ravenemore · 1 year
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day 11 - Petplay with Bunny Raven
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starry-nights12 · 2 years
I'm a simple lad.
Give me Robin meditating with Raven and him showing interest in her books, and I'll be satisfied.
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thatoneweirdo14 · 1 year
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pyreneese · 1 year
Round 1 Part 1 Battle of the Blorbos
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Thought it’d be fun to do a battle royale of all the blorbos I’ve ever had. A lot of them were Tumblrsexymen so this’ll be interesting. Feel free to reblog with propaganda.
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thedum1 · 2 years
     I wanna talk about my dumb little OCs and whatnot.
This will get long and I will go overboard. So I’m trying out the read more thing. I’ll list them off from oldest to youngest, not when I made them but the year they would’ve been born...this list made me realize I’m not good at naming my OCs.
--For most of these the year the show/thing came out will be the year it takes place as well.--
Jazz and Coy the Goody Two Shoes Cat Siblings, not their actual last name, for Animaniacs They were made not long after the Warner Siblings were locked away. So I’d say around Christmas season of 1934. They were made to balance out the very high energy and extremely tooney Warner siblings. But their show flopped big time and the studio saw it as a waste of money. So similar to the Warner they got locked away but in a spare and mostly forgotten storage space. Why did it flop? Most popular cartoons had a very toon energy about them. Being full of slapstick comedy and cartoonish violence. The Cat Siblings were the exact opposite of that. Being calm and full of life lessons on being a well behave kid without the fun parts of cartoons. They were freed in 2020 during the C-19 Plague by Yakko accidentally. Now they chill with the Warner sibs and are slowly learning how to do slapstick toon things. (They are cartoon cats....they have no race...)
Some quick facts about the siblings:
Jazz, lowkey based off me in the sense of older sibling with a strong “must protect my younger siblings” vibe, imagine her around the same age as Yakko.
She’s a bisexual demigirl and goes by she/it.
Its got a crush on Roxanne from A Goofy Movie. It and and the others sometime pop by the D*sney Studio for a visit.
Coy, lowkey based of my younger siblings. A very big bookworm and enjoys school. He’s around Dot’s age.
Currently cisgendered and goes by he/him.
Michael Smith is my first and currently only trans OC. He’s from the YouTube series Good Game, though I’ve never watched it myself. He runs and own his own café/bakery, which is below his apartment. His food is what fuels Alex, Ryland and the others during practice sessions. It was actually Ryland who found his place and actually becomes a regular, he recommends his place as “gamer fuel” for practice. This leads to Michael and Ryland getting close and eventually developing a mutual crush, because yes. Michael was born in the year of 1987, his birthday is June 9th....because 6/9/87 as I am a child and 69 is fucking hilarious to me. (My special boy is just a regular white American boy.)
Facts about my son:
Michael’s parents LOVE the country Queen, Dolly Parton and originally named Michael after one of her songs, Jolene. They accept Michael’s transition and name change with open arms.
Alex and Michael’s relationship is a little rocky in the beginning because I’ve decided Alex has a slight thing for his gamer roomie and is jealous. He gets over it and actually ends up with one of Michael’s BFFs, a male Australian Cartoonist.
Michael and Ryland get married and even have a kid, which they announce at the Announcement of Michael’s second shop location becoming a thing.
I’ve come up with a stripper AU for Michael, I don’t have much info on it other than Michael works at an LGBT+ club and is a top tier stripper.
Phoebe “Frostine” Summers my ice power wielding villain for Teen Titans (2003 version which I’ve decided also takes place in 2003). She was brought into the world in 1987. She’s got her powers not long after turning 9. To be exact she started showing weird signs (always cold and could never warm up) the day after her 9th birthday. The first time her powers come out is around 7 months later. Of course her parents freak out and shipped her off somewhere. H.I.V.E. academy took her in when she turned 12. She learned to control her powers and became a really good villain. Though that wavers after meeting Robin. (My daughter is full white. Most ancestors come from predominantly white European contries.)
Facts about my icy daughter:
Yes, she got her villain name, Frostine, from the CandyLand character Queen Frostine. I am not sorry about that.
Around the time the show starts, ‘Go!’, Phoebe makes a civilian persona out of boredom. She goes to the same school as the bratty teen villain Kitten. She was very jealous of the fact that Kitten got Robin to be her date to the dance...yeah she was that into being a regular teen.
Did is say jealous? Yes I fucking did. I’m pushing my old childhood crush onto her. The reason she got into being a civilian was because she likes Robin how he’s nicer to her. She does reveal herself to him at some point.
While Phoebe is a villain for most of the series she actually doesn’t really like the other H.I.V.E. teens and likes to take their steals sometimes. Other times she’ll just annoy/distract them and get them caught. She eventually just stops being a villain at some point, which is great because she knows villain things to help the heroes.
Beau Young my bisexual “6teen” half Canadian Indigenous teen. Born in the year of 1988. Beau works at the Galleria Mall in the Albatross and Finch store. I haven’t touched his “story” in forever so I don’t remember too much for him. But he is half-sibs with another OC of that’s coming up. (His mother is where he gets his Indigenous blood from.)
Some facts I do remember about boy:
He’s friends with the main 6teen cast but is particularly close with Nikki and Wyatt...he thinks Wyatt is pretty and Nikki is super cool. But he’s not close with Jen or Jonesy. He finds Jen to be too uptight and Jonesy a very annoying, especially when it comes to girls.
He’s a grade above the main teens and is willing to help with school shit if asked. Yes that includes Jonesy...as long as someone else is there too.
Beau plays the violin and likes having coffee and jam sessions with Wyatt. The violin also gets him extra attention from girls, which Jonesy hates.
Him and Caitlin talk about relationships and judge each other on their taste in boys.
Beau Carriedo the half Spanish half French teen of Code Lyoko. Born in 1989 from a surrogate for two men...a French man, Francis Bonnefoy, and a Spanish man,  Antonio Fernández Carriedo. (I have ZERO shame in that one). He’s somewhat new to the OC pile. Another gay OC as I refuse to be stopped. Sometime ago I looked at Odd Della-Robbia and decided he needs a BF, so Beau was born. I also decided Odd may have not yet come to terms with non-heterosexuality so it takes time for anything to happen between them. Beau also has an on-off crush on William, which doesn’t become a thing anyways.
Facts about my NOT A-Hetalia-Love-Child child:
Beau is the same age and year as Yumi, which is why he knows William and is close with him. But he’s not a Lyoko warrior. 
He knows French, Spanish and English. Which makes him my first/oldest multilingual OC on this list.
It was Odd who made Beau realize he liked boys. For a while he thought none of the girls at Kadic were his type. Then BOOM!! Odd came into his life and he realized that there were girls who were his type...except for their gender.
Beau was someone who found Clone!William weird and off putting, not funny. I don’t know if I want him to find out that Clone!William is a clone and Real!William is trapped in Lyoko, which would then lead him to learning about Lyoko.
Taro “Yama” “Sakura” Yamada my Japanese femboy for Death Note. Born in 1990, between Matt and Mello. Been at Whammy’s house since he was but a wee babe of 2. He is cis and gay, just finds feminine clothes more comfortable to wear. He has a deep crush on Mello and even left Whammy’s to go for him, with Matt. The young boy learned coming off as a cute and a “needs to be protected” girl got extra cash and sadly attention. When the boys meet again Taro, who goes by Sakura to be “undercover”, helps Mello to get the Death Note. I’ve yet to decide if I wanna go with the canon ending for Matt and Mello or give the boys a semi-happy ending. I’m slowly working on a fic for him. Dunno if it’ll come out or actually be finished, it’s just a thing I work on on and off. Either way Taro doesn’t die.
Facts about my sad boy:
He’s good at acting and manipulation which Mello uses to his advantage.
Because I stopped caring I’ve decided Matt has a crush on Taro while Taro has a crush on Mello who is undecided on romance. How does it end? It depends on how I want to finish Taro’s story.
He is somewhat friendly with Near and would sit in silence with the boy before he left Whammy’s.
Taro is a fairly recent OC actually. Not even 2 years old if I’m remembering correctly.
Jean Grey my only goth OC at the moment. She’s the half-sister to my other OC Beau Young. In 1991 she was born and her X-Men loving mother named her after her (mother’s) favorite character. Yes. Beau and Jean have different mothers. They come from polyamory parents and Jean carries that on into her own relationships. She’s very bi and has dated both boys and girls before Total Drama takes place. She eventually starts dating Cody, sometime before the end of season one, and Lindsay, between Action and World Tour. (Homegirl is just white...that’s it really.)
Fact ‘aboot’ bi-poly goth girl:
She’s got a couple of pet chinchillas and misses them terribly when she’s doing Total Drama.
She’s goth in terms of clothes mostly. She definitely doesn’t act like typical goths do and is fine with that. She’s been tempted to “borrow” Gwen’s clothes during the competition.
She’s got the strong urge to fist fight Heather, Courtney and Alejandro...Chris and Chef too obviously, as I’m sure most of the competitors do.
I’m working on a fic where Jean is a new to fame cover artist and is still dealing with Total Drama nonsense...I’m also not that far into it.
Jasmine “Jas” Luna was technically me at one point before just becoming her own person. She was born in 1994 to a workaholic mother and loving father. Sadly her father was a victim of a speeding accident when she was 8 and her mother never cared for children. She left home at 18 to wherever Mystic Messenger takes place. She meets and befriend a young man who also recently left home. They find a kitten and become cat parents for the little guy. Her canon story is intertwined with said friend and they go through Zen and Saeyoung’s stories at the same time. She’s related to an MC on this list as well.  (She’s half American Indigenous and half Caucasian.)
Facts about no-longer-me MC:
She discovered the lovecore aesthetic right before she moved away from home and it became her everything. The soft pinks and vibrant reds paired with hearts is just her vibe. Even the food she makes is cute and soft looking.
Her cat is my cat but smaller and nicer. She has him during the events of Mystic Messenger and will set up kitty playdates with Elizabeth the Third no matter the ending.
Her “true” ending is with Saeyoung. But if I had to chose a different member for her to end up with it’d be best coffee wife Jaehee. She finds her very pretty and is touchy with her, though it’s platonic when she’s dating one of the boys.
My shortest adult human MC/OC. Standing at a whopping 5 feet even and on the plump side to boot. If she was a male....4′10″ max. We love short kings and queens.
She knows English, Korean and Japanese. Which makes her my second multilingual OC. While I’m sure Mystic Messenger takes place in Korea I thought it’d be fun if it was in Japan and was amongst a group of Korean folks.
Jaci Summerhill the younger but much taller than his cousin, Jas, MC of Obey Me. 1997 the year of their birth...along with their twin brother Jack. Jaci, and Obey Me, got me to come to terms with my non-cis...ness?? When I first started the game I used my name but that felt wrong. So a google search later Jaci was born. While it took some time for Jaci to become what he is today I knew he was meant to be masc presenting, so a masculine nonbinary Jaci became permanent. His pronouns are he/they. At the moment, when not in the Devildom Jaci lives in France as a professional chef. (Jaci is mostly American Indigenous.)
Facts about my tallest OC/MC:
Tallest? YES!! This version of Jaci is my tallest character. They stand at a WHOPPING 7 feet even!! It’s why I’m such a big fan of tall reader/MC fics. Had Jaci been AFAB instead of AMAB they’d be slightly taller standing at 7′3″ because tall ladies are my favorite.
Jaci is very weak when it comes to Asmodeus, Simeon and of course Luke. The Little D’s are also a slight weak point for them. He’d do anything they asked because he just loves them that much.
My sweet tall child....is a bit of a himbo. They are very big, both height and build. Not the best when it comes to school. Yet he did learn 2 other languages. He speaks English, French and Japanese.
Jas and Jaci are very close and see each other as siblings more than cousins. Before Jaci became an exchange student he used to visit at least twice a year. They even learned Japanese because she did. 
Miguel Jimenez my only selective mute OC who lives in Gravity Falls. Born in 1999 just before summer season, so May-ish I’d say. He’s the young nephew to local TV personality Shandra Jimenez. He lives not to far from a bestie of his with Shandra and his older sister, Andrea. He likes to spend the summer with the Pines Twins post-Stan’s-first-party-at-the-Shack. Miguel and Andrea lost their parents to a terrible accident when the young boy was even younger. That lead him to being mute, only talking if he feels comfortable around the person. (If you didn’t pick up on it Miguel is Hispanic.)
Facts about my quiet child:
He was gonna be gay but I believe just queer is more fitting for him. It’s a nice umbrella term for him and he feels most comfortable using it. He does date Dipper by the end of the show though, so draw up whatever conclusions you want.
Miguel “co-parents” Waddles with Mable, as he’s grew quite attached to the sweet pig.
Miguel’s first friends are Candy and Grenda. But he considers Dipper to be his best friend and talks to him for the first time right before the twins leave. They do nightly phone calls till they can see each other again.
Wendy and her group of friends (which includes Andrea) will sometimes let Miguel hangout with them, especially when Candy and Grenda are busy and can’t hangout with him themselves.
Jasmine “Jazz” Luna (Alt version of Jas) Uh...I’m gonna be real with y’all. Jazz is for the new-ish Cheritz game ‘The Ssum’ and I don’t have any plans playing it after the 200 days are over. Since I have no real way to say this game as a set date, other than the early 2020s, I’ll say she was born in 1999. (She’s just like Jas...don’t know what to tell you.)
Do I have facts for her??
Um....she dated Zen (not MysMes timeline) for a hot minute I guess.
She’s cousins with TWST!Jaci.
So far she’s not me but not her own person??? Does that make sense?
This is probably it for her. I’m planning on uninstalling The Ssum when I’ve finished the story for Teo. Won’t even bother looking at Harry’s. Way too many microtransactions. 
Julien DeForest the fully French OC for Miraculous Ladybug. He’s got lesbian moms who run a popular flower shop. He has no contact with his dad beyond birthday gifts and congratulation phone calls, by mutual agreement as papa moved and has a budding career. 2001 is Julien’s year. He’s my gay little mural artist who’s got a FAT crush on Cat Noir. He does enjoy helping his moms in the shop though. He may or may not also end up crushing on Nathaniel, his BFF, and Adrien. Thomas Astruc can fight me in the back of a Denny’s for the adoption papers for his characters. I’d treat them better....also make more of them openly LGBT+. (Boy is just white.)
Fact about gay flower son:
If I wanted to give him a canon miraculous it would be the Bee. He’d place it on the back on his head right above his little ponytail, if I feel like drawing him with it. If he doesn’t get a miraculous he actually cuts his hair shorter.
Julien has been friends with Nathaniel for years, since they were 8ish. Julien used to do those stupid looking anime doodles on Nath’s notes when he was bored, which is how he got into The Arts~!!
My boy just loves jamming out to Clara Nightingale and Jagged Stone while working on his next mural....sometimes his music gets too loud and he gets paint on some poor soul who “sneaks” up on him.
One of Julien’s mom is a black woman named Odette. He loves her and how happy she’s made his birth mom. When he was little, about 6ish, he got to be the ring bearer in their wedding. It’s one of his favorite memories and stories.
Jaci Summerhill (Alt version of Obey Me!Jaci)  but now he’s cisgender and hangs out with twink-ified (for the most part) D*sney Villains. Just like The Ssum I have no idea when Twisted Wonderland takes place so I’ll say the early 2020s. With my...sub-par math skills I’ve come to the conclusion that TWsT!Jaci was born in 2005. I’m not too far into the game at the moment so TWST!Jaci doesn’t have much to him. I do like the idea of him being a theater kid and he likes musicals in particular. (Again, he’s just like Obey Me!Jaci.)
Some facts I do have about boy:
His favorite musical is Chicago and he loves Billy Flynn’s songs the most. He’s also fond of Sweeney Todd and knows all the lyrics to all the songs.
Jaci actually doesn’t really like Grim and blames him for them almost losing Ramshackle when they were dealing with Azul. He does feel a little bad the little gremlin doesn’t have family.
He’s slowly learning all 800+ rules that Heartslabyul has to follow...mainly to get on Riddle’s good side because he thinks the dormleader is very pretty. Also cause his favorite dorm to hang out in is the Red Queen’s dorm.
Despite Jaci learning all of the Queen’s rules he finds Vil’s to be too much for him. Perhaps it’s because of the power Vil has. Good with potions and a huge fan base? Yeah, that’s intimidating.
Kan-D is my rollerblading and graffitiing teen for Jet Set Radio Future. I read somewhere from Google JSRF takes place in 2024. Since I want Kan-D to be around 16 he was born in 2008. The canon characters don’t have too much going on for them so neither does Kan-D TBH. (He’s fully Indigenous.)
Facts ‘bout skater boi:
He lives in Tokyo with his dad’s parents because he was causing problems and his parents were sick of him.
I’ve dubbed this boy as pansexual. He likes to tease Yoyo because he likes to see him all flustered. He’s also got a crush on Boogie and maybe had a thing with one of the Rapid 99 girls....though that’s “just a rumor”. 
This skater teen loves grinding and is found in Sky Dinosaurian Square. The way he joins the GGs is actually a grinding challenge. Gotta do the same tricks he does, like Combo’s challenge.
Beat and Kan-D have a frenemies relationship. Kan-D just finds him annoying and a little egotistical.
Ishya Chee my first fully adult OC. MHA takes plays mid to late 2100s so I have no idea when she’d be born. I will say she’s 30. Ishya and her parents moved to Japan when she was just starting her last year of middle school. Her powers are plant based, she can grow plants from her limbs and her “hair” is thick vines. She’s in a relationship with FatGum and they want to get married, with the 1-A students as guests because those are her kids now...sans Mineta. (Ms. Chee is afro-indigenous, she’s got a black mom and American indigenous dad.)
Facts about plant mom:
I said the 1-A (-Mineta) kids are her children...I’m not really lying. She cares for them obviously but Bakugo is the one kids she definitely sees as hers. Seeing how his mom treats him (WHO SMACKS THEIR KID INFRONT OF HIS TEACHERS ONE WHO WAS THE NUMBER ONE HERO!!???) leads her to being protective of him when talking about the class.
Inshya is a class assistant?? Like in the MHA where she is a real character the first year classes get a little like...teacher assistant. They help pass out papers, grade assignments and act as a bit of a counselor for the students, especially the heroes-in-training. She got that job though Aizawa after a heroing accident.
Her reaction when Bakugo was kidnapped was heart wrenching. After all the students were taken care of she just clung onto Aizawa and sobbed. In the UA apology she’s in standing behind the others, with the other TA, and she’s clearly tired and not paying attention.
Ishya’s always wanted kids but the heroing accident left her unable to. That’s why Aizawa got her the UA job. She gets to help budding heroes grow up and act as a sort of parental figure for them if need be.
Jazz is my ACsona so no real age other than young adult. Currently he is a mostly masculine pronoun using genderfluid 20-something year old. The pronouns he uses are he/they/it. Their backstory differs depending on the AC game. I play New Leaf (I need a 3ds charger) and Pocket Camp but I desperately want New Horizons. (He’s American Indigenous and Hispanic.)
Small facts about the sona:
He likes wearing feminine clothes with a predominantly soft pastel color pallet. Things like skirts in a mid to light neutral color with a pastel colored top. Typically paired with cute accessories and mary janes.
He’s very close with Apollo, Julien and Cherry. I like to imagine Julien and Cherry take turns in playing dress up with him. Apollo gets the after pics for final say though.
Please gift this sweet child flowers. He loves them so much and cherishes them for so long and gets sad when they wilt. He’ll save and press a flower from each bouquet he’s received.
Bubblegum KK is his favorite. Do I need to say it? Probably not. Is it cliché and over done? Definitely. Do I care? Pft. Fuck no, man. Just let my little guy bop along amongst the flowers with the homies as they sing Bubblegum KK.
        ~~~~~~Feel free to ask about any of them or just judge me.~~~~~~
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teentitans2 · 4 months
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Hello!! Crow speaking here!
This is a line up of our little rascals in their civilian clothes! We will soon add their hero costumes and some other side characters and more random art for you all to enjoy!!
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miemmiem · 1 year
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balu8 · 1 year
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Teent Titans #4
by Geoff Johns; Mike McKone; Marlo Alquiza; Jeromy Vox,..
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claaaaaaaaaar · 2 years
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Day - 15 Crossover
Those two have so mich in common, I swear....
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damianwaynerocks · 4 years
under his mask, red x is hot. he’s so hot. i just know it.
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alienmoron · 5 years
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Recently I became interested in "Teen Titans", so if I have any ideas related to this fandom then the comics will be based on them. ZIM is not going anywhere and will also be published.
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introvertfox · 5 years
robin & raven | waiting for superman
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dame-morrow · 6 years
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reysks · 7 years
D2, Beast Boy!
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cutsliceddiced · 4 years
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New GIF tagged food, eating, robin, dc comics, avocado, teen titans, teen titans go, ttg, guac, teentitans, teentitansgo, dick grayson, dcteentitansgo, dckids, super food, dc kids via Giphy https://ift.tt/3cpaJyQ via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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meezumaki · 7 years
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