Overprotective is his middle name. The Thousand Sunny became childproof in mere seconds. All the sharp cutlery and tools, replaced with plastic replicas. All of the Crew’s stock of booze and cigarettes, over the deck in no time.
He can’t stand anybody talking down his cute little swordswoman but keeps all his fury bottled up. Lashing out in front of you will make you cry and Zoro doesn’t want to hurt or scare you so he becomes really good at keeping himself composed for longer periods of time
Zoro’s responsible and surprisingly well-equipped for parenthood. He cuts down his aggression and knocks off the swearing around you. His sense of organisation also jumped, he can look after your stuff alongside his excellently
Zoro has been teaching you his three-swords style. You need to be able to defend yourself when you grow up. It’s not like Zoro will sit down and let threats harm his daughter but he won’t be around forever to protect you
He gets a lot of shit from Nami for letting you handle his katanas. What’s the issue, woman?! He is always watching over you! He will make sure you don’t cut yourself, that being because Zoro will never let you out his sight
Off the grand high seas and at new islands, you sometimes have to deal with mean children and lose fights to them. Thankfully, Zoro will be there to shoo them away, cradle you, wipe away your tears and make you feel better
“Don’t worry, my little Strawberry. I’ll give you my katanas to deal with them next time, okay?”
Aunt Nami spoils you rotten. She takes you to play as girls, to go “shopping” and braid your cute hair! She barks a lot at Zoro for “not treating you like a child”
“Swords?! Are you moronic?! It seems like you’re trying to kill her! She’s only eight!”
“Relax! She can take care of herself and I’m literally right here!”
Zoro got you a carbon copy of his earrings so you’d match with him. He can’t help but feel his heart melt as you wave one of his sheathed swords around on the Poop Deck and yell “I’m trained by the best swordsman ever! I’m Tsuki Zoro!”
Zoro also got you a really cute kimono styled like his! You’re actually the biggest daddy’s little princess ever as you eventually end up matching him in many ways
Zoro is a affectionate father. He loves giving piggybacks, holding you on his hip, he sleeps with you cuddled to his chest, he gives you cheek and forehead kisses all the time. Zoro is especially affectionate after finishing a mission or a duty and returning to the Thousand Sunny as to make up for worrying you and/or not bringing you along
Zoro prefers that you stay on the Thousand Sunny as you’re safer there than with the adventuring crew. You have came along more than once against Zoro’s wishes but having you around raises Zoro’s defensive nature, he hisses at anybody who seems too friendly with you
“I’m sorry for being mean to that kid, little Strawberry. I just don’t trust any of these villagers. Could you stay with Daddy, please?”
Zoro can come back to the Thousand Sunny VERY injured and he will gladly give you piggybacks and/or shoulder rides to make you smile. Your happiness is his fuel and you’re his top priority
Uncle Luffy is your favourite caretaker but Zoro’s biggest headache. Zoro is still quite the overprotective dad and Luffy’s recklessness with you is stressing him out. Fun fact; Luffy got you a straw-hat charm bracelet for your first birthday with the Strawhat Crew! He thought it was cute
“Luffy! PLEASE, be careful for once! Shimotsuki’s too young to be playing up so high!”
“Strawberry! Come here! Give Daddy a hug! What happened? …What?! Uncle Sanji ignored you?! Here, go play with Uncle Luffy. Daddy needs to go talk to Uncle Sanji”
Cut to poor Sanji tied-up to the lookout tower with his mouth gagged as Luffy carries you out from the captain’s bunk to see the pretty waves. When you noticed Sanji, you pointed at him and asked Luffy about it
Zoro cries almost hysterically everytime you successfully perform a move from his three-swords style. He is so proud that he wants to scream it out to the seven seas
“That’s my girl! Go, little champion! Just look at her! …She’s on her way to be the best swordswoman”
Zoro’s crying with Luffy doing his best to comfort him whilst you bounce over to your father and happily babble about that you just performed a move without his help
Zoro is quite emotionally attached to you. To think, he was grossed out by the idea of parenting but in a few months, it all changed. Now, he can’t bare to imagine scouting these grand seas without his little strawberry
Zoro goes murder mode everytime any of the crew’s enemies manages to land a hit on you. You got that small left cheek scar from a Assassin out for Luffy’s bounty and Zoro had to be pinned down by his own team so he wouldn’t dice the assassin into crumbs on the spot
“Little Strawberry! Did that bad man hurt you? what a cut… Aww, go to Aunt Nami, she’ll look after you. Daddy and Uncle Luffy will take care of that bad man but quickly, give Daddy a hug. I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop that, love”
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arctic-pop · 1 year
Bangchan vs Home Depot Manager
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Bangchan x reader
Warnings: none
Imagine: bangchan defends you from your mean home depot boss
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You sigh, just another boring day working at home depot. You were working outside in the garden area, its dirty but you dont mind it. Youre not like the other home depot employees, you actually like being outside. You were getting a plant vase when all of a sudden, someone bumped into you!! The vase dropped, shattering and even pieces of it cutting your cheek. "Ah! Hey!!" You turn around. It was your boss!!
"Stupid YN!" He yelled. "Thats home depot property you just broke!! You lost the company money! I cant believe they hired a woman. Youre too weak to work here!"
You start tearing up. But he just continues yelling "idiot women are too weak and dumb. Now you owe us money!"
All of a suddem you hear another voice behind you. "Hey!" It said.
You turn around, youre hair whipping in the wind. You find a beautiful boy with blue hair along with a bunch of other super cute guys. When youre eyes met, you blushed and he seemed to be struck too. But then he went up to your boss. "She wasnt too weak to hold it, you bumped into her and now youre bullying her for it!"
"Who the freak do you think you are?"
"Im bangchan, and Im not an idiot like you obviosuly. Women arent weak or stupid. You need to apologize. Or else."
Banchan looked so menacing it made you pee your pants a little bit. His dark eyes bored into your boss's skull. The rest of the gang stood by him also menacingly. Still your manager didnt back down. "Or else what?"
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Bangchan pushed you behind himself protectively, then with his muscely arms, he wound up and threw up punch right on your managers face!!
The manager started to cry and ran away. Bangchan turned around to you. He saw the cut on your cheek and put his hand there. "Are you okay??"
You blushed furiously with his warm hand on your face, a hand that had fought for you! "Im- im okay. Thank you so much!!" You teared up again.
"I just cant believe he was bullying you like that. Why dont you quit if your boss is so mean?
"I cant- i have to take care of my family."
He nodded , his fluffy blue hair bouncing. "By the way, can you show me where plumbing is?"
"Of c-c-course." You stuttered a little, still flustered from when his hand had gently touched your face. You started walking to plumbing, the group of boys behind you.
"What do you need in plumbing?
"The biggest plunger you have"
One of the boys in the back spoke up. "Bangchan pooped so hard it clogged the whole houses plumbing!!"
Bangchan blushed and smacked the back of his head. "Shut up hyunjin!! Its a lie. The toilet just broke cuz its old."
"Its okay, "you said. "Our toilet is clogged too but i cant afford a plumber." You want to tear up, thinking about all the money your parents waste on drugs and alcohol, but you push back the tears.
You found the plungers, grabbed the biggest one home depot offered, and handed it to him.
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Your hands brushed as he grabbed it and you quickly drew your hand away to brush your hair out of your face in embaressment.
"Cute" he whispered under his breath.
"Oh heck did i say that out loud?"
All the guys started laughing at him, one of them rolling on the floor. It made you giggle.
"Do you need anything else?"
"No this is it"
You start to turn around when he suddenly reached out and grabbed your arm, "Wait!"
You turn around. "Yes?
"Will you go out with me?"
You gasped, so excited. "Of, of course!!"
"Ill take you on the nicest date ever, and then I can go over and use my new plunger to fix your toilet too."
"But but i cant pay you-"
"Its for free. Cause I like you, YN"
"No ones ever done this for me... can i hug you?"you ask.
He smirked and opened up his arms. You ran to him. Wrapping your arms around him, not caring that your still wearing your home depot apron. You can smell the faint odor of poop on him as you hug, breathing in his air, but you dont mind. "Thank you for being my home depot hero"
"Of course baby" bangchan said.
The End
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the-hellhounds · 1 year
The big Easter egg hunt! Woo!
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Having gathered the guys around, Haechan thought it would be a great day and given it was also Easter weekend, he asked of them to get bags of plastic eggs and fill them with chocolates with him to hide for Minjun.
"I could be playing league of legend right now and winning," Mark had whined along with some of the others as he held a plastic egg that was in the color yellow. "Maybe even eating some chips."
Glaring over to him, Haechan throws a mini m&m packet to his head. "What you should be doing is shoving candy into plastic eggs before I shove them up your ass." He snaps as he works on fixing the basket he had bought for his son. "This is my boys first egg hunt and I want to see his happy face when he finds all of them. This includes grass rashes and back aches."
Seeing as he was determined to make his only son happy, the others hurry with their duties.
Renjun and Jeno having Minjun inside the house as they bathed him and changed him into a new diaper and clothes.
"See? Taking a bath wasn't all that bad, was it?" Renjun smiles, brushing the small hair on top of the baby's head to style it neatly.
The baby only babbling away as he was entertained with the ducky plushie that Jeno had gotten him.
"How does so much poop come from something so small?" Holding a pair of shoes in hand, Jeno stares amazed and flabbergasted over how they had gotten to cleaning up the small boy. His diaper full and tears streaming down his full cheeks when they got to him.
"Your digestive system does wonders," Renjun answers. "Alright! I think we're done." He smiles once they had gotten the little baby changed and into his shoes. Placing him down on the floor, they help him walk out and to the backyard where everyone had just finished running around to hide eggs.
"Minjunnie!! Baby!" Running over to scoop up his son in his arms, he litters his face in kisses. The baby giggling loudly at his father's affections. Each day filled with happiness and love from his parent. "Are you ready to find some eggs?"
"Some? Make that more than 50 eggs..." Muttering from next to his twin, Kyun elbows Hanbin in the ribs.
"You'll be like that too once you have a kid." Kyun says.
"I doubt it." Walking off to the shade, Hanbin sits in a chair while everyone cheered on the only baby of their pack.
After hours of squating down and kneeling next to Minjun, Haechan slowly regrets buying so many eggs for him to look for. "How many is that?" He calls to his pack.
"I think that's 34 with the pink one he found next to Jaehyun!" Taeyong yells as he and Jaemin kept track.
"Oh, make that 35. He found one by the hose." Jaemin says. "I can't wait to do this with my own child next year." Jaemin smiles, his excitement of becoming a father having grown since he found out his mate was pregnant.
"Yay! He found one of mine!" Ten cheers with a glass of margarita in hand.
Groaning and flopping on the grass, Haechan let's the sun shine on him, sweat having begun to form at his hairline. "The things I do for my offspring..."
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T-list : @fallenangel-oc ( staci & alya ♥︎ × ♥︎ ) - @lovesick-hyuck ( ♥︎ ) - @witch-renjunnie ( ♥︎ ) - @monsterhigh-cb ( jaemin ♥︎ ) - @helluvaboss-cb ‐ @badbf-cb ( lisa ♥︎ ) - @livealittleoc-cb - @k-dislyte ( moonbyul ♥︎ ) - @redroom-cb ( chae ♥︎) - @universe-of-superm ( little lion ♥︎ ) @kitsuneboyscb ( taeil & kun ♥︎ × ♥︎) - @theonesxcb - @ateezmystery ( yeosang ♥︎ ) - @frathouse-cb ( sicheng ) - @uridealbf-cb - @uridealgf-cb - @raiden-oc ( 🌺 ♥︎ ) - @clubwnderland - @domxbot - @kimheebby - @fantasyaespa - @league-of-assassins - @angelsxdemons-cb ( karina ♥︎ ) - @dreampodcast - @kavengers-assemble - @thepack-cb - @dc-heroes-cb [dm for + or -]
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Can you do a prompt for domestic cleon fluff, bonus points if they have children
Well, you said kids and uhhh, how about three of them?
Media: Resident Evil
Ship: Claire/Leon
Rating: General; Tags: Children, domestic fluff, background platonic or romantic Valenfield
“Mom? Why does auntie Jill have a dog we can’t play with?” Claire looks down at her son’s serious face, a scrunched little V in between his faint red-brown eyebrows.
“Well,” she says, leaning back on the counter and wiping her hands on a dishtowel, “she’s a service dog. She’s working right now.”
“Her dog has a job?” The V gets deeper and Claire has to smile at his incredulous tone. Ruffling his hair she laughs, Leon, across from her leaning on the stove chuckles.
“Yeah. She’s got a job. She makes sure Jill feels okay, watches out for her.”
“So not like Grover.” he says slowly, “All Grover does is sleep. And poop.”
“Yup. Just like your sister.” Leon says, dodging the towel Claire snaps his way with a smile before scooping up Scott and laughing with him. 
Scott’s childish voice rings through the hallway as Leon carries him away before Claire can hear him shouting in the backyard. Their oldest, Shirley yells back, sounding like she’s starting up a game of tag. Claire smiles to herself, reaching up to put the last of the morning dishes away.
“I don’t know why you’re doing that.” Leon says behind her fondly, resting his hands on her hips and pulling her back into him. “We’re just going to have to pull them all out again once your brother stops hogging the grill.” 
“Like I’m letting any of my flatware out on that concrete, besides, you let him take over.” Leon kisses along her neck and Claire tilts her head to the side with a quiet sigh. Who’d’ve thought, all those years ago, that they'd end up here? Three kids, a big yard, too idyllic to be real but it is. Chris’ deep laugh sounds from outside and Claire can only guess that it’s from some quiet joke Jill told him, or maybe the kids being goofy. 
“Eugh. ‘Let’ is a strong word, he would have been annoying till I let him, it was strategic.” 
“Ah.” Claire turns in his arms and smiles into the kiss he gives her. “Strategic. Sure, sure. Totally believe that, and not that maybe you didn’t want to be in charge of food? Huh? Mr. I Burn Most Things Kenedy?”
“Hm. I’ll let that one slide.” On the counter the baby monitor squawks to life, “Sorry, gotta go, my baby’s calling.”
“I always knew I was the side piece!” Claire calls and Leon claps his hand to his heart as if shot and stumbles dramatically out the doorway. 
Once outside the afternoon passes in a haze of dreamy happiness. Leon brings the baby downstairs and shoots Claire a faux-annoyed look when immediately Chris scoops up his newest niece. Claire pokes him in the side once and laughs as he jumps, watching with an unconscious smile as Chris sits carefully next to Jill and the two of them make the baby laugh with funny faces.
“Cece, right?” Jill asks.
“Yeah, well, Celia, but we call her Cece.”
“She’s beautiful.”
Just as Cece is finally asleep after her last bottle, from down the hall comes a loud wail. In her crib, the sound makes Cece start and her cries join in with an ear piercing harmony. 
“I’ve got him, you good here?” Leon nods, already focused on soothing the startled infant, pulling her into his arms.
Claire cracks the door to her son’s bedroom open wider, adding illumination to the shark night-light and glow in the dark stars scattered across the ceiling, “Hey baby, what’s happening?” 
Behind her she can hear a door open quietly and she turns, nodding to Shirley, “He’s okay, I’ve got him, thanks Love.” Shirley sleepily nods and closes her door again.
Scott is sitting up in his bed, no longer sobbing but hiccuping with tears stains running tracks down his cheeks. When Claire lays down beside him he snuggles into her arms immediately, leaving a snotty-wet smear stain right in the center of her shirt, but she can’t say she minds. “Want to tell me about it?”
“It was-” He hiccups again and she rubs his back soothingly, “Scary, big dogs- and I couldn’t find you!”
“I’m right here, I’ll always be here.” 
His hands are fisted into her shirt, “But what if I can’t find you?” 
“You know how it goes, just like in the grocery store. I’ll find you, no matter what. No matter what.” 
He still looks troubled but lets himself be soothed, the exhaustion of the day settling in again.
“You can sleep with us tonight if you want.”
“Shirley says five is too old to sleep in your bed.”
“Well. I’ll tell you a secret,” Scott leans in with his big serious eyes, dying to know, “Shirley would still get nightmares when she was seven.” 
Scott giggles with her, “Okay.” 
“Okay.” Claire nods, picking him up despite how heavy he’s getting. By the time she’s changed into her pajamas he’s already asleep right in the middle of their bed. Claire scoots him over enough to give herself room and he’s dead to the world, sleeping soundly while she reads and waits for Leon. When Leon finally enters she holds a finger up to her mouth, pointing at their son. Leon only lifts his eyebrows, moving one of Scott’s arms off his pillow as he slides in.
“What are you smiling about?” He asks quietly.
“Just thinking. We’ve been through quite a bit to get here. Reminding myself to be grateful, I guess.” She whispers to him over Scott’s head.
“We’re pretty lucky, for sure.” He reaches for her cheek and she turns her head to kiss his palm. “Really lucky.”
Uh, yeah. Hi. Had no idea how to start with this prompt but ended up having a lot of fun with it? Hope this was something close!
Shirley: 8
Scott: 5
Celia: 5 months
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ophidahlia · 2 years
You might not think werewolves are real, but I'm here to tell you that they're not. BUT I'm also here to tell you that a far worse beast lurks the woods this time of year. In fact, I came face to face with this horrid, unnatural creature just this past Tuesday.
All the birds and other animals in my home went silent so I knew a predator was afoot. A terrible growl and crashing sounds came from my walk-in closet! I peered in and saw a hulking, hairy man-creature with the face of a wolf and long, sharp claws. My closest was a DISASTER. I screamed because I had just organised everything and the vile beast shot up and howled, tearing the nice red bolero style jacket he was trying to struggle to get into. I yelled at him because I just bought that jacket and called him a vile, accursed werewolf!
Then he got a sad look in his malevolent yellow eyes and said "Well, that's a pretty problematic thing to say! I'm not a werewolf, I'm a wear-wolf! I'm cursed to rummage through my victims' wardrobes every full moon and wear all their clothes, getting smelly wolf hair all over them! Sometimes I even pee in the shoes a bit if I'm feeling evil! I'm a monster, don't look me I'm hideous and my outfit isn't color coordinated aaaawwwwOOOOO" and then he hastily snatched a selection of handbags with his claws and crashed through my bedroom window!
I saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes near the treeline before a ghastly voice came from the shadows "Sorry about the window I'm awkward about goodbyes, hope homeowner's insurance covers that but I pooped in your stockings drawer and I'm keeping the handbags aawwoooOOOOO!" and then he was gone.
I haven't slept since that night, but this morning I found a half-eaten pair of Louboutins on my doorstep. I'm dreading the next full moon as I'm going to be bringing my Canada Goose coat out of storage...
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memehyena · 2 years
Things I Have Said To My Pets Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary! Please specify muse for multimuse blogs! 
Small Bonus: I wanted to include “Oh, Nodie, here comes Bodie!” but it’s rather specific so I left it out. I did want to share, however. 
I’ll add content warnings for actual duck guts, but ‘duck guts’ is a direct reference to my husband’s dog tearing all the stuffing out of her duck toy and leaving it on the bed.
CW: Food, Animal Injury, Animal Death, Gore, Injury, Poop
“Lady, lady, lady, lady, lady--”
“I know, I know, I know, IknowIknowIknow.”
“Don’t fall! You’re going to fall! I told you you were going to fall!”
“You really shouldn’t sleep there.”
“Yes, yes, I hear you. I said I hear you!”
“What a biiiiiiig stretch/yawn.”
“He’s yelling because you stepped on him.”
“No, no, stop!”
“Don’t eat that!”
“You’re so upside out and inside down right now.”
“It’s okay, baby.”
“C’mere, Baby, you’re okay.”
“The water in the bedroom is the exact same as the water in the kitchen.”
“I know, baby, I know, it’s hot.”
“Look at you go!”
“That is the nastiest duck I’ve ever seen.”
“Duck guts!”
“What’s up, Wabbykins?”
“Yeah, I know, it’s bathroom time, bitches.”
“You want sink water?”
“Nyom nyom nyom.”
“Don’t touch that--”
“Yeah, well, you touch your own poop, so. Don’t look at me like that.”
“Are you begging?”
“You left me a memento. It was ten pounds of cat hair.”
“Do you want some bread?”
“You can’t have this, this is mine.”
“If I have food it is my food, not your food. I only have your food sometimes.”
“Or you could like, not do what I just told you not to do. That’s an option.”
“It’s splootin’ time!”
“I am covered in babies.”
“I have a baby blanket. A blanket made of babies.”
“Yep, that’s a box. It’s your box, now, my son/daughter/child.”
“You want this bottle? Yeah, you do.”
“It’s time for secret cheese. Shhh, don’t tell your father.”
“Who wants millet? I bet I know who wants millet.”
“Owowowowowowow, that hurts people! It’s me! I’m people!”
“You want a chewie?”
“This thing feels so gross, but I’m glad you love it.”
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omg tanev makes me omg kicking my feet wiggling my toes twirling my hair giggling out of my vagina tears in my eyes clapping my hands buckling my knees losing my mind screaming at the top of my lungs pulling my hair screaming and shouting gasping running squealing creaming my balls off rolling around on the ground batting my eyes popping my pussy flexing my titis nodding my head stuttering rolling my eyes to the back of my head levitating cheering nutting taking a leap of faith singing gospel pacing back and forth doing summersaults cartwheeling pissing and shitting and sometimes cumming pitter pattering sipping my water while doing backflips hopping on one foot looking through a peep hole posting on reddit hopscotching sprinting faster than sonic punching my balls shaking my asschecks yodeling yelling like a goat being murdered sucking on someone’s fingers nipping at their toes dying my hair going on tumblr and reading smut whispering and crying parachuting singing a beautiful song in the most orgasmic voice you’ve ever heard dancing drooling tippy tapting learning how to limbo doing the splits climbing into my lamborghini tesla mix breed petting my chickens flying an airplane to london gelping being annoyed but then twerking buying frozen yogurt making my bed leaping twirling jump roping laughing my balls off shrieking springing like tigger from winnie the pooh while snickering sending selfies to random people on snap pooping my pants popping a tit sprinting in circles running a mile swimming across the ocean slurping dick drawing a smiley face to represent me rn biting my fingernails curing all diseases because im spinning in circles because i’ve never been more joyous than right now shrieking into a pillow smiling so wide it’s scary blocking howie mandel because i have better things to do than look at his friends booty hole swirling into oblivion squirming leap-frogging hogjsofjeifhissgiwgdiwd-ing moaning and yelping holding my hands praying spitting and sneezing ripping my posters off the wall cackling blushing hiding my face getting a bullseye in darts shaking my head (not in a bad way) doing back and front flips while skydiving and landing on a bridge then jumping into a lake creaming my jeans because becafseisuiwhshehe like damn gravy you so vicious you so clean so delicious because oh my fuck doing parkour singing else will rock you whilst stomping my feet so hard they bleed slamming my hands into the table cracking my knuckles playing crack the egg slutting myself out driving off of the grand canyon punching my mama in the throat karate kicking my daddy in the chest wtf squealing like a baby panting like a dog frothing at the mouth jumping into a trash can knitting a blanket climbing onto my roof i wanna crash my car into a telephone pole with no seatbelt on so i fucking die only to come back from the eat so i can slurp pussy and run up the walls and jump off of new york city rooftops until the cops taze me oh my god #krakentanevaugh
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Not Blood But Family
Word Count: 1,922
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (brief), Sam Winchester (mentioned), OC Character, Reader
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, some slight fluff
A/N: me: hey i should post at least once a week   also me: hey guys i’m back from a random ass hiatus
A/N 2: enjoy the dog poop
A/N 3: lisa’s daughter btw
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You shot your eyes around the darkened room, squinting as you tried to make out any figure, seeing if there was anyone who was being held captive with you. Unfortunately for you, you were all alone. You could barely make out the bruises on your wrists, the rope burns caused by being tied up for days. 
“Hey!” you yelled.
“Hey! I know you can hear me! What the hell do you want from me?!” you screamed as loud as you could, more annoyed than scared.  
Ever since you found both your mother and younger brother dead, you’d given up any emotion you could show, mainly numb inside.  
“Ugh,” you groaned softly, laying your head back against the wall as you leaned against it, closing your eyes for a moment. 
Everyone always warned you, don’t hitchhike, and now you’ve learned your lesson.
“Did you just take a picture of me?” you squinted your eyes, sitting chained up to a chair as you saw a bright light flash.
“Freak,” you scoffed.
He ignored your comments, grabbing a fistful of your hair, pulling it up as you grunted, clenching your jaw.
 He just chuckled, pushing you back. You could feel the blood trickling from your forehead as you breathed heavily.
“If you’re trying to sell me, no one’s gonna buy me. I’m a pain in the ass,” you struggled against your chains.
You were met with a blank expression from the man, having not said a single word to you. 
“If you’re planning on killing me, at least give me the decency of some good conversation,” you laid back in your chair.
You heard his phone ring as he turned his back to you, picking it up.
“Yes, sir. I have (Y/N) with me. I’ve sent a picture to you to send to Dean Winchester,” you poked your head up, hearing an unfamiliar name before be hung up.
“Who’s Dean Winchester,” you asked.
“You’ll find out soon enough... or not,” he shrugged.
You could feel a slight panic in your chest as you stiffened, seeing him walk towards you while clutching a knife.
“Keep that away from me,” you tried and tried to pull your chains, trying to stay away as he grabbed you, pressing the knife against your shoulder.
“Let's have some fun.”
“Hey. Hey!” you groaned as you squinted your eyes, hearing someone calling your name in a distance.
“Wake up, (Y/N), please,” you felt him out a hand on your shoulder, cutting open the ropes tying you down.
“Hmm, who are you?” you winced softly, your body ached from all the miniature cuts all over it.
“I’m… I’m here to help,” Dean said. He debated whether or not to tell who he was, pushing your arm around his shoulder.
“How do you know who I am?” you groaned. You blinked your eyes, fading in and out of consciousness.
“Just stay quiet. Come on,” you breathed heavily as you took a step forward, falling onto him completely.
“Holy shit!” you groaned, sitting up in the bed as you looked around cautiously.
“(Y/N),” you tensed slightly as Dean wrapped his arms around you tightly.
You felt a sense of relief washing over you, feeling a safety that you haven't felt in a long time as you exhaled softly.
“W-Wait, who are you?” you asked.
He stood up, sitting in front of you at the side of your bed.
“You don't remember me, but I knew your mom, a-and your brother,” your face dropped, frowning as you scooted a little away from him.
“Who are you,” you asked again.
“My name is Dean Winchester,” he said.
You thought back for a minute, trying to think where you heard that name before.
You remembered, hearing the man saying his name.
“That… guy mentioned you,” you started.
“Well, I have some bad blood with his boss and they were trying to use you to get to me,” he explained.
You stayed quiet for a moment, before talking again.
“Why me? I don’t even know you,” you shook your head.
His face dropped slightly, looking at you as you ran your fingers through your hair, slightly nervous.
“My friend is coming, everything will be cleared up, okay?” Dean asked.
You nodded, wrapped your arms around your legs as you exhaled sharply, laying your head on your lap.
You heard the noise of something fluttering, as you frowned, looking up. You jumped back, seeing a man appear in front of you.
You could feel your heart racing as the man reached two fingers on your forehead, his eyes glowing blue.
You felt a sense of warmth over you, feeling warmth in your body as it healed. You gasped softly, seeing visions with Dean inside your head. Everything from the years that past came back to you as you pulled away from Castiel, pushing yourself off the bed.
“Dean,” you remembered.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he took a step forward, walking to you.
You shook your head, stepping backward. He turned his head to the side, slightly in shock.
“You’re Castiel,” you said.
“So then where’s Sam,” you asked softly.
“Sam’s at this place we live at. This bunker,” Dean replied.
You continued to stand there quietly, running your fingers through your hair as you turned your head away from Dean.
“I heard that… Lisa’s gone,” you tensed as your mom’s name fell from his mouth.
“Yeah, so is Ben,” you kept your emotions of both anger and grief hidden.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry-” he started.
“Shut up,” you glared at him.
“(Y/N), I-” he tried to speak again, only for you to cut him off once more.
“I said shut up, Dean. Thanks for the help, I’ll be on my way,” you began heading for the door as Dean stopped you.
“Why are you acting like this?” he asked.
“Like what?” you rolled your eyes.
“Why are you acting so cold? So different?”  he crossed his arms.
“Don’t start with me, Dean,” you scoffed, crossing your arms.
Dean motioned to Castiel, telling him to leave as he nodded.
“What happened?” he asked.
“What happened? My family is dead, Dean,” you spat.
“I know, I-I’m sorry-” 
“Saying sorry won't bring them back. It was your choice to leave, you had to know that this was a possibility,” you crossed your arms as you glared at Dean.
“The only reason I left was because I wanted to keep the three of you safe. I couldn't have done that if you guys were with me,” he tried to explain while you kept ignoring his words.
“You don't owe me an explanation. You’re not my dad you don't owe me anything,” you could see the look in his eyes fade away.
“I know I’m not your real dad, but that doesn't mean we're not family,” he started.
“You're just a guy that lived with us for a year, who had a past,” you knew you were hurting him, and hurting yourself while at it. 
You couldn't let your guard down and you knew it. Even if Dean was there for you when you needed someone the most, when you had boy problems, school problems, things somehow your mom didn't understand, he always helped you. With all the late nights you spent crying, trying to convince yourself that you don’t need help, he was always there by your side. 
Not that you would ever admit that. Dean was the only person your mom dated who cared about you and Ben.
“You know that it’s deeper than that, (Y/N). I’m sorry I left, I’m sorry I erased your memory of me. I was just trying to keep you safe,” he said.
“Stop apologizing,” you shook your head.
“Will you come back with me?” he asked after a moment of silence.
“W-What?” you were slightly taken aback by his question, not sure why you were so surprised.
“We have a home now. A sort of home, it’s a bunker. But we live there, and there's more than enough room for you to live with us,” he explained.
“Are you… even after everything I just said?” you frowned.
“Yes. You're still 17, you still, technically need a legal guardian. I know that you’re not happy with me, but I’m gonna fix that. Come live with us,” he said.
“What if I say no?” you raised an eyebrow.
“I know you’re not going to. You hate being alone,” he replied.
“I’ve been alone for a year, I can-”
“I’m sorry you had to be alone for so long. Please, come with me,” he begged again.
You could feel your eyes watering slightly as you frowned, biting your lip nervously.
“Dean, please stop,” you wiped your face with your hands, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath.
“Stop what?” he asked, frowning slightly.
“Why do you care about me?” you whispered softly.
“What do you mean?” he crossed his arms, taking a step closer to you.
You looked up at him, your eyes red and watery as his face dropped.
“I’m not… I’m not your kid o-or anything, why do you always try to take care of me?” you closed your eyes, feeling a tear escape down your cheek.
“(Y/N), listen to me,” he put his hand on your cheek, wiping your tear away. 
“I know I’m not blood, kid, but I’m still your dad, you’re still my kid. Nothing’s gonna change that, no matter what. I love you so much, kid. I’m still your family and you’re still mine. I would never leave you, I-I would never hurt you,” he continued to stroke your cheek, while you kept your tears at bay.  
“My real dad didn’t want me,” you whispered.
“That’s cuz he’s an idiot. Come here,” he wrapped his arm around you tightly as you shut your eyes, letting your tears fall freely while you let out a shaky cry, holding onto him tightly.
He kissed your forehead softly, then rested his chin on the top of your head. 
“I got you, you’re safe now,” he said softly.
“You’re okay now.”
You shot up in your bed, looking around cautiously as your breathing was labored. You looked around, before remembering that you were at the bunker as you let out a breath of relief. 
Maybe I should tell Dean
No stop bothering him and just try to sleep
Nightmares weren’t uncommon for you, whether it was about Lisa and Ben, or about any event that happened to you in the past year. You were alone, nothing was ever easy, and most people were the absolute worst. 
You found yourself trying to stop your hands from shaking as you rested your head on your lap, hearing the door open as you looked up.
“Dean?” you asked. 
“What are you doing up? I thought you went to sleep hours ago,” he sat down next to you on the bed. 
“Well, I did, it’s just…” your voice drifted off, trying to figure out how to explain your nightmares without Dean having pity on you. He already gave you a home, a place to feel safe.
“Your nightmares?” he asked.
“How did you know?” you frowned.
“Because it’s normal. Come on, I’m staying with you tonight,” he laid down in the bed, wrapping his arm around you in a protective manner. 
You yawned softly, snuggling up into Dean’s side as you closed your eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. 
“Thank you, Dad.”
Dean smiled softly, kissing your forehead.
“Anything for you, kiddo.”
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Omg can you write a fic where tom x black!reader actress wins an oscar and then tom proposes?
Summary: your a crybaby...oh my goddd! Lets say coronavirus isnt here..okie dokey
Warnings: boogerz (ewwwww) jk.
“And the nominees for best actress are” Harry styles smiled, taking out the paper and accidentally dropping it, a panicked face while he picked it up making everyone laugh a bit.
He cleared his throat again, fixing his tie before repeating himself “And the nominees for best actress are....Scarlet Johansson for black widow 2”
The camera showed her, and she gently waved with a wide smile on her face. “Margot robbie for suicide squad 2”
She bit her lip in eagerness at the camera, her eyebrows raising as she shifted in her seat.
“Viola davis for, how to get away with murder”
She put on a thoughtful smile, looking at her husband.
“And y/n y/l/n!”
Your mouth went agape and tom squeezed your hand, your brother, his wife, and your shared mother dancing in their seats embarrassing you, hiding and going slump in your seat making everyone laugh.
“Also i just wanted to let everyone know” he lifted his finger “y/n is my celebrity crush, always has been. Sorry tom”
Everyone started to giggle again “its fine!” He yelled back making everyone cackle while you laughed yourself.
The drums started, worry and excitement fillong your viens as tom held your hand tight, your brother putting his hands on your shoulders and saying “youre gonna get this. Youve worked so hard and we are so proud of you” and murmering praises as tom gave you kisses on your temple.
“And the winner is.....” harry said, pulling out the other card very, very, slowly.
You thought is was gonna be easy?
I know your drenched in your own sweat
Is it raining on your face yet?
Love ya niki-
“The winner is... y/n”
Oh god.
You and tom stood, he pressed his lips hard against yours “you deserve it, so much” you bit your lip and everyone slightly patted your back, your brother a little to hard but tom told you to get your prize, darling.
And zendaya got up to walk you, viola with a smile on her face as she wrapped her arm around yours, walking you down. “I love you so much, god im so proud of you” she smiled, giving you a hug, her face in your neck and you both rocked side to side.
Harry was a little to excited to see you, taking your hand when you let zendaya go and helping you up the steps muttering a playful call me making you giggle, then he handed you your award “one second!” He said in the mic, taking a tiara and placing it on your head. “There ya go”
Again some giggles, you stood infront of the mic, looking around and taking it all in. “Thank you all, so so much. I-uh never wouldve thought id get this today, to be able to hold this” you raised it a bit. “But i want to thank some people, my mom”
Of course she was crying.
“My brother”
He did a dance, a weird one.
“My acting coach, keanu reeves, and many of you in here, thank you for being who you are to make me who i wanted to be, to be who i am, thank you”
Abd like that it was over, everyone clapping and shouting your welcomes before tom stood, flattening his tuxedo before doing a light jog, now onto full on running “one-one second!” He shouted into the mic when he got there, harsh breathes leaving his lips.
“I have something to say, y/n youve made me so happy in these years that ive been with you, weve made it so far and i cant see myself without you...like at all”
Everyone shared a couple laughs.
“I know weve shared a couple moments, embarrassing ones. Like when i ripped my pants and bird poop landed in my hair so we had to run into the public restroom to rinse it out, then you burned me”
“It was an accident, i couldnt tell which one was hot and cold” you glared at him, everyone laughing again.
“But thats besides the point, what i wanna say is-“ he put the mic down, taking both of your hands and pulling you from infront of the stance, letting everyone see you both as he slowly got on his knees.
Harry grabbed the mic again, squating next to tom and putting the mic to his lips “you forgot mate” he muttered “will you marry me?” Tears fell down your face as you nodded your head, like the idiot he is he forgot to take out the ring but he did, a big shiny one.
Diamond specks everywhere, it was beautiful. Tears strolled down your cheeks as he slided the ring on, then standing up and lifting you from the ground, a salty kiss shared.
Harry stood and walked back to his spot, joining everyone clapping their hands after tom took the mic, still holding you he shouted “IM GETTING MARRIED!”
The crowd roared with claps, everyone standing and men shouting “WOO”, pumping their fists in the air. You both are so happy!!
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For Maribat March day 24 theme story
Master List 
“You know I remember the day I first saw him. My baby brother.” Marinette announced as all the Batkids formed a circle around her, like they were all students listening to their teacher read a story. Only this wasn’t an ordinary story she was telling, “Mom and Dad came home from the hospital holding a tiny human. I was 7 at the time, yet even after all these years I still remember.” 
“Was baby Bruce cute?” Steph asked. 
“He was the cutest little thing. His eyes were so innocent and curious, and blue, very blue. And when he grabbed my finger he didn’t let go until it was time for my mom to feed him. But baby Bruce was also boring, he did the traditional baby things like cry, poop his diaper, cry, eat baby food, and cry. But you wanna know what wasn’t boring, toddler Bruce.” All the Batkids subconsciously leaned in closer, eager to hear what embarrassing things Bruce did as a kid. “You know, my parents gave us nicknames when we were both toddlers, they called me butterfly, and him rhino.” 
“Why?” Tim blurted out, he didn’t get enough sleep to stop himself. 
“They said that when I was younger, I would float around like a butterfly, floating with the wind. But when my brother was younger he headbutted into everything, it was like his only solution to his problems. I’m surprised he didn’t get brain damage or something, hence the nickname rhino. I was their little butterfly and he was their little rhino. Those were good times.” 
“Wait, but you said that you went to school in Paris, right? So what happened there?” Babs interjected, curiosity written all over her face. 
“Don’t worry Babs, I’m getting there. Soon Bruce was no longer a toddler but a little kid. Now I know he doesn’t remember this, but when it was his first day of kindergarten, he was 5 I was 12, and I went with our mom to pick him up. He was holding hands with this girl, she was adorable, had her hair in pigtails and everything, ran up to me and said ‘Nettie Nettie! This is Josie and she’s my best friend!’ It was the cutest thing, it was only his first day of school and he had a best friend. We won’t talk about her parents or the fact that she moved the following year, but it was so cute in the moment. He had another friend, Logan, for a few years but he moved away too. I’m glad he moved away, he was such a bad influence on Bruce.” Her eyes landed on Cass who was trying to grab her attention.
“Why was this Logan a bad influence?” Cass signed. 
“Think of Logan as that one kid who always got detention, skipped class, didn’t do the work, talked back to the teacher, and always got his parents called in, but in the body and energy of a 9 to 14 boy. I mean, when they were in the 8th grade he tried to get Bruce to smoke. Pretty sure he was sent to military school or something. Good riddance.” 
Damian scoffed, “You still haven’t answered the question of how you ended up in Paris.”
“Oh I haven’t! Dang it I was rambling again. So when I was 12 our parents decided it would be a good idea to send me to an art school in Paris, since I was and am very into designing and our parents wanted to get me out of Gotham. They were going to do the same with Bruce but…” She trailed off and for the first time since they had met her she seemed to close in on herself as a few tears trickled down her cheek, “They would’ve loved you guys, if they got to meet you. I wasn’t there when it happened so I’m nowhere near as traumatized as Bruce but it still hurt.” She brought her sleeve up and wiped the tears off her face. 
Dick got up from his spot and hugged Marinette, Cass went over and did the same. 
“Thank you guys, man that was such a downer. Here I thought I would be telling you happy, silly stories about Bruce and now I’m crying.” 
Dick and Cass took a step back to give her more room and Cass signed, “You might not have been there, but they were your parents too.”
“Thank you Cass, now who wants to hear about how Bruce tried to impress a girl for the first and last time?” 
“Hell Y-” Jason was interrupted by Bruce’s voice. 
She whirled around and at the doorway stood Bruce, he probably just got home from work.
“Baby Bro! You’re finally home!” She ran over and picked him up in a hug. All the kids' jaws were on the ground, this woman who was a head shorter than Bruce was able to pick him up without any problems. 
“Marinette you can put me down, we’re getting too old for this.” Bruce tried to say with the little dignity he had left. 
“I’ll never be too old to carry you!” Marinette stated, grinning from ear to ear.
“Wait so are you gonna tell us about how Bruce tried to impress that one girl?” Duke innocently asked. 
“Oh yeah,” She ran back over to them, “Her name was Finely and-” 
“Don’t tell them about that!” Bruce yelled at her. 
“Why not?” Marinette challenged.
“No, don’t Marinette me! I refuse to let Kate be a cooler aunt than me! I mean I helped train you for goodness sake!” 
“Wait, you helped train him?” Damian questioned. 
“Well yeah-”
“I wanna hear that story!” Tim shouted, seeming to not be as sleep deprived as he once was mere minutes ago. 
“Wait no! I wanna hear about how B embarrassed himself in front of Finley!” Jason shouted back. 
Soon all the batkids had taken sides on which stories they wanted to hear first and then it was war. Marinette and Bruce watched from the sidelines, one amused, one annoyed. 
“Now look at what you’ve done.” Bruce stated, annoyance and tiredness clear in his voice. 
“Hey I was just trying to give them a good story. They’re your kids so you get the joy of reining them in,” She checked the time on her phone, “Yikes that late already huh. Bye kiddos see you tomorrow!” 
Although none of them heard her over their screams and battle cries. It wasn’t until a full hour later when Babs finally pointed out she was gone. 
“Where’d she go?” Steph asked. 
“Miss Marinette left quite a while ago, Miss Steph,” Alfred answered, appearing out of nowhere as always, “Now I believe it is time for dinner.” 
All the batkids made their way to the dining room, frowns on their faces. When Bruce finally sighed, “She’ll be back tomorrow.” Against his better judgement. 
Marinette only brought chaos with her and left a mess behind in her wake. But in the end she was his sister, one of the only things still standing despite how much his life tried to knock her down, it’d be wrong to ask her not to come back. So with a sigh he sent the text he knew she was waiting for. ‘Your welcome back tomorrow.’
Look who’s back from the dead! School killed me but I am back. I think what I’m gonna do is post 2 things for Maribat March despite it no longer being March every time I come back. So day 18 was where we had Little Sis Marinette, now we have Big Sis Marinette. I have not given up on Maribat March, life simply got busy. Hope everyone enjoyed this!
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fuckthesworld · 4 years
Tumblr media
Warning: Jealousy, angst and fluff.
Summary: She goes on a ride with Dean. Stiles keeps a distance from her but his eyes were burning with fire. Jealousy takes over him leading to a fight between them.
It would be a lie to say that Y/n didn’t enjoy the ride. It was peaceful and Dean didn’t miss a chance to make her laugh. Well ofcourse she almost fell two darn times for speeding up her cycle, trying to beat Dean. But, overall she seemed happy and the nature did keep her happy.
It reminded her of the Woods…all the animals and the breeze and..Stiles. Well.um..she didn’t quite forget about him. At the back of her mind, it continued to pinch her. But she decided to concentrate on her surroundings rather than someone who didn’t appreciate her company. There were trees around, breeze making her hair flow back, the birds chirping around, a shiny golden quiet afternoon and a laughing crazy Dean. 
Things were going nice. She felt happy.
“Woooohoooooooo!!” She yelled.
Try and beat me Y/n!!!“ Dean shouted.
“IS that a challenge?!!” She shouted from the back.
“YES!!!” He said speeding up his cycle.
Dean sped up and was before her, and they heard a honk from the behind. She looked behind and saw a car..Roscoe. She moved aside as her thoughts began to move all over the place, and that’s when she realized. Dean decided to come cycling this way and this is where the Pack are gonna have their picnic. She quickly tried to hide her face when she heard a yell.
Ofcourse. I AM LATE AS ALWAYS GODDAMMIT. She looked beside her, trying hard to smile but ending up with a weird face.
“H-Hey Lydia!” She said.
“Are you going this way?!” Lydia yelled.
Y/n stuttered but was interrupted when Dean yelled, “You are losing Y/n! If I win I want a kiss!!!”
She felt the color of her cheeks rising when she realized that not only the Pack heard that BUT Mr Stilinski and Mrs McCall HEARD IT TOO. Ugh Dean can be reaallly annoying at times.
“Oh.” Allison giggled “It will be nice if you lose this race.”
Y/n smiled and took a peek inside, hoping to see Stiles, but he was turned around towards the right side of the window.
Wow, he didn’t even look at me. I mean atleast a hi would have been nice after his conversation with them. Sigh, looks like he is right. I am the one who is missing him. “Well um, you guys need to speed up. Hey Dean!! Move aside!!”
“Enjoy Y/n!” Scott shouted before they sped their car and were almost out of sight.
She stopped when Dean smirked and came beside her.
“Tell me this wasn’t the reason you planned the cycling for.”
“Not at all. If you remember then I asked you about the cycling before all those things happened.” He laughed when you glared at him “Okay, maybe the destination changed.”
“And the competition…so that we can reach there faster.” Y/n gave him the cold look.
“Ugh, I am not going there.” Y/n said turning her bicycle around. Dean held her hand and said, “YOU said you are up for a challenge, so I just leveled it up darling.”
“Leveled it up?! I didn’t even pass the beginner’s level and you decided to surprise me with the EXPERT LEVEL!! Dean what is wrong with you?! You are supposed to help me!”
“Oh I freaking am. See, the more you are around him, the more you will get used to him and then eventually all the hard feelings will be vanished just like ‘poof!’” He said.
She sighed, “It’s too much for the first day. You don’t understand how I feel.”
“I do. You…you are the one who supported me when she left me. Turned me into a fuckboy .”
Y/n smiled and said, “Yeah, I suppose. But wait, are you trying to turn me like a slut?”
“You? A slut? Oh trust me, you can’t do that even if I tried.” He laughed.
There was a moment of silence. “So..you feel good enough to turn around and continue cycling?” She just nodded her head.
“But please tell me we will be out of their sight.” Y/n said starting to cycle back to the park.
“Whatever is comfortable for you darling.” Dean said.
*Time Skip*
The Pack were all a giggling mess. They were whispering and occasionally looking at Stiles
“Will you guys stop that?” Stiles snapped, irritated of everything.
“Will YOU stop that? What is that behavior? We are going for a picnic STILES, we are supposed to be like this. Laughing and happy and not grumpy like you.” Issac said.
“Enough kids. No fighting. We are here.” Noah parked the car nearby while the others took out the food and mats.
Stiles wasn’t sure why was he upset. He was confused. Yes, he kind of expected Y/n to arrive and be with them in this picnic. Maybe he is upset because of this. She could be arriving here in this spot with that nosy Dean, then that would mean they will be together in the picnic right? Then why wasn’t he okay by now? I mean everyone will be there along with Y/n…and why was he upset with all the giggling and how Dean shouted about the kiss?
“Hey.” Scott nudged him.
“Oh. What were you saying?”
He laughed and said, “I didn’t say anything!”
“Oh..I was just..”
“Thinking about Y/n?”
“Ye–uh no no.”
“Come on bro you know you can tell me.”
“I don’t know..It’s just that..I don’t know why I am feeling angry. I mean, Y/n is gonna be here I guess and then I can apologise for everything but still something feels wrong.”
“Oh..don’t worry, you’ll figure it out. But if you ask me, then I will say you are just jealous to see them together.”He mischievously smiled and said.
“What?”Stiles looked at him.
“Coming!!!” And ran away to Allison who was standing with a volleyball, preparing herself to play.
Stiles sighed and ran towards them, hoping his mood will be fine at the end of the day.
*Time Skip*
*Tring Tring*
Stiles looked back. And there she was. Smiling and laughing. And her hair perfectly flo– His thoughts got interrupted.
“HEY LOOK OUT!! There’s a bird pooping above you!” Y/n looked up and Dean took the opportunity to overtake her and he turned back. “I win.”
“HEY! That’s cheating!” She laughed.
Oh she definitely wanted this. Ofcourse she wants to kiss him. She is not even looking at me! We are clearly loud enough for her to hear! Stiles looked at how they both perfectly parked their bicycles next to each other like..like darn couples.
And he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. “Ow!!” He yelled.
“You need to be present in the game physically AND mentally Stiles!” Issac smirked.
“I-I am!!” He blushed. Y/n now looked at him. His face was red.
She walked over the green soft grass and finally settled down under a tree, a little away from them. She looked at Mr Stilinski , who was present there and  pouring some tea and drinking it.
“Watching your father-in-law?” Dean laughed sitting beside her, their shoulders touching.
She kicked his legs lightly and smiled “It’s not funny.”
“It made you laugh. Kinda is then.”
“Make Stiles laugh and I’ll agree with you.”
“Naaaah. Atleast I can peacefully flirt with you now. Although he is literally trying to burn me to ashes right now.” He chuckled.
Yes, Stiles was playing, but his complete attention was towards Y/n. His jaw locked, eyes frequently moving back and forth from her to Dean, how dangerously close those two were sitting.
“What? Really?” She said turning her head to look at him but then Dean cupped his hands on her face trying to block her view. “Wha–”
“Don’t look. The method is working.”
“WHy can’t you just shut up for a second?”
“WHy can’t you just answer my questions?”
“This is the time. Kiss me.”
“Wait what? Woah Dea–” As she went on to remove his hands, the ball came rolling near Dean’s feet.
“Don’t wanna interrupt you two but can you pass the ball?” Allison giggled.
“Hey Y/n!! Join us!” Lydia yelled.
“Uh..s-sure! Sometime later! I promise! I have a company you see!” She said pointing at Dean.
Stiles chest tightened and he huffed, “Yeah!! You can enjoy with him!” He furiously walked to them, picked up the ball and said, “We are absolutely happy over here! Please don’t ruin our mood!”
Y/n now snapped. Enough is enough. She stood up while Dean quietly sat and watched the drama, a grin on his lips. “What is wrong with you! Why are you acting like this?! Have I done something now to irritate you? No right? Then why don’t you go back to your business!”
The Pack went to sit with the elders giving a little privacy to the both.
“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you! All these days you are with me and-and spend your time with me and suddenly today you show up with some damn neighbour!”
“Well Miecyzslaw the world doesn’t revolve around you! I prefer spending my time with people who actually loves my clinginess and not lie about how they are enjoying with me, when they are actually not!”
Stiles went quiet for a while. “But I thought you only did this with me.”
“I am really sorry. I didn’t mean those at all. I said those to make Scott and Allison shut up. Those just came out of anger. I missed you. I thought you sat like that only with me. I thought you laughed like that only with me. I thought you hugged like that…only with me. I never thought that..that you will…I always thought those moments belonged to me.” He said eyes locked with hers.
“But Sti you said you didn’t like that.” Her voice softened.
“I do, your every little gesture makes me happy. I love spending time with you. You are the only one who can make me smile and who truly understand me when.the Pack fails to do that.”
Y/n smiled and blushed. “I love you Sti. I did for a long time. You never..never really made any move to make me understand anything. I know that you may not love me like the way I do but…I need to let these out. I can still be your friend but, there will be changes in our friendship then.”
Stiles was quiet for her sudden confession. “I understand.” She smiled. Fighting back the tears, she turned around. Why did I do that?!
She suddenly felt a strong pull and they were kissing. It took a moment for her to realize what just happened. She smiled and kissed him back immediately, her hands going on the back of his neck, tugging his brown hair lightly, finally letting out the tears forming on her eyes. His hands went down to her waist pulling her closer to him. The kiss was full of love and force–needy, strong and passionate. All the emotions suppressed between them starting pouring out.
“Uhh…I appreciate your lovely moment of sucking each others faces but being her best friend, it really looks gross.” Dean interrupted.
They pulled from each other with a red face and smile on their lips. They looked back and saw the Pack smiling and giving him a thumbs up . 
“Oh no.” She blushed and hid her face on his chest, while he hugged her, “I really am clingy.”
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 years
Buddies, 7.3k words, T, (pre-Eddie/Buck, gay!Eddie, coming out)
After Eddie was shot, there were two big things he had to deal with - recovery, and the near-death realization that he was gay. The latter of which proved more difficult of the two. But as his recovery was aided by a physical therapist, Eddie also found someone to help him come to terms with his sexuality and find acceptance. Eddie wouldn't know where he'd be if Michael hadn't taken him under his wing.
However, the consequences of a failed date - encouraged by Michael - lead to something Eddie didn't think he'd be facing so soon. Coming out to his teammates. Will Eddie find the strength within himself to push through his fears? It shouldn't be too hard... right?
           It’s too stifling for a fall morning in Los Angeles, Eddie thought, as he hopped out of the fire engine and sweat immediately dampened the collar of his jacket. He tugged on the fabric, huffing a tired breath through clenched teeth as he trotted after his teammates. Eddie soon fell into step beside Buck as Bobby began directing them where they were needed along the highway pileup. “Hen, Chim, attend to the drivers who are already outside their vehicles,” Bobby ordered, waving at the few bystanders leaning against cars and cradling different parts of their body, like arms and heads and one visibly bloody side with blood leaking through pale fingertips. Hen and Chimney immediately hurried there before the woman fainted from blood loss. Then, Bobby points at the two smoking cars fused together feet away. “Buck, Eddie, I want you to check on the drivers in each car and assess the damage. If you can get the occupants out safely, you have permission to do so.”
           They nodded, Buck’s face stretching with a grin as he locked eyes with Eddie. “We got this, don’t we Eds?”
           Eddie’s heart skipped at the nickname, and he blamed it on the weather. He blamed the warmth pooling in his cheeks, no doubt tinting his cheeks, on that, too. “Course we do.” He followed Buck towards the wreckage, asking, “Which one are you checking?”
           “I’ll handle the Corvette,” Buck said, “always wanted to have my hands on one, anyway.”
           “Guess that leaves me with the mini-van…”
           Buck shrugged, splitting off wordlessly to inspect the red sports car that, in this moment, resembled an empty beer can littering the floor of a house party. You get what you pay for, in the end. Eddie stifled his giggle, sobering to a more serious expression as he rounds the other, less-damaged, car. He found a young girl behind the wheel, staring straight ahead while white knuckling the steering wheel. An older woman sat in the passenger seat, knocked unconscious by the collision. He wasn’t worried too much, however, aware of the deflated air bags blanketing their laps. Eddie knocked on the door, “LAFD! Are you able to lower the window?”
           He startled the driver from her trance, shaky hands finally releasing the wheel and whipping to her face. She sobbed through her hands, a muffled sound that tugged on Eddie’s heartstrings.
           Eddie knocked again, softer, until she looked at him. He tapped the window slowly, “Can you lower this?”
           She choked on a breath, chest heaving underneath her safety strap as she did what Eddie asked.
           “Hey,” he began, reaching inside to click the safety off, “my name is Eddie Diaz. What’s yours?”
           “Ol-Olivia…” she stuttered, wiping at tears that continued to fall no matter how hard she scrubbed her eyes, “I’m… oh God, I’m so sorry.”
           Eddie unbuckled her seatbelt, checking for any cuts or abrasions because of it. The skin around her neck seemed red and tender from impact, a possible burn, but that was the extent of the damage there. “It’s okay,” he assured her, cradling Olivia’s head in his hands to better assess her injuries. There were scrapes and bruises there, dried blood crusting around her nose. Nothing that screamed ‘emergency’. “Why don’t you tell me what happened?”
           She sucked in a deep breath, then launched into her story. Eddie listened, running through a mental checklist while she rambled. “I’d gotten my learner’s permit a few months ago,” Olivia explained, “and I’m supposed to go for my driving test in a few months, for my birthday. In the meantime, I’ve been practicing all I can and I… and I thought I was ready for the highway. I mean, it’s not parallel parking, so I thought it couldn’t be that hard. But my mom thought I wasn’t ready and I… I didn’t listen and – oh, oh no! My mom -!”
           “Is okay,” he told Olivia, keeping her eyes on him and preventing any further sudden movement. “I promise.” Eddie surreptitiously scanned Olivia’s mother between beats of her story, noting the subtle rise and fall of her chest. “Is that how you got into the accident? Fighting with your mom?”
           “Well, partly,” Olivia explained, “I…” She hesitated, biting her lip and causing a few more blood droplets to leak past the cut there. Eddie waited, running his hands below the dashboard to check for any strain or damage from the crash that might make extraction difficult. There wasn’t any he felt. “It’s so embarrassing,” she muttered.
           “It’s okay,” Eddie said, smiling, “You wouldn’t believe the kind of calls me and my team have rushed to. I’m sure whatever happened can’t be as embarrassing as a woman stuck in a window because she tried throwing her poop out when the toilet wouldn’t flush.”
           That encouraged a tiny laugh from Olivia, and soon her earlier nerves from the crash disappeared. “I guess…” she sighed, dabbing at drying tear stains with her hoodie sleeve, “I was doing an okay job driving. Better than either I or my mom figured. But then this huge truck barreled by in such a rush that it shook the car and I freaked. I started screaming, and so did my mom, and I didn’t notice that we started drifting and… ugh, I felt like Cher, y’know? From that movie Clueless?”
           Eddie blinked at her. “You know what Clueless is?”
           “It’s a good movie,” she defended, “Plus that’s like… peak Paul Rudd. Although current Paul Rudd is also peak Paul Rudd… he’s really cute for an old guy.”
           He mostly agreed with her, only offended by her closing remark. Paul Rudd isn’t old.
           Paul’s ageless.
           Eddie stood at his full height, backing away to give Olivia space. “You think you can step out of this vehicle on your own?” She shifted, slowly freeing one leg and then the other. Olivia tried exiting, except stumbled after the second foot left the car. Eddie caught her, easing her to the ground. From the corner of his eye, he saw Hen and Chimney approach. “You’re very lucky Olivia,” he said, “you had a great car that shielded you and your mom from some pretty serious damage. My friends are gonna help you two out now. You don’t have to tell them everything, but be sure to answer all their questions and if there’s any pain, okay?”
           “Good.” Eddie rose to greet Hen and Chimney, quickly combing through all he learned during his short time with Olivia, stressing the most important pieces of information. “I still have to get her mother out of the passenger side,” he said, jerking his thumb at the car, “once I do that I can carry her to the ambulance so you can do your thing –“
           “Sorry Eddie,” Bobby interrupted, clapping him on the shoulder, “I’m gonna need your help with the other driver.”
           “That bad?”
           “It’s an older car, made with metal instead of plastic,” he said, “guy’s wedged in there pretty tight, cut up, too. And there’s a glass shard running right into his shoulder blade.” Bobby turned to Hen and Chimney, “Once you’re done here we’ll need you on standby to help us. No telling how much blood he’s lost so far, or if there’s any trauma below his waist.”
           “No problem Cap,” Chimney said, “We’re almost done here. Hen, why don’t you go with Eddie and Bobby while I see to Olivia’s mom?”
           “Sounds like a plan to me.”
           “Great,” Bobby led them to the other side of the wreckage, Buck absent from the scene. “He’s getting the jaws,” he told Eddie and Hen. Then, once they’ve reached the Corvette’s driver’s side, Bobby yelled into the open, broken, window, “Sir? Sir, can you hear me? Are you still with us?”
           The man groaned a few indecipherable syllables Eddie couldn’t hope to piece together. He exchanged a short glance with Hen, who appeared similarly unsure. Bobby, meanwhile, continued his one-sided conversation as they waited for Buck to arrive with the jaws.
           “Coming in hot!” he yelled, lugging the jaws over his shoulders, “Where you want me, Cap?”
           “Let’s start with the door,” he motioned Buck closer, pointing at the hinge. “Eddie, grab the middle. I’ll get this side. When Buck snips this free, we’ll gently lower it down and let Hen get in there.”
           “Copy that.” Eddie readied himself, crouching into position. He laid his hands atop the car door, small glass shards crunching under his gloves as his fingers curled. Buck and Bobby talked over his head, working to line up the jaws correctly. During this, Eddie chanced a peek inside at the driver.
           The face he saw, staring back at him, nearly knocked him off his feet.
           Fitting, as that was how it felt when Michael showed him his picture while convincing Eddie to go on a blind date.
           “He works with David at the hospital,” Michael told him, passing his phone over so Eddie would see what David’s co-worker, Dr. Brendan Carmichael, looked like. In the picture Michael found, a selfie from Instagram, Eddie learned more than he needed. That beside the bright, orange hair and freckles splattered across his face like someone flicked a paintbrush over his skin, he also maintained a very strict gym regimen which kept his abs in perfect condition. Eddie’s thumb hovered over the midsection Brendan revealed, careful not to like it on Michael’s account. “He broke up with his last boyfriend a few months ago, and only recently started talking about dating again,” he continued, Eddie tearing his gaze away from the phone to better listen, “David mentioned you, how you were wanting to date again, too, and Brendan’s interested in setting something up. Only question is… are you?”
           It was something Eddie was working himself up to. After breaking things off with Ana during his recovery, and Buck’s focus divided further because of Taylor, Eddie found periods where he was all alone with only his thoughts as company. Because of this, it was harder and harder for him to ignore certain stuff he’d pushed to the back of his mind and crammed into a tiny closet. Namely, his utter sexual indifference to women.
           Almost dying for the umpteenth time put Eddie’s life into perspective.
           He wouldn’t know if the next near-death call might finally succeed where others hadn’t, and Eddie realized how awful it’d be to go without following his heart.
           So he followed it all the way to Michael’s. Eddie knocked on his door late one evening, a fifth of whiskey in his veins dulling the voices shouting how this was stupid, how he and Michael were acquaintances at best and strangers at worst. Then, once Michael invited him inside his empty apartment, Eddie vomited his epiphanies until Michael set his shaking frame down on the couch and forced a glass of water down his throat.
           Since then, Michael had taken on the role as Eddie’s gay sponsor. Michael guided Eddie to a point where he could see his reflection and say ‘gay’ while smiling. He also pushed at the fear that still clung to Eddie, urging him to experience new things, like with this blind-date.
           “I don’t know,” he said, “he does look… really, really nice.” Admitting that never felt like pulling teeth with pliers anymore, thanks to Michael. “I’m just… not sure.”
           “What aren’t you sure about?”
           “I don’t know,” he shrugged, “I… I guess it’s nerves. I’ve never done this before, you know. Is there anything I should know? That makes it different than a date with a woman?”
           Michael shot him a flat look, snatching his phone back. “A date is a date. There’s nothing different about it because it’s with another man. Well… except for when the check comes, and you have to bare-knuckle brawl in the kitchen to decide who gets to pay.” Eddie returned the favor, brows leveling at his friend. Michael chuckled, “Seriously, it’s nothing you need to work yourself up about. Go into it like it was any other date. You’ll have fun – and I’m not laying it on. Brendan is a great guy, from what I’ve heard. He’s got charm and face, which is rare. You don’t find men like us in the wild every day.”
           “Men like us?” Eddie parroted, cheeks straining as he fought against the smile threatening to appear.
           “Me,” Michael clarified, grinning freely, “And Chris Hemsworth. That’s it though.”
           “And this Brendan guy,” Eddie added, “if what you’re saying is true.”
           It wasn’t, unfortunately.
           The night started with Brendan arriving late to the restaurant he chose because of its proximity to the hospital, and only further plummeted as it went on. Brendan criticized his choice in dinner, goading him into ordering an even pricier dish that Eddie hadn’t even wanted. Which Eddie then paid for, although he almost was stuck with the entire bill as Brendan assumed Eddie would cover it. It almost made Eddie reconsider Michael’s earlier crack about brawling. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Brendan’s personality rubbed Eddie the wrong way. He was dismissive of Eddie’s career, unsubtly scrolled through his phone during parts of the evening, and seemed entirely uninterested in Christopher to the point that Brendan interrupted any story about him with an unconnected anecdote, derailing the entire conversation. As the waiter left with their credit cards, all Eddie wanted was to put this date in the rearview behind him.
           Except Brendan’s phone died during dessert, and he didn’t drive himself. “If you could give me a ride?” Brendan suggested, slipping a hand behind Eddie’s button-down and petting his chest, “I’d be very grateful…”
           Eddie wished he could say he drove Brendan home without anything happening, that he was a stronger man. But Eddie gave in to curious temptation. He let Brendan guide him to his apartment bed instead of racing back home to fall asleep in an empty house, Christopher staying over at Michael’s with Harry.
           They jerked each other off in the end; a slight comfort over oral and miles above anal. Once Eddie came, he feigned exhaustion and settled in for a sleepless night. He laid in wait for the morning, where he snuck out of Brendan’s apartment as the rising sun filtered past drawn curtains without a word to his date. Eddie did leave a note, promising he would call soon.
           He hadn’t and had no plan to, either.
           Still, here Brendan was.
           “Cutting in three, guys,” Buck yelled. He proceeded to count down; on one, Eddie heard the snip from the jaws and belatedly realized he needed to move. Bobby swung a second before Eddie, and the momentum of the door made Eddie stumble in his haste to lift the door.
           “Eddie,” Bobby huffed, “You good?”
           “Yeah… yeah,” he nodded, dropping the door on the street at the same time Bobby did. “No need to worry about me.”
           Bobby didn’t believe him, but he stopped questioning Eddie in favor of looming over Hen’s shoulder as she worked on Brendan. Buck leaned against the roof, head ducked inside the cabin, too. Eddie stood apart from the scene as an outlier. He wasn’t sure if it was good to approach. Although, being fully removed meant he wouldn’t know what the other man might say in his condition.
           Only three people knew of his sexuality – Michael, David, and Brendan. Eddie wasn’t ready for that circle to expand.
           Eddie returned, joining the others. He entered to hear Hen finish her line of questioning, her last question prompting Brendan to speak. “The wound on my shoulder is superficial,” he said, gaze unwavering on the side of Eddie’s face. He felt the weight of it, Eddie turned to watch his co-workers instead of Brendan. Bobby’s focus didn’t waver from the crushed dashboard in Brendan’s lap, prodding it in different areas. Buck kept glancing between Eddie and Brendan. “It’s deep, but a clean cut. You can get to that later, because I’m pretty sure there’s something digging into my leg close to my femoral artery.”
           “We’ll get right to it, then,” Hen assured him, “Sounds like you know your stuff, though. You a doctor?”
           Eddie bit his tongue, swallowing his instinctual reply. “Yeah,” Brendan said, “I’m a doctor.”
           “Then that saves us some time.” Hen reached into her bag for a neck brace, placing it around Brendan’s neck while Bobby muttered something to Buck. Buck’s eyes flicked to his briefly before he jogged towards the fire truck. “We’ll have you out of here in no time. Can you tell me where you were headed?”
           “To lunch,” Brendan told her, “We had to push a surgery back a day, and my next one wasn’t until two so I… I thought I’d treat myself to something nice. I already had back-to-back operations this entire morning.”
           “What were they?”
           “Tumor removals,” he explained, “in the brain. Real delicate work. I’ve probably performed over a hundred by now, but I still can’t shake the jitters each time I enter the theater…” Eddie grimaced, hiding it behind his jacket collar. Yes, he knew about Brendan’s job. Hearing it in this context, on the field and not in a dimly lit restaurant, hit differently; like he cared about his patients and didn’t use his position as a point of status. This was not the Brendan he remembered. Regret churned in Eddie’s gut, mixing with the shame and embarrassment already present.
           “I know what you mean,” Hen smiled. She rubbed around the shoulder wound, cleaning it of dried blood to better inspect it. “You can have it all down to a formula, but you will never be sure what might happen when the time comes.”
           Buck hurried back with new tools in hands. He handed a saw to Bobby, “Where do you want me?”
           “Other side,” Bobby said. He tapped Hen on the shoulder, silently urging her off Brendan. “Sir,” he started, “we’re going to be cutting the dashboard off shortly. Don’t be afraid to talk or shout if you feel any pain, okay?”
           “I understand.”
           “I’ll remove the wheel, first,” Bobby said, slipping a pair of goggles on, “don’t move.” He powered the saw on and, in seconds, removed the wheel. Brendan sagged somewhat, breathing stilted and ragged. “Are you okay?”
           “Yeah...” He coughed, “Think my ribs might be bruised, possibly broken. I don’t… I think that’s it. Not sure.”
           “You’re talking, so that’s a good sign.” Hen felt around his chest, then held her stethoscope to hear his lungs. “Nothing out of the ordinary here, Cap. Carry on.”
           Bobby, and Buck now, brought their saws to the dashboard and continued cutting. Hen waited, kneeling, holding a bottle of solution and gauze for when it was her turn again. Meanwhile, Eddie uselessly hovered near her. There wasn’t much for him to do.
           That wasn’t true for long.
           Suddenly he was very much needed, Bobby calling for him and motioning Eddie with the saw. He tripped over his feet, “Coming! Coming!” Rushing to help Bobby remove the dashboard that, along with the glass shard, pinned Brendan to his seat. In doing this, Eddie glimpsed the red-stained leather under his leg. “Hen!” he said, “All you.”
           Hen filled the space where the dashboard had been, attending to Brendan’s wound with practiced speed. As Eddie and Bobby returned, she fixed the tourniquet around his thigh and was partway done with wrapping his leg with gauze. And when Buck sidled towards them, she began removing the glass shard in his shoulder. It was much longer than a passing glance would make you believe. “Yikes,” Buck muttered, “You ever think a windshield could do that?”
           “Old cars like these?” Bobby replied, “Anything’s possible.”
           “He’s good for removal!” Hen yelled over her shoulder, kicking her bag a few feet back. She stands, dusting off her knees, “I’ll go get Chimney and the stretcher, be ready to help us set him down once we’re here.”
           “Buck and Eddie’ll handle that,” Bobby said, “I’m gonna do a final sweep of the area, make sure we didn’t miss anything. Copy?”
           “Understood.” Buck knocked shoulders with Eddie, nodding at the car, “Let’s go get the doctor ready for his ride back to work.”
           Eddie bit his cheek, letting silence give a better response than he could at the moment. If Buck found it odd, like Bobby, he didn’t comment on it. They walked to Brendan’s car again, Eddie going through the motions to get him ready for transit. In that short span of seconds, Eddie hoped his luck might keep his secret safe. That Brendan wouldn’t mention their date.
           He knelt down, waiting for Buck’s signal to lift his legs, when he made the mistake of finally meeting Brendan’s stare. Brendan offered him a tired smile. “This is so not how I expected we’d meet again.”
           Buck stilled, his hands falling to their sides as he looked to Eddie. “You two know each other?”
           Brendan sighed in the affirmative. “Very intimately.”
           “What…” Buck’s face screwed itself into an expression of confusion, the rainbow wheel in his mind spinning endlessly while he processed Brendan’s innuendo.
           Eddie pounced to fill the awkward silence. “We hung out, once,” he told Buck, “Like, a few days ago, I think? Super casual…”
           “Oh –“
           “Oh,” Brendan interjected, darker than earlier. He coughed, voice straining from the force of it, but he wasn’t deterred. “Oh, really? Hanging out… that’s what you’re calling it?”
           “Uh…” Eddie, taken aback by such an unexpected call out, couldn’t produce more than a few mumbled phrases that didn’t move beyond one syllable nor, when strung together, were comprehensible. Instead he glanced between Brendan and Buck, wasting precious time with silence.
           Brendan, however, formed complete sentences. “So tell me… since I have you, were you even planning on hanging out with me again, or do you leave all your buddies notes like that?”
           In his anger, Brendan shifted and started angling himself towards Eddie. Buck snapped out of his stupor enough to lay a calming hand on Brendan’s shoulder, “Hey! Hey… sir, you need to keep still until we move you.”
           “Sorry, sorry…” Brendan relaxed, albeit his glare was still focused on Eddie. Eddie flinched under the weight of it.
           “I…” Eddie tried, very aware of the sound behind him, of wheels rolling over gravel and measured footsteps. “I was trying to be nice?”
           “Nice?” Brendan spat, “Fuck you, Eddie.”
           “Eddie,” Buck inched closer, drawing Eddie’s gaze from Brendan to him. He spoke softly, like Eddie were one of the many victims they attended to during their careers. Eddie also noted the sharp steeple Buck’s brows, drawn together as if he already filled in the missing gaps of Eddie and Brendan’s story. Shit. “Why don’t you let us handle this?”
           “I…” Eddie found breathing as hard as speaking, managing enough foresight to sharply nod before standing and striding away from Brendan’s car. He passed a curious, concerned Bobby, but ignored his calls. Eddie kept himself tightly wound all the way to the engine. Once he entered, he fell apart. Eddie’s vision blurred, his lungs couldn’t hold enough air, and he melted inside his uniform. All he was able to do before completely shutting down was shoot a quick message to Michael.
           Brendn in acidnt fine but h outd me what do
           Eddie’s grip on his phone tightened considerably when he heard the engine doors open again. Buck slid inside, not meeting Eddie’s wide, panicked stare. There were more doors opening, Bobby and other firefighters climbing aboard. “Hen and Chim are taking that guy to the hospital,” Buck said, “Our work here’s done.” He paused, gnawing on his lip, considering saying more while Bobby slowly pulled them onto the road. “What he said…”
           He missed the rest of Buck’s question. His voice dulled as a sharp ringing in Eddie’s head blocked out every sound around him. Eddie sunk into it, comforted in the simpleness of the noise. He pressed himself against the window, arms crossed over his chest, and watched the scenery blur during their drive to the station.
           Then, when they arrived, Eddie flung the door open and his puddled mass in a jacket spilled free of the engine. He stripped off his uniform in a record-setting pace. And, as he finished, Eddie saw Buck steadily approach, Bobby like a shadow behind him. Both wore similar expressions that warned Eddie of conversations he was not ready for. Because of that, Eddie did something he regret. A course of action so damning it spoke louder than any mangled defense he might put together.
           He hid.
           “Stupid… stupid…” Eddie whacked his phone across his temple, curled into a tight ball outside the building. He snuck through a door in the back, smart enough to not go far but knowing that it’s so rare anyone used this area. It was set aside for the firefighters who smoked, Chimney explained. Those were always a small contingent, never more than one or two per squad. As the years went by, numbers dwindled, and a smoking firefighter became an endangered species. Now, hardly anyone uses this tiny alley that separates the fire house from its adjoining building. Except for Eddie. “I can’t believe I could have such shitty luck…”
           He went to hit himself with his phone again, but a shrill ping cut into his spiraling. Eddie checked his messages – Can I call? It was Michael. He texted back a thumbs up he didn’t mean. Soon his phone shook in his hands.
           Eddie answered, “Hey…”
           “Hi Eddie,” Michael said, tone soft like Buck’s back at the scene. He hated it. Eddie hated how much he wilted because of it, how his nerves started inching away from the edge at the gentle, implied coaxing. “How are you feeling?”
           Eddie barked a short, nasty laugh, wiping beads of sweat off his forehead. “I feel like I’m about to burst into flames.”
           “If you do, at least you’re around people who’ll know what to do.”
           “What if I don’t want them to save me,” Eddie groused, “should I make a break for it before the first spark catches?”
           “Like they wouldn’t race after you…” Michael’s voice trailed, clearly tiptoeing around the words he chose next. “So,” he said, “you ran into Brendan again today?”
           Eddie snorted. “More like some kid ran into his car…” He growled, kneading at his eye with the heel of his hand. “I can’t believe what happened, and how I… how I froze like that. Seriously, what were the odds?”
           “Pretty fucking low,” Michael told him, “But that’s exactly what it was, shit luck. There’s nothing you could have done to not have what happened, happened.”
           “That’s not true,” he sighed, “I could have not gone on that date with him. Or, at least, not let him talk me into his bed.”
           “He’s a charmer.”
           “I had nothing better going on,” Eddie said. He played his words back in his head, silently cursing how brusque they sounded. Was he really the bad guy in this scenario? Brendan hadn’t seem interested in a relationship during their dinner, and Eddie thought his own feelings were on display, too. Buck always said his poker face had more cracks in it than a busted sidewalk. Maybe the note was unnecessary, he can concede. Eddie can’t rewrite history and destroy it, though. “Besides,” he continued, swatting those past regrets away like flies, “Brendan wasn’t all that charming when he outed me, on top of cursing me out in front of the 118.”
           “Man was in a car accident,” Michael reminded Eddie, “He probably had more to worry about than decorum.” Michael coughed across the line, clearing his throat. “That doesn’t excuse what he did.”
           “Yeah,” he said, “I thought it was, like, gay brotherhood that you’re not supposed to out another gay person… or whatever.”
           “I… don’t think he knew. That you weren’t out…” Michael hummed, the noise rattling inside Eddie’s chest. “You’re right, in a way. Any decent gay person wouldn’t out a person before they’re ready. I can’t remember if Derek mentioned your… situation, when setting up the date. I can text him but, Eddie –“ Michael’s sigh caused the line to crackle and break, Eddie shivering as it hit his ear “– Eddie, Brendan and what he might and might not have known isn’t important, isn’t why I called.” Eddie knew. Of course, he knew. “What are you planning on doing next?”
           “That depends,” Eddie mumbled. His free hand tugged on his laces, loosening them slowly. “Do you want to hear what I want to do, or what I’m going to do.”
           “What do you want to do?”
           “Fake mine and Chris’s deaths,” he told Michael, “Start over somewhere new. Maybe on the East Coast, in a small fishing village where I can be a lighthouse keeper and never have to see another person ever again. Just me and Chris and the sea, until Chris leaves or I grow old and die. Whichever happens first.”
           “That’s… dark.” Michael said, “And oddly specific.”
           Eddie shrugged, “I watched the Lighthouse last night. Robert Pattinson jerked it to some mermaid doodle in it. Like… I could do that. Survive off of doodles of hunky mermen, or sailors. Hunky mermen getting it on with sailors… God knows the real thing didn’t work out.”
           “You don’t mean that.”
           “Well, what else can I do?”
           “You can go inside and talk to your friends,” Michael reasoned, “Your team who cares about you, and are most definitely worried because of what happened and how it affected you. Your family, who is ready to accept you for who you are as they always will. But first, you need to trust them and let them in to see who that is.”
           When Michael explained it, the obvious choice also seemed to be the easiest. The tiny seed of doubt, however, planted once Eddie accepted his heart’s leanings and blossomed into a strange bushel of roses with thorny roots strangling his chest, would not let him be. It poisoned his rationality, shredding any confidence Eddie built. “I trust them with my life,” he wondered, speaking barely above a whisper, “why is it so hard to trust them with this? Is it just me?”
           “It’s not you, Eddie,” Michael said. His voice thundered with conviction, startling Eddie. “Believe me, you aren’t the first gay man to feel this way and, unfortunately, you won’t be the last.”
           He sniffed, a wet chuckle escaping past his lips in a raspy breath. “That sucks.”
           “It sure does,” Michael agreed.
           “Does it ever go away?” he asked, “Or… get easier?”
           “I… it’s not a cut-and-dry answer,” he told Eddie, “In some cases, yes. Others… no. It’s situational.” Eddie found this answer unsatisfying. He wasn’t the only one. “Listen,” Michael said, “this might seem scary now, but I, uh – remember that first night. That night you came to my place and confided in me. What did you say?”
           “That I was gay.”
           “Yes…” Michael sucked in a deep breath, hissing his next thought so pointedly it cut through those pesky roots. “Now, imagine you’re me, saying what you said to me, but instead of saying it to me you were saying it to my lovely ex-wife who, at the time, was still my wife, and all this after we’re both a few glasses of wine deep and the kids are asleep.”
           Michael’s past helped put Eddie’s own troubles in perspective. He mentioned as such to him.
           “I don’t want to come off like ‘I had worse’ blah blah,” Michael said, “My point is – you see how good the relationship between Athena and I is. She could have easily kicked me out and then never spoken to me again. But she didn’t. She had every reason to hate me, but she didn’t. Athena loved me when she thought I was straight and continued after learning I was gay. It’s a different sort of love now, and yes, it might have wavered at times, but she stuck by my side like I stuck to hers. Yes, I was scared to tell her, just like you were when you came and told me. Just like you are now. But because I pushed through my fear, I freed us both from being unhappy. Her and Bobby… me and Derek… neither would have happened if I decided to keep my feelings to myself.”
           “Yeah… your life did change…” Eddie rested his head against his knees, remnants of adrenaline from earlier fully fading leaving an exhaustion that set deep into his bones. “I guess that’s what I’m really afraid of. How… acknowledging who I really am, and owning it, how everything will change after.”
           “Eddie, will being gay affect your job?”
           “What?” Eddie yelped, head rising again, neck aching from the whiplash Michael’s unrelated question caused. “No –“
           “Will you being out really make you a completely different, unrecognizable person?”
           “Uh… I – I don’t… no?”
           “Then it sounds like nothing will actually change.” Michael’s tone relaxed and, finally, Eddie let himself do the same. The other man’s speech wrapped around him like a warm blanket. “You didn’t wake up one morning and decide to be gay. It’s something that’s always been a part of you. It’s been there during every call you went out on. You’ll still be Eddie… just a happier Eddie, because you’re allowing yourself to be happy and honest with who you are. That’s what’s important here. Coming out isn’t about other people, it’s about you. You, opening yourself to others to see this part of you, and letting them share in the joy of who you are. And the 118, your friends, will still love you because this… this gay Eddie you have in your mind, is just Eddie. That’s it.”
           Eddie didn’t cry. He wouldn’t be able to hide it, once he went back inside to confront his friends. If they asked, Eddie might mumble a few broken words about allergies then move on. Because he didn’t let his tears fall. “Thanks, Michael,” Eddie said, “I… I’m really grateful for you, being my friend. And that you didn’t turn me away like you should have done when I showed up at your apartment.”
           “I was less afraid of what you’d do,” Michael laughed, “and more afraid what you might do if I didn’t.”
           They ended the call soon enough, with Eddie exchanging a few final pleasantries while Michael’s goodbye was laced with encouragement.
           Eddie stood, riding the aches of pain that came from unfurling his back out of the tight coil he forced it into. He stretched his arms, pointed high towards the sky. Eddie leaned onto his toes, and even lifted his face to better feel the sun shining above.
           Much too warm for fall.
           Despite the heat and his fears, Eddie returned to the firehouse. He slowly crept inside, alert, gaze bouncing around for a sign of his friends. When he didn’t find them on the first floor, not hovering by the truck and newly returned ambulance or biding time in the gym, Eddie passed faceless co-workers on his way to the stairs. Each step Eddie took sounded like beats from a heavy drum, sounding a funeral march. Eddie kept up the tempo.
           As he climbed higher, his head peeked out and Eddie caught a glimpse of the second floor. Like always, his eyes were drawn immediately to Buck. He, along with Bobby, Hen, and Chim, were huddled around the kitchen island. Eddie watched them converse quietly, briefly, the discussion cutting off because Buck, the one currently speaking, turned and saw Eddie. Buck straightened, body taut and tense like Christopher got after Eddie caught him misbehaving. Eddie wasn’t foolish enough to think they were talking about anything other than him. Buck’s face flickers, flipping through emotions like pages in a book too fast so Eddie can’t read. It settled on a steely façade of determination, Buck readying to move. Before he can, Bobby stopped Buck with one hand on his shoulder. He understood.
           Let Eddie come to them.
           He did, slowly, at his own pace. Eddie settled between Hen and Chimney, both firefighters creating a space for him.
           There’s a beat of silence, the air above the kitchen island so weighty Eddie’s shoulders drooped. He fought against it, taking a deep breath. “Hey.”
           “Eddie,” Bobby spoke first, “how are you doing?”
           Michael advised honesty. That’s what Eddie gave. “I’m a little scared,” he admitted with a laugh, staring intently at a divot in the island’s counter, and how his finger repeatedly traced it. “Okay. A lot of scared.”
           “We’re here for you Eddie,” Bobby said, “Whatever it is.” On either side, his friends reached for him. Hen laid her hand over Eddie’s, crushing it in a loving grip, while Chimney soothingly rubbed his back. Eddie glanced at the men in front of him, Bobby looking encouraging at him while Buck…
           Eddie still can’t decipher what it is Buck tries to show.
           If he thought about it too long, he’d lose all the confidence he gathered to arrive at this point. Eddie swallowed past the lump in his throat, attempting to smile. “Thank you,” he said, “really.” Then, without fanfare, Eddie shrugged and told his friends, “I’m gay.”
           Like that, the next breath Eddie took felt lighter. It was unbelievable. No one said anything, but their love and acceptance were visible in other ways. Eddie was almost brought to tears because of them. He reigned his emotions in, maintaining control. If they stayed like this, however, he’s sure to break.
           Eddie cleared his throat, “That’s all. So if we could…”
           “Not so fast,” Chimney said, smirk tainting their tender moment. His hand slunk across Eddie’s back to his shoulder, clamping down and chaining Eddie there at his side. “There’s still the doctor of it all that’s been unaccounted for…”
           “Chim,” Bobby warned lightly, trying his best to play boss.
           Hen waved him off. “Eddie should have his chance to explain,” she argued, “tell us his side of the story. Lord knows Chim and I got an earful about what that man thought of you, Eddie. Filled the entire drive from the wreck to the hospital.”
           “He had a lot of opinions,” Chimney added.
           Eddie sighed. He expected they might have questions, especially about Brendan. He wasn’t unprepared for this. “I went on one date with the man,” he explained, “something Michael set up –“
           “Michael?” Bobby interrupted, tapping his chest, “My Michael?”
           “He’s not just your friend,” Eddie said, “He… he’s been helping me deal with… with all this. This… being gay, stuff.” He shifted, bending forward to press his chest on the counter. “It was Michael’s idea I go on a date with Brendan, sort of like practice. To get more comfortable being… out, in public, with another man. Personally, I didn’t think the date was that special. Brendan was… he had a lot of personality.”
           “Sure was flexing that… personality, despite all those injuries,” Hen agreed, “Kept going on about this – this note you wrote? What was that about?” Hen might have asked coyly, but it was obvious to Eddie she knew.
           He still answered her. “I was going for nice,” he muttered, “I didn’t want to up and abandon him after we… after he invited me over for the night, and we…” They were at work. Eddie couldn’t say more.
           Nothing else needed saying. Even Buck understood, if his rapidly flushing cheeks meant anything. “Oh,” he said, “so you and him… you two…” His pointer fingers on either hand were extended, slapping each other with wide sweeps.
           Hen choked on a snort, shoving Buck’s hands apart. “They weren’t sword-fighting, Buck.”
           “Yeah, I knew that…” Because of his bashful pout, followed by Buck tucking his head into his chest, Eddie didn’t buy his excuse.
           “Okay,” Bobby steered the conversation elsewhere, “besides us and… Michael… have you told anyone else?”
           Eddie shook his head. “Really?” Buck asked, “Not even Chris?”
           “Especially not Chris…” Some of that earlier fear returned, roosting in his chest like a bird returned north from winter. “I never… I don’t know how I would explain it to him or… how much I would have to explain? Like, if I was a single dad from the start, I’m sure it would be easier. But most of his memories are with me and his mom, and I – I haven’t figured out a way to tell him while also not invalidating mine and Shannon’s marriage, y’know?” Eddie agonized over that near constantly. He loved Shannon, truly, and wanted their marriage to work despite not being attracted to her in the way that mattered. Christopher needed her in his life. If that meant Eddie gave Shannon what she wanted, what Eddie pretended he wanted to, it would have been worth it.
           But, in the end, she still went ahead with the divorce. Shannon was more perceptive than he ever gave her credit for.
           “And then there’s the Ana of it all…” Eddie threw out, offhandedly.
           “Wait,” Buck said, “was that why you broke it off with her? When you told me…”
           Eddie’s breath hitched slightly, and he drummed his fingers against the counterspace. “No,” he said, “I… I didn’t have the realization then. I meant it, about us not clicking and… her being another try at giving Chris a mom. Although, being gay would definitely have played a factor in us not clicking.”
           “That’s for sure.”
           Another wave of silence washed over them, this the most awkward of them all. “If that’s it for questions…” Eddie extricated himself from the group, final shreds of adrenaline fading and leaving him exhausted. His mind already set a course for the bunks, planning a lengthy nap as a reward for his vulnerability.
           “Of course,” Bobby rounded the island, moving closer to Eddie. Buck was on his heels, but hung back on the fringes of the group, a few inches behind Hen and Chimney. “I want you to know how proud I am of you, though. I can’t imagine any of what you had to deal with was easy, and if you need anything from us – keeping this information to ourselves or whatever… let us know. We’ll follow your lead.” He then opened himself for a hug, giving Eddie the option to accept or refuse.
           Eddie sagged into Bobby’s embrace, grateful. “Thank you.” Hen and Chimney joined them, squeezing Eddie tighter and tighter. Only Buck kept his distance. Eddie opened his eyes and noticed the younger man watching them, a glint in his eye that struck Eddie’s nerve. Once the others released him, Eddie confronted Buck. “Hey, are you…”
           “Hmm?” Buck blinked, and what Eddie saw earlier disappeared. It vanished like it never existed. Maybe Eddie imagined it? Regardless, Buck smiled in his usual, too-large-for-his-face way and swept Eddie in a giant hug of his own. “I’m proud, too,” he whispered, “And what Bobby said goes double for me. Anything you need, ask… and I’ll be there.”
           Eddie caught himself before he spoke without thinking. Instead, he returned the hug. He rested his cheek against Buck’s shoulder, humming in acknowledgment of Buck’s promise.
           Buck would do anything for Eddie, as much as he would do anything for Christopher.
           Anything… except what Eddie truly desired from him.
           While baring his soul to the group about his sexuality was one matter, confessing to all his secrets was an entirely different sort he hadn’t felt ready for. He doubted he ever will be. Because if he told Buck the reason why he stopped running from the truth, why he couldn’t deny his feelings after being content in doing so for years, Eddie feared Buck would prove the sickening voices in his head right by leaving him.
           Really, Eddie thought, what else was there to do when you learn your best friend is in love with you?
           So he ignored how Buck’s touch skimmed his lower back, the gentle swaying dance they began by hugging longer than necessary, and, as they drew apart, the struck-match feeling of Buck’s lips brushing the outer edge of his ear.
           There was nothing to read into, he reminded himself. He and Buck were friends. Best friends. Best buddies. Buck had Taylor, and Eddie…
           Eddie had hope. Hope, emboldened by his bout of honesty, that there will come a day he found a man he truly loved to share his life with.
           Even if they weren’t Buck.
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