#tharja x robin
dazzlerazz · 10 months
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I've done it
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fe-fictions · 1 year
M! Robin x Tharja Commission (aka Tharja goes apeshit when her Robin is kidnapped...!!!)
You didn’t know what went wrong. You didn’t know how it got to this point. The Valmese were being routed. The brutality of the fight was coming to an end.
What you weren’t expecting was the explosion set off. That’s when everything started to fall apart.
“Robin!!” Chrom shouted for you, Falchion pointed behind him, “They’re flanking the backline!!”
You froze, fighting the panic that just leapt into your throat. Tharja was commanding the mage’s battalion. She was a prime target.
“Hold the frontlines!!” Your voice was a deep bellow, unfamiliar to the Exalt’s ears. You hailed for Cherche, Minerva swooping down  and welcoming you onto her back.
“Where are we needed?”
“They’re targeting the mages in our backline!”
The beast swerved southward, pouring on speed. You readied an Arcthunder to strike down those who put a target on your wife.
It didn’t take long to deduce that Tharja was nowhere to be found. Jaw clenched tightly, you pursued a more violent attack, dispersing the enemy soldiers like frightened guinea pigs.  
“Ricken!!” You spotted the young mage immediately, who looked breathless and shaken. 
“Robin, I- it’s Tharja!” Dread filled your heart when you saw the fear in his eyes. 
“Where is she?”
“They took her- when they ambushed us, t-they grabbed her while she was incapacitated!” Ricken pointed west, deeper into the woods. You broke into a sprint, brandishing the Levin Sword crackling in your hands.
They took her. They wanted a prisoner of war, and they chose the worst possible target. Tharja wouldn’t go down without a rabid fight. There would be no survivors…even if it meant she went down, too. That’s what frightened you; Tharja sacrificing herself to evade capture.
Your swirling anxieties were suddenly silenced when you spotted movement in the trees ahead. A hundred yards away, her black hair shifted in the leaves.
She was being dragged away. Four, no- six Valmese.
You couldn’t tell what classes they were, but at this point, you weren’t particularly worried about that. She wasn’t panicking, but she was fighting against their pull. It wasn’t until one of them struck her back with the hilt of his ax that you snapped.
The band froze in their tracks, turning to find you charging towards them full force. Your Levin Sword erupted with static lightning, lashing out and striking the man who dared attack your wife first.
“No, Robin-!” Tharja’s voice was tight, her face suddenly pale when she saw you. The Valmese weren’t concerned by your appearance. 
“Unhand her, now!!” You growled, “I will not ask again.” 
“Well, what do you know? She wasn’t lying.” General Farber emerged from the mass of soldiers. What was he doing here? Why wasn’t he on the front-
“Get out of here!!” Tharja snarled at you, panic bright in her eyes. “I’m not the one they-”
The ax struck her back again. 
You roared, red filling your vision. Your blade raced towards the man’s throat, blood on your tongue.
Farber’s sword came to Tharja’s throat, stopping your attack before it could connect. 
“Not so fast-” He sneered down his nose at you, “You are in no position to be so rash. One wrong move and she dies, Tactician.”
“What do you want?” Your hands shook with rage, your anger the only thing suppressing the panic running cold in your veins.
Farber shifted his sword closer, touching her skin. “I want you.”
“An equal exchange- you surrender to the Valmese, and we let her go.”
Your gazes locked, silently trying to communicate with one another on what the hells you were supposed to do. Tharja wouldn’t let you make the exchange- you were far more valuable to her than anything else; someone she would gladly give her life up for.
That, and you were the Chief Tactician; she was just a mage. A soldier. She wasn’t someone worth trading for.
“Swear…on your honor…that you’ll let her free, without harm.”
She was more than that to you. The one person you would sacrifice your life for without hesitation. And Farber knew that. 
“I swear on the name of our great Emperor Walhart. She will be unharmed.”
You nodded, heart in your throat as you dropped the sword to the ground. 
“...All right. I surrender.”
“A wise choice.” He motioned the soldiers forward, who twisted your arms behind your back, forcing you to your knees. You groaned in pain, feeling them rip away your weapons. Tharja struggled against their hold, snarling curses at them for daring to even touch you.
“Let the wench go, soldier; if she tries to give chase, cut her down.”
“No-” The panic rose, eyes wide at his words, “No, you swore you wouldn’t- hrrkh!!” 
“Robin!!” Your name ripped from her tongue in a horrified shriek, watching the bolts of Arcthunder rip through her husband. 
Copper filled your mouth, burning flesh assaulted your nose as your vision faded in and out. The last thing that crossed your sight was Tharja, screaming at you, before your head struck the ground.
Tharja was found shortly after your disappearance; but she had been knocked unconscious before she could even think to retaliate. The man was wise enough to not simply release her.
When she came to, there were three healers and an Exalt standing over her, panicked she was harmed beyond repair.
Libra was blasted from her vision with a screeching Elwind. Her dazed fury had her disoriented, and she was taking it out on the Shepherds. It took Chrom and Vaike restraining her so that the healers could get close enough to inspect her wounds. After several minutes, they were able to bring her down enough to be coherent.
“Farber-” She hissed, his name bitter on her tongue, “Farber flanked us from behind. He singled out the mage battalion and took me away in that explosion. I hadn’t even realized what was happening until it was too late!”
The anger radiating off of her was overwhelming. Chrom’s hands were balled into fists at his sides, not sure what to think.
“Why would their general lead that surprise attack? He should’ve been on the front lines- I didn’t even see him make the shift!”
“It doesn’t matter how he did it, what matters is that he used me to take Robin!”
She barked at him, fury and fear lacing her every word. “And that fool would throw himself in front of Naga to protect me. He doesn’t think when it comes to us. It’s pathetic- it’s sickening!!”
“Tharja, it’s going to be all right. We’ll regroup at camp and can put together a plan to bring him home. I’m sure you have some sort of method to track his whereabouts, yes?”
“Yes…yes, of course.” She nodded, closing her hand over the wedding ring worn around her neck. “I placed a hex on his ring so that I might know where he is and what he’s doing at any given moment.”
“Right. That’s not concerning at all.”
“Why would it be? He has the same hex on my ring.” She grinned, “It’s why we have absolute trust in one another.”
“...So…is it able to track exact coordinates?”
“It won’t be exact, but I can get us as close as possible to locking in on his location.” She replied, letting Lissa help her stand and hold her up.
The Shepherds returned to camp, quick to get her treated so she could get to work. Waiting with baited breath, Tharja went into the mage’s tent, preparing her incantations.
Miriel and Ricken flanked Tharja as she worked, drawing all of her strength up in hopes of grabbing onto Robin’s location.
It was her one complaint with the spell; the farther her husband was, the longer it took to pinpoint his whereabouts. The battle ended just before sunset. It was the gray of morning when her spell had results. Tharja burst into the council tent at dawn, startling those inside.
“I found him.” She panted, clutching her wedding band with bleeding fingers. “We can save him.”
“Ready the army,” Chrom ordered, “Let’s not waste another second!”
Tharja was right at the front of the helm, a completely abnormal position for her to take. She did better skulking in the shadows, hanging in the backlines where she wouldn’t be so easily detected.
Her husband was ripped away, and she found out where he was being held. She would rescue him...and the last thing those bastards would feel? The pure fear that she put in them.
“I won’t lie…I’m really glad she’s on our side.” Stahl mumbled to Sully as the troupe rode out into the field, racing towards the fortress you were being held in. 
Sully scoffed, “No kiddin’. Imagine if we’d kidnapped Robin and not Valm- I’ll be you she’d have the whole army razed in a  second. They onlyRemind me never to get on her bad side.”
Tharja could sense the discomfort and unease around her, but she needed to focus solely on rescuing her husband. A man who, within the next three to four hours, would without a doubt be back in her arms. She would bring you home.
Waking up in a strange, dark cell was already unpleasant and disorienting. Waking up covered in burn marks and tattered robes turned the confusion into panic. Then you remembered what had happened before; when the Valmese captured you.
“About time you woke up.” Farber’s voice broke through the fog in your mind, standing in front of your cell with a far too pleased expression on his face. “Worried we might’ve gotten a little too excited with that spell.”
“You…w-why…” Your voice was stuck in your throat, hoarse and gravelly considering its last usage was a mangled cry of pain.
The general shrugged, “You can’t blame us. Your backline was sorely undermanned, and once the assassins cleared a path, netting your wife was easy. Her stamina is quite poor, you know. It’s surprising you let her fight independently, at all.”
You didn’t grace his obvious dig with an answer, but the blood boiling in your veins suggested otherwise. Of course they had to use some cowardly trick to get what they wanted.
“Once we dispatched her battalion and singled her out, it was more than easy to disarm her and beat her into submission. And once we told her she was bait to lure you out, well…her feeble attempts to fight back were simply adorable. That woman really loves you, to the point it’s nearly pathetic.”
“Leave her out of this. You got me.”
“With her help, of course. And since she’ll undoubtedly throw herself at us to try and rescue you, I’m sure you’ll be looking forward to the moment where we subdue her once more, and kill her right in front of you.”
“Of course, not before we give her a reason to yearn for death.”
You didn’t realize you attempted to lunge at him before the chains yanked you back, metal digging into your wrists. Observing guards laughed as Farber mocked you, gleeful at the sight of Ylisse’s fallen tactician.
“Look at you! To think Lord Walhart wanted you defeated so urgently! What a pathetic little help you are. But enjoy these last moments, boy- there aren’t many left.”
Farber turned on his heel to take his leave, whispering something to the guards stationed at your cell.
The rage that roiled inside your chest wasn’t able to be sated…not only because you were pinned in place, but because you were so tired.
You could barely string two thoughts together, let alon keep your eyes open. The air was cold…growing colder. It pierced through your bones, turning your veins to ice. That wasn’t a normal reaction to cold.
Time was running out.
Tharja had a feeling that you were more than in trouble the closer they came to the battle point. But that ominous foreboding in her chest deepened when Cordelia shouted overhead that they had a visual on the fort.
Something was very, very wrong.
“Maribelle-” Tharja hissed the noble’s name, her glare as sharp as it was scared. “You need to stay with me.”
“I’m afraid Lord Chrom’s strategy requires I remain in the-”
“You need to stay with me.” She repeated, more urgently. “Robin will need help, immediately. I know it.”
Maribelle eyed her warily, “Well, of course he will, dear. He’s been injured and kidnapped.”
“That’s not it,” Tharja shook her head, fingers digging into her chest. “It’s worse than that. He’s fading.”
The fear was overtaking other emotions in her expression. Maribelle could see it clear as day; their unreadable mage was shaken.
“Oh…very well.” She helped Tharja onto her mare’s back. “Hold tight, and do not speak unless you give explicit directions to Robin’s whereabouts. We must remain alert.”
That’s when the battle began.
The archers drew first blood, Virion launching a volley of arrows into the fort’s guards at the front gates. Valm tried and failed to bar the gates, but by that point, the Shepherds were throwing barbarians into the heavy wood and breaking it down with axes and flaming spells.
At that moment, Chrom commanded them to break apart into their planned formations, to secure the fortress and find their tactician.
“In fifty paces, bare right,” Tharja commanded, following the spell and the ache in her heart. You were close. So, so close.
The pair separated from the rest, the sound of clashing weapons fading as they approached a metal grate. Tharja dropped from the horse’s back, grasping Maribelle’s arm and forcing the healer to come with her. 
“We cannot bring the beast. We will proceed on foot.” 
“Tharja, this is not safe. It’s just the two of us, and-”
“There is no time to bring others!” She snapped, melting the grate beneath Bolganone-tipped fingers. A prison’s entrance was embedded in the ground; a long ladder descending into a narrow tunnel, dark and foreboding.
That’s where they kept her husband. The fury was finally starting to overwhelm her anxiety, again. She descended swiftly, dropping to the ground with a heavy thud.
The bars were rusted over, and several of the cells were empty. Silently they moved, finding a pair of guards in front of a cell centered in the room. She had Nosferatu gathered in her hands before they even realized she was charging them.
“Do you like darkness…?”
Her words were followed immediately by anguish, the spell eviscerating them in an instant.
“Robin is here.” She darted to the door, flinging the guards away with an agitated blast of Elwind, before working to melt the lock away.
She was correct, after all; her Robin was there in the back of cell, leaned against the wall and slumped to the floor. Tharja slammed the door open, immediately beside her husband. Her hands fell to the chains, heart darkening at the sight of her beloved. 
“What have they done to you?” She whispered, fingers shaking as she fought to free him from the chains. “What have those bastards done to you…?”
Maribelle’s hand fell on Tharja’s shoulder, drawing her Caduceus. “It’s mostly magic damage, but he’s lost a lot of-.”
“He’s breathing.” She hissed, “Hurry and fix him!”
Maribelle directed her to lower you to the floor, cradling your head in her lap. She flung the rusted chains away and had you settled against her swiftly. They cut away your coat and armor, revealing the deep burns and bloodied wounds that had covered your chest and torso. 
She had never felt such anguish before. Her hands wove into your hair, shifting anxiously to your face and neck, searching for a steady pulse, for some semblance of warmth.
“Maribelle, is he…?”
“He’s here. Barely.” She spoke through gritted teeth, “I will need help. Can you send for-”
She spoke a feverish spell, a flitting messenger charm whisked into the air and rocketed from the prison in search of help.
Tharja tore fabric from the discarded coat, pressing them to the deepest cuts. The quivering in her hands made it hard to hold the fabric in place, and harder still to keep her focus.
“Robin…” She called to you, a crack in her voice. “Wake up. Don’t you dare leave me like this. …Please.” She begged, feeling her heart crumble. Maribelle was still working. It wasn’t done yet.
There was still a chance he-
Tharja jumped, startled by her husband suddenly coughing up blood and spattering her chest. Maribelle’s staff raised, wiping at her brow with a heavy breath.
“He’s coming to.”
“He’s-” Tharja leaned down, her nose nearly touching yours, watching with wide eyes when you spluttered for breath. “Robin? Robin…Robin, I’m here.”
You did not reply, breaths stuttering and shallow. She grasped your face in her hands, overwhelmed. She didn’t care that tears fell, leaving streaks on your face.
“Robin…answer me, fool.” She growled. As though she commanded it, your eyes cracked open. Your vision was blurry, but you recognized that dark glare anywhere.
The rasp was what forced a sob from her lips. Tharja wrapped her arms around your chest, doubling over and holding you as best she possibly could.
She made it in time.
Maribelle stepped back, if only long enough to give the two of you some time alone, and to usher in the rest of the clerics who had received her frantic request for help.
The Shepherds’ battle still rumbled over their heads, but the fort would be routed within the day. 
Tharja remained at your side, finding your hand and squeezing it tightly when you started to come around and waited to be healed enough to walk.
Which, of course, when you were reunited with the entirety of the Shepherds, meant you’d receive a severe dressing down from a worried Exalt, all of your friends, and naturally, your wife that was furious beyond reason that you would dare sacrifice yourself to protect her.
But, you would explain with a fond smile and a gentle kiss, she was the only one that mattered to you, above all else.
And you would gladly lay down your life a thousand times if it meant she did not see any further harm.
Tharja would confine you to your shared tent for at least a week following the ordeal, out of an abundance of caution for your recovery, and also because…well, hearing such a declaration meant she needed to keep you all to herself for a while yet. 
And you certainly wouldn’t complain about having so much sweet time with your dearest one.
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Thanks for reading!
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nm-mattuz · 2 years
It's the best way I can describe Robin x Tharja
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incorrectfeaquotes · 10 months
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Tharja (to f!Robin): I really value when people use violence and raise their voices for me. It's actually one of my love languages.
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Robin: Goodnight, kids.
Morgan and Noire: Goodnight, Father.
Robin: Goodnight monster that eats children who are bad.
Tharja, through a walkie-talkie under the bed: GOODNIGHT.
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emblemxeno · 9 months
This ask is going to be kind of long, but your platform is really the only platform where I feel comfortable having this conversation. You don’t have to post this if you don’t want to, I won’t feel any sort of ways about it, but I’ve got to get this feeling out of my system. The way the fandom treats Fates compared to the other games in the franchise, makes them completely unbearable. I don’t think I can forgive the fandom for it even if they did somehow start giving Fates its overdue credit. Treating its fans like shit for almost a decade is unacceptable. I don’t know how so many people can justify their behavior in regards to this game. The fans of this game have literally done nothing to the fandom other than love it unapologetically, and we still get condescended to about it. You dare offer your opinion about a take in the series and it’s like, “You’re a Corrin fan, you have no right to talk about anything.” I have never seen a group of fans that have to literally HIDE the fact that they cherish a game in order to appease its larger community, it’s so disgusting. I don’t care if I’m being harsh with this ask because I have witnessed and dealt with this condescension for years. I don’t care to spare any feelings at this point, and I think the fandom certainly doesn’t deserve any of our grace either. Calling out the elitism, cliquish behavior, and hypocrisy is the right thing to do no matter how much some people soften/normalize these issues.
Hope you don't mind me posting this anon.
It's certainly an unfortunate situation. While Fates has its problems--I say this as a diehard fan--I agree in that it's in a singular situation where it's just met with derision initially and only given praise in backhanded manners. Think "Fates sucks but it does have great X and Y" and including an obligatory compliment towards Conquest. Which, don't get me wrong, Conquest is fucking amazing in the gameplay department, but half the time I'm just like... all right, I think you're just pretending to like anything of Fates just because you feel obligated to like one of the most acclaimed gameplay centered entries in the series.
There was just the perfect storm of controversy and unmet expectations that people had towards the game: the woefully inaccurate conversion therapy accusations, the romance options, the sales model of having multiple versions, the story not being liked, Corrin not being liked, the cast being seen as tropey, the fanservice hatred, etc. Its reputation from pre-release to nearly a decade after release is just a swamp of negativity.
And, in risk of sounding defensive and deflective, Awakening did most of this first. Awakening used being gay as a constant punchline especially in DLC (but people are reclaiming that now as something to be praised cuz of course), Awakening had problematic romance options (Nowi, any of the children but especially Nah, Donnel, Ricken, and Lissa are still underage, Aversa is technically your sister and she's written in the M!Robin support to tease that aspect, Tharja in her entirety), Awakening's cast was the de facto tropey cast before Fates, its story was criticized for the same things Fates was (poorly explained lore and world, pacing issues, convenient plot devices, pandering to a previous game, and had its exclusive issue of being inconsistent with Archanea's lore), Robin was criticized for being an all loved player insert with too many powers/importance, it started the oddly designed armor designs for fanservice reasons, and while it didn't have multiple versions, it was the first game with a ton of paid DLC.
Don't get me wrong, I love Awakening to pieces. But that game started pretty much everything Fates gets shit for. Yet it gets retrospective love or at the very least a pass cuz... Fates does it worse/more and because it was gonna be the last game in the series? Wouldn't it be fair then, to give slack to Fates for following in the footsteps of the most well received and successful game in the series by replicating it while trying to improve on what some felt were lacking? But I guess at that point, people think it utterly failed in improving on the story and characters so :/
I think you have a point regarding Fates fans as well. We're pretty much the only FE fans that get unironic negative labels, at least by casual aduiences. Apparetnly we're "coomer, porn brain freaks who don't know what good games are." Though, that's about it in terms of the elitism thing, otherwise I think it's just fans of older games being out off by the direction newer games have gone, and most make no distinction and criticize all of Awakening, Fates, 3H, and Engage. Still, Fates fans are the ones getting the most accepted flak.
To end this off, let's be honest: If Fates is the example most people give of the worst game in the series, FE fans have it pretty fucking good lmao.
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feshippingpolls · 28 days
tharja x f!robin
FE: Should they kiss?
Tharja x Robin
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fseffect · 2 years
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Commissioner who wished to remain anonymous asked for Tharja x Robin (also asked specifically for long nails and very high heels) and I obliged!
Thanks for commissioning me anon!
(if anyone's interested to get one, I have my comm info pinned)
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sentofight · 7 months
ooc. me replying? nah. i will make a ship thingie post for my muses wahahaha.
bold (prefers it) italics (can happen) cross (needs building but could happen)
This list will not be naming the ships i have but the name of characters in the muse's franchise (if i have interactions in other verses might add characters i see my muse clicking with in that verse.) Though i will add if the character named is taken or not.
deuce (taken by @/oursongofhealing)
honestly he is probably one of the few muses i can't put a name just some ideas of who can be compatible with him.
strong willed
willing to accept that he is not a romantic person and will see his job as important as you? and maybe more because he is pragmatic person
can compromise to some extent, but never that be conflicting with the person or their interest
Lara Mel Marta
Fractured Milla
Jude Mathis
Avatar/ Robin m/f
Avatar f/m
Avatar f/m
Mark ( taken by @/rcdhotnight)
someone kind and understanding of his 'vampire dilemma'
idk what else to write he is not that demanding he is a sweet child sobs
MC f/m
shinji (im putting him despite not being one of my favs for personal reasons but i cant ignore that he is part of aki's life and ngl i like the trio mitsu x aki x shinji but haha we dont talk about that cuz some d.umblr ding dong people are fossils with ideas)
probably more but thinking
Lu Guang
Can't think of someone compatible with his in the TYPE0 world, but Emina can and might ruffle his feathers a little bit. idk.
ngl Aki Minahara could have a chance if she is a little bit older dlfkjsdkfs
anyway he looks for someone serious about the relationship.
he wants a family not just one night stand but he is afraid of making said family because of the crystal and dying and getting people's memories wiped clean.
basically, he does not want to be forgotten ...
uuh he can cook so he is not expecting the whole 'gender role thing'. as long as you are good in the things you like to do, then sure fine. tbh he prefers to cook. he is not big on eating other people's food. though he wont stop you from cooking. surprise him.
cats. tbh it is not something he can give up on for a partner???? because for him feeding and looking after the stray cats is an important part of his life. silly as it sounds but he takes it seriously.
he can compromise a little bit with the cat thing but don't expect him to stop going out to feed them.
laugh tracks but sure. I feel like Severa would be fun to see her bicker with him. they can judge their parents together lol
---she's younger than the 2nd generation.
---she's old than most of the cast.
someone who can understand her past is not something she is proud of and wants to change
Licca (big crush she's older than him but he does not understand)
in lore
in awakening verse
Avatar f/m
in lore
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outerspacebun · 7 months
DSJFLKSDF okay since one person liked my post, which is enough for me, I am going to write a long list of who I ship/who I pair with in Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses/Hopes. It's going to be long, will include rarepairs, and oc x canon because I can't help myself.
For Awakening:
Basilio/Flavia (we were robbed of an A Support from them)
Morgan/Nah (doesn't matter the gender for Morgan)
For Fates:
For Three Houses/Hopes:
Byleth/Dedue (I like either with them. Dedue is so precious)
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simrell · 2 years
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robin x tharja
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crimsonkingg22 · 22 days
MASTERLIST ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
jojo's bizarre adventure:
(more to come!)
diavolo death 1
leone abbacchio (cop) 1/2
leone abbacchio (cop) 2/2
giorno Giovanna
Bruno bucciarati
Jonathan joestar
trish una - ticklish princess (comic) 2/5
jjba villain house (comic) 2/2
giorno Giovanna - tickle monster (comic) 2/2
Tiziano and squalo
josuke higashikata
diavolo death 2
king crimson - ger
leone abbacchio
risotto x doppio x diavolo
narancia ghirga - pannacotta fugo
jotaro kujo
tharja - Robin (comic) 5/5
tharja - Robin (comic) 8/8
rinkah (comic) 1/?¿
hasky punishment part 1 (comic)
hasky punishment part 2 (comic)
hasky punishment part 3 (comic)
female and male corrin (comic)
hasky punishment part 4 (comic)
hasky's tormentor
hasky punishment part 5 (comic)
eki Yuki x Dabi
other fandoms:
the grey garden - etihw & kcalb
fire for hire
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Valentine’s Day In Plegia (Tharja x Fem!Robin fanfic)
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Robin said, twirling her fingers through her hair nervously.
Tharja laughed, unrolling the map of the halidoms and kingdoms. “Plegia is my home, dearest. Returning won’t matter as long as we keep our eyes open. Besides, I’ve prepared a special hex that’ll turn our enemies inside out, should they dare to approach us!” Tharja winked, then sauntered out of the tent, motioning for Robin to follow.
Robin laughed nervously, aware that Tharja wasn’t mentioning her dark hex in jest. Taking a deep breath, the tactician followed Tharja out into the bright sunlight. Chrom had told them SPECIFICALLY not to venture out into the Plegian towns while the Shepherds were in hiding in their enemy kingdom. But something about the way Tharja spoke managed to persuade Robin every time.
Sneaking out the back of their campsite, Robin silently helped Tharja saddle-up a horse they could both ride. The sun was high in the sky and the desert air was dry with merciless heat. Tharja mounted the steed, and Robin followed, sitting behind her and wrapping her arms firmly around the mage’s slender waist. It was best that she was the one in front, as she was a much better rider than Robin was.
And with that, Tharja spurred the horse into a full-on gallop. Robin held on tight and buried your face in Tharja’s cape to avoid the flying sand getting in her eyes. She smelled like an odd mixture of dried herbs and intoxicating perfume. Robin blushed, aware that she’d never had her body pressed up against the plegian-mage like that before.
Finally, as the sun began to set, the two women entered a small town. The horse slowed, and Robin dismounted, helping Tharja down. The town’s marketplace was alight with lanterns, magic torches, and many candles. Garlands of dark purple and black velvety flowers wrapped around the stalls. A low chatter filled the air and music played softly.
“Is it always this lovely?” Robin asked, eyes shining, reflecting the many lights.
“In these markets? Well… no. But you do know today is the feast of Valentine!”
Robin turned to Tharja, shocked. “What?”
“Yes. I know. Very sweet of me, taking you to the markets during a festival about devotion.” Tharja smirked, her sultry voice filling Robin’s head and leaving her in a trance.
“Mmm…” was all Robin could manage in response.
“Here!” Tharja said, pulling Robin over to one of the market’s vendors. “Try this necklace on, my sweet.”
Robin blinked, carefully taking the delicate bejeweled necklace from Tharja’s long fingers. She fastened it around her neck, spinning happily and showing it off. “How much is it?” Robin finally asked.
“50 gold,” the vendor said gruffly, “take it or leave it.”
Robin frowned, reaching to unfasten the necklace from her neck. “Ugh… We don’t have enough.”
“Nonsense,” Tharja said, waving her hand, dark purple smoke steaming from her fingertips. “We’ll take it for 30 gold.” She summoned a small but menacing looking spirit, cradling it lovingly in her hands.
“But that’s—“ The vendor’s voice guttered out when he saw the cursed spirit inching closer to him. “—Very reasonable…” he gulped, sweating.
Robin felt slightly bad for the man, but not bad enough to stop Tharja. Tharja dropped 30 gold onto the table, flashing the tactician a rare but mischievous grin.
On their way back to the place they’d tied up their horse, Robin sighed happily. “I can’t believe we got away with that!”
“It helps to have a girlfriend who knows a bit of dark magic,” Tharja said smugly.
“True,” Robin stopped in her tracks, pulling Tharja closer by her wrist. “Happy Valentine’s Day…”
Tharja leaned in, staring into the tactician’s eyes. “Happy Valentines Day, my beloved.” She rasped. “I hope you know I’d do anything for you…”
“I know.” Robin said, kissing Tharja lightly on the lips. “I’d do anything for you, too.”
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feaincorrectquotes · 1 year
Since Mobile tumblr can’t view the info page i’ll make it a post aswell 
Welcome to Fea incorrect quotes!
Here I post incorrect quotes and silly scenarios for my favorite game, Fire Emblem Awakening.
Here are a few general information to look forward to / be aware of.
.The pairings on this page are fixed and won’t shift unless I feel like it.
the pairings are as followed
First Gen Pairings
Chrom x F!Robin
Lissa x Lon'qu
Frederick x Sumia
Gaius x Cordelia
Henry x Olivia
Stahl x Tharja
Miriel x Donnel
Sully x Gregor
Panne x Libra
Ricken x Nowi
Kellam x Maribelle
Virion x Cherche
Second Gen Pairings
Lucina x Inigo
M!Morgan x Severa
F!Morgan x Gerome
Owain x Cynthia
Laurent x Noire
Brady x Kjelle
Yarne x Nah
. I don’t have pairngs for other characters currently, so feel free to send me some suggestions.
. Female Robin is my favorite Robin so don’t expect to see male Robin
. I love the idea of Twin Morgans, on the scenario of twin morgans Female morgan (the younger twin) will retain the name morgan while Male morgan (the older twin) will be named Marc. (Marc being Morgan’s Japanese name).
I hope you enjoy
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Robin, about Tharja: Sure she’s crazy and is probably gonna kill me but the strap is gonna be insane.
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