#that’s the fic title not my feelings because we love anthony here
chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Husk and Angel, in bed together late at night:
Husk: I love you Anthony.
Angel: *blushing*
Sir Pentious, from the corner of the room: Yesss that’s quite dissssappointing
Husk and Angel:
Angel: Pentious, you can clearly see it’s me.
Sir Pentious: I see nothing but a homewrecker.
(Fic now here)
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licorice-tea · 8 months
The Bane of My Existence
Pairing:Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: some spoilers for Sabaody arc (nothing major), enemies to lovers! strawhat reader, reader and law are both stubborn and argumentative smh, reader is more optimistic though, law is awkward and not great at understanding his own feelings <3
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: part 1/2 for a little enemies to lovers fic! one of my favorite tropes but I almost never write about it... also I've been rewatching bridgerton and was very inspired by the relationship between Kate and Anthony, which is where the title comes from too! (can you guess what part 2 will be called?) anyway, enjoy and lmk your thoughts! :)
Part 2
Sabaody Archipelago is easily one of the coolest places you’ve visited so far. Not that Alabasta, Skypiea, Water 7, Thriller Bark weren’t cool too… but you’re a people person! And to get to see such a diverse mix of groups from all over the world converging here, on one island Archipelago, brings a genuine smile to your face. It truly does remind you of a theme park: from the attractions to the oversized trees and bubbles.
In fact, you’re so caught up in all the splendors of the carnival-esque grove that you don’t realize you’re being watched. Or, followed, rather.
The Heart Pirates, yet another crew from some vague corner of the world, have been tracking you for the better part of an hour now. Except, they’re only following their captain, who happens to be following you.
Hes not entirely discreet about it though, because at one point Bepo asks, “Um… Captain, why are we following them?”
Shachi responds unprompted, “Yeah, I’ve never seen their bounty poster so… what’s up?”
Law scowls, “I’m not following anyone.”
Though he is low-key following you, Law couldn’t give a good reason as to why. You walked past him and his crew on your way to meet up with the rest of your crew- the Strawhat Pirates- and he’d just sort of trailed after you once you’d gotten a safe distance ahead.
“Really? Because every time they stop for directions, we slow down. And we’ve turned at all the same spots, too… So it really does seem like we’re follo-“
“I am NOT following them.” He lies through (literally) gritted teeth.
Now, Trafalgar Law is in now way shape or form a believer in love at first sight. He’s never been in love period… but the feeling he gets from seeing you is something new and foreign. Like, he really wants to talk to you… he just doesn’t know what for. Law is still trying his best to come up with reasons to stop you and ask for your name when you overhear the brief argument between him and his friends.
With a quick glance over your shoulder, you spot a group of at least 10 on your trail. They’re in the middle of conversation, so they don’t notice you taking notice of them.
Your first instinct is to look around for your crew; but of course, they’re scattered across the groves of Sabaody Archipelago by now - as are you. “Sigh. I might just have to handle this in my own.” But, wait- who said they wanted to fight you? Maybe you should just approach them first, wouldn’t that give you the upper hand in some way? (It wouldn’t, but you can’t think of anything better than to try and charm your way out of a possible jumping with your friendliness and perfect smile.) So, you roll back your shoulders and take a breath before strolling back over the grass to your pursuers.
“Why would I be following some rand-“
“Because you have a crush on them!”
“Oh they’re cute, Captain, you should ask them to join!”
“Gasp! Yeah, then you can get to know-“
They all go silent (save for some quiet gasps) as you step toward the semi circle they’ve formed around one man- the only one not wearing a white uniform, who they call “Captain.” You tap him on the shoulder and he whips his head around.
“Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me?”
The man just stares at you for a moment with a frown. You fear that you might’ve been wrong about his intentions, until he blinks and mumbles, “Uh… Sure.”
Your smile returns- of course you weren’t wrong! Plus, he’s kind of hot, but you’d catalog that thought and come back to it on some lonely night in the future. “Great! I’m looking for grove 41, it’s where some of my friends are.”
You’d learned back in Water 7 that sometimes, it was best not to disclose who exactly you’re traveling with, nor the location of your ship. (At least, not when you’re infamous pirates.)
“Grove 41? I’m headed there too.”
The polar bear wearing who is also wearing a white uniform clears his throat.
“I thought we were heading to Grove 1, Captain?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to get in y’all’s way then-“
“Nah, I think Captain would love to show you the way.”
“Shachi!” The captain sneers. “We’ll meet back up at Grove 1 after I show them the way." Then, he looks you up and down. It's quick and analytical rather than flirtatious or intimidating. "Don’t cause me any trouble.”
You smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I’m y/n, by the way.”
“Trafalgar Law, and this is my crew, the Heart Pirates.” He gestures around the semi circle, then turns to face them, “You guys go take a break or something. I’ll be back shortly.”
“But Captain, we want to go with you!”
One of the men with red hair- Shachi, you’re pretty sure, elbows the polar bear.
“Hey!…” He looks down at Shachi then gasps like he suddenly had a revelation; “Ohhh. Sorry Captain, we’ll see you later!”
Law rolls his eyes. “See you soon.”
There's something about his dark hair and grey eyes that charms you, right off the bat. Or maybe it's his relaxed, confident demeanor. Possibly even his idiosyncratic style of clothing, and how he (and all of his crew) wore the same logo; so very organized and professional. But no matter the exact reason as to why, you find yourself quite happy to be in his company.
Alas, he’s not a very talkative man, so you make up most of the conversation with questions and your own introductory information. “-and that’s how I got here, to Sabaody!”
“Uh huh. And who did you say your crew was again?”
“I, ahem, I don’t travel with a crew.”
“Right.” He laughs dryly.
“What is it?”
“You’re a bad liar.”
“I- I’m not lying!”
“Look, you don’t have to tell me what crew you’re a part of,” Law explains, “but don’t lie and say you’re not a pirate at all.”
“Well… it’s generally not a good idea to tell strangers that you’re a pirate. Not even nice ones, like you."
Ignoring the butterflies in his stomach that unexpectedly appear when you call him nice, Law's burning curiosity is fed by your roundabout half-answer. “Ah, so you are one? What’s your bounty?”
“That’s not really any of your business.” Though you believe his intentions to be purely based in curiosity, you're second guessing allowing this man to lead you away on an island grove that you have never visited, nor know anything about. Still, your crew is nowhere in sight or hearing range, which worries you given just how loud they usually are.
“I’m paying you a favor by leaving my crew to escort you to where I’m assuming your ship is located- it’s the least you could do.” Law’s tone is more prickly than before.
“Well, I don’t need an escort, and you’ve already walked me halfway there and pointed me in the right direction.”
“Fine- then I’ll leave.”
His sudden change in mood from what you interpreted as shy to borderline aggressive throws you off. And so, having a similar moody temperament and stubbornness (though you’d never admit it after seeing it so clearly in him), you return the sentiment. “Fine by me.”
You continue walking forward while Law turns back, until he calls over his shoulder. “And by the way; you’ll need to find your way through the lawless zone up ahead if you want to get to Grove 41.” If condescending was a person, it would be him. You’re sure of it. “That, or I could’ve shown you a much safer shortcut.”
You pause, turn to face him, roll your eyes, and continue walking.
“What, you’re still not going to ask for my help?”
“Don’t need it!” Which, you really don’t. You’re plenty strong, but your bounty is small enough to not be worried. “I’m not scared of a law-less zone, if anything I think I’d welcome it.”
Your mocking words hurt his ego in a way he hasn't felt in years, taking him down several pegs.
You don't even stick around long enough to listen to him rebuke everything about you, from your high and mighty tone to your vain attempts at lying, ending his one sided argument with a very classy middle finger your way. So, Law grumbles all the way back to Grove 1 to find his crew, and hopes to never see you again. Meanwhile, you find your way to the other Strawhats. Your adventure with them continues, and you don’t have much time to think of your earlier encounter with a handsome pirate and possible-friend turned enemy (if you could even call him that.)
Law doesn't know if his ego (or wildly beating heart) could take another second in your presence- it just might burst if it had to endure any more of your witty comments or sly looks. It would, however, be an interesting theory to test further, should you ever meet again.
The prospect is both horrifying and thrilling to him at the same time.
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zonzolik · 8 months
Fluffy Good Omens fanfiction masterlist
huge thanks to @heller04, @turquoisedata and @smoxensweetpea from Garden of Eden server for this list of super fluffy angst-free ineffable fanfics🥳
legend: one shot, shorter fic, longer fic, series, a f*cking saga
Temporary Tattoo by cyankelpie - Crowley's snake tattoo wandering around, a lot of people love this one
Anthony J. Crowley, Retired Demon and Airbnb Superhost by TheOldAquarian - the title says it all and it's freaking hillarious
Put Out The Fire by Aleakim - a spell makes everyone fall in love with Aziraphale the moment they see him, except for Crowley, 'cause... you know
I Slithered Here From Eden by Cryptand_Bismol - "yeah, you probably should have kissed him sooner"
air conditioned, love unconditional by fractalgeometry - Aziraphale is a ceiling fan and Crowley is an air conditioner
where the lights burn low and you're only mine by hopelessromantic549 - they move into a cottage and Aziraphale is trying to be rational
Texts from an Unknown Number by GaryOldman - first of the Wrong Number AU series, human AU, Azi's text does not end up where he wanted it to
Family by Association by otherhawk - Warlock finding his nanny
snake time by RosePetalsAndRain - snake Crowley getting cozy in the bookshop
Getting a Wiggle On by Kedreeva - Crowley leaves Azi fake eggs to babysit...
is it that we are dying? by NeverNooitNiet - Aziraphale has to help a dying demon escape from a church in England, 1349 EDIT: put here by mistake, it's sad but with a happy ending!
Press My Petals To Your Heart by ranguvar82 - miscommunication queens talk with flowers
I want it to be an "us" by Mimisempai - first of the Ineffable Growing Love series, S2 fix-it
Fifty Ways to Kiss Your Partner by ICarryDeathOnMyWings - literally fifty types of kisses, how adorable is that, "Fluffy as heck, y'all."
Tangled Up by No1fan15 - just fluff I guess
The Duality of Grief and Forgiveness by SealandRocks - the others arrange a dinner so the ineffable idiots can finally talk
right in front of me by raphvfx - Azi and Crowley finding out about the Good Omens book
Scare me goodnight, my love by The_Rogue_Bard - Crowley being Aziraphale's sleep paralysis demon
The Coffee by Ghostofafruit - Crowley does not like Metatron's coffee
How to Woo a Demon by Bookwormgal - after Armegeddidn't Azi wants to admit his feelings but he just can't do it the normal way, can he
Starting A Trend by somethingscarlet13 - they wanna get married
In the bleak midwinter by HolRose - human AU, a rather confused middle aged bookseller bumps into a handsome red-haired man in black
Miracle me a house by IneffableDemon - After the Amrmageddidn't, the Almighty wants them to play house
Clear As Day by HopeCoppice - Crowley actually knowing Azi's filing system (not a good thing)
Let It Snow by inffablenerd - stuck in the bookshop because of a snowstorm
This Strange Sweetness by KannaOphelia - they admit they're a couple, also there's a pear
Find Out How Much Love The World Can Hold by ineffablefool - Azi starts saying "I love you" at the end of phone calls
The Whole Truth by Aethelflaed - a cursed tome in the bookshop
Forget-me-not by gothikmaus - Five times they erased each other's memory after accidentally confessing their love, plus one time they didn't.
Putting the Endearment in Dear by JoyAndOtherStories - Azi calling everyone my dear, including Crowley
Unrequited by Arielavader - Crowley being a jealous bitch
Happily Ever After by IneffableToreshi - snake Crowley can't change back + ineffable stupidity
Fortune Cookies by PlantsJustWannaHaveFun - Anathema's Armageddidn't afterparty with a bit of future telling
Please tag the authors so they know their work is appreciated❤️
Note: I have not yet read them all but I will be making an AO3 collection as I'll be going through the list
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aziraphales-library · 1 month
recently enjoyed this fic!!
noticed there's no single dad/parent fic tag, wondering if you got any fave single parent fics out there admin!!!
We do actually have some single dad fics here, and this post is now the second on our #single dads tag, joining our plentiful #kid fic one! These are all fics I remember enjoying and came to mind immediately for including single parents/guardians...
I Hear You're in Need of a Nanny by emptymasks (G)
Aziraphale was trying his best to raise his son on his own, but at a certain point it was difficult to be running the bookshop while also keeping his eyes on Oscar all day. Crowley liked working with children, and children liked him, they’ve just always been drawn to him. A lot of people prefer hiring a female nanny to a male one, and as much as he thinks it’s a little ridiculous, it works out fine for him. He was happy to identify and present as female and tap into his maternal instincts. He’d been wanting to take a job closer to his apartment, but there’s not that many people wanting to hire a nanny in Soho; then he comes across a job advertisement in the local newspaper posted by a Mr. A. Z. Princer. When he meets Oscar, he finds a little girl tired of being told by the world that she's a boy. Single Parent! Aziraphale & Nanny! Crowley, Human AU
Give me a title, I'll give you my heart by NohaIjiachi (T)
Crowley blinked, and the man blinked back. The man currently holding a slipping, squirming Dog, a drenched, light blue shirt sticking to his chest and soft middle, and silver-y blond curls dripping all over the place above a pair of the most steely-azure eyes Crowley had ever seen. Dog seemed to recognize him, because he stopped squirming and started wagging his tail, that went thump-thump-thump against the increasingly flustered looking man’s upper arm. “Hey, Mr. Crowley!” Adam greeted cheerily, popping from behind the man and leaning against the door frame with a cheeky hand-wave. “We were just giving Dog a bath. What’s up?”   “Ngk,” Crowley replied, his brain currently in the clutches of what Crowley intimately called his ‘Useless-Pan-lizard-brain’.
A Journey Into The Unknown (Which Shall Lead Us Ever Closer To Home) by BlackUnicorn (NR)
Anthony J. ‘just call me Crowley’ Crowley is…content – his little queer café in the heart of Soho, his son, his best friend, his snake. Aziraphale is…existing – day in, day out, in the same job, with the same people, and the same half-forgotten dreams. Going through the motions. Never would their paths have crossed if not for a boy, a teenager, really, running away to the city in search of something better. That’s how it starts, anyway…
Fledging by FeralTuxedo (M)
Cool Dad was at the school gate again. Clambering out of his ridiculous sports car like a great big spider, all black denim and designer sunglasses. What a prat. He made his way towards the entrance, followed by his equally lanky son. All the mums' eyes were on him. Which was fine. At least they weren't staring at Aziraphale for a change. Cool Dad high-fived his son goodbye, because of course he did, then sauntered back to his car. Making it look so bloody easy. Aziraphale Fell is much too young to be looking after eleven-year old Pepper. He barely has his life together as it is, with his minimum-wage job and a half-baked dream of trading rare books for a living. And as if adopting a recently bereaved pre-teen isn’t enough, there are some rather more adult problems to navigate: playground politics, the shadows of his own childhood, and the growing question of how Crowley, the only other dad at the school gate, feels about him. A human AU/kid fic.
It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine by Dervila, elf_on_the_shelf (E)
After Adam's parents die in a car crash, Aziraphale is forced to start taking care of him as more than just an uncle. Don't get him wrong, he loves the little devil, it's just that he is completely clueless and could rather use some help. In comes Crowley, Adam's new nursery school teacher with his amazing skills in dealing with kids. Could he be the answer to all of Aziraphale's prayers - Adam-related and otherwise? Well, it looks like he might be just that, judging by the weird things Aziraphale's heart seems to be doing whenever he sets eyes on the man. Now, if only the tall ginger returned his feelings...
Barriers, and the Breaking Thereof by Cardinal_Daughter (M)
Ezra Fell has long been comfortable in his loneliness. He’s content to simply run the Soho Public Library and otherwise keep to himself. However, when a handsome stranger bursts in one evening with a baby, frantic and in need of help, Ezra finds those carefully constructed barriers he’s long maintained begin to crack. Perhaps it’s time to let them fall.
It Was Always You by mltrefry (T)
A chance encounter during one of the worst times of Ezra Fell’s life reunites him with his once best friend and the one who got away. Though, that would imply he ever had him in the first place. Anthony Crowley and his son, Warlock, relocate to the quieter city of Tadfield from that of London. In the process, manages to find again that one person who always made him feel less alone, the one person he was pretty sure he was never going to speak to again. But the road to true love never did run smooth (something that’s been true from their very beginning). Despite the easy way they fall back into each other, their lives don't seem to follow suit, and if it's not one challenge its another. But despite everything they find themselves facing down, the ten years without each other taught them one thing: they’re better together than they are apart.
And because I know someone else will mention it if I don't...
What We Make of It (Shotgun Wedding) by charlottemadison (E)
The important thing, Crowley tells himself -- the most important thing -- is Adam, his brilliant, creative, empathetic nephew. Being fourteen's hard enough; the kid didn't ask to deal with the weight of the world on top of it. And if taking care of Adam means Crowley has to tough it out at a job he can’t stand, so be it. And if Crowley's job means that Adam’s charming English teacher is NOT a romantic possibility, well, that's just how things go. But the occasional drink with Aziraphale proves hard to resist. They frequent the same pub, so who can object to them saying hello? Briefly sharing a table? Perhaps a little conversation? The painful knowledge that it can’t be anything more -- not without somebody getting fired or sued or both -- well, that can't be helped. Until Crowley stumbles onto a terribly reckless idea...
And the one you mentioned...
Safe Haven by McRaider (T)
When Anthony Crowley stepped back into Aziraphale's life for the first time after eight long years missing, it became exceedingly clear with him came a world of trouble and heartache. But Aziraphale never could say no to his beloved Crowley. Can he help Crowley heal after a failed marriage, a gas-lighting ex-wife with an evil plan?
- Mod D
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Cupcakes For My Cupcake (E.O)
Elizabeth Olsen x Short!Fem!Reader
Tumblr media
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Summary: Everybody calls Lizzie "The Y/n whisperer" for a reason or maybe two.
Warning: None, I think. Just a little teasing about height. But mainly FLUFF.
Requested: Yes.
A/N: Hello! I'm glad to say that I finally got some requests done and this is one of them. Thank you @honey-sweet-hiraeth for helping me brainstorming and picked the title. I was dealing with ear pain and couldn't think of any title.. lol. Also, this wasn't proofread well. Anyway, happy reading! I have another Lizzie fic coming. Enjoy!
“Cut!” Anthony, one of the directors exclaimed and the filming of a part of a scene stopped instantly. All the cast who are in this scene turn their head to him. “Uh, okay, Y/n, maybe we should try to move you somewhere else. I can barely see you from any angle if you are next to Hemsworth. It looks like you are gone completely when you stand next to him.” Anthony expresses his thoughts as he crosses his arms in front of his chest. His thinking face looks so obvious.
“Aww, come on y/n. Don’t be shy and hide behind me.” The Australian actor pitches a joke in a sing-song tone. You laugh. “I wasn’t hiding, it’s just your muscles are too bulky and taking my spot here.” Everybody laughs. It was a playful sarcasm but they found it funny.
Being 5 feet tall has its own pros and cons. People always think you are adorable. It’s not hard to find clothes your size and other perks. The cons? Well, of course they are no fun. Despite being called adorable sometimes makes you feel nice if it’s in certain circumstances by certain people. You are definitely not immune to some or perhaps lots of jokes about how short you are. Families and friends casually poking fun about it and you are used to it. Sometimes you play along but sometimes you don’t. And when you don't, they never take your retorts or feisty come back personally. They all love you.
For working situations, as an actress, it hasn’t been really an obstacle for you to get a role. Surprisingly, you got some projects with Marvel. It's no secret that your height has been a little something extra for the director to figure out especially on camera angles because your friends a.k.a other marvel casts are taller than you. Sometimes the directors think you are “drowning” when you are surrounded by them
Since you joined Marvel, you have officially taken Scarlett’s title as the shortest Marvel’s cast and she is pretty much happy about it because now, she is not the target for all those height jokes anymore. You are.
Today’s filming has been a little challenging for you. If you can be honest, you are tired and the jet lag from the time difference of different filming locations doesn’t help at all. You were excited when you woke up to go to work but then your mood descended as soon as you found out that Lizzie is not scheduled for today’s filming. Your friendship with her has been very close and inseparable. She is your favorite person you met through Marvel.
“How about if she stands next to Benedict?” Joe proposes his idea. “Yeah, we can try that.” Anthony agrees.
You follow their instructions to move next to the British actor and restart the scene filming. You understand that this is about your height but this time it agitates you a little, not to them but to your own shortself. You thought the angle problem had been solved this time but you were wrong.
“Cut! No, it still doesn’t work well. How about next to Mark? No. We can’t put her next to him either because of the Hulk visual effect.” Joe mumbles her thoughts.
“Maybe we should lift her up a bit with the invisible wire, put a little visual effect so she will look a little taller.” Benedict’s heavy voice and thick accent cover another teasing comment and this time you let out a fake bitter laugh but everybody’s laughter sounds really spontaneous. “Don’t mess with a short girl, Benedict. With wires or not, I still can kick your ass.”
"Ouh, you better be careful, Benedict. Don’t piss the little one off, you won’t be able to see where shorty goes and before you know it, you’ll get your ass kicked. " Another one of the cast, Josh Brolin, adds a remark, joining in with the other joking around. This time you only patch a quick smile and reply “Okay, purple giant. I guess, thanks?” Josh laughs at your snarky response.
“Y/n, how about standing on Jer's left? I think that would be the best. Sorry, y/n.” Anthony requests and he notices how tired you look and having a mood swing but he understands and even kindly apologizes to you.
Your stomach growls but not loud enough for anybody to hear. You are starving because you didn't get the chance to have breakfast. “Yeah sure. No problem.” You agree without hesitation and move again. Then they ask you to wait for them to check the view from different angles. 
“Don’t worry, y/n. We all know that you are vertically challenged, we’ll figure out the best angle so fans will see you in this scene.” One of the camera crews pointed out more as he laughed with others and that was it. You are on your limit on being bombarded with endless height jokes.
“Well, I believe that making fun of the short girl really IS the best way to let out everyone know you are compensating for a ‘sizeably’ challenged dick.” Just like that you blew up a little and you made the air quote. “Oooohhhhh burn!” everybody reacts in unison at your reply to him.
“Dang! Y/n! Mic drop.” Anthony Mackie was genuinely surprised by your words and a few seconds after that everybody laughed along with the guy that you addressed your frustration just now.
“You know what? I’m sorry, I need a few minutes.” With that, you walk off the set to your trailer.
“Uh-oh. She is pissed.” Jeremy comments as he watches you walk away. “Of course, she is. It was like one after another of jokes you guys threw at her. Poor y/n. She’s not in the mood today.” Scarlett finally breaks her silence.
“Oh yeah, shit. How couldn’t we notice that? Lizzie’s not here today. I guess we kinda forgot the line with the jokes.” The god of thunder actor points out his realization.
“So, should we call the ‘Y’n whisperer’ to make her feel better? Lizzie has been the only one who can calm her down or cheer her up.” Mackie lets out the first solution that came up in his mind.
“It’s Lizzie’s day off, we can’t call her for that.” Chris Evans disagrees. “Well, just let her take her time a little bit. We all can take a break. It’s almost lunch time anyway.” The directors announced.
Little do everybody know, Scarlett stepped aside and reached her phone to call Lizzie but she got no answer. A minute later Lizzie walks in with her hands full. The security guards help her to bring some more stuff in.
“Hi everybody! I cooked some food for lunch. Come and get it!” She greets as she puts on the tables where the food usually is. The casts right away greet her and go to the table to have lunch together.
One by one they thank Lizzie for the food. “Where is Y/n?” It was the first question that jumped out of Lizzie’s lips as her eyes searched for her while she set the food.
“Y/n walked off the set. The boys pissed her off.” Scarlett answers quickly. “Aww, did you guys joke around about her height again?” Lizzie guessed with a knowing look.
“Not me. It was Hemsworth, Benedict, Josh and one of the camera crew, I forgot his name.” Jeremy denies and casually tells Lizzie who did it with a little laugh. “But she gave a great come back to him though. It was awesome and she was feisty!” Mackie proudly tells Lizzie about you while he scoops some food to his plate.
“And she called Josh ‘purple giant, don’t forget that’.” RDJ slips in a comment and they all laugh. “Well, she is probably tired and hungry. I made her favorite food so I’m gonna find her and talk to her.” Lizzie casually speaks and grabs one brown paper bag that was separated from others. With a smile, she walks away to find you.
You heard a knock on your trailer door. “I’ll be on the set in a few minutes.” You subtly refuse to open the door to whoever it is behind the door.
“Y/n, it’s me. Let me in, please. I cooked your favorite food.” Oh that voice feels like rain on a desert. It soothes you and lifts up your spirit. Your favorite person comes to surprise you. You quickly opened the door and a wide smile welcomed her. “Lizzie!” You open your arms inviting her into your hug.
“Hey you, grumpy Gus. Whatcha doin here?” Lizzie jokingly greets you and hugs you tight and rubs your back then walks in. “Oh, nothing. Just need a little break.” You smile awkwardly then close your door and back to your chair.
Lizzie puts the paper bag on the table and takes a seat face to face with you. “I heard what happened.” She starts the conversation and grabs your hand tenderly. Her thumb delicately rubs the back of your hand, making your heart leap.
In a millisecond, you are not upset anymore. You feel better. “Yeah, I didn’t mean to be a bitch about it. You know me, I usually don’t mind their jokes about me being short. I was just not in the mood I guess.” You try to keep your cool in front of her while explaining to her.
“I know, y/n. You are tired and hungry. Also, you miss me aaand my cooking." She scrunches her nose and confidently shows you how well she knows you and followed by a little laugh as her sparkling green eyes look at you.
"Yes, yes and no." You tease her by your pretend disagreement that you miss her and your cooking. She was right, you miss her. That's what trigger your mood swing in the first place.
"Ooh?? Okaaay. I see how it is now. You don't miss me and my cooking? Alright then, I will go right now and take this with me." Lizzie cutely plays along with your joke and pretends that she is leaving with the bag she brought.
"No..no..no.. Wait.. wait.. I was just kidding. Yes, I miss you and your cooking.. Happy now?" You admit it in defeat and giggle as you grab her hand. She turns around. You hear her laughing and saying " Yes, I am. You know me, I love it when I'm right." She gently taps your nose with the tip of her finger followed by her adorable giggle.
"Now, where is my food?" You ask as you rub both of your palms excitedly.
"Well, it's on the table where we usually eat. Everybody is eating now but I also made this special for you." She slides the small brown paper bag to you.
"Really? Special for me?? Sweet!!" You quickly open the bag and pull out a box of it like a little kid on Christmas morning. Her warm forest green eyes are drinking the view in awe. Cherishing every second she has with you.
"Cupcakes for my cupcake." She said, her eyes sparkling with adoration and love. She always loves seeing your excitement every time she makes something for you.
"Chocolate cupcake!!" You exclaimed with an ear to ear smile.
"Uh-huh. With Scarlet Witch red frosting too. Since you like her so much." She points it out in a proud tone.
"Yes, I like her so much but I love the actress that plays her." You casually speak as your finger takes a little of the frosting and you taste it. You hum in such enjoyment with your eyes closed.
You and Lizzie are really close friends. Both of you sometimes casually express how much you love each other or compliment each other and even tease each other.
"Gosh, I love everything you cook and bake. They are always so delicious." You compliment with a satisfied sigh.
"Don't tell the others that I brought you these cupcakes because I only made them for you." She giggles. "Oh, wow. I'm that special. I'm honored, Liz."
"Of course you are." Lizzie leans and gives one quick soft kiss on your cheek before she stands up. You died a little inside with happiness for a few seconds. The feeling of her lips brushing your cheek makes your lungs forget what oxygen is.
"You are my favorite short girl, remember?" She jokingly pats your head.
"Well, special for you, you can call me short or joke about my height anytime you want. I don't mind." You voluntarily propose the idea.
She laughs louder and the sound of it makes your brain turn into a puddle. "I know, honey. Now, let's go have lunch. Everybody's waiting for us." She grabs your hand and leads you out of your trail.
“Y/n! You are back! Come here, have lunch with us!” Scarlet welcomes you in such a thrill. “Well, look who’s back!” Jeremy gives the same excited tone as Scarlet did.
“See! I told you! Lizzie, the ‘Y/n whisperer’ ! I was right. Only Lizzie can cheer Little Miss Grumpy back and bring her here.” Pride sounds clear in Mackie’s tone.
“Hi guys! I’m back!” You greeted them with a cheerful tone, totally opposite from how you were earlier.
“Come sit here” Hemsworth’s heavy voice chimes in as he points at two empty chairs between him and Benedict. You take your seat. “Y/n, we are sorry if our jokes crossed the line.” The man with the red cloak apologizes on behalf of everybody.
“Oh no. It’s okay. I’m sorry too that I was a little over reacting.” You stated.
“A little? You were a total drama queen earlier.” Mackie blurted out playfully. You know he was joking. “Well, an adorable short drama queen.” The buff blonde man wraps his arms around your shoulders close to him in a brotherly manner. You gotta admit that what Mackie and Hemsworth said were funny.
“Okay, y/n. Here, I already prepared a plate for you from home.” The brunette lays the plate of food in front of you. You thank her and instantly take a bite of it.
"Oh my god. My favorite..So good.." another praise comes out of your lips as you eat. You even dance a little from how delicious it tastes.
"Wait, Y/n got a special prepared plate? Wow. You both need to date, seriously." The archer cast finally vocalized what everybody has been thinking.
You choke a little from the comment and grab a drink right away. You look at Lizzie, she doesn't say anything but all smiling complete with blushing cheeks.
"What–uh what did you mean?" You clear your throat nervously as you stutter with your question.
“Oh please y/n. You know what he meant. We all know you both are VERY close." Scarlett stated with a knowing smile.
"Yeah, like Mackie said, Lizzie is the only one that can cheer you up whenever you are not in the mood. Everytime Lizzie comes to the set or any event, you are the first person that she will ask or look for." RDJ adds more facts to back Scarlet up.
"Well, look at you now. Just from eating what Lizzie cooked, you are a completely different person now, all smiling and dancing. Earlier you were a feisty little woman." Chris Evans laughed out loud with his hands on his chest as soon as he finished talking.
"And, Lizzie here keeps smiling. Not saying a word says a lot about this, darling" The tall British guy takes his turn pitching in his opinion. As Lizzie sits between him and you.
You look at her, and Benedict was right. Lizzie is all smiling yet not saying even a word, you start to think if she agrees with everybody that you both need to date. Does it mean she likes you?
You have been having a crush on her for a little while now. You don't know what to do because you are worried it will change your friendship. Also, you think that there is no way the goddess of beauty herself will like you back more than as a friend.
You try your luck to find out by playing along with them and joke "Well, maybe if she'd ask me out we would be dating already." You try your best to look as if you're joking but deep down you were actually serious about it. That's actually the thought you have been thinking every time you have a "what if Lizzie.." thinking session by yourself.
"Oooohhhhh" the cast exclaimed all at once, very thrilled. “The truth has come out!” Hemsworth exclaimed as he raised his hand up as if he just won something.
Lizzie finally hinted in a subtle way the truth from her side. “Y/n, you’re already coming over for movie night, tonight. I’ll order take out and we can cuddle on the couch and call it a date.” She innocently smiles, glances at you and then takes another bite of her food.
“It’s a date!!” Mackie shouted in elation. Without a doubt, the others cheer.
Meanwhile, you marveled at what Lizzie said and how she nonchalantly addressed it. A pat she gives you on your shoulder brought you back from your daze. “You okay?” Her gaze really lifted your mood and calmed you down. It felt like a caffeine buzz and sedative at the same time.
“Y-yeah. I’m okay.” Once again, you stutter. You got a warm, fuzzy feeling.
After lunch, everybody walks back to the set and you are the last one at the table. “Well, Liz, I gotta go back to the set. Thank you for the lunch and the cupcake. I love it. You made my day.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll see you tonight for our first date.” Excitement raced through her. She glows inside. You feel drunk in happiness as you get another kiss on your cheek before you walk away.
You felt giddy and couldn't stop smiling. Tonight, you will have your first date with the woman who always has her way to your heart.
A/n: Well, that's it for today. I hope you enjoy the fluff! I'm in the mood of fluff writing, so you'll see more fluff coming. Reblog and comment are highly appreciated! Follow me for more. See you!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd  
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trulybetty · 1 year
Sunday | Week in Review VII
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Not too much to report on this week - Mr. Truly and I both had the week off and then the little Truly's were thrown off their routine and it's been a week. But it was capped off with a new addition to the household!
So without further ado, let's get on with this week's late-night Sunday in Review!
Truly Betty Updates This Week…
Cake (Marcus Pike)
Autumnal Offerings
Distracting (Joel Miller)
Smut, just Frankie smut
Fics I Enjoyed This Week…
Shared Breaths (Frankie Morales) by @frenchiereading This whole series is such a delight to read and let me tell you, chapter nine is worth reading multiple times over, let me tell you that 😏. But this is a perfect story - you've got yearning for the first half and the second half is the play out of a developing relationship that is so fun to watch play out. If you love Frankie, you won't be disappointed in this.
Turbulence (Frankie Morales) by @rhoorl Jess' first run at a one-shot on our main man this week Frankie does not disappoint! I don't mind flying, but I can guarantee any flight sitting next to our aviation expert Mr. Morales is going to be a lot smoother. This is such a fun read and I really hope we see him again in a possible continuation of this.
Saying I love you through an accidental kiss (Joel Miller) Pre-Outbreak by @songsformonkeys This one reappeared on my dash this week and it's always worth a re-read and always one I'll recommend. It's Joel at his most hectic, which is very much how I picture pre-outbreak Joel and just the build-up here and the kiss is such a toe-curling delight to read, that I squeal each time even though I know it's coming.
Strawberries (Joel Miller) by @softlyspector This is set after Clouds, but doesn't have to be read first before this one. This explores Ellie and Joel's relationship after the events of TLOU and delves into TLOU2 territory (no spoilers in either one-shot). As much as I love the idea of Ellie and Joel living happily ever after in Jackson - I do enjoy an angsty dive into their relationship as it is in the TLOU2 games. This and Clouds are excellent takes on this!
Hungry Hearts | Epilogue + Bonus I Wanna Mary You (Joel Miller) by @atinylittlepain How my heart wasn't ready for this to end - but Gin gave Jerry the send-off they deserved and not only that, we were treated to a bonus second part to the epilogue that I'm still raving about! Honestly, who wasn't reading this? But if you weren't, I suggest you do - you can binge all the posted chapters! Jerry4Eva! 💘
Candy (Dieter Bravo) by @secretelephanttattoo I imagine any date with Dieter to be chaotic and El does such a great job of describing such an event here. I feel like a broken record with how many times I referred to it as such, but it really is a deliciously raunchy romp and I'd gladly go for Ray-Ban candy floss with Dieter any time if this is the end result.
Working Title (Dieter Bravo) by @rhoorl Finally got to reading this and devoured it all. It reads like a fabulous romance novel you’d read at the beach and then want to re-read again because it’s just that enjoyable! Plus the last chapter? My loins have not recovered lol, cannot wait for the next update!
Conversations with a Movie Star | Chapter 3 (Dieter Bravo) by @gnpwdrnwhiskey Aside from my own OC x Dieter, this pairing is hot on their heels for the title of favourite OC x Dieter. Ava keeps Dieter on his toes and has made herself at home at the Bravo Inn. The descriptions of landmarks in Myrtle Beach are fantastic, the chemistry is *chefs kiss*, and the way @gnpwdrnwhiskey writes Dieter 'Anthony' Bravo is fantastic. Please do take some time out to read this series - the premise alone is superb, you won't be disappointed - trust me!
Posts I Enjoyed This Week… Okay, so there's a reason this week's week in review is christened 'Sunday Thots' - the thots were out in force this week!
@goodwithcheese’s thread on the origin of Frankie’s oral skills
@beskarandblasters’s curation of creators with a smaller following
@legendary-pink-dot's Catfish Pond PHD program's latest curriculum, Pedro & Oscar
with Catfish PhD Logo, that I will figure out how to make into a shirt at some point 
@grogusmum doing the hard work for us and sending us all to horny jail
Jess’ deep dive on Grey Sweatpants Season with the Triple Frontier boys - thinking she should visit the Last of Us next 😏
Things I’ve Enjoyed This Week… No competition this week the most enjoyable thing was the addition of Francesca 'Frankie' Cat to the Truly household...
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This Week’s Song… Not much has been played this week, but if you saw my mood board for Salt Water last week- this is where the title takes itself from...
Happy Sunday all! Here's to a great week ahead! 💕 xx
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dovelyanon · 1 year
So I was thinking and I realized I don’t know why Teach me how to sing is named teach me how to sing. How’d you come up with that title?
Omg, you asked! I was wondering if anyone was ever going to ask. Warning: I'm about to ex-theatre kid nerd out.
I hope you don't regret this, @rahabrios
The Similarities between Adrien Agreste and Johanna Barker
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"Teach me how to sing" is a lyric from 'Green Finch and Linnet Bird'- the damsel's song in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. In it, Johanna- the play's damsel in distress- is locked in her room. She looks to the songbirds in their cages and wonders how they can sing in these conditions. Feeling powerless, she wishes to learn how to be content despite her circumstances hence the lyric "teach me how to sing". I thought it mirrored Adrien's constant struggle in the fic- between his desire for freedom and his desire to remain and be the perfect son, to make his father happy. Johanna never finds happiness in these circumstances and neither does Adrien.
I had a few titles in mind when I started the fic, but what sold me on "Teach Me how to Sing' was all the fun parallels between the story/Miraculous in general and Sweeney Todd. Here are just a few I remember finding amusing (Light Spoilers for Sweeney Todd ahead):
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Judge Turpin and Gabriel Agreste. Judge Turpin is Johanna's guardian, a wealthy man with political power who was obsessed with Johanna's mother. After he drove her mother to her demise, he took charge of Johanna and keeps her locked away under tight surveillance. He ultimately has darker intentions toward her and, when she refuses, he labels her insane and tries to have her committed.
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Sweeney Todd and Gabriel/Hawkmoth. Johanna's actual father is Sweeney Todd- a man so consumed with vengeance for his family that he is terrorizing all of London and sinking ever deeper into madness. He knows Johanna is alive, but kind of just... doesn't bother to try and talk to her and isn't urgent about freeing her? He is more occupied with taking revenge on Judge Turpin and lamenting losing his perfect family and wife. He does not try to have a relationship with his daughter because she'd probably "look too much like her (his wife)" and they'd "never be the way we were".
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Mrs. Lovett and Nathalie. Mrs. Lovett is Sweeney Todd's dedicated partner in crime. She's arguably more capable and more intelligent than him. She comes up with the bright ideas while he whines and she takes the brunt of his mood swings. But she's head over heels for him despite the fact that he is stingy at best and manipulative at worst with his affections and largely emotionally unavailable to her due to his fixation on his lost wife. He uses the hell out of her anyway. He is ultimately responsible for her demise.
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Anthony and Marinette. Anthony is the optimistic and hopeful pauper charming who drops into Johanna's life and helps her to escape from her gilded cage, fighting retaliation by Judge Turpin each step of the way. He is also notorious for having one of the most stalkerish love songs by his archetype in musical history.
Some notable lyrics:
"I'll steal you, Johanna."
"Do they think that walls can hide you?"
"Even now I'm at your window."
He is the well-intentioned but slightly creepy love interest. But we're rooting for them anyway.
Well, yeah. There were a few more, but that's the gist of it. Sorry I turned your ask into a photo essay, @rahabrios
I didn't expect anyone to ask me this and thought the nerding would stay safely locked inside. I guess not. Welp... I recommend Sweeney Todd for anyone who likes musicals and dark themes! The original play with George Hearn and Angela Lansbury is great, but I'm also a big fan of the 2007 movie with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter <3 Thanks for reading my rambles.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 years
Director's Commentary
I'm going to need you to tell me how Number Ten came to be. That was the first fic of yours that I ever read and I knew you were going to be my cup of tea!
When did you first realize that angst was something you enjoyed exploring? What is it about whump, specifically, that you gets your blood pumping? Does writing the happy ending ever feel like the wrong thing to do?
Trust you to come in with the big gun questions 😘 I expect nothing less. Hoo boy, okay. Number Ten. I am fascinated by the concept of 'Viscount Benedict'. Because it's a reality in the Bton world that is close enough to almost taste, but is never explored. We are always one breath away from this bizarre timeline that is depressing for everyone - especially him - and I simply had to get inside his head and see how he would react if that turned out to be his fate (because I love him and would happily write a fictional diary that documented his actions and emotions every day of his life birth to death because I have a problem. Anyway....)
Yes, Benedict was born out of the love of his parents, but as the second son, it is the functional purpose of his life to be the 'spare' and take on the title if the unthinkable should happen to Anthony. And in the duel of book/season one, we are faced with the very real possibility that Anthony could die. I feel the immensity of this risk definitely gets lost in the shuffle of the show episode, with so much focus on Simon and Daphne and Benedict being an underdeveloped character at that point. There is the great scene in the study beforehand where Anthony says "hey bro, your life as you know it is over tonight. Hope you enjoyed your little druggy art party. You'll be the Viscount in the morning no matter how his goes" and all we got out of Benedict was a pained glance (exceptional acting by LT of course, but there is SOOOOOOO much that went unexplored here).
LadyJenevia is a media critic and Benedict stan and she is desperate to get on the Bton press junket to interview LT and ask him the very pertinent question of how much weight he carried into the duel scenes of Benedict thinking he would walk off that field either as functional Viscount with a fugitive brother, or literal Viscount with a dead brother, and how that informed his acting choices. It's an incredible question and deserves to be asked. I think I was chewing on this when one weekday morning I let my mind stray to the darkest timeline and saw Benedict screaming as he shook Anthony's lifeless body. Because we were thhhiiiiisssss close to that, but I don't think any audience attention was drawn to that potential reality, or how that would impact Benedict or his siblings. Anthony was seen as a hotheaded asshole at this point and attention was largely on Simon. (Even I walked away from S1 not knowing Benedict's name, so I get it.)
So the scenes started to play out in my head (I checked AO3, this was a Tuesday, I should have been working), and I felt his desperation and terror in those moments, heard his screams, saw his panic as his brother and his life and his dreams died in his arms. I saw Anthony fall (an accident of course, Simon was not intending to shoot him, but Daphne fked it up), I saw everyone in denial, Daphne screaming, Anthony fading, Benedict showing up back home covered in blood and having to explain to his mother what happened. I even saw scenes of him losing it on Daphne and blaming her, and also opening up and crying to Eloise about it all (but these weren't written/maybe I'm saving stuff for another WIP). This alternate timeline had to be explored, because we were so damn close to it and it would be an entirely different Bton universe, balanced on Benedict's shoulders, if just a couple factors were changed. So it just poured out of me in a couple hours and I posted it immediately. This was one of those brain-movies and it felt like unburdening myself to get it down on the page for others to see 😛 And of course at the end of the day, this is an act of love for Benedict. Because as crushed and miserable as he would be by it all, he wouldn't run away or fail his family. He would rise to the occasion and do his best, but he would be a very different head of family than Anthony was. I wanted to champion his fortitude, and Anthony's single-minded focus as he died, that Ben continue the protection of the family. Because they are both amazing men aggghhhhhhh 😭
When did I realize angst and whump were my thing? Honestly, I don't think I did until just recently joining tumblr. I've been writing since summer of last year under the (perhaps misguided) assumption that the purpose of fanfic was to grind characters through bizarre scenarios of heightened emotion (be that angst, whump, smut, etc.) for gleeful wish fulfillment. Then when I saw folks calling Love to Spare 'angsty' because it had lightly conflicted romantic emotions I had a lightbulb moment of 'oh, wait til they see all the pain, grief, gore and death I've put characters through in my WIPs' 😅 My angst barometer is clearly higher than others. It definitely aligns with my taste in media, that I tend to only consume dark, angsty shows and films because the intensity/urgency of those scenarios grabs me by the gut and causes a visceral reaction. I want to feel something really hard when consuming media. It's more satisfying than letting happy fluff wash over me (though of course there are rare times for that too) because it feels like I have learned/grown through the pain and insight. Now that I have been/attempted to write a variety of fics, I see clearly that I am more motivated to write angsty and whumpy scenes and stories, than I am to write fluffy or even smutty ones, and I'm glad to have learned that about myself.
Whump, IMO, is the perfect recipe for character exploration and reader engagement. You've said it yourself - when characters are suffering and/or facing mortality, everything else is stripped away and you get justification for really raw and intense emotional interactions and personality revelations. Readers can feel the stress of the situation and wonder how it's all going to pan out, and you can deliver that joyous happy ending or devastating tragedy which forces them to examine new perspectives of the characters and world. And to answer your final question, I do think there are scenarios where happy endings are the wrong conclusion. As we all likely know and have experienced by now, that is not how the real world operates, and I think its healthy and cathartic to examine that in our media sometimes. Art imitates life, so it should imitate the times when the bad guys win, or people die, or you don't always get what you want. Not only does that make it more realistic and relatable, it creates a safe, fictional space to examine how you would respond to that scenario, and contemplate it as a potential reality you may need to prepare for. Thus, it was worth seeing how Benedict would have reacted if things had played out just an inch differently, and his whole world was transformed in an instant.
Thank you for the ask my dear 💙
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nowis-scales · 1 year
When Koto keeps it together...
We get some endings for the game :)
❃ = Positive, not a problem
❋ = It is entirely neutral
✾ = It’s a bit negative, but it’s told in a joking way
✿ = It is negative and critical
Remember to filter #Fodlan Fault Finding and #Shut Up About Del as needed!)
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❃ Okay this ring is unironically really pretty. I would probably wear this if they ever made one 
EDIT: Having written these ahead of time, turns out, while there is no official version, someone on Etsy is making them and they are gorgeous. ❃
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❃ That’s about the only ending I would have expected for you here. Glad you did something good with your life, Jeritza. Hopefully you found the peace you needed later on. ❃
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✾ I told my friend Anthony about the pairings I got, and he was like, “damn, you really got the most random ones, huh?”
I feel like these two are a prime example. Also I think it’s funny that EdeIgard’s all like, “merits!” but Linhardt inherits his title and then has to figure out how to be useful. Like. Shouldn’t he have been useful before to get the position? ✾
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✿ … At the risk of sounding overly dark without meaning to, I don’t think a lot of children is proof enough of a loving union, especially just given the time period. The children can be fairly political as well. 
(No, I am not saying Hubert did anything despicable. He’s a Disney villain, not a real villain.)
I find it incredibly interesting, though, that Petra was granted her freedom with the condition that she married Hubert. But EdeIgard's her super bestie who definitely thinks only of her, right? ✿
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❃ Lol I’ve got no remarks about these two other than I would love to see their chaotic marriage. If there’s any fics out there about it, someone please let me know. ❃
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❃ I still can’t get over the idea of Ferdinand trying desperately to be better than EdeIgard for so long, and then just realizing that part of his belief in her superiority is just because he likes her. Tack on the fact that she seems keenly aware that he is kind of a wet paper bag of a man sometimes, and she still goes, “Yes, this one must be my other half”? It’s hilarious. Unironically a good ship. 
And imagine if that competitive nature carries into their marriage! Who’s better at making the bed? Who’s better getting the other presents? Who’s the better parent? Who’s better at sex? The list goes on and on! It’s awesome! ❃
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✿ Wait a second, does Byleth not become the leader of everything in all Crimson Flower endings, or just this one? 
Honestly, good for us. After everything that happened, I would want to leave everything behind and be a traveller. I’d be haunted by what I’d done. ✿
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iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
A Truth Universally Acknowledged // Anthony Bridgerton
Request: Hi angel! I love all of your stories, especially your Bridgerton and work! Is there any way you could write something soft and fluffy for Anthony and a female reader! PLEASE AND THANK YOU - Anon.
A/N: I haven’t written for Anthony in what seems like forever! As much as I love Benedict, I do love writing Anthony fics. This isn't overly long, I just wanted to write something soft and fluffy that’s entirely domestic as well. I hope you all like! Title is a quote from the first line of Pride and Prejudice (further quotes from the book are in italics).
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Fem!Reader.
Warnings: none - fluff, books, marriage, happy relationships, cute.
Word Count: 1.6k
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The house is silent as Anthony strides through the waiting, open door. He nods his greeting to the Butler, Wilkins, before letting the weariness that had haunted him all day settle over his bones.
“Wilkins?” Anthony asks; no need to voice the question. Wilkins knows.
“Lady Bridgerton is in the Green-and-Gold, sir.”
Anthony smiles at the Butler. “You really do know everything.”
Wilkins smiles; nods his head. “It is my job, sir. Lady Bridgerton has already told me that you will take your final meal of the day in there, too.”
Anthony takes the stairs two at a time; refusing to accept his laboured breathing by the time he reaches the top. He was not an old man yet; he was still a very active man.
Turning left, he wanders blindly to the Green-and-Gold room named for the colour scheme of the walls and the furniture. His late grandmother had decorated the room; so fondly remembered by her ancestors that each refused to change a thing in the room save for any upholstering that needed to be done occasionally.
He finds you sitting on the left hand side of the room; the comfier side as argued by everyone who visits the room. Your legs are curled underneath you as your eyes pour over the page of an open book in your lap. From here, Anthony cannot possibly hazard a guess as to what you might be reading, but he feels a twinge of jealousy at the attention being paid to the book and not to him.
Well, love makes fools of us all, Anthony thinks to himself. “Darling,” Anthony greets in one single breath, as if the sight of you makes it all the easier for him to breathe.
“Darling,” You smile, standing from your seat, coming to greet the man you love with every fibre of your being. “How was your day?”
Anthony groans as he removes his jacket before tugging at the knot of his cravat. “Long,” He complains, struggling with the neckpiece. You smile at your husband, batting his hands away from his neck so you can take over. You feel the heat of his gaze as your hands work to do undo the knot he had tightened with a single tug; as the fabric unravels under your nimble fingers your husband reaches out to squeeze your waist.
“Thank you,” He whispers, voice full with an emotion you can’t quite decipher. Love? Weariness? A combination of both? Anthony looked ragged as you run your eyes over his face.
“I’m sorry that your day has been taxing, my love.”
“It’s all the better now that I’m here with you.”
“Flatterer,” You tease with no real heat behind your words. Anthony beams at you; eyes crinkling in the corners from the force of it as his hands tighten on your waist and his head dips to capture your lips in the kiss he has been thinking about for the better part of his day.
Breaking away, Anthony plants one, two, three kisses to your lips in quick, chaste succession leaving you breathless and highly amused. “How was your day?” He asks, curious as ever to find out what his wife does when he isn’t at home to distract you.
“Dull,” You answer plainly, enjoying the feel of Anthony’s strong arms around you.
You purse your lips, thinking over your plans for the day so far. “I suppose dull doesn’t work. It hasn’t been dull at all.”
“I’m only saying it because I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” He murmurs, kissing you once more. “What are you reading?” Anthony asks when he pulls away, spying the book laid delicately on the couch.
“Eloise let me borrow it. She gave me it when I called to see her this morning,” You answer, leaving the comfort of Anthony’s arms to take your seat on the couch.
“Darling, you know we have an entire library full of books, don’t you?”
Fixing him with an unimpressed look, you counter, “Your sister read this and thought of me. The least I could do is read it.”
“Alright,” Anthony sighs, knowing a losing battle when he sees one. “Budge up.”
Anthony gestures to the couch. “Make some room for me.”
A puzzled look settles across your face, but you follow the request, nonetheless, shifting on the couch so Anthony has room to sit down.
Anthony settles with his head on your lap; offering you a self-satisfied smile when you raise an eyebrow at him. “Comfy?” You ask, voice laced with humour.
“Very,” He responds. “Will you start from the beginning? I don’t want to miss anything.”
Chuntering about high maintenance husbands, you mark the page you got to before returning to the beginning. “Anything else before I begin?”
“Nothing… Oh, one thing.”
“That is?”
“I love you.”
Any previous ire you felt towards your husband disappears at those three magical words. The frustrated slant to your brow evens out as you reach out to stroke a hand through his hair and down the side of his face.
“I love you too,” You answer earnestly, feeling the power of the emotion running through you.
A peaceful look crosses Anthony’s face as your words sink into his skin like a balm on an open wound. He had felt neglectful lately; not spending as much time at home as he would have liked. He felt bad for leaving you so alone. Without children, you were your own companion throughout the day, and whilst you had both discussed having children, Anthony was to be left mildly vexed at the thought of you spending your days alone until a child was born.
The opening of parliament combined with Anthony’s seat in the House meant that he was spending more and more time in Westminster and less time with you.
A ratio Anthony was not fond of.
“I’m ready when you are,” He whispers; eyes focused on your face so he can watch every reaction and see every syllable leave your mouth.
Flashing an annoyed look at your husband, you take a deep breath and begin:
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”
“What?” Anthony asks, eyebrows furrowed.
“Hush,” You admonish half-heartedly before continuing.
“However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.”
“This author is a genius,” Anthony exclaims, his voice awed as he tries to catch a glimpse of the cover to see the author’s name. “Who wrote this?”
“Are you going to comment the whole way through? I’ve barely read two paragraphs.”
“Sorry, darling, but I have to know. Who wrote this?”
“Her name is Jane Austen.”
“Well Jane Austen is a genius. In two paragraphs she’s captured what it is like to be a single man with a fortune in and amongst the sharks with unattached daughters.”
“Sharks?” You ask, highly amused at your husband’s words.
“Mothers,” Anthony shudders, remembering what it was like to go through so many seasons still unmarried. A Viscount with two seats of power combined with a hefty ancestral fortune – many mothers didn’t care whether Anthony would love their daughters; they simply wanted a fortuitus marriage that would leave them set for life.
Anthony thanks any and all gods and deities out there that he found his love match in you. You had taken him by surprise; Anthony had already resigned himself to a season with countless mothers forcing their daughters onto his arm. Until one evening early into the season, he had been listening to Gregory whine about the workload at Eton when his eyes met yours from across the room. In a total state of cliché, Anthony met your gaze, and he knew. He knew that he was going to spend the rest of his life loving you, worshipping you. He knew that whatever his future held, you would be right there weathering it alongside him. In a single glance from across the room, he knew.
You were married before the season finished; a special licence dispensed after a favour from the Archbishop called in. Anthony couldn’t wait; didn’t want to wait – he wanted to start the rest of his life with you as soon as possible.
Your light laughter breaks Anthony out of his reverie. “They aren’t all that bad,” You argue. “I suspect you’ll be worse than me when it comes to our children.”
Anthony snorts; doubting your words but loving the way you speak so openly about your hopeful future family. Clearing your throat, you continue to read on.
Anthony settles further into your lap; letting the calmness of your voice wash over him. After a moment of watching the concentration on your face, Anthony lets his eyes slip closed. He has no intention of falling asleep; he simply wants to enjoy this moment to its fullest.
“Mr Bingley was good looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners. His sisters were fine women, with an air of decided fashion. His brother-in-law, Mr Hurst, merely looked the gentleman; but his friend Mr Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features…”
A snore interrupts your rendition of Pride and Prejudice. Pausing mid-sentence, you look down to your lap where Anthony has fallen asleep so peacefully. Smiling softly at the man, you close the book, placing it to one side before running a hand through Anthony’s ever-unruly hair. He hums contentedly, pushing his head further into your hand as you begin to scratch at his scalp.
As you watch Anthony doze dreamily, you feel your eyes lose the fight against the growing tiredness. Your hand stills in Anthony’s hair as you fall asleep alongside your husband, utterly content at the path your life has taken considering it led you to him.
Bridgerton Taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @dreaming-about-fanfictions​ @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown​ @janelongxox​ @aspiringsloth20​ @wallwriterstuff​ @magicalxdaydream​ @darkestbeforethedawn16​ @gryffindors-weasley​ @spideysz​
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roger-that-cap · 4 years
meet me in the gardens
summary: being the widow of a decently wealthy lord and sitting on a large plot of land automatically meant that you were a candidate for the program that you couldn’t say no to; the hosting. you had to sponsor a knight and keep them in your home for an entire year, which was troublesome enough on its own. but you never expected your knight to be a woman, and you certainly didn’t expect to have a full on illegal love affair with her, either.
knight!natasha x lady!reader
sort of royalty au (there’s social hierarchy and a king and queen and knights and commoners and all that so- yeah it’s a royalty au nvm lmao)
warnings: this is fluff, angst, uh, basically everything but smut and serious angst.
word count: 2.5k, starting off short before we get into this 
part one!
also, to the very few people who look for fics up here- i promise i’m alive, sorry for being m.i.a! work and school are bodying me right now 
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A lot could change within a year.
In a year, one was expected to grow wiser and older, and for you, because you were a woman, prettier. And because you did all three of those things in one year, you were herded off like cattle from your small farm, where the old pig you would soon be forced to call “husband” had seen you in the first place, and carted away to his large estate. You were supposed to be his wife, bear his children, and love him unconditionally even though you knew nothing about him, and he was supposed to do not even half of that for you. He had chosen you purely because your father had an abundance of wheat and animals, and he thought you were nice looking. He would surely never go hungry if he had the owner of a relatively large farm’s daughter with him.
Regardless of his reasoning for wanting to make you his wife, it ended up happening. You cried yourself to sleep the night before, and when you were done consummating the horrid marriage, you cried after he fell asleep, unable to shut your own eyes. That was how you spent your first night at the female counterpart to your lord husband, and as Lady Mirellis.
The marriage was loveless. The only thing you got out of it was a nice roof over your head and some silky clothing that made you feel like you were betraying who you really were. He was a brute and a pig, and he hardly ever spoke to you other than to tell you to get on your back, your knees, or something else as equally vile. You were the lady of his large manor, considered a small castle, but that was all you were. You made friends with the staff around, and that made things just the tiniest bit better. He was still cruel and crude, still insanely aggravating, and getting more and more angry with each month that you weren’t carrying his child.
And then, all of a sudden, he grew ill. And, within a month after he fell ill, he died. And then you were a single woman who had a large estate to her name, and a growing line of suitors who wanted nothing more than to have their last names attached to the great patch of land. You were the lady of the house without a lord, still young and still capable of marriage. After a large fuss over whether or not a young woman from your background was fit to take over, you had inherited everything.
So, yes, a lot could change in a year. And you decided that the changes that took place in that year were ones that you could barely handle.
You knew exactly what the letter with the King’s Seal on it was when it was put into your hand, and you very easily guessed the contents of it.
You supposed that you should have seen it coming. Miraculously, your late husband and lord had gotten out of the Hosting, which could have been seen as treasonous or dishonorable if he had been any less careful. You grew up on a farm, and you had no idea how to go about denying or questioning royal decree, so you weren’t going to. You were going to have to Host, for the first time in your life.
Your family was never important enough to have to do it, so you had no experience with it, other than knowing that a high up lord of a small castle, or big estate, whatever one wanted to call it, was in charge of having a knight in their home while the knight completed his year long training. The training was said to come from within, and the job of the knight was to be a good, honorable guest, and to come back to the castle after their year expired as a new and improved person.
But it was rare that they truly soul searched, you had heard. Mainly because they were ninety nine percent male and thought with their penises more than their brains and hearts. The Hosting was a knight’s last stop before true knighthood, more or less a time that humbled young knights. It was a test of the true intentions of a knight, the true desires of a man who wished for glory and authority.
“For you, Milady.” You grimaced inwardly at the title, the title that you used to have to call the lady that you used to bring barrels of hay to on Sunday mornings. You nodded at the young boy, a smile on your face. He was new, and it was clear that this was his first task that involved him to speak to a “higher up” person.
You patted his head. “Thank you,” you said, and his eyes widened comically before he laughed and ran away, obviously shocked by the way you spoke to him back.
It wasn’t against the law, but it was frowned upon for nobles to speak to servants more than necessary. A noble person was not required to have manners or ask kindly for things, and when they did, it was certainly an out of the ordinary experience. You knew that well enough.
You broke the red seal and took in a deep breath, going to sit at your late husband’s desk (that you of course inherited, as you inherited everything the man had) and finding your name in perfect and Royal handwriting.
Lady Mirellis,
As you know, the time for the selection of The Hosting has come. Your house was not a host during the previous Hosting, therefore, you will be required to sponsor a knight this year. Out of respect for your late husband and all he has done for me, I will choose a knight for you, a knight that I trust. You will be safe with my choice, and the year will flow smoothly. Once again, I am sorry for your loss.
Please expect your knight within the fortnight, Lady Mirellis.
With respect, King Anthony Stark.
Two weeks later, your keep was buzzing. You hated hosting things, even if they were short dinners. And you knew that you were going to hate hosting a person for an entire year. A brand new knight who was full of himself, no less.
King Anthony had given you what he thought was going to be an easy charge for a reason. New knights were known for being rowdy, disgusting, perverted, and authoritative when they shouldn’t have been. No lady should ever have to deal with the crude words or behavior of a man—certainly not. And with you and your poor husband gone, that meant that no one was there to help you.
You appreciated the kindness, but it was obvious that every man thought that women were only an extension of their husbands. If you weren’t able to handle the loud voices and taunting shouts of men and boys, you would have melted or turned to dust by the time you were thirteen years old. If you had survived a man who carted you off and away from your family like you were cattle, you could handle a boy who was staying under your roof.
Nonetheless, your people were busy, and so were you. They were making accommodations to the largest guest room, because it was to be someone’s for an entire year. They were cleaning things that you never thought would be cleaned, washing random sheets and hanging them to dry. And you? You were making the welcoming package.
You had never made one before, but you were trying your hardest. It was more or less a care package to make the knight feel comfortable. It was a starter kit, so that they wouldn’t have to ask for much or seem unfit for knighthood, because it was all about pride. So help anyone above, you wouldn’t be dealing with a knight with a bruised ego.
“Men,” you scoffed out, rolling your eyes as you fluffed the silk pillowcase and folded the top of the woven basket over, closing in everything and tying the top with a bow. 
“Y/N,” a woman’s voice called out, and you turned to it with a gentle smile.
Of course it was Wanda. Her and her brother were always by your side, ever since you had arrived at the keep. Pietro was the messenger boy for Lord Mirellis, because he was so fast on his feet. He delivered a message meant to go hundreds of leagues away and came back within days, when it would take others weeks. You liked Pietro a lot. He was a funny man, cheeky, but he knew his boundaries with people, whether they were lowborn or highborn. He had the same amount of respect for everything, and you admired that about him.
Wanda however, was your favorite person in the castle. She was the first kind face that you saw when you walked into the keep. She was the first person to actually ask you if you wanted help being dressed or brushing your hair. She was able to see that you needed help with your corset before you even asked. There were so many trivial things that Wanda did for you that made you so loyal to the friendship you shared, but there was one thing you were sure to never forget.
She had been the one to help you out of bed after a rough consummation night. She was also the only woman who had offered you even a sliver of sympathy, and for that, she was your greatest ally, and on a deeper level, a true friend. 
You had barely even seen her for more than five minutes before you woke up in bed by yourself the morning after that horrid night, crying silent tears and feeling sore between your legs. A knock sounded on the door, and instead of her turning away and apologizing for coming in on such an improper moment, she shut the door and asked you if you needed help, without any fear of being scolded. Wanda Maximoff was different. That’s why you liked her so much.
She was standing beside you as you waited, even though waiting for a knight was somewhat improper. You were supposed to wait inside and have them knock on your castle door, and you were to welcome them inside and have a warm dinner ready. That was how it was always supposed to go, but you decided not to do that.
You were standing outside, like the lady you had been forced to become. Your chin was slightly lifted and your hands were at your sides, even though you were desperate to fiddle with your thumbs. You took in a deep breath as you heard the sound of a carriage coming, horses and the chatter of men getting louder with each passing moment.
You would be a liar if you said that you weren’t scared to have a man in your house that you didn’t know. Not only would he be a man, but he would be a man that knew how to do things that most didn’t, such as how to properly wield a sword. You were a woman alone, a widow to a lord, and people had tried things with you before, ever since your husband had died. Most of the time, those things ended up with their hands being cut off as the legal and unyielding punishment for their attempted crimes.
“No one here is going to let a stupid knight hurt you, you know.” Pietro had come out of nowhere, chest puffed out as he looked to his sister for a moment, and then back at you. “Wanda is practically with you every second of every day, and I’m never too far.” It was true. There were guards around, as well, but you were still scared.
“If you don’t like it this year, you can always say no next year.” Wanda offered, but you whined under your breath when you remembered that this was no visit. The man would be living with you for an entire year. “And King Anthony said he would be giving you a man he trusted to sleep under your roof. I trust his word.” 
“As do I,” you said quickly, ringing out your hands one last time before the carriage got closer. “I’ll be fine, you two. Thank you.” And they knew just how grateful you were for them.
The carriage was being pulled by two white horses, both looking around carelessly and cluelessly as the coachman pulled them to a stop. “Lady Mirellis,” he said, looking you up and down, clearly judging you for not yielding to tradition. “It is very kind of you to meet us outside.”
“I thought it may be easier to begin the tour early,” you said, remembering at the last moment to school your voice into sounding ladylike. The stark difference between your public voice and the one that you spoke to Wanda and Pietro with always made Wanda smile a bit, and you knew that you would have laughed if you were looking at her. “I don’t want to give my new guest too large of a culture shock. I am not quite sure if he would appreciate being hoarded inside a place he hasn’t seen before.”
The coachman gave you an odd look, almost like he wasn’t understanding what you were saying. Or maybe, why you were saying it. But, he knew that because of your status, your word outweighed his, and he would do as you said. Your heart was beating nearly out of your chest as you watched him climb out of his chair and walk around, and you saw his hand wrap around the handle of the white and gold carriage.
There was a flash of brilliant red. That was all you saw at first, and then you saw shiny armor, glinting in the sun. Your eyes trailed up from the shoes that you knew were crafted specifically for knights, up to the legs and then to the breastplate, which you noticed was curved outwards. Your brows furrowed as your eyes got stuck in that place, and you willed yourself to believe that it was a trick of the eyes. There was a pinch on your arm, and you realized that you had been staring without speaking for much too long. In your embarrassment, your eyes flickered up to meet the man’s, and then, you nearly choked.
The knight was no man at all.
so this is a series! this idea has been cooking up in my head for a while now, and i figured it was finally time to go through with it! i’m really excited about this one, and i’ve already got most of it planned out. i hope you guys liked this!
also- if you would like to be tagged, you are free to ask! (bold of me to assume that any of y’all want a notif for this bye 😭) please interact with this if you liked it, it makes me so happy and motivated to hear from you guys!
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
You should like
Provide scenes for me to draw from the Anthony Hater Club fic
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Ajcjehdh 😂
Okay so I’ve talked to @blackbumblbee about a few ideas.
I’m really open to any people interested drawing whatever scenes catch your fancy, although I do have a few ideas in mind…
-Niffty sobbing over them ruining her OTP. Absolutely everyone is confused. (Ft. Egg Boiz using coloring books cause they’re silly)
-them having an Anthony hate club meeting with the giant fucking board, making it look like they’re trying to solve a murder. (Think like the Pepe Silvia meme if you want 😂)
-Charlie, Pentious and the Eggs doing their best to cover up the board from a very tired/confused (and in Angel’s case injured) Husk and Angel
-the intervention (some highlights): everyone looking serious (minus Alastor who’s having a great time), Pentious about to shit out an egg boi to everyone’s horror
-if you want something cute then the confession/kiss between Huskerdust
-everyone realizing Anthony is angel (except Pentious), (“ You’re the one Husk is cheating on Angel with?!”“What. No! Pentious! I am Angel!”“You said you were Anthony!”“I am!”“So don’t lie and sssay you’re…oh. I get what’sss going on here.”“Yeah, Angel I am so sorry, we thought–”“HUSK?! YOU’RE CHEATING ON ANGEL WITH HIS OWN TWIN BROTHER?!”“Pentious! You can clearly see it’s me!” “I see nothing but a homewrecker!”)
-Alastor fully decked out in Anthony Hate Club merch looking like he’s having a great time and wants to eat Angel. Angel about to shit himself. ( @blackbumblbee is currently working on this one rn, if more people wanna do that that’s okay! Just letting y’all know)
-there’s also potential for angstier ones with angel thinking he’s gonna be kicked out (side by side comparison to when he was a human and his family kicked him out?)
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Oh my god I just read Enchanted and it was beautiful!! I love how you well you wrote it and all the stories here!!
Do you think Sophie ever joined in on the weekly lunches with Violet, Kate & Lucy? What did she complain about if she did?? Also does Benedict have like a wall of Sophie pictures?? I thought it was super cute at the end where she finally saw the picture of when he fell in love!!
Sorry if you’ve already written this! I’m still making my way through everything on here!
Hello! A new friend!
You know, it's funny, because Enchanted is my least favourite of the 28 fics in this Series! I haven't even read it since I posted it. And I don't even know why? Like it's fine I suppose, and there's nothing that I really hate about it I don't know. But I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Benedict has so many pictures of their family on the wall it's a little nauseating. Sophie often jokes that They'll have to get a bigger house just so he can keep taking pictures.
Now if you're new around here, you may not yet be familiar with something I like to call the Bridgerton Wives Club which is essentially Kate, Lucy, Sophie and Penelope being absolutely manic. They have matching shirts and they're wild. Edwina is obviously a frequent collaborator.
Should we see Sophie's first lunch a Violet's?
Sophie was nervous. There was no point denying it. She was about to have lunch with Benedict's mother and sister in laws (though Lucy wasn't married to Gregory, Sophie definitely felt the title was relevant) and she was stressed about it.
She was standing outside Ben's house, waiting for them to pick her up. Kate had breezed right past the fact that Sophie was going to take the tube when she'd texted her last night instead saying Luce and I will pick you up. A Range Rover pulled up to the curb, braking abruptly in front of Sophie who startled as the window rolled down, the nerves fluttering in her stomach as Kate smiled down at her.
"Hop in Sophie!"
Sophie forced herself to smile, feeling the awkwardness of it. Lucy and Kate were already bickering by the time she had the door open, settling herself against the leather seats.
"Jesus, Kate, can you at least wait until she's buckled in before you start driving like a lunatic?" Lucy tutted, a broad smirk on her face.
"Sorry, Mother Abernathy." Kate rolled her eyes, smiling at Sophie through the rearview mirror.
"Don't be nervous, Sophie." She said gently, as they sped through Chelsea Kate tutting at other drivers periodically.
"I'm not." Sophie choked out, a lie and they all knew it.
Kate hummed. "You've met Violet before and she really does care." Sophie nodded, knowing this was true. "She even listens to my sister complain about her dipshit boyfriends."
Sophie frowned, "Edwina's-?"
"Got terrible taste in men I'm afraid." Lucy hummed.
"Violet just wants to get to know you. You're a big part of Ben's life, she just wants to be apart of yours as well." Kate said firmly. "The first time she invited me I thought I was going to pass out! But it was great, and the food's good as well"
Lucy nodded then sighed as Kate clipped the curb pulling up to Violet's house. Anxiety clawed at Sophie's stomach a little more firmly, her legs shaking just a little as she stepped out of Kate's car.
Kate breezed forward, opening the door without knocking with the confidence of someone who had done it numerous times before, tugging gently on Sophie's arm when she showed signs of loitering outside, Lucy following closely with a kind, no nonsense smile giving Sophie little chance to back out anyway.
"Violet! We're here, and I hope you've made cake because your son has driven me up the wall today!" Kate called out.
"I'm in the kitchen sweetheart! What's he done?"
Kate tugged Sophie through the house settling her down at a stool beside her in Violet Bridgerton's enormous kitchen.
"Anthony and I are going t have to get divorced Violet, I'm sorry, it's just not going to work out." Kate said gravely. Sophie felt her eyes widen, she'd been at their wedding just about three months ago and she had the impression that hey were rather ridiculously in love.
Lucy snickered giving Violet Bridgerton a one armed hug before she settled. Violet herself sighed, barely looking up from the salad she was preparing.
"Well, I'm disappointed, Kate, obviously but you've been with Anthony three years, you were bound to snap at some point darling."
Sophie watched as a smirk tugged at Kate's lips, "If he wasn't so bloody cute, I'd have kicked him out ages ago, but he looks so stupid when he has Newton in a backpack, I just can't help myself."
Violet hummed for a moment and then turned her attention to Sophie who felt herself blanche.
"Sophie, sweetheart, it's good to see you. How's work?"
Sophie startled at the change in conversation, nerves swirling around her. This was one of the reason's she was so nervous in the first place, she wasn't like Kate who was beautiful and strong and had a career, or Lucy who was always so perfect and proper, and worked so hard. She was just an assistant chef.
"It's good, I just... learned some new skills for seafood actually."
Violet's eyes lit up as though this were the most interesting thing she'd ever heard, smiling kindly, and Sophie wondered why she'd ever been worried at all, when she left ladened with left overs.
And in two years she herself marched through Violet's front door with a sharp,
"If Benedict says one more time he wants our first dance to be to The Thong Song the wedding is off Violet I mean it!"
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aziraphales-library · 11 months
hi there, there's tons of good omens fics where aziraphale turns human and doesn't remember anything of their past while crowley stays near and protects him/befriends him/ etc. Are there any fics where crowley is the one turned human? I couldn't find any fitting tags :((
Hello. We have a #turned human tag that you can browse. Here are some fics in which Crowley is turned human or loses his memory at least believes he's human, some of which will have already been recommended...
Every Atom Belonging to Me by triedunture (T)
Crowley is rendered temporarily mortal after a run-in with a-- Well, it doesn't really matter. What matters is he needs to eat and sleep and do the things humans must do if only for one night. Aziraphale can help with the eating bit, at least. A cozy, sweet evening with tea, drinks, food, poems, and warm blankets.
The Good Demon by HolyCatsAndRabbits (T)
In this AU fic, Hell thinks the demon Crowley isn’t evil enough to merit the title of demon. As punishment, they turn him mortal, and if he wants his old job back with his powers and immortality, he’s got to seduce and cause the Fall of some angel named Aziraphale, who is serving as a campus chaplain, running a group for queer youth. Crowley thinks the assignment will be easy, until he meets the angel and his students, and discovers the kind of found family that he’s always wanted. There’s just one little problem: Crowley is a terrible danger to them all.
feel my fortune tell me by nobirdstofly (E)
“And you bet… what? With whom?” “Oh, with me!” Muriel exclaims. “Mr. Crowley bet me that I couldn’t convince a customer I was human!” “Barmy woman,” Crowley fills in. “Think you could have told her the coatrack was a human.” He sounds so grouchy about it that Aziraphale wants to bundle him in a blanket and set him by the fire with spiked cocoa.
Crowley loses a bet and, temporarily, becomes a human. Aziraphale, predictably, frets.
Save Me by atimefeeler (T)
When Anthony wakes up in a hospital with no memory, he finds himself alone with nothing but a vaguely threatening note written in blood. In an attempt to save himself from an untimely death, Anthony goes about his life as if he wasn't currently suffering from memory loss. It really is too bad he can't figure out if his stunning partner if trying to kill him or not. Going on a date with him couldn't hurt, right? ... “Do you think perhaps you could come over to the bookshop?” Aziraphale asked, “I would so love to see you, dear.” “Yeah I- no!” Anthony nearly shouted and then clamped his hand over his mouth. “No? Why ever not?” “I can’t,” Anthony scrambled for what to say, “I’ve got-” ‘Diarrhea’ was on the tip of his tongue, but then Anthony caught a glimpse of his reflection in the black phone screen and blurted, “-an eye condition.” ... or- Crowley has no idea why his plan to pretend he doesn't have amnesia is proving to be so difficult. It might be because the poor guy is actually a demon.
Pray For Us, Icarus by Atalan (Series) (G-T)
For three centuries, Crowley has been reincarnated over and over as a human with no memory of his past. Aziraphale has tried to find a way to restore him to his true self, but all he seems to do is hurt them both. This time, he only means to steal a brief moment when he walks into Crowley's flower shop. But Crowley can't let it go...
- Mod D
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fangroyal · 3 years
Fic Rec Tag Meme
@sitp-recs, I’m terribly late, but this looked way too fun, so I had to join in. Fair warning, y’all, not everything here is Drarry, or even HP (I am a prolific rarepair shipper/multi-fandomer, and Dron is my OTP 😂), so I’ve added the fandoms and pairings below as well. All of these (and many more!) can also be found on my ficshelf! It was so hard to pick these as it was, I couldn’t help but point you in the right direction for all the ones I (sadly, unfortunately) had to cut from the list, lol.
Anyway, thank you so much for running this tag meme, @sitp-recs! It’s been amazing seeing everyone’s recs and discovering new fics! 🖤
• A fic you love without knowing the source material: He Was a Punk, Pete Did Tabletop Roleplay by @mscaptainwinchester Marvel | Peter/Wade | NC-17 | 7.5k
• A fic with a premise that shouldn’t work but it does: Anthony J. Crowley, Retired Demon and Airbnb Superhost by @theoldaquarian Good Omens | Hints of Aziraphale/Crowley | G | 3k All fics are valid and work!! That being said, I had no idea just how much I was going to fall in love with a fic about Crowley being an AirBnB host when I first opened it. 😂
• A fic you’ve reread several times: Department of Magical Creatures Case 62637 by @mscaptainwinchester (under RonsPigwidgeon at the time) HP | Draco/various, Ron/OMC, Ron/Draco | R | 121k How could I expected to only pick ONE?! 😂 I’ve reread everything you’re seeing here - I’ve reread nearly every fic I’ve ever recced at least once. But I couldn’t make a favorites list without this fic, so might as well put it here, haha!
• A fic you still remember many years later: Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble by Sushi HP | Severus/Severus | NC-17 | 8.9k I remembered it so well (and fondly) that after 12+ years, I went scouring the Wayback Machine to find it. And yes, the pairing is correct. Don’t look at me. If you’re still interested in reading after knowing that, hit me up, ‘cause it takes a bit of instruction to find it now.
• A comfort fic: You and I by @shiftylinguini HP | Scorpius/Albus S. | NC-17 | 32k
• A cathartic fic: The Conformity Conspiracy by shrink South Park | Michael/Pete (or Ethan/Dylan, as this was written before they had names in canon) | R | 71k I really struggled with this entry. I came to the realization that...I don’t know if I’ve ever actually felt catharsis from a piece of media before??? Well, I have with music, for sure, but not really with anything else. Anyway, I chose this fic for this slot because every time I read it, I’m transported back to being a goth teen. I can feel every word, every action, like I’m going through those years again with them...Which isn’t necessarily what cathartic means, but fuck it, it works for me, haha. ***As always whenever I rec this fic, I do just have to warn that it’s not properly tagged on AO3, and there is definitely some potentially triggering content in it. If you’re interested in reading and would like to know more (so you can be better prepared), feel free to DM me!***
• A fic you’d print and put on your bookshelf: In Flight, Two Boys by lobst_r HP | Marcus/Oliver | NC-17 | 29K Again, how I could possibly pick only one for this one?! I would print out ALL of these fics if I could, and many more! But this is such a beautiful fic, it definitely deserves a spot on the list, and what better spot for it than this? There’s actually a sequel currently posting as well! I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet, but I’m sure it’s just as amazing, if not more so.
• A fic you associate with a song: You Do Your Body Work, I Feel My Pulse Working Overtime by @veelawings HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 1.6k I mean, it’s in the title. 😜 But also this is just a truly inspiring fic that I absolutely had to include! (I realized I somehow haven’t queued a rec post for it yet, and I will make sure to fix that soon!)
• A fic that inspires you: dirtynumbangelboy by @magpiefngrl HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 39k
• A fic that brought you onboard a new ship: Lumos by birdsofshore HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 41k Some people may be surprised to know that Drarry was, uh.......once my NOTP. Yes, really. 😂 You wouldn’t suspect that nowadays, would you??? LOL. It’s all because of this wonderful, beautiful fic. I saw it getting recced everywhere at the time and said fuck it, I’ll give the pairing another try - and I never looked back!
• A fic you wish could be a movie: Midnight in the City of a Hundred Spires by @shiftylinguini HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 25k
• A fic that led to you making friends with the author: A Weasel in the Hamptons by @peachpety HP | Ron/Draco | NC-17 | 15k I don’t quite know if this counts, because I believe we’d already been speaking before this??? 😂 But of course, being that I’m the mod for Ron/Draco Fest, I knew who was writing for this prompt of mine, and thus we dispensed with the formalities in private, haha! It was a great experience, and I was so overjoyed to see the results in the end. So happy to have met you, love! 😘 Hope you’re well!
• Free Space: The Pizzaria: A Sordid Tale of Destiny, Evil and Garlic by Mad_Maudlin HP | Ron/Draco | PG-13 | 36k A Dron/crack!fic staple, honestly, and I just couldn’t make a favorites list without it!
• A fic you’ve gushed about irl: Runway by @candawrites HP | Ron/Draco | R | 15k
• A fic you associate with a place: Archipelago by Mad_Maudlin HP | Ron/Draco | NC-17 | 18k I just have a very distinct visual memory of reading this fic for the first time: sitting on the couch in my mom’s living room, the sun setting outside. (I was visiting for her bday, I believe???)  I think of that moment every time I see the title.
• A fic that made you gasp out loud: clutched your life and wished it kept by @glitteringvoids HP | Ron/Draco | R | 110K
• A fic you found at the right time: Howlr by @partialtopotter HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 47k I got really sick in summer 2018. I know I’ve talked about it on here a million times at this point, so I won’t dwell. But I ended up finding and reading this fic the following March, and it reawakened my love of fic and fandom that had been lost over the previous months while I was dealing with everything. I hadn’t been reading or writing at all in all that time, and I ended up reading this whole thing in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down! It just made me feel so good, after a long time of not feeling anywhere near good.
• A fic that you would read fic of: In the Garden After Dark by @the-starryknight HP | Draco/Harry | R | 3.5k I just need more of this universe and Draco’s Illusion magic. 😍
• A fic that made you laugh out loud: Why Parvati Patil Must Die by hull1984 HP | Ron/Draco | PG-13 | 39k
• A fic with a line (or two) that you’ve memorized by heart: Hail to the King by Mad_Maudlin HP | Ron/Zacharias, Ron/Zacharias/Draco | NC-17 | 5k
• A fic that gave you butterflies: The Electric Fizzing Prick Pistols, or Whatever by whitmans_kiss HP | Sirius/Remus | PG-13 | 3.8k
• A fic that embodies something that you value in life: Luna Lovegood: Wank Coach for the Long-Since Deceased by yrfrndfrnkly HP | gen | PG-13 | 9.8k This was another difficult category to choose for. Not that I don’t think any fics I’ve read display good values! Of course they do! But I have this weird issue where I don’t, like...project? at all??? So sometimes it’s hard for me to recognize these things in what I read. But eventually I realized it had to be this fic, because I just love the carefree way Luna lives her life here, her job helping people (well, ghosts who could use some sexual release, specifically, but you know), and the wonderful friends she surrounds herself with.
• A favorite AU: Quibbler Unsolved by Leontina HP | Draco/Harry | PG-13 | 17k More of a fusion than an AU, but it’s just fantastic!
• A fic you stayed up too late to finish reading: Grounds for Divorce by @tepre HP | Draco/Harry | NC-17 | 122k
• A fic that made you feel seen: Taste the Rainbow by @maraudersaffair HP | Ginny/Pansy | PG-13 | 639
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yetanotheremptypage · 3 years
Can I say thank you for not slathering Siena? People love to make her the villain in fics and it makes me so sad all the hate she gets
My thoughts on Siena are...complicated. You didn't ask for an explanation, but here we go anyway.
I knew nothing about Bridgerton prior to watching the show; I'm not even sure I realized it was a book, much less a romance, much less a series that would cover eight different love stories. I had no idea Kate Sheffield even existed.
But right off the bat, I was not invested in Anthony's relationship with Siena.
I don't know why. It's certainly an interesting angle to explore, a titled nobleman and an actress, an opera singer, in a time when they were seen as little more than prostitutes; duty over love and lust, all the tensions (and tropes) that come with it. And yet, I felt very little. I understand her role in the first season, I understand how it sets up season 2, but she was never a character I felt attached to and their relationship never one I wanted to root for.
I started writing “no escaping your love” on a whim. I never expected it to take off . I didn't think I would get Anthony and Kate's dynamic quite right. I still feel like I don't have it quite right, nor do I feel like I fit Siena into it well. But here’s my rationale on her, her relationship with Anthony, and Kate:
Kate is an insecure person. The idea of Siena, of a beautiful woman that Anthony loved, is something that, particularly in the very beginning of their marriage (especially if they use her in the study incident in the show), I think does...if not upset her than at least ruffles her feathers, because how can she ever compare?
But as her relationship grows, as she grows more secure in herself, Siena’s not a threat. And I highly doubt that Siena would *ever* be some sort of homewrecker; she uses Anthony and the other men of the ton for security as much as sex or love. A married man is a liability, and Anthony is devoted to his family. It was never a question of loving each other “enough”; his relationship with Siena is full of conflicting priorities and confused feelings. I doubt there is a universe where they would ever be truly, truly happy together.
Kate and Siena have nothing to prove to each other. Kate does not “win” and Siena does not “lose.” Siena is in circumstances that will never be compatible with Anthony’s, but this does not negate any feelings they may have had for each other.
Obviously, the “Hard Choices” AU is set in the modern day. Kate and Anthony meet under different circumstances in a different world, and Siena is in a different world. But the core of their dynamics remain. Anthony and Siena are ill-matched in circumstance, in drive, in needs; Anthony and Kate are well-matched in all three (and have equally shit communication skills).
Does Siena deserve to get hate or be portrayed as a villain: absolutely not. And can she be happy for Anthony and Kate even though she “lost”? 100%.
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