#that's WAY more common than I'd ever have expected it to get to. we're way past the point of this being like.. a non-issue
rpgbabe · 4 months
what that post is saying is not that people with bbls and botox today are hypocrites for decrying corsets.. it's saying the people who should be criticizing current-era barbarisms (whether or not they engage in them) choose to focus on barbarisms of the past instead? we don't have to neglect the fact that corsets and in general the dress and treatment of women in the past was a problem.. but maybe we start with what's literally happening all around us and being pushed in our face 24/7 TODAY in 20 fucking 24. like how can we nitpick about the beauty expectations of women a century or two ago when we're arguably even worse now.... it's about the irony.... it's not saying you can't criticize corsets and equally criticize excessive surgery + makeup practices of today.. it's saying.. why would you pick one? and, at that, the lesser one.
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cradle-quill · 1 month
It’s Okay to Be a Lot
A common piece of relationship advice I see all the time is, "Your partner should never make you feel like you're too much."
And I understand where that advice is coming from. In a healthy relationship, your partner should be a person who supports you. Ideally, you each refill each others' cups, so to speak. And when you feel like you're too much, for them, for the world at large, or even just for yourself, it can be a wonderful thing to hear the person you love most, and who loves you most, reassure you and tell you all the ways you make them happy and improve their life.
The thing is, though, that's unrealistic.
In general, I think we all need to stop striving for these visions of a perfect relationship that are impossible to obtain. Yes, a good partner should reassure you when you're down, provided they are able to offer that support. And it's even fine for them to find that support deep within themselves, even if they're struggling as well at the time. You support each other. That's what a mutual relationship is.
But it's also okay for you to say, "Hey, I know I am fucking on one™ today, in the worst way. I know I'm a lot. I'm too much for myself right now, and I understand if I'm too much for you too."
You know how I'd respond to that? I'd say, "You're right; you are a lot today. And that's okay. You get to be too much for the world sometimes. Hell, when you're really going through it, you might feel that way for days or weeks at a time. But I still love you anyway. I love you at your best and your worst. Sure, sometimes I might get frustrated. You're allowed to get frustrated with me too. But at the end of the day, beneath all those surface level feelings, there is an undercurrent of love, of unity between us. Even on our worst days, we are on each other's team."
That is communication. That is acknowledging reality and working together to overcome challenges. We're all a lot sometimes. I'm extra as fuck, and I can be melodramatic. I know this about myself, and it's something I'm working on, but it's also something I know is a part of my personality and most likely always will be to some extent, even after years of working on it. Instead of trying to hide our faults from our partners, we should be open and honest with one another, and support each other to our fullest capacity, even when it's hard. Because we know, ultimately, the love we share for one another is more important than this current moment.
Our partners aren't perfect, just like we aren't perfect. They're allowed to have bad days. They're allowed to be having good days, but our own sour mood would bring them down. We're all allowed to meet in the middle. When we give each other the space to feel our feelings, we build a stronger foundation, and the love we share becomes more durable, more ready to withstand even the worst confrontations and disagreements. Because we each know the other is coming from a place of love and understanding, even when they're struggling.
So be a lot. Be open about being a lot. Tell people you're having one of those days. And if your partner tells you they're having one, tell them that's okay, that you love and accept them even when they're having a hard time. It's okay to roll your eyes at each other's pity parties once in a while. We all throw them, after all, and as long as both parties know it's coming from a place of love and fundamental acceptance, there's nothing wrong with having big feelings one way or the other.
Just love each other, without restraint. When one of you stumbles, know that the other will be there to give you a hand. And on days where you're both wallowing on the floor, unable to get up and take that next step forward, know that you can at least find comfort in each other, both on that floor, within arm's reach.
No one is perfect. No one is ever not a lot. So let's all give each other the room to be too much sometimes. Let's stop expecting our partners to be something no person on this planet has ever achieved.
When one or both of us are a lot, let's love each other anyway.
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actual-changeling · 9 months
I have written many meta posts and s3-theories, and read even more, but I got hit by an idea I have not seen before. (If there is another post, please link it!)
After vibrating for an hour and losing my mind in my dms, I have no scraped together enough brain cells to present what is probably my first actual 'main-plot meta'.
Welcome to another edition of Alex's unhinged meta corner, today with a title to honour Crowley's James Bond obsession and the possibility of another heaven heist.
I give you:
From Jesus with Love - You Will Live Twice
Now, let's get right into it.
I think Neil might have told us more about the main s3 plotline in the announcement article than we previously thought. We all got stuck on 'they're not talking'—for good reason—but it is the part before that which has been bugging me ever since then.
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The plans are going wrong—and this time that is a problem for earth and humanity. Turning that around, it means that whatever that plan consists of would be the way to go and beneficial for everyone, the opposite of the main plot of s1.
"They need to prevent the Second Coming (SC)" is pretty much the only and most popular idea I have seen, hundreds of fics and metas and whatnot have been written about it, but I think there's a good chance we're wrong. If we're not, well, I will honestly just be happy to be watching season 3.
Whatever the Metatron is planning will have negative consequences for everyone, or as Michael puts it: "And so… it ends. Everything ends. Time and the world is over, and we begin Eternity… forever and ever."
It sounds very much like Apocalypse #1 - Same Old Plan, same expected result, yet if we look at different interpretations of scripture we find that the SC is not entirely about complete destruction and death for all of humanity—it is about creating a new world/migrating to the kingdom of God.
This is taken from the Wikipedia article about the SC
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Resurrection and life in a world to come are a direct contradiction to the result Michael is explaining—total annihilation of humanity.
Now, I am neither religious in any way nor have I ever received any sort of biblical education. Luckily, Christians seem to love talking about the bible because there are dozens of bible website to wade through. If I get anything wrong, please point it out, I have never touched a bible in my life.
So, after reading many, many quotes by a bunch of different guys, I tried to create a somewhat coherent picture of what the SC might look like based on the assumption that the end result is positive. I will talk about how they can be interpreted more in-depth later, otherwise this would turn into a string-net very fast.
Additionally, we can also see where these points overlap with the statement Jimbriel gave in the bookshop in episode three.
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What is Jesus' job description?
only God knows when and how exactly it will begin/happen, no one else does, including Jesus and the Metatron
a lot of different catastrophes are mentioned or quoted as something Jesus said, like earthquakes and storms -> Jimbriel mentioned a tempest and great storms
there is also the line "All these are the beginning of birth pains." Birth pains dictate that there will be a birth—birth of the world to come perhaps?
dead people will be resurrected/leave their graves so that they too can be judged (I'd say participate in it but that sounds like the Second Coming is a summer camp activity)
there are also mentions of stars and the heavens in general falling from the sky and the sun going dark -> Jimbriel also mentions darkness as one of the signs
great lamentations, as Jimbriel says, are also a part of many different passages, with humans mourning the world as it was
the Lord will descent with the voice of an Archangel and the sound of a trumpet/the trumpet of God; the grammatical structure of that sentence seems to be interpreted differently depending on who you ask, but the voices of angels/an Archangel and some sort of trumpet are common terms
once everyone is in heaven/wherever the 'main even' will take place, a judgement call will be made for every single person in relation to the book of life, which decides whether they will be punished forever or not (one passage talks about a lake of fire and mentions it several times in a row)
And this is where it gets tricky. To figure out what the SC looks like, we first need to understand a) what the Metatron's capabilities are, b) what he has to lose, and c) what exactly would be a threat to him.
If you ask me, all of this comes down to the Metatron wanting to stay and be in power for eternity with full control over angels so he can do as he please, aka keeping the system running as it is.
We know the book of life (bol) is a thing in the Good Omens universe, whether it does what Michael said is an entirely different question. So far, we have also only got confirmation that hell collects and tortures souls—in such large amounts that they are understaffed—while heaven looks completely empty.
The Metatron runs heaven as an institution, he seems to be the highest power any of the angels have access to and the one they defer to. He refers to himself as the voice of God and combines judge, jury and executioner, making him one great celestial dictator.
From what we know of hell, they do things a lot more democratically, having different councils, dukes, and ranks that are responsible for different levels of command.
We also know that that the Metatron wants the world to end, his goals can probably be summarized as the statement Michael makes, which would leave him in charge without any opposing forces.
We also also know that he sees Crowley and Aziraphale as a threat—why exactly remains a mystery for now—and that the success of his plan hinges on having a Supreme Archangel (SA) he can control. Gabriel decided to become princess of hell and Beez' sugar baby, so he was out of the equation, and after the Armageddon disaster, I don't think he wants to risk failing because of an unfamiliarity with earth (plus, y'know, getting our two idiots away from the plan).
It's interesting to me that right at the end, he says to Aziraphale "We call it the Second Coming"—call, not it is or it will be, CALL. We know that nothing Neil writes is a coincidence, definitely not with such an important line.
Just because you CALL something a specific name doesn't mean it IS what you call it, e.g. Aziraphale calls Crowley a foul fiend when we know he very much isn't.
The Metatron is selling his plan as part of the "Great/Ineffable Plan", so any questions can be blocked by saying it's God's will, it's ineffable. Whatever his plan is, he hides it behind the concept of the Second Coming, which angels know just enough about to understand the basics without having in-depth knowledge of what exactly it entails.
It is a good fucking strategy, I'll give him that, and it WORKS because angels—even if they have doubts—do not question. They simply don't; fear of punishment and millennia of conditioning have left them in a horrible place. When they encounter something unknown, their response is "I already knew that" as to not ask questions.
Crowley questions, we know that, and Aziraphale, ohhhhh, Aziraphale ALSO questions, but he does it in a less dangerous and obvious way. The Metatron is vastly underprepared for that.
(Side note: That alone would be its own meta post, but the gist is that he questions heaven's plans and then adjusts his assumptions of what God might want to what he WANTS God to want, e.g. Job, the Arch)
To summarize everything I just said, the Metatron wants to do what Armageddon failed to do—destroy earth and the universe—so he can be supreme dictator of all remaining celestial beings and gorge himself on power.
But instead of calling it his Big Evil Plan, he calls it the Second Coming, making everyone play along without resistance.
We cycle aaaaall the way back to the sentence I quoted—the ACTUAL plans are going wrong since the Metatron's would mean total destruction.
But what is the SC supposed to be if not the Apocalypse 2.0?
When I look at all the different aspects of the SC and assume a positive outcome, then the end result to me would be a new world that is pretty much like the old world, or maybe even literally the old world but with any destruction reversed. Heaven and hell get dissolved since now that everyone has been "judged", they as institutions are no longer needed, they have fulfilled their purpose.
No more judgement means there is no reason to keep track anymore, so why do you need to run celestial corporations whose only job is doing exactly that? You don't—and THAT is what I believe is the biggest perceived threat to the Metatron, losing full control over everyone and everything, losing his position, his title, and whatever else he has.
On top of that, Good Omens has told us again and again that God doesn't seem to give a fuck about good and evil anymore, and that without heaven and hell being all wrapped up in it, humanity would have 100% free will without any consequences.
Maybe the BoL is empty, maybe it isn't real, maybe Jesus stole it to straighten a wobbly table, who knows. There is a chance it is what Michael says, but I would admittedly find that a bit. too obvious and boring since it would boil the plot down to "they save their own asses again" and not "they save humanity at all cost".
Regarding Crowley and Aziraphale's role in this—I have Thoughts TM but those definitely need their own post. In short, they have to get the SC back on track, the real one.
If you have made it this far, thank you for working through what I hope are more or less coherent rambles. Any spelling or grammar mistakes are my own.
Questions? Thoughts? Corrections? Expansions and additions?
Feel free to add to this post however you like (and I can't believe I have to mentions this but if you clown on my post or behave like an asshole you will be blocked).
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thewertsearch · 3 months
EB: […] i'm not sure if i actually want to encourage you to go off fighting him… EB: because as strong as you probably are, it sounds like he is REALLY strong. EB: and even though you killed tons of people, i think i would still be pretty sad if you died. […] EB: so maybe you should just let us handle it? at least we won't fight him directly.
Well, if you actually manage to destroy the Sun, Jack will be significantly weaker, albeit still threatening.
If we can't convince Vriska to back off, maybe we can convince her to at least delay her attack. Once Jack's no longer a First Guardian, she'll be able to swoop in for a duel she could actually win.
Against Semi-Perfect Jack, I'd give her even odds - but what are the odds if she leaves now? Does she stand any chance against a Jack at the height of his power?
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Well, maybe. I know I just joked about her getting annihilated, but Aradia did prove that God Tier powers work on him. Vriska's luck stealing is capable of some pretty astounding feats, but is it really enough to compensate for their enormous power differential? Luck can only take you so far, after all.
I'd give Perfect Jack a huge advantage in this fight, but a Vriska victory isn't completely out of the question, and I can see a few ways she could clinch it.
For example - what are the odds of Jack's Ring falling off?
Is it a million-to-one chance?
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Is it a sixteen-million-to-one chance?
AG: You know how I said I couldn't rel8 to the attachment you have for your guardians? […] AG: Well, I guess that isn't completely true. AG: There are adult trolls who we can rel8 to, if we choose to, and if we are lucky enough to discover who they are. AG: 8ut it is not really in a familial sense, at least not socially speaking, the way you understand family. They are more like figures of legend, who are said to have more in common with us genetically than any other troll. 8ut we can never meet them of course. Only look up to them, and follow in their footsteps, 8ecause they died centuries ago.
Wait, so Mother Grubs are sitting on the same DNA for centuries?
I suppose that's why they're ancestors, rather than parents. It's a little strange that Mother Grubs hang onto the same genetic templates for so long, but this is alien biology we're talking about. Anything is possible.
Can the same genetic templates be reused multiple times, then? Can one single ancestor have multiple descendants, allowing trolls to have siblings as well as parents?
...hey, they might even have grandparents! If every troll has an ancestor, then your ancestors will have ancestors themselves, and they'd be your second-order ancestor, too.
AG: I am completely certain it is true, and I know who mine is! AG: I have 8een doing my 8est to honor her legacy for most of my life. AG: I even named my roleplaying character after her!
So this is why she’s so gung-ho about Marquise Spinneret Mindfang. Lay it on us, Vriska!
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don't think about baby vriska being forced to kill don't think about baby vriska being forced to kill don't think about baby vriska being for
AG: It was 8efore I ever started gaming, or rounding up other kids to feed my lusus. AG: I was nearing the age where I would 8e expected to feed her.
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kirain · 8 months
what do you think of this post about Gale? I saw it today and idk how to feel about it. h t t p s : // www. tumblr. com / galahadwilder / 741497332636467200
I couldn't disagree with it more, to be honest.
First of all, and I can't stress this enough, Mystra doesn't care about her followers. She cares about the state of the Weave and nothing more. If her followers don't worship her, if they're not useful to her, if they don't serve her purpose, they mean nothing to her. After she abandoned Gale, she had no interest in him until she realised she could use him to stop the Absolute—and she only wanted to stop the Absolute because it threatened the Weave. In general, Mystra doesn't care what people use magic for either, be it the most admirable heroics or the most depraved insanity you can imagine.
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Case and point: Lorroakan. He is an arrogant wizard, far worse than Gale could ever hope to be, who uses magic for pure evil. When he beat Rolan, he undoubtedly used magic to do it. Do you think Mystra cared? Nope. You can help that nutjob achieve his goals, kill a demigod, turn him immortal, and give him free reign to abuse magic any way he wishes, but do you think Mystra cares? Nope. She doesn't. She doesn't care about people unless they benefit her. In fact, all three iterations of Mystra have a vast history of grooming, flat out 🍇, and the forced impregnation of unsuspecting mortal women. Despite being neutral good, Mystra is and has always been extremely vain, selfish, jealous, and problematic.
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With that in mind, I'd like to break this post down piece by piece. Also, please be aware that when I use the word "you", I don't mean you specifically, anon. I'm more so addressing anyone who might be reading.
PS: Please no one harass this person's post. Their opinion is their own, and it's very respectful. At the end of the day, we're just talking about a video game.
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Mystra didn't tell Gale not to juggle the torches. She didn't even tell him it was a torch. She let him go on believing it was a part of her missing Weave. Had she told him the truth, he would've stayed away. That's why he's so shocked in Act 3, when she finally reveals it's the Karsite Weave. He had no idea, and she likely never intended to tell him. She didn't before he went off in search of it, and she didn't the entire time he was locked away in his tower, scared and suffering. I can't for the life of me figure out why she wouldn't warn him, but I can only assume it's because she expected absolute obedience, or because she was getting bored of him and wanted him to mess up.
Whatever her reasons, she didn't tell Gale to leave the orb alone because he was "worthy" already. He clearly wasn't in her eyes, because he wanted her to see him as an equal. He wanted her to share her knowledge with him, which is perfectly fair in a healthy relationship. If you're dating a god and they treat you like a worshipper—that's all you are to them. A worshipper. A plaything. You're beneath them. You're unworthy. She told Gale to leave the orb alone because she wanted him to be complacent. She wanted to keep him in servitude. That's what she wants from all of her followers, though it's even worse when it's her lover.
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In almost every story where a mortal loves a god, the mortal is either ascended into the heavens or the god gives up their divinity. And this isn't even specific to gods, but also vampires, werewolves, elves, and so on. Arwen, for example, gives up her immortality to be with Aragorn. Bella becomes a vampire to be with Edward. Hercules gives up his divinity to be with Meg. Elisa Esposito becomes aquatic to be with the creature. These are common tropes because it makes the couples equal.
Mystra contradicts herself by saying Gale was "always worthy", because her actions don't reflect it. He was a worthy distraction from her job, sure, but not worthy enough for her to treat him like an equal. So in order to prove it to her, to prove his love and devotion, he went after the one thing he knew she wanted—her missing Weave. Yes, she told him not to, and I agree he should've respected that, but this is on par with a woman telling her husband not to buy a bracelet she really, really wants because it's too expensive. If your husband worked extra hours and saved up enough to buy you that bracelet, would you divorce him?
Gale was completely unaware of the danger. He basically thought he was getting Mystra a bracelet. Had she taken the time to explain it to him, the whole catastrophe could have been avoided. He was just a hopeless romantic who wanted to surprise his girlfriend and prove he belonged at her side. The same girlfriend who very well could have made him her equal and shared her knowledge, but chose not to. Why? Because she's selfish. She didn't want an equal, she wanted a servant. We know this because, if you romance and ascend Gale, he will ascend you alongside him and give you your own domain! Mystra had the power to do this, or at least the ability to slowly ease him into it, but she refused. No matter how much he pleaded and proved his devotion to her, she refused.
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Mystra did not save Gale when the orb embedded itself in his chest. He survived only because it fed on his gifts. He says as much, and so does she when you go to see her at the Temple. That's why, when we first meet him, he admits he used to be better at magic. He was once exceedingly powerful, but the orb basically knocked him down to level one. Mystra was perfectly happy to let him scramble to find items to absorb, knowing that he would inevitably run out and erupt. When we give him his third item in Act 1, the orb is becoming quenchless, and he knows his time is nigh. Mystra has nothing to do with satiating the orb until Act 2 and 3, and only because he becomes her wild card.
Gale: Mystra will consider forgiveness?
Elminster: She will consider ... what she considers to be forgiveness.
Even Elminster, her most faithful Chosen, knows her "forgiveness" isn't really forgiveness. It's an ultimatum. Do this for me and be welcomed into my hall, or die and literally go to hell. Why would Mystra make this offer? Well, because why else would Gale agree to kill himself only to end up in the Wall of the Faithless? How would that motivate him? Mystra didn't make this offer out of the kindness of her heart, she made it because she was desperate. Had the opportunity never presented itself, she would've let him die and suffer for all eternity, and possibly take hundreds of innocent people with him in the blast. She. Doesn't. Care. 🤷‍♀️
Now, one could argue Gale was asking for too much, but I'm going to have to call bullshit on that. First of all, Mystra showed him things no mortal has ever seen. It's only fair he'd want to share her world and learn as much as possible. Imagine if the Doctor from Doctor Who picked up some random people and took them on breathtaking adventures, but the audience got mad at them for wanting to see as much as they could. Amy, Clara, Rose, etc.—none of them could live a normal life after meeting him, and they wanted to learn as much about the universe as possible. But everyone loves those characters. They don't get mad. There's even several episodes where the companions call the Doctor out for not treating them as equals, and he admits he's wrong for doing that and adjusts his way of thinking.
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I would argue that the only real divide between Mystra and Shar/Vlaakith is that Mystra doesn't inflict physical pain ... most of the time. That's it. Vlaakith and Shar only care about themselves and the effectiveness of their followers, but the exact same applies to Mystra. She is the Weave, and she only cares about the Weave; therefore, she only cares about herself. She had ample opportunity to help Gale or tell him the truth, but she didn't until it was convenient for her. The gods of D&D are basically the Greek Pantheon gods—a bunch of assholes toying with mortals, regardless of their alignment. The odd one is decent, but most are only out for themselves and their rule. Now, I will concur that Mystra is hardly the worst deity (in fact, she's unfortunately one of the better ones), but she's still not great and Gale is her victim.
To get a little controversial, I think the writers made a mistake. I know what they were going for, but I think they lost it along the way. At first, I was ready to stand with everyone and admit he belonged in the quintessential "overreaching wizard full of hubris" category, but upon researching the lore, getting to know Gale better, and doing several different playthroughs, I've come to vehemently disagree. First of all, before 5E (the current D&D edition), becoming a god was the ultimate goal for a lot of players, and that was perfectly acceptable, with many DMs providing celestial paths to make it possible. Moreover, many of the current gods were once human themselves, including Mystra!
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Second, it's only hubris if you fail. Gale can ascend. He can succeed. Although it's not the canon outcome I would choose for him, he is right about the crown. He does his research and figures out how to reforge it. And he doesn't seek godhood to be worshipped, he seeks it to either free himself (and all mortals) from Mystra's chains, or for her to acknowledge and love him as an equal. His arrogance stems from insecurity; an insecurity Mystra herself planted and cultivated, and in the end he's not really arrogant atfter all. Does him wanting to be Mystra's equal make him selfish? Well, I suppose that depends on how you answer these questions:
Is your partner equal to you? If you don't think so, why are you leading them on? Why wouldn't you take steps to help them become your equal? Why are you holding them back instead of propping them up? If they show interest in your life, in your world, in the things you can do, why would you keep it to yourself, especially when you have the time and resources to share it?
Just some ambrosia for thought. 😉
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suugarbabe · 1 year
My LOVE, you brilliant beautiful minded human. I have another Enzo idea if youre up for it.
Ravenclaw!reader who is Theo's (any of the boys really) relative (i was think twin or sister in the year below but whatever you fancy really) who they're super protective of because we're smaller than them. And we're in a relationship with Enzo, which Theo isnt thrilled about but at least its someone he trusts.
Anyway, Ravenclaw x Slytherin match has just finished and on the way to the change rooms someone (probs Pucey) slaps reader on the ass and says something gross. Draco grabs Theo because "i will NOT have you benched for the rest of the season" but they forget Enzo who wacks him with his broom and beating him before turning to Draco and telling him he can shove quiditch up his ass.
Or something like that 🩶🩶
mmm love love
Your family was shocked when you got sorted in Ravenclaw. When Theo can been called up first, everyone knew he would be in Slytherin. When you, his twin, were called right after him and that sorting hat stalled slightly, the room became silent. When it shouted Ravenclaw, you thought you were doomed.
Thankfully, there's no bond like a twin bond, and regardless of your house Theo had you close by his side, which included his group of friends. So when you and Enzo started dating each other, Theo shouldn't have been surprised. However he was furious like a protective brother was.
Theo had made both you and Enzo sit on the common room couches as he gave you a 'stern talking to', which was really just an over-protective brother speech, giving the typical "I'll kill you if you hurt her Lorenzo" lines to which you rolled your eyes and Enzo just smiled, promising to protect you fiercely.
Luckily, being not only Enzo's girlfriend but Theo's sister meant that no one, ever, touched you, bothered you, bullied you; nothing. You were essentially protected on all sides at all times. You never really had to watch out for anyone, because someone was always watching over you.
So after the quidditch semi-finals, when you went to meet Enzo after the game by the locker rooms, you weren't expecting the events that transpired.
You had your back to the entrance, talking with Pansy while you both waited for the boys, when you heard the whining slime of Adrian Pucey.
"Two birds with one stone, you're not both waiting for me are you?" You scoffed, not even giving him the satisfaction of turning around. "Oi, fuck off you right prick," Pansy raised her hand, middle finger on display.
Upon hearing the commotion one of the other team members used their wand to open the curtain of the tent, just in time to see Pucey grab a handful of your ass and say, "I bet you'd like that wouldn't you, a good night on riding my prick would give you a fucking attitude change there, Nott."
Immediately Theo was on his feet, only to be grabbed by Draco, "No way, not here, I will not have you benched for the cup next week. We'll take care of him after that, you here me?"
Theo opened his mouth to respond, only to be cut off by the sound of bone cracking. In his haste to calm down your brother, both guys had forgotten about Enzo.
They both turned in time to see Enzo lift his broom up once more, swinging it down against Pucey's ribs before throwing it aside and swinging his fists. Theo and Draco let Enzo get a few good blows before running and pulling him off, Enzo still shouting at him, "You're a fuckin' dead man, Pucey! Dead! You hear me? Lucky I had my broom in my hand and not my wand or I'd Avada your bloody arse for touchin my girl!"
You knew it meant there was probably something toxic deep down inside you, but Merlin did that whole scene just turn you on. You couldn't help but walk right over to Enzo and pull him in to a harsh kiss, ignoring the protests and gags from Draco and your brother.
"C'mon, Enzie, let's go clean up your hands, hmm?"
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pennyblossom-meta · 9 months
Gale/Wyll banter
Here's a collection of Gale/Wyll banter that I found in the dialogue files. I hope this is useful as both fanfiction resources and general curiosity :)
Help: I'm fairly sure there's a line from Wyll (?) mentioning how Gale doesn't ever eat vegetables, but for the life of me I can't find it. UPDATE 30/12/2023: Found it and added it to the post, the banter happens with the MC during the tiefling party. Also added a couple more interesting tidbits of dialogue.
Warning: long post.
Act 01
Loss of powers
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Wyll points out that he used to kill big monsters, and now a few goblins are a challenge. What gives? Gale remarks it must be the tadpole. Wyll: Was a time I tussled with hill giants without breaking a sweat. Wyll: Now, a mere werebear could swat me halfway to Amn. devnote: Amn = city on the Sword Coast. Pronounced "AAHM" like UK Eng "arm". Gale: Strange things are happening to us. What festers in our minds may well impel our bodies.
Netherese magic
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Wyll recalls the hag said 'Netherese' and asks Gale what he knows. Astarion adds a thought if he is present. Wyll: Ethel mentioned Netherese magic. What in blazes does that mean? Gale: Magic from the fallen empire of Netheril. Ancient, exceedingly dangerous, and quite unrivalled. Astarion: Wonderful! I'd hate to be destroyed by any common old magic. devnote: A little sarcastic. You've been told the dangerous magic inside you is ancient and unrivalled
Goblin raids
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Wyll: I've known goblin raiders to slaughter entire villages and strip them for loot - but I've never seen one ravaged like this. Gale: It's hard to imagine anyone who'd willingly inflict such devastation, be they zealots, marauders, invading armies... A sign of far worse to come, I fear.
Act 02
Mountain Pass
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Gale: These cragged hillls make for weary soles. I see why most headed inland prefer the smooth sailing of the Chionthar. Wyll: More importantly, the land west of here suffers under a terrible curse. Gale: You've seen it for yourself? Wyll: I've glimpsed that doom during my travels, but never dared get close. Wyll: If we continue this way, we may get too close for comfort.
Scary woods
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Wyll: What a dismal forest. Monsters could be lurking behind any and every tree. Gale: We'd be wise to fear the trees themselves. It feels like the forest itself longs for our destruction. devnote: serious Wyll: Frustrating, that. Wyll: Monsters, I can fight. But I can no more sever these shadows than I could the wind or the sun.
Approaching Moonrise
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Gale: Moonrise Towers lies ahead. We're nearing the Heart of the Absolute, I'm certain of it. Wyll: Then let us push forward, heads high, weapons in hand, and turn this tower to rubble. Gale: Your confidence is encouraging but a little premature. Let's keep our eyes on the task ahead. Or eye, as the case may be.
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Gale: A tollhouse like this would only be merited in the most prosperous of settlements. This was once a thriving trade route. Wyll: Should it be any wonder? The Chionthar's waters carry merchant vessels from as far east as Berdusk. devnote: bur-DUSK Wyll: And they wouldn't have brought just trade goods, but song, dance, and custom. Riches of the mind and the spirit. Wyll: So much was lost when the darkness fell.
At the Mason's Guild
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Gale: The masons here thought they were building something to last. How wrong they were. Wyll: Perhaps it's a blessing that none of them survived to see it fall to the shadows. Gale: No need for such a grim assumption. Halsin helped many to escape these shadows before the town was consumed. Wyll: Then some masons were more blessed still, if they could put their talents to use elsewhere. Wyll: Perhaps some of their work even graces Baldur's Gate.
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Wyll: It might seem a bit ramshackle, but this place has a boastworthy bar. Gale: A bar is only as good as its cellars. Which vintages can we expect to find on their racks? devnote: Anticipating a nice drink Wyll: Here, a bottle is judged more by its ability to crack heads than the quality of its contents. Gale: Ah. If that's the main criteria then I shall reset my expectations accordingly. Water it is. devnote: Good humoured
House of Healing
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Wyll: This was a hospital? Feels more like a prison. Gale: A common enough interpretation. Sickness has a nasty habit of making you feel trapped, if only within the confines of your own body. Gale: I once spent weeks convalescing in the Hospice of St Laupsenn (*) after a nasty bout of ruddy pox. For all their kindness, leaving that place behind felt like freedom to me. Wyll: I've always relied on the kindness of the healers and menders of the Coast. Better a cleric's healing touch than a chirurgeon's scalpel.
(Lore note*): The Hospice of St. Laupsenn is a temple of Ilmater in the North Ward of Waterdeep.
Moonrise General_AssaultState
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Wyll: This is it, Gale - today, we annihilate the heart of the Absolute's power. The bards will sing of our victory here. Gale: Entirely unnecessary. Though if they are so inclined, I might be convinced to share a stanza or two of my own for inspiration. devnote: Feigned modesty
Moonrise General
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Wyll: This is no aimless horde - the Absolute's forces are organised. What do you make of it, Gale? Gale: All enemies have some chink in their armour, no matter how much they like to believe themselves invulnerable. That's what we must find. devnote: Cheery/determined Wyll: And if we don't find any clear weakness? Gale: Then we hope our mutual strengths are enough to dominate them. Or, we die nobly in the attempt. devnote: Cheery/determined
Moonrise Prison
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Gale: Not a devil in sight. How disappointing. COL_MizorasRescue_State_SavedMizora = False, TWN_Wyll_State_MizorasCaptureHappened, MOO_MizorasRescue_Event_WalkedAway = False Wyll: I doubt a few iron bars are sufficient to hold one of Zariel's. Gale: True enough. But an illithid pod? That would probably do the trick. devnote: Cogs whirring Wyll: I wager you're right. Ah, Gale - what a pleasure to see a genius' mind at work.
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Wyll: Of course Mizora was Zariel's captured asset. How did I not see it coming? TWN_Wyll_State_MizorasCaptureHappened Gale: It's in a devil's nature to conceal the truth - you can't fault yourself for that. Wyll: I've been pacted for seven years on, Gale. I should be able to read between Mizora's lines by now, no matter how narrow the gap.
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Gale: How long have you been pacted to Mizora, Wyll? Wyll: Seven years. Seven years of hunting the monsters of the Sword Coast - and seven years of Mizora's tight leash. Wyll: And seven years of wondering if I'd ever rid myself of her - or if I even should.
Act 03
At the Basilisk Gate
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Gale: The history of the city itself is captured in the archives here - a fascinating resource. Wyll: I wonder what those archives will reveal about us a hundred years hence. Gale: Only the most excellent and complimentary things. With some encouragement from us, of course.
Morphic Pool
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Gale: Whatever the outcome of what's just ahead, it will be the stuff of legends. Wyll: In that case, someone needs to survive to tell the story. Gale: My money's on you, Wyll. Wyll: I'm betting on all of us.
Misc banter
Gale's ticking time bombs
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Wyll points out that Gale has two ticking time-bombs inside him - but he's holding together pretty well. Wyll: I admire your courage, Gale. Gale: Thank you. Any particular reason? Wyll: Between the orb and the bug, you've got more than your fair share of unwelcome passengers. Gale: What can I say? Mother always taught me to be a gracious host.
Wyll thinks Gale has potential
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Wyll tells Gale he's got potential, and suggests he rename himself something more... heroic. Gale finds Wyll quite the tryhard. Wyll: You're an impressive fighter, Gale. You should consider a new name. Gale: I take it you have some suggestions? Wyll: 'The Wizard Wonder!' Or how about, 'The Master of the Weave'? Gale: Tempting. But I think we might already have the maximum number of theatrical titles.
With Laz'el and Wyll
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Lae'zel notes that Gale knows a lot about mind flayers. He responds with information about his training. If there, Wyll chimes in as well. Lae'zel: You strike me cleverer than most istiki, Gale. Multiple tutors, I should guess. devnote: istiki - non-gith. IH-stick-ee Gale: Many a wise man and woman indeed. Waterdeep is the home of myriad scholars. Wyll: Ah, the City of Splendours. Spent a whole Fleetswake there with my father. What a delight.
The following dialogues are marked as ROM, which I assume is a flag for triggering when there's an active Romance with the MC.
Romance banter, Act 1
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Gale: If your natural charm isn't quite up to scratch, Wyll, there are magical means of adding a little flourish of charisma. Wyll: A kind offer, but I think I'd rather pursue things the old fashioned way.
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Gale: Have you noticed any attachments of the more, erm, romantic variety flourishing in our camp, Wyll? devnote: Fishing for info, a bit awkward. Wyll: I think I'm not the right person to be asking. Wyll: I can recognise a troll's silhouette on a far horizon, but I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
Romance banter, Act 2
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Gale: I knew you were a graceful man, Wyll, but I hear you're quite the dancer too. Gale: I've been known to trip the light fantastic myself. Mine was a popular hand at the annual Blackstaff's Ball. Wyll: I'd have love to have witnessed it, Gale. I wager you are as elegant on the dance floor as you are on the battlefield.
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Gale: I've heard that in Baldur's Gate, 'wizard' is also a term used for one who eschews their more, ahem, carnal desires. Is that true, Wyll? devnote: Fishing for info, a bit annoyed about what he's heard Wyll: Where are we going with this, Gale? Gale: Oh, nowhere. I just think it a rather cruel misnomer. Not at all reflective of the glamour wizarding life affords. devnote: A bit sulky/sensitive about it
Romance banter, Act 3
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Wyll: I'm probably going to regret this, but Gale - if I'm to be wed, would you like to make a speech? Gale: You've asked the right wizard. My oratory skills have left many a wedding guest weeping in their seat. devnote: Honoured/very excited at the prospect of speaking at length. Oblivious as to why his previous listeners might have been left weeping… Wyll: Promise it will last less than half an hour? Gale: I can promise it will feel like less than half an hour... devnote: Trying to avoid committing to a short speech
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Wyll: I used to believe the beauty of first love was unable to be surpassed. Wyll: But Gale - you are so much more tolerable now you've found your second. Gale: I'll take that comment with the sincerity and good will I assume it was intended. devnote: Not rising to it, cheerful
Misc quotes
Tiefling party
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Gale: Wyll's a good man. He may actually be a tried-and-true storybook hero. Gale: Then again he's so full of himself it's a small miracle he hasn't resorted to self-cannibalism yet.
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Wyll: You're running away from Gale's cooking. Wyll: It's delicious, don't get me wrong, but that man wouldn't eat a vegetable unless Mystra herself commanded it.
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Gale: So, you didn't fancy sharpening up the old moniker? I'd have thought the 'Blade of Frontiers' might be feeling a bit dull after all you've been through.
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Player: Sounds heavenly. Mind if I join you? Wyll: Not at all. You hunt the deer, I'll scrounge up the ale. Prepare your belly for roast a la Ravengard! Wyll: Let's hope Gale doesn't take offence if I assume cooking duties, just the once.
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animentality · 8 months
I feel the reason why we don’t see a lot of people in the fandom who loudly hate durgetash or durgetash shippers (compared to the very loud backlash against people who, for example, headcanon Asterian as a doting father family man or etc) is that I think the Durgetash delusion is just kind of. Easy to understand? In general. Even for people who dont like or ship it. Like even though it’s very much a delusion built out of random scraps of game lore and notes and character animations, I feel like those scraps are so generically Compelling that it’s easy can see how people actually got here, way more than other obviously delusional ships in other fandoms. Or even in this one. Like you can’t really explain from anything in game why you think Asterian would make a good father (no offense to anyone on that grind 😭). But you can point to the prayer for forgiveness and Gortash’s unique animations when talking to Durge specifically, and recognise at LEAST what got people started, if not the fanon that followed.
Ironically this could ALSO be delusional on my part lol like maybe I’m just not seeing it somehow, but genuinely I have not noticed anywhere near the amount of discourse over Durgetash as I would expect from a similar ship in literally any other fandom. So I have just been trying to think about why! Is the delusion ultimately that sympathetic or are we just so in our own bubble that people don’t even know?
(Especially when Gortash himself is so very hated by most normal players for VERY correct reasons. Like he is SO hate-able. And I do see tons of posts of people saying they don’t get why people like him, but never to the level of what I would consider discourse. My Karlach-loving ass sure hated him until I played Durge and paid more attention to him and learned to enjoy him more from that funny gay villain angle, while still maintaining that Karlach and the Gondians and every refugee in the outer city deserve to beat him into a pulp ultimately - but I feel thats a common origin story for durgetashers lol)
You missed the outcry over the Franc letter being edited, huh?
We had a good couple of days of "Gortash isn't bisexual" discourse.
It's the most rowdy I've ever seen the fandom.
But you're correct in that Astarion fans will always be louder.
Gortash is evil and he's harder to woobify.
Doesn't mean we won't do it, though.
As for the general reason for Durgetash not being as intense as other ships, well.
How many people really play the Dark Urge?
Not many, I'd warrant. How many people care about Gortash at all?
Not many.
Now how many ship those two together....a good number, but it's still a small population, compared to the Astarion, Gale, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Karlach fans out there.
So it's just smaller, is all.
We try not to elbow each other too much, or we'll crowd crush in the broom closet of the hospital we're all crammed in, as Astarion fans are brought into Emergency Care after a night down in the discourse mines.
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howtomakelovestay · 10 months
Cedric waits for Harry after he was picked from the Goblet
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"Sorry. This... I don't…"
Cedric hugged Harry immediately, wrapping his arms over his.
Harry shifted on his chest, adjusting his glasses with one hand while holding onto Cedric's robes with the other. Then he also placed it on his back, hugging Cedric back tightly enough. Considering that they had kissed once, Cedric thought that this was more out of friendship. The thing was, he liked Harry a lot and he didn't know what was right or proper to do anymore.
His judgment was dubious, confused and blurry when it came to Harry.
Still, none of that would stop him now.
"I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you," Cedric murmured into his hair, resting his cheek on top of his head. "I thought you might need a hug,” he explained when they pulled away several minutes later. "I think I should've asked before."
“Of course you can hug me."
Cedric barely resisted the urge of doing it again.
"I needed it. Thank you,” Harry continued and sighed. "This was not what I expected. You should be the champion… I'm sorry, Ced. That I…"
"You didn't put your name. You do not have to apologize…"
"No one will believe me."
The certainty in his voice as he said it.
Cedric wanted to deny it, but he didn't know.
“And they're not going to find a way to get me out of this. A magical contract that I can't break and things like that," Harry repeated the conversation he had with the Headmaster and the others. "Dumbledore has tried, but… I'll have to."
"You won't be alone," Cedric assured, barely holding him by the shoulder. "We will do this together. What do you say?"
"I say… I'm not familiar with the rules yet, but it doesn't sound like it's within them. Karkarov was quite upset that there were two of us instead of just one."
How could he tell him how much he didn't mind “cheating”?
"I guess I'd call it teamwork. We may be alone in the field, but not out of it. You're my friend and I'm not leaving you because of any kind of rule or anything like that, so we're in this together," he said and as he escorted Harry to his common room, Cedric had a couple of ideas that he shared with him: training sessions for the two of them, practice spells and accompany each other.
He wouldn't abandon Harry on his own.
"Yesterday you offered to help me if I was ever in trouble," he recalled, suddenly slowing his pace. "And here I am, way too soon... You were right. I didn't change my mind about that, but… This time I'll accept it."
"This time you can't refuse."
Harry chuckled softly.
One last hug and he passed through the portrait.
There is nothing I love more than rewriting the canon moments but make it hedric's version
Ao3: Always Yours
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maireyart · 2 years
Pixiv Recs. Obito's name
Have I already mentioned I love the Japanese fandom for all the wonderful comic strips and doujinshi? Oh, do I love it! They inspire me so much to create mine. I haven't rec'd anything in a while because tumblr shadowbanned me for posting too many links last time xD But this one! Oh!
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It's common knowledge in the fandom that the word KAKASHI means 'scarecrow', but what about OBITO? Ooooh, it has a meaning too ;) But it's such a rare, outdated word that even (some) Japanese are shocked at the revelation--judging by the comments on Pixiv to this bittersweet and touching comic:
✏ "The name he threw away" by さあり. Obito's parents discuss their soon-to-be-born son's name. I was not surprised by the meaning only bc it had been the first thing I looked up in the dictionary when I'd learned about the development of this character after 12 years of being out of the fandom :D Author's comment: "The man who spent most of his life under the aliases Tobi and Madara."
Translation: Obito's Dad: Have you decided on a name? Obito's Mom: Yes. I've searched books and thought about this a lot. Dad: We're expecting a boy, so his name must be intimidating to his enemies and very powerful. Mom: Powerful, yes. But I would like his name to be endowed with more than that… The name is very important. It is a gift given by parents to their child, the gift that stays with the child for life. If we disappear from his life someday, he will never forget our love because his name will still contain the intentions and thoughts we put into it. (Book: Character Meanings) Mom: Bringing people together and guiding them, leading the way for them… I want him to be such a leader. Dad: Leader? You mean you want him to become Hokage? Mom: He-he! He's your son after all. I wouldn't be surprised if he declares that one day! Dad: Actually, I haven't given up on the idea myself yet! Mom: My lovely child… Carry this name proudly, never forget it! And if you ever get lost on your way, reach out to it. In it is your essence. (Book -- 首 SHU/kubi; kashira, osa; obito "a person who leads" (tousotsu suru mono)). Mom: Obito. _____ In the manga Obito's name is written with a syllabic alphabet, but the word may be written with a character too.
首 'obito' - a hereditary title (kabane) in Yamato-period Japan (250–710 CE). Obito means 'leader, commander', also something like 'the man in charge' (e.g. an obito could be the head of a 'bemin' family (a small clan subservient to a more noble clan in Yamato), or the man in charge of some duty, or a professional).
The word seems to have originated from the word combination "oo hito" (lit. 'big [authoritative] person'), but it was never written with these two charactes. In fact obito is one of the readings of the character 首 SHU/kashira/kubi 'head, neck', which hints to the meaning (just like in English the word head also means 'chief').
And the author of this comic saw great irony here. 'Leader' who renounced his own name along with the feelings his parents put into it 💔 I loved it.
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firstclassattorney · 3 days
(ooc: I’ve been watching a documentary show abt two brothers that killed their parents and thought the whole time, hey!!! what if I ace attorney’ed this!!)
Klavier groaned in frustration, pacing relentlessly and running his hands down his face. He twirled and pulled his hair, glaring at the ceiling. 
“FUCK-!” he yelled, voice scratchy and torn. Klavier was utterly hysterical—all defenses dropped and persona forgotten. Kristoph watched Klavier slam his fist into the wall, making a hole in the dry-wall. 
“Do you not see what is happening, Kristoph?! They’re— They’re going to shoot us dead! Mother and father are going to kill us!” He ranted anxiously and irrationally, whipping to face Kristoph, who was sitting primly on the couch. “How can you be so.. so calm-?!”
“They think we’re going to go to the damn police, Kris—that we’ll get them the death sentence for everything they’ve done! There’s nothing we can even do..!”
Klavier thought differently than Kristoph though; his younger brother was more.. law abiding. 
(OOC: that is the most brainrotted thing I've ever heard /POS)
In all truth, Kristoph had prepared for something like this. It was at night when he restlessly laid on his bed that the most sinister scenarios creeped into his mind, intrusively in a way, akin to a parasite taking over his brain. Amongst these dark thoughts, killing his parents was one of the most common. His violent fantasies mostly consisted of slaughtering them, wishing he could do the same in reality without getting caught.
The reason he was so calm, however, is because he knew very well that he could turn those daydreams into a reality with an excuse. That's what the law was to him- rules you could technically break if you have a good reason for it. If he were to murder his parents, it could be classified as self-defense, and Klavier could be a witness to that fact. It was two people against two dead perpetrators. Surely, his chance of winning was high.
Kristoph bounced his leg as he stayed silent, deep in thought. Constantly trapped behind the bars of his own mind; thinking, calculating, acting. It was Klavier's question that snapped him out of his dazed state, earning another all-too-calm smile from the older man.
"Klavier," His voice sounded so soft you'd think he was singing a lullaby, "We're not going to die. Do you think I'd ever let them harm a hair on your head?"
He chuckled, slight arrogance creeping into his tone you couldn't recognize if you didn't know the man's soul. Kristoph twirled a strand of his hair absentmindedly while his other hand stayed folded in his lap, tapping against the fabric of his clothes.
"Murderers don't expect their victims to be able to fight back, most of the time. That's their number one mistake."
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oxpogues4lifexo · 14 days
Keeping up with the Camerons
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Keeping up with the Camerons
Episode 1 - Kildare Royalty - Part 2
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Episode transcript (/ means cut scene, bold italics means narrator, bold means host)
Word Count: 2.5K
Part 1 Here
"Ward, tell the audience a little about yourself."
"Okay. Um, I'm Ward Cameron, I'm fifty-six, and I own a business called Cameron Developments; but I mostly stay at home and just file the paper work, make sure everyone's doing their jobs properly! I have three beautiful children, and two amazing adopted children. I have a perfect wife who has taken in my children as her own since she's joined our family. Annnnd.. I think that's it haha."
"I'm Rafe Cameron, I'm nineteen. I play golf, and ride a motorcycle, any of you pretty girls want a ride, hit me up.." He winks at the camera, obviously not meaning what Ryan or any of the camermen understood. Ryan looked at him as if expecting more so Rafe huffed and pulled something up on the spot, "I have four close friends, two sisters, a dad and a step mum. Don't think there's much else to be said." Rafe's expectations for the show were slowing drifting away as he began to grow irritated at the lack of interesting questions.
"Umm, I'm Wheezie Cameron! I'm thirteen, I have an older sister and an older brother. I like to write, and make bracelets with Sarah. And I also like to have girls nights with her, Rose and Rafe's friend, Bella. We bake and watch movies and stuff, it's really fun!"
"Imm, Sarah, l'm sixteen, I have a boyfriend called Topper. I like to go to the beach and go out with my friends. I think that's it." The lack of preparation made it hard for her to think of anything other than the bare minimum, making her answer seem almost fake. She puts on a false smile to try and cover the awkwardness.
"Well, I'm Rose Cameron. Im a stay at home mum. I help Ward with his business and I also run a real estate agency!" She pulls a smile, the interview finally being about something she loves, her. Somehow another glass of wine has made its way into her hand as the breeze from the now open doors blows her hair around in a rather attractive manner; complimenting her now, extroverted composure.
"Ward. What would you say is your favourite part about this family?"
"God, only one? Uhh.. Well. I think I'd have to say, how different we all are. The kids aren't the closest but it means we always have something to talk about. Rafe always telling us about his friends' drama, Sarah always coming up with crazy stories and Wheezie talking about her new hobbies. Aswell as the additional arguments between Callum and Bella; it always makes for a very interesting dinner. The family talks are definitely my favourite I'd say!"
"And.. who would you say you're the closest to?"
"Definitely my angel, Sarah. Bella comes a close second. I just spent the most time with Sarah growing up so we have the most in common. And Bella's just a sweetheart to be around. Always making me smile."
"So Bella is a big part of your life then?"
"Yeah l'd say so. I raised her, taught her everything she needs to know, and now she walks around as one of my own. She's here almost everyday, and she's always up for anything. I love her."
"Rafe, Ward mentioned that Bella and Callum are your closest friends. Could you go into that? How did you meet?"
Rate's smile reappears at the mention of them.
Him now suddenly re-interested in the conversation; sitting back more comfortably as he finally wants to get deep into something, a gentle grin replaces his previous glare. "Well, yeah he's right. Bella's probably closer to me but I grew up with them both. Them, aswell as Topper and Kelce, are my only real friends. We're always together. There's really not a moment when we're ever doing anything alone. I met them all when I was a kid; Topper and Kelce I met through our parents. And Bella and Callum moved in with us like ten years ago?" He takes a moment to look over at Ward who was sat just out the shot. He gives him a quick nod to confirm his words before Rafe turns back to the camera. A proud grin now spread across his cheeks. "Yeah. Ten years ago! They all met each other through me and vice versa. Then ever since we've just kinda been inseparable. All of us."
"You spoke about Bella and Callum moving in correct?"
"Yes, well, they moved back out a few years ago. I would tell you they got kicked out but Wards watching so.." Rafe lowers his voice as he leans forward onto his legs again, causing suspicion amongst Ward's face. "But yeah they moved back home but basically still live here anyways with how much they're always over." He chuckles trying to push the previous sentence away, with full intention to speak on it later when Ward isn't around to hear.
Ward stayed in the room to 'supervise’. Survey Rafe's interview to make sure he doesn't say anything too private or out of line on the first episode.
"You have to be careful with Rafe." Ward explains, now moved outside. The sun almost completely covered by the sea edge and the wind had picked up since the last shot of him, made evident in the way he let his hair follow the winds lead. "He doesn't think before he speaks. But he also doesn't care for others feelings that much, he likes to speak his mind. So yeah I had to stick around for his interview to make sure he doesn't talk about anything unnecessary or out of pocket. He tends to do it quite a lot with all of us and it does cause some tension. It's one of the reasons why we like having Bella and Cal' around, because they seem to occupy his mind and also take over the cause of disagreement."
"A boyfriend? May I ask, is this the same Topper, Rafe is friends with?"
"Yes it is! Well I mean, me and Topper met first, in Middle School, and so Rafe became close with him because of me. So if anything, he has me to thank." She smiles smugly at the camera, tilting her head slightly to rub it in Rafe's face.
"How is it going between you two, may l ask? Still going strong?"
Those words manage to pull out a genuine smile, her face lighting up at the mention of her boyfriend, causing less tension between her and the camera. She readjusts herself on the couch, patting down her dress as it began to rise. "He's so sweet. I don't see how there could be any issues between us. Were more than perfect if that's even possible," She lets out a small breathy laugh at her own words, the smitten look written all over her face; her cheeks blushed and eyes glistening. "I see him almost everyday because he's friends with Rafe anyways so it's like a win-win for all of us really! And Ward loves him so that's a bonus."
"That's sweet, it's nice to hear you're all very close!"
"Yeah well I mean, I'm close with them all. But Sarah and Bella fell out a few years back and Rose doesn't particularly like her very much so it can be awkward sometimes. But they all do it for me so they just remember that and then it's all okay!"
"I knew Bella was a friend of Rafe's. Is she a good friend of yours too then?"
"Mmmmhm.. Best friend actually! Hm.." Wheezie giggles to herself as she pulls herself closer to the camera, "I actually think they like each other.. She denies it but even Topper and Kelce agreed theres something going on.." she sits back. "I guess we'll all find out together after this comes out wont we." She giggles again as her shoulders rise with her smile.
"I'll be sure to keep an eye out for that." Ryan gives Wheezie a wink as he lowers his voice, causing a small laugh to fall from her
He sits back crossing his legs, "Wheezie what do you do on a girls night then?"
"Um, well normally it's the full day. If so then we'd go out shopping or go on the boat or something. Then we'd come home and even bake or make pizzas and then eat it whilst watching a movie. We sometimes paint our nails and stuff too. Oh! And also Sarah and Bella share all the boy gossip. We try to get Rose to but she thinks it's weird seeing as Wards our dad but I don't get why?"
"Rose, earlier, Wheezie mentioned that you don't particularly like Bella that much? Could you tell us why?"
She shows us a tight smile, her eyes falling at the mention of Bella's name. Rose sighs heavily as she leans back against the couch crossing her arms like a toddler. "Because why should I? She stole Rafe from us, she takes up all Wards time, her and her brother are always here invading our space. Theres no reason to like her! It's a stupid question." The change in tone made Ryan almost uncomfortable as he begins to break into a sweat. A man angry is scary, but a mother angry is worse. And Rose herself is one scary woman.
“Right um.. Do you not think that maybe she's just trying to be nice? She makes Rafe and Wheezie very happy do you see that?"
"What is this? An interview about me or her?"
"Well Ward unless there's anything else you'd like to talk about I think that's it!"
"Oh great! I think I'm all good, did you want to start on the tour?"
"Rafe, Ward also brought up how Bella is a special part of his life. Does that apply to you too?"
Rate lets out a small breathy laugh at the question, not understanding why he was getting so personal all of a sudden. "I mean yeah obviously but-"
His attention is taken as his focus moves to behind Ryan, the glass doors open and a small figure pops a head through. "Umm sorry.. is it a bad time?"
Ryan opens his mouth to answer but before he could, Rafe had already made his way over, a camera following to capture the moment. "Of course not! Whats wrong?"
"Oh um.. I was just going to ask for the key to the refrigerator on the boat? We can't get in." A quiet giggle leaves the girls lips as Rafes curl into a helpless smile.
"Don't be stupid Bells. Just gotta ask! Don't gotta be so nervous. The cameras are just cameras.." His hand grazes her own as he reassures her; he turns around to go over to the kitchen.
Bella's gaze follows the camera, a smile tugging at her soft lips. She lifts her hand and gives the camera a wave. "Hi!"
"Bella correct?"
"Umm.." She was caught off guard by the sudden statement. She steps closer to get a better view of him. "Correct! But how do you-"
"Rafe and Ward have both mentioned you once or twice. It's nice to meet you!"
She smiles once again, this time her cheeks blushing along. "It's nice to meet you too! What've they said may I ask?" She laughs nervously as she takes a seat on the couch opposite the large-framed man, tugging at her crop top slightly so she wasn't flashing anyone by accident.
"Oh you came to join hm?" Rafe places himself next to her, his arm effortlessly falling around her neck.
She giggles as her eyes take his, "Nope! Just wondering what you've said about me that's all." Her smile doesn't fade as he raises an eyebrow, his head turns to Ryan as he squints his eyes slightly, trying to pick up on if he's told her or not.
"I haven't said anything?"
"Mmmhm sure." The amusement not leaving her face as he looks back at her. A grin creeping onto his lips, "Excuse me? You gonna be quiet or you gonna leave? Your choice."
Her jaw drops jokingly as if he just offended her; she turns to face Ryan, the same intentional stare Rafe wore an hour previous.
"Is he behaving? He's not being rude to you is he?"
"Right! What's that supposed to mean then?"
She giggles but doesn't take her eyes off of Ryan, "Yes I'd say so." He chuckles at her enthusiasm and pure genuineness to her question, "He was just about to tell me if you-”
"Lalalalalala." Rafe quickly interrupts shoving his hands over Bella's ears as he guides her to the door. "He doesn't know what he's saying. I'm done with the interview!"
She rips his hands from her ears, her mouth agape as her eyes frown, "What were you about to tell him?" She tilts her head slightly.
"I don't know what you're on about! I think you should go before Callum beats my ass for taking up your time."
"Rafe we aren't done!"
"Yes we are!"
"Rafe?? Go finish the interview, you were looking forward to it!" She pushes him lightly in the chest, gesturing for him to go sit back down.
He rolls his eyes but obliges nonetheless. She giggles once more, poking her head round to Ryan and smiling again, "Behave!" She points a finger to Rafe before a realisation hits her face, "Oh! And thank you for the key!" She shakes the keychain towards him as if he didn't know what a key was before waving goodbye to the cameras and Ward, and leaving, skipping down to the boat.
"Well she's a sweetheart, wouldn't you say Rafe?"
Rafe's brow furrows, knowing what he's implying.
Ryan doesn't let up as he gets straight to the point, "Do you like her?"
"Yeah l'd say she has a special place in my heart like Ward! Now can I go? Thank you!" He changed the subject before unhesitatingly jumping off the couch and headed straight outside; avoiding the whole question.
Ryan and Ward both let out a heavy laugh as Ward walks into frame, "I'm telling you right now, he doesn't get nervous like that. I'll leave it at that." He grins before heading off to do his own thing, leaving Ryan with the open-ended answers of does he or doesn't he? He smiles to himself before finding Wheezie.
Next Part Here
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aid-worker-sya · 4 months
Secrets of the Quality or the Schedule Release; or, Secrets of the Go Do Random Events; or, Secrets of The Commander's Really Weird Couple Of Months; or, Secrets of Is Peitha Still Hot Or Boring Now (or something like that)
hi i'm not too active in gw2 tumblr (i gotta fix that i just gotta follow more of you on main) but y'know i've been playing gw2 since beta with a few years-long breaks and this is the first time i was playing an expansion on launch so i thought i at least wanted to share my thoughts.
my tl;dr is that there was some good and some bad but i think i'd prefer an entire expansion up front or it in like two updates and then an epilogue like WLB was for Cantha despite my extraordinarily negative feelings feelings on Gyala Delve and that all of this should've been like Part 1 of a new Wizard Saga.
i don't think we'll ever have a very complete consensus, because GW2's fanbase has been historically divided on almost everything since launch. the dragons, Dragon's Watch, BRAHAM, almost everything on this game has been a love-or-hate since that fateful day back in 2012. and from what i've noticed throughout the years, tumblr is usually more positive of GW2's story updates more than other websites, so i'm pretty curious about what went right and also wrong too. so i really wanted to give as a long time player my feelings on all this, bc it was... interesting. both for good and bad.
and perhaps biggest of all: a common criticism countless GW2 players have had since: the idea the Commander is not really the main protagonist because they're always serving as the champion or second-in-command to someone else, something i've historically disagreed even before Traehearne's rewrite but now i'm a bit more "hmm" about. also why the fuck wasn't this like a Wizard Saga of like 2-3 expansions.
it was certainly a mixed bag, i don't agree with people saying it was the worst thing ever, as far as i'm concerned What Lies Beneath was this game's absolute fucking rock bottom in recent memory and SOTO was nowhere near as bad as that and i want to punch something every time any daily or weekly even mentions Gyala Delve (although i'm still going to appreciate WLB as an epilogue and talk about that later). think i'm gonna start with the good immediate thoughts first
i think the initial release was very good. the new maps and metas were fun, as were the maps being larger than most of the previous expansion maps to make up. the new characters were interesting: although there wasn't really enough time to develop them the same way Dragon's Watch had been for years. it was especially great seeing Zojja as a major character which is why i'm so sad she stopped being relevant after the initial release. i think it would've been better if they wanted this expansion to be like... idk, the Wizard Saga to be built up over a period of like three expansions. it would've been nice to see these characters actually build up over a period of time. make Eparch the final confrontation over a period of three years
like, at first, i fully expected this to be like this. they refer to everything before 2023 as the Dragon Saga. i thought this was going to be a shorter saga of like, 2-3 expansions with a much more concrete goal and narrative direction. we fight alongside the Wizards for a few expansions until Eparch's final defeat and then onto the next grand adventure that would take several years to complete
but ultimately, we just kinda accidentally fell into a big adventure bored out of our skulls after our crystal dragon jesus daughter went into hibernation. we stumbled into something, kicked some ass, and now it's over and we're probably getting another expansion in a couple of months. so i guess... that's the future of GW2. after the grand Dragon Saga, the Commander gets into all sorts of weird little shenanigans that determines Tyria's future and then fucks off to do the next thing no more sagas, just these like, weird singular adventures the Commander has.
the end result is that everyone is severely underdeveloped. there are some fun characters, and i've been joking with my gw2 friends "WE FINALLY HAVE AN INTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIP AFTER THEY BAILED ON BRAHAM AND ROX!!!" but like. i liked them. they were cool. i actually really like the Wizards. which is why i'm so bummed it's just over and the epilogue of SOTO it seems set up we're not really gonna do anything for it. i love Frode having a very complicated relationship with the Spirits and how Worm appears to be like... borderline actively malicious compared to most Spirits. i fucking love R'tchikk and Gladium's entire interaction and an unconventional relationship between species and really want to see more interactions. Dagda as one of the last Jotun that truly remember their glory days. so it's so sad to me that like, all these really interesting characters just have their story ended with this. i hope i'm wrong and i see them, but fuck. it's like. i started caring about them, then the next three updates came out and now it's over. dammit.
i also agree the demons are like. they're human society. they're just Regular People no different than Kryta specifically. now i love playing humans in games where you can play multiple races: but like, something that i love about gw2 is how each race has it's own feel, y'know? the humans are a traditional european-style monarchy. the asura are literally an entire race of mad scientists that have a Council so they don't just immediately nuke themselves in a science experiment and their society revolves around research. the charr are an outright stratocracy where the military and government is one and the same and this was explored in IBS where this allowed an insane fascist to rally immense power before IBS went to shit. and the sylvari are literally a new race figuring out WHAT their deal is and haven't quite nailed it down yet
i do not mind at all the kryptis are like not just a hive mind or blue and orange mentality. but i do agree that it is... disappointing that they don't have their own... let's say flavor of society. they're basically just humans but they look weird and live in a weird place. Nayos doesn't appear to be a realm literally made of dreams: it's just the name. the plot of this expansion was mostly like LWS3 but this time we're helping the guerilla rebels instead of fighting them.
idk how to feel about Peitha. it was really fun in the initial release when she was this weird voice in our head we weren't sure if we could trust her or not but she was the enemy of our enemy so she was our friend (for now). but like the demons, she wasn't... complex. she was a very normal stock character for this kind of story. maybe not as heroic or nice as most, but the true good ruler that things will be better if we put on the throne. she' snot bad, but like. she's a dime in a dozen character ultimately. she's the generic good guy we gotta put on the throne and eparch is the generic bad guy we gotta dethrone.
also it was really dicky of them to intentional try to sell the idea of expanded weapon proficiencies and the elite skill weapon unlock for all as like. being part of the base game. you know they worded it like it was part of the base game but you can't do it without SOTO. it's a little bit of a moot point, but it's frustrating.
and i don't know what to ultimately feel now that it's over. because it's over when it feels like it should be beginning. i feel like this episode should have ended with Eparch like... consuming the entirety of Nayos before fleeing deeper into the Mists and the beginning of the journey to find him and defeat him. the kingdom that Peitha wanted to save completely annihilated and the looming concern that much like Kralkatorrik he might become a multiverse destroying threat. i feel like The Midnight King shouldn't have ben the end of the conflict: it should have been the ending of Part 1 of the conflict. like...........
idk. if it was just meant to be this singular adventure: i think i would've liked the entire expansion up front and then an epilogue of WLB to put the final nails on the coffins, and also give time to flesh out everyone else in epilogue stuff and side stories too. but as much as i would've preferred that over this release schedule i feel like. this should have been Part 1. all of this should have been Part 1 of a Saga with this being our first battle against the Midnight King before we after a series of Wizard adventures, tracking him down, and growing stronger finally confront him.
you know there's always been, since GW2's launch, this complaint a lot of people have had with GW2. a lot of people feel like they're never really "the main character" like in GW1. i think at least part of this was rooted in how deeply unpopular Traehearne was in the initial release before they revoiced and rewrote like all of his dialogue. people felt like after the Order Arc that the Commander was kind of relegated to being the support for the actual protagonist. while i feel this opinion has died down since release, i've seen it a lot throughout the years too. a lot of people felt this way when we learned Aurene was basically crystal dragon jesus christ and we were her champion to set the world right. IBS was pretty clear from early on that this conflict would ultimately be resolved by Braham, the norn of prophecy: and it was. the Commander has a tendency to help other people reach their prophesized destinies while they themselves are a person born without particular grand destiny, just someone who was in the right place in the right time and went on to do truly spectacular things (there is a single dialogue in the Hall of Monuments that implies it might be possible the GW1 protagonist was reincarnated as the Commander, but this has never been touched on) and i've... actually come to like it. but this time.
i feel like this time was the only time i've felt it. like. we didn't need to be here. this could have even been Zojja's sidestory. Zojja's big chance to be the hero. we didn't really do that much beyond more of the heavy lifting. we barely did anything substantial beyond hitting things. hell, during the very last battle, we don't even get to speak to Eparch at all. Peitha does 100% of the talking. why was i here? i would've preferred watching like... a netflix cartoon special series about Zojja doing this. why was i here other than the fact i just sorta fell into it??? speaking of which, disappointed Zojja lost all relevance after the initial release. i really wish she was like, fighting by our side the entire time. maybe she doesn't become a Wizard until the very end after doubting it the whole time... like, she's an asura. she's an inventor and innovator. imagine her helping weaken Eparch using a groundbreaking new development in the Wizard's unchanging magic using asuran technology that destroys Eparch's seemingly invincible shield or something and opening the way for the Commander to finish him off.
i really felt like a side character this time. i didn't see a good reason the Commander is the one saving the day other than awkwardly falling into the plot, and i feel like it could've been resolved by others. and i feel like this could've been resolved by this being just the first part of a grand new adventure, and just like that fateful day over 12 years ago in-universe the Commander was just in the right place at the right time which lead to them saving the world once more. this time... idk. we didn't even get a chance to talk to Eparch. we're just called Wayfinder and Peitha's Champ and do some musclework. hell, we're not even really the Wizard's champion, they basically treat us as a glorified initiate.
idk... it's just. weird, y'know?
i had a lot of fun in the first release, not so much the rest. now i'm thinking of just... what could've been. anyone else feel the same?
(i was gonna go on a larger tangent but i'm tired so "do x events to advance the plot" fuck you fuck you fuck you i HATE this so much)
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therianimal · 1 year
I have always said on this blog that I'm animal AND human. I've openly claimed since my very first posts that human is one of my species identities, in a way. It's still professed in my About Me. But over the past year I've felt more and more alienated from humanity, and I'm not sure whether it's true anymore.
If I'd had to guess a few years ago, I would have thought that if I ever lost connection with humanity it would be because of my otherkinity. Because I felt more attached to being otherkind than being human. But it hasn't really been that at all. It's been my asexuality, my autism, my psychosis, my neurodivergence in general.
It's so hard to feel human when I look at the vast majority of humans and see something completely different than what I am. When I "don't get" things that are supposed to "make us human", like sexual attraction or the elaborate dance of social interaction. Of course logically I know that I'm not the only ace or neurodivergent person out there, that we're more common than most people realize, but--
I still see humans and don't see a reflection of myself. I don't understand them. They don't understand me. As an autistic person, that feeling of being an alien among humans, a different species, an ugly duckling/swan among ducks - it's so profound. It's so alienating.
And as a disabled person it's easy to see how little human society WANTS me. Wants me to exist, accommodates my participation in it. I am isolated not by choice but by my own nature and the nature of the society I live in. I feel such a fondness for humans; I really love them. I'm not misanthropic in the way you'd expect. But I also feel so utterly exiled from them.
In the end, it feels like I'm choosing between being a human that's broken, that's contructed wrong, or being something that's not human at all. Maybe the latter is marginally more comforting. But it feels less to me like proudly reclaiming nonhumanity and more like grasping at the few pathetic scraps I can reach as a person who's been shut out. It hurts.
It feels like this world wrenches humanity from me and I'm too exhausted to keep holding on. It would be such a relief to finally let go, but also something so painful to mourn. Giving up on the idea of ever truly being a member of a group; accepting that there are so few people like me that I'll never completely fit into the human world. I love animals, I love monsters, I love the strange, the queer, the grotesque, the insane, the deviant, the bizarre, the fundamentally unhuman.
But I wish it was possible to have both.
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 15/01/2024
Season 7 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume Ruby
Ripped by Retro Gaming Visuals by Tocinin
Look, I've been kind of racking my brain to try and remember...why I picked this one? Like, I knew I wanted a Season 7 rip to cover this week, and I knew I'd picked one but couldn't remember which one, but now...well, it's time for Nyan Cat I guess! Yet even without a speech prepared, its not difficult at all for me to say that 2023! YEAR OF THE PORTAL RADIO! is just, really funny.
I'm unsure if I want to truly label Season 7 as the *start* of it, but it feels like SiIvaGunner as of recent has had a lot of fun covering a bunch of different parts of internet culture, without avoiding any sort of them for any perceived nature of "cringiness". SiIvaGunner's always been a celebration of the internet, of course, but let's not forget that the entire core storyline of the channel began from a perceived notion that anime music, and anime in general, has no place on the channel - and only recently, the creator of Field of Love and Cringe made an excellent post covering the insecurities they had over what they felt "allowed" to like or not like when online. I feel like with the rips of Unregistered Hypercam 2's reign and the fallout of it, with everything that happened behind the scenes at SiIvaGunner over the course of Season 4, 5 and 6, things gradually became a lot less cynical, a lot of the team's rough edges were finally sanded off.
And now that it's finally getting close to wrapping up, I feel like Season 7 can truly be labeled as one of the most fun, silly, enjoyable times in the entire channel's life - a greatest-hits of everything that makes SiIvaGunner great, althewhile feeling more sincere and proud of the internet it inhibits than it ever has before. And that does also include rips like 2023! YEAR OF THE PORTAL RADIO!: completely disconnected from any event, from any Hypercam 2 silliness, it is just a pure tribute to Nyan Cat and the Portal series - in other words, a tribute to the early internet meme-posting days of the late 2000s. The marriage of songs seems so obvious that its incredible it hadn't been done before, and its pretty much everything you could've ever expected the rip to be, even down to the absolutely perfect visuals on top.
Even though it's been that way for a long time now, there's still just something delightful about seeing a comment section completely that's just...completely void of all the forms of edgy hostility, void of that form of cynicism that was once so common to see online. Those people still exist out there, for sure, but I'm so proud that the SiIvaGunner community, scattered as we may be, at least appears to have grown up a bit, or at least grown up to be happier, more relaxed people. We're able to see a rip using two thoroughly outdated memes, Nyan Cat and the Portal Radio music, and not label it as overplayed, or as part of a cringier time in the internet, or what have you. And while its probably also due to nostalgia...I dunno, I just get a good feeling from SiIvaGunner nowadays. Not unlike 2023! YEAR OF THE PORTAL RADIO! itself, things simply feel very good right now :)
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sugarwyns · 11 months
Just a fun idea
   If Nova was a romanceable npc in mtas then what dialogues would she have ( like one for each relationship level (Acquaintance, Buddy, Good Friend, romance), you can skip levels or add more lines if you want )
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Hiya! I haven't seen you around yet, so I'm assuming you're new - I'm Nova, one of your fellow builders! Come find me if you need a buddy to go ruin diving with.
My birthday's on Summer 15. When I lived in Seesai, I spent every single birthday at the beach. I can't really do that anymore here, so my new thing is just sitting by the oasis.
If you ever need to get ahold of me, ask Kor or Daphne where I am, they'll probably know! Oh, wait, but...what if you don't know where they are...hmm. I'll get back to you on that!
Kor told me you're from Highwind! That's cool, I've always wanted to visit. You think I'd be...blown away?...Sorry, that was bad. Ignore that!
Uh oh! I forgot my pass to the salvage yard expires today...you think Rocky will let me extend it for, like, a discount...?
Moving to Sandrock gave me a bit of culture shock. I do miss Seesai a lot, but I really think I'm better off here than I was there.
There you are! Daphne stopped by earlier to give me a few melons from the Moisture Farm...care to share some with me?
I love collecting minerals and whatnot from the desert, but I am so intimidated by the Boxing Jacks there. Every time I see them coming from the corner of my eye, I can't help but yell!
Good Friend:
My brother lives in Walnut Groove. He's a real successful Builder there. To be honest, I don't care for building that much, but...it's a stable job, at least. Don't know if I'll live up to the expectations he's set, though.
I used to be the apprentice of a well-known Builder in Seesai. She was really kind to me, even when I made mistakes all day. I was so sad when my apprenticeship ended! In fact, she made me my bandana and pickhammer as a parting gift. I try to write to her every few weeks.
I have a really small collection of Old World stories and movies. It gets boring watching and reading the same things over and over again, though, so I hope I'll find more stuff in Sandrock to mix up the collection!
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Confession Accepted:
Oh? I can't believe it, you beat me to it! Of course I accept.
Confession Rejected:
I'm...really flattered, I promise, but...I'm so sorry, I just don't think we're at that level with each other...
General Lines:
I made you this bracelet the other day. You don't have to wear it, if it's not your style! Buuut...I do have a matching one, sooo...
I've wanted to visit Seesai for a while, but I was always too nervous to go through with it. I think if you're by my side, though, I'll be able to manage.
Hey! What are you doing today? You wanna go eat at the saloon? I'll pay, don't worry!
Honey?...mmm, no. Sweetie? Hmm...Oh! Sorry! Just trying out nicknames for you...baby?
When I first got here, I felt like I had something to prove. I don't even know who I was trying to prove something to! But now that you're here, I feel like the last of that pressure came off of my shoulders.
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Day of the Bright Sun:
• I put in a few accessories I made over the last couple of weeks. I hope whichever person ends up with them likes them!
Showdown at High Noon:
Wow, the atmosphere is amazing! Everyone is so amped up for this. I didn't participate in anything like this back in Seesai, so I can't wait to see who comes out on top!
Day of Memories:
This festival has different ways of being celebrated in other cities, but they all have one thing in common - they're all so beautiful.
Tour de Rock:
I'm so bad at sandrunning. Maybe I'll just...watch and cheer everyone on!
Running of the Yakmel:
Can I tell you a little secret? I'm kind of scared of Yakmel! They're cute, but they're huge! I try to avoid the ones around the outskirts of town when I can.
Winter Solstice:
I've been looking forward to eating some skewers all day! What better way to kick off the start of a new year?
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