#thank you anon mwah mwah
americiumam · 11 months
🫂🫂<-us being close (hug=proximity)
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heartorbit · 4 days
if your art is food, it'd be like those fruit hard candies flavoured. Which is yummy (⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! candy reminded me of emu and so i must draw her for you
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improper-use-of-germx · 6 months
i love feline like aliens! just imagine a alien crewmate absentmindedly wrapping their tail around your leg because they feel safe but then you stand up and trip bc of said tail
Omg anon please that's so cute. Idk if anyone here has listened to Starline series by asmr gav on Youtube (Which I highly recommend, it's what first got me into alien romance) but the main love interest at one point absentmindedly wraps his tail around the MC and then has to explain that it's a gesture of compassion and intimacy, which leads to them experimenting with other forms of intimacy.
Most of my alien characters have tails of some kind. They can be prehensile, used interchangeably with other limbs to grab things or balance themselves after a tumble, with the added benefit of having something to hold you with while still being able to work. (Or hold you in a way out of sight, literally under the table if the relationship is looked down upon, but they still want you to know how much they care)
Maybe they were evolved for some social reason, an extra method of emoting that remains even when they interact with members of another species. Tails that twitch or lash out in annoyance, tails that swish back and forth with adorably obvious glee when you get closer than they were expecting.
And my favorite, tails that usually hang low but perk up when they spot someone they like. Crewmates have to be aware of how close they are at any given time, no one wants to be smacked because you walked into the room and accidentally triggered their "happy tail".
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homkamiro · 7 months
Omg dude your work genuinely gives me life like I legit do not have the correct words to explain just how much I love your speeding bullet stuff your art feels like a hug that's what looking at your art feels like
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Awww,,that's literally one of the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me! I'm really glad I radiate that strong soft vibe from my art, it's my pleasure, thank you, anon!
And as an exchange - some speeding bullet shenanigans. Sniper doesn't like big companies and keeping promises
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pinkeoni · 1 month
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anon: Gif request of the Byers brothers if you’re feeling it 🫶🏻
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mothwingwritings · 10 months
Idk if you’re into omega verse but omg I just thought of it being applied to Yujiro and poor omega reader goddamn 😭 (I think I may have gone a little bit too far on this one ngl, also I’m half asleep so sorry for any issues..)
Nasty nasty Alpha Yujiro who takes advantage of poor little you. Who would have thought he’d ever encounter such a rare beauty? Omegas were practically extinct in the baki universe, the world full of hardened alphas made no room for the sweet soft omegas. And yet here you were against all odds.
From the moment he met you, he’d made the promise that he would never spread his seed through out the world.
Nay, he was going to hammer in his children into your fertile womb as you cried out in overstimulation. You would carry all of his offspring for the rest of your life. That was a promise.
While many of his past devoted lovers would have been flattered by his devotion, you were anything but.
Sure Yujiro would disappear on some days but no longer than a week.
But on the days he were in your house. It’d be a constant running away and fighting off the lustful touches of Yujiro.
The dreadful “Honey~ I’m home!~” had you cringing so hard as thick muscular arms surrounded your waist.
Having to take showers with the Ogre that always ended with you pressed up against the glass mirror as Yujiro crowded you against it.
Having your favorite clothes torn to shreds as he tried to make “love to you”.
Waking up in the middle of the night to see the humongous man deep in your guts as he ruthlessly pounded into you.
And when you went in heat…oh boy.
You’re horny 24/7 and you won’t fight back at all? Just lil ol you whimpering about how much it hurts and that you need something inside? You’d let the older man kiss you and cling onto him needily. His poor little omega!
Yeah, Yujiro loves your heats.
This man keeps a track record of when your heats are around the corner. It doesn’t matter if he’s in another country or across the globe the globe away from you. If he sees you have started your heat, he’s running like a madman with the nastiest smirk that has people running away screaming. They all thought he was out to murder someone (ya ur lil meow meow)
Out of spite you decide to hook up with some random beta when your heat starts up. Which immediately back fires when Yujiro has said man tied up as he watches you get plowed down by your real alpha.
“My little omega, have I neglected you so much that you seeked out some limp dick beta to satisfy you? I guess I’ll have to you more attention to keep you satisfied, huh?”
You know Yujiro is going to show you off. I mean, who wouldn’t?
He’s pulling up to the tournaments with you sitting on his shoulder clad in a thin bikini. Your looking away from the many lustful looks directed at you, all while Yujiro basks in the jealous looks he receives.
They all look so angry at him, but yet…too intimidated to muster the courage to say anything to him. Yes this was a fine idea.
He’s got you wearing a pretty diamond collar with the letters “Property of Ogre.”
Every time you both return from such fights, it didn’t matter if he came back angry or happy both were valid reasons to fuck you in the entrance your home. After that he would ravage you on any surface in the house.
He was going to get so many babies out of you.
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Me reading this ask loool
You must have read my mind anon, I was just musing the other day on how I want to some day take a stab at writing an ABO fic and the Bakiverse would be perfect fodder for it. 😌
But God... Yujiro would be the worst fucking Alpha. That man could track you down from miles away, knowing where you are at all times should he need you. And he has such intricate knowledge on basically every aspect of you and your life that it goes beyond concerning, it's downright invasive. It takes no time at all for him to claim fuck you, giving you no time to really sus him out or get to know him before you've become irrevocably his. He's now your bonded partner, and you are not at all thrilled with that.
When yujiro comes to claim you he attacks you with such a bestial, feral intensity that you are afraid one day your body won't be able to take the abuse he inflicts on it, giving you serious concerns over whether you will survive the mating process. You got lucky the first time, but what about in the future? How many pups does he plan to pump inside of you? The thought keeps you up at night. You don't even want to parent his offspring, let alone be demoted to his breeding stock to be fucked full again and again and again. You would have chosen ANY alpha other than Yujiro, but now this was your lot in life-forced to not only be his mate, but bear his children, creating new versions of this monster to roam the planet. Would they grow up to be like their father, or would you have any hope of raising them to be decent, loving people?
Also, I feel like your body will just constantly be marked up everywhere. His mating bites don't stop at the scent glands, and you usually end up looking like you just left a 12 round boxing match on the losing side instead of a mating session with your alpha. :(
And when you are in heat its the absolute fucking worst. Lusting after Yurjiro, your entire body aching for him to desecrate and destroy you, your insides burning white hot for his touch. Only your alpha can cure you of this all consuming sickness that plagues you, and you turn into a whiny blubbery mess when Yujiro is around, pleading and begging for him to claim you. It's absolutely dreadful how much you yearn for such a barbaric man, and each and every time you are disgusted with how easily you give in to him. You just roll over and become his docile little fuck mate, turned into a wanton, lusting mess from just catching his scent alone. You loath him as much as you need him, and words cannot describe the amount of hate you hold in your heart for the man that turned you into this pathetic shell of who you once were.
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thisismeracing · 7 months
Thoughts on who’s a boobs vs thighs vs butt guy?
My speculation would be Charles goes for boobs, Mick goes for butt, Danny goes for thighs
+18!! minors DNI!
mick - boob (defending my case using the NSFW alphabet I wrote for him here hihihih particularly this part: "He loves to slip his hands inside your shirt and play with your nipples or just simply hold your boobs, it’s comforting". However, let's agree that he would be obsessed w your butt too, like you're passing and he's slapping it when you're alone, or squeezes it when kissing you hihi).
lewis - thighs (Lewis lover to give you head, therefore he loves to be between your thighs, he also loves to rest his hand there whenever you're nervous or he's nervous, and there's something so intimate when he rests his head on your thighs while you're watching something or just chilling together, something he used to do even before you started dating. anyways............change my mind!!!! kdsjfksdj)
charles - boob (loves to fidget with your nipples, will do it without even noticing. loves to lie his head there whenever he's sad or want some cuddles).
carlos - butt (walk in front of this man when you're alone and you can bet he will slap your ass. also totally loves doggy, therefore loves the view of your ass. slapping, squeezing, BITING, sdkgjskgjdsbye)
danny - thighs (v similar to sir lewis, danny is really into head, and he also loves to lie on your thighs while you play with his hair. also, he loves cowgirl, and when you sit on his face. your thighs are his temple, he'll knell and treat it as an altar).
lando - boob (I think he would accidentally stare at your boobs when you're wearing a summer dress or something that really grabs his attention, and that's when you finally notice he likes you. it would be funny because I can see him blushing and starting to laugh uncontrollably kjfksdjgs)
send me thots!
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
KINGSMAN SPIES LANDOSCAR!! honestly could put oscar in as harry (looks conservative and staid upon first impression but actually has an edge) & lando as the upstart newcomer who solves problems unconventionally but effectively nonetheless.
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i passed a specialist shoe shop earlier today that specialises in leathers and i think there'd be something cool about cobbler oscar who keeps a very quiet shop. he's very reserved. has mainly old clients who he keeps in a handwritten notebook. he's carrying on a cobbler tradition of like 90 years and has trained with some impressive brits and everything. and at night he's the kingsman's service artillery specialist. he just pulls out rows and rows of stuff like Q and is like. "i'd suggest that one. you need a muffler in a place like king's cross station. easy cleanup."
and lando's some rich kid from millfield who has been thrust into the service because his dad sent him as a joke 'cus he's like, you're too coddled. you need to do it before you get your trust fund.
but it turns out that with the right focus and intention lando is actually a brilliant kingsman in the making. he definitely has an eggsy moment at training academy where he has to take out a bunch of trainers using only a ballpoint pen and a textbook or something. he's the only one who figures out that the ballpoint pen has different functions upon specific clicks. one of them is a nanorazor, and another is an incapacitating poison.
and lando, a little bruised, very tired, is about to go on his first mission. he's at oscar's shop, choosing shoes and trying not to glance at oscar and his still hands and his cool demeanour.
then lando is like, "wait. you designed the pen thing earlier didn't you? that was you." and oscar gets this glimmer of a smile and a single arched eyebrow that he presses back down, and is like: "yeah. did you like it?"
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takami-takami · 1 year
hihi!! would you ever do a drabble focusing on hawks and his dumbification kink?? was reading thru some of your works and i /need/ that so bad :((
Pretty Predictable.
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includes— hawks x fem!reader. minors dni. smut.
warnings— dumbification. degradation. praise. keigo loves you so bad.
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A gentle flick to your forehead nearly shocks you out of your stupor; nearly, but not quite.
"Oi. Did you hear a fuckin' word I just said?" Keigo sweetly drags the question, already aware of the answer. The droop of his eyelids paints a portrait of dissapointment; but the glimmer that shines in the gold of his irises tells a different story. His stare is practiced, perfectly fashioned to burn holes, and you ache with the suffocating knowledge that no matter how far you avert your gaze, his will remain fixated on you.
The deep creases of his frown twitch upwards at the corners, a smirk threatening to spill and break the illusion of this little game.
This is fun for him.
He always did tend to play with his food before devouring it.
"Sweetheart," he sighs in feigned dissapointment, plunging deep into your heat once more and pulling out to the tip, just to watch you thrash against his bruising grip at the bend of your hips. "I know you're not the brightest bitch of the bunch, but ya' gotta work with me, pretty girl."
A hitch of your breath, a simple squeak, is all he needs to hear to know you love this just as much as he does. He hides his smirk in the crook of your neck. You're so predictable.
The wood of the bed creaks and aches below, a constant reminder of his dominance over your trembling form. You're a drooling mess at more than just your pouting lips, he notes. The mess between your thighs, the glaze in your teary eyes; it's all because of him.
A dark chuckle falls from his mouth as he resumes fucking the last remnants of your brain out of your sorry, little head. Keigo adores you for all your wit, reveres your intellect and personality; it's just one of the many reasons he fell so deeply in love with you. But with each hiccup you sputter from the thrusts of his hips against yours, the further your eyes roll into the the back of your head, the more he realizes just how much he loves this side of you.
The slick drip, drip, dripping from between your thighs coats his cock, makes it unbearably loud. When all you can hear is the schlick of his flesh against yours ringing in your ears, your poor mind can't register the condescending filth of his words; it cannot begin to process just how much it drags you deeper down.
"Awww, baby girl, c'mon," he coos, lifting your calves up and over his broad shoulders with practiced ease. "You can still think with somethin' other than your pussy, can't you?" He punctuates the ask by burying himself to the hilt and swallowing your gasp with his lips.
Keigo would spend just about the rest of his life watching you fall apart on his cock, if it were up to him. He fantasizes about it, spends countless commission board meetings daydreaming of a life where he can spend his days memorizing the way you fall, lost in ecstacy that only he can provide; but nothing could prepare him for the responses you give.
"N-No– Too good. Can't think, Kei'," you whimper against his mouth, too far gone to notice the way his breath sticks in his throat, the way his hips stutter. "You're right, a-always right. 'M sorry, y'make it really hard to think."
You can feel the lopsided smile pressed against you more than you see it, can feel the vibrations of his knowing, boastful 'mhmm' more than you hear it.
This is his own, personal heaven. Your delirious, lust-drunk, absolutely empty smile sends a sharp current to his heart, the charcoal fuel for the fire of his little fetish.
"Show me that pretty face, princess," he murmurs, dazed and heavy, tilting your chin with his thumb to lock eyes as you fall apart again. He gulps down the sight of those teary, babydoll eyes. Not a thought behind them, not a hint of anything but pleasure; glossy like glass, as only his reflection remains in that lovestruck look.
"There we go," he praises while doubling his efforts, the bed frame threatening to splinter, if either of you were lucid enough to care. "Good fuckin' girl. Show me what you look like when you cum nice and pretty for me. C'mon, give it to me."
When your spine stiffens, when you scream into the crackling air, he resolves to make good on his promise.
He's not stopping until you're fucked dumb.
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ivanttakethis · 10 days
top 5 worst ivan mischaracterizations ( aka could you list five worst traits people give him that are just totally wrong) i love to hear people complain but if you don't want to you can ignore this ask have a good day
Anon I am SO glad that you asked!
Ivan is my favorite character in Alien Stage because he’s really complex.
I could talk about him and his characterization/mischaracterization all day and still have more to say after that. Now you’ve given me the perfect opportunity to write a bunch of my thoughts down.
These complaints are in no particular order and are ultimately subjective.
Also, I’m not a Patreon supporter, so I can’t comment on anything that might’ve been confirmed or debunked over there.
Top 5 Worst Ivan Mischaracterizations:
Ivan is an unfeeling and emotionless person
Ivan was trying to kill himself and Till during Round 6
Ivan hates Mizi
Ivan is arrogant
Ivan is violent
This is going to be a long one, so I’m putting everything under the cut. Let’s begin!
1. Ivan is an unfeeling and emotionless person.
I find this mischaracterization to be one of the most frustrating because there is so much evidence to the contrary.
As a child, Ivan is described as someone who struggles to express his emotions and connect with others (imo he’s neurodivergent-coded, but that’s a whole other discussion). But notably we’re not told that he doesn’t experience emotions.
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This official art kills me every time I see it because it shows that Ivan knows he’s different from the other children and that it probably makes him stick out and he wants to fit in somehow so he tries to practice/fake it so maybe he won’t be so alone (the imitating behavior is also coded imo).
Beyond all of that, we see plenty of times throughout the series that he feels things, rather intensely even. He’s wistful about the stars and meteor showers and the thought of freedom. He has a curious nature, observing others, wanting to learn more about how they work; how he can emulate them.
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And then there’s all of the feelings that well up when it comes to Till. The most obvious is that Ivan loves Till, in his own fucked up way. But there’s more to it.
He wanted attention from Till (maybe the first time he’s ever wanted something in that way). He did everything he could just to get Till to even so much as glance in his direction. All of the fighting, and the bickering, and the instigating was because Ivan craved reciprocation. He grew obsessed.
When Ivan managed to free both himself and Till, he was thrilled!
And when Till let go of Ivan’s hand to return for Mizi, he was very clearly heartbroken.
Ivan felt jealous of Mizi and Sua’s relationship, knowing that he would never have that chance with Till.
Ivan felt lonely because he thought Sua was just like him, only to realize that wasn’t true (because Mizi loved Sua back) and he had no one to relate to.
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Also, the entirety of Black Sorrow?? Hello??? He was yearning for more than what he could get. He was resigned to his minuscule place in Till’s life. The song is full of mourning and sadness and grief.
In Round 6, I believe Ivan knew what he was going to do.
He was desperate for anything he could get from Till in his final moments. I think that’s part of why he kissed Till. If his only goal was to deliberately lose, why not skip the kissing and go straight to choking?
Ivan was a dying man overwhelmed with emotion and he desperately wanted Till to look at him, see him, make him feel content for the first (and last) time in his life.
Even if some of these emotions are not necessarily healthy, it shows that Ivan was capable of feeling something.
So… yeah. That’s why I really dislike the emotionless characterization of Ivan. There’s so much depth to his emotions and character, but some people just skim the surface and reduce him down to nothing more than a cold and stoic person.
2. Ivan was trying to kill himself and Till during Round 6.
This one is probably more often a misunderstanding than a mischaracterization of Ivan. I think some people may have seen IvanTill referred to as “toxic” or “obsessive” love when it came to how Ivan felt and behaved around Till and thought Ivan was on some “if I can’t have you, no one can” shit, but that completely ignores the wider context of his character. Ivan was devoted to Till to a fault.
To Ivan, Till was his reason for being. Till was his universe. His god. Till was something to be revered, protected, and worshipped. Ivan couldn’t live without Till. That’s why he sacrificed himself, so he wouldn’t have to continue on in a world without him in it. But he also wanted to protect Till, no matter the cost.
Pretty much everything Ivan did was to protect or care for Till: trying to escape Anakt Garden with him, watching over him after Till was attacked by the aliens in the club, freeing him from his collar over and over and over again, every chance Ivan got.
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Nothing about Ivan’s feelings or behaviors toward Till suggests that he would ever harm him, let alone kill him. There’s a reason why when Ivan was “choking” Till it didn’t look like he applied any pressure, there was no struggle for air on Till’s end (even if he had mentally given up, physically there will be some sort of reaction to having your airway compressed), and we don’t see any marks on Till’s neck afterwards.
It didn’t matter what happened to Ivan as a result. Till was the only person who mattered to him.
He would do anything for him. He would quite literally rather die than have anything happen to his god.
Ivan only ever knew how to give all of himself to Till, giving up his life was inevitable.
3. Ivan hates Mizi
I’ve seen this one more so in fan fiction, usually for angsty circumstances, but this just completely sidesteps their canon relationship, which is positive and, dare I say, friendly.
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He gave her piggyback rides when they were kids! In the lead up to Alien Stage, we see them chatting and Ivan being pleasant towards her in a sort of “big brother” type way without hiding some sort of darker emotion behind it.
Now, is Ivan envious of the relationship Mizi has with Sua? Yes. Does he hate that he’ll never get to have the connect they have with Till? Yes. But Ivan hasn’t given any indication that he hates Mizi herself. And I think that’s an important element of his characterization.
Yes, he has negative feelings surrounding Mizi, but he never takes them out on her or lets himself feel negative towards her as a person.
Edit: I started writing this section BEFORE we got the official art of Ivan hanging out with Mizi, but holy fuck am I glad I took so long to finish this because now it’s canon that Ivan got along well with Mizi and they were even close as kids despite the fact that Ivan loved Till and Till loved Mizi.
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In conclusion, Ivan and Mizi were reasonably close and (imo) would’ve been besties in slightly different circumstances. Ivan is NOT a Mizi hater!!
4. Ivan is arrogant
Yes and no. On the surface, Ivan comes across as mature, confident, and in some cases arrogant, but as we see more from his perspective it quickly becomes clear that the arrogance is just a mask he wears for others.
Deep down, Ivan is very insecure and his self-esteem is almost nonexistent. He views himself as insignificant, twisted, unworthy. He vilifies everything that he feels and does. (“Thank you for being a victim of my shallow emotions” anyone?) Ivan fully convinced himself that Till wouldn’t give a shit about him if he died to keep him alive. That’s not the behavior of an arrogant person. Far from it.
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His arrogant mask acts as a shield to keep others from seeing the monster he thinks he is. He’s even kept parts of himself out.
I think that’s also where his tendency to be an asshole comes from. Keeping people away, not wanting or knowing how to drop the arrogant mask, internalizing everything, projecting onto others (like that whole talk with Sua about self sacrifice).
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So basically:
Characterizing Ivan as an insecure person who hides behind false confidence/arrogance to keep people from seeing the real (and somewhat fucked up) him? Great. Fantastic. Love to see it.
Characterizing Ivan as an arrogant asshole “just because”? Terrible. Hate it. You burned my crops and killed my cow.
5. Ivan is violent
I don’t know how this one came about, but it rubs me the wrong way so I’ll touch on it here.
We know Ivan instigated physical fights with Till when they were kids because that was the only way to consistently get Till’s attention (not saying I condone that btw). But outside of that, I don’t think Ivan has been violent with anyone else? And would he even be violent with Till like, recently?? I would say no.
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Now I do think Ivan would resort to violence to protect Till, but nothing beyond that. I don’t don’t even think he would use violence to protect himself.
He’d probably just revert back to being a “perfect” obedient pet to avoid or diffuse confrontation. That’s what he did as a child; while Till fought back every chance he got. Till’s fighting spirit is probably one of the things Ivan loved about him. Maybe in part because he couldn’t find it in himself.
Anyways, those are my Top 5 worst Ivan mischaracterizations! Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk 🖤💙
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andr0nap · 1 month
okay im so normal about the idea of a monster plane actually. idk why ive literally never had interests in planes before what have you done (/j). Like is vash actually The Plane? Or is he just a creature that took over the metal structure of the plane? Is the Vash we know actually like. his body? Or is it like an anglerfish lure to make people trust him since its more human shaped? Does he just. have two sets of eyes and brains because he has two "bodies"? I have so many questions frfr
heheheh >:)
okay so!
vash is vash! he used to be able to walk around and do stuff like a normal person/independent before the crash that knocked him out and left him stuck in the engine for like a 100 years. the engine was a prototype designed specifically for the twins to test if they can power and control the machine at the same time, making them a kind of onboard bio-ai
hes not the jet itself. peacemaker is the actual plane and its just a machine. during the 100 year nap something happened and vash rooted himself in the engine and those roots spread through the structure of the plane over time
the "outer body" is just an extension of vash, roots turning into muscle and claws and eyes and teeth as a way to keep him safe and aware of whats going on outside. it has no mind of its own despite looking like a separate entity.
also fun facts!
he doesnt actually have two brains, most of the information input from the outer body gets diluted into like... subconscious info to vash. if you touch a wing or something he will register that theres something touching him without details on temperature or pressure. if his outer eyes see a missile approaching he will just know that he needs to dodge away from it. its very instinctual and stops him from being in constant sensory overload from controlling what are essentially two bodies
most of those eyes actually have very poor but specialized vision, made to track rapid movement and heat signatures (like incoming missiles). if vash had to rely on those eyes alone all hed see is that Theres Something There and that Its Moving.
a lot of peacemakers electronics got destroyed when it crashed the second time so his body just started to replace what was broken with organs roughly doing the same thing. adaptive to a terrifying degree...
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via-l0ve · 7 months
OMG UR MIKE SCHMIDT HCS ARE PERFECT!!!!!!!!! pls do a part two 🙏🙏
(btw can I be 😾 anon? )
Dating Mike Schmidt Hcs PT. 2!❣️
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a/n: ABSOLUTELY!!! thank you sm 😾 anon <3 i love u! this also includes just some general head cannons of him because he’s my baby.
warnings: nothing :)
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mike drinks coffee and energy drinks all the time
his favorite flavor of monster is the original or the Strawberry dreams
if you like monster (i’m an addict) he buys you one every time he buys one for himself
when he was working at freddy’s you’d patch him up if he ever got hurt :(
you teach him how to bake so he can teach Abby
You’re the only person Abby likes her brother to be with
she incorporates you into her drawings after a while of knowing you
mike is so happy when he sees you drawn in because his sister’s approval means a lot to him even if she’s only ten
it takes a while for mike to open up to you
but when he does he kinda has to break it up into small bits
he’s surprised when you hug him and comfort him bc what no one’s ever done that before
his love language is most definitely words of affirmation and physical touch
mike is so stressed with his work schedule so he can’t always be there physically but he always, without fail, every. day. sends you a good morning and good night text.
that might not seem like much but it’s everything to me okay!!!!
“hey baby, good morning :) i love you the most and i hope you have an amazing day. im on my way to work now but when i get out ill text you and when i get home ill give you lots of kisses. i love you.”
that’s so fucking cute
you guys have frequent date nights that just consist of laying on the couch or in his bed and watching a movie while he lays on your lap or on your chest
Abby usually interrupts because she “can’t sleep” but we all know it’s just because she wants to watch the movie
Mike secretly has a savings account for the two of you
he wants the best for you and when he can give you the world he will
but for right now he’ll pay for some stuff and give you kisses afterwards
he makes playlists that remind him of you
he loves to give you his clothes
or, if you don’t want those, he gives you blankets of his that smell like him
Mike notices the little things
like if you told him a story about your cousin and how they pissed you off
and then you brought them up again
he would remember the incident but he wouldn’t remember their name
“oh isn’t that the cousin who did all of that stuff to you?”
you guys have deep talks at 2am while he lays on your stomach and you comb through his hair with your fingers and you guys just talk and make out
his lips are soft but his hands aren’t
you definitely flirt with him all the time to make him blush
he hates feet
like everyone wears socks in his house or he will shoot his eyes out
he also hates canned corn
don’t ask me why i think this is just do
he’s scared of being alone
he also most definitely uses “:) :( :/ .-.” instead of actual emojis
he laughs at all of your jokes
even if they’re just not funny
he dosent want you to get sad lol
he’s always scared he’s not enough for you
he works a lot and he’s constantly tired and he makes minimum wage so it’s not like he can take you out to fancy dates or anything
he opens up about how he feels and when you tell him how much you adore your little mundane activities he gets all teary eyed and just hugs you so tight
he just wants to be the best version of himself for you
he adores you
off topic - he’s a lightweight when he drinks
he’ll stumble into the house drunk and just clinging onto you like a sloth
poor baby
he just deserves the world
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theloveinc · 3 months
OKAY hear me out but touya WITH a job getting ready at your cute vanity and pink room. struggling to put up his cargo pants/ slacks with the belt, while running over to get his coat off of the fuzzy pink chair in the corner. he's forced to fix his hair and check if his face looks the least presentable in your mirror filled with polaroids before he goes out and it's SO funny to watch him do that omg. i'm gonna die
(pt. i!)
WAHHH mismatched socks, the elastic of his calvin kleins (that u bought him) peeking out at his backside; he nearly trips over his work bag that's waiting for him on the floor and practically slides right into your full-length mirror--you're really rooting for him and even though he wouldnt say it, he'd try to strangle himself if he lost his job for being late just one too many times--because he's rushing to get out the door.
you can hear him from the kitchen where you're putting together lunches (not for him specifically, but because you already make something for yourself, you might as well...you're welcome, touya), AND YES IT'S SO HARD not to laugh when the door bursts open and he's looking like a little fool with his black and white hair actually combed down and smudges around his eyes from trying + failing to get your eyeliner off of him.
(also, did he use your hairspray that was sitting on your vanity? maybe. okay, yes. though it's no surprise he knows where everything you own is lmfao)
he stills refuses to let you put things in a lunch box, but no way in HELL he's not shoving the wrapped sandwich and bento full of fruit into his bag before !!! kissing you goodbye!!!
it's truly like a dream come true 'coz even though part of him feels like a DOG having to work for the man, making you happy is what MAKES HIM HAPPY and being able to fill your (and now! his) room with more cute and pink things is his new favorite hobby...
(and even though he blushes like hell doing it, the next lunch date he's picking you up from, he's paying the whole table's bill in CASH and not taking no for an answer. makes him feel the best he has in a while. even though he's still eating everyone's leftovers lmao.)
slay the house down HOUSTON I'M DECEASED!!!!
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gunhaos · 1 year
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littencloud9 · 2 days
your fics are so sweet :) what about “i couldn’t be more proud of you” with kunikida and atsushi? (platonically!)
thank you anon 🥹🫶 i lovbe them. have some post-canon stuff where everyone is okay and happy
When Atsushi returns from the battlefield with Akutagawa, Kunikida rushes to greet him.
He has scratches littered across his face, his ability yet to heal them. His clothes are tattered and torn, and there are blood stains on his left shoulder. But his eyes are open and Atsushi is breathing and he is alive, so that’s all that matters.
“Atsushi,” Kunikida sighs in relief, dashing forward and wrapping him up in a hug. Atsushi squeaks in surprise, but his arms—still transformed—come up to hug him twice as hard.
“Is everyone okay?” Atsushi asks. Kunikida buries his face into his shoulder.
“Thanks to you two, yes. I couldn’t be more proud of you.”
There’s a small whimper from Atsushi and Kunikida pulls back, wondering if he’s hurt. He’s instead met with teary eyes and trembling lips.
“What—” he begins, panicked, and Atsushi lets out a sob.
“I’m proud of you too, Kunikida-san!”
“I…” Kunikida’s own eyes start to sting.
Yosano steps over, slapping both of them on the backs. “Alright, you crybabies! Just hug it out already!”
She wraps her arms around them, bringing them in for a group hug. Kunikida catches Atsushi before he gets squashed, holding him while the rest of the Agency piles on top of them. Atsushi detransforms his arms at the last minute so as to not hurt anybody.
In this moment, he looks so much more vulnerable.
Kunikida squeezes him a little harder in response.
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ofthecaravel · 8 months
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"You're a creature of the night, Jake, just like out of a comic book!"
Listen...if there's a piece of media where a younger brother named Sam has an older vampire brother, of COURSE I'm incorporating it into my AU with a younger brother named Sam who has an older vampire brother!! Viva la KGVFVCU!!!! Also everybody go watch The Lost Boys, it's iconic and I'm really tempted to do another Halloween piece for it.
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