#that was my thought process in it all because i have had so much transphobic rhetoric regurgitated at me that it just got hard to resist
uncanny-tranny · 4 months
This might be a very specific experience, but I think a huge reason I didn't even realize or even want to be bisexual was specifically because of this intersection of my manhood and the way it's viewed
There's this toxic merry-go-round I find myself riding where I am so desperate to not be one of those guys to a woman that it winds up being an inability to connect to women* because of this hyperpolicing I end up doing. For the longest time, I repressed myself because of this impulse, and I find it interesting. It's interesting seeing how this aspect of patriarchy impact me in such a way that I was too afraid of myself and the people around me.
As a trans man, I felt the pressure to prove both that I'm not one of those men, but also, that I wasn't this predatory trans man, that anything I did was in service to proving why I should (or should not) continue to exist. Simultaneously, I am both not a man, but also a predatory man because of my transness, a threat to be contained. I felt this before as somebody who is multisexual, but it somehow affects me more in the aspect of how I interact with women* and womanhood* from the outside.
There isn't an overarching theme to this post, a message about what you can do. It's mostly reflecting on my experiences and thinking about where my impulse to think myself as guilty until proven innocent plays into how I've started viewing myself. I don't want to overgeneralize, but I've seen this expressed by many a trans man*.
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How it's going as a trans person in Florida: Planned Parenthood, 26Health, and Spektrum Health have announced they have paused all gender affirming care.
To recap, DeSantis signed several anti-trans bills into law this week. Care is banned for minors, care is all but banned for adults, Don't Say Gay has been extended, children can be kidnapped from affirming parents by non-affirming family, and there is a bathroom bill that subjects trans folks to arrest for using government owned facilities, such as those in courthouses, airports, many stadiums and parks.
The adult effective ban was felt immediately. The main elements are:
signing at every visit an in-person informed consent form created by the state
all care come from physicians instead of nurse practitioners
no telemed for gender-affirming care
Currently, it is unknown if existing HRT prescriptions written by NPs will be honored by pharmacies. I personally know one person who was able to pick up testosterone yesterday, but I have also read many reports of folks being denied. I myself don't have a refill ready for another 10 days and will report back after I try my own pickup.
What's additionally dangerous is those of us, myself included, who get non-HRT prescriptions from our gender clinics now face the uncertainty of continuing of *all* of our medical care. Our health clinics are at risk of shuttering permanently as they lose major income, and many of us will lose STD meds, depression meds, heart meds, etc, etc.
When we say "this will kill us," it goes beyond suicide risk from forced detransition.
"But you can still get HRT from a physician."
So many suck or are outright hostile and the demand outstrips the supply. Before I found my NP-run clinic, one physician just decided to not call in my Rx, another was so shit at reading lab results, he thought I had hepatitis, and the third I had to threaten to kick in the teeth for trying to force too large a speculum in me.
Also, the state-required consent form has not been finalized and distributed yet, so at this point, everything has pretty much ground to a halt.
It was estimated that 80% of trans adults would lose their healthcare because of how many use providers like Planned Parenthood, but the impact seems even greater now.
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"You can get your non-gender care elsewhere still."
DeSantis recently signed a bill that allows healthcare professionals to discriminate against trans people.
Sure, we can try to find care elsewhere, but it will be a slow and expensive process, with no guarantees. It took me over 20 years to get my heart condition treated because of transphobic doctors.
What can I do as a trans Floridian?
Stay in communication with your clinic - many are working on getting physicians added to the roster to prescribe HRT. Lawsuits are being filed and it's possible the changes to adult care can be rolled back.
Continue to try to pick up your meds, but begin looking for care elsewhere, though. Inside and outside the state.
Remember that while telemed for gender affirming care has been banned, you can still cross state lines for care. See Erin's map of informed consent clinics.
Many people will turn to DIY, but be sure you are aware of the risks here, especially if on testosterone, which is a controlled substance.
What should I be worried about next as a trans Floridian?
I worry about the following next steps towards genocide:
Banning getting care out of state. This is from the anti-abortion playbook. They will likely start with kids again, but we've seen how quickly adult care gets axed.
Being declared mentally incompetent or a risk in some way. This could be anything from being barred from gun ownership to not being allowed to work for the government.
Being declared a de facto predator. This has already happened with the latest bathroom law (cis people can eject trans people from government owned single-gender facilities, with arrest as a penalty), so watch out for it being applied to privately-owned facilities. Watch for discussions of official lists of trans people.
Gender presentation enforcement laws, essentially banning "cross dressing". Laws that block or rollback documentation changes.
These all have historic precedence and are huge "I'm in danger" red flags.
What can I do as a cis person?
Amplify all this news. Talk frankly about how this is genocide. And donate what you can to trans mutual aid campaigns so people can travel to get healthcare or even leave the state.
Here's some articles to get started on building awareness:
Take care, everyone, of yourself and each other.
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v-anrouge · 3 months
This is a queued post and it includes talks about transphobia and mentions of self harm and eating disorders
Im here to talk and announce a break, first thing's first j relapsed, in literally like everything sh ed and didn't try to kill myself is because of a few people and the fact my pills ended. For a very long time in this blog u have not been feeling like human, it's like most of you don't even actually like and just come talk to me when im being funny and fun or when i post something rook related that you like, ive really been trying to get rid of that feeling but it keeps on coming back and it's unbearable to be in this blog at this point. this situation with Shiba only really confirmed it for me, I saw about like 4 mutuals referring to this as drama, and complaining about seeing it on dash and while obviously you have all the rights to be displeased with a constant show of negativity in your dash, i beg of you to try and think how i, a trans man, must feel seeing you refer to me and other mutuals calling out transphobia and have to read you refer to this as drama and not as a literal crime. I understand if you got annoyed by me talking about it constantly and to that i ask that you please block me, because i have been literally beaten, bullied, harassed and even doxxed by transphobes, I do not take anything that displays even a bit of prejudice against my trans siblings lightly, hence why i was so "histerical and obsessed" and was being so "stupid and acting like an idiot" as someone people would claim. I do not care what view you have of me i really don't, im used to this shit, ive been trans and alive in the most transphobic country for 20 years, it's no news, but it still hurts. And it hurts even more when I see someone say i was an idiot for blocking someone immediately and calling them out when they side with a transphobe, and it hurts even more when I see a person i thought liked me complain about "drama still going on" rest assured that i won't be "bitching" about it any longer
For soru, who cant possibly process why i have blocked you, your take on that situation and your friend have both brought me terrible flashbacks of my own past as a child dealing with transphobia, of being told people like me are sick and are the seeds of the devil and that we are animals or that there's something wrong with us, like your friend said, their apology is both not genuine and extremely poorly made as they still can't accept the fact that yes, they are transphobic, and you soru, can't imagine how it broke my soul to see your post saying you had given them a chance, but seeing the post you made after, in which you literally agree with your mother you should've stayed away from trans people, that's what broke me the most, and j couldn't even speak about it, because it's "too negative" or im "drama chasing" im sick of this, you can hate and insult me all you want soru rest assured you're not the only one you're not the first nor the last one, maybe this will come off as a surprise to the people that are sure im obsessed with drama and chasing people around but i genuinely did have a lot of respect for you, if the hours ive spent crying over this say anything at all, it's sad that this had to end this way, but not for me, I don't care, this isn't the first or the last time this happens to me, but to my mutuals who i am very sure many are angry that i have made this situation happen, perhaps i should've stayed quiet and keep being funny as people like me best, well it is too late, but i hope that you'll forgive me mutuals, for once again ruining something good.
I don't know how long this break will last or if ill ever even return to this account at all, but i sincerely thank the ones that did treat me like a human, as an equal, that actually saw the person behind v-anrouge. you can't possibly believe how much you mean to me
That's about it, do have a great day
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bodycountgame · 1 year
Hello! I was a big fan of the series a while a go and it is lovely to see that you are back. I'm terribly sorry that other anons put you through a lot with the voting aspect of the game. Absolutely no one deserves death threats for a story that they are bringing to us for free. However, I am not going to lie, I always feel a bit worried when a fandom majority vote is what has long lasting effects on character life/death. It was ok when it was everyone voting with an equal effect. Now there will be a wealth gap to vote. Only people that pay can contribute. And at least where I'm from wealth looks a certain kind of way.
Since you have characters that are in a minority it feels... Bad. Maybe I'm projecting how racist and transphobic my home country is on the vote for this game. I also don't want you to feel like this is an attack on you because that is not my intent at all! I love the diversity in the love interests and it was what brought me to the game initially. I am worried that if you do a majority vote on Patreon that characters that aren't white/cis will face a harsher vote. Trans lives are in danger and I was not surprised when a nonbinary character died first. I was part of the fandom and people treated them very grossly (it actually made me step away for a bit as well). There were many options but the vocally out and proud person got the boot first. What I'm saying is I trust you more than your Patreon supporters. If the people can't all vote as one, due to the actions of some terrible people, then maybe we shouldn't vote at all
anon, i totally understand your concerns because i absolutely shared them. to be completely honest with you, i had totally misjudged which characters i thought were popular or not and watching the three non binary cast members struggle through that first vote felt Bad. my personal disappointment about ellis being the character to receive the least votes in the vote contributed in no small part to the twist in chapter 3 and their revised arc (which was Not planned when i set out writing body count hahaha). howeverrrrrr, i did learn a lot from the process.
my main motivator behind making the vote patreon exclusive was that the voters would be genuinely invested in the game and that the polling would be much harder to game or manipulate. selfishly, i also think it will reduce a certain amount of the absolute barrage of wild anons from the first time around haha!
in addition to that, though, i think its important that i reaffirm what i have said from the start: i am acutely aware that in interactive fiction in general and particularly on tumblr there is a strong preference for white male characters, and i am not here to write some kind of gross POC/women/nb slasher. as much as i want the audience to have a say in the direction the story takes, i ultimately have final say on what happens in the story that i am writing.
the main way that i intend to have oversight of the voting process is by who appears on the polls in the first place; the first poll was the last time the whole cast will be available for a vote at the same time. since ellis, one of three NB cast members, was the first character to die, i've said that neither of the other NB cast members will appear on future polls. if it's women and POC suffering in the next vote, then i'll be applying similar logic. if that means we get towards the end and we need a white boy only poll then so be it!
that said, if people cannot behave then i will simply take away their toys. although i consider the voting mechanic to be one of the things that makes body count unique and fun, i'm absolutely not above doing away with it if there are Shenanigans that spoil it, ya know?
anyway, i hope that assuages some of your concerns! sorry for another giant wall of text wow i simply cannot answer a question concisely atm
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rowanthestrange · 1 year
RTD explaining why he didn’t put Then-Three in Thirteen’s outfit, is not an excuse. It is his genuine thought process.
Nobody has to like it, I don’t like it, I understand his reasoning but I would still have done it anyway.
But no, damn it, the trans rights campaigner is not transphobic for fearing the British public’s transphobia.
Look. Have a moment of honesty with me right here. Is there not even a teeny-weeny bit of you that wanted Ten-Three in 13’s clothes because you think it would look a bit funny. Because it would have, that’s why we made funny art about it.
I do not think it’s beyond the pale, for Russell to know that would be the case, and go, ‘No. I don’t want that to be a laughing matter.’
The episode he’s got next has a trans character in it. Deliberately casted as trans. This will be a feature. Considering that it is something that will be handled seriously, him not wanting to start off on the foot of ‘ha ha man look funny in lady’s clothes’ is understandable.
Again, I think it would have been alright, but it’s understandable he is afraid of this. He has been incredibly vocal about trans people and trans issues, he has not been sat idly by as trans people are being attacked as Britain becomes TERF Island, please take a moment to understand what a gay man of his age is thinking seeing all this, people’s reactions, the legislation, he’s watching time run backwards.
Perhaps you had to be there, but even with Doctor Who’s drop in popularity, you should’ve seen the reactions to things like the pregnant man in Chibs’s first series. Russell knows his own joke with Cassandra that was just meant as a comment on her not remembering her life was taken and used by goddamn transphobes.
That he is afraid that your first reaction to Ten-Three in Thirteen’s clothes would be a giggle, is not unfounded, or unreasonable, and while I think he is catastrophising here, we are currently in a state of catastrophe over trans issues and depictions, that he is trying to make better, not worse, when he is aware that this moment will be ON THE EVENING NEWS. For every single Not-We to see.
He clearly is covering trans issues, we know he’s covering trans issues, doing so in an episode where he brings back David Tennant so literally everyone and their mum is going to watch and he knows it. And he wants to do everything right so that people do not just go into it with ‘man dressed as lady lol’.
We all would probably have taken the risk here. Felt that doing this might be more boundary breaking (positive) than funny (negative). But a moment of empathy for why he would choose to do this. Because we might have taken the risk and that turn out to have been the wrong move. That he wants to be more careful than risk adding even a splash of fuel to the fire is completely understandable, and if you don’t think so, you might not realise how much trans people in my country are already being burned.
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bestshipsmackdown · 6 months
I think, for the record, it takes a lot less effort to say “JKR is a pos and has caused unequivocal and irrevocable harm to a minority/marginalized community by using her money and voice to advocate against trans people, and I do not support her,” than it does to go on a rant about how no one is entitled to your “political opinions” on your poll blog. Because trans people should not be treated as a political novelty instead of real human beings. And even if your blog has “nothing to do with politics”, queer people are surprisingly not just whittled down to a political stance you can take, and I have no problem publicly stating that this blog is safe for the lgbt community and is not founded on bigotry.
Yes, I agree that, curating your internet experience is important, and that fandom is not necessarily made up of people likeminded to their creators. HOWEVER with HP, it is much more likely that you are transphobic when you publicly tolerate it. Seeing as that is the main trend when we observe blogs still circulating HP content.
I really never had intent to even allow JKR/HP to even appear on this blog because I wanted to be as far removed from it as humanly possible. Hence why I have, in the past, just deleted HP submissions without even ever stating they weren’t going to be apart of this poll.
All this to say, I followed a blog that allowed HP characters be apart of it’s poll (explicitly stated in the submission process), which was already a red flag. And then, to truly no one’s surprise, when they were (actually very politely, considering this is the internet) asked for their stance on JKR to make sure that it was a blog they were okay with following, they had a very long winded answer, without ever actually condemning JKR [links to give an example of my first thought of how their answer sounded] besides a throwaway line about “sins of the creator.” Which, if you publicly post HP, yeah you’re gonna be scrutinized on if you’re transphobic or not. That’s the risk you assume at the current time. Just kinda what happens when you support loudly transphobic people with no reassurance that you actually can separate the art from the artist.
Now, I have made a post about my views on separating the art from the artist, previously. And I still stand by that post. When I said “There’s some creators you can’t avoid how nasty they are, because they scream it from the rooftops,” and “There are some people who do things that are so far beyond wrong that they cannot be looked at without that standing out as the most important thing about them. Their failures as a human outweigh any good that has or could ever come from them.” I specifically had JKR in mind. It is common knowledge what kind of person JKR is at this point. There is no question on what she is.
I recognize that the person behind the poll blog, that this post is about, may not like my view on this or on their statement regarding it. And I do in fact classify them under my general “no creator is a good nor perfect person” umbrella. But I will not be attaching their name to this, as I do not want anyone to harass them about it. I do not want harm to come to them about this. I would hope they would rethink how they had answered and perhaps actually acknowledge that they aren’t transphobic. But considering that would have been the easy answer to begin with, they probably are transphobic, and that really sucks.
And to anyone reading this, please do not harass the person this is about, if you do find them, or know who they are already. They are entitled to their privacy and safety, they are not actively spreading hate nor harm.
The fault I saw was in the way in which they answered the question. Because while no one is entitled to their political opinions, trans people were largely not a “hot political topic” until JKR stuck her nose in it and changed the political landscape drastically to include the prosecution of trans people. So yeah, people wanting to know if someone posting content, from that monster, is in line with her way of thinking, is actually them making sure they can curate their internet experience, by giving you the chance to be a part of that experience, given you weren’t a transphobe. Because HP itself does not condemn people for their gender nor call for their removal in spaces specifically for their gender, the writer does. The creator is 100% the problem.
People are allowed to post about HP all they want. While HP has other issues beyond it’s creator, such as the antisemitism laced throughout (also at the hands of the creator, fancy that), it is possible for people to enjoy it while standing against the creator. But those who are able to do that, are generally the kind of people who could actually articulate that they do not support JKR. And if you can’t articulate that, then it’s pretty glaringly obvious why that is something you would rather not talk about. And people who enjoy HP, but do not support JKR and would like to ethically consume HP media (without the burden of JKR supporters) are absolutely going to ask if you support JKR when you don’t outright keep HP off your blog.
TLDR: JKR is a pos and has caused unequivocal and irrevocable harm to a minority/marginalized community by using her money and voice to advocate against trans people, and I do not support her. I don’t actually think anyone is a good nor perfect person in the black and white of things. Don’t harass creators who aren’t using their platforms to cause harm to people. I will not be advocating for the removal of any content, because I have a perfectly functional block button and so do you. Make sure to register to vote/vote in your elections. Queer people are not something you can be politically/socially/economically against or for, because queer people exist and deserve to be treated as humans. And uhhh cis/cisgender/cishet aren’t slurs.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
I've never seen a detransitioner who was transfemme. it's always transphobic cis women who take t for two weeks and then cry when they have male pattern baldness, even though literally every man in their family is bald.
I've never seen a detransitioned cis man who said "I hated being a woman. it was too easy for me to access estrogen."
if anything, the only detransfemme people are transfemmes who just pause their transition or stop taking hormones temporarily while they wait for a better support system, better income, or a chance to get away from their abusive family.
and it's really fucking weird how detrans cis women will use their experience to attack mainly trans women. like, I'm sorry but the experience you went through, where you hated being a man and felt uncomfortable in your body and hated every moment of your life so much that you just wanted to die? that's what trans women go through every single day before they transition.
like, you got to experience the same pain trans women experience every day, and you decide that the issue is "people can get hormones too easily"? bitch, hormone wait lists are already extremely long. it's practically impossible to access hormones in the us unless you're extremely rich. also, you had to sign hundreds of informed consent forms, go to therapy for years, and have multiple doctors notes to get your testosterone. and not once in that entire process did you think "hmmm, because all the other men in my family are bald, maybe I will go bald also once I am a man". how the fuck are you that dumb? were you just not thinking at all? that's not trans people's fault. that's not the doctor's fault. that's not the testosterone's fault. that's your fault.
more people regret life saving heart surgery than they regret transitioning. more people regret having a child than they regret transitioning. transitioning has a 99% success rate. (technically even higher since most 'detransitioners' eventually retransition). in any other medical scenario, that would be seen as a miracle.
people with gender dysphoria show symptoms of depression or even suicidal thoughts? and the best way to help combat those symptoms is letting that person do what makes them feel happy? fucking incredible! such an easy solution that would literally save hundreds of thousands of lives! SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE SO AGAINST IT?!?! WHY WOULD YOU RATHER THAT TRANS PEOPLE DIE THAN BE HAPPY?!?!? YOU MAKE ME SICK!!!!!
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judethejudas · 2 years
How they would react to you being trans— MW2 Headcanons
This includes all types of trans— so trans women, men, non binary (which would require much more explaining to the boys). Also it’s okay to not want to take hormones or do surgeries, it does not make you less of who you are. It’s just for the headcanons, my loves.
- He’s silent the whole time you’re coming out to him
- He just stares at you, with so many thoughts in his mind.
- Of course he knew trans people existed but he never figured you’d be one of them.
- You were already on hormones but not the surgeries, which made sense to him now because you always avoided the showers with everybody and preferred covering up.
- Ghost covered up quite a bit too so he felt closer to you in that way. That you both valued your privacy.
- He realized now it was because you didn’t have much of a choice. Even though he couldn’t have known, he felt guilty for it.
- He caught onto the pain in your eyes as you explained that your transition wasn’t easy. You lost friends, family, people you really cared about.
- “All because you were trans?” He couldn’t believe it honestly. That someone would break a bond because you wanted to be yourself.
- He put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “This doesn’t change anything between us and if anyone has a problem with it, you come to me. Is that clear?”
- You brushed the tears off your cheeks and nodded, before Ghost sent you off to do something productive.
- He’s quite shocked when you tell him and he doesn’t make much of an effort to hide it.
- You’re transgender? How? How does that work? Do you mean you’re going to transition into the opposite gender?
- He’s not stupid but he’s confused. Our confused ally.
- You had to explain to him that you already did years ago but didn’t have the surgeries, which is why you covered up a lot.
- “I thought you and ghost were just starting a little club getting all cozied up like that.” He’s so puzzled and asking a lot of questions, like how your voice sounds like that and how this happened.
- The only letters this man knew of the lgbtq2s+ community is gay and lesbian.
- You explained hormones to him and he was just blown away.
- Then you started talking about how unsupportive people have been to you and he felt terrible.
- “I’m not like that, am I?” You reassured him immediately that he was not and he was relieved. He had grown to like you on his team, how you two bickered and joked with each other on missions— especially when you two ganged up on Ghost.
- “You’re definitely gonna have to run it by me a few times but I got your back, (y/n).”
Captain Price:
- I ain’t gonna lie to you, this man?? Is all kinds of phobic. He’s old, he can’t help it.
- He had taken a liking to you as time went on and you proved yourself to be a valuable member of the team.
- So when you came out to him, it was just pure shock. He didn’t know what to do or say. Suddenly everything had changed. About you.
- He was taught not to respect members of the lgbtq2s+ by his family and grew up with that mindset. He knew every slur in the book.
- But you being one of them? He couldn’t fathom it. But he also couldn’t bring himself to hate you.
- You explained to him how you were alienated and hated ever since you came out, so you found a family when you joined task 141.
- He felt horrible now.
- To anyone else, he could be bitter about it and he wouldn’t feel one ounce of guilt. But not to you. This was you.
- “Alright look, I can’t say I understand.. this. I’ll need time to process it since I was raised differently, but I’m not gonna throw ya out..”
- You were happy he was willing to put aside his prejudice for you, but you did need to correct him on a few terms that weren’t horrifically transphobic or homophobic.
- You, Ghost, and Soap end up giving him the nickname of Captain Pride, absolutely bombarding this old man until he’s had enough and making you all scrub toilets.
I seriously doubt Ghost and Soap would be assholes about reader being trans. I just don’t see them caring that much other than asking a few questions, but Price? 😭
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Is all the characters being from Homestuck literal or a joke? (Genuine question, not upset. Just need clarification because that could really be either)
I'm breaking character in this post, for the only time. If you don't want the joke explained, don't keep reading.
Is this a joke/rigged? Yes. Submissions were not taken into account, every poll of round one was drafted long before submissions closed. I had the list of competitors and the match-ups planned before I even made the blog. This was the plan all along. The competition was rigged from the very beginning.
Is this a real competition? Yes! I will be running polls with the characters in the match-ups. We will have a winner. It is still a real competition, and I encourage you to participate if you want, and reblog/vote and send propaganda.
Will you be running a different competition afterwards (with the real submissions)? No. This is the only competition I'm going to run. If you stick around only because you think there's going to be a different competition than this one, you'll be disappointed.
Why is X included? Why wasn't Z included? At the end of the day, the choice to exclude certain characters was a personal one. I'm no-longer going to be giving public reasoning for choices I've made including or excluding characters. You can DM me if you're genuinely concerned or curious.
Will you post the submissions? No, not publicly. If someone with prior competition experience wants to run the competition, they can reach out and I'll likely share the data with them.
Surely you don't actually expect us to believe it was all Homestuck submissions? No, I absolutely don't expect that. The absurdity is part of the joke. If you see my other posts insisting that the match-ups accurately reflect the submissions, that's because those posts are in-character.
Why did you do this? Mostly to see how people would react. The original inspiration for it came from the way Homestuck characters are sometimes over-represented in Tumblr competitions, as well as the way people get really mad about Homestuck characters in these competitions. The joke is that every single Homestuck character is transgender, and that these characters are superior to every other transgender character in media. The original thought process was something along the lines of, "You could submit every single Homestuck character to a poll like this."
I feel cheated that my character didn't get in!/I put so much work into my submission! The reality of these competitions is that most characters do not get in. If you're upset that your submission didn't make it, you're likely part of one of two groups. Either your character is less popular, and therefore wouldn't make the poll anyway, or your character is incredibly popular, in which case they've been included in countless identical polls already. When you submit a character, there's no guarantee that they'll make it. You do so voluntarily, with the knowledge that it's only a chance. If this is genuinely distressing to you, you may want to reconsider how you interact with online polls.
You're transphobic! I'm transgender, and I don't feel that this joke is at the expense of transgender people. Even if you do feel that this joke mocks the transgender community, I think it is healthy and good to be able to take the piss out of ourselves from time to time.
I was hoping to discover new transgender representation! This blog never claimed to be about transgender representation, and explicitly did not preference canonicity. However, if you're looking for interesting transgender characters, I have a webcomic in mind that you might find interesting.
This isn't funny. That's okay, the joke wasn't for you.
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[ID: Anonymous asked "You could say we got trolled." End ID]
Thank you to @hsrips for the promo and image edits.
Thank you to my friends for laughing with me.
Thank you to the people spreading the polls and rooting for the characters, especially the people getting really into the more niche characters.
And most of all, thank you to the people who originally reblogged the post, who were here before the round one announcement, who submitted a huge amount of characters, and who got really upset at me. This joke relied so heavily on you, and I appreciate it a lot.
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beebundt · 2 months
fwiw that rude commenter is a transphobe, a post a few down on their blog is real blatant (and in that vein I think their comment was less a judgement of your anatomy and more saying Charlie is 'too' muscular/angular)
It's rude and out of pocket REGARDLESS but I also think you're a little hard on yourself! You even said, you hadn't illustrated exactly what you were after with her, and you hadn't intended for a collection of doodles you happened to still like to blow up. You're entirely right that we should all be drawing more than conventionally attractive people, but idk. It's a process and you're a great artist who's working toward it! Don't feel like you have to answer this btw I mostly wanted to let you know that commenter was a double idiot and started rambling. Hope you have a lovely day!!
oh absolutely! i have a feeling you're right abt what they meant considering i saw the transphobic comment they made a couple posts down on their blog lmao but i wanted to add that part anyway. and i appreciate your words a ton, but dw im not hurt or upset! i get a lot of weird comments all the time, i just wanted to use that one as a platform to bounce off of a thought ive been having lately. i wouldn't post a negative remark like that unless i wanted to use it for something. the actual comment was mostly irrelevant to the point i wanted to make, which is also not meant to be super serious, just a thought soup to stir around
and i mean my interpretation of my art as purely objective, i think its important to think critically about yourself and in general. from an objective standpoint, i dont believe the way shes drawn is too out of the norm and is fairly tame (disregarding her ox/bull parts lol), thats basically what i was aiming for with that section. i constantly get stuck in a rut without improving by much because im usually just drawing to doodle after a school day and not rlly with any purpose. i tend to keep drawing the same things out of habit and it gets stale really quickly. so i know my faults and im rlly looking forward to getting better!
also rq, what you said about how we need to draw more than conventionally attractive people- while i do agree with that, in my post i was more saying its important for people to be more open-minded about how they view gender expression and attractiveness in general, myself included! i dont think how i drew charlie was very revolutionary, but ive seen so many tags speaking otherwise. which is either reflective of how small the bubble is for whats acceptable or maybe i have a skewed perception of things? for example if having a bush or something is gender envy we need to look at ourselves. bush is so normal to me. (which i dont if thats what even drew ppl to it BUT. just as an example). would those same people say the same if i drew a very fat woman with a beard, unibrow, etc.? i have no idea. but i have had my eyes opened so many times before its incredible. little things ive never thought about before through new perspective. so thats why i want to encourage it too. i hope that makes sense. thank you so much i hope you have an equally lovely day!! 🫶🫶
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a-polite-melody · 8 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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I’m having trouble with tone here. Not sure if this is actually genuine or a transphobe waiting to be like “hahaha see, it IS only genitals that matter!!!”
Buuuut, I do have thoughts. I’m also not really in the headspace to fully flesh them out.
To put it in short:
I think there’s a problem going on here in the ask in assuming that attraction is a singular process, and one that can be applied to every single animal uniformly.
Just speaking to what I know in humans, the beginning stages of attraction are very fallible when it comes to gender, because there is no One Way for a man or a woman or anyone to look. However, we have culturally ingrained assumptions about the way that people look and how people of certain genders will present and what vibes we get from them, and even how certain subsets of people of that gender will present and what vibes we get from them. And we use those to gauge initial attraction.
For example, I remember there being a post a while back talking about how two people kissed at pride or something, and it turned out they both had incorrectly assumed each other’s gender, the skinny butch lesbian had thought she was kissing another a skinny butch girl, while the gay twink thought he was kissing another twink. Upon learning each other’s actual identities, they were no longer interested in each other.
Now, this question is also being asked to someone who is very much multispec, and so I don’t personally understand how learning someone is a different gender than you thought will change your attraction to them from “yes” to “no”, but it very obviously does happen for some people. And that is very much another part of how attraction functions beyond initial attraction that may form before you have ever done anything beyond see the person.
Anyway. That’s about all my brain wants to spit out about this right now. I would appreciate other people chiming in, especially because I’m not sure if I’ll ever get back around to this to flesh out more of what I mean.
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go-go-devil · 5 months
What do you think about the whole storyline of Barbie's dreams and the Cuckoo in A Game of You? There are a lot of implications, it seems to me, and I wonder what other people's takeaways from it were.
I'm glad you asked!
A Game of You is my favorite story arc in the entire series alongside Brief Lives (sorry I have to tie them I'd hate to pit two bad bitches against each other). The whole thing was such an emotional rollercoaster for me that I needed to calm down for a bit before I went back in and analyzed everything I just read
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Personally I remember having an inkling that The Land in Barbie's dreams was all stemming from memories of her childhood, mostly in that her companions all had these childish qualities to them which made me think they were old drawings of hers (though they actually turned out to be toys). Though the element that DID take me by surprise was the revelation of the Cuckoo being a separate entity in a parasitic relationship with Barbie's dreams alongside The Land itself being the original creation of several other women including one who happened to have once been Dream's girlfriend!
Here are my thoughts now: I see the Cuckoo as a manifestation of childhood dreams that one no longer feels any comfort in. She was brought into this world to be the "the bad guy" in Barbie's childhood fantasy epic, but once Barbie stopped dreaming the storyline and the Cuckoo's entire purpose was left in a sort of purgatory. While not completely forgotten, she is trapped in the narrow confines of the fantasy that Barbie had all but given up on due to the betrayals and demands of adult life
That's why she takes the form of Barbie's childhood self; to mimic the source of Barbie's dreams while still wholly dedicated to using them to eventually escape The Land. Much like how a real-life cuckoo chick plays the role of their foster parent's chick only to kill their other chicks and eventually abandon them entirely. The calm erasing of the Land by Dream and Barbie letting the Cuckoo go is a sign that, as sad as it is, sometimes it's best to move past our old imaginations to make room for more mature worlds kept deep in our minds
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As for Alianora, that aspect of The Land perplexed me up until I finally read Overture, and now I think I really understand what's being said with her character. She was literally a fantasy created by Desire for Dream, yet in the end he eventually stopped loving her despite being made to be his "perfect" partner. When he gave her The Land, her turning it into a place that holds the immense imaginations of women for thousands of years is a way for her to reclaim a sense of purpose for herself in her existence
So often women's thoughts and dreams are completely disregarded and seen as frivolous in this misogynistic/transphobic society we live in, to the point where they are forced to either give them up entirely or be ignored by others entirely. A Game of You is an important story to me because it viscerally deconstructs this thought process while also proving the importance of these dreams, as fantastical or mundane as they can be
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winternimbus · 3 months
local woman rants about roxy lalonde, more at 7
i still have the hater energies in me, so i'm going to write up my opinions about meatroxy that i alluded to in my post regarding the transmisogynistic fencesitting the homestuck fandom loves to do about june (which you can read up here if you haven't seen it)
to start, there's a reason why roxy lalonde was so popular amongst trans women and transfems in the fandom, and why transfem roxy was such a prevalent headcanon in the first place.
in my opinion--i feel like this is a my life as a teenage robot situation where the transfem coding and subtext, while unintentional, doesn't entirely invalidate the fact that the subtext was there in the first place. you can see why trans women would latch onto roxy, a character who is extremely isolated, notably has an allusion to chromosomes in her introductory sequence (iirc), has an acute interest in tech, video games, and hacking.
on the other side of the fence, too--it's also worth pointing out that transmasc dave and dirk are also both headcanons that were as prevalent as transfem roxy. mind you, this isn't a jab at TME culture in the fandom, as i said, it's something that i find notable and really interesting! this is also notable for the context that i'm laying out.
so, with that preamble in mind. regardless of your take on the epilogues, love it, hate it, or something else entirely. the epilogues and hs^2 releasing was essentially the fandom equivalent of a dirty bomb going off, and it created such an irreversible seismic shift in the community.
i remember being in absolute disbelief back in 2019 when i first heard about meatroxy. honest to god i thought people were fucking with me, simply because i've heard so much insane things about the epilogues that my thought process of "so much of this has to be bullshit, right?"
it wasn't.
and there we have an aforementioned schism, because on one end--we have a massive influx of TME people coming in and claiming meatroxy as theirs without any quarter, and on the other end--there's the long-standing transfem populace who are understandably upset at the decision, but any attempt at going "hey, what the fuck?" leads the transfem populace to get trampled underfoot entirely by the new TME influx and/or get talked over completely.
personally, i refuse to touch the epilogues and hs^2 w/ a 50 foot pole. but seeing how VICIOUS people got about meatroxy to the point of saying "if you use she/her for roxy you're a transphobe", outright chasing upset trans women outside the fandom, and essentially outright showing poison dart frog colors of "this was never for you. get out of here". yeah.
while i've personally simmered down about meatroxy over the years--personally idgaf these days, it still sucks to see that a character as interesting and with as much depth as roxy essentially get reduced down to "another strider teehee"
hell! i've had an ex-friend of mine go off on me for viewing roxy lalonde as a basis for my gender identity because i was "seeking comfort in a pre-transition character" (which like. meatroxy is just ONE iteration of roxy across paradox space, they aren't the end all be all of roxy lalonde)
my devil's advocate take is that i do GENUINELY think that something interesting can be done with the idea of transmasc nonbinary roxy! but the epilogues just do it in the most boring way humanly possible, and this is why the "pink dave" sentiment still rings true.
now, learning that (take what i say here with a grain of salt) the epilogue writers genuinely didn't know of just how prevalent the transfem roxy headcanon was does reduce alot of the sting, and has helped me to discard my viewpoint of meatroxy as being a deliberate attack against trans women in the homestuck fandom.
it just sucks because both sides lose, TMEs are clamoring over a scrap of incredibly half-assed rep, and transfems just get shown the door entirely with a very clear statement of "you're not welcome here, missy. leave."
over all, it does really suck being a trans woman in the homestuck fandom bc the trans women here have either been chased out entirely (glancing at what happened to kate mitchell.), or have to deal with their space constantly getting encroached upon by hyperaggressive TMEs in the fandom
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not-poignant · 1 year
This is the anon the said 'safe'. Your tags hit me hard, since I'm actually starting a transition but am avoiding hrt. I've been getting pushback on it, and been told I'm not really trans without it. I know what I want to change to feel like myself. Also what I don't want to change. That's probably why 'safe' was my choice. It sucks when you think you should belong, but still feel like you aren't good enough. It helped to hear you have felt the same. I just want to give you a big virtual hug.
Ahhh I have a similar story, anon <333 I'm so sorry you went through it too.
Under a read more because it contains transphobia towards a nonbinary person from a binary trans person. My experiences are from a nonbinary lens, anon, so take the bits that are useful to you and ignore the rest, depending on where you sit on the trans spectrum <333
When I started realising I was transmasc (I'd known I was non-binary for a while) I remember that I talked to a trans man about it, he'd been going through the process for a couple of years at that point and we'd talked about that too at different points.
And I remember mentioning that I'd thought about hormones, but I was still on the fence because I'm nonbinary, not like 'binary trans' (i.e. I'm not going from point A to point B, where you move from AFAB to man or AMAB to woman), and I was talking about wanting they/them pronouns and maybe he/him pronouns at that point.
And he said: 'Oh cool, yeah, hopefully that helps until you decide for sure with testosterone and surgery.' I had this moment of like ??? and he was like 'when you realise and can be brave enough to commit to being a guy, I hope that goes really well for you.'
It was one of the most transphobic things I'd ever heard, not because it was said from a hateful place (it really wasn't, I'm still friends with this guy), but because it came from a friend, I was being very vulnerable during the conversation and it left me feeling like I didn't have a right to consider myself trans at all for about two years after that. It pushed me into this space where I'd been defined by a fellow trans person as a 'coward until I decided to be officially a man.' And then for two years I kept looking for that inside of myself, denying my non-binary-ness in favour of looking for a very clear and decisive 'I'm a man!' moment. It was a horrible period of time, gender-wise. Because being identified exclusively only as a man or a woman is dysphoric to me, so trying to do it to myself was like cutting at myself with an axe.
It's also very much like when gay and lesbian folk would say to me - back when I identified as bisexual - 'get back to me when you pick a side / become a real queer.' There's a real phobic bent among folks who are 'one or the other' (sighs) towards people who are in the liminal with this stuff and that's where they belong. And it hadn't occurred to me that I'd hear a version of that from a fellow trans person. You'd think I'd have learned, right?
He and I are still friends, but I stopped talking to him about all of my experiences as a trans and nonbinary person. It was clear to me, in that moment, he saw me as a much lesser version of an identity he'd embraced and was living. You know, how so many people think of nonbinary transmascs. (It's also frustrating, because trans men also don't need to have hormones or surgery to be trans men, and it makes me furious when people take this attitude with binary trans folk too, but I'm mostly focusing on my own experience here, of the myriad ways we encounter transphobia in the trans community).
I never heard anything quite like that again, but I've had one other trans guy be like 'when you're ready for testosterone, I'll support you' like he was waiting in the wings for me to 'fully make a decision to be 100% a man' which isn't a decision I can make, because I'm not 100% a man, lmao, I'm like 80% of one, and 20% something else, and 0% woman, lmao, which is why I call myself nonbinary transmasc.
I was lucky that through research and listening to voices in nonbinary transmasc spaces and more open-minded trans spaces that I realised that I'd encountered transphobia, and that this specific kind of transphobia is particularly common in the trans community, especially in cases where a trans man or woman has a period of being nonbinary as an experiment to see what transitioning feels like before they fully commit to the surgery and/or hormones and name etc. that they often wanted all along. So they often project this onto other people, because for them being nonbinary was a midway point, or the middle of an evolution. But being nonbinary isn't an experiment for most nonbinary people, it's literally our identity and it always will be. (And any binary trans person reading this, don't ever use this rhetoric with your nonbinary friends, or your fellow binary trans friends who have elected not to use hormones or surgery - it's transphobic.)
These days, I'm proudly trans and proudly part of the trans community, but I'm also aware that there are a lot of binary trans people who will treat me and other trans folk as 'other' because I haven't suffered through the same surgeries or adjustments that they have. That's...their transphobia, and it's not me expressing my identity wrongly, or being 'lesser', it's just straight up transphobia. It belongs to them, not to me. I don't believe we have a unique word for nonbinary transphobia, it all comes under the same umbrella, but that's definitely what it is.
When you start to feel like you don't belong, anon, remind yourself that this is internalised transphobia, not to punish yourself, but to remind yourself that it's not true. Those feelings belong to the people who gave them to you, but they're not innately or inherently true, they actually have nothing to do with how valid you are at every stage of your transition.
You're fully a trans man if you don't take hormones, and you're fully nonbinary if you do. Whatever you need (or don't need) to affirm or express your gender for you, is what you need, and that deserves to be respected and fully validated no matter what, at any time. Whether it's binding or not binding, hormones or not hormones, hormones and then 'not for the next few years' and then hormones again, surgery or not surgery, etc. Whether you're a trans man, woman, nonbinary, agender etc.
People have this idea of what it is to be a 'proper' trans, bi, gay, lesbian person (like the 'gold star lesbian' which is horrendously disgusting as a term and concept), but all you need - literally all you need - re: these things, is to just... know you're these things. That's it. That's how a gay person can know they're gay without having sex. That's how a bi person can know they're bi without sleeping with someone of the same sex. And it's how a trans person knows they're trans without looking perfectly androgynous or perfectly binary trans (depending on what they desire) on the outside. (Don't get me started on fatphobia in androgynous and nonbinary spaces, and the equation of true 'nonbinary androgyny' with thinness, because that's a whole other rant for another day, lol).
I'm sorry you've experienced that pressure to be 'more' of something from society / particular people. I can specifically relate on the hormones front because I actually went quite far into looking into taking T, to the point where my doctor was ready to sign off with an endocrinologist, before I realised that it wasn't the right decision for me. It might be one day, but right now I know I'm transmasc without it, and I'm concerned about some of the side effects with my neuroendocrine tumours. There are other ways I affirm my gender that work great for me. But I did have a moment of knowing that would impact how other people see me, and it's one thing when it comes from all the cis people, but it's another thing when it comes from the trans community as well. :( Thankfully most people are really validating now, use the right pronouns, and I just don't confide nonbinary vulnerabilities with folks who saw being nonbinary as a midpoint of their own evolution/journey, just to be safe, lmao.
Wishing you fortune and strength and much validation, anon <3 You are amazing as you are, whatever you decide to do or not do in the future. :) *hugs*
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alexissara · 7 months
Trans People Deserve More Then Just Acceptance From Their Parents.
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The bar is on the fucking floor for cis people. so many trans people think that having a parent be abusive to them, telling them to be in the closet for X family members sake is "getting lucky" because most the time they are tolerated. The amount of trans people I know who simply accepted actively transphobic abuse or were just forced to live with it because their living situation that had to take years to have their parents become decent is ridiculous. That is where the bar is at so we often say "we're one of the lucky ones" if we're at that level or just slightly better.
We deserve much better than that though. The reality is that many of us have dealt with years of abuse unknown or known with casual and uncasual ways to suppress our gender. From things like passive aggressive remarks to actual physical abuse, it runs the gambit the way parents try to control their children in general. For trans kids this often has a special manifestation in the ways they try to police gender.
I wanna talk about my situation to talk about what I think more parents need to do. On my bad end there is my mom we never had a great relationship but it was one despite my moms flaws I tried to recover. When I came out as trans though I had to go no contact which sucks because I totally lost contract with my much younger sister.
My dad on the other hand was weird about me coming out at first but he accepted it. What happened next is what I think other parents should have to do to hit the bar of being a good parent. Mind you this is an ex military man and a Latino dad. He did research on his own, met other parents of trans kids, he took the time to learn. Then he apologized to me without me prompting it, without me having to bring things up, for the times he insulted me for gender deviance and the times he sat me down about being a real man. He took me to get a Mani Pedi and sat with me and talked with me and actually listened to me.
What my dad did, that should be the bar. He wasn't always the best parent, I loved him always but he at times even got physical, in the way that's excepted by most Latnix households but shit that is none the less traumatizing. Verbally I'd get scared of him some times, he yelled a lot, he had anger issues. The man worked on himself when there was less kids living in his nest though, he got on anger meds, went to therapy, did what he needed to do to become a better man overall. He's not perfect but he is my dad, I love the guy and I actually could forgive him for everything, start healing from all the stuff that he did to me in a major way thanks to him taking the steps to actually make up for shit.
It shouldn't be enough for my mom to call me one day, say "your my daughter and I love you as my daughter", like that isn't enough. It isn't enough to say sorry, it isn't enough to buy me a dress, what I want is the root issues to be fixed and an actual apology process. That is what we all deserve even if our parents were mostly good, we deserve them putting their fucking all into supporting trans people. They could be advocating for trans people to their peers, they should be working on making a better world for their kids. Parents should be able to say they were wrong, that they made mistakes and that they are going to do better.
I think that is the bar for us to have a relationship with our parents, if we can otherwise get away with it I think if they can't reach that bar, they don't deserve you in their lives.
If you like this queer theory stuff from me, giving me cash on Patreon or Ko-fi let's me know, I should probably share more thoughts, but you could also give me money and request I shut up, I'll take that.
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danstupidaushit · 11 months
Cruel, Cruel World (Negativetale Danmaged)
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Alright so, this is kinda hard for me to talk about it, but this was supposed to be one of my biggest projects. I really am a fan of negativetale, and always thought the au was really underrated despite having an entire coming depicting one of the routes being done, and, at least in my opinion, having a very interesting way to depict it's concept that, at first can seem like something you'd see in an underfell take, but it's so different that, i practically fell in love with it And with this project, i really just wanted to try and bring the au back to today's fandom, wanting to of course update some of the concepts from the original au, while also trying to keep most of the aspects that made the original au my favorite. But oh well, the thing ended up getting kinda mixed opinions, as i even got called out for being "unintentionally transphobic" for uh, making mettaton a girl ig?
But nonetheless, let me skip all of this babbling and go on to explain about the au itself. So, the original negativetale is about how the monsters have violence ingrained into their species, and have since being enthusiasts on it after Asgore made up a rule about wanting only the strongest monsters to prevail in the underground before he would be able to free them and break out another war against humanity. And in Cruel, Cruel World, i going with a similar idea, by basically simplifying it to "What if the monsters were as evil as the legends told?", and with that, i went on to conceptualize the world, as Cruel World focuses on taking all of the good traits of the characters, and spinning them into making them eiter monstruous or actual bastards instead of the goofy people they were in original undertale.
To better explain what i mean, why don't i get in detail about the characters?
Frisk: I don't have anything to say about them, they are just as emotionless as the og frisk lol
Flowey: Had gone through the similar process as the original Flowey, but instead of becoming a bastard like the original Flowey because of having no soul, he immediately grew depressed and truly emotionless after noticing the situation he was in. He doesn't do much, doesn't say anything, and kinda just stands around looking down, with a dead stare stamped on his eyes.
Napstablook: Here, instead of being depressed by the fact his life has become kinda miserable, he instead became irritated to the point where he lashes out his own problems on others, gaining more of a smug kind of personality as he began to pester around with some of the weaker monsters he can find, using the advantage of being immortal as a ghost in his own favor to be even more of a pest to the people around him
Toriel: She's one of the characters i decided to not turn into an actual asshole, but actually make her unintentionally evil. Basically, instead of her being mother like and accepting, she's very terrified of everything and everyone, including Frisk, as she would actually reactivate the puzzles in the ruins in order to slow you down from getting to her house after she ends up discovering a human fell down. And her appearence in the ruins would end in a fight where she believes she's getting cornered so Frisk can kill her, thus quickly fighting back as the fight can only have 2 outcomes, frisk can either manage to explain that they mean no harm, or do nothing and leave her scared enough to try and throw an all out attack on them, leading to such attack missing frisk, hitting the roof of the basement and sending it down, covering up Toriel in debri, killing her in the process.
Sans: Sans has the same mentality as the original sans, being very nihilistic, but using it as a way to just not take life seriously anymore. But, instead of being the chill guy that he is in undertale, sans here uses that reason to just be a straight up unempathetic ignorant, he doesn't care about anyone and will actively try to drag people down with his crude and tasteless humor. He doesn't like frisk at first, and will even try to beat them up to kill them the first time they meet, but becomes later on some kind of "friend" to them, not one that can be trusted, but at least one that won't kill you if given the chance. Frisk cannot kill him directly in any of the routes, despite fighting you in the Pacifist route, but it would be revealed that Paps killed him moments after he left you when your fight with him ended.
Papyrus: Also dubbed as Mr. Papyrus instead of The Great Papyrus, is a megalomaniac criminal who decided to take on the crime scene after he was expelled from the Royal Guard for being too much of an annoyance to the other members. He terrorizes the citizens of Desertown (The snowdin replacement) and believes the entirety of the Royal Guard are a bunch of cowards for not being able to handle him and his evil schemes (Something he uses to fuel his ego even further). He doesn't necessarily likes sans, and in facts gets easily irritated by the way he acts, being also the reason for why sans is missing an eye and has a crack on his head. If not prevented, Sans will end up taking the chance for when Papyrus gets tired during your fight with him to get him out of guard and kill him up on the spot, but if prevented, Papyrus will be able to dodge Sans attack and immediately scold Sans away, saying he will deal with you later, allowing you to continue.
Undyne: She's the result of one of Alphys' most successful attempts at making a "super soldier", having been heavily experimented on after volutaring herself to the "UNDYING Project", which lead to her being mutated into an almost mindless beast, being now put as the head of the Royal Guard with the only goal in her mind being to serve and follow Asgore's orders at all costs. She's basically a gigantic animal, she doesn't have much of a consciousness anymore and will go to any length to try and kill Frisk. She can either end up dying by being thrown in the lava in hotland if Frisk decide to cut the rope bridge where she's standing, or can be spared by simply continuing to run away and hide inside Alphys' lab
Alphys: She's the "Actual" head of the Royal Guard, and also the left hand of Asgore, having the entirety of hotland in her palm for her to control. She's cold, remorseless and only cares about the progress she makes in her own projects, having a strange fascination in studies related to DNA mutation and cyborg related projects, explaing why she went on to create the Undyne we see now. She can either be killed by allowing Mettaton to grab her and explode both of them, or can be saved by fully destroying Mettaton after Frisk's fight with them, reaching the expected results of Frisk's partnership with her, and thus, having her allow her to get out of the core and continue on your journey.
Mettaton: Mettaton was an attempt of Alphys at creating an AI to help her better administrate the Core, but the AI ended up going rogue after Alphys could not fully brainwash the monster soul she used to give consciousness to her AI. Mettaton would have to role of an annoyance because she's extremely interested on getting to know the human, leading to her eventual fight in the core's "core" (lol), where she would reveal that she had been building a robot body for herself in an attempt at leaving the "cage" that was the Core and going on to fulfill her dream, which was to be a television celebrity. Tho, because of the appearence she decided to take, having been taken out from the corny anime Mettaton had found in the internet, and the way she decide to run he first show, she's booed to the point she decides to go on with what her public wants, and give them the violence they so ask, almost killing herself in the process (the fight is basically that, her fighting Frisk because she wants to give the violence the audience wants). The thing can either end with Frisk destroying Mettaton fully and deactivating them, finishing up the contract they had signed with Alphys, or actually fake out their death so Alphys can attempt at grabbing the remainings of Mettaton's body, only go be grabbed by her and blown up by her, killing both Mettaton and Alphys in the process. Yeah, she doesn't really have a good ending either way lol
Asgore: The point of his character was that there isn't much known about him, just that he's the king of the monsters, wanting to lead an army of only the strongest for when he manages to break the barrier and start another war with the humankind. He's cold, silent, and the embodiment of pure cruelty. The only ending where he comes out alive would be the Neutral route, where, due to his fight being impossible, Frisk would have to give up their soul for him, and with that, he would absorb all of the 7 human souls and break out the barrier, causing a second war between the monsters and humans to break out.
Characters like Asriel and Chara would not have any actual role in the story, judging there would not be a fight against Asriel or an Omega Flowey, and neither would Chara revive at the end of a genocide run. The replacement however for the Asriel fight would be a fight with Asgore, which i will explain in the next sections.
The AU would have 3 routes, much like the original having a Pacifist, Neutral and Genocide fight
The Neutral route would consist of Frisk going crudely and letting most of the main cast characters die out by the unconventional means i've listed before, ending with Frisk not being able to win Asgore and having their soul taken away by him as another war of the monsters going against the humans would break. The Pacifist route would be based around Frisk impeding most of the main characters from dying, with the only exceptions being Sans and Mettaton, which would lead to the monsters helping Frisk out on their battle against Asgore in an attempt at overthrowing his government of a tyrant. This would lead to Asgore go on to absorb the six souls he had already acquired as a last effort of winning the fight, making the route truly end with a fight against a now version of Asgore with god like powers (His design would be something much more akin to Omega Flowey than Asriel, the same being applied to the way his fight would roll) The Genocide route would have Frisk killing out all of the monsters by themselves, and purposefully letting the main characters get killed, ending with a talk with Sans where he would thank you for taking care of everyone, saying that he despite being an asshole himself, knew the dangers that the monsters could bring if they continued with the way they were treating life, and most importantly, the mission they were trying to achieve. After the talk, Frisk would get on a last fight with Asgore, to which they would be able to defeat him and leave the underground, fully putting an end on the so said "evil" that lurked in the depths of the Mt. Ebbot.
And, i think that's all i needed to say primarily, now i feel like it would be cool if i put out some notes and fun facts:
Papyrus design is heavily inspired by the old concept of Papyrus from undertale, and also the character Dedan from the game OFF (at least, design wise) All of the scenarios would have their aspects reverted, as for an example snowdin instead of being a snowy forest, would be a hot desert called Desertown, and waterfall would be a bunch of tight caves surrounding a volcano rather than a bunch of flooded caves, called Magma Lakes. The reason Mettaton is actually female instead of male in Cruel World is because they are a Trans Woman. Ghosts are depicted as genderless in the original undertale, and they in fact only get the gender they feel most comfortable identifying as when they manage to succesfully fuse themselves with a body (Mad dummy being an example of that, as they went first by they/them, but started going by she after becoming Mad Mew Mew). With that being said, i believe the same happened with mettaton in og undertale, they were a genderless ghost but started identifying themselves as a man after they became the mettaton robot. So basically, same happens here, but mettaton transitioned into a woman instead of a men lol After i had somewhat finished with this AU, i was actually planning on updating my other Negativetale AUs to use Cruel World as their base, but judging i've lost the courage to continue Cruel World, the same came to be for the others. I don't know, i feel like stuff like Swapnegative and Negativefell could use well being based off Cruel World but, oh well. Uh, i guess that's it? Idk if i have much else to say Sorry for not having the courage to continue this, i really wished i could try and bring negativetale back with a fresh new coat of paint but, ig this au stuff doesn't really always work the way i'd expect, but that's alright.
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