#gosh I forgot about this fic
rain, blood, rivulets, runner, daughter, home, you
Regardless, Wilbur likes to come here a lot. It’s a pretty place, a few minutes walk from Pogtopia; it’s right in the wilderness, no buildings or houses or people around. Just grass, and dirt, and a few tiny flowers, and a lot of trees, and a big blue sky. Well, sometimes blue. Sometimes it’s kinda grey, and cloudy, and other times it cries small cold raindrops that splat into your eyes and make your clothes all damp and uncomfortable.
Wilbur doesn’t care if he gets wet, though. He’ll just come here anyway.
After several seconds of trying, Wilbur gives up, relaxing once more into this odd state of being. He realizes that his cheek hurts along with his neck, because his face is pressed firmly against this thing. It's probably stopping the blood flow right there.
For a moment, Wilbur's vision goes dark, and it takes several rasping breaths and hard blinks to rid it of black spots. Tommy is bleeding. There's blood on him. His eyes are closed. He's bleeding. He's completely still. He's bleeding. His eyes are closed. He's not moving. There's blood on him. There's blood on Tommy.
Nothing for rivulets!
Nothing for runner, either!
Dang. Nothing for daughter :0
After a few hours, Niki had stepped back, placed her hands on her hips, and looked around. She quite liked the place, if she was being perfectly honest. It felt cozy, similar to a home. It didn't feel like a company or an enterprise, devoid of emotion. No, it felt real. It felt personal. It felt like hers.
"You're so dramatic," Phil chokes out, chuckling.
"I'm fine," Wilbur assures, brushing off the hand that Phil didn't even realize had moved towards his son's chest. "I can stand on my own, Phil. You don't have to hold my hand."
Actually I’m gonna share a whole snippet from a story I genuinely forgot I’d started working on so aksvajdgsksgsh here ya go ⬇️
"Oh, mate... do you need water?" Phil glances at the table, finding a half-full glass of water just as Wilbur answers, "No."
"Are you hungry?"
Wilbur sighs again. "No. I just- Phil?"
"Yes?" Phil finds himself holding his breath.
Wilbur gazes at him for several seconds, and Phil notes with satisfaction that his eyes are no longer pink. His pupils are the usual rich-brown color that they aught to be.
Wilbur gives a slight shake of his head. "I want to go."
Phil stares. "You- go?"
"I want to get off of this couch. I want to get out of this cabin. I want to go, Phil. I want to-" Wilbur thrusts a hand forward, face twisting. "I want to go far away from this cursed land of snow, and never come back. I want to go outside."
Wilbur ends his rage-filled monologue, staring at his hands laid across his chest. His nostrils flare.
Phil watches him for a moment before dipping his head, beginning to shake with laughter.
Wilbur whips his head around to glare at him. "What?"
"You're so dramatic," Phil chokes out, chuckling.
"Wha- I've been confined in this place for weeks!"
"It's been four days, Wil."
Wilbur's eyes widen. Phil laughs harder.
"Only... only four days?" Wilbur questions, and Phil's laughter starts to subside when he hears how uncertain Wilbur sounds. "It hasn't even been a week? Only four days?"
"Yep." Phil nods. "A fever can really mess with your perception of time, can't it?"
Wilbur nods, at a loss for words. He stares back at his hands.
Phil chews on his lip. "You're feeling better, though. Right?"
"I guess."
Phil reaches forward, resting his palm on Wilbur's head. His son goes very still.
"You don't have a fever anymore. Still a little warm, but you're definitely getting better," Phil says, pulling his hand away. Wilbur relaxes instantly.
Phil feels a stab in his heart.
"Feeling- you said I'm better, right? So I can leave?"
Wilbur lets out a noise that sounds suspiciously like a whine. "But I'm better! You said so yourself, Phil! I'm doing better, see? Look, I can... I can stay at Tommy's, and he can keep on eye on me! Right?"
"No," Phil repeats, a small smile appearing on his face. "I'm not letting you leave until you've made a full recovery, Wilbur."
"But you said-"
"I said you're getting better. I never said that you were better. You still have a ways to go, mate."
Wilbur groans, letting his head fall onto his pillow in dramatic fashion. He squeezes his eyes shut. "I don't think I can survive like this much longer."
Phil chuckles, but his brow furrows with concern. "You're not going to be like this much longer. A week, at most."
"A week?" Wilbur's eyes snap open, and he cranes his head around to stare at Phil. "No. You're joking. Please tell me you're joking."
Phil opens and closes his mouth. "I mean... I'm not. You had a really bad infection, mate. You can't just heal from that overnight."
Wilbur stares for a couple seconds longer before laying his head back on his pillow, gazing up at the ceiling. He looks haunted—no. He looks scared.
Phil sighs. "It'll be okay, Wil. You'll get through this. Alright? Just trust me on that. You'll be fine."
Wilbur tries to hide it, but Phil can see how his breathing picks up; how his chest rises and falls with increasing speed; how his nostrils flare; how his eyebrows knit together in quick, barely perceptible movements.
Wilbur's starting to panic. And Phil doesn't know why. It's not like he's being held hostage or anything; he's just on bedrest. Nothing more. He's not trapped. He's not stuck. He's not-
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
You ever read a fic that's so good, you just have to lay there and stare at the ceiling in complete silence for like 15 minutes or so while your brain is basically vibrating with hundreds of thoughts? Yeah, that's one of the best feelings in the world, holy molly
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
gooooood GRIEF
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mingisaddctn · 1 year
mind over matter | s.mg
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Pairing: best friend!mingi x reader Genre: [+18] smut w/o plot Warnings: jussss smut, enjoy a/n: first fic on this blog yay
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the two things you can be sure in life is that 1. you will die and 2. you've never wanted to suck a dick so bad.
I mean, you always knew that your best friend was hot — you had eyes, for god's sake! — but holy shit.
it started when you ran out of cat food. you were an attentive cat owner, don't get me wrong, but at the same time, you had the worst week for your mental state. exams after exams, studying 'till the library basically had to kick you out and group projects with lazy people... so that's how it ended up with your cat screaming at the top of their lungs and waking you up from your power nap.
mingi happened to be around because, guess what, you also forgot about your plans to watch that new anime that he rambled all about for the past month, and truly, you wanted to be able to enjoy some quality time with him, but you fell asleep as quick as his cursor pressed play on the screen, the warmth that irradiated from both inside his hoodie that you were wearing to where your head laid on his shoulder was too cozy.
so when you got up to feed the cat, your heart dropped, and you saw the grocery list accumulating dust on top of the counter, the 'cat food' underlined three times. you looked outside the windows of your small apartment and saw that the simple drizzle from before now turned into a full on storm, and all you could do was lean onto the counter and bawl your eyes out.
mingi was startled but tried to comfort you somehow, not really sure of what he could do to help, and as you tried to tell him between hiccups and tears, he quickly grabbed his jacket and told you that he would be right back.
twenty minutes later, a full-on drenched mingi stood on the doorstep, chest heaving as he took off his shoes and the same jacket, now in a darker tone from the wetness. you stared back from your couch, as you were curled into the throw blankets, eyes widened.
you almost forgot about the cat food.
in your defense, it should be illegal the way his white tee clung to his abs so sinfully highlighting each of his muscles. and when he rose his arms to take off his cap and ran his fingers between wet strands of hair that framed his cheekbones, your eyes fixated on the way his sweats clung onto dear life to his v-line.
holy fuck. jesus christ. oh my god. whatever divinity that was out there.
"you okay?" he asked, as if he was expecting your answer and you shook your head, trying to escape the trance you found yourself in.
"what? why?"
"i asked if i could use your shower" he placed the single bag with the cat food on the counter as he tried not to wet your floor.
you can use me, for sure; you thought to yourself.
"yeah, yeah, go ahead" you nodded and he took his shirt off on the way to the bathroom.
you quickly jumped from the couch to feed the cat — since that was the prime reason for all the ruckus. as you put the blocks of minced meat on the food bowl, you caught yourself fantasizing about it again.
how good he should be looking, as droplets of rain still lingered on his skin as he took of the sweatpants slowly, leaving only the boxers that perfectly held his firm thighs and secured his—
meow, you looked down, to find that a block of meat fell beside the bowl and you took a deep breath. control yourself.
you blamed the ovulation. or maybe the fact that you haven't been sexually active in a while. or that movie that had hot scenes with your favorite actor... gosh you were a horny mess.
but your life has basically been all about your studies lately, and the stress was clouding your reasoning, making you feel like impulsive decisions were now worth a lot, and that's how you found yourself standing outside your bathroom door, idly looking at it with your hand raised, on the way to give it a knock.
the thing is, the moment you found the courage to do it, the door opened from the inside, and only mingi's torso popped out, in the middle of calling your name, but now confused that you were on the other side.
all that led to the both of you sitting on the edge of your bed, with him only wearing a towel around his hips, not staring at each other as the silence overcame the storm from outside.
"so... you want to suck my dick...?" he simply repeated your words from minutes ago.
it would be comical if it wasn't so tragic.
"are you feeling okay?" he asked.
"'then... how should we do it?"
you took another sharp breath, your lungs almost failing you as your mind tried to disassociate from your body. leaving the bed to kneel in front of him, you kept your eyes focused on his face, his lips parted as his eyes were half-lidded. from all the years you'd known him, you knew that he was probably overthinking it and trying to figure out what was happening. but neither you could tell.
your fingers slid to the towel and as you were going to take it off, his hand flew to yours, holding it softly. he pulled you towards him in a swift movement and placed his palm on your cheek, nose now brushing against yours. soon after, you felt the plumpness of his lips onto yours.
"wait" he leaned back cautiously, as though any minor movement would startle you like a scared kitten. his eyes overthinking each and every detail. "I want to kiss you first."
and as if you were waiting for that to snap, you grabbed his neck and pulled his face lower so you could slide your tongue into his mouth. his big hands fell to your hips and grabbed firmly, decided not to let you run away.
you kinda wondered before how good of a kisser mingi was, your friends joked around saying that it must be good since he has fat lips, but you usually kept those thoughts at bay, not really wanting to dive into your hidden desires. it wasn't like you, to explore and try new things. you became friends a long time ago, and when he earned that title, you felt like it would be too messy to see him as anything else.
but you weren't dumb, of course you'd noticed how a blush crept to his cheeks whenever you grabbed one of his hoodies, or how he would stutter when others teased him about you. he wasn't good at hiding things, and you weren't good at ignoring them.
one of his hands snuck to your neck and the pulled you closer, his breathing growing heavier to the point that you could hear a faint groan from his throat.
shit, you moaned.
he let go of your face and you leaned back, a little ashamed of the noise that escaped you, but mingi didn't seem to mind, in fact, his cheeks could be mistaken to a tomato. he shifted in his place and you noticed the tent in his pants. oh.
placing a final kiss on his cheek, you maintained eye contact as you lowered yourself to your knees, hands falling to his covered member, feeling the warmth through the towel and earning a sharp gasp from him. licking your lips, you only broke the intense stare to undo the lousy knot, uncovering his lower body.
oh. OH.
how did he hide that monstrous thing all along?
"uh... pants, I guess..." he said almost in a whisper, and then you realized that you were thinking out loud.
"shit, I mean, it's not a bad thing" you placed your hand at the base of his cock, wrapping your palm around it and the boy hissed. "I just... didn't expect that."
"so you thought about it before?" touché. you deflected by giving him a slow tug.
before he could say anything else, you lowered your head and wrapped your lips around him.
"fffuck-" he let out, throwing his head back.
you started bobbing your head at a slower pace, quickening each time he groaned, and listened to his raspy moans as if they were songs hidden in heaven. his hand ran through your hair, pulling at the strands just light enough to make you whine, the vibrations helping into the pleasure.
"please—" he pled, eyes fixated on you and wet hair sticking to his face. he couldn't look any better, you noted.
mingi stared right into your soul with deep, dark eyes. his nose was flaring up and trying to keep up with the sharp breaths that left his parted mouth. it was as if he belonged in that position, and you wished that you had midas touch to keep him like that forever.
"so pretty" you said more to yourself than to him, and one of your fingers snuck into his mouth, and he wrapped those plump lips around it to suck.
feeling his tongue under your skin made shivers run down your spine, and even though you tried to take in more, he pulled you towards him once more, now landing you onto his lap. mind you, his naked lap. your pajama shorts did nothing to the mixture of pre-cum and saliva that rubbed under fabric. you hoped he couldn't feel the wetness that was forming between your legs.
kissing you again, you wondered how your teeth were not clashing at all from the desperation that exuded from both parts. you wanted him as much as he ever had wanted you, and it didn't seem like a real experience. the euphoria that overtook you made you feel almost dizzy from all the exchange in pheromones and fluids, holy fuck, you wanted to stay like that forever.
while he kissed you, mingi's hand went to the bottom of your shorts, holding you so you wouldn't fall as he took them off, leaving you in his hoodie and panties. you didn't remember what kind of underwear you wore, but you hoped to whatever god that was out there that it was something without a hole or anything.
without taking the panties off, he slid them to the side and ran both his middle and ring fingers along your folds, the new feeling making you jump a little, and he giggled. the motherfucker giggled.
"jeez... can't wait to be inside you" he said against your lips, hissing as you gave him an experimental roll of your hips.
holding your panties to the side, he grabbed his cock and aligned himself to your folds, placing the tip inside and a loud whimper fell from your mouth. you knew that it would take more effort to get him inside, he was the biggest you've ever been with, and mingi also seemed to notice that, so he touched you as if you were made of glass.
the warmth of his hot member now sheathing inside your pussy felt like too much, and the room felt foggy, just as your breaths. he kissed the side of your neck, licking up to your ear and groaning ever so slightly, as if he had noticed how much you reacted to those sounds, using them now against you.
the moment you reached the bottom, you felt as if your internal organs would combust. his dick felt like too much and too good, you drank from the sensations and the tingles that your body left each time he moved an inch, clenching around him. you reached your hands to the hem of the hoodie you were wearing, but his hand left your lower back to stop yours.
"leave it on" he looked up at your face with puppy eyes. "I want to fuck you in my clothes."
you moaned into his mouth and slowly started to move your hips. you could've cum just from his words, but you tried your best to concentrate in making him feel good.
"you feel so good around me" he whined, a short moan leaving his lips to meet yours again.
you didn't know how you looked at that moment, probably a mess. from taking in all the sensations, his huge cock and the way he looked like a whiny mess under you... you felt powerful, and he was letting you use him to your wishes.
"please, please" he whined even more, probably taking notes that you got off from that.
"what is it, big boy?" as soon as the words fell from your mouth, you questioned yourself. is this really me?
"let me fuck you right" his hips shot up, taking you by surprise with a gasp and he bit your collarbone. "I wanna be good for you- wanna make you feel good."
"use me however you want" you said in a desperate tone. not even minding how it looked to him, you truly wanted everything from him.
with one arm sneaking around your back and the other on your neck, he moved you further into the bed, now on top of you. he didn't say anything else, only left a small kiss on the corner of your mouth and gave you a slow thrust.
the most high pitched moan fell from your lips, and you didn't care to be embarrassed. not when he was pleading for you, having your body wrapped so deliciously around him, the same as his.
you could write paragraphs and paragraphs about the way he looked; the occasional lightnings shining against his wet skin, highlighting each of his curves and muscles while his hair fell above his forehead, now a mess from the way you rushed your fingers between strands.
mingi kept rolling his hips against yours, and words kept falling randomly from your mouth, meddling with moans and sobs, you felt so cockdrunk that even the slightest stimulation coming from him could make you shed tears. felt so fucking good that got you questioning every life choice you've ever made to this point, as if everything was a part of god's plan for you to end up right under your best friend, as his touches made love to your limbs.
"hm-ugh- feels so fucking- oh my god" you kept going on and on, not even sure yourself what you were saying, but mingi wasn't falling behind.
the knot had already taken place on your lower body, each of his thrusts feeling more intense than the other. you could tell he was getting closer from the way his teeth were nipping on your neck and his thrust were growing sloppier.
"please-ah!-please, let me cum inside you" he left your neck to look at you, and you felt the knot tightening and your legs starting to tremble. "let me fill you nice and full- please"
"yes, I want all of you" you almost screamed when he took that as confirmation to grab your back and glue his chest to yours, sharpening his thrusts.
it finally snapped and you felt like you couldn't breathe anymore. he held you so close as if he could melt into your skin and become one, and with a final thrust, he whined and groaned and screamed and did everything so involuntarily, almost animalistic, and your mind was too dazed to even comprehend anything else besides the way that your pussy gripped him so tight, keeping his hot seed inside you. you didn't want to let it go.
you were still spasming from your orgasm when he let go of your body and snapped your legs apart, taking place in between them, nuzzling his nose onto your pubic bone and feasting. his tongue lapped each of yours and his juices without mind, sucking, kissing, moaning, grunting, only to prolong the way your climax came down; you screamed so hard that your lungs burned.
falling limp on the bed covers, he let go, going back on top of you with the support of his arms and knees, face leveled to yours when he placed an innocent kiss on the tip of your nose and another one to your forehead.
"did it help you de-stress?" he joked and you placed one of your arms onto your eyes.
scoffing, you shook your head. "holy shit, I'm in love with you."
he gave you a slight push and rolled to his side, still staring at you with a darker flush across his chest and neck.
"well, I'm yours" he said and you licked your lips, sneaking a glance from under your arm.
"yeah, you better be."
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Party Girl P - p.b
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‣ Clingy Drunk Paige Bueckers x Reader (inspired by our favorite girl partying on Ice's live on 06/24/23)
‣ wc: 1476
‣‣ Synopsis: r and paige were roommates freshman year of college due to a mixup between the wbb team and wsoccer team and started their secret relationship as Paige recovered from her sophomore year injuries. (highkey might write more fics about this????) Up until now they've been able to keep their one-year ish relationship a secret, despite the rumors circulating the internet about the two of them.
‣‣‣ a/n: this is my first time writing a fic ESPECIALLY dialogue, not just on tumblr but like as a whole so any suggestions on my writing is highly welcome (you guys have no idea how hard x reader was to write because it was so confusing to write and kept breaking my brain bc i've NEVER done second pov) and also, the live’s timeline in this fic is not super accurate because it's lowk inspired by that one clip of paige and azzi maybe? kissing but i couldn’t find the whole video (i also just didn’t have the brainpower) so please bear w me 🙏🙏
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You made your way over to Ice, leaning over shoulder with the sole intent of taking a sip of her drink. Before you could grasp the cup however, she slightly nudged you, drawing your attention to the live she had streaming from her phone.
“Oh my gosh I didn’t even notice yall, what’s up live,” You forgot about the drink as you rested your arm and chin on Ice’s shoulder, giving a small wave to greet the hundred people watching you from Ice’s screen. You were at Ted’s, the local bar, partying with the uconn women’s basketball team. Despite being part of the soccer team yourself, you were close friends with the entirety of the wbb team since your freshman year, growing even closer when you and Paige began dating last year.
You nodded your head and sang some of the lyrics to the music playing, silently reading the comments slowly rolling in and only addressing the more appropriate ones, despite being slightly tipsy you still had majority of your media training intact. You answered a few questions about random things while recharging your social battery with Ice, thanking those who gave compliments on your outfit or hair and stifling your laughs at the comments addressing Azzi drinking in the background or Paige yelling about shots.
Thinking of Paige, you realized you hadn’t seen your girlfriend in a few minutes as you perked your head up to look for her.
The entire team knew the two of you were practically attached at the hip in general, making it nearly impossible for anyone to separate your drunk clingy selves from each other. You parted ways with Ice, wrapping your arm around the shoulder of your slightly taller girlfriend as you also reached for a shot off the bar top in front of the two of you.
Paige turned her head to the side as her arm wrapped around the sliver of exposed skin on your waist. "Hey baby I missed you" her slight intoxication showing in her voice as she leaned in to kiss your jaw in greeting. Her face was flushed and you could feel the heat radiating off her body as you settled into her embrace, her hair tickling the back of your neck as you conversed with the girls around you.
You remained in her arms for the short time you danced, sang, and drank with Paige, KK, Azzi, and Kayla, the younger girls hanging out on the other side of the bar with Aubrey, either on their phones or talking to each other as they weren’t old enough for the bar to serve them. You excused yourself from the group as you ordered a dirty shirley from the bar and made your way back over to Ice, wanting to rest your feet for a few moments and have your favorite drink in peace.
"Hey guys your favorite is back!" You weren't a lightweight by any means, usually being able to hold your drinks well, but the night had clearly made you a little louder and outgoing as you rapidly began flipping through random conversation topics with Ice and the live. It had only been a minute or two before you had exited the live's view after discarding your leather jacket over the chair and setting your drink on the table in front of you to head further in the corner of the bar to text a few of your soccer friends back on your phone as you leaned against the wall.
Paige came up behind Ice as she wrapped her arms around Ice's neck while singing to the phone, knowing that if you had removed yourself from the camera's view it was to have a few moments of peace and privacy while on your phone. She sang the rest of the song with Ice before leaving her to walk over to your standing figure, leaning against the wall next to you and pulling your body in front of her as you closed your phone and looked up at her. She wrapped her arms around your waist once again, but this time without your jacket acting as a barrier between your two bodies.
"Mmm, you smell so good baby," Paige mumbled as she laid sweet kisses up your neck, drawing small circles up and down your bare waist to your skirt-covered hip. Her small touches only added to the warm fuzzy feeling in your head, having you melt into her touch.
"Thank you P," you giggle softly while tilting your head slightly upwards so you could see her properly, "You having fun out there?" you smile at the grin that spreads across her face.
"It's been a while since we've all been able to go out together, it's nice spending time with everyone outside of practice, especially with you," she says the last part while gently knocking her forehead into yours.
It was true, the two of you had been so busy with your respective sports, finals, and social lives that you hadn't been able to go out and truly enjoy a stress and carefree night, especially considering the fact that your relationship was a secret to everyone outside of your teams and close friend group.
"Yeah well, we'll be able to spend a lot more time together now, starting tonight," you whisper into her suggestively while trying to contain your wide smile. Paige pulled back to allow her eyes to roam over your face before slowly trailing down the rest of your body.
"That, we most definitely will," She whispered back as she gripped your hips to pull you in for a slow and languid kiss, your hands automatically moving to rest one on her neck and one into her hair, kissing her back slowly.
"OH SHIT, I mean shoot, um anyways," The two of you pull back from your kiss at Ice's exclamation, looking over at her and Aubrey, who was now standing in the middle of you three, to see what was wrong. She muted the live and turned the camera over from her face as she waved you both over frantically. "I accidentally turned the camera to Aubrey and you guys were in the background but I don't think the live saw your guys's faces like actually kissing, it was mostly just paige's back and a bit of you and I'm not sure if," her frantic ramble continued on before you stopped her.
"It's fine, it's fine, if they didn't actually see my face and us two actually kissing it'll be fine, just ignore it," You reassured her, immediately feeling more sober than just a few minutes prior. "Paige and I will just go back over to some of the other girls and you can come over to us with the live to say bye and we'll just pretend it didn't happen okay?" You concluded to her while grabbing Paige's hand and interlinking your fingers.
"That's fine with you right P?" You turned to her, making sure she was okay with potentially just being outed on a tiktok live. "Yeah it's not a big deal, don't stress too hard Ice," she reassured while squeezing your hand. You walked away from your two friends hand in hand to stand at a quiet spot at the bar, making sure to double check again with Paige, but now without Ice and Aubrey present in the conversation.
"Are you sure you're alright Paige? I know you wanted to keep this a secret for a while longer and it's okay if you're not comfortable with our relationship being out in the open like this and," Paige cut you off before you could continue.
"Hey hey, as long as I'm with you, everything is okay," she looked you in the eye as she consoled you, "We can talk about what we wanna do about the public knowing moving forward, but for right now, I'm content just being here with you."
You smiled at her, your anxiety relieved that the incident wasn't something that would negatively impact the stability and peace your relationship with Paige had. You leaned forward into her body, allowing her arms to encircle you in a comforting and tight hug as she kissed the top of your head gently.
It was safe to say the rest of your time spent at the bar with Paige was more relaxing than before, the two of you swapping your drinks for water and replacing your energetic dancing for simply standing and spending time with the other girls. You both even made sure to reserve a small amount of distance between the your bodies when Ice had all of you say goodbye to her live. The team had all decided to pack up for the night shortly after, and you and Paige walked hand in hand together to your dorm, enjoying the cool breeze of the night.
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thank you for reading all the way through and sorry if this was kinda booty i couldn't force myself to read all the way through and edit once i finished but i'm excited to keep writing and hopefully get better with each fic! also lmk if you guys wanna see more of this specific paige x reader prompt as mentioned at the top of the post!!!!
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1-victoria-1 · 3 months
Alastor x Child!Doe! Reader part 2
A/n: hello dear readers! This is part two of the Alastor x child!doe!reader fic and i hope you will like it!
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Alastor would have never thought that he would enjoy the company of a child much less a little child, as he always thought children were annoying creatures but you, you were different, you were his little sunshine, his little doe daughter who loved him like a father.
Alastor was a morning person and as a morning person the first thing he does is go downstairs of the hotel and then in the kitchen to make himself his hellish bitter coffee, of course he couldn't just let his darling daughter aline in his room, he took her with him, carrying the still sleeping doe in his arms and chuckling when she stirs awake and just babbles like always, looks like she wasn't really a morning person but he can endure that!
While making himself coffee he would also make you your cacao or hot chocolate, he never liked sweet things but his now adopted daughter is the only sweet thing he will ever accept in his eternal life.
He will make you some quick breakfast like an omelet or scrambled eggs with bacon and then he will take you with him to the balcony of the hotel with chairs and a table and snap his fingers so the food and drinks would arrive, of course he also took a blanket with him so you wouldn't get sick as he has heard that children in hell tend to get ill quicker then on earth.
And today was also special, well at least for your big sister Charlie! Her dad was coming, and well the residents at the hotel have already explained to you many times that charlie was a princess, the princess of hell to be specific and her dad is the devil, Lucifer, but well you were a child after all and didn't really understand those things with devil and stuff but you understood that you had to behave well when he will be here, because his Charlie's family! But you did need to think of what to call him, just Lucifer was boring to you, you have names for everyone! Like big sister Charlie and big sister Vaggie, big brother Angel, Uncle Husk, big sister Nifty and Uncle Pentious, even egg bois had names, you called them your cousins! And alastor was your dear and unreplaceable papa! But you had time to think on what to call Lucifer so it's okay.
After breakfast Alastor would tell you to wash up which you did and then he would change you, he changed you in a cute red blouse with ruffles and some black details like butterflies and stuff and a cute black skirt with ruffles as well, black Tights and cute red flats with straps , and he gave you the mini version of his microphone cane that rosie made for you, now you looked like a full little lady to go! Alastor whipped away an invisible tear as you beamed happily because you looked like your papa at some point, gosh you were adorable!
When you both went down, well more like Alastor was the one carrying you as you were babbling away innocently.
When you both were in the lobby, everything was done for the king's arrival and Alastor still held you like his little treasure with his usual smile, and charlie being nervous about her fathers arrival was noticeable so you wiggled out of your papa's grip and ran to her and tugged on her red pants and and then patted her to calm her down, you really were a pure soul, and a motivation for Charlie to keep going with her dream of redemption for sinners.
After a moment the king finally arrived and everything went like in the show until Alastor insulted Lucifer and Charlie went in between them to get them away from one another and you ran to your papa and patted his leg and looked up at him with a pouty face and said "no bad words! Bad papa!", Alastor just chuckled and forgot about the short king and pucked his darling up and resured you that it was okay for him to use 'bad words' but not for you because you were a little lady but you were okay with that and snuggled to your papa.
Lucifer only then noticed you, a small child, in hell, and he could feel your pure and innocent soul, which made him question why you were here.
He asked Charlie and when she told him what you told them at your arrival and how Angel explained to them that you died from drug overdose from your father, which made Lucifer furious and he wanted to literally jump on Alastor and skin him alive, he thought that alastor was the one that killed you because you were calling him papa.
Charlie noticed how her father was, well, growing his horns and his ever going red, she quickly resured him that Alastor wasn't your biological father but your adoptive one.
You had called Charlie big Sister many times that day which made Lucifer think ' I'ma adopt this cute' because you reminded him of smaller Charlie with your innocence but he couldn't really adopt you because Alastor was always by you and glaring at lucifer as if he could hear his thoughts.
Lucifer was also furious at heaven for being foolish and sending an innocent soul down to hell for something they couldn't do and didn't even understand, like you literally didn't even now understand where you were, like that's messed up, even from heaven.
After this exhausting day, how Alastor would like to call it after protecting his daughter from a certain king of hell who wanted to steal his only light in this dark and unholy afterlife.
He gave you your usual juice box and changed your clothes to pj clothes and read you an bedtime story as you fell asleep while hugging a deer plushie you got from Alastor.
Alastor when he finished the story, quietly left the room and went to his raio tower, still dressed in his usual outfit and looked at the sinner who had insulted you and tried to grab you away from him the other day on your way with alastor to cannibal town to visit Rosie.
Clearly after those 7 years of his absence, those filthy sinners have forgotten to not mess with the radio demon.
Let's just say this was one of his longest broadcasts of a screaming sinner in a long time, and he felt satisfied when he tortured the sinner, of course he had to stop when he heard a small knock on his radio tower door as he knew it was you, he teleported the filthy sinner to his house away from the pentagram city and opened the door to his radio tower and saw your sleepy form while hugging the deer plushie.
He didn't ask you why you were awake as he knew you either had a nightmare of your past or just felt scared without your papa, and with that the day ends with you and your papa sleeping on the couch in his radio tower with soft jazz playing in the background and your soft snoors.
A/n: thats it for part two! I hope you enjoyed it dear readers, i will write part three tomorrow and also publish it!
And i have had a few more ideas for fanfics or mini series so stay tuned and have a great day or night!
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bedoballoons · 11 months
I read both mitsuri!reader head cannons (love them)!!! I was wondering if I could request if they met the readers EX who called her all those names and made her insecure.
Thank youuu!!! Also I have been thinking about that and oh my gosh I'm so glad you requested it!!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
CW: Angsty with comfort!, F! reader gets called names, character helps, established relationships, cursing, and some mentions of weight shaming/eating disorders! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon amour!)
Also I only wrote 4 characters with this one because it was soooo longggg!!
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Albedo, and Wanderer!)
Past Demon slayer/Genshin fics:
Mitsuri reader pt 1
Mitsuri reader pt 2
Mitsuri like reader X Lyney
Tokito Muichiro reader
Shinobo Kocho reader
Shinobo Kocho reader
You smiled happily, pink green strands of hair flowing in the wind as you lounged on the blanket Diluc had laid down, the subtle scent of the apples he was cutting for your picnic sweet and tantalising, but sadly enough to make your stomach gurgle uneasily. You wouldn't say it out loud...especially not in front of him, but even despite both of your best efforts you were still finding it difficult to actually consume food. It had become a torture to eat...even when you were hungry or it was your favourite dish...those words just kept coming back.
"Oh my archons...look who it is. Didn't think I would be seeing you outside the gates of Mondstat, especially with the owner of the infamous wine industry."
Your whole body went cold, eyes shooting to the direction of the familiar voice...the voice that had said the words that changed you, that made you see your own body as a mistake. "I-i...ahem, he's my boyfriend." You silently cursed yourself for having such a shaky tone, if Diluc hadn't figured it out just by your reaction...he definitely had when you started to speak.
He stood up with crimson eyes that had gone dark, a menacing look decorating his features as he stared the other man down, "Don't believe we've met, who are you?" You glanced between the two of them, feeling like your presence was steadily growing smaller as they stared eachother down...the situation was making you feel sick to your stomach.
"I'm her ex boyfriend. Honestly I can't believe she caught the owner of the winery, are you some type of chubby chaser?"
That name...it hit you like a ton of bricks, any thoughts of recovery slipping away as tears filled your eyes, but you weren't alone this time. You jumped as Diluc grabbed your ex by his shirt, pulling him close so his fist would be inches away, "If you ever, call her that again...I will find a way to make you disappear, do you understand me? She's perfect the way she is and I love her more than anything else, besides your opinions don't matter...there's only two people who should see her for how goregous she is. Me and her."
Lyney swung your intertwined hands gently, humming a soft melody while the two of you walked through fontaine. It had become a routine now, taking a walk together after his show and sharing a meal, it was one of the few times you enjoyed eating...mostly because you weren't actually focused on the food. Your attention was drawn to Lyney, the way he always seemed to be glowing with love and excitement after a show, the way he talked with adoration and he never once failed to mention how you'd inspired one of his tricks, it was so calm...that just for a moment you forgot everything else.
"Oh mon amour! Look a new shop has opened up, how about we eat there?" You tiled your head to see past him and sure enough there was a new shop, bustling with customers. "Oh Lyney...it's so crowded though." He chuckled, pulling you into a warm embrace, his eyes meeting yours as he placed a kiss on your lips lovingly, "I won't force you, but...we could just get something to eat and then find a nice quiet spot, it would be different...in a good way."
A light blush dusted your cheeks as you let him lead you to the crowd, silently agreeing to his adventurous ideas like you always seemed to.
"No way...is that you?! You haven't changed one bit have you?"
You stopped dead in your tracks, emotions all but gone at the sound of that voice...the one that haunted your nightmares and used to make you feel so small...treat you like you were nothing but a number on a scale. He seemed to be waiting for your response, but you couldn't bring yourself to say anything...you were frozen in place, heart racing.
"Mon amour who's this?" You glanced at Lyney, wondering if he could tell you were uncomfortable, but he didn't appear to have any difference in attitude...had he really not noticed?
"I'm the one who was trying to keep her out of these foodlines so she wouldn't get any fatter, looking out for her health like a good boyfriend should do...guess you can't say the same."
For a split second you thought Lyney was going to strike him, instead he chuckled and lowered his voice to almost a whisper, a terrifying tone seeping into his words as he spoke, "You should really stop talking....I happen to be apart of the fatui and truthfully, if you utter one more word about my perfect girl, you won't be able to say anything at all by the time we are done with you."
Klee held onto your hand tightly, pulling you through the crowded streets with Albedo trailing not far behind. The air was filled with the delicious smells of baked goods and fresh made dishes, and the streets were decorated with stalls that held bottles of wine, toys, banners, anything you could imagine. It was a festival like no other and you couldn't believe you got to be apart of it.
"Come on come on!! We are almost to the stage! Dodoco wants to see it all decorated!!" You giggled happily, following the little girl as she lead you up to the big stage in the center of all of the magic. It really was a sight to see, ribbon and cecilia's hung up with fairy lights, a sweet bard strumming away on his lyre while he sang of a hero from another land and to top it all of, there were dancers not far away, each of them moving to the melody with their partners.
"Wow...this is incredible." You stood in awe for a second as Albedo lifted Klee onto his shoulders, her hands holding dodoco in the air so it could watch along with her. It was a picture perfect moment,...one you wanted to remember forever...until it was ruined. Your eyes landed on met that of a person walking towards you...a familiar face you had thought you'd left in the past.
You crossed your arms over yourself protectively, hoping he wouldn't say a word to you, but of course that would only be to easy, "Heyy look who it is...see you got yourself a new partner to shove food in your mouth. He's clearly feeding you right isn't he?"
Your breath caught in your throat, your clothes suddenly feeling tighter and your previous small meal you'd barely managed to take a few bites of rumbling in your tummy.
"Im sorry what was that? Clearly you must be blind, she's truthfully a work of art and without a doubt the most stunning woman I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. Perhaps you should go get another plate of food, actually make it two since you look like you could probably eat both, and stop bothering everyone with that tragic excuse of a voice you have."
Wanderer huffed quietly as you pushed away your plate of food, less then half of it missing and yet you were already feeling queasy? It bugged him to no end,...no matter how many times he said you were perfect and argued with you that your weight was never a issue...you still thought it was. He begged you, something he never thought he never thought he'd do, to try and see yourself from his perspective, but it didn't work.
"You want some of mine? Maybe you'd like it more if it was different? Hey? What's up with you?" Wanderer waved his hand in front of your face, surprised to see fear in your eyes and goosebumps forming on your skin, you didn't even look like you were breathing you were so deathly still. It actually freaked him out a little, could humans just die like that?
"Hey stop that, you're making me all worried. What are you looking at?" He tapped your hand, but with no response he turned to follow your line of sight...it was just some guy? That's what had you all scared?, "Who is he? Did he beat you up? I won't let him hurt you if that's what you're afraid of." You shrunk into your chair, footsteps drawing closer as the some guy made his way to your table...
"If it isn't my ex girlfriend. I really didn't think I'd be seeing you at a restaurant...actually I did completely, I'm more shocked you don't have three plates finished yet. Piggy. Even got the pink green hair to prove it...and who's this clown, his hats bigger than he is."
You covered your face in embarrassment, trying to hide away from the situation...not let either men know how much it bothered you, but Wanderer was to clever for that and he took no shame in starting something...
"How about I take my big hat and shove it so far up your ass you see actual pigs fly. Maybe then you'd know the difference between when you should keep your mouth shut and when you should open it. Oh and moron, she's clearly not a pig cause she looks nothing like you."
He stood up with a grunt, pushing the guy so harshly he was sent backwards falling to the ground with a satisfying thud while your boyfriend grabbed your hand and lead you away, telling you more than once how beautiful you looked as you made your way home.
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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lyzsaphrodite · 7 months
༊*·˚ Home is Where the Heart is ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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Dior Goodjohn x fem!reader
synopsis: You and Dior are long distanced and she decides to surprise you by coming to visit you for your birthday.
warnings: fluff, fluff, and fluff
a/n: this is not my best writing ever i just wanted to get this out while i work on the Summer fic
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You and Dior have been in a long-distance relationship for about a year and a half now. You met on the set of Percy Jackson and instantly clicked; she ended up asking you out two months into filming. After season one wrapped, she went back home to LA, and you returned to your hometown. You haven't seen each other in person since filming wrapped six months ago, because you're still in school. You guys text multiple times a day and FaceTime at least once a day, but it's still hard for both of you. Especially for you since your love language is physical touch, and you just like to have physical connections with people. Your birthday was coming up, so Dior thought it would be an amazing idea if she came and surprised you. She planned it all out with your family; she would fly in on your actual birthday and stay for a month.
Today was finally your birthday. You woke up to look at your phone and found a bunch of birthday wishes from friends, family, and even fans. But none from the person that mattered most to you. You didn't think she would ever forget your birthday. Maybe she just wasn't awake yet, even though it was currently noon, which means it was 9 in LA, and she's always up before 9. But you just decided not to worry about it. You still had the whole day. You were really bummed that she wouldn't be able to come for your birthday, but you understand that she's busy with her music and everything. You got out of bed, took a shower, and got ready for the day. You and your best friend decided to go shopping for your birthday. You visited all your favorite stores, getting all of your birthday freebies. By the time you and your best friend headed home, it was around 4 o’clock, and you've yet to get a message from Dior, which made you visibly disappointed. Your best friend kept seeing you checking your messages every few minutes and finally decided to say something.
“I’m sure she didn't forget; you know her, she's always busy with something.”
“Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone but her has wished me a happy birthday though. Like even at the mall, those fans who came up to us to say happy birthday, I didn't even know them. And I thought she would be one of the first to say it.”
You finally arrived home and went straight upstairs to put your bags down and take off your shoes. You were home for around 30 minutes when you finally heard the doorbell ring.
“Y/N, someone's here for you,” your mom yelled. You had no clue who it could be; you weren't expecting anyone.
“Coming!” you yelled back to your mom. You hurried down the stairs to the front door, and standing there was Dior with her bags and a gift. She looks just as beautiful as she always does.
“Hey, baby,” she said, smiling.
You had absolutely no idea how to react; you were definitely not expecting this at all. You ran to her and jumped to hug her. As she held and hugged you, you started to tear up.
“I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.”
“What are you doing here? I thought you weren't able to come.”
“I wanted to surprise you, sweet girl.”
“How long are you staying?”
“For a month.”
“Oh my gosh, no way!”
“OMG, and Mom, you knew about this?”
Your mom just smiled and nodded.
“Yep, and so did your best friend.”
“OMG!! I cannot believe this; I thought you forgot my birthday!”
“I could never forget your birthday, mamas.”
You and Dior share a passionate kiss, the weight of her surprise visit lifting a heavy burden off your shoulders. In that moment, all the worries and doubts melted away, replaced by the warmth of her presence. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The month that followed was a whirlwind of joy and reconnection. Every day felt like a treasure, filled with laughter, adventures, and stolen moments of affection. Whether it was exploring your hometown together, cooking meals side by side, or simply cuddling on the couch watching movies, every second was cherished. On the day of her departure, you stood at the airport, hand in hand, hearts heavy with the weight of impending separation.
"I wish we lived closer," you managed to say, your voice breaking slightly as you fought back tears, the airport's din muffling your words.
Dior's eyes softened, mirroring the sorrow in your own as she squeezed your hand gently. "I know, darling. It's hard saying goodbye every time," she murmured, her voice tinged with empathy.
You leaned into her embrace, seeking solace in the warmth of her presence amidst the impersonal hustle of the airport. "I hate it when you leave," you stated simply, your voice carrying a mix of longing and frustration, the airport's commotion providing a stark backdrop to your heartfelt confession.
Dior's arms wrapped around you, holding you close as if trying to shield you from the pain of separation. "I feel it too, love. It never gets any easier," she whispered, her breath warm against your ear.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you buried your face in her shoulder, the weight of longing settling heavily in your chest. "I just wish we could be together more often," you confessed, your voice barely audible above the noise of the crowd.
Dior's fingers brushed through your hair soothingly, her touch a silent reassurance. "Me too, sweetheart. But no matter the distance, you'll always have my heart," she vowed, her words a promise of enduring love.
And as you stood together in the midst of the bustling airport terminal, surrounded by the chaos of departure, you found solace in the simple act of being together, knowing that no matter where life may take you, your love would always be a constant, guiding light in the darkness.
this is unusually short because I didn't know how to end it
taglist: @asvterias
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mechaknight-98 · 3 months
Stacking Bodies (NSFW) FT Hyewon
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Author's Note: Don’t plagiarize. So I technically had three different stories I tied together just to see if I could. Each focusing on something different. The first one was a random idea I just had the second one was me being livid about plagiarism and assimilation and the third was about reconciliation and reconnecting with those closet too you. So enjoy the birthday girl’s birthday fic(s)
Act I
Hyewon and I lay in bed after an intense session when Hyewon suggested spicing up our sex life (literally) tomorrow with a bit of food play. I wasn’t a fan of the thought, but Hyewon was hard to say no to.
“Ah babe come on it’ll be fun,” I look at my girlfriend and hesitate. As much as her offer seems enticing something about eating off of her seems a step too far. Hyewon remained unconvinced. “Come on you'll get home from training. Then I can feed you and fuck you.” She asserted
I hesitantly responded, “I don’t know Hyem that sounds like an infection waiting to happen.”
Hyem pouts. “I forgot how forward-thinking and reasonable you were.” She lamented before a bright idea popped into her head.
“What if it was something you could eat with your hands?” Hyem responded
I squinted as I realized that she wasn’t going to let this go.
“Fine if you can make it so it doesn’t make a mess and it’s not gross by the time I eat it I’ll do it.”
Hyem smiled and then did the little dance that she did whenever she got what she wanted.
I rolled my eyes watching her“Gosh you’re such a loser,” I teased.
Hyewon smiled, “but I’m you’re looser,” she said proudly.
I sighed then responded, “Can I ask why this is such a big thing for you?”
Hyewon smiled “Because it’s sexy and empowering . In one act I can provide all of my guy’s needs. Do you know how sexy that is? The power I have over how much you need me,” she said with manic sexy glee as her hands traced along my chest. I shrugged as we cuddled before drifting off to sleep.
I woke up early the next morning so Hyewon could go to her meeting, but she clung to me as I tried to get out of bed.
“Come on Dio please don’t leave Wizone. It won’t be the same without you.” Hyewon begged.
My reply is apologetic because I will miss her but tbh I don't fit in the office so I should go, “I’m sorry Hyem but it's time for me to go back home,”
“Wait I’ll make it worth your while. I’ll move in, I’ll give you a titjob or a blowjob every day and we can play games or fuck every night.
Like a siren’s song, I am tempted by her words but Sakura and the rest of the office have changed so much since they all started cavorting. So I’m resolute in my convictions. I pry her off me and start getting ready.
As I get ready Hyewon walks in and pins me to her bathroom wall as I shower. She smiles as her tiny left-hand goes for my scrotum. She cups it and asks, “Who are they?”
“They’re yours,” I moan moans out horny and ready to fuck but Hyem smiles and kisses him on the cheek.
“Love you, babe,” she says innocently, before walking away leaving me Dizzy Disoriented and aroused. I hoped that it would be Hyem’s only advance for the morning.
As I was eating breakfast Hyem came up from behind me and started to bend me over as she sensually grabbed and massage my ass before going in for a normal hug. I reeled as Hyem would go from slut to sunshine at the drop of a dime it was hot but starting to be annoying to me.
“If you keep this up when I get back you won’t be able to walk.”
Hyem smiled and meandered close by with an ear-to-ear grin “You won't. Not when it's so close to work,” she teased.
I arrive at work with her and we go to our respective offices. There is a peculiar fleshy smell that I can’t place but makes me uncomfortable as I work. I dismiss it and chalk it up to sex smells.
I manage to get an hour deep into work before Yena and Levi walk into my cubicle. I sense their eyes because their silence is a very different silence from the regular silence as they stand behind me.
I spin my chair to see their expectant faces.
“What is it?” I ask a little annoyed. Their gazes are a combination of reverent fear and mild irritation.
“Is it true that you and Hyewon are dating?” Yena asks bluntly. I shrug and get back to work. Levi turns my chair around for Yena to ask her question again. I shrug again and get back to work. When I feel a grab on my chair I simply respond.
“Listen if you don't want me to report you to HR for harassment I suggest you leave me alone.” the couple take the hint and leave…or so I thought. Fifteen minutes later I got a message from Sakura to come to her office, and I was to bring Hyewon as well. I groan then grab my things and go to her office. I enter the cherry-scented room with an anxious glare, that only intensifies when I see Pat.
“Thanks for coming,” Sakura says seriously.
“I want to congratulate both of you. Your processing numbers have been up across the board.”
Hyewon smirks while I shrug.
“Now we must address your current relationship and how it has gone beyond working hours. As you know our policy is…” Patrick began but I got up and just left. As I did Sakura yelled at me.
“If you open that door Dio you won't have a job by the time you exit.” hearing that made me livid. So I let go of the door and began my reply.
“You want me to care about your policy that you don't even follow? Not only that you want me to let that slide when your own personal affection is standing right next to you. Let me tell you something Kura. I know Hyem, Pat, Ivan, Eunbi and I all helped you build this company but don't ever get it twisted. You still need us. We aren't easily replaced. So if you ever threaten me over something like this again. Not only will I quit. I will tear the company down, and if you think I'm bluffing just ask Haiabd…oh right you can't because his company is toast. So I'm going to say this nicely back off, and we won't have any issues. Do I make myself clear?” Kura’s eyes widened as she stared at me.
“Was that a threat?” Pat questioned I looked him in the eyes and said nothing before leaving.
The rest of the day is super quiet until it's me and Hyewon left in the office. She needed to stay late.
When everyone was gone I heard the familiar taps of her shoes. She entered my cubicle with a ravenous look on her face and lowered herself to my crotch before tearing it open.
Feeling whiplash I tried to muster a response but was quickly silenced when Hyewon began to suck me off. In between inpatient slurps, she squeaked out.
“Fuck you went full Demon Flanker. I missed that so much. You use to not take shit from anyone and if get so wet when you'd just bite back.” she said before going back to sucking my rod.
When my dick is more than hard enough she lifts her dress and lowers her panties as she unclasps her bra she says, “fuck me like you hate me. Fuck me like Im Sakura.”
At that point, all the teasing and cold fury bubbling inside erupted and I grabbed my naked paramour and I violently plugged her with my cock. She moaned and I slapped her ass.
“Zip it slut.” I growl into her ear. Her pussy clenched me as I said that.
“Oh, you like being called a slut?” I question. I feel a rush of liquid from her.
“Did you just cum from being called a slut.” I ask and Hyewon weakly nods. I give her a hard thrust and she mewls.
“Good slut.” I groaned as I thrust in and out of the mewling mess of Hyewon.
“Yes. Yes,” she moaned as I pounded into her deeper and deeper. Her pussy was a sopping and sodden mess as her slick pooled below us. Enraptured by her bouncing tits I take them into my hands as I massage them while I fuck Hyem. She moans again before cumming over my cock again. Her breathing is ragged as I chase my release. Hyewon's moans are music to my ears as I begin alternating my hands between her tight ass and her perky tits. Eventually, her tightness and moaning get to me, and I cum inside her. I feel my dick explode inside her as she moans like an overstimulated mess. As soon as I cum however all the “Demon Flanker” attitude goes away and I stare at her. What gets me more than anything is the vulnerable and fearful look she has. In a moment of weakness, I say, “I won't leave you Hyem,”
When we do leave we get back to Hyewon’s apartment we both change into more comfy clothes and chill for a while. I play on my switch while she watches her drama. I smile at her while she adorably cuddles next to me. Her clinginess is simultaneously her cutest/most annoying trait. With her sexy body strewn all over me, it was only a matter of time. When I feel Hyewon’s body heat begin to rise I look into her eyes. Her gaze holds intense lust, and just with one look she pushed out all my cute and soft thoughts about her now all that's left is the Demon Flanker as she calls it. I try to fight it but Hyewon's gaze keeps pushing my surging desires for her until I can't take anymore. I kiss her. Her lips taste like a cherry lip balm reminding me of Sakura and it's all over from there.
“You dirty slut,” I say and Hyewon smiles before getting up excited. She clumsily goes to her kitchen and then to her bedroom. I wait for her signal before I follow her. When I enter the room I smile at her.
See Hyewon has intricately placed full sushi boards all across her body and was lying cutely to make it both as appetizing and as sexy as possible. With a goofy smile, she says
“Come devour me,” I laugh and grab a seat to do so. As I eat this weird sense of mundane comfort overtakes the horiniess. So it leads to me chatting with Hyewon.
“Thanks, babe,” I say as I take my first bite. It's weird because her body heat is making the cold sushi warm but it's high quality so the taste more than makes up for it.
Hyewon pouts but smiles saying, “You're welcome.” I notice her pout and ask her what’s wrong.
She smiles and replies, “I figured this would have riled you up more but I always forget just how calm you can be in weird moments. “
I shrug and take another piece.
“I'm sorry about that.” I retort. Hyewon dismisses it as she gets it. She understands I can't be Demon Flanker all the time.
“So how did you come about calling when I get angry “Demon Flanker”?”
Hyewon smiled and said,
“When you were playing rugby when you first came out here that's what everyone on your team called you. When I asked why they mentioned your first name and it all kinda made sense. Diabolos=Demon and you played Flanker.” Hyewon explained as I took another piece. I laughed before moving closer to her face she was all awkward smiles. She kisses me and as she does she steals half the piece of sushi I was eating from my mouth. With her mouth puffed up she smiles mischievously. I smile with her as we continue to share the food. Despite the discomfort I feel at eating lukewarm sushi the comfort I feel being with Hyewon counteracts all of it. When we finish she gets up to straddle me she pulls my sweats down before she impaled herself on my cock. She moans as she bottoms out. She's a little shakey from earlier but I steady her by keeping a firm grip on her tight ass. She smiles at me as she begins to ride.
Her walls are tight as she gyrates her hips searching for an ideal angle.
“Fuck Dio.” she groans as she continues her ride, before bouncing up and down on my rod when she found her ideal tempo. As she chased her high she grew exponentially tighter. She then brought me in for a fervent kiss. Her teeth lightly bit my tongue as she pulled it out. Her eyes are full of mischievous glee. As she continued riding me I felt myself getting closer and closer. Her eyes narrowed as she stared into mine.
“You gonna cum?” she asked. I nodded and she said “Go on then cum inside I'm safe today.” with no other options I filled her womb with my seed and she came as well, smiling at me for all I' was worth.
Despite being 45 minutes early to work, I was still somehow late. Don't ask me how I don't know. I walk in to see the receptionist Eunbi flirting with my friend Izzy. I walked past them and waved politely but Eunbi being the mom of the office was not having any of that.
"Um, Diabolos where do you think you're going?" Eunbi said with her arms open. I look at Izzy who shrugs at me before laughing. I sigh and walk back to Eunbi and give her a big hug. After I break it she smiles and says, "I always love you big hugs. Now go before Sakura has your balls on her desk."
"Okay will do...Wait, but I am 45 minutes early."
Eunbi shrugged and then smiled at me before I left. I overheard Izzy say, "Really babe his balls on her desk? We gotta get you better slang."
I walked into my cubicle where Mrs. Miyawaki was waiting for me.
On the way, I run into Yujin Simon, Leo, and Nako all talking. Yujin and Simon were holding hands. I laugh and say to Yujin and Simon.
“Don’t let Kura catch you. She’s already having a bad day.” Simon laughs and says,
“Well, we should be good as long as you’re here. You are here favorite punching bag of course.” I laugh before going to my office.
Her look was somewhere between Livid and focused. She gave me a forced pleasant smile before tearing into me.
"I hate you so much Diabolos." She opens. I look at her confused.
"What did I do now?" I ask legitimately confused. Sakura rolled her eyes annoyed.
Sakura scowled as she spoke, "Nothing currently but I need you and Hyewon to go upstairs and talk to your old job. There has been this weird smell that's been coming from there."
I look at my boss annoyed, "Really but they're so weird. Why can't you go?"
Sakura rolled her eyes in annoyance, as she answered"Because despite your childish attitude people listen to you...for some reason. Especially if Hyewon is with you."
"But I thought my association with her" I paused to breathe before continuing, "was "unprofessional, and distracting"" I said to my boss defiantly hoping to get out of this.
Sakura stood firm as she responded, "I changed my mind."
I rolled my eyes and said, "Are you sure it was you or Pat?"
Sakura was dumbfounded by my assertion, "Excuse me?"
I rolled my eyes annoyed, "You know what I said, but that's not important. What do you want me to tell them?"
Sakura scoffed before saying "Just ask if they can stop the smell. I am sure you know which one I am referring to."
I shook my head and replied "No, because the only smells are that of Lust and sex around here,"
"I beg your pardon?" She asked indignant, I rolled my eyes at Sakura's indignation until she backed off. She began to speak again"I swear you can be so childish."
I furrowed my brows as I replied frustrated "Well, I will remind you, Not only are you asking me to work during nonbusiness hours but you also made it so I can't hang out with one of my closest friends at the office."
Sakura scoffed again, "Oh please we all know you two have long skirted that rule."
I squinted "Not until about a month ago?"
Sakura reeled "Wait really?" she said taken aback.
I nod as Sakura softens.
"Oh well, then I am sorry," she says
"No worries" I reply
Sakura recovered shortly after and then said, "Wait you're 15 minutes late what do you mean Off business hours."
I point to my pinned offer of employment that stayed on my cubicle wall.
Sakura began to read it out loud, "Billable hours for Diabolos Maleovlence Bruce will be from the hours of 6:30-2:30. Oh really So you get here an hour early every day?"
I nodded as Sakura turned around to me.
Sakura looked at me confused before asking “Why?”
“Originally it was just to ease into the business day but since I spend most of the day putting out fires for you and the rest of the office I do my actual job of archiving records properly,” I explained and Sakura laughed with recognition.
Sakura laughed before she replied“Well I’m glad you’re so considerate,” her voice tilted sardonically. I shrug before getting ready to leave to find Hyem then I turn to Sakura and ask.
"Okay, last question. How long have you been waiting for me?"
“5:30 when you normally get here,” she said annoyed before shooing me away. I found Hyewon talking to Captain (it was his actual name. When she saw me she turned to me and smiled before running up to hug me.
“Ah, Dio you made it.” She said happily. I nod before returning the hug.
The lights began to flicker and Captain pointed out to Minju. “That’s the third time today we’ve been having power issues. Hey, Diabolos and Hyewon when you go up there can you ask them if they're having issues?
Hyewon and I nod before taking the elevator one floor. On the ride, Hyewon kisses my cheek.
“I’m so ready for our weekend sleepover. It’s gonna be so much fun wet is going to watch all the ranger reject episodes and Kaiju No. 8 is going be great.” I nodded as I mentally prepared to talk to the employees of Planet Upscaled. As we exit the elevator the air is dank, tinged with a humidity and smell that’s disgusting, as we walk to the entrance the door is left open. The smell emanating from inside. I peek in to see 5 flesh pods lining the walls of the office. The first one on the right side is open. I also see the entire office covered in flesh growths and distended/disfigured limbs that were fused or joined in impossible configurations. If that wasn’t enough there was a face on the wall directly in front of me, that opened its eyes at me before saying, “You gotta get out of here,” before watching the face contort and its voice change from a terrified gruff man into a feminine voice as an eye appeared on its right cheek and an entire new mouth on the left.
Before it could speak I closed the door and turned to Hyewon, “what is it?” I picked her up and ran down the stairs to our office. I set her down and she’s frantic “What was that for?” She demanded. Still processing everything I just saw I said to her.
“We need to leave now. Like right now. You go to the parking lot right now and wait for the rest of the office to get there and lead them to my house.” Hyewon looked at me worried
Hyewon’s eyes tracked mine as she sensed the worry in them, “Diabolos what’s wrong?” She asked
I grabbed her gently and looked her in her eyes, “We don’t have time for that right now we need to go now,” I said terrified.
Hyewon nodded then said “Okay I trust you”
She runs to the parking garage, as I walk into the office.
Sakura, Eunbi, and Izzy were all standing at the front desk.
Sakura smiled when she saw me, “Oh Diabolos how’d it go?”
“We all need to leave right now,” I responded.
“Wait why?” Sakura asked. She noticed my grave face as did Eunbi.
“Wait Diabolos why do you look so rattled.”
My worry began to mount as we were running out of time.
I strained not to yell at them because I knew starting a panic would start a very bad situation, “Look please trust me on this one I’ll explain when we all aren’t here.” I say as calmly as I can muster.
Sakura rolls her eyes and says, “Okay but you owe us Diabolos.” I nod and tell them that Hyewon is waiting for them in the parking garage. They go and I swiftly go through the office directing everyone to the garage. There are only two I’m missing Yunjin and Simon. I tear through the office looking for them but can’t. I know they’re here but where? I hear the door to the office open and see a face that shouldn’t be there.
“Hello? Anyone here a tiny female voice says.” I decided to rush to the custodial closet. As I entered I found Yujin and Simon. Their eyes are petrified as they see me as I catch them having sex. I close my eyes and lock us all in the custodial closet.
“Pull your pants up we have a meeting in the parking garage. Sakura asked me to find you both.” I say Yujin and Simon nod as I grab a mop. I grab the duck tape and tape my knife to the non-mop end. We all walk out to the front desk where we are greeted by Lisa from BlackPink.
“Oh hi I was looking for the boss,”
“Oh that would be me,” I lied.
“But wait,” Yujin said
“No go to the meeting or I’ll have to report you,” I said to Simon who instantly knew I meant business.
After the door closed Lisa attempted to get closer to me. “I’m from Planetary Upscaled and I was wondering if you could help me handsome.”
“I am sorry I am in a massive rush,” I said as I tried to go around Lisa but she stood in my way.
“Oh please. Pretty please.” She said cutely as she did I noticed an intent to break the touch barrier. I used the mop to keep her distance as I switched our positions.
“Sorry, Miss. I’m married to the love of my life,” I lied again before attempting to leave.
“But we’d make such a cute couple,” I heard her say before I heard gurgling noises. I watch in horror as pieces of “Lisa’s” flesh fly off. Tendrils and tentacles extend from her body to the plant behind her the wooden part of the mop and the leather rug we had just got. As she inched closer to me I pushed the mop into Eunbi’s desk pinning her as this thing began growing as it assimilated more matter. Not wanting to be the next snack I ran out of the office. Yujin and Simon were waiting for me. “Fucking run,” I yell as the door behind me explodes and more flesh tendrils begin to chase us. The tendrils reverberate Lisa’s voice don’t “You want to be my friend?” They all seemed to say. We all book it in the parking garage where the tendrils don’t continue. Yujin and Simon race to their car as I catch my breath. I can’t say I blame them.
“Oh, there you are what happened?” Kura and Eunbi said.
I could have been more polite, but I was under duress.
“Get in your fucking cars now,” I yell as I hear a huge boom coming from our office. Everyone listens to that as we all drive out. As we drive out I see the floor of the office building explode as flesh tendrils extend out from it grabbing people off the street, trees, dogs animals. And drag the bodies to the mass.
By the grace of fucking god and him alone we make it to my place on the rural side of Korea three hours out. As everyone got out of their cars I sat in my car trying not to scream and freak out.
Eventually, I collected myself enough to talk. I slowly opened the door to my car as I walked in several others followed me. I sat on my couch fried as I tried to figure out what to say. Hyewon sat next to me and hugged me. After that Leo and Nako came in Leo was understandably freaking out.
“What the fuck was that. What happened?” He was yelling. We all knew he was trying to process what he saw and didn’t expect an answer. That was until Patrique turned the conversation to me.
“Yeah, Diabolos what was that?”
Everyone turned to me expecting answers. I looked up and said,
“I don’t know,” Pat and Tim were understandably upset.
“How the fuck do you not know? You got us all out before anything happened and safely as if you knew this would happen,”
I look up at them and reply, “I didn’t know this would happen but when I walked into Planetary Upscale’s office I saw enough things to make me think an evacuation was necessary.”
As I spoke I got up and went to my fridge. Maybe water would cool my frayed nerves. As I did Pat got in my face.
“Ya know you’ve been such a dick after Ivan left,” he said angrily. I sighed then he said the thing that he knew would set me off.
“I think you’re just mad Kura chose me over you.” I balled my fist and then clenched it until I was drawing blood from my hand. My rage flared up until I remembered the practice that my old therapist told me.
“When you’re mad at something someone said put your head in their perspective and ask would I be mad as well,”
I thought about his perspective. His least favorite coworker saved his life from some horror movie scenario that he seemed to know a lot about but refuses to elaborate, and now you and you’re girlfriend (his ex-crush) are stuck in the same house.
“This fire dies with me. This fire dies with me.” I say internally as I turn to Pat and Tim.
“Look I just saw bad things happening and made the call to get everyone to safety if you think you do a better job then by all means.” Pat softens as he is surprised by my calm response. (One of us has to be)
“Now if you’ll excuse me I need to I have some calls to make to try and get us out of Korea.”
Yena popped up and asked “Wait why?
I turn to her and say. “This is spreading fast and if we aren’t careful it could spread to us,” I explained. Everyone nods. I go to my backyard and ring up Sammy.
“You Sammy you got a boat for me and 30 or so people to get out of Korea if need be. I’m calling in that favor.”
Sammy sighed but responded, “I should have figured you call, Yeah I can be there in three days can you hold out.” I turn back to my house look at my contemporaries and reply
“Yeah,” I replied
I waited “Great meet me at the abandoned pier.”
“Okay,” I said
As I walk in the group is watching a broadcast explaining an emergency evacuation/shelter staged by Planetary Upscale. Everyone’s eyes held hope. I sighed and turned the TV off they all looked at me angrily.
“What was that about? Pat asked
“It’s a trap,” I replied coldly.
“How do you know?” Leo asked
“Well 1.) Planetary Upscale is where this all started. 2.) This thing disguises itself as humans. 3.) It feeds on biomass 4.) What is the easiest way to trap people so you get more? Making a false rescue. This has trap written all over it,”
Nako stood up and said, “Oh, and what’s your plan?”
“We wait three days then drive to the abandoned pier and sail out in the night get to Japan and we fly out from there.”
“Three Days?” Chaewon said incredulously. “You said we may not have much time and here’s a guarantee we can escape.”
“You know what fine you all can go I’ll stay here and go with my plan,” I said calmly which was the last thing I remember before hearing a crash and then blacking out.
When I came too I realized I was tied up in Eunbi’s car. Eunbi, Izzy Hyewon, Sakura, and Pat were all there. We were driving back into the city. The amount of anger I felt was almost biblical.
“Oh good you’re awake,” Eunbi said.
“Look honey I am sorry but this is our best bet. I hope you’ll forgive me.” Eunbi said as she drove. I clenched my teeth as I watched her drive white-knuckled 10&2. I take a deep breath.
“Can I please be untied?”
“Are you going to try and leave the car?” Eunbi asked. I shook my head knowing the answer she wanted to hear.
“Okay” Eunbi as she gestured for Pat and Izzy to untie me. The duo finished and we arrived at the rendezvous point, along with several other people.
The first strike is the Area is Open air. The second strike is that I noticed something weird a lot of the people were extremely touchy-feely like uncomfortably so. We walked out and I watched as Wonyoung smiled before running to Yujin and giving her a big kiss.
“We made it.,” she said happily. As we walked into the check-in I got the third strike.
There was no one checking for infection, no scanners or monitors. I stopped before we reached the check-in gate. Before I could say anything I heard a very loud “UNNIE!” We all turned to see a brown-haired girl approaching Sakura. She gave Sakura a big hug that turned into another heated passionate kiss.
“You’re safe," Sakura said happily. I watch from a distance confused as more people begin to come in, and this weird sexually charged aura comes around. I wonder why that is. Hyewon grabs me and holds me close.
"I don't like this," she whispers as she looks around I try to look for anything to get us out of here when I smell it. The same smell as the scent when I entered Planetary Uspcale's office. I turn to my friends and tell them to run. When something hits me over the head and knocks me out.
When I came to I was in a cell surrounded by a flesh wall. I stared in horror at everything that surrounded me.
“You are so interesting.” I heard a voice say. I turn to see “Lisa” again. She stares at me with a wolfish hungry glare.
“You are seemingly immune to all my assimilation tactics. It’s truly amazing,” “Lisa said. I groaned as I looked at her.
“You’re immune to pheromone exposure, hallucinations, mental suggestion all of it. How?” Lise said. I sigh and say,
“What do you want?”
“I want to know why. You are so unique that even after almost 8 months of exposure to me, you resist, and here I figured you’d be the easiest since you were the most isolated and most idiosyncratic.” “Lisa,” said exited.
“Well, I have a proposal for you. An experiment if you will. If you can make it out of here without succumbing then I will let you go. Otherwise, I plan to cut you up and see what makes you tick.” “Lisa,” said seductively “Or you can willingly let me in and end this pointless struggle because I’ll eventually win anyway.” She adds
“Why are you doing this? Who are you?”
“Why Diabolos don’t you recognize me? I’m Planetary Upscaled,” she said with a smile. As things began to click and memories unlocked.
“You’re the meteorite Haiabd found.”
“Bingo, and together we have achieved so much. Imagine what I could do with you.” She said. “Just let me in,” she whispered.
As she spoke and reminded me of what happened something inside me broke.
“You dare?” I yelled before I began punching at my Cell walls which Planetary watched excitedly
“You’re struggle is pointless.” She said repeatedly until the glass cracked. The window shatters and I walk out of the cylinder surrounded by piles of flesh. My vision is red as I feel the entire room try to tear me apart. I walked over to “Lisa” and I brought my hands to her throat.
“Ah choke me, Daddy,” she teased, and my vision went black as the color became so intense that was almost blinding. When I hear the needed crunch, I let go and walk to the exit. I take out a lighter and aerosol before lighting the flesh pit on fire.
I take out my phone and see it’s a day after I was supposed to leave with Sammy. I groan and start walking.
I sat in my home in California. When the door rang, I opened it to see Ivan he smiled and said, “Dude you’re a genius, the corrosive binder and stabilizer worked.” He said with a smile
“How is the cleanup going?” I asked.
Ivan smiles “Oh it’s great the flesh is almost cleared and we have saved so many people we never found Planetary though.”
I sigh relieved. “Oh also you’ll never believe it we were invited to the Wizone gala for our work on the cleanup,”
I squint and say “I’m not going,”
Ivan looked at me before saying, “Look I get that you’re mad still at them but think about it this way. You wanted them safe, and they are safe and thriving. You won.”
I sigh and say “Okay”
Two days later we arrived at the Gala. It was a masquerade-themed one. I was given a stag-based one while Ivan wore one based on a lion. I dreaded the event but put on a brave face. As we entered Ivan being the wildly popular and success story he was was swept up by a host of people trying to rub elbows with one of the Diabolical Society founders. On my part, I approached the bar. First and asked for a Shirley temple. As I waited a familiar voice said,
“I didn’t expect a mighty stag to order such a soft drink.” I turn to see Hyewon who is currently wearing a cute mouse mask and staring at me. She smiles.
“I try to keep a sober mind,” I reply.
Hyewon smiles and then says, “I like that tell me what brings you here. I see you with Ivan and a new face so I’m assuming you are the reclusive other owner of the Diabolical Society Firearms company.” I nod and Hyewon smiles.
“Well, I am glad I am your first acquaintance at this party I hope it will be good for you.” I shrug and say
“It’s not my scene Hyem,” Hyewon turns to me and rips my mask off.
“Dio?” She says staring into my eyes. I nod. She smacks me angrily before saying, “I thought you died,”
I shrug weakly as I say surprise. As she hits me she stops when she sees the scars on my face neck and slightly exposed shoulder.
"What happened to you?" she asks worriedly.
"Well, I had to kinda fight my way out of the Planetary Upscale building without being assimilated by all their stuff," I explain.
Hyewon's gaze holds a mix of concern and frustration before it thaws into legitimate appreciation.
Hyewon smiled as she said, "I missed you so much."
I am unsure how to respond so I just mirror her statement, "I missed you too Hyem."
"So you're the elusive other half of Diabolical Armory. Honestly, it suits you." Hyewon says looking at me with a loving gaze. I smile as a wave of comfort takes hold I haven't felt in a long time. She approaches me and kisses my cheek. She smells like grilled onions but honestly I
“So what are you doing after this Gala?” Haewon asks.
“Probably go home, but honestly I would love to spend some more time with you,” I reply.
Hyewon smiles mischievously and asks if I still wear the same-sized clothes. I nod and she smiles.
“What are good burger joints nearby,” she asks.
45 minutes later
Hyewon and I snuck out of the Gala after changing into less expensive clothes and were enjoying in-n-out on the steps we found at a nearby park while catching up.
“It's been such a mess since you've been gone. Sakura and Patrick have a kid, but they aren't even together anymore. So it's a huge mess. Eunbi and Izzy are going strong along with Leo and Nako. Minju and Cap just got together too.”
I looked at Hyewon surprised, “Oh really that's great.”
"Yeah, I was dating him for a while during one of Minju and Cap's breaks." I sighed heavily and chose my response carefully.
"Oh, I am sorry for that then."
Hyem nods and then asks "What about you how is your love life looking?"
"Oh me I haven't been dating I have stuck to myself after the whole Planetary thing.
"Wait really?"
I nod as I begin to recount the story. Hyewon nods in acknowledgment while tracing the scars on my arms and wrists. About how the biomass used its electromagnetic pulses from its "Nervous System" to try and cook/rip me apart, and how I got my freedom. I told her about fighting my way out of Korea only to get back home and everyone thought I was dead.
"So you were taken by the Planetary Upscale people. I knew it. All the girls told me you were infected that's why the worker came and knocked you out with a sedative."
"Oh, that's what happened," I said gaining some clarity about it."
Hyewon nodded before going back to her burger. I sit closer to her on the stairs we are currently on.
"So what happens now?" I ask. Hyewon turns to me and smiles.
"Well, that depends on you. You can either come back with me to my hotel room and we continue where we left off, Or you can drive me home and we go on our separate ways." Hyewon responded. I stood up considered her words then responded.
"Before we begin I should let you know. I am part alien."
Hyewon looked at me confused, so I repeated the statement. She smiled gently before saying.
"Why would I care about that?" I smiled as I said, "Well then as long as you know what you are getting into."
Hyewon laughed and said, "It would explain more than you know."
Now that everything was on the table I drove her to her hotel and followed her up. On the way to her room, she asked why I didn't come find her when I was free.
"Well subtracting how broke I was...both financially and emotionally. I was not the same guy I was when I left you." I answered
Hyewon's eyes were bright as she gazed at me. A warmth began to fill me.
"Yes you are." she said as she entered her room before saying, "Come on Demon Flanker."
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py-dreamer · 3 months
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@dynamicsimp hope ya like it!
I literally did this in one day- help.
So yeah, I tried out the gosh-dang challenge and honestly?
Quite happy with how it came out! It was very interesting and actually very fun working on a piece with a monochrome pink palette!
Gosh, I haven't gotten to use my REAL lineless style (I use it for stickers but I haven't done any stickers in forever) where all the cel shading is real harsh and as it says in the title: no outline.
Lately, I've been more focused on lighting and texture in my digital works and just making everything 'softer' and more 'realistic' but dang, I forgot how much I missed just using my harsh and more cartoony style.
But because it looked good, here's the one with some light:
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I am very happy especially since I do believe there is some improvement in the style.
(In that it doesn't look as amateur as when I first started out. But I think that's mostly cause I used monochrome here)
Does anyone else get that struggle? Feeling like you're not advancing then keep pushing yourself to change and improve but also really missing the original style?
Anyways some of y'all might be wondering where I've been for pride month....
Mainly it has mostly been art block and just demotivation especially since I'm STILL WORKING ON THAT BIG PROJECT UGHHGHHHGGGHHGG.
(I'm not blaming y'all I'm just feral)
And just general procrastination.
I do have another project in the works. So to any of my lovely marshiemallows who have seen my previous posts,
you'd know that I'm very...opinionated about Macaque. More specifically his attitude in canon and how the fandom treats him.
(Keep in mind the thing was planned before s5)
DISCLAIMER: Again, I do enjoy Mac's character. I just think he's a bit of a d!ck and kinda hates how a lot of the fandom (not all) brushes that over and throws the bucket of Wukong's sins down on the king's head.
(I also would not hesitate to wack him with a stop sign on the chopping block if given the chance /hj)
But without further ado I decided to do something other than complain and present you guys this:
Yay! So if you're into Macaca bullying, join the Mac bullying train! CHOO CHOO!
(also big thanks to @furornocturna for beta reading and helping with characterizations and stuff. There will be another post just detailing bout the fic later but yea go check them out, their work's great)
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hwanchaesong · 4 months
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☞🍹Third Drink: A distraction is all he wanted, yet you came in like a bourbon whiskey that gave him a massive hangover. 🍸
🎧: The Weeknd - After Hours
wc: 964
genre & warnings: angst, like angst no happy ending, clubbing, drinking, hints of toxic situationship, cursing, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The After Hours Bar series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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Jeno stirred in his sheets. The air-conditioning's blow is cold, but he's weirdly feeling hot.. or maybe his head is hot because of annoyance and longing.
He cursed and grabbed his phone on his night stand, glaring at the time and checking your shared location that you forgot to turn off.
It's fucking 2:37 am and you're still up and partying around in some bar.
Oh, he hates it, and he's about to do something about it or else he'll finally lose his sanity for good.
He stands up from his bed, grabbing a nearby hoodie that was hanging in his gaming chair and leaving his apartment without freshening himself up.
He speeds towards the bar you're at, entering it without much problem because let's be for real, he knows the bouncer in these kinds of bars. He puts every last one of his friends and family's experience with the outside world with the amount of clubbing and partying he's done for the past month.
A month without you in his life, and he's regretting it since.
He doesn't know what kind of evil spirit had possessed him when he decided to break your heart. Choosing another girl that only loves him for his money.
Taking you for granted, laughing in your face at how stupid you are for thinking that you have a chance with him. Mocking you for allowing the one night stand and the dates that followed after.
He was the biggest asshole for treating you like shit yet here he is, traversing through the sweaty and disgusting bodies of the party-goers, in a herculean journey of finding you.
His eyes scoured the vicinity of the neon lighted building, looking for your familiar figure that he desperately wants to hold in his arms.
His heart skipped a beat when he had finally spotted you, holed up in the corner of a booth and drinking a cocktail all by yourself.
He immediately trudged in your direction, stiffly standing in front of you and he felt like dying when you made eye contact with him.
You're so fucking gorgeous.
Without his functioning rationality and your impaired brain in a haywire, he impulsively dragged you out of the bar while your whirling mind took a moment to discern what was actually happening.
Snapping out of it, you harshly tug your hand back, glaring at him with storms in your eyes when you realize that you're in the middle of a dimly lit street with him.
The road is something that you have seen before, the way to your former shared house with him.
"Jeno? What the fuck?" you rubbed your wrist, skin slightly red with how tight his hold was on you a while ago.
"Y/N." he calls your name, reaching out for you but you quickly back away, "Y/N please. Let's go home, yeah?"
He's kidding right now, isn't he?
Home is nowhere near him, it once was, but when he carelessly tossed your fragile heart out of the window, he became an asylum that you didn't want to go back to again.
"Leave me alone, will you? Gosh, I-I can't do this with you." you scoffed, blurry eyes due to the alcohol but the fresh early morning breeze somehow cleared your head.
You know that you can't give in to his puppy eyes, you're not weak anymore. You are not the Y/N that he knew.
Jeno frowned, not exactly liking the way you're rejecting him.
"Y/N, don't be stubborn. Please-"
"Save your begging Jeno. You should've done that ages ago when I was naive as fuck. But that won't work now." you cut him off, having enough of his bullshit for today.
You finally had the energy to go out and have fun after a month of grieving over him. Then he appears out of nowhere to ruin your delicately glued self after you worked so hard to put your pieces back together.
"I'm so sorry Y/N, please. Will you hear me out? no alcohol in Jeno's system but it seems like he's the intoxicated one, drunk off of you and he doesn't know what to do with the conflicting emotions he's having.
He took your silence as a cue to continue his mini rant.
"I am well aware that I have been nothing but a foolish dumbass towards you but.. it's hell without you. Please, take me back again. I promise I'll be a better man. I'll take care of you, I'll love you like how you deserve to be loved."
He is basically on his knees and you couldn't help but want to slap his handsome face.
His confession is everything but fake, his words are full of sincerity.
Breathing is difficult without you around. Heck, even doing the mundane things feels like a drag whenever he wakes up in the morning without you by his side.
He did everything to forget you. Drinking all day, spending shit tons of money over useless things. But it was never adequate, nothing is able to compensate for the emptiness he's feeling ever since you left.
He needed you the most in his life.
"Jeno.." you mumbled his name, your lower lip quivering and he almost stumbled his way over to you to comfort you, but your next sentence blew out any hope in his candle.
As much as you love him, you have to choose yourself over anything else.
"I'm sorry Jeno but I can't. I will never ever return to you again. I'll borrow your words from before."
You took a deep breath, turning on your heels so he's now facing your back before ultimately slapping him with the reality he's been denying.
"Why would I settle for anything less when I deserve the best?"
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@sunghoonsgfreal @yeosayang @mystverse @shakalakaboomboo
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haruchi-slit · 4 months
hiii this is my first request ever so i dont know how this works HAHAHAHA
can i request a smutty sukuna fic or one shot whichever fits better about reader getting their nails done with sukunas tattoos and him getting all horny and shit ?
i saw this tik tok and i went feral about it
my gosh I'm in awe with how gorgeous those nails look awhw this is such good idea, i hope i don't disappoint you with this ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ chi-list
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minors dni, 18+ readers only! | sukuna is not in his true form + unprotected sex + cock bulge + doggy style + missionary + modern au uncle kuna and aunt reader! + not proof read
you woke up extra early to meet with your nailtech, nobara. you've been her client since she was not famous because your niece, yuuji introduced her to you, a few years ago. the reason you were at her studio at the first place because you were planning on surprising your boyfriend, sukuna with your nails matching his tattoos knowing how much he loved his tattoos and how they seemed to hold a special power over him- upon arriving on nobara's studio she greets you with a smile,
"hey, wifeyy what are we up to?" nobara giggles welcoming you in before she sat on her nail station, with her face resting on her hands.
"sooo i was thinking of surprising sukuna" you'd snicker as nobara nods profusely, "uh-huh" she murmurs, "and i was thinking of y'know getting my nails done like his tattoos" you giggled as a light shade of pink spreads across your cheeks, "ohh i see you girl, so what color are you gonna get?" nobara asked sheepishly, "so i want this specific color of pink" you chimed, picking up a nail polish displayed on nobara's table "and also I'd like to add some designs?" you added ulocking your phone and showing nobara sukuna's tattoos, "oh gosh i love your idea, shit we should start now"
.... after gossiping and giggling with nobara as she does your nail you were finally good to go,
you stretched out your fingers, admiring the intricate designs delicately painted on your nails. they were reminiscent of sukuna's tattoos, with swirling patterns, bold in black.
"shiiit i love you nobs they're so beautiful" you gagged in awe as you stared at your nails,
"well it is made by me, of course it'll be gorgeous!" nobara bantered, "i'm gonna give you a huge tip nobs, shit it's so beautiful" you swore you almost cried with how beautiful they look, after paying nobara you bid your goodbyes and you drove home eager to show them to your beloved boyfriend, once you reached your shared apartment your heart was beating so fast, as you open the door, you hobbled down to the living room seeing sukuna sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone, he was quick to notice you presence as you entered the room, sukuna watched you as you pattered from across the room, "where have you been, woman?" he asks placing his phone on the coffee table, you giggled " well i went out, i got my nails donee, i left you a text didn't i and i also told you yesterday!" you uttered,
"i suppose you did, i forgot and, i haven't checked my messages my bad" he rolls his eyes, "you're getting old as fuck" you jested, "what's me being old have to do with that, and why's your hands behind you back? are going to shoot me or something?" he jokes back laughing, "fuck no? as if i could the fuckkk, anyways look at themm!" you chuckled as you showcased your newly painted nails to him, spreading them out on the air, "aren't they beautiful?"
"They look good." he murmurs, "we're matching now, yeyyy!" you yelped, "do you know what's the catch?" you add making sukuna knit his brows in confusion, "so y'know i hand picked the color of my nails to match your tip" you giggled, "m-my tip? what do you mean?" sukuna stuttered, "don't play with me, sukuna..." you coed into his ear, your hot breath sending shivers down to his spine,
"I love them," he replied before standing up from the couch with his breath hitching- he quickly latched on to your lips giving you a passionate kiss, you can feel your stomach being filled with butterflies while your heart beats uncontrollably like it was going to explode. sukuna deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hands wandered down to your hips. He couldn't help but feel turned on by the way your nails looked like his tattoos. It reminded him of his power, his dominance.
Before you knew it, you were pinned against the wall, sukuna's hands ripping off your clothes. sukuna's fingers traced over your newly painted nails, sending sparks of pleasure through you, you groaned as he nibbled on your neck, his teeth grazing over your skin leaving red hickeys on your neck, like decorations. he could feel your pulse racing under his lips, making him even more aroused, with a swift movement, sukuna had bent you over a nearby table, your nails scratching against the surface. sukuna couldn't wait any longer, his desire for your sweet cunt was consuming him. before even registrating in to you he thrust into you hard, causing you to gasp for air and arch your back.
you couldn't help but moan loudly, the sensation of sukuna's tattooed arms rubbing against your skin driving you wild. you could feel him ram his hard dick in your sopped cunt, "s'kuna ngh-" you pant, gripping on the table hard, leaving deep scratches on it,
hi"y'know i- wasn't -fuck! expecting you to get my tattoos printed on your nails" he grunts in your ear nibbling on it slightly while he thrusts in you hard that you could feel his cock bulging on your abdomen, hitting every weak spot of yours, "you got me so worked up girl.."
he'd keen, placing a hand on your back as he watched your cunt suck him in with every thurst he makes.
he flipped you around before he thrusted mercilessly in your pussy, making you mewl in pleasure, getting closer and closer to the edge, your body was trembling with pleasure.
sukuna's pace quickened, his hands gripping your plush thighs tightly with his callused palms as he pounded into you, your bare your painted nails on his back making crescent wounds, scratching his bare back as he could feel your walls clenching around him, signaling your release. with one final thrust, the both of you reached your climaxes, crying out each other's names.
you both catch your breath, as sukuna pulled you close, his lips brushing against your ear. "you look so cute when you're a pretty mess," he whispered, sending chills down your spine.
you smiled, your fingers running through his hair. "so did you liked my surprise?" you asked, your voice breathless.
sukuna chuckled and leaned in for a kiss, grateful " i f'king love them" he mumurs before kissing you once more.
a/n: sorry it took so long huhu i was distracted in playing roblox and other video games but, i hope you guys liked it! -REQUESTS OPEN-
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stylespresleyhearted · 5 months
what’s the secret project you posted 👀
oh gosh i keep meaning to answer this and then i keep forgetting or pushing it back for reasons unknown to me i think im just unaccustomed to having any asks lol but anyways this is something that actually started because of a certain thing me and marina yell about when it comes to austin and then as our love for callum grew it came to something else grand and beautiful. now it’s only something that has been discussed in the chat, it has no doc or nothing official to it, it may never even come to fruition (marina is already gifting us with so much goodness in the fic worlds she dabbles in)
but i will share some of it and feel free to come further talk about it if it interests you 😘
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Warnings: nsfw below the cut, open relationship, threesome, guy x guy, guy x guy x girl
So we’re all aware of how Austin put his blood, sweat, tears, and soul into his Elvis role. This man gave it his all and I’m truly so grateful to him for it because in my opinion (and most importantly in Lisa Marie’s opinion) he did Elvis Presley justice.
• Bree is a famous and highly esteemed guitarist, singer, and lyricist. She’s won multiple Grammies and written for and with Lana Del Rey, Arctic Monkeys, etc., that’s more her vibe. Baz hires her on during the making of Elvis movie so she could help him modernize the soundtrack and help with the choosing of songs. Maybe she’s even there when Austin gathers all the people from the record label and has them ridicule Austin after his first run through.
• But she’s there before filming and she’s there during filming and her and Austin even shack up together for a while during the first COVID lockdown, spending time with him in his apartment and staying up at all hours of the night to help him get certain scenes right. The bed sheets are tangled, kisses are shared, breakfast is eaten in bed not in the kitchen and there are multiple walks on the beach taken together.
• Bree tries her best to be there for him through all of it. She can sense he’s about to sky rocket and rightfully so, she doesn’t think anyone around can currently measure for his talent. She tries to be a soundboard and a friend and a girlfriend of sorts and a co worker and he’s got her playing all these different roles to keep up with him but keep in mind he never asked her to do any of that. She’s doing it because she loves him, maybe she isn’t in love with him or if she is she isn’t aware of it yet but she does love and care for him.
• And he’s going through his shit. He isn’t sure where Austin begins and Elvis ends and he isn’t in the headspace for a relationship, especially with Bree who deserves the world so when he’s sick as a dog and bed ridden before heading to London he makes sure to have the conversation with her. They were never official. Never went public or had rumors swirl. It’s better to end it on a good note and leave it how it is.
• So consider his surprise when a few months into filming MOTA, Bree shows up on Callum’s arm being introduced as his girlfriend. It’s supposed to be a lads night and Barry dragged him out and now someone who he calls one of his closest friends is introducing Bree as his current girlfriend. A close friend who he goes on walks in the parks with, who places kisses on his cheek after a few drinks, who places his hand on the small of Austin’s back when he approaches him, who pinches his cheeks and welcomed him with open arms. Dating someone who was there at his worst and gave him her heart and stayed up entire nights talking him down when his anxiety was too high and made him do self care when he forgot he was supposed to be his own person.
• and see, Callum and Bree are both Brits so they run in semi same circles and they knew of each other and were friends but Callum was with Vanessa Kirby and they were in love and for a while Bree was with Alex Turner and them afterwards there was Austin. So Callum and Bree were already friends and when they run into each other at a record shop and then head to lunch after and maybe Callum gave her a kiss goodbye when they went separate ways - it all just grew from there.
• so maybe Austin feels a green jealous monster growing inside his chest but who he’s jealous of he’s unsure and a larger part of him is actually happy for both of them. They’re good people, they love each other and both deserve each other.
• they’re suddenly everywhere. She accompanies Callum on set and it’s clear to everyone how in love they are and one time when they’re filming the POW scenes and everyone’s on lunch Austin is looking for peace and quiet so he wanders into their “bunks” but there right in front of him - Callum holding Bree up against the wood panel walls, pounding into her as she moans his name so prettily, his sheepskin jacket still on and making him sweaty. Callum’s eyes open and he catches Austin walking, Austin who trips over his own feet to back away but Callum just smiles and winks at him.
• and later Callum approaches Austin with a high five and a cheeky, “see how good I was giving it to her, mate?”
• and fuck, Austin gets hard thinking about it. Gets hard thinking about Bree’s moans and Callum’s grunt and his sweat and her breasts bouncing against his chest.
• then filming wraps and Austin’s free of them. Doesn’t have to be in there presence every day anymore and he meets someone, a nepo baby who’s beautiful and kind and he’s in a place where he feels he can be with someone so he goes for it and he falls in love.
• and MOTA press isn’t until 2024 so it’s two years of only a handful of run ins with them but then press starts and news break: Callum and Bree are engaged. And the entire cast and crew are happy and they all celebrate.
• She didn’t join Elvis press because she was touring.
• so now Austin is around his engaged friends and he has mixed feelings regarding both of them. See he’s happy and he loves his girlfriend and his career is good but if he’s being honest something is missing and when he wants to torture himself he admits he knows exactly what it is. And he’s doing interviews and Bree is backstage and Callum’s always so touchy and so kind in his words in regard to Austin and one day Callum admits Bree told him what went down between Bree and Austin and Callum’s a confident guy, he assures Austin it’s all fine.
• But maybe it’s the first screening of MOTA, and Callum and Bree are tired of Austin’s sad puppy dog eyes every time they catch him watching them so Bree corners Austin backstage. Gets close and starts palming him through his pants, assuring him Callum wouldn’t mind, in fact Callum has been purposely teasing Austin during interviews trying to get him to cave.
• Callum and Bree both decided if they all wanted it how could it be wrong? Why not go for it?
• And Bree’s falling to her knees and taking Austin in her mouth, pretty pouty lips wrapped around him as she takes him all the way in and suddenly Callum is there, watching them, talking her through it.
• “Isn’t she phenomenal, mate? Had to work with her to get rid of that gag reflex and now she can deep throat me.”
• and Callum waits until Austin mewls his name and calls him over, begging him to be a part of this somehow, to please hold him. So Callum is joining them, Bree so pretty on her knees between them and Callum is flicking Austin’s nipple and letting Austin let his moans out in his neck.
That’s all we have more to come soon if ya’ll wish 🌚
• oh yeah there’s a scene where Bree holds Austin’s hand the first time Callum fucks him because she’s aware of the pain of how large Callum is.
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florenceafternoon · 7 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
Because I will never get tired of them, here are some more fic recs. These fics are set in the wizarding world but aren’t necessarily canon complaints.
For reference, anything in italics is an extract from the summaries on ao3.
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Never Quite Awake by @sunshinemarauder 
“Endings are nothing unfamiliar to Lily Evans; she’s seen the ends of sisterhood, friendship, and innocence, all from miles away. But this is an end unlike any other. An end that was never supposed to happen.”
If to love someone once is to break their heart, to love them twice is to break yours.
Lily falls for James in her seventh year. But the couple are sent onto two diverging paths when a life-shattering altercation halts their burgeoning relationship. Five years later, she's a curse breaker and he is a soldier.
When they meet again, it feels like coming home.
All the angst that comes with a jily second chance romance that takes place during wartime. A fake dating subplot, cursebreaker!Lily, pining!James. What more could you want. France (country) - a relevant tag
Through The Rain by @bookeatingbean
James and Lily's first kiss, and the story behind it. There's some fluff, some character study, and some good old-fashioned angst.
If you're looking for a character study that shows how they grew up through their school years. This fic shows you that Lily was not a perfect person and James was a bully for the sake of it but he grew to understand that the world does not revolve around him and strives to do better. Or Lily is stubborn and James is the definition of a ride-or-die
It's been a long time by writtenbyfreckles (on ao3)
It's been ten years since Lily left Hogwarts. She's returned to England to work as a Healer on the "ward of the wacky", only to find home isn't as safe as she thought it was. An attack leaves her locked in a ward with her patients, a bunch of Death Eaters and an Auror she hasn't seen for a long time.
I need more cannon divergence Auror!James and Healer!Lily
The Guide To Becoming A Better Man For Lily Evans by @padfootswhiskers
prompt: I decided to walk outside shirtless (accidentally) but I forgot it's winter and why're you screaming at me like that? And oh gosh, you're very pretty.
lingering days, short-lived nights by letthebookbegin (on ao3)
The summer before seventh year, James is desperately trying to think of anything but Lily, who's burrowed her way into his mind and looks quite comfortable there.
The summer before seventh year, Lily is craving a distraction. Avoiding her sister, she picks an ice cream shop for shelter.
At the end of a long summer day, their paths cross - and the rest, as they say, is history.
Ties That Bind by @charmsandtealeaves
Lily Evans grew up with old wives tales about soul mates, but she'd never put much stock in the idea. Not until after she learned about the world of magic and the fact that soul bonds were a thing that actually existed. Which makes these strange new feelings and experiences that much more difficult to manage.
So I read this a while ago but stupidly forgot to bookmark it and then I spent nearly an hour trying to find it again. Needless to say, I ADORE this fic and you should all go read it. Like, right now. Then come back here to talk to me about it.
Lily Evans Doesn't Believe In I Love You's also by @/ charmsandtealeaves
“Did you hear Lily Evans doesn’t believe in I love you's?”
It wasn’t exactly a secret. But no one knew why, until she decided to share a bottle of fire whiskey in the astronomy tower with James Potter.
Same Lily, same
Meet Me At The River also by @/ charmsandtealeaves
A chance encounter with a misplaced owl leads to a correspondence between pen pals. Lily confides in her mysterious Flea and finds herself falling along the way.
I can't remember if I've recommended this one already, but even if I have I'll rec it again because I love it so much!!
Your Friend, James by @thelighthousestale
It is the summer before their 7th year, and Lily and James spend the entire holiday writing letters to each other as their relationship slowly changes from friends to something more.
Just the ending of this one is everything. James and Sirius are never beating the codependent allegations
Castling by @missgryffin
When they were still very young, Remus Lupin’s dad married Lily Evans’ mum. It changes everything.
Lily and Remus are like the little brother who got bullied and then found friends except he invited them over for the first time and they all act weird because they're mildly terrified of his older sister. Friends to lovers jily is only rivaled by academic rivals jily.
Just the Two of Us by @arianatwycross
Head Students James and Lily face a perilous twist when a malicious potion surfaces in hate mail directed at Lily. Dumbledore orders a week-long quarantine in the Head Students' suite. With unspoken crushes lingering, the duo navigates close quarters, leading to unexpected revelations, lingering looks and forehead kisses.
silence and patience, pining in anticipation by @kay-elle-cee
Lily’s been hung up on James for years; a tipsy conversation might be the push she needs to do something about it.
The Devil in the Cloak Room by @chiechie97
Getting your heart broken when you’re 17 seems to alter your brain chemistry more than you would think. Which is the precise reason why Lily has no intention of reconnecting with the friends she lost at the end of school.
And besides, she has no chance of knowing anyone at the masked Halloween party her friend drags her to. Especially not the guy in the devil mask. Right?
Usually I rec complete works but this one is so good I had to include it
Deception and other ways to find love by @annasghosts
“I’ll be your fake girlfriend, Potter.” And this is how Lily Evans embarks on the adventure of (fake) dating her former Hogwarts nemesis (and crush, but ssssh, it’s a secret). Will she be able to keep her cool? Will he?
Class of '78 by @emeralddoeadeer
Class of 1978 Five Year Reunion - July 29th, 1983
Now is the time to look upon our shared experience, our similarities must unite us rather than letting our differences divide us. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry invites the Graduating Class of 1978 to return to the castle for a weekend of reconnecting, reminiscing and recreation. We hope the passage of time has been kind to you all and look forward to welcoming you soon.
Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster, Order of Merlin First Class, Grand Sorc, DWiz, X.J sorc, S of Mag Q
It's been five years since graduation, and while many things have changed, some things never will.
James Potter Won't Go Quietly by la_plus_heureuse (on ao3)
Lily Evans remembers plenty about James Potter from Hogwarts. But an assignment from Mojo Magazine to profile the Quidditch star turned activist makes her realize what she remembered was all wrong.
canon divergence staring quidditch player James and journalist Lily
On A Scale of One to Ten (requires an ao3 account) by @petalsinwoodvale
Lily starts falling for an insecure, yet charming auror named James who is recovering from injury in her ward. No one else on staff will sit and talk to him, mostly due to septic skin covering most of his upper torso. Lily, however, finds him charming and funny. Naturally, when James' injuries start healing, he grows more and more handsome. The other healers suddenly take interest in James, romantically ...
foxy by lizpaige (on ao3)
Lily joins the boys at the shrieking shack on a particularly difficult moon in her new animagus form.
Lily & Remus friendship is so special to me
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wh0re-in-the0ry · 23 days
Part two :3
🩸🐑🩸 Begone Cherub 🩸🐑🩸
Shoutout to @kiddiesmores @phedgehogs @gummysharklover and my favorite anon, thank you for moral support in this economy (love y’all) ((no beta, we die like Charles Slimecicle)) (((oh btw Charlie is canonically dead in this fic so don’t expect him any time soon))) ((((sorry doctor freaky :/))))
(the next day)
My alarm goes off… I open my blue orbs… ugh… wh-where am I? Oh right… the Chuckle House…
Oh gosh darn it wasn’t a dream… I hop off my air mattress and go through my “new” ikea dresser (it’s Ted’s old one, it smells like cheap vapes). I couldn’t pack most of my cool clothes because I couldn’t fit them in my bag yesterday so I stick with something simple: a baggy gray sweater and leggings.
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I look kinda basic but it’s better than the same graphic tee from yesterday I guess :/
I grab my phone and earbuds and head to the kitchen… wait… what am I allowed to eat here..? Like…I don’t wanna just steal their food…
But I mean… they did kinda steal me so I guess we’ll be even? I shrug it off, head to the freezer and plop in two toaster strudels. If they didn’t want me to eat their strudels then they shouldn’t of bought me.
As I wait for my strudels I plug in my earbuds and start listening to [insert favorite artist], man I just love [music genre]. Just as I was getting to the good part of the song… Schlatt walks into the kitchen. He looks confused for a moment but then has a moment of clarity. “Oh right… I forgot you existed…” he yawns tiredly.
“Wow…don’t I feel special…” I muttered under my breath. The toaster strudels pop out of the toaster and I place them on a paper towel to cool before I add the icing. I play my music again but I can’t focus on it… not with him in the room with me. It feel so… so… odd to be standing next to Schlatt- let alone live with him now… I refuse to look at him but I can feel him staring at me- judging me… The feeling of dread and anxiety is building up in me. After like thirty seconds of hyping myself up, I look up from my cracked phone and towards Schlatt.
He looks absolutely disgusted, borderline offended, but he’s not looking at me… he’s looking at my iPhone 6s.
“What the fuck is that thing?”
“…it’s my phone?”
“It’s a crime to my eyes.” He actually looks offended that I have my phone in his vicinity.
“Well I’m sorry but it’s not like I can just go get a new one- not all of us are made of money.”
Schlatt rolls his eyes and heads to the pantry and pulls out a box of Crunch Berries. He makes his breakfast and sits down. My strudels are just about cooled and I decorate the pastries. One of them has my name on it: Y/n L/n (it’s nice having such a short name). The other one I drew a… drew a…
wiener. hehe.
I sit down with my strudels, sitting in the opposite corner of Schlatt, I’m still not used to him. I take a bite of my breakfast as I scroll through Pinterest, looking through outfit inspos and dynamic pose references for my art that I’ll realistically never use.
I almost forget Schlatt is even there until I hear him dramatically get off of the barstool and groans, “I can’t take this anymore… get your shoes on- we’re going to get you something useable… (and probably a new wardrobe while we’re at it Jesus…)” He mumbles the last part, damn… I know I’m no fashion expert but there’s something extra insulting about him pointing it out.
“Wait like right now?”
“Yes LiKe rIgHT NoW,” Schlatt parrots back.
“Bu- but what about school? I already missed my first day-“
“Y/n, what’s more important: missing one more day of school that you’re going to forget in a month or getting rid of that eyesore?”
“…uhhh school?”
“Wrong answer.” He takes another bite of his cereal, “We’ll leave once we’re done with breakfast.”
I sigh, “So I really don’t get a say in this, huh?”
“No, but I’ll let you choose the color of your new phone.”
“…fine.” I guess I can’t really complain… Oh no! I’m going miss my second day of a math class I took last year and get a new iPhone 😰 Oh God the horror!! Yeah… it’s probably in my best interest to go along with this.
It isn’t long before we both finish our breakfast and head to the garage. And oh god it’s massive- like it’s easily twice the size of my old apartment. I am once again asking myself how the hell did these guys afford a place like this. Because there’s no chance that the Zocdoc sponsorships are paying enough to cover this… or maybe they do idk- I know next to nothing about the business side of YouTube :/
There five cars in here: Ted’s Tacoma, a car I’m assuming is Tucker’s, and three really expensive looking cars, one of them being the one I saw yesterday with the U-haul. It’s almost embarrassing how little I know about cars so I’m not even going to bother describing the models or anything. I feel like I shouldn’t be allowed in the same room as these cars- let alone get a in any of them…
We get to driving and I am pleasantly surprised that Schlatt is actually a good driver- unlike anything I’ve heard from the podcast or his old Truck Driving Simulator streams. He’s so careful as he drives down the freeway. Maybe- just maybe he’s being careful because I’m in here..?
Nah it’s probably because this car is worth more than all my organs on the black market.
Yeah- it’s probably that.
We pull into the parking lot and conveniently were at the mall I work at. Nice- at least I won’t miss another day of work.
The mall trip was all sorta a blur. One minute I’m picking out a color for my IPhone 15 (blue btw), the next we’re going to 8 different stores to get me new clothes because my clothes, and I quote: “are a f*cking travesty.”
Is it rude of him to say- yes 100%. But I might’ve allegedly outgrown half my wardrobe back in sophomore year and needed some new stuff to wear to begin with… Sooo… he gets a pass this time..
By the time we are done with our next store, my school day is just about halfway done so there’s no point of Schlatt dropping me off at school now. Speaking of Schlatt- he looks absolutely miserable. Like this man’s face just screams ‘I wanna go home’. To be honest I’m surprised he lasted this long.
Despite his social battery being in the negatives, we stop by the food court for a quick lunch. Schlatt is eating a slice of cheese pizza from sbarro while muttering to himself that it was leagues behind New York’s pizza while I picked at my cheese stick and fries.
Today felt kinda odd. I’ve never been so spoiled before, it feels so strange but it’s certainly not unwelcomed. I look up at Schlatt, “Thanks Schlatt… I uhh… I appreciate it a lo-”
“Don’t mention it, Kid,” he says as he takes another bite of his pizza, still not looking at me while talking with his mouth with a little bit of food in it, “it was more a favor for me than you anyways.”
We go back to quiet.
When we are about halfway done with our food Schlatt looks up at me for the first time in like two hours, “So… Ted told me you work here.”
“Ted said that you work at this mall.”
“Oh yeah- I drive those kiddie trains here.”
He nods, “okay…” there’s a brief moment of silence before he talks again, like as if his brain was checked out for the day, “do you have a shift here today?”
“Yeah.. it should start in about an hour.”
“…” he rubs the bridge of his nose, “I’m going to be real with you- I’d rather kill myself then be in this mall for another minute.”
“Fair enough,” it’s about a thirty minute drive to get here so it doesn’t make sense for me to leave now, “You can leave with the stuff right now and I can-”
“Y/n (≧∇≦)!!!” I can recognize that voice and the smell of Twilight Sparkle branded perfume from anywhere but before I could even turn my head, my best friend, [Best Friend] ran in and practically tackled me into a hug. Schlatt’s eyes widen for a second as I almost fall out of my chair because of her. “[Nickname], where were you yesterday? The mall was sooo boring without you (╥﹏╥)”
“I’m sorry, bestie but I had some… things happened yesterday..” I can see Schlatt’s confusion expression as he studied my friend. I know that [Best Friend] can be a lot with her 27 different beaded bracelets and her ever growing collection of Invader Zim memorabilia, but she’s an absolute sweetheart and the most loyal friend a girl can ask for.
“That’s suspiciously vague but okay then- oh also don’t worry I checked you in yesterday so don’t worry about your boss giving you an earful tonight (^_^)” She says, while still hugging me.
“Oh shoot- I completely forgot about work yesterday… Thanks [Best Friend] you’re a lifesaver!”
“You’re welcome…” She loosens the hug and looks at me, her tone sounding a little more serious, “but I can’t be doing this all the time again, Y/n. We talked about this, you promised that this year would be a fresh start for you and ditching work isn’t going to- ”
“Huh?” There’s a look of bewilderment written all over her face. I look at her confused until I realize she’s looking right at Schlatt and a pit forms in my stomach. Man I really don’t want to explain my situation to her- not now at least.
She asks the dreaded question, “Is that flippin’ Jebediah Schlatt (ಠ_ಠ)”
Both me and Schlatt look at her, then at each other, and back to her again and spoke in unison, “No.”
An: hey y’all thanks for reading part two of this mess. No one asked for this but I had a lot of fun with the first part so here we are. Idk if I’ll make more because I don’t have much after this planned but if you have any ideas/suggestions my comment and asks are always open!
I’m not gonna lie I’m too lazy to to add a link to the first part of this but if you click on the tag s writes or a homage to wattpad it should take you there.
Anyways here some doodles I made while writing this mess
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Okie that’s all bye :)
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fluentmoviequoter · 9 months
Imagine: being in a long distance relationship with deacon and you surprise him at home. He doesn’t know it and is still at the HQ. Hondo knows about your surprise and sends him home with a knowing smile after the shift. When Deacon comes home he finds you sleeping in his bed
Oh my gosh, this is adorable. I'm not totally sure if you wanted a fic or not, but I wrote one! I hope you like it and please let me know what you think!
Warnings: fluff!
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Long Distance to the Future
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Since you left Los Angeles to take a new job across the country, you’ve stayed committed to Deacon and he to you. The job is supposed to be temporary, only it is indefinitely temporary. It’s been nearly three years since you started dating Deacon, but it will be your first anniversary away from him. It would be a lie to say long distance is easy, but it’s worth it. You haven’t used a single vacation day since you started, so you’re checking the price of flights to LAX, hoping you can afford to surprise Deacon for your anniversary. The first few months of long-distance were surprisingly easy since you were getting settled and forming a new routine, but now that things are settled, you miss Deacon more than anything. The screen finally loads, and you cheer in your quiet bedroom when the low price appears. You quickly book your ticket, prepared to see Deacon in person again. You text Hondo and ask him to call when he has time, hoping to get his help in the surprise.
Your phone rings less than a minute later, and you answer before the second ring. “Hello?” you greet, expecting Hondo.
“I have big news!” your boss cheers. “You got the promotion; if you want it, its yours!”
“Are you serious?” you ask, experiencing the second miracle in less than ten minutes. “This is such an honour, I don’t know what to say.”
“Think it over for a day or two then let me know, okay? Congratulations, you deserve it!”
“Thank you! I- can I sign the contract while I’m on my trip?”
“Oh, I forgot you’re off this week. Yes, we can do it online or we can just get a written acceptance and handle the paperwork when you get back. I’ll let you get back to your vacation, but I couldn’t wait to tell you. Have a great time and talk soon.”
The call ends, and you lay back on your bed, kicking your feet up in excitement. Your phone rings again, and you see Hondo’s name, smiling as the pieces of your plan begin falling into place.
The landing in LA is a little bumpy, but nothing can take the smile off your face. You practically skip through the airport, energized by your countdowns until you are back in the same time zone, state, county, and now, city as your boyfriend. Hondo is leaning against his car, smiling, when you walk out.
“Thank you so much,” you tell him, hugging him before he takes your bag to put in the trunk.
“I should be thanking you. He misses you,” Hondo replies as he opens your door.
“I missed him, too.”
“When do you leave?”
You let the question hang, waiting until Hondo is in the driver’s seat with the door closed to answer, “About that.”
Hondo drops you off at Deacon’s house, giving you his spare key to get inside before Deacon returns from work. Waving at Hondo, you go inside and lock the door behind you. You leave all of the lights off and hide your shoes and bags in Deacon’s closet so there is no evidence of you visible when he walks in. Checking your watch, you see that Deacon should be home in about an hour, so you order his favorite food for dinner and wait in the kitchen, away from the windows (in case he gets home early), for the delivery. Once the food is dropped off, you hide the containers in the microwave and throw away the bag before walking to Deacon’s bedroom to wait. The adrenaline is wearing off, and you’re getting tired, even though you know Deacon should be home soon. Sitting on the edge of his bed, you wipe your eyes before realizing how tired you are. You yawn once and fail to find the motivation to get back up.
“Alright, Deac, head out and get some rest,” Hondo says. “The rest of us got behind on our paperwork.”
“Okay,” Deacon says, his brows furrowed as he walks by. “Have a good night, guys. Don’t work too hard.”
He walks out to his car, a little suspicious as to why Hondo seemed so eager to send him home, but he’s tired and misses you, so he’s okay with a quiet night at his house.
Parking in his driveway, Deacon sighs before exiting the car and going inside. He puts his backpack in the front closet and then walks toward his bedroom, ignoring the kitchen and planning to order food later. When he walks into his bedroom, he freezes, part of his mind telling him to get a weapon while the other works on recognizing who is sleeping on his bed.
He whispers your name and smiles when you move your arm, exposing your face. He sits on the edge of the bed beside you and lays a hand on your back, leaning down to kiss your temple. You stir slightly under his touch, unconsciously moving closer to him.
Running his fingers over your hairline and down your jawline, Deacon keeps his attention on you, questions to ask when you wake up flooding his mind.
You stir again and crack your eyes open. When you see Deacon, you sit up slightly and blink before asking, “Deacon?”
He nods, slipping his arm around your waist to help you sit up. You lean against him and look up into his eyes. You missed his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep, I was trying to surprise you and didn’t realize how tired I was, I guess,” you apologize, pinching Deacon's shirt collar between your fingers.
He takes your chin between his forefinger and thumb, looking into your eyes as he speaks. “Don’t apologize. I’m so happy to see you. Why am I seeing you?”
You laugh at his question, leaning against him as he twists you so your legs are draped across his lap as he leans against his headboard.
“I had a bunch of vacation days built up and.. I really wanted to see you. I missed you so much and our anniversary is coming up,” you explain.
“I didn’t want to be alone,” you and Deacon say together.
“Well, it’s an excellent surprise. You didn’t leave any evidence you were here. Although, how did you get in?”
“Hondo let me use his key.”
“Hondo. Of course. That’s why he wanted me to go straight home. Are you hungry?”
“I ordered food. It’s hidden in your kitchen,” you reply.
“You’re amazing.”
“I know. You’re pretty amazing, too.”
“This was an excellent surprise. Thank you,” Deacon says as he pulls you to your feet.
“There is one more thing,” you say, squeezing his hand.
“Okay,” Deacon says slowly.
“I got a promotion.”
Deacon’s eyes widen as he picks you up, twirling you around. You laugh, holding onto his shoulders. Your hands stay on his shoulders as he sets you back down.
“That’s amazing! Congratulations, you deserve it!”
“That’s not the good part.”
“What’s the good part? That seems pretty good.”
You lean up, close enough to kiss him, as you say, “It’s in Los Angeles.”
Deacon closes the small gap, kissing you like you’re his source of life. When you finally pull back, breathless and feeling whole with Deacon in your arms, you know you made the right decision to come home and take the job.
“Did you forget about the food?” you ask, laughing as Deacon kisses your cheek.
“We can reheat that. I had food earlier, I haven’t seen you in,” he looks at his watch to say, “11 months, 2 weeks, and 14 hours.”
“No minutes?” you ask.
“Just this one,” he replies, pulling you in just to push you backward onto the bed where he found you.
You laugh and cup his face in your hands. “I love you, Deacon Kay.”
“I love you,” Deacon says, his eyes glancing toward the top drawer of his nightstand, where a black velvet box is hidden. Future Mrs. Kay, he adds to himself.
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