#that shook me up a bit lol i got very lucky
the-best-bagel · 4 months
free roaming outdoor dogs a la cats are not a good idea and are just asking for injuries and conflict but unfortunately i've only ever had great experiences growing up in a neighborhood with a handful of those dogs and i miss themmmmm
#there was this one huge golden named riley whod just lay in the road all day and make cars go around him#he'd find me and my sister and we'd fuck around all day with him#on halloween he'd follow us trick or treating#he was dumb as bricks and completely unbothered by either of our reactive ass gsd mixes we'd invite him in to hang play with them#and when he'd had enough he'd politely wait by the gate to be let out#there was also cocoa he was some kind of aussie mix#he stayed by his house mostly and people watched but he'd always come say hi and walk around this undeveloped lot ppl wore a trail into#he was also good with our reactive dog#there were three? yellow labs that would come around too.#one had giant balls and would walk around with a tennis ball looking for ppl to play fetch with#there was also a younger one i dont remember well and an ancient old girl who just liked being pet#i forgot to mention riley would also find my sister and i in the mornings to wait for the bus with us#when i was in highschool there was a husky for a few days id see in the mornings#he probably just got out on accident lol but he was nice too#i like to think im good at reading dog body language and respecting boundaries but i have zero fear of strange dogs ever#i've only ever been close to being bit once and it was as a mailman#a little pittie jumped a fence from its backyard when i started up to a porch and came right up to me barking and growling#literally on my hand like i felt teeth while it barked it just didnt bite#i just stood there and a few seconds later the owner came out and i very slowly and smoothly handed them their package#as this fucking dog told me to gtfo#that shook me up a bit lol i got very lucky#every other dog i met was lovely though#idk what the point of this post is i just have a soft spot for driveway dogs#do not let ur dog do this though same as outdoor cats
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Hello, it's me again! Thank you so much for replying to my last request. I'm really happy! I have another idea that I couldn't get out of my head and had to share it with you, lol.
So my idea is Gabriela having a small tiktok account where she you know post about her new toys or just do tiktok dances which is of course controlled by her parents! One day, she decided to make a tiktok dance with her whole family, miguel, reader, Benjamin, and her. The only problem was that miguel couldn't fully fit in the camera that hid his upper body since we all know he is 6'9, lol. So once she posted the video, it went viral, and the comments were full of "who is that man??" "Dad face revealed when?" "Can you see the height difference??" "If my man isn't like him, I don't want him." When Gabriela showed Reader and Miguel the comment, they couldn't help but giggle at how desperate people wanted to know him.
I'm sorry if the writing seems wrong English isn't my first language and I had to use grammarly.
I'm a very patient person, so even if you respond a bit late, I really don't mind!! Thank you so much for noticing my first request. I couldn't be happier💖
Glad you liked the first request darling 🥹❤️.
And couldn't help but think about this little Gabi and Miguel doing this 🤭
Hope you like 😊
When Gabi first asked you for a phone, you talked through her with Miguel. The duties and rights of owning a phone were set, and so far, everything was going well. Gabi was comfortable enough to show you what she was upto. Tiktok and toys.
She had explained that she had a little toys review account, but since the last trends were dancing with the family, she had asked you and Miguel if you were willing to participate in a dance challenge.
"It's been years since I've danced"
"Ever since our wedding, actually."
Miguel mumbled as he ate his dinner.
"What do you need us to do, Mija?"
Gabi just smirked.
With the current routine of the song, exercise wasn't needed. Laughing at Miguel's attempt to dance anything that wasn't mellow and romantic was sure a treat.
"PA! Así no!" (Not like that!)
Benjamin just clapped and laughed
"Pa pa"
"Yeah, Papa isn't that good at dancing. Just like Mama"
"Remember... that time when we got to Peter's carneada, and-" He chuckled
"I taught you how to dance bachata?" You giggled, "You were so stiff and nervous! Stepping on my foot. Ended up with sore feet"
"Good thing there wasn't any of that in our wedding"
"But you did good! I love you dancing"
"Mama! Stop, let's focus now, kiss later!" You could help but laugh at her words.
You smooched her cheek and soon, got the video rolling.
After several attempts to get the dance right, you finally had recorded the video. And as silly as it was, you had noticed that Miguel's upper part, from his shoulders and upwards had been cut out from the frame. Of course, he was gigantic. He didn't fit properly in the phone's camera. Still Gabriela uploaded it.
"Uh, Mama?"
"Yes, cariño?"
"Look at this"
Gabi handed you her phone, shock in her face the comment section in her dance video was wild, just like the numbers of plays and likes
"Miguel, mi amor, come." You giggled, motioned for him to approach.
"Look at this. You're a star."
"What?" He adjusted his lenses as he read the comment section.
Whose that man?
Where do you find a man like this?!
Face reveal when?
Is there really people THAT tall? omg
That baby is soo cute!
Cute. But Momma's cuter.
We 👏🏻 need👏🏻 to 👏🏻see 👏🏻his 👏🏻faaaace.
His eyebrow quirked and he shook his head as he continued reading.
OMG, the size difference.
Momma's a pro.
Slaaayyy it Mama!
That baby's curls tho
Dilf on sight!
Lucky Mama, need me one of those.
"Yeah, no. That's not happening."
Gabi groaned
"Why not?!"
"Trust me. For Mama's sake."
You rolled your eyes at his smirking.
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libby-for-life · 6 months
Hey! I saw that you do staticradio and I'm wondering if you would do this request?
so I'm not really a fan of staticmoth, so basically Vox is in semi abusive relationship with Valentino, that he can't seem to get out of, and even though Vox knows that Valentino doesn't really love him, but he's just desperate for some type of affection that he know he can't get for who he actually wants. And after a tiring day with Valentino and Velvette, Vox goes to his office for some peace, but finds a letter from Alastor to meet at his Radio Tower. Their he finds Alastor with a tied up Valentino. And since you know Alastor is known for broadcasting his carnage for all of Hell to hear.... This is Alastor grand jester to Vox to accept him as Alastor's. And we'll it's not like Vox could just say no, lol🤭🤭🫣🫣(he is very much into what he just witnessed)
Possessive Sex, with kinda non-consenual voyeurism, because Alastor is still Broadcasting, which he is aware of, not that Alastor care. He's glad that Hell knows Vox is off the market and all HIS.
Oh, my. I like how you think anon. I am more than happy to do this. Again, I will be respecting Alastor for being Ace.
Vox groaned as he sat up and another piece of his glass face fell to the ground. Valentino was too rough again and the result had his face smashed into a wall. When Vox tried to yell that he can't keep changing his screen because Val decided to have a piss fit, all he heard was, "I liked your older form. At least that form could take a hit instead of some whiney bitch. I have whores who are better-behaved than you."
Vox had flinched and slumped over when Valentino sauntered out of their shared penthouse, hips swaying in what the TV demon supposed was meant to entice demons. It just made Vox glare harder. His boyfriend was probably going to end up having sex with some slut from work and then post about it knowing that Vox would get jealous of it all.
He had once tried explaining that he didn't like to share when he was in a relationship but Valentino had just laughed before saying nobody liked a clingy slut. No apology. Not even a good explanation as to why he insisted that he sleep with every good-looking demon walking his way. No, it was Vox's fault. It was always Vox's fault.
The Media Demon shook his head. No, he could make this work! Maybe he had been a bit too clingy. Nobody liked it when you're partner hung over you and didn't give you space. He picked up a shard of glass from the ground and held it in the palm of his hand. He needed to be better. Give more. Stop demanding more. If he pissd Val off again he might leave just like—
Vox shook his screen. No. He shouldn't dwell on someone who abandoned him. He should focus on keeping the person in his life right now happy. Besides, he was needed downstairs. Velvette needed him to model something and she got angry when he wasn't on time. He got up to change his screen so he wouldn't be late.
"Are you sure this is what it's supposed to look like?" Vox asked, suspicious and uncomfortable with what he was wearing. Why was he in a dress and why were there so many straps on it?! Sure, the dress was nice, a blue and red piece that looked elegant on him and his admittedly snatched waist but he wasn't really one to wear this type of clothing.
"Uh, it looks nice," Vox said when he noticed Velvette glaring at him. She smirked at the compliment and flipped her hair. "Of course it does. I'm not the Fashion Overlord for nothing!" She peered down at the dress with a frown before snapping her fingers. The dress became shorter and the elegant dress became something out of a porno video Val would direct.
"Velvette!" He screamed. He was lucky that no one was here to witness the blush spreading across his face. "What? The only positive things your body has is your waist and ass! I wanted to show it off." Velvette explained. "Now, look in the mirror and tell me what you think."
With a blush that resembled pixels of red and blue, he carefully examined his scantily clad figure. The scrap of fabric barely covered his ass. The dress now had a low-cut v-neck that made Vox blush even harder. He didn't feel comfortable in this. He tried saying as much, but Velvette was quick to interrupt.
"You promised you would bloody help me!" Velvette all but yelled at his face making Vox sigh. This was going to be an exhausting day. He could already tell.
Vox stumbled into his office breathing out a shaky breath. "Godamn it, Val. Why do you do thi-i-is?" He muttered. He could still remember what went down just an hour ago. Apparently, Valentino needed him at his porn studio. It was important. He purred into the phone just the way Vox liked it and he immediately felt weak in the knees.
"Of course. I'll be right there." He dressed himself nicely, making sure to put a lot of effort into his suit and appearance.
He was practically vibrating as he walked into the studio. Vox tried not to look at the production going on as he tried to find his boyfriend. After asking a few demons, he finally got a concrete answer. The moth demon was in his private office. The one where they used for quick romps whenever Valentino felt like having sex with him.
Making sure he looked nice, he knocked before opening the door. What caught his attention made his blood boil. Valentino wanted sex alright. Just not with his boyfriend. He could feel his body overheating as he watched them moan into the mattress. "What the fuck?!" He yelled. Both of them looked at him but Val had the gal to laugh at him.
"Come on, baby." The moth beckoned him closer. "Want to make this a threesome?"
"No! You know I don't like this!" Vox yelled, throwing the nearest lamp into a wall. "Did you just ask me here to mock me?! Make me angry?!"
Val growled, sending the whore he was on top of trembling. "Vox, watch yourself." He said but Vox didn't even hear that. He was far too mad. "Why do you do this?! Fuck, I give everything in this relationship and yet—"
A slap echoed in the room and Vox felt himself fritz a bit now that a chunk of his glass was shattered. "Why do you bitch and moan about the stupidest of things? God, we're not exclusive, slut." That shattered something in Vox's soul. He felt numb as he heard Valentino call him every insult under the sun. He finished his rant by saying, "You've ruined the vibe, Voxy. Go mope in your tower where I can come fuck you when I need you." Vox was pushed out of the office and he heard the distinct sound of the door locking. Not even a minute later he could hear moaning and panting. The Media Demon could feel himself beginning to cry, so he walked to the nearest camera and jumped through it, disappearing into the wires.
Now, Vox was cradling his hurt face and trying not to sob as he fixed it. The water could ruin his circuits. He forced himself to sit up and head for his desk where he kept some spare screens. Falling into his chair, he was quick to change it, making sure no sharp glass got stuck in his wires.
He sighed when the new screen popped into place and he finally allowed himself to cry. Why did he keep doing this?! He knew Valentino didn't love him. It was obvious with how he was treated. Besides, his heart would always belong to someone else...
Shaking his head, he decided to get some work done. That was when he saw it. A decorative red card that smelled faintly of copper and roses. He recognized the scent almost immediately. It's been a while since he was able to smell it so directly though.
Alastor was in his office. At first, he was panicked. What the hell was the Radio Demon doing in the Vee's tower?! He had security for a reason! But then, curiosity filled him. Why would Alastor leave one of his calling cards here? What game was he playing?
Deciding to finally read the card, he turned it over. It was simple and to the point. Come to the Radio Tower before my daily broadcast.
Vox felt his inside warm up pleasantly before he squashed it. He wasn't getting his hopes up that this had anything to do with how Vox truly felt. Alastor probably wanted to fight and went to him for the most entertainment.
He should crumble the card and throw it away. He should leave it and forget about it.
"Oh, what the hell," Vox muttered. He wasn't going to do any of that. He could never ignore Alastor. Maybe a fight would do him some good.
Standing up, he stretched and looked at the time. Plenty of time to arm himself and make himself look presentable for their fight. He felt the need to destroy something anyway.
Vox stood beside the Radio Tower with a smirk. It wasn't often that Alastor invited him over for a fight but he was prepared. Climbing up the steps, he was prepared to blast open the door when it opened for him.
"Vox! My dear, you're just in time!" Alastor said with his trademark grin. "You bet I am!" Vox said, extending his claws. "Where do you do this? Street 666 would have a lot of casualties and I know you like blood baths."
Alator tilted his head before laughing. Vox felt himself deflate. Here was another demon laughing at him. He didn't like it. "Would you just tell me what is going on?!" He glitched out. He was lucky he wasn't stuttering with how his voice was betraying him.
"Oh, Vox. I'm not laughing at you. I should have been more specific on the card, but c'est la vi~."
Vox blinked and really studied the Radio Demon. He looked calm and at ease, as always, but there was no underlying tension just before they fought. "Alastor, what did you call me here for?"
"Ah!" Alastor brightened. "Of course, this way for your surprise!" A strong hand found its way to his waist and he was pulled into the tower. Vox felt himself blush at the contact but forced himself to be nonchalant about it all. If the smirk on the Radio Demon's face was anything to go off of, he failed.
"Here you are! What do you think?!"
"Alastor, what the fuck?"
His surprise consisted of Valentino hogtied on the floor with angelic rope. It glowed in the dim light of the room. The moth demon was gagged as well, but the noise coming from him told Vox he was probably cursing up a storm.
Vox didn't know what to do. Of all the things he was expecting from Alastor, this was not even close on his list.
"Now, don't be shy, my dear. We have a broadcast to do." Vox still didn't understand what the hell was going on and he said as much to the Radio Demon.
"Can't you tell? We're taking out the trash. I've always hated this bug, but I have a feeling you want this just as much as I do. To feel this miserable wretch die in its own blood."
Vox blinked. He kidnapped Valentino to kill him and he wanted the Media Demon to help?
His eyes trailed down to his boyfriend's tied-up form. He was struggling to get out of the bindings and let out grunts of effort. The moth demon's clothes were destroyed, leaving him in tattered scraps. Vox thought he looked pathetic.
"If you're still feeling hesitant, why don't you just stay and watch?" Alastor suggested. "Besides, after everything he's done, surely he deserves it." Vox thought about every time he was cheated on. How Valentino would always invalidate, humiliate, and discard him because he could. Then he would pull him back in with sweet words until Vox was hooked on the bastard's poison.
Turning to Alastor, he said, "Fine. But I'm just watching."
Then, to Vox's absolute embarrassment, Alastor gently took his hand and kissed the back of it.
"Let's begin~."
Vox watched in fascination as Alastor tortured his ex-boyfriend. Normal people should be disgusted by what they were seeing. Vox wasn't normal by any means. In fact, just looking at the Radio Demon at work made Vox hot under the collar.
How can someone look so good covered in blood?
"Well, folks. It seems this is the end of Valentino." Alastor growled, holding the decapitated head of the moth demon. "Not even I would eat such filth."
Vox watched mesmerized as the Radio Demon turned to him. He walked over to him and before Vox could even blink, he was wrapped up in tentacles. "Wha?! Alastor!" Vox yelled, struggling for a moment before the taller demon kissed him.
Sparks lept off of Vox and he shook as the kiss continued. Alastor chuckled and they both broke for air.
"Do you want this? While I might not be able to give you pleasure how most demons would, I can be quite creative~"
Vox felt like he was dreaming. Was the Radio Demon serious? Did Alastor just ask him to have sex with him?!
"If you're teasing me again, I will fucking kill you." Vox threatened before kissing Alastor again. They both moaned into the kiss, the Media Demon felt sharp fingers brush his clothes before ripping through them. Vox didn't even care that that was an expensive suit.
More clothes were ripped and soon Vox was naked and being held aloft by tentacles. When he felt something poke his entrance, he whimpered. "My, you're sensitive~!" Vox blinked and opened teary eyes and saw that Alastor was holding his cane which had a crackling microphone. He was broadcasting still?!
Before Vox could complain, he felt the rough thrust of a tentacle enter him causing him to scream in ecstasy. Alastor chuckled, his filled with lust. Despite that, he wasn't hard in the slightest. A tentacle forced its way into his mouth, gagging him perfectly.
"Do you hear that? Vox is mine. And only mine. Anyone who tries to touch what's mine gets a spot as my dinner." One last tentacle wrapped around Vox's dick and it took everything in him not cum on the spot.
"Now, listening to my pet? That, I might allow on occasion." Alastor bent down and bit into Vox's neck, blood oozing to the surface. Vox screamed and came on the floor.
Vox shook from everything and Alastor patted his head, rubbing his sensitive antennas. "Thank you for tuning in, until next time."
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vioartemis · 1 year
Until the end
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: Just a little something to make up for the recent inactivity :)) Warnings: angst a/n: it's a bit short 😭 (and it might not make sense lol, I tried something) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Tara had been a bit weird for the past few weeks, and the others couldn't help but notice. They tried to see what was wrong, offering the brunette to listen if she had problems or just wanted to talk, but each time she denied them.
It was only when Sam came into her sister's room one night and found her crying in her bed, that Tara accepted to talk to her. Just a little bit.
"Why are you crying, Tara...? You know you can talk to me -to us- if you need to..."
"I know I- it's just... embarrassing... like really- you wouldn't even know..." the youngest Carpenter said quietly
"I won't judge you; you know I never would. You can talk freely, Tara. It's just you and me"
"You don't understand, it's- it's more complicated than that..."
"What do you mean?" Sam asked, a bit concerned now
"I..." she took a deep breath "I think I'm in love..."
"That's... a good thing, right? Who is the lucky guy? Or... girl?"
"Who she is doesn't matter... It's impossible for us to be together..."
Sam took her sister's hand and gave her a gentle squeeze as she saw tears in her eyes.
"Why is that? Is she already taken? Does she like someone else?"
Tara shook her head, trying her best to hold back her tears.
"Maybe, who knows...? I- I don't even know her very well... But sometimes I feel like... I feel like we've lived so many things together... I know it doesn't make any sense but... I don't know how to explain it..."
"Then how can you say you love her if you-"
"I don't know, Sam." Tara cut her off "I told you; I don't really know how to explain it... I have this feeling that... that deep down, I know her... that we lived many lives together... but at the same time, I don't really know her... She seems so close... and yet she's out of reach..."
"How is this possible? Tara, I don't understand, who-"
"I know, I sound crazy. You don't need to understand. I'm fine, really. I'll... get over her. Thank you, for listening..."
"Can you leave now, please? I'd like some alone time..."
Sam looked at her sister for a moment, not saying a word, not sure if it was a good idea to leave her alone, but eventually nodded and got up.
"I'm here, if you need to talk again"
"Thank you, but I'm fine, I swear"
She gave her a little smile that, she hoped, was convincing. She kept that smile on until Sam got out of her room. Only then, her smile disappeared.
She sat on her bed, fidgeting with her fingers, almost nervously.
"... I know you're here, you know...? I know what you must think. That whoever I have feelings for surely doesn't deserve me, or whatever you're supposed to say in this kind of situation. Or that it's not good to say I'm fine, even though I'm not. I know that, but... She wouldn't understand. No one would..."
She sighed, before laying down on her back.
"But you would, right? I know you would. I'm sure you know what it is to like someone, even if you never met..."
She let out a little chuckle, covering her eyes with her arm.
"But still, it was a bit rude to listen to the conversation I had with my sister, don't you think? Don't act all innocent; I know you were here. I can feel your presence. I'm not saying that in a mean way, though. It's just... embarrassing, for me at least..."
She paused for a moment, thinking of what to say next.
"You know, I thought about the moment I would confess a million times. Yet I never thought it would go that way; you being here when I talk about that with my sister... It was inevitable, I guess"
She stayed silent again, as if waiting for an answer.
"Are you waiting for someone to come out of the shadow of my room, where I could not have seen them, saying something like 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy on you'? We both know it won't happen"
Another silence filled the room.
"What...? You don't... you still don't understand? I thought I made it obvious though..."
She sighed and sat up.
"I love you."
She had a sad smile on her face now.
"Yes, I'm talking to you. You, behind your screen... so close, yet so far away from me... Don't act so shocked, you should have seen it coming... I mean- you knew what you were reading, right?"
Tears started to form in her eyes.
"I was not wrong when I said we lives many lives together, was I? I feel like I've already fallen for you so many times, in so many different ways..."
Another little pause.
"You're not going to leave me, right? That's... so stupid... of course you are. You can't stay here forever..."
She sniffled, as tears started rolling down her cheeks.
"It's almost the end, isn't it? There isn't much time left, I can feel it. So, please... Try to visit me again sometimes, hm? I won't move, I promise... My story won't change either, nor will my love for you..."
She whipped her tears away.
"I know we can't have a happy end together, but... I would really appreciate it if you came back from time to time... Or if you can't... just don't forget me, okay...? I won't forget you..."
She tried to put herself together, a smile forming on her face. She didn't want her last impression to be her crying on her bed.
"Thank you for staying with me until the end. I love you"
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warmilksz · 1 year
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Intuitive ✨ Reading
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've posted. Sorry 😭, life got ahead of me and had no time I hope your all doing well! (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
**just a disclaimer: take what resonates and leave what doesn't for others. Go with the flowwwww It's a general intuition reading (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~**
In any case, I hope you have a bit of fun reading ! 🥰
Center yourself if needed and go with what resonates to you.
For this pile I'm getting this person enjoys spending time with you. I think you both could be good friends or at least familiar/acquaintances with eachother. In general they are pretty calm and chill when they are spending time with you and appreciate how relaxed you make them feel. Like Netflix and chill but you guys actually get to watch the show and chill lol. Hmm... But It seems like they may be hiding some thoughts and/or feelings. You might find them kind of dry at times, like u ask a deep question but they hit you with a "yeah/ok" (uh...Do you find them boring 💀?)but it's not because they don't like your company. It feels like they have something they want to tell you but they are afraid it might hurt your feelings and they don't want to do that to you. For some, you and this person have had some conflicts in the past, and now are on good terms but they are still feeling unsure how to face them with you... On the other hand this person could be developing feelings for you and it's shaking them up. Either way they don't want you to see them shook so they are doing their best to keep the vibe easy and relaxing for you, even if they have to suppress their feelings a bit. Don't worry though, they are working on their feelings and how to express this! And keep in mind your feelings matter as well 💞!
For this pile, your person is really happy when they spend time with you. You may know this person or have spent time with them recently. Deep down inside, they were so happy to see you last time. (i feel like I got a pep in my step rn! ☺️ ) It's funny but I get the image of a fluffy puppy in ur lap, wagging its tail rapidly and you just petting them casually as they snuggle into you 🐶. You light up their darkness, all the bad energy and stress in their lives evaporates when they are with you. It's like you are their angel, and they know how lucky they are to feel this...(Are you or this person religious?) For some, this person has pure romantic feelings or at the very least, loves/cares about you alot. This is a person that enjoys their time with you and is so grateful for it. Even if some of you don't feel as excited as they do, it won't phase them. You guys could plan to spend time together, nothing could go according to plan and they would leave smiling just because they got to be alone with your presence lol. They feel blessed and thankful to be with you.. your body and heart...with you it's pure bliss. this is a extra message but they want more of you.. Im getting the song "One Kiss" from Dua lipa and Calvin Harris. It's ok if u don't know the song. Just know that if they could get "one kiss" from you, they will be satisfied for life lol (this person could go on and on but let me stop 😭 🫣 )
This person doesn't want to say how they feel for some reason but regardless they are strong willed. This person feels strong when they are with you, and they are willing to fight for this feeling between the both of you(yeah! 💪 Lol). I think this person when they are not around you can feel a bit sad, or their thoughts get to them, making it hard for them to deal with alone. You could be the kind of person that cares and gives great advice to people when they are going through things. And this person recognizes this about you. Kinda like a Gardner 🧤 and a flower 🌹. Your personality gives them the water to grow and feel...refreshed! On that note, you could be something of a cheerleader to this person. (Idk what you saying to this person but you are hyping them up 💪😭) yeah you really make this person feel like Hercules 😭. Wow pile 3 . They could be a couch potato, get a pep talk from you then slay a dragon or fly to the moon🤩. Perhaps your words have this effect because they care alot about you and love you. For some, this love is what they were hesitant about admitting. They don't want to appear vulnerable, could be one of the things they struggle with. In any case, they will definitely get better with you around ! Make sure u gas yourself up first pile 3! Y'know what they say- Can't pour from an empty 🫗 cup.❤️
Alright, this person likes your whole asthethic, the way you could talk, walk and dress. In other words, they think your really cute (😋aww ur a fashionista?). For some, they even daydream about you wearing something cute and them getting the chance to see you in it and be in your presence. You are really admirable to this person, they could watch you be yourself all day and they wouldn't say anything(a bit similar to pile 2 so check that out if u feel drawn.) You doing basic tasks like doing laundry seems like great entertainment for them lol. You think you're just being yourself but they see someone breathtaking. Though, a part of this person can't believe they are feeling this way about you. Don't worry, it's not them thinking you aren't mesmerizing. They are just shocked. They never expected to find someone that could captivate them so much in the way you have. Especially since you do things and dress in ways that is normal and routine for you. This person feels like they are being swept up by their feelings for you and you don't even realize it. This sounds confusing but they don't want want to look at you but then they want to watch? (Do you know u got them wanting like this ?😭🫣) it's driving them kinda crazy lol They just cant help but have this kind of wonder and respect for you. For some you recently met this person and others will meet them soon. 🌹
Thank you for reading 🙏😊
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captain-mj · 11 months
Could you do more of the Alien Korangi au??? It doesn’t have to be more smut (but that always is a plus), lol
Yeah sure! This will mostly be fluff
Part 1
König bought a fourth day. It was... silly. He didn't need help anymore, but he thought Horangi might need the break.
His poor liebling had put his head in König's lap and hadn't moved, just vaguely shivering.
"You okay?"
He got a small whine in response.
König rubbed his back gently, noticing the gentle shift of Horangi's body. Presenting. For him.
"None of that. I think you've done more than enough for me. Just relax."
Horangi slumped and nodded. "Thirsty."
König pulled him up and gave him a drink, purring softly. They snuggled together as Horangi rubbed his cheek against König to scent him. His legs shook occasionally.
"You did a good job. Very good job."
Horangi groaned and his head fell back. "You're lucky I'm a masochist."
König laughed softly and pulled him to lay down. Their size difference made it easy for him to curl around him.
"Can I take the blindfold off?"
König cringed. "That's not a good idea."
"Why not? I've fucked balls of slime before. No way you're uglier than that."
"My appearance is not the problem."
"Oh, are you someone important? Politician? Ambassador? Come on." Horangi tilted his head towards him.
König hesitated before sighing. "No... I'm a Colonel. I'm... not a very well liked species. I don't want you to be scared."
"I haven't been scared of you yet."
Fair point.
He sighed deeply. "Fine. Take it off."
Horangi slipped it off and winced at the bright light. After three days of not seeing anything, it hurt quite a bit. He turned his head towards König and paused.
König blinked at him before sinking down. His species, a thing spoken about in whispers that didn't really have a name, was hated by most. They were unsettling. Giant cat like eyes. Tail that snapped back and forth. They didn't actually speak, just mimicked voices they had heard. König personally had taken his voice from a man named Arthur who felt bad for him because his blend of different syllables sounded even more unsettling than his appearance.
Horangi didn't flinch, but he did stare. Eye contact. A sign of aggression from most species. They maintained it until Horangi looked down.
"Ah. I hope you don't find me rude."
König grabbed his chin and pulled him back up, body language changing. He pressed their cheeks together, which was custom with Horangi's species. They stayed pressed together as König held him tighter.
Horangi ran his fingers over the welts and scratches he had left when he had scratched him. He purred against him, moving closer. "I hate that you'll have to leave soon."
König blinked. "How much more do you owe?"
"You owe money. To this place. How much?"
Horangi blinked at him. "You can't be serious."
"I am. How much."
"A few million."
"I'll figure it out. I promise." König started to kiss up his arm. "I just request one thing as payment."
"A proper date with you."
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 11 months
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Cooking Up Love, Chapter 8
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: T
Story Summary: Here 
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness (and speed that their relationship develops, lol), no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, idiots in love, love confessions (but not to each other 🫠)
Word Count: ~2650
A/N: Short little filler chapter here to move the plot along, but next up is the big "recipe testing" dinner!
Thanks as always to @theradioactivespidergwen for the divider!
Tag List: @yarrystyleeza @hailey-murdock @mattkinsella @bellaxgiornata @danzer8705 @chezagnes @shouldbestudying41 @thepunisherfrankcastle @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment
"So? How was it?" Skyler said as soon as she saw you in the staff break room the next morning.
You laughed and shook your head. "Can I at least make some coffee before you start interrogating me about my brunch?"
"Oh, I already took care of that." Skyler turned and handed you a to-go cup from your favorite coffee shop near the office. "I know how much you hate Monday morning staff meetings and figured I'd get something for you while I was getting my own coffee."
You took a sip and sighed blissfully. "You are an angel, you know that? I owe you one."
Skyler took a sip of her own beverage. "So spill, girl, spill! How was Chef Hottie's cake?"
You shook your head with a grin. "Ok well first off, it's Chef Matt , and secondly, his crepes were excellent once again, as was the omelet I ordered. You really should check the restaurant out for Sunday brunch at the very least, although I'm sure their dinner menu is amazing too."
Skyler took another sip of her coffee as you walked into the conference room together and sat. "How was the rest of your day? Hopefully you did something more exciting than watching a bunch of senior citizens play bingo."
You nodded, smiling to yourself as you thought about your afternoon and evening with Matt. "Actually, yeah. Matt invited me along on his after-work errands yesterday afternoon so I could observe him outside of the kitchen."
"Ooh, so you got to spend the whole afternoon with him? Lucky. So what did you two do together?"
"He volunteers to cook for the soup kitchen at Clinton Church on Sundays after the restaurant closes, so I helped him out with that, then I watched him work out at the gym for a bit, then he asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him."
Skyler's eyes grew wide. "He asked you out on a date ? Way to bury the lede!"
You shook your head. "No, not a date , he just invited me to have dinner with him at his apartment as a thank-you for helping him out at the church, that's all."
"You went to his apartment? " 
You opened your mouth to tell her that it wasn't a big deal but was interrupted by Ellison walking into the conference room. "Okay, let's get this show on the road," he said. "First order of business: Kelsie, welcome back. Glad to see you're feeling better."
You glanced over at Kelsie, who was sulking at the other end of the table.
Ellison looked at his notes. "Okay, so assignment updates! Skyler, how was the fundraiser for the senior center?"
"Great," Skyler replied. "I sent you my article last night."
"Okay, good. Mark, what's going on in sports this week?"
Mark, who wrote the sports column, sat up in his chair. "I've got an interview with Coach Calhoun on Wednesday and Coach Dempsey on Thursday, so the article about the big rivalry between PS 114 and PS 118 will be ready to go for Friday's edition."
"Excellent." Ellison said your name. "How's the Restaurant Week feature coming?"
"It's coming along great," you replied. "Chef Murdock has been really open and cooperative, so it'll be no problem getting that article to you by EoD Wednesday."
Ellison nodded. "Fantastic. Okay, new assignments. Skyler, you're covering the music festival this weekend. They'll have a press pass for you at the gate. Kelsie, since we switched up the Restaurant Week feature you're now going to be handling the daily report on what each participating restaurant is featuring. Everyone else, you know your assignments. Let's get to it."
You stood and picked up your cup of coffee.
"Not enough to steal the Features position out from under me, was it?" you heard Kelsie say from behind you. "Now you're going after the lead story for Restaurant Week too."
You turned and raised an eyebrow. There had been a (one-sided, in your opinion) rivalry between you and Kelsie ever since you and she had both been up for the Features position six months earlier. "Oh damn, you caught me. I made sure that you would get food poisoning just so I could swoop in and steal the Restaurant Week feature when I know nothing about the culinary industry and had never met Chef Murdock until a few days ago after the article was assigned to me. And as for the Features position, I won that promotion fair and square. It's not my fault that my article was better and that you bombed the mock interview, just like you would've tanked this one."
Kelsie scoffed. "Yeah, right. I'm sure he would've been extremely 'cooperative' with anyone interviewing him -- as long as they were female and had a pulse."
You shook your head. "I'll have you know, Chef Murdock has been nothing but professional towards me the entire week."
Kelsie smirked. "Oh didn't you know? Matthew Murdock will do anything -- and any one -- to try to salvage his reputation, so there must be a reason if he's not hitting on you."
Before you could respond she turned and flounced out of the conference room.
"What a bitch," Skyler muttered under her breath.
You shook your head. "I'm not worried about her. Ellison knows what I'm capable of."
Skyler sighed. "Anyway, I want to hear all about your not-date with Chef Hottie. Lunch later?"
You nodded. "Sure."
"Great. I'll swing by your desk around 11:30."
You went back to your desk, dutifully ignoring the daggers Kelsie was continuing to shoot your way, and worked on your other tasks until it was time for lunch.
You looked up as Skyler stopped by, purse in hand. "Ready?"
You nodded. "Yeah, let's go."
The two of you walked down the street to your favorite food truck. 
"Okay, so tell me everything ," Skyler said once the two of you sat down at a nearby table with your food. "Like how you went from going to Daredevil for brunch to a private dinner with the chef."
"There's not much to tell," you replied with a light laugh. "But okay."
You took a breath. "I had told Matt on Saturday that I was planning on coming back to Daredevil for Sunday brunch because the crepes he had made during the cooking demo he did for me were really good, so he told me to get his staff to let him know that I was there and he'd come say hi."
A small smirk graced Skyler's face. "So he was willing to drop everything in order to come talk to you, got it."
You shook your head. "He wound up bringing my order out to me, so while we were talking he asked me if I would be interested in seeing how he develops his recipes so I agreed to stop by Daredevil tonight after work for another cooking demo. Then he asked me if I wouldn't mind accompanying him on his after-work errands since he thought that it would be beneficial to my article for me to spend some time with him outside of the kitchen."
Skyler huffed out a laugh. "Right, beneficial to your article, sure."
You smiled and shook your head. "We went by Clinton Church first to cook for the soup kitchen--"
Skyler held up a finger. "Wait a second. So he asked you to spend the afternoon with him out of the kitchen, then brought you to a different kitchen to watch him cook?"
You shrugged. "I didn't mind. He usually cooks at Daredevil and just brings everything over to the church, but he asked me if I wouldn't mind coming over early and he'd just do his cooking for the church over there instead."
Skyler raised an eyebrow. "Mmhmm, so he could spend even more time with you."
" Anyway, after we finished up at the church we headed to his gym since he frequently goes after service to unwind."
Skyler grinned. "Ooh, so you got to see him all sweaty?"
You nodded. "The arms on that man, let me tell you…"
"And the ass." Skyler did a chef's kiss. "You can't tell me you didn't check out his ass."
Your face heated. "Well… maybe a bit."
Skyler gasped. "You did! I knew you were interested in him!"
You groaned. "He's so handsome and sweet and funny and genuine, not to mention an incredible chef… but I'm writing a story about him for the paper, it's completely unethical for me to be thirsting after him -- even though it's absolutely unfair how good he looks in a tank top and a pair of sweatpants."
Skyler shook her head. "Your story's due, when, Wednesday? After that you won't have to worry about journalistic integrity or whatever's stopping you from jumping his bones. So how'd you wind up going home with him?"
You wrinkled your nose. "Don't say it like that, you make it sound so… clandestine ."
Skyler rolled her eyes playfully. "Okay, fine. Having dinner, happy?"
You chuckled. "Yes. After he was done at the gym I asked him where to next and he said that was all he had left to do so I said okay and that I'd see him later, but then he asked if I'd like to have dinner with him as a thank-you for helping him out at the soup kitchen. I agreed, so we stopped by his plot at the Clinton Community Garden to pick some fresh basil then headed to his apartment."
Skyler waved a hand at you to go on. "Where you…"
You shrugged. "Where I drank some wine and ate some delicious carbonara, then sat and talked with Matt for a bit on his sofa before I went home."
Skyler's eyebrows raised. "Wait, you were serious? Nothing happened between you two?"
You shook your head. "I mean we hugged before I left, but that was it."
Skyler shook her head with a sigh. "Girl, if you can't see what's going on…"
Your brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?"
"He's clearly interested."
"What? No he's not."
"Oh come on. He invited you to his apartment for dinner."
"As a thank-you, I told you that."
Skyler took a sip of her drink. "I'm telling you, girl, the man is into you! He's probably holding back because he thinks you're not interested."
You shook your head and stood. "Come on, we need to get back. I'm sure Kelsie is looking for any excuse to report us to Ellison."
Skyler groaned then stood as well. "Yeah, you're right. But I am too, and you know it!"
You threw your trash away and started back towards the office, your mind racing.
Skyler had to be mistaken. Matt couldn't actually be interested in you… could he?
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Matt grinned to himself as he headed towards Clinton Church. He had spent the morning finalizing his plans for your "recipe tasting" dinner and was eager to get started on prep, but he needed to pick up his supplies from the church's activity center first. 
Father Lantom had left him a voicemail that morning saying how appreciative everyone had been of the hot meal and how nice it had been to meet you. 
Matt's mind drifted back to the previous day. While you obviously wasn't as quick and skilled in the kitchen as he was, Matt had still been touched by your willingness to help out however you could, even if it meant doing menial tasks such as slicing up tomatoes and cucumbers and dividing salad dressing into servings. 
God , he had wanted to kiss you when your fingers had brushed against his while you were handing him his measuring cups, then again when you had hugged him at Fogwell's after he had told you about his dad, then again in his apartment when you two stood listening to the rain by his window, then again when you were getting ready to leave…
He sighed. Hopefully everything went according to plan tonight.
He stepped into the office at Clinton Church. 
"Matthew, hello," Sister Maggie, one of the nuns from the adjoining convent, said.
"Hi," Matt replied. "I'm here to pick up my culinary supplies from the activity center." 
"Oh, yes. Father Lantom did say that you'd be dropping by to pick up your things." Sister Maggie took a set of keys out of a drawer. "He's out on an errand at the moment, but I can let you in."
"Great, thanks."
He followed her out to the activity center.
Sister Maggie unlocked the door. "How is the restaurant doing?"
Matt shrugged. "It's… surviving so far. We're not doing nearly as well as I'd hoped we'd be by now but I'm hoping that the article that's going to be in the Bulletin next week will help drum up some business."
"Oh, the restaurant is being featured in the Bulletin? That's wonderful."
Matt shook his head. "Moreso me than the restaurant, but yeah. We're going to be on the front page of the Restaurant Week kickoff edition."
He paused, smiling softly as he thought about you. "Actually the reporter from the Bulletin who's doing the story on me was here with me yesterday."
Sister Maggie hummed. "Oh, yes, Father Lantom did say a young woman was assisting you, but he was under the impression that you two were seeing each other."
Matt shook his head. "What? No, we've only known each other for a few days, although…"
He sighed. "There's something about her that… I don't know, she makes me feel comfortable around her. She's kind, and gentle, and caring…" And beautiful. I have no idea what she looks like, but I know she's beautiful. 
Sister Maggie hummed. "She sounds lovely."
"She really is."
"What's her name?"
Matt smiled as he said your name.
Sister Maggie gave a hum of recognition. "Oh, yes, she's the one who does all of those lovely human interest stories, right? I do enjoy reading those each week."
Matt nodded. "Right."
He bit his lip. "I wanted her to get to know me outside of the kitchen -- for her story, of course -- so I, uh, I took her to Fogwell's after we left here yesterday and wound up telling her about Dad. She already knew about his murder -- she had done some research before our interview -- but I told her about growing up with him and how he always encouraged me to get an education."
Sister Maggie reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting go. "Your father was a good man, you know."
Matt nodded. "I know."
She sighed. "I know I haven't always been there for you in the ways you've needed me, Matthew, but for what it's worth, I'm really proud of you."
Matt nodded. "Thanks… Mom."
"So what are you going to do?"
Matt furrowed his brow. "About?"
Sister Maggie said your name. "She's not seeing anyone, is she?"
Matt shook his head. "I don't think so. At least, she hasn't mentioned anything in that regard."
He gestured towards the kitchen. "She's actually coming by the restaurant tonight to taste-test some new recipes for me, so I better get going so I can get started on everything."
He headed into the kitchen to get his cart.
Sister Maggie gave him a hug as he came back out. "Goodbye, Matthew."
Matt hugged her back. "Bye."
He headed towards Daredevil, his mind swirling. He knew you were attracted to him -- at least physically -- but there had been something holding you back. Could you be seeing someone?
Matt had assumed you were single based on your availability over the weekend, but just because you were available didn't mean you were available. 
He shook his head. He remembered overheating your conversation with that other reporter who had greeted him the day he had brought tiramisu to the Bulletin, during which you had said that you didn't have a boyfriend.
…So then what was it?
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
Hi darling!
I absolutely love your writing and I actually have a request. Although if you’re not comfortable writing it that’s totally okay, because it’s a bit of a difficult subject
Could I request an rafe x plus-size reader where she’s struggling with her weight, and one day he comes by un announced and he finds her throwing up in the bathroom? Like he tries to comfort her but she’s pushing him away but in the end she lets him and she breaks down in his arms?
I’ve been really struggling myself lately, and I can’t ask for help or for someone to comfort me because no one knows about it so I guess reading about being comforted is the next best thing lol.
Again if you’re not comfortable writing this that’s totally okay <33
Thank you so much lovely! I’m glad you’re enjoying my writing!! I’m sorry that your going through that just remember your more than a number and we’re all beautiful it our own ways, please don’t hurt yourself <33
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I’d do anything for you
W Rafe Cameron
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Warnings- main character is struggling with weight, forcefully throwing up. Kissing, probably swearing somewhere you know what I’m like.
Series- outer banks
Summary- request <3
(I will proof read this later)
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“Good morning, beautiful” Rafe whispered with a smile “too early shush” I shook my head pulling the covers over my face to hide the sunlight. “It’s almost ten” he laughed pulling them back off me. “That’s early” I whined finally giving into the sunlight. And Rafe. “I was sleeping in fact I was actually dreaming very peacefully may I add” “I’m sorry, I missed you” he grinned cheekily, leaning over the top of me, lowering his head for a kiss.
“Your lucky your cute or id be angry” my hand came up to holding the back of his head as our lips met for a few seconds. “Your so funny in the mornings” “im glad one of us is having fun” I sat up rubbing my eyes “but if this happens again I’ll have to ban you from sleeping over”. Rafe laughed shaking his head “so dramatic” “you love it” “I do” he said quickly following my reply.
“Your forgiven, I guess I do like waking up to you- which I won’t be able to do if you go on that business trip” I looked at him pouting “I have to go” Rafe smiled pulling me under his arm keeping me close. “But I’ll miss you” he kissed the top of my head gently. “Yeah me too” “don’t be sad love I’ve promised you that I’ll spend the whole day with you” Rafe reminded me, but I was still sad.
I hated when he left on his business trips. They always stressed Rafe out as well but he was adamant he had to prove himself. “And I’ll come see you the day I get back like I always do” “good” I kissed his hand smiling up at him. “So what do you want to do on my last day in the outer banks?” He raised an eyebrow squeezing me. “Um” I thought for a moment pretending to stroke an imaginary beard. “We could go to the beach” rafe suggested with a little twinkle. “No” I shook my head seriously.
“why do you hate the beach so much” Rafe questioned stroking my arm up and down. “I- I don’t I just don’t want to go” “is there a reason” he wondered out loud. “No” I replied bluntly hiding the real reason. “Okay love, but you know you can talk to me about anything Rafe kissed the top of my head supportively. “Can we just stay in? Watch some movies?” I questioned looking up at him. “Yeah sounds good Oo- we can order Chinese too I haven’t had one in donkeys” Rafe smirked wiggling his eyebrow. “Uh- yeah sure alright”.
So me and Rafe did exactly that, we stayed in my bed all day cuddling and watching what ever Netflix had to offer. We ordered our take away at around fiveish but when the sun disappeared and the birds went in for the night rafe got ready to leave me. For two weeks. He began packing his bag which I had to then take out and fold everything he’d scrunched in there.
“What would I do without you?” Rafe smiled across at me, watching me zip it up. “You’d wear creased clothes” I shrugged hiding a cheeky smirk on my face. A laugh tumbled out of the boys mouth. “The question is- what am I going to do without you” I asked him passing the bag into his hands. “I’ll face time you” “I know, just take it easy rafe don’t let it all stress you out you e proved yourself multiple times”
“It’s not about that y/n- not anymore” Rafe shook his head. “When my dad passes down his company to me, I need to keep it successful so I can provide for you and whatever family we have in the future”. My heart skipped a beat. I loved hearing Rafe talk about our future, it made me feel so excited. “I’ll never understand how I got so lucky with you rafe Cameron”. We both traveled downstairs hand in hand stoping at the front door. Rafe stepped out onto the doorstep before looking at me once more time.
“I’ll see you soon beautiful” Rafe leant down to kiss my lips softly and leant his his forehead against mine. “I love you” I made known quietly “I love you too y/n” he admitted tucking my soft hair behind my ear before treading down my stone steps towards his car. I waited there, leaning against the door watching Rafe with a little but noticeable smile on my lips until he drove out of sight. He was perfect. Just perfect. And I missed him already.
-next morning-
*knock knock*
“Rafe!? Y/n told me you had left for your trip by now?” My mother opened the door to the boy with a surprised look painted on her face. “Yeah I was supposed to be, it was cancelled though- thought I’d tell y/n in person” Rafe couldn’t hide the excitement on his face. It shows even in his body language.
“Awe she’ll be so happy- non stop she’s been telling me her plans to busy herself for two weeks” y/m/n laughed opening the door widely to let Rafe into the house. “Where is she?” “Uh- she hasn’t come down this morning- must be still sleeping” mother laughed shutting the door behind the boy. “Wouldn’t surprise me” Rafe started “She’s not a morning person” they both said at the same time laughing at the coincidence.
“I’ll go wake her up, thanks y/m/n” Rafe waved as he climbed the stairs, winding through the corridors to my bedroom. He opened the shut door to see the covers bunched up at the bottom of my bed. The boys ears twitched hearing a strange sound from the on-sweet, the door was slightly open. His eyes crossed trying to sus it out as his forhead wrinkled.
Rafe made his way over pushing the door open fully seeing me kneeling on the floor over the toilet with my fingers in my mouth throwing up my insides into the toilet bowl. “Y/n? What are you doing?” “Rafe- what are you doing here go away!” my eyes grew wide as tears started to come through. “Why are you doing that?” His face dropped in sadness and in complete shock.
“Just go away Rafe!” I raised my voice slightly but he didn’t listen. He walked over to me closing the lid of the toilet and sinking to his knees trying to embrace me. “Stop it! Just stop it” I shook my head pushing his hands away from me. The first tear dropped out my eye in that moment. “No y/n, I’m not going anywhere” he grabbed my hand that was pushing him and held it. “Why aren’t you listening to me- Just go away Rafe i don’t deserve you” I cried giving into him anyway.
I didn’t really want him to leave me. Secretly. His arms wrapped round me and one of his hands held my head against his chest. He didn’t say anything for a while, until my cry turned into a little sob. “Why are you doing that- why didn’t you tell me you were doing that?” He questioned keeping me close, Rafe’s voice sounded shaky. “Don’t pretend you don’t know why I’m doing it” “I don’t?” Rafe replied sounding genuine.
“Look at me Rafe!” I pulled away to look into his face. “Y/n i can never stop looking at you” he shook his head, his eyes and face were soft. “Your beautiful” “stop it stop lying to me” “why would I lie to you?” He queried making me laugh. It was the only way I could cope with the awkwardness of the situation. “Stop laughing this is serious” Rafe warned me. “Look at you rafe and then look at your girlfriend”
“I don’t know why you think I see you as anything other than beautiful- I’m in love with you y/n” he held my face with his hand. “Why don’t you see what I see?” Rafe questioned quietly “I don’t know Rafe- I wish I did but I don’t” my shoulders shrugged once heavily. Rafe pulled me into his arms again “tell me something” rafe whispered in my ear “What do I say to you every morning”.
I thought for a second thinking back to our mornings. “Good morning beautiful” i said in a small voice “and what about when I leave you? What do I say every time” Rafe squeezed me gently “I’ll see you soon beautiful” I answered with an eyebrow raise as realisation bagan to sink in. “I wouldn’t change a single thing about you y/n I love you the way you are, your beautiful the exact way you are”
“I understand you think that Rafe but I don’t see that- I feel insecure I don’t feel happy within myself” “y/n I will help you through this I will support you through this but doing that isn’t the way” he shook his head gently stroking my hair. I looked at the floor knowing deep down he was right. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself, ever” Rafe admitted throwing me a sad look. I’d never seen that look on him. “Please just promise me you’ll talk to me instead of doing this again- it’s so pernicious y/n”
“Okay- I’ll talk to next time I feel like doing it” I nodded but then my face scrunched up and I looked at him confused. “Wait- your not breaking up with me?” “What? No of course why would you think that” rafe desperately replied with a wrinkled forhead. I didn’t have a good answer for that so I just shrugged my shoulders. Rafe stood up holding his hand out, helping me stand up. Wrapping an arm over my shoulder he brought me in front of a mirror.
“I love you y/n, i see my future in you- I see my future, wife the future mother of my children and my beautiful girlfriend” he said to me through the mirror making me smile widely leaning my head against his shoulder. “You see all of that?” I looked up at him “even when you cry your beautiful” rafe whispered wiping the tears off my wet cheeks. “And I’ll keep telling you that until you believe me” “thank you Rafe” i faintly spoke.
He kiss my forehead squeezing his eyes shut. “No need to thank me beautiful, I’d do anything for you”.
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warmerthanhotcoco · 2 years
Hi if ur able to, can you PLEASE PLEASE do an Imagine or headcannon of if Newt Scamander suddenly got powers like Spider-Man? From an accident with an acromantula that he was dealing with or something lol! I’ve had this idea forever but don’t have enough creativity <3
I can protect you now
Tags: Newt Scamander/You, Fluff, Spiderman AU, Outdoor-café dates, Astronomy Tower dates, Slytherin reader, Established Relationship, Boyfriend material-Newt Scamander
Summary: Newt, your adorable animal-obsessed Hufflepuff boyfriend, faced a mishap with a young acromantula in the Forbidden Forest. For some godforsaken reason all he got instead of venom... were the magical spider's abilities. Thank Merlin you're around to help him through it all.
A/N: Ron Weasley's nightmare. ANON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH- This is perhaps the craziest, coolest idea and I'm all here for it! Sorry it took bloody long (writing block hits hard in college)! I was in dire need of Newt fluff and one daydream later your Ask blossomed in my Notepad.
You asked for an imagine/headcanon but hey- I'm famous IRL for turning a tiny idea into a frigging novel so haha, hope ya like it, here we go! This will have two parts, the first one here being more fluff, and the second tomorrow being more action laced with fluff. Can't write Spidey-Newt without a single decent fight! See ya 'morrow xx
Part 1/2
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The moon was partly hidden by the clouds, its silver light hazy, trickling along the marble floor of the Astronomy Tower. The stars weren't around today: it had been a very boring day, and was now a very boring night. The perfect night to invite your boyfriend for a midnight chat over Firewhiskey and Chocolate Frogs: he always rambled about his favourite creatures for hours on end. 
Boredom was Newt Scamander's sole enemy.
The little wooden door to the Tower opened and shut with a creak.
"What took you so long?" you held out a Chocolate Frog. "It's almost 1 in the morning, love."
"I was... working." He evaded your gaze as he settled on the floor beside you, snuggling close for warmth.
"You did mention homework but your hair is as messy as your shirt and is that dirt on your trous— Goodness you're cold!"
"A-Am I?"
"...Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. I know that face. What did you do? Which animal did you kidnap to help heal it this time?"
"I-" he blinked in surprise before bursting into a string of soft chuckles. "I didn't kidnap anyone! It was more him kidnapping me this time..."
"Oh for Salazar's sake, what happened?" You gripped and shook him by the arm. He looked down at the spot where your legs were tangled together, anxiously biting the inside of his cheek. "Please talk to me," you pleaded, gentler.
Silently, he slid his hand up to his neck and tapped his nape. You frowned, leaning over his shoulder to check.
There were two round red marks on his skin, at least a millimetre deep. The skin around the wound was a brilliant sore pink.
You smacked his head with a hiss. "You dunce! I've been warning you for years against chatting up wild animals. You kept asking why, huh? This is why!" You raked your fingers through his hair, rubbing the spot you hit: not that you regretted but maybe it hurt a little bit. He subtly leant into the touch. “Get up, now."
"To take you to the matron. You’re lucky that’s my aunt.”
"I really don't think that's necessary..."
"But I do, so get up. Exactly what bit you?"
"...A what?!"
"It was only a young one..."
"You could have been killed!"
"He was wounded..."
“Or eaten alive!" Your hand covered his neck protectively. "What were you thinking?"
"They usually don't attack me when I help..."
"It's a bloody acromantula, Newt— Tsk, forget it." You didn't want to make him feel worse, so you pulled him to his feet, pecked his cheek with a whisper of "Sorry I yelled" and dragged him down the stairs to the hospital wing. 
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It had been three weeks since, and the summer holidays had begun. Newt was growing unusually quieter in his letters, and had skipped a coffee date last week. You were wondering what he was up to now, when an owl pecked angrily at the window. "Oh, so sorry, love," you opened the glass to let her in. "Did he reply?"
The barn owl opened her beak and dropped the tiniest box onto your palms. You tossed her a treat and picked up the box. Realising it was indeed heavy for something so small, you swished your wand at the box to enlarge it.
No wonder your owl looked so pissed: the box was huge and Newt had probably only managed one lightening charm.
You blinked at the glittery green wrapping. The little scroll at the top held only two sentences within. 
I'm afraid I can't explain everything on paper. Tomorrow, 5, same place?
So he did like it after all, you smirked, recalling your date the last holiday. With a flick of your wand, the gift-wrap (he sure knew how to make a Slytherin happy) came undone and the box popped open. 
Just a small apology. The words on the paper in the box had been cut through multiple times: attempted and re-written a dozen times.
But the gift was no small deal. Inside the box was... the prettiest autumn dress. All apple green chiffon, with cotton lace that boasted the finest little floral designs. No matter what anybody said, Newt Scamander was a man of taste.
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You were early.
Okay, let’s be honest, you were at the café almost an hour early. Not your fault you were worried sick over your suspiciously secretive dearest.
About twenty minutes to three, the chair before you tumbled backwards. “Well hello.”
“You’re early.”
“So are you,” you smirked at the extremely clumsy but elegant Hufflepuff towering over you at the table. He may not be on the team but he was taller and (despite trying to hide it with a dozen layers of clothing) fitter than you — and you were a Slytherin Chaser. Newt was dressed in a dark teal shirt and khaki slacks: perfectly complementing your gown and reflecting his hair and ocean eyes. “You know, what you lack in asking-out skills, you make up for in your style,” you grinned. “Sit down already.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled, making himself comfortable. “I asked for two Butterbeers and cakes for now, is that…” he asked slowly, pausing between words.
He was controlling his stutter. But his stutter hadn’t appeared for months now, with your help… Something was definitely wrong.
“Yep, perfect for now,” you looked around the outdoor-café. It was an inn full of open space: like if the Leaky Cauldron was in Lancashire and had a Hogwarts grounds-sized garden. The grass was fresh enough for Newt’s little friend to walk around in, and the Hippogriff and Thunderbird statues around the fountain were fine granite. It was no wonder it had grown into your date venue and study spot. “Less crowded today.”
Newt nodded, clearly relieved about it. Only after the order arrived did he speak. “Y/n… S-Sorry.”
“Newt, I told you over a dozen letters, it’s alright. Now that I know you’re healthy and well, it really is alright.”
He nodded, grateful.
“But an apology won’t save you from explanations.”
He swallowed hard, fingers drawing distracted patterns on the table. “I…”
“One sip and a deep breath, love,” you slid your hand close to his, fingers intertwining. 
He obeyed immediately, eyes still avoiding yours. “Prom… Promise you won’t be mad.”
“I’ll try,” you sighed.
Finally he met your gaze: his bright blue eyes were pleading. “Promise.”
“Alright, fine, IswearonyourBowtruckleIshallnotbemad, now spill!”
“Do you… remember the acromantula?” You nodded impatiently. “Well.” He turned away from the table and fixed his eyes on one of the table legs. He raised his right hand and flicked his fingers at the table — Zap! A bright cobweb wrapped around the leg so fast you nearly missed the string that shot out of his wrist. Newt cleared his throat to break the silence that ensued. “I… still don’t know how to undo it. Too sticky.”
You forced your open jaw shut and frowned, perplexed. “Newt, what in Merlin’s name was that?”
“Acromantulas have two prominent defence skills. Venom. And they can trap victims in a cobweb at lightning speed. The web wraps around the target… it’s sticky, lasts long enough for the acromantula to consume its prey.” Not once did he stutter: he was doing what he loved and was best at. “At least I don’t have the venom.”
“So you’re a human spider now.” You gulped down Butterbeer to ease your blood pressure.
“…S-Something like that.”
“Hey,” you took both hands, thumbs rubbing his wrists. “Relax. I’m not mad, nor disgusted. Just a little… confused. This isn’t supposed to be possible.” You shook your head, lifting one hand to kiss the knuckles. “But we’ll figure it out, hm? Hogwarts Library, bribing the CoMC professor, breaking into the Ministry's records…" His eyes grew wider and wider at every suggestion. "We’ll figure it out. And for now, we could take a trip to my aunt’s place.” He gripped your hand, alarmed. “Not to tell her everything but to have you checked for poison. This looks fun but I need to know you’re safe.”
A small half-smile played at his lips, a soft sigh washing over your face as he leant forth to kiss your forehead. “I am safe. I was… scared. Thank you,” he whispered.
“If you thought you’d get rid of me just from this, keep dreaming, spider-boy,” you laughed.
He grinned, leaning back into his seat and diving into the cake. 
“Aren’t acromantulas also known for their intelligence?”
“Let’s hope your Potions grades go up then.”
He burst into laughter, grabbing the serviette to wipe the icing all over his mouth. “Perhaps.” As the laughter faded, he stared at you, eyes soft and crinkled at the tips. “The part that I-I like the most about this is…”
“…I can protect you now.”
You sucked in a gasp, images of the group of Gryffindor bullies flashing through your mind. All the times Newt had caught you running late to dates with a black eye… “I guess so.” You wordlessly thanked him with a chaste kiss.
He tasted of vanilla frosting.
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rogertaylorshbb · 2 years
"studio stress" roger Taylor x reader fanfic [part 1]
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hey, I just wanna say sorry if the ending of this part is sloppy to anyone, I wrote on half of it yesterday, and I was writing the other half today but I was eating spicy noodles at the same time lol. anyway hope you enjoy this and part 2 will be posted soon!!
You pulled up slowly in front of the studio parking outside. You were dreading going inside.  It has been a stressful week for you. You were so tired, sleeping less than 4 hours last night doing large amounts of paperwork and having to work the night shift at your other job.
You weighed your head down between your arms on the steering wheel, your eyes began to swell “dont cry dont cry, don't cry” you whispered to yourself whipping your cheeks with your sleeve. You looked in your car mirror, you hoped that when you went in the studio no-one would notice your red eyes and puffy cheeks. 
You shuffled into the studio seeing brian at a desk. “Oh hey y/n” he waved. You smiled shyly and walked towards Freddie with some printed lyrics. “Here- I- printed them last night for you” you said, slurring your words together like a drunk.
“Thank you” freddie beamed while taking a sip of his coffee. “Ok everyone lets record!”.
John walked over to you handing you a little cup of hot, black coffee, “here, looks like you need it”. “Thanks John, I do” you laughed, falling back into a chair. 
You couldn't bear to sit in that studio next to the producer while they were recording. The loud beat of the drums, the screeching of Brian's guitar, and John's repetitive bass playing. Your pounding headache and sensitive ears couldn't take it so you tapped the producer on the shoulder and told him you were gonna go outside for a break.
You sat outside on the scrub, dropping your head on your knees, your arms resting on your head. You could almost fall asleep but you knew you would get in trouble and just look useless and that the band would probably fire you.
After what seemed 10 minutes you heard footsteps coming towards you. 
“Hey, you ok” Roger asked sitting down next to you. 
You lifted your head up “yea, just- very stressed”.
“Oh well, I'm here if you want to talk,” he assured, placing his hand on your back. 
“Thanks roger but i don't want to annoy you with my problems you should focus on the band” you nodded at him. 
“You're just as important as the band y/n” he smiled. “Doubt it” you blushed, shaking your head. You and Roger talked for a bit, and Roger ended up rambling about his childhood cat.
“Anyway” he sighed. He stood up taking a deep breath and held out his hand “cmon, i'll let you try out the drums”.
You took his hand as he pulled you up, you stumbled a bit when you got on your feet, lucky he was there to make sure you didn't fall.
You both strolled into the studio and were a bit confused when none of the band was there. 
Only one of the guys that worked there was there. “Um hey, where is everybody?” Roger asked. 
“Oh they all went up to that fancy place up the street, they said they would be back in a bit” Mark said grabbing his jacket “I'm off my shift now though, make sure to close the lights if you guys wanna leave. 
Roger stumped his foot and shook his head “why didn't they come get us?! Idiots”. 
“Haha, it doesn't matter, I always pack my own lunch anyway” you chuckled, reaching for your handbag pulling out a sandwich. 
“Here, you can have half,” you said, handing him one half. “No no, it's ok” he waved his hands softly. 
You both sat down on the couch and you asked Roger to tell you a funny story about his childhood while you ate. “Funny? I don't think I have a lot of funny ones, annoying ones and ones of me throwing tantrums that probably made my mum wish she never had children, sure”. 
‘Well, go on!” 
Roger told you about some stories of him and his little sister. You nearly choked on your sandwich from laughing “woah woah, don't choke '' he laughed.
You claimed yourself down. 
“So, you were really a trouble maker huh?” 
“Uh huh” he smirked, stretching his arm out over the couch. 
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sonickedtrowel · 9 months
🐤 orrrr 🕊️ or both if you feel like it!
Hey so I'm really terrible at the internet!!! I went and posted a thing and then didn't even answer all the responses I got, I'm sorry anon!! So... this is about this fic ask thing! Okay! Here we go!
🐤 a mystery quote (take out the context, even censor the names if you want! let em guess!)
Ooh okay I had to go ahead to my "notes" doc because I haven't gotten to this part yet lol, but love to let you guess. Although I think it's pretty obvious lol.
Now, don’t be alarmed.  I had to see exactly what sort of creature could inspire our Doctor to such new heights of idiocy.  Because, I’m sure you know, Ms. Does-Her-Research, Time Lords don’t really ‘do’ marriage.  The concept exists, of course, but it’s an enterprise of the eccentric.  The black sheep cousin who rocks up to Nana’s funeral in a studded leather jacket, sure, they’d have a wife.  Everyone would be whispering about it.  But it’s very much not the done thing.   So naturally, we both married young.  Rebels do.  And that’s when you learn the real lesson: it’s not just that sentimentality is discouraged.  It’s a dangerous liability when it goes well, and when it doesn’t?  You think you’ve seen a messy divorce?  That’s when the funny collars come off.  No, the real problem is: it ends, one way or the other.  One’s with solicitors, and the other is worse.  And if you’re the unlucky one left standing, you may find you have more lifetimes left to think about it than you’d like. I had to take a little peek at the one who made him forget such a lesson.  Of course, he is a moron.  Spending centuries going round picking up humans?  It’s like, you keep on buying hamsters, then come crying to me when it’s time to get out a shoebox?  Maybe after the first twenty you’d start to see a pattern? 
🕊️ a sweet quote (something sweet, fluffy! maybe it's cute or funny banter! or sappy wedding vows!)
Throughout their centuries together, the Doctor counted every day spent with River as a good day.  But some of them were just that little extra bit good.  Some days, her eyes lit up with immediate recognition of his age, and she greeted him as “husband” before even mentioning diaries.  He did so love when she was naughty, even if it was their own rules she was bending.   Some days, for example, they narrowly avoided being burnt as a ritual sacrifice on the way to dinner, then rushed back to the TARDIS on the sort of giddy adrenaline high that pushed dinner right to the bottom of the list. “We should be burning at the stake right now!” River scolded as he shook out his umbrella.  “It’s lucky for you you’re pretty.” “You were in no danger.  I knew something would come up.” “No you didn’t!” “I did!  I promise I did!” “Rubbish,” she declared, striding up to the console and pulling off her gloves.  She tossed her hair over her shoulder, shooting a wry glare back at him, and very nearly managed to hide the smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.  The Doctor was overcome with such a fierce wave of adoration, his rational mind checked out entirely for a moment.   “Okay,” he admitted as he stepped up behind her.  He slipped his arms around her waist and dipped his head; inhaled the cool, earthy scent of ozone and petrichor that clung to her hair, mingling with her perfume.  “I was just hoping,” he muttered in her ear.  “And they got lucky.  We wouldn’t be the ones burning if they dared lay a finger on you.”
You ask me for a quote you get a friggin novel because I have no self control. Thank you anon if you're still around, I hope you see this!!! I am going to try to write more and complete the second chapter if not before the holidays then very soon after!!
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creampuffqueen · 14 days
okay gonna give a more detailed event rundown of what happened with the horse lol
extremely conveniently, we actually had a horse first aid meeting on sunday where we learned how to take vitals and what to do for common issues. pretty lucky honestly, because if we hadn’t had that meeting i would have had no idea what to do
so i get to work, start doing my thing, and coworker and i notice that this horse is acting kinda weird. she took one bite of food and turned her nose up at it, then went and stood in the corner of her stall and stared off into space. she was also sort of favoring her hind legs, she’d take weight off one for a while, then shift and take all her weight off the other
so our first instinct was that something was wrong with her feet. i worked this morning, and at one point while walking her she kinda stumbled for a second. she didn’t seem affected by it so i paid the incident no mind
guys, when i tell y’all that if this horse’s foot was hurt because of me walking her and i said nothing about it… y’all wouldn’t have seen me again 💀
anyway, we check her feet. she lets us look at them with no problems, and all of them seem fine. we take her vitals. everything is normal except her breathing, which is very shallow and rapid
we put her back in the stall to calm down a bit, and see if she’d eat anymore while we finished up the rest of our duties
after that, still no improvement. took some pics and texted the owner, who was gone picking up her kids
pretty much immediately she’s like “yeah looks like she’s colicking”
me and coworker, neither of whom have any experience whatsoever with horses: 😀
owner told us to give banamine (sedative/pain reliever) and start walking. i got the meds, literally shook like a leaf the whole time, gave them to the horse who fought us like hell, and then got our butts walking
we walked for about 30 minutes before the owner got home. she took her vitals and agreed with us, mostly normal except for her breathing, and she also noticed some of her gut sounds weren’t super great
thankfully, it didn’t seem like the horse was in major distress. she drank some water, she was still pretty alert and responsive, and she was never trying to lie down or roll around while we were walking her
no further updates now, owner told us to head home
but god damn 💀 when i asked for something to wake me up this was NOT what i had in mind
on the other hand, i did get to use some of my vet skills. always a bright side i guess lol
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bunnygirl678 · 5 months
Summary: Brunch is enjoyed, drinks are served, someone calls Gio a daddy, Ariana is not amused. And Gold receives punishment for a crime he and Silver committed in their teen years. This is gonna be a series, it's gonna go on ao3 at some point idk, everyone is an adult of legal drinking age on Pasio, whatever that is, lol
“You’ve gotta do it, Silver” Archer said, nervously peeking behind the curtain toward the loud, drunken mess outside. 
“No. No way in hell am I going out there,” Silver crossed his arms over his chest, he didn’t have a death wish. 
“Somebody has to go out there!” Petrel cried, throwing his arms up in the air. It was chaos, pandemonium, it was brunch.
“I’ll do it.” Giovanni stood up from the couch, despite his words, he looked anything but sure.
“Boss, no!” Archer begged, “If you go out there, they’ll eat you alive.”
In a rare show of emotion, Silver grabbed his father’s sleeve, shaking his head, “Dad-” Giovanni gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I love you Silver,” With a deep breath, Giovanni steeled himself, he gave his son a final nod as he opened the door, stepping out into the madness that had taken over his pool area. 
Thirty pairs of eyes turned to look at the mafia boss, never had he been more afraid, yet he still put on a charming smile, opening his arms wide,
“I hope everyone is having a great time!” 
He was met with a chorus of cheering, he looked around for his son-in-law, the young man was vomiting over the railing onto the beach below his infinity pool. Silver was in for a time later. 
“I came to see if you all were interested in some different food?” He gestured toward the untouched buffet table. 
“No but you can get us some more champagne!” Came a shout from a voice he didn’t recognize, though it may have been one of the Galarian gym leaders, 
“Well you have-” Giovanni started, there was no way they were getting more alcohol. 
“NO! BRING TEQUILA!” He knew that voice, Lorelei, despite her nerdy demeanor she was a wild party girl when she drank, back when he was still a gym leader, he’d been to enough holiday parties to know to not bring out the tequila.
“Oh! Tequila, yes let’s do it!” Nessa cried from the flamigo pool floatie she was lounging on, he actually knew her fairly well, both of them worked out at the same gym in Pasio at the same very early hour. They exchanged workout tips,
“Blah! No, get us some gin!” Olena said stumbling over to lean heavily on Lady Diantha, 
“Only you like gin, you Galarian tramp!” Giovanni didn’t recognize that voice even a bit, luckily Olena didn’t seem to hear it. 
“I’ll send out some gin and tequila, how does that sound?” Giovanni asked, bluffing heavily. There were cheers as he quickly returned inside. 
“Boss?” Archer asked in a weak voice, Giovanni just shook his head, he looked at one of the waiting servants, 
“Please empty my tequila and gin into decanters, then fill up the bottles with water.” 
“Yes Mr. Giovanni,” the young man said before disappearing into the other room,
Silver barked out a laugh, “Depending on how old those bottles are, they’re pretty much all water anyway,” 
Giovanni and Archer turned to the redhead, lifting their eyebrows in an identical fashion, Silver shrugged,
“What? Ethan and I used to sneak in and steal your booze,” 
Giovanni rubbed the bridge of his nose, Silver was too old to ground now, but he’d be on drunken brunch duty next month. 
“Oh my arceus, he is such a daddy!” Olivia squealed drinking what she thought was a tequila heavy margarita, luckily she and the rest of the brunch attendees were too drunk to realize Giovanni’s double cross. 
“Yessss, seriously, you’re so lucky that you got to tap that, Ariana!” Serena sighed, leaning heavily onto a very passed out Jasmine’s shoulders. 
“Excuse me?!” The rocket executive’s face morphed from peacefully drunk to absolutely disgusted, “I would never! That’s disgusting!” She stood up, enraged, her watered down drink spilling all over the table, no one was sober enough to care.
Ethan developed a case of the giggles as he watched and listened to the scene unfold. 
“But aren’t you Silver’s mom, and Giovanni is his dad?” Dawn asked, tilting her head, Ethan spit out the sip he had just taken.
“NO!” Ariana shouted, she slammed her drink down on the table, storming off to where Wallace was braiding Cynthia’s hair, plopping down and glaring at the rest of the guests,
Between laughs Ethan explained, “Ari is Gio’s cousin, not Silv’s mom.” 
Varying degrees of shock passed the faces around the pool, Crys and Lyra already knew, as did most of the Kanto guests. 
“I know what we say doesn’t leave the pool, but feel free to spread that around,” Ethan said with a laugh, he looked down at his drink. He could feel himself sobering up. He had a bad feeling about the alcohol content in the liquor bottles as soon as they were brought out, he (and Silver) had already enjoyed the effects, and these drinks were probably almost entirely water. 
Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?
 “Auntie? You still conscious?” Kiawe’s voice called from the gate, 
“Cyn, Wallace, let’s go,” Lance appeared behind the younger man, apparently sent to retrieve Wallace for Steven,
One by one the various partners, rivals, lovers, and coworkers came to pick up the drunken brunch crowd. Ariana was escorted to the executive’s villa by Petrel, who had chosen the shortest straw, she complained loudly and bitterly that after all of these years people still think she’s Giovanni’s lover. He just nodded along, silently crying. 
Ethan leaned back on the pool chair, everyone was gone, grunts would be cleaning up the mess soon, he could lay out a bit longer, his head was already killing him, the problem with day drinking was the day hangovers that followed much too quickly. 
“Feeling like shit?” Ethan tentatively opened an eye, Silver stood above him, a smirk playing on his lips. Ethan didn’t respond, only laid his arm over his eyes to block out the sun and Silver’s smug look.
“Did your dad serve us the…” he trailed off at Silver’s grimace, confirming that they had been found out, years later. 
“He mad?”
“I have to babysit your next brunch”
Ethan let out a laugh despite himself, only for Silver to grab his chair and dump him in the water. At least Silver stuck around to make sure his husband didn’t drown. 
Another successful brunch. 
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the-widow-sisters · 2 years
I have so many request ideas!!! 🤭
Maybe one night Kate can’t sleep so she goes to the common rooms and finds Yelena sorta in the same predicament! Maybe Yelena shows a softer side that Kate isn’t used to seeing!❤️
A/N: Thank you so, so much for the request, friend!!! 😊💞
And wow! This is probably one of the very few Yelena and Kate ones in my series, lol 💗 I'm mostly a fan of Natasha and Kate or Yelena and Natasha, but an occasional one on one thing with Kate and Yelena is nice. Usually, I don't like to have the both of them too emotional together, but I have a few ideas that might come later for them that will be more funny than emotional. The two of them are more suited for a comedy situation anyway 😂😂😂
I hope you enjoy this one!!!! 🥰💖 Positive comments really fuel me, so if you have time and feel like it 🥰
Word Count: 2.8k+
   Kate was exhausted.
   Kate let out a deep sigh, rubbing her face as she looked around the room and raised up in her bed. Lucky was asleep on the other side of the bed, and Kate looked over at him, his golden fur dulled in the dimmed lighting of her room with all of the lights off.
   Kate picked up her phone from the nightstand, taking a look at the time. It was two o’clock in the morning, and Kate had not been able to get a wink of sleep since she had gone to bed that night. Since everything happened, she had not been able to go to sleep and had honestly been somewhat afraid to given the images that were starting to haunt her more and more lately.
   She was extremely thankful when Darcy had stopped wanting to stay in her room to keep an eye on her. Darcy’s heart had been in the right place, and she had wanted to take care of Kate and her injury. While Kate truly loved being there with her all the time, she did not exactly want Darcy to see the nightmares that had been plaguing her.
   She had so far done her best to avoid telling anyone about the specifics of what had happened. To her surprise, despite the fact that Natasha knew a handful about what had happened and even heard Kate mention Alice, the redhead had not pushed for information. Kate had been very thankful because part of her could not hardly bring herself to talk about it without feeling like she was going to break down into unstoppable, hysterical tears.
   Kate looked around the room, deciding that she would get up and head to the kitchen near the common room to grab something to eat. She was not sure that it would help her sleep, but she figured that it might be worth a try.
   Kate moved, getting up carefully as she tried her best to avoid putting any unnecessary weight on her leg. She knew that Darcy would definitely not approve and likely neither would Natasha, but she wanted to at least try to get up and take care of something for herself. She loved these people and appreciated their help, but she felt bad for constantly taking advantage of it despite the fact that they constantly encouraged her to.
   As she got out of the bed, she accidentally put just a bit too much weight on her hurt leg, and she let out a gentle hiss. It was not nearly as bad as it had been and it was definitely healing, but it had gotten hurt worse than it normally would have been because of all of the activity she had engaged in just after getting shot.
   Lucky raised his head up, watching her, and Kate shook her head.
   “Don’t worry, buddy. I’m good. Just going to get some food,” Kate assured him, starting to make her way to the door as she went through her hall to her kitchen and living room area. Lucky moved off of the bed, following her, and as Kate headed out of her door into the main hall, she carefully kept him from coming out with her.
   “Just wait, Lucky. I’ll be back,” Kate assured him, and he simply watched her carefully. Kate headed out, moving to the elevator.
   Once she finally made it to the common room, she moved to the kitchen, heading through the doorway. To her surprise, someone was in there already, a dim light illuminating the kitchen.
   Kate squinted a little as she realized that it was Yelena. She had her back to her, and she looked to be busy doing something. Kate watched her, trying to figure out how best to speak to her and keep her from freaking out because someone had sneaked up on her.
   However, before she could say anything, Yelena spoke up.
   “What are you doing awake and out of bed?” Yelena questioned, not even looking in her direction as she somehow detected her presence.
   Kate thought she had been being relatively quiet, but she supposed that her current limp from her injury likely caused her feet to fall a little heavier than they normally would. Kate let out a soft breath, looking at Yelena as she entered the room more fully, going into the kitchen where Once she got in the kitchen further, she realized that Yelena was currently making something that looked suspiciously like hot chocolate.
   “Couldn’t sleep… You?” Kate questioned, studying the blonde from where she had her back to her. Kate tried her best to keep as much levity in her voice as possible.
   Kate leaned on the counter island, and she instantly noted how Yelena wordlessly reached into the cabinet and withdrew an additional mug. Her heart warmed with the implication behind the gesture, and she did her best to hide the smile, somehow afraid that Yelena had eyes in the back of her head and would see her.
   “Something like that,” Yelena replied, her voice a low mutter, and Kate could not help but wonder if Yelena had a bit more issues than just not being able to sleep.
   Yelena had been a bit off since Natasha had gone on a mission the day before. She was supposed to come back tomorrow morning, but Yelena had not been acting entirely like herself. She had spent a lot more time with Peter and Kate, and despite the fact that it was odd, Kate did not waste any time in taking advantage of it and allowing herself to enjoy it. Even if Yelena did like to plague her with quips and sarcasm on a regular basis.
   “Missing Tasha?” Kate questioned, daring to step out on that tentative line. She did not know if they were quite there yet, but she knew Yelena would reaffirm the boundary if the question bothered her.
   Yelena did not bother replying, and Kate eyed her carefully, noting the tiredness and tenseness written in Yelena’s frame. Her shoulders were slumped and she looked like she was running on fumes, and Yelena’s weirdness from the past few days suddenly made quite a bit of sense. That and the fact that Yelena usually acted a little gentler when it was just her and Kate alone.
   She must not have gotten any sleep since Natasha left. Kate knew that their bond was deep, and she could not help but speculate that Yelena might be dependent upon Natasha for a sense of security. From what Kate understood, they almost always slept in the same bed, so it made quite a bit of sense.
   Natasha had hated to go on that mission, and Kate knew that she was mostly hesitant for Kate’s sake. She had not wanted to leave so soon after what had happened. However, with Kate’s insistence that she was fine, Natasha had reluctantly taken leave, offering soft kisses on Kate’s forehead and promises of her speedy return.
   Yelena pulled her from her thoughts, putting the milk in the microwave and then punching in some numbers as she set it to heat up so that she could mix the hot chocolate in later. Once she got it going, she let out a deep, tired sigh, rubbing her face. She then settled against the counter, eyeing her, and she huffed as she met Kate’s eyes through her own half-lidded ones.
   “Wow,” Yelena commented, and Kate furrowed her brow, not sure what Yelena was getting at. She looked down at her nightshirt, trying to figure out if she had accidentally gotten something on it. It was possible that it could have likely been toothpaste.
   “What?” Kate questioned uncertainly, and Yelena just huffed humorlessly.
   “You look like crap,” Yelena told her bluntly, and Kate scoffed, looking down at her shirt again. She must have definitely had a toothpaste blotch on there somewhere.
   “Wh— how?” Kate stumbled over herself a little, and Yelena just raised an eyebrow, the smallest of smirks starting to creep upon her.
   “Well, to start with, your hair looks like a rat’s lair,” Yelena informed her, a more watered-down version of her usual self coming out to play as she spoke to the younger girl.
   “A rat’s lair? Do you mean a nest?” Kate corrected, a bit of a chuckle affecting her voice.
   “Do not correct me, Little Bishop,” Yelena scolded, but there was no bite. Instead, there was just pure exhaustion.
   Yelena did not even seem to have the usual amount of sarcasm that she normally did, and Kate was not quite sure how to handle this softer version of her. She was definitely appreciative to some degree since it made things easier, but she could not help but long for the banter that they usually had as well.
   “But you have bags under your eyes, too,” Yelena added on, gesturing to Kate’s face vaguely, and Kate just huffed.
   “If I have bags, then you have giant sacks,” Kate shot back, and Yelena paused, wrinkling her nose, and Kate instantly understood the connotation.
   “That sounded weird,” Kate abruptly pointed out, realizing how bad that sounded.
   “You’re telling me. Speak for yourself on the sack thing,” Yelena informed her, the microwave going off. Yelena turned back toward it to get the heated milk out, and Kate let out a noise of protest.
   “I didn’t mean it weird! Don’t take advantage of tired people,” Kate complained, holding her head in her hands as she internally cringed at herself and mentally slapped herself in the face. Yelena let out a low chuckle, and Kate could not help but feel a slight twinge of victory from actually earning the sound from the older woman.
   “You make it so easy, Kate Bishop,” she informed her, and while Kate knew that it was likely the tiredness talking, she did enjoy this side of Yelena despite the fact that she probably would not see it again for a long while.
   Yelena moved to get the mugs ready, pulling out two spoons and sitting them on the counter. There was silence between them, and Kate just watched her as she fluidly moved about. Even in the throes of exhaustion, Yelena still moved with the grace of a ballerina.
   Which Kate supposed made sense considering Yelena’s past.
   “Don’t they make vegetables or something to go over your eyes for that sort of thing?” Yelena questioned abruptly as she interrupted Kate’s thought process, pouring the milk into the mugs. Kate blinked, catching back up to the conversation that they had been having.
   “Oh, yeah! Yeah, cucumbers are supposed to work for puffiness or something,” Kate trailed off a little, honestly shocked at the fact that Yelena knew anything about that.
   “Well, you don’t have to sound so shocked,” Yelena deadpanned, and Kate just huffed.
   “I’m just surprised!”
   “Just because I am tough does not mean I cannot be a girl, too,” Yelena shot back, a little more bite in it this time, and Kate raised her hands defensively.
   “I never said you couldn’t! I just didn’t think you would know anything about cucumbers on people’s eyes,” Kate tried to defend herself, and Yelena scoffed, mixing in the powder in the hot chocolate mix.
   “I’ve seen it in cartoons,” Yelena finally muttered under her breath, the words obviously only half-meant to be heard. They were said as if Yelena was not entirely sure she wanted Kate to hear but that she wanted to just enough to actually utter the words.
   Kate did not really know what to say to that, but she could not help but huff at the thought of one of the world’s most deadly humans watching something mundane like Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry.
   Yelena then turned around, and Kate quickly wiped the beginnings of a smile from her face. She placed the cup of hot chocolate before her, and Kate looked down at it, unable to help the already warm feeling of anticipation as she looked at the stuff.
   “Thank you,” Kate expressed, and Yelena nodded to her, taking a big swig of her own drink as she leaned against the counter island. Kate moved herself up onto the barstool, the stress upon her injury growing just a little too great and a tad bit too painful.
   There was silence between them, and Kate found herself unsure of what to say exactly. Yelena had been in such a strange mood that she did not quite feel comfortable doing their usual. However, she was not really thinking that Yelena much wanted to talk emotions.
   “I can’t sleep without her,” Yelena finally spoke. Kate looked at her quickly, and Yelena remained pointedly avoiding looking at her, her jaw clenched. Kate nodded, just looking at her carefully.
   “Y’know, it’s not exactly the same, but kind of… I’ve gotten really used to having Lucky sleep in my bed with me, and now I’m not sure that I could sleep or even feel right in my apartment without him,” Kate confessed.
   Yelena shifted her gaze, finally meeting her eyes as she studied her. There was no real sign of much emotion on her face as she just stared, and Kate could not help but feel a little like she might have said something wrong, so she instantly started backpedaling.
   “I mean… I know he’s just a dog and not a sister or a whole person or something, but that’s just kind of my experience,” Kate explained herself, hoping that Yelena had not taken complete offense. Yelena looked down at her drink, eyeing it, and Kate took a sip from her own mug, not knowing exactly what to say to make that sound any better.
   “You are very articulate sometimes,” Yelena declared drily. Kate watched her, noticing the ever so slight upward tick of Yelena’s lips, and Kate let herself relax, realizing that the blonde was just messing with her and was not upset.
   “Well, I took creative writing in college, so I should be,” Kate quipped, and Yelena raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
   “You’re also very good at detecting sarcasm,” Yelena sarcastically offered once again, and Kate shrugged, eyeing Yelena as she took things a step further. She wanted to at least try to be there for Yelena.
   “Well, I also happen to be good at identifying deflection,” Kate pointed out, and Yelena groaned tiredly.
   “Ugh… Lewis is rubbing off on you.” Kate could not help but grin a little at Yelena’s accusation, and she shrugged, holding her mug.
   Kate took a long drink, licking her lips just a little to clear them of the hot chocolate left behind. There was a comfortable quiet there between them. However, it did feel like a rather pregnant silence, and it was almost as if Yelena were about to say something.
   “I always miss her when she leaves,” Yelena spoke up finally, and Kate looked at her.
   Yelena was once again back to avoiding her eyes, and Kate knew that it had been a hard admission. It was weakness and Yelena was not one for showing weakness in front of anyone except for Natasha and occasionally Kate and Carol.
   Honestly, as Yelena pointed it out, Kate found that a lot of times felt the exact same way when Natasha left. She saw Natasha a lot, and she offered a comfort as well as a sense of safety that Kate just could not quite conjure on her own or with hardly anyone else. Natasha meant so much to her, just like she meant to Yelena, and she found herself replying to Yelena without hesitation.
   “I do, too,” Kate confessed, and Yelena quickly looked back at her, the both of them silently meeting eyes as they looked at one another.
   Kate could not help but note how it almost seemed like two younger sisters waiting for the oldest one to come home, the both of them just as dependent on and loving of the oldest one. Yelena worked her jaw wordlessly for a moment, huffing lightly.
   “She’s an idiot, I guess,” Yelena expressed, shaking her head as she tried to make a joke despite the fact that it was out of place considering their current conversation.
   “But she’s our idiot,” Kate tried to be casual about it, knowing that she was really stepping out there for this one. Yelena just huffed, sipping the hot chocolate from her mug.
   “An idiot for sure,” Yelena muttered, neither confirming nor denying.
   The fact that Yelena had not denied it was enough to confirm to Kate that she was not horridly opposed to the idea. Normally, Yelena would have denied it or at least tried to. Especially if it had been in front of the others.
   However, this Yelena— the softer albeit more tired one— was someone that she believed was the true Yelena that lived underneath all of the ordinary sarcasm and that excessively snarky exterior.
   Kate was exhausted. But she was really glad that she could not sleep that night.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
Thank you @cerriddwenluna for the tag.
Rules: List your "top 10" (or up to 10 if you haven't written that many) fics ranked by kudos on AO3. Are you surprised by what's most popular to your readers? Then, under a cut, provide your ranking of your personal top 10 fics (with explanations if you want!), and then tag a few fellow writers!
I admit I didn’t know if I should do the top 10 for Glee fics only, since that’s the fandom we share, or all my fics, so, uh, I did both.
Top 10 According to Readers, Glee Edition:
Myosotis sylvatica (73,167 words) - 151
I’m still alive and I’m still getting love (20,782 words) - 149
Mendacious (27,179 words) - 136
All the pretty things that we could be (70,071 words) - 113
Everything changed (2,642 words) - 113  
I really, really like you (1,575 words) - 107
I’d cry a river just for you (30,541 words) - 106
The Critic (5,322 words) - 92
Ik was meteen ondersteboven. (1,544 words) - 87
It's about time (19,183 words) - 81
I am not surprised about the first 4. I’m still alive is actually a Brittana fic and for a very long time it was indeed my most kudo’d Glee fic, which surprised me. I was aware of this because ironically that is the only fic that ever got a nasty comment, so it was kind of funny to me. “This is so stupid”, babe, people clearly don’t agree. Everything changed is also a crossover with Check, Please!, but I suppose it counts since it is still a Glee fic. Apart from that, all I can say is that I hoped River fic was a bit higher which leads to:
My Top 10 Glee fics:
I’d cry a river just for you (lol)
All the pretty things that we could be
Mysotis series (I always see the 5 parts as one whole, even though sylvatica is the main one)
Barking Up The Wrong Bakery
Ljubim te (yes, it is still a WIP)
Seven am
Anyway series (even though I haven’t reread that one in years)
It’s about time
aap noot mies
I guess it is kind of sad that I struggled with this list after no. 5 😬. Like, I literally sat here going “uhhhh.... aap noot mies, I guess? Kinda? Hmmm.”
There’s just a lot of older stuff that I don’t really remember. I’m sure they’re fine and that I will like them if I reread them. I only knew of two fics that I definitely did not want on the list, but most of the 68 fics are just kind of “in limbo”.
And also I gotta say that no. 1 to 4 kind of share a spot. Those are just my fave fics that I have written and I do not want to pit these bad bitches against each other but alas 😔. I put River fic on one because I feel like that one is the best in “technical” sense. All the pretty things was a fucking experience. So was Myosotis and I loved the universe I created for it. And Mendacious challenged me. If they are no. 1, then Bakery fic is no. 2 because it amused me so much.
Anyway, moving on...
Top 10 According to Readers, All of It:
Everything will be alright (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) (2,566 words) - 626
All shall know the wonder (Check Please!) (11,869 words) - 470
The last to know (Check Please!) (2,579 words) - 467
How lucky we are to be alive right now (Carry On) (1,625 words) - 414
Times are hard for dreamers (Check Please!) (4,595 words) - 285
A rip in time (Whoniverse) (67,972 words) - 249      
Seal the darkness (Carry On) (3,396 words) - 247 
The 2020 Young America New Year’s Eve Gala (Red White & Royal Blue) (2,819 words) - 238
Mr. Grimm-Pitch and Mr. Snow, In The Library, With a Snog (Carry On) (2,877 words) - 231
Feel on top of the world (Check Please!) (917 words) - 212
Okay. Woah. Good thing I split the categories because I genuinely had no idea Glee isn’t in my top 10. I am shook. Myosotis sylvatica is on no. 14! A Love, Victor fic has more kudos than my Glee fics. I didn’t even like Love, Victor which is why I wrote fix-its and missing scenes for it! Not gonna lie, this kind of saddens me. Or maybe sadden is too harsh. I don’t know. It makes me feel something. Glee is my main and my longest fandom (not counting Winx Club) (I will write that Winx Club/Glee crossover fic one day that is a threat) (to me).
I knew that the B99 was the most kudo’d because it accompanied a post that I made on Tumblr and that one also got a lot of notes. I’m happy All shall know the wonder is on no. 2 because I love that one. I am still so amused by people liking my Doctor Who clusterfuck. How lucky we are to be alive right now was my first Carry On fic and it definitely no longer represents how I write for this fandom, so the fact that it’s the most-well known (which I also knew) gives me mixed feelings because on one hand I look back on it with fondness in an “awww look at that wee baby” feeling, but on the other hand I’m like “please, read my later stuff”.
Speaking of the later stuff:
My Top 10 Non-Glee fics:
Paradiso series (Carry On)
All shall know the wonder (Check, Please!)
Time After Time (Carry On)
make a fire out of this flame (Carry On)
The Naked Truth (Carry On)
There’s nothing ironic about show choir (Carry On)
Times are hard for dreamers (Check, Please!)
My rose-coloured boy (Carry On)
The 2020 Young America New Year’s Eve Gala (Red, White & Royal Blue)
The Sarah Jane Extended Universe (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Does SJAEU even count? It’s not even a fic! But my fucking God I love my SJAEU. If it does not count, swap it with Call Me Maybe (Carry On). I am not surprised that my Carry On and Check, Please! fics make up most of the list, since apart from Glee, those are the fandoms I’ve written the most for. Carry On has definitely taken over, though, so what I said for Glee also applies to Check, Please!: there are some fics that I probably really like but it’s been a while since I read them (*cough*Midnight confessions*cough*). But yeah as I mentioned, my most kudo’d Carry On fic is my first. I am not surprised that Mr. Grimm-Pitch and Mr. Snow is my second highest kudo’d one for that fandom, because I love that one, but I just love other fics more. But even then, if I look at my personal top 10 I do feel like all of them were well-received (apart from SJAEU, but I don’t expect it to get a lot of hits since it is super niche, and My rose-coloured boy which is in my eyes my most underappreciated fic in Carry On, like, come on, it’s only 891 words long!) and I always love it when people kudo and comment on my fics.
Reader appreciation moment!!! Weeeeeh ✨✨✨
Since I feel like this challenge is already spreading among the Klainers, lemme tag some Snowbazzians (I am keeping that term): @facewithoutheart @martsonmars @artsyunderstudy @captain-aralias @cutestkilla
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peaceloveandstarrs · 1 year
About the Send me a Ship and a Number... What about you and Dhani with number 27?
ANON omg who are you lol... all of my besties told me they didn't send this in... it has to be someone who knows about my thing for him LOL... I'm super curious!!!
as a suggestion
I sighed and stared out the window. Snow was steadily falling, to the point where it was covering the driveway and the road. I felt bad. I mean, I was the one that had suggested to Dhani that we come visit my dad. So technically, it was my fault that we were snowed in. Okay, so it wasn't really my fault; I didn't control the weather. But still, if I hadn't suggested it... I shook my head and anxiously played with my hair, twirling the ends around my fingers. I needed to do something. But what?
I glanced over at my husband. Dhani was lucky. He didn't usually have this sense of anxiety when it came to being stuck inside. He was happy this way, much like his dad. He was quietly reading by the fireplace, curled up on the sofa. I was glad my dad had kept my grandparents' house; he allowed us to use it when we came and visited. And that fireplace was definitely coming in handy.
But that wasn't on my mind right now. I got up and wandered around. I went to the kitchen. I wasn't hungry, nor did comfort eating appeal. I had my phone, but that didn't appeal either. My artwork was in the den, just off the living room. I could do that, maybe. Or my book. I looked at the road, and my mind began to spiral again. No. I wasn't going to do this. If there was one thing therapy taught me, it was that worrying wasn't going to change anything. Worrying wasn't going to stop the snow. Worrying wasn't going to magically thaw the driveway and the roads leading into town. Dhani and I were snowed in, and there wasn't much we could do about it. I mean, we could call my dad since he had a truck, but that would be sort of awkward.
So we were stuck. I sat at the opposite end of the couch just as Dhani closed his book. I could see that he was getting a bit restless too. He looked around, and I could tell that his mind was working, the proverbial wheels turning. I'd seen that look a lot over our time together. He ran a hand through his hair, tossing the longer end away from his eyes.
“Whatcha thinking?” I asked.
“Trying to find something to do,” Dhani answered absently.
“Tell me about it. God. I hope this isn't like the last time it snowed here, remember that?”
Dhani nodded. “We were snowed in for what, four days? Till your dad came and rescued us.”
I laughed. “Maybe we should stop coming here during winter.”
“Now you know your dad wouldn't like it if we didn't visit at Christmas. He's adamant that we take home some of that breakfast casserole thing he makes.”
“I know, I know. I was making a joke. But seriously, there's gotta be something we can do. D'you think we could...” I glanced out towards the garage.
“Darling, c'mon. You know we can't, the car doesn't handle snow very well.”
I sighed. “Wishful thinking.”
I slid over towards Dhani and nestled against his side. He put his arm around my shoulders, and I curled. I instantly felt safe. Dhani's hold had always done that, even in the early days of our relationship. And it had only grown over time. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. I mean, it wouldn't be too bad, right? Maybe the snow wouldn't last long. It was supposed to be warmer in a few days, after all. Above freezing. I placed a soft kiss on Dhani's neck and felt him shiver involuntarily as his hand slid slowly up and down my shoulder. I pressed myself closer, nuzzling the warm skin. His scruffy facial hair provided a delightful contrast as I kissed his jaw a few times.
“You know...” Dhani said with a teasing, lilting tone. “We're completely alone out here. Almost middle of nowhere.”
“Mhm,” I agreed.
“And this place has how many bedrooms?”
I counted silently. “Three.”
“There's something we could do,” he said. His voice was deeper; I knew exactly what he was playing at. But I played innocent. “One room each day.”
“Huh. Wish I knew what you were talking about...” I teased. “I mean, whatever are you suggesting we do about it?”
Dhani pulled me onto his lap and kissed me tenderly. I melted against him and kissed him back, softly at first. As the kiss deepened, I opened my mouth to let his tongue in, softly humming as he slid one hand into my hair and mine slid under his shirt, one pressing against his back while the other went into his hair. Eventually, his other hand came around to my chest and softly squeezed one of my breasts over my shirt. The kiss continued in growing passion for a few moments until I pulled back to catch my breath. I knew good and well what he meant... but why not get a little more fun out of it before the main event?
“How's that for a suggestion, hmm?” Dhani teased.
I kissed him one last time, teasingly pressing against him as I slid off his lap and stood. “Can't think of anything I'd rather do...”
With that last remark, I turned and head towards the first bedroom, smirking as I heard Dhani's footsteps close behind. Oh, yes. This was going to be fun.
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