#thank u for indulging my wandering
seelestia · 1 month
⟡ within your waking thoughts (there i’ll be).
⎯ what do they do when they miss you? how do they cope with yearning when you're away? { y for yearning ノ ordered by @floraldresvi! (sorry for the ping!) }
RESERVED FOR! ノ characters. aventurine, sunday, dr. ratio ft. gn!reader. { 1.3k words }
FLAVOR! ノ genre. fluff, slight angst (my apology to sunday lovers yet again), established relationship.
TOPPINGS! ノ tags. aventurine has his tech savvy moment, pre-2.2 sunday (heavy references but no spoilers), ratio has two phones (king of separating work & personal life !!!).
BAKER’S NOTE! ノ thoughts. a repost! bcs tumblr didn't like it the first time. hopefully, this one will be here to stay. thank u to vivi for requesting this ‹3
© seelestia on tumblr, may 2024. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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in your absence, aventurine welcomes little thoughts of you that float around his mind with open arms - and the way he indulges them is by simply texting you. effective and efficient, there is a reason why the cosmos calls it the second most used means for long distance communication. what about the first? well, he would've opted for calling you with his earpiece if only his line of work doesn't require 90% of its usage time.
let's just say the idea of fellow stonehearts interrupting his conversation with you ruins the fun. besides, he has deft fingers; coin tricks aren't the only thing in his book, you know, typing a few sentences in one go is no problem at all.
but maybe, he is using that too much to his advantage . . . considering the “25+” staring back at you from your notifications every few hours or so. aventurine is truly, irrevocably relentless.
anything even remotely in your favorite color found within his vicinity? new message: Saw something that reminded me of you, you must really like crossing my mind.
an item he thinks would fit you well? new message: I got you a gift. Does it suit your fancy? [1 attachment]
reminded of how cruel fate is to separate you two for so long? new message: Haven't seen your face in a while. Fifteen hours are a total too cruel, don't you agree?
have faith that you will never grasp the true meaning of boredom when you’re apart from him. luck follows a man like aventurine, so do interesting events - remember how he won a vacation to a resort with one chip? he revels in telling you stories of his encounters while you're away. it is as if thrill revolves around him constantly. . . one wonders just how he fares living on the edge of it all.
(you, for one, are aware of his ways. he has allowed you to wander far enough behind his masquerade, after all.)
of course, texts on an illuminated screen can barely compare to seeing you in person. he prefers having you in his arms instead - but he'll live. solitude is an old friend of his, albeit distant and cold, aventurine can deal with its company every once in a while. at the end of the day, he knows you’ll be there when he comes home.
though, it's such a shame he cannot see your face when you're apart. the curve of your lips as you smile, the twinkle in your eyes with his reflection in them, and. . . ah, seems like he is making this harder for himself. maybe, he should consider buying that HD holographic communicative device on the market? his ears caught wind of some P45 officers at pier point whispering about it before.
it'll cost a large sum of credits but hey, he thinks it'll be worth it. for you? anything is possible.
(...him? clingy? well, guilty as charged.)
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sunday’s self-discipline is not something to be underestimated. halovians are a species known for their enchanting voices, yet he feels as if he cannot spare any for even his inner thoughts. what an irony. his longing for your presence is persistent, tumbling at the edge of his tongue - but he is equally as, if not more, stubborn and so he swallows this yearning down instantly.
you are not confined to the dreamscape like he is, as self-imposed as that may be. sunday is aware of that, hence his first instinct is to keep quiet. the curse of sealing his lips till forevermore; watching you leave through the grand doors, letting his gaze fall to where your shadow used to be, savoring the last of your remaining fragrance from when you last bade him goodbye - all without a word.
(don't go, he wished he could say.)
is it a bad habit? “your voice shouldn't be used just to utter words that others want to hear,” you reminded him once. “it's also for you. it's yours.”
but even then, your words are akin to a faint whisper; muffled by the thoughts that plague his mind like a mist. he can't help how they fog up his reflection in the mirror, leaving remnants of something acrid that wafts in the air. something like doubts, sunday would know because he has dwelled in it for as long as he remembers.
you are outside, fluttering your wings in the sky and enjoying what it has to offer. does he have any rights to disturb you? perhaps, in his eyes, sunday views himself as a string tied around your talon, trailing all the way from the heavens where you soar to the humble ground where he resides. each time your absence compels him to reach out, it is as if he’s tugging on that string and dragging you lower from the height you truly relish in, from the height you deserve to be at.
(sunday believes that you belong to the sky, unlike him.)
so here, he shall stay and here, he shall wait until you return. sunday’s heart begins to grow cold - but the farewell kiss you've left on the apple of his cheek hasn't faded. its warmth remains, even when he brushes his freezing hand against it, it remains.
you remain.
(and that is enough for him.)
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dr. ratio is a man with a packed schedule, so it's safe to say he keeps himself occupied particularly well. tasks at the intelligentsia guild are nothing short of demanding, after all. there are researchers asking for his input left and right, although some tremble while speaking to him even when he hasn't even uttered a word yet. ignoring that, he also aids in projects that require his expertise. last but not least, his students and classes which he takes very seriously.
(but be careful with how you phrase it — the doctor doesn't view them as distractions, no, he sees them as his responsibilities — saying the former might offend him.)
as you can see, he is perfectly capable of spending time away from you. . . .or at least, until it's time for a break and a part of that perfection chips off.
his office is quite tranquil, free from outside noise, just the way he likes. this place bears a similar purpose as his headgear, to let him focus in silence without disturbance - but he hasn't expected that exact silence to be this deafening. hah, how absurd! in what realm of possibility could silence ever be associated with deafening as an adjective? he supposes it could be a case of tinnitus. . . but veritas knows that isn't the case.
something's missing and it is, much to his dismay, you.
veritas has his standards. he prefers things to be set at a specific level - and this level of silence, one marred further by your lack of presence, is too low for him. he's getting too used to seeing you barge into his office with neatly packed sandwiches in your hands, a revelation he'd rather keep to himself.
veritas reaches for his personal phone, his work one left neglected at the far end of the desk. he considers making a call to you but the clock is ticking. tick tock tick tock, as if to hang the fact that his break is reaching its end over his head.
utilizing whatever time he has left, his finger gives the gallery app a tap. various pictures pop up on the screen; selfies of you with silly expressions, candid shots of veritas himself and some photos of random objects like your matching mugs. all of these were taken by you, of course. seriously, is this his phone or is it yours?
who knows at this point? he nearly lets out a snort, but that smile on his face is fooling no one. the doctor continues scrolling through his gallery, utterly content with just this until he gets home. to you.
(yes, yes, this still counts as keeping himself occupied. thank you for your concern.)
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— thank you for reading! reblogs with comments are most appreciated.
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nvuy · 3 months
Boothill is a “your pleasure is my pleasure” kind of guy do u agree 🎤
mdni. im snatching the mic. i got carried away ty anon for giving me an excuse to ramble about this loser.
he takes pleasing you very seriously. this is serious business. it’s like his day job.
he’s half-convinced he was given a second life just to cross paths with you, so once he’s got you, he’s not letting you go. not for a while, at least. he’s stuck to your hip like glue. wherever you go, he’s most likely right next to you.
he’s always making sure you’re catered to first.
it’s the same in bed.
he’s extremely touch starved, so while he’s got his hand between your legs, he’s also busied himself nuzzling his cheek to yours to feel you helplessly panting against his skin. or, his ear is resting against your heart. whatever works for him in the moment.
he’s absolutely smitten with how warm you get. he’s always, always, pressing himself against you one way or another. just touch all over his face, please and thank you.
he’s all for kisses too. sometimes, when he’s having a bit too much fun, he’ll get all mushy and gross. not that he already isn’t, but it somehow gets worse.
he’ll bite too. not enough to make you bleed, but enough to leave an angry mark for the next few days.
actually, he just nips you all the time. it’s a weird thing he does. don’t point fingers in his face. he’ll try eating them. he’s very strange in that way. sometimes you can be gesturing at nothing while you talk, and if your fingers get too close to his face, he’s trying to nip at them like a teething puppy. you got used to it.
great tongue too. bonus points because it’s actually real. he works his magic with it, but only after you beg enough. you gotta work to get your hands on the merchandise. his mechanics are expensive, so play nice.
if we’re getting into unserious business, the robocock is great fun. it’s got smooth ridges and it’s cold. probably customisable, too. it’s definitely possible, but whether he’s gonna wander up to some poor mechanic and ask them to add some special features… well.
either way, your pleasure is always his priority. his hobbies consist of biting every single exposed expanse of your skin and exploring new ways to make you squirm.
it’s bad enough you having to deal with this lump of steel and scrap—frankly, he doesn’t even understand what’s so appealing about it—but if you enjoy bouncing on his lap, go ahead. do it all night for all he cares. as long as you have that pretty dizzy smile on your face by the end of it all. it makes him melt into a puddle of liquid metal knowing how good he makes you feel.
he’s also VERY susceptible to puppy eyes. they’re your greatest asset, and his biggest weakness.
you figured that out after you pleaded with him to put on these clothes you bought him (and, yep. these clothes have just as many cut outs as his usual attire). you can also use them if you want to do his hair. please convince him to wear it in a high ponytail more. he has such a nice face, and it also stops his neck from overheating. those poor fans need a vacation.
it takes some convincing, especially when you show him the hair tie is actually a red sparkly ribbon. you’re going to ruin his tough guy persona. but he’ll drop anything for you, so he’ll comply. on the condition that you give him smooches afterwards. it’s also an excuse for him to indulge in how your fingers feel against his scalp.
puppy eyes, crying, begging, whatever, usually get people he’s apprehended nowhere. he doesn’t care for theatrics. not at all. a criminal is a criminal at the end of the day.
but you? aww, how can he say no to your angel eyes? wanna fuck his face? you didn’t even have to ask! just watch the teeth. and feel free to pull his hair. wanna ride him until he short circuits? sure! if you can keep up. he’s all yours.
and when you’re done, his aftercare consists of coddling and pinching your cheeks. he’ll prattle on about nothing. the subject will change to gushing over how pretty you look in his bed, to the weather tomorrow, to how he misses the taste of spaghetti. he’ll even kiss all over the marks he’s left on you. probably kicks his feet too.
he’s still so energetic it’s mind-baffling. he’s so casual about it too, acting as if he didn’t beg for you to cum on his face just ten minutes ago.
but that’s robot stamina for you. or maybe it’s just a boothill thing. who knows?
after a while he’ll calm down. i still haven't decided if he can sleep, but once you’ve fallen asleep, he’ll lay next to you and draw patterns on the nape of your neck with his fingers.
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eggluverz · 10 months
Ooh, I loved your IL Dan Heng request where he realizes that Reader is no longer around and flips quickly trying to find them out of sheer anxiety that those who still hate Dan Feng would take out their hatred and vengeance on them.
I actually want to try and request fem!Reader getting attacked by a group who just want to hurt Dan Heng through attacking his beloved. But his beloved is no damsel in distress, and fights them off, extremely angry that they are attacking her to hurt Dan Heng for a crime he is not guilty of and finds it pathetic that they continue to hold a grudge against someone who has long passed, not adhering to the Vidyadhara laws that Dan Feng’s sins have been washed away. She tears into them, defending Dan Heng with everything as she beats their ass in an emotional rage with tears that’s only stopped because Jing Yuan has to prevent an Incident from happening even though he would gleefully let her continue beating them down.
Reader is upset that they want to hurt and cause Dan Heng pain. She could care less about them trying to torture or assassinate her.
But Reader still gets injured much to Dan Heng’s guilt and anguish and he blames himself for what happened after he arrives at the scene when he sensed that something was wrong.
Reader proceeds to reassure him that none of it is his fault.
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PAIRING. dan heng x f!reader
CONTENT WARNING. swearing, reader gets slightly injured and is bleeding, mentions of blood and cut wounds
SUMMARY. you and dan heng are exploring the xianzhou luofu and you get surrounded by a group of assassins who want to hurt you to get to dan heng. you decide to teach them not to mess with your partner. 
SOF’S NOTE. hihi!! thank u for liking my something shiny this way comes fic :3 sorry this took a while to get out but i still hope u enjoy!! badass reader was fun to write ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ she a cool bean ! LOL ty for the request xx
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The Imbibitor Lunae Dan Feng wasn’t exactly known for being a beloved figure. Like many infamous individuals of history, there were some who hated him, while others continued their almost unnerving worship.
At the Xianzhou Luofu, the opinions of the general public were mixed and even carried onto his reincarnation. Some would rather have Dan Heng return to the position of leadership, while others wanted him gone from the very land his past life once considered home. 
And while Dan Heng thought it’d best to separate himself from his past, he did see the value in learning about the culture and history of the Xianzhou as well as the Vidyadhara. As his partner, you were simply glad he wanted you along during the times he felt the need to revisit the Xianzhou Luofu or indulge in their delicacies. 
You accompanied him in enough instances that some of the vendors even knew the two of you by name and what your favorite orders were. It wouldn’t have been a surprise it some locals were familiar with the two of you as well.
Today, you both decided to explore the Xianzhou Luofu separately in the morning, and then meet up late afternoon for a meal together. You wanted to try this tea spot in Aurum Alley you hadn’t heard of before. The tea was said to, somehow, make the consumers feel really good and it intrigued you enough to want to go with Dan Heng. 
However, your plans of wandering around and enjoying some time alone was cut short when a group of individuals suddenly appeared around you. 
You startled at the sight. The must’ve been been using cloudhymn magic for you not to notice their presence at all until they revealed themselves. After the initial surprise, your body instantly relaxed as you prepared for a fight. Judging by the looks on their faces’, it didn’t seem like they were friendly fans of the Astral Express crew just looking for an autograph. 
Plastering a smile on your face to turned to the man closest to you. “Can I help you guys?” 
He scowled but remained wordless, feeling like he was too important to speak to the likes of you. 
You frowned. “It’s not very nice to ignore people.”
“Since when did we say we want to be nice to you?” another group member scoffed, already drawing his blade. “Dan Feng’s whore.” 
Murmurs and grunts of agreement sounded from the rest of the group.
Sighing, you placed on hand on your hip and your other on the shaft of your spear. You had many issues with that sentiment. One, you weren’t a whore— You were his partner. And two, if you were a whore, you’d for sure be one only for Dan Heng. Not this old, dead man named Dan Feng people kept going on about. 
“I’m getting a little annoyed here, but I’ll give you one chance,” you said calmly, trying not to lose your patience. “Leave me alone and I’ll pretend this never happened.”
“Or what?” one lady chimed in. 
With a huff, you quickly scanned the circle of people. The group wasn’t too large; there were only about four individuals around you with their weapons now at the ready. You reckoned they must’ve had some skill, given they were able to use the cloudhymn magic typically practiced by assassins, but you were confident you could hold your own and knock them out by yourself if you needed to. 
You tapped your foot and pursed your lips. “You don’t want to know the or what.” There was a mocking laugh to your side and you quickly turned to him with your eyebrows raised. “Is something funny?”
He nodded. “Yeah. You’re not scary at all.”
“She’s just as pathetic as that sorry reincarnation of Dan Feng,” another snickered, nudging your back with the hilt of his sword. 
The woman in front of you shook her head, looking down at you. “No one is as pathetic as that traitor.”
Anger surged through you at his words. Dan Heng was so much more than Dan Feng’s reincarnation. He was his own person— A strong, kind, intelligent person at that. And he wasn’t pathetic. In an instant, you knocked the sword out of your ambusher’s hands with a swift kick and pointed the blunt end of your polearm at the woman who insulted him next. 
“You want to say that again?” you scowled, prodding her shoulder roughly in warning. 
When you moved your weapon, the man behind you swung his sword at your side and you just barely managed to dodge, the blade leaving a long cut across your upper arm. You flinched at the sting but ignored it. You felt small drops of blood begin to roll down onto your elbow, but you sensed the cut wasn’t deep enough for you to be truly concerned. It was nothing compared to what you would do to them if they said one more negative thing about Dan Heng. 
They could hurt you and call you names. That you didn’t care about; you could handle yourself. Sure, you might cry a little after the event took place, but when it came to it, you could hold your own. But when they continually kept insulting Dan Heng, you knew you had to put your foot down. 
Your partner, your beloved, has been through enough shit without having random strangers who didn’t even know him talking behind his back. This particular group even went as far as trying to harass you simply because of your association with him. 
You wouldn’t stand for it. You couldn’t— It hurt your own heart just hearing them badmouth him. 
Red flooded your vision as you glared at the group with your weapon in a readied position, “You only need to look in the mirror if you want to see what pathetic truly is. No need to bring Dan Heng into this.”
The group matched your stance and you rolled your eyes before swinging your polearm in a low sweep to knock two ambushers to the floor. Before you could use your weapon correctly and strike the next assailant, a booming voice sounded from your side. 
“Now, now. If we’re going to resort to violence, please do it away from the innocent civilians nearby.” 
The group of assassins around you straightened up in an instant at the sound of Jing Yuan and the marching Cloud Knights behind him. 
While you were half relieved to see Jing Yuan, the other half of you wanted him to go away so you could enjoy beating the shit out of these idiots who insulted Dan Heng. That would certainly teach them not to spew nonsense about things they did not know. 
The group silently disbanded and disappeared as they ran away, trying to avoid the clutches of Jing Yuan’s men who were soon on their heels. You frowned at their cowardly escape. They couldn’t even stand to face the lawful consequences of their actions? 
“As much as I would’ve enjoyed seeing your execution of justice, I don’t think Dan Heng would want to see you potentially get more injured,” Jing Yuan said with a small smile. “They are assassins, after all.” He examined your arm from a distance before walking up to you and offering a hand. 
You accepted, looking down at your bleeding arm with a slight wince. “They barely even nicked me…”
Jing Yuan shook his head, a fond look on his face despite his chastisement. Before he could sterilize it for you, you two spotted Dan Heng running over. His spear was by his side and his expression was frantic as he ran towards you. 
“Y/N! Are you alright?” called Dan Heng, his breathing heavy partly from physical exertion, but mostly from worry. “I saw Cloud Knights tracking down some people under the influence of cloudhymn magic.” His brows furrowed as he finally reached you and Jing Yuan, most likely remembering his last encounter with assassins using the same technique. “Did you see them? Are you okay?”
Jing Yuan glanced at the guilty look on your face before giving your arm a squeeze and nodding once to Dan Heng. “I shall let the two of you continue this conversation alone. Until we cross paths again.”
Your eyes widened at his quick goodbye. “Hopefully our next meeting will be for better reasons. Thanks, Jing Yuan!” 
“Don’t mention it.” He turned to Dan Heng before he left. “Stay safe and vigilant, Dan Heng.” 
As he walked away, you noticed Dan Heng scanning every inch of your body, eyes clouded with anxiety as he took in Jing Yuan’s words and the cut on your arm. 
Silence stretched between the two of you before he finally spoke up. When he talked, his tone was unsettling. “Who did this to you? Was it the assassins?”
Your gaze softened as his fists tightened in concern. “Yes,” you admitted, gently putting his hands in yours as you ran your thumb over his knuckles. “But I’m okay, they didn’t hurt me.”
Dan Heng looked at you in disbelief.
“This just needs to be cleaned and bandaged, is all,” you reassured with a small smile. “I’m sure the bruises I left on them are worse.”
“You’re bleeding.”
“But I’m okay,” you said, soft but firm. 
You gazed stubbornly at him and Dan Heng returned the look, neither of you backing down. Eventually, Dan Heng sighed, squeezing his eyes shut at the sight of the bloodstain on your shirt. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he said with an almost imperceptible quiver in his voice. “I should’ve been there for you.”
“Hey, don’t say that.” You frowned, lightly cupping his jaw to lift his head that had fallen to the floor. “You’re always there for me; I know it.”
“Not enough, apparently.” 
Dan Heng’s complexion was paler than normal. You could tell this was really eating him up inside. 
“You couldn’t have known I was going to get ambushed by cloudhymn magic users,” you said, trying to console him. “If you did, I know you wouldn’t have left me alone. But you didn’t know, and so I did my best to handle them myself— And I would’ve kicked their sorry asses for insulting your character if Jing Yuan hadn’t stopped the fight.”
Dan Heng’s expression softened at that, a hint of an amused smile forming on his face. “They would’ve felt sorry for trying to harm you if they knew of your skill, that’s for certain.” He reached out to hold your forearm in his hand, examining the cut with a sigh. “I just hate that you got hurt because of me.”
You shook your head at his wrongful connection. “I got hurt because of the idiot assassins, not because of you.”
“Didn’t they want to harm you because of your relation to me?”
“Yes, but that just means they’re delusional and stuck in the past and wanted to hurt us both,” you reasoned, watching carefully as Dan Heng pulled a first aid kit out of your bag and began to clean you up. “You did not hurt me, Dan Heng. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He let your words sink in as he sterilized your wound, rubbing the sensitive skin on your inner forearm soothingly as he sensed you tightening up at the sting of pain. Once he disposed of the bloodied cloth, he wrapped a bandage around your triceps and secured the ends. 
You admired his work with a proud grin. “Good as new. Thank you!”
Dan Heng released a huff of laughter as he patted the top of your head before kissing it.  “I wouldn’t go that far, but I hope it will heal soon.” 
“As long as you kiss me daily to make the wound heal faster!” 
“I’m not sure that’s how it works,” he mused. You poured and he looked at you fondly. “For you, I’ll give it a try.” Dan Heng placed three kisses on your face—one on your forehead, one on your left cheek, and one on your right—and one kiss on your bandaged arm. “If I give you multiple kisses a day then, will it heal even sooner?” 
You nodded eagerly, gesturing to your mouth with a teasing glint in your eye. “Definitely! And there’s one place to kiss so it’ll heal the fastest.” 
Dan Heng smiled. “I believe I know the place you are referring to, but we’ll save that for when we’re in private.”
You jutted your bottom lip out and batted your eyelashes at him. “Just a little one?” 
He wasn’t much for excessive public displays of affection. You were rather embarrassed by it yourself. But in this moment, it felt as if it were just the two of you on the entire Luofu. 
Unable to resist the pleasing look on your face, Dan Heng humored you with a chaste kiss on your lips. It was plush and warm and, while the two of you wanted more, it was enough to satiate you for now. 
“Is that better?” he asked. 
“I’m glad to hear.” He took your hand in his, carefully interlacing his slender fingers with yours. “Thank you for looking after me, even when I’m not there. I’m glad you have my back. I will always have yours as well,” he vowed. “I’ll always be here for you.”
As the promise left his mouth, you knew each word was one he meant from the heart. Dan Heng meant the world to you, and you would stop at nothing to protect him. And you knew he would do the same. You saw it through his actions, and now, he told you with his words. 
Your stomach warmed and your heart squeezed, feeling touched by his declaration. 
“I know you will,” you stated, a confident shimmer in your eyes as you met his headstrong ones. “And I will always be here for you, too.”
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explorevenus · 10 days
dessert before dinner ♡ gale dekarios x f!reader
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nsfw (18+) - minors DNI or i will call the cops and also ur mom
word count - 4.3k
description - domestic life with you has turned gale into a big softie, in more ways than one-- he's already got the dad bod, why wait for the baby to match?
aka dad bod malewife gale wants to knock u up :3
tags/warnings - dad bod gale w mild self esteem issues at the beginning but he gets over it, technically bg3 spoilers ig (takes place post-game), food mentions, praise, p in v, creampie, breeding kink but fluffy cus gale is sappy, inappropriate use of the Weave, inappropriate use of mage hand
a/n - this piece was commissioned by my LOVELY LOVELY SWEET BABY ANGEL @d10nyx WHO DESERVES EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD AND MORE AND IS SUCH A FUCKIN SAINT FOR BEING SO PATIENT FOR THIS ;n; pls go check out her work i adore her so bad
also just as a note b4 i get One Billion Asks about it for posting this-- i am not abandoning 'something permanent' nor am i abandoning writing for resident evil just bc i am posting one singular bg3 fic !!!!!!!!!! might seem obvious but i just wanted to get ahead of it bc i'm paranoid and have seen it happen to other ppl ;~;
my masterlist ♡
fic under the cut, thanks so much for reading and i hope u enjoy ;w;
-venus ♡
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Life post-Netherbrain softened Gale Dekarios in many ways. 
Some of the most obvious ways included the relief of tension that came with no longer bearing the weight of the world on his back, ridding himself of the curse that plagued so many of his living years, and finally being able to settle down back home in Waterdeep. 
But if you asked Gale, the one thing that softened him the most was you. You, you, you. Ever since the moment you tugged him out of that collapsing portal, everything Gale did was for you, and by the looks of it, that wouldn’t be changing anytime soon. 
Stability was something Gale hadn’t had in a long time, and while he wouldn’t exactly call running around Faerun fighting deities and monsters and people alike ‘stability,’ he could at the very least find that stability in you. Every battle, every brutal journey through the swamp or the Astral Plane or the wreckage of Baldur’s Gate, you were right there with him. 
And now you were home. 
Home had long since become anywhere with you, of course, but now you were really home, back in Waterdeep with Gale and his family and his beloved Tara, and what’s more, you had his last name. You were truly his and he was truly yours, in every possible sense. With his days spent teaching the art of illusion magic to the next generation of hopeful mages and his evenings spent returning home to his precious wife, Gale wasn’t sure it would be scientifically possible for him to be any happier, let alone any more fortunate. 
Gale was in the kitchen preparing dinner when you returned home, having spent the afternoon handling a few errands and wandering about the city. It always came as a delight for him to see you exploring his hometown in the same ways he did growing up, discovering all the neat little oddities and secrets that lay beneath the unassuming surface. 
He turned over his shoulder to face you at the sound of the door creaking open and then clicking shut, a smitten grin tugging at his face already. The sight of his beloved would never cease to fluster him, after all. 
“There she is,” Your handsome wizard greeted warmly, “The lovely and– might I say, stunningly beautiful– Princess of Waterdeep.” 
Just like that, you were blushing too, approaching to wrap your arms around him at the waist from behind, pressing a sweet kiss to his shoulder, affectionately roaming every inch of him you could get your hands on with a gentle touch. 
Yes, life post-Netherbrain softened Gale Dekarios in many ways, and his figure was no exception.
It was no secret Gale had an appreciation for the little indulgences in life, like rich wine and too many sweets, alarm clocks shut off when they really shouldn’t be, cozy bedding and plush furniture and hearty ‘marry me’ dinners. But, luxuries like that were rather few and far between when the two of you were on the road, and long days of traveling by foot and fighting to survive made for great exercise at the time. 
Suffice it to say, having a stable home and living without being under the constant threat of death meant you weren’t quite as active as you used to be. With time, his cheeks filled out a little more, and his clothes became a bit snug as lean muscle gave way to plush flesh. His skin glowed. He looked relaxed and nourished, he looked healthy, and you couldn’t get enough of him if you tried. 
Your wandering hands did make him a little timid in the moment, however– he hadn’t put on a concerning amount of extra padding by any means, but still, this new look was taking some getting used to. 
“Quite alright, my love?” Gale asked with a soft laugh as your hands came to rest at his hips, your kisses trailing up the side of his neck. His skin was glowing warm beneath your attention. 
“Mhm,” You hummed innocently, nodding, your hands sliding forward to feel along the delicate roundness of his belly through his shirt. “I just missed you today, dearest, and you look so delightful. I have half a mind to talk you into dessert before dinner, hm?” 
Your beloved husband was well and truly burning up now, stuttering over whatever he had going on the stove and very much considering abandoning it in favor of bending you over the countertop, but something made him hesitate. 
With a bashful laugh, as though he were trying to play it off, Gale replied, “Right, well, I suppose I could use the exercise.” 
Your brows furrowed with confusion and you glanced up at him over his shoulder, trying to read his expression. He said that so casually, like he didn’t think anything of it, and it broke your heart a little bit. 
“For all it may be worth, I think you look divine,” You said, face straight and meaning every word of it. Even if Gale was trying to laugh it off, it wasn’t a joke to you. Quietly, you added, “I would argue a bit of fluff suits you well, my darling.” 
Thankfully Gale tended to be rather easily convinced by you. 
His posture relaxed a little bit, and now the laugh that puffed out from between his lips was noticeably more genuine. “Perhaps it’s about time we put ‘a bit of fluff’ on you. I fear my mother will lose her head soon if I don’t.” 
You tilted your head and narrowed your eyes with playful curiosity. “Your mother? And what concern is that of hers, hm?”
“Only the same concern of every mother, dearest,” He grinned as though it were obvious, “Grandbabies.” 
This response of his gave you pause. Gale’s mother hadn’t exactly been quiet about her desire for grandchildren since the day you met her, but she’d never gone too far, never pestered you to the point of being uncomfortable, and never made it out to be particularly urgent– you wondered if perhaps she’d been less patient on the topic with Gale. 
Your pause had a lot less to do with the pressure to please his mother and a lot more to do with the undeniable fact that the thought of Gale fucking a baby into you made your knees go weak. You weren’t even sure you were breathing for a moment, until it occurred to you that you’d been quiet for too long and any further hesitation to respond could be taken the wrong way. 
Clearing your throat softly, you continued the playful banter, “I think my earlier suggestion stands to remedy that concern as well, no? Dessert before dinner?” 
What you didn’t know was that Gale had been thinking about this a lot more often than he was letting on. Sure, the pestering of his baby-crazy relatives was one factor, but more than anything, the safety and security he’d felt in the year since you’d married had him throwing himself into the romantics of domesticity with abandon. When you first met, he never imagined such a future would be possible for him. The chaos and uncertainty that came along with defeating the Absolute brought death far closer than most people would see the other side of, and yet you made it. 
Against all odds, hand-in-hand, you still made it. And every night since your wedding, as you tucked into bed alongside one another, he dreamt of you glowing with the radiance of motherhood. He didn’t want to pressure you– after everything that had happened, it felt like a lot to ask of you to also bear his child, like that might be pushing his luck… though you had all but just confirmed your interest with that last remark, and that didn’t make it past him. 
Gale turned off the stove so as not to burn the masterpiece he’d been cooking before turning around to face you, his broad hands coming up to cradle your face. The look he gave you was intensely romantic and almost vulnerable, his eyes gazing deep down into your own as he asked, “My darling, do you know how long I’ve yearned to make you a mother?” 
Your heart was hammering now, warmth creeping up your cheeks as you found yourself unable to break eye contact, not that you wanted to anyway. Bashfully, your hands came to rest upon his soft shoulders, feeling his own heart pulsing away in his chest, his cheeks going rosy with the same warmth. There was always a certain synchronicity between you and Gale. 
Voice lowering to a near whisper, the emotion behind your words just as strong, you replied, “How long?” 
The look he gave you was tender and reverent. Your husband clicked his tongue and smiled at the floor before cupping your jaw in his two strong hands, meeting your eyes once again. Tone rich with sincerity, he began, “Back in the Grove, seeing you with all the little Tieflings… a lot of people would have disregarded them as scoundrels, but not you, my darling. 
“You embraced their mischief– not only embraced it, but nurtured it. Refined it. You treated them with patience and respect, and you didn’t look down upon them, you kneeled to their level. At every turn, you protected them, but you never patronized them. You learned just as much from them as they learned from you.” 
He paused for a moment, thumbs stroking over your flushed cheeks, his own skin burning just as hot. Pressing a soft kiss to the tip of your nose, Gale continued, “I’m sure you can imagine how that sent off the train of thought. For the longest time, I bit it back. It felt like a pipe dream, and I didn’t want to kid myself– I’ve done enough of that for two lifetimes. But then the Netherbrain fell, the Absolute released her iron grip on the commonwealth of Faerun, and what’s more, you accepted my hand in marriage. 
“The first morning I woke up next to you in the safety of our marital bed, it didn’t feel like such a distant reality anymore. There you were right before me, and in my mind’s eye, you were bathed in the golden glow of dawn and fertility, your nightgown clinging to your divine, ripening figure. Ever since that moment, the image of you with child has dominated my every waking thought. I crave it like the sweetest wine, my heart, to see you become plump and radiant with motherhood.” 
Leave it to Gale to so easily render you weak in the knees with his poetics. The way he described it, you could see it too. You could see the silk of your nightgown becoming snug around your middle as your belly would come to rise like pastry, you could see the vein in Gale’s brow tense while he would struggle to put a crib together. You could see your grocery lists growing to include nappies and baby food, you could see a space at the dining table occupied by a high chair. 
He was right, it didn’t feel distant at all. It felt so close you could taste it, the veil between this reality and that one now paper thin, like a cobweb you could just blow away. 
Before you could think up a response, he was speaking again, his tone delicate and low, “Just imagine it, dearest. A child born of you and I would have the purest connection to the Weave imaginable, and you would make a gorgeous mother… You know I adore you always, but I must confess, I’m not sure I would be able to leave you be, seeing you like that. It might just require the strength of a thousand men to pry me away.” 
You puffed out a laugh, your face and the tips of your ears burning with bashfulness. Leaning forward to hide your face away in his soft chest, you teased, “So it wasn’t your mother who put you up to this?” 
“Ah, I’m afraid not, my darling,” He cracked a grin, planting a smooch to the crown of your head. “At least not entirely. This was a hole I dug the both of us into largely on my own, I’ll admit.” 
His hands slid down to rest upon your hips, and for a moment, you just held each other like that. It felt cozy, it felt comfortable, like time itself had paused around you. In all your days, no one but Gale could make you feel like that so consistently. You almost wondered if there might be some subtle illusion magic at play in moments like these, but you knew all too well that Gale’s charm had very little to do with the Weave– he was just like that, and you were all the more fortunate for it. 
Gale’s hold on your hips tightened in an affectionate squeeze before his arms were snaking around you, one at your lower back and one where your thighs met your bottom. He lifted you from your feet and spun you around to face the other way, propping you up on the countertop in one smooth movement, the tightening front of his pants nestled right up against the crotch of your underwear through your dress. 
Your breath hitched in your throat at the feeling, and he didn’t make it any easier for you to remember how to breathe when his next move was to stoop his head down and smother your throat with languid kisses. 
“Gale,” You gasped, hips rutting forward to knock into his own, your head spinning as the distinct outline of his arousal grinded right up against your clit. “Gods above, you’re going to be the death of me…” 
A low chuckle rumbled from his chest at your accusation, his teeth nipping playfully at your pulse point before he spoke against your skin, “Always a flair for dramatics with you, my beloved bride… though if that should turn out to be true, then you’d die how you lived; ravished, revered and adored by your most loyal wizard.” 
Just as soon as he’d put you there, Gale was plucking you up from the countertop again, and while it was your immediate assumption that he was going to carry you off to the bedroom, it would seem he didn't even have the patience for that. Your back hit the dining table with a gentle thud, though the ever mindful wizard braced the back of your head gracefully with an oven mitt just in time. 
You dissolved into a fit of squirms, giggles, and quiet yelps as his lips and teeth met your neck in a display of needy attention, his fingertips crackling with magic as they found their way up beneath the skirt of your dress. Grip printing into your hips, he dragged you back until your clothed cunt was flush with his bulge again, and the electric shock of pleasure that rang through you in response threatened to knock the wind out of you. 
Gale wouldn't, you thought to yourself, surely he wouldn't enchant his-- 
He tilted your chin up with his knuckle, a brutally smug grin plastered on his rosy face as your eyes met again. "Are you with me, dearest?" His thumb came forward to stroke over the plush of your bottom lip, almost pulling it into a pout himself. 
"Yeah," You shivered, nodding without even really thinking about it. You couldn't even bring yourself to poke fun at him for that like you might have otherwise. "Did you--" 
"Shh," Gale cooed, untying the laces of his trousers to relieve some of the pressure before he folded over you and rolled his hips forward again, caging you between the table and his warm, plush frame. The barrier between you was lesser now, and you felt it immediately.
He was radiating the Weave, delicate strands seeping through the thin fabric of your undergarments to kiss, lick, and tingle over your flesh. The sensation wasn't completely foreign-- taking a master wizard as a partner and lover for life naturally lent itself to inappropriate use of the arcane-- but no two intimate encounters with him were ever alike. Sometimes it made you wonder just how many of those hours he spent locked away in his tower were giving him ideas. 
In hardly any time at all you could feel yourself soaking through your panties, your hips rutting forward to chase him and your mind slipping away into a helpless little puddle of mush, and he had barely even touched you yet. It was all by design, of course-- he didn't want to get too cocky and risk wasting a drop of himself that could otherwise be getting you pregnant. 
Discarding his shirt and dragging your panties down with shaking hands, Gale groaned at the sight of your arousal, the extent of it. You were right drooling between your legs, pussy glistening with the very same juices that drenched and clung to your underwear. He couldn't help but dip two fingers between your silky folds to collect your nectar for himself. As soon as it hit his tongue he felt like he couldn't breathe. Your taste was creamy and sweet like icing, a flavor he wouldn't ever tire of even if it was the only thing he could ever have again. He could devour you for a lifetime and still hunger for eternity. 
"You're going to grow so beautifully," He said lowly, eyes half-lidded and his pupils blown wide as saucers. In you he saw nothing but the future. One hand shoving his pants and briefs down his thighs and the other planting itself upon your stomach, his cock sprang up to kiss the plump flesh of his own belly as he continued, "I will thank the divines for the remainder of my life that I should have the pleasure of watching you ripen with our fruit." 
You could have cried. Your bottom lip did wobble a little bit as you gazed up at him, choking up, and he stooped down to kiss you immediately. 
"None of that," He mumbled against your lips, dragging his stiff, weeping cock through your folds to keep you good and dizzy, every contact of his skin against yours still buzzing with the arcane. "I have you, okay? I have you. I love you. You're alright." 
Nodding in response, feeling the tears dry up right then and there, your lips parted in preparation to respond but all that came out was a deep, pleasured cry. Gale was sinking into your hole like he was made for you, stretching you open with slow, delicate thrusts, his breath heavy and lustful in your ear. 
Stuffing you full of himself until the head of him was threatening to kiss your cervix, Gale stilled for a moment, nipping at the shell of your ear before kissing your cheek affectionately and checking in with you, "Feeling good, my darling?" 
"Mhm," You nodded, and as soon as your approval registered to him, he began to move. 
Bliss. Pure and uncut bliss. That quiet little hum of approval quickly melted into staggered breaths and mewls, your hands finding purchase in kneading at the dough of his waist. You really couldn't get over how well the extra weight suited him, how perfectly it softened his edges and padded out the warmest parts of his physique. He was made for a body like this, a little bit round and squishy and sweet. You wanted to swallow him in one bite. 
Every stroke of his cock inside you felt like true euphoria, crackles and tingles of pleasure radiating outward from each and every nerve ending, and he felt it too. You could tell by the look on his face, the way his mouth hung open with deep, wanton moans, the way he shivered and stuttered with damn near every thrust. 
"G-Gale," You cried out, nails printing into his flesh as you tried to tug him down to you. 
Typically he would have obliged you without hesitation, but Gale had other plans at the moment. Bracing himself against the fine oak wood to the right side of your head, his other hand gripped at your thigh and angled your leg up with ease. Before you could register what he was about to do, he was already doing it. 
Folding you into a half mating press, he drove into you deep, the Weave sinking into your bloodstream with a staggering intensity that nearly made you scream. 
Swallowing your cries with his own lips, Gale kissed you just about as deeply as he was fucking you, his facial hair scratching and tickling at your cheeks as his silky tongue slipped over your own. Every knock of his hips against your own had the dining table rattling too, the walls of your marital home ringing with the sounds of sex, the obscene squelching of your pussy sucking him in, the needy whines and moans slipping from you both. 
You felt like you were on fire in the best possible way. Every square inch of your body was alight with lust and magic, your legs hooked around his hips to draw him even closer. The two of you could fuse together and you would still want to get closer. 
Soon enough, your throbbing clit was met with the unexpected pressure of arcane fingertips, measured strokes of a figure-eight over your swollen bud that coaxed you higher and higher and higher until you felt like you were weightless there on that table, lifting from it, your lips only parting from his own as your head fell back against the oven mitt in a desperate gasp for breath. 
That breath was almost immediately followed by a broken cry of his name, the stimulation causing your greedy cunt to clench and pulse around him, again, by design. Sinking down on his elbow so he could speak directly into your ear, his cock stroking so deeply into you that it nearly felt like it was prodding at your lungs, Gale groaned, "That's it, pup, there you are... Such pretty noises from my good girl, my darling little wife..." 
"I love you, I love you, I--" 
Cutting you off with a kiss, Gale replied, "I love you more, and I'll give you as many babies as it takes to prove it."
Your vision went white, thighs wrenching tight around his hips as you plummeted over the edge unlike ever before. It felt like traveling through a lightning bolt, your spine arching up into a fine point, your stomach pressing up against his own as he emptied his load inside you, mage hand still circling your puffy clit. 
Ropes and ropes of creamy seed flooded your hole until you were stuffed to the brim, leaving behind that delicious pressure that came along with being stretched so full. Your bottom half felt heavy as you fought to catch your breath beneath him, tears leaking from your dewy eyes. 
"N-No more, no more with the mage hand," You stammered, sucking in a sharp breath as its thumb and forefinger took your clit in a delicate pinch. 
Another second or two passed in which he continued to have his fun before deciding you'd had enough. The stimulation to your bud slowly ceased, but as he withdrew his softening sex from you, you quickly realized you didn't feel any less full. 
Brows knitting together, you squirmed and struggled to sit up, watching Gale turn his back to dampen a washcloth before returning to you, gently wiping the sweat from your brow and the slick from your inner thighs, brushing your hair away from your face reverently. "Shh, shh. Just sit still for a moment longer, alright? Let me get you cleaned up." 
He continued his gentle work until you were refreshed and sparkling before scooping you up from the dining table like a princess in his arms, carrying you off to the bedroom to get you both changed. 
It was only as the two of you entered the room and you caught sight of yourself in the floor-length mirror that you realized Gale's mage hand was still very much at work, its thick middle and ring fingers plugging you up nicely. Not a drop was wasted with the diligent digits blocking the way. 
Gale helped you out of your dress and into a soft nightgown, and in your exhaustion you were ready to just crash into bed for the night. Curling up atop the covers as Gale changed into loungewear of his own, you were about to fall asleep right then and there when he woke you with a loving grin. 
"Huh?" You mumbled, reaching up to rub your eyes, and as his own raked over the image of your beautiful body, he couldn't stop thinking about the many ways it would come to develop over the next several months. 
"We still haven't eaten, my love." 
You groaned, burying your face back into the bedding stubbornly. "But I'm tired..." 
"You were the one who wanted dessert before dinner, sweetest," He teased. "We've had our dessert, and now it's time for dinner. Besides, I thought we agreed to fluff you up a bit?"
A bashful smile tugging at your cheeks, you narrowed your eyes at him playfully, huffing out, "Okay, okay, fine," reaching your arms out for him to carry you again, and you were so lucky he loved to baby you. 
Gale didn't hesitate to take you into his arms, your head nestled up against his chest as you returned to the kitchen together. He placed you gently down in a chair at the dining table before assessing what he'd left on the stove earlier. His 'masterpiece' was now ice cold and unappealing to him, and surely his darling wife deserved better than cold and unappealing. 
Turning over his shoulder to look at you, Gale asked you a question that you didn't think you'd ever hear him ask; "How about tavern food tonight?"
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mtchacffinz · 1 year
Omg if youre taking requestsss,
Could u plsss do something like reader is being neglected bcuz (charac) is too busy with work but then they realise and then spend time.. like angst to fluff ahh
Maybe with few characters like cyno, haitham, wanderer, xiao??
Thank you!!
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prompt! Been away for too long, won't you atleast miss me?
cw! gn! reader, tooth-rotting fluff (SFW), clinginess, maybe a crybaby reader in a certain part, words of affirmation, established relationship, lots of tender moments, mentions of Chasm Archon Quest
note! i love fluff. this is adorable so i shall deliver. plus, i think my acc needs some fluff too after all the smut I've written! (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)...
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Here we are, overthinking again. In all seriousness, this can't be! Many suns and moons have passed, yet he still hasn't said a single word about his whereabouts! Did he somehow forget about contacting you? Maybe he fell down a hole through a ditch never to be heard again.. Perhaps he fell in-love with another lovely surpassing your wits and charm?
You were no stranger to solitude. It doesn't scratch an itch anywhere in your mind space that requires you to gnaw on your lip every waking moment you feel that churning feeling in your stomach. Definitely not— Absolutely not! You believe that some parts in life are needed alone to be addressed with just the right amount of tenacity and resistance. You would come back to your loved ones with triumphant smiles chanting "I'm back, I'm back! I did it!" like a warrior.
Your mind spiraled into incoherent theories about his unknown agendas— too indulged notice the recurring voice that seems to speak your name.
And when you finally turn to see behind was when he finally graces your presence.
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There was tense aura in the air, the last breath leaving even more awkward than the last. It was obvious Cyno wants to say something, but his lips stay sealed— quietly observing you waiting to see how you will move instead.
It seems as if he thinks you're really upset. Just an inference, his intuition— a baseless assumption. I mean, who wouldn't be after leaving your partner hanging for 3 months straight venturing out into the desert?
He's a lovely partner. You think that, wholeheartedly. You really do. But seriously!? You understand there must've been at least some sort of viable explanation, but a part of you couldn't help but feel upset.
"I'm glad you're home safe." You finally speak, releasing a big sigh. It was as if a big weight lifts off your chest. Your smile says nothing more than joy and relief. Well, maybe a little too joyful.
Because you know full well if you speak your next words, your voice would break.
So you keep your lips pursed only for you to keep your own thoughts. Cyno is no average man. As a Mahamatra with fearsome agendas, his life is always on the line whenever he ventures out into the wild. Once, he returned to Avidya Forest with curse marks all over his body— crimson spurs trail over his gear, you were barely keeping it together!
Seconds pass, it was grew concerning that none of you were saying.. well, words. After all, you both have just reunited, and Cyno has probably gone through a rigorous mission that rendered his lips sealed, right? With curious eyes, you steal a glance from his figure. Your partner stood with remarkable posture, eyes evasive of yours. The young man seemed to be contemplating something.. expression a little solemn and glum.
With a gulp and a hesitant stare, he finally speaks his mind.
"I'm.. sorry. Forgive me, dear. There was a huge misconduct within the Akademiya and Matras I had to keep anonymous for—" he stops a little before continuing. Cyno's gaze is at the floor. "I had to keep anonymous for you.. for us. I couldn't send out letters. Please forgive me, (Y/n)."
Cyno takes another deep breath. "I understand if you'd like to lash out on my sudden return, so feel free to do so—" you quickly wave your hands in fluster.
"Ah, no no no! Really, Cyno, it's fi—ne...uhuh." You suddenly hiccuped.
With the first crack of your voice, your eyes immediately began to flow waterfalls. Salty tears pricked your (e/c) optics glossing over them with a glint. Cyno immediately rushes to your side whilst you immediately clung onto him like he's your life line.
Oh, Archons. He's your life. Just by his voice just now, you almost felt like your heart melted AND got crushed at the same time with just the weight of his words. Lash out? Of course you would! You're worried SICK. And you've missed him!
"You have no idea! I was holding onto these for 15 minutes earlier!" Your voice broke, fighting for your feelings. Cyno only wipes away your tears and nose with his sleeves in panic— repeating his apologies in a hushed voice over and over again.
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The scent of scroll dust, his calloused hands, his warm breath on your head. For the past hours of his return, you only asked for one thing: to be held until you, yourself— let go of him. And judging by how how long Al Haitham has unknowingly neglected you, he's willing to make up for his wordless days.
"Hey, honey.. dear..?" the Scribe softly calls out, gently tapping your shoulder. "Sweetheart? (Y/n)?" A little too indulged in his arms, you fail to give a response. This was when he sighed, and nuzzles deeper into your neck.
"(Y/n), it's been six hours. Surely you're feeling a little better now?"
"You've been gone for months."
"I know. But it's almost dinner, and we haven't eaten yet."
"We can starve here." You respond just as quickly. He sweatdrops, unable to tell if you were joking or dead serious. Look, his arm is cramping, his whole body is sweating, and he's dehydrated. The blanket that was wrapped around your body was on the floor, and you seem to be a little tired yourself. Taking matters into his own hands, you get surprised that his arms suddenly wrap tighter around you, lifting you up in his arms.
"You're ridiculous," Al Haitham puts you around his shoulder like you're a sack of rice, making his way through the kitchen. "I'm making dinner. You cling onto me all you want. We're eating."
After all, you never said anything about him moving while holding you, right?
All you could do was grumble and whine in his ears. The scribe doesn't seem to mind, as he gets a pan, his seasonings, and his food. Tapping your back occasionally, with every turn he make, your partner makes sure the doesn't accidentally burn or hit you with something while you're in his shoulders. With time passing, you're starting to get a little embarrassed yourself.. getting dragged all the way from the bedroom the the kitchen. Tugging on his clothes, you called out his name.
"Haitham, please let me down.."
Maybe it was the wind carrying your words away, but he doesn't seem to react. Your partner only focuses on whatever he's frying at the moment with his free arm on your figure. With lips pursed, you repeat again.
"I heard you. I don't want to, you're staying there."
"What? No way! You're probably tired!"
"Oh? Don't back out now, I was going to feed you as well. I'm yours the whole week— I'm not leaving your sights very soon." Your partner says with a voice enough to leave no room for rebuttals and arguments. Seeing your face, slowly being taken over with embarrassment, ignites a small flame in him.
After a few mere moments of your silence, you grasp onto his clothing once again. This time, your voice was softer, a little more calmer.
"You're gonna be mine the whole week?"
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Ever since his return, the Wanderer has been gracing you with diverse stories from different parts of the land. Now, he isn't one to ramble his mouth nor entertain anybody with his experiences— so the indigo haired man could consider this "spoiling" you rotten.
After a long, exhilarating lectures of Vahumana Darshans, as well as interviews from other nations regarding his thoughts on different political matters— Wanderer has finally made enough time to spend with people he could actually tolerate.
On the other hand, he has been too kind, taking you to vast sceneries and feeding you all sorts of delicacies. It's as if he's trying to make up for something.. and you know what, you have no idea. But this? This is nice! Ignoring his witty and no-filter-opinion attitude, Wanderer has been significantly nicer to you last time you met.
Shopping, sight seeing, trying all sorts of new things. After all, what does he do with all the Mora he receives when he's but a puppet who doesn't even need to eat nor sleep?
He looks for no reciprocation nor gratitude, because he unknowingly believes seeing your smiling face because of him is enough to make his entire day. Of course, that doesn't stop you from profusely thanking him and actively trying to lessen all the things being given to you because do you really deserve it?
I'd you asked him, he'd look at you like you're crazy. Why wouldn't you deserve it? Why else wouldn't it be you? Do you prefer I do this for anyone else?
As night engulfs the sky, kissing it with a gentle good bye, the moonlight greets your resting frame. The Wanderer had found interestingly large lily pads that could hold up to 4 persons. Apparently, aranara's use it to navigate around lakes they couldn't get across.
The scenery is wonderful. Fireflies emerge from the shadows, and the lake sings a mellifluous tune every gush of waves it encounters. You were resting well, and his elysian self was beside you.
You were strange, that's for sure. Strange enough he'd like to keep taking you in like you're oxygen, as if you're some sort of life line to live from. Wanderer is not a man with too much words, so he could only gaze up to your figure.
A familliar noise of waddling makes their way towards you, an Aranara falling suit. It bee lines towards your figure, cozing up to your body.
Wanderer picks it up by its head gear, clicking his tongue.
"Hey. No cuddling. You lay beside me."
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Xiao melts deeper into your arms as if he's lightweight, surprising you with the sudden return of his warmth.
His touches were featherlight, his firm hands on the small of your back. Fully aware of his fatigue eating away his skin, the Adeptus clutches your figure tightly.
"Sorry.." Xiao's voice was barely above a whisper. You frown upon his state, but your eyes were never pitiful. He knew of that. You say nothing but hold him in your arms in response. Mere moments pass with the wind blowing ever so softly in the sky.
You lull him with soft whispers, sweet nothings grazing his ear leaving out one another. Xiao's a little bashful— he's the one who's failed to keep up with your mundane agendas in everyday life leaving you alone, yet upon his return— you greet him with the best embrace this world has to offer.
After all the events at the Chasm, his encounter with Bosacius, and most of all, the lingering miasma that's been exceedingly abundant within the area, Xiao wasn't able to make time and shake off all the troubles he's facing. The Adeptus lie solemn with the softest look in his eyes gazing at your own. You know full well if he opens his mouth now, all that will come pouring out is his endless apologies that could be recited in millenias.
Instead, your hands gently caressed his cheeks— pecking those pursed lips who let out a soft sigh.
Xiao returns the gesture by holding you waist down, firmly keeping his hands on you. Chasing after your lips it was like something clicked in him the moment you even lent him a moment of your vulnerability. He was hungry, that's for sure. The Adeptus made it obvious with his knitted brows and those piercing gaze.
Amusement bubbled at the bottom of your stomach, letting out a small chuckle. Xiao's confused eyes met yours, questioning your sudden interest.
"You returned to me, that's lovely."
He responds to your claim in a grumble, now averting his eyes. Xiao's hand never leaves yours.
"I have to.." Those hands slowly travel to your cheeks, caressing them in pure affection. "I need to."
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my smutty writings are usually the ones who get attention, so I'm wondering how this one will do? 🎶 Anyway, I'm also planning on writing for Honkai Impact's Kalpas 🤞 STAY TUNED
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*These weren’t necessarily written and/or posted in June, but that’s when I read them 😊
(thanks for your patience with this y'all, i'm so sorry it took so long to post. working on getting july and august recs out as well ❤️)
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
🔥For Your Entertainment (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Gardens of Babylon (Cowboy!Din Djarin x Cowgirl!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch (yes i'm rec-ing this again)
You Are in Love (Modern!Poe Dameron x Reader) - @alwritey-aphrodite (i will rec this every time i read a new chapter, try and stop meeee)
🔥Clandestine (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @the-little-ewok
🔥Good Morning (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @whirlybirbs
🔥favor (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Rookie Mistake (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @groguspicklejar
🔥Never Before (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Moon Knight
🔥Prized Possession (Marc Spector x Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥The Best Kept Secrets - Marc's Story (dbf!Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Kisses on your lovers lap (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @sweetly-yours-and-mine
🔥Let Your Fingers to the Talking (Jake Lockley x F!Villain!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Spoiled Rotten (Marc Spector x Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Sprite: Savior (Marc Spector x forest nymph oc Nikini) - @spacecowboyhotch
Bubble Bath (Marc Spector x Reader) - @shewhohangsoutincemeteries
Domestic Fluff (Steven Grant x Housewife!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
Fluff and Kisses with Marc (Marc Spector x Reader) - @sweetly-yours-and-mine
Her Hair Reminds Me of a Warm, Safe Place (Marc Spector x Layla El-Faouly) - @romanarose
🔥Forever Bittersweet (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Please (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
🔥take it (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥apology (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥willing to give (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @graysonshaven
🔥take my breath (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @whatthefishh
🔥burrowed under my skin (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
🔥Cállate (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
🔥Impatient (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
🔥Little Bug (Yandere!Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Every You, Every Me (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @astroboots (i haven't finished this yet but i cannot recommend this fic enough)
🔥Soothe & Sleep (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥Wandering Hands (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @loganlermanstanaccount
tousled, stubbled, tired (Miguel O'Hara x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥Virgin!Miguel w/a huge cock and fucks both of u dumb (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
🔥Take It All (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @romanarose
🔥Make Me A Liar (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @groguspicklejar
🔥coming home (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Triple Frontier
Blurring Out (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
Being Will's Girl Would Include (Will Miller x F!Reader) - @missdictatorme
🔥Look What the Cat Dragged In (Santiago Garcia x F!Thief!Reader) - @missdictatorme
For Better, For Worse (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @bullet-prooflove
The Last of Us
To the Rescue (Pre-Outbreak!Joel x F!Reader) - @romanarose
Waffle House penance (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @softlyspector
Sucker Punch
🔥Needy Little Thing (Blue Jones x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
The Two Faces of January
🔥The Oxford Comma Series (Rydal Keener x F!Reader) - @whatthefishh (will never stop rec-ing this fic ❤️)
Ex Machina
🔥heavenly praises (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @leoluved
🔥old fashioned (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @leoluved
🔥chase and pull (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @leoluved
🔥indulge me (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @leoluved
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed from the list, I completely understand, just let me know
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idyllvcs · 1 year
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Ⅰ. AYATO X FEM!READER ⅠⅠ. TAGS : fluff, slight kissing, established marriage, fem! reader, uses of pet names like; my wife, dearest, darling, teasing (?idfk how to write people teasing each other) physical touch, overall ayato just teasing u for reading smut ⅠⅠⅠ. WC : 1.01k ⅠV. SYNOPSIS : ayato finds out you read smut lololol english isn’t my first language, sorry ! + and i didn’t do a spelling check V. A/N : ayato brainrot, like seriously and i haven’t written for what i hope is not more than 2.. months?
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it’s not so strange for ayato to see your nose buried in whatever book you acquired from yae publishing house. for some reason, despite his qualities that you’d once described as vexing and almost mischievous, he had never pried into the light or heavy novels that occupied half your days. 
even on days when he ignores the piling mountain of his work with no hesitation to indulge in your touches and bury his face into your shoulder from behind, ayato would often let out a huff seeing how your attention span was sucked away by the novel in your hands. he’d argue he’s not the jealous type, especially over an inanimate object! yet curiosity kills the cat and he found his violet gaze scanning your bookshelf when you were away dealing with public affairs.
if there’s one thing you have learned, silence is never a good thing. perhaps in a scenario where your husband is burying himself in his paperwork or just sleeping soundlessly then maybe it is. however, after coming home, your eyes dart to his empty desk– he was not there. your mind wanders to whether he is sleeping– he does not sleep at this time. all questions were answered when you slid open the shoji door to your shared bedroom gently and were greeted with the delightful sight of ayato flipping through a novel you recently bought.
“...is that what occupies your free time, dear wife?” 
you found yourself getting flustered when your eyes glaze over the title. 
“so am i not allowed to read?” you asked with a clearing of your throat but there was a slight crack– a slight hesitation to your voice when the corner of his lips tugged into a cunning smirk. 
ayato shuts the book quickly with one hand, a gentle clap when the pages meet each other, and he places it down on a nearby surface. the rough pads of his fingertips brushes over the engraved title and he let out an amused chuckle. you, in contrast, let out a bemused one. he shook his head in response to the question. 
any pliant and naive person would feel relieved if they ever saw such answer but you are not ‘any pliant or naive person’-- you were his wife and you knew the lingering undertone in his gaze and demeanor all too well.
“you are allowed to read, i have no objections…” he trailed off and you mentally thanked the almighty shogun he didn’t flip to your marked pages, “however.. an erotica, really?” the finish of his sentence made you retract your thanks.  
“it is not an erotica.”
“your marked page says different.” 
“you have no business looking through my books–”
“--which i paid for with my allowance.” he always had won the back and forths of your banters. you were absolutely stuck in place and melting– if being frozen by both hydro and cryo slimes were difficult, you’d argue that this is much worse.
with a click of a tongue, ayato strides over to you; not failing to pick up your book and using it to raise your chin. your eyes narrowed, not in anger but in embarrassment, when you felt the paperback book brush under your chin and kept your head tilted to meet his gaze. 
“my, my... and to think this is what keeps my dear wife entertained after several hours of restless public affairs. i wasn’t aware yae publishing house has ventured into such risky taboo romantic tropes but i suppose everyone has surprises, hm?” ayato held his gaze with pride– almost a resemblance to cockiness because each and every second of this situation has done nothing but amused him.
“i– i am an adult with needs,” you barely stutter out, fingertips lacing together in an attempt to soothe your nerves. ayato didn’t fail to notice your slightly trembling voice and his free hand quickly found its way to your cheek. he lets out another chuckle, one that is slightly softer this time as he rubbed it. “and you did not think to voice your needs to me? i am more than happy to help you even if it means abandoning my work,” he responds quickly.
the statement makes you much more flustered and retracts your face from his palm, eliciting a tut from him. even in a year of marriage, you never fail to shy away from him– something which he would shamelessly admit that he liked using to his own advantage.
“it seems i’ve stunned you.” “shut up.”
“although… do you not feel any embarrassment buying such novels in broad daylight?” he asked with a toothy grin that showed off his pearly whites. you shook your head. it was true though, you’d never be able to live anything down if you had an awkward exchange with a worker at the publishing house. which is why you’re relieved you let your court lady or even thoma to do such tasks for you. 
“no..” you answered, this time with no hesitation but with the lie seeping through your teeth, “no, i do not.” ayato shrugged at your response and dropped the book on a desk nearby. quickly, he grasps your waist to pull you in closer. his head lowered next to yours to mutter into your ears– a predicament which, in all ways, makes your knees weak.
“i suppose you do not.. considering the fact you rely on your court lady or thoma to fulfil such tasks,” he mumbles. a small gasp leaves your lips at his knowledge towards this. “dearest, it’d be slacking of me to not know what goes around in my very own estate.” each tap of his fingers against your waist makes the heat crawl up your neck more. 
ayato pulled his head back and a softer smile graced his lips when he looks at you. he leaves several pecks on your stunned face and retracts his lips to see your reaction. “i am not judging you, however.. do try not to spend all your allowance on such trivial things.”
that comment earned him a harsh smack on his chest.
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shotgunbunny · 1 year
imagine ari picking u up(on a motorcycle) for a night out😉
⊱ʚ𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧ɞ⊰
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Biker!Ari is such a bad feral man, he deserves all the innocent soft lovin from the reader.
(Warnings!! Smut!! Breeding kink!! Violence? Just Ari fucking you!! Daddy kink!! He's kinda dark but he's super super super soft!! Like he's only dark with other people but we don't get into that in this drabble)
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Ari was the most feared biker in your town. He was the leader of the red sea biker gang, and demanded respect everywhere he went. Your friend feared him after witnessing Ari smash a bar up for no apparent reason. You had later learned the reason was because the owner had tried to hit on an underage girl. Although it was extreme, it was justly deserved.
You met Ari in an arts and craft store on a hot summer day where the town was slow yet chaotic. You wandered around the store dressed in your short summer dress that flowed all the way to your mind thigh. If you bent you'd flash your panties which is why you instead couched down when you needed to. You had your cute lace socks on and Mary Janes. You were exploring the shop trying to find the rose coloured wool your mother required.
As you were perusing, the door opened and heavy boots were heard stepping in. You turned to see who had entered and there he was. Clad in a flannel and a blue shirt, matched with dark trousers. You dragged your eyes to his face, finding his own eyes taking your form in. You felt a bit timid and turned away, deciding to look for the wool instead of examine the terrifying man.
As you continued you gasped excitedly at seeing the wool, yet your heart soon fell into your stomach when your saw it was on the top shelf. With a sigh you got on your tiptoes and began reaching for the shelf. Unknowningly giving Ari a show, he watched in curiousty at your small body trying to reach something. He watched as your dress slid up with your stretching, stopping just under your plump ass. He could've came just looking at the visage that was you.
He walked til he was directly behind you, and coughed. You turned and looked at him with wide eyes and looked down with a blush, knowing the toughest man had seen you struggle. "What do you need getting suga'?" You turned and stared at him, curiousity burning in your eyes as to why he would help. You replied sweetly, "I need the rose pink wool if you wouldn't mind sir." He flashed you a warm smile before he reached up and grabbed it for you.
He put it in your hands gently and you beamed at his 6'5 figure. "Thank you so much sir!" He chuckled. His smile becoming devious. "Hey suga', can you get me the black wool at the bottom?" You smiled and bent over, so in awe at the fact the big bad man was being kind to you. You flashed him your panties and he felt himself grow hard. Your lacey cherry panties hugged your peachey ass so well. His moment of staring was ruined when you turned and gave him the wool.
"Thanks suga'. What's ya' name?" His gruff voice asked and you told him with a smile. You began walking to the counter when he gently grabbed your wrist. You turned to look at his blue eyes and he spoke your name, "if ya' ever need anythin' from the top shelf, call my name and I'll be there suga'." You giggled and nodded before paying and skipping out of the shop.
Ari was hooked after that first meeting. Infact he was so hooked he started finding out as much as possible about you, which led him to your second meeting when you were working away in the diner. He stepped in and saw you working at the til. He walked up and flashed you a smile and you beamed back at him, happy to see him again.
You flirted with him the entire time he was there, and he couldn't help but indulge in flirting back finding every bit of attention delicious. He ended up visiting often sometime with the rest of the gang, but they all treated you with respect due to Ari threating them.
One day Ari couldn't take it and decided to ask if you would be his girl and he was met with a squeal and a hug. He kissed you minutes after, sealing your fate, as the most feared bikers woman.
That was 5 months ago, and not many knew that you were dating, that was because you didn't want to ruin his reputation. The only people that knew were you and the rest of the Red Sea gang. Tonight you had a date with Ari, he said it was special and you were excited.
You said to your parents you were going to a friends house. Ari texted you saying he was waiting around the corner and you said goodbye to your parents and headed to his bike. He looked so mysterious dressed in all black with his helmet on. He walked to you and you hugged him, you heard his muffled chuckle. He placed a pink helmet on your head that he had specifically painted for you. He helped you on first and then got on. You wrapped your arms tight around his strong body and you set off.
You traveled far, to the towns outskirts where he pulled up near a beautiful house. He pulled into the drive and kicked the stands down. He climbed off and helped you off too. He unclipped your helmet and then his own and hung them on the handle bars of his big bike. "Hey there suga'. I missed ya'." You answered his greeting by jumping and kissing him. He immediately wrapped his strong, big arms around your waist and held your tight against him. He engulfed your lips in his own and pulled away with a smile. He rubbed your noses together and put you down.
You entered the house and saw rose petals everywhere. You turned to look at him with hearts in your eyes, he gave you a shy smile and pushed on your lower back more. You followed the petal trail up the stairs hearing Ari close the front door. You waited for Ari at the top of the stairs and he quickly headed up them. He held your soft hand in his large calloused one.
You continued on the romantic trail to the bedroom. You opened the door and there were lit candles around the room. You walked to the bed and sat on it staring at Ari. Your heart rate had increased tonight was the night you knew it. You were nervous but so excited. You watched as he took his shoes off and got on his knees and slipped your shoes off gently. "Suga' just tell me to stop and I will." You stared at him, "I mean it suga', I'd never hurt you. Simply whisper the words an' I'll stop."
"Ofcourse Ari. I understand." You leaned down and pressed your lips to his. He quickly stood up and straddled you. He took his jacket off and broke away to pull his shirt off. You were in awe, you'd seen him shirtless a few times but this was more intense. You ran a finger down his body taking in how hairy and muscled it was. He stood up and unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants and pulled them off. He was clad only in his Calvin Klein boxers. He grabbed your hand in his gently and turned you.
You felt his large fingers unzipping your dress and his pulling it off. You were clad only in your lace socks and panties. You decided against wearing a bra with the dress you were wearing at it ruined the look. You heard Ari bite a groan back, and his hands slide forward cupping your breasts, his thumbs flicking your nipples while he nuzzled your neck and smothered it in kisses and hickeys. You moaned your back arching.
He turned you and pushed you onto the middle of the bed. His face hovered over your panty covered cunt and he licked over them, you whine. "God suga' could get high from the sweetness of your pussy. You gonna let daddy see it, yea'?" You nodded your head, he tapped your clit over panties making you jump in excitement. "Words suga'." You were dripping at his dominance, "Yes daddy! you can see my pussy!" You babbled out desperately.
He wrapped his hands around your panties and pulled the down your legs slowly before he took the off and sniffed them with a grunt. He took his boxers off and climbed on the bed again, hovering his face over your pussy. He breathed and your hips bucked. He wrapped his arms around them and dragged your pussy to his mouth. He began to suckle on your clit. You tried to run away but his strong arms kept you pinned to the pleasure he was inflicting.
He removed one arm and stuffed two of his fingers into your cunt, making you squeal at the sudden intrusion. He began thrusting his fingers in, making sure his fingers were lathered with your juices all the way down to his knuckles. He pulled away with a wet pop and dragged himself above you.
He sucked his fingers clean and stared down at you with heated lust clouding his eyes. You felt the tip of his cock prodding your hole, just as he was about to push in. You placed your hands on his beard cheeks and pulled him down to kiss you. His tongue immediately took to the dance yours was asking for. All the while he was sinking into you, and you both swallowed each others grunts and whines.
He pulled away are stared at you lovingly, "Fuck suga', you're so good for daddy. I fuckin' love you." You moaned and he pulled out leaving only his tip in. "Luv you too daddy!" You babbled excitedly already dumb on his thick cock. He peppered kisses all over your face while slowly thrusting in and out of your pussy. "God your cunt is so tight suga'. Almost like it was made for my cock. Fuckin' knew you were made for me."
You gasped as his thrusting got faster, your head jostled at his pace and his hard thrusts. Your tits were boucing and Ari stared at them before he took a nipple into his mouth and you moaned. He pulled away with a wet pop and sucked the other, swirling his tongue around it. You whined as you felt his large hand slither between your bodies and lay on your clit and tapped it. You bucked your hips and Ari pulled his mouth away from your breast.
"Fuck suga'. If you're not careful I'll wear you as a cocksleeve everywhere." He whispered into your ear. You wrapped you arms around his shoulders, scratching his back at the pleasure you were feeling. He groaned at the feeling of your nails digging into his skin. He increased his thrusts, and you started feeling dizzy but amazing. "You gonna cum on daddy's cock. Yeah? You gonna let daddy cum in you too? Gonna let him make you fat with his child? Yeah good girl."
You let out a desperate gasp and he began circling your clit and you soon felt the string holding you from cummin snap. You coated his cock and clenched feeling a high you've never felt before. You didn't even recognize your own voice screaming Ari's name. "Fuck yes! So good suga'. Daddy's cumming too!" And then you felt his thrusts stutter. Until he stopped with his cock pushed all the way in your pussy. He coated your insides and then flopped on you, exhausted.
You stuck together due to the sweat. You raised your hands and placed them into Ari's hair. "I really do love you suga'. Want everyone to know. Want to hold your hand down the fuckin' street and kiss your cheek. Want you to be my girl, and I'll be your man." You giggled and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Well you can baby, I want everyone to know you're my man too." He squeezed your ass you and slapped his shoulder.
He chuckled and kissed your chin. "Goddamn right I'm your man. Might as well move on now though suga'. We're practically attached, and my cock don't ever wanna leave the heaven between your legs." You laughed at him and held him tight slipping, embracing your lover and all the softness he had to offer you.
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Hello, I wanted to send a request for your autumn writing event. I would like to request a Nikolai Lantsov imagine based on the song prompt 'how you get the girl'. The reader is female gender and the pronouns are she/her. Also if it's okay can the reader be a squaller 👉👈
Thank you😊
Win you over- Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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A/N- I am SO sorry for writing this centuries later😭😭Lets just ignore how I'm doing a request for my AUTUMN writing event even tho its winter now. But I really hope u like it I worked really hard on this
Warnings- none
Summary- After Nikolai realizes he has attained feelings for a certain lady, he goes overboard to win her over
Nikolai had met all kinds of people throughout his life. Some despised him, others desired him, some wished to gain something from him, but all the time he could always figure out their intentions. However there was one about whom Nikolai couldn't figure out much of. You. 
It seemed as more as he got to know you, the more mysterious you'd seemed. 
But somehow, the more he got to know you, the more he grew closer to you. Until he finally realized he couldn't restrain his mind from wandering to you at all times, until you'd plagued all his thoughts, until he realized he'd fallen in love with you. 
And him being stubborn as always, decided to do anything to win over the girl who'd always appeared as a mystery to him. 
You, on the other hand, had quite similar feelings but an utterly different way of thinking. You'd began to grow closer to the sunshine boy when the threat of the Darkling had been looming over. You seemed to have grow fond of even the slightest sight of the boy. 
However, he had someone else on his mind. He'd been to indulged to win over the Sun Summoner's  heart to even glance your way. 
So you'd given up long ago. Lost any hope that he'd ever be willing to think of you the same way as he had for the girl, even long after she'd left. So you'd shut your heart and you focused on the life in front of you, you focused on your duties as the head of the Ravkan council. 
All until Nikolai had decided to go to any heights to win you over. 
You'd been sitting in one of the quarters near the little palace that had been sitting idle for quite some time. You'd drop by sometimes whenever you wished to get your paperwork done with no one there to bother you, and today, there seemed to be a lot of it. 
It'd been raining intensely when u heard a sound resembling a knock.
You turned towards the door for a moment wondering if someone's outside, then went back to your work thinking no one would bother to come here at such a harsh weather even if they did know where you were. 
Then you heard it again, rapid knocks on the door. 
You got out of your chair and went to the door in a haste, wondering who was outside. 
Your eyes widened at the sight of the person in front of you. Drenched thoroughly from top to bottom, breathing intensively, stood the king of Ravka, Nikolai Lantsov. 
The plan had been perfect, or so Nikolai had thought. He was to wait for the rain to begin and you to be away from the peering eyes of everyone when he would make his move. He intended to grab the kind of gift you'd love the most, Books.  Or more so, the one you'd been looking for since as long as he could remember. 
So he had set out, the package secured in his arms, the clear motive etched in his brain. But it was when he'd went halfway when he realized how intense the rain had been and had resulted in spoiling the gift and get himself all drenched. And by the time he was at the doorstep , he'd been shivering and had possibly attained a cold. 
“Nikolai!?” Your eyes widened at the sight of him. “What are you doing here in this rain!? “ your tone being equally surprised as your expression. 
Though being badly soaked from head to toe, the boy attempted to keep his composure, “I, came here to see you” he spoke with a nervous grin
His words really confirmed your suspicions of him being an idiot. You looked at him in awe before speaking in a rather stunned voice, “Are you insane!?” you said
“Well, only for you” the mad boy grinned. 
You opened your mouth to speak but closed it. Then suddenly grabbed his arm and rushed him inside, completely ignoring his statement. 
“Sit down” you ordered him as you rushed inside a room in the quarter.
You returned a few moments later with a clean towel to find that he had obliged you. 
“Here, there's a spare room you can use” you spoke, handing him the towel and gestured him to your left. 
“Really? I thought you'd like it better if I just did it over here” he gave a sly grin but quickly changed his expression when resulted in attaining a glare from you. 
After a while, he came out looking less miserable than he'd been and sat down next to you. 
“So why exactly did the king himself run all the way from the grand palace to here?” you asked
Tell her the truth, tell her the truth, tell her the truth, his mind screamed at him. But he just froze, as if he'd lost the ability to speak. 
“Uhhh- well- I needed some important documents from the little palace but it started raining so I thought to just come here” he managed
“Huh? So because it was raining, you chose to cross the whole palace and instead come here?“ you raised an eyebrow. 
Shit. He had been too occupied to practice what to say to you at the doorstep to even think of an excuse. 
“Yeah. Well it- I don't think it even matters anymore” he chuckled nervously
“Yeah” you slowly nodded in acknowledgement
“Anyways, how have you been? I barely see you anymore?” he changed the subject
“Nikolai, you saw me… yesterday “ you responded in confusion
“Yeah, yeah right” he chuckles nervously. “You know how weird time can be”.
You looked at him for a few moments before speaking again “Well um, I should get back  to my work or councilman Henrik is going to be up my nerves again” you sighed. 
“Yeah- yeah sure” he responded. 
He sighed as he looked at the rain through the window, pondering upon how miserably he'd failed today. But he wouldn't stop until he'd reached his goal. He Wasn't A Quitter After All, he thought, grinning to himself
These foolish little attempts won’t work if I really want to tell her how I feel, Nikolai thought to himself. If he wished to let out his feelings infront of you, if he really wished to tell you the truth,
he had to up his game.
You’d been out of the palace as you and David needed to test some of the weapons you’d been working on. So you’d chosen a cabin away from the population to be the most suitable place as there won't be dangers of anyone getting hurt here. 
Apparently someone else had the idea of moving his expedition to this place.
You had set up one of the you’ve made in the field to test whether it functioned properly. “Well, if it really works it should cover about 6,000 kilometres in about in, ten minutes” David spoke
“Let’s hope it does” you responded as you readied it to launch.
Just as you launched it into the air, you both noticed something in the sky. You looked at in confusion before you finally realized what it was, as it came closer towards you.
Your eyes widened at the sight infront of you, an improved version of Nikolai’s hummingbird…with him on it. He stood on the ship, not having any realization of the massive threat coming his way.
Before you could think anything, you rushed forward and brought both of your hands and sent a massive gust of wind towards the ship’s way. Until Nikolai realized what was happening, it had been too late as he was inches away from being blown to bits.
At the last moment, you thrust your arms forward and sent a gust of wind his way, making the ship violently thrash sideways and finally crashing to the ground.
David rushed towards the ship and helped Nikolai get out. 
Nikolai went towards you, grinning like an idiot. Even though his initial plan had failed, he was amused by how grand his entrance had been. He believed you to have a similar reaction to his little stunt, but the truth appeared to be on the contrary.
You stormed towards him with your fists clenched at your sides, your face flushed red
“So, how did you think of my little manoeuvre?” he asked, still grinning. 
“Have you gone mad!?” you practically yelled at him, your face brimming with anger
“I-” he was caught off-guard by your sudden tone, he’d never seen you this angry
“This place is supposed to be off limits to anyone! And you just waltz in here so willing to get yourself blown to bits!” your rage not deteriorating in the slightest. “You could’ve died!”
Nikolai’s expression transformed into one of immense regret once the realization of what could’ve just happened dawned on him. “I- I wanted to surprise you” he looked down at his feet, his face flushed with guilt
“Well you’ve surprised me enough by almost being killed by your own weapon” you spat.
He remained silent and couldn’t bring himself to meet your gaze as you left.
It was proven now, either Nikolai has always been a massive idiot or he’d now turned into one. Had he lost his mind? He could’ve died today, and just because of his foolishness. Had he truly been that big of an idiot to just fly to a practically death zone? You thought to yourself as anger flooded your brain.
What if he…what if I weren’t able to save him on time? Panic filled in you, but now you were truly grateful that he was alive. You couldn’t bear to imagine your life without him in it. You couldn’t bear to live without him.
“I can’t believe he’d do something so idiotic!” you explained the whole incident to Zoya with immense exasperation.
However, she didn’t seem to have the kind of reaction you had anticipated. “Are you really that oblivious?” she sighed
“Wait, what?” you looked at her in confusion
“Can’t you see what he’s been attempting to do for weeks?” she continued, but seeing you still failed to understand, she explained further. “He’s trying to impress you . Have you not noticed his strange behaviour and foolish attempts to win you over?” she rolled her eyes.
A sudden thought struck your mind, Is this why he had been acting so strange for the past few weeks? You wondered. Him behaving strangely at the sight of you, his miserable attempts of striking a conversation with you, running to you all the way from his palace in the rain, and now this. 
Was he truly attempting to…win you over? Your eyes widened at the possibility
You had made a massive mistake, you were sure of it now. Even though Nikolai had managed to almost get himself killed, you had practically yelled at him. You’d broken the heart of the very boy who was going over the board to make you happy.
You had to fix this.
You smiled at the sight of Nikolai sitting by himself in the garden. You knew you’d find him here, this is where he’d go when he’d be feeling unwell. More importantly, the place where you had your first proper conversation with him. 
“We can get the hummingbird fixed Nikolai, you shouldn’t feel so disconsolate” You spoke as you approached him
He turned sideways to look at you but then again dropped his gaze to his feet, “It’s not that I’m worried about” he spoke in a tone that truly displayed how heart broken he’d been.
 He then shifted to a side to allow you to sit beside him. “I’m sorry for doing all that, I realize how dangerous it was. But I- I just wanted to surprise you”.
You sighed as you looked at him, “I know Nikolai, I now realize you weren’t intending on getting yourself hurt. But you must know that you don’t need any grand gestures to surprise me, or make me happy. And what if you’d been hurt? How could I have lived without you?” you spoke in a soft voice.
“Really? You- you can’t live without me?” his gaze finally met yours
“Of course not you idiot” you grinned slightly. “Take this very moment for example, just sitting beside you in such a peaceful state is surprise enough for me” your tone grew sombre.
“It is?” he raised his eyebrows in curiosity
“Yeah. Now tell me, what’s been on your mind for so long?”
Nikolai seemed to hesitate before finally mustering up the courage to speak. “I- well the reason I’ve been acting so weird is, well because I’ve fallen in love with you. You’ve plagued my mind in such a way that none other ever had. The way you show affection not in words but your actions, how excited you can get when you get a new idea for something. And those eyes“ he gazed deepened.
“They’re-the way they gleam in the moonlight. They’re so- drownable in”.
His words touched your soul in a way none other had. It was like you’d fallen in love with him all over again.
“So I- I just wished to do something, anything that would make you find me endearing in the slightest” he continued
You were quite startled by his words. All this just to make me find him, endearing? 
You let out a light chickle, making him give you an utterly confused look. “Well, I believe that won't be a problem anymore” you gave him a sly grin
“What? why?” 
“Well, to your enormous luck, I already find you endearing enough, love” 
He looked at you in disbelief which was clearly displayed on his face. Did she really say that?? he thought. 
“Wait, wh- really?” he had a shocked expression plastered over his face
“Yes, I believe I do” you grinned
He continued to look at you with utter disbelief. He couldn't believe what you just said was true. He'd written a whole speech and all but he was panicking too much to think of a word. You'd rendered him speechless. 
“I-” he racked his brain to think of something but he just couldn't. He really did not wish for it to go like this, with him panicking too much to utter a word. 
But your expression remained stagnant. You gazed intensely in his hazel eyes before cupping both his cheeks with your hands and softly pressing your lips to his. 
Nikolai's eyes widened at your action, he'd been the luckiest man alive. 
You slowly pulled away from him. 
“I had a whole speech and all but I have to admit I do not remember a word” he spoke
You grinned at his words, “I have to admit it was quite entertaining, watching you fail so miserably without having a clue as to what exactly you were willing to do”
This time, his hands were on either sides of your face before he pulled you close and pressed his lips on yours. Loving every moment of it. 
Even though his plans hadn't exactly worked, he was immensely glad to be in this very moment. 
 And that, was how he managed to get the girl of his dreams. 
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neet-elite · 3 days
↳ EVENT 40. M!Kylar & Sebastian (HYBRIDS)
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Pairing: M!Kylar / Hybrid!F!Reader / Sebastian Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 2,147 Warnings: hybrid cow reader, crossover, threesome, yandere, dubcon, blowjob, creampie, lactation, milk drinking, little bit of pet play Prompt(s): 02 — hybrid(s) Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: sebastian and kylar could be cousins, right? they're both emo loner types. i think they'd get along well generally speaking. (they aren't cousins in this piece im just thinking out loud lmao.) in which kylar and sebastian are friends and exist within the same universe and are gross little freaks together. i don't think kylar would be one for sharing, and i dont think sebastian would be this mean. but i did my best to let their personalities shine through despite the unusual setting! thats what fiction is for baybe!!!
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Soft muted moos bounce off the dimly lit walls of the secluded room you're being held in, defiled within, at the mercy of two deplorable friends and their self indulgent behaviours as you lay on your back as prompted to, soft belly side up for their greedy paws to grab and grope at incessantly. Like an impulse, an innate need to explore every inch of your erotic frame now that you're within grasp. An itch they can finally scratch.
Lost little moo, you went from one captive to another, except maybe this time it's worse? A turned slave to your meek new body, it's difficult to quantify the horror, isn't it? But surely, to have one captor line himself up to your pretty, trained pussy, and the other stalker hovering cock and balls above your quivering lips, this must at least be a little worse, right? In spite of how your transformed body begs for their rough treatment, this situation is bad for you, and the anxious moos you let out as their dirty nails scratch and poke at your soft skin unfortunately only rile them up some more. Gross, right?
"Yeah? Need some help baby?" Sebastian coos down at you, faux sweet in tone as he dips his thumb from your thigh to between your legs, eyes trained on your heaving tits—God, probably so full of yummy milk for him, yeah?—as he feels his way to your clit. Gasping in pleasurably surprise at just how soaked your little cunt already is for him, drooling fat beads of precum all over your pretty slit because he can't seem to help himself. Sheer indulgence in all you're offering him right now, whether willingly or not. He won't pass up on the opportunity to mishandle the object of his desires for anything, humming idly as he starts to rub harsh circles against your clit, eager to finger more of those cute sighs and moo's out of your pouty lips— you tempt him too much. Something that feels this good could never be wrong. "Should thank that old man, right?" He can't quite remember his name, he's never met him before. Only heard stories of your time away when he'd found you wandering back into town like a lost little lamb; if not for the obvious cow tail and ears you now sport, along with the cute fattening body to boot. "Made you so perfect for us, look at you—" He gasps again, emphasising his degradation with a flick of his thumb against your puffy clit, eliciting more of those sweet dulcet moans you're making for him right now. Enticing sounds, like you're fucking asking for it. Fuck, his cock twitches with depraved anticipation; a simple sound sure enough, but like heaven to his red hot ears. He hopes you make more of those sounds when he's fucking them out of you soon enough.
And Kylar, never one to hide his emotions, whines from above at Sebastian's dirty words. Cock trembling over your mouth to drip precum down your chin, balls hovered dangerously close to your face— he's struggling to hold himself back, as per usual. A needy little sound crawling up his throat, tone pathetic when he begs Sebastian; "C'mon, waited long enough, right?" Emphasising his desperation by planting both hands firmly on your cow tits, squeezing and groping to his hearts content for you to wiggle around at. The pitiful way in which you writhe, a mere play thing for your admirers, inadvertentdly causes you to rub that pretty pussy back and forth against Sebastian's leaking tip, swapping slick with pre against your twitchy hole; this body betrays you, doesn't it?
"Go on then." Sebastian smiles, tone tender in spite of his assaulting actions. He can't think of anything else to say when your slit is kissing his tip so well like that.
Whine all you want: it's not my fault! it's just my nature now, i didn't ask to be like this! It wouldn't make a difference. Not when Sebastian chews on his bottom lip, still swiping at your clit as he taps his cock against your slit once or twice more, a needy groan escaping him at how even that feels so fucking good. Means you were made to take him right now, right? Right? His vision blows hazy at the thought, surely adorning pitch black pupils from how wide his gaze gets upon catching his tip to your hole, letting out shaky half started breaths when he feels winded from the minor amount of stimulation your breedable body is already providing him, and Kylar certainly doesn't make things any easier for him.
Where Kylar is known to be impulsive— genuinely, disgustingly, obsessed with you, Sebastian is really no better himself. He just knows how to handle himself with a little more composure is all, a modicum of grace present in how he at least tries to take his time with you, but it's ultimately no use. The weight of Kylar upon your throat, pinching at your nipples for leverage to leave you whining all high pitched and fucking pretty for them before swiftly being silenced with the addition of Kylar's cock down your open throat— naturally, you're shoved down Sebastian's cock with an over eager thrust from his friend, body coaxed into movement from Kylar's repeated impatient thrusts following, bucking down your stuffed full throat with greedy humps.
Not that Sebastian can fault his friend, gritting his teeth in sheer sexual frustration as you're made to bounce on his cock, helping you fit it all inside with automatic rolling hips, thumb neglectfully off your clit in favour of spreading your legs wide, enough to give him the perverted viewing pleasure of ruining such a pretty little cow, the sight of your tail swishing under you causing his cock to throb and dribble some more precum against your insides as a testament for how fucking horny you've got them both, turned into a toy for their own selfish lewd acts as a twisted sort of romance. Feel how hard he is? How much his cock throbs for you, all veiny and thick, right? Tip knocking against your cervix with every hot thrust down your tight little throat Kylar offers you, rendering him a babbling mess of praise and debasement.
They deserve this, Sebastian thinks. For waiting so patiently for you to return to their arms, couldn't stay away forever, could you? Offering up your heavy with milk body to them so innocently it's almost unfair, the way you choke and sputter on Kylar's fat cock as he squeezes at your tits sharply, your body rewarding them not only with the way you cunt tightens around Sebastian's sopping wet length, but also in the form of spurting milk. Squeezed outta ya from how downright desperate Kylar is for you, how his nails dig into the very skin that's gifting them so, as if he just can't seem to help but to defile you with every heavy thrust down your sputtering throat— seemingly ready to return your affections at a moments notice from how uneven and sloppy his fucks are. A breathy laugh escaping him at the sight of your milk splattered tummy, experimentally pinching at your tits again, only to lean further over you to lap up all of the sweet milk you've just spilled for him.
And the sight is so fucking erotic, the wet sound of Kylar's balls slapping against your face, your gargled groans and moans as your throat gets violated so thoroughly, pitiful little attempts to push Kylar off of you for a breather; so fucking lewd, like you don't even have to try! Tummy sticky with your own milk, and soon to be Kylar's spit as you're forced to accept his tongue at your belly button, loudly slurping and lapping at your sugary liquid with heavy huffs of air. You're almost too good to be true, how well you take Sebastian's fat throbbing cock while enduring their assault, cunt stretched to fit him as he finally has full control over you; now that Kylar is too busy cleaning you up to really thrust down your throat. And yet still, the rasp present in Kylar's gulped down moans only encourage him to fuck you faster, to ruin your creamy little cunt with quick snap thrusts, bullying his way inside your hole over and over again without a care for your own wellbeing, gripping at the fat of your thighs like his life depended on it, to prove just how much he loves your pretty pussy with rough hands and raw fucks, shivering into the way your cunt twitches along his length. Pets like you don't need to worry about anything other than making him feel good, right? But your reactions give your true feelings away. Sure, you might fight back, push and kick at them as they pleasure your pretty new body, Sebastian digging under your ass to yank and tug on your swaying tail, only to gasp with lust at how loudly you swallow around Kylar's surely close cock, but your puffy cunt is so fucking wet for him too. Sucking his cock off just so well, watching your body bounce with half lidded eyes as Kylar pushes up off your tummy with a milk stained chin— instinct simply begs for a taste.
So Sebastian gives in. It's what he's best at, really. Leaning forward over his pretty pets body to clean his friend off in return, sucking and licking off all of your tit cream while pumping balls deep into your squishy cunt. So soft and warm, do you know what he's doing right now? Bet you can fucking hear it from how messy he is with it, little hole just gushing around him as his hips stutter against your sweet spot, drooling over your taste as Kylar whines all pretty from how tight your throat gets. "S-Sweet, right?" Kylar mutters under his breath, too caught up in how well you take it, swallowing around his cock so eagerly, aren't you?
Sebastian knows. He's fucked your throat enough times in private to understand intimately just how good it feels to be buried deep between your lips, offering you one more greedy tug of your tail and another fast fuck inside of your creamy cunt before he's falling further into you. He doesn't have the faintest idea to perhaps warn you of his oncoming orgasm, focused solely on himself and not some pets pleasure. Almost bashing heads with Kylar as he fills you up, fat load milked from his sensitive tip to breed the whining exposed cow. Your name falling from his lips as Kylar soon follows suit, pulling out a bit too slow to leave you smothered in seed, choking on the salty taste as he jerks off above your fat tits, leaving your tummy once again messy for clean up.
And your cunt doesn't look any better, stroking himself inside of you idly when he's done emptying his balls, Sebastian finally feels like he can breathe again. Coming down from such an insidious high, who could ever blame them for their display tonight? Your inherently lewd body, just begging to be stuffed, to be bred like the bitch in heat they view you as. Which, ideally, would be an every day occurrence now that you're back home, back where you belong. You should be thankful that they not only saved you, but are also tending to your beastly needs.
Quietly, he hears you mewl. So softly, barely audible over the loud whines from Kylar as he continues to rub himself against your tits, poking his tip at your nipples while Sebastian warms his cock inside of you. He hums to himself absently while watching his friend, feeling his cock twitch to life inside of you.
"Wanna go again?" He tilts his head curiously, aware that you can't actually see his reaction, but the breathy tone of his voice is hopeful to coax you into a round two regardless. It's easier when you want it too.
But ultimately, it doesn't matter what your response is. Kylar still crawls over you, pushing Sebastian out the way before worming his body to between your legs with the intention of taking what rightfully belongs to him. Eager to train his new pet, no doubt.
"C'mon, it's my turn, right? Just wanna make you feel all better, bet it hurts to be so full, yeah? Just—" Ignoring your exhausted moo's, once again, a cock is lined up to your cum stained cunt. "Ah, just making up for lost time, okay? That's all. Promise it won't be long."
Though, if Sebastian knows Kylar even a little, he'd guess that that's a thinly veiled lie. More likely, you'll be stuck between them all night long.
He might as well continue enjoying himself too then, right?
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
This #$@% has turned into a 2,294 word fic and I'm not even at the plot point yet 😭 Someone save me please-
Today's ttn fic was so cute! I loved it and read it instantly because thankfully I had the time. I really have to lock in because I have finals tomorrow and the day after so excuse my absence please pookie. How are you by the way? I'm a little stressed but overall happy.
Indulge me ok? Bc @pleaktale has given me a lot of inspiration recently. Pirate Hobie in a port town gathering supplies with the crew. They have some downtime or Hobie just wanders off a stumbles across villager r. Just playing or walking around in the sand and it's love at first sight for my guy (favorite trope ngl).
r owns a shop whether it's a bakery, bookstore, apothecary, etc and Hobie finds out after he does some digging around. Purposefully seeking her out and damn if she isn't the cutest and sweetest thing.
He comes back to the ship with like six cases of bread or books on charting and sailing. Things he doesn't need.
Makes the crew come back to the same port each time they need to resupply. Eventually the crew finds out after seeing him (aka following him) talking with r. They make fun of him and tag along on his visits just to irritate him. Even better if they flirt with r and Hobie gets jealous. Like pouting in a corner while Ned talks about how pretty you are. (Which is nice but you'd much rather hear it from Hobie's lips-)
Gwen has had enough after months of Hobie hoarding whatever he buys from you on the ship (she be sinking a little too deep into the water) as well as those little sighs he lets out while looking out into the direction of your town. She threatens Hobie with a "if you don't tell her I will".
r is obviously smitten too but doesn't know what to do. Maybe Hobie's just being friendly? He flirts with nearly everyone he comes across. He's just naturally charming. It's a "she fell first but he fell harder" kind of deal because spoiler alert, r noticed Hobie long before he noticed her.
Conclusion, you're both idiots in love and honestly should just go makeout already because damn if this isn't the slowest burn (I'm looking at you Katy. ttn ruined me in the best way possible. It's so good 💗)
Ahhhh i get what u mean!!! The set up is so much harder to write than the main plot point bc you've had the vision for it now u just need to write the build up!! Just think that after writing the first part you can finally get to the part you really like and you can use that as your motivation to finish the first half ❤��
Ahhhh! Thank you so much! I loved writing it sm it gave me nostalgia even though I've never experienced the 80s or 90s lmaooo
I'm doing okay, angel! I hope you're taking breaks in between studying ❤️ good luck on your finals ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Are you in my walls, lovely? Bc the part where Hobie stumbles across r was the original idea for bdas!! But it didn't fit with the rest of the plot so I scrapped it in the end (we're twin hearts fr fr)
Hobie with heart eyes while in R's store: I fancy yo--- I mean I fancy your merchandise, give me one of everything
R: 🤨🤨🤨
Gwen threatening to tell R 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hehehehe I have infected everyone with slow burn disease 😂😂😂
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cheesesoda · 1 year
Hii I’m sorry if my request ideas aren’t good but I figured I’d offer you up something! Maybe something where Sanji meets a girl who even though she identifies as a girl she’s very Tom boyish and averse to feminine things not because she doesn’t like them but because growing up in an environment with a bunch of strong male pirates she didn’t want to be seen as weak or lesser. But basically this all leading to Sanji helping to show her that it’s okay to indulge in her feminine interests and not have to try and look and act like a boy as a defense mechanism?
a/n: OKAY THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD y/n out here being a lil relatable ngl 🧍‍♀️lol thank you sm for the req! i hope u like it bae 🫶
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sanji x tomboy!reader
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
cw: some internalized misogyny, language
“they’ve been arguing for hours! ugh, would they just be quiet?” nami groans, laying back in her deck chair next to robin. “oh, my dearest nami-swannnnn~ robin-chwannnnnn~ i’ve brought you some drinks!” sanji spins onto the deck with a tray holding 2 tropical drinks. “thank you, sanji-kun!” nami smiles as she takes her drink. suddenly, a loud crash and some incoherent yelling is heard from the crow’s nest. sanji, nami, and robin all turn their attention to the source of the noise. “what’s going on up there?” sanji asks. “y/n and zoro are arguing again about who’s stronger.” robin explains, taking her drink from the tray too. “i’m not sure why she cares so much about being the strongest. i mean, her determination is admirable but why?” robin queries.
later that night…
it’s the middle of the night and sanji is cleaning up his kitchen. everybody has gone to bed. well, almost everyone. as he’s putting away the last dish, he hears some distant mumbles. he frowns and goes to investigate the noise. he finds that it is once again coming from the crows nest. he creeps up the ladder cautiously and is met with the sight of you. you’re lifting the heaviest weights you could find. he’s about to ask you what you’re doing up so late since you hadn’t realized his presence, but for some reason, he just watches. you grunt in exhaustion and drop the weight. “fuck!” you pant, burying your head in your hands. “i’m so weak. dammit! they were right, i should’ve been born a man. then i wouldn’t be so damn useless. i need to be stronger! stronger than zoro! or luffy or sanji or any other man!” you cry out in frustration. sanji decides not to say anything, knowing that you’d breakdown if anyone saw you so vulnerable, so he leaves you in the crows nest and heads to his room, still thinking about your words.
the next morning…
sanji gets up at 4AM to start prepping and making breakfast for the crew and luffy’s endless stomach when memories of what you said last night flood his mind. “i’m so weak. dammit! they were right, i should’ve been born a man. then i wouldn’t be so damn useless. i need to be stronger!” his heart churned at the thought of you thinking that way. as if on cue, you come into the kitchen to accompany sanji while he makes breakfast (as you usually do). “good morning, my lovely y/n-chwannnn~” he swoons. “morning, sanji.” she smiles tiredly. “are you alright, y/n-chan? did you not sleep last night?” he asks, when he notices the grey circles underneath your tired eyes. “i’m fine.” she responds.
later that day — 1PM
“okay so two people are keeping watch on the ship. it’s usopp and franky’s turn today so the rest of us will go explore the island. got it?” nami explains to the crew as they dock on an island. everyone agrees and begins to wander around the island. “oh y/n-chwannnn~ may i accompany you as you shop?” sanji asks. “sure.” she says. after walking around a bit, they walk past a dress shop. “nami-swan would look beautiful in that orange dress!” sanji exclaims as he rushes into the store, you reluctantly following behind him. once he finishes buying the dress, he finds you admiring a beautiful (and very feminine) f/c dress. “you’ll look stunning in that dress, y/n-chwan! you already look like a goddess though!” he says as he approaches you. “huh?! what? i wasn’t looking at it! why the hell would i be looking at a dress? what do you think i am—some girly girl? and stop calling me y/n-chan like i’m just some weak girl! don’t treat me like i’m a woman!” she stammers in embarrassment. before storming out of the store.
later that evening — 5PM
after searching for you all day, sanji finds you sitting alone on top of a hill overlooking the sea. he walks up to you silently. without turning around, you can tell he’s there. “don’t just stand there. say something. don’t treat me like i’m some fragile thing that might break.” you groan. after a moment of silence, he sits next to you. “y/n-cha- … y/n, why don’t you cry?” he asks. “what?” she frowns, snapping her head to him. “why don’t you cry? in the entire time i’ve known you, you have never cried in front of me, or any of us. why?” he clarifies. “what do you think i am? weak? crying is for the weak. crying never helped me when i was sad, so what’s the point? it just makes you look pathetic.” she scoffs. “…why do you care so much about strength?” he follows up. she looks at him in disbelief before closing her eyes and laying her head on her knees. “you’re the strongest person i know. and yes, you’re stronger than the marimo. but there’s so much more to you. why does it matter so much?” he says. there’s a brief silence before you take a deep breath. “before i joined the straw-hats, i was part of another pirate crew. the jack pirates.” [a/n: help idfk what to name it lmao] “i was with them since before i can remember. i was the only girl on the ship and that made them think of me as less. as if i could never be taken as seriously as them. they’d tell me i should’ve been born a boy, that i would’ve been useful. i would’ve been strong. but no, i was born a girl. useless. annoying. weak. i guess that’s why… i just wish i was equal to them. i wish i could be as strong as them.” you explain. you’d never told anyone any of that before. “is that why you act more masculine than nami and robin?” he asks. “i guess…” you mumble. being this vulnerable made you uncomfortable. “i see…” he whispers. “follow me.”
“where are you taking me?” you protest. “don’t worry, my love! it’s a surprise.” he smiles back at you, holding your hand. the pet name makes you blush but you brush it off. finally, you reach the ship again. “why couldn’t you just tell me we were going to the ship?” you ask. “i have a surprise for you on the ship.” he grins.
he leads you to his room and hands you a bag. “what’s this?” you raise an eyebrow. “just open it.” he urges you. sighing, you pull out the item from within the bag. it’s the f/c dress you were gawking at earlier. “sanji, you don’t seriously think i can wear this-“ you groan. “being feminine doesn’t make you any less strong, y/n. everyone else is still gone and brook and usopp fell asleep. please, try it on.” he says softly. you contemplate what to do until you get up silently and walk into bathroom. after a few minutes (a few = 10) you come out of the bathroom nervously. sanji’s jaw literally hits the floor, but he composes himself. gorgeous was practically an insult if he were to describe you. you were more beautiful than a goddess. “for lack of better words: you look beautiful, y/n.” he whispers as you both look at you in the mirror. “beautiful…” you repeat under you breath. the compliment was one you hated to hear, but for some reason, you didn’t hate it as much anymore. “you’re beautiful in this dress and without it, just like how you can lift the heaviest weights on this ship whether you’re wearing a dress or not. you’re so beautiful and strong. you’re a goddess, my love. if only you could see that.” he says genuinely. you turn around and face him. you had always had a massive tiny crush on the cook, but you’d never say it because love is for the weak. “call me y/n-chan…” you breathe. “y/n-chan…” he smiles, matching your soft tone. “my perfect, strong, beautiful y/n-chan… my love…” he whispers so softly that nobody could hear it except you because of how close you were. he brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear and cradles your cheek. ever so slowly, you inch towards each other more, glancing at each other’s lips every few seconds. your lips meet in the softest of kisses but filled with so much love. when you pull away, his hand stays on your face and somehow your hands made their way on his chest. “i love you, y/n-chan, i love you so much. just as you are.” he whispers to you. and then it happens. a tear rolls down your cheek. a part of you that you never were allowed to embrace was finally released at the hands of the man you love. you wrap your arms around him as you softly cry into his dress shirt. he reciprocates the hug. “i love you too, sanji. i love you so much.”
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trlvsn · 1 year
heyy!! I just found your blog and I didn't read a ton of your posts yet but u seem super cool and articulate. i love finding ppl with great analyses! I am curious if you have any narumitsu fic recs you would be able to share? I loveee hurt/comfort. My bad if you already have made a post about this! :D Hope you have a great day !!!!
ahh thank you so much! seriously, this is very flattering.
and actually, let me use this ask to make a proper rec list, because why not... (not going to recommended anything explicit, because idk how appropriate that would be? but read the ratings and tags in case my memory fails me).
1. grant us some indulgences - established relationship narumitsu, short and funny.
2. the star to every wandering bark - something i bookmarked recently so it must be good?
3. ab initio - i think it's phoenix -centered.
4. rough around the edges - hurt/comfort!!! kinda, i think? also autistic miles, tension and seven year gap nrmt.
5. a seven-year engagement - collection of two works that i enjoyed very much.
6. trust issues - hurt/comfort isn't tagged, but it kinda counts. this got recommended to me first, actually.
7. dating for a turnabout - also recommended to me first, a case fic.
8. let nothing you dismay - they are so stupid in this one, if memory doesn't fail me. more angst with a happy ending rather than h/c, but it's... close? i think?
9. promises - oh this one is h/c. they go on a walk.
10. set sail and cannonballed - they try their best in this one.
11. the sum of two halves - personal favorite. love the take on miles here.
12. (confetti)(smile)(heart) - phoenix gets a phone.
13. turnabout elevator - rec specifically for the asker as it is explicitly hurt/comfort.
14. alternative dispute resolution - not really focused on nrmt, but i liked it and hurt does get comforted here.
15. the walk to tomorrow - also h/c.
16. one step at a time - phoenix takes the bar exam.
17. i know that look, dear, eyes always seeking - wrote this one, now hate it with a passion but it's also my tiny 3000 word baby, so.
have a nice day as well!
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snowmist-hashira · 1 year
[Chapter title: Rainy Embrace]
Muichiro Tokitou x Reader
Wattpad: (One shots) Tokito Muichiro x Reader Archive: Kimetsu No Yaiba: Tokitou Muichiro x Reader Master list:♠ Information ♠
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Artist link: https://weibo.com/u/6111459834
I am open to requests for Muichiro x Reader content, and I also enjoy engaging in roleplays. If you're interested in either, please feel free to check out my pinned post for more information. ~ ♠
I already had this one uploaded in my other platforms and I decided to upload it here, considering I haven't done the pending requests yet. Here's a quick one shot on a rainy season~
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As you sat on the cold floor, the sound of raindrops tapping against the window created a soothing melody. The coldness of the floor beneath you seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of comfort and serenity. You embraced the coolness as a welcome contrast to the warmth of your thoughts.
The soft pitter-patter mixed with occasional thunder created a symphony of nature's elements. You felt a sense of tranquility wash over you, as if the rain had a calming effect on your soul.
Gray clouds stretched across the sky, casting a shadow over the landscape, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of dusk. The diffused sunlight filtered through the darkened clouds, casting a gentle, muted glow on the world outside. The rain made everything appear fresh and vibrant, as if it were breathing life into the surroundings.
You let your gaze wander, observing the raindrops as they slid down the glass, leaving streaks in their wake. The window had fogged up, adding a touch of mystery to the scene outside. It felt as though you were watching the world from a hidden sanctuary, a place where time seemed to stand still.
Turning to your side, you were pleasantly surprised to see Muichiro standing beside you, his presence bringing a sense of warmth to the already cozy atmosphere. He held out a mug, and as soon as you caught a whiff of the familiar aroma, you knew it was your favorite hot chocolate for rainy seasons.
A smile spread across your face as you accepted the mug from Muichiro's hands. The warmth emanating from the ceramic vessel seeped into your cold fingertips, instantly providing a comforting contrast to the shivering temperature of the room. You cradled the mug in your hands, feeling its heat radiating through your palms.
As you brought the mug closer to your mouth, you couldn't help but inhale deeply, savoring the sweet and rich aroma of the hot chocolate. Muichiro had paid attention to your preferences, knowing exactly what drink would bring you comfort on a rainy day. The scent alone seemed to lift your spirits, filling the air with a delightful sweetness.
You blew gently on the steaming liquid, watching wisps of steam rise and disappear into the air. The warmth of the mug traveled up your hands and spread throughout your body, chasing away any lingering traces of coldness. The anticipation built within you as you prepared to take your first sip, knowing that the velvety smoothness and decadent flavor of the hot chocolate would envelop your senses.
Muichiro observed you with concern, his gaze filled with care and affection. "Aren't you cold on the floor?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine worry. He wanted to ensure your comfort, even in the midst of your serene moment.
You shook your head, a contented smile playing on your lips. "Not at all," you reassured him, your voice soft and filled with gratitude.
You glanced up at Muichiro, a sparkle of appreciation in your eyes. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice filled with warmth.
With the mug still cradled in your hands, you took a careful sip, allowing the velvety liquid to envelop your taste buds. The familiar taste of rich chocolate mingled with a hint of sweetness, bringing a sense of indulgence and satisfaction.
“Do you want a blanket?” Muichiro asked taking the nearby folded blanket, you nodded eagerly, appreciating his thoughtfulness and wanting to further enhance the cozy atmosphere.
Then, unexpectedly, Muichiro's gaze lingered on you for a moment, his expression appearing slightly contemplative. It made you curious, causing you to tilt your head in a mannerism you had picked up from him. You wondered what might be going through his mind, but before you could voice your confusion, he shifted his attention back to the blanket.
Assuming that Muichiro would keep the blanket for himself, you were pleasantly surprised when he unselfishly wrapped it around your back, adjusting it to ensure your comfort. His actions reflected his caring nature and his desire to make you feel warm and cozy.
“How about you?” You asked to which Muichiro didn't reply verbally. Instead, he moved to sit behind you, encircling your waist with his arms, pulling you into a comforting embrace. You could feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest against your back, a soothing rhythm that synchronized with the peaceful ambiance of the rainy scene.
As you leaned back into his embrace, you felt a sense of security and serenity. His presence wrapped around you, providing a shield against the outside world. The rhythmic sound of raindrops on the windowpane and the soothing ambiance of the room seemed to harmonize with the beating of your heart.
A gentle blush spread across your cheeks, tinting them a soft pink. The way he pulled you closer, with his neck gently resting atop your head, created a cozy and intimate atmosphere that sent a warm flutter through your heart.
You felt the tender brush of his lips against the crown of your head, his affectionate gesture causing a radiant smile to grace your lips. The soft sensation of his kiss, combined with the comforting embrace, created a moment of pure bliss. It was as if his affectionate act had the power to brighten not just your cheeks, but your entire being.
“I don’t need a blanket. I have you.” The words he spoke filled your heart with warmth and joy, his simple statement carried profound meaning, emphasizing the depth of his feelings.
Your cheeks retained their rosy hue, you turned your head slightly, snuggling deeper into Muichiro's embrace. You whispered softly, your voice filled with love and gratitude, "And I have you too. That's all I need."
Time seemed to stand still as you embraced the serenity of the moment, cherishing the connection you shared with Muichiro. In his arms, you found peace, contentment, and a love that made every rainy day feel like a treasure.
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appocalipse · 2 years
Hi!! Babe could u write something with drunk steve andd drunk reader where robin has to handle them both coz they're sooo drunk and they both eventually end up falling asleep on each other on Steve's couch (where the party is happening)
hi babe! i hope this is okay, but if it's not what you wanted please feel free to request again ♥ ily
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“No, no, no!”
As you awkwardly stand on the arm of the sofa, far drunker than she's ever seen before and certainly far more stubborn, Robin wonders why in the world she decided to be friends with you and Steve.
Steve, who is barely standing on the arm of the sofa opposite you. Not for long — he trips, landing on his back as Robin moves to check on him. It's a miracle he didn't hit his head, because he, too, is very drunk.
You stand on one foot and scoff, the words slurring as you say, “Ha! You lossssst!'
“Oh my God,” Robin grumbles, pinching the bridge of her nose. “You’ll end up snapping your neck one of these days.”
Nancy puts a comforting hand on her shoulder and says, looking at you with amusement. "Well, you have to admit she has a lot of coordination."
"I'd like to know why the hell she has this need to climb on things every time she gets drunk."
“She can climb me anytime she wants,” Steve offers from his spot on the ground, a very drunk-sounding giggle shortly following after.
Robin covers her ears with her hands as if the damage hasn't already been done. “Oh my God,” she groans again. “Too much information. Way too much.”
Nancy is trying to get you to come down. Robin realizes, however, that you are closer to pulling her up than she is to pulling you to the safety of the ground. "C'mon, Y/N."
“You're so smart,” you tell her out of nowhere. Then, even more out of the blue, “I love you, you know?” And, to Robin, “I love you as well.”
Nancy giggles, amused at your newfound need to express your fondness. “We love you too.”
Robin folds her arms, but she can't hide her smile.
“I mean, when you're not trying to climb anything-” she says, trying to sound serious and failing miserably. She turns to Nancy and comments, “She’s now in the affectionate stage, be warned.”
Steve has somehow gotten up and is walking towards you on clumsy legs. “What 'bout me?”
Your boyfriend is a beacon. He approaches you and all your attention is immediately on him, though your only response to the question he's asked is to stretch both arms toward him lovingly, expectantly.
He happily indulges — and Robin is astonished to see that he manages to grab you around the waist and put you safely back on the ground. She's definitely less astonished, though, when she sees you immediately put your arms around his neck and mumble something that sounds suspiciously like love you against his skin.
You pull away just one second, fanning yourself. "I feel hot."
"You should," Steve replies in a beat, all smug smirk and wandering hands. "You are."
"Jesus," both Nancy and Robin say.
Robin pushes her towards the door as you and Steve collapse onto the couch still entwined, your hands in his hair telling her exactly where this story will end. She covers her ears and yells before closing the door, "Don't break anything!" Again, she forgets to add.
But hours later, when the party really is over and only the chaos of plastic cups and trash on the floor is left behind, Robin opens the door just enough so she can poke her head inside and peek in; she sees something she really didn't expect.
You're both dressed — thank God — but far beyond unconscious, sleeping in a way that simply cannot be comfortable to either of you; you're stretched out over Steve, back against his chest in a mess of splayed limbs. Judging by his happy expression though, Steve doesn't seem to mind that, or the way your hair is covering half of his face, at all.
Robin tries not to smile. It's impossible.
“Idiots,” she mumbles, and closes the door again.
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Zhongli headcanons
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HI HELLO I'M BACK-- i finished my h/c list ages ago but then brainrot took over and i was caught between mini fic writing and schoolwork lmfao. anyway, zhongli's my precious lil mans and i must SCREAM abt him for a moment thank u.
current list: - FLUENT in the art of yapping. could weave a story abt a blade of grass, and y'all know bitches are listening. - i feel like most ppl are kinda intimidated by him. like regular average ppl look at him and are shaken by this sort of regal air he's got around him. - straightforward! he doesn't beat around the bush when he's got a point or needs something. this kinda thing also makes ppl more intimidated of him bc he's just very confident abt it. - WARM HANDS,,, - he gives me the vibes of a fidgeter. like he spins his rings on his thumbs, and will fiddle with the sleeves of his coat. like it's just a habit he picked up, and now he can't help but do it when his mind is wandering. - ON THE TOPIC OF FIDGETING: Guizhong's puzzle box. Zhongli's usually pretty good abt figuring things out when he's confronted w/ something confounding/confusing, but when he can't figure it out or it's a very hard thing to work through, i am CONVINCED that he fiddles with Guizhong's puzzle box. like it's sort of like him trying to solve her final question helps him solve the current Difficult Question he's faced with. absolutely probably fiddled w/ it when he was deciding what to do abt retirement. - this man LOVES antiques and art/music (he likes a lot of things tbh) and he will do anything to talk abt them. like he's probably one of the best antique appraisers, and has stories abt specific antiques he's seen before. as for opera and music and art, he just really appreciates their creativity! also sorry he would absolutely indulge in the art of calligraphy. - he hoards rocks. listen, he hoards them. he loves rocks, and when he finds a Perfect Rock, he just yoinks it (Perfect Rocks are hard to come by yk!!!). - he's usually very sweet and nice, and has a good attitude, but i'm PRETTY sure he's got a bit of pride to him yk. - listen,,, he was in a really long war and lost a lot of ppl he cared abt in the Archon War, and i'm like pretty sure he's got battle anxiety now bc of it. like he would MUCH prefer talking things out, but if push comes to shove he will still fight; he just tends to push himself to the front so that less people get hurt. he just REALLY wants to protect people, which makes him a little self-sacrificial (he's usually fine). he's also fucking PROTECTIVE as FUCK. - Zhongli has gold blood. not red blood, gold; i think this makes him more nervous around red blood bc it means to him that someone is hurt and he wasn't able to protect them. it's equated with Really Bad Things. - back to sad things, i'm 90% sure he's afraid of forgetting things due to erosion. he's always had a good memory, so the idea that he might one day have his memories eroded is one of his greatest fears. - i feel like all of his worries and concerns have turned him from a stern War God to a very gentle mans that will make u soup when ur sick. - Zhongli and Venti are the best of friends and he would deck that guy so hard if someone asked him to. Literally besties for the resties, they hate each other but someone fucks with one of em, the other's got his back. - Zhongli talks pretty, so ya know he's got That Sass that hits different. Like it's out of left field, and it probably doesn't register as a slight at first. sometimes it takes u a good hour before u realize he wasn't complimenting u and instead was calling u an idiot. - the definition of "curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back". literally exudes pure curiosity when he sees something he hasn't seen before. - he adores little gifts,,, like these small gestures would Never Be Noticed by anyone, except him, and he just thinks it's so fuckin sweet. - secretly a prankster. you Would Not Expect It from him, but that's what makes it so perfect. he's the PATIENT type of prankster, too; the one who moves the flower vase a cenimeter to the left every day over the course of a month type of patient.
HERE'S THE LIST, LOVE THIS MAN SO FUCKIN MUCH YALL plEASE,,, he's my pretty mans and i just foam at the mouth over him i s w e a r.
Up next is Neuvi, bc i love him, and then i'll be delving into the Very Specific Niche Ship i obsess over which is them as a poly.
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