#that or his scoliosis reversed
minniiaa · 8 months
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what da actual fuk he doin tho
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marxthedumdum · 7 months
im in a new era of crimsonoak aus so here’s me blabbering a lot abt swap crimsonoak
☾ this is kinda more of a role-swap but yeah
☾ first off, swap daisy is a beeg tall buff woman no questions asked. (two built people in a relationship what more could you ask for <3)
☾ since daisy is now the taller one here, she now gets to make the shortie jokes on steven as silly revenge
☾ also LOVES to make steven all blushy (because beeg women makes him drop down to his knees and start praying /idk what tone tag to use so uhhh /pos)
☾ itd be funny if steven can somehow still be able to lift up daisy after getting bigger, imagine him carrying daisy like a princess and she gets rlly embarrassed xD
☾ remember the were(animal) steven phase we had? yeah, lets double that up and make daisy an unreasonably fluffy bat. or spider or snake or just any animal that can inject stuff from their body
☾ or something cool like a tiger idk
☾ (after that first hc for swap crimsonoak i kinda see swap daisy as a reverse vampire now)
☾ SPEAKING OF BAT DAISY, imagine her trying to hug steven into hanging upside down with her (poor guy)
☾ Creature Daisy is more gentle than Creature Steven but its not by a longshot, she has that Animal Brain Instinct thing on her head sometimes
☾ so what if daisy bites MORE than steven :) (role)swapped steven would have bite marks all over his body, especially his arms (dw hes obviously fine)
☾ oh yeah and mantiddie bites also. ofc why wouldnt daisy doesn’t bite stevens tiddies 😁
☾ in return steven will give daisy A LOT of kisses :3 (daisy would be shaking a lot of the time :33)
☾ they paint nails together whenever they feel fancy today do not ask why
☾ daisy meows as well do not ask why abt this either
☾ this image but its daisy and steven
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☾ creature daisy has HORRIBLE scoliosis so she lets steven massage her back sometimes <3
☾ “daisy i can protect and take care of myself you dont need to follow me 24/7-”
☾ “but hubby :.(”
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
how can i stop feeling insecure about things on my body that i can’t control (i have scoliosis and kp) and it’s been hurting my confidence and I’ve been sabotaging my relationships because of it :(
Hi love! I'm so sorry to hear that you're dealing with these body image-related confidence issues. Consider these ways of reframing your relationship to these innate features:
Embrace these unique qualities and release what's out of your control. Of course, this step is easier said than done. However, consider how much better it is to accept what you can't change versus constantly beating yourself over something that no amount of self-discipline can reverse.
Focus on what you can control. While you can't necessarily get rid of these conditions, there are ways you can improve your quality of life when managing scoliosis and KP. You can do exercises to strengthen your core muscles or dress a certain way to keep your back covered (when desired) for scoliosis, and prioritize skin exfoliation, moisturizing, and a healthy diet to manage KP symptoms.
Use these conditions as motivation to practice self-care. Instead of focusing on any limitations, use your conditions as reminders and motivation to stick to healthy habits like eating a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet, doing core exercises, styling outfits you feel good in, creating an A+ skincare routine, etc. (by the way: I love the First Aid Beauty KP Bump Eraser if you need any suggestions)
Hope this helps xx
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scoliosisrick · 1 year
is there such a thing as reverse-scoliosis rick? where his spine curves too far back to the point that even moving the wrong way might rip his innards open?
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
buffer bother?
it's not half as bad as people say
the opening narration is so fond of the little twin menaces; up to a point (like 25 or so seconds in) i can so easily imagine that edward is telling this story to some visitors
mavis being thrown in again to work with the twins and essentially be their minder is by far my least favorite part. i mean, i like seeing her, but i hate to see that they are locking this down as the whole of her character. #let girl characters not have to be the sensible one 2022
then again, with the new season 5 cut footage i kinda have a realisation about mavis and why the TVS did her Like That. $50 says the mavis model was one of their strongest and most reliable runners (judging by how she is used off-camera to help film the runaway trucks). her model's behavior spilled over to her TVS characterisation—she was their Really Useful clutch in filming and so it affected how they began to use her character in-story!
this sends me down a delighted reflection on how often that happens. like, daisy's model was unreliable; therefore she was used as little as they possibly could until CGI. boco's model began to get scoliosis; hence he disappears. those are the unfortunate examples but this could easily work in reverse. i am betting this is a big part of the reason why duncan, rusty, and to some extent peter sam, skarloey, and rheneas initially got so much screentime with their larger-scale models—they were probably the most reliable runners.
this sort of thing has venerable roots, as it affected how awdry wrote the series to begin with. the great western's 5700s didn't waddle, but the awdrys' pannier tank model did and therefore we got duck instead of merely montague. meanwhile his james model iirc only functioned in reverse and his henry model was super unreliable, and since he didn't have a gordon for some while the edward model generally ran all the trains on his main line set, and if you don't think all of this didn't influence his characterisations of them in the early years of the series then i have a bridge to sell you. (it totally won't take you to walney island.)
... man, i got off track
honestly, i liked bill's growl of "i still know how to biff a truck!" despite that the stories have gotten rather "younger" in S6, angelis was on an absolute roll with his narration and i love that he makes all the characters sound like adults. this is a great example. between the script and the voice acting, bill just... sounds like a real character who has spent his whole life working in clay pits... *squints* erm, quarries?
yeah, the less said about the continuity of the "quarry engines" around this era of the show the better
to be fair, S5 and S6 seemed to be doing a lot of deliberate re-working of settings and engine allocations. i'm not saying i'm wild about all their choices but i don't think it was a matter of mere carelessness.
"bust my buffers!" "i think you have." lolllll. this is a mild example in a season-long trend of the scripts subtly doing little self-owns. i really like it; (most of) season 6 has such an endearing sense of humor about itself. the way they keep making fun of their own "luckily, no one was hurt" shtick, but the joke is a little different every time... and then quips like this... it's nice. it's really very nice.
did we need to listen to bill get scolded the whole damn episode long? well yeah, it's a little tiring. on the other hand it's a great insight into what it must be like to be bill. so, y'know.
overall, nothing special. but a solid 3 out of 6 tenders.
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charliemacaulay · 2 years
Please. I can’t keep being the shoulder Bunny leans on to cry. He’s so big that it gives me reverse scoliosis when he throws all his weight onto me.
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highsviolets · 4 years
Song inspiration:
It’s late; too late to be awake, but judging from the distant, soft voices flowing in through your open window, you aren’t the only one. The window open to encourage a breeze to flow in, the curtain lays limp and still to the side of it. You padded out from the bedroom to get a drink of water, your hair still damp from cold shower you took before bed, your thin tank top and soft sleep shorts sticking to your body. It was so hot, even now, especially now (?) and because of this, you couldn’t sleep.
Javier finds you in the living room, holding your tepid water and watching out the window, your tired eyes glazed with exhaustion. Curling his hands over your hips, you lean back into his body when he rests his chin on your shoulder, sliding his nose over the shell of your ear.
You tell him it’s too hot to sleep when he asks why you are awake and the two of you stand in silence for a moment and listen to a melody drift in through the window; the gentle chords of a band playing down the street.
Rocking you slowly at first, his hips sway with yours, encouraging you to move with him. Normally shy when he wants to dance with you (it’s never been your strong suit), you find yourself too tired to care and turn to wrap your arms around his tanned shoulders, gliding your fingers over the soft hair at the nape of his neck. He holds you close while you slowly, slowly, dance together and when he peels off your tank top, his hands are tacky against the smooth skin of your back; the air flowing over your sweaty skin making you shiver.
When he leads you to the couch, he kneels in front of you and he is a vision in just his jeans (does the man own any other pants?) unbuttoned at the waist, having slid them on just to find you. His fingers drag against your skin when he slides your shorts off and when he puts his hot mouth on you, it’s a slippery heat as you drape your leg over his shoulder to pull him closer. It’s like a dream, the way it feels; a warmth spreading through your hips and out through your limbs and when you push your hands through his damp (from your shower earlier, or from the heat?) hair, his groan soft groan mixes with the music.
When he is finished, you stretch out on the couch and watch him slide his jeans off, climbing up over you. The humid air surrounding you, the heavy press of his body above you, inside you; it’s all sweaty and shaky limbs when it’s over, his wet mouth delicate on your skin.
Shifting so he is closest to the door, he pulls you close and drapes the soft, thin blanket over your bodies. Sated, soothed, still a fine sheen of sweat covering your skin; you finally fall asleep.
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kelli you come into my house with the song of my childhood and that gif and that prose and that fucking vision and you expect me to be okay?
Javier wakes up before you, the next morning. Cool air dances through the apartment, having at last crept over the mountains and flooded in the valley in gritty predawn hours. Bogotá’s quiet —almost too quiet — save for the distant howls of traffic blocks away. And the panaderías, too, shuffling shipments of flours and coaxing ovens to the heat. He feels their muttered exclamations to la Virgin through layers of concrete and plaster. Prayer is implicit to this city, like the morning chill. Something you need to breathe before oppressive heat wears you down, muddling your vision, making a fool of hardy skin so it glistens with sweat.
The sky is still mixed, though. There is still time. Javi ducks his chin to his bare chest. You’re still sleeping. Good. You don’t sleep enough, he thinks, but if he ever tells you, he knows you’ll laugh at him.
But you’re sleeping now, nestled on his chest. The gauzy blanket has slipped in the night, and the expanse of your back is exposed just above your hips. Blue light dipped in grey covers you, dusting over your shoulders, your breasts, your arms, coloring your hair. Javi’s breath hitches despite himself as he watches you for several long heartbeats. Your breath still rises and falls in time with his, like it always does. The synchronization makes him ache.
A car backfires, somewhere, and muscles toned with use grip you closer reflexively, pressing against the smooth skin on your shoulders. He looks down again, but you haven’t stirred.
“Good girl, cariña” he murmurs, pressing his lips to your forehead in reverent adoration. Javier likes you here. He can keep you safe, here, where you are wrapped in each other in a labyrinth of skin and sweat and the faint smell of sex. He is able to forget about the gun an arm’s length away, and the locks on the doors, and the bulletproof vest waiting for him at work. Because here, in the welcoming solicitude of a Colombian dawn, he is simply Javier.
Javier who glides his thumbs across your cheek bone, and traces down the shell of your ear. Who etches mindless designs for a future unforetold across the arm wrapped around his waist, beautifully tanned from weeks in the sun. Javier skates his palm the length of your spine, the backbone not just of your life but of his, too, erect simplicity. You have scoliosis, and he thinks the crookedness of your bones matches the waywardness of his soul: his equal and his likeness. In this watercolor dawn you are blooming for him even as you sleep, a reverse night-lily, for as you sleep you make him more alive. And as he lets his mouth brush one last kiss to your hair before closing his eyes, Javi thinks that maybe, definitely, always, he would like to be alive with you forever.
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i-m-snek · 3 years
Hey, since last night I’ve been in the care of a bearded dragon bc my partners brother called us late saying that he thought he was dead so we rushed over to him, I thought he was dead at first too, but he’s a trooper, he’s been pretty lethargic he’s been getting a bit better and he ate today, but he still isn’t moving his back legs but he wasn’t moving his front ones when I got him last night, his back seems really stiff and it kinda looks like he has scoliosis but it could just be the way that he’s been sitting, he refuses to not be facing me this morning so I can’t actually check his spine and make sure he didn’t get hurt, we’re trying to get his mom to take him to the vet today, but in case she decides not to, if you have any advice for what may be wrong with him, how to help, or anything like that pls let me know, I gave him a warm dechlorinated bath early this morning and that seemed to really brighten him up, but he still has not made a bowel movement (even though most beardies use the bathroom when they bathe)
I am so sorry to have gotten to this so late! It sounds like the poor thing has Metabolic Bone Disease, its sadly very common in captive bearded dragons. Beardies need regular calcium supplements, along with strong UVB bulbs (changed out every six months) to support proper bone growth. It's not reversible but it can be stopped by providing those things.
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
I completely agree that Shakespeare wasn’t writing Tudor propaganda because like that argument falls flat when he does nothing to portray the Lancastrians in a good light which would have been reversing the damage done to them by Yorkist propaganda but as someone who has scoliosis and I believe I have and even more extreme curve to my spine then R3 had from the images of his spine from when his remains were found were anything to go by and if like I’m not nude you can barely tell my spine is curved so I wouldn’t say his description was accurate because besides him not having a hunchback (i mean odds are given when he was alive and his wealth and statues he most likely even covered the slight rise of one shoulder with lifts in one shoe making even the slight raise of his one shoulder invisible to outsiders but slightly unleveled shoulders aren’t hunchback by any means to start with) there is no evidence of a withered arm. But that description wasn’t even from Shakespeare wasn’t it originally started from a writer who was originally commissioned by r3 to write at court then H7 later commissioned him to finish the book that has that discription in it though I don’t believe the unflattering description was H7 decision or even intention when commissioning him but that it was were the first similar depiction came from and not a creation of Shakespeare but an idea that was already there before him.
Hello there! (First Historical Ask I’m Getting =)) I’m excited )
I agree that he just portrays everyone in a bad light, York and Lancaster both. Henry VII appears as a sort of saviour at the end (in a way even as a champion to those closest to Richard III who he wrongs in the play e.g. Anne Neville, Clarence). However, Henry VII does not play a prominent enough role throughout the play to justify us interpreting it as pro-Lancaster/Tudor propaganda. 
I too have mild scoliosis, (or rather, had) and it had never became apparent to those around me. The thing is, the exaggeration of Richard III’s scoliosis is just one more thing that overall that diminishes the persuasive power of Shakespeare’s ‘propaganda’. Since, like you said (and I also deduce from the absence of sources that had commented on Richard III’s uneven figure), this type of scoliosis is easily coverable by strategic clothing and shoe soles. I agree, I too have not found any evidence of a withered arm. 
This writer you speak of... Would that be Rous, as in the guy of Rous Rolls fame? Yes, talents aside he seemed quite the opportunist: Starting off in the employ of the Beauchamps Earls of Warwick, then pandering to their political successor Clarence, then onto Richard III and finally to Henry VII for whom he wrote the ‘Historia Regum Angliae’. There he went from his previous praises of Richard III as a ‘good lord’ who was against the ‘oppressors of the commons’ and then proceeded to say how he was born with fully formed teeth, hair and uneven shoulders. The man said much, indeed he even insinuated that he had poisoned his wife Anne Neville and was responsible for the death of Henry VI... He was also a big propegator of the ‘G will depose E, and thus George will depose Edward IV prophecy’ (which I found has earlier Augustinian roots, but I digress). But in any case, do any of these sound familiar? Indeed they all make an appearance in Shakespeare’s Richard III. 
Indeed I don’t necessarily see much of Henry VII’s hand in this, Rous was not one of the prominent names associated with the Tudor regime such as More. Given the man’s opportunism, I theorise he wrote the Historia Regum Angliae in this way to curry favour with Henry VII after his previous patrons/lords were all dead (The Beauchamps, Clarence, Richard III). However, I suppose you have sent me this ask because you wanted to tell me that anti-Richard III propaganda is indeed deeper than just Shakespeare and as such it is serious political propaganda.
In a way, yes, but how many people (post 1485 to present) quote Rous? Most of us know him for those illustrations of the Neville-York clan (where he retrospectively played himself by drawing Richard III as upright) Not only was the man’s heyday long gone by then, but his slander against Richard III is so ridiculously unbelievable that I find it hard to think that even a person of that time would have believed any of it. Born with shoulder-length hair? Born with a full set of teeth? It is not hard to see how these never became urban legends. The key to good propaganda (such as that which Warwick and Clarence made against the Woodvilles or Edward IV and Warwick made against the Lancastrians) is believability. As a consequence, even the more believable (and by that I mean physically possible) aspects of his writing e.g. Anne Neville being poisoned by him, have not quite attached themselves to Richard III’s posthumous image, and for a very apparent reason, propaganda is like a package: if a part of it is unbelievable the whole thing fails. 
Richard III’s current detractors do not find him to be an evil man because they  they read Rous and believed he was hunchbacked, murdered Henry VI or poisoned his wife. We are not medievals after all that think ugly=evil. His current detractors dislike him because they believed him to have often acted in a rapacious manner, contrary to the chivalric standards he saw himself as embodying, during his brother’s reign and because they believe him to be the most logical suspect for the murder of his nephews. Often their arguments are built on references to contemporary facts which show him as the prime suspect and just good old critical thinking. It’s not a view fed by ‘propaganda’ or the blindeless belief in More or Rous. Whereas, you may find that those with one-dimensional views towards Team Lancaster just hit you up with things like ‘Edward of Westminster was sadistic’, Margaret of Anjou was a scheming harpy, uncaring of what happened to England and who serially cheated on her husband. Not to mention the famous: ‘Henry VII was a massive miser who replaced his wife with his mother and kept her powerless and repressed’. 
In Conclusion, Those stuck whereas Rous’ drabbles did not because those are all intelligent twists of the truth and believable, or at least more plausible than a man with a massive hunchback and a row of teeth from birth. 
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oboevallis · 4 years
could u write a story abt addie having scoliosis and needing to wear a brace?
the brace
scout: 13
addie: 10
anders: 5
lol this is based off of my experience, i know i was an absolute brat of a child lol i pretty much refused to wear the brace and even though i was going to need surgery eventually i made it a lot worse for myself
"Addie sit up straight." Amelia reprimanded as she maneuvered herself around the kitchen preparing the sides for their dinner.
"My back hurts." The girl whined from her chair on the kitchens island.
"What kind of hurt?" Link chimed in as he walked in the kitchen from the backyard holding a plate of cooked hamburger.
"I dunno, like achey?"
"Stand up and touch your toes." Link requested as he set the plate onto the counter. He then ran his fingers down the distinct curvature, his face dropping. "Alrighty."
"What's wrong?" Addie asked turning around.
"We'll figure it out tomorrow." Link smiled wearily, making eye contact with his wife who immediately came to the same realization.
"I'm not wearing that." Addie informed her parents as she crossed her arms while she sat on the exam table. They had taken the measurements for the brace and now the three sat in three quiet exam room.
"Your gonna wear it." Amelia sighed, crossing her arms mirroring her daughter. "It's only at night."
"No I'm not." The girl said defiantly, Amelia then abruptly left the exam room before she bit her daughters head off. Since the diagnosis, the girl had made it very clear that she was going to refuse to cooperate and her mother was at her wits end.
"How's Addie doing?" Maggie asked as Amelia walked into the attendings lounge.
"She's being defiant and stupid." The mother sighed sinking into the couch.
"She's just processing, give her time." Meredith encouraged as she stirred the cream into her coffee.
"I don't know how Link is being so calm."
"He's Link." Maggie smirked me thinking about all the times Link had been her sisters calm mountain.
"I should be easier on her, shouldn't I?" The neurosurgeon nervously played with the skin around her nail.
"Yeah you should. She's just a kid she doesn't know how to process this, you've seen so many cases of scoliosis in your career you know what to expect." Meredith reminded before she left, keeping the door open as Link and Addie were walking in.
"I see you choose the blue." Maggie smiled as she sat up. "Can't say I'm surprised, you always choose anything blue."
"It may be a nice color, but I'm still not wearing it."
"Well how about we go get some ice cream?" Link stepped in trying to remediate the situation.
"Fine, only if it's mint chocolate chip."
"Your only getting getting ice cream if you wear that brace tonight." Amelia added, receiving a glare from her daughter, but she reluctantly agreed.
"That's stupid looking." Anders laughed as he walked into the shared bathroom to see his sister brushing her teeth with her new brace on.
"Shut up!"
"Your not allowed to say that." The youngest taunted.
"And your not allowed to say stupid." Addie threw her toothbrush against the wall causing it to crack down the middle.
"Oooooooo you just broke your toothbrush."
"Get out!"
"What's going on?" Scout asked as he stepped into the crowded bathroom.
"Anders is being annoying."
"Addies being mean." The siblings said in unison.
"Mom doesn't need this right now, she's really upset." Scout sighed, since becoming a big brother he perfectly fell into the role.
"Well, moms not the one with a fucked up back."
"Whoa where did you learn that word?" Link interrupted, he had heard the commotion and went to remediate the situation.
"I'm not wearing this!" Addie yelled, ripping at the velcro to release it from her person. Link motioned his two boys to leave the room.
"You've got to wear this, I know it sucks but it's going to help in the long run."
"I don't care." Tears started to spring in the young girls eyes, before Link could comfort the girl a voice interrupted them.
"This is getting out of hand." The girls mother said sternly. "Your going to wear this brace, and that's the end of this conversation. This could be a lot worse, and I'm going to be honest at some point you may need surgery, and if you don't wear this brace it's gonna make everything a lot more painful then it needs to be."
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Addie asked avoiding eye contact with her mother, and Amelia breathed a sigh of relief knowing her daughter wasn't mad.
"Of course."
"I'm gonna go check in the boys." Link excused himself to go tend to them.
"I'm sorry." The girl whispered as her mother secured the brace back onto her.
"Its okay. I know this is painful and scary. I'm your mom and I absolutely hate seeing you in pain, so I wouldn't make you do this if it wasn't absolutely necessary."
"Will I really need surgery? Or is that just one of those things moms say?" Addie asked as Amelia guided her to the master bed room and situated her daughter in the middle of the bed.
"We'll see how it progresses, you just need to wear the brace. It's nothing to worry about until we need to okay?" The girl shifted trying to find a comfortable position. "I'm sorry if I've been too harsh on you. I just love you so much and want you to be okay."
"I'm gonna wear the brace." Addie whispered as she let sleep succumb to her.
"Thank you." The mother worriedly watched her daughter sleep, noting the discomfort on the girls face because of the brace.
"She asleep?" Links tired voice came from the doorway, his wife nodded in confirmation. "I'll carry her to her room."
"No, no let her stay. I don't want her waking and taking it off in the middle of the night. And I like watching her sleep, reminds me of when she was a baby." Her husband nodded in agreement and crawled into bed with the two.
"Sometimes I hate that we're surgeons with kids sometimes." The ortho surgeon thought aloud. "I just keep replaying the steps of a spinal fusion over and over again in my head. I wish I didn't know, I wish I was oblivious to how they slice open her back and realign it to correct it. And the worse part, is the pain she's going to endure after the fact." Amelia grabbed her husbands hand to try and ground him.
"Maybe she won't even need surgery."
"It always scares me when we reverse roles." Link laughed once realizing the situation.
"She's going go be okay?"
"She's gonna be okay." Link echoed back.
tw: scoliosis (i think this was like two months before my surgery)
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Of Mer and Men | Elder Scrolls Verse
I finally caved and made an Elder Scrolls verse for my lads on here. You’ll find all their profiles beneath the cut (if there is one.) I took a bit of creative liberty with the vampires in this as well, I hope that’s all right. 
Bilmae ‘Bill’ Golden-Smith 
Name: Bilmae ‘Bill’ Golden-Smith  
Age: Appears 31, but is over 800 in reality  
Birthday: 7th of Evening Star
Gender: Cis Male (he/him/his pronouns) 
Powers and Abilities: Resistance to disease, resistance to poison, harder to detect while sneaking, and illusion spells are more powerful than average, resistance to frost. Shadow abilities; creating tentacles made out of shadows, usually to grab/restrain an opponent, or do things like snap limbs. He can also leap an abnormally long distance and summon an orb of shadow that explodes into spikes. Battle Cry (Nord Ability) and a higher resistance to frost because of his Nord Heritage as well as his vampirism. 
Weaknesses: Fire, sunlight.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.
Race: Nord/Vampire
Faction: None (at the moment)
Current Residence: No fixed place of residence, wanders Tamriel. 
Mother: Gweene Golden-Smith (Deceased)
Father: Bilmae Golden-Smith. (Deceased) 
Height: 6’3" 
Weight: 200lbs 
Body Type: Mesomorph/Muscular 
Hair: Red, as is his beard. 
Eyes: Grey.
Skin: White 
Languages: Tamrielic, some of the Dragon Language, and Ayleidoon.
Distinguishing features: He has major burn scars on the right side of his abdomen, chest, part of his right arm, and just above his butt. A hunter managed to set him on fire. Luckily, before it could kill him, he managed to put himself out. That Hunter paid with her life.
If he doesn’t drink blood for a long time, he starts to age and look more monstrous/corpse-like. Drinking blood reverses this effect.
He has three scars on his chest that are either from arrows or crossbow bolts. They’re all under his left pec muscle. 
He has a birthmark on the back of his left hand that’s shaped like a crescent. He often jokes that it’s because one of his ancestors was a werewolf. 
Hobbies and Interests: Dancing, astronomy (might as well enjoy the stars if you’re nocturnal), origami, drawing, mythology (he has met some figures of myth, or so he claims), and smithing. He’s also pretty good at playing the lyre, the ocarina, and the accordion.
Occupation: No set occupation.
Skills: Smithing, Sneak, One-Handed Weapons, Illusion Magic, Light Armour, and Alteration 
Personality: He’s friendly, he’s confident, and he can be rather eccentric at times. He’s far from shy and he enjoys the company of others. He lives to entertain, laugh, spread laughter and merriment, and give and get validation.
However, he can come across as conceited, arrogant, a show-off, a bit of a large ham at times, and/or a little bit too full-on for some people. That said, he honestly doesn’t mean harm (not anymore at least) and if you’re his friend, he will kill for you and do what he can to keep you happy.
He’s usually quite hard to anger. He can laugh off most insults or even attempts to hurt him physically. However, if you do make him mad, it’s your funeral, or at least your mind’s. He does try to keep himself in check however. He has no plans to go back to the sadistic bastard that he used to be.
Basic Backstory: Starting out his life in Skyrim, Lord Bilmae Golden-Smith IV was the only survivor of the eleven children his parents gave birth to. His father was a lord and his mother was a blacksmith’s daughter who was married into the family.
Bilmae lived a fairly easy and unremarkable life with his loving mother, not-so-loving father, and a few servants. His father made sure he worked hard however, not wanting to hand him everything on a silver plate. That said, he was fairly well off, and spent his childhood and adult years getting ready to take on his father’s estate. On finding out his bloodline’s wealth and notoriety was founded on thievery, murder, extortion, and other crimes, he was not so willing to do so, but he was unsure of how to find a way out of it. 
However, at the age of 31 years old, he contracted Sanguinare Vampiris. He was infected on purpose, by a vampire who had lost his family to Bilmae’s legacy. Bilmae managed to hide the condition from his family, and when his parents died, dismissed his servants, left the estate to his distant cousins, and faked his death before going to wander.
He continues to travel around now, learning new things and trying new stuff to keep himself busy. He still drinks blood to sustain himself but he doesn’t kill unless it was someone he felt ‘deserved it’. He also kept up with all the changes in the world. He even adapted his speech as needed, keeping up with slang and staying savvy with the times.
Antonio Lombardi
Name: Antonio Lombardi (formerly Enriquo Giordano, as far as you’re concerned) 
Age: 38
Birthday: 8th of Last Seed 
Gender: Trans Male (he/him/his pronouns) 
Powers and Abilities: .Dragonskin ability to absorb magic. Natural higher resistance to magic. 
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual 
Race: Breton
Faction: College of Winterhold (sort of)
Current Residence: Has a home in High Rock, but travels.
Mother: Gertrude Giordano
Father: Benito Giordano
Siblings: Emily Giordano(Older sister) and Sophia Giordano (Younger sister)
Height: 6’2" 
Weight: 170lbs 
Body Type: Ectomorph
Hair: Black, shoulder-length, and slightly curly 
Eyes: Green.
Skin: Light brown 
Languages: Tamrielic, and some of the dragon language.
Distinguishing features: A benign mole underneath his left eye, and a slash scar across his cheek.
Due to scoliosis, his chest and back are slightly tilted to the side. This isn’t easy to see unless his shirt is off. It does cause him pain and also makes it harder for him to walk longer distances. 
He uses a cane to get around. He actually owns three canes; one has a sword hidden inside of it, another is extendable, and the last is a normal cane. He weaponised them after a bandit attacked him, causing the scar on his face.
He has habits of nodding his head, rhythmically tapping his foot or hand against the floor or the table, blinking at the same time as whoever he is speaking to, and gesturing with his hands while he talks.
He also has synaesthesia, seeing certain colours and shapes whenever he hears certain noises ‘connected’ to them. He also experiences smells on rarer occasions. 
Hobbies and Interests: His magic skills. He has dabbled in sleight of hand, misdirection, and mentalism (including hypnosis, which he uses his magic for), and he is very good at those too. 
He has also dabbled in Escapology, and is able to get out of most rope bindings, straightjackets, and pick locks. He also likes to read, cook, practise his tricks, and tend to plants.
Occupation: An administrator in a library and a stage magician. Currently working in Winterhold. 
Skills: Illusion magic, Speech, One-handed, Lock-picking, Sneak, Destruction Magic, and Conjuration. 
Personality: While he’s on stage, Antonio speaks with confidence, authority, and even some glee. 
Off-stage, he’s quiet, jaded, and very cynical. He prefers to just be left alone for the most part. He doesn’t have much faith in humanity. He also pretends to be a massive sceptic.
That said, he isn’t a complete asshole. He secretly has a lot of compassion and empathy for other people. He performs at orphanages and hospitals for free and donates a portion of his earnings to charity. 
If you can break past the guarded shell, you have someone a bit on the nicer side.
Basic Backstory: Antonio was born in Summerset to Benito and Gertrude.
He often found himself entertaining or at least occupying his own mind with various tasks. He also grew up in a strictly religious household, which he found himself hating as he grew older and it eventually put him off any kind of faith or servitude to the gods. He found himself interested in magic tricks and illusions after one of his neighbours showed him a few.
He started to teach himself when he was in teens and became very good at it, especially as he grew older. He also dabbled more in his Breton magicka, figuring out what else he could do with it. He also realised he was gay, much to his dismay. Even now, he keeps that firmly under wraps.
Eventually, at the age of 17, he had a falling out with his parents over his lack of religious belief. He went on a tirade on how their beliefs (or the fact that they hid behind them) were, in his words ‘a big steaming pile of shit’.
After being told his synaesthesia was a sign that he was being influenced by the daedra and he punched his father for it, he was essentially kicked out. Uncaring about that, he changed his name and went to High Rock to make a name for himself, remembering his mother’s stories of when she lived there. 
He started very small at first. He was able to find a place to stay. He worked as much as he could and performed his magic on the side. He was eventually invited to taverns and inns to perform and that got him attention and more money. He also witnessed a vampire feeding on a person, and this terrified him, but he remained determined to continue going and not let it get to him too much.
When he turned twenty, symptoms of his scoliosis started to become prominent, coming with pain and finding it harder to walk or run for longer distances. Luckily, this didn’t affect his magic shows too badly.
At the age of thirty, he started to wander to other places and live long term and do work. Where he officially became known as Lord Enigma when performing. He’s currently in Winterhold, helping in the Arcanium. 
Leofric Lawford
Name: Leofric Lawford 
Age: 35
Birthday: 10th of Rain’s Fall 
Gender: Cis Male (he/him/his pronouns) 
Powers and Abilities: Immune to Vampirism and most other diseases, Beast Form. Voice of the Emperor, and Imperial Luck. 
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.
Race: Imperial/Werewolf 
Faction: Companions, also does bounty work and has affiliations with Dawnguard. 
Current Residence: Whiterun. 
Mother: Unknown. 
Father: Unknown.
Height: 6’5" 
Weight: 240lbs 
Body Type: Mesomorph/Muscular 
Hair: Light brown and slightly wavy
Eyes: Dark brown .
Skin: White 
Languages: Tamrielic, and Ayleidoon.
Distinguishing features: He has many many scars from his days of battling. He has a slight beard. It’s not as full as Bill’s, but it’s definitely fuller than basic stubble. 
He doesn’t smile very often. If you see him do it, take a picture; you’ll never see it again in your life otherwise.
He has dyslexia. It hasn’t been identified yet, so he’s been suffering in silence about it. He also has some slight shortsightedness, but makes up for that with his other skills.
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, raising butterflies, plants and botany (he also researches how to better weaponise them (such as by using sachets of herbs to cloak himself, or make oils and decoctions for better damage output) or heal with them, history, boxing, and surprisingly, painting. 
Occupation: Companion
Skills: Alchemy, creating potions and poisons alike, heavy armour, two-handed and one-handed weaponry, which he’s trained himself in since a very young age,blocking, and hand-to-hand combat. 
Personality: He is rather stoic, and guarded, but still kind, brave and benevolent.
Although a werewolf and harsh on criminals and other monsters, he has a soft spot for humans, pacifistic supernatural creatures of other species, and animals, rescuing them and treating them with a distant sort of kindness. He is also incredibly loyal to those he makes friends with. 
He also prefers to be fair in a fight, giving his opponents a fair chance to defend themselves and fight back. That said, he believes underhanded tactics can be a tool to use only when necessary. 
Basic Backstory: Leofric was born in Cyrodiil, and left at an orphanage soon after as a baby. He was looked after by his guardians and taught the skills he needed. It was believed he would simply become a member of the imperial watch when he was older.
However, he became fascinated by stories of the companions and what they did. He left the orphanage at the age of sixteen years old and honed his skills, eventually making his way to Skyrim.
He had already shown a lot of the qualities of the companions during his travels, and he had actually been noticed by some of the travelling ones. He was accepted after some trials and has been with them since. 
He eventually became a werewolf when with them as well, and has not regretted this choice. He sees this as a blessing and a privilege. 
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closemyeyesforgood · 6 years
The Self
So the reason I felt the need to start this blog is the tremendous amount of grief I have been experiencing over the last 5 years.
March 22 2013, I lost my amazing, wonderful Grandmother to a stroke. We were very close and she was like a mother to me. A mentor, a teacher, a guide, she was incredible.
June 16 2013, My grandfather passed away after years of Alzheimer's . We sometimes think he was waiting for Grammy to go so he could be with her. He was very much a quiet and stoic man, but he taught us a lot about nature and hard work.
October 20 2014, I lost my infant daughter at 41 weeks gestation, she was a stillborn on October 21 2014. I have another blog dedicated to dealing with the loss of her. It is still so hard to think about this loss as it is so incredibly profound, and the lasting affects of losing a baby that is still in the womb at 1 week passed the due date is tormenting. I have felt so torn apart and broken as a woman and a mother.
March 4 2018, I lost my mother to a blood infection following a hip surgery. I found her body on March 1st and the paramedics revived her, only to keep her in a drug induced coma for 3 more days. This most recent loss has really tossed me into the air, not knowing what to do or where it will hurl me. She helped me maintain my sanity, especially after losing my daughter, as she also lost my brother as a stillborn, and knew what I was going through. She was always so supportive and encouraging. She made me feel like I was capable of anything. Now I feel capable of nothing.
I have been fighting with very intense episodes of depression, and self loathing. I have not hated on myself this much since highschool. The pain started many years ago of course and has just gotten worse and worse. I’ve tried to open up to friends about it, but I have come to realize they are not equipped for what I am dealing with. So I only make myself available when I am feeling stable, so I can avoid spiraling into a negative and incredibly uncomfortable monologue.
I have been through a lot, and some may say too much for my age, but.. “it could be worse”. A phrase I have heard my entire life. This phrase throws me into visions of the worst possible things happening to me. War crimes, explosions, quartering, waterboarding, mutilation, etc. It is like being trapped in a psychosis of eternal hell, until I can shake myself out of it.
Counselling has been one of my only saviors at this point. My partner is very loving and supportive, but never really knows what to say, and it breaks his heart to see me in so much pain. I am left trying to hold it back, hide it, push it down. Unfortunately it only makes it worse when It all comes back up like a volcano.
I find myself more often than not, telling myself I am stupid, worthless, annoying, ugly, pathetic, disgusting, burdensome, negative, plain, boring, childish, immature, overbearing...and the list goes on for eternity. Its like I am subconsciously digging a hole deeper and deeper. 
Every time I try to tell myself I am not these things, I just fall back on it.
 “who am I kidding... I’m a fungus”.
It is especially difficult when I find the strength to confide in someone, and am patronised, or it becomes a reversed situation where I am the one providing support, or it becomes a superficial distraction of them not wanting to focus on anything negative.
I eventually gave up reaching out after months of trying and constantly contacting friends, and even acquaintances, just to see who was even interested in helping me on an emotionally supportive level.
Conclusion: People are terrified of emotions. 
On top of all this, I have several bone conditions involving my spine and hips including: scoliosis(severe), osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis. My discs are grinding and creating spurs which pinch nerves and cause debilitating pain. I walk with a cane about 1/3 of the time, and am limited physically to many things.
 So on top of being secluded, I'm also unable to do much for myself lately, like go for a walk, clean, cook, drive... And other things depending on the pain or the weather.
This is a pretty gloomy post, so lets end it with even more gloomy stuff so you can see why I might be struggling so hard with self worth:
Things I have been told my entire life by close friends and family when I reach out for emotional support:
- Just get over it
- No one wants to hear you whine about your problems
- You are being so negative, no wonder no one wants to be around you.
- You are such a downer, you gotta cheer up
- What do you expect me to do about it?
- It could be worse
- You are exhausting to be around
- You are acting pathetic
- OH, this again
- Maybe you need more medication
- Someone's paranoid
-Looks like someone loves to hear themselves talk
- What do you want, a pity party?
- Here’s a quarter... call someone who cares
- You have no right to complain, you have a roof over your head
- You are Spineless
- You are a crybaby
- You care too much
- You worry too much
- It’s not like its my fault, so why are you talking to me about it?
- You can’t expect people to care about your problems
... There is so much more. I once surrounded myself with a lot of toxic people, but most of them are gone now thankfully.
I’m not saying this still happens, but when it was happening frequently it took a major toll on me.
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spinecareblogs · 2 years
Why Do The Children Appear To Be At High Risk For Scoliosis ?
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We often hear the question why do the children appear to be at high risk for Scoliosis? Childhood scoliosis may be very common these days, especially when children are in their teenagers. Because of this duration, they go through many physical developments. And some of these developments couldn’t be fortunate enough for them. Through this weblog, we need to educate parents about Scoliosis and its feasible management.
There are several elements that can be responsible for spinal deformity in kids. So, is your child is at risk ? Why only children are in high danger of growing Scoliosis ? If those questions are making you worry, then this weblog could simply be beneficial for you. Scoliosis Treatment is available by an expert spine doctor in Pune Dr. Sachin Mahajan.
What is Scoliosis ?
An abnormal sideways curvature in the backbone develops during the growth simply earlier than puberty. It can be observed in children around nine to fifteen years, in which younger girls are extra at risk of this condition in comparison to boys. This spine curve may be shaped as `C` or `S`. This curve may be visible both on one side of the backbone or on both sides. Around 3% of younger kids are suffering from this disorder. A definitive purpose for this spine curvature isn’t observed to this date. It also can cause situations like: – muscular dystrophy – cerebral palsy
Possible Symptoms of Scoliosis : 
In most cases, scoliosis is symptomless. But in some cases, this condition gets worse as the child grows. And sometimes these extreme conditions can bring about spine disability. The curved backbone occupies the greater area in the thoracic region, resulting in respiration difficulty. General symptoms of scoliosis include:
Uneven shoulder
Uneven waist
One hip is lower than other
Difficulty while walking
Delayed growth of the child
Restlessness & Fatigue
Difficulty in respiration
Causes of Scoliosis in Children
In maximum cases, the cause of scoliosis is not known. An infant can be born with it. Or he or she will be able to develop it later in life. It`s most often visible in youngsters between the ages of 10 and 18. It tends to have an effect on more girls than boys. Possible reasons for scoliosis include:
Nervous system issues like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy
Inherited conditions that generally tend to run in families
Differences in leg lengths
How it may be Diagnosed ?
your spine doctor could take a brief history of the child`s condition and might ask a few questions on the child`s current growth advancement, to get a thorough knowledge of the case. Family history could be included in the Diagnosis if there’s any.
Physical examination of the back and chest region (each side) is necessary, so the doctor will have a clean inspection of the waist. And if the waist is uneven, the doctor could advise an X-ray to measure the length of the curve. And to get a greater detailed examination for the muscles and nerves around scoliosis your doctor could advise more imaging assessments like CT scan & MRI, Which similarly enables to diagnose the tumor.
What are the possible treatments for scoliosis ?
It is one of the maximum common issues frequently confronted by our kids, however, it`s not incurable. Certain physical activities, therapies, and surgical procedures are simply beneficial for the treatment of scoliosis. like…
Braces are frequently used by practitioners on kids who’re still growing. These braces are truly not capable to cure or reverse the condition, however, they could prevent further development of the curve. Braces are only effective in patients who’ve not reached skeletal maturity. If the child is still growing and his or her curve is between 25 degrees and forty degrees, a brace can be recommended to prevent the curve from progressing. There had been upgrades in brace layout and the newer models fit below the arm, not around the neck. There are numerous different forms of braces available. While there are a few disagreements among experts as to which kind of brace is maximum effective, massive research indicates that braces, while used with complete compliance, successfully stop curve development in about eighty percent of kids with scoliosis. For optimal effectiveness, the brace has to be checked frequently to assure a right in shape and may want to be worn 16 to 23 hours each day till growth stops.
In children, the two primary goals of surgical treatment are to prevent the curve from progressing at some stage in adulthood and to diminish spinal deformity. Most specialists could advise surgical treatment only while the spinal curve is greater than forty degrees and there are signs of progression. This surgical treatment may be done by the use of an anterior approach (through the front) or a posterior approach (through the back) relying on the particular case.
A number of factors can result in elevated surgical-related risks in older adults with degenerative scoliosis. These elements include the following: advanced age, being a smoker, being obese, and the presence of different health/medical problems. In general, each surgical treatment and recovery time is expected to be longer in older adults with scoliosis.
With the further severe progression of scoliosis, surgical treatment remains the only choice for the cure. Surgery can prevent additional damage, by minimizing the severity of the backbone. One of the maximum common sorts of scoliosis surgical treatment is referred to as spinal fusion surgery.
You may also have got a few valuable information about scoliosis, and the way it is directly involved with children their growth. So, each time you note this form of abnormal backbone development or symptoms (given above) for your child, contact an expert. Because the most effective treatment relies upon the early-level diagnosis.
Dr. Sachin Mahajan is a professional expert in treating spinal conditions with experience of over 10+ years in the field. He is a Spine Specialist in Pune available at Sahyadri Hospital. Scoliosis is a spine treatment that needs timely treatment and proper medical attention. If you find any symptoms related to scoliosis contact us now!
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tmfitness · 2 years
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Spine "pathologies" are more common than you might think. Research has shown us that people with so-called spine pathologies like: Scoliosis Disc compression Prolapsed discs Spondyloslosthesis Hyperkyphosis Hyperlordosis and so on... Fall into two groups. Those with pain and those without pain. So is the "pathology" really that bad? Is it even a pathology, or just a feature? #usainbolt said his scoliosis caused injuries until he strengthened his core and back. So was it the scoliosis that was causing the injuries, or muscle weakness? I bet he grew fast as a teenager! I'm willing to bet it was the latter. Strength training is proven to reduce chronic pain. Also, would he have been the elite Athlete he was if his spine was "neutral"? Maybe that was the adaptation his body created that led to his exceptional athleticism. Usain Bolt wouldn't be the first! Don't allow diagnosis like this bias you into thinking you are "broken" and if you have a therapist who scares you with their catastrophizing language, get a second opinion. And yes, kettlebells are a great way to strengthen your core and back and reverse your experience of pain. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdKy5bvok6K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Grow Taller Dynamics - Hot Niche With Amazing Conversion
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/grow-taller-dynamics-hot-niche-with-amazing-conversion/
Grow Taller Dynamics - Hot Niche With Amazing Conversion
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    From The Desk Of: Philip Subject: How To Grow Taller?
I’m Dr. Philip Miller, a health researcher, natural remedies expert and a doctor by profession with a specialization in neurosurgery.
I’m about to reveal to you, how you too can increase your height without any surgical procedures from the comfort of your own home, in just weeks!
The urgency to present accurate information regarding the correct procedures to permanently increase your height was greatly felt by me the evening when my daughter Angelina, came crying home and told me, that her boyfriend continuously mocked her for being too short…
She told me, that it was her mother fault that she was just 5 feet 1 inch tall, while her boyfriend was an impressive 6 feet 4 inches tall. It gave me the motivation to dedicate my research activities for the happiness of my daughter. Thus began my journey to discover the solution to increasing one’s height.
To my astonishment I found that past studies had already been conducted by reputable scientists and it was the fault of the multi-national corporations for blocking their research from being released to general public due to the huge amount of profit brought in by companies selling height increasing supplements.
I took a vow that I would change that.
When my daughter came home for Thanksgiving the following year, I told her…
It’s a scientific fact that the spine accounts for about 35% of our current height. This means that, fixing postural or spinal problems can result to a substantial increase in your height from 2 to 6 inches.
Grow Taller Dynamics™ will teach you like I taught my daughter the step-by-step procedure of correcting excessive curvatures of the spine that are genetically inherited or occur to daily habits, thus increasing your height.
You will also learn how to rectify the “over compression of the spine”. Which occurs due to compression of the protective fluid sacks found between each of your vertebrae, thus causing several inches of height loss.
Now that I’ve told you about everything that you could possibly think of does NOT help in increasing your height. I’ll now begin to inform you how you can actually increase your height using proven scientific methods!
I created the Grow Taller Dynamics™ program and focused my efforts on revealing the truth about increasing one’s height. I’ve also exposed many myths and scams in my book, that continue to plague individuals seeking to grow taller.
An example of the many absolute truths that I reveal – After the growth plate fusion has occurred, our bones can’t grow any longer. This fusion normally takes place at an age of around 16-18 for girls and 18-21 for boys – thus making further bone growth impossible.
Thus, all companies selling homeopathic and herbal treatments that proclaim to increase the height for those aged in their 30s, are simply ripping their ignorant customers off! There is absolutely NO natural or pharmaceutical product out there that has scientifically proven to restart bone growth after the growth plates have fused.
And if you want to find out the height increase that my daughter experienced, read on to the bottom of the page!
You’ll learn how to increase your Human Growth Hormone level by 300%, using scientifically proven amino acids. Get to know the truth about Human Growth Hormone Treatments – the pros and the cons. We’ve cleared the mystery surrounding Human Growth Hormone injections is finally cleared. Learn if its safe and if there are any side-effects. Learn how to easily make a Human Growth Hormone boosting meal, using the ingredients present in your own kitchen, that crushes the most expensive supplements available in the market! The correlation between sleep and the release of Human Growth Hormones. Learn how to manipulate it. In addition to that, we’ll show you the step-by-step “Height Increaser” video exercise routine that’ll dramatically increase your human growth hormone level. Learn exactly why your body stops growing, and what you can do to kick-start the process, regardless of your age!. How to add an EXTRA INCH right now, just by applying an amazing phenomenon discovered by NASA. Predict your actual genetic height, and thus know your complete growing potential and how you can achieve it, regardless of your age. Discover the relationship between special exercises that have been proven to increase height and how you can take advantage of the research conducted! Learn how to prevent your spine from shrinking and the exact method to reverse it, thereby increasing your height! How to eliminate and reverse postural problems such as Kyphosis (Hunch Back), Lordosis (Sway Back), Scoliosis, and Duck Feet; that take away the precious few inches from your height… A height increasing exercise routine of sixteen high-definition height increasing video exercises, designed by fitness experts, finally revealed! Also learn how to increase the vertical length of your spine by correcting muscle imbalances. Finally, the correlation between the astonishing increase in height of the citizens of an African nation, and how you can take advantage of that information to increase your height. Your search for the scientifically proven solution, to increase your height by a minimum of 2 to 3 inches in the first 6 weeks, and even more if you continue to apply the techniques mentioned has finally come to a successful end. And did I mention, your age doesn’t make a difference!
We’ll also reveal for the first time, the easiest method of testing the effect of spinal compression. All we ask, is that after purchasing our product and acting upon it, please measure yourself tonight before you go to bed. Then do the same thing tomorrow morning. You’ll be surprised to find that you are anything from 1/2 an inch to 2 inches taller in the morning. Why? The height difference is due to the decompression of your spine while you sleep horizontally on your bed.
But don’t just take our word for it, read for yourself what just some of our many satisfied customers have to say about Grow Taller Dynamics™:
  Amanda 25 Years Old New Jersey “Hi from Amanda! I don’t normally leave testimonials but I would like to let everybody knows that this thing works for real!..I used to be always the shortest girl around, but after following the grow taller dynamics program I gained 3 inches in no time. Now I stand 5 feel 4 inches tall barefooted. Not the tallest girl around yet but a great improvement don’t you think?..Bye”
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Steve Simons 32 Years Old San Diego, Calif. “My wife bought me the dynamics program because she knew that I always wished to be a few inches taller. Being the septic type I was hesitant to try it since I never thought that growing taller at my age was imaginable. But I was wrong, growing taller even at my age is possible, I’m the living proof of this!”
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Hari Binnu 35 Years Old India “I went from 175cm to 182cm in 2 1/2 months. My friends are impressed how I was able to do this. This is no fake product like the many on the internet. I asked questions and got prompt answerers all the time. Good Day”
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Jessi Francesc 23 Years Old England “I’m a recreational volleyball players and play in sand and/or indoor courts. Thus being tall is very important, even just a few inches can make the difference between winning or loosing…
I started the taller dynamics program in late summer and already saw an increase in my height of at least 2 inches. My teammates ask me how I did it all the time, I tell them that I just do lot of exercise..”
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Jenny Salmon 27 Years Old Texas Hi, I would like to thank you for the program that helped me grow 2 inches in just a few weeks. I used to be the short one around but now my height is the same as the other peers.
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Joseph Zaffareze 22 Years Old New Zealand “Being a very timid person, my short stature did only but hindered my self confidence. Asking girls out? not a chance! I was too afraid that they will just laugh at me because i was not tall enough for them. But not today, after adding 3 inches by following grow taller dynamics my confidence went tough the roof. Now thanks to my new height I’m already hanging out with my first girlfriend. Joseph.”
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Mario Galia 26 Years Old Ohio “I tried loads of products to grow taller in the past but with negligible results. Then to my surprise, and having nothing to loose I found myself on a web site that claim to have a scientific way of growing taller. I suddenly bought it and started the program the very same day. Now, I’m please to say that I gained 2 inches without trying too hard.”
Vanessa Genova 25 Years Old France “Wanted to seek a career as an air hostess but unfortunately my height was not enough for their strict height requirements. I tried buying grow taller supplements online but they cost a fortune and did not worked for me. I spend lot of money until I started the grow taller dynamics program. And I gained 2.5 inches in less than 3 months so far. This program is not a scam like the many others!”
  We’ll clear them for you. We’ve complied a list of the most frequently asked questions that we get from our customers.
Question: I’m 25 years or older, can I still grow taller by at least 3 inches?
Answer: YES, you can still grow taller! Age is no longer a factor if follow our step by step instructions. If you are younger than 25 years, don’t worry it works perfectly on younger people too.
Question: Can I really grow taller by 3 to 4 inches, in just 6 weeks ??
Answer: YES, you can and you will really grow taller by 3 to 4 inches or more, in just 6 weeks!
Question: I’m really short, do I have to be of a minimum height to grow taller?
Answer: As long as your over 3 feet and can do simple exercises, your current height doesn’t matter. You will grow taller irrespective of your current height.
Question: I hate reading books that don’t provide any solution to increasing your height, is your program any different?
Answer: We hate reading useless books too. However, we can’t be held responsible for the unethical actions of our competitors. Unlike our competitors, our ebook is supplemented by an exclusive high definition 16 video grow taller exercise series, that teaches you in a step-by-step manner a combination of 16 different scientifically proven exercises for growing taller.
Question: Does your program include an exclusive video series?
Answer: Yes, unlike our competitors we have taken the time, money and effort to formulate a exclusive high definition step-by-step 16 video exercise series, that provides you with the exact instructions on how to grow taller in just 6 weeks.
Question: I can’t wait to get started, I want the exact step-by-step solution to growing taller immediately, what do I need to do now?
Answer: This is one of the best decisions of your life, after all you are what others perceive you to be. All you got to do is, click the order button and complete the payment process. Then, you will be immediately provided with the links to the Grow Taller Dynamics ebook and to Grow Taller Dynamic’s exclusive 16 video grow taller exercise series, even if it’s 3 am!
Lets get started! You can secure a copy of my “Grow Taller Dynamics™” right away and best of all it’s comes with our 100% risk free guarantee!
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You are about to get instant access to this best selling guide even if it’s 3 in the morning
The Grow Taller Dynamics™ program and our exclusive step-by-step 16 video exercise series will allow you to boost your height by atleast 3 inches within 6 weeks, even if your over 25 years of age.
It also comes with a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee – because we are totally sure that you will not regret your decision.
NOTE: Grow Taller Dynamics™ is a digital product. You will receive access to the entire system immediately after you order – even if it’s 2am!
P.S.: Incase your wondering about my daughter Angelina, she increased her height by 4 inches in the first 6 weeks, and an additional 2 more inches thereafter!
P.S.: Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee for how long the
US$97.00 $37 sale price will last. If you miss out on the special price, you’ll have to pay the full price later.
P.S.: Act Now! You have NOTHING to worry about, as Grow Taller Dynamics™ is backed by a full 60 day money back guarantee. Its 100% Risk FREE – Try the Grow Taller Dynamics™ Program – If it doesn’t increase by height by 3 inches or more in just 6 weeks, you don’t pay!
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whizzer-wins · 7 years
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
Stuff that happened!
-During The Candy Man, Christian hits the ground with his cane and glitter poofs up
-We had Jake as our Charlie, and during Willy Wonka he was pulling Christian around the stage by the hand and it was adorable
-"He probably has a hump" "Scoliosis is no joke"
-The continued jokes about Grandpa George wanting to die
-At the end of A Letter From Charlie Bucket, Charlie folds his letter into a paper airplane and throws it up to the light booth (it was on a line or something)
-They changed the "Daddy, buy me North Korea" line to "Daddy, buy me Warner Brothers"
-Violet dabbed during Queen of Pop
-Mike Wartella is amazing, he was playing on his phone for half of What Could Possibly Go Wrong and then he just kills us with a belt and goes back to his phone
-The news reporters are funny up until they call Charlie a loser
-Christian gives the most deranged looks I swear
-He's so....swift?? Must Be Believed to Be Seen was incredible
-Strike That, Reverse It was hilarious, Christian is my fave
-Augustus kept hitting the little bell on Wonka's desk until finally Wonka whipped out a squeaky hammer and bashed him on the hand
-He went through everyone's bags and pulled extremely dangerous weapons  out of all of them without batting an eye, until he pulled a rubber ducky out of Violet's backpack, and proceeded to shriek and chuck it across the stage
-His interactions with all the parents and kids were hilarious, he lowkey flirted with Mr. Salt
-Pure Imagination made me cry
-"Or you're liable to get SUCKED UP THE PIPE           is that clear?
-"....She exploded"    "Yes right onto the scene"
- Christian....why.....did you have to make the wind tunnel weirdly sexual....
-Christian fanning himself and making his voice very light and airy killed me
-He made Mike Wartella break character when Violet was blowing up
-Veruca getting torn apart was horrifying and really cool at the same time
-In the TV room when the chocolate was being converted
"I love that noise"                 "There it is in reverse"
- Grandpa Joe and Willy Wonka were about the throw down when Wonka was pretending Charlie was gonna leave without his prize
-The View From Here was adorable, and the set was very pretty
-They shot out purple ribbons during the curtain call, we had front row seats so I got a handful
-Christian Borle looked at me and smiled and I died in my seat
-I cried 5 times during this show, go see it
-I'll talk about the stage door later!
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