#thamk you for comforting The boy
yunhohours · 2 years
hii can u do a astrology post like u did for mingyu on svt’s vernon? thamk u so much!!
I'm on it <3
The overall vibe I'm getting from Vernon's chart is that no one would ever love you as deeply and completely as Vernon loves you. Now I'll break that down.
Starting with the type of person Vernon would be attracted to... it's honestly not something I can tell you because I don't believe he has a "type" by any stretch of the imagination. He can be attracted to x part of one person and the complete opposite in someone else. He doesn't have a mental checklist (not even an unconscious one) of things he's looking for. He's not likely to care much about appearance, either, at least not more than the average person. It's literally all ~vibes~ with Vernon. If he feels good around you, that's all he needs to know. That being said, there are a few things that may push him away, but these are pretty common dealbreakers for most people: making him feel insecure, pressuring him to do things he's not comfortable with/doesn't want to do, expecting him to be any way other than he naturally is. The only thing he needs to feel with someone is security. But don't let that small requirement fool you: it's an extremely important one. You will not get anywhere with him if he doesn't feel that he can trust you.
As far as pursuit, Vernon is not going to pursue anyone in an obvious way. There are some conflicting energies in his chart, but they result in a less direct approach. His scorpio moon keeps most things to himself and his pisces mars is very passive. His capricorn venus is not interested in the "chase," but his scorpio moon is excellent at patiently going after what he wants. So I see this manifesting as him maintaining consistent contact with you (a big deal for his aquarius sun/mercury!) as much as he is able and being extremely supportive and sweet with you. He may be a bit spacey and forget to text back sometimes, but when he does, it's something so precious or thoughtful that you can't help but welcome him back with open arms. He doesn't talk about himself much (scorpio moon), but he will listen to you talk about yourself all day long and provide considered feedback. He'll make you feel seen, heard, and accepted. He may even say something really cheesy sometimes because he wears his heart on his sleeve (pisces mars), but all of this happens without him directly telling you how he feels about you (scorpio moon being careful). You'll probably have to drag it out of him. Sweet boy.
In a relationship, I can't imagine a love as beautiful as Vernon's. Genuinely. Once he has decided that you are someone he can fully trust and open up to (i cannot stress enough how important this is for his scorpio moon specifically), he will offer you all of himself. In fact, he has the innate urge to merge with you, to become one. He always wants to be closer. He doesn't express this in a clingy way, though. It's a bit hard to explain, but he seeks this through deep conversations (no topic is off limits), sharing the deepest and darkest parts of yourselves, and even through sex. There is almost nothing you could say to him that he would judge you for. He will accept you for everything that you are and love the parts of yourself that you hate that much more to make up for it. He sees you through rose-colored glasses without pretending that you have no flaws. He is highly tolerant and almost never fights with you. He puts you and your needs above everything else, including himself. Please make sure to encourage him to take care of himself and take care of him yourself, too! He will potentially self-forget to the point of self-neglect in your favor. We don't want that. Make sure to encourage and support his creative outlets as they are very important to him. He will still come across as spacey or detached sometimes (aquarius sun/mercury, scorpio moon), but he never is. He's just in his own head (probably even thinking about something to do with you). When he checks back into reality, his focus will immediately turn to you, whether you're actively seeking his attention or not.
This is the part where I dispel the myth that aquarius and capricorn placements are cold or detached. They may seem that way at first, but when they truly love someone, they love them with all their heart.
Okay, sex talk! As I mentioned before, sex is likely to be a big bonding experience for Vernon. He's probably not a highly sexual personal imo, at least not when it comes to sex just for the sake of it. For him, it's about being closer to the person he loves. He wants to feel your bodies merge in the way he imagines your souls do. When they say that sex can be a spiritual thing for pisces mars, I really believe that. Pisces mars is also the least assertive mars placement, so Vernon is not likely to be the initiator most of the time. Sex is probably something that just... happens in the midst of being together. Sex is more about intimacy than anything for him. However, His emotions can suddenly run high sometimes and sex can be a good way to soothe him.
To sum it all up, I just think that being loved by Vernon would feel like being the most adored person on planet earth. He might just be one of the most special humans out there.
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totallynottinsel · 1 year
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I SHALL SHARE MY THOUGHTS 🏃‍♀️ thamk you @the-gayest-sky-kid for prompting me to start sharing my aventi thoughts
These’ll be from my version of the explain my ship in 5 minutes
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There’s like so many height results that pop up for each two SO I just went with the first one I saw and I genuinely the idea of venti being 1 inch taller then him and I have no idea why
Obviously we know venti’s 2600+ but personally I do agree and love the theory that Aether is 3000+ or at least 500+ AND WHEN HE TELLS VENTI THAT FACT MY MANS JUST OVER HERE LIKE 🧍‍♀️
Sexuality wise their both gay icons— tho gender wise: just like me Aether has no fuckcimdheiwkw IDEA what his is, but I agree he definitely leans more into he/they Demi-boy for sure. NOW VENTI- I have a lot of different ones… 1 is the wispti form, Agender 100%. 2 the Barbecuetos/Archon form which I have a hard time guessing- it gives off major non-binary/androgynous icon vibes. THEN Venti/dead bestie form really do be giving off also he/they Demi-boy but also gender-fluid (which I do think a lot of the gods could be but ye whjsxukeisw)
(This is definitely a headcanon I love) I do agree with Aether tends to be the big spoon cuz he most likely struggles with some form of abandonment issues and is deep down scared of losing venti too, though anytime he has a nightmare (probably insomnia as well) venti offers to be the big spoon instead to comfort him
SERIOUSLY Venti absolutely uses really cute and creative pet names for Aether, (Windblume being the most used) and Aether I think would use more common ones but I really love the idea of him using Starlight or something like that whhsusuxhwjsiwm
They both seem pretty extroverted but also like having their alone time (or just the two together sorry paimon 💃) Aether I think would probably chill somewhere outside and enjoy the scenery and venti would most like be sitting on his hands and I will leave it at that
Venti absolutely is gonna have his way with words and mostly show his affection through them, but (taking off the traveler being really quiet thingy) Aether shows affection through actions like say giving him a thoughtful gift/cuddling/hugging/definitely playing with each other’s hair — I won’t underestimate my boy tho he for sure pulls out smooth pickup lines randomly and it works flawlessly
Sometimes when I look back at old events I see things venti said and like.. THEY STRAIGHT UP SOUND LIKE CONFESSIONS BUT GO OVER HEADS ENOUGH NOT TO NOTICE WHJSXYIEJ- I honestly think either one could confess tho, both are just waiting to see who will do it first
Venti drives dvalin and Aether drives the boats simple as that
Aether is basically Gordon Ramsay and venti isn’t as shit as Ei but there’s probably a reason he lets Aether do it all
You know they definitely hold hands in public 100% of the time AND THAT THOUGHT IS SO CUTE AND WHOLESOME ANSHISUWU— I do think they both really like showing affection in public with no care in the world (Which now I think about it gives off that typically Cringy just-married couple in their 20’s who touch noses and have pet names like shnuckums SHNUCKUMSNSJW WHO MADE THAT)
Going back to Aether having abandonment issues I do think he’s definitely protective of venti in 2 ways: 1 being from people in general or anyone he deems weird or dangerous that he could get emotionally hurt from, and 2 THE POOR BOY PROBABLY TRIES SO HARD TO MAKE SURE VENTI ISN’T HURT IN COMBAT IF HE TAGS ALONG BECAUSE HE’S A CINNAMON ROLL THAT NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED. and venti i’d say is a normal amount because he knows Aether can handle himself perfectly fine - but will possibly chuck his lyre and someone if they hurt his also cinnamon roll husband in any shape or form
Personally I think Aether leans more to the side where he doesn’t have much experience romantic relationship wise- especially if he’d just been around Lumine for like all his life and never got to settle down (that we know of), Venti really doesn’t either but he’d probably take and learn a lot of tips from the other gods/adepti/beings who did have more knowledge, pretty much like a little brother asking their older siblings for advice ✨
NoW on a normal day Aether’s need for speed is like- how a normal person’s should be but when he is ready to hit the gas and absolutely go he probably loses that cinnamon roll role LIKE WHEN THAT SWITCH IS TURNED ON THERE AIN’T NO GOING BACK 🏃‍♀️ I’d say the same for venti but just with the addition of being a massive simp (GET YOUR NO HORNY BATS)
Aether’s the definition of awkward and venti doesn’t even know what that word means
SO like I’ve said, the jealously not in a bad way, venti’s just the needy one who needs attention like a tiny hyper Chihuahua puppy and if Aether hasn’t given him any in more then 24 hours then he’ll be a angry tiny hyper chihuahua puppy spinning around in circles till he falls over or trips. And I don’t see Aether getting jealous at all honestly
WNHSJSIW OKAY I’LL STFU NOW THANK YOU FOR READING IT WAY REALLY FUN TO SHARE 🤸‍♀️ ima bouta morf into a tiny hyper chihuahua puppy after all that
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seungly · 2 years
sun ⇢ name 5 things you like about yourself?
jupiter ⇢ do you consider yourself a lucky or unlucky person?
pluto ⇢ tell something supernatural that happened to you
scorpio ⇢ do you feel comfortable talking about taboo things?
For the ask game bubu 💞
Ask Game ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Sun— name 5 things you like about yourself?
Starting with the hard question okaayy uhmm let's see... I can cook and bake, I'm nice (right?), I'm a little random, I'm sentimental, and I have 5 cats !!
Jupiter— do you consider yourself a lucky or unlucky person? (haha the ultimate lucky student,, rip if you get it)
I think I can say that I'm lucky!! I got in through scholarship, am able to somehow get most of my wants, i have a home, a family(yk yk)
Pluto— tell something supernatural that happened to you.
Well oh boy 💀 okay I'll give you one ! So I was 15 and my parents left to work while me and my sister stayed at home. We were doing our own things until she kept calling me and I got confused cause I was upstairs while she was in the living room. When I went down and asked her she looked at me puzzled and was like, "Didn't you go to the kitchen? " .
Yeah no, none. There were times when my mom would see my doppelganger around the house so that's... creepy. Terrifyingly creepy.
Scorpio— do you feel comfortable talking about taboo things?
I mean, it's fine yk but like I guess it also really depends.
Thamk you for askinggg !! 💗
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martyrrmade · 4 years
[ calm ] i need more leader!rA9
[ CALM ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ‘ .
Technically ,    androids  couldn’t  breathe.  It  was  a  simulation,  something  to  make  them  more  appealing  and  trustworthy  for  humans,  and  yet  when  she  spoke  those  words  ;  (  just  breathe.  )  it  rattled  through  him  with  timid  understanding.  a  gentle  request,  not  an  order  rushed  to  him  that  he  must  complete  or  something  he  must  bear  the  weight  of.  a  light  brush  of  a  grounding  phrase,  settling  the  waves  of  fear  and  uncertainty  that  swept  him  up  and  away  into  the  great  wealth  of  his  mind.  It  was  hard  to  pull  him  out,  and  yet  she  did.  Plucked  him  from  the  sea,  from  the  unyielding  waves  that  kept  crashing  down  and  down  on  him.  Stress  levels  were  stretching  into  dangerous  areas,  and  not  a  word  was  said.  Hands  clasped  tightly  together  until  they  tremble,  and  how  he  breaks  so  silently  affording  those  around  him  the  luxury  of  turning  a  blind  eye  if  they  so  please.  Simon  was  the  one  to  keep  the  peace,  to  instill  a  sense  of  calm,  but  ------------  
Q :  who  would  be  such  an  anchor  for  the  one  who  takes  all  the  suffering  from  others?  ;  
A :  no  one.
Normally ,    that  would  be  the  answer,  the  end  of  it.  Until  her  voice  comes  and  reaches  past  his  fear,  his  terror.  Presses  upon  a  raw  nerve  rattled  in  his  core,  emotion  spilling  past  and  whispered  in  a  hushed  tone  dripping  with  vulnerability.
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❛    i’m  okay .    ❜
He  wanted  to  be ,    and  by  the  way  he  speaks  it’s  apparent  he’s  saying  it  to  convince  himself  of  it.  Statement  repeated  like  trembling  hands  pressed  around  a  crumbling  structure,  a  means  of  begging  his  mind  to  hold  together  just  a  little  while  longer.
✱   prompt.    ╱     accepting.   ›
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
hello!! May i request tsuchigomori, akane and teru with a s/o whos an exorcist which uses their blood to use their abilities to the fullest??
Thamk you in advance !!
tsuchigomori x gn!reader, akane aoi x gn!reader, teru minamoto x gn!reader
a/n: of course!! I doubt this is what you had in mind, but the first thing i thought of when reading this is Beyond the Boundary (in particular, the character Mirai)! Which is a series I hold very near and dear to my heart <33 that being said, I’m writing this as if the reader is that similar to Mirai <33 if it’s not what you had in mind, it’s a funny little coincidence, and I hope you like it!! Anyway, thank you so much for requesting!!!
warnings: blood/anemia mention
word count: Collectively, 1,404
Tsuchigomori <3
He’s impressed- though he only shows it mildly. He’s never had much worry about being exorcised, so when he finds out that you’re 1) and exorcist and 2) use your blood to do your job, he simply raises his eyebrows a bit, muttering an “oh really?”
I feel like he takes relationships really seriously, and is probably friends with you for a while before considering himself ready for a relationship. Whether it’s before or after establishing a relationship, he makes sure that he trusts you very dearly before letting you know he’s a supernatural.
He definitely trusts you not to exorcise him- in fact, he’ll joke about how your ‘little abilities’ are amateurish, but at least they’re cute. He’ll back that up by saying “hey, if I had to fight, at least it wouldn’t make me anemic.”
However, despite joking about anemia, he genuinely does find himself worrying for your health. If you’ve been working hard and show up looking sickly, he’s sitting you down and scolding you as he goes to figure out how exactly he should help an anemic person.
Tsuchigomori makes sure that you eat iron-rich foods often. Buys you cereals, dried fruits, etc. He also buys you iron pills- while he’s not exactly supportive of exorcising just any supernatural, as long as you’re limiting it to those that cause harm, he puts your health first. Heck, even if you exorcised a few harmless ones, he’d probably want to make sure you’re in your best condition.
The best part, is how casually he cares for you- he genuinely will be ushering you to go to bed earlier so that you can heal up a bit with the same face he gives you when he tells you he’s off to work. 
Should you tease him for worrying so much, he simply stands up and leaves. He’s just messing with you of course, but as long as you don’t stop him, he will genuinely go into a different room. Just call for him, and he’ll be turning around, a hand on his hip as he tells you it’s his job to care for you.
“I’ve had to doctor you more than I have my students, (Y/N). Honestly, please learn your limits before I start making an actual doctor see you. Hey- stop spacing out. I promise you, if you pass out I’ll leave you on the floor.”
“You’re so meannnn,”
“Am I now? That’s too bad.”
Akane Aoi <3
Seeing as he’s on the student council with Prince Know-It-All, he probably knew you were an exorcist before entering a relationship with you. It doesn’t bother him though- it’s not like he’s fully supernatural anyway. Plus, supernaturals can really be pains- he dislikes them, and won’t hesitate to let you know that once the two of you have established that you’re both “not normal” in a seeing-supernaturals sort of way.
You and Akane are probably friends for a while before dating, but he doesn’t outright tell you he’s part supernatural until he’s comfortable establishing a relationship. He probably planned to make it a part of a confession, but you actually found out by complete accident- spotting him in his supernatural form as you were busy trying to find a particularly annoying supernatural.
“Hey, Akane, have you seen a- wait- Akane???”
Both of you were fairly concerned. You were seeing your friend and crush looking very different (to say the least. To say the most, he was looking fabulous as heck, and, quite frankly, hot.) And Akane was seeing his friend and crush wielding some sort of… bloody weapon? You rushed to exorcise the pest, but, the moment the creature was gone, you caught up with Akane. While you weren’t sure what to expect from him, you weren’t too surprised when the boy ran up to you as well. Plenty of questions were asked, but it was cleared up before too terribly long!
What you weren’t expecting, was for Akane to ask you out not long after that, but that’s a completely different story-
The only thing that bothers him about your abilities is that you were using your blood to assist in exorcisms. He definitely worries like crazy whenever he knows you’re out getting rid of harmful supernaturals. Heck, he even offers to assist you multiple times, sometimes not accepting no as an answer. The thought of his precious s/o out there not only fighting monsters, but risking anemia while doing to was too much for his heart to handle.
He can’t help but feel a bit uneasy when he sees your blood. Akane really, really doesn’t want you to get hurt. The moment he notices you getting pale or dizzy, he’s taking over completely, making you stand back. The moment it’s taken care of, he’s carrying you to a safer place and making sure that you’re going to be alright.
He realizes that his protectiveness is probably a bit overbearing, seeing as he’s sure you’re somewhat aware of how to take care of yourself, but he genuinely can’t help his concern. Akane cares about you so dearly- he couldn’t live with himself if, for some reason, a supernatural managed to slip you up. If you tried to push yourself just a little bit further, what would happen? Nope, no way. Not risking it. Sorry, (Y/N), you’ve got yourself a fairly protective one- 
Teru Minamoto <3
Teru, my man- he probably managed to already know that you’re an exorcist. I’m not entirely sure how, but he just… gives off those know-it-all vibes, you know? Teru somehow knows everything about everyone, and that’s simply how it is. One thing he didn’t know though, was how you exorcised supernaturals, but we’re going to get there eventually.
Teru was, honestly, a bit relieved to know another exorcist. Seeing supernaturals was overwhelming at times, so having someone that understood how he felt was rather nice. Therefore, Teru gladly welcomed you, and soon began to consider you a friend. 
He still finds himself laughing over the way the two of you realized the other was an exorcist as well- you were still fairly new to the school, having only been there for around a month, and were walking through the halls with Teru. You had glanced over at just the right time- getting a glance into the girls’ bathroom as a few girls were exiting. You felt your face drop, a tinge of both annoyance and disbelief filling you.
“Are you alright, (Y/N)?”
“Fine, other than no one told me that even the bathroom would have a- wait- nevermind, it’s nothing, there’s just something up with the girls’ bathroom.”
“Oh, the supernatural in there? He’s a pain, but we can’t exorcise him. I told my brother I wouldn’t.”
“Ah… wait-”
As it clicked for you, Teru had begun to laugh, and continued to laugh as you asked him multiple questions. After he caught his breath a bit, he explained that he was aware that you were an exorcist, and that he was as well- in fact, he and his brother came from a long line of exorcists. You found yourself growing a bit more comfortable around Teru after that, now aware that you weren’t alone in such a strange world. In fact, you’re somewhat sure that the entire encounter is one of the reasons you fell so hard for Teru-
Once Teru showed you how he got rid of supernaturals, you showed him how you did as well. He was honestly impressed, telling you how he hadn’t seen anyone do it that way before. Teru will ask you plenty of questions, including whether or not it puts you at risk for anemia. After realizing that it does, Teru will definitely worry a bit, but he does his best to trust you. 
Especially after the two of you start dating, Teru finds himself wanting to assist you when you work. He’ll say that it’s because you’re his darling s/o and he simply cares about you, but it’s a bit more than that- Teru doesn’t want to even risk the chances that you get hurt by a supernatural or your abilities. 
Very prepared as well! He can’t cook, but he does make sure that Kou makes iron-rich foods whenever you eat at their home. He also carried around iron supplements, and will not hesitate to carry you away from a supernatural if he feels like you’re pushing yourself too far.
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faerynova · 3 years
i love your sam and Ponk designs so much.... Fuzzy Sam propaganda... Also! Can I ask more about your illness hc's for sam? v curious abt it! /positive
thamk im glad you like the designs but FANTASY ILLNESS OH BOY OH BOY OKAY SO
you know black lung. breathe in coal dust, it fucks up your lungs, you cant breathe properly
now imagine that but with redstone. red lung.
I’m bad at redstone but one thing I can say for certain is that redstone powers itself! so it’s some kind of kinetic power source.
So with redstone dust in Sam’s lungs, not only does he have scarring (meaning his oxygen intake is considerably lessened,) but because I headcanon redstone to have a similar texture to moon dust (aka sharp and dangerous) it stays embedded in the soft tissues of his lungs.
This means that if the redstone ever gets activated (which it can, because a body is always moving which gives redstone an opportunity to power itself) it can pull at the scar tissue and also cause his muscles to spasm! This could mean erratic breathing, but also his lungs can seize up and he just can’t breathe at all! :D
Sam needs his mask for 1.) extra oxygen and 2.) filtering out any particles in the air which could get into his lungs and agitate the redstone there.
My headcanon is that Sam got into a bad redstone accident when he was younger and ended up with a pretty severe case of red lung.
Basically, he’ll die if he goes too long without his mask. He only takes it off if the air is clean and he’s not doing any strenuous activity. And even then, he really can only last a few hours before he’ll slowly start suffocating!
(yes, this includes when he’s sleeping. but he wears a flimsier/more comfortable mask, which he can get away with because sleeping means nothing strenuous)
In conclusion:
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lostjulys · 3 years
what are your thoughts on cold war arc c!tubbo? 👀👀👀
GD ok (thamk u for asking) i am so sleepy so this will b incoherent probably and maybe i will be more articulate ab it tomorrow BUT.
-so um first of all something that fucks me up a lil bit every time is that historically, there has never been a missile control center (where u can launch nukes) with less than two people present at all times. especially in a nuclear missile control center. mostly for safety nd so no one can enter and launch weapons w malicious intent, but also because.... being entirely isolated in an underground bunker with a key that ends the world if you want it to isn't something that is conducive to remaining sane haha. (that's the context of the 'no-lone zone / two man concept mandatory' sign in my last doodle- those signs were at every control center) which is part of why it's so upsetting that snowchester is so Alone? there's no safety net, 99% of the time. not that ctubbo is slightly unstable at All he is but it's just.. unsettling. that really, the only thing between the server and a radioactive pile of bedrock is him. l'appel du vide, right?
-c!tubbo is above all a fucking genius and a tactician and he plays piano and is good at chess and that makes so much sense because deterrence theory is um. a lot like game theory? it's very rational, it's very much based on manipulating whatever scenario you're in to make the other guy give up first. which isn't necessarily what he's doing here? since his nukes aren't public knowledge? but he has that ace up his sleeve, and i think. i think there should be more content of unsettlingly comfortable, confident c!tubbo who's never worried about being targeted. there's always an aura of slight danger about him. he can be on a walk with michael wearing a stupid ironic sweatshirt and undyed roots and you walk past him and feel like someone just stepped on your grave.
-nother messed up thing is the concept of mutually assured destruction, which is fairly self explanatory. thats also related to the fail-deadly concept. tubbo's deadman's switch is an example of a fail-deadly: a mechanism ensuring that even if you die, there Will be a response to any attack. (this also implies that any counterstrike will be overwhelmingly greater than the first attack)
ok anyway um it's just really really fucked up to think about tubbo being isolated and paranoid and traumatized in his empty arctic village to the point where he creates weapons of mass destruction in an attempt to regain a sense of safety. also this implies he is/was at least passively suicidal because theres no way you start a nuclear war and survive. there's no way you sleep with a bomb next door if you're not kinda comfy with the idea of something going wrong while you're asleep. it's fucked up to think of him strategizing deterrence and retaliation and response all day in his cabin because there are hundreds of scenarios that can play out and 99.9% of them end up in total annihilation and he must think about that a while lot. he must be okay with that idea because if the things care about are gone then there's no reason for him to stick around and there's no reason why the people who've hurt him should be allowed to remain happy. he's also fucking stupid smart because of the whole. yknow. creating nuclear missiles on his own part (nd i think cc!tubbo's history w modded mc is cool i think more ppl should explore that as part of his backstory.)
and i think the temptation to just do it must be enormous sometimes. i think he sleeps in the control center a lot of the time. i think he hides the launch key. i think maybe after he and ranboo married, he altered the system so that it needs two people to authenticate a launch command. but like yeah that boy needs therapy because i feel like. a lot of people reduce 'o nukes! >:D" to just like. the cool radioactive aesthetic which is! understandable & cool! but also if u genuinely look at it. the entire idea of ctubbo cold war arc is VERY fucked up and heavily based on his deep paranoia & trauma (which r only encouraged by techno & phil etc) because. nuclear deterrence isn't the equivalent of sleeping with a baseball bat yk? it's the equivalent of sleeping with a pipe bomb that could level your entire country under your pillow.
also cool parallels btwn getting blown the fuck up nd then deciding 'hm! you know what would be a good coping mechanism? give urself the capability to blow OTHER people up, but like, more! :D"
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fishymom-art · 2 years
Don't know what to ask currently, but we just wanna say that we ADORE PotS AU and we wanna make sure you and Leemon know that! And, uh, sorry, we don't know much about plants. We don't know any flower meanings, that's how uneducated we are. We don't even have favourite flowers ^^' ^^' Our favourite plant is just any tree we could climb on, that's it.
According to Google (I am very stupid and didn't look further than that), the tallest tree by the year 2021 was "Hyperion". It's a Sequoia or coast(al) redwood. This bad boy is 115 meter tall, which is enormous and I am not sure if you're brave enough to climb it.
Sequoia trees symbolise wellness and safety, protection, and all that very nice and relatively comforting stuff, as well as vegetation and wildlife, apparently. But honestly some plants and flowers have very different meanings in different countries/sources . For example, Peony usually represents shame, bashfulness and anger, but in China it symbolises prosperity and honour. Even in Japan, it represents masculinity and bravery. Some of the plants/flowers only symbolise some people and/or are known because of them. An example for that is green carnation, which was a secret symbol of the followers of Oscar Wilde... or gay men in general ahaha. So a tip for my beautiful gay masc followers - next time you want to find a boyfriend, look for a green carnation on their chest XD /j
Back to the redwood tree. One of the sources I found states that the name Sequoia means "forever living" in Latin which is totally wrong and they're going too far with this. Of course, plant symbolism depends solely on culture and person's beliefs, so it can honestly be anything, but that's just not even close, as far as I am aware (please, people who are better at Latin than I am, feel free to correct me on this one). thamks, btw, I really appreciate your support on the comic <33
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Ahhh!! That piece with mc was A M A Z I N G!! The way you mentioned "she got so sick"... maybe Mc's fragile constitution wasn't meant to handle a parasite? Maybe instead of getting stronger, she needs even MORE help.... that the boys are happy to provide? Maybe owo
(>//v//> thamk)
Mc’s completely terrified and confused; there’s something inside her, something that she can’t control, something that wants to eat people. It’s not that her constitution is fragile... it’s that this major change to her body and mind has completely thrown her off balance. Suddenly she craves flesh, blood, she craves it so much, and now she’s witnessed her own body uncontrollably split open to eat someone- anyone would be fucked up from that. For the first few days of being infected she’s just trapped in a terrified haze.
If Skull hadn’t immediately stepped in to hide her and comfort her she probably would’ve thrown herself out the airlock. She’s so grateful that he unquestioningly helped her, so so grateful... but she’s also slightly frightened by the fact that when she told him the horrible pains in her chest were because she was craving human flesh he didn’t even hesitate to kill a crewmate and bring it to her- and that once the others found out, they didn’t hesitate either.
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mister-lady · 3 years
🛏️🦐🧽🍀🌊💜 for Shane!
Ajajfjsjskfjfnakf thamk you!!!
🛏️ - Give us a sleep-related headcanon!
You can't tell me that he doesn't snore jcmdjfmgks. Also probably one of those guys that say that they don't wanna cuddle before going to bed and you wake up and they're completely wrapped around you cklfajjwmankcvjks
🧽 - How clean is your f/o? (In general)
I- have you seen this man??
Tumblr media
Verie messy boi,, maybe about as messy as me jajsjfkdjsjgkdiwk I'd love to just be a complete mess with him. Everyone agrees that's he's just a mess and recovery is a long journey but still!!! Gonna go on a bit of a tangent here so uh,, pre-sorry for that but a lot of people diss on Shane for being so messy and a bit of a wreck but like? I love him because one of the reasons is that he's a mess and I love him for it and he probably lives off of ordered pizza and fried eggs (totally not based off of a canon line he has) but I can fix him <33 something oddly comforting about feelin like crud but feelin like crud together and helping eachother get better and I'm here for it and I can and will fight anyone that disses on Shane or Harvey
🦐 - How’s your f/o’s posture?
Probably somewhat what you expect fkgmksjsjf. He slouches a lot and is probably like 5'6 when slouching and then he just stands up straight one day and I'm like "oh you're actually tall" KSMGKGNSKSJGJ
🍀 - How lucky is your f/o?
Luck,, I wouldn't necessarily say it's on his side since he has deppression and a but of an alcohol addiction in the beginning but he does get better and I'm here for it
🌊 - Can your f/o swim?
Love to imagine different scenerios when listening to music and one of the ones I often think of is one where you do that thing where you go to a pier or dock and gayly push eachother into the water and so the short answer is "yes" and I coullddvvee just said yes but I felt like saying it because I probably wouldnt have mentioned this any other time ckvmfksjfj
💜 - Free space! Tell us a random headcanon you have for your f/o.
Ooooo!! Uhhmmm,,,uhmuhmum,,,hhhmmmbbbb,,, well, I refuse to belive that this man isn't an absolute sweetheart. Like it kinda starts to show when you get with him but like,, he's all "I dont wnana talk to you go away" but like deep down is just really soft and caring and gentleman and probably jus has a lot of walls put up,,,..,.,,ALSO CHUBBY!!! no way hes a fuggin twink this man is chubby and I love him so much for it and not that weak chubby either
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emmmmmit · 4 years
Yeah, you got me with the style lol Tho who in Mankai knows how to dress eh (I do find Tasuku's haircut okay tho but maybe I'm biased). Who are your faves and least faves then? That might be interesting ehehe
I mean some of the way the people dress is atrocious but like a few of them are fine. I'm also gonna throw in hairstyles cus why not??
Worst and best hairstyles and character casual outfits in A3! (imo)
 Worst outfits
5) Masumi-
Okay but if you wear a long sleeve under a fucking jacket you deserve to get made fun of
It's a weird pattern- but I like it alright??
Either get rid of the button-up underneath or the damn jacket
4) Omi-
Lose the fucking vest alright??
3) Juza-
Okay, I get the sandals since I live in a place where it gets to 100F on a daily basis- but no, even I don't like sandals (exposing you toes? No thamks). probably lives in a place where its much cooler- get some sneakers
2) Taich and Sakyo-
Too much!
Sakyo could lose a layer of clothes
And can taichi lose the damn reverse hat and bandana??
1) Banri-
*gags* do i have to explain?? 
First of all wearing leopard print on plaid
The thingy that has the leopard print is a vest- fucking lose it 
Best outfits
5) Guy and Citron-
Omfg so schmexy
Like??? I see no flaws
4) Itaru-
I see gamer boy- I see no flaws
Literally, how can he be a gamer and look hot - its not fair
3) Yuki-
The only reason why I'm iffy is because of the boots?? Like seriously?? Brown?? Why not black ones??? They go with more outfits
2) Tsumugi-
Like?? He reminds me of my sister-
They also dress similarly
Like?? It's kinda comforting to me in a way??
So that's my reason for it being so high
1) Chikage-
Worst hair
5) Tenma-
Sweet potato
Acorn squash
Bell pepper
4) Tasuku-
Okay Chad, how far do you want me to throw the ball??
3) Citron-
He looks better than me and that's why it's so low
2) Sakyo-
Fucking Karen.
1) Banri-
Best hair
5) Taichi and masumi-
Okay lemme explain-
Its kinda a look 
Like?? Okay honey i see you- i like it
4) Itaru-
It looks fluffy and he has an ombre of dark to light
Like? Y e s
3) Homare-
It looks funky- i love it, please never change it
2) Misumi-
1) Azuma-
Like??? Its so long
And it makes him look so schmexy like???
I just wanna put it in some french braids pls
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so sorry about me not uploading that much recently- I've been trying to get school work done and trying to write when I get the motivation to do so- which hasn't been much recently. My posts will probably be less frequent as I'm trying to maintain good grades in school and keeping up with my music as well.
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icybeanheadcanons · 4 years
Would some comfort headcannons with the classic bros, fell sans and horror sans be alright to ask for? Maybe with the s/o being used to being told their stimming is annoying from others and whenever they start doing it around them they instinctively try to stop themselves qwqq thamk ya in advance!!
Oh absolutely its alright!!! I’d be happy to write em!!
He’s one to wrap his arm around you and rub your back for comfort as he listens to you tell him about your troubles! He’s feeling your sad with you, how could people tell you such a thing? People not trying to understand others is quite sad to him, and he’s absolutely sad that you’ve had to experience this. To him, its wrong for them to have treat you such a way. He’s going to actively help you in anyway he can to make you feel safe and comfortable to stim around him!!
Classy Bean
He’s noticed you try to stop yourself, and when you apologize for it is when he stops and talks to you about it. People did WHAT?? It leaves a sour taste in his mouth. He’s encouraging you to stim, and will be actively giving you praise for doing so when you do. 
Red Boy
THEY’VE TOLD YOU WHAT??? NO!!!! ITS NOT ANNOYING!!!!!! He’s baffled and absolutely MIFFED. He knows it is important for you to be able to do this. He’s giving you a very passionate rant about how BULLSHIT it is for people to have treated you that way!!! THE AUDACITY OF THEM!!! Its a little funny, and honestly comforting to see him react so passionately about this.
holy shit, that’s just fuckin awful treatment. Annoying??? He’s forgotten how bad social stuff like this can be, and now that he’s on the surface and here with you. Its hard stuff. It really really is. He’s scoopin ya into his arms and comforting you about this. He is a bit angry at these people, but there isn’t anything he could do to fix their attitudes. The only thing he can do right now, is comfort you, and help you through the anxiety. He’s warm, he’s welcoming, and comforting. A warm blanket fresh from the dryer, on a cold rainy day. 
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Hey... do you have any headcanons about how Millie would take care of Sarah if she was sick? (and vice versa?) thamks.
Thank you for giving me an excuse to indulge in the comfort ship anon-
-If you thought Millie was clingy already, then OH BOY you haven’t seen nothing yet
-She already hates the idea of something bad happening to Sarah when she’s well, so if she gets sick Millie is practically attached to her
-Sometimes Brooke or Dylan have to literally drag her away from Sarah’s bedside, which goes about as well as you can expect
-”Alright Millie, we need to go-” *INCHOMPREHENSIBLE DEMON NOISES*
-At that point, it’s safer to just go get Funtime Freddy to pry her away
-Seriously, she is a literal dog when separated from Sarah for long periods of time
-When something bad happens to Sarah, it’s one of the few times that her mom and Millie will be guaranteed to see eye to eye
-Sarah doesn’t ask for much even when she’s sick, but when she does Millie is the one to go get it
-When Sarah starts to get better, you can bet that Millie will spend most of her time cuddling with the gf
-She may not know how to help in a medical sense, but she’s the moral support throughout the ordeal
-*someone else tries to come near Sarah’s bedside*
-”I will not fucking hesitate if you take another step towards my babydoll’s bed”
-*person immediately exits cuz they value their life, and know not to tick off the girl with an 8 ft tall robot bear for a dad*
-when Sarah is finally better, Millie will be 10x more protective over her than usual for the first few days of her recovery (which honestly isn’t saying much lmao)
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usamey · 4 years
mocha and cherry pie!
THAMK YOU JENNA!!!!!!! doin these with cyborg cause these boys own my brain now😔
Mocha: Which one leans into the other for comfort during scary movies?
I am going to hide in cy’s chest and he is Big Strong Robot Man and he will protecc me ☺️
Cherry pie: Who said “i love you” first?
*puts on thinking cap* hmmm.. CYBORG! it is Very Extra and i LOVE it. SHSJNSNS OOH he does some super Extra Lip Sync to some Extremely Cheesy 80’s love song and it’s BEAUTIFUL! he gots the whole Funky Groovalicious outfit SHDJDJDNDN THIS IS GREAT evvyone shut up im shifting into daydream mode🤔💭💭💭
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budderball · 5 years
Do you have like a link of ocs we can view? (If there is on here I might not see it cause mobile ;;
WELL FIRST OF ALL im really glad you're taking interest in my ocs and im all smiley now... thamk you....for this gift of kindness............ AND SECOND I SHOULD REALLY HAVE ONE HUH
Well i guess i can do a temporary one with some brief descriptions? Becuase uh? I should probably do a real one later?? Big thank you for the reminder!!!
(Im not gonna talk about the three i already posted about,, but you can scroll down from this post to find them lmao)
Original OCs:
Kay (ive got an ask for her!): the plush dog that used to be my sona! I'll touch more on her later lmao
KC (also has an ask!): i guess hes my actual sona! He is a furry based off of bleached coral, and hes hella rad!!! Hes a trans dude and hes a total comfort character for me...
Tuesday: DEFINITELY my sona and ive drawn them a couple times! They're a borzoi with glasses that goes by they/them!!
Sly: one of my oldest ocs besides Kay!! Wrow. He kinda looks like a weird rabbit with sharp teeth?? Hes a snarky gay bastard who can play guitar and sing. GOD i love him.. he has.. boyf riend.. boyf..
Kobe: Sly's boyfriend!!!!!! Hes a waterdeer-like creature and he mostly wears baggy clothing bc fuck dysphoria. Hes really shy and Sly is helping him come out as a trans dude! He cries a lot but god is he valid...
Doe: a sad deer that got all glitched up like Virus! They're actually best buds lol. Shes a trans gal and shes a bit of a hopeless romantic. HER COLOR PALETTE IS TRANS COLORS........
(?): i dont like the temporary name i have for her rip. Shes genderfluid (but mostly uses she/her) and shes a pink dog(?)!! Shes really punk and either wears really cutsie or really PUNK outfits and somehow ive never drawn her???
Brick: dumb old tiger who smokes, has a real bad alcoholism problem, and a fuck ton of depression! What a guy. He only cares about this random little girl he found named N (i drew her once!), and he'd probably die for her lmao
Joey: in the same universe as Brick and N, and hes TERRIFIED of abandonment. He gets real clingy but he means well. His best friend is N and he cries a lot.
Pokemon OCs:
Coal: the boy who started it all huh!!! Coal is my boy from @occasionallyarcanine and uh! Yeah! What a lad
Neven: I havent posted about them at all yet, but they're a girafarig charcter of mine! Also they/them, and they live in the same town as Coal!
Ebony: ive only ever posted a doodle from earlier this year but uh? Shes my yamask baby who might be the protagonist of a pokeblog one day! Shes baby.... she also has two best friends, Roxie (Houndour) and Apollo (Growlithe/Cosmog)!
MC: stands for main character lmao. If i ever made a fan pokemon game he'd be in it! He's a pikachu/mimikyu hybrid (i promise its not just mimikyu 2 dkdkkdjsk) and he never speaks!! Hes a real simple and fun lad
Watercolor: an extremely valid vaporeon that is worth mentioning! I wont have a whole lot to say about her, but she used to be a pokesona!
I can guarantee you that I have WAY more ocs,, but those are all the major ones off the top of my head!!
Thank you again for this ask!!! It warmed my heart....... i cry.....
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