#that sparks a lot of joy hahaha
purpleqilinwrites · 11 months
apple cake.
a/n: i missed writing childe, so here i am again! i don't what it is, but he's so very fun to write.
fandom: genshin impact
character: childe
genre: general
info: established relationship (you are childe's friend); this takes place pre-canon timeline; children being rowdy; childe's real name is used here
warnings: -
synopsis: as always, getting put in time-out is his fault.
word count: 1.0k
fluff-vember prompt: get-along sweater
fluff-vember 2023 masterlist is here.
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You slapped at Ajax's cheek.
He yelped more out of indignation that you had hit him than pain, and he fixed you with a glare, his brows knitting together. Your mother was already out of sight, so it meant that you could "act like a hooligan".
You jabbed a finger in the direction of his cheek, returning his stink eye in kind. "It's all your fault!" you said, your volume in between a whisper and a shout, still mindful of the fact that you were banished upstairs with him as a form of punishment. "They knew 'cause you had crumbs on your stupid face!"
Ajax stuck his tongue out at you and made a farting noise with his mouth. You made a move to catch the wiggling muscle, thumb and index finger readied. He ducked your hand to the best of his ability, which dragged you along with the suddenness of his movement.
At the threat of losing your balance and then falling, you scrambled to push Ajax under you so that he would hit the floor first. There was the sound of both your bodies dully thudding against the carpet that softened the impact. Your shoulder and hip throbbed in protest to the fall, and you remembered your cousin's advice as you pinched the bridge of your nose to keep yourself from crying.
There was no way that Ajax would let you forget it if you cried in front of him because of a little fall.
You elbowed his back, yelling at him to mask the beginnings of a sniffle. Ajax thrashed about in preparation to return the blow, and you elbowed him again in an attempt to make him stop moving. The already stretched neckline of the sweater that you had been forced to share with him for time-out was digging into your neck, and it was all because he kept flailing about like an earthworm that had been cut in half.
Ajax was on his belly now, not quite facing you yet. "No, you stop! You!" he said, his spit landing warm on your chin. You grimaced, moving your hand from your nose to scrub his saliva off your face.
"You're ew," you said, still frowning.
Ajax made another farting noise with his mouth, before he began mocking your words with an overly exaggerated imitation of your voice. You stuck a hand between the sweater and your neck, tugging backwards with as much force as you could manage with the rest of your arm uncomfortably trapped inside the washed out fabric.
"Your neck is red," Ajax said, poking at your skin along a line that felt particularly tender.
You swatted him away with your other hand, and this time, you were the one sticking your tongue out. Just for a second, before he could think to try and pinch it like you tried earlier on.
"If you keep frowning, Barbatos will kiss you and you'll frown forever!" he said, shoving at your forehead with the fleshy part of his palm.
"So? Then I'll frown forever!" you said, doing to Ajax what had been done to you. Maybe if you could stretch this old sweater to the point that it ripped—
This time, he did not repay the shove in kind. Ajax was quiet for a moment, so you waited, still thinking about ruining this sweater but not daring to act upon the temptation. You wanted to avoid getting punished for another thing. "Then who'll want to marry you?" he asked. "No one likes angry-looking people!"
You made a farting noise at him, still frowning. "I don't care," you said.
Ajax was moving unnecessarily again, so you jerked on the neckline of the sweater to keep it from digging in once more. He seemed not to notice your discomfort, so he continued tossing about until he was lying on his side and facing you.
"Okay, fine," Ajax said, sighing. You harrumphed, because you felt like you deserved to say those words to him more. "If no one wants to marry you, I'll do it."
He made it sound like an absolute chore. As though the prospect of marrying you was worse than cleaning out the village horse stables by himself. Your ire burned in your cheeks, tightening the muscles of your jaw.
"I don't like to marry you, Ajax," you said. "You smell sweaty and you're bad at counting."
It was Ajax's turn to be insulted, a gasp escaping him at your honest – though slightly overplayed to discredit him – assessment of him. His annoyance pleased you, but you refused to let it show. Instead, you bit on the inside of your cheek to let it sting a little. Just enough to keep your lips pinched to prevent you from grinning.
"You can marry me for my Mama's apple cake!" he said, his eyes wide and his smile content. He spoke as though he was offering you a solution to all your life's troubles. Like waiting for this time-out to be declared over by an old person so that you could rejoin the other kids playing board games downstairs and eat some of the apple cake Ajax's mother made.
It was the most famous apple cake in your village. In the whole of Snezhnaya, even.
You felt some saliva gathering in your mouth at the memory of the few mouthfuls you managed to steal an hour earlier, and you cleared your throat loudly so that he would not hear you swallow it. The apple cake made by Ajax's mother was the most famous apple cake because she made it best. Even better than your own mother, but you would never say it out loud.
His smile seemed to grow, and you knew he could tell you were seriously considering his offer. You huffed, feeling like you betrayed yourself even if there was no such thing as a person who could turn down an extremely tasty slice of apple cake.
"I still don't like to marry you," you said, wrinkling your nose in displeasure when you imagined yourself having to hold Ajax's hand and then act like the closeness brought you joy. "But maybe I like to marry your brother."
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing : miles morales x g-neutral reader
↳ synopsis : a complicated crush
↳ authors note : theres someone named 'milestokilometers' (?) thats always in my notifs whenever i post miles and i find it really funny HAHAHA an old draft (like, i wrote this the day i watched atsv), wanted to get it out of the way
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The first time you encounter the spider-boy was on a particularly stressful day. You just finished texting Miles that you needed a breather and wanted to hang ontop of your apartment rooftop for a few hours, just to clear your mind.
To your surprise, it seemed like the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman coincidentally swung by your rooftop and needed a break too.
That sparked a rather.. interesting dynamic between the both of you. You were sort of taken aback on how fond Spiderman seemed of you, since he'd visit almost every other day.
For starters, hugs seemed to last far longer than they needed to when it came to you. You've seen his public appearances, how the exchange seemed to last a mere second with his fans. However with you, it lingers. It stays for almost two seconds longer and almost as if he's starved of such affection.
Secondly was the way he'd swing by at the most random and ungodly hours of the night to knock at your window and go; "I made you a playlist :)" while you just have to let him in and listen to the whole thing with him. You have no idea how he knows that you barely sleep either.
Thirdly is the way he'll always try to put a smile on your face. It'll always be your favorite thing whenever there's a silly thing going on and he looks at you to see if you saw it too, just so he'll see you laugh and laugh along with you.
And one of the more embarassing things to mention were the public appearances. You and Spiderman often went on hangouts, (he called them dates and you unintentionally friendzoned him) and even if you do your absolute best to avoid it, you'll always find paparazzi spotting the both of you. But even amidst the crowd, you can see how his attention is fixed on you. As if nothing could break his gaze if attempted.
You won't ever forget the time that Miles, your best friend and long term crush asked where you got the keychain on your bag from (which was a gift from Spiderman after he pointed at matching keychains and practically declared to everyone in the store he was buying it for you) and you answered: "Someone special to me." You noticed a bit of a glint or glow in his eyes, almost as if he was happy for you.. for some reason.
Though you did admit you found it a little strange.. your best friends sudden Q&A sessions about Spiderman, you mean.
"What do you think about Spiderman?"
"Pretty cool superhero, amiright?"
"His costume does NOT look like hes bleeding from his armpits, surely you'll agree?"
You find it odd but brush it off, at least you're done with class for the day and get to meet with the center topic of every question Miles has asked you today.
"Spiderman." Smiling as he swung onto your rooftop, he arrives on time with the same flashy landing. "(name)!" There he goes to practically tackle you into a hug, squeezing you tightly as you can see the joy in his eyes. "I know that it's only been a few minu- ahem. hours.. since we last saw each other, it's been so lonely!"
You raise a brow in amusement, chuckling a little at his antics. "Aren't you the Spiderman? I'm sure you have a lot of friends or fans who'd love to see you." You inquired but he shakes his head a little and sighs.
"Well yeah.. of course I do, but you're the one I wanna spend time with."
"..That's so unbelievably cheesy-"
"Shut up!" He demands, causing you to laugh at his almost instant embarassment. "You know, my best friend was asking so much about you.. I think he's your biggest fan." You add to the conversation, leaning against a safety fence as he chuckled. "Really? What gives you that idea?"
You huff and cross your arms. "Just.. weird questions. What I think of you, if you're cool and if your costume looked like you were bleeding out if your armpits."
"What did you answer?"
"I didn't answer any of them," You say with a huff, already feeling a headache coming in right after recalling that memory. "But I do think you're bleeding out of your armpits."
It doesn't take a genius to tell he's unamused even under the mask, how his eyes looked spoke enough volumes. The iconic 'are you serious.' look was evident enough and it makes you giggle, giving him a light nudge. "I'm kiddinggg... kind of."
Spiderman chuckles and crosses his arms, looking at your fit of giggles and smiling softly under his mask. "Cute."
"I'm curious.. you talk about this friend of yours alot.. Miles, isn't it? What's he like?" He asks curiously, knowing damn well he just wants to hear what you say about him to other people. Was this the best way to do it? Not exactly, but curiosity kills the cat.. or whatever the saying is.
"Did I not tell you about him? Well.. he's a bit of a clutz.. rather clumsy at times, usually bumping into me or something.."
Miles was going to pretend he doesn't know the reason he does that is to just be able to be super close to you.
"Sometimes he's a little bit reckless, usually a very messy guy and leaves a mess whenever he goes over to my house.. However, despite all of that.. I really really like him."
"You like m- Miles ???"
He watches you smile fondly at the sky. "Yeah. A lot."
If only you could see the face he's making under that mask, a mix of fluster and absolute joy at those words. You actually liked him. "Well.. what stops you from telling him?" Miles inquired, watching you sigh and bury your head into your hands. "And what? Get badly rejected and lose my best friend? Nah man.. I can't lose him, not like that."
"Hey, look at me."
He places his hands on your shoulders, making you look right at him as he gives you a reassuring squeeze. "You don't have to be so afraid, I don't think there's much to lose.. who knows? Maybe he feels the same."
You chuckle a little at the idea, completely clueless to how excited Miles was gonna be once he gets that text from you. "Thanks, Spiderman."
"You're welcome."
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #166
I said in yesterday's letter that today's letter is gonna be early, so here it is! I still have a slight headache, which is weird, but I took some ibuprofen, so I should be fine soon! I can only assume I somehow ended up with a migraine yesterday; oh well.
J and I are going camping today! We're going to a spot in New Hampshire from where we live in New York! I'm not sure how the internet will be over there (there might not be any!), and I am committed to writing to you daily, so that means if I'm gonna be in a place where the internet isn't good, I gotta get my letter done before I go to that place!!
We're going to fly there from the little airport that is relatively close to us; it's about 100 miles or about 156 kilometers away. It's about 2.75 hours to get there by car. But it'll only be about an hour by plane! But of course, that hour doesn't account for driving to the airport, inspecting the plane, and getting everything packed and squared away, ahaha!
It's only about 9am, so I don't have a whole lot else to write about yet today. So what I thought to do is show you all the pictures I took over the last several days that I didn't get around to showing you in my previous letters. Because... Sephiroth... the world is full of beautiful things if you know where to look for them. I want to teach you where to look for them. I saved the best one for last, you'll see!!
Some pictures of the sky:
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Some tea swirls!
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This is Lebanese food. I dunno if you have a place like Lebanon in your world, but... I guess it's a lot like Greek food, except with more warming spices. This one is lamb over spiced buttered rice with cucumber, corn, and yogurt sauce and tomatoes:
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These are tiny spiced meat pies; they're amazing with cucumber-yogurt sauce!!
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This one is rose-flavored cream stuffed inside layers of phyllo dough, drizzled with simple syrup and sprinkled with shaved pistachios. I think you really would have liked this one:
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Some more tea swirls:
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This is German food! Or... well. Americanized German food, anyway! I imagine a place like Kalm might have stuff like German food, maybe? This is three different kinds of sausage, with sauerkraut underneath, and french fries and curry ketchup:
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...These french fries were SO GOOD, which is saying something because I don't normally like french fries very much. But I wasn't crazy about the curry ketchup...
This is pretzel sticks with mustard and ale cheese! The ale cheese has paprika on top!
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Here are some more tea swirls!!
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Last set of swirls... some of the sky after...
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...And a few more pictures of the sky:
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...Told ya I saved the best one for last! Hahaha!
Well that's it for today; we gotta go. But I'll take lots more pictures for you during our flight and during all our other activities, don't you worry! I'm sure I'll have plenty to write to you about by the time I get back tomorrow night!!
...I hope that all the little ways I try to tell you I love you are getting through to you. Because I do - more than you can even begin to imagine, and just because you're you. And you... are kind, brave, compassionate, steadfast, determined, and able to learn from your mistakes so you can do better and make gentler choices. What's there not to like? You are everything that a human being is supposed to be, and everything I am trying to strive for and cultivate within myself. You are my reason for living, even in a place as frightening and messed-up as this one.
Looking for the sparks of beauty and joy is very important precisely because our world is so messed up. You are one of those sparks that keeps me going, so please... I'll beg you not to disappear. Keep yourself safe out there. Treat yourself kindly. Make loving and compassionate choices - with yourself and with the world around you.
I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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russilton · 10 months
Shoutout to you for the way you treat Alex and George’s relationship when you talk about George in context of gewis. So many people in cases like this with less popular ships turn vitriolic towards anyone who they think could pose a threat to their ship and just… don’t. Your approach of they’re besties your honor is great and sparks a ton of joy
Wow, thank you!
I have to say this message surprised me a bit because it’s something I’ve really had to work on, to the point I used to get some very angry anons about the way I generally ignored or forgot about Alex. Basically the opposite of this one hahaha! but I’ve also started to warm more to Alex this year than I did last year, though I still wouldn’t call myself a real fan, it’s nice when he does well.
I have… a complicated relationship with Alex as a driver and person. On one hand, he’s George’s best friend, I couldn’t change that even if I wanted to, and it’s a truly sibling like relationship I suspect George needed given how much older his actual siblings were. They support each other and that’s a thing they both need.
On the other, I’ve been watching since 2020, and Alex WAS a Red Bull driver, and he spent the entire first year of when I was watching the sport, getting into incidents with my favourite driver while being generally being very… accusatory. His role in RB during 2021 didn’t help either, and it just generally left me very mistrustful of the guy, probably unfairly, but with 20 drivers to focus on you don’t tend to get past first impressions unless you really stick about.
When he moved to Williams it was all under the fan fair of Horner crying that Toto didn’t approve of the move because he thought Alex was going to spy for them, and at the time it was hard not to sit there and go “well… are you?” Because post AD Redbull had more than proven they were willing to do anything to win, even if it was George’s influence that got Alex the Williams seat. It now truly delights me to see how that has in fact backfired on Christian as he lost a genuinely talented young driver to another team who will better respect his skill if he’s willing to be patient, though you won’t catch me calling for Alex to Merc…ever, or at least, any time soon.
I also struggled with the way he did talk about George a lot! It’s banter between brothers but it often felt like at the time the only way I saw Alex referring to their relationship was to poke or complain about George- especially showing off his body. Every single post George made showing even a little skin- the comments would be full of people waiting for Alex to show up and say something mean, and slowly the content from George dropped off, a coincidence probably given the ramp up with his duties at Merc, but it was hard not to link those things y’know, especially with my OWN, not Alex’s problem, views on body image.
So yeah, it was a tough grind, NONE of it helped by the prevalence of Galex as a popular ship and the tendency of popular ships to get very… expectant, of you to like them. I had the exact same issue with Sewis, though I will always adore Sebastian, because for a while it really did feel like it was being shoved in my face every which way and I couldn’t escape them, and no one enjoys having to wade through things they don’t like. Lots of posts with a general vibe of “what do you MEAN you like gewis when galex exists and clearly has more evidence” that just didn’t sit right for what I felt or what I was seeing. There was also the fic that will not be named that gave me a slightly… traumatic response to Galex and Sewis in relation to Gewis, and I all but stopped mentioning Alex at all if I could avoid it. Which as mentioned at the start… some anons sure took issue with!
I spose what changed my relationship with Alex was reframing his relationship to George (and by proxy redbull), when then things he started saying became less about George’s body and more about what a pain in the ass best friend he was. That’s a relationship I understand, the best friend who you love beyond all belief, would defend from wolves, would kill for, but if you had to date you’d kill each other in a couple days. A psuedo sibling bond I have with a lot of my own friends, people I would say I love you too knowing I have 0 intention on dating them.
Then it became easier to see all the ship stuff because I could go, cool I get it, but to me that’s his brother, that’s the guy who watches George pine and makes faux gagging noises, but would also go behind George’s back to tell Lewis how George felt if he thought it would make George happy. That’s the guy who George complains to when he’s struggling with balancing his feelings with his job as a teammate, and who hugs him when he’s feeling lost.
I have to credit Niamh for saying it one of her fics- but Alex is George’s Valtteri. The guy who has his back even when they’re fighting, and who’s bond goes a little deeper than skin, different to romance but no less strong.
So yeah, I will still always probably grit my teeth when it comes to getting galex shoved in my face, (no I haven’t forgotten synths poll, so many of you were v annoying to me ((this is a JOKE)), I’ve certainly started to completely detach that from Alex as a driver, and short of a nuclear melt down, I hope that relationship just slowly improves. Not that any of that matters to him of course. But this is the blog where I talk about myself.
Sorry for the ramble! That was useful to get off my chest I think hahah, cheers for the offload, now I can move on from it.
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jazzzzzzhands · 1 year
I think i just need to say something! Like just a particular feeling of just love and passion inspired by @partycoffin
Honestly tho, this guy has done something amazing
He put a lot of Love into his creations
And it just ... created a Spark! People everywhere are now drawing! Creating! Sharing! Exploring! Perhaps even trying art for the very first time because of this project!
For me, I wanted to draw, but better haha. to explore and really test the limits of this new lineless style. And i've been having so much fun just trying things out! expressions and style! and
also this whole concept has brought me immense joy!
I wake up and first thing i feel is just a lovely giddy feeling
A heart wanting to burst from my chest!
A warm glow, a spring in my step!
Because it feels SO GOOD to be obsessed again!
Just in my brain, all the time, I cant wait to get home and draw Wally. I picture moments of the show that might be, I daydream about skits that this silly crew could go through. And I am actually IN LOVE.
(Not in a romantical sense hahaha, artistically speaking!)
And just that because someone poured their heart into their art, a flame has Burst! And its Wild! Its Chaos! and IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!
And I just think... that's just so lovely <3
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fullmetalscullyy · 11 months
📥 What's your fave fic to receive comments on?
ty for the ask friend!!!!
i would love to just say them all (bc it's true) hahaha but i'll (try) pick one or two (or more) and give a wee reason why
i could literally go on forever though about my faves. and i have so many!!! which i love for me hehehe :)
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ok. so. this fic is my baby. my first born, if u will. let you love me is just. idk. domesticity and ~drama~ and royai all wrapped into one. it was a major comfort to write. the development of the relationship between roy and riza, and all which stood between them was cool to figure out. not to mention giving them their own backstory and own challenges!! that was so fun (and also, cue the ✨ melodrama ✨ for the extra feels hehehehe SO FUN). and omg. riza having a kid and them just having such a wholesome relationship. and then introducing roy into it as well, and having james taking to him so quickly. an absolute TREAT to work on. i still listen to the playlist i created to listen to while writing it today and love it w all my heart with all the memories it sparks 🥰 it's a pure joy. so it makes me endlessly happy when others leave little comments and enjoy it as much as i did working on it. because writing this fic is the most enjoyment i have ever had working on something. pure joy
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this next fic is also my baby. my child. the love of my life. hit and run was soooooo fun to work on. it all started as a night out in edinburgh, going on a drunk ghost tour into the vaults of north bridge. next thing i knew, a royai fic pops into my brain and its this beauty right here. stunnin. i really tried to incorporate some of my own country's history into it, blending it in with royai, which is why i love it. and again, it doesn't get a lot of attention nowadays, but when people like it enough to read and drop a wee comment, it sparks so much joy, let me tell u. it makes my day <3 it's probably my most re-read fic from me hahaha
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ANOTHER CHILD. my bby. my inferno is just..... so happy. so free from angst - which i wanted!!! i didn't want any drama for royai. there is life drama, just like there is for everyone. but it's mostly just them being happy. in love. doting on each other. being successful and achieving their dreams. so when ppl comment on it and tell me how they love it.......... (one or two have even told me its their comfort fic like !!!!!!!!!!! 😳 wtf!!! 😳😳🥹) it makes my heart so happy. i adore this one sm
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special shout out to this one. the way it was, was the biggest, most daunting project i have ever worked on. it took me years to even be mentally prepared to write it haha. there were struggles. there was plenty of hate for it, weirdly, lmao they were wildin - which even pushed me to the point of not even wanting to finish it (i remember conversations with my close friends, offering only to finish it and share it with them, rather than posting it). but guess what, ya bitch overcame it, and i did finish it. i fucking did it!!! and yes, there is melodrama. there is angst, possibly too much of it. but ehhhh who cares. i still love it and that's all that matters. it's another one of my children and i adore it, faults and all 🥰 so whenever i get a wee comment on it i just "audshfdg aww 🥺🥺🥹" it makes those comments even more special to me :)
anyway, thank u for letting me indulge and ramble for a hot minute hahaha thank you for the ask!! 💖💖
feel free to send me a writing ask!
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star-crossed-mid · 1 year
me going through all the old scm blogs and seeing posts in 2023 about 'cant wait for zyglavis to release!' 'ichthys musings of love to come out' 'leon marriage story' 'vote scorpio #1' etc etc
They're all out now. All 12. Every character has like 2 seasons of content and various side stories.
I hope that the posters are having a good time, even if they read them or not. There's something about seeing the hope and love ppl had for this game through its stages that sparks joy.
I've criticized the price and quality of the games but I can firmly stand that $60 USD ($30 if u get the departments on sale) for 12 characters is a lot of content and u get to own a version of the game rather than the app cloud ver. Granted if u buy all the stories on the app its gonna be way more expensive, the nostalgia aspect was iirc $5 for just s1 of 1 god. I'm so happy they have a pc port bcuz i can just go into the game files and get the sprites for memes.
there hasnt been an update in ages hahaha other than the steam ports and vip specials for leon (i could be wrong i havent checked the app). Even with these there's been no official updates or new info. Yet, voltage still uses the gods for marketing promos so maybe?? They do re-releases old graphics and stories.
It's so weird bcuz in 2025 itll be the 10th anniversary for scm and idk if voltage dropped the title or not. Most of the Season 2 endings for the gods was final (im mf upset at the ending of some of them)
gonna start making 'cant wait for s3' posts to keep historical trends going
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oathkeeperoxas · 2 years
Hello Serie!!! I would love to hear about 10, 18, and 20 for the behind the scenes asks. <3<3<3
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
I CAN write plot but like... its hard lmao. Much more filling and satisfactory to throw characters with their messy emotions at each other until some sort of conclusion happens
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
uhhhh well the thing is I have a Bad memory for things I have posted and so as soon as I post them the content is Gone from my brain... with some rare exceptions. Basically the entirety of invidia sticks out to me as good in like, a composition way, as I feel like I combo'd plot, vibes, metaphor, backstory, crunchy ideas and tension in a really neat way. But you already know that, so instead I'll talk about some of my oneshots from my codywan on tatooine series (I can't just pick one sorry they are my babies)
in what's real and going on below I finalised a few thoughts about how I was going to process trans Obi-Wan in not only that verse, but basically ALL of my writing. Slapping characters with my trans headcanons is all well and good, but over the last year and a half I've put a lot of myself into him 🥺 and I've basically teetered between going full wish fulfilment and then yoyoing back to my reality and everything in between. So much fic with trans characters has pregnancy as a straight up part of the integral plot, as if that is the only time we're allowed to be visible outside of porn - giving myself permission to explicitly push back against that as someone who has 0 desire to ever be pregnant was very cathartic. Writing Obi-Wan saying NO it is not possible for him to be pregnant and even if he could be he would not WANT to be, was just... a lot, and I didn't expect it to be! Not to say that I will never write about a trans pregnant person (I literally have pregnant Obi-Wan fic posted right now) but freeing myself from that expectation even to myself was quite the weight off that I didn't even realise was there. On a less serious note I also enjoy this fic as it was born out me memeing to myself when editing chapter 1 of darkest before the dawn and going 'lmao they rly just fucked raw and Cody didn't give ONE thought to the possible consequences. sex ed on kamino must be shit' so also following up on that was satisfying from a writing/plot perspective
in a state of constant repair there was a lot going on - it was fun to do from a composition view as it is kinda a 5+1 fic with the snippets taken from across the entire timeline of the series it belongs in, and getting to revisit some of the earlier era was fun, especially to look at where the gaps were and what happened offscreen, and what I actually wanted to show onscreen. My favourite part was tying up all the threads that I had dropped in the previous 150k of the series regarding the history that Cody and Obi-Wan were writing of the war and the TRUE story of the clones, which I started in darkest before the dawn and expanded a little on within Evolve | Revolve and which made me go yess hahaha yesssss because I am quite taken with history, have studied it and contributed to it, and throwing my irl interests in with my fandom interests sparks joy! So giving that power, closure, and release to Cody through the ability to write his own history and choose his own story just, slaps very hard okay
in sky's a changin' I think I am quite proud of how I threaded the needle of all the topics I wanted to cover - Luke's questioning of his past, his father, his name, and where he came from, versus his burgeoning understanding of the Force, of Ben and Cody, and of the mysterious past that he's starting to see that binds them all together. He's growing up! Getting all that info together in a way that felt organic and fit into a fic under 5k felt like a real achievement.
What’s your favourite minor character you’ve written?
BERU!! Me starting my codywan on tatooine series like yeah she's there, meanwhile she storms up to me, shakes me and tells me her entire character like WHAT happened there. Then she was ready to blast guys in the Kenobi show too which made me all the more fond of her <3
Thank you for the questions!!!
Behind the scenes writer's ask meme
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strudeldoodlearts · 10 months
The pre-Thanksgiving scramble
*cue internal screaming while scrambling with deadlines that come before then*
I'm shifting my usual art time/energy to work on changing online store/frameworks. So that'll explain why next week looks a bit emptier than this one.
That said, here are some of last week's art.
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The duality of my art/vibes hahaha
The first picture was a bit of a ventpiece called [birth of a cynic]. It can be hard to be open-minded, compassionate, and thoughtful as a digital artist on the internet when there's a lot of loud, mean, and dumb, on top of the harrowing world news/resulting conflict.
I wanted the heart to have the expression of a crying baby to represent how trustful and vulnerable we are when younger (and we needed to be at the time!) I combined it with bloody visuals to illustrate how "killing off" that hope and vulnerability can be self-destructive. In spite of the grotesque subject manner, I enjoyed drawing up the eyes hiding behind the bangs.
The second piece is as more light-hearted dtiys. It sparks joy.
On Threads, I mentioned how I've been wanting to make simpler/cuter art. Partially because it's satisfying and I'm a sucker for miniature thingymajigs. But also, I think that "simpler" styles allow the artist to have more time to be deliberate and detailed in some parts of the picture.
Adapting a painting mindset helped me loosen up art and move away from the perfectionism/shakiness that initially plagued my lineart during early days. But my brain somehow translated that painting mindset into forcing myself to fill the whole page with paint and texture beyond what I want. Remnants of my perfectionist brain would tell me that simple drawings were "a cop out" and *le gasp!?* "lazy."
I think it's a good time for "lazy" though. All those art pieces with backgrounds beyond my comfort zone have helped me develop a better sense of perspective. And the painting mindset has helped me improve my freehand drawing! So drawing simpler/cute things now feels like a new challenge to shift my mindset. And embrace the doodle.
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
Part 3: I'm trying to not shock the asks so this is the last part of it. I wanted to include some snippets of my fav parts 🤭😏
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I find the lost stars, lost in life, leap of faith angle very personal to me. With the lead couple the way they held on to their stars because they shone the brightest to them at that moment while they felt like sinking into darkness is a such a poetic way of looking at adult life decision making.
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Hahahahahha I found this adorable... They're early mid 30s but really loving each other like first loves and that is beautiful.
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The first para had me aww.. And the second one had me ohhh??? 😏👀🥵 I like the baby angle btw u didn't find it cliche.. There's no better parents than this one 😅
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He asks nervously.... Umm.. Is this a common apprehension between couples? Threesome? 😅 I love how both of them went omg no the third party will fall in love with you 😅😂😂😂
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They really started over. 😭 Second chances at its best 💜💜💜
Mimi thank you.. I hope I was able to tell you how much I loved and appreciated the story and it's something I really resonate with.. Never lose your spark as a writer.. Somewhere somebody is always going to come back to your blog and read your work for the umpteenth time and rediscover another facet of it.
You are comfort to me. You've also given me some unrealistic marriage expectations but 😂😭 that's another story😂😂
Oh god. The stars just fascinate me. I try to imagine every single person looking at them and their own unique reasons why they do. There’s so much joy for me as a thinker and feeler to be able to write something about life and which resonates with people. Sometimes we’re lost and we don’t know it until we find someone who’s just as lost as we are… and then we find our way together somehow. Love is so beautiful pls 😭😭
Also yes. They’re a mid-30s couple living like horny teenagers who are so in love with each other hahaha I’m just so happy you enjoyed this. It means a lot especially from Jin bias armys 😭😭 so thank you for this and reminding me what writing can do. I wish to never lose my spark, too, but in case I do, I hope the stories I’ve shared continue to make readers feel. Sending you love always 🥰🥰🥰
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maximura · 4 years
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felrend · 3 years
Characters in HFW – Part one!
Let’s get to the fun stuff you guys! How can I not talk about the wide cast of characters in this game? You thought my Aloy post was going to be long? Well buckle up buttercups! Cause we’re in for a good time!
This post will be focused on our returning characters! 
King Avad:
I was really excited for the chance to get back to Meridian and catch up with a few people from the city. I liked Avad in HZD but did not feel the connection that I saw going around between these two. He was going through grief over losing Ersa and Aloy is no ones second choice. But the moment I saw him practically rushing over to Aloy, I saw that spark that the shippers felt. The way he was so elated to see Aloy and you can tell he was trying to compose himself. He was like a kid in a candy shop at the mere thought of seeing her again. He knew she would have a strong resistance to the stature marking her honour and was quick to reassure that he put restraints on the sculpture. Because after all, he wants Aloy to come back. He is practically waiting to throw the crown away and go with her. All she has to do is say his name and I love that haha Avad also isn’t trying to hold her back which I’m grateful for. He knows what she is doing is important and doesn’t need all the answers, just the hope that she would visit him again. I don’t know how Aloy feel’s about holding such a high standard to her, but the fact that she blushed and the coy smile she gives was enough for me to be on board. Avad is a good man and he is trying to mend all the bonds that his father destroyed. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with him again and hoping we pass through Meridian for a possible DLC. Maybe even have Avad tag along for a quick side mission lol
This little gum drop was such a delight! I did not think I needed any type of interaction with him after HZD but I’m so glad the developers gave us a scene with him. You can see how happy him and his mother are now that they have been saved from the Shadow Carja. He can have a real chance of a childhood, even though he’s being raised to be the next King. You can tell there is real love between the brothers and Avad just wants the best for him and Kadaman. It brought me a lot of joy to watch Aloy drop to his level to talk to him and I know she will keep her promise to come back and teach him archery lessons. Another heart stolen by Aloy! But I think Itamen stole a bit of her heart too
Vanasha and Uthid: 
Lets just get this out of the way, she wants to ride the Carja captain and he has no idea what to do with that information hahaha the sexual tension between the two of them is rampant and they just gotta make that happen. I love how she’s still the sassy bad influence that doesn’t mind calling Aloy out but also showing that she cares for the huntress. Uthid is always going to be the man of few words but you can tell he’s just as happy to see Aloy too and understands her need to take off when she has to. She’s more than earned his respect and loyalty. I better see more of them in the future! And her new outfit does nothing for her figure. Let her show off those killer abs!
well wasn’t this a rollercoaster of a storyline for our dear Sun Hawk? Let me get this out of the way. She deserved better. She proved why she is so beloved among the fans. She’s strong, smart, funny, a bad ass. I totally understand where people are coming from with the writing. It’s warranted but also it shouldn’t have ruined the game for anyone. I think this was another avenue for people to see that life goes on with out Aloy. Feelings might not change but affection for someone else can. Over all I’m glad we got such a long side quest with her. Right when I think it’s over, they carry it all over the map and I love that. But I don’t believe the door is closed between the two of them. You get snippets of something else there that I at least picked up on. Talanah leaves a particular gift for Aloy back at the base as well as that sweet scene between them at Barren Light. Talanah has things to figure out and the Hunting Lodge to get back to. But that doesn’t mean what they have is completely gone. I want to see more of Talanah and I doubt Guerilla Games is done with her too.
Oh where do I begin? He is 100% the heart of this new found family and let’s be real, he created this family for Aloy. He knew when to push back when she started to shut down, even going so far as following her for six months to make her understand that she’s not alone. Aloy needed someone just as stubborn to break through her walls. It made my heart happy that the first few hours of this game was all about teaching Varl how to use the focus and making Aloy uncomfortable with having someone else around. She had to slow down and answer his questions and have him understand how she saw the world. I don’t think it would have worked if it was anyone else but him by her side at the beginning. She needed another Nora who understood why she acted the way that she did. The torment of being neglected and shunned for 18 years. There is no way for Varl to understand that pain but he has that empathy for Aloy and the patience. I love that he calls her “the Anointed” as punishment for her running away after the battle for Meridian. He knows what makes her squeamish and will use that to his advantage to prove a point. And Aloy needs that, she needs the push back and someone to challenge her.
I also love his new found relationship with Zo. I felt bad for all of the Varloy stans but in some way Aloy needed to see that life can move on passed her. She can’t be the center of everyone’s world and seeing him move forward with someone is supposed to be painful. But I’m glad she never let that get in the way of her friendship with Varl or with Zo. The teasing between them is everything and the fact that Varl goes to Aloy for love advise is hilarious. “You’re asking the wrong person, you’re on your own”. Fucking gold. Guerilla Games also needs to give us a comic (or SOMETHING) for the bromance between Varl and Erend! I want to know what shenanigans they got up to while Aloy was gone! They clearly bonded in Meridian and I’m so grateful for that.
Now for the big moment that we have all been dreading. Gemini. The absolute worse outcome I can even think of. I know some people assumed that there would be a death in the game but Varl was not the one I was expecting. I felt my heart rip out and didn’t believe that it was real. I assumed that he would be out for the rest of the game. That he would be “the guy in the chair” because that’s what he has been this whole time. How can you give us this incredible character and kill him? Why prove that no one is safe? I understand that there is a price to war but fuck. Not Varl. Not the one that knows how to comfort Aloy or knows when to pull her out of the darkness. If it wasn’t for Varl, we wouldn’t have gotten the scenes of Aloy’s clear grief of Rost. Or the fact that she is welcoming more people into her life and most of all, welcoming their love. The moments we get after are gut wrenching and beautiful. And I hope Aloy doesn’t shut down over his loss but honours him. Varl deserved better but he was also willing to sacrifice everything to protect the one’s he loves. I don’t want to see the scene of Aloy delivering the bad news to Sona. Or well…the mixed news.
Oh Erend. My love for him is never ending and I am a complete simp for the Captain of the Vanguard. The fact that we had to wait to see him was torture and Guerilla Games knew exactly what they were doing. The build up to them being reunited, the peak of them seeing each other and then a punch right to the heart. Erend’s pain was written all over his face and I’m glad that he is the one that shows the implications of Aloy’s actions. Where Varl comes from a place of level headed thinking, Erend is coming from the heart. She hurt him, deeply. He wears his heart on his sleeve and he isn’t afraid to show that. Which is refreshing to see from a “manly” character. Does he handle it well? No. His passive aggressive comments are just as hurtful and when he brushes her off when she reaches out was an even bigger blow. “What kinda person does that?” It shows that they are still getting to know each other, despite how close they have gotten. He doesn’t fully grasp that she has no idea how to deal with people or their emotions because she was an outcast. He was the first “outsider” that showed any interest or affection for her and Aloy has no idea how to deal with that. But it’s the small actions that mean the most to her. He takes a moment to compose himself and you know that he’s already forgiven her. He will always forgive her. He’s growing as a person too and you see that throughout this whole game.
Some people say that he’s insensitive or was dumbed down but I don’t see that at all (the dumbing down part at least). Erend is literally learning how to interact with brand new tribes that he has only heard stories about. He believes in the stereotypes because how else is he supposed to meet them? He has never gone that far West before. And if it wasn’t for Aloy or Varl, he never would have. His willingness to learn and to get to know them and their ways of life should mean something. Plus, he’s dealing with strong people who aren’t afraid to put him on his ass when he’s taken it too far. And Erend is willing to eat some humble pie. He’s also learning a whole new language with the ancient glyphs! Not everyone can learn something new so quickly. You see the different levels of learning from everyone and I don’t see people picking on them. Erend isn’t used to dealing with fragile equipment. He’s used to hammer and steal. Products that are meant to have a strong grasp, so give him a break. No one on the team is trying to belittle him, so why are you? I’d like to see you learn a whole new language and alphabet in 24 hours. I do wish that Aloy would have reached out and offered to help him study. It would have been so cute to see her sit with him and go over the data that he was struggling with. Plus, a sweet little gesture to show that she cares.
I could write a novel about the amount of love I have for Erend. Every interaction he has with Aloy it just makes me want more. The soft smiles they give each other and his willingness to be there and help is everything I could want from him. Every time she asked if he found someone to share a drink with, I was begging for her to ask if she could join him. And when they got that moment, I squealed! I wish you could have had that moment again. And don’t get me started on the end scene between them!! The way he pulled her in to his side and held her and then when he’s riding off to Vegas and looks back, there is such yearning in his eyes! UGH! I’m also super bitter about the two of them not going to Las Vegas together. She makes a point to say that he would love it and that they should go together. SO GIVE US THAT SCENE GUERILLA! I want to see his eyes light up to the holograms and finding that ember for her! Rude!! Don’t build that up and not have a follow up!
Ereloy feels like they are headed in the right direction and this is exactly what I needed from them. For Erend and Aloy to end up together in this game wouldn’t be right. She’s still too focused on the mission as well as her new found sister. But you can see she’s starting to think about the future. And I hope she can see him involved in that future in some capacity.
 Well this was a very giant post and we haven’t even gotten to the new characters! I’m sorry to keep you all waiting but I swear the next one will be about our bigger additions to the crew!
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astrojoy · 3 years
Who is your animal guide and what messages do they need you to see?
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● LET ME BE CLEAR- I did NOT spark the idea of PAC readings! I was only INSPIRED. Please check out other people/blogs who do these kinds of readings because they are fabulous! I wanted to try this out as well and do this kind of topic to bring clarity or something to people whom see this. I love you all and enjoy!
Oh also if it DOESN'T resonate then please pick another pile. If that one doesn't resonate then your answer is not in these groups most likely, also I have learned over some time that some people legit actually don't resonate with peoples energies. Like there could be 3 other people who you totally always resonate with but one other person you never do. I have no idea why this happens, maybe it's do to different frequencies of energy, idk! But hopefully I could match everyone who reads this! 🌸
● Also if you believe I fake and plant cards for readings then please leave now. I believe it would be disrespectful of me to treat yours, and my own guides in such a way, I have a high respect for them, without them I wouldn't have made it this far in my life, physically and mentally. I get a lot of resonations (thankfully) and so it may look fake at times but that is just my guides comfirming different answers to help me see things in a more clear light. I thank them all the time and get giddy when resonations happen. Please have enough respect and trust to take these readings full heartedly, thank you ❤
● Also remember this is a general reading
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Significant Numbers - 222, 777
Spirit Animal - Fox
Song - Jimin - Serendipity
Personality - I LOVED this group! Your animal guide is so so playful. They are full of joy, optimism, and fun!! AHH! I got soo excited while doing this one. They may even be young because this energy feels like it a lot! Everyday is a celebration for them 😫👏 they are very magical as well! This fox specifically guides you because they want you to feel joy, they want you to be happy and know when to let your hair down! You LITERALLY got 2 suns- the celebration card, the dance card, action which the art is a girl dancing and having fun, and release! They want you to let go of bad things. What isn't serving you? What is making you feel tired or overworked? Get rid of it! I see your fox guide likes to come in during the nighttime. And YES, I knooww, why would I say that if there's literally 2 suns??? Because looking at the cards a lot of them have a starry sky (obviously my moon oracle would but I'm talking about the other cards as well) on the 3 of cups there are 3 girls hanging out, like friends and having fun, but under a starry night. Your fox likes to quietly come out at night and be that shining light in the darkness. Whenever you feel down they will gently tell you "hey it's ok! Tomorrows another day love 🥺❤- wanna go play tag outside now???" Your animal guide also enjoys running in fields. I feel as if they have a trail of fire connected to their tail in a magical way, flowing in the wind as they playfully jump across the grass and say hello to all the wild creatures they pass by. Your animal guide, if they decide to show themeselves in human form to disguise themeselves. Then they will show themeselves in a very fun or unique way. Wearing colored contact lenses and having black hair. They however also could wear contact lenses for their eyesight, sunglasses or regular! Or this part could be for some of you! Whomever this fox is, they love to dance and are possibly flexible hahaha! When they enter seclusion they go through their cunning mind and quietly think about many different subjects. Super intelligent and witty. And a random thought but they may enjoy balloons, such a free spirit 😭👏 This guy is the moonlight in the night and the sun in the day ⭐ this fox actually brings in new doors, new opportunities but it's up to you whether you take them or not. They have given you a beautiful ability of manifesting. You can do this and unlock new paths of life!
Messages for you - "What are you doing sitting there?? Have no where to go? Maybe no money?? That doesn't matter! Get up and dance with me! Run around, let your youthful side out! Life shouldn't be taken so seriously. Let that hair down and smile, I only want the best for you. Take action on whatever you are trying to manifest! You have the power!! Also even if you may not see me sometimes, I am the one whom offers secret blessings of happiness and fun 🥳 No need to thank me- 👈😏👈"
The voice didn't sound like a girls or boys. It was like a mixture. It sounded young and full of spirit. Very bubbly and youthful 😂
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Significant Numbers - 444, 3, 9
Spirit Animal - Deer
Song - David Guetta - Hey Mama (I think this song is referring to your beauty and to be confident for the people in this pile)
Personality - The word "wise" kept popping up. You actually got 2 cards that flew out of my deck together while I shuffled! And guess what? They're both deer! The mother of pentacles and father of pentacles, WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THIS RESONATION??? LIKE WHAT? AWWWW so I'm gonna try and talk about each one of your animal guides!! These guides see you as their own, a little fawn/baby deer to them. The mother deer is very motherly, she is a nurturing guide who is the one that listens to all of your problems. She is sooo so sweet. The vibes I'm getting right now are making me wanna cry and long for my own mom. Whenever you are having an emotionally hard time, mentally, she quietly appears and walks up to you, curling her body around you, as if to let you know she is there for you. The father of pentacles is more, well, like a father of course 😂 he is the one that physically protects you with his stunning antlers. He is the one who holds an abundance of power to give you. He isn't really strict or stern but more like a gentle guide who teaches you lessons. These guides honestly see you as STUNNING. They are also the knight of wands and the knight of cups. I think the father is the knight of wands and the mother is the knight of cups. You are the star card, you are the beauty card and you are the attraction card. Listen, I'm not sure if you have issues at times and feel insecure physically about your body or something but they are literally yelling that you "SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND 🎶😫" You are soooooo gorgeous so strut your stuff? Wtf are you doing just sitting here reading this?? Go out and know your confidence, know and show that you are everything you want! These guides are the type to come out after you pray or wish for help. Once you do this, they come dashing to you. "Follow the leader" they leave their forest to give you an embrace of love. How beautiful, just like you ❤ You legit got the plant card. Deer love eating plants after all!! Haha, no but seriously they may be really earthy zodiac signs or some of you could be. If they appear in human form to give you help or guide you in disguise they will most likely appear to have brown eyes, almond shaped sharp eyes that show wisdom and calmness. They will wear comfy clothes. They will seem like a very patient and quiet person. I'm seeing that the mother figure will usually be the one to come out, and she will take on a form of a woman. If it's the father who comes out, more uncommonly, then he will most definitely have a beard of some sorts or facial hair in general ^ also if you see deer randomly sometimes in life then this is probably them making their presence known! They bring you so much stability too. You have parent guides and you are their little fawn!! 👏🥺❤
Messages for you -
Mother deer guide "You are loved dear, please don't cry, please don't let the stress take over you 🙏 I heard your prayers, I heard your calls, now come here and give me a hug. Cry all your stress away as tomorrow will be another day. Water helps plants grow and you are that plant 🍃 you are beautiful, you could make the whole forest and trees sway in awe. You have an attractive aura, an attractive appearance.. an attractive mind. Use it proudly but stay humble. I love you, now go get some rest"
The voice sounded very caring and calm. An adult womans voice, very pleasing, very nice soft voice
Father deer guide "Hard times in life are meant to make you grow stronger. We only want the best for you, that is why we are always watching over you. If you ever have a near death experience and don't die, that was me and your other angels making sure you didn't leave this planet yet, stay strong, you will get through this, you hear?"
The mans voice was deep. Like simbas dad and also how his dad sounded wise? Yes that!
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Significant Numbers - 777, 55, 13, 22, 0
Spirit Animal - Bird
Song - V + Jimin - Friends
Anyways, your spirit animal is protective of you, very protective. A very magical bird as well. This animal guide comes into your life when you need to transform or change to a different phase in your life. They are the bird that constantly changes from a regular bird and into a Phoenix! This bird is intelligent, they see everything you do in the shadows. They aren't scary, but they may appear stern in some way or Intimidating. You know how when you see people who have been through a lot, they seem to have a rough exterior? That's this fella. They are very loving though, they just have tough love. They want the best for you and they understand that change can be quite scary, however it's to help you grow and enhance your strength. Because after every hard time we go through, we learn something right? You went through that bad breakup and then all of a sudden, a transformation. You leave that relationship behind and now you know how to handle a relationship better or know what you should look out for in future partners! This bird is your teacher, they put you through hard things so you can learn. Such a plutonian kind of feeling for this group right now. Sometimes these drastic changes will be "into the unknown" you don't know what to expect and they will be so sudden. They come so fast and out of nowhere!! But this isn't bad. As I said before, obviously it transforms you and helps your soul grow, but also not all changes are bad!! This bird offers you new things. As we see the bird in the card with a key, and a door to the right of it, they offer you new beginnings. You will gain abundance of some sort. Whether it range from knowledge, strength, money, etc. For someone or some of you. This guide actually might be your future spouse, it was a random thought, I know but please bare with me. For a small percentage of you this person is gonna come in and shake up your world for the better. This bird enjoys flying so much btw. They legit swim in transforming things! Now. If your animal guide decides to come in as a human in disguise in order to help guide you in a time of your life, they will present themselves in darker attire, they will definitely have green eyes, those will stand out, a mysterious person. Think of a scorpio rising honestly. They didn't show me a clear face shape. They will dress very nicely as well or might have a nice body. They might give you a gift. This gift actually might be of abundance, maybe a material item or money in general 🤺😏 also there's something in here saying "lazy"? Uhhh idk why tbh- PFFFTT, biish what if their calling you lazy!?- SO BLUNT 😫🥱😂
Message to you - "Why are you sitting their so scared? All is well. Now, now, don't look so grim, change happens. Life goes on, and so do we. We look at death as a frightening person, tragic really, however death is actually kind behind it's dark robe, death guides us to the light. Changes come and go, and I only do this in order to help you. I do this because I love you. After all, I only benefit from seeing you change into a better person, but you get to feel like a better person. Growing stronger and stronger. If you see feathers randomly while in nature, that is me swooping in telling you to prepare for a new helpful change or just saying hello of course. Goodbye now, until we meet again"
For some reason I heard a young mans voice during this. His voice sounded very intelligent or like a gentleman. OHHH IT REMINDS ME OF JACK SKELETON FROM "THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS" AHHH YYEZZZZ 🧐😂
Also FOR PILE 3, I was about to post this but I heard the song lyrics from "The Phoenix" by fallout boy, def take a listen to that as well- 🤺 ALSO IM BACK. I FORGOT TO MENTION. Like its so weird that I heard some of these lyrics randomly. I actually havent heard this song in years and now all of a sudden it wanted to appear in my head??? 👏🧐
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dourpeep · 3 years
Omfg I hate burning my tongue. I made some cookies recently, and got impatient… I’m sure you know what happens next
BRO THAT ALBEDO FANART HNNNNNNNNGH honestly, soft dudes with a more alternative/grunge-y style are honestly my weakness (despite wearing very bright and cute clothes—think decora kei but not as hardcore). But dammit tattoo artist!Bedo brainrot
Just, you go to his shop, wanting to just inform yourself and so on, but you leave with an entire tat on your ankle because the artist’s lil sis told you that “big bro makes reaaaaaally pretty pictures! And he’s so nice, you will love him!” And oh boy, we’re you enamored, and not only with the quick sketch he presented you when you told him what you had in mind.
You needed a mini job anyways, and ask whether you can help out around the shop since 1. The atmosphere is nice and the place is close to yours and 2. Hello? Cute ass colleague? However, your small aesthetic crush morphed into full on pining after seeing Albedo being so soft around his sis, and creating beautiful designs inspired by every customers liking 24/7.
Nonetheless, you were getting confused by him. Was he into you, or why did he buy you a coffee when you came in that morning, with the sweetest note attached to it? Why did he go out of his way to quell all your curiosities (big brain = hot)? Why does he gaze at you with those soft teal orbs, when you haven’t been close for this long yet?
His acquaintances muse that he’s generally a clueless guy when it comes to relationships, whether they are platonic or romantic, and he does tend to give off wrong signals because of that. So far, he rejected everyone who came at him with a gentle smile, apologizing for his tactlessness.
And yet, you could feel that there’s more to it in your case… but you didn’t wanna stick your head in the clouds and get the wrong idea. However, Klee is right there to tell you just how much he’s been talking about you! She ends up asking him whether you can go home with them, because she really wants you to bake for her (one of the single skills that Albedo was not blessed with), and there, as you three stand in the kitchen….
“I’ve never heard big bro talk so much about anyone before… I’m glad big bro likes you soooo much! I really want a big sis!”
Hehe, this is so cute, fuck. I want a bf now :(((
I agree anon, I too long for a significant other-
I think it'd be nice to have someone to cuddle and smooch, though.
And I agree--I'm so weak for soft dudes with grungy vibes Xiao. Like...seeming tough?? Being tough?? But also having a gentle and sweet personality? Please, sign me up.
I personally dress in comfy sweaters + skirts or grunge (but pretty loosely so). There's no in-between.
Wait also might I have a cookie?
I love the idea of Klee basically just hanging out at the shop too hahaha, leave it to Albedo to have both a very steady hand and be responsible enough to take care of an active little girl while working. Props to him, that's for sure. It'd also be cute if the customers can have her pick their tattoo-
Dodoco would unintentionally become a 'thing' at the shop.
That being said, Albedo as your boss (but, as always, please just call him Albedo. You're around the same age anyway and this is a small family-owned place, after all)? He'd be attentive and rather sweet.
Considering that he already does hold a soft spot towards people and their little habits, the seemingly small moments of joy that spark and the smiles that refuse to leave his customer's faces when they see the nearly finished product--it's not entirely surprising. It's hard to miss the smile on his own face.
Albedo would often give you longer breaks, too. While the tattoo parlor is popular, the foot traffic is low, so there's only ever a customer or two getting worked on at a time along with a few curious peeks now and then.
Not to mention, the artist is also quite the skilled chef. The breakfast sandwich he brought in for breakfast? He made himself.
Of course the coffee he bought on his way in.
Because he usually goes right to sketching and prepping the workspace, he'll always leave the tasty morsels and coffee (or whatever beverage you prefer, to your specifications) right on the counter in the front so you can see it when you walk in for the day.
And as always, there's his name signed with his signature 'solar isotoma' (it's what he calls it, at least) detailing that he took care of breakfast for you and that he hopes you enjoy the simple meal he's prepped this time around.
Things go pretty well for the first few weeks of working!
Lots of satisfied customers, playing with Klee in the shop's downtime, conversing with Albedo, or just sitting in silence. You've noticed that he asks quite a bit about your likes and dislikes. Though...you just assume it's because he's not the best conversationalist.
After all, while he's incredibly attractive and his charm is undeniable, the man struggles to strike conversations with his clients and opts for encouraging them to take the reins.
Not to mention the cute blush on his cheeks and gently worded declinations he's had to do often--
You wonder if he's already seeing someone.
Honestly, standing in the kitchen in his apartment should've made you realize how dense you are yourself.
Especially when Albedo is right besides you, elbows nearly touching as you walk through the steps of making a cake with him. His hands are covered in various amounts of flour and batter after a little mishap and Klee is eagerly peeking over the countertop.
Though he's dressed down in a plain tee and sweatpants, his hair down and much longer than you expected, you can still sense the way he's so very concentrated on the task at hand. Like he doesn't want to mess it up. It's cute.
When the cake is finally in the oven, Klee speaks up with her face and hands pressed against the viewing window.
"Big brother likes you soooooo much!"
And suddenly, when your eyes meet wide teal ones, it clicks.
His sweet notes and breakfast on him, the several careful sketches of you placed alongside the ones he does of his clients, how he often invites you over to his apartment over the weekends and after work.
Albedo finds himself shyly looking away for the first time.
When the cake is done, the three of you have indulged in the deliciously sweet snack, you help him clean up while Klee goes off to watch a show on the tv.
He's hesitant, visibly so.
"Would you..." Shutting off the water, he pats his wet hands on the front of his shirt. Under the bright florescent of the overhead lights, his eyes seem to shine. "Perhaps like to join me tomorrow on a date?"
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
I guess my biggest problem with Part 5 (besides how Ami was treated because *Jesus Christ why?*) is that while it has a lot of potential and some really good concepts and themes it wants to gesture at, it never feels like it does more than just gesture at them. Like it's more interested in the concept of *having* these concepts and themes than actually following up on them in a way that makes sense. Part 5's got some fantastic individual scenes, but the whole is kind of a hot mess for me.
I agree and I disagree -- I think some of the themes are actually solidly brought through the whole way (fujiko and lupin's relationship especially, but also the running theme of 'where is lupin's place in the modern world', which it essentially answers with 'he's what he's always have been: first and foremost a good story, which holds a different power and influence than the stripped clinical kind of information tech giants wield' -- I wouldn't want them to go back to that tech-focused intensely online-aware theme again, but I think it was a worthy thing to explore for one season. and then the more subtextual stuff like jigen as the one stable thing in lupin's life, which is additonally wrapped up/given a day in the limelight in 'the times', that one satisfied me Greatly), and some of the themes are dropped long before they're brought to anything. ami's ending in particular is... wow. that's how they did it huh lol. but part 5 is still my fave because of its strengths and despite its failures, the whole tone of it and ways of doing character interactions appealed to me.
again tho you have every right to feel exactly how you feel! very little lupin iii media is like....... objectively good by normal standards (affectionate), so it's all about what specific trash garbage they serve up that sparks joy for any one individual hahaha. I genuinely dislike the vast majority of part 4 -- I find it both unforgiveably boring and thematically incoherent and unsatisfying -- but many people I respect and admire love that season; they just got something else out of it than I did, and that's okay, neither of us is in the wrong for it.
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mego42 · 3 years
I know it’s the writers fault, and I feel like this season rio is a different person than seasons 1,2 and even 3. But if I ignore my opinions on the writers and the odd choices they’ve made for him, and just watch the show as a normal viewer, rio is fucking pissing me off. Like all he had to do was tell Beth she was being followed. He made the mess. And he’s such a dick. Like at this point kill her or don’t. But this whole “Rio can’t hurt Beth/rio has love for her/brio love triangle” thing? Like nah I’m not seeing it. He’s being literally stupid for no reason.
i'm v sorry he's pissing you off and you’re super entitled to feel that way! but tbh, personally i don't totally agree that he's different or that he's being stupid for no reason (though, if you're not buying into the idea that he's genuinely into beth than yeah, i can v much see why you would feel that way, i think that's a p significant puzzle piece). 
imo, the primary difference between the rio of s4 and the rio of previous seasons isn't in the character, but how much more context/insight/backstory we're getting for him. we’ve seen bits and pieces before, but they’ve been very sporadic (something that’s been a p consistent complaint since i joined the fandom) and i think s4 has really dug into shading rio’s character and backstory in with much more detail and depth than we’ve seen so far. i also think the show's p steadily developed the idea that he has some degree of genuine feeling for beth (and that they make him act rashly and stupidly) along the same pace.
putting the rest of this below the cut bc it got long and should you continue, do so with the caveat that i’m not here to change anyone’s mind, i’m just breaking down why i disagree.
in s1, rio was a p one-dimensional character (like, on paper he's basically a walking first page google search result for "mexican gang banger stereotypes") and it's a testament to how much manny brought to his performance and the way he sparks with his scene partners (particularly christina and jim) that he came across so engagingly and elevated the character far enough that people so easily overlook that. over the course of s2, they peeled back the curtain a little bit and rounded him out more in ways that (imo and ymmv) really efficiently counteracted that stereotypical portrayal like introducing marcus, being softer with beth, and the different faceted glimpses of him we saw through his personal and business spaces (the club, his loft and bar). in terms of his feelings, while a lot of the softness with beth was him working an angle, we still caught glimpses that hinted at something real developing in his reactions to her that either served no purpose for keeping her in line (the way the camera lingered on his face falling in 209 after beth had turned away and couldn't see him) or, most significantly imo, doing things for her that actively undermined his authority (retrieving!!!!!!!! the!!!!!!!!!! dubby!!!!!!!!!!!!).
and speaking of 209, we also saw him react in increasingly more irrational and outlandish ways (ignoring her calls/texts about the fbi closing in on a business he’s somewhat tied up in, sending her body parts in the mail, kidnapping her) in reaction to beth quitting him, underscoring both the idea that 209 (and beth) meant something to him and that he gets real dramatic and questionably intelligent when he’s in his feelings. 
there's nothing to really say any of this was a swerve from s1 bc s1 left p much everything on the table. s3 built that out a bit more both in terms of what we know about him (thinking specifically of fitz's rundown of what he gets up to when beth's not around) and his feelings for beth (how he handled the wake of 213 was, uh, illuminating and it’s been made even more illuminating with the context s4 added with nick’s involvement in rio’s business and the fact that nick knew nothing about lucy).
s4, to me, is building on all of that (see the above comment about the new layer of context to lucy and repeat, for one). we’ve met his family (who they’ve already hinted he’s very close to through the photos in his loft), we’ve found out how he got involved in crime in the first place (and i've seen criticism of the tragedy aspect of it and how that disproportionately applies to characters of color and that’s super valid, though i do think there’d also be a lot of valid criticism if they’d gone the opposite route and written rio as knowingly and gleefully deciding to be a criminal. the show kind of put itself in an impossible position there, but that’s something that goes back to s1 and the entire concept of his character. i’m not saying there isn’t a nuanced way to tell this story but, i don’t think anyone in the fandom would argue the gg team doesn’t often do so well with narrowly threaded needles, hahaha), and we’ve also seen that rio’s got some kind of big, complicated feelings for beth that result in him making moves and choices that both are and aren’t in his best interest/at her expense and the dichotomy is sloppy bc, as established, those kinds of feelings make rio sloppy. 
honestly, i think one of the biggest reasons rio’s deepening characterization is so controversial is bc by holding off for so long (a choice that i admire conceptually from a storytelling angle—keeping him shrouded in mystery keeps the audience firmly rooted in the girls’ POVs which is where they want us to be—but v understand how it hasn’t worked for a lot of people and do think they’ve fumbled it at a couple of key steps), it allowed people to sort of choose their own rio and now that the show’s committing to their vision, it’s demolishing a lot of people’s personal versions and that sucks! if the show ever canonically says rio and mick haven’t been friends since they were kids, i, for one, am going to elect to ignore it bc FALSE!!!!!! but this phenomenon is also, you know, part of watching tv. someone else writes it, you ultimately have no say in it, you can really only decide for yourself when it no longer sparks joy enough that it’s a dealbreaker and you walk. 
BUT yeah, i guess to wrap it all up, i do think s4 rio tracks with and has been directly built on the rios that have come before, but also think that accepting that he has big messy feelings for beth is a crucial part in understanding the choices he’s making, and if that’s not working for you, i don’t see this trajectory ultimately being v satisfying bc uh, yeah, i think it’s only going to get exponentially messier as we go. 
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