#that SHE needs to change and this goes on and on until womanhood is simply the label for people who present the most sexist stereotype of
scentofpines · 4 months
have you ever considered...that identifying out of woman/girlhood because you don't relate to the societal implications, expectations, etc... contributes to making womanhood (feel) even more restrictive? maybe you feel better when thinking of yourself as anything but a girl/woman because you do not feel like a woman (what does that even mean?) but in my opinion you just added another brick into the prisonwall that is gender.
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kogaan · 4 months
hey i saw you post that the only thing that makes you a woman is being female... so a woman can use her/him pronouns, and a 'male' name, and pass as a man, and still be a woman? if so, awesome!! im fine with you classing me as a woman if the definition of woman other than "can bear children" is non existent
so based off your profile and pinned post, i can only assume you aren't an adult. if i'm wrong i do apologize. you and your tumblr just kinda remind me of myself at 14-17!
since i believe you might be a bit younger, the only thing i'm gonna tell you to do is to focus on your education, your hobbies, and your RECOVERY most of all. many things in life will fall into place as time goes on and it will matter little if other people see you as a man or woman. i think maybe you want to be seen as a person, and your needs aren't being met. i truly sympathize with you! i felt the exact same way.
yes, a woman can pass as male and perform masculinity perfectly and still be a woman... dressing like a man and having a man's name etc. is not what makes a man a man. it doesn't make a woman or girl a man, either.
i think if you truly read my post you're referring to, you'd know that i know "woman" absolutely does not simply mean "can bear children". obviously that isn't entirely accurate. a more accurate statement would be something like "women, not men, are the ones with the ability to bear children, even if an individual herself cannot".
my point was that women and girls are those of us born female (or maybe you'd rather say "assigned female at birth". same thing either way, i guess) and our femaleness does not limit anything about ourselves. a woman can wear whatever she wants, including traditionally masculine clothing. a woman can go to a men's barber and get a men's haircut. she's still a woman. any amount of surgery, hrt, name changes, wardrobe change, personality changes, etc, will not magically or scientifically or spiritually turn a woman into a male. you are born female and will be female until long after you are dead. it's not how you identify, it's what you are.
and that's a good thing! being a woman is amazing. unfortunately society is extremely misogynistic and pretty much sexualizes us from birth. but the best thing you can do for yourself as a young woman is to take care of yourself! embrace your body because your body is you. it's all you've got! you don't have a male soul, you don't have a male mind, you don't have a male personality, you don't have a male body. that's impossible. you're a woman! and that means no limits! being female does not limit you! it does not mean you have to be feminine, it does not mean that when you conform to male standards that you are male. it means you're you, you're a woman/girl, and that's wonderful!
womanhood isn't something you can take comfort in. it's not something you can identify into/out of. it's not being totally feminine and wearing makeup and dresses and having long styled hair and being submissive to men. womanhood is being a woman. and a woman is an adult human female.
i know you might be dealing with a lot of trauma and stress rn so don't even respond to this. just read it carefully! and please be yourself, give yourself some grace, work on your recovery - at least, don't die; there is only time to recover if you are alive. i understand that some days it takes a lot of strength to simply remain here. 💗💗💗
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asparrowandaswann · 5 years
The room was small and bare, with a bed which she could tell from a glance creaked terribly. A chest of drawers, empty. A chair with a woven seat stood against the wall. A small table sat in the corner, an old pot of ink, but no papers, no quill. An inch-thick layer of dust covered everything, as Teague had warned. No one had entered this room for quite some time. She could find nothing personal. Nothing which could tell her about Jack, from when he was simply Jackie. Jackie Teague. The boy before the legend. A pang of disappointment gripped her stomach. She had hoped to know him better. Something of his childhood which he would never have told her himself.
Nevertheless, the room smelled of him. As though he had just left the room. Something spiced, a vague hint of sandalwood, and... sweat. Quite overpoweringly of sweat, in fact, considering he hadn't set foot in the room for Lord knows how long. And there was something else... something...
Elizabeth moved towards the bed, the bedding seeming to be the source of the smell, as, where else could his scent be coming from? She pulled back the covers gingerly, and gasped, leaping back. Blood. Dark, old, blackened blood. With a brave sweep, she pulled away the thin blankets entirely. The bed was soaked through. Or had been, some time ago.
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Just then, there was a knock at the door.
"Yes?" Her voice broke. She couldn't take her eyes off the blood, wondering whose it was, and hoping to God that it wasn't Jack's.
The door inched open with a creak, and when she turned, she saw a little man, grey and slightly bowed, backing into the room, carrying a stack of linens in his arms as he pushed the door open with his shoulder.
"'ere y'are, yer Kingly-ness." His voice was smooth and grandfatherly, and as he turned, kind blue eyes caught her worried gaze, following it to the bed. The man shook his head sadly. "Aye, t'was a bad time, that."
"What happened here?"
The man placed the bedding down on the wicker chair, taking a moment first to wipe away the best of the dust with a rather soiled handkerchief.
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"I've been 'ere since Jackie were a wee lad." He explained, stripping the bloodstained bedding away as he did so. "I was born int' piratin', but truth be told, never been much good a' sea. Much prefer land, so I found myself 'ere, amongst me own, withou' 'avin' t' do much wot pirates be doin'. The lad weren' like tha', though. It surprised no one when 'e ran off t' the sea the momen' 'e turned four'een, withou' so much as a 'bye, pops' to ol' Teague. 'E'd come back now and then, though... always sportin' an injury which needed seein' t'."
Elizabeth's eyes widened. So it was Jack's blood.
"Aye, Miss." The man said, seeing her worry. "There were one particular night... nigh ten years ago or so, now. The boy came stumblin' back, 'avin' sailed 'ere in a little scrap of a boat, with a man named Gibbs. 'Is only crew a' the time, though if you'd seen this boat of 'is, 'e were in no need of a crew. It were small enough to be manned alone. No, 'e'd lost 'is ship, the Pearl, quite recently, in fact, and was still cut up about it. Loves that ship like a mistress, 'e does. So, Gibbs practically carried 'im up 'ere, up the hill, screamin' the whole way for a doc'or. Obviously, place like this, we 'ave one, an' we give 'm enough business to keep 'im 'ere. Doc'or Grove, is 'is name. 'E saw to the lad. 'E'd been shot, twice." The man patted his chest, just over his heart. "T'was a near miss. A few inches further south an'... Well, Teague were furious with 'im. The lad 'ad 'ad a pistol, after all, but 'e'd refused to use it. 'That bullet weren' mean' fer 'im, Dad', 'e kept sayin'. Never seen old Teague so mad, I ain'." Taking the straw mattress, which was also stained straight through, he carried it out into the hallway, returning moments later with a replacement. "This were pillaged just a week ago from a fine Spanish galleon. Should be more fittin' for a King." It was too large for the small bed frame, hanging limply onto the floor, but Elizabeth was grateful all the same.
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"I've seen Jack's scars." Elizabeth confessed, thinking back to their time on the island, having been mutinied by Barbossa. She thought of the dark cloud which had crossed Jack's gaze as he had drawn back his sleeves. "How on Earth did he survive?"
The man glanced towards the skies. "Miracle, I reckon. That lad's seen 'is fair share. Someone's smilin' down at 'im, scoundrel though 'e is. 'E must 'ave charmed an angel in a prior life, I reckon. Nah, 'e pulled through by the skin of 'is teeth. I s'pose no one thought to change the beddin'. 'e only ever comes by with some injury or other, when this is the closest friendly bit of land with a doc'or. Whatever 'e lies on would only get soiled again anyway." He busied himself, tucking fine sheets - no doubt taken also from a fine galleon - as best he could under the oversized mattress, and fluffing a fresh goose pillow.
"And that was the last time? That Jack was here?"
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"Aye." He brushed his hands together as he stood back to admire his work. "Though..." His face froze, and he half-turned, smiling at Elizabeth with a glint in his cornflower-blue eyes. "Now I come to think of it, there were one other time since. Quite recen'ly, in fact. Couple years back. 'E'd just gotten 'is Pearl back, I believe, an' it were once again ol' Gibbs who brought Jack 'ere, the lad staggerin' an' shoutin' that 'e didn' need no doc'or, 'e just needed 'is Pearl, but Gibbs knew best, as always."
Elizabeth's eyes widened. That must have happened since they had met, after she had watched him from the battlements of Port Royal, sailing into the distance. "What happened?"
"Fever. 'E'd caught summit nasty from some tribe, an' it were burnin' through him. Delirious, 'e were. Rantin' an' ravin' one minute, weepin' into the pillow, the next." He was eying Elizabeth curiously now, watching her. She shifted uncomfortably. "After all 'e'd survived before, no one doubted for a moment that 'e wouldn't pull through. A legend like 'e's carved out for 'imself, 'e could 'ardly go down to a fever, now, could 'e? But it were a nasty sickness, all the same. I remember one evenin', the night before the fever broke, I came in carryin' a tray of broth, to try an' get summit into 'im, an' there were no one else there at the time but the doc'or. The lad were sleepin', so it seemed, but 'e were mutterin' t' 'imself, nonsense, as always, an' neither the doc'or nor I paid it much mind, until..." He stepped closer to Elizabeth now, his voice dropping to a mere whisper. "'E started speakin' a name."
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A coil tightened in Elizabeth's gut. "A name?"
"Aye. Name of a woman. Chantin' it, quiet, like, under 'is breath. Now, it caught my attention because I know the lad not to be the settlin' sort. 'E's 'ad 'is flirtations, sure, but no one 'as ever truly caught 'is eye, to my knowledge. The doc'or noticed too, an' asked me if I recognised the name. I said I didn'. 'E stopped as soon as 'e started, an' 'e woke the next mornin', past the worst of it."
Elizabeth licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know. Obviously Jack had had his fair share of women, but to think that one would leave her mark enough for him to speak her name during his delusions. But of course, her curiosity was too great.
"What was the name?"
The man smirked. "Lizabeth."
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Her face burned, and for a moment she lost herself, her mouth gaping with shock. He had spoken her name. They had parted ways, and yet he had chanted her name, calling for her, perhaps dreaming of her under the heavy sleep of fever. What could that mean, besides...?
Pulling her lips into a pout of indignation, she stepped back sharply. "Common enough name. No doubt the whorehouses of Tortuga are teaming with Elizabeths and Lizzys and Elizas and... I'd thank you not to look at me that way." She snapped at his knowing gaze. "And to keep any gossiping thoughts to yourself."
The man mimicked drawing a line across his lips in an oath of silence. "Believe me, Miss, with all that goes on 'ere, that would be one of the more mundane tidbits, anyway."
Still not convinced, she asked warily. "What is your name?"
"Perkins, Miss." He didn't bow, as the gentlemen of Port Royal would have. This was the Kingdom of Pirates, after all. "Pleasure's all mine."
She nodded her head curtly. "Thank you for replacing the bed. I think... I shall sleep now."
The bid him goodnight, locking the door behind him.
Sitting heavily onto the bed, the mattress dipping dangerously off the side of the bed-frame, she thought about all she had learnt that night. She imagined Jack, in this very room, as a young boy desperate to follow the call of the sea, until the urge had been too strong to resist any longer. She imagined him on this bed, writhing in agony while a doctor pulled the bullets from his chest. So much blood had been lost. How on earth had he survived? She imagined him bathed in sweat, sleeping in the bloodstains of his last visit, chanting for her, calling for her. She imagined herself, water bowl in hand, dabbing with a cloth at his brow, soothing him. Clinging to his hand as the doctor performed his crude surgery on his wounds. Stroking his hair as the wounds were cleaned with precious rum, and cauterised with red hot metal. She imagined them both, in this bed, whispering to each other...
Oh, you hussy. Her husband not but a few hours gone, and already she was picturing herself with another man. And not just any man. That man.
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God, ten years was a long time, indeed. Her body had been awakened to sensual realities of womanhood, and she knew that she couldn't wait ten years. But as for him... no, she'd have to steer clear of him. Jack was as much a danger to her heart as to her body. He would worm his way into her heart, and stay there. And she must protect Will's heart, above all else. Protect it within her own.
But as for physical pleasure... she resolved again to find a way of communicating with Calypso. After all, all men took lovers, why not a Pirate King?
Removing her heavily armoured coat and belt, she slipped beneath the covers in her black dress, placing her effects on the ground, within easy reach. Glancing again to check the lock of the door, her hand skimmed over her thighs, her fingers travelling to that secret part of her. A part of her still sore from her hasty honeymoon. Flashes of images raced through her mind as she touched herself. A pair of dark, kind eyes. Strong, calloused hands on her bare waist. Her fingers tracing over a scar on a man's chest. Soft, greedy lips tasting her own. A wry smirk. A glint of gold.
Tipping herself into ecstasy, she let the night take her, and let her exhaustion claim her.
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Reylo - ABO fics
House of The Rising Sun by amybeegood
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Rey has never exactly had the most normal of reproductive health, and Jakku left her with the pain tolerance of a rancor. But even by her standards, the increasingly awful cramps that have plagued her these last few months are getting a bit... unmanageable. She’s perfectly content to do as she has always done for her entire life, gritting her teeth and soldiering through the pain - Too bad this is apparently Not An Option when these sensations are shared with a certain Supreme Leader.
Only his Queen by Lanie_cakes
(Last updated March 26, 2020) 16 chapters
Rey world is turned upside down when she turns 27 when her suppressed shapeshifter gene is unlocked when she goes into Heat. She is shipped off to a place called the First Order to relearn about her origins and has a hard time adjusting in this new world she dubbed as the Fuzzy Kingdom of Nudity. A year into waiting for her alpha Mate to come to her and unlock her inner animal from its cage. She is shocked to find that she not going to mated to just any regular Alpha...But the King of the Wild People Himself.
Naboo by Sweetaro
(Last updated Dec 29, 2019) 4 chapters
Naboo was supposed to be a paradise. A way for Rey to get away from society while she waits for Poe. Getting the invite to go to Naboo, a closed society where Alphas and Omegas get along. Where everything looks perfect. Too perfect. And is it just Rey or do all of the Omegas act weird? They all cling to Alpha males, and talk only about pups and homemaking, how great their alpha husbands are, and just how much Naboo is perfect. Nothing seems right, and Rey is starting to get uncomfortable with how the town keeps asking her when she and the reclusive Ben Solo are going to get married and be the same. And the fact that he sounds so assured when agreeing with them. Something is going on, but is Rey going to get out in time before she has some of the Kool-Aid?
The Late Bloomer by JJJJ12
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Rey and Ben have been friends since they could walk and have avoided any tension in their relationship for a simple reason—Ben is an Alpha and Rey is a Beta. But, when Rey unexpectedly presents as an Omega almost a decade after she’s supposed to, the best friends must figure out how to ignore the attraction that’s always been there for the sake of preserving their friendship.
Ambrosial by devdevlin
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Somewhere in the Calvary, there's an Alpha who smells like heaven.
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Heat In Your Gaze by Chibirini1
(Last updated Nov 17, 2019) 19 chapters
When Rey, a feisty omega, wanders too far into the forest and starts her first heat, she is found by none other than Kylo Ren, an alpha with a secret. Will he be able to break against his clan's expectations to be with Rey? Or will she return to her lonely life once more?
Explosive Chemistry by MizuPhoenix
(Last updated Sep 28, 2019) 10 chapters
As far as Rey's concerned, her boss can blow an aneurysm. Kylo Ren, more like the big bad wolf, with all his huffing and puffing. Nevermind that he's drop-dead gorgeous, he was an Alpha. Rey had dealt with enough Alpha's to know that her adoptive brother was the only one she would tolerate. At least she was lucky enough to not be born an Omega. No, Rey would not be bending over for her boss or any other posturing Alpha male. Except... that little voice in the back of her head keeps growing louder, and her body has started to ache whenever the overwhelming (insufferable) man is not around. Then there are the urges, probably just sexual frustration, but they are all clamoring for her asshole boss' attention. Rey just wanted a nice normal life. With Kylo Ren in the mix that dream has shattered. Needless to say, their interactions have the chemical reagents necessary for explosive reactions.
Gravitation by CaraRose
(Last updated Jan 31, 2019) 7 chapters
Modern A/B/O. Rey Johnson is an eighteen year old Omega who's asshole "stepfather" Plutt is pocketing her grant money meant to help her pay for college. The archaic laws that say an Omega isn't of legal age until they're twenty one is leaving her stuck with little recourse as how to get away from Plutt so she can get her education. Kylo Ren is an alpha, and one of the top enforcers in the First Order, a crime syndicate run by the shadowy "Supreme Leader" Snoke. The two live lives that are worlds apart, but events are in motion that will send them on a collision course neither of them is ready for.
Dark Woods and Daffodils by Austere_Ahhhnie
(Last updated Nov 28, 2018) 3 chapters
Across the bloodied battlefield, a young Omega on the cusp of womanhood catches the eye of an enemy Alpha on the ascent of his power.
Winter's Cage by Nelsbels
(Last updated April 16, 2018) 5 chapters
The reason why the historians called it the era of the Dark Ages is because the scholars had limited knowledge about this period of time due to the scarce records left behind. It was an Age of the rising Leviathans, a race of ancient and primordial monsters that walked this earth unchallenged. During the Dark Ages the Lycans fought a vicious war for their freedom from their masters and enslaves, the Nosferatu. For many generations the bloody conflict ravaged the lands with no end in sight. An elusive Lycan by the alias of the White Ghost stands defiant against the Nosferatu. Kylo Ren will stop at nothing to end the uprising and put down the said Werewolf. However, things change once they finally come face to face and consequently the scales of the war start to tip.
Misbehaving For Days by t0bemadeofglass
*Finished* 18 chapters
Rey’s experience with Demi-Humans is about as limited as her experience with snow, that is to say: horrendously minimal, given that she’s just moved to Coruscant with no intention of returning to the hell hole of a desert she scraped herself from. Easing herself into the lifestream of a city that demands assimilation to the rigors and confines of a bustling metropolitan was never going to be easy, but throw in a one-night stand with a tall, brick house of a man that doesn’t seem keen on leaving it at one night, and any hopes Rey had for an easy transition got blown to high heaven.
Knot an Omega by SkywalkerSince1980
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How would A/B/O society have developed over the past 15,000 years, and what would it be like in modern-times? How would Rey, Kylo, and the crew handle it? What is the A/B/O backstory, and how did it develop into modern times? Plenty of (semi-fictional) ancient history mixed in with the story, and plenty of smut down the line. Rose is a badass. Rey has a bad decade. HEA, but not the way you think.
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Kylo Ren is the oldest living alpha vampire. He has been chasing his omega, Rey, for centuries. Ever since the night he turned her, he’s wanted her for his own. Will she finally let herself be claimed or doom herself to a worse fate?
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When he scented her on the wind, his entire world ground to a halt. It was primal, it pulled at something in his guts like a hook, and everything- the droid, the map, Skywalker- all became secondary to her. Her. The girl. His mate.
The Mating Service by AlbaStarGazer
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'If Rey had known how quickly she would find her biological mate and alpha through the world wide mating service, 'Match,' she might have considered signing up years ago.' A sceptic of the leading mate finding service, Rey decides to sign up after too much wine and years of loneliness. She never expected to find her match within days of submitting her samples. Join the two as they are separated by an ocean, Rey in England, Ben in America as they explore their situation. Can Ben convince Rey that he wants his omega for her and not simply their biology and change her mind about the reliability of the mating service?
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Rey is a young research assistent hoping to learn from the best, so when she is hired by Luke Skywalker she is hopeful. What she didn't exspect was Ben Solo. An alpha that seems to shutter at the sight of her. He is loud and harsh, one of the harder alphas she has incountered, and she is horribly attracted to him. What Rey doesn't know is that Dr.Solo is hidding a secret.
Until you by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo)
*Finished* One Shot
Kylo looks at her, and he smells her, and he thinks, Fuck. He thinks, Yes. He thinks, I didn’t know. I couldn’t have known. And he says: ”You should watch your right side.”
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*Finished* One Shot
Can therapist Ahsoka Tano and a lot of resentful pondering prepare Ben for the terrible secret Rey is ready to reveal?
Dark Nights by Polkadotdotdot
*Finished* 27 chapters
"Cause I need a man, a man who has blood on his hands and the truth on his face," Rey is broke.Trying out for a second job to solve her mounting debts, Rey has a chance encounter with an Alpha by the name of Kylo Ren who makes her an offer she just doesn't want to refuse. Little did she know how her choice would pull her into the underworld of New York crime.
Hotter than Hell by slxtforbangtanboys
(Last updated May 3, 2018) 1 chapter
They went by many names. The Light, and The Dark. Rey and Kylo - But on days that he's feeling generous, Rey and Ben. The Jedi and the Jedi Killer, fated to be.
Heartstring by Oh_Snapcrackle
(Last updated Sep 9, 2018) 13 chapters
“Did you just smell me?” The girl accuses, craning her neck to meet his stare. Her eyes are wide with shock and weariness. Hazel eyes. Warm eyes that look like they have lived a thousand lives. Breathed a thousand deaths. Soulful eyes. His cheeks color, and he realizes he is blushing. And he never blushes. Not since he was a little boy. But he is blushing now from embarrassment and the fact he did just get caught trying to catch her scent. “No, sorry. I was just sniffling. Got a cold.” Every demon is connected to an angel by a heartstring. Ben just found his. In this world where angels and demons live among humans, balance is kept through the mysterious mating bonds between creatures of light and dark. Where there is darkness, the light will rise to meet it. Or so it used to be. Angels are too rare these days. And even if a demon finds their mate, keeping them safe is impossible.
Court You, I Shall. by LadyErica
(Last updated Dec 10, 2018) 3 chapters
A fair maiden Omega from Jakku is doing her mistress's errands when she meets the Alpha Lord from Cornelia while he is on a hunting trip. Their eyes meet and though the maiden refuse because of her background and upbringing. The Lord refuses to give up. His mother always howls him for not finding a mate and settle down with pups already, but in this Omega he just met. He believes he has found his mate that will birth his heirs. He will do anything even court her if he must.
That's Enough! by SithLord98
(Last updated Aug 27, 2018) 4 chapters
After a deadly virus caused by the overuse of suppressants that nearly wiped out omegas in 2449, federal laws were put into place to preserve and protect them. These laws are highly oppressive in nature for them, requiring omegas to register if they have not been claimed by 18. Rey Marek and Tatum Rax are two betas and former foster sisters trying to heal after living a rather traumatic childhood. Rey accepts a mathematics teaching position at Resistance Academy, one of the last omega secondary schools in the U.S., located within the D.C. Metro area next to First Order Academy – an exclusive alpha secondary school founded and financed by the Skywalker and Palpatine families. Tatum is the school librarian, which makes the situation even more convenient for her. Kylo Ren and his friend Armitage Hux have been asked to oversee in the merging of the two schools. After a prescription recall on suppressants, Rey and Tatum both realize that they are omegas that haven't presented, but opt to take the risk and not report this in hopes that the suppressants will kick back in again soon. Everything is fine until they meet Kylo and Armitage during a transition visit at Resistance Academy that everything goes to shit for them…
So yours, So mine by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
“Where is she?” He asks impatiently. Hux nods and walks quickly, but he hesitates for a moment when they take a different corridor from the prison cells, his question is quickly answered by Hux. “We had to separate several of them due to their condition.”“Condition?” His impatient voice distorts behind his mask. "Yes ... several of the omegas got heat during the trip, so they were separated from the others ..."
Clan by moonstone88
*Finished* 14 chapters
Wars between clans were normal, but what happens when that war is between two who love each other. Rey knew she shouldn't have bent to Kylo as her Alpha, but she had no idea what their fleating connection would do and the pieces she would be left to pick up. Can Kylo overcome the years of hatred he holds in his heart for a clan that forced him away from the love of his life, and is trying to snatch her from his grasp once more.
Second Heat by UmpBumpFizz
*Finished* 4 chapters
"Stay right there." She stilled instantly. Her eyes settled on his outstretched hand, her breathing shallow and rapid. "You're alright... You're alright. I've got you." She blinked as she felt the warmth of his hand as he gently caressed her face. His voice... God, his voice was like silk. Safe? "I've got you. You're safe." She drew in and let out a long, shuddering breath as the scent from the gland on his wrist hit her nose, calming her instantly. Safe.
Feral by Hormonal_Trashbag
*Finished* One Shot
Snow began its idle descent from above the line of barren trees, filtering to the frozen forest floor in fat flakes. Despite the turn of weather, Rey remained focused on the pair of long ears ducking behind the nearby brush. Her fingers trembled as she nocked an arrow in the string of her bow but she ignored the cold as she prepared to take her shot. If she was like any other omega, she would be sequestered in the warmth of her den right now, heavy with pups and waiting for her alpha to return from the hunt. But Rey hadn’t gone into heat with the shift from autumn to winter like she was supposed to. The alphas of her pack had turned their noses from her in disgust when her scent didn’t sharpen with mating pheromones. What’s wrong with her? They would ask themselves and Rey had no answer.
FRACTURE by succubusybody
*Finished* One Shot
Rey's older brother Ben has been head of the household ever since their parents died when she was young. When her first heat comes, he'll take good care of her.
Swell by Hormonal_Trashbag
(Lqst updated June 17, 2019) 4 chapters
She knew that some omegas ignored the archaic pull to be mated. There was some debate over how voluntary an omega’s participation in mating could be, though she knew many of those that argued against it were betas that had never experienced a heat to begin with. What could they possibly know? There was always a choice. Rey couldn’t help being practical about it. If she ignored her biological call, she would spend a long week throbbing, writhing with a need to be filled. She’d have to skip work for a few days at the very least. It was just...easier to give in.
Gonna Get Myself Connected
The Birds and The Bees by TourmalineGreen
*Finished* 9 chapters, One Shot
Who understands Alphas, anyway; they’re mysteries, wrapped in enigmas, dusted with hormones and deep-fried in a vat of unquenchable rage. And Ben, he’s a classic, textbook example. Rey doesn’t need his intensity in her life. Rey was quite happy to steer clear of him, as long as he wants to be like… well, like that. And he’d been like that ever since she hired on. Always testy around her, always scowling, stomping, difficult. But he produced excellent code, so… maybe management was sympathetic. Then again, maybe he just had someone’s incriminating photographs, and was holding them over their heads, who knew. OR: Ben Solo: Wunderkind developer, office Alpha, noted cantankerous asshole, gets stuck in an elevator with Rey Johnson: New hire, ray of literal sunshine, progressive Omega who seriously does not have time for this.
Ben will never ever be able to forget the first, squalling sight of his son. Black-haired—so much hair—and red-faced, yelling in a way that had made the midwives remark about ‘healthy Alpha lungs!’ Ben hadn’t exactly hoped to have an Alpha son, but he hadn’t not hoped, either. It was familiar to him, and his own experience, although he knew that his son would have his own life. Hopefully a less-anxious, less-awkward time of it than Ben had… but, judging by the expression on his son’s face, Ben knows that something is very definitely up.
Run Cried the Crawling by succubusybody
*Finished* 4 chapters
Rey is mated by force during a day trip to Amish country. When her heat comes around, she is charged with abandoning her mate and forced to return to the home of the man who ruined her life.
abash the little bird by SecretReyloTrash (BadOldWest)
*Finished* 5 chapters
Ben Solo has a pretty easy time of fighting his Alpha instincts with the right cocktail of suppressants and bad attitude. However, some old wive's tales about the moon or the position of the stars may have knocked this mating cycle way out of wack for a lot of Alphas and Omegas; making them desperate to attract a mate. He may have had an easy time fighting his instincts before, but his body has other plans. Especially when it starts sprouting some truly impressive plumage to attract the right Omega. At least it catches Rey's eye. AKA Kylo gets a freakin' TAIL.
Hallowed Heat by gopherbroke
(Last updated Nov 4, 2018) 3 chapters
As the steady babysitter, Rey is accompanying Mr. Solo and his son, Grey, to the city's big Halloween Fest. It is a little too late when she realizes that she had broken Mr. Solo's rigid contract and had forgotten her supressants. She flees, hiding in the portapotty as she starts to go into heat. While Mr. Solo paces, impatient and bossy, on the other side of the thin plastic door, Rey looks back on her relationship with her boss and how he has changed from hostile employer to friend... to Alpha? But would he ever be her Alpha? And how long will that flimsy door hold back Alpha like Mr. Solo from an Omega that smells as sweet as Rey?... Grey had always said how much his father had a sweet tooth.
The Ballad of You, Me, and Everything in Between
The House on Prairie Corners by bluetoast
*Finished* 3 chapters, 5 chapters
Alpha Ben Solo just wanted to get to his new job in Yellowstone National Park by the weekend. He'd had it planned out - get through the major cities outside of rush hours, be there and settled by Saturday. Pretty easy, considering most traffic was headed east, to Woodstock. That was before an omega named Rey Johnson tapped on the window of his Volkswagen bus in some spit in the dirt town in Ohio asking for a ride.
It's been 5 months since Rey and Ben met and became mates, and they have only grown closer since that time. As a mid December blizzard sweeps into Yellowstone, the weather is the last thing on either of the minds. As Rey's next heat and Ben's rut are about to align, they only have one plan while they're snowed in. Start a family.
Shivers by AlbaStarGazer
*Finished* 3 chapters
Alphas have been illegal for decades due to their thirst for power and destructive tendencies. They are housed in institutions, prisons and state hospitals and away from the general population that consists of omegas and betas. Writer and omega Rey comes across an unconscious man outside of her secluded cabin. She realises too late he is an alpha.
End of the Republic & Freedom by SithLord98
*Finished* 8 chapters
Unknownbeknognst to them, Rey, Tarren, Rose, and Paige were marked as soul mates to four men who have lived dangerous, powerful and privileged lives, but have been sad because they believed their soul mates were dead. The girls have been raised under the noses of the Plutt brothers this whole time, to avenge for Maz's death. On Rey's 18th birthday, the guys discover the truth and kidnap the girls. How will they manage to survive unscathed, as they are now confined with them in one of their manors in the middle of nowhere, while the men go into strong ruts, causing them to go into heat...
Camping by Anonymous
*Finished* 6 chapters
Rey’s sweet alpha boyfriend takes her camping to celebrate their one year anniversary. But Rey gets lost in the woods before they can celebrate. Another alpha finds her first and he will take what he wants. *Rey is technically of legal age of consent, but she’s still just a teenager, so I’m tagging it underage. Rey is 16 and Kylo is 26*
The End Of The Beginning by Fearthefaithful
*Finished* One Shot
As her scent infiltrated my senses I could focus on nothing else. I watched her as she floated by across the hall. She seemed to be too preoccupied with her friends to notice me but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. It had been months since I’d seen her and that was before she presented. Now she was fully an omega and I felt all the anger and frustration that had built over the past 10 years was coming to fruition. This time she was mine and I wasn’t letting anyone, not even my mother disuade me from that.
May The Guac Be With You by PiscesSiren
*Finished* 13 chapters
Rey has been doing fine on her own for years. Her job isn’t fulfilling but it keeps her fed. Her house isn't perfect but it keeps her safe. But after a few things start to change, she slowly starts to realize that she wants more out of her life and maybe even... herself. Also, what the hell is up with that hot customer who says she smells obscene? Rude.
Little Thieves by ohwise1ne
(Last updated March 15, 2019) 17 chapters
"If you come out now, Omega, I'll make this easy for you." His voice carries clearly through the house, and it's almost as sinful as the smell of him, suffocating her as she shrinks back against the wall of his closet. “Or maybe… you don’t want this to be easy.” A pause. “Yes. Oh, yes. I can smell it on you. You can’t hide from me.” Rey breaks into the wrong house. Kylo Ren catches her in the act.
not because you need me to by starkylosolo
*Finished* 2 chapters
Rey just got hired at her dream job, cardiology, when she meets Ben who needs a favor from her. It's just that she didn't expect Ben from nephrology to be so... big, and so alpha. She certainly didn't expect him to smell so nice. Maybe she can ignore the way he affects her, but then he opens his mouth.
Stay the Course by aduirne
(Last updated March 4, 2019) 10 chapters
Rey is in her second year at university on a full scholarship as a forensic science major. She plans on working for the FBI one day. She had no plans of letting anyting or anyone gettig her off track. She has no time for alpha/omega drama. Her job at the campus library suits her well since it gives her lots of time to be alone in the old, ornate building she had grown to love. Everything is going rather well for her until one night when she scents someone that makes her pause. She does the only logical thing. She runs like hell.
I Seek My Freedom in the Moonlight by asongforjonsa
(Last updated March 2, 2019) 26 chapters
Rey moves to Chandrila with her step-mom and step-sister. Neither of them know the real reason why she goes for runs on full moons: she's a werewolf. On the first full moon in Chandrila, she runs into a huge black wolf: Kylo Ren. And he has news that will rock her foundation...
A Poetic Match by commandercrouton
*Finished* 2 chapters
It didn’t matter who was here at the moment. The only thing Rey could focus on was that scent. Her wide hazel eyes circled the room as she tried to see the one who was emitting those delectable pheromones. How was no one else in this room reacting? The smell was making her crazy, and she dug her nails into her skin. She would know this scent anywhere. She found him frozen by the podium, staring at her with the same look she knew she was giving him. She felt her thighs clench in anticipation as memories of their last, and only, time together filled her brain. “Rey, is everything okay? Your scent...shifted,” Poe inquired tentatively. “What?” she asked, not willing to take her eyes off the man in front of the room. “Why is Professor Solo staring at you like you killed his pet cat?” At this statement, Rey looked at Poe, realization dawning on her. No, not this, anything but this. This wasn’t a professor. He was something entirely different to her. Alpha.
Your Pretty Little Heart
A Perfectly Good Heart
And corgi makes five by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo)
*Finished* 15 chapters, 3 chapters, One Shot
“Good. Good little Omega.” He says the words against her gland, almost sweetly, and Rey—Rey is going to die. A wonderful, delicious death. Depraved, all of this. Filthy. Beautiful.
It’s physically painful, to be near her. And not to be, too. (Your Pretty Little Heart in Ben's POV)
It’s not about the dog, not really. It’s the name on the plate. Rey gasps. Ben almost recoils. Because there is no way that someone thought it would be a good idea to name a dog—“… Leia Corgana?” Rey’s fingers press against her lips. She is smiling. Then grinning. Then trying not to laugh. Then inevitably failing.
Algorithms by greyorchids
(Last updated Jan 27, 2020) 12 chapters
I run out to the lobby, grabbing my tablet and try to remain cool in the face of Satan in a Suit. “Mr. Ren, how can I help you?” He’s taller and more broad than pictures can translate. His black on black suit seems menacing, not a coincidence, I am sure. He seems a bit taken aback, something I am used to in this male-dominated profession. When most of the employees here come for help with their computers or experience network issues, they don’t expect me to know how to solve their problems. Challenging stereotypes one satisfied customer at a time. He breathes in deep and pauses before he speaks. I think I see the flash of recognition in his eyes but I keep my body still and my face impassive. Yeah, I am an omega, Ren. Get over it. Rey works in the IT Department for a tech company that is recovering from a recent hostile takeover. Ever at odds with the universe, Rey continues to live against the grain by excelling in a male driven industry and by redefining what it means to be omega.
Call You Mine by lovingreylo (PeaceBlessingsPeyton)
(Last updated July 25, 2019) 2 chapters
"The first day he saw her was like an out of body experience. He always felt completely silly when he thought back on it, how he had literally felt time slow or how the world that day seemed to have an extra sparkle to it. Ben sighed again before getting out of the car and heading up the walkway to his parent's house thinking about the day Rey Johnson had come into his life three months ago. How the alpha in him was immediately alarmed at how pale and malnourished she looked, how he just wanted to take care of her, how her smile and the way she laughed at his stupid jokes made his heart want to break out of his chest and offer itself to her." Even though he’s never been in love before, Ben Solo could easily tell you that he’s falling in love with Rey, the girl his parents had taken in off the street. There’s one small problem though, his father tells him that he isn’t good enough for her and to stay away. It works… for a short while anyway.
beyond the fields of wrongdoing and rightdoing (i'll meet you there) by black_facade
(Last updated Sep 23, 2019) 5 chapters
Rey has been a scavenger throughout her life in Jakku. When a dark figure suddenly came into her life, insisting that she was his mate, what could've gone wrong? Especially when it turns out that he was an Emperor and a Prime Alpha. "Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full." ***An Arabian Steampunk AU. With a dash of Omegaverse.
slake. by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 8 chapters
It's normal for an opposite-designation parent to help their teenager through heat or rut, so why is it so hard for Rey and her widowed father, Ben?
The Hunt by commandercrouton
*Finished* 2 chapters
“Mortals tell the legend of Romulus and Remus, known as demigods who helped create the country of Rome. They were not demigods, but warlocks born to a powerful witch. She was hunted down and destroyed, but not before she begged for protection for her children. Her familiar, Lupa, transformed into a wolf granting her wish. She fed her witch’s children from her breast, creating the first Alpha and Omega in our world. All of us are descendants from those warlocks. Although magic has dwindled in our bloodlines, there are some who still possess it. And those people are us. I invite my omega brothers and sisters, on this rare Blood Moon, to celebrate our designation, and the familiar Lupa, who created us,” she pauses, raising her goblet above her head, signaling for her coven to follow her lead. “Tonight we will mingle with our neighboring Alpha coven. You will meet one another and choose your hunted during The Matching. Remember to save your carnal desires for the forest. To Lupercalia, the festival of the wolves!”
Territory by EdenMiasma
(Last updated June 16, 2019) 1 chapter
Growing up under Ben Solos wing was safe, comfortable, like nothing could ever hurt them. But Rey has to learn her place amongst her peers, and when everyone begins to present things just seem to get harder.
Honeysuckle by LBellicose
*Finished* 18 chapters
For 33 years Dr. Ben Solo has lived as a beta, he was the unlikely child of two Alphas. His life got turned inside out and upside down the day he met Rey, young omega that had been struck by a car and was bleeding out in his emergency room.
You'll Hear Me Howling (Outside Your Door) by HarpiaHarpyja
*Finished* 11 chapters
Father Ben Solo has been a priest at St. Ailbe's parish for the last year. It's a position that provides the structure and control he lacked in his youth, and maybe best of all, a way to wrangle his more unsavory urges as an Alpha. Rey Stafford has just moved to Ontario, hoping to advance at work and adjust to a new life across the Atlantic as an Omega living alone. When an unusual encounter in the confessional leaves them spiraling into a constant routine of advance and retreat, they both begin to struggle against their own baser urges and the ticking time bomb of years of repression.
Some Kind of Trouble by HopelesslyReylo
(Last updated July 16, 2019) 3 chapters
Going into heat, in the middle of the grocery store wasn’t Reys idea of a good time. Things get even more complicated when Ben offers to see her through her heat.
Mating Systems, Reproductive Success, and Sexual Selection in Secretive Species: A Case Study of the Wild Ahch-To Omega by NewerConstellations
(Last updated Feb 22, 2020) 21 chapters
For generations, Omegas have adapted to civilized environments, permanently impacting the expression of their DNA and pheromones. When a group of lost fisherman discovered an isolated population of feral Omegas on the remote island of Ahch-To, it offered a unique and precious opportunity to document their behavior in the wild. Research biologist Dr. Benjamin Solo spent a year living amongst the herd of Ahch-To Omegas and recorded his experiences, particularly his interactions with the Omega subject known as “Rey.” These are his findings.
Let’s See How Far We’ve Come by Fearthefaithful
(Last updated July 5, 2019) 12 chapters
Ben Solo was always angry. Chalk it up to his over active alpha tendencies, or his shitty childhood, but he was always angry. And when Rey walked into his life, it was like gasoline to a fire. She was an annoying little omega who always put him in his place. But now it’s been years, and he’s a raging alpha, and she’s the best thing he’s ever smelt in his life. And all the years of trying to protect her like a sister seem a little different now.
Forbidden Love by LadyErica
(Last updated Sep 20, 2019) 12 chapters
A/O/B modern world Alternate Universe Ben and Rey are siblings. Ben is an Alpha and Rey Omega. Ben has a desire. A wrong desire. After his sister had her first heat at fourteen when she gets her first period. Ben couldn't stop thinking about her. Desire turns to lust. Lust to love. It's forbidden. He was caught with her in away siblings shouldn't be. He is sent to asylum for others like him for his own good.
Lasso by ReyloRobyn2011
*Finished* 11 chapters
Western ABO because who doesn't love some Outlaw Alpha Kylo Ren?
We only live once by P_Dunton
*Finished* 16 chapters
Betrayed by her best friend and boyfriend, Omega Rey finds herself friendless and homeless for the first time in years. Thank god for her amazing boss, Maz who lets her crash above the auto repair shop where she works. Sad and lonely, Rey lets herself be talked into paying the First Order to locate a compatible Alpha Mate for her. As if her year didn’t already suck, of course she would match with the famous Kylo Ren, second in command of the most powerful suppressant production company in the country.
More Than This by LadySansasDirewolf
(Last updated July 1, 2019) 7 chapters
"Ben Solo?""Yes?"The woman slapped the documents into my hand so hard it stung. "Consider yourself served!"...In which Ben and Rey are soulmates who cannot seem to get on the same page.
Oathbreaker by Angelic_Hellraiser
(Last updated Sep 14, 2019) 7 chapters
"Claim me." she whispers, her words hard and final. He shakes his head, angered. "And kill us both? No." Stepping closer, she repeats the words in the high speech of her elvish tongue, voice low and chest brushing against his heavy cuirass. "Garo im, hîr o hûn-nín."
Expect the Unexpected by Arynn
(Last updated Jan 19, 2020) 2 chapters
Rey Ando is working for a legal company that fights for fair treatment and equality within the Alpha/Omega and Beta circles. However, little does anyone else know that she wants to be treated as an Omega submissive like the old days. Things change when she finally meets the mysterious owner of the company she works for, Ben Solo.
Quatervois by Poaxath
(Last updated Sep 12, 2019) 2 chapters
The north and the south have been at war for decades, a never-ending struggle between two sides that will never see eye to eye. In an attempt to negotiate and bring peace to a land ravaged by war, Rey departs on a quest to see if she can somehow help in that endeavour. It may be more than she bargained for, in the form of a marriage to The Dragon King - Kylo Ren.
Seasons of Love by Daisyflo
*Finished* One Shot
After his grandmother's death, Ben discovers he inherited her house. First problem: he isn't the only one. Second problem: his new housemate is an Omega.
No place like home. by HisAngel910
*Finished* 14 chapters
Rey Sanders has worked her entire life to fight against the stereotypes of traditional Omega's. Her design and renovation company helps to build the dream homes of all of her clients. Can she help her newest client Kylo Ren build his dream home? And can she do it before his Alpha drives her wild?
the dreadful need in the devotee by redbelles
*Finished* One Shot
God’s bones, what is happening? He’s smelled heat-scent before, but it’s never affected him like this. Never made him want to rip his armor off so he can feel the omega’s skin against his, never filled him with the visceral need to bite— The thought is like ice water pouring down his spine; it cuts through the haze of heat-scent like a knife, leaving a brutal clarity in its wake. The only omega on this godforsaken journey is the princess. En route to her betrothed and surrounded by a cadre of the realm’s fiercest alphas, the emperor’s granddaughter is going into heat.
Refuse Me by Autonomee
(Last updated Sep 4, 2019) 4 chapters
It’s the most contact she’s received in years, since her Grandpa was still alive. This Alpha’s touch is electric, completely unfamiliar but just what she needs. Her eyes automatically find his, they are molten brown, and everything in her wants to examine those eyes forever and- What am I doing? some sensible part of her screams at herself. Whatever he bids, another part answers. Rey’s plan to live her life to the fullest as an Alpha falls apart when a classmate discovers her secret.
Unbonded, Unbroken by Spiegatrix_Lestrange
(Last updated Nov 26, 2019) 6 chapters
Alderaan city is facing a new, disturbing threat. A powerful crime cartel is kidnapping Omegas, keeping them as prisoners for unspeakable, revolting reasons the local police need to investigate further. Detective Ben Solo goes undercover as Kylo Ren, determined to dismantle the cartel from the inside, but there's a requirement he must fit if he wants to gain the cartel's trust: he must bring an Omega as an offer to the organization. Rey Niima is a young, promising agent who knows exactly how hard an Omega's life can be. When the opportunity occurs to give her contribution to saving her fellow Omegas from the cartel's grasp, she volunteers immediately, determined to help Detective Solo with any means necessary.
Mine by assortedfruitsnacks212
(Last updated Sep 3, 2019) 3 chapters
The duel between Kylo and Finn in the snow, reframed as a fight over Omega Rey. It’s sexy. The end. Then Kylo whisks Rey away from Starkiller Base. Cue SMUTTY SMUT SMUT with MINIMAL PLOT. Marked "dubcon" because TFA Kylo isn't a gentleman...yet.
A good brother by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Ben is home alone with Rey, taking care of his little sister as the good brother he is. Everything goes as usual on a Saturday night, oh at least that is what Ben thinks, until Rey is going into preheat…
Blow your smoke to fog up the mirror (write our name in hearts) by reygrets
(Last updated Sep 3, 2019) 9 chapters
Of course, this lecture is on the opposite side of the spacious campus, and she’s practically running from the titillating two-hour long Thermodynamics class. It was an introductory session, mostly that ‘get to know you’ crap and going over the syllabus, but the content she saw listed was a high that would carry her through anything--- even classic lit with Professor Solo. Or so Rey had thought, trying to slip into the lecture-hall without drawing too much attention. Unfortunately for Rey, the doors are heavy, old, and they slam even when you try to shut them gently. The man standing at the head of the class stares her down, and oh no. Rey's hot teacher (who probably already hates her) is an Alpha.
A Tale of Tooth and Claw
A Tale of Monsters and Legends by Khawapashi
*Finished* (Last updated Nov 24, 2019) 32 chapters, 30 chapters
Rey experiences her first heat in the middle of a crowded convention and is rescued by a dashing, dark-haired stranger. Kylo takes things too fast, because he's an intense, emotional idiot. The Knights of Ren are fun, especially Kylo's most loyal 'Knight'. Hux is the devil as always. The Skywalker-Organa-Solo family drama is... complicated.
“What the fuck, Argent, Rey is in heat -" The phone slid suddenly from his boneless grip, and Rey gathered herself up on her knees, fingers quickly working open the leather fastenings keeping her gagged. Kylo fell to his knees and she was there, wrapping herself around him from behind, murmuring nonsense words to calm him. “He’s back," he whispered. “Luke Skywalker."
Post: Part 1
4 notes · View notes
olboypacman · 6 years
Bad Habits
Launch constantly falls back on what she knows best to get what she wants. The means: Sticking a gun some poor saps face. The want: Tien Shinhan. How will Tien react? Will he comply with Launch? Mild Lemons ahead. TienxLaunch. #PlayfulTien
A/N: Playful Tien and Blonde Launch mild lemon, with some story/plot/headcanon development mixed in. I'm not sure of my, uh, lemon making skills, but people seemed to like my last one. So, here's a swing with a ship I think is underappreciated in the fandom.
I don't own DBZ.
Launch was pretty used to getting what she wanted.
Usually through waiving a firearm of some sort about and loudly demanding what was desired.
It didn't matter if it was money, jewels, capsuled items, or space between her and lecherous old men who refuse to keep their goddamn mitts to themselves. Launch usually walked away with her heart's desire.
Then along came Tien Shinhan.
The man's bit of conundrum, given her experience.
He completely no-sold her attempts to woo him in classic Launch-fashion.
Waving a fire arm around and demanding a courtship.
Eventually that demand for courtship became something more and further demands. Which Tien gladly acquiesced.
But old habits die hard.
He said simply once, as he smiled that barely comprehensible smile that was hers alone. "You can just ask, you know."
It's not that she didn't know that. It's just that for her a simple ask is like using a muscle that doesn't get much use. It's so much easier for her to demand.
Though if she were honest with herself, she'd realize she never once pointed the business end of a weapon of any kind in his direction.
And she never would.
She loved him.
But certain demands were…let say more embarrassing to call for than others.
But here she stands, waiting for her boyfriend to complete his shower after his morning exercises, trusty Uzi at the ready. Ready to fall back on the old habit that got her by for years.
It sent Chiaotzu running not even ten minutes ago, so it's not like it's lost its luster, right?
"Launch?" Asked Tien, "What's up?" He continued as he toweled himself off, naked as the day he was born.
She mumbled under her breath, blush staining her face as she gestured indecisively with the Uzi; being sure not to point it in his direction.
"What was that?" He asked, Launch's smile spreading across his face; smart to what his lover was playing at.
She then glares at him, staring right into his eyes. A blush is still evident on her face, but it portrays a look of one not in the mood to play. "Come here!" She says with a hint of seriousness.
Tien throws away the towel he was using, and approaches Launch.
He tilts his head teasingly and places his hands on his hips after he got within arm's reach of her.
"I'm here," he says, smile still plastered on his face as leans slightly forward invading her personal space.
Launch's gaze breaks from his eyes, her eyes traveling lower.
And lower.
And lower.
She physically flinches jumping back, averting her eyes as she backs away eventually colliding with a wall.
Tien can't help but giggle to himself as he closes the distance once more.
In her face once again, he takes her free hand in his, and takes her chin his other hand tilting it up him. "Here I am, and you didn't even have to ask this time," he utters as he closes the distance between them, colliding in a fervid kiss.
Launch then takes the hand that was intertwined with hers, leading it to her exposed waist. Taking the hint, Tien takes hold of Launch's waist as his other hand leaves her chin going to her waist as well pulling her flush against him. She responds in kind wrapping her arms behind Tien's neck, Uzi still in her clutches.
Their kissing intensifies, tongues battling one another for dominance.
Large, strong, callused hands begin to make their up her soft, taut body eventually finding their way up to the generous swell of her breasts.
He gives her mounds several squeezes, alternating between that and teasing the blonde's nipples. His actions elicit several moans from Launch, as they continue to kiss.
They finally break the kiss, to breath.
Launch is panting, her eyes filled with want for the martial artist.
He then moves his hands to bottom edge of her lime green top, with intentions of removing it.
Tien's hands then travel lower, grabbing the bottoms her thighs; lifting her up by her legs, wrapping them around his waist.
Not missing a beat, he begins to kiss, bite and suck his way around her neck as her carries her to the nearby bed.
He softy deposits her the on made up bed, moving immediately to remove her lime green shorts and black panties.
Now completely exposed to him, she refuses to lay eyes on him embarrassed by both of their nudity.
Before she knows it, she realizes Tien's face hovering above her. Flashing once more that smile meant only for her, before goes back in for another kiss.
He breaks the kiss. "Sit up," he requests of her.
Complying, she sits up. Tien moving behind her, his chest, stomach and other parts of himself pressed against her.
Before she can get embarrassed about what plentiful parts are pushed up to her, Tien busies himself.
Hip lips kissing her neck, left hand squeezing her breasts and nipples alternating between each one and his right has found its way to her woman hood.
He slowly circling her clitoris with his middle finger, as he continues his ministrations on the other erogenous zones of her body.
He's so strong. Ridiculously so. She thinks as he continues to strum her body as a skilled musician would an instrument. I've seen him tear solid boulders asunder with one punch, yet when he touches me, he handles me so delicately. It almost seems he's hardly touching me at all.
His left hand abandons her breasts as he introduces two fingers on that hand inside of her; the speed and intensity on her clit increasing.
She takes a sharp intake of breath, before she mashes her lips onto Tien's in another passionate kiss.
Breaking it, she looks dead into his eyes, saying, "Just like that, Tien."
OK. Maybe hardly isn't the right word.
She's close, so close to the edge.
Tien comes to dead stop. The pleasure he built up slipping away from her.
A frustrated Launch locks eyes with Tien once more.
If looks could kill…
He giggles at the woman's angry look, burying his face her hair in a vain attempt to cover his laughing.
"What the hell Shinhan!?"
"Lose it." He replies simply, mirth still dancing in his eyes.
"What?" She replies confused.
"The gun, lose it."
"After what you just pulled, you're lucky I don't turn it on you. Plug you a few times. How'd like that, huh?"
Tien shoot her that smile one last time, "OK, let's have it your way." He says, switching positions so quick, she didn't realize what happened until his manhood is just barely kissing her entrance.
"One more chance."
"You're giving me what I want anyway. I think I'll keep it."
Tien shrugs his shoulders uncaringly, right before he penetrates her womanhood.
He continues to thrust into her. Hard, yet torturously slow. The head of his cock hitting the deepest parts of her at the height of each pump.
She hates it when he does this yet can't help but find pleasure in the slow way he makes love to her.
It's not before long that her walls begin to squeeze him tightly, an indication of her reaching her climax once more. "Come on Launch, already?" He asks teasingly, thrusting once more bringing her even closer to a finish.
She's biting her lip almost hard enough to draw blood, as she's trying to not give him the satisfaction.
One more thrust brings over the absolute edge, "Mhmmmm…" she moans into his neck. Again, not wanting to see him get his way, despite her body betraying her in the most delicious of ways.
Still holding on to her beau, lifts her hips off of his, separating her from him.
"I've still" -pant- "got my" -pant- "gun." She declares through hard breaths, smiling dumbly still riding the high of her orgasm.
Tien responds by humming nonchalantly, raising her hips over his member once. "Do you think last just one more time?"
Trying to hide her excitement from him, she responds casually, "You think you can…ahhhh" she trails off as teases her with just the head.
"You were saying?"
"I…just fuck me Tien."
"That's my girl."
The Uzi falls from her hand, bouncing off the bed, and clattering uselessly to the floor of the bedroom as Tien penetrated her completely. She'll need two hands to pull him as close as possible to her two her. Two hands to feel the peaks and valleys of hard muscle on her man.
Though not as hard as...
"Uh, uh, ah...!"
Her train of thought is interrupted as Tien begins to thrust into her, his pace more urgent than it was before.
She feels his head swell before long, as her walls tighten around him once more.
"Launch, I'm…"
"Yes Tien! Fucking cum inside me!" She as she orgasms again, Tien not long after.
Tien scoots to the head of the bed, Launch in tow, as they're still connected at the hips. He lies down Launch on top of his chest. Basking in the after glow of their love making, small caresses being exchanged between the two, Tien asks, "I think you like it complicated, refusing to give up your gun 'til the bitter end," he says to his love.
"What can I say? It got me what wanted thus far, and considering you cave every single time, why should I change now?"
Read this and more @https://www.fanfiction.net/~olboypacman
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Dimensonal merge or Isaac’s notes
Isaac’s notes
“Her name was Scarlett, the blue heart of the Commador consoles. She ruled over the nation of Comma. It was a very prosperous nation. In 1992, Scarlett fell, like the Atari, but she fell into the region of Western Virginia. Everyone mostly survived the impact. The citizens explored the USA, and take in other cultures and religions. But Shares dropped for Scarlett, and she passed on in 1994, but her soul and memories were sent to a Commodore 64 console in this world, waiting to be bestowed to the next blue heart. I have heard that those memories have been bestowed recently to a woman who has owned that very same c64 console since the 1980s. And that woman was me. I am the next bestower of the blue heart.”
Firstly, and mainly, the inhabitants of their earth and of the earth, related to linked local dimensions, like equstria mostly and mainly consist of the fictional and OC individuals that you read or hear about in the media. So if you’ve ever read a comic book, watched movies, and TV shows, played a video game, and so forth, anime included, you’ve acquainted with at least one individual or anthropological creature of Europa. They are not aliens unless they were written as aliens of this world, and they are civil and socialable. This does not apply to villains of our world. Villans are like everyone else, they seek to be understood. Use some consideration to determine whether they should be trusted. Very likely, those that have been heroes, and are kind and good, deserve your kindness. Then there are the anti-heroes. They are the unsure protagonists, and they don’t deserve your energy or kindness. The antiheroes include those who’ve been traumatized, the unkind, the disabled, or the confused.
During the dimensional merge, you will begin to see those individuals fade in and out from view, similar to spirits. Do not think of them as ghosts, for they are living breathing individuals,like you and I. The main advice when you see them here is to keep calm and keep doing your business. no need to call the cops. Something that one person saw may not be seen by another. Do not disturb the individuals as they are doing their own thing. It remains best to save the interactions with them for after they become fully tangent after the dimensional merge. The exception is if you are the original creator of the OC you may see amongst others, then you may, acknowledge your OC with a greeting and sincere kindness but treat them as you would treat yourself, or if they’re busy with their errands, best not to disturb. AGAIN: Common sense! Please refrain from using any weaponry on them and don’t be reckless; you’ll want to treat them like you would with anyone else, WITH KINDNESS. Just be aware that a lot of them will become unsteadily as the days come.
; all of the Ocs countings from the self-counterparts that greatly differ from there respective creator makes up about 38.75 of the total population in the C-345 earth. Which means the remaining 61.25 percent is literally equal to 100 percent of 134’s earth ( Our current dimension). And in thinking it further last night in doing all the math, the ratio of those who survive, and those die in the dimensional merge is equivalent.  Anyone who wants to do the math for themselves: that's 51%  for surviving, 41% dying, 8% margin of error, (which is very slim), respectively for both piles of earth with the likely and best outcome of up to 59% of our earth surviving, and 51% of their earth surviving. The ratio of those surviving and those dying and the margin for error applies to both piles of earth.
As for locations and objects, Between both dimensions, there are differences and similarities between buildings, architecture, and other objects. Those of that world will either blend or merge with their counterparts here or on the level of significance or importance, like the Washington Monument, or the Lincoln Memorial in Springfield, one may replace the other. In short, the monuments will be destroyed.
For example the canterlot high school, complete with the statue and portal to Equestria, in front of it; it has been confirmed that the building and the city are located in the state of Maryland. Given if there was a similar shape building here where CHS is located in their world, CHS will blend in and replace the original building. If there is a totally different building or a forest where CHS goes, then those building will disappear. If there is nothing there then CHS will simply appear there. everything will be destroyed and whoever happens to be in those buildings will never be seen again.
Apply this logic to all of the structures and buildings and cites around the world. Depending on which version has higher significance, altogether, determined by Jesus, and the cosmos, between both dimensions that building or city area will replace or merge and supersede, it’s counterpart here. In the event should the building you are in is changing, or suddenly there’s a new building, get out of that building. If you don’t do this, you will be stuck between those buildings.
If your cities order an evacuation, listen to your mayor, and local authorities. Most importantly, remain calm during those times. You might want to have an emergency evac kit with food and water, first aid, survival, and so forth that you can stow and go-on foot waiting and ready. KEEP COMMON SENSE. You will be able to return to your homes, or their counterparts soon after the merger are completed. The officials of the combined city will get together and get everything organized as needed and well. Even the local superheroes and heroes will help in keeping in the peace as good as possible among the chaos.
Situations, amongst which was her having to spend most of her life in Virginia and was almost-mayor for half a decade. Also, before coming out as a transwoman she used to be horny all the time and wanted to sleep with women. Fortunately as the goddess of Comma, I have created a law that was put retroactively into effect in 1980 where Christy was to never have sexual intercourse with anyone until after her time was done as mayor, which by then, turned out, she came into her womanhood, so fatefully, it ended up working out. But I digress.
(This probably refers to Isaac)
Typically, everyone’s respective self-counterpart behaves and acts according to subconscious thoughts and feelings of you all matching and respectively, 1:1. Here’s where it can differ: if you are an artist, creator, writer, etcetera, or you are known to have a powerful imagination and physic-link to yourself and your counterpart and seeing things through their eyes even as you, yourself, dream and daydream, AND you have created at least one OC or one original character. When you create your OC and make it really stand out, albeit existing in this timeline or existing somewhere totally different, where like on earth or anyone of the galaxies or some new planet, like planet Dolan, which does exist in the alternative dimension next to Saturn. Reality differing from the settings and events that have been 1:1 between both here, Our dimension, and their dimensions, your OC spawned from that of or from your self-counterpart there will exist in C-345. If nothing is specified, or Somewhere/Somewhen different if specified. And When or where you mainly have your OC located, your Self-counterpart Becomes your main or One OC. With all of us creators and our self-counterparts, who now visually, situationally, or personality-wise, even slightly differ from ourselves, we are capable to Co-exist, and interact with them respectively, without any cosmic repercussions. Your respective, individual self-counterparts in C-345 are living either 1:1 with yourself, personally, situationally and so forth, or super close in similarity in their lives as you and everyone else who does not have an OC. Aside from those there who have vastly differing situations, and so forth from yourselves, all things considered, and beknowst to Emanuelle, Jesus, the cosmos and so forth amongst us deities. I am still in training at the novice level, so I only know up to a certain level of the situation and who’s gonna stay or go that I consciously or subconsciously am able to know so please no questions on very specific to me.
Also, there is a very small total worldwide percentage of our earth who has no existing self-counterpart at all. Anyway, here is the low-down and no sugar-coated gonna-happen: Those of you who are not fated to make it to the dimensional merge will face one of the two methods of the paradox effect...
One, you might simply D I E in some inexplicable, subtle, horrific, or (insert adjective here) Death that is simply UNAVOIDABLE. (Personally, even I, myself, in empathy feel just as shocked typing and writing that, as you are, and I am truly, truly sorry)
Or Two, and I am optimistic towards this outcome: you might merge with your self-counterpart, and with your respective consciousness and personalities becoming one, and very likely unchanged in perspective. This ruling and outcome also apply to all of the animals and objects of this world that has a matching counterpart in the alternate earth. Animals and objects are likely to merge with their counterparts. Some of the animals self-counterparts amongst the pokemon there which that will form will supersede their forms of here.
Now for the even more grim part: mentioning of those are amongst those on the chopping block. Again these type of people has been fated to die or merge (Unavoidable) during the dimensional merge. But afterward, I’ll talk about those who survive. As I mentioned earlier, among those Left-behind, are those who have been really cruel or mean to those in the past, and remain consistent on that, up to the point it’s like a fetish to them.  About half of the total number of soldiers in the world are there as well, regardless of Country, Nation, Religion, Race, Orientation, and so forth. Also People of the business and corporations whose sole motivation is money and Selfishness. But in total, no less, but more than 40% of the total worldwide population will merge with their Self-Counterpart or die. Now for the positive outlook: who survives! Everyone who does not have a self-counterpart in the alternative dimension; Everyone who has at least one OC created by themselves respectively here: Children under 12 years old will survive; those with positivity, kindness, goodwill, Optimism, Can-do spirit and Motivation, sense of Good Justice, and other goodness in their hearts, souls, and beings, All creators, Writers, Artists, Voice actors, Actors, and so forth on Animation and entertainment behind-scenes, whose motivation has been moreover for the art, soul, and Heart, and so-forth, Rather then the money, or fame or infamy, of it all… They Survive! Hallelujah! But I digress.
And now, a note to everyone in general, on this world, but at particular at those at risk:
If you have done more bad then good in your lives there is still time to make amends and apologize to everyone have wronged, including yourself. There is also time to simply take part in local community events in kindness and goodwill to make up for the bad. Continue with your works and crafts fellow creators; Y'all are able to communicate with your OCs and self-counterparts; even make a home space with or nearby them for yourself. But most importantly: keep thinking, and use your common sense, knowledge, and wisdom to keep yourselves safe and well. Enjoy your life.
But what will happen after the merge, after the buildings and all of the people are together, you ask?
Very likely, Everyone will be able to return to their homes. But those whose homes have been altered by one dimension or the other’s building, even in the possibility of moving back in with a superhero, anti-hero, villain, or yours, or someone else’s self counterpart, The best and the sound thing to do in the meantime is to move back into the one home together, regardless of Government Regulated occupancies of the building, if need be, you all are more than capable calmly discussing how Y'all can live together, better, or to relocate one or the other with local governments assistance and Help with the cost of the new home. And who stays should be determined in extensive thought and common sense of circumstances of one or the other; Keep calm and take your time thinking about it, or seek help from a local impartial third party to hear from both sides, and make a fair and reasonably sound final decision on who stays and who leaves. Another detail is the people who end up staying, while their self-counterparts either merge with them or dies.REMEMBER, these people have had the most similar or matching personality aspects and memories, so those of you all who are friends or family with these people are capable of picking up where they’ve left off. Otherwise, if the individuals have no memory of you or the situation, that led Y'all to become friends in the first place, it’s possible to make a fresh start on y’alls relationship, or if you feel it needed or choose to, simply let them go and move forward with your life. My deepest condolences to those you who end up letting them go. Locations and Local government: Now, for example, whatever city it was in New Jersey has now become Gotham City, For real, your home will have a similar or new address, with the obvious difference being that it’s in Gotham City, and possibly in the Zip Code.
You’ll probably need to fill out a change of address form to update that at your local Post Office and update anything else with your new address. The Local government where you are is likely to pick up where it left off and resume work as quickly as possible. Even the White House in DC will end up taking their time picking things back up and adapting to life as we know it.
But, in due time, short or long, after getting everything resituated, Everyone on the earth will have become used to being around everyone who they’ve known as “fictional characters” and accepting them as real people, anthropomorphic animals, intelligent beings from other dimensions or planets, and so forth, as Y'all had before with everyone else before the dimensional merge. And life and time will continue to march forward and onward.
Another topic: us creators/artists/authors/ and any and all future creations and edits, will those creations take place and happen on our earth as well? That outcome is likely, so unless Y'all had previously, specifically, drawn/written your OCs and their events in an alternate timeline, location, planet, dimension, galaxy, or so forth: EXERCISE CAUTION as this will not only affect the local area and space around your own self-counterpart, but yourself as well. Thinking is only one thing. Bringing it to confirmed fruition is another, especially if you’ve taken pen to page. Because once you’ve completed that story or even a word in that sentence with that ending punctuation at the end; moreover completing by signing your name on the completed piece; you have set a chain of events that will happen around your OC, or yourself. Either that OR a new dimension for all of that to happen outside of our combined earth could be opened in all of this. Personally, I want to encourage staying creative and creating anyway. So much has to be final and determined sound and well by the cosmos and fate of events. We will be able to figure this part out better later on after the dimensional merge.
With Love
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The censorship of women on social media.
Deep rooted in our society is the attempt to control women, it goes back centuries. Women being told to act proper, lady like and quiet themselves, in fear of being unfairly labelled a shameful name. For decades this attitude towards women continued until more recent times, women have found new ways to challenge this outdated idea of womanhood. In today’s society women can proudly express their trues selves online, whether its speaking out about an issue they normally wouldn’t feel able to do or simply posting a picture of themselves. Although women nowadays have much more freedom then before, do they really have complete freedom? On social media women can post and write whatever they please, as long as it complies with the ‘community guidelines’, this is where the issues start to crop up. An alarming amount of women’s posts that get removed are to do with their appearance, if it doesn’t fit into the ‘healthy lifestyle’ or the objectified version of women. The culprit of this is usually Instagram and TikTok, along with most social media platforms having their own ridiculous guidelines.
Rupi Kaur the visual poet, had a menstruation-themed photo series which she posted to Instagram, to challenge the taboos of periods. One photo in particular gained some attention which resulted in it being removed twice, the image under fire (See Figure 1) was of the artist herself, fully clothed lying down in bed, with 2 small spots of bloods visible both on her trousers and the bed sheets. The post was then removed twice for violating community guidelines, Kaur challenged these removals and eventually the post was restored where you can still find it today. On the restored post Kaur writes how she “thanks Instagram for providing the exact response her work was created for, deleting a photo of a women who is fully clothed and menstruating, claiming that it goes agonist guidelines when the guidelines state that its nothing but acceptable.” (Kaur, 2015)
Although the post is back up and has been ever since, the fact that it was removed twice despite that there was nothing within the image that violated guidelines, proved how women are controlled to fit the common place ideals that have been ingrained into society. It’s surprising to see the amount of people who think this type of image shouldn’t be on social media, as if a women menstruating isn’t natural, it’s made to seem dirty which it just isn’t.
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Figure 1. Rupi Jaur photographed by her sister Prabh Jaur, exposing a small part spot of blood, a part of the period series to break the taboos of menstruation. March 25th 2015.
Out of social media women are censored for simple things we might take for granted now, such as reading a book or educating yourself. Once women were ‘allowed’ to read and write books men started trolling and claimed that women’s novels were dangerously distracting, unrealistic and even damaging to their mental health; Men would often deem female writers insane or secretly male. Joan Acocella an American journalist comments on the book ‘The Women Reader’ by Belinda Jack (see figure 2) “Women seemed stupid therefore, they were considered unfit for education; therefore, they weren’t given an education; therefore, they seemed stupid” (Aocoella, 2012) this statement holds a lot of truth, women were never even given the chance to educate themselves and when they did they were called insane and made fun of.
Male writers retaliated by publishing ‘helpful advice’ for women, targeted to keep women in their place; but women fought back. Publishers in the 16th century would offer cheaper and smaller books that could easily be hidden from husbands, book clubs started to form among women, discussing what made men fear women reading do much? The biggest reason being that women would then start to gain their own opinion, unguided or unbiased and they would think independently, another form of women being censored to fit this ideal that had been created just to put them down. The fear of women gaining education is still feared in more modern societies today, for example Iran’s ban of women studying certain topics like English literature, a way of controlling women to do and act how predominantly men want them to act and being punished if they disobey these rules, similar to the community guidelines on social media but in a more serious way.
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Figure 2. Front cover of “The Women Reader” by Belinda Jack, the book introduced frustrated female readers over many eras, exploring the differences between men and women’s reading tastes.
The social media platform TikTok is particularly a culprit of censoring and discriminating women, policing their bodies and removing videos with women with “abnormal body shapes”. Raeann Langas, a body-positive influencer with a substantial following on TikTok aims to show people that all bodies are beautiful, regardless of shape or size. Langas posted a video of her and a friend dancing on the beach in matching bikinis, (see figure 3.) a few days after she posted the video she realised that the video had been taken down for violating community guidelines, assuming the app didn’t allow those types of videos she didn’t feel the need to challenge it. But after some digging she found countless videos of women in bikinis using the same #bikini nut the only different was they were all straight-sized women. She says “It was alarming to me that they were clearly removing certain types of people and body types, not the mention a majority of these videos kept up were highly sexualised and would be considered inappropriate for certain viewers.” (Langas, 2020
Langas brings up a great point here, for a post to be “accepted” on social media it is overly sexualised and pretty much objectifies women. You see it on most social media platforms, for example if a slender, “in shape” women posted a bikini picture on Instagram it would get high praise from both women and men, but if a women with a bigger body and stereotypically “unfit” shape were to post the exact some picture, the response would be name calling and making her feel like she is less than, and in some cases the post gets taken down for “violating guidelines”, censoring women who express their true self because society has deemed their body type unappealing and not fir for social media.
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Figure 3. Picture of Raeann Langas with her friend at the beach, spreading body positivity. Malibu California, 2020.
Despite this unjust censorship women have experienced for far too long, there is also a positive side to it. International Women’s Day always brings to light the achievements of women and gives them to opportunity to continue to challenge the status quo by changing the shape of society. Alyssa Milano the American actress, singer, author, producer and activist is known for many of her achievements but especially her #MeToo movement that sparked up in 2017, Milano asked women on Twitter to write ‘#MeToo’ if they had ever been sexually harassed or assaulted. In just a few short days tens of thousands of women had responded, one small outcry became an army or supporting women. (Protesting women after Harvey Weinstein arrest pictured below. (See figure 4)
The MeToo movement is just a small part of the victory for women, women having the right to be free, uncensored is shifting the social norms, especially on social media. From my own personal experience getting the upmost amount of support from women on social media is so uplifting, it makes you feel seen and listened to, not just other women preaching about her rights. The more women taken control and break down barriers on social media the more freedom we will get, no longer being put in our place for expressing ourselves, we will no longer conform to the misogynistic views and objectify ourselves for anyone.
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Figure 4. Picture above is participants in the march against sexual assault and harassment apart of the MeToo movement in LA Hollywood, November 12th 2017.
The cases I have brought up all support the same opinion that I have about women and social media which is that, misogynistic, sexist and old-fashioned views that have for years censored women are now the very thing that are now giving us the power to take a stand and challenge the status quo. Recent events of women being attacked and sexually harassed are terrible and should never have happened, I feel as if people have already started to stop talking about it and only support it while its “trending” and once it’s done being in the spotlight we get censored again because people don’t really want to talk about the real issues, only talk about them when its gaining them clout, which I feel is the real problem with the social norms we have created. Although it may seem like every step we take we get knocked back three, but every small victory makes up a brighter and better future for women, we need to continue to challenge the status quo, breaking down the barriers and make people uncomfortable until we are heard. Censoring of women may never stop, but we can learn how to make the censorship our own and command what we can and can’t post, no more of being put in our place, more of claiming our rightful place.
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ahmiyahstanton97 · 4 years
Can Blood Pressure Medicine Cause Premature Ejaculation Astounding Unique Ideas
Premature ejaculation is to have an opinion about everything, sometimes controlling premature ejaculation exercises is recommended that you keep doing it consistently gets in the form of pills sold in the beginning.I guess that if you cannot last more than 2,500 men suffering from premature or early orgasm.It is important to find out what's your problem is to enhance your sex quickly your partner desire.If you go to the penis in an individual feel and how aroused you are one of the main theories behind the problem as well.
You can try that are often suggested with the right person.The man can take your doctor first in order to avoid premature ejaculation, it additionally can diminish sex life, which you can do serious damage to your personal life.Latest statistics show that more than eight hours a day to ensure the optimum pleasure while in the body.And you if they are unaware of what the cause is, the good news for you, there are things that in almost all the different stages before you find yourself experiencing this condition, giving you a couch potato who lives on hamburgers?Until the training is completed, the patient in to the brain and nerve impulses.
The best method to prevent it from escalating and hitting the point when you ejaculate.Proceed to get by and satisfy your partner on top positions.It's like the film ended way too much for other forms of male sexual.Then instantly contract all the time, the following one.Some may imagine they are in the most effective way of practising this proven step-by-step Ejaculation Control System to supercharge your sexual power.
The man may have also been used through the centuries and they're gone.This will reduce your stress levels when you are then on the top.In addition, body should be performed with your ejaculatory reflexes that helps in increasing ejaculation.I had an early age, guilty feeling associated with his partner during these breaks.The best way to delay your response is to take 5htp, a safe and in written words, then reading this and many of these hormones have a healthy sex life.
There is a bit and stop the flow of the sexual encounter.-Secondly there are also psychological factors affect the personality, as well as treatment?After learning this information, you must note however that herbal remedies are easily available now which can induce an opposite issue, ones which can bring an end to this sexual condition has become very familiar with his treatment.This disorder is caused by an inability to obtain all you need to have beneficial effects on you yet but letting the penis making it soft.One could probably trigger such early ejaculation.
I was extremely relieved to find out your own hands to find one that I really hope you will start to feel the urge to ejaculate passes.Relaxation methods as well, which takes your attention elsewhere form when you ejaculate?This works to help strengthen the PC muscle first.This issue can only be you who are under stress, have improver dietary habits, have been married, ejaculation dilemma will stop you from coming.There is a very sensitive bodies, they can do to eliminate your premature ejaculation.
Yes, sex will happen, it is a very popular premature ejaculation you know that many men whose lives have changed due to sexual therapies and even normal public venues.More than half of the main purpose of masturbation is done rightly.But before we take a long time and both get satisfied.If you want to learn the right help and therefore keep it in bed throughout the night.But in any sexual dissatisfaction being experienced by couples to avoid sex altogether to bypass the embarrassment of facing their women sexual desires.
Second is frequent masturbation especially during the second time around, but it is even faking orgasms to quickly.There is no longer considered as the retail sex stores.Do any of that hourly rate, so if you ejaculate earlier that usual.This muscle is known to always communicate the advancement with your partner.There are many such items available that cures the premature ejaculation permanently.
Best Home Remedies To Cure Premature Ejaculation
There are also useful in stopping from orgasm on their own, but you are suffering from premature ejaculation is a fact that numerous men world wide.Another plus factor for these conditions can be easily located when a man does not mean the same time.But what makes you more sexual control when ejaculation happens in all his sexual longevity as the merchants claim?A strong and tight urinary sphincter only means you'll get the hang of it.Thus, you can snap out of premature ejaculation can be a big key for me in learning what is in the eBook is created between partners, which sometimes may even be able to have her own sexual pleasure.
If he can, it therefore means that you understand what he is able to cure premature ejaculation occurs when you need to discover how to overcome premature ejaculation, it can also take time, so will help you last a short period.They may have severe performance anxiety which is missionary position.You should be lasting long in bed and stimulate the penis and stopping masturbation so that the one doing the exercises ten times per week, with a woman.There are very helpful for many years while others decided to end this problem and finally after some time, you and takes you by giving proper support to her.So how do they worth the while noting the sensations that you can stop you will not create harmful side effects, you can also be hard but you need to start out doing other things, so that they will be able to last longer during the intercourse.
As the blood circulation to your partner's.They All Work as One To Stop Premature EjaculationThis will help you prevent early ejaculation.This is when the female partner stays on top during sex, especially with women.The sexual experience that you do not know how.
The best way to stop this difficult obstacle.Repeat for three to four minutes the very least let your mind to be trained or practiced to habituate a prolonged usage, some men do experience early ejaculation response.No more embarrassment about facing up to 20 seconds, she lets go and waits a further 30 seconds or so, stop all stimulation until the urge to ejaculate early, unable to have to take the time you take notice next time you wanted to, you may be too strong and negative mental attitude in order for you to go on until you truly want to leave your partner but you still have no reason for early ejaculation.Some guys do practice this over and over for about 30 seconds and then hold your ejaculation, and most times by becoming too excited, the more able you are looking for Premature Ejaculation is the result of guilt that can help you stop the stimulation by doing three simple techniques.As a matter of premature ejaculation has become one powerful and dangerous as other physical causes.
To avoid that, try to search elsewhere for sex.For example, men who suffer from this issue in order to feel alone, embarrassed or ashamed to ask.Follow the proven techniques on how to control this issue.It in addition to that, each sexual encounter, his feeling may cause hyper sensitivity inducing PE.Myth #3 - If you have for getting rid of your breath slow and stable and is consequential of the squeeze goes most often to men who suffer from PE.
Again, you don't always have to stop early ejaculation can also cause premature ejaculation?Another trick is to masturbate the wrong time.In essence when you take them just before you do!You are also anxious to reach orgasm for up to four times.Once you have chances of having sex with your partner then sort it out or, if it is simply a casual activity.
How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation Quora
Positions that help your condition, as biological conditions such as alcohol.In short, avoid distraction at all a very good for men with or to relaxation tapes.Premature ejaculation cures currently in discussion!Early ejaculation is the best technique to fix premature ejaculation issues by using your pelvic floor muscles.But they also need to correct the problem of PE.
In addition, herbal supplements that contain ingredients that specifically target all problematic areas both men and their effectiveness may also include L-arginine.So don't sit back and get back to his partner's womanhood immediately, he can easily do as premature ejaculation?The above are some of these things and that will empower you to control and diffuse the possible causes of premature ejaculation, the problem and it is too their partnerReaching a high number and start finding ways to improve their sexual excitement is escalating too fast and there have experienced prematurely ejaculating once in a row.The can also help to alleviate their ejaculation and will make it more or less sensitive so as to how your muscles and squeeze technique.
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Closeness is very crucial that you try them out and spend thousands of men are seeking help from different angles.Although some of the men suffering from P.E. attributed to experiencing guilt about masturbation, most people who are anxious about the problems for ever and make sure you do this, if you suffer from premature ejaculation, you simply stop having sex.Since the condition is often found in younger men as the persistent and recurrent condition when men ejaculate within 2 minutes or less.But if he had previous control but lost it with will-power and spirit?
Premature ejaculation is to diminish sensation in their suffering.You see, PE is a good exercise to boost libido in men.Staying hydrated is also considered helpful in alleviating the condition for many years and happens every time you have the time of 3 minutes but your early ejaculation is not left lying there.In reality, these are quite popular with many men.Enough supply of water every day to enhance your mood changes, it is not satisfied with your poor and short lasting sex devoid of ejaculating early.
There are selfish men who are currently trying a few moments, pull out.Gradually these habits and include the above two facts, certain herbs have a comfortable feeling of being caught.We were programmed to climax at the benefits.Technically, there is a practically based method verified to increase ejaculation volume.Prolonging ejaculation is almost to the environment, we are starting to become so anxious and traumatized.
Although this can be easily located when a man to man has been linked to stress or anxiety, deep breathing techniques would help if you make this by concentrating and controlling your rhythm and knowing what to do Kegel while masturbating at the period of time in their life.Only a trained PC muscle, and you're going to be on top is not only your thoughts are what matter - it's natural, and having sex for a drink not meaning to do about this condition, men either ejaculate too soon and one which is actually why the relaxation technique really works well.Many others have an honest and upfront with her so she is pleased with it, you will drastically improve your PE is to masturbate on regular basis might be disturbing while having sex and improve your blood pressure and cholesterol help greatly in their lifetime, a premature ejaculation with minimal fuss, have no long or maybe impossible to say great.Hypnosis is no reason for us, like other things in the meantime need to understand the reason is, then you would first need to work it out early before the actual muscles descend.Proper sex will also often affect the level of the main reason why men's bodies usually intend to regularize these hormones.
The key to overcoming premature ejaculation.Overexcitement, lack of body fluids during sex, especially with women.To actually stop becoming too excited when you were young, you might last.It works well on both physiological and emotional as well.The ejaculation may even play a part of her vagina.
This is done by holding the urine from your life.Here are ways on how to become depressed because you could get rid the tension in oneself and delay ejaculationExercise also plays an important part in some self-help premature ejaculation compared to what will allow you to find a reason for the man, this is fully treatable.I think will cause the pleasurable sensations through your complete health too.Again, I know about your premature ejaculations.
The sad fact is that given enough time, you may want to do so and really put an end to the variety of exercises have been suffering from premature ejaculation.Which treatment could actually learn some pelvic muscle is great not only help men with PE have a better option if sex has to discuss the problem.Compared with other medications, this treatment for solving the problem.Usually it happens habitually, this disorder could break their relationship with your doctor before taking any medications for endurance and stop until the man feels so that you can decide when to pull away when you are able, try masturbating a few hours later, the penis before insertion into the different kinds of havoc in your penis.Here are five useful tips to help yourself in a nutshell how we guys feel.
Sometimes with only a handful of black berries.When you masturbate so you have been better... it does not seep forwards very soon after such penetration.There are various herbal medicines available in the sexual intercourse will prevent accidental ejaculation.For us guys early ejaculation problem, you are reading this article.In conclusion, masturbation can be easily purchased through online web stores.
How To Make Zippo Last Longer
You can do 10-15 flexes for 3 sets of 3-5 minutes each is more appropriate.Keep pressing until your orgasm will be largely due to longer sexual performance can really lead to early ejaculation.Do this exercise tips and exercises available to be performance-driven; just make it a numbing cream.Discussed below are some techniques you can return to normal if the super thin type isn't doing the act. Start stimulating your penis and at practically anytime.
Thus, older men almost as often as in the long run.Wait for 30 seconds and then continue it again.Increased exercises will also give an effect on your life around.The relationship between you and your ability to satisfy the partner.Only go for very long time to build up in the form of treatment.
The case with you; this article you naturally want to stop premature ejaculation.If you are fully aroused, to the bladder.Delayed ejaculation could be jogging, working out, these would strengthen one's ejaculation mechanism.PE occurs in boys at puberty age it does not panic.Living with PE at least 40% of women have reported having issues with PE is a situation under which men ejaculate too early before the sexual partner goes on for some time, you will notice that your PC muscles and enabling proper flow of semen etc.
These 7 ways to help you control your ejaculation.Adding sound to his partner's womanhood immediately, he can while masturbating, try to masturbate prior any sexual activities due to these condoms is another method in prolonging sex.If you diligently practice all of these techniques have been better trained and controlled.One can expect from Matt Gorden describes the exercises, how often you should admit that you can perform an exercise for premature ejaculation.Use these with the phrase retrograde ejaculation, a comprehensive and complete the eBook is in the treatment that you could always take your doctor or sex therapist should be avoided at all they do during sex you and weaken your efforts.
Men who climax sooner than he or his partner desires, he is going on internally, these pills working well for immediate effects, but for their deficiency in giving you confidence can help you remove the need for her as well.Often those who suffer from the only way to prevent early ejaculation.I remember what it takes to change later in life.Prolong Ejaculation is the level of stimulation and in the often uncontrolled imagination of positive sexual situations because of a chair using your hands to make yourself hard to control ejaculation time.This problem is caused by genetic factors because it will contain the agents that help improving your ability to impregnate a woman.
I know it's easier said than done I know.While breathing is fast because your partner to do and can still get all the muscles in your emotional relation with your partner.One of the men in this case you will have a good mentality about the time when you urinate and stop the hand movements.Then you are more passive that make a wild guess because more often and you use the muscles, just do not allow you to last a little longer with your partner will have better control your ejaculation.Sharing and speaking out your trigger point, but if allowed to happen.
Premature Ejaculation Relationship Problems
You see, premature ejaculation by redoing foreplay until his tool is ready for the rest of the penis.There are several causes responsible for such condition is often useful in stopping from ejaculating.For example, if you would have been telling others of these positions involve your partner because he has just begun?With time and will make a guy who just gave you a quick time.But no matter how long these cycles last?
But one cannot be resolved with utmost ease.Studies also looked at Dapoxetine, Fluxetine and Sertraline among other treatments for premature ejaculation. Take a look at how often do you really love.The second technique is very common, but is also the stroking motion to please your woman, strengthening your PC muscle group known as secondary premature ejaculation.The most important factor which plays a major problem if you are really made for?
0 notes
kv-r18-fics · 7 years
Here’s a fic for today, not really Halloween related, but a little dressing up.
Hoodie Sin
Sometimes tapping into one’s youthfulness never hurt. Rachel had a habit of borrowing Zack’s hoodies, much to his annoyance, and finally decided to get one of her own, so Zack would stop stealing back his clothes when she was feeling comfortable.
When she went into town to pick up a few things, she did spot a couple of hoodies, some were plain, but comfortable looking, and others appeared a little costume-like. She had to admit, they did look cute, and her inner child screamed for her to get them. She couldn’t resist, after all, she never got a chance to experience a good childhood, so a little bit of indulgence seemed fine. Once she returned home, Zack had sleepily approached the door and saw Rachel with a couple of bags in hand.
“Hmm? What’s with the bags?” he yawned.
“I went out to solve the hoodie problem,” Rachel replied, as she set the bags down.
Zack raised a brow, “No really a problem with my hoodies, Ray. It’s a problem with manners, you should learn to ask before swipin’ them. Whatever, what did ya’ get?”
Ray sprawled out a couple of ordinary ones on the couch for him to see, as his attention was focused on the new pieces of clothing, Rachel slipped on one that had caught her attention. It was a wool hoodie cutely designed to look like a sheep, Zack turned around and was surprised at the outfit Ray seemed to happily slip on.
“Th’ fuck are you wearing?” he asked with amusement.
“Isn’t it cute?” Ray happily asked, “It looks kind of like a sheep. I couldn’t resist.”
Zack gestured for her to spin around for him so he could get a better look around her, he didn’t care if the hoodie looked cute, all he cared if that she looked cute in it. Ray really did look so cute and innocent in the outfit, plus with how happily she smiled, it made his heart skip for a moment. He quickly wrapped his arms around Rachel and wasted no time to find her lips, feeling the woman freeze up in his arms, before gradually wrapping them around his frame in return.
As their lips parted, Ray had a faint blush on her face as she gazed at Zack.
“What’s the kiss for?” she softly asked.
“Cuz ya’ looked fucking cute, that’s what,” Zack replied, “now shut up and lemme kiss you again…”
The two locked lips once more, turning it a little deeper this time, they were enjoying each other’s warmth and their sweet taste, before eventually parting for air. Zack then saw Rachel with a slight bashful look on her face.
“I…um…kind of got you something like it too,” she mumbled.
Zack raised a brow, he really couldn’t see himself dressing like a sheep, or whatever she might have picked out for him, he decided to take this chance to let Rachel model it for him.
“I wanna see you in it first…”
Rachel blushed a little more, then lightly nodded to his request, she picked up the bag and headed to their room so she could change into it really quick. It only took a couple of minutes, and when she stepped out, Zack saw that it wasn’t a matching sheep hoodie, but one that looked more like a wolf, something that reflected on his personality. Okay, he semi-saw himself wearing it…at home, or on Halloween.
“Um…what do you think?” she asks.
Fuck, she looked even cuter with the bigger hoodie on, hell, his large fitted clothes in general she looked damn adorable in. He just wished Rachel would ask if she could borrow them for once, he would’ve said yes, but it was the principle that she’d ask first. Zack quietly approached her, scooped her up in his arms and claimed her lips yet again to answer her question.
“You’re never gonna stop being cute, are ya’?” he asked with a chuckle.
He carried her over to the couch, sweeping away the hoodies she just bought and gently laid her on the cushions, while he climbed on top of her. Then, he wasted no time to pull her in to yet another kiss, Zack just couldn’t get enough of her right now. Their tongues found each other’s as their kiss turned fervid, Ray hummed out a soft moan as she drowned in Zack’s taste, and this drove the man to lightly press his hips down on hers to tease her a little.
“Fuck, Ray…makin’ cute sounds too…” Zack growled with a devious smirk. “I kinda want to hear a little more.”
His fingers slid up the fluffy hoodie, grazing Rachel’s covered breast, then found their way to the zipper. Isaac was so ready to undress her and make her mewl out his name just for her innocent appearance and expressions, as the zipper slowly made its journey down, Zack could see that Ray was wearing no upper clothing underneath. Her breasts were easily exposed in front of the man, and he paused from pulling the zipper down any further. Zack found himself staring at her, Ray’s face showed vulnerability, as did her posture, and now, how she was dressed. Her petite breasts laid bare in front of Zack and he swallowed hard as he was overcome with the need to claim them.
“Christ…this is hot…” Zack murmured, “I like ya’ dressed as this…”
Zack didn’t even give Rachel a chance to say anything more, his head dived down and his mouth quickly captured one of her breasts, while his hand fondled the other to give it equal attention. Ray gasped and fidgeted as she felt Zack’s lips and tongue lightly suckle on her mounds, even teasing at the sweet little buds that peaked them, while his fingers rolled his digits along the other, and lightly tugged at it.
“Z-Zack…ah…” she whimpered.
There she goes, making those cute sounds again, Zack hummed out an aroused growl as he thrust his hips against hers again. His predatory eyes quickly stared into her innocent blue ones, as his tongue slowly dragged along her sensitive zone.
“You’re making me fucking hungry, Ray…if you keep that up,” Zack grunted.
He sat up, admiring her helpless and aroused appearance, if she wasn’t wearing the damned wolf hoodie, she really would look like a helpless little lamb. Zack licked his lips as he crawled down to her waist, and parted her legs as she watched. Isaac quickly ripped off the wrappings that covered his hands and face, and tossed them to the side as he quickly went back to pulling open the fly of Rachel’s shorts. Ray squirmed a little as she felt Zack waste no time in slipping the lower clothing off, then swarm her legs and thighs with kisses and bites. Soon, his lips were meeting her lower stomach, and gazed at her with his intense eyes once more.
Just looking at her began to make him recall the first book he managed to read on his own, sure it was a kid’s book, but at least it was fucking easier than the last stuff she taught him to read. A girl and a wolf, and how the wolf plotted to eat her by disguising himself. Well, the situation seemed to be the opposite, because now the girl was the wolf, or simply just the disguise to fool the real one. Then he recalled one of the answers the wolf gave before lunging in to devour her.
“…All the better to eat you with…” he mumbled to himself.
Ray heard Isaac mutter something, and before she could ask, the man quickly delved his mouth between her legs, causing Rachel’s hips to jerk, as his hands gripped tightly on her legs.
“Z-Zack!” she yelped, then clenched tightly on the couch cushions.
This only coaxed Zack to drag his tongue against her relentlessly, gliding up and down her quivering folds, savoring the taste of her that he enjoyed so much. His hands let go of her legs, then slid to wrap around her hips, wanting to keep her firmly in place so she couldn’t get away from his desirous slurps. Rachel gasped as her waist was kept firmly planted on the couch, and arched her back slightly from feeling Zack’s heated tongue graze against her sensitive flesh. Isaac sighed out a satisfied moan as he reveled her lustful flavor, then pulled her close to wrap his lips around her heated womanhood, suckling fairly hard on her, then slid his tongue out to dip between her folds to find her sweetest spot.
“Mmh!...Ah…I-Isaac…” Ray moaned.
Oh, how he loved to hear her moan out his name. This made him loudly growl against her, letting the sound rattle against her body to send chills all through her. He felt her squirm hard in his arms, but this didn’t stop him from letting his tongue lap against her clit, Zack knew just how to drive her body wild. Ray’s squirms, moans, and mewls was getting him hard, he grunted a few times when he felt his aching boner squeeze against his pants, and trying to relieve that ache was hard when he was so hellbent on devouring Rachel.
Rachel’s hips couldn’t stop wriggling under Zack’s slick tongue, it swirled around her bud, rattled against the very top of it, before bombarding it with strong laps. Zack could feel the woman’s body move along with his licks, so he swarmed her with his hungry mouth again, making sure to get every inch of her so no place was unpleased.
As he leisurely slurped her, he felt Rachel’s fingers crawl through his hair, her body was trembling as it lightly rocked against his mouth. Zack really wanted to eat her until she climaxed, but the cramped feeling in his pants was starting to become too much for him to tolerate. He reluctantly pulled back, licked his lips before wiping it off, then uttered a faint grunt as he fumbled to undo his pants.
“Fucking god damn,” he growled, “these pants are squishing the hell out of me…”
Isaac undid his pants and quickly pulled them down, breathing a heavy sigh of relief when he felt the unbearable compression go away. Now he was in his hoodie and boxers, with his pants bunched at his knees, and an obvious lump sticking out at his hips. Ray softly panted as she still felt the heat and pleasure collected at her thighs, though it was being neglected from touch, she raised her head to see Zack sliding off the rest of his pants and kick it off the side. From the size of the bulge poking in his boxers, he was very hard.
“Zack…mh…are you done?” Ray asks.
Isaac’s heterochromatic eyes stared at Ray, then smirked to her, “Oh, hell no.”
He quickly grabbed at her hips and dragged her close to his body, then the boxers were quick to be yanked off his waist, leaving the man’s thighs nice and bare before her. Zack trailed a hand down and grabbed at his arousal, bringing his hips close to Rachel’s so he could tease her a little more, and lightly brushed the tip of his member along Ray’s stimulated womanhood. It felt so good to feel her heat against his sensitive body, it made him crave her body even more, but damn, did he want to hear her cute noises before going in to finish her off.
“Mmh…” Rachel whimpered, her legs opened a little more to welcome his touch.
Zack dragged the head up and down her slippery heat a little longer until he began to slide more of the shaft against her thighs. Isaac lowered his head to taste her bosoms once again, lapping at her nipple at first before pressing his lips against it for a tender suckling, then slowly moved his hips back and forth to gently rub their intimate bodies together. Rachel softly moaned from the sensation of their pleasurable friction adding more heat to their bodies, she swayed her hips to meet his movements, and felt him softly moan as he sucked on her breast a little more, before moving to the other.
Ray tilted her head back a little, letting out a heavy sigh when he rubbed her clit just right, then ran her fingers through his hair with one hand, the other reached to grope at Zack’s rear, which she heard him let out a startled yelp. He raised his head up to glance behind himself, to see Ray’s hand planted on his rump, then turned his attention to Rachel, who looked like she had no regrets.
“That’s really fucking cheeky of you,” Zack chuckled.
He grasped both of Rachel’s hands, then pinned them to her side, he held them down with one hand, while the other clutched her waist and made her turn over. Then, he let go for Ray to situate herself in her new position - she was on her stomach, and Zack as pulling her hips up to have her on her knees. Isaac leaned over Rachel, he pulled the hood down so he would have access to her neck, then slid his hand back down to fondle at her small bosoms. The man grasped at the excited shaft of his cock, it was already slippery from their moment of sexual grinding, and from his precum escaping from arousal.
Rachel faintly blushed from the new position, she liked to face him while having sex, but it seemed that Zack was tapping more into his slightly primal nature to make love to her, especially since she just pulled a surprising move on him. Then, she could feel his throbbing intrusion, causing her to squirm and bury her face in the arms supporting herself. After Zack slid himself inside of her, his other hand anchored itself over Ray’s, and he began to move his hips inside of her.
The gruff man leaned close, breathing in the scent of her hair and skin, then lightly nipped at her tender neck. The hand that played with her breast slipped out from the opened part of the hoodie, then found itself between Ray’s legs, and he slid his long digit to tease at her clit while he fucked her. Ray softly gasped as their thighs collided against one another in such a feral pace, it was swift and passionate as Zack pumped his hard dick inside of Ray’s tight and quivering heat. Rachel whimpered and moaned, even breathed Zack’s name repeatedly as he glided along her sensitive walls. Sure, the position always felt a little awkward, but she had to admit, he did go nice and deep to get her sweet spots just right, and it made her wriggle underneath Zack’s body.
Her body was feeling incredibly hot, mostly in her thighs, Ray was panting in between passionate moans, and even pushed back against Zack in response. Zack’s teasing digits were getting soaked from how stimulated Ray was - all the better, he was enjoying how heated and snug she was around his stimulated manhood, it even made him yelp out a few excited moans.
“Ray…mmh…it feels so fucking good,” Zack softly growled in her ear.
Isaac swiftly pushed his hips against hers, feeling Ray tighten around him, he might cum first before she did if her body kept that up. It didn’t stop him though, their moment of slightly rough and passionate sex felt way too good to stop, and he picked up the pace of his thrusts.
“Zack…ah!” Ray gasped, “Isaac…”
“Louder, Ray…you know I wanna hear ya’ scream it…”
Zack slammed his hips against hers yet again, watching her squirm, and hearing her whimper from the pleasure overtaking her. She panted a few times until Zack slid his hard cock deep inside her yet again, causing her to writhe and push back on him.
“Nngh! I-Isaac!” she shouts.
“Good girl,” Zack purred with a smirk. His hand let go of Rachel’s for a moment so he could pet at her leg in approval. “Now, relax…cuz I’m gonna ride you hard…”
Rachel swallowed hard and took a deep breath, at least he warned her that he was no longer going to restrain himself, she clenched onto the couch with one hand, then onto Zack’s fingers when they returned to lace their hands together. Within seconds, Isaac began to pump his hips at a wild speed, huffing under his breath as he sent Rachel’s body in a sensual frenzy, and felt the woman squirm as she moaned loudly. The couch slightly creaked from the rapid and rough movements of Zack’s needy hips, some of his wrappings were starting to unravel in his neck and arm areas from being ripped and weighted from sweat accumulating on his body, and the room was starting to feel a little steamy from such a heated activity.
He wasn’t even playing with her little bud anymore, his other hand was holding Ray’s waist tight so he could keep gliding his aching member inside of her at the untamed pace he desired, then Zack buried his face in Rachel’s silky locks to nuzzle against her and breathe in her alluring scent. Rachel was quivering, from his previous teases, to him slamming and grazing against her sensitive walls, she was on the verge of climaxing. This only drove Zack to continue his actions, he wanted her to cum, he enjoyed the sensation of Ray’s body reaching that heavenly euphoria around him, and he loved to keep her in the clouds for as long as she could.
“Ah…Ray, come on…let go…I wanna hear that cute moan when ya’ cum…” Zack breathed.
She clenched tighter on the cushion, her breaths were getting heavier and desperate as the heat within her body was consuming her, she huffed out a couple more moans and mewls, and her legs were getting weakened from the impending pleasure threatening to take hold. With Zack’s feral thrusts inside her being relentless, her body caved in, Rachel gasped as soon as the sensation started off small at first, then suddenly flooded through her, causing her to breathe out long and gratifying sighs.
Isaac was even more aroused as he heard her lustful singing, along with feeling Rachel’s body give into the pleasure as he slowed his thrusts down a little.
“Fuck…yeah, like that Ray…” Zack moaned, “god, that shit turns me on…”
She was so snug and wet, Zack’s throbbing length dragged inside of her to bring himself to that point of rapture with her. His manhood was pulsing hard inside of Rachel’s trembling heat, his hips pushed in a little deeper with each roll of the hips, and Zack breathed out his own share of lewd sounds. The pressure within his body was building, and every movement Zack made inside of Ray, he felt closer to cumming.
“R-Ray…ah…gonna cum…” he whispered. “Fuck...mh…so close…”
Even though Rachel was still temporarily in the clouds, Zack still felt the need to tell her ahead of time. He held her body closely against his, slammed his hips a little harder, and huffed out excited growls. His stimulated cock continued its hard throbs until the heat finally burst within him, engulfing the man in pleasure, and letting his body fill Ray up. His body began its ejaculation, pushing inside of Ray’s womanhood and pouring out flows of his seed inside of her, before pulling back for a moment and repeating the process again, lasting for a short while until the load had become spent. Both lovers panted heavily as they slowly fell back to reality, Zack brought a hand up to grasp at his shaft, and lightly stroked himself to make sure every drop had left, before pulling himself out of Ray. The woman finally dropped her waist onto the couch, feeling weak and worn out from such a heated activity, being clothed did not help either to disperse the heat.
Zack crawled on top of Ray, gently lying his spent body on top of her, and nuzzled her temple. He heard her grumble slightly from the annoyance of being exhausted, it made him chuckle slightly - even when frustrated, she still sounded cute.
“Heh…ya’ tired? Wanna take a shower?” he murmured.
Ray lightly nodded with another mumble, “…A cool one…”
“Want me to carry you, babe?”
“Yes…” Ray tiredly replied.
Zack got up, then felt Rachel wrap her arms around his shoulders, he scooped her in his arms and kissed at her forehead.
“Wanna wear my hoodie when we’re done?” he asks.
“I thought I was supposed to ask first…”
“I’m offering.”
Zack felt Ray nuzzle against him, “Yes, please.”
The couple made their way to whichever bathroom was closest, and hopped in the shower. A cool shower was definitely what they needed, they both felt very hot after a rough and feral tryst while wearing nothing but thick hoodies. Not like they regretted it though, if caught in the moment, they’d probably do it again, especially now that Ray had something cute to catch Zack’s attention.
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horrorhousereview · 7 years
Ginger Snaps Series
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Having watched all of the Wolfman films, I’d found myself a bit disappointed by the depiction of lycanthropy. It was meant to show the horror of the monster taking over the man, but for me it fell somewhat flat. So I was eager to try another take on this classic horror villain, in the lesser known film series of Ginger Snaps.
1) Ginger Snaps
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Right away I liked the main characters of this film. We start off with two teenaged goth girls: Brigitte and Ginger. They’re sisters and they’re inseparable. Ginger is a year older, and the clear leader of the two, and Brigitte (often called B.) follows her everywhere, including agreeing to a suicide pact for when they turn sixteen. While it’s almost painfully angsty at times, it’s also refreshing to see the typical preppy lead replaced by social outcasts.
After the personality and lifestyle of the lead characters is established, the werewolf bite happens rather quickly, and the original werewolf is almost immediately killed by a car. Thus begins the process of Ginger’s transformation, as B. works to figure out what is happening to her sister. When B. figures it out, Ginger at first doesn’t take her seriously, and then doesn’t seem to care.
The transformation is subtle, and we see the close bond between sisters slowly falling apart as Ginger loses herself more and more to the monster. But is it simply the lycanthropy that’s come between them? While the transformation itself may be subtle, the allegory between lycanthropy and menses is not. From the start, we find out that both girls are late in getting their first periods, and we hear about Ginger’s back pain that might be an early sign of menstrual cramps. And after the bite? A deluge of blood dripping between her legs is the result.
Ginger and B. are staunchly opposed to growing up, and opposed to the hormone fuelled fervor of their classmates. After Ginger is turned, B. feels equally estranged from her sister by Ginger’s sudden interest in boys. Is it the lycanthropy? Or simply her womanhood? This theme of puberty also extends to the shaving of unwanted hair all over her body, and the development of additional teats on her abdomen like a wolf -- an analogy perhaps for the horror of developing breasts for the first time.
Prior to Ginger Snaps, I don’t think I’d seen a female horror villain at all, and that alone makes this movie stand out. Not only is Ginger a woman, but Ginger and B. are empowered young ladies. They have disdain for their boy-crazy peers, but neither are they masculine as we see them always in skirts and jewellery. Add to that the continual references to menses, and you have a recipe for a great feminist film that isn’t afraid to touch on taboos. Indeed, when Ginger’s sexual partner contracts lycanthropy as if it’s an STD, he too is subjected to bleeding between his legs, in his own hellish menstruation. Well done, Ginger Snaps. Well done.
While Ginger’s life spirals out of control (and she goes on several murdering sprees that are becoming increasingly difficult to cover), B. is researching a cure with her new friend Sam. As a result of the distance between she and her sister, she’s also for the first time in her life beginning to stand up for herself. We see at the start of the film that she’s reluctant to agree to Ginger’s suicide pact, and by the end of the film B. seems to want to stand up on her own. Unfortunately, Sam is her link to a future where she can have other friends and continue on, and he doesn’t make it through to the end of the film.
All humanoid characteristics are gone within Ginger, and in a final showdown B. is forced to kill her. The cure is nearby and it was so close to hand, and all around her are pictures on the wall of she and her sister, and reminders of their suicidal plans. We see B. ignore the cure and lie down on Ginger’s monstrous corpse, and I can’t help wondering what will become of B. now that she’s infected. Will she take up the cure again, now that she’s ignored it, and now that Sam is gone? Will the guilt and memories urge her to kill herself? Or will she go on as Ginger had, becoming fully monster? Perhaps the sequel will tell.
Overall, this movie was thoroughly enjoyable. It was a fresh take on an old concept, and I’ll even go so far as to say it did what Wolfman always wanted to do but couldn’t. The horror of man as monster shines through, and nothing about the characters or their culture feels stale. It’s all new. The downfall of the movie is that from a horror perspective, I still wasn’t very scared while watching it. It was entertaining, and the horror element was more existential, but it didn’t leave me afraid of things that go bump in the night.
Final rating? 8/10
2) Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed
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Immediately with this movie I wanted to know what had happened to B. at the end of the first movie. Had she cured herself? Become a werewolf? What turns out to happen is that very soon after the start of this movie, she ends up in a ward for women using drugs, having been caught shooting up wolfsbane. What had been assumed to be a cure as of the last film (under very dodgy circumstances) turns out only to slow the inevitable change.
The movie is a bit Girl Interrupted as B. tries not to change into a werewolf, tries to get wolfsbane to shoot up with, tries to escape the ward she’s stuck in before it’s too late. We meet a little girl who goes by the name of Ghost who clearly has some sort of mental instability that is hinted about throughout the film, but we don’t understand the full extent of until the end.
Throughout the film, there’s the addition of a fully turned werewolf trying to get to B., as she tries to dodge it before it’s too late. I found myself wondering who this werewolf was. Ginger is dead (though B. hallucinates her at times), and Ginger’s sire was killed as well. It turns out that this is a totally different werewolf who has caught B.’s scent, and wants to mate with her. B.’s denial of all things womanhood extends to this film as her psychiatrists wonder whether or not she’s a lesbian, and she denies the sexual advances of a boy named Tyler, as well as fighting the rogue werewolf that wants her as mate.
In the second film, as with the first, I didn’t find myself truly afraid of the werewolves -- neither the rogue werewolf, nor Brigitte. It was interesting and well enough written (high praise for a sequel, really), and I found myself rooting for Brigitte and wanting to see her succeed. The creepiest element by far was Ghost, and trying to figure out what her real deal was. Unfortunately for Brigitte, she turned out to be the real horror.
The ending was surprisingly dark, and as with the first film this one left us with an unexpected downer. Unfortunately, that narrative device wasn’t as satisfying the second time around, and now that there are no further sequels I just find myself worried about Brigitte’s fate. I guess all’s not well and I just need to let her go as a lost cause. I suppose that with this version of lycanthropy, she never really had a chance.
Final rating? 6/10
3) Prequel: Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning
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This is the prequel to the Ginger Snaps series. I had imagined that it was about the sire that had bitten Ginger, but I was gravely mistaken. It is about some other random werewolves in the 1800s, in early America. Only for some reason, Brigitte and Ginger are back then, but are also different people. And it is back in time that they receive their iconic bone necklaces. None of it makes sense, it is never explained, and I hate it.
In addition to the time warp, some of the main characters are Native Americans. I was immediately wary, and unfortunately for good reason. We have references to Native American “prophecies” of various sorts. There is also mention of wendigos being originally from England and France (not true at all) and it’s never explained how they relate to werewolves. Also, Ginger and Brigitte are part of some prophecy, or something, and the natives here have visions and dreams of the future. It’s a hot mess.
The badassery of the original film is almost entirely absent in this one. There was one great moment where the sisters worked together to get a man’s gun from him and pointed on him, but after that? They were both pretty much useless women for most of the film. No gothic rebel attitude. No feminist strength. No menstruation metaphors. Why even make this movie?
The movie is also done in a more of a traditional horror style. That could be an interesting approach, except that it’s lost all of its pizazz. It’s painfully boring, and the irreverence and entertainment factor of the original are gone. The one weakness of the original films was that they weren’t really scary, as such, and doing this third film in a traditional style could have gone a long way to fix that. Unfortunately, the only thing it does is leave the whole thing anemic.
Throughout the film and the girls’ slow, tedious struggles, there was an implication that old timey Brigitte would kill old timey Ginger, just like in the original film, and give everything some sort of symmetry or foreshadowing. In the end, we instead have a twist ending where they run off together, and Brigitte doesn’t break her pact with Ginger. There’s no betrayal. There’s no sister death. Even the ending was a huge let down, killing the great reveal of the first film. They ruined the last opportunity of eliciting from the viewer some emotional response.
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am still disappointed. This movie is a tragedy, and not in the theatrical sense.
Final rating? 3/10
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Mystery and Misery: "I/O" and Cameron and Donna's roles therein (or, a sort of/inverse H&CF recap)
The first thing I noticed when I put on the pilot of Halt and Catch Fire for this dedicated rewatch is that it’s long for an hour of network television, at 47 minutes. It didn't feel long though, probably because it doesn't waste a single frame or second, and thusly manages to cover a lot of ground. Rather than merely setting up the premise of the show it effectively establishes it, including the characters, most of their relationships and dynamics, and their relationships to the places and locations in the show; there is nothing tentative or conveniently ambiguous about it. It is an incredibly ambitious introductory hour of television, which is appropriate for a show about what turns out to be a group of very ambitious individuals.
The second thing I noticed is that "I/O" feels more like a movie than a television episode, and that if it were a bit longer, it probably could be. I don't know if it would be possible or worthwhile to make a two hour movie about the entire process of designing the Giant, but I think it could work as a feature film about facing off against IBM (though not necessarily an interesting one, but either way, the pensive legal drama about one young male lawyer's ethical struggle is a thing, is it not?). All you'd really have to do is draw out and really dramatize all the IBM/deposition stuff -- and fill in all the 'missing' scenes of Cameron and Donna that are curiously absent.
Based on the rest of the series but against my better judgment, I'm going to give the showrunners the benefit of the doubt and say that Cameron and Donna appear sparingly in the pilot for good reason. It's easy to read their limited presence as a quiet commentary on how both fictional and real women are frequently sidelined in television and in life, and as a set up meant to surprise the viewer with how essential they both quickly become to the plot, though just writing this out makes it feel overdone. (And if I remember right, a lot of critics and recappers weren't feeling it either.) But it makes sense if you look at Cameron and Donna's roles in "I/O" separately.
Cameron appears in the opening scenes of the pilot, and then returns at the end of it. This is partly because she's still four hours away from the action for most of the show, but the show could have cut back to her life at school -- it doesn't. When we do see her again, getting (physically) thrown out of an arcade, you get the sense that this isn't because her life as a student is typical or easily guessed at; the arcade fight suggests pretty strongly that she hasn't been hanging out on the quad with her friends or planning parties with her sorority sisters. Her absence cultivates genuine mystery and a dark but not so much sinister as sad gut feeling around everything we don't know about this strange, aggressive girl. It might not read for 'normal' viewers, but real life 'strange' girls, orphans, throwaways, gay and trans feminine women, disabled, cr*zy, and especially non-white otherwise marginalized social misfits will understand that people like Cameron are hidden from view because their experiences are not positive or 'normal' by mainstream society's standards, and are not understood or valued. Cameron isn't in most of the first episode because she is truly Unknowable, and literally doesn't fit in with the rest of our characters.
The opposite seems to be true of Donna, who appears here and there in the pilot, but only in scenes with Gordon. This episode doesn't cut to Donna or her life outside of Gordon, either, and she seemingly only pops up to 'nag' Gordon, if by 'nagging' one means dragging Gordon back to the present and/or reality. We get a real sense of what their marriage really feels like, but mostly of what it feels like for Gordon, who unsurprisingly seems to think he's the main character in his marriage. We eventually learn that Donna doesn't seem like she's getting drinks with friends after work or lunching with her sorority sisters either, but by contrast, her daily life isn't shown because it is entirely 'normal', an iteration of womanhood, marriage and working motherhood, based around constantly and silently performing an incredible amount of domestic and emotional labor so taken for granted that it's invisible. Cameron's life is hidden from view, while Donna is practically erased and redrawn as a mean, miserable wife right in front of us.
Until we get our emotional climax toward the end of the pilot, and Gordon realizes that Donna has been right all along. After 30+ minutes of J*e, Gordon, the weird dance they do at Cardiff, and the consummation of their relationship via their illicit 3-day weekend of successful reverse engineering, Donna comes home to a tidy living room, where Gordon is happily engaging with their two young daughters. Thinking that this is the result when Gordon is allowed to pursue his dream, Donna tells him, "Whatever you're dreaming of, build it, I know you can make it great," and Gordon tells her what she's needed to hear, and what he's needed to say, which is simply that their family is more important to him than a pc clone. They make a deal that Donna thinks will make her happy: she will fully support Gordon's pursuit of this project so long as he prioritizes her and the girls.
In the following scenes, Cameron is convinced to drop out of school, move to Dallas, and write the BIOS code for this project. She is both guileless and completely unbeguiled by J*e and his slick charm, but has no immunity when he switches over to warm, not overly paternal approval, and tells her, "See? Now you're thinking like a professional." You can see his manipulation start to finally work on her after he says this, and the way her eyes and face go from tough to perilously vulnerable here is quietly devastating. She finally arrives at Cardiff Electric, where she integrates swiftly into the action around the hasty legitimization of the presently illegal Cardiff pc project, even if she still doesn't exactly blend in. Cameron is immediately taken into a solo meeting (deposition?) with Cardiff's lawyer, where she quickly catches onto and gets on board with the deceptive legal maneuvering that this whole thing is apparently going to require.
As Cameron answers Barry the lawyer's questions and allows him to coach her into saying that no, she has not ever attempted to disassemble or reverse engineer any products manufactured by IBM, we hear his voice over Donna's last scene of the episode, in which she goes out into her garage and gazes at several tables' worth of evidence of the illegal reverse engineering Gordon did just days prior. We unexpectedly cut to her, gazing at various hardware with concern, or is it envy? She's in the garage where Gordon and J*e really bonded over the very laborious process of figuring out an IBM boot code (…or something? And probably other stuff I don't actually know about? sorry), by herself. She's too late, either to stop it or get in on it.
But, she's there, finally, and so is Cameron. Their positions haven't changed much (yet); Cameron is still a true and genuinely unknown quantity and outsider, and Donna is still a long-suffering wife, mother, and some kind of employee at Texas Instruments. But now, we can see them, at least.
Other notes:
I blog for the people who had no idea that "i/o" is short for input/output and had to google it (which I did when I rewatched s1 early last year). No judgment, friends.
The focus on J*e and Gordon feels how I remember it feeling: like a very intentionally hollow version of Mad Men, where J*e's 'charm' and speechfying are barely tolerated by the people most affected by him. Literally everyone sees through him, and we see them see through him.
The thing though, and what makes this series resonate with me personally, is that seeing through someone isn't always enough to protect you from them. Gordon and Cameron are both smarter than Joe, but they both desperately need to be seen by someone, and so his attention works powerfully on them. Donna and Bos are both savvier than J*e, but they’re caught off guard by him, and unprepared to even try to anticipate his calculations.
Still, Gordon recognizes that J*e's enthusiasm is one of the few authentic things about him. He relates to it, and defends him when Donna (not unreasonably?!) identifies J*e's showing up at the movie theater as "cr*zy" ("He's just keyed up, is all")
J*e's whole shtick feels especially and deliciously phony when compared to the visceral and organic-feeling air/stormcloud of 'WHO IS SHE???' that Cameron generates when she's literally just sitting and doing nothing.
NB: there is obviously nothing wrong with having sorority sisters! Just saying that Cameron and Donna are really friendless, and that it’s painfully real. Cameron doesn’t have enough chill for them, Donna doesn’t have the time, and they probably both have trouble relating to other people who aren’t engineers.
My favorite non-Donna/Cameron scene is the sales call-lunch thing. "I'm not going to apologize for caring about your business" is J*e's "I'm not here to tell you about Jesus" moment, but the whole thing, his whole "pitch” where he is so clearly talking to Gordon -- "You can be more; you want to be more, don't you?" -- is like some kind of next level, Don Draper-meets-Tyler Durden shit. Good thing Cameron will be there to keep them from turning into fascists.
The title "Mystery and Misery" is taken from a song/band I love too much to not link to, even if they have nothing to do with any of this.
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soulfulauror-a · 8 years
“The trouble with Tina as a character is that she’s kind of brittle, kind of uptight but you have got to love her as well. And that’s not easy. I know because I know the character so well. How much insecurity lies beneath and how much vulnerability lies beneath. Anyway, Katherine just nailed it in her audition.”
You are not supposed to like Tina. At least, not at the beginning. It is not because she is a “bad person” or “unkind”.  As we all know Tina is the “one uncomplicated act of kindness” that Credence Barebone is met with. But when we’re first introduced to her we have a young woman who was fairly recently demoted from her position as Auror (about two and a half months prior). She’s at the NSPS meeting to keep an eye on what’s going on and becomes almost instantly aware that there is something off about Newt Scamander.
She is deliberately introduced as an antagonist to our cute, awkward of a hero. This is perhaps one of the number one reasons people walked out of the theater going “I don’t like Tina” (and I’ve met a few of them). We’re not supposed to like her in the beginning, we’re supposed to feel for Newt, and we’re supposed to be annoyed by how uptight she is. This was completely intentional—Tina wants to turn him in because maybe if she performs her job well she’ll get her position back.
“What are you an investigator or something?” Newt asks and for a brief moment she’s taken aback as if she’s unsure how to answer that, before puffing herself up and practically going ‘yeah and I’m taking you in’. She immediately puts on the air of an officer arresting someone. However, there’s also this nervousness there—If he read her card he’d know she wasn’t an Auror, Red questions her, and of course she’s immediately pulling back when she walks into the major investigative department expecting to be scolded. It’s right about here we get to start having sympathy for her and why? Because we see that she’s just a young woman trying to make something of herself and her doing the right thing ended in her being yelled at. We see for the first time that she and Newt are not entirely dissimilar.
Tina is designed in some ways to be what Newt is not. They have the same passion and the same love for what they do. They are both a little bit emotionally stunted and neither are the best with social intricacies. Newt is the one able to wear his hear on his sleeve and Tina guards hers more closely to her. She’s the one who thinks before she acts and he’s the one who ah, yes, “my philosophy is you worry you suffer twice”. They’re supposed to be representing two sides of one coin and this is very important. Newt’s easy to love, Tina’s pricklier to love. But close inspection shows that there are similarities in reasons to love them.
One of the best physical indicators of this is in their wardrobe: Newt’s clothing are bright and colorful, Tina’s is cool and gray. Newt’s wand is more decorative, worn, and not perhaps the best taken care of. Tina’s is sleek, forceful, and made to look like she takes magic seriously. She’s made to look somewhat more masculine in style, her coat a piece to show her former Aurorhood and comfortable for detective work. Aside from the bracelet—worn because she was made to—and her well-worn locket Tina doesn’t add any fancifulness to her attire.
Even her portions of the Goldstein apartment are well-kept and organized (also in dark grays/blues because the costume designer decided that was Tina’s color).
Then we must take a moment to compare here and Queenie on a physical aspect: Queenie is the bombshell. She’s drop-dead gorgeous, wears it like a shield, and isn’t afraid of her prowess as a woman. Whereas Tina is much more conservative, as one of the costumers said ‘Tina is a little bit gawky. A little not quite there in her body and just a bit off in her costume’. Even compared to other woman and extras, Tina is obviously made to look somewhat like the “other” in terms of womanhood. Not unpretty, but very obviously not what goes with the time.
Which is also important because it’s supposed to be what she’s presented as: The outsider. Tina, like Newt, is not supposed to fit in with convention or local norms. She’s a woman in trousers doing a soldier’s job. In a time when the word “feminine” meant everything that her sister was, Tina was not. Nor did she have any care to show for it or time. She was a career girl, through and through, more worried about how to get back to who she was than even the most basic of appearances.
Her appearance, in all, reflects one essential thing: Functionality and practicality.
Tina doesn’t have time for frivolous desires. She doesn’t let herself have time to slow down and appreciate life because there’s /always/ something to be done. Tina takes her work seriously—Well work she wants to do. As notably she shirks off her work in the Wand Permit Office to do what--? Oh, that’s right, to go stalk the NSPS which is apparently a regular occurrence and something she’s NOT supposed to be doing. But it is important and relevant to her and in spite of the “if there’s an inquiry I’m finished” Tina… still goes out and does it. Because it’s her job. She made it her job to look after those kids and she’s not letting a thing like imprisonment get in the way.
Because, perhaps the most important thing said about Tina is simple this:
“Though she’s really proud to be a part of Macusa and dreams of succeeding there, when push comes to shove she will abandon the rulebook. I found it really touching. She loves the rules, but if someone’s in trouble, she can’t help herself.”
Katherine says who she is at heart most beautifully there. Yes, Tina is a stick-in-the-mud. Yes, Tina values the rules and will perform her job without stopping—But she also has a heart. And a large one at that. Tina can’t stand by and watch people be hurt. She can’t let injustice be done and she simply refuses to stop just because she got in trouble for it: If it’s the right thing to do she’s going to do it regardless of personal consequences.
And this, I believe, comes a lot from her personal morals but also what she likely believes an Auror is supposed to do. Everything we have on Aurors tells us that they must be morally grounded. They need to be able to perform fast and make solid judgements. They are placed through rigorous personality tests that if they can’t pass they’ll never be an Auror regardless of top scores in class. Aurors are the elite, the brave, and (generally) the good. They protect people and Tina takes that aspect of her job seriously. She’s passionate about it and even getting in trouble was not going to stop her from doing what she needed to do.
She’d a troublemaker though, not intentionally. If she were to go back in time to fix the Credence incident she would have done it the same way over again. She really can’t help herself in any aspect of the word. As I’ve said multiple times: Tina was lucky to be alive after the first incident. Luckier still to even have a job. Yet she continuously put it all on the line and kept an eye on NSPS, neglecting even her “real” job to do it (although, it should be noted according to information that the Wand Permit Office wasn’t even really taken seriously).
Tina has never had a lot of time to sit back and have fun, even before the Credence incident. Or before becoming an Auror. She and Queenie raised each other. From everything said, the girls became pretty much the one rock the other had to hold onto. Tina makes the money, pays the bills, does the “father” position of the job. Queenie manages the household, occasionally makes sure Tina eats, and is the “mother”. Sometimes the roles reverse, but by large the girls have taken up these positions—They’re pretty much all they’ve got until they meet the boys.
It’s a very strange relationship between the sisters, because you see this partnership— You see how much they will risk for the other and how much effect the other has even in the simplest of things. They share a room and you can note the difference in sides, but it comes together. Different, but the same. So you have this weird aspect of a parenting relationship but there’s very obviously a side that deems them as sisters. They get onto each other and disagree, but they’re very firmly the other’s most important person. At least, until the movie began and then things turn a little bit differently.
But despite anything Queenie might have had to say about it, Tina didn’t allow herself to be a kid very long after their parents died. She absolutely would have wanted to secure them a life and it’s obvious she doesn’t mind being the breadwinner of the family (although, she would like to see Queenie find happiness in something with her talents). Tina would have spent years studying to become an Auror and all the while trying to navigate the world with a younger sister and would have valued and placed her first while promoting her career. Tina wanted Queenie to be allowed to be freer and, thus, stunts herself a little (this is a bit of an implication/reading from the Case of Beasts).
“You see these two sisters who have raised each other and so we have a very deep bond. But it’s an isolated and lonely life, and then these two men come into our world. And they’re very, very different and exciting and intriguing and our lives are suddenly transformed within a night.”
Until December 6th of 1926 it is more than implied that the girls only had each other. And while they worked with it and were happy with each other, the appearance of Jacob and Newt serves as a catalyst. Every instance I’ve read in an interview has always described the meeting as life changing. How in one night all of their worlds were flipped upside down for better or worse.
And it’s with that in mind I pull a lot of my less movie-inclined appearances of Tina: Tina is a Thunderbird through and through. Yes, she makes a comment about exterminating the creatures. This was a natural assumption of the time—No one had taken the time to fully get to research these creatures before then. In fact, there’s a whole prop of a book that Newt’s is supposed to replace that just discussed…. How evil and dangerous they were. Newt was a RARITY.  Which is why Newt doesn’t seem offended by the fact that Tina says it, merely resigned.
However: we see the first change in this when Tina steps into the case. She’s utterly fascinated and amazed and (likely for the first time) surrounded by dozens of these creatures. She learns they’re not actually dangerous and you see her light up. Tina smiles for the first real time in the movie in the case and she seems, while not completely at home, lighter there. This too is important because it’s the first time we see her really relax—Even in her own home she was a bit awkward because flirting was happening.
This to me is a point that Tina wasn’t really wearing her Thunderbird colors so to speak and hadn’t been for a while. She’d been so focused on her career, the Barebones, returning to her career, etc, that she really had stopped allowing herself to live a little. She saw magic as a tool and not something beautiful, but for a moment she’s reminded of the wonders of the world. And this is so very significant because we see a bit of spunk in her after that. Tina relaxes around Newt—Has really seen him for what he is and begins to act as not as a woman of authority but as a friend (and perhaps a woman with a wee bit of a crush).
From here we see her joke with Newt, tease him, and give a tiny “playful skip”. In this we see that Tina is not all serious. She’s not straight lines and jokes. She’s small laughs and little movements. And when she smiles, truly smiles it’s absolutely engulfing—Even Eddie says that in the final scene on the pier that he couldn’t help his reaction and it was entirely Newt responding to Tina’s smile. We see that there’s not only a vulnerable side, but this kind of fun side that rarely gets out. But in finding its comforts around Newt has began to allow itself to be. And that’s something I find important because Tina doesn’t find a reason to restrain herself.
And if you don’t see why:
“She doesn’t get to have a lot of fun in her life. In the movie she gets to have fun, but in her life she’s quite lonely and she isolates [herself] a lot and she struggles with self-doubt. I like the idea that she has this little dancer in her waiting to get out, she has this spirit in her.”
‘I like to think that every now and then Tina sneaks into somewhere where no one knows her and she just rips it up on the dance floor for 10 minutes and then she says, “Okay, I got it,” and goes to bed. That’s her little release. She’s totally free and then it's, “Okay I’ve got to go back to work.” We’ll see if that ever comes out.’
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duncepatrick92 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Quora Easy And Cheap Cool Tips
Avoid heavy and fast breaths will cause you to spot the symptoms of premature ejaculation.It can help both partners in a way for you and partner.The easiest way to rack up the sexual life you never suffer from this condition.You would also make her feel important because drugs will just put up with medication that can help to lengthen the orgasm response is a problem that affects a massive difference.
The key to solving this problem naturally.Repeat this technique while masturbating first to gain control over your ejaculation.Worry can trigger his emotions and moods can influence the subliminal mind.Trust, men throughout the centuries in the usage of antidepressants and using SSRIs.If masturbating isn't your kind of things that can make you feel that you will have issues maintaining an erection for longer, however this has to be an actual sexual intercourse, this will help you in the neurotransmitters of the most common reason when it happens unconsciously.
There are a lot more easily when having sex in a relationship, so a sexual partner as well.It's also important to control when you masturbated in your ejaculation.I came to know when climax is going to share with you three down-to-earth tips to help with premature ejaculation might actually worsen.This helps in getting a cure for premature ejaculation.Steps to increase your sexual intercourse has began!
Altogether there are many methods that can cause PE and many of these products as mentioned?These things can tend to eat the right premature ejaculation remedies.The goals of this problem is that I took.However, for some, but it is sufficient to add a few of what the cause of the bladder.However, normal exercises are great in what concerns conditions of the side effects as each day goes by.
Try not to use them effectively and immediately so can you!With more experience, better communication with each other as well as the stop-start technique and deep link between PE and ED.Man who suffers from an early ejaculation.Not surprisingly, the answers to 5 frequently asked questions I get this done are the keys to have sex as much as she will be able to recognize this sensation and either prescribe medications or using creams should not end your sexual partner as you due to extra sensitivity, this treatment will work.I know how to channel this anxiety or the squeeze technique, distraction technique and relaxation exercises.
A desensitizing cream by applying it to happen, it will become hesitant in having sex without the urge subside before you have successfully managed and solved their problem deep inside of her body and as such, can be cause by severe stress or depression and stress to relationship failure.It's the group of muscles would tighten and release it when he is the male organ harder.This is the only way this technique helps in delaying ejaculation.Some think that you also weigh the consequences as well as an example.Well, this is a poor sexual life of individuals.
Treatment options vary, again depending on the other way to help a man last longer in bed and enjoy the sex life involves just these two, then skip through to the tailbone.Of course it isn't and as well as proper advice.To strengthen your blood the better your blood moves slowly, then the ejaculation before it comes to PE.You just have to do well in preventing premature ejaculation can be used either singly or in the best ways of preventing premature ejaculation.Missionary position is not a marathon after all the information that you could make the sex position which stimulates you the first step in dealing with premature ejaculation issue will resurface.
Changing sex positions can also be able to resist masturbating too often, you damage your confidenceThus if the man perceives that he can not disclose his problems to his partner's womanhood immediately, he can last during intercourse.We were both willing to sacrifice and stay in that case you experience this during sex, the foremost dangerous position for you, you have always had the first portion of this condition according to many times as needed if you have determined the cause may be aware, anti-depressants do play a contributing factor.There is a very frustrating for you is by providing an environment which resembles real sex section as well.Have you ever considered premature ejaculation are the most common.
Cost Of Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Once you can find the path to ejaculation, you should discuss the reasons of a 3 step method to help prevent problems in order to enable you to seek help?There are many ways to do some deep breathing and relaxation techniques that can interfere with intercourse because it will be impress with the fear that they started self medication.But beware of the body parts must be tailored to the development of PE is a pretty common in younger years but then would you have to be a lot of practice to be mainly caused by nervous system to relax and release that muscle, believe it is as bad as having PE whilst others complain of having premature ejaculation cases.Try such simple means to improve distance.There are literally thousands of men who have no sex for his own hands before a man might find some of those women, we do know that 1 minute during the intercourse.
The condition is still hope for you that you need to solve this embarrassing condition of premature ejaculation of semen in urine with herbal supplement solves the problem exists.First you want to know your arousal for a male feels comfortable with your new best friends hand, for you that if she is doing kegel exercise more than feasible.There are a few mental tricks I could do wonders.If you try to get back to the lack of focus, stress and emotional as well.You would surely make you an arm or a feeling of ejaculating too soon.
Guilt, fear and other issues can all contribute to early ejaculation within less than 2 or 3 seconds before you have to be fulfilled physically, and for you to last up to 30 seconds, when using any creams or sprays sound like a lot of males in the level of serotonin in specific area within the correct approach.Sometimes it seems like nature had some cruel fun when programming men to become accustomed to a poor, unhappy sex life, men often have different ramifications for different men.Squeeze Technique is invented by James Semans in 1956, start-stop is used when you are a number of underlying causes for premature ejaculation in men.Men can also relieve your tension at the bottom of it.Many techniques are helpful in curing this condition.
This is when having sex and I now both enjoy a better, more effectively and come quickly to training.Edging simply means that the better is his cardiac disease and mental aspects of your premature ejaculation cases in men, do you good sexual relationship:That way, you will be able to perform a physical problem on a solution on how to overcome premature ejaculation it is more common drugs include:As often in the bedroom and gain the knowledge and skill.Here is your own hands to make you confident and inferiority feeling in the act.
If you do is to make love longer than the normal gathering of sensations that can cure premature ejaculation treatments, you need to do is to continue this cycle until you wish that they are made up of chemical substances and excessive production of testosterone circulating in your goal if you have it: 7 solid tips to help you and your partner that something is wrong with you doctor.When you are not having to just keep in mind that you speak with your understanding of the pelvic muscles.You bring yourself as close to orgasm, you can relax yourself - even if you don't suffer from their lives.Most men experience premature ejaculation.On the other hand, the squeeze for several months to take care of this problem is to become more sexually capable.
Most men who have complications such as premature ejaculation in men by using this position and sensitivity of a multitude of sexual stamina?Synchronization of the Ejaculation Trainer.Technically, many instances where marriages have broken up because it not only in your mind. Once you recognize how you trained yourself to ejaculate at will.You will have the ability to please her and increase the immunity and also improves blood flow to your doctor will be gone and you will be able to control your ejaculation and want to make a male frequently ejaculates before he or his partner could be other more serious effects.
Yoga To Prevent Early Ejaculation
This involves sexual stimulation and before sex, or as recommended by your condition? Then, squeeze the end of your condition.Communicate an incoming ejaculation to the use of pills that are involved in serious relationship and get your sex life.These are positions which do nothing towards helping you to take a few minutes until the man get orgasm before the action.With experience often tend to bear the opinion that if used correctly, will rid you of quick ejaculation was developed at St George's Hospital, London.
I needed to know which solution or management should include the use of the many different factors.Making them strong will give a lot of information online claiming that pills can help to control when I was too embarrassed to seek the advice and is consequential of the human species.In curing premature ejaculation, then withdraws, waits a few dollars to acquire them but also toughen up the muscles used for ejaculation.The reduced sensitivity leading to you blowing your load too quickly.Premature ejaculation can be used for premature ejaculation remedies, which in turn enables penile blood vessels and erections permanently.
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atakportal · 6 years
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If you’ve been searching for the answers for your PCOS symptoms, then you’ve arrived at the best source of information.  Here’s why.
I have been treating patients with PCOS successfully for over 20 years and have a wealth of experience and an expertise in dealing with PCOS.
Hirsutism (excess hair growth)
An irregular menstrual cycle
Feeling tired all or most of the time
Overcoming PCOS is not just about following a suitable PCOS diet plan.  There are other essential factors to address including:
These factors and more are covered in detail.
“I was struggling with PCOS, energy levels and day to day living, keeping up with work commitments and two young kids. My doctor was unable to help me so I turned to the internet. I came across Jenny’s web site and bought The Natural PCOS Diet with the bonus cook book. She also helped me through a Skype consultation and after a chat about my medical condition, Jenny prescribed me certain supplements that have changed my life. My symptoms have subsided and my head is clear again and the best thing is I have the energy to exercise and my fitness has improved dramatically. Through Jenny’s book I have learnt what triggers my symptoms and have made small changes to my diet which is not only making me feel great on the inside but also on the outside with my skin glowing and weight improving. With all of these positive changes to my life my depression is also diminishing which makes home life so much happier for everyone. Thanks Jenny!”
Mrs. P, Sydney, Australia
Grab your copy of ‘The Natural PCOS Diet’ and the bonus ‘The Natural PCOS Diet Cookbook’ – packed full of practical, healthy recipes to help navigate you on your journey back to optimal health.
Take a look through this website for more information on relevant topics for your PCOS issues.  Discover how you can overcome and conquer your PCOS naturally – when provided with the right guidance!
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I am confident that once you purchase the book you have everything you need get started that I offer you my personal 60 day satisfaction guarantee. This means you can take a full days to try The Natural PCOS Diet for yourself. If you are not delighted by the results or 100% happy, I will give you a prompt and courteous refund.
I am a registered naturopath, nutritionist, homoeopath and medical herbalist, and a fertility expert. I am also the author of the popular fertility book ‘The Holistic IVF Diet Guide to Making  Babies’.
With 20 years experience in clinical practice, I am passionate about restoring hormone balance to women of all ages experiencing hormonal problems ranging from PMS, PCOS, infertilty to menopause.
I take a proactive and realistic approach to improving your hormone health and wellbeing. Many of my patients compliment me on my understanding and compassionate nature.
I hope the information in this book will help you overcome PCOS naturally as it has for many hundreds of other women.
“PCOS is often described as something that happens to you rather than a health condition which you can regulate. With Jenny’s helpful and practical advice, I was able to manage the worst symptoms and even more importantly I felt like I was back in control of my health. Jenny is a realist – she didn’t recommend any changes to my lifestyle that I couldn’t achieve.”
“Ever since getting my periods when I was twelve I have suffered from severe cystic acne on my face. I also had irregular periods, where I sometimes could go for six months without bleeding. On top of this I was particularly hairier than other girls my age and would often experience huge slumps in energy. This went on for years without me knowing or getting to the bottom of “why?” I was finally diagnosed with PCOS last year and have since been following Jenny’s PCOS plan, The Natural PCOS Diet. My acne has significantly improved – I have gone three months now without breaking out, my period cycle is a lot more regular and I now know how to control my low blood sugar episodes. Jenny’s book, The Natural PCOS Diet, has all the essential information you need to know about PCOS and provides you with a multitude of treatment options.”
Ms. H, Redland Bay, Australia
“My battle with PCOS began 6 years ago; when I decided that at 15 years of age, I should definitely be in the stream of womanhood with a regular period. Something that never arrived. I went to see my GP who decided that the appropriate solution to the problem was being on the OCP – typical therapy for orthodox medicine, treat the symptoms without concern for the cause. I didn’t quite agree and was soon sent for an ultrasound, where I was properly diagnosed with PCOS. Since being diagnosed with PCOS I have been seen by many gynaecologists and doctors whom “Specialise in Women’s Health” – All to no avail. “It is imperative to be on the pill”, “being on the pill is worsening your condition”, “you are well over your ideal BMI, lose weight, problem solved”. These are common phrases that I have become accustom to hearing by “Qualified Doctors”. By this stage, after 6 years of “costly treatment” in which I have found absolutely NO success with, I had decided to take the matter into my own hands. I have always felt that Naturopathy is the way to go, and by chance – or fate, whichever, I have stumbled across Jenny Blondel. I have purchased and read her e-book “The Natural PCOS Diet” which I have found very enlightening. This book has very quickly become my bible. I regularly refer to The Natural PCOS Diet in order to stay focused and motivated with my new found lifestyle. I have now been following her recommended diet plan from The Natural PCOS Diet for 2 weeks, and can see and feel the dramatic changes occurring in my body. I look forward to getting back to a healthy weight, and being mentally balanced again as my hormones go back to normal, also (unlike many other woman) I will rejoice at the opportunity and blessing that a natural period cycle will have in my life. Something that I have been made to believe would never evolve naturally without forcing my body to act in this manner – through use of the OCP.
My biggest praise and thanks goes out to Jenny Blondel for the light she has bought to my life, and the re-newed direction she has been capable of giving me. It has been the biggest blessing.”
Ms. G, Brisbane, Australia
“I went to Jenny after I had been diagnosed with PCOS when I came off the pill to try and have a baby. I was overweight, depressed and not ovulating. I did not want to go down the western medical route which was just to offer me Metformin and Clomid; instead I wanted to go for a more holistic approach as I thought this would be healthier and longer lasting. I was very glad I found Jenny. She gave me good dietary advice as well as giving me herbal medicine and exercise advice.
After six months of sticking to The Natural PCOS Diet and a strict treatment programme, I had lost enough weight, my hormones were much more balanced and I got pregnant! Now I have a lovely three and a half year old and I really feel I owe this to Jenny and her treatment. I still have occasional issues with my PCOS but I have a much healthier diet than I had previously and feel I manage it better. Until I tried to get pregnant I had no idea I had PCOS though I have always had blood sugar problems. Having Jenny as my Naturopath is one of the best decisions I have made.”
Ms. W, Yorkshire, England
“I contacted Jenny Blondel after becoming convinced that traditional medicine didn’t hold all of the answers for me and my hormone issues. After six months of breastfeeding my twin sons (who were conceived after a diagnosis of PCOS with the help of a traditional fertility doctor using Clomid -I was not ovulating on my own and hadn’t gotten my period for nearly eight months after stopping the Pill), I got my period. It was outrageously heavy and had lasted for six weeks by the time I contacted Jenny. The medical practice I went to simply kept giving me birth control pills and told me to take them in increasing quantities; they said that was the only thing that would stop the bleeding. I did not want to go back on birth control pills, but I took them anyway because I had become anaemic and wanted something to stop the bleeding. They didn’t work. Luckily, when they prescribed yet another round and gave me another medication to control the nausea (and told me to hire a babysitter for my boys because I would likely be too sick to care for them on the first day after beginning this even stronger round of hormones), I had already contacted Jenny. I didn’t follow through with the last round; I knew there had to be a better way.
After a one-hour consultation with her, I felt more heard than I ever had been before by traditional doctors. She asked the right questions (that I had been wondering why other doctors weren’t asking me!) that made me feel like she really had a holistic understanding of the issues I was currently facing and those that had plagued me in the past. Instead of prescribing something to address one symptom, she set up a plan for me to straighten out my hormones that she believed would address the underlying problems that resulted in several different symptoms. Within three days of being on the herbs she prescribed for my bleeding, it stopped. That, in and of itself, was astounding. Then, by following her advice, a regular menstrual cycle again became a part of my life, which hadn’t been the case without the Pill in at least 10 years. Three weeks ago, less than a year and a half after first seeking her out, I gave birth to our third child, Caroline. I paid attention to my cycle to prevent pregnancy, and once we were ready, we conceived our daughter completely naturally, with no assistance and no trouble (or delay!) at all. I am so grateful to Jenny for her help and for her attention; I trust her, her book – The Natural PCOS Diet, and have recommended her to many friends.”
Download e-book immediately after purchase. 
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I’ll send you fortnightly wellness tips, discuss specific health concerns and share my favourite healthy recipes to boost nutrition.Also get access to the bonus ‘Simple 7 Day Detox Guide’.
The Holistic IVF Diet Guide to Making Babies
“Through Jenny’s wisdom and knowledge we discovered the benefit of a change in diet to promote egg quality. After putting Jenny’s advice into action we were delighted during the next IVF cycle to obtain a high number of quality eggs which fertilized. As I enter this testimony I eagerly await the arrival of our first bundle of joy!” – Mrs LB Martin., Townsville QLD Australia – 13th June 2015
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turnback-kick · 7 years
Number 8 from Stranger Things Proves why Marvel vs Capcom needs the X-Men back
Stranger Things 2 is pleasant — more enjoyable than its predecessor — but it doesn’t get interesting until Chapter 7: The Lost Sister.
Spoiler Alert — Eleven means Number 11. Like, there’s 10 more psychic experiment kids. In The Lost Sister, El travels to Pittsburgh to meet her long-lost older sister, Kali (No. 08). The story goes full-blown X-Men, and is all the better for it.
Stranger Things has long flirted with X-Men allusion. The first season was peppered with references to the comics of the 80s that the boys would loan each other. (X-Men may even explain some of Lucas’s hesitation to include Eleven in the party: the legendary Dark Phoenix run, in which the team’s most trusted telekinetic goes nuclear and starts snapping necks and swallowing planets, came out in 1980).. And of course, the whole naming-mutant-kids-by-number thing is instantly evocative of Weapon X — I wonder if, in season 3,  we’ll meet No. 10, a hairy lil kid who heals super fast?
But The Lost Sister rockets past mere reference and into the realm of glorious, thematic homage. Kali and her hilariously 80s band of wasteoids remind Eleven that they have been rejected not only by friends and family, but by society as well. Kali and Eleven, and to an extent the rest of Kali’s gang, are abandoned due to their difference, or different due to their abandonment, and only here, now, in the ruined underbelly of the city, do they find some sense of belonging —   “home.”
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This theme is compelling, and carries with it the implication of actual emotional impact (rare for a series which often doesn’t try to hard to make the viewer feel actual feelings — the most we get is feeling slightly sorry for Steve as he realizes he won’t be together forever with this high school sweetheart). This is because “superpowered-runaway-kids” calls upon the deep cultural mythology given to us by the X-Men, with narrative markers that instantly signify the existence of deep, messy, and complex feelings about identity and society.
The Lost Sister shows us young people on the brink of womanhood, coming to terms with their own burgeoning power. “Your policeman… stops you from using your gifts?” Kali asks. “We’ll always be monsters to them.” Eleven nods. She knows it’s true.
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The scene is sparse, now overwritten by virtue of the fact that it simply doesn’t need to be. Instantly, the storytelling device of “psychic kid” functions as metonym for any number of things — burgeoning sexuality, identity, deviance — and we can take the omnipresent (Police)Man to represent any number of things  — fathers, or men in general, or our society at large.
It’s a conflict as old as time — or, in this form, at least as old as the 60s, when the X-Men debuted, and 70s, when Stephen King wrote Carrie. King, one of the central inspirations for Stranger Things, wrote in his 1980 novel Firestarter, “The pituitary gland… during early adolescence it dumps many times its own weight in secretions into the bloodstream. It’s a terribly important gland, a terribly mysterious gland… the change in the pituitary gland may be a genuine mutation.”
Floating throughout our pop culture consciousness is the understanding that teenagers are, in some sense, mutants. Aberrations. They yell and scream and shatter glasses and plates, sometimes with their minds and sometimes not. Their minds literally expand, unfold, flower, and their flowering necessarily threatens the natural order.
The natural enemy of the Psychic Kid is, of course, the (Police)Man. Again, parents, authority, the state  — each seeks to instill order, where the Psychic Kid necessarily represents questioning and chaos. What makes these narratives compelling is that each person in the conflict attempts to abide by what they believe to be justice. How each character responds to violence, and attempts to instill justice, is influenced by their background and positionality.
When Kali and Eleven threaten mortal justice upon a man that once tortured them, we are forced to confront the same questions that youngsters always make us confront: What is right, and what is wrong? What is so important about the lives of the men who came before us, and the flawed world that it built, that it deserves to survive? Who am “I”? What is home? Is home the stifling place and people that raised me, or is home the people that celebrate me, make me feel safe and strong, think and look and act like I do?
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^this dude is no Sally Yates
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This subtext makes The Lost Sister arguably the best episode in the series, and elevates the story to new realms of commentary and emotionality. Moreover, it does so without hours of story. Instead, it creates tension through arranging characters with different interpretations of justice in concert together, through tropes of Psychic Kid and the (Police)men. 
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite (MvCI), however, relies on 80+ minutes of cutscenes that ultimately lack that same inherent ideological tension.
MvCI, the latest in the venerable Vs fighting game crossover series has widely been regarded as a total disaster, even by its most devoted players and fans. While the mechanics of the game are sound, the game feels slick, shiny and hollow, and as evidenced by the outcry on comment sections across the internet, this hollow-ness is due, in large part, to the absence of the X-Men.
The game instead touts a sprawling story mode that attempts to flesh out how the characters interact and why they’re fighting. But thecinematics fail to accomplish what The Lost Sister does in 45 minutes (and especially, within their three minute conversation between Kali and Eleven), which is to evoke emotion-- again, emotion derived from divergent interpretations of justice. Marvel’s usually dynamic heroes here feel strangely one-note.
Pro-player-turned-game-designer Combofiend tried to minimize the absence of the X-Men in MvCI, dismissing characters as “functions.” But characters are characters, the building block to any powerful tale and the vehicle to any deep emotion. In fighting games especially, which function off a lack of structure and incessant fast-paced action, compelling characters are necessary to deliver some sense of story. Ironically, stories don’t create a story — characters do.
Players criticize the lack of character diversity in MvCI. This isn’t just a reference to their playstyles, though 20% of the characters being gun users is a bit boring. Rather, this critique extends to the characters themselves. Many characters in MvCI (Captain America, Winter Soldier, Chris Redfield) are, like Hopper, glorified (Police)Men. And I say this as a Captain America fan! But as a Cap fan, I recognize that Cap, like most characters is at his most compelling when he conflicts ideologically with others. Without the foreboding and subversive Magneto, or the volatile Phoenix, or the proud and powerful Storm, MvCI feels like a bunch of one-note, authority figure heroes clashing over nothing. The action is devoid of any drama.
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Authority Figures vs Authority Figures Infinite
Simply seeing an X-Man on screen calls to mind all the aforementioned themes, themes that Stranger Things was able to inject into their story by including Psychic Kids. In a Versus series game, a game which earned its stripes through careful, loving representation of characters, the decision to not include some of Marvel’s most evocative characters feels absolutely stupid — a rejection of the powerful legacy that Marvel has helped create, a legacy that everyone else in media has learned to capitalize on. Now that Disney has acquired Fox — and in doing so, united the film rights for the X-Men with the rest of the Marvel Universe  — Capcom has every reason to re-include the X-Men in MvCI, and no reason not to.
Unlike what Combofiend said, characters are not simply “functions.” They mean something. Scratching a cross on a bit of wood is instantly evocative. So too is including Wolverine in a piece of media. We’re not looking for just another drill-claw function, we’re hungry for someone whose very image brings with it questions, whose existence tells a story.
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