#teddy loves bots ☆
teojira · 4 months
Since Optimus is basically the dad of his group, what if he had a human s/o who's a mom-friend?
[Optimus' s/o who's a mom-friend] [Optimus/Gn!reader headcanons]
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Summary: Your mom tendencies come out in full force when you're with at the base with all the other bots, Optimus finds it endearing, the others do too, but not as much. (Transformers prime universe!)
Word count: 350+ words
Warnings: None that I can think of!
A/N: Optimus my beloved,,, as a mom friend , I approve of this message. I hope this is good!
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Optimus eats it up, he throughly enjoys having you as his partner already, it's an added bonus to him that you care for everyone just as much as he does.
It ever so slightly takes the sole responsibility he feels off of his shoulders, when you're there to yell at the kids to stop being stupid and putting themselves in danger, telling Smokescreen to not do dangerous stunts with the kids in the car, telling Wheeljack and Bulkhead that no, they can't give Miko two katanas, what the f-
He loves it about you, and he wouldn't change it for the world. You support him too, taking care of him mentally when it all gets too much, resting against his neck cables and just offering your presence, talking mindlessly about human things he doesn't particularly understand but soaks it in like you're spilling deep secrets. You being in his life makes his days better, and he knows the others agree, even if they think you're a little overbearing.
He doesn't step in though, content to let you handle things.
It works out, you're more forceful where he is not, more tempered, more fiery, you can get through the thich skulls on this team that he cannot.
"Optimus, tell them to ease off." Arcee mumbles, watching you lay into Ratchet, the old autobot staring blankly down at you.
He respects you as your own person and as Optimus' partner, he truly does, but he has shit to do and you're nagging him like he's a child and it's getting old.  Optimus hears your voice keep shouting at the bot, a smirk on his lips when he sees you gesture wildly to the rooms on base, no doubt saying the medic needs to rest.
Ratchet visibly flounders and tries to argue with you, but there is no end is sight. Everyone knows it's no use to try and fight you, they still try, my god do they try, but at the end of the day, you're right.
"No, it'll be good for him." Optimus hums, eyes filled with amusement as Ratchet finally slams down his tools unto his work bench, walking away with a huff to his berth.
"Old friend, sleep well."
"Oh frag off, you two are unbearable."
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slimey-wallz · 6 months
So here's updated Robo Wally!!
(Huge improvement in my opinion!!)
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And some of the others!
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Here is the old version!! 💕
(also, he doesn't have his red scarf because it's part of the storyline!!)
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cursedwithwords · 3 months
In a perfect world Teddy’s godparents would be Charlie/Chiara or Bill/Fleur, but I don't think fandom's ready for that conversation yet tbh.
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medicallymercury · 1 year
sah, teddy and paige // promise by laufey
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Mother and Father
A/n: Its genuinely wild to me how i went from like only porn bots following me to like actually 291 followers! It almost doesn’t feel real but I’m so grateful for you all! I held a poll earlier to determine who’d id write for as celebration for the milestone and arlecchino won! So here it is!
Prompt: how I met your mother
Arlecchino x fem reader
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Your job wasn’t too easy, but it also wasn’t too hard. You loved kids. You found their antics amusing, you found it hard to suppress a smile when they looked so cute. With Arlecchino’s most recent addition: Lyney and Lynette however is when you truly came out of your shell.
The children watched as you sewed together their favorite teddy bear. A disagreement earlier led to the bear torn right down the middle.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to…” one child cowered.
“You know better now, you guys have to be careful with these. We don’t get toys too often now.” You gently scolded. The other children seemed a bit surprised. Including the guilty ones.
“So… you aren’t mad?”
“Not that much. You’re kids, its natural that you may wreck your belongings. You must learn to be more careful and how to repair them. But you are too young Talia, I’ll teach you how to sew when you get a bit older. Then you can repair your own toys.” You pat her on the head.
“I’m sorry.. I’ll do better next time.” Talia looked down as you raised her face to meet yours.
“I’m not mad Talia, i just want you to be more careful next time that’s all. Okay?” You changed your tone to be more sweet. Talia teared up a bit. You out the bear aside as you used your hands to wipe her tears, you placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Okay… can I help in some way?” She asked.
“Yes. I want you to gather all the stuffing Mr Bear lost so i can put it back in him. Okay?” You said. She nodded as she set off to retrieve it.
It didn’t take too long for the kids to like you. You were sweet and soft spoken. Your hold was gentle and loving, and they’d come to love your kisses. Especially Lyney.
“Lyney you know you should be asleep, your father won’t like it if you wake up too early.” You gently chided. He stubbornly attached himself to your thigh even more so. “Lyney you know I can’t just stand around all day. I have to make breakfast.” You couldn’t even kneel down.
“No..no… where my lynette… wheres my sister?” He cried. You brushed his hair lovingly.
“Your sister is in the girl’s barracks now. I’m sorry it must be hard to get used to that.” You knelt down carefully as he nuzzled his face against you.
“Can.. I see her? Please?” He looked at you so sweetly how could you resist. You picked him up, resting him against your chest as you headed over to where Lynette would be.
“Just be quiet now. We don’t want to wake anyone up.” You said.
“Why are you up then? Father won’t let us out until 6am.”
“Because I’m her employee, you, are her child. My job is to prepare you all breakfast. And my only help is sick today.” You sighed. Lyney seemed to think for a bit.
“Maybe i could help you?” He said. You thought about it. It would be better than nothing.
“Alright then. Just be sure to not let Father catch you out so late.” You smiled. Opening the door to the girl’s barracks, you noticed Lynette stood up from her bed. Quietly she crawled off her bed and trotted over to you, her little tail swaying in a excited manner. You felt your heart melt seeing how happy she looked to see her brother. This was their first night apart. You gently let Lyney down as he immediately hugged her.
“Brother, did you sleep?” She asked innocently.
“Not well. I kept having nightmares.” He said. She seemed to understand. “Lynette, we must help today.” Lyney leaned into Lynette’s ear “She said she has to prepare breakfast alone.” He said. Lynette seemed to agree.
“Well you don’t have to. You two could just go back to sleep.” You said. They shook their head.
“No no.. we must help.” Lynette said. You sighed. You couldn’t say no to them. They were just cute and determined, Lynette in particular was such a cutie with the bowtie on her tail. You struggled to maintain your composure as your instincts screamed at you to just pepper kisses on her cute little face and hug her tightly. But you held back.
“Alright just be quiet.” You said. The three of you now set off to the kitchen. You realized quickly that it’d be difficult for them to help given how short they are.
Nonetheless the twins were persistent. They cracked the eggs with caution. Lyney eagerly scrambling them as you prepared the wok for it. Its not easy cooking for so many children. But you’ve gotten used to it. A lot of what they eat is prepared by rations sent by various companies partnered with the Fatui. But the children always preferred fresh scrambled eggs than the ones in the rations, you noticed that when you do so they’re far happier and more well behaved. The only problem is how much that requires.
“We’ve finished the first batch.” Lynette held out the bowl of liquid eggs with pride as you smiled. There was thankfully no shells you could spot. But you trusted she would notice. Lynette was the most observant.
“Hmmm.. yes this is satisfactory indeed. Get to start on the next one and we should be finished.” You said.
The children were delighted to have fresh eggs ready for them. Even if they weren’t actually fresh but just warm. You helped portion out each child’s plate which took almost forever. But hearing their happy little ‘thank you’s helped you feel better. The room was filled with chatter and laughter.
“I worry you spoil them too much.”
You jolted as you looked behind you. “A-arlecchino!” You were a bit surprised. “Its just that… they’ve been working so hard lately I wanted to reward them with something small.” You explained, trembling. The children fell silent as they watched with anticipation for her reaction. But Arlecchino didn’t seem upset, nor angry or sinister. She was always hard to read however.
“I see. Children.” She sai, every child looked at her with alertness. “Since your caretaker has gone out of your way to provide you a must delicious meal, I expect no slacking off today’s training yes?” She said with authority.
“Yes father!” The children said in unison.
“You may continue eating.”she then turned to you. “Did.. you buy these eggs yourself?” You nodded. “Your own money correct?” You nodded. She looked over you, her gaze feeling almost… warm? You weren’t too certain. “Don’t work yourself too much next time. If you want to arrange such rewards I’d be happy to help. As long as its within reason of course.” She said with a surprising softness. You gulped.
“Th-thank you. W-would you like some?” You smiled nervously. Little did you know in that moment was the start of her ever growing feelings for you. But she merely shook her head.
“I’ll have whats leftover. I have my own chef so I wouldn’t like to deprive the children of their food.” She said. “Keep up the good work. I’ll be looking forward to it.” She said walking away. You looked on in awe, you knew she was scary yes, but something about her didn’t seem nearly as menacing. You weren’t sure but.. it appears you made a good impression on her. The children looked at you, concerned until you smiled at them.
“And you ordered… 67 bags of flour for the orphans? Yeah right don’t they have rations.” The rude guard said. The seller seemed a bit upset at the guard too.
“I’ve already told you that I work for the house of hearth as a caretaker. What crime could i be committing with this much flour anyways? I paid for it, every cent is paid. What is your deal!” You were annoyed at this rate. The guard seemed to not back down.
“Well how do I know if you have some secret? Huh?”
“LEAVE HER ALONE!” A voice came from the crowd that formed. You recognized it as one of the children you cared for, a teenage boy named Andrej. “You are a officer are you not? Do you not know it is illegal to falsely accuse someone without a trial to prove one’s guilt first? You shameful man! You dare to use your power for what exactly?” You were a bit surprised at his actions. He’d always been so quiet when you handled him, you didn’t know he’d value you so much.
“Why you-“
“He’s right though. What exactly are you doing officer! Picking on innocent civilians!” Another joined in. You recognized them as Danica. The officer quickly seemed surprised.
“Well i-“
“Zip it! Just wait until the Knave finds out the guards have been unjustly harassing her employees.”
“Please calm down you two. There’s no need to get that worked up here.” You said, placing a hand on their shoulders. “We’ll just file a report and be done with it.” The guard looked shock as they backed off.
“Don’t mess with our mother.” Andrej whispered at him.
“Andrej told me you were harassed today?” Arlecchino asked as you just settled in the flours into the walk in pantry.
“Just a powerhungry guard. I can handle it.”
“It isn’t a matter of wether or not you can handle it. Its a matter of why he felt it was okay to do so in the first place.” She stood infront of you. Looking down. “My children adore you alot, they would do anything for you. But they also shouldn’t have to. Rest assured, that man will be dealt with.”
“I don’t want to cause trouble that’s all. I’m not that fragile.” You said.
“Its no trouble to me. You are very important for the children’s wellbeing and morale. Infact I was wondering if you could do full time. Increased pay, more breaks of course. Don’t worry about the walk home at night. You will have a escort.” She said. You felt quite surprised.
“I’ll take you up on that offer then.” You smiled. She seemed to calm down.
“Very good then. Next time, let them your children protect you, its their way of repaying your generosity.” She left then. But you wondered what she meant by ‘your’ children.
“I don’t want him to touch me no please!” You heard little Lynette cry in her sleep. You had been passing the barracks ready to clock out when your maternal instincts kicked in. You bursted through the door rushing to her bed. You sighed in relief seeing she was okay.
“Lynette?” You called. She moved in her sleep. “Lynette!” You sat by her side until she woke up. Her eyes teary as she backed away. “Its just me sweetie. Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you.” You offered your hand to her, to your surprise she rubbed her face against it. She wiped her tears as she came closer to you.
“I had a scary dream.. that’s all.” She said.
“I know.. do you want to tell me about it?” You asked. She shook her head. “Alright then, how about I make you some tea?”
“Tea?” She asked. “Isn’t that for staying up? That’s what father drinks.”
“There’s a special one I have, its to relax yourself. Come.” You stood up, she followed suit as the other girls sneakily watched.
You set the kettle on the stove as you showed her the packet.
“This is the special tea, you don’t use this if you want to stay awake. See the packaging is purple. Use it sparingly though. Now we boil the water and when its warm enough we just add it in. You’ll see.” You said, Lynette watched observantly. You could still see she was a little bit shaken up.
“Can I ask you something?” Lynette seemed nervous, though her face was stoic, her hands fidgeted with her bow.
“Of course dear.” You smiled warmly at her. Unbeknownst to you some of the other girls had snuck out to head your conversation. Many unable to sleep as well.
“Father is.. well our father. Because she provides for us and guides us. I once heard that a mother is the one who gives warmth and love to a child.. you fit that definition perfectly to me.. it feels wrong to call you miss or caretaker so much… could I call you mother?” She asked. Your heart soared. You took a minute to steady yourself. “Did i say something wrong?”
“No-no… its just..” you wipe a tear before she could spot it. “I’d love that Lynette. I don’t mind being called mother if that’s what you or anyone else wants to call me.” You said smiling.
“But why are you crying then?” Another voice asked. A little girl hiding in the shadows with a few others.
“How ling have you been there.” You said confused.
“We couldn’t sleep.. we just wanted some tea too.” The other girl said.
“Very well. Don’t make this too much of a habit though. We don’t have enough teabags for everyone to have tea time.” You said.
As Arlecchino walked the halls intending to just head to her sleeping quarters, the echo of laughter came from downstairs. Skeptical she immediately descended the stairs, pausing to watch as you sat with 5 little girls in a circle drinking tea.
“See you hold out your pinky like this, then you take a few sips at a time.” You whispered. The girls followed suit. Arlecchino leaned against the wall as she felt a sense of pride in her cold heart. Something about you was warm, warmer than her vision, warmer than the sun, and gentler than any cotton. Something about you made her forget the curfew as she focused on how domestic of a scene it was. In that moment you weren’t her caretaker or her employee, but the mother to her children.
“Like this?” A older girl showed her cup. They were empty currently as you waited for the water to cool. The cup slanted, if it was full it would’ve scorched her lap. But you had been clever not to allow so.
“You still use your other fingers Tanya. Oh see, Lynette had got it.” You smiled. The other girls followed suit.
“What do adults use teatime for? It seems so long..”
“Well typically you do so to relax and unwind if you’re alone, or to talk with other adults in a more causal but still refined setting.” You explained.
“What do they talk about then?” Lynette asked. Arlecchino noticed how her tail would curve slightly as she and the rest of the children sat at one of the dinning tables.
“Buisness, personal life… boring stuff. But sometimes its gossip.” You smile. The girls seem intrigued.
“What kind?”
“Well.. I heard that allegedly, miss Trudane, a very upperlady, may have altered her unwed brother’s will to make herself the sole beneficiary to his estate.” You smile. The girls light up in shock and intrigue.
“Really? Wait is that true?”
“Sh! Mother said to be quiet remember.”
Arlecchino felt herself soften at that. The children we’re referring to her as mother.. if she was their father and they their mother then.. her heart blossomed as she clutched her chest composing herself. She strode in catching the group by surprise.
“Father.” The girls lowered their heads.
“I’m actually rather curious, how do you know that?” Arlecchino asked looking at you.
“O-oh well it is just gossip. I heard it through the grapevine that’s all.” You said nervously.
“Do you by chance have another cup available? I’d like some tea myself if you wouldn’t mind.” She said. The children seemed surprised and almost excited as you quickly agreed. Getting up to get another cup while she sat next to where you did. Lynette looking up at her with curiosity.
“Y-you’re not mad?”
“No. I myself couldn’t sleep actually. So I’ll let this slide, don’t let this become a habit.” She said.
After sending the children to bed you and Arlecchino were left. You kissed each girl on the forehead while she watched from the doorway. Sense of comfort placated her as she thought of you. How she wished she had a figure like you when she was younger. How you now provide a loving mother figure for her children that she has thought of being. You both exit closing the door.
“Its late, If you want I could escort you myself, or you could stay the night.” She offered.
“I have a guest room you can stay in. Its in the upper levels though.” She said. You noticed it began to rain outside.
“I suppose I’d have to… by the way.. did you hear the conversation where they asked to call me.. mother?” You asked.
“I didn’t but I see no problems with it. The children have been robbed of any normal family life, abandoned by their societies with no love in sight, how could I ever deny them a mother when they have you. You work so hard to make sure each one is loved and cared for.. I have a great deal of respect for you.” Your heart raced seeing her smile, a gentle and genuine warmth from her.
“Thank you. That- that means alot to me.” Your cheeks dusted with pink as you smiled.
You truly became irreplaceable in the eyes of your children. They all clamored to protect you at any given moment. You noticed while cleaning up some drawings what looked to be picture of you and Arlecchino, side by side like husband and and wife. In the style that many family portraits are often drawn. You felt a little warm thinking about it. Arlecchino is a terrifying woman yes but… she is so kind to you. She is so soft and gentle with you, she protects you, you feel very safe in her presence nowadays. And the children, they’ve become more happy with you around. They call you mother and her father, a bond that is almost romantic to you. Its almost a bit embarrassing to you because you two aren’t romantically involved. Yet it seems now the children expect it.. Today would be mother’s day, and you anticipated having alot of gifts.
You actually underestimated how many you would receive. A plethora of drawings you planned on putting in a scrapbook, a surprising amount of jewelry that the children would combine their savings to afford, and even a little origami crane from some of the creative children. Freminet’s gift was quite noteworthy to you as he gave you the most pretty clam you had seem. Lyney and Lynette had gifted you a most beautiful earring set along with heartfelt letters that had you in tears. The excitement died down however as the children were sent for today’s training session. You watched from afar as the kids participated in physical activities. To your surprise Arlecchino came over to you once more, in her hands she held a most delicate box. You were a bit confused.
“Its only appropriate I award the mother of my children handsomely. It is mother’s day afterall, so take this as a token of my gratitude.” She said. You carefully took it. The children from afar noticed you two as some watched expectantly.
“Are they going to kiss?” Talia whispered.
Your jaw dropped seeing the most intricate necklace. It fit your style nicely as she smiled at you with the most soft of looks you had seen in anyone. Your heart beat fast as you noticed the slight red in her cheeks.
“Thank you so much.. I- i truly cannot thank you enough..” you smiled gratefully at her. In that moment there was a sense of love you felt, her hands gently taking the necklace from its box.
“Here let me put it on you.” She said. Her fingertips brushing against your skin as you realized she wasn’t wearing gloves. Oh how your heart raced as you looked in the mirror she offered.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you.” You said instinctively hugging her. Her hands in turn wrapped around your body.
“They’re hugging! Oh my gosh!”
“Talia be quiet father will hear you!”
Arlecchino’s gifts didn’t stop at mother’s day however. You frequently received flowers from her that you often used to decorate the house of hearth’s barracks or play areas, mainly because you ran out of space in your own home. Besides, you had been spending so much time here now that your house felt more like a hotel than a home at times. You were reading a book silently as the children gathered around reading in silence.
“Mother..” Lyney shamefully approached you as lynettr and freminet had their heads down. “Could I.. confess something to you?” You felt skeptical. What could he have done to warrant such shame? They weren’t troublemakers by any means, if he broke something then he wouldn’t be this upset…
“Go on.” You placed a book mark as you listened to him carefully. He leaned into your ear to whisper: “Lynette and I snuck in a stray cat we found.. and we have fed it for awhile now keeping it in the barracks.. but it must’ve gotten out because we can’t find it anywhere. Have you heard anything?”
“I know it was wrong but.. I couldn’t bare to see such a creature be homeless.” Freminet mumbled. You smiled.
“Oh dear you should’ve told me! I could’ve taken in the kitty myself and bring him with me here! But I’m sure your father wouldn’t mind having a cat here.” You patted his head. “I’ll help you look for him, you keep looking down here, I’ll go check out the upstairs.” You had a feeling the cat might’ve gone there.
Recently you had been allowed up there more and more so you simply bypassed the guards. You realized however you wouldn’t be allowed to check the rooms. You asked around finding nothing, you took a deep breath before knocking at Arlecchino’s office.
“Come in.” You opened the door to see the cat in question lounging on her lap. “I assume the children are looking for he correct?” She said, gently petting the cat.
“Yes actually. Could I convince you to let them keep her?” You sat across from her. You could hear the kitty purring in her lap.
“Of course.”
“You see-oh. I didn’t expect you would agree so easily.”
“Well, a cat is a useful companion. I’ve seen how the children try to sneak in strays or have formed close bonds with them and I see no reason to deprive them of those bonds. We can’t take in every stray yes but I have no reason to prevent them from bringing a cat. Dogs are another issue, they cause messes and may be more difficult. But this cat is quite well behaved. In fact, she came in here herself.” Arlecchino “she may be good for mice control too. In the winter months is when mice tend to invade homes more. So her timing is perfect. Besides, she is such a beautiful tabby. Orange females are quite rare.” You relaxed seeing how she seemed quite fond of the kitty.
“That’s a relief, I’ll let Lyney know the cat is safe with you.”
“Actually could you take her with you? I have to leave in a bit and she won’t get up on her own accord.”
“Of course.” You approached her to scoop the kitty up as it meowed in confusion. Arlecchino’s eyes were on your chest that became slightly more exposed as you leaned down. “Thank you again Arlecchino, I’ll make sure that cat doesn’t trouble you.”
“Its no problem at all. So long as she makes you and the children happy.” Arlecchino smiles.
“Mother… why don’t you and father kiss?” That question had you shocked. You looked at the child in question as you tried to figure a way to explain it.
“Yeah mommies and daddies always kiss. That’s what my friend told me..”
“Maybe they kiss in private?”
“We don’t kiss no.. your father and I aren’t in a relationship like that.” You cleared your throat trying to regain composure. The children seemed a bit sad at that.
“Why not?” One kid asked.
“Because we just aren’t. Now go play with that cat.. or something.” You quickly took a step back to compose yourself. Watching the kids interact with each other as you fanned your face trying to calm down. But why did the thought or suggestion of that even make you feel this way? How come you felt so warm in the face? You sighed as you tried to clear your head of it.
Were you in love with her? Your boss? A literal harbinger? You knew people died by her hand.. but.. the way she holds little Lynette’s hand.. the way she her hands may suddenly find themselves on your shoulder slowly becoming more of a familiar sensation, her presence doesn’t actually frighten you as much as it used to. You’re more nervous if anything, that she’ll see through your eyes how you truly feel about her. The kids love you two, calling you mother and her father, she refers to you as the “mother of her children”! How could you not feel so tingly and feathery inside! She’s become so alluring too. You once found her scary and intimidating but now… oh you secretly crave her. She is such a menacing woman.. is it bad that you want her? Your employer?
You sighed as you were taking your break, getting lunch at a simple cafe with a nice coffee to clear your mind. You thought about your children with her, not by blood yes but by heart. They call you mother, they bring you gifts, your birthday is never forgotten anymore. You’ve truly come to see them as your own now. You have to remind yourself at times that you didn’t bare these children. That some heartless people let them sat on the streets without taking them home, you could never imagine so. Especially Lynette and Lyney, a most adorable duo. How could anyone ever hurt such innocent souls?
From what you know, the previous Father was far crueler than her. Freminet told you of how he scolded them for crying or weakness, how he lied about his mother’s death to him.. how Arlecchino had slain him and taken his place, how she had slain the man who tried to hurt Lynette… you felt a bit warm knowing the children had such a fearless protector now. And you too were apart of the family she established… maybe its not the worst thing to be in love with your employer, especially in these circumstances. But for the sake of your job and your work relationship you simply can never act on these feelings. You don’t want to ruin things between you and her..
“You called?” You opened the door to her office. You noted how Arlecchino’s blazer wasn’t on. Revealing her under shirt… her dark hands.. oh… should you really be looking?
“Yes I did, come in. I don’t bite.” She said. You approached her timidly. “I just wanted to reward you for such hard work. You’ve truly helped shape this place into a far more comfortable environment. I almost feel envious that it wasn’t like this when I was growing up.” She smiled at you. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered uncomfortably so.
“That means alot to me. I really just have a soft spot for children.. I adore them greatly and.. it hurt to see them be in such pain.” You said.
“Yes. But I wanted to invite you to dinner sometime.” She said. You froze.
“Dinner?” You said. She nodded.
“Yes, You’ve done so much for me that I feel as though I’m in your debt almost. You’ve gotten even the most disrespectful of children under control and you single handedly made this a home rather than a house for these children. I feel as though as the father I must reward you even more than I have.” She said, relishing in the slight red on your cheeks.
“I-i see.. but the children seem to think of us as… partners… I haven’t really been able to properly explain to them that we aren’t… you know.. dating..” you said.
“I don’t mind that assumption, that is if you’re fine with it.” She replied. You felt even more nervous. “Do you want to go to dinner with me? I’ll have a reservation for the most extravagant of restaurants. I’ll pay for the bill of course.”
Your mind raced, was this a confession?
“I’d love to.. if you’re fine wit-“
“I’m with it. I wouldn’t offer this if I wasn’t.” She assured. You felt such a rush of adrenaline.
“Th-thank you.. I- I.. I look forward to it.”
“If you want you could spent the night here.” Arlecchino offered. “I’ll let you stay in my room. I’m going to be spending most of my time in the office anyways”
“I.. if you’re okay with that then sure..” you said nervously. It was pouring outside as you debated how to get home at this hour. You followed her upstairs as you felt a bit nervous. This was a big step in your relationship afterall. Sleeping in her bed.. it feels so intimate.
“Here.” She opened the door to her bedroom. It was incredibly red, it was very intricate and detailed as you would expect a harbinger to have. The pillows more for decoration than comfort. You looked around as she watched you awe the room. “You can sleep on here whenever you like, as long as you aren’t working of course. But make yourself at home here.”
“I will thank you.” You said. She closed the door, her high heels clicked as she went to her office. You felt so timid. You looked in the closet out of curiosity, noticing there was two. They were both huge but one was empty. You realized she probably got the other for your clothes.. it made sense. You would eventually move in of course but it almost delighted you to know how thoughtful she was. She was already planning ahead.
That night you woke up to the door slamming. You jolted awake to see Arlecchino closed the door quickly as she undressed almost immediately. You felt quite flustered as she seemed to pay you no mind. She didn’t seem in the mood for conversation now so maybe you should keep quiet. You laid back, the moonlight was the only light as you noticed the unmistakable red stain coating the sleeves of her jacket. She then paused, turning to you.
“Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you.” She said in a low voice.
“I- just… um..” I’m a little startled that’s all.” You said.
“You should get used to it. This home I’ve made is still nonetheless a fatui organization.” She said, she didn’t seem like she was in a good mood at all.
“I know… how often do you come home like this?” You ask.
“Ideally not so much. But realistically its not uncommon.” She answered. You nervously bit your lip as silence settled between us. Once cleaned and changed however she sighed. “I’m sorry if I frightened you.” She walked over to press a kiss to your cheek.
“No no you’re right. I should just get used to this.” You said. She seemed pleased with that response.
“I have some things to finish up before bed, best not to wait for me now.” She said before leacinf without another word. You silently wondered if you had known what you were getting into by accepting her offer. But it was too late now. You weren’t going to ditch now. You’ll get through it, this time with her by your side.
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★ Hello my fellow selfshippers! ★
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Box Status: open !!!
Confessions are queued, may take a while to post ^^
This blog is for selfship confessions of almost any kind. Whatever reason you don't wanna post it on your blog, or if you just wanna put a confession here for fun, you're welcome here! Selfship art is welcome as well ^^
Whether your f/o(s) is/are obscure, non-human, etc, this blog is welcome to all kinds.
Similar blogs (not owned by me!): @/selfship-vent-confessions , @/nsft-selfship-confessions
"How do the f/o tags work here if I want to filter them?"
I tag them as "f/o (character here)!" It sometimes depends if the user who submitted the ask included a last name/full name/etc, as I usually do not know which characters the user is talking about 0_o (hence why i don't put fandoms)
Do not use the word "simp" here, as the word is appropriated AAVE. Do not use slurs either, I think that should be common sense.
Anything Harry P0tter related
Anything Hazb1n Hotel related
FNAFcraze19912 - Reason: Flirting with a minor
Taken anon sign-offs below!
💉 Syringe anon
🩹 Band aid anon
🦄 Unicorn anon
🌻 Sunflower anon
🦐 Shrimp anon
⛅️ Cloudy anon
🍵 Tea anon
🛸 UFO anon
🌌 Night Sky anon
🐰 Hare anon
S anon
🎶🎀 Music Bow anon
🫧🎀 Bubble Bow anon
🫧✨️ Bubble Sparkle anon
🐶 Puppy anon
🦦 Otter anon
🦇 Bat anon
🩸 Blood anon
🎂🐈 Cake Cat anon
Blue Text anon
🎀 Bow anon
🪷 Lilypad anon
🪲 Bug anon
👾 Pixel anon
🧸 Teddy Bear anon
🌥 Cloudy anon
🕊 Dove anon
💙 Blue Heart anon
phonelover anon
🌷 Tulip anon
🥬 Lettuce anon
🎴 Japanese Card anon
🪶 Feather anon
⭐️ Star anon
⛸❄️ Ice Skate anon
Puppet anon
🌌🎶 Night Sky Music anon
⚡🗡 Lightning Sword anon
Sheep anon
🖊 Pen anon
☂️ Umbrella anon
⚰️ Coffin anon
🚫🎤 Blockmic anon
⌨️ Keyboard anon
🪽🪻 Wing Lavender anon
🍊⚙️ Citrus Bot anon
🎶🌨️ Music Rain anon
💫 Shooting Star anon
Phen 228
Nya anon
💌 Love Note anon
🪵 Log anon
🦈🌪 Sharknado anon
🦭 Seal anon
🛂 Passport Control anon
💜🪶 Purple Heart Feather anon
🍊 Tangerinefucker anon
🍀 Clover Lover anon
Kaiju anon
🍕 Pizza anon
🧽 Sponge anon
🧪⚡️Test Tube Lightning anon
🩷💌💛 anon
NK 💚
☀️🎵 Sun Song anon
🌊 Wave anon
🩻 X-ray anon
🍞⚪️ Whitebread anon
🌌🛸 Night UFO anon
🥩🦴 Meat Bone anon
👽 Alien anon
🌼💮🌼 anon
🌱 Sprout anon
⚡️ Lightning anon
💥 Explosion anon
🐚💔 Broken Shell anon
🪞 Mirror anon
⌨️🌱 Keyboard Sprout anon
🍓 Strawberry anon
❤️🐈‍⬛ Lovecat anon
☕🥐 Coffee Croissant anon
🗡️💚 Green Heart Sword anon
💉🩸The Count anon
🎬🌸 Movie Flower anon
👓🎮 Gamer Glasses anon
Silly Billy anon
🧊🧊 Ice Cubes anon
🐌 Sluggy anon
🩷💸💛 Business Failure anon
🔧💚 Green Heart Wrench anon
🪿 Goose anon
✨🖤 Sparkle Black Heart anon
🦈🍞 Sharkbread anon
🌌🔮 Nightseer anon
🎧🐾 Headphones Pawprints anon
🍋💀Deathlemon anon
🕳️🐸 Froghole anon
🌈🐀 Rainbow Rat anon
🌿🎤 Mint Idol anon
¤ ☎️🎭 anon
💚☕️ Green Tea anon
😨💤 coldsweat anon
🚬🐾 Smoky Paws anon
🥤🎶 Music Soda anon
🌫️🪽 Sky Flight anon
🪭 Fan anon
🪐🌙 Solar System anon
🌌🌊 Night Sea anon
🧠🗣️ Brainrot anon
🩵🌷 Blue Heart Tulip anon
💞🌀 Heartswirl anon
🔥✨ Sparks anon
🌻🌅 Sunflower Sunrise anon
🐍🔮 Seer Snake anon
🪻🍰 Lavender Cake anon
🍦🔫 Ice Cream Shooter anon
🍓🐶 Strawberry Dog anon
Anxious Rex anon
🌈🥁 Rainbow Drummer anon
🪼🐈‍⬛ Jellycat anon
🦉 Owl anon
🧡🧢 Orange Heart Hat anon
🎉🌀 Party Whirlpool anon
🪻🍰 Lavender Cake anon
🌱⚙️ Sprout Gear anon
🍯🐰 Honey Bunny anon
🌑🌸 Moonflower anon
🧠🗣️ Brainrot anon
💿🍴 CD Eater anon
🤡🫠 Melty Clown anon
Despair anon
🫀 Heart anon
☀️🖌️ Sun Brush
🌊🪼 Wave Jellyfish anon
💛🎭🔫 Hjack anon
❄️🐱 Winter Cat anon
🐑💤 Sleepy Sheep anon
🐉☢ Nuclear Dragon anon
🎀🪡 Sewed Bow anon
🧛‍♀️👑 Vampire Princess anon
💜 Purple Heart anon
🪦🦌 Dead Deer anon
⭐️♠️ Starspade anon
🌞 Smiley Sun anon
🩵🌌⚙️ anon
♎♏ Vrisrezi anon
🌱⚙️ Sproutgear anon
🐮🐝 Cow Bee anon
🍊🍀 Lucky Orange anon
S'more anon
🥤🩹 Bandaged Milkshake anon
☄️💖 Red Comet lover anon
📖🐛 Bookworm anon
🎵🪽 Wing Song anon
🌟⬇️ Starfall anon
🟨🟦🟥 Primary Colors anon
🦉🐇 Owl Hare anon
💚🔧 Green Heart Wrench anon
🌀 Whirlpool anon
Midget 💚🌴
🚪🌀 Hallways anon
⭕️🎸 Geometric Guitar anon
🧀 Cheesy anon
🔪💻 Computer Killer anon
🐕🗡️ Chihuahua Guard Dog anon
🌻🐱 Sunflower Cat anon
🌠🐾 Starry Paws anon
🥀📜 Rose Scroll anon
💸💫 Star Dollar anon
🪚 Saw anon
☀️🌙 Eclipse anon
🐙 Octopus anon
:] anon
🦢🌊 Seaswan anon
🥩🦈 Meat Shark anon
🌌👻 Galaxy Ghost anon
Chaos anon
☎️🦦 Otterphone anon
💉🦷 Dentist anon
📸🧼 Soapy Photos anon
🏺🐍 Alex Fierro anon
💜🏹 Hawk anon
💌💻 Digital Lovenotes anon
🍬💫 Starcandy Anon
TVee 📺 anon
⚠️🤛 Dorito Fighter anon
⁉️‼️ anon
⭐️☎ Starphone anon
🚭 No Smoking anon
🦊🪡 Sewed Fox anon
🐱💋 Catkisser anon
🦪 Oyster anon
🎠 Carousel Horse anon
🧁 Cupcake anon
🌌👻 Galaxy Ghost anon
Purple Text anon
🌼✨ Sparkly Flower anon
🎂🐚 Cakeshell anon
❤️💻 Computerlover anon
🎪🎠 Carnival Horse anon
🦇💤 Sleepy Bat anon / 😐🎉 Yippee anon
🌴💚🖤 anon
💕🌅☄️ Golden Comet anon
🪦🪽 Mortis anon
👹 Demon anon
🌟🍻 Starbeer anon
🧛‍♂️🎪 Vampire Circus anon
🦇🎢 Batcoaster anon
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buckysmith · 2 years
Request from my TikTok account
How the TFP decepticons would react to (human) reader call them love
Includes: TFP Megatron,TFP Starscream, TFP Breakdown, TFP Knockout, TFP Predaking, TFP Shockwave and TFP Soundwave
- Honestly if you’re an human, he would look at you like you just told him humans can fly.
- He would for sure grin like a maniac the moment he understands what it means in human terms or in your terms.
- He wouldn’t show you that he’s proud that you called him love, he’s a prideful warrior and leader after all but if you happen to call him love while someone else is there it would increase his ego even more (if its wouldn’t be high enough already xD)
- He secretly wants to hear you call him love every time (He would soundwave get to record it so he could listing to it while you’re away doing human stuff. It would confuse soundwave so much, but he wouldn’t let anyone know what Megatron does nor ask a question.
- (Oh btw, not even you would know that. It’s a secret between Megatron and soundwave )
Oh dear god, the moment you call him Love it would be over for you.
- He’s a proud mech, for sure but by Primus- the moment you give him this nickname you would have consequences for your own actions.
- It’s not like he would get mad at you, everything but that.
- No, it’s more likely the fact that you have to admire him so much for you to call him love (he’s a poor mech, he deserves some love)
- He would hide you from Megatron.I mean he would do that even before but after you call him love he would do anything to make sure you’re at least fifty miles away from megatron. He doesn't want you to get hurt, and he knows where Megatron goes, death and pain follows.
- Oh dear heaven, don’t feed this man more ego it’s already enough.
- He would probably just look at you, pick you up like a teddy bear and hold you in front of his faceplate, wanting you to repeat what you just said.
- The moment you would repeat, this bastard would grin at you like a maniac
- Ofc you love him, who wouldn’t? Yes, yes he would take it as you would love him, not as a cute nickname.
- He would pinch your cheek, telling you what a cute little human you are
- Would tell everyone that you call him love and that you love him, I mean obviously you have to love him.
-His first reaction would be like “what did you say? Did you call me love?”
- He would definitely pick you up just to make 100% sure that he understands you
- He would be like soundwave and admire your cute little nickname.
- He would give you a nickname too cause of that, not like love or other human nicknames but more likely something cybertronian.
- He would make sure to show you how thankful he is, for him it’s important to show you the same respect. (Yes, for him it’s your respect to him to call him Love )
- His emotions tend to change but the moment you call him love he would smile at you, even if he was angry only moments before.
- He would ask you why you call him love since he’s a big intimidating mech.
- He would pick you up to bring you somewhere safe, somewhere he can cuddle with you and show you how much he appreciates his adorable little nickname you gave him.
- He would honor his nickname, but Primus he would get jealous easily so don’t call anything or anyone else like Love or smt like that.
- We don’t want roasted humans or other cons, don’t we? I mean it’s not even thanksgiving yet.
- He would just stare at you, no emotion, not a single word, nothing.
- You would have to explain to him why exactly you called him “love” cause he isn’t lovely, he’s a creepy scientist mech with a strong will and logical explanations . Not a sweet little mini bot (at least this is his opinion)
- After a while he would come attached to your sweet little nickname for him and don’t you dare to call somebody or something anything near like Love or lovely or he would for sure get rid of it. (Without your knowledge ofc).
- He would questioning himself a lot cause how could he get attached to something like that, for him it’s not logical.
- Same like Shockwave, he would just stare at you not capable of anything but repeating in his processor what you just said to him.
- Honestly he would be confused, do you mean by that that he’s lovely? Or do you love him and if yes, in which way?
- You would have to explain to him too what exactly you mean.
- Not like the other two mechs he would show you that he’s proud that you call him love.
- But don’t say that in front of other mechs, it’s not that he doesn’t like it or want you to hide it, but it’s safer for you cause you’re still a human being. I mean he’s a busy man and even though Laserbeak is always with you or at least near you he’s paranoid of like anything.
My request are open :)
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rowretro · 7 months
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✧taglist✧: @baevsxii @nikisdubblchococake
✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, a little goofy w won
♡synopsis: Nishimura Riki. The Robot created by Yang Jungwon himself, a robot that is insanely human like, inside and out. No one could tell he was a robot. However, the Robot had possessed demonly powers, from Satan himself. So I guess you could see it's a half robot. Yang y/n, the younger sister of Jungwon finds herself stuck to this robot 24/7 no matter what she tried, he will always be by her because she's his muse, his world, his love, his obsession.
(PART 2)
Jungwon gasped seeing Riki carry inside the unconscious, somewhat bloodied body of his sister. "NI-KI BOT NO! HOW COULD YOU FUCKING KILL MY FUCKING SISTER?! HOW DO YOU CALL THIS LOVE?!!!" He exclaimed, mad as he searched for a weapon. "No no master Yang... she fainted. She saw me take the life of another human and fainted... nothing to worry about, I ran a body scan she was just stressed..." The robot male simply said as he softly laid her down.
Riki eyed her up and down, oh how peaceful she looked when sleeping. He cleaned himself up, taking a human shower. Even Jungwon was in utter shock seeing the robot act so human, not one bit effected by the water. Riki dried his hair as he glanced at Y/n. The girl still dressed in the bloodstained, sweaty clothes. Riki approached her unconscious figure. His hands making it's way to her shirt.
He slipped it off, Then her trousers, as he threw them in the laundry. "NI-KI bot. I need to run a test on- AH WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER... I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF A ROBOT IS ABLE TO MAKE A BABY, BBUT I KNOW MY SISTER CAN'T CARRY A CYBORG CREATURE INSIDE HER." Jungwon yelled as the robot ignored him, clean clothes at hand. "Do robots even have hormones?... hey I need to run a few tests on you so hurry up and don't hurt my sister." Jungwon warned.
The robot remained silent, carrying her to a very fancy, and wonderfully scented bath tub. "God fucksake what did I fucking create... who's the fucking mom- why does it have human parts-... did he steal someone's heart literally- what the fuck is fucking going on-" Jungwon mumbled to himself. Eventually, Y/n woke up. She was clean, dressed in one of her nightgowns and tucked into her bed comfortably. Maybe she was just having a nightmare?
The clothes in her laundry bag said otherwise. Y/n walked down the hallway and glanced into Jungwon's lab. Sitting there was Riki himself a few wires connected to him as Jungwon ran through a few things on a few computers. "It's fucking unbelievable... he's half Man half robot... practically- but that's impossible..." Jungwon mumbled as Y/n stood there, creeped out by the way Riki turned to her. "W-won... you're doing a really bad job as a brother... Either you're careless, irresponsible and shit at science, or you're so over protective to the point you wanted to make my future husband." Y/n said.
"Well... I don't know what you want me to do... if it was a robot completely- I can turn it off, dismantle it and melt it with acid or some shit..." Jungwon started as the robot turned it's head to Jungwon. "B-But- he's not just robot so I can't... a-also I think he's a great guy- he literally dressed you and didn't even hurt you or yknow... glaze your donut?" Jungwon added as y/n stared in shock, throwing her small teddy bear at him.
"OH MY GOD. BAD BROTHER BAD BAD BAD- FIRST YO U LET THAT MURDEROUS LAB RAT FREAK OF NATURE TOUCH ME AND YOU'RE LETTING HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS???" Y/n exclaims as Jungwon scratched his head. "Sis... I tried EVERYTHING. He's just impossible to get rid of trust me..." Jungwon added as Riki stared at him "HEY I'M TRYING TO SUPORT YOUR CASE HERE-" Jungwon yelled, raising his arms in defence.
"HIS CASE? HE IS MEANT TO BE JUST A HUMAN LOOKING LAPTOP." "OH MY GOD Y/N, NI-KI BOT LISTEN. I'M JUST TRYING TO CO EXSIST AND NOT GET MURDERRED. PLEASE." Jungwon finally yelled as y/n sighed. Riki got up when the wires were removed, his hand resting against the wall, his face leaning into hers. "So beautiful up close... Never seen something so beautiful, you can check my database for proof if u want." He simply said as Y/n rolled her eyes.
"You want to feel my kiss? boy you can't touch this." She simply said, her hand softly pushing his chest away. The robot found her cute, following her around everywhere, watching as she pours herself a glass of water, staring in the mirror, pouting and twirling her hair. Or even when she's just randomly working out, or making a snack. "Can you like stop staring?" she asked annoyed as he blinked. Riki then took a seat beside her. "Why don't you love me?" The robot asked as Y/n rolled her eyes. "NI-KI bot.... You're creepy, weird, a robot and in no world is it ever normal for a human to love a clunk of metal." She simply said.
"So you're saying, it isn't love because I can't shed blood for you?... It isn't love because when we kiss there won't be saliva?... Technology's improved darling... and My name is Riki do not call me NI-KI bot." He said, his voice going a whole octave deeper as he slit the skin on his arm, real blood dripping out the slit, the cut itself looking like a human's. "Now should we test with the kiss?" he asked his head tilted a little, as he stared intensely at her. "N-No NI-KI- I-I mean Riki.... you just stay here..." Y/n simply said as she ran off into her bedroom.
Y/n checked that he didn't follow her, and shut her room door. She made her way to her bedroom window, opening it as she looked down. The coast is clear. So she jumped, expecting to have a fairly painful landing that'll be less impactful by the bushes. However, her landing was a little softer. She found herself, staring directly into Riki's eyes as she was indeed in his arms. "Where we off to pretty baby?" The robot man asked, his eyes darkening as he carried her in.
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pixxiies · 5 months
! masterlist .
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‹𝟹 : fluff
✩ : smut
୨୧ : headcanons
⊹ : angst
— chris sturniolo
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wheels on the bus ✩
pillow talk ‹𝟹
show me ‹𝟹
softly ‹𝟹/✩
casual ⊹/✩
tough love coming soon !! ⊹/‹𝟹
— matt sturniolo
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tense ✩
coloring book ‹𝟹
baby ✩
reckless part 2 ⊹
make you mine ✩
teddies coming soon !! ‹𝟹
— madison beer
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madison girlfriend hcs ‹𝟹 / ୨୧
madison bot 1 || 2
reliever coming soon !! ✩
sofia coming soon !! ‹𝟹
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mskenway97 · 9 months
I think it's about time I create a masterlist of everything I've done, to organize myself better.
G/T transformers shy reader
G/T transformers helpless human angst/fluff
G/T transformers sleeping time
G/T transformers pet play
G/T transformers pet play (NSFW)
G/T transformers problems of be tiny
First contact au Rodimus prime x human reader (fluff)
Scenario Tf Earthspark Starscream (fluff)
Scenario Tf armada Stascream (soft vore, safe vore)
G/T transformers bad day
G/T transformers illness time
Transformers persona au
G/T transformers bot treat like a doll or teddy
G/T transformers bot first kiss
G/T transformers human sacrificed
Drabble tfp optimus prime 2.0
Drabbles First Contact (Orion Pax and D16 Transformers One)
G/T transformers human fan of aliens
One Shot
optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human!reader first contact
Optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human reader confort
life or taste Megop (TFP) x gn!human reader (tasty au, soft vore)
Bot in flames Optimus prime (Bayverse) x Fem!human reader (NSFW)
Optimus prime x Blind!fem! Human Reader
Fishing Time (Merformers) Tfp Optimus Prime x Gn!Human!Reader
Side Effects Tfa Bumblebee x gn!human!reader(mouthplay, soft vore)
Song of calm Merformers prowl x Jazz
Payment terms TFP Starscream x Male!Human!Reader
A delicious surprise Tfp Breakdown x gn!human!reader (tasty au, soft vore, safe vore)
Curious cat ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader (g/t fearplay) part 2
Come My Way ROTB Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader
Change of side Tfa Blitzwing x Fem!human!reader (multiple personalities)
I will stay Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader (angst/fluff)
You are part of who I am Bayverse Optimus Prime x GN!human!reader (adopted angst/fluff)
Peaceful investigation Tfa Waspinator x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, protective vore)
First touch Tf armada Starscream x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, a little crush kink)
Dangerous cuddles Tf armada HotShot x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, comfort vore)
Specific solutions Tfa Wreack-gar x fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore)
Prime Urges TFP Optimus Prime Synth-en x fem!human!reader (nsfw)
Deep Audacity Mer Bravern x Isami Ao (soft vore, safe vore, mouthplay)
Between the sword and the robot MTMTE/IDW Rodimus x !GN!Human Reader (nsfw,vore)
Link reconnection Mer Superbia x lulu (fluff)
Medical inspections TFP Ratchet x gn!human!reader (valveplug,nsfw,suggestive)
She is a witch TFP OC (Dionesea) x gn!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, firs contact)
Ways of discover the love ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader
Trick or race TF EarthSpark Bumblebee x GN!Cybertronian!reader
Past Songs TFP Optimus prime (Orion pax) x OC (Dionesea) (angst)
Butterfly Beast and Beautiful Cybertronian TFP Optimus prime (Orion pax) x OC (Dionesea) (angst, reunion)
Telepathy in the Silence (Merformers) Tfp Soundwave x Fem!Human!Reader (fist contact, merformers, g/t fearplay)
My Immortal Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader (angst)
Analysis g/t
G/T in Transformers (2007)
G/T in Transformers Revenge of the fallen (2009)
The Automatons
Cap 1 , Cap 2
129 notes · View notes
nenilein · 6 months
I’m sorry but do u guys seriously think bots voted for ulala? Am I understanding that claim correctly? I’m not even trying to fight or argue it’s just blowing my mind that ulala won fair and square and accusations started flying all over the place. I love her my followers love her we all voted for her that’s how polls work I’m in shock
The total vote count on the poll doubled within 10 minutes. I know that because I'd taken a screenshot of the poll to send to friends 10 minutes before it happened. And I wasn't the only one who observed it. If you followed any of the other polls in the contest you would have seen that I even made fun of how destructively beaten some of my favorite characters of all time were. Teddie from persona 4, my favorite character ever, is currently losing badly to a dog and I say GOOD. If people like the doggo, that is fine.
And plot twist, I love Ulala too. I voted for her on several of the previous rounds and was sad by how quickly she got knocked out of the first bracket. I think she absolutely deserves a win. I am just not favor of abusive language being used to accomplish that. And I know botting when I see botting. I am not saying you did it, but somebody among your followers definitely did, and maybe you should reflect on how you encouraged that behavior.
I'm a game collector, love the Dreamcast to pieces and I've been pining to get original physicals of both Space Channel 5 games for literal years now, and I still will be trying, but I'd be lying if I said that this behavior hasn't put a very sour taste in my mouth. At very least I'll probably not tag any fanwork I make for the franchise under the fandom tag, because this is apparently not the sort of community I want to interact with.
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teojira · 4 months
I saw that you had transformers on your fandom list, will you be willing to write a 'bot of choice x human reader jealousy/protectiveness fic? Like in that one scene from Transformers 2 where the Deception Pretender tried to seduce Sam but Bee absolutely wasn't having that but had to stay in car mode?
[Aren't you supposed to be more mature than this?]
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Summary: Optimus knows better than to get attached to you (too late), he can't help but side eye you and a stranger interacting. (Based on Knightverse Optimus, after ROTB!)
Word count: 800+ words!
Pronouns: They/them
Warnings: Optimus is bad at feelings, Optimus being down bad, extremely self indulgent. Mainly Optimus' Pov as well! Lmk if I need to tag anything!
A/N: Everyone who knows me knows of my obsession and love for this man it's so bad, I have him tattooed and have a whole ass shrine I love HIMMM, Thank you sm for the request! He is the love of my life.
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Optimus Prime has been called many things, many of which are true, things he'd accept with pride.
A great leader, a good friend, a valuable teammate, A war criminal.
A jealous bot was never one of them, until recently.
He wasn't sure when he started to take a shine towards you. Was it after Unicron? When he held you in his servos, cradling you to his chest as he transformed back into his bipedal form, only letting go of you after the confused looks from Bee and Mirage.
Maybe it was a while after that, when you offered to help clean him up, Noah was too busy rebuilding Mirage to offer his services to the big man himself.
Optimus could never wipe the feeling of your small hands gently running across his frame, taking extra care to mend any scratches you found, constantly checking in to make sure he was comfortable.
He's ashamed to admit, but he kept shuddering under your touch, his senses overwhelmed by your presence. Every time his cooling fans turned on, he'd wave it off as it was just hot outside. (it's 60 degrees out, liar.)
He tries to recharge that night, but the feeling in his chassis makes him restless. He can see his sensors go haywire at the mere thought of you. He is so fucked, he shuts his eyes and groans deeply, his mask shooting up to mask the sound, lest he wakes the others.
Primus help him.
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With his new revelation, Optimus tries his best to distance himself towards you, always making excuses as to why he can't drive you home or to work (a flicker of jealously when Arcee offers, no one catches his digits curling ever so slightly into his palm), saying he must go on patrol for the time being. He waves you off when you try and care for him, asking if he'd like any help with any scrapes and dents, saying he can live with them, he's been through worse.
Its only natural that you'd give him some space, that's the kind of person you are, kind, loving, respectful, loyal to a fault, but it doesn't escape his notice when your smile falls after he politely tells you you're not needed, his spark aching when you turn around to go find another bot.
Optimus watches you now, stationed on the street.
He has no right to be upset when you're stopped outside of the garage by an older man, the man so clearly taking interest in you while you're very politely listening and nodding, shooting that oh so pretty smile to a man who he's sure is not fit to be anywhere near you, not worthy of the warm smile you wear.
It makes him seethe in jealousy, and it's scary.
He can not remember a time when he had ever been jealous. He's a prime. He was supposed to be a calm and collected leader and yet. And yet, he's so close to blowing his hor-
You suddenly whirl towards him. If he was any better of a man, he wouldn't immediately think of how cute you looked, how your lips moved as you let out a yelp.
It isn't until that thought passes his mind that he realizes he used his truckers horn. Embarrassment trickles through his body, although now he has your attention, and you are making your way towards him. The man following behind you keeps the conversation going, not catching a hint.
Optimus is ready to honk again, especially if this man keeps following so close behind you, way too close for comfort.
You beat him to it, turning around as you rest a hand on Optimus’ cabins door handle, shooting the man a polite smile.
“Sorry about that, but my husband is actually here to pick me up, so I have to go. Have a good day!” And You hoist yourself up, quickly buckling your seat belt, gently patting the dashboard in hopes Optimus fucking drives before you're bothered anymore.
Optimus’ processor buffers, his engine revving as he goes on autopilot to tale you both away. Does he know where to drive to? Certainly no, but you're with him now. He's sure you could ask him to take you to distant planets, and he'd make it work for you and only you.
“Thank you for the save, big guy.” You smile brightly at his steering wheel, your eyes lovingly trailing across the autobot symbol that sits in the center.
“It was nothing, I am glad to be there to assist.” The cabin rumbles with his voice, soothing your anxiety. You curl into your seat, resting your head.
“Where are we going?”
“If I'm not mistaken, you mentioned wanting to go to upstate New York to drive along some scenic routes? I'll gladly be your escort.”
He is so ridiculously falling for you, but he can't bring himself to hate it, especially when you excitedly hop in your seat.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
What (some of) my ocs put you as in their phone:
Liu/Lucille (butcher/cannibal Yan): "Bambi" or "Belle/Beauty" The latter related to one of their favorite movies as a kind. If she could love her beast, you'll do the same won't you?
C.C/Saffron (Yan incubus): "Bae <3" with a string heart and flower emojis after. Will just as quickly change it to "Lil' bitch" if you ignore him long enough
Amyas (Yan cupid): "Answer immediately"
Baron (Yan demon): "MJNW" He's trying to spell mine, but his fingers are too fucking fat to hit the right keys
Maddox (Yan reaper): "Them"/the gendered variant. Simple, to the point - brings a smile to their face everytime they see it on the screen.
Alasdair (Yan Angel): "My light" Bro lights up a whole room with those eyes, but pop off king
V (incel Yan): "Kitten"
Miller (streamer Yan): "P1"
Erin (Yan Bully): "Pain in my ass" when you first give it to him. "Everything" after he finally let's his heart bleed.
Theodore (Teacher Yan): "Dear" for you, but he asks you put him in your phone as "Teddy"
Devlin (immortal Yan): "Boo (at night I think of you...)" His favorite song from that time period and what he plays outside your window.
Silas (immortal Yan): "THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE DUMBASS" He sends a lot of "prank texts" to people and almost send you a five paragraph long threat when it was meant for your boss.
Selene (Yandere housewife): "Sweetheart, My One/My Only" She gets so embarrassed when you find out.
Orion (Yandere Devil): "Prized Jewel"
Gemini/Gemini (Twin Devils in one body): "Our Missing Piece" They change it constantly, but that's what it's been for the longest
Daina (Yan Final Girl): "Rid3 or Di3"
Dea (Worshiper God): "My Universe." Stuff like that seems so small to them, but it just feels right.
Cherry, Clementine, Lemon (Yandere robots): "Master" Cherry and Lemon put hearts at the end, Clementine puts a sword
Lime (Yan cat hybrid bot): "Owner~" with a tongue emoji at the end
D.kay (Yan Murderbot): "SUNNI" (sunny) or just a long string of those heart eyed emojis
Milk Tea (Yan cow hybrid): Pet
Eggnog (Yan cow hybrid): "Bunny or J.J" The name of the rabbit plush they own as a child. Without it they aren't sure they'd be alive today. The same goes for you.
Root beer Milk (Yan cow hybrid): "Partner in Crime"
Bluebird (Former Darling Yan): "Saving Grace" or your name with a key emoji at the end.
Gus (Clown Yan): "Cutie Pie"
(And that's it for now. If there are any characters you'd like to see just lemme know and I might do a part two)
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mariacrow · 1 year
i probably wasn’t super clear with my last message and i’m sorry! i meant i’d like bayverse hound x reader. i’m dying for content here 😭😮‍💨
Let’s take a little break from TFP and write some Bayverse, shall we? ;)
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Hound x reader
✪ headcanons ✪
2nd person
any pronouns
platonic relationship
development of a romantic relationship
no NSFW included
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You’d definitely be the first one from the crew to catch his optic
He’s a talkative, extroverted mech in general but he’d probably dedicate all of his attention and best quotes to you
He’d tend to make cheesy wrecker jokes and make you laugh all the time, humor is definitely his love language
He’s never afraid to put you in battle, he thinks you’re brave. Even if you’d doubt in yourself or underestimate yourself in any way, he’d be the first one to encourage you
You two would become an epic duo, he’d even call you a true wrecker
He’d tell you everything about Cybertron and war but he’d mostly focus on epic battles he took place in
He would carry you around all the time, let you sit on his shoulder, play with his beard etc
He has a weird thing for your tiny hands playing with his bushy beard. You’re probably the only one who he allows to touch it
He’d give you nicknames such as “brat” or “rascal” or “little wrecker”. When he’d feel kinda soft inside he’d use “doll”.
When you’d get injured he would express his concern through aggression hence he’d yell at everyone to hurry up and help you as he’d desperately try to help you as well
While taking care of you, he’d comfort you in his own wrecker way which would mostly be swearing while telling you how brave you are
Hound: don’t leave me now, you little rascal! You’re the bravest little wrecker I’ve ever met! We need to show those shitheads what we’re really made of, ey! Get up!
He loves you as much as he loves his gear
When you’d place a tender kiss on his face plate he’d go “awwwh!” and rub his cheek plate and get all flustered in his own chunky bot way
He doesn’t know any other ways of expressing his feelings but this is just enough for you to realize he absolutely adores you
He finds stargazing too romantic so when you’d want to do it with him he’d be like:
Hound: ah miss me with that romantic scrap! Makes me want to puke.
But once he’d give it a chance, he’d realize how much he’s been missing. He’d actually enjoy some silence with you in his servos
When you’d sleep together you’d be his personal little teddy bear. He’d be careful not to squash you though. You’re the only one he’s so gentle with
Despite not being a romantic soul, Hound is a mech with a good spark and a chill personality. Also a gentle giant in your case
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Dividers belong to @chachachannah 🪖
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 11 months
FUCK YEAH!!! maybe mtmte meeting Rungs child, the giant ancient warrior with a sword as big as they are. And they love their creators soft hands and sweet words of comfort.
-There's no cybertronian that hasn't heard the legend of this ancient warrior. Even MTO's were told of them, told that this was the epitome of what a warrior were supposed to be. No one knows their name and so they've simply been dubbed The Warrior. They would show up every now and then throughout history and every time their arrival would herald something big. And when the warrior would leave, no one would be able to find them. It was as if they had simply disappeared.
-Because of this, there were rumors that The Warrior was some supernatural being, maybe even an avatar of the warrior god Primus.
-So when this larger than life entity one day suddenly shows up at the Lost Light, demanding to board the ship, the crew is rightfully extremely curious. Curious, awed and slightly frightened because why had they decided to show up here?
-Poor Blaster almost had a spark attack when he answered the incoming video call on bridge and the stoic face of The Warrior popped up.
-When The Warrior boards the Lost Light, practically everyone on the ship arrive to catch a glimpse of them. They remain a respectful distance away, not daring to get too close, but they can't stop staring.
-Rodimus is the first one that dares to actually talk to them. He approaches them, full of false swagger and confidence to hide how tense he is, and introduces himself as captain, sorry, co-captain off he Lost Light before asking them why they decided to visit.
-The Warrior replies that they are looking for someone and immediately everyone starts whispering and speculating who this mystery bot might be. Some speculate it might be Megatron (maybe the warrior is here to kill him?) or maybe Cyclonus since he apparently once fought the Warrior in battle (and lost, badly).
-Then, suddenly, The Warrior turns their head and stares into the crowd. They all go quiet and freeze right up, terrified that they might have somehow offended him.
-But then, a small voice calls out.
-"Ah, I'm sorry, can you please make way? I really need to get through. Oh, I'll just squeeze right between if you don't mind, yes yes, sorry for the inconvenience-"
-Squeezing between bots, Rung suddenly stumbles out of the crowd. He adjusts his glasses, looks up, sees The Warrior, and smiles.
-"Starlight! Oh it's been so long, how have you been?"
-To everyone's absolute shock, The Warrior smiles and gently scoops up Rung into a big hug, like he's a teddy bear or something.
-"Creator! I've missed you so much! I've been well! How about you? Are you feeling well?"
-The crew just STARES and finally Rung becomes aware of the attention and tries to explain everything. See, this is his wonderful, brilliant child and they regularly meet up every now and then. He haven't been able to see them for some years because they've been so busy with work (they are a researcher you see) but they recently called him and asked if they could come visit and of course Rung said yes and so he gave them the signal of the Lost Light.
-The crew continues staring. No one says anything. The Warrior is still hugging Rung but they are also glaring at the crew, daring them to speak up and make his Creator sad.
-Finally, Nightbeat speaks up.
-"Rung, are you by any chance Primus?"
-The Warrior starts laughing like a maniac and Rung chuckles with them. They are both laughing for two completely different reasons.
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diacripticcomplex · 10 months
How would sakamaki + yui act if they had instagram what they post
Shu: He would have zero posts and zero highlights, he would only follow back his siblings and like Yuma, also Yui. He wouldn’t post at all, he uses his account to stalk sometimes if he is really bored and awake. He likes to scroll thru the reels when he’s in the bathroom but he doesn’t care for it at all. A lot of his classmates and bot accounts follow him so he has a lot of followers (800-900) but is following around like (50-100) people because there’s some meme and music accounts he’s interested in. He’s public because hes too lazy to change it to private.
Reiji: Doesn’t have instagram lol, he finds human technology to be inferior, but he does enjoy YouTube shorts.
Ayato: Mr. Instagram certified. (He pays for the verification) He also pays for fake followers to make it seem like he has more followers, he has around 5k fake followers, and only 3k are real ones, he follows back his brothers and the Mukami brothers besides Ruki to be petty, he follows Yui and likes all of her photos and highlights and makes sure she likes all of his too, he also always comments on her posts. He follows a lot of meme pages and like gore pages too. He would post like once a year, and it would just be a cool flick of himself nothing crazy, he posts on his story often and has entertaining highlights. He’s public and is tagged in a lot.
Kanato: Lovesss posting, he also loves the artsy accounts that make dolls, he has three accounts, one is his main where he posts aesthetic pictures of his tea parties with teddy, and himself. The next is his spam where he literally spam rants memes and weird vids, and he has his business account where he shows the process of him making dolls. He has a lot of followers on his business account. (252.9k) and then his other accounts are private with not many followers but his business account definitely blows up.
Laito: He follows more than following…he follows a lot on OF models and Instagram models, he takes A LOT of thirst traps and posts them both on his story and regular posts, he does manage to get over 1000 likes on all his posts, and a lot of girls like his stories as well, his Dms are filled with girls asking him out and him asking girls out too. He has a bunch of highlights because he doesn’t bother to organize them and that pisses off Kanato so much. Shu and Ayato muted Laito’s stories and posts because he exposed himself once and they didn’t want to see that. He’s got about 4k followers but is following 6k people and he’s public, he almost got scammed like 4 times.
Subaru: He doesn’t have a main account at all. He has a burner account that he only uses to stalk people but no one knows he has it, he hides the app on his phone in case his brothers are nosy, but he makes sure to leave no trace that it is his account. He also occasionally uses it to humble all his brothers and bullies them. Has zero followers and is following no one, every time he stalks someone by looking at their story he will block them right after so they don’t see that an unknown account was stalking him, he knows everything about everyone but remains quiet.
Yui: if she feels like she looks really nice she will take a picture and post it, she doesn’t really post stories or have highlights, her only followers are the DL boys and she’s following a few quote and inspirational accounts but that’s about it, her explore page has cute cat and dog vids or food vids but not asmr just like cookings vids. She always likes all the DL boys posts because they annoy her about it. She’s a private account.
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