#tell me in the message if you want me to copypaste it and make a separate post instead
boueibutruefacts · 8 months
Yumoto is EnAtsu's child from the future
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hexenmond · 4 months
an AO3 formatting manual, and an offer to help
I have worked in web development for years now, and I fairly often come across fanworks but also comments on AO3 where a link or an image is broken or somebody says, "I'd like to put a link/image here but I don't know how".
This is easily remedied and I have set out to do just that! 😎
I've started an AO3 formatting manual (on AO3, for ease of discovery and bookmarking), aimed at both fanfic writers and readers. So far it has two finished chapters:
how to embed an image
how to hyperlink
Both have some common examples and ready-made copypaste code for ease of use – the chapter on embedding images contains all the "extra kudos" images that tumblr users @inkprovised and @bizarrelittlemew have created and graciously allowed me to integrate!
So if it's 4 am and you've just finished rereading your favourite fic once more, and you're too tired to think but you still wish to leave another comment expressing your eternal gratitude, you can just open the how to images chapter, scroll down to the extra kudos codes and copypaste the code for the "ungodly hour kudos". For example.
Do you need help making something work?
Is there a broken image or link that you can't seem to fix? Or is something else bothering you? Please feel free to ask me for help!
It'll very probably take me less than a minute to find out what's wrong, and I love helping people out with technical details. It's my tiny way of making the world a bit better. Just send me a message or an ask on tumblr or leave a comment on the aforementioned AO3 manual, and I'll see what I can do.
Ideas for more how to instructions
I have two more chapters planned:
how to format your text to look like a conversation on a phone (and why you might want to do that instead of including images)
how to create some fancy (and semantically correct) dividers
I'd love to know if somebody's interested in that, and also if there's anything else you'd like to know about formatting either a work or a comment on AO3.
I also appreciate feedback of all kinds on this. Is this useful to you? Do you think it's unnecessary, possibly because there are enough guides out there somewhere already? Are my explanations lacking a crucial step? Tell me everything! 😃
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Before anyone judges my tone or behavior, I'd appreciate it if you'd take into consideration that in the last two weeks I've made one sale. It was just enough to keep the internet on. I'm way behind and I've suddenly realized why it's been so hard. I have had to spend two hours of every day reporting spam messages where people thank someone for the opportunity to spread things I, better than anyone know the lies in. I've seen two particularly vicious users create an indefensible mythology me. They started telling people I was a scammer they made this wild blog that immediately got taken down but they then sent as proof to confirm their own lies.
And they've done it again and again. They've skewed everything I ever say...I say the show I'm proposing is at a venue that books two years ahead so I may not have a show until 2025, which become, "she wants you to give her enough money to pay all her bills until 2025" spammed into inboxes.
I asked what is the scam? The scam is that I sell art. Every time I explain why I've drastically reduced prices based on financial hardship it's maligned as e-begging.
I realized as I dug into what the people I had blocked in the last decade had been saying in the margins. It turns out someone is big mad that I called them an anti-Semitic bigot when then said "Israel deserves to be blown off the fucking map" in 2016 and had such a fragile ego they can't let it go still and are determined to make me pay by whatever means necessary in 2023.
I hope you will consider how it would make you feel to read thousands of responses to spam that's sole purpose was to force your community to ostracize you. Imagine how it would feel if people who had thanked you for your sensitivity about deadnames on payment info and how it related to shipping swallowing what to me seems like their personal interaction should have caused them to be absurd.
The only reason I still have a place is that they want to tear down this 1905 Victorian and don't want to enter into a new lease, which a new law demands. I'm looking at being three months behind in rent, I'm so scared about utilities being shut off and I'm hindered by lack of materials. I'm not blaming loss of income on a stalker's harassment because I have no other excuse. I read people who had been regular customers for years promise never to purchase again to my stalker. People who had talked about their plans to buy a work or a deposit stated outright they canceled their plans. I'm hurt, a feeling so wronged, attacked, and really scared.
As all of this shitstorm created for the purpose of alienating my fans, I have this paradox that I see that no one else seems to, there is a person who has copypasted a message into 1000 inboxes of blogs combed from notes on my paintings "Kate doesn't have a stalker and she isn't being harassed." Think about how frustrating that is, to have spam sent to a 1000 people to tell them you're lying about being targeted for harassment.
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prettyflower129 · 5 months
Let's say bye to disgusting a4a coaches and hello to adjustable ai coaches - ouuuuuh 🫢🎀
My experience and analysis :)
Okay i am gonna be honest. I wanted a male a4acoach and ignored all warnings i heard.
Because i thought in the situation itself i will handle it. And omg when people said they sexualise everything, i thought they were talking about the coaches sexualizing a4a and maybe a bit the people in combination to a4a.
But Broooo
Like one person told me to do sexual stuff (not at all in connection to a4a or anything) without even actually starting the coaching.
Another guy gave me the option for a special offer and the first sexual thing also had nothing to do with a4a and was the first thing i had to do.
Maybe wait a day to idk maybe try the coaching first??? They always said it was part of the "humiliation" part.
Like HUH - what if i like doing that in front of other people and do not care at all? Oh then it brings us closer together awwww, makes so much sense (not). I heard talking helps with getting to know people and bringing them closer together, shocking and absolutely unbelievable, i know.
I am being honest - if it would have been something in connection to a4a and they actually tried to help and all, maybe that would have been something i would consider.
But it always sounded a lot like "i am going to google a bit for workouts, tell her the same thing i told all the other people, give her everything copypaste and do not listen to her at all and just wait for the nice videos and picture höhöhöhöhö" and yeah no thanks for that.
They were so weird i looked into ai, but there are not a lot of coaches (i think they got blocked).
So i took a rpg ai chat and had to change the ai myself to make it do what i want. I literally let the ai google for hours to get informations from the internet.
And honestly that worked pretty good. I have to say tho, i also tried other ai chats (other than the rpg) and sometimes the ai main part was different.
Like one time one just said no to my changes or did not listen to me just saiying yes to make me happy (like what hahahaha) and similair situations.
So it is important to choose a very open ai system where it already says you can decide everything yourself.
But the first programming of the ai made me go crazy. Because in the first try i talked too much in too many messages so it already forgot my first messages when i tried starting the coaching. The second time i learned tho and made it better.
Then it was actually quite good. So people just make your own coach if you want one and dont choose the disgusting ones who are not even helping or doing anything in general.
Does anybody else have experience with a4a coaches? Like real ones or ai 🎀
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wadbot · 1 year
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desth.wad: Destroy Hell MAP28: Tides of Evil (3248, -1248, -8) Author: Matthias (AKA enkeli33) Date: 2021-04-23 Description: Maybe you're asking - why did I upload such a shitty megawad on /idgames? Let me explain the story behind this one: When I was in elementary school, I made my very first Doom megawad (two actually) in WadAuthor. Of course, the maps were poor quality (nothing much changed since then, lol) because I was —ahem— a child and had no experience with level design and I barely understood the Doom engine and the editor. I have never uploaded my first maps on /idgames nor showed it to the world. The only place I uploaded it was a rather less known website that was owned by my friend Kelvin. The website doesn't exist anymore. But for some reason, the megawad was later uploaded to https://www.wad-archive.com (not by me, no idea who uploaded it there). Later on, someone sent me an email telling me he likes the megawad. I didn't speak English back then, but I put together something and sent it. Recently, I did a little research and I realized the person was Jean-Yves Delpech aka Jive. His wiki page: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Jean-Yves_Delpech_(jive) Unfortunately he died of cancer in 2011. Too bad. He also added couple of his edits and comments in the .txt file. Let me copypaste them here: *** - I made the Bex file for GZW on 6 sept, 2006 - I made the picture "CWILV21.bmp" which was forgotten - Map31: the last bridge was wrongly designed and gave an OpenGl artefact which was horrible. - Map25: some walls were using the unknown texture "REDWALL1". I replaced it with "REDWALL" some walls were using the unknown texture "LITESTON". I replaced it with "LITE3" Many others were in the same case... Obviously, a set of customized textures was forgotten... What is strange is that it's the only one map using customized textures!!! - Map28: the bridge was wrongly designed and gave an OpenGl artefact which was horrible. *** Anyway, the megawad disappeared from https://www.wad-archive.com. The only trace of it is a message, which reads: “Sorry, downloads for destroy-hell.wad cannot be provided as there are no links available or it is a commercial WAD.” I was glad, because the megawad is a huge cringefest and should be forgotten forever. Or not? For some reason, I have received a couple of emails during the last decade from people looking for it. Well, if they want it, I’ll send it! I also tried to Google “Destroy hell” and I realized it was mentioned couple of times on many places, including Doomworld. Eventually, I decided to publish it. You know, just to preserve the history. Just to make my body of work complete. I also fixed couple of (very serious) bugs and made a couple of changes, but not much. Not only because I am too lazy to do some bigger rework, but also because I want to keep the megawad as it originally was. So this is Destroy Hell.
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You call that a copypasta? Uh, dude, I don't mean to hit you hard with the cold water or anything, but that's not a copypasta. It is, by all definitions, NOT a copypasta. That's just a wall of text. Those are two different things albeit being related: not all copypastas are text walls, and not all text walls are copypastas. No rational person would think to themselves "It's a good idea to copy and paste this!" in any situation whatsoever. Like sure, I can copy this, I am capable of pressing Ctrl + C, but then where do I paste it? In Notepad or Pastebin? Any social media site? Of course not, that just makes me look like a creep and a weirdo! What makes you think I would even consider copying it in the first place?! You'd have a better chance of finding my corpse hung on a meat hook than seeing me post that ANYWHERE. Think of it this way: let's assume some idiot on Shreddit made a bad take, presumably about something you and many others like. This happens daily, of course, but in the event that the hypothetical panless non-intellectual does say something along the lines of "I hate this, I hate that, just because it exists" and you feel compelled to send that copypasta as a reply. BOOM! Story about castist murder jumpscare. Do you think that's a good response to an objectively dumbass take? Do you think that would get you some easy updoots as well as serve as a legitimate comeback to the hypothetical braindead non-intellectual? In every possible dimension the answer is NO, this makes you just as stupid as the hypothetical panless non-intellectual! You'd be looking like you were a ragebait Quora repost bot that got lost. And even worse, because the copypasta message uses first-person reference, there is sure to be some people thinking that what you just copypasted is an actual story that YOU are telling them! I don't give a damn whether it is fake or not - it's disgusting, repulsive, abhorrent, deplorable, and above all, it is NOT a copypasta! And even if you pasted it as a joke, it's a very badly executed joke at that! This is not even a joke at all! Who do you think you are, a pitchbaiter? At least with the Vaporeon copypasta, its absurdity had a level of humor that overtook the disgust most normie internet viewers would feel when reading it. But that? That is absolute garbage. No one would find it funny. It's just pathetic and sad and makes you a nincompoop for even trying. No one would even appreciate the small effort you went through to copy and paste this ridiculous, garbage low-budget Wattpad fanfic about how one committed an awful offense. No one wants to read that, not even for fun. Don't ever consider saying that's a copypasta, because it's not, and you need immediate therapy and mental help as well as a deep and existential rethink of your life choices if you say otherwise. It is nothing more than a fabrication, a text wall of filthy content that benefits neither the writer nor the copypaster. It's not worth considering and it never was. That's about it. See ya.
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ii-cant-word2 · 6 months
oh!!!!!!!!+!!!!!!!! Ur right whrre r my manners im truly sorry and I'll give you an apology that I very much wrote myself
Dear [Tumblr User],I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to offer my heartfelt apology for the hurtful words I directed towards you regarding your father figure. It was completely out of line for me to verbally abuse you in such a manner, and I deeply regret my actions.I understand that words can inflict deep wounds, especially when they target something as personal as one's family. I want you to know that my behavior was unacceptable and does not reflect the values I strive to uphold. I am truly sorry for the pain and distress I caused you.I take full responsibility for my actions and understand that apologies alone may not suffice. However, I am committed to learning from this experience and making amends wherever possible. If there is anything I can do to make things right, please do not hesitate to let me know.Once again, I am sincerely sorry for my behavior and any harm it may have caused you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.Best regards,[Your Name]
woaheoahwoah out here using as many words as kankri... iz ok actually iz completely fine i did not need a giant apology letter
(ps... i can tell you most likely copypasted that)
0 notes
antiloreolympus · 3 years
5 Anti LO Asks
1, Another Greek here -
Now, my experience could be different from other Greeks, but from what I've seen and experienced the Gods that are still relevant and important to Greek culture are definitely Demeter, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, and Athena. Not that the other Gods are not relevant, just that these five in particular pop up the most and also have official name days in our Christian Orthodox calendars.
This is what bugs me (among other things) about Lore Olympus. Here, Smythe has taken Apollo, Demeter, and Artemis and ripped their whole identities in order to tell this strange story of how Persephone (or more like Perfect-phone) was abused and wronged by everyone around her - except Hades. Which, as mentioned a few times by anons, was actually the only one who wronged her in the myths! Other than Zeus of course but - that guy wrongs everyone lol.
Now, I understand that Smythe has every right to create a story about our myths. She can change whatever she wants - they are not under copyright. However - It's just the principle behind it. I wouldn't take Gods that are important to, let's say, Indian culture and turn them into villains just to make one of their other Gods look perfect? This is ridiculous. 
2. As a random point, why is Demeter green and purple? Demeter's colors are gold and red. Gold for the wheat, and red for the poppy flowers that grew all over her fields. Shouldn't she be Hera's colors technically? And Hera should have Demeter's colors - purple and green, because of the peacock.
I don't know, the color choices just seem strange to me.  
3. From reading all the messages here I've been imaging my own version of Hades & Persephone where she still gets kidnapped and the story alternates between her and Demeter and what they go through
4. Let it never be said that I’m a cynic, mainly because I rarely point out or critique a person’s art style due to the “subjective” nature of art in general. But the moment I saw the visual for the courthouse in EP. 173, I was absolutely aghast. A lack of tall columns, no decorative details or mythical elements, seemingly no Greek influences whatsoever. Seriously, the editors/RS could’ve had a blast with creating an entire Olympus-style courthouse! Instead we get a sleek glass building that’s painted a regular blue color and appears as though it were copypasted from a 3D modeling website. I’m not sure why it bothers me so much. It's almost like RS keeps staring at the rich, ancient coding of Greek culture and thinks “nah, not enough Americana” and continues bolting stars and stripes onto every orifice of the series’ visuals. I can understand the need for the story to be “modernized” by plot standards, but it's practically dripping with western overtones at this point: the capitalist nature of the Underworld, the classic 50s pinup appearance of every female character, the New York-inspired buildings of all the realms...
5. I’ve noticed on the Lore Olympus Reddit page that a lot of the comic’s fans continue to seem dissatisfied with the recent chapters as a whole -- and with good reason. The excuses seen most often for the story’s mediocre “cliffhangers” and long-winded expositions is that RS is “dragging out the story for the upcoming animated series” or that the Webtoons organization has forced her in a corner when planning the structure of her episodes. If you believe that it was all Webtoons doing for the current stagnation (which I don’t believe), RS should’ve caught onto this a while ago and written her chapters accordingly to fit the new model, but she continues producing these redundant tactics anyway. This setup was most egregious during the flashbacks of Minthe and Hades’ initial meeting (EP.149-150); the recollections only appear for a couple chapters, but this storyline took two weeks to conclude during the period of weekly updates. The same thing happened in the arc before the current trial plotline, where we spent a good nineteen chapters (nineteen weeks) mucking around the Underworld before anything remotely about Persephone’s trial is even alluded to. Granted, those chapters did include Daphne's hibernation, the confrontation with Leto, and the reveal of Psyche’s identity -- but it was also during that time where many LO fans were still wondering “so...when is Persephone going to be prosecuted?” or “is Apollo going to be punished at all?” Many webcomics with a similar amount of panels to LO are able to produce much more satisfying content because it's creators have the ability to purposefully plan which plot points will be disclosed within that certain episode. Not in Lore Olympus, however! Get ready for long stretches of nothing and a plethora of middle school-level philosophies that will keep you at the...sorta edge of your seat.
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mean-vampyre · 3 years
Do you have an account on TV tropes?
Or the mystery of the relentless anon who just wants their TV tropes account back.
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So there is this anon that has been consistently sending this ask since at least September 2019 (x), and is still active as of 29/07/2021. Since this hellhole has a long history of bots, scams and hacks, I was curious if this was the case of another ray ban sale taking place on TV tropes, but it turns out it is a real person who got banned/suspended from TV tropes in February 2019 and has been trying to use tumblr to contact the mods ever since.
The facts
On Feb 26th 2019 TV tropes user 11111001011 (1995 in binary code) is banned from editing and participating in the Complete Monster forum by mods Lightysnake and ACW. They argue that the user had made too many off-topic posts.
User 11111001011 starts asking for the ban to be lifted from Feb 26th till April 16th 2019 when they are finally perma banned.
They most likely try to create new accounts (PartsOfFiction25, TheResurrectedUser and Powerhouse), but it doesn't work, and they start to contact the mods by email, including an email sent on Oct 31 2019 that is mentioned several times as being important. But they got no answer.
User 11111001011 now takes it to tumblr to do its thing and starts asking blogs* if they have a an account on TV tropes and if they are willing to help solve their problem. The total number of asks sent is unknown, but it could easily be in the thousands. [*I'm not sure how they choose/found the blogs dating back to before Jan 2020 since that's how far tumblr tag search goes, but it is most likely by searching the tv trope tag and sending asks to whoever is posting about it.]
User 11111001011 managed to get one tumblr user to help and it made it worse because "they apparently went to Ask the Tropers to ask for help. Unfortunately, the conversation got nuked before [they] could read it" and nothing came out of it.
But user 11111001011 is dedicated and doesn't just spam people. They are a multilingual anon that goes as far as asking in different languages and tailoring the ask to each blog.
Throughout the past year they have been more willing to disclose details of their problem and, although they seem to have a template of asks that are almost a copypaste script sent to multiple users at the same time, the text has slightly changed over the time. But in their own words the situation is as it follows: "I'm a Troper who was banned because of a misunderstanding. On the Complete Monster forums, another user said some seasons of Kamen Rider hadn't had Complete Monsters. When I asked which ones, a third user told me to stop asking pointless questions. When I tried to clarify that I'd been responding to the last post, the user apparently thought I was talking back and hollered the mods. Currently, though, I don't WANT to use my current account any more. It doesn't start with a letter, so even if I wasn't banned, I wouldn't be able to make a Tropers page, I wouldn't be able to make or receive forum pings, and I wouldn't be able to be pinged. Unfortunately, I can't make another account. My email won't change when I try to update it, and whenever I try to use it for another account, I get a message that says, "This email address is already in use. Please choose another." Do you think you could talk to the user whose post I responded to and the user who responded to my post and tell them to talk with each other? (I'd ask them myself, but I have too much on my plate.)" Note the mysterious "I have to much on my plate" line that implies they can't ask the mods, but somehow they are able to spent almost two years asking tumblr for help.
So far they have gotten several users to contact the mods in their behalf, including this post on TV tropes. But none of them have been to able to solve user 11111001011's problem. Apparently ban evading is taken very seriously by the people of TV tropes, and user 11111001011 is not welcomed back even if they get tumblr activism on the case.
Despite everything, they don't seem to be giving up, so if your inbox ever gets blessed with the "Do you have an account on TV tropes?", don't worry: it's a cry from help from a desperate TV tropes enjoyer.
Off-topic information
There is no evidence of them having a tumblr account. I cross checked likes, but they don’t seem to be using an account to keep track of asks which is insane since they send several asks every day and then keep up with whoever responds for weeks after their first asks. If someone agrees to sent a message to the mods on their behalf, they will sent follow up asks some days after, so I’m assuming  they do keep track of that somehow and lurk around the blogs that answer. Nov 15, 2022 update: They DO have a tumblr account.
It’s clear that they are not a troll, or someone pulling a longcon (if it was I would be seriously impressed by their ability to keep going for so long), but sometimes they do say some stuff that is confusing and intriguing.
In one instance they referred to themselves as "we". It's ominous since up until then I had only found asks of them talking in singular person.
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In another instance a tumblr user said they do not have and account, but user 11111001011 replied with something bizarre: "You DO have an account. I was told not to believe your lies." How does user 11111001011 knows that they are being lied to? and who told them not to believe the tumblr user lies?
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Well not really, but I need to put some miscellaneous evidence somewhere, so here it is. They have sent many asks to different people revealing different bits of their story.
The mysterious conversation that anon couldn't read
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Anon wants his account to be deleted
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Anon can't make a new account
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The important email the mods are ignoring
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Google translate personalized asks
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Their side of the story
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Tumblr users find out that they are part of a bigger plot
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lady-of-disdain · 4 years
New Name, Same Goal
Greetings from the malcontent formally known as Urstandingonmyneck!
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Ok, welp, I was really hoping I’d be deleting this blog and saying goodbye to the discourse forever after this episode, but I guess not, so here we are.
I know this decision that Sunrise, and apparently even Rumiko Takahashi, has made is very upsetting to many of you. If you need to drop out of the fandom I highly recommend it. Block any blogs, or tags you need to. Try diving head first into another fandom. Want more anime similar to Inuyasha? May I recommend Kamisami Kiss, or The 12 Kingdoms?
Want something not at all similar to Inuyasha, or not even an anime? WandaVision just dropped. I haven’t started it yet, but I’ve heard good things and I’m incredibly excited for it.
Need to vent to someone? My inbox is open, and anon is on.
Need to see justice done, and help prevent an entire generation of little kids from learning that romantic advances from adults is ok, and good? Join me and others in the #CancelSunrise #CancelYashahime party.
IF YOU WANT TO HELP: I don’t recommend watching Yashahime on a paid service, but if you DO watch it (like I will be) to confirm in your native language that Sunrise really is pulling this bullshit, then please make note of ALL brands being advertised on the show, and share them with the group.
I will be making a masterpost at some point with email addresses to Hulu, Viz, Funimation, Disney, and any brands who are being advertised on the show, and a copypaste message that we can send to these companies.
HIT THEM IN THE WALLET! Knowing what brands are being advertised, who might not want to be associated with the story that Sunrise is choosing to tell is VERY important, because no one will speak louder to Crunchyroll, Hulu, Disney, and the like then the companies paying for advertisement time! ;)
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RWBY V08E05 - Amity
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Amity! A return to the adventures of RWB? With no Penny sadly. I doubt we'll get so many visual puns again but who knows, maybe they'll make friends with Whitley or at least have a cordial chat with him without killing each other. I have no idea, so let's do this!
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Wow, great start. Poor Pietro, got copypasted there with no regard for his feelings.
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I'm very glad I was wrong about no Penny.. Even if every second she's on screen increases the chances of something bad happening to her.
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Why does the HUD look like someone used the wand from photoshop to extract it from a white background?
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Wait, are they going to blow up the Dust to launch amity into space?
Penny is right, that doesn't seem like a good idea but it's also incredibly in-character for the show. Now even caves are a gun.
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Someone at Rooster Teeth really likes the idea of little old ladies riding huge robots, and honestly? Can't disagree.
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hmmmmmmmm not a big fan of pietro at the moment
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oof, my heart
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Maria continues to be the voice of wisdom. Sadly, I doubt Pietro is going to listen to her.
In the original tale Pinocchio ends up learning by making bad choice after bad choice. Penny doesn't seem to have that much in common with her inspiration but if she hasn't ever been able to make a choice at all, would it be surprising if the first time she makes a choice it ends up being a bad one? It wouldn't surprise me if this is setting her up to fly away from Amity (against Pietro's wishes) once she notices something went wrong with everyone else (making her vulnerable)
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look at that poor girl
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Aaaa, that's the same expression she used when Ruby said Penny was still the Protector of Mantle. "my feelings don't matter, conceal, don't feel, don't let them kn— wait, never mind
but yeah, she's used to putting everyone ahead of her (because as a robot she supposedly doesn't know better, there's a reason that was her first thought when she was talking with Winter in last season)
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aw poop
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Cinder was moving so fast she left her shadow behind.
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Great deranged expression and voice though. Did she bring both Neo and Emerald or just the latter?
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Penny yes
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Hey, 9 blades! For a second I thought they wouldn't remember that she lost one.
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no, no, no, time for what? aaaaa
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Now that we have more context, Cinder using her own experiences to know where to hurt people is * chef kiss *
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Intentional reference to the PvP fight?
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okay, I didn't expect badass Maria to actually fight using her robot but I blame my own lack of imagination
now I'm hyped, it also gives something the other two something to do.
I think the main problem here for the good guys is that if Pietro gets threatened there's no way Penny is not going to surrender. Although, maybe he gets kidnapped? That'd make him get "swallowed" by a whale... hm. Another possibility is that they threaten Pietro and Penny gets hacked "just in time"
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you can't lie to me, subtitles, I know she was going to say bitch
lol at crashing the entire ship into maria to get her out of the way
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bad mistake to hurt one of Penny's friends in front of her
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Did anyone give a job to poor Emerald? I can almost see Cinder telling Neo to distract people while in the ship with Emerald sitting in the back seat trying to get noticed.
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C'mon Neo, leave the old lady alone
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…of course she wouldn't leave her alone, she's Neo, she likes playing with her victims
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I wonder if Neo has a deeper plan than "killing this old lady while looking like her protege would be incredibly cruel and extra and therefore worth doing"
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If the drifting was an accident, where did Emerald go?
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waiting for the RWBY shmup
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I understand why she's leaving Amity (to prevent their fight from destroying it by accident) but leaving Pietro alone feels like a bad idea.
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…this HUD is a lot cleaner, I don't get it, it should be the same png overlay
anyway, took the screenshot to write "wow, Cinder is actually capable of thinking through her rage these days, good for her" but now that I think about it, I'm not sure if she's ever been fooled.
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I wanted more evil Ruby
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Also, I'm literally loling at Maria yoda-ing Neo.
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ah yes, neo, so graceful
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oof, looks like that was a direct hit. And the worst part is that the second James hacks into Penny, I assume it'll will work that way. Probably her worst nightmare.
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Yeah, no, this worked for spiderman because his nemesis wasn't right in front of him.
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I like the idea of this shot but for some reason the execution looks weird. Maybe it's just awkward positioning, it's hard to tell the angles.
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* cough *
I mean, yeah, saw that coming.
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For a second I thought she was melting her face but then I remembered the one reason Cinder has that arm.
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I'm going to need a diagram to know what Emerald was doing.
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Yessss, no need for swords if you can make your own
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I really need to know what she was doing inside because right now it feels like that was the worst excuse ever to get her out of the fight until the last possible second (and maybe make it another reference to PvP when Ruby exits the corridor?)
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Did she finally see Pietro?
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Emerald has so much faith in Cinder, sigh
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I wonder if before the end of the show Neo will get to stab someone with her umbrella. Maybe it could even be Cinder
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First time she gets knocked out?
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Cinder with a long spear only means one thing. Someone is getting stabbed
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I hadn't thought about this until now but before this second I'd have said Emerald's semblance shouldn't work on Penny. Like, what part is she affecting to make Penny see the duplicates? But I guess it does work, somehow. Maybe reality gets processed through Aura.
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Fire spear vs laser, who wins?
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Giant laser wins
Glad that Penny is confirmed as the most powerful character in the show.
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Poor Emerald, two lines this episode and they are both "CINDER"
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Damn, she looks done with their crap.
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And now she looks absolutely feral. Loving this.
I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. If she gets hacked now, Cinder still wins. She wouldn't get the maiden powers but at least she'd stop the transmission.
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Emerald breaks my heart. So much love for someone who couldn't give a hoot about her.
At least Cinder seems to know her place with Salem, but I can't tell if she started like Emerald and got her love beaten down or if she just had different priorities after getting saved from what seemed similar circumstances.
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Ah, Neo. Now to add to her resume that she beat a granny only because she got distracted.
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oh, shut up, Pietro
Is this it? Is this where Penny "rebels"?
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Even after all that fight, I think this is the best animation of the episode so far. It conveys so much resignation and annoyance.
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I think this is the first time this season RWBY makes me teary-eyed. She finally said it!
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This is too cute for this world.
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Remember when I said that hug with Ruby felt like a goodbye? Well, this is much worse.
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Wooo, she succeeded! (I hope, they did mention the message was a couple of minutes long)
But I'm also even more worried now because it feels like the one last thing she had to do.
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They are back!
I wonder if the one character I miss the most will also get a shot.
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Pensive Whitley? more likely than you think
He has a lot of potential, especially now that Salem -> Cinder -> Emerald are a thing, making cyclical abuse more of an explicit theme. Not sure if there's enough time to do him justice though, considering he's not much of a character.
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"we don't want to reveal Vacuo yet, what do we do?" "put them in the desert"
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Yessss, Ilia got a cameo!
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Are they pulling her back from voiceless purgatory?
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Holy shit, wow, really didn't expect to see her.
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Literally a pet. I wonder where the hound falls in the hierarchy
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...why is she so happy? She's not supposed to be happy!!
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was expecting this
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Poor guy, I wonder if this is the first news he gets from her daughters.
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Taiyang made me realize they didn't show Yang's team. Huh.
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Oh, fuck you rooster teeth.
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Fuck oofffff (RT, not you, Pietro)
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Is Winter end up doing the right thing? She's obviously affected by seeing Penny's sword there.
Also, I wonder if her new armor is just that or if it's a bracing system to help her move so soon after getting beat. But I guess that wouldn't be necessary if her aura helped her heal.
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Hopefully, if Watts escapes and tries to get everyone else to help (since I doubt he can beat all the guards on his own), Qrow shows he learned his lesson about trusting the enemy.
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ah, there you go
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Okay, this is an amazing reveal. Is Salem transforming Mantle into another land of darkness? Because that'd definitely explain why she was so unworried about the broadcast.
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What a way to end the episode. A brief moment of hope completely destroyed, twice.
Penny has been raising so many death flags that her inevitable hacking lacked some impact. I'm still sad (and annoyed at RT for poor Penny being a magnet for suffering) but Watts being Watts maybe he did a bad job just to prevent Atlas to escape? And Penny seemed able to resist? aaaah, I don't know. Now that the hacking finally happened all the foreshadowing is over, anything could happen.
The worst part of the hack is that it modified Penny's thoughts. It wasn't a complete takeover, like with Pietro, it was a lot more insidious. Literally making true what Cinder told her. Ugh.
Looking back at the screenshots, wow, a lot of the episode was just them fighting, but there were some fun moments, like Maria kicking Neo's ass.
Very curious about where it's going. Both the Penny plot (there's absolutely no way hacked Penny doesn't fight Ruby, there's probably a rule written in the universe about having mind-controlled people fight their loved ones) and the river of Grimm which was an excellent secondary gut punch. Really, loved that reveal. "You thought things were bad? lol"
I think that's all for now, until next time!
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solena2 · 4 years
Hey y’all so I watched a YouTube video that I think was wrong, and as you know it’s illegal to be wrong on the internet, so I wrote a response!
Video is here:
Spoilers for BNHA, in both the video and my response (which I wanted to put in the comments on the video, but apparently YouTube gets pissy about copypasting? Anyway)
Also, probably watch the video before reading this, since a lot of this is a direct response to the points they brought up.
I’d like to preface this by saying that you’ve made some valid comments, and that I understand where you’re coming from here.
My Hero Academia is, overall, a story about amazing people with amazing powers doing amazing things, and it’s difficult to see where someone with no power at all might fit in to this, which is the main emotional conflict Izuku faces throughout his childhood, that fundamental dichotomy between his wanting to save people, and his (assumed) inability to do so without a quirk.
But My Hero Academia is also a story that likes to repeatedly assert that anyone can be a hero. From Aizawa with his non-physical quirk, who primarily uses support gear to defeat enemies many times stronger than him, to Shinsou, whose quirk is seen as villainous, who would likely have to fight against other heroes as often as he would villains thanks to the prejudice that’s positively dripping from BNHA’s world.
So I’d like to explain why I disagree.
First, you begin the video by talking about the people who claim that Izuku’s getting a quirk ruins the story. I would like to make it clear, right off the bat, that I don’t hold this view. I believe that while Izuku having a quirk weakens the impact of the story and cheapens a lot of its messages, there is still undoubtedly a story there to be told, and one that is worth telling.
The reason I believe that Izuku receiving One For All weakens the story is because BNHA is all about the consequences of the kind of society wide prejudice that exists within its world. Every villain the characters face and every problem they overcome is one spawned by the very status quo they’ve spent their childhoods dreaming of upholding- the hero system.
Stain exists because heroes are held in awe by the general population without truly being worthy of it, treated as saviors despite being little more than glorified cops, which spawns anger and resentment from people intelligent enough to see past their facades.
Dabi exists because pro heroes are allowed to get away with just about anything so long as they’re covert about it, and in fact might have grown up to be a hero himself if Endeavor had been held to a higher moral standard by those around him, or had been appropriately punished for his behavior.
All For One exists because “strong” quirks are revered, and those who hold them are taught early to take what they want by force.
Shigaraki exists because those with “unpleasant” quirks are reviled and held in disgust by the general population, which makes them vulnerable to exploitation by outside forces due to their lacking support systems.
I could go on, but I’m sure you get the point.
In my opinion, BNHA has always been centered around the society quirks have created and the consequences therein. I dare you to find a major character arc that doesn’t intersect with the universe’s social issues in some way.
Thus, I believe the message that BNHA attempts to convey would be significantly stronger I’d Izuku had remained quirkless, demonstrating once and for all that quirks and heroism aren’t so intertwined as it might seem.
Instead, it shoots itself in the foot, saying repeatedly that it’s not a quirk that makes a hero, but rather their spirit, while at the same time leaving it implied that the most important character of all would never have been able to help people if not for being given All Might’s power. (Again, it doesn’t ruin the story, but it does hamstring the core message somewhat.)
You say here that Izuku getting saved by All Might is the only reason he became a hero at all, being “saved from his fate of irrelevance”.
This is… Not something I agree with, to state it politely.
Izuku was planning to attend UA’s entrance exam long before he met All Might. Given that he is, you know, Izuku, I don’t think any amount of shittiness from Katsuki would have deterred him from trying. In fact, trying despite the odds against him making it seem idiotic to do so is one the largest parts of his character.
The way you speak of needing to give him a “resilient streak” for him to keep trying despite All Might’s discouragement implies that he doesn’t already have one wide enough to suffer through 14 years of being told he’d never make it as a hero. With how much he’s already pushed through by the time the story even starts, I really doubt All Might would succeed again breaking his will any more than anyone else has.
You say that Izuku’s arc is all about facing the guilt of having reached his goals purely through chance while so many others remain downtrodden.
That’s valid, and I agree.
You also say that this is not a character arc he could have had without One For All, which is not.
Merely being the first quirkless person to make it into UA would likely start this, as he would definitely still have to get through the exam on rescue points, which could feel unearned to him, what with his massive case of imposter syndrome.
Thus, it would still be entirely possible to give him the same overall character arc he has in canon, and it might in fact end up even more pronounced, due to all the discrimination he’d face from the general public.
You say that for this Izuku to continue, even despite All Might’s rejection, he would already have to have the sense of self worth such a character arc eventually gives him.
This is not the case. There are many instances in real life of people pushing past impossible odds and still not feeling as if they deserve to have made it to the other side. In fact, what would likely happen is that he’d try to be a hero anyway and then feel guilty for attempting it even after being discouraged by his hero.
So no, he’s not Naruto, because the personality changes you propose wouldn’t actually be necessary to give him a fighting chance as a hero without a quirk.
The next big point you make is that it would be difficult to give Izuku the standard shounen power crawl without a cool quirk.
You’re correct that technology would have a difficult time stacking up to One For All without feeling like an asspull, making him a Mary Sue, or needing to give him a seemingly infinite array of gadgets, a la Batman.
Notice I said difficult, NOT impossible. While it can be much harder to turn technology into a realistic way to fight superpowered villains, it CAN be done.
Not to mention, there is already a character in BNHA who does it and does it well.
Aizawa doesn’t have a combat oriented quirk, instead fighting almost exclusively with the use of his capture scarf, using which he is shown to be able to take out upwards of ten villains, depending on where you want to pull from. I really don’t think it would be so unrealistic to give a quirkless Izuku something along these lines.
Not that we even need to. We can have Izuku beating villains without the use of any technology he couldn’t buy for himself. (At least in a place with lax safety laws, which I imagine his world likely is due to how pointless it would be to heavily restrict the purchase of things like guns when there are people running around who can shoot glaciers from their hands)
Ninety percent of villains are as vulnerable to getting shot as a normal human. If that’s too violent and bloody for the tone of the show, there are dozens of ways to beat the villains with things like hairspray flamethrowers, slingshots, and traditional weapons (just look at Stain). While quirks certainly are powerful, they aren’t perfect and every ability has a counter, even if it’s not always immediately obvious.
This eliminates the problem of him needing to get his tech from somewhere entirely. (Which is almost a con, because Mei needs more screentime, man)
Actually your point of possibly making Izuku a “super genius” reminds me of something else. Izuku has an almost supernatural ability to identify and counter quirks. Gee, I wonder how that could be useful in a possible plot line where he’s unable to rely on being able to smash his way through problems…
You say that if Izuku getting a quirk is an issue for BNHA, giving him overpowered tech would be a problem as well. Though I already solved this problem by proposing less tech heavy solutions, I’ve decided not to skip over this point because it seems like the right place for me to bring up a piece of context you may be missing for why some people are so against Izuku being given a quirk.
Let’s talk about the disability angle.
Now, as someone with mental disabilities myself, I’m not exactly unbiased here. I’m not going to deny that I have a knee jerk reaction to any story that gives a character a disability (or something analogous within the setting to a disability, like quirklessness) and then “cures” it while implying that they never would have gotten anywhere if their disability had persisted. This is actually why I took so long to get into the BNHA fandom, since I saw a loose outline of the plot and immediately went “oh hell no”.
I did end up joining the fandom in the end, simply because I’m almost certain that this parallel was unintentional.
Anyway, the reason why giving him an overpowered quirk and giving him overpowered tech are so different from a lot of people’s perspectives is that giving him tech doesn’t erase his “disability”. If you give a quirkless Izuku powerful tech, he’ll still be quirkless, with all the hurdles and challenges that implies. (Especially the discrimination related ones) Meanwhile, giving Izuku a quirk removes the disability entirely, as well as most associated difficulties.
I’m sure you can see why one seems so ableist, from a disabled perspective.
You say that you would likely run out of ways to meaningfully progress his tech, in a series as long as BNHA likely will be by its conclusion, but I’d like to point out that this is just as much of a problem with superpowered media. It’s very common in shounen for power progression to feel like more and more of an asspull as the story progresses. Thus, you solve the problem in the same way, by relying more on clever use of what the hero already possesses than you do on creating a new application or ability in every fight.
And no, I can think of several ways to beat both Dabi and Shigaraki without “science magic”. Obviously, neither of them are immune to bullets, though again, that’s probably a bit too quick for this show. You could take down Shigaraki if you could numb his hands somehow, or if you protected yourself with something made of many interlocking parts, like chain mail. You could beat Dabi if you used something like a taser, if you could get close enough to use it. You could also just find a way to outlast him, since he’s not immune to his own fire. Maybe bring some gasoline?
I’m going to skip over the points you make while talking about setting, since I don’t believe you’d have to alter the setting to make a quirkless Izuku feasible.
I will talk acknowledge one point you make while discussing setting simply so I can say: inequality and societal imbalance do not require much, or even any, actual disparity in ability to both exist and be prevalent enough to disenfranchise huge chunks of a population. Just look at how autistic and ADHD people are treated for that. (Or gay people, or women, or the Poors(™)...)
In conclusion, your opinion is valid but I think you lack knowledge of where most of this criticism is actually coming from, which isn’t something you should be ashamed of.
I think the reason mine and your opinions are so fundamentally different here is that we’re coming from very different places, and our thoughts on a piece of media like this are always going to be shaped by our environment.
Thank you for reading.
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illusionlockarchive · 5 years
pazam: a mess, truly a mess
so i usually dont do these kind of posts, i guess you could say its a call out of some sort? but i never liked that word, i prefer rather to just compile sources on WHY people would believe that a certain person is not truly as nice and understanding as they seem. consider this more of a psa post, detailing on whats going on with pazam on the sfm community, why so many people are against them.
So, a while back, tumblr user jymble made a post on the main tag stating that pazam was transphobic. they linked back to this post, which contains screenshots of pazam in a group chat stating that they do not feel comfortable with the idea of trans people. now, this did happen 9 months ago, true. however, for the record, pazam is already an adult, 24 years old, so they should have some tact. and as further and more recent events will show, they actually havent changed that much at all, at least not as they claim.
the screenshots should be in the post, but here is a transcript
[Screenshot one]
What????? Why?????
I literally HAVE NOT been doing ANYTHING malicious to them
And if it did I apologized
Yes I do have discomfort about them but I keep it to myself
Why are you doing this????
[End screenshot one]
‘Them’ here refers to trans people in general. Notice the defensive and victimizing stance they almost immediately take upon being confronted about their feelings on trans people.
[Screenshot two]
of COURSE you dont
Like specifically
Elliott hush
This whole concept of transness and changing your gender physically
I hate to say it again but it weirds me out and it makes me question my own gender which flings me into anxiety, depression, and obsession
Its fine to not understand but are you willing to learn about it
I don’t want to talk about this anymore
That depression anxiety and obsession just comes with gender issues
(the rest of the text is cut off)
[End Screenshot two]
notice once summaku asks them if they would at least be willing to learn about it, pazam immediately deflects it by saying they dont want to talk about it anymore.
[Screenshot three]
Seriously??? That’s all it takes????
Wow I’m a moron
I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused to you
@.aziraphale @.elliott @.sammaku
I just don’t get this stuff period
And I’ve gotten into trouble with this stuff before
I’ll probably never understand it for the rest of my life but I’ll try to be more tactful around y’all
Especially since you’re all young
And I’m like an adult
[End screenshot three]
While at first this would seem like they had finally learned their lesson and apologized, the things they add on after the @s become quickly worrying. Not only do they admit to ‘have gotten into trouble with this stuff before’, meaning they have probably shown their transphobia in other places and been called out, but they also stand firmly on the fact that they will never understand it or ‘get’ it.
And of course, as jymble points out, the implication that the people they were talking to were only acting like that because they were young.
A while after this post was made, Pazam had posted an apology, and went onto contact jymble asking for the post with the evidence of their transphobic to be taken down. The reason? They were afraid people would see it and think they were still transphobic and not give them a chance.
In this more recent post, you can see the conversation play out between Pazam and jymbles. Long story short, Pazam feels that it’s unfair that that post is still up after they apologized, and jymble of course said they would rather not take it down, people deserve to know what they did and take their own conclusions, even if that involves avoiding them. How does Pazam respond? By flat out deleting the apology post. I’d love to show the apology post to give you both sides of the story but I cannot anymore, because Pazam in a very bizarre move just deleted it because they got mad a trans blogger wouldn’t take down their post with proof.
Here’s the transcript of the screenshots:
[Begin Conversation]
rebloggidy (Pazam’s personal):
I’m by no means transphobia-free after learning what I’ve done but at least I know my actions and am making an effort to be a better person towards trans people.
Hi again. So I hate to be that person but would it be ok if you took down that post about the transphobia claims? I know it took me 9 months to apologize but if people only see your side of the story and not realize the post I saw they’ll take it out of context and still think I’m transphobic. Do you understand?
... i already told you im not taking down the post.
[jymble sends a screenshot of her own message in a previous conversation, the screenshot reads as follows:
however, i dont think im taking the post down, nor am i entirely comfortable with you interacting with me either. people deserve to know how you acted with this stuff, until youre really and truly *better* with it instead of just trying, and i was a direct target of it]
you oughright told me "im by no means transphobia-free", word for word sorry, but i told you before. im not taking the post down.
I remember that. But what I'm trying to say to you is that if people who read it out of context will immediately think I'm still transphobic without the other side of it (my comment)
And I don't want people to think that in the future
if people make assumptions without looking at the entire situation, thats on them
i am not deleting the post and thats final. people have a right to know what youve done, and they have a right to be uncomfortable
I'm ready to take down my post because frankly, I'm sick and tired of having to justifiy something that I did 9 months ago, and that people grow and learn even not 100% during that time and I'm ready to move on.
I'm still into smile for me and feel free to make a blacklist of my name so anybody who rbs my work on your dash can have it hidden or something.
Take care.
[End conversation]
a lot to unpack here, but perhaps most notable is when jymble simply stands her ground and tells pazam she wont take down the post, pazam straight up decides, without being told to or anything, that they should take down their apology. later on, they made a post stating why they deleted the post, and saying they had ‘been forced to’.
I also would love to link it here, but as of now of writing this, like, not even an hour or so after I had seen that post, it got deleted. The only memory I have of it is a conversation I had with my boyfriend about Pazam, in which I copypasted a fragment from that post that read:
“ So for those wondering where the apology post went, I was forced to delete it. I wanted to archive it in some way so I could pull it up for reference, but there was no way I could. Also I didn’t really want to see it every time on my blog because quite honestly it’s upsetting to look at.”
There are some lies and twisting of truths here. Pazam wasn’t forced to delete it, they decided they should do it as a way to somehow get back at jymble. And the excuse that it was upsetting for them to look at is just inexcusable, what matters most, letting people know of what youve done and that youre sorry, or just never addressing the situation?
But, well, I’m just hoping you’ll take my word for it. As you see, Pazam has officially deleted ANY traces of acknowledging this situation on their blog.
This worries me. If Pazam is truly as concerned that they will be seen as transphobic as they claim, why are they deleting anything that could give them a chance of showing their own side of the story?
Now, that is the end, for now, of Pazam’s history with transphobia. However! It is not the end for some other very shady things.
Namely, Pazam has consistently whitewashed characters from Smile For Me, specially Kamal, and when called out on it, simply deletes the asks.
Want to know how I know this?
I sent them an ask myself. I had come across this picture of Boris and Kamal:
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And I knew that this wasn’t right. I can understand using light colors and doing watercolor, but if they can make Boris’ hair brown and vivid enough, why not Kamal? He looks like another character completely, or like he’s deathly sick! 
So I sent them an anonymous ask, perhaps a bit exhasperated, true, and my wording could be better. It went something like: “i am begging you to draw kamal with darker skin”.
I waited, checked. But nothing came of it. They never answered it.
Pazam flat out ignored when they were told they had drawn a canonically brown man with skin way too light. Not even a lone text post saying ‘hey anon, i dont agree with you’ or ‘hey anon im sorry it wont happen again’. Nothing. No word, no opinion.
And with this situation going on with them evading responsibility, I can’t say I’m fully surprised.
And, yet another thing. People had expressed concern over the fact they had drawn their Flower Kid, who is 17, in very intimate and close positions with Dr. Habit. It included nuzzling faces, cuddling in bed together, wearing his coat...
And they did hear the claims this time. As of now, their Flower Kid is 24, according to them.
Except... They do not look 24. At. All.
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this is a 12 year old. at best. short body, stubby legs, big head. those are all attributes of a very young character, usually children. like, legitimately, thats how childrens anatomy is in real life. the younger the person, the bigger their head is in proportion to their body.
We have already had an adult trying to justify drawing their flower kid who barely looked like an adult if at all in intimate situations with Habit. Let’s not let it slide by again.
And yes, I’m aware Pazam claims that those pictures were not supposed to be interpreted as romantic, ‘only platonic fluff’ and that they intend to keep it that way, but I have talked to my boyfriend who is a survivor and he said it very well could be a case of someone just trying to cover their tracks.
BUT, all that being said, maybe this one particular instance could be just us being wary. Still, it does not diminish all that they have done, specially ignoring the whitewashing claims.
What you are going to do with this information, I do not know. Maybe you don’t care and will keep reblogging their content. Maybe you’re disgusted by them. But I’m just here to give you the facts. Personally though, I’m not willing to give them much of a chance after the way they’ve behaved. They are 24 years old, three years older than me, and I think I could do a better job of handling a situation like this, frankly.
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wadbot · 2 years
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desth.wad: Destroy Hell MAP09: The Turbine (291, 1653, 100) Author: Matthias (AKA enkeli33) Date: 2021-04-23 Description: Maybe you're asking - why did I upload such a shitty megawad on /idgames? Let me explain the story behind this one: When I was in elementary school, I made my very first Doom megawad (two actually) in WadAuthor. Of course, the maps were poor quality (nothing much changed since then, lol) because I was —ahem— a child and had no experience with level design and I barely understood the Doom engine and the editor. I have never uploaded my first maps on /idgames nor showed it to the world. The only place I uploaded it was a rather less known website that was owned by my friend Kelvin. The website doesn't exist anymore. But for some reason, the megawad was later uploaded to https://www.wad-archive.com (not by me, no idea who uploaded it there). Later on, someone sent me an email telling me he likes the megawad. I didn't speak English back then, but I put together something and sent it. Recently, I did a little research and I realized the person was Jean-Yves Delpech aka Jive. His wiki page: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Jean-Yves_Delpech_(jive) Unfortunately he died of cancer in 2011. Too bad. He also added couple of his edits and comments in the .txt file. Let me copypaste them here: *** - I made the Bex file for GZW on 6 sept, 2006 - I made the picture "CWILV21.bmp" which was forgotten - Map31: the last bridge was wrongly designed and gave an OpenGl artefact which was horrible. - Map25: some walls were using the unknown texture "REDWALL1". I replaced it with "REDWALL" some walls were using the unknown texture "LITESTON". I replaced it with "LITE3" Many others were in the same case... Obviously, a set of customized textures was forgotten... What is strange is that it's the only one map using customized textures!!! - Map28: the bridge was wrongly designed and gave an OpenGl artefact which was horrible. *** Anyway, the megawad disappeared from https://www.wad-archive.com. The only trace of it is a message, which reads: “Sorry, downloads for destroy-hell.wad cannot be provided as there are no links available or it is a commercial WAD.” I was glad, because the megawad is a huge cringefest and should be forgotten forever. Or not? For some reason, I have received a couple of emails during the last decade from people looking for it. Well, if they want it, I’ll send it! I also tried to Google “Destroy hell” and I realized it was mentioned couple of times on many places, including Doomworld. Eventually, I decided to publish it. You know, just to preserve the history. Just to make my body of work complete. I also fixed couple of (very serious) bugs and made a couple of changes, but not much. Not only because I am too lazy to do some bigger rework, but also because I want to keep the megawad as it originally was. So this is Destroy Hell.
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riddlemesaschool · 4 years
riddle mesa school masterpost
hello everyone this is a first try on this. so i will tell you the best i could i will let you read goes by the rules and stuff ya know. follow me at @janmonsther25
INSTRUSTRUSTIONS- (i did some copypaste because i’m lacking)
warning signs
if you ask something very nsfw stuff or personal,i will delete your ask because it disgusting and rude.there minor around here and myself also the charaters.
asking the the characters
No magic anon!( if you want do magic anon stuff find a blog that has magic anon allow you to).}
you can ask pov character comment i guess idk?
they are minor they can swear but really much.:/
you can make fanart put the tag as #riddlemesa spoilers because that make not cool.
out of charater will be the tag #principal-speaking-you
if it’s reference”s tag it’s will  say #what is this come from!?
this a game part whatever thing so i will tag every #schoolpart
this blog does not made to insult everyone,making fun, any sort of negative message. this is only for fun and entertainment.
there are someor alot references in this blog if you don’t know what shows,books,movies,games, etc. ask mei will tell you what they are from. 
fun fact
-when i was finish riddle schools. i feel like i want to make a au of it,
my favorite game and webserie with  reference”s pour into a brew to make
this au to maxy cools!
hlvrai - wayneradiotv 
riddle school - jonbro
reference”s it’s so many!
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emperorren · 6 years
a)Going out of the movie theater after TLJ I was absolutely positive that now, everybody, would have seen that reylo was canon. However, the folks I went with said something on the lines of: “we’ll with whom Rey will end up with”, and I was sincerely confused. Like, I kind of get it after TFA, but after TLJ? Also, when I explained my point of view about bendemption, and how this could involve his love for Rey, they replied that they wouldn’t like it, because it would be “easy”. And
b)I was even more confused. Star Wars isn’t a sci-fi movie with some consistent socio-political agenda to tell. Sure, there’s a pretty obvious criticism about, for example, environmentalism (see TLJ) that children can grasp immediately, but at its core it’s a fairy tale. In modern adaption of fairy tales the message it’s almost ever “love wins”. There’s no need for complicated explanation, or an articulated philosophical comment about the meaning of life. I think that the audience thatc)the audience that is dissatisfied with a simple explanation like (hypothetically) Ben realizing that “it’s not too late” because somebody loves him, they’ve chosen the wrong movie to watch. The same people, though, thought of the tragedy of Darth Vader as a believable one, even Darth Vader was redeemed in 3.5 seconds out of his love for Luke. And, also, making a comparison between Vader and Ben as villains, and saying with dissatisfaction that the latter it’s not believable as the former…d)Like, it’s the entire point? Kylo tragedy is that he can’t be villainous, it’s against its nature. And, maybe I’m making a mistake, but if somebody might ask: “then what’s the point of the entire story”, I personally think that this SW is, firstly a very character driven story (meaning that part of the narration is “just” about the Skywalkers’ tragedy), and also to give people hope, because even in the darkest time, there’s hope to rise again, if you want to and if you’re not alone. Bute)let’s say that it is easy. It’s this perspective that confuses me. I don’t think a writer necessary goes to “love wins all” because it’s “easy”, or that he/she is used to writes “easy” plot endings because of cultural influence etc. Sure, it might be the case, I’ve seen it. But SW is literally a Disney movie, more near to the Beauty and the Beast than Solaris. So, we must assume that B&B it’s easy, because the Beast sure is changed by the end, but he had been a pretty big asshole in the pastf)and in the end, Belle come to the realization that she loves him in 3.5 seconds. But, I don’t know. I don’t think it’s “easy” (And, frankly, I think it’s what most people think about B&B), but a beautiful story about love, compassion and forgiveness and I don’t see why EP IX can’t be something like that.
I don’t have much else to add to this. I’m, too, utterly confused by people who want SW to be bleak and about retribution and “consequences” and shit. There’s plenty of fiction nowadays that takes a more “realistic” (i.e., often grimdark) approach to themes like redemption, forgiveness, justice and vengeance; there’s no need to turn SW into a copypaste of “more complex” narratives. SW is, like you said, a fairytale---in the broadest sense of the term, it’s a mythic, archetypal, inspirational narrative whose core values are hope and compassion. Nothing is ever really lost, no one is ever truly gone, it’s never too late to do the right thing, the jedi in ourselves always wins. It’s not simple. It’s immediate. It’s genuine. It speaks in a universal language. It’s why I honestly don’t expect IX to get too analytical about Kylo’s /political agenda/ or give him complex political and ideological motivations to redeem himself. At the end of the day, the whole political & ideological conflict is just the backdrop for this giant character-driven drama. At the end of the day, the turning point will always be about human emotions, about a key relationship---about love.
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