#thanks mabel!!
jilyarchive · 2 years
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? 
A: @mabeltothknows​, AO3
Q: How would you describe your writing style? 
A: I try to write with a light touch and get the story across, and to pepper in lots of humor where I can so it (hopefully) feels fun and fizzy and not like a slog to read. Sometimes I probably underwrite, and have to go back and make sure the things that are so clear in my head are actually coming across on the page. 
I think many people would describe much of my writing as humor/crackfic, but I really enjoy developing the emotional beats as well. My favorite things are watching how people effect change in others, and exploring incremental moments of growth over time. Maybe my style is most like those chocolate chip cookie recipes where moms hide some good-for-you broccoli in with the sugar, and there was a second half of this metaphor that focused on digestion and which I immediately regretted and will spare you.
Q: How do you come up with ideas for your writing?
A: Sometimes it feels like they just drop from the sky, fully formed, but I’m sure there’s lots of subconscious input happening that leads up to the moment I need to write it down. Others are more clearly the result of watching a TV show, or a conversation. Or sometimes I want to explore a trope but try to take it in a different direction. Death Takes a Holiday started because I wanted to write a holiday fic and also see if I could make dead!Jily fun to read.
Q: When and why did you begin writing fanfiction? 
A: Basically as soon as I knew it existed, I wanted in on the fun. Back in the old days of dial-up internet, when your family had a single computer to share, me and my AOL screen name went trolling for fansites about Newsies and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (there were probably thirty of them) and I was astounded that people could actually write their own stories about my obsessions. After devouring many of them, I decided my ideas were too important and original not to share with the world, because who doesn’t need to read a literal child’s interpretation of Buffy and Angel’s forbidden romance? In the form. Of a long poem. It was my Iliad. One thing you could say about me as a writer at that time was I definitely owned a thesaurus.
Q: What’s one thing you’d tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? 
A: Thanks! I know there’s an abundance of good fic out there, and probably a lot of other ways you could be spending your time. 
Q: What are some of your favorite Jily tropes?
A: Enemies-to-lovers, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers. Platonic cuddling. James is Lily’s date to Petunia’s wedding. Everyone thinks they’re dating because they’re so obviously right for each other. Oblivious mutual pining. Appreciation of Lily’s emerald-green eyes and the flecks of gold in James’ hazel eyes. Lily and Sirius bond over muggle music, and James is more smitten because they’re friends. I’m sure I’ll think of more later.
Q: What do you like most about the Jily fandom?
A: I like seeing the different ways everyone interprets the same characters we’ve decided to love, and the vast array of origin stories and headcanons. I like the unexpected friendships that have grown from a kernel of a shared interest. 
Q: Pick a favourite Marauders era character. 
A: Lily.
Q: Self-promo time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
We Have Buried the Putrid Corpse of Liberty – still entirely too tickled that people like this fic, and the continued support for it and my writing has improved my life drastically.
The Summer of Dying – I love complicated sister relationships, and getting to paint Petunia as something a little more than the Wicked Stepmother archetype Harry has to live with.
Love is the Law – I just loved writing this and flexing the angst muscles.
Q: Fic rec time! Could you recommend a few of your favourite Jily fics?
A: So I am making a concerted effort NOT to plug the same stories/authors I’m always always always gushing about on tumblr. 
Prelude to Destiny by AnEscapeFromReality – This is the fic I went searching for during the pandemic because I remembered loving it so much when I read it years ago, and so it’s also the one that brought me back to Jily. It stood out to me so much because it was the first fic I’d read where Lily was so unique and delightful. 
good crimes by flagpoles – I first read it on tumblr. I didn’t even know texting in fics was a thing at the time. I love everything by this author. 
The Next Great Adventure by @thirty2flavors​ – aka Make Me Cry in 1500 Words.
Thank you @mabeltothknows​ for letting us pick your brain and for sharing your writing with us! ❤️
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mystery twins polaroids 😊💞🌲🌠
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hkthatgffan · 2 months
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Alongside the interview, Alex Hirsch also sent me and Hana each a personalized Gravity Falls drawing made and signed by him. This was mine.
I can now say that Dipper and Mabel have visited Canada and specifically, my home town of Toronto.
Thank you so much, Alex ❤️
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I'll probably never own Journal 3 Special Edition. But this imo is even better. There's a pretty funny story that happened regarding this drawing that I'll be sharing in the behind the scenes video I got coming on the channel next month on just how we got this interview to happen.
I also made a scan of it so I have a digital version too!
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Be sure to check out me and @fordtato's interview with Alex if you've not yet.
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emderperq · 5 months
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I watched gravity falls for the first time!! (blaming @yellow-yellow-jacket for the brainrot)
there are alternative versions on my twitter and insta!!
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aolechan · 1 year
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Tenoch Huerta and Mabel Cadena as Namor and Namora in ASSEMBLED: THE MAKING OF BLACK PANTHER WAKANDA FOREVER (2023) for @c0vidtest
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gay-cartoon-enjoyer · 16 days
Gravity Falls meme I made in 5 min
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Might as well repost this, since it’s the month of Maybel. 💫
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leoruby-draws · 1 year
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Fun fact, I named this file as 'Batman loses to babies'.
This drawing was based on the famous statue in Oslo, Norway. Its pretty goofy, but I found it so funny that I had to base a drawing on it.
Well, hope you like it!
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ferretwhomst · 11 months
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kids these days, with all their newfangled technology and such
Image description: a digitally sketched comic of Stan, Mabel, and Dipper from Gravity Falls. Stan is labeled "Mabel just taught him how to use social media" as he holds up a smartphone.
From it, he reads: "online posting is like military combat and i'm the brave general and you all are the footsoldiers fighting in the tranches".
Dipper and Mabel both grin mischievously and reply: "tranch."
Stan retorts: "i'm sending you both on a mission into enemy territory and i don't expect either of you to return" as the twins hold back laughter. End description.
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
Does Mabel have any middle names? I feel like if she did it would be something Cyra picked or Gale picked. Either way I feel like it's Latin for either something magical or bones
it's 'morena' :))
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hubbabubbagumpop · 1 month
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So I commissioned this lovely piece by @jackyjackdraws starring mermaid Mabel and Pacifica being cute and hugging
And since it's Mermay and Mabel-May I though it couldv share this lovely art with the world!
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Thank you guys for following with the content and enjoying my silly shitposts from my AU and my OC.
Gravity Falls is a big passion of mine and the famous 'Ask the Undertale Cast' Fanblog were always such pillars for me on the content I wanted to do. They both are amazing!
I hope this ask blog gives u guys the opportunity to explore my little AU further with my characters and see their story progress!
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hkthatgffan · 4 months
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February 15th marks 3 important anniversaries for Gravity Falls…alongside it's conclusion!
On this day 6 years ago, Alex Hirsch revealed the cover to Lost Legends via Puzzling Pines! 11 years ago, Boss Mabel aired, marking the end of the first major hiatus. And 8 years ago, Weirdmageddon 3 aired…ending Gravity Falls & leaving behind one weird but incredible legacy!
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Who would've thought the day Gravity Falls came back in 2013 would be the day it ends on 3 years later…and then again 2 years later is the day we learn the name of the then newest content we were getting for it.
Also like every year, I highly recommend watching this incredible GF tribute video by Valkyrie247 In 2017!
We all have our starting point in the Gravity Falls fandom! A bedrock that built our place in it today! This video was my entry into the fandom! It inspired me so much back in 2017 and is the bedrock video that I built my GF fandom adventure on! Please give it some love! I wouldn't do what I do today without creators like Valkyrie247!!
Stay Weird, everyone :P
Long Live Gravity Falls
2012 - 2016
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asalesbian · 7 months
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- Mabel, episode 45
for @lottienatdays day 3: lyrics/quotes you associate with lottienat
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tswwwit · 11 months
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went through tumblr and this reminded me of Bill and Dipper lol
Accurate! Dipper in his natural state would Not Prioritize his appearance in favor of a lot of other stuff. Being in a relationship with Bill ensures he doesn't get too scruffy - though he still wears his tshirts and boxers until they have holes in them. (Bill is very >:( about this 'fashion' choice)
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acetyzias · 10 months
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here's the panel i did for @eregyrn-falls-art's multi-artist lyric comic! line art by me, coloring was done by @stephreynaart!! check it out Right Now
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