#that line im not trying to get caught up in her mess but god when she walked in pushed me against a wall said ill make u forget abt my ex
delicatetaysversion · 11 months
this reminds me did you listen to the song i tagged you jn
abhi suna heh song made me go 🤨😏but knowing that you love it makes me feel
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sturnstvs · 8 months
glasses - matt sturniolo
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summary: in which a nerd and a popular kid run into each other
warnings: use of y/n
everyone knows there is a line you don't cross, weather it be in a relationship, a friendship or what not, whatever you do you don't cross that line. in this case the line you don't cross is between the low class and the upper class. your probably thinking why? why are you talking about something that only happend in the 1800's, well somerville high was not like any other school. it was not caught up with the time, so someone in the lower class wouldn't even consider being friends with someone in the upper class never mind a relationship.
matthew sturniolo was a nerd. that's what the popular kids called him anyway. besides his smarts the reason people called him a nerd and low life was because of his glasses. the ones that were always falling off his nose because they were a little big, the glasses that every other girl in the school would make fun of, the glasses that as most people would say, made him look like a dork. ask anyone who they think matthew sturniolo is and they would say nerd with glasses (even though he is a triplet) well almost everyone.
y/n green the most popular girl in the whole school. the girl everyone was on their knees for like she was the kings daughter and they would get shot if they weren't. she ruled the school just because they let her. see y/n didn't ask to be popular they just let her be. now she wasn't that kind of popular that you would worship because you were afraid of, she was no regina george. she was actually sweet and kind and maybe that's the reason why everyone chose her for the crown.
in y/n's opinion boys were low life jerks that would per sway any opportunity to get into your pants. while being popular had its upsides it definitely had its downsides as well. all the boys were trying to get in her pants. she was getting a number from a boy that was any other girls dream, she turned them all down though because there was never a guy that had exceeded her expectations until she met him.
y/n was walking down the halls of her high school at the early hours in the morning minding her own business even though three guys have already asked her for her number, when all of the sudden she ran into someone knocking both of their books to the ground.
"oh my god i am so sorry" said a voice that seemed in such a state of nervousness that he knocked more books down if that was even possible
"it's okay don't worry about it" y/n bent down to pick up the books off the floor
they continued to pick up the books off the floor every so often handing the other their book until all the books were picked up. y/n finally got a look at the boys face and almost swooned over him in an instant. his glasses were almost completely off his face from the impact. his hair, which was parted in the middle was starting to overlap, his hands that were shaking from being in the presence of y/n green herself. all in all he looked like a mess, an adorable one to y/n.
y/n reached her hand over to gently brush her hands through his messed up part trying to fix what was once there, once she was done with that she moved to his face to fix his glasses putting them back up to the bridge of his nose, admiring his eyes and the way they sparkled in the light as she did. she moved her hands into his trying to reassure him that he was safe in her arms.
"i love your glasses" y/n spoke in a tone that she genuinely meant it which made matt melt
"oh these really? i hate them, people make fun of me for them" matt told the girl in complete shock
"really cause i think they make you look really handsome" she spoke quietly all the while still holding his hands
"the names y/n by the way" she told the boy
"yeah i know, you're really pretty" matt gushed
y/n blushed at the complement. he wasn't like the others, he seemed genuinely sweet
"im matt" he replied back smiling
"i know"
his smile dropped. of course she knew who he was, he was the guy they all bullied and made fun of
"your brother nick is really funny we sit next to each other in photography class" she smiled
for once someone didn't know him off of his glasses but by his brothers, he felt his chest warm knowing this.
"ill see you around matt" she started walking off while matt was still in shock
his brothers came over to him seeing his shocked face
"are you okay? why do you look so shocked" his brother chris asked
"wait!, i almost forgot"
y/n ran back to the boy giving him a piece of paper and a kiss on the check
"hi nick! see you in photography class" she smiled before walking off to her class
matt opened the paper reading it in shock with his brothers
here's my number ###-###-####, i would love to hang out sometime, i might need some help with math :)
safe to say matt started getting teased by his brothers more often after that.
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note: i'm atill trying to figure this out so sorry if this is wired anyway! this is mine! ANY OF THESE ONESHOTS ON WATTPAD ARE MINE AS WELL
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cato616 · 1 year
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kendall roy x fem! reader
I'm planning to write another succession fic so yeyy im excited; it's more general, kendall, roman and shiv. So probably there will be something about it these week I hope.
note: I tried to make this ep the smutty one but I got carried away for something else,, so sorry you will have to wait for the next one I think 💀
summary: kendall suggested you should stay for the night after the party, but for that you'd have to tolerate the event before it's finished, and perhaps that could take a bad turn
parts: pt.1 // pt.2 /// pt.4
content/warning: jealousy again, more alcoholism, emotional angst?
I'll see you later ken
You thought. Kept you excited, you are a pretty anxious person, can't wait all night to be alone with him again, but unfortunately you would have to play alone for today, pretending to hear what your co-workers been doing while having your mind elsewhere.
You've been walking around the place, trying to distract yourself, and see if you could spot kendall somewhere. Went from room to room, as you felt he was ignoring you, but you weren't trying to be a stalker, just, wanting to find out what was wrong, and you are an incredible observer to do that.
You finally spotted kendall, right at the corner of the bar, pretty well hidden you could say. However you noticed he was talking with just the one. you gotta be kidding me. His ex was having a fun conversation with the man, as it appeared; lots of smiling here and then, grinning ear to ear, you didn't have to be a pro at observing corporal language to understand that they were flirting. You felt a little disappointed, his ego was bigger than you thought, he must've feel so great when successfully seduced the desperate assistant, to then going after the ex, and feel like the greatest man in the world; you were not having that.
As you were watching them, kendall eyes glimpsed at your presence in the distance, staring at him from a far. You immediately looked the other way, it wasn't intentional, to make yourself look like lurker, you didn't want to him to catch you like that, the rejected lover, who didn't even get to base one with the man, so damn ridiculous. You got out of the room quickly as you could, and decided to leave the flat to then leave to yours.
In kendall's perspective, when he caught you looking, he knew he was kind of busted, and as soon as you started to leave the room, seeming a little heartbroken, he tried to chase you down, but unfortunately he lost you, since you were already gone. He could've follow you down, but he gave up, feeling so stupid for his own actions. Felt he had it all under control.
He was beat, didn't feel all the party vibes at the moment, so he went straight to his bed, feeling a little broken. Roman caught him going away, in a way that feels suspicious. "wow, the party man it's leaving his own party, what you have there? some fresh lines waiting for you?" As always roman being so charming. "just- just leave it man okay? not today." Kendall was done with himself he couldn't keep hearing roman's daily teasing. "woah, um you okay bro? I mean I don't wanna get into it all but-." Ken chuckles mid conversation. "yeah, of course you don't." he lays down on his bed, and put his hand over his front head, as he would have q terrible headache. "I messed up, rome." As he exhales out of exhaustion and confesses. "you fucking it up? not a surprise honestly." Kendall continued not caring a bit what roman's being saying, as he's used of it. "You warned me, I suppose, and I didn't listen." Roman stayed put, deciphering what could be kendall talking about, and then it hit him. "oh my god, her?" Fully surprised by the situation but overly amused by his confession, kendall nodded to his question. Roman starts laughing. "I gotta tell someone, shiv! she's gonna love this-" Shiv magically appears right after roman talked about her. "uuh, what's going on? I saw you and roman coming in here, what happened?" Shiv sees both kendall, looking like a sad puppy, and roman, who was about to burst with laughter. "guess who was gonna get bent over today by the world champion here?" Roman was so excited to let shiv know the most humiliating news for kendall. "roman I don't wanna know what kendall's up to, sincerely, but... her? your...?" intending to be you. Ken again nodded. "yeah... (sighs) you're correct." Shiv put her hand over her mouth, to contain any loud laughter that could come out of her to try to be civilized about this. "oh, ken..." slightly chuckles but instantly it wears off. "it hasn't been a day yet... and you already fucked it?" Shiv still seemed a little unserious, but the question was genuine. "what happened?" Shiv calmly asks, as she gently sits down on the bed, next to kendall; Kendall does the same and lifted his way up, to have him now sitting next to shiv. Roman rolled his eyes, the warm heart to heart moments weren't his style, but he kept quiet, and sat down too, on the other side of the bed. Then kendall started to tell about it. "I promised, well, kind of... to meet up with her, later on, but I got distracted with..." Kendall pauses but shiv understood it. "oh her?" Talking about kendall's ex in an obvious matter. "yeah, she's here too... and it was wrong, I betrayed someone, once more." Ken closes his eyes, feeling remorseful, and shiv tries to cheer him up after having eye contact with roman, both seeing kendall, feeling worried. "now dude, I know she's very shy and stuff, but we're adults, and shit can happen, you couldn't help it ken..." Kendall turn his head to shiv slowly. "when you're an adult it doesn't mean you can't be a good and decent person, shiv, but maybe you didn't know that." Shiv attitude changes right after kendall's attack after her. "woah, okay, first of all, you can't come up me like that-" both of them start fighting each other, on voice on top of the other, while roman was watching the whole thing, on silence but annoyed by it all. "okay, okay! you guys..." kendall and shiv looked straight at roman. "you starting to sound just like mommy and daddy." Roman starts fake crying and then stopped his teasing to have his middle finger shown to them, as usual. "bye bye, you morons." Roman closed the door and leaves kendall and shiv still together. Shiv tries to focus back on, looks at ken, seeming hot-tempered. "if you think... that the girl is going to be a liability, then she shouldn't be working for us any longer." She walks away from the bedroom and leaves. Kendall is now alone again, with his thoughts.
As for you, just have arrived to your place, not trying to think about all that mess from earlier, you were alone as well with your thoughts, thinking how any of this was a good idea, playing around like this with your job on the line, yes, it does pay really well, but if something like this was already troubling your mental health, perhaps it's not really that worth it. You were decided, you took out your phone, but then stopped for a second, started to reflect, maybe you were making a decision too quickly out of just jealousy, that you'll probably regret after. You tried to calm yourself, breathe in and out, everything will be fine, and you will need to keep kendall out of your mind and start looking somewhere else-
Your phone starts buzzing, and who could it be, it's Kendall luckily. You were just reflecting about your life because of Kendall and then starts calling you out of nowhere just when you had your phone on your hands. are there cameras here? You started to get paranoid just a tiny bit. You determinedly hit the answer button, ready to have a conversation. "hello Kendall." pretty unbothered. "oh hey... I think we need to-" You didn't give him a chance to even start it. "this is how it's gonna go, I stay as your assistant, or even someone elses? roman, tom, anyone... but that's all I'll ever be here, I won't be a little toy for you to play around, and for so long..." You feel like starting to break a little. "we've been friends for so many years, and you treat me like this... I should be quitting actually, but I won't have it... now that I think about it, you really are deserving of your name, kendall roy." You hear nothing but his silence on the other side, but hoping actually he would say something, however you knew he wouldn't, and let you be more infuriated by it. "tomorrow, ill be back, and everything will be back to normal, but you get to be the kendall roy you were always meant to be.
Right after you hung up, you thought that maybe you went a little too far; if they decide to fire you, it's probably for the better, but if not, you get on with your life, doing what you always have been doing, being an assistant.
After hunging up on Kendall, he was nothing but devastated, couldn't believe he can't even hold onto someone he cares about on just day one. He was believing that everything he does, touch, etc. tends to fail for him. Flirting with his ex, was a mistake, and in vain, she wouldn't get back with him, ever. He was fighting loneliness at the moment, but you, you were used to it, you had yourself and you thought that was enough; on the contrary, kendall was just getting started, couldn't bare the fact he was that close on having you later that night, since he can't keep it in his pants, ruined it.
He went straight to bed, party was over, but you didn't want to sleep just yet, there was something else you needed to do first. You grabbed your phone and started writing.
Sorry to bother you Mr roy, but I wanted to discuss something with you, maybe about a transfer. I'll be glad if you get to answer this, if not, I'll be there trying to contact you more often to get this matter to your attention. I'll be patiently waiting for your reply. Thank you.
Good night, roman.
You sent the e-mail, and went to sleep right after it. You thought you'd be sleeping horribly, not only because of the whole Kendall thing, but also thinking about working for roman would leave you apprehensive, but turns out, you're sleeping like an angel.
Roman was heading to his place after the party. He was sitting at the back of the range rover, when suddenly his phone buzzed. "g-mail? who the fuck sends e-mails nowadays?... and who is-..." Roman's eyes opened wide when he read the username and as he started to read the mail as well. "holy shit, oh my god, Kendall is going to absolutely love this, fuck yeah." Roman wasted no time and got to it, wrote you back very quickly. He was more than happy with your decision, as he put back his phone back in his pocket, and kept on smiling. "tomorrow will be a fucking interesting day"
and it will be.
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acciopietro · 2 years
i’m sorry this is kinda lengthy but basically peter is a huge simp for reader but he’s scared to put her in danger bc he’s spider-man but some villains find out he likes reader anyway so they attack her but he’s nearby and rushed to help her only to see that her take them out and finds out that’s she’s an underground hero so he confronts her later and it’s super fluffy and cute
silk - p.p.
pairing: th! peter parker x fem! reader
summary: in which peter’s school crush is not what she seems.
word count: 5,030
tw: mentions of abusive relationships and violence.
a/n: i hope you don’t mind i changed up the plot just a little bit!! same idea basically but just slightly different. im in a bit of a writing slump so i hope you dont mind i used ur request to try and get my creative thinking back up and running LOL. i never know what to do when making reader a superhero so i just made Y/N like silk from the comics. if you don’t know who she is, google her! she’s awesome! thanks for the request <3 BTW this is not edited bc im lazy
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PETER LIKED TO THINK HE WAS SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW WHEN TO GIVE UP. He was an Avenger, for gods sake; if he could fight someone like Thanos, then he could accurately gage when it was time to take a step back and admit that not all battles could be won. Even if he was willing to fight until his last breath.
He had liked Y/N for a while. Longer than he’d ever admit to anyone else, even Aunt May or Ned. Since before he became Spider-Man, she had caught his eye, but Peter had always been a bit too nervous to approach her. He had gotten lucky when his schedule lined up with hers for his Junior year, having five out of his seven classes with her. The only issue, however, was her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend was no match for Peter. Peter might be Spider-Man undercover, but in the daylight of his high school career, he was... kind of a loser. Y/N’s boyfriend, James, was six-foot-three and Captain of the wrestling team, with broad shoulders and a strong jaw. Peter, on the other hand, was a measly five-foot-nine and often compared himself to looking like a toddler. Aunt May said otherwise, but that didn’t change anything.
“Hey, Pete,” she smiled at him, the apples of her cheeks round as she slid into the seat in front of him. She was the only one who called her ‘Pete,’ with the exception of Aunt May. Having so many shared classes had brought forth the closest thing he could get to being hers: an in-school friendship.
“Hi,” he pursed his lips into a smile, lifting a hand up in a meek wave. Fiddling with his pencil where it hovered above his graph paper, he eyed her and said, “I, uh— I like your shoes.”
“Oh, really?” she glanced down at the black-and-white skate shoes. “I was iffy about wearing them, ‘cause they kind of make me feet look like squares, don’tcha think?”
Peter peered back down at the shoes and cracked a small grin. “Maybe a little bit. But it’s not bad, I think they’re cool.”
“Thanks!” Y/N leaned down to unzip her backpack, taking out the notebook of graph paper with a series of messy scribbles along the margins. She flipped it open, turned in her chair to face him. “Okay, so I’m assuming you did the homework? I seriously have no idea how to do this, and I figured you did.”
“Oh, yeah — yeah, I — I did the homework,” Peter nodded fervently, leaning forward over his desk so he could see her notebook. She placed it on the top of his desk, fully facing him, and pointed to the second problem on the sheet.
“So I used SOH-CAH-TOA to find this angle, but then I guess I messed it up somewhere along here....” she continued talking, explaining the process of her attempt at solving the calculus problem. Peter listened intently to her words, all while staring at the different flecks of color in her e/c eyes and losing himself the way she bit the inside of her cheek in between sentences. “Peter?”
“Yeah?” he snapped out of it. She was smiling at him and oh, shit, he hadn’t heard the second half of what she was saying.
“So do you think you could help?” she asked. Her eyes shifted over towards the clock on the front wall. “‘Cause we got like three minutes until the period officially starts and I seriously need a good grade.”
“Yeah, of course,” Peter gulped and grabbed his calculator, focusing his eyes on the graph paper and began copying down the equation from his own notebook. It was dreadfully difficult to keep his focus with her leaning so close to him, her perfume flooding into his brain and fogging up his mind. He scribbled down the solution as fast as you can.
“Oh, duh!” she slumped her shoulders. “I guess I multiplied wrong. I always screw up simple math.”
“No, you did it right the first time,” Peter gently smiled at her, careful not to keep eye contact for too long. “Just a little mess up in the middle. But all the other math was, uhm... spot on.”
“Thanks, Pete,” she nodded, tapping her fingers on the spiral spine of her notebook. “I’m really glad that — oh shit!”
She jolted in her spot, a pair of hands coming down to squeeze her shoulders. She turned around and sighed; Peter followed the hands and was disappointed to see James, her boyfriend, standing beside her desk.
“You scared the shit out of me!” she said breathily, one hand flying to rest over her heart. “Jesus!”
“Sorry, babe,” James chuckled, slipping into his spot— which just so happened to be right beside her, diagonal from Peter. “What’s good, Penis Parker?”
Peter felt his ears turn red, and he clenched his jaw, avoiding the other boys eyes and shifting awkwardly in his seat. Y/N abruptly whacked her boyfriend on the arm, suddenly frowning.
“Don’t be a dick,” she said pointedly. James laughed.
“It’s just a joke,” he lifted his hands in defense. “Parker doesn’t care, does he? Do you?”
Peter glanced up, eyes darting between James and Y/N. He only shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter,” Y/N said, scooting her chair under her desk as soon as she saw the teacher enter the classroom. “It’s still rude and immature and his name is Peter.”
“Okay, chill out,” James muttered. “Hey, you did the homework, right?”
Peter watched Y/N send her boyfriend a very tired expression, her shoulders slouching. “Seriously?"
“What? C’mon, I had practice ‘till late last night,” James frowned. “And you know how much I struggle with Calc.”
Y/N gave another sigh before reluctantly handing him her notebook. Peter watched the exchange with a slight frown, biting his tongue to refrain from saying something about cheating and morality or something equally as stupid. He wasn’t going to tattle. He didn’t want to do that to her, not that he gave a flying fuck about what happened to James.
James wordlessly threw the notebook back to her after a few minutes; she caught it swiftly and spared him another longing sort of glance before bowing her head and facing the front of the room. Peter clenched his jaw and sent a glare towards the back of James’ head; he knew he was a dick, and she knew he was a dick. So why the hell was she dating him?
There was no way in hell that James had some kind of brilliant quality about him that made this kind of treatment worth it. It’s not like he was remarkably thoughtful, or funny, or attractive. He was pleasant looking, sure, but Peter was sure there wasn’t a single redeeming quality about him.
As though he had heard his thoughts, James suddenly turned his head around and was met with Peter’s lingering glare. He narrowed his eyes at him, glanced at Y/N, and then looked back at Peter. Peter fought the urge to bow his head and shy away; he was Spider-Man for fuck’s sake! He could handle some stupid high school asshole, couldn’t he?
Peter frowned the entire walk from class to his locker, where he tiredly turned his lock and swung open the metal door as though the interaction in Calculus had taken a serious toll on him.
“Peter!” came a cheery voice from his right. Leaning back to look over his locker, he saw Ned, grinning. “You look so unhappy to see me. Is there a reason for this, or are you just, like, being moody today?”
“Being moody today,” Peter mumbled. “’Cause of stupid James Lewis.”
“Ah,” Ned said wisely, leaning against the other lockers as Peter slipped out his textbook and closed the metal door. “Yeah, that can really wreck a guys mood.”
“Yeah,” Peter breathed, watching as Y/N approached her locker on the other end of the hall. James followed at her heels, laughing obnoxiously with another boy on the wrestling team and ignoring his girlfriend entirely. Y/N took out her books, clutching them to her chest, and turned to speak to James; Peter watched as she fiddled nervously with her necklace as she waited for her boyfriend to look at her. “Why’s she dating him, man? He’s so awful.”
“I dunno, dude,” Ned shrugged. “Women are the world’s greatest mystery.”
“So are men,” Peter muttered, sending James a final glare before he and Ned turned the other way.
EARLY THAT EVENING, just before he left for patrol, Peter’s phone rang. Which was fairly normal, considering Ned called him a million times a day and Aunt May often send him the occasional call on her way home from work. This time, however, startled him, because the name on the call was not Ned, nor was is May. It said Y/N.
“H-Hey, Y/N, hi!” Peter stammered out after pressing the green answer button, steadying his grip on his phone after it had almost slipped from his grasp. “Hello!”
“Hi, Pete,” her voice said, sounding sweet. “Sorry to call you at such a weird time. I—er— had a question about the homework?”
“Oh, yeah!” Peter held the phone to his ear with his shoulder and shot his hand out across his room; a web flung from his wrist and stuck itself onto his Calculus notebook. It soared towards him, and he frantically flipped to the most recent page. “Which one?”
“Uhm, number three.”
Peter scanned the page through the latex of his mask.
“I don’t think we had to do number three tonight,” he answered with an awkwardly laugh. Through the phone, she gave a noise of disapproval.
“Ugh, of course!” she said exasperatedly. “I always copy down the wrong numbers from the board. Thanks for telling me. Sorry to bother you!”
“No, no, you’re not — you’re not a bother!” Peter insisted in a shrill voice, grabbing his mask from the top of his head and tugging it off of his face. “Never a bother!”
With a laugh, she said, “I totally procrastinated my homework... I was totally binge watching all the Spider-Man videos on YouTube. Have you see them?”
Peter coughed rather loudly. “Erm, yeah, a few. Don’t really pay attention to, uh... to Spider-Man...”
“They’re totally awesome,” she gushed, and Peter felt heat flood up into his cheeks. “How do you not pay attention to Spider-Man? I feel like that’s right up your alley.”
“I dunno,” Peter shrugged absentmindedly. “We’ve got tons of Avengers, y’know? Guess I’m just... erm... kinda desensitized to it.”
"I’m kind of a dork about the Avengers, actually,” she said timidly. “I don’t care how many times I see Captain America on the news— I am totally mesmerized each and every time. Same with Spider-Man. I think they’re so cool.”
“...mesmerized?” Peter perked his head up. “Uhm... how so?”
“Thought you didn’t care about Spider-Man?”
Peter pressed his lips together. “I don’t.”
You dismissively waved your hand and said, “Then, I’ll stop. I don’t mean to be geeking out.”
“No, it’s okay!” Peter said hastily. “Really, I don’t mind. I think it’s cool that you think the Avengers are cool. They are cool.”
“But not Spider-Man?”
“I — well — no, Spider-Man is cool, I never said he wasn’t cool,” Peter went on. “But, I’m just saying, like... I dunno. The other Avengers are better. Like... like Iron Man, he’s awesome. Black Widow, she’s... the best.”
“Hm,” she paused. “I think I’ll be her for Halloween. You totally just sparked my imagination, thanks!”
“No problem,” he replied, willing himself not to think about what she might look like in the tight, leather suit that Black Widow wore. There was a beat of silence, and Peter was sure he had started sweating.
“Okay, well... I ought to finish the homework that we actually have to do,” she joked, a smile heard within her words. Peter felt himself grin. “I’ll see you tomorrow in class, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah— see you!” he said, and with a Click! she was gone. Turning off his phone, he tossed it onto his bed and groaned, putting his head in his hands and frowning. He was way too enthusiastic to say See you!. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed his phone again and slipped it into his pocket before grabbing his mask and slipping it over his face; it was time to patrol, not to daydream. Cracking open his window, he was gone.
SOMETHING WAS WRONG. Peter felt it as soon as he went on patrol for the night. The streets of the city were empty, the night breeze whisking up the dust of the pavement and paving a path for no one. It was unlike Queens to be so quiet at this time of night; even at a quarter past midnight, the city was usually lively, however this night was different.
Mindlessly winging along the sides of the cities skyscrapers, Peter wondered what could be the cause of this weird occurrence. It wasn’t like someone kidnapped and hid away the entire population of Queens... nor was their some kind of alien abduction (he would’ve seen it). Maybe it was a holiday he wasn’t aware of and every happened to go on vacation at the same time. Or maybe—
“Woah!” said a voice, and before his eyes focused back into the world around him, he slammed face first into another figure. He shot a hand up as he flipped upside down, a web sticking onto one of the nearby billboards above, and watched as the mysterious figure slid down the wall before coming to a pause. He blinked. How were they sticking to the wall?
Lowering himself down, he stared at the figure. He might have been watching them from an upside-down point of view, but he could see clearly the web design on their suit. 
“Hi,” he said, tilting his head to the side as though to watch them more clearly. They lifted their head, pushing h/c out of their eyes; they had a red mask over their nose and mouth, e/c eyes blinking up at him. 
The torso of their suit was silver, with a red-and-black web pattern across their chest, however the arms and legs were black with the exception of her fingers, which were painted a bright red. Woah.
“Uhm,” Peter said again. “How’s it hangin’?”
“It’s all right,” the figure said; the voice was feminine, familiar. He felt his stomach jump for a second, as though he knew who it was, but it went away after a moment. “With the exception of you slamming into me.”
“Sorry about that,” Peter lowered himself more and crawled up the single web so he could be right-side up, at her eye-level. “Wasn’t paying attention. Hey, who are you?”
“None of your bees-wax,” she sassed, lifting a hand up. “I gotta go.”
“Woah, woah!” Peter shot out a web to intercept hers, swinging up to follow her. “Hey, c’mon! You know who I am, right?”
“Obviously,” she said, her back to him as she swung away. “Doesn’t mean I owe you anything.”
Peter frowned under his mask. “Well, how’re you also SpiderMan? Or... Spider-Woman? Sorry.”
“It’s Silk, actually,” she said exasperatedly. “And I’m what you call also SpiderMan because some nasty insect decided to bite me two days ago.”
“Yesterday?” Peter mused, still following her. “How’re you swinging so well, then?���
“Practice,” she shrugged and came to a stop on a nearby rooftop. “Are you gonna follow me all the way home, or what?”
“Oh, sorry,” Peter launched himself towards her, landing on the same roof. “I’m just... curious. Hey, were you the reason why everyone was gone?”
“Yup. Huge robbery at the edge of the city. Everyone sort of flocked outside when I got ‘em out of the place,” she said, crossing her arms over his chest. Peter stared, eyes trailing over the fine details of her suit. She furrowed her brows. “Hey! Look me in the eyes when I’m talking to you, you creep!”
“Sorry! Sorry!” Peter flinched. “I wasn’t— I wasn’t staring at your— I was looking at your suit! It’s really cool.”
“Thanks,” she avoided his eyes and rubbed the side of her head. Peter then noticed she had a bruise forming on her upper cheekbone. “I need to go home, okay?”
“Okay, yeah,” Peter nodded feverishly. “Didn’t mean to keep you.”
“All good, SpiderMan,” she gave him a salute and said, “See you ‘round.”
WORD OF SILK had spread faster than Peter anticipated. The next day at school, her name permeated about the hallways, whispers of her trickling around Peter wherever he went. She was the first thing Ned spoke of when Peter saw him that morning, and he was floored to find out Peter had actually met her.
Y/N was not in the calculus classroom when Peter walked in. She usually was there before him, however the seat in front of him remained empty. James, her boyfriend, came in earlier than usual, looking especially cranky. Peter gave him his own glare (which wasn’t very menacing, but he liked to pretend it was) before averting his eyes to his graph paper. 
“The hell are you looking at, Parker?” James barked. Peter shifted his eyes up.
“Nothing,” Peter said.
James scoffed and slumped into his seat, running a hand through his hair before sending a nod of a greeting to the girl who sat on the other side of him. Peter frowned at this, watching as the random girl blushed and sent a wave back. 
Right before the bell rang, as the last kids settled into their seats, Y/N speed-walked in, frantically apologizing to the teacher as she hustled into her seat. Peter sat up straighter, staring to try and meet her eyes, but she slid into her seat without looking up at anyone. 
The teacher, Mr. Bruno, began to teach, and Peter watched as James leaned over to nudge Y/N with the eraser of his pencil. She snapped her head over; her eyes were bloodshot, her cheeks flushed red, and her fist was clenched around her pencil.
“Woah,” James whispered. “What happened to you?”
She deeply inhaled through her nose, closing her eyes for a moment. “What do you want?”
“Don’t take that tone with me,” James furrowed his brow. “You did the homework, right?”
“Yes, but I can’t give it to you now,” she whispered. “Mr. Bruno’s teaching, and I’d get in trouble—”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, just slide it over,” James said dismissively. “Won’t hurt you. It’s really not that big of a deal—”
“She said no,” Peter blurted. James whipped his head around, as did Y/N. She blinked at him, e/c eyes shining, and she gave him a pursed-lip smile that said thanks, but you shouldn’t have done that.
“The hell did you just say?” James hissed. “Huh, Penis Parker? You got somethin’ to say?”
“Yeah,” Peter gulped. “She said no. Leave her alone.”
“She’s my girlfriend,” James barked. “This is our business, all right?”
Y/N said nothing, avoiding both of their eyes; she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, and Peter saw her chest begin to ride and fall rather quickly. It was then he noticed, as he stared at her, that there was a large bruise on the side of her cheek. Oh god, Peter thought. He’s hitting her.
“You shouldn’t speak to your girlfriend that way,” Peter muttered, turning back to face the whiteboard, copying down the notes that Mr. Bruno had written. “It’s disrespectful.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m going to take your relationship advice, Parker,” James scoffed, shaking his head. “No girl could ever date you, man.”
“Quit being a dick, James!” Y/N said rather loudly, to which Mr. Bruno finally turned around and set his eyes on her. The classroom fell silent.
“Ms. L/N, please don’t use that kind of language in my classroom,” he said gently, to which Y/N melted into her chair and nodded her head.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, casting her eyes down. She didn’t speak for the rest of the class, ignoring glares she received from James. She didn’t even turn around when they were told to work independently. Peter prayed she wouldn’t pay for his actions.
“Hey,” he said to her as soon as the bell rang, reaching over to touch her shoulder. She jumped back, eyes wide, before her shoulders deflating at the sight of him.
“Oh, sorry, Pete,” she said, her voice tired. Her eyes were still bloodshot and glistening, and he stared at her gently with concern. “Scared me.”
“Wait here for a sec,” he told her, watching as James threw his bag over his shoulder. She gave him a look. “Please?”
“Y/N, c’mon,” James beckoned her. Y/N spared Peter a look before she turned and said.
“I’ll catch up,” she said carefully. “I gotta talk to Pete.”
James glanced in between them cynically, before his malicious glare settled on Peter. He clenched his jaw and said, “Fine,” before stomping out of the classroom.
“Are you okay?” Peter asked Y/N once James was out of earshot.
“I’m just tired, I promise,” she assured him. “I didn’t sleep well.”
“You’re all flushed. And your face is bruised...” Peter lifted a hand up absentmindedly as though to graze the bruise with his knuckle, but he snapped his hand back down to his side when he realized what he was doing. Glancing back at the door, where James had disappeared, Peter said, “Look, if somethings wrong... if you’re not safe...”
Y/N furrowed her brows. “Safe? I’m plenty safe, I promise. What is this about?”
“James,” Peter said. “I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions, but... he kind of treats you like shit, Y/N.”
“I — he’s just...” she gulped. “He gets angry. I know it’s not good, but...”
She clenched her jaw and glanced feverishly behind Peter. 
“It’s not like I can just dump him and have everything be all rainbows and sunshine, okay?” her shoulders tensed. “He’s my first boyfriend, I... I can’t just dump him.”
Peter frowned and glanced down at her bruised cheek. “But he’s...”
Y/N lifted a hand to touch her bruise, and with a faint smile she said, “I know what you’re thinking. He didn’t hit me, Pete.”
“You don’t have to lie,” Peter pressed further. Y/N furrowed her brows. “You can tell me. I can help you—”
“It’s not from him, Peter!” she insisted and threw her backpack over her shoulder, however it accidentally whacked her water bottle than had been sitting on the corner of the desk. 
Peter, the hairs on his arms raising, lunged forward to grab it, however his fingers bumped right into hers. Lifting his eyes up, he saw that she had caught the bottle before he had. How...? he couldn’t finish the thought. She pursed her lips and turned to tuck the water bottle into the side pocket of her bag. 
“Don’t worry about me, Peter,” she said hastily without looking at him, her hand not leaving the water bottle on the side of her backpack. 
She shook her wrist around as though to try and take her fingers off the bottle, however her hand stayed put. Peter watched intently. Y/N finally settled on taking the bottle out and holding it in front of her. 
“I’m fine,” she told him firmly. “Erm — see you.”
And she circling around him without another word, starting towards the door. Peter hastily turned to grab his own bag in an attempt to rush after her.
“Wait, you left your—!” Peter picked up her pencil and turned around, but she was already gone. Sighing, he moved to put the pencil down, but something caught him off guard; a strand of a spider web wrapped around the eraser like a cocoon. His head snapped up.
No fucking way. 
DESPITE HAVING A good amount of classes with her, Y/N seemed to keep slipping out of his grasp again and again throughout the day. She ignored the notes he kept asking Ned to give her in History, pretending like she didn’t see him staring at her in English, speed-walking away from him in the cafeteria. Peter was sure he’d have to web her to keep her in one place just so he could talk to her.
By the sound of the final bell, Peter raced out of his last class (Physics) and practically sprinted to his locker before pushing his way down the stairwell in an attempt to reach the main entrance to the school to find Y/N. She parked her car on the side of the building, and although Peter walked the other way to catch his bus home, he decided to walk to her car. But when he reached her car, and she wasn’t there, he realized how creepy he probably seemed.
“Pete?” he heard his name, and he grimaced before turning around. Y/N was standing on the sidewalk, books hugged to her chest.
“Hey,” he dragged out, tensing his shoulders. “Uhm. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she sighed, walking around the other side of the car to drop her backpack and books onto the passenger seat. “What... erm... what’re you doing at my car?”
“Well, that’s... it’s...” Peter pursed his lips. Digging into his pocket, he took out her web-wrapped pencil. Her brows twitched. “I found this.”
“Thanks,” she reached out and grabbed it from him. “I was looking for it.”
“No, that’s... look at the end of it,” Peter said. At this, she furrowed her brows in confusion and glanced down at the eraser, covered in silk. She clenched her jaw and said nothing. “I... you can tell me, y’know.”
“Tell you what?” she said, putting her pencil back in her pocket. Peter opened his mouth wordlessly. “What’s up with you and your accusations today?”
“Okay, in my defense, it’s kind of hard to not thing you’ve got an abusive boyfriend when he treats you — and everyone else, might I add! — like shit all the time, every day.”
“I — he doesn’t —”
“So when you come into class looking like you’re about to cry, and with a bad bruise on the side of your cheek, excuse me for being just a little bit concerned!” Peter blurted. Y/N stared at him wordlessly. “And now there’s spider-web wrapped around your pencil. And the whole school is talking about this mysterious spider-woman—”
“She’s not a Spider-Woman,” Y/N muttered, brushing past Peter and opening the door to the driver’s seat. “Her names’ Silk.”
“Proving my point!” Peter threw his arms up. “I know it’s you! Silk said the same thing!”
At this, Y/N squinted and peered at him oddly. “What do you mean Silk said the same thing? Have you met her?”
Peter opened and closed his mouth like a fish for a moment. “I — that’s — no! Of course I haven’t! When — when would I have —?”
“Ah, okay,” Y/N suddenly smirked. “Why don’t you tell me what your deal is, then? I know it’s you!”
Peter clenched his jaw. “What... don’t turn this on me! This is about you!”
“You just made it about you,” Y/N stepped forward to him, and lowering her voice to a whisper, she said, “Spider-Man.”
Peter flushed and jumped back. “No! No, that’s — I don’t know where you’re getting that from! Look at me, I can’t be — I could never be — look at me! I don’t even—”
Y/N suddenly threw her phone out towards the ground at Peter’s feet. Cutting off his ramble, he struck his hand out nonchalantly and catch the phone. Handing it back to her, he continued, “Careful with that. But, anyways, it’s not me!”
“You just caught that in less than a second,” Y/N deadpanned. “If you’re honest with me, I’ll be honest with you.”
Peter stared at her for a moment, unsure. Rocking back and forth on his feet, he squinted and said, “You first.”
Sighing, she rolled her eyes and said, “Okay. You’re right.”
“Ha!” Peter pumped a fist in the air. “Knew it!”
“Now you.”
He frowned and took a deep breath. “You... I... you can’t tell anyone.”
She suddenly beamed. “Y’know, I thought there was something suspiciously charming about Spider-Man.”
Red-faced, Peter said, “Charming?”
“Yeah,” Y/N shrugged sheepishly, her face tinged pink. “Look, I... James is...” she sighed. “I broke up with him. Right after last period.”
Peter’s face lit up.
“But... it’s not all sunshine and roses now,” she muttered. “He made a big stink about it and now he won’t stop calling me, and... he just... he scares me a bit.”
He frowned and took a step closer to her, leaning against the side of the car to face her. “I won’t let him hurt you.”
“Thanks," she said half-heartedly.
“I’m serious,” Peter said, bowing his head slightly and staring down at her. “He might be a wrestler or whatever he is, but I’m literally a superhero.”
She snickered.
“Nothing, it just sounds funny,” she giggled and glanced away, her cheeks still pink. “I appreciate it, Pete. Really.”
She was closer to him than he had anticipated, her sweet-smelling perfume flooding his sensing and ensnaring him in his place. He swallowed, his hands twitching at his sides as he felt an invisible force push him closer, faces leaning in.  
“Hey!” came a voice from their side. An old woman, standing by the door of her house nearby Y/N’s car was parked. “You can’t stay parked there all afternoon, y’hear!”
“Sorry, ma’am!” Y/N called back, giggling. Peter laughed as well, ducking his head and running a hand through his hair bashfully. “Looks like we should move.”
“Yeah,” was all Peter could find it in him to say. She grinned and glanced to her side again. Peter followed her eyes, noticing that she was watching the old woman walk back into her house. “What should —!”
Y/N had shot her hand out, a web flying from her wrist and sticking to his side to pull him in and press her lips to his. It was hasty, the kiss, and just as she pulled away, she beamed and slid into the driver’s seat.
“You want a ride, or what?”
a/n: okay i kind of love this a lot. its cute. 
taglist: @childishnewt @niallhoransupremacy @criesinlies @fairydxll @mcximffs @minbeatriz16 @slvtforfictionalcharacters @kaqua @thorrealgf @pagesbetweensheets @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @eichenhouseproperty @julster
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
Three's trouble
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Pairing: suna x reader x atsumu
Tags: face fucking, praise, dirty talk, threesome, exhibitionism at first, teasing, choking, oral sex, finger sucking,  idk reader has an oral fixation, lowkey eiffel tower, spit/drool, crying, spanking, daddy!suna, masturbation
wc: 1.8k
a/n: Feeding yall until my dilf fics come out. Iowkey insp by this 
Minors dni 18+
“C’mon lemme touch her...please rinnie” He teased, copying you, knowing all you had to do was bat your eyelashes and mumble those words and you'd get what you wanted.
“Call me that shit again and i'll kick you out.” suna said. Freezing in place, dick almost going soft after those words. Lucky your pretty face drooling all over his cock brought him back.
“Go ahead...” he sighed, knowing this was gonna happen after he ‘invited’ him to watch yall fuck after he walked in on you two, knowing he was insatiable as you, and that stroking his cock wasn't enough.
“I-,  you sure…?” he asked. “This okay with you, hmm?” Only caring what your answer was, knowing your boyfriend would go along with it if it made you happy.
“Dont get me wrong its hot as fuck, been dreaming about this for so long, but...” He continued waiting for you to put out an answer, an opening as you responded by breaking your head from sunas cock enough for you to mumble a soft, sweet “yeah”. Expression hidden as your boyfriend drags you back onto him, greed overriding him, wanting to be only one to see your face like this.
Physically responding by arching your back more, rocking your hips as the friction of the air wasn't enough, humming out while your lips were wrapped around his cock once again, nodding your consent again as suna wrapped his hand around your head, leaning back with a groan.
“Fuck baby.” he muttered out. Pride rising in your chest, taking all of him like a good girl. His tip hitting the back of your throat, hands sneaking up his thighs to grab his balls in between your fingers. 
“Don't be rough at first, she doesn't like that.” he said, eyes half closed watching his every movement, looking at your body and expression for any signs of discomfort.
“Got it, got it. Don't worry.” He complained, placing himself behind you. “You're acting like i've never touched a girl before.”
“Wouldn't doubt it.” he said under his breath. Turning his vision back to you, stroking your cheek as his face was getting more tinted by the second.
You let out a whine, needy moans getting their well-needed attention back on you. Body feeling so neglected as tears started forming in your eyes, your boyfriend quickly calming you down.
“shh baby s’okay, ignore him. Just keep all your attention on me.” He cooed cupping your jaw, distracting you by doing the work for you, bobbing your head up and down with his hand on the back of your head.
Your noises getting higher and higher as atsumu moved his hand to your cunt, sliding his fingers down your slit up and down a few times before stopping to rub your clit. Sliding his finger in, so tight but you gave way so easy, curling his finger pushing the build up of slick out of you, dripping onto the floor beneath you.
“So fucking pretty.” he mumbled out, barely getting the words out before he put his lips on your thighs, placing harsh open mouthed kisses on them. Squirming at the feeling, suna’s hands locking you in place while his hands were grabbing your ass, fingers digging into the flesh as he spread you open. “So wet, wanna taste you.”
Moaning at the words, all shame leaving your body as you presented yourself more, just wanting to feel good already, hearing a chuckle followed by a slight smack landing on you. The shock, letting out a cry laced with pleasure, disconnecting your mouth from him, a gasp of “tsumu” falling from your lips, face contorting with embarrassment as your body does the same.
“You like it pretty girl? You like when your daddy spanks you when you're being bad, hmm?” 
Tears pooling in your eyes as the words left his mouth. “Aww, sweetheart. You love when he makes you cry like that, what an angel.”
His hand comes down onto your skin again, jumping at the contact, ashamedly getting you wetter and wetter. ”Fuck, you get this everynight? Lucky bitch.”:
Suna just chuckled, loving how you caught everyone's attention but at the end of the day you were his, no matter who touched you. Every nerve ending was tensing up as he entered you, his hips slowly meeting your ass at first. Watching himself slide in and out of you as he started to move, shallow strokes turning into deeper ones. “God damn baby, your tiny little cunt’s already swallowing me up.” thrusting into you harder and faster, cries leaving your throat as you already made a mess.
“Fuck baby, you already cum?...”Poor little thing, should've known that when i walked in on you creaming just from your daddy playing with your little cunt.”
“C-cause you were teasing me” you softly sobbed out in protest, needing him to move or you would breakdown.
“Was I? M’sorry pretty girl, dont worry ill make you feel good.” Hearing his grunts as you clenched, not stopping but getting rougher. Thrusting into you as his balls were hitting your sensitive clit, walls throbbing around him as you cried out incoherent words.
Watching himself slide in and out of your tiny little cunt  as he starts to move, slow and shallow strokes sliding into deeper ones. “You’re just fucking swallowing me up, fuck.”
“D-daddy” escaping from your lips in a moan, as his hand was wrapped around your neck, forcing you to look your wet sloppy face in his eyes as you were getting fucked. You blurry vision making out his deadpan face, but you felt his gaze on your body, ass bouncing after every thrust, only being held up by him.  
“Daddy?” tsumu questioned, his grip on your hips growing tighter, letting out a little squeal as his thrusts get shakier. “Fuck, youre so lucky.”
Suna just chuckled, knowing what he had, making sure you knew it too. Tsumu leaning back against your body watching you catch his thrusts halfway. Hips rolling, gasps barely having time to escape before they’re knocked out of you again.
Your boyfriend not being able to fight the groans that spill out of his mouth, thumb swiping over your lips, smearing his cum and spit there. Rocking his hips back into your mouth, eyes hooded watching tsumu make you crumble and cry under him.
“He making you feel good baby?” he asked. Whimpering at the way he’s grabbing your jaw, already so sore. “C’mon, be a good girl and tell daddy.”
Being patient with you was one of his specialties, letting you take all the time you needed, eyes focused on you waiting for you to be a big girl and use your words.
“Y-yea, rinnie.” you stuttered out, voice displaced by his thrusts.
“Good girl.”
The way he's speaking to you, so sweet and soft, but so dominant at the same time. Kissing you on the forehead before moving down to your lips. Wet eyes being rubbed by his finger as his other hand is stroking his cock.
Tsumu’s moans are background noise as you drag your tongue down his hand, grabbing it with the hand that isn’t currently on his dick, wrapping your lips around his digits. Not reacting besides letting you do what you want, as usual; breath hitching as you take it down to his knuckle.
“Fuck,” tsumu groaned, flicking his hips up into yours, getting off to the both of you looking like the sight of a porn clip in front of him.
“daddy, i-, im gonna” you whimpered, lips hovering over sunas, a line of spit connecting you two, how romantic. Your sentence not finishing as he dragged you back into a kiss, sloppy and messy, all while tsumu is bruising your cervix, the pain dulling at this point.
“Yeah baby, you gonna cum on my cock? Already doing such a good job.” he said, trying to look back at him before suna grabs your head again, looking into your red teary eyes as you pant out. Dry mouth open as he’s fucking your fist, rocking into you like you were a toy.
“You gonna be a good girl and take it? Gonna be a good girl?” he muttered out, sliding his flushed cock back into your drool covered mouth. 
“Our good girl.”
Suna rolls his eyes as he cups your face again, spit sliding down it as he pushed it in, not wanting to cum again after looking down into your spaced out eyes. The sound of his balls slapping your chin, obscure words leaving his mouth as your nose was now at his crotch.
The pain of your dry lips growing, the ache in your jaw only adding onto it but you were gonna make him finish. Hiccupping out whimpers as astumu gets rougher, picking up the pace. 
The sound of your wetness leaking onto his thighs and balls, every slap sounding lewd as possible the vibrations coming from your mouth is enough to have suna shove himself down your throat more, fucking you there until he cums down it.
A dazed smile appearing on your face as you licks up what slipping between your lips, looking like hes about to pass out at the sight of your lips licking it off of him, leaning his head back as the thinks hes about to blow again.
Another moan leaves your lips as you feel so close to your climax, not having anyone to pay attention to anymore but yourself as you feel your orgasm building up. Selfishly moving your boyfriends dirty hands to you, already catching your drift as he starts lazily rubbing your clit almost instantly making you cum.
Atumu chasing his as soon as he feels yours, rolling his hips deeper as he pushes your back in an arch. Seeing black for a minute as he lets himself go. Getting faster, hips stuttering as your body is limp under him resting on suna. Sobbing at the overstimulation as he continues to abuse your poor cunt as he drains his balls dry, making the most of his orgasm.
Mind going bank, not even realizing that he pulled out of you, and that you were laying in your boyfriends arms. Wrapped in the thin sheets, him coming down from a high just as much as you.
 “You good, baby?” suna whispered, wrapping his arm around you kissing beneath your ear as he rubbed your back. Nodding as you dozed off into him, sleepiness overtaking you at the feeling of being in his hold as you did every night.
“ So…” Atsumu started breaking the silence, suna already giving him a side eye, not wanting to wake up your pretty face squished into his shoulder. “Maybe ne-”
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havin-a-wee · 3 years
could u ever do a smutty one where h and y/n had a fling in the best or are just each others occasional hook ups but when h has a date y/n gets like really upset and he finds out so he makes it up to her and confesses his feelings saying stuff like „y're my best girl, y'know that petal?“🥺👉🏻👈🏻 love ur writing beyond words, have an amazing day :))))
Date Night
warnings: unprotected sex
word count: 1.6k
to whoever sent in this ask im so so so sorry it literally took me like two months to answer it i feel so bad but i like how it turned out so i hope this makes up for it!
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You shouldn’t be crying. You really shouldn’t. Yet tears are spilling down your face as you break down in choppy sobs, your chest heaving and your cheeks hot.
You have no right to be jealous, and you know that. You and Harry are only friends with benefits, and nothing else. He is allowed to be on a date right now, and it’s not his fault that you’ve managed to fall in love with him throughout the course of your relationship. You met through a mutual friend, began hanging out and then later started hooking up. And while he sees you as his best friend who he just happens to fuck sometimes, you see him as so much more. And you wish that maybe it could be different between you. That maybe he does reciprocate your feelings and if you just told him how you feel he’d tell you he feels the same way.
But as far as you know, there is no chance of that happening. Especially considering the fact that he’s currently at a restaurant with some hot blonde girl he met last week.
Your thoughts are put to a halt when your phone rings, and you pick it up to see none other than Harry himself calling. And as much as you want to decline the call, Harry would never decline yours no matter what, so with a hefty sigh you bring the phone to your ear.
“Hey petal, the date was a bust, all she wanted t’talk about was m’money.” Harry laughs weakly over the phone, and you smile at the news that it didn’t work out. You shouldn’t be happy about it, and it does make you feel guilty because Harry deserves happiness. You just wish he could find that happiness with you.
Lost in your own train of thought, you forget that you’re supposed to be suppressing your tears. Another salty droplet rolls down your cheek and your sniffle.
Suddenly, Harry begins talking again, and that’s when you realize your mistake. “Petal? Y’okay? Sounds like y’crying.” His voice immediately switches from joking to sympathetic and worried, and you can imagine how he looks right now, creased forehead and wide eyes.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” You wipe the tear off your cheek with the sleeve of your hoodie, clearing your throat to try and hide the sound of your throat that's sore from crying.
“No y’not y/n, I know what y’crying sounds like. M’already going in the direction of y’house so m’coming over and staying till’ y’tell me what's wrong.”
The tone of his voice tells you there’s no changing his mind, so you sigh and murmur an “okay” before hanging up the phone.
It took about five minutes for Harry to knock on the door. During that time, you went into your bathroom and attempted to hide the red, puffy skin that had overtaken your cheeks. It didn’t really work, and you were still trying to hide it when you heard him knock. So with a disappointed sigh, you slump over to the door and open it.
Harry steps in quickly, placing his coat on a hanger and then turning back to you.
“What’s wrong pet, hmm?” He places his ringed hand on your cheek, thumb running over the skin that's been reddened from your tears.
And despite the years you’ve spent hiding your feelings, despite the hours you’ve had to listen to Harry retell stories about his hookups, despite the yearning you’ve felt for your best friend since you met him, this was your breaking point. Tear after tear after tear. They flow uncontrollably down your face and all you can manage to do is look up at Harry. He pulls you into him, placing one hand behind your head and one around your waist.
And you just cry into Harry’s shoulder.
You don’t know how long you’ve been standing there, but Harry eventually brings you couch, and as soon as he sits you both down you curl up into his warm chest.
“Y’gonna tell me what’s wrong? Y’don’t ‘ave to, just hate seeing yeh cry.”
Finally, you pick up your head from where it’s tucked into his torso.
It might be the daze you’re in from the emotions swirling through your head. It might be the glass of wine you downed earlier to help drown out the feeling of jealousy. It might be all the pent up frustration from years of pining for someone you could never have. Or it might have been none of those things. Whatever it was, there was something inside of you that snapped. Like a damn collapsing and letting the water topple over and flood everything. The barrier you spent so long building broke in two, allowing all of those emotions to spill out.
“I love you Harry.” His eyes snapped open, and his mouth moved to speak, but you cut him off. “And not just as a friend. I’ve always loved you, and I know that if you don’t feel the same way, things will be awkward, but I don’t care anymore. Seeing you excited to go out with another girl hurt, because all I’ve wanted for so long was for that girl to be me.”
He stares at you. There was a second where you debated getting up and running out of the house, afraid of what his response would be. But just before you could put that plan into action, his lips collided with yours.
Your mouth meld perfectly, soft lips biting and nipping at each other. His tongue slips past your parted lips and twirls around your own. You’re breathless by the time he disconnects, the feeling that you had been longing for sent your mind spinning.
“Y’don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that,” he pants, green irises staring deeply into yours. Without another word, you lean in and kiss him again, this time with more vigor than before. Much to your dismay, he separates the two of you again, however he keeps his arms tangled around your body and holds you close.
“Y're my best girl, y'know that petal? None of those silly girls could ever replace you.”
As your lips touch for the third time, it’s clear that both of you have been waiting for this moment for a long time. You savor the feeling, taking short moments to pause and soak in the feeling of his lips on yours.
Slowly, his hand creeps down the small of your back, but you can tell he’s hesitant to move it down further. But you want this, so you remove the hand that’s stroking his hair and place it on his, moving his hand down to your ass manually. He pulls his lips away, looking into your eyes for a sign of confirmation. You realize what he’s looking for, so you nod vigorously in response.
Quickly, he lifts himself off the couch, placing you on your back and positioning himself on top of you.
“H- please, I want you to make love to me,” you whine. His expression fills with hunger and he reaches to unbutton his jeans, shimmying them off quickly and tossing them to the ground. You can see the bulge pressed up against his boxers, and you reach out to palm him through the thin material.
“Fuck petal, y’gonna be the death o’me, y’know that?”
Harry dives into kiss you, using one of his hands to pull down your soft pajama shorts along with your panties. “Harry-”
“I gotchu petal, I gotchu, don’t worry.”
You assist him in pulling off his boxers, his large erection springing out. He’s huge, but you can’t say you didn’t expect it. The precome on his tip is calling for you to lick it, but you just want him to be inside of you, so you make a mental note to do that sometime soon. He grips the base of his cock, lining it up with your entrance. “M’gonna go slow alright?”
You hum your approval, and he responds by pushing the head inside your tight, soaking hole. Even with just an inch inside, you know it’s going to be a stretch, so you take a deep breath and hold onto his shoulders.
Inch by inch, he pushes himself inside of you. Harry stills for a minute, sensing the discomfort in your demeanor. Luckily, it doesn’t take long for the pain to subside and the pleasure to kick in, and soon enough you are moaning out for him to move.
He takes your instructions swiftly, pulling almost all the way out of you until quickly thrusting himself fully back in. “Fuck!”
Your cries are muffled when he leans down to kiss you, his hips continuing to rock as he pushes his length into you.
The air is hot, filled with moans and the smell of sex. You haven’t ever felt this good in your life, especially when he thrusts in extra deep and hits that special spot inside of you. “Harry- god,”
“Sweet girl, am I makin’ yeh feel good?”
“Tell me petal, who makes y’feel like this?”
“Harry! Only Harry,”
“Good girl.”
He slams into you, speeding up his thrusts and colliding his hips with yours. Both of you are groaning messes, caught up in the moment and unable to form any coherent sentences. You feel his cock twitch inside of you, and you know you’re close too by the way your stomach and pussy are clenching. He can feel it too, hitting deeper inside of you to bring you to your climax.
“God Y/N, I love you so fuckin much.”
That was all it took for your orgasm to come crashing down, coursing through your body with strength and fervor. The feeling of you squeezing as you came sent Harry over the edge, his milky cum shooting into your pussy and covering the soft walls.
You don’t know if this means you’re dating or not, or where his head is at. All you know is that you love him, and he loves you. And that’s enough for you.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Hello, if it's not too much could I maybe get Otis/Baby calming their SO down after SO sees a murder for the first time? Maybe reassuring the SO they aren't gonna kill them?
Otis Driftwood and Baby Firefly calming their S/O down after they witness them murdering someone:
Otis Driftwood
You had just ran, after breaking out of your frozen state anyway. You had only come to visit your boyfriend, the last thing you expected was to see him brutally murdering a man in the living room whiling cursing him out, you would later learn that this man had been an escaped victim. Of course, you were never meant to see it.
You had been frozen, stunned by the scene, but when Otis lifted himself away from the victim and noticed you, you knew you had to move. When his gaze settled on you, blood-splattered face dropping slightly, you turned and ran right back out the door.
It was a lost cause, you knew that. The house was far away from anything else, from anyone or any main roads, you would probably tire before you reached help. But you didn’t even make it to the end of the property before Otis caught up to you.
The whole time you could hear him shouting after you, along with his rushed footsteps. You were just nearing the property line when you felt a hand grab your arm, pulling you back to crash against him. You fought and thrashed against his hold, crying and pleading with him to let you go, but he just wrapped his arms around you and held you tighter.
He attempted to shush you but you continued to thrash and shout at him. It was long before you began to wear yourself out and you accepted that nobody was going to help you and he wasn’t going to let go, so you stopped fighting but the crying didn’t stop. You just saw your boyfriend brutally murdering a man, covered in blood and unfazed by it, of course you were emotional.
“I’m not gonna hurt ya, okay?” you finally started processing Otis’ words properly, actually hearing what he was saying. “I’ll let go but ya gotta promise not to run, alright?” he told you but you weren’t sure how to respond. “Y/n?” he prompted an answer and you just nodded, agreeing but not trusting your voice. 
Like he promised, Otis released you. As soon as he let go, you jerked forward away from him, and turned back to him. You were looking at him with fear in your eyes and he couldn’t even blame you, and he couldn’t blame you for running, what else were you supposed to do?
“What...what the fuck, Otis?” was all you managed to say and you were even surprised you were capable of asking that. 
“Just come back to the house with me” he didn’t answer and that only worried you more. What was he hiding? 
“I’m not going back in there!” you exclaimed, eyes widening slightly. There was no way you were walking back into the house where a dead body was just laying after being killed by your boyfriend.
“Don’t worry the others are cleanin’ up” Otis assured you, or at least attempted too. It wasn’t exactly what you wanted to hear in that moment.
“Cleaning up?” you were in disbelief. “Who was that guy?” you asked. 
“I don’t fuckin’ know” Otis scoffed, as if the question was ridiculous. 
“Did he...break in or something?” you asked, hoping that there was a better explanation for all of this. Yes, Otis would have still killed someone but maybe you could deal with it if it was in self defence.
Otis knew what you were doing and he knew that he had to decide whether he tells you to truth or not. “No. Baby brought ‘im back” he decided to be honest with you.
“...you’ve done this before” it wasn’t even a question, it was a statement. Maybe, deep down, you had known something was wrong. You knew Otis was...strange and morbid and violent with people, maybe you were just in denial, kept pushing away any concerns and ignored what was right in front of you this whole time. All those red flags that you over looked where now overwhelming you.
Otis didn’t respond to that because he didn’t need too. “C’mon” he reached out to take hold of you, to take you back to the house, but you stepped away from him. “Fuck” he muttered to himself, trying to figure out how to approach this, he’s not exactly the most sensitive person.
“Ain’t gonna hurt ya” it was more messed up that you believed him but he had never given you a reason not too before now. He had never hurt you, he had never been violent or aggressive towards you even though you had seen him act that way towards others. “Promise” it was sincere. Damn it.
“You’ve got to explain everything...” you told him. He couldn’t leave you oblivious, he needed to tell you everything that he had been hiding if he ever wanted you to be able to trust him again. Plus, you knew that he wasn’t about to let you leave without making sure you wouldn’t go to police or anything.
Otis agreed to tell you everything as long as you returned to the house with him. You just didn’t expect the grotesque confessions he was about to make. One murder was one thing...but what you were about to learn couldn’t be easily overlooked.
Baby Firefly
All you had wanted was to go to your girlfriend’s house and spend some time with her but instead you found her in the living room of her home, standing over a man with his blood everywhere. Before she noticed you, she had muttered something to the body, before kicking them and laughing a little to himself. 
“Baby, what the fuck is going on?” you asked, giving her the benefit of the doubt that she has a good reason or explanation for all of this. She was your girlfriend and you loved her, of course you wanted this to be one big misunderstanding despite the evidence right in front of you. Surely there had to be a reasonable explanation...
“This prick didn’t know how to do as he’s told” she sighed, dropping the knife she had used to kill him. 
“Baby...?” you asked, quietly processing the scene. She had definitely killed this man and she didn’t seem to care at all.
“Baby! Did you deal with-” Otis’ voice caught your attention as he came into the room, but he stopped talking when he saw you, realising that you were seeing far too much. “You better fucking deal with that” he ordered his sister, pointing at you.
“I will” Baby rolled her eyes, acting completely unfazed by everything that was happening.
That’s when you realises that this hadn’t been an accident, it wasn’t a case of self defence, both of the siblings were involved in this person’s death and you had to leave. Without even thinking, you spun around and darted for the door. 
“Hold on, hold on, hold on” Baby jumped into action quickly, hurrying after you. She caught you just as you reached the door, quickly slamming to shut just as you began to pull it open. “It’s alright, Doll, we ain’t gonna hurt ya” she assured you when you turned to her and she noticed your tears. 
You had no idea what to do or say, you were just frozen and staring at her with wide teary eyes. 
“It’s all going to be okay, come one, let’s get you outta here” her tone was surprisingly comforting considering the brutality she was able commit only moments before. You knew you could leave, there was nowhere for you to run, you just had to trust that she wouldn’t hurt you. 
So, you barely nodded, but Baby placed a hand on your back and guided you to her bedroom. Once you stepped into her room, she closed the door and sat you down on her bed. 
“What did you do, Baby?” you asked carefully, finally finding your voice. 
“Don’t worry, we ain’t gonna get into trouble” she assured you, as if that was your main concern. You hadn’t even thought about the possibility of her getting arrested for murder, you were still processing the actual crime. 
“You killed him...” vocalising it was even worse, Baby had killed somebody. Right in the middle of her living room and now you were sitting in her bedroom with her. God, his blood was still on her... 
“Aw I don’t like hidin’ things from ya, I just didn’t want to scare ya” Baby sighed. She didn’t make a move to sit beside you, instead standing in front of you. Probably so that she was between you and the door in case you tried to make a run for it. 
“Well, I’m pretty fucking scared now” you nearly scoffed. The tears had stopped rolling down your cheeks but your eyes still felt watery.
“I know, I’m sorry” her apology seemed oddly sincere.
“Can you just explain what is going on?” you pleaded, desperate for some sort of explanation. 
“You sure you want that?” she asked, giving you an unsure look. 
“You just killed someone!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air as you stood from the bed. She killed someone and now she’s asking if you’re sure you want an explanation. You needed one. 
“And look how you’re reacting to that!” she threw her hands up as well, matching your theatrics.
“Baby!” you snapped, needing her to tell you what was going on and stop avoiding the subject. 
“Sorry! Okay!” she apologised again, finding herself glad that the two of you could fall into some sort of familiar banter, even with how frightened you were.
Baby agreed to tell you everything and you would soon learn why she had been so reluctant to do so, but she had to be honest because it was obvious to you that something was very wrong in this house.
She didn’t know how you would react but she was sure that it wouldn’t be good. What she did know was that she would be there to comfort and reassure you, no matter how you reacted. 
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aenaxes · 3 years
OMG ok for the 200 follower celebration (based on your smoking post) PLZZZ write sharing a spice blunt with cross or any batcher of your choosing I would simply die 😩💅🏻❤️
vapor trails
[crosshair & hunter x f!reader] you don't really run with the fett twins' crowd, but you find yourself at one of their parties anyway (in reference to this post lol)
warnings: college!au, recreational drug use, suggestive themes, but consent is sexy & mandatory & sober babes
w/c: 3.8k
a/n: anon, you ask for one batcher, but why not two? thank you for enabling me nonnie & @mallr4ts lol (im so sorry to all the previous requests for the event, this one has just been needling in my brain all day and i had to get it out hsdfs)
event details here! requests are open until july 4th!
You don’t know much about the Fett twins.
They’re something like campus legends even though they’re only a year your senior and at the tail end of their fourth years. But as much as you’ve heard their names slung around in weekend plans and excited chatter, you’ve never once met them, much less seen them yourself. Between idling class whispers and dining hall conversations, all you can piece together from the rumors is that: one, they’re from a big family (you’ve heard anywhere from two to twelve other brothers, yikes); and two, as much as they work hard (because the venture capital and pre-professorial tracks seem rigorous enough), they play even harder.
It helps that they apparently own one of the biggest apartments off campus, one in which you find yourself hopelessly and miserably lost. And overdressed.
It hadn’t occurred to you that your roommate, who is nowhere to be seen, had been dressing up for her girlfriend, and that most people who had half a mind would wear something comfortable that could withstand a few spilled drinks and ash. So seeing the rest of the room in rumpled tees and sweats has you and your little black dress seeking out the nearest wall as you fiddle with your questionably sweet cup of margarita mixer.
You feel like a first year, and it sucks.
But for once, with everyone too busy mingling amongst themselves over the heavy thrum of some mumble rap beat, you manage to slip by unnoticed.
Every now and then, you dart your eyes around the ever shifting landscape of faces in the dim room, looking for even the vaguest familiarity that might let you feign being tipsy and join a group for the night. But every time you try, there’s no luck.
Fuck, you haven’t even seen anyone here before.
But there might be a god watching out for you yet when the crowd shifts just enough that you catch sight of the couch, and on it, someone you suspect to be one of the twins as he greets a few girls with a disinterested nod.
Emboldened, but mostly nervous that in the crowd of bodies and red solo cups you’re still helplessly alone, you push off the wall and squeeze past huddled cliques of conversation to make for the dark couch.
By the platinum bleached hair and big-name consulting group quarter zip, Crosshair—at least you think it’s him—lounges over the couch. He isn’t the only body on the suede seats, but he keeps to himself, his head dipped low as he works one hand over a small metal canister in his other palm.
If you weren’t having luck with the other nameless faces around you, maybe the Fett twin would keep you company—at least until your roommate came back to find you (if she did). And worst case, you’d just slink back to your dorm and mope until your roommate apologized to you with your favorite overpriced smoothie bowl the day after.
Mustering every ounce of courage you have, you plant your feet by the couch and finally speak.
"Is your name actually Crosshair?" you ask.
The man on the couch pauses, his motions stilling over the small metal cylinder in his palms, and he lifts his chin just enough to flick his eyes up towards the sound of your voice.
You always thought the girls in your droning 9AM gen-ed were wildly exaggerating his hype for their own devices, squealing over his (apparently) brooding charm and sharp looks to nip at his stash for free. But for all the vague haze surrounding your perception of the twins, you never thought that they were telling the truth.
If you had been in broad daylight under the incandescent glow of your creaky lecture hall lights, you might have called him cocky, almost haughty, how he meets you with an unreadable look for having interrupted him. But in the purple LEDs and heavy haze of vape juice and shitty tequila, he’s captivating, all dark eyes and perfectly lit skin, marked only by the needle-thin design tattooed over the right side of his face and a worn wooden toothpick bitten between his teeth.
You swallow down the dry lump in your throat when you catch him flick his eyes from your face, down the short length of your dress, and back up again.
"Smoke with me; maybe you'll find out," he drawls, toothpick bobbing as he speaks. He twists the cylinder once and offers you a wry smirk. And when you stay, speechless but there all the same, Crosshair scoots to the side and pats the narrow space between him and the couch arm, inviting you close.
"I've never smoked before," you admit a bit shyly as you drop down beside him. Your dress hikes up your thigh, and you shiver when your skin presses up against the soft denim of his jeans.
"Not even cigs?"
You shake your head. And you tell yourself that when he leans close and brushes his shoulder up against your arm, that he’s only doing it because someone’s boosted the bass, and you can’t hear him over the reverb.
"Well, good thing I'm here, yeah?"
He gives the metal canister a final twist and sets it down on the coffee table before you. Swapping the canister for a small brown sleeve, you watch in a daze as he pulls a semi-transparent leaflet from the folder and tears a strip of cardstock straight from its flap. He has pianist fingers, you think wistfully, neatly kept nails and slender grace, and you wonder if he’ll entertain you if you ask to compare your hand to his.
“What’s your name?”
You scrabble back to the present at the sound of his voice. “Uh, y/n,” you offer.
“Well, y/n,” he says with a soft laugh, having caught on to your daydreaming. “Step one, you fold your filter.”
You nod along absently as Crosshair artfully crimps the thick paper into a neat roll. As if there isn’t thirty-some odd people crammed into his apartment, he quietly takes you step by step, offering you the filter, the paper, then the contents of the canister (a grinder, he explains) like it’s a game of show and tell. But with every piece he places into your hands, you gravitate closer, closer, until you’re flush against his arm and practically hanging over his side to watch as he gently taps a line of bud over the paper.
“Here, let me give you a better look,” Crosshair says.
You expect him to bring the neat line of bud to you, but when nothing comes, you look up and find him waiting for you, one arm open in invitation as the other pats once on the dark denim of his thigh.
“Sit,” he says as if you haven’t just met him fifteen minutes ago. “Front row seats if you want ‘em.”
On one hand, you barely know Crosshair outside of the rumors you hear on campus. On the other hand, he’s a genuinely pleasant person, careful to accommodate for your boundaries and offering a snide playfulness that’s banished your nerves from earlier in the night.
He’s also really fucking hot.
“Okay,” you murmur, and you let him wrap his arm around your waist and tug you onto his lap. And he’s right. Perched over his thighs, you see with perfect clarity (and without the strain in your neck) as he gently folds the paper over the mound of bud and carefully twists. It’s the prettiest joint you’ve ever seen—though it might be because it’s the only one you’ve seen.
"Final touch," Crosshair's voice rumbles over your back, shooting straight into your core as he lifts the paper's vellum edge to your lips. “Lick it for me.”
Since you sat down with him, you’ve only been the passenger, nodding along as Crosshair’s long, nimble fingers creased over filter paper and patiently pointed out things like the stray pistils in his baggie and the keef gathered at the bottom of his grinder for if you really want to get fucked up. And even though you aren’t doing much (because licking paper doesn’t really seem too crazy), it’s a step forward from the comfortable rhythm that had settled between you, and you twist around in his lap to shoot him an uncertain glance.
“Just,” Crosshair flicks his tongue over his lower lip, flashing a brief glimpse of a ball piercing towards your wide eyes. And if you weren’t so flustered, you might have recognized the coy playfulness in his gaze. “Give it a lick, right over the edge.”
“I—uh, what if I—” you stammer.
“You’re not gonna mess this up, darling,” Crosshair chuckles. If his hand squeezing brief over your waist wasn’t enough to bring heat searing over the tops of your ears, his next words, crooned low and breathy into your ear, certainly do. “You’re a smart girl. You can do it.”
"My brother giving you trouble?"
Another voice cuts through the din of the party, sparing you your stammering nerves as you whip your head up in its general direction. You’re greeted with the sight of his brother, peering down on you as he takes a sip from his cup.
“You’re such a killjoy,” Crosshair mutters, drawing his arm tighter around your waist as he jabs the half-rolled joint to where Hunter sprawls down onto the couch beside him. “No, I’m not being a creep. I’m teaching our pretty underclassman here how to roll.”
Heat rushes over your cheeks, and you can’t decide whether you want to shrink into yourself or bask in it and beg for more.
He called you pretty.
“With her in your lap,” Hunter snorts into his cup.
“It was your idea to invite your entire fucking rugby team. Where else would we do it?”
“I’m so sorry he’s like this,” Hunter laughs, tilting his head and looking up at you through his (unfairly) long lashes. Where you thought Crosshair’s tattoo was bold, Hunter’s practically blows him out of the water, a well-worn swath of ink on the left half of his face, curving into neatly stylized teeth right at the edge of his lips. “I’m Hunter.”
Huh, maybe you do have a thing for tattoos.
“Y/n,” you squeak. “It’s, um—it’s nice to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine, sweetheart,” he says as he offers you an easy smile. “Has my baby brother been treating you right?”
“God, two fucking minutes,” Crosshair snaps. You hear the embarrassment seeping from the vitriol, and it strikes you like a shot to the head that he’s trying to play cool in front of you. “I come out two minutes after you and—”
“We’re fraternal, and I got all the oxygen in the womb. Explains why he has awful people skills,” Hunter fake-whispers loud enough for Crosshair to hear, and you giggle as the other man groans from behind you.
“No, he’s been really nice,” you say softly once you realize that you’ve been laughing a little too loud. “He’s teaching me about weed.” It sounds juvenile when you say it, awkward and clumsy on your tongue. It’s a dead giveaway that has Hunter’s smile mellowing into something soft.
“Your first time?”
“Well, Cross here’s high as shit at least four hours every day. Says it helps him do the math. I hate to say it, but you’re in good hands.”
“You try running a nonlinear regression sober,” Crosshair snorts. “Anyways, we were just finishing up this joint before you decided to kill the vibe.”
Crosshair lifts the half-rolled joint back up to your chin, and this time, he leans forward and presses his chest close against your back as the playful snark leaves his tone, in its wake, something patient and calm as his voice rumbles by your ear.
“You gonna help me finish the job, sweet girl?”
You surprise yourself when the initial trepidation vanishes as you tip your chin down and stick out your tongue. Maybe you’re showboating now that you have an audience, feeling Hunter’s dark eyes on your lips when you touch the tip of your tongue out over the edge.
Whether it’s your lip gloss or the fine crumbs of bud stuck to the roll paper that fills your mouth with something earthy and sweet, you can’t say. All you know is they’re both following you with that intense intent, the bass and blend of voices faded out around you; just you in Crosshair’s lap and Hunter pretending to care about the drink in his hand as you lift your tongue off the far corner of the paper and close your lips.
“Good job,” Hunter muses, and you’re pretty certain he’s not talking about the joint when you feel his gaze boring into you alone.
The smell of smoke pulls you out of Hunter’s gravity, and you look back in front of you to see Crosshair snap a scuffed metal lighter shut and toss it onto the coffee table. He brings the joint back down in front of you, blowing a neat stream of whitish gray smoke past your ear.
“You know how to pull?” Crosshair asks, and his chin brushes over your bare shoulder as he speaks. He’s so close. You can smell the burn, acrid and sour, but it doesn’t matter that it doesn’t smell like some bubblegum vape when you feel his breaths curling over your skin. You just want more.
Mutely, you shake your head.
“Mm, you know how to shotgun?” Hunter offers, and you hear Crosshair huff laugher from behind you. “Might be easier for your first try.”
You shake your head again.
“It’s,” Hunter pauses, and his brows knit close as he thinks for a moment. “It’s kind of like a kiss. But not really. I take a hit and you catch my smoke. That sound okay?”
You don’t think it matters that someone’s hit shuffle on the playlist, filling the room with a hard electronic beat that might have otherwise drowned out all sound. All you hear is your heart pounding in your ears as you nod and watch Hunter lift the filter to his lips and inhale deep, then pass the joint back to Crosshair.
“C’mere,” he murmurs, white trails of smoke curling over his upper lip as he lifts one hand to cup over the base of your neck.
“Open,” Crosshair whispers.
Wordlessly, you obey. Your lips part just as Hunter pulls close, so close you feel the heat of his skin spreading warm over your cheeks, and blows a soft stream of bitter smoke into your mouth. It can’t be more than a few seconds, but all the while, you can’t seem to tear your eyes from his.
“Breathe in, deep,” you hear Crosshair instruct as he begins to rub one thumb over the curve of your hip.
The smoke is thick, sluicing down your throat and filling your lungs like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It’s not bad, just new, and pressed between the twins over the couch, you think it just might have been worth being ditched by your roommate earlier in the night. But your lungs ache, and you slowly exhale, watching as your vision fogs with a loose cloud of smoke until your chest feels clear again.
“And you didn’t even cough,” Hunter smiles. His calloused fingertips follow the slope of your neck, lingering one moment more before he pulls away. And you aren’t sure if the low buzzing in your fingertips is the weed or their combined warmth as Hunter rubs over your knee and Crosshair leans his head against your neck. “Good girl.”
“Wanna do it again,” you whisper as the buzz begins to crawl up your neck, fizzling around your temples as you lean your cheek over where Crosshair nuzzles into your shoulder.
“With him or me?” Crosshair murmurs, his lips brushing over your skin.
“You,” you say dreamily, and Hunter laughs, a sound that suddenly seems so far away as you tip your head and press close against Crosshair’s silver hair.
Crosshair leans into your touch, pressing his cheek up against your neck one last time before he’s lifting his head and bringing the joint to his lips. You hear the hiss of his inhale, smoke curling up through the narrow body of the joint as the charred end glows warm beside you.
And instead of Hunter’s approach, level with you, Crosshair looms above you, meeting your wide eyes with something of a fond smile. Dragging his hand up your chest, he follows the line of your neck and holds snug over your chin. He squeezes softly, and your jaw falls slack, lips parted in a soft ‘o’ as he dips low. He's closer than Hunter as you feel his mouth just brush over yours and breathe smoke over your tongue.
This time, it’s easier.
You swallow down the smoke and hold, just a beat longer than before. But both Crosshair and Hunter notice as your lips stay parted, and they share a soft laugh that has you exhaling smoke and pride all at once when you finally relax your diaphragm and breathe out.
“Fast learner,” Crosshair muses, nosing up under your jaw as you sink back against his chest.
You mumble incoherently, chasing his touch as the high creeps heavy and warm from your chest to your collar and settles at the back of your throat. It anchors you, molding you up against Crosshair who feels nothing short of perfect as he circles his arms loose over your waist.
You turn your head to thank Hunter when you distantly register him pressing a cool cup into your hand (water, you think you hear him say), but the words slip back down into your throat, your eyelids suddenly unbearably heavy and coarse over your blurry vision.
“You wanna lay down?” Hunter offers, and his voice comes to you like you’re underwater, warped and bubbling past the din of the party around you.
You're pretty sure you nod.
For a few moments, you catch traces of an unintelligible exchange between the twins, only aware of the rumble of Crosshair’s voice at your back, and then you’re being lifted up off the couch, the music and raucous laughter fading behind you.
A door opens, squeaking half-shut, and you wince as a light clicks on beside you. Whoever was carrying you sets you down on something soft and cool, and you sway as the light dims and you settle into your seat.
You’re on a bed, you think.
Crosshair’s, judging by the shock of light hair that you can make out through your lashes. He helps you into a worn tee that reaches past the short hem of your dress, and you wiggle into it with a soft whine, holding it tight.
But where you expect a familiar weight to dip down next to you and pull you close, your eyes fly open when you see his figure turn away from you and towards the neon lights of the party outside.
“You aren’t staying?” It's the most coherent you've been through your first high.
“Not tonight,” Crosshair says softly. He turns back towards you and reaches up to fix the strap of your dress as you sit on his bed. “Baby’s first tokes got you all dopey. Right now, what you need is this,” and he presses a plastic bottle of vitamin water he’s seemingly produced out of nowhere into your palm. “This,” he adds, pressing your phone into your other hand. “And a good night’s sleep.”
“And what if I say I need you, too?” you pout.
Some part of you—the conscious part locked away in the back of your skull—bangs up against the hazy high at the crown of your head because when you’re good and sober and when Crosshair inevitably turns you down, you won’t be able to look at yourself in the mirror for the next semester.
But he breaks into a smile that crinkles at the corners of his eyes before he leans down to press his lips to your forehead. It’s just a split-second of warm, chapstick-soft lips on your skin, but it floods you with an indescribable good from the top of your head all the way down to your toes.
And as high as you are right now, you have a hell of a hunch that the flutter in your chest is going to stay, even when the room stops wobbling around you.
“When you’re all sobered up in the morning, we’ll make you breakfast, and we’ll figure it out from there,” Crosshair says after he’s pulled back, reaching up to smooth his palm over your hair. “Sound like a plan?”
You nod, probably with a little too much enthusiasm, but you’re rewarded with another low chuckle that’s practically music to your ears. His hand gentle and firm over your shoulder, Crosshair guides you down onto the bed and pulls the covers up to your chin.
“Now text your roomie so she doesn’t call the cops on us, get some sleep, and drink all of that, okay?”
“Okay,” you respond.
“Good girl.”
And when the lights click out, you curl into Crosshair’s pillow, breathing in cold, fresh notes of his cologne, and then you’re asleep.
You climb out of bed the next morning, your minidress rumpled under a long shirt. It's not like a hangover, no, you just find yourself a bit lightheaded and throat parched, and the disorientation makes your head spin as you’re greeted with the smell of fresh coffee and something savory—
Your roommate doesn’t wake up earlier than you, and she can’t cook for shit. And why were your sheets grey? Whose shirt were you—
You practically burst out of Crosshair’s bedroom, and you’re not sure what you expected, but somehow you hadn’t expected to see Hunter sipping mildly on a mug of coffee while Crosshair pushes something around in a pan over their kitchen range.
“Mornin,’” Hunter offers you a small wave, and reaches for a third mug on the countertop. “Wasn’t sure how you liked your coffee so we just made it black.”
“What happened last night?” you gasp. If you weren’t so panicked, you’re certain the sight of them sporting nothing but grey sweats would have been your only concern, but you’ve just woken up with foggy memories and the slimy dread of anxiety that follows a blackout night.
“Easy, easy,” Crosshair assures you as he steps away from the stovetop. “Nothing happened after we smoked. You took, like, two hits, and you were so hazy you couldn’t remember your dorm number, so we put you to bed, and I slept out in the living room. Fetts are wild but we’re not scumbags, promise.”
And judging from the throw blanket sliding off the edge of the couch cushions, you’re fairly certain you can believe him. Relief floods your chest.
“Oh thank God,” you sigh, and your shoulders sag as the weight of panic sloughs off your back.
They both laugh softly, the sudden tension lifting from the bright morning light, and you can’t help but join in. And when that rosy relief gives way to silence again, it’s Crosshair who speaks next.
“So, you staying for breakfast?”
“Can I borrow some actual clothes first?”
“Done deal.”
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shinsouskitten · 3 years
Okay so hc’s of Hawks, Dabi, Bakugo, and Shinsou with an outta pocket s/o plz! She just oozes crackhead energy and says the most funniest most wildest shit. (Hawks:*teasing her* S/O: Ah, so you think cuz your balls drag across the floor, you got jokes huh? ☺️) Sis could come up with the most immaculate of roasts (S/O: Mineta, you waste of sperm! I will rip your spine outta your ass and make it into fine China before sending it to your parents 😡) and do the dumbest things just cuz she wants to (Monoma’s on his bullshit and S/O just suplexes him without saying a single word). Imagine their faces when she breaks the fourth wall a couple of times, says some freaky shit with a straight face, or she’ll just go “Nope” and jump out of a window with no hesitation (she don’t care how high the drop is, she heading out). Need them to be with someone who just has “I woke up and chose violence” energy.
I POSTED IT TO THE WRONG ASK 😭😭😭 i still have the other request saved on the actual document so at least i didnt completely fuck it up
still, im gonna go cry in a corner so brb
i had a stroke reading this 😅
but like i read this out to my buddy @grapefantaenby and we both were like BRO I LOVE THAT, even if my writing of it is subpar at best lol
also that m*neta insult is actual perfection. might send it to my ex
Warnings: chaos, some swear words, m*neta exists 🤮
Hawks/Keigo Takami: 
🍗 Keigo loves it
🍗 He especially loved when the two are you are partnered up, simply because of how terrified the villains are when they see you. You’re not even that scary, they just have no idea what you’re going to do
🍗 You could either decide your weapon of choice that day is a chair, or take a bag of popcorn from a nearby store and just sit there eating it while Hawks does his job (heroes don’t steal so Keigo always makes sure to go back to the store and pay for you if you forget)
🍗 He’s used to you jumping out of random windows. He was absolutely terrified the first time, and jumped straight after you to catch you, but now he just sends a bunch of his feathers to make sure you make it to the ground safely 
🍗 You don’t bend over and accept everything the commission asks you to do, and it’s quite common for them to demand that Hawks keep an eye on you to ensure you don’t get into too much trouble. It’s also quite common for you to just walk out mid meeting with a middle finger to the rest of the conference room and a scream that you want food
🍗 The fourth wall breaks. Oh God the fourth wall breaks. Hawks literally just stand there like ‘what the fuck’ when you turn to an empty piece of sidewalk and mutter something about villains being too hot for their own good (legit thinks for a moment you mean temperature-wise, but is still confused anyway)
Dabi/Touya Todoroki:
💙🔥 Oh boy. If there’s one thing that gets on Dabi’s nerves it’s chaotic individuals. He deals with Toga and Twice on a daily basis, so you’d think he’d know how to tone out the craziness. Alas, he does not
💙🔥 Sometimes he wants to throw you against the wall and just tell you to shut up for a goddamn second, and other times he wants to praise you for showing some low level villain that the league was not to be messed with. Maybe you did it with an insult about his mother, but it still worked, and the villain left you with an apology quickly enough
💙🔥 Not that Dabi would ever actually tell anyone that he thought they did a good job, so he usually just ignores you, attempting to stay out of your way (he also doesn’t really want you to insult his mother)
💙🔥 Eventually he becomes more accustomed to your… uniqueness, and occasionally you actually manage to get a half smile from him with one of your numerous insults aimed towards Shigaraki. They can get pretty creative
💙🔥 If Dabi is ever at odds with the rest of the league for some reason (there’s not really a reason, he’s just being Dabi), they - usually mom Kurogiri - sends you in an attempt to cheer him up. If you don’t manage to cheer him up, you still manage to annoy him enough to force him back to the rest of them. Either way it works out
Katsuki Bakugou:
💥 ‘Wow you’re annoying’ is the first thing Bakugou thinks when he meets you (he should meet himself) so he plans to just ignore you. After all, he’s not there to make friends. He’s there to be the best hero
💥 Annoyingly, even with your naturally chaotic energy, you still manage to stay right on his toes. That’s what finally gets him to notice you (notice me senpai), and to his frustration, you’re barely even trying to beat him, and yet you manage to remain hot on his heels
💥 He’s surprised you’re not suspended from all the shit you pull, but you always manage to get yourself out of trouble one way or another. Even if that way is jumping out of a second story window and claiming they can’t kick you out when you’re injured (how that actually works he has no idea)
💥 He’s wanted to throw a chair at that stupid copycat Monoma since he first met him, so when you actually throw a chair at the guy, Bakugou laughs. Like really laughs. Kirishima thought he might’ve been possessed for a moment, but Monoma’s expression when he finally got back up was priceless
💥 It takes a while but he slowly manages to respect your skill as a hero - as much as King Explosion Murder can respect anyone. And even though your personality is… unusual, you’re not Deku, so he can deal with you
💥 Besides, anyone who can and will suplex Monoma without any warning is a worthy friend for him
Hitoshi Shinsou:
💜 The first time he met you, you were screaming like a banshee running through the halls of school, chasing after a small purple speck some way off in the distance. He didn’t get involved
💜 He saw you next being held apart from Bakugou with help from Aizawa’s scarf. You were screaming again, but this time at least you sounded human. He heard something about an ‘angry pomeranian’ before he decided to leave you to it
💜 You’re part of 1A, so Shinsou doesn’t pay you much mind other than the infuriating need to prove himself to everyone that ever doubted him. He’s surprised when you don’t act like the others in your class, and first gets to talk to you after you barrel into him in the hallways mid lesson (you were both skipping so he didn’t call you out on it)
💜 He asked if you were okay, and your exasperated response of ‘Bakugou’ explained enough for him. You sat together for a while. Okay, you refused to get up from the floor. He got tired of standing and decided to join you
💜 You get your first smile from him after you’re almost caught by a teacher looking for you, when you grab his hand and make a mad dash to a darkened classroom currently unused by anyone else
💜 Your first laugh comes when you flip off Denki after he tried one of his many pickup lines on you. The blond’s reaction was great, and Shinsou couldn't help but chuckle at how you managed to twist Denki’s pickup line into some distorted insult to his… nether regions
💜 Your chaos is a nice contrast to how nonchalant Shinsou usually is. You bring some much needed joy to the purple haired insomniac, and he helps to calm you down when your usual energy might be unneeded in certain situations. You know what they say; opposites attract
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hobilluvvr · 3 years
lost ocean troubles | 2
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college au! sub!armin x dom!reader
words - 2.7k
warnings - vomit, blood, mentions of abuse , injuries
parts - |
so incredibly sorry for this late update but testing season is approaching and I need to study sadly :/ this part is very rough with spelling errors and grammar but will be revised later !
please enjoy this update and constructive criticism is always welcomed :D . If you want to be added to the tag list please don’t hesitate to ask !
taglist - @haikyoonn @kenmas-nintendoswitch
The flowers had this magnificent pale blue color to them, the sun hitting them just at the right angle and the sage leaves accented the stem, the weight of the beautiful petals making the stem slightly wilt downwards .
this piqued armins interest, so much so that he walked towards them , feet trudding against the soft sand. As he comes close the overwhelming smell of coconut with a hint of sea saltseasalt overwhelmes his senses, his nose srunching up in question, the scent resembling of clean linen,a quite odd observation , even more so for a flower .
Just as he reaches to pick the flower up, the sun all of the sudden blazes furiously, the rays bouncing everywhere and blinding armin, now groaning as he squirms in abrupt discomfort. His feet dig at the sand … or what was the sand… the feeling of plush fabric instead meeting his skin, surrounding his body in comfort and warmth.
Snuggling further into this random source of heat, the sudden realization hits him. His eyes open the tiniest bit and he stops for a moment … this isnt the beach… in fact he’s laying on a bed… an unknown bed
At this his body jolts upward and armin frantically looks around his surroundings, the white pillows and the grey blanket not correlating in his mind as his. ‘This isnt my room’ the panic quickly sets in, quickly throwing the blanket aside and standing up abruptly which proves to be a grave mistake as a headache and the urge to vomit surges up his throat.
He clutches his stomach as he runs to the bathroom ,quickly kneeling over the toilet, emptying the contents of his stomach, the acidity already making his throat burn angrily. The sound of quick footsteps echo the walls and he goes to turn his head towards the door when the second round of bile threatens to escape his throat.
His ingers clutch the toilet ,violently puking when a second presence is felt . armin feels someone kneel next to him and gently rub at his back
“Its okay , its okay ,let it all out “ you push his bangs away from his face while the other hand rubs at his back . armin lifts his head up ,groaning as he moves away from the toilet feeling his head throb way too violently.
You hand him the cup of water and pain killer you set down when you entered the bathroom
“Here take this, dont move too much . your head is most likely killing you” he takes the items and pops the pill in his mouth quickly downing it with the water. When he sets the cup down he looks at you ,eyes squinting, clearly confused
“Where am i ?”
You chuckle lightly, standing up and lean against the counter “you dont remember anything do you huh?” the boy sitting on the floor thinking ...
Suddenly armin visibly stiffens, his cheeks flushing “uh w-ww di-idnt do i-it ,rig-ght?” his eyes all of the sudden finding great interest on the floor tiles .
You give him a light smile and laugh even louder this time “no, no we didnt ,dont worry about that. Here cmon” you reach out a hand to lift him up off the floor
He takes your hand sheepishly ,shoulders relaxing in relief, his red cheeks calming down “ then what happened? Why am i here ?” he asks following you out of the bathroom and into the room.
You cringe at the events that happened the previous night and you wonder if you should tell him everything. You head over to your drawers and open them, turning your back to the stumbling boy “well you got extremely wasted and this creep saw that you were alone and he tried messing with you but i took care of it”
your hands clench harshly at the shirt you were holding thinking about the old fuck. God humans can be pieces of shit
“Oh.” armins bit his lip and he desperately tried to remember exactly what happened , your answer being quite vague , but this did nothing but make his head throb once again . wincing in pain he goes to lifts his hand up to hold his head when he notices the bandages around his wrists ‘what happened ?did i get injured ?’
After picking out what you needed , you turned to face him and you catch his line of sight , looking at his wrists . as if you heard what his thoughts you say “ the perv was being really aggressive towards you and he injured you quite badly but i brought you up to my apartment and fixed you up a bit “giving him a warm smile you hold out the clothes you had previously searched for
“ here , take this and clean your self up a bit then i can take you home, yeah ? you got a little bit of a stain forming on you “ you chuckle, head nodding towards the vomit on the shirt before walking out ,leaving him in the room alone
His eyes widen at your comment immediately rushing to the bathroom and sure enough his vomit is all over the shirt , the mirror reminding him of his earlier commotion . armin sighs in embarrassment ,blue eyes scanning his appearance, finally now knowing how much of a hot mess he looks like . he notices another bandage on his face, his cheek specifically , a bit of blood staining the white bandage along with another few scratches all over his face.
His finger traces around his facial injuries ‘wow, what exaclty happened last night ?’
He shakes his head , not wanting his head to pound again, instead just focusing his attention on the shirt you gave him noticing that it looks similar to the dirty one he is wearing currently.
‘Oh god …..dont tell me …. Im wearing her clothes ‘ the realization hits him and his ears turn an angry shade of red. ‘God how much more of a burden can he be to you ?’ he groans before closing the bathroom door
As soon as you close the door , your eyes land on a very dishevled eren leaving his room , hand shielding his squinting eyes away from the harsh sunlight “what happened ? i heard what sounded like someone vomiting” his morning voice rasping out, following you to the kitchen and sitting down on the kitchen bar stool
“Oh he woke up and well... , you know how hangovers are like “ you open the fridge , scanning the interior “wait why is the fridge empty ? i thought i told you it was your turn to go grocery shopping this time ? what happened ? “ you frown turning towards him, crossing your arms
Eren only yawns and stretches his body, not seeming to mind that you were glaring holes at him “dont you remember ? i couldnt go so you said we’d go together after we ate something yesterday but then you got too caught up fighting someone if i recall correctly ” he confidently said, fingers tapping at his chin , eyes meeting yours, glaring back.
You sigh giving up “ ahh yeah i remember now….” you take a quick glance around the kitchen and see nothing of nutritional value “ the hell are we going to eat then ? and why didnt you clean up the medical supplies from last night ?” you badger him looking at the medical supplies messily strewn all over the counter
Eren scrunches his face , hand running through his bedhair, still groggy from just waking up a few minutes ago “ we can always just doordash something” he picks up the bottle of rubbing alcohol remebering how you carried armin into the apartment when he passed out and set him on the couch leaving eren to tend to his wounds.
Just as armin was falling , passing out after just vomiting all over you , you quickly grab at his waist and preventing him from hitting his head on the floor . the stench of the vomit was awfully intense and you scrunch your nose trying to stop the smell from affecting you “ can you be any faster over there ? you tease seeing him struggle with the keys , his fumbling being weirdly endearing somehow
“Im trying , im trying. I swear this cold is messing me up or something “ he puffs out now fumbling with inserting the key right . you roll your eyes upon seeing this , giving a light chuckle before reaching a hand underneath the blonde boys legs and bringing them towards your chest, effectively lifting him up bridal style.
You walk into the apartment and set the boy softly onto the couch before looking down to the mess that your clothes are in , heading towards the bathroom “ hey eren could you patch him up for me ? i have to clean myself up before he’s not the only one with body fluids all over the floor.” you smirk
Eren scoffs “dont you go throwing up on me , you hear ? i just mopped the floors yesterday and im sure as hell not letting you mess my hard work up “ he hears your distant laugh down the hallway , before the sound of boots fade, leaving him alone with the boy
Eren looks at the boy slowly sliding down on the couch and ultimately sighs before going to the cabinet where all the medical supplies are stored. He opens it while lowly muttering “just cause my dad was a doctor and he taught me a few things doesnt mean i have to tend to everyones wounds “
Grabbing a few bandages and bandaids, and rubbing alcohol, he grabs a stool and places it in front of the boy. ‘Your injuries shouldnt be that bad ‘ he thinks before he lifts the boy and positions him upright. Immediately the sight of scarce blood and vomit greets erens eyes . eren winces in slight sympathy and disgust before he wipes armins face clean with the cloth he has in hand and disinfecting the wounds next
The rubbing alcohol stirred a reaction out of the blonde boy seeing as he squirmed in discomfort , the position he was put in faltering, falling into the nearest thing, which so happened to be erens chest, more specifically his neck
Eren was flustered ,not knowing what to do he freezes , his ears turning red upon feeling the shallow breath of the boy on, his sensitive neck . Eren looks down and he admires the peaceful features on the petite boy .’he looks so peaceful, pretty even ‘ eren stares for a bit before he snaps out of it and pushes the boy off his chest , tending to his wounds , doing what he first came to do.
“ i left the supplies out because i knew i would have to tend to your wounds too “ he gets up , walking to the other side of the bar, heading where you are
You squint your eyes in visible confusion “ my wounds ? what are you talking about ?” he scoffs rolling his eyes, “dont play dumb with me , you beat up someone to a bloody pulp and dont expect any damage to your hands, more specifically your damn knuckles ? “
He reaches down, grabbing your hand and lifting them up as to make a point “look at this “ you look down towards your hand and the sight of multi colored bruises,blood and even some open skin greets you.
“ you didnt let me tend to them yesterday so let me do it now “ you meet eyes and his are practically pleading you, but before you get to open your mouth to say anything, you hear rustling and you look behind eren to see what it is .
Armin is awkwardly standing there in the living room, the clean shirt you gave him reaching his knees , and the sweatpants a bit too baggy . you have to physically stop yourself from cooing , the sight being way too adorable for you to handle this early in the morning
Eren senses his presence as well , turning around , both of you guys forgetting about your previous conversation . you clear your throat, sensing some sort of tension in the room “ hey youre finally out ! i was going to make you something to eat but turns out the fridge is empty “ you rub your neck sheepishly , making a mental note to go grocery shopping asap .
Armins eyes widen at this , his hands extending and quickly shaking “ oh no no , please you dont have to, i dont want to be more of a bother than i already am ,” he shyly looks down at the floor , swinging his body , slightly nervous
You smile seeing his cute habit of not making eye contact, fetching your car keys off the wall “ well i bet youre missing your home right ? i can drive you home now if you want “ you also grab the plastic bag off the floor by the corridor
Armin seems to stiffen again , eren now chuckling , his hands stuffed in his sweatpants , noticing how the blonde boy seems way to nervous around you guys . armin looks at eren momentarily before he looks at the floor again ‘ how the hell do you guys look so good this early in the morning ‘ he thinks ‘ meanwhile here he is looking all messed up ‘
“I actually dont live too far away, i can walk home by myself “ armin lies straight out of his teeth , clearly not doing it well judging by the look of your face . youre not convinced seeing as the whole reason why he’s here in the first place was because he was wandering alone.
“ id feel much better knowing that someone is walking you home , i dont want a repeat of what happened yesterday .” you bite your lip, now staring more intensely at the boy in front of you
Armin mentally groans ‘ damn you and your kindness, why cant you get the hint that he doesnt want to hassle you any longer ?’
“Well um … “ he pauses, intensely thinking of a solution that doesnt involve him burdening you guys any further when he hears some shuffling and then someone handing a phone to him. Armin looks up and green eyes stare back at him
“Do you have anyone you can call ? a friend maybe to come pick you up ? “ eren suggests , reading right through the boy
“ o-oh y-yes i do umm thank you , for your phone i mean “ armin scrambles to take the phone and calls his roommate , knowing for sure she is freaking out about his whereabouts
He hands the phone back to eren and shuffles his feet “ luckily she is around the area and can pick me up in 5 minutes , i can wait outside …” you ponder for a second at this suggestions , before ultimately nodding
“Yeah sounds like a solid plan , okay , here take this bag before you head out “ you hand it over and armin looks at you and tilts his head slightly “ its your clothes from last night , i washed them and folded them , oh and your bag is also inside “ you explain while he peeks at the contents inside grief striking his face
‘How much exaclty did you do for him , he’s the worst guest ever in history , throwing up all over your bathroom ‘ he cringes at the thought. He's definitely gonna think about this experience at night,when he reminisces about all the embarrassing moments he's had in his lifetime
“Thank you guys so much for all youve done , i really do appreciate it “ armin rubs at his nape laughing out softly “ well i should get going “ he goes to the entrance, hand on the knob
“Yeah absolutely no problem , take care pretty boy ! “ you say waving , smiling brightly when you see his cheeks flush once more , eren just nodding goodbye . he waves a small goodbye before leaving , closing the door gently . sighing in relief when he got out.
Armin walks out into the street and sure enough there is his roommate , waiting and the look on her face looks not so pleasantly happy .he knows what is going to happen. he opens the car door ready to hear her badgering soon enough
“Look , mikasa , i can ex-” not so shortly as he begins his sentence, she yells out
“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOUVE BEEN ? DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED SICK I WAS WHEN YOU DIDNT PICK UP MY MANY PHONE CALLS ? ARE THOSE BANDAGES IM SEEING? “ armin winced at her reprimations, slowly sinking further into the passenger seat as she kept rambling, knowing that he has to face her wrath for the whole drive home .
he still has no clue as to what exactly happened last night, the only thing he can do is hope his memories would come back soon and clear up his many questions
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Best Friend’s Sister [Fiona Gallagher]
pairing - fiona gallagher x male!reader
type - smut, fluff
note / request- requested by @iawaythrown “The reader is a college friend of lip's and is coming to the Gallagher house. While walking in snow the reader has to change in to new dry clothes (they brought) and fiona walks in. The reader has a 6 pack with deep V line and Fiona basically swoons over him. She heavily flirts with him. also add smut” first time writing in a male perspective. also idk like how to write receiving head or anything so im sorry if this sucks. give me pointers if you want! haha. enjoy!
summary - you meet lip’s sister, fiona, while changing clothes and you two get pretty close
warnings - language, smut (oral male receiving, intercourse), underage drinking 
*gif isnt mine*
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“Don’t mind the mess,” Lip said to you while you walked through his yard.
“It’s fine. Couldn’t be worse than our dorm room,” you smirked.
Lip chuckled and unlocked the door. You walked into the house after him, seeing clothes strewn across the room, toys everywhere, and the sweet smell of KFC.
“Hey, Lip!” A redhead girl ran up to him.
“Hey, Debs!” Lip smiled and hugged her.
“Who’s this?” The girl looked over to you and asked.
“This is a friend from college,” Lip introduced you. “Hi, I'm Y/n,” you smiled at the girl. 
“Hi, I’m Debbie, Lip’s little sister. Are you staying over?” Debbie asked, gesturing to the duffle bag you had over your shoulder. 
“Yeah, I’m stayin’ for the weekend,” you smiled.
“Cool. Well, I’m going over to Holly’s. See you later,” Debbie said and walked past you. 
“See you,” Lip smiled and waved to her. 
“Hey, you mind if I change?” You asked. “My pants are wet from all the snow.” “Yeah, no problem. My room is straight down the hall. I’ll be down here,” Lip said. You nodded and jogged up the stairs, finding where Lip’s room was. 
You closed the door behind you, settling down your bag. You took off your jeans, finding a new pair and putting them on quickly. You then took off your shirt, finding a thicker one as it was cold in the house. 
Right when you were about to pull out a shirt, the door opened. 
“Lip, I didn’t know you were ho- Oh, fuck, sorry.” You looked to see who came into the room. It was a ridiculously hot girl. She had wavy, voluminous hair and big, pretty brown eyes. She was wearing low-waisted skinny jeans and a tight-fitting long-sleeved shirt.
You noticed her eyes go down from your face to your stomach. Her eyes lingered as she stared at your 6-pack, her eyes going down further to peek at your v-line that trailed down to under your jeans. You couldn’t help but smirk.
“Hey, I’m Lip’s friend from college, Y/n,” you smiled at her. 
Her eyes snapped up to you, face blushing as she got caught staring. “Hi, I'm Fiona. Lip’s older sister.”
“Oh, right, he mentioned you. He didn’t say how pretty you were, though,” you smiled kindly. 
Fiona chuckled, “And he didn't say how hot you were.” It was your turn to blush. “Thanks, I work out.”
“Hm, I can see that. Well, uh, I’ll be downstairs. I think we’re watchin’ a movie tonight,” Fiona said. 
“I’m looking forward to it,” you gave her a flirty smile. 
You noticed her legs give out a little, needing to get ahold of the door frame. 
“Me, too,” she smiled and walked off. You looked at her backside, seeing how her hips swayed when she walked away. 
You shook your head with a chuckle, putting your shirt on and going downstairs. You saw at least 3 more kids in the house. 
“Oh, hey! You must be Y/n,” another redhead, this time a boy, smiled at you. 
“Hey, yeah,” you smiled kindly. “Who’re you all?” “I’m Ian. This is Liam,” Ian said and pointed to the toddler in the high-seat. 
“Cool,” you smiled. “Is this chicken up for grabs?”
“Yeah, make yourself at home,” Lip said. “Thanks, man,” you said and went over to the kitchen table. 
“So, do you two have a room together?” Ian asked. 
“Yep. We didn't originally have one together. We met in one of our classes and became good friends. We decided to switch rooms,” you said while taking a piece of KFC.
“Weren’t you rooming with, uh, Amanda?” Ian asked Lip. “Yeah, until she started to suck my dick in my sleep,” Lip snorted. 
You chuckled with him. “Yeah, she’s wild.”
Lip hummed in agreement. 
“Ready to watch a movie?” Fiona came in with three bowls of popcorn. You turned your attention to her, shamelessly raking your eyes over her body. 
Fiona noticed this and positioned herself to where her hip popped out. She gave you a big, flirty smile, to which you returned. 
“Okay, you guys can stop eye-fucking each other now,” Lip pushed past you and into the living room.
Fiona glared at him and you chuckled to yourself. You got up, following the family to the couch. You sat next to Fiona on the left end of the couch. Lip said next to her, and Ian sat at the other end. Liam sat on Lip’s lap. 
“Where’s Debbie?” You asked. “Probably at her friend’s,” Fiona answered while pressing play on the movie. 
“What friends?” Ian snickered. Fiona hit him on the back of her head with a smile. “Shut up.”
You smiled at their banter, turning your attention to the movie. You were watching ‘Cars 2′. 
Halfway through the movie, you felt a hand on your thigh. You looked over to see Fiona’s hand on you, but her eyes on the tv. You smirked, settling more into the couch, enjoying the feeling of her hand going up your leg. 
Her fingers crept up further, making your breath hitch as she put feathery-light pressure right over your dick. Fiona palmed you through your jeans, massaging you lightly. You looked to her, seeing her eyes already on you. Her eyes were hooded and lust-filled. You gave her the same look, biting your lip to stop a moan escaping. 
“Hey, Lip?” Fiona asked, moving her hand away from you. 
“What’s up?” Lip asked.
“I just remembered that the sink needs to be fixed. Y/n, do you mind coming up with me?” Fiona looked to you, licking her lips. 
“Yeah, sure,” you nodded.  “Alright, have fun,” Ian said as you two got up from the couch. 
Fiona took your hand and ran up the stairs. You followed her quickly, getting pulled into her bedroom. Fiona shut the door, crashing her lips onto yours immediately. 
You kissed her back with fervour, putting your hands on her waist and walking backwards. She fell onto her bed, breaking the kiss to scoot up. You followed her, crawling on top of her and going in between her legs. Your hands went to the bottom of her top, looking into her eyes. She smiled and nodded, you pulling her top off quickly. 
You sat back, a smirk resting on your lips. She had a white, lacey bra that was holding up her perfect, pretty breasts. You could see her curves that were popping out as she laid down. 
“Wow,” you breathed out. 
“Thanks,” Fiona smiled. She fluffed her hair out, putting her hand on your neck, pulling you down on her lips.  Your hands found her breasts, sneaking your hand under her back, expertly un-clipping your bra. 
“Wow, you’re handy,” Fiona as she pulled away for air. 
“There's a lot more where that came from,” you winked. She giggled in response. 
You dove your head down to her neck, finding her sweet spot and sucking on it. Fiona moaned, bucking her hips up to yours. 
“God, Y/n,” she moaned as your hands went up to her breasts, cupping them. Your mouth kissed down her skin, licking and nibbling a trail. Your mouth latched onto her right breast, your tongue flicking her nipple. Fiona whined, you other hand massaging her other breast. You sucked her boob, tugging her nipple gently, making eye contact with her. 
Fiona gave you a smile, panting as you switched breasts. You sucked on her chest and trailed down after a few minutes. 
Fiona’s hands grabbed at your shirt, pulling it over your head. She flipped you two over so she was straddling your waist. She ran her hands along your abs, biting her lip. She went down to your neck, kissing and nibbling over your sweet spot. You groaned quietly, putting your hands on her waist and ass. 
Fiona pulled away, taking off her pants, revealing matching panties to her bra. She looked up at you through her lashes, climbing back up on top of you. Her hands went to your jeans, unbuckling your belt and unzipping your jeans. You helped her take them off, taking your underwear off with them. 
Fiona’s eyes immediately went to your cock, her mouth curling up into a smile. She put one of her hands on your dick, the other over your balls. She massaged your balls slowly, putting your head down to the tip of your cock. 
She made eye contact with you, flicking her tongue over the tip of your cock, licking up some of the pre-cum. You groaned at the sight, your heart dropping as she took your length into her mouth. 
She did little by little, adjusting so she could try and fit all of you. She had her free hand over the part that she couldn’t fit in her mouth. Fiona moved her head back and forth, resting her tongue on the underside of your dick. You put your  hand in her hair, pulling slightly as she went faster. 
“Fuck, Fiona,” You groaned. 
You felt her tongue swirl around your dick, push her lips further onto you. She was able to take you all in, gagging slightly. You gave her a small smile, letting her know with your eyes she didn’t have to, but she continued anyways. 
She deep-throated you, moving her head back and forth, side to side vigourously. You looked at her through hooded eyes, feeling yourself come close as she sucked your dick. You pulled her away. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked. 
“Nothing’s wrong,” you said. “I wanna cum inside of you.”
She smiled and you switched spots with her. You took off her underwear, the sweet smell of her arousal filling your nose. You went in-between her legs once again. 
“Oh, wait, shit. Do you have a condom?” You asked. 
“Don’t need one. I’m on the pill,” she said. “You sure?” You asked. 
“Yep,” she nodded.
“Alright. Ready, then?” You asked, lining yourself up with her wet, glistening cunt. 
“Yes,” she said. 
You entered her slowly, earning a moan from both of you. You slowly entered all of yourself in, letting her take a few moments to adjust. Once she gave you a nod, you started to move slowly, but that didn’t last long. 
Soon, you were fucking her. You slammed into her pussy, Fiona’s nails scratching against your back. Her leg’s went around your waist, her heels digging into the base of your spine. 
“Ugh, you’re so tight,” you groaned as you felt her pussy tighten around you. 
“Fuck, Y/n!” Fiona screamed you went back and forth into her. 
You felt your orgasm build up and she tightened around your cock more. 
“I’m gonna c-cum!” Fiona exclaimed. 
“Me, too, baby,” you panted. 
You came inside of her, feeling her wetness and warmth grow around you. You both groaned as you released. 
You pulled out of her, collapsing other side. You both panted as you came down from your high. 
You turned to her, a smile on your face. 
“That was uh, great.” “I agree” Fiona breathed out. “I guess we should, um, go downstairs?”
“Or we can stay upstairs for a round two,” you smirked. “I could please you this time.”
Your hand crept up her thigh, going up to her pussy. 
“Sounds like a good deal,” she smiled, leaning over to kiss you.
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kuruyuji · 4 years
I hope this request is good!
Could I get headcanons (you can include nsfw or not, your choice!) For Danganronpa Makoto Naegi, Nagito Komaeda and/or Miu Iruma with a innocent!reader (they don't understand dirty concepts or jokes of anykind)?
sure thing ! i added a bit more to the request if you don’t mind
- makoto, nagito, and miu with an innocent s/o
gender neutral reader
warnings: swearing, slight nsfw (mentions of sex/loss of viginity), a toy is mentioned like once lol
nsfw under the tag !
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makoto naegi
- my god, this boy is flustered
- for real, he feels like an awkward parent handling a five year old
- he thinks to himself  “am i even allowed to say anything?” as you bomb him with question after question. he feels pretty guilty, like he’s tainting your innocence.
- just how bad was your health class?
- although, he kind of thinks it’s cute
- Makoto isn’t a dirty minded person so it doesn’t really affect him. he prefers someone whos personality and humor isn’t dirty jokes
- he’s always there to comfort you when the guys make dirty jokes around you
- “Ha! that’s what she said!” you turn to Makoto, “Makoto, what do they mean?” “D-don’t worry about it.”
- i couldn’t think of another joke oh my god help
- when you ask for the sex talk his face starting burning up. he couldn’t even speak for five minutes. he does his best, trying to keep it as calm yet educational as possible
- when you ask him to show you, he freezes. he would ask you over and over again if you’re 100% sure (we love consent). when you tell him your positive, he agrees
- he handles you with care, almost afraid that he’s going to break you. but he starts to relax when you tell him you’re fine
- makoto loves his innocence s/o, he wouldn’t want it any other way
nagito komaeda 
- he’s pretty intrigued that you don’t have any knowledge of dirty jokes
- he calls you his little hope angel because of your innocence
- Nagito is also not a very dirty person so he doesn’t really care
- is ready to THROW HANDS if Kazuichi or Teruteru crosses the line
- he starts to get on edge when they’re around you. it’s not that he doesn’t trust he beloved classmates, but he knows how Kazuichi and Teruteru can be
- one time Kazuichi and Teruteru were being well...themselves and you just happened to passed by. Kazuichi and Teruteru decided to take advantage of your innocence.
- “hey (y/n), i want my head between your thighs.” “won’t that be...uncomfortable?”
- Nagito then steps in, “Hey, you’re clearing bothering (y/n), please cut it out.”
- due to his bad luck, he has lead himself into some awkward situations
- one time he was walking around trying to find you. he finally spots you hanging with Fuyuhiko and starts heading over; only for him to trip over his feet and crash on top of you
- you didn’t understand why this situation was sexual and Fuyuhiko was going on about how this isn’t appropriate behavior. Nagito softly smiles, shaking his head
- “guess my luck isn’t so bad after all.”
- when you asked for the sex talk, he was caught off guard. he tried to calmly explain to you the basics, but he couldn’t fight back the blush rising onto his cheeks
- when you asked to demonstrate it he almost said yes, but then he didn’t want to take away his little hope angels innocence away just yet
- but you insisted, and he finally gave in. he’s gentle the whole time, praising you over and over again
- you’re still his innocent hope angel, no matter how many nights he dominates you
miu iruma
- all of your classmates pray for you. because your innocent ass is dating Miu
- who will say a sex joke in every sentence she says
- it was a nightmare when the two of you first met. 
- “dammit i’m in heat right now. im gonna go fuckin’ crazy!” “in...heat?’
- she thinks you’re kidding at first with the whole innocent act. but when she finds out that you’re actually as innocent as you seem. she couldn’t believe her ears
- “are ya fuckin’ dumb or something?”
- at first your classmates tried to protect you so that Miu didn’t taint your innocence, but you declined. you were very interested in Miu even though you didn’t know what she meant half of the time
- the swearing is...a lot for you to handle. it’s no secret that Miu swears in every sentence she says. she tries to tone it down a bit when the two of you start going out. no promises though
- Miu kind of likes to mess with you since your knowledge of dirty jokes is so low. she’ll constantly flirt with you sexually and it can even disgust your classmates. you just awkwardly tilt your head in confusion as dirty jokes just keep flying out of her mouth
- you get used to it, she gets used to it. usually Kaito or a flustered Shuichi has to translate Mius words for you
- when you asked Miu for the sex talk Kirumi was about to take you and hide you away from her. but you told Kirumi that you only wanted to hear it from Miu since her sex knowledge is so high
- she tells you everything you need to know, how to pleasure someone, kinks, fetishes, g-spots. it overwhelmed you but you sort of got the hang of it
- when you asked Miu to show you, she immediately starts to take off her clothes
- she kept your innocents in mind and tried to be as vanilla as possible
- but then you grabbed the 8 inch strap on and asked Miu if you can use it on her. she beamed with pride
- “HA! i knew it. it’s always the innocent looking ones who are fucking freaky as shit!”
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this was kinda fun lol
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janeyseymour · 3 years
I saw the second preview of six and here are my thoughts (along with a few fun stories at the end):
My heart literally fell out of my ass when the queens started walking out They changed a few small little things here and there and it was perfect If six doesn’t win best lighting at the Tony’s I will sue Ex-wives was WOW I literally could not stop smiling Some of the poses were different 
I am convinced she just is beyonce always
She’s just fantastic in that role and that’s what I have to say about that
Ig abby danced a little too hard during no way because she kept messing with her wig after
Actually she lowkey played with it throughout the whole show and it was adorbs
Britt was helping her fix it and like pointing out where it was a little cray (also abby’s wig looks so good omf)
Her delivery throughout the whole show was a bit more mature, but it was still so babey I love her
(On a side note someone today told me I look like Andrea, which is very kind but so untrue because I literally look like a broken thumb and she is gorgeous)
She like low-key cut made the whole head joke short and im kinda sad ab it, but it was still fantastique
Through the “Wearing Yellow To A Funeral Bit” abby looked confused through the entire thing and I was cracking up
She was INCREDIBLE and her dress was so pretty and sparkly and I just wow 
Shes just so pretty in general like ma’am how do you do that please drop the skin care routine 
The emotion that was conveyed was enough to make me tear up BUT I DID NOT CRY AND I AM VERY PROUD OF THAT 
she did the “you lift me high” line and kinda went into this airy place in her voice and it was angelic and heavenly and all the good things
She was just fantastic and thats all I have to say 
Thats a lie I have so many things to say about that woman but the time will come
HOH was a whole acid trip there was a point during this song where I literally just took it all in and then thought “Janey, you really spent your hard earned money to go on an acid trip for a solid few minutes good job”
Their dancing is hilarious and thats that
ABBY SAYING “BUT WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU’LL STILL WALK AT FORTY” I had to stifle a laugh because my queen is indeed 40
Brittney Mack is… all bad bitch energy and I was living for it
She is a queen
When she did the “my horses can trot up to twelve miles an hour”- in the boot (not that I watch those…) abby is always making a 😳😶😲 kind of face and this time she just couldn’t stop smiling and it made me laugh
Her reveal was SO GOOD she literally just started checking out her nails while everyone just applauded… AS THEY SHOULD
When britt told the person to get up, this person full on WENT and britt was like shook it was hysterical
justice for the beheaded cousins 
BOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO BABY MARY HAD THE CHICKEN POX AND YOU DIDN’T GET TO HOLD HER HAND… YOU KNOW ITS FUNNY BECAUSE WHEN I WANTED TO HOLD MY NEWBORN SON…. IIIIII DIIIIIIEDD. Abby lowkey went feral and I loved every second of it and then her pose after got so many laughs it was truly amazing
Aywd destroyed me
I also teared up here but I did not let those babies fall because I was not about to ruin my look
justice for my pink queen
Her delivery is insane and honestly its gotten better and I didn’t even know that was possible because WOW SHE WAS ALREADY STUNNING BUT DAMN MY HEART GOT RIPPED OUT OF MY CHEST
The whole “Catherine not singing” bit was fantastic
Abby looked so confused the entire time 
Andrea’s “hahaha what” was perfecto 
when Anna said “should we really be doing this” someone in the audience went “yes” very loudly and made the queens break for a solid second abby almost forgot to say her line and you could barely hear it because the audience was laughing at the rando 
Anna acknowledged it and just went “I know” before turning to the queens and saying “I know” it was hysterical 
“I’m Catherine parr, I draw the line in arbitrary places bLaH bLaH bLaH”
THE CLAPPING- BRITT GOT IN HER FACE AND JUST *CLAP. CLAP. CLAP.”  It was the funniest thing oh my gosh
“Are you sure Catherine? I-we don’t mind if you wanna sit this one out… I mean you must be exhausted from all those backing vocals”
I dont know if this was intentional or not but when they all start to understand the purpose of parr’s thing- abby is the last to stand up and in my head im like “no yeah that makes sense because shes “the one he truly loved” and shes still trying to get to a point where shes realizing he wasn’t all that great and I dont know I just really like that minor detail
The whole “remember that I was a writer…” part got loud cheers, especially from abby it was very cute
She did a new riff on the “we all disappear” line and WOW my eyes went so wide it was so good I was genuinely shook
the “i dont get it” was sooo good
“My sixth finger” was said so casually and so determinedly that it was a whole new joke and I loved it
“Everyone notices Jane cant dance” -abby just looking so sad
“Yeeeaaaahhhhh. I read!” Was so cute and she sounded so proud of herself it was adorbs
The way they just stood there awkwardly was amazing and got so many laughs it was so good
When sam said the line about competing, abby really almost cut Anna’s line out but she caught herself and it was funny I dont know if anyone else noticed it, but I did and it was glorious
After it was over, of course it got long applause and the entire time abby was doing her like “sparkle hands” but also awkwardly moving her arm kinda like a noodle and then going back to sparkle hands and it gave me a good chuckle
The slow acoustic part was so soft I died
The harmonies was delicious
The audience was so hype
Super hype
All the good things ever
Basically it was just adorable and amazing and absolutely stunning
The new costumes are gorgeous and the lighting is wild if they don’t win best lighting for Tony awards I will full on riot
Aragon and Boleyn interacted a lot and so did Seymour and Cleves and it was very very sweet
Abby interacted with the band a lot to the point where she almost missed a cue and it was very endearing
abby’s hair is SO LONG but I am here for it
So I was looking for my friend when I hear “Make some room, make a path!” From a security guard, and the queens legit walked RIGHT PAST ME
I wanted to go to the theatre anyway to take pictures, but when I saw them, I did follow them back to the theatre because wow I wanted to bask in their glory I didnt even want to talk to them I just wanted to be in their presence
So im like, walking behind them when this happens:
I guess abby saw someone she knew because I heard this “abby!” And then she was like “OH MY GOD” and like RAN to hug them and i legit almost walked right into her/got stepped on but i freaking stopped like a noob i should’ve just let her run me over but I did not I just stopped in my tracks and let out a soft “aH” and then went around her
And then I got to meet a friend and apparently toby heard us squealing and watched us hug for a solid however long so that was awkward
And Julia schade was like talking to him and stared at us for a good amount of time
And then I was walking away and passed Julia again and she kept looking at me, but she was talking to someone else and I think she thought I was going to stay to talk to her (and I would have loved to) but I didnt I just gave her a smile, a nod, and a little wave because I can not do confrontation like if I could not confront abby ma’am I cannot confront u either I am SHY
And that is a very detailed run down of my time in nyc at the brooks
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
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♢ make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love.
Paring: timeskip,sugar daddy!yaku x f!reader
Tags: established relationship, sugar baby!reader, overstim, face riding, squirting, anal play (fingering) , nipple play,  spanking, pussyjob
wc: 1.7k
a/n: italics is him speaking russian
♢ ♢  for the ditsy ‘n diamonds collab.!
18+ minors dni
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“C’mere pretty girl, lemme see.” He said, leaning back onto the bed frame. Arms spread out waiting for you to walk out of your closet, eyes focused on the view of his penthouse while he waited. Time ticking by slowly on his watch as he grew more impatient by the second.
“Like this, daddy?” Your voice breaking him out of his trance, head turning to see you. Eyes instantly locking on your figure, body clad in pretty silk as you made your way towards him. Twirling as you bent over, hands already reaching for your ass. 
“Yeah….fuck.” Licking his dry lips, mouth being embarrassingly open the whole time. Having no shame, eyeing up your pretty little cunt, so soft and wet for him. 
Hes been so good to you; buttering you up, happy girls fuck better. Doesn't like seeing his baby all sad and mopey so he gives you his card and tells you to go wild with it. Coming back home, clinging onto his arm as he walked you to his car, the chilling wind not bothering you with his coat resting on your shoulders.
 Grabbing your ring covered hand in his, resting on your thigh, making no effort to reach further but you still felt your nerves rise. Pretty little pussy all wet from getting so excited. Showing him off the new clothes you got, putting on a little runway show for him. Cunt peeking out from that tiny dress he bought you, no panties as usual.. 
“Want me to kiss it better, baby?” His gentle words tingling into your ear, hands sneaking there way up your dress. “Want daddy to eat that little cunt until you can't think anymore? Just ask, sweetheart. C’mon, beg.” His hands trailing up your thighs as you stood over him, chin resting on your stomach as he looked up at you, feeling your squirm in his touch. Nervously smiling as you tried your hardest to speak under his gaze.
“Y-yes please, yaku.”
“You want it that bad, sweetheart? He asked, running the tip of his fingers over you slit, letting out a mumbled squeal as you stumbled into him. Pulling you onto his lap, thighs resting around his as you led his hands all over you, not being able to resist the little moan escaping your mouth as he adjusted his knee. Grin widening as you hid your face into his collar.
“Mhmm.” you whined, curling your hands into him, newly done nails leaving imprints behind as your tennis bracelets dangled onto his chest.
Leaning back onto the bed as he dragged you with him, straddling his hips as he lifted your tiny little dress above your head, tossing it the side, seeing the mess you were already making on his pants. “Fuck, you’re so wet. That all for me?
Sheepishly nodding, head face his chest as his gaze never left you, hands resting on the top of your thighs. “C’mere baby, want you to sit that little cunt on my face.”
“W-wha-” His words throwing you off guard, the way he could say that so shamelessly making your thighs clench together.
“Don't make me spank your pretty ass of yours until you're a crying mess again.” His impatience rising once more, dragging you up there. Body not resisting as his breath was blowing on your clit, whimpers leaving your mouth as you jerked in his hold.  
“Such a baby, desperate for my attention but you don't even know how to act when you get it. I don't have to take days off for you, but I do. You're such a spoiled little thing, aren't you princess?”
“N-no, no im not!” Eyes stinging with tears as you embarrassingly got wetter.
“Really?” he mumbled into your clit, his ring covered working its way up your thigh, the tingling sensation the cold making you shiver. “Because you sure act like one.” His fingers teasing at your entrance as you were already sobbing, soft lips kissing your needy cunt. Hands gripping onto the headboard, supporting your trembling body.
Cries leaving your mouth as his groans were not helping, the vibrations along with the feeling of feeling full, but not full enough had you growing greedy. A squeal escaping your lips as his middle finger made its way into your ass, shoving his finger all the way in until his knuckles were pressed against your flesh, curling into you ruthlessly, shaking hand moving down to grip his hair. “ya-” 
Feeling his smile under you, shameless grinding on his face, cilt rubbing between his nose and lips as you desperately tried to get yourself off. “y-yak-, daddy. m’gonna -cum”
His fingers fucking into both of your holes, thrusting into you so hard your body is moving with them. His other hand grabbing you tits, pinching your nipples while his mouth was abusing your clit. Head falling back, eyes rolling with it, incoherent words coming out as your body froze, hands still moving as your body twitched. Losing sight and all other senses for a few seconds, only feeling yourself fall into him, chest resting on his head.
“Fuck pretty girl, you just came all over me.” He groaned, eyes lingering on your fucked out body. “Such a messy little girl, sweetheart.” 
“Want more, want you daddy, please” you croaked out into his ear.
“You want daddy’s cock that badly, baby?”
“Yeah…” You whimpered, voice all soft and sweet now. Mind foggy with lust as you gripped onto him.  “Please yaku.”
He flipped you over, body being compliant with him as he pushed your knees to your chest, pulling his boxers down enough to free his cock. Eyes trying their best to stay open while he used his hand to stoke it a few times, standing straight up against his stomach. 
Sliding his hands up along your sides, thumbs grazing over your nipples grabbing the soft flesh in his hands, bringing his lips down to them. Placing kisses all over, tongue wrapping around your nipple, your dainty gold necklace getting caught up in his mouth, teeth gently tugging on both of them. A line of spit breaking as he pulled away. Keening at the sensation, heavy weight resting on your stomach as you felt his cock grow against you. 
Sliding his length along your soaked cunt, the wetness making it glisten, the tip nudging your clit and teasingly tapping your hole with every thrust. His hand lifting up your thighs, pulling you closer to him, hearing your whines as you shamelessly rutted your hips into his. 
“Aww, baby…  you gonna cum just from that,?” Shaking your head fastly, words not coming out quick enough as your hands grabbed onto his.
 “Feeling empty?” As if he read your mind, not surprising you in the slightest. “You need daddy to take care of you in every way don't you, hm?” He said angling his cock down and shoving the tip into your cunt, barely fitting inside.
Your body convulsing at just the touch, pure need overtaking you as you shoved yourself the rest of the way down his cock. A cry of pain and pleasure leaving your mouth as you felt his hand slap against your thighs. 
“Though you said you were gonna be a good girl. I was gonna take my time with you, but I guess not anymore….Gonna make them tears fall pretty again.”
His hands gripping you tighter as he started thrusting into you, already sounding so lewd. You moans roaming around the room, wet slapping sounds getting him harder as your back arched. Blood rushing to your head, trying to find the orgasm that was so close. Shuddering as his pace got relentless, quickly sliding into and out of you, his tip barely being out before his balls slapped your ass. 
“No, baby..” he groaned, trying to hold himself back. “Not until daddy says you can.”
Eyes watering as your muscles tightened up. Hands moving to his neck, sliding up to his hair. Knuckles going white as your grip didn't loosen, trying to catch your breath as he kept fucking the gasps out of you.
"Fuck-" You whimpered, trying to stay still as he rutted into you faster, fingernails matching your knuckles. "I- can’t daddy, i can't!" you choked out. Head falling back once again, vision going black.
 “d-daddy, please…” you whined, opening your eyes to catch his. Pretty little pout on your face as he moved his lips to yours. 
“What? You gonna cum, baby?” His hot breath whispered into your mouth..
“B-but you said…” You sobbed, tears making your mascara run all over the place. “Please yaku, need it... need to c-ah, cum…”
“Be a good girl, and cum for me baby.” Your hesitantness easily caught by him, the look of worry in your eyes, not fully understand if what you heard was right.
His hand grabbing your jaw, turning your head to make you look at him. “Cum”
Back arching at the words, the same feeling all over again.. His thrusts not stopping, hips still slamming into yours. The feeling of overstimulation making you shake and cry, rocking back and forth until he can feel the wet heat dripping between you two. 
Finally pulling back as your body was limp under his, flipping you over again now resting on his chest. Leaning against the bed frame as you curled up into him, still looking unpleased after he made you cum for the 3rd time.
“Why are you still pouting, hm?”
“I- im not.” You said trying to hide your face, lips puckering up more.
His gaze on your made you ease up, looking into his eyes, heat rising into your face as you opened your mouth. “You pulled out ...“
“Oh my god, baby.” He said pulling you towards him, pushing back slightly. “Stop, daddy.” You said, trying to assert yourself, looking like the prettiest mess he's ever seen in his life. “You know how I feel.”  
He looked down into your sad, pleading eyes feeling his lips pull up in  smirk, dick already growing hard again at the thought. Fuck you were so cute. Leaning down into your ear, voice hot and raspy as he muttered out.
“Okay, princess. I’ll give you what you want, but…. you have to do something for me first.”
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myhaikyuuthings · 4 years
where the first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your body w/ Bokuto, Asahi and Tanaka (note the words have to be spoken directly to you)
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‘Fuck watch out’ your soulmate was either a total dick, or a hero
you weren’t sure which and honestly, that being tattooed on your body forever didn’t make either option okay
it was right above your bathing  suit line so you always wore a shirt/one piece at the beach just so you didn’t have to get stares
which isn’t a big deal but you liked bikinis
today your team was going to the annual training camp and for the first time, you got to tag along 
being a manager for Nekoma was hectic to put it simply but you loved them and loved being around them
when you all arrived Kuroo said he wanted to show your tattoo to his friend, thinking he’d get a kick out of it
you’d always had trouble saying no to the taller male so you reluctantly agreed
he lead you to one of the gyms and you could tell people were already practicing
you noticed a loud boy with two toned hair, who Kuroo helpfully identified as Bokuto, glancing at you
he messed up his spike
you watched as the ball flew at you, too stunned by the speed to react 
“FUCK WATCH OUT” before you could see Who said your words, you caught the ball with your face
you blinked as your vision came back into focus as Kuroo yelled at Bokuto while trying to check on you and Bokuto just sobbed over your body while apologizing
you sat up, doing a quick headcount of how many people were in the gym
“which one of you assholes is my soulmate?” you asked, cradling your nose as it bled
not a dick. but damn if he can’t hit a ball hard
“i’ve had ‘fuck watch out’ on my body my whole life.. and i hated it.. and i just called my soulmate an asshole.. as my first words” you tried to process through the throbbing
Kuroo lost it, laughing his classic hyena laugh, earning a punch to the arm from you
“i deserved it, I am so sorry,” bokuto said through tears, trying to hold them back
you sighed, opening you free arm for a hug but he only looked confused
‘damn i really do have to do it all myself’ you thought, grabbing his arm and pulling him into a one armed hug
“sorry if i get blood on your shirt,” you mumbled, petting his head with your free hand as he laid his head in the crook of your neck
“it’s okay, it’s just a shirt,” he sniffed, “i hope i didn’t break your nose” 
you removed your hand, trying to twitch your nose
“it seems to move fine, i think it’s gonna bruise though”
aaaaand theres a new round of tears
by the time you had been checked out and he had calmed down, the two of you sat outside to talk
“Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you,”
“Kotaro Bokuto, nice to meet you too, I am  really sorry about your face” 
“stop apologizing, you were so stunned by my beauty you couldn’t focus on the  ball” you teased
“yeah you’re right,” he admitted, causing you to choke on your rice ball
in one day you had met your soulmate, almost broke your nose, and learned your soulmate is indeed a Sweetheart and one of the best in the country (which explains the power behind that hit) now it was just trying to survive the rest of camp
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‘i’m not a threat!’ 
did your soulmate break in?? try to rob you?? what kind of mark is That
your family moved from Tokyo to the Miyagi prefecture during your third year, so now you were spending your last year of highschool surrounded by people you didn’t know
you decided to sit outside for lunch, not wanting to look like the odd one out, plus it is nice outside
before you could even take a bite, you noticed someone looking at you
you turned to fully look at him, your jaw dropping a bit at how tall he was
‘i think that’s the guy someone said was in his 20′s and still a student’ 
while you were trying  to figure out if he was actually 20 or not, you didn’t realize how long you had been staring, or that you had dropped your food
“i’m not  a threat!” he tried to assure you, walking closer with his hands up, “everyone’s kind of scared of me because of the rumors but they’re not true”
he was pouting. cute
“yknow, if you weren’t my soulmate i might not believe that” 
his jaw dropped, his cheeks a bright pink
his friend with silver hair came walking up
“Hi, you must be Asahi heres soulmate, yknow That’s a rather long sentence to have tattooed on your leg forever” he smiled
this seemed to break Asahi out of his stupour
“No it’s okay! You had to walk around with That on your body, this is fair,” he assured, lifting his pants leg to show your words wrapped like an anklet
you smiled up at him, pulling your uniform collar to the side a bit to show your tattoo under your collar bone
“they picked a bad place for yours, wow im sorry” he apologized, sitting down in the grass with you. “Asahi Azumane, it’s great to finally meet you”
“Y/N Y/L/N, the pleasure’s all mine, call me Y/N.”
you sat talking for the rest of the lunch period, not realizing his friend has disappeared sometime during your conversation
“You should come to volleyball practice, I can introduce you to Kiyoko, I think you two share some classes she can help show you around” he offered
“why can’t you help show me around?” you asked, smiling softly as he blushed again
“ i mean like, i am your soulmate but I get it if I make you uncomfortable or scare you or anything, so I don’t want to just assume-”
“Azumane, it’s okay. you don’t scare nor make me uncomfortable. I’ll come, it’d be great to meet her and your team, but I would really like it if you were the one to show me around” 
“yeah okay, I can do that” 
it seems your tattoo was right, he’s definitely not a threat
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“I’ll beat them up” 
in one way, the placement was easy to hide (upper inner thigh)
but it was concerning nonetheless 
why did your soulmate offer to beat someone up for you? this question had bugged you for years
now you’re in your second year of high school and decided to go to the Miyagi Prefectures volleyball qualifiers
well your friend dragged you along to watch his soulmate play, claiming he’s the best setter in the prefecture and you Have to see him at work
he had left you alone in the hall to go see his soulmate in the locker rooms before the game so you were just standing around minding your own business
you watched the crowd slowly thin out, assuming a game was starting soon
‘nows a good time to get snacks, no line!’ you thought, starting your look for a food stand
you ended up just a little bit lost when two boys approached you
“hi there, what’re you doing out here alone?” one asked, smiling politely at you
“my friend’s soulmate is playing today, he’s just wishing him good luck” you explain, making a move to walk past them
“what’s the rush?” the other asks, placing a hand on the wall beside you effectively blocking your  way
you sigh, turning fully to face him
“neither of those phrases is my soulmate mark, and I’m actively staying single until i meet them okay? so can you just let me move?”
they exchanged a look, irritation obvious on their faces
“well show us your mark then, because I don’t believe you” 
“idiot, you don’t have to see My mark to know those aren’t Your words” you scoff, trying to walk around them the other way
you end up caged against the wall, putting your fists up ready to defend yourself
“hey, i think they said to leave them alone,” a new guy spoke from somewhere behind them, but you were unable to see him due to the two infront of you
“yeah, what he said” you snap, raising your fists a little higher
when the two turn around to face the new boy, you take that chance to dash out from behind them
you stand beside the new guy, glaring sharply 
“didn’t your mother ever teach you what ‘no’ means or did she fail every other human being out there to spare your feelings?” you growl, subconsciously standing behind your saviour 
“you’re lucky i don’t beat you up,” the man growls as well before turning to you, “I’ll beat them up.”
“I’ll help,” you snort, cracking your knuckles before realizing the words he said, “I’m sorry did you say ‘I’ll beat them up’”
He smiles broadly at you, holding his hand out, “Ryuunosuke Tanaka, and who might you be dear soulmate?”
“Y/N Y/L/N, thanks for stepping in soulmate,” you grin back
the two men had tried to step away as you and Tanaka made your introductions but Tanaka threw his arm out, catching their sleeves
“No no you’re not getting off that easy, not only were you Harassing a person, you were harassing my soulmate, lets get you to your coach why don’t we.” 
“Y/N I’ll find you after my match, make sure to cheer for me! Karasuno!! See you soon” he smiled, dragging the two men behind him 
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
The Mercer Legacy - Part 1
Pairings: Reggie x Luke x Reader, Willex
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: none? 
a/n: welcome to the first part of my social media JATP au!! Im really excited about this series and I hope you like it!! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist! 
Masterlist  TML Masterlist
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“Beep beep! Coming through!” You heard somebody call from down the sidewalk.
You stepped to the side, lifting your dress so that the white fabric didn’t touch the grass but Alex wasn’t as lucky. Your best friend apparently hadn’t heard the warning and before any of you knew what had happened, Alex and the skateboarder were both sprawled on the ground.
“Oh, you dinged my board!” The skateboarder whined as he stood and you saw Alex scowl.
“I dinged your board? Dude, you ran me over! You’re lucky I didn’t-“ Alex stopped abruptly and you smirked, recognizing the expression on your best friend’s face as he actually looked at the boy who had run into him.
You knew that look, that was Alex’s gay panic look. However, before Alex could regain control of his brain long enough to say something his mom interrupted, calling out from the car.
“Alexander, Y/N, let’s get a move on! We don’t want to be late!”
The skateboarder nodded apologetically to Alex before riding off, leaving Alex to stare longingly after him. When he finally turned back he was met with a teasing grin from you.
“Don’t say a word,” he grit out, glaring at you and you laughed.
“Whatever you say, lover boy.”
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
The event was about as stuffy as you’d imagined it would be. After they’d lined you all up and announced you to the attendees, the master of ceremonies turned it over to the orchestra to play for the rest of the evening.
“How much longer do we have to be here?” You huffed, plopping down very un-ladylike into the chair next to your best friend.
“At least two more hours, probably longer,” Alex responded dejectedly and you sighed, taking a sip of your fruit punch as you surveyed the room.
Most of the attendees, both debutantes and parents, were slow-dancing to whatever piece the orchestra played. You would be perfectly content if you never made it onto the dance floor though you knew it was unlikely considering Mrs. Mercer’s overbearing and controlling nature. She’d be damned if her son didn’t dance to at least one song which meant you’d be dancing with him.
“Y’know, whoever chose fruit punch as a beverage for this event is an idiot,” you declared, holding your cup up to eye level as you stared into the red liquid. “It would be so easy to spill this all over my pristine white dress. Maybe I should. We’d probably get to leave and…” You trailed off.
Though distorted and colorized due to the liquid in your cup, you thought you recognized one of the young servers. Lowering your glass slowly as to not spill your drink (sure you’d threatened to but really this was a nice dress and you didn’t want to ruin it) you peered more clearly across the room at the boy.
“Hey isn’t that your boyfriend?” You asked Alex, grinning teasingly at him.
It was hard to be certain when the guy had traded his helmet for a neat bun at the base of his neck and his street clothes for a tuxedo shirt and black slacks but you were pretty sure that was the same boy who had run Alex over with his skateboard.
“What?” Alex hissed, looking around frantically and you weren’t sure if he was checking to make sure no one had overheard (no one had, you’d checked before you’d said anything) or looking for the boy in question.
“Your skater boy,” you explained. “Isn’t that him over there with the tray of hor d’œuvres?”
“Oh my god.”
“Well, what are you waiting for? Go introduce yourself, get his number!”
“I can’t just go over there,” Alex exclaimed, parroting your words back at you. “He’s working!”
You huffed and rolled your eyes at his reluctance.
“Fine. Then I’m hungry let’s go get a snack,” you stood, dragging him out of his chair with you.
You looped your arm through his, not allowing him to get away as you pulled him across the room. You stopped in front of the skater boy, pretending to be occupied with selecting an hor d’oeurve from his tray. You felt Alex freeze up next to you and you nudged him with your elbow.
“Alright well, Alex, I’m going to go sit over there,” you gestured over to a table nearby, “and let you guys talk.”
You slipped your arm from Alex’s, winking no-so-discretely at him as you moved away.
“I hate you,” you heard him hiss in your direction but you just smiled cheekily in response.
“So, Alex huh?” You heard the skater boy ask before you were out of earshot and you smirked.
You sat down at a nearby table alone, keeping an eye on Alex in case you needed to rescue him. However, once you saw him relax you let your gaze wander. Your new seat afforded you a view of the orchestra and you found your gaze drifting off towards the musicians. You hadn’t realized you’d been staring at one particular musician until the dark-haired cellist winked at you.
You felt heat immediately rise to your cheeks and you quickly averted your gaze, embarrassed at being caught by the cute musician. Of course, your gaze then fell to a violinist across the orchestra setup. To your surprise he was already staring at you, a cocky smirk on his face as he continued to play, completely disregarding the sheet music and conductor in front of him.
He was undeniably attractive, though in a different way than the other musician who had caught your eye. Still, you had the undeniable urge to wipe the smirk off his face and make him as flustered as you were so you did what the cellist had just done to you moments before. You winked. However, it didn’t seem to phase him very much, the flash of surprise crossing his face quickly replaced with a smug grin and you groaned internally. Not wanting to drop your facade and surrender, you did your best to smile back demurely before you looked away, eyes going back to where Alex and his skater boy had been standing.
You couldn’t help your surprise when you discovered that they were no longer standing where you’d left them. Your eyes began to flit frantically around the ballroom, searching for the familiar frame of your best friend but you couldn’t find him. That’s when you noticed that the skater boy was nowhere to be found either and you smirked to yourself, realizing that they must have snuck off somewhere.
Yeah, Alex definitely owed you.
You had just pulled your phone out to text him as much when the orchestra stopped playing. The sudden absence of sound shocked you and you looked up to see the MC stepping up to the microphone as the musicians began filing out. The MC explained that the orchestra was taking a brief break and you tuned out the rest of his announcement, your eyes being once again drawn to the brunet violinist. He tilted his head towards the stage door, silently inviting you to join him backstage and you quirked a brow in surprise. He winked in response, smiling cheekily before he turned to follow the rest of the orchestra off the stage.
You sent a quick text to Alex in case he came back before you snuck out the back, doing your best to blend in with the musicians. You were certain you were unsuccessful given your white gown and their concert blacks but nobody stopped you so you didn’t give it much thought.
It took you a moment to locate the violinist and you were surprised to find him with the dark-hair cellist who had winked at you. The violinist was sitting backward in his chair, elbows resting on the back while the cellist sat crisscrossed on another. They both looked up at you as you made your way towards them, each smiling at you, though the violinist’s was more of a smirk.
“Pull up a chair, mystery girl,” the violinist invited gesturing to a nearby black plastic chair when you approached.
“Mystery girl?” You quirked a brow quizzically as you slung the chair around to face them. You sat down gingerly, careful of your gown before pulling off your white gloves, gratefully to get rid of the fabric now that you were away from the rest of the attendees.
“Well we don’t know your name,” the violinist explained, studying you intently as if he was trying to figure out how you fit into this whole event.
“Well I don’t know yours either,” you tossed back with a smirk of your own as you crossed your legs and leaned back in your seat.
“Oh, well, I’m Luke,” the violinist introduced before gesturing to the cellist, “and this is...”
“Reggie!” The cellist chimed in, “Can we know your name now?”
“Y/N,” you answered simply with a smile. However, that smile turned into narrowed eyes and a look of suspicion as you watched the two boys exchange looks.
“You’re Alex’s y/n,” Reggie spoke aloud and you did a double-take.
“I’m who’s y/n?” You spluttered in disbelief.
“You are Alex’s best friend right? Alex Mercer?” Luke asked, leaning forward and causing his chair to tilt onto two legs.
“I- yeah, but how do you know that?”
“We’re in a band together! I play the bass and Lu…” Reggie trailed off, his voice going from excited to confused as he watched your expressions shift. “You don’t know about the band.”
“No, I do not,” you grit out, mind starting to wonder what else Alex had left out. Your best friend seemed to be living a secret life. “I’m gonna fight him.”
You pushed out of your seat, ready to hunt your best friend down and force him to tell you everything.
“No, wait!” Luke reached out a hand to grab your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. “Why do that when we could mess with him?”
You turned, giving him a thoughtful look. “Go on.”
“Well, obviously he kept us apart for a reason, imagine how freaked out he’ll be if he finds out we already know each other!”
“I like the way you think,” you smirked, sitting back down in your chair and pulling out your phone. “Okay now smile.”
You took a couple pictures of the two boys, wanting some options to post on Instagram later.
“Oh wait! We need some of you!” Reggie exclaimed, having caught on to your plan without you having to verbalize it.
You nodded in agreement as he pulled out his phone. You did a couple quick poses before dissolving into laughter, unable to take yourself seriously. The three of you sat that way for a few more minutes, getting to know each other and plotting your revenge on Alex.
Before you knew it the orchestra’s break time was up and the musicians began to file back onto the stage, leaving you to sneak back into the ballroom. Alex was waiting by the side door with a quizzical face.
“What were you doing back there?” He asked and you had to fight to keep the smirk off your face.
“Just visiting some friends.”
Part 2
TML Taglist: @bright-molina​ @bright-patterson​
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx​ @morganayennefertyrell​ @n0wornever​
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