#thanks for giving me the excuse to dump all this out anon
strideofpride · 2 years
as another messy gossip girl fan, i’m excited to hear your most controversial milo arc takes 👀
Okay putting this all under a read more so my Milo arc loving mutuals can ignore me lol:
But to start: I don’t like it lol. Like idk I can and do enjoy fic about Dan raising Milo and I certainly enjoy the angsty aftermath of Dan losing Milo but I don’t actually wish he kept Milo. At all.
There’s a few reasons for that. 1) I would consider myself an adoption skeptic. I’m not against adoption the way I am surrogacy (I fully think surrogacy should be illegal) and I once used to think of adoption as being holistically good. But then when Roe v Wade fell, a lot of adoptees shared their adoption stories on Twitter and really opened my eyes to a lot of stuff I had no idea about. Most relevantly, that even in the absolute best case scenario, where a kid gets adopted by a truly loving, supportive family, there is still a TON of trauma that comes along with being separated from your biological family, even when it’s for the best. And the majority of these adoptees believe that in a perfect society (one without poverty and where abortion and birth control are free and easily available, etc.) adoption would be almost non-existent. (I had a whole essay written going into criticisms of the US private adoption system, but I deleted it as a lot of that is not at all relevant to Dan specifically, so I’m just gonna leave it at this and maybe share some links)
So yeah, knowing all that really made me realize the effect Georgina giving him up would have on Milo long term which kinda soured things for me. And then there’s the people who argue Milo should’ve been legally taken away from Georgina and given to Dan which…like okay I totally get why people think Georgina would be a bad mother. But I think allowing the state to decide who can and cannot be a parent is a very very dangerous, slippery slope. (That all being said - I also believe nobody is entitled to have a child either) (Also I still believe that parents shouldn’t be allowed to reject things like vaccines and I definitely think homeschooling & private schools should be illegal…my thoughts on this whole subject are all very nuanced and complicated and also not relevant to Dan)
2) I don’t like it for Dan’s arc. I don’t know, not to side with Rufus, but the idea of Dan becoming a 19-year-old father really, really bums me out. In a perfect society, teen pregnancy would and should be non-existent. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And yeah, Dan has a support system and a trust fund by then but…idk. It’s not the future I want for him. For anybody really.
(And for the record, I’m not saying that all adoption is bad. But it’s not the fairy tale happy ending it gets presented as. And I’m sure there are plenty of people who would say their teen pregnancy worked out. But that doesn’t mean it will ever be an easy life. Both parenthood and pregnancy are hard enough as it is - another reason nobody should be forced to do them against their will.)
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
Going to do a small ramble since janitors been getting some misgendering.
Imagine if for a second, janitor just corrected people on their pronouns. Like, sure their in a chaotic fast food place but the least a customer can do is accept the pronouns the fucking cleaner of the establishment uses. Maybe after a long hard day of work, FF! Reader just gives sulli a hug. They deserve it even in this murder happy and very questionably run fast food joint. Maybe they even just chill after hours in the building to just hang out. Idk personally think there's not enough fluff for them. (Side thing : what if janitor just had a they/them pin? I've seen more recently at least in my area service workers have rainbow or fandom pins and I think it'd fit them.) -🍭anon (sorry I haven't spoken in awhile, been very busy with life)
[I'll do you one better- FF Reader being the one to correct the customer. TW: Mention of misgendering]
"Um, excuse me, Sir? There's still no paper towels in the bathroom."
Why do they even bother? They've expressed their grievances to this customer multiple times - both in fact of them being busy with other work, and that the customer had mistaken them for something they weren't. They've tried to let it slide. They've tried to gently inform the customer of their preferred pronouns. No dice. Their head was pounding from the fumes of the chemical they worked with, and this was doing nothing to help it. Why did they come into work today.
"Listen, I'll get to it once I'm done mopping. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a-"
Soft squeaks resonate from the freshly cleaning floor as heavy steps race across it. A hand nabs the bottle of cleanser out of the janitor's hands - aiming the nozzle directly in line with the customer's eyes as its finger clamps down on the trigger.
The customer screeches - throwing their hands over their face to shield themselves as their eyes sting and vision blurs.
"Begone." Steadying your aim, you blast the customer with another face full of the unholy solution filing the bottle in your hands. Had to be some powerful stuff to get out the stains you see on the daily. Despite their arms blocking majority of their face, you manage to get a spray of the mixture in their mouth. They retch - tears and saliva dripping down their face as they spit.
"Agh! What the hell is wrong with you!"
"The fuck's wrong with you? I've been watching you all morning. There's a line between a mistake and being an ignorant asshole, and you've crossed it buddy. Go on, get - shoo, get the fuck outta here."
"I hope you know you've just lost a paying customer!"
"You say that like it's a bad thing. Go ruin someone's else's day."
The Janitor watches as you chase the customer out of the establishment, hurling obscenities and hitting them with another jet of cleanser whenever they turn to look back. You toss the now empty bottle at the hood of their car as they crawl in and speed away. Their heart pumps so loudly they can barely hear your steps as you return to their side.
"Sorry about using all your cleanser. Wanna go pretend to look for more in storage room and sneak out the back?"
The Janitor deadpans. "I used to think I was in love you.... It's gone far beyond just a thought now."
"I know." You throw your arm around their shoulder - allowing them to dump their weight on you as they go weak in the knees from the contact. You half carry them out the back door, sneaking off to where their van was parked outside. You hold your hand out for their keys which they readily give you. You help them into the passenger seat before walking around to the driver's side and hopping in. The Janitor's hand reaches over the divider, stopping just short of your arm.
"You good?"
Their head falls to your shoulder - voice strained as they rub at where their eyes would be. "Yea....Yea, I'm good. Thanks by the way."
You place your hand over theirs, squeezing it gently. "Eh, you and I are the one's keeping the hellhole in shape.. You deserve more respect than you get sometimes... Ready to ditch this place for the night?"
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eluxcastar · 5 months
Number 13 and 14 with Arlecchino
Arlecchino being comforted by her s/o
── ୨୧:arlecchino x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: arlecchino comfort drabbles yesyes
୨୧﹑genre :: sort of fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, possibly ooc because it was written pre fontaine quest, not very proofread, arlecchino is implied to have issues with self-image/perception
୨୧﹑words :: 2.2k
"I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I've met." "I'm going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly."
IT'S HERE you guys always spoil me 13 is my favourite prompt and you are the first of two to request it. completely unrelated but this is so familiar to what Kae said a few days ago (months now omg 😭) when we were talking about One of Repetition and it fits those two so well 😭❤️
to the anon who requested furina it'll take me a minute to figure out how to write her because I haven't played the archon quest but I'll watch some cutscenes and do my best for you
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I'll also be using this because I got it in the middle of writing this and thought it fit the idea I had going super well 🙏 that makes three Arlecchino requests with prompt 13 😭 also second anon you're fine dw you guys are free to do with your requests with these prompts as you like, mix them together, add extra descriptions and rambles it makes it more fun 👍 thank you btw 😭❤ feel free to give yourself a name for future requests if you want ❤️ I love having new anons
prompt list
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It is not often that Arlecchino shows her doubt, maintaining that half-pleasant façade to hide it all. If all people see is a ruthless woman with no regard for loyalty, then the details don't matter. There's no need to question, no need to dwell. She is one thing and nothing more, and she much prefers for nobody to notice the hesitancy in her drastic decisions, the thin-veiled regret as she watches the children she witnessed grow up go on to become valiant children of the Tsaritsa.
If there is anything more, it is disregarded as her unpredictability. She is a roach in the eyes of others, and perhaps she's ok with that…mostly.
To hear someone say "I love you" is strange to her, though it shouldn't be by now.
It shouldn't be unusual to wake up tangled in the sheets with you by her side or the struggle it ends up being to leave that mess as you try to convince her to spend five more minutes with you. It shouldn't be odd to discover that you've gone ahead and made her tea in anticipation of the time she will wake up or to have you remind her every morning that you hung her coat up to dry after she dumped it over the back of a chair the night before or to see you wandering around going about your own job.
But those events all feel surreal to her, even though she has watched you walk your patrol path a thousand times now, and she has seen you slack off where she sits by the window of Zapolyarny when you think nobody is looking.
You are very real, there's no doubt about that.
The things you do never click with her, however.
Perhaps you are real, but she made up these fantasies after watching you loiter by that one spot in the garden a little too long.
Yet every evening, you meet her in her office after you're officially let off for the day, and you usually bring snacks. You are most definitely there, then, as she watches you struggle to get through the door without damaging whatever you found for her to try, usually only small, a pastry you managed to get that you absolutely mustn't knock from your hands.
"I tried to get something that wouldn't make a big mess all over your stuff," you usually say, sometimes hacking on a 6guilty little "But~ these just looked so good…" to try and excuse you for bringing something that would cover her desk in crumbs.
Arlecchino doesn't mind because you went to the trouble of getting her something.
She got you a special chair to pull up and everything, and anyone else who uses it can deal with the death glare they get or find a different one.
But perhaps she made that up too, conjuring the image of someone fumbling their way through her office door to greet her with a smile, sometimes with jam on your mouth from taste-testing the gifts that she'll point out to you that you hurriedly wipe on your sleeve and pretend it was never there.
Maybe she put that chair there for nothing, and it never really moves, and each time she thinks this, she is sure this fantasy will all disappear.
However, every evening, without fail, as the sun begins to set out the window and the room is dyed an orange hue, the door opens, and there you are again. Delusions can't possibly be that persistent, and you would've scowled at her when she approached you in the hallways if you weren't aware of this relationship.
So it must be real, which she's well and truly aware of. There must be a person out there who sees what she cannot, someone who, by some miracle, manages to see past the things that block out all of the good. How can a person see anything but someone unworthy of their love?
What else is there to see? 
The idea of a person who deserves to be loved beneath bloodshed has become unthinkable.
For a person who has been exposed to Arlecchino's worst sins, who has seen everything, and whose worst offence in life is a little laziness on the job, how is it possible to look at her and smile?
Arlecchino often wonders as she watches you. She how you go through your routine of placing your things down, whether on the desk or beside them, then all too happily mosey on off to get your chair and drag it over to sit across from her. She doesn't know why it's this particular day that she asks. Perhaps the fact it was weighing on her mind after a recent mission had her list of redeeming qualities shrinking further and further. It is in her job description, and there are plenty of worse people in this world.
But do you deserve to be stuck with one of them?
"Did you ever feel pressured into accepting my feelings for you?" Arlecchino asks the question so suddenly as you're halfway through walking back with your chair that she sees the exact point you register what she said, freezing in place from the shock. "Whether through status or power," she adds.
You blink a few times before all the motion in your world resumes to greet you with the image of her staring you down from the other side of her desk, patient and waiting for your response. "Sorry?" You let the chair go to return alone to her, standing in the place where you always put it. "I don't, uh…follow? I'm sorry, I just— I'm not sure what you mean?"
She hesitates, momentarily glancing down before her age returns to you and your uncharacteristic expression riddled with worry. She must've made you upset again.
"You want to be in this relationship? With me, that is…" Arlecchino struggles to think of the words, saying them as soon as they appear in her mind. "Even though you know the kind of person I am, you still want that?" 
She studies your face as carefully as she can, watching the way you react as you absorb everything you just heard and assumedly try to put a response together in your head. Arlecchino has noticed before how you take longer to speak than her sometimes, but it tends to make everything you say more thought out, though you may end it like you're unsure.
"Well, I mean…if I didn't, wouldn't I just—" you pause for only a second— "break up with you?" There's silence after you finish. She doesn't say or do anything. To Arlecchino, that strangely almost makes sense, but you must be far too bold to admit that to a Harbinger. "It's not that I want to! I'm a little--…well, I think I'm just a little bit confused where that's coming from."
"I was thinking about it." You frown when she admits that. "Some of the things you have seen of me are…" Is there even a word to encompass that? "unbecoming of a lover."
Is that the right way to phrase it?
Again, you pause, and the telltale signs of consideration cross your face. An intense focus that barely lasts, and Arlecchino waits through it all to allow you your chance to answer, intent on allowing you that much. A few seconds more, and your features relax, looking back at Arlecchino with a tender gaze. "There's not really one 'right way', is there?" Your question, though rhetorical, strikes a chord with the many impulsive responses that flood her mind, all of which she keeps to herself. "You just kind of...try your best. Things might work out, or maybe they don't— the point is that you mean well and put in the work."
"That's not enough," she argues, "you deserve better."
"I deserve what I want." Your rebuttal makes sense in theory, but what do you want? She struggles to make sense of that part, the answer muddled by all of her thoughts and lost in her doubts. 
You could ask anything of her, and she would do it. Any material possession, every feeling, more love than you know what to do with in any form you desire—physical, emotional, intimate—and yet you never do. You accept her awkward hugs, that it takes her time to relax when you lay your head on her chest, the fact she sometimes snores, that her clothes may very well be covered in bloodstains when she comes home depending on uncontrollable circumstances.
You never ask for the things she has plenty of power to give you in return for those flaws.
She shakes her head, "but surely you want more."
"I don't."
"There is a lot wrong that you deserve compensation for." 
Arlecchino clenches the pen in her hand tightly, feeling the slight distress of pressure around it. She can't articulate what, not in the way she understands it; flaws is too broad of a term to use. You would instantly know and understand what she meant in a perfect world, but the world is not so generous.
"Like what?" you question. You feel that it’s obvious that nothing Arlecchino will struggle to say will shake you. She opens her mouth, prepared to refute it, headstrong and frankly stubborn as ever, but nothing comes out.
There is silence for a moment, and no one rebuts what you say. Nobody can. The only other person in the room fights with herself to yield and give in to your unwavering loyalty. In your mind, she is everything you want. There is nothing else you can ask of her than to simply accept that you wish to remain with her if only she will allow you to through her own emotional turmoil.
"Are you listening to what I’m saying?" you ask, frown creeping back onto your face as it tugs the corner of your lips down, seemingly against your will, "I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I’ve met."
Another chord is struck, her heart beating so loud it thrums in her ears like suddenly becoming aware it’s been threatening to beat out of her chest the entire conversation. She breathes, shaky and caught up in her own surprise. Somehow, she didn’t expect you to be so sweet in your words or throw her off guard so abruptly. She finds it hard to believe them. Arlecchino’s worries haven’t disappeared, only dwindled. It helps, if not completely. There is a reprieve in listening to you.
You have seen the worst of her, every crease she hasn’t ironed out, her sometimes rotten personality, her stained clothes, the weapons she cleans in your home. You have seen her walk to greet you covered in blood and gore from a savage fight, kneel before you and hold your hand with the same hands she uses to kill vagrants and petty criminals, kiss your skin with those lips that spill the vilest of curses against her enemies.
Before she realises what she’s saying, she blurts out a question, "Do you really believe that?" 
It is quiet, reminiscent of how gently you looked at her earlier as her voice barely breaks a whisper, and she can’t bring herself to break eye contact with you once she finds the courage to make it.
"I do." 
You smile at her, hoping she will smile back. A faint smile graces Arlecchino’s lips, ever the handsome picture. Her sincerity is comforting after such a scare. You still worry, and perhaps you will never stop with the way her mind likes to trick her. How long had she thought you secretly looked at her with disgust this time? You fear you won’t have an answer again, though you desperately wish for one. As much as you notice her awkwardness, dismissing some of it and observing other parts with more scrutiny, it is hard to make her talk to you at times.
"Thank you." It is all Arlecchino can think to say in response as she forgets what else she was going to challenge you on. It will return eventually, and she will face it again, but for now, it settles. Arlecchino can reasonably bury her doubt for a time.
"Can we keep talking?" you ask. 
"About anything," she confirms with a nod.
You turn away, walking across the room in pursuit of retrieving your chair from its designated spot by the wall. You pull it along, dragging it over the floor, and set it down across from her on the other side of the desk you’ve been talking across. Your seat welcomes you as it always does as you settle into place, now comfortably at eye level with her.
"In that case," you begin, taking the pen she holds and wriggling it from her hands. She relinquishes it without much of a fight, allowing you to place it off to the side out of the way. "I’m going to ask you how you are, and I would like you to answer me honestly."
"Anything for you, my love."
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kelcemenow · 6 months
Drive Me Crazy - Chapter 3.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1481
Warnings Some strong language and a bit of fluff!
Huge thank you to the Anon who sent this in! They had such amazing words to say about my writing which I massively appreciate and then to top it off, had an incredible request for me! I only have experience with mechanics in the UK, so I've tried my best with this one! "I just recently got interested in Travis K. X reader stories and wanted to let you know, I read all of yours as quickly as I could. They are so well done and I couldn’t help but laugh/giggle and feel through each word you typed out. You’re doing amazing and I’m so glad to have stumbled onto your page. If you have any space for a request, I’d be curious about what Trav would think about having a military (like fighter pilot) or engineer or mechanic girlfriend. I see a lot of stories with him paired with models/singers/social media individuals (which are phenomenal!) but just wondering how he would be with a more tomboy like girlfriend!"
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You grabbed a couple of bags of Dorito's and sauntered to the cashier's desk to pay for your fuel and snacks. The harsh lighting in the 7-Eleven ached your eyes after another night of working late in the shop. You wiped your brow with the back of your hand and smiled as you handed over your money.
Your boots clunked against the linoleum flooring as you walked towards the exit, your arms full of chips. You held your hand out to push the door open at the same time as someone else on the other side pulled it hard. A bag of Funions escaped your grip and you rolled your eyes in tired frustration, struggling to pick them back up.
"Here, let me help." The stranger said.
You balanced the rest of the snack between your knee and chest as you lowered yourself to the ground, "No, it's fine."
"You helped me, it's only fair that I help you."
You looked up in confusion to see the face that belonged to the voice, his eyebrows raised high.
You breathed a small laugh, "Travis. Hi!"
He rubbed his palms together, "I'm surprised you've remembered me. You know, since you ghosted me."
You piled the runaway snacks on top of the rest, replacing your arms underneath to steady them, "Ghosted? I wouldn't say that. I just didn't take you up on your offer. It was cute though."
Travis grinned, his eyes sparkling, "Anyway, what are you doing here?" He leaned in closer to you, "Are you following me?"
"Don't flatter yourself." You snorted a laugh, "Besides, I was technically here first."
You pointed to your haul, "Big night planned?"
"Oh yeah, action movie marathon and my body weight in chips."
"How about that drink instead?"
You tilted your head to the side, "Travis."
"What? Give me one good reason why you shouldn't."
You suddenly felt vulnerable with the cashier staring intensely at you, presumably a Chiefs fan. You glanced in her direction and smiled politely, before ushering Travis outside into the small parking lot.
"You don't know me."
"And who's fault is that?" He joked.
You sighed and shrugged your shoulders, still trying to stop yourself from dropping anything, "I...I can't. I'm not dressed to go out."
Travis shook his head and looked at the floor, the corners of his mouth rising into a smile, "That excuse again. I don't care what you look like!" He paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing in thought, "Wait there. I'll be 2 minutes."
You watched as he retreated into the store, disappearing behind the high shelves and racks of food. In an attempt to see what he was doing, you lifted yourself up onto your tiptoes, managing to drop the bag of Funions again. You groaned to yourself, picking them up before dumping the whole lot onto the hood of your car. As you turned back he was emerging from the store, the bright lights spilling out onto the dark tarmac. He happily held up two Slupees, one vivid red and the other neon green.
You squinted your eyes at him, a smirk creeping onto your lips. "What's this?"
"We're going to have a drink. Just one drink...and if you're not interested, I'll drop it."
You pressed your lips together, wondering whether to listen to your head or your heart. Your head was telling that this was a stupid idea, completely unprofessional and you should just go home. But your heart was completely intrigued by the tall, handsome football player. He wasn't a customer anymore and there was no harm in one Slurpee in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven.
"Okay, fine."
"You've seriously never seen a football game?"
You grabbed another handful of chips, shovelling them into your mouth, "Nope. I mean, I've been in the room when there was a game on...but I didn't exactly watch it."
"I'm sorry, I just find it hard to believe. Especially when your Dad is my number one fan." One of his piercing eyes winked at you.
You nudged him with your elbow, "Well, believe it or not...for some people, football isn't everything."
"What is?"
You took a sip of your Slurpee before you turned your head to face Travis, the streetlight highlighting the contours of his face, "What is what?"
"What is everything to you?"
You held his warming gaze for a moment before looking back to your feet, your legs outstretched on the pavement, "I don't know. I guess I never had a 'thing'. I got really good at fixing things...so that's what I do."
Travis leaned back slightly, his palms against the cool concrete, "I think that's cool though. It's different."
"Oh, it's different alright. I've had to deal with a lot of shit. You wouldn't believe how many men don't want their car's fixed by a woman."
You saw Travis shaking his head in your peripheral vision, "Man. That sort of shit makes me fucking angry."
"What's the point in getting angry though?" You asked, "You can't change the minds of ignorant people. They'll always be fucking ignorant."
A slight chill caught you and as you rubbed your upper arms with your hands, Travis quickly stood up, removing his jacket.
"You're freezing, take this."
You smiled, "I'm okay, really. But thank you." You lifted yourself up from the ground, a sudden sting of pain shooting across your muscles, "God, my ass is killing me!"
Travis laughed, wiping down a spot on the hood of his car, "Here, save your ass."
You turned yourself around and rested on Travis' GMC as Travis draped his jacket around your shoulders. Your knees suddenly weakened as he was closer to you than ever before, his dreamy eyes focused on making sure you were suitably covered.
"Thank you." You whispered, your fingers clinging to the collar as his woodsy cologne filled your nostrils.
He stayed close to you for a few seconds, his eyes flickering across your face. You looked up at him, your heartbeat speeding up and your stomach knotting tightly. You could feel his light touch on your elbow, a burning sensation building up in your chest as his bottom lip became clamped in his teeth.
He took a few breaths before his mouth curved into a smile, "Is it bad that I wanna kiss you?"
Your eyes widened, "You wanna...really?"
He nodded slowly, his eyes glittering, "Yeah." His voice was low, almost a groan.
You clenched your thighs together, shuffling slightly against his car, unsure of what to say.
Travis noticed your silence, searching your expression for information, "Is that okay?"
"Yeah." You breathed out your response, trying to hide your grin.
Travis' face beamed and he quickly looked down at the ground. His hand moved from your elbow, sliding down to take your hand in his, a gentle squeeze once his skin made contact with yours. Butterflies rushed to your stomach as Travis licked his lips slowly. You could swear you could feel the tightness move down to your core, but you took a deep breath and focused on the man in front of you.
He took a step forward and you parted your legs slightly so he could rest between them, his eye contact never breaking. The longer he waited, the more intense the atmosphere was becoming. A gentle gust of wind blew across the parking lot and Travis responded by wrapping his arms around you, protecting you from the cold with his large frame. His body was warm and safe, solid and comforting.
"You're really beautiful, you know that?"
You suddenly felt unguarded, exposed even, as Travis looked deeply into your eyes. No one had ever called you beautiful before, aside from your parents. You didn't think of yourself as feminine, delicate or beautiful, those qualities didn't seem to interest you. But hearing it being said out loud, and sounding so genuine, you weren't sure how to react.
Suddenly, your internal overthinking was interrupted by Travis' soft lips pressing onto yours. You inhaled deeply as you held you closely and your eyelids fluttered closed. Your senses were stimulated, his slightly rough facial hair against your face, his hands clinging to your back and his thumbs stroking the fabric of his jacket back and forth. You melted into his hold as you allowed the kiss to happen, your skin tingling with every movement he made.
After a few seconds you pulled away. You stood up from the car and paced a couple of steps forward, Travis' jacket still hanging loosely over your shoulders. You could feel a smile tugging on your lips but you took a deep breath and turned back towards Travis.
His eyebrows were narrowed, "Everything okay?"
You cleared your throat quietly, your fingers fidgeting, "Yeah...I uhhh just needed a second."
He took his hand and gently cradled the side of your face, "Take all of the time you need."
I honestly didn't intend for this to be a slow burner at all! I may get some more angsty moments in the next chapter if people want that. Feel free to send any thoughts or ideas you have on this concept, I'm always open to suggestions! As always, let me know if you want to be included in the Taglist for my fics, more will be coming!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @abby-splace @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes @mmb219 @vanwritesfan-fiction @futebollover @ks-dreams-fantasies @laurenmcucm @blackstabbath6
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sdr2lovemail · 2 years
if possible, may I have a part two of the "Neige has a crush on the NRC reader?" he's so sweet 😊😊
Yes, Neige was in the game for about 5 minutes and yes he's one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy Anon!
Part 1 here!
Gender Neutral reader!
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Times Neige LeBlanche tried to woo you, the times your friends got in the way, and the one time he got to confess
With a pep in his step, Neige walks through the campus of Night Raven College. He figured his lunch break would be the perfect time to visit the Ramshackle Prefect. Ever since he first laid eyes on them he knew they just had to be his one true love.
In his hold was a bouquet of red and cream roses beautifully set in an intricate pattern. Flowers were the perfect start to any romance. 
Coming up to the steps of your dorm, Neige knocks rhythmically on the door while putting on his best smile. After a bit of waiting he knocks again. No answer.
“Excuse me! Is anybody home? It’s Neige LeBlanche from Royal Sword Academy.” He calls out, hoping to alert anyone who may be in the dorm.
“Neh? A little RSA guppy on our campus? How fun!” An unfamiliar voice calls out before a large, looming presence is behind the actor.
Turning around, Neige takes a step back, almost hitting the door behind him. There was a tall boy with a single stripe of black on the right side of his head. “Oh, I remember you. Back at the sports festival you had won the swimming competition.” He pauses for a second before tilting his head to the side. “You’re Jade, right? My name is Neige LeBlanche.”
A frightening look falls over “Jade’s” face followed by an almost sinister smile. “Yup that’s me, Guppy!”
“It’s so nice to formally meet you! I was wondering if you knew where the prefect of this dorm was. I have something to give to them.”
With an excited chirp, a giddy smile breaks now on “Jade’s” face. “Yeah! Shrimpy’s my bestest friend, no matter what they say, we’re besties!” He crosses his arms lazily. “Too bad for you, Shrimpy’s not here. The crow’s got 'em doin’ his shopping in town. They won’t be back till next period.”
With a slight slump in his shoulders, Neige gives a sad smile. “Oh…I have to be back at the academy by then.” His grip on the bouquet tightens. “Perhaps another time…”
“Jade” sets a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Don’t look so upset, Guppy. I’ll give Shrimpy the flowers for you! Anything for my best friend!”
Neige perks up. “Really? Thank you so much, Jade. And if you wouldn’t mind, could you tell them they’re from me? I must be going now. Thank you once again!” A light blush coats his cheeks as he descends down the stairs of Ramshackle. 
Watching as the black haired boy walked out of Ramshackle's gates, the eel half-heartedly dumps the bouquet of roses onto your porch before walking to the Octavinelle dorm.
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Another day, another opportunity for a prince to meet with his brave knight. 
It was the weekend, meaning that Neige won’t be swept away with school. It was a rare time where his schedule was free. His undivided attention could be set on spending time with you.
Walking down the length of a courtyard, he spots you resting on a bench. Calling out your name, he happily skips over to you.
“Neige? Didn’t expect to see you here anytime soon. What’s up?” You move over to one side of the bench to allow him a place to sit.
“Well, I just happened to be in the area!” Neige lies. While lying is very un-princely, a little fib can’t hurt here and there. “I saw you all alone and wanted to come over to see how you were doing.” He gives you a bright smile while folding his hands into his lap.
You give him a smile that sends his heart beating. “That’s nice of you. I’ve been fine, just taking a break from my homework. How’ve you been doing lately? Are your friends doing well?”
“I’ve been just perfect, and I feel even better hanging out with you. My friends are doing great as well. Hop has been preparing for the next Magift tournament against your school. If only your dorm had more members, it would be so much fun to play together.” He scoots closer to you ever so slightly. 
You fiddle with your nail beds. “I don’t have any magic so I’m not sure how much help I’d be. Though I’m sure I’d find a way to adapt, like I always have to…”
Neige’s hand lifted up from his lap to clasp in front of himself. “Of course you would! You’re so smart and brave, just like a knight. I’m sure you’d find a way to be helpful to your team. Just like when you helped me.” He says as if you saved his life.
You flush at the barrage of compliments. “Thank you, Neige. You’re as sweet as ever.”
A deep, pink blush covers the apples of his cheeks. He casts his gaze to the side. “Since we’re here, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” His soft, brown eyes look lovingly into yours. “I was wondering if you’d like to-”
“[Name]!” Someone shouts with thunderous steps heading in your direction.
Skidding to a halt in front of the bench is Ace. He’s doubled over with his hands on his knees. Panting and out of breath, he mutters. “[Name]...You gotta, huff, come quick. We, puff, need your help.”
“I’m in the middle of something, Ace. Go ask someone else.” You side glance Ace.
The red head grips onto your jacket sleeve and tugs. “You were the first person I could find, it’s an emergency! Epel is stuck under a pile of cauldrons!” 
“Huh?!” You leap up from the bench. “What did you do this time?” You look back at Neige with an apologetic grin. “I’m so sorry, we’ll have to finish our conversation later.”
Neige stands up and smiles at you. “Oh don’t worry about it. Please go help your friend. I don’t want him to get-”
“Enough talking!” Ace grabs onto your wrist and sprints away to where poor Epel is getting crushed.
With a sad sigh, Neige begins his journey back to RSA.
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The pale light from the moon illuminates his skin. Lugging around an incredibly outdated boombox, Neige walks up to the front garden of Ramshackle. In all of the fairy tales the prince swoons over the princess’ beautiful song. This just has to work.
He sets the boombox down and starts the track. A soft melody fills the garden. He knew every word to the song the wishful princess sang on the way to meeting her one true love. He could recite it in his sleep. Serenading would be a breeze!
Before a single word could exit his mouth, a cobwebbed window rushes open to reveal a peeved Grim.
“Fnyah! I have my makeup exams in the morning. I can’t sleep with all this racket!” He tries his best to adjust his eyes on the figure in the garden. Luckily for Neige the dark blanket of the night concealed his identity.
Quickly rushing to turn off the music, Neige starts apologizing. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I just wanted to speak to-”
He’s interrupted as he narrowly dodges a fireball.
“Get out of here before I burn you to a crisp!” Grim shouts before spitting another fireball out the window.
With a frightened, choked gasp, Neige books it for the gates, dodging fireball after fireball.
“Who was that Grim?” You ask with a yawn.
“Probably some jerk playing a stupid prank.” He sets his furry body into your arms and lets out a long stretch. “Now carry me back to bed, henchman.” He says before promptly falling back asleep.
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Exasperated and desperate, Neige speed-walks onto the campus of NRC. He briskly passes the many students confused to see not only an RSA student, but also a celebrity, in the middle of a passing period. 
Spotting you exiting your classroom, he speeds over, grips one of your hands and gets down on one knee, not caring if his white dress pants got dirty. He surprises not only you, but your fellow classmates, a few of which have taken out their phones to record.
From the inside of his blazer, Neige pulls out a slightly crumpled red rose. “Please, go out with me!”
You’re stunned for a second trying to formulate an answer.
“While this isn’t the perfect confession I had in mind, I just had to say it as soon as possible! [Name], you’re so kind and helpful. You gotta be my one true love. The one who will stay by my side and the one who I will care for! Please, accept my love!”
You carefully take the rose from his grasp. With a light flush, you smile and nod. “Okay Neige, I’ll go out with you. To be honest, I always thought you were pretty cute.”
For a second, Neige feels as if tears are coming up in his eyes. Leaping off the ground he swoops you into a hug. “Oh, thank you! Thank you so much! I promise I’ll make this the best date ever!”
A few of your surrounding schoolmates let out applause, while others are already uploading videos to social media.
While you were feeling ecstatic, Vil won’t be once he sees the two of you on the front page of Magicam.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 5 months
Hello! So I figured I should probably share my two cents on this since you seem pretty open for discussion. I understand a previous anon brought up the fact that this isn’t excusing it’s just explaining and I also understand that Magnifico mainly went all villain when that rat book took control, but I also feel like there may be a slight… I’m not sure how to describe it honestly so I’ll let the rest of my ask speak and see if hopefully my point tangible.
Magnifico did hold a weapon to Amaya’s face to threaten her into agreeing with him, and based on her reaction to seeing him with the evil magic (rapid breathing, shaky speech, flinching, instant fawn + freeze reaction) it’s possible she likely has some form of trauma that I personally believe may have been a abusive relationship.
I should say I am NOT a Magnifico hater, I don’t believe he was a villain at all but I’m not sure about hero. Of course I’m open to hearing others out and I’m entirely open to learning new things and changing my opinions! So this isn’t me saying ‘No you’re wrong I’m right’ it’s just intended as me giving my own personal views and asking for yours in return! Sorry for the three paragraph ask and I hope that you have a great day! 💙
(Also to people who hate on Magnifico that are coming to this account, just why?? Just leave instead of throwing a hissy fit in this persons asks whose just being kind and sharing their personal views, it’s that easy 😒)
Hey anon!
First of all, thank you for being so nice and defending me! Absolutely right! It's beyond me how someone who doesn't like him comes to my blog to nagg at me for loving and defending him, make me a bad person and furthermore accuse me of things .... crazy, anyway! Don't apologize for this long ask! 😆 I appreciate you wanting my opinion! I also wish you a great day! 💙
Now, let's begin this, shall we?
I can actually explain this as well!! 😃 (and no, it doesn't have anything to do with me loving and defending Magnifico. (Well mostly. *Eherm*) this is based on logical observations!
Soo, Amaya's reactions ... I'm absolutely sure they're not because he's been abusive. Magnifico had been nothing but a sweetheart to her. The explanations are much simpler and relatable.
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Amaya knew that Magnifico was able to do great magic, she knew he was very powerful. But she also knew the evil book was powerful. She didn't know to what degree but what do you think happens to someone who's already powerful and gets posessed/controlled by an evil force?
Exactly. They become dangerous and unpredictable. The more power someone has the more dangerous they'd be if posessed by evil. Think of the nicest, sweetest dog, who'd never bite, never do anything bad. If this dog was to get posessed by an evil force, it could maul someone to death. It has teeth and a very powerful jaw to begin with.
The other thing is, who wouldn't flinch if someone pointed a weapon at them? This is a natural human reflex. Yes, some people are jumpier than others (I am 🤣, truly! Sometimes my coworker sneaks up on me while I work on a client to whisper something in my ear and I squeal in shock every single time. It's funny for everyone but me.) But we're talking about Amaya here! It's normal for the body to react if threatened. So we have our reasons why she went fawn mode.
Also, one of the first things she says to him is "How could you!" So, he's already in a very bad place, traumatized, suffering and on top posessed by evil now, and the first thing he's confronted with by his "wife" is blame. Nice. Blame! Guilt tripping and cornering him even further! Bravo Amaya 👏🏼
So Amaya being scared is relatable and justified. But does her being afraid justify her dumping and backstabbing Magnifico? No.
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Just look at her smirk as she gives the guards the order to put him in the dungeons! I'm fine with Amaya x Magnifico shippers but I personally will never ship them! Poor man was desperate and shocked at how quickly and with how much ease she was writing him off.
If Magnifico had been her soulmate, she would have fought to death to get him back. Just imagine, if she had stood up and defended him, pleading her people to help her, saying something like : "Listen to me! Magnifico isn't evil, he's posessed by evil! I know he's dangerous and unpredictable right now but I know he's still in there somewhere and if we can reach him, we can get him back! I know you're scared, I am too, but together we can make it! Please, stand with me!"
I mean, she's the queen, alright? The people of Rosas are to obey and follow her command right after Magnifico. One right word of her and her people would follow her and not Asha. Btw. She could have also asked Asha and her friends to help her. I don't think they would have disagreed if she'd pleaded with them. She's their queen! Or would Asha have turned against Amaya as well then? 😐
You cannot tell me they wouldn't have been able to reach and save Magnifico by standing together in love and bold compassion! We literally saw how the wishes and (star) were set free from the evil force just by singing and standing together! Only imagine they had done this to free Magnifico! Saying he wasn't savable because the evil book said so is bullcrap.
I don't believe the evil book! A evil book is well, evil! And light will always be more powerful than darkness! Love will always be stronger than hate! Imagine a room full of darkness, then light a match, that tiny speck of light is still glowing! The dark cannot consume it! Because in light there cannot be darkness. And what does a evil book do besides destroy and corrupt?
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Also, this looks painful! 🥺☝🏻this is nothing but incredibly tragic and sad!
Also, in the past, every single heroine has managed to break curses by true love and compassion! I was reminded of Moana and Te fiti for this!
Do you guys remember that scene, where Moana realizes that Te Fiti is still inside the posessed evil monster? Was Moana afraid? Sure she was! But did that stop her from reaching out to get her back? No!
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Te ka (evil Te Fiti) could have burned Moana to a crisp in the split of 2 seconds but Moana still bravely approached her! She willingly faced death because she knew Te Fiti was still in there and by her immense love and compassion she'd get her back! She went "this is not who you are!" And boom!
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There's more!
I also remember a scene from the 2 Maleficent live action! When Maleficent was consumed and controlled by hate, anger and revenge. She was all hiss, roar, I'm evil and Aurora stood up to her and told her "This isn't you! There's another way! I know who you are! I know you!" And Maleficent replies "You do not!" And Aurora in tears, in pain but 100% certain, says "Yes I do! You're my mother!"
And just like that the evil in Maleficent crumbles. True loves overcomes all evil! It's always been that way.
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And even if no one would have helped Amaya, we'd still have the (true love breaks every curse!) But she did nothing. Well, she did run to Asha and her friends to sing about how bad he's always been like a pop star. She gave Magnifico up over the course of minutes, didn't even try fighting to get him back and wrote him off with a smile!
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Magnifico was deeply hurt, the betrayal stung and he suffered inside. He had so much pain and anger and his anger is justified! Please, put yourself in his shoes for a moment. One doesn't even have to fully understand trauma and the whole complexity of the different forms of ptsd.
He only ever tried his best to have everyone happy and content. He only ever wanted to protect and keep safe. That's always been his goal. He held onto his power because he wanted to be strong enough to keep whats dear to him from harm at all costs! If someone wants to protect that fiercly it only means that person loves immensly 1 and 2 has suffered unbelievable painful loss. He loved his people! He cared for his people immensly. So much so he was willing to get himself posessed by evil even if he never wanted to! He felt forced by his desperation and utter fear.
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And what did his people do in the end? Can you imagine how badly it must have hurt to realize you've only been loved for what you can do and give? How used he must have felt? He's been celebrated more for being handsome and a limitless genie than a loving king who established an amazing kingdom and ruled it well! He's bent backwards and all it took his people to turn on him was a teenager who thinks she knows better than anyone with a strange cute looking creature from the sky, they btw. knew just as little about!
Everyone backstabbed and betrayed him. Here he is, at the peak of all his suffering and posessed. His soul surely cried for help, hoped for anyone to reach out to him but no one did. He got kicked into his wound even further. Quite literally, this was the thanks he got.
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rubyreduji · 1 year
hehe i am actually the teacher jihoon anon and also the ceo jihoon anon!!! i guess i am career woozi anon now 🤔 but i just wanted to say thank you for making my thoughts come into reality!! thank you for writing them and i’m glad i could help you get out of a lil writing rut with the teacher idea <3
but 👀 since we are on the topic of jihoon… i recently got his fts carat vers album and in the pcs there is one of him with one of his feet on like something a little bit smaller than a table… if that makes sense, ever since i got it i can’t stop thinking about ceo jihoon or just jihoon fucking you in a similar position 😵‍💫 after you purposely make him jealous too or wear something revealing… phew. i hope i described the position well enough? but i’m sure u can look at the pcs! hehe just some jihoon brainrot i hope i can dump my thoughts in ur inbox 🤲🏻
first off hi im so sorry this took so long (im always saying that but i do feel bad that im such a mess) but i didn't realize you're the same anon haha! i love it sm thank you for all of your requests <<33
secondly so i actually can't find the pc you're talking about 😭😭 i feel so bad and i can't tell if im imagining the position well but i love the idea of jealous ceo jihoon so i hope this suffices (if not maybe send me an ask with the pc and i'll see what i can do?)
pt. 1
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[minors dni]
it's been a few weeks since the encounter between you and jihoon in his office and thought it seems like jihoon has stopped his mistreatment towards you, he hasn't alluded to that day at all
he's nothing but proper around you; formal greetings in the morning, considering your ideas in meetings, praising the work you turn in. it's strange and you almost wish he would go back to degrading you every second, at least then you knew he acknowledged you, it's almost like you don't exist anymore
you tell yourself he probably regrets it. he's your ceo for goodness sakes, of course he regrets it. you hate yourself for caring so much because you know jihoon is nothing but a up tight, rude man who thinks of only himself first. the thing is you thought that just maybe it meant something, the other day in his office. he literally called you his favorite how can that not mean something?
well if he's not going to care about you, then you're not going to care about him. it's not like it would have gone anywhere anyways, jihoon isn't worth your worries
"y/n!" you look at the call of your voice to see kwon soonyoung approaching your desk. you like soonyoung, he's upbeat and nice and has always backed you when jihoon was too harsh
"hi soonyoung. how can i help you?"
"would you mind if i ate lunch with you today? it just feels like it's been a while since we've caught up"
"no i wouldn't mind at all" you smile up at the man and he grins happily back at you
soonyoung takes a seat at your desk and pulls his lunch out. you two start a conversation about your lives outside of work. you listen to soonyoung talk about his secondary job as an afternoon choreographer at a dance studio and you can't help but get lost in his stories about his students. you can tell he has a passion for what he does and loves the students he works with
eventually the conversation switches over to you and you're telling soonyoung your own stories when you hear your name shouted across the office
"y/n l/n! my office. now." you look over to see jihoon standing by the elevator, an angry look on his face. soonyoung gives you a worried glance and you quietly excuse yourself before scurrying over to the elevator
jihoon doesn't speak as you two ride up to his office. he doesn't say a single thing until you two are inside his office, the doors shut and locked
"you really do know how to get someone's attention, don't you?"
"i don't know what you're talking about, sir"
"you and kwon soonyoung. don't think i didn't notice the way he was all over you"
"he was just being friendly"
"is that what wanting to get into someone's pants is called these days?"
"jihoon i don't understand what the problem is here. soonyoung and i are friends. it was just lunch"
"the problem is you belong to me" jihoon grabs your face and forces you to look directly at him "you got that?"
you're feeling bold so you spit out "you've barely acknowledge me for the past two weeks"
"so you go and throw yourself at someone else? i didn't take you for a slut, mx. l/n"
"i- that's not- jihoon-"
"do you not want to belong to me?" he's asking permission. in his own fucked up, power hungry way, he's asking permission
you take a big gulp before answering "i- i do, sir"
"that's what i thought. be good now"
with a hand still cupping your face jihoon pulls you into a rough kiss. your lips are messy as they press against each other, desire running through your body
jihoon's hand slides down your neck and to your shirt where he starts to unbutton your shirt. his fingers are nimble and soon your bare skin is exposed to the room. his hands run over your torso, his fingers cold against your warm skin, and you shiver. you feel jihoon smirk at that before his fingers breech the waistband of your pants
his fingers trail against your skin and you gasp into his mouth when his hand plunges deep and cups you over your most sensitive parts. you whine a bit and buck into his hand
"so needy" jihoon tuts
his fingers push back further until his digits trace around your entrance, teasing you
"jihoon please" you beg
"please what?"
"please fuck me. i need it. i need you"
"that's what i like to hear"
jihoon pulls his hands out of your pants and quickly unbuttons them and pulls them down along with your underwear. there's a coffee table sitting in the corner of his office and he points to it
"bend over"
you quickly follow orders, rushing to bend over the table for him, not wanting to prolong him not being inside of you any longer. you feel a big embarassed with your whole ass exposed to the room, wantonly waiting as jihoon takes his time to walk over to you
you hear his own pants drop to the floor before he squirts some lube onto his fingers and shoves them inside of you. you jolt and moan as he fingers you open. he doesn't keep his fingers inside of you for long though, because soon he's pulling them up and grabing your hips to pull them up to meet his cock
without much warning he thrusts into you and you have to bite down on your lower lip to keep your screams in. you breathing gets choppy as jihoon pistons into you, pounding into you fast and hard
his cock is heavy and large and feels even better than his fingers did the last time jihoon touched you
it doesn't take long for you body to start to feel heavy with pleasure, your mind fuzzy with the only thought floating through you head being jihoon jihoon jihoon
jihoon props his leg up onto the table and pulls yours hips into his and you whine at the way his cock digs into your sweet spot at this angle
"only i get you like this, got it? you're my pretty little thing and no one else's. especially not kwon soonyoung's"
"fuck jihoon, only you. no one else makes me feel this good. promise"
"say it again"
"only you jihoon. i'm yours"
"yes, that's it. so good for me"
one of jihoon's hands reaches around to rub at where you ache the most for his touch
"so tight y/n" jihoon grunts "not gonna last much longer"
"sir please cum in me, please"
your words and the breathlessness of your tone is all it takes for jihoon to spill over, filling you full of his seed
your own release comes quickly after as jihoon presses a kiss to your neck, the press of his warm lips against your neck sending you over the edge. you shake in jihoon's grip as your insides pulse around jihoon's cock
you're panting as jihoon pulls out of you. he grabs a tissue off of the coffee table to wipe you both off
you both get dressed again and for a second you're both awkwardly standing around until you turn to leave
"y/n wait" jihoon grabs your arm "i- uhm, i'm sorry...if i came off too strong earlier. i've uh, never done something like this before so-"
"it's okay jihoon, i get it. don't worry. i won't tell anyone either, if that's what you're worried about"
"no! that's not it i just-" you don't think you've ever seen your boss so distressed before "would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
oh. that's not what you were expecting at all
"oh! uhm. y-yes, i'd like that a lot" you can feel your face heat up with your fluster
"good. well uhm. i'll see you tonight" jihoon stands there for a moment like he doesn't know what to do before he quickly leans in to press a kiss to your cheek and then he turns and walks over to his desk like he didn't just do that
you smile to yourself as you head out of jihoon's office, giddy for what's to come later
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always-andromeda · 1 year
perhaps a white chocolate truffle + eddie? <3
your stuff helped distract me through a lot of my painful oral surgery recovery, so maybe something where eddie is helping his love recover from a surgery or an illness, or just any kind of fluff that you enjoy writing? :) i love your characterizations and writing style! <3
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– 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞
𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐍𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I'm so sorry this has taken so long to publish, anon!! but I will have you know that every time I went past this ask in my inbox, it made me almost tear up. thank you so much for your encouragement, dear. I hope that this blurb fits what you were looking for!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: reader has their wisdom teeth removed, pet names (sweetheart), complete and utter fluff, nothing else I can think of!
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Edward had been nothing but a pure sweetheart. If your jaw didn't already hurt, you were sure his attitude would've given you a toothache. The second you mentioned you were getting your wisdom teeth removed, Edward put himself completely at your disposal.
First, he insisted upon taking you to the appointment and back. Even though you argued that you'd just use a ride sharing service, he was all too eager to use up one of his few vacation days to help out. And as if that wasn't enough, he dumped even more of his time into the matter reading up on the recovery process. Edward had never been able to afford to go to a dentist. So his lack of knowledge was his excuse for hyper focusing on article after article from various medical journals for a few hours at a time.
By the time the day came, he sat nervously in the waiting room, almost as if he was expecting the dentist to run out, declaring that something had gone wrong during the surgery and they needed a volunteer. Edward had read so much that he was convinced that he could absolutely do it if he was needed.
Thankfully, though, the procedure went swimmingly. Before too long, you were wandering out of the exam room. Your gait was clumsy and slow; almost like you were lost. But the second your eye caught Edward's figure standing awkwardly by the front desk, you gravitated towards him. As he helped you pay, you were practically latched to him with your arms around his forearms.
The woman behind the counter ran through the recovery process, to which Edward only half listened to. He was far too preoccupied with the sound of you humming contentedly through the gauze in your mouth. And that would set the tone for the trip home as you came down from the anesthetic.
During the drive, you shifted wildly between trying to tell him about a dream you'd had the night before, tearing up at how nice the dentist had been, and pointing to random things on the side of the road.
He drove by a trash can and you pointed, calling it to attention with a muffled, "Trash!"
Edward rolled his eyes and mumbled, "That's right, sweetheart, that's a trash can."
He chuckled when you added in amazement, "Woooow." Yeah, it was definitely a good thing that you were safe with him and not at the will of some random Uber driver.
A little under half an hour later, Edward was ushering you into his apartment. You were finally starting to come back to reality a bit more and the pain was setting in. But of course, Edward had that covered.
He led you to the living room where his beloved recliner resided; already set up with a pillow and a blanket. He let you get yourself comfortable and disappeared into his little kitchen, giving you a chance to shake your head in disbelief. Why he was so willing to go above and beyond for you, you had no idea.
More than any other partner you'd had, Edward was incredibly attentive. There was no length that was too far for the poor man. And though you sometimes felt bad for how committed he was, you had to admit...it felt nice being looked after and cared for with such fierceness.
So as soon he emerged from the kitchen with an ice pack in hand, you gave him the fondest smile you could manage, earning a giggle from Edward. You quirked an eyebrow at him.
"Your mouth is still a little numb," he muttered, nodding at the lopsided smile that had crept up the side of your face.
Before you could feel silly for it, Edward brushed the matter away entirely by handing you the ice pack and instructing, "Here, hold this against one side of your jaw for about fifteen minutes. Then you can switch it to the other side and do another fifteen minutes. It should help with the swelling over the next few days."
You didn't know why Edward even bothered to mention the fifteen minute part. Because his eye was firmly on the clock the whole time and he reminded you to switch over himself. You did what you were told, not having the heart to express any sort of ungratefulness at how doting he was towards you. Because as much as you valued your independence, you knew how much these kinds of things meant to him.
Being able to take care of something or someone was the way he showed his love. So you kicked back and tried to let yourself embrace it. The only thing you wouldn't let him give you was the TV remote.
"I'm super tired, Eddie," you yawned. "I'm probably going to fall asleep anyways. You can turn on whatever you want."
Edward's wide eyes blinked at you. "Are you sure you don't want something to eat before you fall asleep?"
You sighed, "No thank you, sweetheart. I'm not hungry yet. Maybe after I have a nap."
Despite the fact that he had a couch in the same room, Edward settled beside your hanging legs on the floor. He reached up to hold your hand as he turned the television on, flipping through the channels. He laughed softly, "Alright. Whenever you do wake up though, there's yogurt in the fridge and applesauce in the cupboard that are both screaming your name."
Your eyelids fluttered shut and you caressed his fingers in your hand. "Lucky me. Can't wait..." you drifted off.
After a few minutes, Edward felt your grip on his hand soften. He laid his head back, finally allowing himself to feel a shred of satisfaction as you snoozed. There was no way in hell that he would ever let you go through anything alone. No matter how big or small the matter might be, Edward would always be ready to care for you as best as he can.
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moody4world · 2 years
Got my twin with me like the parent trap (pt.1)
A/N: This is the first part of the series im writing based off of the movie, parent trap!! I’ve had this idea for months now and i’m so excited to finally have the first part done. its longer than anything i’ve written and i’m very proud of it so i hope you guys enjoy it too!🤍 if you guys have any questions feel free to send them in and i will gladly answer.
A big shout out to the anon that sent me the link for the movie🫶🏾
The reader will have a british accent in the fic for the sake of the storyline but no ethnicity or physical feature is really described except for maybe curly hair but everyone can read this.
Andy is Andre’s nickname
y/ln= your last name
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You never thought that you’d be having the wedding of your dreams with the love of your life at the young age of 23. You had met Urban since very young and the two of you have been inseparable since. Your wedding was huge, beautiful decorations all over the cruise ship’s ball room. Yes cruise ship. You were never one to brag but you could admit that you came from a quite rich family. Every expense of your huge beautiful wedding was courtesy of your generous parents who always supported your relationship. Everything was wonderful but as they say. Everything must come to an end. And so it did.
16 years later
The loud chatter of young boys fills the camp ground as parents drop their kids off for summer camp. Big yellow school busses full of loud teenage boys. Hayden walked towards where the baggages have all been piled. He tries to pull his out but has no luck when more baggages are dumped on top. A shorter guy with dark brown short hair approaches him and tries to help but still no luck. “First year?” He asks Hayden. “How could you tell?” “You’re dressed different than most of us.” “Oh..i always dress like this. Kinda get it from my dad.” “Its cool. i like the hat by the way“ “Thanks” As they’re talking, a chubby guy about the same height as Hayden walks over and easily pulls his own handbag out of the tall pile. Hayden decides to call him over for some help and he gets his baggage as well. “Attention campers! Hayden Wyatt, Ivan Torres and Mikey Wu, the bear cabin.” “Oh that’s me.” Hayden says. To his surprise the two boys were in the same cabin as him. They took off to their assigned cabin for the next eight weeks ready to settle in.
“Oh come on Martin don’t cry, it’s only eight weeks i’ll be back home before we know it.” “You’re right, it’s just that i’ll miss you dearly. Remember if you wan’t to come home i’m only a phone call away.” “I know Martin, don’t worry i’ll miss you guys too.” The two of them do their special handshake and give each other a goodbye hug. Andrew sighs as he watches Martin gets back into the limo. “Chauffeur, to the airport!”
“Oh come on Martin don’t cry, it’s only eight weeks i’ll be back home before we know it.” “You’re right, it’s just that i’ll miss you dearly. Remember if you wan’t to come home i’m only a phone call away.” “I know Martin, don’t worry i’ll miss you guys too.” The two of them do their special handshake and give each other a goodbye hug. Andrew sighs as he watches Martin gets back into the limo. “Chauffeur, to the airport!”
Lunch time rolls around and the cafeteria is full of loud chatters from the boys. Hayden is standing at the right side of the fruit buffet table meanwhile Andre is on the left. In between them stood mr. Marvey, the head counselor of the camp. He was putting some orange slices on his plate and he turns to Hayden offering him some. “Would you like some orange slices buddy?” to which Hayden replies “Oh no thanks Marvey i’m allergic” “Oh okay.” Marvey decides to ask the boy on his left while still looking down. “How about you, would you like some orange slices?” Andre answers “Oh no thanks Marvey i’m allergic.” “Oh i know you just told-“ Marvey looks up noticing that the boy he just spoke to was now on his left. “me over here…how did you get on this side so fast? you know what, excuse your old man, its been alot of years working at this camp” Andre gives him an awkward smile and walks away.
After lunch the boys were quickly allowed to go participate in whichever one of the activities they wished. Hayden was doing very well at fencing. He was winning round after round. “Looks like we have our remaining champion, Hayden Wyatt!!” the counselor announces. “Anybody else wanna test their luck?” he asks. Andre and his friends had just came from their intense game of tennis and he decided why not give it a go. “I’ll take a whack at it.” He says. “Okay! looks like we’ve got ourselves a challenger.” The two boys put their masks on while facing away from each other. Once their masks are on they take position and salute each other.
The counselor blows his whistle and yells “Allez!” indicating the start of the match. It’s intense and everyone watching was invested. At one point Hayden almost got Andre but he was quick enough to dodge it smoothly. The clinging of the épéés against each other was fast and constant until Andre has Hayden cornered on a small balcony of a nearby cabin with nowhere to go. Hayden takes a step back when Andre tries to touch him with the point of his épéé causing him to fall backwards into a tub of water. Andre immediately sticks his hand out offering Hayden his help. “Oh shoot, here, let me help you.” “No, let me help YOU.” Hayden grabs his hand and pulls him into the the large water tub with him.
They step out keeping their backs faced towards eachother. “Alright everyone looks like we have a new winner, Andre Y/ln!!” the counselor announces.“Come on guys, make up. It was a fair and square game.” They both sigh in annoyance and turn around. The two boys let out a synchronized gasp when they finally face each other. Hayden feels like he’s looking into a mirror and vice versa. This boy who he has never met before happens to look exactly like him. Same eyes, same nose, same lips. Different haircut and accessories. They shake hands confusingly and let go immediately. The group of campers dispersed but Andy’s friends come stand next to him hurriedly.
“Why is everyone staring?” Hayden asks. “Dont you see it?” “See what?” he says again acting clueless. “The resemblance between us!” “The resemblance? between you and me?” Andy nods “Hmm i don’t really see it, your eyes seem closer together than mine and..your ears..well i hope you can still grow into them.” “Who do you think you are?” One of Andys friends asks. “No its fine, clearly i was raised with manners and good sportsmanship unlike this guy.” Hayden steps up to Andy getting defensive and Andy puffs his chest out ready to fight back. “Woah woah woah boys break it up, come on. Hayden, Andy. I mean Andy. Hayden. I mean Andy? Oh jesus” the counselor could not tell the two apart.
Later that night, Andy’s group cabin was packed. Everyone surrounded the small table watching him beat everyone that went up against him in a game of cards. Hayden and his group walks in and decides to challenge him. “I’ll take a whack at it” he says imitating Andre.
“Loser has to jump in the lake.” Hayden proposes.
“Fine by me.” “Actually no, skinny dip in the lake.” “Also fine by me because im gonna win.” Andre says. He’s confident until he sees Haydens smirk once he put his cards down first. He had lost and now he had to skinny dip in the freezing cold lake. He’s never done something like this before. He strips and walks quickly across the deck to get to the lake. He takes a deep breath to prepare himself and takes a dive. Once he comes back up all he could see was the last few of the boys running away. And by the time he got out all that was left of his clothes were his sneakers. his underwear, his t-shirt, his pajama pants, all gone. He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. “Fine. Two can play this game. Hayden wyatt.” He says while his teeth were chattering from the cold.
The next morning Hayden and his friends are walking back to their cabin after playing some football. “Bro that match was so good their keeper was ass. We scored so easy on them.” “Yeah but honestly you’re a beast at football man you gotta teach me that one trick you did.” “Sure man i’ll teach you but i’m so tired right now i’m gonna take a nap till lunch time.” Mikey stops abruptly in shock causing hayden and Ivan to stop as well. They look at him confused and he goes “I dont think thats possible man.” Hayden looks at Mikey questioningly “Why not?” He points at their cabin and Hayden is more than surprised to see all three of their beds, night tables and bags on the roof. And to top it all off a british flag flapping in the wind. All that Hayden could say was “No way”
That same night Hayden and his two friends were ready to get revenge. They took their flashlights and a bags full of the materials necessary to carry out their prank perfectly. Multiple strings connected all throughout the cabin, whipped cream painted over one of Andre’s friends with a ginger bread man design. The other friend they covered in honey and Andy himself had a bunch of honey on the floor near his bed and balloons filled with water ready to drop on him as soon as he stepped on a string near his bed.
The next morning Andy wakes up in confusion and alarmed. He sits up immediately in bed, careful not to touch anything. “What the fuck” his roommates however were not able to be as calm as him and both screamed much louder “Bro what the hell is this shit” said the one covered in sticky honey. “Who the hell did this?” asks the one covered in whipped cream. Andy tries to step out of bed carefully but because he was trying to avoid stepping in honey he stepped on the forbidden string. Three small water filled balloons drop down but he manages to dodge each one. “Ha! missed me dumbass.”
Or so he thought… less than 5 seconds later a giant water balloon comes straight down onto him. Wetting his pajamas and everything close to him. He was so frustrated and annoyed. But most importantly he was ready to get back at Hayden more than ever.
Meanwhile Andy and his roommates’ bloods were boiling. Hayden and his friends were watching through the window trying to laugh as quietly as possible as their prank played out exactly how they wanted. Right as their high-fiving each other the head counselor walks by with his giant microphone. “Goodmorning boys.” “Goodmorning Marvey” they reply in unison until realization hits them like a brick. “MARVEY?!” they say all scared. Mr. Marvey raises his microphone and announces that they will be doing a surprise inspection on all cabins.
And just for Haydens luck, the pranked cabin was up first. He runs to the door blocking it from Marvey’s view. “Marvey i don’t think you should go in there sir. One of the guys got sick and it’s reaally and i mean really disgusting in there, trust me.” he tries to say as convincing as possible. “Oh well if one of the guys are sick then i should definitely go in there and check on him Hayden.” “No you can’t. He’s really really contagious.” Andre watches amusingly through the window as Hayden is struggling to change mr Marvey’s mind. So ofcourse he decides to help Hayden out. Not.
“Actually mr Marvey we’re all perfectly fine in here. Unless Hayden Wyatt knows something we dont. Open the door and come see for yourself Marvey.” And that he does. Marvey tells Hayden to step aside and he opens the cabin door. Before he was able to set one foot in the cabin a bucket full of chocolate came pouring down straight onto him. He yells in disgust and shock. The younger counselor tries to push him out of the way but this only made it worse. He slipped into the cabin, sliding through the honey and the web of strings until the opposite end of the room and the younger counselor was quick to meet the same predicament. The counselor was trying to regain his footing but the floor was too slippery. He had the brilliant idea to hold on to a doll that was hanging on one of the strings.
This causes Hayden to scream “NO” but it was much too late. The fan starts to spin and a bunch of white feathers come flowing down. Sticking everywhere and i mean everywhere. Hayden felt extremely nervous about the consequences he would have to deal with. “I told you it was a mess in here” he says nervously as the counselors look at him. Andy looks over to the counselors angrily saying “He should know, he did it”
Mr. Marvey angrily points at the two boys “YOU and YOU pack your bags right now!”
After three hours of constant cleaning every camper was told to march along to the isolation cabins. By now everyone had heard about what happened in the cabin. During the march all you could hear were the synchronized stomps and chatters. Once they reached the cabins, Marvey once again picked up his microphone. “The rest of you, get back to your activities.” All the boys cheered and wooed and wasted no time getting back to what they were previously up to. Once the cheering calmed down Marvey turned to the two boys. “The two of you, the isolation cabin.”
The boys stood there looking at Marvey expecting him to say something else. “NOW” he says unexpectedly and both the boys and the younger counselor flinch in surprise while Andre and Hayden hurry to the cabin.
Hayden and Andre make a deal to simply stay out of each other’s way. Later that night Hayden was having a hard time falling asleep because the lights were on. Why doesn’t he just turn them off, you ask? Well Andre was journaling and there was no bedside lamp for him to use. Hayden was fed up and flipped the light switch on his side of the room, causing the cabin to go completely dark. Andre immediately flips the switch on his side turning the light back on. They go back and forth with the light until Hayden gives up, pushing his cover over his head and tries to fall asleep.
The next morning Andre was playing with his deck of cards while Hayden was sticking up posters of his favorite designers’ pieces, dogs he found cute and his favorite football players. A huge gust of wind unexpectedly rose causing a bunch of his posters and photos to fly off of the wall and onto the cabin floor. He rushes to close the window but quickly notices that he needs help. Andre runs to the window helping him and together they manage to close it.
They sit down together collecting the photos and posters off of the floor. Until a few photos caught Andres attention. The first photo had a beautiful white building with teal green ceilings, it almost looked like a castle of some sort. Andre had never seen it before. “What is this place?” He turns the picture to Hayden when he asks. “Oh thats churchill downs. Its where the annual kentucky derby takes place.” “What exactly is the kentucky derby? i’ve never been there before.” Hayden looks at Andre in shock. “I don’t know if i should be offended right now or honored that i get to explain this to you. But the derby is basically a horse race that people bet money on. And kentucky is where i grew up.” He looks over and coincidentally finds a photo of the house he grew up in. “Oh here’s a photo of the house actually. Pretty cool huh?”
Andre really does find the house pretty cool. It wasn’t bigger than his ,not that it mattered but it seemed nice and homey. The other one that caught his attention was a photo of a man with long hair photographing some type of artist during a performance with a very large crowd. “Who’s this?” “Oh thats my dad taking a photo of my uncle while he’s performing. He didn’t know i was taking his picture until after the show” Hayden says with a proud smile on his face “They’re like my best friend, we do everything together.” Hayden grabs another photo, this one was taken by his dad.
“Oh look at this one, its me eating a mcchicken but with barbecue sauce.” He was laughing at his face in the photo and Andre found it hard not to laugh as well. “Thats so weird, i do that too!” He says to Hayden. “Thats so strange, most people think it’s disgusting but i learned it from my dad and now its the only way i eat it.” Andre smiles at the fact that they have that preference in common but he cant help but feel some type of way about the topic. Hayden notices this and tries to include him a bit more. “So uh what’s your dad like? Is he one of those chill ones you can talk about everything to or is he strict and lame? I hate those type of dads.”
Andre looks at him and goes “I don’t have a dad.” He laughs a little and continues “Well obviously i had one at some point but my mom got divorced a long time ago and she never even mentions him at all. Its like he disappeared into thin air.” He shrugs as if it was any other normal conversation. “Scary how nobody stays together anymore.” Hayden says while shaking his head. Andre nods along saying “Tell me about it.” Out of curiosity Hayden decides to ask Andre for his age.
“How old are you by the way?” Andre replies “I’ll be seventeen on october eleventh” This caught Hayden by surprise causing him to choke on his own spit leading him into a coughing fit. He bumps his fist to his chest regaining his breath and replies excitingly “So do I.” to which Andre adds “Really? your birthday is on october eleventh? how weird is that?” and Hayden says “Extremely.”
A small silence reigns in the cabin for a short time before Andre asks Another question. “Hayden?” “Yeah?” “What’s your mother like?” “I haven’t met her, her and my dad split up when i was a baby or maybe even before that. But i do know for sure that she was very pretty.” “How do you know that?” “Well my dad used to have this photo of her in his drawer and he looked at it all the time until he gave it to me to keep.” A lightbulb goes on in Andre’s brain but Hayden seems as clueless as always. “Hayden do you not realize what’s going on?” “No? What’s going on?” “I mean think about it. I only have a Mother and you only have a father.” “You know you can just say mom and dad right?” “Let me finish my sentence please.” “My bad.” “As i was saying. You only have a..dad and I only have a mum.” Hayden rolls his eyes at Andre’s british pronunciation. “You’ve never seen your mum and i’ve never seen my dad.
You have one old picture of your mum and i have one old picture of my dad. But at least yours is probably a whole picture. Mine’s a pathetic ripped half of a photo.Right down the middle too-” Andre’s last sentences makes Hayden’s eyebrows go up and he rushes to his baggage and starts rummaging through it. “What are you digging in there for?” Hayden find the photo of his mom and holds it to his chest. Andre looks at him confused and asks “What is that?” “It’s the photo of my mom… mine is ripped too.” “Right down the middle?” Hayden nods. “Right down the middle.” At that very moment Andre rushes to his drawer grabbing his half of a photo and holds it to his chest like Hayden did.
They stand facing each other. Both holding their half of a picture to their chest. They each take a deep breath and decide to turn the photos towards each other at the count of three. “One” Andre says, taking a step closer towards Hayden. “Two” Hayden continues the countdown taking a step closer towards Andre. “Three” they say in unison turning the photos towards each other. Just as expected they were a perfect match. Neither of them could contain their shock yet also excitement. “Thats my dad.” Hayden says while still in shock. Meanwhile Andre is much more on the excited end of the spectrum. “That’s my mum!” Hayden felt himself tearing up from the huge wave of emotions. He wipes his eyes and points at Andre. “So if your mom is my mom. And my dad is your dad and we’re both born on october eleventh then you and i are like…brothers.” At this point he was smiling so hard he could feel his cheeks starting to hurt. “Like brothers? Hayden we’re twins!”
Andre jumps up and down in excitement, causing a small locket to fall from his pocket. He quickly picks it up holding it tight. “What are you holding?” Hayden asks him. “Its a locket. I’ve had it since i was born. It has an A on it.” “I have the exact same one except mine has an H on it.” They both laugh in disbelief. “Oh my god i’m not an only child, i’m a twin!” Hayden says. “And there’s two of me. I mean us! Its like-“ “Mind boggling.” Andre adds. “Totally!” “Completely!” “Oh my god.” “Oh my god!” They say as they pull each other in for a hug.
They spend that entire night telling each other about their parents. “So tell me, what’s mom like?” “Well she’s a wedding gown designer.” “Really?” “She’s becoming quite famous actually, a princess in Greece just bought one of her gowns.” Andre tells him. “Wow” “You know what’s interesting? Neither of our parents ever got married again. Has dad ever gotten close to marrying?” to which Hayden snorts and says “Never. He always says bitches come and go.” They both laugh a little at that. “Yeah mum has never gotten close either.” The room falls silent as the both of them get comfortable in their bed ready to sleep. That is until Hayden jumps up with a face thats says ‘i am an absolute genius’ and he goes “I have the brilliant most brilliant idea! i’m a total genius!”
He turns to look at his brother. “You want to know dad right?” to which Andre sits up and replies “ Right.” “And i’m dying to know mom. So what i’m thinking is.. don’t freak out okay?” Andre nods. “I think we should switch places!” Andres eyes widen at his brother’s crazy idea but Hayden just keeps going. “When camp is over i’ll go back to London as you and you’ll go back to Louisville as me!” “WHAT?!” “Andre we can pull it off, we’re twins aren’t we?” “Hayden, we’re totally and completely one hundred percent different.” “So? what’s the problem? You can teach me how to be you and i’ll teach you how to be me. Look I can be you already.” Hayden says pulling his long curly hair in a ponytail to make it seem shorter like Hayden’s and says in his best british accent “No it’s fine, clearly i was raised with manners and good sportsmanship unlike this guy.” Andre wouldn’t admit it but that was a quite good impression of him.
“Come on Andy, i gotta meet my ma.” Hayden begs him with a pout trying to win him over. “Okay…the problem is you know, if we switch…sooner or later they’ll have to unswitch us.” To which Hayden adds “And if they do they’ll have to meet again…face to face!” And Andre continues, “After all these years..” He says excitingly. Hayden laughs, proud of his brilliant plan. “Thank you.” He says smugly as they both lay back down in their bed. “Told you i was a total genius.”
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rosiesramblings · 2 years
Fandom: Stranger Things, Steve/Eddie
WC: 1.2k
A/N: Per request of anon, sequel to this fic. I hope you enjoy! I'm not super confident writing Eddie yet, so please excuse me if he's a bit OOC. Also sorry if this one is a bit plotless, my brain is fried today.
The realization came in the middle of Eddie’s daring attempt at escape. Because despite the burn in his lungs, the ache in his legs, and the hair in his eyes, he couldn’t remember the last time he had this much fun.
“Get back here, Munson!” Steve called from behind him, far too close for comfort.
“Eat a bag of dicks!” Eddie fired back joyfully, an involuntary smile stretching across his face.
They circled Steve’s pool for a few moments, panting from the sudden exertion, Eddie’s brain working overtime as he tried to figure a way out of the situation. Nancy had gotten Robin a glass of water, and the two girls sat on a lawn chair, far away from the danger zone. They would be no help, Eddie knew.
“You can’t run forever,” Steve teased, wiggling his fingers at Eddie, who shivered. “Promise to go easy on you if you let it happen.”
“Fucking liar,” Eddie grinned, arms hugging his own rib cage of their own accord.
Steve shrugged, “Too late to find out now.” He darted to one side and Eddie made a break for the patio door. If he could make it inside he could find a place to hide -
Unfortunately, the universe and the door had other plans.
Eddie tugged at the handle, but the door didn’t budge. He threw a glance backward, towards Steve, who was grinning evilly as he closed the distance between them. Eddie yelped, pulling harder at the handle, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Fuck you, piece of shit - fuck!” Eddie yelled as he was suddenly swept up into a bridal carry. It took his brain a moment to adjust as the world suddenly turned sideways, but Eddie was very aware that Steve had just picked him up like he weighed nothing, holy shit that was so hot and so unfair.
“Mmm, forgot to warn you,” Steve said. “The door tends to stick in the summer.”
“Steve, buddy, sweetheart, light of my life - woah!” Eddie’s babbling was cut off as Steve dumped him unceremoniously onto a lawn chair and straddled him, pinning Eddie’s arms underneath his knees. 
Eddie definitely did not blush, thank you very much, it was just… rather hot outside.
“Now what was it I did to Robin that you said was mean?” Steve asked, pretending to think. 
“Nothing, nothing, Steve wait I just - ohoho gohohohod,” Eddie started giggling immediately as Steve wiggled his fingers just above the ridges of his ribcage, not touching down.
“Seriously? This gets you?” Steve laughed.
“Shuhuhut up,” Eddie whined. “I cahahan’t hehelp it.”
“Aw, poor baby,”  Steve said with mock sympathy.
“Juhuhust - just gehehet it over wihihith,” Eddie said, squirming as much as he could in Steve’s hold.
“Well, if you insist, sweetheart,” Steve said, finally letting his fingers scribble over Eddie’s poor ribs.
Eddie screeched before descending into hysterical giggles. “Fuhuhuhuck you, Kihihing Steve.”
“How many goddamn times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” Steve asked, digging into the grooves of his ribs and making Eddie’s laughter get even louder.
Incorrigible, Eddie managed to get out, “At lehehast one mohohore tihihime, Kihihihing Steve.”
“Oh my god, ok, I was going to be nice, but now I’m not stopping until I find your worst spot,” Steve threatened, noticing Eddie’s face get a few shades redder. Steve moved his hands up and spidered into the hollows of Eddie’s underarms.
“Shihihihihihihihit!” Eddie laughed as he tried to squeeze his arms to his sides.
“Hmm. Good, but I think we can do better,” Steve mused. He cocked his head down where tears gathered in Eddie’s eyes. “How are you doing? Need a break?” He stilled his fingers for a moment to give Eddie time to answer.
“You can take your break and shove it up your aHAHAHAHAHASS, SHIT,” Eddie would rather die of laughter than admit that he needed a break - not that he was minding the current situation all that much.
“There’s no need to be rude, asshole,” Steve said, squeezing his way back down Eddie’s ribs to his sides. Eddie’s giggles went all breathy (and cute, Steve’s mind supplied unhelpfully) and Steve snorted. “Alright, now, you remember why you’re currently being turned into ticklish goo, Munson?”
“Nohohohohohot really,” Eddie snickered truthfully.
“The bet you and Robin made,” Steve supplied. “I’m not actually mad about the bet. I am, however, deeply offended,” he emphasized his words by vibrating his hand in the center of Eddie’s tummy, “That you assumed that I only care about my friends if they are under fifteen.”
“FuhuhuhuhuCK, OH gohohohoOD,” Eddie threw his head back at the unbearable sensation. He was vaguely aware of Steve continuing his lecture, but his brain was preoccupied with the ticklish sparks coming from Steve’s cruel hands.
Steve moved his hands lower, towards Eddie’s hips, and for the first time he felt a flicker of panic. “WAIT! Wahahahit, Stevie, you cahahan be done, I’ve - I’ve lehehearned my lesson.”
“What? Eddie the Great can’t stand a little tickling?” Steve teased, resting his hands ever so lightly on Eddie’s hip bones, not moving yet.
“Nohohohot THEHEHERE, he cahahahn’t,” Eddie admitted, squirming as much as he possibly could, giving Steve his best puppy eyes.
“Hmmm. Well, unfortunately for you, I promised I wouldn’t stop until I found your worst spot. Any last words, Munson?” Steve asked.
He took a deep breath, “Robin, I bequeath thee my rehehecord collection. Nancy, tell my uncle I loHOOHOHOVED HIM JEHEHEHEHESUS H CHRIHIST,” Eddie collapsed into loud belly laughter when Steve finally squeezed, bucking his hips so violently that Steve almost lost his balance.
“Oh my god, Munson, are you actually being murdered?” Robin snarked, parroting what Eddie had said to her earlier.
“I don’t know Eddie, you’re awfully cute when you’re laughing,” Steve smiled and drew circles with his thumbs.
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE,” Eddie begged, desperate.
Steve loved Eddie’s laugh, but he wasn’t a sadist. With one final scrape of his fingernails on Eddie’s hips, he stopped tickling.
It took Eddie a minute to realize his hands were free, but as soon as he did his hands went straight to his hips, trying to get rid of the ghost tickles.
“You survived!” Steve cheered, ruffling his hair. Eddie leaned in to the touch.
“Hehehey, Robin gohohot a hug when you were through wihihith her,” Eddie complained.
Steve cocked his head to the side, considering. Slowly, he leaned forward, eyes locked on Eddie’s, until they flicked down to his lips. “I’ll do you one better,” he said. “If you want.”
Shocked by the sudden change in Steve’s demeanor, Eddie lost his words. All he could do was nod, a little frantically, which he would later blame on the adrenaline.
Steve’s lips met Eddie’s. And Eddie had his second realization of the day.
He would go through that ordeal a thousand times over if it meant Steve would keep kissing him.
A wolf whistle from Robin shattered the moment, and Steve pulled back, breathless and red faced. His eyes searched Eddie’s face, anxiously looking for any hint that he did something wrong. Eddie knew he didn’t have the words to reassure him.
So, Eddie did the first thing that came to mind. He tipped his head up and captured Steve’s lips again, closed his eyes, and gave Robin the most emphatic middle finger he could muster.
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theiloveyousong · 6 months
hiiiiii um. prompt. the nerds (richie ruth peter) and steph celebrating hanukkah together maybe
hi anon ilyyy! this was soooo fun 2 write <3 might flesh it out and plop it on ao3 tbh. it got away from me
Snow falls in a thin layer outside Hatchetfield High. The middle of December chill seeps in through the windows and doors, overpowering the weak heating and giving everyone an excuse to wear a coat during class. In the third floor Biology Accelerated classroom, Steph leans over and taps Pete on the shoulder. She smiles at him with a bit of nervousness. “Uh, so what if I told you I wasn’t listening to any of what Mrs. Mulberry is saying?”
Pete makes a face at her. “Steph! Come on, we’ve been over this. You have to try to get good grades, they’re not just going to happen!”
Steph grins. “Sooo… if I asked you to come to Pasqualli’s tonight and help me study?”
Pete’s face falls. “I would, Steph, I really want to, but it’s the first night of Chanukah, and Ruth and Richie and I always do something.” He must see the badly concealed disappointment in her face, because he backpedals and adds “But you can come over too, yeah! That would be great, and I’m sure Richie and Ruth would be glad to have you there.”
Steph raises an eyebrow. “Sure, Spankoffski.” Pete chuckles a bit.
When the bell rings out at the end of eighth period, Richie races down the hall to get to his car. He stops in his tracks when he sees Pete and Steph standing by the driver’s side door, Pete with an ashamed expression on his face and Steph leaning against the car making a face at her phone. She looks up at Pete. “Dictator said I’ve been released for a couple hours, so we’re good to go. You wanna ask the ner- Oh. Hi Richie.” She gives him a lazy wave. A couple more drops of sweat drip down Pete’s face. Richie swipes Pete aside.
“You invited Stephanie Lauter to our Chanukah party? Without asking?” he hisses.
Pete smiles a guilty smile. “Yeah? Sorry?”
Richie drops Pete’s shirt and holds his hands up. “Fuckin’ useless, Pete!” He sighs. “Geez, I didn’t know you thought Steph was so kawaii.” Pete’s face turns purple, and he splutters incoherently for a bit before Richie shushes him dramatically. “It’s okay, Peter. I will become your sensei… and educate you on how to talk to your waifus.”
Pete frowns. “Don’t call her that.” Richie mimes pushing up a pair of glasses, and Pete snorts.
Just then, Ruth stumbles out of the front door, fumbling with a huge binder full of sticky tabs and her water bottle. She almost drops the bottle while flipping through the pages of the binder, marked ‘BBQ Monologues Lighting Script - 2020 - Property of Ruth Fleming - Trevor don’t fucking touch this and stop changing your lines!!!!!!’. Pete lunges forward to help her catch it, and she pats him on the back while scribbling down a cue. “Thanks, Pete, sorry, busy!” she rushes out, dumping the pile of things in the backseat with a sigh. She looks up and makes eye contact with Steph, who’s been staring at her for at least thirty seconds. They look at each other. They keep looking at each other. Richie waves a hand in front of Ruth’s face, and her eyes snap back into focus. “Okay! Let’s get this party started!” she yells, grabbing Steph’s hand and pulling her into the crowded backseat. Pete slides into shotgun, and Richie starts the car.
At Pete’s apartment, Ted’s car is nowhere to be found. A menorah balances precariously on the windowsill, visible from the parking lot. The nerds pile out of the car, giggling while walking up the staircase inside the building. Pete jiggles his door handle and it slowly creaks inward. “Oh my God,” he groans, “Ted left the door unlocked again.”
He pulls out his phone and dials a number. It rings for a couple seconds, and then Ted’s voice buzzes out from the speakers with a smug “What’s up, Petey?”
Pete scowls at the screen. “If you keep leaving the front fucking door unlocked all day and there’s a robber here when I get home, I swear I will help them take all your things.”
Ted chuckles over the phone and starts a sentence, but is cut off by the sound of covers shifting and a sleepy voice drawling, “Teddy? Who is that?”
Ted hastily says “Okay talk tomorrow get sleep or whatever love you bye!” and hangs up.
Pete stares dumbfounded at his phone, no longer making noise. ”…What?” He pushes open the door. “So. Latkes.”
There’s a hazy buzz in the air as the lightbulbs flicker. Steph is playing with Pete’s hair as he lays in her lap, Ruth and Richie still engaged in a dreidel face off. They both keep spinning נ, and are getting worryingly competitive. “It’s a game of luck, you know,” Pete hollers from his place on the couch.
Ruth yells, “You only think that since you always win!” She spins the dreidel a bit too aggressively, causing it to spin right off the table and land under the couch.
Richie cackles. “Omae wa mou shindeiru! Remember, Ruth, off the table is losing a turn! And now I will swoop in and secure my victory, with…” He grabs another dreidel from the tray and spins it. He lands on a ℷ. Richie jumps up from his seat on the floor. “Hell yes! Richie Lipschitz, the ultimate champion of TopTourney 2020! Take that, Ruth!”
Ruth slaps him on the ankle, stretching out over the worn-out carpet. “That’s only cause Pete didn’t play this year.” She groans, sliding her headgear off and placing it on the table. “I’m fucking starving. Can we eat?”
Pete traipses into the kitchen, yelling commands over his shoulder and tying on an apron with ‘Best Bubbe Ever’ printed on it. Ruth and Richie fan out, Richie shredding potatoes and Ruth searching through the overstuffed fridge to find the old jar of applesauce. Steph just stands in the middle of the kitchen, people swirling around her and scraps of potato peel flying past her into the garbage can. She shakes her head a bit to clear it, and retreats into the living room. Clearly they have some sort of thing going on.
Several minutes later, Pete emerges from the potato-fueled cloud with a plate of perfectly fried latkes. Steph perks up at the table. “The Lord giveth indeed,” Richie cracks as he pours a glass of grape juice. “Kiddush?” They sit around Pete’s cramped kitchen table, all their plates barely fitting. Conversation flows easy as they tear into the latkes. Ruth dumps a heap of sour cream on hers, and Steph swipes a finger through it and throws it at Pete. It splats on the lense of his glasses, dripping down slowly and plopping on his lap. The room goes silent. Pete slowly wipes off his glasses, picks up his cup of water, and splashes it in Steph’s face. Ruth starts giggling uncontrollably.
Later, they’re all gathered around the window of the living room. Pete strikes a match, lights the shamash, and hands it to Ruth. She starts singing the blessings over the candles as she slowly lights the first candle. She has a good voice, clear and genuine. Shame she’s never felt confident enough to really sing. When the candles are lit, Pete reaches out to take Steph’s hand. He shakily starts the Shehecheyanu, voice flickering like the flames of the menorah. Ruth joins in, and Richie follows suit, grabbing Pete and Ruth’s hand. Even when the blessing is done, they stand there watching the flames dance and waver. No one says anything for a while.
Pete waves goodbye from his window to Ruth, Richie, and Steph as they schlep boxes of leftovers out to Richie’s car. Steph shifts the box of sufganiyot over to one hand as she waves back with a hesitant grin. Ruth taps her on the shoulder. “Uh, Steph, we’re going to shul tomorrow for Shabbat services, and we’re gonna hang out at Richie’s after. Would you, like, like to come?”
She grimaces nervously, and Steph smiles. “Yeah, I think I’d really like that.”
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Want to give my two cents on the whole Kelly in NY and Miami thing.
-goes to NY for ‘work’ and to seem like a lovely mother, gets papped and hangs out with pageboyprojects.
-visits old friends and at least P looks like she’s having a good time.
-Sophie weirdly comments of her post after not doing so in months, this comes after wide spread rumours of a split.
-don’t know when she flies to Miami but no reunion pic of her and max which is odd. Someone on here meets them says Kelly wasn’t nice but max was lovely.
-Kelly co hosts a lunch for patbo, loads of Miami influencer and her friends go. In the pictures she’s heavily photoshopped and a new agency keeps posting about her.
-again she hosts a meet and greet for patbo. Posts about these things late but when does it screams I’m here for ‘work’ not max and ‘I do work see’.
-family dinner, no max. Meets fans who say she was lovely, right after her not being lovely on here.
-Sylvia’s birthday, Kelly’s doesn’t post anything on that day but piquet jr does.
-doesn’t go to qualifying, seems like Julia might have but we don’t know. Kelly starts to post about her mums birthday, making it seem like it was on the Saturday. Could be using it as an excuse as to why she wasn’t at qualifying.
-goes out for friends dinners
-Sunday: doesn’t arrive with max but piquet jr does. Post a story of her in the garage with max, selfie is mirrored and max looks miserable.
-Kelly doesn’t stay in the garage, but piquet jr does. Kelly’s goes to the paddock club upstairs and hangs out with all her new influencer friends.
-post race, max gives her a hug but tries to pull away and only awkwardly pats her back. Talks to Martin and Raymond.
-as usual Kelly posts maxs podium on her insta but then starts to repost others stories and make it about herself. The stories she reposted are from her new influencer friends and are tagging her more than max. Even Martha Graeff posted on Kelly on her story at the podium bit, when she’s never before and wasn’t even at the race.
-don’t know if she helped get these influencers a ticket or if they were already going but she hung out with them instead of being in the garage. Pageboyprojects are also there and Yasmin too.
-I think she’s reposted all of these to prove she’s a supportive and loving girlfriend. So when they break up she can use the ‘but look how much i supported and loved him’ and ‘he never appreciated me’. Making max out to be the bad guy. The video of her ‘whooping’ and shouting is so forced and quite obviously doing it for attention.
-also the posts with Martin and daniels camera, I think are to prove that maxs friends do like her. All the rumours and sources lately, one is consistent and that’s that maxs friends don’t like her. Martin seemed to ignore/didn’t talk to her at the tennis event they both went to in Monaco but if you look at Kelly’s story she’s friends with them all.
-the picture of max at the end with the police escorts, he isn’t even looking at her/her camera. Plus she thanks them for their help all weekend but to our knowledge (I don’t think she was there) she wasn’t there. She’s also only wearing a Sunday wristband instead of a weekend one.
-they didn’t go clubbing this year (although not sure if any of the drivers did so could mean nothing).
So to sum up, I think the stories were over the top and mainly centred on her, so when they break up she can say that all she ever was, was supportive and loving and he dumped her, how mean of him. Just like the exposingverstappens account (in the Mariana bay anon has any more on this that would be amazing).
Sorry it’s long :))
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judjira · 1 year
Can we know anything more about parenting au? Or really any of the aus you posted the other day. Every one of them sounds great.
Also, I love apartment au. Thank you for that Misamo fill!
u asked for this anon get ready for a dump (also i know u asked for parenting au details but i just wanted an excuse to ramble hehe)
also take note, these are just the aus that are in progress, not the idle ones that are still in my head and require more fleshing out
if u see one u like, feel free to ask for more details ! who knows, it might give me more inspiration to write it ! i am taking requests, but only if it's from this list below ! i dont mind writing short drabbles on some of these that further flesh out the details and story ! also probably that pressures me to write the full thing so HAHA
nada dul cielo (magical realism au)
this one's pretty interesting, it's based on a filipino short story called "kite of stars". basically nayeon, a young rich noble, falls in love with mina, an astronomer who only looks at the stars. to get mina to fall in love with her, nayeon enlists the help of dahyun, a butcher's girl, to create a kite that can reach the stars. this one is mostly fantasy, coming of age, and angst ! i love angst so much
across the (gentrified) stars (space bakery au)
saida, side jeongtzu, mimo, jichaeng
this one is based off a request my friend gave me, literally just "i want a baker au" but i thought that was too boring ! in a hypercapitalist society, sana works as a baker in a mass-produced bakery on a distant moon. when a ship with a foreign model crash lands on the moon, sana meets dahyun, a traveler from a time long past. (loosely based off of outer worlds !)
the last wish (genie au)
this one's a sad one. basically dahyun's a genie, and momo's the girl who found her. however, as soon as momo makes her last wish, dahyun will disappear forever. very angsty and very sad i believe.
mosaic (band au)
literally "getting the band back together" the au. basically 3mix and dahyun are a band, but due to an argument they've broken up, and it tells the story of dahyun fixing everything and getting everyone back together. this one starts out angsty but ends fluffy :)
lost in translation (amnesiac au)
this one is a confusing one, i'm not sure where to take it. basically dahyun has amnesia and 3mix try to win her favor as her admirers. now this could go one of many ways, either dramatic, or humorous, or fluffy, or angsty,,,i rly dont know how to go about this one
under revision (writer au)
mihyun, side jeongsa, namo, jitzu
this one's already on ao3 (the first chapter at least) kind of based off of inkheart, dahyun's a writer of a medieval fantasy novel, and writes the main character of her story into existence and promptly falls in love with her. mostly fluff with dashes of hurt and comfort !
office au
dahyo, side ships undecided
this one is rly just indulgent fluff, basically jihyo and dahyun are coworkers, and everyone around them thinks they're dating :)
cheating au
saidahmo, side ships undecided
yknow i gotta save my painful aus for saidahmo hue. i actually want to keep this one a lil secret but all u need to know is that sana and momo have a broken relationship and dahyun is momo's new neighbor :) i'll let u guys guess the rest
god au
dahyo, minayeon, jeongmo, chaetzu
this one is actually a set of oneshots! all of them are gods of specific domains, and all of the oneshots explore the different dynamics between the pairs (who mostly have opposite domains !)
break up au
still unsure about this one, but basically dahyun comes back from a trip to find that her two best friends, mina and nayeon, have broken up. so she endeavors to parent trap them, while trying to ignore her feelings for both of them, mostly a humorous and fluffy fic despite the premise !
road trip au
this one's a ride (hehe) also ive elaborated on this already, but momo and mina are estranged childhood friends who search for dahyun, their missing best friend. this one explores mina and momo's relationship with each other, while going into their relationship with dahyun in flashbacks !
parenting au
already posted the prologue to this ! dahyun's been kicked out of the house for being pregnant, and jihyo and jeongyeon take her in. this one is mostly angst, hurt, and comfort, while exploring themes of religious homophobia so pretty intense !
online dating au
also talked abt this one before ! after a few months of a long distance relationship between dahyun, mina, and chaeyoung, they finally get the chance to meet in person ! just pure unadulterated fluff while exploring romance in the pandemic !
roommates au
low on money, dahyun moves into a three person apartment with cheap rent, alongside jihyo, who's just moved into the city, and tzuyu, who's lived in the apartment for as long as she can remember. together, they are all awkward lesbians who are attracted to each other.
revolutionary au
dayeon, side mimo, jeonghyo, sachaeng
this one's pretty cool ! a noble with a talent for painting, nayeon's perception of the world is rendered invalid when she meets dahyun, a member of the revolutionary army whose task is tagging graffiti.
magic school au
danatzu, mochaeng, jeongmisa
another big au with multiple oneshots planned ! ive already written a little bit abt this, but they're all just students in a magic school, exploring love :) mostly fluff, little bit of angst
other aus (not yet written):
hogwarts au, whiplash au, pacific rim au, idol au, nightlife au
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queerstake · 7 months
I'm sorry for sending this, but I'm. In kind of a weird spot. I don't really have many other places i can turn. I figured out several years ago that i am aro/ace, and for awhile I just thought that was okay. Still okay with church. Just more open than others might be to the queer community. But it's gotten so hard as I've come to fully understand myself. That I'm non-binary. That I am pan for tertiary/alterous attraction. And now I've got a genderfluid datemate. I love them with all my heart. They aren't part of the church. I didn't tell them that I was raised LDS until after we started dating, but they realized a long while ago. They've been supportive and understanding of my position through everything.
But I have a hard time with a lot of the culture that has developed around the church, and I find I don't want to go anymore. Maybe it would be easier if I knew more queer members, but I don't. Any friends i have learned are queer have left.
My family isn't friendly to the queer community, which hurts like hell, because I want to tell them about my partner. My family means so much to me. I want them to be okay with the fact that I still believe in God and Jesus, but I just don't want to be "active".
Even being a "good active member" is mentally exhausting for me. It puts so much mental and social strain on me. Social stuff is extremely mentally exhausting for me. Doesn't help that my dad is emotionally abusive. I know it isn't like this for everyone, but I'm just so tired.
I don't have a lot of people in my life that really understand where I'm at, I'm so sorry for dumping this here. You can delete it. Thank you for what you do, hope you're safe and well.
Hi anon. Your message is about a year old as I'm answering it now, and I'm sorry for making you wait so long. I had some work to do myself before I could dedicate myself to this blog fully, and now that I'm here and ready, I want to start tackling the inbox.
Given that it's been so long, I'm sure your life has changed since you sent this message. I hope you're doing better.
Your message sounds very familiar, actually. I'm also an aroace and trans member. By the time covid came around and church meetings stopped for a period of time, I myself was worn out from struggling to keep up. I think you and me felt much the same. I used the excuse of covid to take a brief church break to figure out how I was going to make being a queer mormon work. I felt awful for having to take time off, but in the end, it really was the right choice for me. I was able to work on myself and my relationship to the church while setting aside some of the pressure I had put myself under for so long and now that I've built myself up stronger, I'm able to come back and foster a healthier relationship to the church.
I'm so glad you have a good relationship with your datemate to help you during this time! Being a queer mormon is really hard. We have to make concessions and reckon with our faith the way many straight mormons don't have to. It IS exhausting. I imagine god has put your datemate in your life in order to help give you the support you need right now.
If you or anyone else needs permission, please DO take a break. God doesn't want you to suffer, and you can't foster a good relationship with him if you're suffocating. Taking a break or not being active is not a bad thing. In fact, it was a REALLY good thing for me and really helped me come back to church even stronger than before.
I'm sorry to hear you were and are going through so much anon, and I hope some of the things I've said at least have helped you feel not alone. If you are able to take a break from church right now, I encourage you to do it! Heal and wrestle with god on your own time. You don't owe anyone anything, and god will be there with you no matter where you go. If you are unable to take a break for some other reason, know you're not alone. We understand you, we've been through the things you're going through, you're welcome to reach out any time you need support. Being a queer mormon is so hard and can be so lonely. Your queer siblings and your heavenly father are here for you.
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
i experience pain that i almost want to call debilitating but no one believes me. my parents brush everything off as an overreaction & excuses it as "well my own parents never took me to the doctor!" (turns out i had to have a tumor removed bc they overlooked my pain that much) & even after that they still wont believe me & all of my doctors think i'm a lying drug seeking hypochondriac who reads too much internet articles. i feel hopeless b/c no pain relief method works outside of drugs that would get me classified as an addict and i've tried whatever i have the energy to do & i just feel like there's no way out of this. im a minor & i dont know what to do. your blog has been very very helpful and im so sorry to be dumping this on you but i always thought you have great insight & perhaps you would have insight on my situation too, your writing is very inspirational & i hope you have an amazing life
I am so sorry anon, I can't imagine how much pain you've endured, it's disgusting they went as far as ignore the pain of cancer, which must have been extreme. And they still refuse to believe you and accuse you of a disordered fear! That's infuriating, they should be freaking ashamed of themselves.
I wish I could give you an advice, I've never faced a situation like this, and I have no idea what could be of some relief on you. If anyone reading this has faced similar issues and would know what to do, please respond to this post and share your insight.
Thank you for your kind words, and I'm so sorry you're in pain. People who disregarded your pain should have it inflicted on them, their judgment and lack of empathy is despicable. I hope you find something that allows you to be pain free.
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7cxrhye · 2 years
I came from your fanfic whatever remains however improbable, I loved everything about it especially how from each different perspective it had me suspecting a different person. You’re an incredible writer and the story was outstanding so I wanted to know will it will be continued? Apologies if you have already answered this :)
Hi!! Well first of all this made my day, so thank you for the ask :) I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I haven’t talked about the sequel plans yet, at least publicly, so you’re giving me an excellent excuse to do so.
The TLDR here is that the sequel is outlined and the prologue is drafted, but it’s on hold for the foreseeable future (which, for me, is at least the end of this semester). I outlined it last summer, with the intention of writing it as fully as possible before school started. However, I was led astray by other things, and didn’t get nearly as much done as I wanted. So, until I have the resources to devote to a project that large, it will remain shelved.
Here’s the more detailed version. I’m a full time college student at a very rigorous university. I am working 50-80 hours a week on STEM-heavy academics. Because of that, I don’t have the mental or emotional bandwidth to write. It saddens me, quite frankly; I wrote WRHI during the pandemic, when my time was abundant, and it was one of the most enjoyable things I’ve ever done. I loved it. But, now, I can’t put the energy into it that it requires. So my google docs sit gathering digital dust for a while longer.
But, as I said, it has been outlined. It doesn’t have a title, but I’ve cooked up a metric butt ton of scheming and adventure for my two detective Crimeboys. It makes me cackle. God they will be going through so much. It’s delicious.
And, as I also said, the prologue is drafted. Well, mostly drafted. So if anyone’s actually made it this far down this post, here’s a snippet, just for you. 
He pulled a thin metal card out of his pocket and slipped it into one slot, sliding their stolen guard keycard into the other. "How do I look, Sapnap?" he asked as the machine processed.
"Like Cinderella," Sapnap responded, not looking at him. He dumped the body unceremoniously against the wall. "Open the fucking door."
George pouted at him and pushed a hand through his hair. "You're just jealous."
Sapnap rolled his eyes, ejecting his guns empty clip and loading a new one. "You know as well as I do that he'll fuck you no matter what you look like."
So…there you go. That’s pretty much the size of it. In the works, but not really. Seriously, though; I’m not giving up this universe. I’m not leaving it all behind. I want to write again. It might not be for a few weeks, or a few months, but you’ll hear from me again.
That’s all from me, I guess. Thanks for your ask, Anon. You probably got more than you bargained for.
Best wishes,
Rhyley Westwood
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