#tells nick that god wronged him. tells sam to get angry. and she’s. i don’t know how to put it exactly.
quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
that’s really the core of lucifer, i suppose. he knows that something horribly, desperately, unspeakably wrong was done to him. and god did that. so. there’s nothing that can be done but to accept it as it is.
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soullessjack · 10 months
sorry for the winchesters posting so late in the game but im finally seeing it with my good ol buddies and oh my god there are so many jack parallels it almost has to be on purpose. and like yeah Tony the half-Djinn who tries to be a good monster is the most obvious parallel but holy shit. MAC from episode 6 is soo.
like. you have a quaint little hunting circle, and there’s a guy with a bad background and a “dark soul” that you allowed into your circle fully knowing that he had a “dark soul,” and posed a risk because of it. but when you saw how that darkness and violence could be useful to you, you just let it go unchecked and worsen over time and you let his need for power become extreme enough that he turns to **dark magic for it and only when he became a threat to you, did you decide he just had to die because in the exclusively hypothetical scenario where he finally turned on you, you knew he’d win.
and the thing is, you already knew he was a threat from the get go. you knew about his darkness and why he did what he did. you knew he needed help, but you didn’t know how to help him, and frankly you didn’t even try to help him because he was more useful to you as a weapon, and only when you were at the same mercy you inflicted on others with him did you finally act. and you didn’t know how to help him and frankly you didn’t even try to. you had a friend stuck in a cycle of violence, and instead of helping him, you wielded him like some kind of weapon.
**and like, I know Jack didn’t turn to dark magic for the exact same reason Mac did—Mac was an abuse survivor who wanted to stop feeling powerless and became excessively power-hungry in the process, while Jack is an all-powerful being who hates feeling powerless and also explicitly feels that not using his power for others is selfish and wrong, which in turn drives him to become power-hungry specifically for the sake of others and doing things for them: resorting to potent and unstable necromancy just to bring Mary back for Sam and Dean; drawing on + destroying his soul just to kill Michael for everyone he’s ever cared about and because he personally hates Michael, using the fullest extent of his power to excruciatingly kill Nick and Duma’s targets for Sam and Dean, becoming a living God-destroying bomb just so he can make amends for his actions, etc.
and that’s his personal cycle of violence. that’s the cycle both he and his family explicitly weaponize for their benefit.
Mac’s cycle was seeking more and more power, becoming more and more violent as a result of his past abuse and helplessness, and instead of helping him with that initial trauma like TFW sort of did, Mary’s aunt (?) and her circle of hunters fully enabled him to seek out more power and be useful to them, and when he became what they let him become, they blew up a cave with him inside. buried him, similarly to how Jack was “buried” in the Ma’lak box after the state of soullessness and Michael-blinker that Sam and Dean were both responsible for and complicit in, made him an unstoppable threat. (although to their credit, TFW does make some effort to break it by repeatedly telling Jack that he doesn’t need to be strong or helpful to be valued/loved by them, and they do make efforts to help him, but they also don’t exactly stop him from seeking/gaining power depending on the long term goal and they really only help him after he’s already suffered the ‘inevitable fate’ of the monster they created in him).
ultimately the episode ends with Lata convincing Mac to destroy his cycle, to choose peace and move on from the past instead of dwelling on resentment and becoming as angry and violent as his abusers, and Mary’s relative (i rlly don’t remember her name I’m sorry) says that she has a lot of work to do if she’s going to make it right, even if she can’t undo what she did, which i feel is a very solid parallel to Dean [and Sam] working to make amends with Jack.
I know that Dean didn’t create this alternate universe and isn’t a controlling force like Chuck, but given that he’s the narrator and blatantly speaks from his experiences as The Monster Club goes through them, I can’t help but think that all of these parallels to Jack (between Tony and Mac and even a few things with John that I’ll post about later), are on purpose. …
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sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 307
Gods and Monsters
“Gods and Monsters”
Plot Description: as Sam, Mary, and Bobby look into a new clue, Nick seeks a killer from his past while Jack searches for a sense of family
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: as long as I never get visited by Michael, I’m good. But holy shit…I don’t think just about anyone would make it out of his human experiments alive
It’s still really weird to have a version of Bobby back, even if he doesn’t have the same connection with the boys
It must be eating Cas up that he can’t join the Duluth trip. But Michael sensing his presence would ruin it and it’s not like staying with Jack and Nick isn’t a necessary job
Jack has so many mannerisms from Castiel, it’s pretty adorable. You can tell Jack really looks up to him
Oh, Nick (I’m glad we got that flashback though because I definitely forgot what happened to him to say yes to Lucifer)
Oh…he’s trying to make angel-vampire hybrids (those words are not as easy to put together as vampire and pirates to make vampirates)
Dadstiel is just SO!!!!
You know, if it doesn’t exist already, how is there not a YA book about an angel and a vampire?
UMMMM, excuse me?! That…that’s not a normal human reaction. That snap is what Lucifer would have done to turn someone to dust
Michael is a fucking monster
………if there were no suspicious fingerprints found at Nick’s house after his wife and son were killed, what is the next probable thing? 😐😐😐
Oh no. Oh no, Cas….don’t listen to Nick. He doesn’t know shit about anything. Look, some angels definitely are stone cold body snatchers, but not you. You would have given Jimmy his life back (and I’m pretty sure you did at some point). It’s not your fault that you died and were pieced back together sans Jimmy
I mean…he’s not wrong that Chuck is pretty much on permanent vacation, but claiming to be akin to the new god is pretty blasphemous of Michael to say
Oh no…Michael’s perfected the hybrids
Jack was named after his grandfatherrrrrrrr
Jack having to lie about how he knew Kelly is…he’s doing it surprisingly well. It’s not a full lie to say that she basically gave him his start but he won’t dissuade her parents from thinking they knew each other from work
My heart is absolutely breaking listening to Jack talk about Kelly to her parents. He’s so sweet and earnest even while not telling them that she’s dead. It’s like they can tell they’re family…I’m in tears
I don’t like feeling this angry at Jensen’s character
Jack!! You can’t say Dean doesn’t matter. JPad could NOT carry this show. They HAVE to save Dean
Nick going after his old neighbor to try to solve his family’s murder…I think the neighbor made up the first story to cover up it being Nick (even if maybe he was possessed by a demon? Demons don’t need permission)
Oh good, at least almost nothing works to fight off the werewolf hybrids. You know, after saying Michael was Bella Swan because of his lack of personality and then him going to the vampires and then werewolves……
I trust that Michael is fully gone
YEAH…wait, fucking hell, Nick. You didn’t have to kill your old neighbor with a hammer. You’re not doing a good job of making believe you didn’t kill your family, too (also, Castiel, you had one job and you let both Jack and Nick leave the bunker)
(Megumi needed some extra attention tonight so we’re only doing one show. You know you’re having A Night when you can be looking her dead in the eyes and saying “hi my baby. hiii my babyyy,” but the moment you blink, she lunges at your face. Maybe she’ll calm down if I put on one piece)
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the--sad--hatter · 4 years
Steam - Chapter 1 (Loki x Reader)
Warnings - Loki, Smut, Violence & Gore, Swearing, Death, Angst, Dark Humour, Crack Humour, Shenanigan’s, Mutual Pining
Pairing - Loki X Reader (Slow Burn Romance), Enemies to Frenemies to Idiots in Love
Reader Description - Female, No physical descriptions, Only referred to by nicknames & Petnames (No use of Y/N)
Description/Blurb -
“So how’d you get the firepower? What’s your origin story?” Stark asked, peering at you curiously.
“Uh, this is my origin story…” You winced, sighing when he motioned for you to elaborate, “I got these powers about three days ago.”
It’s a tale as old as time, boy meets girl, boy tries to invade girls mind, girl sets boy on fire, boy turns into angry blue boy, they become sworn enemies.
When you suddenly become imbued with a power you have no idea how to control, Nick Fury picks you up and dumps you on The Avengers doorstep, deciding that they are best people to turn you from a wacky novice into a force to be reckoned with.
The power burning inside you has the potential to make you a hero, or destroy you completely, but your new fire based abilities are more than they appear, and in a stroke of spectacularly bad luck, The God of Mischief is the most qualified teacher to mentor you. With Loki guiding you, will you ever learn to control your power? Will you ever make it as an Avenger? Or will you crash and burn?
Only one thing is absolutely certain, when fire and ice collide, things are bound to get… steamy!
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Chapter One - Ice Breaker
It was every bit as imposing as you’d imagined it would be, not that you’d ever imagined seeing it under these circumstances.
 “Are you coming?” Fury barked at you, breaking you out of your slack-jawed awe.
 You snapped your mouth closed and tore your eyes away from the legendary tower, looking at the doors where Fury was impatiently waiting for you.
 “Coming!” You squeaked, scurrying over to him, “It’s just when you said you were taking me somewhere where I could safely learn to control my powers, I was sort of picturing an underground bunker in the desert, not the freaking Avengers Tower!”
 “I utilise the assets I have, why would I send you away when I have a team of perfectly capable super-powered individuals?” He asked wryly, leading you across the lobby and straight past the security teams who did nothing to stop you both as you made your way into an elevator.
 “I’m just saying, a heads up would have been nice.” You muttered petulantly, crossing your arms over your chest and tucking your hands out of sight.
 You felt him look at you and studiously refused to meet his eye, staring instead at the numbers above the door as you were carried all the way to the top of the Tower.
 “Heads up, you’re meeting The Avengers.” He shot back.
You could say what you liked about the former director of Shield, he was true to his word, because the elevator doors wooshed open to reveal a waiting crowd of Avengers, all of them staring at the man next to you with varying levels of annoyance and/or distrust. You diligently pattered after Fury as he stepped forward to greet them, looking around the room reverently.
 The first person you laid eyes on was Tony Stark, Iron Man; the billionaire who had kicked off the modern age of hero’s, and next to him, Captain America, the first of the first, the OG Superhero. Stood behind the Captain was Sam Wilson, the Falcon and a personal favourite of yours, side by side with Bucky Barnes, the former Winter Soldier and poster-child for taking back control of your own fate. Clint Barton aka Hawkeye and the deadliest marksman in the world stood to the side with the Black Widow, deadliest person in the world full stop. In the back of the room two other figures were hanging back, emitting two very different aura’s. Doctor Bruce Banner eyed Fury with trepadition, and well-placed mistrust.
 It was the last person in the room that the majority of your attention was reserved for, the tall, imposing god who skulked in the shadows. Contempt and boredom radiated from him, and you couldn’t safely say it was directed purely at Fury. He was also the only one who spared you more than a cursory glance, and you slowed to a stop as you found yourself trapped in his curious gaze. You stared back, trying to reconcile the villain who once tried to subjugate the planet with the one you were locking eyes with. It had been months since he had joined the Avengers, but it never stopped being strange to see him standing with them whenever you watched footage of them taking on whatever bad guy of the week they were battling. However, he had been fully cleared of any wrongdoing in the battle of New York, apparently he had been mind-controlled. As to why he was helping the Avengers, nobody really knew.  
 Someone cleared their throat loudly and you forced yourself to look away from the stupendously tall god, glancing around the room to see that you now had all eyes watching you expectantly. Apparently you’d zoned out for the introductions.
 “’Sup?” You offered, waving in Tony Starks general direction.
 “So you’re Fury’s fiery friend, what has that got to do with us?” Stark sighed.
 “What, you think he bothered to explain his reasoning to me before dragging my ass up here?” You scoffed.
 “She’s here because she has abilities, abilities that she is more likely to learn to handle among similarly gifted people.” Fury explained in a tone that brokered no argument.
 Naturally, The Avengers argued.
 “We don’t have anybody with fire abilities.” You heard Natasha Romanoff point out, just before you took the opportunity to zone out again.
 You were absolutely certain that nobody cared very much what your opinion on the matter was, thankfully. You weren’t sure you had an opinion on the matter. It wasn’t like you had a lot of experience with these kinds of issues, and as far as you were away there wasn’t some superhero academy that you could enrol yourself in. Besides, you were much more interested in re-instating your staring competition with the god of Mischief.
 In the brief time you’d been distracted, he’d stepped away from the shadows and moved closer to you, staring at you with his arms crossed.
 You resisted the urge to inhale deeply, who knew ex-murderous gods would smell so nice? You looked up, and then up again.
 “How tall are you?” You asked incredulously.
 His gaze flickered down at you impassively, while you stared back and tried to mentally calculate his height.
 “I’m a Frost Giant.” He stated coldly.
 “Oh in that case, you’re kinda short.” You scoffed.
 You were flooded with immediate remorse but it was drowned out by amusement.
 “I beg your pardon?” He demanded, uncrossing his arms and stepping into your personal space.
 “Down boy.” Iron Man sniggered, stepping between you. “So how’d you get the firepower? What’s your origin story?” Stark asked, peering at you curiously.
 “Uh, this is my origin story…” You winced, sighing when he motioned for you to elaborate, “I got these powers about three days ago.”
 “So you’re a baby.” He stated matter-of-factly.
 “If I say yes does that mean I can just sit on the floor and cry until someone picks me up and holds me?” You asked, fully willing to give it a go.
 It had been three days since your life had literally gone up in flames, three days of pinning your arms at your sides, afraid to close your eyes, afraid to let your guard down for even a split second, afraid to allow yourself to feel even an iota of emotion.
 “So how did it happen?” The Captain asked firmly, getting the conversation back on track before you could find out if anyone would volunteer a hug.
 “I, well, I kind of…” You trailed off and looked at Fury for help, but he just stared back at you, the bastard.
 All eyes were on you as they waited for you to explain, nobody offering any kind of help. You exhaled forcefully and slumped your shoulders, tucking your chin so you didn’t have to look at them anymore.
 “I ate a bomb.” You whispered.
 There was a very long beat of silence before it was broken by several voices all at once.
 “I’m sorry, what?” Stark demanded.
 “What did it taste like?” The archer wondered, looking at you almost giddily.
 “She didn’t eat a bomb.” Fury finally stepped in to clarify, “She absorbed the blast, after failing to defuse it.”
 “Why was a civilian defusing a bomb in the first place?” Captain Rogers asked sharply, glancing at you in concern before turning back to Fury with a hard expression.
 “I’m not a civilian, I’m actually an Agent.” You reasoned.
 “She’s an Agent-In-Training.” Fury rebutted. “It was her first mission in the field.”
 “Baby.” Stark reiterated, faking a cough and smirking at you when you scowled at him.
 That was true, and you still didn’t think it was entirely your fault that the bomb had gone off. Yes you’d failed to diffuse it, but you were supposed to be watching the perimeter when you’d stumbled across the explosive device. It had less than thirty seconds on the clock, and you’d stupidly chosen to spend those seconds trying to stop it detonating instead of running away.
 “And you put her on bomb duty? Were you trying to get her blown up?” The Black Widow demanded, and you almost laughed until you saw the serious expression on her face.
 “There wasn’t supposed to be a bomb there, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Fury shrugged, like it was inconsequential.
 To him it probably was.
 “She is still in the room, and I was exactly where you told me to be, when you told me to be there. If your intel was bad, that’s on you Mr Superspy.” You snapped.
 “Oh I see it now!” Stark briskly announced, “You’re trying to pawn her off on us because she’s too sassy for you.”
 “Precisely.” Fury admitted, surprisingly.
 “In the words of shortstack over there,” You hissed, gesturing at Loki “I beg your pardon?”
 “You don’t have the temperance to be an Agent.” Fury told you blankly, not bothering to soften the blow by at least telling you this in private instead of in front of the world greatest heroes.
 “I’d take that as a compliment.” Stark assured you.
 “You’re telling me I’m fired? Literally. Because I got blown up, through no fault of my own?” You huffed, clenching your firsts in an effort to keep your emotions from manifesting in a fiery inferno of rage.
 “Because you choose to try and handle a bomb you had no training to handle, instead of pursuing the target.” Fury amended, unphased by your distress.
 You bit back your retort because you knew it wouldn’t matter to him in the slightest. You couldn’t reason with him, couldn’t explain that you had made the choice not to pursue the target who’d planted the bomb, because you had to try and stop it exploding in a building filled with innocent people. Maybe Fury was right after all. Maybe you weren’t suited to being an Agent, because an Agent would have known that they couldn’t stop the bomb but they could stop the bomber. They would have let a hundred innocent people die and stopped the killer from killing a thousand more the next time. You weren’t an Agent because you’d chosen to die trying to save the hundred, and trusted in Fury and Hill to take down the Bomber.
 Of course, that wasn’t what had happened, and in the end nobody had died.
 “None of this explains how you ‘ate’ the bomb.” Clint Barton pointed out, and it was a good observation.
 “That’s because we don’t have an explanation. She went through the standard medical tests in her training, and all her bloodwork and scans indicated she was fully human. She walked into that building as a human being, and walked back out after absorbing a bomb, as who the hell knows what.”
 “So you’ve never done anything like this before?” Dr Banner asked you, speaking directly to you for the first time.
 “Not even remotely. I mean my eyes water when I eat chilli.” You shrugged.
 “Fascinating.” Banner muttered. “Inhuman?” He asked, turning to Stark.
 “Unlikely, she would have probably noticed going through Terragenesis.” Stark responded. “Mutant?” He shot back.
 “No, the mutant gene would have shown up in testing.” Dr Banner sighed, looking you over with a scientifically calculating eye. “Can you explain what happened in more detail?”
 “Sure, bomb went boom, I went AHHHHHH, and then it was all bright and hot and then the boom went away.” You told them.
 “So how do we know that it was you? What if something else contained the blast?” Someone asked, and you looked around before you finally realised it was Sam Wilson who had spoken.
 “No, it was… it definitely me.” You sighed.
 “How do you know?” Bucky Barnes interjected, backing up the Falcons line of questioning.
 That was the million dollar question. How could you be sure that you had anything to do with the bomb, that you had been imbued with fire power?
 “During the post-mission de-brief, there was an incident.” You alluded, side-eying Fury and taking a not-so-subtle step away from him.
 “Please tell me you tried to set him on fire?” Barton asked giddily, looking between you and your former boss.
 When Fury levelled you with a glare and you developed a sudden vested in the ceiling, the Archer sniggered joyfully. You chanced a look around the room and saw that Barton wasn’t the only one exhibiting mirth at the idea of Fury being set ablaze by your.. well, your fury.
 “He was yelling at me!” You defended, taking yet another step back when his glare intensified.
 “You’re lucky you had no aim and only managed to set fire to the table.” He snapped.
 “I think you were the lucky one.” Stark sniggered at Fury.
 “Do you want her or not?” Fury sighed.
 “Do I get a say in this?” You objected.
 “No.” Fury, Stark, Romanoff, and Loki said in unison.
 “I can run some tests to figure out what happened to you, if it’s reversible.” Banner offered comfortingly. “With your permission of course.”
 “I’m gonna go stand over there with him.” You huffed, making a beeline for the doctor and awkwardly hiding behind him.
 “Yeah, we’ll take her, should be an interesting riddle to solve.” Stark shrugged.
 Captain Rogers and his buddies glanced at you before appearing to have a silent conversation.
 “She can stay here while Stark and Banner figure out what happened, and we can go from there.” The Captain finally decided.
 “We’ll take good care of her.” Loki added with a charming smile.
 His eyes said something completely different, and you had a sick feeling that you were going to be made to pay for your short jokes.
 “Glad I meet your approval; I was worried I was going to fall short.” You sarked, immediately resisting the urge to punch yourself in the face.
 “Approval has nothing to do with it. Of all The Avengers, who do you think will be responsible for testing your abilities? You would do well to remember that I am more than mischief and lies, I am the god of chaos and fire.” He warned you cockily, visibly delighting in the way your grin faltered.
 You shot a pleading look around the room, but nobody was refuting Loki’s claim. In fact, they were nodding thoughtfully, or in Stark’s case; shrugging apologetically at you. You turned back to Loki, ignoring the deep sense of foreboding in your stomach.
 “Well Fe-Fi-Fo-Fuck.”
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I have been trying to get back into writing for so long, and this is my last attempt. If this doesn’t work then I am out of ideas. 
I know this is a boring start but I have been re-working and rewriting it for days and I can’t improve it. If you enjoyed any part of this, please do tell me! If you didn’t, then tell me that as well. Just give me any feedback at all, I’d appreciate it so so so so so much. 
For those of you unaware (especially on AO3), I haven’t been writing for a while because my estranged mother passed away and it brought up issues that needed to be dealt with, but all that is over with now. Thank you to everyone who sent supportive messages and was patient with me ❤
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What if hallucifer stayed with Sam throughout the whole show? What if cass didn't really fix the problem, but only took the pain away?
Sam walks out of that hospital knowing he's not alright. Knowing he's never gonna be alright. He gets into shotgun, dean smiling next to him warmly, Lucifer smiling at him from the back seat. Cold dead eyes.
Lucifer is there with him when dean and cass get blasted to who knows where. Crowley tells him he's all on his own, Lucifer laughs next to him.
He meets Amelia, but eventually she leaves him. He doesn't blame her, who would want to be with a guy who talks to air and barely sleeps? He starts drinking a lot after that.
Dean comes back, from purgatory apparently. He doesn't know about lucifer, Sam never told him, didn't want to make himself a bigger burden for his brother. So he lies, tells him he was with Amelia this whole time. Dean gets angry. Sam knew he would, but it's easier this way.
Lucifer is with him when they find the bunker, commenting on the ugly lamps. Sam snickers, dean looks at him weird, but doesn't say anything.
Lucifer is with him when he completes the first trial. He looks down to Sam who is covered in blood. He points to the dead hellhound. "I knew that one." He says. "Her name was Ashley."
Lucifer is with him when he goes to hell to rescue bobbys soul. "I did not miss this place." Lucifer whispers next to him. A shiver goes down Sam's spine.
Lucifer is with him when he's just about to finish the last trial. Lucifer always keeps quiet when Sam is completing trials, something about "purification." Sam doesn't really know, he mostly blocks him out.
He's there when dean comes and stops him. He's yelling at Dean, telling him to go, leave them. But dean cant hear him, he knows he cant hear him. Sam doesnt know why Lucifer even tries.
Lucifer is in the back seat of the impala when Sam wakes up. He doesn't remember getting into the impala. He remembers passing out in the mud in front of the church. His clothes are clean now though. Lucifer is quiet.
Lucifer has stopped talking to him, he just hovers now. It's driving Sam mad. He's not used to the strange silence, but he doesn't suspect anything weird until he starts losing fragments of his day.
He starts noting down time frames that he loses. He started when he was researching in the library at 2:45pm, blacked out, and came to in the kitchen at 3:14pm. Lucifer stays out of his way. Sam sometimes thinks he has a look of pity on his face, but that can't be right, can it?
Sam eventually asks dean about this. His brother just brushes him off. Lucifer continues to hover.
Crowley comes and saves him. Sam kicks the angel out. He opens his eyes to see Lucifer staring at his brother. "I guess sammy has a thing for kicking angles out."
Deans starting to get suspicious. Sam's zoning out more and more. Eyes glazing over as he just listens to Lucifer ramble on about nothing. About everything.
"You good Sammy?" Dean asks him one day while they're eating breakfast. Sam answers too fast. Dean only gets more suspicious.
Dean eventually finds out, Sam knew he would sooner or later. He finds dean with alcohol more often now. A look of guilt is permanently stuck on Sam's face.
"Its not your fault Sammy." Dean always tells him. Sam is finding it harder to believe him.
Sam zones out more often. The only thing that can bring him back is deans touch. Deans heavy hand on his shoulder bringing him back down to earth, grounding him. Deans always looking at him with this sad smile. Sam feels like he's failed him.
Lucifer is with him when he finds out dean got the mark of Cain. "Oh that's a nasty little thing." Lucifer comments next to him. Sam has taken to ignoring him, it eases deans mind.
Dean is getting worse and worse. And so is Sam. Dean is slowly losing care for Sam and he's not there for him anymore. He's not there to ground him, to pull him back.
Sam starts zoning out for longer periods of time. Dean doesn't seem to care, only rolls his eyes. Lucifer watches perched on a chair next to him. "Does big bro not love you anymore?" Sam flinches.
Lucifer is there when dean dies.
Lucifer is there when Sam finds the note. "Aww big brother left you." Lucifer laughs.
Sam is spiralling. Lucifer talks to him more and more as Sam searches for his brother. No-one is there to ground him anymore. No-one is there to help him. One day Sam accidently talks back to Lucifer. Lucifer looks shocked for half a second before that cold smirk comes back to his face.
"Its been years since you talked to me Sammy." Lucifer says one day as Sam is reading a book on demons. "I missed our little talks." Sam slams the book shut. "Shut up." He hisses.
Lucifer is right there as Sam ducks down to avoid the hammer. "I never knew why Alastair liked this one." Cass appears. Thank god. Sam falls back against the wall and helplessly covers his ears. He knows it won't block him out. "Sure he ripped apart a lot of souls in hell, but a hammer?" Sam hits his head against the wall. "Shut up shut up shut up." Lucifer laughs at him. Cass pays him no mind.
Lucifer is there when the darkness is unleashed. "Ooh aunty." He says next to Sam. Sam flinches, dean places a hand on his arm. All three stand there and watch.
"You know, I find it really uncomfortable that your brother has a thing for my aunt." Lucifer says one day. Sam looks him right in the eye. "Shut up, Lucifer." Sam hasn't looked directly at Lucifer for at least 3 years. Lucifer smiles coldly at him as dean walks up to Sam, worry and fear etched into his face. Palms out towards him like he's trying not to scare off a frightened animal. Sam doesn't feel too far off from that.
Lucifer is with Sam when he goes to see real Lucifer. Sam thinks he's going crazy.
"So, you're still seeing me huh?" Real Lucifer asks him. Sam sucks in a breath as Lucifer stands to the side of the cage. "Oh c'mon Sam. I've been inside that head of yours. There's nothing I don't know about you." Real Lucifer smiles down at him. Or is it fake Lucifer? Sam doesn't know anymore.
Lucifer is with him as he gets tourted by the British men of letters. Always sending words of encouragement, towards Toni.
Lucifer is sitting on the steps. "Ah remember our lovely time down under?" He asks, titling his head to get a better view of what the lady was doing. "Ooh blowtorch. You never did like fire huh?" Sam screams. He can bearly hear Lucifers laughter over his own screams of pain.
Dean comes and saves him. Hands all over him as soon as they're out. Lucifer rolls his eyes at them. "Mother hen." Sam tenses up.
Lucifer is there when their mother leaves them. "I guess everyone hates ya huh Sammy?" Lucifer smiles at him. Dean doesn't react, doesn't even look at him.
"Never did like the brits." Lucifer says one day. Sam smiles. Deans hands are on him straight away.
Lucifer is there when Jack is born. Lucifer is there when cass is killed. Sam thinks he's seeing double, two Lucifers talking to him at the same time.
One Lucifer stays with him, one goes with his mother. He's not sure which is which. So he asks. Lucifer laughs at him. Dean doesn't put a hand on him.
Dean always stands closer to him after that, he's always making sure that they're touching, that they're shoulders are brushing. Lucifer gets annoyed at dean. Tries to hurt him. Sam sleeps less and less, just in case, just in case one day Lucifer succeeds.
Lucifer sits right next to Sam one day, getting all up in his personal space. Dean isn't in the room. Sam silently sobs.
Lucifer is always hovering around Jack, making terrible remarks about the kid. Sam snaps one day. "Leave him alone!" Lucifer smiles at him, Jack looks up at him like a confused puppy, and dean is dragging him out of the room, his fingers digging into his shoulder blade.
Jack has started to avoid him after that. Dean tells him not to worry about it, but it breaks Sam's heart. Lucifer laughing at him for it all the time is not helping.
Lucifer is there when the vampires get him. Cheering to the side of the cave. And Lucifer is there when he wakes up. He didn't know that it was the real Lucifer.
Lucifer is with him when he makes it back to Dean, both of them. Sam only knows which one is real beacuse everyone is looking at that one. Sam feels like he's failed Dean, again.
Dean hugs Sam, but it doesn't feel real, it doesn't feel right. Lucifer pokes his blood caked neck, Sam jerks away from dean. Dean looks at him with heart broken eyes.
Deans hand is on him all the time now. Holding his arm, brushing their shoulders together. It makes Sam feel jumpy.
Sam makes sure Lucifer stays in this world. He doesn't know which one he trapped, but he hopes it was fake Lucifer. Real Lucifer is easier to deal with.
Lucifer is there when real Lucifer is killed. Sam smiles at him.
"So much for your win Sammy." Lucifer says one day while Sam is sitting in the darkness of his room. "Sure you killed me, but you lost your big brother." Sam wishes he could punch him.
Lucifer is there when Sam gets dean back.
Dean makes a comment on his beard. "Don't listen to him Sammy." Lucifer says as dean walks off. "I think you look good." Sam shaves his beard off after that.
Lucifer is there when Michael possesses dean again. He's laughing the whole time. Dean won't help him, can't help him. Dean is gone.
"Let him in the box Sam!" Lucifer suddenly snaps at him one day, making Sam jump. "Get rid of Michael!" Sam starts to cry. It's too much, not even deans touch is helping him anymore. It feels wrong, alien.
Nick attacks him, Lucifer is cheering him on. "Ah I wish he was my true vessel!" Lucifer exclaims as Sam's vision darkens.
Mary is dead, Jack is gone. "Bye bye mother Mary." Lucifer sings. Sam flinches, dean doesn't care.
"Oh so you can't put your brother in that box, but you sure as hell can put my son in?" Lucifer is yelling in his ear. Sam punches the air. Deans hands on him don't help.
Chuck comes back. Lucifer snarls at him, never stops yelling at him. It's hard for Sam to pay attention to anything, he can't hear anything over Lucifers yelling. Deans hand is on his shoulder the whole time, but he seems out of it.
Lucifer was quiet for a while after God killed Jack. Sam counts his blessings.
Lucifer is there when they rendered chuck powerless. He seems to have a grateful look on his face.
Lucifer isn't there when dean dies.
Lucifer isn't there when miracle dies.
Lucifer is there when Sam's on his death bed. He's standing in the corner of the room, arms crossed over his chest. He waves, and Sam's vision fades.
Sam's free.
Sam's finally free.
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Last Chance Prompt Fest
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Today is the day that our Last Chance Prompt Fest starts.
To take part, you don’t need to claim a prompt through us at all, you just find a prompt you like, create what you want to create and then tag us @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ and use the hashtag “CE HBC Last Chance Prompt Fest”. You can also DM your link to us to ensure we see it.
The event starts today, Friday, August 27th and ends next Friday, September 3, 2021.
Once the event has ended, we will answer the ask for the prompts that received creations. We will also have a masterlist for everything created as well.
Who can we create for?
You can create stuff for Steve Rogers, Chris Evans or any of Chris’s 18+ characters.
What can we create?
While the CE HBC is primarily a writing community, these events are to encourage creators of all types. So for this event, you can write, make moodboards, create a playlist, make a video or whatever you are inspired to create based on the prompts under the keep reading.
All of the prompts are listed below the cut and it does not matter how many things are created for each prompt.
Chris Evans Prompts
Could you do one with chris where the reader is eating something delicious and Chris hears them and tries to distract them with smutty things but the reader picks the treat over Chris. (Just had yams that tasted like my grandma used to make years ago, and I’ll pick that over Chris right now lol)
It’s hot AF where I live and we all know Chris doesn’t like the hot temps… so maybe something about trying to beat the heat
How many rounds was that? Four? God, we’re about to break our own record. With Chris? 😍
That’s a lot of sass for someone who ruined my sheets and still hasn’t apologized. With Chris?
Prompt: being friends with Chris and helping and supporting him with ASP too. When the news hit that Biden won your together and after squealing, he just grabs and kisses you.
Chris Evans brushing his heavily pregnant wife’s hair
Chris introducing you to his family for the first time
Readers reaction when Chris has to shave off his beard for a role and doesn’t tell her?
Hey i had an idea. she faked her orgasm because she has trouble cum.  Chris finds out and is angry because she hasn’t said anything and doubts his abilities?  then he brings her to orgasm
Chris playing Christmas songs on the piano while you wrap presents or something where he keeps you company while you’re doing something else
Ari Levinson Prompts
Cowboy Ari Levinson helping you out after he finds you on his ranch
Curtis Everett Prompts
Trying to have quiet sex with Curtis behind a curtain.
Frank Adler Prompts
Frank Adler gets a new neighbor - reader who is just as intelligent as his family and they like each other right away.
Nick Vaughn Prompts
Nick Vaughan keeping you company on the streets of New York
Steve Rogers Prompts
“I’m your Captain and you follow my orders!” “Aye, aye Cap’n!” “I said Captain, not pirate.”
“Hey Steve, what does a deaf gynecologist do?” “I don’t know.” “He reads lips.”
How about a drunk drabble based off of Right Girl Wrong Time by Jon Langston with Steve and Peggy
someone should write a steve and bucky threesome with a reader
“Yeah sex is great but have you just ever wanted to rub yourself over that fucking beard of Steve’s?”
I have a prompt for you. Steve has fallen in love with the Motown sound since Sam has played most of the genre for him. He has gone shopping, or gone for coffee and he hears you sing a song from the Supremes and is instantly intrigued. Have fun seducing him with music. https://youtu.be/HXGz8i0I2L0
It’s the first Christmas Steve has spent with y/n
Reader making Steve a heart cake for Valentine’s Day ❤️
Multiple Options Prompts
Can I get the following prompt with Steve, Colin, or Jensen? “In ancient Greece, throwing an apple was done to declare one’s love.” “How do I love thee, let me count the ways? Thump, thump, thump.” “So the mild concussion means you love me?”
Could I get “I see that you have your legal name listed as Y/n’s Daddy. That’s incorrect. You’re legal name is what’s on your Drivers Licence.” With any of Chris’ characters please?
SFW Prompts
For Chris or one of his characters, there is only one bed and they got to sleep far apart but wake up cuddling. Bonus points if they don’t hate it.
“Just tell why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay?!”
How about they’re roommates and “just friends” who develop feelings for each other
“You always say that, but I’d only see you for a day or two until you have to fly out again.”
“You don’t have to say anything, if you don’t want. I just thought you should know.”
i have been in love with you, dumbass
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
I have these… powers raging around inside me, and I have no clue how to control them.
“Hey, it’s cold. Light a fire or something. I swear, you’re a cold blooded reptile.”
that guy in the gorilla costume has been following us for the past ten blocks.
going to a masquerade ball
“So, you’re the unfortunate soul stuck with me.”
“I look at you and I think, ‘sunshine. Literal sunshine.’ It’s annoying.”
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
“What’s with the box?”
“I’m not jealous.”
“It’s not like I love you or anything.”
Merlin quote prompt: Nobility is defined by what you do, not by who you are
“Why do you keep pushing me away? I know you love me.”
“I want to go home.” “And I want to go to the moon. It ain’t happening sweetheart. Time to accept that.”
“I just want you to know I love you and I hope these roses prove that to you.”
Prompt: “if you steal all the blankets I’m going to put my cold feet on you.”
“What have we here? Bed: unslept in. Hair in… missionary disarray. And yesterday’s dress with today’s shame all over it.” Gossip Girl
Every time I’m in the same room with her, I can’t decide if I want to pick a fight with her or push her up against a wall and kiss the fuck out of her. - Falling for My Enemy by Claire Kingsley
“The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.”
NSFW Prompts
“Wet pussy is the best. I can’t get enough of the juices dripping from my mouth.”
“She beauty, she grace, I want her pussy on my face.”
“Sheathing my cock inside you feels like a jam donut being torn in half. Delicious and mind blowing.”
Twist on quarantine haircuts: couple helping each other with pubic hair maintenance
“I don’t know if you’re looking for Aztek gold down there, but if you don’t hurry up and fuck my brains out I’ll do it my damn self!”
“Have you ever noticed how eating a hot dog is similar to giving deepthroat?” “No but thanks, I don’t want to eat this now.”
Babe I can’t sleep. I know you just woke me up. Wanna fuck? I’m awake!!!
“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but I’m about to punish that sassy mouth!”
“I love your longish hair baby. Finally got something to pull while you’re between my legs devouring me.”
Holiday Prompts
“Great, now I have to re-hide your Christmas gifts.”
“I’m not going to kiss you under the mistletoe.”
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”
“What are you doing?” “Hiding from carolers.”
“Santa’s handwriting looks suspiciously like yours.”
“Why does the house smell like a cinnamon roll threw up?”
“Are you Santa? Because I’d sit on your lap.”
“What the hell kind of Charlie Brown Christmas tree did you buy?”
“It looks like the North Pole threw up.”
i may or may not have gotten tangled up in the tinsel.
“If we don’t have this damn tree up before the end of the night, I’m going to kill you.”
“I’m going to tell Santa to give you coal.”
“It’s an advent calendar. You’re supposed to open one square a day, not eat half the chocolate in a sitting.”
“Why is there mistletoe in every room of the apartment?”
I got a little too drunk off of egg nog and vodka and you look so pretty in this light, and I most definitely want to kiss you right now, best friends or not.
we were going to a Christmas party but fuck if you don’t just look sinful in red, and you know what? Fuck that Christmas party.
Dad!chris (or one of his characters) and his kids at Christmas
“You’ve never had a New Year’s kiss?”
Spending your first Valentine’s Day together with any character
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jawritter · 4 years
When The Lights Go Out
Chapter 6
Summary: Life hasn’t been your best friend lately, you lost your job, and are on the verge of losing your apartment. Who knew when you decided to join a Sugar Daddy app that your best friend suggested ina last ditch effort to save your apartment, and not end up on the street, your first and only client would turn your whole world upside down.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x Virgin! Reader
Word Count: 2203
Series Warnings: Mob level violence, injured Dean, description of injury, creepy Godfather John Winchester, John is pretty much a douche bag, escort services, virgin reader, lose of virginity and all the insecurities and fun stuff that come with it, age gap (23 year old reader; 40 year old Dean), angst, unrequited/requited love?, language, smut, unprotected smut.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Fighting, Hurt!Dean, description of injury, blood, swearing, John is a dick, regret. I think that’s it. 
A/N: Beta’d by @deanwanddamons! Thanks so much love!! Please don’t copy my work!! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!! It’s gonna be a little bit of a slow burn y’all, but just hang in there!
(This fic is based on this request: Could you do a Dean x reader where she is 23 and lives alone in her apartment, she gets fired and can loose her house, her friend tells her about a sugar daddy app, she makes a profile and Dean 40, contacts her, she is virgin and don’t offers sex, Dean is billionaire business man and needs a girl for his business parties,the reader is really shy, blushes a lot, they fall in love, he takes her to a trip and makes love to her on a private island, could it be a series?)
Want more? Check out my masterlist!!
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Sitting in the chair that was facing the window that looked out on the dark lawn below from Dean’s room, you shove the peppermint tea that Jess had brought up to you a little further away. She was just trying to make you better, and you knew that, but you didn’t think there was anything anyone could do to make you feel better. Especially when none of them knew what was really wrong with you. They all thought that you were just nervous about Dean’s job today, but that was so far from the truth.
Dean’s little revelation before he disappeared in the bathroom was the last thing he’d  said to you last night, and when you finally cried yourself to sleep, you were pretty sure he’d just chosen to sleep in the bathroom and not come out to talk to you. 
He was so angry that you were scared to go and try to talk to him, and when you woke up this morning, Dean and John were already long gone. 
A knock on the door and Jess’ entry pulled you from your thoughts as she made her way to sit down on the chair next to you. 
“Hey you. How are you holding up?”
You shook your head and tried to stop the stinging tears that threatened to spill over the surface from falling.
“I’m okay, just stressed.” you lied, pulling your blanket up to your neck like it could hide your shame. If something happened to Dean today, you’d never forgive yourself. He’d done and given so much to keep you safe, and you pretty much told him last night that you hoped he died. God how you wanted to take it all back, do it all different. 
“John and Dean will be just fine. High table meetings are always stressful and dangerous, because the Campbells will be there, and they like to cause problems with John.They still blame him for Dean and Sam’s mom’s death in that house fire, but this isn’t like it’s something they haven’t dealt with before, and by tonight he will be here, safe and sound.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat you nod your head. You hoped with everything in you that she was right, and that they would make it home. You didn't understand all of this stuff, but you knew that if you became John’s you were probably fucked in ever since of the word, if you even lived through the guilt of never giving Dean the chance he deserved. 
You made a promise to yourself, that if he lived through this, and everything worked out okay, you’d give him that chance. Let yourself fall for him like you were doing before you were forced to move in here. Maybe even get to be happy with him.
Jess put a comforting hand on our shoulder and stood from her seat. 
“Sam and I are about to have a Friends marathon in the living area. Want to join us?” she asked, and you forced a smile in return.
“Maybe in a little bit. I think I’m gonna try and take a shower, see if I can scald away some of this stress.” you tell her, and she gives you a warm smile before leaving you to your thoughts. 
Unwrapping yourself from your cocoon of blankets, you wander your way to the bathroom. You didn’t even have time to start the shower, when you heard a blood curdling  scream from the down stairs part of the house. 
Your heart stopped in your chest, and you ran towards the staircase, coming to the landing just in time to see John and Sam hauling a very bloody Dean through the front door, and towards what they called the medical area of the house. 
For just a moment you were rooted in your spot, unable to make your feet move, as absolute horror gripped you.
You don’t even know really what made feet move, but you numbly made your way towards the yelling, not even really paying attention to what they were saying or the man in a suit that ran past you toward him, though you did note that they were calling him Nick.
When you entered the room the horror that greeted you made the bile rise in your throat. 
They had Dean stretched out on a table, his shirt ripped open, blood pouring from his stomach in a way that you couldn’t really even see the injury, but you knew it was bad. Nick circled the table, yelling commands at Sam that you didn’t even hear over the ringing in your ears.
Nick's British accent was cut off by John’s deep voice, bringing you back to your senses.
Your attention snapped from the long, deep gash in Dean’s stomach, to the green eyes that were boring into yours. 
Violence isn't something you were accustomed to. You had never seen anyone hurt that bad in real life, but aside from the blood, and the gore of the cut, it was the hurt in his eyes that made your heart shatter. 
He was staring at you, his eyes almost as red as his stomach, the piercing green duller than normal, eyes wet as if he wanted to cry, but wouldn’t allow himself to. 
You staggered a step towards him, and Dean lifted his hand shakily in our direction. That just made it all hurt worse. 
Grabbing his hand in yours, you card your fingers through his hair, keep your eyes locked on his, as Nick and Sam move around behind you, keeping your back to the wound on Dean’s stomach, and focusing on his face, John standing over your shoulder, watching everything closely. 
“Dean, oh my God, I’m so, sorry.” you said in almost a whisper, shock evident in your voice. 
Dean didn’t answer, just gritted his teeth, and closed his eyes against the pain radiating through his body.
“Gonna have to stitch him up here John. He’s not going to make it to a hospital, but it doesn’t look like anything internal was damaged.” Nick said, and John just nodded above you. 
“You...You’re not going to put him to sleep?” you ask as Nick and Sam prepared needles full of brown liquid.
“Can’t do that. He’s lost too much blood, but don’t worry sweetheart, we’re gonna numb him up real good.” Nick said, Jess made her way to the other side of Dean’s head across the table. 
“Nick’s the family doctor of shorts. Everything’s gonna be fine.” she tries to assure you. 
You try and keep the horror and trembling under control. Focusing on Dean’s eyes, you see one large tear roll down his face as Nick and Sam move closer to his wound. His grip tightens on your hand, but he didn’t scream at what surely was the unbearable pain of the needles entering his wound before the numbing medicine could spread. Sam worked at putting an IV in his free arm next to Jess. 
Once the shots were done it seemed like it took them forever to stitch up him, and Dean’s eyes were getting heavy.  Nick assured you it was just the morphine, and not the blood loss. 
“What went wrong out there?” Sam asked, helping Nick wrap his brother’s wound once the stitching was done with thick antibiotic ointments, and gauze 
“Believe it or not, that didn’t happen at the meeting. We stopped to get gas at a station just outside of town, and some of Sammual’s boys jumped him. They weren't all that happy about the high tables approval of Y/N here, and they thought they’d take it out on Dean.”
Sam gritted his teeth and nodded his head. 
“Don’t worry son this isn’t over, they will pay for this.” John assured him, and Jess put her hand on his shoulder to calm him. 
“You on the other hand,” John said, leering at you as Nick finished up Dean’s wound, “clean up my son! Make sure he’s taken care of! He is your responsibility. If something happens to him, I swear to God your next.” 
John left the room his heavy footsteps echoing as Nick and Sam lifted Dean carefully in front of the table they’d been working on him on. Making their way up the stairs, and into your shared room they laid him down carefully on the bed, before Nick hooked up the bags of fluid and a bag of antibiotics to his IV.
Dean barely moved, or acknowledged what they were doing to him, which scared you, but no one else seemed concerned. 
“I’ll be back in four hours to give him another round of Morphine. I’ll go grab some Ambian to help him stay asleep. He needs the rest. Don’t worry sweetheart, he’s going to be just fine.” Nick said, giving you a pat on the back before disappearing to go and get the sleeping aid he’d referred to, returning only long enough to give it to him, and leave. 
Crawling carefully in the bed next to you, you carded your fingers through Dean’s tousled hair, his green eyes fluttering open to look at you. 
“I’m sorry Dean, this is all my fault, and I’ve treated you horribly. I wish I could take it all back.” you tell him, tears falling freely down your face as his hand reaches for you like a scared child that has been hurt, looking for comfort. 
“S’Okay, I shouldn’t have snapped at you last night. This hasn’t been easy for you, I know that. I’m just glad I didn’t die before I got to see you again.” he mumbled, his eyes heavy as he fought against the medication.
Carefully as possible, you slip your arm around his head, pulling him close to you as he loses the battle against consciousness. 
You had a second chance with Dean, and you were determined not to fuck it up this time, this time you would be everything he deserved. 
The sound of your bedroom door opening caught your attention as light flooded the dark room where Dean and yourself were laying. Sam’s overly tall figure slipped inside, and shut the door behind him before making his way to the bed with the small desk chair in tow, sitting it next to his brother's side of the bed, before flopping down in it. 
Dean was not a small man by any means, but next to his “little” brother, he looked so small, especially laying on the bed with his stomach sewn shut, and an IV leading from his arm. 
“Did you finish getting him undressed?” Sam asked, and you suddenly felt stupid. You didn't even think about his slacks and shoes that were still on his feet. 
“Oh God, I didn’t think about that.” You said, ripping the cover off of him as gently as you could, and working to take his shoes off as Sam stood and help you undo his slacks, slipping them down his long bowed legs, leaving him just in his tight, black boxers before the two of you covered him back up, and you settle back down next to him.
“You know, John catches you in here, it's my ass. You heard what he said.” you tell Sam in a hushed whisper, and Sam chuckled darkly. 
“Don’t worry about John. He better not tell me shit about coming to check on my brother.” Sam said darkly, and that for some reason was laced with a promise more lethal than anything John had said downstairs. 
“Why did they do this Sam, why do they hate him so much.” you ask, watching as Dean shifted closer to you in his sleep, unconsciously  seeking comfort from you, even through all the drugs they had him on. 
“Because Samual Cambell is a narcissistic dick who can’t let the past go.” Sam said darkly.
“He still blames your dad for your mom’s death?” you ask, settling Dean’s head back on your shoulder. 
“Yep, that’s some of it. Some of it is  he’s just a heartless dick, who wants to have all the power. He hated my dad even when my mom was alive from what I’m told. I don’t really remember as she died when I was just a baby. I can tell you this, no man in his right mind would put a death order on his own fucking grandson, much less the son of John Winchester. He will pay for this Y/N, I promise you. Just worry about getting Dean better. We will take care of the rest.” Sam said, standing up from his chair, and making his way towards the door, stopping just short of opening it.
“You know, Dean really does love you, I’ve never seen him like this before. I just feel like you needed to hear that.” Sam said, before disappearing into the hallway. 
God, you hoped he was telling the truth, because right now, you were pretty sure you had fallen from him the moment you climbed out of his SUV, and you were too big of a coward to admit it to yourself, until you almost lost him.
Forever Tag List: @lyarr24​ @amandamdiehl​ @love-jackles-37-blog​ @miraclesoflove​ @waywardsistershy​ @emoryhemsworth​ @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​  @tatted-trina6​ @deanwanddamons​  @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278​ @lyss-dw79​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​
Series Tag List: 
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holylulusworld · 4 years
The line he crossed
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Summary: To get hold of Brock Rumlow, his nemesis Steve Rogers is not holding back. He will cross lines if he has to, even if this means to use Brock’s sister to take him down.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Brock Rumlow x Sister!Reader
Characters: Nick Fury, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, mentions of Pietro Maximoff/Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Jack Rollins
Warnings: angst, undercover work, investigations, shy reader, mentions of kidnapping, fake identities, virgin reader, light smut, protected sex, oral (female receiving), fingering, making out, a hint of dirty talk, comforting, fluff
Love Undercover Masterlist
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“Boss, we are sorry, but we can’t find your sister. She suddenly disappeared. No one at the hospital knows where she’s gone. She only called to tell them that there was an emergency and she needs a few days off.” Brock’s features darken before his fist meets Rollin's face.
“I told you to bring me my sister, not bad news. She’s with that bastard, fucking his dick and you stand here and whine about not being able to do your fucking job!” Furious Brock aims a gun at Jack’s head. “You have till tomorrow to find out where that asshole is keeping my sister!”
“Boss, we can’t find your sister but one of our rats told us he saw Wanda Maximoff. Shall we get her? You could use her to get hold of Y/N. She’s like a sister to your sister.” Jack spits blood onto the floor, smirking at Brock. “I like me a little kidnapping in the morning boss.”
“Get her but do not hurt that chick. We need her unharmed. When I got Y/N, you can have fun with that Maximoff bitch.” Jack smirk’s , knowing Brock would do anything to get hold of you.
“I am on it, boss. One of my best men keeps an eye on that little redhead. I bet she knows where Y/N is hiding or at least can reach her. I will bring you your sister in no time…”
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“What’s next?” Sighing Fury rubs his forehead nervously. “Wilson?”
“We got a problem, boss. According to my ‘ATF-friend’, one of Brock’s men observed Wanda Maximoff. I am afraid we’ve got no other choice than getting hold of Y/N’s friend before it’s too late.”
“Problems without an end.” Bucky sighs as he looks at the latest report from Natasha. “Pietro won’t cooperate until Wanda is safe with them. Sam is right – we need Maximoff’s sister like yesterday.” 
“It’s not about the case, Bucky. This is about keeping an innocent girl safe. I don’t want to know what Brock has planned for Wanda or Y/N.” Looking at Fury for confirmation Sam gets his phone out. “Can I tell Scott that get her?”
“Get her. We can’t risk she falls into Brock’s hands.” Looking at the message from one of his undercover agents Fury’s features darken. “We’ve got a fucking problem…”
“Another one? Great day for problems…” Bucky snickers. “What’s wrong?”
“Brock is sticking his nose into Steve’s file and I am afraid, he’s close to finding out Steve Winter does not exist. Call Steve, he needs to tell Y/N the truth.” While Bucky hesitates Sam dials Scott’s number.
“Get her, Lang. We can’t wait any longer.” Nodding Bucky leaves the room to dial Steve’s number. “Good, thanks, Scott. Clint will come to provide back-up.”
“Is Maximoff save?” 
“Scott got her half an hour ago, boss. It was a close call, one of Brock’s rats is dead, another will not make it to the hospital, but the girl is unharmed.” Falling onto a chair Sam rubs his sweaty hands over his pants. “She’s pissed, scared and wants to talk to Y/N.”
“Not yet, Sam. Steve needs to talk to Y/N first. If we confront the poor girl with too many cops, she’ll have a break-down or crap.” Fury’s jaw clenches when Bucky enters the room, an unreadable expression on his face.
“I can’t reach Steve. He does not answer my calls. I end up on his mailbox.” Sam jumps up, nodding at Bucky before they run out of the room.
“Make sure they are safe. No hasty decisions. Call Natasha and Bruce for back-up, not one else. Right now, we can only trust the inner circle…”
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Steve’s lips are soft against yours. His hands run up and down your back as he tries to break the kiss, but you make it impossible for him to think straight.
Not with your soft body on top of him, or the way you cradle his face.
“Doll, I need…I need to tell you something. I…” Your lips are on Steve’s again. This time you roll your hips to feel his bulge pressed against your clothed core.
“I don’t want to talk or get to know secrets right now. All I want is you…” Your lips press against his throat and Steve forgets about everything else when you rub yourself against him.
“Y/N, maybe we shouldn’t do this now. We should…god…” Pressing your body hard down Steve’s you give him a wink before you open your blouse.
His eyes watch you slide the fabric down your shoulders, and he can’t resist - he must touch your skin. 
Steve runs his hands over your stomach, up to your chest to cup your breasts. A moan escapes your lips when he pinches your nipples.
“You look so beautiful on top of me, Y/N.” Steve let you take control, just watches you slide the straps of your nude bra down your shoulders.
For a moment you hesitate, bite your lower lip and he sits up to cover your hands with his. 
“We can stop, Baby Girl. Let’s just…” Not wanting to stop you rock your hips and Steve’s eyes darken.
One hand cups the back of your neck to press your lips to his while the other unclasp your bra.
“I don’t want to stop, Steve…” Mumbling the words against his lips you slide your fingers through his hair, not missing he dips one hand between your bodies to unbutton your shorts.
“We barely know each other, doll. I…I am no good for you…” Lips crushing against Steve’s you silence his protests. The last days you replayed what happened with Brock in your head and decided you will take control over your life.
“I want you to be my first, Steve. I don’t have control over what will happen with Brock, my job or anything else but this is my decision.”
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“You don’t understand Mr. ATF. Y/N is my friend, my sister and I told her to fuck that guy! He’s a freaking cop and Y/N will hate me if she finds out!” Wanda pokes her finger into Scott's chest, glaring at the ATF agent with angry eyes.
“Lady, all I can tell you is that your friend is safe with my colleague. I know you have no reason to trust me or anyone else but that guy, the one who tried to grab you works for Brock Rumlow.” Wanda gasps at Scott’s words. Her heart starts racing and she can feel a cold shiver run down her spine.
“He is a sick bastard. We need to warn Y/N. Brock will not stop until he gets hold of my friend.”
“Steve takes care of your friend, promised.” Clint gives Scott a firm nod before he leads Wanda out of the building. “Two of my colleagues will join our team and bring you to your family. All you have to do for now is to stay safe to make sure Rumlow can’t use you to blackmail your friend.”
“I’ll do anything to protect Y/N. She’s like a sister to me…”
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He shoves his hand into your shorts, dipping his fingers into your wetness and you grind against him.
There’s no holding back when you whimper his name. Steve’s finger deftly stroke your clit, rolling it between his finger and you suck in a breath at the look on his face.
“So beautiful for me…” He kisses you like a man starving while his hand works your heated flesh.
You thrust your hips forward and let him rub you slowly as his free hand moves to your chest, flicks your hardened nipple.
“Just like that, doll.” His voice drips of lust and you are sure, Steve will eat you alive when he flips you onto your back to drag your shorts and panties down.
He works his way between your legs, just looks up at you for a moment before he nuzzles your mound.
“Oh—god, Stevie.” Your hands fly to his head to press his face into your sex. “Do you…oh…my…”
You will not tell her so, but Wanda was right. Riding Steve’s beard could be fun. 
While you try to not make too many noises Steve’s suckles at your clit. There’s something in his blue eyes when he looks up at you. 
Guilt? Fear? You can’t put a finger on it, not with the way he slides two fingers into you to catch your g-spot. “Just relax, Y/N. I’ve got you, doll. There is no need to be scared.”
You press your thighs together cage Steve’s head, but he doesn’t care. Determined to open you up he slides his fingers in and out of you, scissoring his digits repeatedly.
“Steve…feels…good…” Back arching you watch Steve wrap his lips around your clit to suck harshly the moment you feel your walls contort around his fingers. 
“You still sure? We can stop and just watch a movie or something.” Your eyes roam Steve for a moment. His chin glistened with your juices, his lips are pink and swollen but the most erotic thing is his eyes focused on you.
“Steve, don’t make me beg you.” Waving your index finger, you try to look sexy for the man between your legs. “I…I am nervous and if you reject me…”
“Gosh, doll! I want nothing more than to feel you around me. Make you cum on my cock and hear your hoarse voice call my name…” Now your eyes round and you giggle at Steve’s words.
“You are a dirty talker Stevie…”
“No…not really. I mean…I want you, Y/N.”
Steve leaves the bed to strip his clothes off. While he tries to get out of his pants your eyes are glued to his torso. 
His muscles flex with every movement and you bite your index finger as he slides his boxers down.
A gasp escapes your lips watching his cock bob when he fishes a condom out of his wallet.
“Always prepared…” Whispering the word you nervously gulp as Steve rolls the condom over his erection. You’ve seen men in porn but Steve beats them for sure. “You’re…big…”
“I will not hurt you, doll.” Humming you watch Steve pry your legs apart with his hands, settling between them. 
You let your body fall back onto the pillow, just watch him drape his body over yours. Steve carefully lines up with your entrance, ignores his ringing phone in the living room, as he starts to inch his way into your slick channel.
“Steve…” Sliding your hands over his chest you glance down your body to watch him slowly disappear inside of you until shaky gasps leave your lips. He’s panting on top of you, mutters your name as one rough hand hooks your leg over his waist.
“You’re so tight, Baby Girl. Just relax…” His lips move against yours to distract you from the way he tilts his hips to bottom out. “God…”
“I am so full of you…” Hiding your face in his neck you giggle as you can feel his cock twitch. “Feels odd, Stevie.”
“Am I hurting you? Shall I pull out.” Worriedly looking at your face Steve smiles as you slide your fingers over his bearded chin. “No, Steve. I just never felt someone inside of me. But I am glad it’s you, Baby…” You wrap your leg around his waist as Wanda told you to do so.
While you try to remember everything, she tried to teach you Steve’s lips press against yours and his body starts to move on top of yours.
Slowly Steve slides out then pushes back in, pulls out then pushes in, finding a rhythm taking your breath away. One hand grips your left thigh, as the other creeps behind your head to bring you closer to his lips.
You try to meet his thrusts to not just lie there to take the pleasure he brings.
You moan against his lips, slide your hands over his arms to grip his shoulders tightly. Then you raise your hips, finding a pace matching Steve’s to let his noises grow louder. His eyes widen when you start cursing his name.
 “Are you close?” Steve’s words are barely a whisper as he’s busy to moan your name against your lips. “Baby?”
“I…I am not sure, but it feels good, Stevie.” You are close, but don’t want to admit it as this feels too good. “I…”
“I’ve got you, doll. Just give me one more, Y/N. I want to feel it…you…” Your arms wrap tightly around his neck and you crush your lips onto Steve’s.
Your walls grip Steve tightly, cause him to break the kiss. A cry leaves your lips and you press your head against Steve’s forehead, laughing as your high let your lips quiver.
“That was…” Humming Steve gives you shallow thrusts, rides your high out before his hips stutter and you feel something warm hit the condom. “Perfect…”
“You were perfect, Sweetheart. I mean…how do you feel? Does anything hurt?” Steve peppers soft kisses to your forehead, concerned he hurt you.
“I feel great, Stevie. Exhausted. Sore. But great…”
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“Why did you call me?” Whispering Steve watches you sleep peacefully on his bed. You are wearing one of his shirts and his heart swells every time you whimper his name in your sleep. 
“Punk, we’ve got a freaking problem! I tried to tell you that Brock was after Wanda Maximoff. We had to bring her to a safe house which means Y/N will not be able to reach her friend.” Bucky explains the situation while Sam tightens the grip on the steering wheel.
“Sam and I are on our way to you. We have to make a stop to check on Pietro and if he can tell us more but be prepared, we have to tell your girl we are cops.” Steve’s throat tightens at the thought he must reveal his true identity soon after you gave yourself to him.
“Buck, she will hate me…I…I can’t…” 
“You know that Brock digs deep to find anything against you. He could already know you are a cop!”
“I can’t tell her I am a cop. Bucky, I will lose her…” 
“What did you do Stevie?” Bucky’s eyes meet Sam’s as Steve reveals what happened not three hours ago. “Fuck…Steve…”
“What? Did something happen?” Shaking his head Bucky sighs. “Bucky? What’s wrong?”
“Steve slept with Y/N and she was…innocent. I am afraid that punk is in love with her and refuses to tell her about his job…”
“We’ve got no choice, Bucky. If Steve doesn’t tell her…I’ll do so…”
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All works Tags
Marvel Tags
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
Love Undercover Tags
@aubageddon91​​, @an-awkward-human-1​​, @the-soulofdevil​​, @s-t-r-i-k-e-us​​, @taylortheeshowpony​, @captainchrisstan​, @shippers-heart​, @operation-spot​, @rentheanonymous​
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
The Fiancé: Chapter Four
Characters: Steve Rogers x Female Plus-Size Reader
Rating: The whole series will be E, 18+ ONLY
Summary: A lie about your best friend at a Christmas party spirals into world news, but a previously unknown threat leaves you having to now live the lie of Steve Rogers being your fiancé.
Originally based on the prompt ‘Character A’s ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A’s fiancé,’ by @alloftheprompts​.
A/N: The whole series will include swearing, alcohol, threat, violence, apartment sharing, protected sex, and more tags to be added!
The Fiancé Masterlist
All Works Masterlist
Read on AO3
Please don’t copy or steal my work, and please don’t post it on any other sites; credit does not count.
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Can I Tell You Confidentially, Ain’t You Sweet
“This is a fucking nightmare,” Steve mutters, leaning against the wall and looking out of the window, Sam the other side.
  Staring down at the seemingly growing crowd, his agitation is growing with it, but all he can think about is how you must be feeling.
He’d nearly hurled his phone into the God damn Reflecting Pool when Fury had told him.
“Now, hang on a second, what?”
“This is a great opportunity to find out who these guys are and stop them, Steve.”
He’d scoffed, a hand on his hip as he’d paced. “So we’re putting a civilian’s life in danger, my civilian friend’s life in danger, who not only has absolutely no training in any kind of operation but is also just an innocent human being?”
A sigh had come through the line. “Steve... What these groups are talking about doing is getting worse, and they’re recruiting, not just people to assassinate you but for other operations as well around the world.”
His jaw had moved as he’d stopped, staring into the water. “There has to be another way.”
“There isn’t.”
“Nick, I can’t see—”
“This isn’t a request, Steve, it’s an order.”
So here he is, a soldier with his orders, putting his friend’s life on the line for his own... And even though they’d appeared to give you one, you hadn’t really had much of a choice.
He hates it. But... as Nat had said, you couldn’t be safer. Part of him was actually relieved that you would now officially be under the watchful eye of SHIELD and the best agents he’d ever known, especially after the letter he’d received.
Sam shifts, mirroring Steve with his folded arms. “Yeah, you’re not wrong,” he murmurs. Shaking his head, he looks to him. “Only for six days, man. Just keep tellin’ yourself that, six days.”
Steve releases a breath, a muscle in his jaw moving. “Yeah, ‘cause nothing goes to shit in six days, huh.”
“I’m coming over the moment work finishes, if I can get out of the damn building.”
You lick your lips, balancing your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you carry a box to your bedroom door.
“Uh, actually, Bridge’, I’m packing right now.”
“You’re packing? Oh my God, please don’t tell me you’re eloping, I want to be there!”
“No, no, we’re just moving in together.”
“Oh my God, your place or his?”
“Uh... a new place.” You lift a suitcase onto your bed, unzipping it.
“I’m not sure, actually, Steve’s chosen a place.” You move to your wardrobe, stare at it for a second and then grab an armful of clothes and turn, dropping them onto your bed.
“Ugh, it’s like he��s gifting you an apartment, that’s amazing. Oh, Y/N...” You pause your half-hearted folding of a sweater at Bridget’s sigh. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Licking your lips, you place the sweater in the suitcase. “Well, we’re... we’re such good friends that we wanted to keep it a secret, just in case it didn’t work out so it wouldn’t be weird with our friends or for anyone. And, you know... the whole world seems to think it can be involved, as we’d, uhm, as we’d expected.“
You hear them hiss. “I know, I can’t believe what some people are writing, it’s such trash.”
“Yeah.” You haven’t dared to check the notifications that have been making your phone buzz, even as you’ve been speaking to Bridget, and their angry tone doesn’t exactly fill you with confidence.
As you fold another sweater, you hear the clicking of a computer mouse on the other end, and then Bridget gasping. “Oh my God, is the ring really from Tiffany’s?!”
“Uh...” You glance at the ring on your fourth left finger. The ring Nat had removed from a box she’d taken out of her coat pocket and unceremoniously handed to you, telling you to put it on. You have absolutely no idea where it’s from. Does SHIELD just have a storeroom full of these? Does Nat? “... I don’t actually know, Bridge’, but, you know me, I’m not really bothered by that kind of stuff.”
“Oh, I know. Is it new? Old? What does it look like?”
You continue to stare at the alien object. “It’s... silver. And new. Got a diamond in the middle, three smaller ones either side, going down the band.”
“Ugh, simple and elegant, love it. Can you send me a picture?”
“As soon as I’m done packing.”
“Good. And let me know where you’re moving to, please! I want to drop by unexpectedly every day.”
“Oh, I will as soon as I know.” Having finished folding, you zip the suitcase up and place a hand on it, exhaling a short breath.
There’s a small pause.
“Are you okay, babe?”
“Yeah, I just...” You rub your forehead before making yourself smile even though they can’t see it. “... This is just all happening so fast and it’s a lot, truthfully.”
“Oh, I bet. You know we all love and support you here, right?”
That makes your smile soften. “Yeah, I know.”
“And you’re still okay for drinks with me and Doll’ on Wednesday, right?”
“Oh, yeah, absolutely.” 
I fucking hope it’s okay, I know I’m gonna need those drinks and giggles. 
“Good, we’ll blow off some steam then.”
Hauling the suitcase off the bed, your eyes dart to the door as someone knocks on it.
“Come in,” you say, raising your voice slightly.
It opens and Sam appears, smiling. “Hey, you ready?”
“Just about.” You pass the suitcase to him, him lifting it like it weighs nothing, and the expected sharp inhale comes from the other end of the line.
“Is Sam there?” Bridget whispers.
Your lips twitching, you nod as you say, “Yeah, Bridge’, Sam’s here.”
The man of the moment pauses, looking back at you as his lips lift higher. “You’re talkin’ to Bridge’?”
“Yep.” You have to control your smile.
“How, uh, how’re they doin’?”
“How are you doing, Bridge’?” you ask, raising your eyebrows slightly as you hear them clear their throat.
“Uh, tell him I’m fine, thank you... And that I would like to have a secret engagement with him,” they finish in the quietest of whispers that has your lips twitching again.
“They say they’re fine, thank you.”
Sam nods, pauses for another moment before he moves to turn again.
“Oh, hey,” you say, a wholesomely sneaky idea coming to you. “Sam, why don’t I give you Bridget’s number, then you two can plan the respective bachelor and bachelorette parties together?”
Bridget’s almost squeal of an inhale gives you their answer as Sam looks at you and grins. “Yeah, sure. I’d like that.”
“Oke doke, I’ll give it to you in a bit.” You smirk to yourself as Sam heads into the hallway.
There’s half a second before Bridget launches into a speech. “Oh my God, I love you so damn much, I’m gonna throw you the best damn party ever, I’ll get you whatever you want, whoever you want...”
Okay, maybe I can joke about with this situation now... Just with myself.
It takes you twenty-five minutes to pack. You haven’t packed much, only what you need for the week, and any food that will be going out of date soon, and it isn’t like you are actually moving out, so... the essentials it had been. Like you’re going on holiday. A bizarre, unwanted holiday. Nat has assured you there’s towels, cutlery, glasses, bedsheets, etc, all at the new place, you just need your clothes, toiletries, laptop, phone and anything else you might want to entertain yourself, her words. The last part had made you think of the box you keep under your bed, an array of toys you’ve accrued over the years inside.
... I mean... This is going to be a very stressful week... I’ll take just one... The silent, water-proof one.
That had disappeared into your backpack after you’d, quickly as you could, fumbled with the box and pulled it out and your toy cleaning wipes, sweating slightly as you’d heard the three of them moving around outside your door.
I will not humiliate myself further this week, no thank you.
Well, Nat would probably just nod in approval, Sam would probably actually do the same or just not even react, but Steve... There’s some things that you didn’t talk about, no matter how close you are.
Pulling your coat back on and the bag, hoping Nat doesn’t want to rifle through it this time, you step out of your bedroom, closing the door.
“So, what now?” you ask as they turn to you, Steve carrying your suitcase, Sam holding two boxes in his arms, Nat typing on her phone.
She slips it into her pocket and clasps her hands together as she speaks, “We leave, quickly and safely as possible. Sam and Steve are gonna take your things and Steve’s and head down to the parking garage, Sam’s got his car there, and they’ll come a little behind us. You and I are gonna head out the front, draw some of the crowd away and head to the new place.”
“Right.” You can’t work out if this is nice or not, having someone else take over and make all the decisions. At any other time, you’d be railing and demanding an input, but with this situation...
Carry on, Nat.
“All right, let’s go,” she says, as if having heard your thoughts, and moves to the door, peering through the peep-hole, checking the hallway, before she opens it.
“See you later, Y/N,” Sam says with that lovely warm smile of his as he heads out and, actually, between remembering the people who are now going to be looking after you and having decisions taken away from you, you’re starting to relax a little.
You meet Steve’s gaze and smile as he raises his eyebrows a little. “Well, I guess I’ll see you at home, then,” he says, a smile pulling at his own lips.
“Yeah, I’ll put the kettle on,” you reply, making his smile widen a little more.
“I look forward to it.”
You watch him as he heads out and into his own apartment, Sam having already opened the door. As he closes it, Nat steps out into the hallway, gesturing for you to follow, and you obey. Pulling your door shut, you lock it and turn to her, your keys disappearing into your coat pocket and you zip it closed.
As you both head down the hall, she pulls her phone out and starts typing again, her thumbs moving rapidly. You press the button to herald the elevator, and grip the straps of your bag, staring at the closed outer doors.
You try not to think about anything in particular, but you’re definitely feeling a lot more mellow. 
Just six days, I can do that. Six days is fine, it’ll fly by. I just won’t watch the news, stay off of social media as much as possible and keep my head down with whatever Nat plans for us to do. Steve’ll want that, too, it’ll be fine.
Cheered by your new resolve, you breathe a little easier as the elevator arrives and you step in after the doors open. Nat presses the button for the ground floor as she steps in and glances at the ceiling corners, probably looking for bugging devices.
Pushing her phone into her pocket as the elevator begins to descend, she leans against the back wall, folding her arms and looking at you.
“We’ve got a couple of agents in the crowd and in the building along the street, so don’t worry, we’ve got eyes from every angle.”
“Okay,” you answer, having to stop yourself from saying ‘thank you’ because you know she’ll just smirk and arch an eyebrow.
She pulls the sunglasses down from her head to settle over her eyes once more and you raise your eyebrows.
“... Can I ask, what’s with the glasses?”
“They scan people’s faces, log and check them on a database we have.”
Oh. Facial recognition.
That unsettles you a bit.
Licking your lips, you look back at the doors. “Where is the new place?” you ask after a moment.
“Other side of town.”
She doesn’t elaborate. You don’t know why you even bothered asking.
The elevator slows and she straightens, glancing at you. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” you murmur, clinging onto the calmness you’d felt only minutes before.
The doors open and you both step out. Aaron is stood close to the door, his hands on his belt, frowning, and there’s another guard with him, one you recognise as usually taking the night shift. Aaron must have called him... and as your eyes dart to the windows, you can see why. The faint, jolly music is still playing and it’s a bizarre juxtaposition to the muffled shouting and screaming from outside because the crowed have spotted you now. People are trying to peer through the floor-to-ceiling windows, craning their necks and shoving each other out of the way to get a better look at you, filming on their phones and trying to take pictures.
Aaron turns to you and gives you a small smile as you approach, Nat a step ahead.
“How’re we looking?” she asks him and from his blinking and surprised expression, you guess he isn’t one of the eyes she was talking about.
“Uh, well, no-one’s tried to get in, yet. Someone seemed as if they were about to follow someone who lives here in, but other’s started yelling at them that we could then call the police, so, seems like they’re seasoned.” He glances at you, giving you another smile.
You return it because, God, he’s probably not trained for this, and he’s such a nice guy.
“All right, well, they should go soon once they realise Steve and Y/N are moving.”
“You’re leaving?” He looks rather crestfallen as he meets your gaze again, and you don’t quite know what to do, but it’s left to you to say something because Nat’s moved off to the other guard.
Lying to him almost feels as bad as having to lie to your friends. He’s been working here for quite a few months now and he’s always ready to have a goofy laugh with you, especially when you come back from after-work drinks. It was always nice, too, to come back from a shitty day and see him, smiling and asking you how your day was.
“Well, tomorrow’s a new day,” he’d always say back, to the point where you both just ended up saying it together.
Do you just say bye? Do you give him your number, or promise to add him on Instagram or Facebook?
Yes, please.
Yeah, all right, you have a tiny bit of a crush on him, but it’s fine and you won’t ever act on it, so it’s fine.
“Yeah, sorry,” you say to him, offering a slightly sheepish smile.
Why am I apologising.
He smiles quickly, a beam that you’d come to enjoy seeing. “Well, I wish you luck with your new life, you two always seemed happy together, I don’t know why I didn’t figure it out.” He laughs and you make yourself join in.
Oh, it’s because it’s not truuueee...
“Thank you, Aaron, I appreciate that.” You pause for a second before continuing as you don’t know what else to say, “I’ll see you around.”
He nods. “Yeah, we follow each other on Instagram, so...”
“Do we?” Oh God, that’s embarrassing, as is the tone of surprise you hadn’t quite managed to stop. It’s like you’ve forgotten about him or don’t care, oh my God...
“Yeah, we...” He pauses to let out a chuckle. “You just took my phone that one time, when you came back from a friend’s birthday party, and followed yourself on my account, then promised you’d follow me which you did, so...”
Dolly’s birthday party. Tequila shots.
“Oh, right, yes, sorry, I remember.” Your face feels too warm. “Well, I’ll make sure to say hello.”
“I’d like that.” He smiles and takes a breath before clearing his throat “Goodbye, then, good luck with everything.”
��Thank you,” you answer, but he’s already turning and moving back towards the other guard, Nat giving him a brief smile as they pass each other and she returns to you.
Arching an eyebrow at you, a smirk hints at the corners of her mouth.
“Already initiating an affair?” she murmurs as she places a hand above your backpack, gently guiding you towards the door.
“Shut up,” you mutter, very much aware of how warm your face still is.
Her mood shifts the moment you’re in front of the door, the other guard gripping the handle, ready to open it.
“Okay, just keep moving towards the car, all right, don’t worry if you feel me pushing you, just keep your feet moving, and look straight ahead.”
“Okay,” you whisper, and from the corner of your eye you see her nod.
The guard opens the door and steps out, pushing people back, and then you’re out and through the door.
The moment you feel the cold air touch your skin, it’s pandemonium. People scream, cameras flash, and questions are yelled at you, so many you can’t even make them out properly. You keep your feet moving but your eyes are darting all over, trying to take it all in, there’s so many people. Your anxiety comes flooding back as the guard and Aaron try their best to keep people back and Nat keeps pushing you forward, silent. You just can’t believe they’re all here, in the freezing cold, just to see you.
Well, not just you.
“He’s not here! He’s not with her!” you hear a man shout next to you, making you flinch.
Suddenly, your hands are on Nat’s Corvette and you’re fumbling for the handle. Finding it and tugging it open, Aaron has to really push against a group beside you to allow you space to open it and so you can get in. With your bag still on your back, you slide into the seat and call a “Thank you!” to Aaron. He doesn’t get a chance to turn and acknowledge it as Nat closes the door and the group surges slightly, trying to press against the car. Keeping your eyes down, you lean forward to slide your backpack off and drop it between your feet.
Your hands shake slightly as you buckle your seatbelt, so you clasp them together in your lap once you’re done. It takes Nat a few more moments than last time to get round to her side, but then she’s there, swiftly getting in. Slamming the door shut, she secures her seatbelt and turns the engine on, the sound of it, luckily, making people step back.
Within moments, she’s pulling you both away and down the street. Staring through the wing mirror on your side, you’re grateful for the first time for her speed, knowing by the time the group scatters and gets into their cars or news vans that you’ll be blocks away.
Closing your eyes, you try and cheer yourself.
The hard part’s over. That’s it. You did it.
The hard part is definitely over.
This is the fanciest fucking place I’ve ever seen in my life.
You don’t think your mouth’s closed once from the moment you stepped into the building let alone your new penthouse.
It’s huge. All open-plan and white or stripped wood furniture, lush, thick, beige carpeting throughout, except in the kitchen where it’s polished stone, and the bathrooms where it’s white tile with thin flashes of gold. The dining room is decorated to a show-room standard, with a long, glass table and white cushioned chairs, cutlery set out waiting to be used. The living room, with its two ridiculously comfy beige couches, darker than the carpet, with terracotta blankets draped over them, a huge TV, brick fireplace, and intricately carved coffee table, meets the floor-to-ceiling windows and a glass door that opens out onto a balcony and a view of the city. A swinging chair and four, regular, but as equally comfy-looking, chairs are on it with a stone table, and to the right there’s a pool and more couches and a firepit. To the right of the living room area, behind a door, is a gym room, complete with, what you assume is state-of-the-art, equipment. The kitchen is to die for with its black marble counters and island, accompanied by stools to sit at, and the huge silver fridge and the white beech-wood cabinets and the bedrooms...
There’s two, one’s going to be yours, the other’s Steve’s. You very much agreed with Nat when she said, as you were the first here, that you get first pick but, truthfully, you’d have been over the moon with either of them. The one you have chosen, though, is the first one you come to after walking up the stairs. The king-sized bed is the most comfortable thing you’ve ever lain on, and the grey and white striped duvet and sheets are so soft. The wardrobe is a walk-in, you have your own en-suite, featuring a clawfoot bath, a huge shower and an ornate sink, and the windows in the bedroom are also floor-to-ceiling, the view gorgeous.
Maybe this will feel like a holiday, maybe this won’t be so bad after all, oh my God, even the toilet paper is the softest thing I’ve ever felt, I never want to leave...
As you finally pull yourself out of the room, you lean against the landing railing, gazing down at the open-plan floor below. It looks even more gorgeous from up here, perfect, coordinated, a dream.
Nat stands by the balcony door, talking to someone on her phone, and as you practically float down the stairs, she brings it to an end and hangs up, pushing it into her jeans pocket as a smile begins to form.
“So, everything is satisfactory for you, ma’am?”
“Oh, Nat, this is beyond anything I could have ever imagined.” Crossing the room, you sit on one of the couches, leaning back and looking at her. “How did you find this place?”
She folds her arms, leaning against the window. “We keep a few places on hold, just in case.”
Your head tilts forward, your eyes widening. “This place is a safe-house?!”
Her lips twitch. “Not anymore. Clint’ll be pissed.”
Before you can respond, the front door opens and you both turn, watching Steve and Sam enter. Sam lets out a whistle as he walks down the short hallway, his eyes wide. “Oh my God, can I move in?”
Grinning because this feels good, this feels nice to find it exciting rather than terrifying, you raise your eyebrows. “Hey, I wouldn’t mind, there’s probably room for ten people here.”
“Yeah, Sam snores, so I don’t think so,” Steve quips as he passes the other man, setting the three suitcases, one of them yours, he’d been carrying down by the kitchen archway. He seems just as impressed, though, if a bit more quietly so, his eyes roaming the interior. They arrive at you.
“You happy with it?” he asks, and it makes your chest ache with how sincerely he says it.
“Are you kidding me?” You maintain your grin, wanting to keep the tone light. “I can probably sleep in the wardrobe I have up there and there’s a pool outside.”
“It’s winter, Y/N,” Sam says, but he’s craning his neck to peer outside as he puts your two boxes on the kitchen island.
“It’s heated,” Nat says casually, making you and Sam gasp quietly.
I’m never leaving.
“Right,” Nat continues, moving away from the window as Sam takes her place, her arms still folded. “There’s food in the fridge and cupboards, plenty of towels in the downstairs bathroom cupboards, there’s a washing machine and tumble dryer in there, too, and I’m gonna advise you to not order take-out this week for safety purposes.”
If that’s the sacrifice I have to make to live here then fine.
“Steve, come with me, I’ll show you how the machines work, Sam you take Y/N’s things upstairs and help her unpack.”
“I know how a washing machine works, Nat,” Steve sighs even as he follows after her.
“Oh, not this one, trust me.”
Your gaze darting to meet Sam’s, you both grin.
“Please show me this wardrobe, I’m dyin’ to see it.”
Rising off the couch, you gesture towards the stairs with a flourish of your arm. “This way, then, please, sir.”
Striding across the floor, he grabs your suitcase in one hand and manages to carry both boxes in his other arm before turning to you. “Take me there, ma’am.”
You feel like a giddy child as you both head up the stairs, nearly running.
Nat shakes her head as they listen to you both and she meets Steve’s gaze, her lips twitching. He smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
Even though she knows you nor Sam will be able to hear her in the bathroom she and Steve are stood in, she still softens her voice. “You okay, old man?”
A corner of his mouth lifts a little higher than the other. “Yeah. It’s just gonna take some getting used to.”
“I know,” she murmurs, leaning against the washing machine, instructions forgotten, and she knows not needed. “I know this isn’t exactly how we planned on locating these guys but we couldn’t let this opportunity go—”
“I know, I know,” he sighs, a note of exasperation to it. “Fury said the same thing.”
She looks at him, the tightness in his jaw, despite how relaxed he appears. “She’s going to be safe,” she says gently after a few moments. “I know I don’t have to remind you, but we’re doing this for her, too.”
That makes him stiffen slightly, but she knows he needs an objective for this, something to fight for, something personal, his own life not being enough. He nods after a short pause, then his eyes meet hers and he gives an easy smile.
“You gonna show me how to use this thing or what, huh?”
You wish Nat and Sam could’ve stayed longer. Could’ve helped you both settle in, maybe even shown you how to operate the TV, even though you knew... Could’ve stayed longer because they helped to keep the excitement up.
The moment the door closed after they’d said their goodbyes, barely an hour after they’d arrive, said adamantly to call if either of you needed anything, and that the building was already being watched by agents, silence descended.
You’d both been stood by the front door to bid farewell, Steve holding it open, and you’d watched them cross the small circular foyer to the elevator that only someone with a passkey could get into and come to this floor with. You, Steve, Nat and Sam were the only people to have one. As the latter two disappeared, the elevator doors closing and Steve closed your own door and the silence came, you just looked at each other. You couldn’t think what to say, not quite in the mood to crack a joke, some of your energy having left you. Steve had appeared to feel the same way, his hands sliding into his pockets as he gave a light smile.
As the silence went on a second too long, you had returned his smile, though wider, and made some excuse about having promised to video call Dolly and Bridget to show them the place. He’d just nodded and joked about keeping out of the way.
You hate this. Hate that there’s some kind of... disconnect between you two now, though, you hope, you’re the only one to feel it. You don’t want to become awkward strangers to each other, you don’t want to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed every time you want to speak to him because how the hell are you going to get through the week? Or beyond it? You know it’s all your own doing, your own insecurities and embarrassment holding you back, but you just need... a few minutes to adjust.
The video call with your friends doesn’t exactly help. They’d gasped and squealed at everything you’d showed them, so delighted and excited for their friend, and you don’t know where you’d found the energy from to be ‘on’, to be at their level, and the level of an excited, engaged woman. You had quickly excused yourself after half an hour, though, saying you and Steve still have some things to unpack. 
You hate lying to them. You hate it so much.
You'd felt tears pricking at your eyes as you’d waved goodbye, catching their blown kisses like you usually would but unable to return them with quite the same goofiness. If they’d have asked, you just would have said you were tired, which wouldn’t have been a complete lie.
When you end the call and drop your phone onto your bed, you close your eyes, wiping at them after a moment to eradicate any stray tears.
Six days. Just six days. And it’s to help save your best friend’s life.
Changing into a sweater and pyjamas trousers, you leave your room, your phone held in one hand. A quick glance around as you descend the stairs shows no sign of Steve, but as you reach the bottom you hear sounds of a machine in the gym room despite the door being closed. You leave him to it, knowing he’s probably got his own adjustments to reckon with.
Despite his status, he’s still a private guy, and he probably hates the limelight now being shone on him once more.
There comes the guilt again, gnawing at you from the inside, and swiftly comes the challenge that without your lie you wouldn’t be able to help SHIELD find whoever wants to hurt him... Then comes the sadness, anger and helplessness.
You sit on the nearest couch, grabbing the remote, and turn the TV on. The channel you’re on is showing an advert, so you skip through until you land on a talk show. You pause for a moment, before lowering the remote.
“... also have a statement from June & Mayflower Publishing,” a woman is saying, text appearing on the screen beside her.
You don’t bother to listen properly or read it. Nat had called Yvette while you’d been packing, and she and her assistant Alice had drafted a statement saying the whole company was delighted. She’d sent it to you while Nat had been driving you here to read beforehand but you’d just replied to the email saying it was fine, you trusted her.
You tune back in when a man speaks, and a weird feeling rises in your chest as a picture of you and Steve, from probably only a few months after you’d moved to D.C, walking in a park and smiling, pops up on the screen.
“Y/N has actually been sighted with Steve before, they’ve actually been neighbours for three years, isn’t that romantic?”
“Awh, so cute!” the woman says, beaming.
“I know, right? People were asking if something was going on, we were desperate to know if our boy in red, white and blue had finally found the one again, but after months of quiet speculation we all knew they were just good friends.”
You wouldn’t have exactly called it quiet. You can still remember the shock and surprise of leaving your building and someone coming up to you to ask questions about you and Steve every other day, but it had soon faded, and had been nothing compared to what you’d experienced today.
“Now what we’re all desperate to know is is it going to be a winter wedding?”
“Yeeesss,” the woman says, clapping her hands together. “Now, some of us may think that that’s unusual but they are becoming more popular, and if the wedding of the century is going to a winter one, then, well, cancel Christmas, wedding planners, you’ve got work to do!”
As they laugh, you cringe, playing with the sleeve of your sweater. Unused to wearing a ring the size of the engagement one, it keeps catching on it.
“Now, we have Chrisse Christianson on the line from Chrisse’s Boutique, the store that specialises in all things weddings right here in New York, hi, Chrisse, have you been contacted by the couple?”
“Hi, guys! No, I haven’t been contacted yet,” she laughs, the trilling sound echoing across the studio, “but as Steve is from here we’re hoping they decide to shop local, and—”
As the gym room door opens, with lightening speed you change the channel, landing on a documentary of some kind.
Clearing your throat and lifting your head, you smile at him as he steps out... and you can’t stop your gaze from travelling him. His shirt is sticking to his skin with sweat, beads of it trailing down his neck and temple. His muscles somehow look bigger, straining under the sleeves of the shirt. You swiftly lift your eyes as you catch yourself, and his warm smile is what sets off the fluttering in your chest.
“Hey,” he greets, closing the door.
“Hi,” you manage to say nonchalantly.
Glancing at the TV screen, he then looks back to you. “Dolly and Bridge’ okay?”
“Yeah.” You fold your arms as you smile a touch wryly. “Can’t tell if they’re more excited about the engagement or the apartment.”
He chuckles, wiping the back of his hand across his forehead. You have to stop yourself from watching his muscles flex. “Well, they’re only human.”
Your smile softens as you exhale a laugh. As he crosses behind the couch to the stairs, your eyes return to the TV, but you hear him pause on the bottom step.
“Hey, after I shower I’ll cook us something to eat, okay?”
You look to him, your smile returning as you nod. “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
He nods and ascends the stairs, and you make yourself look back at the screen.
Well, there you go, you’ve spoken and it wasn’t awkward. Hey, you’d even laughed. That was good, fine. It would just be a little weird adjusting, that was all.
You focus on the documentary, which you realise is about birds. You focus very hard on it.
Cutlery quietly clinks against plates, the only sound that fills the air of the penthouse. Usually when you both cook together one of you will put music on, more often than not the playlist you’ve curated together over the years that holds a charmingly eclectic mix of music ranging from the 20s to now. Today, though, neither of you felt much like listening to any.
You’d just stayed on the couch, anyway, when he’d reappeared, showered and dressed, and cooked, almost frozen to the spot and staring at the TV screen. It was nice to drift away for half an hour or so, be distracted by something. He’d gently called you when the pasta dish was ready, and you’d both decided to sit at the island, something too unspokenly formal about the dining table.
And so silence has fallen.
Steve watches you as you both eat quietly, your head slightly lowered. The only thing you’d said was how good it tasted after your first mouthful, and he’d thanked you. You haven’t said another word since. He himself is slightly slumped in his chair, his shoulders down, his arm resting on his thigh, back a little curved. You’d laughed the first time you’d seen him with such an unsuperhero-y posture, fully relaxed. He’d just smiled, and you’d realised over the years that that was how Steve Rogers sat and how he always had, even pre-serum, almost like his body was curving in, protecting himself.
Your fork lowering onto your plate pulls him from his thoughts, his eyes focusing back on you. Running a hand down his mouth, he clears his throat.
“How are you doing?” he asks quietly.
You just look at your plate for a moment as you push it away, your hands clasping together in its place. You’d known this was coming the whole time you’d been eating, before even. Taking a breath and exhaling it, you swallow before you finally look at him. His features don’t change, just watching you.
“Steve, I’m so sorry, about all of this,” you say, your voice just as quiet as his. “For what I said at the party, all of this, I just...”
“Why?” he asks when you don’t carry on.
You raise your eyebrows slightly, a faint expression of surprise. “I used you. I used you to get back at someone who doesn’t matter, and I hate that I did that, I hate it. It’s what everyone else does to you, they use your status and the symbol of Captain America, they take advantage of it, I’ve seen people do it, they pretend they’re your friend just to get something, and I never wanted to be the person that did that, I’m so sorry, I’m your friend because I like you, not because I want to look important or have some kind of status, but that’s what I wanted in that moment, I wanted him to look at me and think I was important and he’d missed out, and I could do better than him and now I’ve just thrown that all away, I’m a hypocrite and I’m so sorry.” You stop abruptly and inhale a slightly broken breath.
He didn’t interrupt you as you got it all out to him, finally, his expression didn’t change, he just sat quietly and listened, knowing the thoughts have probably been rolling around in your mind incessantly. His features soften now, though.
“Y/N...” he says after a moment, “... It was a bit of fun.” You just look at him, your lips slightly parted. “Sure, it’s spiralled, and here we are, having to pick out cake decorations...” He trails off with a smile as you exhale a laugh, your own smile finally breaking out across your features. When he continues, he’s still smiling but his tone is sincere. “I know the kind of person you are, Y/N. I know when I’m being used, despite how old I am I’ve still got all my marbles, but it was just some fun, and I was glad to do it for you, he seemed like an ass.”
Your smile has lingered, your shoulders relaxing in relief as you inhale a breath. “Yeah, he was.” Shaking your head, you look at him. “God, you’re just...”
He arches an eyebrow, his head tilting. “What?”
Your smile widens. “Incredible, Steve Rogers.”
He chuckles, his hand falling into his lap. “You are, too. And Y/N, you are important—”
“I know, I know,” you say quickly, feeling your face warm. You can’t bear to hear one of his pep-talks now, it’ll just make you feel like even more of a child for having done what you did.
Mercifully, he takes the hint and leans his elbow on the island, his fingers brushing over his lips. There’s a small pause before he speaks again.
“Look, I’m not the best at all this undercover stuff, I’m quite bad at it actually, I’m surprised Nat hasn’t entertained you with the tales, but I think having to do it with you will make it a little easier.”
Your gaze lifts to him, the heat lingering on your skin, and you smile softly. “Well, thank you. You, too.”
You want to cry. You have some kind of emotional release from the day, but you know that would just make him feel guilty.
You attempt to lighten the tone again, raising your eyes to take in the penthouse once more. “So why don’t you live in a place like this?”
“What do you mean?”
You shrug. “Your apartment’s the same size as mine, but you probably have ten times what I do. Don’t give me that look,” you swiftly continue, the corners of your mouth lifting, “They published it, and I couldn’t help but accidentally read it, and I’m just saying, why do we split the bill.”
He arches an eyebrow, a smile threatening. “Because you insist.”
“Well...” You scoff, raising your eyebrows. “I’m gonna stop insisting.”
He chuckles and shrugs, his hands clasping in his lap. “I like my place. And where could I find a better neighbour, huh?”
“Oh, well...” You shrug a shoulder as you smile faux-demurely, shaking your head. “You couldn’t, so, good.”
“I know, I know, God’s gift,” he concedes with raised eyebrows, his smile betraying his tone. Moving off the stool, he takes your plate and his and heads to the sink, placing them in and turning the tap on, letting the water run over them.
Placing your arms on the island, you exhale a long breath. “So... How are you gonna spend your first afternoon here in paradise?”
The corners of his mouth lift as he turns the tap off and leans against the counter beside him, his hands in his pockets. “Think I’m gonna give Buck a call, and Nat, see what’s goin’ on. You?”
You wrinkle your nose, shrugging. “I don’t think I’m technically not working just yet, so, I’ve got a few things I want to take care of and send to Yvette, then...” You shrug again. “... The shower in my room looks great, actually, so I might spend about three hours in there.”
“Yeah, mine was life-changing, so...” He smiles as you laugh, sliding off of your stool.
“Oh, good, maybe I’ll spend four hours in there, then.” Tugging your sleeves over your hands, you grab your phone and return his smile. “All right, I guess I’ll see you in a bit, then.”
“Yeah. Don’t work too hard.”
“Oh, I’ll try.”
And there it is again, that weird, unfamiliar awkwardness returns, not too overt, but definitely there. As you climb the stairs, you once again hope he doesn’t feel it, but, you are relieved that you got out what had been rattling around in your mind since the morning. Relieved that he was so understanding, too, but when is he not? That’s what you lo— admire about him so much. Empathy is seemingly a rare trait these days so it’s nice to be reminded that people do have it. And, oh, you’d had a normal conversation. You almost laugh at the boost it’s given you.
You push him, the day, everything out of your mind, though, as you enter your room and close the door. Taking your laptop from your backpack, you turn it on and sit back against the luxurious cushions on the bed, closing your eyes for a few moments to get your brain into work-mode. 
This will distract you for a good few hours, be something that you can handle and focus on.
Opening your eyes, you sign into your laptop and straighten your back.
Oke doke... Hello, my actual life.
You manage to waste more than a good few hours sending emails, receiving them, taking calls, approving events and posts, planning out the next few months of what you want to get done and make public. You ignore the emails that have ‘CONGRATULATIONS!!!’ in the subject line, hoping people will just think you’re too busy being desperately in love to reply to all the well-wishers. It’s almost bliss, to lose yourself in your work and think of nothing else, even though you do have to block a few numbers from tabloids every half an hour or so.
As darkness falls, though, and everyone else ends their working day, you force yourself to send your last email, to Yvette, explaining, as Nat had asked you to, that you would be taking the week off. Yvette already knows, of course, but Nat had requested you to do it just in case someone hacked into your emails, or the company’s. Shutting your laptop down and closing it, your gaze drifts to the window. The sky is an inky black, and the bedside lamp you’d turned on an hour or so before illuminates the room in a warm, gentle glow.
Moving off the bed with a slight, stiff, wince, you pull the curtains closed, and take a moment to let your thumbs caress the silver, velvety material.
Ugh, just perfect.
Blowing out a breath, you turn back to the room.
What now? 
Time for that shower, I think.
You take another moment to once more take in the beauty of your bathroom, before you open the shower door and stare at the buttons because it has buttons and not knobs and taps like you’re used to. Thankfully, they’re easy to understand and in seconds a warm stream of beautifully pressured water is pouring down onto the floor.
You dart back into the bedroom to grab your phone, wanting to play some music, and as you wander back into the bathroom, you unlock it. As you search for your desired playlist, an Instagram notification suddenly appears at the top of the screen. It’s a message—
You pause.
A message from Aaron.
You feel your face heating up, and it’s not from the steam of the shower, as you tap on it to open the app and read it quickly.
Hey, I hope you’re settling in okay, and your new door guys aren’t as funny as I am.
You smile, quite touched by the sweetness of it. Your thumbs start to move before you can stop them.
Hi, thank you so much! It’s all fine here, and no, they certainly aren’t, so you can rest easy.
Feeling faintly like a giddy teenager as you quickly close the app in case he comes online and sees you’re active, (and oh my God, did I reply too quickly?), you start your playlist and place your phone by the sink. After undressing, leaving your clothes in a pile on the floor, and spending a moment considering if you should remove the ring in case you damage it but deciding to leave it on, you step into the shower and are unable to stop a soft groan as the warm water washes over you.
This is so much better than the water in our building... then again, it’s not hard to beat it.
You take your time to shower, washing every inch of your skin with the new bottle of body-wash that was already in there and smells divine. When you finally turn the water off and step out, you pull a cream, fluffy towel from the nearby rack and it rivals the bed in softness. After patting yourself dry and moisturising with the new pot of cream that was in one of the cabinets under the sink, and comes from that fancy shop you and Dolly go into every month for samples, you wrap the towel around yourself, take your phone and head into the bedroom.
Checking for notification as you sit on the bed, you find Aaron has answered.
Oh, good, to both of those. My reputation remains intact.
Your teeth graze over your lower lip as you reply.
Absolutely, I’ll let them know here that they seriously need to do better.
Being on the app reminds you to make your account private as, oh, boy, strangers commenting on every single photo you’ve ever posted is overwhelming. You’re about to exit out of the app when you decide to have a look at Aaron’s profile. It’s a standard grid, photos of him at bars or parties, by the looks of it, selfies, photos of him at the gym...
Wow... His uniform kinda hides those muscles.
Stop it.
Locking your phone, you lie back on the bed, not quite ready to change just yet.
God, that was a good shower.
Wonder if Steve’s shower was really good. If the water pressure was good like mine, not if he had a nice time, if he just really enjoyed it as much as he said he did.
You stare at the ceiling, swallowing lightly.
Your eyes drift to your backpack on the floor.
Where your toy calls quietly to you.
... This would help the unwinding to continue.
Moving off the bed, you reach inside your backpack and grab the toy, pulling it out of its drawstring bag.
It’s one of your favourites; smooth, rose-gold silicone, medium length, a ribbed shaft, silent, different speeds and patterns, water-proof, you can use it anywhere, anytime, and do whatever you want with it.
Lying back again, you shift into a more comfortable position and close your eyes, your thumb finding the familiar button to set the vibration at the first, low speed.
You think about what you usually do when you can’t be bothered to look a stimulus up online; a faceless mouth on your neck, on your breasts, licking and sucking at your nipples, on your thighs, hands pulling them apart, gliding down to your wet pussy lips, caressing and stroking.
A rush of breath escapes you as you glide the head of the vibrator up and down your cunt, your hips jerking slightly at the initial contact. You’re wet already, and you hum gently as you stop at your clit, leaving the vibrator there.
Your free hand tugs the towel open so you can reach your breasts, your fingers going between your nipples and, tugging and pinching them along with your fantasy. You increase the speed by one as you start to lose yourself in the pleasure thrumming throughout your body.
... And you can’t stop yourself from not thinking about it anymore.
You picture Steve in the shower. 
You’ve thought of him a couple of times before while masturbating, accidentally. Like when you've been drunk he’s just slipped into your mind... or just at the last second when you're coming his face has appeared in your mind and his name from your lips. You just can’t help it.
The faceless mouth and hands become his as you rock your hips, quiet moans sounding from your throat. He whispers your name into your ear, telling you how good you feel, how wet you are, what a good girl you are, how he can’t wait to sink his cock into yo—
Two gentle knocks sound on your bedroom door.
Your eyes snapping open, you stare at the door.
Oh my God, it’s like I summoned him.
“... Yeah?” You try to sound as nonchalant as possible, your voice just a touch higher than normal.
“Can I come in?”
“Uh...” You’re off the bed in seconds, the towel falling to the floor as you thrust the vibrator behind one of the many pillows and clear your throat, “... Hang on, two seconds...”
You can’t answer the door to him in just a towel, you can’t, where—
You find the robe you’d spotted earlier, still hanging on the back of the bathroom door and grab it, pulling it on and tying the cord tight.
God, that’s soft...
Clearing your throat again, you take a breath and open the door, smiling widely as your eyes fall on him.
“Hey, sorry, I just had a shower.”
He takes an almost involuntary step back, his back straightening. “Oh, sorry—” 
“No, no, it’s fine.” You’re still smiling, and he’s returning it, albeit a bit softer and less forced, his eyes on yours.
“Right, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie? I can make some dinner for us while you change?”
He’s just so fucking nice, how can I think such filthy things...
“Yeah, that sounds great.”
“All right, I think it’s your turn to pick the movie.”
“All right, I’ll get thinking.”
I hope I don’t sound as manic as I feel.
You watch him descend the stairs for a moment before you close the door and lean against it, closing your eyes.
Oh, God...
It’s good actually, that he turned up, you shouldn’t be thinking about him, it’s wrong, he’s your friend— 
Stop. Just stop thinking about it.
Opening your eyes, you exhale a long breath and move towards your new wardrobe, finding your pyjamas.
Right, now to just get through the evening without any awkwardness... and the rest of the week.
Perfectly easy.
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victoriandrawings · 4 years
Supernatural Season 15 Rant - Spoilers Ahead
I’m going to start this off by saying that I love and adore Supernatural. It is one of my favourite shows and it always will be. I watched seasons 1-10 in a single month because I just couldn’t get enough of it.
I’m also going to say that I’m an incredibly emotional person (honestly, it’s ridiculous) and I get emotionally attached to characters really, really fast and even though they’re fictional, I hold them next to my heart as if they’re actually part of my family because, in a way, they are. I can see someone for 3-5 minutes and I’m immediately like, “I love this person and I will defend them to my death.”
Now I’m going to say some things that might upset some people. Don’t keep reading if you haven’t watched season 15 or the latest episode.
Season 15 of Supernatural (especially the latest episode) has disappointed me tremendously and I have quite a few reasons.
1. No one seems to be putting in their all. This is the final season, end it on a high note. Put in your everything and make it absolutely amazing. Among other things, Misha wasn’t as gruff or gravelly (though I may be willing to excuse this for the “I love you” speech he gave to Dean) and Mark P. just didn’t fully take on the role of Lucifer aka my favourite character (I’ll expand on this in a moment; side note, I technically have three favourite characters: Lucifer, Jack, and Castiel).
2. The ending of the latest episode, what the heck was that?? Is my baby Jack-Jack the new God? Why did he leave Sam and Dean? He is technically only about three years old and he loves them, so why would he leave them like that??
3. The plot has been all over the place in this season. One episode they’re trying to find a way to kill God and then they’re out hunting some weird version of Baba Yaga. What?? Wouldn’t you focus more on trying to defeat the person that has ruled your lives and is trying to end the whole planet?
4. Why in the world would Amara actually trust Chuck? He imprisons her, she gets out and, after a whole confusing fiasco, tells him that she doesn’t want anything to do with him, then at the slightest promise of “harmony” and “balance” and whatever, she just immediately jumps right back on board. Is she really that dumb??
5. Lucifer. Lucifer has been my favourite character for years now. I love his sass, the presence Mark P. brought with him, his assertive and confident air and voice, his little gestures and silly, mocking facial expressions, all of it. I love all of it. Yet, in the latest episode, all of that was missing. His presence wasn’t loud and assertive, his voice was quiet and passive, there were no gestures or silly faces, his sass didn’t come across well because his confident, compelling voice was missing. His stance was all wrong as well. He was more wrapped up in himself (not in an egotistical way). No flailing arms or little hand gestures, no wide leg stance. He lacked everything that made Lucifer, Lucifer. He was missing everything that forged Lucifer as his character and his character alone. Maybe it was because the show is ending or maybe because he was called in for a role that was incredibly short (at max, he had about 5 minutes screen time), I don’t know. But what I do know is that what was presented was not Lucifer. And it was oddly jarring. It took me out of their world for the rest of the episode (which sounds really dumb but I don’t care). I love Mark Pellegrino as an actor and he will forever be the only Lucifer to me (do not talk to me about Rick Springfield’s little stint), but his performance in the latest episode kind of ruined it for me.
6. Another complaint with Lucifer’s role, was it really necessary to bring him back from the dead? I get he was needed for Jack to absorb or consume his power, but I was very much not okay after his previous death (both when Luci died and when Jack burnt Nick to a crisp) and I was so ecstatic and happy when Dean opened the bunker door and Lucifer was on the other side. I let out the loudest shriek of happiness and elation (my niece literally complained that I was “too loud”) with the biggest grin on my face only for him to be killed less than five minutes later. It hurt every time before and it hurts now. Thank you people whom I have forgotten the names of that wrote and directed the latest episode, you have once again broken my heart. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.
7. Onto the finale. The final episode hasn’t aired yet but you can already tell where the show is going. I was expecting this show to go out with a bang. Everyone dies because only then is their job really over but nooo. It has to be a nice, sunny, happy ending. This show started with darkness, it should end the same way. Go out in a pit of black or a flaming ball of fury. A nice big “F*** YOU WE WON’T KNEEL EVEN IN THE FACE OF DEATH” to Chuck or something. Don’t get me wrong, I love that Chuck now has to suffer like everyone else but I would have much preferred he take everyone and everything out in a massive power bomb or something. Jack walking away didn’t feel like an end, it felt like a lead up to something else. Something more. Not that we’re going to get that because the show is over.
I know it was basically a surprise to all of the actors and actresses that the show is ending and they’re angry and sad (which they have every right to be, they lost their jobs) but why make it a bad ending for everyone that has loved this show for years? Why make it bad for the people that have stuck around since the first season? Why do this to everyone that has stuck with them through thick and thin? Supernatural has not gotten the ending that it deserves and that greatly upsets me.
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ladywinterwitch · 5 years
Four Can Keep A Secret
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Summary: You finally find out the reason of your sickness, and you don’t know how to tell Bucky Barnes that he’s going to be a dad, so you start to be a little distant. But what if he takes it the wrong way?
Warning: Fluff, A LOT, Natasha scaring Peter to Death, just a little of angst, pregnancy
Word Count: 1580
A/n: Hey again! Hope you like this one. Bucky is silly, but the fluff kind. And Natasha’s gonna kill Peter one day not really tho. Enjoy! 
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                                                (Gif not mine)
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You were looking at your milk and cereals with a borderline disgusted expression. You were in a room full of people doing breakfast, talking and arguing over silly things. These in particular were Peter Parker and Sam Wilson.
-Hey, y/n you alright?- Natasha asked softly without making herself heard by the others.
-Uhm… yeah. Why?- You were a little unprepared to that question so you tried to look relaxed, but Natasha was a woman and also a spy. A good one. So you didn’t fool her, not for one minute. She stared at you concerned for some seconds, before getting up from her chair.
-Y/n would you help me with the dishes?- she asked, silently telling you had no real choice. So you got up, nodding. The others barely noticed. Some of them were already at the SHIELD base to talk with Nick Fury about a mission, and thankfully one of them was your boyfriend.
You two went to the kitchen with a mountain of dishes in each of your hands. You and Nat started to work. She washed , you dried.
-Talk.- she basically ordered. You knew that she was doing that just because she cared a lot about you and your friendship. She and Wanda were your best friends.
-I think I made mess.- you admitted. Nat stopped and stared at you.
-Anything which isn’t death can be fixed. Tell me, so I can help you.- she responded with a sweeter tone. You took a deep breath and looked around the room, terrified that someone could hear you.
-I may…I mean…You know- you stuttered. Natasha sighed softly and put a hand on your arm.
-It’s going to be okay. I promise you.-
-I think I’m pregnant.- right after that phrase, both of you heard a noise that scared you. You turn to the door, just to see Peter with a shocked expression on his face, and a broken dish on the floor. Wanda arrived straight away.
-What the hell?- she asked looking at the young guy. You saw Natasha giving him a warning look.
-It just… Slipped. I’m sorry i’m still sleepy.- he stuttered laughing nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
-You didn’t see that coming, Spider Man?- Wanda said, teasing him.
-You go finish your breakfast honey, we will handle this.-  Natasha smiled at the girl.
-Okay. Try not to break the entire set uh.- She have a little bump to the guy’s shoulder, coming back to the dining room.
You leaned on the kitchen counter, a hand on your face.
-It’s true? I mean does Bucky know? I’m going to be an uncle?- he kept asking quickly, until Nat rose from the ground where she was picking up the pieces of the broken plate and put her left hand on his mouth shutting him up.
She pointed a finger on his chest, looking at him like an angry mother.
-You listen to me very carefully now, baby spidey.- she warned -You are going to keep your mouth closed. Or you’ll be dead, not an uncle. Understood?- he nodded quickly with fear in his eyes. You decided to intervene before Nat could kill Peter for real or before he could die spontaneusly of fear.
-Peter, Natasha will not kill you. You have my word.- you joked, but he seemed really relieved anyway. -I just ask you to not tell anyone, okay? It’s a news and a bloody mess and I need some time. Can you do this for me?- you asked softly.
He nodded. -I will, y/n. After all i’m an avenger and Spider Man and aunt May has’t found out.- he responded proudly.
-Yet.- Natasha finished the sentence.
-Okay… now i’m going back to dining table. But… Y/n think about it, I would be and amazing godfather!-
-PETER!- Nat screamed.
Three days had passed since you told Natasha about the baby. Eventually Wanda found out on the morning after, because she unintentionally read your mind. So now both of them and Peter, who still kept his word, knew. Everyone told you that you had to tell Bucky about it, but you still weren’t sure. He always talked about how scared he was about his past, and the possibility that the shit Hydra put in his head could come out again.
He didn’t seem to have noticed anything. But little did you know he actually had, and that he already talked about it with Steve. He told him that you seem a little cold and wired, and also that when he tried to get closer to you, you rejected him.
Steve was as confused as his friend, because he knew very well that you loved each other like anything else. So he adviced him to talk to you. And that’s what Bucky had in mind to do.
So that evening, after dinner, after spending a little time with the team, you went to your bedroom and Bucky did the same. You were a little surprised, because he usually stayed with the boys for a bit longer on before going to sleep.
-Hey, to bed early tonight?- you asked, casually putting on a sweater when he came into your shared bedroom. Your belly was slightly starting to show. And that was noticeable because you’ve always been pretty flat. You haven’t been visited by Bruce yet, but you must have been at least a month and a half by now.
He gave you an half but not sincere smile, and then he sat on the bed’s edge. You frowned getting closer to him.
-What’s wrong, baby?- you asked softly. He laughed slightly, then he rose his gaze, looking at you with his beautiful baby blue eyes.
-I should ask you, probably. Shouldn’t I?- you tensed a little, but tried to keep it cool.
-What do you mean?- you asked, quite confused. Was he angry at you? He suddenly got up from the bed.
-You want to break up with me, y/n, is that it? Just be clear about it.- he said, looking away. He looked like a lost puppy and it was hurting your heart. How could he ever think something like that? You put your hands on his cheeks, making him look in your eyes.
-Why would you ever think that? James you are my world. There is’t any place, or person I would rather be with.- he seemed relieved by your words.
-I…I don’t know. You seemed so distant in these past few days. You didn’t wanna be with me..- he spoke quite low in the end.
You chuckled putting your arms around his neck. He looked at you with confusion.
-Oh, darling. I’m pretty sure we’ve been together for a little too long.- you said with a sly smile.
-I’m afraid I’m not understanding.- he responded. She bit her lower lip lightly to hide a smile, then she leaned near his ear.
-I’m just saying- she bagan to whisper, -That if you didn’t want to be a father, James, you should have controlled yourself  a little more.-
He turned his face to look at you. He had wide eyes, completely in shock.
-Are you certain?- he asked breathless. She nodded.
-Yes. Wanda even told me she can feel him already.- He let out a breath and started to laugh, placing his hands on her hips to raise her in the air. She let out a little squeak for the surprise, then started to laugh as well.
-I’m going to be a father!- he said almost in tears. He made her spin a little then he put her down and hold her tightly.
-But…Since when did you know? That’s why you were being that strange? And that hungry?- her jaw dropped at his words, and then she gave him a little slap on the chest.
-It’s not like I’m eating an entire fridge!- she said with fake offense.
-You kind of are, doll.- he laughed a little. She rose an eyebrow.
-Anyway, I found out a week ago actually. And I’ve told Nat three days ago..-
-You mean Natasha knew before me?- he exclaimed outraged.
-I needed an advice! But don’t get mad…Wanda and Peter also know.- she hid her mouth with her hands, trying not to laugh at his shocked face.
-What?! I mean, I get Nat, even Wanda… but what about Peter?-
-He heard me and Nat by mistake…and Wanda felt that something wasn’t right so she read my mind.- he huffed, looking at her with his lips slightly pursed but amused.
-Any other surprises I should be informed of?- she shook her head with an half smile.
-Good. Then I think we have an announcement to do.- he responded placing a gentle kiss on her lips, and a hand on her lower back.
A few moments later they were in the Avengers living room. Everyone was there. Sam, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Tony, Thor, Peter, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Clint and even Pepper.
-Well, we have an announcement to do. Right, doll?- he said with a smile. She nodded.
-Are you finally getting married? Wilson give me 50 bucks.- Clint said, but Natasha stopped him.
-Just listen, you dumbass.- then she smiled widely at the couple.
-Okay, so… we’re having a baby.- a loud cheer rose from the people, and immediately everyone went to hug them and say their congratulations.
-Oh, thank God. I couln’t take it anymore.- Peter said, gaining a laugh from Wanda and the future parents, while Natasha just wrapped an arm around him.
-Well I’m actually impressed, baby spidey. Three whole days. I wonder for how long you’re actually gonna avoid telling the truth to your auntie.- she said with a sly smirk.
Bucky looked at the love of his life, and after a few moments she did the same. Without saying nothing, they just shared a kiss. Eyes said everything for them.
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Thanks for reading, feel free to let me know what you thought :)
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notyetneedcoffee · 5 years
Rearranging His Plans
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: NSFW, 18+, Smut
Author’s Note: I was sent several requests to do a follow up to Not What He Had Planned. So, ask and ye shall receive!
You woke to the sound of Steve’s voice. Head lifting off the pillow, you quickly realized he was on the phone in the other room. With a sigh, you stretched, feeling every sore muscle and delightful ache. Glancing at the clock confirmed you’d only slept for about an hour. After the intense encounter in the little conference room, Steve spirited you away to his room to thoroughly show you how much he’d been wanting you. After, you couldn’t help drifting off.
The pillow smelled like him. You breathed in deep, smiling. Every muscle felt heavy, relaxed. The man was good, no denying it.
“No, Nick!” Steve’s voice hardened. “I’m not letting it go. Just answer the question.”
What? He was talking to Fury, actually he sounded angry with Fury. You got up and snagged Steve’s pullover from the floor. Slipping it on, you padded closer to the door. Steve was staring out the window in living area of his suite. He wore only sweats that rested low on his hips. His strong bare shoulders bunched with tension.
“Wait.” Steve growled. “Karen Ellison was the investigating agent? Did anyone bother to verify her findings?” He ran his fingers through his hair, listening. “Well, I have reason to doubt the ‘unbiased’ nature of her report.” He sighed. “Let’s just say she’d didn’t like an answer I gave her.”  
You leaned against the doorway, wrapping your arms around yourself. If Steve didn’t want you eavesdropping, he would have closed the door.  
“Well, I’m telling you those people were friends and family. Your report is wrong. Check again.” Steve ordered. He hung up the cell and tossed in on the counter.  
“Thank you for that.” You said quietly.  
Steve turned around, his hand on his hips. A look of frustration marred his face. “I had to try.”
You stepped closer to him, slipping your hands around his trim waist. You rubbed your nose along his collar bone. “At least you know I’m not some tramp running around divulging company secrets.”
“Y/N, I never…” Steve began to protest, but you rose up on your toes and covered his mouth with your own. His hands cupped your face, thumbs brushing over your cheeks. He sighed as his tongue slid over yours, his lips tender.  
His right hand moved down, pulling you against him. Drifting over your hip, you felt his fingers reach the bottom of the shirt. A little moan escaped your throat as his hand gripped your bare ass. The kiss deepened, and he arched you back, curling around you.  
“Damn, you look good in my shirt.” Steve smiled against your lips.  
“Yeah?” You rolled your hips against him. “It was nice to wake up in your bed. Of course, it would have been even better if you’d been there.”  
“I was coming back.” Steve kissed your neck. Leaving a wet trail to you ear. “I didn’t expect you to wake up so soon. I may need to wear you out more.”
You giggled as he turned you around and pushed you by the hips back towards the bedroom. “You’re insatiable.”
“Can’t help it.” His arms wrapped around you. “I’ve been dying to have you for, well, since you got here.”
“Wait.” You wound your fingers with his. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Steve sat back on his bed, back against the headboard. He pulled you down onto his lap, giving you a silly grin. “I remember when I walked into the briefing room and saw you arguing with Tony about baseball. I spent the whole meeting wondering what you looked like in a pony tail and baseball cap.”
“Seriously?” You laughed.  
“Yeah. I about fell over when you showed up at the bar for Maria’s birthday that weekend looking just like I imagined.” He pressed his lips against your shoulder. “You were so damn cute. God, I just wanted to kiss you right there.” Steve’s tongue slid along the sensitive skin just behind and below your ear, making you purr. His voice dropped, thick and rich, as his fingers dug into your backside. “Those jeans made me want to sink my teeth in your ass, too.”  
“And here I thought you were so innocent.” You shifted in his lap so you straddled him.  
“Not so innocent, no.” Steve nipped your lower lip. His hands, strong and hot, moved up your legs. His thumbs rubbed into your inner thighs. You smiled and nuzzled your nose against his temple. He brushed your hair away from your face, pushing your back enough to stare intently in your eyes.  
He grew serious. “I think that I had something to do with the fiasco this morning.”
“You know this Agent Ellison?” You bit your lip.
Steve sighed. “I should have turned her in, or told Maria, or something.” He shrugged. “I guess I didn’t know what to do.”
“What happened?”
“She was assigned to one of my logistics teams for a safehouse setup. I thought I was just being, I don’t know, me? Polite. Nice.” His eyes drifted down to where his fingers played with a loose string on the hem of his shirt that you wore.  
“She thought you were taking an interest in her.” You ran your fingers through his hair. “Having a big strong handsome hero treat you with old fashion manners and sweet charm is pretty irresistible to most women.”  
“You put me off for months,” he pouted.  
“I am not most women.”
A smile spread across his face as he pulled you closer. “No. You definitely are not.”
Even though you kissed him slowly, thoroughly, you weren’t ready to abandon the conversation. “What did she do?”
“It got, um, awkward. She became pushy. I had to have a really awful conversation with her and she was really angry. God, I was so embarrassed. I really didn’t think I did anything, I mean anything, but just be nice to her. No flirting, nothing.” Steve hid his face against your neck.  “It got so uncomfortable. She acted like I jilted her or something. Thankfully the project ended pretty shortly after and she went back to DC.”
Continuing to run your fingers through the short hairs at the base of his neck, you asked. “But what does all that have to do with my background investigation?”
He let out a long groan and pulled you a little tighter against him. “Sam may have been teasing me, telling me to get off my ass and ask you out... going on about what a sap I am for you... and she overheard. It end up being a real scene.”
“When was this?” You were trying to remember if you’d ever met this woman.
“Four months ago!” You laughed. “Steve! What the hell? Seriously?”  
He laughed, tightening his arms around your waist even more. “What? You were killing me. Tony threw that birthday party for me, and you showed up in that red dress. You walked in and spilled my drink. Then when you gave me your gift I just melted.”
“I baked you cookies.” You laughed.  
“I know.” He kissed you, humming his satisfaction. “And they were so good.”
His tongue slid along yours. His hands slid across your back, moving down and cupping your ass. Your hands roamed over his warm skin, along strong muscles. You grinned against his kiss. “I need to bake for you more.”
Steve’s hips rolled up into you. You couldn’t help your body’s reaction, being held tight to his bare chest, his soft lips making a wet trail along your neck. The cotton of his sweats failed to hide his reaction as well. You rolled yourself against him, drawing a groan from his chest.
Reaching between you and under the waistband, your fingers stroked his cock firmly. His fingers dug into your hips as his teeth nipped your ear. “Damn, woman.”
You chuckled as you pushed his sweated down just enough. Sliding along his length, slicking him up with your wetness, he moaned against your lips. He kissed you hard, tongue and teeth battling. When you rocked your hips just right and he slipped into you, deep, moans escaped you both.  
“Fuck, yes.” Your head fell back as you rode him, impaling yourself on his cock again and again. He watched you, enraptured. He tore the shirt away, feeling the weight of your breast, sending shocks of pleasure through your body as his thumbs rolled over your nipples.
You pace increased. Steve’s strong hands helped, as he fucked into you with a growing intensity. “Agh. So damn beautiful.” His mouth dropped open. “You feel so fucking good.”  
Heat spread through your core and your thighs began to shake. You held on to Steve’s shoulders. Eyes locking again. He stared at you with such emotion. Hunger, passion, caring, wonder, all roped together and just right there on the surface. It was so much. Everything began crashing together.  
“Ah, Yes!” Steve panted. “That’s it, Sweetheart. Come for me. That’s so good.”  
You shook, clenching and writhing, coming apart on top of him. Nails dug into his shoulder. His hands slammed you against him as his release followed yours with a groan. Collapsing, limp against his chest, you fought to regain your breath.  
His arms wrapped around you. Face nuzzled into your hair. Cock still hot and heavy inside you, Steve whispered words of praise and affection. “You are amazing. I should have told you how I felt soon. But, damn, I’m so thankful you’re here.”
“Mmm, Steve.” You started to move, but his arms tightened.
“No, please. Can we stay like this for just a minute more?”
You relaxed back against his chest. Wrapped in his arms, him buried in you, faces tucked into each other’s necks, felt so right. You didn’t want anything to mess it up. This was perfect.  
“If Fury changes his mind, and offers me the job, I think I’ll have to say no.” You whispered.
“What? Why?” The gentle circling of his fingers stopped.
“If I took a job with the team, we wouldn’t be able to be together. I don’t want to keep this in the closet.”
Steve lifted you off his lap, laying you back on the bed and stretching out beside you. Head propped up on one arm, he ran his other hand over your hip. “That’s not really true. I’ve looked at the bylaws. There’s nothing preventing it.” A rueful smile crossed his face. “Tony being self-serving, probably. We would just have to be certain we could keep things straight between work and personal.”
“I think I can take orders from you without a problem.” You smiled.
He grinned at the mischievousness in your eyes, but he grew serious again. “There will be times when it will be hard. We may have to make hard decisions.”
“I know.” You ran your fingers over his strong jaw. “You’re worth it.”
His soft lips covered yours. “You too.” Steve smiled down at you. “Do we crawl back in bed for a nap or shower and go for dinner?”
“Anything my dame wants.” His smile widened.
“Shower, then Italian, and then we crawl back in bed.” You bit your lip, with a coy grin.
He hopped off the bed, pulling you with him. Only the audible grumble of Steve’s stomach kept the shower from getting out of hand. Washing down that amazing physique, hands slippery with soap and hot water, was easily something you wanted to become a habit.  
Steve loaned you a sweater that, although oversized, worked well with your pencil skirt. It looked more casual than the blouse. Of course your panties were a ruin, and he groaned as you slipped on your shoes, proclaimed you were ready without them on. One of his hands grabbed a handful of your ass.“That’s just not fair.”
Smiling as innocently as possible, you batted your eyes. “What?”
“Minx.” Steve kissed you one more time before grabbing his wallet.
Again, you awoke to the sound of a voice. “Captain. Mr.Stark is attempting to reach you.”
Steve rubbed his cheek against the back of your head as he lifted his face from the pillow. He answered the AI in a gravely morning voice. “I’ll call him in a minute.”
“What time is it?” You scooched your back into his chest. He just radiated heat.
“Too early for a Saturday.” He pulled you tighter against him with a sigh.  
“Sir, Mr. Stark insists you contact him as soon as possible.”
“Fine,” He pushed the covers away. “I’ll call him right now.”
You watched him pad naked into the living area and retrieve his phone from the pile of discarded clothes by the front door. He came back and curled up behind you again before hitting the call button. “Tony.”
“Morning, Cap.”
“It is.”
“Don’t tell me I woke you up!” You could hear Stark’s mocking tone from where you were lying so close to Steve. “It’s after eight. Aren’t you up helping old ladies cross the street or saving kittens or something by dawn.”
“Tony.” Steve growled.
“So what’d you say to Fury to make him back up so fast he practically tripped over his trench coat?”
“What makes you think I-” Steve started.
“Whatever. Just curious.” Tony cut him off. “Roll over and tell our girl she got the gig.”  
Stark hung up.
“What the…?” Steve just looked at his phone. “How did he…?”
You burst out laughing. “Because Tony is a nosy little shit.” You rolled over. “Well, Boss, looks like I’ll be under your command.”
Steve’s eyes grew hungry as pinned you down. “Then I best run you through the paces…” His mouth playfully attacked your neck. You laughed and half-heartedly struggled. This would be the best assignment ever.
@my-favorite-fics-and-imagines / @patzammit / @thegetawaywriter / @nova3312 / @rainbowkisses31 / @dsakita / @geeksareunique / @lbouvet / @buckybarneshairpullingkink / @theneuropsychwriter / @vanillabunn21 / @sammghgecko​ / @beautifullungs​ / @badassbaker​ / @the-omni-princess​ / @sebbysstangirl​ / @jesseswartzwelder​ / @unadulteratedwizardlove / @the-reading-octopus​ / @bangtan-serendipity​ / @kiki5283​ / @mindtravelsx​ 
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diminuel · 5 years
Hi, could you please explain wtf is happening in that season.? I mean, I stoped watching on s13, but my tumblr is exploding with angry/sad destiel fans. Why did they "break up"? And why is everybody happy for Cas?
So, at the end of S13 Jack lost his Grace which then later on meant his human body was shutting down over time. He died and to bring him back to life they had to use the power of his soul. (Do you remember Lily of S12? That kind of magic) Every time Jack used his powers he lost a bit of his soul. To kill Michael from the AU he burned up all of his soul, as far as we know. It was never made totally clear.
Sam, Dean and Cas were worried about him. Dean and Cas particularly talked about it, both of them keeping an eye on Jack. Dean went to Donatello (who had lost his soul) where he heard that it could be gone and that Jack could be very dangerous. He kept that to himself. But it’s fine! Because Dean gave Jack two cakes to chose from while they were in the Impala together: Devil’s Food Cake and Angel Cake. And Jack chose Angel Cake, so surely it’s fine!!
While on a case, Jack took in the pet snake of one of the monsters they killed. He felt the snake was sad and things he tried didn’t work, so eventually he decided that he should kill the snake, so it can be reunited with its dead owner/ friend. Cas witnessed that, worried about it but kept it to himself. He sought the help of Anael and together they found another of God’s little pagers, but God didn’t answer (yet). Still, he worried about Jack, but didn’t talk further about the death of the snake.
Then things got heated because Nick (Lucifer’s former vessel) was being a serial killer and wanted to summon Lucifer back from the empty. He was really evil, tried to kill all of the Winchesters, killed innocent people, tried to get Lucifer back from the Empty. Jack had the chance to kill him and he did. For some reason that shocked Mary, who was with him. She said that something’s wrong with Jack and that he needs help. Jack paniced, because he wants to do good. Jack tells Mary to leave him alone, but he comes after him and eventually he shouts “leave me alone” and Mary gets evaporated. Jack runs.
Dean, Sam and Cas eventually figure out that something is wrong. Cas says he’s worried that Mary and Jack are somewhere alone, because something’s not right with Jack. He tells them about the snake and Dean brushes it off. But later on, when it’s getting clearer that something bad must have happened, he accuses Cas of not telling him about his worries about Jack sooner (conveniently forgetting that they were talking about him and that he too didn’t share the warning he received from Donatello). And he says that if anything had happened to Mary then Cas is dead to him.
When they find out that Mary did die Dean decides that Jack is just another monster and must be taken care of (I don’t know how much you saw of S13 but they treated him like a son eventually). Since they can’t kill him, Dean decides to lock him up in a box. Sam doesn’t really put up a fight and Cas isn’t even consulted. Dean and Sam trick Jack into going into the box. Cas is obviously outraged at that because that’s his son and they have manipulated him. Dean continues to be stone cold to Cas. Jack however realizes that he’s been locked up for good and breaks out. He flies off.
Then God finally reads the message on his pager and shows up. He presents Dean and Sam with a special gun which can kill Jack. In return, every wound inflicted on the victim will also harm the shooter. Dean decides he will kill Jack because he deserves it (Sam again, doesn’t really put up a fight). Cas is outraged and Dean presents him with the option of either falling in line with Dean’s mission or walking away. Cas chooses to walk away (and Dean kind of acts like that actually surprised him. Dean plans to kill his best friend’s son and expects said best friend not to care. Very sweet). 
Eventually Sam figures out that Chuck planned for this to happen because it’s a great parallel to the biblical story of the father having to sacrifice his son (Chuck seems to believe in recycling his greatest story telling hits). Dean decides not to go through with it and Chuck gets angry. He kills Jack and then opens a rift to hell for all the 3 billion souls down there to spill out. And that’s the end of season 14.
Now, S15 starts right after that. And not a lot of time has passed between Mary’s death and Jack’s death. It’s all still very fresh.
A demon called Belphegor takes possession of Jack’s body and helps them out (for his own gains of course but more to that later). You might have seen Belphegor as Jack with sunglasses. Cas is very upset with that because for him it is a demon defiling Jack’s corpse, but Sam and Dean both kinda tell him to suck it up because they need Belphegor. Cas reveals to Dean that he can’t even look at Belphegor later on (because it hurts too much). Dean continues to not really talk to Cas and brush him off. (Not that Sam really talks to Cas either. Nobody seems to care about Cas’ feelings at the moment.)
In episode 3 they find out that there’s a special object that Lilith had that will call all the souls back to hell and then they can close it off. Belphegor says that he needs man power to protect him, so Dean decides that Cas will have to go to hell. Cas doesn’t get a choice in the matter (Sam again has nothing to say). S&D don’t say good-bye to him, they don’t worry about the fact that Cas will be in hell once the rift closes and might not make it back out. 
While down in hell, Belphegor reveals his plans: with the special object he will pull all the souls of hell into himself and become the new god (like Cas in S6, just with hell souls and not purgatory souls). Cas can’t let that happen and overpowers Belphegor. Even though it pains him greatly, he smites Belphegor and that burns up Jack’s body. That means the plan to pull in all souls is on hold.
Upstairs, Rowena has a back up plan: she sacrifices her own life to pull all the remaining souls into her and close the rift. Because it has been written by fate that Sam will be the one to kill Rowena, she asked him to push the dagger into her. Which he did for the greater good (and of course he’s sad about it). 
Cas managed to get out of hell before the rift closed (somehow). 
Once they’re back in the Bunker Dean assures Sam that he had no choice to kill Rowena, then he leaves Sam to be sad on his own and then we that that one scene that attacked the heart of like 90% of the Destiel fandom.
Cas says that he’s sorry about Rowena and Dean turns around and blames Cas for it. Cas didn’t stick to the plan, so Rowena had to die (never mind that not sticking to the plan is something he forgave Sam for right away). Cas argues that Belphegor wanted to become god and he had to stop him. Dean however tells him that he should have basically let Belphegor do it and they would have dealt with that later on, with Rowena still alive. (Great logic, Dean.) Cas argues that plans changes because "something always goes wrong.”
And then Dean delivers this gem: “Yeah, why does this something always seem to be you.”
And Cas’ face. My god, Cas’ expression after that. It’s hard to describe exactly what happens after, but Cas summarizes what’s been wrong: that Dean can’t look at him, that even though Cas tried to tell Dean over and over that his powers are fading, Dean doesn’t want to hear it, he doesn’t care. Dean still blames him for Mary, Cas is dead to dean. Since Dean has nothing to retort to that, Cas decides that it’s time for him to move on. And he leaves because Dean doesn’t hold him back.
And that’s what happens between Dean and Cas. Dean broke up with Cas a long time ago and Cas just realized that there’s nothing left to fix so he decides that he can no longer suffer through this, that he has no longer a place by Sam and Dean’s side. (Even though he was just starting to feel like they were finally a family before Jack lost his soul and killed Mary). 
I don’t think people are really happy for Cas, but Cas decided for himself that this situation was just going to hurt him and that if he stayed Dean would continue to treat him that way. Walking away from someone you love but who hurts you deeply is what Cas does and many fans are glad.
I’m just sad.
And I can’t wait to hear Sam ask Dean why Cas is gone. Can’t wait for Dean and Sam to probably beg Cas for help for some reason or another and I can’t wait for Dean having to apologize, finally.
Because if he doesn’t then Dean doesn’t deserve Cas...
Sorry for the essay...! But if you want to watch the scene, it’s here (on twitter).
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ificanwriteiscannon · 5 years
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You’re the one –Jake Kiszka imagine
Tagging my girls : @floatautumnleaf , @anntheboneless , @nothingeverdies , @luzesportodaacidade   (I hope you guys like it)
N\A: Picture is not mine, found in Pinterest. As always sorry for any mistake and hope you guys enjoy it. 
Oh, and just FYI reader is bi and Italic means his thoughts. 
Ronnie chuckled as she entered the room filled with her family, her eyes falling on her older brother.
“Hey you” She said sitting by his side, while he played the guitar glaring at the couple by the table
“Hey” Jake responded dryly without taking his eyes from where he’d been staring since the scene started playing in front of him.
“You’re really quiet tonight Jacob” She pointed with one of her eyebrows raised
“No one plans a murder out loud Ronnie” He responded ironically without moving his gaze
“Ok, but if you think about it it’s totally your fault that she’s talking to Sam and not you. You could be the one helping her with desert now.. Josh is just- ”
“Oh right, I forgot you and Sam always team up for the other twin” The older brother rolled his eyes and so did his sister
“Look, I do not team up..- You know what, I’ve had enough of this! It’s my birthday and you should go there and sing her a song or some shit.. Tell her how you feel Jakey. Who knows, maybe she’d feel the same” Jake chuckled and turned to his sister
“Or maybe she’ll finally realize how she feels about Josh boy over there and they’ll live happily ever after” Ronnie sighed deep and got up from the couch, muttering an ‘I give up’
Jake watched as his brother and Y\N, aka the girl he’d been in love with since he was a little boy, made pie, or a mess as he would describe. He turned to his guitar and thought about what Ronnie said, and what Sam had said to him before he too gave up on his brother.
It was easy for them to say, Y\N wasn’t their best friend. To be fair she was a part of the family as his mother would say, and they were all the best of friends with her, but Jake still held on the words she whispered when they were nine or ten. You’re my favorite Kiszka, Jakey. A sincere smile adorned his face and with the thought in his head he turned again to her. His smile slowly faded as he watched his twin clean flour from her face and she laughed. And even though her laughter was his favorite sound in the whole word, Jake decided to go out and get some air.
Babe, you’re so young and pretty
But you’re evil, you oughta know
Darling, ain’t that a pity
Won't you stand yourself and show
“I’ve always loved that song, it’s a shame that you ang to that girl” Y\N smoothed her dress sitting by his side
“Jealous much?” Jake mocked chuckling. In moments Jake wished she’d say yes, but as always, she took it playfully and elbowed his arm while giggling
“You wish” Damn right I do, he thought but stayed quiet. “I mean, you’re the worst girl picker. You always go for the wrong chicks, Jakey”
“Hey!” He turned to her slightly offended “And you’re one to talk? You dated the biggest jerks and assholes in the planet”
“NO, I DIDN’T!” The guitarist rose one eyebrow and stood silent “Ok, some were a bit of jerks but I dated some nice people.”
“Name one, I dare you” Jake had put his guitar aside and turned fully to her
“Well, for starters Carol, Nick, Allan..-“
“OH HELL NO, Carol I do agree but-“
“Of course you agree, you flirted with her moments before she came to me” Y\N remembered with a smug smile and her arms crossed. Jake rolled his eyes and continued.
“ANYWAY, you cant put those two assholes in there”
“Why not? Nick was a sweetheart and Allan, yes he was a bit of jerk when we ended things, but he was a nice dude before all that”
“Nick was a prick full of himself and an ultimate asshole. And don’t even get me started on that Allan guy” Jake scoffed rolling his eyes “I’m really glad he went to Minnesota”
“How do you know that?” Y\N asked turning a bit shocked
“You told me that” He shrugged
“No, that’s impossible. Because I only found out that he moved a few weeks ago.”
“I must have heard it around then. Maybe Ronnie told me, you know she’s always the first one to know these shit” Jake tried to avoid her gaze and kept twiddling' his thumbs.
“I told Ronnie last week. You’re lying... I know you, Kiszka. Now tell me the truth, ok? What’s wrong?” Y\N got up and stood in front of her best friend with her hands in her hips. Jake stared in her eyes and let out a deep sigh
“I told him to break up with you..” He passed his hands to his hair and focused on his hands.
“YOU DID WHAT?” The girl wore a shaken and angry look and Jake didn’t even dare to stare at her. He knew he’d been a shitty asshole, and he sure as hell didn’t want to see her hurt expression “PLEASE, please tell me that I heard wrong” Y\N took deep breaths, massaging her temples.
“Look, we both know that as long you were with him, you’d never leave this place. And look what you’re doing now! You’re amazing and we’re all living our dreams an-“
“THAT’S NOT THE POINT! DAMNIT JAKE, I LIKED HIM. SHIT, WHY DID YOU THINK YOU HAD THE RIGHT TO DO THAT?” Jake was a bit stunned. It wasn’t like Y\N to scream and god this was the first real fight they ever had.
“BECAUSE I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU. HELL, I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU. I’VE LOVED YOU SINCE THE DAY YOU PUT MY NAME IN YOUR STUPID SCIENCE PROJECT AFTER MINE WAS RUINED” Y\N took a step back with her mouth ajar. She opened her lips twice but nothing came up. She shook her head and turned to inside the house. “Y\N, wait…”
“I need to be alone Jacob”
Jake stood there analyzing the situation. Now she knew everything. It was out there and everything would change.  It took him a few minutes to put himself back together. What the hell am I gonna do? The one thing he knew was that he’d do anything not to lose this girl.
“Hey, hey, Ronnie. Where’s Y\N?” Jake asked his sister while looking around the room
“She had to go, said she wasn’t feeling well.” The girl shrugged “I asked if you were taking her home, but she said she’d catch an uber so.. Did something happen? You don’t look ok either”  
“We had a fight” He said catching his phone and dialing her number
“YOU WHAT?” Ronnie screamed in shock, making her brother glare at her as she attracted some looks from their family members “Sorry, but how? You guys never fought. What did you do Jacob?”
“Hey! I told her how I felt..” Ronnie arched her eyebrow “And that I told her that I said to Allan break up with her” Jake admitted defeated
“You what?! You asshole!” Ronnie whispered angry, smacking him
“I have to go after her. We have to talk, I can’t lose her.” Jake nervously passed his hands on his hair
“Even though I don’t quite understand what happened, and I’m almost sure I should stay on her side, I think you should go too. Do you think she went home?”  
“I don’t know, I-“ Then something clicked for him and he looked  in the packed room for his keys “Fuck it, I’ll walk”
“Where are you going?” Ronnie asked following her big brother nervously
“To the place where she goes to be alone..”
Jake walked for what like felt an eternity for him. In the way he lost count at how many times he planned what to say. When he arrived at the park he saw her in the swings, focused on her shoes while they slowly touched the ground.
“I thought I told you I needed to be alone Kiszka” Y\N responded without looking at him
“You really hate me right now hun? Last name calling means shit is ugly”
“No jokes. If you’re gonna stay, at least act like a grown up for once.” Her cold demeanor hurt worst than a knife. Jake never saw this side of her, and he wouldn’t be shocked if he was the first one to see it.
“I’m sorry. I am so sorry that I hurt you, I’ve never wanted to do that. And you’re right, as much as I didn’t want you to be with him, I shouldn’t have done that. And you have every right not to forgive me, but I’m begging you to. I was selfish all these years, I wanted you for myself. I guess I’ve always knew I need you in my life for it to make sense.”
“I’m not angry at the Allan thing, Jake.. I mean, I am a bit, but that’s not what hurt the most.” Y\N took a deep breath and turned to him, still holding on the strings from the swing “Why’d you never told me how you felt? Why did you lie to me all this time?” Jake could see the tears in her eyes and how wet her face was. She’d been crying and he was the reason, way to go idiot.
“I..- I guess that was never a right time. When we were younger, I loved you before I even knew what that meant.  But when your first boyfriend came up, I shut my mouth. Then my first girlfriend came, and I realized I could never feel for another girl what I felt for you. But you looked happier and I was so afraid to lose you that I kept quiet and happily agreed to be just a friend, even though I was dying for more. I understand if you need sometime to process all this, ok? And if you want we can pretend that I ever said all of this, just .. Just say the words and I’ll do anything. You’re the one Y\N, I can’t lose you”  
The girl dried her tears with her sleeve and walked to him. Standing in front of him, she smiled weakly.
“It killed me to see you with all those girls over the years. Especially the cute ones..” They both shared a smile laugh and Y\N continued “But you were Jake. My favorite Kiszka. My best friend. I mean, what kind of idiot falls for her best friend?”
“Well,..-“ Jake had a smug smile in his lips and she smacked his shoulder
“Anyway, it took me a long time to realize that I was in love with you. To realize that I’ve always been in love with you. But by the time I did realize you were with that girl you took to prom and I was with Allan. I called him to break up and apparently, he wanted that too, because he said I should choose between you or him.”
“HE WHAT?” Jake had a frown on his face and Y\N bit her lip to hold back a smile.
“Yeah, so I told him that you’d always be the choice and he left. And then Greta started touring and I got that offer in Europe. It got harder and harder to get over you, and even when I saw you once in two or three months you were always the one Jakey.” The guitarist couldn’t hold the smile he wore. Nor could he control himself when he pulled her closer, one arm rested in her hips while the other caressed her cheek, and Y\N leaned in with her eyes closed.
“Promise we’ll never lie to each other?” She slowly opened her eyelids and stared deep at him
“Promise. Now can I kiss you, its not like we haven’t waited enough, don’t you think?” She smiled and nodded.
“Please tell me this means I get to call you my girl from now on” Jake asked breathless, breaking the kiss
“You got me for as long as you want Kiszka” Y\N replied kissing the tip of his nose. Jake pulled her close by her waist and before he kissed her again, he whispered
“Forever it is..”
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
ok ok i KNOW promos are little more than glimpsing the episode through a keyhole, BUT, if it is what it looks like, i think it’s safe to say that dean is doing his Classic Dean thing, and projecting the anger he feels at himself onto other people. because we KNOW how hard it was for dean to come around to jack, and accept that he wasn’t a threat, and dean even fully embraced him as part of the family, and then.... jack maybe kinda turns out to be exactly what dean thought he was from the start.
Yeah, that’s at least a big part of this. I mean, let’s go back and look at Dean’s trust-vs-acceptance arcs way back in s4. It’s not an exact parallel, but it’s thematically similar.
And for full owie factor, I’m watching 8.07 while I’m typing this up (thanks, TNT loop), and I have it paused on the scene where Dean and Cas are having their little talk while waiting for Linda Tran to show up… Dean’s angry and hurt, and has literally created a false memory of the situation because it was too painful. So yeah, we know this is something Dean does.
But back to the example I was gonna use here. In s4, Dean was being asked to trust Ruby, despite all his instincts screaming at him not to. Obviously Dean never developed a parental relationship with her, she never fully entered his sphere of trust the way Jack has, which only makes this a thousand times worse now. Because Jack DID get through Dean’s defenses, and proved he was worthy of being there, in Dean’s inner circle of family.
And despite everything, Dean’s gonna hate HIMSELF for what Jack’s done now. Because HE feels responsible for not being able to handle Jack’s death back in 14.08, because HE pushed to find a way to bring Jack back, because HE didn’t know how to handle things when Jack wasn’t doing well again, because HE allowed Jack’s “I’m fine” to stand even back in 14.14 before he burned up so much of his soul to kill Michael, and because HE didn’t know how bad things were getting for Jack now.
I mean, if DEAN had only been able to hold Michael back, Jack would never have had to risk his own soul to save them. If he’d just thrown himself in the ocean, Jack could’ve been FINE, right?!
I mean, Dean doesn’t know that Jack already wasn’t fine, and that he was already casually burning up more and more of his soul to hide his symptoms in 14.14. Dean ALSO doesn’t know what Cas sacrificed in order to bring Jack’s soul back in 14.08. And he’s gonna feel like crap when he finds out, because Cas did that for him, because he honestly believed that Dean would rather have Jack healthy and whole than him. And just D: D: D:
Cas and Dean are BOTH in this boat– Dean because of the guilt surrounding everything to do with Michael and his own personal perceived failings in that regard, and Cas who has now literally thrown everything away FOR NOTHING.
Cas staked EVERYTHING. HE. IS. on recovering Jack’s soul, and he’s horrified and had been in denial that it was lost forever. For NOTHING.
He was so desperate he set out to find God again. Not for the reasons he did back in s5, but for incredibly PERSONAL reasons. I mean 5.02:
CASTIEL: I killed two angels this week. My brothers. I’m hunted. I rebelled. And I did it, all of it, for you, and you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world, and I lost everything, for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself.
and from 5.18:
CASTIEL: I rebelled for this?! So that you could surrender to them? DEAN: Cas! Please! CASTIEL: I gave everything for you. And this is what you give to me.
Can you imagine sacrificing literally everything you are, all chance at future happiness included, for someone who KNEW exactly what you had given up, only to have that person feel their “mission” was more important than anything else? Who was willing to sacrifice both of them to complete that mission? Because that’s what Jack has done.
If Jack’s soul really is gone forever, then Cas’s sacrifice has been for nothing. But Dean’s reaction is clearly coming from a place where Dean himself knows nothing about that sacrifice. Because Cas didn’t want to burden him with it. And Jack KNEW that.
But there’s so many of these threads coming together in the plot knot currently. and heck, this scene from 8.07 is on my screen rn:
DEAN: That was a bonehead move back there. You could have gotten yourself killed. Why didn’t you wait for me?CASTIEL: Well, I didn’t get killed. And it worked.DEAN: And if it didn’t?CASTIEL: It would have been my problem.DEAN: Well, that’s not the way I see it.CASTIEL: Hey, everything isn’t your responsibility. Getting me out of Purgatory wasn’t your responsibility.DEAN: You didn’t get out. So whose fault was it?CASTIEL: It’s not about fault. It’s about will. Dean, do you really not remember?DEAN: [laughs shortly] I lived it, Cas. Okay, I know what happened.CASTIEL: No. No, you think you know. You remembered it the way you needed to.DEAN: Look, I don’t need to feel like hell for failing you, okay? For failing you like I’ve failed every other godforsaken thing that I care about! I don’t need it!
Sacrifice, self-worth, free will and choice… same themes, different go-around on all the loops here.
One last thought… Jack’s had a LOT of Star Wars references around his narrative journey. Dean’s been worried Jack could go Dark Side since the day he was born. I mean, Dean was worried at first that Jack was BORN dark, and it took him A LOT to separate out the guilt, horror, and grief of Cas’s death back in early s13 for Dean to even BEGIN to see that Jack wasn’t inherently evil. It took Cas coming back from the Empty (that metaphorical Dark Side), and then Jack’s time in the AU fighting alongside Mary for him to truly feel that Jack was growing into the Light Side of the Force.
It wasn’t that Jack killed Nick, because it had become clear that Nick was just Lucifer Lite (all the evil, none of the archangelic mojo), and despite being given several chances to stop, Jack did what we all knew had to be done. Only… the WAY he did it was just horrifying in itself. He could’ve just… zapped Nick dead instantly. He could’ve snapped his fingers and turned him to dust like he’s done to so many others, going back to the angels he poofed in the AU during s13. Heck, he could’ve shot him or just stabbed him with a knife. Nick was human. It would’ve killed him. But instead, Jack wanted him to suffer. Jack inflicted slow torture on Nick, believing he deserved to suffer. And that Jack was righteous in being the agent of that suffering.
That wasn’t a reflection on what Nick might or might not have deserved, but on JACK, and the fact he’s not in control of the Force anymore. The Dark Side got his claws in him, and it’s controlling him now.
It reminded me a tiny bit of one of Dean’s lessons during 6.11, while Dean was playing Death for a day. One touch and he could end the suffering of people slated to die and send them on to their afterlife– be it Heaven, Hell, whatever. It wasn’t DEAN CAUSING this guy’s suffering, but kinda… choosing to let it go on a lil bit, because the guy had been willing to shoot a KID just to rob a convenience store:
TESSA Hello? Tick tock.DEAN He’s in agonizing pain, right?TESSA Uh, yes.DEAN Give me a minute.
Dean then called the guy’s spirit a dick, and basically told him he was going to Hell… I mean, I get it, it feels good to watch someone get their comeuppance. But it’s another thing entirely to be the cause of someone’s suffering, even if they richly deserve it. To actively, vindictively feel justified in making someone suffer the way Jack did to Nick there. Nothing else mattered to him in that moment, and if Mary hadn’t been there growing more and more horrified, who even knows how long that torture would’ve continued. It wasn’t at all about what Nick “deserved.” We all get it, he deserved to suffer. It was about what this (and his actions in the next scene talking to Mary) said about JACK.
Like soulless!Sam, he can’t even see how wrong his actions are. He becomes defensive when Mary tries to explain, as carefully as she can, why she’s concerned for him. But Jack’s self-preservation, and the preservation of his beliefs about himself in a fundamental way, were threatened. He tried to rationalize and defend his actions. He told her Sam and Dean were GRATEFUL that he’d killed Nick and stopped Lucifer from coming back. And yeah, we all are, but that’s dusted now and we’re left with this deep concern for Jack instead.
He needed his actions to be justified, to be approved of, because without his own internal moral compass, he NEEDS the “What Would The Winchesters Do” validation. And Mary couldn’t give it.
At this point, I’ve typed so long I’ve got one last example from the TNT loop, at the end of 8.08. Fred Jones finally gets to confront the evil man who’d used his power to do bad things and got a lot of people killed in the process. When Sam and Cas confronted Fred, and woke him up enough to recognize what was happening, Fred used his power to kill the evil doctor. He didn’t drag it out, just forced the guy to turn the gun on himself while telling him that he’d never hurt anyone else again. But then Fred could see how his powers had been used for evil, and instead of attempting to defend or justify any of this, he voluntarily allowed his powers (and much of what made him him) to be extracted so that he could never be used that way again.
Jack… did the opposite.
This is all tied up in Cas’s personal issues with his own power, his identity, his endless struggles for and against Heaven, what he’s personally sacrificed for his loved ones. And heck at this point I don’t even remember the initial question, so I hope I’ve answered it…
*scrolls up to reread this before posting*
wow this reply went places…
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
14x17 Commentary
Zeta and Giuls scream together, and then die.
@purpleskiesandcherrypies and @dean-winchesters-bacon won’t be joining us for this one. 
Me & Zeta will watch together season 14′s episodes as they come out and we’ll do our commentary while watching.
+MASTERLIST of season 14 commentary * 
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Giulia: Yo i’m sad he ded tho
Giulia: But is he?
Giulia: YAAA sis Jo
Zee: Ouch
Giulia: Oh go fuck u nick
Giulia: You can burn. I want to use that
Zee: Ded
Zee: Donnie
Giulia: nick such a drama queen, like his fucking brother. gasps, Lucifer/Nick is Hamlet.
Giulia: Donny babe
Zee: Stabby stabby
Giulia: Shish kebab teenagers
[14x17 Game Night ]
♪ Raindrops keep fallin' on my head ♪
Giulia: Love that song
Giulia: God I love him. IF THEY TOUCH A HAIR ON HIM
Zee: Fucking hell
Zee: Seriously ??!!!
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Annoyed Dean tho
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Oh look at the son of Satan without a soul making pop-corns
Zee: Mary?
Giulia: Yeah well she still exists
Zee: Why again?
Classic Dean
J: I thought this was supposed to relax him.
M: You know, this was his favorite game when he was little.
me: *imagining little Dean playing the game exactly the same and with a high pitched voice: Son of a bitch*  good visual.
J: Everybody keeps asking me that.
Giulia: We aRe FamIlY
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J: Well, it’s annoying
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Giulia: It is
Zee: Did she eye roll?
M: if you ever want to talk or...vent...
J :You're here. I know.
J thinking: I just wanna eat my pop corns and play stupid game, can I fucking live?
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Giulia: Winchester game night
D: All right. Winchester game night is a go  soon as Sammy gets back here with the two double-pepperoni meat blasters AND
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Zee: Pineapple. A crime against humanity
Giulia&Jack : I like it
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Dean: why have you forsaken me, son
D: Yeah, it's like a crime against humanity.
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Me quoting [ X ]  
Zee: SEE????
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Giulia: Was that enochian?
Zee: I think
Look how cute he is.... SO CUTE , SO CUUUUTE
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Zee: Knew it Was waiting for it
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Anael: wow this place is so ...
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Giulia: Omg he has pancakes
Zee: Doesn’t eat them
Giulia:HE’S BEING POLITE OK. Oh look a that they have cream and strawberry *sobs* I’m hungry
A: Well, you said you had something for me.
Castiel sliding a jewlery box.
me [heart attack]
A: 16th-century Burmese blood rubies.
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A:  Five carats. Excellent clarity. Castiel,where did you get these?
Zee: Lightly cursed
C: I need your help. To contact God.
Giulia: Oh honey no
Zee: I just laughed along with jo
- um so Anael was Joshua right hand? so she wasn’t that useless angel afterall. 
Giulia: Joshua is dead?
C: Jack killed Michael.
Giulia&Zee: Good night sweet prince
C: Only God can restore a soul.
A: The Winchesters -- they don't know you're here, do they?
Giulia: Of course they don t
Zee: Squint
C: Why do you say that?
A: Oh, I don't know, just a general reek of ill-conceived lone-wolf desperation.
Giulia&Zee: Lone wolf desperation
*Cas looks into the camera like in the office*
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C: will you help me or not?
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A: Not
C *smirking* : I see
Giulia: She s me
Zee: Mental grabby hands
S: It's not Enochian. I-I-I think it's Ancient Hebrew.
Sammy says it’s not Enochian
Zee: It’s not enochian then
Giulia: Oh WeLl AncIenT HeBreW
D: well Sammy sounds stressed
M: I just wish there was something that I c--
D:Hey. You're here, okay? You're here.
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Giulia: Mary is here everyone!  Everything is fine
Zee: Chuck I hate her
M: But I should've been here more. But I know how I am. I can be closed off...and hard.
D: Yeah, well, that's where I get it from.
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Giulia: OH NO No he definitely doesn’t
Giulia: Dean is always there. Mary just fucks off somewhere
M: I just need you to know... I'm grateful. For every day I get to spend with you and Sam.
Giulia: Listen- I’ve been on this show long enough to know that when someone starts to talk like that it’s bad news-
S: I know this.
Giulia: What the fuck is sam brain made off
Zee: Good question
S: It's from the Bible. It's -- it's Peter. Peter 5:8.
"Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."
Well that sounds NICE
Zee: Trap?
Giulia: Oh come on
Zee: Trap
[enters Nick with an apron]
N: What, no "hey"? "How ya been"?
Giulia: No fuck off nick
D: How?
N: Instead of rotting away in a jail cell where you left me?
N: Sort of a funny story... and by "funny," I mean a lot of people died.
Giulia: Can they just kill him
Giulia: Dean just kill him
Zee: Valid question
Giulia: Mary can you be useful and just kill the bitch
N: I mean, I sort of injected your friend with poison --
Giulia: Poor Donny
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D: Where is he?!
N: Ooh, the angry voice.
Zee: Oh ok
Giulia: Yeees the angry voice
Giulia: I. Don’t. Like. Cas. Doing. Stuff. Alone.
A:Even for us Methuselah?  You sheltered him after the Fall.
Methy: I didn't "shelter" -- We were roommates.
Methy: He made a mean lasagna
Zee: Loool
C: No. You'll tell me, or I'll burn this place to the ground. and you with it.
Giulia: *Shivers* yeeees
Zee: Kiddo
C: Is that really what you want?
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Giulia: oh Sam baby
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Giulia: YES
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Giulia: YEEES
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D: Whoa! Hey. Hey! Not now. Okay?
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D: not yet
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Stellar content
Giulia: Let Sam kill that bitch
Zee: Let someone kill him
D: I don't know. If you ask me, that psycho's seen way too many '90s serial-killer movies.
S: The antidote is Prussian Blue
Giulia: *raising hand* Knew that
D: He said he wanted to talk. So let's talk.
Giulia&Zee: Oooh yeah let’s talk
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Giulia: I’m sam
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Sam’s like “ but Deeeeeean I wanna smash”
D: if Nick looks at you wrong, you're gonna waste him.
Giulia: Who cut Jared ‘s hair
Giulia: I dont like it
Zee: I need season 8 hair
S: Donatello's in this because of me. A police officer is dead because of me. I'm the one who let Nick go, I'm the one who...
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please babe ....can someone just hold him
M: Nick's choices are his. Just his.
M: You gave him a chance because you felt for him.....because you're a good man.
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Giulia: Oh look at him being all cute when mary called him a good man
M: You are. It's one of the reasons I'm so proud of you.
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Anael complainig about the dust while she’s an angel.
Giulia: LOL SHE S ME
A: God's not gonna care.
Giulia: das true
A: I believed in Heaven. You know, our mission. I believed, Castiel. But then I got to Earth, and I saw that it wasn't the paradise God promised. I mean, there was so much hate...so much suffering.
A: Why wasn't he helping them? And do you know what he said?
A: "God doesn't meddle."
Zee: Doesn’t meddle
Giulia: Das also true
A: Well, I do. So I do.
C: And here I thought you just performed miracles for the money.
A: Well, you haven't been paying attention, then. I do them for me. I don't need Heaven. And I don't need God. And... I'm happy, Castiel.
C: Really? Because that sounds lonely.
Zee: We’re all lonely
A: because we're all alone. From ant to lion to human to angel. Every last one of us.
Giulia: SHE S ME
C: God reached down, and he brought me back to life.
A: So he saves one angel...and watches millions of people die screaming, every day. What does that say about him?
Giulia *sweats* : But he saves THE angel ok
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Zee: Ouch
D: Where’s Donatello?
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Giulia: That’s the content I want
N: I get you, Dean. You and me,we're almost like brothers, you know. Michael, you,Lucifer, me --
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N: we both know what it's like to be hog-tied to a nuclear warhead, man.
Giulia: OH NOPE
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Giulia: NICE
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D: Cut the crap
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N: You're never the same after something like that, are ya? Being one with one of them. It changes you. Makes you more than human. Come on, Dean, admit it. With Michael, you were a prince. Now you're just a broken Hunter.
Giulia: Another one
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Zee: Demon dean vibes
Giulia: But also MoC tho
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Giulia: So much demon dean
D: Come on, Nick. What's this all about?
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D: He says he wants to talk to Jack...alone.
Giulia: His friggin’ cocoa puffs
Giulia: I don t like jack and nick alone Especially jack with no soul. Because let’s be real, he has so little of it ok
j: Sam?
S: I mean-
D: "I mean"? What do you mean, you mean
S: How's he even a threat?
Me: mmmm *opening big ass folder* where do I start?
Zee: Of course. He went there
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N: Even your three dads -- how many innocent people you think they've killed?
Zee: Even your three dads
Giulia: Threee dads
Giulia: You broke his heart
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N: I don't know. I don't -- I don't see it. I'm looking right at you, and I see nothing.
Zee: I see nothing
Giulia: Don t like that. Mmm mmm nope
Zee: Wth?
Giulia: He killed him
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N: Nick. He'll show us where to find Donatello.
oh...he did not kill him. oh bother
Zee: I’m done
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Giulia: We ve been knew
A: Look, I just stepped on a rat, so --
Giulia: My babe
Zee: Say it like you  mean it tho
A: You're doing this because you're afraid. Because in your mind, it'd be easier to call God than to tell Sam and Dean Winchester the truth.
C: The truth?
A: Jack's soul is gone, Castiel. And there's nothing you can do about it.
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i hate this
A: Look. I don't want to say all that and hurt your feelings, so...what do you say we call it a night?
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Giulia: Oh he lives
Zee: Fuck
Giulia: CRIES
Giulia: tell me he gives it to dean tho
Zee: He has to
Giulia:...OH wait that’s not the same tho , meh
C: God...I don't know where you are. I don't know if you can hear me. But please. Sam, Dean -- we need you. Please.
Giulia: My heart .Cas broken voice
Giulia: Sigh
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Giulia: Sob
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Giulia: Cries
D: Look, you try anything funny, Sammy's gonna shoot you. Anything happens to me -- 
N: Wait. Let me guess. Sammy's gonna shoot me.
Giulia: Yeah to start
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Giulia: It’s been swell
A: So, what are you gonna do now?
C: Go home.
Giulia: The bunker is his Hoooomeee
C: Go home and tell Sam and Dean the truth.
Zee: Can I have the bag?
C: Anael. You know, you're not <i>always</i> right. Just because God's not with us doesn't mean we're alone.
A:  Why? Because we all have each other?
C: Yes.
Giulia: SO CUTE
J: This was filled with angelic grace.
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Zee: Can’t word. Sam needs to punch him
♪ Oh, Sammy boy, Sammy boy ♪
Giulia: Oh no Nick singing. Ptsd flashbacks from the crazy sam ♪ Your phone, your phone is calling ♪
Nick doing disgusting things
Zee: Cb radio. He’s awake
S: Y-You trying to communicate with someone?
N: Search your feelings.  Come on, Sam. Nobody stays dead anymore.
Giulia: fucking nick
Giulia: Fucking demons
Zee: Holy crap
Giulia: YES SAM. YES
Giulia: OH COME ON
Zee: Damn nick
Giulia: stop hitting sam’s head
Giulia: Fuck u nick
Giulia: DEAN is so calm and collected tho. MOC baby. I mean...look at his face while he’s kicking those demon’s asses. That looks way too cold ok. I don’t like it.
Zee: That final push. That’s what I saw on tumblr
Giulia: They need to stop hitting sam in the head
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Giulia: DAMN IT NICK. i have 0 empathy for that bitch now. 0
Giulia: Oh come on. Fuck. Fuuuuck
Zee: Jfc
Giulia: JESUS
Zee: Hell-o
Giulia: Again with the chicken wings
Giulia: OUCH  but also YES and also NO
Giulia: Oh yeah Jack is definitely going in that box
Zee: He ded?
Giulia: I sure hope so
D: Hey. Hey. Come on. Stay with me now. We're just gonna play a little game.
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D: We're gonna count, okay? We're gonna count.
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D: Count with me. One.. two...
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S: ...two...
D: Yeah, there you go...three.
S: You -- You always put -- You always put me first.
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D:No, no. Shh, shh. Come on. Come on, man.
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S: Your whole life...
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D: Okay. All right. All right. Come on. Come on. Just count with me.
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D: Sammy. Hey! Sam!
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Zee: Wtf is going on?
J: Mary? I had to.
M: Sam -- Uh, he's hurt. Help him.
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Oh god Dean’s face. MEDIC MEDIC HELP
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Giulia: oh poor Dean. I NEED A FUCKING MEDIC 
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Zee: They should stop scaring people
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J: Everything's gonna be fine.
Giulia: i don t like mary face
Zee: Is she scared of jack?
Giulia: She right to be But she shouldn’t be like that in front of him
J: Tell me it's okay.
M: It’s not
J: Leave me alone X9
Giulia: Can she just shut up. i mean she’s not wrong. But she should shut up
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Giulia: Oh
Giulia: Nope
Giulia: Dont like this
[after episode]
Giulia: PROMO
Zee: Fuck
Giulia: I HATE IT
Zee: Did Dean just tell Cas that he failed him??!!!
Giulia: No cas said that , fucking Dean said : you are dead to me
Zee: Yeah that
Zee: Can’t type
Giulia: i didn’t need to see that
Giulia: I can’t hear anything else
Giulia: I can’t unhear that
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