#than it is rn
ink-the-artist · 2 years
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mammatus and cumulonimbus they are best friends
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tmmyhug · 4 years
I haven’t been on tumblr for quite as long as a lot of people but over several years I’ve noticed this interesting gradual sorta,, shift in the general culture? that it went from this mostly depressed, nihilistic outlook where people would regularly joke about hating themselves and being hopeless and depressed, to a wave of vehemence of “STOP hating everything actually the world is Good and you deserve love!!!” type posts, to now, where those aggressive ‘PSAs’ have faded away and instead I regularly see people romanticizing simple things like stars and hot tea and rainy mornings, and waxing poetic about their friends, and just trying to put love out there. and I don’t know exactly what that means (someone who knows more than me could probably say something smart about generational expression and trauma or popular perception of mental health and whatnot), but I do know that it makes my heart very full to see people learn to love the world and themselves by extension, and a whole userbase adopting healthier coping mechanisms, and therefore teaching the younger users to do so as well. I might just be following different people, but I really do think we’ve grown. everyone has grown. five years ago it wasn’t unusual for the next post on my dash to be a scathing commentary on why nothing matters or an anon ripping into someone they barely knew or someone complaining about how pathetic their interests are. now I have mutuals who get excited and spam reblog art of cows and friends I see tagging each other in pictures of frogs and strangers writing paragraphs about how much I matter. it makes me happy. idk. just an observation I wanted to make. I think people are good and everyone’s just trying their best at the end of the day
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taohun · 3 years
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fill me up, fill me full up
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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thank you for 200k+ views on fish in a birdcage y’all!!
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marbirds · 2 years
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more and more
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dubiousdisco · 2 years
jonathan's college of choice isn't even the one nancy is going to, he sacrificed his dream college to be with her, then sacrificed being with her to be able to provide for his family and didn't tell her so she wouldn't have to sacrifice anything for him. and he didn't tell his family either so they wouldn't worry about him.
will's used his confession to help mike and el's relationship, sacrificing his own happiness so the two of them could be happy. Then Jonathan tells will he will always be there for him and will tells him he will be there for him too, he doesn't even let the moment of comfort that should be reserved for him be only for him.
I'm losing my mind over these brothers, they really think priorizing everyone's happiness over their own is the right thing to do, that the one acceptable outcome is to make everyone they love happy and that their own happiness isn't even on the table if they can make their loved ones happy, that their own happiness is the first thing to go if needed. and the thing is, Will won't be happy anyway, because Jonathan will be unhappy because of his choices, and Jonathan won't be happy anyway because Will won't be happy. Their self sacrifice will only make the people who love them unhappy and they don't even realize it! They don't even realize it!!!!!!
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luuxxart · 2 years
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they were on a break 😫😫😫
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lousysharkbutt · 3 years
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been a busy week
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Papa Crewel
a drabble In which Yuu/Mc realizes Crewel has become their father figure.
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Summer vacation is fast approaching and Yuu is...still there. It’s not surprising but also very upsetting. But right now the most pressing issue is how they will spend the summer. Because with the school being closed for the next few months, Yuu is kinda screwed and will likely be stuck as a grounds keeper for Crowley just so they have a place to stay. Luckily for them, the rest of the staff won’t let that happen. They all debate on who should act as Yuus guardian over the summer. Trein initially offers. He’s a father himself and raised two girls, what's one more child for a couple months? Crewel immediately shoots it down, and says he will gladly take Yuu in. He says it would be best for them to go with who they would be most comfortable with, and as their homeroom teacher they know him best. But truthfully Crewel has grown rather fond of Yuu over the school year. To simply pass them off on someone else felt wrong. Besides, a summer with old Trein? His pup would be bored out of their skull and he can’t have that. Other staff members offered up their homes, but Crewel refused to back down on the matter, and it was decided Yuu would be sent to live with him.
On the last day of school, after everyone had gone, Yuu and Grim packed whatever few belonging they had into the back of Crewels car before bidding campus farewell for the time being. The drive isn't very long, and they are soon pulling up to the surprisingly large house. A few excited dogs run up to greet them, and Yuu thinks this may not be so bad. Crewel shows them to their room. Grim makes himself comfortable on the bed as Crewel explains the house rules. Which isn't much, mostly the usual clean up after your self, if you're going out let him know, etc. For such a strict professor, he’s oddly lax as a guardian. As the next couple weeks pass, things are...normal. Yuu sleeps in a bit, plays with the dogs, maybe walk around with Grim to explore the neighborhood, is always back in time to help Crewel make dinner. This is the most stability Yuu has had in almost a year and it feels surreal. They keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it never comes. Instead of Overblots and magical misshaps, they get lake visits and shopping trips. 
Their room is comfortable. The first week there Crewel helped them unpack and even offered to take them to get a few things to make it more to their liking. Like picking out bedsheets, curtains, maybe some posters. Yuu doesn't want to take advantage of their teachers' generosity, but Crewel won’t take no for an answer, and soon the room feels almost like Yuu had lived there the whole time. Even the dogs have taken to napping at the foot of the bed with Grim as if it's always been this way. Among the things Crewel got for Yuu was a new phone. He said the one Crowely gave them was no better than a cheap brick, and that they needed something that wasn’t going to give out on them anytime soon. Especially in an emergency. Yuu realized Crewel was serious when they and Grim got lost on one of their outings. They ventured farther into town and got completely lost. Every Turn seemed to make it worse and the streetlights had already come on. Not knowing what else to do, Yuu called Crewel who picked up after a couple rings.
 “Hello, Pup, having fun out there?”
 “Um…Crewel? I need help.”
His voice got very serious at hearing how worried they sounded. “What’s wrong?”
   “Grim and I got lost in town and I have no clue how to get back to the house.”
   “Do you know the street name you're on?”
   “Um…White Avenue. And there's a cafe nearby called the Red Rose.”
   “Alright, I’ll be there in about ten minutes. Just stay put.”
   And true to his word, Crewel pulls up in his car soon after, asking if they're okay. Yuu felt an overwhelming sense of relief. They had gotten so used to dealing with everything themselves, that something as simple as being picked up when they're lost was refreshing.
As the summer went on Crewel continued to look after Yuu. From getting their back to school supplies. Taking them on day trips to visit friends. Even scolding them to stay in bed and drink their medicine when they got a nasty cold after getting caught in the rain. One night as they were video chatting with Deuce and Ace, Crewel came into the room and reminded them not to be up too late since they had a ton of errands to run tomorrow and said goodnight.
“He sounds like your dad.” Ace joked.
“Papa Crewel!” Grim agreed, knowing better than the boys that that wasn’t much of an exaggeration. 
Yuu only rolled their eyes. “He’s just being responsible and looking after me.”
“Like a parent would.” Deuce said.
“Are you going to change your last name when Crewel adopts you?” Ace continued to tease. Yuu let him have his fun, but the thought of their professor being like their dad stuck in their head long after the call ended.
An old friend of Crewels was having a baby, and Yuu had tagged along with him to the shower. Everyone was nice to them, people were laughing as the new mother opened gifts. Parents were sharing stories and had their children running about. Yet Yuu had never felt so…alone. In school they had their peers and friends, there was hardly a chance to be lonely. But here everyone was so familiar with one another, family and life long friends. Yuu felt that familiar sense of hollowness they felt over winter break. They missed their friends and family back home. They tried not to dwell on the very real possibility they would never see them again. When it was finally time to leave, Crewel noted how silent Yuu was on the drive back.
Yuu can’t sleep that night. Not wanting to disturb Grim or the dogs, they slowly slip out of bed and wander the halls of the large house. Eventually they sat in the dark of the living room. Hugging a furry pillow, Yuu started to cry. All the loneliness and homesickness that had built up finally came bursting out in muffled sobs. They didn’t know how long they sat in the dark until a familiar voice interrupted.
“Pup? What’s wrong?”
Crewel sat next to them wondering if Yuu had hurt themselves or something. Instead they threw their arms around him and kept crying, the sound no longer muffled by the pillow. Through their sniffling, he managed to figure out what was wrong and hugged them back. Telling them that it would be alright. They weren’t alone. They had him, Grim, and all their friends. 
As Crewel continued to comfort them, they realized Ace wasn’t really joking. Crewel had become a father to them in every way that mattered. 
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Sometimes, very rarely, it all catches up to Wei Wuxian
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paper-cities · 2 years
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Why he really works out
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ieropski · 2 years
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spruceplank · 3 years
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ImpulseSV hermitcraft season 9 episode 1: a summary
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hajihiko · 2 years
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I read a little about yakuza & mafia customs 😋 is ot accurate? No idea, but, consider; hehe.
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crow-with-a-pencil · 2 years
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I may have been consumed by the detective au brain rot
Found this song recently and was immediately possessed by the creative spark to make something with it, so here's the extremely rough result of using only a 6B pencil tool.
Hope u like :)
Song lyrics: "Rule #15 - Four Aces" by Fish in a Birdcage
Detective au by @starlightcloudbaby , fic is Sleuth Jesters by @naffeclipse
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nbnaruto · 2 years
Personal headcanons for the older Grayson bro Danny au:
whenever Dick comes over Danny threatens all the ghosts to stay in the zone on pain of second death
Red Huntress deals with any rampaging nonsentient ghosts while Dick is in town, he thinks she's cool as fuck but that feeling is diminished when he sees her and his brother's weird fucking flirting (for whatever reason Dick doesn't tell B about the ghosts or he does but B doesnt believe him, you decide)
Dick has very minor ectocontamination from being around Amity for so long, it's basically non-existent but now he has slightly longer canines (baby fangs!), an eyeshine, and cold ass hands (nothing to the extent of the Fenton kids who are constantly extremely off-putting to anyone who isn't from amity park)
Bruce: Did you have fun staying with your older brother this weekend?
Dick, who is usually an utter troll: Yeah, hunting down the reanimated food was kinda weird but I think that's just how the Fentons bond
Bruce: that's nice, Dick
Dick visits whenever he needs a break, Danny heads to Gotham/Blud to hang out when he misses his lil bro. They video call whenever possible and Dick is added to the fenton kids groupchat
Early on Danny phased through into the mansion basement out of curiosity and distrust of billionaires, he doesn't know why he's surprised (guess he will just have to ask Tucker to have his phone rigged to notify him of any Robin related vigilante activity that hits the news)
Amity park is pretty cut off from the outside world, no one there recognizes him as Richie Grayson and 90% of the population think batman is a hoax or aren't even aware he's a thing, whenever he visits he's just seen as Fenton's little brother.
I love yj Dick's creepy ass laugh so I'm keeping it and guess what? It's genetic. 3 goosebump-raising cackles coming right up
Dick teaches Danny and Ellie trapeze, Danny is kinda shit at it but it's fun bonding time anyway
Ellie has absolutely convinced Dick to set fire to a Valdco warehouse with her
Danny and Ellie have an ongoing competition trying to convince Dick that "Space/The ocean is coolest!!", they get into fist fights over it. Dick thinks it's funny so he will never pick a side (they're fun fights not I'm mad at u fights, it's cool)
Dick is the goth one, I will not elaborate
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