#that he goes to grab her by the collar to remind her to keep fighting????
wright-phoenix · 2 months
hope this doesn't awaken anything in me..........
[video description: an ace attorney screencap of simon blackquill in the defense bench. he says "Are you still stuck on that line of thinking?" he then quite roughly grabs our point of view by the collar and pulls "us" close, saying (with ace attorney hit sfx), "Motive, opportunity, and an injury to his forehead -- Is that all it takes to make you stop believing in your client?!" He stares intently at the player as the textbox disappears for a few seconds. /end description]
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lilypadlys · 5 months
What if when the older Papas were done away with, Omega was forced to hurt Terzo?
Warning for major angst below the cut
An upper clergy member pulls him aside. Tells him that the Papa’s are being relocated. A vacation home in Italy, he’s assured. A peaceful retirement in the countryside. Tells him that he is going to help. Omega agrees. At first. Anything for Terzo right? Then a syringe is thrust into his hands.
Omega is concerned. This seems extreme. His fears are waved off. The Papa’s aren’t cooperating so more forceful methods are being employed. All Omega needs to do is just use the syringe on Terzo, and then wait for further instructions. He’s promised that if he cooperates he’ll get to join Terzo in retirement and the two of them can live out their days together.
If he refuses however. Well everyone knows what happens to ghouls that disobey orders. Omega agrees. 
He’s led to a side door of the Papa’s chambers. Two other ghouls are waiting there. He doesn’t recognize them.
Even from here he can hear their heated card game. Said game is quickly interrupted by a separate door opening and the sound of Sister Imperator’s voice. The clergyman opens the side door and all but shoves Omega inside. The other two ghouls follow.
The three of them lurk in the shadows at the edges of the room. Sister Imperator finishes her announcement. They’re going back on the road? What about retirement? He’s pulled from his thoughts as she shuts the door behind her and the other two ghouls get into position. As the Papas talk amongst themselves in confusion, Omega takes his place behind Terzo. 
“I’m sorry about this love.” He murmurs before priming the syringe. He does it quickly, hoping to avoid causing Terzo too much discomfort. Omega has barely pulled back and Terzo is already slumping over, unconscious. The other two Papas are similarly collapsed.
After a minute, the clergyman from before enters. He appraises their work before slapping Omega on the back. Omega can’t help but recoil at the gesture. He asks for clarification about what he’d heard Sister Imperator say. He’s ignored.
He’s herded out by the other two ghouls and the door is shut in his face. Unsure of what to do, he returns to the ghoul den. 
It’s three days before he realizes what’s happened. The clergy is careful to keep him busy until the bodies have been prepared and shipped out. They don’t even hold funeral proceedings. Instead, Omega finds out via a bland bulletin at the end of mass. That, oh by the way, the previous three Papas have died, but not to worry, their bodies are being paraded around on tour for people to gawk at.
Omega is enraged. He’s instantly on his feet, racing to the pulpit. He grabs the clergyman who gave the announcement by his collar.
He spews curses and obscenities. How dare they take Terzo from him.
The clergyman calmly regards him. Reminds Omega of the role he played in this. How strange of him to be protesting now when he was the one to have pulled the trigger. He gives Omega a snide smile
Omega goes silent. Then he lunges and buries his teeth in the clergyman’s neck. The man falls, that stupid grin still plastered to his face. Then everything erupts into chaos.
Siblings are screaming in terror. Other clergy members are yelling for help. Ghouls are piling on Omega, restraining him and hauling him out of the chapel. They drag him across the abbey, down stone staircases into the bowels of the ministry. He doesn’t fight. Just let himself be moved. 
They take him to a ritual chamber and chain him down with shackles bolted into the stone floor. He feels the slash of a blade on his shoulder. Cruel fingers are digging into the wound and using his blood to paint a rune on the floor around him.
He doesn’t care. Doesn’t feel the pain. He knows they’re sending him back to the pit. He feels nothing.
They can damn him back to hell all they want. To him, without Terzo, he’s already there.
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angst-king · 3 months
More than anything
((Since i've gotten into Hazbin, I've been coming up with small ideas here and there, so I thought i'd try one out and see how it goes.)) (CW description of injuries, abuse, & toxic dynamic)
“Ugh, I can’t fucking believe you Lucifer do I have to do everything my fucking self!?” “I’m trying my best here-” “It's not that damn hard for you to write a simple proposal, is it?” “It's n-not as easy as it looks Lili, please I-I..I’m trying.” “You’ve ‘been trying’ my patience Lucifer! You’re a seraphim and an angel of death, yet here you are looking like a pathetic wench!” Lilith hissed out, Lucifer shrunk a little at her words but tried to stick up for himself.
“Yes I am a Seraphim and was an angel of death, but I was never a king! I was never a ruler! Sure a guide at most but being a ruler wasn’t something I have experience in! If you helped me out this would go smoother!” “Help?! I’ve been helping, you act as if I’m not the one taking care of Charlie while you lock yourself in your room and cry till the sun comes up. You’re hardly a father to her!” “You won't let me be a father to her!” He protested his tail whipping around with anger, he hated when Lilith would bring Charlie into this.
“How can I spend any time with my daughter when you pull her away, load me up with work, or send me off? I would love to play with her more but how can I do that when I’m exhausted?! Or depressed?” Lilith rolled her eyes at him, Unfolding her arms she pointed a finger at him and started charging him away.
“Don’t go pulling the depression card with me, you do this every time. You don’t do shit around here, you don’t know how to command, you don’t to rule, I know you can come up with something better than whatever shit you wrote down as a proposal! You hardly put in any effort to do anything. You are the reason why your plans fail because you get so fucking lost you don’t know what to do with it and go off the fucking rails!” By now she had Lucifer backed against the wall, her tall frame towering over his smaller one. Her demon form domineering as she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt with a serpentine look.
“Honestly you are so fucking pitiful-” “L-lili please” Lucifer whimpered his hand on her wrist, what she hadn’t noticed was her claws digging into his throat. With a slight snarl, she dropped him and finally noticed the blood on her fingers. Her eyes widened in surprise but before she could even say anything Lucifer just got up from his spot on the floor and weakly staggered away announcing he’d sleep on the couch that night. Although Lilith was angry with Lucifer she never wanted to hurt him, and neither of the two liked fighting. They didn’t like arguing every night, they didn’t like what they were becoming. Once a couple who had been through the worst which was being hunted down and thrown out of heaven, their love and devotion towards each other and their desires keeping them together. Now could hardly have a good week without something going wrong. Of course, there were days when they would get along, they were a normal loving couple who kissed and cuddled and shared their happiness. But those days weren’t always lasting or memorable.
Hell’s population was growing and the rings were becoming unorganized, there wasn’t truly any order. Sinners and hellborns intermixing usually wasn’t a bad thing but it was starting to become a problem. Especially with some of the overlords going overboard! There was so much he had to do and so much to be expected of him and it was overwhelming him. Other things overwhelmed him such as the nightmares of exterminations and the day they had fallen from heaven. That day always made him anxious to think about it, he still had the scars from it too.
The next morning Lucifer woke up on the couch, at first he contemplated going back to sleep until he had been reminded why he was up.
“Daddy!” Charlie. Lucifer gave a sleepy smile at the little girl and stretched as he sat up.
“Hey there Char Char, did you sleep well?” The small child nodded and climbed on the couch.
“Are we still going out, Daddy?” She asked innocently, that's right, they had planned to spend the day together! Lucifer nods and pulls her into a hug,
“Of course we are, dear, I just need to get ready and we’ll be on our way!” Charlie grinned and squealed excitedly not paying much attention to the bandages wrapped around her father’s neck. She hopped down from the couch and pulled her father by the hand to get him up faster. Giving in he allowed himself to be tugged along by his daughter. He had to go into their bedroom to get his clothes and just prepared himself for Lilith.
“Momma! I got Daddy up! We’re gonna go out!” The little demon exclaimed as she rushed over to her mother. Lilith was brushing out her hair when she came in, she smiled and patted Charlie on the head.
“That's a great sweetheart! What are you guys gonna do?” Lilith asked as she pretended to not notice her husband trying to sneak into their bedroom. She could sense his fear pouring from him like an overflowing sink. It was for her good that she did not acknowledge him at the moment. She knew how he would bend backward to apologize infinitely if she did and their daughter didn’t need to see that. She continued to chat with her upbeat daughter, having her sit in her lap and brush out her hair and then helping her get dressed. It was a nice change to see Lucifer commit to taking Charlie out on his own. It had truly been ages since he had done so, most times Lilith would have to coax him out of bed or leave him behind and take Charlie out herself.
“Alright Char Char, come on, I’ll make breakfast and then we’ll head out,” Lucifer called softly while heading back out the bedroom door and into the kitchen. He hadn’t said a thing to Lilith and she didn’t expect him to either. She didn’t expect any sort of kindness after that, she didn’t expect any affection or for him to bring her breakfast but he still did it. He still brought her coffee, and breakfast and kissed her on the head before heading out with a soft.
“I forgive you”
Today was surprisingly a nice day, the air was warm but the skies were clear. Lucifer held Charlie's hand as she skipped down the sidewalk both of them humming a tune together. They didn’t have a complete plan on what they’d do today but Lucifer was fine with that as long as he was with his daughter that’s all that mattered.
“Ooh, daddy can we go to the park?” Asked Charlie who pointed at the park entrance, Lucifer agreed and they strolled over. The playground was rather big but there weren’t too many people around. They spent their time running around playing tag, going through the large playsets, giggling, and grinning. Lucifer was thoroughly enjoying himself as he grabbed the small one from her hiding spot on the wobbly bridge that they played pretend on. Take that depression HAHA!
Things were looking up for him.
“Daddy look, the ice cream truck!” Lucifer let her guide himself towards the ice cream truck, of course, they were gonna get ice cream no way he’d pass up on that opportunity! Approaching the ice cream truck, Lucifer ordered some ice cream from the man behind the counter. He ended up having a conversation with him about different flavors of ice cream. He was so deep in that he hadn’t noticed Charlie let go of his hand or that she had wandered off until a scream echoed down the street. Lucifer snapped his head and saw that Charlie wasn’t beside him anymore and called out for her. He followed the sounds of the screaming hoping to whatever was above that it wasn't coming from her and that his daughter was just hiding or back at the park. His legs ran the longer the screaming went on, he had no idea as to where he was going but he just had to find Charlie!
Lucifer approached an alleyway that seemed to be the source of the screaming and his heart began to pound out of his chest. He had a bad feeling about this but he couldn’t back out now.
“Hey, what are you doing?!” He yelled out, the group of sinners hardly paused or looked at him as they yelled for him to mind his business. He tried to get a glimpse of whatever they were doing and his blood began to boil when he saw a familiar set of music notes with red fabric. As the rage flooded him he shifted to his full demon form and yelled out.
“AS THE KING OF HELL I DEMAND YOU LET GO OF MY DAMN DAUGHTER!” The sinners looked up at the blond-haired demon king, some moved as a side, and some looked too frozen to move. With the gap growing this gave Lucifer a better view and when he saw what they had done he made haste to storm in. Shoving them aside to get to Charlie he scooped up her small body and pulled it to his.
“CHARLIE!” He cried out moving her hair that was stained a mix of gold and red as was the rest of her body. Her dress was torn, her body-baring claw marks, many deep lacerations, and stab wounds. Her eyes lazily looked up at her father and her tiny bloodied fingers were weakly wrapped around his fingers.
“D-daddy, i-it hurts-” “I know Charlie, I know princess, Daddy’s here, I’m gonna make it better I promise!” His voice cracked as he vowed, he knew he couldn’t heal all of her injuries as she was so small, and that process could be agonizing for her. He held her to his chest and used as much magic as he could to heal whatever he could without causing further damage. It just needed to be enough for him to get her somewhere safe! His eyes changed a deep red as he growled and glared at anyone who dared to get close to them. He took off his shirt and swaddled her in it before taking off, he knew he would have to go back to the castle, there was a medic nearby there that he trusted to help in this situation. One hand holding his daughter he made that phone call to his old friend to meet him at the castle as soon as possible. As he ventured he could hear soft noises from Charlie, some were from pain, others from fear. He could feel his heart slowly cracking with each passing minute. Even though the trip was only minutes it felt like hours.
Bursting through the doors of the castle he hardly said a word as he went into his workshop. He had first aid supplies he could use for the time being till his friend arrived. The sound of the doors opening alerted Lilith who called out for him. But he didn’t answer he was too focused on taking care of Charlie to reply. Unwrapping his blood-soaked shirt he was greeted by a wailing child crying for her father to make the pain go away. There were still many visible injuries that needed to be mended and they looked painful. Hearing her child cry Lilith didn’t wait for an answer she stormed into the workshop and almost shrieked at the sight.
“WHAT HAPPENED?!” Lucifer jolted at the shrill voice behind him, dammit he wasn’t ready for this conversation yet.
“Lucifer what happened to Charlie!?” Lilith pleaded as she reached out for her daughter, Lucifer felt the lump in his throat almost choke him.
“I-I don’t know Lilith. I-I was getting us ice cream a-and she let go of my hand, I heard a scream and i-I found her being hurt by some sinners.” He stammered out as his mouth dried out from anxiety, eyes darting frantically he needed everything to slow down, he needed his friend to get here faster! He needed Charlie to be okay! When his friend finally showed up he let him in and sank to the ground to his knees, hands clasped together with his head bowed. Silently praying for their daughter to be alright.
By nightfall, Charlie had been fixed up and was resting in her room. Neither Lucifer nor Lilith had said a word to each other, neither one of them slept. Both take turns to check in on Charlie, neither of them wanting to be away from her for long scared she would die without one of them. Lucifer had a sick feeling in the bottom of his stomach the entire time. Guilt began to drown him as his memories replayed.
Her screams, the way she reached for him, the terrified look in her eyes, just like when he had been forced from heaven and had found Lilith in a similar shape. He couldn’t help but blame himself, and slump back into his depression that started to swallow him whole like the monsters of the dark. Pulling him back into his old habits again and hiding away as if he were the monster.
Days went by where he’d fall asleep in the corner of Charlie’s room watching over her from a distance or he’d lock himself back in his workshop. He couldn’t bring himself to eat or do work when his mind was being consumed by memories and voices telling him it was all his fault.
“Lucifer.” Lilith’s voice spoke up interrupting his running mind, Lucifer looked up from his desk to see his wife with multiple bags packed. His brows furrowed in confusion, was she going somewhere?
“What’s with the bags, dear?” “I’m going to be leaving, and I’m taking Charlie with me.” That cut through him like a knight, his eyes blown wide in shock and he stood up from his bench and nervously inquired why.
“I need time to take care of Charlie, and she deserves someone who can give her consistent love, you can’t do that so I’m taking matters into my own hands.” “I-I can take care of Charlie just fine, I was doing well, wh-what do you mean?” Lucifer reached for his wife’s hand begging for answers.
“Please Lili, anything I’ll do anything just please don’t leave, and please don’t take our daughter, please! Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it!” He looked up at her with tears welling up, Lilith took a step back and shook her head.
“No, I can’t, I’m doing this for all of our sakes, it's obvious we both need space and I know I’m best equipped out of the two of us to take care of Charlie.” Lucifer took his steps closer the air around him growing cold, her words slicing and cutting into him with her bluntness.
“No no no no please Lili please don’t go! Please I don’t need space I need you! I need you and Charlie, please!” Lilith looked down at him with an almost emotionless glare as she grabbed her bags. Lucifer followed his wife as she walked away, out of the workshop and out of the castle. He continued to plead to not be left alone, he watched as she packed away their daughter who gave a small yet confused wave at him.
“I love you, Daddy! See you soon” “I love you too Charlie…” He spent night after night crying and praying for this to all be some sick joke or awful nightmare that he would wake up from. He stayed curled up in their empty bedroom, hardly moving to do much besides use the bathroom. He couldn’t bear to leave his room, he couldn’t bear to look into his daughter’s room and see it bare and missing his child. He couldn’t take waking up every morning and not seeing the woman he fell for beside him. He couldn’t go on not hearing joyous laughter and cheering. He couldn’t do it anymore.
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percontaion-points · 4 months
Clawless chapters 19 & 20
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 19
I’d always known Jasper was in deep with Vail, but as I headed to the gym the next morning, I had to wonder if his obsession wasn’t tipping him over the edge.
I kind of feel like that ship has already sailed. 
She gave a tired laugh. “You think a few classes are going to help me? Thanks, but we know they’re a ruse. Just another of Jasper’s control freak ideas to keep the vulnerable wolves in line.”
Considering that all of the times Vail has been in trouble, knowing how to karate-chop a block of wood (or whatever, I don’t know self-defence moves?) was in no way actually going to help her out. There were usually multiple assailants. And in the case of the lab, Vail was literally drugged and cuffed. 
I’m not saying that learning self-defence is a bad thing. But let’s not pretend like it’s a magical cure-all for Vail’s troubles. 
 Looking directly at the collar for more than a moment was impossible, but close proximity of any kind still stung. Part of me was impressed with the alpha power Jay had pumped into the thing, but the larger part thought he was a fucking lunatic. Vail seemed oblivious to my reaction, or maybe she shared Jay’s sadistic streak, because she planted her feet and wiggled her fingers at me.
Maybe it’s me and my insistence that she isn’t actually a wolf… But if she was a wolf, why can’t she feel the alpha-energy from the collar? 
She nodded happily, and there was a devilish glint in her eye as she said, “Wait until I introduce you to the Strangle Hold Alpha. There’s nothing like a little neck submission to teach you who’s boss.”
Chapter 19 summary: The next morning, Reed fumes on his way to the gym. Outside of the locker room, a bunch of freshmen omegas run out and complain that the other girls are basically bullying Vail about her collar. Reed goes in and tells Pearl off. Pearl doesn’t seem to give a shit about Reed’s opinion on what she should and shouldn’t do. 
He then pulls Vail into a private practice room, where he finds out that she’s a lot tougher than she seems. And that she has previous fighting experience, which he chalks up to her having grown up in a bad area. However, he insists that fighting like a human isn’t going to help her against a wolf. She tells him a bit about how she fought off the wolves at the start of the book, and Reed feels really sorry for her because she went through that. They continue their lesson. 
After, Reed gives her a Marrow pack ruby ring, saying that he would have give it to her at the dinner dance. This leads to the two of them basically making googoo eyes at one another, and Reed reminding himself that he “doesn’t kiss his omegas”. She asks if her collar hurts him, but he says “No as much as it should.” 
Chapter 20
“Then prove it!” I grabbed the collar, squeezing the pendant so tight it bit into my skin. “Take it off!” 
“I can’t!” He spun back to me, and I was retreating before I could stop myself. “If you stopped and thought about it for one goddamn minute, you’d see I’m doing this for you. And I gave you exactly what you wanted! To take it all away.”
Going back to a Horace the Dead Horse thing here, but if these assholes bothered to fucking tell Vail a goddamned thing, maybe she wouldn’t be in this position. 
Instead, they punish Vail for not knowing the rules that they refuse to tell her. There is literally not a single situation in which she can possibly get ahead. 
“No more secrets, Vail. And no more letters. You want to invite Marrow onto my lands, you ask me first.”
Chapter 20 summary: After her self-defence class, Vail goes to meet Marnie for lunch. Although they’re now in the same clan, since Marnie is still classified as a dud, the two of them don’t see each other. Vail basically unloads all of the shit she’s been through, and how hard of a time she’s been having. In turn, Marnie tells her that she had a hand wolf-out, which is the most she’s ever shifted. 
Vail then goes to her “deportment” class. The teacher is exactly how you’d think Ms. Manners would physically look and act like. She scoffs over Vail not having a partner, and chooses one of the boys at random. However, poor Xavier is having a difficult time thanks to Vail’s collar. 
Jasper shows up and quickly shoves Xavier away, and forces Vail to dance with him. After a moment, he sends literally everybody from the room simply so that he and Vail can hash it out. Or rather, Vail can beg for her freedom while Jasper lords it over her. You know, the usual. 
He then pins her up against a wall and demands that she show him what she learnt from Reed earlier. And I’m not going to lie: the entire thing is insanely rape-y. Even when the two of them start kissing, I’m like “Do you really want to be kissing him, Vail? He’s literally holding you hostage.” But it seems as though she’s going along with this mainly to try and convince him to take the collar off. Which again, he keeps refusing to do. 
Jasper finally shoves the letter she’d tried to write to her grandfather into her face. That if she wants to invite Alpha Marrow to the school, then the invite must go through him first. Because of course he saw it, and he has opinions on it. 
0 notes
Belong to You
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Avenger! Reader (based on TFAWS)
Summary: When you are tasked with flirting with other men at Sharon’s party to get information about the Flag Smashers location, Bucky gets jealous and decides to remind you who you belong to. 
Warnings: Smut, 18+, cursing, alcohol, dirty talk
A/N: Wanted to switch it up and post my first smut piece. I suggest listening to “Belong to You” by Sabrina Claudio while reading. You won’t regret it. But, I hope you enjoy and as Sebastian Stan would say, goodnight and good luck!!
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You stare in the mirror at the outfit Sharon lent you for the party. It was a major change from what you usually wear, which consisted of a t-shirt, leggings, and combat boots. Tonight though, you were looking at yourself in a tight, black dress that cut off mid-thigh and exposed both your entire chest and back. 
“You look great,” Sharon says. 
You try to tug the dress down a little more, but to no avail. “It’s a little short, don’t you think?”
Sharon looks at you confused. “No, not at all. You, my friend, are just used to your entire body being covered.” 
You sigh. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. Tell me again why I have to be the one to flirt with the bidders tonight to get information?”
“Because they all know me and you’re the only other woman we have on this team. Unless, of course, you think we should throw Zemo in there.” 
You let out a chuckle. “No, I’m sure that would be drastic.” 
Sharon smirks. “Which is exactly why we need you. Now, c’mon, we have information to pry out of these filthy rich bidders.” Sharon grabs your arms and drags you out of the bedroom. 
“Now, when you say it like that, I don’t feel so bad” you say.
Sharon looks at you and winks. “Atta girl.”
Sam is pulling on his shirt as Bucky walks into the room wearing a black suit jacket over a black shirt. 
“Well, what do we have here? I never thought I’d see the day where Bucky Barnes is wearing a suit jacket” Sam says. 
Bucky grimaces and tugs on the jacket’s sleeves. “Sharon made me wear it.” 
Sam comes up to Bucky and pats him on the back. “You’re looking good, tinman.” 
A snort comes from the other side of the room, where Zemo is walking towards them. “Neither of you know true fashion.” 
“And, you don’t know when to shut up,” Sam says. 
Before Zemo gets the chance to respond, the door opens and you walk in with Sharon. 
Your eyes immediately lock with Bucky’s and you notice his jaw clench. You can’t help but look him up and down. The tight suit jacket looks so good on him. When you make eye contact with him again, he sends you a smirk. He knows you were just checking him out. And, he is doing the same to you, shamelessly looking at your chest and down your legs. You decide to walk up and sit next to him. He instantly pulls you onto his lap and wraps his arms around you. 
“I don’t like this plan,” he whispers into your ear. 
You turn in his lap to look at his face. “It’s just for a couple of hours. We need this information. We have no leads.”
Bucky grunts and turns his head to speak to Sharon. “Tell me again why it needs to be Y/N?”
Sharon rolls her eyes. “We’ve been over this countless times, Bucky. It’ll only be for a couple of hours. One of the bidders here has to have a lead on Karli and her crew. Just try to contain your jealous self until we get the information we need. ” 
Zemo speaks up, “She is right. Y/N is our only option right now.” 
Bucky shoots Zemo a glare. 
“Like I said before, he doesn’t know when to shut up,'' Sam says. 
Sharon looks at you. “You ready?” 
You feel Bucky's arms tighten around you and give him a quick glance before looking back at Sharon. “Let’s do this.”
You throw back another shot as the man next to you leans in close.
“Let’s dance, sweetheart,” he says in your ear. 
You instantly shudder out of disgust, but turn around to grab his hand and lead him to the dance floor anyway. The man turns you around, so you’re grinding. You close your eyes and let out a long breath. When you reopen them, you see Bucky standing against the wall across the room, staring at you. 
“I’m sorry,” you mouth to him. 
He continues to just stare at you, as he pulls his beer up to his lips and takes a long swig. 
The man behind you pulls you out of your thoughts. “Glad to have your pretty face here with me tonight. Something to keep the funeral out of my mind.”
Your interest piques and you turn your head to look at him. “What funeral?” you ask. 
He lets out a sigh. “Mama Donya. Poor thing just passed away a few days ago. It’s tragic. She was such a kind soul.” 
You fake astonishment. “Mama Donya? The Mama Donya? That’s horrible! Where is the funeral taking place? I have to go and pay my respects.” 
“In the old building on Norfolk,” he responds. “Maybe we can go together.” His grip on your waist tightens. 
Now having the information you needed, you decide to find a way out of dancing with this stranger. “I’m feeling really tired all of a sudden. It must be those shots I took earlier. I’m going to find a place to sit down.” 
The man grabs your arm. “I’ll go with you.”
Before you can respond, you feel metal touching the skin at the bottom of your back. 
“She’s coming with me,” Bucky says, standing behind you. 
The man looks at Bucky angrily. “The hell she is. She’s mine, man, back off.” 
Bucky’s metal arm is around the man’s throat in seconds. “Get away from her now, before you regret it.”
The man immediately looks at you and scoffs, before walking away. 
You turn to look at Bucky. “I had that handled.”
He looks back at you. “I know, but I was tired of watching men put their hands all over you.” 
Bucky grabs your hand and starts pulling you off the dance floor, away from the crowd.
“Where are we going?” you ask. 
He doesn’t answer. 
You roll your eyes. “You’ll be pleased to know I got the information.”
“I know,” he replies. 
“How did you know?” you ask. 
He points at his ear. Ah, super soldier hearing. 
After a few seconds of walking, you reach a door. Bucky pushes it open and pulls you inside. As soon as you get through the door, you’re pushed up against it, with Bucky right in front of you. 
“I think you need a little reminder,” he says, voice lower than before. 
You look at him confused. “A reminder of what?” you ask. 
His metal hand grabs your throat and he looks deep into your eyes. “Who you fucking belong to.” 
You gasp and his mouth is on yours in an instant. You moan into his mouth and he shoves his tongue inside, fighting yours for dominance. The metal hand on your throat runs down to your hip, pushing you further into the door. He pushes his knee in between your legs to separate them. 
“Bucky,” you moan, as he slides his hand in your pants and runs his finger over your clit. 
“Whose pussy is this?” he asks. His eyes are staring deep into yours, waiting for an answer. 
“Yours” you manage to breathe out. “Always yours.” 
He slips a finger inside of you. “And, don’t you fucking forget it.” 
You throw your head back and moan loudly. “Don’t stop, please” you beg. 
“Wouldn’t fucking dream of it, doll. Going to make you scream so loud, everyone is going to hear you.”
Bucky pulls his hand out of your pants and you whimper. Before you can start to beg again though, he pulls off your shirt and attaches his mouth to your left nipple. 
“You’re wearing too much” you say. 
Bucky looks up at you and steps back to pull off his shirt and pants, then immediately goes back to sucking on your breasts. 
You move your hands to his chest, running them down to the top of his pants, before you tug his zipper down. 
“Bucky, I need you inside of me. Please.”
Bucky stops his assault on your chest to look up at you. “Your wish is my command, doll. I’m gonna fill you up so good.” 
He yanks his boxers down, while you pull your own pants and underwear down impatiently. 
He grabs you and picks you up, you wrapping your legs around his waist as he slams you into the door. He’s inside of you in seconds, and you scream from the feeling of him stretching you out. 
“Fuck, doll” he grunts out. “You’re so fucking tight. Feel so good wrapped around me.” 
He buries his face into your neck and picks up his pace, slamming into you repeatedly. 
“I’m not going to last long, Buck.”
Bucky moves his head to look at you. “Good. I want you to cum all over me.” 
He slams his mouth onto yours and you moan into him. He runs his metal hand down to rub your clit. “Be a good girl and cum for me, baby.” 
With the feeling of his fingers on your clit and him thrusting into you, you tighten around him and let go. Bucky reaches his orgasm right after you, spilling inside of you. 
Panting heavily, Bucky leans in to give you one more kiss on the lips before pulling out and helping you stand up. 
He hands you your clothes and stares at you as he gets dressed. 
“What?” you ask. 
He shakes his head and smiles. “I just love you, that’s all.” 
You smile back at him. “I love you too.” 
Before you can say anything else, there’s a sudden knock on the door. 
“If you two are done fucking now, hurry up and get dressed so we can leave,” yells Sam on the other side of the door. 
You walk up to Bucky and grab his shirt collar. “That’s our cue, lover boy.” 
He grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers. “After you, doll.”
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Hoist the Colours  -  1/3
Pairing: Pirate!Bucky X SeaGoddess!Reader
Summary: Bound to your human form and cut off from the sea, your life is exchanged from pirate to pirate, until a ship of the King intercepts a sale, taking you onboard and saving you from a fate worse than death. 
Warnings: Language, Angst, Fluff, Kinda slow burn
Word Count: 2.2K
A/n: I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for so long so I figured meh, what the hell. It’s mega inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End cause Calypso owns my uwu and I love the story of her and Davy Jones. Um, I hope you enjoy! 
His hands gently caress your skin, gentle with you, a stark contrast to the man who rules the seas. He treats you as if you're delicate, though he knows you're not.
His touches are so, so tender.
"I love you, my (Y/n)."
Fingers skimming over your back, trailing over your spine and down your legs. His hold on your body is soft, while the hold on your heart is strong.
"I love you, James.  My love for you will never die. You hold my heart in your hands." He holds the back of your head with one hand, tilting you back a bit so he can look into your eyes, crystal blue depths pouring out emotions while saying few words.
"You have my heart, and you shall continue to have it until the day I die."
“Are we ready to set sail, Captain?” The young man looks up through his lashes, squinting against the harsh sun and the spray of the sea.
“Aye, I think we’re ready. What say you, James?” The blond man looks to his first mate, who stands by the edge of the ship, staring out across the open water with a small smile on his face.
“The wind will be with us today. Our journey will be bountiful. There’s a change in the tide, a new dawn on the horizon.” Steve grabs his friend’s shoulder, looking into his eyes.
“I can feel her, Steve. We’re getting close. I know it.” The blond smiles and looks over to the boy, nodding once.
“All hands, prepare to make sail!” He shouts, running down the stairs to alert the rest of the crew.
Steve walks over to his helmsman, patting him on the shoulder.
“Where to today, Captain?” Sam asks with a grin.
“We head for Tortuga,” he says, glancing over at James. The brunet nods, eyes focused on the sea.
“All hands! Battle Stations!”
You shift to your knees on the hard wooden bed, looking out through the tiny porthole.
“What is it?” Wanda asks, her voice scratchy and hoarse.
“The Royal Navy,” you whisper, bound hands grabbing handfuls of your dress to move it out of the way, allowing you to sit more comfortably to watch as the three ships converge on the one you’re currently imprisoned upon.
“What will they make of us?” She wonders aloud, fingers spinning dainty red circles in the air. You bite your lip, knowing too well what they’ll make of you.
“Our chances of survival are higher with them than with our current captors.” She shrugs, lying back down as cannons boom overhead.
You close your eyes, exhaling deeply through your nose and conjuring what you can.
It’s effective, and the sky is soon booming with thunder. The ocean tugs and turns, waves crashing against the ship, the fighting getting drowned by the rain.
You hear the tell-tale thuds of the ship being boarded, and you know it’s only a matter of time before you’re transferred from one cage to another. But you hope that the new cage will be slightly more comfortable.
Two sets of feet clomp down the stairs and you and Wanda both sit up.
A man wearing the signature red and gold of the King walks towards you.
A young boy, easily no older than sixteen, stumbles after him.
“Boy!” He shouts, turning to him. He cowers, clearly not wanting to get hurt.
“Why are these women in chains?” He demands. The boy looks at you, his eyes widening for a moment before he swallows hard.
“C-cap’n says that they be witches. He locked ‘em down here to protect the crew. Said it bad luck to bed them.” The King’s man stares at you then at Wanda.
“Witches? How?” The boy’s fingers tremble as he points to Wanda.
“Th-that one there, she be a true witch. With red flames and a sixth sense. She can control men to do her bidding. Cap’n locked ‘er up with them special chains, keeps her powers at bay.” Wanda’s eyes glow a fiery red as she’s reminded of the mistreatment the Captain has shown the two of you.
“And this one here?” The man steps closer to your cell door, eyeing you closely.
“She be of godly descent. Power over the wind and tide, no doubt the conjurer of the storm. She be tied to the ocean and the ocean to her. She controls the monsters, the demons that lurk in the deep. Cap’n treated her better than any woman deserves, but he stopped, got lazy. And this is her punishin’ us for it. You mark my words. She created that storm.”
The man cocks his head to the side in curiosity.
“Bring them over. The boy too. The King will want to hear about this.” The boy quickly unlocks your cells, and then you’re being ushered up the stairs and above deck.
The sky, which was dark and dangerous nought five minutes ago, is clear and blue. Dead bodies lay askew on the deck, blood staining the wood.
The men of the King stop and stare as you and Wanda are ushered towards the gangplank.
A man whistles, his hand coming to your shoulder, and you wrench yourself out of his grip, levelling him with a hard glare as a boom of thunder explodes overhead, a crack of lightning touching down on the water beside the ship.
Everyone is silent, the Captain staring at you in wonder and awe.
“No one is to touch the women,” he announces loudly, making sure all his crew can hear.
“They are to be treated with the utmost respect. Do not touch them. Do not even look at them in the wrong way, understand?”
He’s met with a series of “aye captain”s.
You square your shoulders and cross the plank, Wanda right behind you.
The two of you are then promptly led to a small office.
“The Captain will be with you shortly,” the man says, closing the doors and standing outside, his back to you. You glance at your friend and nod slightly, a silent ‘I told you so’. She rolls her eyes and looks around the room.
“He means to bring us to the King. We will no doubt be exploited for our powers yet again. There is no way we win this.” You shake your head, eyes finding a paper on his desk.
Anthony Edward Stark.
The name rings a bell, but before you can put your finger on it, the door is opening and the Captain walks in.
“As I’m sure you’ve guessed, I’m the Captain. Tony is what my friends call me. I suppose you may call me that as well. So... witches. Do you have names?” You’re shocked, and it’s obvious on your face by the way that the man laughs.
“We’re not barbaric. It’s obvious to me that you were being held captive on the HYDRA ship. You may as well get comfortable here with me.” Wanda stays standing by the door, but you approach him.
“I am (Y/n). This is Wanda. What do you plan on doing with us?” He sighs heavily and sits down at his desk, pouring himself a glass of alcohol.
“I plan on continuing my route as I was supposed to. We’re to make port in Tortuga for some business, then we head back to England.” You furrow your brows.
“Why not take us back to England now?” Wanda asks, her eyes red with suspicion.
“Because anytime away from the King is time I cherish. And I think the two of you will make excellent company.” He smiles, winking at you.
The glass in his hand shatters and he curses, jumping up and away from his desk.
“Not that kind of company! Jesus! I just meant that I would like to learn more about your powers.” You look over at Wanda, whose glowing eyes are trained on Tony.
“And how do we know you won’t treat us the same way they all did?” She asks, her voice a venomous whisper.
He sighs and looks at the two of you for a moment, his eyes lingering on your necklace.
“Because. My mother was like you two. A sea witch, born with powers unparalleled. And I saw what men did to her for it. I will not let that happen to you as well.” The two of you are surprised at his words. Silence hangs heavy in the air for a moment before he clears his throat.
“I’ll see to it that the two of you have proper quarters, as well as changes of clothes. And I humbly welcome you to His Majesty, the King’s, esteemed ship: The Avenger.”
“Jesus Christ,” Steve whispers, taking off his hat in respect as they approach the wreckage in the water.
Sharks are circling, picking at any scraps of human flesh that they can find. Ship splinters and rope pollute the water, and the crew instantly know that this is the work of the King’s men.
“A quick fight,” James says, watching from the quarterdeck. Steve nods, curious about the events that transpired.
“Man overboard!” Someone shouts, and all eyes are searching for the body in question.
They see the subtle splashing, the man’s body mostly on a large piece of wood from the mast.
“Haul him up!” Steve shouts, hurrying to the spot to make sure the man’s okay.
When they finally get him over, he’s nothing but coughs and water, fingers trembling as he regains his bearings.
“What’s your name?” Steve asks, patting the young man on the shoulder.
When he finally looks up, everyone gasps. “It was the witch,” he whispers, blackened eyes darting around in fear.
“Witch?” Steve asks. This piques Bucky’s interest.
“Sh-she called the storm. Dragged the ship down down down, and now she goes on the celebrate with the King.” Bucky pushes forward, grabbing the man by the collar.
“The witch, what was her name?” The man shakes his head, eyes lolling to the side.
“Never name, only a witch. Never trust a woman... she be beautiful as a sunrise but deadly as a snake. I’d rather face a siren than that witch again. She owns the seas, is one with the winds, and she has a hatred in her heart for men.” The man stops to cough up water, his eyes rolling back as he starts convulsing.
Bucky stumbles back a step, his heart pounding in his head.
“Buck?” He shakes his head, climbing up the ladder on the mainmast to the crow’s nest. His eyes strain to see anything, any sign of where he should go.
What he sees leaves him feeling more hopeless than before.
Three of the king’s ships, on the very edge of the horizon, each going in separate directions.
He takes a deep breath in then climbs back down, furious with himself all over again.
“Buck? What the hell was that?” Steve demands, grabbing his best friend’s arm.
“It’s her, Steve.” Those three words are all it takes for Steve to understand.
“Which way did she go?” He asks softly, trying to help his friend.
“I’ve got no clue. There were three ships, all heading in different directions. There’s no way to know which ship has her, and we can’t very well follow all of them.” Steve sighs, patting his friend on the shoulder.
“We’ll find her. I swear. But until then we maintain course.” The brunet nods, eyes finding the wreckage in the water and praying to the gods that he finds you soon.
Tears wet your cheeks as you stare at the locket, fingers stroking the cool metal gently.
“If the memories pain you so, why conjure them so frequently?” You glance over at the brunette, wiping the wetness off of your face.
“Without the pain, I would forget my hatred. I would forget my purpose and I would lose hope.” Wanda nods thoughtfully, leaning back against the wall and sighing.
The quarters you were given are lovely. Soft beds, plenty of blankets, and a door with a lock. It’s all you could ask for and more from a ship belonging to the king.
“What do you suppose he’s going to do with us?” Wanda asks, fingers spinning a quill in the air above her head.
“I’m not sure quite yet. He seems to be genuine, but I fear he has ulterior motives. Surely, he’ll bring us to the king at some point. But until then... I only hope we fair better here than our last ship.” She nods, closing her eyes and lowering her hands, the quill dropping to the floor beside her as she spreads her fingers, red seeping out of her hands and down through the floorboards.
“There’s a change in the tide,” she whispers, her eyes opening and glowing red as she glances over at you. “Can you feel it?” You close your eyes, feeling the pull of the ocean deep in your gut.
“I feel it,” you whisper, “a change in the wind. A new presence is upon the waters, a dark one. I fear they are stronger than they seem.”
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dantelionwishes · 3 years
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life is full of ups and downs downs downs downs dow
loredump under the cut. not kidding when I say its gonna be long!
oh shit you actually clicked keep reading thank you for your interest 😭😭😭
YOU KNOW THE DRILL tw // suggestive dont read ahead if youre uncomfortable with the topic of aphrodisiacs! 
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before anything, I gotta explain he was born to parents who had an infatuation quirk (makes them hardcore fall in love with you) and an infection quirk (transmits a virus via saliva)  
developed his quirk late, since they usually get it by the time kids are four 
most people knew him as quirkless before the first incident 
in middle school, his class was preparing for a school play, he and his classmate got cast as the main lead prince and princess 
coincidentally, they both had a crush on each other and had a scene where they kissed
technically they weren’t supposed to, since its just a play, but one time they were practicing in private and wanted to try kissing “for real”
so they shared a super giggly cute middle school first kiss but well UNFORTUNATELY FOR HIM HIS QUIRK HAD WELL DEVELOPED– 
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the only way for the quirk’s effects to go away is to come at least once or pleasuring yourself until it goes away
rip now that I’m thinking abt it, I don’t even think anybody would even kNOW HOW TO MAKE IT GO AWAY so lets imagine she painfully stays that way until they figure out how to make it stop :^(
there’s a big fight that happens between the teachers, principal, and parents of both parties 
of course the crush’s parents got mad and called their kid a fuckin uhhhhh sexual predator or some shit despite also beING THE SAME AGE AND NOT EVEN KNOWING ABT HIS OWN QUIRK LIKE HELLLO
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obviously an incident like this is going to spread like wildfire but the principal does not want something like this to leak, especially since it was not on purpose and was a total accident 
the other kid’s parents and some teachers did not feel comfortable however, and sato was forced to drop out
but not wanting to spread the gossip about their son’s quirk and the incident, they leave the town and move someplace else
thankfully, the principal gives the sato family his good grades and a recommendation to a decent highschool for the trouble
they’re originally from osaka, but moved to tokyo 
this is where they start taking precautions with sato, basically teaching him to be careful with his saliva 
it was easily taught and learned esp since the mom was already like that around him and others everyday anyway!! she has to take care of her saliva-based infection quirk, after all 
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he got enrolled into a regular highschool in tokyo
no hero course, no support course, no business, just a regular ol’ school
if before, he loved surrounding himself with people, this was where he was forced to develop a lonely disposition to protect himself and others
at least his parents were very protective and supportive of him and they were generally a happy family!
but in school, pretending to be quirkless was just as difficult, getting bullied or pitied for having no special abilities 
his excuse for wearing a mask all the time was because his mother had a virus-related quirk, and had to be careful 
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one day his dad was suddenly got really, really sick
the more he had an excuse to wear a mask because he didnt want to get whatever disease his father started to develop 
sato started thinking it could be his mother (but why?) the results didn’t say anything about an unknown virus killing him (which is his mom’s quirk), and that his father really did contract a strong yet very normal disease 
while on his second year in highschool, his father, yozo sato, died 
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apparently, without him knowing anything about his parents, his mother, oba sato, was actually under the dad’s infatuation quirk this whole time
she realised she wasn’t really in love with him when oba had accidentally allowed a drop of her saliva to fall into the meal she was making him, making him sick, and therefore making him weak enough to deactivate his quirk on her 
oba, back in her college years, wanted to marry someone else but yozo, who had a crush on her wanted her to himself, used his quirk to make him fall in love with her 
so in revenge for making her put up with him all these years to the point of marriage and having a kid, she continued to do this to his food 
her quirk doesn’t make anybody sick enough to die, but it made her husband’s immune system weak enough to the point that it contracted a real, serious disease which he ended up dying from instead 
sato only finds out the real story when he graduates from highschool, days right after his graduation the mom confesses it all 
she does say she truly loves him, but can’t stay around him knowing he was technically “unconsensual love”
sato gets reminded of what his quirk does, and true enough, that’s what him and his quirk turned out to be (a sick combination of his mom and his dad) 
they cant bear to be around each other after that revelation and decide to just not see each other again 
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he enrolls into an education course, inspired by the kind principal who helped him finish his middleschool-highschool education when it all started going downhill 
sato struggles paying for his college fees esp since he doesn’t exactly have his parents supporting him anymore, nor any contact with immediate family 
he has a lot of part time jobs that go all around the clock, he continues pretending to be quirkless so he gets bullied, and has to deal with all that emotional baggage plus being alone so…….clearly my man is TIRED as hell 
his side job hustles include: convenience store cashier, bookstore attendant, bar bouncer, and rookie gym trainer (he went to the local gym long enough for him to get recommended a job as a trainer)
college was that point where he starts developing a hardcore yearning for a companion because oh my god hes so lonELY (but cant)
there’s this bully guy who always picks on him in college (for being “quirkless” and a loner and overall a fuckin weirdo with a mask)
tbh sato doesnt really give a shit he’s so used to it but he doesnt have his mother as an excuse to wear the mask anymore, this is where he starts forming the “I have bad breath” excuse 
“口臭い” (kuchi kusai) translates to “bad breath” or “stinky mouth” so sato unlovingly gets nicknamed “kusato”
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one day he’s walking around the campus at night and finds the bully with his gang cornering another quirkless student, with plans of assaulting her 
sato was never the hero type, and was about to ignore the commotion as to not get involved, but something in him moved on its own and he found himself face to face with the gang 
he confronts them, but the bully mocks both him and the girl for not having powers to stop them anyway 
SIKE BITCH sato’s able to easily strike the other two guys, knock them off their feet enough to be able to tug the to-be victim aside, telling her to report them, before asking her to run away as fast as she can
none of the guys want that (they’re all students) so they have a full on brawl (and this isnt hero academy, its a totally normal university so I wouldn’t assume these guys had very impressive quirks)
except the main bully actually has a pretty decent quirk (he’s like a kinda half human half dragon with sharp claws, scales, and dragon eyes) and gets to injure sato with his sharp claws, seriously injuring his face
a part of his ear is also sort of sliced off, which is how his mask gets accidentally removed in the process 
the dragon bully grabs him by the collar and starts angrily shouting at him for ruining his night, being able to do all this shit without a quirk and all and all other derogatory speech 
“Well? what do you have to say for yourself?!“ 
Sato stays silent before spitting right into the bully’s mouth 
The bully drops him immediately, about to angrily fuck him up for doing something super fucking gross but WHOOP WHOOP YOU KNOW WHATS BOUTTA HAPPEN the quirk works immediately and the bully is a TOTAL MESS on the ground 
Im going to TLDR this part cos its…obviously nsfw but like: sato fully embarrasses him in public (beside the bully’s two colleges nonetheless) 
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sato stays in the hospital for some time to heal from his wounds 
fortunately, afterwards, the bullies all get expelled 
unfortunately for sato, he also gets expelled for engaging in bad behaviour, and the bully did say what happened to him (and the college principal did not want his…dangerous quirk on campus) so as to lower any incident, all four were expelled 
at least without having to pay for college fees anymore, he could fully focus on paying for food, shelter, and clothes 
minus of course the hospital bills needed to pay plus he got a sick ass scar from it anyway HAHAHAHA BSDJHJRHDHF
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he had a lot of jobs here and there, but was more or less doing best as a trainer at a local gym where people weren’t allowed to use their quirks and strengthen their body regularly 
a few years went by and he eventually shrugged off everything that happened in his final college years but one day someone familiar walked into the gym! It was the fellow college student he saved!!!
she became a policewoman who wanted to get stronger in this quirkless friendly gym and hadn’t given up on her dreams of being a “hero,” inspired by how sato saved her that day
sato never really saw himself as some hero, he was left many nights alone thinking about how easily he could become a villain with his quirk, so hearing that really made him happy 
he trains her as her gym coach and she eventually asks him to join her patrol this small part of the city from a gang that was currently going around doing crimes since he’s good at it anyway, saying she could use some extra hands hehe
so yeah!! he does this side gig with her where he patrols alongside her looking for gang crimes and such c:
thank you for reading all the way here!!!
feel free to ask for questions or for any clarifications 😭😭😭!!!!!!
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homerforsure · 3 years
Whumptober No. 6 Bruises / Touch Starved / Hunger Whumptober No. 30 major character death / left for dead / ghosts
Me: I can’t believe I have to post this absolutely incomprehensible piece of writing. 
Me: You don’t... have to?
Me: No, I’m gonna. 
Buck has an exceptional number of pillows on his bed. There are six, before he knocks a few to the floor every night, and he burrows into them like a nest, curling up with one against his chest, two pressed against his back, one between his legs. His sheets are a ridiculously priced, cool, crisp cotton that welcomes him in, surrounding him. The blankets he uses aren’t weighted, but they’re heavy and thick and he keeps his air conditioning turned up so he doesn’t have to give up the feeling of nestling into them in the heat of summer. Along with the white noise machine on his night stand, all of it is chosen to trick him into sleep. To keep back the feeling that night time in his own apartment is the loneliest part of Buck’s day. 
It wasn’t perfect, pre-covid. It’s been a long time since Buck had someone share his space, share his bed, someone he could reach out and touch whenever he wanted. But his life outside of home was full. He didn’t lack for closeness; in some ways he had more than he’d ever dreamed. So while he had lonely moments, they weren’t a constant ache in his chest. 
These months though. These months hurt. Facetime isn’t a substitute for curling up on Maddie’s couch with whatever silly-labeled wine she’d liked best that week. It’s definitely not a substitute for Eddie’s couch and losing to Christopher over and over again at Mario Kart. The last time they talked, Eddie had reached over and ruffled Christopher’s hair and Buck felt it. First as a tingle up the back of his scalp and then as a bruise to his heart. Eddie’s touches, so constant and so casual, became essential somewhere along the way and Buck feels himself reaching out for them even when he knows it’s not allowed.
“Six feet, gentlemen,” Bobby says gently when their orbits swing toward each other and Eddie makes a dramatic show of raising his hands and taking a giant step backward. Bobby just shakes his head and reminds them it’s the price they all agreed to pay for not wearing masks in the firehouse. 
Buck starts dreading the end of a call when taking off his heavy turnout coat leaves him feeling cold and exposed. He folds into himself, claiming a chair, putting in earbuds and crossing his arms tight over his chest, pulling his knees up even though he knows better than to put his shoes on the furniture.
It’s a similar position to the one he lies in at night, clinging to the pillows, trying to draw comfort out of the smooth fabric. In those moments, his loneliness is so loud it might as well be a beacon sent out into the universe, a burning shout of need. 
And that shout is heard. 
“Have you guys heard of exploding head syndrome?” Buck asks one morning when the calls are slow and the crew is all lingering in a lazy way rather than rushing off to take care of their other duties. 
“What, the band?” Chimney asks.
“I think it was an album,” Bobby says.
“No,” Buck sighs. “It’s a sleep thing. It’s this loud noise that you hear when you’re falling asleep like a massively loud explosion. Only it’s just happening in your head.”
“Is your brain actually exploding? Like an aneurism?”
“No. It’s just the noise.” 
Just the loudest noise Buck had ever heard. It woke him up with a feeling of abject terror. It was an explosion that didn’t echo. It just rang, clear and true through his eardrums like the end of the world. Even as he struggled out of his sheets, searching for the source so he could run from it, part of him knew it wasn’t a sound that left any physical evidence. What could it even be? A sound like that? An old fashioned safe dropping from two stories up? A car crash without the crunch? Just a high speed collision of two immovable objects, all of the equal and opposite reaction of their momentum forced to escape as sound. 
Once his heart rate had slowed, he googled. He wasn’t initially sure what to google. “Ridiculously loud noise woke me up” seemed at once too vague and too specific but sure enough. Exploding Head Syndrome. It was what happened. Obviously. But Buck remained too full of adrenaline to sleep. As he sat up in bed, he couldn’t shake the urge to look around. Under the bed, in the closet, behind the shower curtain. He didn’t feel alone. 
“I’m just glad it’s happening in your head instead of mine,” Chim laughs. “Maybe try putting some earmuffs on before you go to sleep tonight.” ***
The sound doesn’t reappear. Buck is relieved, but sleeping doesn’t get any easier. He tries to soothe himself with obscenely long hot baths, by ordering a hoodie that’s more fluff than fabric, by running a foam roller across his muscles, trying to pry them into relaxation. It’s so much work and it does so little. Buck’s entire body is screaming out at all times for a hug or a massage or even just a really fucking good haircut. It takes longer and longer to fall asleep and the little sleep he does get isn’t restful. It’s like whatever meager comfort he manages to give himself during the day is leached away in the night. 
He doesn’t even notice the bruises at first. It’s an easy enough thing to miss. Their job is heavy physical labor and Buck barrels through a scene like a one man stampede. Bruises are as common as the smell of smoke in his hair. The ones Eddie points out on his arm though are different. 
Buck’s carrying a kitten at the time. The fire they’ve been fighting is beaten back to smolders. Buck shucked off his coat, wet and dripping from the hose and too cold for the shaking animal, and grabbed a blanket from the ambulance to wrap her up and cradle her against his chest. He’s rubbing his face against her damp fur, feeling the softness like a concentrated shot of endorphins when Eddie asks, “What the hell happened to you?”
“What are you talking about?” Buck asks and Eddie’s hands are pushing up the sleeves of his shirt, rolling them up to his shoulders while Buck’s trying to hold onto the cat.
“You don’t feel that?”
“Feel what?” He’s maybe a little ruder than he means to be but the sleep deprivation makes him cranky and the touch deprivation means that Eddie’s gently probing fingers feel like a dream on his skin. The care in the brush of his hands makes Buck’s knees weak. 
“Your arms are bruised to hell,” Eddie says. “Are you- Did someone grab you or something?”
“I swear to god, Eddie. I don’t feel anything.” Except grumpy and exhausted and longing. 
“Jesus, it goes all the way up your shoulders. It looks like-” He stops, pulling Buck’s collar aside and tracing a small spot that Buck can’t see even if he turns his head. “They look like fingerprints, Buck. Are you seeing someone?” 
“These are handprints. And they’re dark. Do you really not-”
Buck wrenches himself from Eddie’s grasp so he can turn around and look at him because if Eddie’s really accusing him of putting everyone at risk by trying to date someone right now… But Eddie’s face is nothing but concerned. Which makes Buck scared. 
“Is it really that bad?” he asks, clutching the cat to his chest. 
Eddie rubs a hand up Buck’s back (it feels so good, hot like Buck’s t-shirt isn’t even between them and is it just because it’s been so long or just because it’s Eddie?) without looking around to see if Bobby’s watching and that’s really all the confirmation Buck needs. It’s bad. 
After that, Buck starts to feel them. He wakes up and he can’t breathe. He wakes up and he can’t move. He wakes up on the floor. He spends every moment that he’s asleep fighting to wake up. Buck can only remember fragments and pieces of the torment but he knows that it feels like drowning. Like being held down. Like being grabbed and pulled and smothered. He thinks he remembers long dark hair. 
Google is useless. Sleep apnea. Sleep paralysis. Sleep terrors. Even sleepwalking. None of them can account for the worst of it. For the physical signs of whatever is happening to him while he sleeps.
Bruises bloom blue on the pale skin of his hips. Purple on his ribs. Green on the back of his neck. The ones that Eddie saw first on his arm fade to yellow.  A long scratch runs down the side of his face. Dark circles under his eyes grow darker every day. 
“What’s happening to me?” he asks his reflection.
All he wants is to be able to ask that question with someone’s arms around him. He wants anyone to hold him tight and shush his fears and tell him that it’ll be okay. 
It’s easier than he thought to hide it. Buck just chooses his shower times strategically and opts for a long sleeve uniform, complaining that he ruined his short sleeves ones by grabbing bleach instead of detergent while he was half asleep. 
He’s always half asleep these days.
At least in the bunk rooms, he gets some semblance of rest. Whatever presence he feels in his own bedroom doesn’t cross this threshold and Buck sleeps deeply, almost missing the scream of the alarm. 
“It’s getting worse isn’t it?” Eddie asks, cornering Buck in the locker room. Buck can’t help but nod and Eddie steps closer as if to touch him. 
Buck flinches away and Eddie pulls up short as though hitting an invisible wall. 
He breathes Buck’s name on a pained exhale and says, “You have to get some help. Whatever it is…”
“I don’t know what it is!’ Buck answers. “It’s living in my house and it- it- God. Maybe I need an exorcism.”
“Maybe you should come home with me,” Eddie suggests and Buck recoils again. 
The firehouse seems safe but there’s no guarantee that Buck won’t be followed anywhere else. He’s desperate to be safe--desperate for Eddie to make him safe--but not at the expense of anyone else. Not when he doesn’t know what he’s facing. 
“Okay,” Eddie says. “But call me in the morning.” 
The burned girl screams louder when she sees Buck than she did while they were putting out the inferno of her car. 
“Stay away from me!” She shrieks. “Stay awaystayawaystayaway.”
“Miss, we’re going to need you to calm down,” Hen says to her. “Buck, you wanna move aside? Like preferably somewhere she can’t see you?”
Buck does because the patient’s well-being is more important than anything, but his skin feels like ice. He wants to demand to know what else she sees when she looks at him. Wants to know how she knows. For half a second, he imagines following her to the hospital and waiting for her outside the glass doors.  
They aren’t far from her house (52% of accidents happen within five miles of home) and the girl’s father arrives on the scene before they finish prepping her to be transported. And he sees Buck. 
He freezes when he does, but at least he doesn’t scream. He ignores Buck completely, instead going to the ambulance where his daughter is still crying and trying to soothe her. Hen offers to let him ride in the ambulance, but he says that he’ll take his car. 
“You’re in a lot of trouble,” he says, returning to Buck as the ambulance pulls away. “What you summoned… That’s not a normal ghost.”
“I didn’t summon anything! It just happened.” Buck’s voice is high-pitched and he just barely stops himself from grabbing onto the man’s arm, but the man doesn’t seem afraid of Buck the way his daughter was. “What is it? How do I make it go away?”
The man shrugs, “She came in through an open door. Which door depends on the person. But she’ll do everything in her power to keep it pried open. All you can do is try to close it again.”
It is… the least helpful advice Buck’s ever been given in his entire life. But the man’s daughter is on her way to the hospital and he needs to follow her. He vanishes. 
They’re about to have four days off. Buck’s bracing himself to meet the woman in his dreams. To look around in that dreamspace for open doors and slam them shut again. He can do it. He has to. 
The next night Buck wakes up and he can’t move. He’s paralyzed on the bed. He’s paralyzed on the bed and someone’s standing at the top of his stairs. 
She’s not… right. Buck can’t quite see in the dark and he can’t lift his head but the woman on his stairs isn’t solid in the way a human should be. The outline of her is strong, but it’s like she’s a shell wrapped around a cavernous emptiness. She’s across the room but she’s already pulling at him. 
Buck tries to thrash but his arms are pinned as if her hands are already on his wrists. He needs to reach the lamp. If he can just turn on the light.
“Get away from me,” he pleads and the part of her face where lips should be turns up, revealing pointed teeth that stand in front of a void.
“You called me,” she says. The words don’t come from her mouth and Buck doesn’t hear them with his ears. It’s wrong wrong wrong. He throws himself hard to the left and he rolls, flying further than he expected to, suddenly free, and crashes hard into the table, knocking the lamp to the floor. It shatters, bulb and all and pain scrapes across Buck’s shoulders.
“Poor boy,” the ghost mocks. “Poor lonely boy. Just wants someone to touch him. Just wants someone to stay with him. I heard you.”
“No,” Buck says and he tries to scramble, but his feet can’t find purchase on the floor. “I didn’t want you.”
He doesn’t deny the call. Can’t deny it when his heart is reaching out in the same pleading, desperate way now. Please. Anyone.
In the time it takes to blink she’s in front of him. She’s so close. She shouldn’t be able to get that close without standing on him but she’s there. Her voice whispers in his mind, “You should choose your words more carefully.”
And then her hands are around his throat.
The pressure is insistent and her motive is unmistakable. She’s going to kill him. She’s going to squeeze the life out of him. He’s going to die here and Eddie’s going to find his body because Eddie’s going to come rushing over as soon as Buck doesn’t call him in the morning and what if this thing is still here waiting for him. 
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
Buck’s mind yells for him like his lungs did when Eddie was buried except now it’s Buck who’s too far away, who’s trapped somewhere deep and dark with no hope of escape. 
He tries to breathe and his breath whistles. It’s like the first time someone handed him a styrofoam cup of coffee and he tried to drink through the plastic stir stick. Black stars twinkle in the room and tears build in his eyes. 
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. 
There’s a shift as she adjusts her grip and it’s enough for the stars to clear. Buck throws himself forward, shaking his head like he isn’t a ragdoll trapped in the jaws of a rottweiler, like he has a hope of breaking free and then he does. The ghost is thrown off balance and Buck jumps, scrambling back over his bed for the stairs. He can’t even think about defeating her, finding out the secrets of where she came from, closing whatever fucking door he left open. All Buck wants to do is live. 
A force behind him swells like a wave to lift Buck off his feet and slams him into the bathroom door. He expects to slide off of it and onto the floor, but he’s held in place hard, his head turned and his cheek pressed to the wood, toes just brushing the ground. 
“You begged me to come,” the ghost hisses. “I’m here for you, lonely boy. Don’t fight so hard.”
A hand skims up his back, nearly gentle, but leaving a numbness in its path and Buck shudders in disgust. He jerks against the door, but his arms are wrenched behind him and he screams. He realizes it’s the first time he has.
“I didn’t call you! I don’t want you here! Get out.”
“I came because you needed me.” A long finger trails down his cheek and Buck whimpers. She’s taller than him now. Was she always? “I could feel you from so far away. An aching ball of need. I’m here for you now.” 
“I don’t need you,” Buck growls and the room flashes like lightning. He hopes to fall, almost expects to fall, where he can scramble again but instead, Buck is hurled away from the door completely. He has time to see that he’s above the stairs, throw his hands out uselessly and then he’s frozen. 
Buck hovers there in the air above the stairs, dangling in the grip of the ghost, like a cat grabbed by his scruff. Kicking wildly, he grabs for the invisible hand that’s holding him, yelling “No, no, no, no.”
“Need me now?” the ghost asks. 
Smothering the terrified part of him that nearly answers yes, Buck forces himself to stop twisting and just hang there. He doesn’t want to fall. He doesn’t want to die. But what he needs isn’t going to come from the ghost. 
“No,” he answers. 
And he can’t explain how he knows what her face looks like when it’s screwed up in fury, but he does. It’s vicious and vindictive and Buck’s not surprised at all when he’s flicked away from her and down the flight of stairs. 
He seems to hit each one as he falls, something that should be impossible with the speed that he’s traveling and the force with which he bounces off of them, but the ghost is obviously responsible. Air leaves his lungs as his ribs crack against the stairs. His elbows and knees scrape. His head bangs the rail. Buck’s long, long legs seem to tangle as he falls, cartwheeling him down and he lands in a heap at the bottom. 
As he tries to figure out if he can still move, the door flies open. 
Warmth rushes in. Buck hadn’t even realized how cold it had gotten since he first woke up, but the room seems to thaw around him. It’s like sunlight. 
It’s Eddie. 
“Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Evan. Buck. I’ve got you, Buck. I’ve got you.” 
Tenderly, he scoops Buck off the floor, unsnarling the mess of his limbs and feeling all over for the damage he can’t see. “I’ve got you. Open your eyes. Come on.” 
The ghost stands at the top of the stairs and then she’s at the bottom. Buck clambers backward again, digging his heels into the floor to push himself upright in front of Eddie, to try and hide him from view. Eddie doesn’t seem to see the ghost. All of his attention is still on Buck, stroking his hair, promising over and over that he’s there, that he has Buck. 
All of the ghost’s attention is on Buck too. “You need me,” she says. “You called for me.” She sounds different now. Bitter. Like Buck wasted her precious time. 
“I don’t need you,” he says and he reaches behind him to grab Eddie’s hand. “I already have everything I need.” 
Lights flicker and that impossibly loud sound bangs in Buck’s ears again. He gets one last look at the ghost’s vicious, violent visage and then she’s gone. 
And then Buck wakes up.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
The Babysitter’s Coven
Rating: Teen, Gen
There's a lot that goes on in the emperor's coven behind the scenes, some of which even Hunter doesn't know about.
AKA, the scouts are all secretly teaming up behind Hunter's back to parent him.
CW: Implied/referenced child abuse
Ch 1/10(?): Transfer (This chapter is mostly an adaption of a request, which sort of set this whole thing off, if you’ve read that already, you can skip this chapter)
“Hey, you’re new.”
Henderson straightened up from where he was putting away his few belongings. The scout watching him had her hood down and mask off. Her hair was a writhing mass of snakes, and a set of tusks protruded from her mouth. A gorgon. “Yeah, just got transferred from Latissa! Henderson.”
His fellow scout shook his hand, hers ungloved. “Jean.”
“So. Capital life has got to be exciting, right?”
Jean shrugged. “Not much more than Latissa, I think. It’s mostly quiet.”
“No way! After everything that’s gone down here? Plus, working directly with the head of the coven—that’s got to be interesting, right?”
“Eh. Last coven head turned out to be a traitor and the new one—”
Henderson peered around his coworker as a blonde head passed by the door. “Uh—whoa, Jean, there’s a kid in here, I think he’s lost. Is there a school tour today, or—”
Jean grabbed the collar of his cloak and yanked him back as he started towards the door. “That’s the new coven head,” she said tiredly, “Do not call him a kid.”
Henderson gaped after him. “That’s the golden guard?”
“That’s the golden guard,” she affirmed
Henderson inhaled. “Okay. I know you just said not to call him a kid.”
“But that is an actual child.”
Henderson waved an arm at the door. “That doesn’t bother you at all?!”
“He’s been here longer than I have. Look, Henderson, you’re new here, lemme give you some advice; don’t think too hard about anything. Just keep your head down, do your job, and everything will be fine. Don’t question the fact that our boss is half our age.” Jean jabbed a finger at him. “Listen to me. Do not. Treat the golden guard. Like a kid. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Okay, good. Now, you’re the new guy, so you’re on duty to tell him it’s bedtime at eleven, because if we don’t remind him, he won’t go to sleep until three in the morning.”
Henderson threw his hands up in the air. So much for not treating him like a kid. “You just said—”
“We’re not treating him like a kid,” Jean interjected smoothly, “We’re enforcing coven curfews to ensure that all coven members are operating under total efficiency.”
Henderson squinted at her. “Is there… actually a coven curfew?” There hadn’t been back at Latissa, but maybe things were stricter in the keep.
Jean struggled with her hood, trying to wrangle all of her snakes under it. “As far as he knows? Yes. And it’s at eleven. We’ve worked very hard to falsify schedules sent to him so that he believes it, so do not screw this up for us. March, soldier, you don’t want to miss curfew yourself.”
Henderson strode out the door, jogging in the direction he’d seen the golden guard disappear. This was ridiculous. He was working for a child, and he and the other scouts were babysitting. He’d joined the coven because he’d thought it would be full of opportunities. He hadn’t expected to be running after a teenager to remind him to go to bed.
He finally caught up to the golden guard. “Sir!”
The guard stiffened, snapping to attention and whirling around to face him. “Scout.”
Oh, titan. Why did his voice have to sound like that? You are a child, why are you in the military, Henderson’s mind screamed, but he snapped a salute instead. “Curfew is approaching.”
The guard nodded. “Thank you for the reminder. Have a good night.”
Henderson turned heel and marched back down the hallway, fighting back laughter the whole way to the barracks. Jean was getting ready to go out on night patrol as he came in, and he lost it, wheezing. “Oh my titan, he’s like a tiny adult! How do you take him seriously all of the time?!”
“Wait until you train with him and he pummels you,” Jean said grimly, tucking the last of her snakes under her hood, “See if you’re still laughing then.”
That shut Henderson up.
Jean opened the door to go, slipping on her mask. “It’s easier when he’s got the mask on,” she admitted, “Usually he wears it when he’s ordering us around.” She pointed to his bed. “There’s a list of scout duties and your schedule, as written and approved by the golden guard. Underneath that is the scout-created golden guard duties and your golden guard watch schedule, we all agreed on it and will re-discuss next month. Memorize and destroy them, and don’t let the golden guard see them. Or Kikimora. Just—don’t let anyone see them.”
Jean disappeared out of the door, and Henderson shook his head, picking up the two scraps of paper with a messy scrawl on them.
Golden Guard Duties
1.       Curfew reminder at 11. If he checks the barracks before he goes to bed, pretend you’re getting ready to turn in
2.       Check to make sure there’s snacks in his mission packs. They should be sources of protein.
3.       Remind him of mealtimes, or he won’t eat.
4.       Never ever go easy on him in training, he will surprise you, he will destroy you, he will lecture you on standards of combat excellency in the coven. This is for your own safety.
5.       After he returns from special missions, surprise check on him. He hides injuries.
6.       If he returns injured, pick up a few extra patrols to keep him from overexerting himself, because he will keep on working.
Underneath was schedule of what days he was supposed to curfew or meal remind, and which days he was supposed to put snacks in the mission packs.
Henderson shook his head, drawing a spell circle and lighting the papers on fire. “I know he’s a kid, but he’s head of the coven, how bad can he really be?”
Ch 2
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samstree · 3 years
and the wolf was nowhere to be found (2/3)
Jaskier pays the price of his lies. With blood and tears and a few broken hearts.
(4.3k, lying spell/potion, cursed jaskier, blood and injury, miscommunication, mutual pining)
Previous | Read on AO3
The reverse trope series: [1] [2] [3] [4]. 
Jaskier wakes with a crick in his neck and an aching heart.
He goes through the motion of packing, their morning routine too familiar to distract him from the heavy guilt in his chest. Jaskier wonders if Geralt is actively avoiding him—the way his back is turned at every chance can’t be a coincidence.
The only time he so much as spares a glance is when Jaskier puts the lemon cake in their rations bag, wrapped perfectly and untouched. Geralt stills for a split second, his jaw clenched.
Jaskier wants to brush it off.
Finding an excuse is the first instinct he has, thinking of a lie as to why he didn’t eat something he’s been drooling over for ages, and erase that crestfallen look on Geralt’s face, the one that is breaking his heart.
Because he can’t exactly tell the truth, which is that he’s more likely to be sick if he ate it. Another lie, however, would turn his stomach even more.
Jaskier remains silent.
Even Roach is judging him as they walk out of the stable. Jaskier bears her side eyes and annoyed headbutt without putting up a fight. The mare is too perceptive to miss the tension in the air, and her protectiveness is more than justified. She’s a smart girl. Of course, she knows Jaskier is one making her broody witcher brood even harder.
She tries to bite his doublet again, and it’s Geralt who stops her with a soothing hand down his mane, murmuring confused questions into her ear. Sweet, kind Geralt, who has been rejected by Jaskier so many times for no reason in the past few days, is still trying to defend him.
Jaskier needs to make it right.
“Geralt, look—”
“Master Jaskier!”
Someone in the distance rudely interrupts Jaskier’s nervous attempt. He turns by instinct and watches a boy in lilac doublet jog up to them. He’s so young, no older than twenty, still with that joviality and naïvety in his features. The way his matching doublet and trousers could catch the eyes of any crowd reminds Jaskier of himself in his early years.
“Sweet Melitele, I’m your biggest fan! Oh my…” the boy proclaims, awestruck. “I’ve been following your ballads for years, and now I get to meet you in person!”
Jaskier looks to Geralt and then back at the man.
“Ah, I’m flattered. It’s always nice to meet a fan, but you see—” Jaskier gestures to the horse and the man behind him. “—I’m in a hurry to leave town.”
Besides, he’s in no mood to converse right now. The quicker he can get Geralt alone, the better. With this weight on his chest, Jaskier feels so drained just talking to anyone but his witcher, let alone dealing with an enthusiastic fan.
“Oh but you must listen to my set first!” The boy looks at him expectantly. “I dream of writing a hit song just like Toss a Coin. I could be just as big—”
“I’d love to, but the circumstances won’t allow it.” With the biggest smile plastered on his face, Jaskier dismisses the guy. “I’m sure there’s promise in you, especially now you’ve chosen the correct role model—”
“You can go, Jaskier.”
Jaskier snaps his head to Geralt, confused as to what he just heard.
“We need to leave this morning, my dear. That’s the plan.” Jaskier frowns. “Remember?”
He excuses himself to the young man and drags Geralt away too quickly, too rudely—on another day he’d feel contrite ignoring a fan like this, but today he’s mind is occupied by something much more important.
Once out on the street and alone, Geralt’s befuddled frown deepens. “Why did you—”
“I need to tell you something,” Jaskier interrupts. “Before I say it, I know you will get mad at me, but you have to understand that the past year has been hard on me, Geralt. When you showed up in Oxenfurt out of the blue, I didn’t have enough time to process everything or what it would mean for us to travel together again. That’s why everything is so wrong now and I need to make it right.”
“I know what you want to say.”
The world stops.
All he can see is that pained look on Geralt’s face, the one that’s breaking his heart and making his blood run cold. Of course, he knows, witcher senses and all. As if Jaskier has ever gotten away with lying to Geralt’s face in the past.
“You do?” he breathes, the crack in his voice unmistakable.
Geralt lets out a sigh. He’s not mad. At least, he doesn’t look like he’s angry with Jaskier. “It’s been obvious in the past few days, and I… I do understand.”
There’s still hope then. Jaskier just needs to come clean and apologize, and, definitely, throw whatever game he’s been playing out the window. They will be fine. The two of them, the bard and the witcher on the path, just like the old days—
“I can leave now,” Geralt starts. “With me gone, you’d be free to stay here for longer. You have so many things to see and so many people to meet. You can go back and talk to the boy. Finally, there’s someone who can wax lyrical with you. It’ll be for the best.”
“You don’t need to say it, Jaskier. I can see now that it’s better if we part ways. Let’s not make things more difficult.”
Jaskier stares, gaping like a fish out of water. He can’t believe what he’s hearing, after all this time, after the mountain. Geralt wouldn’t do it.
He wouldn’t.
“You are leaving me here?”
Geralt looks as if he’s stricken. His shoulders tense like every time he wants to appear smaller.
“It’s for the best,” he repeats.
Jaskier shakes his head. “Wait, I thought you understood. I’m sorry, Geralt, for the past few days. I didn’t mean to… I wanted to apologize, so you know I didn’t mean it.”
The smile at the corners of Geralt’s lips is too sad.
“You don’t need to apologize. It wasn’t fair of me to ask it of you to begin with—”
“Ask me what?”
“—Us traveling together again… It was only wishful thinking. There was never a second chance and I never should have gone to find you.”
Jaskier takes a step back, swallowing the lump in his throat. Suddenly the collar of his doublet is too tight and the lute on his back is too heavy. He has to look away from Geralt’s resolute face just to stop the stinging in his eyes.
“You promised…” he mumbles. “You promised not to leave again.”
Geralt falters for a second, his hand resting on Roach’s saddle as if to steady himself. When he answers, his tone is cold, colder than Jaskier can take.
“How can I keep you when everything catches your eye, Jask? You are not made to stay... Not with me. Not after everything that happened.”
Disbelievingly, Jaskier retreats. His hand fists around the strap of his lute case, digging into his palm. “Not made to stay? Seriously?”
“It’s for the—”
“If you tell me it’s for the best one more time, I swear, Geralt…”
Geralt calls out his name without heat like he’s placating an unreasonable child. Jaskier exhales in exasperation.
“Maybe you are right that it was only wishful thinking.” he forces the words out, his heart sinking. “For once it was actually my fault, and you can’t wait to ask for life’s one blessing again.”
“Fine. Have at it,” Jaskier hisses. “I don’t care.”
The silence that follows is deafening.
Jaskier lands the biggest lie he’s ever told in this mess. He drags his feet to cooperate, to take him away and put some distance between him and the worst disaster that’s ever descended upon his life.
Roach neighs, but the sound is far-away. Jaskier grabs at the doublet at his chest and wonders if the witcher-shaped hole within can ever be filled.
Jaskier doesn’t stop.
He walks into the bustling crowd of the market, heedless of cheery townspeople going about their day, and he keeps walking until the noise dies down.
Jaskier stops at the riverbank with nowhere to go, so he sits down on the ground and finally lets the dam break.
Crying does very little to ease the ache, and yet when the tears bring a release for the pent-up pressure in his chest. It’s hard to feel justified in letting the pain be cried away when he’s so aware of his own faults in the once-again ending of their companionship.
After all, Geralt couldn’t wait to throw him aside on top of that mountain when he’d done nothing wrong. What makes him think Geralt will tolerate him when he intentionally fucks things up.
Jaskier gasps for air, but only a whimper chokes out. How pathetic, to regret the most precious second chance destiny has ever granted him.
Now he knows for sure that he doesn’t deserve to cry, to let himself feel even just slightly better in the wake of his destruction.
Jaskier tries to stifle the tears with a hand at his mouth, and breathes. In and out, one breath after another. It’s like trying to contain a storm threatening to wreck through his entire being.
But he manages, after an eternity.
Jaskier sniffles one last time and wipes away the tear tracks. There’s a tremor in his hands but he pays no mind. The lute case is laying carelessly in the grass where he dropped it. He slings it onto his back and realizes that in a frenzy, he’s left everything else he owns in Roach’s saddlebags.
He could laugh at the idea of going back there, tail between his legs, as if being kicked out of Geralt’s life—for good this time—isn’t humiliating enough. His only hope hangs on the possibility that Geralt may have left his packs at the inn so they don’t have to face each other. Why would Geralt want to see him anyway? The witcher should be long gone.
Jaskier doesn’t make it too far when a streak of lilac pops out of nowhere.
“Oh! Here you are, Master Jaskier. You are a hard man to track down.”
The boy still looks too chirpy for Jaskier’s liking, too bright and too carefree. His mood is soured even further.
“Look, I’m not fit for company today.” Jaskier walks right past the young man, heedless of his insistence. “Mister—what is your name? Maybe you’ll catch me at the next festival if fate allows.”
The boy ignores his deflection and stops right in front of Jaskier’s face, which successfully draws his full attention and pisses him off completely. “I said—”
“Why are you in such a hurry?” The kid doesn’t relent. “I thought the witcher is determined to abandon you for the second time. Don’t you think he’ll stick to it this time?”
Strangely, the other man doesn’t look nearly as young up close. His face is youthful for sure, smooth and unblemished, and yet there’s an inexplicable weariness in his blue eyes. Now that Jaskier notices, these blue eyes look eerily similar to his own. With just the eyes, he could be looking into a mirror.
Jaskier wants to squirm.
“Did no one teach you that eavesdropping is rude?” He pauses, startled. “Wait, a second time… You knew—”
“Oh.” The man looks sheepish. “Can’t blame a fan for keeping tabs on you, can we?”
An overly zealous fan is nothing new, but somehow, this one sends a shiver down Jaskier’s spine.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Jaskier says, trying to back away. “I need to get back to town. You know, where the inspirations are, so I’ll find it in me to… um, compose more of those pieces you love so much.”
“Oh, don’t kid yourself! You are not going back to him, are you? Twenty years! All the sweat and blood and singing his praises and this is what you get after all this time!”
The guy grabs at Jaskier’s arm, which he shakes off in horror.
“You know nothing about me. Or Geralt.”
“That witcher will never see you!” he exclaims. “I was there when your first ballad swept the continent off its feet, Jaskier. From that moment on, I knew you were special. What appreciation has that mutant shown you? Only insults and scorn.”
“Geralt is not like that, he—”
Jaskier freezes to the spot.
He forces his attention back to the boy’s face. His eyes are still startlingly blue, even more so in anger. There’s not a single trace of age at his temples, and yet…
“My first song was twenty-two years ago,” Jaskier states, something akin to fear creeping into his voice. “What did you say your name was again?”
At those words, the man’s face shifts. It’s like watching someone shed a layer of skin, a façade, and another being emerges. A much more powerful one.
“Does it matter?” When he answers, there's magic in the air, sizzling with power. The blue of his eyes shimmers under the surface, ever so slightly. Jaskier’s heart clenches.
Not human.
Definitely not human.
“We never got to know each other, well,” Jaskier stalls. “I think now it’s not too late.”
He has an inkling that getting away will not be an easy feat. He can hope to distract this… this creature long enough for a chance to run. His hand tightens around the strap nervously, and the man’s eyes follow the movement without a beat.
Jaskier turns to run, to take the lute case in his hands as a weapon, but it’s too late. The next thing he knows, the case is thrown against the ground and he’s backed against a tree. The other man’s grip around Jaskier’s wrists is like a vice, securing his hands right above him.
Jaskier wants to scream, but no sound escapes his throat. His body shakes all over, out of control.
“The fae never reveal our name easily,” the creature hisses.
Those blue eyes are too sharp and there’s a scent growing overwhelmingly strong. Fae, as it turns out, smell like newly cut grass and wildflowers, like the forest.
If only Jaskier can live long enough to share the trivia.
And then, with both their hands occupied, the fae presses his forehead to Jaskier. He struggles but to no avail.
The touch is cold and something is slipping into Jaskier’s mind like an icy stream in the spring. It trickles probs at every corner of his memories.
“Oh, even now you are loyal to the witcher. You still believe he’ll save you, little songbird.”
Jaskier’s vision turns fuzzy. His soundless whimpering breaks into breathless gasps, like a wounded animal waiting for a mercy kill. At the back of his mind, he’s achingly aware of Geralt’s absence. His witcher in shining armor won’t come this time, not after all the—
“All the pretty little lies. Every single one of them, born out of love, misguided.”
However true that statement is, Jaskier doesn’t want to hear it. His love for Geralt shouldn’t be spoken with malice. He fights against the fae’s iron hold with everything he can muster.
There’s a crack of bones before the pain hits him, exploding from his wrists all the way down his arms. Jaskier sobs, the edges of his vision darkening, the shock threatening to pull him under. He still can’t make a sound.
“What can we do?” The fae’s voice comes from a distant realm. “How can we have your loyalty as the witcher does? Oh, how fierce you are, songbird. To have your voice at our court… Perhaps, more lies will do. Yes, it was your choice, what your heart desired. A gift from us.”
Jaskier can’t process anything he’s hearing. He’s too tired from the searing pain in his wrists.
“Just a few lies. They’ll be easy to roll off the tongue, and yet, such powerful weapons.” The fae retreats. “A gift of lies. Thank you for the inspiration, Jaskier the bard. We hope you enjoy it as much as we will.”
Without the brute force holding up his body, Jaskier sagas against the tree, his legs unable to support his weight. His lungs burn and his mind turns fuzzy, bereft of the fae’s presence.
Jaskier needs to move, needs to scramble away from this place. But before the sweet relief of freedom even hits him, magic seizes him again and, finally, finally, a world-ending scream explodes from his lungs.
The world goes to black soon after.
Jaskier wakes to someone shaking his shoulder, someone gentle.
His body pulses like a bruised nerve. The back of his head feels like it’s been trampled by a whole army and his neck creaks at the barest move. Jaskier’s nose is buried in damp grass and he chokes, which jostles his neck even more.
He groans miserably and tries to touch, only to be stopped by the burning in his wrists. He lets out a hiss.
Right, broken bones. Blue eyes that look the same as his. Fae.
“Careful… Fuck, Jaskier, what happened?”
A gravelly voice comes through the fog.
Oh, Jaskier can sob with relief. He arches his back, slowly propping himself up on his elbows. His eyes are so sore from lying on the ground face down, but the sight of his witcher is unmistakable.
Jaskier wants to call out for his witcher, but a sob is the only thing that gets out. He cradles his hands and finds his right wrist is swollen red and sensitive to the touch, but the left looks more or less the same. Only a throbbing pain tugging at his fingertips.
He reaches to the back of his head with his left hand, where the crick is prickling at his nerves, only to find a gash at his nape and hair caked with blood. He doesn’t remember hitting his head while falling. He doesn’t remember falling at all.
So, one wrist sprained, the other broken, plus a gaping hole in his head. Jaskier can cope.
If he doesn’t die from the embarrassment, that is. He whines pathetically, already exhausted.
“I told you not to move.” Geralt catches Jaskier’s tilting body. Amber gold flows with concern. “What happened to you, Jask?”
The question comes out soft, more of a whisper to the witcher himself than demanding answers. Jaskier’s lips wobble at the endearment. He needs to tell Geralt everything. Fuck his injured pride. Geralt came for him. This wonderful, beautiful, sweet man came to him after the disaster that is this morning and he’s still trying to help Jaskier.
All because Geralt is safety. He’s safety and home, and Jaskier needs to tell him—
“None of your business, witcher.”
It takes a moment for Jaskier to register what left his lips, the venom that drips from these words so foreign. He’s never aimed at Geralt before. From the looks of it, Geralt is equally startled if the tiny crease by his lips is any indication.
“You hit your head,” Geralt says patiently, hovering close to Jaskier’s face in an attempt to check the wound on his neck. “It’s bad. Here, let me see—”
“Get your filthy hands away from me!”
The words fly out on their own volition. Jaskier flinches, the same time as Geralt takes back his hand as if burned. He closes his mouth with a pop and the feeling of something severely wrong weighs down on his stomach. That’s not what he meant, not at all. The only thing he wants to do is lean into Geralt’s touch and melt into a puddle. Whyever did his mouth betray his heart? Why did he…
Why did he…
His mind focuses on a sing-songy voice.
A gift from us.
A gift of lies.
It’s like a bucket of ice water thrown over Jaskier’s head. He sobers up immediately. The inspiration they took from him. The fae’s gift.
The fae’s curse.
Geralt’s brows are knitted together, amber eyes imbued with hurt. He is still crouched in front of Jaskier, hands fisted at his side and shoulders taut. He’s got the look now, that lost look that only appears when a mob drives him out of town with pitchforks and stones. Jaskier has seen that look one too many times.
And now he's the one causing it.
“Jaskier?” Geralt asks, shocked, unsure.
Jaskier breathes hard and tastes the bile rising in his throat. Geralt doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve to have that hopeless look on his face or to be shunned by the world, by anyone, and least of all, by someone he’s let stay beside him for so many years. By the Gods, Jaskier needs to let Geralt know he’s the kindest person on earth and more human than any human. He’s Jaskier’s friend and protector, his dream, his heart—
“You are a mutant, a freak,” Jaskier feels the words slip out, too late to realize the mistake of opening his mouth. “No better than the monsters you slay.” The magic compels his tongue. He bites down on it but it’s only futile. “You feel nothing and give nothing but death to those around you.”
Jaskier recoils, tasting blood. In front of him, Geralt mirrors his movement. The entire time, the wolf medallion rests against his chest plate, Jaskier’s last hope, sitting still and unresponsive.
And Geralt…
He doesn’t defend himself.
Of course not. Geralt never defends himself against the stoning even when he can easily defeat most humans with his bare hands. There’s a faded scar near his hairline, a solid proof of men’s capacity for prejudice and violence.
Now Jaskier has joined their ranks.
Geralt looks like he’s been suck-punched in the gut, his eyes wide and crestfallen. And yet, wide amber eyes gaze upon Jaskier without accusation, only quiet acceptance. Jaskier shudders with disgust and fear, which must be the reason Geralt is backing away further.
“I’ll leave… If you—” he pauses, before standing up. “I see. This is goodbye, Jaskier.”
Don’t go!
“Get away then!”
Jaskier shakes his head, putting all the force he can muster into biting into his lips, scared of what may come out. His wrists burn but he has to force his mouth shut by pressing his palms over it.
Why can’t Geralt see that something’s wrong? Why can’t he see Jaskier?
See me! Jaskier pleads silently through the tears.
Geralt’s face falters as he spares one last glance at Jaskier.
Look what you’ve done to him, the sing-songy voice returns. This is your choice. You chose to lie, little poet. Be careful what you wish for.
Jaskier crumbles like a puppet with his strings cut. He barely contains the choked-out whimpers. The burning in his lungs is nothing compared to the anguish. He could die at this moment and it would be a sweet release. Hurting Geralt like this, it’s worse than a thousand broken bones and a million cuts on his skin. In the darkest corners of his mind, he wants Geralt to walk away from him. If Jaskier has to spew any more venom towards the man he’s loved for more than half of his life, he’d surely want to walk into the ocean and never come out.
He presses his ears to the grass and remembers the cold wind on the mountain. He was a fool to hope Geralt could come to him then. He is a fool now.
The witcher drags his feet away, one step after another, trampling the soft flora under him, and then—
And then, by some miracle, he stops.
Jaskier watches as his witcher turns around and rushes back to his side, his jaw clenched and eyes determined. His heart bursts with hope, but his fists press against his mouth harder. There’s more blood coating his tongue.
“I can’t,” Geralt states as he kneels next to Jaskier’s curled body. The betrayal in his eyes ebbs away and in its place is something…tortured.
Jaskier shakes his head, or is he trembling again? His vision swims with blood loss. He won’t be able to stay awake for long.
“I can’t leave you here, Jaskier,” he muses to himself, frowning deep. “Shit. You are bleeding again.”
Jaskier scoffs into his fist, almost hysterical.
“You are in shock, and you are about to pass out. I don’t know what happened, but your wrists are a mess. Jaskier…” The name comes out like a prayer. “I heard your wishes. Loud and clear, this time. I know you loathe my presence in your life, but… I have to make sure you’ll get better. Please, forgive me.”
Geralt tries to gently pry Jaskeir’s hands away, but he struggles blindly. Through the haze of his mind, Jaskier’s last thought reminds him to keep his mouth closed.
“Forgive me,” Geralt mutters in anguish, “I can’t let you hurt yourself because of me. Forgive me, just one more time.”
His hand makes the familiar sign of Axii, and everything turns…soft.
The pain is gone, the magical hold on his tongue too. Jaskier loses himself in the mellow sensation of giving up control. The ground disappears under his body and his head lolls against Geralt’s chest.
“I was wrong.” Regret rumbles deep in Geralt’s chest. “I was the curse that befell you. After all the hurt you’ve received by my side, Gods, and I still can’t keep myself away from you. I will not make the mistake of forcing myself into your life again, Jask. Allow me a few days to see you safe, and then... Never again.”
The vow is so wrong, but Jaskeir is powerless to protest. He catches a broken whisper before darkness claims him for the second time on the same day.
“I’m sorry, Jaskier. For my heart.”
Jaskier welcomes the oblivion that drags him under, as well as the nightmares that follow.
One more chapter to go. Hopefully this time I won't have to up the chapter count. Some real communication and comfort are on the way! <3
Tagging: @wanderlust-t @a-kind-of-merry-war @rockysstupidity @flowercrown-bard @alllthequeenshorses @mothmanismyuncle @percy-jackson-is-sexy- @constantlytiredpigeon @behonesthowsmysinging @kitcatkim3 @endless-whump @rey-a-nonbinary-bisexual @llamasdumpsterfire @dapandapod
Please feel free to tell me if you want to be removed or added to the list <3
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arc852 · 3 years
A Companion for Loneliness 1/2
Summary: Tommy is lonely, so Phil takes the advice of Tommy’s therapist and gets him a pet.
Warnings: Dehuminization (treating people like pets)
Word Count:  2234
 Phil hung up the phone and let out a long sigh, hanging his head. The call from his boss, about having to work longer hours, was a good thing money wise. Especially since his boss guaranteed he’d be paid overtime for the longer hours. What it wasn’t good for was his son.
 Now Tommy was old enough to take care of himself. The fifteen year old reminded him of that everyday, calling himself a big man and other such similar things. But, though Tommy didn’t admit it, Phil knew that he got lonely when Phil was out all day and night at his job. And especially now that it was summer, Tommy no longer had school to distract him from that loneliness. 
 Phil was hoping to spend more time with Tommy during the summer but with his increase in hours, that wasn’t going to be possible. It wouldn’t be so bad if Tommy had friends to hang out with but…
 Of course, that wasn’t Tommy’s fault. But it made Phil feel even worse about not being able to be there for his son.
 His phone rang again, pulling Phil out of his thoughts. He glanced at the caller ID before answering it. “Hey Puffy,” Tommy’s therapist was a wonderful young woman and had helped Tommy a lot. Tommy didn’t see her as often anymore but Puffy always made sure to call every once in a while to see how things were going. Phil appreciated it and he knew Tommy did too.
 “Hey Mr. Minecraft! Just checking in. How is Tommy doing? Summer should be starting soon, right?” Puffy asked, cheerful as always. 
 “Yeah, it just started actually. And Tommy’s...good.” The silence he received made Phil wince.
 “And how is Tommy actually doing?” Puffy asked, tone softer this time. Phil sighed. He really couldn’t get anything past Puffy. Not that he was really trying to but still.
 “He is doing well at the moment but I just received some news from my work. I...They need me to put in extra hours. The money will be great for us but--” He was cut off.
 “But Tommy will be left all alone.”
 Phil shut his eyes, using his free hand to rub at them. “Yeah. For the most part. And I hate doing that to him but there really isn’t anything I can do about it.”
 “...Have you thought about getting Tommy a pet?” Puffy said suddenly and Phil opened his eyes again, blinking.
 “A pet?”
 “Yeah, ya know, a companion to keep Tommy company and distracted while you're gone. Pets are wonderful for that sort of thing.” Puffy explained. Phil had never thought about that before, mostly because he never really cared for having a pet in the first place. But if it was to help Tommy…
 “So, should I get him a dog? Or would a cat be better? A hamster?” What pet would be best for Tommy?
 “Actually, for Tommy, I was thinking more along the lines of a borrower.”
 “A borrower?” Phil didn’t pay much attention to things happening around the world but even he had heard about the discovery of borrowers several years ago. They were huge back then but the hype had died down over the years. They were still fairly popular but the novelty had long since worn off. “Why a borrower for Tommy?”
 “Well, unlike other pets, they can actually have conversations with us.” Puffy said and, well, she had a really good point there. “It might be good for Tommy to be able to talk with someone. My nephew recently got his own pet borrower and he loves him and my son has had one for years. They make great companions, in ways a dog or cat can’t be. I think one would be perfect for Tommy.”
 Phil had been nodding along, a smile slowly creeping onto his face. It really did sound perfect. A pet that would not only distract Tommy but one he could also speak to and hang out with. 
 “I think I’ll take you up on your advice Puffy, thank you so much.” Phil could hear the smile on Puffy’s face as he spoke back.
 “That’s what I’m here for! Literally. Anyway, let me know how it goes and I wish you luck in picking one out for Tommy. Oh and I would stick to males when picking out a borrower and either around Tommy’s age or a bit older. It’ll hopefully make it easier for Tommy to connect with a borrower like that.”
 Phil nodded despite knowing Puffy couldn’t see him. “Thank you Puffy. Talk to you later.”
 “Bye Mr. Minecraft!” And with that, Puffy hung up. Phil placed his phone down on his desk, feeling better about the whole situation. He glanced at the time and went to grab his keys.
 He started working again tomorrow, so he might as well go out and get Tommy that borrower while he could.
 Phil entered the pet store, looking around to try and see where they kept their borrowers. He must have looked as lost as he felt though, as an employee came up to him with a smile on her face. Her name tag read Niki. 
 “Hello sir, is there anything I could help you with today?” Her voice was cheerful and authentic. It made Phil smile.
 “Yes, actually. Um, I’m here to buy my fifteen year old son a borrower.” Phil said and he almost missed the way Niki shifted and tensed up slightly at the mention of a borrower. But as quickly as it came it went and Niki was back to her relaxed self. Phil must have imagined it.
 “Of course! Right this way, I’ll show you our selection of borrowers.” Niki started walking towards the back of the store and Phil followed, looking down the aisles as they passed them. Finally, Niki turned into one and Phil followed, seeing the rows of cages filled with borrowers. Though, there weren't as many as Phil would have first thought.
 “Our selection in this store is a little small but you should be able to find one here.” Niki said with a smile. Phil glanced around at the cages, biting his lip at all the choices. How was he supposed to pick?
 “You said this was for your son, right?” Niki chimed in again and Phil’s gaze landed back on her as he nodded.
 “Yeah, my job is keeping me extra long this summer and my son...doesn’t really have any friends. He gets lonely, though he won’t admit it, and I feel bad for leaving him. His therapist is the one who suggested I get him a borrower, actually.” Phil explained.
 “I see.” Niki hummed. Phil noticed how her gaze had softened though it was weird considering Phil hadn’t noticed her tense before. “Well, I have to go back to the front but there are a few borrowers in that last cage at the end of the aisle that might catch your eye.” She pointed at said cage, gave Phil a smile and then walked past him to head back up to the front.
 Phil watched her go and then turned back towards the cage she had pointed at. He headed over that way, glancing into the cage once he came upon it. There were about five in this one cage and Phil looked them all over. A couple seemed to simply ignore him, while one seemed to try and make itself smaller and another refused to even look at him.
 The fifth one though, was actually actively glaring at him. 
 Phil blinked, meeting that one's gaze. It was hard to make out the finer details of his face from the corner he was sitting in but he was clearly tall for a borrower, or at least, compared to the others in the cage with him, and his hair sat in a similar way to Tommy’s but was brown instead of blond.
 In fact, though Phil couldn’t quite place why, this borrower reminded him a lot of Tommy right off the bat. Maybe it was the fire behind that glare or even just the hair, but it was there and Phil couldn’t ignore it.
 “Hello mate,” He said in greeting, smiling softly and ignoring the glare. The borrower jumped slightly but his glare only hardened. “What’s your name?” 
 “F*** off.” The borrower spat out and Phil’s eyes widened. He was reminded of Tommy more by the second. 
 Well, that had been easier than Phil thought.
 He stood up straight and walked away, ignoring the confused look the borrower had sent him. When he came back with Niki, the borrower’s eyes widened and he hurried to a stand. “Oh f*** no.”
 “I had a feeling you’d take a liking to Wilbur.” Niki said with a smile towards Phil.
 “Wilbur?” Phil asked for clarification and Niki nodded.
 “That’s his name. Wilbur Soot, 22 years old. He was caught and brought into this pet store around 6 months ago.” Niki explained and then turned her attention to said borrower. “Hey Wilbur, it looks like today is the day.”
 Wilbur shook his head, looking panicked. “N-No! What the hell, Niki?!”
 Phil glanced between the two, confused. Niki let out a little sigh and sent a sad smile towards Phil. “Sorry, he’s just nervous.” She turned back to Wilbur. “Trust me Wil, this will be good for you.” Phil watched as she reached in and wrapped her hand around the borrower. Said borrower squirmed and tried to fight his way out of the grip but it proved fruitless. Niki brought him out of the large cage, only to place him into the smaller one she had brought with her from the front.
 Once he was locked inside, he was handed over to Phil. “Alright, let’s go and get the payment all settled.” Niki said and Phil nodded, following her once again back towards the front. He handed his card over once Niki took to the register and Niki started the payment process.
 “Were you getting anything else today?” Niki asked, she was still smiling but it was a little less wide than before. Phil blinked at the question, glancing down at the borrower in the small cage. He was still being glared at but now the little guy was curled in on himself near the center of the cage.
 “Um...should I be getting something else? Sorry, this was sort of a last minute thing. What exactly do borrowers need?” Phil asked, feeling sheepish at his lack of knowledge. Thankfully, Niki’s understanding gaze made him feel better.
 “Well, honestly, they don’t need a lot. Or, at least, they don’t need a lot of things that you need to buy. They eat human food just fine, so no need to waste money on that. I would recommend a borrower bed for him to sleep in though. And a collar for if he gets lost but those aren’t required.” Niki explained and Phil nodded along. 
 “That sounds good. Could you throw in a borrower bed and I’ll go ahead and take the collar too.” Phil said and Niki nodded, fetching the items and placing them in a small bag. She then rang up the order and Phil was hesitant to see the price. But when it appeared on screen his eyes widened. It wasn’t nearly as much as he would have thought.
 “Here you go.” She handed over the bag, which Phil took and picked back up the cage that he had placed on the counter.
 “Thank you so much for your help.” Phil said and Niki grinned.
 “Of course, if you need anything again, I’m happy to help!” They waved goodbye and then Phil was out the door.
 He got into his car but hesitated placing Wilbur down into the front seat. He looked down at the borrower, noticing how the little guy hadn’t moved much from his earlier position but now he seemed to be refusing to look at him. He looked sad and it made Phil’s heart melt just a little bit. 
 “Hey mate,” He spoke and Wilbur’s head snapped up to look at him. The glare was back but it was less intense this time, another emotion that Phil couldn’t quite pinpoint getting in the way of the heat. “Just thought I should explain. I’m getting you for my son, Tommy. He’s fifteen and doesn’t have any friends. His therapist suggested I get him a borrower, so here we are.”
 Wilbur’s expression dropped and Phil suddenly felt the need to reassure him. “Don’t worry though, Tommy is a good kid and I’m sure he’ll love you. You’ll be just fine.” Satisfied with that amount of reassurance, Phil put Wilbur’s cage down and locked it into place with the seatbelt, just in case.
 Once he was sure the cage and the borrower inside were secure, Phil started up the car. He glanced at the time and hummed to himself. “Should probably pick up some dinner on the way home.” He’d pick up Tommy’s favorite, to try and further ease the pain the news of him working extra hours would bring. Hopefully the food and the new pet will be enough for Tommy.
 “Don’t worry mate, we’ll be home soon.” He spoke aloud to Wilbur again, for some extra reassurance before backing out of the parking space and rolling out of the parking lot.
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takanova12 · 3 years
Lost Girls
nothing special just why I love the bond between mikaannie :)
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Mikasa and annie's friendship is one of my favourite things about the final arc. To think that their relationship has progressed from mikasa cutting annie's fingers to her latching onto annie's hand to launch into enemy titans?? Nothing much just some killer teamwork!! They just knew no words nothing just one look from each other and bam annie throwing mikasa at OKAPI! They have just come to trust and understand each other that well. I have a headcanon after this chapter that in the future, annie teaches mikasa some of her martial art skills. I also imagine them being best friends, because well they are both lost girls and also because they have similar personalities (yet some differences too such as annie's snarky and blunt, while mikasa is shy and quiet) I feel like together they would bring out the best in each other. And keeping in mind that isayama did want to mikasa to return to her old self, which is being the happy little girl she once was, having annie as a friend creates more opportunities for that. Also, mikasa brings out a soft side in annie, she sees that mikasa like her is someone that deeply drives meaning from her relationships. For annie it's her dad, but recently it has been armin. They had both been striving throughout the story to protect those bonds, that's why annie breaks down when she hears that her father is likely dead and she comes back to help the alliance because she can still help armin. Also, doesn't hurt that both mikasa and annie have as levi likes to call it "gloomy" personalities so it's probably easier to be around each other.
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Their camaraderie doesn't just end at the battlefied, in fact they have constantly been able to comfort each other in times when no one else could. Mikasa understood that annie didn't wana fight anymore and likewise annie knew it's extremely painful to ask mikasa to kill eren. The fact that mikasa is with them on this journey that is about stopping/killing eren itself is a emotionally exhausting task for her. While the scouts are not wrong in pushing mikasa towards it, it was just a very considerate move on annie's part. She grabbed mikasa by the collar ( that's how comfortable annie is with the girl she has called a beast in the past :) and assured her that she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to.
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Before they were bickering about their priorities and now they are respecting each other's. I liked how annie didn't forget that the azumabitos are important to mikasa and first thing she does is informs mika about it.
While this post is about mikaannie, I would like to just add that I don't think people give mikasa credit for mingling with warriors as smoothly as the others. I know everyone else has too, but the 104th were empathsizing with bert, reiner and ymir even back in volume 12 , while mikasa tried to shut off those emotions. She told historia and ymir that she can't show anyone mercy because these people took away her home. And now she is doing the opposite of it so doesn't that count as development? Post timeskip Mikasa has time and again shown that she understands that the world is not as black and white, she was disappointed in what eren did in liberio, she even reminded eren that they have been able to get along with some marleyans, she saved gabi and has not been actively at anyone's throat for eren's sake. She didn't bust eren out of jail, she knew eren was in the wrong. And now she is not fighting with the warriors or anyone about protecting eren, it's just a desperate plea from someone who is on the verge of losing her home. People are free to dislike her, but Idk maybe I am trying to say cut her some slack? Eren is such an important part of mikasa's life because it was when she met him that she realized " This world is cruel" , which is really depressing if you you think about it like don't just skim over this dialogue as something trivial, give it some thought....Then eren wraps the scarf around her and mikasa is like " The world is cruel but also beautiful" SHE GOT THE BEAUTIFUL PART FROM EREN!! So, if she is refusing to let go of the beautiful don't undermine her for that. Mikasa letting eren go is not about eren it's about her accepting that while eren showed her the beauty in this world, she can still find beauty even if he is not beside her. Kiyomi is there to remind mikasa that she has a home, that people other than eren and armin care about her like family. Now she has found a friend in annie too.
Sorry for going off on a tangent. Mikasa is my comfort character and once I start talking about her it's hard to shut me up lol.
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Lastly, THIS! Are we still reading attack on titan?
Mikasa: There! That one, that pig or whatever titan that is!
Annie: Which one?
Mikasa: That one! Over there that thing!
Annie: Where?
And when annie finally tells her that pig looking thing is an Okapi, Mikasa goes
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I swear I never knew mikasa and annie being friends would be a thing, specially not them having such an interestingly funny and tender dynamic.
TMI: Btw, pieck was great this chapter too. I do like characters other than mikasa, but mikasa is a very precious character to me and this blog is my safe place of actualizing my adoration for Mikasa and Eremika <3
Thank you for reading! I think many of us who are enjoying mikasa and annie's bond feel this way so I am just glad to share it with you.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™ | Planning The Trip
Part One of my "Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™" headcanon series
Includes: (The Whole Gang) Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson
Word Count: 3.9k
Relationships: The Avengers x F!Reader, Ambiguous; just how we like it ;)
Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™ Master List
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→The whole idea starts when the team is lounging at the compound doing regular™ team things
→A.K.A Wanda, y/n, Pietro, and Vision are in a pile on one of the couches cuddling, Clint and Nat are across the room playing pool, Bucky is making ramen in the kitchen, Steve is trying to convince Bucky to add an egg or something for more protein, Bruce and Stephen are talking neuroscience and bickering over techniques of spinal fluid something, Thor and Loki are fighting over the remote before Loki finally rolls his eyes and picks up the book y/n had left on the coffee table, Sam is asleep on the floor, and Tony is just tired
→In the madness though he picks up on the conversation happening between the four people on the couch
→“You’ve never been to Disney World?”
→Three rounds of “no” “nope” “I’ve only had a body for a year, y/n. When would I have gone to Disney World?”
→”Okay, yeah, good point, Vis. But y’all would love it. I haven’t been since high school but I want to go again so bad. We need a vacation.”
→Tony doesn’t even stick around to hear the rest, he’s already walking away while speaking to FRIDAY, telling her start pulling up the Disney site and analyzing it, disappearing to his lab and using all of his monitors to compare the resorts and try to decide where to stay that everyone would like (and where they would all fit because there’s too many of them)
→It doesn’t take him long to realize they’re going to need large accommodations
→Bruce is the first to notice that he’s gone, sneaking into the lab and scaring the hell out of Tony
→“Whatcha’ doing?”
→“Ah shit-- Bruce! How are you so quiet?”
→And then he points to the seven open listings on the monitors and explains that the team needs a break and that he heard y/n talking about Disney World and that he wants to surprise the team-- Bruce agrees immediately (the man is always in need of relaxation)-- and that’s how the team’s geek squad ends up playing Disney Dad #1 and Disney Dad #2 and planning the most extravagant vacation in less than three hours
→They have it down to a science after the first twenty minutes-- dividing what needs to be done and tackling it individually while bouncing ideas off one another
→“Do you think they want to eat at Beauty and The Beast Castle or Ariel’s Grotto the second night?” “I’m not sure-- book them both.” “Tony we can’t--” “FRIDAY, book them both.” “You got it Mr. Stark.”
→There’s a lot of Bruce wondering if what they’re booking is too expensive and even more of Tony reminding him that he’s a literal billionaire and that he could buy the Disney company if he wanted to-- that still doesn’t stop Bruce from suggesting more frugal methods from time to time-- it only makes Tony want to spend even more money because you need to lighten up, Banner
→The next person who realizes Tony and Bruce are gone is-- surprisingly-- Sam
→Honestly it’s only because he has to pass Tony’s lab on the way back from his room and he sticks his head in to tell them that “Romanoff and Barton ordered pizza if y’all want any… holy crap is that Disney World? Are we going to Dis--”
→Tony literally grabs him by the collar and tells him to hush it, birdman before pulling him into the room and explaining his plans for the second time-- “Yes, we are going to Disney World and I want it to be a surprise.”
→Sam just nods, his eyes on the screen and his brows beginning to push down and-- “Okay but why are you booking dinner at Mickey’s Backyard Barbecue on the same day that you have fast passes for World of Color at Epcot?”
→And Tony and Bruce blink and are just like “What?”
→And Sam is already at the computer, fingers stuttering over the weird ass hoverscreens while pulling up the page which shows that the World of Color has a whole ass dining experience-- Tony and Bruce have no clue that was even a thing-- and suddenly Sam is the one telling them what to plan because, as it turns out, this man loves Disney World and has been upwards of thirteen times and knows it inside and out
→Thank gods for Sam because these two Disney Dads™ were really shooting blindly into the abyss of trip planning without ever having gone to Disney World-- he has to shift around fast passes, dining reservations, water park tickets, and even the family portrait session that Tony demanded Bruce add
→He shows them all the things they don’t even think to plan-- firework shows, dessert parties, literally all of Downtown Disney-- Tony wants to be mad but he’s too busy picking his jaw up off the floor when Sam manages to book them for an After Dark Party in Magic Kingdom
→Bruce gets so excited when Sam tells him that’s a thing that he almost gives the plan away when Natasha comes rushing to see what all the noise is (it’s Banner jumping up and down like a toddler) -- he has to rush to the doorway, make up a lie about him dropping a piece of equipment, and then walk her back to the common area and play a round of pool with her to keep her questions at bay
→It’s all fine because Sam puts the final touches on the plan and has Tony give the order for FRIDAY to book it all and then it’s ready to tell the team
→They sneak back into the common area, it’s nine pm and everyone just looks so worn out
→Stephen is literally half way to snoring, legs curled under him on the love seat, doing that thing people do when they’re falling asleep and their head slumps and then they spring back awake, repeating the process an embarrassing amount of times but nobody’s even paying attention
→Steve and Bucky are talking quietly in the corners about whether or not they should just go to sleep because it’s Thursday and there’s really no point in staying up any longer
→Clint and Thor are sharing a bag of popcorn and half watching John Wick while discussing the inaccuracies of the movie-- “If he had a bow none of this would have happened.” “Or a hammer.” “Yeah, that too.”
→Yeah, they’re exhausted, and it makes the Disney Dads™ and Sam that much more excited to share the news
→Sam’s twiddling his hands behind his back and sharing smiles with Banner who’s trying to keep his excitement at bay and Tony is rolling his eyes but smiling too and for a moment nobody notices their cheshire grins and nervous foot tapping until finally y/n lifts her head from Pietro’s chest-- who complains at the action and lifts his head too-- and lazily asks
→“Tones, what on earth are you smiling about?”
→And the man opens his mouth but before he can even get the words out Bruce and Sam are already jumping up and down again and screaming “We’re going to Disney World!”
→And the room goes dead silent for three beats-- one, two, three-- and it feels like a million seconds and Tony’s face is dropping slowly and he’s ready to be like sike and then she jumps up, literally stepping on Pietro’s stomach, hurtling the back of the couch like a damn track star and rushing the man at full force, flinging herself at him and jumping into his arms and there are tears streaming down her face and she’s screaming
→“Tony you didn’t! Oh my gods you didn’t! You’re lying oh my god no! Are you serious?”
→And he’s nodding but he still can’t get a word in edgewise because she’s still rambling-- “You heard me oh my gods! You heard me and you did it! Tony that’s insane and reckless and oh my god I love you! Are we actually going? This isn’t a trick? Please don’t let this be a trick!”
→And he just laughs and spins her around and tells her that no, this isn’t a trick I’m not the mischief god here and Loki rolls his eyes but he’s also kind of excited despite the frown on his face
→They’re all excited
→Pietro and Wanda and screaming with Sam, slapping each other and just full on freaking out like children, incoherent and happy and raring to just go already
→In turn this wakes Stephen up who hears the madness and jumps up, on edge and ready to literally fight before he realizes what’s going on and calmly sits back down, nodding his head but not speaking because if this literal grown man opens his mouth he knows he’s going to freak out too because holy shit Disney World-- even sorcerers like Disney!
→Steve and Bucky are kind of confused-- they just barely remember Snow White when it came out but Disney World? They made a-- what is it? A theme park? Regardless they’re excited, ready to break the old men lull they’ve fallen into-- Bucky hears y/n ask if Tony booked water park tickets and gets super excited
→Vision is also confused but he sees everyone getting turnt over Disney World and decides that he is also excited-- Wanda momentarily stops being hyped up to ask him if he’s waterproof in which he goes into explicit detail about how yes, he is and he’ll show her if she’d like and she has to slap her hands over his mouth and tell him to hush
→Thor and Clint also turn into children but they’re the run around the room yelling types as opposed to the stand in a circle and scream types-- the gang is apparently just like fifteen children who barely manage to get things done apparently because they’re all hyped as fuck
→Clint sprints over to Nat whose hands are already up, ready to fight the man off because she knows what’s coming, but he’s too fast and too happy and uses all his assassin training to dodge her kick, grabbing her around the waist and spinning her around until she’s giggling and slapping his back
→“Natty we’re going to fucking Disney World!”
→“I know you lug, I heard Stark too. Let me down!”
→He doesn’t-- he just shakes her harder, cheering with the rest of them
→Thor slumps down next to his brother, nudging his shoulder-- “Migardians are strange”-- and Loki nods but pulls out his phone and starts looking up what’s actually at Disney World and-- “Look, brother, our home… wait is that us?”-- and the brothers get sucked into a rabbit hole of the Norwegian pavilion and whatever the hell the Frozen ride is and why their pictures are there
→It takes thirty minutes for everyone to calm down enough for them to actually have a conversation about what on earth Tony and Bruce and Sam did-- it takes another ten minutes after that for Stephen to finally break through the chatter to ask the most important question-- “Guys, seriously. You can ask about the plans after. The main question here is when are we going.”
→And Tony glances at Bruce and shrugs and is like “Tomorrow.”
→And they all erupt again-- y/n and Wanda because they have to pack and Stephen because normal people don’t just up and go on Vacation, you’re supposed to make time and Clint and Pietro because holy shit we’re going to Disney tomorrow!-- but Tony just brushes the worry off and reminds them-- again-- that they’re superheroes and that he’s a billionaire and that they can go on vacation whenever they damn want
→Cue fifteen more minutes of freaking out and y/n tackling Tony and then tackling Bruce and then, finally, tackling Sam who scoops her up and all but tosses her in the air before thanking her profusely for putting the idea in Tony’s brain
→They spend the next few minutes fangirling together-- Sam raves about all the food he’s going to eat-- Mickey bars, corn dogs, pretzels, those huge turkey legs-- and y/n talks about how she wants to get all the autographs she can-- especially Goofy and Pluto-- and then Sam mentions the After Dark Party and, like Bruce, she freaks out
→Finally Wanda has to split them up, grabbing y/n with one hand and hauling her over to the other redhead who’s still being held hostage by the resident archer and grabbing Nat with the other-- when Clint protests she curls her fingers, warning him with a pinch of red magic, and he holds his hands up, backing away slowly but telling Nat she’d better come see him before they leave
→On the way out Steve asks where they’re going and Wanda almost threatens him too until Nat tells him they’re going to pack for tomorrow-- he then turns to Bucky and reiterates the idea to a less than enthusiastic super soldier who tries to argue that I can pack in the morning but Steve just isn’t having it-- it takes five minutes but finally Buck agrees (but only after Steve says Bucky can just throw his stuff in his bag)
→The girls spend the rest of the night giggling and packing, holding up dresses and putting them down, shoving things in each other's bags and dancing to a playlist of oldies from Wanda’s phone-- Nat is the most boring packer but after some threats to get resident archer involved she gets her act together
→Pietro comes in when he’s done and Wanda scoffs at what he has packed but he only shrugs, slumping on y/n’s bed and giving her grabby hands until she rejoins him
→“But Pietro what if I forget something?”
→“You worry too much-- can’t Stange make portals?” He has a point
→What they all pack:
→Tony: Suits and graphic t-shirts. He’s either rolling up to Disney World in a Metallica t-shirt or a full three piece suit there’s no inbetween. He’s really not concerned about packing-- he can just buy whatever he needs there. After a text from y/n though he throws in a few pairs of shorts that he didn't even know he owned and his M.I.T. hoodie. He tops it off with a few gadgets he thinks he might need-- FRIDAY’s chip and some nanotech-- and he’s good to go. Billionaires don’t need to pack.
→Steve: Clothes and toiletries. Boring, basic, forgets swim trunks until he sees Bucky put his swim trunks and nothing else into Steve’s bag. That’s how he remembers most things actually; by looking at what Bucky doesn’t put into the bag. Along the way he suggests what the super soldier might want to pack while adding a few extra of his own just in case. After thinking about it for a few minutes he adds two books-- one for each of them. He also adds some tools-- a screwdriver and some pliers-- in case Bucky’s arm starts acting up. He’s sure Stark will have something but in case he doesn't, those will hold it over.
→Bucky: Swim trunks. And, when Steve begs, he grumbles and adds a few button downs and henleys. He also sneaks in a few knives, burying them in the henleys. He watches Steve pack for him though and leaves it at that-- what’s the point of packing when the super soldier can just do it for him? He’s not stupid-- he’s tired and Steve is fussy. He’ll have what he needs and if he doesn’t then he’ll just make y/n go swimming with him. Then he won’t need anything. Easy peasy.
→Nat: She’s the most level headed packer of the bunch, spare maybe Bruce and Sam. She Packs what she’ll need-- not too much and not too little. If anything she packs too many of Clint’s hoodies (three). Part of that, though, is her knowing that he’s probably going to forget one. She packs her normal toiletries, making sure to add an extra stick of deodorant and a bottle of Wanda’s red nail polish because-- despite the fact that she spends an hour watching Wanda pack her entire room-- she just knows that the woman forgot a bottle of that stuff and that she’ll be upset if her nails look chipped in the pictures. Wanda and y/n make her pack a bikini despite the fact that she has two scars from Bucky still and they threaten to get Clint involved if she tries to refuse-- “I suggest you put that little black number in that bag right now unless you want some aggressive compliments, you hear me woman?” She didn’t have to be told twice.
→Clint: Not as much as he should. Never as much as he should. He packs boxers, a pair of swim trunks, a few regular shirts and shorts (not enough), a couple nice shirts and a pair of jeans, and his toiletries. He’s gone longer with less but-- like-- he doesn’t have to this time? Nat walks into his room as he finishes packing and takes one look at his bag before marching to his closet and adding a hat, a pair of sunglasses, a jacket, a pair of sweatpants, and socks because who the hell doesn’t pack socks when they’re going to be walking around for days, how the hell are you an accomplished assassin Clint?
→Wanda: She literally packs as much as she can-- think the essentials times three and then some, like five different dresses, two leather jackets (even though y/n reminds her that Orlando is hot), her laptop and her ipad, two pairs of headphones. She has a notebook, a sketch book, and a regular book. Six bikinis and a one-piece. Three hats, four pairs of sunglasses, enough panties to last a month, let alone a week. She packs heels, boots, sneakers, flats, and sandals. Two purses and a backpack. Wanda Maximoff is the epitome of team mom-- anything Nat and y/n forget she’ll have it. She also packs a few things that she thinks Pietro will forget-- a few nice outfits for nights out and his main toiletries. Oh-- and sunscreen! Lots and lots of sunscreen!
→Pietro: Well, let's just say that it’s a good thing Wanda thinks to pack some things for Pietro because this man barely remembers his toothbrush let alone his phone charger. He gets the basics-- the bare necessities-- like three t-shirts, a pair of shorts, some (?) boxers, and like seven pairs of shoes because with how fast this man is he’s going to need them badly. He does, however, remember to pack his bathing suit and that’s more than a few people on the team can remember. Poor baby just wants to get there already-- he can just buy whatever he forgets.
→Vision: A very strange assortment of items. He doesn’t need clothes-- he can make whatever he would like appear on his body-- but he does want to feel included so Wanda gives him one of her backpacks and he puts like kind of random items into it. He sees a phone cord and shoves it in and like a hairbrush-- all items someone will need eventually but not him (later will find out that it’s the cord to Sam’s Iphone and will hand it over and have the audacity to say you’re welcome Samuel after doing it).
→Sam: He packs at least four ball caps. Nothing besides that really matters; he just knows how fucked you are if you don’t bring a hat and he’s bringing enough for the people who forget. As much as Bucky gets on his nerves he also packs him one. Besides that he packs normally-- t-shirts, shorts, shoes, socks, boxers-- all regular amounts. He freaks out a little when he can’t find his phone charger but he’ll just buy one when he gets there. He also brings a Polaroid camera and a shit ton of film-- some of his team members have never been and he will be documenting it all.
→Bruce: He’s the most boring packer and that isn’t a bad thing-- it’s the reason he has so many doctorates-- because he’s smart and level headed. He packs the clothes he needs with one extra of everything. He packs his toiletries. He doesn’t pack his whole room and he doesn’t pack nothing at all. He’s perfectly in the middle-- a Disney Dad™! He does, however, forget his swim trunks-- oops.
→Stephen: One backpack with a t-shirt, sweatpants, and swim trunks. That’s it. Why would he pack anything else? The man can open a portal whenever he needs! He’s always one step away from his bedroom! Stephen simply flicks his wrists and can change and rejoin the group in less time than it takes the rest of them to pull shit from their bags and wait for the washroom to free up. It’s actually a genius play.
→Loki: Despite being the most outwardly unenthusiastic he packs almost the exact same way that Wanda does. He’s a nervous packer. His brother laughs but, like, he has a point. Safe is better than sorry. It’s comical that he packs like five sweaters though considering that he can snap his fingers and make the sweater appear. All his clothes are either green or black. He packs at least one all black suit. Thor has to force him to add a red Hawaiian shirt and he scoffs at it and shoves it to the bottom. Definitely packs three pairs of swim trunks because he doesn’t like putting them one while they’re still wet. He doesn’t even know if he’s going to go swimming but he’s still doing it anyway. He also packs the scrunchie y/n gave him to keep his hair out of the way and when Thor tries to say shit about it he pulls a dagger from thin air and just chucks it. After dodging it Thor asks why don’t you just make your clothes appear the same way?
→Thor: Enough but, like, definitely not enough. The normal things but like less. He figures he’s going to be spending most of his time in his bathing suit anyway. Loki tries to remind him that he can’t go shirtless in the parks (he looked it up already) but he doesn't listen. It really is a good thing his brother can make things appear from thin air. He’s the type of guy to be content in a pair of flip flops and an open button down. He does, however, bring one of those dad-esque fanny packs and somehow he makes it look hot.
→Y/n: Literally packs the same as Wanda, if just a tad less. So many clothes that it’s insane. She, however, has the added bonus of her old Mickey ears-- a pink sequined pair that are a little worse from wear but still pretty. She packs a bucket hat to pin collectable pins to. She makes sure to leave extra room in her suitcase for souvenirs. She’s had her eye on the luxury bath salts from the Grand Floridian ever since the Disney Instagram posted them a few months ago and now that she’s going she won’t be leaving without them. She also packs the strapless dress she’s been meaning to wear for months now-- she doesn’t know who’s going to be there to admire it but she’s sure there’s at least one person who will. Besides, Nat’s been telling her to wear it for ages.
230 notes · View notes
unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
Sole Survivor -> II
summary // days eight through eighteen; blindsides, chocolate rewards, immunity idols and cutthroat words.
words // 11.5k (wowza)
warnings // reality tv, typical survivor mentions (idols, tribal, council), cursing, introducing a nickname (sweets) & some allusion to horniness but no sexual scenes
notes // this chapter & the next will probably be the longest ones because they have the most days but!! so much more development and drama here i’m actually super happy with how this came out! i hope you enjoy it :) i did some editing but there still may be some minor spelling or grammar mistakes, i will go through again this weekend!
series masterlist here. [eighteen plus blog and this fic holding eventual eighteen plus scenes mean minors should not interact with this story]
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Day Eight
Bucky’s shocked with how well the villains have been playing throughout the first week. While there may be tensions running high at camp, whispers and secret alliances, they pull it together on challenge days. 
Except - well - Bucky’s cringing as he watches this challenge because the villains are just sucking. Apparently wrestling in the mud with padded duffle bags is their achilles heel, who would have fucking thought?
The heroes had gotten rid of Sharon at the last tribal council which made the most sense to Bucky. She had been good in her season, but challenges just weren’t her thing, social skills were and right now the heroes need challenge wins. 
And it’s worked. 
One by one the villains have been knocked off the platform, the heros have five points and first to six wins, Bucky doesn’t even want to go up. 
“You got this Bucky!” You cheer from your spot on the mat. You’re covered in mud from the last round. Bucky kind of wants to forfeit to avoid embarrassing himself in front of you. It’s raining now, the platform is slick with rain and mud so Bucky’s slipping before they even begin trying to knock each other off. 
“Villains need this point to stay in the game.” Jeff calls out - yeah thanks - “Ready? Go!” Bucky stumbles around as Steve, of all people, circles him. 
They’re the same height, but Steve is definitely a little broader. “Come on, Buck! Knock him down!” You scream.
“God, she’s annoying.” Steve murmurs in response and Bucky furrows his brows a little angrily. “Come on man, leave her alone.” He mumbles, trying to keep the words off camera. He doesn’t need the world to know he’s grown a little protective of you. 
Steve raises his brows. “She’s annoying.” He repeats and Bucky sighs. He didn’t want to make the first move, content to circle Steve until Jeff forced them to make contact, but for some reason he just can’t let that slide.
So, he steps forward and goes low, pushing his huge red duffel into Steve’s stomach. It makes him stumble, but not a lot, and Steve is quick to push back. 
Bucky stumbles more, his feet sliding around the mud until he tumbles to the ground and tries feebly to block Steve’s pushes towards the edge. How were the heroes so good at not slipping? Did they have glue on their feet?
There’s almost a sigh of relief when Bucky’s body hits the mud, like thank God this is over. He crawls out sadly and feels embarrassed as everyone pats his back reassuringly. 
“Heroes, for the first time in eight days, you’ve won immunity.” Jeff hands over the small statue. “Grab your stuff head out.” The heroes cheer as they happily march away. 
Jeff turns to the villains solemnly. “Villains, I got nothing but your first date at tribal council with me tonight. You have the afternoon to discuss. Grab your stuff, head out.” 
Steve Rogers - Hero Tribe
“We needed this win. And to be able to absolutely demolish the villains while getting it? It’s a boost to us and humbling to them. We could win this.” 
Loki Odinson - Villain Tribe
“We were just pathetic today. Absolutely awful. Not one point? You can’t even blame that on a weak player because we all sucked!” 
You’re in the water with Bucky and Natasha trying to wash all the mud off your body. “Who should we get rid of tonight?” You whisper as you dip your head back to try and get it out of your hair. 
Tony and Stephen were further down in the water. Loki was laying in the shelter with Clint. You knew Darcy was sitting by the fire. 
Natasha purses her lips. “I was thinking Strange.” She says with a quick glance over her shoulder. “I know they’re going to be saying your name, Y/N, so we need to get Darcy and Loki before they do.” 
Your mouth falls open in shock. “My name? Why?” 
“It’s too soon to get rid of physical competitors.” Bucky comments. He rests a reassuring hand on your back and you fight the urge to move closer to him. You weren’t sure what it was about Bucky, but he was so comforting, you always wanted to be around him. “Loki and Darcy know that.” 
“I’ll talk to Darcy, you two talk to Loki.” Natasha orders before swimming away. You and Bucky look at each other with a laugh. 
“She’s intimidating.” You admit. Neither of you move to go and talk to Loki, both content to relax in the water for a few more minutes.
“Not as intimidating as you.” Bucky splashes some water at you making you splutter. 
You splash him back with a laugh. “How so? I think I’m nicer.” 
Bucky shakes his head. He moves a little closer to you in the water and you smile when his leg brushes against yours. “You just have this stare.” Bucky smiles. “Makes everyone around you want to drop everything and do what you say.” 
“Does it make you feel like that?” You stare at him with a smirk. Bucky presses his tongue against his cheek and looks away for a moment. 
“Sometimes.” He admits as he stands in the water. Your eyes trail up from the waistband of his shorts to his collar. He’s already got a tan from the island sun and his body looks incredible dripping water off of it. You bite your lip when your eyes meet his and Bucky smiles before moving to make his way to shore.
Your hand darts out and wraps around his wrist. “I know we haven’t talked about it a lot.” You say quietly. “But you and me, Bucky Barnes. Final two. These other alliances are just a means to an end.” 
Bucky nods stiffly, but there’s a hint of a smile on his face. “I’ll talk to Loki.” He gently pulls his wrist away from your hand. You watch as he makes his way to shore and begins searching subtly for Loki. 
Clint Barton - Villain Tribe 
“I trust Nat. Nat and I are friends outside of this. She’s a part of my life, she knows my kids, my wife. I just hope she’s made a good choice in working with Bucky and Y/N because from what I’ve seen they’ll pick each other over any of us.” 
You - Villain Tribe 
“I don’t…” You laugh. “Bucky is handsome. That’s all I have to say.” 
“Can I talk to you, Loki?” Bucky asks politely. Loki stares at him for a moment before raising his eyebrows. “Come for a walk?” 
Loki heaves out a sigh before standing up to follow after Bucky. “I’m assuming you and the siren need a vote.” 
Bucky snorts. “She’ll love that. Black Widow. Villainess and now siren.” He sighs. “Where are you leaning on the vote?” Loki looks at Bucky from beside him. Social game wasn’t Bucky’s best aspect, he always struggled with the ability of persuasion, but he was better at this game now. Six years off of it, twelve seasons, he’s had time to study up. 
“Not sure. Today was a wake up call. Maybe we’re not as strong as we thought.” Loki admits. “Who are you leaning towards?”
“Strange.” Bucky answers quietly. “We’re all pretty strong, you know? But he and Stark are just stuck in the past and Survivor is a new game now.” 
“So why not get rid of Stark?” Loki just watches as Bucky picks up logs. Bucky supposes he can’t be too upset because Loki had agreed to talk and not gather. “Stark won. Strange didn’t.” 
Bucky can admit he has a point and Strange was far more tolerable to Bucky than Tony was. Strange was good at laying under the radar though, and while he was incredibly talented at puzzles, physical challenges seemed to be a weakness.
“You won.” Bucky purses his lips as Lokie shrugs. “Like you said, we need a strong team. We just came to the decision that Strange is weaker than Tony.” 
“What can you offer me?” Bucky is reminded of how Loki won. He was always so good at giving less than what he got in return. 
“I can promise you safety tonight.” Bucky narrows his eyes. “Then we’ll talk. You have to know your reputation, Loki.” 
“I do.” He smiles at Bucky. “But we all have one, don’t we? Who’s to say your girl won’t turn on you?” 
Bucky rolls his eyes, deciding to ignore the jab. “Can I count on you Loki?” 
“I’ll let you know.” Loki shrugs apathetically before walking away. Bucky scoffs. 
Was trusting you risky? Of course it was. If he fell out with you he was sure it would be his ticket home, but he had seen your loyalty in full play too. When the alliance had turned on Shuri your season, you had refused to write her name down and gave up your idol for her. 
He was playing smart, whether or not anybody else thought so. He could work with you, save you, get saved and then when it became necessary he could turn his back on you. 
This was a villain's game after all. 
Tony Stark - Villain Tribe 
“Something is brewing. I can feel it. We got too comfortable with winning. We never put a plan in place for if we lost and now I’m afraid I’ll be the target.” 
When you get the hour warning, you can tell something is wrong with Bucky. He’s shaking his leg and his eyes are shooting around the shelter like he’s an on duty security guard.
“Bucky.” You nudge his shoulder with yours as you sit next to him. “What’s up?” 
He looks around skeptically before leaning in towards you. His metal arm brushes your’s and makes you shiver, it’s coolness offers a much needed relief from the sun beating down on you everyday. “We should get rid of Loki.” 
Your eyes widen and you look up at him shocked. “Wh...What? Why?” You whisper. 
“He wants too much from us. He wants to play that swing vote angle again. He’s dangerous, he’s won before.” He explains hastily. Tony and Stephen were whispering by the fire with Darcy. 
“I’ve won before.” You point out. Bucky shakes his head quickly, his hand lands on your kneecap reassuringly. 
“He’s not gonna help us, I’m telling you.” There’s a warning in his tone that makes your back straighten. “We should talk to them, he hasn’t made any friendships yet.” 
You nod slowly. “Okay… Okay.” You place your hand over Bucky’s. “I trust you.” He lets out a sigh of relief and you stand, holding a hand out to help him up. 
The three look up at you cautiously as you and Bucky take seats across from them. “Who are you guys thinking?” You ask gently. 
“You come to us less than an hour before we have to leave? Your plan not work out?” Tony scoffs with a defiant cross of his arms. 
You roll your eyes at his pride. It would be his downfall. “Our plan is Loki and we were hoping you could help.” You put on your sweetest smile and softest tone of voice.
Tony looks you up and down with a tense jaw. “How do I know you’re not trying to trick me?” 
“I wouldn’t have even come up to you if I wanted you gone, Tony.” You say with a smirk. “I would have just picked you off.” You stand quickly, over the conversation. You had given him your demand, there was no need to waste your last half hour before council. “I’m gonna rinse off. I’ll see you later.” 
Bucky watches you go. It’s hard not to. He doesn’t even care that the cameraman not even ten feet away captures his eyes moving over your body or how he adjusts his seat when he turns to face the two older men again. 
“We’ll vote with you tonight.” Tony says with a knowing look. “But, I’ve gotta warn you. I’ve watched her season. I’ve seen her. You, my friend, are falling right into the trap.” 
Bucky shrugs. “What if she’s falling into mine?” 
Natasha - Villain Tribe 
“We’re going to tribal tonight, which I’m sure will be a disaster. I know Jeff is gonna tear our performance to pieces and he’ll ask intrusive questions. All I can hope is that the plan works and Strange goes home.”
You - Villain Tribe 
“Bucky and I came up with Loki so last minute I didn’t have a chance to tell Nat or Clint. What’s the saying? I’d rather beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. I can only hope this doesn’t make an enemy out of her.” 
“Villains come on in. Grab a torch and light it up.” Jeff calls out as the eight of you walk in in single file. “Fire is your life in this game. When it’s extinguished, your time here is up.” Everybody takes a seat. You place yourself in front of Bucky and in between Loki and Darcy. 
“Wow. Villains. Not going to tribal for eight days is an impressive feat.” Jeff starts off his hands pressed against his legs as he looks over your group. “Do you think tonight will make you stronger? Or expose rifts? Natasha?”
You force yourself not to flinch as she begins speaking. Have to keep the guilt off your face as you think of how upset she’ll probably be when all is said and done. “Well, I think tonight will really strengthen us as a group. Sealing up any cracks.” 
You swallow and turn your head to look at her like you agree. You see Bucky out of the corner of your eye and really, really want to look at him for some comfort, but you knew Jeff would catch on. 
“Loki? You agree?” Jeff moves his eyes over you and onto the laid back man. Loki nods with a cocky smirk. “I do, Jeff. Tonight will be a clean slate.” 
You rub a finger under your noise nervously. You and Loli weren’t friends, but you did feel a little bad at the idea of this blindside. “Bucky, I mean, it seems like you guys have it all figured out? Is this a front or are you guys really at one?” 
Bucky’s knee grazes your lower back. “I mean… I feel like we’re working together well, but you never know. I mean, I could go home tonight. You really never know.” 
Jeff nods, looking a little put off by how little you’re all giving away. “Okay, well then, let’s get to the vote. Loki, you’re up first.” 
As Loki walks away you finally look back at Bucky. He nods as subtly as he can and while you’re sure it will be zoomed in on in the edit of the show, nobody sitting around you seems to notice and that’s what matters right now. 
One by one the eight of you make your way to the voting area. You write Loki’s name with a sad face in the O and fold it up. 
This was the best move for your game, you knew it was. Loki was too good and too smart to be kept for a possible vote. You knew if he made it to the merge he could make it all the way to the end again. 
And you just couldn’t let that happen. 
Bucky’s Vote - Loki
“Sorry, man.” Bucky shrugs holding the slip of paper up. “You came too hard. I need to protect myself in this game.” 
Tony’s Vote - Loki 
“If it’s not you, it’s me.” He shrugs. “Sorry, I really like me.” 
Natasha’s Vote - Strange
“Some OGs just don’t know how to adapt. I’m learning the new game while you’re stuck in the past.” 
Once you’re seated again, Jeff moves to grab the votes. “Person with the most votes will be the third person voted off the island and the first voted off the villain's tribe. I’ll read the votes.” 
He pulls a slip out. “Strange.” He marks. You hear Stephen’s sharp inhale. “Strange.” Jeff reads again. “That’s two for strange.” He pulls out another slip. “Strange. That’s three for strange. Five votes left.” 
You suck in a breath. This was the moment, either you and Bucky would be victorious or this would be an incredibly fast fall from grace. 
“Loki.” His head whips around to look at Bucky, who you know is staring straight af Jeff like you are. “Loki. That’s two votes Loki. Three votes Strange. Three votes left.” You tap your foot against the makeshift wood floor. “Loki.” Jeff reads. Natasha’s head turns to look at you with fierce eyes, but you don’t acknowledge her gaze. 
“Loki. That’s four for Loki. Three for Strange. One vote left.” Jeff pulls the last slip out. “Third person voted-“
“Fuck.” Loki hisses next to you as he stands. He doesn’t acknowledge any of you as he brings his torch to Jeff, only deigns to say something when it’s put out.
“I think you all know who’s running the show now and if you let her, she’ll go all the way again.” He warns before descending the steps. 
You roll your eyes before you turn to look at Bucky with a small smile. “Well, playing the game with vets obviously means playing the game. Villains starting off with a blindside, the only question is will it make you stronger? Grab your stuff, head out. See you at the next reward challenge.” 
Loki Odinson - Exit Interview 
“I was just too big of a threat to them. They new I would win it all again if I stayed, I can only hope they figure that out about that girl. She’ll go all the way again, she’d win.” 
Natasha - Villain Tribe
“I got played. That’s what happened. She took my trust and used it to her advantage and she played me. She’s going home next. Then her little boy toy.” 
Bucky trails behind you as Natasha stomps back into camp. “I just can’t believe this.” She hisses to the two of you as move to place your stuff back in the shelter. 
“It was last minute, Nat.” Bucky sits down next to you in the shelter. “We didn’t have time to talk to you before tribal.”
She scoffs. “Yeah. Yeah. Now I just look like the idiot who trusted you and who brought Clint down with her!” She waves her arm in Clint’s general direction and he looks away like he doesn’t really want to be a part of the conversation.
Bucky gives her a dramatic eye roll. “You don’t look dumb. It was last minute. Loki was too dangerous to keep in the game. He was going to play us all to make it to the merge.”
“The merge? Bucky! It’s not even day ten yet. We need a strong team.” Natasha hisses. Bucky feels your foot rub against his shin subtly as she yells at him. “Loki was strong!” 
“We all are! This isn’t the same survivor, Nat!” Bucky tries to keep his voice steady, but he’s getting tired of being yelled at. “If we lose again. If we somehow end up one more or one less than them, having Loki would be detrimental to numbers. Especially with Thor on the other side.” 
Bucky nudges his knee into your leg dangling off the makeshift bed of the shelter. “He’s right. You know it.” You defend him. 
“You two just made an enemy. Okay?” she crawls onto the opposite side of the shelter. 
Bucky scoffs, but doesn’t say or do anything else in response. It’s tense as some of your tribe members sit by the fire or crawl into the space to sleep. 
You fall onto your back and Bucky takes space beside you. “Did we make a stupid move?” He whispers. He can see one of the silhouettes of a cameraman near the shelter and he’s sure they’ll be trying to pick up this conversation, but he really just needs reassurance. 
You shake your head. “No.” You scoot closer to him. Bucky shuts his eyes, while laying like this during the day was a no-go, it was nice to be beside you at night. Where your heat offered some relief to cold. “And there’s no second guessing in Survivor, okay? We did what was best for us.” You whisper sternly. 
Bucky nods in response. He hesitates for a moment before reaching out and squeezing your hand. “Thank you.” 
Your eyes widen and he can see the shock reflected on your face even in the dark, but you squeeze back. “Final two.” You say so quietly Bucky can barely hear you. 
Day Ten
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe 
“Loki was the best move for us. I know and Y/N knows that. That’s all that matters right now. We have a challenge to win. Nat’s threats mean nothing right now.” He shrugs.
Thor Odinson - Hero Tribe 
“The villains walk in and my brother is gone! I just never expected him to go home so soon. We didn’t get to play together long on blood versus water, and I hoped that we would be able to here. If I had to guess I would say they just saw him as too big of a threat.” 
When Jeff reveals a set up of chocolate, your mouth waters. Sweets person or not after almost two weeks with nothing but water and rice, chocolate sounded like a five star meal at a Michelin star restaurant.
“You even get a little taste.” Jeff teases as he reveals a plate with small break away pieces of chocolate. Your entire tribe groans as he comes up to you with the plate. 
You turn to face Bucky as he takes his small piece. He smiles and offers it out. “Do you want it?” You shake your head quickly and he shrugs before popping it into his mouth.
You nudge him when you notice Steve handing the plate back without taking a piece. “What are they doing?” He asks amused as the entire tribe follows suit. You roll your eyes when Steve holds the plate, still filled with chocolate, out for Jeff to take. 
Jeff furrows his brows. “You don’t like chocolate, Steve?” He asks, bemused by the hero's actions. Your entire tribe turns to look at them to explain themselves. Steve shrugs. “We don’t need it, Jeff. We’re here to win.”
“So you don’t care about the reward? You just want to win to win?’ Jeff attempts to clarify. You laugh out loud. “We’ll take it, Jeff! Can we have their bites of chocolate?” You giggle as Bucky pinches your side. 
Jeff laughs and Steve shrugs apathetically. “We’re ready to win. Let’s play.”
“So you don-” 
“Let’s play.” Steve cuts Jeff’s question off, who looks at the man annoyed by the attitude. “We’ll play.” Jeff says sternly. “When I’m done.”  Steve looks away a little embarrassed which only makes your tribe laugh a little more as Jeff begins to explain the rules of the challenge. 
“It’s like basketball.” You murmur, recognizing the game from your own season. Two players from each team in the area and three on each platform. The two in the arena catch the balls and try to steal them for the contestants on the platform to shoot. You feel like your tribe has a really good shot to rebuild momentum again. “We got this.”
You end up in the arena with Clint while Bucky, Nat and Tony stand on the platform to shoot. You’ve forced Strange and Darcy to sit out, but neither of them seemed thrilled at the idea of basketball either. 
It’s a brutal match. The heroes are obviously desperate for another win, desperately trying to prove themselves to whoever watches this season at home.
Something about the villains just clicks though. It’s easy for your team to communicate and score; the closer and closer you get to five points the dirtier the heroes start to play. 
By the last round, you and Bucky are both in the arena while the other three attempt to shoot the winning score. 
With Steve. 
Who elbows you when you jump for a ball. “Shit!” The hit itself isn’t too hard, but it’s jarring enough that you fall to the ground in shock. 
“Are you fucking serious, dude?” Bucky shows up behind you with a glare directed towards Steve, who at least looks a little apologetic. Bucky’s fingers lift your chin so you look at him. 
“Are you okay? Do I need to call for medical?” Jeff calls from his spot near the benchwarmers.
Bucky’s fingers trace over what you’re sure will be a little bruise later or some minor swelling before he shakes his head. “You good?” He asks quietly, just for you. 
His eyes on you are intense as he traces his fingertips over your skin. It’s intimate, far too intimate for the amount of people watching hawkeyed and looking for reasons to vote you out.
You stand abruptly. “I’m good.” You dust the dirt off of your legs and turn to face Jeff without glancing back at Bucky. “No medical! I’m okay! Just an accidental bump.” Your eyes find Steve’s and he offers a semi-apologetic smile that you shrug at in return. 
The game is called back on. Steve seems a little shaken by his accidental brawl and it gives your team all the momentum they need to score the last basket. 
“Villains win reward!” Jeff’s arms shoot up and your team cheers. You squeeze Bucky’s bicep as Darcy rushes over to give you a hug. Thank you. You mouth, the cameras may have picked up on it, but nobody else has and that’s all that matters. 
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe
“I bet right now they’re wishing they had some of that chocolate.” His laughter rings out.
Peter Parker - Hero
“I really wish I had taken a bite of chocolate. It looked so good.”
There’s a large table set up buffet style with chocolate candies, cakes, milk and anything you can make chocolate, is chocolate. 
But there’s only one thing Bucky’s searching for, a clue. If there’s one thing he’s learned watching these more recent seasons, it’s that there’s always a clue hidden away on these reward trips and Bucky’s going to find it. 
For you and for him. 
“Oh my god.” You let out a moan at the bite of a chocolate cupcake you take. You hold it towards Bucky with a smirk. “Try it. I don’t think I’ve ever had a cupcake that tasted this good.” 
Bucky takes a small bite and lets out a pleased groan. He’s sure if he had been eating steadily for the past couple weeks the cupcake wouldn’t taste nearly as good, but to him it’s like heaven.
“We’re gonna go for a swim. Do you two wanna come?” Darcy offers as the rest of the team darts towards the clear water. You and Bucky shake your heads quickly. “I’m too attached to this chocolate.” You giggle as Darcy moves to follow the rest of your team. 
You move so you’re sitting beside Bucky and lean your head against his shoulder as you take bites of the chocolate treats. “Check this out.” You hold up your left hand and flash a small, white piece of paper. 
“Is that…” Bucky trails off as you stuff it into your bikini top with a smirk. “Where’d you find it?”
“The cookie platter.” You laugh softly. “It was hidden between the chocolate chip and oreos.” You tilt your head up to look at him. “That’s our safety procurement. They’re not getting rid of us anytime soon.” You smirk. 
“If we can find it.” Bucky noted, picking up another small cupcake. You grab a small, hershey kiss and pop it into your mouth. “I know where it is, Buck. I read the clue when I went to the bathroom. It’s back at camp.” 
Bucky nods and finally lets himself relax, his head resting over yours as the two of you eat in a comfortable silence.
“You and I, baby.” Bucky holds a piece of chocolate out which you meet halfway in a cheers. “Til the end!” You cheers with a soft laugh.
Natasha Romanoff - Villain Tribe
“Nobody is really worried about Bucky and Y/N because they just don’t have the numbers anymore. Clint and I aren’t going to help them and Tony and Darcy only promised one vote.” She shrugs. “If they want to sit off in their little bubble and just enjoy their last few days together until we vote them off, that’s fine! We’re not worried.”
Darcy Lewis - Villain Tribe
“I mean, she had to know nobody would want to bring her until the end. She’s a fan favorite. She plays well. It’s only a matter of time until she’s gone and Bucky following right after her.”
Day Twelve
The heroes just can’t win. Which you can tell is annoying your tribe. Immunity is nice when there are people you don’t want to get rid of before the merge. It was an issue when there was and they wanted to get rid of you.
“If we lose, we need to have a plan.” You whisper to Bucky as the two of you huddle by the fire. Your thighs are pressed against one another’s and it has warmth spreading through you. “They’re going to try and vote one of us out.”
Bucky’s fingers trace over your leg. “But we have this.” He taps the immunity idol you had stuffed into your shorts after finding it on the trek back to your camp. “We can use it against them.”
You lean your head against his shoulder. “If we play it right.” You glance over your shoulder. The rest of your tribe is floating in the water, washing off the dirt from today’s challenge. “If we play it wrong, we fuck everything up.”
You can feel Bucky nod against the top of your head. “How do we play it right? They’re not going to tell us their votes.”
“They’ll try.” You cross your arms over your chest. “They’ll whisper around us and try to make us think a certain way. We just have to play smarter.” You shrug.
You stand up suddenly, dusting off the sand and dirt stuck to your skin. “We’ll just play the defeated pair act and turn it around on them. We just have to find a weak link.”
Your eyes move back to the ocean, where Darcy floats away from the group, obviously ignored and outcasted.
“Then we have our in.” You smirk down at Bucky.
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe
“She’s so odd. I’m… I just find myself wanting to follow her everywhere though.” He shakes his head, like he can’t quite believe he’s saying all this. “I know how she won. She’s good. She makes it feel real.”
Day Fourteen
Things go well, but not as well as Bucky had hoped. With a double tribal council looming over them, individual immunity for you or him would have ideal, no matter who won the award. 
Natasha had won individual immunity and the reward, hot dogs and hamburgers while sitting in the opposite tribe’s council. It was good, but Bucky knew she would be power high for the rest of the afternoon. 
She had made it clear she would be coming for you and him. 
“Heroes can’t win, so they’re forcing us to go to tribal now.” You nudge Bucky with your elbow, but he can’t bring himself to laugh. He can’t understand how you’re so nonchalant as Natasha moves around camp with a vengeance, desperate to get back at you two for screwing her over. 
In the first vote, his mind tacks on. She shouldn’t be taking it too serious. 
“How are you not worried?” Bucky asks quietly as the two of you sit under the palm tree. You’re weaving ferns together for no reason other than it giving you something to do while Bucky uses a spare cloth to wipe dirt off of his arm. “She’s plotting our demise and we’re just sitting here.” 
You glance up at him with a smile. “You worry too much, Buck.” You shrug your shoulders. He watches as your eyes move over the beach and take in the groups spread out. “Have you noticed anything?” You ask quietly. 
Bucky splutters for a moment, completely shocked by your nonchalance. “Are you listening to me?” 
“Because I have.” You ignore him. Anybody else and Bucky would be furious. He thinks that may be a problem. You hand comes up to cup his chin and force his stare in the direction of the fire pit. His eyes land on Darcy, sitting alone as Tony, Stephen and Natasha chat in the shelter. “I’ve noticed how overlooked Darcy Lewis is. They don’t see her as a physical threat or social competitor.” 
Bucky nods slowly. “What makes you say that?” 
“They think she’ll fall into line because she owes them something for keeping her safe.” Your hand drops from Bucky’s face and he raises a fingertip to trace over where they had laid. You keep talking, “But she knows they’ll rid of her at the merge. She’s too smart individually to not.”
“And we get her to spill their secrets?” Bucky asks softly, catching on to your train of though. “Because they’re talking around her, but not to her right now.” You turn to look at him with a proud smile and short nod. 
“When she goes off on her own, we’ll make our move. There’s no need to stress, Buck.” You say softly. He looks down at you and almost melts at the reassuring smile on your face. 
Fourteen days and he felt something for that smile. Something like butterflies in the stomach and breath flowing easier. Was that too soon? He wasn’t sure. Time was different when you’re with people twenty-four seven. “Yeah.” He breathes out. “You’re right.” 
The cameras have no doubt caught this flickering of emotions on his face and maybe by the end of this he’ll be plastered across social media as a somehow worse victim to your Survivor game. He knows Steve had worshipped you, but it was never like this. You never smiled at him like this. 
Bucky swears it. 
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe 
“She’s good.” He laughs awkwardly. “We’ll see how this alliance plays out.” He looks away and watches as you get up and walks towards Darcy, who has finally drifted off to collect fire wood. “We’ll... We’ll see.” 
“Darcy? Can I come with you?” You’ve made sure the majority group has moved on to the water so they don’t see you talking with her and . “Maybe we could talk.” You shrug. 
She looks you over with wary eyes before sighing. “Yeah. Okay.” She nods for you to follow and you smile thankfully at her. Darcy was sweet, there really wasn’t any other word for her. 
Her confessionals had been hilarious; They were full of dry commentary and sarcastic quips that made her easily likable. She was a genius, in the literal sense, and forced her way to the end with puzzle wins. Her fatal flaw, and the ultimate nail in her coffin, had been her inability to make strong alliances. 
“You’re a threat.” You say easily as you both pause to pick up some fire wood. “It’s why you struggled on your first season and why you’ll struggle now.” 
She raises her eyebrows at you obviously unimpressed. “i made it to final tribal council. How is that struggling?” 
“You lost.” You shrug. She seems unphased by your bluntness and that makes you happy. “You know you lost because you didn’t forge bonds. You’re sweet. Funny. Smart and strong. People saw you as a threat from that first puzzle challenge on your season and they spent the end plotting your demise. You made it to final three because of your skills not because of your social presence. It’s incredibly impressive, but it might not help you as much in this game where people already know how truly good you are.” 
Darcy takes pause. An in. You think proudly, you knew you could crack her. “What exactly are you offering? You and Bucky have made it clear that’s final two.”
“So did Steve and I.” You give her a vicious smirk. “Darcy, thirty seasons and men always fall for the nails up their back and sunkissed legs.” You tilt your head with a cocky smile. “I want to create a more... Women led Survivor. So many men have won and used women to do it.” 
She releases a shocked laugh. “You know I could tell him all this? Just... Use it for my own good.” 
“You could.” You nod slowly. You pause, like you’re actually worried about the attempt of a threat. “You won’t though. Because you know as well as I do this information won’t get you far. Tell Bucky and I’ll just twist it so you’re gone next or tell the grandparents and they’ll try to get rid of me or Bucky, then you when your vote is no longer needed.” You give her a sarcastic pout. 
She shifts her eyes to the ground.  It’s a tell, flashes of her season play in your mind, she’s about to lie. “They’re talking about you tonight.” She finally says with a fake smile. 
Your eyes narrow before you nod slowly. Wrong choice. 
The two of your watch each other for a moment, a stock still staring match where you’re both attempting to gauge the other’s reaction. Then you smile, sweet and innocent. “It’s up to you. Vote for me or vote for Strange. I can’t force your hand.” 
You give her a wink before making your way back down the trail. She’s revealed more than she even knows and you’ve just figured out how to save your game.
Darcy Lewis - Villain Tribe
“Maybe she’s right. They’ll get rid of me when they don’t need me, but there’s days before that’s even an option. She’s trying to play me, I know. I’ve seen her and Bucky, she wouldn’t mess that up.” She lets out a defeated sigh. “We know she found the idol, Nat snooped through her bag. Now we just need her to flush it while we vote for Bucky tonight. Biggest blindside yet.”  
 “Villains, since you won reward you will have council and vote. After the vote, whoever is voted off will leave and the rest of you will move to the jury seats to enjoy your hot dogs, hamburgers and soft drinks while the heroes come in and have their council. You’ll leave before their vote and find out who’s gone at the next challenge.” Jeff sucks in a deep breath and smiles at the group. “Sound good?”
Bucky hadn’t gotten a chance to talk with you after you had followed Darcy into the trees for your talk, but you had traced a finger over his knee reassuringly when the two of you had sat down so he’s hoping for the best here. 
He knows it’s frowned upon, but he really tunes Jeff out as he begins talking to Natasha. Bucky’s eyes focus on you. The way the fire casts a glow over your skin and how you’re able to keep your face straight as Natasha accuses you of being a backstabbing alliance member.
“Do you feel like you guys made a mistake last tribal? Getting rid of Loki? Bucky.” Jeff’s voice cuts through the fog that’s in Bucky’s mind. 
His head snaps up to look at Jeff, who’s unable to hide his amusement, and Bucky quickly shakes his head. “I think we made the best choice for our game. It was never the intention to hurt Nat, but she is and I guess that’s something I’ll have to live with.” He gives Jeff a shrug. 
“We had a plan that you didn’t stick to. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for people to not trust you now.” Natasha doesn’t even look at him, she just keeps her eyes on Jeff. 
Jeff’s eyes bounce back and forth between the two like he knows he won’t even have to prompt Bucky for a response. “It was last minute.” His eyes move to Stephen and Tony sat behind her. “Stark was in on it too, but he’s trustworthy?” 
“Stark never promised me final four.” She finally turns to look at him with a smirk, like her airing that out will seal Bucky’s fate. “You did.” 
Your voice cuts Bucky off before he can even speak. “We both knew that final four promise was bogus. You were never gonna turn your back on Clint and Bucky and I weren’t gonna turn on each other. Stop pretending it was your plan to bring us to the end. Lying isn’t all that becoming of you, Nat.” You lean towards her with a pretty smirk. 
Bucky looks you over slowly and swallows thickly. He needed to get this attraction to you under check before he ended up in an embarrassing situation on national television. 
“Shut up.” Nat says just as fiercely. Really, Bucky thinks, the two of you would have worked so well together. He doesn’t understand why you had chosen him. “Let’s vote, Jeff. Can we vote?” She looks away from you with an eyeroll.
Jeff’s eyes widen before he nods. “Sure. Yeah. Let’s vote.” 
Natasha’s Vote - Bucky 
“Next time, hide the idol better.” She laughs. “We need it flushed so we can get rid of your girlfriend next week, sorry Bucky.” 
Darcy’s Vote - Bucky
“I almost took the offer, but numbers are just safer right now. Sorry.” 
Tony’s Vote - Bucky 
“Last week was a one time deal, bud. These old-timers still know how to play the game.” 
“You know the deal. I will read the votes, person with the most votes gets sent home. If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time to do so.” Jeff’s hands clutch the urn as his eyes trail over the group. He pauses, waiting for somebody to speak up and Bucky’s heart races for the first time all night. He’s nervous.
“Jeff.” You speak up softly. You smile at group, who all look far too pleased to see you reach into the bag at your feet, before standing up the idol clutched in-between your hands. You walk up to him him slowly with calculating eyes. 
“You know, I’ve had a target on my back since day one. No matter what these villains want to say, they would never have actually worked with me past the merge.” You hold the idol tightly as everyone watches you completely intrigued. You hand the idol over the Jeff. “I would like to play this for Bucky tonight.” 
Bucky’s eyes widen and he can practically feel his heart stop. Natasha’s tongue presses against her cheek as she looks down at the ground with a shake of her head. Clint looks between you and Bucky in disbelief and Darcy flushes bright red. 
Even Jeff looks surprised as you make your way back to your seat in front of Bucky. He’s speechless as Jeff holds the idol up. It’s like water has rushed through his ears as he sees his name pulled out one after the other. 
One. Two. Three. Four. 
“Strange.” Jeff reads out. “That’s one for Strange. Four for Bucky that do not count.” Jeff says pointedly. Jeff pulls out another vote, the one in Bucky’s handwriting. “Strange. That’s two votes and tonight,” he pauses, “that’s enough.”
Bucky lets out a shocked laugh as Stephen Strange slowly moves to pick up the unpacked bag at his feet. Most of his stuff was back at camp, like the rest of their makeshift alliance. The man moves in a shocked daze similar to what Bucky feels himself. He honestly can’t even hear Jeff’s goodbye speech to Stephen over the pounding of his heart.
There’s a moment of shocked silence as the group looks around trying to come to terms with what had just transpired. In that moment, you turn to look at Bucky with a proud smile. “Told you, Buck. Needn’t worry.” 
Bucky lets out another laugh and holds his pinky out to you. “You and me all the way to the end, sweets.” Your eyes sparkle at the nickname and Bucky doesn’t let himself feel embarrassed over it slipping out. He’s far too happy with what just happened to worry about anything. 
Your pinky links with his and Bucky yanks you towards him to press a sloppy kiss to your cheek. You laugh unabashedly as he does so and the rest of the tribe stares in annoyance. 
It’s blatant show of loyalty. One that Bucky knows could hurt them in the end, but you don’t seem to mind and he can’t bring himself to care. 
Stephen Strange - Exit Interview
“I uh, I feel stupid.” He lets out a dazed laugh. “We didn’t split the vote. You always split the vote. Nat and Tony were sure Y/N would use it on herself though and Darcy reassured us she had told the girl we were writing her name down. We got too comfortable. It just sucks it ended up being my neck on the line but that’s the game. That’s Survivor and that was one hell of an impressive play.”
Your tribe won’t look at you. Natasha sits with Tony and Clint as they whisper and eat the hamburgers placed out for everyone. 
Darcy sits in between the two groups as you and Bucky watch the heroes trail into the tribal council chambers. “Heroes. Strange voted out at the villains tribal council tonight.” He gives the heroes a moment to whisper amongst one another as each of their eyes takes in the new villains tribe. 
“Is this a surprise, heroes? I mean did it seem like Strange would be the one to go home after today’s challenge?” Jeff asks as the tribe settles into their seats. 
The group looks at one another hesitantly before Peter speaks up. “I mean, we weren’t sure with Loki. Maybe he came on too strong... Seeing Strange go? Someone who knows the game so well? It makes us think there’s another all female alliance brewing.” 
Bucky looks at you over his sip of generic soda and you suppress a smile as you bite into your hot dog. How wrong they were. You almost want to laugh. Of course they assumed it was an all female alliance again. You had seen it time and time again, long before you came on and long after, men can’t seem to comprehend why other men go home early unless it’s a woman who plans it. 
It’s almost sad how predictable the heroes are in their thought process and game play. You and Bucky steal glances over food as they drone on about working together through honor and loyalty.
What does catch your eye though, is the obvious divide. You can only hope Bucky sees it too so you can discuss it back at camp in preparation for the future merge. 
It’s easy to tell Steve, Wanda and Scott were alone. They sat huddled together on the end while the other’s spoke. None of them piped up to support the claims of unity or strength. You wish you could speak up and urge Jeff to point it out because it was killing you not knowing. 
He was good at his job though. “Steve. Scott. Wanda. You three are so quiet, do you agree with what Thor is saying? That you’re all happy go lucky at camp?” He smiles at the blonde man who shrugs.
“I think we’re all nice to each other back at camp, but I wouldn’t say we’re united.” At this, Wanda and Scott perk up. They both nod and Wanda sits up a little straighter. “It’s Thor’s camp right now, he makes the decisions. The only reason the three of us were spared last week is because he knew we’re strong and we’ve been losing like it’s our job.” Wanda tacks on. 
You smirk. Thor was leading the charge? His first season had been nothing short of disastrous. After being kept on as his original tribes muscle, he failed to make a strong alliance post-merge. Even having his brother back by his side couldn’t save him and the end he was voted out as the second jury member. He learned. You glance over at Darcy. Not everyone could.  
Quickly after Steve’s comment, tribal council descends into chaos. Thor disagrees and the men begin talking over one another until Jeff steps in to begin the vote. “I honestly have no idea how this vote will go tonight, but I can’t wait to see. Villains, we’ll see you for the next challenge soon. Where you’ll see the new hero tribe for the first time.” 
Your group is ushered away quickly, forced to leave any half finished drinks or food sitting on your seats. “How they get to see ours but we don’t get to see theirs?” You call out. 
Your question goes ignored by Jeff and the cameramen following behind you. “Whatever.” You shrug hastily before moving to catch up with Bucky.
“Villains aren’t losing. We’re set until the merge, baby.” You wink at him, thrilled at the red you can see dusting his cheeks. 
After all, who said you couldn’t have fun on Survivor?
Natasha Romanoff - Villain Tribe
“I have no words.” She sits on the sand illuminated by nothing but the moon and camera lights. “I’m... I’m speechless.” 
Day Sixteen 
The idol is back in play. And winning reward is necessary for you and Bucky. You couldn’t care less about the rest of your tribe getting to swim in a fresh waterfall or eating a feast, all you cared about was the clue that was no doubt going to be hidden among the food. 
Last tribal had been a guessing game and a whole lot of luck. The numbers were still against you and Bucky, that hadn’t changed. 
“We need a better strategy.” You shake off what you can of the rain pounding against your skin. It’s getting into your eyes and messing with your vision. “They’re destroying us.” You look at Natasha, who stands beside you and Bucky as the rest of your tribe tries desperately to reattain control of the ball. 
Her lips are pursed together, but you can tell she knows you’re right. In the game of ocean basketball, where three points gets you the win, the heroes already had one to your big fat zero and they held the ball. 
“Next round, Bucky and you go out and keep Clint. That way there’s a strong player in each heat. Focus on shaking their-” You’re cut off when the hero team begins to cheer excitedly and Jeff announces their second point. “-Confidence.” You say defeatedly. 
You pucker your lips in annoyance as Darcy and Tony struggle through the water to the sidelines, both heaving out breaths. “We can try.” Natasha sighs going out to meet Clint and presumably explaining the new strategy to him. 
“I hate to be a debbie downer, sweets.” Bucky looks down at you with an apologetic look. “I don’t think we got this.” You don’t have a chance to respond as Bucky is forced onto the makeshift oceanic basketball court. 
You watch with bated breath as both teams struggle to maintain control of the ball. Shuri pulls Natasha underwater and away from Peter when he finally gets ahold of the ball. 
Wanda wraps her arms around to Clint to stop him from catching the ball if Peter passes, it’s an even fight if you’ve ever seen one. And Peter looks terrified to go head to head with Bucky, who’s waiting for him by the floating baskets. 
“C’mon, Bucky.” You mumble to yourself. Darcy and Tony watch in silence. “C’mon. C’mon. C’mon.” You repeat hopefully. 
Bucky’s hands shoot up as Peter makes a hail Mary shot from feet away, not wanting to go head to head with Bucky. The cheers of the heroes side are deafening as it goes in. 
You can only laugh as Peter gets tackled into the water by his tribe. Your eyes find Bucky, who won’t look up from the water lapping around his hips and you frown. 
You guess they were bound to win something eventually. 
Peter Parker - Hero Tribe 
“We won! Our second win in almost twenty days. I never thought I’d be so happy to sit out here and play ocean basketball in the pouring rain.” He laughs ecstatically. “We won! We won! We won!” 
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe 
Bucky can’t even look you in the eye. He’s so upset with his performance and his inability to stop Parker from that winning shot. The entire tribe is silent as they make the freezing walk in the pouring rain back to camp. 
Nobody wants to say it, but losing momentum like this is only bad news. He knows every single person here is now afraid their winning streak is officially done and with no merge in sigh that means battling it out for votes. 
He feels something brush against his hand and he looks up at your, shivering beside him in the shelter. “It’s not your fault.” You say quietly. You scoot closer. He can see the whites of your eyes and a vague outline of your face as the two of you lay looking at each other. 
“I let him get that shot.” Bucky whispers back sullenly. He can feel you hesitate before moving until you’re pressed against him, chest to chest, and wrap an arm around his waist. It’s a welcome relief, the warmth that comes with being wrapped up with you, but it makes Bucky’s entire body flush and his heart race. “I’m like, double his size, I could’ve gotten him down easily.”
Bucky’s arm comes up to wrap around your waist as the two of you whisper. “They destroyed all of us, Buck. We didn’t score one point. You can’t blame that all on you. It was a team effort.” 
Bucky doesn’t respond, his mind drifting to what will happen now. He can swallow losing a reward challenge, it just meant one more night of rice and dirty hair. He signed up for thirty-nine of those. Bucky was more worried about what happens now that momentum was gone.
Could the tribe pull it together for the next immunity challenge, or is this the end of their reign? And if it was, what would the two of you do? Numbers were numbers, and one long shot plan working doesn’t magically mean you and Bucky are safe. 
Your thumbs press over Bucky’s eyebrows effectively smoothing the wrinkles that had formed while overthinking. “Get out of that head.” You smile up at him. “There’s nothing we can do now but try to stay warm and get some sleep before tomorrow’s challenge. Okay?”
“Okay.” Bucky swallows as your wrap yourself tighter around him. If anyone asks in the morning, you’ll both say it was for warmth. Sleeping apart just wouldn’t make sense in this storm. 
Day Seventeen 
When the show airs and your friends ask why your tribe lost this immunity challenge you’ll blame the rain again. The torrential downpour has caused the small cracks in your tribe’s foundation to widen and left you all struggling to work together. 
While you and Darcy argued over puzzle pieces, Peter and Shuri flourished. They saw the same thing at the same time and barely needed to speak as pieces were handed off between them. If it hadn’t been you losing to them, you would’ve loved watching it happen. 
You’ll blame the rain for ruining your sleep and making your hands shrivel up and so cold they shake. You’ll come up with every excuse in the book except for what everyone else knows to be true; The heroes were the better team in that challenge. 
You can’t worry about it right now though. Right now you have to figure out a way to get anybody but you or Bucky off the tribe tonight without any numbers or idols to help you. 
“What would you think about voting for Tony or Darcy tonight?” Clint has huddled up with you and Bucky on one side of the shelter with one of your tribe’s two comforters while the other three members do the same. 
You make sure to keep your voice barely a whisper and turn your head so your lips can’t be read by anybody but Clint and Bucky. His eyes cut to Natasha over your shoulder before back to you. “You joking?” He asks just as quiet. 
You and Bucky look at each other before shrugging in sync. “The merge is awhile away. We’re gonna be stuck in these tribes for a long time, you know it. You need Bucky and I if you want to keep your name off the chopping block.” 
“Why? Darcy would be on the chopping block before me.” Clint shrugs. You look over your shoulder again and watch as Tony and Natasha talk to one another as Darcy tries to nap. None of them pay any mind to the group of you. You’re sure it’s because they assume nothing would happen with Clint here to watch you and Bucky.  
Obviously they underestimated you. “Maybe. Or maybe whichever person is left between Bucky and I would team up with Tony and Darcy to take one of the troublesome two out.” You smirk, Bucky smiles and Clint just blinks. “Because if I were smart, like Tony Stark, I’d agree that keeping two of the greatest to ever play together was dumb.” 
There’s a breath of silence, where all you can hear is the rain still pounding against the makeshift roof of your shelter before Clint finally nods. “If I can get a second alone with Nat I’ll try to talk to her, but I don’t see Tony moving from this shelter before tribal tonight.” 
You - Villain Tribe 
“It’s a gamble. Trying to turn Clint in the middle of this storm that has no end in sight.” You look up as the rain continues to pour down. “If anyone can convince Natasha to give us a few more days, it’s him though. They’re family.” 
Clint Barton - Villain Tribe 
“Is it risky considering her past? One hundred percent. It’s smart though. Tony could easily team up with Bucky and Darcy next tribal to break up Nat and I and make himself stronger. It’s a no-brainer. Keep the person without an ally over the person who does.” 
“Villains, almost three weeks and this is only the third challenge your tribe has lost. Is that something you’re proud of?” Jeff is bone dry as everyone sits in front of the fire and ignores the pouring rain.
It’s the warmest Bucky has been all day. If his fate in the game wasn’t looming over him, he might even be glad to arrive at tribal council and huddle beside this huge fire. 
“I think we’re proud of how far we’ve come and we understand every good thing comes to an end.” Tony answers for the group. Bucky can barely resist rolling his eyes. “It’s time to trim some fat.” 
That gets a reaction out of Bucky as his eyebrows shoot up and he can only assume you look the same in front of him because Jeff’s eyes shoot the two of you and he smirks. “You disagree, Bucky?” 
“I just want to know what fat he wants to trim.” Bucky looks down the line at Tony. “Who here is the weak link?” 
“I don’t want to call anybody out and make them feel bad, but every team has fat. It only makes sense to get rid of it for the sake of the team.” He won’t look at you or Bucky as he speaks. 
It has Bucky’s blood pressure rising as he stares at the man in anger. “You don’t want to name names because you know you’re wrong.” There’s no question in Bucky’s tone. “Because you know Y/N and I aren’t really fat, you’re just terrified of going against one of us.”
“Just admit it, Tony.” You chime in. “This week it’s me. Next week it’s Nat. Then it’s Darcy. You don’t want strong women in this final with you because you’ve seen what we can do.” 
Bucky’s eyes find Clint’s and they stare at each other for a moment before Clint moves his stare to red head beside him. Bucky can only hope she votes for Tony tonight too. That they’ve somehow pulled this miracle out. 
“it has nothing to do with women and everything. to do with how strong you are you. You’ve won. Why would I want that?” Tony narrows his eyes.
Jeff laughs. “Woah. Woah. Woah. So, Tony, she’s right? You’re admitting she’s not the weak link, but you do want to get rid of her?” Jeff attempts to clarify. “You’re really voting for you tonight, not the team.” 
There’s a tense silence after Jeff finishes his sentence. “That sounds right to me. Nat?” Your voice cuts through the air. “Sounds like Tony wants to get rid of strong people. You playing Tony’s game?”
“How did this get turned around on me?” Tony’s voice is shocked. “Only an idiot would keep a winner in this game.” 
Bucky can’t even see your face, but he knows there’s a smirk there as you nod in agreement. “Only an idiot would keep a winner. And there are three of them to choose from tonight, let’s just make the right choice guys.” 
“Let’s vote then!” Jeff claps. “Bucky, go ahead and take the urn to place the first vote.”
Bucky’s Vote - Tony 
“I’ve got to win this time. You got that check and that title. It’s my turn.” 
Clint’s Vote - Tony 
“I hope Nat heard what they were saying tonight, and that she understands ’m doing this for both of us.” 
Your Vote - Tony 
“There can only be one and it will be me.” 
You can’t stop your leg from shaking as Jeff retrieves the urn of votes to read out. Tony had said a few things tonight, but that didn’t mean it was enough to turn the tribe on him. 
It could be you, you think as Jeff recites his hidden immunity idol speech. You swallow thickly at the silence that occurs when nobody steps forward with one. This was it. 
“I’ll read the votes.” Jeff takes off the lid and reaches in for the first piece of paper. It’s almost slow motion when he unfolds it and reads of your name. When the paper is flipped you recognize Darcy’s handwriting and scrunch your nose up at the small frown drawn in the corner. 
You turn to look at Bucky as your own vote with Tony’s name comes out. ‘Breathe.’ He mouths to you with a reassuring hand on your back. Jeff reads your name two more times. 
“That’s three votes for Y/N and one for Tony.” He pulls out another piece of paper. “Tony. That’s two for Tony. One vote left.” 
You almost cry when Jeff doesn’t begin his voted out speech. “Tony. That means we have a tie.” Your head whips around to look at Bucky again who smiles. “Here’s what is going to happen. You’re going to vote again, you can only vote for Tony or Y/N. They will not vote. The person with the most votes will go home. Got it? Good. Darcy, you’ll vote first.” 
Darcy’s Vote - You
“I... I’ve just got to go with my original vote. I don’t know what happened here.” 
Bucky’s Vote - Tony 
“Please, Nat. Please. Please. Please.”
Waiting for these votes are worse than the first round of votes. You can’t even look at Clint and Natasha, completely unsure of which of two would end up switching their vote. Your hopes were set on Nat recognizing Clint’s handwriting and understanding that’s where he wanted to go, but it’s just not a for sure thing and your heart is beating fast. 
Your foot is tapping incessantly on the ground. Bucky’s hand is resting on your lower back as Jeff begins to read the votes. Neither of you can imagine the other going home right now, not with this much game left to play. 
Jeff says your name. Then Tony’s. Then his again. You almost scream when his name comes out a third time. You look over to Nat and Clint. ‘Thank you.’ You mouth as Tony’s torch is extinguished. 
They nod subtly before turning to look at Jeff again. “Villains, you once again have proven that nobody is safe in this game. Especially those who think they are. Head back to camp, I’ll see you at the next challenge.” 
Natasha Romanoff - Villain Tribe 
“I don’t know why Clint switched his vote, but he told me he would explain it to me tomorrow. I’m just hoping he didn’t screw us over royally.” 
Day Eighteen 
The rain has finally taken a break and the clouds have parted to reveal the sun. Bucky can’t stop staring at your legs as the sun hits them just right. You’re glowing. 
You’ve lost weight, everybody does on this show, but it hasn’t changed much about you. He still finds his eyes trailing over your body and getting caught on your neck and hands and legs. Imagining them wrapped around him - sue him - he’s young and been stuck on an island with nothing more than some cuddles. 
He finds himself wanting to kiss you more and more everyday and that kind of scares him. He’s hoping for the merge for individual rewards he might get to take you on more than he is for finally being off this tribe. 
“Earth to Bucky.” Sand hits his chest and Bucky straightens out his back as you stand above him giggling. “Where’s your head at, handsome?” 
There’s already red on his cheeks from the sun and despite the feint burning sensation it leaves, he’s thankful for it covering up his blush. “Just thinking about the merge. What our plan will be.” 
“If we can get ourselves to the merge, I think we’re set.” You drop to sit beside him on the sand. “Besides, we have a whole day off. No challenge or anything, just enjoy us still being here. You worry too much.”
Bucky shakes his head with a laugh. “You don’t worry enough.” He nudges your foot with his own. “We’re hanging on by a thread here, sweets.” 
“We’ve flipped the vote twice now. I think we have a fighting chance here, Buck.” You giggle softly. Your hands dig into the sand as you lean back on them and lift your chin. 
Bucky swallows as his eyes trail down your neck and chest. “You’re right.” He pushes the words out. “Humor me, though? What our plan for the merge is?”
“If we lose again, hopefully we can convince Nat and Clint to get rid of Darcy. That should bring us right into the merge where we can break them up by working with Shuri and Wanda.” You explain quietly. 
Bucky’s eyes narrow. “Shuri and Wanda were on opposite sides in that tribal we saw. Then they voted off Scott, what makes you think Wanda will be safe until the merge?” 
“I don’t, I’m just going off of what ifs here. I just know that I know Wanda and Shuri, I’m hoping they’ll trust me and work together. We’ll need numbers and they’ll have them. There’s no way Steve will listen to my opinion, but he’ll listen to Wanda’s.” You turn your head to look at Bucky and let out a sigh. “It’s just an idea. We have to see what happens at the next challenge, okay? I can’t plan everything out.” 
Bucky shakes his head. “I wasn’t trying to have you plan everything out. I just wanted to know where your head was at. Not all of us have won this game, some of us want to make it far.” He regrets the words right away. Bucky knows good and well that you were taking this game just a serious, he doesn’t really know why he even implied that you weren’t. “Lis-”
“Obviously, you’re stressed.” You cut him off as you stand up. “I’ll let you take a breather. Cool off. But don’t snap at me because you’re anxious. It’s not my fault we’re here. We’ve been working together, if we go down it’s because of both of us. Not just one.” 
Bucky almost cowers back. He’s put off by your intent gaze and harsh tone. He’s never been on the receiving end of it and he had underestimated how small it could make someone feel. 
You dust the sand off of your thighs. “I’ve done a lot for us. I’ve been the brains behind a lot of these votes, Bucky. Don’t ever try and diminish that because I don’t go around talking to everyone or because I don’t perform as well as you in competitions. It’s disrespectful and a good way to get voted off.” You hiss before stomping down the beach. 
Bucky can only watch as you go, guilt squeezing his chest and consuming his mind. 
You - Villain Tribe 
“I trust him. I know he’s just anxious about what could happen, but he needs to understand I’m just as good at this game. That I know how to play.” You let out a deep sigh. “I don’t think I would actually vote him out, but I need him to know we’re equal partners. I have just as much power as he does.” 
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // omgomgomg hi! this took a little longer than i thought just because i’m on vacation and haven’t had time to write until tonight! i hope you enjoyed this, a lot more content and some more changes in the game! i’m so excited for how this is coming together and it’s been so fun to writer! 
thank you so much for reading & i hope you enjoyed this part. i write for free, if you can please consider donating to my ko-fi! if you can’t, please reblog/reply, comments mean a lot to writers!
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 10
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You're having to work a lot more, feeling guilty that you're hardly around for your own hybrids. One night, Yoongi gets into trouble and needs you to bail him out. But what you didn't expect was to have new hybrids move into your house that very same day.
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“Ah...” You finally closed the main door of the house, slumping down on the ground. You had just finished a 36 hour shift because the medical residents were called back to campus for their exams, so the hospital was even more short staffed. 
“(y/n)?” You heard Jimin’s voice and opened your eyes, smiling tiredly at him. He stood up from the heating lamps and made his way to you.
“You’re home!” His tail moved excitedly. 
“Yeah.” You stroked his head. Behind him, Taehyung bounded down the stairs. He jumped into your arms, burying his head into your shoulder. You yawned tiredly, leaning into his warmth. It was lulling you to sleep. 
“Jagi, are you falling asleep on Tae?” A voice chuckle and you opened your eyes again, seeing Jin and Namjoon. One, two, three, four... Wait, you had 5 hybrids, not four. You stood up on your own, shaking your head as you looked at all the hybrids in the room. Where was Yoongi? His classes were supposed to end at 6 today. 
“Where’s Yoongi? He was supposed to be home 3 hours ago.” You frowned. The other 4 looked at each other. 
“We haven’t heard from him. His phone is off.” Namjoon informed. That made your blood freeze. Did they mistake Yoongi as a stray and capture him? 
“Wait.” Your phone rang and you pressed the device to your ear. As you listened on, the four in the room saw a frown evident on your face. That wasn’t a good sign. 
“WHAT?!... I-I’ll be right over!” You jumped to your feet.
“(y/n), what’s wrong?” Namjoon asked. You were giving off such strong emotions that all of them felt it. They knew that something was terribly wrong and it had to do with Yoongi.
“Yoongi is in trouble. Jin and Namjoon, you’re coming with me.” You mumbled and grabbed your coat, ready to leave the house again. 
“You two just stay here.” You told them and left. Where Yoongi was, it would be too much for Taehyung and Jimin. You were already distressed, you didn’t need two distraught hybrids to care for. Right now, you needed to get Yoongi out. When you pulled up to the gravel road, Namjoon and Jin immediately grew rigid at the vibe.
“Let’s go.” You gulped, stepping out. The three of you immediately held onto one another. This was a scary place to be. This place was only for feral hybrids. It was dark, run down and there were loud noises from coming inside. 
“Why is Yoongi here?” Jin asked. 
“I don’t know. I just got a call that Yoongi and some group attacked another hybrid and was brought in here.” You shook your head. Of course, that was ridiculous. Yoongi would never hurt another hybrid.
“Excuse me, I got a call about my hybrid? His name is Min Yoongi.” You went up to the warden in front.
“Right. Please come with me.” The male stood up and you all followed him through a door. When he stopped in front of a dark cell, you saw a small figured curled up in a corner. There was a shock collar around his neck and an ankle brace around his leg that chained him to the wall. 
“W-What did you do to him?!” You gasped, seeing the state that he was in.
“Madam-” The warden started.
“How dare you do this to him?!” You immediately went into a rage, screaming at the male. 
“Madam, your hybrid and a few others attacked another hybrid. But we were alerted and all of them were brought here. The collar and the ankle are there in case he goes feral again.” The warden explained. 
“He is not feral! Don’t you say that about him! He’s not part of some hybrid group, he is my family. Did you even ask him what he was doing there?! Of course you didn’t and just forced him here against his will. You have no right to treat him like this!” You continued to scream at the warden. Jin held your hand.
“Jagi, you can deal with this later. Your priority is to get Yoongi out of here.” Jin whispered softly.
“Unlock the door. Now.” You said through gritted teeth. The warden nodded, opening the door for you to enter. You choked on a sob as you entered. Yoongi was so distraught he didn’t even notice you were there. 
“Yoongi... Baby?” You called out softly. His eyes perked up first, hearing you call his name. He stood up, his nose and eyes red from crying. On instinct, he tried to rush to you but the chain that attached him to the wall held him back, making him fall to the ground. You ran forward instead, dropping to the ground to hold him in your arms.
“Well?! Are you dumb?! Unchain him now!” You sneered at the warden.
“Madam, I have to remind you of your behaviour.” The warden stated. Nonetheless, he proceeded to remove the chain and shock collar from Yoongi. Yoongi cried softly, pressing his face into your shoulder.
“It’s okay. I got you.” You whispered. 
“I didn’t hurt him. He was getting hurt and I wanted to help him. You need to help him, (y/n). He’s badly injured.” Yoongi’s whole body shook against you.
“The injured hybrid, where is he?” You asked. The warden confirmed that he was still in the building, in a different cell from Yoongi as there was still the risk of him being feral. 
“You idiots didn’t think to get him medical care? All you’re worried about is whether you will get hurt but did you think about him?! Bring him to me now, I’m a doctor.” You commanded, flashing your doctor’s card. The warden nodded and led the three of you out. You left Jin and Namjoon to comfort Yoongi in the lobby while you went to tend to the injured hybrid.
“You said you’re afraid of him being feral? He’s unconscious!  He’s got a fractured wrist and he’s all bruises up. I’m bringing him out of here.” You said, checking on the unconscious hybrid.
“No, you listen to me. You messed with the wrong family. I’m letting my mother know about this. You may know her, (y/l/n) (y/mom/n).” You frowned and the warden went pale. Your mother had that much of an influence and the warden knew he would definitely lose his job. 
“Get me a wheelchair.” The warden got it for you and you hoisted the unconscious hybrid onto it. You wheeled the injured hybrid out in a wheelchair. 
“(y/n).” Jin came up to you. Yoongi still looked shaken.
“He doesn’t look too bad. I’ll treat him at home.” You told them. Namjoon took over, carrying the unconscious hybrid while you held Yoongi. 
“If you have your hybrid’s papers...” The warden said and you showed him Yoongi’s papers. After that, you signed whatever papers you needed. Luckily, under doctor’s jurisdiction, you could take the other hybrid with you.
“Next time check his collar before you bring him in. What’s the point in making them wear collars if you’re just going to chain them up and threw them in jail cells.” You spat angrily, taking Yoongi’s papers back. Yoongi was still glued to your side as you went to the car. Jin drove you all back. 
“Remind me to call my mother in the morning.” You told Jin, who nodded. Entering a spare bedroom, you began to treat the injured hybrid. 
“Boys, let’s give them some space.” Namjoon ushered Taehyung and Jimin out of the room. 
“But...” Taehyung whined. 
“You’ll see them tomorrow morning.” Jin coaxed and they left, making you let out a chuckle. Yoongi stayed by your side the entire time. 
“Are you injured?” You asked as you gathered your supplies, Yoongi shook his head, keeping his head down. Looking at the unconscious hybrid, you tended to his broken wrist, placing it in a splint. Then, you cleaned his cuts, putting bandages over them.
“Wanna tell me what happened?” You asked softly, not looking up from what you were doing.
“I was leaving when I heard some crashing from the alley. After smelling blood, I went to see what was going on when I saw these strays ganging up on this other hybrid. He was already injured so I jumped into to help and we got into a fight. The security guard of the school saw us and called the cops. They thought I was part of that gang. But I swear-” He panicked. 
“I know, Yoongi. Breathe... It’s okay. I know you will never hurt someone. I believe you.” You held his arms, patting his head.
“I think he’s a golden retriever. I haven’t really come across that many domestic hybrids before.” Yoongi said.
“You should go rest, Yoongi. You’ve had a long day.”
“I don’t want to sleep without you.” He whispered. You nodded your head, understanding him. Using your hand held ultrasound machine, you checked for any internal bleeding. 
“He’s fine.” You told Yoongi and he let out a sigh of relief. Leaving Yoongi to take a shower, you went downstairs to let the other 4 know of the situation, as well as tell Jimin and Taehyung the gist of what happened with Yoongi. It was sad and you knew Yoongi was definitely traumatised from the situation.
“If the boy wakes up at any point, let me know immediately. Goodnight, boys.” You smiled and hugged all of them.
“I promise you, they’ll be punished accordingly. I’m not letting this go.” You told Yoongi. He nodded and your eyes trailed to the cuts around his neck, where the shock collar had imprinted on his skin.
“Can you let me treat you?” You asked first. Yoongi nodded and you grabbed your first aid kit. As you moved closer to clean the wounds, Yoongi’s grip on your thigh tightened as he tried not to flinch. You whispered comforting words to him and you slowly wrapped the bandage around his neck, as well as his ankle. Once you were done, Yoongi finally relaxed.
“Kitten, do you have any more of those pills?” Yoongi suddenly asked.
“Yoongs, you know I really don’t like you being on those them.” You sighed. When Yoongi was still having nightmares, there were sleeping pills that you would give him to help him calm down and sleep.
“Please.” He begged.
“Yoongi... I...” You didn’t know what you should do. 
“I can’t even think straight. It was like I was back in the ring... I don’t want to think... Please, (y/n).” He cried in your arms. 
“Alright, just tonight.” You got up and went downstairs. Accessing your medicine safe, you unlocked it and took out the bottle, shaking out a pill into your palm. Grabbing a glass of water, you headed back upstairs to the room. Yoongi took the pill and downed it with the water.
“Go to sleep.” You held him as he slowly drifted off. You didn’t like giving him the sleeping pills since he could be dependent on them and they’re very potent but for Yoongi to beg you, you knew he was really desperate.
“Chim, don’t you want food?” 
“No... I want (y/n) to wake up.” You were woken up by a conversation happening outside your room. You chuckled, hearing Jimin. 
“She’ll wake up soon.” 
You got out of bed and went to wash up. The previous day and night had been so hectic that you slept in, waking up at 3 pm. Before leaving, you crawled on the bed, feeling Yoongi’s cheeks. 
“Yoongs, let me take your temperature.” You took the thermometer from your nightstand. Yoongi opened his eyes partially, obediently letting you put the thermometer in his mouth. Once it beeped, you removed it. You frowned when you saw that he was indeed running a fever. 
“Sleep more.” You whispered, kissing his cheek. Slowly, you opened the door and Jimin jumped into your arms. 
“(y/n)!” He smiled. 
“Good morning... or afternoon. Let’s lower our volumes, okay? Yoongi is not feeling well so he has to rest.” You said and he nodded happily. Walking down together, you were greeted by your other hybrids around the kitchen island. 
“Hey.” You smiled at them. 
“Yoongi’s running a fever. Probably from all the stress yesterday, I’m gonna fix him some porridge.” You told them. 
“I’ll do it. Why don’t you eat?” Jin said. 
“You’ve been doing a lot the past few days. You should rest too, let me do it then I’ll eat.” You smiled and kissed his cheek, going to the fridge to get what you needed. In the porridge, there were some vegetables and minced chicken. Yoongi liked meat and you knew if you didn’t put some sort of protein in there, he wouldn’t eat it. 
“Have you guys eaten?” You asked the 4 as you placed the lid over the pot to let it reduce. 
“We have but Taehyung and Jimin haven’t.” Namjoon shrugged. You looked at the two, raising a disapproving eyebrow at them. 
“We wanted to wait for you.” Jimin pouted. 
“Alright. But next time, just eat first, hmm? Wouldn’t want you guys starving.” You ruffled their heads and plated their food for them and yourself. Checking on the porridge one last time, you sat down between them to eat. There was sounds from upstairs. 
“He’s awake.” Jin stated. You tilted your head. 
“The stray.” Namjoon finished. You swallowed your food and pushed out of your chair, heading upstairs. You knocked on the door before entering to see him sitting there.
“Hey?” You called out cautiously. 
“Hi!” The golden retriever perked up, turning to you with a smile and wave. He looked so animated, as if he wasn’t injured and unconscious just a few hours ago. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh in disbelief. 
“Are you feeling okay? How’s your wrist?” You asked. 
“Don’t worry, I’m feeling fine. A little sore but nothing I can’t handle. But I see you fixed me up! I hope that black panther hybrid is alright... Thank you for helping me, by the way. I’m Hoseok!” The golden retriever rambled, holding his uninjured hand out to you. You blinked in confusion, processing what he said before shaking his hand in yours.
“Uhh... Hi. I’m (y/n). You’re welcome. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling fine and yes, Yoongi is fine. He’s resting now.” You smiled.
“Oh, that’s good to hear! You know, you’re really cute, you remind me of Jungkook. Oh no! Jungkook! I have to get back to him.” Hoseok’s eyes widened in realisation.
“My little brother!” Hoseok informed.
“Let me grab my keys and I’ll send you home.” You said and Hoseok nodded. Taehyung and Namjoon offered to follow you to send Hoseok home. But when you pulled up, it was an old, abandoned house. You followed Hoseok in and he was tackled to the ground by a bunny hybrid. 
“Hyung!” He stood above the golden retriever. Namjoon just hid you behind him for safety.
“Hyung! Where did you go? You’re injured!” The bunny hybrid checked his brother, seeing the bandage around his brother’s wrist.
“I’m fine, Kookie. These nice people helped me. I was jumped last night and this human’s hybrid saved me. She even saved me from the feral shelter.” Hoseok gestured to you. The bunny finally noticed your presence and stood up. He gave the three of you wary looks.
“Feral shelter?!” Jungkook looked like he was going to have a heart attack from his brother’s words. 
“Yeah but I’m out because of her.” Hoseok grinned. 
“Hi. Jungkook, right?” You started. 
“How did you bail my brother out without him being adopted? We’re strays, we don’t have tags.” Jungkook questioned you, ignoring your question.
“I’m (y/n) and this is Namjoon and Taehyung. I’m a doctor. Don’t worry, your brother is fine, except for a broken wrist and some superficial injuries that should heal in a few days.” You explained with a smile. Jungkook looked puzzled but nodded at your words. 
“Do you two have an owner?” Taehyung asked and the two stiffened.
“We did. She moved and left us behind. But we’re fine on our own.” Jungkook said coldly.
“I have no doubt that you can take care of each other. But this house is old and doesn’t look like there’s heating. I would actually like to offer for you two to stay with us. Just for the approaching winter. I can also care for your brother’s wrist.” You asked, making all the hybrids look at you in shock. Were you really ready to house 7 hybrids?
“(y/n)...” Namjoon didn’t know what to say.
“We don’t need your help!” Jungkook grew angry, his foot tapping against the floor angrily.
“Jungkook, be nice. They rescued me and nursed me without asking for anything in return. There are 5 other hybrids living with her. She’s a nice human.” Hoseok told the younger boy. 
Jungkook gave Hoseok a weird look, annoyed that his brother was so easily bought by you. You understood why he was so guarded. They were already abandoned before.
“You can stay for the winter and leave after that. I won’t stop you.” You shrugged. Jungkook still looked unconvinced.
“Okay!” Hoseok agreed.
“HYUNG!” Jungkook shouted in outrage.
“Oh, stop being a worrywart, Kookie. She’s right, we’ll freeze to death this winter.” Hoseok said. You couldn’t help but laugh. Hoseok was so positive and bright like the sun.
Here you were, driving home with Namjoon, Taehyung and two new hybrids in your backseat. When you pulled up, Jimin was rolling around in the sheets under the heating lamp, enjoying and basking in the warmth despite the cold weather outside. 
“(y/n)!” Jimin ran over to you but backed away slightly when he noticed the new people. 
“Hey, Chim. Where’s Jin?”
“He’s feeding Yoongi hyung in your room.” He informed. 
“Alright, I would like to speak to the 5 of you. Jungkook, Hoseok, I hope you don’t mind sharing a room.” You informed. The two brother nodded and you led them to the spare room Hoseok stayed in. The two were alright with sharing a bed, being brothers. Your hybrids all gathered in your room. Yoongi was awake but still a little disoriented. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” You asked. 
“Sleepy. Jin hyung said you have some news to share with us? Taehyung texted us while you were in the car to catch us up to speed.” Yoongi explained. 
“Well then, share your thoughts.” You looked up at everyone. Yoongi opened his mouth again but you cut him off. 
“If you’re gonna say that it’s my house, save it. This place is all of yours as well. I’m sorry I made such a decision without you guys but you know I can’t let the two of them stay in an old house during the winter.” You crossed your arms.
“I was gonna say, let them stay.” Yoongi said.
“Really?” You were shocked.
“I wouldn’t want them having to fight the cold either. It sucks that their owner abandoned them. They don’t deserve it.” Yoongi shrugged. The other four nodded in agreement. Taehyung was happy to have more people to play with while Jimin was still shocked when you told him that he had a say in the house too, even though he was not actually a permanent resident.
"Jimin, are you okay?” You asked. 
“I-I’m a little shy... B-But I’ll be o-okay.” Jimin stuttered, feeling anxious when he realised all attention was on him. 
“Sweetie, I don’t want you pushing yourself too much. You have been doing great since you started staying here so we’ll just take baby steps, hmm?” You rubbed his ears. 
“I know it’s hard that all 7 of you are going to live here. Thank you for letting them stay.” You said and gave them all a hug.
“I have more people to play video games with!” Taehyung cheered.
“Doesn’t Yoongi play with you?” Jin asked.
“But he sucks at games, keeps losing.” Taehyung pouted, making Yoongi glare at the tiger. You chuckled, happy to see them all getting along. The 4 healthy hybrids decided to watch a movie together downstairs while you called your mother. You explained to her the situation that happened yesterday and she took note of it, promising that this matter will be dealt with.
“Sleep here.” You insisted and Yoongi nodded, getting comfy under the covers. You gave him some medication to help with his fever. 
“I’m going to check on Hoseok and Jungkook.” You told him and he nodded. 
“Hoseok? Jungkook?” You knocked before entering. 
“I’m sorry it’s not much. We can go shopping tomorrow and get you more clothes. I’ll also get you separate beds.” You told them. Hoseok nodded his head while Jungkook raised a skeptical eyebrow at you. 
“Why are you being so nice? You don’t even know us.” Jungkook asked. 
“Well, you trust me enough to come into my home. I don’t know why I shouldn’t be giving you back the same trust. If you’d like, the others are watching a movie downstairs if you want to join them. I’m still tending to Yoongi in my room so you’ll meet him later.” You smiled. 
“Yoongi?” Jungkook looked over to Hoseok. 
“He’s the hybrid that saved me yesterday. He ended up in the feral shelter too.” Hoseok explained. 
“I’ll leave you guys to do what you want to do. Feel free to help yourselves to anything in the house, including the food.” You waved and exited the room. Jimin was waiting for you. 
“Can I stay with you?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, bringing him to your room, where Yoongi had fallen asleep. Getting back into bed, Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist while Jimin got comfortable on your other side, letting you put your arms around him to comfort him and his nerves. 
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pretty-face-breaker · 3 years
Maybe Not Now
During Pavel’s daily torment of him, Emir sees something in him that he hadn’t seen before.
c.w. military whump, sadistic whumper, forced exercise as punishment, insults, degrading language, captivity, alluding to death as an alternative to torture
“That’s all for now, soldaty. Back to your dorms and make it neat,” General Levkin called. 
With a raise of his palm, collective relief could be heard above the fading grunts. Men rose from the field and dusted their palms on their trousers, snatching up their rifles. Twenty of them clicked sharply as they swung over various shoulders. Some grabbed a drink of water they had been meaning to get for hours as clouds swept over the barren training grounds. 
The drills of the day were over. 
As the soldiers filed after one another, murmuring too fast and foreign to be kept up with, Emir followed behind with a dry throat. His arms ached. He could hardly remember making that many mistakes in his basic training or what were supposedly called mistakes by Stanislav Levkin’s eye. He always seemed to catch him doing something wrong. Inaccurate aim. Sloppy position. Poor posture. 
But he had taken the admonitions, the hits and laps, nodded obediently, straightened his back or concentrated harder on his aim. He didn’t feel like fighting the corrections in front of fifty others and with the amount of sleep hardly managed each night, he didn’t doubt some were his fault. That, and for other reasons. Emir winced as a now clear head focussed on the burning in his bicep. 
The place Pavel had rubbed the salt earlier that week. 
Maybe yes, sir-ing his way through the drills had been also to spare his throat from overexerting itself more than he had torn in, wailing wordlessly among laughter and pleading in broken Russian to a man who likely hadn’t heard the word in his life. Emir grimaced and, feeling a bump of a body behind him, sped up to climb the stairs. Until he felt a hand pulling him aside. 
“Not so fast. Hey, you.” Pavel grinned as he pulled him from formation and back down the steps.
Emir froze and his hand shot to his collar, trying to keep his balance. “Podozhdite—” But Pavel wasn’t one to wait and pulled him fiercely until he tripped on the rocks, barely catching himself on the stone railing. Humiliated, he straightened up glaring. Pavel’s leer was ever present with that same colour of resentment, his eyes cold and devising. 
The taller man chuckled. “Did you even complete your recruit training? With how today went, I thought Stas was going to pin you to that target.”
Emir swallowed, trying not to dignify that with a response. 
Pavel’s face darkened in silence. “Follow me then get on the fucking ground. I’m not done with you.” 
His heart slammed in his throat as he followed without a word, feeling his fingertips grow cold as the group’s noises faded. With each moment, he pushed his feet further to the edges of the terrain where voices ended and the forest began and each step felt harder to take, the closer those trees got. He sucked in a quiet breath when Pavel stopped. 
“Drop. Feet together.” 
Emir obeyed, falling tense to the pushup form, and dug his nails into the earth for a brief moment, just to feel the cool of the grass, to ground himself. Once, he let his lungs expand with a breath and plunged. Pavel didn’t have to say a word for him to begin and he figured he could save him the trouble. Save it for himself too so he wouldn’t have to pay for it later again. 
He bent his elbows, breathing evenly and keeping them tracking alongside his body, until his chest dipped just below the angle of each elbow, then pushed back up, expelling the air. Slow, controlled so his throat wouldn’t burn like it had last time. His eyes were fixed on the trees across from him, the endless stretch of wood and darkness that he watched from his bed sometimes. 
It reminded him of the trip he had taken years ago, camping with his cousins after having convinced his mother that he would bring a gun and that everything would go well. Even now, he remembered the distaste in her head shake and the veiled worry in her tone as she had thrown up a hand in defeat. 
Fine, abni, but if you get mauled by a bear, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
A smile graced his mouth. It was like he was hardly there anymore. Though a few reps more and he felt a shift in breathing as Pavel sunk down onto the log next to him. 
“Feel like this has gotten easier for you. A hundred and fifty reps, nothing, eh?” He chuckled and patted him on the shoulder with enough force that Emir briefly swayed. “Fast learner. You don’t piss me off as much.”
“Then why do you keep hurting me?” Emir asked coolly. His jaw tightened a bit, hearing the huff. As if the question was a challenge. 
“Because you’re fun to hurt. You make fun noises, give me—all of us—a good time.” 
Pavel’s eye caught a nearby stone and he tapped on his knee thoughtfully as Emir plunged into another graceful pushup. The leer he wore quickly grew crooked and he revelled in the tiny spark of fear that stuttered Emir’s breathing. Hearing it was always wonderful because it meant the little shit was listening to him and on his toes more often than he had been. 
“I noticed your back was all fucked up,” Pavel admitted, reaching for the rock which could have easily been five pounds, “when we changed.” 
Emir’s eyes stayed frozen on the hollow of a nearby tree. His chest was beginning to burn with the onset of faint panic but he was surprised as it wasn’t his fiftieth repetition yet where the burning usually started. “Is that new?” 
The pressure of the rock came fully and at once into the small of his back and he jerked and tightened into a plank. He couldn’t move for a few seconds, realizing Pavel’s intention. 
“You haven’t finished. Keep going or the next one goes into your head.” 
Admittedly, the next few repetitions of the pushup were only slightly less comfortable, just a tinge less familiar with the weight on his spine and he felt his elbows wobble only the slightest amount. Still, Emir persisted. He had gone no more than ten before the next rock, larger this time, sat in front of the first. Hearing Pavel’s snicker, a silent rage caved in his chest. 
“You just had to fall into my hands, huh?” he laughed, patting the ground for another. “Unlucky bastard.” 
Emir was beginning to feel the onset of exhaustion seeping into an already worn body. He knew if he collapsed, Pavel would have something to say about it, presumably with his shoe. He winced and exhaled on the wrong motion, had to pause for a moment and focus his breathing before the next plunge and all while ignoring the wry laughter of the man next to him. 
“At least I’m not dead,” he muttered. 
Pavel stirred before he was about to lay the third rock on the next few ridges of his spine. At first, he scoffed off the response but didn’t resume the motion. He stayed silent for a few moments, letting Emir dip into the next less-than-graceful pushup and watched a bead of sweat roll down his dark temple. Something akin to cynical admiration passed across his eyes.
“You’d rather be alive, here?”  
This time, Emir stopped too. He kept his eyes forward, trained as usual, but too long had passed for it to feel like Pavel’s routine. His gaze gradually flickered over to the green eyes and tan skin beside him that so typically fixed him like prey, now staring at him in annoyed curiosity. “Yeah,” he admitted. 
The trees rustled softly in the background, dampening the mechanics from the camp as if they were unpleasant, fading memories. 
“You’re an idiot.” Pavel let the stone go and smirked to himself at the wince but it was less self-satisfied. “For getting caught and for thinking this is going to be better.”
“My pilot got shot and we crashed directly in front of you,” Emir grumbled, feeling a pulling need to defend his honour and that of his late pilot’s. “Didn’t get caught.” He glanced at Pavel warily and breathed out, seeing no brimming violence under his expression. “Besides, I-I have a family at home to think about.” 
The green eyes narrowed suspiciously. “You’re not going home.” 
He swallowed, not quite yielding. “Maybe not now.” 
“Maybe not ever.” 
Emir waited in silence for a minute more, saying little besides the soft, stuttering breaths that whistled in unison with the pines, gull calls, and the dirt twisting under Pavel’s shoe. He sensed it was an exercise to relieve boredom with how often he did it. He didn’t want to think about what Pavel had just said.
He thought about it too often, already. 
Slowly, he exhaled and pushed down again under the weight of three rocks, elbows bending alongside his body, and inhaled like it would be his last breath on his—shit, he had lost count. He mechanically continued, hoping that at a certain point, Pavel would stop him and let him go when he had fulfilled the day’s quota of entertainment but then, froze completely upon realizing that it had always been his responsibility to count. 
Pavel noticed his uncertainness. “What? You lost count or something?” 
Emir did nothing for a minute before lapsing into silent despair and nodding. What was the worst he could do, really? Kick him in the ribs? Big fucking whoop. He waited for the blow anyways, feeling that it would be a welcome relief to the incessant burning in his arms that threatened to have his entire body give out at that moment and crash to the ground onto that asshole’s boot. 
But in the meantime, Pavel had been quiet and uncharacteristically thoughtful. 
“Get up,” he ordered. “That’s enough.” He pushed himself up from the log and stretched to the clouds, wincing himself at the unwise angle he had been slouching in since Emir had begun the exercise. “Go back to your dorm and don’t let me see you again today.” 
Too stunned to move, Emir fixed him with a fearful look until he realized it was a serious order. He could have let himself fall to the ground and really, it was tempting. To lay there and let the exhaustion seep into the dirt but Pavel’s patience already seemed stick-thin and he didn’t want to push today’s generosity. He rolled to let the rocks fall off and bolted to standing, starting his journey back to the camp. When he turned for Pavel’s approval, the man wasn’t moving. 
His eyebrows pricked up. “Maybe not now,” he muttered. “Idiot.”  
Tagging: @straight-to-the-pain @heathenville
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