#that anvil player
windchimesofglass · 2 years
Absolute favourite part of the Andor finale was the stromtrooper being yeeted from the tower by the anvil player.
10/10 peak cinema
10/10 accurate representation of a percussionist about to be interrupted during a performance
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chaisteabox · 1 year
A friend of mine asked me if I wanted to join a mostly historically accurate Roman era DnD campaign. Of course I had to say yes!
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So meet Andromeda, my human Gladiator Ranger. She's a badass archer that will aim for wherever hurts you the most. She has a bitter hatred for men thanks to some unresolved daddy issues, and isn't afraid to take them out on her foes, with bow, whip or dagger.
I look forward to making more pieces of this character, she's a lot of fun to draw!
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gnaga37 · 19 hours
videos about how to improve minecraft way too often want to change the parts of the game I actually like
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blackdiamond1038 · 6 months
Secret Life Secrets
Session 6
Green- Successful
Red- Failed
Scott: There is an assassination hit out on you from a non-red. If they do at least 10 hearts of damage to you (or through another’s actions) or you die, you fail. You have one shot to guess who it is and make them fail even if they already dealt the damage. (You must still get involved in conversations.)
Pearl: You are an imposter. You must approach any or multiple reds and secretly tell them this task. They can give you any task to damage a green player. If you successfully damage 3 different green names (for any amount) from their instructions, you pass. A yellow can call you out as a traitor at any stage. 
Gem: Nothing you say can be true for 30 minutes. If you tell the truth, you must start the timer again.
Jimmy: Task 1: Replace the water under the pink diving board with blue glass. You must not be caught. You succeed if they take damage from diving off. You fail if they find it or refuse to jump. Task 2: Punch another player into lava. It can be lava you have placed. [Died before succeeding or failing]
Mumbo: You are Grian’s terrible butler. You must do anything they say, but always get some aspect of it wrong. You can tell them you are their butler, but no one else. Task 1 [as a red]: Cause any amount of damage to a non-red using an anvil. Task 2: Build a TNT cannon and successfully hit a base from at least 50 blocks. Task 3: Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage. [Died before succeeding or failing]
Grian: You declared yourself incorrectly successful last session. You must re-roll for harder task. [Re-roll for harder task] Etho is going to get a warden to the surface. You must get a wither. Make them do battle. You can work together to make this battle happen. The fight must take place in a central location.
Etho: You ended up with Pearl’s book at the end of last session. You must re-roll for harder task as punishment. [Re-roll for harder task] Grian is going to get a wither. You must get a warden to the surface. Make them do battle. You can work together to make this battle happen. The fight must take place in a central location. Deep dark can be found at -671 -30 1875.
Lizzie: Task 1: Use redstone to damage a non-red player. You cannot hit them with the item, it must be a machine or trap of some kind. Task 2: Summon a mod using an egg to deal any damage to a green. [Succeeded, but died before pressing the button]
Impulse: You are in a game of chicken with Scar and Bdubs. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it’s something that will cause damage.
Bdubs: You are in a game of chicken with Scar and Impulse. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it’s something that will cause damage.
Scar: You are in a game of chicken with Bdubs and Impulse. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it’s something that will cause damage.
Skizz: You are now the therapist of the server. For the rest of the session, you must guide and give other players advice in a professional manner. The advice does not need to be good advice. You must help players to acknowledge and negative feelings. You cannot directly solve their problems, you are there only for emotional support. You fail if called out by a yellow. You can pass early if you give therapeutic advice to every other player at least once. You can only help someone if they appear down or frustrated. 
Joel: You are Scott’s assassin. You must deal a minimum of 10 hearts of damage to them to succeed. You can use other people or any means you please. But if you are called out by them as the assassin, you fail, even if you already dealt the damage. They only have one guess.
Martyn: Task 1: Hit a green name with a sword until they block you with a shield. If you kill them, you also succeed. Task 2: Cause any amount of damage to a non-red using an anvil. Task 3: Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage. Task 4: Summon a mod using an egg to deal any damage to a green. [Unfinished this session]
BigB: Everytime someone takes damage, tell them much too late how it could have been avoided. If you see them about to take damage, you must also warn them too late.
Tango [Ren]: You have an imaginary friend who is exactly like Tango. Talk to Tango as if they follow you around the whole session and are part of conversations. You must interact with other players. 
Cleo: Everyone else knows what your task is. Figure it out and do it. They can’t tell you what it is but they can say warmer and colder when you attempt something. A yellow cannot call out this task as everyone already knows what it is. You cannot ask, you must attempt to do it. [At the end of all non-red player’s tasks, the rules for Cleo’s task were explained. This is what it was: Cleo’s task is: “Stand in a circle of different kinds of flowers and spin” You can’t tell her what it is, but you can say warmer and colder as she tries to figure it out. You can tell her when she’s done it. The rest of the server knows her task, she does not. She has to figure it out.]
This session was absolutely insane.
Lemme know if I missed something!
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boyinthevoide · 27 days
just realised a neat thing.
so, the beta kids' respective denizens are typheus for john, cetus for rose (not technically explicitly confirmed but cetus is her browser so its basically confirmed), hephaestus for dave and echidna for jade.
dave and jade have, at some point, obtained weapons from their denizens; davesprite gives john the code for fear no anvil, hephaestus's hammer, and jade has the quills of echidna at some point because they're a part of the bunny's arsenal. obviously, these match the strife specibi for the other two kids, with the quills being needlekind.
ahab's crosshairs is a reference to captain ahab from moby dick, who was killed by the titular whale. the constellation commonly associated with cetus is the whale. it's therefore not out of the question that at the very least something similar could be obtained if rose ever actually interacted with her denizen. and ahab's crosshairs is riflekind, the specibi for jade.
so in theory, the denizens give out weapons suitable for other players, and typheus could probably give john a sword (that would inevitably get broken via shenanigans) to suit dave's bladekind
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thewertsearch · 1 month
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2.2 million grist? That's more than Fear No Anvil!
This thing must be crazy powerful. Judging by the name and ingredients, it may confer some sort of clairvoyance on its user. That feels like it would be more Rose's department - but then again, John's not the only Player with a rocket pack, so it's clearly possible to create gear that evokes an Aspect other than your own.
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It worked! The result is a huge kickass PROTON CANNON.
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Or you would, if you were able to afford the thing. Dave turbo-torrented you a lot of grist, but you don't have THAT much.
That's a little steep, yeah.
Mind you, Dave is on his way to mastering the LOHACse, so you might be able to afford it sooner than you think.
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While wearing this outfit, you almost feel as if you were ripped straight from the animes!
Sick. It reminds me a little of Death from Soul Eater, actually.
Jade definitely watches anime. I know we haven't seen her discuss it in the comic, but we're all in agreement on this, right?
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You make the GREEN SUN STREETSWEEPER! Aw yeah.
A million grist is a lot less than I'd expect to replicate a First Guardian's power level - but it still might replicate some of their abilities, just at a smaller scale.
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You make… YOU MAKE………..
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Hey, they can’t all be winners!
Way back in Act 2, I predicted that, based on how codes are combined in the Alchemiter, each item fusion should actually have multiple recipes. This is far from the only combination that will yield Johnny 5, and some combinations are going to make more sense than others.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Jock!reader who's like really nice to everyone and has a crush on Ethan and tries to flirt with him while Ethan is tutoring him and FAILS MISERABLY and Ethan just thinks it the most adorable thing ever ahhhh plss🙏
- ♣️
YES YES YES HELLO ♣️ ANON!!! welcome my third child 🙏🙏🙏🙏 literallt love u sm thank you for this pookie
ETHAN MORGAN ; flirty jock and flustered geek
summary ; jock!reader who has a crush on ethan and fails successfully to flirt with him
warnings ; language, cheesey stuff lol, reader is described as a basketball player but can totally be changed, this also isn't that great tbh
word count ; 1k
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You rest your letterman jacket on the back of the chair you sit on, being greeted by Ethan. He opens his binder to the homework in the Geometry packet, and you do the same, mentally preparing yourself. You notice his white binder is covered in stickers and some reference to vampires, witches, the supernatural, and beyond. Ethan was kind of your friend, you were more than acquaintances but you didn't talk outside of Geometry and English class.
You were one of the very few nice people on the basketball team, or maybe you were just a decent person and didn't judge people all too quickly. Otherwise, you didn't mind needing the tutoring from Ethan, you appreciated it really, if you failed another test you could be at risk for getting kicked off the team and you might lose the opportunity for a scholarship to college.
"Okay, so, what exactly do you need help with?" The brunette asks, looking up at you as he runs a hand through his hair, looking a little nervous.
"I just don't know how to like, figure out what shape they are like, how Mr. D wants us to, and like how to find the second base or the height" You explain, "Like, I know how I just can't remember the like, equations, I guess. And when I do, I get the math wrong"
He nods, "Okay, so, you know how to find the areas and perimeters well enough, though, right?"
You nod.
As he begins to explain how to solve your problems, you notice his orange t-shirt, accentuating the perfectly placed blush on his cheeks, faint but definitely pink. The way he spoke to dumb it down for you a bit but to not infantilize you made you smile a bit, seeing as he cared about your feelings. You notice him rub the nape of his neck, seemingly anxious or nervous around you, or maybe uncomfortable because he didn't know how to teach, like how Mr. D should be teaching you this and not poor Ethan, wasting his study hall for you.
You were already very, very aware of your crush on Ethan Morgan. He was your every thought, he was in your blood, in your ears, in your eyes, and in your tears. (weezer reference)
But, now was not the time to dilly dally about with high school crushes, these next 35 minutes could potentially determine your entire future. You needed this free ride to college, otherwise you'd turn into another old person working a job that pays minimum wage for maximum effort.
As time lugged on, you couldn't help but not focus on your homework and instead focus on Ethan and his gorgeous face. He looks back up at you after asking a question, seeing you were totally zoned out staring at him.
"Y/n?" He waves a hand in front of your eyes, trying to snap you back to reality. (eminem reference, wow I'm on a roll today)
You blink, "Oh, shit, sorry, uh, what'd you say, pretty boy?"
You couldn't even think about the words spilling out of your mouth until after they already fell. Those words hit Ethan like a falling anvil, his face turning bright red as he tries to shrug it off as you were just surprised and trying to be nice to him.
"Uh, this is the equation, uhm, try solving it"
You awkwardly nod, writing down the equation and putting in the numbers with the respective variables. You solve the equation, ending up with 24 for the height. He looks confused, having got a different answer. He scooches over to you, trying to figure out where you went wrong.
"Y'know, you're like a walking calculator. A cute one though" You shrug, he looks at you with a slightly confused and amused face, "I dunno what that even means, sorry"
He nods, "Oh, okay, you I think multiplied by two instead of dividing"
"Oh, whoops" You pick your pencil back up, fixing your mistake.
"There you go!" Ethan smiles, "It's just little mistakes, you'll build on it" He lightly pats your shoulder.
"Did you know Ancient Romans used to brush their teeth with their urine? And it actually worked?" You randomly ask him, fidgeting with your pencil.
Ethan blinks, slightly confused before he lightly laughs. "I hate you, focus on the Geometry, no stalling"
"Do you hate me or are we about to kiss right now?"
"Dude. Did you get that off Pinterest or something?"
He hides a laugh and bites his lip, "Okay so you-"
"Damn, are you Terms and Conditions? Cause I'd love to blindly agree to whatever you say"
Ethan quickly covers his mouth, "Shut up!"
You laugh a bit, "Sorry, sorry. I didn't sleep for shit last night and I'm getting frustrated cause I don't understand this"
"You'll learn!" Ethan smiles, shaking you lightly by the shoulders.
Some time later, the bell is about to ring, dismissing you to lunch.
"Thanks Eth" You lightly smile, "Oh, uh-" You reach into your backpack, pulling out some homemade cookies in a plastic Tupperware, handing them to him. "These are for you. I have to go to lunch in a second" You say, pulling your backpack over your shoulders, carrying your binder and pencil in hand.
"Oh- thank you!" He smiles, watching you stand up. The smile falters a bit due to awkwardness, "Uh- I have lunch next period too-"
"Bye Ethan, see you later! Love you, dude!"
Ethan is left confused and slightly shocked, cheeks a little red.
He knew you had a crush on him, he felt the same way, but he loved seeing you miserably fail to flirt with him. You were no romantic, if anything, a hopeless romantic in your thoughts.
He smiles, looking down at the red-lid Tupperware, seeing soft, chocolate chip cookies inside, his favorite.
"Thanks, Y/n," He whispers with a little smile, then gathers up his binder and books, shoving them in his backpack.
He notices a tingling feeling in his face, feeling a familiar warmth on his face as he thought about the nicknames and dumb pickup lines you'd spilled out of your lips that past half hour. God, would he love to kiss those lips of yours. He sighs, realizing he should definitely let you do that some more before he asks about it at all.
Thankfully, he'd been able to have slipped a note into your binder before you left.
"Hey Y/n! If you need any help tomorrow I'll be in the library. Bring your pickup lines with you, and I might help you not get kicked off the team. -Ethan"
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downtroddendeity · 3 months
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@turnkeyassurance saw your tags and figured I'd take the opportunity to pause my descent into madness to give my more sober opinions on the Ni no Kuni franchise, lol. (Warning: I am a humongous JRPG nerd)
The NNK games are really odd ducks, quality-wise. You can call either one a good game or a bad game and call either one better than the other, and any combination of those opinions can be something I think is entirely justified. Both of them have things they do remarkably well and also serious, profound, deal-breaking flaws, and the really weird thing is that there's almost no overlap between those two lists for the two games. What clicks and doesn't about both of them is going to be deeply individual.
What Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch does, with resounding success, is Vibes. It sets out at every single step with the goal of being a playable Ghibli movie, and it sticks to that principle. It's all about beautiful, cel-shaded whimsy. It's a game for people who want to feel like they're wandering through the meadows in the movie version of Howl's Moving Castle. There are lots of puns, and you can befriend all the random encounter monsters and feed them ice cream.
But that's also its Achilles' heel: because it's dedicated entirely to imitation, it has trouble bringing things to the table that are really its own. It has the visual and narrative aesthetics of Hayao Miyazaki's films, but it doesn't have the raw emotion at the heart of them. And as a game, its mechanics combine the clunkiest features of menu-based combat and action RPGs, and while everything about the Pokemon-esque mechanics seems designed to encourage players to collect and experiment with them, the balancing turns attempting to do that into a miserable grindy nightmare.
The other problem is that it... isn't actually the first Ni no Kuni game. Wrath of the White Witch is, in fact, a remake of the Nintendo DS game Ni no Kuni: Dominion of the Dark Djinn, which was never released outside Japan. The reason for this is pretty easy to explain, because DDD had another gimmick besides its aesthetics: it came with a real-life physical copy of the wizard spellbook, and the player had to look things up in it and draw sigils on the DS touchscreen to cast spells. So, we've got a high-effort remake that had to completely cut the central mechanic... and which also expanded the plot so that the original main villain was no longer the primary antagonist. This results in a game with what is very clearly a final dungeon and very clearly a final boss and very clearly a resolution to the story, which suddenly has a completely different plot dropped on it like a fucking anvil that it expects you to be just as invested in even though it hasn't had anything like the same level of buildup.
And ironically, this is almost the exact opposite of the biggest problem with Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom, a.k.a. the one with my new blorbo, the President of the United Union of Eagleland. 2 is an effort to try to cement an identity for the series that can be its own, rather than requiring them to depend indefinitely on borrowed Miyazaki nostalgia. It just has the teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy problem that at some point in development it had a budget shortfall so bad that you can finish the game without ever realizing that there is a continent-sized crashed interdimensional spaceship on the world map.
This game has had a machete taken to it. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely respect the work they did to make what they could with what they had, but you can see the signs of massive scope cuts to literally every aspect of the game. The back half of the game has almost exclusively recycled enemy and environment assets; voice acting has been trimmed down to canned voice clips; the catboy protagonist's ears and tail are barely animated; one minigame was so inadequately playtested that a level 16 mission is massively harder than level 50 ones; and while whatever restructuring they had to do to the main plot still left the final version with a more solid and coherent central arc than WWW in my opinion, it also left a lot of truly gaping plot holes, like oh, I don't know, why the President of the United States got turned into a 19-year-old.
Literally, they just. Entirely forgot to explain that. Half the DLC is just the writers scrambling to fix stuff like that and add a bunch of character development that should have been in the base game.
However, despite all this, I personally enjoyed NNK2 more than NNK1 unironically, not just for Rolandposting reasons. Compared to the first one, it plays much more smoothly as a straight action RPG, and while it can't provide the same knock-your-socks-off aesthetic cohesion, to me it seemed a lot more heartfelt- that is, like a game that was made because people had a story they wanted to tell.
But, well, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the non-unironic reasons, because the story they really, genuinely wanted to tell was about a magical catboy growing up and learning to become a leader, and somehow, miraculously, they really thought that was the story I was here for too when they opened the game with the President of the United States being isekaied by Nuke-kun.
Sorry, guys, I have a crippling addiction to dramatic irony and my day job is tech work in local politics, you could not have more laser-targeted this at making me specifically laugh my ass off if you tried.
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sm-baby · 4 months
I imagine Jax being like "oh I wonder what would happen if I dropped an anvil on the player it could be funny" and then he just fucking kills the player
UwU yeah. There's a reason why he got really good at drawing anatomy. Just complete curiosity over the human body.
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15-lizards · 7 months
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em-allay · 6 months
All the player this season that have perma died so far have something in common. They all betrayed someone that trusted them.
Lizzie told Joel she wouldn’t hurt him and yet, out of desperation, set up a trap in his home, that did end up causing him some damage.
Jimmy, also out of desperation, tried hitting Martyn, his main ally this whole season and a fellow red, into lava in an attempt to complete his task.
Mumbo tried multiple times to drop an anvil on his fellow mounders- people that trusted him without an ounce of doubt previously. People that had his back since day one, people that he himself helped out as well.
It would be really interesting if this trend continued on through the rest of the season, especially when you consider how last season ended in a betrayal of trust.
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dreamcatcher92 · 5 months
Secret Santa
Summary: You start a new job in the big city. You’ve been quite the loner your entire life, but Billy Russo seems to be able to bring you out of that shell of yours.
Warnings: Language, mentions of alcohol, 18+, sexual content.
This is my first one shot, so I hope you guys like it! 🙂 Happy Holidays! 
And as always, thank you all so much for the likes and support!!
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Christmas was fast approaching, and you just weren’t in the holiday spirit. You were still new to city life since you were used to living in a small rural town in Kentucky and stuck to your daily routine of going to work, then going straight home.  You had just started your secretary job at ANVIL, and just wanted to focus on doing your job well. 
Chloe and Mackenzie, your two new friends from work, had other ideas for you this evening though. Tonight was the company Christmas party, and the girls begged and begged for you to join them tonight until finally, you caved and agreed to go for a couple of hours. 
“I promise you’ll have fun! Just wear something cute and meet us in the lobby around seven!” Chloe said excitedly as she smiled from ear to ear. 
After the work day was over, you rushed home to figure out what to wear tonight. Chloe and Mackenzie had both shown you pictures of the dresses they planned on wearing, so you knew that you needed to find the best dress you own. You were extremely nervous about going out tonight, but felt like maybe with your friends there with you, it wouldn’t be so bad.
An hour had passed and now you only had about 45 minutes left to finish getting ready and make your way to the high-end hotel that was rented out for the evening's event. You had settled on a knee length gold sequin dress that you wore to a cousin’s wedding once. Paired with your outfit, you chose to wear a pair of red heels and put just a tiny bit of makeup on. 
All of a sudden as you were finishing the final touches on your hair, your phone began to ding.
Chloe: Guys, I am sooooo excited for tonight! Maybe Xander will finally give me a chance!
Mackenzie: Chlo….Xander is such a player! You deserve way better!!
Chloe: Ugh! Don’t be such a downer! 
Chloe: Y/n you ready for tonight!?
Y/n: I think so! I’m almost done getting ready and then I’ll be heading to the venue. Seven still right?
Mackenzie: Yep!
Chloe: Yesss! See you both soon!
You arrived about five minutes early to the party and were relieved when you turned around to look out the door to see Chloe and Mackenzie walking in together to meet you. They greeted you with a hug and the three of you made your way upstairs to the party. 
There were so many people. It made you feel a bit uncomfortable, but knowing that your new friends were close by and had your back if needed made you feel a bit better. You looked around to see who all came and recognized a few others from the same floor you work on. You hadn’t met too many people because you’ve only worked at ANVIL for about three months. 
The girls decided to go talk to a few of their other friends, leaving you alone on the floor. So, you decided to go to the bar and grab a cocktail. After finally getting the bartender's attention, you ordered yourself a whiskey sour and walked out onto the balcony to look at the view of the city and get some fresh air. 
“Mind if I join you?” a deep voice says from behind you making you jump slightly.
You turn to see a tall, sexy, brown haired, and dark eyed man speaking to you, “Um, sure!”
The man walks up and stands beside you. You both gaze across the night sky taking in the beautiful lights of the city and feeling the brisk air blow on your faces.You feel a huge knot in your throat and your stomach is filled with butterflies. You think this man could very well be the most handsome man you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Is he really talking to me? Keep it together!
“Kinda chilly out to be standing outside by yourself.” he says looking down at you with a grin and a whiskey in his hand.
Your cheeks flush, “Yeah, it’s a bit cold out here I suppose. I just needed some air and to get away from all of those people. I’m not a huge fan of crowds.”
“Yeah, same, but I kinda have to be here so…” he says just before taking a sip of his drink.
“Why’s that?” you question.
He smiles and locks eyes with you, “Because I own the company, so if I don’t show then I’d look like an ass.”
It dawns on you that you’re speaking to THE Billy Russo himself. You’ve yet to meet him because of his busy schedule and huge involvement with training his own men. The butterflies in your stomach turn to a nauseated feeling and all you could focus on was to make sure not to say the wrong thing or sound like an absolute idiot.
“Oh! Y-You’re…” is all you manage to get out before Billy cuts you off.
“Your boss?” he laughs.
“Y-Yes, my boss.” you giggle.
“Billy Russo.” he reaches out to shake your hand.
You take his hand and introduce yourself to him. You can’t help but tremble a bit when his soft lips place a gentle kiss on the back of your hand. He notices your hand shaking a bit and grins as he looks back up to meet your eyes. Your eyes widen at this realization that he’s caught you.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I won’t bite. Hard” Billy smiles and winks.
You let out a small nervous chuckle and the two of you stand and talk for a while. After a few more drinks and hours of chatting, Billy offered to give you a ride home, you happily agreed. There was this charm about Billy that made you swoon and give full trust to him. 
A few days have passed, and you haven’t heard from or seen Billy since the night of the party. You didn’t really think much of it because he is a very busy man after all. After lunch, you returned to your desk to find a single red rose lying on your keyboard with a note underneath that read, “A beautiful rose, for a beautiful girl. - Your Secret Santa.”
This was a joke right? Never in your life had this happened to you. Your face immediately flushed and you looked around to see if anyone was looking. 
You finished your shift and could not stop thinking about the rose and note. Surely this wasn’t Billy, right? He would NEVER be interested in someone like me. You tried to chalk it up to being some sort of prank that Chloe and Mackenzie have played on you. That’s got to be it. 
Once you got home and were fixing yourself something to eat, you were suddenly startled by a knock at the door. You sit your glass of wine on the countertop and walk over to peak out the peephole of your front door. Billy?!
Opening the door, you look up and meet Billy’s dark eyes, “Billy? Wha - What are you doing here?”
Billy smiles and pulls a red rose from behind his back and hands it to you, “I wanted to give you this one in person.”
Your heart skips a beat and your eyes widen, “I - I thought Chloe and Mackenzie left me that rose?”
“What?” Billy laughs.
“I just thought they were playing a prank on me. I mean, I thought that maybe…”
“Maybe what?”
“Well, I thought that maybe it was you, but then I thought that there was no way that you would like someone like…well like me. I’m nobody. I -”
Billy cuts you off by swiftly cupping your face and gently kissing your lips. Your eyes fall shut and you drop the rose on the floor as you bring your hands up to run your fingers through his soft hair. When he pulls back from the kiss, you realize that he is holding onto you tightly around your waist.
“I hope that was okay for me to do. Y/N, you’re not nobody. Don’t ever think that.” Billy says to you as he lifts you off the ground to have your legs now wrapped around him.
You look deeply into his eyes and nod your head. You lean back in to kiss him again. Billy carries you inside and kicks the door shut with one of his feet.
He sits down on the couch with you on top of his lap. Your mind is racing. You’ve never done anything like this before, but for whatever reason, this felt right. Your panties were soaked with arousal, and all you could think about was riding his cock.
As you straddle his lap, you sit back, stare at him for a moment, and smile, “So, Secret Santa huh?”
Billy chuckles as he runs a hand through your hair and meets your intense gaze, “Kinda cheesy I know.”
You shake your head, “I think it’s cute actually.”
He grins and runs his fingers down the length of your back and grabs hold of your ass, “Oh yeah? What else you thinkin’ about sweetheart?” 
You lean in and whisper into his ear, “Unzip those pants of yours and find out.”
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dungeon-strugglers · 1 year
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✨New item!✨ Hammer of the Thundersmith Weapon (warhammer), legendary (requires attunement)
When you hit with an attack using this magic warhammer, the target takes an extra 1d6 thunder damage. If the creature is made of metal or wearing metal armor, you can force the creature to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the thunderous blow reverberates throughout the metal and disrupts the creature’s actions. The creature is deafened and has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of your next turn. If a creature already under this effect fails the saving throw a second time, it also becomes stunned for the duration.
This hammer allows you to forge creatures of elemental air, such as air elementals and invisible stalkers. If you provide 200 gp worth of tin for each point of the intended creature’s CR (e.g. tin worth 1,000 gp is required to create a CR 5 air elemental), and forge it for 1 hour with this hammer, make a DC 17 Strength (Smith’s Tools) check. On a success, the tin sublimates into the intended creature. On a failure, the tin is destroyed and the process fails. If you attempt to create a creature with a CR greater than half of your player level (rounded down), the process fails. A creature created using this hammer is an ally to you and your companions. It obeys your verbal commands (no action required by you) and undergoes any task you give it to the best of its abilities. It remains under your control for 1 year, after which point it gains the freedom to act however it desires. It may seek revenge against its creator for subjecting it to a year of servitude, ally itself with those who showed it compassion, or vanish from the material plane altogether. The creature disappears if it drops to 0 hit points. You can maintain control over a number of forged creatures equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) at the same time. For each creature created by this hammer that is currently under your control, the DC to create a new creature increases by 1, and additional tin worth 1,000 gp is consumed by the process.
This mighty hammer is a relic from the thundersmiths of yore, who forged an army of roaring wind for their stormlord lieges. The stormlords swept the land with elemental force, toppling kingdoms and reshaping the continent in a ferocious gale before vanishing all at once.
As the smith worked the tin, it began to grow softer, almost pillowy and lighter in color. It ballooned outwards in size, and rippled when struck, as if a condensed bubble of air grew inside of the ingot. Within minutes of working it, the metal seemed to become translucent and bounce on the anvil with each blow. Undaunted by this bizarre transformation, the smith continued to strike the tin, calculating each hammerblow with mysterious intent. As if an invisible reaction had reached its climax, the tin expanded suddenly. The smith stepped back and jammed a finger in each ear. The nearly invisible balloon of tin lifted off of the anvil and hovered for a second before bursting tremendously. From within, a being of whipping wind and cloud emerged: the process was complete. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 170 magic items, item cards and card packs, beautiful creature art and stat blocks and setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore!🧙‍♂️
📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 month
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Take Up the Shield
The frontier was an anvil on which many an unlikely hero would be forged.
Artist: Josiah "Jo" Cameron TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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hellotailor · 1 year
fav subplots in the 2023 stanley cup playoffs (so far)
1. the #1 team in the league being sabotaged by diarrhoea.
2. two unrelated guys named Sebastian Aho duking it out on opposing teams, with one scoring an own goal.
3. unverified fandom rumor that tiktok twink superstar jack hughes has lice.
4. WAG jacket reveals.
honourable mention for WORST playoff subplot: refs tacitly endorsing homicide as players drop acme anvils on each other's heads, shove their opponents into oncoming traffic, etc. 😬
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twinsoftriumph · 9 months
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baby's first cool tall sky vet encounter
(actually a redraw of my ever first sky fanart from 2020 which ill put under the cut)
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i was already set on completing valley at this point but this was the first time in game i had lit a player and my jaw dropped to the ground with an anvil sound effect
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