#that would be very cool
vesselofmanythings · 2 months
Agent 4 thoughts.......
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local-redhead-bookworm · 11 months
“Why do you care about the strikes so much?”
Newsies was a very formative musical for me
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i wish i could be stuck in a time loop of this day
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recently i was talking to a friend of a friend and i asked her for book recommendations and she gave me a couple of really basic ones that of course i've already finished but then she said another book that i didn't recognize and i wrote the title down on a scrap of paper to be nice... and i just reread it and i think she meant isle of the lost. anyways i thought of you
Oh Holy Moly. Do you. Do you want to try it.
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One of my professors talked to me about possibly running a Taylor course with them next year which is exciting!!
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babymagi · 2 years
*Watching Mulan* Gyokuen: Do you know what the lesson is? Young Hakuei: Don't get married, go to war
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
Hey, hope you’re feeling better, and feel absolutely free to answer this whenever or never lol. I just saw some things you posted and wanted to share my opinion.
First, you’re absolutely right. I really love Rivusa, but not everything has to be about them. I was so upset when the teaser dropped and no one could care less about Flora (and after how much we fought to have her too), because they were all like “wHeRe’s RiVuSa?”
Because the producers are gonna show their cards just like that anyways.
Also, I’m in this weird position because Rivusa and Flora’s ship were my favorites in the cartoon and, while nothing has to happen in the show, I’m hoping it will. But honestly, if I have to say what’s better in Fate, Skloom wins without question. My complex relationship with them in the og aside, I love this version of them so damn much, and it’s gonna be very difficult to top.
And okay, they’re the only ones to have had any real relationship scenes up until now, but this doesn’t change how good the scenes were.
Last but not least, Flora. I saw the ask you answered about her and Terra but I don’t think they’re that alike? Sure, Flora was also shy and loved plants, but that’s it. She was always way insecure, much more than what we saw Terra being, and she was never bubbly in my opinion. Open to people (though she had difficulties admitting when she felt romantically involved and had problems with trying to put herself out there) yeah, but not enthusiastic. Also more afraid to be the one to approach people and be rejected\hurt. I also don’t really remember Flora being confrontational in any way, except when Nature was the topic or in really serious situations. Actually, when it comes to Nature, she was more touchy than Terra, and definitely didn’t take it well when people had problems with her plants in the suite. Overall, I think Terra and Flora come from similar ideas but are very different.
That’s why I can see Flora still being the Flora from the cartoon, and have Fate show that she and Terra have traits in common that take different forms. I’d avoid the insecurity and make Flora’s other traits work on a more open, at least apparently confident, and extrovert personality though. I got those vibes from the teaser and I dig that. I don’t see Flora having a bad relationship with Terra, but I hope they’re gonna have that kind of scene where Terra talks about Flora being perfect and she’s just puzzled. I feel like it could be a good introspective moment for both of them, where Flora opens up about her own insecurities and helps Terra be kinder to herself\see how amazing she is. Terra’s journey is her own, but that doesn’t mean she can’t or shouldn’t have help.
But the thing I’d dig the most, as other people have said, is having Flora know more stuff than she lets on, be further in her studies than others, and just use her personality to “fake innocence” while she’s there to undermine Rosalind\work against her in some way. It’d be cool, and I’d love this twist on her character. Plus, what happened to Dowling at the end of s1 immediately reminded me of something that her character went through in the cartoon, and it was Flora who saved her on that occasion. Just putting this out there, then we’ll see.
Anyways, sorry for the long ass ramble, I just love Flora, and I unfortunately have very high expectations.
First off thank you so much for this ask anon, it was super sweet and it warms my heart to think people not only care about what I think, but feel comfortable enough to share their own thoughts over this silly show that we're obsessing over. The later truly makes the experience of fandom all that enjoyable.
Secondly, thank you for not taking the fithings I say to the heart, seeing as Flora is your favorite and I've voiced my displeasure/lack of care about this character many times.
I think your ask truly helped me be more accepting of the character in general. I'm still firmly of the opinion Terra was supposed to be Flora, but that said, knowing the creators of the show ended up differentiating the two even before the name change happened makes me more secure in Terra's character as a stand alone, and thus much more accepting of this new addition, as I can see she's not a threat and/or a replacement to Ter.
I was never into the OG, so it's very intriguing to learn Flora was insecure! Knowing she's shy and non-confrontational, which are all traits that Terra has, makes me much more excited about their dynamic.
I do wonder if they're going to translate all of this, in their second attempt of the character. You mentioned your favorite ship in the cartoons was with Flora, so I'm guessing Helia, and I wanna know if - from the TV show's perspective, would you want Helia in it? Or would you rather they adapted the same relationship, but with the characters we already have at hand?
And yeah, I'm fully on your side on Flora knowing more than she lets on, that would be such a smart use for the character, that extends beyond just fanservice, so fingers crossed.
Nonny, what do you think of Flora's relationship with Sam? I know people have strong opinions on the Terra/Flora regard because of the initial polemic, but I never see people remembering that Sam is also her cousin and I'm curious!
On the topic of rivusa, we'll not go there. Water under the bridge and I'm taking a break from the ship in general.
Now Skloom... I'll be real, I know Skloom is not everyone's cup of tea. it's a love triangle OG fans did not want and they end season one in "good terms", where most watchers want a dramatic messy couple. That said, I'm obsessed with the depth of this couple and soo so happy you too enjoy them, specially in the live action!!
Thank you so much for the ask nonny! <3
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lvthiens · 10 days
the that bellara uses a bow as a mage makes me feel like her magic powers are a recent addition due to antics by mr dreadwolf
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twobeesornottwobees · 1 month
watching ally beardsley transition over the past five years has been really wonderful and affirming but also hilarious. they went from looking like siobhan to looking like brennan. truly the entire anglo-saxon spectrum of gender.
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mroddmod · 2 months
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everyone be quiet i'm manifesting
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cinabunny07 · 5 months
Someone in the chat said that Blasp is the opposite end of the spectrum from Jimbo and the first thing that popped into my head was “linear autism spectrum where one side is Blasp autistic and the other is Jimbo autistic”
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datcatisinsane · 7 months
can i kiss you please
yes :3
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lezbadeez · 9 months
My school gives you £2.30 in free school meals. Here are their prices!
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You see this bullshit? In no world can I afford a meal
I can barely get a sandwich and a drink
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FNAF Abby and Gregory discover Michael is an artist too
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worm-on-a-blog · 6 months
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woahh 2024! cheers!
happy new year. worms are rooting for you to have your best year yet.
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aalghul · 2 months
once again thinking about jason as duke’s robin. he’s ~4 years younger than jason, and that puts him at 8-12 during Jason’s time as robin. that’s prime time to get attached to your local kid vigilante before your own life goes downhill.
and if we try to keep duke’s meeting with bruce in zero year + duke’s age (so he can remember the meeting and hold that conversation with bruce), he has to be around 8. if he starts following batman through the news at that time because of the mess that just happened, the robin he sees is probably jason. I’ve literally connected the dots
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