#text to speech windows 10
kira-dofc · 4 months
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Chapter 1---
A sunkiss fell upon you while you lay on your bed. 6:00 a.m., your usual time to wake up. You woke up upon seeing the bright sunlight on your window. You have done your daily morning routine, another boring, bland day.
"Ugh, Mondays..." You sighed as you got out of your room for breakfast. "Young Master, food is ready." One of your maids said.
"Where's mom and dad..?", "Oh, your mom went to an appointment with a client. As for your father, the usual, he went out early." Though you had rich parents, you didn't see them much. Your mother is the owner of a big food chain in Japan, and your father is a high paying surgeon as of the moment.
You ate breakfast and left immediately for school.
~6:30 a.m.~
Your chauffer dropped you off to your school, just on time. Outside the gate, you saw your friend, F/n.
You walked silently behind him, giving him a whisper, "F/n..",
"AH! W-what the hell?! Don't come sneaking up on me like that. It's scary! Ugh, anyway, class is about to start in about 10 minutes. Let's hurry if we don't want to be late again.."
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It was currently maths class, as usual, you perfected the surprise quiz announced by your teacher. Every person in this school admired you, smart, rich, good-looking, and even good at sports, a perfect man as they would call you.
Though you weren't friendly, many people still wanted to be as close to you as possible, but one specific girl stands out of the crowd, Sana.
People see her as the female version of you, pretty, popular, and rich. No one else could be the perfect pair for you, but her.
"Hey babe~! How was class?" She exclaimed, "I don't have time for your flirts, Sana, I have other important things to do."
"Aw, come on, don't be coy! I'm your best friend. You don't have to push me away like that~"
"Then act like one, you know I don't like these rumors running around in our school right now.. Plus, don't you have a girlfriend?"
"Oh shush, no one needs to know that..! I wanna keep it secret for now!"
"Sana, you disgust me.."F/n said.
"Oh sush, will you! I was just joking~~"
"F/n, let's go, we still have class."
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It's currently your 5th period, one more subject before lunch. You groaned as you  answered the last biology problem.
Though biology wasn't really your thing, you still managed to stay the best among the other students.
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It was finally lunchtime, you ate the usual scheduled food with your two friends. As you ate, a text was sent on your phone by some unknown account,
Unknown: meet me behind the school campus. After your training, don't be late.
Y/n: Who is this?
Unknown: You will know soon enough :)
"Who's that?" F/n said,
"I don't know, but they said to come meet with them after our training. I don't know what's their problem but can you come with me? I don't feel safe, especially not knowing this person.
You finished eating and headed to your next class.
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"Listen, first years, you joined this club because you either want to play, or just because you want girls running after you. Either way, we all here take things seriously, whether it's just a practice match or a friendly match. This school is known to have the best volleyball players in all of Japan, and i dont want anything to ruin that title we have. We don't want to waste our time in practices so don't do things that would end up in a waste of yours or our time. Just remember to enjoy what you're doing, or at least just train properly. Now, do 50 sets, and you're free to go."
Your school has been seen to have the best volleyball team in all of Japan, getting trophies and winning championships 4 years straight and counting.
This long of a speech has sent the first years a shiver down their spine. They expected to have a strict captain, but they didn't expect you to be this cold.
As time went by, you helped the first years in their first training.
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As all cleaned the gym to end the daily training, you waited for F/n before shutting the lights off.
"You really sure you want to meet this person? I have a bad feeling about this.."
"It's okay. I don't know what's the reason to get scared of. we're inside school anyways."
You headed to the designated place along with F/n. As you were getting closer, you saw a man with a jacket on, covering their face.
You headed closer to him, "Are you the one who messaged me..?"
"Ah, you're here..."
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"Can your friend leave us for a minute..?"
"Sure, F/n, can you leave for a minute.." You muttered.
"Okay, I'll get straight to the point, I know what happened to your parents, I know how they died.",
"W-what..? Why is this important, I know I've said this to some of my friends, but why..? I have no intent to go back through my past, I wanna leave it all behind."
"Well, the thing is, I also know you have a sister. And in fact, she's alive."
"What..? Where is she? How'd you know I had one?"
"Not all of that is important, but I know where she is. She's studying at a school far from here. Nekoma high-school."
A/n: first chapter!!! Took me so long but was worth it, I would usually post every 3 to 4 days, but it's up to me if I'm not too lazy to post <3
Word count: 929
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disabled people are beautiful!!!
(image description below the cut--it wouldn't fit in alt text!!)
a drawing of 15 disabled people on a yellow background with a light pink floral pattern. from left to right:
1. a fat white person whose left (their left) arm ends before the elbow. their right arm is on their hip, & they are smiling. they have short red hair, a yellow dress with white flowers, white hoop earrings, and black heels. they also have moles and are blushing.
2. a chubby middle eastern woman wearing a light pink embroidered abaya kaftan style robe and a slightly darker pink hijab. the robe's embroidery is delicate mauve vines around the sleeves, and two matching vines down the front. the woman has a german shepherd service dog with her. the. dog is sitting to the viewers right and has its tongue out, and is wearing a service dog vest. the woman is holding the leash to the dog in her right hand, and has her left hand on her hip. she is wearing pink slippers with a mauve gem on the top.
3. a black, bald, thin, nonbinary person with several facial piercings and earrings standing with their left arm lower than the right, slightly tilted backwards, arms hanging by their sides. they are wearing pink sandals, knee braces, a compression glove and elbow brace on their left arm, & have on blue shorts and a bright pink crop top that says 'FUCK ABLEISTS' (peep that underboob 👀 [side eye emoji]).
4. a chubby south asian woman with white hair and a green striped cane wearing a pale green button up shirt with shoulder pads, dark green corduroy pants, and brown loafers. her posture is tilted a bit from scoliosis.
5. a thin east asian man with a facial deformity that affects his nose and makes his left eye lower than the right. he has wavy pink har that is long on top and short on the sides. he is wearing a white cropped tank top with lace at the neck-line, and loose, flowy green pants. his shoes are white with pink detailing. he is turned so his body faces the viewer's right side, but is looking at the camera with his hands in his pockets.
6. a curvy latine autistic person holding a yellow AAC/speech tablet in front of their chest. they have very long light blue curly hair and freckles, and are smiling with their eyes closed. they are wearing dark blue headphones, a yellow short sleeve shirt, a dark blue romper with bows on the shoulders, and yellow sandals.
7. a curvy disabled bed-bound native american person lying in bed on their side facing the viewer and smiling. they have their left arm folded under their head, & their right arm laying next to heir face. the bed is dark brown with blue and white patterned sheets and a fuzzy purple blanket draped over the person and a corner is touching the ground. the person has tan skin and shaved brown hair.
8. a thin black woman with vitiligo, and wavy lime green hair with baby hairs, smiling in a wheelchair with lime green wheels. she is tilting the wheelchair back in a wheelie position. she is wearing a high-neck, sleeveless, black top with a boob window; light blue skinny jeans; tall, black lace-up boots; and dangly earrings.
9. an east asian man who has dwarfism. he is standing with his left hand on his hip, and his right hand up in a peace sign. he has square glasses and long, blonde, curly hair. he is wearing a black turtle neck, orange pants, and black booties.
10. a tall, curvy, white woman with forearm crutches. she is holding the crutch to her right normally, & is resting her left elbow and knee on the left crutch. her hair is shaved and brown on the right side of her head, and on the left side she has lair down to her chest colored in a rainbow pattern. she is wearing a dress that is pale pink with a pale yellow confetti pattern, pale yellow converse, and blue socks.
11. a drawing of a chubby, blind, south asian man. he has short, flowy, gray hair, black sunglasses, black stud earrings, a green sweater, a long black skirt, brown shoes, a gold key necklace, and a white cane. he has his right hand in front of him holding the cane, and his left hand by his side.
12. a fat black person sitting on the ground. their right elbow is resting on their right knee. their left leg is tucked in front of them on the ground, and their left hand is supporting them. they have short pink locs with the sides of their head shaved. they have a cleft lip scar and some moles on their face. they are wearing a black bra with a sheer long sleeve shirt over it, green shorts, and pink booties.
13. a drawing of a chubby latine man with an afro, mustache, and beard standing with his right arm behind his head. his left arm is holding up the end of a red dress with a deep v-neck to reveal his left leg is a prosthetic. he has chest, armpit, and leg hair, and is wearing gold jewelry and black flats.
14. a drawing of a disabled, curvy middle eastern woman with a feeding tube going from her nose to a bag on a pole. she is wearing a green shirt with a foliage pattern, tan shorts, and black combat boots with purple socks. her hair is also purple, and she has several earrings.
15. a drawing of a chubby native american man on a light blue background. he is using a blue rollator and waving. he is wearing a pink striped vest and vibrant green bell bottoms with pink flowers. his hair is long and blue, and he has three tattoo lines on his chin.
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beansprean · 2 years
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Queening The Pawn part 3
*Sepias ur comic so we know it's the Past* Baby Guillermo’s Disney channel bangs can actually be something so personal…
Part 1-2 Part 3 Part 4-5 Part 6 Part 7
(ID in alt and under cut)
1a. Text at top reads '10 years earlier'; the entire page is in sepia tones. Nandor, looking largely unchanged, sits at one side of a played-out chessboard in the fancy room, next to a window covered with paper. He is leaning his head in his hand, elbow on the table, staring solemnly offscreen. 1b. What he is staring at is Guillermo, now in his early twenties and wearing a scoop neck sweater, oval glasses, and with his hair longer and flopping over his forehead in a side part. He is cleaning some glass cabinets with a feather duster when Nandor calls out, "Guillermo." Guillermo turns, expression open and eager, replying, "Oh! Yes, Master?"
2a. Tight shot over Guillermo's shoulder, the side of his face and upright feather duster framing Nandor in the background, still leaning on his hand and idly picking up a chess piece with the other, looking away. Nandor goes on casually, "You have been with us for some time, yes?" 2b. Reverse shot, Guillermo stands to attention, both arms held straight down, still holding the feather duster as he obediently replies, "Four years next month, Master!" Nandor is in profile in the foreground and just purses his lips in thought, rubbing at his chin. He answers himself, "Yes, at least a year, I'm sure..."
3a. Close up on Nandor as he lifts the chess piece in his hand, a black pawn, up to eye level to inspect it intensely. He furrows his brow and says, "You have done well to serve me, improve yourself, and survive in the vampire world. 3b. Repeat of 2b, Nandor filling half the panel as he stands from his seat, continuing, "I believe you are deserving of a reward. In the background, Guillermo jolts in shock, dropping the feather duster with a clatter, cheeks going bright red as a smile fights its way onto his face. He stutters, "Y-you mean?!" "Yes," Nandor replies. A painting in the background appears to be a version of Fragonard's "The Swing" starring Nadja with her legs spread fully out.
4. Nandor's speech bubble continues over a panel showing a scene further in the past, the sepia tone more dramatic. In an alley with a dumpster, Nandor stands with a grin and a dramatic flair of his cape in front of a younger Guillermo in a Panera apron and hat. Guillermo has his hands clasped in front of him, looking enamored and excited as he stares up at Nandor with shining eyes and pink cheeks. Both 10 years ago Nandor and 14 years ago Nandor say together, "I am going to make you a vampire." /end ID
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.33
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Jacob Black x Witch!OC
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23   Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 34  Part 35   Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
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You're awaken in the early morning hours by sharp taps on your window.
Unable to ignore them anymore, you groan and roll onto your side. You had summer school in four hours. What could possibly be important enough to ruin your good sleep? You'd certainly have to give an earful to whoever it was that woke you.
Pulling up the shades of your window you see Quil and Embry outside.
Reluctantly you open your window. "What are you guys doing?"
"He's here."
"They're here."
They both seem to talk at the same time. There could be many connotations to who they could be referring to. A member of the Volturi was the first to pop in your head before you whisper out "Who?"
Embry holds onto you with his warm eyes. "Evita's friends."
Friends. As in plural.
You shut the window without another word so you could hastily get dressed and join them. Scrawling a note and leaving it on the kitchen table, you explain to your parents in case they wake up before you get back that you would still go to school regardless of what was going on.
The three of you weave through the trees deciding to go the back way. At this hour, it would be odd for someone to find three kids running through the streets. Your phone had died which explained why you hadn't known the news as soon as it happened. Quil and Embry though received a text from Sam that called for immediate action. Anyone whom the wolves aren't familiar with had to meet the pack. This served to familiarize the newcomer's scent for future reference and also to check them out and see if they are trustworthy enough to even pass through our land.
A familiar aroma of magic makes your brain feel tingling. They feel it too as you notice Quil actually stumbles a little bit from the heady sensation.
As you got closer, you bumped into both Leah and Seth on their way as well as Collin who was tiredly rubbing at his eyes. No one spoke. Too excited and in a hurry to reach what Seth had once called HQ. Which for your pack it basically was. All pack and most elder meetings took place there.
The two newcomers sat on either side of Evita inside of the living room. A boy and a girl. They both appeared weary from their travels but have a hand on Evita's lap. Dieufel, who you guess is the boy, is hastily wiping his eyes with his free hand; uncaring of who spotted his stray tears. "She was a warm spirit."
They must have been talking about Letizia. The wolves remain quiet until the guests are ready to introduce themselves. Dieufel was the darkest of the three witches sitting on the couch and already you could feel wisps of power wafting off of him. Just sitting there his presence was an enchanting enigma.
Dieufel had to be in his early twenties, exuding an aura of both mystery and vibrancy. His eyes the color of deep onyx holds a glimmer of ancient wisdom that you'd never seen on a face so young. Thick, dark lashes frame his dark eyes that add a touch of allure to his already striking features. Short, dreaded hair like tightly coiled springs are dyed a lighter shade of brown. His attire seems to blend seamlessly with his persona speaking of his connection to both the modern world and the ancient realms of magic. He has quite the elegant speech pattern that reminds you a little of how Edward spoke. He was proper when introducing himself. "Thank you for taking care of Evita during this time." He'd turned to Sam to say. "For your good will, we will join your cause although it sounds like quite the dangerous objective."
Skin as rich and warm as the finest mahogany, Dieufel inclines his head toward the other female on the opposite side of Evita. With this action you catch the sparkle of a gold earring hanging from one of his lobes. "This is my cousin Nadege."
Good looks must run in the family. Nadege smiles brightly at everyone and stands, almost towering over even Sam himself. Her cheekbones were high and fine, emphasizing her large olive green eyes. Her hair gave off a dark purple sheen, weaved into complicated braids that you admire as she moves to enthusiastically shake hands with the perplexed wolves. Nadege greets everyone with a warm, heavily accented 'hello'. "We've flown so far to meet you all! Once Evita called, we took to the sky immediately."
A few members were perplexed by her overall bubbly attitude but smile. It was always a joy to meet non-volatile supernatural beings.
Her features were expressive as she goes on to lament "Oh we were terribly broken to hear that brise took our Leti from this world. You know it killed another one of us just last year too."
As if used to hearing his cousin's ramblings, Dieufel gently puts a hand on her arm to draw her attention. "Kouzen, kalme ou. You'll scare them off." This earns him a rueful glare from Nadege who apparently didn't like being interrupted.
Sam chuckles. "It's alright. The pack is glad to have you here as well. I'm sure Evita has caught you both up on our situation."
Dieufel nods. "Yes she did. Can't say I've ever encountered anyone from the Volturi specifically."
"I didn't even know who they are." Nadege pipes in.
He rolls his pretty eyes but overall ignores her little comments. She reminds you of a chirping bird. Turning to Evita, he adds "I learned about the Volturi when staying with your family. The traveling witch who had stopped for a respite told us about them. So much power concentrated like that is bound to lead to disaster."
Evita nods. "Yes. I have finished one ward to prepare for their arrival."
"I can tell." replies Dieufel as he eyes her still exhausted face.There's color back in her face but the blue, bruise-like shadows are still stamped underneath her eyes. Overall, Evita's energy is lower as well which would tip off anyone who knew he well enough. "And how many more do you need?"
It wasn't necessary to reply. From the sour expression Evita scrunches her face into, Dieufel learns that the quantity was more than three. He hisses out a sigh at the workload ahead but isn't angry. Of course he'll do anything for his adopted spirit sister. Plus Evita was young and still didn't have much control over her magic. She could only summon a small amount of it at a time. Not like Leti who would have been able to create two wards in one day though it would definitely debilitate her for the following week.
Nadege speaks more in that fast language you don't understand, nudging her older cousin with her sharp elbow. Her long, full lashes flutter when she narrows her light colored eyes at Dieufel. "We can make up the rest. Or are you weak?" She teases with a goading smirk and hands on her hips. Lips, dark and glossy, curl in a devilish upward flick. A few of the wolves chuckle at her boldness. Even Sam's body jerks in a silent laugh at their familiarity. A connection that was similar to the pack. Blood was not what tied them, but genuine respect and affection. It reminds you of the relationship between the older wolves: Sam, Jared and Paul. They were brothers in all but genetics. You considered them your own older brothers, guiding and protective.
A giggle leaves Evita and she leans against Dieufel's shoulder comfortably. The first familiar touch she's had in a while. You're happy for her and notice her face soften and finally relax. She must have been on edge since her sister left home.
"Of course we will help." Dieufel says with a lazy smile. He pats Evita's head and makes the top curls bounce in reply. "But I don't know their specific powers, like your Edward's mind reading." The last part is addressed toward you.
"He's told me. I can easily have him write down the members he knows and their special abilities. The Volturi will have many of them on staff." You remember Edward telling you that they've spent hundreds of years collecting vampires with special powers. And damn did you want to hope that maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to keep the Volturi at bay. They could be strong enough to keep them out forever. That would be too perfect. Your life had proved anything but perfect the past several months. You didn't expect it to be.
That makes the others of your pack bristle. What other powers could be out there that they don't know about? Mind reading and seeing the future had been quite the shock to many. Too much maybe.
Brady and Collin exchange slightly anxious glances, knowing that this kind of talk was feeling a lot like a preparation for war. Wolves they were, but baby fat was still evident on their faces. In about a month it would be gone, chiseled away into manhood. Sam would make sure in that time that they would be ready for battle if it called upon them. They'd been kept away from Victoria's army, but they wouldn't be spared from fighting the Volturi. Barely entering high school in two months, your heart goes out to them. At least you had been granted time to enjoy the beginning of your high school years. There wasn't much to enjoy but you could claim that it had been your own.
Dieufel ponders for a second before nodding. "Alright. What is the deadline?"
Wolves anxiously peer at one another. The answer wasn't ideal.
It made Nadege's eyes round from what Sam told them. Which was "Anytime now."
Credulously, Dieufel shoots his dark gaze at Evita who shrugs and speaks Spanish. Dieufel exchanges his own words in her native tongue and you could hear the worry in his voice. Evita switches to English when she notices several pairs of eyes on her. "Besides, we might have another pair of helping hands soon enough." At that, Evita flicks her eyes over to you. Now the pack's attention centered on you. You'd grown used to it by now. Being the one to freaking imprint on a vampire will do that to you though.
You address the room, more so Sam to fill him in. "Evita says Bella has potential to wield magic."
Jared and Paul are comically confused. "Bella Swan?"
Ignoring the whispers spread through the room, Sam uses his authority as alpha to bring people back to attention. Dieufel and Nadege look thoroughly impressed. When the room is once more quiet, Sam asks Evita "Is it possible for her to learn?"
Dieufel stiffly nods. "Yes. . . it's possible but I do not recommend crash courses in magic. More than anything it is an artform which one should take the most care with. Your intentions may be good but if you are not properly trained, it can blow up in your face."
"Bella can do it." Insisting and also wanting to have Bella's back, you tell them what Jake told you. How smart she was and even got a spot in the high school's AP sciences and math. "She really wants to help."
You never expect Leah to agree with you. "The very least she can do is try it out." Better yet, Leah looked Sam straight in the eye with equal determination. "This is her fault after all."
Sam does a good job not to gawk at Leah addressing him as she hadn't so much as looked at him since the whole Emily drama.
He takes Leah's interest seriously although he is suspicious about her motives. Silently Sam consents with a nod. "You're right. The least any of us can do is try. (y/n), can you get into contact with Bella? Or would you rather-"
He knew it may be awkward for you to talk to Bella considering you were the reason why her and Edward broke up. "I don't mind. I'll call her after I get out of class."
That way everyone could have a rest before the real work began. **
Leah was the first one to leave. She didn't know what possessed her to be so vocal about Bella trying her hand at magic. Maybe it was because she wanted Dieufel to look at her and really see her.
A fluke, she'd put it to when she first saw Dieufel. Of course she would be attracted to him, he was gorgeous and his eyes would make any woman envious of his perfect lashes. The speeding of her heart was just one of intense attraction.
This wasn't-this couldn't be imprinting. Leah refused to even compare it to what she was feeling.
In order to not rise any suspicion, she'd managed to keep her features calm . She couldn't let anyone else know. Wasn't the reason why they kept Jacob's imprinting a secret to protect Evita and not cause added stress? Damn. Why him? Why now? Leah felt her steady descent into mental decay. She felt raving mad.
Feet stumbling to the forest line, Leah runs for it. Home. She needed to get home. That was a safe place. At least it used to before her father died. Now she fell into one waking nightmare after another. Blindly groping in the dark for something to anchor herself to so she wouldn't be swept up in the void. Everything was out of her control. What little control she had. When (y/n) imprinted on Edward, Leah half worried that she would imprint on a blood sucker too. Her and (y/n) were anomalies among the all male wolf pack. Even in the wolf's history there had been very few female warriors who inherited the gift of the moon.
She'd prayed to whoever would listen that she would never imprint and lose that freedom in picking her own partner. Her heart wasn't healed yet from Sam. Being in any kind of relationship was not of importance to Leah.
Leaning against the trunk of a tree to catch her breath, Leah felt absolutely fucked. Everyone would know the moment she transformed thanks to the stupid pack telepathy.
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You slunk back into your bed. You had two more hours before you had to be up and ready for school. Only a few more days then you could attend to the business of protecting La Push and Forks. Bella managed to get good grades all while dealing with murderous vampires. What was her secret, you wonder to yourself. Many of the wolves hadn't been so lucky.
There was no point trying to sleep. Meeting Dieufel and Nadege wired you up. You'd wanted to stay but were reminded that they too were tired from their travels and would need all of their energy. Fair enough. Amped up like when you first met Evita, you suppose it's the magic of their being that energizes you so.
When the time came, you grabbed your backpack and let your dad drop you off at the rez' high school. You did your best to try and pay attention. Someone simply wouldn't let you though. Embry was just as excited as you were about the new arrivals and all the 'cool shit' they would do. Several times the both of you were hushed by the instructor forced into school as well. From years of goofing off in class, you and Embry were masters at passing notes subtly that neither of you were ever caught. He wrote of his doubts that Bella could actually do magic like them. She was the most helpless thing out there and to think that she had power all along was a little more than upsetting to him. But how could she have known though? You argue back. This back and forth helps to pass the time until you're both racing out the doors, grateful to be done for the day.
You wouldn't waste time stopping by your place to drop off your backpack. Embry followed your line of thinking and keeps pace with you. During your snack break that they allowed you, you'd texted Bella to meet you at Sam's. She'd replied that she'd be there. A quick text had been sent to Edward as well to keep him up to date on what was going on. He said he'd let Dieufel and Nadege settle in before bombarding them with his own family.
Neither you or Embry were expecting to find the tribe elders lined up at Sam's front door. You frown looking from one withered face to another. They looked upset. Sam was bravely facing off against them, keeping his voice level so you couldn't hear the words exchanged.
Paul pulls away from Sam's side to greet you. "Head in through the backdoor."
"What's going on with the elders?" Embry inquires while keeping his focus on the older men.
He grimaces and runs a hand through his short black hair. "They don't like the idea of three witches here. They're worried that the magic they're doing will attract more outsiders. More danger for everyone else."
Not allowing you to say anything else, Paul ushers both of you around the back of the house and through the screen of the back door. It led into the cozy but cramped kitchen where Quil was already there with Seth, Brady, Colin and Nadege. The boys were completely enamored with her, that was clear. And you wouldn't blame them. Like her cousin, Nadege was stunning and her personality added to her overall attractiveness. She was friendly and laughed without restraint at something Quil had said while placing an innocent hand on his forearm.
You notice Quil's ears turn a vibrant pink hue. Oh, he was smitten with the witch. He had a stupid grin on his face that was painfully obvious. The second hand embarrassment wasn't too bad since Nadege didn't seem to notice. When she saw you, her eyes crinkle and attention now directly at you. "(y/n)! I don't think I got to meet you before! Evita told me about you." Okay, maybe you were a little smitten with her too now. She was just so warm and pretty you couldn't help your brain going stupid in front of her.
Was this part of her magic? Maybe it was just her natural charm over people. Her reactions appear genuine though.
"It's nice to meet you too." You earnestly grin. She was such a warm person.
"I was just telling your pack brothers how Dieufel and I flew all the way over here. They weren't aware we were shapeshifters too!" She chuckles and you notice her prominent dimples.
"R-Really?" You'd never another animal shape shifter before. Surely Evita would have told you.
She nods. "While our family has always had magic in our blood, we also have another advantage. From as far back as our lineage goes, our ancestors have been able to turn into red-tailed hawks. Much like your own wolf warriors, our animal forms are larger than the actual species."
You were baffled. That was definitely something worth mentioning from Evita. A reminder that the world was so much larger than you could ever imagine.
Brady was beyond thrilled at the information and looked damn near giddy at the prospect of the great big world you were living in. They didn't see the potential danger that you and the older members saw. With such a large world, there were bound to be bigger creatures that could kill you. While you were definitely in recovery from your encounter with Xiomara, you weren't near cured enough to subdue the chill that seized the base of your spine and had you remembering those dark and evil eyes. They continued to haunt you, her claws were branded into your cheek. Three cruel lines that curve from the height of your cheekbone to the curve of your jaw. You remember your mother crying when she first saw them. The despair that she couldn't hide. She could have lived all her life without seeing the evidence of the reality you lived in.
If you were a better daughter. . .
No. You couldn't dwell on your own insecurities. You don’t have to keep going back to that place.
Going back to that vulnerable time with Xiomara did not serve you any purpose. You knew you had to move past that point in time although it was the one you held tightly in your memory.
A bit breathlessly you ask "Can we see?"
Nadege's smile widens; her limbs elongate and bones shift, her clothes become large as her body morphs to accommodate her changing form. Feathers sprout from her skin, first small and downy, then they grew larger and more vibrant with each breath she exhaled. Her arms stretch into wings adorned with fiery red feathers that blend with cream and brown feathers. Traces of her human self fade. The ground seems to retreat beneath her, and she instively spread her newly-formed wings, ready to take flight. Exhilaration washes over her as she looks down to you and the other boys. Dish towels flutter against the breeze she kicks up with her massive wings. She'd easily transformed into a majestic red-tailed hawk, master of the skies and dancer of the wind.
You're surprised how elegant she was, avoiding bumping into the ceiling fan and anything else that could get caught in her wingspan. She'd been beautiful in her human form; utterly breathtaking in her animal form. She shows off a bit, aware of the universal beauty she possessed.
"Forgive my cousin." Dieufel's voice comes out with a bit of a laugh to it. "She has always been known to be quite the bit of the showoff."
Hawk-Nadege shrieks at him and dives for his face but Dieufel easily reaches out and grabs her by her thin bird legs. She continues to half-hearedl thrash against his grip. It wasn't tight enough to hurt her but forbade Nadege from escaping his grip. She was more so annoyed than angry.
The spell breaks over Quil and the other young wolves as they blink away the dream-like filter that had been lowered over their vision.
Nadege's beak attempts to peck at Dieufel's cheek but he's aware of her tricks and keeps her at a distance. You can't help but laugh at how expressive Nadege was in her hawk form. The others, broken from whatever charm she had over them, bust out laughing.
You still couldn't believe how easily Evita and her friends merged into the pack. Already it felt like you had known them for years. They introduced so much more of the world to our small pack. Paul, from standing near them didn't even seem to mind the different knowledge that they brought with them. He laughs along with everyone else as the large hawk squirms and fights against Dieufel's hold.
In this light moment there was hope for the future. Something you desperately held onto. Hope would be your anchor.
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TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch​  , @dangerouslittlefairy​ , @burn-crash-rqmance​ , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite​ , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd​, @godinho11​ , @arin-swear-rose​ , @alexizodd​ , @melaninsugarbaby​ , @lyeatoalinatoheaven , @ronwownsme​ , @itsmytimetoodream​ , @afro-hispwriter​ , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles​ , @nightly-polaris​ , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar​ , @itgetzweird08​ , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms​ , @sassyandclassyx​ , @scarlet2007​ , @theroyalbrownbarbie​ , @jennyamanda8​ , @stevenandmarcslove​ , @biancaindaeyo​ , @loversjoy​ , @turningtoclown​ , @vixorell​ , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels​ , @dumbbitch-juicee​ , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmom​ , @emmettcullenswife , @yoong1c0re , @daddykylokenobi​ , @minjix​ , @magical-spit​ , @krismdavis​  
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novella-november · 5 days
Okay, I've been playing around with the Voice to Text tool built into Windows computers as an accessibility option for those who struggle to physically write or type their works, and it's working pretty decently!
but the second half of this post time actually using voice to text tool. to type it. There's a few small spelling things, but I think there is a way to calibrate it to your speech. Though to be slightly more accurate. I'm just not sure where to find that, because I've only been fiddling with it for a few minutes. Right now, I had auto punctuate turned on and had turned off. Profanity Filter. I am using a pair of generic $10 Bluetooth headphones. They have a microphone belt into them. But if you have a dedicated microphone, that would probably work even better. you can download different language packages to recognize different whereas. in different languages you can type in more than just English. and I am hoping there is a way to add auto correct to certain names. In words so that I can say it how it's pronounced in a different language and have it be spelled correctly in English. such as for "Arsenal, Lupe". "Arsen Lu Pan". which as you can see voice access does not want to spell correctly. or will spell as just random words that sound like his name. LOL. As then, Lupin. Arsene Lupin. It wants me to pronounce his name as "are-sane Loopin" And even then, it does not get it correctly. Most of the time. anyways. So while it is not perfect, this is just like the base thing built into all windows computers. There's probably actual programs that let you train it on your voice that would be even better for dictating your novel, but this is an option anyone with a windows Computer should be able to access for free!
Back to typing by hand: if anyone has any tips, tricks, or guides for using Windows Voice Access for accurate dictation, please feel free to share here!
for those wondering, my favorite Public Domain character's name is spelled "Arsène Lupin" and is pronounced close to "arson" but with an "e" instead of an "o" -- Arsen -- and Lupin is pronounced Lou-pon, not loo-pin, hence why the English language voice access is having trouble parsing it lol.
If anyone knows of how to manually add corrected words and spelling to the Voice Access Dictionary, that would be great for anyone who plans on writing fantasy or scifi novels, or just anyone like me writing about ""our son blue pond"" as speech to text commonly spells it 😭
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deep-space-lines · 5 months
Hi there! In regards to the (delightful) (truly gorgeous) stained glass window of Gabe, I noticed the text beneath his wings and I tried to translate them, however because I do not speak ancient greek I wanted to ask if this translation is accurate:
And the angel answered and said to him "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and bring you this good news. There is nothing to fear because there is no kind or origin, rank or sacred place that will stop the sharp edge of a sword."
Also the art is truly gorgeous, you can really tell how much time and effort went into every little detail, superb work :]
Aaah thank you!!!! I wasn't sure anybody would actually notice or take the time to translate the text bc it's so small but I'm glad someone did :D
Yeah that translation sounds pretty much spot-on. I was originally going to do latin, but the only non-English text in the game is the greek in 7-3 and tbh the greek does look a lot cooler. The first part is an actual verse about gabriel from an actual greek translation of the bible (the fact that this is my first time reading any part of the bible from the source in about 10 years and it's for ultrakill fanart is hilarious to me tbh), second part is an abridged version of his little speech when he kills the council (I was a little disappointed I couldn't make the full line fit), run through google translate because i also do not speak greek </3 so I'm just crossing my fingers that google translate did a great job and hoping nobody who does actually know greek will call me out on it LOL
fun fact I also almost put greek for "YOU'RE GAY" on his halo as a little easter egg for anyone who did try to translate it but it looked ugly </3 heartbreaking. it would've been so good
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enterpris · 8 months
An Education in Attraction, Chapter 12
Pairing: Reader x Gojo
Summary: It's spring when you start your Master's degree. As the flowers and leaves unfold, so too do your feeling for Gojo
Warnings: public speaking, mild-mid anxiety
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ao3: PlaidSparrow
You wake the morning of the conference, the last thing you have to deal with before you get the fresh start of a new term. 
You’re a cocktail of feelings as you dress and get ready- pride at the work you’ve done, anxiety at the prospect of speaking in front of a crowd of people, uneasiness about seeing Gojo, the joy of finishing your first term. 
But you know your feelings will settle, all that’s left to do is give the presentation. You pay special attention to your clothes today- opting for professional wear that exudes confidence. You’ll need it. 
After one last check in the mirror, you head out the door and down to the cafeteria for breakfast. Your stomach is in knots and the thought of breakfast is nauseating, even though you need the energy. You settle for a cup of miso soup you can sip on to ease your nerves. As you drink the broth, you run through the prepared speech in your head, hitting each beat as the cafeteria fills with returning students. 
You meet Saito and Kuzume at the metro stop, and your heart is already beating fast as you board the train. The three of you make some light conversation, but it’s clear that you’re all feeling nervous. 
The metro speeds away from campus, towards the outskirts of the city- the event is being held at an upscale hotel a few kilometers from the university. The presentation is all you’ve been able to think about for the past week, and the underground route as you travel doesn't offer much distraction. You still have no idea how many attendees will be present, and this will be a critical opportunity to make new connections in the educational world. 
The biggest pit in your stomach isn’t from the presentation though. The first time you’ll see Gojo in over a month will be on a stage in front of hundreds of people, and you have no idea what to expect. You only hope that he won’t be as cold to you in front of an audience as he was when you last talked. 
When you exit the metro and find the hotel, the venue seems even more grand than you had imagined. The auditorium is large enough to hold several hundred people, and is nearly full of professionals mingling. Large windows near the ceiling let in natural light, which makes the beige interior feel more lived in. Butterflies dance in your stomach- you’ve never spoken in front of a crowd even a fraction of this size. 
You take in the enormous space, and your heart stutters as you see Gojo across the room. 
He’s talking with someone you don't recognize, but the other man is dressed nicely and wearing a lanyard. He must be one of the attendees then. Gojo towers above his companion, lean and impeccably dressed as always- wearing tailored slacks and a fitted button down. What catches your attention most, though, is that he’s not wearing his sunglasses today. You glance at the bright artificial lights and sunlight bathing the room. His eyes must already be sore. 
That’s not your concern though. 
Gojo’s silence over text had made it clear that he wasn’t interested in continuing your friendship or anything more outside the confines of this project. You can work civilly with him for this presentation, and hopefully keep contact at a minimum for the remainder of your degree. 
You walk with Kuzume and Saito deeper into the event space. A section of chairs has been roped off for your class of presenters, and the three of you head towards the rest of your class in the audience. Nerves have made some of your classmates chatty, and you let the wave of noise wash over you without really listening. 
You give Kuzume a wan smile as you sit next to her. She follows your eyes to where Gojo is standing and smiles sympathetically.
"Just this last day."
You nod, but your throat feels tight when you look down. 
A classmate passes around a schedule of the events for the day and how to access the stage for your presentation. Your class will speak in the morning, there will be a break for refreshments, and then an optional series of speakers in the afternoon. You and Gojo are fortunate- you've been slotted as the third group to speak. There won't be the pressure of speaking first or the dreadful anticipation of being the last group. 
Many of the other attendees have found their seats by now, and the lights dim to indicate the impending opening. An older gentleman steps onto the stage, introduces himself, and welcomes the speakers and attendees. 
“We are thrilled to be joined by students from the University of Tokyo's teaching program. Today they will share the results of their cutting edge curriculum research.”
He introduces the first pair and the crowd of academics gives a warm welcome to the group.  Their presentation goes smoothly, quickly discussing their examples. The second group is announced and your anxiety spikes as they take the stage. 
You head to the side door, where you can watch their speech from the wings of the stage. The second group's explanation flies by and you fidget as you wait for them to conclude. If it’s possible, the crowd looks even larger from this angle than it did when you were walking amongst them. 
Then your name is announced with Gojo's and you're walking into the bright lights of the stage. It might be biased, but you swear the applause is louder and longer than it had been for your prior classmates. 
You are supposed to kick off the presentation, and for a moment as the cheers from the crowd wane, your heart in your throat, you think you might choke. There’s too much riding on this moment, there’s been too much leading up to the event. The emotion crashes down on you. 
But when the applause completely tapers and it's time to introduce yourself, you look specifically at your classmates. Through the bright lights, Saito and Kuzume are smiling at you, and the anxiety subsides. You picture your class at the Eikaiwa school and just like you’ve done a thousand times, you’re going to present a lesson. You take a deep breath and begin the presentation.
With your nerves gone, you are really an excellent speaker. This is information you care about, and presenting today could open the door of a teaching job when you graduate. You speak easily to the crowd, allowing your passion and care to shine through your words as you describe the research you did and how you chose your example problems. All the preparation pays off too- your tone and pacing are natural and you hit each beat you'd rehearsed.
Your smile is genuine when you pass the presentation back to Gojo. He seamlessly picks up where you left off, but his eyes linger on your face for a moment when he begins speaking. 
Of course, Gojo is an excellent orator. He expands on your points and grins easily at the crowd as he describes his research studies and example problems. He's truly in his element, alight with charisma and passion as he effortlessly reconnects his research and details with your own. The extra discussion of how your data works together elevates the presentation and truly shows the combined care you each put into this project. 
He’s so different than you’ve seen him in class or even when working together, and you find your heart aches with how much you can see his love for his future students. You can’t help it, you’re awash with admiration for the man beside you. 
The lights of the stage make his hair flash, and his eyes sparkle. In what feels like a moment, Gojo finishes the presentation with a flourish. 
Applause fills the hall as you bow and return to your seat. Saito and Kuzume give you thumbs up and whisper compliments as you sit. Without the fear of the presentation gripping your stomach, a wave of pride engulfs you. The paper, the presentation, so much work culminated in this one moment, and warmth fills your body. Hearing the affirmations from your friends and peers and the approval of other figures in academia certainly boosts your confidence too. 
You peer out into the sea of people, looking for Gojo’s distinctive hair. You’d lost him as you returned to your seat after speaking, which is probably for the best. And although you wish that you could appreciate the moment with Gojo, worrying about him will just distract from the rest of the accolades. 
Saito and Kuzume both deliver wonderful presentations, and you clap loudly for each. Your friends are passionate and smart, and their expertise in their subject areas truly shines when they speak. Once the last groups have finished their accounts, the host of the conference re-joins the stage and dismisses the crowd. It’s time for the networking and socializing of the after ceremony.
Watching your peers present their semester’s work was a good distraction, but as the seated participants disperse and begin to mingle, your earlier emotions catch up with you and the thought of speaking to strangers and making good impressions is almost too much to bear.
Excusing yourself to the bathroom, you take a moment to reconstruct the poise you’ll need for the next few hours. If it didn’t break every social nicety, you would head back to campus now. But to actually succeed in Japan, to stay and build your life and professional career here, connections are vital. If there’s an administrator in the audience who liked your presentation or another teacher in the same field with a job opening in the future, making a good impression today could make all the difference down the line. 
Besides, what are the chances you’ll run back into Gojo? Given how quickly he left after class and his reputation, he wouldn’t stay and socialize.
You’ve got to pull yourself together. The muffled bubble of conversation leaks through the thin walls as you turn the faucet on. The water is bracingly cold on the skin of your hands and it forces you out of the anxiety that has followed you all day. 
With a final look at your reflection, you dry your hands and settle your resolve. 
Striding back into the event space, your mask is firmly in place. The group hosting the event spared no expense for catering and drinks- there are dozens of tables lined with appetizers, and the conversation of hundreds of people resounds off the high ceilings. You lift your chin and enter the line for the nearest table.  
As you grab an appetizer, you feel the attention of someone by your side. You look up, and Gojo is standing next to you.
He gives you an easy smile, peeking over the rims of the glasses. 
“Hi, Gojo.”
“It went pretty well, I told you we didn’t have to worry.” His voice is light as he reaches over you to grab a small plate.
You're not sure what to say, you hadn't prepared to talk to him beyond the presentation itself, and even after pulling yourself together in the bathroom you'd rather not have to speak to him. After his silence and frigidity, it's strange that he's acting chummy now. 
“Yea, well, I’m glad that we still prepared.” You swallow. “Not all of us are used to speaking at events.” 
You avoid looking directly at him, keeping your attention on the limitless trays of food in front of you. Without the pressure of delivering a speech to a crowd, it’s still painful to be this close to him. 
“Hey, they’d never know! Maybe you’ve got more of these in your future.” You can hear the smile in his voice now. “Or maybe it’s all that practice from teaching already.”
You’re not sure what to say. While being hosted by the symposium is an incredible occasion, you’re thankful it’s over now. 
“Our cohort was lucky to have the opportunity. All of our classmates did well.” You respond.
He lowers his voice and leans closer to you. “Our speech was a standout. You don’t have to be modest, I really think you did well.”
The sudden friendliness after freezing you out is more painful than not interacting at all, you’re left feeling confused and overwhelmed by his closeness. 
“Yeah, maybe.” 
“Maybe I’ve even got some competition now? You know, there’s more of these year round and-”
You turn to face him and cut him off. “Hey sorry, I don't have much time to talk, I told Saito I’d meet her. I’ll see you around, Gojo.”
Excusing yourself is the politest thing you can do right now. Some of your other classmates have gathered around one of the tables near the middle of the space. It’s safe to bet that Gojo won’t follow- even surrounded by peers and academics, he hardly bothers to converse with anyone. 
After the emotional highs and lows of the day, you're not in the mood to politic or network. You stand in the vicinity of your peers for appearances sake with a bland smile and plate in your hand. After a half hour that feels like an eternity, you decide you've been there long enough and say a couple quick goodbyes.
The air outside the building is as sweet as you've ever tasted, and the natural light of the afternoon warms your skin when you've made it out of the hotel.
You decide to walk home instead of taking the train the couple stops back to campus. Your chest feels heavy. Some parts of you are glowing with pride after the successful presentation- the compliments from attendees were flattering, and also helped to reassure you of your success. A deeper, more raw part of you feels jilted by Gojo’s behavior. 
After being silent all summer and barely working with you on the presentation flow, it was absurdly bold of him to act so friendly during the after ceremony. You could accept if he didn’t want to be close or if he did, but his hot and cold behavior is driving you absolutely crazy. You can only pray that he’ll be absent from your classes this term- perhaps he’s tested out of them again. 
You resign yourself to a mix of feelings when you walk into your dorm, but try to focus on the positives in your own space. The window lets in the golden light, and you light a candle before sitting at your desk. You breathe deeply and the pressure of the day melts away. You pull up your computer and prepare to review the syllabi for your upcoming classes- sinking into the familiar rhythm of studying and your academic schedule. 
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genericpuff · 1 year
Alright, update on the tablet situation, I do NOT have good news but there are some silver linings.
First off, thank you all so much for your patience. That one week I took off to relax seemed to be an invitation for the universe to fuck with my shit because my tablet literally chose the worst time to get on my nerves ( This is totally not something I'm gonna bring up with my therapist as proof that I'm not allowed to rest /s) I've tried just about everything to get it working again, I got a replacement 3-in-1 cable and even that didn't do anything, so I've ordered in a new pen, but that's not due to show up for another week or two.
However, I do not want to wait a week or two on the off chance that a new pen even solves the problem.
So the GOOD NEWS in all this is that I do still have my iPad. It wasn't setup with Clip Studio Paint because I own a perpetual license for my PC, but seeing as how now I can't use it on my PC (at least not with my tablet pen) I've gone ahead and setup the mobile version on my tablet, thankfully I got a discount because I already own a perpetual license but it's still gonna cost me $10/month so that's yet another subscription to slap on the 'ole credit card.
Now that does mean I have to go through the painstaking efforts of moving everything from my PC onto my tablet, but thankfully that issue is easily solved with cloud backups and transferring. Really all I need to be able to do is draw, I can still do speech bubbles and text input and texture overlays and all that post-production stuff on my PC, but anything that requires actual drawing I'm gonna be using my iPad for. So please, don't mind if you notice some weird little art differences between Episode 30 and 29, I'm adjusting to a new workflow! It shouldn't be too bad because I'll still be using the exact same brushes and textures and all that fun stuff that I do on my PC, it just comes with the adjustment of drawing primarily on iPad, which I don't normally do (I usually only draw on my iPad for tattooing and that's in Procreate which I still suck at using outside of lineart LMAO)
This is a very stressful situation that I'm hoping will only be temporary until I get that new tablet pen, and if THAT doesn't solve the issue, then I'm gonna have to start shopping for a new tablet entirely, and that's not something I can do immediately because I'm already starting to struggle financially due to the slow season creeping in at work and I'm still paying off that new PC I put down on layaway (which I'm regretting already). All that said, if you want to help a pal out, please consider tossing a dollar or two at me on my Ko-Fi, it's all gonna go towards a new drawing tablet if I need it (and if the pen solves the issue, then you'll be helping me stay afloat so I can keep bringing you guys the good shit LOL)
What's wild is that in all my Google searching, I found a thread from two months ago with literally the EXACT same issue, under the exact same conditions, in which OP's tablet pen unexpectedly stopped registering with their Huion Kamvas 22 Plus that they had owned for two years. According to them, it did start working again, after resetting the PC and re-installing the driver over and over again, but I've already done that myself a ton of times and I'm tired of being let down and that doesn't seem like a "real" solution beyond luck, so I'm gonna take a break from doing that while I get my iPad set up. I have the sneaking suspicion this might have to do with some recent Windows updates that just rolled out, my PC had definitely gone through a couple leading up to the malfunction. This wouldn't be the first time Microsoft has fucked with my tablet functionality so I literally wouldn't be surprised if it was something like that. Either that, or the '2' in Kamvas 22 stands for "will only last for 2 years before stopping entirely" LOL
Anyways, that's all for now. Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding through all this. While I don't want to have to reduce the quality or frequency of what I put out for you guys due to technical issues, I also don't want the comic to stop entirely, so if this turns into one of those desperate situations where I'm delivering you guys episodes of Rekindled drawn on a Nintendo DS, so be it. I'm not gonna let this beat me.
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hezekiahwakely · 8 months
As anticipated, here are my extensive red string notes from the pilot:
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God knows how relevant any of this will turn out to be, but I'm nothing if not a collector of trivial information
Very long text beneath the cut:
Page 1
The Magnus Protocol Pilot 10/25/23
Characters (in order of appearance)
Alice Dyer -O.I.A.R. employee -Dated Sam in uni -Jokester -Training Sam -Gets along with Colin
Teddy Vaughn -Retiring from the O.I.A.R. after 4 (?) years -Going into insurance field
Colin Becher -O.I.A.R. IT Manager -Vegetarian 🥬 -On the hook of "his nibs" (boss, male) -Sensitive about FR3-d1 app development, communicates w/politicians, trying for 2 years -Only gets along w/Alice -Knows computers are listening -Jokes about being killed
Lena Kelley -O.I.A.R. Team/Department Manager -Authoritative, follows protocol -Doesn't think Gwen is qualified for management
Gwendolyn Bouchard -O.I.A.R. employee -Backlog of casework -Dislikes Lena, wants her job -Dedicated to detail -Accused of nepotism by Alice -Thinks current job is beneath her -"Not like most people." *static*
Samama Khalid (Sam) -New O.I.A.R. employee -Dated Alice in uni -Wanting to 'get back on his feet' -Familiar with TMI -Didn't know what the Incidents were before hire!!
Page 2
Pilot notes con. 10/25/23
Listening Tech - Turns on by itself 💡
Dated computers (O.I.A.R.)
"Manager's speakerphone" (Lena's)
CCTV (O.I.A.R. breakroom?)
Cell phone (Alice's)
*O.I.A.R. formed in 70s? Accor. to Alice*
*Response Department no longer exists*
Still in onboarding paperwork, "Response 121"
Sam ticked this box
Tech Specs
O.S. = Windows NT 4.0 (modified) -Extended support for this O.S. was ended Dec. 31, 2004 IRL -Runs on workstations connected by LAN -Similar GUI to 95; comes w/Internet Explorer
FR3-d1 -Custom research software circa mid-90s -Flags Incidents and creates a database -Can search private/protected sources (email) -Alice claims no one has understood its workings for 15 years -Written in German source code
*1 Year = Average Employee Stay*
Page 3
Pilot notes con. 10/25/23
Classification System
Used in FR3-d1's database
CATXRX -> From reference table (CAT = Category?) First four digits -> Main subject of Incident DPHW (?) Next eight digits -> Date of Incident Last eight digits -> Current date
Example: CAT2RC1157-12052022-13012024* -First one we hear they file. "1157" is the "DPHW" for "dolls, watching."
*Jan. 13, 2024 is the date of Sam's onboarding/training (after Teddy's going-away party)
*as listed in transcript; in-show, it's quoted as 22102023, or Oct. 22, 2023
Page 4
Pilot notes (con.) 10/25/23
FR3-d1's Voice to Text/Text to Speech
Voices (named by Alice, which Gwen dislikes):
Neil = Alex
Chester = Jonny
(those two most common)
Augustus = ?
Neil's Incident
Occurs in "Cyberspace" via the transcript
"I'm so sorry. I should have listened. I just couldn't face the thought of the rest of my life never hearing him again, I had to try." First lines 😢
Email from Harriet Winstead to Darla Winstead, May 12, 2022
Recitations *can* be paused by pressing "space"!
Chester's Incident
Also occurs in "Cyberspace"
Topic: Magnus Institute Ruins.
On forum, user RedCanary, begins April 10, 2022. Explored 4/19-20/22.
Third floor gone. No old papers.
Suspicious, occult (?) graffiti, stains (!)
Took box with strange symbols (same as ones on walls/floors)
4/30/22 Posted image of gore/eyes, possibly of themself. Banned + did not return.
Page 5
Pilot notes con. 10/25/23
Early release video Case #: CAT1RA1353-03102023-22102024(listed as 202"3" on Patreon)
Video was posted 10/22/23.
Listed as "Incident" on Patreon.
According to transcript, the O.I.A.R. offices are located in Royal Mint Court.
Johson (sic) Smirke Building
Main building.
5 storeys, Grade 2 listed.
Designed by James Johnson, but constructed between 1807-1812 by Robert Smirke after Johnson died. To be used for mint.
Entrance lodge also built by Smirke, in front of building.
Page 6
Pilot - Public Release -TMAGP#001
Sam's first incident number - today's date
CAT2RC1157-12052022-13012024 -> CAT2RC1157-12052022-09012024
Voice (first incident)
Neil -> *Norris*
Minor word/date changes in incidents.
Minor line read differences.
Descriptions of Incidents in new transcript:
Norris': CAT1RBC5257-12052022-09012024 Reanimation (Partial) -/- Regret [Email]
Chester's: CAT23RAB2155-10042022-09012024 Transformation (Eyes) -/- Trespass [chat log]
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vqlisms · 1 year
if no-one else is gonna dissect n’s room i guess i have to do it myself
this is based purely on the games btw :3
n is about the same age as the rest of the bw protags, perhaps a bit older. estimations and canon information say they’re around 18-20 in bw and 20-22 in the sequels.
n’s room is on the fourth floor of plasma castle. it has purple and white checkerboard walls, and blue and white cloud pattern flooring. the ost plays a melancholic music-box theme, a sharp contrast to the pressure of the orchestral (or as close as the bw soundfont can get) symphony in the castle halls.
the toys in the room are not interactable, but do have text prompts.
an incomplete train set loops around the entrance. “It’s a set of trains and tracks. Has it been played with recently?”
a toy box rests beside the looping train. “This toy box contains pieces of a train set.”
a downsized basketball court takes up half the open floor. the hoop, with a toy train blocking the net, reads: “It’s a home-style basketball hoop…” the basketball on the floor beside it reads: “It’s a basketball that looks like it’s been used a lot. It says Harmonia on it…”
underneath a rotating plane suspended from the ceiling, “A skateboard is resting on a pile of wheels.”
to the right, blocking the back wall and more toy boxes, is a half pipe. “A halfpipe for skateboards… It has Pokémon scratch marks on it here and there…”
the only reachable toy box behind the halfpipe reads, “This toy box is full of new toys…”
on the back wall are three decorations. the leftmost one is a dartboard with several darts stuck to and around it. a frame beside it, hanging crookedly from the wall, reads, “This panel has a dart stuck in it.” the rightmost picture is made up of two shades of purple. “An art panel with a printed geometric pattern.”
n’s room is barely larger than the others we’re able to visit in the castle. the room is childish and colourful, not a bad thing, but definitely not fitting to the king of team plasma or the person who has been so confident in their ideals.
n was adopted by ghetsis when they were small, likely not even 10. they had no knowledge of what was normal or necessary for human children’s development. the world had no knowledge of them either, since ghetsis isolated them from society with only abused pokemon and their sisters or other team plasma members. this castle was underground for years, they were physically and emotionally dependent on people who shared ghestis’s ideals.
children are easy to manipulate. children are easy to mould. children are easy to control. no-one has changed n’s room with their growth because they weren’t supposed to; if n grew and learned and thought, they wouldn’t be the perfect king that team plasma needed. but this room, whimsical and lonely, isn’t a king’s room. n is a figurehead and a symbol. they have no control or duties, their responsibilities end at looking regal. only the people allowed into their room—ghetsis, their sisters, and select other plasma members—see that they are nothing past the garb and speeches that they preach.
aaaaaalso symbolism time!!! once again the castle is underground for the majority of the time it exists but also, please note the layout of the rooms that exist within it. none of the rooms have windows, but most of them do have chimneys. in a normal house, windows, useful or locked, at least allow a person to acknowledge the existence of an outside. since windows are useless in an underground castle, there are none. but that’s not quite true, is it? after all, the point of the construction of plasma’s castle was for it to rise from the dirt and surround the league. most of the rooms have chimneys, which would be nothing but a hazard underground when the smog would have nowhere to vent to. but they have constructed chimneys, because this castle isn’t meant to stay underground forever. n’s room does not have a chimney, or windows. there is nothing connecting their room directly to the outside of the castle.
also, the pattern of the flooring specifically is clouds. the pattern is rote, symmetrical. there are no variations, no deviations. also, this pattern is on the floor. of course, we can’t see the ceiling because of the camera limitations/perspective and the style of the game, but i think putting the sky on the ground is still interesting. because n knows what outside looks like, they grew up in the wilderness for years, enough to learn to understand pokemon. but now, in this castle, they can’t leave. the sky is upside-down and carefully graphed, and part of that is like with the toys to keep n from getting restless, but it also shows how warped their environment has made their view of the outside world. they’ve been told everything they know about society and how it functions, presented like the truth, and have only been given evidence that certified what they’ve been told.
also, a fun bit of colour symbolism. reshiram follows the hero of truth, while zekrom follows the hero of ideals. now here’s the fun part: their colours are swapped. reshiram and truth are black, while zekrom and ideals are white, corresponding with the twin dragon that the protag is able to catch in the story. outside of the dartboard on the back and some lineart, there is no black in n’s room. i don’t care if it was intentional or not, n’s room is a figment of their and the people around them’s ideals, all presented as the truth. but no matter how they present it, no matter what they wrap it in or how they light it, there’s no truth to anything they’ve been given.
also real quick the presented/fake freedom to n’s room parallels the difference between what team plasma is presenting their goals to be and ghetsis’s actual goal of holding power over people
IM BACK also note how the newest toys are shoved in the very very back of the room, almost hidden behind their old ones. they’ve played with the same toys over and over and over because they’ve had nothing else to do. they don’t have crayons or paper or crafts, their entire room is made up of solid unchanging toys. they can rearrange them and look and play from different angles, but there’s fundamentally nothing new they can do with anything. this parallels how the only ideas and ideals n could ever conceptualise were ones literally handed to them growing up. they didn’t have any information or experience to create their own because they didn’t know anything else existed. any new ideas they shoved away and repressed, regardless of how close they were to their own, or who was presenting them to them. nothing new has ever existed for them, not for a very very long time.
OH MY FUCKING GOD I COMPLETELY FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING there is literally zero (0) furniture in n’s room. no bed, no dressers, absolutely nothing. there are two things i want to point out about this, one to do with n’s position in team plasma and another to do with a bit more symbolism i guess? n’s room isn’t meant to be comfortable, it’s a gilded cage, it’s simply meant to hold them, so that they don’t get restless, so that they don’t leave, so that they play along. they are a puppet leader, plasma grunts obey them because of their figure, but almost all of the major decisions of the team are either from ghetsis or from his manipulation. and ghetsis treats them like a puppet, too. after all, dolls may look human, but they don’t need anything. and n was in a perfect position for not needing anything, since they had no standards of what a human should receive in a healthy household, emotionally or physically.
anyways if i forgot anything whoopie daisy, i’ll add it later or scream about it or something (current edit count: 3). for now let’s just say pokemon won’t be called pokemon anymore after i’m done with ghetsis
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mokutone · 2 years
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image desc below the readmore
ID: Panel one shows a red Tenzō on a bluegreen background, with many ninja-sandal covered feet stepping behind him. He is underlit with a cool green light, and his hair is floating behind him. "But just thinking about the footsteps in the hall—I couldn't bear it, so I came here. Sorry," Tenzō says. Panel two shows the back of Kakashi's head as he tries to assure his friend, "You're fine, Tenzō." Tenzō is silent for a moment, looking down, eyes obscured by shadow. "That's the thing..." he says, after a moment. In panel three we see only the tops of their heads, but above them, the plane of Kakashi's bed, the picture of Team Minato on the shelf beyond it, the open window looking out onto the roofs of Konoha, and the flapping curtain, blown by a breeze. "I don't know that I am," Tenzō confesses. "No shinobi should be so scared of his own village. Panel four is tall, and pans far out, showing Tenzō and Kakashi as being tiny in the darkness of the room. When Tenzō speaks up again, the speech balloon is large, but the text is small inside it, unwilling to take up the whole space of the balloon. "I'm supposed to think of this place as my home," he says. Panel Five has Kakashi looking silently and somewhat sadly at Tenzō, while Tenzō covers his face with a hand. Very small, in the corner of the panel, we see that his eyes are brimming with tears. Panel six, Tenzō is scrubbing his face with his uninjured arm in sharp motions, and huffing a quick breath out. Towards the edge of the panel, one of Kakashi's gloveless hands reaches towards Tenzō, but seems to have curled back, as though Tenzō scrubbing his face caught Kakashi off guard when he was about to place a hand on Tenzō. In panel seven, Tenzō's face is blank, though his eyes are baggy. He's very slightly underlit in green. "Deepest apologies, Kakashi-Senpai," he says. "My behavior has been unforgivably irresponsible."
/end ID
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illicitlamb · 1 year
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐈: 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐎𝐮𝐭/𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐨𝐮𝐭 | 𝟑𝟎-𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞
SUMMARY | After working on a group project multiple nights in a row, Enid finally has a free night to herself. When a thunderstorm ruins her plans of relaxation and peace, she is forced to spend her night differently. . . and Wednesday is in the perfect position for her wandering thoughts to take action.
p.s. | please excuse any grammar errors, speech errors, etc. - I'm posting this late at night, my brain has already checked out & I have to be up at 6:00am so I'm not in the right headspace to read everything over XD
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Another clash of thunder had Enid jumping in her skin, despite being given a warning by the lightening flash that struck the room with a white flicker.
“Ugh, will this storm ever end?” It was seeming to last forever as the clock struck 9:45, and she was over it. “It’s almost 10:00, and it doesn’t seem like it’s letting up at all,” she added before leaning her jaw against her palm while she propped her elbow on her knee. “This sucks.”
From across the way, the clicking of Wednesday’s typewriter only continued without any input from its owner. She was not bothered by the thunder, let alone the rain pattering out on their balcony. It served more as a fair concentration ambience for her rather than a pestering distraction.
Sighing, the she-wolf went back to her phone, scrolling through her social media in hopes for any source of excitement to occupy herself with. It was not long before a text notification dropped down from the top of her screen.
Ajax: yo, just got news from Kent that the storm’s gonna last until like 2:00 in the morning
“Great,” she muttered with gritted teeth and passed the message on to her roommate. “Ajax just said that the storm is going to last until about 2:00 in the morning.”
Addams paused, then replied with a nonchalant “Perfect” and slid the machine’s roller back to the far left.
But the other disagreed. “Are you kidding? This is my only night to relax and enjoy myself, but this stupid weather is ruining it.” Since mid-terms were coming up, she had been assigned a group project instead of an exam and had been working on it every night with her team members. As all of them have different schedules, they had been working on it in the evening given that the night hours were their only free hours. “Is it too much to ask for a little peace and quiet?”
This caught the raven’s attention. “Since when do you require time to unwind?”
“Since I was assigned to a science project that makes me actually want to rip my hair out and scream bloody murder.”
This almost brought a slight smirk to the other’s face. “I see you’ve picked up on more than just my deviousness. I’m flattered.”
Sinclair beamed for her. “We’re roomies. It’s what we do. We’re supposed to flatter each other.”
“Some more than others.”
Shaking her head, she looked back to her cell phone, letting the psychic have the last word of the conversation.
A few more minutes passed without talk except for the weather’s wrath wagering with thunderclaps and lightning strikes, before the dorm’s electricity began to be tested.
The first flicker had both outcasts freezing in their places. Wednesday kept her hands on her keyboard while her mocha orbs glanced around, awaiting the malfunction. The blonde, on the other hand, acted as if Mother Nature was listening.
Another flicker.
She looked to the web-designed window. “You better not.” With her crystal orbs glued, she heard the familiar clicking of typewriter keys resume and sighed. “This is ridiculous.”
Third time was a charm. A flash. A clash. And then the room went black.
A nasal sigh came from Addams. “Wonderful.” She reached down to retrieve a flashlight from her desk drawer and adjusted her handle on it for her left hand to hold it up while she used her right to type.
“Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse,” grumbled Enid. When she picked up her device, that put the icing on the cake. “And now I don’t even have Wi-Fi!”
“Hence why I invest my time in obsolescent technology. Modern technology is only reliable in a number of situations and is completely useless in times such as this.”
The werewolf was not in the mood for her friend’s advice and jabbed back. “So, you prefer typing with one hand while holding a flashlight in the other? Doesn’t seem like the ideal circumstance if you ask me.”
But the raven bit harder. “Says the person who about had a conniption over losing her only source to the outside world.”
“At least I have a 2-in-1 deal with a phone,” Sinclair shrugged before adding on to her argument, “And your flashlight relies on batteries.”
“Beats having to rely solely on electricity to charge it,” snapped the other, pulling out her finished page to replace it with a fresh one.
At this point, the blonde had enough and just expressed an irked growl and tossed her “useless” phone on her bed before her. She began tracing various shapes and lines upon her comforter, thumbing through her thoughts to figure out something to occupy her time with. But the longer she sat, the more her time slipped away from her grasp.
Giving Addams a subtle glare, she studied her backside, still hot from their little verbal spar.
Then an idea sparked within her boredom-wrapped mind that had her pink lips pulling with mischief. Slipping off of her mattress, she stalked up behind her roomie like a lioness on the prowl.
Usually, Wednesday could hear her coming up from behind or just had a feeling of something crowding her, but it was only when she was writing was when she could be caught off-guard. So just had to take this was a chance.
Keeping her breathing from hitting the psychic’s eardrums, her sights were set on her left side left unguarded by her arm due to supporting the flashlight. But as soon as her fingertips brushed the other’s flank, a quick twist took place and black eyes were charmed with a cold tongue.
“What are you doing?”
But Enid just played it off. “I’m curious about something.”
“Curiosity killed that cat,” responded Addams, looking the she-wolf up and down and added, “I can only imagine how it would go about a curious dog.” She watched her roomie cock her head.
“I think I can handle it.”
The raven’s eye twitched. Sinclair’s playfulness was no match for her. Whatever she was planning, she would not get very far…
Or would she?
“What do you want?”
The blonde carried on casually with a flip of her hair. “I told you, I’m just curious about something.” But instead of going with her original plan, she took a detour. “Do you think we could do another shopping spree soon?” Wednesday just stared at her. “It’s already spring, and summer is just around the corner. It would be nice to get some new clothes for the new season. You know, the super cute ones that sell out within the first three days.”
From being so focused on her novel, the other’s mind dropped most of her concern as she replied as usual, turning back to her writing machine. “If you can guarantee that I won’t break out into hives as soon as I set foot into one of those gaudy, overpriced emporiums, I’ll consider it.”
“’Kay. I’ll make sure you don’t.”
After waiting a few moments for her roommate to resituate, Enid took her shot and let her digits glide down the other outcast’s side, earning a sensitive jerk.
“What?” She repeated the action, receiving the same reply but now with a glare over her shoulder.
“Stop doing that.”
Sinclair smirked. “Why?” She was pushed deeper into her toying when the psychic just let her unfazed expression burn her face. “Don’t tell me Wednesday Addams is ticklish?”
Wednesday was not the type to deny, deny, deny. But she certainly was not the type to let anyone get away with insulting her nerves in such a triggering way either. “Are you asking to lose a finger?”
“Come on, it’s just a question,” urged the other with her signature friendly countenance. “Everyone’s ticklish. There’s no need to be embarrassed about it.”
This had the raven’s irritation growing. “Then there’s no reason for you to pester me about things you already know the answer to.” But she was threatened with her roomie’s pastel nails.
“So, you’re saying you are ticklish?”
“I’m saying your ignorant questions are wasting my time and interrupting my writing,” Addams sighed and pushed herself up from her desk to pace over to her bed.
The werewolf followed her. “You know you’re deflecting.” It was night, the lights were out, and there was really nothing else to do. She was not going to let her roommate out of this one.
“And you know that you’re testing my ability to restrain myself from doing something I’ll regret.” She kept a close eye on her approaching partner.
“Like what? Letting your guard down and laughing?”
“Breaking each of your fingers and ripping them off.”
Sinclair loved how witty the psychic was, even if her responses were not empty words. That was only one of the many things she liked about her…
“Is that supposed to scare me?” she questioned with a light-hearted note. Each step she took closer had Wednesday casually stepping back.
“It should.” She glanced at the she-wolf’s claws, raising her bar higher with the next remark. “You know that playing around is a pet-peeve of mine, and you’re terrible at it.”
Halting in her path, Enid kept still. Her arms were at her sides, and she maintained an innocent face. This had the psychic stopping in her tracks as well. A moment of silence overtook the dorm. Only darkness remained.
And then it was over.
“Rah~!” The blonde lunged at her roomie with her hands curled like claws.
This had Wednesday jumping back. But that one step sent her hitting her bed and falling back onto the mattress. In a white flash, blonde hair dangled down above her as she was pinned to her comforter beneath. She looked up to see ocean eyes shimmering down on her. Her heart pounded on hearing her roommate’s colorful claws unsheathe.
“You can’t always win, Wednesday,” smiled Sinclair, the light of the window highlighting the subtle shock painting the other’s expression.
The other just glared up at her, preparing herself for her next move which would be more than extremely uncomfortable. But she was wrong again.
Instead of playing with her fire, the she-wolf leaned in closer… and closer… and closer… until her lips fell on the raven’s. It was a test, yes, but it was about trust rather than a simple sneak attack. She never knew she would fall for her gothic roommate until it was too late. She would say they were just friends and move on. She was good at that. She knew her likes, dislikes, dreams, and limits.
So, was she always this risky when coaxing Wednesday Addams? No, not particularly… she knew better than that.
But did she know exactly what she was getting into when testing her nerves and cornering her into disclosure? Yes… yes, she did.
Pulling away, she could hear her own heart beating inside her chest as dark orbs peered up at her. Regret threatened to puncture her brain, but her mouth was quicker. “It’s kind of embarrassing how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” With Wednesday still speechless, she knew she had scarred their relationship permanently within seconds. “I’m sorry,” she apologized, removing her grip on the other outcast’s wrists. “I didn’t mean to–” was all she could get out before being caught in another kiss.
This time, the raven had initiated the affectionate gesture, completely blindsiding Enid. And when they parted a second time, the she-wolf was reassured by an unusual soft tone touching her voice.
“No…” she gently shook her head before finishing with, “you should’ve done that a lot sooner.” And so, it was proven true; she had fallen for her best friend as well, though she would never dare to speak a single word of intimate emotion about the blonde… at least, out load, she would never say that she was in love.
Sinclair could not help the relieved beam turning her lips once Addams sealed the deal with a subtle smirk. In the end, they had both caught feelings for each other. They had both started out as strangers, then opposites, then acquaintances, then friends, and now had confessed in secret. As the clock struck 10:00 during a blackout. They had shared their first kiss.
Another lightning bolt illuminated the night’s sky, highlighting the two outcasts’ silhouettes as they were lured into one more shared kiss, able to fall into each other and eliminate all chances of tearing up their relationship.
Now, they were only building onto it.
After having started it from the ground up.
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bella-is-sleepy · 1 year
Rise! Donatello x Smart/Nerd! Female! Reader || Part 2 || First Hang Out
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Y/N’s POV:
I could not focus in school for the past day! My mind was on that night. The night I met him, Donnie. I kept looking at our texts from last night through out the day.
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*sigh* Could time go by any faster?! My friend April snapped twice in my face. “GIRL!! What is up with you, you’ve been acting weird ever since yesterday. What happened…?”
I gave her that look that said ‘do I really have to tell you?’. “Yes, you have to tell me!” I have in after she used her ‘magic powers’. “Alright fine. So I met…Someone, well it-was a boy..” She gasped and yelled “A boy??!!?” I covered her mouth, and the whole class was looking at us!! Then went back to do their own thing.
^RIINNNGGG^ I got up from my seat quickly and practically ran out the door! I started walking home. With headphones on blast listening to Odetari. (or your favorite artist) I unlocked the door with my house key, and I soon as I open the door to my apartment-oop what. A surprise. (I said without a hint of sarcasm)
They were fighting—again went immediately into my room. I got my laptop and put on a show I liked so time would pass by quickly. My alarm went off at 7:55 so I could get ready. What I mean by getting ready is putting on my favorite hoodie with some leggings/jeans/skirt that matched.
I went to the rooftop that we agreed to meet at. He got there like 10s after me. “Hi Donnie, how are you?” I asked “I’m doing okay, kinda had a rough day yesterday.” He said “Why was that?” “Oh because we had to deal with some guys with feet on their faces. Yea i don’t know why either but they stole a bunch of paper.” I have a confused look he just said he will explain later.
We started to just get to know each other better. Apparently we are both into Tech/Coding/ inventing. Donnie showed me his battle shell which I thought was really cool. I told him I had some tech-y shoes. They were in my favorite color(s) they were able to keep small tools in them, and the shoes had anti-gravity so I could walk on walls.
He seemed very interested to n my inventions. The only person who really listened to me talk/show about my inventions was my mom. Donnie also told me about his brothers, they are very different from them. Rapheal their leader went In without plans, Michelangelo was prone to getting hurt, and his ‘Twin’ Leo always made jokes(and/or) puns during battles/fights/ missions!
Me and Donnie also had some good laughs. HE LAUGHED AT MY SCIENCE JOKES!! I said “Why did two red blood cells break up?” He tilted his head “Why?” “Because their relationship was in vein!” He said it was cheesy, and yeah it was, but he still chuckled at it.
Eventually we both went home. I entered through my window because I didn’t want to get caught by my Dad. My mom already knows I sneak out. She even said ‘can I even blame you, like I mean me and your dad fight all the time it’s fine by me just text me when you do ,okay?’ So technically it isn’t even sneaking out…!
I never knew I would have some much in common with someone. Like she’s smart, good at coding, cooking/baking (she mentioned that) actually listens about my interests when I’m working in ‘Speech mode’ as Leo calls it. Y/n is also beautiful-wait what! Donatello Hamato get ahold of your self you just met her a day ago!
I wish I could have talked longer with her, but good things don’t always last forever. I didn’t even realize I was already at my lab until I stoped at the door. I could barely focus on work! Maybe I could try and go to sleep. I set my alarm for the morning.
I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. I lied down letting my body relax. Maybe we could become better friends. It’s a possibility. Maybe, just maybe…
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Writeblr Positivity Tag
I was not technically tagged by @winterandwords but I'm still grabbing it from the open tag, and leave it as such :)
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1. What motivates you to write?
If I don't do it, no one else will write what I want to see.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
Gonna pick the lines that finished a 300k words project spread over 2 novels and 2 novellas :D
“But are you?” he asked after a moment, a hint of uncertainty on his face. “Happy, I mean. Is this how you imagined it?” Merridy looked from the airy, creme-white curtains to the shimmering rainbow glass shards, and out the window, where in the distance the ocean sparkled in the sun. She raised her gaze to Damien, his eyes fixed on her as if nothing else mattered. “No,” she whispered. “It’s better.”
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
We all know how obsessed I am with Damien, but another char that makes me happy is Riordan. I mean — how could a char I introduced as "fancy boots" not make me smile?
Between all the sad guys and tragic backstories, he's just happy and kind (and a bit naive and rude :D), with a nice family, a good life and some fun quirks. He's absolutely the friend Merry and Damien needed.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Finishing. Finishing a chapter. Finishing a book with the last little piece fallen into place. Finishing formatting. Just. Being done with something. I am constantly haunted by the fear my interest might vanish before I am done, so being done is... awesome.
Also then I get to make my friends cry then, so that's that.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Sadness :)
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Writing can be so very lonely. Spending hours upon hours putting silly little words into a silly little document, no I can't show you anything because I am not done, but listen to me talk about my char you don't know so you don't understand anything about what I am saying.
But here, we all understand the struggle and share the excitement.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Uh. Nothing really exists. I used to write in txt files, now I am in google docs so I can share more easily, which means I have at least a basic spell check now (which is nice, but also no google, I'm not talking about his sons.)
I guess InDesign (some shitty version from 2007) and Calibre are closest - I use them to format my books for printing and as ebook. Calibre is a rock star. InDesign is also the only program I've found so far that correctly fixes straight quotation marks in existing text when pasting in.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I am a sucker for tying all stories together in some way — recurring characters and places through standalone books, stuff like that. A lot of it is conveniently put on the back of the Order of Fire. It's an order dedicated to gathering and preserving knowledge. They have citadels all over the place, they need scientists, scholars, mercenaries and housekeeping staff, they can connect people from different parts of the world when I need it.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
I don't know. There's so many reasons for a "rough patch", and every single one requires different advice. For example, "take a break" would be the worst thing I could do right now.
Your story is worth it. Only you can write it. Yes, even if it takes time. Yes, even if similar ones exist. Yes, even if it contains unpopular tropes. Yes.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
I have a list of my fav works here and I appreciate everyone who ever read my stuff and left a like or comment 💜
But as for support, @alittlewhump @verkja and @starlit-hopes-and-dreams are single(triple)handedly keeping my sanity up. I've found my people in more than one way, and I will stick to you like chewing gum you stepped into. I love you.
Template below the cut:
1. What motivates you to write?
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
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dullahandyke · 2 months
I've extolled the virtues of shoving fanfics into text to speech programs for homemade audiobooks many times but in my defense now I can experience the emotional climax of a fic while staring out a window into the middle distance with my hands behind my back for 10 minutes which imo is how thing should be
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i've been drawing disabled people for disability pride month, & i put all the ones i've done so far together!! :D
(the description wouldn't fit in the alt text, so it's below the cut)
a drawing of 15 disabled people on a yellow background with a light pink floral pattern. from left to right:
1. a fat white person whose left (their left) arm ends before the elbow. their right arm is on their hip, & they are smiling. they have short red hair, a yellow dress with white flowers, white hoop earrings, and black heels. they also have moles and are blushing.
2. a chubby middle eastern woman wearing a light pink embroidered abaya kaftan style robe and a slightly darker pink hijab. the robe's embroidery is delicate mauve vines around the sleeves, and two matching vines down the front. the woman has a german shepherd service dog with her. the. dog is sitting to the viewers right and has its tongue out, and is wearing a service dog vest. the woman is holding the leash to the dog in her right hand, and has her left hand on her hip. she is wearing pink slippers with a mauve gem on the top.
3. a black, bald, thin, nonbinary person with several facial piercings and earrings standing with their left arm lower than the right, slightly tilted backwards, arms hanging by their sides. they are wearing pink sandals, knee braces, a compression glove and elbow brace on their left arm, & have on blue shorts and a bright pink crop top that says 'FUCK ABLEISTS' (peep that underboob 👀 [side eye emoji]).
4. a chubby south asian woman with white hair and a green striped cane wearing a pale green button up shirt with shoulder pads, dark green corduroy pants, and brown loafers. her posture is tilted a bit from scoliosis.
5. a thin east asian man with a facial deformity that affects his nose and makes his left eye lower than the right. he has wavy pink har that is long on top and short on the sides. he is wearing a white cropped tank top with lace at the neck-line, and loose, flowy green pants. his shoes are white with pink detailing. he is turned so his body faces the viewer's right side, but is looking at the camera with his hands in his pockets.
6. a curvy latine autistic person holding a yellow AAC/speech tablet in front of their chest. they have very long light blue curly hair and freckles, and are smiling with their eyes closed. they are wearing dark blue headphones, a yellow short sleeve shirt, a dark blue romper with bows on the shoulders, and yellow sandals.
7. a curvy disabled bed-bound native american person lying in bed on their side facing the viewer and smiling. they have their left arm folded under their head, & their right arm laying next to heir face. the bed is dark brown with blue and white patterned sheets and a fuzzy purple blanket draped over the person and a corner is touching the ground. the person has tan skin and shaved brown hair.
8. a thin black woman with vitiligo, and wavy lime green hair with baby hairs, smiling in a wheelchair with lime green wheels. she is tilting the wheelchair back in a wheelie position. she is wearing a high-neck, sleeveless, black top with a boob window; light blue skinny jeans; tall, black lace-up boots; and dangly earrings.
9. an east asian man who has dwarfism. he is standing with his left hand on his hip, and his right hand up in a peace sign. he has square glasses and long, blonde, curly hair. he is wearing a black turtle neck, orange pants, and black booties.
10. a tall, curvy, white woman with forearm crutches. she is holding the crutch to her right normally, & is resting her left elbow and knee on the left crutch. her hair is shaved and brown on the right side of her head, and on the left side she has lair down to her chest colored in a rainbow pattern. she is wearing a dress that is pale pink with a pale yellow confetti pattern, pale yellow converse, and blue socks.
11. a drawing of a chubby, blind, south asian man. he has short, flowy, gray hair, black sunglasses, black stud earrings, a green sweater, a long black skirt, brown shoes, a gold key necklace, and a white cane. he has his right hand in front of him holding the cane, and his left hand by his side.
12. a fat black person sitting on the ground. their right elbow is resting on their right knee. their left leg is tucked in front of them on the ground, and their left hand is supporting them. they have short pink locs with the sides of their head shaved. they have a cleft lip scar and some moles on their face. they are wearing a black bra with a sheer long sleeve shirt over it, green shorts, and pink booties.
13. a drawing of a chubby latine man with an afro, mustache, and beard standing with his right arm behind his head. his left arm is holding up the end of a red dress with a deep v-neck to reveal his left leg is a prosthetic. he has chest, armpit, and leg hair, and is wearing gold jewelry and black flats.
14. a drawing of a disabled, curvy middle eastern woman with a feeding tube going from her nose to a bag on a pole. she is wearing a green shirt with a foliage pattern, tan shorts, and black combat boots with purple socks. her hair is also purple, and she has several earrings.
15. a drawing of a chubby native american man on a light blue background. he is using a blue rollator and waving. he is wearing a pink striped vest and vibrant green bell bottoms with pink flowers. his hair is long and blue, and he has three tattoo lines on his chin.
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