#that's a nice way to start a sitcom tbh
It's cute how Chase is constantly gushing to Wuya about Omi even when Omi isn't there. Practically talks her ear off about his tiny apprentice. I love it.
Glad you like it! I think it would be a nice running gag if the show ever got a continuation haha
Actually, I'm currently working on a drawing that would present the idea Chase is gushing about Omi to Wuya even at night, not letting her sleep xDDD
I can't say it would be Wuya/Chase roommate au because tbh it's canon xD I was just curious how they put up with each other under the same roof lol
So, I thought that through and came to the conclusion they manage to get on with each other as long as:
Chase lets Wuya watch her favorite shows without interruption. He isn't allowed to tell her any spoilers. If he did that, Wuya most probably would start throwing pillows at him. He's gotta pay for this, y'know?
Wuya can spend Chase's money on new clothes/gadgets from time to time. However, this is only possible once she did her share of chores. (she hates that but she would do anything for the money and Chase's permission to go out without the concern he would complain about it later)
and last but not least! They have a deal they can talk with each other on ANY TOPIC and the other side is not allowed to say anything that would trigger an argument.
That is, if Wuya wants to talk about the show Chase hates, he would listen to her, make a few comments and that's it. If Wuya wants to show Chase what has she bought (with his money lol) he has to keep his mouth shut and patiently go through a long story about sales, shops, and annoying customers.
But as we know both sides of the deal must keep their promises. In exchange for all these material goods (and the possibility to live in a cool evil lair that is simply a paradise) Wuya has to put up with Chase's monologues about cats (any cats tbh. Their discussion is either about Chase's wild cats, which were born as wild cats and their silly antics or several cat species that Chase has remembered in his long life). Each cat description would take 5 pages long so Wuya feels as if she was attending a lecture lol But some of the stories are indeed interesting so she's not complaining. Well, she CAN'T.
However, Wuya's patience is running out every time she hears the first mention of Omi. This man has no boundaries when there are Omi's adoration hours. He won't let Wuya leave the room until he's done talking about Omi.
'But Chase I would like to take a shower first' -Wuya would beg
But the Prince of darkness knows no mercy. - ' No. You have to sit that through. I'll convince you he's a perfect candidate for an apprentice and I'll present my whole curriculum especially designed for Omi's needs.' - Chase responds
Wuya: I know you like him but please it'll take only 15 minutes. Once I'm done, I'm all ears.
Chase, thinking: ... No, later I'm feeding the kitties. We should have that conversation right now.
Wuya, defeated: (sigh) If you must...
The problem is, Chase has bad timing almost always. He can gush about Omi during breakfast or dinner. He could randomly storm into Wuya's room every time she's busy or 'not prepared for guests', that is when she's in the middle of her beauty treatments.... But Chase is the most irritating when he pays her a visit at 4 am. He disregards the fact he has just woken her up. He has approached a tired witch to make her listen. It's his property anyway so he can enter her room whenever he wants. And he makes sure to take an advantage of that! Chase is not a talkative person, but oh boy. It's so hard to make him change the subject or convince him the world doesn't revolve around him and his desire for illegal adoption lol
All in all, Wuya has to pay a certain price for the possibility of living a high life thanks to Chase. Listening to Chase gushing about Omi is a particular sacrifice she has to make!
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yardsards · 2 years
also i have that same black chain choker but it's broken
aw, thanks!
also. okay. funny story about this choker: i got it at fucking *claires*
#there was a buy one get one sale and i needed to get myself a pair of earrings#bc i was trying to reopen my piercings which hadn't completely closed but were partially closed bc i hadnt worn earrings in years#bc my metal allergy got so bad i couldn't wear even gold or silver earrings anymore#but i ordered some plastic earrings because i found out those existed and was like yooo#but the posts for plastic earrings are thicker than normal earring posts#so i had to stretch open my piercings by putting normal earrings in for a bit before i could start wearing the thicker plastic ones#tho i could only wear those metal earrings for like a half hour at a time before the allergies kicked in#but after a week or so i could wear those nice plastic earrings and have been doing so ever since w no issue#i can wear metal jewelry a few hours if it's just a necklace or bracelet before it gets itchy so that's good#i wanna get more necklaces tbh and maybe a few bracelets#eliot posts#also sidenote my feelings abt being called 'hot' fluctuate but lately they've been positive so i appreciate the compliment#always hate bein called sexy tho. makes me fuckin grimace.#enjoy being called handsome quite a bit. i like being called beautiful or pretty generally only if it's in a prettyboy way#sidenote sidenote: i almost typed 'aw shucks' instead of 'aw thanks' like i got posessed by a child character from a 40s sitcom#sidenote sidenote sidenote: i read that first line to the tone of ''oh no! he's hot!'' from spongebob
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x10, a mix of everything, part 1
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didn't expect it to happen that fast but HELL YEAH. there's nothing for Nathan to do next to Rupert. Rupert keeps switching his lovers like socks while his wife is still at home with their daughter. come on!! villain arc for Bex and Rebecca when? when is Rupert gonna get killed die and leave Bex all the money??? and then Bex and Rebecca become best friends and raise a daughter together?
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Trent being the heart of the team? do you remember how it all started and how wary everyone was of him? do you? it warms my heart, but it warms it twice bc of the clear bond we see between Colin and Trent. like, older queer with younger queer, helping each other out and bonding. their friendship does things to me tbh. it's so very important and intimate and—
in other words, representation matters.
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yaaay! also, Trent <3333 again, this warms my heart.
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sometimes I really have no idea what this season is doing. i miss them being a dramedy, not a full on sitcom. i'm enjoying this season, but sometimes it's borderline too much. it's out of nowhere and it's not necessary at all.
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besties unlocked <3 Trent is such a sunshine, I love him. the way he and Ted share a raised eyebrows look. there is something so wonderful happening between Ted and Trent from the moment they met. it's like they're connected and are being drawn to each other.
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girl talk, especially when it involves middle aged men <3 Rebecca as their leader is really something. i love it.
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I think Rebecca is being mean to the actual devil. also, why do iphone users love their matte screen cover? why not the regular one?
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Trent is so in love with Ted, my goodness. that cute smile. Ted is so freaking oblivious, I need the show to do something about it. i need Ted to learn Trent is in love with him.
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this is such a nice shot. something something, the idea of press taking pics of Nate's gf leaving. which at first I thought was kind of nice, but then she leaves with a suitcase and it looks like a breakup of some sort, so not that nice. hm. still, the shot is pretty.
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this is such a nice look & I like her hair a lot, but my GOD, how do people wear those minies? it's beyond good and evil for me. shorts i can kinda understand, but skirts? that's... yeah, no.
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there you go Jack's "me and Keeley are dating" without asking Keeley first if she wants to announce it and then Jack totally ghosting Keeley. *frustrated high pitched growl* I hate that plotline. if it's their way to push Keeley back towards Roy bc she will no longer be that busy so Roy can't come up with that excuse again, that's a very shitty thing to do. so far I don't see the bigger picture of this. they've been messing up Keeley's storyline this season just like that.
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"the board" oh, fuck you, Jack. (in Grace Le Domas' voice) fucking rich people.
Dani crushing Van Damme's chips is such a dick move, ESPECIALLY since you're trashing the airplane!! you're not the one who's gonna have to clean it up, you asshole.
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can somebody connect this parallel for me pls? it's just within my reach but it slips away.
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sooo, Beard isn't getting out of a toxic relationship? gotta say, this plotline concerns me. idk where they're going with it and WHY in the first place. Beard deserves better & Jane needs some serious therapy.
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#fired immediately
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I'm here for Rebecca standing up for herself against Rupert. I hate that asshole so much.
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I don't remember, have we seen Roy's sister before? it's so rare.
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go fuck yourself. yes, i'm quick to jump to conclusions and violence.
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Leslie is NOT having a good tea time this season. let him enjoy his tea 2k23! however, the fact that he knows every friend Rebecca has. some friendship between him and Rebecca developed along the way since s1.
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beingfacetious · 1 year
please give us the correct negative Ted lasso review
Oh my God. This feels like a trap but I can't help it
update from the other side, this is no joke 2k words long and it's not uh happy lmao so dead dove do not eat
Bill Lawrence's involvement lessened every season and it fuckin' shows
There were arcs and plot points established over the first two seasons that the writers very obviously just changed their minds about for this season
Takes about this season being dark/ending sad on purpose are MUCH too generous. like giving WAY too much credit.
It turns out most of my feelings boil down to "it's not aggressively bad it's just nonsensical"
How tf was every episode twice as long as in previous seasons but everything important happened offscreen
FIRST OF ALL, since MONTHS before the season started airing, I've nursed a conspiracy theory that Bill Lawrence left the show because of creative differences with Jason Sudeikis and that therefore this season would be significantly less good than previous seasons. This started when I saw Bill tweet that he was going home, basically, and I figured we'd get "season 3 is in post" news shortly thereafter but instead there was that weird stuff about things being delayed because of rewrites...? Anyway, that is mostly to say that I was ready to think this season was worse because I love Bill Lawrence's storytelling and have forever and you should give Cougar Town a shot if you haven't yet it's no Scrubs but it's sweet
There were interviews early in the show in which I swear Jason/Brendan/whoever said they pitched the show to Bill because he's fuckin' good at TV and he basically said "this is a great idea but you're writing to the wrong ending, it should be this," and they were like "wow you're right that is a better ending." I can't find that now but I did find this from a more recent Bill interview:
I ran that show the first year because Jason was still shooting movies while we were doing the writers room. Then, at the end of that year, much like Gary with me, I was like, “Ah, I’ll spend a couple of months teaching him how to edit.” But after like a day or two, he’s like, “Yeah, I got it.” (Laughs.) So, the second year, we ran it together, and I’m only able to do other things now because that guy ran the show himself the third year, as it should be. It’s his voice and his world this season.
Now look, Bill Lawrence is obviously not trying to throw shade here because he's lovely and also this is a Hollywood Reporter article and how immature would that be, but I can throw shade for him and I will: Jason Sudeikis is a talented comedic actor and seems like a very nice man and he had a good idea for a show, and his instincts to involve an extremely experienced showrunner with an insane talent for feelsy found family sitcoms were good and he should have stuck to them!! Telling Bill Lawrence you're good after two days of editing instruction or whatever is stupid!! Insisting on your voice and your world when BILL LAWRENCE'S VOICE IS AVAILABLE TO YOU and also you CO-CREATED THE WORLD whatever gdi
OK fine I'll do Ted/Rebecca next. Obviously I was in for Ted/Rebecca. I wanted them to put their faces together. But look, I'm not a shipper over all else; over all else I want a good storyteller to tell me the story they want to tell. If I expect things or see them coming, that's not bad! That's good! If I'm surprised by things, that's good too as long as it holds together! "Subverting expectations" shouldn't look like spiting the audience, a lie is not a twist, etc. SO. If Ted and Rebecca were meant to be platonic soulmates, that's fine!!! I don't NEED them to kiss!!! But I do not believe these people are even friends in season 3, after season 1 and tbh most of my favorite parts of season 2 were about how much they impact each other's lives. That's a dropped ball and there's NO REASON to have not made time for them to interact meaningfully because every episode was so fucking long. Instead I guess we had to know how super sad Rebecca was about not being able to have children but not need to talk to anyone about it and immediately be fully over it. Also see a lot of lingering shots of Rebecca...looking at a matchbook...
sfjbkfgs early in the season they very obviously established that Rebecca's arc was going to be realizing she actually loves the team and wants to support them and see them succeed because of her own heart and not to spite Rupert, and I guess that happened but why didn't it happen gradually in ways I could see, why did it happen in an episode in which I'm supposed to have known all along that this has to do with her childhood self ?? and in which Rupert has a FULL personality change to facilitate her sudden realization. In what fucking world would he invite her to that meeting, because she's smart or because she brings ~diversity or because maybe he wants to sleep with her again? None of it tracks at all lmao but it was also the episode in which I really enjoyed Tony Head so whatever
speaking of not tracking, Nate.........I've never been invested in Nate especially but he was SO cartoonishly evil at the start and then kind of never again. I was braced for a redemption arc I wouldn't care about but that didn't even really happen?? he got a girlfriend and realized Rupert was a bad role model? it turns out his dad thinks he was a prodigy and always just wanted him to be happy, which, lmao WHAT where????? and what am I supposed to believe about Jade changing her mind about him btw because she's seen people be terrible to him at that very table before AND she has to know he loves the place and the food because he's there all the time, so what was the revelation that turned her from relatable-via-Nate-ambivalence to suddenly heart-eyes just fdslelugatw so much of my feeling about this season isn't even like it's bad it's just it's nonsense
One of my big complaints about the season is just Keeley's whole deal. Separating her from the team/rest of the cast was a wild choice. Barbara is fine but I also would have been perfectly fine without her and none of the other new characters for the PR side story added anything to the show. Especially if at the end Rebecca is just going to write Keeley a check for the chump change she needs to run the agency. Why didn't we just do that to begin with??? I guess this season I'm supposed to think Keeley ~learned to be independent in various ways but, again, I don't ?? And her needing to not be with Roy I guess as part of that and then get back together offscreen but then not really be together maybe but then also possibly having throuple vibes later that never get acknowledged feels, whatever, like something Bill Lawrence didn't write sdfjlsefaj,lwte I know this is my unsupportable argument that post I RBed was making fun of but idc
also Jamie wanting to be with Keeley at the end of the show feels extremely Harry Potter epilogue to me lmao Jamie you don't have to marry someone you went to high school with there are so many people
Roy was fine this season. He didn't have much to do but that's probably for the best lol. Him taking Ted's job is probably the only main character ending I feel like makes sense for this season and the overall show. Him training and begrudgingly becoming friends with Jamie was always funny.
OK one of the wrong reviews was basically like if you don't appreciate this season you don't appreciate classic tragic structure. Fuck off with that. First of all this was a sitcom about soccer so even if they were going for a classic tragedy in season 3 that's stupid and they shouldn't have been. But I also just don't think that's what was happening ??? I think I'm supposed to believe everyone gets a happy ending and I just don't. Like the whole oh it's sad that Ted ends up where he started and it's about how persistent optimism and kindness can burn you out or whatever, that's...if that's what they were going for, again, why tf, and also could we have seen that like. at all. Ted barely Teds for anyone this season (frex the previously mentioned never talking to Rebecca). ROY Teds more than Ted in season 3. If we got to see Ted trying to Ted even, like, twice, and either not being able to dig down and find the positivity or I guess noticing that he needs someone to be that for him, OK, fine. A Ted/Keeley scene would have been a PERFECT vehicle for this. Didn't happen. idk if we're supposed to think he's getting back together with Michelle but that would be so...so bad ??? like what about Tan Lines??? why even have Tan Lines??? even if not, we just left completely unaddressed her starting a relationship with their marriage counselor, which is also BAD lmao. God why did I have to see so much of Michelle this season. Michelle video calls every other episode and two lines for Dr. Sharon. Nonsense. lol one of my friends summarized Ted's ending as "yeah going back to the unfulfilling life that didn't work before the show started is a victory for our protagonist"
Even the soccer of it all re that whole thing was silly. Oh marriage counselor boyfriend is a bad guy because he doesn't care about the soccer game. Oh Ted is happy now because he's coaching Henry's rec league soccer team. like it's fine that EVERYONE is still together in Richmond but he's "home" now and still around soccer which is good because we definitely saw him learn to love soccer during the course of the show. sure Jan
(to be fair I am not the audience for "it's about the kid" plots so even if I felt like it worked from the start of the show for Ted to choose moving back to where Henry is, which I don't, I wouldn't care for it, so maybe those criticisms aren't especially valid) (I didn't care about JD's kid either)
speaking of the soccer though every single scene that revolved around the actual soccer team was essentially perfect. Great use of so many of those boys. Very few notes. Sam in particular had a few nice things this season and of course Colin. Another incorrect review by a critic I actually like very much was complaining about Colin's story this season and it being tired and overdone and not caring about Trent's or Isaac's parts of it, but I actually really disagree! It was well done and it was nice to see in the context of professional sports where, sorry, coming out and being received well is not a cliche thing that happens a lot! Also, hot take! Zava was a good part of this season! Nice contained little story that impacted some characters I actually care about plus he was legit funny! Sometimes things in a comedy should be funny! I'd honestly watch three more seasons of Richmond-focused half-hour episodes with idk probably Brett Goldstein in charge
I haven't mentioned Beard because I just never understood what I was supposed to think about him lmao. By far the funniest character overall but I never felt settled on whether he was meant to be a manic pixie comic relief BFF or if he was like...a real person?? It strikes me as potentially bad that he was so worried about Ted's mental state all the time and never really mentioned his own and that was sort of a thing in the weird s2 episode but then not again? I felt so much ire about so much else I didn't have any for him marrying Jane lmao but I do understand the people who are upset about that because that sure seemed pretty toxic, but wasn't it supposed to be played for laughs? Does that fit in a show that's supposed to mainly be about people treating each other well because we're all we've got? idk, RIP Beard, sorry your best friend in the world wasn't at your wedding because it would have been narratively underwhelming to see him leave and then see him back at a future major event or whatever
idk idk, season 1 Rebecca was one of my favorite characters ever and I was so angry in the middleish of the season about how much I felt like she was being wasted, but by the end I was just like...I mean, what's to be mad at. She's not even her anymore. Ted wasn't Ted anymore. Nate I guess literally reverted back to season 1 Nate which also is that...okay...him ending up lower than he started out feels not great
Good for Mae and the bar boys though, used just the right amount this and every season and always a damn delight
OK this is ridiculous I'm going to be done now. I do want to say I enjoyed several episodes this season a lot! A couple top 10 potentials! I really enjoyed the Amsterdam one actually because it reminded me of like a Nancy Meyers movie, very nice and warm, but it feels worth noting that that is not a feeling I would describe as being struck by fucking lightning :))))))
in conclusion maybe we as a nation can move on now from giving SNL alumni we find charming huge budgets and ethereally talented casts and collaborators and letting them get us emotionally invested in their midlife crises sandbox playing
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@doomsayings I had to make a separate post bc I have too much to say for a reply lmao. But I’M OBSESSED!! I literally only started Housewives to humor a friend but then it got me like immediately lol. I’m not current on either tbh tho. Housewives I’m on season… four? The one where Carlton and Joyce joined. And VPR I’m on season two. I’m trying to watch to keep up with both so that they’re like around the same time ish for any crossover content.
General thoughts, I’m in loooove with Lisa Vanderpump. She’s so sexy 😭😭😭 and she seems like the most genuine and normal of them? Hate that they’re all turning on her rn where I’m at in the season. Like leave her alone!!! She hasn’t done anything wrong ever.
Season one was really funny with the insane Kyle and Camille drama. Probably the only time Kyle has ever been justified imo sjdhdd. It was really cool how Camille turned around and became the least dramaful person over the subsequent seasons tho. Like she ended up leaving the show but Good For Her. It sounds like she had some like capital T Therapy and became way more mature and mellow.
Kyle was fun in like season one? But she’s been kind of pearl clutchy and annoying since idk. It’s good drama ig. But I’m neutral on her. I liked her relationship with Lisa a lot though rip it made a lot of sense why Lisa wanted to step back. And it’s been really funny how Kyle’s legit just acting like a jealous ex over it and being like “but why don’t you love me anymore :C” I was very 👀👀 when they kissed in Paris as a “joke” tho.
Adrienne seemed really chill and level headed at first at least next to the others and then got bizarrely touchy by the end. I love drama but hers seemed really petty all the time, so I was glad she left the show. Also she like transparently absolutely LOATHED her husband from the first episode, so I’m surprised it took her that long to get divorced.
Also past season but the Taylor thing was scary!!! It was insane seeing the “woman yelling at cat” meme in context and it’s like in the middle of her mental breakdown due to her abusive af husband.
I used to like Brandi a lot but she’s spiraled pretty bad? Like on intro she seemed genuinely really nice and just vaguely without a filter (same) and everyone was ganging up on her for objectively really minor things or interpreting her in bad faith all the time. But idk she got genuinely super racist with Joyce. And now she’s being mean to Lisa 💔
Carlton’s fun but insane. Love her weird goth house and how she and her husband are both clearly sleeping with the nanny. Also just all the very gay moments with Brandi and it’s hilarious how much she seems to hate Kyle for no reason?? Kyle could just be like “hi” and she’s like WHY WOULD YOU EVER SAY SOMETHING SO PASSIVE AGRESSIVE?? I’m sad to see her go but also shdhdfd she is just kind of crazy.
Joyce is meh. She’s just kind of boring. But very pretty. I am happy to stare at her. I know she doesn’t last past the one season either.
Yolanda seems deranged in her personal life but the most solid and reasonable in like the friend dynamic and when drama goes down. It’s really insane though how she’ll just say something completely crazy in passing and then gloss over it shdgd I think she also leaves soon? But she’s fun.
Kim’s also eh. She has soooo many issues but she handles them kind of annoyingly. Her life story is so fucked up and interesting though.
Re: VPR Stassi is probably my fave, she’s so messy 😭😭😭 That entire friend group is just awful! The way they have zero boundaries lmao. It’s like sitcom levels where they’re just together all the damn time. It also makes me feel better about adulthood lmao like these people act like insane teenagers!
Stassi is probs my fave. Love her mean girl energy. Scheana is vapid but probably like… the most solid friend? All the others are such assholes lmao. They never show up for each other!
I’m also not like there yet obvs but I have heard of Scandoval. So rn being at the point where Sandoval and Kristen break up (probably for good?) and the initial #vibes with Ariana, loosely knowing how it goes, is insaaaaane.
I also love every time there’s Housewives crossover, and they’re catering a party or something and are like “what the fuck is wrong with these rich people” shdhff like yeah.
So I’m having a great time! I love Mess!
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quinnmorgendorffer · 10 months
I have a question for you about “ shipping.” Do you ever accept things in fiction that you wouldn’t in real life? For instance, I love a good will they/ won’t they? in fiction especially in sitcoms. I understand that in real life it’s not healthy for people to drag things out so much, but I’m a sucker for it in stories. The tension is delicious. What matters to me( again, in fiction) is that the feelings are mutual the whole time.
Hey! First of all, I very much appreciate the random question; I like a nice lil question like this every now and then!
And the answer is a big fuck yes lol. Maybe that's wrong according to "anti-shippers", but seeing as I'm a fully grown adult who can understand the difference between real life and what I read/watch/write, I don't really see the problem. A lot of ships I love have done bad things in that regard. Barney/Robin is always one that springs to mind. Do I think they approached everything healthily? No. But I enjoy their dynamic and find them cute and that's all that matters. Diane/Same from Cheers are also up there. Super unhealthy, it was good for them to not end up together, but I love them all the same and they have more sexual tension than, like, any other relationship ever put on TV tbh.
I mean, one of my all time favorite ships is Gob/Tony Wonder. I've devoted literally over a million words on published fanfic alone, let alone drafts and meta and gushing on here. But having sex with each other and then taking a roofie to forget it is highly the start of a healthy relationship, let alone "faking" one's sexuality for an act of revenge. If I had a friend who did that or if *I* did that, I would have to say "dear god, get help."
And in terms of will they/won't they, I don't mind if one person has feelings and other develops them over time or something. Like Amy/Jonah in Superstore, for example, though I know you could make an argument that Amy didn't hate Jonah from the get go like she claims lol.
There are certain things I don't ship because they aren't healthy, but a lot of those often have to do with either the narrative treating it as healthy and amazing, or the chem the actors have isn't there or doesn't appeal to me. Kurt/Bl*ine is a BIG example for me, because, full offense intended, Chris and Darren have ZERO chemistry, and Blaine tried to fucking sexually assault Kurt and KURT had to apologize? I was mostly just annoyed at their relationship at first, then that happened and I turned into a true hater and it just got worse and worse, only to be treated as this super romantic endgame relationship. I'd like to think that if it was any other relationship I'd feel the same way, but who knows?
Tl;dr, yes, some ships are great without being healthy and I enjoy tf out of them! I love good tension and unhealthy dynamics every now and then as a treat.
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
lmao this is the same clip from the weird cheesy supervillain sitcom as last time. i don’t know why i remember the sandals joke but i did
im so nervous and anxious man im shaking like a chihuahua
absolutely fucking vibrating
i feel like im gonna THROW UP
anxiety and terror aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ohhh here it goes here it goes oh fuck
ah its day now
dfgjdlkfgjdfg hand tree ghkjfgfh
“im. having feelings” yeah girl that happens
“this is the safe house?” “potentially.”
god what are her family gonna be like
it’s so weird they fave her a family
oh my god this is so weird already
mr benedict’s reaction dglkjhflgkjhgh
so number is her canonical first birth name?????????
and unfortunate
“madame chops”
her brother “one”????????
what the fuck
I don’t know how I feel about that tbh
I don’t necessarily hate it but I don’t know if I like it either
“I do think evil is a bit overexuberant”
oh mr benedict and the others all immediately talking her up ldkgjdg
“nice to see my sister is finally sustaining friendships”
“go dark” that’s a horrifying way to put it thank you
“I am gaining. SO MUCH understanding” dlfkgjdflkgjdfgkj
ohhh miss perumal and reynie
“mr benedict is convinced he can reach them” “of course he’s going to say that. he’s happy”
“I don’t see how talking to dr curtain is going to stop him” ohhh from coming from reynie
“he’s the bad guy, but mr benedict wants to save him” OHH
“maybe we have to save the bad guy, if we can. maybe that’s the only way to really win” OHHHH
lkdjfglkdjfg curtain lmao
the visible “what the fuck”
“it helped YOU”
“people are going blank” “you’re in denial” “it’s still about control for you”
CURTAIN’S ALREADY NOTICED oh god oh god oh god
“how long has it been like that” OH NO
please my heart is pounding
“have you adopted any of those children”
oh that comment about the orphans im biting number two’s mom
im half waiting for curtain to just come booking it down the stairs panicking ldkgjfgdfgdhh
“weird swinging pattern”
i hate number two’s mom<3
a prison of spare bedrooms
ohh rhonda!
im also biting one.
commercial break. ogugughhh but WHERE ARE THE TWINS
like I care about all this other stuff but im way too anxious about whats up with mr benedict please
I cannot emphasize enough I am Literally shaking
not hyperbolically. literally.
yooo im so scared oghohfhgfghhhhh
oh curtain is freaking out
it is a bit fast but I don’t think he’d be faking it? I mean maybe but
hmhmmgnghhhhh he was rubbing his neck when no one was watching so probably not right?
and constance is probably not far behind oh god
“and im completely fine with that” why do I feel like she isn’t . normally anyway
also how come they were like “we need everyone” and yet no one’s checked in on mr benedict yet
even briefly to see what’s up
I mean I guess they think he and his brother are hashing up but not even checking??
that was a dirty trick but it worked
not sure how that will go
this song! slaps!
ah lumberjack action
also no hope for Jackson and jillson working with them at this point I think
ALSO hey nicholas? say I love you back. now.
I love you but curtain needs to hear I think.
“im sorry.” “for what?” “the blow dart. I know it hurt.”
oh that is a lot of greys
dlkfgjldkgj the war cries<3
rolllll credits
“this is my home” oh. kay
oh that’s . hm. a weird thing to say out loud?
hmmm this is.
cheesy. a bit forced.
but also I love ut. but also I don’t. but also I do. but also I don’t
also curtain do you REALLY think it’s that easy
you can’t just be like “anyway I quit. bye”
oh …. that angle. from above. that. what the fuck.
and separated from jillson??? that’s. weird
not bad just weird
“are you handy” “I don’t understand the question”
uh oh shes already gone hasn’t she
oh god
that’s not good
“no WE’LL fix it” right? YRSGKJHG YEAH
fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!
OKAY see on one hadn this thing with curtain’s redemption here feels. kind of forced as hell. but also consider I love it. but also I am conflicred. but also I lveo it flgkhjfgkhjfgh
very last scene it’s just curtain sipping tea with nicholas then going “….oh I should probably go get sq, huh?” and mr benedicts like “who” and then curtains face makes a visibly oh wait, fuck face and then theme song
night at the museum commercial? dlkfgjdfg???? rami malek or bust.
okay just during commercials. for now.
if this interrupts the actual episode I’ll cry real tears
okay okay it restarted but its still pausing and its mid episode so ive missed something
but. I don’t think much
“there has to be a similar fix” “what if there isn’t”
wait. are you fucking kidding me. the joke fic idea I had about “a moment of true happiness fixes them” is real??????
why don’t I ever publish my amazing predictions now I sound like a liar
“as the three people she cares most about in this world” ouch
ohh but he says “you’re the ones who make her happy” with such confidence like it’s obvious
extremely funny that kate’s was actually really touching and sticky was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING but sticky is just like remember that time you exploded something with your mind? good times
oh no okay get her to insult them
the idea that he’s just like. what if we made her soooooo need to mock us
I mean she has broken through with mockery before
also curtain’s expression in response to this
I know this isn’t going to happen but I desperately need mr benedict to kiss her forehead
and curtain’s “oh god face”
miss perumal and mr benedict hug is not the one I saw coming??????????
okay fair enough
so what the FUCK is going to happen with curtain now
are jeffers, jackson, and jillson are the main bads of s3? possibly also garrison?
totally off the books then but honestly im good with that
“other home” :)
“back to the compound” “oh yes”
oh right because he’s going to. undo it. wow. okay
of course there’s also the chance that curtain is in fact lying
manipulating him in some way
still going to be the next season’s villain
which would actually be extremely heart wrenching
“well I think I lost a bit of perspective on this one” yeah no shit. I love you so much
leadership role <33
“is this something im invited to” “no” funny but ouch
oh sticky and reynie conversation<3
“ive got two places” like number two!!!!
just waiting for the ominous stinger.
unless they aren’t planning for a season three but they did leave some loose ends so
and still no sq
THE LUMBERJACK CUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
loggerheads, excuse me
ohhh letters from sticky<333333
parallels to episode one <33
milligan took the alapaca dlkfgjdfg lmao
okay they just have an alapaca now
ohhh little doodles!! is this constance’s?
“for another sweater” <33
is she going to finally admit he’s her dad ????????
ohhhh shes asking about where she comes from….. ohhhh…..
“oh id be happy”
excuse me??? ARE YOU FUCKING “EURUS HOLMES”ING US?????????????? BITCH?????????????????????????????????????
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bobzora · 2 years
GUESS WHO BEAT PEE3 TODAY (fes, the journey at least)
(lengthy) final thoughts:
ryoji is kind of. um. "that was my name for a while. i didnt mind it." hes kind of trans. is the thing. also bro 100% drew the shortest stick in this game lmao
obviously ryo/mina isnt quite the same as some of the other insane peesona gay people (2,5. 4 is gay but not rlly insane) bc like. in that form at least we only know him for like...two months?or so? but. u know what. they r t4t and both (kind of) dead. good for them.?
jumpscared by "the arcana is the means by which all is revealed." ive been seeing that shit in like. youtube comments since the day i was born. insane
nyx was like. pathetically easy. to the point where i felt kinda bad about it lol. at least its funny. this is what happens when u have level 99 protag + black viper lucifer (+ messiah for salvation for ailment healing. i could just use me patra gems but its more stylish this way). nobody ever got below half health and most phases (minus last bc of the halved non-almighty damage + gown) were a 1/2/3 hit kill. guys who overlevel because they just love the velvet room so so much (and im prolly not gonna do ng+, especially with portable port on its way (femc!). so trying to experience most that i can)
i did cheese the reaper a while back. used thunder reign strat. was actually harder bc new moon rebalance nerfed the shock rate so its not 100% lol. but took advantage of its ai to get it stuck in a break skill loop (akihiko dekunda sweep) the money was nice, and i spent soooo much time in monad levelling personas. wont be able to do liz fight bc not doing ng+. (slightly related: ive played pee5 so many times and ive never actually tried the twins/lvnza/jose fights. vanilla 1 time, royal 1 time, royal again for a friends playthrough but its not ng+, ng+ for 100% royal but only up to exams...royal for another friend's playthru. lol)
yuka/mitsu is real. to me. theyre even the colors of the lesbian flag
i maxed most social links besides magician (bc hes annoying. surt wouldve been nice tho), mitsuru (got up to like 8 then ran out of time), fuuka (trapped at rank 1. dont like her enough, not enough time. sorry. i played with english voices u know how it is), yuko (accidentally reversed her), justice (i know. who would have thought. started her wayyy too late.), keisuke (hes soooo cute like. i wanna look like that tbh. but fortune isnt useful enough and i ran out of time)
speaking of social links i literally hate how they work in this game so so so so much. i dont want to date all these girls! let me hang out with other girls please... this is the biggest example of romance making all these games so much worse. like. what the hell. (aigis is like. the only good female social link (that i finished) (maybe bc she isnt very much a girl))
another mechanic i hate: NOT BEING ABLE TO PICK INHERITED SKILLS. is every ps2 era megaten game like this? i love love love 'sona/demon fusion but it is so much harder to make stupid crazy builds when u have to reroll over and over again. literally just a timewaster. what could have been...i cant believe my lucifer is still weak to ice. WHO USES PEESONAS WITH WEAKNESSES. IN THIS DAY AND AGE????
the extremely strange continuity with 1&2 is fucked up to like. nickelodean sitcom cinematic universe levels. u know.
im still fixated on 5.i make that very obvious. and i do like 5's overall story better (royal being a very big portion of that). but GOD i love love love the theming of this game.
those strega guys r definitely fucking. i literally do not care about them but thats kind of just a fact.
the concept of artificial personas (that kill you) (that u have to take meds for which eventually kill you) REALLYYYY fucks me up what a BANGER CONCEPT. JESUS! JESUS. gg kirijo group.
akinari... (very wretched)
i dont think i have a favorite. tbh. like i like mitsuru because i like women and shes hot but character wise shes not actually super my type. i like ken because hes the most fucked up ten year old in the world (justice bias). aigis is crazycrazy theres stuff to be said abt her (characters who give metatron bias). yukari is a mean girl and i like that about her (lovers bias). ryoji doesnt have that much screentime for obv reasons but thematically hes cool (guys who beg u to kill them bias). i like the protag a lot (protag bias). yeah
OBVIOUSLY i knew we were gonna die. and when. and where. and how. but :( head in aigis's lap, brushing away her robo-tears... didnt cry but wow this game.
joshua peefee christ figure moment
kimi no kioku is the best 'sona song. period. nyx (avatar)&nyx (nyx) songs go hard too. but man!!!! kimi no kioku!! LOVE how its kind of a motif in so many other parts of the soundtrack, especially near the end...a unifying melody, an overarching theme.
forever from now ill prolly watch the movies just so i can make an amv. this game needs an amv. and unlike pee5 the animovies should cover most of what id want to say in one!
after the answer, ill finally be able to finish eternalpun. im so sorry ive neglected you guys, my friends...my pee2s....
kimi wo i will never leave you <3
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thiscrimsonsoul · 5 months
The man was honestly surprised that they weren’t asked more questions. This past week, Nat and Bucky had been prepping for every possible question, coming up with the perfect answers. Desperate times call for desperate measures, he supposed, and unclenched his fist.
“Well, I would prefer a daughter. What do you think, lisichka?” Bucky asked, turning to his lover. He brushed a stray strand of her dyed hair behind her ear, cherishing the intimacy of the moment. Since they’d escaped, they hadn’t had much time to focus on their relationships, what with planning to leave for the States and all.
Just then, Bucky noticed Wanda. She’d clearly been watching the entire exchange. She was young, but she didn’t look scared of him - his steely gaze, his single arm - and that was enough to seal the deal. He got down on his knees, beckoning for her.
“Hello, kotyonok,” he greeted, smiling warmly. “Do you speak Russian? It’s okay if you don’t. I can teach you, but I don’t think they speak it very often in the States. Koyuonok means kitten, and lisichka means little fox. I’m Jamie, and this is my wife, Natalie. What’s your name?”
He turned to the social worker for a brief moment. She could tell that she didn’t have any special affection for Wanda from both her expression to the way Wanda looked, and the girl herself seemed sweet and willing to go with him and Nat.
“Can you get us her paperwork?”
He refocused his attention on Wanda. “I speak Sokovian, too, if that’s easier for you, dochen'ka . How would you feel about coming to live with us? The social worker mentioned you like sitcoms - you can watch all the sitcoms you want.” Then, suddenly, he was struck by a memory. He wasn’t sure of anything, but he remembered this detail. “An old friend of mine liked musicals. We can watch some of those, too. What do you say?”
// Dad/Papa Bucky has my whole heart tbh //
{Awww, yeah, it’s sweet. This is a great AU, I’m loving it! ^_^}
“Yeah. I think a daughter would be wonderful,” Nat said, smiling at Bucky. Truthfully she felt like she’d be happy with either, but if Bucky wanted a daughter, then she was inclined to let him run with it. It was something they could decide for themselves, and there hadn’t been too many things like that in their lives lately.
“Oh, very good! Well, we have plenty of sweet, adorable little girls that are available for adoption, if you’ll just-” the social worker began, but when she saw the couple looking over at Wanda, her expression changed. “Oh, um... n-not-” Not that one. She and her brother are problems, she wanted to say, but the couple had already started interacting with her. Sighing, the social worker had no choice but to go along with it, or risk losing the potential adoption altogether.
Watching from a distance, there was something about this couple that Wanda liked. They seemed... nice. But also a little sad. Just below the surface. Somehow? She didn’t know. It was just a feeling she got when she looked at them, that maybe they had gone through some things. She got feelings like that sometimes about how people thought or felt. She got them from Pietro a lot. He was really loud, even when he wasn’t speaking with his mouth.
Some of the people who had come to adopt children had been very cold, or had been very rich. Wanda got the impression that they were more there to buy an object than adopt a child, that was how cold some of them seemed. But these people had nice smiles and good energy, despite that maybe they had some problems. She liked that about them, though, because she had problems too. She and Pietro had so many problems right now...
“Hi,” Wanda said shyly when she was address. She smiled at the man as he spoke to her, even as her little heart began to pound in her chest. Usually it was Pi who talked to people while she was content to let him and hide just behind him. But she knew the social worker would never let Pi talk to any prospective parents because of his bad behavior, so Wanda knew this was something she had to do herself. “Mm, a little,” she replied with some difficulty when asked if she spoke Russian, before giving her name. “Wanda, sir,” she said politely.
The social worker really didn’t want to leave Wanda alone with the couple, afraid of what she might say. Yet, she needed get as many children adopted as possible, and if she could get rid of one of the Maximoff twins... “Right away,” she said graciously, turning to get the paperwork.
“But-!” Wanda said, looking up at her.
“Shh! Be a good girl,” the social worker said, clearly warning the girl to stay quiet.
Wanda recoiled a bit, her eyes going a little wide, and she did quiet down, at least until the social worker left. The man asked her about Sokovian, and she nodded. “Yes, please,” she said. Sokovian wasn’t her native language, a Romani dialect was, but she’d been speaking Sokovian for about three years and knew it very well. Much better than she knew Russian.
She smiled at the mention of sitcoms. Oh, they seemed like such nice people! But she couldn’t be selfish and leave Pietro behind, and truthfully, she’d never want to. “I... I would like that very much, sir, but...” Wanda said in Sokovian, looking back to make sure the social worker hadn’t come back yet.
“Go ahead, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” Nat coaxed.
It was now or never. She was going to get into so much trouble for this, but she didn’t have any choice.
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“Um...! Can you take my brother too?! Please?!” Wanda blurted out.
“You have a brother here?” Nat asked, surprised to hear it.
“Yes, ma’am. His name is Pietro. We’re twins. The people here... they don’t like him because he gets mouthy sometimes, but... he just has a lot of energy, it isn’t his fault! He’ll be good, I promise!” Now that was a promise Wanda had no business making, because not even she could get Pietro to behave himself sometimes. But she had to try, and she was practically begging the couple. She fidgeted nervously with her raggedy dress, hoping they would find it in their hearts to take both of them.
Nat cast Bucky a bit of a worried glance. It sounded like these kids were in a bit of a bat situation at this orphanage, but at the same time, they hadn’t planned on adopting two children. But something about the idea of siblings being separated really upset her. She couldn’t remember why, but it made a hard lump rise up into her throat. “Could we...?” she asked Bucky softly, not wanting to get the girl’s hopes up until they had discussed it a little.
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purplesurveys · 8 months
How did it feel outside today? I didn't go out, but in any case to my surprise it was cold all day – I haven't turned on my fan at all, and right now I even have my blanket around me without anything running. I don't know if this is still one of those rare good days in the year, or if it could already be the start of the Christmas weather.
Are there any animals in the room with you?  Nopes. I'm in my room; the dogs sleep downstairs.
How did you spend yesterday afternoon?  I was just working and had been in a couple of meetings as well.
Are any of your siblings taller than you?  They both are. I'm the smallest sibling and also the smallest in the immediate family, haha.
Name a song that reminds you of a past relationship:  Sparks by Coldplay. Thankfully I associate Coldplay so much more with BTS now because I love the band and it would've sucked if I had to stop listening to them.
When did you last have a nightmare?  I feel like it was just recently, but I can't remember exactly when.
What's the goriest thing you've ever seen?  TRIGGER WARNING: DEATH, BLOOD. Either photos of actual corpses on the internet, or select wrestling matches that are known for having been extremely bloody. I have a very specific memory of watching Vince McMahon's forehead literally pumping out blood cos his cut went way deeper than it should have.
Have you or do you attend pep rallies regularly?  I haven't. I know my university had those as an annual thing but I never was able to attend any because I could never find anyone who wanted to watch it.
Have you ever seen a building on fire in real life?  I haven't, but seeing massive clouds of smoke from a distance from burning buildings is something I'm fairly familiar with. The last time had been in July when we were staying over at a hotel and could tell there was a fire going on at some province all the way south, like in Cavite, from that giant-ass cloud of smoke we saw from our floor.
Have you kissed anyone and their first name started with an F, D, or L?  No, I haven't.
Have you ever been in therapy for anything? Nope, haven't been to therapy.
Do you think clowns are creepy?  They can be but they aren't the creepiest things in the world for me.
If you had to write an essay about a popular song... what would that song be?  Let's go with Gangnam Style by PSY.
When did you last have some fruit?  Every day I was sick in the last week my mom fixed up this drink for me to consume and I'm pretty sure it had some kind of fruit in it; I'm just unable to identify which.
What's something you have to look forward to?  Getting to head out again after finishing my quarantine. I completely forgot that the local Audrey Hepburn exhibit is only running until the end of the month, so I really need to book a visit within the next weekend as it'll be gone by the 28th.
Is there any part of your sexual/romantic history that you have not told your current significant other about or that you will not tell future partners about?  There is a small part that I probably would have to mention, but it's too personal to discuss in detail here.
Have you ever developed feelings for someone whose sexual orientation was incompatible with yours?  Nah.
How many relationships have you been in that actually got sexual?  Just one.
Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know?  Probably Bea. Girl always has surprises up her sleeve.
Are any of your pets “overweight”?  Cooper may be slightly overweight, but it's not like alarm bells level and we definitely watch how much we feed him so that it doesn't start becoming an entirely bad health issue.
Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with?  I've only gone out with one person.
Last person to tell you that you smell good?  My sister.
Last person you told that they smell good?  That's not really something I tell people and tbh the last time I remarked they smelled nice it was to my dogs hahaha.
What shows do you watch?  I gravitate towards sitcom the most since I prefer easy watching, so shows like Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Brooklyn Nine-Nine...I also started on The Office earlier this week. Every now and then I'll watch something a bit heavier as I can only enjoy a good drama; most recently I finished DP.
Is there anything you are craving right now?  I'm feeling pretty full right now actually so I'm good.
Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you laughed with them?  A million times and more.
What are five Halloween costumes that you’d like to wear in the future?  RJ of BT21; Diane Nguyen from BoJack; Joey Tribbiani from that scene where he wore all of Chandler's clothes at once; a bottle of peach soju; and the dude from the 'A child' Vine hahaha.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what color his/her eyes were?  My ex, yeah I do.
Whose Facebook timeline did you post on most recently?  I don't post on anyone's feeds. I think only older people do that anymore.
Have you ever had a restaurant dish that was made with bugs? If not, would you even want to try one?  I haven't, actually; I didn't even get to try any bug dishes in Thailand when I was there – our itinerary was so packed we didn't have time to look for restaurants or stalls that had them :( But yes, I'm adventurous when it comes to food so I'd definitely try.
If anything, I went to a Thai tasting menu event a couple of weeks ago and I took up the owner's offer to try one piece of cricket. It tasted like chicharon, just a bit more savory.
Which edible flowers have you tasted?  I don't think I've tried flowers before.
Who was the last non-relative woman you spoke to in person?  Fern.
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube?  I don't really do that. The most I do is just press like on videos.
Who was the last person that apologized to you?  I think Coleen.
What comes to mind when you think of pregnancy?  Expenses.
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap?  Liquid.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday?  It'll be one of my cousins' birthday on November 3rd.
What is your favorite flavor of Jolly Ranchers?  I've never had a Jolly Rancher.
Is your favorite animal endangered?  No.
Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction?  Non-fiction. I have absolutely zero luck with fiction; I've just never figured it out.
Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you?  Neither.
What is the middle name of the last person you texted?  I have no idea.
Have you ever come close to drowning?  Yes, when I was 9.
So… remember Girl Scout cookies? Any favorites you had/have?  No I don't. We don't have those here.
Why did you ignore the last person you ignored?  Because it was a work-related person messaging on a fucking weekend and they should know to leave me alone.
Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Pluto :) If I could have Baymax in dog form too that would be so fun.
Do you like chocolate milk?  Just Chuckie. I'm not too fond of everything else.
What is something you hate, but wish you loved?  Hiking and more outdoorsy activities. < So real. I wish I could love hiking but tbh it is the worst thing in the world.
What’s the cutest thing your S/O does, but denies it’s cute in any way?  I don't have one.
Who have you hugged in the past month?  Idk, I wanna say around 10-15 people? I've seen a good number of friends this month so far.
Last bad news you heard?  Family death for one of my co-workers.
Have you ever dined alone at a restaurant?  Yup, several times.
Have you seen a baby being born in real life?  I have not.
Do any of your exes know each other?  I only have one.
What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously?  Continuing to be supportive of the Marcos regime.
Have you ever changed in front of the last person you kissed?  Uh, sure.
Do you have any goats?  I don't own any goats, no.
Do you hang out with your sibling’s friends?  Nah, they like to keep to themselves and that's fine by me.
Have you experienced any severe side effects of medications?  Well, I've been bruising this last week but I'm not sure if that's simply because of my weakened immune system or the meds I took.
On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings?  No, never did that.
Have you lost any close family members to cancer?  One.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name?  I've met people who only have one first name, but they're very rare.
How often do you check your emails?  For my personal email, at least once a day.
Would you want your kids to have your hair color?  All Filipinos have black hair so I don't really have a choice lol.
Have you ever had a big YouTuber reply to a comment you left on their video?  Nah. That'd be cool, but also I never comment so HAHAHAHA
Have you ever given a lap dance?  Nope.
0 notes
jacksdegoof · 1 year
Went to the hospital yesterday due to an emergency (cut off a bit of my fingertip while cooking dinner). I asked a friend to drive me there, and it was just like a sitcom sketch.
I waited for 50 min for my friend to get me (she lives in the city, which the hospital is at too, and she has to take the bike to her car because it's parked at a friend's home)
We arrive at the hospital and my friend drops me off to find a parking spot. Immediately when I get inside, I see a banner with an instruction on it stating that:
1. Take a que-ticket and wait for your number
There were nowhere to get one from.
2. Sit down and wait for someone to come and get you.
There were nowhere to sit.
3. Keep social distance.
Fair. I walked a bit further in to see that the entrance door had a sign on it that said "Do not touch".
Ritghy then. I look to my left through a glas window and see security cameras. No one's there . I back up to read the banner again to see if I've missed something.
I go up to the door again, and see that his time here's a guy in the little room tom my left. He asks me a few questions and tells me to go to another entrance and wait in the yellow room (I had a cough too so they took some precautions).
I meet my friend outside just as she's about to head in and we walk to te yellow room (which wasn't yellow at all!) We wait there for an hour (which is kind of fair, considering that I wasn't dying and how many other people were there already).
I don't think they were ready though when they wrapped it open. One of the nurses put some wet pads on it to cover the wound and keep it from drying up, but it started to heavily bleed immediately when they unwrapped the bandage.
The comment I got from the nurse was "Oh, it's bleeding a lot," as we all had just watched the blood pool out on the metal table for a couple of minutes.
They wrapped my finger up again and sent me to an orthopedist. As the orthopedist unwrapped it again, they commented "Oh, it's bleeding a lot," and just thinking "there's a reason to why I'm here."
We crack a few jokes about it as they prepare to burn the wound shut to stop it from bleeding (and awkwardly try not to look at my finger too much it seemed).
They couldn't find an electrical outlet for the flesh-burning machine at first, and my friend that's with me just looks down and sees one beside her. As we exchange glances the orthopedist finds an outlet behind the bed I'm on and plugs it in. But he realizes that my finger is bleeding too much, so he puts a rubber ring on it to stop the bleeding.
As the orthopedist closes the wound, the nurse is in real idle NPC-mode, trying to look everywhere except for my hand, fiddling with some of the equipment and dropping something (I would definitely do the same thing tho), while he was for the orthopedist to be done so he can wrap up my hand.
The orthopedist finishes, says his goodbyes and leaves. Bitas the nurse starts wrapping up my finger, it starts bleeding again. The nurse has to get the orthopedist again to burn some more of my finger (and I had to hold in a "Welcome back" because I wasn't sure if it would get a laugh out of him or piss him off).
He finishes up again, this time making sure that he got everything, and leaves. The nurse wraps it up without a folly, apologizes because the bandaging doesn't look pretty (very sweet of him tbh), and tells me that they'll call me back in again on Sunday.
Now. The orthopedist had said that they'd call me on Monday, so me and my friend exchange another glance at eachother to see if we had heard him right, but didn't say anything.
He sends us off, telling us to have a nice dinner together now (which again, very sweet of him, got the right spirit and all that since neither my friend nor me are the most masc-looking person, but also, way off) and we wish him a good evening.
He darts out of the room before us, without telling us which way the exit is...
We did (eventually) see a sign tht pointed at the exit, so we managed to get out and finally be on our wa home (I decided to sleep over at my friend's because it was late and she had to get up early the next morning).
0 notes
waaayoutofline · 2 years
In the aftermath | Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Paring: ReaderFem! X Wanda (Mom)
Warnings: I think that this part is pretty clear tbh.
Word account: 1873
Prompt: As days go on, Wanda and you inevitably get closer, leaving both of you with fears and insecurities of your own to deal with.
(GIF made by me)
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Stranger, as I decided to name her, didn’t utter other word after sharing about her twin. Everything went quiet after that, only the ocasional grunt of pain followed by an apologie. It was late when you finally finshed to cure her leg. With a grunt, you shake the dirt on your pants and went to the kitchen.
“So, is there anything I should know?” Mindesly, I turn around and grab the apron, missing the way she tensed at the question. “Allergies or anything?”
Wanda relaxed at that. “There’s no need for you to make me…”
“Oh really? Then why is your stomach roaring?” Wanda blushes at the sound, and mutter a no.After that you decide in one of your special recipes.
Meanwhile Wanda gets stuck in her head. Why did she told you about Pietro? She cringed at the memory of her vulnerability. Hasn’t told anyone about how she truly feels about her passed away brother. Honestly, it feels like decades ago, and with everything she’s ever lost, the pain has never stopped at all. She didnt need a girl to tell her how to deal with grief, but some part of her mind couldn’t help but wonder if you were right.
“Here” It seemed an habit now, for you to get her out of her head. A weird feeling settle in her gut at being cared of, it feel like a lot of time has passed since someone else look out for her. She forgot how…nice it feels. Heartwarming. But what’s even more shocking is how off all the kinds of things you could made, you did this. A sokovian recipe.
Wanda was doumbfounded. How did you…?
“Well, before Sokovia got destroyed, I used to to volunteer there a lot. Your accent gave it away, so I thought…” I got a little pale at her expression. What if she finds it disrespectful? You decided to make because maybe it would cheered her up, but now that I think about it maybe it reminds her that… oh god, stupid,stupid,stupid! Things always backfired you like this! What was I thinking?
Just as an apology scapes your mouth, the woman says a strangled “…Thanks”. That makes you breath. So she din’t take it as an ofense, great.
After this, I joined in the other couch with my own plate and proposed to see something on the TV. When you mentioned that there was the option of sitcoms you saw her smile for the first time,the sight of it left a warm buzzing in my ear s that got away with the laugh of tracks. You two went for a full eight episodes before calling it a night. After removing our plates I offer to help her get to the guest room, wich honeslty was a hard task given the fact of how stubborn the woman is. But finally, she puts her arm around your shoulder. Didn’t say anything about how she avoided touching you with her hands.
After helping her to to door, I say a good night and turn around to get to my room.
“Wanda” I hear. I turn around, she barley stares at me. “The name is Wanda.” And then she enters the room.
The same warm buzzing of before did not let me sleep that night.
It wasn’t a surpirse when the pain on her leg didn’t disappear pear at all the next day, and the next. Apparently she had “powers”, nut becuase she wasn’t able to control them now, getting her stuck with you. Wich honeslty, I didn’t mind that much. It wasn’t like she answered about any of you questions about the topic.
The first two days went like the first, talking about our siblings, me taking take of her wound, making dinner in silence and watching sitcoms at night. And as the days went on, you two got closer. Mainly it was you talking about your life, friends, family. Wanda, as you learned , tried to avoid talking about her and you didn’t pressure her to do so. It seems that was a good idea, because as time went by, she started to open more to you.
She talked a bit more each time, shared a little peace of her in the best days and instead of going to the guest room, she lingered around you in the living room a bit more. You also got comfortable with her, and even learned to enjoy her dry humor that wasn’t that much liked at the start. Eventually, she even tried to help around with the chores, but you denied it everytime. The only victory she got in this departament is when she managed to be the “sours chef” in the kitchen. First handing you the materials and as she won more confidence, new recipes from Sokovia. Live with her felt…nice.
When her leg got a little better, you accompanied her to see the garden outised. All while sharing the names of different flowers and it’s meanings.
“Amaryllis .This flower is the meaning of splendid beauty. It is also to indicates worth beyond beauty, wich honeslty I found beatiful. To see beyond those features in someone…” You rumble when gazing the back part of the garden. “Oh the Aster too! It’s meaning is patience also is an indicative of a love of variety. It also symbolizes elegance and daintiness”
“What about this one?” Wanda whisper while gazing the lilac petals. You check it before answering.
“This one is an Anemone. One of it’s meaning,is the fading hope and a feeling of having been forsaken, tormented by destiny.” Wnada shudders at your words. The feeling of been forsaken huh? “Well, guess ther’s to of us then…” Wanda mutters in sadness. Seeing how here mood lowers, you carefully get to the flowers, taking one of them with one of the scissore placed on the table.
“Yes, most of poeple avoid them for this. But they also ignore the positive note.Anticipation. Anticipation to show the destiny that it hasn’t destroeyed you. You offer the flower to her. “Here. It won’t break.” You whisper with mischieve, smiling when shee carfully grabs it and stares at it. You keep walking up and down, ignoring the look Wanda unsconscully give you.
“There is the Lilac too. Symbolizes youthful innocence and confidence. The withe ones…” I trail while carresing it carefully “Humility .The lilac one…” I point ot it “Symbolizes charity”. Wanda smiles. “And also the Delphinium, wich stands for big-heartedness, fun, lightness and levity.”
“Fitting…” Wanda mumbles, loud enough for you to hear it.
Loud enough to make your face redder than the Amarylls.
Before she knows it Wanda doesn’t have the urge to leave anymore. It’s a dangerous game she’s playing, and the witch is fully conscious of it. Getting attached never went well for her. Liking the time the both of you spend together between sticoms sessions, garden excursions and messing around the kitchen in hopes to make a batch of cookies. Honestly, she should get away. Run, run away from this. From you.
But you had to go and make this harder for her, didn’t you? With your cute smiles and silly laugh? With your words that relieves all the aching wound on her chest? With those wild eyes that didn’t contain a little bit of judgment nor pity, just understanding. Even right now, when you look so cozy wrapped around a grey blanket, looking so soft. Every tiny bit of you makes Wanda warm. And the feeling she most fears grow within her at an alarming speed, spreading like a fire that wasn’t planing on extinguish it’s flames anytine soon.
“…What?” You mumble, a little sleepy. Wanda bits her lips while playing with one of her rings.
“What?” She answers with the same tone. You forrow your brows.
“Is there something in my face?” Your hands start to rub your cheeks and nose, making Wanda try and not to smile at the cuteness of the act. “I swear if there’s any tiny bit of flour left after your little sneaky, back-stabbing, unfair attack of yours…” Wanda laugs at your words.“Um,excuse but it was you who it started it.” Your head nods in disagreement.
“Nuh-uh, you were all over me when my back was turned back at you.” You two were sitting in the same couch, Wanda on the right, you on the left. The red-head lifted an eyebrow at your declaration, a smirk growing on her face that made all the sleep in your system vanish away.
“All over you huh?” She asked, voice going slightly lower.Green eyes never leaving you. “Is that such a bad thing? Me all over you?” Your eyes get warmer at her words, heart starts racing.
“Uh I uh…” You rumble while trying to find an answer. Wanda gets a little closer and you glup at the sudden aproximity “What, cat got your tonge?” Heat rolls out in weaves from your face now. Her words making you dizzy, the smell of your lavander champu along her natural essence making your head spin. She gets even closer, until she reaches your left, lips barley toucing it, but enough to make your skin shiver. “You left a spot…”
She want to kill you you are sure of it, when she get away again and gazes her thumb bellow your lover lips, slightly touching them with each gentle stroke . “Right….here” She murmurs, and well, neither of you complained at the two extra seconds of her touching your chin. You swear you can combust anytime now. It’s pathetic really, how she get you in a state of total delirium by just a simple touch and well placed words.
Finally she let’s you go and turn to face the TV, casually getting comfortable. “So, we were on season three, episode two right?” She asks casually, leaving you doumbfounded and with a tingle of disappointment inside you.
The same kind of interactions have been common for the last days and honestly, they were driving you up the wall. She just leaves you a flustered mess and then acts like nothing has happened. Maybe you were just creating this situations, making them more dramatic and unreal.Your mother did always say that you had an awfully big imagination.But then there is this other, smaller side,telling…screaming, that this isn’t one-sided, that her hearts beats just as badly. Thatyou two could have one of those fairy-tales endings.
But is it? An after ending? You don’t even know her that well, your distance has shortened yeah, but you can still see her walls and after all, Wanda won’t stay here forever. Her leg will heal eventually and then she will leave.
And that will hurt if you let yourself keep falling for her.You don’t want to ruin the relationship you two have grown by confessing about a silly crush. So for now you will be as normal as ever and enjoy the rest of time you two have. Even if it hurts to not get closer and let yourself fall for the mistery she is.
Even if Wanda is thinking and felling the same heartache right next to you. Even if a mist of secrets and insecurity wont cease.
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gangrenados · 3 years
the man deserves some love tbh.
dc watch out cause i’m coming for u if u continue to keep him in captivity.
I must admit that I'm a little bit too much in love with this concept, like I never thought hairy men were that nice, but goddamn this kinda changed my mind lol AND YES Jason deserves so much love 😫😫
Anyway, I had this in my draft and decided to add the concept, well, I wrote this every time I was bored, so maybe it's not that great.
thanks to @imagines-fluff-yandere-smut for this great ass concept, girl keep up your horny thoughts, I love them 😤😤💕💕💕!!
Warning: Uh kinda smutty, a blowjob and a lot of slurs??
(L/n): your last name
Tumblr media
You have no idea of how much I love that gif 👉🏽👈🏽
The soft sound of the tv echoing in the background alongside with the lulling murmuring of the city, were the only thing that was keeping in touch with the reality you were set on: living on a rather small apartment setted in the middle of one of the most tumoltous cities in the world.
Was it comfortable? surely not, but the company was greatly accepted. Besides this was just transient point in your life.
You stirred closer to your lover with a soft yawn, scaping from the cold that Gotham rainy nights always provided and being dealighted welcomed by a side hug of his right arm that quickly fell limp beside your shoulder.
You took the dare to rest your head on his chest, he didn't moved or said anything, staying in the same position with his arm behind his head as the other is around you, but with the slight difference that his lips were forming a little side smile.
Taking that small gesture as a green light, you kept going with your intrusion. You dragged your fingers  down town his torso, wandering through his abs before finally setting just above the hem of his boxers.
You caressed his skin softly, just the tender touch of your fingers before your nails ran up and down his skin, leaving a nice ticklish sensation all over Jason's body, to finally play gently in the hairs of his happy trail.
It didn't take long before your let your hand go lower, and between your innocent caress and the small talk of the show going on, you brushed his crotch lightly. However, that was more than enough to peek your boyfriend's attention.
"Are you trying to get me horny, doll?" his hoarse voice made you giggle. Trapped in the middle of you act and you couldn’t but offer a playful smile once you noticed those beautiful blue eyes looking down at you.
“Maybe...” you mumbled trying to appear innocent while your hands were still moving up and down his member in a gently, but firm maner. Jason arched his eyebrows, scoffing at your words. “Is it working?
You let out a yelp as Jason pulled you over him like nothing. It might soud crazy, but the way he stares at you makes your insides light up in pure fire as your heart speeds up for a moment.
So now your mind can only focus on the way his big hands were caressing your hips, daring to tugg at the waistband of your panties and to  run down those calloused fingers a little bit too close of your inner thighs.
Jason looks so beautilf underneath you and then his words makes you pay attention at what you had provoked.  "I think you gotta work harder."
Between kisses you moved to his neck, nibbling onto the soft skin and sucking lightly as you keep grinding  your ass on his clothed cock. Jason wanted more, you could sense this by the way his hands were pressing you against his pelvic, a way to prevent you to go elsewhere.
 Jason’s hips bucked against  yours, his hands still resting on your arse as he let his head fall down on his pillow. ”Is this enough?" You smiles against his skin, giving a small kiss with your swollen lips and Jason just nods.
"You won." His raspy voice sends shivers downs your spine." I have a boner and I would pretty much like to fuck you right now, congratulations!”
"Nice!" You say as you grab his face between your hands and give him a peck, Jason looks up to you with one of those heart melting smile he keeps for moments when your cuteness is about to give him a heart attack.
So you go down, giving short kisses across his abdomen and tracing his skin with your nails. As you reach his boxers you give a sweet kiss to his clothed cock and without taking your eyes off of Jason while tugging down those black boxes and he can't help but caress your head lovingly.
You spit on your hand quickly before you take his hard dick in your hand and start to pump him at a slow pace.
The contact makes him shiver and Jason mind is starts to fog the instant you take him in your mouth and you your tongue swirl around the shaft.
Jason pants as you bob your head up and down, sucking at his hard cock while your hand pump what you can't fit in your mouth.
His whimpers are music to your ears and seeing his face contorts in pleasure is making the coil in your belly tighten. It's nice to be able to have this view, but you're more focused on keeping up with the work.
"Fuck" Jason says as he sinks deeper in his pleasure. One of his hands goes to your head and grabs your hair, he doesn't move whatsoever. "Just like that! You're so good to me, babe."
Everything is going so nice, there's nothing better than receiving head after a hard week of work and Jason's state of mind is more than enough proof of this. The wet sounds mixed with Jason’s moans opaque the long forgotten sitcom that was still being played.
And moment like this make Gotham nights more berable, just the two of you enjoying each others bodies with the very welcoming bonus of being in love.
However, the euphoria is quickly cut off as the  annoying sound of the doorbell comes into scene; at first you don't stop and Jason is thankful because of it, but the person waiting at the other side of the apartment isn't as glad. The ring of the doorbell sounds acute in your ears, making the task of ignore it more difficult than you thought.
"(L/N) I am here, open up" the deep and annoying voice of your landlord fills the air and your groan in frustration.
The cold hits Jason's dick as you take him of off your mouth. "(Y/N), doll, don't leave me like this."
"Sorry, I forgot I called my landlord for the issue with the water." you say with a guilty smile, however,  seeing you kiss the tip of his cock doesn't make Jason feel any better.
"Are you busy, (y/n)? I can come another time" your landlord suggest and Jason flashes a grin.
"Problem resolved." He says a little bit too excited as he rest his weight down on his elbows. "Now where were we?"
"Jay no." you shook your head before getting up on your feet.
"He said he can come  later!"
"But that will mean another month carrying water buckets to take a shower! " Jason's mind pops up with an idea, but before he can say you cut him off." And no, I can't keep going to your house any time I have a problem, Jay!"
You can't help but giggle at his pouted lips, it's always a cute view seeing the so feared Red Hood whining over you. "You can! You know I don't have a problem with that." The way he talks so passionately falls flat once he notices that you're not going to back down.
"I didn't even got to show you how much I love you" Jason groans and just roll your eyes playfully at him. ” I want to fuck you until you’re scraming my name so the whole building will know who you belong to.”
"That reminds me that they're at the verge of causing a riot if they hear us again" you chuckle, putting aside Jason's attempts as reach up to him and leave a chaste kiss on his cheek.
"We will finish this as soon as the landlord goes. That's a promise " You wink at him before get of him to head towards the bathroom to brush your teeth quickly.
"Fucking cockblock" Jason ushes under his breath and you chuckle as you go to meet with the imapatient man at the other side of your apartment.
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Tag list: @burningclodwagonjudge @meany-marcelini @alice-fell-down-the-well @demondoxable @fluffyshrimpuwu @mad-grace-amber @screechingghostbananafarm @owl-witch-prompts @waroncheer @nervousfandom @c0-77 @astroherogirl @omgtheywereroommates98 @redarsenal @shadygoateeprincess @lovelyartemisa @missmaskedwriter @thegirlwholovesbooksblog @silverw19 @simpery @unknowntoanyone @ghost-bich @lucy-roo @adarksoul098 @magicisabluewish @kellieriddle96 @ashyvillain @panic-attheplace @greeknerd007 @honeydolly @perylinsus @cedrics-things @just-deka @malfoys-demigod @aterriblelangblr @hamdehlesmis @dreamxcollide @thirstiestpotato @magicalbeanie @letlly
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — «« 
sfw alphabet | k. tetsuro
➳ tags ;; fluff, angst, alcohol + sex mention but nothing explicit
➳ a/n ;; reupload from my old blog that an anon asked for <3 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — «« 
 A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
➳ Kuroo is a genuinely affectionate person towards his loved ones. Naturally, he does like to mess with you just a bit by withholding kisses or hugs - but truthfully he can’t push it too much because he really likes showing you attention.
➳ Also despite himself and his love for teasing you, Kuroo isn’t a big fan of PDA! He likes having a hand resting on your back, rubbing circles into your hand and squeezing, or a very quick kiss to the temple when no ones looking but he prefers to show his soft side when it’s the two of you alone. He can go from making fun of you to wrapping his strong arms around you and whispering sweet nothings to you in a matter of seconds 
➳ Kuroos affection isn’t limited to touch, or is it even really dictated by touch. His love language is acts of service and quality time - so he more often than not shows his affection through gestures. Warm towels if you’re at his place, taking your car to get filled with gas, putting ice on your snowy sidewalk so you make it home safe. Kuroo’s nonchalance towards everything is genuinely funny contrast to how truly and utterly considerate he is towards you and your well-being. 
➳ Maybe not conventionally affectionate but affectionate all the same. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
➳ Kuroo is the kind of best friend that you have for like..10+ years. If you two feel truly platonically towards one another - he’s the kind of best friend that makes other people in your life insecure because you simply know each other so well and love each other so much in the sense that you’re platonic soulmates. 
➳ There’s probably no one in the world who knows you quite as well as Kuroo does and it goes the same for you. Neither of you can ever stop being friends because you two know too damn much about the other. Kuroo knows about the weird moles and pimples on your body and you know about his weird boner stories from when you two were in middle and highschool. You really can’t afford to stop being friends, so good luck trying to escape him. 
So. Many. Inside Jokes. Y’all are terrible sometimes. I don’t think either of you ever realize how many you’ve got and you end up referring to them so normally sometimes people don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about and everyone just kinda sighs and lets you two talk on your own. AND yall wonder why no one wants to talk to you two… like you aren’t busy just talking to each other. Kenma is probably the only person who can decipher any of the shit you say, and let’s out a few breaths through his nose but that’s about it. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
➳ Kuroo doesn’t love full on cuddling, tbh. He’s more of a fan of like.. laying on top of each other or other smaller forms of affection. He also is pretty keen on liking hugs (loves backhugs.. giving and receiving. when he feels your body pressed against his back he literally melts) but he’s not big into spooning. He doesn’t mind it if you wanna do it though - if he knows you like cuddling, he’s down for you to do it but it’s not where he defaults. 
➳ Kuroos cuddles are more like you laying your legs in his lap and him massaging your calves. You falling asleep holding his arms. You playing with his hair when he’s tucked under you. He likes casual cuddling as opposed to cuddling sessions. 
➳ When he’s really exhausted though - he’ll give you a real worn out smile and pull you deadass on top of him. Like just your body weight on top of him (and no, he doesn’t care that you might be heavy. He knows that) and just stares up at your face. Bonus points if your hands come up and play with his face (LOVES THAT) 
➳ “long day, tetsu?,” as you cradle his face in your palms. He’ll pin your wrist with his hand and kiss the inside of it before rubbing his face against it like a cat. 
➳ “long day baby,” 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
➳ Kind of sad, but Kuroo knows how to take care of himself really well because of his parents divorce when he was a kid. He did a lot of cooking and cleaning really young because his older sister was out of the house but he was still young enough to be living there. She would do everything she could for Kuroo in other ways (i.e. helping pay for volleyball and shit like that) but Kuroo was a really independent kid and practically raised himself. Kenma’s mom took care of him too - but Kuroo was like 7 or 8 learning how to fold laundry. By the time he was in highschool, he pretty much did everything for himself. 
➳ In terms of domesticity, at a certain point - Kuroo genuinely just accepts you as The One and from then on, you two are a pretty serious couple. You live together early on, and are the kind of relationship in which both of you are just very assured that the other person is the one. Kuroo gets his first nice apartment with you on the lease, and eventually you two buy a condo together in the long run. He enjoys being with you a lot. Home is wherever you are you know. 
➳ Surprisingly, one of Kuroos favorite things to do with you is clean with you. You two have a playlist of music that you bump on your speakers as you do your spring/weekly cleaning. You take turns cleaning the bathroom each week. You’ll fold laundry while Kuroo fixes the bedsheets. It’s a team effort and genuinely one of his most beloved ways of spending time with you. When you both get tuckered out, you sit on the floor of your fresh apartment, and drink wine and watch sitcoms. Domestic bliss. 
➳ On another note, Kuroo can’t cook for shit baby - but he helps. He can cut kinda efficiently but he’s a hovering boyfriend in the kitchen so normally you just kick him out. Always does the dishes afterwards though! 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
➳ Straightforward about it. Kuroo isn’t gonna beat around the bush when it comes down to a break-up, because the decision to break-up probably took him a long time to get too. Kuroo has a soft heart, and he’s a hopeless romantic. Similar to how his childhood influenced him in one way, Kuroo can’t help but want to fix and repair every relationship he’s in. Even at the cost of his sanity, if it helps keep him and his s/o together, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. Afterall, why would he want to start over with another person? Kuroo chases love, but when he finds it for the first time, he cannot think about loving anyone but you. If you’re breaking up, it’s not over something petty. It’s after hours of contemplating whether this is the right thing to do for the both of you. Hours and hours of holding back tears and wishing things would be different. I can’t see him doing it first to be honest, but if has too - he’s to the point.
➳ To your face it might not seem like he cares. He just says it, those dreaded words. He gives you closure, about how it just wasn’t working anymore and all of that and then he just.. leaves. He seems fine. 
➳ As soon as he gets to the car, his head drops down onto the steering with a thud and his soft hiccuping cries turning into full blown sobs. His face is in his hands and he’s cursing under his breath. He feels like a part of him has been torn from his body and everything fucking hurts. It’s a pitiful sight. 
➳ He really misses you, you know? 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
➳ Hesitant about marriage, naturally. I don’t think I need to repeat myself on why. He’s still incredibly loyal to you. You two are the kind of couple that date for years. Like.. at least 8+ years of dating but tbh, neither of you mind that much. I think to be with Kuroo, you need to be willing and open-minded about the structure of a relationship. Kuroo values independence and marriage as an institution puts a lot of pressure on a relationship in Kuroo’s mind. He would rather you two continue to love and cherish one another without the extra force of needing to get married. 
➳ He does want too though, don’t get me wrong. Not at the cost of your emotional responsibilities being increased though, but as a way to show his loyalty. He’ll propose when the time is right for both of you - no pressure. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
➳ Kuroo isn’t particularly gentle in either way to be honest! It’s not bad though. 
➳ Physically, he can be gentle when it’s appropriate. Mostly during the day, or when he’s comforting you and it calls for more gentle touches. However, Kuroo’s emotions around you aren’t very delicate and he expresses himself through physical touch. So his hugs are passionate, generally. All of his affection is an expression of his strong feelings towards you - the correlation is strong so Kuroo isn’t really all that gentle. His love and his touch are full of feeling and strong. A little overwhelming in a good way. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
➳ Hugs are his favorite forms of affection. Hugs that last super long, like longer than they need too where you melt into his tight embrace and he can bury his face in your shoulder or in your hair and take a deep breath. You smell like you and that’s so much more comforting than you know. Kuroo hugs long and just right - arms around your waist with just enough pressure, his hands on your lower back. 
➳ He gives you hugs constantly. At home it’s back hugs, chin resting on your shoulder to peep at whatever you’re doing on your phone. In public, quick ones where he’s kissing your forehead before enveloping you in an over dramatic way to where you’re laughing. After a long day at the office, it’s a long, silent hug. Just gentle sighs and breaths, soft beating hearts. More like an embrace, you know. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
➳ Slow. If you’re hoping to verbally hear Kuroo say the words “I love you,” you’re in for a shit show and you’re gonna be waiting for a while. It’s not that Kuroo doesn’t want to say it, or even that he doesn’t know. He’s known for so long, probably way earlier than you did. The first time he almost said it, you two had been dating for only 3 weeks. It flustered him so much - he literally short circuited, stuttering trying to cover it up. The memory haunts him. 
➳ He says it after you two have sex for the firs time or after your first really serious fight - depends tbh. It just happens when he’s heavy in his feelings, like so overwhelmed by something. For him - admitting to it is genuinely some kind of end all be all. He loves you - openly and saying that is hard. It’s vulnerable for him. Kuroo got used to dodging his feelings. 
He shows you all the time how he feels. Saying it is just nerve-wracking and he needs a bit of push to do so. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
➳ Not super jealous! Sorry if that’s disappointing, but Kuroo is a really secure partner and he tries to dodge petty feelings of jealousy and rarely experiences them. Like.. if you just have close guy friends Kuroo really isn’t gonna throw a fit. However.. 
➳ Kuroo can always, always tells when someone is interested in you. It’s like a 6th, spidey sense he has. You, on the other hand, do not know when someone is interested in you. You just happen to think your co-worker of the opposite sex who always eats lunch with you and calls you his work-wife is being friendly and open with you but Kuroo can just sense it. Again, he isn’t a jealous boyfriend. Not at all. But seeing all the light drain from that guys eyes when you give him a kiss as he picks you up from work? 
➳ That felt pretty good, he has to be honest. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
➳ Forehead kisses! So many forehead kisses! When he was little, Kenmas mom would smother him in affection and always pulled back his super messy hair to kiss his forehead. Kuroo picked up on the habit plus he’s pretty tall so it’s easier to reach you that way. Also a fan of just kissing the top of your head if he can. 
➳ He likes kissing your knuckles too, he’s traditional that way. His favorite is kissing your lips in little bursts. Kuroo likes the way your chapstick tastes so much, it’s actually kinda sweet. 
➳ His kisses are so full of yearning. It feels like you’re melting together, it’s fluid and tends to be passionate. When he’s feeling playful, he kisses you then pulls back and brushes his lips against yours before kissing you again and again again until you’re giggling. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
➳ So good with kids, holy shit. You wouldn’t expect it but he’s just a natural at it. He always picks up the fake phone, drinks the imaginary tea with the most sincere review. Makes it look super easy and kids gravitate towards him because he’s just so friendly. He’s not afraid to look stupid and he’s confident and handsome so they like him. 
➳ He loves talking to kids, too. Half the time they’re saying nothing and Kuroo is like fuck yeah you tell em, and he MEANS IT. 
➳ Kid magnet at parties, ends up spending more time with them than with the adults but he doesn’t mind tbh. He jokes about playing mom and dad like you aren’t busy picturing it the whole time, smh. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
➳ Tend to be pretty face paced! You two normally wake up at different times, with Kuroos crazy work hours - your schedules are pretty mis-matched. Kuroo shows he’s thinking of you by making sure the shower has enough hot water, that the towels are folded and fresh, and that the water is on for when you inevitably go downstairs for coffee or tea. Those are the three things he pretty much always makes sure to do as a way to say love. If he has time to write a note, he will - but if not, he sends you a text when he gets to work and you do the same for work/uni. 
➳ On Sundays, it’s a lot of sleeping in and making breakfast together and doing a shit-ton of nothing all day. Kuroo will pull you into him if you try to get up before him, cuddling into your back and whispering later in a gravelly morning voice. Sometimes you two shower together in an sfw way - Kuroo scrubs your back and you wash his hair. It’s fun and playful, but soft and intimate too. Kuroo always forgets to shave so sometimes you mess with the scruff on his chins. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
➳ You two always go to sleep together, at the same time if you can help it. If not, the other will stay up as long as they can or they sleep in the presence of each other. Neither of you are allowed to bring any work to bed, which is why there’s a desk in the corner of your bedroom. Work is work, sleep is sleep. Kuroo think’s it’s important to separate the two out, but sometimes if you two miss each other too much - you’ll just kinda hang around and sleep. 
➳ Like Kuroo will let you just curl up on his lap and sleep on his chest while he works without a word of complain, soft smile on his face and eventually telling himself it can wait till tomorrow.
➳ Other than that, you two sort of talk yourselves to sleep? You do your small, independent routines and then come together and just sort of chat quietly until one of you falls asleep, normally you. Kuroo will kiss your forehead when you do, whisper night, and turn over to fall asleep himself. You two always end up tangled in each other though. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
➳ You and Kuroo have a lot of deep conversations before you ever start dating. It just kinda.. happens? Like many things in your relationship but you two talk A Lot. You never really run out of things to say to each other, because Kuroo genuinely values your insights and vice versa. It’s a core of your relationship and the both of you genuinely like discussion - though Kuroo can get kind of into debate territory when he has a strong opinion on something. 
➳ When it comes to personal conversations, the words just.. come out of him. It’s slow for sure, but he can’t keep track of how much you know about him in the end. You always mention small details about himself and grin when you watch his face light up with a delighted surprise. It’s a gradual thing
➳ Kuroo has a lot of walls, so it takes a lot of time for him to really lay himself out in the open for you but he tells you eventually. In a way, he’s testing how long you can endure and be patient with his pacing for love. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
➳ Kuroo is rarely genuinely angry. He gets agitated over small things a lot but the moment is so fleeting, he forgets about the shit in like an hour. Really little things like getting cut off while driving or people who are rude to fast food workers. He gets a lil tick in his jaw and sighs, but gets over it really fast. Other than that, Kuroo is rarely ever mad. He doesn’t care enough about most things to be angry over it. 
➳ The only times he’s mad, is when something is really outright wrong or stupid. Like if a close friend is making an openly poor decision, Kuroo will get pissed. It’s the same with you - he wants what’s best for you and if you do something he knows is bad for you, it upsets him. Even so, he wouldn’t get angry with you. He tries to cool down as best he can to avoid as much 
➳ You do argue though sometimes, and damn they are nasty arguments. Neither of you goes unscathed but Kuroo isn’t too stubborn on apologizing and working things out. Too empathetic to your feelings to let it go on for a long time. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
➳ It’s more like what he doesn’t know about you. Kuroo remembers everything. He has a note in his phone of the way you like your food. He knows where you grew up, and about your childhood pets, and the way you used to play pretend. He knows how you do your hair, knows all your favorite things and things you hate and just the easiest way to get on your nerves and what makes your skin get hot. Kuroo keeps parts of you in his heart like memorabilia and finds it hard to forget things even if he wants too, attaching certain things to you in a way he hasn’t anyone else. 
Sometimes though, he forgets really random things. Like small things you don’t talk any offense too that more just confuse you. He knows the name of your parents, but forgets whether you’re left or right handed. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
➳ Tough to pick just one but it sticks out as the first time Kuroo was really having a shit day. Normally he tries to swallow down his feelings in moments like that -  forget,  when he’s around you and show you the parts of him you like. He already knows he’s on thin ice with his general demeanor, kind of mean and assholey. He has this constant worry you’re gonna get tired of all of it someday, tire of having to read between the lines about his feelings. He tries really hard to be pleasant around you. 
➳ But it wasn’t working that day, and he could just feel himself being unable to mask his feelings. You confront him about it, and he tells you - wholly expecting you to be.. well..annoyed with him maybe. He isn’t sure. But the way you handle it.. and handle him really sticks out in his mind. He tells you and instead of saying anything about it, you make him lean his head on your shoulder. Your cheek resting ontop of his hand, him holding your hand - you say “I’m sorry about your day. lets rest here and go get food,” and then just.. sit with him like that. 
➳ It was like you read his mind, there was just something so stand out about the way you handled his feelings. Empathetic, and giving him an easy out for how to deal with them. He’s used to being relied on, not relying on others. It honestly made him want to cry. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
➳ So, so protective of you. He shields you from a lot, probably a lot more than you have any idea about. It’s really second nature to him.He doesn’t even know why all the way, it’s just that he wants you to be away from things that could harm you. Mentally or physically, he would do anything to keep you content and away from bad things. Still, you insist on sharing burdens with him and even though he understands why it has to be that way, if he could take everything on for himself - he would. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
➳ You two don’t get a lot of time to spend time together during the week, so Kuroo puts a lot of effort into things like date night and anniversaries where you can take the time to celebrate each other. Kuroo prefers going out for date night, and likes spoiling you to very expensive dinners and shit like that. He doesn’t mind domestic dates if that’s what you like, but he loves to show you off (a bad habit of his tbh) so anywhere you can get nice and dolled up and Kuroo gets to have you on his arm is ideal. Posting you on all his socials, gassing you up all night with a hand on your waist. 
➳ In the everyday, it’s very little things he always does to make sure you know he’s thinking about you. Texting you, calling you on his breaks, sometimes he’ll have coffee and shit delivered to your apartment/office when he has some time. Small gestures and acts of love like that. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
➳ When he has a strong opinion, he gets really fucking arguementative. He is a BITCH to argue with because he really doesn’t like admitting he’s wrong, plus he’s petty with a sharp tongue. Don’t date him unless you’re at least a little tough because even if you’re getting hurt by his words, Kuroo finds it hard to snap out of his anger sometimes and can just be a real pain to talk too sometimes. Just very… debate? Sometimes feels like he just argues to argue.
➳ Other bad habits are small, but is forgetful about picking up after himself - mostly with clothes. If he’s tired from work especially, socks on the floor, pants in the hall-way like a trail. It slips his mind if he’s tired enough. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
➳ Not very! Kuroo is really hygienic but in terms of like.. making himself look good or better, eh. He still works-out because he finds the routine is good for him mentally, but he has this very natural good-looking aura to him and it’s genuinely effortless. If he put even a hair more effort into his looks, it’d be wild. That’s why he cleans up so good but he’s got this lived in kind of sexy look to him, a little scruffy, messy-ish hair but still really cleaned up. His looks just suit him so well. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
➳ Nah, but Kuroo doesn’t feel like he’s really himself with anyone but with you. He’d be devastated if something ever happened between the two of you, but in a way - Kuroo would feel like all good things come to an end just like you two did, so he’d move on. But there’s this lingering sense that he’s not himself anymore, like he doesn’t know who he really is unless you can pull out the authenticity from him. He always had his guard down around you so once you’re gone, they go right back up. He loses himself it almost feels like, like he doesn’t know exactly who he is anymore. 
➳ He struggles with impostor syndrome all the time, so it just worsens when you leave. It’s almost dehumanizing. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
➳ Kuroo has a soothing singing voice. It’s just nice, kind of low and soft. It’s gravelly too, but still so soothing. When you’re tired and ask him to sing to you, he will. He sings very gold Japanese love songs that his mom would dance to him with in the house when he was little. But his favorite thing to sing is fly me to the moon, he knows the words by heart. He has a hand on the small of your back with you curled into your chest, smiling as he feels your breathing go even. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
➳ He hates anyone who isn’t open-minded! That’s one of the things he absolutely cannot put up with. Ignorance is incredibly unattractive to Kuroo, and that goes beyond obvious things like bigotry but generally, judgement of other people because of how they live instead of their character. Kuroo is incredibly respectful of people different from him, because he thinks it’s more important to understand someone's character than get caught up in other things. If he feels that vibe off of someone, he will generally steer away from there. 
➳ He thinks if someone is overly concerned with how other people live, they’re bitter - that vibe turns Kuroo off. 
➳ Also Kuroo understands if his partner is insecure or has self-esteem issues, but doesn’t like people who bait for his attention. He prefers you just be authentic with stuff like that so acting out in a negative way for his attention can be a turn off.  
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
➳ Snoring! Very soft snoring, but he most definitely snores. Sometimes, depending on what position he sleeps, it’s not so.. gentle? and he wakes himself and you up. He apologies everytime and ends up sleeping on his back so he isn’t too loud. He also likes cuddling in his sleep but he doesn’t realize it most of the time so you’ll be half-way awake with this 6’4 man curled around you like a cat, not realizing it.
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — «« 
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4dtk · 3 years
NCT 127: finding out you're older than them
“Hey, can I request an NCT127 reaction to finding out you're actually older than them when they thought you were much younger than them? (like you look really young despite your age lol)” thank u for waiting honey <3 ps i just used random years that are older than the members!
enjoy! this was fun to write ^^
→ TAEIL would have his mouth in an ‘O’, but more of a ‘ooh cool!’ way where he’s nodding repeatedly to nothing seconds after you’ve spilled the beans. it sinks in more later when he thinks of your birth years side by side and he’s like omg! i’m finally not the oldest and it garners a laugh out of you that you don’t mind being called old by him. honestly, you don’t mind being called old at all by the other members, since technically you are taeil’s s/o. the members are closer to the male, so when they call him old, you join in lol
“woah hyung/noona! i can’t believe you now take the place of oldest in our group,” mark says, although gets a smack from haechan for saying that.
“ack! sorry taeil-hyung and (y/n)-hyung/(y/n)-noona, mark’s mouth is a little big today.”
taeil waves it off, curling an arm around your waist to bring you closer as mark avoids eye contact. slowly the members crowd around the four of you, interested in the topic that’s taking place. it was well over 11pm in the practice room, and having just ended dance practice, they cooled down by taking part in the conversation.
“yeah! you finally can call someone else old!” another smack and a whine from mark accompanied by an apologetic look that wasn’t seen often on donghyuck.
“i’m sorry for them,” taeil whispers with a laugh, placing a kiss onto your cheek before taking a swig of water from his bottle. he takes your shaking head as acceptance of your new position of the oldest, pleased when you return his kiss with one to his lips.
→ JOHNNY is the one to pull a dramatic face lol. you know the one where his mouth is in a ‘O’ and his eyebrows are knitted. the expression is playful, but there’s a bit of genuine shock behind it. recovers from it quickly tho and jokingly calls you ‘daddy/mommy’ to annoy you. i can see him calling you the term later if you get married or have kids though, just in a third person kinda way - something like a running joke from when he discovered you were older years ago.
“no way, you’re born in 1992?” his jaw is dropped, eyes wide that makes you smile just a little, “holy shit you’re old,” there’s a fit of laughter when your hand lands on his back as a form of retaliation (“like you’re not!”), but you agree either way, shrugging nonchalantly at the year of birth.
“then maybe now i can call you daddy/mommy,” you groan at that, shoving him for real now as he lands on the sofa behind him and doyoung at the dining table contemplates whether he should interfere. he decides not to when you full on attack your boyfriend, although with half-assed punches as johnny continues to moan out theatrically in between attacks, “but for real though, next time, i wanna hear voices calling you.”
“the fuck? you mean in like a horror movie way?”
“nah, in the i wanna have a family way.” you gulp with a surprised expression and you launch a badly timed attack that hits him in the balls. you’re apologising with a fluster, johnny is groaning in pain. oh well, this could be story to tell your kids or adopted babies next time.
→ TAEYONG is making surprised noises. it’s so cute lol that you’re the one ending up teasing him about it. taeyong forgets it sometimes, so you have the pleasure of seeing him react like a couple of times bc it finally settles in his mind that you’re older than him. other than that, yong loves you all the same and sometimes acts like a baby just so you’d cave and take care of him. he argues that it’s only the right way! older s/o? you take care of me! i want to be babied.
“huh? you’re older than me?” taeyong asks, mindlessly digging through your stuff until he comes across your ID. he curiously sifts through the information on it, but the number of your birth year seemed to stand out the most.
you hum, placing the last bits of your mask on yourself as you turn back to your boyfriend with a similar look: hair band pushing his dyed hair back, with a mask like yours on his face.
a noise of approval spills from taeyong’s mouth, and you’re left giggling in confusion until he explains his reason for it. you nod through it, happy to give your boyfriend what he wants while he takes his place in your arms. “feels nice,” taeyong mumbles, loving the way you’re playing with his fingers before he asks a question with a small voice. “can we do this more often?”
“of course,” and now you’re glad for taeyong’s curiosity of your things, presenting you with the opportunity (and excuse) to hold your lover in your arms.
→ YUTA doesn’t care either tbh. he may be one of the ones to figure it out before the others - how? you don’t know either but i have a feeling he might’ve taken a look at your ID or something along those lines. mans just nods at the year. as long as you’re still yourself and don’t change how you act in the relationship obvi bc he’s dating you bc of how you’ve presented yourself so far. it’ll feel weird if you suddenly start to dote on him just because you’re older. still likes to take care of you <3
“hey babe? were you born in 1993?” yuta inquires one day at dinner, the whole table of members somehow going a little quiet at the revelation.
“mhm! how’d you know?” you tilted your head, placing a piece of fish into your mouth and ignoring the shocked faces on the faces of the different members.
“eehh- i just saw it on your ID accidentally the other day,” yuta smiles when wiggle your mouth around to feel for the fish’s bone, finally able to shoot your boyfriend a smile as you both go back to your dinner. your laugh is the one thing that’s heard across the table and the occasional clinks of chopsticks against porcelain, and you’re confident if you were on a sitcom, the camera would just have all the members staring into it in shock.
“is it that surprising?” you asked the members, some of them waving their hands and shaking their head, knowing that yuta would probably take it up to them if they happen to have a problem with it.
“so i actually needed to call you hyung/noona?! i’m so sorry!!!” mark exclaims, earning a giggle from you.
→ DOYOUNG would react a little intensely too, but more in a starstruck, quiet kind of way. he just has this wide eyed look that make you burst out in laughter at the discovery and his lips are making a funny shape. he nods it off calm and cooly, but inside he’s like oh my god wtf really???? why didn’t i know this holy shit are they going to leave me for not knowing you can see no thought behind his eyes but you know the man’s spiralling a little inside that you have to reassure him that it’s just a minor thing (he gets out of the dump pretty quickly). your age reveal doesn’t affect him much either.
“you’re- you’re older than me?” doyoung’s mouth dries, coffee cup hovering just below his lips as you drop the bomb without much care. it’s quiet in the early morning, having had just finished filming his relay cam, but you can practically hear doyoung’s thoughts. he’s brought of it when you place a hand on his wrist.
“babe, baby, it’s okay. i didn’t tell you anyway, don’t worry about it,” your smile is blinding, and it has doyoung smiling as well, agreeing along to your reasoning and slowly easing into his previous action of drinking his beverage before he halts again.
your head tilts in question. “what is it?”
your boyfriend waves it off with a shy smile, bringing your hand to his lips as he lands a kiss on the skin there, “nothing. just thinking about how much i love you.”
“did it change?”
there’s a blush on his cheeks when he says it, glad for the two of you being in the only ones awake. “no, not one bit.”
→ JAEHYUN would one way or another kind of know already, although he’s not 100% sure. he’s observant, sometimes content with watching you take care of the other members (poor guy gets jealous tho) or just cleaning up after him when he’s a little too tired to do things - like wash his hair and what not. even if you’re not a naturally ‘taking care of others’ person, jaehyun picks up on the things that he’s heard his friends talk about regarding their older siblings (since he’s an only child) or compares to how you act around the group that’s similar to taeyong or doyoung. i can see jaehyun being a little disappointed, but it doesn’t change much as long as he can keep the dynamic of the relationship (so him giving the affection with you in his embrace). jaehyun is a quiet kind of shock like doyoung.
“huh… you’re born in 1994?”
“sure am,” you’re filling out a form for a membership, pen scribbling with swiftness in order not to hold up the line. you pass it back in a minute as the cashier processes your membership, and you feel jaehyun squeeze your hand. “why, why? is it an issue?” you mumble a thank you to the cashier, heading out of the store hand in hand while you find a spot to talk to your boyfriend.
“no no,” jaehyun giggles, a low one that makes your heart flutter, and he leans down to place a kiss onto your lips. it lingers there longer than you expected and you feel his smile on your lips. “there’s no issue. it just kinda adds up, in a way. you’re such a natural at giving advice and taking care of the other members. i’m just… a little surprised, is all.”
you laugh at that, meeting his lips again in a loving peck, “okay, that’s good then!”
→ JUNGWOO says “woowww!” like video game commentary and claps. yes he claps, you’re not sure why either but he’s just so thrilled to learn of your birth year that he just nods along and gives you a thumb-up after. i can’t say he’ll be that shocked, more of like happy for you like you just told him you passed a test or something. when you ask him about it, he just shrugs and pats you on the back. it’s all part of his personality, though, and like taeyong/yuta, he wouldn’t care much apart from being able to call you ‘sunbaenim’ as a joke. sometimes calls you senpai LMAO
“woah, you’re older than me by four years?” jungwoo mumbles when you show him your old IDs, the topic of your birth year overriding the original goal of wanting to see your foetus pictures.
“hm? oh yeah, i guess i never really mentioned it, huh?” you continue with what you were doing, cleaning up the stray hairs sticking out from your hairdo before jungwoo comes back hugging with his long limbs and silky outfit.
“congrats!” he meets your eyes through the vanity mirror and proceeds to peck your cheek and your expression that follows next brings laughter to jungwoo’s chest. you can feel it move from behind you, hoping he wouldn’t mess up the hour you spent on your hair. “why congrats?” your lip is curled with a raise of your eyebrows as your boyfriend continues to hang off your shoulders.
he thinks, then replies with a dunno and leaves the area to settle back on the bed. the snap of his camera follows next, no doubt taking pictures of the serious face shots of your old ID cards.
→ MARK would be one of the ones that you think is over exaggerating, except he’s just that shocked. he would stumble over his words and texting johnny or whoever to tell him and be like “yoooo? huh? what?” mark would probably be the last one to make the connection and johnny is all like “yeah? u didn’t know?” and mark is like “HOW WOULD I KNOW THEY LOOK SO YOUNG?????!!” hysterical, this man. mark almost doesn’t believe it for a second and you have to take out your ID to show him lmfao
mark’s head snaps to you once he overhears you in conversation with the flyer distributor, catching your attention with something that was in line with your interests. mark tunes out the promoter explaining the features of the product, only coming back to earth when you mention your date of birth for a trial of their services.
“you’re WHAT? nah. no. no way, show me your ID.”
the other jumps back at the sudden exclamation while you just raise an eyebrow. sorry, excuse him, you mumble, and you’re dragging mark off to the side as you fumble in your bag to pull out your ID in exasperation. the timing is imperfectly perfect: mark bends down to inspect your birth year, you flip open the wallet a little too hard, it hits his head in a loud thwack!
“ow.” mark giggles, squinting his eyes to finally make out the fading ‘1998’ on your card, “oh! so the same as jungwoo hyung?” he giggles again, “he finally as someone to talk to!”
→ HAECHAN is shocked but would immediately mask it and go like “oh my! still so pretty, miss halmeoni,” he coos and you’re so ready to smack him. in a way acts like johnny but will not stop using the word on a daily basis (unless you tell him that you don’t like it). it becomes part of the pet names that he calls you, but he still likes the classic baby/honey/love. sometimes also like to whine with hyung/noona if he wants something, like a new video game or for you to buy food for him. other than that, haechan is pretty indifferent about you being older than him.
“hah?! you’re born in 1999?” haechan has his neck stuck out like a fish out of water, not posing that much difference since he’s just finished a shower. you make the bed with deftness, tucking in the duvet easily as your boyfriend approaches from behind.
he’s shocked, but before you can comment on it, he recovers quickly to deliver a quip through his toothpaste-filled mouth, “oh my! halmeoni, then you should take a seat!” your hands are on your hips, glaring at him while he only grins.
you indulge him, though, and take a seat on the newly made bed, relaxing into the softness of the sheets with elbows.
“if i’m considered elderly, then, you can do the housework for me, right?” the dread that slowly fills up haechan’s features make you explode into giggles, before pushing yourself up to come face to face with him.
“thought so,” you whispered, petting his head as you continue the clean-up of the room.
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everythingsinred · 2 years
Okay with the character bingo, I must inquire about your fandoms bc I don't want to be like "ahh what do you think of this fine lad"
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And you being like :/ idk who that is nice bird tho
Like that would be kinda funny, but also it would be neat to hear about your other fandoms than GA. Like I've seen Go Piss Girl (Gossip Girl, but the only thing I know about that show is that meme 😅), The Office, something to do with spies? And one with characters that have big ol eyes but idk what it is.
In any case, for the time being, what your thoughts about ✨Mikan✨? My impression of her has changed a lot over the years, I first thought she was annoying but now I'm just kinda sad for her :,)
yeah i dont watch owl house but im pretty sure thats hunter? if its not im sorry i only know what i see on my dash in passing lol. nice bird tho (hehe)
yeah i like gossip girl! i was at the height of that when i was 13 but its a nostalgic show for me. its not a show that i think too much abt ig. mostly i just quote it all the time w my sister. i have a gossip girl character as my icon now bc i like having matching icons w my sister! we like to switch through fictional friendships/sibling dynamics. 
i also LOVE the office and also all sitcoms of that nature (i love parks and rec, superstore, new girl, etc. i love funny shows that focus on sentimental relationships that end up making me ugly cry. i think the office might be my fav but tbh i thought that abt superstore AND new girl before so idk if i even have a fav).
spy x family is a new anime im into these days! its found family and very cute!
and show w big eyes... im not sure which one u mean hhh. i like a lot of anime, my favs being ga (ofc), jibaku shounen hanako-kun, and fruits basket. im also really into the webtoon hooky, which is abt witches.
anyway mikan time:
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ONE OF MY FAV CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME. i talk abt natsume all the time so it might feel like hes my all time fav, but he and mikan actually share that place in my heart. 
yes similarly i also felt she was annoying when i first watched the anime (i was twelve when i first got into it). at such a young age i had a tendency to get irritated with the female mcs in media (internalized misogyny, etc) and mikan was 1. loud 2. bold 3. stupid, which are naturally unforgivable traits for a character to have (sarcasm). when i rewatched/reread at 14 i realized that i was looking at her all wrong. around the time i started observing the ga tumblr fandom around age 15 (i only recently started being active in the ga fandom bc i was too nervous before), there was a pervasive idea that mikan was a mary sue.
UGH so let me go off real quick. i will talk way more abt mikan in my next nm essay, but ill summarize some of my ideas briefly for this. mikan’s arc is all about feeling useful, having agency, and how best to help others. she is maybe one of the few characters who undergoes OVERWHELMINGLY negative character development. i dont mean she was flanderized or ruined, i mean that this little girl started developing the idea that she should smile all the time and hide all her negative feelings in order to make OTHERS feel better. this is not good! but its treated like its good, like thats the best choice she can make (this is the actual reason that i only ship her romantically w natsume actually, but ill go into that in my essay). it can be fun for a character to devolve, to make the wrong choice, but this change wasnt treated that way.
another issue is i genuinely HATE mikan having the stealing alice. she should never have had the stealing alice. do i realize thats more than half the manga im talking about? YES. it completely upended her character arc. her nullification alice was so understated! she felt like it was useless and was SO insecure about it. then all of a sudden she has the stealing alice, which can be dangerous, but definitely cannot be called “useless” and her story about uselessness/having a “boring” alice just. falls short. yukas story w the stealing alice was so meaningful and impactful on its own. mikan ALMOST being the next yuka couldve been compelling if it didnt ruin the set-up that the entire first half of the manga was focusing on. 
anyway mikan is NOT a mary sue for the above reasons. she is not effortlessly perfect. many people in the manga call her plain. she can be really stupid. she doesnt always save the day. in fact, other people often have to save her, making her feel useless (which is why she shouldve saved natsume. they were each other’s key to resolving arcs and yet. and YET.) she can be loud, brash, bold, and often says the wrong things. she has a really apparent character arc and calling her a mary sue ignores all that. ppl who think mikan is a mary sue are my worst enemy and i will fist fight them.
now ill talk a little about mikan in fanfics bc i think its worth mentioning, especially since i filled out that square abt her being done dirty. like i said, mikan is stupid. im not insulting her. some people are stupid. shes not good at academics. shes a lot more sporty than she is brainy. she rushes to conclusions and doesnt always think things through. shes not really a rational person all the time. fanfics often treat this stupidity as a negative trait to be fixed. maybe shes stupid when shes little but she’ll be a genius when she gets older! look how smart she is now! instead of just letting her be dumb. she has other traits, like deep empathy, athleticism, passion, optimism, that are often sacrificed in fanfic in order to make room for her made up intelligence. 
mikan in fanfic (especially if shes supposed to be older) is often painted as more subdued than her loud manga counterpart, more often cynical, introverted, skeptical, etc., and ALWAYS pretty even if SHE doesnt see it (despite being described often as plain in the manga). i have some theories about this. 
1: western fans are more comfortable making mikan like a western mc than one more typical of anime. if u think abt what a typical western female lead looks like, she’s usually less feminine, “not like other girls,” a smart bookworm who is cynical and rational. this is familiar so i think a lot of western fanfic writers end up leaning mikan this way even at the cost of making her unrecognizable. so mikan being stupid and loud and optimistic are all traits to be fixed, bc theyre not as familiar in a lead role. 
2. fans want to have a mature mikan, and they think theres no way she can keep her childish traits, like stupidity, boldness, impulsiveness, and idealism, and NOT be a child. i find that ridiculous. why cant mikan be a giddy, happy, upbeat adult? why does she have to lose all the traits that make her mikan in order to demonstrate maturity? 
3. i might be off base with all of these, but this one... i feel the most strongly about. mikan is the main character. in a lot of stories, the reader is invited to relate to the main character, to project onto her. often, the main character is vague or universal BC imagining her as you is the whole point. fanfic (especially the older fanfic) turns mikan into that easily recognizable and relatable mc we can insert ourselves into. 
anyway i have a lot more thoughts on mikan, way more than i could ever say in one post (which is why im doing an essay series) but these are some basic thoughts i have. im sorry its so long. 
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