#that took me like 20 minutes so imagine a 20 minute pause before that last tag
arolesbianism · 7 months
You guys know not of the catastrophic squid sisters brainrot going on in my head rn
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princesachicana · 11 months
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 pt.2
a/n: it's finally here!! how long has it been?! first things first i want to say thank you to everyone who's been rooting for this fic!! I honestly hit a huge writers block and had no motivation to write!! but all the sweet messages from people saying they enjoyed my work has made me so happy!!! SO ONCE AGAIN THANK U AND I HOPE U ENJOY!! I tried my EXTRA HARDEST SO I HOPE THIS GIVES U THE CLOSURE YALL WANTED I LOVE YOU SM! ALSO THIS IS NOT PROOF READ SO PLEASE EXCUSE ANY MISTAKES!! I JUST WANTED TO FINALLY POST FOR U GUYS!!
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It took a lot out of you not to stay in bed the next morning. The softness of your bed wrapped around your body gives you some sort of comfort. But of course, staying in bed would only make you feel worse. At least if you got up it would be easier to fake happiness. To no surprise, your phone was flooded with missed calls and texts from both Steven and Belly. Of course, you only responded to belly telling her that you'll explain your reasoning for ditching your "date" with Steven later.
Why did Steven even bother leaving you so many texts last night? If you were such a bother to him? Annoying. That's what he thinks you are. And what if you never heard those disgusting things he said about you? and went on the date with him? Would he just continue to lead you on?
Steven: waiting for you by the pool.
Steven: ur late
Steven: u look pretty even though i can't even see you. pls im starving
Steven: is belly holding you hostage?
Steven: it's been 18 minutes cmon.
Steven: the guys are going to laugh at me for being stood up I'm getting nervous.
Steven: did something happen are you okay?
Steven: belly is worried as well lmk.
You laughed at the messages blinking back angry tears that threatened to fall. Gosh! he was so fake. You could only imagine how relieved he must have been to not hang out with you.
Belly: have funnnn
Belly: no funny business!!
Belly: wait where did you go?!
Belly: Steven keeps pacing back and forth waiting for u
Belly: what’s going on?
Belly: just let us know ur okay
Belly: y/n ??!?!??
Y/n: hey, something came up last night sorry I had you worried. can u come over?
Belly arrived 20 minutes later. You spent the time together watching reruns of your favorite Disney show. “Do you want to talk about it?” Belly asked after a while, noticing something was bothering you.
“I overheard the guys talking about me last night.” You fiddled with the throw blanket that was on your lap. “At first it was just them teasing Steven about our date or whatever.” You took a deep breath upset that you felt like crying. “But Steven only agreed to hang out with me…” You paused blinking back tears. Belly moved closer immediately pulling you into a hug. “He only agreed to hang out with me…so I could stop annoying him! I honestly don’t know what I did wrong?” You pulled away from belly’s arms wiping your tears that had fallen.
“Maybe I was too forward? but I just wanted to see if he felt the same way…it was dumb.” You shrugged. Belly shook her head “Nope my brother is a fucking idiot!” she stood up taking your hand in hers and pulling you up. “I won’t let you mope around all day because of him!” You sighed “I don’t even have a choice do I?” Belly laughed shaking her head. “What do you say we go to the boardwalk? Taylor’s coming in today too” she smirked.
“And maybe someone would be happy to see you I don’t know” she whispered with a grin. “What are you talking about?” You questioned. “Well you know Xavier..the one that works the lemonade stand?” You nodded your head yes. “Well, he totally has the hots for you.” You cringed at her word choice. “He does not!” You laughed. “Oh, he does! you were too busy ogling my brother last summer you didn’t notice him ogling you.” she poked your side teasingly.
“Now let’s go!”
“Stay still before I poke your eye out” Taylor groans finishing up your eyeliner. You were now at the Fisher’s beach house getting ready to go down to the boardwalk. You laugh pulling away “I think that’s enough…if you make my eyeliner any thicker I’d cry!” Taylor playfully pushes your head away. “Sorryyyyy i want to make Xavier fall to his knees when he sees you!” You frown when she brings that name up. Sure, Xavier was a nice guy…and he was cute…but he wasn’t Steven.
You’d always imagined Steven being your first everything. First kiss, first date, first time. It was something you’d dreamt of all this time.
“Yeah…im going to get a snack before we head out do y’all want anything?” You ask heading towards the door. Both girls gave you a sympathetic smile shaking their heads no.
As you reached the kitchen you stopped in your tracks. Steven turned from looking into the fridge. You made eye contact for about 5 seconds before you beelined for the cabinets. “Hey,” Steven broke the silence as you pulled out a granola bar. You felt the warmth of his stare and turned finding him now leaning against the counter. “Hey…” you whispered looking anywhere but his face. “So you gonna tell me what happened last night?” Steven crossed his arms around his chest.
“Just didn’t feel up for it anymore ..” You shrugged nonchalantly. “That’s it?” Steven scoffed. “Yeah…that’s it” you whispered about to walk away. “What’s going on? I’m like so confused right now.” Steven gently gripped your arm. “Nothing just forget it…it’s not like you wanted to go anyways.” you rolled your eyes. “And what makes you think that?” He muttered eyes scouring your face for the truth. “Um, I don’t know let’s see …you quite literally ignored me this entire week!” You responded sarcastically.
“I didn’t mean to. I had a lot of shit on my mind alright?” Steven uttered softly. It almost felt genuine. The words he spoke just last night almost became liquid. “Yeah like what?” You whispered eventually looking into his eyes. “You can tell me..” You spoke gently stepping into him closer. No matter how much he’s hurt you. Steven would always make you melt. “Nothing let’s just forget about it…he pulled away opening up the fridge once again.”
It was like a switch was flipped. How he went right back to that cold shoulder he had been giving you all week. “You're a fucking asshole” You spewed, already ready to walk out of the kitchen. “Where are you going?” He abruptly spoke again. “The boardwalk…you know? so I won’t annoy you here.” With that, you left a confused and remorseful Steven behind.
“Hey, look y/n why don’t you go get a lemonade?” Belly suggested with an eyebrow raise. Shit. you were hoping they forgot about that. “Guys I don’t feel up for this..” You pouted looking between both Taylor and Belly. “Noooo go talk to him! you look hot as fuck.” Taylor gently grabbed your face giving you a mini pep talk.
“What if Xavier wants to hang out..I cant just ditch you guys?!?” You were stalling and they knew it. “We’ll be here waiting for you” Belly smiled. “Just try to have fun alright? But hey if you don’t really want to do it …we’ll back off” She narrowed her eyes at Taylor. “No…I’ll go” You laughed giving both of them a hug “Thank you guys.i really appreciate this.” You’d definitely still be moping around in your room about Steven if it wasn’t for Belly and Taylor. They both wished you luck as you headed straight for the lemonade stand.
As soon as he spotted you. The biggest smile spread across his face. “y/n? damn, it’s been so long” Xavier greeted you with a hug. “It’s only been a year!” You playfully ruffled his curly hair that sat atop his head. “That’s way too long…I enjoy seeing pretty girls year-round.” He spoke smoothly, he definitely knew how to talk to girls. “Shut up” You laughed pushing him away with not that much force.
“I have an hour lunch break…you up for arcade games?”
“So…you seeing anyone?” Xavier asked as he ate a scoop of his mint chocolate chip ice cream. You thought about it for a moment. Technically no you weren’t seeing anyone. But you knew you were still hung up on Steven. A day at the boardwalk with Xavier wouldn’t change that. “It’s complicated…I guess” Xavier sighed “I've been there…it’s rough” You nodded you were curious as to what he meant but you didn’t want to be nosey.
“Hey, look they have street fighter..” Xavier smirked. “Want to go a couple of rounds?” You nodded immediately pulling him towards the game. “Mhhm loser buys the winner a funnel cake!” You suggested with a chuckle. “Ouuu im so down y/n” Xavier squeezed your hand that held his quickly striding towards the arcade game.
Just two more steps, Just two more steps and you’d be fine. The rowdy yelling completely threw you off. You stopped in place looking behind you where the voices were coming from. You had no time to move out of the way, no time to prevent this from happening.No time to stop the trio of boys that you knew all too well. Suddenly a body collided with Xavier, the force immediately making your intertwined hands lose. “Dude, what the fuck?” Xavier groaned. It was then that you snapped back into reality. Eyes wide when you noticed Xavier’s ice cream now all over his shirt.
“What’s up? how are we doing?” That voice full of humor made you scoff. Steven stood tall a smile on his face. You hated that it kind of made your heart flutter. “Steven, what is your problem?” You gestured towards Xavier’s now ice cream stained shirt. “He’ll be fine y/n it’ll wash out.” Steven laughed, but once he noticed you didn’t find this funny at all he frowned. “I’m sorry man, I just came over to say what’s up..” You ignored Steven’s apology not believing he meant it. “Hey want me to help you get cleaned up?” You asked Xavier voice full of concern.
“No.I got it…I’ll see y’all later.” Xavier spoke nonchalantly as he walked away. When he was out of eyesight you brushed past steven heading out the door.
“Y/n” Steven immediately followed behind you. His long legs make it easier for him to catch up with you. “You embarrassed me” You stopped outside the arcade, letting him pull you to the side. “Embarrassed? sorry to interrupt your little date” Steven scoffed. “It's not a date we were just hanging out, why do you care?” You groaned running your hands down your face. “Maybe because just yesterday you were supposed to hang out with me?” Steven spoke definitively.
“Oh my god, just earlier you agreed to forget about it,” you said with an eye roll. “It was dumb, stop acting like you care just go home Steven I did you a favor.” He shook his head “What are you talking about right now?” Steven pulled you in closer, one of his hands placed on your waist. The other coming to the side of your face, willing you to look at him.
“I heard you.i heard everything,” you spoke up voice hoarse. Steven’s heart carried pain at the tears that stood brimming in your eyes. The realization was clear when he made the connection. “And you know..who cares what Jeremiah and Conrad think! what hurt the most was you.” You shrieked. You hated that you were crying in front of him. You hated that when he hauled you against his chest you felt secure.
“I'm sorry baby... I'm sorry” Steven sounded voice vulnerable. Leaving kisses atop your head. “Why would you say that?” you sobbed breaking down in front of the boy who caused it. “I didn't mean any of it” Steven brought your face between his hands once again. “But you said it..it still fucking hurts Steven.”
You wiped your face getting prepared to pull away and walk back home.
“Wait, please let me talk to you.” Steven begged. “okay” you replied being prepared to cry all over again. “My head has been all fucked up..and that isn't an excuse I know” Steven looked down as if he couldn't construct the next words. “Please don't shut me out.” you pleaded gently. “I want you...i have all this time.” Steve confessed for the first time.
“—And I didn't want to fuck anything up we've..been so close all our lives if I ever messed that up I would never forgive myself.” It's as if you were dreaming, the boy you loved stood in front of you disclosing his feelings for you. “And what? this whole week of you acting cold towards me, were you trying to avoid your feelings?” Steven bobbed his head “Yes, if I lied to myself it would make lying to everyone else easier because the fucking truth is I want you so bad” You didn't tell him but at that moment you forgave him.
“And you called me the annoying one?” You giggled pushing on his chest gently. “Right now we could have been making out on the beach….but noo you had to be a brooding boy” Steven tickled your side, causing you to squirm in his arms. “Yeah, my fault can I kiss you now? been practically wanting to my whole life.” Steven threw his head back fake pouting setting one hand over his chest. You figured you'd throw his words right back at him. “You're so desperately desperate”
Steven smirked “Yeah for you? I am” Those words welcomed a whole lot of beautiful feelings. At that moment is when Steven bent down bringing his lips down onto your own. As your lips moved together, butterflies erupted in your belly. You smiled against his lips when you both needed a breath. “Hey, by the way, your not off the hook.. I'm still sort of pissed at you.” You declared pointing a finger into his chest.
“Yeah, I figured” He laughed wrapping his arms even tighter around you. “How about I make it up to you this whole week? I'm taking you out on dates…ill even get on my knees if I have to. I'm going to follow you around like a puppy.” Steven rambled on. You laughed out loud covering your mouth with your hands. “Oh, it's funny?” Steven raised an eyebrow suggestively. “Yeah, you're such a loser.” You joked.
Before Steven could respond you tugged him into another kiss. Perhaps everything wasn't one hundred percent fixed. But you and Steven were finally here together. You and Steven were finally in each other's arms that's all that mattered. You’d figure out the rest together.
tags 🤍: @gillybear17 @snowsharkk @tesssastle @conradsupporterr @alyssa-cabrera @eranthisphiny @xoxoloverb @lostaurorax @lanisdreams @alexzluvz @lalaland-notfound @liltimmyst @unsaidjaelineose @buckys2thicc @lilygreennn @t8lzw @medusaslilsister @1-800-stilinski @yazmi710 @j-brielmalfoy @ashcannotwrite @colbysbrocks @exonct07 @multilover19 @mimisparkle12
@littlefreaksatellite @vintagebitc @lexi-2004 @melllinaa @xcallmetaniax @brizzlessizzler @haroldpotterson @livinginaglasspalace @delicatekidpeanut @queenanababy
@drinkawinchester @sarahbutnot @salvatoremikaelson54 @furiouscopsherduniversity @marrigold-2002 @angeliquelunasstuff @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @daphnen21 @ietss @imanaforever @itsreynasworld @she-is-a-happy-girl @joeybandthings
@kateisintrouble @stvrdustalexx @fictionisjustbetter @whezzy223
@conradssupporterr @clubmeredith13 @fatduck45 @trampstampz @fangirl-kimora
@just-let-me-fangirl-in-peace @reenfluffmarshmallow @kaz-mf-brekker
@yazmunson @bookg1rl @hockey-lover86
@just-a-pink-lady @moo-b1tch
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fineinkline · 1 year
Chapter Two: The Coming Out-siders
“Explain. Now.” Robin says, bursting through Steve’s front door and making a beeline for his living room. “Well hello to you too, Robin. I’m fine, how are you? That’s nice, why don’t you come in and sit down.” He mumbles to himself as he plops down in the chair across from Robin. “I know for a FACT that Eddie Munson has not, does not, and will not ever have a girlfriend. I also know that you two have been spending more time together since he got out of the hospital. I also, also know that you haven’t even tried flirting with any of the ‘ladies’ that have come into the store since we went back to work. But, I also, also, ALSO know that if you had some sort of homosexual awakening that you would tell me, your best friend who is also gay, FIRST!” The room is silent as Robin finishes her rampage and leans back in her chair crossing her arms. Steve is perching on the edge of his chair, eyes darting around the room contemplating if now is a good time to tell her or if Eddie would even be okay with telling Robin right now. “Okay-” Steve starts before Robin can jump to her feet, “I knew it!” she screamed. “I knew there was no way that Eddie would willingly date a girl. But what I didn’t see coming was you getting jealous of his new date.” She says, wiggling her eyebrows in Steve’s direction. “What? Jealous?” It was Steve’s turn to jump out of his chair, placing his hands on Robin’s shoulders to stop her from bouncing and pacing that would eventually make Steve dizzy. “Yeah, you’ve been super weird for the past month and Dustin said that every time he’s called Eddie in the past month, Wayne has said he’s been busy with his date. Then last night, when you went to get another drink, El said that you were upset cause you were jealous. And you know that she has some sort of freaky 6th sense when it comes to this stuff because that’s why she dumped Mike.” Steve gave a wrap-it-up motion with his hand to let Robin know that she better get to the point quickly. “So,” she took in a deep breath and Steve ran a hand over his face in preparation for more rambling, “when did you realize you had a big gay crush on Eddie? I realized it right after he called you ‘big boy’ in the RV and it looked like your brain short-circuited . But I have got to say, the little story you told Nancy about wanting six kids with her did throw me off a little bit-""Woah, woah, woah!” Steve waved his hands in front of her until she finally stopped talking and stood in front of him panting like she had just run a marathon. “So everyone thinks Eddie has a girlfriend and that I’m jealous?” Robin gives him a flat stare, “Were you not listening to a thing I was saying?” She asks, flopping down into the chair to get comfortable so she can tell Steve the whole story once again. 
After a painful 20 minutes of Robin laying out everything that happened when Steve left the room, plus her “study” of how he and Eddie acted around each other she finally came to the conclusion, “you aren’t jealous because Eddie has a girlfriend! You’re jealous, because he has a boyfriend!” She jumps up pointing an accusing finger in Steve’s direction as he now lays across the sofa. There’s a long pause before, “You’re right,” he sighs, flinging an arm across his face, “I totally have a huge crush on Eddie.” Technically it isn’t a lie and this is the closest he can get to telling the truth right now. 
When Steve and Eddie first made their relationship official, they wanted to keep it secret for more reasons than just waiting for life to get back to as normal as it can be. For one, telling everyone they were dating would mean Steve would have to come out to everyone all at once. He had known he was bisexual for a while now, but that didn’t mean he was ready to parade that information around. Telling the party also meant telling Nancy and for some reason Steve’s stomach always turned at the thought. Just imagining it made him feel like he was about to get in trouble or like he did something wrong. He couldn’t tell Nancy in front of everyone else, if she was going to judge him, Steve wanted her to get all her thoughts out in private and not in front of the rest of their friends. Another reason they kept it secret is because Eddie wanted Steve to himself for just a little. They already don’t get to spend much time together. Steve is always at work it seems and when he isn’t, there is always someone else around. Party movie nights, random get togethers at Steve’s pool, Robin and Nancy coming over for game night, Eddie’s band practices and gigs, or D&D campaigns running late into the night. Even when Steve stayed the night with Eddie, most of the time was spent sleeping or talking each other down from the nightmares that seemed to be getting worse. They couldn’t get more than 2 or 3 hours to themselves. If anyone knew they were dating there would be too many questions and too many people looking at them, watching to see how they move and talk with each other to figure out how they didn’t notice before. They also knew that telling the party meant that their relationship would become an excuse for people (mostly Dustin) to get them to do things. For example, they know that the first thing Dustin is going to ask is, “So does this mean you’ll start playing D&D with us? You have to play, your boyfriend is the Dungeon Master, you have to play!” and Mike will make a snide comment along the lines of, “Does this mean you’re going to start ditching us now for Steve’s lame sports stuff?” Nancy and Robin will tell Steve, “you can bring Eddie! It’ll be fun!” when they try to convince him to drive them to a party that they know will not be fun for a gay couple in Hawkins. But they promised each other that if things weren’t back to normal, and they were still together, that they would tell everyone in August and the end of summer party the Hopper-Byer’s were throwing. It gave Eddie some time to soak up as much alone time with Steve as he could and mentally prepare himself for when Dustin forces Steve to sit in on a D&D campaign. And it gave Steve plenty of time to come out to Robin and enough time to talk to Nancy alone. 
“I knew it!” Robin screamed, her eyes going wide at Steve’s little confession. “How long have you known?” she asks, sitting down on the sofa with Steve, lifting his legs so they rest on her lap. “That I’m not straight or that I like Eddie?” he starts, “Cause I’ve known I wasn’t straight ever since you showed me Rocky Horror Picture Show last summer.” He trails off as Robin’s jaw drops and she gives his shins a playful hit. “Rocky Horror was your sexual awakening?!” “Well, I think technically it was Tom Cruise and Matt Dillon in ‘the Outsiders’, but yeah Rocky Horror really made everything click.” Robin nods her head as she lets the information sink in. “Makes sense then,” she starts, when she doesn’t finish her though Steve knits his brows together and motions for her to explain, “well Eddie looks pretty much like Dallas, just with longer hair.” She snickers. Steve starts laughing too, thinking back on how the ‘bad boy’ vibe of Dillon’s character is exactly what made Steve like him so much and realizing that his first male celebrity crush and his current boyfriend might have something in common. He lets his laugh build the more he thinks about it and Robin just laughs along with him until she’s clutching her sides and Steve is wiping a tear away from the corner of his eye.
“Well I’m happy for you Steve,” she says in earnest, taking one of his hands in her own, “I mean, it sucks that the first time you like a guy he starts dating someone else. But look on the bright side, at least you know he likes guys!” “Yeah,” Steve sighs, wistfully, trying to keep up the act of being slightly heartbroken. “So who is he dating anyway? I bet it’s one of the guys from Hellfire. Ohhh, I bet it’s Gareth! He’s always following Eddie around and looking at him with those big puppy dog eyes and listening to him like everything he says is some huge revelation that no one ever thought of before.” She starts to laugh again, but Steve cuts in, “No way! Like Eddie would ever go for a guy like him!” Okay so maybe he was a little too quick and a little too pushy at the idea of Gareth liking Eddie or vice versa, but it’s his boyfriend we’re talking about! “Jeez,” Robin says, backing off and quieting her voice a little at seeing how touchy he is about the subject, “so you don’t know who it is?” “Uhh-nope.” Steve shrugs as he pulls himself on the sofa to grab a drink from the kitchen. “All I know is that Wayne tells me the same thing he tells Dustin every time he calls.” Steve shouts from the kitchen, hoping that his lie is a little more believable now that he doesn’t have to look Robin in the eyes. Robin waits for him to come back to the living room before asking, “so then how do you know it’s a guy if all Wayne says is ‘he is on a date’?” Shit. Shit. Shit. “He told me?” It came out more like a question, but Steve wasn’t good at making this stuff up and he especially couldn’t lie to Robin’s face. “He just told you?” She levels Steve with a glare. “Don’t give me that look!” He defends, “You just told me, remember?” “Yeah, Steve, that’s different! You told me you liked me and we were on some crazy Russian drug cocktail and my mouth moves faster than my brain anyway!”Robin states, defending herself a little. “Maybe we were on drugs too when he told me,” Steve counters, “maybe I went over to his place one night when I couldn’t sleep and we smoked a joint or two and he came out to me!” Again, technically not a lie, he just wasn’t going to include the fact that Steve came out to Eddie and then the night ended with them making-out and placing hickeys where they wouldn’t be seen. Robin narrowed her eyes and bit her lip as she tried to soak in the new information and weigh out just how plausible it was. “That does sound like Eddie,” She says slowly nodding her head, “but he didn’t tell you who the guy is?” she whines, flopping her hands at her sides. “Nope,” Steve pops the p in the word as he sits back down next to Robin, handing her a can of soda he grabbed in the kitchen. He can practically see the gears turning in her head as she tries to figure out the puzzle with the few pieces laid before her. Finally, she looks up at Steve and asks, “Wanna order a pizza and watch The Outsiders?” Steve sighs and lets his shoulders relax a little at the hope that the conversation is over and they can move on to just hanging out. “Sounds great, Robs.” 
He starts to make his way to the phone to call in their usual pizza order. “You should invite Eddie over too,” she shouts from her spot in front of the VHS display case, “maybe we can get him to tell us who ‘mystery man’ is.” This is the worst idea in the world, Steve thinks. “Great idea, I’ll give him a call after this,” Steve shouts back. Usually, Steve crosses his fingers hoping that Eddie would pick up or be home every time he called, but now he was secretly praying that Eddie was out at a last minute band practice or out making a deal or that Wayne needed him at the apartment for something, anything that meant he couldn’t come over. But, after only two rings, Steve’s ears are graced with Eddie’s smooth voice, “Munson residence, what can you do for me?” Well, shit. “Hey, Eddie-'' Steve starts, hoping to fill him in on the situation before Robin can come closer and overhear anything, “Stevie! I guess I should be asking what can I do for you,” he asks seductively at the same time Robin walks into the kitchen. She leans on the wall on the other side of the phone, facing Steve. “Is he coming?” she mouths and Steve holds up his pointer finger telling her to wait a moment before placing his hand on his hip. “Ha ha Eddie, that is so funny,” he deadpans, trying to signal to Eddie that now isn’t the time without Robin thinking anything is out of the ordinary, “I was just calling to see if you wanted to come over and watch a movie with Robin and I, we ordered pizza and it should get here by the time you do.” “And don’t say that you’re going out with your boyfriend, Eddie!” Robin shouts into the phone’s mouthpiece and essentially into Steve’s ear. “Ouch!” Steve says, covering his ear for dramatic effect. “That I’m what?” Eddie laughs through the phone. “Yes, Eddie. Robin figured out about your mystery boyfriend,” Steve emphasizes the word mystery as he continues, “she was hoping that we could bribe you with pizza and you would tell us more about him.” “You weren’t supposed to tell him about the bribe!” Robin huffs as she swats Steve’s arm and marches her way back into the living room. “Look,” Steve whispers into the phone while he has a chance, “I didn’t tell her we’re together. She thinks I’ve been acting weird because I like you and I’m jealous you have a boyfriend and she doesn’t realize that the whole reason I’m acting weird is because you are my boyfriend so can you please get over here and make it sound like you hate your fake boyfriend and that you’re going to break up with him so she stops bringing it up!” All of his words started mumbling together at some point and Steve hopes that Eddie can put two and two together himself without Steve having to explain any more. There is a long pause on the line before Eddie answers, “So what movie are we watching?” Steve huffs out a sigh of relief, “The Outsiders.”
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iamvegorott · 1 year
For the random prompts could you maybe do #20 with Danti, Anti having some weird headache or stressed out
20. “My head is killing me.”
“I’m dying.”
“You’re not dying.” 
“Death is coming for me.” 
“Stop it.” Dark rolled his eyes as he placed several bottles of water on the bedside table, along with a medicine bottle. 
“My head is killing me.” Anti’s groan got muffled by the pillow he had his face pressed into. 
“It’s called a headache. They usually tend to happen when you’ve been awake for three days and only consuming energy drinks.” Dark was annoyed that he got put in charge of helping Anti. Henrik and Edward were busy with others, and no one else wanted to put up with it, and Dark was now understanding why. 
Anti was the biggest baby when he was sick. 
“I was working,” Anti grumbled, whining when Dark grabbed his shoulder and made him flip over to his back. 
“Working is not the word I would use.” Dark took one of the water bottles, opened it, and placed it in Anti’s hand. “Nonsense is one of the many words I’d call your mess.” He opened the medicine bottle and poured two pills into his hand. 
“You know you love it~” Anti sang. Dark just made a face and slapped his hand over Anti’s mouth, forcing the pills to go in there. 
“Shut up and swallow,” Dark said, moving his hand back since he knew if he kept it there too long; Anti would lick his palm.
“Oh, Darky, I always imagined you telling me to swallow something else~” Anti had tucked the pulls into his cheek to tease and then pulled them back out with his tongue as he lifted the bottle to his lips and downed half the bottle as he swallowed the pills. 
“You’re so immature.” Dark huffed before sitting on the end of the bed. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be nice to the dying?” 
“Again. You are not dying.” 
“Darky,” Anti whined the nickname. 
“Keep pouting, and I’m leaving you to suffer alone.” Dark had been told to wait after Anti took the pills. Henrik said they were special-made for him but needed him watched over until the effect kicked in. Sometimes it only took a minute. Sometimes it took thirty. Dark hoped for the shortest length. 
“I know you’re not allowed to.” Anti giggled, moving himself to his knees and still facing Dark. “Henrik and Edward would give you hell if you did.” 
“It’s sounding more and more worth it.” Dark watched as Anti moved his blanket so it was behind him. “What are you doing?” 
“Getting comfortable,” Anti stated before plopping over and placing his head on Dark’s lap. 
“What are you doing?” Dark asked again. 
“Sleepy,” Anti mumbled, wiggling and then sighing happily as he got nice and cozy. 
“Really?” Dark huffed, figuring that Anti would be out in a few minutes and he could move him and leave. Might as well let him be his usual little shit self and not fight. He stared down at Anti, waiting for the signs of him being asleep, humming when he noticed Anti’s hair in his eyes. “Comfortable, my ass,” Dark muttered and used his hand to brush Anti’s hair back, pausing when that got Anti to nearly purr and nuzzle his head against Dark’s hand unconsciously. The pause lasted for another moment before Dark decided to run his hand through Anti’s hair again, telling himself he was doing this because it would likely get him to fall asleep sooner, and he could finally leave. 
Anti was dead asleep within a few minutes, but Dark ended up staying way past that. He played with Anti’s hair long enough that his own eyes were growing heavy. Dark tried to fight off sleep but soon caved and laid back against the bed, falling asleep with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed with Anti dozing in his lap. 
It was an interesting time explaining everything when Wilford barged in later that day. 
Random Prompts: Link
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WHG 20 Prompt 4 - Triel
Content warning for mentions of sexual abuse and torture. Tagging: @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, @drabbleitout (thanks for Ives!), @grailfish, @forthesanityofsome, and @pied-piper-of-hamlet!
After I tried to talk to Chess, which totally didn’t work, but I had at least expected that, I went off to find Ives. He would want to know how broken Chess probably was. And it wasn’t hard to find him, at least.
He was standing in a deserted car, looking a little lost, so I walked up to him with a smile. “Hey, Steelheart. I know some things about Chess, if you’d like to hear them. I think it will help.”
Ives frowned, looking up and down the train car before back at me. “About Chess?” He hesitated. “Is it alright for me to know?”
I gestured for him to follow me and led him to some chairs and sat down and so did he. “I won’t be giving away any details. Just enough to explain what happened to her and her memory. The details are up to her if she wants to give them.”
He sat back, nodding. “And, can I ask how you know these things? Has Chess told you?” He frowned.
I sighed and steepled my fingers, leaning forward. “I’ve been researching the person who sponsored her for the Games for a while now. So I know how he usually runs things. Nothing specific about Chess.”
His eyes darkened, frowning deeper. “Could this person be responsible for her physical condition?”
I nodded. “Very likely. Are you okay with me explaining?”
He paused. “I’m okay.” He nodded.
I nodded back. “First the prosthetics. The Capitol will claim to hell and back that they were made by rebels wanting to use people as weapons, but they are lying. They’re made by a person working for the Capitol named Aeflin. She’s out of the picture at the moment, so you shouldn’t have to worry about her, but she tortured a lot of unwilling victims. The prosthetics Chess has are ones that give her fire magic. If she’s been coughing up smoke, that’s why. Shine is talking to an engineer friend to see if they can fix the prosthetics so the magic doesn’t hurt her anymore.”
I took a deep breath. Now, the hard part. “On to Ashont. He’s the one who sponsored her as a tribute for the Games. And I believe I know the vague details of what happened to her. I didn’t know this was going to happen, and I had been watching him for weeks, so this must have been last minute. But he runs a sex trafficking scheme. Where he pays people to especially take victims of the experiments and take away their memories. Then they drop them in front of a bar where Ashont is waiting to pick them up. He generally holds onto them longer before he sponsors them for the Games, but they are all the same. Malnourished, bruised, and cut up. He doesn’t do that to the others who are not victims of the experiments that he picks up. But he’s only sponsored those victims for the Games, none of the others he’s used. I do have reason to believe that the malnourishment is from the experiments because Chess has only been with him for one night. I don’t know the details of what happens, but I can only imagine that it’s horrific.” I took a deep breath and bowed my head. This was why I had to destroy him.
He didn’t speak for a long while. “You mentioned Aeflin being out of the picture. Should we expect to see more of Ashont?”
I sighed. “Unfortunately, yes. He’s greedy, so he might even want to take Chess from the Games to keep until he gets bored of her. But I do have plans to expose him for the slime he is, so hopefully that’ll help.”
“Can he do that?” Ives tilted his head. “Remove her from the Games?”
“Yes. He has too much power in the Capitol. He is a close advisor to Snow.”
He looked away, jaw set. “I hope you can expose him for what he is. I don’t imagine they’d decide to leave Chess alone.”
“I wish I could just mention what he does and get everyone angry, but the Capitol has convinced its citizens that everyone from the experiments are monsters. But I have caught him taking a daughter of the Capitol, so I should be able to. But I won’t have enough time to expose him in my interview. And I need to get them invested so they’ll really listen. So, my big reveal of any evidence will be after the Games unfortunately. I will keep her safe in the arena. To the best of my ability.”
“So the interviews and all may be a little tricky,” he said lowly. “But I understand, you’re doing enough as it is. I’ll do what I can to look after her as well…even if it isn’t much.”
I nodded. “You’re doing well so far. I saw her wearing your jacket.” I tried to smile, but it fell away quickly. “I won’t let you down. Either of you.”
“I know you won’t.” He nodded. “But Triel, if…if things don’t go to plan, if something happens, can you promise me you’ll be sure to get her to safety? Regardless if I can come with you.”
I nodded. “I will. But I will come back for you, even if it takes a million tries.”
He laughed softly, shaking his head. “You shouldn’t. Unlike all of you I was made for the Capitol, by the Capitol. I was never meant to leave. Besides, why should I get to leave when he never got to?”
I shook my head, unable to think about Ryker for long. “Ives, you’re a person. And no one should be kept in horrific conditions. No one.”
“No one should.” He nodded. “But it’s also not worth losing your life over -or wasting it. I’ve already cost enough human life, I don’t want to cause you yours.” He looked me in the eyes, and it was hard to hold his stare. “If I’m unable to go with you, don’t come back for me. Agreed?”
I set my jaw and looked away. “I already left you once. I can’t do it again.”
“Triel, I need your word. I need to know you and the others will get to safety and stay there. More than likely, if you’re successful after pissing them off this way, they’ll have me wiped. The last thing I want is to meet you in the future, not know you, and potentially harm you.”
I tried to laugh, but it sounded hollow. “Now, you’re just underestimating how good I am at not getting hurt.” I took a deep breath and leaned forward, making sure to truly consider what he said instead of just dismissing it. “Best I can do is promise you that I’ll get all the tributes to safety, ask my crew if they want to help me rescue you, and honor their wishes either way. But even if it’s me alone, I’m coming back for you. He begged me to get you out and to safety. I’m not failing him twice.” Tears blurred my vision, and I looked down to wipe them away.
“Alright,” Ives whispered. “But if you come back, and I’m not myself, I want you to finish me off. I don’t want to be anything besides myself.”
I swallowed hard, but I had to be able to agree to that. “I can promise that. But I’ll first consult with my engineer and see if they can bring you back. They’re the best engineer I’ve ever seen.”
He nodded. “Thank you. I appreciate it.” He released a deep breath. “Now I need to find a way to help Chess survive the interview and chariots.”
“I’ll see if I can strike fear in our stylists, but they’re usually kept separate so the other tributes don’t see a stylist that isn’t their own. Might need to get another jacket for the chariots.” I looked up at him and winked, a smirk finally pulling at my lips.
His brow wrinkled. “Perhaps I should threaten hers as well, then. Make sure they get the message. We’re going to need every moment to prove the Capitol wrong.”
“You won’t see the stylist, unfortunately. They’ll have Peacekeepers ‘escort’ us to where we need to go. If you don’t have a jacket to allow her to cover up, I might just swoop in and be the gentleman before you can.” I snickered and stood up. “It’s getting late, and I still have some plans to work on, so thank you for talking, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” I held up my hand to fistbump, and he did!
I found Nesri sitting in front of the tv, watching the start of the replay of the Reaping. I sat down next to her and took some of her popcorn, staring at the screen as person after person was reaped. I…wouldn’t be able to save them all. Nesri glanced over at me and asked me questions about the tributes, and I answered as best I could, trying to remember as much as I could so that I could help as many as I could.
After the replay of the Reaping was over, I turned off the tv and leaned against Nesri. She ran a hand over my back as I started braiding her hair, but the door to the car slammed open, and I sat up quickly to see Shine standing there, looking wide-eyed.
I frowned and signed, “Is everything okay?”
They nodded and started signing rapidly. “I met Chess today, and she was really nice and fun to talk to, and I want to help her.” They smiled a little. “I contacted Naivi, and she sent me over the blueprints she made of how she wanted to fix the prosthetics from the experiments so the magic won’t hurt the victims anymore, and I really want to try it on Chess. I want to help her feel better and be stronger. Would you be able to set that up?”
I exchanged a glance with Nesri, who looked back at Shine first and signed with a grin. “Aw! Look at you! Actually wanting to help someone and hang out with them!”
They pouted. “I always want to help people. They also are just really annoying. Like you.”
Nesri laughed. “Take that back!” And jumped at Shine, ruffling up their hair while they halfheartedly struggled.
I flashed a light in their direction, and they both stopped as I signed. “I should be able to arrange that. Chess might not trust me, but hopefully, she’ll agree.”
Shine smiled and nodded. “Thank you.” And with that, they ran off again. I sighed and leaned back, and Nesri leaned against me. “Thank you for helping her,” she whispered. “I know how terribly the Capitol treats those that they see as beneath them.”
I nodded and hugged her close. “Of course. I’ll do anything to keep that from every happening to her—or you—again.”
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doctor-fancy-pants · 1 year
Totally Scientific and Not At All Anecdotal Review of Rapid Antigen Test UX by type
So we were PCR tested twice during quarantine, and then we were given a bag of saliva test RATs. Took one of those before getting on the bus down to the wharf, then one every three days until 26th November. I messed up my first one and so had to grab one from ship supply, which was “oral fluid.”
This means that I am now in a position to compare the experiences of different RATs.
OLD SCHOOL Ye olde swab! Scrape the back of the throat! Then scrape the brain via the nose! Mix with buffer, apply to test cassette. Don’t fucken wuss out on the scraping either — SARS-CoV-2 infections present initially as lower respiratory tract, which we can’t swab. So there’s less of it lurking about in the upper respiratory tract. Also please swab your throat. YES EVEN IF THAT’S NOT IN THE DIRECTIONS.
SALIVA TEST Stick the hideous absorbent lollipop in your mouth until the indicator turns blue, which means it has enough saliva, then apply to test cassette.
ORAL FLUID Hock up a loogie into the buffer. Apply to test cassette.
Now, I previously hated swabbing my nose. Then I started swabbing my throat, which I hate even more, so I don't hate swabbing my nose so much. Basically, I stimulate a pretty solid coughing reflex on the throat and I always, always sneeze after swabbing my nose, but it's now pretty inoffensive to me.
I've been aware of the saliva and oral tests for a while, and thought that something less intrusive would be good for people with hyper-sensitive gag reflexes, and also little kids, who really don't like sitting still long enough for someone to swab their tiny wee nostrils.
So I was optimistic about the saliva test.
My optimism was misplaced. The instructions say that it should take about 2-3 minutes for the sponge inserted into your mouth to absorb sufficient saliva. The indicator is supposed to turn blue.
My medication causes dry mouth.
3 minutes? HA. FUCKING. HA.
That thing felt like it was sucking out my goddamn motherfucking soul. And I had to move it around and swizzle it and press down and I had to do all this before leaving my cabin before shift. My very life essence was drained into this obnoxious fucker.
(I actually had significant shoulder pain due to continuously trying to move it around while lying down. My joints are weird. This is not going to be an issue for most people.)
We had a messaging platform on the ship's intranet, which I used to declare that if anyone had swab tests and wanted to swap it for the spit lollipop, I was down for that. I now considered swabs to be the best possible option.
Nobody took me up on it. Everyone struggled to get enough spit.
On the last day, I had that "oral fluid" test, which involves hocking up a loogie and spitting into the funnel. This was less of a trial, to be honest, but given my dry mouth issues, it was still a pain in the arse to muster up the necessary quantities of saliva. Not as bad as the fucking saliva sponge.
I cannot imagine that sponge thing works well with little kids, not unless they are producing copious quantities of spit and snot and--
[pauses abruptly]
--okay, yes, I now recall that little kids are absolutely capable of just leaking from every available orifice (hopefully not the ears), so maybe they would have an easier time of it.
Anyways, TL;DR: the saliva sponge is vile. The oral fluid is okay.
I still prefer the old school swab.
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TNG 4x12 The Wounded, and 5x03 Ensign Ro thoughts (rewatching, so possible future spoilers for DS9 too)
I’ve temporarily paused my DS9 re-watch after 2x20 Maquis Part 1 to go through all the Cardassian episodes in TNG to get a better picture of the build up. Honestly they're so spread out, I'm not surprised I can't remember much of it!
4x12 The Wounded
"They're our allies now"??? Not really, Troi, you're just at peace, you're not even going to have a treaty for the next three years!
It's like they've never eaten together before???
I know it's a throwaway line, but Miles' mum not believing in replicators and being "like a master chef" feels like something that should have come up in DS9, with Sisko's cooking habits. At the least, it would have prepared him for his time in Alixus' cult in Paradise
Their smiles and laughter together is cute :3
I like the Cardassian trying to make friends. <3 He really picked the wrong person though 😅
Miles pretending he's good with Cardassians - no, your wife knows you better thank that XD
I do like miles when I tried to better himself. You go have a friendlyish conversation with a Cardassian
"It's not you I hate, Cardassian. I hate what I became because of you." It's interesting when Miles gets self aware; it's a shame it doesn't always stick and he has to keep relearning these things
This Gul Macet is pretty damn decent, that was a good job done there
"I consider the matter closed." - Picard is a good captain
I like this burgeoning trust between the two captains :3
Picard calm questioning of Maxwell is so well done, I do like him
"I'll accept the judgement of history."
"When you've been through what we have, you tend to get inside someone." 👀 Okay Miles...
Of course there's a Star Trek episode where they win through the power of friendship and song :P
"Take this message to your leaders, Gul Macet. We'll be watching." THE STEEL
Really glad I re-watched, I'd forgotten how much I enjoy Picard, and it was a great Miles episode. Also interesting that our very first view of Cardassians are of some good ones.
5x03 Ensign Ro
It's so, so weird watching this after ds9 - knowing loads about Bajorans rather than this being our first one
No, that earring is just rude
Interesting, "The Bajoran custom has the family name first, the individual's second... It's an old custom. Most Bajora these days accept the distortion of their names in order to assimilate." That isn't very DS9, but I get the feeling Ro is from the Bajora disapora, and not Bajor? Maybe tradition stayed stronger there.
Also interesting for the people to be Bajora and not Bajorans.
Damn but I love her
She reminds me a lot of Kira actaully, and now I want them to meet
"You were innocent bystanders for decades as the Cardassians took our homes, as they violated and tortured our people in the most hideous ways imaginable, as we were forced to flee." "We were saddened by those events but they occurred within the designated borders of the Cardassian Empire."
^> How long have the Federation been at war with Cardassia. *googles* 20 years, okay. Because they were fighting a war, and that's hardly standing by? But I guess they weren't when the Cardassians originally occupied Bajor. We don't actually know why or when the border wars started, but memory-beta attributes some distrust due to the Bajor occupation.
GUINAN! I'd forgotten how incredible she is. "Sounds like someone is like to know." Perfection.
Of course she's angry, she did well even if it was against the rules
I'm glad Guinan exists <3
Yes, he's listening to her. And she has a hell of an explanation.
Oooh, I had guessed that no-one was on board, but I assumed a last-minute transport - clever to have guessed this from the start and left them planetside!
Love a happy ending with a corrupt official probably going to prison :D
"That's an interesting challenge. And I rarely refuse an interesting challenge."
The earring shouldn't have to be a condition! It should be accepted as standard! I get that it's supposed to be a cute ending but it's wrong
I love Ro a lot :3 This episode is so interesting to re-watch after DS9, it's super interesting to get more Bajoran points of view.
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iamasimpingh0e · 2 years
oh I would love to hear your take on how connor would propose to female surgeon! reader
A/n: sure tell me what you think about this:)
Another kind of perfect
Connor Rhodes x reader
Words: 888
Warnings: none
Summary: Connor proposes to reader
Connor had no idea how to plan the perfect proposal. How could he? He never had to do it before.
He knew you weren't the one for big proposals, so he had to keep it small, very small.
How cliché it might sound but given the fact that it was Valentines Day, the two of you spent the evening watching a romance.
Connor didn't really like watching the totally unrealistic movies because he likes facts and true things and he might have found his true love already, but most love stories aren't like the ones in the movies.
Now Connor knew it was about to happen, the scene in romance movies you disliked the most.
"Ugh, why do they always have to exaggerate so much?" You asked Connor.
No matter how much you loved these kinds of movies, you couldn't stand to see the proposals.
"I mean nothing even works like that, I wouldn't want my family to be there and watch us. What if I don't want to marry and then all the pressure of saying yes would be put on me?" Connor signed out, he knew he just had to sit there and wait till you're done complaining, so he put the movie on pause.
"And all the roses on the floor" you paused
"It's just a total waste. One bouquet of roses or any flowers would have been enough."
"Babe, you know they like it extra," Connor said.
"Yeah I know but it's so cliché. Why can't they just stay at home, just the two of them and out of nowhere he asks her to marry him? I mean that would be a surprise and not this" you pointed at the TV.
"And imagine the people around, just staring at you. I would be so embarrassed"
"Yeah, I get it."
The evening went on and Connor really wanted to ask you the important question, but he also wanted to wait for a while.
No he wasn't afraid that you would say no, but he wanted it to be a complete surprise and since you two talked about it, not even an hour ago, he had to wait a few days.
The next few days have been pretty busy for both of you. Connor had to work a lot of double shifts in the ER, because the flu-wave caught up to a few of your colleagues and you had to finish a lot of paperwork, because the family of one of your former patients was trying to sue you. You were deeply sorry, they had to suffer a loss, but it was in no means your fault.
Because of this, you were more than happy to spend the evening together with Connor.
It was one of the few rare days that you both had the evening and next day off.
"Why don't we just order take out and watch a movie?" You suggested.
"Honey, you know exactly how unhealthy take out is." Connor looked at you with a stern look.
"Yeah and what about it? You wanna cook, alright. But we haven't had take out in a very long time and I'm really craving those Chinese noodles from the place down the road. I also know how much you love their food." He signed and you smirked because you knew you already had him convinced after you said he would have to cook.
This is how you two found yourselves on the couch 20 minutes later with your take out boxes in front of you and a movie playing on the TV.
"How was work?" You suddenly asked.
"It was a lot busier than I thought. With the flu and all. But I spent my day looking forward to date night." He told you.
"Yeah me too. When was the last time we watched a movie together?"
"Definitely days ago, but now I'm just glad to have you by my side."
Connor took the empty boxes and put them in the trash. After that you both cuddled and continued watching the movie.
"Hey, y/n?"Connor softly asked.
"I was thinking..."
"Thinking about what?" You listened carefully.
"Remember back in Kindergarten when we played family?"
You had to laugh. Back when you two were younger, you spent a lot of time together. Your parents knew each other, so it was no wonder.
"Yeah? What about it?" You asked not to look at him.
"You always wanted to be the mom and I always wanted to be the dad. We acted like we were married and barely wanted to stop playing."
You didn't really know where he was going with this.
"What do you think about making it come true?"
Slowly he pulled out a black velvet box from behind tha pillow.
You were surprised, this was exactly how you imagined it.
He opened the box and inside was a beautiful ring. Not too big and extra but you could recognize that it was an engagement ring.
Connor really kept it simple because he knew you would like that.
"Oh my God, yes. Yes of course, I would love to."
He slowly slipped the ring onto your finger and you gave him a kiss.
The kiss was full of emotions, like love, happiness and more.
This was your definition of perfect.
I would love to hear your opinion on this, also feel free to send me requests:)
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi, Eve
Rose here from yesterday, thank you very much for the Birthday message, I wasn't expecting you to read it let alone reply but I was looking for Coops kids Birthday fluff specifically. It doesn't matter if you don't have time however as I don't want to be a bother.
Hello Rose, and happy (belated) 20th birthday! Sorry for the wait--I really wanted to get this one right to celebrate such an important number. I hope your day was absolutely fantastic! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but Stella is an OC
Combined with asks for Sirius lightly making fun of Remus' accent and Remus yelling at a game show (@nazar4114)
“Medusa!” Stella shouted with all the force in her thirteen-year-old lungs. Remus leaned forward on the couch. “Medusa!”
The front door opened with a creak. “I’m h—”
“Yes!” they cheered in unison as Nicole answered correctly. Remus turned and gave Stella a double high-five, feeling his heart squeeze at the vivid joy on her round face. “Good guess.”
“I knew she was gonna get it,” Stella said with a pump of her fist as she turned back to the show and folded her legs underneath her.
“Gonna,” a familiar deep voice mimicked from the doorway. Paper bags rustled before footsteps stopped behind the couch; Remus tilted his chin up without sparing a glance, and Sirius pressed a laugh-laced kiss to his cheek before dropping one on Stella’s head as well. “You sound too much like your dad.”
“Love you, too,” Remus said wryly.
“I’ll take ‘Myths and Moths’ for 400, please.” Nicole’s voice snapped his attention back to the screen, and Stella narrowed her eyes.
“Daily Double!” the automated voice announced. Stella gasped; Remus bit his lower lip. “This mythical shield was wielded by Athena, and is sometimes said to be made of goat skin.”
“Aegis,” Stella whispered, then raised her voice. “It’s the Aegis, Nicole. You know this.”
“We know you do,” Remus said, scooting forward. “You just guessed whose head is on it.”
Nicole’s buzzer went off with two seconds to spare. “What is the Aegis?”
“Hell yeah!” Stella whooped.
Remus turned to her and raised his eyebrows. “Excuse you.”
“Are you two going to do this the whole afternoon?” Sirius asked from the kitchen, obviously amused. “We might need to get the neighbors some noise-cancelling headphones.”
Stella blew a dark lock of hair out of her eyes as she flopped her head back. “It’s almost final Jeopardy, papa. We have, like, ten minutes.”
Sirius blinked at her, then shook his head. “I swear you two share genes.”
“Ope, you caught me,” Remus said over the noise of the commercial break. “When I was 20 and had literally never left Wisconsin, I went and had a secret kid in Maine who looks terribly like you just so that someone would watch Jeopardy reruns with me thirteen years later. Oops.”
“It’s the truth,” Stella said with great gravity. “I remember.”
“Mon dieu,” Sirius muttered, though he couldn’t keep a smile down. He had never been able to hide around Stella, not once in the three years since they had adopted her. It was one of the things Remus loved most about him. “By the way, nobody under the age of fourteen is allowed in the kitchen for the next…hour. Ish.”
Stella squirmed around until she could rest her arms on the back of the couch. “What if I get thirsty?”
“I’m sure you can invoke birthday privileges and ask your dad to get something for you.”
“Birthday privileges?” Remus scoffed. “Nobody in this house has a birthday today. Yours was last month, and mine’s in March.”
“It’s my birthday,” Stella said.
“What? No, it’s not.”
“Your birthday is in June.”
“It’s today.”
“Or maybe July?”
“It’s today, in December, when there’s snow,” she insisted, throwing herself back against the pillows. “Come on, dad, that’s not funny anymore.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Is somebody too old to find their poor old dad amusing now? Can you go back to being twelve so somebody will laugh at my jokes again? I know, I know, we're super lame compared to all your friends’ parents—”
“So lame,” Sirius agreed from the kitchen.
“—but I like to think we get one more year of pre-teen cuteness before the teen angst takes over.”
Stella sat up again with a groan. Looking at her, Remus saw a mix of himself and Sirius that had always baffled him, considering they had adopted her comparatively late in her life; beneath it was something uniquely Stella. Maybe it was her double-jointed elbows, or the board-straightness of her hair next to their curls, but there was no mistaking that she was her own person through and through. He loved that about her. “I’m not going to be a terrible teenager.”
Sirius poked his head around the edge of the kitchen—his nose was adorned with a smudge of flour. “Can I record that for future use?”
“Ooo, using the French,” Remus hissed. “That transformation is already beginning.”
“It’s not like you were bad teenagers, right?” She settled upside-down on the couch with her flamingo-patterned socks high in the air.
“I almost convinced Grandma to let me dye my hair blue, but otherwise I was pretty good.”
“I was terrible,” Sirius laughed. “I didn’t talk to anybody for a solid three years.”
Stella frowned. “How? I think I’d die if I did that.”
“He’s stubborn,” Remus stage-whispered.
“I heard that.”
Stella suppressed her laughter as best she could, but she was about as good at hiding her emotions around them as Sirius was. She didn’t really giggle—the amount her voice had deepened over the past three years always gave Remus whiplash—but her laugh had the same cadence as it did the first day they heard it. While Stella had been quiet at first, it only took love and time to bring her out of her shell. Within a year she settled into their lives like she was always meant to be there.
A thoughtful look crossed her face. “This is my last year before high school.”
“Does it feel different?”
“Not really.” She paused, then shrugged. “And a little. I don’t feel older. It just feels like there’s stuff I won’t get to do anymore.”
“And a lot more you will get to do.” Sirius left his dishtowel on the counter before joining them on Stella’s other side. “You can drive soon, you’ll get a longer curfew, you get more freedom…”
“I guess.”
“What are you going to miss?” Remus asked as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. It was a basic Lions FAN jersey; he was fairly sure she bought it to be ironic. That, and she only wore one of theirs if she was upset with the other, or if one needed a boost at a game.
“I dunno.” A few beats of silence passed. “My classmates. My team. It feels like everything’s going to turn upside down.”
“You can still keep in touch with your friends, and I bet your team won’t be too different,” Sirius said quietly. “Even if it does, that doesn’t mean you have to give all of them up. People change in different ways. They come and go on their own time.”
“There’s going to be a lot of upside-downs over the next couple years, kid.” Remus offered her a smile. “But you’re going to be just fine.”
“You two sound like such dads right now.”
“This might shock you, but that’s because we are.”
The corner of her mouth tugged up and she lolled her head to the side to look at Sirius. “Is the cake done?”
“Fifteen more minutes.”
“Will you watch final Jeopardy with us?”
“What’s the category?”
“US Presidents.”
Sirius exhaled through his nose, but nodded. She grinned and turned herself upright to snuggle against his arm. “You just enjoy watching me lose.”
“Alright, is everyone ready?” Sirius called from the kitchen.
“On three,” Remus said, raising his phone camera. “One, two, three!”
“Happy birthday to you,” over a dozen voices sang. They were off-tempo and so out of key the composer was probably spinning in his grave, but Stella’s clear joy didn’t waver for a millisecond even as her cheeks reddened. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Stella, happy birthday to you!”
Finn, of course, dragged out the last note. So did Leo, Logan, Kasey, James, Lily, and Talker in varying degrees of awful harmony attempts. It was terrible, and beautiful. “Make a wish,” Sirius said softly as he set the cake down and stepped back. His eyes were the brightest quicksilver Remus had seen in many moons.
Stella closed her eyes, took a breath, and blew as hard as she could—the entire room erupted into cheers when all the candles went out. She was laughing and blushing at the same time when Remus turned the lights back on, though the humor won out in the end and she helped pass plates of cake to her many aunts and uncles. Like every year prior, Regulus managed to smear a bit of frosting on her chin, only to immediately deny it with great offense when she noticed. It was becoming a bit of a tradition—one that Remus never grew tired of.
I know what I would wish for, Remus thought as he looked around the table at their patchwork family. Celeste, Dumo, and his own parents had no doubt spoiled their first grandchild with ‘cusp of adulthood’ gifts, and Natalie and Lily would certainly steal her away after cake for some girl time. Finn and Logan would remain the fun uncles while Leo and Regulus kept their thrones as the cool uncles; Stella would interrogate Jules on the intricacies of high school for at least an hour before they destroyed everyone in a snowball fight. The world they built together had a place for everyone.
I would wish for this. This, for us, forever. It wasn’t a bad eternity to imagine.
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happyselves · 3 years
Wrong Number { Lando Norris x reader one shot }
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You were the new PR assistant of Mclaren F1 Team and you end up adapting pretty quickly even starting to have some friends in the team and you were actually at grand prix for the weekend, working on the social media stuff. Obviously for your work you had to have the driver's phone number, but you haven't had the need to use it yet.
You were chilling in your bed, in that gorgeous hotel room, writing some new plans and ideas of videos for the next day where you will have to film a video of the drivers for the youtube of the team. Your phone was lost in your bed sheet and you were on it. Usually you aren't staying up this late but grand prix's weekends were a lot of work.
Indeed you were focused, glasses on almost done with your work. As soon as you finish, content with what you did, you close your computer and put it down next to bed, searching your phone everywhere to turn it off but you saw the little notification and decided to click on it.
Your eyes went wide as you saw the picture of a penis in erection, you double checked the name ... " Lando Norris " . What was happening was that he ... you didn't know how to react before seeing the three little points telling you that he was writing to you.
" OMG I'm so so sorry that wasn't meant for you, omg omg I'm so so sorry really Oh my god "
Obviously you were still shocked, I mean it was Lando Norris, the driver you work with ... You are supposed to see him tomorrow, how are you both going to be able to move on from this. Of course he does what he wants to do in his personal time. That's not your business to tell but a dick pic ? Why were you feeling so hot right now ? Was it because of the embarrassment or was it something else ? Because your stomach makes you feel a weird sensation that extends below between your legs. You took so long to respond that the three dots appeared again.
" I understand if you don't want to answer but know that I'm deeply sorry sincerely, I don't know what to do, if I could delete it and go back like 20 minutes ago I would, I'm not like that .. I'm not someone dirty ... doing that to someone... that's not who i am at all... "
You read and another message appeared.
" I had a bet with my friends, it's so dumb I feel so bad now, please say something I don't want this to change your work environnment ... "
How could you respond to him, staying professional ? Or admitting that you were so turned on by this picture and him, that you were imagining him touching you, one hand inside your underwear and the second one holding your phone, watching this picture again and again. He was large and the perfect size like how you like it. It was too late for your brain to function properly when you already had a press to send a message your thumbs wrote on it's own.
" You turned me on "
Shit ... that's all you had written ? The realisation hit you, what did you just do ... Why were you feeling so dirty right now but you were so excited to see his response, to see how he will react, that was a bit perverted of you but it felt so good to let yourself go lose like this. Too bad it was with basically one of your bosses ... The dots appeared so quick on the screen ... that's it you went too far and you are about to get kicked out of that team.
" Turn you on ? "
" Ohhhh ... "
" OH "
He was freaking out, of course he was freaking out. You were about to write something when the next text came at your surprise.
" You like it ? "
Oh god, he is entering a dangerous game now, first him sending you a pic and then you lose yourself that you respond something completely out of character and now he is playing along with it and you want more, so much more.
" Yeah ... a lot ... don't feel sorry and don't feel ashamed of it "
The anticipation of his next message was burning your inner self.
" I feel proud ... I don't really know what to say actually "
You knew what to do and you did it. You took a picture of your hand down your underwears touching yourself and send him accompanied with a little description " Now we are even "
His response didn't wait long before it came.
" Stop it [YN] are you doing that because of me ? "
You giggle and the vibration of your laugh made you moan somehow, you were feeling so hot right now and your hand was moving slowly to massage you. You were trying your best to not go too fast cause you wanted the pleasure to last, but it was hard writing with only one hand so you pressed the button to dial him. You didn't know if he would pick up but you needed to finish what you started. It rang 3 times before he picked up, both of you went quiet for a moment before you talked with a small almost whispering voice.
" I didn't know if you would pick up "
Lando POV :
What was happening to me, out of everything the person I sent a pic to… it has to be her, the new girl in the team, the actually pretty sexy new girl ... whyyyy ? But I was so surprised to see that she wasn't freaking out, quite the opposite actually, she wasn't as shy and innocent as she makes us all believe and I liked that. I liked that I might be the only one to see the little demon waking up behind that angelic figure. She put me in shock when she wrote that I turned her on, she didn't have much to do and the mystery of this got me so curious and then she sent me a picture of her touching herself, saying we are even ? She was playing a dangerous game here and if I'm not careful I might become addicted to it. She threw me off one more time by calling me, I didn't know what to do and I almost missed the call before picking up. What can I say to her? I hardly speak to her during work time and I don't even know if I would remember her voice.
And then she spoke with the most innocent angelic voice yet kinda out of breath, I wanted to moan just by listening to her but I bit my lips very hard for the sound to not come out of my mouth.
" well I wasn't sure if I could to "
She giggled and I swear I felt a twitch in my pants.
" I'm glad you did "
Her voice was erratic now, and I could bet she was pleasuring herself. Dangerous, mysterious, a little dirty and slightly perverted but in a good way. Knowing that you switch that button in her brain that turns on her just by sending a picture was so exciting to me and made me want her even more. I saw her so many times, the McLaren's team outfit wasn't doing her justice but I could see her pretty curve, she was giving the body of a goddess. She was everything I was attracted to, physically and now knowing this dark side of her, mentally too. I want more, so much more again and I was imagining her touching herself just for me and my mouth opened on it's own, letting sound escaping it have my eyes closed. It took me time before I realised that I was on the phone with her again.
Lando: shittt, [ YN ] what are we doing ?
You : I don't know but I can't stop, not now it's too late
Lando : What are you doing ?
You : You know what I am doing don't you ? And that's on you ..
Damn if I could leave my room right now and meet her in her and take her I would !
Lando : I need you to tell me what you are doing cause I'm going crazy here ..
She paused before talking again.
You : I'm touching myself thinking of you, your hand on me, how warm you would feel on me, how the veins in your arms would pop up...
I bet her fingers were moving rather fast than slow right now cause she whimpered from time to time. For real this woman that I barely know is driving me crazy and knowing that she is just a couple meters away from me. I love it so much because it feels like she is a forbidden fruit, a delicious one that I can't touch but desperately want and need now that I almost had the taste of it.
You : And you, what are you doing ?
You were far from the edge but you felt the tingling spike between your legs, he could go quick or slow, the orgasm was preparing itself, sending you electricity randomly.
Lando : I'm slowly caressing myself down to go and take myself thinking of you, your hair tingling my skin, how your hands feel on my naked torso and so far you look absolutely gorgeous.
You bit your lips so hard at how he pictured perfectly what was going on in your mind, you were in symbiosis. There was a question burning your lips for so long already and you really wanted to ask him so you dare so.
You : Do you wanna come into my room ?
Lando : Are you sure ? I'm pretty sure there are some rules that we can't cross.
You : They don't need to know and even if they know if you take the responsibility they can't do anything.
Lando : Oh trust me I will take the responsibilities for it.
You : Then come to room 155, and be quick and quiet cause there are other people on the team in the next rooms.
You hung up the phone and quickly went to the bathroom, you didn't know what was going on in your head to be so bold but you needed it so much, you needed him so much. You check yourself in the mirror, you were supposed to sleep in a big oversize mclaren tee shirt with just a pj short that we could barely see because of the shirt.
Lando soon knocks on the door twice and you jump off the bed to go and open it. As soona so do so you bring him by the shirt and crash your lips into his. He pushes you inside the room and closes the door behind you, pinning you against the wall. He was kissing you with so much passion, literally eating your lips, tasting all of you like you were something rare that he will never taste again. His hands went under your shirt and he was surprised to see that you didn't have a bra. His palms found themself at home on each side of your breast lifting you before holding you from your thighs. You were mesmerized to see such a young shy man like him being so confident right now and that turns you on even more. Your legs were now crossed around him not letting him now that you had him, hands in his curls playing with them. He was like a puppy when you pulled them a little bit, breaking the kiss, closing his eyes and moaning into your ears, what a beautiful melody it was. He kissed your jaw mufflying something as soon as he met your neck.
Lando : I want you so much
You thought you misheard it and your heart went crazy like it wanted to escape your chest. He pushed both of you on the bed, making you bounce on the mattress and unlock yourself from him, you whined a bit missing his contact already and he laughed before pausing, watching you sit on your elbow.
You : What
Lando : You are so hot in that McLaren tee shirt but you would look even more perfect in one of my shirts.
You : Then next time you will give me one or I will still have one of yours but for now just come here.
And you bring him once more by the aim of his shirt, taking it off in the process of kissing again. Your tongues were shyly meeting a first contact with each other before finding their pace and dancing together. How could they fit so well with each other ? You both felt something like you never felt before and it caught you both off guard that you moaned in harmony before looking at each other.
You : I don't think I can wait that long, I need you now Lando.
Lando POV :
The way she says my name, man, I will always remember this moment, her under me looking like a greek goddess, the way her eyes were on me, eating me alive ... Like the dude I don't remember who said I now understand what it is to burn for someone cause I was burning of desire for her. I don't think I could ever get tired of her eyes begging me to touch her, her breath itching as I touch a sensitive spot. The way her body moves as I take off her shirt throwing on the ground. How she giggled when my head got stuck in my own shirt as she tried to pull it off me. I don't know what angels sound like but I'm pretty sure it's close to her voice.
When I kissed her on her neck, going down to her chest. Her skin reacts giving her shivers that she digs her nails in my back, lifting her chin in pure pleasure.
All the imagination I had of her like this became reality and it was better than what I had ever dreamt of. She was the definition of warm and erotistic and she was so vulnerable in front of me gladly giving me her approval to take advantage of her.
You POV :
You were both almost naked only your bottom part was still on but not for long, you graciously took off your shorts putting it down with your feet before you turned your focus on his grey pants showing already how big his bulge was. You didn't need to imagine how he must be because you've already seen it and you couldn't wait to see it for real. Lando stands on his knees letting you pull down the jogging letting his member finally free from any fabric. As he goes down again to attack you on your lips he takes the rest of his pants off. It was so intimate to both be naked like this, your skin feeling his, connecting like two wires cable sending each other electricity. There was something real happening between you too, there were the physic attraction yes but it was so much more than sex and you weren't even at that part yet. He was taking his time with you, testing your patience, how much of a self control he had cause you just wanted to have him inside of you, but he decided overwise, instead he went down between your legs kissing them and licking them before blowing on it which made you arch your back.
You : Stop it already I can't take it anymore ...
Lando : Shut up ... I know you enjoyed it
Oh my god, you never knew you had kink for that, him being dominante like that, his voice vibrating down your legs was extremely disturbing for you cause that made you inner self react on his own, twisting inside and making moaning louder than usual. Oh that was dangerous, you felt like he could make you cum without actually touching you and now he knows it and will use it as an advantage. His tongue was running on you, coming way too close to your inner thigh. He paused, tilting his head a bit to look at you in the eyes before connecting his lips to you. That was the hottest thing you ever experienced and now feeling his wet tongue there, eating you like you were his favorite dessert, you didn't know how long you could last. You were arching your back one more time, your breath going erratically quick. You couldn't keep your eyes open for more than 10 seconds to look at him and your hands end up finding their place in his hair, messing his curly locks, holding on to whatever you could to not cum right away. His tongue was playing with your entrance and your clitoris.
After playing for so long he tongue was becoming numb but that didn't matter to you cause you came to the edge , grooming so loud, your hands still his hair, pulling him to you to kiss him and testing yourself by the same occasion. That was the first time a man ever made you cum just with his mouth like that, usually they stay there a bit and wanted to be inside you as quick as possible but Lando was different, he was here for your pleasure, only focussing on you, putting him in second place and you heart was melting at that thought. You kiss him gently, slowly with every feeling that you could pass him on. You both needed to take a break to breathe but you wanted more again. You wanted to make him feel how he made you feel, so you pinned him down, his back finally finding the mattress and you rode him, sitting on his knees to have access to his penis. He was so ready for you that you could see precum on his tip. He was looking at you carefully with anticipation because he knew what was coming, he pushed your hair to the side to see your face already redden from the orgasm and all the heat you've just had. His hand stayed accidently a little longer than attended to your check and you lean on it closing your eyes.
Lando POV :
She tested so sweet and I felt like I've been intoxicated by her, she was driving me insane and she was responding to every touch I had on her, even right now with my hand on her cheek she was so adorable with her dark eyes, her sex face. I never felt so drowned to someone like that. I was so glad that I accidently sent her this picture, cause I never would have dreamed to have her naked on top of me where all I could think about for the past month she entered the family was her. I couldn't stop looking at me and I was relieved to see that her eyes were closed so she couldn't see how much I was falling in love with her. I don't think my eyes would be able to hide my affection for her.
You POV :
You opened your eyes again, leaving a kiss on his palm before taking two of his fingers in your mouth, locking your eyes with his. This mouvement came naturally to you as you were feeling so relaxed with him and his eyes said it all. He was so into this kind of foreplay and he bites his lips so much that the blood wasn't circulating properly on them anymore. That was the signal you needed to finally lay your hand on his stomach, caressing him until you approached his member. His lips closed so fast to not groan out loud but you could still hear him and you saw his part twitching on its own. The fact that he was reacting to every touch you made on him the same way that you were for him and you smiled too bright and confirmed to you that it was so right, you two together.
You start rubbing his tips with your thumb and his head almost hits the bedhead, his hands rubbing your thighs. You stroke him a couple times before leaning your mouth on him, licking the precum that was escaping from him before slowly taking him, your lips closing themself on him putting pressure on his edge. You were looking at him like he did with you earlier but you didn't break eye contact, going up and down and flicking your tongue from time to time, drawing the popping veins of his dick. He felt so warm in you but you didn't know if you took him deeper in your throat, you tried slowly but ended up having gag reflex so you had to pull him out. He got so concerned at the sound you just made.
Lando : Please don't if you can't, I don't need it, having you already like that enough for me ...
He paused, taking a breath of air before continuing.
Lando : You have no idea how much I'm controlling myself right now, not cuming in your mouth cause I want to feel you.
You didn't know if this man under you had any experience with women before but if he didn't, well he was so good at talking during it or maybe it was because you were so aroused right now that he could have said anything to you and you would still lose it for him.
Lando : Come here, love, I don't want you to hurt your throat, that's not part of the plan, I want to make you feel good and only good.
He took your hands, making you lay on him, your hand intertwined on top of his head, testing himself a bit as he caught your lips. He let go of your hand to grab you on the side of your hip and reverse your position, taking back things under his control. You got a surprise and a giggle escaped your mouth which made him smile so bright. You kiss the smile away pulling him again by the next with a bit of violence. Both of you were fighting for dominance at this point, your make out session proving the point, teeth ... tongue, biting each other's lips until one of you bleed. You were both tearing each other apart when you felt his tips already at your entrance, his hand positioning himself at the right place, teasing you in the process of it before pushing himself a bit in you, waiting for you to tell him the next move. You adjust yourself before nodding so he could enter deeper, but he stops again when you bite your lips and makes a painful face.
Lando : Take your time love, tell me when you are ready
He was so careful, how could you resist him and on top of that it's the second time he is calling you love ? You wished he actually could call you babe or baby, it was already intimate but you wanted to be even more on the mind level. After seconds you finally felt the pain being replaced by that nice pleasure when he adjusted himself on top of you to be more comfortable, the movement of his penis in your making you moan. He took that as a signal and fully entered you. Despite being large and long, you were so ready for him that he didn't have to stretch your walls and you weren't feeling tight for him. He felt amazing in you, you were full of him, of his passion and his desire for you.
Lando : You okay ?
You : mmh mhhh you can move
And he did start, going back and forth taking the time to appreciate every friction, every sensation, every stimulation it was providing you both. You loved how his head rested on your neck, having him breath on your skin, kissing it as he kept thrusting in you with one arm holding you back to make you more comfortable, the second arm holding both of your hands over your head. He was being soft but still so dominant and you liked it so much, you were starting to develop a serious feeling for him by each minute you were spending with him. Both of you were a mix of moan, yelp, whimps cry and groan ... you were both a mess but you were in harmony. Every deep thrust he had made you arch your back even more for him, giving him more access to you. He went down kissing and playing with your breast making you lose control due to the erogenous spot.
Suddenly he came out of you and you were missing the sensation already, he wanted to switch position cause his legs were about to give up for him. So he sits on the bed and you sit on him, positioning yourself to go down on him. He was finally back in you after a deep push that surprised you and made you cry out loud his name, but it felt weird so suddenly and you looked at each other agreeing on that weird connection you just had. It felt like he was home ... like you and him were made for each other, your body completing each other perfectly. It was again so natural between you, you kept riding him switching between a slow pace and a quick one. Your head was starting to spin as you felt your second orgasm of the night coming. He was close to the edge as well but you beat him to it as you quicken the pace, him holding you so tight as he bites your neck making you wimps. You came in a big moan, whispering his name in his ear.
Lando POV :
As she came under me she was whispering my name and it was the most sexiest and beautiful thing I ever heard. Hearing my name be said like this gives me some weird feeling in my stomach. I was addicted to this girl and I lost myself because she was mine in this instant and I was hers. I want her today, tomorrow and every day that the world wants to give us together. I felt her shaking from her release and that tense my length. I was so close but I wanted this feeling to last forever and it was starting to be painful for me . The overstimulation wasn't helping her and she was completely wrecked by me at every push I was infliging on her but I couldn't stop until she found the courage to take my face with both of her hands forcing me to look at the darkness in her eyes. She sweetly kisses me, peeking my lips multiple times before holding my jaw and turning it on the side to give herself enough space to play in my neck and under my ears. She was a rare diamond, this one for real, how in hell did I find her ? She was always finding new ways to put me in a place where sanity wasn't possible. She was playing with my ears until I heard her low voice.
You : Please Lando, I need you to cum for me baby.
As soon as the word baby left her lips I was gone, in a last thrust I released myself in her, wimping like never before. The weight that left my body right now, indescriptible, incredible. She was smiling so much and now looking at me with soft eyes. I am in love with her.
You POV :
After so long he finally came in you and the spirkes you felt in you were breathtaking, You couldn't believe that you just had this ... the best sex in your entire life. You couldn't help yourself and had to look at him with so much love after that. " Say it again " he said to you almost inaudibly for you to understand.
You : What ?
Lando : Call me baby again
And you did again, kissing him, mouth opened. It took a long time for you to finally detach yourself from him. You were both exhausted but the mutual feeling of satisfaction like you were on a cloud right now, high from all the endorphins you released with your orgasms. You could barely walk to the bathroom and you both used each other for support. How can sex can be so draining, you were going to be in trouble tomorrow but you didn't care, if you could do it again, you would one hundred percent. Despite the fact he was as tired as you, Lando took care of you and helped you clean yourself before searching his tee shirt on the ground and giving it to you. You gladly accepted it and put it on before going back to bed. You looked at him, he didn't know what to do now, becoming the shy man you first met a couple weeks ago, desperate in the look like something was really bugging him.
You : What's happening ?
Lando : I have to go back to my room
You : No
There is no way that after that you will be separated so quickly, you open your cover for him to join you.
You : You aren't going anyway mister, bring back your sexy ass next to me right now.
Relief could be felt on his face as he jogged to come and snuggle in bed with you before you both fell asleep in each other's arms, completely glued to each other. You didn't know what was going to happen in the morning when they were going to search him everywhere and find out he disappeared from his room but you didn't care at this moment, you were ready to face any consequences because after all you weren't the wrong number anymore.
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Can I call you mine?
A commission from the lovely @carlottastudios who I absolutely adore after only having a few conversations with. These were jealousy scenarios with a bit of spice! I went over my word limit on Jamil’s but that’s just cause I love him so much! Please enjoy! And commissions are open still! This one cost $3
Warnings: slight spice, fem!reader, jealousy, protectiveness, possessive behavior, light light LIGHT angst, marking kink (is that a thing? oh well. Basically a love bite that displays their claim.)
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   “In the jungle, the botanical jungle, a lion sleeps all the time~!” you sang out teasingly. Leona huffed and his tail thumped against the ground once in irritation. Giggling, you slid closer and poked said tail, which retracted swiftly, prickling in annoyance.
   “Scram herbivore.” Leona’s tone was mildly annoyed but had no bite to it. Truthfully he hoped you would inch just a bit closer so he could grab you and hold you hostage as his pillow. 
   You hummed and stood, much to his displeasure, and grabbed your school stuff. Quietly you packed everything away and threw out your lunch trash before returning to Leona’s spot one more time.
   “I have class now, Leona. I’ll see you later, kay?” he grunted in agreement and watched you walk away, nose twitching as he inhaled your fresh scent one last time before it began to fade. The down side of the botanical garden was that any smell other than flowers was quickly dispersed by the sickeningly sweet perfume of nectar.
   The lion sighed and stared up at one such flower with distaste. How dare they try to outdo his beloved? He would never appreciate their scent more than hers. He rolled his eyes at the ridiculous thoughts and fell back asleep. He hummed as he did so, mimicking the tune you had sang to him. He missed you already.
   5:48 P.M. You were 18 minutes late. 18 minutes had passed since you were supposed to be in Leona’s bed, curled up next to him, petting his ears, and doting on him like the king he was. 18 minutes where Leona gradually became more worried, as well.
   It wasn’t like you to be late. Especially not late to a night with him. It set his instincts off and he was on high alert, tensed, ready to pounce on anything that dared touch his mate. Finally when the clock turned 5:20 he sprang out of bed and strode down the hall with power that sent the message “don’t mess with me”.
   In the Savanaclaw lounge you were seated next to the decorative pool, chatting amidly with a fellow student. Leona glared and growled when he spotted you, far too close to the other man for his liking. He watched in anger, as the student slid even closer to you so that your hips touched briefly.
   Rage flashed in Leona’s eyes and his expression darkened into something dangerous. He stalked over behind you and the student, who seemingly didn’t notice his presence and hastily picked you up before throwing you over his shoulder. 
   “Hey! Put me down!” you cried out and he snarled at you. “Quiet, herbivore!” Recognizing your boyfriend's voice you stilled and relaxed a bit. At least it wasn’t some stranger. 
   He mentally gave you points for fighting back when you didn’t know who it was. “That’s right, only I get to touch you.”
   Looking down at the student who had been sitting with you, he noticed your homework was on his lap and realized he had just been helping you. He growled and turned walking away, a bit upset that he didn’t have a good reason to turn them to dust. Not that he needed one, but he couldn’t imagine upsetting you by harming one of your classmates, no matter how much he wanted to.
   Soon he reached his room and threw you on the bed. You landed with a gasp and looked up at him in confusion and slight annoyance. “Leona! What was that-MPH!”
   He silenced you quickly by shoving you down on the bed and sliding his tongue into your mouth. Immediately your body relaxed underneath him and he smirked when you brought your hands up to weave into his hair. 
   Only he got to touch you like this. Only he got to kiss you. Only he got to say that you were his. His and his alone! 
   You panted when he pulled back and started to ask why but he kissed you again so you couldn’t. “Jealous. Protective. Possessive. Mine” He said between kisses and soon trailed them along your jaw and down to your neck.
   A breathy moan slipped from your lips as he sucked on the sensitive skin near your collar. He kissed up until he was right over the junction between your neck and shoulders. Then he bit down hard, drawing a loud cry from you. 
   The taste of your blood only just barely appeared before he pulled back and began to kiss the wound. He knew that licking it would irritate it further due to his cat-like tongue, but he still attempted to soothe it as much as possible.
   Finally he pulled back completely and gazed down at you with a smirk. Several different bruises and love bites littered your neck, shoulders, and collar. Only one had been deep enough to break the skin. It would scar he was sure and the thought of you always wearing a symbol of his claim made him purr.
   He stopped though when he realized he could have hurt you. “I’m sorry. Princess, I didn’t mean to get so upset, it’s just instincts.” he sighed. 
   You smiled at him and pulled him down for another kiss. “Don’t worry. I find it super sexy when you get possessive.” His eyes widened in surprise and he took in your mild blush. “Hmmm…” he purred with a smirk. “Well in that case you don’t mind if I mark you up a bit more… and while I’m at it you can use that pretty voice of yours to remind the whole dorm that you’re mine and mine alone!”
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   Jamil gritted his teeth and turned away from the lounge. He made his way to the kitchen and immediately began to prepare more horderves. Kalim’s party was going wonderfully, of course all due to his hard work. Although he supposed he appreciated a week's notice and Kalim did help magically with some of the decorations.
    He was still stressed, but not quite as much as he could have been, had Kalim not given him a warning. In fact he was looking forward to actually trying to enjoy one of Kalim’s parties for the first time since he was born. 
   It was a very nice party and since everything was going smoothly, Jamil found time to sit down and sip some juice. Alcohol wasn’t allowed on school premises but grape juice mimicked the taste nicely depending on what brand you bought. Kalim was partial to the sweeter stuff, while Jamil preferred it to be more sour.
   However, he found that the sour taste in his mouth wasn’t from the juice at all when he spotted you dancing joyously with some other student. His smile fell into a frown and he watched angrily as the student pulled you close and said something that made you laugh.
   You had a beautiful laugh, it was the kind that made everyone in the room sigh in content when they heard it. Jamil fell in love with it almost as hard as he had fallen in love with you. Especially because you rarely laughed for anyone but him.
   To hear you generously sharing that sound with some nobody sent flashes of anger through him.  He clenched his fists and dug his nails into his palms a bit. Just remembering it made him pissed.
   Shaking his head to clear it, Jamil got to work cutting up some more vegetables at a fast speed that would intimidate anyone who tried to approach him. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone so he glared darkly at the food in front of him in an attempt to send off silent go away signals.
   Kalim, who entered the room to find Jamil after seeing him storm off, caught sight of the frustrated man and paused to observe his body language. Ever since Jamil’s overblot, Kalim had been trying to read his friend's emotions better. Luckily he caught on quickly and left the room.
    Jamil sighed in relief and set the knife down. Why the hell would you wanna hang out with anyone but him! You were his and his alone! The only thing he had claim over, or ownership of. Mentally he berated himself for thinking that way. You weren’t an object, you were a person and you should be allowed to do whatever you want. He would be a hypocrite if he tried to restrict your choices and behaviors.
   “Jamil?” The man spun around and found you standing behind him with a concerned look on your face. “Kalim told me you looked upset, is everything alright?” Your tone was soft and worried. It eased Jamil’s emotions in the way it always had. You always put him first, a habit he both loved and hated. On one hand he adored being pampered for once, on the other he knew what it was like to ignore your own wants and needs for another person.
   He sighed and put on a smile, taking your hands in his own. “Just tired that’s all.” you frowned and glared up at him in the way you always did when he lied.
   “Now, I know that’s not true. I’m not gonna force you to tell me, but I also want you to know that you can be honest with me. That’s why I’m here.” Jamil bit his lip and turned away, a flush rising on his cheeks.
   “The truth…” he hesitated. “The truth is I don’t want you hanging out with that other student!” The sudden exclamation took you aback and you blinked in surprise. “I don’t want to control you or tell you what to do and who to hang out with, but I also want you all to myself. No one else should be able to touch you or whisper in your ears, or dance with you, or make you laugh and smile. That’s my job, because your mine, not theirs!”
   At this point you were blushing as well, but noticed he was beginning to get upset. “And I’m so sorry for saying that like you’re some object, cause you’re not. You’re a person who deserved to make their own choices and decisions, but goddamnit I can’t help wanting you all to myself. You’re- you’re…” he paused and looked at you. “You’re special… to me. I don’t want anyone taking you away from me. I know i’m being a hypocrite but don’t go back out there. Stay here and be mine-”
   Jamil was cut off by you kissing him passionately on the lips. His eyes widened before they fell closed and he snaked his arms around your waist, tugging you flush against him with a growl. 
   His tongue swiped at your lips and you parted them obediently. He smirked and chuckled lowly before slipping it into your mouth. “Good girl.” You moaned through the kiss and felt your knees weaken. He pulled you around and lifted you effortlessly onto the counter. His kisses moved from your lips to your neck where he simultaneously worshipped and abused your skin.
   Love bites and dark bruises displayed his rough treatment, but the sighs that fell from your lips told him that you were enjoying it greatly. Silently he pulled back to observe his handiwork and smirked at the amount of marks he had left behind. Some would be easy to hide, whereas others he had left strategically in places that would be impossible to cover up. He felt a little guilty, knowing that you would be slightly upset later for making it so hard to hide the fact that he had been kissing you, but seeing something almost like a name tag, or a brand, that signified you were his and his alone, stirred something in him and he was tempted to never let you leave his sight without a mark warning people off about advancing on you.
   “Jamil…” you spoke shakily. He looked at you and how wrecked you were just from some kisses and his gaze darkened with lust. His tongue licked his lips subconsciously and he watched you shiver in reaction. “I have something important to tell you…”
   He raised an eyebrow and moved his head to the other side of your neck, placing kisses and marks there as well. It made it very hard to think so you momentarily pushed him away, making him growl in displeasure. “Don’t feel bad about being possessive over me, okay? Because when you are…” you hesitated, “it’s really freaking hot.”
   His eyes widened and an almost evil smile drew up on his lips. “That so… well, then I guess you don’t mind me leaving a few more marks over here,” he licked a stripe up your neck drawing a gasp from you, “to show the whole world that you belong to me!” He snarled it out before biting lightly at your skin and relishing in the way you tilted your head to the side with a moan. Yeah, he could get used to you hanging out with other boys so long as he got to do this to you before and after.
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skzvibes · 3 years
So difficult.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers
warnings: nudity but not really? idk, let me know if I'm missing something
word count: 1,2K
description: basically you and Hyunjin are best friends and roommates. one night he catches you wearing one of his shirts and... let's just say that his reaction isn't what you were expecting
a/n: wrote this in 2019 and I just felt the need to re-write it. It's pretty different from what it was, hope you enjoy it 💜 Also yes, I was gonna write smut at the end but... idk I just didn't, maybe next time 😂
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You sing along to the song you are listening to as you enjoy the last moments of your shower. At the same time, you can hear your roommate Hyunjin in the kitchen. When you arrived home 20 minutes ago, you found him in the kitchen, and he told you that he was cooking dinner tonight with a recipe that Felix gave him. You don't trust him one bit in the kitchen, but you are too tired from your long day to say anything. You basically spent the morning attending your classes and, after that, you went to the library to study for your finals, so you are physically and mentally exhausted. If he sets the kitchen on fire... Well, you'll deal with it later.
You turn off the water and get out of the shower. As you take your towel, you immediately notice that you forgot to bring clean clothes with you. You sigh as you look at the sweaty clothes you took off before taking your shower. There is no way you are putting them on again. You look around and see one of Hyunjin's shirts hanging on the door. Hyunjin hates ironing, so he hangs them in the bathroom once they are clean, and the humidity gets the wrinkles out. Apparently, it is an effective method.
"He's gonna kill me," you mutter to yourself, knowing what will happen if your best friend catches you wearing his clean shirt. However, you decide to take the risk. "He's busy in the kitchen anyway. He won't see me," you convince yourself as you take the shirt and put it on. After that, you gather your things and open the door. You walk to your room as quietly as possible, and you stop when you are next to the living room's door. From there, you can see Hyunjin still in the kitchen, facing away from you. You know you should keep walking, but you can't help staring for a few seconds more.
Hwang Hyunjin, your roommate and best friend, is attractive. You try to deny that reality most of the time, but it's in moments like this when you allow yourself to admire him without feeling guilty. Because falling for your best friend is a bad thing, and you know it can't go well. You never imagined this happening. Before living together, he was just Hyunjin, your best friend. But now? Now you know everything about him. You know what products he likes, what chores he hates doing, at what time he wakes up and goes to sleep, how his morning voice sounds... It's not your fault. It seems like he's doing it on purpose. How are you supposed to react when he's shirtless 90% of the time when you're at home? How are you not supposed to fall for him when he's always asking you to cuddle him and hugging you? Anyone would fall for him, so it's not your fault... Right?
You sigh and decide to keep walking and get to your room before he turns around and sees you. Once you're there, you close the door and go to your wardrobe to take clean clothes so you can get changed but, before you can do it, you hear the door of your room opening again, and you look at it holding your breath. You can't even react before your best friend walks into your room, looking at his phone.
"I give up cooking, is there anything you feel like-" Hyunjin stops talking as soon as he lifts his head and sees you, "or- ordering?" he finishes the question, stuttering. You feel his stare going from your naked legs, up to his shirt, the only thing covering your body, and finally your face.
He doesn't know if waking into your room right now was the best or the worst thing he could have done. It's difficult enough to act like he's not madly in love with his best friend daily, and now he has you half-naked in front of him. And what's covering half of your body is one of his shirts. As he looks at you, he wonders if the universe is testing him. He has always protected your friendship, knowing that what he felt for you could ruin it but, right now, Hyunjin doesn't know if he can do it anymore.
"Okay, listen, it's not what it looks like..." you say, bringing him back to reality.
"Oh, really?" he says, smirking. "Because it looks like you're wearing the clean shirt I hung up in the bathroom this morning." He continues after a pause.
"Fine, maybe it is what it looks like, but..." your voice trails off as you see him approaching you, "but..."
"But?" Hyunjin asks, taking a few steps more so he's right in front of you. He's taller than you, so you need to tilt your head back to look at him in the eyes now.
"I'll wash it for you, I swear. I just forgot to bring clean clothes to the bathroom," you try to excuse yourself, but Hyunjin shakes his head. You look at him, confused.
"I'm not angry about that," he says. "You just make it so difficult."
"What?" You ask, having no idea what he's talking about.
You really think this is about his shirt. He chuckles. How can you be one of the cleverest people he knows and still be so dense sometimes?
"You..." Hyunjin stops himself because he knows he won't be able to go back once he says what's on his mind. Does he want to risk your friendship like this? But he has noticed you looking at him before and, if you were anyone else, he probably would've taken the risk already. And he's tired of being a coward. "You make seeing you only as a friend so difficult." Hyunjin finally admits.
Your eyes widen when you hear him say that. Your mouth opens as you try to say something, but you don't know what, so you close it again and look at him. That doesn't seem to bother Hyunjin. He raises his hand and brushes a few strands of hair out of your face, caressing your cheek gently. You feel like it's your turn to make a move, and since you've never been very good at talking, you cup his face in your hands and kiss his lips briefly.
Hyunjin almost doesn't have time to react but, before you can back away, his fingers slip around the back of your neck, pulling you closer, and he connects your lips again in a long kiss. He places his other hand on your waist as your hands move from his cheeks to his shoulders. You only pull away when you start to feel out of breath.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," he whispers against your lips.
"Oh, I'm sure I do because I've probably waited longer," you answer, making him chuckle.
"You know I love proving you wrong, but I'm gonna let that one slide because right now I just wanna kiss you," he admits before leaning over and locking his lips with yours. You gladly kiss him back since, even though you didn't say it, you'd also rather kiss him than talk right now.
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potter-imagines · 4 years
Off Limits (Draco Malfoy)
Summary: Y/n and Draco Malfoy have been secretly crushing on one another for quite some time. Draco and his friends notoriously taunt students, especially Gryffindors. So why is Y/n, a Gryffindor, off limits? What happens when a friend attempts to harass Y/n?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Disclaimer: Anyone else on DracoTok ??? Set in fourth year (no mentions of tri-wizard tournament, sorry saving it for later) xx 
Warnings: Little bit of bullying (hp edition bullying)
Word Count: 4.5k
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“Y/n… are you alright? That was your third cup of tea- you’re going to be jittering out of your seat in Charms!”
Through the bustle of her thoughts a worrisome voice tore Y/n from her daydream. The Great Hall was bouncing with energy. All houses were scarving up their lunch as the chatter filled the enormous room. Y/n sat quietly with her fellow Gryffindor classmates.
Physically she was sitting with her friends but mentally, she was across the table sitting with the bleached blonde Slytherin Prince himself. It was a recurring game between the two. Stolen admiration and stares. Words were rarely exchanged, and neither could answer why. Draco had told her once he wished she was in Slytherin, but otherwise they only spoke together when necessary. She made him nervous, and it was a feeling he didn’t like. He found himself worrying over the unfamiliar emotions he felt towards her. Both being too scared to act on their feelings, it all went unspoken.
Her attention has been drawn on him for the last 20 minutes. She casually sipped on her tea, filling her cup back up each time it grew bare. The warm of the lavender brew kissed her taste buds and slithered down her throat, emanating her body in a hug.
It wasn’t until her curly haired friend placed a hand on her shoulder that she was forced to look away.
Hermione was in the middle of an argument with Ron over who was to blame for Gryffindor losing ten points during Potions. Snape loathed the house so it was no surprise to anyone when he eagerly took points away when Ron’s cauldron exploded and split in two. Hermione paused when she noticed her best friend staring intently behind her.
Y/n sent her a quick reassuring smile and said,
“I’m fine, Hermione. Just thinking.”
Harry was busy rushing to finish his Charms paper before next period. He would add a comment every few minutes but was removed from the conversation for the most part. Ron interjected himself into the conversation as he shoveled a load of mashed potatoes into his mouth,
“More like worrying. What’s got your knickers in a twist, Y/n?”
Y/n winced as she got a full view of his meal in his open mouth. Y/n could hear Hermione gasp as she reached forward to smack Ron on the arm. He gave her a look of bewilderment, clearly not expecting her reaction.
“Ron! Dear Merlin, have some manners.” Hermione’s eyes were wide as she glared at the red head. Ron just shrugged and resumed with his meal. Steam rose from his plate and if she wasn’t so mentally withdrawn, Y/n would’ve been happily digging into the feast. There was not a day that goes by where Hogwarts meals fail to impress.
Although the uneasy feeling building in her stomach did not allow this. It was almost nauseating to be surrounded by the delicious foods. Y/n leaned forward towards the table and pursed her lips. Her e/c eyes looked past Hermione, as if she was invisible, and landed on the rambunctious table behind her. A small wisp of white flashed behind Hermione and Y/n felt her heart leap in her chest.
Her maroon sweater clung loosely to her body. It was Friday so there was no hassle over her neglecting her robes. Rubbing her thumb against the sleeve Y/n allowed herself a moment to wander. She thought of Draco. How it would feel to hold his hand. To lay in his arms and run her hands through his snow white locks. To take late night adventures with him around the castle after hours. To be his rock and hear all the little thoughts running rampant in his head. To be his.
A far off thought, yes but a girl’s allowed to imagine right?
Cautionless the young witch sitting before Y/n whipped her head around to see what was captivating her friend so much. Expecting to see a dinosaur with a shark’s head, as she had never seen her friend so mesmerized, Hermione furrowed her dark brows in confusion as she scanned the scene. All she saw was the annoying table of Slytherin’s and a gloomy, cloudy sky outside the windows. Draco and his friends were loudly talking, Hermione rolled her eyes at his. They never failed to annoy her. Most of the students sitting in the group infuriated her. Pansy was constantly harassing Hermione with her cruel words and bothersome antics. Crabbe and Goyle took more interest in pestering Ron and Harry but they still found a way to get to her as well. Draco was the worst of all cause he seemed to be in charge of all the taunting and hell. Sure, since the start of the group's fourth year in the fall he had laid off, but not completely. Snarde comments were thrown here and there but the intensity had decreased.
The oddest part of it was none of Draco’s wrath was ever placed on Y/n. Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy got their insults in on her daily but never Draco. There were times Hermione caught him scolding his friends in the courtyard for a comment they made towards Y/n and it baffled her.
She hadn’t noticed she was staring- or rather searching- for very long until Pansy’s sharp, hateful eyes caught hers.
“What’d you think you’re staring at, mudblood?” The sneering Slytherin glared dangerously at Hermione. Pansy sat between Draco and Blaise, the corner of her lip lifted as if she was growling at Hermione. Her hands were clutching the wood of the table ready to pounce. The loud conversation died down as the surrounding Slytherin’s and Gryffindor’s listened in, half out of amusement and the other out of fear.
“Are you gonna answer me or just sit there looking dumb with your iditot friends? Huh?” Her thin brows lifted towards the ceiling, intimidation emanating off her skin. Y/n winced in guilt. Hermione was only curious as to what caught her attention and now she was caught in Pansy’s.
“If anything dumb is the most lazy insult you could use against Hermione. If I remember correctly she’s the top of our class and if I can remember correctly, you’re number 36 out of 40. Did I get that right?”
“You filthy little blood traitor, you’re gonna regret-” Pansy had shot up like a predator ready to kill their prey. Y/n was almost certain she saw flames burning in Pansy’s dark orbs. Gasps emerged as students readied themselves for a fight. Ron was frozen in shock, no help at all, only stunned. Harry had only rejoined the conversation when Pansy’s wrath began, making him just as taken back as Ron. Y/n knew this wouldn’t end well but she couldn’t handle Pansy berating her friends for game. Just as the devilish Slytherin threw her leg over the bench, Draco snatched her arm stopping her actions all in one move. A noticeably screech came from her lips from the pain of his grip. Her fists were clenched by her side and her plans were obvious to the whole crowd. By this point, everyone in the Great Hall was watching the mess unfold.
The brunette girl snapped her head to the leader of their group. Her gaze screamed ‘let me go’ but Draco was not about to let that happen.
“Pansy, shut up and sit. You’re not gonna do anything.”
“Draco she just-” Suddenly Pansy was forced back into her seat causing a loud thump. Draco practically shoved her into compliance snarling in the process. If the scenario had been different, Y/n might’ve giggled at Pansy’s befuddlement. Even Blaise was astonished! The tension was too thick for a laugh to lighten any moods.
“I said, shut up and sit down.” His words were final. The girl now coward under his icy stare. If looks could kill, Pansy would be 6 feet under by the hands of Draco Malfoy. The silence was uncomfortable and no one wanted to be the first to make the next move. Shakily, Pansy grabbed her fork and resumed eating, pretending she didn’t just get humiliated in front of the entire school.
Y/n remained focused on Draco, studying his expression. His eye remained glued to Pansy but not in a loving way. The rage in his eyes could be seen from the moon. He was testing her, installing fear in her. When he decided his message stuck, he turned away and looked forward at the h/c witch sitting across from him. Y/n’s body shuttered at his movement and quickly looked to Hermione. A wave of electricity ran down her spine. He felt it too. Draco’s gaze stayed fixed on Y/n unable to tear away. He spent a lot of time staring at her, examining her features, although he took these stolen glances when she wasn’t looking. This time he knew she saw him, the only difference is he didn’t care. A part of him hoped her doe eyes would move back to his somber ones.
“What just happened?” Ron was the first to speak up among the table. Y/n could feel the endless pairs of eyes on her. It seemed everyone was seeking answers.
“I have no bloody clue.” She mumbled. Hermione reached out and tugged on Y/n’s hand, a silent thank you. A small gleam tugged on Y/n’s lips as she squeezed her hand back. Lifting her head she found the familiar pair of stormy eyes. This time, she didn’t look away.
Rain drops kissed the stone of the castle as a storm brewed outside. A continuous thump played on repeat. It was a soothing lull to Y/n as she walked back to her dorm from the library. The last few hours she was cozied into an armchair staring out the window. Her initial intentions were to study but after an hour of skimming through her Potions textbook and feeling more lost than ever, she gave up and lost herself in the weather.
Most students were busy socializing, it was a Saturday night after all. Harry, Ron and Hermione begged Y/n to join them at the Gryffindor party for 4th years and ups but she politely declined. Typically she’d tag along and set aside some time to enjoy herself but for the night, she preferred to be alone. Ever since her odd encounter with Draco and him defending her, she had a difficult time controlling her thoughts. He seemed to be the only thing occupying her thoughts.
The corridors were empty for the most part. A few giddy students tipsy off firewhisky rushed by her. She was approaching the staircase towards the common room when the calling of her name stopped her in her tracks.
Y/n clutched her books to her chest and she turned around. The hallway appeared empty, though the crashing rain made it hard to hear. Y/n wrote it off as her imagination and resumed her walk. Her cheeks were rosy from the harsh breeze sweeping the grounds. She decided on a detour wanting to delay her arrival in the common room. Fred and George would surely convince her to join in the partying and she wasn’t in the mood for that at the moment.
Y/n’s steps clicked against the ground filling the empty void. Bright flames created lighting in the halls guiding Y/n on her journey. Her feet carried her around effortlessly, the destination still undecided.
If it were a weekday, she wouldn’t be able to make it a few feet wandering around this late without a perfect stopping her. She was scolded a handful of times but never written up. Maybe that was because it was typically a Gryffinor or Huffelpuff who caught her. Undoubtedly a Slytherin perfect would waste no time turning her in.
Suddenly a noise caught Y/n’s attention. It wasn’t loud, almost nonexistent but Y/n knew her ears had not tricked her. It sounded like a clank, similar to when she would drop her wand on the stone floor. Y/n peeked over her shoulder but once again, it was empty. Nearly. If he hadn’t stumbled Y/n would have missed him but she didn’t.
The black cloak left the trail. His fast movements to hide caused it to wave back ever so slightly. A tiny look of his bright locks poked out from the stone corner. Y/n smiled to herself as she thought, was he following me?
The happy witch swiveled back around and gracefully continued down the corridor. She pretended to not notice the presence behind her as she led him to a spot, unbeknownst to him. Draco had no inkling that Y/n was on to him. He was sure his hiding skills were immaculate. He had been playing hide-n-go-seek with the house elves since he was a child. His only mistake was calling out to her earlier. He was desperate for a conversation, but his nerves got the best of him. Draco tiptoed a safe distance behind Y/n as she skipped down the wavy path.
She quickly rounded a corner causing Draco to pick up his pace. It wasn’t until he turned the corner that confusion graced his face.
Without warning a hand clamped around his wrist and yanked him backwards. A door slammed loudly making Draco whip around to face his attacker. Much to his surprise the beautiful Gryffindor he had grown so infatuated with stood before him. Her h/c hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail but she still looked gorgeous. This was the first time the pair has been so close to one another. She could smell the hint of peppermint wafting off his breath. It reminded her of a potion she had smelled months ago.
Both speechless, the pair stood inches away from each other. Draco’s eyes flickered from her plump peach lips to her eyes, then back to her lips. He was hoping she’d speak first and luckily, that was exactly what she did,
“Why are you following me?”
Draco griminced growing bashful. His head fell down to his chest as he stared at the ground trying to come up with an answer. This was not an emotion he was accustomed with. Never in his life has a blush of red painted his cheeks from the actions of a girl. Especially a Gryffindor girl. He wondered how his father would react then pushed away the thought. Y/n leaned her head down forcing Draco to meet her gaze.
“What makes you think I was following you?”
She gave him a knowing look. He was caught and there was no denying that. Draco took a moment to take in the closet she had shoved them both into. It was a supply closet by the looks of it. There was one window with a small nook overlooking the vast forest extending beyond the castle grounds. A few dusty textbooks, some beakers, empty test tubes, and four old broomsticks. He hadn’t spent much time on this half of the castle. He found himself exploring a lot of new areas of the castle while following Y/n around. It started last year, the beginning of their third year. It was far easier for him to admire her from afar then risk rejection.
“Fine, I’ve been following you. I just wanted to know what you’re up to. There’s about seven parties going on tonight so you can’t tell me you weren’t invited to one.” “I was, but I didn’t feel like socializing tonight. I could ask you the exact same thing.” Draco smirked. He might not be the biggest fan of Gryffindor’s, but her playfulness and ease to serve it right back enticed him.
“Maybe I didn’t feel like socializing either.” Y/n shot him a look of skepticism. He wasn’t fooling you but you decided to play his game.
“But you want to spy on me?”
“I wouldn’t say spy-” This earned a scoff from the Gryffindor. Draco rolled his blue eyes and sighed, “Okay I just enjoy ‘spying’ on you at times. Don’t make me explain it please. You’re amusing. Quite odd too, but amusing nonetheless. I don’t know.”
Y/n could feel the heat kissing her cheeks at his words. If it was any other boy, she would tell them off or find it a bit creepy but she had been crushing on Draco now for years so she couldn’t help the rapid beating in her chest. Draco searched Y/n’s face for disapproval, he thought he had scared her off at this point. Instead, she looked up at him and gave him a teasing smirk,
“How many other girls do you spy on, Malfoy?”
The usual cocky boy was taken aback by her question. The last thing he needed was for Y/n to think of him as some sleaze. In all honesty, he had never taken genuine interest in a girl until he met you.
“Only you, I swear. No other girl in this school has held my interest as long as you.”
“Why did you stick up for me yesterday at lunch? With Pansy… I thought you two were y’know… and you made her stop. Why?”
It was hard to ignore her sadden expression. A pang struck his heart at her brokenness. He wanted to hug her but he hardly even knew her personally. It was funny in a way. He had spent almost two years observing her and taking notes over her actions but had never made a move. Quickly he shook his head,
“I’m not with Pansy, if that’s what you think. She’s quite annoying, can’t spend more than an hour around her without a bloody headache. Not exactly my type.” Y/n giggled causing Draco to smile. It was the first genuine smile he had in awhile. “But I’m not sure. I just didn’t like the way she was speaking to you. She was wrong anyways so why let her get away with it? Not that you needed my help, anyhow. You can hold your ground pretty well, love.”
Y/n’s breath caught in the back of her throat at the phrase. She heard it from her friends but never from Draco. It had a larger effect on her. A small precipitation built in her palms. The closet was becoming crammed with the growing tension between them. For the first time tonight Draco held the confidence and he took full advantage of it. Seeing her frail and shy made his heart melt and long to protect you. It was a feeling that scared him but he was willing to invite it.
“Cat’s got your tongue?” Draco teased the girl like a game of cat and mouse. It was new to him, seeing her wiggle uncomfortably. Lately she has been on the upper hand. Now it was his turn. Her flustered state caused his stomach to do flip flops. She was the most adorable girl he had ever laid eyes on.
Y/n placed her hand on his stern chest keeping a small space of distance between the pair. Draco tried to deny the sensation that rushed through his bones under her touch.
“Shove off, Draco. I don’t like the way your friends treat mine.” She rolled her eyes carelessly. This was an issue she wanted to end. It hurt Y/n to see the way Draco’s friends treated hers. She didn’t like seeing Hermione upset and ashamed over her blood status, which holds no importance in her mind.
“I’m sorry, darling. It’s hard to explain but I can tell them to lay off a bit. They haven’t done anything to you have they?” His hand now rests over her own, still placed on his chest. This was the first time she had felt the warmth of his hand on hers. The butterflies in her stomach were screaming but she resisted their cries. “No, actually that’s the weird thing. I think today was the first time I’ve actually had a conflict with one of your friends. Why is that?” Draco grinned at her confused expression. All this time he spent admiring her from a distance, he never realized how breathtaking she really was up close.
“They know better, I wouldn’t allow that.”
He hadn’t fully processed his words before they slipped. Y/n’s head tilted to the side watching his profile. She waited for a chuckle, for him to admit it was a ploy. Draco’s posture stayed fixed and tense. His words held more weight than one might think. It led onto more and Y/n wanted to hear him say it. Vulnerability was an uncomfortable emotion for Draco and for the first time in a long time, he was scared.
“Why do you treat me differently, Draco? I’ve never heard you say one bad thing about me. You stood up for me yesterday. You’ve been spying on me. You look out for me… why?”
Y/n’s hand slipped away from his and folded near her lap. The tension was as thick as honey. All Draco could think about was the hint of cherry in Y/n’s perfume that was tattooed in his memory. He thought about her all summer long, never able to get the sound of her childish laughter out of his head. Spent hours in his mother’s garden sitting underneath a large cherry tree thinking about her. The only thing he wanted to change about Y/n was to make her his.
Maybe it was the cunningness of the Slytherin in him, he just couldn’t resist the opportunity. Rejection was the last thing on his mind, it was worth the risk.
In a light manner Draco pushed Y/n back a step until her back was pressed into the stone wall and the back of her head against the glass of the window. A small yelp came as Y/n was caught off guard by his sudden movements. Even through the darkness Y/n could make out Draco’s features. He looked assured- not his usual arrogant, high and mighty demeanor. Draco’s hand snaked up above Y/n’s head, giving himself stability as his face neared hers.
His free hand slowly curled around Y/n’s chin, taking his time. Y/n was positive he could hear the pounding of her heart. She reached up and pinched the skin of her arm between her finger tips. Draco stroked her cheek, brushing his thumb to her chin every few swipes. Nope, not dreaming, Y/n thought to herself.
Their eyes locked and Draco sent her a look of approval, not wanting to cross a boundary. She answered his question by closing the gap between them, leaning up on her tippy toes to meet his lips. Her hands slipped around his neck pulling him in closer. She savoured the taste of peppermint and apple on his lips. His kiss was soft, but overflowing with passion. It wasn’t sloppy but smooth, like two puzzle pieces matching up. Y/n’s lips moved with his happily. Her hands found their way to his platinum blonde hair, grazing at his soft locks earning a groan of pleasure from Draco. They continued on for another minute or so until Y/n’s need for oxygen got the better of her.
Pulling away softly Y/n rested her forehead against Draco’s. The only sound filling their air was the two of them trying to catch their breath. Drunk off adrenaline Draco’s eyes lit with glee. The happiness rising in his chest was addicting. Placing his gaze on Y/n Draco felt warmth,
“I really, really like you, Y/n. Even if you are a Gryffindor.”
Little chuckles came from both as they basked in the moment. Y/n was excited to run back to her dorm and share her night with Hermione. Hermione- what would she say?
A pit of worry settled in Y/n as she started to process what was happening. Draco noticed her shift in moods and moved his hold to her shoulders pulling her back a step. Y/n shifted her attention to the window and furrowed her eyebrows,
“What will your friends say? Your parents-” Before she could finish Draco beat her to it. He gently moved her chin to focus herself back on him. She drew her bottom lip into her mouth, biting on it nervously. Draco smirked at this, her little action driving him mad. Reassuringly, Draco bent at the knees a bit and placed a tender kiss to Y/n’s lips, then her cheek, holding her face in his hands. She was beyond flustered, her cheeks had yet to stop burning since she pulled him in the room. His hair swept against her forehead as he shook his head, “I don’t give a shit about any of them right now. Just you. Please be mine, Y/n.”
Her breath caught in the back of her throat. Draco scanned her face looking for any signs of an answer. He had never officially asked a girl out before so this was all new. She could easily say no and tell all her friends about it and torture him for years. Instead, Y/n nodded ‘yes’ then reconnected her lips once again with Draco’s. He moved to get a better position but just as he did, the closet door swung open causing a ray of light to burst in.
The two separated in an instant, scared shitless over the intruder.
“Well look here Georgie! We were right about all that lip smacking! It’s Y/n and Malfoy!”
“No way!” Soon rough George Weasley popped his head into the closet with a mischievous grin. Fred folded his arms over his chest smirking at the two of you. He was already planning out who George and him should spill the news to first. The endless chuckles began to emanate when he took in the sight.
Annoyed at their presence Draco shot dagger worthy glares at the twins. She shoved his shoulder trying to diffuse his frustration. The twins were her friends after all. Draco shot one last look at the twins before sneering,
“Get lost, Weasels!”
This only escalated the giggles between the twins as they rushed out singing loudly,
“Y/n and Malfoy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G-, first comes love, then comes marriage-”
When they got far enough down the hall, Y/n sent a look to Draco. He was annoyed, not mad. Y/n moved towards him, leaning against his chest. The Slytherin Prince gripped her waist embracing her.
“If you don’t want to go back to your dorm yet, I know a spot. We’ll have to take a lot of stairs-” Y/n groaned in response earning a small laugh from Draco. “I know but I think you’ll like it. We can see the stars from up there.” Draco had only ventured up to the Astronomy Tower a handful of times though taking her there seemed to be a perfect idea. She’d love the stars, and it would give him more time to spend with her.
Y/n laced their fingers squeezing his hand. Draco pulled her hand to his lips pressing a chaste kiss to the skin.
“Okay, lead the way Draco.”
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sgstories123 · 3 years
Father or Grandfather
Mr Tan opened the door to his flat. He was home much earlier than usual as there was a last minute change in work schedule. He was looking forward to a cold beer and watching some tv. As he entered his flat, he heard someone groaning. He stopped and listened carefully, thinking that it might be a burglar.
He smiled. It was a woman moaning in a manner that was all too familiar to him. It came from his son’s room. That boy is watching too much porn. And he should turn down the volume. But then again, it is only natural that a 20-year old boy should be watching porn, he reasoned.
Mr Tan closed the door softly behind him, not wanting to disturb his son. He moved silently to the kitchen, thinking of his cold beer.
“Yes, NIck, fuck me harder,” moaned a female voice.
Mr Tan stopped in his tracks. Was porn so advanced now that it is customised? Nick was his son’s name. Out of curiosity, he turned to his son’s room. The door was slightly ajar and he could see his son lying naked on top of a woman. Mr Tan looked closely at the woman and realised that it was his son’s latest girlfriend, Tessa. They got together about a month ago and she had been to their house a couple of times. Mr Tan smiled to himself again. Nick was just like him in his younger days. No girlfriend has lasted more than 6 months. He knew that Nick often brought his girlfriends home to have sex but this is the first time he caught him in the act. It must be because his son had not expected him to come home earlier today.
Nick was fucking Tessa in missionary position. He was pushing up against her, making little grunts of pleasure. He seems to be doing it right as Mr Tan could hear Tessa moaning in pleasure, louder with each thrust. As Mr Tan watched, he felt his own cock harden. Perhaps this was because Tessa was quite pretty. Tanned with curly shoulder length hair, she looked like the kind of models that appear on the covers of sports magazines.
Nick seems to be close to cumming. He had quickened his pace and was holding Tessa’s hands above her head. He buried his head in her nape and became more aggressive. Mr Tan’s cock was aching to be released from his pants. He unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. Pulling his erect cock out of his underwear, he watched his son fucked his girlfriend while stroking his cock.
Nick groaned and made several hard thrusts into Tessa, before collapsing on her. He rested momentarily before rolling off her to the side of the bed.
“Nick, come on. Get up. Fuck me again. I am still horny.” Tessa complained, seeing that Nick seems to be done. “Idiot.”
Tessa did not realise that Mr Tan was watching and still stroking his hard cock. She rubbed her clit with one hand while the other played with her nipples. She slipped a finger into her love hole, feeling the warm sperm that Nick has just left behind. As she fingered herself, she moaned again, softly. It was not as pleasurable as a cock but she was still horny. She closed her eyes, imagining that it was Nick’s cock that was in her cunt, pumping again furiously.
Tessa sensed a presence beside her and opened her eyes. She was greeted with the sight of a large hard cock. She looked up and recognised Mr Tan.
“Uncle, what are you doing?”
Mr Tan did not say anything but put his fingers to his lips, signalling for her to be silent. He took her hand away from her cunt with one hand and replaced it with his other hand. Expertly, he pried open the entrance and slipped his finger into her.
Tessa gasped as the long, knobbly finger slid into her. It was much better than her own fingers. She was already wet with lust and Nick’s sperm. Mr Tan’s finger had little trouble traversing the depth of her cunt.
Mr Tan pressed his fingers upwards, lightly rubbing Tessa’s mound of pleasure as he fingered her. He was promptly rewarded with gasps of pleasure and soft moans. He knew that he had her. He leaned forward and suck on Tessa’s nipples, squeezing her breasts with his free hand. Tessa writhed in pleasure from the simultaneous attack.
“Fuck me,” she whispered.
Mr Tan smiled. He pulled Tessa around so that her cunt now lay exposed to him. He lifted her lands and put them on his shoulder. With one hand, he guided his hard cock into her waiting hole. Even though Tessa was just fucked by his son and he could feel his sperm swimming up to meet his cock, it was still tight. It was after all a young hole. He only managed to get half of his cock in the first thrust. Tessa was gasping. She could feel Mr Tan’s cock reaching much deeper than any other cock.
“Pain. Pain. Slow down.” She pleaded.
Mr Tan paid no heed to her. He pushed in harder and finally, his cock went all the way in. He stopped momentarily to allow Tessa to get used to his cock. When the pain subsided, it was replaced with a warm feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. Tessa moaned softly. Mr Tan smiled to himself and leaned forward to give Tessa a kiss on her lips. As he did so, his hard cock pressed against Tessa’s clit, causing another wave of pleasure through her body.
“Now I am going to show you what it means to be fucked by a man.” Mr Tan whispered in Tessa’s ears.
He pumped her slowly at first, drawing moans of pleasure from Tessa with each thrust. Then he increased his pace with Tessa moaning louder as his pace quickened.
“I am cumming!” Tessa moaned before squirting and convulsing uncontrollably. But Mr Tan only continued fucking her without giving her time to rest. Pleasure coursed through Tessa and she could herself going numb with pleasure.
“Stop! I can’t take it any more!” Tessa pleaded with tears streaming down her face.
Mr Tan paused in his attack, withdrew his cock and turned her over on her knees. He gave a tight slap on her ass and shoved his cock in her cunt again, fucking her in doggy position. Tessa screamed in pleasure. Mr Tan looked worriedly in his son’s direction. He seems to be still asleep.
“Keep quiet. If Nick wakes up, you won’t have this cock any more” He warned Tessa in a low whisper. Tessa nodded, covering her mouth with one hand.
Mr Tan continued to pound her furiously from behind. Tessa tried to muffle her moans of pleasure by pressing her head against the mattress. Mr Tan leaned forward and hugged Tessa from behind. He gave Tessa’s breast a final squeeze before whispering “I am going to flood your womb with my sperm.”
“No, please don’t cum in me. No!” But it was too late. Mr Tan held on to Tessa tightly in his final thrusts, ejaculating his sperm into her. Tessa tried to wriggle out of his hold but Mr Tan only held on to her even more tightly, enjoying the tight warm hole surrounding his cock and the young female body in his grasp.
Tessa started sobbing. “What’s wrong?” For a fleeting moment, Mr Tan was worried that Tessa is going to sue him for rape. “Nick also came in you. Why can’t I come in you?”
Tessa looked at him with a pained expression. “Because if I get pregnant, I won’t know whether the baby should call you father or grandfather.”
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
The 101 Deaths of Danny Phantom
AO3 link
One of the first things people learned about dealing with ghosts, other than not to try and date them, is to never asks about their death or obsessions. That doesn’t mean the citizens of Amity Park aren’t curious though, especially about their resident ghostly hero and the confusing and concerning comments he sometimes makes.
“Are you okay?” Phantom asked Maisie as she shook and tried to hold back tears after that car had almost slammed into her. She sometimes joked about getting hit crossing the street of her college campus to pay her obnoxious loans but it was another thing entirely to almost experience it herself. Maisie was nearly twenty, she shouldn’t be comforted by someone younger than her little step sister but here she was, shaking like a lead and leaning into Phantom’s comforting, chilly touch. 
“Sorry,” she stuttered, “thank you, I’m sorry I’m just-”
“Hey, it’s okay to be upset that was very scary. The thought of dying is very scary.” Through her adrenaline and her tears, she took in the ghost’s unnatural glow, his faded, barely visible appearance and the fact that he was floating a foot off the ground. Maisie knows this ghost, this boy, knows more than she ever could about death. 
“And getting run over by a car sure is a bad way to go,” the ghost kid chuckled awkwardly, taking his cold hand off her shoulder to scratch at the back of his neck. “You should see how my dad drives or my mom or my sister if she’s running late enough,” Phantom paused in thought. “No one in my family should have a license now that I think about it. Anyway,” he dismissed with a wave. 
“My sister and I were getting ready to head out to school and my dad was backing out of driveway too fast and didn’t see us and uh, luckily I got my sister out of the way in time haha,” Phantom trailed off awkwardly. Was it because of the uncomfortable conversation or because he noticed her dawning horror.
Her best friend ran the community college’s Phan club so Maisie was a member by default. Phantom’s death was sometimes talked about late at night, everything from wrongful murder to a freak accident. She never in her worst nightmares imagined being him being runover in front of his own house by parental ignorance. It was so normal, a quick mistake and a life lost.
“Oh my god,” he said with an adorable little green blush. “Why am I babbling about that? You almost got hit by a car, I’m probably retraumatizing you or something. I should probably go get the jerk who almost hit you,” he said before disappearing into thin air. 
“Tia is not going to believe this,” she whispered to no one. All she knew is that for the rest of her damned life she was going to look both ways when crossing the street. She’d seen first hand what a single moment of reckless driving could cause.
Matthew, not Matt or Matty or Hughie, Matthew shivered from the cold. He was only in his boxers with little Pacman on them. It had been fine when he’d gone to bed considering it was mid-August but Phantom and this stupid flaming mecha ghost had tussled outside the summer camp he was working at. He could see some of the kids snickering at his state of undress though he was just extremely glad they were alive enough to disrespect him like this.
“Oh man, I’m sorry,” the ghost kid said with big, sad eyes that looked so human despite the fact that they were literally glowing. He looked around at all the snow and ice left over from his fight. “Jeez you guys must be freezing, I wish I could warm you all up but all I can do is make things colder.”
“S’okay,” Matthew said through his chattering teeth. “Teaching the kids how to start a fire was supposed to be next week but we can get a jump on it.” That got a smile out of the ghost and within a half hour, the other counselors were distributing blankets and hot beverages to the kids clustered around multiple fires. They didn’t seem particularly upset by the potentially fatal attack, Matthew will breakdown about that at a later time when he was alone. For now, he just smiled as the children chattered happily with the ghost while he cleaned up as much of the damage as possible.
“So you spend all day fighting ghosts?” Zoe asked with stars in her eyes.
“A lot of the nights too,” Phantom nodded, “I do other stuff but yeah it seems ghost fighting takes up most of my time.”
“Where’d you learn those cool powers?” Zuri asked, miming a punch.
“Comes with being a ghost,” Phantom shrugged, “my ice powers came in later though so I still struggle a bit with them but I’m getting better every day.”
“Why ice though?” Morris said with his cocked curiously to the side. “I see some ghosts use fire or shadows, why do you have ice?”
“Ah that’s a little personal,” Phantom chuckled but his posture was easy despite the invasive question. “Specialty powers like my ice require special circumstances and a certain uh connection to the ghost. Someone like me couldn’t use fire or electricity or plants, ice is in my soul, it’s who I am.”
Matthew paused in drinking his lukewarm coffee as a horrible thought came to mind. He’s been an outdoorsman all his life, practically from the time he could walk. He’d been a deep woods camping guide for a decade before switching to working at summer camps. But the years working in the relative comfort of a stable camp didn’t erase his knowledge of how unforgiving and deadly the woods in the winter could be. A grown man, much less a young teen, would freeze to death in 20 minutes if it was cold enough. 
It made sense for ghosts to develop powers related to their deaths. Had Phantom been one of the dozens of unfortunate kids he read about every year who ran away in the middle of winter only to found later as a frozen corpse. He eyed the boy’s snow white hair and frigid aura he exuded with mournful trepidation. God, what a horrible way to die. 
“I’d get chilly with ice powers,” Tabby said with a shudder, she held out her cup of cocoa. “You want some of my cocoa to warm you up?”
“No thanks,” Phantom said with a soft smile that was warm despite everything. “The cold hasn’t bothered me for a while.”
Ghost attacks may be the norm but, if there was one good thing that came out of whole mess it was the fact that violent human crimes went down drastically. So when the rare murder did happen, the shock and fear rippled through the whole town. 
Stanford Newton had only been sheriff of Amity Park for eight months after the last guy had gone gray overnight and moved to Florida the next day. It was a daunting position but one he bore proudly. This wouldn’t be his first murder investigation having initially cut his teeth as a beat cop in Chicago but it would be the first in Amity. And it certainly was the first in which the dead served in an active capacity.
“Amanda Chastain, 27. Officially she was a waitress down at Spengler’s Diner but she’s been picked up for prostitution twice in the last year,” Stan said calmly, ignoring the cold, angry presence over his shoulder. “History of polysubstance abuse as well, not that either of those things mean she deserved this.” Used, beaten to death and then dumped in the trash like yesterday’s paper. 
He wondered if she’d come back a ghost or if she’d finally get some peace this world hadn’t offered her. “We don’t have many leads right now, I’m afraid. Acting illegally as they are, there’s not a lot of resources these poor girls have to turn to.”
“I’ll find them,” The Phantom said with blazing conviction, his voice thick and sharp as ice. “I’ll find and bring them to justice and make sure no one else is hurt again.”
“I believe you,” Stan nodded, shutting his notebook as he finally turned to face the teenage superhero haunting his town. He can’t say he liked what he saw. The Phantom looked even less human than usual, his aura flaring and flickering like the foggy mist before a heavy snowstorm. His unnatural green eyes glowered, painting his too young face in a terrifying light. 
The kid looked furious, clearly taking this death to heart. He’d read the Fenton’s memos about obsessions and such but this seemed beyond that. “But don’t hurt anyone to do it, or yourself while you’re at it.”
“I won’t, I’ll make sure they’ll face human justice and don’t worry,” Phantom gave a snarling smile. “No mortal can hurt me, not like this,” he growled causing the hairs on Stan’s arms and neck to stand on end. He flew off after that, presumably to track down Amanda’s killer.
“Not like this,” Stan mumbled to him, pulling out his handkerchief and wiping his brow where a cold sweat had broken out. “Jesus Christ that poor kid.” Stan had seen plenty of murdered and mutilated bodies in his lifetime, some of them even kids. He just never got to talk to them after they’d had their life forcibly snatched away. It would explain the ghost’s near fanatical determination to save others, why he took a stranger’s murder so personally. 
“I hope your own murderer is behind bars,” Stan said as he tucked his handkerchief back into his coat pocket. “Or even six feet under, for killing a good kid like you.” Stan made his way back to his squad car so he could head back to the station and move forward with the official investigation. But he’d eat his hat if there wasn’t a stammering lowlife there by tomorrow ready to turn themselves in.
 Maybe after all this was settled down, he’d delve into some of the cold cases stacked in the cellar. Maybe in there he’ll find a picture of a smiling, carefree teen who’d disappeared and returned with the power now to ensure no one else suffered as he had.
“Yes, I know about the Phantom,” Luis Oliveira will say to anyone who so much as brings up the ghost kid. Locals know better by now but the tourists eat it up every time. He twists his finely combed mustache and gestures to the floor where his audience is standing. “He died right there oh ten or eleven years ago.”
Luis has worked his way all across the the United States since he emigrated from Brazil in the 70s. He finally settled in Amity Park about twelve years ago. He’d never intended to stay in the small Midwest town but the fatal shooting of a young customer kept his little corner market open.
“He was a nice kid, always said hi to me and paid in exact change. Was big fan of the snacks I made, would stop by after school and take half my inventory. He had big brown eyes and a crooked nose,” Luis would smile at the memory before closing his eyes and frowning sadly. “One day, he came late. His teacher made him stay after to go over a failed test, I remember he complained. He was pulling out his money when robber burst in, demanding my money. I fumbled for the register key, dropped it. I bent down to grab it and I hear shots going off. Two over my head, another right into the boy’s throat.”
Luis will hear the sound of that sweet boy’s guttural choking sounds as he drowned in his own blood until the day he himself died. The robber left after the shot, Luis called the police and held the young man’s hand as he died. The would be thief were never found and Luis never did learn anything about the boy who’d died on his floor for getting hungry after school.
“As soon as I saw Phantom on the TV,” Luis would say, perking up after his moment of somber grief, “I knew it was that boy come back. Those kind eyes, I’d recognize them anywhere. He’s never come here but one day he will and I will be able to pass on my regret on not being able to save his life that day.”
“I think he killed himself,” Mikey whispered to Lester during lunch period, angling his voice low. “The jocks may love Phantom for his powers but I just know he was one of us, an unwanted nerd. I’ve seen him chatting up a ghost I’m pretty sure is Poindexter, Casper’s suicide kid. They’re probably bonding over their similar deaths and the circumstances that led to it.”
“That’s pretty dark,” Lester whispered back. “I also get unpopular vibes from him but I don’t think he’s the time do uh do that to himself; he’s too stubborn and protective. But I bet he was the victim of a prank gone wrong. Dash locked Fenton in the Janitor’s closet last Wednesday, he got out okay somehow but maybe something like that happened to Phantom. He always looks kind of annoyed at the A-listers, maybe they remind him of old bullies.”
“Nuh-uh,” Clara said, pushing up her glasses with her middle finger. “The ghost kid totally got electrocuted or something. He was fighting that weather ghost and he sent lightning bolts his way and Phantom flinched. He fought the Ghost King and yet a little electricity scares him? It might not’ve even been a lightning strike but something manmade like a machine backfiring or something.”
“Get real,” Mikey scoffed, sipping his milk with an eyeroll. “I’m sure we’d have heard about some poor kid getting zapped to death; this town isn’t that big.”
“We’d have heard about a suicide too,” Lester noted with a wry grin.
“Shut up Mr. I base my theories around Fenton who’s a known weirdo”.
“I’m telling you, the ghost kid died of some debilitating illness,” Abbie McMillian, retired school teacher and three year reigning champ at the Tristate area’s Daylily Competition. She sipped her tea and spoke with as much confidence as she had back in the day wrangling Amity’s impressionable youths. “The superhero thing is clear wish childhood fulfillment, a chance to live and be free like he never got to in life. You see how happy and carefree that young man looks while flying? Clearly he spent his formative years sick and weak.”
“No way,” Greta von Martin frowned as she aggressively stirred her own tea to show her displeasure. “I worked in a hospital for close to 30 years and I know what chronically sick kids look like and Phantom doesn’t fit the bill. I will agree he’s carefree when he’s not battling spooks but he acts like a stupid teen. I’m telling you, the boy got into his parent’s liquor cabinet or took a few too many of whatever pill was going around his school. Tragic but something that happens every day.”
“Greta, dearie,” Abbie said with a pinched frown. “We’ve been friends since grade school and I love you like a sister but you are wrong and until you admit it, I won’t share anymore of my recipes.”
“You’re just being stubborn because you can’t see what’s right in front of you even after working with kids half of your life, Abbie, love,” Greta sniffed. “And you can kiss my grandson’s help weeding you garden goodbye until you relent.”
Perhaps one of the most human traits is curiosity, especially about what comes after death. Now the good people of Amity Park know a great deal about the dead so the lives before is what attracts their attention and none so more than the ghost boy. Maybe it’s because he’s their hero or maybe it’s because he’s so young. Or perhaps it’s because Phantom is such a mess of contradictions that it’s very hard to guess how the unfortunate boy met his end. But everyone has their own theories, from the mundane to the fantastic, some with evidence backing them up and others pure poppycock. 
But for all their curiosity, as much as it burns them to know, they’ll never ask. They don’t want to risk the powerful ghost’s wrath but, moreover, it seemed in poor taste. The boy risked his afterlife to keep them safe, they couldn’t ask what traumatic and miserable circumstances had led to this point.
And besides, it was so much more fun to look up at ghostly figure as he sped through the skies and wonder.
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Yelena Belova x reader, oneshot, mentions of Natasha's death, angst, hopefully ending, took a few liberties with Yelena's fake family
You woke up alone. Again. Third time during the last two weeks. Even with your eyes closed, you knew she wasn't around. Familiar anxiety was already crawling under your skin, coming up to your throat.
Cold floor, soft fabrics of the robe, click of a lamp. Exactly the same occurances and exactly in the same order.
And then you heard it. That damn whistle. Harmless by itself but so critical for you both. For Yelena it was a constant reminder of something terrible, that she never shared with you. For you it was an indication that this very moment your girl was drowning in pain and regrets you couldn't possibly fathom.
Trying not to wake up your dogs, you followed the note. Yelena was sitting in the kitchen, staring blankly at the half full bottle of vodka, she didn't even bother to use a glass. Smoldering cigarette in her hand and who knew how many already burnt ones in the ashtray.
"Oh, isn't it my favourite girl?"
You could barely understand her. Her usually adorable accent became so much thicker. You were surprised she didn't attack you with her favourite Russian curse words. Maybe everything wasn't as bad.
"Yes, I'm here."
You wanted to get her at least a glass and clean the ashtray, but Yelena caught you with her free hand. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Nowhere, I'm with you." You let her hug you. "How are you?"
"Great. Don't you see it?" She smiled in your chest.
"Yeah, I do."
You started massaging her scalp, carefully trying to bring her back to you from that whistle.
"You're so good, girl." She moaned. "I'm sorry, I woke you up."
"It's ok." You felt her grip on your back tightening. "Nightmares again?"
"Wanna talk?"
Sometimes you were wondering how strong this woman actually was. Being able to overcome so many obstacles, so many enemies and still being able to show her vulnerable side. Fighting, surviving, sharing a life with someone. You admired her. And you hated the world for making this woman suffer so much.
"How long have you been here?"
"Well." She looked at the bottle. "An hour or something."
Not long enough for her to get really drunk. But enough for her to muffle the memories.
"How are so warm?" Her nails were already digging in your skin.
"How are you so adorable?" You kissed her forehead. "Let me go, Lena. I'm going to make us coffee. Since it's already 5 a.m."
"Fine." She reluctantly freed you.
"Oh, and no more smoking."
As an answer Yelena mumbled something inaudible. But it was Russian and it wasn't a praise.
When she returned from the bathroom, she already felt better. Cold water helped her to sober up a little.
When she came back her cup of coffee was waiting for her.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." You were already sipping yours.
"I can only imagine how much you hate me right now." Yelena preferred not to look at you at all, already feeling the guilt.
"Don't say that. I'm worried about you. You're sleeping less, drinking more, being somewhere very far from here. How long will you be able to go on like this?"
"I don't know. It's just...maybe it's because of the anniversary or..."
"Anniversary of what?"
Yelena saw genuine concern in your eyes, heard it in your tone, felt it for months in your touches. She had to tell you. What if it freed her, what if it helped her to cope with the loss. She couldn't handle it on her own any more.
"In three days. I promise, I'll explain everything."
Those three days were so ordinary. With routines and talks, and reality. Both of you carefully avoided the subject. Until Yelena told you to get ready.
She didn't tell you where you were going, remaining silent for hours. Seeing her like this was devastating. But from time to time Yelena glanced at you as if to remember she wasn't alone.
You don't know how many hours you spent on the road. It didn't matter, once you got to your destanation.
A graveyard. Yelena never told you about this. Never told you about deaths of her close people, you were not even sure she had them.
When you were about to enter it, she whistled as if to hear something in return. But she only heard rustle of leaves.
You held her hand, interwining fingers. Her veins needed to be filled with trust and love, yours with her despair and fear.
She looked at you and nodded. Your walk took around 20 minutes, when Yelena suddenly stopped. You followed her gaze to the one of the tombstones.
Natasha Romanoff. Of course you knew who that was. Everybody knew. A hero who saved you all, a woman who defeated pure evil. Her and Tony's monuments were in every big city. But apparently this was her real grave. Or rather symbolic one. You knew Yelena had her ties with Avengers, but she never told you she knew Natasha.
"Daughter, sister, Avenger."
Sister. Natasha was the sister from Yelena's dreams, the one whom she so loudly was searching for. Not the metaphorical black widow from the same mission.
"I'm sorry, I never told you about her. She was a part of a past long forgotten." Yelena regretted, she didn't bring you here before. How could she be so ignorant to think, you could make it worse for her.
"Your sister."
"Yes. Adopted one. We didn't have much time together. She just had to save the world, you know?"
"She was a hero. The one others aspire to be."
You walked closer. Now you could see all the flowers and toys, and letters, and candles, and who knew what else.
Yelena got down on her knees and whispered something. She was greeting her sister, was telling that she was not alone. Not anymore.
"She would be proud of you. You've come a long way since the old days." You carefully avoided all the mentions of the Red Room.
"I hope so. Red on the ledger. That's how she used to call it."
"You whistle to her?" You knelt down to Yelena's level.
"Yes. That's a stupid thing from childhood. Whenever she whistled back, I knew I had a family to come to. With my fake mother being the mastermind of the mind control and fake father being a jerk, Natasha was the only family I had. Do you think... you think... one day we can become a family?"
This question caught you off guard. You never talked about it. You loved Yelena deeply, but you were not sure she was ready for such commitments.
The pause was too long. Yelena could read the doubts in your look.
"It's not because I need a replacement or something. I thought about it a lot. And I'm ready to have a responsibility."
"Are you sure?" You didn't want to give to both of you false hope.
"I know, I'm far from perfect. But... yes, a family."
"A family. I want it with you." How could you say no to her. To the woman you already knew, you wanted to spend your life with.
"And you will always whistle me back?"
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