#thanks and sorry for being serious on a random saturday afternoon
thebunnednun · 5 months
New profile pic!! Oh and updates 4/14/2024 (Master list too)
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Finally, something that looks like me!
Oh, btw the names Angellica or Angie for short. I don't mind being called BUNNEDNUN either babes.
Now let's get down to business,
An updated schedule will be as follows:
Mundane Monday: The beginning of the week is always dreadful so let's make it fun with some crack fics. Memes, Memes, MEMES galore!
Tearful Tuesdays: Angst posts will be the main thing on here. I'm thinking of some hurt and comfort fics. I'm already working on a Buggy fic for this. I'm not opposed to happy endings but in general, think of an onion cutting itself for these. They don't all have to be romantic and I'm creating something for Trafalgar Law here.
Wonderful Wednesdays: I will update two of the current fan series on this day maybe three if I have the time. So far the list includes:
*Enchanted meeting (Buggy The Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Shadows of the Blade (Dracule Mihawk x Assassin reader)
*Capturing hearts (Iñaki Godoy x Photographer reader)
*Please Don't Hate Me! (Juan Ruiz x Imperfect reader
*Whispers of the heart (Dracule Mihawk x Maid (Pirate Queen) reader)
*Love Sick (Buggy the Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Bound by Justice (Sabo x Marine! Reader)
*Carnival Confessions (Portgas D. Ace x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*If you only knew how much I love you (Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace)
*Make you mine!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Cheeky~ Crewmate! Reader)
*Throw Me Overboard! (Buggy the Clown x Fm! Reader)
*Gone Fishing! (Sabo x Sea creature Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Good neighbors (Farmer! Bakugou Katsuki x Gardener! Reader)
*Dancing Under the Stars (Red-Haired Shanks X Bar/ DanceClub Owner! Reader)
*In the Arms of a Stranger (Charlotte Katakuri x Bride! Reader)
*Unexpected Dinner Guests! (Koby x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Tempted to touch! One piece Men x Fm! Reader (Multi fic)
*Shadows in the Night! (Trafalgar D. Water Law x Ethereal spirit! Reader)
*Sweet dreams!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Hot Doctor Wife! Reader (Modern Au))
*Golden afternoon (Monkey D. Luffy x Crew mate! Reader) *LOYALTY (Katsuki Bakugou x Sugar Baby! Reader)
*You're my Coffee (Shouta Aizawa x Pro Hero/Teacher! Reader)
Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Ace, Law, Robin, Boa, Chopper, and Zoro will be loading soon. I have many, many, MANY, ideas but no time right now.
Thoughtful Thursdays: Just some random conversations and ideas thrown out there. I'll try to host polls so you guys can vote on what you want next. Basically a rest day for me though because there's just no way I could write everything in one shot. (/@ ~@)/~* I've tried and it ends with me updating around 3AM or sum.
Follower Fridays: Requests from followers are posted. If you have a story request or anything you want to ask go ahead and do so on this day. Just make sure you send them in early so I can get to it in time. If you send something the day of I might be able to make it happen.
Sexy Saturdays: Send me your best Saturday night requests: ie dancing, funny adventures, or crazy antis with the one-piece crew or another fandom. I'm very familiar with Naruto and MHA (and any other anime honestly I doubt there's anything you could request that I don't know.)
It's all about having fun and having those Saturday night vibes babe!~
Sweet Sundays: Romantic One-shot posts! Any character of age and as long as it's not a child. I would be open to doing a reader insert where they are a parent or parental figure though. I find them to be very endearing.
As always your requests are welcomed and comments are very much appreciated. Sorry again for being gone for so long. I want to pick up my serious especially and make the chapters juicy again.
I also have a spring tee shop for merch related to all the stories!!
Every little bit helps me to pay for my tuition! <33
Thank you guys again for your patience and understanding.<<333
Don't forget to check out my a03 account of the same name!!
My new goals are to keep up with the schedule and get 50 followers by the end of the month! I wanna keep growing our family. :3
Most of all, remember that you are safe here and loved.
Until next time my loves!~
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what-if-queen-camilla · 9 months
Chapter 43
Late November 1997
Thea's heartwarming gesture towards her brothers had made it on almost every newspaper front page the next day and, though the whole country was still mourning immensely, there was something ominously uplifting and comforting about it. Camilla was of course incredibly relieved that everything had gone well and she was glad that most of the public didn’t seem to have an issue with Thea’s attendance of the funeral - especially not after her close bond with the Princes had become so visible, but somehow the sudden new attention scared and worried her. She had not expected there to grow so much interest in her daughter, especially as the occasion had been such a serious and saddening one but people seem to be obsessed with her little sweetheart, and much to her regret, there had been some journalists sneaking around the house and even Thea's school again but nothing serious had happened yet, thank goodness. She had told Charles and he'd been furious, determined to issue a public statement immediately, urging people and especially journalists to leave their daughter alone but Camilla had insisted that it might not be a good time for that, so shortly after Diana's funeral and with the whole country still in mourning. The boys were being so brave, they had returned to their respective boarding schools the week after and though Charles was hoping for them all to find some kind of normality again soon, Camilla doubted that anything was going to be normal again in the foreseeable future. 
And so a few weeks passed, the days got shorter and darker and everything inside of them as well. Thea wrote heartfelt letters to her brothers every week, but didn't receive a reply, Charles gave a few phone calls but always seemed short-handed and even his birthday passed without an opportunity for a meet-up. Camilla tried to keep herself busy reading books and painting, while she, amid that horrible new wave of public hatred she was facing, couldn't really go anywhere. Thank God, she had friends who did the shopping at Sainsbury for her and the children came and left as usual. She was incredibly worried about her little sweetheart Thea, though, as she was obviously missing her father and brothers immensely. Neither of them had an explanation of why William and Harry didn't write to her and Camilla hadn't dared ask Charles, who was totally overburdened with the sad situation as it was anyway. He'd taken Harry to Africa for a couple of days at the end of October, beginning of November, and, of course given the special connection Diana had had to the continent, the trip had been highly emotional and, as Camilla hoped, a bit healing for the young Prince. So it quite took her by surprise when, on a random Saturday afternoon in late November, the phone rang and none other than her beloved Prince was on the line, huskily asking: “Can you two come over to Highgrove tonight?” Camilla didn’t even think about it any further, but immediately said: “Of course, darling. We’ll be there!” She called for Thea who's whole face lit up at the prospect of seeing daddy tonight and, of course, she asked whether Will and Harry were there as well and Camilla gulped. “I, um, didn't even had the chance to ask.”, she explained. “It went so quickly… he was so short-handed again… I'm sorry, darling. But I'm sure we'll find out soon, so let's get ourselves ready and depart as soon as possible!” It was strange, probably ridiculous, but somehow, after all these weeks, Camilla felt really excited to see her Prince again tonight and wanted to look especially beautiful for him, so she put her hair in rollers and some makeup on her face, eyeliner and mascara and a bit of lip gloss, only a modest shade of pink, not too intrusive of course, but elegant and classy. She also dressed herself in a cute little, dark green velvet dress and something special underneath though she wasn’t sure whether it might actually go into action, however, she thought, just in case…
They arrived at Highgrove at around 6pm and were received by an equerry who escorted them inside, where all three, Charles, William and Harry were already waiting impatiently. “My little sunshine!”, Charles exclaimed and enthusiastically opened his arms for Thea, who threw herself onto him affectionately, before rushing over to her brothers and falling into their arms as well. It was a very touching scene to witness and Camilla shed a tear watching the three siblings reunited. “Darling.”, Charles whispered softly in her ear as he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. Of course, they didn’t want to be too wild in front of the children, but it had been a long time and it hadn’t taken much for her to forget herself. He smelled so good, and, oh, the way he looked at her… She took both his hands in hers and locked his eyes, his beautiful and soft, grey-blue eyes which looked so unhappy and sorrowful that it almost made her cry. She couldn’t wait to properly hug him later, when they’d be alone, to hold him and to kiss all of the pain aways that had undoubtedly tortured him over the last couple of weeks. “Why didn’t you write to us?”, Harry asked Thea and sounded equally reproachful and disappointed. “I did write to you!”, Thea defended herself, adding: “Every week! But none of you ever  replied to me!” Charles and Camilla got apart and slowly went over to the children. “I haven’t got a single letter from you!”, Harry reported and William confirmed, less reproachful but more sad: “Neither have I…” “But…”, Thea stuttered with tears in her eyes, desperately looking over to her mum for help. Camilla rushed over and bend down to her, pressing her against herself, while calmly explaining to William and Harry, that they had, indeed, sent out letters to both of them every week ever since their mother’s funeral. “And you really haven’t got one of ours either?”, William asked and Camilla shook her head. “No, none.” Charles had meanwhile joined the party and knelt down on the floor between his sons, opposite to Camilla and Thea, who were now looking at him in complete confusion and Camilla noticed worryingly that he was about to throw a tantrum - it was obvious that somebody had to deliberately have stopped the letters in order to prevent any correspondence between the Princes and their sister, and Camilla was just as shocked and angry as Charles - but they had to try and keep calm, at least in front of the children, she thought, so she cleared her throat and quickly took the floor: “Well, I’m sure we’ll be able to solve the mystery and find all of the missing letters.”, she said, trying to sound as calm and optimistic as possible.
Unintentionally, her glance met William’s, who seemed to understand immediately. “Hey Harry, let’s go and show Thea the new bunnies in the stables! They’re only just a few weeks old, very sweet.”, he suggested and Harry looked at him in complete confusion. “Why this now?”, he asked, but Thea was so excited about the prospect of seeing baby rabbits, that any resistance was futile in this case. As soon as the children had left the room, Charles couldn’t hold it back any longer and did, indeed, throw a tantrum. He almost screamed down the house in anger, disappointment and pain; not only about this unfortunate situation regarding the missing, or rather stolen, letters, but probably because of everything that had happened since that one, fateful last day of August… He had become a single father overnight, he had to cope with two mourning, half-orphaned teenage boys, he had been trying to stay strong for them, to look after them… but who had been looking after him? It almost broke her to see him in that state of mind and she wished she could just kiss it all away, she knew she couldn’t but at least she wanted to try, so she just sat down next to him, wrapped her arms around him and let him cry, tenderly stroking his hair and whispering sweet promises. “Regarding the letters, darling.”, she started after a couple of minutes. “I think we’d better ask Mark to try and find out what happened and… who might be behind it.”, she suggested and he nodded in agreement. “Yes, yes, darling. Let’s talk to him tomorrow…”
So, what do you think? Who might be behind this mean cabal and why?
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thebrochtuarachs · 3 years
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Something in the Rain - “A Month Apart, Part 1”
A/N: Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as I whipped out this chapter. I had the initial outline on how this chapter will go but more frequent than none, it changes a lot in the middle while I'm in the writing process. :) I love this story and I hope it just gives you the good feels while reading this. We're two years into this pandemic and the world is still crazy. I hope you're keeping safe and being kind to yourself. :) As always, your comments and suggestions are very much welcome.
A modern day meet cute instance between Jamie and Claire.
AO3  / C1: A Day In June : C2: Definitely, Maybe : C3: So We Meet Again : C4: Friday Lunch : C5: Finding Solid Ground : C6: Situations : C7: Interruptions
After their first date, their schedule for the following two weeks we’re packed - with Jamie settling back in the firm after his 2-week trip from London and Claire’s schedule at the hospital and preparing for her trip to Seattle.
Being a lawyer and a doctor weren’t the most flexible jobs - with patients and clients to attend to, surgeries and hearings to prepare for, plus, with both of them in administrative positions, it is additional work on top of their normal duties. But Claire and Jamie were determined to make it work, so they decided to communicate better, be extra patient and understanding, and really commit whatever available time they had.
The first week, Jamie couldn’t make lunch as he had a court hearing to prepare for and Claire couldn’t make dinner as she was on the night shift. So Jamie, one day, surprised Claire outside the hospital by picking her up, invited her to quick breakfast dates instead, and dropping her off at her house to make sure she got home safe.
The second week was a bit lighter but with Claire going to Seattle on Saturday, she had to do extra administrative work to make sure everything was set for her leave. She offered to have dinner takeaways at her office in the evenings which he happily accepted.
The night before her flight, Claire and Jamie were hanging out in her office, sitting at the sofa, admiring the Edinburgh skyline with a little wine and cheese tray.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t go out” Claire apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, Sassenach.” Jamie turned to Claire and patted her hand. “I honestly would prefer to do anything if it means I get to spend time with you - whether sitting here in your office on a Friday night or sitting in the gallery watching your surgery.”
“You’re too good to me, James” Claire quipped in a feigned dramatic voice.
“Ah, you give me too much credit, Claire. I hope you know that you make an effort too, especially these past two weeks”
“Me? It feels like you’re fitting more to my schedule than I am yours!”
“But you met me during breakfast even though you looked too knackered from yer shift.”
Claire couldn’t deny that and she could just smile with Jamie’s understanding.
“Are you all packed up for tomorrow?” Jamie asked, changing the subject.
“Yes. The weather’s mostly rainy in Seattle so I brought extra items for the wet and cold.”
“And what’s your schedule for the month?”
“Have I not sent you my itinerary? Hold up -” Claire took out her phone and quickly sent an email to Jamie. “There, I sent you my schedule but between teaching and surgery, my time’s the same as here just minus the administrative work, which I tell you not, I’m pretty excited to be free of it for the next month”
Jamie just nodded. The next month.
It’s all rather bad timing if you look at it. The first month, they’ve been rather inseparable with going to lunches almost everyday and weekends at the center. The following month, quick dates and meetings as Jamie was away at London and their crazy schedule at the hospital and the firm. And now, going into the third month since meeting, they’d be completely separated by roughly 4,485 miles.
“Did you hear what I said, Jamie?” Claire asked while waving a hand in front of Jamie’s face.
“I’m sorry, what?” Returning to the present, unaware that his mind has gone away a bit.
Claire gave him a softened look and sat closer to him. “What were you thinking?”
Jamie stayed silent but Claire’s look urged him on.
“Nah, ye’ll think me daft” Jamie said but Claire shook her head.
“Fine” Jamie stretched his arm to pull her closer and she gladly leaned on his shoulder. “I was just thinking about how I’ll not be able to see ye for a month, how much I’ll be missing ye, and how excited I am once ye return here.”
“Oh,” Claire knew the feelings were simple but it’s his words and the way he said it that touched her most.
“I told ye it’s daft.”
“It’s not daft.” Claire tried to mimic Jamie’s accent but they both just have to laugh at her attempt. Turning serious quickly, she took Jamie’s face by the hand and looked deeply into his eyes. “You know that I am going to miss you too.”
Jamie just nodded in agreement, looking at Claire so sweetly and lovingly that she couldn’t help but lean in for a kiss.
Since their first kiss after their date, they hadn’t been shy in showing affection to each other. Nonetheless, it’s all been very respectful to the boundaries to whatever stage they are in their relationship. Hand touches, hugs, pecks and kisses here and there but never really beyond that.
But with her impending departure, Claire seemed to be eager for more. Instead of completely pulling away, she kissed him again some more.
Jamie quickly picked up the signal and allowed himself to pull Claire closer and to his lap. A few minutes later, Claire felt Jamie’s tongue on her lips asking for entrance which she happily obliged. The air around them was electric.
Jamie was first to pull away before the moment got away from them. Claire sighed - not from disappointment, but by the fact of how chivalrous Jamie really is. And she doesn’t really mind it one bit. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
The following day, Jamie picked up Claire to drop her off at the airport. They thought they had time for a quick bite but traffic was so horrendous that they got to the gate just in time before boarding began.
With barely any time left, Jamie pulled Claire to a tight hug as the PA system called her flight. “Go, you’ll miss your plane”
Claire reluctantly released Jamie with a grunt. “Let’s go somewhere when I return”
“Sounds like a plan” Jamie tried to hide the longing in his voice but it was too late.
“The month will be over before you know it, okay? Message me everyday, call me every afternoon when you can” Claire encouraged him. With one last kiss, they bade each other goodbye as she started walking to her gate and Jamie was no longer in sight.  
As Claire waited for take off, the silence of a constant message ping on her phone slightly unsettled her. It was then she realized the vast distance between Seattle and Edinburgh. A single tear escaped but she quickly pulled it together. She’s not even gone yet but homesickness hit her right away.
So the four-week long distance trial began.
The 8-hour time difference is not too crazy between Seattle and Edinburgh with their available times falling at the start and end of the day. They’ve been coping well with their synced calendars and communication options.
Jamie sends flowers and snacks to Seattle Grace, earning Claire points from the staff for all the treats she’s been giving away.
Claire, on her end, sends late messages to Jamie to wake up to in the morning and asks Mrs. Kim’s Korean Street Food Hub to delivery chicken wings to Jamie every so often.
They’ve also reserved some time on the weekend for extended calls with conversations falling from happenings to their week to what hairstyles and colors they’ve done in the past.
It wasn’t till late in the 3rd week that things started to shake up.
It was a random Thursday evening in rainy Seattle. Between two surgeries and one class, Claire was ready to call it a day. She was settling on her sofa, drinking her tea for a little night cap when her phone pinged. It was 9:30PM Seattle meaning it was 5:30AM Edinburgh, too early for anybody to contact her over there unless it was important.
Grabbing her phone, her notifications show it was from Geillis. It was a link to a tabloid along with a message “HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?”
With the link, she can see the preview of the title “Jamie Fraser is off the market!” Curiosity prevailed Claire and she clicked the article
On the other side of the world, Jamie, as always, promptly arrived at the firm. Just as he was to pass Mrs. Fitz, she called him out.
“Ah, lad”
“Yes, Mrs. Fitz?”
“I dinna ken yet what ye or Claire are yet but have ye spoken to her today?”
“Today? Not yet. Why?”
She motioned for him to come round the reception and take a peek at her monitor.
She showed him the same article Geillis sent Claire and as soon Jamie saw the accompanying photo, he fished out his phone and immediately contacted Claire. It was midnight in Seattle but Jamie didn’t care - he wanted to clear things before things got misinterpreted.
“Erm, hello?” a groggy Claire answered the phone on the other side of the line.
“Hi, were ye asleep?” Jamie asked as he walked the hallway to his office.
“I was but I answered already, what’s up?” she replied, her voice still muffled by sleep. She knew why he was calling though but wanted to hear it from him. “Did you just arrive at the firm?”
“Yes,” he replied, closing the door to his office for privacy. “Well, I don’t want to keep you long but an article came last night about me and well, in case ye’ll see it, it is not true.”
Jamie heard Claire sigh on the other end, “I’ve seen it” she confirmed.
“Ye’ve already seen it?” he repeated in disbelief, looking at his watch, it’s only been posted a few hours ago.
“Geillis sent it to me earlier, I think it just came out then. She’s a bit of a morning person so…”
“Claire, it isn’t true. It was all in a bad angle. The Dunsany’s have been a long-time client of ours and we had an unexpected dinner meeting yesterday. I was just escorting their daughter to her car when the paparazzi got wind of us and ran with whatever story they could think of.” Jamie quickly explained in summary.
“Yeah. I mean you say it’s not true and I believe you.”
“You don’t have any questions?” he asked, a little baffled.
“Not really. I mean was there more to it?”
“A bit but something we can talk about later.”
It was both refreshing and confusing as to why Claire seemed nonchalant about all this. On one end, she might be really understanding. On the other end, she might be harboring ill-feelings she didn’t want to discuss.
It was Jamie’s line that turned silent. Claire, guessing he might need more despite her sleepy state, obliged him. “Jamie, I won’t lie. I was surprised at first because of the photo and how the article was written with your family histories. Add to that, that I didn’t see it in the calendar and you didn’t text me about it.”
“Why didn’t you call -?”
“But” she interrupted him, “I also know you, Jamie, and I know about us. If I was really concerned, I’ll call you right away. But I’m not and we’ll be meeting later anyway, so I know we’ll talk about it eventually.” she paused to catch a breath. “Besides, you already explained it, I don’t need to know any more because I trust you, Jamie.”  
“Okay” it was Jamie’s turn to give the one-word reply.
“Are we okay now?” she asked.
“Yes, as long as ye are too.” Jamie replied to which Claire mummed in agreement. “Thank ye, Claire.”
“You’re welcome. Now, I’ll go back to sleep and see you later.” With that, Claire ended the call, a small smile crept on her face knowing the relief and joy Jamie probably feels right now.
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softspideys · 4 years
Average (Frat!Tom Holland x reader)
summary: tom holland is the handsome, popular, and charismatic king of your campus. so why has he taken an interest in you?
warnings: none
word count: 3,000
pairings: frat!tom holland x reader
a/n: I personally prefer respectful frat boy tom to jerky frat boy tom. inspired by this glorious photo. I hope you you like it:) 
When Tom Holland first spoke to you, your immediate instinct was to assume it was a joke.
You’d just arrived at the party his frat was throwing and immediately made a beeline for the kitchen. You were never totally comfortable in situations like these, but after a couple drinks you tended to be more social and easygoing.
“Hey,” a voice said as you finished pouring yourself some of the suspicious-looking Jungle Juice. You turned around and almost did a double-take.
You knew who Tom was; his roommate Harrison was friends with your roommate Jess, but you’d never spoken to him. He was popular, but there were no rumors about him being a player or an asshole or a creep like there were with some of his frat brothers.
Now he was smiling at you, looking casual in jeans and a black t-shirt, a baseball cap pulled over his curly hair. “Hey,” you answered, once you were positive he was talking to you. There was no one else around you, but still.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
“Um, no thanks,” you said, gesturing to the cup in your hand. “I’m good.” You figured he was just being polite, but then he continued to speak to you.
“You’re Jess’s roommate, right?” he asked.
You nodded, a little surprised. You honestly didn’t even think he was aware you existed. But then it hit you—he must be looking for her and probably recognized you from one of her Instagram photos or something. “Yeah. I don’t know where she is, though. I just got here.”
“Cool,” he said. “I’ve only met her a couple times—she’s friends with my roommate Harrison—but she talked about you a lot. I’m Tom.” He held out his hand.
Slowly, you shook it. “Y/N.” This was weird. If he wasn’t being polite and he wasn’t looking for someone else, then why was he talking to you? You had to get out of there. “Um, I have to go now. It was nice meeting you.”
“Oh, okay,” he said. “See you around, maybe.” You smiled a little instead of answering before practically fleeing the kitchen and joining the party. The rest of the night passed uneventfully and you didn’t see Tom again.
You thought about him briefly afterwards, but decided not to dwell on it. Maybe he was just bored. Maybe he saw you by yourself and took pity on you.
A few days later, Jess ambushed you while you were doing homework in the library. “You talked to Tom Holland at the party on Saturday?” she whispered excitedly.
“Yeah, for like a minute. It was before I found you. Why?”
“Harrison told me he was asking about you. Want me to pass along your number?”
“No!” you said quickly, feeling your face get warm. “Wait. What do you mean, he was asking about me? Asking what?”
“You know, just like . . . what your deal is, and whatever.” She shrugged. “He probably wants to hang out with you.”
“Me? Why?” The thought made your heartbeat quicken.
Jess rolled her eyes. “Oh my God. Why wouldn’t he? You’re a total catch. I don’t know why you’re so surprised.”
The conversation was making you more and more uncomfortable. Tom was good-looking and popular and probably had tons of people lining up just to “hang out” with him. What was so special about you?
Despite your doubts, you found yourself giving in. “Okay,” you said finally. “I guess you can give him my number.”
Jess smiled, her eyes sparkling. “Awesome. I’ll tell Harrison.” She leaned closer, suddenly serious. “And look, I wouldn’t push this if I didn’t think it was a good idea, okay? You know I got your back. Tom is really nice.”
She had a point. “I know,” you said grudgingly. “We’ll see if he even texts me.”
~ ~ ~  
Tom texted you the day after Jess passed your number on.
hey it’s tom, we met at the party on saturday :) i got your number from jess. i was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime?
You spent almost an hour reading it over and over, trying to figure out if there was any hidden meaning in the short message. Finally you wrote back: sure.
You expected him to invite you to another frat party or something similar, but instead he asked if you wanted to grab coffee and do homework. Midterms were coming up, after all.
So you met him at a cafe on campus on a chilly Thursday afternoon. He was there when you arrived, sitting at a table in the back. He looked cozy, all bundled up in a hoodie and sweats. You bought yourself a hot chocolate and sat across from him. “Um, hi.”
“Hi.” He smiled at you. “How’s it going?”
“Good. How are you?”
“Pretty good.”
You looked around. He’d picked a two-person table, but that didn’t mean someone else couldn’t pull up a chair. “Is it just going to be us?”
His smile faded a little. “Uh, yeah. Is that okay? I thought—I mean, you can see if Jess is around or something, but—”
“No, no,” you interrupted, wanting to kick yourself. “No, this is fine. I was just asking. I don’t mind.”
“Oh, okay.” He relaxed. “I’m glad you came. I didn’t think you would.”
He shrugged. “You just didn’t seem very, uh . . . excited.”
You cringed inwardly, clearing your throat. “Oh, sorry. I’m not very good at texting. Ask Jess.” You smiled a little at the thought of your best friend. “She’s always mad at me because I take hours to respond and then it usually just ends up being one word.”
Tom laughed. “Oh man, my brother Sam is the same way. I have to send a message to him in all caps that says SOS EMERGENCY PLEASE ANSWER NOW if I want him to answer within the hour.”
“You have a brother?”
“Yeah, three actually. There’s me, then the twins Sam and Harry, and then my youngest brother Paddy.”
“Wow,” you said, raising your eyebrows. “Your house must’ve been pretty crazy growing up.”
“You could say that.”
Before you got to the cafe, you told yourself that you only had to stay for an hour. One hour, and then you could make up some excuse as to why you had to leave. But as time went on, you realized you were actually enjoying yourself. The conversation flowed naturally, and Tom was a good listener. He didn’t seem to mind when you eventually lapsed into silence to get some studying down, and the two of you worked quietly for a while. He even offered to refill your drink when he went to get another for himself.
“Got any plans for dinner?” he asked finally, breaking the comfortable silence you’d grown used to. You looked out the window and saw it was getting dark out.
At first you thought maybe he was going to ask if you wanted to get something to eat with him. But as quick as the idea occurred, you shot it down. That was silly; he’d already been here with you for a few hours now. Maybe he was meeting other people after this and wanted you to take a hint.
So you lied, “Yeah, I’m meeting Jess at a dining hall. I should probably get going, actually.”
“Oh, right,” he said, glancing down at his homework. “Uh, same here.” You both quickly packed up your stuff and left the cafe, pausing before you officially went your separate ways.
“That was fun,” Tom said. He hesitated, and you braced yourself to hear some excuse as to why he would never talk to you again.
You certainly weren’t expecting him to ask shyly, “Would you want to hang out again?” You blinked, certain you hadn’t heard him right. But he just looked at you, waiting for your response, and after a pause you nodded.
“Yeah. I would like that.”
Tom’s answering smile was practically blinding. You couldn’t help but return it. “Awesome,” he said. “Um, I’ll text you?”
“Okay,” you said. “See you later.” He smiled at you for a second longer before he turned and walked away, a happy sort of bounce in his step.
You couldn’t help it; you walked home with a dumb grin on your face.
~ ~ ~
True to his word, Tom texted you a few days later to ask if you wanted to hang out again. This time you accepted readily.
At first, the two of you just got together to have coffee and do homework. Then he somehow managed to figure out part of your schedule and would meet you on your way to class. Even if he had a lecture on the other side of campus, he insisted on walking you all the way to yours.
He started texting you more, sometimes sending you funny videos or memes, but also sharing random thoughts and asking questions. Now you checked your phone frequently, trying to get in the habit of responding quickly or initiating conversation with him first. You followed each other on social media and you noticed he’d liked all of your Instagram photos. Just to be funny, you liked a couple of his too, but then wondered if he would find it weird.
“We’re friends,” you told Jess when she noticed you smiling at your phone. “That’s it.”
“Yeah, and I’m the Queen of England. Are you kidding me?”
“I’m serious,” you said, because you knew what she was insinuating and there was just no way Tom Holland would be into you like that. Sometimes you saw him around campus, always surrounded by a laughing group of friends and admirers. He was like the sun, and you knew you were lucky to even be in his orbit.
“We’re having a party on Friday night,” Tom said to you one afternoon. The weather was nice, so you’d claimed a sunny spot out on the quad to do some homework.
“Cool.” You were more focused on the essay you were writing than the conversation.
“Are you gonna go?” he pressed.
“I don’t know. Maybe if Jess goes I’ll come too.”
“Well . . .” He trailed off, and you looked up to see he was fidgeting with the cuffs of his sleeves. “What if we went together?”
You stared at him. Of all the things you were expecting him to say, it certainly was not that. “Like . . . me and you? Like . . .  as your date?”
Tom was blushing now, steadily avoiding your eyes. “Um. Yes?”
Alarm bells were going off in your brain. If Jess were here she’d be throwing a parade, but you knew there had to be a catch. Out of all the people on campus, why was he asking you?
You opened your mouth to say no, but then he finally glanced up at you. His expression was so earnest and hopeful that you found yourself saying, “Sure.”
“Really? You want to?” he said, like he couldn’t believe it.
You nodded. “Yeah, it sounds fun.”
There was that goofy grin again, lighting up his entire face. “Okay,” he said. “Cool.”
You knew you should be excited, but there was a nervous pit in your stomach that just wouldn’t go away. It was still there when you arrived at Tom’s frat house that Friday. You didn’t recognize the brother at the door on security duty, but he took one look and waved you inside, no questions asked.
You were a little confused; you came by yourself last time too and had to say you knew Harrison. But the brother merely said, “Tom put you on the list.”
The boy in question was in the kitchen, talking to a few of his brothers. He noticed you walk in immediately and his eyes lit up. “Hey! You’re here!” To your surprise he gave you a hug, and you tried not to focus on how good his cologne smelled.
“You look nice,” he said when he pulled away. In an attempt to feel more confident, you’d worn your favorite pair of jeans and a cute top, even allowing Jess to do some hair and makeup magic on you.
“Thank you,” you said. “Um, so do you.” He was just in jeans and a purple flannel, a black baseball cap twisted backwards on his head, but he still managed to make it look effortlessly cool.
“Thanks.” He paused. “I’m, uh, really glad you came.”  
“Me too,” you said quietly. He smiled at you and the knot in your stomach tightened.
Tom barely left your side the entire night. He introduced you to some of his fraternity brothers, whose names you forgot as soon as they said them. A few of them had brought dates too, and while they were all friendly and welcoming, you couldn’t help but feel frumpy and plain standing next to them.
It didn’t help that there were some not-so-friendly girls coming over too. They gave Tom hugs and kisses on the cheek before eyeing you critically. You could practically see the invisible thought bubble forming over their heads each time they looked at you: why is he here with you? You wanted to tell them that you were wondering the same thing.
The longer you thought about it, the worse you felt. It just didn’t make sense. Tom had practically half the campus falling at his feet; why wasn’t he with someone more talented, better looking, charismatic? Why had he picked you? You were so . . . average.
Maybe it was some kind of prank, some kind of fucked-up tradition in his fraternity: find a shy girl, get her to fall in love with you, and then break her heart. That had to be it. There was no other explanation.
“Are you alright?” Tom asked, tearing you from your thoughts. You realized you hadn’t spoken in several minutes, just staring off into space.
You swallowed. “Could we, um, go somewhere quiet? Please?”
He studied your face for a second before he nodded. “Of course.” He put one hand on your back, gently guiding you out of the crowded room and up the stairs. You followed him down the hallway until he stopped at a door with a sign that said TOM & HARRISON.
Oh. This was his room. 
He ushered you in and you noticed he left the door slightly ajar, so you could easily leave if you wanted to. Still, you immediately took a seat at his desk, not wanting to even go near the bed. Tom didn’t seem to mind, falling onto it with a loud thud and a content sigh. Neither of you spoke for a minute. Finally you glanced over at him and saw he was already watching you, a tiny smile on his face.
You couldn’t take it any longer. “Is this, like, a prank or something?”
“This. Like,” you gestured vaguely between the two of you, “all of this. Is it a joke?”
Tom’s smile vanished. He scrambled to sit up, scooting towards the edge of the bed. “What are you talking about? Why would you even think that?”
You shrugged, avoiding his eyes. “I don’t know. I’ve just been trying to figure out why someone like you would be doing all of this with someone like me.”
He looked lost. “Doing what?”
“You know . . . hanging out with me, texting me, inviting me here . . .”
He stared at you for a second before he let out a short, disbelieving laugh. “I mean . . . I like you. I thought that was obvious.”
“But why?” You were frustrated to find you were near tears. “You could have your pick of anyone on this campus. There are so many girls in this house alone right now who are prettier and funnier and more interesting than me. So why . . . why me?”
Tom slowly stood up and came over to where you were sitting, kneeling in front of you. “Because I think you’re pretty and funny and interesting,” he said, looking at you unflinchingly. “None of those other people matter to me. I don’t know why you keep trying to convince yourself that you’re, like . . . not good enough or whatever, but it’s not true.”
You bit your lip as he took your hand. “I’m just . . . not used to this. Usually people tend not to notice me.” 
“I did,” he said simply. “And I really, really like you.”
“I really like you too,” you said quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” Tom said gently. “Just trust me, okay? I would never hurt you like that.”
He was being honest. He always had been, but you believed him now. You took a deep breath. “Can I kiss you?”
Tom blinked in surprise before he nodded. You leaned in and kissed him softly; his lips were a little chapped and tasted sweet and sort of fruity, like the juice from his drink. His hands came up to carefully cup your jaw, holding you in place. It made your head dizzy and your knees weak; it was perfect.
It was like a dam broke. Suddenly you couldn’t get enough of him, couldn’t figure out what to do with the happy, fizzy feeling in your stomach. You pulled back a little, pressing kisses to his cheeks and his nose. Tom giggled like the touch made him ticklish and you thought to yourself, You were so silly to deny yourself for so long, to think you didn’t deserve this.
You knew better now. You knew you did.
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cecesunshine · 3 years
Oiiii vim pelo confissões
Você poderia fazer a prompt 1 e 10 (acho que elas combinam bem uma com a outra) com o Alistair? Não sei se tem que especificar pronomes, mas poderia ser ela/dela se não incomodar?
It’s done, sorry for taking so long! Espero que você não se importe que eu tenha escrito em inglês. Beijinhos anjo <3
The Only Thing | Alistair Drew
Summary → The only thing that makes early morning practice tolerable for Alistair is when Scholar watches it. It’s time for him to have courage and confess his love for her.
Pairing → Alistair Drew x Scholar
Warnings → None
Word Count → 1830
Prompts used → 1. Can I kiss you? + 10. That was unexpected.
A/N → As requested, Scholar uses she/her pronouns! Also, English is not my first language, so I apologize if there are errors or if something doesn't make sense.
As soon as autumn arrived, with it came the cold wind and the endless rain. Alistair rolled his eyes as he saw the cloudy sky that waited for him outside through his window. His bed was warm and it was Saturday, which intensified his desire to stay in bed.
Alistair forced himself to get up, feeling the cold of the floor as soon as his feet touched the floor. He took a quick glance at Tadashi, who was still sleeping. Poor guy, he needed a break after everything that happened between him and his father in the last few days. Alistair walked silently to the wardrobe that he shared with his roommate, taking out the red Athletics Department shirt and black sweatpants and leaving them on the top of his bed. Alistair grabbed his shower products and left the room, heading to the bathroom.
The dorm was relatively quiet, as it was 5:40 in the morning. Alistair loved his department, and he loved everything he did but god, he envied the fact they could sleep into late hours of the morning. As he entered the bathroom, he saw that he wasn’t alone. There was Scholar, fixing her hair with a concentrated look on her face.
“Good morning, Scholar.” Alistair greeted her, going in her direction and leaning into the wall.
“Alistair! Hi, I didn’t even see you coming in!” Scholar greeted him back, quite startled at the sudden salutation given to her. “Why are you up so early?”
“I have practice, the real question is, why are YOU up so early? It’s Saturday, you need to rest.” Alistair asked, studying her features. If there was something that he liked about Scholar, it was definitely her eyes, always wandering around the room or simply focused on something. He had noticed how she would avoid eye contact and look around at random stuff when she was nervous.
“I want to do the homework that Ms. Rodriguez gave us early so I don’t have to worry about it during the rest of the weekend.” Scholar replied, staring at herself in the mirror again. “Also, I didn’t know Coach worked on the weekends.”
“He doesn’t, the Athletic Department students do it voluntarily, it’s part of the job. Although sometimes the only thing you want to do is sleep until late afternoon.”
“Well, shouldn’t other students from your department be up already?”
“We talked about it in our group chat, the other girls from the soccer team had a game yesterday and they are super tired, so they’re not coming. Raquel sprained her ankle so she’s not coming either and some of the boys said that they will be ditching practice today.” Alistair told her, then started counting on his fingers. “So taking me, Rick and some other guys, there will be probably 6 or 7 people at the gym today.”
“Got it. Well, good luck for you and the guys today.” Scholar said as she was making her way to the door.
“Scholar, wait!” The words left Alistair’s mouth almost immediately. “Do you want to...I don’t know...have breakfast with me?” Very slick, Al, he thought.
“I would love to. Meet me in my room when you're ready, ok?” She said and finally left, leaving a red Alistair alone in the bathroom, still processing what happened.
Alistair showered quickly, feeling his hands trembling as he ran his finger through his blonde hair. He needed to be nice and clean for her.
He made his way back to his room, dressing up in his usual practice outfit, trying to style it so it would look better.
"Wow man, never seen you so worried about how you look for practice." Said Tadashi, who had just woken up.
"I'm not only going to practice, I'm going to have breakfast with Scholar." Alistair announced, fixing his shirt. "Tucked in or tucked out?"
"In, obviously. You don't want her to think that you don't care." Tadashi joked. “I mean, she probably knows that you like her. Is not like you are very discreet about it, you’re always walking around her, complimenting her, flexing your muscles to her. It's cute to see, you’re like her personal golden retriever.”
Alistair didn’t reply, he just shot a serious look to his friend, so he would stop. Not because it wasn’t true, but because Alistair wasn’t aware of how other people looked at him every time he would orbit around Scholar. After finishing dressing himself, Alistair grabbed his varsity jacket and quickly said his goodbyes to Tadashi, who was planning on getting more sleep.
In the dorm hallway, the blonde boy knocked into Scholar’s room door, who came out seconds later. She was wearing black jeans, a white knitted sweater and her famous red scarf and was carrying her purse.
“Hi Al.” She greeted him once again. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes. Let’s get some food, I’m starving.”
They both made their way quickly into the cafeteria, which was surprisingly empty. As Scholar sat down, Alistair went to the counter, where he got a coffee and a strawberry cake for Scholar and an energetic and a protein bar for him.
“Thank you.” Scholar thanked Alistair, as he put the table on the plate. “You know, I was very surprised you’d ask me to get breakfast with you. I thought you were mad at me or something.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know, after I congratulated you for the Athletics Department’s presentation at the competition you looked…” She stopped talking, as she was looking for the right words. "uncomfortable. I thought that maybe I said something wrong and I didn’t want to bother you so I decided that I wouldn’t ask you what I did wrong because I didn’t want to upset you even more, so when you asked me for breakfast I was shocked.”
“Scholar, it’s impossible for me to be mad at you. You are the sweetest person I know.” Alistair said, reaching to her hand, grabbing it gently as Scholar looked away blushing, clearly embarrassed at this caring gesture.
They both ate the rest of the meal quietly, sometimes exchanging little smiles and stealing glances that ended up with both blushing or laughing quietly. If anyone else saw them, they would say they were a couple, but they couldn’t see it as they were both oblivious.
The time to leave finally arrived, where Scholar offered to walk Alistair to the gym, which he happily accepted.
As Alistair presumed, the gym was almost empty besides some boys who were doing push-ups and seeing who would be the first to give up.
“I guess this is your stop. I need to go do my homework so I’ll probably go back to the cafeteria.” Scholar pointed to her purse, where all of her supplies were, and then looked to Alistair, who seemed sad about the fact that she was leaving. “Or...I could do my homework while you practice, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” Alistair agreed almost immediately, giving her a smile. For him, this was an opportunity to impress Scholar. She would see him doing the thing that he does the best.
As Scholar sat down at the bleachers and started taking her stuff out of the bag, Alistair started stretching, warming up his muscles and took off running around the gym. He was really excited to work out in front of Scholar, as this was probably the sneakiest way to show off to her without exactly showing off.
Scholar was supposed to focus on her homework, but at that moment, she could only focus on Alistair, who had stopped running and was now participating in a push-up contest with the other boys of his department.
As the boys gave up and left, Alistair started laughing. Alistair wiped his sweaty face with his face, showing off his abs and his muscular form. God, had he always been that handsome?, Scholar wondered and quickly brushed up that thought as Alistair was walking towards her.
“Everything alright?” The blonde boy asked, taking a sip of his water bottle. “I’m sorry if seeing me training is boring to you.”
“Nothing is ever boring with you Al, and I love being around you.”She said, making Alistair blush. ”Are you finished yet?”
“Finished? I barely even started. I still need to take the boxing supplies out of the storage room and set them up and then I’ll start the boxing practice. Do you want to help?”
Scholar agreed, setting her things down. Already in the storage room, they both started to take out the things and setting it up in the gym, sometimes touching hands and blushing madly.
With everything set up, Alistair began punching the punching bag, always keeping an eye on Scholar, who gave up on doing her homework and was now just watching him. Alistair smiled, his plan was working.
“How do you not have a girlfriend or boyfriend?” She abruptly asked, taking Alistair by surprise.
“W-What?” Alistair spoke, his voice trembling and betraying him at that moment.
“How are you not dating someone?” Scholar questioned again. “Tell me, how is Alistair Drew, one of Arlington’s most attractive boys, single?”
“Well, it’s complicated.” Alistair took off his gloves and his headgear, sitting next to her. “I’m only single because I’m a coward.”
“What do you mean coward?”
Alistair looked at her, staring deeply into her eyes. He needed to tell her, it was time to finally be brave. He held her hand caressing it with his thumb. Scholar reciprocated, also looking into his eyes, giving him a confused look.
“Scholar, I like you.” He finally confessed, still looking at her. “I’ve been trying to tell you this for a while but I was always looking for the right moment. But the truth is, I was just afraid of telling you how I feel because I didn’t know how you would react. You are the most incredible person I know, you’re simply the best.” Alistair got silent for a few seconds and then spoke again. “I really like you...and I hope you like me too.”
After his confession, none of them knew what to say. The silence between them was uncomfortable, in a way that neither of them could put into words.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Scholar said, trying to help the situation. “Look Alistair, that day during the competition, I was going to say the same thing.”
“What?” He questioned.
“I was going to confess to you. I feel the same, Al.” Scholar announced, smiling shyly. “I like you.”
Now, the silence between them was comfortable. So comfortable that they were now closer than ever, as Alistair placed his hand on Scholar's chin, looking at her like she was the only person in the whole world.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked for permission, waiting anxiously for an answer.
“Yes Alistair, you can.”
And their lips touched, as both were involved in a loving but innocent kiss.
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izzabeean · 4 years
Chapter 2 : Denial
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You didn’t expect your first week of university to end with a break-up… Especially when your ex decides to visit you in your dreams. You need a distraction and are quite surprised with what awaits you.
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pairing : ushjima x f!reader / oikawa x f!reader / iwaizumi x f!reader
genre : angst + fluff
word count : 1,533
tags :  alternate universe - college/university, post-break up, friends to lovers, pining, slow burn
cw : mentions of alcohol, smoking
a/n :  This is so silly and I’m not quite sure how realistic this is but it’s all a learning process.
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The campus library becomes the calm safe haven you’ve been longing for after a busy morning. You spent most of your time after classes hovering between bookshelves, browsing the vast volumes, but today you were on the hunt for a very specific book. 
Whispers among other students float above your head as you tune into the hushed environment narrowing your eyes at the row of literature. 
When you near the end of the aisle, you look up to see the desired novel sitting on the top shelf. 
You sigh and attempt to reach for it while standing on your tippy-toes, but it barely grazes your fingertips.
A scoff huffs under your breath. 
It’s almost like it’s taunting you, the way it’s just out of reach and looming over you, casually sitting on the shelf without a care in the world. No, you weren’t about to ask for any help and most definitely too stubborn to grab a stool- you treasure your pride. Instead, you take a deep breath and jump trying to inch the spine off the shelf. 
But you’re still not close enough.
“Let me get that for you,” a voice chimes from behind.
Your heart hammers in your chest from the sudden remark. Sometimes the smallest things can easily scare you, for instance, when a stranger sneaks up behind you in a quiet library. But you try to suppress the shiver as you turn your head to take a look at the culprit. 
The tips of your ears start to burn up as you are faced with a stern man. His tall, solid body towers over immediately causing you to freeze and feel a lot smaller in his presence. 
Perhaps it’s wrong to judge anyone at first glance, but he is scary as hell.
He reaches over your head and you catch a glimpse of his well-built physique as his shirt rides up. You blink registering what’s going on and before you can the book is in front of you. Then you take the novel smiling while trying to suppress the build-up of nerves coursing through you. 
The exchange is awkward and silent, but as you stare at each other his eyes almost feast on you with their cold expression. The look sends your gut in a twist. You cannot deny that he looks intimidating, but observing him now, a sliver of you finds him attractive. 
“A thanks would suffice,” he utters, his eyes fixated on you.
The sound of his voice is deep and serious but there’s just something about it that makes your heart flutter. 
“Sorry,” you utter, biting the corner of your lip. “Thanks.”
You feel your face burn up under his gaze searching for something else to say. It takes every ounce of you to contain the embarrassment taking over your entire body, but before you can even stop yourself… 
You wake.
The room is dark except a tinge of light seeps through the closed curtains. Your brain is trying to piece together the strangely realistic dream that was practically identical to your first moments of meeting Ushijima. 
The night is still, nearly silent except for a subdued tone of sirens in the background. You shift a little in your bed, suddenly aware of how awake you are after tossing and turning trying to slip back to sleep. You know you need to get some rest, but your anxiety grows as morning nears. 
Upon the realization that you probably won’t get any more sleep, you climb out of bed and throw on a jacket, hopeful the fresh air will clear your thoughts.
You lock up your apartment and stroll down to a 24/7 corner store a couple of blocks away. It’s late enough that the walkover makes you a bit paranoid of your surroundings-- it’s not often that you go on a late-night stroll, or go to a shop this late, especially by yourself. 
The store's door chime greets you as you walk up to the front counter spotting an employee whose face is hiding behind a newspaper. 
“Excuse me,” you sigh. 
He looks up from his newspaper with a scowl plastered on his face. 
“A pack of smokes, please,” you squeal, conscious of the fact you do not appear to look like an avid smoker, but the habit returns in times of stress and right now you are exceedingly stressed.
“ID, please,” he responds.
Your face pales at the request as you pull out your ID and he analyzes it. “What do you want?”
You blink, “Anything.”
The man clicks his tongue.
You ignore the judging stare from the cashier, retrieve the random pack of smokes with a “thanks” then stroll through the sliding doors to take a seat outside on the curb.
You light up a cigarette. Breathing in the burning toxins, the rich smoke burns your throat. Your lungs scream from the unknown substance and you quickly exhale the cloud with a cough. 
Fuck, it hurts, you think. But you take another drag and this time it burns a bit less. 
As you alleviate your heartbreak with the smoke, the emptiness sets in. You pause looking up at the dark sky cast above you. Your cheeks feel a bit numb from the cold, and your eyes begin to gloss over as you think back to Ushijima’s words from earlier.
The sudden sound of your phone startles you. Pulling it out of your pocket, an image of Oikawa illuminates the screen and an irritated groan escapes your lips as you take another hit. 
You didn’t expect a call this late at night from Oikawa, but he never seems to know his boundaries according to the fact that it’s 2 o’clock in the morning. It’s a mix of loneliness and desperation that causes you to answer. 
“Hello,” your voice is thick, placing the cold phone to your ear.
“Y/N-chan,” there’s a hint of slur in his voice, as he hiccups heavily into the receiver.
You roll your eyes. “Tōru, how drunk are you?”
“I’m not drunk! I--” he stumbles on his words. “I just want to see how dinner....” He trails off, unable to finish his sentence. 
The question really took a knife to the heart as you try to hold back the emotions that are bursting at the seams. It wasn’t Oikawa’s fault, you hadn’t told him yet. 
“I’ll tell you about it tomorrow,” you sigh.
“Y/N,” Oikawa breathes. There’s a bit of neediness in his voice. “I hope he makes you happy...”
The sentiment is there and you can tell he means well but you squeeze your eyes shut at the comment. Your heart hinges and you try to breathe slowly avoiding any staggering gasps that can be heard.
“Yeah, I’m still here,” your throat tightens as you choke on your words. 
Before you have the chance to say anything more, you hear the phone being pulled away from Oikawa, and an unfamiliar voice answers on the other end. 
“Sorry about that. Oikawa’s a bit drunk. Didn’t mean to disturb you. Have a goodnight.”
The line cuts.
Once again you’re met with the dead of night. 
It was difficult to process tonight's earlier events, even as you sit outside having a smoke. You never thought you would ever get to this moment, especially when it’s been so long since you last really cared for someone like Ushijima. You’d only known him for a year, but right now it feels like he’s the only thing you’ve ever known your whole life.
Morning arrives too soon.
The horrible taste of nicotine coats your mouth and the smell of smoke engulfs your hair making you gag. It’s 8 AM on a Saturday and you’re sure you only got a couple of solid hours of sleep upon returning from your late-night adventure. You’re a little less hysterical and a bit more numb compared to six hours ago.
You didn’t expect to wake up until later in that afternoon, but your head is pounding making it so much harder to sleep off the break-up. You get up to take a painkiller hoping it helps subside the chronic unpleasant sensation.
It crosses your mind that you need to get out and be somewhere else, not within the confines of your apartment or your mind. So after a substantial amount of self-care and priming, you head out to Oikawa’s apartment.
It’s not uncommon for you to drop by unannounced, in fact, this was a lot better than stirring in your thoughts alone at home. Somehow it feels more comforting to spend time with Oikawa than you’ve ever imagined-- despite the fact you didn’t have many friends. But he always gave you the attention you desired at any given moment and the thought of that eases you as you knock at the front door.
It takes a moment for Oikawa to answer, undoubtedly after a night out drinking. 
But as the door opens, you are met with a tall muscular tanned man. He cocks his head looking at you quizzically, and subsequently opens the door a bit more, enough that you can peer past him into the apartment.
You don’t know who he is, but he’s hot.
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kerwritesthings · 3 years
Subway Surfing
Summary: When a literal run in changes the course of a day, let alone of a life…
Word Count: little bit over 2.2k
Warning: adorable, fluff and funny
Author Notes: A bit of a birthday surprise for @fallinallincurls​ - Happy, happy birthday Bre! Big birthday deserves nothing more than the start of a new verse for the hockey boy I forced at you last year. Umm sorry not sorry.
Things have been a lot of not ok around here for a good clip, I’ve been really not ok. It’s been hard. Writing hasn’t come, life has just kept throwing me down and down. Trying to fight the way back up, not easy but I’m trying. This was a nice way to try to get back some of that light. I had been poking at this for a beat, the idea gnawing at me with some pieces written, notes scribbled around, but birthday sparkle helped get it over the finish line. Part two already has some bones, as does part three - but please to bear with me if you will.
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You hate that it’s a Saturday and you’re trekking your way into the office. It’s finally truly fall in the city and it’s a gorgeous day. The last thing you want is to be stuck at your desk behind a computer screen. You want a hot spiked apple cider, a book, a good playlist and your plaid blanket on the grass in Central Park.
It looks like the rest of the city is awake early on this day for the same reason. The subway, which normally is slightly more bearable at this time on a weekend, is the furthest thing from that. It’s packed with people including the grimy, sweat-ladened guy in the chopped-up joggers and crocs who keeps trying to “accidentally” bump and grab you every chance he gets.
The next stop, you try to move but too many people are coming on and off as the doors only quickly open and shut. You just end up jostling as the car jolts in its start. You can’t fall forward. It would land you right into the situation you’re trying to flee. Instead, you try to lean back but you slip. Fully prepared to wipe out, a hand comes gently to steady your elbow while another holds you at your shoulder.
You hear a mish mosh of “careful there” and “are you ok” crossing together as you get back steady on your feet.
“Thanks for saving me for either face planting or landing in that sweaty creep’s grasp,” you say, sliding your bag back securely on your shoulder before turning.
You know those faces. You’ve seen them on billboards and most definitely on TV. Shit, shit and shit. Of course, the two star, absolutely adorable bestie forwards from the New York Islanders have come to your rescue. This would be your luck. At least you pulled yourself somewhat together for this Saturday jaunt to the office. You keep a straight face, smiling normally and not letting anything on.
“Couldn’t let you risk that. He’s been a bit of an ass since he got into the car. We said if he were still acting a fool at next stop, we would jump in. Plotted a rescue mission and everything,” the one explains, hand running through his hair.
“His mission was to cross his arms and give him the eye,” the other mocks, shoving at his friend’s shoulder. “I mean I guess he can look threatening, like a puppy maybe.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. These two are exactly as they’ve seemed in interviews. Mathew and Anthony really are as thick as thieves.
“That sarcastic asshole is Anthony and I’m Mat. We’ll stay close until he leaves, or you need to,” he remarks.
“You don’t have to do that. It’s the subway. That happening unfortunately is just another day that ends in y, you know?” you explain. “I also don’t want to take up more of your time or ruin any of your plans.”
“You deal with that? Often?” Anthony asks, eyes a little wide.
“Welcome to New York,” you shrug. “Not every day thankfully. But it’s often enough.”
“I hope you know, that wasn’t, and we weren’t...” Mat tries to stumble through.
“No, no, no. Totally. I didn’t get that whatsoever,” you respond. “Not that from either of you guys. Promise. It’s sweet to know there are still gentlemen out in this world.”
They both get a little bashful smile across their pretty faces.
“Glad to help,” they practically say in unison which causes you to bark out a laugh.
Time to shoot your shot, you think to yourself. Worse case, it’s a moment you get to have for a fun bar story.
“I think we need to become friends, boys,” you start. “Or at the very least, I owe you a drink for saving me.”
“Yes,” Anthony jumps in, nodding his head with a wide grin. “You should come to brunch with us.”
“If I didn’t have to get to the office I would,” you reply. “Unfortunately, it’s stuff I need done before a Monday morning meeting.”
“Office work on a Saturday? That’s no fun. Play hooky! We can promise a bottomless brunch,” he teases.
“Maybe after though?” Mat chimes in with a soft smile. “Get what you need to done, give you something to look forward to after?”
“I don’t want to ruin whatever plans you’ve had for the day,” you begin before the boys both shake their heads.
“It’s just brunch and shopping to try to get this one to up his style game,” Mat chides while Anthony rolls his eyes.
You bite your lip fighting back yet another giggle. These two, at the very least, would truly make some good friends. You dig around in your tote, finally snatching your card holder.
“Not sure how long I’ll be stuck. I’m hoping only a couple hours. But. If you’re serious. Text or call me,” you say, handing one off to each of them.
They both nod, each pocketing your card as the subway comes to a halt.
“Oh shit, this stop is mine. Thanks again for the soft hands and clutch assist guys,” you wink, dashing away quickly before the doors close.
“What is my life,” you mutter, the boys waiving as the train pulls away. “I need to get to the office.”
“Ok, I think that’s the first time we’ve ever had someone realize who we are in public, without a whole big scene or making a blatant ass grab type pass. We’re keeping her. Plus, you like her,” Anthony teases, shoving at Mat’s shoulder as they hit the sidewalk coming up from the subway.
“I could say the same thing to you Tito,” he snarks back, shoving in return. “You were batting the eyes. I’m not blind.”
“She seems cool and yeah she’s pretty, but I’m not jaw drop like you were when you saw her,” he chirps back. “I was trying to get a rise out of you dude. And it worked, you actually stepped up the game. And now you have her info. Don’t make me text her too. Cause I will.”
You’re just about to settle into your email with a cup of what your office likes to consider coffee when your phone starts buzzing about in quick succession.
“Looks like this is a thing,” you mumble to yourself, lips quirking up into a half smile as you formulate a reply.
“You knew?” Anthony grins over his beer. “From the start?”
You nod, sipping at your cider. You pushed through your work to be able to meet the two downtown at this tiny spot in NoLiTa that was tucked away from the crazy of the neighborhoods it was snug between. It wasn’t as sleek as you thought they’d choose; it was something much more comfortable and lower key.
“Really?” Mat questions.
“Yep. One of you not with the other? I would have had to do double take. I would have noticed, but probably would have questioned. However, the two peas in a pod together? That was a no brainer,” you explain, fighting back a bit of a giggle.
“You didn’t say anything,” Mat replies.
“How many times does that happen and it turn into a thing or a bit of a scene?” you circle the bottom of the cider bottle around on the tabletop. “There was also no point to, either. You were just trying to enjoy the day and you were being super kind keeping me from wiping out. I get it’s New York, so it’s a less likely thing but it still happens.  So, if I could keep it from another one of those moments...”
“Told you Barzy, we’re keeping her,” Anthony taps his beer against yours. “Welcome to the crazy, Evangeline.”
You can’t help but tinge a little pink.
“Well then. If that’s the case, my friends call me Evie,” you smile.
“Evie,” Mat lets the name roll around his tongue.
A couple rounds later, of both beers and darts, you realize how tight the two are and more so, how easily you could become entangled in friendship with them. And you do. Texts and memes and random photos fly back and forth, you all hang when all your schedules align. You’re also fostering relationships with each of them separately too; sharing recipes of things you want to try to bake and longing about the places you miss in Quebec with Anthony while Mat was trying to teach you more about basketball (with little luck) and in turn you trying to expand what he calls music and what actually is music. You also share some of your favorite places in the city that the two really didn’t know about. It was easy with them, together and individually but you were getting a bit more of a tug, a bit of a warmer burn with Mat.
A Saturday morning a few weeks after the afternoon drinking funtivities, you wake up to a few texts, photos really, from the group chat with the boys. First is a pair of tickets and passes to their game that night. Second is two jerseys: a blue Barzal and a white Beauvillier. The third, a text from Mat.
Choose carefully…
We’re also not taking no for an answer. You’re coming. Game and drinks after.
“Oh shit,” you exhale, quickly jumping to your closet.
“Beth?” you call out from your room, tossing through your clothes looking for two specific items. “Please tell me you don’t have plans tonight.”
“Hot date with a bottle of pinot noir and trash tv, why?” she pokes her head into your room.
“Good. You do now. You’re coming with me to the Islanders game tonight,” you mutter, flipping through more hangars.
“Wait excuse me?” she flops down, cross-legged on the end of your bed.
“So, I may have left a tiny detail out from when I told you about the two cute guys who saved me on the subway,” you explain.
“Ok and?” Beth prompts you to continue.
“They’re Islanders…” you trail off.
“What?” she screams tossing one of your throw pillows at you.
“I’m trying to not make a big deal, cause you know. But, at the same time, well you know,” you reply, finally finding the long sleeve you wanted to wear as well as one of your hockey jerseys.
“You need to give me more than this, Evie,” Beth pries.
You lean back against your closet door.
“It was Anthony Beauvillier and Mat Barzal,” you say.
Beth screams and throws another pillow at you.
“You just casually didn’t tell me that you met the damn Calder winner and his like bromance bestie,” she laments. “Evie, what the fuck?”
“This is exactly why,” you sigh. “Like it started out as ok I could have a moment, a cool story to tell. But honestly, they’re two really great guys.”
“You’re not telling me something, I can see it in that wistful look,” she pokes. “Oh god you’re sweet on one of them, aren’t you?”
You shake your head at Beth, not acknowledging the question. Shoving her over a little, you fold the jersey on the bed next to her, so the logo was perfectly visible, but no giveaway of the name on the back or numbers on the sleeves.  
Fine if you two summon I guess I must go. I’m bringing Beth, my roommate, so you need to behave. She’s already a pretty big hockey fan so I apologize now in advance for any of her crazy. She’s great but gets excited. Also, easy answer: where’s the Ebs jersey? ;) Or I can always wear this one.
You snap a quick shot of your Dallas Stars jersey.
Mat of course chimes in first.
That’s cold Evie, really cold. And that thing? That’s even worse. Who is on there? Do I wanna know?
Then Anthony.
Non. Non. Non. Why do you even have that jersey!?
“You’ve got that look,” Beth pokes at your thigh. “I’ll leave you be for now. Need to be at the arena what 6? We should leave here at 4:30. Worse case we get there early, we can snag a drink nearby. I don’t trust the train or the subway on a Saturday to be on time. Thanks for bringing me, Roomie. I’m excited and I get to meet these boys of yours.”
I have favorites across the league, you both know I liked the sport well before you two came along. I have the appropriate jerseys for my boys. Well, almost. You guys making me choose is mean af. Rock paper scissors it between you both, whoever wins that’s what I’ll wear.
“Just leave her yours, you know you want to no matter who would win at that little challenge of Evie’s,” Anthony smiles as the text comes through, clapping his friend on the shoulder. “And I know you’d pull shit to do it no matter what. She’s really your girl anyway.”
“What…” Mat starts before Anthony jumps in.
“You know it’s never been like that with her for me, dude. She’s awesome and I’m so glad to have her as a friend,” he replies. “You though? Since moment one, she’s been something else for you. You need to make a move. You’ve got game, I’ve seen it.”
“Evie’s. She’s Evie. There’s more there...” he leans back into his locker.
“More reason to then Barzy,” he volleys back. “Come on, get your shit together. We can drop everything to leave for her on the way out.”
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uenodivision · 3 years
Sakurai Clan Drama Track 1 - So It Goes.
Pt. 3
-- Yuzairu Residence --
[The time was approximately 12:18 P.M. as the sun shined high in the sky in the city of Ueno. It was the weekend, which meant that the town was actively busy as people were either walking or driving to and from their various destinations. Some were middle-aged men and women on their way to walk, despite it being a Saturday afternoon. Others were young teenagers talking about the ins and outs of their lives, be it with school, parents, or whatever else gossip was on their minds at the moment.]
[In one of the suburbs of the Division was the adobe of Kisouna Yuzairu, 1/3 of Ueno Division's rap group, Sakurai Clan. Sitting on her couch in the living room, she had a multitude of papers and folders in front of her. At first glance, one would think that they had something to do with her work, which would be no surprise considering her profession. But that would be an incorrect guess.]
[Actually, these papers all contained information on all the available rap groups that were most likely to take part in the Division Rap Battle Tournament that was to take place in a few short weeks. After being informed a few days ago by Aranai that Chuohku had entered them without their knowledge, Kisouna, in her spare time, had done research on every team and division there were. Luckily, one of the interns at her law firm was a big fan of the D.R.B., so when Kisouna asked, he divulged all information he had on him. Most of what he knew was already common knowledge, but it still helped.]
[The prosecuting attorney was deep in her thoughts, studying one of the papers until the doorbell rung, sending its signal throughout the entire house. Standing up, Kisouna walked to the entrance. Peering through the peephole, she looked as it was the remaining members of the Sakurai Clan: Shisuta and Aranai. Unlocking the lock on her door, she opened it.]
Kisouna: *Nods her head to both of them* Shisuta. Aranai.
Shisuta: *Bows her body with her hands together on her lap* Good day, Kisouna-san.
Aranai: *Holds her left hand up* What up, Boss-Lady?
[Frowning at the nickname her leader gave her, she sighed, shaking her head as she moved slightly to the side, allowing the two women access into her house.]
Aranai: *Walks inside, looking around with a frown* I know that this is part of your shtick and all, but would it kill you to add some life into this place?
Kisouna: *Frowns as she closes the front door, following her friends* F.Y.I., it's called 'minimalist'.
Aranai: *Scoffs* It should be called 'boring'.
Shisuta: *Frowns* Aranai...
Aranai: What? It's true! *Looks back at Kisouna* I don't see how you and your daughter can live with how empty this place is.
Kisouna: *Still frowning* For your information, Yomi actually likes the house like this.
Aranai: *Scoffs again, speaking under her breath* She's just too young to know better.
[Knowing that she had said something, the prosecuting attorney chose not to reply; instead, shaking her head as she made her way back to the living room couch.]
Shisuta: Speaking of which, where is Yomi-chan?
Kisouna: I dropped her off at her friend's house. They were having a birthday party, and she begged me to take her.
Shisuta: Oh. *Slightly upset* I was looking forward to talking and playing with her.
Aranai: Same here. *Scratches the back of her head* She's the only good thing I like about coming to this place.
Kisouna: *Frowns at Aranai* Gee, thanks.
Aranai: *Shrugs* Just telling the truth.
Kisouna: *Sighs and shakes her head* In any case, it's good that you're both here since we can get to work now.
Shisuta: *Looks down at the papers and folders* What are these?
Kisouna: Information on every team that's most likely going to enter the Division Rap Battle.
Shisuta: *Looks up at Kisouna* Every team? *Looks back down at the folders*
Aranai: *Frowns* No offense Boss-Lady, but I highly doubt that all of these teams are going to join.
Kisouna: *Looks seriously at Aranai* We don't know that for sure. Remember who it is that's overseeing this tournament.
[At that, both Aranai and Shisuta frowned as they knew that Chuohku, or more specifically, the Party of Words, were the ones who put all this together.]
Kisouna: Chuohku will use any means necessary to get what they want. *Looks back down at her papers* These teams could have voluntarily joined or could have been extorted into joining, like us.
Shisuta: *Frowns* True.
Aranai: But what would they want with all these teams in their tournament for anyway?
Kisouna: I don't know. The benefits may seem to be for the team that wins the tournament, but we all know Chuohku isn't that generous. Whatever their end game is, it only serves to benefit them in the end.
Shisuta: Wouldn't the safest option be not to win, then?
Aranai: No way! You know what happens to the territories of the teams that lose, right?
Shisuta: *Nods* Yes, they are given to the overall winners of the tournament.
Aranai: Exactly! And I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather not see Ueno in the hands of someone else.
Kisouna: *Nods* Crudely put, but I agree.
Shisuta: *Nods, a serious expression on her face* As do I. *Looks back at Kisouna*
Shisuta: But if what you say is true, and this tournament only helps to benefit Chuohku, then what can we do?
Kisouna: *Sighs, shaking her head* I'm afraid there's not much we can do, Shisuta. As of right now, we, the other teams, the Divisions, even the Hypnosis Microphones, are all just the government's puppets.
Aranai: Puppets?!
Shisuta: *Puts her hand up in a calming manner* It's an expression, Aranai.
Kisouna: As long as Chuohku is holding onto the strings, we can do nothing but move as they want us to. *Looks up at her teammates*
Kisouna: And if any of us even thinks of stepping out of line, they'll bring the entire force of the government down upon us.
[All three women sat in uncomfortable silence as the reality of the situation came upon them. They knew the consequences of what would happen if they lost, or worse, if they refused to acquiesce to Chuohku's wishes. As Kisouna stated, the PoW were the ones holding all the cards, and there was little they any of them could do about it.]
Aranai: *Her head is down, shadows over her eyes* ...I'm sorry.
[At this, both of the other women looked up at their leader, surprised. It was rare for them to hear Aranai apologize for something, and be so serious about it.]
Kisouna: ...Sorry for what?
Aranai: *Still has her head down* For being the reason why we're in this mess, to begin with.
Kisouna: *Confused* What are you talking about, Aranai?
Aranai: You both read the letter, didn't you? The reason we're forced to join this tournament is because of me. *Has her left arm over her chest, holding onto her right arm*
Aranai: If we didn't join, then the government would have used my past as an excuse to put me away. Maybe for good.
Kisouna: Aranai... *Opens her mouth to say more, but doesn't know what to say*
Aranai: *Laughs bitterly* Guess it's true what they say. You can never escape your past no matter how hard you try. I mean... I knew it would catch up with me eventually, but I...
[As the former Bōsōzoku was about to continue her speech, she was shocked as she was suddenly pulled forward into a hug. Glancing upward, Aranai looked as Shisuta had her hand on the back of the leader's head, putting it in the nun's bosom.]
Shisuta: *A gentle smile is on her face* That is enough. No more talking like that.
Aranai: *Still shocked* S-Shisuta...
Shisuta: No one here blames you for this. You've moved on from being the person that you once were. And for Chuohku to try to use that against you is wrong and inexcusable of them.
Aranai: Y-yeah, but...
Shisuta: No buts. *Lifts Aranai's face to look at her* You are not the same as you were yesterday. The fact that you feel sorry and upset about it is proof of that.
Shisuta: *Looks behind at Kisouna on the couch* Don't you agree, Kisouna-san?
Kisouna: Y-yeah. *Clears her throat before speaking*
Kisouna: Shisuta is right, Aranai. Neither of us blames you for this predicament. It was only a matter of time before Chuohku targeted us. If it wasn't you, then it more than likely would have been one of us. If they didn't use your past, then they would have found something else to use instead. *Looks down at all the papers on the table, again*
Kisouna: That just shows how despicable and desperate they are to have everything under their control.
Shisuta: *Nods in agreement* Indeed. *Looks back down at Aranai*
Shisuta: So stop blaming yourself for this. This is Chuohku's doing, not yours.
Aranai: Y-yeah. *Clears her throat as she is released from Shisuta's grasp*
Aranai: Sorry, you guys. *Looks away, hiding the pink on her cheeks* And, t-thank you.
Shisuta: *Smiles* You are welcome.
Kisouna: *Smirks* It's a shame I didn't have my camera on me. A picture of you humbled like that would have been one for my scrapbook.
Aranai: *Scowls at Kisouna* Ha-ha. Laugh it up. Just know: if you tell anyone about this, I'll hurt you.
Kisouna: *Still smirking* Of course.
[At that, all three women stared at one another, before chuckling and finally laughing out loud, their spirits renewed.]
Kisouna: Alright. *Looks at her teammates, a confident look on her face* That's enough small talk. Let's get to work!
Aranai & Shisuta: Right!
[For the next hour, the trio spent their time looking through the various teams and individuals, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and anything else they felt might give them an edge in the tournament.]
Aranai: *Sitting on the floor, looking through a random folder with a frown* Is Chuohku just sending everyone a Hypnosis Microphone? *Puts the folder down on the floor*
Aranai: Some of these teams I've never even heard of before.
Kisouna: *Sitting on her sofa, looking through a different folder* The Party of Words is responsible for the mass development of the Hypnosis Microphones. In a way, you could call them the real power behind Chuohku.
Aranai: *Has a confused look on her face* Yeah, but aren't Hypnosis Microphones dangerous? Why send them out to a bunch of strangers? In fact, why send them out at all? With that kind of power, they could easily take over all of Japan without going through the trouble of having everyone compete in a tournament.
Kisouna: *Puts her folder down* I may be wrong, but I don't think Chuohku's goal is to take over Japan. They already did that when they usurped power during WWIII.
Shisuta: True. *Lays her folder down beside her on the other end of the couch*
Shisuta: After their takeover, they put a ban on all firearms, and instead developed the Hypnosis Microphones as a way to settle disputes. *Sighs, sorrowfully*
Shisuta: Battle is still the same. The only difference is the weapons.
Aranai: *Still has a confused look* Yeah, but why? Why send out the Hypnosis Microphones in the first place? If their goal is to make everyone fear and obey them, wouldn't it be smarter to keep them for themselves?
Aranai: And why go through all the trouble of creating a tournament just to give the winners money and the losers' territory? What does Chuohku get out of it?
[Aranai's questions gave the three women much to think about. Why did Chuohku go to all the trouble of sending out Microphones when they could just use to them exert dominance on everyone? And why create a tournament just to reward the winner? It didn't add up.]
Kisouna: I don't know what Chuohku is up to, but you have to remember, the PoW doesn't do things for no reason. This tournament is probably their way to exert loyalty from the masses and the Divisions.
Aranai: 'Loyalty?' For what? Just because they reward the winners with some cash and some land?
Kisouna: I think by rewarding the winners of the tournament, they are showing their supposed benevolence to everyone in Japan, in hopes of getting the populace on their side.
Shisuta: For what reason, though? As Aranai stated, they could easily dominate anyone who opposes them.
Kisouna: *Shakes her head 'no'* Ruling with fear isn't always the best way to rule if history is anything to go by. Fear leads to anger, which leads to hate. If Chuohku started oppressing the masses, they'd have riots on their hands all throughout Japan.
Aranai: *Shrugs* So? Couldn't they just put them down? Seems like an easy thing to do.
Kisouna: They could, but that'd just lead to more people fearing and hating them. *Shakes her head* Of course, this is all just speculation.
[At that, the three women returned back to work, though their minds were still heavy with the number of questions they were still left with. The room was relatively quiet, as the trio studied and looked through various files and folders.]
Kisouna: *Looking up at Aranai from her folder* By the way Aranai, has Chuohku sent you another letter about the team(s) we'll be facing yet?
Aranai: *Shakes her head 'no'* Nope. And trust me, I've been checking my mailbox and email like crazy for any letter that has a PoW symbol on it.
[A few seconds later, the leader of SC felt a short, but loud 'chime' emanating from her coat pocket, which was a sign that she had just received a new email on her cell phone.]
Aranai: *Rolls her eyes* Probably more junk mail...
[Sighing, the former Bōsōzoku pulled her phone out and looked as the screen on the phone brightened, revealing the email. She frowned as the subject of the email read, 'Untitled'.]
Aranai: *Rolls her eyes again* Knew it.
[Preparing to delete it, the SC leader opened the letter, preparing to hit the 'send to junk' button on her email app. However, she suddenly stopped as she spotted a familiar insignia on the top right corner of the message. Her eyes grew big and wide as she instantly recognized it.]
Aranai: *Looks up at the other two women* Hey guys, *Kisouna and Shisuta look up at her* Guess who just sent me an email about the tournament.
Kisouna: *Her eyes grow wide* Chuohku?
Aranai: *Nods* Yup.
[Walking over to the sofa where the others sat, Aranai placed herself in the middle as Shisuta and Kisouna huddled near her.]
Shisuta: What's it say?
Aranai: Umm... *Scrolls down on her phone to reveal some of the email* ...it's a tournament bracket.
[Flipping her phone horizontally, the trio looked as there was a large-sized bracket filled with numerous teams. Most of them were obviously from different divisions, but some were present right here in the city of Ueno.]
Aranai: I don't recognize half of the teams on this list.
Kisouna: They must be complete unknowns.
[Scrolling down on the phone again, the trio was surprised to see that the email still wasn't done. Just below the bracket, there was a video file. Clicking it with her finger, the file opened on Aranai's phone, revealing the figure of Otome Tohoten sitting behind her desk in the PoW HQ in Chouhku, with her hands locked together as she was staring at the camera.]
Aranai: *Looks at her teammates* Do we have to play it? I really don't feel like listening to this woman any more than I have to.
Kisouna: *Scowls* Neither do I, but if she has something important to say about the tournament, then we have no choice.
[Groaning, the former Bōsōzoku reluctantly pressed the big blue 'play' button on the video, starting it up as the Prime Minister began speaking.]
Otome: Salutations. If you are viewing this video, then you are either a team or Division leader, and have successfully filled out you and your team’s registration for the Division Rap Battle Tournament. And for that, allow me to say, ‘congratulations.’
Aranai: She sure loves to hear herself talk, doesn’t she?
Kisouna: Shh!
Otome: As you can all see by the bracket, which I hoped you viewed before playing this video, these are the teams that will be participating in the Division Rap Battle Tournament, which I am pleased to announce as of right now has officially begun.
[At this, all three women’s eyes grew large and wide.]
Aranai: *Shocked* What?! I thought the tournament was supposed to start in a few weeks!
Otome: I imagine that many of you are feeling shocked and/or upset at this news. And for that, I apologize. *A grin then appears on her face*
Otome: However, I felt a few more weeks of waiting would be too long for you and the people of Japan to wait for the tournament. Thus, I felt that having it begin right away would be more beneficial for everyone.
Aranai: *Growls* That bitch!
Shisuta: *Frowns* Aranai!
Aranai: *Frowns back* Sorry, but...
Kisouna: Shh! Quiet, she's still talking!
Otome: *The grin is gone from her face* In each division, there are four teams in total. These teams will compete against one another in the qualifying rounds. The last team remaining will be the official team selected to represent their division, and will move on to the semi-finals, which will be held a week later.
[After finishing her sentence, a small square-like screen appeared beside the Chairwoman, which showed a large dome, which was obviously a coliseum.]
Otome: On the last day of the tournament, the Division teams will proceed to the special Coliseum, here in the heart of Chuohku, where they will compete against one another to determine the overall winner(s) of the tournament. The winning team will not only be awarded 100,000,000 yen for each member but will also receive the territory of the defeated divisions, as well as the prestige that comes with being the winners.
Aranai: *Scoffs* Yeah, a lot of good that does us...
Otome: You will all soon receive a schedule, detailing when and where your battles will take place. *Her grin returns* I wish you all the best of luck. I, as well as the whole of Japan, are looking forward to a good tournament. Do not disappoint us.
[With that final threat, the image of the Chairwoman vanished and was replaced with the familiar insignia of the Party of Words, as the video soon ended. As it did, all in the room was relatively quiet, save the hissing from the air vent which blew out cool air into the room.]
Aranai: ...Well... *She sighs* ...shit.
Shisuta: *Frowns again* Aranai...
Aranai: *Frowns back* Shisuta, please... don't start.
Kisouna: Indeed. *Sighs* I hate to say it, but I agree with our leader's choice of words, vulgar though they may be. *Lets her head fall back, hitting the couch as she places her right hand on her forehead*
Kisouna: This turn of events does not bode well for us.
Aranai: Well, no kidding! Now we have less time to prepare than we did before!
Shisuta: Indeed.
Kisouna: It's our own fault. We should have expected this sort of thing from Chuohku. It's not out of sort for them.
Aranai: Yeah, but still! They could have at least gave us some heads-up! Why the hell did...
[In the middle of her rant, the Sakurai leader felt her phone vibrate and beep in her pocket for the second time today. Growling, she briskly pulled it out of her pocket and looked as a notification appeared on her home screen signaling that she had received another email. Like the previous one, the title of it read, 'Untitled'.]
Aranai: *Sarcastically* Gee, now who could this be from, I wonder...
[Touching it, the email app reappeared on the screen, the email showing up. Like the previous one, a familiar insignia was shown on the upper right part of the email: the Party of Words.]
Kisouna: Chuohku?
Aranai: *Nods* Hmm.
Shisuta: You certainly have to admire their diligence. When they say they will do something, they do it.
Kisouna: Indeed. *Looks at Aranai* So, what's it say?
Aranai: *Looking at her phone* ...It's our match schedule. Apparently, our first match is the day after tomorrow at 8 P.M.
Shisuta: Who are we facing?
Aranai: Some unknown group called Ueno's Crusaders.
Six days later...
-- The Art of Law, Ueno Division --
[It was early evening as a groan escaped Kisouna Yuzairu's mouth as sat in her office, rubbing her eyes in a circular motion, trying to wake herself up. With the announcement that the Division Rap Battle had begun almost a week ago by the Chairwoman, the city of Ueno was in an uproar over it.]
[Four days ago, the team of Sakurai Clan had scored a decisive victory over the team of Ueno's Crusaders. In fact to call it a 'victory' would be a complete and gross understatement. The team of SC had completely trounced the other team in a matter of minutes. Even without the judges' announcement, it was clear to everyone that SC were the winners.]
[With their victory over the Crusaders, Sakurai Clan now had one final hurdle to pass: the team of the Benten Shōguns, who also had a victory under their belt after defeating their opponents. Whichever team won would be the team to represent the Ueno Division.]
Kisouna: *A tired, but determined look is on her face* We have to win this battle tonight.
[In an effort to make sure that their team was prepared not only for the qualifiers but also for the tournament itself, Kisouna had been pushing the team nonstop. If they weren't studying up their opponents, ascertaining their strengths and weaknesses, they were practicing their hearts and souls out. Though she knew it was for the good of the team and for Ueno, the prosecuting attorney personally could not wait for this whole mess to be over with. Between her work, the tournament, and taking care of her daughter, it was a wonder she wasn't dead on her feet.]
Kisouna: *Sighs, rubbing her eyes* When this tournament is over, I'm taking Yomi with me on a nice, long vacation...
-- Ueno Park --
[The time was five minutes to 8 P.M. in Ueno Park. Despite it being evening time, the park was still open to all. In fact, evening time was really when the park started to get busy. The majestic scene of the cherry blossom trees blowing their beautiful flower petals in the air, created a very tranquil and beautiful picture, like something out of a work of art. It was no wonder that this was Japan's most popular park, and the site for many of its festivals.]
[As stated, normally the park still had throngs of people walking amongst the pavement despite the time of day. But with news of the Division Rap Battle taking place, it seemed as if almost all of Ueno City was present here, even though it was just the qualifying rounds. However, tonight's round would be the deciding factor. Which of the two teams would be the one to go on to Chuohku to represent Ueno Division in the tournament: the Benten Shōguns, or the Sakurai Clan?]
[With the time for battle swiftly approaching, both groups stepped onto the stage, with cheers, shouts, and applause from the crowd. Both teams were staring at one another, knowing full well what was at stake. Kisouna appeared focused, but out of the corner of her eye, she could see her daughter, Yomi, sitting on the shoulder of Aranai's friend, Kaba. The young girl was smiling and waving at her mother, who discreetly smiled and waved back, though her attention went right back to the matter at hand.]
[Shisuta had her eyes closed, but was subtly moving her lips. Both Aranai and Kisouna knew she was most likely praying, as she always did. Lastly, Aranai tried to ignore the beating of her heart, which seemed to be all she could hear at the moment until the moment that the announcer stepped onto the stage between the two teams. It was a female, wearing the traditional uniform of the Party of Words, which was no real surprise since this tournament was being held and funded by them. Everyone in attendance quieted down as their attention was now focused on her.]
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! This is the qualifying round to determine Ueno Division's representatives for the D.R.B.! Which of these two teams will emerge victorious and go on to Chuohku to represent Ueno City?
Announcer: Will it be... *Points to the shōguns* ...the team of the Benten Shōguns? *Moderate shouts and cheers*
Announcer: Or... *Points to the Sakurai Clan* ...the team of the Sakurai Clan? *Loud shouts and cheers*
Announcer: Since the Shōguns won the coin toss, they get to go first!
Aranai: *Frowns at the announcer* I still say that toss was rigged...
Announcer: So without further ado, let the battle begin!
[Moving off stage, the SC looked as Shōguns began their song, which, admittingly, was well-done, as most of the crowd was rather engrossed in it.]
Aranai: *Looks back at her teammates* I hate to admit it, but these guys are actually pretty good.
Shisuta: *Nods* Indeed. They have really good unison.
Kisouna: Well, it'd be disappointing if they were a lackluster team after making it to the finals.
Aranai: We need a good song if we want to pull this off. Any ideas?
Shisuta: Hmm... oh! What about that song we've been practicing these few days?
Kisouna: *Looks skeptical* Are you sure? We still haven't exactly put the finishing touches on it.
Aranai: No better time than the present. Besides, we've got no choice. We're up next.
[As the Shōguns' song finished, it was met with cheers and applause from the audience as they proceeded off stage.]
Announcer: A spectacular performance from the Benten Shōguns! The Sakurai Clan will have to pull off all the stops in order to win! And now without further ado, the Sakurai Clan!
[Stepping back on stage, the group was again met with cheers as they stood in front of the audience on the stage.]
Aranai: *Looks back at her teammates* You guys ready for this?
Shisuta: *Nods, cheerfully* Hai!
Kisouna: *Nods* Let's do it.
Aranai: Right!
Bring the Beat!
[Sakurai Clan:]
Listen to my song, grasp this crazy game We’re going to protect our space Everyone look, it’s not bad to see my face Kicking my rap is just like this!
Listen to my song, grasp this crazy game You should stop before you get burnt You’ll never forget once you hear my phrase Kicking my rap is just like this!
Just like this… Just like this…
Yes, yes, y’all Hey yo! Do you remember me? It's Ride or Die, the master emcee I'm not afraid of a backroom brawl Mess with me, you best be ready to play ball! Have I lost some fights? Sadly yes, I'll admit But never once did I yell, 'I quit!' And I never will cause that's not who I am! Even if the odds are stacked, I'll still play my hand!
'He who wishes to fight must first count the cost' That doesn't apply to me. In the end, it's your loss! Many people go to war, and then seek to win But I do just the opposite, again and again My win/loss ratio speaks for itself Because everything that's not positive, I quickly expel! Cause trouble in Ueno, you won't escape punishment A new sheriff is in town, and her name is Verdict!
Blessed and highly favored, that's all I need to be In the splendor of God's glory, I have the victory! Ueno City's my home, and thus, has my heart As long as we stay strong, we won't be torn apart! A fool once stated, 'love gets in the way' But I wholely believe that love paves the way That's why, as The Saint, no matter the pain I will never have a reason to complain (Plain, Plain, Plain...)
[Sakurai Clan:]
Listen to my song, grasp this crazy game Listen to my song, grasp this- game Listen to my song… Listen to my song… Listen to my song…
Listen to my song, grasp this crazy game We’re going to protect our space Everyone look, it’s not bad to see my face Kicking my rap is just like this!
Listen to my song, grasp this crazy game You should stop before you get burnt You’ll never forget once you hear my phrase Kicking my rap is just like this!
Listen to my song, grasp this crazy game We’re going to protect our space Everyone look, it’s not bad to see my face Kicking my rap is just like this!
Listen to my song, grasp this crazy game You should stop before you get burnt This is Sakurai Clan's funky sounds Kicking my rap is just like this!
[As the final beat to the song ended, the entirety of Ueno Park was filled with cheers and screams as the song ended, with the majority of them cheering for the second group who just finished.]
Crowd: Sakurai! Sakurai! Sakurai!
[The cheers ceased to stop even as the announcer stepped back on stage.]
Announcer: Well ladies and gentlemen, it seems clear by the shouts and cheers that we have our winning team! So with that being said, it gives me great honor to introduce to you the winners of the match, and the Ueno Division's representatives for the D.R.B., the Sakurai Clan!
[A light shined down from the stage as the rap group was illuminated in light, which seemed to fit as the crowd continued cheering and shouting for them. The three women stood on stage, smiles on their faces, proud of their accomplishment. Shaking heads with the opposing team, the group was quickly overwhelmed by the cheers of the crowd, as many yelled for an encore of their song.]
Aranai: *Looks back at her teammates* Something tells me this is going to be a long night...
Kisouna: *Sighs* Unfortunately.
Shisuta: *Smiles* Well, that's popularity.
Aranai: True that. *Takes her microphone back out of her coat pocket* What do you say, girls? Got room for one more song?
Kisouna: *Sighs again, but nods* Why not? Doesn't seem I'll be getting Yomi to bed anytime soon, anyway.
Shisuta: *Nods* I'm in!
Aranai: Then let's do it... again!
Shisuta & Kisouna: Right!
[With that, the city park was filled with cheers as the group continued their song. And the night sky filled with stars as it signaled just another day in the great city of Ueno...]
To be continued...
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Jij Verliest - Chapter Seven: Clip 5&6
master list
note: I’m sorry, I’ve given up on actually making the texts. Also I didn’t italicize the texts because everytime I do, Tumblr doesn’t always get them all for whatever reason.
Maandag 11:52
Chat: Broerrrs + Luc
13 July, 11:52
Jens: ROBBE. IJZERMANS. What part of ‘text us about it’ did you not understand?
Robbe: Lucas. You could’ve warned me at least.
Lucas: Sorry.
Aaron: What happened to ‘Chill Jens’?
Moyo: Caps lock must’ve been on. 
Jens: Caps lock was on. Didn’t feel like changing it though. It served a purpose.
Moyo: What’s going on?
Aaron: Yeah, what do VDS know that we don’t?
Lucas: Um, do you want me to tell them?
Robbe: I can’t have one blissful Monday afternoon, can I?
Aaron: Of course not, it’s Monday.
Lucas: Robbe had a *visitor* this weekend. Someone who showed up on Friday night. And didn’t leave until this morning 👀 Should my sources be correct… 
Robbe: Zoë or Milan?
Lucas: My sources are confidential.
Moyo: Please tell me it was Sander.
Robbe: Yes, it was Sander.
Moyo: Thank god. Wait, are you being serious?
Jens: Yes! And *someone* forgot to tell us.
Robbe: I’m sorry, I was busy.
Aaron: Yeah, we know what you were doing all weekend.
Robbe: Cuddling and watching Harry Potter?
Moyo: You’re boring.
Robbe: Haha 🖕🏻 Sander didn’t think so. Also, who else would it be, Moyo?
Moyo: Worst case scenario? Thomas. Best case scenario? A random one nightstand.
Jens: Thomas? As if.
Moyo: That’s why it was the worst-case scenario.
Lucas: If it was Thomas, none of us would be able to stop Jens. And I’m thankful it’s not because I’m sick of his face. And my boyfriend isn’t in jail.
Aaron: Seconded.
Moyo: Third.
Jens: You guys know I almost always agree with Lucas. But I am also sick of Thomas’s face. And I would need bail money. 
Robbe: Yes, I know. I have a rotten ex-boyfriend. Luckily, I have a new one that’s ten times better.
Jens: Yes. Did he explain why he was distant?
Robbe: Yes, he did and I forgive him. I would’ve forgiven him anyway, but he did explain. And we’re together now.
Jens: Good. That’s all that matters.
Robbe: So, since we all know what *I* was doing this weekend: how were all of your weekends?
Lucas: the Netherlands was fun. Got to see Isa and the girls again. Plus, Mom kept trying to force-feed Jens. She told him he was too skinny.
Jens: She said the same thing to you. Why are you singling me out?
Aaron: Amber and I went out to lunch with her mom on Sunday.
Moyo: My girlfriend’s roommates were out on Saturday night. So we ended up cooking together. The first try was a bit of a disaster, but we managed to make something good the second time.
Robbe: That’s great. I’m glad everyone had fun.
Lucas: When are we going to meet this mystery girl, Moyo? You seem smitten.
Jens: Yeah, you do. And you call me whipped. You should see you.
Robbe: But you are whipped.
Jens: I’m not denying it. But he’s also whipped.
Lucas: You are.
Moyo: When are we going to meet Sander? As your friends, he’s just as important as you are.
Robbe: I don’t know. Probably about the same time that you introduce us to Noor.
Jens: Wait, Noor is your mystery girl?
Moyo: Aaron!
Aaron: I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING. I haven’t even told Amber!
Jens: Wait, Aaron knew about this and not me? I’m offended, bro.
Lucas: I’d like to know how Robbe knew. Because if Aaron didn’t tell Amber, he didn’t tell Robbe.
Robbe: My source is confidential.
Moyo: Robbe, I hate you.
Robbe: Don’t hate me. She’s a great girl. Plus, it’s not like you two are sly. At our movie night, you two were far more comfortable than you should’ve been.
Moyo: Yeah, you’re right.
Jens: I feel like my entire world has changed. 
Dinsdag 17:45
When Robbe had stepped into the tattoo parlor a little before 17:00, Alicia had leapt over the edge of the counter and bounced across the empty lobby. She had tackled him, nearly causing both of them to crash onto the floor, and her electric blue ponytail smacked him in the face. Robbe recoiled slightly from the accidental slap before sinking into her embrace. Once she pulled away, she bounced on her feet, looking like she might explode from excitement. 
“I’m so happy to see you here again!” she said, grinning. “I was starting to worry that I would have to deal with grumpy Sander for the rest of my life.” Robbe chuckled and Alicia smiled proudly. “But I’m glad to see that you two have made up—you did make up, right? He has just seemed happier today and yesterday and I’m assuming it’s because of you.”
Robbe laughed. “Yes, we did.”
Alicia bounced again, still grinning. “That’s great! His shift is over in a few minutes…” She trailed off, eyeing him suspiciously. “But I have a feeling that you already knew that.” While Alicia continued to eye him with playful suspicion, Robbe shrugged and grinned. “Sorry, my mom always tells me that I seem strange to people who don’t know me. It’s just I’ve heard so much about you from Sander and he’s practically family so I’m pretty protective of—”
“No, it’s okay, I understand—”
As if on cue, Sander stepped out of the hallway. Even after a long day of work, his bleach-blond hair was still immaculate and pristine. Today, he was wearing another black shirt but this one had Emilie’s Tattoo Parlor printed across his chest. He looked tired, but Robbe wasn’t surprised. He had worked the early shift. 
Stopping at the desk, he placed down a binder and adjusted the strap of his bag a little higher on his shoulder. Glancing up, his eyes caught Robbe talking with Alicia. As soon as he spotted them, he grinned brightly over at them, all tiredness fading from his face, and said, “Alicia, leave my boyfriend alone.” His tone was light and teasing as he crossed the room. Sander wrapped Robbe in a hug before moving towards the parlor door. “I only have him for an hour before he has to go to work.” 
“Oh right,” Alicia said, smacking her head like she forgot. She grinned at Robbe, waving goodbye at the two of them. “Have a good dinner!” 
“Tell Britt hi!” 
Leaving the tattoo parlor, Robbe collected his bike before following Sander down a well-tuned series of turns to their destination. With one arm around Sander’s waist and the other steering his bike, Robbe felt like he was right where he was meant to. Robbe didn’t know where they were going—just to some restaurant that Robbe had to try—but he followed Sander’s gentle tugs and guidance with ease. Once they arrived at the hole-in-the-wall restaurant, Robbe locked his bike up and let Sander drag him inside. 
Robbe didn’t know what he had been expecting from the small restaurant, but it was one of the best pizzas that he’d ever had. As soon as they walked in, the cashier recognized Sander and proceeded to tease him about taking too long to bring his boyfriend around. When the cashier brought them their pizzas, moving before Sander could get up to get them, they were hot to the touch and fresh from the oven. 
As they ate their food, Sander would reach out to feed Robbe a bite of his or brush a hand on his thigh beneath the table. Every time Sander did something, paid attention to him, his heart grew three sizes. Even so early into their relationship, he felt so cared for. Robbe tried to do the same. He would reach out to hold his knee or hold Sander’s hand beneath the table. And Sander never shied away from Robbe’s touch. In fact, he seemed to blossom with it. 
As they left the restaurant, hand in hand and laughing, the cashier tried to say it was on the house for their favorite customer and his boyfriend. Robbe blushed profusely at their comment and Sander merely chuckled, thanking them. As soon as the cook called the cashier’s name, Sander quickly dropped the money to cover the order (and more) into the tip jar before dragging Robbe from the restaurant. 
Even though it wasn’t that long of a ride, Sander insisted on driving Robbe back to the flatshare. Their only trouble was getting Robbe’s bike in the car, but they managed to make it work by tilting it a little. The ride itself was short and relaxing. Sander drove with one hand on the wheel and the other was wrapped gently with Robbe’s hand. As he weaved through the traffic, Sander talked in vivid detail about a tattoo that he did earlier this afternoon as Robbe listened intently. 
As they pulled into a stop outside the building, Robbe got curious. “Hey, Sander.”
“Yeah?” Sander asked. 
“What were you thinking about, that night at the bar?” Robbe asked. 
It had been a question on Robbe’s mind for a while. His thoughts of the night were abundantly clear—okay, maybe slightly buzzed—that the random stranger with an armful of tattoos who sat down next to him and offered him a smoke and gave him an impromptu therapy session was hot. As he nursed his hangover the next morning, Robbe had briefly entertained the thought of meeting him again but Robbe had thought it was an impossible feat. Seeing Sander walk in that bar less than a week later… it had felt like a sign.
One that Robbe had been simultaneously curious and terrified of. 
When Sander was quiet, simply staring at the steering wheel with a small smile on his face, Robbe added, “I’m sure that it must’ve been one hell of a crappy impression.” 
Sander glanced up at him with a small look of disbelief and a scoff. “What makes you think that?” Sander teased. 
Robbe turned in his seat, facing Sander with a mischievous smile on his face. He placed their joined hands in his lap, running his finger over the back of his hand. “I don’t know, but if I saw a guy sitting quite dramatically on the floor—I think that was your wording,” Robbe said and Sander laughed, “and lamenting his ex-boyfriend, it wouldn’t have been the best first impression I’ve ever made.”
“I don’t know,” Sander said. He put the car in park before turning to Robbe, who was waiting impatiently beside him. Sander tugged their joined hands back into his lap before turning Robbe’s over so the palm was facing upward. Sander trailed a finger along the lines of his palm, leaving Robbe squirming in his seat. “I think you made quite the first impression.”
This time, it was Robbe’s turn to scoff. He leaned against the leather of the car, relishing in the feeling of Sander’s doodles on his palm. “You know as well as I do, I could’ve done a lot better than bitching about my ex with someone—”
“No,” Sander said, interrupting him lightly. His voice was quiet like he was having a private conversation with himself and Robbe watched on, biting down on his lip. “That wasn’t the time I meant.” 
Robbe’s eyebrows pulled tight, staring at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Sander’s eyes darted up to meet Robbe. He could see the panicked expression in his eyes, like he didn’t expect Robbe to hear his secret confession. Quickly, his expression shifted to nervous. A small lopsided grin formed on his lips as he tilted his head to the side. Sander’s hand fidgeted around his and Robbe twisted his hand around to grasp at Sander’s fingers. 
“Sander,” Robbe said. “What is it?” 
“Um,” Sander said, biting down on his lip. “Last August, I went to the bar with my roommates after a long day at work. While I was waiting for them to show up, I spotted this beautiful man standing at the bar talking with the owner like he did it every day.” 
Sander’s eyes raised, catching his brown ones in an instant, and Robbe was certain his heart stopped in his chest. Him, Robbe realized. Sander had seen him before. 
“Before I could work up the nerve to talk to him, to get the name of this beautiful man who turned my world upside down in an instant, his boyfriend showed up and whisked him away from me. I thought that was the end of it—that I missed my chance until…” Sander trailed off. 
Robbe felt his stomach flip, nervous and excited. Bringing Sander’s hand to his mouth, Robbe placed a kiss against his knuckles. Sander followed him with a heavy gaze in his eyes and the corners of his lips quirked up nervously. “Until?” Robbe asked, his lips brushing against Sander’s knuckles. 
“Until…” Sander continued. Robbe scooted closer to him—or as much as he could in the small confine of the car. He was practically leaning over the console, trying to get as close to Sander as he could. Sander glanced at Robbe nervously. “Until last month. It had been a rough few months, but I was starting to come out of it. It was my first time out of the apartment other than for work for a month and I looked over and saw the beautiful man in the bar again.”
Robbe giggled. 
“As soon as I saw him, I knew that he was the one. My mother used to tell me that there was no such thing as a coincidence,” Sander said, reaching up to wipe a thumb across Robbe’s flushed cheeks. “She used to go on and on about how ‘what is meant for you won’t pass you by’—”
“Is that what the quote on your side is?” Robbe asked, quietly. Sander paused, staring at him. “I saw it on Saturday but your arm was covering most of it.” 
Sander grinned. “Yes, it is. Now, back to the story—” 
Robbe mumbled out a quiet ‘sorry’ and Sander gave him a stern look. 
“When I saw that beautiful man for the second time, I knew that the universe was trying to give me a sign and I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity. When I saw him head outside to get some air, I followed. But I only managed to learn his name before the universe ripped him away from me again.” He let out a heavy sigh and slumped his shoulders. “But, lucky for me, I managed to find him again, not even a week later, and I knew that I couldn’t let him get away from me again.” 
“Wow,” Robbe said, breathless. Sander looked up at him with nervous eyes, staring at Robbe intensely. He let out a breath, reaching up to take Sander’s face in his hands. “You really saw me that long ago?”
“Yes,” Sander whispered. “Since the moment I saw you, I’ve wanted you, Robbe IJzermans… even before I knew what your name was.” His eyes scanned Robbe’s face. “Are you mad?” 
Staring at Sander for a few seconds, Robbe hastily undid the seatbelt around him. He could see the worried look on Sander’s face, like Robbe was going to climb out and never look back, but Robbe simply climbed on the seat. His knees dug into the leather as Robbe leaned across the center to press a deep kiss against Sander’s lips. He clung to the strands of Sander’s icy blond hair, holding on for dear life, as Sander let out a grunt. 
Since the beginning, Sander had always seen him. Whether it was last month outside the bar or last year inside the bar, Sander had seen him. He had seen Robbe in the comfort of his bed, in the disarray of a friendly gathering, desperate in a tattoo parlor, and so many moments in between. Robbe wanted Sander to see him in all of his moments and moods, just like he wanted to see all of Sander’s faces and facades. He wanted all of Sander, everything he could get them. 
Sander’s words from last Friday came rushing back: Robbe IJzermans, since the moment that I first saw you, I have wanted you. 
“So you’re not mad?” Sander asked, breaking their kiss. 
Robbe shook his head, practically panting against Sander’s mouth. “No, I’m not mad.”
“Good,” Sander said, quietly. “I was worried you might be.” 
“I’m not. I promise.” 
Robbe moved to kiss Sander again. Robbe wanted to kiss him a little harder. Robbe wanted to pour every single emotion bursting out of his chest into the kiss for Sander—for Sander to taste—at the same intensity Robbe was experiencing from him. But, at the last second, Sander pulled away a mischievous smile on his lips and Robbe couldn’t help the whine. “What were you thinking the night that you first saw me outside the bar?”
Robbe chuckled. “I could only think of one thing—” Pausing, Robbe leaned forward. His knees were strained from this position, but he didn’t care. Stopping a hair away from connecting their lips fully, Sander glanced up at Robbe with a mischievous look in his eye as Robbe grinned. “—Fuuucccckkk, he’s so hot.”
Sander laughed but his laugh was muffled by Robbe’s lips pressing against his. 
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brisfanfictions · 4 years
Chapter Two: Seto’s Succeeded Attempt [Seto Kaiba]
-At the Kaiba Estate-
When Seto got home that day, he went to his home office to figure out how to "woo" Rose.
He opened his laptop, clicking on the internet and went to the Google website. He absolutely despised BING.
This is exactly what he typed: how to woo a girl. Then clicked a random link. It took him to wikihow.com.
"Twelve steps to woo her," he mumbled to himself. He was curious to see if it'll work.
"Step One: Get to know her," he continued to read aloud. "Talk to her and listen to her. Ask her about her family and where she grew up, her religion and politics, and what she likes to do for fun. Don't be critical or rude about her answers: they are hers, not yours! Respect her ideas, her opinions, and her beliefs. Girls like it when you treat them like people. If you want girls to find you attractive, respecting them as people is a great place to start. Sounds a bit complicated..."
"Seto!" Mokuba said as he opened the door. Then tilted his head in confusion. "What're you doing?"
The older male looked up from his laptop. "I'm learning," he answered. "What do you need?"
Mokuba looked a bit cautious. "What are you learning about?"
"How to Attract Girls."
"Because there's this girl in class—"
Mokuba smiled, putting a hand over his heart. "Seto has a crush!" Which he chanted that for awhile.
"But I called her a ‘bitch,’ without actually meaning it. So now she's beyond pissed at me..."
Mokuba came over to slap him upside his head. "She has every right to be!"
Seto winced at his little brother's harsh tone and muttered a tiny "ow" from being slapped. "She's giving me a chance to redeem myself by wooing her."
Mokuba looked at the screen, raising an eyebrow. "Uh... There's warnings on here..."
"Screw the warnings, I'm Seto Fucking Kaiba," was his response while he bookmarked the page. Then he left his office to plan. What his mistake was that he left his laptop open to the page.
Mokuba clicked the Tips and Warnings tab, watching it scroll down to the bottom. He began to read all the tips and sighed.
"He really should've read this," he mumbled to himself as he sat down. Thinking it will take awhile.
Once he was done reading the tips, he went ahead to read the warnings. Then grumbled to himself.
"He's never going to win her heart..."
With that said, he shut the laptop and went downstairs to eat dinner with his brother. And then ask if he could spend the night at Yugi's place.
-At the Watson's Residence-
Rose was busy cooking dinner while she looked over her math homework. She would start off small, like math, then work her way up to the hardest subject, which would be science and history.
Her brother was spending the night at a friend's house.
She gave a lonely sigh, frowning at her food. "I wish to love someone," she quietly said. "And then be loved back..." She put her food on a plate and went to sit on a windowsill, just as a shooting star come across the sky, to stare out the window. Missing the shooting star.
Then smirked. "He'll totally fail." She began to eat her dinner, which was just rice. She doesn't eat all that much. Mainly because she wasn't all that fond of eating all that much.
Once done, she tossed them in the trash and got ready for bed. Setting up her alarm, and curled up under the blankets. Yawning, she whispered, "I just hope he's not like the rest..."
She fell asleep. Not really knowing what she mumbled to herself.
-Next Morning-
Rose was talking to Joey when a sleak black limo, same as yesterday, pulled up beside them. She groaned as she saw the window being rolled down.
"What do you want, Kaiba?" She hissed at him.
He just gave her a small smile. "Want a lift?" He asked. "I'll listen to whatever you want to talk about."
Her and Joey were both stunned. He recovered faster.
"Why'd she wanta ride from a bast'rd like ya?!" Joey asked, snarling in reply.
Seto looked at the younger male with a cold glare. "What's it to you? And was I asking you, Mutt?"
Joey growled at him before Rose interrupted.
"On one condition," she responded.
Both boys looked shocked. However, Joey recovered faster, again. Seto soon following after.
"What'da ya doin', Rose?!" He hysterically asked her, worried.
She held up a hand, silencing the other blond. Her face was serious as she gazed into Seto's blue eyes. His eyes being a darker blue than her own.
"What's the condition?" Seto carefully asked her.
"Take my younger brother, my brother's friends, my three small kid neighbors across the hall from me and all my friends to Kaiba Land on Saturday," was her answer. Keeping her tone serious. As well as her stance, which is calm and relaxed.
Seto thought about it cautiously. Then nodded. "Alright," he said as he slid over in the seat. "Deal."
She turned to Joey, giving him an innocent smile as she hugged him. Opening the limo door, she climbed in and closed it.
"What made you want to be nice?" She icily asked him. Her backpack at her feet.
He raised an eyebrow. "I can't be nice to you?" He questioned her back. "Why do you think I have an ulterior motive?"
"Because you're an asshole to everyone. So, what makes me different?"
He shrugged his shoulders. He really had no answer to that. An answer that he could admit, anyways.
Then she smirked. "Didn't think you'd actually take me up on my offer."
He turned toward her, smirking back. "You did perk my interest."
She gave him a slightly harsh laugh. "No guarantees that you'll win my heart."
After all, she thought to herself. I have a bunch of locks around my heart. The only one who's able to show my true self is my brother and my cute little neighbors across the hall.
He was about to reply when she hopped out of the limo, her head held high as his fan-club began to glare at her.
However, she immediately begun to smile as she went to greet her new friends.
Atem threw Seto a jealous look.
"What were you doing in Kaiba's limo?!" Téa hollered.
Rose covered her ears after that, feeling like she was going deaf. "He offered and I accepted. End of story." She shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal.
But, Téa proved her wrong.
"Why?!" She screeched.
Rose glared at the brunette. "Will you stop sounding like a damn jealous girlfriend?!" Then she stomped into the school. Her good mood had switched to a bad one.
"What's wrong, Rosalie?" Atem quietly asked, standing next to her. Easily keeping up with the blonde.
"I think Téa has a crush on Seto," she answered. "To be honest, he's handsome but his mind and soul are completely corrupted... As well as his heart being so cold."
"And why do you say this?"
"Because Téa was yelling at me. All the while, glaring."
He chuckled, smiling at her. "Not that."
She blushed a light red color. "Because I believe that he'll turn nicer and begin to learn that having feelings isn't a weakness. I can see the guarded look in his eyes. Like, he's unsure of himself." Then she sighed.
"Why would you help him?"
She shied away from that question, quickly walking to homeroom.
Seto was already in his seat, reading until she entered the room. Seeing the unhappy expression, he put his book down.
She sat in her seat, her head in her hands.
"What's wrong?" He questioned her, turning slightly to face her. He showed that he was worried about her. Even if he wouldn't admit it.
She jumped a bit, glaring at him. "Why do you want to know?"
"Because I—" He was at a loss for words.
She relaxed a bit, giving him a tiny smile. "I'm sorry... I'm just a bit worried, is all..."
"Your younger sibling?"
"Yeah... He means a lot to me and I can only worry if he got to school on time or if he ate dinner last night." She sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
"Where did he go?"
Her head snapped forward, surprising the brunet that she didn't break her neck. Then turned a sharp glare on him. "What's it to you?!" She harshly whisper-yelled.
"Miss—" Miss Chono, the evil teacher, said. While looking at her seating chart. Then looked at her again, an evil smirk on her face. "—Watson, would you like to add something to my lesson?"
Rose froze, turning to the teacher with her eyes wide. She couldn't speak because she heard the rumors about her homeroom teacher. 
I can't get expelled. She thought. Without a diploma, then I can't get a job... And without that, then I'll be forced back into Dad's care... I wouldn't be able to follow my dreams… I’d be forced to go through even worse pain than before for running away...
That's where her thoughts went.
"Cat got your tongue?" Miss Chono sneered. Then, with her yard stick, points to the door. "To the principal."
Rose, with a sad sigh, got up. She began to head for the door but stopped in front of her, an angry scowl on her face. 
Might as well go out with a bang. She thought, smirking.
"Miss Chono," she said with false sweetness in her voice. "Nice mask..." Giving her a fake examination. "Wait... My bad. That's just your face. Which is covered in Crayola crayons... Never mind. That's your makeup."
Miss Chono's face was priceless. While the whole class laughed.
Rose gave a satisfied smile, leaving the room with an air of defiance.
Seto got up to follow her, looking curious. "Why'd you say that?"
She turned around and glared. "Will you stop following me?!" She hissed at him. "You're worse than my fanboys!"
Then she stormed into the principal's office.
Seto stood, shell-shocked before he exited the school, planning on going to Kaiba Corp. to work away his annoyance. Even though he had no reason to feel it, which was located deep within his icy heart.
It was about lunch time when Rose was finished at the principal's office, slightly surprised that she got off with a warning (thanks to Seto). She looked around and saw that she was the only one in the hallway.
She shrugged her shoulders, happily walking to her locker. Opening up her locker and humming as she got her afternoon books.
Then her locker door slammed shut, with her back against it. The air was knocked out of her.
"How's about we ditch school and go out tonight?" A gruffy voice whispered in her ear. He smelled of cigarettes and alcohol, which made her want to gag. The smell reminded her of her annoying father.
"Why would I go out with a loser like you?" She asked while trying to struggle out of his grasp. But she couldn't, not really showing that she couldn't free herself.
"Because, if you don't," he said, his voice taking on a dark tone. "I'll hurt you... A slow and painful torture will be in session." He lightly pressed a knife into her side, drawing a tiny bit of blood.
She was terrified. This was Dad all over again, she thought. She didn't know what to do, since she froze up.
When she thought that no one will come to her rescue, Duke came out of a nearby bathroom. She knew it was him by his theme song, playing in the background. He noticed her and her assailant.
"What're you doing to her?!" He questioned, angry. Then he stormed over, punching the guy in his face.
Her harasser swung the knife at him.
She watched. Horrified yet joyful.
When someone lightly tapped her shoulder, making her jump. After she turned around, Atem smiled at her.
"Let's go," he whispered. His smile was kind and sweet.
She blushed a bright pink when Atem picked her books up from the floor and took her hand. Walking away from the fighting boys.
When they were far enough away, she spoke up. "Wh-why'd Duke save me?" She asked. Her voice shaking a bit. "I-I—" She didn't know what to say. She does, but she doesn't know how to word it.
"I think he could feel how uncomfortable you were," he answered. "Or because he likes you more than a friend."
Her nose wrinkled in disgust.
"I hate to disappoint him," she replied. "But, I have no interest in dating him."
"Why is that?" Atem looked curious.
"Anyways, wanna come to Kaiba Land on Saturday? Kaiba promised in exchange that I let him take me to school."
Atem chuckled, smiling in return. He noticed how uncomfortable that topic was for her so she changed it. "Who else will be there?"
Rose smiled at him going along with the topic change. "Neo, Daedalus, Akiko, my brother, his friends and the others."
"Who are 'Neo,' 'Daedalus' and 'Akiko?' Aren't the first two names of your favorite card?"
"Yeah... they're my neighbors' foster children. I call them that. However, they only let me call them that and no one else. Their real names are Nicholas, or Nick, and Daniel, or Dan, Maurer, twin boys, and their little sister, Samantha, or Sammy, Smith." A small and loving look came into her eyes as she thought of the three little children.
"What happened to make them go into foster care?"
"I asked them that." Her loving look disappeared, turning into a hard one. "But, Nick refuses to talk, Dan just changes the topic and Sammy gives me a confusing look. Nick and Dan never talks about what happened so I stopped trying. I suggest that you don't, or the others." With that said, she took her books and got her lunch. Then went outside to the tree, where she first met everyone.
Sighing, she glanced up at the sky.
"Ra, help me..." She begun to pick at her lunch now. Not really noticing that someone was talking about her just around the corner.
"I don't see how she could hate me," a voice quietly said. Not really knowing that said girl was on the other side of the tree. "But, I wish I could really talk to her about it... She'd probably just brush me off if I did..."
Rose remained quiet, looking past the tree a bit to see a brunet-haired male. She was curious to hear who he was talking about.
Then smirked when she saw the "KC" logo on his gravity-defying coat.
Hmm... She thought. Wonder who the unlucky girl that haunts his mind...
Seto groaned in annoyance. "Why can't she see that she would be treated like a queen?!" He angrily shouted. Absolutely not getting any work done, like he had hoped. After awhile at Kaiba Corp. yesterday, he couldn't focus at all either.
Her eyes glanced over to the laptop, frowning. Because she can see a picture of her.
With an inner sigh, she moved to sit next to him.
"You could've gave me your number instead of asking me questions," she suggested him, giving him a teasing smile. "And, if I had a house or a cell phone, I probably would've spoken to you. Also, you could've asked me for my horrible past instead of doing a background check." Her smile faltered a bit, pushing away the past and tears that threatened to flow.
"You're not exactly the only one who was abused," Seto softly spoke to her. Showing the rare bit of kindness at her. "I was, too. Gozoburo, my stepfather and the horrible man that adopted me and my brother because I beat him in a chess match, abused me to push me to my limit."
She looked into his eyes, seeing how much his stepfather abused him. Then gave a gentle smile, letting the tears flow as her hand gently caressed his cheek. Listening to his horrible past, much like her own.
And, in that moment, she could see that he was a broken man inside.
"Alright," she softly said, letting him wipe away her tears. "When Saturday comes around, I'll be in your company instead of my friends."
He looked confused, wondering why she would say that.
She giggled at his reaction, watching him smile afterwards. "But, you would have to prove to me that you wouldn't treat me the same."
"You'll find out on Friday. And it's nothing too bad. I promise."
She got up, dusting herself off her hideous school skirt. Then leaned over to kiss his cheek, smiling as she went to toss out her untouched lunch. There was a small skip in her step, and she was humming to herself as she passed through the doors of the school.
He, on the other hand, was a bright red, staring at her disappearing form. A hand slowly went up to cup the cheek that she kissed and touched.
"I can't wait until Friday," he mumbled, smiling once more that day. "And I think I'll carry her books tomorrow, chatting with her."
True to his word, he carried her books to class and spoke to her about, what he thought was, trivial things. He drove to her house to pick her and her brother up, dropping Mokuba and Ash off at Domino Middle. Everyone, but Rose, was shocked at what he was doing. Only proving further that he didn't care what other people thought of him. Her opinion is all that mattered to him.
On Thursday, he did what he did yesterday. He picked her and Ash up and dropped off him and Mokuba at Domino Middle. He took her books again and walked her to class. He glanced at her as she spoke. When she looked at him, she was curious.
"Something wrong?" She questioned him. "Am I boring you?" She tried to hide the hurt on her face, but failed to hide it in her eyes.
"No, of course not," he quickly replied, looking a bit nervous. "I was just thinking how beautiful you are." He gave her a nervous smile. Something that nobody else could see, though.
She blushed a bright pink at his compliment, giggling. "Thank you, Kaiba."
"Please call me 'Seto.'" He gave her one of his special, small smiles that are reserved for Mokuba and her.
She gave him a warm smile. "Thank you, Seto," she whispered. "You can call me 'Rose.'"
He fought back a shiver at hearing his given name roll off her tongue. Almost as if she was meant to say it.
"What kind of test do you have for me?" He was even more curious about tomorrow.
"Today is Thursday, no?" She gave him a mischievous smile. "You will find out tomorrow morning in the car. I don't back down on my word."
"Alright," was his response, but he was still eager to know.
As soon as they got to their homeroom, she took her books from him. And, something to do differently that day, she stood up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek again. Then she skipped into the classroom, humming a random song that popped into her head.
Seto hurried to class, shooting Atem a smug smile. Then sat at his seat, next to Rose.
Just as the bell rung to start class.
Atem was jealous that Seto was able to catch her attention. However, he was sure to win her over on Saturday. Since he would treat Rose better than Seto Kaiba.
When the lunch bell rang, Atem hurried over to the blonde girl. "Do you want to have lunch with the gang today? You haven't all week." He fought back a blush after asking.
"Maybe tomorrow," she promised him, smiling. "Seto has brought lunch for me. Since he saw my cooking abilities, which isn't that great..." She looked sheepish now. "Anyways, I will have lunch with you and the gang tomorrow." She got up from her chair, leaving her books on the desk for Seto to pick up and take with him.
Seto did what she expected, picking up her books while glaring at Atem. Atem returned the look.
"She will be mine," Seto quietly stated, smirking with total confidence. "I'll prove to her, and everyone else, that she's different and that I'm a perfect match for her."
"You'll just fail," Atem replied, giving him his own confident smirk. "Since Rose is a delicate little flower and needs to be treated as such."
"You don't know about her past," the brunet young man declared. "She told me hers and I told her mine. She is the only other person who knows of my true past, and who I really am underneath. You only want to get with her because you don't know her on the inside. And she's stronger than you think."
"Seto?" Rose questioned, poking her head into the room. "Aren't you coming? I don't want to skip lunch again." She was implying that he shouldn't skip lunch.
"Coming, Rose," said boy replied, giving her a small smile. Which only she could see.
Rose smiled brightly, waiting for him at the door.
"See you at lunch tomorrow, cousin," Seto responded. His voice dripping with sarcasm at the last word. He purposely bumped Atem's shoulder as he walked by him.
Rose's eyes lit up in excitement and joy. All week they hung out during lunch, she was making sure that he was getting the necessary nutrients and that he's properly eating his meals.
He met up with her at the door.
They left the classroom together, as usual. Rose happily skipping next to Seto as they walked out the front doors to the fall atmosphere.
Atem just got an evil smirk from inside the classroom. Since he found a way to win Rose. It required hurting her through Seto to get her.
Besides, he's tired of being "Mr. Nice-Guy." And Rose is one girl who hasn't fallen for him... Yet.
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Plea for My New Self
Sanders sides Vampire College AU - it’s gay - it’s full of fun fluffy tropes - a bit o’ hurt/comfort - mostly fluff
Words: 5,267  Warnings: Food, Money Issues Characters: Virgil, Roman, Logan, Patton, (Remus & Deceit mentioned) Ships: Prinxiety, Analogical, Eventual LAMPD/CALMD Universe: Plea for my New Self Genre: Fluff
Chapter 24: Attraction
Chapter 1 for New Readers - ffn mirror
   After their very successful date, Roman and Virgil were laying together on the air mattress and holding hands while they barely watched the cast recording of Arcadia. Roman was very distracted, and with Virgil’s shield down he was also struggling to pay attention. Virgil hoped Patton was at their dorm still because there’s no way they wouldn’t get lost in the showers or buy 20 dogs or something while Virgil and Roman were caught up in the loop.
   “You better speak up, angel, before Pat finds themselves getting lost in the 5 steps from their loft to the toilet,” Virgil said and ran his hand through Roman’s hair.
   “What?” Roman asked, looking to Virgil.
   “Exactly,” Virgil stated plainly, and then was distracted by Roman’s bright eyes. He shook his head to try to refocus. “You’re distracting everybody,” Virgil clarified.
   “Sorry, there’s a lot on my mind,” Roman mumbled and Virgil ran his hand through Roman’s hair affectionately.
   “I know, let’s get some of it out,” Virgil softly requested. “What’s on my Prince’s plate and how can we toss the entire thing?”
   “You need not break my plate, Virgil,” Roman said and rolled his eyes at him.
   “Just tell me, you cagey bitch, before I flip to the ceiling and take you with me,” Virgil threatened Roman, though they both knew it was empty by the hint of playfulness in his annoyance.
   “Fine, the money thing is weird to me,” Roman said.
   “Among other things, I’m sure. You’ve never been this distracted over it before, and didn’t mind spending it this afternoon,” Virgil said and brushed Roman’s knuckles with his thumb, sucked up by the feeling and losing his train of thought again. They sat in silence for a moment until Roman sighed.
   “Yeah, among other things,” Roman replied finally.
   “Listen, if you don’t want money you don’t have to take it. It’s just a resource you have now,” Virgil explained. “I’m not forcing it on you, I just see problems money can fix and offer it,” Virgil tried to console him.
   “I want to be as blase about it as you but it’s not how I was raised,” Roman shrugged slightly.
   “Yeah, I know, capitalist brainwashing, human struggle, society, all that stuff,” Virgil said. Roman just looked at him oddly. “I give away money all the time, Roman, you’re not the first objector. If you feel gross, just spend as much on random charity as you do on yourself. D will tell you to back off if you’re spending too much,”
   “So you would seriously pay my tuition? It would really help my parents out,” Roman asked softly.
   “So it was big expenses that were bothering you? But of course, I'll pay for it. We can get you a fake part-time job to pay for it to avoid possible inquisitions,” Virgil tried to explain while Roman's mood tried to throw him off. “But if that’s not what you want, I won’t force it on you,” He accidentally repeated. It was hard to focus.
   “Yeah,” Roman said oddly solemnly. “Remus has been complaining about not getting as much help as me since his schooling was cheaper. He texted that he needed new shoes and mom and dad wouldn’t buy them. I was hoping I could tell them to spend it on Remus instead of me, so he could get the things he needs. I’ve been feeling awful about getting more help than him. I know he’s a little asshole sometimes, but he was just acting out for attention. It’s like they’re trying to punish him for his grades not being good enough to get into university with me,”
   “You can tell them that you’ll pay for yourself and send him a bunch of pre-loaded credit cards if you want,” Virgil offered. “If he wants, he can always transfer to university if he gets his grades up. That’s much easier if he’s not walking around in dead shoes. Hell, we can send him some fancy boots or something,” Virgil shrugged. “You do look great in boots,”
   “Are you serious?” Roman asked and stared at Virgil intently.
   “Entirely. Sending cash is a bad idea and bank transfers are tracked. Gift cards would let him buy most of the things he needs even if your asshole parents don’t help after you ask them to,” Virgil explained to him and ran his free hand along Roman’s arm assuringly.
   “Hey!” Roman objected and glared at him.
   “Well, you don’t paint the greatest picture of them, starshine,” Virgil rolled his eyes at Roman, but the intensity in Roman’s face didn’t drop. Virgil leaned forward to kiss Roman’s forehead. “I’m sorry I insulted your parents, love,” Virgil apologized.
   “Maybe they aren’t the greatest, but it’s fucked up to insult somebody else’s parents, Virge,” Roman grunted and glowered at Virgil. At least Roman's weird mood wasn't throwing Virgil off anymore.
   “I wouldn’t know,” Virgil said blithely and rolled his eyes.
   “I could always insult Hecate, she’s like your mom or something, right?” Roman asked sarcastically.
   “You insult Hecate and she may never give you a gift,” Virgil reprimanded him shortly, shooting him a small glare. 
   “I’m surprised you even believe that stuff,” Roman sighed in exasperation.
   “Most born vampires do. We can feel something and we innately know what it is. I just know what I feel. I’m not insulting your beliefs,” Virgil grunted and pulled his hand back from Roman to cross his arms, but Roman gripped Virgil’s hand and didn’t let him withdraw.
   “Fine, let’s call it even. You don’t get it and I don’t get it, but at least we get we shouldn’t insult each other for it. Deal?” Roman offered.
   “Okay,” Virgil said and relaxed again. “It may not hurt to be more open to the idea if you want a gift so bad,” Virgil said.
   “Yeah, sure, Virge, I’ll just abandon all my beliefs on the off chance it changes anything,” Roman said sardonically.
   “I didn’t say abandon, just open. They’re not diametrically opposed,” Virgil clarified and held Roman’s face briefly. Roman just huffed. “You don’t have to, it just might help your odds if you decide you want to try for one. I can’t say I know how it works,” Roman stayed silent. It was fine if he didn’t want to discuss it. Virgil could understand where he was coming from, at least on this point. Virgil was thankful Roman was finally less distracted, but this weird conflicted feeling wasn’t much better. He’d rather go back to spacing out when he admired his lovely new boyfriend. Maybe he could change the subject and lift his mood.
   “So, why did you pick today for your super date?” Virgil asked softly and stroked Roman’s face.
   “Oh, it was just the first day off after I decided. I knew you’d be busy with Pat all Saturday,” Roman said. The feeling subsided slightly, which was nice.
   “So, when did you decide?” Virgil asked and ran his hand gently along the back of Roman’s head.
   “Friday night,” Roman responded, sounding a little dismissive.
   “What made Friday night special? We just watched movies,” Virgil asked curiously, softly playing with the hair on the back of his neck.
   “I, uh, it wasn’t so much about the day,” Roman stumbled slightly and looked away. Virgil looked to Roman with intrigue, but he didn’t explain further. Virgil pulled him in for a hug and stroked his back, feeling Roman’s mood.
   “Okay,” Virgil breathed. He wasn’t sure if he should push him to move past this or just let it lie. He didn’t want to make Roman angry again. So, Virgil opted not to push it and hoped Roman would decide for him. “Whatever it is, you don’t have to be embarrassed about it. I guarantee I’ve done every stupid thing on the planet by now and it’s hard to faze me,” Virgil offered in solidarity.
   “This is another problem you won’t understand,” Roman said, looked away, and squeezed his hand.
   “A family thing?” Virgil couldn’t help but hope for clarification.
   “No, it’s just something that you were born with that I wasn’t sure I wanted,” Roman sighed. Virgil stiffened. Fuck, did he regret it now?
   “Shit, I’m sorry, Ro! I would take it back if-” Virgil started freaking out, he didn’t expect the conversation to go and felt like he was hit with a brick of guilt all at once.
   “No, Virgil! Settle down! I’m still happy with being extra awesome!” Roman interjected and Virgil let out a big sigh. “God, you’re still harboring that? Let it go,” Roman moaned. “That physically hurt,”
   “Sorry. You could still regret it down the line,” Virgil mumbled and tried to calm back down.
   “You are the most pessimistic person on the planet,” Roman grumbled. “Look, I wasn’t sure I was willing to be in a non-monogamous relationship,” Roman finally admitted. Virgil looked at him in confusion.
   “I know you just asked me out, but I’ll give you your space if you changed your mind,” Virgil offered, feeling morose and looking weakly to Roman, backing up slightly on the air mattress.
   “I didn’t change my mind, stormcloud, seriously, settle down. I didn't mean to make you freak out. I barely knew you could," Roman said, looking confused. 
   “You're important to me," Virgil said quietly. 
   “I guess I'll take it as a compliment. I mean it. I'm happy with you, okay?" Roman said emphatically. Virgil nodded and exhaled slightly. “I just always thought I was a one guy kind of person. But I like both you and Patton. And it didn’t feel wrong when we all cuddled watching movies, and it didn’t feel wrong to go to sleep with the both of you either, even though we weren’t dating or whatever. You were sweet and focused on caring for them, but I didn’t feel ignored or unloved,” Roman explained softly and pulled Virgil back in to hold him. “I don’t know how I feel about your other boyfriends yet, but I don’t think the things I was worried about are genuine issues. And maybe I’m less monogamous than I thought, too, since I’d still say yes if Pat was interested,” Roman mumbled the last part. Virgil softened. He wished Roman would have talked to him about all this before, but maybe it was important for Roman to think about it alone. Either way he was immensely relieved. 
   “Thanks for telling me, starshine,” Virgil nestled into Roman, holding him on the air mattress. “You seemed okay with Deceit when he left last time,” Virgil said. “Are you warming up to him?”
   “He’s certainly a dramatic bitch. He offered to teach me archery when we visited him at the estate, which is pretty cool of him,” Roman said, thankfully sounding interested in further interactions.
   “So you could get along as friends?” Virgil asked, hoping they could like each other instead of continuing to clash.
   “We could be cordial,” Roman offered, but Virgil felt something surprising from Roman.
   “You like him a little, huh?” Virgil asked with a light chuckle.
   “Just a little! After he stopped threatening me he got all affectionate and teasing instead of being an asshole,” Roman said a little defensively. “Kind of like you, but more dramatic and theatrical,”
   “Ah, I can see how that maybe is something you’d be into,” Virgil laughed and Roman squeezed him hard. “I give, Princey, if we wrestle on the air mattress we’ll pop it,” Virgil conceded quickly. Roman released him and took his hand again. “So, did what Deceit said to you when he came to visit Patton have anything to do with your change in attitude towards him?” Virgil asked, and Roman’s heart rate spiked slightly, and he flushed.
   “He said something sweet but immediately chased it by embarrassing me with too much information, so not really,” Roman said, sounding almost a little winded.
   “That’s very on-brand for Deceit. What did he say?” Virgil asked with amusement.
   “He, uh, compared real-life you to dream-you,” Roman coughed. Virgil rolled his eyes. That was extremely on-brand for Deceit.
   “Sorry. He likes to make his gift everyone else’s curse. It’s kind of a hard one to have. I hope it was at least a kind comparison,” Virgil said with a sigh.
   “Yes, it was a very glowing recommendation,” Roman sighed right back, a little bitterly. Virgil blushed when he remembered exactly what Roman was dreaming about.
   “Wait, weren’t you dreaming about-” Virgil started.
   “We can not talk about that, thanks,” Roman cut him off before he could say it.
   “It was just a dream, Roman, I’m not-,” Virgil tried to offer in for solace.
   “We could just not talk about it, thanks,” Roman said again, a little louder. Virgil shook his head and looked back to the laptop.
   “Oh, crap, we talked through the rest of the cast recording,” Virgil muttered and sat up.
   “Whatever, as long as I see it before Wednesday. I don’t really feel like restarting it this late,” Roman said and yawned lightly. “Any chance you’ll stay unshielded and sleep with me tonight?” Roman asked, looking hopeful.
   “I don’t mind. But if I stay unshielded the whole night I might wake you and Pat up worrying or something,” Virgil warned him and pulled him close again, kissing his hair.
   “I suppose that means you shouldn’t worry then,” Roman said snarkily. Virgil released him and huffed.
   “That’s not how anxiety works,” Virgil responded bitterly.
   “I still think you should talk to Emile,” Roman chided him.
   “I’ll talk to him tomorrow,” Virgil replied impassively. He did want to ask him something.
   “Cool,” Roman remarked and yawned again. “Play me something on the piano?”
   “Sure, darling, any requests?” Virgil asked and pulled himself to his feet off the air mattress. Roman picked up the laptop and returned it to the charger as Virgil sat at his synth.
   “Do you have anything you wrote that’s calm?” Roman asked as he grabbed the weighted blanket off Virgil’s bed to lay back down under.
   “You’ve already heard one of them. I have a few. Are you looking for like mystical forest vibes or a rainy night?” Virgil asked, trying to narrow it down. Roman looked at him oddly for a moment.
   “A rainy night?” He asked, sounding confused, and Virgil just nodded and started playing. The air mattress behind him shifted a few times until Roman settled in. “Come back to bed in two songs,” Roman murmured.
   “Of course, sweet Prince,” Virgil cooed with a little chuckle.
   Virgil had texted to Patton and Logan the next afternoon to invite them out for lunch. Roman had come back from his morning classes and tried to go eat more of that garbage campus pizza before Virgil convinced him otherwise. It would have been nice to see everybody. Especially give Patton the hug owed to them after last night’s emotional debacle waking them up. Roman and Virgil walked through the campus afternoon with their arms hooked to the pizza parlor nearby, planning to order ahead while Patton and Roman got there. Patton had to finish up a class and Virgil and Logan didn’t want them walking alone.
   Roman was tapping the table impatiently with the two hot pizzas and garlic knots right in front of him, waiting to take a bite. He held Virgil’s hand under the table and tapped his foot.
   “They’re almost here, I don’t think they’ll mind if you go ahead,” Virgil said and stroked his thumb over the back of Roman’s hand.
   “That’s bad manners, Virgil,” Roman huffed and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. Virgil felt Patton enter the building and raised up his arm so Patton and Logan could pick them out in the lunch crowd. They thankfully were against a wall near the entrance so Virgil could handle it. Virgil was still a bit on edge, but it helped that Roman was here with him. It would help more when Patton and Logan sat down, probably. Patton rounded the corner and lit up when they saw Virgil, bounding over as carefully as possible. Patton pulled Virgil into a bear hug when they got to the table, yanking Virgil out the chair and Roman's hand. They clearly don't have the best handle on their strength yet, but Virgil thought it was funny. 
   “Virgil!” The exclaimed and rubbed noses with Virgil, which was a little surprising. 
   “Sorry again,” Virgil mumbled into their ear while they hugged him tightly.
   “It’s okay, honey, I get it,” Patton said softly and rubbed his back. Virgil picked up Patton and gave them a little spin, and they giggled airily as Virgil set them down to eat.
   Patton went over to Roman and gave him the same hug treatment with a wide smile. Logan walked over with a nod to Roman and sat on the other side of Virgil at the round table, giving Virgil a special smile that would have melted his heart if he had one. Logan reached out and squeezed Virgil’s hand before selecting a slice of pizza from the pie. Patton dropped excitedly into the free chair between Roman and Logan and eyed the pizza hungrily, probably trying to pick their first victim. Pizza. Whatever. Fish are friends, not food. It was loud in here. Virgil sat down and sipped his espresso and tried to shake all the sensory input from blasting his brain.
   “Thank you for the lunch, Virgil,” Logan said, sounding upbeat. He placed the pizza slice on a small plate next to his Italian side salad and tucked into the salad first.
   “Anytime, Logan,” Virgil smiled back.
   “How much do I owe you Virge?” Patton asked, lifting up their large compartment wallet with a unicorn on it.
   “You’ll never owe me, Pat,” Virgil said shook his head, holding up his hand.
   “You’ve already got me a few times,” Patton refuted him with a frown.
   “Money’s not a big deal to me. It’s an enormous deal to you,” Virgil said seriously. “It’s fine, I promise,” Virgil tried to give them a comforting smile.
   “I don’t like owing you,” Patton pouted.
   “Then, poof, you don’t owe me!” Virgil exclaimed with a flourish. “Just enjoy some pizza. If it still bothers you we can discuss it later, okay?” Virgil conceded. Patton nodded suspiciously and took a slice to enjoy. Their face cheered back up after the first bite though. Logan turned to Virgil and smiled again with a nod before returning to his salad.
Virgil sipped his espresso as his friends all ate in silence for a moment. Either it was really good, or they were all really hungry. Roman was quite literally stuffing his face with a garlic knot at the moment, which Virgil laughed at. Roman rolled his eyes at Virgil and shoved him with his shoulder. He finished off the knot and smiled, looking to the others and puffing up his chest with pride.
   “Oh, Pat, Logan. I asked out Virge yesterday,” Roman said proudly as he reached for another slice of pizza.
   “Aaah!" Patton shook their fists happily. “I knew you could do it, Ro!” Patton cheered and lifted their glass. Roman lifted his cup, and they clinked the cups together in celebration.
   “I was under the impression you were already dating,” Logan said with a little confusion in his voice. Virgil laughed airily while Roman looked confused.
   “No, we weren’t,” Virgil clarified. “I’m sorry, I suppose I should have specified that I already had a boyfriend off-campus, not that I was already dating my roommate. He goes by Deceit. I’ll make sure you meet the next time he visits,” Virgil said with a chuckle, shaking his head with amusement and sipping his drink again while he leaned forward on his arms.
   “Why did everybody think we were already dating?” Roman groaned. Virgil gently shoved Roman with his shoulder, and Roman shot him a look. Virgil just shrugged and smirked at him.
   “You two just gave off that vibe!” Patton said cheerily, reaching for another slice.
   “We insulted each other constantly,” Roman objected, flipping his hand dismissively in the air before taking a bite of pizza.
   “We still do, Princey,” Virgil added and laughed again, leaning back in his chair.
   “I suppose this is what is called a polycule?” Logan asked, taking his knife and fork to his pizza. Patton smiled.
   “Uh, Pat, is this what’s called a polycule?” Virgil asked Patton pointedly. Virgil had no clue.
   “I think so, kiddo,” Patton nodded. “Though, I don’t know why you asked me?” Patton tilted their head in confusion.
   “I’m a meme lord, not caught up on new vocab,” Virgil responded and flipped out his palm. “It seemed like something you’d know. You called me gender-fluid before I really found a word for what I am,” Virgil admitted with a little dismissive hand movement. 
   “Oh god, you’re a meme lord? I should have known. You send one every 3 texts,” Roman groaned. “We’re divorced,” Roman pouted facetiously and smirked as he went back to eating. Virgil laughed and enjoyed more espresso.
   “So what’s a polycule?” Virgil asked and reached out to rub Roman’s shoulder affectionately.
   “It’s a relationship network of non-monogamous partners that looks similar to a molecule when illustrated,” Logan clarified. Virgil smiled at him and leaned towards Logan.
   “I guess you did some extracurricular research, then,” Virgil commented with a knowing smirk.
   “I prefer to be well-versed in all things I do,” Logan said with a hint of pride.
   “And it’s very attractive,” Virgil winked at Logan, who got a hint of pink as he ate. Virgil could feel Patton being flustered in a brief spike, and Roman looked up from his pizza in confusion.
   ‘Is everything alright, Pat?’ Virgil asked them mentally. Patton nodded quickly and went back to their pizza. Roman shot Virgil a glace, but Virgil just gave a small shrug in response. He’d have to ask Pat later. He hadn’t had a chance yet to teach Pat how to use the clan telepathy. Logan looked at Roman and Virgil oddly for a moment, but returned to his pizza after a moment.
   “So did you pull off the date you described to me?” Patton asked, sounding like they were trying to sound disaffected but there was a distinct interest breaking through.
   “I most certainly did,” Roman said proudly and smiled smugly.
   “I thought this was barely a premeditated thing. You texted Patton about it?” Virgil asked with a raised eyebrow. Patton was incapacitated all Saturday, which meant Roman texted Patton while Virgil was out for the few hours with Logan.
   “It’s not like Patton didn’t know I was considering it, and I wanted to talk to someone about it,” Roman said defensively and took another slice of pizza with a slight pout on his face.
   “I hope one of you will teach me how to ballroom dance,” Patton said wistfully and leaned forward on their elbows, seeming to look at something in the distance.
   “That could probably be arranged,” Virgil offered. Patton looked very eager at the prospect. Virgil wasn’t sure when Patton would have the time with their part-time job, but maybe Virgil could solve that if he could get Patton to be less weird about money.
   “Which form of ballroom dancing are you referring to?” Logan asked curiously. “I can teach you to foxtrot,” He added off-handedly.
   “Oh, I didn’t expect you and the foxtrot. We were talking about waltzing,” Virgil clarified, leaning back on one arm while he held his drink in the other.
   “There’s more than one kind of ballroom dancing?” Patton asked curiously, leaning towards Logan.
   “Yes, there are many forms of ballroom dance, as well as regional variants,” Logan supplied.
   “There’s a story behind the foxtrot, right?” Roman asked. “You’re not exactly Mr. Fun and sunshine,” Roman made a face and motioned towards Logan with his free hand.
   “Be nice,” Virgil rolled his eyes and squeezed Roman’s shoulder.
   “No, Roman is not inaccurate. I am not ‘Mr. Fun-and-Sunshine’, which is a ridiculous surname. My fathers taught me when I was a child,” Logan explained, and he looked surprisingly proud of that fact.
   “That’s so cute!” Patton cooed. “Little baby Logan doing the foxtrot,” Patton said with a high voice and danced their fingers on the tabletop.
   “I wonder if we could hunt down a flapper dress for that. I always think about the swaying tassels when I think of the foxtrot,” Virgil said nostalgically and shook his fingers as if they were the tassels.
   “Can you foxtrot as well, Virgil?” Logan asked inquisitively, turning slightly towards Virgil.
   “Not really, I just used to watch it,” Virgil replied dismissively. He used to play in a band that did the music for it, anyway. “I only know both kinds of waltz and the paso doble,” Virgil provided.
   “Double pace?” Roman asked in confusion, raising his eyebrow and lowering his pizza slice.
   “It’s a type of dance where you mimic traditional Spanish bullfighting,” Logan explained quickly. “I apologize, Virgil, but that is possibly more surprising than my knowledge of the foxtrot,” Logan said, sounding very puzzled.
   “Would it help if I told you I usually dance the cape?” Virgil offered meekly with a light shrug.
   “No, that does not alleviate any bafflement. It’s an uncommon dance that’s mostly competitive,” Logan said, looking to Virgil in confusion.
   “Oh, Patton, we have to look this up,” Roman said, whipping out his smartphone. Patton scooted their chair over next to Roman and looked at his phone screen. It sounded like they pulled up a video of the dance and Virgil buried his face in his hands. That’s what he gets for being so forthcoming. Stupid tiny computers in everybody’s pockets making it so they could look up every dumb thing he said. He used to dance it with Deceit. While drunk at parties in France.
   ‘It was popular and was very drunk, okay!’ Virgil shot mentally to his two Brood, but they just broke out laughing at him as he glared at them sourly.
   “You danced this with Deceit, right? I want to see! Do you still have the dress? Can I try on the dress!?” Patton’s words rushed together in excitement as they barraged Virgil with questions.
   “No, I don’t still have the dress,” Virgil groaned and squeezed his knees under the table in frustration, fighting the urge to bash his head against the table.
   “I can visualize Deceit dancing this very easily. I’m guessing it was his idea?” Roman asked, smirking at Virgil very knowingly. Knowing he was making Virgil even more embarrassed, anyway. 
   “If it involved parties, it was probably Deceit’s idea,” Virgil grumbled and rubbed his face.
   “What a bizarre hobby for teenagers,” Logan mumbled. Roman barked in laughter, and Patton giggled. Virgil buried his face in his hands. If Deceit could feel this, he better know that it was his fucking fault.
   “It takes two to paso doble, Virgil,” Roman said mockingly, Roman and Patton’s cheeks both tinted little pink with embarrassment and fidgeting slightly. Virgil groaned again as he peaked out between his fingers.
   “Oh, you don’t have to be embarrassed, Virge! It’s such a passionate dance!” Patton consoled Virgil cheerily and shifted back in front of their plate for a garlic knot.
   “Yes, and it requires skill. It may be an odd pastime for American teenagers, but it is not one without merit,” Logan added. Virgil sighed in relief and reached for Logan’s hand under the table to give it a brief squeeze of thanks. Roman rolled his eyes and returned to his pizza as well. There was another pause that let Virgil breathe through the rest of his embarrassment before conversation started again.
   “Do you want to go do some sketch homework together tonight, Virge? I think It’d be fun to go sketch that swirly sculpture in front of the library,” Patton asked.
   “Yeah, it would be interesting to draw,” Virgil nodded, remembering that weird sculpture and all the curves.
   “Nerds,” Roman scoffed affectionately. Virgil rolled his eyes at Roman and pushed him slightly as Roman was glancing down at his phone. “Don’t you have to get to class soon, Pat?” Roman asked.
   “Oh, shoot, I do! Don’t eat all the leftovers without me, Ro,” Patton said, quickly trying to shove the rest of their slice in their mouth.
   “It was one time,” Roman drawled and Virgil chuckled at him. Patton quickly wiped their hands off on their napkin with their mouth full of the rest of their slice. They skipped around the table to hug Roman and Virgil goodbye. “I’ll walk you back, Pat. Get us a box, Virge,” Roman said and wiped off his hands.
   “Very chivalrous, thank you,” Virgil smiled at Roman.
   “I am a Prince, after all,” Roman said with a brief pose and leaned down to kiss Virgil on the cheek quickly before following Patton out of the restaurant.
   “Would you like to study together while we wait for the lecture to start?” Logan offered a little shyly, shifting a bit in his seat. He was so cute.
   “That sounds amazing, Logan. I’ll just have to swing by my dorm for my laptop,” Virgil said and smiled at Logan, happy to spend more time with him. “Let me go hunt down that box and we can head out,” Logan nodded with a brief smile, and Virgil got up to head to the counter for a pizza box to combine the pies and remaining knots in. The person at the counter handed one over quickly without him even asking for one. It must be pretty common here. Virgil returned to the table and leaned forward towards Logan and paused. Logan nodded and Virgil planted a kiss on Logan’s temple and started loading up the pizza. “I don’t suppose there will be any kissing in this study session?” Virgil asked smoothly and lifted his eyebrow. Logan turned red for a moment and his heart rate jumped and Virgil couldn’t help but grin at this nerd.
   “With the subject material I don’t believe it will be much of a distraction,” Logan said quietly and nodded. “Are you sure?” He asked meekly.
   “You are wonderful at kissing and your ex was a jerk,” Virgil said gently and loaded up the pizza. “Come on, let’s make review material interesting. I’ll kiss you every time you get a practice calculus question right,” Virgil winked.
   “Virgil, then we’ll be kissing more than studying,” Logan smirked playfully, looking proud of himself.
   “We’ll find a balance. There’s probably an equation for that. Balance time remaining with time kissing and time studying. That’s basic algebra, you can do it in your head,” Virgil smirked and closed up the box, holding out his hand for Logan who was wiping his hand on his napkin.
   “2 to 1?” Logan asked, sounding very interested.
   “I’m fine with any ratio,” Virgil shrugged and Logan took his hand to stand. Logan started walking out, looking up and counting with his fingers.
   “Yes, I think we can find an optimal balance with the remaining time,” Logan said as he continued to count in his head. “But the equation may need adjusting after we begin studying,” Logan said cautiously.
   “All the most enjoyable kinds of math do,” Virgil grinned impishly at Logan who had a fascinated smile as they headed out and back to the dorms. 
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galaxy-kyun · 4 years
Cover up
Group: Stray Kids Pairing: Bang Chan x Han Jisung Genre: fluff, one-shot (with a BIG chance of continuation), inspired by this tweet, tattoo artists! Jisung & Changbin AU Word Count: 1.7K Summary: Chan made the mistake of getting an ex' name tattood on his chest in the past and decides to let a young tattoo artist by the name of Han Jisung cover it up.  
Chan pushed the door of the shop open, the contrast of the warm shop being stark with how cold the February air was outside. The shop smelled strongly of cleaning products, not a bad thing for a tattoo shop at all but rather a good thing.
“Good afternoon, do you have an appointment?” a seemingly heavily tattooed man asked Chan. His arms were pretty full with a few crawling up his neck. Chan nodded.
“Yeah, at two with Jisung. Cover-up” He spoke. The man behind the counter nodded.
“Make yourself comfortable, he’ll be with you shortly” the man smiled friendly and opened a door behind the counter, only to be a staff room Chan presumed.
“Han! Your next appointment is here!” He yelled loudly. Chan chuckled lightly, playing with the edge of his coat sleeves as he waited for Jisung to come. The shop was very calm for a Saturday afternoon, to be honest: only Chan and the guy behind the counter were the only ones inside. Chan immediately felt comfortable with the vibe of the shop, he was glad he took Felix’ advice going to this shop. His friend Felix had no tattoos at all but ‘the cute guy with loads of tattoos and always drank his lattes way too sweet’ apparently owned this shop.
“I was about to ask if this was your first tattoo but then I remember you came in for a cover-up” the guy behind the counter chuckled. Chan chuckled too.
“Yeah no, I have multiple” Chan replied. The guy raised an eyebrow, Chan too that as a sign to take his coat off. Underneath he wore a plain T-shirt because having on a sweater would be a hassle later once the cover-up took place. The guy behind the counter looked impressed by Chan’s right arm, which seemed to be covered in a sleeve in a cosmic and galaxy theme.
“Nice sleeve you got there” He replied.
“Thanks, a friend of mine back in Australia did it” Chan replied fondly. “I just…. Love space, the moon, the stars … They’re just amazing” Chan beamed over the beauty of the universe. The guy chuckled.
“Your sleeve seems to have a lot of meaning” He replied, Chan nodded.
“All my tattoos have a lot of meaning” Chan replied showing off the compass on his left forearm, “I also have a turtle of my calf”.
The guy behind the counter frowned. “If I may be curious: what are you getting covered up? You genuinely are the first person that I’ve seen come in who has all nice, thought out work on his body. What could a guy like you possibly want covered up?”
Chan bit his lip.
“An ex’ name on my chest…. I thought we’d be together forever but apparently they thought otherwise. It’s really painful to be reminded of someone you once truly loved by a stupid tattoo” Chan muttered. The guy behind the counter let out a soft ‘oh’.
“I’m sorry dude, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“It’s ok” Chan smiled at him politely. At that very moment, the backroom door opened. A young man stepped out in a T-shirt and basketball shorts. On his arms, a bunch of random tattoos in nature themes with hues of black, grey, blue and green in them.
“Ah, you must be Chan” He smiled and held out his hand. “I’m Jisung, sorry it took a while I was trying to sketch out one more idea based on what you had e-mailed me”.
Chan took in Jisung. Jisung was cute. Really cute. A few years younger than Chan most likely. Chan shook his head quickly and smiled back at Jisung.
“Yeah, nice to meet you and no problem, your colleague and I had a nice chat” Chan genuinely smiled at the other guy behind the counter.
“You’re welcome dude! I often have to calm down people getting their first tattoo but you know what it’s like. Jisung’s a great artist, very nice and soothing too but a lot of people are sceptic because he looks like a young squirrel” The guy chuckled, making Chan chuckle too but Jisung shot his colleague a glance.
“Not cool Changbin, I’m not a squirrel” Jisung punched Changbin in the shoulder, making the other hold up his hands in defence.
“Ok, ok, now get to work you lazy. I don’t pay you for just standing here and joking” Changbin grinned. Jisung walked around the counter and pointed to the room where he’d be tattooing at.
“You don’t pay me, Bin, I pay myself. We co-own this place, you forgot that?” Jisung yelled back and closed the door behind Chan and himself before Changbin could reply.
“I’m really sorry about that, Chan” Jisung sighed and laughed slightly. Chan gave him a reassuring smile.
“It’s ok”
Jisung took in Chan for the first time. Chan was hot in Jisung’s opinion. It was only then Jisung took notice of Chan’s sleeve and the compass.
“Nice work you’ve got there! Absolutely love the compass on your forearm” Jisung complimented. Chan blushed lightly. The compass was kind of his pride.
Jisung had to shake his thoughts away from drooling over the man in front of him. ‘Be professional’ he reminded himself.
“So, you e-mailed me about a cover-up on your chest right?” Jisung asked, to make sure he had the right client in mind. Chan nodded.
“I remember we talked about the things you liked so I drew a few designs. I was thinking, it’s on the right side, right?” Chan nodded, letting Jisung continue his ramble, “I was thinking of it continuing the space theme so if you’d like, you could connect your chest to your sleeve. I drew up a few designs based on what you said you liked, I just mentioned the space thing because of your sleeve and I think it would look cool.”
While he talked, Jisung put his designs on the table. All of them were drawn delicately which made Chan stare in awe.
“If you don’t like any of them, we can always brainstorm together and make it work. I want my clients fully satisfied with what I’m doing” Jisung said. Chan looked at the younger in shock.
“Jisung, they’re all amazing!”
The younger blushed furiously, in meanwhile Chan’s eyes lingered on the third drawing in front of him. It’s a spaceship. His fingers went to trace the lines of the craft.
“We can go with this one” Chan decided.
“Are you sure? I can draw different ships, adjust things you don’t like about it, anything” Jisung smiled politely but Chan shook his head.
“This is about as perfect as it gets. Let’s do it!” Chan was confident in this design. It made Jisung feel a tad insecure, he was afraid Chan picked something against his will but then again had he never had a client who stared at his work with such adoration as Chan did.
“If you’re sure” Jisung smiled at Chan.
Chan noted that Jisung was very hygienic and careful in his workspace. He liked it a lot. Jisung readied the stencil and turned to Chan.
“Can you uh…. Remove your shirt? I mean, I do have to tattoo your chest” Jisung stammered. Chan giggled and nodded, fuck Jisung was so cute…. Chan quickly removed his shirt and Jisung’s jaw dropped.
Not only was Chan’s face stunning, but so was the rest of his body. Chan was muscly, sixpack showing. Jisung swallowed thickly and closed his mouth, motioning for Chan to sit on the chair…. He must’ve made a fool out of himself! But then he heard a small chuckle that sounded an awful lot like ‘cute’ come from the muscly older man.
Chan’s chest was toned and Jisung had to steady his breath very well to not faint over this stunning man in front of him. Jisung also noted that Chan’s chest was empty except for one cursive written word on his chest, right under his collarbone.
“Minjae?” Jisung asks, “she must’ve been very special if you got her name tattood on you”
“He was,” Chan replied, “I was madly in love with him and thought we’d be together forever but he decided otherwise”
He? Him? Oh….. Oh! Jisung blushed bright red.
“Oh dude, I’m so sorry” Jisung muttered and placed the stencil on top of the name.
“It’s ok, the first step in getting over him is getting his damn name covered up” Chan laughed. His laugh sounded amazing to Jisung.
“Well, I’m working on that. Would you mind checking the placement in the mirror?”
“As long as his name is covered, it’s good” Chan laughed as he got up to check the placement in the mirror.
“It looks really good Jisung, I’m sure it will look amazing when finished” Chan beamed.
And that’s how Jisung started up the tattoo process. Jisung made Chan lay back comfortably and sat down aswell, trying to position himself in the best manner to work. Jisung put his left hand on Chan’s chest to stabilise himself but it also caused him to blush furiously. Damn, this man really works out! In his right hand, Jisung took the tattoo needles and started outlining the spaceship.
“If you need to tap out for a minute, just tell me” Jisung told Chan as he carefuly followed the lines of his own design.
“I will but it’s nothing I haven’t felt before so I guess I’ll be cool, Sungie”
Good thing that Jisung had lifted the needle up because the nickname shocked him.
“O-ok” He muttered, continuing to work on Chan’s chest.
“You know,” Chan continued again, getting Jisung’s attention, “you’re really cute.”
Jisung blushed furiously.
“Chan, please, if you want me to not fuck up your tattoo then please stop flirting with me until I’m done” Jisung joked and made eye contact with the older man. Chan seemed very serious.
“Can I flirt with you over some drinks, tonight?” He asked in a serious tone but right after asking the question, a smile played on his face. Jisung swallowed thickly as he looked at Chan.
“Y-yes, of course I’d like that” He was able to stumble out.
Chan smirked.
“Then it’s a date, Jisung!”
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Larry x florist reader
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I turned our closed sign over to where the Open side was facing the street. The sunshine felt warm and happy as it shone down on me bringing our store sign out front. I wasnt sure if it was the warm sun, the fresh air, or being surrounded by flowers but today felt like a good day. Afterall I did get to spend my Friday caring to beautiful flowers at Miss. Nancy's Flower Shop. I had started working here at the age of 16 and just stuck with it, so when Miss. Nancy retired she left me as head florist.
It had just turned ten and the shop was fully ready for customers, and the flowers had been tended to. Once I got the radio flipped on I took a seat at the register and opened up my book. A few older ladies came in to buy some flowers but that was it so far. By the time three fifteen had rolled around I was so lost in a particularly interesting part of my book that I had completely missed the bell ringing as a customer entered the store.
"Uh hello?" A deep almost stone sounding voice asked making me jump from shock. I looked up to see a tall muscular man with long brown hair, big brown eyes, a longer nose, and dressed in a torn up SF tank top with ripped skinny jeans on. I recognized the man for two reasons, one of which was because he lived in my building I think just a floor above mine, and the second being he was in a local band that had gotten pretty popular. "Sorry for scaring you dude but I need help picking out some flowers." He chuckled smirking at me. I blushed standing up and brushing down the apron I wore over my clothes. "Of course sorry about that." I said with a smile. "Its no problem my friend Todd is the same way if he's reading a good book." He shrugged. The two of walked over to where the flowers were kept.
"So what kind of flowers are we looking for?" I asked while adjusting the pot of a sunflower. "Well I'm visiting my mom tonight and she's been a bit under the weather. What flowers are good for like a get well soon kinda thing?" He asked observing the large floral collection. "Gerbera daisies are perfect for a get well soon bouquet. You have the option of normal white dasies which is just as lovely or we have several prepared bouquets of multicolored ones. The morning sun bouquet is probably my personal favorite." I informed him grabbing the bouquet I had made that morning.
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"Its perfect!" He said his eyes lighting up excitedly. I couldn't help but giggle at his excitement. "This one is fifty dollars but of course we do have other options depending on your budget. I said walking with him back to the register counter. "No these are perfect no amount of money is too much for my mom. She deserves something nice." He said genuinely. "Wow your mom's lucky to have someone so sweet." I beamed carefully wrapping up the flowers in the paper placing them gently in a big case. "Shes the coolest man she makes my friends feel like family, she feeds me all the time when I'm there, and she even supports my crazy rockstar job." He said with an appreciative smile. "This box should keep them safe till you see her tonight just make sure they dont get too smushed or anything." I said handing him the flowers.
He paid for the bouquet and left happily. Although I was happy he found such a nice boquet I was kinda disappointed to see him leave. The next week went by pretty quickly and soon it was another beautiful Saturday afternoon and I had done all my shopping for the day. When i returned to my apartment there was a bouquet of flowers in front of my door. Setting down my bags I picked up the package admiring it.
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I recognized the boquet from the shop, it was the lavendar garden boquet that had white Roses, lavender daisy poms, Peruvian lilies, and lavender carnations. Smiling I looked around the hallway seeing no sign of who would have left me such a thoughtful gift. I picked up the card seeing there was a handwritten message.
Dear (y/n), sorry you probably recognize the flowers but I wanted to get you a beautiful gift and your shop has the best in state. I know this probably seems random but I see you in the lobby and in the halls all the time and your beauty has completely captured me. To quote some chick named Claudia Adrienne Grandi “If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” sincerely, your secret admirer.
I smiled my face warming with a blush. Who could possibly think such sweet thoughts of me? Picking up the rest of my stuff I entered the apartment putting the beautiful flowers in a vase of water. I couldn't help but keep returning my stare to them. Picking up the card I reread the message again and again smiling like a fool the while time. The handwriting had a sense of familiarity to it but I couldn't place who. The way it was written almost reminded me of Larry and the way he spoke but it was impossible that a man who travelled the world with more female groupies than the Beatles had would ever want a florist from his hometown.
That next Wednesday I was sitting at the register tapping my pen against the counter. It had been a pretty slow day and my mind kept going back to my secret admirer. That's when a thought popped into my head. The flowers had been purchase here, so if the person used a credit card there information would be on the receipt. Jumping up from my chair I began flipping through our receipts from this month till I found the one for my flowers. Sure enough the person had paid with a card. I read through the receipt my eyed landing on the name Larry Johnson at the bottom.
When I entered my apartment building I was still smiling like crazy and the thought of Larry Johnson having a crush on me. I couldn't help but keep thinking of it all day. I wanted to say something to him but wasnt sure what. I mean he didn't even know that I figured it out yet. After dinner I remembered that I still had to go down and get my mail since thinking about Larry had distracted me. When I got to the lobby I noticed Larry grabbing his own mail. We exchanged smiles as i made my way to my mailbox.
Despite my shaking hands I was able to unlock my mailbox and get out the contents. "(Y/n)?" A voice asked that I knew didnt belong to Larry. I turned to see my ex Derek and his girlfriend Lylah. "Hi Derek." I sighed facing them both. "This is Lylah although I'm sure you remember her from the office parties you went to. We just got back in town from a beauty competition Lylah won." He informed me both of them giving me an obnoxious smile. I listened to them "catching up" with me for an agonizingly long half hour before I escaped to my apartment. Basically he just kept talking about how beautiful Lylah was compared to how I looked. I stared in my mirror poking at every flaw I saw frowning.
I still felt just as bad the next morning opting for a hoodie and some paint stained leggings. Work was tortureously long and slow due to the rain but I made it through and got home. When I made it to my door another boquet was sitting at my doorstep. This time it was a gorgeous sunflower pink rose bouquet. Gently picking it up I grabbed the card.
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Dear (Y/n), trying to find bouquets even close to as beautiful as you are is impossible. As beautiful as the bouquets that you make are you are too beautiful for even words or flowers to even compare. This was the most beautiful in the shop so I bought it. I'm sure you're confused but I got them from the other sales associate when you went on break. “A rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that’s like people too.” never forget you're beautiful. Despite what any asshole might say. Sincerely, your secret admirer.
I felt tears fall down my cheeks reading his kind words. I wanted so badly to run to him and thank him and kiss him I knew I couldn't. He wanted to remain anonymous for a reason. That and I had no idea what apartment he was in.
The next week went by and I was feeling much better emotionally but unfortunately on Friday I woke up feeling extremely ill. I knew it wasnt anything serious just bad (headache/cramps). I suffered through Thursday relying on medicine but on Friday I was in no state to be working. I decided to spend the day in my baggy Sanitys Fall shirt with underwear underneath and no pants. Curled up with a blanket I turned on Netflix and fell asleep on the couch.
About two hours later I woke up parched and hungry. Wrapping the blanket around my shoulders I stumbled into the kitchen pouring some water. There was some shuffling coming from my door telling me someone was on the other side. It had to be Larry with more flowers so I decided to brave and open the door. When I opened the door he looked up at me embarrassed a blush on his face. "Oh (y/n) h-hey. I was just bringing these by um because you're sick and you said daisies were get well soon flowers and and-" he paused letting out a chuckle. "You knew didnt you?" He asked seeing the smile on my face. I nodded happily before speaking up. "Kiss me." I whispered in a hoarse voice. He smiled widely leaning down and pressing a gentle soft kiss to my lips. I kissed back wrapping my arms around him. When we pulled apart he handed me the flowers following me into the house. He made sure he spent the rest of the day taking care of me.
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Ohhh, confident chubby reader, that was a welcome change I have to say, so I hope you like it dear anon~ <3
Todoroki Shouto
It all started with an “I think, I like you.” and even though you felt a twinge in your stomach as your heart skipped a beat, it was not enough for you. “You… think?”, you cocked your head lightly, your curious (e/c) eyes directly meeting his and Shouto couldn’t help but gulp a little. “I think…”, was all he said.
That happened about a week ago, on that day, you were not accepting his feelings, of course, you liked him too, you have since first year, but, as things were now, he was still too unsure of his own feelings and you didn’t want to start a relationship that way, however, you did tell him, until he was sure, you should get to know each other better and thus, you and Shouto had been hanging out, eating lunch together, he even accompanied you when you went grocery shopping the other day.
Todoroki was really trying. He knew what he felt was not the typical “You are just his classmate” kind of feeling, it was deeper than that and still, he couldn’t completely tell you outright that he liked you, still overwhelmed with his own emotions, however he didn’t think you would refuse him like that, on the other side, maybe this was for the best, getting to know each other on a more private level was probably the best for now, maybe he could come to understand his feelings even more.
Even your classmates knew something was going on, you and Shouto had practically been inseparable for the past couple of weeks, at first, you two would kind of awkwardly sit together, here and there someone trying to start a conversation, but now, a few weeks later, you could actually giggle and laugh when you were with him, and it confused everyone.
However, not only his classmates were confused, Shouto, too, was confused. At first, he thought he liked you more than just a classmate, so it definitely had to be some kind of affection, however, now, whenever he saw you, he could feel his heart fluttering and his chest felt tight, especially when he could hear that angel like laugh of yours. So, is what he was feeling right now, real love?
Though it was not only how you were acting, he caught himself wanting to touch you and that was something, he never felt before. Whenever there was a chance, he “accidently” made your hands collide when walking side by side.
Well, you weren’t dumb, you had definitely felt the change of how you two were interacting with each other, how he seemed to always touch you in a way that wasn’t unpleasant and seemed like an accident. He would try asking you out to do random chores, sometimes he needed groceries, sometimes just to buy a CD, really small tasks that he could do on his own, however, you never declined, because you also wanted to spend more time with him.
And then, it happened. One day, you two were walking side by side, a shopping bag in your hand as some random guys were coming up to you, commenting on your body and just as you were about to tell them to mind their own business, Shouto came to save you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, your chubby form pressed firmly against him and if his stare could kill someone, those guys would have just fallen to the ground, dead.
Hastily walking away again, you felt relieved and without really noticing it, you relaxed against his chest, sighing in relief before looking up to meet his eyes, though the only thing you saw, was his hand, pressed against his eyes as well covering his nose, trying to hide the blush. Feeling you like this really was too much.
Though, as you liked teasing him, you couldn’t help and kiss the side of his chin, thanking him for protecting you and now, Shouto was literally burning, making you stumble back a little as his left side sprouted a few flames, his face beet red as well as his ears and without really realizing what he was about to do, he pulled his hand away from his burning face to grab your wrist and as his head was lowered a little, saying a little bit loudly, so a few people walking by looked at the scene, “F/n! I really like you, won’t you… go out with me?”
Here he was, a burning boy in the middle of the streets confessing his love, of course a few people whispered to each other, but right now, you only had eyes for Shouto in front of you and as you started giggling and laughing, he dared to look up, only to see the most beautiful smile on your lips and not wasting another second, you stepped closer again and stole a quick kiss from his lips. “I really like you, too, Shouto. I’d love to go out with you.”
As a few people started giggling and clapping, both of you realized where you actually were right now, and you couldn’t help but blush too, before you felt Shouto intertwining his fingers with yours and the way he smiled at you, you knew, all of what happened was worth the wait.
Midoriya Izuku
“Your voice is shaking so much I don’t know if I should take you seriously or if you are just pranking me…”, you told him right out and Izuku felt immediately defeated, his face burning up as you were looking at him, though he couldn’t really look at you and in the end, he shyly hid his face behind his arms as he tried explaining this was not a joke, however his voice wouldn’t stop shaking, because he also could feel tears welling up.
“Sorry, I don’t want to be mean, really, but… how about we just get to know each other a little better, maybe you can even look at me, then?”, you suggested and as he was falling into a crouching position, steam coming from his head, he just nodded and said, “Y-Yes… let’s do that, L/n-san.”
You left the scene, leaving a shaking Midoriya behind and without you knowing, he was crying silently into his arms, frustrated with himself, that he couldn’t convey his feelings, though as he finally looked up again, he was determined to show you how serious he was, because he was not pranking you at all, he had been crushing on you for quite some time now. Wiping his tears away, he sniffed, before going back to his dorm room, he had to really think about what he was going to do now.
Though, as the days went by, you really were trying your best to interact with Izuku more. At first, he felt super shy and awkward, because he wasn’t used to talking to you so much, he kind of always quietly crushed on you, maybe that was also why you were a little hesitant in believing him, that’s why Midoriya tried his absolute best to talk to you, too.
After the initial first few awkward days, it was definitely better, he was getting better at approaching you first, though eye contact was still a little… He just blushed whenever your eyes would meet, probably also because he didn’t have the best confidence in himself and he was always way too worried, especially, what if you wouldn’t accept his confession even after knowing each other? And because of these thoughts, he made sure to enjoy the next few weeks even more. Once he was comfortable being alone with you, you were eating lunch together in a quieter place, he even dared to ask you out on a coffee date and when you said yes to spend your Saturday afternoon together, he felt like the happiest man alive.
Both of you could feel it. As weeks passed, Izuku felt more comfortable with you, finally, he could look at you, his precious smile always making your heart skip a beat and you couldn’t help but think he was so cute and on the other hand, Izuku fell more and more in love. You had this cute little habit he hadn’t noticed first and now, he found it so very endearing, each day you spent together he found a new reason why he was in love with you and he thought, he should really confess soon, this time he could tell you how much he liked you without sounding like he was forced to do it.
But then, he heard the news. “Hey, hey, I think Tetsutetsu is going to confess to L/n, they were going behind the school.”, Kaminari told Kirishima and he was immediately like “Whoo, did he finally man up, ha? He was gushing over her for a while now.” and the rest of the conversation Izuku didn’t hear anymore as he was rushing out the classroom and behind the school. He felt stupid, was he seriously thinking he was the only one after you, you were gorgeous after all, damn it, he felt way too comfortable the last few weeks, he should have attempted to confess sooner and now? It might be all for nothing.
Almost falling over his own feet, he stumbled around the corner, just as Tetsutetsu was about to ask you if you would go out with him, interrupting the situation, both guys felt their face burning up. Before anyone could say anything, you looked up to Tetsutetsu and told him, calmly, yet seriously, “I am sorry, Tetsutetsu, but I actually have feelings for someone else.” – “Ha?! Who might that be?! He better be a man worthy of you!”, he said with manly tears in his eyes, though as you raised your hand, he blinked a little, following the direction your finger was pointing at, pointing directly at Izuku.
He felt like steam came off his head once again as you were clearly pointing at him and without really thinking twice, he just rushed to your side, literally tackling your plump body as he hugged you tightly, though he looked directly at his opponent, “I’m sorry, but F/n-chan is mine!”
Safe to say Tetsutetsu’s world was shattered, so he retreated defeatedly and you couldn’t help but tease Izuku a little as you said, looking up, “Oho, so I am yours, hm?”, totally making him jump, he slowly looked at you, his freckled cheeks red, “I-I mean, only i-if you w-want, a-and-“ – “Izuku?” – “Yes?”, he squeaked, though you just smiled, “Don’t you have something to tell me?”
And then he understood and letting go of your body, he took a deep breath, before taking your hand and finally meeting your eyes this time, his face still red as he asked you, “I really like you, F/n-chan, will you go out with me?” – “Yes, I’d love to.”, as you were intertwining your fingers with his, your lips graced the most angelic and cutest smile he had ever seen on you and even though he knew your answer prior, this was seriously everything he needed and with small tears in the corner of his eyes, he hugged you with his free arm, once again your soft body pressed against his as he nuzzled his head against yours, making you giggle as you happily snuggled closer - this was definitely worth the wait.
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 3 Part 4
Right on time ? Idk anymore
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Thursday January 31
It smelled really appetizing. He had almost finished this pie, and he already knew it was a fuckin' success. I think I did my best pie ever. I'm so fuckin' good. The thought of Liam eating it made him both horny and blush timidly in the same time. Damnit. Why it's like this ? Normally, he would just have a boner when he was thinking about his prey. But with Liam... Sometimes, he didn't feel aroused but the dull need to be with him. The need to be with him, it's must be a joke. My bloody body is mocking me.
"What are you doing here ?" asked his great father, surprised. "It's uncommon to see at this hour."
"I'm baking." he answered.
"For what special occasion ? I thought you disliked to cook in the afternoon and especially for nothing."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey blushed again. Damn brain, damn body. Both traitors. He lowered his head to hide this shameful red on his cheeks.
"I wanted to. Don't worry, I'll find someone who'll eat it."
He pictured Liam's smile. Stop. Thinking. About. Liam. Since they had officially decided to be a couple, the junior was encountering this problem. Sometimes, he was his normal self, and fucked people. A secretary, a whore from an idiotic book club and some others. But sometimes, especially when he was with Liam, it was different. His mind wasn't thinking clearly. It was weird and a nuisance. But a part of me is liking it. I mean why the fuck I would like being with him ? I can't even bang him ! He watched the clock. Almost time. Liam had texted him everyday, and they decided to have a date tonight. He said he had several important things to ask. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey had respected the conditions so far. He even stopped in the middle of a coitus with Gabriel to answer a text. Gabriel for god's sake, one of the best sucker he had ever met !
"I need to go grandpa." he said.
He took his pie and left, almost running. Stop it you stupid body. Don't be so excited to see him, it's pathetic. Pitiful.
Despite how much he tried to calm down, he felt totally enthousiastic when he joined Liam. They agreed to make a walk at the park. I fucked in every corner of this damned park. Every bench, every child's playground... But tonight, he didn't expect to have sex. Worst, he didn't want to. He was just happy to share a moment with the baboon. That's not normal.
"You bought a pie." noted Liam. "It smell nice."
"Don't touch it yet you foodie." he ordered. "Only after we did the stroll."
What the hell I'm saying ? He took his boyfriend hand and started to walk. For a moment, they stayed quiet. Liam started to look at the sky full of stars. Dreamin' again. So pitiable. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey thought that, but in the same time he couldn't held but stare at the freshman's face. He looks so peaceful. He's so cute. Hell. Stop thinking.
"So... Maybe we should say some stuff to each other." suggested suddenly Liam.
"Like what ?"
"Uhm... Things to get to know each other ? My birthday is on May 18th, I'll be 19 years old. I'm 183 cm (6'0") and weight 76 kg (168 lbs). Well, I think it'll increase if you continue to feed me. I have two siblings, one sister Chloe and one brother Luka. Both younger than me. Otherwise I don't really want to talk about my family... Your turn."
That's... Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey remainded silent for a bit. A part of him wanted to ran away. So much frivolity, so much ingenuousness. It make him want to puke. But it's so adorable.
"My birthday is on July 1st, I'll be 21 years old." he said against his own will. "I do have one older sister Naomi Alexandra, already married and with a baby. I don't want to talk about my folks. I'm 178 cm (5'10") and I... Am I supposed to give all these data ? It's weird."
"Sorry." laughed Liam. "It worked like this in my old highschool. They were always checking our height and weight."
This. Laugh. It made the blond lad blush like a kid. He was sweating with stress. It's not supposed to happen. I'm a hunter. A fucking hunter.
"Your text said you wanted to ask something." he recalled in hope to change the subject. "What was it ?"
"Yeah, I have many question in fact." confessed Liam. "But we can talk about most later. For now, I have one priority. I think Theo will ate my roommate Nick. Do you think there is a way to prevent this ?"
He asked so genuinely. He just spoke about canibalism. He's insane. So why I'm melting for it ? Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was definitely going through someting weird.
"I'll see what I can do." he promised.
They sat on a bench. They were only a few people around. It was a bit cold, and for a dreadful moment, the Dean's grandson wished to put his head on Liam's shoulder and embrace him softly. Thanks god, this urge disappeared as fast as it came. Slowly, he took a slice of pie and gave it to his boyfriend. This one ate it happily.
"Damn, you outdid yourself Dami." he congratulated. "I thought you couldn't be better, I was wrong. How long was the preparation ?"
Four fuckin' hours. I skipped one class and two sex meeting do bake this. Fuck you.
"Not that much." Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey just lied. "I hope you'll eat the whole thing."
"Of course I'll. I told you, all your pastries are mine. I want them."
He didn't know why, but the blond lad really felt pleased when he heard those words.
Liam Saturday February 2
Theo's family lived in a impressive penthouse in town. When Liam arrived, he felt poor. Well in truth, his father was a millionaire, but he didn't count that. (It probably was dirty money anyway).
"Let's meet my dad." smiled Theo. "You'll see, he's nice."
There were two things wrong about the whole situation. First, Liam was about to go in the ogre's den. Not good at all. (But Liam the 8yo always dreamed about adventure so... It was time to be brave). Second, when he had texted Dami about this, his boyfriend replied, word for word :
< Dami : Fuckrnthisnjtassholenvirdonhq'tnigo. >
(It probably was a code). (For what Liam understood, it meant something like "be prudent, I miss you"). (Maybe Dami was having some... business while he answered, but it was better to think it was a code) (And to be honest, Dami was always sending weird text).
"Dad, this is Liam Strucker. Well, you already know him."
The freshman went back to reality when he faced his father's lawyer, Mr. Meyers. He was a creepy old man, maybe as brawny as his son's. Another ogre... Damnit.
"Nice to you meet you again young man." he said with his deep, serious voice. "Theo told me you wanna intercede for your mother Rachel ?"
Liam didn't really come with a plan. He didn't know why he agreed for this in the first place.  Be alone with two ogres wasn't good at all. (Don't worry, he had put his magical shoes. If needed, he could fly thanks to unicorn's power). (Maybe, at this point, some people would think Liam was completely insane and under influence. To those people, no he wasn't. His imagination just got the best of him).
"Isaac wants an alimony of at least 2000$ per month." explained Mr. Meyers.
"It's more than my mother salary !" rebelled Liam. "How could he be so greedy after everything he already won ?!"
"I'm not asking him as long as I get paid."
"Dad, be nice." interrupted Theo. "And you Liam, stay cool. I'm sure we can find a kind of... agreement, can't we ?"
The freshman nodded. His phone was constantly ringing in his pocket. The vibrations were kinda... titillating.
"Can you put in a good word for me to my father ?" he asked. "I'm ready do to anything you want to in exchange."
"Okay. Just... stay for diner."
"But I'm supposed to work..."
"Do you want me to help your mother or not ?"
Of course he wanted.
Liam took the time to call Judy, and said he couldn't make it tonight. She agreed, as long as it was the first and only time. Then, he called Dami back, since this one had made 24 calls in less than two  hours. (Dami wasn't a text guy, his messages were always in code and filled with spelling mistake, which made them incomprehensible for the most part).
"At least you're answering you baboon !" his boyfriend shouted. "I thought Theo had devoured you !"
Then, he whispered :
"I didn't intend to say that. Fuck myself."
"I'm fine." reassured Liam. "In fact, Theo and his father invited me to diner."
"And you said yes ?! But what if you're in danger or.... I mean, ain't ya supposed to be workin' ?"
The freshman smiled. Sometimes, Dami was weird, in a cute way.
"I called Judy and she said it's fine. Don't worry too much, you know I can take care of myself."
He distinctly heard his boyfriend swear and promise he would call Judy to talk some sense into her head.
"I think they're waiting me." said Liam. "Dami, trust me it'll be fine. Don't take it out on some random guy okay ?"
"Grmbl, fine. See you tomorow at noon."
The diner happened to be fine. They were a bit generous with the portions, as he could've expected from ogres. (He tried his best to not overindulge but... Damn he had became a food-lover again). (Dami had reawaken his sweet tooth and his gluttony). Then, they shared a glass of wine. Liam wasn't into wine or any alcohol, but Mr. Meyers insisted. Afterwards, Theo brought him home. During the trip however, the chestnut lad started to feel sick. He was a bit nauseous. His eyes were closing against his will. (And it wasn't fatigue, he was an sleep expert, he knew when it wasn't). Being more and more uncomfortable, Liam put an hand on his slightly distended belly, and another on his forehead.
"Everything's fine ?" asked Theo.
"I don't know. I don't feel well."
He was losing consciousness, he knew this. The ogre trapped me. He'll eat me. He tried to activate his flying shoes, but failed. He noticed they were idle. Please, let me.
"I'm sorry Liam." whispered Theo. "I don't like it this way, but hell, I'm just losin' so hard. It's not only money, it's also my reputation which is at stake. And I don't have any other option. Seduce you is impossible, you're just too weird. I'm sure he failed too. And I'm not waiting that he drugs you first. Don't worry, it won't be long nor painful..."
Liam found enough strenght to get out the car. He wanted to run, but fell onto the sidewalk. He heard a feminine voice.
"Hey guys. Is he alright ?" she asked, seemingly worried.
"I think he drank too much." said Theo. "He just started to feel ill."
"Let me see. Shall we call 911 ?"
"It's not necessary. I should bring him back home."
"I will come with you, to be sure he's fine. I got a nurse diploma."
Liam was maybe dreamin'. The voice went silent for a while.
"Okay." eventually ceded Theo. "Help me put him here..."
"Deborah. I'm Deborah."
Barbara Saturday February 2 (at the same time as Liam's chapter)
This morning, when she eventually got ready, she headed towards the Dean's quarter. She had a special mission in order to please the hunters. Make the king fall. It was a bit thrilling honestly. She met Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey when he left the building.
"Hi." she greeted with her brightest smile. "Can I talk to you ?"
He looked at his phone angrily.
"Fast. I'm in a hurry."
Maybe someone already warned him about Theo's plan. I need to be prudent and smart on this one.
"I was wondering, could you attend to the general assembly of the student union ? I know you don't like these stuffs usually but... I think you should be there for once. As the president of the cooking club of course."
He looked at her, not convinced.
"Summer's summarizing this bullshit for me. Not that I care. For real, a bunch of dummies fighthing for money, it's like watch some rabbits fight for a carrot. Funny, but nothing more."
Of course, you greatfather gives you all the funds you need anyway. This man really was arrogant. Barbara already knew Summer was devoted to him. In fact, she counted on this.
"I can't agree more but this time, I don't think Summer will defend your interest. She might even give some support to Theo and the swim club."
"And why that ?"
He was losing patience. He's used to get eveything instantly. Finally, he's really different from Raphaël. But as powerful... For now.
"You ditched her for me. And you're losing your bet. C'mon, the best hunter is gonna let them do the general assembly without him ? Summer can convince them all you're out of the running."
"I'm not losing. You know what ? I'll come and watch for a bit." he grumbled. "Oh and... I really want to fuck you, but I think you are too tiny to handle the thing, if you know what I mean."
She let him speak. You're so full of yourself. But this evening, you'll lose absolutely everything.
The general assembly happened to be boring, since she wasn't the president yet. Javier and Summer were doing all the work. Mostly Summer. They listened representatives from each clubs. Barbara noticed Steve, from the music band. She had tried to speak with him on tuesday, but as the other, he liked the stupid head of the student. There were some others hunters among the crowd, but she didn't know most of them. The swim club was represented by a petite girl and a cocky sophomore. The running team by this black girl and her captain, a blonde one. Many other groups tried to catch the lower dollar Summer was givin'. Of course, the football captain Oliver got the biggest budget. Barbara looked towards Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey. He was watching his cellphone, but keeping a calm and neutral expression. He's good, I can say. But I think he's worried. He knows somethin's happening.
They made a break after two hours. They hadn't made any progress. There were still a lot of clubs unhappy and complaining. But it was clear Summer was managing the meeting well.
"Hey Barbara. Long time no see."
The blonde turned towards Leila. What on earth is she doing here ? In front of people, they had always looked friends. Back in 12th grade, where Colton was the king of their pitiful highschool, they both stayed close to him. They used his power. We were at war. Two queens. But in college, it was different. Colton was nothing more than an useless handsome guy. In fact, he never had the guts to be a real king. At start, Barbara had hoped he would make an effort. But she had understood she needed to work for herself. Alone. Leila've been hating her since the beginning.
"What are you doing here ?" she asked. "This is an important meeting."
"Yeah, a general assembly. All students are allowed to be here." Leila replied. "And I'm the secretary of the Women-defense club, remember ?"
"This useless association who's supposedly defending women rights ? I didn't even know you've a budget."
"Well we're not defending only women nowadays, but everyone who needs protection. And you've always been a real cocky bitch." insulted Leila. "I knew you had dated Colton only to take advantage of his popularity. And now ? He came to this college for you, you know this. He could've been in a way better university. And you want to make him meet some random girl ? Don't try to justify yourself. Just keep in mind I'll make you pay, one way or another."
"Sorry, miss secretary of I don't know what, but you don't scare me at all. Now I have some duties. See you later."
The end of the general assembly came. Summer had done quite a good job. But I can do better, for sure. Barbara glimpsed Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey calling someone. She came closer, but stayed quiet when he groused :
"I'm not asking Debbie. Just go. I know this asshole is up to something bad. I have a gut feeling."
His interlocutor replied during a moment, but he cut off :
"Just go ! You're supposed to protect people aren't you ?! You'll recieve the location."
Then he hung up. I guess he has a lot more ressources than I expected. I think Theo might lose after all...
To be continued
A little part where two awkward and socially inept guys try to interact with eachother. Seriously, Damian and Liam are weirdos. But they’ve a point of agreement : this pie is delicious.
Barbara plays with fire, but she likes it.
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akaashirabu · 6 years
interconnected (nct winwin, soulmate au)
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soulmate au where every night, a random sentence your soul mate has said that day appears on the back of your palm. The first time you encounter each other, a soul mark will appear on your body; when your soul mate is in the vicinity, it’ll slowly move, as if reaching out. When you two touch, the tattoos will connect with each other.  
word count: 2,860 words.
She felt a tingle on the back of her right palm, surprised by the sensation, she knew she had to check what would be written there tonight.
“I lost my airpods, should I buy a new one?”
It seems like her soul mate had lost his airpods, poor him…or her since she didn’t really know who or what gender is her soulmate.
It had been exactly 2 years since the first time she’d been receiving random sentences from her soulmate. Apparently, when you turn the age of eighteen you’ll start receiving random sentences your soulmate has said that day on the back of your palm. At first, she didn’t really believe the stories from her parents and brother but when she received the first random sentence, it was surreal and up until now she still wasn’t used to it.
She find it weird actually; every night she would receive random sentences but not a single one gave her a clue on who’s her soulmate yet. She didn’t even know if they’re from the same country, so basically she knew nothing about her soulmate.
Anyways, she didn’t have time to worry about it since university is giving her total stress and all she wanted right now is to survive all of her subjects and graduate as soon as possible.
"Excuse me, coming through...Excuse m-e" she was pushing her way through the sea of students flooding the hallway.
It was the only way to the study hall where her class is and she's already 30 minutes late.
"Damn why did I overslept agai—whoops—" she was mumbling to herself and ended up on her bottom as she collided on a sturdy thing, someone rather.
Panicking, she stood up muttering a sorry and bowed an apology to the person she bumped into as she dashed away.
Finally, she managed to arrive at the study hall and she was bewildered at what greeted her.
The study hall was empty, not even a single soul inside.
She sighed, fishing her phone from her pocket as she checks the date today.
It was a Thursday and she doesn't have classes on the said day. She automatically ruffled her hair in annoyance.
"I'm so stupid" she mumbles.
Closing the door of the study hall, she called one of her friends. It took a while for them to answer though but after a good 3 minutes they did.
"What do you need?" the person on the other end of the call asked, sleep evident in his voice.
"I came to class on a Thursday" She answered with a deep sigh.
"Oh? You woke me up to say that?"  He complained.
"I don't have classes on Thursdays, remember?" 
"You overslept again, panicked, rushed to class but it's a Thursday and you don't have classes so you found the study hall empty. Great! You really are dumb." He said in one go.
"Thanks for making me feel a lot more worse; what a great friend you are" She sarcastically said.
His laugh can be heard and she can only roll her eyes at him.
"Come on, cheer up, let me just put some clothes on and I'll treat you to a nice cup of coffee, okay?" he says.
"Yeah" she said and hangs up the call, not even letting him say another word.
Walking her way to the café where she works part time, she felt her shoulders slump. She's still feeling bad about oversleeping and also the fact that she's feeling a lot more tired than usual. Being a working student was taking a great toll on her.
Speaking of close friends, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul or Ten just like how he wanted to be called was actually a senior of hers who's majoring in dance. She met him through a mutual friend, Johnny and unfortunately, they’ll be sharing a Chinese class this semester. Ten was a social bee and was friendly to everyone but was extra friendly with her because according to him they simply share the same interests but that still made her think otherwise because they’re nothing alike.
"Psst, Pink head here!" Ten called.
It hasn’t been that long since she sported a rusty pink hair but Ten’s already making fun of it.
“You haven’t taken a shower” She said, scrunching up her nose.
“Ya! I still smell nice though” he counters.
She reached for a cup on the table; the one with her nickname scribbled on it while the other had handsome10 written, to which she rolled her eyes at.
“You look extra ugly today, pink head” he said.
She almost spit her coffee but thought of a counter. “You might as well go to the doctors to get your eyes checked”
Ten chuckled. “Seriously though you don’t look nice”
“I’m not in the mood to joke with you shiten” She glared at him.
Ten immediately straighten up, looking at her with a serious expression. “Okay hands down. I’m serious; you look so tired and pale. Are you even eating properly?”
“She had been skipping lunch!” Taeyong, her co-worker who was behind the counter butts in the conversation.
She sighed. “Ya I didn’t! I’m okay and yes I’m eating properly” 
“Are you sure?” Ten asked, trying to look straight at her to see if she’s lying or not.
“Yeah I’m sure”
Ten didn’t buy it but he trusts her anyway. “Just promise you’re going to tell me if something’s wrong okay?”
“Okay?” She says, asked rather.
“I’m older so you can depend on me” he proudly says.
She rolled her eyes. “Shut up shiten, you’re only a year older than me”
“Still older than you though” He counters.
“Hey Tae, is it okay if I take over Jaehyun’s shift today too?” She asked Taeyong, ignoring Ten who pouted in return.
“Yeah, I think he would love that, he’s busy with his research paper anyways” Taeyong answers, tossing her the staff room keycard.
“Don’t you have classes today?” she turned to Ten.
“Oh yeah I almost forgot, I have ballet” he stood up, taking a hold of his cup of coffee.
“I thought so” she sighed.
“I’ll be going first okay? Text me!” Ten waved goodbye to her.
She immediately went home after her shift at the café. She forgot she needed to finish a plate due on Saturday so she needed all the time she could get to finish it on time.
As she dumps her drawing tools at her table, she felt a tingle on the back of her palm.
“I wanted to try Oolong Milk Tea.”
Oh so her soulmate is into milk tea when she actually prefers coffee.
She was about to go back to focusing on her plate when she noticed something on her wrist.
There she saw a small mark of a Yin; she couldn’t believe it and initially reached out to wipe it but it’s still there, scribbled in black ink.
to: shi10
hey, something popped up in my wrist. what do u think this means?
-Photo Attachment-
fr: shi10
gurl, are u kidding me? u don’t know what that means?
to: shi10
I wouldn’t ask if I already knew.
fr: shi10
oh god, where in the mountains do you live. It must be your soul mark, which means you already encountered your soul mate, genius.
Her phone started ringing, Ten calling her, being the impatient person he was.
“When did it show up?” He asked.
“I don’t know, I only noticed now when the daily random sentence popped up earlier. I don’t even know about this soul mark thingy, my family didn’t say something about this one” she complained.
“I think they did, you just don’t pay attention.”
She sighed. “Okay, point taken.”
“Oh my god, this actually means your soulmate is studying in Hanyang too” Ten said from the other line that made her roll her eyes.
“We’re not sure, Ten”
“Ya I’m pretty sure about it!” yelled Ten.“So did you encounter anyone suspicious earlier?” he added.
“What do you think? I encountered about sixty people earlier in the café, how could I possibly know if anyone of them is my soulmate.” She stated the obvious.
“I don’t know. Maybe you felt butterflies or whatever.” Imagine how Ten would carelessly shrug as he said that.
She groans. “ugh shut up. Anyways, I’m hanging up. I still need to finish my plate, it’s due this Saturday.”
“Hey, don’t stay up too late, are you forgetting about our Chinese class tomorrow?” Ten reminded her.
“I know. Bye” she said and immediately hangs up the call without even letting him talk…again.
The next day, she had barely made it in time for their first day in Chinese Class.
“Let me guess, you overslept again.” Ten whispered as their professor, Mr. Wu started his lecture.
“No shit Sherlock.” She rolled her eyes at him.
After about 20 minutes of lecture, Mr. Wu instructed the class to pair up for an activity and of course she’d choose Ten. He’s the only person she’s familiar with in this class anyways.
She was trying to figure out how the two of them would pass this activity when Ten suddenly spoke.
“Hey, is it just me or your soul mark has been moving since the start of the class?”
“Huh? I think it’s just you” she shrugged.
“No, look” Ten insisted that she look at her wrist.
And no doubt, he’s right. The mark has been moving slowly and noticeable when you look closely.
“What now?” she asked, clearly not knowing what the hell is happening.
Ten looked up from his phone. “It’s says that when your soul mark is moving, your soulmate is in the vicinity. It’s reaching out like…wanting you close to your soulmate.”
“You mean…my soulmate is here? In this class?” she says in an audible whisper.
She and Ten then frantically looked everywhere inside the classroom, trying to locate her soulmate.
“If your mark is moving, your soulmate’s mark must’ve been moving too. He could be anyone in here.” Ten says.
But suddenly, her soul mark stopped moving. Then it means your soulmate is not within the vicinity anymore.
“I think he’s not here” she says, disappointment evident in her voice.
“You’re disappointed? I thought you didn’t care about this soulmate stuff hmm?” Ten teased.
“Ya! It’s not like that” her cheeks flushed crimson pink.
“If you said so.” Ten laughed.
She gave him a glare and nagged about how they should finish the activity.
That afternoon, she had to go to the café to fill up for Jaehyun’s shift again. She mentally groans thinking of how that dude gave her his shift for today after she took over for him yesterday.
“Hey you’re here!” Taeyong beams.
“Well unfortunately, I’ll be taking over Jaehyun’s shift again.” She sighed.
Taeyong pouted. “He seems busy nowadays.” he said and she nodded.
It was a busy afternoon for the café, lots of students getting their daily dose of coffee.
“Can you go give that chocolate cake to that table over there?” Taeyong asks.
“I’m on it” she answered.
She placed the cake on the table and was about to go back to the counter when she bump into someone, the coffee he’s holding spilled all over her. Thank god she’s wearing an apron.
She kneeled down to pick up the empty cup of iced coffee on the floor “I-I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to-“ she wasn’t able to continue what she was saying when she realized the person was also picking up the empty cup and their hands accidentally brush against each other.
As if it were magic, she felt that slight burning sensation on her wrist and the butterflies on her stomach. She looked up and he too was looking at her.
It’s as if time has stopped and the only people present are him and her. The both of them looked at their wrists, their soul marks glistening in red ink. Her’s is a Yin and His’ is a Yang.
She couldn’t believe what’s happening and didn’t even know what to say. By the looks of it, he was too. As they continue to look at each other, their soul marks then turned to a complete Yin Yang symbol, back in its dark ink color.
Getting a grip of himself, he got a handkerchief from his pocket and slowly handed it to her, a shy but sweet smile showing up on his face. She, on the other hand, can’t help but be flustered at the sight of this handsome man in front of her.
“Sorry uhm…(Insert your name), I wasn’t looking on where I’m going and bumped into you” he says.
Her eyes widened. “H-how do you know my name?” she asked.
He smiled and pointed at her nametag. Oh Of course, she had her nametag. She mentally face palmed herself, her cheeks flushing in deep crimson red because of embarrassment.
She used the handkerchief to wipe the coffee that was spilled on her.
“Uhm thanks for the handkerchief…uhhmm?”
He looked at her again with that sweet smile. “Sicheng, Dong Sicheng.” he spoke.
“Uhm…Thanks Sicheng and don’t worry it’s okay” she says.
“Uhm Hello?” someone butts into their conversation. They both looked to the side to see Taeyong and Ten, judging them.
“Are you guys going to just stay there?” Ten teasingly said.
“Oh let me get that.” Taeyong intercepts, getting the forgotten empty cup of iced coffee.
She and Sicheng stood up to give way for Taeyong who’s cleaning the mess from the spilled iced coffee.
There was suddenly an awkward silence after that so Ten decided to break the ice.
“I think you two should talk.” He says.
She then found herself on a bench outside the café, sitting beside a handsome young man, who’s supposedly her soulmate she’d been receiving random sentences for 2 years now.
“Pink…” he spoke.
“Chinese class …” he mumbled. Actually, right when she saw him, she’s been racking her memory to remember why he’s familiar.
She straightened, suddenly remembering the Chinese class with Ten earlier where her soul mark started moving.
“Oh yeah…but uhm what about pink?” she blinked and took notice of how they had similar hair colors. How come she didn’t notice it before? “Ah oh…the hair...”
He looked at her, as if surprised to know such fact.
“So uhm…soulmates eh?” he shyly said.
She fidgets with the hem of her shirt. “Uhm…I guess so.”
He was contemplating on what to do but screw it, it was now or never.
“Can I?” he asked, asking her permission if he could touch her wrist.
She nodded, her cheeks flaming again.
He delicately brushed his fingers on the Yin Yang mark on her right wrist and she felt a sudden tingle where he touched.
“Would you believe me if I say that I’ve known all along that you’re my soulmate?” he says.
She looked at him, not knowing what to answer so instead she asked. “How?”
“It was this one night when the daily random sentence popped up and it said ‘I had to take over Jaehyun’s shift again.’ and coincidentally Jaehyun and I share the same English Literature class so I asked him if he knows something about it. And then, things start to make sense.” He explained.
“But...how come we didn’t encounter each other sooner if you knew all along” she mumbles.
“I also have no idea, I guess it was timing. I didn’t get the soul mark until yesterday when we accidentally bumped into each other. And I confirmed it earlier when the soul mark started moving during Chinese Class…and I’m sorry I was nervous so I went out of the room and didn’t approached you”
She didn’t say anything and just reached for his wrist. She softly brushed her fingers on his soul mark as if trying to confirm it’s real. As she touched his soul mark, he felt that tingle even up to his spine; he realized how he must’ve really liked her ever since the first time he’d watched her from afar.
“I like you.” He says.
She was blushing madly. Imagine how this handsome man was smiling sweetly at her and telling her he likes her. And for goodness sake, he was her soulmate. Isn’t this going a little too fast though? But in the back of her head, she’s screaming how she already likes him a lot, as if they’ve known each other for so long.
“I think…I like you too but I want to take things slow” she shyly says.
“I’m cool with that.” He chuckled.
“So uhm, Sicheng, I’m (Insert your name), nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, (Insert your name).” He then showed you that sweet smile that makes your knees go jelly.
And that was the start of your journey with your soulmate.
Come to think of it, he’s Chinese so why was he taking Chinese classes?
Well, let’s just say a sneaky little Jaehyun told Sicheng that you were taking that subject this semester.
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