#that should probably logically go on my sideblog
Will a ship blog reblogging a pol of said ship skew the results?
That's perfectly fine! Reblogs are expected, and I tag each poll with the ship in question, so it's already expected that said poll will reach that specific ship's community.
Our only request is that you don't campaign for specific results - so no encouraging specific votes or telling people what to vote for to achieve a certain goal. Just reblogging to a ship blog is perfectly fine!
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lipstickchainsaw · 7 months
I followed you because of the Slay The Princess posts, but I think seeing your (re)blogs does to me what TikTok influencers say a dopamine detox does to them. I may not agree with a lot of opinions that I see, but they are formed in a way that allows me to see the logical process behind them and form my own counter-arguments (or change my opinion). In short, thank you for helping me think more critically. Do you have any books recommendations?
I am flattered, but most certainly don't deserve any credit here given how little actual commentary I offer. I'm just the hanger-on of a community that offers fairly high-quality takes.
And I'm also utterly unwilling to split things off into sideblogs for laziness reasons, so I do apologise for the, uh, deluge of different subjects you end up with for following me.
As far as recommendations go, I mostly read fiction, like all of Wildbow's works (Worm, Pact, Twig, Ward and Pale, yes, even Ward), I've really enjoyed the Locked Tomb series and am anxiously awaiting Alecto the Ninth, and besides that I'm reading some Sanderson.
As far as non-fiction goes, I cannot recommend ACOUP enough, and should probably read it more often myself.
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tekatonic · 2 years
2023 blog update !
Sooo happy new year everyone, and let's get into the thick of it, because I have a lot of words to spew out from my little tired brain ( i swear i started writing this at 4am, how's it past 6 already ? ). Beware long post...
I'm ditching the "sonic fandom" categorizing tag, most of my blog is sonic stuff so it doesn't really matter ( i'll change out the old tag on my old posts later when i remember... )
I wanted to change my url, cause i don't like what it stands for now, but it's what I'm credited as in the SWA zine and i don't wanna inconvenience them this late in the thing, so I'm gonna keep it for the time being. Maybe in a few months I'll change it ?
I kinda hate tagging my posts so i think i'm gonna stop using most of my tags when i'm reblogging, just doing my regular comments instead and content warnings if it needs it ( don't forget you can always ask to tag ! ), and of course, the reblog tag stays.
This doesn't mean I'm ditching the categorizing tags entirely though. I'm gonna try something. At every end of the month I'll go into the mass post editor and just correctly tag everything. ( I might still tag characters and fandoms the regular way for non-sonic stuff ).
I might reblog a little less. Or at least try to. The amount of stuff I usually reblog kind of overwhelms me ( sideblog will not be affected as it's a lot less pressure ).
I have a lot saved up in my likes tab that i still need to get to reblogging... might be time to revive the 'queued' tag ?
I'm still gonna be serial-replying, sorry... It's just less stress for me.
In terms of resolutions... I wanna post more art ! I basically stopped entirely in the later half of 2022 cause of ID anxiety and that's no good, art is what i made this blog for ! I also still haven't introduced you guys to my AU and I was supposed to do that in, like, June 2022... So I'm gonna do that. Lemme know what format you think I should post the 24 ( and more ) images in ? ^^;
Maybe I could post my long rambles and weird ""essays"" ( heavy quotations because those are basically liveblogging of my current thoughts ), if you guys would like to see that. A lot of questioning logic, lore, headcanons and theories. Stuff like that.
I want to interact more with the fandom ! Provide actual content ! Be active, be friends, y'know. Do the club activities and all that jazz. Art challenges, redraws, collabs, whiteboards, dtiys... I wanna be part of the cool/uncool kids and have fun while doing it !
I'm gonna go through sideblog-exclusive stuff below the cut since I'm sure most of y'all don't care about that. I only have 3 or 4 followers on there since I've only ever shared it with friends, so you probably don't even know it exists.
Alright so for ekana-to-hana.
It's basically gonna stay the same
I haven't been drawing my sonas and their universe a lot, so sorry about no new original art... I'm gonna try to draw them more !
All this time I've been just reblogging random stuff, but I think I'm gonna start sharing the things I like. Of course those posts won't get any more than 3 notes unless people actually like what i care about ( plants, fashion, ultra-specific aesthetics, various potential craft hobbies ), but hey whatever.
So in short, more original posts.
I might ( emphasis on 'might' ) start posting personal life updates like, i dunno, plant pics, merch if i get some, ramblings about life and shit.
Unlike my main blog, tagging remains unchanged, since i have way less to organize ( no characters and fandom tags ).
I should sort out my organizing tags for personal clarity tho.
Maybe I'll do some OC+fandom art, to promote the account ? But honestly I wouldn't really count on it.
And that's all folks.
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faesystem · 1 year
I really dislike the current narrative surrounding dissociative identity disorder online. I suppose it is more accurate to say I dislike ableism, or perhaps that I dislike living my life in fear of it.
We have an overt presentation of DID. We have known for over 2 years, and ever since the host during early discovery went dormant, we have not had any form of singletsona or proper host in the way other systems do. It was primarily just that I was our only consistent fronter, so the others dubbed me host.
I do not believe I am the host anymore. For months we have been in a near-constant state of intense dissociation. And I have realised that the cause of that is masking. When we mask, we dissociate.
Which means that the best way to address the dissociation is via unmasking.
I am frightened to do that.
Masking for us, especially in person, used to involve alters fronting, having amnesia, and doing their best to adapt to whatever is going on. Then after we got on testosterone and now are in a place where most of the time we pass, having alters with feminine voices speak is a safety risk. So they mask. And that causes them to dissociate.
And I am autistic and because my manner of speaking is so different to others, I try and mask it. I sound angry to people. I never try to. Even if I explicitly state my tone, people do not seem to pick up it. And in particular, in contrast to other alters in the system who are very hyperexpressive due to being autistic, I just do not want to come off as mean.
Which is probably why I have begun dissociating so much.
Even online I have begun to do so. I have many memories of beginning to alter the way I am making a post only to have them fade off as it caused me to dissociate.
It is not even necessarily that I wish to stop masking, it is a necessity. We cannot spent months losing all of our time because there was simply no one in front, not truly, just a blurry dissociated mess. It is necessary, but frightening.
Online is a good place to begin. It gives us the privilege to be able to take our time. We do not have to respond quickly, which allows us to escape the subconscious process of slipping into this masked dissociative state.
However, it is a scary as fuck place to begin.
I recently decided that perhaps tagging our content would be a good idea, or even trying sideblogs again. (Tumblr hides our sideblogs posts. Perhaps it is because we have too many, maybe I should delete them. It is simply difficult for me to let go of old things, even if we never use it, but that is not the point right now.) A part of being more organised on here would involve tagging who wrote what. An aspect of unmasking is visibly differentiating ourselves.
I just fear the potential consequences of putting something like, "Front: Tim," in the tags. I feel as though it makes people discredit what I have to say. And I know, logically, it does not truly do me any harm if I somehow wind up on something like FDC, but it still frightens me that I will.
I do not why I am so scared. I mean, I suppose I do, I am fearing ableism, but also logically it is the internet. If someone discredits me because they are ableist, it does not truly matter and I do not care about them because I do not care for ableists. If I end up on FCD, I simply will not look. In fact, I would likely never even know, because I do not look.
I do not know what the point of this post is.
We are likely going to begin to tag our posts. Including who is fronting. To be honest, we may make it things that do not say, "Front: Tim," because we are afraid, but at the same time I wish to have people be able to get to know us individually. At least, get to know me individually.
Perhaps something like Mod Tim? That way passers by simply assume it is run by multiple people, and those who look closer can tell those multiple people are multiple alters.
If anyone has any advice or wishes to add to the conversation, feel free to do so. And I did say dissociative identity disorder as this is a more personal post about my experiences, but obviously this applies to other disorded like otherwise specified dissociative disorder.
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moon-of-curses · 2 years
ok so this is the drunkest I have ever been (iirc) and also the most alive I have ever felt and I’m probably going to hate myself in the morning but it won’t be more than I usually hate myself so I don’t care.
I have a girlfriend, and I’ve had one for like a month, and she’s so fucking cool and they helped me process the intrusive thoughts (spurred on by holding a literal revolver, thank you texas) and oh my god she’s so cool and we are so gay.
we’re gay! I’m gay! I am a lesbian! a homosexual! gay! oh my god this is the best night of my life! it was a pretty fucked up evening (see: intrusive thoughts + revolver, I promise that’s relevant but I’m don’t really wanna get into it) but tonight? I’m fuckin living it up!
christ I have to actively stop myself from becoming a horror writer in the discord servers I’m in with the amount of detailed prose that’s (Imma be honest) pretty much stolen from another tumblr post about the night sky against the ocean and how primally terrifying that is. lord I’m drunk.
three shots of tequila and six shots of rum; I am fucked up tonight. and I am loving every second of it. oh my god it takes so much concentrated effort not to say something I’ll regret and like fucking doxx myself or some shit. logically I should delete that shit about the night sky but even sober I’m all tricky and clever and coy and shit. I’m not gonna say anything more about where I live than I usually do. and even then it’s not like anyone even pays enough attention to this blog to figure it out.
by the time I’m a big enough name on tumblr for people to give a shit I will have long since moved out of this shithole. I probably will have moved out of texas by then. maybe seattle. I hear that’s a good place for friendly neighborhood anarchists to live, thought I’ll have to do more research. man fuck texas. all my homies hate texas. and fuck greg abbot too. y’know what, just fuck the government. I said it on my memey ass sideblog, I’ve probably said it here; fuck the government. fuck all governments! fuck anyone who would deny anyone their rights as a human being! I hate this world and the only thing keeping me going is the fact that I hate it more than myself!
fuck I’m drunk. I am filled with so much love and hatred for my fellow human (the best examples of which being my girlfriend and nazis respectively) and I’m not gonna let anyone take that away from me again.
oh my god you have no idea how hard it is not to self harm rn. it is in like, every impulse. but, I resisted impulse (or intrusive thoughts, I’m not sober enough to tell the difference), so fucking hell if I’m giving up now.
no one’s going to see this, and that’s okay.
I told my girlfriend to go to sleep and put her needs first, so Imma be honest, I’m mostly writing this as a way to keep myself occupied until I sober the hell up.
my anarchism sideblog that I abandoned weeks ago is getting notes! that’s fuckin hilarious! good on ya for paying attention to it I guess!
oh dear lord I’m rambling, but see, last time I rambled on tumblr it was in tags! and I’m not using tags on this post (save for one, for archiving purposes)! that’s, like, progress or some shit! or maybe just the gradual decay of my ability to give a shit!! who knows? who cares! I said the first time that I wanted to get drunk and fuck my best friend but you know what she’s my girlfriend now and you know what? I’m fuckin down for it! sex!! oh my fucking got I can’t wait! oh fucking hell I’m going to regret airing all this out in public but fuck you it’s barely fucking public and no one gives a shit about my life (least of all my parents) except for my girlfriend and oh my god I have a girlfriend! this is amazing!
uh... fuck you, fuck the gevernment, and fuck. tennis!
I don’t even know that reference
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puppypaw-wc · 3 years
random rhythm heaven facts i know off the top of my head for some reason
uh i’m bored so. have random rhythm heaven facts that i just. know. for some reason.
despite being the only game in the series to not have any lyrical remixes, ds is tied with fever for the most original lyrical songs, with each having five. ds has thrilling! is this love?, love ooh ooh paradise, young love rock n’ roll, struck by the rain, and that’s paradise; fever has tonight, lonely storm, dreams of our generation, i love you my one and only, and beautiful one day.
i emphasize “original” because without that, megamix beats fever and ds, having around eleven lyrical songs in total; only counting original lyrical songs, megamix has three (tokimeki no story/lush remix’s music, i’m a lady now/honeybee remix’s music, and um. whatever machine remix’s song is. in the english version though it only has one original lyrical song).
tengoku has four lyrical songs: karate man’s song (which like. idk if it even has a name- does it get name privileges-), the bon odori, honey sweet angel of love, and wish - can’t wait for you.
the fastest song is in ds; big rock finish c’s bpm is 290. the second fastest is also a ds game, namely remix 4, with,,, i believe 222 bpm?
the slowest game is built to scale and built to scale 2; at their slowest, their bpm is 60.
while endless games’ bpm is all over the place due to speeding up, clap trap literally has no (or at least no known) bpm. somehow.
no i don’t know anything about music.
i do, though, know remix 10′s bpm off the top of my head. it’s 166 in case you were curious. remix 10 ds’ bpm is 160. remix 6,,, it’s 138.7 or something like that? idk the exact decimal number. left-hand remix’s bpm is 120 i think. i have no idea on right-hand remix’s. and final remix starts at 160 bpm, increases to 170 at the end, and finally, ends at 180 bpm.
i have memorized the controls for literally every game. no i will not list them here because that’d take too long.
lockstep is the only ds keep-the-beat game to not have flick controls.
barelys (early/late inputs that are too early/late to count as hits) usually count as misses, but there’s a few exceptions to this:
some games will have barelys allow you to pass the practice, but then not actually count in the game itself. the main offender of this is flipper-flop. flipper-flop’s barelys make it so hard to perfect dear god-
in ds, three games’ perfect campaigns count barelys as hits, those being shoot-’em-up, frog hop, and lockstep. despite this, they still count as misses when playing normally, meaning you can get a perfect that wouldn’t be a superb. that always happens to me when i play lockstep 2.
most games have clear indicators for when you got a barely, though some are relatively similar to a miss, but some games have literally no indicator of barelys. unsurprisingly, all but one are in ds:
the games in question are glee club (sometimes; i’m guessing it’s when it’s still a barely but it’s right on the line between barely and early/late hit) moai doo-wop, love lizards, space soccer, and, in fever, shrimp shuffle. this means that a perfect campaign can end despite everything seeming completely fine. (sometimes you can tell you got it wrong, but it can be difficult, personally the only one i can tell in is shrimp shuffle and also space soccer sometimes).
barelys always count as misses in megamix. due to this, barelys mess up perfects on shoot-’em-up, frog hop, and lockstep. yet for some reason, barelys still let you pass flipper-flop’s practice. i have no idea why since in literally every other instance they’re a fail, but they do.
there’s like three beats for keep-the-beat games (games where you have to press a/tap/whatever every beat). this is easily seen in megamix’s final remix, where there’s a part where it smoothly transitions between flock step, frog hop, and bunny hop, and then cues you into marching orders (which is likely just due to the bunny hop part ending with a long jump).
the main beat is shared between almost every keep-the-beat game. all the undeniable keep-the-beat games use it.
rhythm rally and air rally,,, i think both have the same beat? i don’t know though. i don’t know if either of them can even count as keep-the-beat games tbh.
donk-donk and shrimp shuffle both have unique beats, which i guess brings it up to four different beats.
yet again, no, i do not know what any of this means.
there’s eight karate man games (both of tengoku’s, both of ds’, both of fever’s, and both of megamix’s original karate man games). a karate man game has appeared in literally every game and i don’t know why.
fan club’s bpm is like 132 or something like that? i mean that’s at least what rhythm heaven remix editor says the “ooh”’s bpm is at i think. it might be 162. i really don’t remember.
i’ve memorized the entirety of remix 10, remix 10 ds, and remix 6. so that’s a thing. though sometimes remix 6 messes me up when i’m just trying to remember it without playing. i can’t memorize megamix’s medley remixes for the life of me.
i’ve also memorized remix 8 because of course i have, who’s surprised at this point?
quiz show is a game that exists. it’s interesting in that you don’t have to follow rhythm at all. it’s a repeat-after-me game, but all that matters is that you press the button(s) the same amount of times.
it also ends if you get a question wrong, and unless it was the last one, that gives you an immediate try again. it’s one of three games to end prematurely, the other two being the night walk games (night walk 2 can also end prematurely).
it only has music playing at the beginning for some reason.
did i mention it got into megamix instead of an actually good game? instead of an actual rhythm game? in rhythm heaven?
megamix’s english dubbing sucks.
they seemingly had a low budget, so i will cut them some slack, but that doesn’t stop the fact that it’s terrible.
the title cards for games use the same few fonts, while in previous games they nearly all had original fonts.
none of the original songs got dubbed. instead they’re just instrumental. and dear god do i hate it. thus, with english audio, the only remix song is i’m a lady now, which is in english in all versions.
space dance and marching orders. just,,, space dance and marching orders. dear god.
luckily, and possibly due to the dubbing, megamix has the option to change between english and japanese audio. i have no idea if that’s only in the english version or if it’s in other languages’ translations, but it’s nice either way.
ds just straight-up lies to you. at the beginning of the game, it says it’s completely controlled with the touch screen, but then in the game right before remix 10, the r-button is used.
due to this rockers 2 sucks on emulator.
ds has too many repeat-after-me games, i can think of five off the top of my head. ds’ repeat-after-me games also aren’t even that good? moai doo-wop sucks, shoot-’em-up and love lab are fine i guess, i like freeze frame, and drummer duel’s pretty fun (though i’m pretty sure it’s just spam? is this spam heaven now? where did the rhythm go?).
this probably doesn’t make sense to like ninety percent of you. 😔
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serowotonin · 4 years
ft. todoroki shouto, shinsou hitoshi, shigaraki tomura, todoroki touya
n. this was a request from my sideblog that i posted b4 but idk the tags weren’t working back then so im reposting it here,,,,,
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todoroki shouto _
if we’re being totally honest here, todoroki most likely won’t even realize he has a crush on you
like poor bby he’s just so oblivious when it comes to these things
all he knows is he gets rlly nervous around you but.. it’s a good kind of nervous? it’s weird
what’s even weirder is how he feels whenever he sees you talking to one of your friends…
there’s this tight feeling in his chest and his mind gets kinda foggy
and this happens every. single. time. he sees you with that person
which is a lot
at first it wasn’t that bad
he could kinda ignore how he felt and just suppress that icky jealousy
later on though,,, welp
the moment he realizes he has a crush on you is the moment his jealousy takes a dark turn
i’m getting yandere vibes writing this akdjf
he wont do anything or try to interfere with you and your friend’s relationship
he’ll just grow distant and most likely act pretty hostile around your friend
don’t worry tho,,, with the help of some of his friends, he realizes he should just tell you how he feels
and he does and you accept and reciprocate his confession and you two live happily ever after uwu
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shinsou hitoshi _
this dude broods when he’s jealous
but i don’t think a lot of people would notice it anyway
if you aren’t close to him it’d probably be hard to tell the difference between him normally and him “brooding” 
anyway it just frustrates him so much that you spend so much time with that one friend of yours
if you guys were already friends, this would just make him insecure and cause him to kind of withdraw from you
mainly because his jealousy and all that makes him remember that he’s “not here to make friends”
even tho he tries to convince himself of that,, he can’t deny that he does have feelings for you
feelings that go beyond friendship
and it just frustrates him even more
all he wants to do is tell that friend of yours to stay the hell away but.. he can’t exactly do that
i mean he probably could with his quirk but there’s no way he’d actually use it
he doesn’t want people to seeing him as more villain-y than he already is
besides, he can’t just tell others to stay away from you cuz like….he’s not exactly your boyfriend or anything…
he’s not your boyfriend
and the moment he realizes he really wants to be., that’ll be changed immediately
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shigaraki tomura _
once he notices how much time you spend with someone else,,,,
*murderous intent*
ngl he might even just ask kurogiri to kidnap you or smth
of course, kurogiri will probably stop him before he yk... does anything too bad
then he’ll try to reason with shigaraki:
“killing y/n’s friend will only make them hate you”
he actually sees the logic there and just turns into a pouty bb
he’ll still go complain about it to kurogiri
which means kurogiri sorta turns into some relationship guru for shiggy
his advice would differ depending on whether you’re a pro-hero, fellow villain, or just a civilian
if you’re a pro-hero,, kurogiri will most likely try to convince shigaraki to just give up on you
hero/villain relationships are extremely complicated and a lot of hurt is definitely going to be involved
he doesn’t want shigaraki getting hurt and neither does he want him getting captured
if you’re a fellow villain, odds are he tries to get shigaraki to accept his feelings and confess to you
having someone important to him close in his life might help him
and if you’re just a civilian,, he’ll try to convince shigaraki to stay away
for your own good
he doesn’t wanna involve innocent people if it’s not necessary anyway
whatever the case tho, kurogiri would try to help shigaraki get over his jealousy, whether it means getting together with you or not
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dabi / todoroki touya _
depending on your relationship with dabi, he might just end up teasing you about it
“OoOooO going on another date with [friend’s name]”
“it’s not a date..”
he’ll probably also try to just spend as much time with you as possible
if he sees you and your friend together, he’ll be quick to swoop in and come up with some excuse to drag you away
or if you made plans with your friend to hang out and dabi find out, he’ll be sure to be there acting as if he totally hadn’t crashed in on your plans
ofc the longer this continues on for, the more hostile dabi becomes to your friend
as if he wasn’t hostile enough already
truth is he hated greatly disliked your friend since the moment he met them
he always suspected they saw you as something more than just friends
it pissed him off but.. there’s not much he could do about it
if there ever are any signs of them making a move on you tho,, dabi plans to just pull them aside for “a nice chat”
and you can all probably guess how that would go
in any case, your friend gives dabi slight insecurity issues and most likely,, he’ll end up confessing to you one way or the other
altho lets be real,, this “confession” would be more like:
pulls you to his chest “hands off my s/o”
“s/o? since when?”
“since now”
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t. @lilikags
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diaryofomellas · 3 years
This is the last post I will make about Lily Orchard on this blog. If she keeps pushing my buttons or if I keep receiving interesting asks on the subject, I will just make a sideblog for the purposes of unleashing hell. I am not the kind of person who sits tight while the others are punching me. I fucking fight back, especially when I know I'm right.
I'm gonna put it all under the cut because none of my followers should continue to be exposed to this crap. Y'all don't deserve the psychic damage.
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Not bringing up issues until well after the fact.
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"I don't remember unfollowing you, but now that you called my attention to it, I'm not gonna do anything about it and I won't follow you back because reasons."
We all know tumblr is buggy as all heck, but if someone I followed asked me why I stopped following them and I had no clue, I would follow them back. I mean... Wouldn't that be the most logical course of action?
It happened to me before. After cleaning up my following list of a few inactive blogs, I noticed I was no longer following a friend of mine. I assumed I must've accidentally unfollowed them during the cleanup so I just followed them back again. Simple as that.
But no... Lily is special. Logic doesn't apply to her. Lily had no issues to talk about and didn't have any memory of intentionally unfollowing me and yet, she never followed me back.
My verdict? BULLSHIT.
And then, a couple of weeks later, this happened.
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I sinned. I dared to disagree politely with Lily Orchard by presenting arguments to support my point of view and we can't have that in this house!
Can you imagine the disaster it would be if suddenly her followers noticed that it was allowed to disagree with Lily? The scandal! There would be an uprising!
So what did she do? She hid my replies from her post. As if... Somehow that would erase the whole conversation?? Because we can't have this kind of discourse on her blog, oh no. No, let's just fucking hide all the evidence, sweep everything under the rug, no one can ever know!
BUT WAIT, there's more.
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Maybe I was reaching. Maybe I was imagining things. But the timing was amazing, don't you agree? Sometimes life is just full of coincidences...
So obviously, because I had once asked Lily for us to always be honest with each other, I poked her on discord to talk about it.
When I brought up the issue the same day it happened and specifically asked her if there was something wrong, what did she do?
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This Anduin topic is something that clearly bothers her and was clearly bothering her back then.
But of course, I am the one who doesn't bring up the issues until well after the fact. So well after the fact that she never fucking brought it up until after she blocked me. And if I hadn't asked Mikaila, I wouldn't even know what the issue was!
And, while we're at it, am I the only one who thinks it's ironic that Lily keeps complaining about not having enough interaction on her blog but then hides the replies when people interact with her?
Oh wait, I forgot. She only wants interaction when people are worshipping her and drinking her every word like they're dying of thirst in a desert and she's the only one offering a sip of truth water.
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How many times did you see me comment on that Anduin plot arc in your fic? Truthfully, how many? I probably said something once or twice when it came up, and then never again. Even though you posted an uncomfortable amount of excerpts regarding that topic.
I'm sure there are records of it somewhere on the internet but I'm too tired to go look it up now. I couldn't even read those excerpts because I felt disgusted. But I didn't bring that issue up because, unlike you, I have common sense. I understand that it's your fucking fic and you can write whatever you want. I didn't think it was my place to question because I actually have a functional brain and I can separate fiction from reality.
I don't have an obsession with Anduin. With Sylvanas, sure. And I proudly admit to that!
What I also proudly admit to is having an obsession with the truth. And you no longer know what that word even means.
It's almost as if you're having difficulty keeping track of what actually happened and what you decided happened. You've thrown out so many lies that it's clear you're no longer able to keep track of them yourself.
Or maybe you can and you're just another toxic piece of shit floating around the interwebs.
Either way, it's unhealthy and you need help.
And, by the way, what you call "harassing your wife" was me giving you a chance to tell me why you two were lying before I made a post about it, and offering my support to her in spite of that. Like I have always done.
Out of respect for her and for the other people that were mentioned in that conversation I won't post the screenshots here. But I stand by everything I wrote to her today.
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kingleedo · 3 years
check in tag 👑
I was tagged by my lovely @soonhoonsol 🥰
why did you choose this URL?
because I wanted to go with something Leedo related but leedo and geonhak were taken (but idk if I even tried it lmao). I also have a slight obsession with kings and stuff, so idk it somehow felt natural. And kingleedo sounds nice. Anyways, then I googled the member profiles and it was pointed out that Woong gave him that king Sejeong related nickname about being the creator of Hangeul. And I was like SO IT'S PERFECT!!!
do you have any sideblogs?
no, totally not a fan of sideblogs hahaha. I do have other blogs, tho. @kmvkxn is my personal which I almost never use now
how long have you been on tumblr?
in general, around 10 years.
do you have a queue tag?
not a fan of queues, either haha. but if I had one it would probably be something basic like q or queue
why did you start this blog in the first place?
because I got freshly into kpop after a break, my personal was already too exposed. for a time being it had the same URL as my Instagram username. And for the first time in my life I kinda wanted a member/group-oriented account so I was like I AM CREATING A NEW TUMBLR lmao but I failed since it became a multi anyways, but god knows I try to make sure that ONEUS content takes at least 60-70% of the stuff I post about.
why did you choose this pfp?
for a long time, I wanted my blog to be fancy as feck, like you know living up to the name. But this bish Geonhak doesn't run around wearing a crown (like he should). So I took matters into my own hands. ISTG if I ever go to their live fan sign I'm bringing 50 crowns for my king!
why did you choose your header?
SO IF YOU GO TO MY PERSONAL (and if you were to see ALMOST all of the blogs that I have ever had on this site), you'd see that I'm a hoe for black/red color palette. This theme looked so nice in black/grey at first tho. But then they dropped teasers for Black Mirror and when I saw Keonhee in a red suit, I lost it. And I was like IF LEEDO IS IN RED I AM CHANGING MY COLOR PALETTE so here we are :) it's only logical that I chose his teaser for the header.
what’s your post with most notes?
based on tumblr calculations it's the photoset I did for Woong which can be found here. Lmao I'm not like tumblr famous so idk man hahaha
how many mutuals do you have?
I don't count them, honestly. Almost all my followers are my mutuals, I love to follow people back. But if we were to talk about people I talk to, I'd say around 20-25 people
how many followers do you have?
currently, 139
do you make shit posts?
bold of you to assume I don't. My whole life, whole existence is one big shitpost ahahahha
how long do you use tumblr each day?
it depends. but you can bet my ass I spend almost all my free time here.
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Nope. I don't think so. Never in my life got anon hate, too. There's a joke that only popular blogs get anon hate lmao hahha (THO ANON HATE IS NOT FUNNY KIDS, DON'T BE DICKS)
how do you feel ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
most of the time I have this "Don't tell me what to do" attitude. But if it's a signal boost or a support post (basically anything that has good intentions), I'd reblog it.
do you like tag games?
yes, but they pile up in my likes because I love them and I'm like OH MY GOD SOMEDAY I'LL GET TO THIS ONE 100% but then I either forget or life happens or I get distracted :') BUT I NOTICE THEM ALL AND I REALLY LOVE THAT PEOPLE TAG ME IN THOSE <3
do you like ask games?
of course!! But I don't do them often, because I don't want to disappoint people who send the asks in. (in case I forget or smth ;;)
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
idk about that but I do believe that all my mutuals deserve to be tumblr famous. Especially the CC crew! They all make amazing works, be it gif making, video editing, edits, writing, drawings. You guys make this place a better place and it wouldn't exist without you all!
do you have a crush on a mutual?
no, lmao. I mean you all beautiful and amazing and I love you so much! jfc look at me friendzoning yall. In my defense, my last mutual rs didn't end well, so NAH NEVER AGAIN
tagging my squad:
@kuroyurishion @u-know-time @geniuspepe @trashlord-007 @lovepaintt @minbinlix @hoshiwhxre @kimoonday @yeongwvnhi @malzenn @moon-typewriter @naturalogre @highponyleedo @younqjo @plasticflowering @strikingtaemin @seohopeful @nyangjo @seohoshi @leed0neus @kim-hong-joongie @squirrel-seoho @donghanies @imtheoneinmyzone and anyone else who wants to do it ^^
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beetleboo · 3 years
long post. one i’ve been trying to make for a while now. hell, i wrote this like... third week of may. didn’t post it until now because i didn’t know if I wanted to.
but something i want to lay out, been wanting to lay out for months. dont want to talk to anyone about it, just want to put the info out there for it to be seen.
if you re/blog this i will block you. i may put this on the relevant sideblog at some point.
because 2020 was the worst year on record for me for a number of reasons, and it’s torn me down to the lowest point i’ve been in a long time, and this is just. everything that’s gone down. not a callout post, no one gets named, but these are all the events
partially in relation to my fandom sideblog, because that’s where i had community, and where it’s all just. gone. doesnt exist anymore.
i started up a server, ages ago now. somewhere i curated to be a positive and safe space for things, and for a while, it was that.
around the end of 2019, spilling over to the start of 2020 when it picked up, i found, both on my blog and in discord spaces, in particular the server i ran, that people no longer talked to me. no one would hold a conversation with me past a few basic responses, no one replied to anything i shared, no one engaged when i tried to start discussions. so i pulled back from the main server - S1. thought it was just a lull in activity. stayed that way for weeks, months, and I just muted the server. no one ever cared about anything i had to say. was lucky if anything i posted got even a token emoji react
was in another, smaller server - S2. people i talked to damn near every day, even in voice. played games together - that became... no fun simply because everyone else was so much better/further ahead in the game. i was completely useless, so didn’t server a function in game and never really felt like anyone actively wanted me around, but i still participated in chat.
but again, no one ever responded to anything I posted beyond maybe a token react
couple people discussing something one day. I contributed with Theory A, and quite immediately got that shut down. few minutes later, they rephrased exactly what I said and happily nattered away. so whatever I said wasn’t worth it when it came out of my mouth but if they talked about it, it was all well and valid. so again, between that specific experience and no one interacting with me, nor anything I post. server muted. treatment taught me no one cared about my presence there.
gave admin rights to S1, my server, to someone I trusted. two requests only: dont delete channels and let me know if you want to invite anyone (since I kept it private)
RYE (i’m just assigning random three letter names to people to keep this straight) posted public invites several times. never asked me. one of the two things i asked. brought it up with them that it bothered me, just got vague noncomittal responses. more public invites. eventually, after having the server muted for months, i handed over full control and left. that was almost a full year ago. none of the people have talked to me in that entire year, through discord or here or anything.
except RYE who sent me a message after a couple months like ‘wow i havent heard from you in a while hope you’re doing ok’. i wasn’t. after a bit but still the same day, i said as much. that i wasn’t doing well. they never responded. and i don’t mean like, they didn’t respond that day. i mean i literally never heard from them until months later when they sent me a meme and also didn’t respond to me commenting on that meme.
and this is one side of things. all of the above was the first half of the year. this next bit happened about. march2020? I was in another server - S3. another place that was a good space at the time. was in voice chat with two other people. started talking about one thing. MIN very suddenly said something along the lines of ‘i don’t care about this i’ll come back when you’re done’
this is one of the very few things that can trigger me - i’ve had a lot of people talk down to me if I dare look excited about anything. when they came back, i asked if they could try to just. depart conversations more softly. MIN always said ‘if i do anything hurtful to you just tell me! i dont want to do that kind of thing!’
this was clearly a lie as they exploded on me, telling me they always have to walk on eggshells around me, that I ask so many things from them. before what I asked them that day, I can only recall one other thing i asked (which was not to talk about a person who was abusive towards me, and they were like ‘yea sure np’ about that, over a year prior’)
the whole thing turned into basically me having to shut down the fact that i was hurt by what they did, had to ignore that now and i had to fawn and placate them and the only thing i got out of that was that my feelings were irrelevant, only theirs.
(incidentally, I have had two other people turn on me in similar ways, accusing me of doing shifty/bad/terrible things, and not being willing to tell me what they are when I ask, only saying that ‘i should know what i did’ so that’s also now a Fun New Bit Of Trauma.)
and that entire weeklong event lead me straight to a breakdown. literal genuine breakdown i cannot convey how devastating that entire scenario was without going into far too many details.
so between all of these things happening in less than six months, with three different community spaces folding and collapsing and fading away from me, with many of the friends i thought i had just. moving on to other things and dropping me. people i talked to every day just not bothering with me anymore. they all have gone on to other stuff and no one ever went ‘hey beets wanna see what i’m up to’ or ‘wanna do this thing with me’
a handful of instances of me saying ‘yeah i’m dealing with these fears that have been reinforced lately that people aren’t safe to deal with, even thought part of me knows they’re probably irrational it feels like i have evidence to back it up’ and people immediately take it personally like i’m saying they’re not safe. despite. me outright saying. i know logically it should be irrational. but their reactions just reinforce it so it’s just a loop and tells me, again, never to bring up any of my problems with anyone.
so this all just reinforces that there’s something wrong with me. couple years back i spoke to a friend and how i was frustrated that I seemed to end up in bad spaces and they said ‘well you’re the one thing in common so its probably your fault’ and obviously they’re not my friend anymore but that has affected me so deeply. i can’t do anything without overthinking, whenever anything goes wrong i tear apart everything i’ve done and everything i’ve said or thought and i don’t know why things keep going bad. i try so hard but i’m just. not right.
so it all teaches me that there’s no point in reaching out in trying to talk to people because if i say ‘hey this hurt me’ i get ignored at best or torn down, yelled at, scolded. no point in trying to talk to new people because everyone just walks away at some point. not even a natural drift apart, i can handle that. but just very suddenly, they’re gone, off with better people doing better things.
roundabout, ties back to ‘consumption versus community’ - this is why i’ve been struggling so hard with lack of engagement on my sideblog. lucky to get a dozen notes on anything i make, unless it’s something other people can use (like mods) and even THEN it’s rare to see much activity. and that was FINE because i had people to talk to elsewhere, who would ask questions and we could back and forth and i shared my stuff and they shared those and it didnt matter if my posts only got a dozen notes because i had friends to talk to.
now i get (example) seven notes, six of which are likes and one is a reblog with no commentary. when i have something with a ton of notes, still, minimal commentary, no one talks to me. even on a mod with five hundred notes it just feels like i went ‘hey i made something :)’ and everyone picked it up and walked away with it, no one went ‘hey this is cool i want to talk to the person who made it.’
and it just feels like 95% of the time, i’m just overlooked. 
and it’s worse than it’s ever been in my entire life, and I wonder, what’s the point of any of this anymore.
why bother to make the posts to share when it all just gets passed by. what’s the point in trying to reach out to new people and make friends when i get lashed out at or left behind? the social is gone out of my social media. i had community, and now it’s gone.
so this has all been going on for months and months and months and hey! suffering. and i dont expect it to get any better, don’t expect this post to fix these issues, but i’ve been trying to say something about all of this for fucking months and i think just, laying it all out is all I can do about it. i’m sure i’ve forgotten some things to touch on but as it is, all these events, all of it happening all together. new traumas, old traumas reawoken, reinforced, i’ve been torn to pieces i don’t know how to function, i can’t remember the last time i felt like even half a real person. taught that the safe, positive spaces that meant so much to me don’t actually exist and they’ll all turn on me and be torn away. nowhere is safe anymore, and trying to make it safe is just going to ruin me again.
people aren’t safe, places aren’t safe, been proven to me time and time again so i just. stay away.
no matter how much i try to fight that, it just doesnt work.
anyway tl;dr beets needs therapy probably
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Is there any take or opinion on CRWBY that you'd want to slap people over the head with, if you could? As in, should you one day somehow get the willing attention of the whole fandom, what's something you'd want to tell them or convince them about. Like, yk when you see a post and it's something you don't agree with and have evidence for why it's wrong but they'd never listen? You get the chance to make em listen, what do you say.
I MEANT telling FNDM what to think of the Show.
I'm pretty sure this sideblog functions as a sort of semi-manifesto for all the things I wish people cared about or understood with R/WBY, but then also half the beauty of life is other people having different opinions and making you think differently.
I also think there are a few different camps of people whom I disagree with, all for varying reasons, sometimes as simple as narrative illiteracy and a discomfort with storytelling logic, then others who just have bad taste. I don't think either are the sort to be 'fixed' or convinced, which is kind of why I don't really spend time on my blog being polemic or reblogging posts that I disagree with. It's not like there's much to be got from it. I might make posts in response to prevailing attitudes I see though, that's definitely a thing I do, but there's nobody in particular I'm trying to talk shit about.
There's also the fact that I'm a very small fan that I imagine few agree with. I do sometimes lol at my URL, because I mostly picked it for the euphony (one syllable, two syllables, three syllables) and to a degree the imagery (so it doesn't need the Classics context to 'get it') but I didn't think it would end up being so apt. I don't really feel like getting trapped in a tragic cycle of kinslaying, though.
So, I don't want to be presumptuous, because I'm sure there are a lot of people who want to change my mind. Unfortunately, my interest in fairytales, symbolism, redemption arcs, monsters and maidens, poetic storytelling, etc. are all here to say and not likely to go, and that's why I like R/WBY. I think that probably explains some of my beef, which I've commented on before: I definitely resonate with the fairytale logic and storytelling in R/WBY as opposed to the shared anime storytelling. Even in terms of anime, my favourite films are Angel's Egg and Ghost in the Shell, so two both deeply Jungian and feminine-driven narratives.
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(Source for the first one, second one I'm not sure where it's from cuz I saved it in like 2016, but that user has a ton of beautiful .gifs, so wonderful. They're delicate work to make)!
That's sort of the thing, I know R/WBY is somewhat a divisive show, but R/WBY is basically a show that directly caters to me in a lot of ways that I didn't directly expect (having been a fan since V1). So for whatever its flaws are, the things I love about it are things that are hard for me to find in other stories. I love mythopoeism and the study of narrative, so a show about stories and real stories that are mystical is like my favourite thing ever.
So, I've sort of said it before, but I wish sometimes people would just let R/WBY be R/WBY and understand R/WBY's storytelling style, I guess - perhaps some of the fault is on the text, perhaps some of it isn't. I also think that there are some really sick things about the FNDM that I'd honestly wish to keep off my blog, but I shall say that I can really feel the love in the show and I don't get the sense there's any spiteful storytelling at all. I don't think it's cynical, either. I think it's a show made out of love, and it's hard for me to not enjoy that element. I'm burnt by corporate storytelling and I don't want anything to do with it, and I also don't get the sense R/WBY is corporate.
I mean, in some ways my approach is more finding what you love, as opposed to obsessing over what you hate. Even if you hatewatch R/WBY there's clearly something about it that intrigues you for whatever reason, and figuring that out is fun.
To touch a particularly explosive topic, I guess the question is: what is it about Ironwood that you liked, and really wanted to see remain heroic? If Ironwood's fall hurt you, how do you think Oz felt, with that happening to him again and again? Do you think it hurt Salem at all for her own underlings to betray her? Like, isn't it more interesting to ask yourself why things upset you? This is a genuine thing I started doing myself and asking why you like or dislike things and what they're trying to do in the story can be helpful. I actually really liked Ironwood and was deeply saddened by his fall arc, but I also loved his fall arc. By the same stroke, isn't the idea of how a hero or a villain (Cinder) is made interesting? I get that there are concerns about Ironwood's fall beyond thematic resonance, and sadly some of those are outside the scope of my post to address - some worldbuilding concerns I've seen - but I also ask that people who are sympathetic to Ironwood similarly extend that sympathy to all of his own underlings.
On the note of Ironwood, I think it's important to remember that all of the R/WBY characters are in some way analogous to each other, and doing things for each other's character arcs. That's why I think the redemption arcs of the show - beginning with Weiss, in fact, and Blake's own history - are gradually building up to Cinder's, and that Ironwood's descent into villainy was intentionally contrasted against her rise into heroism, and why she is the way she is. (Also, I hate to drag this up now... but I think that there's a reason Cinder was invested in bringing down Atlas, and I don't think Cinder was the only young girl victimised by the city (obviously, that's what Mantle's all about), but I also mean in the sense that Ironwood would have been morally uncomfortable with the Glass Unicorn's activities but probably not enough to actually stop it. He would make a very impassioned speech about how bad it was and how difficult it would be to shut down, though).
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Picture to break up the text and also, she should have just stopped being difficult and waited to get into Atlas Academy, then she could have been normal and well-adjusted like Winter. Oh, wait.
But then you run into that issue of people thinking Cinder's an unimportant hysterical bitch, and like, you can't win against those people.
I can only tell you what I love and value about the show (warts and all), and what I think the unique things it's doing are (and honestly, I really thought I would only get this mythic storytelling the once with my previous fandom with similar themes of hope and redemption), and why I think its earnest sense of emotion is very compelling to me. I love love and truth that saves the world and not being ashamed about it. I love that scene where Ruby's being carried by Weiss' Summon and is then protected and aided by Jinn (the feminine spirit) to use her silver eyes, like... R/WBY isn't trying to be cynical or ironic or make you feel bad for being moved by stuff and crying.
I'm not really sure that I would want to change other peoples' opinions, overall. I would just hope that people ask questions about what are the things they enjoy in stories and where they get their bliss from. I hope that doesn't sound like... dramatic? But I mean it genuinely, stories are supposed to move you, and sometimes being moved in an uncomfortable way is as meaningful as a comforting one.
Also Cindemption is canon and A/rkos wasn't true love and Knightfall is endgame. End story.
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bluesmuses · 3 years
    I’ve been asked what my general advice for a new rper would be and it got long for IMs so here’s a post instead hfkjshdf I would prefer this Wasn’t Reblogged because I’m sure it’s imperfect and I don’t want my activity notes to explode ;v; Hope it is helpful though.
    For me, personally, I consider mutual respect to be the most important thing. Most rpers have their own preferences and standards, some are rly picky, some not picky at all, some are very organized with extensive tagging systems, some blogs are not. Usually these sorts of things are listed in someone's rules/guideline page. My own rule page has gone through several revisions, and that's okay, if you have a bad experience or run into something you haven't before, grow and learn, your comfort is important! You are not obligated to anyone! Take care of yourself and if someone doesn’t treat you how you would treat them, there is no reason for you to continue to interact with that person!
    A few general rping basics that Most ppl acknowledge would be...
Godmodding: determining what another person's character does without consent. There's not rly a point to rping with someone else if person A is trying to personally direct what person B does, also it's just pretty rude hfskjhdfs but I've seen it, multiple times, not fun. Don’t do that. Respect other ppls muses and how they want to write them, not how you think they should write them for you.
In Character/Out of Character issues: Sometimes people take personal offense to what someone's character does to their character, which can lead to all kinds of problems. Even if someone is writing a 'comfort character,' they are still fictional characters, and expecting an asshole muse to not be an asshole is rly unreasonable. I've seen a lot of villain muse writers especially struggle with this, but I’ve even had this problem in writing ‘good hearted character with a difficult personality’ not catering to another character the way they apparently wanted them to, without even telling me. Also, sometimes people let the knowledge they have ooc, such as from reading a muse's about or answered asks or interactions with other characters, be known to their character. Sometimes it can be logical, but sometimes there are private things that shouldn't be common knowledge just because the mun has read it. Again, this can be mun dependent, some don't care at all about this, but some can get very agitated hkfjshdf it's a good idea to ask the mun regardless if it's questionable for your muse to know about something.
Communication: despite shyness and anxiety, if someone is worried about anything, even if it seems small, it's always a good idea to just Check with your partner. Asking or Discussing is much better than having a build up of issues down the road from not talking and assuming too much of someone else.
Blog Format: this can get messy real fast. As far as I know, there are four main types. (1) Personals who rp. Essentially, normal tumblr blogs who also dabble in rping. Not particularly popular among a lot of more serious rpers because many of us are here to avoid reality and just have fun with fictional characters, so we’re probably not going to follow-back a blog that posts a lot of pictures/politics/content unrelated to whoever they are writing. But some are fine with this, so again, that’s a personal preference thing. (2) Single-muse Blog. A whole blog made and dedicated to writing a muse, which was the most prevalent for a long time, and also what I used to do. These blogs can send ic asks and etc directly from your rp blog without any confusion. But you also have to log in and out of each one individually. Great for ppl who focus on One or just a few muses for long periods though. (3) Multi-muse Blog. A whole blog dedicated to however many muses a person wants to write. Can be a few or  m a n y. If someone doesn’t have a good tagging set up, these can be very difficult to navigate. But it can also be one of the most laid back to run, just adding and removing muses through a page or tags. (4) Roleplay Hub. Hello, it’s me. A hub is a blog dedicated being a source for sideblogs dedicated to specific muses, so you don’t have to log into multiple locations but still have individual blogs per character. I’m pretty sure I helped start this trend to be honest hfskjdhf
    There are also ask blogs dedicated to just answering asks, oftentimes with art, but I don’t see those very often anymore, and I haven’t really seen those types of blogs actually making rp threads, doing heavy plotting, etc BUT I COULD BE WRONG don’t hold me to that;;;;
    AND ADDITIONALLY I went diving and found this which seems like an in depth list of things to keep in mind / if you want additional info/advice
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hey so you seem like a good person to come to for advice. i’m a girl, but people mistake me for a boy a lot, especially since i cut my hair short. the thing is, recently i don’t feel like correcting them? like i know logically that i’m not a boy but it doesn’t feel wrong? i eventually correct them, but that always feels weird to say, saying i’m a girl sounds like a lie somehow. thing is, i’m not sure if this means i’m trans or if it’s something else, and i don’t really want to talk to anyone about it cause i’m afraid that would make it real, and i don’t really want it to be real because it seems like a whole complicated mess. but the fact that i don’t want to do anything about it makes me feel like it can’t be real, like if i was really trans i’d want to change things as fast as possible. it’s causing me a whole lot of stress trying to figure it out, but you seem really smart with gender stuff, what do you think?
Thank you!
So first of all, remember you have time. You don't need to tell anyone or do anything right away. You have time, and don't need to make any big decisions or changes until you're ready, and if that's never, then that's valid too!
I'd also recommend the pronoun dressing room! And I can always play the pronoun game with you if you want! (Link is in my pinned post). And remember, pronouns =\= gender so you can use any pronouns and be any gender, even if they're not the pronouns commonly used by people of that gender.
And there is no wrong way to be trans! No matter how fast you want to go, you're still valid!
Something that helps me is, instead of asking "am I [insert gender]" is asking yourself how you want to be perceived. Do you want to be perceived as a boy? Girl? Something in-between? Neither? And remember, this will probably take a lot of time to figure out! So don't beat yourself up if you don't know immediately.
There are also many labels that could fit! You can experiment in online spaces, as again, you don't need to tell Anyone, especially people irl, until you're ready, or ever. If you don't want to experiment on main, you can create a sideblog where you go by different pronouns/ the gender you want to experiment with (so a sideblog where you say you're male and go by he/him to see if it fits, and also if you're ok with people seeing you as a guy/ a gender that's not your agab)
And you don't have to be "right" first time! It's ok to change labels! If you think you're [insert gender] but realise you're actually a different gender, it's ok!
And you also don't need labels if you don't want them! Just being unlabeled or not cis is enough!
And if you experiment and then realise you're cis, that's perfectly ok too!
Some labels you may want to look into a bit more can be: bigender, pangender, genderfluid, demiboy or demigirl! (I'm not saying you have to but these might at least half fit and it may be worth doing a little research!)
And some reminders!
-you don't need dysphoria to be trans!
-you don't need to transition, or need to want to transition to be trans!
-you don't need to do anything you don't want to!
-labels are like clothes, you can choose to wear whatever fits best, even if they're only there until you find something better!
-you are valid! And I can't promise it will be a quick journey, but I know that there is a community that will support you through it, no matter where it leads!
-you don't need to use any labels you don't want to! Even if they do fit! (Like for example I don't always call myself trans as I am often my agab, so you don't need to either!) Labels should be freeing, not a prison.
-i am here for you! Feel free to ask questions and remember that an honest question is never a dumb question!
I hope this helps!
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Thanks for tagging me @joshriku I adore reading your rambles then getting the excuse to do my own rambling 😌💖
why did you choose your url?
honestly my logic for going about this was that at the time I made this blog, I was incredibly into the sea salt trio, and felt that the twilight road to nightfall was specifically the path for Nobodies to walk. And since I wanted a url that somehow expressed my love for the sea salts in a subtle way, it seemed like the perfect fit. And it still is, considering I’ve never changed it [save maybe once for a halloween joke]
do you have any sideblogs?
yes! They’re incredibly inactive though @theworldofpokespe @thewonderfulwitchofthewest
do you have a queue tag?
#maybe talking about the book will cheer queue up — I only use it sometimes
why did you start your blog in the first place?
I needed people to scream about kh at, especially during the pre-kh3 era. My irl friends just weren’t having it
why did you choose this profile picture?
The perfect coalescence of what my url looks like and who lives inside my head rent free
why did you choose this header?
I think the art is lovely. And I gotta cope with khux somehow
whats your post with the most notes?
To this day, I still find it funny that it’s this one
how many mutuals do you have?
15 maybe? A good amount
how many followers do you have?
I’m at the point where I don’t really care about people knowing so 3500+ but in reality probably like 500 or so active blogs. How I manage to amass this many people over the years is beyond me
how many people do you follow?
266 great blogs but sadly a lot are inactive. I keep following them as a relic of how much I adore their old posts and/or out of respect for our friendship
have you ever made a shitpost?
HAH! when have I NOT?
how often do you use tumblr?
Every other day, if I’m in the mood. It used to be every day for hours straight. I definitely feel like I have a healthier relationship with this website now
have you ever had an argument or a fight with another blog?
I can vaguely remember one? Not so much of a fight and more of just me and others trying to explain to someone that they were being mean-spirited and problematic
how do you feel about “you have to reblog this” posts?
I simply won’t unless I want to 💜
do you like tag games?
hell yeah, I love talking about myself
do you like ask games?
hell yeah, I love talking about myself
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don’t think, I know egberts is tumblr famous. And I know a lot of my kh mutuals are pretty much famous within the kh community :)
do you have any crushes on any mutuals?
I find that kind of weird tbh, like.....I love my mutuals but I also don’t Know them, save for 1-2 of them (and 1 of those 2 is my literal gf so lol). Non-serious or platonic crushes are valid though, we fall in love with people every day without realizing it, but most of the time it’s really not that deep
These questions are so good and fun, I think anybody who wants to answer these should go for it. And ramble to your heart’s content!!
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trisscar368 · 4 years
I keep having the insane notion that I should open the supernatural tag on ao3 and go through all the fics in order of posting (this is the kind of thing that amuses me, I know it’s nuts, let me live).
If I filter by year there’s a manageable number of fics to sort through, instead of 244k staring at me trying to break ao3’s code because the poor website is not designed to display that many items.
The logical extension of this “it’s past my bedtime and I fear neither man nor long word counts” thinking is to make recs as I go (probably grouped by year), which I think calls for a sideblog. Because I need a twelfth blog.
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years
[[Before I start, this is based on my headcanons, and in no way official stuff or anything.]]
Today, the 2nd of November, is what the tamaraneans call Fesit!
What is Fesit, you ask? Basically, it is a celebration of food, or the variety of it.
How is it celebrated? It had been a much more active thing on Tamaran before much of the flora and fauna died out. By now, their dishes are more limited than before, but the tamaraneans still try to keep the same spirit up and the festivitiy going. It is based on food, and any tamaranean participating carries some food with them during the day. If they’re able to, it is self-made, but it doesn’t have to be. Anyone they encounter, they give a piece/slice/part of the food, and in exchange get some from the other. They eat it together and possibly discuss the making too. And while this isn’t a thing everyone does, there often is a big feast-table that a group (family, troop, whatever it may be) gathers together when the day comes to an end.
What does this mean for your blog? Well, if we’re mutuals (if you’re reading this on my sideblogs then please remember that I follow back from @starfirechan and not from here), I understand that as permission to maybe have my tamaranean come into your inbox to talk about the day with you - or possibly offer you some food they carry along. I still owe a good amount of things though, and I’m not sure just how much can be done with the festivity in general, so it’d rather unlikely that I’ll do it for Fesit. - If this ever bothers you but you still wish to keep following me, please tell me that you do not like this and I will make a note to keep you out of this. Please also see this as an open invitation to have your muse come to my askbox (or tag me in a post if you prefer) and show interest in what’s going on with my tamaraneans or to join in in the “celebration” if your muse might know of it. I’m not sure yet if I’m gonna do opens for it or not, though if there will be some, you’re free to respond to them.
I’d prefer it if there is a sort-of logical explanation for why your character knows of the tamaranean festival. As for my muses participating: - Starfire has celebrated Fesit in the previous years too, and she will do so today as well. The team is aware, and some of them actually try to avoid her where possible during the day, as it happens that she offers them tamaranean food too. - Blackfire doesn’t really care much for her planet’s festivities, and she also tends to not be aware of dates much, so she doesn’t celebrate by herself and likely won’t tell anyone about it either. (Your muse is free to ask her about it, or try to make her celebrate it, if they learned through someone else, though) - Wildfire remembers a few minor bits about the festivity, but not really much. Starfire has told him about when it takes place, and he will try to honor the festivity at least in some way. Probably not with self-made food as he doesn’t feel good about his cooking, but he would at least make sure to carry something that he could offer anyone crossing his way on the day. - Galfore definitely participates, though he is on Tamaran so the average earthen-bound muse will likely not know, or learn through him about the festivity. - Moonshot definitely participates, once he saw through Starfire that it is the time for Fesit. He’ll be carrying some food he got somewhere - either on legal ways or not - and offer it to anyone he comes across. And if asked about it, he would also explain the celebration. - Starlight isn’t aware of any tamaranean festivity, so she doesn’t participate. Even if she knew of the date though, she wouldn’t try to participate. She needs the food she can get her hands on for herself, and doesn’t see the reason in doing a celebration on another planet that doesn’t know the slightest about it anyway.
There are probably multiple ways your muses could have learned about it, and I’m open to those. But if e.g. an ‘ordinary human’ with no previous contact to anything alien related whatsoever suddenly knows of Fesit I just don’t think I could enjoy it that much.
Oh, and one more thing! This occasion also means that I will put a certain priority on it, should any threads come from it. I will see to get at least some other replies done too, but I will try to focus things that relate to it. And for the next week or so, Fesit-related threads will be handled prioritized over others.
I think that’s all I need to explain; if there are any questions, always feel free to come into my inbox and ask me! All the threads or (IC-)posts related to Fesit will be tagged with: #Please accept it; my food for Fesit!
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