#thanks for the ask nico
funky-writer-man · 2 years
hello good morning hi :3
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nikogane · 7 months
For the drawing prompts - galra keith and altean lance pls? You've prob already done this but I love them :3
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they make me sick (endearing)
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intergalactic-garbage · 2 months
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same software, different case
klance from voltron: legendary defender // zukka from avatar: the last airbender // valdangelo from the heroes of olympus (art by viria)
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forrpercyy · 10 days
So like that one ask where you drew Alex, is it okay if you draw Nico and will? It not I understand!! I love your percabeth art sm!!
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hiii i’ve actually drawn them before i just don’t think i’ve posted them here!
i def do need to draw them more than i do tho ;(
thanks for the ask anon!
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eiilese · 2 years
I love your one piece drawings. You make them all so pretty and ughhh. I wanna print them and put them on my wall. And when I actually have spare change, give it to you as thanks. Can you draw the silliest thing you can imagine them doing? Like, whatever it is. If you can and want. Maybe with them with hats! Special ones! Anyways regardless of whether you do anything I say, you art is magnificent and I'm love with your style and wish you a happy December. Thank you for making me smile :DD!!!
hi!!! THANK YOU for leaving me such a lovely message you brightened my whole day!!! i’m sorry it took awhile for me to reply i had to draw in between finals >—>o
the silliest thing i could think of was a slumber party, i’m sorry i couldn’t fit in any hats lol BUT SERIOUSLY THANK YOU SO MUCH YOUR WORDS MEAN SO MUCH TO ME!!! i’m so glad to know i’ve made you smile ;_;❤️ i hope these make you smile too!!!
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batbabydamian · 3 months
"What would you do without me?" I'll be crying over those two goobers til my last breath 😭
my duo tag is from Dick to Damian in Batman and Robin (2009) #9 and then Damian to Dick in Batman Incorporated (2012) #8 🥺
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they have lots of lovely quotes together it was hard to choose… but my fav thing about this one is that it’s a mutual line that relates to their banter - also said during their time as Batman and Robin AND Nightwing and Robin 😭
some old contenders for the dynamic duo 2.0 tag:
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Batman Incorporated (2012) #8
“we were the best” // “we can’t help being great”
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Nightwing (2016) #17, #20
“the robin to your batman” // “still the greatest”
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Batman (2016) #34
“from the beginning and all the way to the end”
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demigods-posts · 4 months
Idk if I’m thinking about this wrong… but was it even possible for Thalia to be the Hero of the Great Prophecy?
I know that by the end of The Last Olympian, we know that the prophecy could be interpreted differently, but we also know that until the prophecy came to pass, it was taken to be about one child of the Big Three who would die because of the line ‘a single choice shall end his days’. Annabeth, Chiron, and most people generally interpret this as Percy, as the hero, dying.
But obviously the key word there is his. And since Thalia identifies as female, and going based on the presumed interpretation that the prophecy foretold the death of a child of the Big Three - the him whose days will end - then in no world could Thalia have been the hero of the prophecy, and neither could Bianca.
Throughout the books, it is drilled into our heads that deciphering a prophecy before it is complete is nearly impossible because the lines could mean anything. As you've said, The Great Prophecy centered around a half-blood of the eldest gods with a line saying 'a single choice shall end his days', making it seem like a child of the big three gods is a boy who is destined to die. However, once the books reaches it's end and the prophecy comes to pass, we realize that:
• 'A half-blood of the eldest gods' lacked the mention of a specific gender, but was indeed referring to Percy since Bianca died, Nico was too young, and Thalia opted out last minute.
• 'A single choice shall end his days' was referring to Luke, who made the choice to stab himself in his Achilles Spot, ending his life and thereby stopping Kronos from rising.
In other words, had any of the remaining big three kids been of age and made different choice, it very well could have been any one of them. Everyone was just fixated on Percy because he is a half-blood of the eldest gods and is a boy, so he seemed like the perfect candidate. It's a clever misdirect by Rick, so I don't blame you for being confused lol
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retquits · 11 months
Hi hello!!! I just wanted to say I adore Robin in your art style so much! She's my favorite character so seeing one of my favorite artists draw her makes me so happy!!!! Thank you!!
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
“Woah, hey, I wanna try.”
Nico startles at the voice, tiny bone falling from his hand and sinking back into the dirt.
“Aw.” Beat-up flip-flops slow to a stop right next to him, and Will plops himself down. He shoots a bright, too-wide smile in his direction, eyes crinkling. “Hi!”
“Hi,” Nico says warily, subtly inching away. Will, either oblivious or uncaring to his intention, just leans in closer, blue eyes watching him intently. “…What are you doing here?”
“Hanging out with you. Duh. How did you do that?” He points to Nico’s hands.
Confused, Nico re-summons to the squirrel femur, dragging up the rest of the skeleton too. It chitters to life, nosing at the sliver of bare knee out from Nico’s ripped jeans, before bounding over to Will. He doesn’t even flinch, laughing as the little thing scampers up his arm and rests in his hair. Nico’s mouth twitches.
“I don’t actually know? I guess I can do it the same way you can heal. It kind of just happens, I can’t really teach you.” He pauses, squinting. “Unless…necromancy is healing, technically. Can you do necromancy?”
Will shakes his head, wincing as one of the squirrel’s ribs gets catches a curl of his hair, tugging it as it moves. “No, the other thing. The spinny thing.” He gestures towards Nico’s hands, wiggling his own in explanation. “With the — bone.”
“Oh! Oh, that.”
Closing his eyes, Nico lays his palm flat on the packed dirt, feeling around under it. He can’t see it, exactly, but he can feel buried things the same way you might feel the air shift when someone comes in an empty room. Things take up space, and there’s a record of that you can feel. Nico’s ability just extends underground, and bones, especially, are like someone entering a room loudly. He’s directed to them almost automatically.
He feels around until he gets pulled towards another buried dead. A mouse, this time, or at least a part of its skeleton. Nico leaves it. The bones are too small for his purposes.
He keeps searching until he finds a raccoon’s ulna — perfect. He drags it up, patient as it worms its way around rocks and through clay and even, notably, a snake’s burrow, and finally breaks through the surface, right up into his waiting palm. He taps it twice on the ground, shaking off the excess dirt, then poises it deftly in between his right middle and pointer figure.
Then, aware of Will’s intense gaze on him, he starts to fiddle with it.
So fast the movement looks fluid, he passes the thin bone along his deft fingers; in, out, in, out. He bends it under his hand back into the looped curve of his pointer finger when it reaches his pinky, starting the cycle all over again. The bone makes tiny swishing sounds as cuts through the air.
“Woah,” Will breathes, eyes wide, pupils wider. “That’s so cool.”
Nico shrugs, embarrassed. “It’s just — twirling. It’s not hard.”
“It’s like the bone is moving itself, though! That’s so sick!”
Nico has never had anyone look so — delighted at him, before, at his magic. Not that this even counts — he did this with sticks, when he was a kid, with pencils. It’s just a fidget, but Will grins at him like Nico’s turning straw into gold.
“I can — show you, if you like.”
Will cheers, scooting somehow closer. Their knees touch, and Nico has to bite down a gasp; somehow, even that touch is hot, even through his jeans he feels like he’s been shocked. His hands, too, under Will’s intensive, determined scrutiny, start to tingle.
“Extend your middle finger up, a little, like you’re trying to cross it over your pointer. No, don’t actually cross it, just — here. Let me.”
He grabs Will’s hands before he can think about it, and he regrets it; the contact makes it suddenly hard to breathe. He forces himself through it, breathing through gritted teeth, and places Will’s fingers the right way.
“Your heart rate’s way off,” Will comments. “You’re also producing an excessive amount of adrenaline and cortisol. You okay?”
Nico bites back a curse. Damn vitakinesis.
“I’m fine,” he grits out.
“If you say so.”
He rushes through the end of his explanation, practically flinging the bone in Will’s direction and throwing himself away, making sure there’s a healthy stretch of space between them when he sits back down.
“You try.”
Will shifts, eyes narrowed on the poised bone. His tongue peeks out of the corner of his mouth in focus, just barely, and Nico has to beat back his thoughts with a mental battering ram. The squirrel skeleton, still sitting on Will’s head, rattles as if laughing at him.
I’ll give myself a lobotomy. I will. Do not test me.
“I got it!”
He glances back down at Will’s cry, accidentally meeting his eyes — blue, blue, gods, they’re so blue, is that an Apollo thing? First the sunrise-coloured hair, then sky-eyes? Apollo’s eyes are brown, usually. Blue only when he feels like it. Why are Will’s so identical to the heavens, then? Why do they seem to take up half his face, they’re so constantly wide, constantly watching? Attention everywhere, all the time, like everything is worth looking at, committing to memory. They go near black, when the sun sets, they get so dark. Mirrors of the night sky. That can't be mortal.
Sure enough, the ulna weaves through Will's fingers — clumsy, stuttering, not as fluid as Nico, but the foundations are there — successfully.
"Good job."
The answering smile could light up the Earth in an eclipse. Nico feels sunburnt.
"I gotta go show off to Kayla and Austin!" Ulna tucked in his ear like a pencil, he reaches up a hand, waiting for the squirrel, despite not having an olfactory system, to sniff his palm, deem it safe, and crawl in. "Come on, Sammy. Thanks, Nico! You're the best!"
"Sure," Nico mumbles. He watches him run off, cradling the little squirrel skeleton carefully. "No problem."
A small smile pulls at his face.
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heynhay · 1 year
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*fnaf kids cheering noise*
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crush-like-that · 5 months
Do you have any solangelo hcs :)
yes I do!!! they're literally all I think about
nico blushes so so bad. All the time. when he's embarrassed, when he's mad, when he's caught off guard, when will talks to him, etc etc. Will absolutely loves it.
Nico doesn't understand physical affection ("what are the guidelines," he complains to hazel, "what are the rules, what am I supposed to do") but Will lives off of casual physical touch (an arm draped across someone's shoulders, leaning against each other, sitting super close even though there's a million other seats.) Nico eventually becomes okay with touch, but only with Will. Will does it so casually that it seems like there are no rules for him. Nico may not understand it, but it's easier to just let it happen and not worry about it.
Nico IMs Hazel alot because people are so so hard to understand. He's never had friends before. He's never had a best friend. He's never had a crush on a friend. He simply doesn't know how to act. Hazel laughs at him (with him?)
One day Will was in the infirmary alone, taking stock of items and cleaning up. He had turned on the radio and was singing along quietly. He ended up getting really into it and the closest holdable object became a microphone. Unknown to Will, Nico had been standing by the doorway, watching. He had planned on saying hi, but he... got distracted. Nico smiles, a lil laugh bubbling out of his chest. Will screams and literally collapses. He lays on the floor for a solid two minutes, holding his chest, before asking Nico what the hell he was doing. Nico apologizes, but he really can't bring himself to feel too sorry.
Will stares so bad. He stares at Nico while he trains, while he talks- while he's doing literally anything. Does not matter, Will Solace is somewhere near by and he is staring. Everyone notices, it's so obvious. Nico pretends he doesn't know. He's afraid that if he says something about it, Will will stop.
Will has a collection of pretty rocks, leaves, flowers, etc. all gifted to him by Nico. Nico sees Will in everything, every pretty thing of the earth.
Nico snorts when he laugh and he gets so embarrassed over it. Will thinks it may be his favorite sound in the world
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funky-writer-man · 2 years
9, 14, 19 for the ask game
What is your favourite aro-spec identity flag? The aroace flag fucks so hard (not literally)
Do you have any other attraction labels (ex, sexual orientation / platonic orientation / etc)?
I'm not a fan of the term mlm (because it's not "loving"), so I guess achilean works? Or just queer. Bi is alright too. I feel Attraction, as in "this person Looks Good" but I don't put a label on it.
Is there a song that is very aromantic to you? First lines of Home by Cavetown: "Often, I am upset that I can not fall in love, but I guess / This avoids the stress of falling out of it"
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imperatorrrrr · 1 month
And as well as being a good dude, he has big brown eyes and flirts his way out of situations. No rivals, only lov…. [yanked off stage by a jealous someone]
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I'm going to assume this is the same, Anon, and answer accordingly...
Anon, you have unlocked one of my favorite Nico Hischier subtopics - Nico Charms Opposing Players.
Let's highlight some of my favorite examples shall we?
Exhibit A - if you remember this sequence, Nico is all gotta go fast against the walls and slips past Lauzon and they end up kind of colliding and as they're getting up and catching their breath, Nico places this casual hand on Lauzon's thigh.
Exhibit B - Cernak tries to start some shit with Nico, and Nico just smiles at him. This shrug. This "come on now" facial expression. Zeal's tags in this are accurate "Nico used charm! it was very effective!"
Exhibit C - tenderly putting his arm around POJ's waist. like Nico, you are playing against that man.
Exhibit D - I'm sorry I don't know who this Ottawa man is who Nico is gently placing a hand on in front of the net, but another one, thank you.
Exhibit E - I'm including this GIFset of Nico v. Marchand even though it doesn't precisely fit the category, but I feel like it kind of does. Marchand wants to fight and Nico just smiles and pushes him away plus cheeky tongue.
There's definitely a lot more instances of Nico just charming opposing players. There's one from the most recent season, I just can't remember who they were playing, where someone ran into Nico and like Jesper and Johnny and some others came together to defend Nico's honor and Nico was skating off into the sunset with one of the opposing players. I wanna say it was a Carolina game and the player that Nico was draped all over was Orlov, but I genuinely can't remember any specifics.
P.S. Anon, I see your jealous someone and am very happy to discuss the particulars as I do have a jealous!insertplayerIbelieveyou'rereferencinghere manifesto that I'm happy to crack open at any time.
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keepthedelta · 8 months
did you know that kimi antonelli drove for nico's karting academy because i didn't!
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mercedes are never going to get over my man 😂 poor kimi, the merc execs are going to refuse to give him more than a two year contract because they're still traumatised by nico
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souvenir116 · 5 months
okokok i don’t know if any of this will make sense but i feel like you are someone who would be able to see the vision.
imagine, just for a second, having someone who’s life mirrored yours. it was so similar yet so different, everything being the same on the surface but if you look a bit deeper it’s flipped.
imagine you are born, first, of course, and you are destined. you were born to win. and he is born, sixteen days later (that number being the one he will race with) and he doesn’t know it yet, but he is predestined. even though you were first, you were bred for this, he was born screaming, red in the face, red to the core. rosso corsa.
imagine you stay home from school one day, lying about not feeling well. your father takes you to a track, and you watch your godfather, your mentor, the red cape already heavy on his shoulders (and yours, but not yet. for now it still rests with him). you fall in love. and somewhere, miles away, he grows up among the greats. his father is one of them, he toddles among them, shoes too big but no choice but to make them fit.
imagine you are ahead. and suddenly, he appears, fighting you tooth and nail. this prodigal boy, who looks so sweet, is frothing at the mouth, hungry for a taste of victory. today, you taste it, and he sees red (he only ever sees red, he was only ever meant to see red) and he pushes you aside. the taste of victory is ripped from your mouth, still staining your teeth, and your father screams at you. but he doesn’t taste it either.
imagine being scared. you have known this one dream, known it for years (you may not have been born for it, but your first breath was made to let you scream red). the cape on your shoulders is heavy and uncomfortable, it wasn’t yours to wear yet. you have no choice. he sits among men, a child, and sixteen days seems so much longer now. you carry the one you looked up to, forced to look down on his grave, unsure if the cape you wear was stained red with his blood.
imagine you are flying. you are fighting among men, you clawed your way forward. not all the way to the top, not yet, as that step is held by two men who used to be brothers but now can’t look each other in the eye. that doesn’t matter, because today you stand on the top of the world, looking down on everyone. the shoes that were once too large pinch in the toes, suddenly restricting you. in the back of your head you know that he stood here yesterday, too, rained in victory and clutching to a promise that it was all worth it. but, sixteen days have turned into a three year gap, because you were born for this.
imagine you are where you were predestined to be. shroud in red, wrapped in a metal coffin with your stained cape tucked surely around you. your father is dead, not knowing of the lies you told him. it’s okay papa, you say, i’m here now. i’m in the red. you’re fighting with the greats, with him. and he fights you, the same way he did back when you were angelic and he would get screamed at. this time, he tastes the victory, and you look on in anger. you have never been more hungry.
imagine feeling bigger than everyone but also the smallest in the room. you ripped the trophy away, not from him, but you have it now. your father doesn’t cry, but he doesn’t yell either, and that must be enough. the song of your people has never sounded so good and so hollow too. that night, blinded by a feeling you don’t understand and too much of everything else, you see him. you call for him, looking down from above (of course, it has always been this way). he calls back.
imagine clawing forward with all of your strength and feeling better each day. imagine looking down on him (looking up to him, too) and being gripped by a knowingness. this is not yours, not yet, but in the moment you can enjoy it. when he looks up again you his eyes sparkle (they never sparkle for anyone else). three years ago you were never hungrier, the red taking over and spilling from your core all the way to the tips of your fingers and the soles of your feet. today, showered in victory, the red only adorns your clothing (and the cape, which grows heavier and lighter each day). he is blue, he is always blue. his blue carries hints of red though (it’s a mirror, he is your mirror. you are his mirror).
imagine knowing that everything is connected. the number sixteen, a shared hunger, red. maybe it is a red string, wound before you were born to win and before you were born predestined. maybe you were born for each other.
Excellent said anon, I totally see your vision. 16 days apart turning into a 3 years gap, out of reach, Max getting his first race win in Spain exactly at the same weekend Charles took his first with Ferrari in GP3, Max recommending Charles to the team for his seat before leaving GP3 and moving into F1 when Charles has to go through all junior categories, but nonetheless, Max saying "I always thought that, if I'd make it to F1, Charles would also make it."
"It’s never been a surprise to me that charles is sitting here - ... It’s not a surprise that we are sitting here together.”
Because Max knew, he always knew Charles' potential and that's why he always rates Charles high, that's why he is along very few people Max rates, but also, Max waited him to get to F1. For 3 years until it happened. To race with him. To race against him. He believed in Charles.
Max is the very same person who always talks about retirement, but even back then in 2019, he dared to compare him and Charles to Lewis and Seb's rivalry, and said "I think we have at least 15-20 years of racing ahead of us."
Same goes for Charles. He'll always put his battles with Max as his best races, back then, Silverstone 2019 even they were both not fighting for a win, or a close date, in Vegas.
And even if I don't want to mention his name, you know someone said: These two will fight forever. They will fight even in F1.′
Max and Charles are intertwined in a way that sometimes I can't even comprehend, the contrast between the red and the blue, the connections with the numbers, their loyalty and endless devotion for their teams, the hunger, they raced together in their whole childhood and now they are racing in F1, the pinnacle of motorsports, where they both dreamed to be, worked for it all their life and I think it's so precious.
One thing about them though, no matter how much they respect or value each other, they'll fight tooth and nail on the track, the hunger will never fade away, that's what I admire the most about them.
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dissvicious · 27 days
Nina and Robin would make such great unlikely friends based on your last post. What’s better than this? Gals being pals! One of robins hands casually pouring herself some tea while Nina breaks a can of empty monster on her forehead. Telling each other the most horrible fun facts about John Harvey Kelloggs views on race and sexuality.
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Also the idea of Nina meeting the strawhats.... lead to some fun opportunities
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