#thanks for this ask anon i LOVED the opportunity to rant about this
writeroutoftime · 1 year
women run the world
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pairing: anthony bridgerton x fem!reader (requested by: anon)
summary: after comforting eloise about a woman's lack to education, anthony makes a less than ideal comment that does not end well for him
warnings: none besides anthony's stupidity
words: 1.1k
a/n: another request from forever ago, but it is finally seeing the light of day! anyway, we love anthony, but sometimes he doesn't always think before he speaks, also this GIF just made me laugh and I thought it fit well with this fic lol. this was a lot of fun to write, so I hope you that you enjoy it! as always, please let me know what you think, and have a fantastic day!
Dearest Reader, Even within the most ideal love match our society has to offer, there is always the possibility for miscommunication - as was the case between one Lord and Lady y/n Bridgerton. However, this author has discovered that Lady Bridgerton has set the record straight for Lord Bridgerton, and for that, she has my sincerest gratitude. Lady Whistledown's Society Papers
Eloise slammed her book shut, groaning in frustration, which pulled you and the other Bridgertons from their own little bubbles.
"Whatever is the matter, Eloise?" Daphne asked calmly, looking up from her newest arrangement on the harpsicord.
With a dry chuckle, Eloise opened her mouth. "Why is it that the men in this country are afforded every opportunity for education, yet so many of them squander it when there are countless women dying for a chance to continue their education? I mean, what do I have to do for a chance to go to university?" she ranted.
"We live in a time where those in charge have small minds, and are fearful of what women could do if given the chance to achieve more." you offered gently, knowing the reasoning would do little to soothe her anger. "I happen to think you would thrive at university, and I know you could show everyone that us women are just as equal as men."
Before Eloise could offer her thanks, an almost indistinguishable chuckle came from the chair next to you. Your head immediately whipped to the side, eyes directly on your husband as he continued to read his newspaper.
"Was there something amusing that I said?" you dared to ask, voice low and spine stiff.
Anthony folded his paper before looking back at you. A whisper of a smile still on his lips. "I simply find the thought of women at university alongside men an outlandish thought." he began. "Do you not think women would already be allowed in if there was this equality between the sexes? I mean there are distinct physical differences, so it goes to reason that there would be differences in other areas as well."
The moment the words left his lips, the entire room went silent, and all seven other heads in the room snapped towards Anthony in varying degrees of shock. The women looked appalled at the words their brother had spoken while Colin and Benedict (and even young Gregory) shook their heads, knowing Anthony was in for it.
It was no secret to the Bridgerton family, nor to the ton, that you held rather "revolutionary" ideas about women's equality and place in society. At least, you thought the Bridgerton family knew, but it seemed as though your husband did not fall into that category.
Jaw tense, you took a deep breath, trying to find the apprioate words for this situation. "Anthony, is that how you truly feel?"
It was as though Anthony sensed he had misspoken, but was unable to stop the words that tumbled out of his mouth. "I-I suppose so."
The anger melted off your features only to be replaced with an eerily calm look as you spared your husband a glance. "You're right, my dear, there are distinct differences between our two sexes. In fact, you have just proven mine and Eloise's point that our society is ruled by those with small minds. If you could only see that the world around us would not function without the women in your life. The fact that you seemingly do not see that makes me question who it is I married. Excuse me." you finished before you stormed out of the drawing room and towards your bedroom.
Silence permeated the drawing room, and no one knew what to say next. Anthony sat frozen in his chair, staring at the spot you had just been in, unsure how the conversation had spiraled in such a direction. Unsurprisingly, it was Eloise who spoke first, directed towards her eldest brother.
"Truly unbelievable, brother. Are you going to continue to sit there or are you going to go after your wife?" she asked, rolling her eyes.
To his credit, Anthony had the decency to look sheepish as he slid off his chair and went to go after you, leaving his younger siblings laughing at his expense. Though none of them followed either of you, they could only imagine the scolding her would receive.
Anthony hesitantly knocked on your bedroom door, pushing it open slightly after a few moments with no response. "y/n?" Anthony prodded, peaking into the shared room. His eyes fell on your curled up figure on top the bed and he sighed heavily. "My love, I wish to apologize."
"Apologize for what? For what you said or because you made me angry?" you tested, wanting Anthony's apology to be genuine and for the right reasons not because he was told to.
Your husband looked frozen in shock, and you watched as the gears in his mind worked overtime to figure out the correct answer. "Uhhh, both?" he finally answered, though it came out more like a question.
With a huff, you crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes. "Is that what you truly believe, Atnhony? Because if it is I don't know how this marriage is going to succeed. I thought you knew what I believed when we agreed to be together. Or was that all just to placate me in order to wed and bed me?"
"No, no, that's not true at all!" Anthony rushed to get out, and in an instant he was kneeling by your side. "y/n, I know my words were pigheadish and utterly inappropriate. I suppose I sometimes let the opinions of the ton guide my thoughts, even when they are wrong." he began, quickly holding up a hand before you could interject.
"I know, I know that does not excuse my actions. I want you to know that I fully support you in all possible ways, and I love you for your mind." he told you, offering a gently kiss to your knuckles. "You may scold me as long as you see fit, but please know I am by your side in all manners."
You were silent for a few moments, analyzing and decoding Anthony's confession. But you knew by the way his eyes soften and looked up at you with love and adoration he was completely sincere. Of course, that doesn't mean you still couldn't have your fun.
"Good." you simply said, leaning down to hover mere inches from Anthony's lips. He gratefully moved to close the gap, but you placed your hand on his chest to stop him. "Because women run the world, Lord Bridgerton. And don't you forget it." you whispered before you pushed away and left the room, leaving Anthony panting with a shiver down his spine as he watched your retreating form.
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wenellyb · 4 months
I have a theory that while many may not agree, I think there’s some truth to it. I think behind the scenes, this season was the make or break if they were going to commit and do buddie. I think that when they asked Lou to come back they still weren’t sure if they were going to commit (which is why he only got a 4 episode arc) or not. I think by the time 7x04 aired they still weren’t sure which is why Tim said as of right now he’s not planning (which isn’t a yes and isn’t a no) and why Oliver’s interviews immediately after 7x04 were still kind of neutral but still entertaining the idea of it. But I think by 7x06 they got their answer and I think Tim and the crew on the show decided to close the book on Buddie and queer Eddie. This can be scene in the sharp turn that post 7x06 interviews went: Kenny saying it’s the buck and Tommy show and bringing up BuckTommy in interviews, JLH saying to move on and talking about BuckTommy when asked about Buddie. It just further nailed in the coffin when Ryan began his hetero campaign in all of the interviews post 7x07. I think Tim has moved on from a romantic buddie plot and that is why he brought back Lou for 7x09 and 7x10 to show the audience that this is where the story is going.
I was really thinking about this after seeing that (supposed) insider going on that hour long rant and seeing how bitter they got as the season went on. It makes sense as to why you would get more bitter as your ships gets shut down behind the scenes. And do you think if queer Eddie still had a chance of happening, they would be spoiling it now? They’re only talking about it because they know it’s not happening. You don’t get bitter like that when you know the thing you love is still going to happen.
Sorry for the long rant!
Hi Anon, please never apologize for sending your theories, I love long rants!
I think you're absolutely right because I was also wondering how come they went from a 4 episode arc to 6 episode arc for Tommy, especially since his scene in episode 10 served no purpose to the story just cemented his relationship with Buck.
I agree there was a shift around episode 5.... becaise if Buck and Tommy had been temporary that would have been the perfect opportunity to let Tommy go, after the "failed" first date, but instead they doubled down on Bucktommy and not only did they stay together Buck invited Tommy to his sister's wedding, not just a regular date.
I really think they decided after ep 4 , but still weren't sure by the time episode 4 aired as you mentionned.
I love your theory and I really think you're right because it also checks out with the Lou & Oliver interview that aired before episode 9. Buck and Tommy didn't even have a lot of scenes in that episode so what was the point on having the actors do a couples interview before it aired if not to cement Buck and Tommy as a couple.
And also the cast reactions you mentionned.
I don't hate the ship at all, but I don't see Buddie happening either, there would have been at least a few hints if it were to happen and unti now, all the show has done it point out how Buck and Tommy were serious about eachother.
Thank you for the ask, I love these discussions!
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firstkanaphans · 4 months
I normally don’t like to talk at length about this cause I feel like idk actors first hand obviously but first is genuinely such a lovely and supportive person Khaotung is lucky to have him 🥹 such a nice boy
Oh, for sure! You sent this yesterday, but I feel like he was being even more doting today. Getting Khaotung water, referring to “Never Too Late” as his “favorite song by [his] favorite person,” and crying about how much he cares about him. (What else is new?)
But I actually want to take this opportunity to talk about how supportive Khaotung is because there was a troll in my inbox last week claiming First cares more about Khao than Khao cares about him and that is just so obviously not true. Khaotung is a much more private person than First, but he doesn’t care any less. He just doesn’t like getting emotional in public.
If you think back to Safe House, you might remember that at the end, when they write letters to everyone, First and Khaotung’s letters to each other were very short. I think one said “I love you” and the other said “Thank you.” And you could just tell, since both of them were like that, that they’d talked about it beforehand. I always imagined that was probably Khao’s doing and I feel like it says a lot about how he approaches fame. “There’s no reason for us to share those feelings with the rest of the world. Those feelings are ours.” He likes to keep his personal life separate from his professional one, which is something we allow Western actors, but deem Eastern actors rude for doing.
But even despite that separation, there’s still so much evidence of how much he cares. Literally that entire season of Safe House he was taking care of First physically—preparing his meals, feeding him, helping him with all the carnival games, even skipping swimming with the rest of the cast so that First wouldn’t be alone.
They’ve both talked about how much they help each other when they’re filming together, but Khao’s also talked about how he would call First and help him with his lines for Not Me for hours at a time. When the Shipper was airing, Khao watched the episodes at First’s house. They’ve always been partners, even before it was official, and if First heard someone accuse Khaotung of not being supportive enough, he would be the first to say that wasn’t true.
Sorry for the rant, Anon. I know you aren’t one of the people who believe that, but I’ve been thinking about it for like a week and your ask finally gave me an opportunity to address it without giving a troll a platform lol.
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Ooh so could you do a Tiffany x gender neutral reader where at the scene when tiff had chucky in his cage, she mentions how she got over him and is now dating reader who Tiff just rabbles about them?
And please take your time on this I don’t wanna seem like one of the impatient readers so do your best!
she moved on ; t. valentine hcs
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thank you for requesting, anon
reader is assumed as gender neutral
minors please do not interact with my content
she hadn’t thought about her ex in a long time — mourning him for more than long enough when he’d initially passed away before making a point of trying to move on
she’d had plenty of flings over the years — tiffany was incredibly attractive so there was no shortage of men and women ready to hop in bed with her — but nobody ever stayed for long
not until you, that is
you, who was able to make her laugh without any effort
you, who didn’t judge her for her past and helped her take the steps she needed to fully detach herself from chucky
you, who kept a photo of her in your wallet/purse and who would proudly introduce her as your girlfriend to anyone you met
you, who watched all her favourite films with her and who would get wrapped up in the plot without complaining about them being ‘unrealistic’ or ‘silly’
you, who loved her for her mind and her humour and not just her body
just you
and yet despite all of that she still couldn’t seem to get away from charles for long because here he was, miraculously not dead and a hell of a lot shorter and more plastic-looking than she remembered
she’d seen his death reported on in the paper
she’d been going to therapy to talk about their relationship and how she was dealing with his loss
she’d moved on and was happy with you — even looking at wedding venues (even if you hadn’t been together very long, but when you know you know)
she’d done everything right and still he’d managed to come back into her life like nothing had happened
it made her angry
it made her sick
so she trapped him in a baby cage and went out for a smoke, ranting with the front door of her trailer open as she made some very pointed gestures and remarks to her ex
how dare he do this to her! how fucking dare he!
who the fuck did he think he was?
why couldn’t he just let her live her life in peace?
couldn’t he see that she was finally — fucking finally — happy after all of the shit he’d put her through?
the sheer audacity had her tonguing the inside of her cheek and reaching for her lighter — she didn’t have enough cigarettes to deal with his shit right now
frankly there weren’t enough cigarettes in the world at all to help her deal with his bullshit, but that was besides the point
she takes a drag from her second cig and now she’s stopped pacing — leaning on the doorframe and facing him head on with more disappointment and sadness that outright animosity
and somehow that scares him more than when she was ranting and raving and screaming at him
she asks why he can’t just let her have one good thing — but it’s not really a question and he knows it and he doesn’t even get to contemplate answering and manipulating her before she continues
she talks about you, about how she’s finally happy for the first time in forever and of course he has to come in and turn it all to shit (she spits the last word like it burns her tongue and continues in a dreamier voice, the ghost of a smile worming its way onto her lips)
‘they’re real sweet, ya know?’ (he doesn’t and she knows it but she continues), ‘they make me happy. we have fun together’
he says that they did too, jumping at the opportunity to reel her back in, but she chokes out a laugh and kicks his baby gate, causing his plastic body to stumble back
she scoffs at him and reaffirms that ‘fun’ doesn’t just mean being an adrenaline junkie — but even then that you don’t put her down or discourage her from doing what she enjoys
you let her have real hobbies, not just ones that benefit you — you even watch cheesy chick flicks with her and, pray tell, when did he ever bother to do the same?
never, that’s when
chucky tries to reel her back in again, recalling the fun they used to have — but he’s already lost
he lost before he even turned up at her front door because tiffany valentine has moved on
she doesn’t just want kink sex and excitement — she dreams of domesticity and marriage and love
her days of blood shed and murder are (mostly) over and have been since she settled down
since she fell in love with you
you with your smiles and your gentle touches and your humour that makes her laugh so hard her cheeks and sides ache
you who reaches out first and who doesn’t leave her high and dry and wanting like charles did
you who she loves, really truly loves, and who she’d never even dream of leaving
so she grabs a bottle of wine and tells chucky to keep on talking — because he may not have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning her over, but by god is it cathartic to watch him beg
… maybe she’d even call you up and give him a live show of every single reason, position and sound why you’re a far sight better than he ever was
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cherrysweather · 1 year
hi!! i'm unsure if ur still taking asks or anything, but i was wondering, if you still are, if you could write phoenix/miles with a nerdy s/o? just the type to ramble about random details from video games to things like star trek or even horror movies, they always have these little trivia facts they seem to have ready and manage to tie into the conversation.
of course if you're still doing asks!! thank you and have a wonderful day!!
Anon helluuuu! I'm sorry you had to wait a year +, but know that I really loved this ask and wanted to write it so much! I don't know if it could be useful, but I already wrote some headcanons about Edgeworth with a gamer S/O (It's this one!), so I hope you'll like this, if you still follow this blog! Thanks again and drink some water! --------------------------------------------------------------------
Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth x Nerdy!S/O:
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Phoenix Wright:
Phoenix per se isn't really a fan of something in particular;
Sure, Maya taught him the ways of the Steel Samurai, Trucy taught him some magic tricks, but he prefers to not spend all his time and energy on just one thing;
But even so, he doesn't judge you, since sometimes he also understands how passionate you could be;
When he visits you, he always tries to understand what you're doing, and why it's so captivating;
Even after hours, film after film, game descriptions one after another, he just can't remember it all;
However he loves playing games with you and, depending on the film, watching your favorites and hear you afterwards explain all the detail he surely missed, the messages behind, each character personality and backstories...
Whenever he see a new film released that you might be interested in, he takes the opportunity to spend some time together doing something both of you can enjoy;
Surely, most of the time is the other way around, since you always watch out for every new announcement about a game, a film or a serie, so most of the time you're faster than him in asking to go to the cinema or buy a new game;
Whenever he can set aside some money, he happily buys you something in the lines of your passions;
The funniest part is however when you two start talking about a certain topic, and every five minutes it changes;
Starting from how the day was, to a new information you discovered about that particular character of that game, but then he answers telling you of that case where he defended someone with that exact same hair;
And it goes on;
But most of the time the talking is led by you;
He doesn't particularly hate horrors, but he surely prefers something that doesn't reminds him of any of his past cases;
So he gladly stars a quite long exchange of opinions whenever you finish to see one together.
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Miles Edgeworth:
Miles probably knows a pair of films that you really like;
The rest? A mystery;
Whenever you start to rant about how that game could have had a way better sequel, he urges to find something else to do and listen to you "in the background";
Otherwise, he only comes out of there confused, speechless and sometimes with a headache;
He's taken by surprise each time you explain to him in the smallest detail how that game somewhat represents society, and the protagonist of that game is the perfect hero of who knows what kind of literature;
Don't expect him to sit alongside you while a horror film is playing;
And if he does (surely on his will) he won't watch it entirely;
In the years you two were together, Miles discovered a new way of falling asleep if he couldn't on his own;
He calls you and asks about some details or explaining of the most recent thing you played;
This is both to try and enter your world and to use your voice to empty his head and relax until falling asleep;
The first time it happened, you thought he found you boring or logorrheic, but he really just finds your voice relaxing;
And it's so cute when you get so hyped over something;
So you got along with his strategy, since you know too how difficult it is for him to fall asleep, and when he calls at impractical hours, you first check that he's ok, then just ramble about something;
Miles just puts his phone on his pillow and tries to get some sleep, answering you with "mhmh" or simply "mh" while he's awake;
Whenever he can, he does some research on what he remembers you nominated during the day and notes something of it, just to try and have a conversation with you;
Miles also tries to understand how you tie an argument with another with so much sense but at the same time with so little sense that he wants to learn to connect two things so far away from each other.
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Hello. I honestly don't know how to prep this but uh, why do I feel like MM's Circe had so much potential? Like, MM did the lazy thing that is "making Circe's life a living shit show because that's the only way her actions would be justified" which... Is the annoying thing most modern interpretations do.
One good example would actually be EPIC: The musical. But in EPIC it only works because Circe isn't exactly a vocal point. And Circe having a motive plays into a pretty big theme of the show (Specifically in the song "Monster" where Odysseus is basically just... Contemplating everything)
But when you have 400 paged book, focusing around Circe, you have so much potential to focus more on the godly elements of these people. Someone else has said this before but ama say it too. The Greek gods had REASONS for acting the way they did. Zeus misused his power, that's what a king does. Artemis's wrath was unmatched when you wronged her, that's how nature is. Hades took a young girl from her mother, that's what death does.
And I'd like to add some of my own.
Aphrodite is a completely morally gray character, that's how love can be, it can go againts you sometimes. Dionysus was all over the place, sometimes good sometimes terrible, that's what madness is. Hermes is swift and a trickster because that's what people we deem 'messengers' can be like, via rumours.
When you notice these complexities to the characters, you start to realize. Circe misused her magic on innocent people for entertainment, that's what black/evil magic does. But at the same time, she helped Odysseus. Because even evil magic, or the 'worst possibilities' can be useful sometimes.
I think it is SUCH a missed opportunity MM didn't focus more on this aspect. Because that would've made for such an interesting story an unique story. Most of these modern retellings try to push modern ideologies on ancient works, which doesn't work. No retelling tries to tell these stories in a ancient Greek perspective (which is actually fairly easy you just have to do your research)
And with an author as skilled as MM is, I'm sure she could do it. But honestly, I don't think her writing is good in the perspective of Greek mythology. She could probably do a great modern story but let's face it, that wouldn't get as much money.
A story focusing around a goddess, and what it means to be a divine personification of nature and a concept, not to you but to the humans you exist for.You can really focus a lot on that and it could be such an interesting story.
All of these writers to me just seem like they're exploiting Greek mythology, which bugs me. If miller wanted to tell these stories, she would've told THE stories with her own twist. Not completely change them to the point they lose their charm.
If miller couldn't do that, if she wanted to write a complex feminist character she wouldn't have chosen Circe.
Something I really admire in your work is how you characterize these guys. It's obvious you're extremely passionate. I also love how you give Penelope clear flaws. You don't have to mortify everyone else to make her 'stand out' or to be 'more likable'. I really love your fic and I'm wishing you nothing but success in the future! :D
Anyways, enough about MM's book.
What do you think is one of Penelope's favorite little quirks od Odysseus', like something he does she finds really cute? :)
I hope you find pretty flowers today and get a sweet for free, dear anon. This ask made me so happy as it's like, perfect. As you gave a Circe rant that will be fun to dissect but also gave me a silly lil question for me to feast on and for the balance and the silly and I love it. You also sent it at the perfect time as I was getting a wee bit sad about how women from Greek Mythology get treated by retellings and fandoms. This really cheered me up 🩵
And thank you so much for the sweet compliment! It means so much to me that you love my silly lil guys as I love sharing them! And don't worry I am working on stuff! ;~; I know I'm taking a while but I am!
I'll do the cute stuff Penelope loves about Odysseus :P
(I do have them "mirror" each other a lot with "like-minded" so they often have SOME similar traits in some ways that both find endearing about the other. (both love watching the other brainstorm/think/swindle/winning/etc., both love (and are sometimes annoyed by) their stubbornness.) Stuff like that :D Also in general. Thank you, Anon. You've made me realize I've been going a wee bit too crazy with Penelope and kind of forgot about Odysseus.
1.) This is a past post that goes into it more but she just adores his freckles. She has counted them and memorized them. She's going to kiss every single one. He mostly has them on his face and shoulders but they are peppered a lil everywhere (he gets it from his mama). She uses the freckle pattern he has across his nose as "stars" for her tapestries.
Rando: Hey, that's not how the stars are mapped. Penelope: They're my stars, asshole >:(
She has to do a "recount" when he returns as some of his "stars" are covered by scars now :')
2.) She loves his hair and how well-groomed he usually is. He also is a bit like a cat in how he loves being pampered. (lil post about that) She loves scratching at his scalp and at the tiny hairs that are at the back of the neck. She loves the pretty grays he has when he returns as well :') She really loved how he looked without and with a beard. (It doesn't end up growing too long anyway)
3.) He's very warm. She's not really affected by temperature too much (she's used to freezing rivers and she herself is naturally cold. Her average temperature is colder than the average person. She only really has to worry about "drying up".) she loves his warmth. She wraps herself up in blankets while he's gone despite not really needing them sometimes as...she misses her furnace. (also his snoring) He also wraps himself in her blankets while away but sadly wakes up to them tossed about because he gets too hot. He needs his lil iceblock wife.
4.) She just adores his big laugh. The laughing so hard you cry one. Hearing it was kind of a "...Okay, I wanna hear that again." for her.
5.) He tends to bite his lip. Sometimes it's endearing and hot but he also will often rip at them. She tries to help him with this habit by distracting with kisses...Though with her teeth, it doesn't always help. Fun fact: For their first kiss on the lips, they were so stupid excited that he knicked himself on her teeth. She felt awful but he just kissed her again. It was bloody and bad but they were so happy. His bad habit returns when he's away because he's not getting his kisses 😔
6.) He whistles while he whittles often.
7.) So ancient Greece had yo-yos (probably in Odyssey but I'm getting silly with it)...and Odysseus is a nerd who WILL do tricks with them. (they can be made with wood and string so... odypen lol) He has fun trying to show other people how to do it too. It's a nice fidget. (modern day he would have definitely been that guy with that rubix cube lol)
8.) So Penelope is better at getting more for less, (lowering prices) and Odysseus is better at giving less for more. (selling shit for good things) They both can do it but they have their strengths.
9.) He got big eyebrows and with his weird "face shifting" thing he inherited from Autolycus, he can make a lot of silly faces.
10.) He tends to make sandcastles whenever he waits for her at the banks of rivers.
11.) He's a "heavy stepper" when he's not sneaking. It's not because of his scar. He just likes walking like that. :) Not so much "stompy" but she finds it cute that she knows it's him coming based on the footsteps she hears.
Some things that annoy her >:3
She's incredibly ticklish and he's not so much and he keeps doing it. STOP IT >:(
So she's smaller than him in mine and in general, he loves draping himself across her (he's like a cat remember?). Most of the time she loves that weight as she loves him and he's a warm weighted blanket. Though while she's strong, he'll sometimes be a brat and put so much of his weight on her just to mes with her. (mostly when they're young and dumb. not so much after he returns)
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(Not this big of a size difference ofc but you know >:) )
Those are some and I have more rattling around in my head but I wanna finish this ask and I gotta do some shit :')
Thank you again, Anon. This made me happy <3
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What sort of jobs do you think the mercs would have if they weren't, y'know, mercs?
What Would The TF2 Mercs Jobs Be If They Weren't Mercenaries?
Ough, I love this. It's a very cool suggestion, Anon. Thank you for asking! I've thought about this a couple of times, and I'm glad to get a chance to rant >:)
Demo would get into pyrotechnics for a while, (shocker I know, but bare with me) he'd find himself setting up fireworks shows, making fireworks, teaching safety courses and all that fun stuff, but I don't think he'd be fulfilled in the same way being a merc would. He'd find himself being bored with the monotony of it all, only doing it for the money. After a while of this he'd finally just say fuck it, and try and look for other work opportunities, found an animal shelter in desperate need of new hires, submitted his application, and with in two weeks had become absolutely enthralled with his new job. He finds out he loves working with animals! He makes friends with every animal in the shelter right away, and gets a good chunk of them adopted each year or so.
Engie would have most likely gone on to become a very successful engineer. Shocker, I know. He would have probably specialized in biomedical engineering. I think he'd go in with no particular job in mind, but then would be introduced into the idea of building prosthetics and become a prosthetist. He likes being able to help people with his creations. (MINI HEACANON / STORY) The first time he ever made a prosthetic was for a little kid who lost his leg due to a car crash. He was super traumatized from the accident and refused to let anyone near him, Engie spent about a year working with the kid to, one be able to measure and fit him for his prosthetic, and two, to just make the kid smile and make him less scared. When the job was done the kid was so happy, grinning ear to ear, he hugged Engie and was literally crying out of joy, that's when Engie knew he loved his job 😭
Heavy has a doctorate in Russian literature, so I'd assume he'd go into the teaching field with that as his specialty. He'd find a university in need of a professor and work with students to help them better themselves. He just likes being able to share his experiences and perspective with those who want to learn. Very much a "Tuesday's With Morrie" type of teacher. Will literally do anything for his students by the way. He love each year he spends teaching, also loves hearing from his students after they graduate. Really just wants to make an impact on peoples lives anyway he can. He'd probably end up being a writer if he couldn't go into teaching for some reason. He'd write fiction mainly, maybe some life experiences too, for the same reasons above.
Medic would have found a way to get his medical license back, legally or illegally (most likely the latter). And went on to continue practicing medicine, most likely in a country with more lax laws on human experimentation. If that failed, the local morgue is always hiring graveyard shifts, and when no one really cares too much about what happens to the corpses, Medic would find ways to keep himself very entertained. I also think he could be content working as a librarian! I don't know, like the gap between librarian and doctor is huge but I can just imagine him and Archimedes running a little library together, (Kind of like uh Blue and Linda from Rio, I'm really pulling out random media this prompt, 😭) I just feel like even though he's batshit insane nine times out of ten he can still enjoy a quiet, peaceful life if he wanted too. Probably still does a bit medical stuff on the side though, you just can't stop him.
Scout is another case of me being unsurprising. He'd be a baseball star. It's really a toss-up on whether he gets super famous or just enjoys quiet success. If he's super famous you bet he's signing contracts for advertisements and other things you'd expect multimillionaires to be doing (He'd also be so thrilled to be a multimillionaire he'd be giving his mom her dream life) and just generally enjoying the fame. If he didn't make it into the big leagues, he'd still be successful in minor leagues. I'll even go as far as to say that even if he didn't make it big or even semi big, he'd become a coach little league/ high school /college and love it. Honestly, he would cry if one of the kids he coached went pro one day. (Maybe a Twitch streamer would also fit, but that's silly, right?)
Sniper has always been into wildlife photography. He absolutely loves animals. He's naturally good at photography. I think him having good aim and a steady hand are a mix of a natural talent and years of training. His years of training would have just gone into photography instead of, you know. He gets very good very quickly, takes pictures you'd see hung up as decoration pieces, and definitely had a fair share of curious animals wandering up to him to check out his work. For a guy who loves animals, he's living the dream. Haz had a few less than steller run-ins during his time, but generally appreciates being able to enjoy nature and animals as part of his job.
Spy being an actor would come naturally for him. He's great at switching his style, mood, character, etc. So he'd naturally be interested in a job where that skill would be valuable, then he finds out about how much money he can make off of acting and just goes straight in. I think he would end up being a really popular actor, people liking him in almost any role he plays, and would generally have little to no hater or bad press. He loves going over every new script and building up his character in his mind, then giving them a place off the page. He also loves going to fancy parties, so... Also, the first time he got a bad/negative review or comment on his acting, he cried lmao.
Soldier would so be a historian. Like, hands down, only job I think he could have outside of being a merc. He can rant for hours about American history and knows so much about other countries too due to their involvement with America and a general curiosity, that he'd be a perfect to teach about history in museums, classrooms, or even just uploading videos online. Just put someone who needs to learn about history of any kind in front of him, and they'll learn more in the time with him than they ever have. Also! I'm not sure what these people are called, and I'm way too tired to look it up, but I think that Soldier would help new immigrants with leaning English and with getting their citizenship. Solider would also help refugees. Also also, he'd hold support groups for veterans.
Pyro is normally headcanoned as a fire fighter or ex-fire fighter I'm pretty sure, but I think it's easy to forget that while Pyro likes fire, they like making firsvl, you know what else they like? Making art! So naturally, being a glassblower would be a great fit for Pyro. They love the job! The molten glass is mesmerizing to them. The artistic freedom is liberating. It's all just so great to them. They make a lot of flame themed pieces that and animal themed pieces. They mainly do pieces and sell them at markets instead of taking commissions for them. They're super happy with this life and have multiple pieces of their work displayed in their home. They sometimes get this feeling of missing something, like a vague memory, but they just continue to make new art to fix that, but oddly enough, they end up reminding them more of those distant memories. I wonder what that's about.
I swore I'd get this out today, and I held myself to that, even though I almost passed out. (Not me posting this 5 minutes to midnight lmao) I only had three paragraphs left, and I was not giving up on them. I swear I'm trying to get better at consistency 😭
Anyways enough of that, I hope you enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. Trying to come up with different jobs for them is both really fun and oddly difficult. Anyways! The schedule for new posts will hopefully go as follows:
Mercs favorite books
Medic and Creepypasta
How the Mercs would react to a close teammates death
(Then any asks that come in would follow!)
So yeah! Busy weekend, but I'm not complaining:D
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arknights-imagines · 9 months
That little girl that kissed executor’s cheek:
Me: okay my turn to kiss him! 😊☺️
(I'm back from my mini birthday break and will be getting back to work and being active!)
Hiya anon shsushs 🥺!! Tysm for your ask and please excuse me for replying to you late aaa 😭 I hope you've been well!
Anywho, when I saw your ask I cracked up in a li'l giggle lololsnjss 😭 I know exactly what and who you're talking about, and I've also been thinking about it lots!
For context svhshs Anon is talking about this scene in the Hortus de Escapismo event!
(slight spoilers for the story events of Hortus de Escapismo!!):
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The interactions between Liberi twins on the Sanctilaminium Ambrosii and Executor/'Rico were already v v sweet, such as him giving them his name, and him protecting them during the fire, and the twins thinking he was v scary at first but warming up to him so quickly 🥺!! But, this moment was the absolute cutest lololsnjss 😭😖💕 I was smiling v much after reading it in the story...!
Estara giving our angel a kiss on the cheek for his courtesy aaaa omg 🥺💞!!! And my heart completely melted at how you can see Executor's eyes soften after Estara goes off on her way 😭😖💕...!! (I can understand your wishing to be in Estara's place anon, lololsnjss 😭)
I couldn't help but think back to Executor's interaction with Vermeil and how different the two are svhssv, and how it's clear he's warmed a li'l more toward children 😭💞 his character development shown in the Hortus de Escapismo event is something I could rant about forever lololdbjde 😭😶
It's an especially funny call-back to his Operator Archives where its mentioned how Executor is canonically v v handsome and is always attracting lots of attention with his appearance 😭 the comment Gerald made after seeing the exchange made me snicker lololsnjss
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Gerald is v v right in saying that lololsnjss 💕 (our handsome angel with a shotgun snskhsjs)
Anywho anon! Tysm for sending this ask in so I had an opportunity to talk about this on the blog 🥺 it also happens that I was thinking about writing an imagine based on this li'l bit in the story, where the reader sees this happen and reacts loksjsis 😭 but I'm not sure yet aaa
(And please dw about missing out on kissing Executor's cheek, he'll allow kisses at anytime from any of those who love him 🥺~)
Thank you for dropping by my inbox anon 🥰 please remember to take care of yourself and I hope you'll stick around! Please have a great day 💘!
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Taglist for Executor Appreciation!:
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killiru · 1 month
what do you think about win and tonkla’s relationship? do you think tonkla is just using him?
seeing ep 3 and how different he is with win than with korn just justified (for me) that maybe he really has this one sided feelings for korn. i just don't like the miscommunication trope between them lol like a phone can be used for a lot of things like sending a message HELLO wished he just sent a message to korn abt his situation (would that make a difference? idk)
Ahhhh another ask, you make me happy!!! And about Tonkla and Win too! I am blessed, you give me an opportunity to rant about them, that's amazing. So how do I feel about them. The short answer would be "yes". But lemme think about it a bit more.
I think Tonkla is definitely using Win and on several levels. Win is a cop and Tonkla is all ‘acab’ but Win also has the structures he needs to find out who killed his brother (and by structure I don't just mean his physical structures, which - if we're honest - he needs a bit too. But oh well). He realised very quickly that Win was absolutely eating out of his hands. At least since he saw the bong and decided that he was just shrugging his shoulders about it. And I think that's made even more clear by how different their facial expressions were in the post-nc scene. Win has taken this photo of him and is probably already mentally writing ‘Ms Win Tonkla’ framed in hearts in his police records, while Tonkla seems so cold about it and so emotionless that you wonder how this can be the same person as the one from EP 1 with Korn. But I think that will change. Let's see when.
I'm very interested to see how Korn will react and I can't wait to see if he gets jealous or if he doesn't care or if we just drop the plot but after the tiktok to Deep Cleaning by Bas and Fuaiz I almost don't believe it anymore. Besides, Sammon would never let this drama slip away. And neither would Boc.
As for the miscommunication plot… Mhhhh I'm indifferent. I think the problem is not miscommunication but a lack of communication. Korn doesn't seem to care enough to answer him. I would be surprised at that point if he even knew about Dome's death or whoever Tonkla's brother is. So I think the lack of communication here shows very clearly how much it's a one-sided love. On the other hand, Korn did want to call him at the end of episode 3. And when he got up and before he was attacked by Tyme, he even smiled briefly? Of course, you can interpret that in different ways. But maybe he just wanted to go on a little date after the stress to get rid of the pressure, who knows…. Anyway, I am SO SO excited for Friday. I can't wait ahhh…. I'm suffering from some serious side-couple sickness here.
So thank you so much for the ask, anon!
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seekingseven · 2 months
Hi, hope this isn’t a strange question but I noticed your JJK and LoZ fics tend to be Gen, which I really appreciate. Any details on why? If it’s personal then no need to answer, I just think it’s interesting why writers write or avoid certain genres!
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This is actually one of the coolest asks I've ever gotten! Thanks so much anon!
First of all, I'm so glad there's other Gen fic appreciators out there! It's my favorite genre of fan content as well, and I'm happy to bump into other people with similar taste!
I think one reason that I write so much gen fic is because it gives me an opportunity to continue canon. I typically turn to fan content after I've finished canon and been left wanting more (which I think is pretty common) and I like continuing stories where they left off or from points where they could have been developed further. Exploring friendships, placing strain on close relationships, or twisting established dynamics on their head is fun for me to read and, by extension, fun to write!
But I think the biggest reason is my interest in platonic relationships, and how deep and profound they can be. The mentor/mentee dynamic is one that forces both parties to grow and mature in so many complex ways, as do struggling friendships and the growth of a found family. There's just so much to explore that may not often get a spotlight in fan spaces, and so I try to do so with my work!
Thank you so so much for the fantastic ask! I love having the opportunity to rant about how great gen fic is lol and I really hope I answered your question!
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
You’re never annoying when you rant about your AU! I love seeing and hearing people infodump about what they’ve created. Watching people get excited about their creations is the highlight of my day. Let’s use this ask as an infodump opportunity. What’s something you want to infodump about but have never gotten the chance? Spill some beans! I’m ready to listen!
oh anon, you have no idea how much i needed an ask like this. had a pretty rough day, and talking about them always helps me feel a bit better. so i really appreciate this, and of course i appreciate all of your words, thank you <3
i'll put the infodump under a read more thingy cause this may end up being quite long haha
i've been thinking about grimm a lot. okay, i think about him all the time, but i mean more in the context of developing his backstory a little bit more. i listened to this davy jones theme suite, and i find all that sadness and anger incredibly inspiring whenever i think about him. that, and i've been rewatching doctor who, and the theme of an immortal being desperately searching for a life they can never really have is something that resonated with me greatly
i always saw grimm as someone who keeps an emotional distance from others, while still craving the most human kind of experience. he's a god, and yet he's always spent most of his time among mortals. his relationship with the radiance has never been the most positive even though they were siblings, their shared responsibility given to them by their father was the source of most of their fights, as grimm fundamentally disagreed with the way the radiance saw her followers - she thought they belonged to her, while grimm believed they had no right to claim ownership over other beings, mortal or not. he valued freedom and mutual respect, while she wanted control, as she desperately wanted to maintain the position given to her by their father, in an effort to preserve his legacy. grimm did not feel that obligation - he did his duty, but aside from that, he held no attachment towards their father. and that ultimately led to the battle between him and his sister, which ended in his defeat. he was banished from the higher, stripped from the ability to ever return to it, and forced to stay in the nightmare realm. his powers were weakened and he was unable to draw them from the gods plane, meaning that he could only use them for so long before he needed to rest and recharge his energy, most of which goes into creating his physical form (and it's why he has to periodically replace it - the body, while allowing him to walk the mortal plane, also collects nightmare essence which is then consumed in the ritual in order to restore the energy)
but i drifted away from my main point. he was very fond of the mortals, and his curiosity soon turned into envy. he watched them live their lives, and noticed how, despite being aware of their mortality, they lived their lives to the fullest. he wanted to experience some of it for himself, the pleasures, the emotions, everything that made the mortals human (well, in the metaphorical sense in this case, since they're not actually humans haha). and at first he loved everything about his life. he did not have to worry about dying and could do whatever he wanted, what more could he ask for?
well, he hasn't experienced love up until that point. in all of his search for pleasures, he slowly realized just how lonely he was. after his banishment, he formed the troupe which would accompany him on his travels and assist him with the rituals, but it did little to help his loneliness. as much as he valued freedom, they swore their loyalty to him, to the nightmare king, and whether he wanted to admit it or not, they belonged to him, it was the only way he could maintain their immortality that he promised them. but it went against what he stood for when he clashed with his sister. he wanted to find love, but he knew it couldn't be with anyone in the troupe. willingly or not, he would be abusing his power, and in his eyes, that wasn't real love. he wanted someone who would stay with him not because of their connection to the nightmare king, but because they loved him. and most importantly, he wanted them to have the freedom to make that choice. this is where brumm comes into the picture, as i do see him as having one sided feelings for grimm. they were never reciprocated, but clearly there was more to it than just not being the right type. grimm had a very strong stance against finding a partner within the troupe, and unfortunately for brumm, he had to experience that first hand
of course, as we all know, grimm ended up finding a partner in fpk. but fpk was not the first, there was someone before him. now, this is a very fresh idea, so i don't have many details as to who that someone was, though that's beside the point as grimm would not want to talk about them either way. but he did fall in love once, and unfortunately for him, he fell in love with a mortal. so as you'd expect, it never worked out. the moment he realized that they were aging before his eyes, that he would have to eventually watch them die, he removed himself from the picture. simply put, he ran away like a coward before he had to face his lover's mortality. and ever since then, he kept an emotional distance from everyone, in fear that he would get attached again. he realized that he could never have the life he wanted, with someone he could truly connect and spend his eternity with. the eternity, which he started to view as a curse. and following that, everything went downhill. the pleasures he once enjoyed now lost all of their meaning. he still slept around and attended events as he always did, but there was no joy in it anymore, he simply just wanted to feel something, anything. he usually found that feeling in drinking or one night stands with others, but he still backed away the moment there was even a suggestion of something more going on. it was for the better, he told himself
and then he met fpk. in the palace, during one of the royal parties organized by the white lady. he heard about the king of hallownest, it would be difficult not to after all. so naturally, he got grimm's attention, though perhaps not the kind fpk expected. it didn't take long for grimm to find him at the palace balcony, away from the crowd, and only seeing him up close like that did he realize just how unimposing the king looked. but that didn't stop him from attempting to seduce him, as he fully expected fpk to be just like his wife and the other gods he met. but once again, he was taken by surprise. his attempts at sweet-talking were misunderstood, as fpk seemed to interpret them as concern, and opened up to share his frustrations. he expressed how much he did not want to go back to the party, that he felt much more comfortable up there on the balcony, and how he just wanted to return to his workshop and continue his project. then he apologized for taking grimm's time, and reluctantly returned to the party. grimm was surprised, to put it mildly, but he also sensed a similar loneliness in fpk that he himself experienced. judging by the way fpk talked about his life and his relationship, it seemed that, just like grimm, he didn't have anyone he could truly connect with and who would understand him. and against his better judgement, he started to feel the urge to change that, to be there for him. in short, the god of nightmares fell in love, right there on the balcony, after a failed attempt at getting in the king's pants. a wonderful start to their long-term relationship haha
i'm realizing that i probably repeated things i already mentioned before, but i thought bringing it up would paint a more complete picture of how i view grimm's personal struggles, and why he's so obsessed with fpk. he does have a good reason - meeting fpk was like a lightning in a bottle. he wasn't as distant and snobbish as the other gods, he was very human and approachable, and the passion in his voice whenever he talked about the things he loves was simply contagious. and most importantly, just like grimm, he wouldn't age. it gave grimm new hope and showed him that perhaps he could still experience love the way he wanted for so, so many years
and i think that makes fpk's hibernation a lot more tragic from grimm's perspective. he thought he lost his only chance at the life he wanted, all because he took things too slow. he never rushed his relationship with fpk, he didn't involve himself romantically until after fpk's separation with his wife, and even after that he allowed fpk to figure out his feelings at his own pace. in grimm's eyes, there was no need to rush things, quite the opposite, he figured that a relationship which built its foundation slowly over the years would be more meaningful, so he took his time. if he knew that the infection would return, and how things would go, he would confess his feelings sooner. but he didn't, and he blamed himself for it for all the years that fpk was gone. he entered the darkest period of his life, he lost all of his hope and became very distant towards others, hiding behind a mask of politeness that would crack the moment he was on his own. it only makes sense that he would drop everything the moment he reunited with fpk in dirtmouth, especially with how much of an insane coincidence it was. he would not lose him again, and would do everything to protect him and his family. he finally had something to care from, and through that, found meaning in his life
this is quite long and probably makes more sense in my head, but eh, whatever. i love thinking about them, no matter how cheesy their relationship may be, or how not very well-written it is (though it was never meant to be, i suppose). but i hope you enjoy reading this still
and really, thank you again for reaching out like this. i don't know who you are, but that's the charm of receiving anon asks. but know that i really appreciate this. and i hope you have an amazing day or night ❤
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blooming-violets · 7 months
Sorry this is gonna be a bit of a rant since it’s something I’ve had strong feelings about since joining the AG/TASM fanfic part of the internet, and you’ve provided me a great opportunity to talk about it.
As a trans person, I am BEGGING fanfic writers to stop writing Marauders stuff. I’ve seen so many people defend it with “separate art from the artist” but like it or not they are still supporting JKR. Separating art from the artist only really works when the artist can’t profit from it. She has done SO MUCH harm to trans people and particularly trans youth in the UK and it’s so fucking disheartening and gives me such an ick when I see TASM writers also write for Marauders because it truly comes across as “I love and support the trans community except when it comes to this because I like it.”.
Even if you ignore the transphobia and holocaust denial (YES IM SERIOUS, she’s denied parts of the holocaust at LEAST twice and she literally did it a second time the other day), the original writing is so fucking problematic. Things just off the top of my head being;
The goblins being stereotypes of Jewish people
The fucking racism with characters like Cho Chang and Kingsley Shacklebolt
The last Fantastic Beasts movie’s plot literally being trying to make WW2 and the holocaust happen
This point needs to be taken with a grain of salt since this was some bullshit Joanne said after the books came out, but werewolves in the universe being meant to represent people with aids. Which is so fucking awful considering one of the two werewolves was attacked by the other as a CHILD
The most ironic part of this is that if Andrew is truly the person he presents himself as, he would probably fucking despise being associated with HP, even if it is just a fancast. But yeah all this to say fuck JKR, fuck Marauders fans but also thank you so much Katie for that last anon answer because I genuinely don’t see that enough in this corner of the internet.
Even Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter himself, has spoken out against her and continues to loudly support the LGBTQ+ communities. When your own beloved Harry doesn't even want to stand by your side, you should know you fucked up. Sadly, she does not, and instead leans harder into her bigotry and hatred.
I've always been someone who is very loud and opinionated when I see things that I disagree with, which I know can rub some people the wrong way, but fuck it. I don't like to whisper about my issues on the sidelines, I like to confront the problem head on by being very clear about where I stand and how I feel. I'm not gonna sit around and let someone align me with JKR just because I'm writing a stupid werewolf and Peter Parker fic that exactly 5 people are reading lol. It's not even a popular fic like get out of my asks jfc. Esp when I can tell this person has not read a single sentence of my story and is completely basing their judgements on my header image of AG's face next to a wolf gif.
In this past week I have seen both a Steven Harrington werewolf au and a Daredevil werewolf au cross my dash. Do we think they're getting called out for supporting HP?? No. Because their actors weren't "fan casted" as something years ago. Fan casts don't even mean anything! There was never a movie about them. AG was never casted or played this role. It's literally nothing but a bunch of fans agreeing that they like his look for a fictional character.
Anyway, I'm also ranting back at you haha. You can rant to me anytime. I love a good rant and I agree with you 100%.
Werewolves were not created by JKR. Andrew Garfield has nothing to do with Harry Potter. Don't make make snap judgments about a person's character based on a picture you saw. Support your trans community. Don't be dick.
And, if they actually read my werewolf au, they would see that it's literally about learning to overcome your own hatred and biases of people different from you and learning to love those you were taught to hate. Crazy concept, I know! 🙄😉
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I am LOVING seeing your headcanons, they're absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!
That said, it does have me wondering about ShigaHawks/ShigaDabiHawks. You've established in a few of your fics that (while Hawks generally bottoms and Dabi tops between them), Hawks can top at times. Would he have ever brought up switching with Shig, even if it never went anywhere?
Thank you! I'm having fun sharing them!
Okay so to be totally upfront ShigaHawks by themselves just doesn't do anything for me, I really need Dabi involved or they just kind of bore me, IDK why this happened but they are just not my cuppa at the moment. However, I do have some very specific headcanons about Hawks' behavior in the bedroom.
So, I think that Hawks is a switch, but not because he likes to do both. I think he's a switch because the HPSC was like 'oh, you're queer? don't do that. Oh, you're gonna be queer anyway? Okay well you still have to uphold masculine standards and manly men do not receive' (yes, obviously this is a Bad Take, that is the point, the HPSC are ~trash~). And Hawks, trying to be the best hero he could and also following his handlers' rules, internalized that even though he's a bottom at heart. Enter Dabi and Shigaraki.
With Dabi, who is a switch, Hawks is very much of the mindset 'well he likes to bottom sometimes so I am cool with topping for him' but is also very happy that Dabi seems to prefer to top him. (Quick someone send me an ask about why I HC Dabi as a sub/switch so I can rant about that too.)
Shigaraki, on the other hand, is not just a top, but as you all know by now, a dom too. He has consent checklists, a list of kinks as long as his arm, and a vested interest in getting Hawks to critically think about what he wants in the bedroom. I think when Shigaraki gets involved with Hawks he takes a look at how he's been treating himself and his partners in bed and goes 'damn bitch, you live like this?' and promptly starts to help Hawks figure out what he actually likes. And Hawks, who has felt like he has the world on his shoulders, has to be perfect, has to deny himself connections/things he wants, looks at subbing and is just like 'I can??? Feel good without having to be in charge???' And then he never looked back. If taking charge is something that Shigaraki likes and he's happy to let Hawks always sub/bottom he is never gonna question that, he's too relieved to just be able to go to bed with someone and not feel like he's having to put on another mask/performance. He would never bring up switching, but Shig would probably ask if that was something he's interested in during negotiations because it's just a responsible thing to get a feel for and he would notice how Hawks would say 'yeah if you want to' but also be very clearly slipping back into PublicPersona!Hawks mode and actually make Hawks really discuss the idea critically. When they have discussed it and arrived at the conclusion that switching would literally not interest either of them in the slightest Hawks starts to see the value of actually thinking about why he doesn't want (or does want) the things he does and is more than happy to have Shig blow his back out (lovingly, Shig is a soft top/gentle dom for Hawks and only Hawks) again.
Thank you for the opportunity to rant anon!!! Honestly if you guys want a comprehensive guide to how I think these three engage with sex/kink I'd be happy to expand on any of these ideas.
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my-mt-heart · 10 months
hi, Mt. This might cause some negative energy and I'm sorry, but I hope its still okay to write this to you. If you can't post, that's okay too. As much as I love Caryl and Melissa, I think I have to walk away. Fandom has always been too intense for me, so I like to stay hidden, but I like reading all the articles and following along on filming. Everything about S1 was making me uncomfortable. Daryl was being weird a lot of times and the things the producers kept saying, I kept wanting to argue with. I thought now that S1 is over and Melissa is announced, things would be a lot better. I do like all the photos of Melissa and I liked the little trailer we got, but something about this show feels very wrong. You talked about a lot of the things I noticed on my own, the way it still feels like Daryl is the most important and Carol doesn't mean as much because she's not in the title. That's just an example. I hate that. And I hate that the producers are making that feeling worse every chance they get. Zabel, he just makes me mad because his way of explaining Daryl and now Carol sounds like he's just ranting and sometimes doesn't make any sense. I don't think Daryl can make deep relationships that quickly for example. But Norman and Greg Nicotero, what they say sounds worse to me. Some people aren't going to like me saying this and I don't mean to cause you any trouble since it's your tumblr. The way they insult Melissa sometimes and hurt the fans to make us seem unimportant or dumb, it makes me feel like I'm in another abusive relationship and that's what I need to get away from. I thought about just staying off the internet and watching the show, but their behavior makes me worry about the show too. I believe you about them refusing a new showrunner who's a woman and it's not just because you said it. It's because it fits with past things they've done. Norman admitted getting rid of Angela Kang and then they hired Zabel who is a white man just like them. I won't be able to take it if Caryl's relationship is ruined. I didn't have much when I was young, including love. I was trapped in the same cycle for a long time. Watching Caryl gave me a lot of hope because they were similar to me and I wanted them to be together to know some happiness is still possible even if life has been so hard. Maybe they will, but it's not worth all this suffering in the meantime. I don't think I'll find characters like them again, but I'll find something that makes me feel joy every day, not misery and anger. Thank you for listening and for making me feel not so alone for a while. Thank you to Melissa McBride for being so talented and lovely. I wanted to be able to thank Norman too. I'm just too hurt right now, but Daryl will still have a special place in my heart right beside Carol as it should be.
***I'm including a trigger warning here and kindly asking anyone who reads to please be respectful of this anon's experiences***
Anon, you don't have to apologize. It's always bothered me when we assign each other a "negative" or "positive" disposition when in reality it's perfectly human to form nuanced opinions. Last year wasn't kind to Caryl fans at all, so seeing Melissa filming again and seeing bts photos of Caryl again felt like the first warm day after a brutal winter (to quote my favorite podcast hosts 🤪❤️). I think every single one of us wants to hold onto that feeling. I'm happy for those who are succeeding. We deserve to finally look forward to the Daryl and Carol show we were promised.
That being said, I also empathize with those who are having a difficult time holding on. I am one of those people myself. One day it feels like we're getting something exciting, like the first Caryl photos let's say, and the next we're getting dumped on. Case in point, an actor who isn't even on the show taking the opportunity to call Caryl's/Carol's fans toxic and using Melissa's return to self-promote. Or how about another actor using sexist language to attack the same fans because he didn't like the criticism the show was getting. Or the showrunner teasing another ship with zero regard for a significant portion of his soon-to-be audience (Caryl fans). It’s all very discouraging, especially when the intervals in between the bad PR get shorter and shorter.
As for the male EPs’ off-putting behavior, you aren’t the first person to describe it to me the way you did, far from it, which is just to say you aren’t alone. Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself even though it couldn’t have been easy. I’ll share that when I was growing up, the men in my life would often display an urgent need to be in control, to let everyone know they were the boss and what they said goes. Tracking this show has definitely brought up a lot of the anxiety I thought I’d dealt with already, that Daryl helped me deal with when I first started watching TWD, so I completely understand where you're coming from.
The show we were promised in 2020 was a Daryl and Carol show. Theoretically, now that Melissa is back, it should be a Daryl and Carol show again. That’s what Melissa signed on for and her EP title is supposed to be equal to Norman’s. But Norman, Nicotero, and AMC are not honoring that. You already mentioned the title, so I’ll use another example. Norman said S2 is Carol’s story before amending to Carol and Daryl stories paralleling each other. Either way, why is his character the only one on the clapperboard? Where’s Carol? In that tiny plane?
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These may seem like non-issues on the surface, but as I've talked about before, people working on the show can use them as cues to establish a chain of command different from what's in contracts. The male EPs can use them to drown out Melissa's voice in instances of disagreement. The showrunner is a big one. How about directors? Are they all white men again? Who's deciding that? And how can that be the only perspective we're getting if S2 is centered around a heavily-nuanced female character, a mother, a survivor of domestic abuse, a frequent target of misogyny and ageism on SM ? Melissa's input is highly valuable. I'm in no way diminishing that or suggesting she's helpless, but she needs to be shown all the professional courtesy she deserves, as an equal. If fans are seeing evidence to the contrary, and we absolutely can see that, it undermines the narrative we've been invested in all this time: Carol beating the odds over and over again, proving her worth, and becoming a leader.
I'm really sorry that you're feeling mistreated by a show you used as a source of comfort. It's not how things are supposed to work. There should be no gaslighting, no sexist name-calling, no playing into your fears, no insulting your intelligence, no making you feel unheard. Explicit canon is something that needs to happen, but it won't take away the discomfort you're feeling unless we can get someone else in a position of power to push for Caryl, Carol, and the Daryl we know, with Melissa. That's honestly what I'm waiting to see at this point. AMC needs to make big changes. In the meantime, please take care of yourself, anon. Your wellbeing comes first.
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sushisocks · 11 months
Hey there! I believe you said in another post that the final confrontation would be unlikely to happen if lenny and sean were alive, so i'd like to ask if you could expand on that pls(if u havent already and i just didnt see it lol)
Btw on a side note im actually super invested in your sean content😭😭the fandom seems to only talk ab him to label as an idiot, so as a fellow sean lover the way you characterize him has me so in love❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh Anon you are SO LOVELY!!! Thank you not only in giving me the opportunity to rant more about Sean and Lenny (which I am always so willing to do), but also for your super kind words!! Sean is very dear to me, and I'm glad my reading into him as much as I do strikes a chord with other people ;;u;;
The way the general fandom often characterizes him isn't very surprising to me, given his personality & the surface level impressions he gives, but maybe for now I'll save THAT rant for another time, else we stay here forever lmaoo
So, to start answering your question, I believe you're talking about my post from a few months ago, where I talk about how I believe Sean & Lenny would've sided with Arthur & John if they'd lived to see the final confrontation. In it I mention how I find that final confrontation a lot more unlikely were Lenny & Sean to survive that far and stick around for the entire thing.
Now, WHY do I believe this? I touch on it briefly in that original post, but let's really get into it here!!
Okay to start off, there's a LOT of ways I see things going, in regards to Sean and Lenny, were they both to survive, because it adds SO MANY variables, but let's start at the very top.
At a meta level, it is important to recognize that RDR2 is a prequel to RDR1. This meant from the get that RDR2, as it is canonically, was bound to a certain outcome, to set up for RDR1. This ALSO means, that every step from the start of RDR2 was very much there not only to lay the groundwork for the end of RDR2 but also add another emotional layer to RDR1. This is all certainly things we are aware of already, but I think it's important to have that context in mind while we talk about alternative outcomes.
Because, see, Sean and Lenny HAD to die for the outcome in RDR2 to be the one it is. Not only them, but Hosea, Kieran, Molly, and Susan's deaths are ALL integral and important to the story, they ALL make a difference and contribute in pushing the story a certain way, and in reinforcing the steadily increasing hopelessness which infest the gang from Sean's death and out.
So if we're like "what if none of them died?" there are suddenly a LOT of new variables for every mission and every scenario we know from the game, which need to be considered. This is true EVEN if the change in survival count is only reduced to Lenny & Sean.
How different do you not think Shady Belle would have felt, initially, without Sean's death hanging over it? What about the bank job -- would Lenny & Sean end up on the boat to Guarma? What would've happened to them there, then? Would either of them be caught by the Pinkertons instead, with John or in his stead maybe? What other options would there have been, where would they end up at the end of that?
And already here we have to consider how those experiences might've impacted them psychologically, because of who they are.
In the post I mentioned earlier, I talk about how Lenny is new to the gang and probably isn't as stuck in it mentally as Arthur and John, nor do Sean and Lenny have the same emotional attachment/baggage in regards to Dutch. They're loyal of course, because they feel a sense of obligation to the gang, because it provides them with safety, friends, and allies, in an otherwise unkind world.
But what then happens when that changes?
How do you expect Sean and Lenny to respond when the gang starts turning on itself? When Dutch visibly starts losing it? When people start snapping at each other and threatening one another in the middle of camp?
(I have a half-formed thought here about how people would ABSOLUTELY be snapping and talking down to Sean in a way more cruel way towards the end of the game, for trying to keep things light and easy, yknow, fulfilling his role in the gang. I can only imagine what that'd end up doing to him, tbh.)
And, I'll be repeating myself from other posts here, but how do you think Lenny, a young black man painfully aware of the social structure as it exists in America at that point in time, would react to realizing what Dutch's plan with the Wapiti is? Same goes for Sean, who has SEVERAL instances through the game showing him just as politically aware as Lenny - certainly moreso than Arthur.
Would the outcome for the Wapiti tribe be the same, do you think, if Charles had more people than a very sick and tired Arthur to lean on, willing to help? Would Lenny in particular want to stick around to see Dutch attempt to drive the tribe into the ground for his own gain?
Also, I'm sorry but like, Lenny has a camp interaction with Dutch where he disagrees with him (about Miller, Dutch's favorite author) and explains why in a very well-articulated manner. In one instance, Dutch gets straight up offended by it, bcz Lenny can argue very well (and is RIGHT mind you lol).
I do absolutely believe that Lenny would not just sit around quietly in Beaver Hollow. I'd expect him to be among the most vocal in their discontent with the situation, and probably the best at arguing against Dutch.
That is, up until a certain point. Lenny is a young black boy, and Dutch is a white authority figure. Watch Dutch snap and yell at him, like he does John in Ch6 for example, and see how much longer Lenny sticks around fr. The trade is loyalty for safety and the same in kind. Why do you think members start leaving when things start looking their worst? And don't you think Lenny would be among the first to see the writing on the wall?
Though that is hinging on that very specific vibe in Beaver Hollow, where they're all scattered and losing their ties to one another. Add then in Sean, who is VITAL as social glue, and for making conversations easier. If he, and Lenny, and Mary-Beth, Tilly, Arthur, Charles, etc etc, insert your favorites here, managed to retain some of that community feeling, despite it all, then I absolutely see Lenny sticking around for them.
Same goes for Sean, tbh. I can see him leaving earlier, bcz the trade stops being equal and bcz he's not being taken seriously, and I can see him staying, for his friends.
There IS also a version of things where things are similar and I do see Sean siding with Dutch; but that is a very sad and lonely Sean, who is VERY different from where he's at in Clemens Point, and I think that's an unfair perspective to take for him in general.
Okay so, now we're back to that final confrontation, after I said I found it unlikely, why is that? Because, with every question I've posed thus far, about what Lenny & Sean's reactions might've been to canon events after their deaths, I have essentially presented a variable that comes with their survival to those points. Them being there for it, HAS to mean a change, has to mean something different happens, because their deaths are direct contributors to the path we already know the story takes WITHOUT their presences.
Now, what are those differences and changes? I honestly can't answer; something being different earlier or later can butterfly-effect into something completely new or remarkably similar to what we already know. I could sit here all day and wax poetic about all the different options and possibilities for where things could go, were ANY character to survive past their death point, BUT thankfully, that is what fanfiction is for, lol.
I hope this satisfied some of your curiosity, dear anon!! It was a lot of fun for me to write and think about, so thank you very much for asking!!!
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kaitcake1289 · 2 years
i love your MQ art so much and i love seeing it in the tags! how have you been liking S3 so far?
first of all thank you so much anon! secondly you did not ask me to rant about this season but its the perfect opportunity to so forgive me lol
so far this season has unfortunately felt really off for me (save for the first 2 eps + most of the christmas ep + sarian) and now this may just be me being overly critical since these characters are so near and dear to me but here are what i think are some of the main flaws with this season:
the constant metaverse and nft promotion. this one is the most evident and the main reason why the first half of this season feels like a miss for me. it becomes a problem when every single character is shown openly endorsing anything crypto related, even characters that would realistically never in a million years like nfts (rachel mythic quest im looking at you) and the one character who is at all negative about nfts gets sent down to the basement never to be seen again. they even state in show how nfts have done explicitly good things! (giving carol a promotion) now i understand that this may have some part to do with ubisoft's involvement in the show and how pro-nft they are but if they weren't gonna do a fair honest critique about the subject of nfts/the metaverse i'd rather them not do it at all!
scrapping the foundation made in season 2. now listen i really didn't like them basically throwing away rachel's writer arc, brad's reserved janitor act and hera entirely AND HEAR ME OUT it could've worked a lot better if they stretched out this development over the course of the season but it all just feels soooo rushed. like take hera for example, the decision for poppy to give it all up could've had a much better effect if the game was shown more to be a primary focus of the season (an issue that's the next point) to up the emotional attachment the audience can foster for the game, theres so much they could’ve shown of poppy genuinely pouring her heart out into the flawless system shes constructing all to the build up that thats all the game can really be, a system, missing that it factor. with brad he essentially reverts back to the HOMIE with extra steps in less than 3 episodes, which is a bummer since seeing brad coming into the season humbled, confined to a role with significantly less power could've built on that fear, that grasp for control and even his raw power, HOMIE or not. with rachel as well scrapping her writer arc felt forced especially after the heartfelt speech she gave to see her giving up essentially because she wasn't excelling right away
too much happening and yet not enough somehow???? episode 3 and 4 especially feel really short to me like they feel like filler which i would be okay with but as the season stood we had also so many arcs being set up, janitor brad, david being in charge, grimpop, and a whole movie but it felt like all of it was the B plot for me at least
I'm not saying the season doesn't have things it does right; jos character this season has been the funniest shes ever been + some bits were really funny + the christmas episode and sarian helped me like the season a lot more (mostly bc those eps were detached from the main plot and were about the characters) and the cast stay stunning but yea. im curious to know others thoughts on the season and whether you agree though!
tldr more like midthic quest am i right /hj
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