#tentacle p*rn
impala-dreamer · 6 months
Taking Over Me
A Supernatural Story
~Dean's guilty pleasure comes to life and Y/N gets tangled in the mix...~
Dean Winchester x F!Reader 
3800 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Monster Fucking. Tentacles. All The Way Through Tentacles. Cum. Poison. Possession. Allll the fucked up things.
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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Fresh from the shower, she hurried down the long hallway, bare feet slapping against the cool tiles. The towel knotted over her breasts was damp and a little too short, exposing more thigh than she usually would in the common areas.
If she rushed, no one would see her.
No one that wasn’t supposed to, anyway.
Bedroom number eleven popped open with a mere touch and Y/N slipped inside, shutting the door behind her. She spun and pushed herself back against the antique wood, staring across the pristine room at Dean who was lounging on the pillows. He was ready for bed, down to a single layer of a thin cotton tee and shorts. His long legs were bare and stretched out across the mattress, propping up his laptop.
He startled when the door shut, looking up from the screen with the guilt of a child caught with his hands in the cookie jar before dinner.
“Uh- hey-” He distracted her with a beaming smile while shutting his computer.
She was not fooled. “Whatcha doin’?” she asked with the tone of someone who already knew the answer.
Dean laughed awkwardly as his cheeks burned bright pink. “N-nothing. Weather- things.”
Y/N kicked back and pushed away from the door. “Weather things?”
Dean squirmed uncomfortably as she came close and clasped both hands on the computer, unable to move it from his lap. He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. There’s uh… tornados and stuff. Um. Gotta keep an eye on those, ya know.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Tornados, huh?” Clearing the distance between them, Y/N appeared at the side of the bed and looked down at him. The fabric of his shorts was stretched higher than the actual tent they’d pitched when camping a few months ago. She snatched the laptop away and he gasped. “You certainly seem very into weather events. I never knew that was such a passion for you.”
Dean scrambled to cover his lie and his dick.
“Well…” He grinned and clenched his teeth, at a loss. “Ya know… meteorology has always been a… secret, uh, it’s- it’s fun.”
Y/N snuck her finger between the laptop and lifted the screen. Very exaggerated and animated moaning flooded from the speakers and her eyes lit up in awe.
A tiny brunette was being utterly ravaged by what appeared to be all eight legs of a giant blue octopus. The woman screamed in unadulterated pleasure and a wave of cartoon fluids gushed from her extremely swollen and pink holes.
Dean scrunched his eyes shut and then lurched for the computer. “It’s an art form! You can’t shame me for art.”
Y/N pulled the computer out of his reach and kept watching. “I’m not shaming. It’s just…” She tilted her head as two of the tentacles reached around to circle the woman’s tits, squeezing so hard her dark magenta nipples nearly exploded. “Wow. It’s… different.”
With her distracted, Dean managed to snatch the computer and tuck it under the bed.
Dean sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Go on,” he said, “lemme have it.”
Y/N laughed gently and sat on the edge of the bed. “Babe, I’m not gonna tease you for your choice in pornography. I’m not Sam.”
Green eyes rolled and dimples popped above his lip.
“Really,” she assured him, leaning in and laying a hand on his thick upper thigh. “And believe me, if you saw some of my hidden folder things, you’d know I’m not able to judge.”
His brows lifted in interest.
She bit her lip and went on, laying it on thick. “I just… I don’t know, I was surprised you were in here taking care of yourself. I thought maybe tonight we were gonna…” Her fingers curled inward and she brushed her pinky over the base of his cock. “Ya know…”
Dean swallowed hard and his arms sank to his sides. “I wasn’t… doing anything,” he breathed, stomach tensing as her hand slipped inside the slit of his shorts. “Just watching. I was bored- you were in the shower a long time…”
“I was,” she admitted, slowly dragging her warm hand over his erection. He was near to pulsing under her touch and she popped up on her knees, shifting on the bed to get closer. “I was in there a long… long time.”
His lashes fluttered, his lips parted, chest heaved.
“Getting myself all clean and… smooth for you.”
She batted her eyes and Dean’s mouth watered.
Licking her lip, she took his right hand and placed it beneath the towel against her bare sex. Dean moaned as he felt the velvety flesh of her pussy and his heart pounded almost painfully.
He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth but Y/N released it, sucking a kiss over his wet mouth until he snapped and took over. He grabbed at the towel, tearing it away as he nipped at the soft flesh of her throat and below.
Y/N rolled onto her back and he followed, closing in on her like a starved wolf. He growled against her mouth and hissed when she locked her legs around his hips, jerking him forward with a hitched kick on the ass.
“Better than anime?” she whispered, licking at the tender flesh of his ear.
He nudged at her cunt, teasing and threatening all in one rough motion. “Oh, hell yeah…”
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Dean woke up late, his old bones tired from a night of fun. He sat up with a cough and dragged a hand down his stubbled cheek, scratching at the shadow and wondering if he should bother shaving. Y/N might like a beard, he thought, and decided to give it another day at least. Just to test it out.
Y/N was whistling loudly, a familiar tune floating from her lips down through the hallways.
Still groggy, Dean followed the sound, rubbing at his eyes when the walls began to undulate around him. He felt almost drunk, but soon shook it away when Y/N came into view.
“Come sail away… come sail away with me…”
She was bent over, ass pushed out high, digging through the archives in room 7B. Her whistle was intoxicating and Dean felt his blood rushing south. His ears rang with her song and he slipped into the room and slunk up behind her, grabbing her hips.
Y/N yelped and stood, falling back against his firm chest. “Dean!”
He nuzzled into the crook of her neck and took a tiny bite. “Mmm… mornin’.”
She could feel him stiffen against her ass and she pushed back against it, rubbing suggestively. “Morning nothing- it’s almost noon.” Her left hand snuck up and curled around the back of his head, holding his lips to her flesh. “You OK, sleepyhead?”
He breathed her in- dust and sweat and her fruity shampoo. He hummed happily. “Very…”
Her nails scraped along his scalp and ideas flooded his brain.
“Busy?” he asked, already envisioning slamming her up against the metal shelves and sinking so deep into her that he could see it in her eyes.
“Kinda.” She held up a small octagonal box. The brass was dark with age and she rubbed at the inlaid symbol on the top. “This is cool. I don’t know what it is, but the top thingy is pretty.” She rubbed it again and the tarnish moved beneath her fingers, clearing the brass.
Dean eyed it for a second and shrugged. “Never seen it before.” His lips pulled at her ear.
“Probably shouldn’t play with it,” she sighed. “Might have some evil creature trapped inside that could eat us alive.”
His hot breath fluttered into her ear and she shivered. “I could eat you alive,” he growled.
Y/N smiled and turned her head so she could lick at his hungry lips. “I guess I could take a break…”
Dean let out a moan that vibrated through her and Y/N rolled her hips back until they were both throbbing and aching. Reaching around, Dean lifted his left hand to her chest while the right slid between her thighs.
The box fell onto the cement and the ancient lock shattered at their feet.
“Fuck, Dean…”
Her pulse was racing beneath his lips, her pussy already dripping. He could feel her jeans dampen over his palm.
Close to feral, Dean tugged his hands away and grabbed her upper arms, spinning her around to face him. They scuffled over the floor, kicking at the box while they rearranged in each others’ arms.
Lost in a kiss, neither heard the brass lid creak open.
The neon glow that leaked out wasn’t seen as Dean shoved her back against the metal shelves and attacked, crushing her with every ounce of himself. He licked deep into her mouth, scratched down her sides, jerked a knee between her legs.
Y/N grasped at his shoulders, fingers curling into the gray flannel he wore. “God, Dean… need you so bad…” Her voice flowed through him and Dean grunted back, unable to find any words as he fumbled with two zippers at once.
The air in the room shifted. A slowly rising mist poured free from the box, illuminated by streaks of purple neon. The mist floated up around their ankles, but neither noticed.
She bit down into the bend of his neck, marking his shoulder with a tiny red crescent moon and he hissed against her cheek. “Fuck me, Dean…”
He grinned, eyes hazy and staring into her. “I’m tryin’-”
The cloud lifted around their hips and a strange warmth struck them both. Y/N’s exposed middle shivered with goosebumps as the mist touched her and she looked down with wide eyes that let in the fear.
“Dean-” She slapped his chest to get his attention.
“I’m workin’ on it,” he laughed, face buried in her hair as his hands struggled.
“No!” She grabbed his face and turned him downward. “Look!”
The fog was moving faster, climbing higher with every breath. It tickled her jaw and Y/N gasped, looking to Dean for help.
“What the fuck!”
Surprised, he took a step back and the mist enveloped Y/N. It sucked her down into a hazy mess of purple so thick that Dean couldn’t even make out the spot she’d been in.
She screamed and then fell silent. Dean spun on the spot, totally surrounded by the alien fog.
“Y/N!” He yelled for her and the mist crept in, filling his mouth and trickling down his throat. He choked on it, unable to move any air. He clawed at his throat, but there was nothing to move, nothing to break free from. The cloud lifted above his head, expanding to fill the entire room.
Dean’s head hit the cement and green eyes slammed shut.
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He woke with a gasping breath, lungs aching and head throbbing. Tacky warmth was spread on the side of his face and he knew that he’d been bleeding. He tried to reach for the wound, but his hands were stuck, locked tight above his head by the enchanted metal cuffs that hung against the back wall of the dungeon.
Slowly, the room came into view and he shivered. The air was on full blast, pumping in through vents in the ceiling and casting down icy air into the stone lined room. He gave himself a quick shake to shed the dregs of unconsciousness blinked into the dim light.
Vision was not his friend and Dean cringed at the sight before him.
Y/N was lying on the cold floor in the center of the devil’s trap, her naked body displayed as if she were sleeping. Her hands were hung at her sides, her legs perfectly straight. Her eyes were still closed but she was breathing and Dean called to her.
“Y/N!” His voice bounced through the room but she didn’t stir. “Baby, come on. Wake up!”
Her lashes fluttered. Her throat tensed with a cough.
“That’s it, baby,” he urged, “wake up. Come on.”
She struggled to open her eyes, and when she did, panic filled them. She tried to move, but her limbs were numb, unresponsive.
“Dean?” She turned towards his voice, only her head able to move. Her eyes were wide and flooded with horrors he missed while passed out. “Dean! We have to get out of here. Now.”
Her breaths were heavy, pained. She tried to move again, but only managed to twist her left foot a bit to the right.
“Fuck! I can’t move!”
Dean took a breath and looked around. They were alone and the secret entrance closed. Something had put them in here to keep safe.
“We’re OK.” He swallowed hard. “Hey! Look at me, OK? We’re OK. We been in worse situations, right?”
He smiled but she wasn’t buying it. A tear slipped down her cheek and Dean’s heart ached.
“We’re gonna be just fine.”
She nodded. “Yeah. Right. OK.”
They looked into each other’s eyes, finding the will to stay calm within. He exhaled slowly and she mimicked, calming down for a moment.
It was a brief moment that shattered when the door creaked open.
“Dean?” Her heart raced, eyes shooting towards the entrance.
No one entered, but the light from the box glowed bright from between the metal shelves. Dean stared at the neon, trying to decipher his task. If he knew what he was up against, he could fight it. He couldn’t exactly punch the fog.
He grit his teeth and tugged at the chains. “Hello? Who’s there!”
Y/N drew in a scared breath and whimpered. “Dean…”
His eyes followed hers and his jaw dropped in awe.
Slithering through the gap in the portal was a long, slimy tendril. It was firm and thick, the color of an eggplant, and it moved across the floor like an eel.
Dean blinked in wonder as more appendages appeared, sliding through the crack in countless numbers until a swarm of squirming, slithering things darkened the edges of the devil’s trap. They skirted the red paint, looming within inches of Y/N’s paralyzed form.
Her jaw trembled and she grit her teeth to try and stay calm. Years of almost getting herself killed had taught her that panic helped no one.
Quickly, she looked up at Dean but he was as lost as she; there were no plans, no ideas. They were in trouble.
The tentacles breached the sigil and Y/N screamed as two warm, wet things slid across her feet and wrapped themselves around her ankles. Tiny suckers on the underside attached themselves to her flesh, puckering and slurping, kissing her calves and feet.
Y/N’s breath caught. The sensation was almost pleasant, and she let herself relax a little.
Dean watched as the strands of flesh crawled up higher, slipping between and around her thighs.
“Y/N?” His heart was pounding, nerves on edge, and yet- he couldn’t stop watching. He clawed at the cuffs, yanked down hard on the chain, but his eyes never left Y/N. “Baby?”
Her eyes were heavy, lips parted with a deep exhale. “Dean… it’s… it’s OK…”
The arms twisted around her legs jerked suddenly and her knees fell open. A clipped moan left her lips and Dean’s stomach tensed.
“It’s so… warm…” She sighed and bit her bottom lip, keeping in a string of aroused noises. “Dean…”
He pulled hard on the cuffs and a single line of blood dribbled down his forearm. “Y/N… I can’t- It’s-”
Words vanished as a third tendril slinked between her legs and nuzzled at her cunt. Y/N cried out in shock but sank back down into blissful compliance as the suckers closed around her clit.
“Oh my god- Dean- it’s-”
His eyes were locked on her body, unable and unwilling to turn away.
“Oh, fuck!”
Y/N’s eyes rolled and another tentacle slipped in between her thighs, this one sinking without warning into her tight pussy. It jammed itself in deep and then expanded to fill her channel completely.
“Jesus Christ!” Her voice cracked as the invader pulled out just enough to let her juices flow freely before slipping back in. Her body tensed and her hips jerked upwards, moved by the tentacles.
Dean’s mouth watered despite his fear. The sound of the thing fucking into her rang in his ears and his cock twitched hard. The wetness squelched loudly and another slinking eel came around, sliding through the mess to nudge at her tightest hole. He couldn’t look away, couldn’t resist the arousal that zapped through his veins.
Y/N exhaled a shaking laugh as the monster filled her up. She tried to squirm away, to buck her hips to the rhythm of it moving, but she was locked in place, trapped by some magical bondage that she couldn’t explain.
More tendrils appeared, attacking her in ways that Dean couldn’t fathom. They attached themselves to her nipples, sucking with slurping hunger that made Y/N cry out with spasming pleasure. They tangled in her hair, coiled around her arms, her throat. They covered her eyes, blinding her from Dean, pulsed at her ears until she could hear nothing but the wetness and their suctioning kisses.
“Dean?” She tried to turn her face, to look for him, but it was all darkness. “Dean! They’re…”
A gentle buzzing sounded in the back of her mind and Y/N was distracted, listening to it intently.
Dean called to her, but she could no longer respond. The tentacles pushed and pulled at her flesh, twisted her limbs, puppeted each finger.
“They’re… taking over… me…” The buzzing was incessant and distracting. She held her breath as the thick snake in her cunt moved deeper still. She could feel it breaking through, plunging into stomach, fucking everything inside. There was no pain, only a deep, throbbing point of pleasure that radiated outward and blocked everything else out.
Panting and tense with guilty arousal, Dean stared at her stomach as the tentacle bulged in her lower belly. He could see the tip poking through, climbing upwards through her system. It crawled higher and Y/N gagged when it entered the base of her throat.
“Oh, god- Y/N!” His voice was strangled and his cock was stiff. He hated himself for watching, for not closing his eyes to the horror, but it was strangely beautiful and Y/N’s pleasured cries were alluring and intoxicating.
Her head jerked as the tendril passed into her throat and pushed across her tongue.
Dean gaped, eyes wide and staring. The tip slipped from her lips and pumped outwards like some alien tongue. It thrust in and out, pulling and pushing from her cunt to her mouth, flooding her body with its poison slime.
Gagging and suffocating, Y/N felt herself slipping into darkness. The buzzing grew louder and the suckers pulled harder. Her thigh quaked as she came and her muscles squeezed hard around the appendages, coaxing it to fuck her harder.
His voice faded into the background, so far away, so quiet.
The larger tentacle forced itself through her lips again and blue tinged liquid pulsed from the tip. It exploded from her mouth, choking her and covering her face and chest in a thick, oozing cum-like mess.
Dean shuddered, his body shaking as he came in his jeans, untouched and disgusted with himself, terrified for Y/N. He clenched his teeth and roared, using what little strength he had left to yank at the chains.
Y/N’s body twitched as the tentacles retreated. They slithered from her holes and untangled themselves from her limbs, setting her free.
Dean held his breath, watching her chest. She wasn’t moving.
His eyes flooded with wetness and he blinked a single tear that slid down his face, catching in the stubble.
Suddenly, her eyes popped open and she took a breath. Mechanically, she sat up and twisted to look up at Dean.
Her smile was unnatural and terrifying, her lips stretching too far up into her cheeks. Her eyes were wrong, the irises overtaken with neon purple light.
She stood, climbing to her feet with minimal effort. She opened her mouth and an unearthly tongue curled out, licking the cum from her face. She smiled again and cocked her head, regarding Dean.
“Thank you for the female,” she said, voice high-pitched and awkward. “She will be very useful.”
The metal cut into his wrists again and Dean raged, screaming for her as she walked away.
The shelves slid closed behind her and Dean was left alone in the cold darkness, confused and horrified.
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“Dean! Hey!”
She slapped his cheek and he woke, jerking up and away from her. He kicked at the blanket and scrambled for his gun, a strangled cry dying in the back of his throat.
“Whoa!” Y/N pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed, her hands raised in surrender, her sleepy face twisted with worry. “Dean! It’s me!”
A deep breath pushed him back into reality. “Holy shit!” He scrubbed a hand down his face and popped his jaw, uncomfortable and still reeling. “That was a dream?”
Y/N blinked at him, confused. “Uh… probably. What the hell happened? You started kicking me and when I woke up you were twisted and screaming.”
The dream played tricks on him, tinting her eyes purple and snaking a tiny eel around her throat, but he pushed it away. He slapped his cheeks and rubbed at his eyes.
“Wow. That was insane.”
Settling, he leaned back against the headboard and opened his arms. Carefully, Y/N slid in next to him.
“Babe, you’re soaked through with sweat…” Y/N lifted the cotton from his chest and cringed. “Gross. You OK?”
He exhaled loudly and nodded, dropping his arm around her shoulder. “Yeah. Just a really… really fucked up dream.”
Y/N snuggled close and slipped her arm around his waist, making him jump.
“Wow, I guess it was.”
He laughed at himself and sighed. “Gotta stop watching all that hentia. It’s doin’ things to me.”
Y/N danced her fingers over his stomach and down. “Not all bad things…” Her hand slipped and she cupped his dick, rubbing gently.
Still on edge, Dean hissed and grabbed her wrist, carefully guiding her away. “Yeah. Not… not now… Bad. Bad things.”
Laughing sweetly, she set her arm back around his chest and cuddled close. “Maybe you should really be looking up tornadoes before bed. Those never gave you nightmares.”
“Yeah, maybe.” He smirked and rubbed a hand down her arm. “Definitely gotta lay off the monster fucking… for a while, anyway…”
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leafdragon16 · 2 days
I'm yet another person from AO3 but I do have a question lol-
Was the design and stuff for Wheeljack based on the IDW comic sparkeaters? Because I've been thinking abt this for ages and it seems so-
It's also made me think abt another character- Soundwave- like he has a visor (that's possibly over his face) and he has tentacles- like it could be very easy for him to be one as well-
I mean I'm not saying to include this in the story- just smth I thought I'd point out lol
Ok so I just went to the IDW TFWiki page for sparkeaters and
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So I have never read IDW and the only information I have about it is what I’ve absorbed from my TF mutuals. I knew sparkeaters were some kind of monster BUT I NEVER KNEW WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE?? WHAT?
So to properly answer your question, no, Ex!Wheeljack’s design is not based on sparkeaters, it’s just a really weird coincidence (and frankly I kinda wish I had because these things look cool lmao). His design was actually based off the first plotline I had for Horror Show before I scrapped it. Shockwave was originally going to try to create synthetic energon but since he has even less information than Ratchet does in canon, it doesn’t go well. Naturally he decides to go big or go home, mixes it with Dark Energon, and injects it into Wheeljack. But that felt too much like copying canon and a virus seemed more like Shockwave’s style anyway so I changed it. You can still kinda see the original plot in his design because I just started by basing it off of the Terrorcons from Thirst and then I went “what if he had stabby tentacles too wouldn’t that be fucked up”
And YEAH. I think it was the Art of Prime that mentioned Soundwave was deliberately designed to seem alien even when compared to the other Cybertronians? I’m not sure when sparkeaters were introduced/if Prime was out by then but Soundwave’s design, especially when compared side by side with sparkeaters, is certainly a CHOICE. [eyes ideas folder contemplatively]
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distortedclouds · 1 year
I don't really get why everyone's so shocked with MAPPA at the Okapi scene like they haven't been sexualizing Armin at his worst since day one
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I'd argue the table scene was even harder on him than the Okapi considering the betrayal he had to witness firsthand
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icharchivist · 1 year
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Siegfried is joining the GBVS cast...... only Vane is missing so the full Dragon Knights gang is in VS. 
Can’t believe we got 3/4 of the Knights before they thought of introducing others saga like the Levin Saga or Irestill or the Magic School or the Vintage Weapons guys or the Evokers or even the Dragons.
Let’s see how long they wait until Vane joins the gang i guess?
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hwiyoungies · 1 year
still wanna put to the test if i can say the most heinous (but not offensive or discriminatory) shit on here without anyone batting an eye
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nb-mothman · 2 years
might have to start utilizing twitter for my nsfw art :/ it feels silly to have a whole twitter for just a few drawings but. i do what i must
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hyuny-bunny · 1 month
skz + types of p*rn they watch (w/links) pt 2. maknae line
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MDNI (+18) content warning: p*rn, nsfw links, mentions of rough sex, use of female anatomy, most afab reader terms. hentai, sub male dynamics, edging, tentacles, oral (both m and f receiving), public, corruption, size kink, spanking, pet names (miss, princess, slut), p*ssy slapping
a/n: thank you so much for all the love on the first one i'm so glad i get to make a part 2 hehehe enjoy ☺️
a/n: if the links are not working for you, you may need the app as most are not compatible with a web browser
pt. 1 hyung line
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jisung: hentai... that's it. kidding (kinda). in all honesty i think he gravitates to hentai. he enjoys the over exaggerated tits, ass, cum, cocks, moans, etc. but i think he really likes tentacle hentai. i could 1000% see him buying a tentacle grinder to rub his pretty cock on. but if he's not in the mood for that, i think he's one for sub male porn. he wants someone to put him in place and use his pretty cock, edging him until he can't take it. in the same breath he also needs praise. he just wants to be a good boy for you
rewards for being a good boy
his favorite hentai 🤍
"you're such a good boy, jisungie, give me one more and then you can cum, okay?" this was hannie 5th orgasm ruined. he was a whimpering, crying mess under you but all he could utter out was "y-yes miss"
felix: i know so many people think he's just a sweet sweet boy who is all rainbows and sunshine but id argue he just hides he's cheeky side. he's a flirt and knows it, it's all masked under his love for physical affection. i think he leans more into porn where the male is being serviced more. i think he goes feral for those under desk blowjob videos. everytime he's at his desk gaming, he coaxes you into giving him head while he plays. he's also keen on a bit of exhibitionism, having you wear pretty skirts and sundresses that give him easy access to use you.
another underdesk moment
public teasing
"please princess, i promise this will be the last game and if i lose im all yours for the rest of the night" felix pats his lap with this. he'd promised you that if you blew while he played this game & he lost, he'd throw in the towel to be all yours for the night. you weren't gonna cave that easily... right ?
seungmin: my sweet puppy. i think he wants to believe he's more dominant then he actually is. i love mean dom seung but i also love submissive puppy seung. depending on his mood, alternates between mean dom porn or sub male porn. when he's leaning into his mean dom side, he loves watching a whimpering slut begging for her holes to be filled. reminding him of all the times he got you begging him to touch you, having you ride him with your hands bound.
subby seung being edged
rough seung using you
"please seung, just use me, i'm yours baby please use my pussy." seungmin had been playing with your pussy for the last 30 minutes with your hands bound and he casually scrolled through his phone.
"sorry pup but that just cost you another 5 minutes, if you stop being such a whiny slut i'll give you want but you have to behave." he winds his hand back landing a slap on your pussy with that.
jeongin: this man does things to me. he's a switch no doubt but my god does he love to dom. he gives me the vibe that he watches JAV. he really likes the shy timid girls being corrupted from start to end. the ones that like to be touched in public, fucked into submission. granted with as tall as he is, he also has a size kink. more so now with as muscular as he's gotten. he likes the idea of having you bent over and his lanky legs are towering over you while he's got you head locked to moan directly in your ear.
pussy hungry jeongin
spanking + playing w you
jeongin's tongue was a blessing and a curse, he'd been latched to your cunt since you walked into his room with no breaks. the lapping sounds of his tongue was enough to make you cum but he wouldn't allow it. every now he'd pull back to give your lips a sloppy kiss and then continue his ministration between your legs, holding your thighs open with his shoulders and hands.
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I love the 60s, but I hate how it brought in the rise of sex positivity. That gave way to all kinds of degenerate content such a as hardcore p*rn and hookup culture. We need to go back to sex negativity asap lol.
The thing with p*rn is that during any moment in history before the 20th century, we never had access to graphic videos of gangbangs or tentacle orgies or whatever. The only time you could watch someone perform a sex act was irl.
Is it any wonder so many ppl have sexual dysfunction and become coomers after watching p*rn? You’re looking at heavily contrived videos of ppl you don’t even know getting it on and contaminating your brain chemistry and neurochemicals. P*rn addiction is so real and common and just like a drug.
Same thing w hookup culture. Sex was something personal you did with someone you trusted in a safe environment, and had spiritual and social significance tied to it. I do think sex is related to the human chakras, that Sex Magic is possible and that the Kama Sutra and Tantric Sex are legit. I do believe celibacy has psychological benefits, and that when sex is performed correctly it can connect you with a higher force.
So now when society encourages ppl to consider sex as just some dumb animal act, simple as scratching an itch, something you can just do with anyone when you’re bored, that’s fucked up. No wonder divorce and std rates are so high and men and women hate each other. We’ve trivialized our own sexualities and bodies to the point where sex is something disgusting rather than uplifting.
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 9 months
❝ just wanna be one of your toys, tonight❞
creepypasta x incubus!reader | drabble, how you meet, general dating headcanons | graphic descriptions of violence, descriptions of nsfw/smut | not proofread
warnings: yandere tendencies, unhealthy relationship habits but it's okay because everyone in this fic is unhinged, cannibalism with a sexual context, piquerism/knife kink, tentacles, teratophilia, pheromones used by r!, canon violence, LJ's section alludes to r! mutilating a p*de,Slenderman controls r!s food intake (?), guys this is kind of messed up pls
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Eyeless Jack | Jeff The Killer | Laughing Jack | Slenderman | Toby Rogers
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req: OMG. creepypasta fics. i love them. can you uhmmm. can you write headcanons for an incubus reader. with like eyeless jack, toby, masky and hoodie? ignore this if you dont do that sorta stuff im just jumping on a request train rn ghnjgjkejnjngf
authors note: unfortunately, I'm not super informed about the Marble Hornet boys so I did not include them ;'3 Also I did want to do the typical sexy incubi reader but then I didn't so enjoy demonic, somewhat feral, reader and his equally as fucked up lovers
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Eyeless Jack —
There was silence when you first laid your eyes on him. As you're both demons who preyed on humans, it was akin to throwing two hungry wolves into a fighting ring.
Your prey, emphasis on yours, had been yours for damn near a week. You've been sneaking into their dreams, draining them of slivers of their essence by bringing them to climax in their wildest dreams. They would grin brightly the first few times but as the week progressed, they began realizing how exhausted they felt and those sexy wet dreams suddenly felt more morbid than exciting.
So your lips curl as you hunch over their head and bare your mouth full of fangs. Your hiss sounds like nails on a chalkboard and your jaw unhinging more than humanely possible as your forked tongue drips with viscous liquid. Jack steps back, his scalpel glinting in the moonlight as he returns the hiss with a gravelly snarl.
Oh, people think of "Sex on Legs" of a man when they imagine an incubus. That's the aim of your pheromones and magic after all. Everyone's ideal of a masculine body is what you morph into. Muscular, fat, hairy, clean-shaven, short or tall; whatever their genitals desire is what you distort their brain into seeing.
Your true form was a whole other story. You were a demon. It didn't matter if you were once human or if you were born in Hell itself. You were different now.
"They are mine," Your lips twitch and curl with every syllable. Fingers digging deeper into the skull of your prey. You don't know this demon's name and you're unsure of how strong he truly is but you dig your heels into the ground.
Jack pauses. His growling ceases as he loosens and tightens his grip on his scalpel.
He's had his run-ins with others "like" him. Eldritch beings, proxies of eldritch beings, and such others. However, incubi was new for him. He half-expected a stout creature with leathery wings and horns like those illustrations in the yellow pages of demonology books.
"...What do you need from them?" He wants to bargain. He doesn't have to but he does anyway. Partly from curiosity and partly from his own hunger...for you.
He wonders what you taste like. Jack wouldn't admit it then but he licked his needle-sharp fangs at the thought of your flesh in his mouth and your blood flowing down his throat like the most decadent wine.
"Soul," you answer as a sickening crunch resounds through the room just as your index finger burrows deeper, "Their brain, need".
"Good, I don't need that." Jack points the sharp end of his scalpel to his stomach. "Here, everything I need is here," he then aims his weapon at you with a loose grip; "Share, yes?"
Your lips hide your fangs and you tilt your head, swaying your head as you try to weigh the options. Other demons could be rather tricky. Sharing wasn't in most of their vocabulary. However, this one was...different.
"Share, yes".
That is how the two of you met. His masked visage and the tar-like substance that escapes from his humanoid eye sockets intrigue you. You had watched him cut open your prey with medical precision so he could carefully remove the organ he craved.
"Name is...?" Jack's pointed ears twitch from beneath his hoodie. He turns his head towards yours and if he were human he might have flinched from the way your nose brushes the bump of his mask. But he isn't, so he doesn't.
"Jack. My name is Jack," he brings one leathery hand to rest upon your cheek. It stains your skin and Jack's thumb rests precariously close to your lower lash line. The silence is a prompt for you to continue and you whisper your name, chewing on your lower lip after which makes Jack scoff in mild amusement.
Your relationship initially begins due to Jack's desire. He craves you in such a visceral way he doesn't know what to do with it anymore. It pains him that he doesn't sleep because he is certain that the number of times he's unravelled at the thought of you should already beckon you into his brain. But Jack isn't a human.
He's a demon. So, he decides to use victims to lure you. He wasn't sure how to go on about it at first but after tilting his head down at the moaning woman writhing in her bed, whispering your name, he takes her to his home.
When you visit your prey's dreams it's plagued with images of the eyeless demon and once you manifest into thin air he wastes no time pinning you to the wall with his inhuman strength.
"Jack!" you snarl in alarm and he releases you, smiling. His blue mask was placed elsewhere, instead, he hid his eyes behind tattered bandages. His teeth were so sharp you felt yourself tense.
You become something akin to a pet. Jack learns how to keep you captive in his home, locked behind bars and ancient runes written in blood. Despite the lack of freedom, you couldn't say he doesn't spoil you.
He brings you his victims. Dazed from whatever supernatural effect he has and sore from his impromptu surgery. They always scramble in alarm, panicked and disorientated before they spot you.
Then, Jack relishes in your vicious lunges. Watches from the outside as you crush their skulls open to fill your stomach.
When he eventually makes you trust him enough (Stockholm Syndrome is one beautiful side effect) he brings you to hunts with him. You're the shadow that hangs upside down from the ceiling when his victims wake up and shake, paralyzed as Jack digs through their layers of skin, muscles and fat. Your grin is hauntingly ethereal and inhuman as you lean down to kiss their trembling lips.
Jack wonders if you smell his desire. You do. But it's normal. Your pheromones were meant to attract sexual partners after all but your gaze does linger on Jack the more the scent of charred earth burns whenever you're pressed to his back.
"Teasing me?" He would mutter. Silence would be his reply and all he'd feel is your supple skin brushing on his ashen grey skin, nosing insistently to his neck. "I know you can talk (Y/N)" his needle and thread continue threading through the patchwork of skin.
"Why won't you touch me?" that makes him freeze. Jack had thought about it. Every time he saw you kiss your victims, or rip them to shreds. You were fire dancing in the wind and Jack can't justify his need to own you but he doesn't care.
"Because if I touch you, I won't be able to stop"
"Who said I'd want you to stop?"
Jack tugs on the blood-soaked thread. It glints in the harsh lighting of his desk lamp, briefly looking like a sliver of light.
"I'll sink my teeth into you, tear you apart and consume you".
His head turns as you grab his chin. His bandages tugged away and you chuckled as you saw the ugly gored-out holes. He hasn't told you the whole story but you know what scars he did have were all human-made.
"You can take my flesh if you want, Jack".
The thread snaps.
Jack belatedly realises that since you were not human either, your resistance to pain was just as crazy as your regenerative abilities. He takes you in a way that feels genuinely primal. Two animals going at it, blood smeared along the floors and walls while claws and fangs puncture into flesh.
You two give sex a whole new meaning. Jack finishes inside of you as he laps up at the gash on your neck, groaning as his dexterous tongues (yes, tongues) feel your pulsing veins dancing on them. You encourage his ferocity with saccharine sweet calls of his name.
Sometimes, as silly as it sounds, you make him feel human again. He swears the shrivelled thing in his dusty ribcage beats thunderously whenever you dig your fingers into the back of his thighs.
You were a never-ending feast. A banquet he will never tire from. The cell he kept you in wasn't in use anymore but he swears if you ever even think of going away from his side he would keep you in there until the sun exploded.
There'll eventually be a balance in your relationship. Once you gain his trust, you might as well carve out his insides to nestle between his blackened bones and allow his tar-like blood to keep you warm. He'll do whatever it takes to ensure no one, human or non-human, will keep you apart.
He thinks it is absolutely healthy if you return the sentiment.
Jack doesn't stray from you. He is devoted. The type of person to ensure you're always full, from his essence or from others, he will provide whatever you need.
Close-promixity. He doesn't have to be touching you, just wants you near.
Will bite you. Hard. Not in a cute nibbling way. Legitimately bites you to sustain himself and thinks it's romantic that you're inside of him.
He is more human than you at times. He enjoys human comforts. The internet, a bed, a shower. He doesn't need it, you're both demons after all. But they're a luxury that he treasures.
If "others" wander into your territory, Jack's growls turn spine-chilling. A chittering, gravelly, snarl that heightens in volume as he curls his lips. He'll unmask, scalpel forgotten as veins bulge into the back of his hands and his footsteps suddenly get heavier. The one time someone had stumbled on you while you were feeding, you swore you saw wisps of black smoke smoulder from Jack's skin and the faint sound of fire crackling.
Miiight be the most protective one of the bunch.
You having sex with your prey does not bother Jack. Your sex with him is much more solidifying, oath-binding and skin-scarring. Besides, he knows you need actual souls to be sustained.
Jack's not sure how long he will be "alive" but if he's dying you're coming with him, (Y/N). He would burn the world down for you but death won't keep you apart.
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Jeffery Woods, Jeff the Killer —
"What. The. Fuck?" Jeff's damaged facial muscles could barely twitch or tug on his cheeks due to his insane self-mutilation, however, he manages to furrow his brows hard enough that he feels his cheekbones spasm as they attempt to frown.
The married couple he had been stalking laid dead on their mahogany bed and there was some sort of freak over them.
Your eyes were almost as wide as his as you slip three of your fingers into your bloody mouth, sucking them clean with an obscene sigh of satisfaction.
"Too...late," Jeff's "nose" burns as he surges forward. His boots track mud and water across the bedroom and your grin is maniacal as he unsheathes his hunting knife from his hip.
"You fucking bitch!"
Truth be told, you spotted Jeff during one of your nightly visits to the husband's dreams. His white outfit contrasts so sharply in the dark it almost seems haughty. A little "look at me"-sy if you could put it into words.
Jeff brandishes his hunting knife and you twist out of the way to instead latch onto the ceiling. His bloodshot eyes earn a pleasant shiver that spreads warmth to the thing between your crotch.
He was goddamn grotesque. Skin leathery, eyes so painfully dry and irritated it rimmed red and that cut-up smile? His yellow teeth and red gums are splashes of colour since they're no longer hidden by his cheeks. His jet-black hair whips furiously against his face as one hand reaches up to grab your ankle.
Your yell is more of a screech and Jeff wrestles you on the body of the wife. Her bones and nipple piercings dig into your back as Jeff digs his knife into your shoulder.
"They were fucking mine! You goddamn cunt! Stupid little bitch!" he's more robust than a regular human. Then again, a regular human would've died from his "cosmetic" surgeries a while ago.
You can still his heartbeat in his chest though. Slow but there.
He pulls the knife out and you exclaim once he stabs you once again. The toothy edge of the blade was meant to inflict pain every time he pulled out and Jeff's cheeks lifted into a gleeful expression as he watched you writhe in pain.
But then.
"Mom?" Jeff locks up. You turn your head to the shadow under the door but Jeff puts the knife to your eye and your snarling lowers into a hissing.
Jeff does not hurt kids. The way he stares down at you with stormy grey blues shows that though he has no idea how to slaughter you he will try to if you even think of laying a hand on her. Much to his relief, you close your eyes and go lax.
You don't hurt kids either.
"Momma?" The doorknob shakes and Jeff knows the kid probably smells iron but the two of you are as rigid as the corpses on the bed.
"Did you need something, Kavi?" The voice that comes out your lips isn't yours, it's the father's and Jeff only loosens his grip from surprise. Kavi's feet shuffle nervously and whatever stuffy she's holding squeaks lightly in pressure. "I heard noises...screaming" She hears the smile in your voice as you tell her to go back to bed.
"Go to sleep, Kavi" This time it's a command and Kavi's shadow straightens up before her footsteps fade away.
Jeff's breathing had slowed throughout the interaction. He's good at being quiet when he needs to be. Not so flashy when the situation calls for it. A soft spot for children. How noble.
He presses on your chest with the heel of his palm but then gets up and sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair. You turn onto your stomach, pushing the husband onto the floor as you watch Jeff glare at you with contempt as he paces.
"I've been watching them", Your eye roll makes him grunt. "I know, I saw. But, he's mine" He huffs at the sight of the twitching body on the floor. "Could've left me the wife, asshole" Jeff follows the trail of blood down your chest and stomach before ripping his eyes away as you pluck her eyes out to pop into your mouth.
Jeff swears he's never been harder.
"I was hungry".
Your grin like the cat that got the cream when Jeff rushes towards you and grabs the column of your neck to push you down.
For a guy who hasn't gotten laid, ever, he sure knew what to do. You helped, obviously. When Jeff's fingers tremble and hover you would goad him to do better, huff that you're getting bored and he needs to fuck your hole/s with more passion. That'd get that freak going.
He sure was in love with his knives too. Obsessed with the way you shiver and shudder every time the blade cuts into your skin or when he digs the tip of it in and you arch into the edge.
Jeff thinks his first time suits him. His life is fucked up in all sorts of ways so of course, his first time was with a demon. He remembers you bouncing on his lap, eyes glowing as you squeeze his dick and moan his name before he saw white.
When he wakes up, he shoots up straight and throws the rag away from his face. The bodies are stiff now and Kavi's older sister is pulling into the driveway. He wears his clothes and isn't quiet about it as he hears Kavi crying about nightmares while she rushes out.
Jeff's DNA being all-over the crime scene is something he does not give a shit about. What are the police going to do? Arrest a dead man? Hah! They'd need to catch him first and he's been dodging them since he was 13 years old and he's 24 now. They're shit at their job.
That one night spirals into Jeff fucking into his fists for a week straight. Unable to properly think without your whispers breezing past his ears in the wind. He's already insane but you've turned the broken notch higher.
Thankfully for him, you're just as hopeless. He isn't quite sure how long you've been stalking him but when he finally senses eyes on him he's excited because he knows it's you.
Your relationship is physical at first. Love isn't quite in either of your vocabulary but this relationship turns something close to it. He whispers your name in the wind and then he feels your weight on his back as your arms materialize from thin air and squeeze him.
"What do you need, executioner?" Jeff snorts at the title, shrugging you away as he unbuckles his belt and pushes the hanging body as he passes it. Jeff sits on the desk and pats his thighs.
"The fuck kind of name is that?" You cage him between your arms and lean in to lick the scratches near his eye.
"You don't like it?"
"I ain't no one's fucking executioner"
You roll your eyes and he clicks his tongue at it. "The fuck's that for?" You're still not sure what the fuck Jeff is, for all intents and purposes he's just something in limbo. Dead but not quite. Alive but not quite. But his ego is still that of a man and you're in your own purgatory as you decide if you enjoy it or not.
When Jeff realises he does care for you, it's a strange time for him. He won't ask if you've eaten or if you're hurt because suddenly he knows just from a glance. It's frightening to him. He doesn't call for you for a long time and he grits his teeth as you don't come for him either.
Stuck in-between again. He's relieved but he's angry. He's furious but sad. Are you alright? Do you hate him? Do you not care for him? How dare you!? But, also, great! He doesn't have time to be anything more! But how dare you? Do you not realise how much he cares about you!?
When Jeff finds out it's because some idiots in a cult managed to trap you?
He feels numb as he prepares to absolutely destroy them. With a one-track mind, he kicks open the doors of their stupid, dilapidated doors and lays waste on whoever isn't you. He burns their church down. His senses only rush back towards him when he has you in his arms.
That night, he's tender and sweet. It disturbs you a bit but you preen under his hands as he watches you heal your wounds in your own demonic ways.
"You came for me"
"...I'm your executioner, aren't I?"
Don't expect labels from Jeff but he does expect commitment to an extent. He won't be angry if you fuck around but he will fuck you harder if you mention that flesh bag being good.
He's bad at talking but once you manage to pry his mouth open he can be insightful about certain things. He's an observant man just so fucking egotistical.
You are his and he's yours but don't mention it too many times, he can get spooked. Did you expect stability from Jeff? Good, because you aren't getting it.
He wants you to participate in his kills. It's a great bonding activity! He is glad he has you as his buddy/lover. At least one person in this hell-forsaken world cares for him.
This does mean he can get a bit clingy at times, maybe even bordering on obsessed, but he doesn't give a shit. Even if you are a demon from hell, Jeff will find a way to find you.
Carved his name into you. No questions about it.
It will take years before he even says anything close to an "I love you" but he says in his own ways. He's tightlipped about you when his enemies catch up to him and if he feels that you're even a bit threatened he will fight tooth and nail until you're safe.
Jeff knows he's the last person that deserves a wish to be granted but he squeezes you tighter in his arms when he thinks of growing older. He's scared of dying, always has been, but the thought of leaving you alone/being without you? It terrifies him.
When his hair starts getting more salt and peppery he gets quite grumpy every time you mention it. He does soften when he notices you "ageing" as well - he knows you aren't and it's just your shapeshifting but he swears he'll do anything to stay by your side for as long as he can.
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Laughing Jack —
Oh, he was familiar with your kind. Laughing Jack mainly targets families but he's been terrorizing the world since the 1800's, he knows the vices of men. He shoos them away (which is a nice way of saying he disembowels them if they get territorial over their prey).
What he didn't expect was to see you panting raggedly with your chin dripping with blood and pieces of what once was a man under your claws.
Laughing Jack's eyes shoot towards the child he had been "befriending". He knew he was suffering and Laughing Jack truly did not care — he wanted to have fun mutilating the entirety of his family and was only here because he wanted to visit his "friend".
The hair on the back of your neck pricks and your jaw unhinges as your eyes land on the lanky being.
You know of him too. This entity that was once brought to earth to help a lonely child turned into a demonic entity that relished in the pain of humans.
You're also aware he has an affinity to target children to bring back to his circus of horrors under the guise of "saving them" and even though you're a creature of hell, you stand in front of the cowering boy with your teeth on display.
"This is new", Laughing Jack giggles out. His claws curled in front of his mouth as he stalked forward. Oh, he knows why little Carl wanted to run away from home. His mother did a shit job at protecting him from his drunk stepfather and Jack was going to do just that.
He was going to let Carl run away. Never said Carl would be alive when he did. But Carl never asked.
"Usually you whores are busy with the adults, not the kids". The very implications of what he said have you snapping your teeth. He raises his hands in faux surrender with a mocking grin.
"Gone soft? Who were you here for?"
Your lips twitch and Jack pauses just as he's about to step out of the shadows. Carl's weeping and sniffling echoed in the room. Jack's plastered smile turns sour as seconds tick by.
You know better than to anger him. So you will yourself to speak: "His mother". Jack bounces back like nothing had happened and gleefully strides over into the light.
"J-Jack? Jack!" "Carl!" Your hand shoots out to grab at the boy but he rushes into Jack's claws and sobs freely into his chest as Jack shushes and cradles him. Jack gingerly plucks the stretched-out shirt back over Carl's shoulder and rubs his back.
"Then you can go!" Jack cheers as he cradles Carl. "Go, go! Go and get that bitch of a woman!" You march up to him and grow taller tower over him. Jack's neck cranes to meet your eyes and he swears his neck creaks. He's never had to look up at anyone before.
"The boy isn't yours!" Jack's claws envelope Carl's head as the boy covers his ears. "Protective? Your kind usually has a one-track mind, never known demons to have sympathy", Jack's eyes squish into crescent moons.
"Have you gone soft, demon?"
Carl isn't sure what happens next. He just knows that when he wakes up the next day, he isn't scared and his mom isn't there. Instead, there's you. He isn't scared of you, he trusts you and he knows that you're his older brother.
He goes to school with you by his side and when he comes back, you've made food for him. Carl doesn't know where all the money comes from or why there are foggy memories of horror when he stares into space but your voice always snaps him back to reality.
Carl doesn't know where you go off to at night but he knows he isn't scared because Laughing Jack always pops up in the house.
Carl doesn't know how lucky he is, not really, but as he grows old he does feel gratitude. He doesn't know nor care why you're not his brother on papers or that his mom isn't in the picture. He knows he loves you though.
And he likes Laughing Jack too. Even if he's scary sometimes.
"Honey! You're home!" You glare at Jack as you step into the kitchen, wiping blood from your chin as you shed your jacket and your human skin. Jack looks comically out of place. He waits for you to shed before he gathers you in his arms.
This arrangement was odd. Out of place. But you learned not to hate it. Maybe Laughing Jack was right, maybe you were getting soft but you were glad that Carl was safe. Even if you had to pretend to be his older brother and then deal with Laughing Jack at night.
He sways with you in the kitchen, humming an old tune and you groan as your shape settles. He grins as he runs his claws down your back then holds you firmly.
Jack wasn't interested in sex and you were okay with that. He just wants to hold you like this, an affection growing within him as he inhales your scent.
"Carl's at a sleepover, must be having fun", Jack twirls you and you allow it with a ghost of a smile. "If he was at my circus, the streamers would be intestines and the snacks! Oh, the snacks, (Y/N) Darling!" Your lips cover his and his brow raises as he returns the kiss.
"Carl's fine with regular streamers, Jack. He's human, let him remain as one", Jack's smile almost seems sincere as he looks up at you. "Speaking of humans, (Y/N) Dearest", Jack thwacks a roll of newspaper on your chest.
"Humans are getting scared of you, rabid incubus, and Carl's mysterious older brother isn't holding up! You need to scram", You sigh deeply as you pull away. Jack chases to cling to your back.
"He'll miss his friends"
"I'll bring them to my circus! He'll always see them whenever he wants!"
"You're not saying no", Jack purrs and cackles after you close your eyes and nod. He didn't really need permission but you appreciate him asking either way. Besides, he had a point! Carl could play with them whenever he wishes to so he won't be too sad.
Your relationship with Laughing Jack might be the most curious one out of everyone else. Carl made you more human than you'd like to admit and you made Laughing Jack more colourful (on the inside) than he'd ever tell.
He doesn't love Carl. Cares for, sure. He doesn't love you. But he wants your affections, that much he knows.
He brings you gifts, some of your real food, toys and all sorts. Even some for Carl because he knows you like it when he does it. Jack becomes a sort of family guardian. Anyone who tries to harm Carl doesn't just have you to worry about, Laughing Jack's looming over your shoulder too.
You share kisses, hugs and hand holdings if he's being annoying about it but both of you know Laughing Jack prefers not to go below the belt. He prefers that you seek physical pleasure elsewhere. He claps with glee every time you toss him the body, turning the corpse into a new throne or cake or whatever he wishes.
When Carl grows old and moves out, he knows that the porch light will always be on for him. He knows his "older brother" isn't human but he doesn't care. He also knows Laughing Jack isn't just his imagination but he doesn't care. Carl knows you're family and that's all that matters.
You tend to the house at times but after Carl moves out, Jack all but whisks you away into his circus. The spirits of dead children crowd around you, sharing an affection towards you due to Laughing Jack's own emotions. You tolerate them enough but spend most of your time with your Jack.
Laughing Jack doesn't know if he'd die for you, he doesn't even know if he's able to die really, but he would slaughter millions if it meant that you'd be content.
"Do you love me, (Y/N) Darling?" Laughing Jack tickles your side, giggling as you swat his hands away. You turn to face him and he relaxes in your hold, minutely but you still feel the way his muscles unbind.
"Do you love me, Jack Dearest?" His eyes soften and you swear you see the way baby blue bleeds into the monotone grey.
"I do, I love you more than I'd like to admit".
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Slenderman —
Your head tilted at the shape in the trees. The person beneath you twitched and rattled out a groan as they clung to the little bits of life they still had. A quick snatch and grab of more of their brains puts an end to it rather quickly.
Swivelling your head you gaze at the drawings on their walls. Among the illustrations of the forest views that they drew and the maps, you note the odd scribbles.
This prey had odd dreams at times. Some nights, you find yourself fighting against a force just to invade their thoughts but you think of it as nothing but their own will. Some humans had quite a resistance to your kind.
You squint at the marker drawings, getting up from the bed to walk closer. Plucking the note that peeked from under the map only to gasp as the map fell onto your feet. It revealed more deranged scribblings and your stomach twisted into knots as you realised what entity your prey had been hunted by.
Your breath shudders and you take a step back only to stiffen as a cold wind whispers up your spine.
"Forgive me!" You kneel, bowing your head as you stare at the wooden floors in fear. This being - it was the very thing that crawled out of Hell. It was older than most if not everything that roamed this earth and you had taken its prey.
The crackling of trees makes tears brim your eyes. It sounds thunderous and it only grows louder. You force your eyes shut as the branches drag along the glass windows and you plead under your breath as you feel Him getting closer and closer.
When he speaks, your brain feels as though it's being pulled apart. Was this punishment from your past victims? You're struggling to understand what he says but his voice soothes into something tangible.
"Wha...What?" You lift your head and turn to face the empty, open, window.
Slenderman was intimidating even for an incubus like yourself. As he towers over you, you feel your prey climb up out of your throat. But then, then, his spindly fingers stroke the side of your face.
"Please me, incubus", his tendrils sway in the wind and they lower and slither through the dead leaves to curl around your ankles and thighs.
His "suit" pulses and throbs, particularly between his legs and you see the slit glistening with wetness, white cockheads poking out.
Well. Who were you to say no?
Slenderman doesn't speak in a language familiar to humans, it brings some semblance of comfort to you; his words and expressions are more archaic but it's undoubtedly the language of hellish creatures like yourselves.
His cocks are just as inhuman and long as everything else about him and those tendrils that sprout from his back? Oh, they make the best restraints. The barely there scales on them shudder every time he's close to an orgasm and since they're so close to you, the rattling of it makes you whimper in pleasure.
Slenderman allows you to go but he keeps his eyes on you.
The way you kill and tear into humans, the pleasure you take in it - you're nothing but an incubus but Slenderman wants you.
And like his other "toys" he is merciless in making you just his.
You're not allowed to hunt anyone other than the ones he tells you to. Not allowed to even think of craving anyone. You're his incubus and his alone.
Who are you to say no?
It wasn't all that bad. Sometimes, he would push the limits of your hunger if he wanted to "test" the prey but you were obedient to his whims.
Sometimes, he'd crawl into your mind to truly see if you were all his and though painful and vomit-inducing the rewards after were enough to make it worth it.
After all, compared to the rest of his toys, you were the most pampered.
"Master", a purring noise is all around you but with your sight taken from you (a feat that only a few beings could do). The only thing you can do to locate Slenderman is through touch. But the thing is, he's touching you every-fucking-where.
You were suspended in the air, legs spread with tendrils and arms bound to your back as your cloudy eyes stared aimlessly at the night sky.
"Patience, incubus"
Love is hard to pinpoint in this relationship. It's more of an endearment. His feelings for you were the same feeling as someone would feel towards a dog. If you disobeyed and bit him, he'd put you down no question - that much you knew.
He doesn't mind when you kill other incubus or succubi though. Not that he seeks them with the same intent he had with you, he is a bit addicted to you, he seeks them with the intent to make you jealous.
He knows you had feelings for him. Depends on him. His word was law.
He likes seeing his dog get jealous. He doesn't assist in your fights with the other demon, you have to be the strongest to be his and so he merely watches and rewards you once you win.
The one time you lost though? Oh, he was so disappointed, (Y/N). The incubus stood over you, clutching the stump of an arm as he hisses at you. You know he is about to rip your throat and you kick your legs as he kneels over you.
He grabs your chin and forces your head to be tilted up, exposing your neck. You were going to die, you were going to die!
"You're pathetic, pet", the incubus over you chokes, blood spurting out from the hole in his chest before he all but crumbles into dust. One of your eyes is swollen shut, bruised and bleeding all over and Slenderman cradles you in his arms as he helps you stand.
"I'm sorry, Master" Your tears are wiped away. His tendrils lift you into the air and close to his chest as you weep.
"You'd be dead without me, pet. Completely useless".
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Toby Erin Rogers —
"...Get out of the fucking way" Toby had the coldest eyes you've ever seen. He had been tasked to kill the man whose skull was being split open by your hands.
He must think Toby was here to save him because he swipes a hand towards him, groaning desperately as his eyes shake. Toby's nose scrunches up in distaste. The man looked like a goddamn pug. His eyes bulged out and gaping his mouth like a dead fish.
"He's my kill". You furrow your brows as you stubbornly dig your thumbs deeper into the crack of his skull.
Toby throws a hatchet and it slices through your shoulder, pinning you to the wall from the strength he used. You claw at the handle, kicking your feet to try and push yourself from the wall but Toby simply ignores you to slash the man's throat with with his other hatchet.
"You asshole! He's mine!" Your thrashing makes him grunt as he slams his hand on your other shoulder. He grabs the hilt of his weapon and squints his eyes at you.
"S-Shut the fuck up, cunt. You can still eat the bitch, shithead", Toby isn't nice about tugging his weapon out. His brows furrowed at the sight of your torn flesh.
Toby has seen it all. After meeting a monochrome clown and a burned woman with a mask hunting for a guy named Jeff, among other creatures, Toby is unphased at the sight of a demon.
This means the already cold, unfeeling, man was not at all impressed. His eyes wander to your chest and your legs but scoffs as he cleans the edge of his hatchet on his sleeves.
"You asshole!" Toby waves his hand nonchalantly as he retreats. His plan is foiled as you latch onto his back, teeth sinking through his clothes and into the protective pads. Reaching back, his gloved hands grasp onto you to throw you across the room. The desk lamp shatters onto the floor as you lay out on the surface.
Toby rolls both his shoulders, sniffing in annoyance as he picks at the deep marks on the plastic of his protective wear. "Shit, your teeth suh-suh-sunk...through" his eyes glower as you peel yourself from the office table.
"Now, you're just ask, asking for it".
After that rough night, you stayed away from ever-crossing paths with Slenderman and his stupid proxies. Even with your supernatural regenerative healing, he slashed so deep at one point you're certain he had his hatchets go through you.
Your body ached for days. Not in a sexy way.
Toby, however, found it hard to get you out of his head. He knows an incubus' pheromones linger when they experience intense emotions and subsequently, so do its effects. But after 2 months of aching for you, he has had enough.
He takes a while to track you down. He's only human at the end of the day but when he finds your prey he reenacts the first time you met.
"You," venom was dripping from your words as you hissed at him but Toby simply raised from the armchair in the corner. The office of the poor psychotherapist you hunted reminded him of his childhood so he gladly focuses on your figure to focus.
He pays close attention to the way you get into the defensive, climbing the desk to put distance as you show him your fangs.
"I've got a pro, proposition for you" Toby walks towards the closet and to your surprise, your prey is tied up like a goddamn turkey. He falls flat on his face, breaking his nose, and squirms as muffled pleas come from him.
"You don't have to waste days making your prey succumb to you. I'll wrap them up...luh-like a fuuucking present and...you can munch on 'em"
"...In exchange?" You can't tell if he's smiling. But you hear it in his voice as he says:
"Fuck me".
For Toby, you provide relief and comfort. The beginning of the relationship was tough waters to navigate through, mainly for you. Despite providing you with food when he craves some physical intimacy, Toby is one scary motherfucker to be bare of clothes with.
It's a feat considering who was the demon in the relationship here.
Toby keeps his mouthguard on. For a whole 2 years, he never once took it off. By the time he does though? His eyes are closed and he's muttering for something to leave him alone. His anxiety crept up on him as he stared at the popcorn ceiling of the motel he had chosen for that night.
"Toby" his hand trembles and not because you're deep inside of him. His scarred chest falls and raises in rapid motions and you're aware that he needs to breathe. So, despite his heart-clenching whimpers you tear his hands away from his face to pull his mouthguard off.
"No!" Toby tries to cover the scar on his cheek. You shush him and pull out, carefully arranging your limbs so he can wrap his arms around you.
That night ended sourly. He shoves you away and dresses in a rush.
When he reaches out for you again, you don't pry. You've grown soft for the man but know he isn't exactly the touchy-feely type. Toby wonders if you're thinking of his face as he plows into you and his thoughts are so loud he has the audacity to grow flaccid.
As an incubus? That was a first for you.
"...Ugly mug, huh?" You eye him as you suckle on his cockhead. Now? He was going to talk about that night, now? Okay. Sure.
"No, I like your face" Toby grunts, clearly not believing you. "Just sayin' that 'cuz my dicks in your face". Well, at least he is aware of the timing too.
He exclaims as you push him down on the bed and straddle him.
"I like your stupid face, Toby. I like your stupid fucking voice, your body, your sarcasm and your shitty personality. Is that so hard to believe?"
This relationship turns warmer after this night. He throws extra snacks your way and he appreciates it when you help him with stitching himself up from his "assignments".
When his paranoia and anxiety get the best of him, he finds it...nice...that he doesn't have to ice out his emotions anymore. He feels so human.
Toby is aware you're fully capable of handling your own affairs and so, he doesn't interfere. He's terrified of the Slenderman and even growing slightly curious about you too. It's a tough balance for Toby - it's not like Slenderman cares about work-life-balance.
So, don't expect to spend cosy days spent together somewhere sweet. Your version of date nights will be following him along on his missions or him watching you hunt and then spending hours together in the victim's home.
It brings Toby comfort. You're not human but the way you move through the house with him, it reminds him of simpler times; a past he no longer remembers but knows he cherishes. He thinks about the two of them being a domestic couple a lot.
"Remembering?" Toby says nothing as he kisses the nape of your neck. The two of you had washed up in the shower and the victims were neatly displayed in the living room with symbols all over the room. You two had all night to just...be.
"Never got muh-my memories back then, not...gonna get 'em now" He pulls away to grab the bottle of wine from you. When he settles on the office couch, you drop onto his lap with a plate of sandwiches.
He groans as you teasingly try to feed him but soon relents. He feels a bit ashamed as he struggles to eat "normally" with the open gash on his cheek but as he peeks at your expression he sees nothing but love.
So, Toby squeezes you closer and you say nothing as he allows you to care for him.
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hyunsvngs · 4 months
Hey I heard you are sick, so this is a reminder to drink some water and take medicine if you haven't already, our times are different so i dont know what it is for you rn but just treat yourself well and get better soon!!
that being said, i have some thots to keep you occupied if you like
the first is alien!jisung agenda, can you imagine how cute itd be if while he was fucking you soooo hard that his lil tentacles wrapped around you and held you close to him? that'd be so sweet, he just wants you to be as close as possible while hes pumping you full of his eggs <33
the second thought is.. longer. its hyunsung (is that the name of hyunjin x jisung??) x reader. so they dynamic would be dom!fem!reader, switch!hyunjin, and of course, sub!jisung. just imagine being at work, having a fairly good day until your phone pings with a message from your groupchat with the boys, its a video from hyunjin showcasing jisung on his lap, them both hard through their sweats, grinding against eachother. its only a few seconds long but hyunjin sends a short message after "jisungie is so desperate... what do you want me to do with him noona?"
of course, you send him a message back, instructing him to make jisung cum in his boxers and make him lick up the mess. Afterwards you instruct hyunjin to tie jisungs hands behind his back and put him face-down-ass-up on the bed and make him wait, sending a sweet "I'll be home soon boys, play nice"
They so exactly that, sending you videos of jisung cumming and of hyunjin getting jisung ready for you. When you get home you can tell jisung is already in that delicious headspace between "not knowing if its a punishment or praise" and "no thoughts-head empty". *time skip cuz im lazy* It ends up as that hyunjin fucks jisungs little hole while you fuck hyunjin with his favorite strap of yours.
Hyunjin is by far, the loudest which is saying something compared to jisung, but to be far hes getting it from both ends. He's crying telling you things like "m-mommy its- its too m-much i-.. i-im gonna c-cum please please mommy ohh p-please" all the while youre still abusing his hole and directing his hips to fuck into jisung properly whispering in his ear "i dont give a fuck whether you cum or not, but you will keep fucking jisung until he cums, you understand?".
My man almost cums on the spot after that, only cumming a few seconds later, crying and moving so much from the overstimulation, but you keep fuckign into him and making him fuck jisung until he(jisung) cums again.
after that LOTS of after care cuz yk its nearly more important than the actual sex. you tell the boys how much you love them and how well they did and you treat them with chocolate and a nice face and ass massage cuz yk they both SORE from that hahaha
anyway those are just my thoughts and i thought youd like them <3
*unedited (im lazy)*
-moose anon <333 (get well soon!!!)
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
Genuinely thinking about getting tag teamed by Myc and Andre. Or Myc laying one of their tentacles on readers head, and reader just grabs it and starts playing with it, completely unaware that it’s actually an erroneous zone. They’re just messing with it and Myc is going through a very interesting time.
EEEHEHEHE >:) <3333 ok this is an old ask but the idea of getting Tag Teamed by Myc and Andre is WRACKING my brain rn. so. IM GONNA RUN W/ THAT <3333 TYSM TYSM TYSM-
NSFT!!! minors go away!! Possible tw for Drugs (Myc and his Weird Psychoactive Gunk)
GRGRKGKRKG,,,, options,,, choices,, hgrnurngunrnrugnrungung p e n i s
oh so they’re gonna corrupt you
I feel like getting tag-teamed by them is almost inevitable if you’re getting w/ one of them. They’re sort of a package deal. Bare minimum, it’ll be suggested over coffee once or twice
it usually starts out as,, just one of them??
individually they are such GRABBY BASTARD SMDSND + they’re literally ready to fuck,, whenever.
this does mean that if one of them catches you two fucking, the other one will ABSOLUTELY JOIN IN <333 COME ON
Handcuffs aren't necessary when one of your fuck buddies has 6 arms <3
It’s easy for most people to forget, but his tentacles are strong. Rope strong. He could keep you pinned in any manner of positions for a senselessly long time without breaking a sweat.
You need your legs up, so that Andre can get that One Specific Angle that turns your brain into jelly? ‘Don’t worry babe, I’ve got ya covered’
Two tentacles for the arms, two for the legs, two for any assorted holes that Andre may be incapable of filling <3 or even just if,, he wants to get you extra squirmy. You can take two, right?
It’s also super efficient bc. Yeah Andre fucks kinda sloppy, and has a tendency to accidentally move y’all around with his thrusting. (mm. you’ve accidentally bumped your skull on the headboard a few times MNSDMS)
SO!! It’s nice to have Myc there to,, keep you two stuck in place <3 
ALSO TANGENT BUT. Two things I feel like Myc would love is :
Stuffing one of his tentacles in there w/ his dick, along with some comment about how ‘maybe if his dick wasn’t so scrawny, I wouldn’t have to ;)’
Wrapping a tentacle or two around Andre’s hips, and fucking you for him. This is especially good when Andre starts losing energy <3 Myc can easy hold his wiry ass up, so he basically just uses him as a Very Loud, Giggling Dildo <333
Each individually is extremely vocal + chatty during sex. Both of them combined is torment (affectionate)
They’re absolutely shameless. Any comments that come to the surface will be said. 
Also don’t be surprised if they pull some ''Good-Cop-Bad-Cop'' shit, with one of them degrading you and the other praising you.
Laying against Andre's body, feeling his hands dig into your thighs to keep you still, while Myc tests the limit of just how stretchy human holes are?? Your poor cock-addled brain is gonna be absolutely flooded with their rambling.
It's all very 'Je-sus, aren't you an overachiever. Three deep and you're still lookin' for more, huh?'
'aww hehe, look at how well they’re doing!
'Aw, you're always spoiling em! If they can get a fourth one in, then maybe we can start talkin' about 'good' '
etc, etc, ad nauseum, carpet diem, you get the drill. They're little bastards who like the sound of their own voices MSNDMSNDMSN
There’s something very stimulating to just,, having an outside view of the action. You and Myc being completely undone, while he’s able to be,, a Calm and Collected Outside Observer is EXTREMELY RARE FOR ANDRE SMNSMD
It’s definitely not an Always thing, just an Occasional thing.
Getting different angles?? talking back-and-forth w/ Myc, while his tentacles fuck you open like he’s drilling for oil? Absolute perfection.
He’s not always gonna be a Pair Of Needy Eyes In The Corner Of The Room, though, he does sometimes like getting closer to the action!!
LIKE I can totally see him sitting on the bed beside y’all while Myc has his fun. Just,, lazily kissing your cheek every once and a while, loosely jacking himself off. Maybe a bit of wisecracking <33 
granted, you don’t remember much of it bc. After the third tentacle your brain kinda goes a little squirmy, but the thought is sweet nonetheless <3
Myc being into bukkake + Andre being a little freak (adoring) means that you will be coated in fluids of several origins. The bath afterwards is magical tho so it's worth it
OHO getting railed (anally) by Myc feels a bit like a Very Horny Colonoscopy. If you ask, those puppies will go deep. like,, deep deep. Like 'oh my god, it feels like you're in my throat' deep.
and,, yeah usually that wouldn't be all that pleasant, but the Delightful, Stimulating Properties that his tentacle goo evokes turns the experience Transcendental.
Your entire torso feels kinda,, tingly and sensitive and full?? every time he shifts, it feels like he’s hitting alllll the spots you need at once. He says its something about the psychoactive properties, but you’re too fucked out to really care <3
he’s also super gentle - even if his tendrils are super slick and blunt, he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you. He’s a jerk, sure, but he’s not an asshole.
[and,, yeah those are definitely the times Andre takes a bit more of a back-seat role. Lots of praise n' giggling. He just lays back and runs his hands along your body, maybe even against your stomach-intestine area to enjoy the way Mycs tendrils make your stomach bulge]
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orange-artblog · 9 days
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fnk week day 1 - crossover!!!!
its my new favourite game. with my old favourite game. yay!!!! (splatoon and undertale)
(Shiver!)Nightmare by Jokublog
(Frye!)Killer by rahafwabas
(Big Man!)Ccino by black-nyanko (?)
fluffynightkiller week by @help-im-a-gay-fish
hmmmmm………… just a small ramble:
I did base their designs mostly off of Deep Cut as I am working on a crossover too. it‘s been a month now and my understanding of Splatoon has been widened so I have some more ideas I didn‘t add into this original image :p
-Nm‘s clothes are metal/leather-type machinery built in to mimic his aura and emotion-enhancing abilities (of sorts? this was my original idea for it); he Could have them naturally but I thought having speakers and all on his design instead to enhance his voice and by that influence would be nice (I. would go into more detail but not rn XD)
-Despite Big Man being a manta ray, I made Ccino an inkling too, as I thought it would fit more into the group and all
-Yes, Nm is based off Shiver who did not work in the arms like (Marina!)Dream would have, but I have two crossovers and I (make the rules) believe he was an elite. Now, elites have the start of their tentacles typically be black, but I did see in official arts too that that could depend on the ink infused with them? it never happened in game so this is more of a headcanon now, but the start of the tentacles are black, just not for this image
-Killer just got some special ink to get his hair like that, inklings can‘t be elites since that‘s specifically just an octarian rank :3
-i made their fingers be dyed in their colours just like the Deep Cut (Nm -> Killer -> Ccino and then back around)
and also the full image (its just a few pixels more)
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sadnightforus · 6 months
Park Jongseong harbors the biggest crush on one of the most popular girls on the campus, you. You, being dared by your friend group to tweet and made a boyfriend application, initially started out as a joke, thinking that no one would applied it. Upon the tweet going viral and many applications being sent in, he decided that he would shoot his shot, even if he doesn’t know a single shit about what is the sun, moon, rising in astronomy. 
WARNINGS: cuss words, misspellings (it wasn’t on purpose but I kept it for authenticity), the dude and brozoning out of the blue, tentacle p*rn mentioned
A/N: our girl got a high standard
TAGLIST: @hoondiors
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l0sercat · 1 year
wesker for the nsfw alphabet plss
Y'all the amount of requests I have rn are crazy and I'm so fucking tired so I'm going to be slow to update and just do he asks I feel like doing so I dnt burn out. Hope y'all understand :')
Albert Wesker NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
There is aftercare if he has been rough. He will prepare a bath and get you whatever you need.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his eyes. They are just so cool and makes his look intimidating. And they always seem to make you shiver when they pierce you. He loves you ass. That's all I need to say.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He doesn't like messes so he prefers to cum in you. Also because he wants to breed you..
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You came to his work wearing a small skirt and it got him really distracted and hard. So when you left and he could slip away he jerked off. The image of you in that short tight skirt plagued his mind and he moaned our your name.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Hardly has experience but what he lacks in experience he makes up in confidence.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Cowgirl but he's still dominant. Or doggy style. I can't pick 😮‍💨
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He more serious. What's so funny about sex?
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
It's all nice and trimmed. What else did you expect a bush? No not from this god. Nothing is messy or sloppy. It perfect.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He can be romantic. It usually is but sometimes it's not. He can be really sweet and gentle. It's kinda rare.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He hardly masturbates he just doesn't feel the need to.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He likes gags. Especially gag rings.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The bedroom. You guys have privacy and it's easier to breed you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you all dolled up for him. Seeing you in your best clothing and hanging onto his arm it's gets him going.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Share you. You are his and his alone.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers to give. He just loves tasting you and having your juices coat his face.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It's depends. Most of the time the speed is n between fast and slow.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He doesn't really like them. You don't have them that often. He prefers proper sex so he can properly breed you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He doesn't take a lot of risks and he's okay to experiment as long as it's not too risky or bad.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last for hours. With uroboros he has so much stamina.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He does not own toys he doesn't need to. He will never bring the into the bedroom. He has himself and his tentacles so toys are not needed.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease but doesn't do it a lot
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He grunts a lot and here and there he moans. If your sucking him off and catch him off guard he'll whine.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He likes to be edged. Idk why but I feel like he'd just love you to tease him back and try to take control.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's 8 inches long and 3 inches thick.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It's not that high. But when he's horny oh boy...
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He waits till you fall asleep then he'll fall asleep a little after.
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milks-thoughts · 1 year
(this will be written with younger reader being a moth, they are specifically said to have fur but it’s not specified which species of fluffy moth. younger reader is around 10)
summary: Raphs younger sibling was taken by the Krang, and the horrors they must’ve endured while he was unconscious weighs on his mind
TW: mentions of SA, blood, descriptions of pain, destruction of body parts, guilt, loss of vision, mentions of death
You Will Be Okay
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Raphael was the protector, the shield, he would catch everyone if they fell. He was the brick wall when life was a typhoon. He gave up his life for Leo, what he didn’t prepare for was you getting captured. Donnie hadn’t made you a escape pod because you had wings, you wouldn’t need it! (they found it beneficial for your wings to be surrounded by Donnie’s ninpō, you always helped take care of the over exerted turtle afterwards) but their ninpō was taken, and krang sister quickly found out how weak your wings were. one swipe by her tentacle and your entire wing was broken. You fell to the floor harshly, your tiny body laying limp and grotesquely bent on the concrete. Raph woke up to find you hung by your wrists, your wings completely destroyed. he didn’t care that the krang sister was crawling in him, or how his shell screamed for him to take care of the open crack. no. his brain was zeroed in on your broken body. you looked at the ground in a haze, god how long have you been awake? “ you must forgive my sister, she has a temper “ he growled at the Krang and snarled a warning when it got close to you “ You’re not human…what are you? “ it sneered Raph snarled and smirked “ let me down and I’ll show you! “ it scoffed and turned, walking over to your blank and hazy look being brought more into light when it lifted you with a gross, wet, tentacle “ this one was so easy to break “ the sludge holding you up moved to your thighs and you jolted your body tightening with fear and your eyes filled with a look, a look he wished to never see on you. A small voice escaped you, quiet and raspy “ not again- please- not again “ it was repeated over mixed with “ dont hurt him “ that made Raph sick. The krang smiled at his face “ a weak spot “ the smallest one purred in his ear. He watched as the sludge moved up your thigh more. He looked away as the Krang knocked him out.
When Raph was fully transformed you weren’t. Well- sorta, the Krang implanted on the back of your neck (like Horde Prime in She-Ra). Raph was his knights and you were simply his king on a chessboard. You didn’t move much. You moved with him, the queen of this metaphorical chessboard. You were a throne piece that he loved watching the turtles faces crumble at, the pest stare in half hung shock that leaves his mouth gulping like a fish. “ surprise! I’m here for my siblings “ Leo readied his swords and Krang Prime smiled, making a ‘ get him ‘ motion with his claw. You sat on Krang Primes lap, his giant machine claw petting you like you were a dog and your mind controlled state happily took the pets. The krang sludge on the back of your neck would tingle and make you jerk whenever he got close to it with his metal claws. maybe you were more of a feline. Leo’s face hardened with anger as he took you and Raph in. , you were blinded and forced to sit in Krang Primes lap, like a weird decoration, or a pet. And even when the family unlocked their ninpō you weren’t free, you didn’t carry the ninpō. Maybe it meant what everyone ultimately feared, that you wouldn’t be accepted into their families afterlife that you wouldn’t be given rest that lasted for eternity.. you didn’t exactly fight back when Raph took you out of the ship. The krang sludge on your neck jerked you alive, the sludge that covered your eyes opened to reveal four eyes, all locked on different opponents. You lunged at Mikey and pinned him, a inhuman growl leaving you before you were pulled off by Raph, the remains of your wings being messed up more. Your body’s legs were contorted and bent weird, like a puppet on a string you moved despite your legs crumbling under you, bone stabbing out of it after a especially hard impact. You had long gotten out of Raphs arms and went after Donnie instead, the turtle hitting you with his bō staff, hard, your body limply fell over and Donnie rushed over to block a hit from Kramg Prime, sending him and Mikey flying. Grabbing you, Raph jumped after them
Where…were you? Your pale, clammy hands gripped the blanket as your hazy and clouded eyes looked at the bed. Well, as much as you could look. You were blind now, and your legs would probably never work again, the bone being set in place and your legs wrapped up with stitches. Tears fell out of your eyes and you tried hiding your sniffles. You’ll never be able to fight, or play basket ball, or- or play Mario Kart again. You’ll be forced to just be this entity. Your brothers awoke to your sniffles. Your body trembling on the bed. Raph was the first to act, he rubbed your face with his big hand and murmured soft words to you. You pressed into his hand, the revelations of shared trauma coming to fruition. You reeled back when you felt something touch your thigh. Donnie hummed “ I’m sorry, I have to examine your wounds “ that made you pause “ do they know? “ you whispered to Raph and you felt him stiffen before whispering back a “ no “ you simply accepted that, maybe they’ll never have to know.Maybe one day you’ll have the courage to tell them. Raph was absolutely correct. Everything will be okay.
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nosy anons 9, 41, 44
Nope. No piercings
I wish I were at home rn
Do you know that one of the eight tentacles of an octopus is actually a p*nis
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