#thanks Hannah for seeing this sort of thing and going You know who would like this
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mintytrifecta · 19 days
Hi there I personally would love to hear about your Max is a Webby prophet please and thank you
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Okay first of all Max looks at the audience and camera in pretty much every scene he's in at least once I had to make a collage to get these examples in here and I still whittle them down
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You know who else explicity looked at and sang at the audience in a metatextual way??
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Hannah, on some level, knows the narrative. She knows the world's nature and the nature of a musical being a 'time loop' of sorts, which is why she sings of tomorrow never coming. A dawn never breaking.
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Webby's the Queen of the White, right? And what is dawn, really, if not bringing in the light of day to the darkness of night?
Both characters seem to share an intrinsic understanding of their world, whether comprehensible or not, and on some level are aware of its function. There's a chaos to their worlds and they always end in an apocalypse, but it's all practiced. It's all a loop. (roz and guil moment tbh)
But what I'm proposing, is that Max is a Hannah gone wrong. He can see the audience, understand the narrative and his place in it ("Don't need no-one to tell me, high school will be my peak, so I'm willing to take advantage" ) (" you can leave, but you won't, stay in your seat") but doesn't have the full scope of awareness that Hannah does. Hannah can see Webby and understand the story straight from the source, while Max pieces it together from the audience. Maybe Webby tried to explain things through them and Max just horribly misinterpreted it. Maybe he knows exactly what he's doing and has given up trying to find another solution. Maybe he never had a chance to escape the web in the first place.
Maybe webby gives him directions, tried to explain things to him, tried to get him to see the order beyond the world like Hannah, but it just never landed as well. What could really have spawned a god complex more than getting a glimpse at the True Nature of The World and knowing you're the one to make it happen. But Webby is the queen of the White, so it only seems to reason she brings Light to Darkness.
So not only am I going to say that Max is a Webby prophet, but also I ask you, where do you think his god complex came from?
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(also he like deadass controlled the lights like straight up just made it darker the bitch controlled the lights why does no-one else care about that but me-)
TL;DR: Max is a Webby prophet currently stuck on the recieving end of the world's worst game of Divine Interpretation telephone and is taking it Really Well 👍
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
hello! 🌷 is it okay to request weasley twins x hufflepuff reader that was tortured by umbridge, but didn't give away the prank / bad thing that the twins did? out of loyalty for them
maybe comfort too, since they're thankful to reader and also feel guilty for what umbridge done to her. could be pre-dating or already dating them !!
have a lovely day 🎀
As a Hufflepuff who would have 100% been forced to not use their wheelchair because Umbridge would think I was faking my disability for attention, yeah we gonna get some Whump in this shit. ((Lowkey having some rough shit going on mentally so some vent fic like this will be hella. Thanks anon! Perfect timing!
Honey Wounds
Warning: Violence, Umbridge in general, blood, torture, whump, hurt/comfort 🎆🐝🎇
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“Where’s little bumble bee-?” The twins would worry, as they had wondered why you didn’t show up to the secret little defense class Harry started up. Where could their little Hufflepuff be? Had them a little worried. By little, it was a lot. Things have been getting a lot more tense recently. Umbridge was really hammering down, and she was making her mission to find a way to get those two into Azkaban. By any means possible. The only reason she hasn’t was probably because of Percy somehow. As they worried, someone was quick to grab them.
“Fred, George, something bad happened. Something really bad happened-!” The first year was crying, and the duo were on red alert now. The poor kid was in to many tears to really speak, so they figured there was no need to. George was quick to pick the first year up, as the child was just pointing. Fred was in the running lead, as George was trying to comfort the child. The poor kid was hiccuping, and seeming so scared. Something bad happened, and they had to figure out what it was. That’s when they saw it. Blood on the barrels, like someone was slapping bloody hand’s desperately to get into the Hufflepuff dorm.
“Shit shit shit, what did she do now-?” Fred hissed, as he tried to focus on entering the dorm. Having to get literal blood on his hands, in order to get inside. With the pattern played, the duo were able to run inside. Left to see the Hufflepuff dorm full of noise. So many students all busy and around someone. When Hannah Abbott noticed the twins, she stepped away. Pulling away fellow students, and the horror was on display.
“Fred, George…..?” It was you, and you were not looking hot. Not looking hot at all. You were horribly pale, and your hands looked as if they had been through a chopping block. The fellow Puff’s had done their best to try and help, but it was like they wouldn’t stop bleeding. George had instantly covered the first years eyes, despite the fact the child had long seen it. It was just habit after all.
“WHAT HAPPENED-?!” Fred was soon by your side, while George was quick to hand the child off to someone. Now he was on your other side. You were just to tired to really process it all, given the blood loss. If it wasn’t for their brilliant hair, you would have assumed it was just more worried Hufflepuff’s. Just trying so hard to help. It’s rather scary. Sure, it’s Hogwarts. Things get violent, but this wasn’t just a random accident. Nor some run in with a beast. This was a woman who wanted to hurt.
“I didn’t tell her. I didn’t tell her-“ You managed to say, with a smile. The twins looked at each other, wondering what you were blabbering about, before they were quick to take over. The Puff’s made sure to stay out of their way, as the twins were able to move in ever perfect unison. Not needing to speak, to move. Fred was quick to start emptying their bags, as George was taking care in trying to wash the wounds on your hands.
“I know it’s in here, come on out you bastard-“ Fred hissed, as he sorted through the assortment of old tins they had collected. Each with its own experiment, as George tried to not freak out. Seeing you hurt like this. It was making him feel so many emotions. Anger at Umbridge, fear for what that woman will do next, sadness for your pain, anxiety on it Ron and Ginny would be next. It was all so loud in his eyes, as he tried not to let the tears spill.
“Found it-!” Fred sighed, as he was quick to start lathering a strange substance on your hands. It felt rather strange. As if he was lathering your open wounds with pudding. You expected it to hurt, but it was rather nice. Very cooling to your burning wounds. It would soon seem to harden on your fingers and palms. As if stopping you from bleeding, and absorbing the blood. Forcing it to stay inside. If you weren’t so dizzy, you would praise them for being so smart.
“Bumble Bee….What happened?” Fred asked, as George was busy with someone. Quick to get some water from one of the prefects, and try and nurse it into your body. George was gentle, and you needed it. You choked on it, but he knew you had to drink some. You lost alot of blood, and you had to stay hydrated. He would keep your head against his chest, as you managed to get some down. Enough to satisfy him, and calm his nerves. You could feel how sweaty his hands were, with worry, as he stroked your hair. With a few minutes to breath, you spoke.
“She brought me to her office. Asked me who had broken in it last night. I said I didn’t know. She didn’t like that, but I didn’t give up.” You smiled, as the twins were staring in horror. They broke into her office, last night. They swore they didn’t leave behind a trace. They had to break in. She confiscated Ginny’s bracelet. Said she fiddled with it too much. It was made just for her, by Bill. Ever since the incident in the chamber of secrets, she was more susceptible to dark magic. So, a Curse breaker made her something to help. Umbridge was actively putting her in danger. How could they not protect their little sister?
“It was a trap…..She did that on purpose-“ Fred realized, as it made sense. Of course they would break in to get it back. That horrid woman. “Can’t believe she dragged you into this. I mean, I can, but you get the point I’m making here! We’re so sorry Honey Bee-“ George would soon echo, as he kissed your head. Feeling so guilty. You didn’t blame them, of course, but they sure didn’t stop feeling guilty.
“It’s ok. Im ok. Ginny needed it. Like I would ever rat you two out.” You tried to reassure them, but their minds were made up. They had to do something about Umbridge. This woman was going insane. The twins swore she wasn’t aware that you three were in a relationship of sorts. They were magical twins. Not fair to compare them to muggle ones. They shared a partner, no big deal. Communication makes the dream work. Seems like maybe you three communicated in the wrong hallway one to many times, and she put two and two together.
“We are going to fix this. We promise.” The twins spoke, as they comforted you. George with keeping your head to his chest, as Fred was between your legs. Hugging your stomach, and nuzzling into your thigh. Just needing to hold onto you. As if you would disintegrate into his hands then and there. You would have comforted him, but it didn’t seem like your hands wanted to exist at the moment.
“Looks like we can’t wait for that down payment any longer. Now or never.” George said, as Fred gave a defeated sigh. He was right. If they stayed at Hogwarts any longer, Merlin knows who else she will drag into their mess. George was right, it was now or never. Because never means they’ll be in Azkaban for murdering her at this point.
“Say, Bumble bee….Think you can handle living in a rundown hollowed building for a while?” Fred asked, as you tried to focus your eyes. You didn’t really understand half of what they were saying, but you knew this. Wherever they went, you would follow. “What makes it any different from a dungeon?” You tried to joke, and that seemed to solidify the deal. Look out world, the Weasley Twins were about to show off their latest invention.
The WhizBang
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 4 months
my ranking of the tig villains/most hated characters
i'm bored so i'm doing this. 1 is the character i hate most meaning 8 is the one i hate the least. i apologize if this sucks. its quite late for me as i'm writing this.
drake. ik most people would put eve or smth at the top of this list, but this dude is an abuser and a pedophile (he used to call avery jailbait which means "a person who is younger than the legal age of consent for sexual activity and usually appears older, with the implication that a person above the age of consent might find them sexually attractive" according to wikipedia). not only was he horrible to libby, but he also tried to kill avery. characters like him just give me the ick and the creeps and i just can't stand them.
eve. i think this is self-explanatory. eve is one of the most annoying and petty characters i've ever read about. she tried to kill avery, kidnapped tobias (and ruined his chances of forming a better relationship with avery, and, as the biggest toby and avery father daugther stan, i cannot stand this), manipulated grayson, and hurt many people. if you don't hate her, i don't trust you. also, i hope she doesn't get a redemption arc bc she doesn't deserve it.
sheffield. i have one thing to thank this dude for and that's the love confession from jameson after he put avery in a coma. other than that, he bombed avery, kidnapped avery, cheated on his wife, was a horrible 'father' to grayson (and his daugthers bc of colin). he's honestly tied with eve (he's not first cause i can't stand guys like drake). i dont really think i have to explain myself
emily. i really don't think i have to explain. she's manipulative, petty, self-absorbed. the only thing she has going for her is that she didn't try to kill anyone. she treated the boys like crap, emotionally abused her sister, and (although she wasn't present to do it i still blame her for it) affected avery's self-esteem.
ricky. i know he's high on this list but he's just so creepy to me. anyone who hurts avery in any way si automatically a no for me. he was never there for avery and libby, refused to take custody of her after her mom died, didn't show up to hannah's funeral, tried to step up to get money after avery inherited, got together with skye (ew???). ik this doesn't seem horrible in comparison to what the others did, but seeing avery's feelings towards him in the books (especially thl) made me despise him so that's why he's so high up.
tobias. he emotionally abused his grandsons, put avery in a position that he knew might get her killed, treated his own kids horribly, hurt a lot of people in order to become who he became. the only reason he isn't higher up is bc he did sometimes do nice things (although not often).
vincent. him and tobias are sort of interchangeable??? but he partnered with eve to get toby kidnapped (sort of putting a stop to toby and avery's relationship which like said earlier pisses me off). from what i remember, he didn't really do anything else and i sort of understand where he was coming from (getting revenge on tobias) but what he did is still horrible and taking his anger towards tobias out on a teenage girl is just weird to me.
skye. i find her character sort of interesting but she is a horrible mother towards her sons. she's also a huge pick me bc who sleeps with their sister's boyfriend. she also tried to get avery killed which is just a no no. this is sort of off topic and i've made a post about this before but she didn't get punished enough for what she did to avery and that is grayson's fault. i talk about it in slightly more detail in this post.
although i knew that avery was hurt by a lot of people in this series, this really showed me exactly how bad it was. there are even more people. literally every person on this list hurt her (directly or indirectly (in emily and vincent's case)). these people either tried to get her killed, messed with her head or both. avery is a girl boss. she deserves better.
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crescentrivers · 4 months
LONG POST TIME!!! Expanding on the swap au mentioned in this post cause a few people seemed interested and also I just wanted to.
Edit: this post is kind of outdated for the au and its cringe so ignore it, more roleswap stuff coming eventually maybe
The idea was originally just a joke like “what if Pokey and Paul were role swapped lol that would be fun to draw sometime for like a shitpost or for like next April fools” but it spiraled because like the original post mentioned my brain cannot leave things alone
So the lords in black + Webby are humans and some characters that were originally human take their place, I know that’s been done before but who becomes gods is different I think. I haven’t really decided who’s swapped with who, (other than Pokey and Paul are swapped and Webby and Hannah are swapped) but it’ll probably ended up being the LIB swap with their blorbos. The only thing is it’s kind of hard to picture some of these characters as that kind of evil, so I wouldn’t say they’re all chaotic evil now but they’re absolutely some kind of evil.
(It’s not like a super direct roleswap all the time but the main idea is the og gods are humans and some humans are the gods now.)
I don’t have much decided with this au yet (if you have ideas I’d love to heard them) but what I do have down I’ll put under the cut:
So human names
Pokey - Porter
Blinky - Bentley
Tinky - Terrance
Nibbly - Nathan
Wiggly - William
Webby - Willow
All of them are half siblings (except Wiggly and Webby might be twins my age headcanons keep changing) who have the same mom. They had a rough childhood and their family is very dysfunctional, they’re able to reconnect in most timelines but the stories usually start with their relationship being strained in some way.
Hannah is the youngest of the gods, Webby/Willow met her when she was a kid. At the time they acted around the same age but Willow being a human aged faster (Hannah’s actually like a few hundred years older than Willow at the least) so Hannah’s still a kid/teen. She has matured some since then though so she doesn’t act the exact same as when they met. I think that when they met Hannah would’ve been more chaotic neutral, not really understanding right and wrong and just wanting to have fun (kind of like the Collector from TOH) but thanks to her friendship with Willow she started to understand the value of life on Earth and that the adult gods are kind of awful people, so now she tries to protect humanity.
Another thing I can talk more about is what the roleswapped TGWDLM would be about since that’s where this au idea first started, still not like fully decided but there is some interesting stuff involving it.
Unlike TGWDLM where the story is sort of from the hives POV and the hive/Pokey makes choices that would point to them seeing Paul as the musical’s main character, Paul doesn’t really care about Porter, only putting special focus on him when he gets in his way. The story is more just from Porter’s POV.
It starts with Porter returning to his hometown of Hatchetfield because a musical he’s acting in is on tour there (the musical is either Mamma Mia like in TGWDLM or Santa Claus is Going to Highschool I haven’t decided which) so he reunites with his half siblings. But nothing good ever happens in Hatchetfield so a meteor crashes into the theater. Then the mayor (whoever that is in this au) just bans musicals. Note the anti musical thing isn’t a big part of Paul’s motivations in this au, it’s just kind of a thing that’s happening. If you’re going to take over the world with a hivemind you might as well ban the thing you don’t like, right? The only reason the story focuses on it at all is that this is from Porter’s POV and he’s a massive theatre kid.
Im not sure what Paul’s exact motivations are in this au, probably power/just wanting control or him trying to bring some fucked up kind of order/peace through mind control. Probably a mix of both idk. Also I don’t know what their real names are in this au but they aren’t Paul and Hannah, combing up with fancy eldritch names is hard.
In an alternate timeline where this is the musical we got instead of TGWDLM the gimic would obviously be different since the hivemind is no longer musical. Basically I picture that it would start with big grand ensemble numbers with even the solos or smaller group songs having back up singers, but overtime as more people succumb to the hive the numbers gets smaller and smaller as less people are left to participate. I’m not sure if that means the songs are diegetic and the musical-ness is actually being sucked out of the world or if it’s just a metaphorical thing to show how people keep getting infected.
Porter is upset but his siblings don’t really take things seriously until like murder starts happening and it becomes clear more is going on under the surface. So it becomes the family’s goal to survive and that goes about as well as it did for the gang in canon TGWDLM. Eventually this leads to Porter trying to destroy the hive by blowing up the meteor which also goes about as well as it did for Paul in canon TGWDLM.
Also through all this BS Porter has some kind of character arc. He probably starts of kind of egotistical and self centered, he’s not nearly as evil as canon Pokey but he’s kind of selfish and generally a jerk to those around him, mans probably has some kind of main character complex. But through all the horrors he probably starts to open up and be nicer to those around him, he still has a lot of an ego but he’s an actually nice guy who cares about his family and just wants to stop the force that’s hurting them.
If anyone actually read all of this I love you
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More pounding on the door. You blink a few times--fuck, had you been asleep this whole time? 
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” You shout groggily, pulling yourself off of the cozy, white duvet. You wipe under your eyes and smooth over the crown of your head as you approach the source of noise. “Oh,” you sigh when you find Maggie on the other side. “It’s just you.”
“What a cheerful greeting,” she makes a face but steps inside. She shrugs off her coat and pulls off her hat, from the look of her and the fading daylight outside your window, a gloomy London day was about to become a rainy London night. “We got out late, I haven’t even been home yet because…”
You glance at her over your shoulder when you move towards the kitchen, burying the lead. Typical Maggie. You’d already spotted a tea kettle on the stove, a cup would definitely help you wake up.
“Because?” You prompt, moving to fill the kettle. 
“Because…we should go out tonight.”
You glance out the window quickly. Did Maggie forget that your day technically started…yesterday, in New York?
“...Out tonight?”
“Who are these from?” She sees the flowers on the kitchen counter but you’d already put the card atop your dresser. 
“Oh--Jason, actually.” You say it when your back is to her, thank god. You didn’t think you could hide the heat you felt on your cheeks or the curious look in your eye.
Jet lag, you decide. Deliriously tired and completely out of sorts. Your brain had interpreted his smiles as flirtatious when really, he was being polite and professional and you were just jet lagged. 
“What a sweetie!” she coos when you turn around, hands on the island. “You’re going to love him.”
“Yeah, he seems nice.”
“So sweet--he’ll be out tonight, too.”
“Right,” you remember her evening proposition. “I don’t know, Mag, I’m exhausted and I don’t think my brain is fully with it anymore.”
“Everyone from the show is coming,” she pouts. “Not everyone, but like, everyone I like.”
You turn the burner off when the kettle starts to whistle, taking the bait: “Who’s everyone you like?” 
“Poppy and some of the girls from hair and makeup, a bunch of the guys from the cast--the team, they’re a blast. Jason, Brett, Juno, Greg and Briony, I think, too.”
You find cups in the cupboard, pull two out when she offers her best puppy eyes. “Will I look like an asshole to everyone if I say no?”
She lets her head flop from side to side in uncertainty. “No--I mean, you just got here today so I think people understand that you’re jet lagged. But,” she holds up a finger. “Our cast and crew is notorious for rowdy Friday nights, and it is when most of the bonding happens.”
You watch her and let out another deflated sigh, she knows you’re a sucker for team bonding and making a good impression, and she’d never be too proud to use it against you.
Which is exactly how you wound up in the back room of a pub in Notting Hill. You’d already met Briony--a 23-year-old London native who landed the job of a lifetime when she applied to be an Assistant II, the spot right beneath yours. 
Maggie had taken a liking to a Briony, which wasn’t shocking when you watched the two of them down a beer and bicker about the ranking of a local football club. Maggie loved seeing herself in other people, and anyone who looked up to her? Game over.
Briony was young and impressionable but smart and determined, a bit wide eyed at the entertainment lifestyle, still, but that always took a few years to wear off. 
You’d met Hannah right when you walked in, she greeted you with excitement and you pretended she wasn’t intimidatingly beautiful and tall. She’s fucking hilarious, Briony smiled. 
Now you take reprieve in a corner and listen to Phil and Maggie catch up. In a way, being here is work. Existing in the circle, getting to know your surroundings. Especially at this stage in the game.
At some point right before 9pm, Jason strolls in with someone you don’t recognize, a hoodie and sneakers and you wonder if you should have told Maggie about the flowers and the card.
He makes his way into your tiny group and lets an arm slump around her shoulders when he smiles down at you. “You didn’t give a color, so I hope I did okay—you know, seeing as I was left to my own devices.”
Maggie and Phil are too wrapped up in their conversation, so you laugh and decide you’ll match his demeanor. Jet lag plus alcohol? The professional side of your brain recognizes the risk, but your mouth ticks into a smirk involuntarily.
“Next time I’ll arrive early and buy my own,” you tease him, a playful roll of your eyes to let him know how apologetic you were for his trouble.
His eyes scan your face a little now, the pub is loud and you wonder how many hours a person can be awake before they’re deemed clinically insane. 
“Maggie said you worked for a Real Housewife?”
You nod, take a sip of the cocktail that was shoved your way when you showed up. “Kyle Richards—she’s very sweet and she was the best boss I’ve ever had, so—"
“Big shoes to fill,” he comments, a quick pause before he corrects: “high heels?”
“Either way,” you smile.
“I guess, though…” he reaches up and lets a finger comb over his mustache. Did he keep it year round? What did it feel like when—
“I guess since it’s a temporary position, your contract does outline that I am not actually your boss. Your work for your agency, not me.” He lets his eyes meet yours when you smile up at him, a tiny shrug of his left shoulder. 
“Kyle will be very happy she gets to keep her first place ranking, then.” 
“Poppy!” Maggie’s excited shriek makes both you and Jason turn to see her. She dances in place, opening her arms when a petite brunette slams into her.
A big hug--Jason gets pulled aside by Brendan--and you’re introduced to the woman who makes us all look fit as fuck, as Juno puts it when she excitedly trails behind her. 
Poppy's chic—leather flare pants and a blouse that accentuates her waist. Sure, you hadn’t been here long, but there were a few obvious things so far:
Maggie is close with Poppy and Briony. In fact, it would appear that they are some of her favorite people on set. 
Maggie is also friends with Juno and Hannah--two of the stars on the show and the exact type of strong women Maggie is a magnet to. You trusted, for now, that one day you’d be less intimidated by them.
There was an overall sense of unity, specifically between the women (which was dope), and among the entire cast and crew.
All good things, you decide. So you have another gin and juice and then trail behind them when someone suggests a relocation, somewhere more private and less likely to result in hey, aren’t you those people on that show?
So, on your first night in London, you end up sitting on the floor of Jason’s living room when Poppy and Juno ask you a million questions. 
“America--alright, whereabout?” Juno asks with an eager smile and a red solo cup in hand. She's cross legged on the carpet, you swallow another gulp of your drink and realize that the alcohol is likely solely responsible for your consciousness at this point.
Total waking time: going on 22 hours.
“New York,” you nod. “Born and raised, but I’ve been living in LA for the last few years.”
Poppy’s a bit wide eyed, probably from the vodka. “New York, like New York City, New York?”
“Maggie and I grew up in a small town called Peekskill--right north of the city,” you say this and see Maggie glance over at the sound of her name. “Maggie is Peekskill’s biggest fan.”
She rolls her eyes theatrically at this, groans in protest when you giggle at the drama. 
“Oh come on,” you laugh. “If it wasn’t for that town we wouldn’t be FRIENDS!”
“And if you weren’t friends, I wouldn’t have an assistant right now,” Jason says with a smile when he comes in from the kitchen—a glass of wine in hand that he soon offers to Hannah.
“Right, Maggie,” Hannah looks over and points a finger at your friend. “Don’t ruin this for all of us, we need her! Jason won’t be sane without her.”
“That’s gonna go straight to her head,” Maggie looks over at you, an unimpressed glare when you show a toothy grin. 
“Nobody told me I was saving the day,” you flutter your eyelashes in jest and Hannah cracks up.
“Big head already,” Maggie comments. 
“I don’t think I knew you were from New York, Maggie,” Jason looks over at her now, a cup in his own hand when he settles beside Hannah on the giant, modern sofa. 
His house is cool. Modern like the architecture in LA, but decorated with Brooklyn flair cool. You’d probably never admit it to anyone in the room, but you googled the shit out of him before your flight out here. 
When Maggie called and asked if you were even interested in a gig like this--someone less A-list than you previous clientele--you did your best to avoid the internet. If there was anything you’d learned after 8 years in the industry, it was that tabloids and headlines paid no mind to the truth. 
And, besides, you knew yourself well enough that googling Jason for weeks on end before moving across the ocean for a temporary job would only make your anxiety skyrocket. 
So you waited until your ass was firmly planted in the airport and through security. A glass of red wine from the business lounge and a sweatshirt made your internet reading less creepy and more cozy. 
“Oh, unfortunately,” Maggie sighs. “I’m more of an LA girl at heart.”
“That is true,” you back her up. “Which, personally, I won’t ever understand.”
“Me neither,” Jason agrees, his eyes on you when he spoke. “The people are weird, no privacy.”
“Something tells me Maggie loves the flashing lights,” Brett teases, a smile in her direction. Was there…something between them? Maggie rolls her eyes at Brett but lets Briony jump in. 
“Y/N, have you ever been to London before?”
“I have,” you nod with a smile, actually quite touched that the whole group seems to be interested enough to listen. “I’ve been for work a few times, but--never longer than a week or two. I’ve never spent a lot of time exploring.”
“Skip the London Eye,” Brett waves it off. “Gherkin’s much better.”
Another round of drinks and more teasing from Maggie until almost 2am--you smile at the way everyone says goodbye: hugs and cheek kisses and promises of see you Monday!
When you pull on your coat by the front door, Jason has a hand on the knob. “We should probably hang out tomorrow.”
“Yes,” you nod quickly, reaching for your phone to edit a calendar or set an alarm or something. “I can come here, bring coffee, what time?”
He laughs, a smile at your offer while Maggie and Juno giggle about something unintelligible in the doorway. “Yeah--sure, 10am?”
“You’ve got it,” another nod. Now Maggie reaches her hand for yours and looks up at Jason. 
“You’re welcome by the way. You’re going to love her.”
You catch the corner of his mouth pull up into a smirk, heat on your cheeks at Maggie’s choice of words. 
But Jason nods. “I believe you.”
The sun glitters through your shutters when you check your phone the next morning. 7:24am. You know within a few seconds that you’re awake for good: the time change and the still-packed suitcase on your floor demands it. 
So you walk to a corner cafe for your first cup, sit cross-legged on your hardwood floor and pull out sweaters and dresses and jeans. You swiped some mascara on and walked the two and a half blocks to Jason’s right before 9:45--your knuckles rapped on the door and you didn’t think, for a second, that being early might be a bad thing. 
Birds chirp in the morning sunlight, brisk and chilly at the start of spring. Steam billows up from the two hot coffees in hand--Briony texted you his order last night when she stumbled home.
“Hey, hi--I…overslept,” he blinks down at you a few times once the door swings open. His hair’s messy, a sweatshirt he must have tugged over at the sound of the doorbell. In a….hot way. 
“I can come back,” you blink up at him, a small smile in awkwardness when he shakes his head and steps aside. 
“No, no, no--it’s my fault, come in.”
You step into the foyer and clock the photos on the wall that you missed last night: family members, friends, moments he wanted a daily reminder of. He takes the coffees from you with an appreciate smile, walks over to the living room and sets them down on the circular table atop the plush rug. 
It’s different in the morning light, a tall plant in the corner and art on the walls, Hannah’s wine glass still sits on the end table where she left it. 
“Sorry that the only London sight you’ve seen so far is my living room,” he laughs a little, the first sip and a nod of recognition when he realizes you already know his order. 
“All good,” you shake your head and sit in the armchair across from him. “I’m happy to be here, excited for a change of scenery. S’only the first 48-hours, anyway.”
“The U.S. just get old, or somethin'?” He teases, another slow sip and a smile in your direction, this one, you can tell, has more curiosity behind it.
It's early. Early in the day, early in your relationship with Jason for you to be divulging the gritty details of how your life cracked open a mere six months ago.
So you give him the 30,000 foot view truth: “That and my whole life, apparently. Seeing as I agreed to this job with, like, two weeks notice.”
He nods now, eyes wide at your joke but still rolling with it. “Yeah,” he sighs when he relaxes on the sofa, “I can relate.”
A moment of awkward silence. He goes for another sip in the exact moments you realize it’s probably up to you to make the conversation start flowing--seeing as Jason’s eyes are still half closed when he takes his second sip. 
“So what made Jessie a great EA?” You sit back and watch as he lets your question sink in. His pointer finger traces along his mustache, like he’s a little caught off guard but still happy to answer. 
“She always laughs at my jokes,” he smiles, a quick glance up in your direction to see how it lands. 
“Okay, so…flattery,” you nod, throwing in a playful smirk. You curse yourself, silently, for the warmth beneath your ribcage at the sight of a dimple on his left cheek. 
“You can call it that if you must,” he rolls his eyes but then laughs and exhales, slowly. “She’s great, organized…which I am not always, by the way.”
You appreciate his honesty, watching when he glances out the window but keeps talking about your predecessor. “She’s very punctual, has a wicked memory--like, really good,” he nods.
You reach for your coffee and narrow your eyes. “That or calendar access, right?”
He laughs at your joke, “right. You had that meeting with her, yeah?”
The meeting that you agreed to even though it was at 6am your time because they were all over here in London. The meeting that you took alongside your morning cup of coffee and the meeting that had you, now, seated in Jason’s living room on the other side of the world. 
“Yes,” you nod, “and I’ve got your work and personal calendar, she gave me a whole binder to study.”
You pointed over to the tote you’d had on your shoulder upon arrival, remembered thumbing through pages before you tried to close your eyes on your flight. 
“If anyone handed me a binder and said, ‘go handle this man,’ I would have run for the hills.”
More melting of whatever anxiety sits in your chest. Levity in the room despite the fact that you still have a good impression to make and a lot to catch up on. You’ve been here only two days, but something tells you his cast and crew moved like a well-oiled machine. Or a friend group. A well-oiled friend group. 
“Yeah, well, Maggie loves coming to work. Which means you must be doing something right.”
He smiles in a way that shows your words mean something to him, like that’s a real compliment and not just your attempt at sucking up to the boss. Who you, under no circumstances, should think is attractive. 
“Can I show you around?” His eyebrows lift when he stands from the sofa, before gesturing over his shoulder to look into the backyard. 
Big glass panels--doors, you assume--that opened onto lush green grass despite the March cloud cover. First he leads you into the kitchen, slick counters and wood grain cabinetry before he shows you the fridge.
“This thing talks--but only sometimes, when it wants,” he presses the fridge. Drawings pinned up with magnets, a rainbow and a soccer ball, three stick figures with a dog. 
“I have two kids,” he says what you already know--it was in the binder. “Owen and Stella,” he smiles. “A lot of back and forth, between me and their mom--but that’s been…doable.”
Recent, you remember Maggie mentioning their split a few Christmases ago and the resulting headlines. Now, standing in his kitchen, you feel bad for the quiet house that was starting to feel more lonely than chic. 
Another nod before you follow him down the hall to the main suite. A nice space—meant for two but he still left a mark on the otherwise empty room. Books on the bedside table, change beside a bottle of cologne on the dresser and a belt that didn’t quite make it into the closet is lifeless on the floor.
A bathroom with a fancy tub, said closet that was the size of your first apartment, an upstairs hallway with guest quarters and office space. 
“Make yourself at home,” he smiles once you land back on the ground floor. “You’ll have to, y’know, so let’s skip the awkward phase.”
“Skip?” You feel your eyebrows raise as you say it.
He walks towards the living room again, coffee still in hand when he returns to his spot on the sofa. 
“You tell me what I can do to make your life easy and I’ll tell you what you can do to make mine the same.”
“Only I’m getting paid,” you challenge, glad to feel comfortable enough to be yourself. A good sign, really. The same way you felt after you met Kyle.
“True, yes—that’s correct,” he laughs. 
You eye him for a second, the smirk on his face told you he liked whatever was happening between the two of you as much as you did. 
“So then, what should I know about this week?”
He thinks on it for a second, bites his lower lip before he makes eye contact. “You’re gonna get sick of me, fair warning.”
“I believe you,” you nod, borrowing his words from the night before, a twinkle in his eye when he catches it.
“I’m there every morning by 6:30am. Seven if I’m reaaaally draggin’.”
“Got it.”
“First mark’s at 8, usually, but I need that time to look, you know, put together.”
“Uh huh,” you open your phone and jot things down: 8am, 6:30am, 7am, the address of the studio that you’d already memorized. “I’ll need the code to the house and a probably business credit card, I think that’s all you haven’t given me.”
You glance up for a second and catch him looking at you, eyebrows raised, like your aura lit up the room or he wasn’t expecting your demands. Unreadable and you don't like it.
“Yes, yeah,” he clears his throat a little bit but still smiles. “I will get you both of those things.”
This is the moment you decide it’s best to leave, you know, not overstay your welcome since you showed up and he was still in pajamas. You stand and shoulder your tote bag, make small talk as he follows suit and soon you’re standing in the doorway just like you were last night. 
“I hope the first forty-eight have been okay.”
Your eyes narrow from momentary confusion, your head tilts. 
“Hours,” he clarifies. “In London.”
“They’ve been good,” you answer genuinely before adding a dose of sarcasm. “Been stuck in one guy’s living room, so I’m excited to see some sights today with Maggie, catch up on some sleep this weekend.”
He chuckles quietly and smiles, a wave of anticipation in your gut when you realize how good it feels to make him laugh. He’s got a hand on the knob and tugs it open, adding: “Brett was wrong, by the way.”
Your brow furrows when you step into the cool morning. 
“The Gherkin’s good, but my favorite view is this hotel--The Shard--they’ve got a great bar at the top.”
The corner of your mouth pulls into a smile, a feeling in your gut, again, that has you desperate to know more about Jason and the show and this world Maggie loved living in. But for now you have to leave. 
One last smile and wave in farewell, “good to know.”
Sunday morning had you at brunch with Maggie and Briony, mimosas poured in Notting Hill when you applied chapstick.
“Okay,” you cap it and smile between them both before you bring your drink to your lips, cool, calm, collected. 
They’re desperate for details, you can tell Briony wants to hear about your meeting with Jason and Maggie will take anything. 
She’s already certain you’d soon be thanking her for the gig of a lifetime. You tread lightly: “So, Jason’s pretty nice, seems cool so far.”
“Right,” Maggie narrowed her eyes for a second, looked over to Briony for back up before asking: “why do you sound so weird while saying that?”
You shrug and sip before redirecting, thankful for the sunglasses on your face due to sunny sidewalk seating. “Just settling in, Mag. I spent a solo hour with him yesterday.”
This tumbles out of your mouth before you realize you kept this from Maggie for hours. A whole afternoon of London by tube and dinner with Poppy last night and your morning at Jason’s didn’t come up.
Or maybe you didn’t bring it up because you walked home with a smile on your face and felt like an idiot for realizing that you had a very stupid schoolgirl crush on your new boss. Or, not boss?
A crush that would fade, no doubt. One that was sure to be chalked up to a rush of adrenaline that came with a new city and a new season and your newfound status: single. Or, super fucking single, as Maggie reminded you yesterday.
Briony leaned in, “he’s so cool, such a fun boss.”
“He seems fun,” you say with a nod. “I brought coffee.”
“You brought coffee?” Maggie leans in like you might as well have just told her you showed up naked on his doorstep.
���Yeah…” you eye her, aware that Briony’s head is on a constant swivel between the two of you. “Should I not have brought coffee?”
“No, no,” she shakes her head. “I’m just shocked to hear you’re such a kiss-ass for once. Especially with your new boss.”
“Technically,” you hold up a finger. “He’s not my boss.”
“What do you mean?” Briony asks. 
“I got this job through an agency,” you remind her. “And Maggie, obviously.”
“Obviously,” she takes a sip of her mimosa before leaning back in her chair. 
“So since it’s contracted out, I work for them, technically. Which makes Jason…”
Maggie understood, she’d worked long enough in Hollywood to fill in the blanks for Briony. “The guy you work with and the guy who’s orders you follow,” she giggles now.
“But not the guy who writes my check,” you smile. 
“Ugh,” Briony groans, jealous of the perks that come along with the EA title and the years of grunt work you’d already put in. “One day I’ll make it to the promiseland.”
“And until then you have Jason as your boss, so, I think we’re all doing okay,” Maggie teases. “Anyway,” she redirects. Leave it to Maggie to not give it up that easily. “What did you guys talk about yesterday?”
Her question feels casual, but you’re not sure how much to tip your hat. “Work,” you shrug. “And I’m not a kiss ass.”
“Y/N L/N?” her eyes go wide in jest. “Never!”
table of contents | talk to me + join the tag list
AN: CHAPPIE 2! Okay! A decent amount of you have requested a tag list simply because you're not checking tumblr every day. And you all know I love to give the people what they want, so, JOIN THE TAG LIST HERE. Very excited to get the ball rolling with this story, would love to hear any and ALL thoughts :) :) :)
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For era #2 (1989/evermore) of @cruelsummer-ficfest 💕
✨ Gold Rush ✨
My mind turns your life into folklore
I can't dare to dream about you anymore
“There’s something I want to talk to you about.”
“Anything you want.”
“You say that every day.”
“It’s true every day. I’m all yours. So what’s on the agenda?”
“You and Lavender.”
“Ugh. Pass.”
“Why don’t I just throw myself off a bluff into the ocean instead?”
“Okay, okay. What about me and Lavender?”
“Well, I suppose it’s more so about me and Lavender…”
“Were you snogging her, too?”
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake. I’m going to push you off a bluff into the ocean.”
“Honestly, Hermione, out with it, then. What about me and you and Lavender?”
“I never apologized to you.”
“You did, actually, about a hundred times.”
“For the birds, yes. Not for the rest of it.”
“I think the rest of it was more my doing, so…”
“I should’ve been more clear about my intentions for Slughorn’s Christmas party. And about my feelings for you in general.”
“You really don’t have to apologize for that.”
“I do. You’ve said plenty of sorry’s over the past few weeks, and I owe you some, too. Maybe if I had told you how I felt last year, we wouldn’t have wasted so much time.”
“If you’d told me how you felt, I probably would have snogged you right there in the greenhouse, and we’d have both wound up in detention. Besides, you could say that about a lot of things in the past year—hell, the past few years—but that doesn’t make it your fault that we missed out on that time.”
“I should’ve fought for you.”
“Fought for me? You make it sound like I’m the last of Mum’s Christmas biscuits around nine hungry Weasleys.”
“Well, that’s sort of how it felt last year, with everybody wondering what it would be like to love you.”
“Who’s everybody?”
“Okay, maybe not everyone. But Lavender and I, obviously. Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones both thought you were quite fit. And I do believe Anthony Goldstein would have been interested if you were so inclined.”
“Huh. Always wondered why he wanted my help with homework instead of yours. Suppose Wingardium Leviosa wasn’t the only one of my charms that caught his eye.”
“You are so lame. Why do I love you, again?”
“You just said it, I’m good with my wand.”
“Anyway…I didn’t like the Ron Weasley gold rush that seemed to be taking place. Selfishly, I hated the idea that I was going to have to compete for your attention.”
“You had it already, you know.”
“Until I didn’t. I didn’t make it clear that my hat was in the ring, and when Lavender kissed you, I folded. You had every right to carry on with her, even though I hated every second of it. I always wondered what it must be like to grow up that beautiful, and then she had you, too…”
“I was jealous, and I acted foolishly, and I took you for granted. You had to nearly die for me to see how horrible I was to you. So I’m sorry.”
“Apology still not necessary, but accepted.”
“Thank you.”
“For what it’s worth? You wouldn’t have had to fight that hard, if you had. It’s always been you. No contest.”
“For me, too. No contest.”
“But…do you ever think maybe it’s a good thing I had that little detour with Lavender?”
“You know, the wind really is quite strong out here on the coast. I could make your death look like an accident.”
“I’m serious. We don’t know what would have happened if you and I got together sooner. I do know we’re here now. I wouldn’t trade the path we took, because I wouldn’t want to end up somewhere else.”
“That’s actually very sweet.”
“Always the—”
“—tone of surprise, yes, yes, I know. I should stop being surprised by you by now, but it keeps things exciting, doesn’t it?”
“Good save.”
“Speaking of surprises, do you think Harry realizes anything has changed between us?”
“Hermione, the man has got more important things to think about than if you and I have finally got our heads out of our arses. We’re trying to save the world here.”
“So definitely yes?”
“Definitely yes.”
“I suppose it’s not exactly subtle that you’ve been sleeping in my room every night.”
“We don’t sleep every night…”
“That’s beside the point.”
“I think that’s exactly the point, and—are you blushing?”
“We should get back, Fleur will have dinner on soon.”
“I can’t believe you’re blushing. Especially after last night…”
“Wow, two weeks together, and you’re already embarrassed of our relationship. That cliff is looking better and better every minute.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And yet, you love me.”
��Alas. Yes, I do. And you love me.”
“Yep. I reckon you’re stuck with me now.”
And the coastal town
We wandered 'round had never
Seen a love as pure as it
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sunset-a-story · 5 months
WIP Questions Tag
Thanks to @ceph-the-ghost-writer for the tag! You can see their post here.
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
I think my co-writer and I first came up with the core cast of Alex, Reeve, Hannah, and Gareth. It all spiraled out of the control from there.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
3. Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
Gahhhh that's such a hard question!! I'll say Reeve because I'm a sucker for a character with a whole universe of shit going on underneath a controlled stoic surface. And while he fucks up sort of a lot, he's also clever as fuck and never stops trying to do the right thing.
4. What other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
This question is tougher than the first! I'll go with Witch Hunter Robin.
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
Managing the puzzle of it all! Sunset is several different storylines and locations and casts that cross and intersect and run into each other over the course of a decade or so--all in the process of the story threads eventually converging at the climax. That's A LOT of timing to keep straight and a lot of pieces to make sure nothing gets left behind.
6. Are there any animals in your story?
Oh, just a sweet little hamster named Baguette! (Plus Chicklet the chicken and a couple of slobbery dogs in later volumes and of course our shifter characters, like Darwin and Sunny, who can change into an animal form.)
7. How do your characters get around?
Any and all modern transport ways--plus teleportation when there's a teleporter (and anti-nausea meds) handy.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Working on filling in the gaps of Volume Three!
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
I'd be really interested to hear what readers have to say about this because I really don't know! If I had to guess I'd say they came the superpowered people--but stayed for the Baguette Updates.
I'll no-pressure tag @kahvilahuhut @gracehosborn @pandoras-comment-box and @toribookworm22
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spookyserenades · 7 months
Questions and thoughts
So, rereading all the chapters some questions cane to mind. I really hope i remember all of them but if not then I'll just send another ask.
I need to know more about hybrid laws and hybrids in general in the world you created. What i gathered until now is that they can't walk without their version of collars and microchip (hybrid ID) and that's kinda the only thing that twigged as law to me. Oh and that they are not allowed to work. What are other laws? Also you'd think that if they were created with the intention of house pet that can talk, wouldn't they only create non-exotic hybrids? But i guess that the exotics are made with the purpose of entertaining the rich. As you said hunting them, maybe sexual desires? Or how Jin was in the circus.
Back to their adoption. Can i ask what everyone was thinking in a few words? Like they new they were going to that rich guy but boom random 23-24 year old girl pops in Hi I got you babes! I'd ask you if you could make a small drabble but I'm too impatient 🤣😭. I was thinking about it and I feel like JK probably thought Oh nice I'm not dying yet but I'm gonna go to a sex house yuhuu.
Scenting! From what I understood all hybrids do it. Please tell me it's not as sexual as the 7 of them make it out to be 😭 Not that i don't enjoy it because that is more hot than a sex scene in my opinion. But i can't imagine Daisy doing it😭😭😭
Let's say for the fun of it Hoseok gets together with Alice. He will want to scent her too. Will he stop scenting Y/N? Will she have to give him to Alice in documents and stuff?
Now relationship wise. Do you plan for them to have a poly relationship or more of a open relationship? Because I don't see any of the boys falling in love with each other but that might be just me.
And now a few random questions. How the fuck does JK get dressed with the antlers? How is Y/N so rich because i want to be rich too? How good is that hearing and smell of theirs because I'd be to anxious to have any bodily functions? (In moments like this it would be nice if girls actually pooped rainbows and farted roses ngl😭) Would it be alright after you finish this if i print it out and make it an actual book?
I think that's it right now... For sure i had more stuff to ask. I'll probably remember after i send this. I love this series a lot and idk if you are belive in shifting or not but I'll definitely try to shift to this world. You are amazing Dana and i can't wait to see what happens next ❤️
Oooh let me see if I can give you some answers (also, thank you for sending in your thoughts 🥺)
For the laws... In Trouvaille, adopted hybrids end up getting an ID card to indicate their adoption status, rather than a collar or a microchip. The only forms of legal "employment" is working with the National Parks, like Jimin, and being circus/zoo performers, like Seokjin. Everything else is a sort of under the table operation or even exploitation-- think Yoongi, his mother and he were favored by a nightclub owner and were permitted to live and work there prior to being adopted. Taehyung, on the other hand, was created and exploited at a logging plant for his labor. I haven't come up with any other laws within this universe, yet, but we'll see as time goes on if any more pop up 😉 As for the creation of exotic hybrids, in the past, they were seen as flashy companions to the rich. In the present, they're either adopted by elites who wish to hunt for sport, or because of their superior strength compared to, say, a rabbit hybrid, to be workhorses illegally. Third, for circuses/zoos, like Seokjin.
HA okay they were probably all mad confused when Y/N showed up to adopt them... I think distrustful would be a word that comes to mind for Jeongguk, Namjoon, and Taehyung. Seokjin was too weak to properly react, and grieving over the fact that he didn't know what happened to Hannah. Hoseok and Jimin were just relieved to get the fuck out of there LMAO... and Yoongi, we now know already knew Y/N, and was probably hoping she was just there for him. I'm CRYINGGGG you're so right about Jeongguk thinking something like that, like the world they live in, it would make sense for someone to adopt them all to abuse :(
Scenting: Definitely not an inherently sexual act like the boys made it with Y/N 💀 While most of them are oblivious to Y/N's deeper feelings towards them, they can most definitely smell her attraction to them, and I think that's what triggers them to become menaces... As for Daisy, I picture the way her scenting Ben/Roy as childish nips to the wrist, like a toddler biting her dads, essentially. 💜
Even if Hoseok was to become romantic with Alice, he wouldn't scent her. That act is reserved for adoptive guardians! I don't see Y/N ever giving him up, either, nor would Hoseok want to leave his home.
The relationship is like you said, kind of an open relationship sort of situation. It's sort of unconventional, but I think they'll end up making it work 🥺
fdjksafsd good question about Jeongguk and his shirts! He often wears button downs and concert tees with loose collars. I think after years of having those antlers of his, he's learned how to maneuver things like hoodies over them in a specific way. LMAO I know Y/N has that MONEY! I think her family is old money, her maternal grandfather started an unspecified company, and her dad was an innovator of hybrid cardiology surgery.... she was pretty much born into it 💀 Lucky girl!
Their sense of smell and hearing is excellent, but not God-tier! I think behind several closed doors and whatnot they wouldn't be able to hear someone blowing up the toilet, or smell it, even 😭💀
STOP that would be so adorable if you ended up printing Trouvaille out and making it into a book 🥺🥺 It's alright with me as long as I don't see it on Etsy bestie 😘 (also I'm blushing thank you sm I'm honored)
IIIII- me and my best friend talk about how we want to shift into Trouvaille, too. Let me know if you are ever able to do it successfully, bc I want in on that!
Sending you love and thank you for letting me hear your thoughts 💕💕
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hannahwatcheshorror · 20 days
28 DAYS LATER (2002)
💁‍♀️💁‍♀️Strong Female Lead(s)
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While over 20 years old now, the effects hold up very well as does the story. I would like to find flaws and say that people wouldn’t be so stupid as to spread the virus in the first place, or that people would never be so cruel to one another in hard times, but after having gone through a pandemic… This movie does an excellent job showing what happens during a public health crisis. I’ve only just seen the film but I know it's worth watching again for details I missed the first time.
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The filmmakers had no idea about COVID-19 when they made this movie in 2002 but I can’t help but compare the two events and shudder. The Rage sickness did NOT have to be spread. The science man told them pretty explicitly that if they set the chimps loose, everyone will start dying immediately, and what happened? Exactly. It only took 28 days for Rage to ravage London and for poor lil' Cillian Murphy to wake up all alone in the buff (though I appreciate some male nudity with these mostly female nudity heavy movies, thanks Cill). He finds his world very empty save for some very wild folk who really want a bite out of him (but I mean, who doesn’t). He teams up with a guy and a girl but lights a candle so he can be alone with the girl. Then he and Selena (the girl) find a Daddy-Daughter duo and the daughter’s name is Hannah so she has some big shoes to fill (but I digress). 
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They pick up an emergency broadcast telling them to go to a promised land and Hannah is the deciding vote (get it, girl). They go through a tunnel and Papa Frank guns it which is scary and fun but it pops a tire. Hannah to the rescue! Everyone lifts the car while reminding Hannah to hurry (she knows) as she puts on a spare. This was very stressful because I really want Hannah to survive this movie (figures). Next, Hakuna Matata because they go apocalypse grocery shopping (and Daddy Frank is pleased to see the Granny Smiths are going strong because of radiation). Picnicking and having a campout somewhere green and with wild horses, you almost forget about the terrifying, red-eyed, infected. Almost.
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They make it to the promised land but there is no one there so Father Frank kicks something out of frustration and gets a drop of virus blood in his eye and THEN the army fuckers pop up out of nowhere to kill him. I am ANGRY and sad for Hannah (and Cillian who mistook Frank for his father earlier). All those left are trucked back to the army headquarters. Things start to feel a little off, and then the head honcho tells dear Mr. Murphy that he promised his hard working soldiers women. Yeah, it’s only been a month but they were all ready to off themselves over the idea of not getting laid again, but being able to take advantage of a woman? Now that sounds like a fine idea to these freaks! Obviously, Cillian, Selena, and Hannah are NOT on board for this but they are outnumbered and so the non-dominant male is exiled.
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Cillian doesn’t take well to this so becomes a super stealthy boy suddenly even though in his life before all this he was a delivery driver. He lures Best Boy out into the woods and then doubles back to the clubhouse to rescue Selena and Hannah, taking out one of the baddies on the way. At this point the girls are very scared which is fair because they’ve been made to change into different clothing in front of the men (bright red dresses specifically). Selena gives Hannah some drugs so she won’t have to endure the full effects of the evening but this sort of backfires when the young lady isn’t taking the zombie in their midst very seriously! By the time Cillian comes in and takes care of the guy grabbing up on his woman, Selena thinks he might have The Rage (TM), but he still has his big, old, baby blues. Blonde bitch boy tries to ruin things but Hannah tells him no and feeds him to his pet zombie. Finally, they are in a little house and like a little family, and they sew and make a big “HELLO” for planes overhead to see (but they are pretty sure all of Europe is in lockdown so they are gonna be stuck there a while).
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The “what if” alternative ending is just the most realistic ending if Murph-dawg really got shot point blank in the torso during the apocalypse. Homeboy dies. Sorry. The “Radical Alternative Ending” was just as it said, radical. They had an idea that perhaps the cure could be a full body blood transfusion but realized that this couldn’t work in the world they created where a single drop of blood in the eye could infect you in 20 seconds. Cillian ends up dead but Frank lives in the radical scenario. It was fascinating to see them storyboarding.
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glowstone23b · 1 year
Hey, I saw your post asking us to gush about minecraft ocs and…ok, so, I have a lot. Partly because details of my ocs tie into the world I made for them, and mostly because I’ve been working on this for 3 and a half years and there’s a lot to tell.
Anyways, my main oc, Hannah, is from the real world and was dragged into the realm of Minecraft. It turns out that there are four kingdoms in this world and three out of the four kingdoms believe in a religious prophecy that entails that a tyrant will rise from one of the kingdoms, but a warrior will return to vanquish them. They believe Hannah to be this warrior, but Hannah doesn’t feel like she is. Unfortunately for her, the only way for her to get back is to go through the same portal that she came in from, and the only way to get the portal to reactivate is to gather the missing corner pieces from each of the four kingdoms. Throughout her journey, Hannah makes friends and allies, all while learning the rules of the server she’s in and how Minecraft works.
Oh yeah, the four kingdoms here are:
Kinerfall: A kingdom for the other players on the server. They see the world as more of an in-depth roleplay thing. Ruled by Queen Amara, who is also from the real world.
Weyforlosa: A kingdom for mobs. They are currently in an active war with Kinerfall because their ruler, King Coveris, used to date Queen Amara, but they split because they each thought that the other was going to be the tyrant.
Lavail: The Nether kingdom. They usually don’t believe in the prophecy or the religion the other kingdoms follow called Avianity. Ruled by King Hesil.
Vaniscar: The End kingdom. Currently the people there are a bit on edge because their recently crowned king, King Afias, has a bit of a checkered past, but he’s what they have for now. 
Here’s a drawing of the rulers of those kingdoms btw:
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Throughout the story, Hannah makes friends with some mobs that decide to tag along with her, pictured here:
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Lonnie is a witch’s experiment that came to life as a slime. She loves adventures and knows how to brew potions.
Isador used to be a wandering trader, but he got turned into an evoker after being captured during a raid. He breaks free from the pillager’s side after meeting Hannah.
Dilou is a part of the royal guard for Lavail. He’s never been outside of the Nether before, so the adventure he goes on with the team is full of new surprises.
Evelyn has it out for King Afias after he wronged her in such a way that it got her banished from Vaniscar. 
Anyways, sorry I rambled for so long. I just have a lot to say about this world…wait, I didn’t even tell you its name.
The world is called Avion. As such, the story is called Tale of Avion.
That’s all. Take care. Stay determined <3
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This is me reading this btw^^^
Thank you for sharing!!! Your drawings rule, I love the way you draw endermen especially (you get the proportions just right!!) Also never apologize for rambling about it, especially when you've been asked to do so! I appreciate it!!
As for Kinerfall, all of the players there see it as a roleplay sort of thing (and at least Amara is an irl person, though idk if the others are as well)... would they ever want to return to the real world, do they have access to do so, or are they mostly just in-game players? Is Amara an exception in this right, like Hannah is?
Also even if Hannah isn't the real hero the rest of the kingdoms make her out to be, she still seems to be uniting them in a way! Getting a bunch of mobs together from different corners of the world towards a common force (and getting to understand where each is coming from) is very valuable!
For kingdoms, are they/have they ever been on good terms? Do they have agreements or treaties between one another to keep the peace, is it uneasy, or are there a lot of wars happening? In my head I feel that Kinerfall wouldn't get along with a lot of the kingdoms (being that players typically hunt mobs for resources/sport/etc.), but I have little knowledge about it as of yet so I'd love to hear :)
I ask a lot of questions because I'm curious, so sorry if the wall of text is a little intimidating! I just love the worldbuilding!! As you know, my nether fascination is not very sane of any human being, but I also love exploring how in-game mechanics might work in a story-- things like using your inventory, for instance, or how totems of undying feel to use, if applicable in the AU. Like-- for the end kingdom, what is their main material? Like what are Afias' clothes/armor made of? Do they have materials in the end we're not able to see in game, or do they trade with other kingdoms? Do they eat chorus fruit? Do endermen need to eat at all? How do alliances work out between them all? How do the mobs keep from burning during the day? Do they have any magic that helps? Charms, amulets, totems? Do kingdoms have to compromise sometimes (like players would need to have a meeting with the mobs at night, to prevent them from burning up, in lieu of being able to see all that comfortably?)
ALSO stay determined? A fellow UTDR enjoyer? Huzzah! This is coming from someone who wears a LOT of stripes and now has a love for sweaters after allowing it to shape my life a while back lol
Anyways. Lots of questions, I'm inherently curious, what can I say? Long story short. I love your characters I'm looking directly at them!!!! Thank you for sharing with the class :D
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Gender Clinic SHUT DOWN: Journalist Breaks Down Investigation
Francis Foster: It's also the element of, how many of these kids who are going through this process... they're just gay, They're just gay kids.
I mean, because the show has got quite big now, the people who come up to me, I get quite a lot of gay men and gay women wanting to talk to me about this. And I remember talking to this gay lady - makes me sound like I'm from the 1950s when I say that but - a few weeks ago, and we were talking about this and she approached me and we were having a nice conversation, and she just looked at me and she went, "thank God that I'm in my late 20s because if this had been around when I was 12, I would have transitioned, and I would have screamed the house down until, you know, there was medical intervention. because that's how upset I was at the fact that I was gay or I am gay."
Hannah Barnes: I think this is the part of the story which people, particularly in, you know, liberal metropolitan cities find the hardest to accept. And certainly that's like the reaction that I've had to the work, like, it just can't be true, you know. And clinicians themselves, they would get young people coming in and using these vile homophobic slurs that we had at school in the - I think we're probably a similar age - you know, the 80s and 90s. And hearing that I kind of, I thought we were done with that. I thought it just wasn't a thing anymore to, for people to think it's not okay to be gay. But it is, and it's not me saying that.
Every clinician I spoke to said that so many of those young people were same-sex attracted, even those that spoke really favorably about the work at GIDS, and particularly the girls and actually, when those clinicians who were gay themselves raise those concerns, they say they were accused of being too close to the work, that they were seeing something that wasn't there. And what they've turned around and they say, look at the data. It's really rubbish, we don't have much of it, but what we do have absolutely bears that out.
So, GIDS's data for every single young person that was referred to them in 2012, of the ones they have data for, which is the sort of the older ones, they didn't ask the very young kids, what was it, 90 percent of the girls identified as either same-sex attracted or bisexual. And eighty percent of the boys. And then in slightly more recent stats, those come down to about 70 and 60 respectively, but they're still incredibly high.
So they're saying, we weren't seeing something that wasn't there. And I've spoken to young people themselves, there's a there's a case in the book, Harriet, who said "I was a lesbian, and it was so obvious. I went into my GIDS assessment and I talked about the first relationship that I'd had with a girl, and I felt really ashamed about it because she wouldn't talk to me in public, and I've never been attracted to a boy." And all that was ignored.
So it's not... the data, the personal experiences, the experiences of the clinicians... it's there. And I have to stress that of the people I spoke to for the book, not all of whom are named or quoted but, collectively, they've worked with thousands of young people directly, sitting in a room like we are now, face to face. I don't think it's credible to pretend that the overwhelming number of people who might be affected by this are[n't] gay, bisexual, lesbian. And that's always been the case.
So, every study we have in this field is quite rubbish, but all of them highlighted that. And when Domenico De Chelly opened GIDS back in 89, he always made that point. That of any group of kids, some would grow up to be trans, but they would be the minority. The majority wouldn't, and the majority of them would be gay.
And somehow this gets lost over the years, even though it was in the clinical presentations. And even though their own data showed them that.
"Gender affirming care" is gay conversion therapy.
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ameliawarnerr · 2 years
(She was the evanescent of his life– there and gone.)
Part 5
(Part 4: here)
Jake’s pov
“I never thought you would go to a festival.” Dan speaks as he sits on the driver’s seat. I'’ve been sitting on the passengers seat for twenty minutes waiting for them to get ready. Dan is the only one who has shown up. Amelia and Lilly are still inside.
“Neither did I.” It comes out as depressed for a whole different reason. Alex Graham, I can't find anything about him. I have reached out to a few people and they just told me to wait. Only if I had my computer, I would have gotten something in an hour or two.
“What’s up with your mood swings? You don’t sound this exhausted when you are with Amelia. Are you pretending to be happy?” Never in my lifetime I imagined to be having such a conversation with Dan. But something about him has changed ever since I clarified that I am not a traitor to the country or stole money.
“I am not. That side of me naturally occurs around her. And when I am not by her side, everything else hits me.” It's hard to believe the words leaving my mouth because they never do. The only person I open up to is Amelia but I can't talk to her about this.
Dan hums. “Everthing else? You mean, the government and shit?”
I shake my head.
“Then what?”
I sigh. “If I tell you, what are the chances that you wouldn’t tell Amelia?”
He shrugs. “Like, zero.”
I fight a laugh at his honesty. “That’s what I thought.”
“So what is it?” He opens a can of beer and offer me. I shake my head. “Whatever it is, if you think you shouldn’t tell her, then you definitely should.”
I have always relied on solving problems myself. Even in the investigation to find Hannah, I relied on Amelia for all the things I couldn't do. And she relied on me for what I could do. I have no experience in solving problems that require involvement of emotions. I do not want to ask anything of her. I’d hate to be the one asking her questions. I would listen to her for eternity but I can't ask her. I don't find myself in that position.
“I can't.” I simply say since I have no idea how to explain it to Dan or how much he’d care about my issues.
“What you mean you can’t? You got a mouth. You got a cerebrum. Work it out.” I can't help but to smile at how easy he thinks it is.
“If I could simply tell her, Dan, I would have. If it was anything about me, she would be knowing it by now.” I curse internally on how much I am sharing.
“So wait,” Dan puts his beer away, sitting straight. “It’s not about you? It's about her?”
I poke my tongue against the inner membrane of my mouth turning my head towards the window. I need to relearn how to keep my mouth shut.
“Is it an ex problem?” Dan asks.
“No.” Then, I realise something. She has been living for twenty years and would have come across plenty of men. Alex Graham, the guy who messaged me, could be one of them. “I’m not sure.”
Dan leans back in his seat, nodding to himself. “That’s why you need to ask her but you are not sure if you should ask her.”
I close my eyes, taking in how correct he is.
“Well, I don't know much about the shoulds and should nots. But I know that you should stick with the should nots for tonight.”
I open my eyes. He's right. Tonight is not the occasion for having such sort of conversation nor am I prepared for it.
“Or else, if you need to beat the shit out of someone, I'll be there. First row. No questions asked. I just love the thrill of fighting.” I thought Amelia was the only one who could make me laugh but I had been wrong. Dan can be funny too. Sometimes. Rest of the times, he's just annoying.
I close my eyes and let my head fall back. After a few minutes, I whisper, “Thanks.” When he didn't say anything I was sure he didn't hear me but then—
“Anytime, man.”
We wait for a few more minutes for Amelia and Lilly in a comfortable silence. Then the door to the back seat opens, and my eyes goes to the mirror in order to see Amelia. My heart does a crazy jump when I find her already looking at me from the mirror. She smiles and I return her smile unknowingly. When I told Dan that she brings out my this side naturally, I didn't lie.
Lilly sits beside Amelia on the backseat.
Dan starts the car. “Are you idiots ready?” Amelia and Lilly answer enthusiastically with a ‘Yes’. And I do no understand why they answer when they are being addressed as idiots but I do laugh.
Lilly starts a random conversation. “I haven't painted in a while. It's like the colors inside me are screaming.”
“You paint?” Amelia asks, astonished.
I knew. I did a background on all of them.
“Lilly’s an art major.” Dan says. “And I tried my luck at a law college. One year and I dropped out.”
I knew that too.
“What about you?” Lilly asks Amelia.
“I went to Everbetten Institute of Arts. I'm a drama major.”
I... didn't know that. I had planned to run a background check on her after talking to her once. After talking to her, I didn't want to know anything about her, I wanted to explore her, little by little. Even the information I took down from Dark Web didn't have much.
My chest tightens. The name of the institute sounds awfully familiar. My hand grabs my phone and looking for the screenshots of the information I got on Alex Graham.
Passed out from Everbetten Institute of Arts.
Irritation and a pile of questions fill me. I'd do anything to have my computer right now but again I feel helpless because even my hacking skills won't be able to find answers this time.
Dan seems to have noticed my stiffness so drifts the conversation towards me and I feel like puching his face. “What about you, Jake?”
I look at him and he gives me the type of smile that says answer or else Amelia will know something is wrong.
“I got into music in my teenage. Guitar, basically.” I say and the shock in the atmosphere is visible. Dan’s mouth is a little open as he tries to make sense of what I said. Lilly stares ahead blankly. And Amelia is looking at me through mirror and I find myself unable to look at any of them. “I’m not going to play it for you—”
“You are definitely going to play.” Dan says.
“Yes, you are.” Amelia and Lilly chime in from behind.
I sigh. I should have something complicated related to computers.
The flow of conversation keeps declining to more and more unsophisticated as we reach the festival.
As we get out of the car, my eyes fall on Amelia. I could finally see her without any obstacles. And she looks...exquisite and irresistible. Everday she reminds me what I would be missing if I had walked away. Everyday I thank myself for staying. There's so much I don't know about her but I don't mind. I'll be happily on her magical mystery ride.
The light dress she's wearing with shades of purple isn't anything special but if she were to be lost in a crowd, I'd spot her in an instant.
“Hi.” She says as if we just met.
“Hey.” I play along.
All of a sudden, I feel that she's too far away. I pull her towards me with a hand on her waist. Her breath hitches slightly. I love how she reacts to my touch.
“You look good.” She steals my words.
I look at our surroundings. Lilly and Dan are already looking for something. There's a huge crowd. I look again at her eyes to find the familiar comfort. “I have no idea what we are supposed to do here.” I admit.
She shrugs. “Neither do I. Let's just find something to eat first?”
I nod, although I'm not hungry for food. I'm hungry for every second I can spend with her.
I hold her hand as we through the crowd.
“Wait a moment.” She says pulling her hand back. She bends a little to fix the strap of her scandals. Someone comes in between us and she’s no longer in front of me. I spot her a little away from me. I chase but she keeps looking here and there. She can't hear me either.
The crowd gets thicker and it gets hard to breath. I get out of the crowd. My hand immediately going to my phone.
I dial her digits and a familiar sound comes from behind me. It's her ringtone. I turn around to find her. I smile but it is short lived. There's a guy behind her. He doesn't look like he's just passing by.
“Jake.” She calls out and I look her again. She gestures to the guy. “This is my friend, Alex. We went to the same college.”
Part 6
What do you think? Lemme know in the comments! I love reading your replies and replying to you!
Thank youu
Love y'all
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fat-femshep · 6 months
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The place was unique in the fact it was a buffet that catered to any and all tastes. It seemed, at some points, to be able to make food beyond this current universe too but who could say for sure. The vast dining hall was filled with the scents of food and the sounds of gluttonous eating and chatter. It was a welcoming place where someone like Hannah could easily be herself too. No-one looked or stared, no-one made a comment about her size. Here she was the average. Not everywhere was so accepting of such a grand size.
"Only recently learned about feedism, huh?" The short yet thick girl said, looking at Hannah as she settled at the table too, getting comfy in her seat with a little wiggle. "I am almost curious to ask what started getting you fat!"
She chuckled and waved her hand, suggesting she wasn't going to ask that right now. Instead, Hannah had asked about her. While true that Lizzie was not someone who thought herself to be much of anything, an earnest question got earnest answers.
"Me, huh? Well, I'm Lizzie. I'm an Engineer-slash-inventor by trade. I did some military service when I was younger as well as apprenticed under some Engineers. Though, these days I work on my own projects. Mainly the mobility aides, such as the one you are using. I make them from scratch, drafting and blueprinting before making. I have a small team that helps me out too though!"
Basically, former military, runs her own business, is pretty smart and a bit of a savant when it comes to her field of tech.
"Umm... Oh, I'm not great at cooking and I have a bit of a bad habit getting too engrossed in my work at times. Pretty good at social... things though I would say I am more... introvert than extrovert. More likely to spend a night in watching TV than go out somewhere if I have time free. Oh yeah... I am new to dating too! I think I might of mentioned that in our online chats? And yeah... I guess that's sorta... me? If that helps you get to know a bit about who this short girl who took you to a buffet is!"
Hannah took all of that in as she listened closely to what Lizzie was explaining, nodding along as she took it in. She liked that she was former military, it gave them another thing in common, someone who would understand the experiences and all the work that went into all the various branches of it.
"Thank you, that does tell me a lot. I'm glad you're a fellow career military one like me, though different branches. Civilians can't always get their heads around some aspects of our jobs. But I'm glad you were able to put those skills to use in your own business. I doubt I'll do anything else after I eventually retire, but I'm trying to put that off for as long as I can." She said, smiling back at Lizzie.
"Though, you asked what started me off with...all this." She gestured to her enormous form, patting her belly gently. "Well, it was a combination of things. Firstly, the Alliance started to wind down my active service role after the Reaper War, which meant I could spend more time with my little girl. If you've heard of Commander Shepard, that's her. I spent as much time as I could with her to help her recover. When I had to go back, I kept in touch whenever I could. She admitted that she was letting herself go a little, enjoying civilian life and not worrying about stuff, which I was fully behind her doing." She began to explain.
"I had been put on light duties, it got me thinking about things like that. If I was essentially just doing basic escorts and patrol's on my ship, despite it being a Dreadnought, I could probably get away with letting myself slip a little. Well, come my next visit to see Jennifer, she had really, really grown. Only reasons she wasn't needing a chair like this was because of her synthetic muscles and spine, and a little bit of anti-gravity tech from her friend Tali. But she was still able to do so much, enjoy her life at that size. That sort of clicked something in me. Then her sweet AI friend, EDI, approached me. She was... certainly quite the sight to behold, makes a lady feel a little inadequate in some ways." She giggled softly, blushing to herself.
"She offered me a copy of herself to help me experience what Jennifer did. This...Mommy Bot, she called it, started to cook all my meals personally, taking care of boring admin work in the blink of an eye, leaving me able to relax and enjoy all the food she made for me. A very doting servant. Soon, more of them appeared on the ship, taking the load off of my crew too to help relieve any stress on them. My ship became more like a cruise liner for Alliance personnel...and that's what led to me getting this big. But now, thanks to you, I can experience so much. I have this, I can go places now. And... hopefully I have you..." She said, smiling brightly, now she'd laid her fattening backstory bare.
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Hello! I'm glad you liked my request for demons! Gregory, Cheslock, Joanne, and Edgar with a human s/o! I also happened to have requested Snake, Cheslock, Gregory, Joanne, and Charles Gray with a s/o who has snakes (at first I thought it didn't went through when you opened the ask box for requests before the demon one I sent in, but I'm so glad it did because your writing was as good as always ahh 😭)! If it's alright, could I request Snake, Joanne, Bravat, Hannah, and the triplets with a demon! s/o this time? More specifically, one that has the attributes of a snow leopard because they are so pretty and I find their habit of biting their tail to be adorable (there are pictures online if you're interested)! If not, then that is completely fine 😊 and to make things easier for you, I shall use these 💙🌹 to let you know it's me since you may see me a lot haha!
aaaaaaa thank you so much for those requests, I loved them both so much!!
definitely please never stop sending things in~
I did my best!! <3
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Well, well, now… what an interesting person he has on his arm. Supernatural creatures in general are exciting to him, to the point that he would probably seek out a nonhuman S/O over a fellow human. And (Name)? Why, they’re a precious little thing! How is he supposed to resist someone like that? Even after he’s been with them for a while, he’s still fawning over them. Quietly, of course. Despite that most things about their human form are perfect, they do have small spots all over… they’re faint, but enough for him to be able to trace if he ever feels the urge to do so in public. And, given that they only have their tail out in private, seeing them bite it — that makes him feel like there’s a side of him that only he gets to see. He teases them to no end about it by whispering in their ear while the two of them are around others.
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Oh, no, what a sweetheart. She has quite the adorable partner, doesn’t she? Honestly, she never thought that she would end up having another demon as her S/O. She’s always preferred the company of humans; other demons tend to be cruel and selfish. (Though, so can some humans.) One thing she’s thankful for is that she can be herself around them. There’s no need to hide or fret about when she’s going to reveal her true nature. Besides, they’re just… adorable. She’s got a soft spot for cute things like them. She loves that they don’t need to hide around her; as long as Alois doesn’t care about his servants showing their demonic forms unless they must blend in, she gets to see the true, undisguised (Name), all the time. And the tail biting? Aaah, she’s squealing in silence.
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Oh, good heavens, a demon?! To say he’s terrified of the idea at first is an understatement. He’s grown up thinking that demons are nightmares, beasts from hell, and that all they do is sow chaos and discord. That one is actually loving and acts incredibly soft with him… it’s… it’s a surprise. But, it’s a pleasant one. There’s something humbling that someone like them wants to spend time with someone like him. It makes him very happy indeed! Of course, there’s the small issue that… he’s allergic to cats. (And, well, everything with fur.) That said, if they stay in their human form, he finds it isn’t so much a bother. And they’re so… beautiful. He could stay awake running his fingertips over their markings forever. While he won’t really encourage the tail biting… well… as long as it isn’t hurting them… they’re so precious!! He covers his face and almost blushes himself to death every time he sees them doing it.
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(Oh, hm, well. They’re sort of like you in a way, aren’t they?) Well, no, it’s not exactly the same, Keats. Although he’s well aware that being a demon who happens to have animal traits isn’t the same as whatever he is… Snake can’t help feeling a little closer to his S/O upon discovering their real nature. He’s never met anyone who’s like him in this way. The markings, the behaviors, it’s all so endearing — it reminds him of the way that he’s like snakes. Despite not finding it endearing in himself, he finds it quite adorable in (Name). Is that… maybe… how they see him…? If nothing else, he’s glad that he met someone who’s similar to he is, even if it’s not the same, even if they’re a demon, even if they sometimes do strange (and admittedly cute) things like biting their tail. They’re a phenomenal cuddler, and that’s something he thoroughly appreciates.
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Oh… so… so different! What an odd and precious little thing they have on their hands. So many demons are based on dark things like ravens and spiders and, hm, what even is Hannah? What are they themselves?? Either way. One couldn’t get farther from those inky-black animals than a leopard which is mostly white and blue. For that, it draws the triplets in. Anything out of the norm gets their attention. It’s also safe to say all three of them feel very secure with another demon… they’ve got their S/O, and they’ve got Hannah, and even Claude’s presence discourages any other demons from fucking around too close to the estate. However, they’re also willing to fight if (Name) needs to be protected. The tail biting thing? It’s an animal thing mixed with a demon thing, so they all tend to giggle about it and whisper amongst themselves how absolutely precious it is. The three of them love it when their S/O wants to be with all of them, even though they value separate times with (Name)… to them, it’s kind of sweet to have four demons (even if three of them used to be one person) in one big relationship. It’s… fun.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
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Chapter 7
Phil's POV
The court case lingers over my head like a rain cloud. Everything has come crashing down around me. It's time I face what is coming. I have tried reaching out to MC but my attempts have failed. I have now become a father Hannah had been to see me with the baby.
We decided to call her Izzy. She's such a beautiful little girl, I guess if one good thing comes out of all this it's my daughter. I don't want her to end up like her dad and her mother.
I have tried to love Hannah but she is no MC I know I have fucked up and have lost MC for ever. I am currently sharing a cell with a guy who's up for fraud. We have been getting along okay which I am thankful for the nights are the longest. Lay on my bunk, my mind going into overdrive if I want to get out of here then I need to find a good solicitor.
I need the best money I can buy but to do that I need to have the money which I don't have. The only way I am able to do that is by selling the bar. Can I even do that? Will the law allow me to sell the bar so I can pay for legal fees? This is something I need to know. I do know a good solicitor. He has won so many fraud cases I know he can get me off the charges I will worry about the money later.
Phil's court day was fast approaching; he had hired a fancy solicitor he was so sure that he was going to get Phil off the charges. Phil had one more meeting with his solicitor to go over everything they had discussed.
Mr Devon: Now Phil this is what we need to get right, it was never your intention to commit fraud and you will replay every single penny. Also you will agree to never own your own business.
Phil: Do you really think this is going to work? I can't go to jail, you know what they do to pretty guys like me.
Mr Devon: look Phil I promise we have a good case I will get you off these charges.
The next few days were harder than ever. The day had finally arrived. Phil had been given his suit to change into. Phil was handcuffed to a prison officer and was escorted to the prison van. The ride to the court seemed to take a lifetime once they arrived. Phil was taken out of the van and onto the court.
The court case was now beginning when Phil was brought into the courtroom he didn't expect to see MC and Jake sat up in the gallery. Phil sat down as the trail started Hannah took the stand to defend her man telling everyone now much she loves him and how his daughter misses her daddy.
The case went on for two weeks. Last to take the stand was Phil, his solicitor was first to question Phil over what had happened he made Phil out to be some kind of saint. Next came the cross examination they completely tore apart what Phil's solicitor had said.
After hours of being on the stand the jury was out, they spent a couple of days going over all of the evidence finally on the 3rd day the jury came back and found Phil guilty of tax fraud the judge sentenced Phil to 5 years in prison with no chance of parole.
Phil looked up in complete shock; he was so sure that he was going to be let off the charges. MC and Jake looked on as Phil was sent down Hannah was screaming and crying that he had been found guilty.
Jake: Are you okay MC?
MC: I've never felt better he's now out of my life for good it's just you and me now
Jake: that's perfect for me
Jake smiled and leaned in to give MC a kiss before taking her hand leading her out of the courtroom.
Phil was placed in the courtroom cell as his solicitor wanted to speak with him, as he walked into Phil's cell it was clear by Phil's facial expression he was not happy.
Phil: I thought you said I would get off the charges?? You said you had won loads of these kinds of cases, what the hell!!!
Mr Devon: Phil, I can only apologise I promise I will work my hardest to get your sentence rejuiced
Phil: don't bother, I'm noy paying you another penny now leave
Phil's solicitor left the cell and went about his business, he still had to sort out the sale of the bar. From the sale it would pay towards his tax fraud bill and solicitor whatever was left at the end would go to Izzy to help with her.
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