#that was quite the outburst considering i really did only make this for one gif lmao
pikatrainer99 · 2 months
Kieran is autistic and you can't change my mind!
Okay, I KNOW that I'm not the only one who holds this headcanon...but I wanted to do an analysis on Kieran anyway, especially since my best friend @sinnohanvulpix said she'd love to see me do one. Credit to her for all the screenshots used btw. The GIFs on the other hand were either found on Google Images or created by me using gifrun.com and these YouTube videos:
I did not use my own footage for this at all...as proof here's what MY character in the game looks like...he has my real name but I tried to make him look like Orange which is why he has the orange eyes 😅
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(Sorry for the bad quality btw...taking pictures of my Switch screen is hard 😅)
Okay, now without further ado, let's get started with the analysis!
First, Kieran has a CLEAR special interest in Ogerpon, he admires and looks up to her, he was obsessed with the story of the ogre, he was always trying to go to her den and meet her, he has a meltdown when Ogerpon chooses the player over him, etc. Carmine even says that Kieran "really really REALLY likes the ogre" and that made me think, "Ah! Special interest!"
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And then at the end of the Teal Mask he gains a new special interest in getting stronger to beat the player...and he hyperfocuses HARD on that...to the point of it being detrimental to both his physical and mental health, as he was doing nothing but training during that time...he barely ate, barely slept, just trained...and that is not healthy. It's a rare example of media showcasing a special interest being unhealthy and absolutely CONSUMING one's life, and the consequences do actually show for it.
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Kieran is very introverted and doesn't know how to make friends very well. I actually think the player is his first friend considering his surprised reaction when the player says they consider him a friend, and following this, he quickly becomes a bit...too attached to the player, as he doesn't quite understand how friendships work.
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(This is also such a neurodivergent way to say "I'm so happy I finally have a friend")
He also struggles socially, as is a requirement for autistic people to qualify for a diagnosis. Kieran specifically has a hard time reading social cues, he struggles with making eye contact, he has clear anxiety when talking to people as proven by his little stutter he has at times.
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(This is an adorable screenshot 🥺)
He also struggles with social and emotional processing (and might have alexithymia as well due to his sudden huge outbursts of emotion), and he also struggles with initiating conversation as well, as seen when he tries to talk to Penny at the League Club. They both have no idea how to even start a conversation with each other and it's honestly pretty adorable seeing the two quiet adorkable kids trying their best to hold conversation. I get it, you two, initiating conversation is really difficult for me too.
Also the way they try to start the conversation by talking about the weather...that's really funny and ironic to me because that's what NTs do all the time. NTs always use the weather as a small-talk conversation starter but NDs like me (and Kieran and Penny too apparently) just don't get that stuff.
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(These two are so neurodivergent it's great and I love them both 🥺)
Kieran also has four in-game animations that I personally see as stimming. The first one is him tapping his fist against his hip when he's thinking or nervous.
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(Focus your attention to his hand here and you'll see it.)
The second one is him playing with a strand of loose hair, usually when he's nervous.
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(The little nervous side glance at the player is relatable and adorable 🥺)
The third one is a more agitated stim that he only does ONCE in the entire game...and that is tapping the front of his foot on the ground. I do that myself when I'm agitated or impatient, somehow it's comforting, especially since for some reason I really like the way my shoes sound when I tap them on the ground... especially since I got my brand new Infernape-themed shoes, they sound extra satisfying because they're brand new.
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(This is not the way most people tap their foot...I've never seen an NT do it like this...only other NDs such as myself and one of my brothers)
The fourth and final one is, unfortunately, a stress stim...Kieran runs his hands very fast through his hair and it also looks like, to me anyway as someone who has self-injurious stims myself, that he is digging his nails into his scalp as well while doing that. I do something similar myself, though on top of running my hands through my hair and digging my nails into my scalp, I also pull at my hair...yeah... self-injurious stims are no joke...and I'm kinda glad Kieran's autism coding brings attention to that aspect of autism...at least in my eyes as someone who does those things myself.
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(He's in so much stress here, poor kid 😔)
Another aspect of autism that I'm surprised and kinda glad that Kieran exhibits as an autistic-coded character is meltdowns and shutdowns. Kieran has actual meltdowns in the game! This is something we have never seen in such an in-your-face way in any Pokémon game, and as someone who regularly has meltdowns myself, it hit me in the feels whenever I saw him having them. His first meltdown is in the Teal Mask when he steals the Teal Mask and runs off to Loyalty Plaza where he battles the player. He yells at Carmine and the player for treating him like an outcast...which is unfortunately something that happens to a lot of autistic people, myself included. Kieran screams at the player and Carmine for for lying to him while doing his stress stim, before running up to the Lousy Three's shrine and punching it, without any regard for his safety, which is also something autistic people may do during meltdowns...I know I have no regard for my safety during mine. After that's all over he gives the mask back to the player and goes home, leaving the player to talk to Carmine alone, who says that she's worried and thinks it's just "teen angst". When I saw that I was like, "...Uh, Carmine...I don't think it's just that, I think your brother is neurodivergent and really needs a lot of help and support because he's struggling a lot right now..."
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His second meltdown is also in the Teal Mask, when he wants Ogerpon to go with him but Ogerpon wants to go with the player...Kieran can't process that and doesn't understand how to take Ogerpon's feelings into account, instead demanding the player to battle him for the right to be Ogerpon's partner. He collapses on all fours after being defeated again, and it gets worse...he looks like he's crying while the player battles Ogerpon in order to catch her. After the player catches her, Kieran wonders why he can't be like the player, and runs off crying, locking himself in his room for the rest of the story. The end of the Teal Mask has him doing his stress stim while being consumed by a new special interest in a very detrimental way...that interest being becoming so strong that no one can defeat him...including the player.
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Kieran's third meltdown is in the Indigo Disk, after the player defeats him in the championship match. That meltdown is a full-on cutscene, where it is CLEAR to see his spiraling mental state through the visuals, and he holds his hands on his head like he has a headache while trying to process the fact that he lost to the player AGAIN (which is also relatable as someone who struggles with processing difficulties myself...it really does give headaches and it is one of the worst feelings when I just can't process what's going on around me or the emotions I feel or anything really)...he collapses to his knees and looks like he's breathing very hard as he is so upset and distressed at this loss. It is definitely one of the most heartbreaking scenes for me because this is a CLEAR CUT MELTDOWN in my eyes and it hits me in the feels like a TRUCK to watch that cutscene.
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Also, in the Terapagos fight, Kieran has a bit of a shutdown for a bit, standing there frozen, thinking he's useless and can't do anything right (which is relatable as I have regular shutdowns as well, and I also constantly feel like I'm a failure of a human being who can't do anything right)...but let me tell you, when the player finally gets him to snap out of it and convinces him to help and he opens his eyes revealing that the light is back in his eyes as well as visible tears...I cheered (and teared up myself). My boy was back, and I was so happy.
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(When I first saw the tears I was like, "NOOOO don't cry Kieran! 😢)
Also in the Indigo Disk, Kieran seems completely different and "no longer like his usual self". His autistic traits are (mostly) nowhere to be seen as he becomes much more serious, angry, assertive,and aggressive. I personally see this as a persona he puts on by masking, which is common for autistic people to do. I myself can't mask, but Kieran definitely seems to be masking here by putting on this persona in order to get stronger and seem stronger as a person as well. This is NOT his real self, this is a FACADE!
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We see him start to drop the mask again in Area Zero when he says it seems like they're in a spy movie or something and how cool that is, but once the crack in his mask is pointed out he immediately puts it back on.
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After everything in the under depths ends, and you go back to Blueberry Academy, he drops the mask again completely, and goes back to his real, adorkable, relatable self...and stays that way from then on, which made me so relieved and happy.
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(This is my favorite cutscene in the entire DLC because of how adorable it is and also how neurodivergent Kieran is being here while apologizing for all he did 🥺)
In conclusion, I think Kieran is a great example of an autistic-coded character who has many relatable traits, and also does a good job showcasing some of the more "unpleasant and challenging behaviors and traits" (NTs use that terminology a lot, not me... that's how NTs unfortunately view NDs a lot of the time) of autism. I used to be afraid of him during the post-Teal Mask pre-Indigo Disk era but that was my trauma and PTSD talking (I talked about the emotional rollercoaster Kieran's story arc took me on in another post from last year after I finally worked up the courage to play the Indigo Disk...feel free to check that out too if you'd like). Now though I can wholeheartedly say that I love and appreciate Kieran a lot as a character, and his relatability is definitely a big part of why he is a big comfort character for me now (please Pokémon put him in Pokémon Masters EX, PLEASE I will literally cry from joy if he gets added to the game)!
Hope you all enjoyed this autistic person's analysis of yet ANOTHER autistic-coded character in Pokémon! I know I had A LOT to say but that just proves how relatable Kieran is, and I love him for that. Let me know what you think and if I missed anything in the comments below!
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animeyanderelover · 9 months
Yandere ciel and alois and ash. And also sebastian with reader that is extremely fragile? Like even a single punch from a child could hurt them. But reader still tries to make it up by always hugging them, patting them and sometimes letting them sleep on his lap whenever they are mad, sad or angry? (Sorry! For making a second request! I really loves this blog so 😭😭😭)
I did something very similar with Ciel and Sebastian before in this post. So for those two, the Hc's are significantly shorter as I only focused on the part of s/o being affectionate.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotecting behavior, isolation, abduction
S/o is extremely fragile
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕ Physical affection is not something the young lord is used to, at least not since the day his parents died. His experience with the cult who wanted to sacrifice him in order to summon a demon have made him wary of touches as countless human rights and boundaries were taken away from him and even if he is slowly recovering from the trauma of that night, now he is the new Earl so he needs to keep his public image in mind. Normally no one is allowed to touch him but he makes exceptions for his darling, although he'd like to keep it subtle in public. Truth be told, he tends to get flustered when they hug him or pet his head and as someone who likes the feeling of being in control, he isn't a fan of seeing his composure faltering. Not to mention the teasing of Sebastian and the gushing of the other servants. Ciel is lenient though, considering that he is already restricting you enough due to your fragile body. If this makes you happy and is one of the very few things he deems as safe, Ciel doesn't see the need to forbid it too.
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛ Sebastian is quite aggressive when it comes to his mate. The urge to keep his mate safe and protected is a primal desire, an instinct that brings something animalistic out of him. Whilst he keeps you isolated to lower the risk of you hurting yourself, the demon still does his best to keep you entertained enough with things he deems as not too dangerous for you. A part of him can't deny though that your delicate body makes it at times hard for him. He's a demon who desires to mark and claim his mate yet he knows that he would only end up seriously hurting you. Closeness and physical touch are an aching need though, something the demon craves and is the main reason why he grows very clingy. So he basks in the physical affection his s/o willingly gives him like a smug cat. Sebastian adores the feeling of a pair of arms wrapping themselves around his tall form and careful fingers tucking at his black locks. Even laying his head in your lap, a gesture far too submissive for a powerful demon as himself yet intimacy his body craves.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Alois is already the essence of paranoid, clingy and overbearing in all possible ways under normal circumstances but with a darling as delicate as you, his demeanor reaches a whole new universe. Seriously, it's quite bad. From the moment he finds out about your condition, he gets instantly paranoid and pesters you relentlessly to live with him. The very environment you live in and the people that surround you instantly turn into big, bad villains in his eyes and he obviously has only the best intentions in mind for you. He grows desperate fast as he begs you to just join him in his mansion. He promises you protection, fine food and lavish gifts and if you reject him, he's likely to have an emotional outburst where he might end up screaming at you for a bit, upset, angry and unable to understand your reasoning for turning his offer down.
👅 His blood boils whenever he sees new bruises and scratches on you and he instantly demands to know who is responsible for it. He has no mercy for anyone or anything even if it is really no one's fault at all. Everyone who hurts you, even by sheer accident, earns his relentless ire. Alois can't control his anger nor does he want to do so, in his eyes everything that harms you deserves to be treated like dirt under his shoes. If he figures out that a person has harmed you, he screams his lungs out until his face turns pink with anger and can't stop himself from hitting and hurting them in return. It's a terrifying experience as blue eyes glimmer with malice and wrath. Even non-living objects aren't spared from his wrath as he kicks the object angrily away when it hurts you, ends up destroying it on multiple occasions. Nothing is safe from his explosive ire.
👅 His paranoia shoots through the sky with the situation given. If you refuse to allow him to properly protect you and take care of you, an abduction will happen far too soon for you to even predict. His servants are ordered to retrieve you and he threatens them to not hurt you even in the slightest or otherwise they'll be punished by him. No one should ever harm you. He remains firm in his belief that he's doing the right thing, he is pretty delusional after all. Alois still throws a big tantrum whenever he finds a new bruise or wound somewhere on your beautfiful skin, it always ends in a big drama. Your accident proneness leads him to become essentially your second shadow as he's always with you, terribly paranoid that you might get hurt again. All demon servants are ordered to guarantee your safety and every time you still end up getting hurt, they have to endure whatever their angry master has in store for them.
👅 His emotions fluctuate strongly depending on your own feelings. If the isolation upsets you at times, Alois gets quickly upset himself. Your sadness makes him a bit crazy and any signs of unhappiness he tries to drown in smothering affection and lots of expensive gifts. The young noble is highly affectionate and at times unintentionally a bit more rough, especially when his feelings get the better of him as they tend to be very intense. He'd probably be happiest with a darling who returns his affection since it gives him a feeling of security and safety. He's cooing and gushing over his s/o whenever they end up hugging him or petting his hair. By sheer accident he ends up getting to excited at times which leads to his touches to be too rough and might result in hurting you in the process. No one is more mad than him though as he's throwing a screaming and crying tantrum. He's possessive of the attention and affection of you so often he demands you to spend private time with him just showering him in your affection and all servants are forbidden to interrupt you two.
Ash Landers
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▫️For Ash his darling is his life, the entire purpose of a guardian angel is after all protecting whoever they've chosen to guard and dedicate their life to. The white-haired man has known from the very first glance that you're special, a precious and pure creature that has to be protected from a world tainted and filled with evil. You've become within one day the centre of his universe as his heart and mind are filled from that day on with the thought of you. Gorgeous and precious you. Ash is already very paranoid and protective of his darling, of his everything. Their fragile and delicate condition make him only worse though. Wonder and adoration turn into horror and sheer wrath whenever he catches the bruises and injuries littering your precious skin, he has nearly lost his composure in public a couple of times just thinking about it.
▫️The world around you only becomes more and more irredeemable whenever a new bruise, a new scratch appears on you, the most precious creature. His heart is bleeding alongside every new injury as the angel frenziedly tracks down whoever is responsible for daring to harm you. He doesn't care who the person is nor would he ever accept apologies and explanations that it was a mere accident as he stains his hands and white clothes with red blood, all in the name of your protection. Ash just knows that he has to protect you, to keep you somewhere else as he grows incredibly paranoid whenever he's on his 'duties'. Not knowing where you are and what you're doing, not being able to fulfill the most important task of watching you and protecting you is killing him slowly on the inside as breathing or thinking become incredibly difficult, paranoia taking over his body.
▫️The abduction happens fast as you're whisked away by an angel who seems terrified to even touch your delicate body out of primal fear to hurt you. The entire home he's made for you has been designed to not harm or hurt you. It is unbelievably difficult for Ash to leave you at all as paranoia fills his lungs as soon as you're out of his sight and makes it close to impossible to focus properly when masquerading as the Queen's butler. Every injury and pain you experience from that day on is all his fault, in Ash's mind at least. You're now under his care after all and he wants all pain away from you and every time you still end up harming yourself, he sees it as his personal failure. That can definitely lead to self-harming tendencies as his punishment but Ash would do anything for his darling so if they ask him to stop, he'd try if he realizes that his actions make them sad.
▫️Honestly, Ash doesn't even consider himself worthy of receiving any affection from his darling. In his mind no one is worthy of you, not even himself yet the concept of a mate still applies to him as an otherwordly creature too. He longs for more than just seeing and being close to you yet this desire is seen as a greedy sin as he should be thankful for the mere fact that he is able to see you at all. He's overwhelmed when you end up being so affectionate around him, although if you ever tell him that you feel sorry for making him worry all of the time he'd panic because you shouldn't feel guilty for this. He's hesitant at first as he's still not considering himself as quite worthy of your life but at the same time every hug and soft touch of yours has his body craving for more. It takes a bit of convincing from his s/o before he starts embracing his desire and starts fully clinging to you, needing more of your touches. The angel becomes pliant and putty, almost addicted to the feeling of your touches on his skin and your warmth so close to his body.
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skylarmoon71 · 11 months
Bumblebee (Transformers) Chapter 5
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You were quite literally running for your life. When you saw that giant robot show up, you weren’t sure what to think. You’d only manage to get a brief look off its silhouette in the darkness before you forced your body to move. You were just barely navigating your way through the junkyard. You couldn’t see a thing.
You just chose a direction and took off.
But you knew it was following you.
It had to be. You could feel the menacing energy like a cloud over your head.
The lights flickered, and when they blinked back on, you swore you’d never been happier. You were further into the yard than you would have liked, but you could see the exit. If you could just make it to your car, maybe you could survive this.
“Do you really think you can run from me, human?”
Your blood ran cold, and you didn’t even have a chance to turn in the direction of the voice. It shot a missile at the car right next to you, and the explosion sent you flying a few feet in the air in the opposite direction. You cried out in fear. The second your body hit the ground, you could feel the pain hit you tenfold. You’d landed harshly on your shoulder, the sickening crack of bone echoing in your ears. You cried, rolling over on the other side to elevate the pain. Your arm was definitely dislocated.
“How satisfying, it seems you are already incapacitated.”
The trembling sound of his feet getting closer increased your panic. You should have gotten up, forced yourself to. Your legs were still functioning. Surely if you just made it away from this monster you would survive. You could live.
You tried to get back to your feet, you really did, but it was useless, because now the metal giant was standing over you, and the horror on your face must have been entertaining to him.
“Were you the one who sent out the beacon? Where are the autobots!! WHERE IS PRIME!!”
All you could do at that moment was cry. Has your thirst for knowledge of the unknown really led you to death?
“Useless worm.”
It lowered its arm, and when you saw the canon forming, you said every prayer you could think of.
“Please...please don’t..”
The tears were rushing down your cheeks, and when the heat of the canon became present, you closed your eyes waiting for the inevitable. A shot did go off, just not from where you expected. You jumped when the monster over you was sent crashing into a pile of cars. A noticeable hole is now present in its shoulder. Your heels dug into the dirt as you tried to force yourself upright. You could feel the heavy steps of more robots behind you. When you lifted your head, a red and blue painted machine crossed your view. This one was sporting a sword in hand as he flipped in the air, landed in front of you.
When you heard Sam’s scream, you thought for sure you were imagining it.
He was running in your direction and there was another large robot following behind him. The bright yellow paint was hard to miss. For a moment you considered if you’d become delusional. Maybe the pain was clouding your mind. When he finally got to you, he helped you to your feet, taking notice of your right arm that was hanging low.
“I got you. We’re here. We’re going to protect you.”
Who were we?
Your eyes drifted back, just in time to see the bigger robot draw a sword. The yellow one tackled the monster that had attacked you, holding down its arm as the other ran his sword right into the robot's chest. It twisted the blade, and pulled it out viciously. When you say the light drained from its red eyes you should have felt relieved. But your mind and body were fighting a battle of control. You pulled away from Sam screaming.
He was alarmed at the outburst. You were fighting against his hold as you screamed and Bee’s eyes turned to you. Lennox and Epps were not far behind with Ironhide. They rolled up just as they saw the scene of your screaming and pleading for your life.
Your yells continued and Sam was not sure what action to take.
“We need to calm her down.” Optimus advised. He grabbed the leg of the Decepticon to tow away.
“I-I don’t know what to do…”
Sam was still battling to hold you down and when Lennox walked over, he gave a somber look, slipping something out of his pocket. He bit the cover of the needle off as Epps held down your hands. Sam was stunned when they injected whatever it was into your neck. Your thrashing came to a slow stop. Your words dying out as you continued to let out desperate pleas. Your body sagged and Lennox caught you, lifting you into his arms.
“What did you give her!” Sam demanded.
“A sedative. You saw her reaction.” Lennox wasn’t exactly a fan of drugging people, but in this situation he had no choice.
“I saw this a lot in war. Get used to it kid. We ain't playing house. This is a battlefield. As long as those decepticons are running around everyone is in danger.” Epps words were harsh, but true. A few years ago his biggest worry was surviving high school.
Sam watched your unconscious body solemnly. He was still trying to process what had happened.
“We have to get her back to the hanger. If we take her to the hospital they’ll think she’s crazy.” Bumblebee stood over, looking at you sadly. He felt like he’d failed in every sense of the word.
“We’re best friends.”
Your words ran through his head, and you clenched his hand. Optimus took notice of the defensive position.
“There was nothing you could have done, Bumblebee." Optimus’s words didn’t help much.
He just hoped that on the other side of this, you would survive.
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tuliptyper · 2 years
HI SORRY FOR THE VAGUE REQUESTS BUT I WANNA HEAR ANY THOUGHTS U HAVE ON DOOMHEAD OR FOXY i enjoy them so badly 🙏 no pressure ofc pls take ur time mwah
im sorry i only did doomhead bc i had more ideas for him and it looked weird to have like paragraphs abt DH and 4 sentences about foxy 😭😭 ill write a separate post about him if you want nws!!
rlly messy post, a mix of thoughts + headcanons with a LOT of projection (potentially ooc) proofread but still shitty
TW for suggestive themes and angst i mean...this is doomhead we're talking about
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- my backstory headcanons differ slightly from yours (please check out imeldas DH headcanons theyre great!);
- i think he came from a well-off family but was definitely abused and neglected. growing up in the time and place that he did, he had no support and was forced to take his future into his own hands. he probably ran away or estranged himself from his family as early as possible (possibly stealing a few stacks to keep him afloat)
- pre 31 he was most likely a petty criminal who got mixed up in some violence, possibly word got around and he was picked up by Father Murder (i imagine it the same way models are recruited on the street and thats funny)
- i agree that hes been in 31 since its conception, hes definitely the top dog, the most reliable and efficient Head out there. I'd like to think Father taught him a thing or two about hunting numbers down (and how to clean his messier kills) so younger/less experienced Heads definitely aim to be at least acknowledged by him
- i think doomie does many odd jobs just to pass time between 31 ; security at seedy bars, occasional plumbing/installation jobs etc. not only does it help with his small-time acting (being able to play and adapt to many roles) but it also allows him to slip into the background of the community. hes not too important but not too insignificant either
- i think the face paint and theatrics was his idea. i believe Father (and co) are just hardcore snuff/sadists and just wanted to see their victims in fear, but DH really took it upon himself to add character (and subsequently more fear) to his job! slay
- being involved with 31 and all, i think he has a few connections with organized criminals, especially considering he has to obtain fake IDs and alibis. hes grown quite friendly with a few respected mobsters and its rewarded him handsomely
- with all this said! i don't think hes some perfectly suave, totally composed Casanova, i believe hes really scared of feeling vulnerable and that makes it hard for him to form any relationships that arent superficial, simply because he doesnt know how to cope well with feeling exposed and emotional around others.
- i diagnose him with (gay) BPD and i think hes very insecure abt that fact. he was probably taught that his emotions were bad so he puts extensive effort into seeming composed and put together around people. one good thing about 31 is that its a space where his bizarre outbursts or even mania is not only accepted but embraced/rewarded so hes got that going for him i guess??
- i think, deep down, he'd really love a somewhat domestic relationship; having somebody at home to eat with, a partner he can rely on, to be cared for and care for someone else. hes a sap at heart, hes just very scared of showing it
- probably wouldn't want kids, even in an accidental knock-up, he'd slip his baby mama plenty of scratch and encourage her to find a man thatll support them. he can always be the distant but fatherly family friend but thats really it (UNLESS you're his s/o then thats a completely different story-)
- probably neurodivergent in some way, simply because i see him as incredibly observant, analytical and calculated when hes focused/interested, traits i typically see in other ND people lol
- my doomhead is definitely queer, he doesnt use labels but i see him spending time at drag shows (in the corner silently handing the queen a stack of cash LOL) at underground gay bars (and had a few fellas for company ykk😏) hes more than aware of the struggles of having no family to support you and needing to make ends meet no matter what (since hes been there himself) so he has respect for such folks
- hes SO committal, especially because he doesn't have many healthy long term relationships. hookups dont mean much to him and really just give him dopamine boosts during the lull of a lonely life (#bars). if you're his s/o, you're his life partner, he would kill and die for you 100%. even if you guys split he would probably just give up on relationships then and there (as sad as that sounds lmao)
- ik the movie is set in the 70s but in a modern setting, i think he'd listen to some quirky, creepy music. probably genres like glam rock and dark cabaret (think scissor sisters and the dresden dolls)
- on that topic!! some songs that remind me of him include
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
Reina Aburame: General info
Wordd count : 1809 Bio only 1662
So, I have been lately feeling down when it comes to my writing and what comes out of it. I feel that everything that I have written so far regarding my OCs and the story seems low quality. I have tried to solve this by rumbling and trying to create headcannons and a better structure to what I do. The solution that I have foound is this, a little bit of Reina. I need to keep writing progressing. But, I do see this platform as my vent place where I post this nonsense that I call fic.
Hope that this brings a little bit of light into who Reina is and his going to be. I will write that with all my OCs, just to bring some context, or trying to, into my fic since I have got the feeling that I am doing a huge mess.
Reina Aburame
Age: (Promises) 18 (Untold) 21
Height: 1,60cm
Weight: (Promises) below 50 (Untold) 75 kg.
Sexual orientation: ¿?
Gender: ¿?
Bio and relationships: She seems quite shy, however that is the effect of the Yamanaka seal upon her for so many years. Once she was freed from the “Outburst seal” from the Yamanaka’s her real self could appeared and be as chatty and lovely as she wished for. That seal sent strong electric shock to her spine every time that she had an outburst of emotion, regardless fi the emotion was considered positive or negative. She does introduce herself as female, but she does not care which pronouns people use with her. Her sibling has tried to explain to her if she feels non-binary like them, she just shrugs and says “I just want to let the worries of living another day faint. I am just comfortable being myself, if you think that makes me non-binary then I am non-binary. If you think it does not, then I am not”. She has never questioned her gender identity. She is really carefree about her sexuality and gender.
More things about her. As an Aburame, she does have a hive, however, when she was infused with the seals the hive started to fade and disappear. Up to the point that during the events in Promises, she had a hive that was less than 100 insects. When she had her hive back, she started to blend her Aburame and Uzumaki side in terms of her jutsus. She achieved that some of her bugs, after a rigorous training and breeding, are a little bit bigger than the average kikaichu, just 2 mm bigger, and they have the possibility to store in them jutsus and seal such as the Uzumaki’s. It requires big quantities of chackra and the sacrifice of some insects form her hive. She sends her insects in special formations that represent the seal, consequently, she can make long distance seals without been caught in the middle of the battle. Those kikaichu that are bigger, can resist the release of the seal better than others. Therefore, those are saved for big seals or special jutsus.
As an Aburame, the first time that she saw Shino she was really weak, and her hive did not vibrate with his as his did. He thought that it was a bad sign, meaning that his hive and he had found someone with whom he could resonate and being loved, but her hive did not consider his hive worthy. The truth was that she was so feeble that her hive was trying to take care of her before even trying to seek for a partner. In my canon, Aburame’s resonate when they find a mate that they and their hives see as prosperous for them. There are little records of cases in which this resonance has not work, (Reina’s grandfather is one of those, and his great-grandfather never resonate), or that it rumbles again as well as doing it with two mates simultaneously. Once her hive was care for and better, she did rumble for him. Although, at the beginning she could not control the volume nor the buzzing of her insect because she had to re-learnt everything that she did when she had a proper hive. She felt so ashamed and wanted to distance herself form Shino, afraid of shame him. He worked with her in her training and support her greatly. He finds it adorable the way that her hive buzzed. She still does, because sometimes she cannot hold her hive still. What he loves about her is when she gets so nervous that a few insects start to tickle her cheeks or in her chin, making it look as she has multiple dimples.
She works in Muta’s family book-café. Although her brothers, Danuja Uchiha and Goro Hyuga, want her to keep pursuing the shinobi career as they do. They do not want her three members squad to be dismantle or her to be change for somebody that they do not know. They are older than she and quite bossy, especially Danuja. They enjoy their team, and they do make a good team and want to keep it like this. However, Reina has seen in Konoha a place where she can finally rest after been the seed for a whole village for 10 years. As a seed, the village ground took her chakra to not just keep the barrier on but also to produce every type of food in the village. At the beginning her ancestors had it a little bit easier, but the Komado family found how to abuse of this, and the village grew without control, mostly because of how they welcomed rogue ninjas. That was something that the noble clans were against it, but due to the “Incident” they did not have form to express their thoughts. They were regard as “things” that protected the village and that was their only purpose, make the village safe AND happy.
She also has three more siblings, two of them have already appear in “Untold”. Chikako Akimichi is a trans-woman, she has two years more than Reina, they are the closest and they have always been like that. They love each other unconditionally, as a matter-of-fact Chikako renamed herself like that out of Reina’s lovely mumbling when she was a baby. She always knew who she was, but the circumstances led her to hide her identity from the villagers but not from her family. Her dead name is Chikao, she liked because it was given by her mother who she admires deeply. However, tiny Reina could not avoid put a “k” at the end. She ended out loving it and feels that represents herself completely. As a sister and daughter. She loves her name and treasures it, her nickname is Kazu.
Something similar happened to her brother Genkei Yamanaka. He is a trans-man, he was the worst at hidden who he really was to the villagers. Because of that he was the most resentful towards the villagers and hates them the most. He would not flinch if he saw the whole houses burn and Kagenogure erased from existence. He is a very creative mind and was the one that put the band together. In an alternative AU they will have a Industrial Metal band, however right now I do not know how to fit those strong sounds into the Narutoverse, but I want to be a Heavy Metal Band too. He is the singers of it, and after he has started to treat his transition correctly in Konoha he has fall even more in love with his harsh and deep voice.
Finally, “Mother duck”, Shiori Nara. They are the eldest sibling out of the six of them, they have 6 years more than Reina. They identify as non-binary and only lets his parents and sister call them by “she”. They actually, their siblings, do so when they have to congregate “the sisterhood”. Mostly, to talk about things that the other three do not care about or are rude, also they do that when they have gossips. They are calm, collected and a little bit overprotective over all their siblings. They got the feeling off been a “parent-like-figure” to them, and sometimes they behave as such.
Reina’s direct blood family consist in her father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Takeo Aburame is her father, he deeply loves her and will willingly give whatever it may be to make her child happy and protect her. Proof of this is missing right arm, given so he could stay with his daughter until she bleeds. When that time happened Shiori came with a brilliant idea that let him have her until the rescue team arrived. Cold and firm in his manners, but warm and caring when it comes to Reina. He is not afraid to call her “Ladybug” in public or hold her hand when they cross the road although she is a grown-up. She lets him do it, those are his forms of showing how much doe he cares for her.
Takehiko his her great-grandpa, he is the opposite of an Aburame. Old and wrinkled he is not afraid to speak his mind and do “crazy” things such as enjoy himself without caring what other might thing of his insect covering him or been outside his body. He is an old gizzer and a pervert who never found true love. His homosexuality was an issue for a village so close in mind but not for Chio. She is Reina’s great-grandmother, and although she left this earth a couple of years ago, she left it fighting and being grumpy. She was also homosexual and together with Takehiko decided to make a family. They wanted to be parents but there was no form for them to make the family that they wished for, so they help each other to achieve that dream. Out of that dream came Buna, her grandpa. He is stoic, short in word and even colder than her father. However, he has other forms to show his gratitude and love, for example taking off his jacket to cover his granddaughter. His heart is severely hurt after Hana’s mother refusal, Reina’s grandmother on her mother-side; however, he understood it an took her child Hana into care. He never thought that she would fall in love with his child and gave him her lovely granddaughter.
Buna and Takeo are really protective over Reina, something that Takehiko blames them and reprehends them constantly. Takeo does not want Reina to be gone from his side by mating with Shino. If Takeo could, he would kill Shino or force his hive to be infatuated for another person. However, he knows hat sooner or later she would leave the nest and make her own…that does not mean that he would try to delay that event as much as he can. He has his father support after all.
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yankpop · 2 years
Yandere NCT U: You curse at him (Make a wish unit)
All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge.
Check more: Masterlist.
Female reader
WARNINGS: Kidnap/captivity situation; punishment (food deprivation, being chained up or locked up; gagging reader)
AN: NCT U - Make a wish unit. In this scenario the reader curses at them after they kidnapped her. Hope you guys enjoy it 💖
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Taeyong is just gonna sit in a corner of the room and patiently listen to everything you say. He honestly understands why you’re behaving like this, it would be predictable that you’d have a bad reaction upon being taken, right?
Taeyong is going to stay stone-cold and indifferent to your blow-up of rage, not even trying to stop you. Yet inside he’s gonna be a bit affected. He does hope with time you’ll learn to love and accept him. Maybe this was destiny testing his love for you. He won’t do anything to you simply cause the occasion doesn’t call for such a thing. Don’t get him wrong, he will punish you if you keep this up in the future, but for now, showing mercy could be a starting point for both of you.
“Go on, speak up whatever it’s on your mind. I won’t do anything, I promise. But remember my kindness in the future, will you?”
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Doyoung likes to think that he’s a calm and composed guy but as soon as you start spitting swearwords towards him, he’d quickly lose his patience. Doyoung would be quite irked at your unfortunate choice of words to the point that he’d leave you in that room, locked up and possibly also chained to the bed, without food or water for maybe 2 days maybe even more if you pissed him off too much. That time would serve for both you and him, especially him, to calm down. Doyoung has very little tolerance to that type of impolite behavior and as time goes by, his punishments would also get worse so you better tone down your insurgent side.
“Look, maybe we started off with the wrong foot but let’s change that, okay? Don’t act so crude for now on and I promise I'll be nice too.”
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Jaehyun would keep his unfazed facade yet would be a little annoyed at your rude behavior. He didn’t go through all the trouble of kidnapping you just for you to cuss at him.
Jaehyun wouldn’t punish you this time and would even offer you the chance to curse at him all you want cause it’s the only time he’s gonna accept it since he did just kidnap you. Pour your heart out and curse him in every possible way cause this is a one-time offer and he expects you to behave properly for the rest of your life.
Jaehyun is a civilized man so naturally he expects the same posture from you, so don’t you dare to break his illusion. Next time you decide to call him a bad name, don’t do it because in the end you’re the one who’s gonna end up hurt.
“I’m gonna let this one slide because I know it’s all happening too fast for you. So go on, show me the worst you got. Take it all out, babe, cause I won't tolerate that type of words in the future.”
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Would be really surprised at your sudden outburst of bad names. Lucas would be so caught by surprise that he’d let out an incredulous laugh. From all the scenarios he predicted, never once it crossed his mind that you - his little angel - would ever curse at him.
It would feel like an illusion or a bad dream so Lucas would choose to ignore it entirely. Cuss him all you want cause he’s not going to hear any of it. And he’s only going to speak to you when you stop with the name calling.
Until then, you’re just invisible to him. Lucas prefers to live in ignorance than to have you hating him (very ironic considering he did just kidnap you).
“I already told you I'm not gonna speak until you stop that. So, if you want something from me then you need to end this. Whatever this was.”
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Astonished and hurt. These are the words that better describe him as soon as the words left your mouth. Xiaojun would be a loss at words for a few seconds, unable to ratiocinate when confronted with your actions. His heart would be torn at you thinking so low of him, it would make him really sensitive for a good while. Would probably shed a few tears and take some time apart from you to think it through and compose himself. Will attempt to think positively and that it’s just your reaction to the radical change of environment and not actual hate towards him, that you’re just a little confused, that things will get better in the future and more importantly, that you will get better in the future. Xiaojun wouldn’t punish you or anything, he’d just try to shrug it off and move on. Things would get better, Xiaojun is sure of that.
“Please, don’t say those awful words, I know you don’t actually mean them, right? You’re not like this, I know it, you’re better than this.”
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Jaemin might be young but he’s way more mature than he looks like. He probably wasn’t too admired by your harsh words, his only reaction being a tired sigh. Your reaction could be somewhat predictable although unpleasant. Jaemin wouldn't be content with you and he’d cut you off rather quickly by chaining you to the wall and gagging you so you can’t continue with your bratty attitude. And if you remain obstinate against him, then Jaemin would leave you chained and gagged for a whole day on your own, no food and no comfort either. He’d come back after a while to check whether you’re willing to tone it down or you still want to be a bad girl. It’s up to you, but the longer you fight him the longer you’ll have to stay chained and locked up. So, it’s your decision.
“How long are you gonna keep this up? Aren’t your wrists getting hurt? Aren’t you getting hungry? No? Okay, then. Make yourself comfortable cause you’re not getting out of here anytime soon.”
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Shotaro is a sensitive boy so he would be really hurt by your cruel words. Your attitude towards him would really disappoint him and worse, would make him scared of you. Not of you, of course, but of your bad mood towards him and the eventuality of you cursing even more at him. Shotaro was so eager to hear you call him sweet names but when he received the opposite, it made him a little wary of you and almost breaking his heart. He’d probably leave you to cool down for a while, waiting for you to “settle” around the house before attempting to speak to you again, with plenty of caution.
“H-Hey. How are you feeling today? Better than before, I hope.”
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kiwixlime · 2 years
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Part Three of the Seven Deadly Sins Series
Lust is a thing of the blood. Doesn't need head or heart.
Warnings: Angst, smut.
Notes: Time to get spicy! Thank you so much for reading. <3 I can’t wait to share more of this series with you. Hope you’re enjoying so far!
Lightning strikes in the distance. You watch from your hotel balcony as it highlights the outlines of the grand pyramids ahead. Sam sits next to you, relaxed, legs spread and a cigarette dangling between his teeth, suffocating you with the unclean stench. You want to rip it from his lips because it truly is a terrible habit, but he seems extra stressed about something tonight, so you let it slide.
You've been in Egypt for three whole days with Sam and Sully and haven’t made much progress. Every lead you find comes up empty and you’ve considered calling in reinforcements, but Sam heavily opposes the idea, saying you don’t need anyone else for this. To appease his stubbornness, you make a deal with him, agreeing to put off your call for one day. Of course, when you made that deal, you weren’t expecting a storm to roll in and muddy your plans.
Sully, having argued enough with Sam for the day, left to clear his mind down at the hotel bar, giving you and Sam the room. The part of you still smitten with Sam is thankful for the alone time, but the saner part of you, the one painfully aware of his idiocy, wants to strangle him and then leave to join Sully for a drink. He’s so hard to read lately, hot and cold with you, giving you hope and then letting it deflate.
You try to play it cool, act like you don’t care, but it’s a challenge. Sitting outside in silence is a nice change, though, and it gives you time to consider your position. Loud rumbles of thunder can be heard in the distance and even though it’s ominous in the dark, it’s tranquil. Nice. You’re enjoying the company of Sam. You think it’s going to be a halfway decent night since he hasn’t made any snarky quips. However, that bubble bursts when he speaks up about that damn treasure again.
You love his passion, his determination. It's all very admirable. But he’s obsessed, too obsessed, and so far up his own ass, he can’t see. You wish he would listen to you for once. Or learn how to calm the fuck down. Do they make a book for that? Sam loves reading. Just gift him How to Remove Head from Ass for Dummies.
“All this time wasted,” he grimaces, flicking the burning embers of his cigarette, scattering them along the balcony floor. You frown, watching them quickly dissipate, orange to ash. “We should have something by now,” he says, annoyed.
“Just let me call Andre,” you offer, lightheartedly, just like you did the day before and the day before that. “He’s really smart and he knows this area well. He could help.” You close your eyes and listen to the distant thunder claps, so you don’t notice that Sam has completely changed his attitude.
Andre is your friend. A good friend. Someone you met years ago on vacation to Cairo. He was your unofficial tour guide for that day and you learned a great deal about him. For example, he wasn’t a tour guide at all, but a research assistant to a history professor. And he was incredibly brilliant, knowing all the secrets of the city and sharing only half of them with you.
After all this time, you still keep in touch, turning to him every so often when you need help with a case or want to pick his brain about artifacts that make their way to your museum. He’s turned out to be quite the researcher. And he knows about your fascination with Selena. You know he’d be a perfect addition to your team, at least for this part of your quest.
“We don’t need another person!” He snaps at you, snuffing the butt of his cigarette out in the ashtray, bitterly. Your eyes flutter open at his small outburst and you sulk. Funny, you think. Usually, smoking is a vice that calms people down. But you should know better, Sam doesn’t know calm. “Stop trying to push your little boyfriend on me.”
That shocks you, but somehow, you’re expecting it. Each time you mention Andre, whether it be for the expedition or just in general, Sam gets tense. It could be jealousy or be he’s just a selfish shit. You don’t ask. You react.
“You’re literally such an asshole,” you moan and slam your fist down onto the plush seating underneath you. Scrambling from your comfortable position, you move away from Sam, needing some distance between the two of you. You take one last look at the enchanting view ahead of you, wishing you could enjoy it more, before stomping back into the room. Sam immediately follows behind, not finished with the conversation.
“You’re the one making it pretty clear I’m not enough for you,” he mumbles, shutting the balcony door behind him. The air in the room is strained and you have the sudden urge to push him out the window. But as the dust settles, you notice something.
His voice holds a hint of doubt, showing weakness as he speaks. And his words are much quieter than before, allowing his accent to come out thicker. You look at him with astonishment, a flicker in your heart being relit at his implications.
“What are we talking about here, Sam?” You decide to ask, knowing his behavior isn’t just about treasure hunting anymore. If he could say it… Fuck, if he could say it, you would be his, without a doubt. That’s how much of a grasp he has on your heart.
“Nothing,” he deadpans, dropping the subject altogether. He heads to the stacked bar within the room to pour himself a drink, leaving you speechless. Well, that annoys you.
You purse your lips and nod, walking to the large bed that sits atop one of the many raised platforms in the room. Your fingers trace over the expensive sheets, treading the outline of the red and gold vine detailing, marveling at how luxurious it is, and for a second, you wonder how they’d feel against your bare skin as you tangle your body with Sam’s. You hate to admit that you’re craving his touch lately, especially since you don’t actually know how he feels about you anymore.
So far, he has been a gentleman, letting you have the bed while he sleeps on the pull-out, keeping things professional between you two. You can’t ignore your history, though. You want him to be with you. Right? Those nice thoughts pass as you hear Sam mumbling behind you. If he wants a fight, a fight is what you’ll give him.
“Of course,” you scoff and sit down on the bed. Your hands are firm against the mattress, fingertips tapping in a rhythm. “You know…” You begin, crossing your legs. “You keep finding new ways to hurt me, Samuel. Do you hate me that much?”
Stunned, Sam frowns, forehead creasing in thought like he’s finally putting together missing puzzle pieces. He doesn’t hate you. He could never hate you. It’s so intensely the opposite that he can barely keep himself together around you. These past few days have been torture for him. All he wants to do is uncover this mystery for you like he knows he can. You offering to bring in another guy to help bruises his ego more than he cares to admit.
“I’m sorry,” he finally says after a moment of silence. He’s still leaning against the bar, drink in hand, fingers curled tightly around the glass. The amber liquid swirls against its container, and he watches like it’s the most interesting thing in the world, afraid to put his eyes on you. He knows the effect his words have on you.
Your breath hitches and it feels like a thousand weights have lifted from your body, exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time. Sam Drake actually apologized to you. After a whole year of longing for amends, you finally got what you wanted. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I am so fucking sorry.” He mutters. “I made a thousand mistakes with you. I thought I loved Mandy…”
Hearing it is on another level and you can’t decide exactly how to feel at his admission. So he’s sorry? That’s just great. Okay. Looks like anger is the first emotion to take over. “I knew I loved you,” you snap, coiling in on yourself. “I hate you.”
Sam smirks and leaves his place at the bar. He stalks over to you and sits down on the bed, strangely close. His body heat envelops you like a warm blanket and you hate how comfortable you feel just by his presence. “Yeah, you’ve been saying that.” He rolls his eyes. “Get some new material.”
“Fuck you, Sam!” You shout, giving in to your anger. You push him away from you as you stand, spinning on your heels to look at him. “Fuck you. How’s that for new material?” ”
Unimpressed, Sam glares at you, his eyes reading between hurt and vexation. “Damn it!” He yells, suddenly, making you jump back at his decibel. “You’re so fucking frustrating!”
“Me?” You scoff in disbelief, taking another step back as he rises from the bed. God, he’s so fucking tall, strong, dominating. Girl, push that shit down, you tell yourself.
“You!” He yells at you, and you’d be intimated if you weren’t so turned on. Christ, what’s wrong with you? Quick, you think, remember the reasons why you hate him. Oh, right!
“You left me for someone else!” You remind him, coldly. You stand tall against him, refusing to back down. You can hold your own against him; he’s not that impressive. He doesn’t scare you.
“You fucked Rafe!” He brings it up again. Again. Is that the only thing he sees when he looks at you? What did he expect? Rafe was there. You were heartbroken. Rafe picked up the pieces.
“Oh, god, Sam,” you sigh with a laugh because you have to laugh because if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. And like hell are you going to cry over Sam Drake again. “Get over it! Why the fuck do you care so much!”
Breathing heavily, you stand there with your fists balled at your sides. The room feels smaller somehow. And you feel like you’re suffocating. Sam takes two long strides to you and grabs the back of your head, yanking you up by your hair. He searches your eyes for hesitation, but you return his questioning stare with excitement. You want this. Oh, fuck, you want this. You’re a masochist. All common sense leaves you, replaced by pure lust. You nod slowly, giving him your answer.
“I own you,” he says darkly, tightening his grip on your hair.
Such a simple phrase, should scare you, should terrify you. But Sam knows you so well, knows what you like to hear, how you like to feel. So that simple phrase is enough to make you break and send warmth between your legs.
“Sam,” you whimper, looking up at him with wide, pleading eyes, biting your lip as he tugs on your hair a bit harder.
“Yeah, dollface?” He asks, eyes darting around your face, his lips so close to yours, you can feel his hot breath fan across your face, can practically taste the smoke.
“Fuck me,” you breathe, sounding absolutely pathetic and weak. He loves it.
Your words make his cock twitch, and he gives in to your plea. Sam knots his hand in your hair and pulls you into him, locking his lips with yours passionately, moaning the second he tastes you. You eagerly return the enthusiasm, greedily flicking your tongue against his bottom lip. He growls into the kiss, parting his mouth to accept your desperation.
Without parting, he walks you back to the bed, stumbling over his feet as he precariously gropes at your body. It’s been too long since you’ve had each other. Your kisses are hot and sloppy, your touches are burning, and you’re already wet for him. When the backs of your knees finally hit the bed he takes the advantage to push you down, finally breaking the kiss. But only for a second.
You crawl back onto the bed and watch Sam pull his t-shirt over his head. Your hands reach out for him, and he gives in, leaning down on you and reattaching your lips. Trembling fingers grip at his bare shoulders, dragging him closer to you, filling out any empty spaces. His tongue traces the crevices of your mouth and you moan, helpless, letting him take control.
His rough hands travel down the curves of your body, sneaking up your sleep shirt and bunching the fabric in between his fingers. “Off,” he demands, pushing your shirt upwards. You do what he says and remove the barrier between the two of you. He sits back on his knees, devouring the view of your half-naked body, your dazzling skin, perfect tits, rose red lips. With a grunt, he knocks your legs apart and you oblige, spreading them wide and welcoming him in between. You grab at his chest as he settles on top of you once more and sucks on your bottom lip, nibbling the sensitive flesh.
Your responsive signals have his hips avidly grinding into yours, causing an enticing friction. His hard cock strains against his jeans and you moan at the feeling of him rutting against you, encouraging him to keep going. You arch your body into his so that his hard bulge presses against your sensitive clit. At this moment, you need him, all of him.
“Oh, Sam,” you gasp. “I need you,” you say. He pushes himself up on his arms, hovering over you. A smirk dons his perfect face and he nods. His eyes travel down, fingers following, brushing against your stomach. He looks up to you for confirmation and you reach out with your hand to touch his face. “Please,” you pout.
That’s all he needs to hear, dipping his fingers down into your pajama shorts, surprised to find you not wearing any panties. “Ready for me already, huh?” He winks and slides a finger along your slit. “Baby,” he purrs, dropping his head to the nape of your neck. “So fucking wet for me,” he boasts and bites down onto your collar, slipping a finger inside of you.
“Fuck,” you groan as you throw your head back. You forgot the magic Sam can work on you with just his fingers. He peppers your neck with kisses and bites again as he adds a second finger, curling inside of you and brushing the nerves that make you turn to putty in his hands.
“Dollface,” he whispers into you. “You’re so fucking sexy.” His lips ghost down your neck to your bare chest. His free hand slides up to cup your breast while his lips mark the other, taking your pert nipple into his mouth, hungrily sucking your skin.
Your hands softly spread over his toned body, giving in to his assault on your chest. Euphoric, you feel, like an itch you can’t reach has finally been scratched. This is a bad idea, you know. But you don’t care. Your head is cloudy and all you can think about is Samuel Fucking Drake and fucking Samuel Drake.
He crawls down your body, pressing warm, wet kisses to your burning skin as he goes. He taps your hip with his hand and you lift, giving him access to slip your flimsy shorts down and off your legs. You sprawl out before him and he smiles, a genuine smile, making a blush spread over your body.
“Beautiful,” he comments before settling his upper body down between your legs. He nips at the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, biting and sucking secret marks that only he will have the advantage of seeing. He hopes so, anyway. It wasn’t just the heat of the moment. He means it when he says he owns you. You are irrevocably his. He knows, hidden behind layers of self-hatred, he knows he never loved Mandy. It’s always been you.
“Sam,” you groan, threading your fingers in his hair. “Please,” you sigh.
“You sound so good when you beg,” he chuckles but eases your desperation by finally delving his tongue between your folds. You hold in a moan, squeezing your thighs tightly against his head. You feel him chuckle before he flattens his tongue and takes you back into his mouth.
“Oh, fuck, Sam,” you grumble, pushing yourself down against his face. He welcomes it, curling his arms around your thighs, holding you down and in place as he eats you out, lapping up your sweet juices with vigor. The erotic sounds that tumble from his lips into your pussy let you know that he’s missed this just as much as you have.
You squirm in his hold, pulling at strands of his hair each time his tongue rolls over your clit. The way his tongue works inside of you is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. Sam’s a giver, always has been, so he’s extremely talented with his mouth. Plus, he’s never been shy about eating your pussy before, preferring going down on you over anything else.
“I forgot how good you taste,” he murmurs as he pulls away for a second, licking your essence off of his lips. His stubbled chin glistens with your juices, but it doesn’t deter him. He goes back to your sex, sucking your clit into his mouth, sliding a finger into your wet heat.
“Fuck, just like that,” you tell him and drop your hands to the bed, writhing as Sam tongue and finger fucks you. Your stomach tightens, burning with desire. You’re so close and Sam knows. He still remembers your tells and as much as he’d love for you to come in his mouth, he needs to fuck you.
He takes one more lick at you before sitting back, admiring your dripping, pink folds. He’s proud and he should be. Sam’s a god.
“Sam,” you whine, reaching for him. And fuck, he loves the way his name sounds in your mouth.
Knowing what you want, he slides off the bed and steps out of his jeans, putting on a show for you. He kicks them across the room, hooking his fingers into his boxers and inching them down slowly. You watch with a blissed-out grin, mouth watering as he pulls them down far enough for his aching cock to spring free.
Absent-mindedly, your hand travels down your body and you touch yourself as you watch him undress in front of you. He tsks and shakes his head in disappointment, climbing on top of you and smacking your hand away. “Baby, as hot as it is to watch you touch yourself, I make you cum.”
“I want you inside of me,” you say out of breath.
Eyes lidded, Sam takes in all of you, rubbing his palms over your velvety smooth skin. He lays his hand flat on your abdomen and eases into you, eyes closed as you quiver around him. He bites his lip as he fills you, dumbfounded by how warm and wet you are. You can tell he’s holding back from moaning or cursing or both and you won’t allow that. You wiggle underneath him and he gasps, opening his eyes, staring down at you.
You bat your lashes in innocence and he grins, pulling almost all the way out of you before pushing in again, slow and steady. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he moans. “Take me so well, dollface.”
You nod at his recognition and lift your hips to meet his. He grunts, pulling you closer so he can sink the rest of the way into you. You both moan at the same time and it gives him the boost he needs to increase his momentum. The way he rolls his hips into yours is addicting and you secure your legs around him, dragging him deeper inside you with each hard thrust.
“Come on, Sam,” you moan, digging your fingers into his hips. “Fuck me like you used to, like I’m your little slut,” you tease and he growls, glaring up at you with dark, desirous eyes.
“Who said you could talk like that, huh?” He says, harshly snapping his hips into yours. “You’re so fucking filthy,” he moans, grazing his rugged hands up your sides, yanking your arms up above your head. His lips meet yours in a clumsy kiss as he finds your hands, lacing your fingers together. He pins you to the bed, hands grasping yours tightly as he thrusts into you with sharp, quick movements. It’s hard, possessive sex and it’s everything you’ve been craving.
“Missed you,” you pant hotly into his mouth. “Missed your cock. Missed -- fuck --” you cry out once Sam hits that spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. “Oh, fuck, Sam, I missed the way you fuck me.”
He groans in return, burying his face into your neck, scraping his teeth against your sweat-glazed, salty skin. His fingers untangle with yours, gliding down, roaming over every surface, every dip of your body. Like he needs to have his hands on you, needs to touch you everywhere to make up for lost time. Because he’s missed you, too, everything about you.
“I fuck you good, huh? I’m the only one who can make you feel like this.” He doesn’t ask you. He tells you.
Your hands slide down his back, dragging your nails across his skin as you let out breathy moans. You hear him hiss in your ear and his hips speed up so that you’re bouncing underneath him, body gliding across the silk sheets as his hard dick pounds into you. You know scratching is a turn-on for him and this reaction is exactly what you wanted.
“Keep doing it,” he commands in a husky voice. He kisses up your neck, to your jaw, before capturing your bottom lip between his teeth. He tugs a moan out of you, using the advantage to slide his tongue into your mouth, admiring your sweet taste.
“Shit, don’t stop,” you mewl, clawing down his chest, breaking the skin, marking him as yours. You’re on edge, ready to unravel already. Sam fucks you so well, and his touch is all-consuming. “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” you sigh, head thrown back in bliss. He tries to kiss you again, but you're moaning so hard and loud. It's messy. Hot.
“Look at me,” he orders and you snap your eyes open, practically peering into his soul. His sadistic, charming, dark soul. He grins as your eyes meet, shooting you a wink. “Say my name.”
You’re so close and you can tell Sam is too by the way his movements get sloppier and you know that he loves it when you moan his name. Who are you to deny him the same pleasure he’s giving you?
“Sam,” you purr and lick your lips. And as you expect, Sam’s movements falter. He locks his arms on either side of you and fucks into your needy pussy as fast as he can. You reach down to touch yourself, but Sam slaps your hand away.
“Please,” you pout, wiggling beneath him, earning a grunt in response.
“No,” he smiles, that damn cocky smile that makes your walls tighten around him.
“Let me cum, Sam,” you plead, your release building up with Sam’s endless motions.
“Beg for it,” he smirks, his fingers teasing you, just barely brushing your aching clit. He knows the power he holds over you, and it's scary. But what you don't know, what he's been too afraid to share, is that you have the same effect on him.
“Please Sam,” you cry out, grinding against him, taking his cock like the good girl you are. “I need to cum, please,” you whimper.
“Oh,” he groans and slows the dirty drag of his cock, teasing you to the brink. “Good girl. Such a good girl for me.”
His praises and the steady flick of his fingers make you reach your climax quicker than you anticipated. But it's been a long time coming. Ha. You cum with a loud moan of Sam’s name, tightening your legs around him, giving him everything you have, which he selfishly takes.
“Fuck, dollface,” he grunts, turned on by your sounds and the fact that he can still make you cum just as hard as before. He’s missed the faces you make when you’re being fucked just right; missed the way your body molds perfectly with his. All of these feelings pool together to bring him close to orgasm. “Gonna cum,” he pants.
“Cum for me, Sam, let me feel you,” you murmur in between gasps. “Please, baby.”
“Shit, fuck,” he groans, melting at your words. He comes undone quickly, spilling his release deep inside of you, how you like it. You coax him through his climax with your hands and your lips, caressing his hot body. "Mine," you hear him whisper and you feel that heat building up inside of you again.
Exhaustion hits him quickly and he collapses on top of you, hot and heavy breath tickling your skin. His arms are wobbly as he rolls off of you, a light chuckle escaping him. He pulls you close to his sticky body and you sigh.
You lay in bed next to him, your legs tangled with his. The fancy sheet barely covers your sweaty body. Sam’s breathing is labored, and his hold on you is strong, possessive. Closing your eyes, listening to your heart pound in your chest, you wonder if this is love between you two…or just lust.
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how do you think rinharu will solve this issue? having rin stay in japan won't solve haru's abandonment issues and i wonder if competitive swimming is meant for haru, he seems to struggle a lot
Nah-ah, competitive swimming is not the problem here. He has the same amount of struggles with it as Rin and Ikuya. He actually as we saw in s3 surprisingly likes it a lot, and he was very excited about taking on Albert and he wasn't even upset about losing to him, he got worked up. It's like yeah, he takes pressure from others worse than Rin, but Rin for example is taking loses far worse than Haru. But this in fact doesn't mean they can't handle those. They both know that it's just how competitions are and they both knew what they were going for. And when Haru is happy, trash-talking opponents make him go lol and he just has his fun with this too.
The additional stress just simply unlocked the real reason why he's hurt. If it wasn't for this Rin thing he carries with him for like 10 years this would be nothing. Stress from the competition, but more specifically the fact that Albert kinda took away his main stress-relief by "polluting" the water just gave it a rise, but it's not the cause of that. Thinking of Rin easily resolved the "water pollution", letting him pass the free race. It's watching Rin lose and taking it this way that just triggered his ptsd.
The problem was and is what Aki said back when they were little “Nanase-kun seems like he can do anything all by himself, doesn’t he? He’s good at studying and sports and even art. He really can do anything, right? That’s why everyone relies on him, but it would really be something for Nanase-kun to rely on anyone, wouldn’t it?”
It's the fact that he feels too much, feels for everyone and his inability to ask for help in this case from the only person who can help him and from whom he needs it the most.
The problem is that last year when Hiyori decided to laugh about Rin leaving him into his face, rubbed salt into his deepest wound, Haru in return only gave him positive energy, swam with him, gave him happy Ikuya back and watched them being happy while smiling. Did Hiyori maybe say that he didn't mean those words? No. Did someone else the moment he said it corrected him? No. Where do you think stuff like this go?
The problem is that s1 drama was resolved just for Rin. It was never resolved for Haru. It's been just piling up for like 7 years now. I once again will say it, Rin only told Rei that none of that was Haru's fault, Haru still to this day thinks it is.
As for the second part, in my opinion, this isn't quite just about his abandonment issues, it's about his Rin issue. Bc it really doesn't matter if he's in Japan or not in Japan, in a free race or not in a free race (bc whether Rin chose to swim free or not, Rin is right there, and they can still be on a relay team together, and travel together etc). This is only partially about his fear of him leaving.
The problem here is that for Haru it's never enough. When everything was fine and he could swim against Rin and had a great relay team of his friends, he wasn't satisfied.
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Rin was near the whole season, he still missed him.
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They spent whole days alone together, was that enough? No. He still didn't want him to leave.
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But saying stuff like "I know we came here to support our kohais, but please, don't leave, sit with me, not with them" is selfish, no matter how much you want it.
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Here he is right next to him. Still not enough.
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My point is.. thats not what this is about and I'm pretty sure that's not what Haru's talking about. It's bc he always does everything to stay with him for as long as possible, but Rin is blind as a bat and deaf as a doornail.
And I don't really know what else you can say in some situations. Bc like when Rin spent the night at Haru's and Haru asked him to wake him up at 5am just to spend more time with him Rin answered with something like "hahaha that's great, good night".
And I will never in general understand how Rin even translates what Haru says. Bc when Haru asked him to call, Rin read it as "let me disappear for 5 years, go home for each holiday and avoid you like a plague".
And this outburst of "the greatest pain of my life is when you leave" was read as "let me just leave again".
The problem is Haru tried and tried to ask and show things in many different ways (which was pretty hard considering how he is), but couldn't ask directly for what he really wanted for obvious reasons. And no joke, there is a chance that Rin still wouldn't get it even if he did.
Rationally I think the resolve would be pretty simple, Rin will just enter the free race, bring him back and they'll talk after that.
It's just that with the way this set up right now, for Haru to be happy... I only see one option for how this talk can go, that I always was sure this anime can't give us. But then again I also do not quite get why even go there then.
I guess what I mean is with all my imagination I can't understand how he can ask for help in this situation, except for like I wrote here to ask him "just... be with me. I really need you to just be with me." If he already admitted how much it hurt him each time he left, idk what he's supposed to say at this point.. "please, stay and love me"? also "please, tell me what happened all those years ago isn't my fault" (he won't, bc he thinks it is), "please tell me you painfully missed me each time you were away too" (not to this extent, no, at least first times)?
What I personally want is same thing as in a fic for Rin to ask him to just tell him the truth, ask him to "please, I need you to talk". Gradually, step by step, from the beginning, all that's been eating him up all this years. Just to please tell Rin everything, so he could honestly reassure him, clear up all their misunderstandings, just TALK.
Bc if he let it all out, Rin can easily erase all of Haru's doubts and that nonsense that he is the reason why Rin never stays, that he was the reason he left in the first place etc, and eradicate the root of the problem, after this Haru would stop reacting to each time Rin leaves for a grocery store as if it's WW3.
P.S. I honestly think everyone should just go turn on Sam Smith - My Oasis and cry with Haru, bc this is probably the closest it can come to explain how he feels and just the whole mood for this situation rn. Like I've made a gifset to this a while ago, but rn the whole song is just super on point.
P.P.S. what I'm saying shortly is we all know how you can stop Haru's struggles easily, but what they would come up with hell if I know.
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Request: Trio (Caius Volturi x Reader x Athenodora Volturi)
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You should have considered yourself lucky. This should have been heaven to you. Yet as the days went on, you began to notice more and more tiny details that no longer made it perfect. 
Caius and Athenodora married long before you or many of the generations before you existed. That didn't bother you. You knew the pair were thousands of years old. Whilst you weren't married to them or necessarily expecting a marriage you couldn't help but notice just how enthralled the two were with each other and left you on the outside to get what ever is left of their love. It had came up many times. All of such conversations ended with the same assurance that wasn't the case. You tried to make that comforting to you but it wasn't. It simply felt like it was a lie, something to keep you content for the time being. 
After some time the feeling never left and you began to distance yourself from the two. You didn't see either of them as often and were able to make up an excuse several times when the two requested your presence. They hadn't pushed it yet but you knew you'd have to get more creative eventually. 
On this particular day, you couldn't avoid Athenodora. Not amount of trying to get out of it subtly was working. Thankfully, you hadn't seen Caius and it was only Athenodora. She was a lot easier to avoid than Caius. You entered the room and Sulpicia left almost immediately to her own quarters. "Hi," You said softly, barely making eye contact with her. "Where would you want this?" It was more books from the library seeing as the wives weren't allowed to go down their on their own. "Over there is fine." Athenodora said with a smile, pointing to the table at the far wall of the room between the windows. You silently cursed hoping you could have just make another excuse but them somewhere closer and hurry off. Going to the other side of the room meant it wouldn't be so easy leaving. You nodded, briskly walking to the table and placing the books down on the table. 
You paused, just how were you going to get out of this situation? You stared down at the books. You had no idea what you were going to say. "Are you alright?" You heard Athenodora ask from behind you. "Yes." You said quickly. "I was just thinking about what the receptionist had said to me before, I think I better head down and see what she needs." Just as you finished the sentence you stiffened feeling hands on your waist from behind. "What are you doing?" You asked, a little too hurriedly than you had liked. "Hoping to get at least get some of your time." Athenodora answered. "It's been weeks since I've probably had your company." Her grip got a little firmer. "I'm sorry, I've just been busy recently-." "Why are you lying to me?" Your heart nearly came out of your throat, your eyes wide. You knew it was a crappy lie. Athenodora continued. "We caught on after the first few times. You're avoiding us." Just like that it had gotten worse. "Can you let go please?" You asked. "Can I get some answers?" She responded but released her hold on you. You moved to make space between you both. "I can't do this right now." You said, eyes to the floor. "We're worried, (Y/N). Tell me what's wrong and we can fix it." Athenodora said as though lightly pleading. You shook your head. Hurrying towards the door as Athenodora moved towards you. "(Y/N), stop." Athenodora said sharply and you froze in place. That really did work on you every time. "Give me a hug, please." She asked softer. You were silent for a moment. "If I do, will you let me leave?" Her jaw twisted, hurt in her eyes. "Yes." She said stiffly. You quickly moved towards her before hugging her. She hugged you to her tightly, enjoying the moment that had become so rare. You loved Athenodora just as you did Caius hit you felt at this point giving such acts of affection was a betrayal to yourself. "Just tell me something." She whispered quietly. "Even just one sentence. Please, tell me."  "I think I'm his toy and I think I'm your toy too." You said quietly before forcibly breaking yourself out of her hold. You barely caught her look of hurt once again before quickly taking your leave. 
Barely two hours later, Caius stormed into your room. "You upset her." He seethed. It was clear he was absolutely livid with you. "It wasn't my intention." You said lowly, your back to him, looking down at something on your desk. "Look at me!" Caius demanded. You closed your eyes but turned to look at him. "You've hurt her. You've hurt me." He said icily. "I can't help how I feel. I apologise that my feelings hurt you. It's why I kept to myself in the first place. Athenodora asked." "Do not make excuses for yourself!" Caius snapped. "You do not get to say such a thing and then walk away. You do not get to be so cold towards Athenodora!" You had nothing to say to that. You had done your best with the situation, tried to protect them both. "You're coming with me, now! We're going through this again!" Caius demanded. "I don't want to do this right now." You said rigidly. "I didn't want to deal with this again. I didn't want to find my wife upset. We don't want to lose you or upset you but here we are! None of us want to do this but we are so come!" Caius left no room to argue...as usual. 
Athenodora looked up as Caius entered the room, you one step behind him and looking very uncomfortable. "I'm sorry I upset you. It wasn't my intention." You said to her quietly. She stepped forward. "You both know I'm sorry, so can we go past the punishing me part so I can leave?" "No." Caius said sharply. "That. That right there is the problem. You think you're here to be punished for this. You couldn't be more wrong. Something is wrong and we're getting to the bottom of it." He pointed a finger at you. "There is something wrong that is making you cold and distant. We gave you time and space after you avoided us the first three times and clearly it has done nothing but grown. We don't recognise this side of you (Y/N) and quite frankly, we don't like it either." "And I don't get a say in this? This is you two giving me space? Demanding I bear my heart and soul to you so you can scream at me?" You responded coldly, seemingly proving their point. "We don't want to punish you, (Y/N)." Athenodora tried. "We want to help. Something has changed and that's alright, just let us help you through it." "Why?" You asked quizzically. "I hurt your feelings, Caius' too and the first thing that happened was Caius' stormed into my room and demanded I have this conversation." "We think whatever this is, you're holding onto it so that you don't hurt anyone but it's hurting you and by extension that hurts us. We just want to help." Athenodora said softly. "So you've already decided what this is before I even came into it. You two have discussed this without me..." You scoffed. "...and you wonder why I feel the way I do." The room was silent for a moment. "Which is what?" Caius' eyes narrowed on you. Athenodora looked to Caius and you felt a flash of fear. You had said too much. 
You slowly shook your head looking down. "No, say it. We want to hear you say it. Stop clinging onto it and say what is clearly consuming you!" Caius demanded. Your eyes got darker and darker. The two noticed as whatever was going through your head started to overwhelm you. "You can tell us. Sweetheart, we want to help." Athenodora tried. "Stop it!" You said quickly, covering your face. "Say it, (Y/N). You have a nasty habit of bottling things up to the point we need to pry it out of you. Which is exactly what we're doing now. It's time." Caius said, moving closer. "Do you not love us anymore?" Athenodora guessed, trying to help you. "No, that's not it!" You said, behind your hands.  "This is ridiculous! This isn't healthy how-" Your outburst interrupted Caius. "I still feel like a hobby!" You cried out. "I feel that you two are each other's priority and I get what's left. I'm just an extension of your relationship!" Your eyes widened. You had said it. Out loud. The two looked taken aback. "Oh, damn it!" You cried out, sinking to your knees. Athenodora was quick to catch you, lowering to the ground with you. She pulled you against her as you curled up into a ball. Her arms wrapping over your back. "What-" Caius began but Athenodora cut him off. "Give them a minute." She said to him, voice firm but her hold on you comforting. 
This wasn't new to Caius and Athenodora. It had bothered you for a long time but never to this extent. They had hoped that with time, you could move past it. It was known you bottled up your emotions and the pair tried to get you break the habit but sometimes you'd rather destroy yourself than tell them what you were feeling. They loved you too much to let that happen. It pained them to see that you rarely felt better when you told them. You felt guilty, caring about their feelings more than your own. 
Athenodora mumbled to you quietly that everything was okay. That you were alone. They were here. In silence, Caius cast his anger aside. After all he wasn't really angry at you. He was angry at the situation. That he couldn't take that feeling of guilt away. He moved forward when he heard you apologise. Athenodora continued to tell you it was alright. He didn't want your apology, you didn't need to apologise. 
He moved behind you, joining you both on the floor. "You're alright." He said to you quietly, winding his arms around your waist, his chin on top of your shoulder. "Tell us more." Athenodora said quietly into your ear. "You pay more attention to each other. It's you two against the world and then me. I don't feel equal. I-I’m sorry!"  "(Y/N), look at me." Caius began, both himself and Athenodora moving you to face him. Your back against Athenodora's chest. "I love you just as much as I love Athenodora. I would not lie to you. I may have married Athenodora but in our eyes your are our spouse just as much. We love you and you make us feel complete." He cradled your face in his hands. "We couldn't live without you with us. It would destroy us. Even if you don't believe me...just remember it. Until you do, until we prove it to you." Caius' tone was soft and gentle. It was exceptionally rare for him to speak to you like that, or anyone for that matter but after a moment of staring into your eyes he pressed his lips to yours. The action surprised you. Regardless you returned the kiss. "Give it time, alright?" Athenodora responded. "Let us show you." Slowly, you nodded.
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Meeting and Dating Charlie MacKenzie
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(Not my gif)(Requested by @jotaro-spengler​)
(Sorry this post took so long. I literally changed the entire meeting story last minute because I’m an indecisive perfectionist so it took a lot longer to write than expected. Hope you enjoy!)
- You and Charlie getting together was really all Tony’s fault. He just had to go and mention you: shine the spotlight in Charlies mind right on you and say look here you fool, a beautiful woman who you already care about and who already cares about you.
- That wasn’t really how it happened of course. All Tony had actually done was say something along the lines of “now take a look at my sister-”, using you as an example in some scenario he came up with rather than giving his friend a recommendation. 
- But, in Charlie’s half listening mind, all he heard was “take a look at my sister” and take a look he did. 
- You were a little younger; which tended to be the case when it came to younger sisters of friends that were his age, and you were pretty. You had a nice personality, you thought he was funny on occasion, and you weren’t a total stranger who he could easily find a flaw; that he didn’t already know about, in. 
- Why not give it a shot? Worst case scenario, you say no or he breaks your heart and loses his best friend in the future. But hey, it was Tony’s idea to begin with, right?
- So he visits you at work, making small talk; as per usual since this was a fairly normal occurrence for the two of you, before trying to ask you out as casually as he could. 
- Initially, you think that you’ve misunderstood him or that he’s misspoken, then you think that he joking, …and then you just think he’s gone crazy. You quite literally ask him if he’s feeling alright because it’s so out of the blue and unexpected.
- But, once you come to terms with the fact that this is a legitimate request, …you agree. 
- I mean, it’s not like the idea never popped into your head. You’ve known the guy since middle school: of course you’d considered it; though you’d never imagined that it would actually come to fruition. 
- Nevertheless, here you were, giving each other somewhat awkward smiles and arranging a time and place. 
- Your first date is initially going to be just a regular dinner at some diner down the street that the two of you; and your brother, often frequented but you quickly find that it just feels wrong to go there: like the two of you are still just two friends. 
- So you scratch that idea and find yourselves wandering around town, buying some food from a street vendor and taking in the atmosphere of the night. What started out as a; frankly, uncomfortable first date ends up turning into one of the best you’ve ever had.
- It’s no surprise that the two of you get along. The question is whether or not you fit as a couple so; regardless of whether or not you’d normally do it, you decide to have your first kiss before the night is over to test out the romantic chemistry between you. 
- It may not be the most romantic first kiss in the world; considering the fact that you literally both talk about and agree to it like it’s some sort of business deal or logical course of action, but you enjoy it nonetheless and it gives the two of you some clarity. 
- He likes you and you like him and the two of you are happy together. You just hope that it lasts....
- Charlie really doesn’t care about what other people think, in fact, he sort of likes to bother and gross people out so he never minds engaging in a bit of pda. If he feels like kissing the hell out of you, he’s gonna do it; regardless of whether or not there’s people around. 
- Interlocked arms or holding onto his arm as the two of you walk together. He likes having you close to him so literally securing you to his side by your arm is a helpful form of affection. 
- Handholding. He’ll usually swing your arms back and forth whenever you do. 
- Cheek kisses. He’s a fan of both giving and receiving them so it definitely goes both ways. 
- Excited, feverish, and passionate kisses. You tend to just lay one on each other at random; oftentimes catching the other person a little off-guard, so these types of kisses are pretty common in your relationship. 
- Kissing in the rain; sometimes with him kicking his leg up in the air behind him. 
- He tends to just call you by your given name; or a teasing nickname on occasion. He finds that using pet names just aren’t his thing and that a lot of them cause him to roll his eyes more than anything else. 
- The two of you really don’t have a “usual” cuddling position since you tend to just do whatever feels right or makes the most sense. Some days you cuddle with your head on his arm, other days he’s the big spoon, and sometimes you’re the big spoon. 
- Back scratches and shoulder kisses. 
- Taking baths together. 
- You know the meme about the person getting into their partners shower fully clothed so that they can ask them a question? That’s the type of shit that he does constantly. Sometimes you just have to sit back and consider the fact that you may be dating either an idiot or a crazy person. 
- Getting his help when you’re trying to pick out your outfits. 
- Going to his open mic nights. 
-  Having poems written about you. …They’re pretty bad....
- If you're dating Charlie, you have to stop caring about how other people view you because there’s no way you’re not going to do; at least a few, ridiculous things out in public together. The two of you are constantly doing dumb shit so just try to ignore any judgmental looks you may or may not receive. 
- Chasing each other around and playing other childish games. 
- Frolicking and dancing like children of the night~
- Double dates with Tony and his girlfriends. 
- Diner dates. 
- Wandering around the city together. 
- Buying from different street vendors and food trucks. 
- Cruising around town with his top down and the radio turned to your favorite station. 
- Sitting out on his roof with him. 
- He loves seeing you smile so expect a lot of dumb jokes and comments that are meant to make you laugh. 
- Teasing each other. You like to call him “nice” just to mess with him. 
- Convincing him to do different things with you. You know that it wasn’t his idea to go on that Alcatraz tour with Tony so it’s safe to say that he can be persuaded into accompanying you just about anywhere. 
- Taking different classes together; though you probably shouldn’t take him to those sorts of things …for the sake of your teachers sanity. 
- Getting visited at work. He’ll always insist that he was “in the neighborhood” but he absolutely was not and totally drove all the way over just to see you. 
- Speaking of work: he would definitely offer to help you with whatever task you had to do just to ease your workload and spend more time with you. It would also probably get him into the good graces of your boss so the man/woman would be a lot more lenient with him hanging around. 
- Finding your own ways to quiet his rambling. He tends to just keep talking whenever he’s nervous or feeling shy so you’ll have to learn the best way to quiet him whenever he gets like that; which usually means you’ll be kissing him or saying something he wants to hear. 
- Telling each other stories. His are usually exaggerated to an outrageous degree but you never really mind; it’s sort of more amusing to see where his brain takes him than to just listen to a normal story.   
- Family get togethers. You’ll usually sit in the kitchen with him and his mother while Tony and his father watch some sports game in the living room. 
- Interesting interactions with his family; namely his father. The man’s a little hard to get along with but he’s certainly entertaining. 
- He'll always check on you before leaving you alone, making sure you’re okay before he ditches you to do something; even if it’s just using the rest room for a minute. 
- Him getting advice from Tony. Regardless of whether or not you want to picture yourself as the mans sister, he’s going to be your best ally when it comes to surviving your relationship; so you might want to get on his good side if you weren't already.
-  Having to get through his sabotage stage. 
- Charlie tends to get scared and break up with people when things are getting too serious so don’t be surprised if; or when, it happens to you. The good thing is that, if it’s meant to be, he’ll come to his senses and dedicate himself towards getting you back; usually with some big cute gesture. 
- Just not feeling like yourself? No problem! He’ll be completely understanding and accept that you just aren’t happy; all while doing whatever he can to put a little pep in your step. 
- He’s not an incredibly jealous person but he is cautious. He’ll never refuse to let you hang out with someone or do something but he will keep an eye on your relationships with other guys. Not because he doesn’t trust you but because he doesn’t want you winding up in an awkward position because you couldn’t see the red flags of encroaching romance. 
- He’s somewhat protective of you; oftentimes sticking out his own neck to save yours. Although he’ll usually; awkwardly, try to settle things in a peaceful manner after an aggressive outburst at someone or something; usually because he only then realizes how big and threatening they are. 
- The two of you fake fight every now and again but real fights only happen once in a blue moon. You get along incredibly well so it isn’t often that you can’t settle things in a peaceful manner; especially since he approaches you very calmly whenever he has a problem. 
- Because most of his issues with you are reasonable, fights usually end before they even begin. But if they don’t and you wind up having a legitimate argument or fight, he’s always willing to apologize; especially since he’ll feel extremely guilty for upsetting you. 
- He mainly shows you that he loves you but he definitely isn’t opposed to saying the actual words. 
- As afraid of marriage as he normally is, he actually proposes to you pretty quickly. I guess when you know you know? 
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malfoys-demigod · 4 years
"I guess this is a lesson in not trusting people”
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Requested by @potatothingsz​
-> Hiii! I am a big fan of you honestlyyy eee i have read almost every blog of yours (mainly dracos-) anyway! I was wondering if you are open for requests rn? If not totally understand! But if you are tho i hope i can request one? Its a draco x reader one the story goes that draco is fighting with (whatever guy in hp) the reason is that the random guy basically have a crush on you (y/n is dating draco) then draco gets arrogant about it then y/n hears it then they fight cuz of things draco said!Gb!
Word Count: 3.6k 
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! 
tag list @the--queen-of-hell​ @bbeauttyybbx​
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“And that’s how my parents met the headmaster of Ilvermorny School, all the way in America!” Pansy excitingly shared the news with you and Daphne by the Great Hall. 
“How excellent, Pansy,” you said, interested in the conversation, “You should definitely tell your parents to bring you next time.”
“Oh my gosh,” Daphne said, sounding so surprised, “It’s only a week before holiday starts! Why don’t you ask them to spend the holidays with you over there? Wouldn’t an American holiday sound fantastic to you?”
“I second that,” you agreed, “Pansy, you would have the most exciting trip ever!”
Pansy liked the idea of spending the holidays in America, so she smiled, grinning as if it was a mischievous plan. “That is such a smart idea, who knows, I could return from the holiday’s with an American boyfriend!” 
“You wish,” you teased, lightly nudging her shoulder. 
Before Pansy could come back with a funny remark, Blaise bursted into the Great Hall, causing many eyes to look at him as he was running towards the three of you. He seemed terrified out of his life, as there was fear in his eyes, which was something you’ve barely seen from him. He was such a relaxed and reserved person most of the time, so acting like this without caring if people now paid attention to him was a first. 
He placed his hands on your shoulders, huffing and puffing breath. 
“What’s troubling you, Blaise?” you placed a hand on his hand, sounding deeply concerned. 
He was still huffing and puffing when he said, “Malfoy. Fight. Outside. Now.” 
It was like this new, uplifting energy came out of nowhere when you immediately stood up from the table and started dashing out of the Great Hall, along with your friends who followed behind. 
There were so many thoughts madly entering your mind, swimming around and suggesting the most horrid reasons as to why Draco was involved in a fight. You were very much aware that he liked making dramatic debates and conversations with practically much everyone at school. But to make a huge scene that caused Blaise to briefly trouble you to stop what you were doing was something petrifying to experience. 
Mindlessly, you made several turns around the castle, following Blaise, who had quickly followed your pace, guiding you to the crowd by the outskirts of the castle. It was by the balcony which gave a side perspective of the vast body of water which Viktor Krum and his school used to travel by ship. 
It was about time when you were faced with your boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, involving himself in a serious and intense magic and physical battle with Cormac McLaggen, a Gryffindor who was in the year above you. 
They have seemed to be quite in focus with the fight, ignoring the crowd’s chants and cheers. Honestly, one thing to be quite disappointed in at some point were the people’s reactions and follow-ups when it came to witnessing fights. There were crowds that would stop and call for help, and there were crowds that would watch the fight as if it was pure entertainment. 
You were given the crowd that would watch the fight as if it was pure entertainment, saldy. 
Since there was so much going through your mind, without thinking, you jumped into the middle of the fight, hoping you wouldn’t be hit with a spell or a fist fight. 
“Enough!” you yelled, raising both your hands to the side, for both opponents to see. They terrifyingly lowered their wands, looking around the crowd, agitated with the eyes around them. 
Once they had your attention, you angrily heaved a breath out of your system, which resulted from the start of a massive headache. You heatedly walked to the side your boyfriend was standing by and threw out your hands hysterically. 
“What the bloody hell is going on, Draco!” 
He did not reply, as he remained silent. He began looking down at the ground with disappointment and struggle in his face, realizing the damage he had placed himself. He was breathing in and out, holding his wand tightly with such distress in his grip. 
You absolutely did not have the luxury to receive more silent treatment from him, for you were enraged and impatient with the silence. You rolled your eyes with such fury, “Explain, dammit!” 
From the other side of the paused, rather ended battle, Cormac showed a condoling facial expression, which made him slowly walk to the other side, where you and Draco were standing by. He placed a hand on your shoulder, which caused you to briskly turn around. 
He then placed a hand on his chest and said, “I believe I am at fault, Y/N.” he suggested, “He must have overheard me telling my friends how I fancied you and got distressed about it. I should have tried to reason with him more because if I did, we wouldn’t have had this fight. I’m sorry.”
You felt pity for Cormac, which caused you to shake your head in disagreement. ‘No,’ you mouthed to him. Disappointed in Draco, you sighed with such upset in your voice that when you turned to him with such a let down on your face, you said, “Bloody hell, Draco, he was the slightest threat you have encountered in your life. You are a foolish person for wanting to start a fight which is considered by everyone with the right mind to be useless. Damn you, Draco.”
Draco stressly placed the palms of his hands on his temples, placing pressure on it, “Y/N, I saw him as a potential threat to our relationship. I thought showing him that you were mine would be able to keep him from destroying our relationship, what we have together!”
You disgracefully shook your head upon hearing the madness he called for an excuse. “Unbelievable, Draco.” You looked back to Cormac with a sympathetic look on your face, “First of all Cormac, you are not at fault here,” which he gave a small, hesitant nod as response. 
Then you pathetically turned back to Draco, “As for you, Draco Malfoy, you are in every way in the wrong. You’re the one who destroyed our relationship. That was certainly not the way to show him that I was yours. This made me rethink if the need to do that was even necessary! How could you possibly see him as a threat when you know I’m in love with you? I guess this is a lesson in not trusting your significant other, right? Because it seems like I guess I’ve never been a trustworthy person, especially concerning what we have together.”
Draco rolled his head in frustration and annoyance. He scoffed, “Please, don’t say that Y/N, you’re making me seem like the bad person here.”
You scoffed back, but with much anger, “But you are,” you coldy replied. Without thinking, you announced, “Consider us on a break, Draco Malfoy. Don’t bother owling me during the holidays. It’ll be nothing but a waste of parchments on your end.” 
Finished with the debate you had with Draco, you gracefully turned around and placed a hand on Cormac’s shoulder, “Very sorry, Cormac. I still hope you have a lovely holiday despite this.” With a small nod from the older boy, it was your cue. 
You turned around, walking away from the scene without thinking of the glares and whispers surrounding you. They were nothing but an audience with no respect whatsoever. Gossip all they want, they’ve got the scoop anyways. 
You walked among the glaring eyes around you, trying to find a suitable cart to occupy. Surely in most situations, you would be happy to sit anywhere. But many would be really uncomfortable to be sitting around the talk of the town, which meant that they couldn’t use you as a conversation starter while they commuted back to the platform. 
Thank goodness for Pansy and Daphne, who you found, securing you an empty cart amidst many occupied and packed carts between yours. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Pansy warmly greeted you, helping you place your bags up on the rack. 
“I got it thanks,” you told her, pushing your bags with strength. 
You plopped down, sitting between the two girls, who looked like they weren’t sure of what to talk about since the travel back to the platform would take awhile. Daphne was playing with her fingers, while Pansy was trying to get Daphne to look up and mouth a conversation.
These girls were the absolute worst in trying to make things discreet but they happened to be attempting to converse with you in the most normal way, without thinking of bringing up anything Draco related. 
“Anytime this week would be lovely, girls.” 
“Wh-what?” Pansy let out an exposed laugh, “What do you possibly mean, Y/N?”
“Come on,” you rolled your head, “Can’t think of making things normal without happening to mention or bring up Draco and my whole outburst in school?”
You checked the two girls, who were cheekily smiling with such guilt on their faces. You chuckled, standing up to move to the other side of the cart, to sit, facing in front of them. 
“You two are the silliest,” you crossed your arms with a comfortable look on your face, “I’m not made out of glass, fools. Come on, the worst things could happen to me.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Daphne cooled down, sighing a relief, “We were just being extra concerned that’s all.”
“And of course…” Pansy seemed to have a hard time continuing the sentence for a second as she tilted her head, mumbling the name ‘Draco’, as she continued, “Most likely isn’t taking it well. We haven’t seen or checked up on him, just to let you know!” she promised, waving her arms out, hoping you wouldn’t bust. 
Daphne nudged Pansy’s shoulder, looking at her with an angry look, “You said you wouldn’t mention him! The hell is wrong with you?”
“Me? She said it was alright!” Pansy revolted in annoyance. 
“Take it easy, you two,” you warned them. “You two are making things even more weird, and I’m just sitting here telling you not to look at me as fragile!”
“Right, sorry,” they both said embarrassingly. 
“I just want to let you two know that this whole holiday of mine will be definitely a time for me to invigorate and rejuvenate on my everyday perspectives. I do not know what my parents have in store for this holiday but either way, I am going to throw this whole year away and focus on building for next year, especially when we come back from holiday.”
“That’s brilliant, Y/N! How magnificent, we will definitely be there to support you through owling you every day.” 
You sorrily tilted your head with an open mouth, “Well I’m going to have to ask you the same I warned Draco about.”
“You’re saving us from wasting parchment.”
“I’m sorry, I just think, in order to focus on fixing myself, I-”
“Hey,” Pansy said, as both her and Daphne switched to the other side to sit beside you, “We get it, Y/N and we cannot wait to see you once the break ends.”
“One last group hug before we go our separate ways for a little while?”
In the cart that Draco occupied, it was a whole different energy. 
During the first part of the ride back to the platform, Draco did not care about searching for an empty cart, or relying on friends. All he did was present a short, cold glare in front of first years, who willingly stood up and rushed out, forgetting that they were about to give away their seats to a couple of older Slytherins. 
“Slow gits,” Draco muttered, swimming in his way into the cart as he threw his bag up into the rack without care and depressingly jumped on the seat by the view, which he used to ponder and stare with such a sigh coming from his mouth. 
“Chill down mate,” Blaise had the guts, kindly warning his friend, who he sat beside. 
Blaise was surprised when Draco calmly replied with, “Whatever, Zabini. I’m calm.”
Given this, he decided to take the advantage and reason out with him. He moved around his seat, trying to shift somewhat nearer to him. “You clearly aren’t. I reckon it’s going to rain over your whole holiday at home.”
“It won’t.” Draco gritted his teeth. 
Blaise clasped his hands, shaking his head once, “How do you personally feel about the whole situation, mate?”
Draco looked at him with sore eyes and quickly jumped and leaned exaggeratingly, “Me? Personally? I-” then he turned his body around, facing the entire wall with the window, “Forget it. I don’t have time for this girl-talk.”
There was a small suggestion of fear in your mind because there was always a possibility of bumping into Draco thanks to the many gatherings your parents were invited to. It would have been extremely discomposing to see the boy you had called ‘breaks’ on before the holiday started. It would make things more complicated to remember that there were more adults than children in these parties, making it more difficult to find people to converse with. 
Luckily, your parents surprisingly cancelled their parties, wanting to spend time with you more. They weren’t cruel or always self-centered, but they were very social when it came to gatherings and mingling with other wizards. So, hearing about this really felt like Merlin was on your side this year. 
With the opportunity to tune out from the outside world, staying at home really made things easier to recollect yourself in these struggling times. 
There was absolutely no distraction from anyone, giving you time to think about Draco. 
It may have been advantageous to give yourself a break from the relationship. Draco, as you obviously know, can be very outspoken. He is the kind of person who wouldn’t be scared to speak up and share his thoughts in any way possible. 
He was a head-strong person, the kind of guy that would really go out of his way to execute whatever he felt like doing. 
What he did for you was… out of hand yes, but when you think about it, he was thinking about you. As a person who isn’t afraid of fighting for honor and the truth, he just couldn’t help himself and protect your relationship. 
Maybe he could have thought things through and settled his issue with Cormac in a more lighter attempt, but if you step into his shoes, you were being Draco Malfoy. He did not want to use the luxury of time and think things through. He was the person who would do it before thinking. 
Plus, he may or may not have anger issues, especially when it came to other boys concerning you. A simple talk about you behind his back would really be an issue for him. The least mess he can do is brag about you if they decided to talk about you when he’s nearby. 
Huh, you actually chuckled at that last thought. Whether what Draco did was right or wrong, he did love you and what he did was for you. Maybe you were a bit harsh on him, but that’s the thing, all of these trace back to love. 
Maybe you thought that he didn’t trust you enough, maybe you were just blinded by so many things. 
It was probably right to give Draco another chance when the holiday ended.
When it did, you had a clear conscience as you were making your way back into one of your favorite places: The Slytherin Common Room. Nothing felt like home than going back to the best common room ever. The weather was still cool, so being around the fireplace was a great idea to warm up. 
Someone had already beaten you to it, though. Walking past with your luggage, your eyes darted towards a platinum blonde hair, resting by the cushions of the sofa by the fireplace. Being curious, you slowly brought your luggage with you, calmly walking towards the sofa. You peeked in, seeing a sleeping Draco Malfoy. 
He seemed to look extremely comfortable with himself. He was wearing a green jumper with a cup of hot chocolate by the coffee table. Had he stayed here all along throughout the holiday? 
To answer your question, Draco’s eyes suddenly fluttered open. His grey eyes were looking at the ceiling for a minute. Still standing there, his eyes now moved towards you. You could see the extreme tiredness in his eyes. A lot could be said by his eyes, aside from tiredness. 
There were dark circles surrounding his eyes. They could be as dark as half-wahed eyeliner kind of dark. It was awful, he must have shed bitter tears that went on for hours. You could see a hint of pink in his eyes, meaning he did recently cry. 
The two of you had a staring contest, as Draco continued looking at you, but as if you were just a dream. You could tell by the way his eyes were narrow, looking half-asleep. You decided that it was time to break the staring contest and be the first to take action. 
To test if he was half-asleep, you dropped your luggage, creating a big ‘thug’ sound, and moved around the sofa, to which he responded by having his eyes follow you. You made your final stop when you stood in front of the ends of the sofa, where his feet were dangling off. 
To your surprise, he lifted his feet, wanting you to sit on the sofa. You didn’t want to keep him waiting, so you quickly sat yourself on the sofa, having his feet, covered in green and red socks rest on your lap. Your eyes moved from the color of his socks to his grey eyes, as he was still looking at you. 
“I’m sorry,” you said, placing a hand on his ankle. You held on his ankle, tightening your grip as you looked at him with sympathy. You looked down immediately, feeling embarrassed and uneasy.
Draco sat up rapidly, removing his feet from your lap as he decided to place himself sitting beside you. His lower body was facing the fireplace, but his upper body was twisted, looking at you with full attention. 
He placed his finger on your chin, causing you to look at his worn-out, grey eyes. “No,” he shook his head, “Merlin knows that it should be me saying that. You know that.” 
His soft, post-crying voice wanted to melt or shatter your heart, making you frown in front of him. “What I do know is that I went too far in scolding you. It was wrong of me.” 
“The amount of scolding was enough for me to realize the immature actions and misfortunes that I have caused. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to realize how much of a childish git I am.” He took your hands slowly, bringing them to him with such a feeling in his heart. “I can’t ask you to forgive me because I’m embarrassed of myself. You deserve so much more than what I offer as a partner. Please do whatever you think is right for yourself before hearts shatter even more.”
Your heart felt like dropping from the sky, collapsing in a pool full of sorrow after hearing those words come out of Draco’s mouth. Was he allowing you to break up with him? What could he possibly mean? There was absolutely no way he could let you do that. He was being out of his mind. 
You let go of him holding your hands, to which his eyes widened to, only for you to wrap yourself around him, tightly and strongly embracing him with such love in your body. “Are you out of your mind? We can get through this, Draco. Leaving you after this would show that our love for each other would never be strong as I hoped to imagine. I’m staying with you because we have so much in store for each other. This is merely a minor bump in this journey you and I walk on.”
You could feel Draco let out a small sob from his eyes as he hugged you back, trying to squeeze and restrain himself from continuing to cry even more. “I love you.” was what he tried muttering without sounding like he was going to break down. 
You nodded, wanting to join his crying session should he stop holding himself from. “I love you more than you know it.” 
He slowly pulled himself from you, looking away from you. He stood up, causing you to raise an eyebrow. 
“What’s the matter?”
“I know you said I’d be wasting parchments,” he replied, removing something from his sling bag, which was by the other end of the sofa, “But I wrote you letters that I ended up keeping during the holiday.” 
He brought back with him a thick load of envelopes, ribboned with a green ribbon. He looked at you with a warm smile and handed it to you, “I give you the honor of burning it.” 
You scoffed, “Burn it? I’d love to see what you were yearning for while you wrote this.” you teased him. 
Draco felt a hint of embarrassment in his eyes as he tried grabbing it back from you. You sneakily pulled it away from him, “Uh, uh, uh” you waved your finger. 
Draco smirked, jumping on you as he continued to attempt getting the letters from you. This caused the both of you to fall from the sofa and the day continued as the two of you fought on the ground, trying to play like childish children, ignoring the other students arriving in the common room. 
Looks like news would spread that love is in the air again as the power couple is back on track with their relationship. 
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
Hi! I really like your fics! Especially 'The Conference'. I have a fic request: Ethan x MC revealed to only the gang - not the whole hospital. It's totally fine if you don't do it! Thanks for considering my request! 💞
Sorry for taking a million years to get to this. Also sorry that it’s trash ♥
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Telling Friends
Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Rating: T+ Summary: It’s sometime after the toxin incident and Becca tells her roommates about her budding relationship. Though one of them has some issues with it... Trope: Fluff, People Find Out About Them; Platonic Gang 
Becca walked carefully into her apartment, immediately greeted by the sweet aroma of chocolate chip muffins and the sight of two of her roommates on their hideous, thrifted yellow couch that makes this place a home.
“Oh, good. You’re all here,” She sighed with a contented smile as she kicked off her shoes.
“Think we should be more shocked you’re here,” Jackie retorted, barely looking up from her phone.
Normally Becca would roll her eyes or respond with something snarky, but not today. Today the roommates had something to talk about; all of which revolved around why she’s barely been home lately.  
“Where’ve you been?” Elijah added, the whites of his teeth sparkling in the midday sunshine peering through the window.
“And in yesterday’s clothes,” Jackie followed up. 
“That’s what I wanted to talk about.” 
Becca dropped her bag and coat by the door before bounding across the room to take her place on the sofa between her two friends. 
“There’s something you guys should know. And I need you to keep it secret.” She glared pointedly at Jackie. 
“Did you pull a heist without us?”  
Elijah added, “Yeah because if so, no, I will never forgive you.” 
“No. I would never. It’s just…” Becca trailed, moving to settle further into the cushions. She took a deep readying breath. Exhaled. And continued; “Really sensitive and important, and I don’t want to do anything to screw it up. But I also don’t want to keep sneaking around…” 
“Are you back with Raf?” Jackie questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Since he kind of imploded his life for you?” 
After the incident, Rafael Aviero broke things off with his childhood sweetheart because of the lingering feelings he still harbored for her. Now he wasn’t moving away, he didn’t have Sora, and he didn’t have... 
“Um… no,” Becca responded, looking down at the cushion. 
Before her guilt could set in fully, the room erupted in a high-pitched, delighted squeal. 
“Oh my god!” Sienna rounded the kitchen island quickly, her battered hands clasping around the wooden spoon, “Really!?” 
“What?” Jackie asked at the same time Elijah questioned, “What’re we missing?” 
The two girls locked eyes and Becca made the slightest of confirming motions. 
Becca took a deep inhale, eyes never leaving Sienna’s. The absolute delight in her best friend’s dark eyes were giving her all the courage she needed. “I’ve been spending a lot of time at Ethan’s. We’ve been dating for a while.” 
“Since when?” 
“The memorial, basically.” 
“Shit,” Jackie lamented. “I’m happy for you, Bec. But damn” - a coy smirk appeared on her lips - “No wonder that guy’s been friendlier than usual.” 
“Finally!” Elijah exclaimed in a rush of air, like it was a breath he’s been holding in for far too long. All three pairs of eyes were on him. “Sienna and I caught Dr. Ramsey leaving the morning after her hearing.” 
Jackie’s jaw dropped past the floor and into the basement. 
The rest of the gang brought her up to speed on how that ended up happening and how no one knew Ramsey slept over, and of course the unfortunate ending to that tale.  
“How’s that going to work?” 
“Strictly professional at the hospital.” Becca affirmed the sentiment with a flippant wave of her hands and the smallest of smiles. “Nothing’s going to change.” 
“Except for how soft he is around you.” 
“He’s not soft on me. If anything he’s harsher with me because of our relationship.” 
The roommates talked more about the logistics of her relationship and how often Ethan will be staying over. Jackie set some ground rules for that, to which Becca rolled her eyes and agreed they would never ever have sex anywhere other than her bedroom when in the apartment. 
When the conversation waned Becca asked; 
“I was thinking about inviting him to Thanksgiving. Unless that’d be weird?” 
Elijah chuckled, “It’ll definitely be weird.”
Sienna waved him off and grabbed her friend’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’d be happy to have him, Becca.” 
The two girls shared a moment. It wasn’t a question that Sienna was overjoyed at Becca’s happiness - this was everything they’ve been dreaming about happening since early intern year. Though there was something quite bittersweet - Becca got a second chance with Ethan, while Sienna will never know what could have been. In their tightened grip neither could forget Danny. 
Becca’s lips parted, about to whisper condolences and affirmations that things are going to get better. But Elijah spoke first;  
“Getting to know Dr. Ramsey will be a real treat. Think he’d be down to watch the MCU in succession?”
As she turned towards him a broad smile took over Becca’s features. “As long as there’s scotch I’m sure he’ll be fine.” 
“I can’t believe you’ve been sneaking around with him.” Jackie lamented once more.  
“What’s Dr. Ramsey even like outside the hospital? He doesn’t seem like fun.” 
“Ethan’s a lot -” 
Aurora emerged, cutting Becca off with a disbelieving, “You’re dating Dr. Ramsey?”  
Something in her new friend’s tone threw Becca off kilter. So much so she threw up walls as quick and high as could be, ready to defend defend defend. She was afraid of her friends not taking to the news and Aurora’s tone really confirmed Becca’s worst fears. 
“Uh, yeah,” was all she could respond. 
“Gross. I’m happy for you but... gross. Are we forgetting he dated my aunt for years?” 
“Oh shit. Yeah,” Elijah muttered from the sidelines.  
Quickly Becca added, “They were never serious.” 
She was going to say ‘in love’ but thought better of it. She loves him dearly and knows he feels the same way, but they haven’t said it yet. The first time she uses that word next to his name it should be to him and him alone.  
The retort was swift and icy, “Are you?” 
Aurora didn’t anticipate the answer, she knew her friend and thought this was just another one of her impulses. Becca had a tendency to bounce from interest to interest, heart to heart; and after everything that’s happened recently maybe she’s just finding comfort in the man who kept her alive. 
Both sets of deep coffee-colored eyes met, both Aurora and Becca’s features schooled so stoic and unwavering in their position. A simple “Yes” dancing off Becca’s tongue. The word accompanied by the splendid thought that Ethan Ramsey was hers. 
Aurora Emery didn’t miss the tug of a smile tugging at the corners of Becca’s mouth.  
“Fine,” she conceded. “I’ll support you, but this is weird as fuck.”
Later that evening Aurora was in her room, sitting on her bed with a textbook in her lap. A knock sounded from her ajar door, and not a few seconds later Becca’s head peeked through the crack.  
“Hey, can we talk?” 
Aurora shut the book. “I think we need to.” 
She shifted on the bed to make room at the foot among all her papers. 
Once settled, sitting cross-legged, Becca broke the small flits of tension. “I’m sorry this is weird for you.” 
“Thanks.” Aurora forced a small, reassuring smile. “I’m sorry about the outburst. I don’t know enough about your relationship to comment.” 
“I don’t know enough about their relationship,” Becca admitted shyly. She fiddled with her hands in her lap. “Ethan doesn’t really talk about it. Just that he appreciates and respects the fuck out of Dr. Emery.” 
“Aunt Harper didn’t talk about it either. All I know is what I’ve overheard and saw. They go way back - I remember them together before I got into med school.” 
They let that sink in for a moment. Becca chewed on her lip as she mindfully ran through the semi-apparent timeline. “So this is weird,” she stated. 
“Really weird,” Aurora agreed with a chortle.   
Some more time passed by on a pause. The two amicably working through this oddity in their lives. Both their thoughts taking them in many directions. Though Becca’s moving further and further into territory she knew Ethan never wanted to wander back through. 
“Was he around a lot?” she finally asked in the smallest of voices. 
If Aurora picked up on her friend’s insecurity she didn’t make it apparent.  
“Sometimes,” she began. “He’d spend some holidays and milestones with the family. I don’t think he ever enjoyed it. A bunch of doctors eating and drinking all the time, everyone knows how much he hates spending time with colleagues.” Aurora tried to brush the last remark off as a joke to lighten the mood. 
She could see the ghost of a smile hanging on Becca’s lips.  
“He went for her.” It wasn’t a question  
Aurora simply nodded. 
“He’s a good guy,” Becca sighed. She looked up at Aurora with the most lovestruck look the young Emery has ever encountered. Right then and there she knew that this certainly was not one of her friend’s whims. It was, and had, the power of a whole new universe. 
“What the two of you see in him I’ll never know,” Aurora scoffed in feigned mockery. 
Becca was just about to comment - to say just how much of a different man Ethan was to Dr. Ramsey - when Aurora added; 
“But you shouldn’t worry about me, you should probably talk to Bryce.” 
Becca’s eyes went wide and her jaw stiffened. 
If anyone was going to address the other blatantly obvious elephant in the friend group, Aurora realized, it had to be her. Might as well kill two birds with one stone whilst they buried the hatchet. 
“We all know you’ve been hooking up for a while.” 
If words could kill Aurora was certain she just decapitated Becca. The poor girl went stark and ghostly. It was as if she hadn’t even considered telling her booty call she’s seeing someone else. 
Aurora trailed, “I don’t know exactly what went down but...” 
Neither wanted her to break Bryce Lahela’s heart.   
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meshlasolus · 3 years
Cruel Irony
Bale!Bruce Wayne x Reader
Okay so I've been thinking about the plot of this story and I think I finally found a good direction for it that I like and it will last through the during of all three movies. Batman begins will be considered season one, then dark knight and so on. Also, some people reached out and were confused by the time lines of when things have been taking place, so if yall want me to make a post about the timeline of this story, pls comment or message me!
Series Summary: Growing up on infinity Island, Moyra is taught very well in the art of assassination. As the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, she sits highly amongst the brotherhood known as the League of Shadows. When her father orders her to lure a stranger from the outside to be recruited amongst the mysterious clan, she will question everything she's ever believed.
Chapter Warnings: more angst... but also more fluff. This is like the most vanilla book I've ever written but it won't stay that way I promise lol
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My weakness was growing, and I did nothing to stop it... but why should I? I was strong enough even in my weakness to face the greatest threats, so truly it was okay for me to give in a little. Give into the strange and foreign feelings I kept for Bruce Wayne. He was truly exceptional in everything, and with each day that past, I knew I could call him my best friend.
He was a bit older than me, not by enough to make us want to distance our friendship, but it did make some topics of discussion strange. Like when we spoke of school, he'd been to all grades, including high school, and some years in college. I somewhat envied his education, though with all my spare time, I was able to study well myself, I lacked the ability to learn certain things, for I was not well equipped to do so.
He also mentioned how many years he spent traveling before he ran away. So many places he'd been to, and seen with his own eyes, not just through photographs like I did.
"What about Paris? I hear it's the most beautiful city in the world?" I asked, back against his wall and my legs curled up onto the bed. He was figeting with some things on the floor, trying to fix something I had know idea of.
"Well it depends on what time of year you go.... it's really lovely in the spring." He said, smiling at the thought of when his mother took him to visit distant relatives there. He missed those days dearly.
"Hmm." I thought for a moment, trying to recall somewhere else I'd always wanted to go after seeing it in pictures. "Have you ever been to Boston in the fall?"
He nearly smirked, and I thought that maybe I'd stumped him, but then he nodded and I was again jealous of him. "Boston is maybe the most beautiful place to exist during the fall."
I groaned plafully and threw my head back against the wall, feigning aggravation to him, when really it was quite the opposite. I admired him for being such an adventure seeker, and wished I could be him.
"What's wrong?" He perked up from the floor.
I relieved a sigh before looking back down at him and explained my expressive outburst.
"You've been everywhere! I've... never really been anywhere. This place has been my home since forever, the only other place I ever lived was not a decent one... not at all."
"Have you ever talked to your father about leaving?" He furrowed his brows and came to sit beside me. I understood where he was coming from, but clearly this part of the League's creed had not been explained to him.
"Even if I did, as apart of the League of Shadows I would not be permitted to leave my brothers. Unless I left everything behind... and I can't do that. I've sworn my life to protect these people, and when you're sworn in, I'll protect you too. It's just not suitable for me to leave... I need to keep my loyalty here." I need to keep my loyalty with you, Bruce. Though my thoughts were not bellowed aloud, I meant them. I needed to stay here and let my relationship with him grow. And when the time came for him to swear himself to oath, I would be here, standing beside him.
"Maybe we'll all get to go somewhere someday, and you'll get to see a new part of the world..." he nudged my shoulder and got me to look up and smile. I appreciated the small words such as those, they meant more to me than he probably intended. They gave subtle bits of hope for the future.
"Bruce, where are you from?"
He shifted next to me, as if he was not expecting that question, but he didn't look uncomfortable, just surprised.
"I'm from a place called Gotham City, born and raised there." He said with a thin lipped smile. He didn't seem disturbed by it until after the name of the city had been uttered. Like the words left a bad taste in his mouth.
"My father has mentioned it before... I didn't know you'd lived there."
"Well, to be fair, I didn't want anyone to know." He paused, turning to me and giving me a glance and a smirk. "But I trust you."
"You do?" I didn't know how to react to that, but my features took charge anyway, letting my eyebrows raise and eyes to widen as a smike crossed my face.
"Should I not?" He joked, turning and tilting his head in curiosity.
"I just.. I didn't know if you did. I was hoping you did." I was talking too much, and I realized just in time. I dropped my head to the ground, and fiddled with my hands. This was not like me at all. I never struggled to find the right words, or stumble over too many of them. I was one to shoot a witty remark, and crack a joke. What was happening to me. He was turning me to mush beside him.
"Do you trust me?" He asked intently after a few seconds. I didn't even hesitate, nor take a second beat to answer.
"I do." I nodded along with my simple answer, and though my head was still towards my hands, I could practically feel him smile next to me. I needed to see it for myself, it always made my knees weak. I looked up and sure enough his smile was radiant and beaming.
We spent the afternoon talking more about our homes, where we grew up, although I'd lied quite a bit about my past, trying to keep the mood happy, and not depressing. He was so joyful when he talked about his parents, and what good people they were. It must have been horrible to have them snatched away from him, and at such a young age. I could relate, but only to an extent. I had my father, alive and well, and he had... well, no one.
Later in the day, after the sun was nearly all the way down around the icy mountain peaks, Bruce and my father had returned from another hard day of training. I was smiling to see him at first, but the look of glee fell from my face almost immediately after seeing that Bruce was drenched with ice water.
"You didn't..." I murmured to my father.
"I did, and he learned a valuable lesson." He replied, walking closer to me.
"You mean like I did?" I said snappily, with a hint of anger in my tone. I would not raise my voice to my father, but I would express my feelings any other way I could.
"That was different, he's fine... I promise." He assured me, but I was growing angrier still. He brushed past me, laying a hand on my shoulder before he left, then I made my way to Bruce.
"You're freezing." I stated the obvious, watching him clutch at his arms, while he attempted to huddle into himself more. I grabbed one of his hands and nearly winced from how cold it was. "Come on, Frosty."
I pulled him by the hand, getting him into his room before going down the hall a bit to fetch some of his dry clothes. He took them from me gratefully and I left him to change. I was still flaming on the inside with anger and just flat out annoyance to my father. I still couldn't believe he'd done it again.
I went and knocked on Bruces door after a few minutes of tirelessly pacing and cursing under my breath to the air around me. He opened up and I stormed in, without realizing how pissed off I looked.
"I'm the one that got soaked, why are you upset?" He tried to joke, although his breathing was still wobbly and his words were unsteady due to his constant shivers.
I took a deep breath and calmed down. I pulled him by the hand got him into the bed. He wrapped himself up and slowly started to defrost a bit more from the heat of the blanket around him. I sat on the foot of the bed, against the wall like I normally did, ready to explain my pissy self.
"He promised me he wouldn't pull a stunt like this ever again. Not after what happened with me... that's why I'm upset. He broke a promise." I said, tucking my legs under the blanket to donate some body warmth from myself to him.
"What happened with you?" He asked, his voice was more even, but still not solid as it usually was.
"Back when I was still training, he took he out on the ice a few times. The last time we went, we'd done everything he taught me, but he still thought I wasn't skilled enough, so he broke the ice beneath me and I went in. There was a slight current in the water so he couldn't reach in and pull me out. I got stuck and had to swim against the current until he could grab me. I almost died from hypothermia after that. He promised me he'd remove it as a training exercise for anyone else to come...." I let the aggression fade with each sentence, realizing that I needed to save my anger for someome that deserved it. "If you get sick, I swear-"
"I'm okay..." he interrupted. He nearly sounded like his regular self again, though still with a shred of wavering in his voice. He reached down and grabbed my hand, and I felt it was less cold. "Can you come lay here?"
I nodded, realizing how much he must be coveting my body heat at the moment. I crawled up next to him and got beneath the thick blanket that lay atop him. He shivered at the newfound warmth, and slowly began to relax to it. He was faced towards me, but his eyes had closed shut, and I absentmindedly curled my fingers through the strands of his dark, damp hair. I'd never seen a head of hair so thick and full in my life. It was so soft, too, like silk running between my fingers.
When I thought he'd fallen asleep, I began to climb out from underneath the blanket, but I was stopped by a hand pulling me back in. I heaved a sigh, rolling back over and draping an arm over the cold body next to me. His temperature was speedily returning now, so I kept on while rubbing small circles into his arm and over his chest.
Somewhere between sleep and awake I found myself drousily thinking about how this felt, to be so close to him and yet still having no idea what this feeling in my stomach meant. Why did he always arise sensations in me that I couldn't place? He didn't even know what he was doing to me.
I'm in trouble....
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To Grab the Gold
Request: Could you maybe do a yurio x reader where the reader is a skater in the girls league at the same level as him. And though she almost always wins gold like her brother victor she’s always hard on herself saying she could do better. Either headcanons of how he would handle it or a Scenario please and thank you!!!!! Love work by the way!!!!!!!
Title: To Grab the Gold 
Genre: fluffy, strays a lil into angst-y territory (but it should be fairly short)
Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky x Fem!reader
Notes: Okay, so thank you for this request! I’ve always wanted to write something about the reader being a sibling of Victor or someone, so this gave me the prime idea! 
Otherwise, I feel as if I can relate to this idea in itself - being hard on yourself. It can literally be seen on this blog. It’s so nice and it makes me so happy to see that people enjoy the work I put out. So, I will thank you for that. 
That said, I went with headcanons. Small warning, though: 
These ideas will stray into territory that can be triggering. I would give it a specific label, but it is simply amplified insecurities, so if you deal with that - please proceed with caution. 
KEY: (Yuri = Plisetsky, Yuuri = Katsuki)
Below the cut! 
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we have to cover this before anything else is said:
the figure skating world is brutal.
with that in mind, seeing as you had managed to jump the ranks as quickly as you did, people knew you as a formidable competitor. 
yuri in particular knew how fierce of a competitor you were, seeing as he had trained with you and your brother victor under yakov for as long as he remembers.
so yes, while you two did grow up beside each other, you never really talked to anyone besides yakov, victor, and mila (from time to time) 
in short, you two barely knew each other despite growing beside each other. 
funny occurrence when you consider that he was of the few that knew of your habits when skating.
in similar fashion to your brother, you were almost a natural on the ice, and the way that you moved even off the ice was graceful yet intimidating. 
it frankly shocked the other people competing against you in the senior division in which you debuted.
yuri was beside you the whole way.
when victor had made the claim that he was going to coach yuuri katsuki, he had suggested that you join him and train under him for the year. 
you reluctantly agreed, though you also avoided saying anything to yakov as you weren’t as straightforward and recklessly fearless as victor is. 
that said, yuri was a little disappointed and jealous.
he knew it was baseless, you were victor’s younger sibling, after all
what right did he have to keep you here?
what really bothered yuri was the fact that victor had made him a promise. 
and he intended to make sure he kept it. 
so when he showed up at the local ice rink out of the blue, you were left jaw-on-the-floor. 
were you really surrounded by people that were purely impulse and nothing else? 
you didn’t let the event prevent you from working on your senior debut pieces, though.
while yuri and yuuri were being coached by victor, it was only when they were done for the day that victor stood by and helped you with your senior debut. 
you already had high expectations, after all - if you couldn’t hold up, what would happen? 
you and yuri are the best new entries, so if either of you couldn’t hold up, what would go down if victor decided to quit coaching for competing in the next season and you had to go back to yakov?
what about if you had failed to grab even silver in your debut?
you knew you could do it, and you wanted the satisfaction that came with the draping of the medal around your neck, standing on the highest pedastal on the winner’s platform.
at least, that’s what you were trying to convince yourself to do. 
you had been trying and failing to do an even more advanced jump than what you usually did.
and you wanted to use it in one of your routines
but the best you could do was the mount. 
your landing was flawed at best, and a wipeout at worst. 
it was starting to get to you.
many things swung around in your head.
‘is it my weight? is it being distributed incorrectly or did you just gain some?’
‘maybe it could be the routine itself. is it good enough to shock a crowd and win the gold?’
‘or, maybe, it’s just the fact that victor wasn’t able to focus and help you when you needed it most?’
the ideals that had been drilled into your head differed greatly from victor’s 
and the fact that you had the expectation to live up to his abilities was starting to get to you for once.
normally, you’d just brush it off, but your competitive nature kicked into full gear and you felt the overwhelming need to avoid disappointing and losing.
you loved the feeling it brought to you. what else was there to say? 
that, and you knew how victor could get when he had expectations. 
just because you’re his family, doesn’t mean that you are exempt from his expectations of nikiforov gold. 
which is why you worked your ass off. 
you lost weight in favor of toning, you made sure to reach the rink before and after the three males entered and left.
more often than not, you would be eating a meal in your designated room in at the hot springs later at night, after your daily workout. 
the new jump that you had been trying to accomplish was barely coming along
your routines were starting to slack.
you didn’t know what was going on, as things like this were normal, but they never reached this extent.
either way, you worked and worked and worked.
eventually, you had begun to skip dinner
you had begun to lose sleep 
you had started to pass out at random times.
despite how much you tried to hide it and play it off as if everything was normal, everyone that saw you could tell that wasn’t the case by any means. 
yuuri was trying to get you to stop and relax, but in your work-induced mindset led to you lashing out at him. no matter what he did, nothing worked. 
yuri and victor had been aiming to get you to relax and stop working as well, but even they knew that you wouldn’t do that unless some more powerful entity forced you to.
that, and the sheer amount of disappointment that had started to rain over your being was starting to transform into anger. 
you were beginning to have outbursts, your were beginning to perform as if you were a simple novice.
you were beginning to look as if you were going to fall apart after a single breath. 
you failed to realize and care about your wellbeing until you wiped out on the ice and couldn’t get back up. 
you were lucky that yuri had stayed back to get something he forgot, otherwise you might’ve been stuck there all night. 
which is why you had to face the music and realize that this wasn’t the way to go about it. 
he had made quick succession in making sure that you were okay as soon as he was exiting the rink and saw you passed out on the ice. 
he panicked, frankly, but he made sure to get you off the ice and on a bench before calling yuuko over to tell her to call victor.
everything was moving fast, and he swore he could feel his heart racing in his ears as he saw you still on surface.
you looked pale, a weird mix of purple-blue and green, and the image left him speechless.
victor and yuuri rushed over to the rink as soon as they could, and when yuuri saw you his jaw fell to the floor
victor, on the other hand, ran to your side and picked you up.
he was able to notice the way you fell limp.
long story short, you looked dead.
it scared him senseless, and yuri could understand the sentiment. 
over the time that he had spent in Japan, he had grown to appreciate the amount of work that you had put forth to succeed.
sadly, even he didn’t know that you would push yourself to this extent.
and he now knew why he became even more drawn to you.
you took pride in your abilities, but he never knew that you pushed yourself this far to achieve whatever goal you had set for yourself.
this event was what forced him to become aware of his feelings for you. 
he could now realize why he always watched you, mesmerized at the way you carried yourself.
and he now understood why he wanted to make you feel safe.
after you were taken to the hot springs and taken care of, victor and yuri stayed by your side as you were still unconscious.
a warm towel was resting on your forehead and you were covered with a blanket. 
for extra measures, they had even kept a small heater beside you to make sure that you didn’t freeze while resting. 
“yuri, can i ask you something?”
“ah- what is it. victor?”
“if she decides to go back to yakov, watch over her for me.”
“i can tell. she has taken a liking to you, and i know you have taken one to her.”
“she trusts you, yuri. and after this, i fear that this could happen again, so please. make sure she takes a break.”
“...i promise, victor.”
“...thank you, yuri.”
victor left after that, patting yuri on the back 
(he wondered what he failed to notice, despite his overprotective nature when it came to you.)
yuri sat there, overnight and into the next morning.
yuuri and victor came in to check on you, brought him breakfast, but everything the next day seemed to slow down.
eventually, you woke up, but you were lost. you were even more disappointed than you were before. 
if you needed the cloth on your head changed out, yuri did it.
if you needed the heater turned on, he did it.
if you needed literally anything, he did it or got it for you. 
otherwise, he’d just be silent and act as a safespace for you if you ever needed it.
similarly to how he might handle insecurities that you may have, he would be very careful with the subject.
he’d be a little awkward, though he’d power through for your sake. 
after a few days of just relaxing and stretching, doing some light exercises (and i mean E X T R E M E L Y light exercises), he’d do some slight skating with you to calm you down.
if you wanted to see something from him on the ice, he’d do it for you.
hell, he even did his developing competition piece for you so you could have entertainment in analyzing his technique and ability.
he loved seeing the way your face would light up when you would watch him perform.
eventually, the time passed by.
you came to realize yuri plisetsky as himself completely, aside from just facing the persona that he projected to the media, people he worked aside, and to his fans. 
it made you realize what you had been feeling the whole time. 
you had been put on light work by victor, as he didn’t want to see this happen to you again, so weeks had passed before you went through your intense debut routines. 
it was only on the night that the competition for who victor would coach came up that you were able to go through even a snippet of it. 
yuri, following his loss, was distraught.
he still powered through the night, though. 
when you saw him after the event, you asked him to join you on the ice.
you had a speaker set up on the edge of the rink, playing some lofi music to make sure the mood had stayed calm.
you two just skated around, no real reason as to why except to settle from the day.
“hey, yuri.”
“you were amazing. as usual, but...”
“...i wanted to thank you.”
he stayed silent to let you continue, but you knew that he was listening. his skating had ceased just the slightest as he had been slightly ahead of you in the rink.
“i...i made a stupid mistake by failing to pay attention to my health, and i wanted to thank you for helping me.”
the silence that followed was comfortable, and as the both of you were very hesitant to say what loomed over your hearts, you were both already aware of what the both of you did meant.
‘i love you.’
the rest of the time in the rink was passed by you and him holding hands and making rounds around the rink 
he even slipped some fancy ballroom moves in, making you flush and laugh. he did the same alongside you.
the next day, there was something melancholy in the air.
and even though you had told him that you wouldn’t be returning to yakov for the season, you did emphasize that you wanted to continue talking to him. 
“hey, yurio!”
“how many times do i- don’t call me yurio!”
“not gonna happen. either way, before you leave, promise me something?”
“what is it?” (it was gentle, and the scene made victor, yuuri, and yuuko gush)
“i better see you on that pedastal kissing that gold medal, plitsetsky.”
“only if i see you up there as well. though you better be careful, or i am going to ignore it.”
“got it, got it. now...promise me?”
“i promise.”
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mlm-writer · 4 years
Not in Front of the Klingons (Star Trek Day Special)
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Pairing: James T. Kirk x Gender Neutral!Engineer!Reader Rating: PG13 Words: 930 Summary: You get flung across the neutral zone into Klingon space and it takes all logic to stop your boyfriend from just flying across the border. Note: HAPPY STAR TREK DAY EVERYONE. Also I know this is not really what you wanted, but I have no control of my fingers and sometimes I just create. Tags: angst, comedy, jimmy has human emotions, doing inappropriate things in front of the Klingons and Spock being a party pooper. 
“We cannot enter the neutral zone, captain.” Jim hit his chair with his fist. His first officer was unfazed by his emotional outburst. After all, he was having those on quite the regular basis, a human trait of his. 
“So we leave one of our own to die in deep space? I do not think so. Ensign Chekov, plot a course into the neutral zone.” “I highly advise against that course of action.” “I am not losing them.” “I believe your emotional ties with the lieutenant are clouding your judgement.” “Mr Spock, if you were flung into deep space after repairing the outer lining of our engines, I would come get you too.” “Course plotted captain.” “Bring us in.” “Hold that command, ensign!” 
Tension on the bridge rose high as the two highest ranking officers on the ship proceeded to have a staredown. Chekhov looked towards Sulu, pleading for some help with his eyes, but the man looked away, signalling he was on his own with this one. Everyone had an opinion on whether to save you or not, but all bit their tongue. In the end, it was Uhura, who dared to cut through the tension with a deciding statement. “Captain, we’re being hailed.”
          A little earlier
You frantically pressed every button you had on your suit, but the blast after you reconnected the last tube blew most of the tech in your spacesuit to bits. You considered yourself lucky that the suit itself remained sealed. Last thing you wanted was being boiled from the inside as the cold vacuum of space robbed you off your life. 
“Of all the ways to die on a starship, it had to be being blown away from the ship.” You sighed, squinting to see the enterprise in the distance. It was unmoving, making you wonder if you made the repairs correctly. Usually you had more confidence in your skills, but it would be the only reason why they did not follow you. Either that or you were heading directly into the neutral zone, which was worse, because then they legally could not even send a shuttle to retrieve you. 
Another sigh escaped you. The display on your suit was broken as well, so oxygen supply was just as unknown. Maybe oxygen was leaking out of the tank and you had seconds left. Maybe the tank was fine and you would be suffocating slowly after hours into dark space. 
You drifted further and further until the enterprise was a mere speck in the distance. The blast must’ve been very hard. That, combined with the lack of resistance in space sent you further than you thought was possible. “Maybe we could replace shuttles with engine blasts,” you joked to yourself, before closing your eyes. “I should’ve kissed Jim goodbye instead of trying to stay professional,” you added, another sad sigh escaping you. 
You lost track of time when the enterprise got out of your sight. Joy filled you when you felt a tractor beam around you. Dread followed when you realised it came from the wrong side of space. “Not good! Not good! Not good!” You exclaimed as you tried to sort of swim the other way in spite of knowing that it was a useless attempt. 
By the time you entered the Klingon ship, you had already mentally said goodbye to everyone and everything you knew. A mean-looking Klingon awaited you in the cargo bay, together with at least 6 guards, which you found a little redundant, but let them think you were capable of taking out 5 Klingons on your own. “You are a lucky human. Today we are generous.” You smiled in response, trying to be friendly in the hopes of making it out alive anyway. 
“Thank you for saving me. I…” She held her hand up, making you shut up with just the gesture. 
“We have proposed a trade with your ship. Until they have agreed to meet our terms, you are our prisoner.” Ah yes, very generous indeed. You confirmed you understood and let yourself be escorted by the 6 guards. The cell was clean, just an empty room. You sat on the hard bench, which might have functioned as a bed as well, but you were not sure. You hoped that spending the night here was not on your schedule. However, as time passed by, it started to feel like it. You fell asleep against the wall. Drool trickled down your cheek until guards woke you up. 
You were a little drowsy, but managed to gather that a trade was being made. You were still rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you were put on a transporter pad. “Wait, where am I going?” You barely got the sentence out when the Klingon ship started to fade before your eyes. A new environment seemed to appear around you. A quick turn of the head to the left put a smile on your face as your eyes locked with those of the man you had already mentally said goodbye to. “Jim!”
No more regrets for you. You jumped right on him, cornering him against the nearest console as you pressed your lips against him. Jim was a sucker for it and let you in spite of the Klingon captain still being on the main comms. You already had your tongue in his mouth when you were pulled away by your collar. An angry Vulcan dragged you off the bridge, speaking words you thought you’d never hear. “Please refrain from making out with the captain in front of the Klingons.” 
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closedmadness · 4 years
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summary: jughead always chose betty over you despite being best friends with you much longer. you made an effort, did everything for him, gave him your everything. but still, it wasn’t enough. you wanted him to choose you, but he never did; your first love ended in a painful heartbreak — and as if the universe is giving you another chance, you met a new boy with raven hair and a serpent tattoo on his neck
pairings: jughead jones x male reader, sweet pea x male reader
warnings → angst・fucking angst・suicide attempt・shitty mother・verbal abuse・self-harm・swearing・alcohol・maybe a little tiniest bit of a fluff (idk there might be none)・sweet pea being a sweetie
a/n: part two is up!!
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veronica, kevin and archie looked at you in pity and sadness as you watched betty and jughead chatting together across the room. it was cheryl’s party and each people were spending their night joyful, jamming along the blasting music that played in the background, the only person who didn’t seem to be enjoying this night was you.
you can’t when you’re watching the love of your life gaze lovingly at the love of his life.
the three of your friends were well aware of your feelings for the beanie-wearing boy and always tried to convince you to confess to him, but you always resisted. it was no point in confessing to him when his heart is already taken by the blonde beauty.
“(y/n/n)... don’t stare at them, you’re only going to hurt yourself.” veronica told you softly, placing her hand above yours. “i can’t watch you be so sad over them anymore.” she said with a sad look on her face.
you turned towards her and covered your aching heart. “i’m not sad over them, ronnie. why would i be? jughead is in love with betty and he’s happy being in love.” you smiled, but it came out forced.
veronica sighed, shaking her head. kevin placed his hand on your shoulder, “(y/n), everyone can see the way you look at them. the only people who doesn’t see it are betty and jughead.” you just shrugged at him in return and looked down at the alcohol you were holding.
Betty and Jughead weren’t together, but they were in love with each other. Everyone can see it and even when it was painful for you, you saw it too. Their eyes literally lights up when the others entered the room, they make googly love eyes towards each other, and Jughead literally does everything for Betty.
Meanwhile, everyone sees the way you gaze after him longingly. Veronica, Archie and Kevin were always the witness of you doing everything for Jughead despite being unappreciated. They saw how you helped Jughead dress up for Betty, how you gave him advices to impress her, how you always asked him to hang out with you only to get rejected because he was going to hang out with Betty. They witnessed every moment of your heartbreak; it hurts them how you care selflessly for Jughead but he doesn't see it.
“(Y/n), you gotta stop this.” Archie said softly, trying to talk some sense into you. “You're just killing yourself. You try to impress him, hang out with him, help him with everything, but he doesn't even give you any attention, yet you're still trying.”
“Why do you still try?” Kevin was next to ask, his tone as soft as Archie's.
You sighed, licking your lips and avoiding eye contact with them. “I guess there's just still a part of me that hopes he will notice me someday. That he will choose me. All these efforts, this– this sacrifices? I'm only doing it because I have a hope that he will.” You looked up from the floor to them and was met with three disapproving looks.
“(Y/n/n)...” Veronica starts, her voice soft as well, but had a firm tone in it. “How much do you have to get hurt for you to finally realize that he won't notice you?”
It was harsh, but true. That is the reality and Veronica is just trying to snap you out of your stupidity. But you can't. You loved Jughead too much, it was almost impossible for you to let go of him. You couldn't give up — he was your long time crush, probably since middle school. Everything about him made you love him even more, and even when there wasn't a day he didn't gawk at Betty, you still believe that there's a chance for you.
You were blinded by your love for him. Everyone could tell and they had to witness every time how you destroy yourself by trying to get Jughead to notice you. It was killing them, but they knew it killed you more than it did to them.
“(Y/n), don't you not remember the day he turned you down to hang out with Betty?” Kevin asked.
You approached Jughead who was sitting alone on the corner of the cafeteria, hiding two movie tickets in your pocket, excitement radiating off of you. “Hey, Jug!” You greeted him cheerfully, sitting down beside him and slinging your arm around his shoulder.
“Hey, (Y/n).” He greeted you back, not even glancing up at you as he typed on his laptop about a new novel he was writing.
You brushed it off as a usual thing to happen, since Jughead often ignored people when he was writing his new novel. “So, Jug. I was thinking movie night today. How do you feel about it?” You said with joy.
However, Jughead didn't seem to be interested as he continued to type away on his laptop. “Uh, I can't. I have to finish this.” He rejected, eyes buried on the screen.
You frowned. It's been quite long since you two hang out and Jughead never rejected a offer to watch a movie. “But you can finish it anyday.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “I can't. Sorry.” Clearly, his apology wasn't genuine by the tone in his voice. Your frown deepened, but didn't say anything and just stood up to walk away from him.
Later that night, you asked Kevin to watch a movie with you instead because you didn't want to waste the ticket. It was pretty expensive, considering you wanted to impress Jughead, and the fact that you didn't get to watch it with him made you sulk slightly. Kevin was there to cheer you up, though. The two of you were going to head over at Pop's when Kevin abruptly stopped after seeing something behind the glass windows of the diner.
He caught your arm before you could go close to the diner and pointed at the two people inside. “Isn't that...?” He trailed off and your eyes went to search for what he was talking about, then saw Jughead with Betty on one of the booth, smiling at each other.
You felt your heart ache as soon as they filled your vision. “He- he told me he have to finish his novel today...”
Kevin frowned. “And he went to hang out with Betty? What the hell?”
You took a deep breath after the flashback ended, looking at Kevin slowly. “I remember it, Kev. But still...” You looked down again.
Veronica sighed, “Do you also remember when you had a family problem? And he didn't even want to listen?” A frown appeared on your lips at that.
He didn't want to listen, and he said it was because others have problems too and that he can't help you. But after that, he went on helping Betty with her problems and Veronica had to comfort you the whole night for two reasons; one because of your shitty mother and two because Jughead was being unfair. However, even after that, you went back to doing everything for him being the little love-blind person that you are. That was the exact day when Veronica realized how much you love Jughead, and how much he was wasting you.
You drink the alcohol from the plastic cup, trying hard to erase the memory from your mind.
Everything you did for Jughead was because you love him, and you were starting to wonder why he hasn’t look at you yet. Whenever he needed you, you were there. But when you needed him, he was nowhere to be seen and is hanging out with Betty. In all honesty, it’s getting exhausting — hoping endlessly for him to notice you, doing everything to help him with his problems, giving him your everything, you were willing to give him everything.
Yet here you are, still alone and broken.
He doesn’t even look at you. He’s just too focused on Betty that you were sure he doesn’t care about you anymore. The destiny was being cruel; preventing you from being with the boy you love and instead giving him someone to love, so he wouldn’t dare end up with you.
It hurts. It damn hurts. And you don’t understand why you’re still in love with him and is willing to give him everything despite knowing he wouldn’t give you back what you gave him, specially his heart. He would be giving his heart to Betty and not to you, even after all your efforts and sacrifices.
“I just want him to love me back.” You muttered quietly, watching as Betty and Jughead stared lovingly into each other’s eyes.
It was too quiet, but your three friends managed to hear it. They heard it. Your wish, your desperate wish. And there was nothing they can do but to look down, knowing whatever words they say to comfort you won’t change Jughead’s feelings for Betty.
And deep down, you knew that fact even when it felt like someone stabbed your heart with a knife repeatedly.
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“You little shit!” Your mother shouts, hitting you across the face.
Your cheek stings at where she slapped you, but you barely flinched at her sudden outburst and just stood there facing the floor. “This is the only score you’ve got? 92 out of 100? What kind of shit is this!?” She yelled angrily, crumpling your test result. “I’m paying for your education, (Y/n), and this is how you repay me? By getting a half assed score when it could have been a perfect 100!?”
She was totally furious about a fucking test result. Ridiculous, really. This started happening when your father left after he couldn’t deal with your mother’s drug addict behavior. He was a southside serpent and surely he could’ve handled her, but he chose to leave instead. Without even trying to take you with him.
It’s funny how cruel this world can be to you.
“I’m sorry, I will do better next time.” You apologized, still not meeting her gaze. It is easy for you to hit her and fight back, but you didn’t because she’s your mother. You still respected her in any way.
She scoffed, “Next time? I can’t even count how many times you told me you’ll be better next time, but came back with a fucking shitty result.” She spat with distaste in her tone.
You frowned, scrunching your eyebrows together and looked up at her. “Why do you hate me so much? I’m your son.”
“You’re not my son.” She snapped, making you flinch at how harsh her words are. “You were just an accident. You understand that? A fucking accident between me and your father that we never planned to happen. The worst part is, you grew up looking like your father. That face reminds me of him and makes me wish I never had you.” The pure hatred in her face was enough to make you believe her.
You swallowed, feeling tears welling up in your eyes and looked down, trying to hide it from her.
“What, are you gonna cry?” She said mockingly. “Of course. You’re gonna cry like a little cry baby that you always were. A pathetic, weak piece of shit that I’m absolutely ashamed to call my son.” She grabbed the jingle jangle on the table and glared at you like you were the worst thing that ever happened to your life. “I never wanted you, and never will.” With that, she walked out of the house to be a drug addict that she always was.
After she was gone from the house, you broke into tears and finally let them stream down your face, falling on your knees as your face twisted in complete pain and anguish.
Everything hurt; your heart, your chest, your whole body. It’s like the emotional and mental pain shifted into physical pain even when you weren’t being abused physically. The feeling of worthlessness appearing in both your heart and mind, as well as emptiness, sadness, pain and anguish.
Your cries were the cries of help, desperately wanting someone to show up and stop your pain for the better. But life wasn’t that easy. There was no one to stop it; not even Jughead, who used to always be with you and cared for you deeply.
Now, he was gone. He don’t care about you anymore. All he cares about was Betty and Betty only.
Tears continued to run down your cheeks, soaking your shirt as you sobbed violently, unable to contain yourself. “W-why...?” The void question came out from your lips between sobs, asking the universe why they were being cruel to you.
Though, it’s not like the universe or destiny will answer you.
It feels like you were being killed from the inside, like all the pain you experienced in your life are molding together and attacking you all at once. Everything hurt, and you were exhausted mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You just want to be happy and be with the love of your life. That was enough. That is enough. But then, life doesn’t let you be happy even for once.
You stumbled towards the bathroom, feeling the urge to hurt yourself to deal with the emotional pain. Opening the cabinet, you saw few blades laying there and took it out, setting it down on the sink.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and witnessed how much of a mess you are right now. Your eyes red and puffy from crying, tears were still streaming down your cheeks that had a red mark because of your mother’s slap, the look in your face practically screaming exhaustion. Your hair was a mess from you constantly running your hands through them while you were crying in the living room.
Your gaze returned to the blazes above the sink and takes it without even hesitating, moving up the sleeves to reveal your arms that was littered with scars of different sizes. Some were small, some were big, some were deep, some were not, but they were all old scars. Self-harm scars. You brought the blade down to your left wrist, beginning to run the blade slowly, watching as it cut through your skin and causing blood to come out. A relieved sigh leaves your lips — self-harming was never been a healthy way to deal with problems, but it made you relieved every time you do it. You feel like the emotional pain was leaving your body through the cuts that you made. There wasn’t any physical pain, but you were sure it will sting when you take a shower.
By the time you were satisfied, there were many cuts covering both of your wrists. Blood oozed out from the cuts that you found satisfying. If your mother was a drug addict, then maybe you’re a self-harm addict. This was your only way of escaping the pain.
You washed the blood away with water while ignoring the stinging pain it gave you before moving back to the living room and grabbing your phone, immediately entering your room afterwards. The tears already stopped by now thankfully.
You laid on the bed and unlocked your phone, only for it to ring right after. It was Jughead and a dark feeling spreads in your chest when you read his name on your phone screen, almost like something was going to go wrong if you answered it. Nonetheless, you pressed the answer button just in case it was emergency — a decision that you will regret sooner.
“(Y/n)!” Jughead’s excited voice called from the other line, making you smile.
“Hey, Jug.” You cleared your throat to regain control of your voice as it came out hoarse. “What’s up? Why do you sound excited?” You asked curiously.
There was a chuckle of joy before he spoke, “Guess what? I asked Betty if she will be my girlfriend and she said yes!”
You froze. Mind unable to process what he said as you stared at the ceiling blankly. In that moment, you heard your heart shatter in million pieces. The pain wasn’t even an ache anymore; it was more than that. His announcement just destroyed your heart completely.
Why is this happening to me? You thought, feeling the tears well up in your eyes again. It was surprising, really. With the amount of tears you cried earlier, you didn’t know there was still tears left to cry.
“(Y/n)? You there?” Jughead’s worried voice snapped you out of your misery.
You breathe out, “Yeah... yeah, I am. Lucky for you, Jug. Congratulations.” You swallowed as you felt like suffocating. “Uh... I’m sorry, I have to go.” The call ended as soon as you said that, not giving him any time to argue or protest.
Without a second thought, you grabbed your jacket and stormed out of the house, leaving your phone behind.
Maybe you were foolish.
Maybe you were an idiot to believe he would look at you the same way he looked at Betty if you tried enough.
Maybe... you were stupid for giving your everything to him until you were left with none. That’s exactly the reason why you felt empty right now anyway.
It was totally your fault. Veronica, Archie and Kevin warned you, told you to give up, but you didn’t. It was your fault. Everything just hurts and now you were sure Betty is the only one who has Jughead’s heart. There was nothing you can do about it.
Accept it, idiot. You thought to yourself.
Standing above the bridge that divided the Southside and the Northside, you looked at the river below. It was beautiful at night, the sound of water calming you. No one was in sight, which was pretty dangerous in your situation.
I could just jump and never come back. You thought as you looked at the river and leaned on the railings.
It will be easy. You just need to jump and drown. That way, you could finally end your miserable life. This excrusiating pain will stop for the better and you will be free from your drug addict mother. Everything will be okay if you just jumped. Your friends might be sad after your death, but they will get over it quickly. Veronica has Archie, Archie has Veronica, Kevin has Joaquin, Jughead has Betty. They will be okay.
You jumped slightly to sit on the railings and turned to the river, still contemplating your life. Nothing was good in it anyway.
Your mother was a drug addict who didn’t want you in her life, who never wanted you.
Your father left you long ago.
Jughead didn’t care about you but Betty.
Your three friends? They have each other.
Nothing will change even if you jump. There will be nothing to regret. It’s just an easy task.
“What are you doing here?” A deep voice suddenly asked, causing you to jump slightly startled. He chuckled at your reaction.
You glanced at him and turned back to the river, far away look in your eyes. “Contemplating my life.”
Panic flashed in the raven haired boy's expression, “Woah, woah, woah. Get away from there.” He ushered and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you away from the railings easily before spinning you around to face him. “What the hell are you really doing?”
You looked up, annoyed that he even thought he had the right to stop you, and widened your eyes when you came across a handsome face that you’ve never seen in your neighbourhood. “Oh, uhm...” You struggled to say it out loud, pushing yourself off of him upon noticing the close distance. “I was just admiring the river.”
He raised his brows; even though you were hiding it well, he could still see that you're lying. Definitely wasn't just admiring the river. “Well, you looked like you were about to jump. Is everything good?”
You sighed, going back to lean on the railings again and he quickly went beside you. “Everything is a mess.” You answered, having a far away look once again.
“Care to elaborate?” He asked and stared at your face. It was dark, but he could still make out the shape of your face and notice how good-looking you are.
“Well, a short summary of my life — my mom and dad had sex and accidentally had me. Mom became a drug addict, dad tried to be patient for her but eventually gave up and left. He didn't want to deal with her anymore and instead left me to deal with her.” A bitter chuckle left your lips. “Growing up, mom continued to verbally abuse me because she couldn't stand the thought of dad leaving us. So, I turned to my friends. Then, I fell in love with my best friend since middle school. I was blinded by my love for him and did everything for him when I clearly knew he's in love with a girl, hoping that one day he'll love me back. And an hour ago, he called to tell me he and the love of his life are now together, so there's that.” You shrugged trying to act nonchalant.
His face dropped at your story, almost as if feeling the pain you've gone through everyday. He knew you were trying not to cry by how your shoulders trembled, your lips pursed in a thin line to keep any sound from coming out. “Let it out.” He said, his hand going over to pat your back.
You shook your head, “I- I can't. I don't- I don't want to be weak.”
His brows furrowed. Who the hell teaches their child crying means weak? “Hey, crying doesn't make you weak. It makes you strong. Bottling those things up will only makes things worst, so you have to let it all out to make you feel better. Cry as many times as you want, I don't care.”
Those words were enough for the tears to come out as you let out a sob, breaking down for the second time this day in front of a boy that you don't even know.
However, he don't seem to mind as he patted your back gently and shift his body closer to you to give you comfort. He didn't get too close that you'll feel unconfortable, but maintained a slight distance from you. You cried like that for a while, letting out all your pain.
“Uh, thanks.” You said after your break down finished. “Your presence comforted me a lot.”
He flashed you a smile, “No problem. The name's Sweet Pea.” He said and extended his hand.
You raised your brows, a smirk of amusement appearing on your face. “That's a strangely cute name. I'm (Y/n) (L/n).”
“Yeah, don't mention it.” He says, shaking his head and you chuckled.
“Hey, don't be embarrassed. I like your name.”
“I like your name better.” He smirked. “So, what are you going to do now?”
You sighed heavily. “Nothing. I’m just gonna try to be happy for them. And if you’re asking about my mother, I don’t know. I just don’t want to go home yet.” You said and wrapped your arms around yourself in a comforting manner.
He hummed, “You wanna come to my place? I can let you stay in.”
Your brows raised in surprise as you looked at him, expecting him to be joking. “Are you serious? You shouldn’t be asking a stranger to come to your place. And I’m a northsider.”
He rolled his eyes, “I can’t let you go home when I know you have a shitty mother even when you’re a northsider.”
A smile slowly appeared on your lips and a look of gratitude flashed on your face. “Thank you, Sweet Pea. I appreciate it.” He smirked and nodded his head, before gesturing for you to follow him and you obliged as you didn’t see any reason to reject his offer.
Sweet Pea seems like a tough guy, but he’s a kind person. You knew that the moment he stopped you from jumping that bridge knowing you’re a northsider. A lot of people in the southside didn’t like northsiders, because they’re just a bunch of jocks who judges a person without getting to know them.
Looking at the southside serpents jacket he wore, you strangely felt safer than usual. You didn’t know whether it’s because he’s with you or the fact that you’re in the southside territory. There was something about this place that you couldn’t help but feel like home more than your own house.
The two of you reached a trailer and he twisted the doorknob, already knowing his door is unlocked. “You don’t lock your door?” You asked out of the blue.
He chuckles, “I do. My friends are here.” You just nodded quietly at his response. He opened the door and you could hear his friends laughing from inside the trailer as you both entered, the laughter stopping as soon as they realized you and Sweet Pea were in.
There were two of them — a girl with a pink hair and a boy with a flannel. Curiosity appeared on their faces upon seeing your presence, though they knew you’re not from the southside after seeing the ‘RH’ on your jacket — you weren’t a Bulldog, but you had a jacket that had the Riverdale High patch.
“Was taking a walk and saw him contemplating his life. He’s gonna stay here for tonight.” Sweet Pea informed them casually, going over to the kitchen to get for something to drink.
Their eyes widened as they looked at you, before scrumbling to get up. “You, uh... you okay?” The boy wearing a flannel asked.
You nods, “Yeah, uhm, I’m not really right now. But I think I will be.” You smiled in reassurance.
“Wait, hold on.” The pink haired girl said as she caught the sight of your red cheek. “What happened to your face?” She asked, pointing at it. You winced when her finger touched and she quickly pulled it away.
Sweet Pea came back with a beer and a first aid kit, sitting down on the couch. He noticed the redness of your cheek way back then and knew something probably happened that you didn’t tell him.
“C’mon, Sweets will treat it.” Fangs said, grabbing your wrist in the process and you hissed in pain as his hand gripped where you self-harmed earlier. He let go instantly and looked at you with wide, confused eyes.
You cleared your throat, gently holding your wrist with the other hand. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” You tried brushing it away, but Sweet Pea didn’t let it slip.
He walked towards you and gently grabbed your hand as he looked at you silently asking for permission. You don’t want him to see your scars, but for some reason, you didn’t pry away his hands or shoved him away. You just looked down at the floor, unable to keep your eye contact with him. He took that as a permission to roll up your sleeve and once he did, a gasp came out form Fangs and Toni while Sweet Pea froze in shock seeing the many scars littered on your wrist.
“(Y/n), what the fuck?” He muttered in devastation.
He can’t imagine what you’ve gone through that you got to the point to harming yourself. The scars were new, but there were some that seemed old that made him realize you’ve been suffering for long until now. The fact that no one didn’t even try to help you or notice the state you were in broke his heart. However, he knew you were more broken than he could ever be, so he didn’t dare ask why you did it.
He just pulled you towards the couch as Fangs and Toni guided you by placing one of their hands on your back. You sat on the couch, letting Sweet Pea start with his mission to treat your swollen cheek and the many lines of scars on your wrist.
They don’t know you, nor the life you had in the northside, but they didn’t have to hear your entire life story to know it was an awful one. If it wasn’t awful, you wouldn’t have any self-harm scars or wouldn’t even try to jump from a bridge.
“You don’t really have to do this, Sweet Pea.” You said after a while of silence.
“He has to.” Toni spoke for him as he dabbed the cotton pads on the alcohol.
“Yeah, you might get infection if your wrist isn’t bondaged.” Fangs chimed in.
You shrugged, “I don’t really think so. If I showed up to school with a bondage around my wrist, my friends will think something bad happened.”
Sweet Pea gave you a look, “Might I remind you that something bad was about to happen earlier if I didn’t stop you.” He deadpanned, making you wince. “If you think you don’t deserve being helped, then just think I’m doing this for me.”
“No, seriously — why are you helping a northsider? I thought you guys hated us?” You asked, looking up at Sweet Pea then at Toni and Fangs. Though, a hiss of pain immediately escaped your lips after Sweet Pea proceeded to clean your scars with the cutton pads drenched in alcohol.
Their expression softened. “Well, you obviously need help and we aren’t that heartless to not help anyone who’s in need of.” Toni replied softly.
Your heart warmed up at her words. At least they care about you despite only knowing you few seconds ago. It was still new to you though; you were never cared for, your mother always did drugs, you had your friends but they didn’t care about you as much as you wanted them to, Jughead has forgotten about you ever since he started to hang out with Betty. So everything that’s happening right now was pretty much a new experience. Why Sweet Pea cares was a complete mystery to you. You’re close to strangers after all — you don’t know a single thing about him and he don’t know a single thing about you.
Sweet Pea glanced at you from the scars on your wrist, seeing you deep in thought. He returned his gaze to your wrist as he ask, “What you got in your mind?”
Your eyes glanced at him for a split second. “Just wondering how can you care for me this much. I mean, we’re strangers and there’s nothing much about me that is worth caring for.”
He snapped his gaze to you. It was barely above a whisper, but he heard it clearly. “Why do you even think you’re not worth caring for?” He asked, stopping his movement and meeting your eyes, searching for an answer.
You looked away from him, free hand going down to fiddle with the hem of your shirt. “That’s what my mom think about me.” You muttered.
The three serpents felt their heart shatter. How a parent could be so cruel to teach their child they’re not worth caring for? They could see the way how her words affected you; you think everyone thinks of you that way just because your mother does. And they were certain that your mother taught you so many wrong things, digged so many false and cruel words in your mind that her words are the only things you can believe.
Sweet Pea gripped your hand while Toni and Fangs scooted closer to you, their faces contorted in anger at your mother for being so cruel to you.
“(Y/n), don’t ever believe what your mother says about you. Whatever she says, you’re worth caring for. Everyone is.” Sweet Pea said firmly, gripping your hands and making you look at him. “It doesn’t matter what she says. You shouldn’t believe everything she tells you just because she’s your mother. You understand me? You’re worth caring for.”
You stared into his eyes and nodded, “Maybe... Maybe if I didn’t have a mother like her, I would’ve been happy. Or if I still had my father.”
Curiosity shines in Fangs’s eyes as he tilted his head slightly to look at you. “Do you remember your father’s name? Don’t you wanna know if he’s still alive?” He pushed over.
“Fangs.” Sweet Pea warned, eyes glaring at him.
“What? He could take him back, so his shitty mom couldn’t touch him ever again.” Fangs proves his point and the raven haired boy sighed at his friend, proceeding to treat your scars.
“I still remember his name and face, but I doubt he’ll take me back in.” You shrugged, pursing your lips into a thin line. And then, a realization hit you that you’re in the southside and that the people around you are members of the southside serpents your father was in.
“Well, what’s his name?” Toni asked.
“(F/n) (L/n).”
“My father is (F/n) (L/n).” You repeated, looking up at them now.
Sweet Pea abruptly stopped his movement and looked at you with wide eyes as so did Toni and Fangs.
“(Y/n)...” Sweet Pea calls your name after a few moments of silence.
“Your dad is our Serpent King.”
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© prettymadness — all rights reserved. do not repost or translate without my permission. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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