#thanks nuggie
thetwelfthcrow · 7 months
I wonder why 👀🤭
oh my god no what in the mafia wattpad fanfic is this video lmaaooo
but yes! great for your fic, no??
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Headcanon: Rocky needs a happy meal!
Nah anon that's canon /j
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hey i just wanted to ask when the next part of dinner with the birches is coming out
Ahh man, I love writing this ngl and can’t believe the feedback it’s been getting. Sorry it took a while to answer.
I started drafting Dinner with the Birches part II a few months ago, then got a little discouraged and writer’s block with some personal stuff. So i’m sorry for everyone that’s been waiting on it, but i’m feeling better mentally so can get back to drafting it again!
Short answer, hopefully sometime soon but I can’t make promises of when until I know i’m doing better 💜
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creativenicocorner · 1 year
WELL! I heard it was SOMEBODY’S birthday today!!! And I’ve been having a lot of Hanazawa Teruki and older brother/weird uncle/father figure Reigen feelings lately ;~~;  <3
So A GIFT!! A silly yet wholesome interaction between Teruki and Reigen from my upcoming Serirei case fic (that still needs an official title but is currently called Glow Worms[working title] in my docs) 
Happy Birthday Teruki you sparkling mad lad you! 
For context: Teruki is getting some last minute ‘hanging out with Reigen time’ the night before Reigen and Serizawa travel four hours away up north for a very curious case (something that may or may not be affecting a small village and plants- I’m sure it’s fine).  This involves last minute packing, movie watching, and   usual shenanigans. 
Teruki watched Reigen vaguely wander about his apartment, a carryon suitcase, half finished, and open in one of the few walking spaces the studio apartment allowed. 
Teruki fished for another prawn cracker from its bag. “How long is this going to take, Reigen-san?” Teruki considered the cracker, and wondered if he could catch it if he flipped it in the air. 
“Not much longer,” said Reigen distractedly. He was considering a pair of shorts, and whether or not the way the pockets were sewn would make it bulky to fold into his little carryon. Especially if he wanted to bring backup shoes. His old galoshes would have to be replaced. Then again, despite the spring, the temperature would still be chilly where he and Serizawa were heading for their case. Now, if he wore his scarf on the way there tomorrow he wouldn’t have to find a way to fold it into the carryon…
“You shouldn’t have waited until the last minute.” Teruki watched Reigen change his mind on the shorts, while muttering something about jeans.
“Hm,” was Reigen’s only reply.
Teruki frowned. Then watched as Reigen picked up a vibrant red button down that had yellow and brown accented stripes that occasionally dipped into black and pink when those stripes collided. Which wasn’t often. It wasn’t strictly plaid, but an erratic zig-zag idea of plaid. 
While watching as Reigen considered the material between his fingers, Teruki wondered what else Reigen was considering.
Mischief compelled Teruki to theatrically suck air through his teeth and say, “really you’re going with that choice? Pretty bold Reigen-san. I don’t know…”
Finally Reigen looked up. “What do you mean?” 
“Don’t you think it’s much?”
Reigen held the button down defensively to his chest. “There’s nothing much with this.” In fact, he thought it brought out his eyes nicely. 
Teruki shook his bag of prawn crackers while idly considering this. “Alright, maybe not much. I mean I think it’s fine.” Reigen watched as Teruki’s grin grew even wider, “but, I’m just worried for poor Serizawa-san. So used to seeing you in gray.”
Reigen clicked his tongue, glancing away. “So shameless. Rude in my own home,” muttered Reigen, without any real bite. Then paused, and said, with a sincerity that shocked even him, “you think he’ll get seasick or something?”
Teruki threw a pillow at him. 
“Fool!” Reigen fumbled with the pillow. “I was just,” he hesitated then said, “committing to the bit.”
“Yeah, yeah,” said Teruki acting the part of a brat. He rested his chin in his palm with a grin. “So was I. It’s a perfectly fine shirt for,” Teruki rolled his other hand vaguely, “whatever it is you have in mind.”
“Thank you,” said Reigen, folding the button down into the carryon with a snooty sort of vindication. He ignored how warm his cheeks were.
“So is this for like, a fancy case? Or is it one of those ‘excuse’ date- I mean cases.”
“It’s a very real, very serious case. That’s going to take us out of the city. In fact, a little farther out than usual.”
“No, really,” said Reigen dropping his previous airs. “It’s perhaps one of the bigger ones we’ve had yet. People have reported going missing, then coming back as if in a haze. Some report growths. Lights in the wilderness. A spike in insomnia and accidents. Farmers are at risk, just as much as the crops.”
“Oh,” said Teruki, “that does sound pretty serious.” Teruki set the prawn cracker bag on the short excuse of a coffee table. “What if it turns out to be some conspiracy?”
“Then we hand whatever information Serizawa and I managed to gather to the authorities,” said Reigen blandly. 
“Respooooonsiiiiibleeee,” countered Reigen, matching Teruki’s tone despite the deadpan.  
“Do you think it’s dangerous?”
“I don’t know,” Reigen shrugged, genuinely, “anything is possible. But it’d mean quite a lot if we can manage to help them.”
“Weird stuff happening in the deep countryside doesn’t bode well.”
Reigen made a non-comital sound. 
Teruki brightened, “can I come?”
“Tempting, but you have school.” Teruki stuck his tongue out with full teenage abandon. Reigen returned the gesture in kind. “Anyways,” he continued, “we don’t know how long this will take, hence,” he gestured to the carryon before zipping it close and motioning a silent ‘ta-da’.
“FinALLY!” Teruki cheered.
Reigen turned, and allowed a smirk to grow as he put the carryon away, allowing for more space. He then considered rolling out the extra futon. 
It was planned, since they had to leave early in the morning, and Serizawa’s classes weren’t too far from Reigen’s apartment, that it would be practical, and very pragmatic, if Serizawa stayed the night. That way they could leave for the train together. Something any friend would plan with another. It was the Responsible Thing to do. There was nothing deep to think about it, or tack on. Heck it wouldn’t even be the first time Serizawa was spending the night, in a friendly capacity. Or shared a hotel room for economic pragmatism, likewise in a friendly capacity.
But that was all over long periods of time, and the more they got to know each other, and their, well, tentative work-friendship deepened, well…
Reigen could tell he was going to start thinking himself into a spiral. He scrubbed his hand over his face, as if that could rub out or mask in some way the powdered pink hue that was warming over his cheeks. 
The futon set up could wait. 
“So,” huffed Reigen as if about to take on an impossible task, “what movie are we watching tonight.”
Unperturbed by Reigen’s antics, Teruki held up a an old dvd case. One could instantly tell it wasn’t an official dvd, especially with the lack of cover art replaced by a white paper strip that had handwritten the movie title in the sleeve. In short, it was a torrented dvd burned onto a disc.
“Man, you must have dug deep in my collection, kid.” Reigen turned the case over, and read the title handwritten title: Only Yesterday directed by Isao Takahata. "Really? This movie?" He tried not to sound too judgmental, in his genuine curiosity. "I thought you'd want to watch Death Pig: The Screaming Oink, or, something."
Teruki shook his head, "I know, but," he looked at the handwritten title, and shrugged, "I saw a gif of it online and the animation looks nice. And, well..." he trailed off trying to find the right words.
Reigen opened the dvd case, and took out the burned copy. With his head down, he conspicuously slid his eyes over to Teruki who was still struggling to find words. Even bombastic teens had moments of feeling embarrassed. 
“Well,” said Reigen, breaching the hanging silence sympathetically, "there's no harm in branching out."
Teruki lifted his head, and brightened. "Yeah! Thats what I was thinking."
"Though, if I remember the movie right, the pacing is a bit slow."
"I can do slow."
"And if I, we," Teruki corrected, "really don't like it we can change it." 
Reigen smirked, amused, "Sure, no trouble.” He started the procedure of setting the movie up. “Topical too.”
“The countryside discussion? The case?” Reminded Reigen.
“Ooh. Right.” Teruki paused then said, “wait there’s farming in this?”
“You didn’t read the summery?”
“Nah, going in blind.”
Reigen shrugged, “respect.”
“So,” said Teruki, a little softer, like when someone was trying very hard to be casual about something that actually held great meaning, “are you going to be gone until the weekend? Longer?”
“Mm, maybe, depends.” 
Teruki willed his jaw not to clench. “On what?”
“How long it takes to ~solve the mystery~” While adding dramatics, Reigen positioned his head so he could watch Teruki from his peripheral. Which was how he was able to spot the slight shoulder slump from the teen.
“…oh.” Teruki tried very hard not to sound disappointed. The result was a strained brittleness. 
“Something up?” Reigen turned from his squat position by the dvd player, and rested his elbows on his knees, “sink blocked? Or something?”
“No!” Teruki was very quick to say. “Everything is fine!!” 
Reigen lifted an eyebrow, and hoisted himself back upright with the help of his hands on his knees. “Yeah?”
“Oh, totally!!!” Reigen walked out of Teruki’s line of sight, much to Teruki’s relief, he wasn’t sure he could handle that appraising deadpan. 
“Don’t you have that, uh, that test coming up?” There was the sound of a terracotta pot being shifted. “What was it in again?”
“Math, so I doubt you can be of much help!!!!” Teruki internally winced at his phrasing. “Cause uh, well,” he tried in vain to backpedal, deflating all the more in the process. 
“Yeah, yeah, liberal arts, whatever. I biffed it trying to help Mob.” Then in a slight barely audible mutter, “not my fault they keep finding weirder ways to do math. Geeze.” 
“Well, you were helpful for that one literature essay,” said Teruki, loyally.
This earned him a small snort from Reigen. “So nothing’s up? School-wise?”
“Nope! Everything is, a-okay.” Teruki finally started to turn around from his seat on the couch, “just what are you doin-”
“Catch,” said Reigen, already throwing the tiny jingling object.
Teruki scrambled to catch the cold little thing. It was only until he looked down at his palm that he realized, “keys?”
“Yep. Spare keys.” 
Teruki stared at the ring of keys in his palm like they were bird’s eggs.
“The one with the blue band is the apartment, orange is the office,” said Reigen, pointing.
“For me?”
“Yeah, kid. And don’t take this lightly! I’m going to need a set of eyes on this place,” Reigen waved his arms in full showmanship, "no telling what could happen.” He paused, then said, far less dramatically, “that and this place stinks if a window isn’t cracked now and again, and I don’t want my plants dying on me by the time I get back.” Reigen poked the top of Teruki’s head, as if to be sure what he said next would truly get past Teruki’s skull, “cause I am coming back.”
“I just,” said Teruki to the keys, hoping he didn’t sound brittle, “never heard of you taking on a case so far away, with no fixed end.” 
Distantly Teruki’s imagination started to fabricate a movie of Reigen and Serizawa, hand in hand, running off together, suitcases packed, never to return. Which Teruki knew was silly. For one the two adults were so blind to the other’s feelings it was painfully comical. Yet some irrational, fearful part inside Teruki scratched the back of his brain, taking the vague form of his parents who were galavanting across the sea who knows where. 
Teruki didn’t have to look up, he could feel the weight of Reigen’s eyes. It was then replaced by a very real weight on the top of Teruki’s head. Reigen was casually using him as an arm rest. 
“Hmm, yeah that is pretty out of the normal,” Reigen nodded, looking at the hanging spider plant that was fixed above the edge of the tv. “Normally I’d happily assume, what, three days? Especially with Serizawa’s skill. But there’s so many particulars about this case. More variables than usual, and a whole lot of land to cover.”
Teruki angled his head lower. “Yeah.”
Reigen shrugged, “if it takes more than two weeks, then I’ll just have to bring in backup.”
Teruki dared to smile. His head tilted up. “Backup?”
Reigen scratched the side of his face, brows pinched together. “Yeah,” he drawled. “Gosh, but who?” Reigen added a pinch more weight onto his impromptu arm rest. 
“Maybe I can get a hold of Joseph,” said Reigen, now making a point of not looking at Teruki, or his growing smile. “Though it might be last minute.”
Teruki was now fighting against the growing weight on his head, “he chain smokes! It’ll get in the way of your progress!”
Reigen, master of the deadpan, ignored Teruki, “If only I knew someone else, damn I’m drawing a blank here…”
“You’re breaking my spine!!” Teruki laughed. 
“Thats it! I’ll see if Dimple would want to tag along.”
“No! He’ll mock you every time you look at Serizawa-san.”
“Damn. He’d mock me every time I look at Serizawa, huh.”
“At this rate you’ll stunt my growth!”
“If only I knew a blonde shortie.”
Reigen finally stood up right, though not without ruffling Teruki’s hair, “yeah?”
Teruki half-heartedly batted Reigen’s hand away. Then looked up at him, daring to hope. “You mean it?”
Reigen blinked. “Mean what?” The pained look that flashed across Teruki’s eyes was enough for him to instantly drop his charade. “Yeah kid, I mean it,” he smiled, that crooked endearing smile that was a sliding scale between big-brotherly, caring uncle, and fatherly. 
Teruki gave a sigh of relief.
“And,” continued Reigen, “you can always call me, anytime, you know the spiel. Though don’t get discouraged if I can’t answer right away, the reception is bound to be spotty. I also want to know those test results you know. 
“Even if it’s math?” Teruki teased. 
“Yes,” sighed Reigen in faux exasperation, “even if it’s math. Don’t want you ending up like me. I mean, I can add and multiply and even, uh, minus fast.”
“Minus fast??”
“Subtract. Whatever. The point is, I don’t do trigonometry every time I have to handle the register. No. wait. The real point is, I want you to do well.”
Teruki snorted a laugh, “alright."
“No room for slacking, and all.” 
“I said alright!” It was Teruki’s turn to play faux exasperation. Basking in the normalcy of being a teen being bothered about his grades. 
“Oh, and I mean it with the plants,” Reigen thumbed to his impossible to kill Devil’s Ivy plant, “you gotta promise to treat these mad lads right.”
Teruki cringed at the use of ‘mad lads’, though not with his whole heart. His chest felt lighter, and his smirk was more relaxed. “Yeah. Alright. You can rely on me, Reigen-san."
The way Teruki clutched the keys a little tighter did not go unnoticed. Nor did the way his shoulders seem a little more squared.
“It’s a big responsibility.” Reigen clapped a hand on those slightly more squared shoulders, and said, “think you can handle it?”
Teruki clasped his hand around the set of keys, determined. “Absolutely.” Teruki leaned forward and very purposefully placed the keys on the same ring where he kept his own apartment keys. 
“I’m sure you’ll do well. And I’m sure the plants will thank you for your care”
Teruki gave Reigen a scrutinizing look, “were you planning this? Or did you just realize you forgot you’d need a house sitter?”
Reigen sunk his hands into his pockets, and stuck out his tongue. “I’ll never tell. Now. Scooch.” Reigen pushed Teruki lightly with his foot. “You blonde highlighter of a monster,” said Reigen, though not unkindly.  
“Hey!” Teruki laughed. 
“Oh, just one more thing,” deadpanned Reigen knocking his elbow amicably against Teruki’s, “about the apartment sitting.”
“Yeah?” Teruki imperceptibly leaned forward, anticipating something very important to commit to memory. 
“Don’t throw any wild parties while I’m gone, okay?” Reigen deadpanned. 
The mere idea that Teruki would have considered such a thing made him burst into another set of laughter. Relaxing again. Teruki grinned, and knocked his elbow back against Reigen’s, “no promises.”
“Tsk!! Oooo you shameless brat,” said Reigen, smiling. 
Teruki smiled back, and settled back into the couch feeling a little warmer.
The movie was nice, just as nice and scenic and thoughtful as Reigen had remembered. He was able to stay awake for an unprecedented fifteen minutes before falling asleep.
At some point Reigen felt a set of hands shake his arm. Then a pause, perhaps to consider using an elbow instead, only for the shake to return, a little harder.
“Reigen?” Whispered Teruki. “Reigen-san?”
“Hmm?” Reigen said in ‘I was awake the whole time’ tones.
“Do old people always get this reminiscent about the past?”
“You know, all this, pensive stuff,” said Teruki gesturing to the screen. The protagonist was laying in a sleeper train cot, staring pensively at the ceiling.
Reigen blinked, then said, “I’ll let you know when I’m older.”
“You’re no use,” tutted Teruki, halfheartedly. His eyes slid back to the screen. There was something about a slow paced film that could be so compelling. 
It wasn’t long until Reigen was compelled back to a doze. 
It wasn’t that he found the movie secretly boring, or he was particularly exhausted (at least not more than the usual),  but that it was all so peaceful. Long stretches of quiet moments, the difference in recording styles between the in-movie’s ‘past’ and ‘present’. But, perhaps, most of all, were the ambient tracks of regional bird calls he hadn’t heard in a long, long time. At the edge of Reigen’s mind, in that hazy space between dream and memory, he thought of biking through a dirt road, shaded by trees older than generations. Bird song filled the air. 
Teruki was far too absorbed to notice Reigen’s light snores. 
It was a near miracle for Reigen to wake up again at all, and yet he managed to wake up, just before the end of the movie. He groaned as he stretched, blearily making out the scene on the screen. The protagonist was talking to the love interest in the car. 
Reigen hoisted himself up to his feet, purposefully noisy, and mumbled about getting a start on dinner. 
This earned him a, “Shh!” from Teruki, who leaned forward as if that would block Reigen out. 
“Tsk, shameless,” said Reigen, though a little quieter. 
___〆(・∀・)  Thank you for reading! ♡ I hope you enjoyed it! Now, if you’ll excuse me I must go be insufferable to my younger sibling lol happy 4/13!
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goldenageofwireless · 4 months
this might be the best day of my life actually. doordash dropped off some random mcdonalds order at our house and my roomies let me have da whole thing.... ive never felt more blessed
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ariesbilly · 6 months
adulthood is about pulling up to a mcdonalds drive thru discovering theyre doing adult sized happy meals complete with chicken nugget action figures and getting really excited about it
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chickenmcnuggies · 2 years
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tunastime · 1 year
hi guys!
going to get sappy now before my new year's night kicks off, but i want to say a big thank you to everyone for giving me such a fantastic fandom experience this past year. i really restarted this blog from scratch and everyone was so cool and fun and inspiring and and and—anyway.
cora just made a huge post tagging everyone that i'm rbing because me too!! i tell my mutuals every day i love them but i seriously do, you all inspire me so much, and i wouldn't've kept this blog alive without you all. cheers to a great new year!!
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moroser · 2 years
Hello, a friendly anon here!
I just wanna say I love your Lilith and Hunter fanfic! It hits the feels and is very well written 😉 Do you have like an upload schedule We can follow ? (like even if the schedule is not regular, do you have a particular day of the week we should check for updates?) Or if it would not be a bother, could you please make a post here on Tumblr to alert us that a new chapter is out? I really love the fic, but it is getting hard to check for updates as often as I did before😅
aaahhh wwwaahooaahh?? aaahhHH!! thank you!!! i know i've said this at least ten times in this space (my blog) but it means a lot to me that people take the time to read it and it makes me happy that some enjoy it. so happy, wheeze.
i also am writing this with the professional and solid method of flying by the seat of my pants, so i do not have a regular schedule planned for this. also, i am terrible with schedules because time is not real and i cannot follow it. BUT
i will always post an update link here on twitter and tumblr and i reblog it a few times for a couple days so different timezones can see it!!
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
I had a pretty rough and unproductive day today, and I blamed it on lack of sleep and hormones (which is valid), but then I realized I was running on a single pack of mini muffins all day, and sure enough, some dinner fixed me LOL
I was literally like
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superbattrash · 2 years
My day so far
9am: walk 3km to sister’s place
10am: ikea triiiiiip
11:30am: road-trip (where the car broke again hahahah rip sister ig)
2pm: plan move and hang out at sister’s
5pm: walk 3km home
5:55pm: sit and stare at oven, willing it to just make the food itself
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teamxdark · 1 year
This may sound dumb, but it’d be cool if Nimue had the ability to experience Amy’s life(I guess like possession? Idk). And the reason why? Just to see how her king is doing. Could you imagine how that would go?
I can see Nimue looking into other versions of herself and taking the insights from alternative versions of her king and the knights. It could be her version of advisory research or even foresight for things to come, as history tends to repeat itself.
Nimue is, to me at least, a being beyond time, with centuries upon millennia of magical study and experimentation... It's likely she knows many techniques beyond understanding and uses her knowledge in careful ways... or even utterly indulgently. To watch alternate versions of herself and those she knows can be helpful, but also comforting. A small comfort to see herself and her loved ones being happy in so many worlds (even if there are just as many where they suffer).
In terms of possession... That's harder to say for me. Nimue doesn't exactly strike me as the sort to take another Amy's consciousness and agency away from her, even if that would alter the world she's in. Whether that's because she believes in fate or because it seems far too controlling, or even maybe it's a case of that she's done it before and her meddling created a bigger problem that she never wanted to make. Sometimes you just need to leave history alone and let time run its course naturally (she sees Silver do plenty of his own time meddling and she's seen it work wonders as well as make things catastrophically worse).
Of course, her mind may change. People are not static and she's no exception! But that is how I currently view Nims.
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authoroftwwm · 7 months
Welcome to my tumblr, dont really post much except for simple things (and that daggone anime car). Also post about my lovebug. Other than that, thats it.
Tho i need to start promoting my book--
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baylardo · 1 year
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BASED C7 WHEEEEEE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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spikeisawesome456 · 1 year
I had yet another amazing idea for a poll, so get ready for this super divisive question that WILL tear families and friendships apart.
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astonmartinii · 8 months
a spoonful of sugar | oscar piastri social media au
pairing: oscar piastri x fem chef!reader
cheffing it up all over the calendar
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 124,509 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: WOAH WHAT IT'S OSCAR'S HOME RACE WEEK? that mean's it's time to whack out the aussie cook book mama piastri got me for christmas and man this fish has a cool name. BARRAMUNDI is a fish very commonly used in aussie cuisine (real ones know it from masterchef australia). so here i've pan seared it with some herbs and some lemons and take it from me it SLAPS, but you know what i hope slaps more? oscar this weekend... LET'S GO BABY
[as always this recipe is on my website and will be in my 2024 f1 calendar recipe book coming out soon]
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user2: my favourite thing is where i read intently all of y/n's recipe and continue to make pot noodles
yourusername: pot noodles are good i can't even be mad
oscarpiastri: can confirm it did in fact SLAP
yourusername: oh wow piastri stamp of approval that's basically a michelin star
oscarpiastri: tbf i would eat a roll of paper towels if it was you who gave it to me
yourusername: okay.... I'LL TAKE IT
user3: can we please study these people cause why is saying you'd eat paper towels is the pinnacle of romance
user4: i NEED the recipe book STAT
landonorris: i was on board with this whole cooking thing but FISH IS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE
yourusername: oh boy we got a BABY ON THE LINE
landonorris: i'm allowed to like what i like my MUM said so
yourusername: bro is an elite athlete and exclusively eats chicken nuggies
landonorris: @oscarpiastri tell your girlfriend to stop bullying me
oscarpiastri: i'm on her side buddy maybe explore the culinary world
landonorris: that's it i'm going to HR
yourusername: try it girly the mclaren HR team LOVE my food
user5: the dynamics since oscar and y/n got comfortable in the sport are my favourite things
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris and 793,288 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: first time on the podium at my home race and the feeling is unreal. so thankful to have my family and love of my life around me, lets keep building on this !!
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user8: are they good?
logansargeant: from the man currently waiting for them to go to dinner and can hear them yelling this stuff to each other... no they are not okay and i don't think they ever have been
oscarpiastri: jealous bitches gonna be bitter
logansargeant: ??? excuse me
oscarpiastri: i'm sorry i got excited... love you logan (just not as much as y/n)
user9: this comment section is once again making me want to sneak into an F1 after party :(
user10: they're just going to dinner they've not even started drinking yet 😭
landonorris: i am proud of you mate - why is y/n dancing around in the kitchen in an apron that says "this chef FUCKS"
yourusername: fashion. (it says oscar piastri in small print right under that)
landonorris: i didn't need to know that
oscarpiastri: let her dance it makes the food taste even better
landonorris: there's definitely no fish right?
yourusername: no fish by order of the fussy child
landonorris: bullying online and in person @maxverstappen1 @charles_leclerc @logansargeant STEP IN
maxverstappen1: eh i'm good i'm looking forward to dinner
charles_leclerc: you're on your own with this one lando
logansargeant: i've learnt not to cross y/n
user11: the piastris invited lando, logan and the rest of the podium? i am soft
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 162,994 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: a big post podium celebration dinner at the piastri house to celebrate oscar's home podium. first off, super duper proud. second, since it was a strictly no fish evening, i decided to go for classic aussie meat pies and grilled kangaroo LOL but there was only clean plates at the end so i'll defo consider adding it to the recipe book
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user12: i am getting a sugar rush this is so sweet
logansargeant: thank you for having me, a solid 9/10 - one point docked because kangaroos are cute
yourusername: wait until you run into one on a cold, wet evening
oscarpiastri: they are actually very scary and have a stealing problem
yourusername: tbf i think we all have a stealing problem
oscarpiastri: you definietly do ... cause you stole my heart
user13: i'm so lonely
maxverstappen1: i definitely did not think i was going to eat kangaroo this week but here we are
yourusername: did you like it?
maxverstappen1: i was shocked at how much i did
oscarpiastri: babe get that on the review cover of the recipe book this guy got three championships that has to mean something
yourusername: good idea i'm on it
maxverstappen1: ???
landonorris: you fed me kanga and roo from winnie the pooh? Y/N YOU FED ME KANGA AND ROO FROM WINNIE THE POOH?
yourusername: you eat chicken all the time and you don't feel sorry for chicken little
oscarpiastri: she ate you up there PUN INTENDED
landonorris: i've learnt my lesson i'm giving up here
charles_leclerc: i for one had a blast and will be asking for y/n to cater my birthday party
oscarpiastri: FOR A PRICE
charles_leclerc: you her guard dog or something?
oscarpiastri: duh? have you seen her?
yourusername: i would love to (idk monagasque cuisine though so give me notice)
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 152,339 others
tagged: oscarpiastri, logansargeant
yourusername: IMOLA, IMOLA MY HEART LIVES IN ITALIA AND MY STOMACH LIVES WITH ITALIAN FOOD. for real. the track is cute and whatnot but the real star is the pasta, the pizza, the gelato but most importantly the PASTA. here is two dishes that'll feature in the imola chapter: a burrata dish and a ragu !! oscar (and lando) certified so you know it's good, oscar even helped so it's defo beginner friendly!!
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user17: is it a collective f1 driver experience to be ass at cooking
danielricciardo: yes
maxverstappen1: yes
oscarpiastri: yes
landonorris: yes
charles_leclerc: YES
oscarpiastri: if i'm slow this weekend it's because i couldn't stop eating the ragu sorry mclaren
yourusername: i made sure no gelato until sunday so please don't take me out back and shoot me over giving him pasta
mclarenf1: bring some pasta for social media admin and no one has to know
yourusername: deal
landonorris: this is a public instagram comment section
charles_leclerc: why is mine always so darn crunchy
yourusername: inpatient, common amongst you drivers. oscar was once so impatient when boiling an egg he got it out and it was just watery egg
oscarpiastri: you said you wouldn't tell anyone :(
yourusername: no babe i'm proud !!! you've come so far
oscarpiastri: it's true i made my own omelette the other day :)
yourusername: and it was yummy
oscarpiastri: and it was yummy :)
user18: the positive affirmations in this relationship really keep me going
yourusername: he IS the MOST beautiful racer in all of the lands
oscarpiastri: she IS the PRETTIEST chef in all of the kitchens
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liked by alexalbon, yourusername and 775,431 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: not the race we wanted in spain, but we're still in good spirits and in the conversation at the top of the standings! also helps that when you get taken out of the race your girlfriend shovels the BEST paella ever into your mouth until you finally smile
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user19: bro got a girlfriend and personal chef all in one
yourusername: food is my love language and when babe gets twatted into the barriers by SOMEONE i will personally feed him some of his favourite food
user20: she's holding back
yourusername: PR said i couldn't say anything...
oscarpiastri: i love youuuuuuuuu and i love your paella i think it's laced with crack
logansargeant: @fia GET HIS ASS
yourusername: LOGIE BEAR?
logansargeant: i'm sorry, we're pretty desperate for the p7 here at williams
yourusername: i respect that
oscarpiastri: Y/N????
yourusername: MORE PAELLA
carlossainz55: big respect for the paella, definitely looks authentic
yourusername: lol sorry thank you actually SPANISH F1 DRIVER APPROVED PAELLA
oscarpiastri: @fernandoalo_oficial can we get another good review please and thank you
fernandoalo_oficial: looks good, need a taste to be sure
yourusername: it's coming your way (please return the tupperware tho please)
mclarenf1: you'll come back stronger oscar 💪
oscarpiastri: fuelled by love and paella
oscarpiastri: and that 🫶
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note: here's a short and sweet one that MAY return to finish out this fictional season ... i also just love this kind of set up for an imagine. it's a lil short i know but the CHRISTMAS CRAFTS ARE COMING IN FAST AND THE CROSS STITCH CHRISTMAS CARDS ARE SLAYING THE HOUSE DOWN
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