#that one stings….
raydaviespilled · 27 days
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ray looked stupidly handsome in the long distance piano player and it almost makes me want to weep thinking about the extra 20 minutes that were destroyed when it was deemed too long….a greater cultural loss for humanity than when notre dame burned down times a million
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peaceandlove26 · 4 months
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drawing pony toys is the most relaxing thing in the world
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tinyfantasminha · 11 months
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Who is your favorite fearless hero 🐱
Guys im being so serious Puss in Boots the Last Wish became one of my comfort movies so fast SOBS I could easily picture Grim in Puss' position through the whole movie so I had this idea! It's just perfect lol. And who else could Death/Lobo be. You had it coming (And an actor AU as a complementary:)
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miinteaa · 4 months
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I love arrested development so so much
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
I think about Leo’s “I’m your least favorite” comment to Splinter in “Down with the Sickness” a lot. It’s likely just a throwaway comment, a way to get Splinter to leave him alone before Leo gets sick too, but I can’t help but wonder if Leo believes it on some level.
Obviously it’s not true, Splinter loves him as much as he loves the others, but…it wouldn’t be shocking if Leo believed otherwise. After all, just in “Many Unhappy Returns” alone, Splinter has, with no hesitation, said comments like “my other sons would have taken this seriously” and “I knew I should’ve brought purple”, said “no” to Leo’s “I love you”, and pretty blatantly didn’t extend any trust in Leo’s plan even after Leo was fairly effortlessly defeating their opponents.
It was only after, when they’d already won, that Splinter finally gives him a “it was all you my son!” And…that’s basically it. Raph is the one who announces his trust in Leo. Not their father, even though Splinter is the one to witness Leo lowering his walls for once (which Splinter doesn’t react well too, because Leo only lowers his walls in the most hectic of times, and because he lowers them only then, either no one is around or no one is in the right state of mind to respond properly, leading to Leo building his walls back up, and the cycle continues.)
Again, it’s not because Splinter doesn’t love Leo, but Leo…can’t be feeling too good about all that. The way he never reacted surprised about any of Splinter’s words too…
He may know that Splinter loves them all, as a group, but individually…I don’t think Leo believes he ranks all that high with that love. Gives another meaning to “I’m nothing without my brothers” huh?
(Of course, I’m willing to bet the invasion changed that understanding, but with that comes the potential misunderstanding that his father’s outright love is tied to Leo sacrificing himself.)
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#rottmnt headcanons#again OBVIOUSLY SPLINTER LOVES HIM DEARLY#but I wouldn’t blame Leo for thinking he’s loved the LEAST#Splinter also blatantly thinking Donnie is funnier doesn’t help#Leo being a Leo and thus being a Daddy’s Boy at his core doesn’t help#man splinter if you tell Leo he was the first one you held he’d be riding that high for MONTHS#but yeah I just think that with all of Leo’s insecurities…this all isn’t all that unlikely a conclusion to make#and I’ve said it before but…Leo and Splinter don’t really have a softer moment between them unlike the others#that must sting#this isn’t to say that Splinter was WRONG in being upset with Leo in Many Unhappy Returns#because Splinter had no way of knowing Leo’s plan would work out#but again - Leo has to be so confident and cocky because goddangit SOMEONE has to believe in him#so he lets it be himself#hell even the hug that comes after they incapacitate the shredder was more of a ‘Leo was there but it’s to all of them’#I want them to have a good father son talk so bad#is it any wonder why Leo imprints so quick on Hueso#when the man sees him break and decides to help?#can you imagine how much that means to someone like Leo#that someone with all the reason in the world to leave Leo to deal with things alone#chooses not only to help him but to actively protect him after as well#I bet with Splinter there’s always a voice in the back of his head#that says his dad’s love of him is more obligation than anything#and if they didn’t have that DNA connection it wouldn’t be there#so Hueso having no connection but still sticking by Leo’s side in Leo’s moment of weakness…it probably means a lot#it’s a shame we didn’t truly get that with Splinter and Leo#now I want Hueso and Splinter to meet bc like…they’re both dads! and it’d be interesting
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bananonbinary · 2 years
theres so many ways to write how jmart interact off-mic in season 1, but my lowkey favorite is “jon genuinely doesn’t realize what a huge asshole he’s been and thinks he and martin have ‘professional differences.’ he sees no reason they cant be friends right up until martin is like ‘you literally wished i was dead’“
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the-bi-space-ace · 1 month
Okay I’m going to talk about cutting off Crosshair’s hand because while I know plenty of people see a lot of symbolism in it and think it was a good decision I have things to say about it.
I have CPTSD which has a lot of different symptoms. One of them is trembling or shaking. There’s a lot of complexities tied up in it but I’m not going to go into more detail because it’s not a fun thing to talk about.
What I liked about Crosshair’s trauma was that it impacted him not only mentally and emotionally but also physically. It’s very representative of what it’s actually like dealing with symptoms from something like PTSD and CPTSD (there are differences between these two that I won’t go into rn). I loved that we got to see a physical symptom of something psychological. It’s so rare that it’s handled well. Because yeah meditation and safety will help, certainly, but oftentimes it’s not the end all be all. I’m safe. I’m protected. I take care of my mental well being. But I still have symptoms that say the opposite. Because it’s not as simple as ‘no longer in the bad situation therefore the symptoms will stop’. I’ve made my peace that it’s lifelong and, honestly, Crosshair’s symptoms would be lifelong as well.
Cutting off his hand…
Here’s the thing.
The show really makes it seem like cutting off his hand is something he needed to move forward. He needed to be rid of the symptom because it was a physical reminder and it was holding him back from moving on. Cutting off the hand means no more shaking which means he’s healed. No more shaking hand=no more trauma. He can finally move on with his life.
And to that I say ouch.
There’s been plenty of times my symptoms are inconvenient to myself or others. Times when I wish I could just make it stop. Times when I’m terrified that it’s holding me back and I’m screwed up and that’s all I’ll ever be: broken. There are plenty of times I know people wish i could just knock it off and get over it and cut it out but that’s not how it works. Like I said. I’ve made peace with this thing that’ll be with me forever.
It was refreshing to see him try to adapt to dealing with it instead of ignoring it or trying to get rid of the part of him that was hurting. I loved that. It was such a freeing thing to see. Someone who will live with the hurt and the symptoms and it doesn’t make him any less. It just makes him have to do life a little different.
I hate that they cut off his hand. I hate that it wasn’t handled with any sort of nuance or delicacy. And I hate that this thing that made me so proud of him, so proud to share something with him, just got cut off for… what? Shock? To ‘fix’ him?
If we had gotten more time with the loss of his hand maybe I’d feel differently. Hell, I’d love to see how Crosshair adapts to losing his hand, see how he learns to accommodate. It would give him and Echo something to bond over and talk about, finding healing with each other. I think this could’ve been done well. I’d still be on the fence about it but I would’ve held my breath and saw how it played out.
I fully expect people to roll their eyes at me here. I expect that people will say that I just don’t get it or that this isn’t what they intended. I’m sure this isn’t what they intended. At least I hope it isn’t. But what they intended doesn’t change how insensitively this was handled after a whole season of him unpacking his hurt and trying to learn to adapt to it. No one reacted to it, not even Crosshair, and we got no unpacking of what happened. I’m not happy with this but it is what it is I guess.
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scuderiamint · 1 month
a lestappen front row on the anniversary of the inchident, beautiful
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spielzeugkaiser · 11 months
So if it nears winter time before they find Jaskier, would Geralt take Milek to Kaer Morhen? Or does this timeline take dubious place after TW3 game, and ah, events have occurred?
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[MASTERPOST] - (context for when Jaskier and Vesemir met) Milek already was at Kaer Morhen at one point! But. Ahhh. Events have occurred 😬
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elitehoe · 3 months
AEW successfully did what no company was willing to do for Sting. They gave him nothing but respect this whole run and allowed him to end his incredible legacy in the best way possible. I'll always be grateful for how beautiful his last years were and for getting to feel like a child all over again. A hell of a career, a hell of a last match, and a hell of an icon. Thank you, Sting.
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floertoer · 3 months
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emiliosandozsequence · 2 months
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dune part one (2021) dir. denis villenueve / desert rose by sting
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chimeride · 2 months
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Vepar, the 241st Known One.
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chinelacanta · 9 months
old men yaoi,,, love wins
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bonus rouge + rogergarp under :O slightly suggestive but not really
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the-awful-falafel · 3 months
After the Noise update got my thoughts sorted, I actually think Noise and Peppino are not evenly matched in a fight. They're obviously still relatively equal as rivals, and I think Peppino doesn't fully tap into into his potential most of the time, but I also think Peppino is ultimately stronger-- and that fact pisses Noise off to no end. To catch up, the Noise cheats, steals, and distorts the truth to make himself look better/stronger in comparison as much as possible (not that he even cares about being fair or fighting clean, as seen in his boss fight) and it still only gets him so far.
So much of the update reads as Noise being incredibly petty and using his movie to not only appropriate Peppino's accomplishments for personal profit, but rewrite them / cheat them so he gets to one-up Peppino at every step of the way. Even in the swap mode he gets primacy!
It's probably most telling that Peppino blasted through the final boss rush just through sheer pushed-to-the-brink adrenaline rage, while in Noise's movie reenactment he had to give himself literal super saiyan bomb superpowers out of nowhere to one-up the guy lmao. He's such a gremlin with such an insecure ego, I love it.
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autistook · 4 months
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An Unexpected Journey
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