#testosterone diary
marklikely · 4 months
the movie did such a good job at putting me in isabel/owens shoes honestly because i was looking at tara/maddys monologue scene through a lens of just not letting go of nostalgia so i was like 'oh my god do not get in that hole in the ground. this is crazy' but then two minutes later with hindsight i Understood and was like 'NO YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN IN THE HOLE IN THE GROUND GO BACK'
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stag-bi · 1 year
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the confusing trials and tribulations of transitioning as an agender person 😩
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necropawmicon · 9 months
testosterone is turning me into such a dirtbag im like if roderick heffley had a pussy NOT in the sexy emo drummer way that the internet sees him but in the awful loser useless degenerate way he is portrayed in the books. anyways
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jeypawlik · 3 months
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HRT Diary, page 9
Page 9 of my HRT Diary is up and this is my 3 month ritual. Read it for free at: https://topazcomics.com/genderslices/hrt-diary-9 Or read pages over a month early over on https://patreon.com/jpawlik
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fl4mb0y4nt · 2 months
Transition Diary: 8 months on T
It's been a while since I gave an update on my transition, so it's about time for a new one! You can find my last post I made after 5 months on T here.
My voice deepening more and more is definitely amongst my favorite changes! Especially when singing, crying, laughing, etc. I sound soo much like a man (or sometimes pubescent boy, haha) now.
My leg hair has become so long it's actually starting to curl now! And my pubic hair pattern is becoming very masculine (also, special shoutout to my ass hair! <3).
Even my beard (just a 'stache so far) has been getting more noticable!! I dye it darker for more visibility, but I clearly see that my natural hair is becoming more and more every time I dye it (like every few weeks).
Now to the biggest change since last time!! My body composition!! There has been sooo much going on there!! My boobs have become much smaller! My arms, back, shoulders and neck are broader!! And I'm having a suspiciously easy time making gains at the gym... And my hand veins seem to be getting more prominent (VERY noticable when I work out, but also when I'm chilling).
Also, my facial features are sharpening in some, and broadening in other areas. I'm not too sure how noticable the changes in my facial structure are to others, as I still have my pre-transition face 'saved' as 'my face' in my mind so whenever I pull out the front camera I get hella surprised (and excited) about what I'm seeing.
Before I finish this post, I also want to adress a change I am NOT experiencing: increased sex drive. This could be a side effect from antidepressants/relationships being hard - but I feel like I am very much in control of my libido, unlike what other trans mascs have reported.
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sagewing · 5 months
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Testosterone Diaries page 1
<next page>
AN: I was inspired to start this series because I just so happened to visit my local library one day, and saw a book on drawing comics. I was like "Oh! right! that's a thing I like doing!" So here we are
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blackmetalsnake · 5 months
I finished my first pack of Androgel today!
And damn, the human body is amazing and it's so interesting to watch the changes. And they are already there, albeit very small.
I'm very attentive to the slightest changes in myself, so the first thing that happened and that I noticed in the first week was that my throat began to hurt and a cough appeared. It would be easy to confuse this with a cold, but for me it's usually accompanied by a fever. And of course, this cough did not go away, and periodic hoarseness was added to it, so it's changes in the vocal cords began already.
And a month later I can note that my tone of voice has changed just a little. And I began to speak noticeably louder, although before I had always been very quiet and I had to make an effort to speak louder. And yes, there's a pleasant vibration in my throat when I speak… Ohh ❤️
V TW: unpleasant and quite personal body things V
The second thing that happened was changes in the chest. Doctors diagnosed me with mastopathy and for quite some time now my breasts have been periodically hardening, which made it difficult for me to bind myself properly, and then almost constant pain appeared; I was not prescribed normal treatment. This depressed me very much, I almost couldn’t go outside and this was the last straw that pushed me to start hrt.
After a week and a half on testosterone, my breasts became soft again and the pain completely disappeared lol. Now even my binder is a little big for me. Testosterone magic? I didn't even think that t would really help with this.
And one last thing. By the end of the month my bottom became more sensitive. Not yet so much that it brings any discomfort, but yes. It's starting slowly growing I guess?
I didn’t notice any changes in libido, it’s always high for me, only in the first couple of days of taking testosterone it fell, but then it became normal again. But maaybe a little higher now? Not sure.
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wildmaddy · 6 months
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Re-blog and message me 💦
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taproot-bread · 9 months
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Seeing the syringe just sticking out like that 🥴 Also I was watching Jerma985 on my phone
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leoinfishnets · 7 days
I'm kinda obcessed with the longterm effects t has had on my tits, they're definitely more dense and muscular but still malleable and squeezable...
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concerningwolves · 7 months
there is an indescribable joy in being on testosterone long enough that trimming/shaving your beard becomes Just Another Thing You Have To Do. every now and then I'll catch myself going "hnnn I have to trim my beard again" and immediately after I'll go "I have to trim my beard again :D" and everything feels right in the world
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beans-tour-diary · 1 year
Day 154
5 Months! 🎉
Today 5 months ago I got my first bit of t. I was so nervous and then the gel disappeared so fast. Now it's part of my morning routine, right after brushing my teeth.
Not even half a year and especially my hair changed. More and darker on my legs, thicker on my head and the tiniest dark moustache hairs in my face.
My voice noticeably changed. I try to keep track of it every now and then. It's kinda crazy to see how it slowly dropped.
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I'm still incredibly uncomfortable with correcting people about my pronouns (but that's what friends are for!). Mostly because I'm scared they will make fun of me, but maybe also because completely binary pronouns aren't what I really want. It's still amazing to hear and see a male name and pronouns.
I haven't decided on one name yet. So far I've been using my nickname. I could also use it as a full name but there are so many beautiful names out there! Maybe I'll make a post on a trans subreddit and let strangers decide. Or I'll just stay in name limbo forever, because it all feels weird. Either too unique or too different from my old name. Just think of the poor people who'll have to remember a new name...
Please someone pull the emergency breaks in my brain before I loose it completely 🥲 No think!! Only manly man!!! Manly man need no name, only dick!!!!
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jeypawlik · 5 months
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HRT Diary, page 6
I just posted page 6 of my HRT Diary and I can’t stop touching my facial hair?! Read it for free at: https://topazcomics.com/genderslices/hrt-diary-6 Or read pages over a month early over on https://patreon.com/jpawlik
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fl4mb0y4nt · 7 months
Transition Diary Part #3
(Find the previous part here: https://www.tumblr.com/fl4mb0y4nt/740718631232651264/transition-diary-2?source=share)
It's now been over 3 months since I started testosterone! As of last month, I switched from T lotion to shots, and I wanna comment on this experience before coming to the physical changes.
Firstly, where I live, you don't self-inject, but a doctor will give you the shot every 2-3 months, which is a nice long time span where you don't have to think about taking your T.
Generally, the shots take like 2 minutes to inject, which is much longer than the usual quick vaccine and might feel unusual to some - I personally didn't mind this. Also, they go into your butt which is fun.
However, after the shot (not during), my booty HURT. The pain had me hold my left ass cheek in public. It only fully faded for me after like 3 days, but only the first 45-ish mins where that tough to bear. This still won't make me switch back to lotion/gel because the pros outweigh the cons for me.
Now to the physical changes.
Body hair: They are sprouting! Arms, legs, ass, pubic area, stomach, happy trail, even face! It's not that visible to most yet (I started with extremely light natural body hair), but I can see a major difference for myself. Love!
Voice: This was kinda bizarre (and amazing). I was just living my life as suddenly, from one minute to the next, my voice dropped big time. Also my laugh suddenly sounded so different! This gave my a huge hit of euphoria. Sadly, my old, more female sounding voice is still coming through most of the time, but I'm stoked that the change is still much more noticeable now (not just to me but also to others).
Fat redistribution: I don't know how much of this is related to T but I'm definitely more hungry now, and therefore, I am obviously gaining weight AND my previously very defined waist is getting more square. This doesn't only have it's benefits though - most of my pants don't fit me anymore and I desperately have to get new ones (which is sad because I really liked my pants, but good because, well ... self-explanatory).
Body odor: My (more 'manly') scent has gotten even stronger and I feel like my natural scent comes back quicker after showering. But I don't necessarily feel like I sweat easier or more than before.
Bottom growth: is still going on (tho not as uncomfortably sensitive anymore).
Period: I'm now taking a pill that stopped my period (and beneficially serves as birth control) as I couldn't wait any longer for T to do the trick.
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transgendertempeh · 1 year
Me one minute on testosterone: this is my voice one minute on testosterone
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humanfleshfairie · 9 months
almost three months on T, genders getting weird, might be gay???? question mark but like...in a boy direction ahhhh???????????
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