#that was COMPLETELY out of left field ok
im-no-jedi · 8 months
so I’ve been taking melatonin regularly for almost a week now, per the recommendation of my therapist, in an attempt to get better sleep. I do get the weird dreams sometimes, but my dreams are normally really weird, so I can never tell the difference LOL
that being said
someone please tell me why last night I had a dream that I was living in a beach house with Steve and Joe from Blue’s Clues skfksalfkdhdjfjsk
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nemmaemma · 5 months
Why must I hyperfixate on the Kdramas that have episodes released on a weekly basis😭 I want to overdose on the adorable romances with interesting subplots but they aren't letting me
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mad-hunts · 16 days
new rp idea: your muse squirts barton with water from a water bottle every time he does and/or says something even the slightest bit mean or suspicious. and in the end, he probably ends up soaking wet because of this LMAO OH, and you can't forget barton trying to swat it away from your muse constantly because he does not like this new 'game,' or whatever he would consider it. it's kind of hard to tell NGL jsjsj 💀 but i rest my case that this man definitely needs to be forced to stop being an actual menace for at least a day somehow and this would be a funny way to do it
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cannibalovers · 3 months
jack coming back, showing pics of the crime scene to will AND molly, pressuring him to come back and molly telling him that she would be satisfied knowing he did the right thing and that he should go and Will actually going made me actually shed a tear.
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kicktwine · 1 year
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this is the result of too many thought trains colliding at once so like - s. sorry paranatural likers. I only had one cool idea all day and it was to turn King C into a spirit fusion hostile takeover gundam situation
like this (very rough wip gif under the cut)
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vonlipvig · 4 months
ok today was like, the easiest connections game of all time.
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AITAH for telling my wife no?
My wife (35f) and I (38m) have been married for 12 years, dated for 3 before that. We have 3 kids (10m, 7f, and 5f). We both work full time in separate fields, she does some chemistry thing that I don't understand and I am a manager at a computer repair store my friend runs, and also a short story writer when its slow. She is definitely the breadwinner bill payer between the two of us, but I bring in the fun money for our family and would be completely listless if I didn't at least work part time. We also fully own our home because of her job.
Also, my parents watch the kids for us during the week when we are working. It's been this way since our son was born, and they've been doing it less since they are all in school. But it's free childcare, they refuse to accept money unless it's reimbursing for buying food.
Ok, now that all of that backstory is set, here's where the problem begins.
A couple of months ago my wife started pepper into conversations about a possible promotion coming up that would get her out of the lab and into a more "manage the lab team" position, with less dangerous hours for more pay. Ever since the first time she mentioned it I've been hyping her up and telling her she's a shoo in for the promotion, especially since she's been working there since her masters internship and now she has a PhD.
Last night she told me she was getting word today if she got it! After she left for work this morning I called my boss up and told him I couldn't come in today, and then told my parents the kids were saying with me. We spent the day cleaning the house, drawing congratulations cards, and making a congratulations banner. We also made a couple cards that say sorry and we love you for if she didn't get it. I was working on making her favorite dinner (lobster rolls with lobster bisque, because she's a fancy lady) when she got home earlier than normal. Everyone was surprised, because noone is usually home at this time and yet here everyone was. She got tears in her eyes seeing everything we were still working on, got down and hugged our two youngest, and said she got the promotion! Cheering all around! And that's when she dropped the bomb, saying we need to get a realtor in a state three away from us so we can relocate within the next two months.
I was stunned, and just said no, we arent moving for this promotion. In all of her talks she never mentioned that the promotion wasn't for the same location she's been at. All of our family is here, her parents and mine, all of our friends are here, my job is here. She insisted that she's mentioned relocating before but I swear she never did. That set of a completely new argument about never listening to her and only hearing what I want to hear, and how this will make it so I can stay home with the kids and not even need a fun money job. During this I noticed she was typing on her phone, and when I asked why she was multitasking an argument she said she was texting my parents to get the kids so they don't have to see this.
When my parents got here they congratulated her on the promotion and asked how long until we move.
She told my parents the promotion included relocation.
I'm typing this on the couch in the basement, because I can't face her right now. My parents knowing means she probably did say we would need to move if she got it. I don't want to move, I like my job, and our house. I like being near my parents. I know this would practically set us for life but I don't want to. I know I'm being selfish, and I know I must not be listening when she talks, but I still don't think she should accept the promotion. I still think no.
What are these acronyms?
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yoisami · 8 months
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[૮₍ ˃ࡇ˂ ₎ა]: how your favourite blue lock character flirts with you/shows you his affection—high school edition ! this was 100% brain rot but i had fun writing this 乁⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠ㄏ
tags. isagi, kunigami, kaiser, nagi, rin, sae x gn!reader (separately), 1363 wc, just fluff, high school romance, unestablished relationship, reader is called “pretty” and “cute”, kunigami is the favourite child today, not proofread
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ISAGI doesn’t necessarily flirt since he’s more of a genuine guy (??), but he regularly compliments you (they’re hints that he likes you). he’s a perceptive guy, so he’ll notice little details about you and will let you know that he likes them. he’s also the type to compliment your handwriting (real), and as your seatmate, he does pay attention to the way your brows furrow when the teacher puts up a harder equation on the board. he’s not great at mathematics himself, and will ask you to explain the concept to him, hence seizing the opportunity to tell you that you’re so smart ! also, isagi isn’t afraid to let you know that you look nice—he’s not bold about it, but he’s not completely shy about it either. this normally happens in the morning though—just as you’re placing your bag down onto your desk, and pulling out all the textbooks you need for today, he’ll greet you good morning from behind, and tells you that you look really pretty today in a very nonchalant manner (you’re left blushing profusely until you notice that the tips of his ears are bright red) !
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KUNIGAMI prefers to show his affection towards you by doing things for you. his method of flirting is by offering you a hand when you need help, or even just completing the whole task for you. such as classroom duty—you’re paired with him this week to ensure that the classroom is left spotless after class, and while there’s multiples tasks you both have to do (sweeping the floor, wiping the blackboard clean, dusting the windows), he simply just tells you to take a rest and he’ll do it all. you refuse though, since he’s also had a long day too, so you remind him that the responsibility is shared between the two of you (he falls even harder for you after this). when the school’s volleyball team coach asks you to fetch the box of jerseys that’s placed on a high shelf, kunigami offers to go with you ! since it’s a bit too high for your reach, you use a ladder to give yourself some bonus height, and kunigami’s standing right behind you, hands hovering over your waist, ready to catch you if you fall (you don’t lol) !
bonus (!): the teacher has forced all late students to run laps around the field as punishment in the morning, and unfortunately, you were one of them. you’re heaving as you’re running with your bag, but you feel someone tugging your bag off your shoulders—it’s kunigami ! while the teacher is questioning why he was running too (he came early), all he says is that he wants to train his stamina as he takes your bag, throws it over his shoulder, and continues to run beside you ! (i watch k-dramas ok)
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KAISER flirts openly. very openly (canon). but it’s clever—the way he’s able to string a few words together and it’s as pleasing as a bouquet of purple lilacs, leaving you a blushing mess. it’s almost like he flirts strategically, and every word and action he executes has a purpose—which is to make you fancy him ! kaiser will throw in compliments here and there, but he prefers to show it to you, such as deliberately reaching for the same item just to make sure your hands touch. and he pretends to reel back his hand, muttering sorry, but internally, he’s satisfied with his accomplishment, because you’ve turned away to hide your cute blush ! i believe that you will find kaiser annoying, so it’s a breath of fresh air when the two of you share a conversation about your dreams, and his hand is already right beside yours (with your pinkies touching !!), itching to hold yours. kaiser’s a proud individual, and he will show off at any given moment, making sure that you’re watching. it’s a lunchtime game of soccer, and he knows you and your friends are sitting close to the field. after being challenged by an upperclassmen, he agrees, but first he “accidentally” rolls the ball to your direction. instead of asking you to kick it back, he approaches you, saying, “watch me, yeah?” with a very charming wink as he jogs back with the ball in his hands !
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NAGI isn’t the type of “flirt” either, but instead acts almost friendlier to you, and you can tell he’s intrigued by you by staying close to you. he’s not clingy, but he definitely likes to stay within your vicinity—while you’re sitting at your desk at lunch, trying to finish the history homework that is due today, nagi will not leave his seat beside you, and will merely pull his phone out and start gaming. he doesn’t talk much, but does engage in the conversations you share with him by nodding his head, letting you know that he’s paying attention to what you’re saying ! nagi’s unintentionally flirty sometimes—he doesn’t know that sharing earphones is somewhat a romantic gesture, but offers to give you the other earpiece when you ask him what he’s listening to; he doesn’t understand why you’re blushing when he’s resting his head against the table, blankly staring up at you, but indulges in how cute you look. it’s raining and you’re already beginning to walk out of the school gates, but nagi runs after you as he takes cover under your umbrella, clothes looking damp from the rain. he’s slightly panting, and you’re asking him why on earth he didn’t just pull out his own umbrella. all he says is that it’s bothersome to do so, but in reality, he just wanted to walk you home.
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RIN likes to admire you from afar (hear me out)—this means that stolen glances are really common between the two of you, and you catch him staring most of the time. in response to being caught, rin looks away at the speed of light, making you doubt yourself and wonder if it’s simply your mind playing tricks on you. rin will also defend you if he notices someone gossiping about you ! story time: you’re pretty close to one of the popular guys in your class, and sometimes the two of you eat together at lunch. you also have a friend from chemistry and you consider yourselves as good friends, but a few months back, some girls were gossiping about you, claiming that you were “two-timing”. of course, rin overheard, and he immediately stood up for you, belittling those girls with a cold expression before he walked off and left. there are moments where he does talk to you, but he’s not the greatest at continuing the conversation, so he opts to watch you from a distance. there are moments where you’re laughing heartily with your group of friends, and he can’t help but let that little smile appear on his lips. he reckons your smiles are contagious, but honestly, he just enjoys looking at pretty things (you) !
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SAE’s “flirting” method is a bit stiff—you can tell he’s clearly not experienced in the field of romance, but you enjoy his efforts ! he’s terrible at giving compliments, and once had offended you in the process of trying to tell you how nice your hair looked today. he doesn’t seem shy, but he definitely keeps some space between you two, because most of the time, he’s trying to think of an excuse to talk to you ! when he’s feeling bold, he will seize the moment to be physically closer to you—such as if you’re reading in the library, he’ll take the seat opposite of you without saying a word, and pretends to be reading the back page of some random autobiography he picked up from the nearest shelf. he looks invested in it, but it’s all a facade as he steals frequent glances at you ! he’s also very much the type to leave you drinks from vending machine without letting you know it’s from him ! he’ll buy you a can of your favourite juice, and will leave it at your desk during lunch break—a small gift to congratulate you on achieving the highest mark in the class.
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© yoisami 2023. plagiarism, translation and distribution of my works outside of tumblr is not permitted.
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nope-body · 2 years
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Welcome back Lin! Hope your doing ok ☺️ 
Would it be alright if I request yandere Luffy where him and the reader go to an new island maybe there’s all you can eat buffet or the crew went to a fair🎢🎡 , but what if Luffy and reader got separate and while the reader was looking for him only to bump into a guy (maybe a few ?) who wouldn’t take a no for an answer maybe that’s when reader shouted for Luffy who came running ? Hope this ok and if it’s possible  could the reader be a female if not that’s ok I’m fine with gn. (Mm maybe romantic? If that’s ok if u want it could be low-key romantic if u want please ) 🍪anon
I decided to take a crack at writing Luffy romantically. I might start doing it more if y'all like this. Also I love Lin as an abbreviation of my username, that's adorable. And uh... I hope you're still with me given that this ask is from July of last year...
Prized Possession
Yandere Luffy x Fem!Reader
2k words
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Getting to explore a new island was always thrilling. There was no telling if this would be a casual visit, or if you were about to go to war with the local tyrant because your dear, chaotic captain physically can't leave well enough alone. Not that you're necessarily complaining. His tendency to stick his nose in everyone's business and throw hands when necessary (and sometimes not), was what led to you joining his crew and beginning your new life of piracy. 
As well as leading to you meeting the man that managed to completely steal your heart so effortlessly and casually that you can't even truly pinpoint an exact date for when you two became a couple. The relationship only became officially recognized when Usopp asked if you two were a couple or not, to which Luffy hummed in thought for a minute, then shrugged and said ‘yeah’.
An extremely romantic and enviable confession, truly. You wouldn't have it any other way. 
 But that was the past, and you should be focused on the now. It's not every day that you guys get the pleasure of visiting an island in the middle of a festival. Food stalls and various forms of entertainment filled a large open field with vendors all clambering for the attention of everyone and anyone passing by. Your boyfriend had rapidly become a favorite for anyone running a food stall that was selling meat. 
You watched with mild amusement as Luffy shoved as much grilled meat as he possibly could into his mouth with one hand. His other hand was tightly clutched around your own, as it usually was during any casual outing you two had together. Your free hand held a skewer of meat Luffy had handed you that you were lightly nibbling on. 
If you were completely honest, you didn't really want it. You've been sampling various meats since Luffy started dragging you around to each and every stall that caught his eye. All of them have been good, you can't deny that, but your body was begging for literally anything plant-based. You would rip a carrot out of the dirt and eat it right now if presented with the opportunity. But… Luffy looked so happy that you didn't really want to say anything about it yet. You'll be able to get a word in later once his appetite is starting to slow down. 
“Do you not like it?”
The question snapped you out of your train of thought. Luffy had just finished decimating the last of this cart's supply. His cheeks were stretched out as he chewed, then swallowed the last bite. 
“It’s fine, I guess I'm just not that hungry.” This was a half truth. You were definitely starting to get full by now. 
Not wasting a second, Luffy leaned down and ate what was left of your share. Including the stick. Once upon a time, that would have concerned you, but you've seen him eat more questionable things. He must have the stomach acid of a vulture, you're sure of it. 
“Sanji definitely makes it better, I get why you didn't want it.” Luffy promptly walked away with you in tow, ignoring the offended grumblings of the cook he just insulted without a care in the world. This is something that you would normally scold someone over, but you've quickly learned that there is no point in trying to scold Luffy about something so trivial. He won't listen. It'll be in one ear, out the other.
It was obvious that he was trying to scope out the next place to eat from. In an attempt to spare yourself from continuing to eat like a carnivore, you try to draw his attention away from all of the food. Giving his hand a squeeze, you shoot your shot, “Why don't we go try some of the carnival games? I bet we could win lots of prizes.” The games being rigged won't mean anything against someone with Luffy's strength. Bottles could be superglued to the tables, and Luffy would still be able to bowl them over with ease.
Much to your relief, Luffy perked up at your idea, seeming to be interested. He grinned widely, “Yeah! I bet I’ll be able to win more prizes than you!”
His declaration makes you laugh, “Oh? Is that a challenge?” He would absolutely win more stuff,  but that’s neither here nor there. 
He let out a laugh of his own. “It is! You better be ready to- Oh! They made more!” In an instant, your boyfriend made a hard left and sprinted towards a food stall that he had previously cleaned out. That one had been his favorite of the night. 
Apparently, he was so excited that he had let go of you in his hurry to go back. You stare down at your now freed -and slightly sweaty- hand. Well, if this isn't a perfect opportunity to get a different kind of food, you don't know what is. It won't take him long to either clean that vendor out again or notice your absence, so you should find something to eat quickly. 
You wander away from where all the savory foods are being served until you find a row of carts specializing in sweet treats. You should be able to find something with fruit here. The delicious smells of fried dough and sugary batters wafted through the air and filled your senses, but that wasn’t what you were looking for. After walking past a few carts, your eyes zero in on something promising. One of the stands is selling ice cream, and some of the toppings available are fresh fruit. Perfect!
Happily, you get in line and read the menu as you try to decide what to get. You decide on what combination of ice cream and fruit you want and order as soon as you get to the front. The vendor tells you the total while the person working with him makes your cone. Before you can pull out your money, someone behind you speaks up.
“Add hers to my order.”
The voice didn’t sound familiar, so you look over your shoulder. There is a man standing a little too close behind you. He’s tall and has an impressive looking sleeve of tattoos on his left arm. The man leers down at you. Immediately, you get a bad feeling about him.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I can pay for it.” You hastily fish some berry out of your pocket, but the stranger beats you to the chase and hands the vendor money first.
“I don’t have to, but I wanted to. Is there something wrong with that?” His smile lacks the warm comfort that Luffy’s does. It just feels condescending and smarmy. 
There is something wrong with doing a charitable act when there is an ulterior motive, but you don’t say that out loud, “I guess not… Thank you.”
He takes this as an invitation to step closer to you. “My name’s Dante. What’s a pretty thing like you called?”
You take a large step back and know that you don’t want to give this guy your actual name, “Well, my boyfriend likes to call me cupcake sometimes.” Among many other far less conventional pet names like bug or meatball. Honestly, you’re starting to think Luffy comes up with odd names just to make you laugh.
Dante’s eye twitches in annoyance, “Boyfriend? I don’t see him.”
“Yeah, we split up to get different food. He’s going to meet up with me soon.” Internally, you aren’t sure how long it’s going to take for Luffy to find you since you wandered off without telling him, but this guy doesn’t need to know that part.
“C’mon, don’t be like that. I bought you ice cream, don’t lie to me about a boyfriend.” 
“I’m not lying. I am here with my boyfriend, and I don’t care for the way you’re talking to me. Look, I’ll pay you back for the ice cream,” without waiting for a response, you pull some money out of your pocket and hold it out to him.
Instead of taking the money, he pushes your hand away and steps closer. “Just come with me for a bit. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
The vendor finally hands over your ice cream, and you’re quick to take it and speed walk away. Hopefully, Dante will take the hint and leave you alone. You make a beeline for where you last saw Luffy while taking a bite from your fruity ice cream. It tastes delicious and is very refreshing after having so much meat.
Unfortunately, you don’t make it far before you feel someone grab your arm and force you to stop. You whip around and glare at the man who’s harassing you, “Would you leave me alone? I’m not interested.”
Dante doesn’t appear to be deterred, just frustrated. “Quit playing hard to get.” He plasters a sleazy smile onto his face, “Just come with me for a little while so we can have some fun together.” He grabs your other arm and pulls you closer.
Just as you’re about to kick him between the legs, he is violently launched away from you. It startles you initially, but you relax quickly because you would recognize that stretchy arm anywhere. You smile as you see Luffy marching over to you. You’re about to greet him and say how happy you are to see him, but he walks right past you. His expression isn’t just serious. He looks pissed.
You gawk at him as he stomps over to where Dante is sprawled out on the ground, groaning in pain from crashing into a tin trash can. He looks up at Luffy and tries to sit up and act tough, “The hell is your problem, man?!”
Luffy doesn’t answer him. Instead, he pulls his arm back and punches Dante again. His fist connects with his jaw with a loud crack. In an instant, Luffy is on top of him and raining down more blows while remaining eerily silent. All you can do is stare in horror as Luffy keeps beating the man. Sickening crunches sound through the air, making your stomach lurch with each one. Ice cream drips down your fingers as it melts, but you can’t be bothered to do anything about it.
By the time Luffy gets up, Dante is completely limp and he’s bloodied from the shoulders up. Several people rush to his side to check on him, but no one is brave enough to approach Luffy. The face he had previously is gone and he’s back to smiling as if nothing happened. He wipes his bloody hands onto his shorts as he approaches you.
“There you are! I got worried when I saw you weren’t with me.”
All you do is nod, still too stunned to speak. Your silence doesn’t seem to bother Luffy at all. He ducks down and licks up some of your ice cream before raising your hands to hold it closer to your mouth, “Your ice cream is melting, don’t forget to eat it.”
“Oh… yeah…” You lick at the treat, but you can’t even taste it as your gaze remains fixed on the man that Luffy just beat to a pulp.
Luffy blocks your view and smiles tightly. “Let’s go play those games you talked about! C’mon, I’ll win you lots of prizes!” He slings an arm around your shoulder and presses a kiss to your cheek before forcibly guiding you away from the scene of his crime.
You’ve never seen that side of Luffy come out over something so minor. You would’ve understood if he’d just hit Dante the first time, but the rest? It was like watching someone get mauled by a wild animal. And after doing all that, he walking around without a care in the world.
… Maybe you’re just overreacting. Luffy would never do something like that without a good reason… right?
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avaf00rd · 5 months
little shits
kyra Cooney-cross x teen!Reader (platonic)
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why is posting my first fic embarassinggg…
anywho enjoy this piece of shit. I’ll open my requests and try to write as much as I can. Luv u all xxx
You were kind of out of it though as Caitlin was trying to mouth something to you further up the gym with her hands, you put your hands up in shrug towards her, but from the conversation in front of you you heard something along the lines of “if you don’t” and Kyra saying “deal”.
“Got that y/n?” Beth grinned at you
“yup!” You quickly said before running over to Caitlin who was motioning you to help her with something.
You had lost a bet. You were reminded by Kyra that you “weren’t supposed to do anything stupid towards anyone in the team for a week” 8 days later she shrieked at you as she was changing into her swimmers in the bathroom of the locker room.
And that’s where you found yourself, In the 15 degree London weather, you were being dragged by Beth, Jen and Katie who just wanted to see this play out, down to the ocean. As you all walked down to the cool air of the beach you shrieked at the harsh breeze “nup” you said as you started running back but was caught by Katie “bets a bet” she giggled grabbing you and dragging you down the beach.
You and kyra took off both of your jumpers as you looked at each other, regret filling your eyes. There were some lunatic surfers in long wetsuits, none like the ones back home in Australia but if you were honest you were terrible with cold water. Beth pulled out her phone to camera when Jen gave Kyra a light shove towards the water, she didn’t move though.
“Ok let’s be quick” you started walking down, just ready to get it over with, a shivering mess once you got down. You noticed the 21 year old was no longer behind you but was being carried over the shoulder by the tall Jen Beattie. Your jaw hit the flor as she was completely thrown into the water head first, with Jen now in the water too. “Okay giant” you giggled as Jen quickly ran out of the water but looking back to yell at you.
“Five whole Minutes!” was screamed from the top.
“Nah it was two!” You exclaimed as Beth shook her head with a grin. You were still only up to about your bellybutton in the ice-like water. That was until ‘little shit no. 2’ jumped on your back causing your head to be pushed under water. The cold water feeling absolutely hell-like on your skin. “KYRA!” You screamed as you came back up again, knowing she was done she started swimming away fast. Though luckily you were a fast swimmer, you caught up to her and completely dunked her.
On the shore, Katie, Beth and Jen slowly started to go ankle-deep into the water to feel the temperature for themselves. “Christ that’s worse than an ice bath” Beth exclaimed quickly before removing her feet from the water.
“They are gonna turn into ice” Jen said
“Or worse completely taken out by a shark” Katie said, as Beth’s face rose with concern. “Wait how much time left?
“It’s been up for about a minute now” Beth said “you two out you come!” she yelled running up to grab your towels.
But of course, you and the slightly older girl were in your own world once again. Trying to drown each other while laughing your heads off.
On a slightly chilly December weekend, you had broke the curse. You and your teammates had smashed Chelsea with a wicked 5-1 and you couldn’t be more excited, your were a striker, quite a significant one for the team, and had managed to slot in a goal in the extra time just minutes before the final whistle. As that whistle went you jumped straight to Caitlin buzzing with excitement before Alessia joined your two by jumping on your back. As you went around to all your other teammates.
You made eye contact with Leah as she quickly went on to the field, the twenty-six year old meant so much to you since joining at the club, so you sprinted into her arms. “Lee!”
“Your goal was incredible I’m so proud of you tiny!!” You grinned at the nickname the team gave you and the fact that she was proud of you. She motioned for a piggy back to you when you were put down, when you jumped on her again she started sprinting towards the rest of the team you saw Kyra talking to vic with her back to you when Leah had come to a stop you tried to jump onto Kyra’s back straight from Leah’s but failed miserably when Kyra was completely knocked down long with Vic and you. Kyra’s funny bone hit your head which she squealed in pain. Nothing serious though.
And just like all the girls around knew that a child’s fight would break out between the two of you, you got up and started running backwards away from her. She started to chase you as you were laughing your guts off. You and Kyra were absolute toddlers anytime everywhere as the crowd and team completely stopped and watched in amusement.
‘Harps!” You squealed as the Gorry toddler jumped into your arms in the lobby of the Hotel. You noticed most of the team standing around chatting as all the ‘London Aussies’ piled into the building.
“I missed you!” Her tiny voice exclaimed which made your heart melt. “I missed you heaps!”
You and Harper got along beautifully, she was like your little sidekick when at camp, the girl would not dare to leave your side the whole two weeks. Steph laughed with Mini behind you, greeting each other and laughing how you left your bags stranded right near the bus when you saw the small girl, Steph having to wheel them in.
“Mins!” You smiled as you gave her a warm hug.
After more hugs and hello’s were exchanged you all headed up to your respective rooms. Since it was only around lunch time you had a small meeting with Tony but were then allowed ‘chill out time’ before dinner and bed time. You, Mackenzie, Alanna and Caitlin were sitting on bean bags in the main room talking about random things and your Christmas plans. When Charli was completely thrown onto your head from behind.
“Ow” you laughed.
“Kyra!” Charli said towards the girl that was pushed onto you.
“Little shit” you mumbled
“Oi you can’t talk miss” Caitlin smirked before quickly going on about your latest stunt you and Kyra pulled together back in London making the other girls laugh. You soon got tired of hearing how good you are at getting away with pranks. As you curiously went to search through a cupboard that had some coloured things peaking out the bottom which amused you. You opened it to find random things from craft kits to movie projectors. You started to move things a little as you crouched down to find more. That’s when you pulled out a large white karaoke machine laying on it’s side, it was beyond you on how it got in there and managed to fit.
“What’s that?” Macca asked as you stood it up-right once it was pulled out. You didn’t reply as you smirked at Kyra who knew exactly what it was. “Awesome” Macca sarcastically said after no reply from you.
For backstory, you and Alessia found one in a room at your training grounds back in London. And you pair along with Kyra and the help of Leah’s terrible singing completely wore it out as it sparked and suddenly broke. Obviously, the mums of the team like Kim and Viv got mad that you nearly could have sent it up in flames.
“Oh no no no” Steph breathed out as she walked in to see you and Kyra teaching Macca and Alanna how to start it up so they could perform their duet to some random old Justin Bieber sing. “You set this hotel on fire, no blaming me to Kim that I didn’t stop you”.
And that’s how the night ended the whole team gathering around and taking turns in partners to sing away. With you and Kyra taking over the micv for more than half of the songs. “No way” you muttered as it suddenly stopped working.
“You-“ Hayley started and then laughed from where she was laying on the floor watching you.
“They’re cursed I swear” Kyra said as you put your arms up in a shrug towards steph.
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violet-fluff · 6 months
💙 Levi x !Pregnant Reader
Late Arrival
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Thanks @roseofdarknessblog for the suggestion! I want to make a Dadvi series now. Hope you all enjoy!
You look out the window and gloomily stare around at the empty training field.
The Survey Corp had set out on an emergency mission to patch up a wall within Wall Maria. Levi was forced to go as well, leaving you, his pregnant wife, behind for a week.
You weren’t left completely alone though. Hanji ordered Moblit to stay behind as well to watch over you. Your baby isn’t due for another two weeks, so Moblit was here to help you get around as your giant belly made it difficult.
Heavens help him if you were to go into labor because this man wouldn’t know what to do.
“Are you ok, Y/N?” Moblit asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“They’re half a week late.” You remind him anxiously as you sit on your bed.
He gives you a sympathetic smile. “And I doubt they will be any later. Especially with Levi wanting to be here with you. I bet they’ll be here when you wake up in the morning.”
You laugh softly as you took notice of how your nervous friend was trying to tip-toe around your pregnancy hormones. “Thanks, Moblit. You’ve been nothing but helpful for me. I guess I’ll go to bed now. I’m really tired.”
He nods and walks back out to Levi’s office. He’s been sleeping on Levi’s couch so he can be close by if you need anything. Levi’s orders.
Throughout the night, you could only toss and turn as it seems your baby wants to roll around and kick you every minute. Groaning in annoyance, you sit up and rub your stomach.
“Can you calm down for me please?” You beg.
Your baby replies with another hard kick, so you shake your head in defeat as you stand up to grab a book to read. Except when you stand up, a sharp cramp ripples in your stomach and a heavy flow of liquid falls from under your dress.
You stand in shock as you pray that it’s not what you think it is, until another sharp cramp makes you sit back down onto the bed and hold your stomach in pain.
“Moblit!!” You scream for your friend and you cry in pain.
A few moments go by and the door swings open. “What’s wrong?!” Moblit asks while trying to rub sleep from his eyes.
“I’m-I’m in labor!”
“Oh shit!” He runs up to you. “What do we do?!”
You hold your stomach and cry. “I don’t know! But I think they’re coming out!”
“Ok ok! Um… let’s lay you down!?” Moblit helps you swing your legs back onto the bed and props you up with another pillow.
You instinctively bend your legs up as you feel the baby push down.
“Wait wait! I’m not ready for you to push!” Moblit says in desperation.
“I am!!” You scream and lean forward as you push.
Moblit gives his own little yell of panic and goes to the foot of the bed. “I’m sorry but I have to look!” He tells you as he lifts up your sleep dress. He nearly faints as he sees the head of the baby start to crown out.
“Is the baby coming out?!” You ask breathlessly.
“Y-yes! Just keep pushing! And remember to breathe please!” He orders.
You nod and keep pushing.
After what seems like another thirty minutes of pushing and nervous encouragement from Moblit, you feel all the pain and pressure release from you.
A piercing cry fills the room and you lay back on the pillows to try and control your breathing. You feel a light weight on your chest and you look down to see a reddish dirty baby moving their arms and legs around while crying.
“You have a daughter.” Moblit announces while trying not to cry.
Suddenly reality hits as you look down and hug the baby closer to you…your baby. You cry as you gently rock her, trying to calm her down.
A snipping sound hits your ears and you look down to see Moblit cutting the umbilical cord.
“I’m not sure if I cut the right spot, I just know I have to cut it.” He says.
You smile at him. “Thank you for everything, Moblit.”
A few more days pass and you are sitting in bed reading, looking over every once in a while to make sure your baby girl was sleeping ok.
Suddenly the bedroom door opens and you look up expecting to see Moblit, but instead see Levi.
You both look at each other with wide eyes and he hurries over to you, pulling you forward into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t here.” He whispers in your ear.
You pull away and look at his face, tears threaten to leave his eyes.
“It’s ok, Levi. I’m just glad you’re back.” You smile shyly at him and grab his face . “We have a daughter now. Go see her.”
Levi looks back at you with furrowed brows. “I’m…I’m scared.”
A small cooing came from the basinet and you giggle. “But I think she wants to meet you.”
You watch as Levi walks over to the basinet and peers inside. A tiny baby girl who mirrors his own looks stares back at him with wide, grey eyes as she chews on her hand.
“Crazy how the mother carries the child, but they always come out looking like father.” You joke, trying to lighten the tension.
Levi gives a small smile as he touches his daughter’s smooth hair. It’s so black that light itself may have trouble penetrating it.
He carefully picks up the baby girl and lifts her closer to his face. She coos and reaches out to grab his nose. You watch from the bed and quickly wipe the tears flowing from your eyes as you take in the sight of the love of your life holding your child.
“I’m so sorry, my baby. I should have been here.” He says while kissing her cheek.
“Levi, we still need to name her.”
Levi looks at his baby for a moment before turning to you . “Isabel.”
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diejager · 7 months
1: I love your blog so much you are awesome.
2: Can I be added to the cod tag lists?
3: Idea for venom-hunter fic: the boys don’t know venom auto-heals and they watch Hunter get like… shot or sm and freak out and it’s angsty but it’s ok bc they heal right away and it’s fluffy in the end (popped into my head and I wanted to share)
1: Hi Parker! I love you too☺️ 2: I’m sorry I didn’t see this before now, but of course! I added you.
What if Hunter was Venom? Pt.2
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Pairing: Monster 141 + Horangi & König x reader
Cw: blood, injury, canon-typical violence, gutting, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 1.3k
Price felt his age catch up to him when he watched an enemy unload his whole mag into your - Venom’s - chest, the dark skin rippling at the surface like water breaking with every drop. He knows that under the surface was your body, hidden under his mass and strength, but Price was still worried. How couldn’t he worry when he kept you so close to his heart?
Even after watching Venom rip apart the men who shot at him - you - spraying their guts around the area, blood painting over the grey asphalt, dripping down from the tip of his claws. Venom was a menace from close up as he was from afar, he could spot anyone from kilometres away as long as he had a clear view, Venom could hear so clearly, his ears much more attuned to your environment and danger.
You could easily be sent out alone in some situations, Venom coming in to help whenever he thought you were in danger, forcefully or not. They could hear the crackle over the coms, Gaz spotting your form jumping from one building to the other, swinging from tree to tree or rushing through the enemy line like a battering ram, something that König was extremely proud of seeing as a battering ram himself.
They learned from you that Venom feared fire, the flames would burn him, disintegrating to ash - it was a painful death - and loud sounds, high-pitched ringing that would make both you and him scream out in pain. Venom wouldn’t die from the loud sound itself, but every moment spent outside a compatible host was a second closer to dying. It was loud and painful, the pitch ringing in your heads until you completely separated, but even then, you’d still hear that incessant sound echoing in your head.
So there wasn’t much to be scared about, worry indeed, but never fear for your life when they had Venom to watch over you, he was fiercely protective of you, so much so that it rivalled their own. Other times, Price would put you in a squad of three or two men, making sure that you wouldn’t be put in a dangerous situation.
It worked for the most part an unknown contractor paid to hunt you down and get Venom to the rich scientist who was obsessed with the alien that he hosted and any other. They were taught the non-lethal way of neutralising Venom, to get both of you back to the labs to study. They would cut you open, probe your insides and possibly break you in ways that scared them, it forced Price to keep you beside Ghost or König at all times, two giant monsters scaring anything and everything around you. It would keep the threats away until they absolutely had to keep you safely hidden.
But it seemed that the PMC had found you before they could do anything, your scream piercing the field, a painful screech following yours. The ringing of what seemed like a high-frequency machine hurt their ears from afar, the painful sound made them curl inward, wincing with a loud pulse in their ears. No wonder Venom was deathly scared of high frequencies, it probably hurt both of you more than them from how close and how strong your hearing was.
Those who were able to, dropped what they were doing to reach you, alarm and fear wracking their minds. Gaz left his perch, flying in the open without any protection, an easy target for any snipers. Soap rushed towards you, hastily transformed with his body still steaming hot, his jaw snapping at everything. Alejandro and Rudy weren’t far behind, the nagual making his own path with Rudy following close behind him. Horangi tore his way beside König, his clothes drowning in blood, their bodies smelling strongly of ichor, a metallic smell. Price had to drop everything he was doing - transferring the encrypted intel from the database to the hard drive - to come to your aid, the only relief he had was the knowledge that Ghost was assigned to your side, your bodyguard.
When they reached you, they saw Ghost trying his best to take down as many people as he could that stood between him and your safety, and you - your situation looked dire - were still screaming, Venom’s black mass being slowly torn from you, throwing you left and right. It was chaotic, watching you sway around, hand clutching your head and face screwed in pain, even he seemed in pain. You and Venom were fundamentally connected, mind and body working as one, your cells sewed to his goop and his strength flowing in your blood.
In a frenzy, they fought to get to you, blood splattered and abdomens gutted, a stinging pain pulsing in their chest that only seemed to grow stronger with every second they heard you wail, choked sobs to cling onto the symbiote who made himself at home inside your body, to hold onto the creature you dubbed your own. Despite the semblance of success, they were panicking, booming orders shot across the field and over the heads of dying men, their shots were hastily landed and randomly aimed as if they were fresh-faced rookies rather than scarred and experienced mercenaries. 
In the chaos of screams and shouts, Soap managed to destroy the machine, taking away the enemy’s only source of protection against Venom, but they couldn’t celebrate just yet, they had to finish this off before another echo was let out. 
“Shoot them now!” 
A booming shot followed closely after the order, a thick accented voice calling for whoever it was to shoot you down before you got away. You flinched back, curling forward in a coughing fit, sickly and wet coughs from your blood-filled lungs. You spat out red, tears rolling down your cheeks as you gasped for a breath, laboured and shallow breathing. You felt like you were drowning, dying by the one thing that kept you warm and alive, the life-giving and oxygen-rich ichor; it clogged up Soap and König’s nose, the retching of their throats and the heaviness in their stomach made them want to vomit, to force out the anxiety and terror in their bodies.
Little One, it was Venom, his voice laced with worry and exhaustion. 
“Please, Venom,” you rasped, blood trickling down your chin as you clutched your open wound, fingers stained as red as your vest and jacket were. 
Everyone watched Venom swallow you, darkness exploding from your back to wrap around you, covering you in layer upon layer of alien mass, forming a protective shield around you. Within seconds, venom came out screeching, large, white eyes squinted accusingly, jaws filled with long, serrated teeth opened threateningly and claw-tipped hands pointed at the ones who made you cry. He thrashed, breaking apart the many groups they formed and cutting through them ruthlessly, deaf to the silent screams and blind to the terror-filled look he received. Venom’s only priority was to exact revenge on the ones who hurt you and protect you. 
He sunk back into you, letting you slump over, falling into Price’s arms, his worried mumbles about your injury and state filled your ears. He shook off your vest and patted you down, searching for the entry wound on your chest, hands moving frantically and ordering the others to hover around you, boxing you in for your own safety. He went on for a few, confusion growing more and more when he couldn’t find the bullet hole. 
“ ‘m fine, Cap’n,” you mumbled, eyes closed as you slumped over him, thrusting him to keep you on your feet even after you slipped away to sleep off your exhaustion. 
“You’re bleeding,” Price hissed, hands grasping your biceps. “Stay awake, love. We can’t have you falling asleep with this.”
“He healed me,” you grumbled, hurrying your head under Price’s chin, nosing at his warm skin for comfort. “Venom.”
He sighed, worry shifting off his shoulders, replacing it with relief. Knees bending, he picked you up, one hand under your knees and the other pressing you to his chest, rumbling with soft purrs to smooth the frown on your face. He nodded at the others, Rudy calling for exfil as they moved, covering you as much as they could at the LZ, waiting for the beating rotors of Nick’s favourite helicopter.
“Let’s go home.”
Tag list: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @yeetusspagheetus @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973 @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @ki-cant-spel @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora
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wordsbyrian · 6 months
Short: The Call - USWNT x Reader
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Summary: Y/N gets the WWC call up facetime from Vlatko while being weird and it devolves from there.
A/n: One of my silly ideas finally completed. That's 3.75 of 7 fics from this poll completed/posted.
One of the biggest moments of your life and you go and fuck it up by being, well yourself.
It's not like you didn't know to be expecting the call. It's just that you weren't expecting it to be a facetime in the middle of the day on your day off.
Which explains your state of… disarray, so to speak, when you fumble to answer the phone, not looking at the caller ID.
“Hello,” you grunt, placing your phone back on your desk at an angle so you can continue your process.
“Hey, Y/N,” the familiar voice of Andonovski rings out in the room. You can hear him pause and take a deep breath before he speaks again, “What in the world is on your head?”
You all but freeze when you hear him and his question makes you slowly raise your hands and remove the over large mask you're wearing.
When you do, you’re unsurprised to see Vlatko staring at you waiting for an answer.
“It’s a Sontaran head, sir,” you say nervously.
“A Sontaran head?”
“It’s a character from one of my favorite shows,” you explain, “there’s a convention coming up and… that’s not important. Is there a reason you're Facetiming me?”
“Well, I wanted to see the look on your face,” he says.
You’re still holding on to the Sontaran head, clutching it to your chest as you begin to realize what this call could possibly be about.
“I just needed to let you know that you’ve been selected for the World Cup roster.”
You’re sure the look on your face resembles that of a fish, mouth wide and gaping while your eyes stare unblinkingly as you try to process the information you’ve just been given.
You’re going to the World Cup.
The World Cup.
You’re so shocked that you have to double check that he really meant to call you.
“Really? Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” Vlatko says, “Unless you would rather not come along.”
You answer very quickly, a sharp no shooting it’s way out of your mouth.
“No,” you repeat, “I definitely want to come, thank you.”
“Alright then we’ll see you at camp in a few weeks.”
“I’ll be there.”
Vlatko congratulates you once again before saying goodbye and ending the call, leaving you sitting there holding your Sontaran head with only 2 thoughts on your mind.
The first being that you need to call your older sister and tell her.
And the second is that you really hope the facetime wasn’t being recorded by the social media team for one of their weird projects. It seems like the type of thing they would do and if your teammates saw this you would never hear the end of this.
You weren’t so lucky.
Because just over a week later, you’ve been forced into a meeting room with the rest of the girls to watch videos that you now know are of everyone getting called up.
Kristie, Lindsey and surprisingly Kelley cry and Trin looked like she had been in the middle of a run. But there’s nothing as odd as you answering the phone with a glorified potato head on.
And well the teasing has already started.
“So, Y/N,” Kelley sys, sliding up next to you, “When do you plan on having us take you to our leader?”
Before you even really get a chance to respond, Sonnet appears on your other side pulling you into a headlock.
“Before you answer that we need to know the secret to defeating you,” Emily asks.
Rolling your eyes, you pull the older woman’s hands off you while answering, “I could tell you but you would just use that information to bully me.”
“What?! I have never bullied you a day in either of our lives.”
“Well there was that time you convinced her that the bus had left her behind and let her run all the way to the training field,” Kelley says.
“Or the time that you let me believe that,” Sonny cuts you off.
“Ok so maybe I have in the past been a little mean to you,” Emily groans. “But! But, I do actually want to know more about it. You said it’s from your favorite show, right?”
“Well what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t know about your favorite show?” “Friends don’t need to know everything about each other,” you tell her walking away.
2 weeks later, the day before you’re set to fly out to New Zealand for the World Cup, your nap is interrupted by someone pounding on your room door.
Opening it up, you’re surprised to see Emily and Kelley standing there, a laptop in hand looking distraught.
Before you even have a chance to ask them what's up, Kelley all but shouts in your face.
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Uh, what?”
“Why didn’t you tell us that your nerd show makes you fall in love with the characters only to make them leave in the most heartbreaking ways,” Sonny asks, shoving the laptop into your chest. “Everytime you start to like a character, they get rid of them!”
Still shocked, you can barely stutter out a response.
“I genuinely have no clue what you guys are talking about.”
“It’s not right,” Kelley is shouting again,. “Rose, lost in another universe. Martha, just up and left because she couldn’t take almost dying every day. And the Doctor had to wipe Donna’s mind to save her life! It’s not right and it's not fair.”
It finally clicks.
“Oh man, you guys are in deep huh?”
“And we have so many questions.”
“Come on in, nerds.”
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boozenboze · 1 year
Hiii!! Hope you’re doing great! Love your writing btw!
Just had a request. It’s been stuck in my mind like a post it for a while.
So what would be the task force 141 + Alejandro, Rudy and König’s reaction to a reader that’s known for being sweet and caring. (Code name Angel)
They’re a field medic but haven’t been on the field in a while, somehow they have to protect the sweet boys and they find out reader is in fact ruthless when fighting and v deadly. (Maybe they gotta change the code name to Archangel lol)
Anyways have a good day/night. No worries if you can’t write it!
Árchangel In Battle
Task Force 141 +Los Vaqueros+Konig x Medic!Male reader
Summary:Angel is the code name M/n aquired because of his gentle nature though it’s always changed when he’s on the field.
You will be referred to as Angel in most parts
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
If the other soilders had to choose the nicest member out of the 141 all answers would be the same.You,aka M/n was a total sweetheart to everyone.Always giving a gentle smile when walking around the base which naturally made everybody fond of your presence.
When you first met the Los Vaqueros they were immediately delighted by your presence.Alejandro was the first one to call him Angel and sooner than later it became his official unofficial code name.Rudy can remember the way M/n smiled at them when they first met.A smile in which he believed only a Angel could have.
When König had first arrived he was quite nervous.Sure he’s 6’10 and was the tallest guy but he seemed awfully shy and nervous to speak.After a few days of him being at the base,one day during training he had grazed his arm.So of course he’d went to go see a medic.Angel being the specific medic he was going to see.König enjoyed the males prescesnce especially since he was so caring and gentle,it seemed unrealistic for a guy.
“Hey Angel~!”König said happily as he walked towards the medic who already had a smile on his voice before the Austrian walked in.
“guten Abend Schatz what brings you here?M/n spoke with a little german added on which made König giddy.
“One of the seargents accidently made me scrape my arm I was wondering if you could take a look at it.”König g said while sitting on one of the beds.
“Ok let me have a look.”M/n stood from where he was seated and approached the taller male.M/n grabbed the arm König was talking about and slightly grimaced by the torn skin.
“Well this is one hell of a scrape if I do say so myself.Well,no matter I can make you feel better Liebe.”M/n spoke out while grabbing the needed supplies from a tray.König was blushing M/n kept speaking to him normally at one moment and the other he started speaking to him in German.M/n continued talking to König ig till he completed his given task and König was in a trance.M/n’s voice practically had him in a trance and his feather like touches were the only thing getting his attention.
“Alright big guy your good to go!”M/n chirped in enthusiasm as König g sulked under his mask.He wanted to stay in the room and keep the Medic company but he knew he had other things to do.
“Okay..., bis gleich Liebes!”König yelled out while exiting the room.M/n smiled as he cleaned up the small mess left by the adhesives and bandaids.
Angel was called back into the field.It had everybody on edge since the Medic hadn’t been on the field in a couple years.Price was skeptical about letting Angel come since he didn’t want want the male to get hurt but with the mission they were going on he was needed,many soilders were bound to get hurt and Angel was a quick man on his feet.On the following days M/n was training just to make sure he was still cabable if doing what he was best at.The male was good with snipers and he could’ve been a sniper if he really wanted but he’d rather stick with his current position.
Today was the day of the mission and everyone besides Angel came up to an agreement.They were all gonna do their best to protect the h/c haired male even though they had new clue what the man was still capable of.Now exiting the vehicle M/n was paired up with Gaz to take down the guards blocking the front of the building.When Price was giving orders M/n didn’t wanna waste time so he quickly sniped both of the in the head.
“Geez doc,ya didn’t even let Price finish?”Gaz exasperated as Angel huffed.
“Well we gotta get this down as soon as possible.Can’t afford to do anything last minute ey?”Angel asked as Gaz shrugged his shoulders as they made their way to the buildings entrance and walked inside.
“Angel,Gaz How copy?”König’s voice could be heard on the other end of the radio.
“All is well on our end,what about you and the others?”Angel spoke out as Gaz listened into the conversation as he shot down a few spotted enemies.
“Start headin towards the fifth floor we’ll meet up there.”Ghost spoke out in his usual rough tone of voice.Gaz and M/n began making there way up the stairs having to take down a few enemy soilders down.
“They should be up here.”Gaz murmured as Angel held his gun up prepared to shoot.
Gaz slowly opened the door just to be lucky enough to see the rest of 141 and the Los Vaqueros.
“Angel I’m glad to see you hermano-!”Alejandro was cut off by the click of several guns.They all turned around and they were surrounded
“Don’t fucking move!”One of them spoke out as König grabbed Angel’s arm in attempts of pulling him back to which Angel yanked his arm back.
“Angel du musst zurückbleiben!”König whispered yelled into Angels ear to which he responded.
“I can handle myself König.”Angel spoke out while slowly dispersing himself away from the huddle.
“Hand us the files and we’ll let you go.”A deep voice spoke out while aiming his gun at Rudy’s chest.
“Nae pumpin' happening assholes!”Soap yelled out defensively as one of them began moving closer and putting a gun to Alejandro’s skull.
“You’re going to regret doing this estúpido!”Alejandro yelled out as the man pressed his gun into Alejandro’s head harder which made him grunt.The leader was about to speak again until a muffled scream was heard gaining everyone’s attention.Price looked around and noticed that Angel was nowhere to be seen.
“Wait where’d Angel go?!”Price yelled out which made the rest realize the h/c haired male wasn’t with them.Suddenly a thud was heard and one of the enemies saw his teammates head rolling towards him.
“What the fuc-“The man was cut off by a knife lodging in to his skull.
“Stand your ground stay alert!”The leader yelled out only for another soilder to get shot in the skull.
“What the hell?”Gaz whispered as he saw something run across the room.He noticed the figure put two fingers up which Gaz remembered was a signal that Angel had taught him.Peace sign meant get ready in Angels code of silence,so Gaz grabbed his gun.At that moment M/n shot another soilder in the head and Gaz did the same.Angel rushed at another guy and slit his throat and used his now limp body as a shield.Ghost punched another one,knocking him to the ground and Soap tackled another one of the others to the ground and began punching him senseless.
König broke one of the men’s spins over his leg killing him instantly before throwing his knife in another’s skull.Alejandro was punching the guy who held the gun to his skull while Rudy stabbed one of them repeatedly.Gaz was about to turn around but the leader grabbed him and held a knife to his throat.
“STOP NOW!”He yelled out gaining everyone’s attention.“Drop your damn weapons.”He spoke out while pressing his knife onto Gaz’s throat making the Brit groan.They all lower their weapons now worrying for Gaz’s wellbeing.
“Just give me the damn files and I’ll let him go!”He yelled out as Price glared heavily at him.Nobody said anything and it seemed to have made the leader angrier.
“Ok..,y’all asked for th-AHH!”The male yelled out as Angel appeared from behind him biting into his neck.The man cried out as he pulled a chunk of skin off the males throat while also ripping out his vocal cords.The look the e/c eyed male gave him was nothing but cold as he ripped the mand vocal cords out his throat.Angel got down and began strangling the male with his vocal cords and the others could only watch as the man’s body went limp against his own appendage.141 and Los Vaqueros watched the male stand up before looking them all in the eye.
“What?I couldn’t just stand there he was gonna kill Gaz.”Angel spoke out as König jumped happily in place.
“No no it’s just the uh-we ain’t expect that out of ya considering you haven’t been on the field in a while.”Price spoke out as everybody made noises of agreement.
“Seems that the Angel has turned to the Archangel.”Soap spoke out jokingly as Angel chuckled.
“Yeah I think that’d have to be my new name on the field.”Angel spoke out as they began to exit the building.
It was decided Angel off the field and Archangel upon it
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captain-pheonix · 2 months
Hiiii this may be a silly one but might be fun to make, I wanted to see how Sniper, Engie and Medic would react to a short, (I’m 4’11 irl for reference) g/n reader absolutely tackling the enemy teams heavy like it’s an everyday occurrence for them. I climb shelves, hop on stuff on the daily so I feel like it would be rather hilarious! You’re free to adjust this how you’d like! Hope you’re doing well! 💖
A/N: gujjdhghhmmgrgg I love this yes! Ty for requesting!! I’m doing headcannons, hopefully that’s ok. I’ll be honest, I’m not doing amazing, but thank you for the kind words!! They mean a lot! (I’ll be ok tho, dw)
Sniper, Engie, and medic x short!gn!reader who tackles their enemies
Can be read as platonic or romantic!
- as someone in the 6’0 range, I have a feeling it would just be
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- just staring directly perpendicular at you
- plus he wouldn’t even have to get anything off high shelves or places for you because he just knows you’ll climb up something to get it
- he finds your antics really enjoyable, and loves hearing about all the shenanigans you get up to (little creature vibes fr)
- he would have the absolute best view of you tackling the Heavy
- just completely not paying attention to anything else
- you probably climb onto the Heavy’s back and get him a choke hold, and get a kill that helped the whole team
- and then you look back at him still in tackle-mode like
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- ndndnf sorry I just had two very relevant pictures saved that inspired me
- might invite you on hunting trips to get your energy out on off days
- probably gives you a lot of post-battle compliments because he can see everything you do
- he’s also short tho
- you would be very handy in the workshop, just climbing metal shelves to grab things for him
- he would probably be concerned every time you get something though
- I feel like he would admire your tenacity, and like that you just wanna get things done
- would join you on a rampage if your team needed to keep pushing forward
- a good view of you tackling the Heavy
- going through the teleporter entrance he just upgraded to find you going nuts on the other side
- a little shocked at first, but after watching you take down the Heavy and save the team, very impressed
- again, this guy would be looking perpendicular to the ground to look at you
- tbh he would want to study why your so short
- even if he knows it’s just how your genetics and DNA ended up
- good helper around the med bay
- would advise against climbing shelves because there’s sharp things everywhere
- on the battle field, he could probably point out people coming your way you didn’t see before
- thoroughly impressed that you just jumped on the other Heavy
- you’ve likely protected Medic from certain doom on several occasions, tackling anyone who tries something
- medic is very thankful for the extra protection, especially when your Heavy gets killed and Medic is left stranded
——-thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed <3——-
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