#that’s raph alright
Love the “Rise Raph still has anger issues he just has better coping mechanisms so he doesn’t take it out on his family” idea, I think his patience gets worn down quicker than anything by board games and card games (and Leo’s ego as an honorable mention but we all know that already).
Idk why but it just makes sense to me for scrabble/battleship/trouble to turn him into a ticking time bomb. He’s convinced everytime that he’ll be able to control himself but like half way through he’ll be grinding his teeth so loud everyone can hear it. It only makes things worse that Leo is the best at these and is also the only one dumb enough to take Raph up on his offer to play Every. Fucking. Time. despite knowing how it’s going to end. He still doesn’t take it out on them but goes on a mini rampage of knocking stuff over, yelling nonsense and storms off until he calms down and has to guiltily come back out and clean up.
They had a chess board at one point, key word being HAD. Leo beat Raph in 9 moves or less 5 times in a row and Raph got so angry he ate the fucking board. He has never once won a game of poker because he has a terrible poker face and also has a winning/losing hand stink that gives him away everytime, he still attempts to play every few months. Sorry is a game of complete chance, despite this fact Leo always manages to win and Raph had to throw himself into the sewer water to cool off because he gave himself a rage fever.
They have only ever played monopoly ONCE. They have never spoken about it since and the board has been incinerated by Donnie for the good of the family.
It all plays out exactly like that one adventure time episode with jakes obsession with wining card wars except Leo isnt concerned, if anything he fuels the flames by bragging.
Edit- On the VERY rare occasion he does win, he’s a sore winner- think the Jupiter Jim episode where he gets to be the sidekick. He almost out smugs Leo on occasion.
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
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liathgray · 2 years
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Second art piece i’ve done for the Green Screen AU… they caused a panic at a MacDonalds btw
Rest of AU: first, third, fourth
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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You're out of touch
<prev [4/7] next >
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tasenwrobots · 1 year
I want to see a fanfic of Casey "just fucking time travelled" Jones absolutely losing his balls over simple things such as birds, cotton candy, ice cream, trees even(how many trees did we see in the future?? How many??) And being fascinated by shopping malls and all the clothes in them, flowers FLOWERS, butterflies, ants on the sidewalk. Ofcourse he is no caveman he understands how all this works and it wont take him time to get used to it but BOY IS THIS DIFFERENT IN THE BEST WAY. Oh and imagine him seeing the fucking ocean holy shit.
Casey, at the beach, absolutely flabbergasted: so- so you're telling me ITS ALL JUST WATER??
Leo, having this conversation for the 15th time: yes, Casey
Casey: and what's after that???
Raph: there's more water
Casey: IT'S MORE WATER?? SO LIKE, ITS JUST THIS BIG...BIG MASS OF WATER? I've heard stories about it but no one ever told me it would be THIS HUGE.
Donnie: it is also highly saline in nature
Casey: this whole thing has salt in it??
Mikey: there's also all sorts of tiny and large fishies living in it!
Casey: oh my God there's things living in it
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rednleafff · 1 year
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I’m in the middle of a - well - difficult situation at the moment, so for now I’m not very active or able to draw - so sorry about that - here are some sketches I from the last couple of weeks -
I hope to come back to draw very soon- especially commissions- I’ll probably open an emergency commission? Idk- I don’t really like doing that- anyway- we will see
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dumbfrenchname · 1 year
Thanks to @tapakah0 for giving me inspiration to make this animation (it’s not even finished it’s just a quick storyboard i have to animate now). One of your last animatic (Finale from cass apocalypse series) is currently making me cry and i think i ve rewatched it like 400 times if more. Thank you for giving me the motivation on working on my personal project after work because i think i would just die in bed right after work (i dont enjoy being an adult)
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pineapplesaresweet · 1 year
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so i had a little thought
Edit: part 2
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Still haven't quite figured out Raph's color scheme, but I wanted to make content of him anyways because he's my favorite lol
I'm currently in the midst of making an angsty Donnie comic instead of finalizing my Raph and Mikey designs, so...sorry about the lack of those ;-;
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My friend, I am having the worst week but seeing 03 Raph wake up in a room full of weapons for his enjoyment was extremely comforting. Thank you for that. I cannot wait to see what chaos and destruction he reigns down on everyone else. <3
I am so glad you liked the Raph chapter!!!
A little behind the curtain thinking (I don't know if you the same anon as last 03 Raph lover) but I specifically added the extra page because I really wanted to give Raph the proper narrative intro he deserves.
I'm sorry about your bad week- here take this
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it'll be okay, and if you ever need anythin' from the old shitheads the inbox is always open :)
bonus page:
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smol-bean-boi13 · 2 months
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I m F r E e E e E e E e
Main masterpost
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Song: Hourglass by Set it Off
So, um. I had the idea of the last audio but no other ideas. So this was 90% done on the fly ngl. I still like it. I wasn't totally happy with the song choice when I landed on it but it. It works.
Anyway someone tell my brain to take a goddamn break from editing oh my gosh (<- has more angst planned already)
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colibrie · 4 months
Reflections, part I
Art (and some writing!) courtesy of @trilobitepunch
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Found sumthin…”
Donnie jumped, biting down on the urge to hiss as the sound of Raphie’s voice, soft as it tried to be, raked a knife sharply across his nerves. His insides writhed with the need to scream, or bite, or tuck himself into a dark corner and rock until the world disappeared. But he couldn’t do that. The master’s had always disapproved when he did. They had scolded him to “center himself”, to “release the feelings to the Force”. And he had tried too. So, so many times, he had tried to do as they said to control his body and mind. It had never worked. Only his family had… But the masters were gone, and so were most of his family. There was only one left. Only Raph. Raphael and Donatello against a cold world that did not care about them, and so Donnie had to find that stupid center and pull. Himself. Together.
He bit down hard on his lip, the pain helpfully grounding as he squashed those writhing, icky needs down and locked them away, smoothing his face into practiced neutrality before turning to look at his big brother. Raphael stood a few feet away, nervously shifting from foot to foot. His head was wrapped in makeshift bandages torn from the relatively cleaner portion of his inner robe, partially covering a patch of rust red crusted over the left side of his face. Small flakes broke away as his beak pulled back into a tentative smile, fluttering down to join the detritus of the alleyway as his hands triumphantly presenting their prize for Donatello’s inspection.
It was, in short, not much. Two slightly smushed ration bars in torn wrappers and a hunk of visibly stale bread. Not the most filling spread, or the most nourishing. But neither of them could afford to turn down the calories.
“Well done, Raphie,” Donnie nodded, something in his heart loosening when Rahael beamed at him. “You should take your portion first.”
“Nuh-uh! You go first Donnie!” Raph denied, puffing out his cheeks when Donnie shook his head.
“No Raphie, you require a greater level of caloric intake.”
“Raph doesn’t know about calor-a-whatitz, but you said I was your big brother, yeah? That means it’s my responsibility to take care’a you.”
“I am not that hungry,” Donnie protested, his tummy twisting uncomfortably as he stared at the food in Raph’s palms.
“That’s wha you said earlier, but I also know you haven’t eaten in a while. You gotta eat if yah wanna get big an strong Dee.”
“Just try. Please?”
“…Sigh. Very well.”
The way Raph’s face lit up with pride and relief gave him the strength to reach out and take one of the ration bars. He broke off half, then grudgingly took a little bit more when the chasm between Raph’s eyes grew. The texture, like pavement gravel, dried sand, and fake fruit, made him want to puke, but he forced his reflexes back enough to swallow. Neither of them could afford to waste food.
“Come on, lets sit fer a few minutes, yeah?” Raph said, one hand landing on the back of Donatello’s shell to steer him closer to the ally wall.
“We shouldn’t stay in one place,” Donnie protested, even as his traitorous legs trembled beneath him, “the lower levels of Coruscant are dangerous.”
“An we’ll run faster if we take breaks when we can, right?”
“That is…unusually logical of you Raphala.”
Donatello’s heart sank at the hopeful look that Raph shot him as they curled up together behind a dumpster.
“Yes. You’ve always been a more, in your words, gut based turtle…I…take that to mean your memories have not returned?”
“Not beyond what you’ve told me,” Raph shrugged, looking down as he gnawed the bread. “I’m Raphael, your big brother. We’re Jedi, or we were? Somethin happened in the temple, an we had to run away. Then the tunnel collapsed when the bad guys caught up to us. Did I forget anything?”
“No, that is the gist of events,” Don confirmed, forcing himself to eat another tiny piece of the ration bar. “I will admit, I was hoping to see more come back independently.”
Hope was perhaps an incorrect term for the unidentifiable mess of emotions that churned inside him, but Donnie didn’t have the energy or inclination to try to pull those impossible threads apart. Not without…
“Well, maybe you could tell me more?”
More… a dangerous concept.
“What specifically would you like to know?”
“I dunno. What the temple was like? Did we have any other family there?”
“The temple?”
His face pinched slightly. He couldn't really fault his brother for wanting to know what he couldn't recall, knowing full well he'd want to extract every detail he could regain if he were in the same position. Then again, maybe he wouldn’t if it meant… It was a horrifying thought he quickly backed away from, ducking his head and drawing in a breath as he prepared his response, reluctantly letting his thoughts dip back into simpler, more pleasant times.
Vaulted halls supported by towering pillars and dappled with sunlight. The lush humidity within the Room of a Thousand Fountains, the blissful hush of the Archives. The soft, colorful walls of the creche, covered in drawings made by little hands. Food smudged on tiny fingers, colorful patterns swirling over a tiny shell…
“DeeDee! DeeDee I dwew this fo you!”
“It bwoke DeeDee, can you fix it?”
“I luve you DeeDee!”   
"The temple.... was the only home we knew. It was huge, and somehow both busy and quiet. People were always coming and going, especially after the war started. Jedi come from all over the galaxy, so we lived in the creche with others, and we had lessons in all matter of subjects. As for family…”
“Dee! Pst, Dee! Bet I can block more than you!”
“It’s gonna okay DonDon, don’t listen to them. Do you want to squeeze my hand?”
“That’s never gonna happen to us, Donatello. It’s going to be you and me, always. I promise.”
"...the Order was more or less family, but the Jedi didn’t encourage bonds and connections between its members," he finished, pretending to nibble at his ration bar to hide as he swallowed hard around the knot in his throat.
It was hard to keep that mask on with the pain of everything lost still so fresh. When that messy cyclone of emotions twisted and knotted even tighter inside of him. As his thoughts circled continuously around those last moments in the sewer tunnel, and those lost beneath the cave in. Master Yoshi, Michelangelo, Leo...
 He didn't even try to swallow another bite of his rations as something hot and sour and wrong flooded his throat, coating his tongue and teeth in bitterness. His stomach roiled, every little ache seemingly magnified as the emotions in his chest screamed their names over and over and over and-
“Well, at least we still got each other, right?”
Raphaels words pulled him from the maelstrom, gave him the strength to look up as one big arm wrapped around his shoulders. He stared as Raph smiled, the same smile overflowing with the warmth and reassurance only his eldest brother could provide. An eldest brother free from the enormity of all they had lost.
“…Yes,” He replied, bowing his head as he carefully tucked those names, and the memories they brought with them, away within his own memory.
“It’s for the best,” his mind whispered. “He doesn’t need to feel this. He doesn’t need to miss them. I can bear it for the both of us.”
“Come on then, lil bro,” Raph’s arm gently guided him back to his feet, taking the remains of his ration bar to tuck away for later. “Let’s try to look for a good place to sleep.”
"What have we here?"
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yorshie · 10 months
My sister-in-law got me drunk and now all I can think about is how the turtles would react to a drunk reader like how would care for them who would be made im SPIRALING
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tangledinink · 1 year
You've mentioned that rarely Swanatello's family is unable to come visit him. What would make it so that they couldn't?
Overall, they're very on top of coming to see Swannie and making sure someone is with him at just about all times, but there have been one or two occasions when things have popped up-- and even then, it's not that the family didn't come to visit him for the day, but rather that they were delayed. Think things along the lines of "X villain is doing something completely fucking batshit and we need all hands on deck to make sure no one dies and get things under control before we can go visit" and/or just simple miscommunication about what the plan is. It should also be noted that they are currently almost entirely reliant on Leo to portal them over to the Lake. If Leo is incapacitated or occupied for whatever reason and can't portal them over... then they can't visit.
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darth-sonny · 6 months
The regency au is extremely interesting, and I think it'd be awesome if the climax of Leo's arc is getting divorced. Mostly because I just generally like divorce but yk.
ANYWAYS, MIKEY! I think it's very cool that he's allowed a little bit more gay than his siblings. Just a smidge. I support him in everything he does.
Divorce Arcs are the pinnacle of entertainment, yeah. unfortunately, divorce was not possible (or more accurately, near impossible to get) in those times, especially for a lady. so a divorce for these two is not in the works
doesn't mean they won't work around it though~
and yeah, Mikey is allowed to be a little bit more open in being gay, but not too much, though, as it was a death sentence to be open and out. he can't go to molly houses either (places where gay and queer men showed up to hang out, or for sex) since he's still young. so he flirts occasionally every now ad then with staff. but in a way that is seen as playful as to not give anything away
not a lot of freedom, but definitely a lot more than what Donnie gets
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