#that one's staying in the trash where it belongs LMAO
genericpuff · 5 months
Question but is Thanatos still Hades son in LR?
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frogchiro · 1 year
Your latest Butcher!Simon post is haunting me, specifically the contrast you drew between Simon's fantasy of Y/N bred and baking and the implied openness and sunshine with the image, and then him retreating to his "small apartment" and "old rickety cot" to go feral fucking his hand. Like.. Damn. I had to set my phone down and go make some tea to stop feeling so flustered lmao. 10/10, gold stars all around.
ALL THAT TO SAY... After they've gotten together, Simon and Y/N choosing to stay at the apartment rather than go back to their shared house because it's storming too badly, and Simon ending the evening of railing Y/N by letting her ride him until the cot breaks. :)
Okay I'm sorry but I will totally use your ask to talk about the contrast because OH MY GOD SOMEONE ACTUALLY NOTICED😭😭😭
I usually like to make a clear contrast between the reader (You) and Butcher!Simon. It's just...I like how it kinda gives you a insight into those characters y'know? While Reader's past is mostly undefined, it was implied in one of the first posts in this au that she is quite young (around 20) and is running from something or wanted to leave her past behind for whatever reason but she still managed to settle down in this strange lone town surrounded by forests and mountains, therefore I put out the image of warmth, safety, the baking/cooking and kindness, a small but nice & well kept home etc.
Then we have Ghost, the strange, older, silent town butcher who seemingly appeared from nowhere and settled here too but it couldn't be more different than you. Simon, who got dishonorably discharged from the military under the accusation of killing some soldier, was ultimately proven not guilty (but ofc he did it) but the stain was stuck to his name like glue, not to mention his growing anger management problems were steadily growing, he got into various bloody fights and when he almost (again) beat a rookie to death then he was ultimately thrown out like trash.
So we see his deeply troubled and disturbing personality shown through his,,well, everything. The butcher's shop, the tiny cold apartment above his shop where he lives in a truly spartan way, and the old rickety and squeaking bed with some old bedsheets where he goes feral and fucks his fist until he's overstimulated thinking about you and the life he desires so so much, the home and the family he so desperately craves, a place where he can belong.
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enden-agolor · 1 year
The way you draw the funny gay block men makes me very happy and makes my brain go wacky /pos
Is there any headcanons about any of the characters you haven't gotten the chance to share?
YAAAY thank you 😍 It's kind of amazing how much damage they can do to ones brain
As for headcanons hmm let's see.
I have been asked once if I had any trans headcanons for any of the characters, which of course I do. Radar is one of them. I see his adventure with Jesse and everyone in season 2 not only as a growth of personality and his strength to overcome the dangers of their world, but also as a means of finally finding comfort in his identity, especially with his friends who make him feel safe and comfortable with himself enough to come to terms with this, and finding it much easier to live his best life surrounded by friends who support him. I love to imagine later after season 2, Radar gets like a girlfriend who is so kind, loving, and supportive of him and he's seriously the happiest little guy in the world. I don't tend to make ocs for existing franchises though, so nothing will probably ever come of that character. It's just a nice thought I run by from time to time.
Speaking of Radar, I also like to hc that the tattoo on his arm is the witherstorm. Being such a big fan of Jesse himself, I think he'd definitely get a tattoo of what it was that began the whole story.
Also I know it's like, widely agreed upon that Radar is a child for some reason, but I hc him as a young adult because children can't get tattoos, run an adult job, nor do I think Jesse would be down for child labor. That's just me personally though, everyone has their own hcs.
For Aiden, I know I don't talk about him much because I genuinely hate him lmao, but I do hc that he and the Blazerods built their own lives in what used to be Sky City. Maybe owned up for their actions, and became notable citizens out there. That letter Jesse received at the end of season 2 from him, I imagine Jesse read and tossed into the trash. Aiden will never be a part of his life ever again after his attempted murder of both him, Lukas, and the rest of the Sky City people. Aiden's own story is just that. His own. Especially after the events of episode 5. The Blazerods will never be welcome back in BeaconTown so long as Jesse stands as leader. They get to continue their story without Jesse, and honestly? That is the best possible way it could ever be.
As for Petra, if you have read my Recovery fic, you know I hc her leaving BeaconTown at the end of season 2 and going on her own way where she discovers a path of being a griefer bounty hunter. It takes a long time for her to realize her inspiration to help people comes from the way Jesse does, but they both do it in completely different ways. Whereas Jesse stays in BeaconTown, leading and providing for his people, while Petra on the other hand chases down the people who leave towns burning, finding the utmost gratitude from those towns when she brings those griefers who looted and vandalized these peoples homes to justice. It's everything she needs. Adventure, combat, and a sense of belonging. She finds that she loves her job, but of course misses her friends dearly. She knows though that Jesse and the rest of her pals would be so happy for her for finding her calling, and when she does comes back, she gets to gloat about how much of a badass she's become, and how much people in towns across the world see her too as a hero. Jesse couldn't be more proud. Always embrace in the tightest bro hug they both can muster whenever they see each other again.
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wafflezcourtney · 2 months
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Stuff for Terra
Norse runes on top (Dregðr Við)
Norse runes on bottom (Terra)
Norse text on bottom (Shapechange)
Glitterbug is a jar of glitter that when poured out turns into various insect/arachnid-type creatures.
The butterfly jar is a jar full of butterflies that can be shaped into objects.
The crystal gives power to the wolf pendant, the compass, and the knot pendant
The knot represents change, gives terra shapeshifting abilities
The wolf pendant represents terras shifting type of wolf
The compass gives him sense of direction
The moon is what fuels the crystal
The antler belongs to Jess. A girl with a deer shifting type who was Terras best friend and l who was shot by two hunters in the 90s. She didn't fully unshift, leaving the antler, so she pulled it out of her head and gave it to Terra. The two hunters (a father and his teenage son) ran to the deer they thought they had shot, and instead was met by a dead girl and an angry wolf that attacked the dad by the throat. The teenage son ran to get the rifle, so Terra ran off, leaving a vendetta between the hunters and the local wolf population (they didn't know Terra was a dregðr við, or that such a thing existed).
The symbol in the top left is a "seolfor seo" or a "silver pupil," and it's what Terra used to call the little gang that consisted of him and jess before she died.
There are lots of other Dregðr Viðs, but very little where Terra lives. Dregðr Viðs are thousand-year-old creatures who harness the power of shape-shifting into specific animals other than a human-like form. It's said that they descend from a village that was visited by some sort of celestial beings who disguised themselves as humans and intermingled with them, passing down great power and magic.
Terra one day walked into town and felt oddly attracted to a sweet girl, so he walked over to her and essentially stole her. She didn't mind oddly, and she just wanted him to take her home, but she didn't know he was a shapeshifter. They went home and she gave him a place to stay and in the night, Terra hunted a rabbit and brought it home to make breakfast with it. They ate breakfast together before Terra heard something outside. He went to check it out, and she followed, very confused. But when she walked out the door, he was gone. Until she saw a pair of eyes approaching her from the woods and growling, and she thought it was at her, when in reality there was a coyote eating out of her trash behind her. Terra scared the coyote off, and the girl (Sarah) was spooked. So Terra non-chalantly walked up to her and started licking her hand until she felt more comfortable before he headed inside and shifted back, confusing her once again to see the man sitting eating once again. Terra acted a bit koy and acted like he didnt know what she was talking about before he revealed himself to her.
Or whatever idk. I just made this up for no reason lmao.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Kissed Her
Eddie Brock x fem!reader x Venom
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: venom 2 spoilers, arguments, suggestive dialogue, lots of talk abut kissing lmao
Author’s Note: I just think that they are my favorite and i love them actually. Kings. Icons. All bolded dialogue is Venom, bolded and italicized is venom in someones head
Summary: Based around the part of venom 2 where eddie and venom split up but the reader is there to kinda mend things.
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You hummed under your breath, walking through the alley way to your apartment. You were holding take out in a bag, along with chocolate bars for the symbiote that lived in your neighbor. You let out a soft sigh as you heard the crashing coming from down the alleyway. Probably a homeless man, digging through the garbage. It wasn’t uncommon. It was a dewey evening and you just wanted to get inside.
Your eyes went wide as you saw Venom tearing into Eddie’s bike. You rushed up to him, careful to keep your distance, eyes wide in concern.
“Venom?!” He turned to you, a piece of Eddie’s bike in his hand. He stopped dead in his tracks, slowly putting the red metal behind his back. “What are you doing?!”
“He asked for it,” Venom told you sturtly dropping the metal onto the ground. You scoffed. That was probably true. You dug in your bag and pulled out the chocolate bars.
“For you.” He gave you a large toothy smile as a tendrial extended from his fingers to grab it from you.
“You get away from her!” Eddie yelled from the window. Your eyes went wide as they went up to the second floor. You looked back to Venom.
“You guys aren’t…” Venom took the chocolate bars.
“I’ll be back for you.” He jumped down the alley.
“Eddie...what the hell… “
You rushed upstairs, gently opening the unlocked door of Eddie’s apartment. It was awful. There was barely anything left in it. You must have stepped over the remains of his apartment downstairs in the alley. Eddie was laying on the floor, face down. You cleared your throat, gently putting down the food beside the door. You brushed a piece of hair behind your ear and walked up to him, kneeling beside him.
“Eds? Why was Venom downstairs without you?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” he mumbled against the floor. You nodded. You were one of the only people who knew about Eddie’s other passenger. It was hard not to find out when you were his neighbor. You heard the angry spats between the two of them and came over to lend a hand, maybe understand a bit more about why you weren’t getting sleep at night. Not to mention, you had grown to rather adore Eddie and Venom. More often than not the three of you had dinner, ate some food and watched a movie together to wind down in the night.
You stood up and looked around. There wasn’t a TV. The chickens were walking around the rubble of what remained of Eddie’s apartment. You let out a sigh and walked over to the kitchen.
You grabbed a garbage bag and started to clean. Eddie turned his head on the side and watched you. You put the old chinese in the bag, shoved the pizza boxes and candy wrappers into it as well.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Cleaning,” you stated simply. “There’s take out right there,” you said, gesturing to the bag by the door. Eddie sat up. “You probably wanna be alone, now that there's no one in your head. I’ll help you clean and be gone,” you promised. Eddie hoisted himself up onto his feet and walked over.
“You don’t have to clean up this mess.” He paused. “And you’re welcome to stay.” You smiled gently.
“I have a feeling I’m going to need to go check on a certain symbiote,” you said. Eddie rolled his eyes.
“We’re through.” “I’m sure.” You started to walk to the door with the full bag of trash but was blocked by Eddie standing there. “Excuse me.” He looked in your eyes, eyebrows furrowed.
“It’s so weird,” he whispered.
“What’s weird?”
“Not having Venom in my head,” he whispered. “Telling me to kiss you every six seconds.” You flushed, pushing past him. You put the bag by the door.
“Why haven’t you?”
“Because I was always worried Venom might slip some tongue.” You laughed heartily and turned to face him.
“Let’s clean this place up. I don’t think I’ve seen the floor in weeks.”
“Your apartment has the same layout, use your imagination.” You gave him a look. He grabbed an empty garbage bag. “You deflected my kissing comment.” “I didn’t deflect it,” you stated. “I’m waiting patiently. I figured eventually we would get close enough while cleaning and you’d have no choice but to want to kiss me.” Eddie looked exhausted. His eye bags were prominent. You wondered how long Venom had kept him awake.
But he smiled gently.
“Take out.” “Oh now who’s deflecting the kissing statements.” He walked up to you, leaning down to pick up the take out beside you. When he stood back up he was right next to you.
“Do you see what I did there?” “Yes yes I do.”
You smiled and he came down for a soft gentle kiss. For Eddie, it was peaceful. There was no Venom to pester him about it. It was just you and him. He would forever be grateful that his first kiss with you was just the two of you.
“We eat and then we clean.”
You sat on the couch, staring at where the TV once was. You brushed your hair out of your face and leaned your head against the back of the couch. Eddie had his hand on your thigh, breathing evenly.
“I don’t think this place has been this clean for months,” he whispered.
“I could have cleaned it. It clears my mind,” you told him.
“I’m not going to ask my next door neighbor who I kissed and want to continue to kiss, to clean my apartment.” You scoffed and shrugged.
“I guess you have a point.” You turned to look at him. You put your arm around his shoulders, playing with his hair gently. “I’m going to go.”
“Do you have to?”
“You need a second without anyone's voice. Including mine.” You leaned over and kissed his forehead. You brushed his hair back. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning. Try to stay out of trouble.”
“I could say the same to you. Please don’t try to find him.” “I won’t.”
There was a recent tweet about a large slimy looking man three streets away about ten minutes ago. You just needed to follow the tweets. There was a video 3 minutes ago of a ‘really good costume’ at a gay club that looked exactly like a friend of yours.
You walked in, looking around at the flashy colors and costumes. Everyone looked great and seemed to be having a great time but it was so packed you were having a hard time spotting Venom.
“Hi, sorry excuse me, have you se-” you started but were quickly knocked over by someone dancing. You stumbled backwards into the crowd. A large hand wrapped around your arm.
“Watch wh-Y/N?!” You turned around and let out a sigh of relief. “What are you doing here? I will not go back to Eddie if that is the reason!”
“Yeah, fuck Eddie!” someone in the crowd screamed. You furrowed your eyebrows. Venom had glow sticks hanging from his neck and arms and shoulders. You laughed gently.
“Can we talk outside?!” you yelled over the music. He grabbed you with one hand, hosting you over the shoulder. You yelped, gripping him so that you didn’t slip out of his grasp. He carried you through the crowd, landing in the alley out back. He set you down carefully. You let out a huff. “I can walk.”
“Too slow.” You nodded. You pulled a chocolate bar out of your jacket pocket and handed it to him. “This is why you are better than him.”
“What happened?”
“I did all the work. He did nothing but use his legs.” He scarfed down the chocolate. You nodded, closing your eyes tightly as you shook your head.
“Vee, are you gonna be okay without him? I mean, just being in a different person,” you asked.
“I am free without him!”
“Eddie kissed me.”
Venom was silent. Shocked, may be a better word for it. He stopped chewing, looking down at you.
“I should not have thrown his TV out the window. He has balls.” You nodded slowly.
“Does that give you any incentive to go back?”
“No. Though I am jealous.” You smiled softly and rolled your eyes.
“I’ll kiss you all you want when you are back in Eddie.”
“Then you are just kissing Eddie.” “No, I'm kissing both of you. I refuse to kiss you while you’re in a stranger. I don’t know where that strangers been.” He let out a loud annoyed sigh.
“He has to apologize.”
“He will.” Venom slipped out of the poor soul he was in and into you. You gasped, touching your body quickly but his slime had already dissipated into you. You looked around. “Venom?” you whispered.
Here. You jumped, not used to hearing him speak in your head. You nodded slowly.
“I have to walk to Eddie’s. You kinda destroyed his motorcycle.” I did not see your name on it.
“Oh testy, I can see why Eddie loves you.” You walked past the passed out body of Venom's last victim to start your walk.
You knocked on the door. Eddie opened it slowly, rubbing his eyes.
“Sorry, were you sleeping?” you asked gently.
“Napping.” He swooped down and kissed you. You smiled against the kiss, arching your back to mold to his body.
Venom shoved you away. Your eyes went wide as you hit the door behind you.
He doesn’t get to kiss you until I do.
“Sorry. That was nice.”
“Oh fuck you brougth him didn’t you?” “...no.” Eddie shook his head. “I’m sorry, I just can’t live with myself if you guys are still apart!” “I can,” Eddie muttered. You walked up to him of your own volition, putting your hands on his cheek.
“Please just apologize.” “For what?”
“I don’t know, whatever you did!”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“Okay so I’m just going to keep Venom and he’ll eat my organs to survive.”
I will not.
“He will not,” Eddie countered. “He likes you too much to eat your organs. You’re safe. You can keep him.” You let out a soft sigh and nodded. He was still too heated. He would want Venom back eventually.
“Alright. Venom, you can go to the club again or something.”
“Wait, he went to a club?” “Yeah, apparently he’s funner than you.” Eddie rolled his eyes. Venom extended his head from you so that he could speak to Eddie directly.
“You kissed her.”
“Yeah, I didn’t need you to do that.”
“You could have waited for me. I like her.”
“You were busy throwing my TV out the window!” You laughed gently but stifled it at the look Eddie gave you. You crossed your arms.
“No one gets to kiss me until you’ve made up. Go Venom.”
“I won’t leave you. You need to be protected.”
“I can protect her just fine,” Eddie said, pointing a finger at his symbiote. “She doesn’t need you and neither do I.”
“I do need you, both of you,” you said quickly. “I need to sleep more. I’m going to my apartment.” You turned around and Venom slinked away from you to Eddie. He made Eddie grab your arm, turn you around and kiss you. Your breath seemed to suck out of you in surprise and pleasure. You eased into his arms, gently wrapping your arms around his shoulder.
Then just like that Venom was gone through the window. You scoffed.
“He’ll be back,” you said, arms still wrapped around Eddie’s shoulders.
“You shouldn’t go back to your apartment.”
“No I don’t think I should either. We did just clean the bed after all.”
Marvel Tag List: @dpaccione, @demonchick1, @karasong, @elisaa-shelby, @lov3vivian, @russian-soft-bitch, @alexxavicry, @valentina-luvs-u, @demigirl-with-problems
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volturialice · 2 years
We’re you pissed off about the fact that Alice Cullen doesn’t get a thank you literally ever. Not from anyone in the end of BD. Honestly I was upset because yes even though bella as a shield did hold the Volturi of, if it wasn’t for Alice they all probably would have been dead. But sure edward bella was the hero of the day 🙄
hmm. I guess I've never minded that because it's so...par for the course where Twilight is concerned. the world of the books revolves around bella—of course bella, who conveniently unlocked a new ability 10 seconds before she needed it, is "the hero of the day" while alice, who spent months searching for something impossible and sacrificed what could have been her last few months with her loved ones in the process, is a convenient deus ex machina. that absolutely tracks. especially from edward's pov—remember when he told bella she was the prettiest right in front of their insecure toddler daughter's salad?? objectivity was never an option.
and I know that makes me sound bitter about it, but I'm really not? or at least, no more bitter than I am about every other instance of Twilight revolving too much around its protagonist. like, I get it. it's a wish-fulfillment-y, self-insert-adjacent YA story. some degree of that comes with the territory.
I don't really need alice to receive "credit" or recognition for her actions, either—like, I get the sense that at least in the books, she only showed up to the BD battle because she knew she could win/prevent it (the whole "would jalice have stayed away if they hadn't found nahuel" thing is a separate question I've talked about before, but it's not irrelevant here.) there's an argument to be made about how much credit she deserves. (my answer is "some.")
I'm much more interested in pondering the emotional and interpersonal fallout of those actions! like, she had the whole family genuinely believing she and jasper had abandoned them in their hour of greatest need. it was the outcome she wanted to achieve, but that shit must still have hurted. it made even the wolves think she was complete trash (not to mention brought up a rather Interesting and criminally unexamined contrast between the opt-in/out Found Family situation of the cullens vs the ~magically forced~ loyalty of the packs—fucking yikes, stephenie. but I digress.)
all we see at the end of BD is everyone clustering around alice (and jasper) because they missed her, and that brief moment of bella going "why didn't you TELL me" and alice calling her a shitty actress lmao. the book doesn't offer any kind of emotional resolution of the grief and betrayal felt by, say, edward or rosalie or carlisle, or what it was like for alice and jasper to have to commit that (however fake and temporary) betrayal in the first place (especially considering that, aside from maybe carlisle, they're the two characters for whom Found Family and belonging are the most important and life-changing!)
because yeah, the book's not about that. I think you and I are alike in wishing it could be, though—guess that's where fandom stuff and asks like this come in!
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zukuist · 4 years
“todoroki experiences a difficult time when it comes to getting out chunks of confetti, and luckily- you’re there to provide him some aid.”
 @/gingerbreadmonster said: “congratulations on 100!!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊 i only found your blog recently but i really love your writing and you deserve all that and more 😍 may i please request "can we stay like this?" + todoroki shoto for your drabble prompts? 💕💕💕 (idk how you like your reqs formatted so it's cool if it's not your thing!)”
includes: todoroki shouto (x reader)
your name is shortened to y/n, a gender neutral reader, lowercase intended.
warnings: none, honestly really fluffy
notes: LMAO so i accidentally posted my draft summary, where the original concept was scraped so.. sorry about that. advanced happy birthday to candy cane boy :))
todoroki sighs when he catches a glimpse of his reflection on his phone, an assort of glitters and gold pieces of confetti liter the contrasting colors of his hair. it is the result from something called a ‘surprise birthday party’
he stands on the sidelines of the common room, as everyone had returned to their room, or they had indulged in their own thing. he just got up to get a glass of water, but he ended up staring at the aftermath of the small birthday party that was thrown by the class.
it’s pretty evident from the looks of the slightly eaten birthday cake that sits on the kitchen isle, and the empty ceramic cups that sit on the dryer. he huffs in mild annoyance, attempting to clear out the glitter and confetti by brushing his soft locks, but it feels like the pile is just never ending.
he might need to wash his hair after this..
“todoroki?” he hears a familiar voice call out to him in a hush like voice, and he whips his head back to meet gazes with you. “are you okay? you were staring at the microwave for a while”
his stomach is tickled with that feeling again, and he doesn’t pay too much attention to your observation. he doesn’t know what that feeling is really, as he’s only felt it one time, and that one time being around you.
“i'm fine,” he automatically responses to your question, “what are you doing down here?”
“i actually left something on the couch, earlier” you smile, “but i saw you just staring at the microwave for a pretty long time.”  
you’re happy to see the corner of his lips slightly turn up, and he brings a hand up to his head, but his brows furrowed when he can’t seem to get out the confetti that litters in that one particular spot on his head.
“is it the confetti?” you ask, and you just never cease to amaze him with the fact that you could just read him so well.
he can only nod, as he tries to brush out the stubborn confetti once again, “it’s not really getting out.”
you’re quite silent, and you tilt your head to get a better view of his hair. it looks quite soft, and you want to touch it, in all honesty. but that’s not the entire point. maybe he might need some assistance.
“how about you sit down over there, todoroki? i’ll try to pick it out for you- i mean, if you want me to.” you try not to sound overly eager about.. picking out confetti out of his hair, but todoroki doesn’t really seem to care about what you’re implying.
it feels like his heart’s skipping multiple beats.
he can only nod, and you smile- pulling a chair, and you cringe slightly from the way it scratches against the floor. todoroki sits himself down, making himself comfortable since it feels like he’ll be there for a while, based off what he saw in his phone’s reflection.
he finds himself enjoying the way your fingers weave through his hair, picking off the confetti- and brushing it off his head. you lean forward onto the wooden chair,  as an attempt to grapes a clearer view of his scalp,  and there’s a lot more glitter than you ever thought there would be.
you end up plucking a larger chunk of confetti harsher than you wanted, and you can see the way his face contorts in mild pain. “ah, sorry. didn’t mean to tug your hair.”
he only stares at you, and you ignore how your heart flutters at the sight of him staring at you.
you tilt forward to brush off the glitter particles off his silky milk white hair. you take a look on how his hair looks a lot clearer than it did earlier, and even with the confetti and glitter- his hair was still as luscious as ever.
but then you realized you were lingering on your thoughts a little too long. you shake you head and continue intertwining your fingers through his hair.
you make a decision to start making small talk, the silence was almost too loud for comfort. “so, did you enjoy your birthday?”
todoroki thinks. his day wasn’t really too spectacular. he called his mom in the morning, went on his day like usual, and came back to a surprise at the height alliance.
todoroki feels like the day hasn’t really concluded though, “i suppose i did. it was really any other day though.”
“hm, but being a year older is special!” you chortle, and he can only stare amused with your light hearted reactions.
it dawns on him that you’re quite close to his face. his eyes are transfixed on your expression, and you’re so focused with your task, your tongue slightly peeking out and onto your bottom lip, and you continue to brush particles off his hair.
it’s becoming quite captivating.
“it seems to be that i’ve gotten all of them,” you huff, and leave momentarily to search for a dustpan to sweep away the fallout, and discard in the trash bin.
todoroki runs his hand through his hair, and he can no longer feel that unsatisfying feeling of glitter chunks, and confetti pieces sticking out of his hair, it’s cleared him of that sort of trouble.
“anyways, happy birthday again, todoroki. i hope whatever you wished for on your birthday comes true!” you lean forward, brushing his hair again, before patting his shoulder. you move to retreat back up to your room.
but there’s one last thing he’d like to do before the day concludes officially.
“wait,” todoroki calls out to you, and he tugs on your wrist and pulls you down with him onto the wooden chair. he doesn't seem to care about the fact that the both of you guys are so close to each other.
your mouth is slightly agape, shocked by the suddenly action, but you’re left just staring at his dashing good looks. the contrast of both of his eyes colors are beautiful, even under the artificial lighting of the kitchen.
“i.. honestly wished for you to be with me,” he hates how he said it, so he looks away from your appalled gaze for a split second, “will you?”
how could you even say no to him? before you could process it properly- your lips press against his. it’s a chaste kiss, but it feels so warm, and delightful. how you always imagined what kissing todoroki shouto would feel like.
he smiles when the kiss is broke off, “can we stay like this? even if it’s just for a little bit longer?”
and how could you say no to him? it is what the birthday boy wishes after all.
©️ izukulie 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not steal
word count will be added soon.
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wolviecore · 3 years
Alright, some of you may not know, but I. Fucking adore Moose Mason. So we'll brainstorm about him today
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Sunshine baby. Sunshine
I really really wanted Riverdale to adapt the big family aspect like in the comic. The fact that Moose more or less raised his siblings while his parents were working?? I love that?? So much?? It fleshes him out quite well I think, makes him something more than " the closeted gay in denial"
So me and my friend @viknikisbae have been going apeshit with him, so my brain being my brain, has decided to overcompensate and focus on the side character. Because of course it did.
The Mason Family Faceclaims & Headcanons:
(Gifs do not belong to me)
Parents :
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Joe Manganiello as Marcus Mason (Though he's named Jerry in the comics so??)
Daybreak really big brained when they casted Joe for Cody's dad- he's got The Look.
Lmao kind of trash honestly
Was in the army
Calls Moose "Duke"
*straight man voice* "Not that theres anything wrong with that"
Expert hunter
The " All fathers are absent fathers" trope
Forgets he has kids
" i can't attend the meeting today. Its my kid's birthday party" " kids? People have those?... OH GOD I HAVE 4 OF THOSE!"
" I'll keep all of my emotions right here, and one day, I'll die"
Lives through his son
Tries? A bit? Idk he's complicated
*wails* " I love my dead gay son" " Moose is right there??" "... who?... OH. OH YEAH. I was just, - just joking, rich man humor. We're concerningly reality impaired."
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Emilia Clarke as Marilyn "Birdie" Mason
So! We don't have much information on Moose's mom on the show. If she's a part of his life, if she's a deadbeat, or if she's even alive, but I DO like the thought of Moose being adopted and having a step mom that loves him, so let's go with that.
Plus, 6'3 Moose and his 5'2 mom. It does not get any cuter than that.
Married Marcus for money, stayed for the kids. She's both the woman and the man of the house.
Bicon legend by day, bicon myth by night
" Who hasn't had gay thoughts?"
Looks cute but will cut a bitch. Tony Stark snark levels
Veterinarian, does dream of owning a flowershop with her wife and litter of children thought.
Gave Moose his nickname and started calling herself "Birdie" to make him feel better once he started getting flack for it. Because kids can be shitbirds.
Came from a conservative family that disowned her when she came out then wanted back into her life once she married a man. Most of Moose's internalized homophobia steams from that
Will punch Marty Mantle without a crumb of hesitation
The mom whose house was always fun growing up.
Bit of a helicopter parent. Just a pinch thought.
" you can't play outside! Thats where the Civil War was held!"
The parent who leans against your door and gives inspirational speeches
So!! Personally, I only know one of Moose's sisters is named Marsha, but that's pretty much where my knowledge cuts.
I also like the thought of them being adopted as a whole, because Found Family is the best trope and that is that.
(From oldest to youngest)
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Natalia Dyer as Marsha Mason
I've actually seen an edit where she was casted as Moose's sister and I ain't shut the fuck up since.
Doesn't like hunting but is the best shot in the family
" boys don't like it when you-" " that's nice" *gunshot*
" I ain't here to take your shit, her shit, his shit, their shit, or any shit that don't got shit to do with me"
Has a kill list written in pink glitter
Three ounces of whoop ass
Had a crush on Reggie at some point. forbids everyone from talking about it
Fiercely protective of her siblings. "The strong must protect the sweet." "You're like. A few months older than us." " SILENCE."
The Rebel Heart. Won't let anyone push her around, makes her own road. Wants to be independent but also needs Moose to open jars for her. A small price to pay for pickles.
The first person Moose came out and vice versa.
" Good morning! Good morning, good morning, " * sees Marcus* " not you, you can choke"
Pretends to be a lone wolf but is a high key love starved wolf after being neglected by her bio parents.
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Malina Weissman as Kathrine "Kitsey" Mason
I loved her in ASOUE and she just Fits TM. Plus, I wanted to make my gay literature reference.
" Kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day"
Sweet and kind but won't take any bullshit
Lives for the shock on people's faces when her, the middle schooler who likes pink and knows every word in all Barbie movies, says she wants to be a criminologist
Knows way too much about true crime for someone her age. She's having fun with it though, so no one stops her
Marcus tried putting her in therapy once but she befriended every single therapist and more often than not, they ended up on the couch instead of her.
Moose and her have horror movie marathons. Everytime there's a jumpscare Moose hides behind her, and she proposes they watch cartoons next.
Everything she knows about detectives she knows from Jughead and even after Moose and him stopped being friends, Kitsey goes to Jug for assignments. (And to update Reggie and Moose on how he's doing)
The embodiment of " 13 year olds are the scariest people you'll ever meet"
" In case you haven't noticed, I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in and I don't WANT to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid notebook? That's weird."
Makes grown men cry and is proud of it.
" I diagnose you with gay"
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Abby Ryder Fortson as Macy Mason
Ok, this is just me wanting big brother Moose shjs
Not a whole lot- she's there for cute service sjsjs
Hides in Moose's bag to trick him into taking her to school because she doesn't like it when he's gone. Friends with all the Vixens.
Runs in the woods sometimes to scream
No reason for it she just feels like it
" what time is it?"
* S C R E A M*
"... Sorry I asked."
She's the Bulldogs mascot
Moose is her make up model and if he has to stand 3+ hours pretending to be a mannequin just because his little sister decided her tea party is dresses only, then be it
In conclusion, Moose Mason is an underrated fave, and I WILL go feral about him anytime
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speechlessxx · 4 years
In The Rain. (Chris Evans x Reader)
Summary: Can a classic case of miscommunication be solved before the rain puts out the flickering light of love? 
Warnings: trash. lmao. this is better than my radio silence, so... lol... fluffy, angsty (you know the drill)
Word Count: ~2k
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The lights flickered for only a second when the bright streaks that painted the sky were followed by deafening claps of thunder that shook your house. The rain was heavy as it pounded against the windows and the harsh winds were no kinder, but they were nothing compared to storm brewing within you.
A deep sigh escaped you as the blanket around your shoulders slipped off and pooled around your waist. You had a warm coffee in one hand and a book in the other while you sat at your reading nook watching the dark sky. It was a collection of poetry with several multicolored Post-It flags sticking out from its pages. Each color represented a feeling a poem elicited, and you found yourself flipping to those with a dark blue flag – the color of sorrow, heartbreak, sadness. In all honesty, it was self-pity.
You weren’t sure why you lingered for so long. Nothing but history and memories were keeping you in his life. The amicable breakup left you detached yet still attached to him. And what made everything worse was that you were still in love with Chris.
The breakup shocked those closest to you. You and Chris were – well … – the most unsuspecting perfect match. You were two completely different souls that balanced one another out. You complemented one another – hell, you completed each other. You were two independent entities that pushed the other to become a better version of themselves. The energy shared between you was radiant and the love was consuming. It was pure and unfiltered. Passionate. You weren’t one to believe in true love – in soulmates, or even twin flames – but then you met Chris and everything changed.
But like all matches – like all flames – they burn out.
You blamed it on anxiety – on expectations. You never had a long-lasting relationship. Chris was the first man you ever felt a true connection to – and that scared you more than you let on.
He was nearing 40 – the ripe age to settle down, to have a family. Although you were certain you wanted that with Chris, you weren’t sure if you wanted that now. Your reluctance had you absentmindedly push him away. You began to untether yourself to him. Untangling the beautiful, strong bond you once had until it was nothing but a single thread.
Although it was you that started to pull away, it was Chris who vocalized his unhappiness. It was Chris who instigated. The night you broke up, he refused to listen to your worries and your reasons for your sudden aloofness. “Do you even love me?” He asked you, but he didn’t wait for a response. You already blamed yourself – and it hurt twice as much when he blamed you, too.
It shocked you when you found out he told friends and family the breakup was mutual… because it was Chris who severed it … The supposedly mutual breakup kept an open door of communication for your families. While your family never bothered Chris or his kin, Scott constantly reached out to you, as well as his mother. They’d often invite you to house parties, dinners, karaoke nights… When you’d decline – finding it was a bit of a territory breach – they’d always claim Chris wouldn’t make an appearance but he always did.
Although you were broken up, you were forced to remain friends. You were forced to look at him across a dining table as if you didn’t know his deepest secrets. You spoke casually as if you never spent late nights unburdening your souls to one another. You acted as if you were friends that were never completely in love with each other.
You remembered the phone call from Scott this morning. He relayed a message from their mom, asking you to come to dinner. When you declined, Scott demanded for a reasonable answer. He often found, “I’m your brother’s ex-girlfriend” a useless excuse.
“I still love him, and it hurts because we’re pretending like we were never together.” Your voice broke. “I’m trying to pull away – trying to move on – but I don’t know if it’s me holding onto hope, or if it’s just....” You couldn’t finish your words – you weren’t sure how to. You felt guilty for confessing this to Chris’s brother of all people. You knew it wouldn’t confidential – that he’d tell Chris – but you just had to say it out loud once.
You heard Scott sigh over the phone. Taking pity on you, he decided it was probably best that you kept your distance from Chris – which was the opposite of the goal of him constantly inviting you out. “A storm’s coming tonight,” he mentioned. “And I know how rain helps calm you.”
But it did anything but that.
Chris had some idea of where it went wrong. The night it all ended, he blamed you. He knew he was in the wrong for that.
The night of his outburst haunted his memories, keeping him up all hours of the night. The image of your tearstained cheeks, reddened eyes, and pure heartbroken expression was burned into his mind. He saw it every time he closed his eyes. He remembered how you barely got a word in because every time you opened your mouth to speak, to reason, to argue, he spoke over you with such a heated, rage-filled tone that he didn’t even recognize.
He was afraid to lose you and because of his own arrogance and stubbornness, that’s exactly what happened.
You were unraveling your bond slowly, tactfully while he tore it to shreds.
And he regretted it every single day.
“Is (Y/N) coming?” He asked as subtly as he could while he and Scott set the table. Scott simply shook his head. Chris placed a plate onto the placemat as thunder shook the house, the glasses rattling slightly. “Do you know what she’s doing tonight?” He asked, trying to stay casual though everyone saw right through it. Scott’s brows were furrowed as if contemplating and his mouth was pressed into a firm line. Knowing him for all his life, Chris knew when his brother was hiding something. “Scott.”
“I can’t tell you!” Scott finally answered. That answer pulled at Chris’s heart – were you with someone? Is that why you weren’t here? “She’s just… she just needs a night.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Chris frowned. An upside to this “amicable” breakup was having his family constantly pull you back into their atmosphere. He wasn’t sure if they did it for him (they did), but he was thankful for all the nights you walked into their family home, gracing him with your presence even if you barely spoke. His brother remained silent and Chris called his name again.
“She’s just upset, okay?” Scott revealed. Chris’s frown deepened as he cocked his head to the side in confusion. “She just needs some time to think and heal.”
“What does that mean?”
Scott sighed. “I can’t tell you. She told me not to – Chris… do you plan on getting back together with (Y/N)?”
“Of course.” Chris answered with no hesitation. “I love her.”
“Then, why’d you break up with her?” Scott asked.
The question caught him off guard. Of course, he planned his apology. He planned his dramatic way to woo you back into his arms – to make you fall in love with him again. He didn’t quite know how to execute it – should he have been a cliché with a boombox, calling your name outside your window?
“I… I guess I felt like she was pulling away… and so, I felt like I had to beat her to the punch,” Chris cringed. It was a childish sentiment… But perhaps it was because his ego couldn’t take being broken up with? Or perhaps the thought of losing you clouded his judgement so much and consequently, his fears came true.
Scott scoffed at his brother, rolling his eyes for effect. “You’re an asshole.”
“Yeah and I feel bad about it, but every time I try to talk to her, she closes up.”
“I wonder why.” Chris groaned annoyedly at his younger brother, slapping the palm of his hand to his forehead. “She told me before that she felt as if she didn’t belong with you because you’re ready to start a family and she wasn’t.”
“When she say that?”
“A while ago…” Scott scratched his chin.
“But I don’t… I don’t need a family right this second. I just need her.”
“Does she know that?” Scott asked him. “Because all she knows is that you had enough of her.”
“I didn’t really give her a chance to talk…” Chris confessed. “I just… I kinda just ranted at her.”
Scott sighed disappointedly. “In all honestly, brother, I think you need to have an actual conversation with her… Not just a I’m-gonna-yell-at-you …”
Lightning flashed through the windows as the rain steadily poured. It didn’t look as if it were going to let up any time soon. Chris glanced at the clock. It was early into the evening – if it hadn’t been storming, then the sun would be painting the sky a beautiful orange sunset. Instead it was dark, gloomy – uncertain like your future.
Without much contemplation, Chris rushed out of the dining room, cutting through the kitchen. His mother gasped when he barged through the doors and walked to towards the front. “What are you doing?” She called after him. “Dinner’s almost ready!”
“I’m getting my girlfriend back,” Chris told her. His mother’s worried expression melted into one of pride as she cupped her chest with her hand and gave him an encouraging smile.
“Go get ‘er.”
“Love you, ma,” Chris called before walking out the door and braving through the storm.
The doorbell startled you from your nap. You hadn’t even realized you began to drift to sleep. With little regard about your appearance, you drudged towards the front door, wondering who could be at your house at this hour – especially with a storm like this.
“Chris?” You gasped, eyes widening as your ex-boyfriend was shivering from the rain. He was drenched, standing at your front porch. “Why are you here in the rain?”
“We need to talk.” You felt the blood leave your face. The last time he said those words to you, he left you crying and heartbroken. Thunder rumbled as you stared at him. “Scott told me.”
“Of course he did,” you rolled your eyes with frustration. “Chris, I don’t want to talk –“ You tried to close the door, but he easily overpowered you, keeping it open.
“No, we need to talk about this,” Chris snapped before sighing. “(Y/N),” you always loved the way he said your name. “I don’t want a family right now… I just want you… I just need you.”
You stared at him. Chris was never one to lie. He was terrible at it. His eyes always gave him away. Much like they did tonight when they revealed he was being truthful.
“I’m sorry,” he told you. “I’m sorry I’m an asshole that night. I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you – that I didn’t even try to listen.” He paused, waiting for you to butt in, but you never did. You just stared at him in silence as you processed. “You’re the only one I want to be with… and I understand if that’s not what you want… You can close the door and we’ll pretend this never happened. We can go back to whatever we were… But I’m not going to ignore this.” When you remained silent, he said, “please, please say something.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t truthful,” you finally said. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about me doubting myself – that I started to push you away because I was afraid of what a serious relationship with you meant…”
He took a step towards you, hands reaching for you. One hand found its home at your waist, the other cupping your cheek. “It’s not your fault…” He said. “I love you and I always will. Please, take me back.”
“I love you, Chris,” you muttered before your hands wrapped around his neck to pull him towards your lips.
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
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Cyneswith rolls the want to dine out with her Methuselahian boy-toy and I’m hoping we can knock this love out during this date so we never have to see him again. Naturally the road to 20 simultaneous lovers is gonna have some duds, but did we really have to start with one?? Between Cyn’s gray hair turn on and Shajar’s fitness/fatness ones the chemistry mechanic is ruining my life this generation.
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Yea that’s great, CADP, here’s an even more appropriate green face: 🤢🤢🤢
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-I don’t get paid enough for this shit. 
Random Waiter sweetie, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry we’re romancing this old bitch in front of you, oh my god.
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Mercifully CADP wastes no time falling in love with Cyneswith after this public woohoo witnessed by every townie within a 20 mile radius, and the date is a stunning success:
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LMAO. Watch Cyneswith become a pillar of the community thanks to publicly banging the elderly, she truly can do no wrong. No wonder she’s the only child Jojo acknowledges. 
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Beyond over for Don. 
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Cyneswith returns home in the glowing triumph of her platinum plumbob. She literally hasn’t even made it to the front door yet-
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-and CADP calls to ask her out again! Man, these drama professors are relentless, remember how half-alien prof stalked Gunther? Did this guy even go home or is he calling us right from the diner where we left him?? Whatever the case, hardest ‘Stay Here’ ever pressed, grandpa. 
-But I wanna go out with him again! 🌸
Yea well we don’t have time to be systematically dating these flops, Cyn, if you wanted in depth affairs you should have rolled a different LTW.
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NICE. Another fine addition to our yard of wonders! We’re still not dating you, CADP, but when we’re throwing ragers on this thing, we’ll be thinking of you with some nostalgia and a lot of disgust. 
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With Cyneswith platinum for the foreseeable future, I take a look at how everyone else is doing to ensure there aren’t any aspiration failures lurking. Ti-Ning and Frances are ultra-loved up and doing great-
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-Angel rolls the want to get engaged to Wulf as well as the want TO INVITE OVER GUNTHER AKA HER TEENAGE FLING FROM 30 YEARS AGO, FFS ANGEL-
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-and Don.. well he’s seen better days. The sad ‘go on a date’ want is killing me, I’ve considered it a given so far that he’s endgame for Cyn but they haven’t been interacting much lately, we’ll see how it goes, it might legit be over him.
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The semester ends and with it Sophie’s insane 0 studying A+ streak, which is understandable since she literally almost died. Proud of Wulf and Don for bringing their grades up since they were both doing terribly, Don especially was flirting with academic probation last semester. I guess once your gf is no longer distracting you because she’s too busy cheating on you, you start hitting the books.
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It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life.. and Sophie autonomously goes to gossip with Shajar!!! I was so shocked I unironically took a screenshot of the little action queue window, but whatever, it’s a big deal! 
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-Hey Shajar, you know who’s an even bigger turbocuck than you?? Ti-Ning! God I can’t stand that loser. 
-Haha couldn’t agree more, Sophie! 🖤 Not like I’d agree with anything you say, I have my own personality and opinions and everything!! Why are we talking about him like he’s not right here? I’m not questioning you, just curious! 🖤
-It’s my new bullying tactic! 
-It’s great! 
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-Congratulations on your ever-evolving bullying techniques, Sophie! 🖤
-Congratulations on idolizing me! Maybe you’re only a cuck and not a turbocuck after all.
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-Haha great punch, Sophie! I actually felt the nerve damage as it happened!
-Thanks, ever since my post-workout coma I’m stronger than ever!
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OMG THEY FINALLY BECAME FRIENDS. Bro I still cannot believe Cyneswith not only befriended Sophie first but is LITERALLY BFFS WITH HER. UN.REAL. ANYWAY there’s only so much blue balling I can take from these two, it’s time to find out if there’s something there once and for all. But first, we need a slight adjustment so let’s head to the nearest mirror..
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In the name of love, Shaj, come on!
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-So, Sophie.. As I’m sure you can see, I’m blonde now. And I had to sign a contract promising I won’t sue for how terrible it makes me look, so I’m legally blonde. Now that that’s out of the way..
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-..it’s Ti-Ning trashing time!
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F I N A L L Y I                 L N                L A                A L                N L                I Y L L A N I F
OK. SO NOW WE KNOW. What you do from now on is up to you, first and last time I’m intervening but these two were driving me insane.
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-And so after careful consideration, it became clear that blonde is truly my color! 
-Are you sure, Shaj? Because when I saw you upstairs you were sobbing and doing vomiting motions in front of the mirror.
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-Aw Angel, that’s not a very nice thing to say! Don’t worry sis, I love your new look! In fact, I’m so proud of the way you look I want you right there next to me when I meet potential lovers! 💗
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NOW THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE. I mean I wish I wasn’t seeing Shajar’s terrible blonde hair but Sophie’s blondeness turn on forced my hand. But the rest of this pic is what I like to see!
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Despite recent developments, Sophie remains elusive af but I’m not butting in anymore, I’m returning to my go with the flow playstyle. So Sophie once again leaves us dick in hand and goes inside to.. you guessed it, socialize with Cyneswith. Shajar follows suit.. and..
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SHAJAR. YOU FINALLY STEPPED UP. I guess there’s only so much cucking from Cyneswith one person can take!!! If Sophie rejects this I’m literally gonna die-
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And Shajar is now in love with Sophie, whereas Sophie isn’t even best friends with her yet, oh Shaj.. Well whatever, you’ll get there (I hope). ACR gets right down to business, let’s ignore Sophie thinking of Cyneswith, istg..
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Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean we literally went from first kiss ever to woohoo with 0 other interactions in between but after all those years of incelitude who can blame Shajar.
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And it’s official!!! ❤️ I’ve been convinced these two belong together ever since they were teens but I was also convinced Gunther belonged with Melody/Daniel belonged with Brittany/Jojo belonged with Frances and we remember how all 3 of those went so only time will tell.
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In the meantime let’s marvel at how uneven this burgeoning relationship is thanks to Shajar unilaterally obsessing over Sophie for half her teenhood. But she finally got her! An inspirational tale about never giving up on your dreams even when your dreams prefer your sister. 
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The Cafe Pt.I (Rewritten Barista)
As promised, I’m working through finishing my unfinished series - and that includes the Barista AU I had written long ago. I decided it was best to rewrite it considering the first part was originally published 200+ days ago. I’m aiming for 3 parts for this “one-shot AU” but we’ll see where it goes. Please be patient with me - my academic course load is extremely heavy and finding time to write is difficult but I will finish everything I said I would. I’m actually pretty proud of this but if it flops I never wrote it :) 
Pairing: Kamilah x MC (Amy)
Word Count: 4505 words I’m shocked (I usually get to about 1600-2000 words) 
Taglist: I’m not tagging anyone until I know people want to be tagged for this because I’m nervous and I hate being annoying!!!! If you want to be tagged for a specific pairing please let me know - I’ll try to keep track and remember to actually tag because I’m a forgetful dumbass!
Amy groggily rolled over in her bed, the amount of sleep she was getting had become oddly suspicious because she would never be able to get up before 7 on her own. She rubbed her face gently, her sheets warm and smooth against her skin. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand, her eyes widening in shock as she read the time on the screen.  
Monday March 30 5:40 am
“Fucking hell I thought I set an alarm!” Amy groaned as she threw the sheets to the side, huffing as she opened the clock app to see, she in fact, did not set an alarm. She sighed, shaking her head as she rushed to the bathroom. 
“Damn it Amy...you need this job…” 
She texted Zig, a mutual friend of Emily Day who introduced them their freshman year of college at Hartfeld before Amy had transferred to Belviore University in New York. Zig graduated and moved to New York and opened a small cafe, only a few years later. 
Zig, I’m going to be late. I missed my alarm this morning. I swear I’ll stay for closing and I won’t be late tomorrow. 
LMAO, Amy if you didn’t set an alarm just say that, I had a feeling this would happen so I told you we opened an hour before we actually do. We don’t open until 7 on Mondays, just Tuesdays-Fridays. 
I am literally going to murder you 0_0. You should prepare to be launched into outer space for this crime. 
Lol I look forward to it - see you at 7. 
Amy turned on the shower, as she grabbed a towel and her shower products from the cabinet, placing them beside the shower door. She discarded her clothes, put her shower playlist on, hopped into the shower and felt a wave of relief that she didn’t blow her first day. After Amy had performed her world tour, she stepped out of the shower with a shiver, the cool air a contrast to her very hot skin. She wrapped herself in the fuzzy towel, briefly glancing at the time, 6:02. She walked out of the bathroom, dropping the towel onto the floor as she opened her closet while she scanned her options for a “casual” outfit that would suffice. She put on her favorite bra and underwear, something about the red lingerie made her feel confident, before she slipped into a pair of dark blue denim skinny jeans. She paired the pants with a black t-shirt as she smiled at herself in the mirror. 
“Not bad Amy, not bad at all.” 
She walked over to her small vanity, one she had built with her father as a teenager over the summer before she left for college. It was one of her most prized possessions, one of the only things she had to remind her of him before he disappeared without a trace. She closed her eyes, recalling the memory fondly before she began to apply a small amount of makeup, just enough to hide her tiredness from the public. She stood from the desk, pleased with her appearance as she made her way to the small apartment kitchen. The empty beer bottles and ps4 controllers cluttered the kitchen as Amy smiled, having remembered celebrating the job with her suitemate Lily. She threw the bottles away and plugged the remotes in for a charge, Lily would thank her for that later. She opened the freezer, making herself two premade waffles as she checked her social media. It might have partially been the exhaustion but those waffles were the best Amy ever had, she wiped her mouth clean and grabbed her bag from the nearby chair. She shot a brief text to Lily, to let her know she hadn’t been kidnapped.
Morning Lily! I went to the cafe for work, just so you don’t end up thinking I got myself kidnapped. Love you, see you tonight! Try not to drink all of the alcohol. 
Amy followed Zig’s text directions through the streets of the city, the bustle of traffic, the mass of pedestrians and the loud construction noises distracting Amy from her path. Amy had never really been in New York’s financial district before, the other civilians' appearances shifting from “Naked Cowboy of Times Square” to “Businessman” only a few streets apart. She glanced at her phone as it instructed her to take a right.
Amy jolted at the scalding hot coffee that was hot on her skin, her head turning to meet a woman’s irritated gaze, taking note of the coffee cup that was in her hands. She was dressed like all the other businessmen and women who passed by - her maroon suit now covered in coffee as she huffed in annoyance. Amy met her deep brown eyes that burned right through her, her whole body freezing up as she watched the woman’s lips move. Amy stood in a daze, only coming back to herself when the woman waved her hand in front of her, her face filled with exasperation. 
“I’m so sorry. It’s my first day and I’m kind of lost-”
“Watch where you’re going, this suit is probably worth more than you.” Her voice was silky and satisfying, and oddly soothing given the fact she had probably just stained a $2,000 suit. Amy rushed to open her wallet, holding out a wet 50$ to the woman. The business woman scoffed as she walked away, leaving Amy in a confused state outside of the cafe. 
“Fuck.” Amy sighed, moving to collect her bag as she walked through the cafe door, Zig raised his eyebrows at her as she made her way behind the counter. 
“Well that’s a look.” He jested, Amy turning her head and giving him a death glare as he tossed an apron to her. “Nobody will notice, you can cover it with this. There’s paper towels in the back.” Amy dropped her bag in the break room, gently wiping the coffee away and putting the surprisingly fashionable apron on. When she walked out from the back her jaw dropped as she spotted the woman from earlier standing on the other side of the counter. Their eyes met and the woman’s gaze quickly changed from annoyed to very annoyed at the sight of Amy. 
“Kamilah, you’re back. Wanted to pick up some date-nut pinwheels?” 
“No, I need another black coffee.” She turned back to Zig with a smile, he gave a small nod as Amy began to brew the coffee for her. She placed the lid carefully onto the fresh cup and handed it out to the woman, their fingers brushing for a moment, a blush creeping onto Amy’s cheeks. 
“Thank you.” Her tone was less aggressive than it had been in their first encounter, Amy finally calm enough to take note of the woman’s features. Her brown silky hair that looked like it belonged in a conditioner commercial, her defined jawline and subtle eyeshadow that accentuated her eyes. She watched the way her lips moved as she talked to Zig, Amy feeling her heart jump at the sound of her laugh - light and golden. Amy watched her leave, every step she took she took with such confidence that Amy found herself wanting to follow her out the door. 
“You could be less obvious, you know?” Zig playfully nudged Amy, nearly knocking her over as she shook her head in denial.
“No! I wasn’t!” Amy sighed as she rubbed her temples, Zig’s infectious laugh filling the empty cafe. Amy playfully punched his shoulder as a group of well dressed men stepped through the threshold, Amy moving behind the register to take their orders. The day passed, Amy learning how oddly specific some people like their coffee, and learning all of Zig’s secrets to the perfect iced coffee. Amy looked at the clock as Zig walked to lock the front door - finally closing time. 
“Some of these orders...like ‘I’ll have the grande iced mocha no foam soy hexagon vortex hypotenuse’” Amy waved her hands around as Zig tried to contain a laugh, wiping down the counter as Amy hung her apron up.
“Amy you’re horrible.” Zig made a good attempt at seriousness, their eyes meeting before they continued to laugh which made closing pass by much faster. Zig grabbed the mass of leftover desserts from their respective containers, hovering them over the garbage before Amy stopped him.
“Oh, did you want these?” 
“No, but I can find a better place for them than the trash.” 
“Where? Your stomach?”
“No, the food bank is on the route back to my apartment. We shouldn’t be wasteful, and besides - who wouldn’t love a raspberry crown?” 
“You’ve got a point. I’ll bag these for you then, if you could sweep the floor and put the chairs on the tables that’d be great.” 
When all the cleaning and closing procedures were done Amy headed for the door with her bag in hand, Zig gently tapping her shoulder and holding out an envelope, a key to the cafe and the bag of desserts.
“Okay so I know what’s in here but what is this? A resignation letter?” Amy pouted her bottom lip as Zig rolled his eyes so far back Amy wasn’t sure if they’d come back.
“It’s your share of the tips from today, and the wrapped pastries. Thanks for that suggestion by the way, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself.” Zig rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around the pristine cafe, the windows reflecting the moonlight and the tile shimmering as if it were just installed. “Bloody hell, the place looks good...no great. Thank you Amy. Come on let's get outta here, go home - I’ll see you tomorrow at 6. Actually, let me make sure you set 3 different alarms, give me your phone.” Zig held out his hand after he locked the front door, Amy reluctantly handing her iphone over as he set 3 different alarms, all 5 minutes apart. He looked up at her for a moment, smirking before handing her phone back to her and walking off into the city. Amy rolled her eyes, he probably took a selfie on her camera but when she went to check, there was nothing but memes and occasional group photos -what did Zig smirk at then? Amy was too tired to think of it, she made a swift beeline to the food bank, opening the doors and dropping the brown bag of desserts off before making her trip back to the apartment. 
The door opened with a creak, all of the lights turned off as Amy carefully navigated to her room. She switched her lamp on, letting it provide a dim light that didn’t blind Amy because of its intensity. She tossed her bag onto the bed, as she pulled her shirt over her head in one rapid motion. She desperately stripped, throwing her dirty clothes into the laundry basket as she changed into clean lingerie. She slipped into her favorite pair of pajama shorts and pulling her favorite hoodie over her bra - shirts were overrated anyways. Amy crawled onto her bed, crossing her legs while she put her headphones on, pulling up her favorite late-night playlist and letting the slowed music soothe her. She caught a glance at the envelope Zig had given her, she reached over for it and opened it carefully - baffled at the amount of cash laying inside. She slowly laid each bill out, counting the total twice to make sure she hadn’t miscalculated. Working at a cafe in New York’s financial district was definitely going to help her and Lily catch up on their rent and not get evicted. She smiled, tucking away 25% for herself, taking enough for her share of the rent and putting the rest into her locked safe - she’d been saving for a trip to Hawaii since she graduated. She stifled a yawn, closing the safe and tucking herself back into her warm sheets, taking her headphones off and closing her eyes for the night. 
The alarm woke Amy up with it’s loud and very obnoxious beeping, Amy wanting nothing more than to throw the phone into the thermosphere. She drowsily stood from her bed, gently tucking the sheets neatly back into place as she turned off the following alarms. She sighed, rubbing her head as she changed into a simple outfit and left out the door to the cafe.
Amy arrived at the cafe, unlocked the front door and turned the lights on, relocking the door behind her because she didn’t need anyone startling her. She moved behind the counter, dropping her bag in the lounge and putting an apron on. She checked the coffee filters, gave the blenders a good washing, set out creamer, sugar and other coffee essentials on the counter and filled supplies back up. Zig suddenly walked through the door, a smile on his face as Amy finished supplying the countertop and putting the pastries out on display, letting Zig prepare himself for opening. 
“You’re early. I’m shocked. College Amy is having a stroke right now.” Amy knocked him in the side, Zig falling back a few steps as he shook his head and put his hands in the air in surrender. “Alright alright no need for violence, come on, let’s open.” Zig turned the “open” sign on and only a minute later did Kamilah appear in the cafe, her suit perfectly fitted, her hair smoothly cascading around her head and down her shoulders and her face relaxed and composed. 
“Good morning Kamilah, what can I get for you?” Zig gestured to the display of desserts and the variety of coffee combinations on the menu above their heads. Kamilah smiling as Zig waved his hands back and forth, Kamilah letting out a soft chuckle. 
“Just a large black coffee and maybe a date-nut pinwheel.” Kamilah spoke to Zig in almost a tender way, as if they were siblings or long-term friends. Amy selected a pinwheel, gently placing it into a small bag and sliding it over the counter towards Kamilah as she began to brew the coffee. 
“How’s Ahmanet Financial?” Zig leaned over the counter, his defined arms nearly breaking through the sleeves of his white shirt. Kamilah tucked the pinwheel bag into a hidden pocket on the inside of her blazer before she turned back to face Zig.
“It’s very successful, our stocks are soaring and we just secured a new business partner.” Kamilah looked proud and for good reason - Ahmanet financial was one of the most powerful corporations out there. Amy topped her coffee off with a lid and handed it to her, their eyes meeting for a moment before Amy turned away, feeling her cheeks turning hot. Kamilah checked her watch, a movado 47 rose gold watch that cost way more than anything Amy had ever come close to owning. “Zig I’d love to chat some other day but I’m afraid I’ll be late if I don’t leave now.”
She quickly made her way out the door, the bell ringing softly as Kamilah strided away. Amy leaned over the counter with a sigh, Zig nudging her softly. 
“You could be less obvious Amy,” his annoying face smirking at Amy as she rolled her eyes, “you used to be so slick back in college.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Amy threw an empty coffee cup at him as a blonde girl walked into the cafe, her eyes glued to her phone as she recited her order at a rate that nobody could understand. Amy sighed, Zig giving her a pained glance as she went to mix the complicated coffee order. Amy fought back a laugh as Zig found a way to run away to the back when the girl asked for his phone number. Once Amy finished mixing her coffee and sent her out the cafe doors Zig poked his head out of the lounge - his eyes scanning for her.
“Is she gone?” Amy snorted as Zig stepped out from the doorway, his hands running through his hair as he let his shoulders relax. “My god I hate teenagers - they turn eighteen and all of a sudden think they can fuck anyone. I’m like 5 years older than her at least!” 
“Relax buddy, let’s just get through the rest of the day. I’ll handle all the teenage brats and you can handle all the nasty men.” Amy gave him a cheeky grin as they teamwork-ed their way through the rest of the day.
“Finally.” Amy rested the broom on the wall, taking in the pristine cafe as Zig finished wiping down the counters. “What a day.” 
“Thank god it’s over.” 
“Does Kamilah always come by the cafe right when we open?”
Zig perked his head up, his brows raised to the top of his head as Amy felt a blush creep up her cheeks, her hands growing sweaty as Zig remained silent. 
“She always comes as soon as we open, she has to be at work early since she is the CEO. Although she never rests, despite everything I’ve told her.” Zig’s head shot to his phone as it buzzed, a text from Emily appearing on the screen and Zig hastily typed away.
“Everything okay Zig?” Amy had a worried expression on her face as Zig let out a long sigh. 
“There’s a road trip for Kaitlyn’s band that leaves in two days that lasts for a week that our group is going on and I can’t go because I need to run the cafe-”
“I can handle it for a week.” Amy spoke firmly, Zig’s eyes widening before he let out a chuckle.
“What if you burn it down?”
“I won’t but then I guess you just have to trust me. Come on Zig - you need a break and you damn well know it. Get out of here for a week.”
“I hate that you’re right. Fine, but if the cafe isn’t standing when I get back, you’re toast.” They both laughed and finished up closing. 
Amy walked towards the food bank, a brisk breeze prompting her to make it one speedy trip so she could bask in her heated apartment. A shriek came from the alley as Amy turned her gaze to see where the yell had come from, a red pair of eyes looking right at her in the darkness. She felt her heart beating out of her chest as she forced her feet to a run, her heart pounding like a drum and ringing in her ears as she huffed through the front doors of the bank - placing the bag on the counter and racing back to her apartment without turning back. 
“Hey girl how was-” Lily sat on the couch with a coke in her hand and the television remote in the other, her smile fading as she met Amy’s eyes. “Amy, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost…”
“I think I’m just hallucinating from exhaustion,” Amy dropped her bag on the floor and took a seat on the couch beside Lily, “anyways tell me about you. We haven’t really had time since we both started working more.”
“Well you should sleep soon but I think we’ll be able to hold the rent for the next few months - with all the money you’re bringing in now in addition to the money my app has started to bring in - I think we’ll be more than fine.” Lily nudged her shoulder, offering Amy a can of coke with a smile as The Vampire Diaries played on the TV. 
“Vampires are so overrated.” Amy groaned as she watched Lily’s eyes become glued to the screen.
“Some of us have taste you know.”
“No, it’s because they’re not real Lily, and the fact that no vampire would ever be attracted to me.” 
Lily rolled her eyes as Amy sipped on her coke, both of them laughing late into the night and being good friends in what had felt like a long time. 
Amy unlocked the cafe doors and shuffled inside, locking the door behind her and leaving her bag on the counter. She hit the light switch as the lights slowly came flickering on as she tied the apron around the back of her neck. She quickly started and finished the morning set-up, the routine becoming second nature since Amy had always been a fast learner. She checked her phone, 6:49 am April 1, 2020. 
“April fools day.” Amy smiled as she contemplated setting up a whipped cream prank on Zig, but decided not to against her deepest desire to see his shocked face. While thinking of ways to mess with Zig through the day, her mind came to test a theory - she began preparing two black coffees - before adding her own twists to one of them. Amy finished and admired her handiwork - the cups looked identical and Kamilah wouldn’t notice until she tasted it. 
Kamilah walked in, her eyes scanning the cafe for Zig as she took a cautious step towards Amy who had a cute little grin on her face.
“Good morning Kamilah, here’s your coffee.” Amy handed her a black coffee, the one she had adjusted ever so slightly. She watched as Kamilah brought the cup to her lips, almost taking a sip, before she lowered the cup and leaned her face closer to Amy. 
“What did you do to it? It smells different, and where’s Zig?” Kamilah arched a brow as Amy silently wondered how Kamilah could smell the difference.
“I took a twist with it, I made you your regular too in case you hate it...I just thought you should broaden your horizons…and Zig is coming. He just needs to pack, he’ll be gone after today for a week and I’ll be running the cafe.” Amy smiled softly at the woman who was now leaning dangerously close. 
“I see. And if I hate it?”
“Then I’ll pay for both and I’ll never try to broaden your horizons again…” Amy frowned slightly as Kamilah finally sipped on the drink - her brown eyes widening as she took another, and another.
“It’s...actually pretty good...what did you do to it?” Kamilah took another sip as Amy bounced on her heels, a wide childish grin written across her face. 
“I added a bit of cream and sugar and a bit of caramel! It’s how I like mine!” Amy took her hands behind her back and fiddled with them nervously as Kamilah smiled. Zig walked in just as the clock read 8:05 am and Kamilah left, turning at the door to smile at Amy one last time, lifting the cup up with a smile before entering her car. 
“What’s that smile about Amy?” Zig wagged his fingers at Amy with a classic smirk as he prepared for the shift, Amy resting her head on both of her hands while she leaned over the counter - her legs kicking out behind her. 
“Nothing.” Amy sighed and went back to brewing coffee, her hands aimlessly performing while her mind sat on nothing but the thought of Kamilah - and her damned perfect smile. 
Amy tossed her shoes off as she made her way through the apartment door, one shoe nearly knocking Lily’s head off as she pulled freshly fried chicken from the air fryer. 
“Lily that smells AMAZING!” Amy squealed and made her way over to her, Lily slapping her hand away as she finished the two plates of waffles off with a chicken breast and syrup. “I swear I’ve got the best best friend…” Lily smiled as they both dug into the food, chatting away about their day until Amy let it slip out.
“And there’s this really hot customer-”
“Oh! Spill!” Lily wiggled in her seat like a child, eagerly waiting for Amy to elaborate as Amy stuffed her face with the rest of her waffles. “I’ll wait for you to finish.” Lily smirked and held Amy in an uncomfortable eye contact until Amy finally caved in. 
“She comes in at opening time every single day, and always orders a black coffee. Although I got her to try something new today which I’m really proud of.” The subtle smile that crept up Amy’s face gave it all away to Lily as she let her ramble on, whilst she gave Amy the smirk she hated. “I’m simping aren’t I?”
“There’s nothing wrong with simping. But you have a chance here because Zig won’t be there so you can actually like...take your shot without him ever having to know,” Lily winked and whispered, “and you could totally fuck her in the back-”
“NOPE!” Amy stood up frantically, Lily holding her sides for support and nearly falling out of her chair as Amy rushed to clear her plate. “I hate you! Ohmygoddddddd.” Amy groaned as Lily fell to the floor, her eyes wet with tears at Amy’s reaction more than anything else.
“I’m going to bed!!” 
“Goodnight! Love you Ames!!!”
“Love you too….annoying ass!” 
Amy snorted as she changed into her sleepwear, her body becoming exhausted as she hit the mattress, falling asleep ridiculously fast. 
Kamilah came through the door, right on time as Amy had come to expect. Amy gazed up from her phone, those dark brown eyes looking right at her as she handed Kamilah her usual black coffee, Kamilah holding it closely before clearing her throat. 
“Can I have the one from yesterday as well?” Amy smiled at her as she began to mix her favorite coffee - Kamilah leaning over the counter to observe. 
“I didn’t think you’d want it again.” Amy said as she added creamer to the mix, the coffee turning golden as she mixed it. 
“A woman can’t appreciate a little variety in her life?” Kamilah leaned against the counter, her hair smoothly gliding over her maroon blazer as she tossed it back - taking a sip from her cup.
“No I just-” Amy topped the cup off with a bit of caramel before enclosing it with the lid, her hands sweaty as she handed it to Kamilah. 
“You just?”
“Thought you’d always like your coffee like your personality.” 
“Whatever do you mean by that?”
The way Kamilah was looking at Amy, she knew she had to choose her next words carefully. 
“Dark, intimidating, a bit bitter at first sip,” Amy hesitated as Kamilah raised a brow, “an...acquired taste.”
“You’re intimidated by me?” 
“Just a little…”
“Hmm, I suppose your coffee is like you if you want to expand your little analogy.” Kamilah glanced at her watch, her expression shifting from playful to work-oriented. Amy felt her heart drop a little as she recomposed herself - back to her refined and disciplined self. Kamilah made her way to the door, the two cups of coffee in her hands as she paused, turning back and looking at Amy - something different about it.
“It’s...sweet and comforting,” her voice was soft as she spoke, Amy’s cheeks turning very red, “like you.” 
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yuckydraws · 3 years
I'm not sure if the matchmaking ask thingies are still open, but I saw the papyrus one and just had to try!
I'm female, straight (sorry if that's kinda boring. But I am kinda...questioning. Haven't been with a girl so idk if I would be if I actually had.)
I'm 5ft small (why is everyone I know taller than meee ;-;) a little chubs but not by much.
I love writing, singing and sweets.
I don't go out much and just kinda potato around when I don't have work. Serious procrastinator. Like I'm literally procrastinating Right Now while I write this out.
Insomnia game is too damn strong and I don't wanna play anymore.
My sense of humor is puns, memes and any other form of humor that most people believe belongs in the trash... but I am the trash so it's all good. Someone once told me my entire personality is memes. I thanked them.
Oh! Also stuffed animals. Lots. Of. Them. I have way too many because I don't have the heart to get rid of any of them, but I also keep getting more. H e l p .
So that's that and I hope that's enough for the thingy. If these asks aren't open still, just ignore me! Thank you for your time!!
(Just a note to anyone reading this, I’ve closed matchups, I’m just finishing the ones I have in my inbox so pls don’t send any in! Headcannon and writing requests are open tho! Feel free to send those in. Alright anyways, onto the matchup!!)
Also I feel like I should add, being straight isn’t boring or bad. If anyone makes you feel that way, they don’t deserve to be your friend. Okay now onto the matchup lmao:
I match you with…
(Fellswap Papyrus)
First of all… he totally understands the couch potato thing, he’s not the biggest fan of going anywhere he doesn’t have to. However he is surprisingly outdoorsy, and he might invite you to go on a scenic walk. He also likes simple dates like coffee or bakery shop dates where you guys can eat all the sweets you could ever want. He’s totally chill with a home date too though. Pop in a movie… maybe build a fort… and he can cuddle with you the whole time???? Um yes please.
He loves sweets too, and he’ll be happy that you both share that love. This man has a serious sweet tooth. He’s like a little (well actually kind of big, he’s 6’6) goblin that can sniff out sweets from a mile away.
Also you like singing???? Can… can he listen?? Please?
If you aren’t comfortable he wouldn’t push it, but if you do let him listen to you?? Oh stars he’s all ears. Fun fact: if you sing him a relaxing song while cuddling? You’ll be able to feel him relax and soon enough he’s asleep. He might purr a bit too (He’s the biggest and easiest purrer of all of them). He really loves your voice.
Also memes? He’s in the same boat. He’ll send you anything that makes him chuckle and he’ll reference memes whenever he gets the chance. He loves it when you guys get in that giggly mood where everything is funny and you just can’t stop laughing. It’s just pure happiness.
However… puns? He’s not the biggest fan. He likes them, sure, but he’s heard so many from his brother, Vant, and he’s kind of sick of skeleton related ones. It’ll take a really good one to get him laughing. If you wanna tease and torture him a bit, just make any skeleton related ones. He’s heard them all. And he’ll be cringing for sure whining at you to stop. But he’s smiling too.
He won’t mind your stuffed animal collection either, he has his own. Can yours and his be friends?? He has names for all of his. He won’t be any help in containing the collection because he will be buying you and himself more.
He’s and insomniac too, but honestly all he needs is someone with him to sleep soundly. When you cuddle with him at night he finds it’s much easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. However, he knows it’s not like that for everyone and he’ll be very sympathetic. He’ll do anything he can to help you sleep too.
Here’s a scenario:
You and Pup are sneaking in with more plushies after a date night. You both relax when you see the lights off. Oh good, Vant must be asleep.
Then the light flicks on. And there Vant is, sitting in the front room, legs crossed, waiting with an unimpressed look on his face like he’s a mom of a teenager that snuck out.
Vant: So, did you two have fun?
You and Pup desperately try to hide the stuffed animals behind your back.
You: Yeah! The movie was great, isn’t that right, love?
Pup: yup.
Vant: …
Pup: so, I think we’ll just head back to our room-
You: Yup!
You both awkwardly shuffle and walk backwards so that your back is never to Vant. Once you get into the hallway you both make a break for it.
Vant, yelling after you both: I better not see any more stuffed animals migrating to the guest room!!!!
Pup, ignoring his brother and holding up the penguin plushie he got all excited: i’m gonna name him waddles!
You, giggling and holding up the cat stuffed animal you got: I’m totally gonna sneak this kitty into Vant’s room!
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Disney World with The Brothers (+ Undateables)
HCs that no one asked for, i’m just self indulgent ✨
Link To The Brothers post
*Based on Disney World Orlando Resort*
The Undateables
Luke 👼
“Don’t hold my hand i’m not a child!”
Would grab your hand in excitement
“I don’t want to go on that boat ride it’s for babies!”
When no one else could hear, holding his arms behind his back whilst running his foot along the ground, blushing furiously -
“MC... will you take me on the ride, please?”
Cotton candy. Loves it. Would get it all over his fingers and all around his mouth.
Would be unable to hide The Brightest Smile TM when that Disney music plays and he sees the castle in Magic Kingdom
“Want to go on Whinnie the Poo?” “That’s a Baby Ride! >:(“
Goes on and LOVES IT
Has sooo much fun just getting to be a kid, holds nothing back after a little encouragement from you
You and Simeon look like his parents when you sit either side of him on a ride lol
Would be desperate to stay even when the park closes
“:’(“ “Hey, it’s ok! We’ll get to see another park tomorrow!” “:D”
Would hold onto yours and Simeon’s hand, humming the theme to Pirate’s of the Caribbean as you leave
“Did you have fun? I thought you didn’t like boat rides.” “That was a scary boat ride - the pirates were horrible.” Blush - deniaalll lol
Would berate you heavily if you tried to get him any kind of toy
Would take the toy home and never let go
Simeon 😇
“What’s a Mickey Mouse? I’m still new to this”
Always smiling and loves that he’s experiencing this with you and Luke
He LOVES Soarin’ as it feels like home but better, as he’s ‘flying’ with you
Trolls Diavolo into going on It’s a Small World After All and acts Innocent TM
Seems pleased enough, enjoys the experience but it’s made better by the company
Makes sure everyone has their belongings and is drinking plenty of water
“Do you need me to grab that for you, MC? I can hold it whilst you go on the ride with Luke?”
Asks Directions TM. Maps don’t work for this boi lol and he gets easily lost lmao
Wouldn’t purposefully ignore The Mom’s Itinerary but inexplicably keeps wandering off, eventually being found with an apologetic smile on his face
Doesnt understand you have to queue to get on until he gets told for the billionth time
Holds your hand as you both marvel at the fireworks, Luke on his shoulders with icecream
Gets Luke an autograph book and gets it signed by all the characters when Luke’s too proud or nervous to himself
“Yes there he is, Luke. He’d love a photograph. Luke? Luke!” *Luke blushing furiously from behind your arm* “SHUT UP SIMEON”
Looks the cutest when in character photos
Realises just how much fun he had when your on the way back from the park
Solomon 🧙‍♂️
Vlogs with Levi sometimes together sometimes separate, but his is more of a troll vlog
To Lucifer on camera - “WHAT ARE THOSE” “They are my crocs! >:(“
Goes FULL HAM TM with you by his side, it’s absolute chaos this boi does NOT run out of energy or things he wants to do
“I wanna go on Jurrassic Park” “... Solomon that’s at Universal.”
Would sneak you away from the brothers, would be very crafty about it to, no one would suspect a thing until it’s been hours since.
Would take the consequences with a nonchalant smile. Does. Not. Regret. A. Thing.
“Itinerary? What’s that?”
“The only good thing about Animal Kingdom is the Mount Everest ride.”
Claims he’s easy breezy about going/where to go in the parks
Actually has very specific favourites and dislikes
“But you said -“ “Yea but who the hell means it when you decide ‘It’s a Small World’” *eyeroll*
Still goes on the ride, and vlogs a meme out if it
Him and Levi SQUEAL at anything Star Wars
When no one is watching, he intesifies the fireworks with magic, watching you beam with amazement is what makes his day
Will try to sneak in a kiss during the fireworks
Barbatos 🕰
It’s the first time you see him smile, like a genuine smile
Is very quiet and is mostly there because of Diavolo, but rather enjoys the atmosphere
Surprisingly loves water rides
Despite being there because of Diavolo, Diavolo urges Butler Barb to let loose and have fun
He does to a degree but never falters his sense of decorum
Similarly to The Mom TM, would be very prepared. Need a napkin? Check. Anti bac? Check. Map? You got it.
When you decide to ride with him, his facade would falter, glancing around BAFFED
“Are - are you sure you want to ride with me, MC? Or did you mistake me for -“ “... Oh, ok.”
Suppresses the intense blush he feels at the revelation that you did, in fact, intend to ride with him
When he relaxes, may occasionally casually hold your hand, making you double take at his nonchalance
Would indulge himself with viewing the experiences you share in the different timelines in which you still go together
“MC, i’m taking you to dinner. If you’d like of course.”
Would be such a gentlemen and so relaxed at night, out of habit when he’s not with Diavolo, he can just simply be himself.
Will hold your hand as you watch the fireworks at dinner. A smirk on his lips before planting a lingering kiss on your cheek to both startle and excite you
Diavolo 👑
“Disney world?! DISNEY WORLD?! That is the no.1 place for your dreams to come true!”
Sincerely believes that is literal
That Laugh TM with his arms spread wide as he sees the Park entrance
Takes photos everywhere, even infront of a trash can - initially thinking “it’s a part of the experience!”
Gets too excited to follow Lucifer’s Itinerary
“Diavolo! You’re not supposed to climb onto the parade floats!”
Would scoop you up onto his back without warning, a ball of energy as he bounces around the park with you this way
“Wow! What is this delicacy?! It’s delicious!” “That’s just a Mickey shaped napkin, Diavolo...”
Would buy all of the balloons from the vendor, looking like a lunatic
“Where’s he gonna keep all those -“ “Don’t even ask.”
That one person who actually enjoys It’s A Small World After All. Sings along and doesnt stop for the rest of the day
Would wear several sets of Mickey ears at once, not realising or caring that it’s not how they’re meant to be worn
“Oh? Of course we can ride together, MC!”
Would smile that much more brightly as you suck up the enjoyment alongside him like a couple of sponges!
“That - that’s not a ride Diavolo -“ “But we must ride this monorail. It is a part of the experience!”
If he’s feeling comfortable, will wrap a strong arm around your waist, pointing out Tinkerbell to you when he spots her before the start of the fireworks
The link to the first post with The Brothers is above! Will edit both but have them for now and again, I hope these make you smile! ☺️✨
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zodiyack · 4 years
Requested by anon: Hiya there ! Could you please do 19 and 39 from your 2nd prompt list with Tommy Shelby whenever you have the time? Thank you so muchasdfghjkl in advance! Xoxoxo
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, violence
Prompt: [19] “Go to hell.” “And leave you here all alone?” [39] He kissed her brow as the world around them burned. “See you in the next life, my love,” he whispered.
Words: 2003
Note: GUESS WHO’S BACK!!! Also I got really caught up in this lmao... hope you like it!
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Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​, @stydia-4-ever​, @matth1w​, @redspaceace​, @simonsbluee​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @peakysputain​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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He was fucked. And she made sure he knew. Tommy practically had everything a man could desire; a beautiful and loyal wife, a huge house with an equally as huge property, family and strong bonds with them, a fancy car, loads of money, and a child on the way. Not to mention, business was successful as ever, but it apparently just wasn’t enough for him.
Tommy almost wanted to blame Linda for Y/n’s accusation, but he knew she was only telling the truth. They fought, arguing about his choices, but hidden behind her reddened face and daggered words formed with anger, she was terrified. Beyond terrified.
“Thomas! You’re going to mess up, and I’m only telling you beforehand so you find a way to prevent it. And the way to prevent it is to take a b-”
“Take a break? Y/n, we have money, food, loyal allies, and so much more-”
“Yes! That’s exactly why you should stop! And when our child comes into this world, they’re likely to wish for the same thing!”
“And what may that be?”
“Your goddamn safety, Thomas!” He scoffed, walking to his desk and pouring himself a drink as he reclined into the chair. “Are you even listening to me?”
“I’m worried sick, Tom! It’s not like you have to go through the horror-fueled thoughts of ‘will my husband even come home tonight?’ or ‘will my child be lucky enough to experience life with a father?’ So please, indulg-” He shot up, grabbing her arms and pushing her into his desk lightly. “Let go of me.”
“Not until you calm down.”
“Go to hell.”
“And leave you here all alone?” His smile was cocky, sure he would get her to stop fighting him. But she wouldn’t let him win. She couldn’t.
“You can sleep on the couch tonight. Or, you can indulge me in why you should continue putting yourself into danger.” She ripped her arms from his grip. “Make up your mind by dinner, Thomas.” she spat, giving him one last glare before she left.
As soon as the door slammed shut, Tommy dropped back into his seat with a heavy sigh. He knew she was right, but he couldn’t find it himself to admit such a thing. This work was too much. Far too important. But so was family, and everyone knew that family went first.
Even Thomas.
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Tommy gave it his best. He avoided sporting, gambling, and most of the Peaky Business. He turned to working from home, giving him more time with his wife and their new baby boy. She was happy, to say the least, and quite relived.
She told him she didn’t care if he returned to the business, as long as he waited until their child was older and had known him for at least a year or two, and he actually came home to them. Slowly, he was getting back into the business, Guns and fire, however, were postponed.
At least, to Y/n’s knowledge.
He grunted from his seat, fag hanging out of his mouth as he carelessly scanned the paper; it’s words of no interest to him. “Yes, love?”
Y/n walked over, sitting on his lap and gaining his attention. His blue orbs dragged all over her form, so small- no- fragile, compared to him. Her hands adjusted his collar, then his cigarette, placing it between her pink lips before putting it back between his. His eyes watched her every movement, fixated on her like he was in a trance.
“I’m feeling a bit drowsy. Would you care to join me for bed?” Her suggestion was tempting, truly, but he had promised he’d meet Arthur at the Garrison. For the work he told her he’d stray from.
“Of course, Y/n.” Setting down the paper and putting out his cigarette, he stood up and rested his hands upon her waist. “You’re gorgeous, you know that?”
“You’ve made me well aware quite a number of times, Mr. Shelby. However, it’s time for bed. Proving it to me can wait until tomorrow.”
“Whatever you say, Mrs. Shelby.” He pulled her in by his grip on her sides, pressing a loving kiss to her lips. They could’ve stayed like that forever; Y/n wouldn’t mind, neither would Tommy, but he had work to get to.
Picking her up bridal-style, he carried her to their bedroom and set her down on the middle of the bed. He crawled over her, kissing her roughly, smiling goofily to the sound of her giggles. Y/n pushed her off of him, stripping him of his clothes and sliding under the warmth of the blankets.
“Goodnight Tommy. I love you.”
Guilt panged inside of him, knowing he would be breaking her trust, as well as her heart. “I love you too, Y/n. Sleep well, darling.” He allowed her to rest her head on his chest, drifting to sleep slowly as he stared up at the ceiling.
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“She know you’re here?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions, Arthur.” He was in no mood to talk about Y/n’s knowledge of his activities, the guilt far too much to bare. “Now, what do we need to do?”
“Nothing. You don’t need to do anything, Thomas.” A familiar voice spoke from the doors. Y/n’s words dripped with anger, hurt, and sorrow. Tommy began to think of how she knew where he was.
Arthur was removed as a suspect, his immediate response once Y/n had entered fully was a simple mumble. “Shit...” Though Arthur told Linda everything, there was no way he told her of this.
“How’d I found you? Well, you leaving in the middle of the night is kind of hard to miss, Thomas.”
“We’re just getting drinks, love.”
“Don’t lie to me. Either way, you’re not telling me something.” His brows furrowed with confusion, a mocking laugh to escape her lips in response. “You come and get a drink this late at night? There’s something wrong and you refuse to tell me. You’re lying to me and you’re actually doing something else? You’re still not telling me.”
“Don’t start.” Arthur cleared his throat, Y/n’s attention switching to him. “And you! You knew I didn’t want him involved for at least a little longer! How could you!” Her voice began to break and her eyes began to water.
“Isn’t this a surprise!” A new voice interrupted their confrontation. The three of their heads snapped to the entrance, Thomas and Arthur exchanging glances with wide eyes full of fear. “Too bad I hate surprises.”
The man, whom Y/n didn’t recognize, snapped his fingers. Two other men came out, grabbing Y/n and dragging her to him, ignoring her squirming.
“You leave her out of this!” Thomas lunged from his chair, only to be pushed back by another man.
“Oh? Is she important to you, Shelby?” The mystery man’s hand came to Y/n’s face, grabbing her cheeks harshly. “She’s a beauty, I can see why you like her.”
Another pair of men walked in, pouring gasoline all over The Garrison as the man toyed with a match in his free hand. The look in Y/n’s eyes as she continued squirming sent a wave of hurt to Tommy’s heart. Just as he was about to give in, offer the man what he’d been after, and idea sparked. And Y/n was the one to thank, as it was for her.
While he was distracted, poking fun at Y/n, Tommy whispered is plan to Arthur, who hesitated- but agreed to initiate it. They would need to time it perfectly.
“Before you set this place ablaze... Let me say my goodbyes to my wife.” His eyes sparkled with amusement, pushing Y/n towards Tommy as he cackled.
“Your wife? Damn, when did gypsy-trash like you get this lucky?” Nevertheless, he turned to speak with the men who were previously holding Y/n. “You have five minutes.”
Tommy nodded, pulling Y/n closer to him. “Here’s what’s gonna happen,” he explained his plan in a soft whisper, leaving out details he knew she would never agree to. “Do you understand?” He took her face into his hands.
“I understand...”
“Good. Now, hurry, kiss me, make it seem like it’s the la-” She pulled him forward by his collar, kissing him desperately, the act genuine.
“Time’s up, love birds!” Y/n was yanked backwards as the men finished pouring the rest of the gasoline. “Now, I hope you don’t mind, Thomas. I’d like to keep her as... well, a little prize. Souvenir perhaps?” He continued making comments, pointless ones at that, until Arthur snatched the match from his hand.
“Now Y/n!” She darted for the doors, but the man’s guards blocked it. The window was her next escape, and luckily, she made it on time. Tommy helped her out of The Garrison’s window. 
To her horror, he rejected her offer for escape. “I thought... I thought you said-”
“I only said it to get you to agree.” From behind Tommy, Y/n could see Arthur strike the match and drop it with a grin of success. Her attention flickered back to her husband. Her hands gripped his so hard her knuckles turned white, a newfound race to her breathing.
He kissed her brow as the world around them burned. “See you in the next life, my love,” he whispered. In a blur, Thomas let go of Y/n’s hands and nudged her back slightly before the window shut and locked, preventing Y/n from forcing Tommy to leave with her.
Y/n knocked on the glass as hard as she could, but as the fire spread, Tommy and Arthur disappeared into the smoke. A hand slamming against the window, relief entering her body once she realized it didn’t belong to either of the brother’s, was her cue to leave.
As she ran, her heart felt oddly relaxed. It freaked her out, but somehow, she knew it was right. Her gut-feeling was always right. It was right when it told her not to sleep, it was right when it told her to go to the Garrison, it was was right when it told her to go for the window, and now it had to be right.
The boys had to be alive.
Her gut was always right, and though they had their moments, the boys were smart.
A smile graced her lip, prompting her to run faster. The uneven ground had no effect on her as her bare feet hit the rough surface, shoes left behind at the now burning bar. She kicked them off unintentionally whilst she struggled to escape the men’s grips.
But she didn’t care.
She didn’t care how much the ground would’ve hurt had she walked upon it like this any other day. She didn’t care how cold the night air was, the chill nipping at her nose until it turned pink. She didn’t care about anything except for getting home, butterflies in her stomach as she raced past the folk of Small Heath. 
She didn’t care; because Thomas would be waiting for her, Arthur likely sitting next to him on the sofa, soot on the soft material from the two’s escape, a glass of whiskey in both of their hands. She could see it, she could see herself hugging him tightly, the black powder rubbing off onto her skin and nightgown, and her not car
The boys were always a tad bit faster than her, and they had a head start with her hesitation, so she was sure they’d be home first. Despite who would be home before the other, she was ever so determined.
It was like her legs had minds of their own, never stumbling over each other, never faltering, just as eager to get to her family as she was. The wind didn’t slow her either, the cold nips just encouragement to move faster.
Even if she stopped to take a break, which she didn’t, she wore her smile. She wore it without a second thought. She wore it with determination.
She wore it because her gut-feeling was never wrong.
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loominggaia · 3 years
Fan Creation: Nekos
Anonymous asked:
Okay I have put way, way to much thought into the cat girl monsters recently so here’s the results overthinking my joke post. The Neko is lv.3 humanoid monster created by the late zareenite ceo, Nelon Husk. While not a divine himself he is credited for having forged them, commissioning their creation by business partner/ co-owner of their company and a dworf divine, Mr. Hosfeild. The Neko where created out of Husk lust, him being a big hentia fan with a huge cat girl fetish.
Dissatisfied with normal women he sought to bring his porno fantasies to life. Husk was aware of the creation of demons and scoffed at ermos’s story, believing him to be a fool who didn’t create his monsters right. Believing himself smarter then a pathetic satyr, Husk found commissioned a divine, Mr. Hosfeild into creating his wanted cat girls. If they met his high standards Husk would make him a co-owner and business partner, he obviously accepted the challenge.
Mr. Hosfeild was no stranger to business and saw the young, mortal human as a lustful fool, but went along with it his scheme if he was that generous. What Mr.Hosfeild was unfamiliar with however was monster forging, given a lab and whatever resources he asked for by Husk he set to work creating the perfect cat girl by his clients strict list of criteria. On that list was that while they where to be lustful their satisfaction was not to be based entirely on sex.
In that stead he made their satisfaction more material based. After afew trial runs and failures eventually Mr.Hosfeild created a cat women who met all Husk standards and actually exceeded them. Thirty more “Neko’s” as they where named where created to fill out Husk harem and Mr.Hosfeild enjoyed his newfound position as co-owner. At first things seemed to going very well for husk and his feline harem, him enjoying fulfilling all his perverted and spoiling his Neko harem rotten.
He lavished his cat girl harem with gifts, positions in the company and whatever they wanted, whenever they asked. Knowing their loyalty was based off material satisfaction Husk thought that would be no problem seeing his great fortune. Things however would not stay this great for very long as many problems would soon arise. The more he spoiled his cat wives the more greedy they got, their demands got more frequent and more expensive.
They had also rapidly increased in number, going from the 31 originals to now well over 330 in less then five years. This was fixable according to him, as with how successful they where he and Hosfeild where taking about a new business idea to start selling these feminine feline monsters to consumers. He would never get to see this however as the company which had been in Husk family for generations was starting to tank due to his harem and neglect.
As his harem grew more demanding he started having to spend more time attempted to their desires then to his responsibilities as CEO. More and more money was being funneled to feed their ever expanding desires then to other more vital aspects, which alongside some of the Nekos taking to harassing employees caused many to quit. Firing and replacing a lot of chief personal with his Neko wives was not a smart idea either. At this point the Hosfeild became the only thing keeping the company alive.
Not only was his business life suffering but his personal life to. His neko wives where growing restless as his ability to satisfy them began to wane. Their loyalty and affection towards him began to decay, them growing violent when he couldn’t get them what they wanted fast enough. Clawing and biting him, tearing up his belongings and mansion and even stealing money directly from his personal and company accounts.
Eventually husk snapped, realizing his dream had become a nightmare. He blamed Hosfeild for his current predicament and fired him on the spot, believing he somehow programmed the Nekos to turn into these greedy monsters behind his back. Hosfeild denying such accusations and told him it’s entirely his fault he’s in this predicament, he’s the one that wanted and army cat women after all. After removing Hosfeild Husk sought to get rid of the cat girls so they would no longer plauge him.
Telling his harem to leave was of the table as they laughed him out of the room when he tried. Being more creative Husk used his rapidly dwindling funds to hire a small militia group to completely exterminate the Nekos. His plan was to lure his harem into a inescapable trap where the militia will ambush open fire on them, hopefully killing them all. All seemed to be going as planned but before it could be enacted someone in the militia group snitched to his harem about the death trap.
Enraged the whole hoard of Nekos turned on Husk, everyone descending onto him to rip him apart before fleeing. Weeks later authorities found him, or Atleast what was left of him. All they found was the mansion completely torn apart, claw marks everywhere with furniture, art, lighting everything in the house completely destroyed. They found the pieces of Nelon Husk body scattered all around the trashed mansion, looking as if he’s been torn apart and eaten by wild cats.
By that point the killer cat girls had long since fled, taking to the streets of zareen in search of new masters to spoil them. After his death Mr.Hosfeild bought and quickly restored the company back to a working state. In truth he had known something like this might happen and though it served that fool right. Mr.Hosfeild kept remembered the designer monster idea he and the late husk had and decided to run with it, the Neko thing being only a minor setback.
Biding his time and gathering reassures, infrastructure and patents to create designer monsters for consumer production and pleasure. Hopefully of a less perverted kind. That conclude the origin story of the Nekos, and what was originally just a joke post. BYW expect Chptr 11 of New York to be coming really soon.
As for Neko biology they look like a cross between a human women and a house cat in a similar orientation to faunae. Neko may actually be mistaken for faunae but lack horns and look more like house cats then wild cats. They range greatly in skin and fur colors and body shapes but all are beautiful in appearance. They keep their youthful appearance all throughout their short life. Their lifespan is similar to a cats, becoming adults by three years old and live about 16-20yrs.
Despite their beauty and grace they are rather dangerous having the strength, agility, senses and razor sharp claws and fangs of big cats. They also have a lot of feline behaviors such as scent marking, licking themselves to clean, pooping in dirt, climbing into high places and so on. Their general attitude is described as aloof, selfish and finicky, switching moods at seemingly the drop of a hat. One minute their affectionate and the next their claws and hissing for no reason.
Nekos are very similar to demons and are often compared to them. Both have a similar origin story and are rather lustful, being lusty and affectionate of a chosen master and turn violent of said master is unable to satisfy them. While a demons loyalty is bought by sexual satisfaction, a Nekos loyalty is bought by material satisfaction. Nekos are an all female species and where made to require human men to reproduce. Unlike demons who go after lonely, pathetic people Nekos target the wealthy.
While male humans are preferred, they will target anyone of suitable wealth. Once they find a prime mate or “master” they will proposition them into a sugerbaby type arrangement where they provide sex in return for being pampered. If they say no then the Neko will leave but if they say yes then they become their master. Despite the known risk many rich folk accept becoming a Nekos master, finding their exotic beauty irresistible (the mating pheromones Neko’s secrete defintionly helps in this).
Once a person has chosen to become a Nekos master they will be lavished in affection and sex by the Neko in return for pampering her. For as long as the master can continue to meet his feline mistress’s demands she will stay loyal to him. If they fail to meet her demands that’s when the problems start, Nekos are much like the humans and house cats that make them, their never satisfied with what they have and get greedier the more their pampered.
The longer a Neko is pampered the more demanding they become. Their request become more extreme and become violent when their demands are not met or are below their standards. Their known to claw at and bite their masters, leaving them with nasty wounds. Their rage is not limited to their master but also towards their family and belongings as well, stealing valuables and destroying furniture to make their point known or even attacking the masters family.
If the Nekos demands continue to not be met their tantrums get more frequent and violent. Until eventually they either leave on their own or outright attack their master, their being many cases of Nekos mauling their masters to death in their greed fueled tantrums. Like Demons are their are Nekos who don’t mean harm but struggle to control their desires.
Their range is mostly limited to Evik, with high concentrations found in Zareen. These monsters are generally considered pest with many public psa’s warning people to not get involved with them.
Anon, I love this. I know it’s supposed to be a bit of a shitpost, but it’s honestly great. It has so many elements of classic folklore but with a silly urban twist. As soon as I saw the name Nelon Husk I thought “Oh, this is gonna be good” lmao
The sad thing is, I could totally see some wackjob Zareenite CEO doing something like this...I think realistically, the Zareenite military would have exterminated these things before they got out of control, but who knows. Anything can happen, especially when rich people are involved and bribing everyone in sight.
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gordvendomewhore · 4 years
yo yo yo i meant to post this literal months ago but. yeah i didn’t AKNZKAKS
so i have two bully ocs, chris kato and hollis french! they’re girlfriends!!! they’re actually from my original story but i transferred them on over to bully for fun lmao
have fun reading!! and feel free to ask any questions about hollis if there are any lmao
Name: Hollis French
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Clique: Preps
Personality: Persuasive, stubborn, two-faced, analytical.
Weapon/fighting style of choice:
- Hollis will avoid fighting if possible, since she isn’t strong enough to win against anyone outside of the Nerds and Non-Cliques.
- She’ll usually just sic Chris on anyone who bothers her.
- Her fighting dialogue mainly revolves around taunts, warnings to back off, and hints that she’s actually, well, scared.
- In a fight, Hollis prefers to use a wooden paddle.
- James, it’s lovely seeing you.
- Hello!
- Hopkins! Care to spare a minute of your day to talk?
Saying Goodbye:
- I’d love to talk longer, but my girlfriend is waiting for me. Toodles!
- I must bid you adieu, Hopkins.
- My presence is needed at the Harrington House, but hopefully we can talk at a later time?
- Don’t try to escape me, Hopkins!
- I don’t have time for games of cat and mouse!
- I thought you would be brave enough to face me!
Out of Breath:
- I’ll...have you whimpering...like a suckling puppy...once I catch you!
- ..Oh, heavens, this is what sweat is?
- I’ll just...ask Christine to hunt him down later...
Walking around talking to themselves:
- I wonder when Daddy will import me more paint.
- Men are disgusting, but Christine’s boyish charm is incredibly endearing....
- One day, Bullworth will have an entire museum dedicated to my work.
- [Under her breath] She’s lucky I can pay for all her pyromaniac madness.
- Perhaps staying in an airtight room with pernicious oil paints for several hours isn’t such a good idea...
- Another day of being absolutely gorgeous.
- Van Gogh wishes he could have my talent.
- Daddy says that I’m set to take over the company, and I’m not even the eldest child!
- Derby doesn’t seem at all interested in Pinky, don’t you think?
- I feel bad for Hopkins; Getting himself involved with that Garfield kid was a dreadful mistake on his behalf.
- Anyone willing to model for my next piece? [Response if someone agrees] No, no...not you.
- That Hopkins seems to be stirring up quite the ruckus.
- Does your girlfriend win you meretricious, polyester carnival prizes? [Silence] Hmph, I thought so.
- Do my glasses make me look like a nerd? God knows I don’t want be be associated with those scum.
Conversation Response:
- Disgusting.
- Okay? And what do you expect me to do about it?
- Mm, yes, that does sound delightful.
- God, no, never.
- Of course!
- How dreadful.
- I wish Christine would stop smoking. My pretty pink lungs could do without the second hand smoke.
- Derby‘s just fussy because I’m a natural blond and he has to rely on the bottle!
- What was Aquaberry thinking with a collection dedicated to polka dots of all things?!
- The paints Daddy got me were worth $300 by the tube instead of $400!
- Where’s Christine? I need attention!
- This wretched place is draining me of my talent.
Unknown/Cut Dialogue:
- It’s bad for my complexion to be around people so...poor. [Shudders]
- My life is going to be reduced to nothing but day drinking and a cubicle desk! I’ll be nothing but a younger, cuter Galloway! [Sobbing]
- Retribution has never been so sweet.
- My little firebug!
Starting fight with Cliques:
- Step away, you lowlife!
- If you allowed me to break your nose, it’d open up the wonderful opportunity for a little work to be done!
- Don’t you have better things to do?
- Is this some perverted fantasy of yours?
- Pervert!
- Aw, you’re just upset that my socks cost more than your shack.
- I hope you have health insurance!
- You bitch, did you just get your grease on my Aquaberry?!
- Touch me and that’s a lawsuit!
- Did that grease in your hair finally leak into your brain?
- It’s adorable how absolutely unfair this fight is!
- I’ll make sure to donate some money for your hospital bills.
- Are you even trying?
- I’ll pay you to break your own leg.
- Aren’t there books on how to fight properly?
- D-Don’t you think it’s a bit immoral to hit a girl?
- Lay a single finger on me, and my girlfriend will break all ten!
- ..Please avoid the face.
- If you break my limbs, could you at least avoid my left arm?
- [Nervous laughter] Oh, no...
- Keep your hands off me, trailer trash!
- Go back to the dumpster you belong to!
- You filthy bitch!
- Just take my Aquaberry; You’ve already contaminated it.
- Aw, do you need directions to the animal shelter? I hate to see malnourished strays moping around the streets.
Requesting an errand:
- You’ll do me a favor, won’t you, Hopkins?
- James! Mind running a quick errand? And don’t even try humoring me by pretending to decline my offer.
- Ah, Hopkins, what a pleasant day to help your favorite girl in need.
Friendly Comments:
- I see you’ve finally learned how to dress yourself, James.
- Ah, Hopkins, you look worthy of my respect today!
- You look amazing! Derby would be jealous.
- Ooh, you seem richer today, James! Did you rob a bank?
Unfriendly Comments:
- Your daddy forget to wear a condom?
- Your mommy forget her birth control?
- I’ll be happy to provide you a map of directions to the local orphanage.
- Just looking at you is lowering my IQ.
Demanding flowers:
- A pretty girl deserves pretty things, doesn’t she?
- My love isn’t a charity, James.
- There comes a time where you realize that my love, like all things in life, is not free.
- I’ll tell you a little secret: You can buy love!
After receiving flowers:
- Aw, my girlfriend doesn’t usually take interest in cutesy things, but she’ll love these!
- Oh...Hopkins, you shouldn’t have. No, really, you shouldn’t have.
- You need more practice with your floral arrangements.
- Thank you, James, the Harrington House was in desperate need for a pop of color.
Before kissing:
(No matter what, Jimmy can’t actually kiss Hollis)
- My heart belongs to another, James.
- O-Oh, Jimmy, you’re so...handsome! Yeah, no, I can’t even fake it.
- What do you take me for, some measly escort?
- Don’t you think I’m a bit, well, out of your price range?
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@video-space the second half of my lesbians.....4 you.
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